Chapter 0187
Chapter 0187
It''s just like the first day met her all over again. She is a force and I love it. She grabs my arm and
drags me along to her table of friends, Wyatt following, a little bewildered, in her wake. We eat lunch
and she asks me a thousand questions about living at the trainingpound. Her friends keep
sneaking nces at Wyatt and he is eating up the attention.
The rest of my day is the same. Nothing exciting. I get everything need to get caught up with the
rest of the kids in my sses, which thankfully is only a month''s worth of work and I don''t have to do
any of the projects. It should take me a week.
Wyatt and arrive back to the bunk house around 6. I made sure I had everything needed to get
started on all my assignments and checked in with Theresa to get any books she thought might not
be here at the bunkhouse, since high school students don''t normally participate in warrior training.
Unfortunately that''s where my good day ended. AS soon as we walked in the front door Audrina
was in my face and livid.
"Where the hell do you get off, not showing up for your mandatory training? If you can''t handle
being here, fetus, maybe you should take your sorry ass back to whatever pathetic pack you came
For a moment just stood there. What was she talking about? I don''t have training today. Before I
could say anything, Wyatt spoke up for me.
"Back off, it''s her first day, she barely has her schedule read, let alone memorized."
''That is no excuse, she is in warrior training now and should act like a responsible warrior, not the
spoiled little child she is." She doesn''t even look at him when she is speaking, she only has
daggered eyes for me. I can actually feel the hate radiating off of her.
Wyatt goes to speak again, but I put my hand up to stop him. She can be angry and petty with
whatever issue she has with me, call me names, I could care less, but she questioned my loyalty
and responsibility and that I won''t stand for.
"Enough! Whatever problem you have with me is exactly that, your problem. Get over yourself. I
have direct orders, thate from above you, and I won''t allow you or anyone else to fick with that
do you hear me? You don''t have to like me or even be nice to me, but you try and f*ck with my
schedule again and we will have real problems." hissed. I take a step forward and get into her
space. She doesn''t back down, but I see the hesitation cross her green eyes. " You want me at a
training? Inform me, and not after the fact or at thest minute. You want me to be responsible for
my own wake up call, just let me know. Act like the leader you are instead of the petnt child you
seem to think I am.
Now, unless you have a reasonable request for me, I have homework to get through before dinner."
I cross my arms and stand there staring at her.
I will not let another ''Kaley'' run my life. I''m here with a fresh start, and I n to live my life to the
best of my ability.
"l don''t care what your orders are, you are to report to training every morning at 5 am and evening
training at 5 pm. No exceptions. Is that understood?" She lowers her voice, trying to sound
intimidating, but justing of bratty.
I decide to end this stupid power trip conversation. We can have a pissing matchter. I have things
to do.
"Yes, ma''am. May I go? I have to get started on my homework and Wyatt needs to report in."
"Go. Be on time for dinner and you are to sit with me tonight."
I just nod. She thinks separating me from the couple of people I have managed to make friends with
is a punishment. I will let her keep thinking that. I walk off towards the hallway with the study rooms
and library, Wyatt hot on my heels.Property belongs to N?vel(D)r/ama.Org.