Chapter 892 – Whatys beyond the border<h1></h1>
“Just one more,” Metra begged when they were almost at the Pce. “One more giant attack and then I am done testing!”
John looked at the First of Wrath. Her skin was covered in sweat (or the Artificial Spirit equivalent thereof) from the steady mix ofbat and sex, her clothes and hair in a dishevelled state past the usual carelessness. Despite her pronounced tomboy appearance and the raw sexual energy that she exuded, she managed to give him an adorable, pleading look by lowering her head and pushing her lower lip out the slightest bit. It was one of those moments where John was reminded that Metra’s body was roughly shaped in Rave’s likeness, as the First of Wrath copied the begging expression masterfully.
“…Fine,” John relented, feeling his reason surrender to his love. ‘This is how men ruin themselves… Well, I am reasonably certain she won’t file a divorce im for 50% of my stuff after she took advantage of me for thirty years. She’s given me too much in return.’ “But you aren’t punching me this time, my HP is getting too low for this,” he managed to at least put his safety first.
“Just the ground then,” the beautiful blonde berserker babbled blithely and walked towards the nearest tip of the star. Halfway there she stopped, grabbed Rex Magnar with both hands and extended it behind her. The head of the weapon was close to the ground, spike pointing downwards. Slowly inhaling, Metra nted down her feet and exhaled. Excited drumming and shredded guitar sounds echoed quietly as small tongues of fire and lightning danced out of the back of the weapon.
With a mighty scream, Metra swung. An explosion of heat burst from the back, elerating the descent of the weapon. John stumbled half a step to the left when the ground was struck by the full potential weight of Rex Magnar. There was a moment of silence. Then a loud crack.
“Whoops,” Metra said, before the upper corner of the star fort’s tip became loose and slid down. Falling several metres, tons of mostly joined rock and dirt mmed into the crystal-clear water, disturbing the surface with a massive ssh. The gleeful grin on her face and the oddly satisfied guitar notes did not serve to make John believe she felt bad about what she just did in any capacity.
The Gamer stepped forwards to look at the full extent of the damage. The split the attack had caused went about halfway down the tall wall and a quarter along the side. It wasn’t so dramatic that the entire spike of the star fort had been destroyed, rather, it looked like a chipped tooth. Spanking Metra’s ass, he made her moan in strong delight.
“Battle-horny tomboy,” he scolded her.
“Yuuuuuu-p,” the First of Wrath just said and earned herself a second p on her behind.
“Put away Rex Magnar and then go to the Sex Dungeon. Prepare your backdoor and wait for me the proper way.” He spanked her a third time and then watched her walk away with her butt swaying. It wasn’t going to be much of a punishment, but it also wasn’t much of an issue. Unsightly as it was, the damage would fix itself. He could spend money to elerate the process. For something as inconsequential as this, that wasn’t worth the cost. ‘Our destructive power increases ever more,’ John thought. ‘I really need to be careful with that…’
That was a thing to ponder after he had his fun.
The weekend came and went with an absurd amount of paperwork. Between the integration of thest East Coast bits, the Adventure and the weapon testing, a lot of John’s regr official work had been left in the dust and now came back to bite him. By working through Sunday, he managed to catch up with things. Monday, he still had more work than usual because he was dealing with both what he would usually be faced with and theplications of binding the new areas into the Federation.
He had to have correspondences, through text, call and in person, about where the police and voting districts should be, who should be in charge until the first elections rolled around, what the transfer of power looked like and all of that. At the same time, he had to actually set up the police, a task made doubly difficult because he had to share all of the names of people that had to be kept tabs on. Certain people that the judiciary let go were still shady enough that it would have been moronic to not at least check on them asionally.
‘All I wanted was to grind out some ss Levels,’ he whined mentally. ‘Magoi said he won’t have time until next week. Maybe, if I keep at it, I can squeeze out a few hourster today... but then I have to forego my rxing hours…’ Physically undemanding as it was, working in the administration for up to sixteen hours a day meant he was mentally exhausted by the end of it. All he wanted when he got home was a shower, reverse cowgirl and cuddles. Even the prolonged blowjobs under the table didn’t bnce things out.
They did help, even if they were slightly less enthusiastic at the moment. Nia, Lydia and Undine were the least affected by the change. Two of them were blowjob sluts regardless and one could feel sensitive where she wanted. Aclysia, Beatrice and Rave were still going about it quite willingly, but the lessened reward had a noticeable effect on how energetic they were about it. They tried to make up for it with conscious effort, Aclysia especially, but there was only so much the mind could force the instinct. Eliza and Scarlett were also doing quite well, thanks to their subby tendencies, but suffered from the same mild decline in desire. The rest were about equally affected.
That wasn’t to say John wascking in under the table action. His harem wasrge enough to cover him consistently, even if a few women didn’t feel like going at it for an hour. There was simply less energy in the way they worshipped his cock. Less mindless ecstasy from the repeated orgasms. It was all about dedication to making him feel good.
Which was doubtlessly pleasing in its own way. Knowing that the woman under the table was there to suck him off not for her own benefit but just to pleasure HIM stroked his dom instincts. However, he was still a lover first. Knowing that this was just a temporary state of affairs, he enjoyed it without a guilty conscience while also awaiting the day when things kicked back in. Having the orgasmic screams reverberate in his shaft while he pumped cum down their throats was just a special kind of awesome.
With a lustful sigh, he did thetter part. His balls tightened as seed rushed out and made his overboiling pressure calm for a moment. “God, you’re good at that,” he mumbled and looked under the table, where Siena slowly slid up. “Thank you for still doing it.”
