After the crowd had finally quietened down, Ulfang manifested two holographic screens before everyone.
One was titled as The Final Ranking and had ten empty ranks with question marks...The other was titled as the Performance Rating Calctor.
It was big table with many segments at the sides while the score at the top.
For example, the first segment was named as ''yers Eliminated.'' Next to it, the rewarded empyrean points were ''10'' for each solo eliminated yer and ''5'' for assistance.
There were also negative segments such as ''Using Surrender Coupon''. Any yer who used it would have ''50'' empyrean points removed from his total score in the game!
If he didn''t earn that much, they will be removed from his total, which would reduce his empyrean rank if the one below him had more.
There were tens of segments, making sure to epass everything that a yer could give in a single game.Content ? provided by N?velDrama.Org.
Naturally, the segments differed from one game to another.
"As always, we will leave the calctions to our sweet and fair Queen Ai." Ulfang disclosed.
Queen Ai didn''t waste a split second as she highlighted Marquise Sebastian''s name first, making him flinch.
"Kill one Celestial with assistance = +7 EP/Using Surrender Coupon = -50 EP." Queen Ai announced as she wrote the final score on the table, "Marquise Sebastian -43 EP."
The moment the judgement was ced down, Marquise Sebastian automatically was ced as number one in the Final Ranking List.
''F*ck, how humiliating.'' Marquise Sebastian tightened his fists under his long sleeves, not pleased one bit by his tragic score.
Fortunately for him, there wasn''t muchughter since everyone saw that Felix was the one f*cking him over and ruining his chances to stay in the game.
Queen Ai didn''t care about his emotions and picked the next yer to calcte his performance. It was none other than Fagur, who also had an abysmal result due to getting kicked out early.
The worst part? He had more empyrean points reduced since he was eliminated directly by a yer!
Fortunately, he had killed a couple of celestials, making him emerge with -30 EP as a final result.
Queen Ai moved on to Garr, Aquamia, Knight Guard N8, Jaygat, and Elder Forester. After finishing with their calction, the final ranking was close topletion.
It appeared like this:
//1) Knight Guard N8: +60 EP.
2) Jaygat: +55 EP
3) Elder Forrester: +45 EP
4) Garr, The DarknessManifestor: +35 EP
5) Aquamia: +20 EP
6) Fagur: -30 EP
7) Marquise Sebastian: -45 EP
8) ???
9) ???
10) ???//
When Mipopo and Daydreamer saw the insane number of empyrean points rewarded to Knight Guard N8 and the rest of his partners in crime, they couldn''t help but feel their hearts skip a beat.
''If Knight Guard N8 was given a whopping 50 EP for his assistance in ying the virtual god, how much Landlord is going to get?'' Mipopo gulped a mouthful, feeling a sense of dread and worry creeping on his spine.
As the MVP of this game, he shouldn''t be feeling any threat since all MVPs get ranked as number one always.
After all, X4 Multiplier just made it almost impossible to surpass the MVP yers.
''You are thinking too much.'' Daydreamer spoke with aposed tone, ''You will be getting at least 50 points and with your x4 multiplier, you will hit +200 EP. Unlike Landlord, you don''t have any penalties to reduce your score.''
''I doubt Landlord will surpass even my score.''
''I guess you are right.'' Mipopo regained control over his emotions and watched Queen Ai calcte the performance of Daydreamer.
In a few moments, Queen Ai announced that Daydreamer had earned +50 EP from everything he had done in the game.
With the multiplier applied, his score became +100 EP and jumped straight to rank one!
"Sh*t, he earned that much without evenst hitting a single celestial." Aegnor cursed, knowing that Mipopo''s score was going to be frightening.
His assumption wasn''t far from the truth as Mipopo''s performance had earned him +260 EP after both multipliers were applied!
He left everyone gawking at his score, feeling like an unbridgeable chasm...Even the most optimistic fan of Felix felt like their hopes had shattered.
"I guess no one is winning anything in this game." Erebus chuckled, knowing that the primogenitors'' bets were ced solely on the yer in first rank.
If it wasn''t their champion, the bet gets canceled off instead of considering the second best.
"Before we start the performance rating of Landlord, we have to honor his achievement!" Ulfang suddenly announced, stopping the Queen from calcting Felix''s score.
