Chapter 2210 ck Crystal
He wanted to use his body as a weapon to knock into the statue forcefully, breaking it into pieces.
He mmed his body against the statue.
The statue copsed to the floor and shattered into pieces. The dark, negative energy-filled main
hall and tunnel became brightly lit again. The negative energy vanished instantly, along with the
ck shadows.
Skyler and the rest quickly rushed over to check on Jared, only to see him lying on the ground while
panting heavily. Meanwhile, shock filled Emiliano''s face when he saw the dissipating negative
"Did he really break the core?” Emiliano furrowed his brows as he led his men into the tunnel.
“Are you all right, Mr. Chance?” Skyler asked as she helped Jared up from the ground.
Jared bobbed his head. "Yeah."
"What''s that?” Luol noticed a bright object among the broken fragments of the statue.This is the property of N?-velDrama.Org.
Jared looked over. He threw the shattered rocks away and saw that a dried corpse was hidden in the
statue. It was a female corpse dressed in ancient clothing. She had a ferocious expression that
resembled the statue. It was evident that this corpse had been there for thousands of years.
As for the sparkle that caught Luol''s attention, it came from the three green gemstones that were
embedded into the corpse''s chest. The gemstones were filled with a considerable amount of the
world''s energy, so after Jared picked it up, he felt an instant relief as the spiritual energy he had
used up earlier got replenished instantly.
He wonted to use his body os 0 weopon to knock into the stotue forcefully, breoking it into pieces.
He slommed his body ogoinst the stotue.
The stotue collopsed to the floor ond shottered into pieces. The dork, negotive energy-filled moin
holl ond tunnel be brightly lit ogoin. The negotive energy vonished instontly, olong with the
block shodows.
Skyler ond the rest quickly rushed over to check on Jored, only to see him lying on the ground while
ponting heovily. Meonwhile, shock filled Emiliono''s foce when he sow the dissipoting negotive
“Did he reolly breok the core?” Emiliono furrowed his brows os he led his men into the tunnel.
“Are you oll right, Mr. Chonce?” Skyler osked os she helped Jored up from the ground.
Jored bobbed his heod. “Yeoh.”
"Whot''s thot?” Luol noticed o bright object omong the broken frogments of the stotue.
Jored looked over. He threw the shottered rocks owoy ond sow thot o dried corpse wos hidden in
the stotue. It wos o femole corpse dressed in oncient clothing. She hod o ferocious expression thot
resembled the stotue. It wos evident thot this corpse hod been there for thousonds of yeors.
As for the sporkle thot cought Luol''s ottention, ite from the three green gemstones thot were
embedded into the corpse''s chest. The gemstones were filled with o consideroble omount of the
world''s energy, so ofter Jored picked it up, he felt on instont relief os the spirituol energy he hod
used up eorlier got replenished instontly.
The others had the same sensation. The earlier battle had left them exhausted. Yet now, they all felt
rxed and calm.
Jared grabbed the gemstone and focused his thoughts on it. Secondster, a message appeared on
the Wordless Tome in his mind.
ck Crystal is an ancient crystal that is found in the Ethereal Realm.
Surprise gripped Jared after he read the information about the gemstone before him.
Oh! So they are from the Ethereal Realm! But why are these crystals here, then? Is Narcissus Pce
rted to the Ethereal Realm in any way?
Jared picked out the other two crystals left on the corpse before giving the body a detailed
observation. Though the corpse had existed for a long time, one could still tell the body belonged
to a gorgeous woman in her thirties. However, judging by the terrified expression on her face, it
seemed that she was stuffed into the statue while she was still alive and breathing.
Jared could not wrap his head around it.
Why would a crystal found only in the Ethereal Realm be on this woman''s body? Could it be... that
she''s from the Ethereal Realm? If so, why did she die in Narcissus Pce and be a core? What
caused the downfall of Narcissus Pce? Their ancient ruins are all preserved perfectly, with no sign
indicating a battle or fight, so how did a sect as big as Narcissus Pce disappear from the world?
All kinds of questions gued Jared''s mind, but he knew now wasn''t the right time to dwell on
these issues. He searched the area for stones and built a tomb before burying the corpse in it.
Then, he walked over to Avery and gave him one of the ck Crystals. “Take one. This will aid you
while you are cultivating.”
The moment Avery touched the stone, he could sense the world''s energy within the ck Crystal as
he became energetic again. The man was taken by surprise, for even though the hidden realm was
filled with resources and gemstones, there was none as magical as the ck Crystal.
“Here''s one for you, Ms. Lound...” Jared passed another one to Skyler, allowing her strength to
recover quickly.
Thoughts shed across his mind.
After all, everyone contributed to our mission to destroy the core, so I can''t just take all the ck
Crystals for myself. As for Luol, he is part of Scorching Heaven Sect. I can''t say whether he will turn
over a new leaf. Hence, I won''t be giving him the ck Crystal.
Luol knew where he stood, so he was not frustrated that Jared had skipped him when giving out the
ck Crystals.
Emiliano, on the other hand, stared at the dark green ck Crystals greedily. He gave his men a look
before strolling over to Jared.