Nellie handed the divorce proceedings over to herwyers, diving headfirst intounching her new fashion line. Every day, shebed through the markets, learning the ins and outs of the Capital''s supply chains, keeping up with thetest in printing and dyeing tech, and soaking in the street styles from all walks of life.
Come nightfall, she''d settle under her deskmp, sketching design after design. Her ideas flowed onto paper effortlessly. Days blurred into months, and before she knew it, three months had flown by. She''d churned out hundreds of designs.
Nathan was all in on her vision, embracing nearly every one of her sketches for production. The whirlwind of activity helped her shove thoughts of her divorce to the back burner.
Meanwhile, Cameron was growing more restless by the day. At a get-together with friends, Nellie was the talk of the night, even though she wasn''t there. "Cameron, I heard your wife took off with that Nathan guy. Think she''s really leaving you for good?" one friend ribbed. Cameron, lost in thought, took a drag from his cigarette, smoke shrouding his face and emotions.
Greta chimed in, "Nellie leaving Cameron? No way. She''s more loyal than a puppy. This is just her ying hard to get and trying to win back Cameron''s attention. But honestly, Cameron''s over her antics. As long as she doesn''t make a fool out of him, let her be." Benjamin, who''d been quiet, spoke up, "Cameron, why not just go through with the divorce if you''re not into her? Greta''s been waiting forever; she deserves some rity."
Cameron stayed silent, and Greta watched him, her heart aching from hisck of response. Tears brimmed in her eyes, but she masked her feelings with a brave face. "I might not be able to have kids..." she started, but her words hung heavy in the air.
Everyone knew the score: a family like the Dawsons, with Cameron as the heir, wouldn''t settle for a childless marriage. It seemed like an impossible situation.Content rights belong to N?velDrama.Org.
Cameron lit another cigarette, took a deep breath, and reassured Greta softly, "Kids or no kids, it doesn''t matter. I wouldn''t want you to go through that pain. My reasons for staying married to Nellie have nothing to do with you."
Another voice piped up, trying to smooth things over, "Exactly. Cameron adores Greta too much to care about that. Besides, if Greta can''t have kids, Cameron could have a few with Nellie. You know, he could raise them with Greta as their mother, and the Dawsons would be satisfied."
Greta''s eyes sparkled with hope as she clutched Cameron''s arm. "Cameron, if you really want kids, why not have one with Nellie?"
Cameron was at a loss for words. His eyes drifted to his phone. It had been three months since Nellie, though nearby, had reached out. Did she still have feelings for him? Would she even want to have a child with him?
A nagging uncertainty gnawed at him. After the party, he texted Nellie: [Nellie, can we meet?]
Her response came a dayter: [Is this about the divorce? If not, I don''t see why we should meet.]