Chapter 761 - Mj?lnir! The Hammer of The Thunder God! II
''How? That doesn''t make any sense.'' Felix was truly startled by her response.
''My calction leads to believe that those pieces are just a tiny part of a muchrger object.'' Queen Ai offered her opinion.
''Oh no! Oh, no! Please no!''
Without wasting his time, Felix picked Nimo and left his apartment with a panicked expression. He intended to return to the seller.
He realized a horrifying fact that he refused to acknowledge.
He already asked the seller about the ancient ruins and came empty-handed. However, he didn''t ask her about the person who had the hammer before.
He kept this question at the time, not wanting to jeopardize his purchase.
In a few minutes, he reached the stolen goods district. He walked to the seller vendor and saw that she was still sitting there, staring into the void.
Though, this time she had another item on her stall.
"Hello again." Felix smiled politely.
"No refunds." The fairy gave him a side-nce before returning to watching her show.
"I am not here for that." Felix wired a few thousands coins to her and said, "I want to know everything you have about the owner of those pieces."
"Add two zeros and I might be interested in telling you." She said calmly.
Felix paid the amount instantly, not wanting to waste more time than necessary over this.
He already secured the hammer and there was no reason to keep the act any further about his interest.This belongs ? N?velDra/ma.Org.
Seeing that he wired her two hundred thousand coins, the fairy dropped her show and gave him her full attention.
''His name is Logan Karman. He entered the kingdomst month with an economy ss ticket. The moment he entered the market, he traded those pieces with me for a free rent in my apartment." The fairy yawned, "He left the kingdom yesterday after getting his ritual done."
"He already left?" Felix''s expression turned bad instantly.
He knew that if he wanted to catch up to him, he needed to leave immediately. But, he couldn''t do so when he still hadn''t received the rituals here.
In addition, the Pooh-Pooh solution was still in effect and couldn''t be removed manually.
It would take at least month before his size began to regrow again.
That''s why most people enter the kingdom a few months earlier than their reservation. They could take advantage of the whole experience before getting kicked out forever.
"Thanks." Felix nodded at the fairy and left.
He knew that she didn''t lie to him since the fairies find it adhesive to tell lies for no reason.
They only use white lies to support their trickery. There was no need to trick Felix when he already paid for the information.
Most importantly, he had a lie detector in his mind.
''Should I go after him?'' Mistress Candace said.
''No.'' Felix shook his head, ''I am too weak at this moment. I need you by my side until I leave the kingdom.''
Felix had entered the kingdom using his real name since he had no ns to waste another wish to get a temporary identity.
Although he was able to enter the void realm as he pleased, he would feel more safe with Mistress Candace being around.
After all, Felix didn''t forget that there were thousands of unique void creatures on the loose.
God knows what they had in mind when they saw Felix''s void army.
"Let'' do a quick search on him first. He might have his contact information online."
Having his name was enough to learn many things from the man in thework.
After a quick search, Felix had gotten more than he needed.
First, Mr. Logan is an SG yer of the marine race tform branch. He is in gold rank and his win history wasn''t that remarkable.
He resembled Felix in his previous life greatly. Both were struggling losers, who couldn''t push past the gold rank.
He was also part of a mediocre fishermen n in Thor''s gxy. This exined what he was doing in those ruins.
He must have taken a mandatory mission to explore it just like Felix did in his previous life.
The more Felix read, the more his image kept ovepping with this Logan. He didn''t know if he should feel happy or sad about it.
Because the old Felix was just an ordinary loser, who was struggling to prove himself, but luck was never in his favor...This entailed that Mr. Logan wasn''t a threat at all and would probably talk to him if he was offered a substantial fee.
"Let''s see what he has to say." Felix copied the contact details from Logan''s SG profile and called him.
After a few rings, the call went through.
"Hello?" A rough crankily voice resounded from the bracelet.
"Hello there Mr. Logan." Felix responded politely, "My name is Felix and I have just purchased the broken pieces that you have traded in the Loftus Dust Kingdom."
"Oh, so you have been cheated into buying it and want to return it to me or something?" Mr. Logan got defensive at the thought.