"Hmm?" Felix raised an eyebrow in surprise, having no idea what he was talking about...His reaction was shared by the rest of the yers.
"In this game, I have a ced a special unique title!" Ulfang announced, rming the yers and the viewers.
When he saw the yers'' confusion, he couldn''t help but curse in his mind, ''Arrogant pricks, you would have known about it if you asked me in the Q&A segment.''
Still, Ulfang pushed down his disgruntlement and disyed a brilliant and mesmerizing holographic title written in bold letters.
The Godyer, He Who Defies His Mortal Limits!
When Felix''s fans read it, they went into a frenzied excited state yet again!
"Well, with how tough that f*cker was, it was only natural that a title will be bestowed to its yer." Aquamia stated, not too shocked.
The other yers shared the same reaction as her.
However, what came next did shock them alright as Ulfang continued on, "The game''s details might not have stated the exact prowess of the virtual god, but I am here to tell you that it''sparable to the top twenty yers in the universe!"
"Dear lord...You''re telling me Landlord has in a leader ranked yer?" Garr''s eyes almost popped out of their sockets at such freighting notion.
Everyone else couldn''t help but suck a deep cold breath as they eyed Felix like they were staring at a monster!
They knew that he was strong, they had seen his full power against the virtual god, but they had absolutely no idea that it would be so close to top 20 ranked yers!!
"Let''s not get too ahead of ourselves." Jaygat scoffed, "The virtual god might possessparable raw prowess to top twenty yers, but his battle experience and intelligence were absolutely sh*t."
"Indeed, if we were against real top twenty yers, even hundred of us wouldn''t have scratched them." Marquise Sebastian agreed.
Even Felix agreed with their conclusion. He knew that the top twenty yers were all leaders of the strongest races or at least guardians on the same level.
So, he didn''t let the glorious title pump his ego even a bit.
After the crowd quietened down, Ulfang requested, "Queen, please conclude the performance rating!"
Queen Ai jumped right on it by disying Felix''s name on the table. Almost everyone held their breath as they saw her calcte Felix''s empyrean points for each segment.
"Eliminated one yer directly alone: +10 EP/Participated in eliminating a teammate: -5 EP."
"Killed six celestial alone: +10 EP/Kill steal one celestial: +15 EP/assisted in killing a celestial: +5 EP."
"Proposing main strategy and taking leadership role in fighting the virtual god: +10 EP."
''Damn, he reached 95 EP without any help.''
This score alone had made the hearts of the yers turn colder since it demonstrated just how much Felix had outperformed them without any backup!
Thankfully, Mipopo''s heart was put at ease after hearing Queen Ai add, "Using Surrender Coupon: -50 EP."
This had halved Felix''s score, reducing it to merely +45 EP.
Still, everyone didn''t react much knowing that moment of truth was finally going to happen.
Queen Ai didn''t care for dramatic waits as she announced immediately, "Total participation in the death of the virtual god, 95%: +150 EP."
"Not even close!" Mipopo immediately cheered with an excited tone after seeing that Felix''s total score was merely 195 EP.
Felix had gathered this insane amount without a single multiplier...Just the fact that he had surpassed Daydreamer by an entire 95 EP was an achievement on its own.
Unfortunately, history remember only the winners.
That''s what everyone believed until Queen Ai started speaking again, "Activate Multiplier...Total score 390 EP."
"Performance Rating is over...Congrattion to Landlord for emerging as number 1 in this game."
Queen Ai announced onest time before cing Felix''s name at the top of the final ranking list under the dumbfounded and stunned eyes of the viewers and yers.
"This can''t be...What do you mean by he has a multiplier?!" Mipopo''s joy was cut short by the announcement, making him unable to ept the final verdict.
Even his teammate Daydreamer was taken back...Though, unlike him, he immediately figured out what was going on.
"How foolish of me to forget such detail." Daydreamer smiled wryly as he eyed Felix, who was chuckling with a relieved look.
Unlike Mipopo and the rest of the viewers and yers, Felix already knew that he had won the game immediately after he heard his first score.
How could he forget about the multiplier given to him due to participating in a game with 355 average rank while he was still at the bottom of the empyrean ranking?!
One of the main reasons he decided to join this high leveled game was for this multiplier. It came in with the clutch and saved him when he least expected!