Chapter 0133
Chapter 0133
really need to run guys, can we just go to the arena for a little bit? please? I need a couple Of hours,
we slept for a whole day." I look at each of them. "You don''t all have toe, but I can''t go by
myself even if you would allow it. Luna Ava said not to do anything alone right now. please?" I
shake my hands out to try and get rid of some of the jittery feeling. The closed in feeling is making
me anxious. I don''t like feeling trapped, even if it''s for my own safety.
"Why don''t the rest of you run along and Cam and Kota can help me, since she doesn''t need all of
you to tag along with her. I left a few things up in my room and could use a couple of strong men to
help me." Kaley''s high pitched voice cuts through like a dull knife. She''s strutting up in what should
be a shirt, but she has pulled down to act as a very short dress. "You can both help me gather my
things and then escort me to my house?'' She''s smiling at them like a stalker looks at a celebrity. "It
will give us some quality time together too." She simpers.
"What could you have possibly brought to the party that would require help from two guys?" Sam
asks, not hiding his absolute distaste for her suggestion.
''IA girl just needs a strong hand or two, that''s all_ And I would really appreciate the help." She flips
her hair and flexes her eyes at Sam daring him to contradict her again. The problem is, she doesn''t
seem to know Sam very well and he absolutely loves that Idnd of challenge.
"Oh no, I totally understand, you need a schlep. Micah!! Hey, Micah, Come here a second!" Sam
shouts over the crowd of people hanging outside the packhouse, I''m sure to catch a glimpse of the
Alpha King leaving.
Micah walks over slowly, eyeing us suspiciously. What''s up Sam)"
"Kaley here needs some assistance with her things and you are a perfect man for the job. You
know, always wanting to step in and put a hand on... I mean, lend a hand to Our female pack
members. You can follow her up, grab her stuff and get her settled back at her house, right? Thanks
man! Appreciate the help. We have our own assignments to get done. Sam turns with Sierra and
starts to walk away, not even looking over his shoulder to see who is following. But none of us are
dumb enough to stick around and let her try and wiggle her way into our group again.
I told all the guys they didn''t have to do any training, but knew they wouldn''t be able to sit out either.
We did basic cardio, some stretching, which the guys hated, and then strength training in the weight
I needed to feel like I put my body through something today to get stronger, but I also had two hard
days of full battle and I am still recovering from those beat downs. There''s nothing like the feeling
when your endorphins hit during exercise though It''s the best Idnd of high ever.
"Okay guys we can go now, we will be back to our regr schedule tomorrow, so let''s not overdo it."
Iugh at their sweaty faces, look at Sierra then grab her hand and run for it. I have no idea what I
was thinking, but for once in my life I went with an instinct to just y and a game of cat and mouse
seems like fun.
We areughing through the streets, making sure to keep the guys in our sights, but not close
enough to catch us. As I run up the steps to the packhouse front door ready to dere myself the
winner, I am looking back over my shoulder to make sure I can still see the guys who are kind of
running behind us, they have clearly given up on the chase and could have easily caught up a long
time ago, when I run smack into
N?velDrama.Org owns ? this.
someone and and we both go toppling down inside the entryway.
"WHAT THE HELL?! Could you at least watch where you are going? There is no reason to run
through the door like a wild animal. This is a formal packhouse and should be treated with respect
and dignity."I am so sorry, I didn''t realize the door was open when..."
My words fall short when I look up into the hateful eyes of Kaley. She had already popped back up
to her feet elegantly, while I am slowly scraping my heap of a body off the porch. "What are you still
doing here? I thought everyone went home.
"Don''t be ridiculous, of course I came back You don''t think you can hog Cam and Kota as well as
the Alpha Prince do you, you little skank? You need to get out of the way, there is no reason for
them to even entertain the idea of being friends with you, let alone anything more, which is clearly
what you are trying to do by leading them all on. She''s talking extremely loudly and I''m not sure
"Won''t your boyfriend be upset at all the time you spend with other guys? You must be an expert at
all forms of s*x to keep them all upied at the same time. Or maybe you get extra perks with the
Alpha by keeping his sons satisfied.