Lucas drew a deep breath, quelling his rage as he stowed away M’s gun, muttering curses under his
breath directed at Oliver. “This lovestruck fool is indeed a failure. We’ve witnessed the might of this gun
before, yet he let her bring it in. Piece of shit.”
With that, Lucas pivoted and strode away, his voice firm as he issuedmands. “Clean up these
bodies and lock these women up separately.”
“Anyone who dares toy a hand on them will lose his dick,” Lucas thundered. “Do you, understand?”
“Yes, Mr. Vega,” his subordinates chorused in response.
Without dy, the burly men escorted M out of the room.
As Lucas‘ figure receded, M desperately cried out, her voice echoing through the corridor. “Please,
get a doctor for Phoebe. She’s suffering from internal injuries. Please, get help for her.”
Ignoring her pleas, Lucas continued on his way, his steps resolute.
Separated from Phoebe once more, M persisted in banging on the door as she was confined to her
room, her voice pleading. “Can’t you hear me? Get a doctor for Phoebe, and get her some medication.
I’m begging you.”
In another room, Phoebe’s eyes shimmered with tears, a radiant smile gracing her lips. Her soft voice
trembled with emotion. “M, I’m alright.”
Night descended.
M, weakened by hunger and exhaustion, tossed and turned in bed, unable to find rest. Her thoughts
were consumed with worry for Zach, Loretta, Phoebe, Nathan, and Sienna..
Suddenly, a deafening p of thunder pierced the silence.
M shrieked in terror, reflexively covering her ears and curling into a tight ball.
Her fear of thunder persisted, even after reiming her memories. The day her parents were attacked,
it was raining, the sensation of drowning in the water haunting her still, suffocating her with fear at the
mere recollection.
In no time, thunder rumbled, and lightning shed outside, apanied by pouring rain. M
cocooned herself within the nkets. She drew them tightly around her body and
sought sce in their warmth as she curled her legs beneath the nket.
Text ? 2024 N?velDrama.Org.
After what seemed like an eternity, the thunder rumbled to a halt, and the rain’s relentless drumming
softened to a whisper.
A faint thud reverberated from the door, barely audible but distinct in M’s ears.
Peering out from beneath the nkets, she discovered the room cloaked in imprable. darkness.
Perhaps it was the storm that wreaked havoc on the electrical system.
M waited in silence, but the absence of sound from outside deepened her unease. The power outage
alone was unsettling, but the eerie silence that enveloped the surroundings felt profoundly wrong.
Determined to investigate, she threw off the nkets and slipped out of bed, navigating the darkness
toward the door with cautious steps.
With trembling hands, she unlocked the door and eased it open.
A sudden force pushed against the door from the other side, causing M to stagger backward.
Before she could react, a figure surged forward, swiftly encircling her waist with a strong arm and
muffling her mouth with a firm hand, deftly shutting the door behind them.
Trapped against the wall, M’s heart thundered in her chest as she stared into the darkness, straining
to discern the features of her captor.
Tall and muscr, with hands that radiated power, the figure exuded an intimidating presence.
M struggled against the hold, her muffled protests barely escaping her throat.
Leaning in close, the figure whispered in her ear, his voice like a soothing melody. “Chubs, it’s me.”
The warmth of his breath against her ear and the familiar timbre of the voice quelled the turmoil in
M’s heart, eliciting an overwhelming surge of relief.
It was Nathan. He hade. Unlike his usual assertive demeanor, he had slipped in silently.
Nathan continued to speak in hushed tones, his voice aforting presence in the darkness. “The
storm came at the right time.”