Chapter 3366 Corpse! II
The two sides saw each other as not just that, Noah also observed the ten thousand miles long corpse that they were going towards!
His eyes lit up brightly as he sensed the shocking aura of this corpse- and the weavings of copse that covered its whole existence.
Above him, a golden eye opened up as he found that wondrously, due to his new Infiniverse Megalos Physiology, his eyes seemed to hold even greater weavings ofplexity as well as it seemed like a massive gate was flung open when its lids emerged!
And its gazended on the massive corpse in the far distance.
[Corpse of Vital Fist Emperor- Taran]:: State of Existence- Failed Existence Severing. Source of Existence- Omniseed. Lifespan- 125 Megalos Cycle/126 Megalos Cycles. Records of Weavings- The corpse of an entity that felt the end of its lifespan nearing and took the gamble to Sever their Existence and change its fate. The gamble was unsessful as theirplexity of existence was not sufficient enough, and their Weavings have entered a state of decay and copse. Within their weavings, their amalgamated Ordinance has since then bloomed an obsession, releasing the wonders it has remaining in it to pull in any Entities that it can devour the life cycles of- a capability that the Ordinance of Vitality only glimpsed past the gate of Existence Severing. Any creature that seeks to devour the body of the Vital Fist Emperor will instead find themselves ensnared by an ordinance with an obsession that instantly absorbs their weavings of existence, rapidly depleting their lifespans in an effort to resurrect the weavings of the Vital Fist Emperor himself…
Noah''s eyes vibrated with power and astonishment at such a description as it seemed that this corpse with his very weavings copsing was still so dangerous!
It showed that any entity that had lived for enough cycles could potentially hold extremely dangerous capabilities- even as they died.
The issue here stemmed from the obsession of the Ordinance of Vitality that this being had amalgamated with.
"An obsession…" Noah''s eyes radiated a luminous light as he thought of this word.
Pyrrhus died, and he also bore an obsession that made shocking things possible.
This entity who failed Existence Severing had his own Ordinance develop an obsession after it glimpsed a shocking ability had it managed to Sever Existence- the ability to devour the lifespans of others!
It was a ridiculous turn of events as it also made Noah think of the Omnifather.
How had that being survived the failed Severing of his Existence and attain the power that he did?
No answer presented itself as Noah refocused on the corpse in the distance looking for a target.
And now, three Anti-Matter entities were ensnared.
A potentially dangerous situation unfolded as in front of it…Noah did not back down!
He had to grasp the extent ofplexity he could now unleash with the Infiniverse Megalos Physiology anyways.
A distance away.
The bodies of three Anti-Matter Ordinance Amalgamation entities were now only a single mile away from the corpse as it seemed like a grand prize was right before them.
And yet their expanded senses that could cover the equivalent length of a few omniverses observed the appearance of a ncverse veiled with dazzling white brilliance- with the visage of a devilishly handsome man and a woman with a cold expression that could cause one trepidation being seen within.
Their expressions instantly soured with shock.
Any new entrants hereplicated things greatly, and they were rmed and shocked to see a moving ncverse with these new entrants!
|Him?!| The Ancient Phrike was even more shocked than the other two as he recognized the being in the far distance and his ncverse.
The other two instantly honed in.
|Vujun, you know this entity?! You invited someone else?!|
Suspicion ran rampant among those in their stages as Vujun shook his limbs to deny while replying.
|No, he is an Ordinance of Existence entity who was lucky enough to bind a ncverse. He is somehow able to disce it with his flimsy power as when he left, he made the threat that he would find me. But I never thought he would actually be stupid enough to do so…|
Confusion and caution were apparently in the eyes of Vujun as in the next moment, such confusion became amazed shock as Vujun and the two other Anti-Matter Ordinance Amalgamation entities saw…the body of this being flickered and actually came out of the ncverse Domain.
An Ordinance of Existence entity, in front of three Ordinance Amalgamation Entities, actually left their protective domain and came out?!
The three entities looked at each other with shock and tion as in the next moment…
The bodies unfurled with waves of brilliant Ordinances.
A silver light erupted from Vujun and shot out to cover the distance of one Omniverse in an instant, appearing right above Noah as it sought to take this chance to kill and make the ncverse owner less!
He wasn''t the only one as from the Necrotic Nest-Slug and the Nihilos Shelled Snail, extremely sharp Obsidian and White lights also shot out to arrive in sequence.
Entities at their stage held tremendous power as they could exert the influence of their ordinance extremely far away.
So at this moment, three zing Ordinances seeking to impose their weavings on Existence descended towards Noah.
His head was raised as he looked at them.
The silver light alone was filled with the heavyplexity of Annihre- seeking to impose utmost decimation on anything it touched.
This level ofplexity would cause Noah to normally release multiple of his Ordinances- and he estimated maybe a few dozen of them all at once, to be able to deny its imposition!
But now…
He raised his hand up and grasped onto the descending light of decimation.
It struck down like the cataclysm of multiple Omniverses, and yet when it smashed into Noah''s hand, it was as if it struck an Invible diamond.
He grasped the authority of the ordinance in his hands as when he clenched his fist, it became dispersed in a shower of silver brilliance!
As for the two other authorities of Ordinances that came down after…
He allowed them to hit his body as wondrously, as if there was an unshakableyer of defense over his skin- the brilliance of these authorities only hit and dispersed into flickers of radiance afterwards!
The Ordinance Amalgamation entities in the distance stopped in ce and looked at such a scene in a stupor.
This…was an Ordinance of Existence entity, right?
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