Chapter 889
Corinne did not think herself special or lucky enough to meet a man who would forever be loyal to her.
She just found Jeremy to be different from all the other guys she knew. He made her feel secure, so
there might be a chance their rtionship wouldst. ‘Oh well, time tells.’
Today, she found out Jeremy was indeed different from all the other guys she knew, but not in the she
thought. He seemed to be tired of a rtionship faster than any guy, and being more experienced than
her, he even made sure to keep a way out for when he wanted to get out of the rtionship.
That night, Corinne – with her back against Jeremy-pretended to be asleep and did not turn around to
face him, no matter how much he fondled or hugged her. As the minutes ticked by, she fell asleep and
had a depressing dream.
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She dreamt she had been pushed into the well, just like when she was a child, and had no strength to
climb out of the well. She tried shouting, but no one came. She was overridden by fear, but the only
thing she could do was stare up at the opening of the well, hoping for someone to find and rescue her.
A whileter, someone did find her, and it was Jeremy!
His face appeared over the opening of the well, looking down at her. She was overjoyed at the prospect
of being rescued, so she reached up to him, waiting for him to pull her up, but he remained unmoving
and continued to stare at her coldly.
Confused, she shouted out loud for him to save her, but he simply turned around expressionlessly. A
minuteter, someone else heaved a huge boulder on top of the opening of the well, and this shrouded
her in darkness.
No matter how loud or long she shouted for help, no one else came to save her. The air in the well
thinned out until she found herself unable to breathe…
Gasp! Corinne’s eyelids pped wide open, drenched in sweat.
It was also at this moment that she knew the reason for her dream. Jeremy was actually on top of her
and kissing her!
The dream put her in a bad mood, so she punched Jeremy to get him to get off her. It was not one of
those friendly punches but a true punch that was meant to knock someone out.
Jeremy groaned out of pain and immediately let her go. Panting, he asked, “Why did you hit me so
hard? Are you trying to kill your husband?”
‘Husband? Pah! He dares to call himself my husband when we’re not even legally married?’ thought
Corinne angrily.
“I told you I don’t want to do it tonight, so why did you ambush me while I’m sleeping?” she asked
Under the moonlight, Jeremy’s gaze seemed even more beguiling. It was obvious he was riled up from
the prospect of getting some intimacy.
‘He would’ve forced himself on me if I hadn’t woken up from the nightmare,’ thought Corinne.
“You kept screaming ‘Mister! Mister!’ just now, so I thought you wanted some,” said Jeremy seductively.
Corinne sat up, turned on themp beside her bed, and tried topose herself.
It was then Jeremy realized she was soaked in sweat, which alerted him. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did you
have a nightmare?” he asked softly.
Jeremy moved closer to hug her. “It’s okay. It was just a dream. I’m here now,” he said while stroking
her back lightly.
Corinne remained unmoved. She looked at him coldly. “I dreamt about you.”
This surprised him. “I was in your nightmare?”
She did not push him away, but she did not snuggle up against him like she used to, either.
“Yes,” she replied with a nod, frowning.
Jeremy finally realized why Corinne called-out to him in her dream.
He sighed helplessly and asked, “What was the nightmare about? Was I bullying you?” “You didn’t only
bully me in my nightmare but in real life, too!” scoffed Corinne.