<h4>Chapter 459 Strange return</h4>
It took a few days for us to arrive back in my territory, but it was good to be back.
When we arrived though, we received a strange wee.
Instead of the normal wee that we received, it was almost as if we werepletely ignored by the people of the town.
Everyone seemed to be running around as if they were busy with something.
It didn''t seem like things were normal here.
So the first thing that I did was head to my manor to see if I could find Rose.
If there was anyone that could give me answers, it was her.
When I arrived, I found that she was trapped inside her office with piles of papers on her desk. As well, she was surrounded by many people who had papers in their hands, as if they were trying to get approval from her.
They all turned to look at me when I came in, but then they just ignored me and went back to what they were doing.
I couldn''t help revealing a bitter smile when I saw this.
It was only right that they acted this way since I left most of the management of my territory to Rose. Even if I was back, they would still go to her for approval rather than me.
It was only Rose who raised her hand to stop the one talking to her and stood up toe over to me.
When she walked over, she said, "Oh, right, you wereing back. Ipletely forgot."
The bitter smile on my face became even more bitter when I heard this.
There was nothing that a husband liked to hear more from his wife than this.
But still, I couldn''t me her since I was most likely the reason why she was this busy.
So I asked, "What''s going on here? Why is it so busy?"
Rose was about to say something when she suddenly looked behind me at someone there.
I slowly turned and followed her gaze and found that she was looking at Veronica who had followed me here.
I had honestly forgotten about Veronica during my trip to the capital since she had been so quiet and there had been so many things going on. It was only now that I remembered that she had been with me the whole time.
Rose pushed me to the side and took Veronica by the hand.
She pulled Veronica over to her desk and said, "Miss Veronica, please help me with these decisions. You''re the one that knows what''s best here."
Veronica just slowly nodded in agreement.
But before that person could start their report again, I quickly came forward and said, "Wait, wait, wait, before you start, tell me what''s going on."
Rose looked like she suddenly remembered that I was still here and then she looked at me like she wanted me to leave.
Veronica had to be the one to tell me what was happening.
"Right, Ipletely forgot to tell you…I received a letter from my father saying that he would be visiting your territory soon and he asked me when you would be back. I think that he should be arriving in a day or two."
A look of shock appeared on my face, but also a slow look of understanding.
If a duke wasing, then it would make sense that they would all be busy like this.
After all, someone with the status of duke couldn''t be treated lightly.
They had to make sure that everything was taken care of perfectly so that they wouldn''t offend the duke.
That was why everyone was so busy.
Once she finished saying this, she was pulled back to the matter that Rose had been dealing with.
With the way that they were treating me, it was almost as if I had been dismissed for being useless. But of course, that was the truth of the matter.
No matter how smart I was, it didn''t matter since I had never been in charge of a territory before. There were many things that one had to learn to take care of their territory and it couldn''t be done rashly.
If it wasn''t for Rose, my territory would have copsed.
After all, the only real experience that I had running a territory was in the game and that was all simplified by the game system. Running a real territory wasn''t something that would be very fun to put in a game, so there was just a simplified version that one would normally see in games.
So even if I wanted to get angry, I had no right.
Not that I would get angry since I knew that she was doing all of this for me.
I just awkwardly stood there as I thought about what to do before turning around to leave so that I could leave them alone to do what they needed to do.
But before I reached the door, I still turned back and asked, "Is there anything that I can do to help?"
Rose looked up from the report that she was looking at to look at me before raising her hand to stop that person again.
When he was stopped from reporting, he turned to look at me like I was getting in the way. It wasn''t a look of jealousy, it was just a look of annoyance at the fact that I was dying their important matters.
The staff that Rose had trained were all professional, so work was the only thing on their mind.
I just revealed an awkward look as I waited for her to say something.
After thinking for a bit, Rose suddenly said, "You can go and find Haley, I think that she needs some help lifting things."
An awkward smile appeared on my face when I heard this.
I wasn''t even relegated to doing something small, I was sent off to lift things.
But that was just the position that I was in and if it made it easier for her, I would naturally do it.
So neither of us said anything else as we turned to go back to business.
Rose went on with the nning while I went off to find Haley to help.