His cock was freed with a loud pop and Siena cleaned her lips. “It’s a worthwhile sacrifice to hear you moan,” she giggled and gave his length a quick lick with her monstrously long tongue. “Besides, it’s not too much to ask. As little as I like the true taste of semen, I do find the feeling of your member in my mouth strangely calming.” Her snickers became thoroughly lewd. “Perhaps it is how much I control your pleasure. I can take you into my throat…” Her lips parted and went down until they hit the base. ‘…and you cum,’ she finished the sentence mentally.
Without any interest in proving her otherwise, John immediately spurted a second load deep into her. The moonshade elemental could control the insides of her throat, make it hellishly tight, vibrating the folds or caressing him with little tendrils. Her mouth seemed to be made not for breathing or eating, but primarily to get him off. She was certainly inhuman, in this thoroughly sexual aspect, able to get him off in an instant if she so chose.
Not just once, as she proved at that moment, but repeatedly. The skilled working of her tongue and throat massaged massive load after massive load out of him. Over a litre of seed filled her stomach, before even his superhuman physique gave in and the pleasure turned into an oversensitive, unpleasant feeling. Siena continued just a little bit longer and then slid upwards again.
“Concentrate on your work,” shemanded, while winding out from underneath the table. Herrge, silverish-blue butt was right next to him after she got up, but she turned around before he could touch it. Instead, he was presented with her magnificent breasts, when she bent over the armrest. “If you do a lot of work in ten minutes, I’ll let you fuck me, how does that sound?”
John was wrestling between telling her to mind her ce or ying along. In the end, thetter won. He got to be the dom all the time and giving Siena her moments to live out her own fetishes was important for the health of their bedroom rtions. Like Rave, Siena hade to exercise her dominant wants in a way that worked for the Gamer. Little to no humiliation and morepliments about how good he was at getting them off and having them dictate the pace of everything, with some mild bondage and edging mixed in.
“As you wish then, mistress,” he told her and turned to his work. With his bottomless balls as empty as they could be, he turned to his work with all of the concentration he had. That went for both of his bodies, as Jack was sitting on the secretary desk Beatrice usually used. The passive maid was currently out talking to the foreign office about their operations and budget.
“Yes, be a good boy.” Her sensuous voice caressed his ears like the soft touch of velvet on naked skin. Her tail stroking over his cheek as she walked away from the chair made him shiver.
“Had I met you earlier, I may have turned into a submissive,” the Gamer chattered. “With how low a self-esteem I started out with, I could have probably been shaped into most fetishes. Well, I also think I would have always eventually turned out to be at least a bit of a dom, but my tendencies would probably be reversed. Having Rave tell me I should be assertive first and Aclysia letting me live out things second did set me up for certain tastes.”
“A little waste, but for the better,” Siena sighed. “Had I met you at that point, I would have sliced your gut open.” She looked over the binders full of administrative information and pulled one out at random, looking over the information therein. “And you would never have been able to save me.”
“Save you,” John hummed, while hammering a barely courteous message into theputer. It was about someone criticizing that he had to be elected more than once while the Gamer got to reign however long he wished. Finding differences between the representative of a localmunity and the head and founder of the entire federation was rather easy. “You mean that I saved you from your toxic mindset, right? Is that why you call me saviour sometimes?”
“Yes,” Siena responded without shame, flicking through the documents. “I don’t need to remind you that your first reprimands fell on deaf ears. Once it started to dawn on me that you had a point, I… didn’t like it. Nobody likes realizing they have been wrong for much of their life. Now that it has sunk in and I see your sess, I feel ted. Liberated. Your way isn’t perfect. It is an improvement from mine. My desires to torture, they are… less pressing, and in their absence, I have more room to love you.” She looked over her shoulder with arge smile, revealing her sharp teeth. “A thoroughly more pleasing life, my love – my saviour.”
“I like it when you call me that.” John smiled.
“A reward for moments in which you satisfy me,” Siena snickered while closing the binder and putting it back. She turned towards him. He barely looked at her, too focused to continue his work and earn whatever she had in mind for him. When her tail wrapped around his neck, he was pulled to the side. “Don’t misunderstand, John,” her sexual voice was as sharp as the w she ced under his chin, “we both know that there is absolute scum out there. For them, I reserve my hatred.”
“There is indeed, and if we find them, I will allow you to act,” John assured her. They shared a long gaze, then she nodded contently.
Perhaps that would have been the moment at which he got that reward, but instead he heard hasty steps close in on his office. Siena let go of him and atex-like material exuded from her skin. It covered her arms up to the shoulders, the legs up to the upper thighs and most of her torso. It was almost as sexy as her naked body, but it did hide the indecent bits.
“Shy?” he asked her jokingly, while equipping his own pants.
“Choosing who I grace with the full greatness of my body,” Siena responded and turned towards the windows, opening one of them to let some fresh air in and blow the smell of sex out of the room. “If we were having sex, that would be one thing, but I am not going to be casually nude for one of your bureaucrats.”
“That does make sense.” He had just said that, as the phone on the table started to ring. The specific tune meant it was a message from one of the offices in Manhattan. Reaching for it, he gave Siena a nod to go for the door, which knocked a momentter. “John Newman here, how may I help you?” he asked.
“Mister President, this is the treasury. We just got a peculiar distress message, supposedlying from the East Gestalt guild.”
John looked up to the door, where Siena talked to an administrator of the internalmunications department. That person said effectively the same. Beatrice chimed into his thoughts, ‘Statement: this current message is found in the foreign office as well. I verified the message to the best of my ability before informing you.’N?v(el)B\\jnn
“Please tell me everything you can about this message,” John said into the phone, while calling out to all of his familiars and giving them certain tasks. Information gathering for most of them, but also to seek out Chemilia, Ted and Nia to mobilize a quick response force.
Something was moving beyond his realm.