Chapter 0329
“Are you with someone else? Or does someone have a im on you?” Is he angry? Why does he
sound angry?
“Excuse you?!” I step back as my temper res for a second, but I close my eyes and take a breath
in and reign it in. I need to talk to him, we need answers. "No, nothing like...
just... let''s just sit down and I can exin."
We grab a booth in the back and he sits across from me looking skeptical. The waitress is quick to
get to us and we both order the same thing. Tyler never takes his eyes off of me.
“You have someone, is that why you are reluctant with me?"
He does not even mince words.
“No, I don''t, but it''splicated. I''mplicated."
“How so?” Still irritated. I am doing everything to not return the sentiment in my tone.
“How old are you Tyler?"
“Twenty two, why? How is this relevant to you having a boyfriend?’ I ignore him.
“Any siblings? A little sister maybe"
“I had a sister, yes. Where are you going with this?”
“Just follow along for a second. I promise I’m not really as strange as I sound. Well, maybe I am.
Who knows.” I fidget with my ponytail which is still wet and take a deep breath in.
This is my way to get him to open up to me. I have to word this right. “Anyway, How would you feel if
your fifteen year old sister went off to college, because she was smart enough to aplish that,
but you found out she started talking to a twenty two year old college guy just weeks into being in
“I would probably rip his balls off and shove them down his throat.” He didn’t even hesitate with his
answer and I just sat there looking at him, waiting for him to catch on. It took a couple minutes. He
blinks at me, then his eyes go wide and his face pales. “Oh f*ck! Are you serious?! If you are
serious I am a dead man.” He rubs his hand over his mouth, his breathing more shallow. “Yep, I am
a dead man. No one has a sister as hot as you and doesn’t have a protection detail on her at all
times. You don''t have a big ass bodyguard hiding somewhere do you?” He starts looking around
nervously like someone is going to jump out saying "
This text is ? N?velDrama/.Org.
you caught me."
“Of course she does, jackass, the point of hiding is to not be seen. But he’s not as dumb as we
thought, is he?” Osiston decides to chime in. l ignore it.
This time I have to lie. "Of course not, but I told you I’m new at all of this and I just came here to go
to ss, high school
was boring and I was done with all the requirements I had there. Mina was already attending so I
asked if I coulde along. Nicks said ‘why not’ since we were all moving anyway."
“And your brother? What about him? I thought it was just you and Mina."
“It is actually my best friends’ boyfriend, who is like my older brother. I knew him first, I''ve known
him since birth actually.
But it’s her birthday today so we were on the phone talking this morning and I didn’t know he was in
earshot of the conversation, but I was telling her about the runst night and he got mad at me for
being out with college guys without anyone to protect me, basically. Overprotective doesn’t even
begin to describe him. He told me I needed toe home, which pissed me off, and I have a bit of
a temper when ites to people telling me what to do so I usually go to the gym where it is harder
to break stuff. So here we are.” I take a deep breath after all of that word vomit.
“So you are telling me that you are seven years younger than me, but taking the same college level
courses that I am and worried that I might have a problem with the age difference.
Is that right? This other guy definitely has a problem with the age difference, and you are certain it’s
an older brother thing and nothing more?"
“Well, basically yeah. The sses aren''t really the problem.
Let’s be honest. It''s the life experience that I think you might have an issue with. You''ve seen more
than I have and been through more than I have. With all my intelligence I am still only fifteen. And
I''m not going to lie, the whole rtionship thing is only a concept to me. I have never had one and it
makes me really nervous. And yes, my massive, overprotective, flirt of a friend is like my big
brother, there are no other feelings there. The way he is with my best friend, I kind of hope they are
mates. It''s a goals type of rtionship.”