Chapter 42 (Aliyana)
The two of them appear to be having a tense conversation, and Vincent looks like he is ready to
explode when Kylie says something to him. I frown, hoping they are okay.
My heel sinks into the grass. Cursing under my breath, I pull it out. These shoes prove a mission to
walk toward the ck Mercedes I drove here in. My car is the only part of today I had a say over. The
ckce dress and headpiece I pull off my head, to the high-heel ck pumps and makeup-free face
was all my sisters doing.
I haven''t attended a funeral since I was 12. We lost one of our own then, my small niece, Geneva, and
her mother.
It wasn’t long after did my cousin Rosco disappear. Then, nobody cared about a 12-year-old part
Russian girl and what she wore to the funeral. I was as invisible then as I am now. Then it bothered me,
my invisibility was something I hated, but now I am d because I can leave without the worry of
someone giving a fuck where I''m going.
Ren cared.
The thought makes me suffocate with sorrow. He''s gone, my Ren is now never. I lose my bnce,
bending down to ce my hands on my knees, taking a deep breath.
What happened, Ren? Who wanted you dead?
Warm, rough fingers wrap around my arm, pulling me up.
“Let me go,” I hiss as I re to whoever has stolen this moment.
“Walk with me, Aliyana,” Marco pulls me, and I find my feet going with his. Not by choice.
“I want to leave Marco!”
“So, do I! Now we can leave together.”
“I want to leave alone.” I turn my head to the crowd of people, afraid of who might be looking. Now is
not the time to be taking chances. The wind chooses this moment to blow my hair back, with it the
stench of death.
I hate cemeteries.
“Sure, you do.”
My father will not be pleased if he saw me even talking to Marco Catelli. My father didn’t like the
Catelli’s, he kept a civil rtionship with them as we were part of the Catelli Famiglia, but where my
brother remained close to the brothers, Papa didn’t bother. Ren was the exception.
“I want you to let me go.”
My sister will hate me. She wanted to ask me why he was herest night, she didn''t, but her eyes said
all the words she chose not to. People will talk if they saw me walking with Marco. I am sure they
already are. He is single, older than me by centuries, I am sure. And he is Ren''s brother.
"I want..."
“We don''t always get what we want, so walk.” He interrupts any attempt I have of redeeming what little
of my reputation I have left.
I re at him, but I say nothing, he just lost his brother.
We stop by the line of cars parked on the side of the gravel and guarded by our soldiers. One soldier
who happens to belong to my father.
Marco signals one of them as we walk toward a ck two-door convertible. Please, god, don''t let
Thomase over.
Marco pulls my arm, he is not hurting me, but making it known that I am going to be leaving with him.
“Marco, this is reckless, you can''t be serious.”
“Aliyana, you either drive with me, or you stay here. Choose now, Mezzosangue.”
“Papa won''t be pleased,” I say, deliberately ignoring that word.
“Your father’s pleasure is not my concern.”
His eyes stare intently at me.
Every decision we make in life takes us further to that unknown road. Our only hope is that we get to
stay on it a bit longer before we are taken off.
“Straight home,” I say the words like a warning. I should have known better; Marco Catelli doesn''t take
He is quiet as I slip into his car and fasten my seatbelt. His deep masculine scent is potent, wrapping
itself around me.
"This is the third time in two days I''ve been in this car." Not sure what I expected him to say in response
to that.
But, with Marco Catelli, I am learning fast – Don''t expect anything.
The car''s phone starts ringing as he drives down the open road exiting the graveyard.
“Where the fuck are you?” Deno’s voice breaks the silence of the car.
“On my way to the Penthouse, dropping Aliyana off first.”
“See you there.”
He clicks the phone off, and I make a mental note to check the Guinness world record for shortest
“Is there anyone at your ce?”
The liees to the tip of my tongue, but I simply shake my head.
“You shouldn’t be alone right now, is there anyone else I can take you to?”
“Yes, my friend Josey, she’s at the dorms.”
His knuckles go white as he flexes his grip around the steering wheel. I find this odd.
“There is Gabriel’s ce, his housekeeper is there...”
“Josey is fine.”
“I am sorry about Lorenzo.”
“It is what it is, Aliyana.”
“What I want to know is why Matteo Di Salvo is standing next to you, then storming off? I thought you
agreed to not draw attention to yourself for now.”
"My father hired him as an extra soldier for me while he finishes his studies."
"And Matteo decided he''ll break the news to Sartini''s daughter. That is a brave move. Is there
something going on with you and him?"
I gasp as my heart ricochets with nervousness.
"Yes. I should confess something."
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"Ren wasn''t alone the night he killed Alec, he had help."