Benjamin was fuming, his eyes zing. "You''re falsely using me of being a yboy!"
It looked like the brothers were on the brink of a full-blown fight.
Quick to intervene, Nathalie gently tugged Nathan aside and politely turned down Benjamin. "Mr. Benjamin, I''m really sorry, but dancing''s not my thing."
Benjamin grudgingly let it go.
Nathan, ever the opportunist, chimed in, "Nathalie and I aren''t dancers, but you and Ashley are pros. Since you''re both on the hunt for a dance partner, why not hit the floor together?" Benjamin couldn''t dismiss a suggestion tied to Ashley, so he relented, "Ashley, would you do me the honor of a dance?"
Ashley just rolled her eyes, huffed, and strutted off, leaving Benjamin hanging.
Benjamin was left standing awkwardly while Nathan chuckled behind his hand.
Benjamin shot him a re. "You''re a real piece of work."
Nathan, stillughing, teased, "Maybe you just need more charm."
With a dramatic turn, Benjamin stormed off.
After steering Ashley and Benjamin away, Nathan turned to Nathalie with a grin. "Hey, how about a dance? It''ll save us from all these interruptions."
Nathalie was caught off guard. "I thought you weren''t much of a dancer?"
Nathan shrugged. "I''m no Fred Astaire, but you''re family. I don''t mind looking silly with you."
Taking him at his word, Nathalie nodded. "Alright, let''s give it a whirl."
Nathan led Nathalie onto the dance floor, hand in hand. The music was dreamy, demanding dancers get up close and personal with some pretty intimate moves.
Nathalie felt a bit out of her element, unsure where to put her hands. Nathan took charge, cing her hands on his shoulders while his hands rested firmly on her lower back. Nathalie tried to keep some distance, but as the music swelled, Nathan gently pulled her closer into his embrace.
Nathan was tall and confident and took the lead. Despite Nathalie''s attempts to wriggle free, she found herself caught in his rhythm.
Nathan gazed down at her, the colored lights casting a glow that made her look especially enchanting. His eyes softened as they lingered on her.
Then, out of nowhere, chaos erupted. Cameron''s mother burst into the dance floor, wild-eyed and clutching a bottle of acid.
Screams echoed as the crowd
scattered in panic. The once orderly dance floor turned into a frenzy, with people dodging Kristina like she was radioactive. Griffin and his new wife got knocked over, setting off a chain reaction of stumbling dancers.
Nathalie was swept off her feet and ended up right in front of Griffin. As she regained her bnce and looked up, Kristina was ring daggers at Griffin. The acid bottle was aimed ominously in her direction.
Nathalie''s heart stopped, eyes wide with terror. She couldn''t bear the thought of being scarred.
Kristina, clearly unhinged, waved the bottle around, and the acid sizzled as it sshed out. It came dangerously close to Nathalie a couple of times.
Nathalie was frightened and
squeezed he eyes shut. In thatContent protected by N?v/el(D)rama.Org.
moment, she felt herself being lifted
and spun around. When she opened her eyes, Nathan was shielding her with his back, acting as her protector. He wrapped her in his arms, and his face twisted in pain.
Nathalie turned ghostly pale. "Nathan, don''t!"