"On the contrary." Felix eased his mind, "I would like to know where I can get more of them."
Before Mr. Logan could speak, Felix offered on his own, "Naturally, your assistance will not be free."
"I don''t know why you want such a useless and heavy rocks, but I can''t say no to free money." Mr. Logan''s entire demeanor changed at the thought of earning some side cash.
"Before we start, I hope we can sign a contract to ensure that everyone gets what he wants smoothly." Felix said.
"Couldn''t agree more." Mr. Logan chuckled.
After they signed the contract and agreed on the payment, Mr. Logan didn''t hold back at all.
He told Felix about the ruins and the journey he experienced inside with his n members.
The only thing that he didn''t give him was the location of the ruins since he was bound by the n''s rules to keep it a secret.
Felix already knew about this and wasn''t that bothered. He kept asking him if any other n mates of his picked up those pieces.
"They were lying everywhere inside the ruins. Since our harvest wasn''t that worthy to mention, most of the team has picked up a few of those rocks." Mr. Logan said.
"What do you mean by lying everywhere?" Felix gulped as he asked, knowing that he wasn''t going to like the answer one bit.
"The entire ruins are literally filled with those ck rocks. Hell, I believe that the entire ruins is made from the same material and the pieces we picked up fell from it." Mr. Logan said carelessly, "When we were in the sky above the ck mountain, its hammer-like shape attracted us and made us believe that it was ruins or something. But, in reality, it was just a wonder of nature."
''Dear lord.'' Felix''s legs went soft immediately.
He already figured out what happened, and his conclusion made him want to tear up a bit.
The fisherman n members had entered Mj?lnir in its erged cosmic form without them realizing it!
They just thought that it was a cave leading to ruins or something since it would have appeared strange for a giant ck mountain to be ced in a deserted.
When the n members didn''t find any treasures within the ruins, they picked up the fallen pieces of the cosmic hammer, believing that the material must fetch at least something.
This entailed that Felix needed not just to secure the original body of the hammer lying somewhere in Thor''s gxy, but also hunt every n member for the pieces!
The best scenario, they hadn''t sold them yet.
The worst scenario, they had been sold to another individual who realized the value of the hammer material!
In fact, he believed that the fisherman n might have realized the value of the materials and intended to mine it!
If it wasn''t for so, why still keep the location of the ruins a secret instead of turning into a tourist spot to gain some coins on the side?
''F*ck, f*ck, F*ck!!!! Everything is going to shit!''
Felix thought that he was missing a few pieces, but who would have known that he wasn''t in hold of even 0.001% of the original hammer?
Still, Felix wasn''t going to give up on it...This was a divine weapon after all and also Thor''spanion.
If he managed to repair it, its consciousness might be restored as well.
Who knows, Thor might not want to return to the embrace of death at the end of his journey due to Mj?lnir?
"Is that all?" Mr. Logan inquired after hearing nothing from Felix for a while.
"Can you give me the name of your n and your teammates who took some pieces?" Felix took a deep breath as he asked.
"My n''s name is Mendonus." Mr. Logan apologized, "Sorry, I can''t give you my teammates'' names without their consent."
"It''s alright." Felix said, "Just tell them that I am interested buyer in their pieces and will be paying handsomely for them."
"Will do." Mr. Logan.
"Thank you for everything and goodbye." Felix hung up the call and sat on the bed with heavy expression.
Felix knew that recovering the every single piece for the hammer was going to be a daunting task...Especially, when they had been spread out for months now.
Mr. Logan had told him that the exploration had taken part a five months ago. This was a decent period for the pieces to travel from tens of hands.
Who knows? Some of them might even be in a different gxy!
''Kid, just give up on the thought and focus on what matters.'' Thor smiled, ''I know what you are trying to do, and I appreciate the thought...But, I preferred more if you used your time to train instead of wasting it on a rewardless chase.''
''Don''t worry, I won''t be wasting my time on this.'' Felix opened his contacts as he said, ''What''s the point of having subordinates if you are not going to use them?''