Arc II Chapter 1
<strong><b>Arc II Chapter 1
Rain fell from the sky,envelopingKonoha in a veil of thick fog. Lightning split the cloudsapart,enlighteningthe night with theirbrilliance.
Surrounded by the forces of nature, three men walked down the road on the way to Konoha. Heavy trench coatscovered them, but even theylittle protection against the elements.
“Have I ever told you that I hate rain, Ibuki?” Akihiro grumbled,ining as usual.
Ibuki sounded annoyed. “You did. 27th times already, to be exact.”
Akihiro countered, “Ibuki, calm down. Not need to ...”
“Silence, both of you. Do you idiots want to blow our cover, or what?”Hagane red. They were good friends, but enough was enough.
Ibuki protested,“Hagane, you are exaggerating. This wasjust a civiliseddiscussion among friends. AndI doubt Konoha will get us. Based on our sources, their internal security is weak right now. Theirsecurity forces are understaffedand overstretched. They lost the Uchiha n a few weeks ago, and together with them the entirety of their police force. Konoha doesn''t have the manpower to rece the lost Uchiha. But we should act with caution. Kumo doesn''t need another Hyuga incident.”
Akihiro agreed,“I remember, the mission was a disaster of abysmal proportions. We werelucky that the mission didn''tpromise the peace treaty.”
Hagane nodded. “True, we can''t afford a repetition of three years ago. This time, failure is not an option. We can''t allow Kumo''s involvement in this mission to be revealed. We will meet our informant in Konoha. He will provide us with all the necessary intel for this operation. He informed Kumo that he had got his hands on some valuable information.”
“Valuable information?How valuable?”Akihiro furrowed his eyebrow.
Hagane grinned. “They say the Uchiha n was wiped out, but that''s not true. Apparently, the n yer Itachi didn''t get them all. ording to our contact, two survived. His little brother, and a certain girl.”
Everyone''s interest was piqued.
“As it seems, we have two options”, Akihiro summarised. “Option one is we try to get the boy, but I don''t think that is viable. The boy is guarded by multiple ANBU squads. After all, he is thest sharingan user Konoha has, and he is an important asset to the vige. Any move against the boy would be extremely difficult, if not outright suicidal.” Hagane and Ibuki agreed, sharing Akihiro''s analysis.
“Option two is the girl. The question is only whether we should take the gamble or just abortion the entire operation. We can''t be sure whether she is an Uchiha, or not.”
Ibuki mused, “True, but unlike the boy, the girl is easy prey. We won''t encounter any seriousresistanceif we decide to abduct her. The main question iswhether if werely on ourintel?I don''t consider overhearing a random stranger in a bar and rumoursa reliable source of information.
Especially, if said stranger had not only fallen into alcoholism, but was also known as a notorious liar. Can we really trust this man to tell the truth? Is Asami really his daughter? Or did our drunken Uchiha lie as usual? I think thetter was the case. And even if the girl is an Uchiha, it''s far from sure she can awaken the Sharingan.”
Akihiro disagreed, “Ibuki, you are looking at this from the wrong perspective.”
“What do you mean, Akihiro?”
“Ibuki, the girlis a low risk target. Failure is unlikely. Therisk negligible. We can only gain. If she is an Uchiha, good. If not, then we just kill her and leave.”
Ibuki fell silent, his resistancewaning. “Right. Still, Akihiro,you shouldn''t forgetthat getting an Uchiha doesn''t mean getting the sharingan. Not every Uchiha awakensthe Sharingan. Some do. Some never. Without the eyes, the girl isbasically worthless...”
Hagane grinned. “That is not an issue ... Beause I have a possible solution for our problem.Have you ever heardabout thecurse of hatred?”
Akihiro and Ibuki shook their heads.
Hagane exined, “I heard some rumours here and therethat the Uchiha suffer from the socalled curse of hatred.They awaken theirsharinganwhen the user is subjected to emotional stress or trauma, which means that all that is needed is the right stimulus.”
The rain was heavy and the night dark. Hagane checked his gear, as did the rest of his squad. “We get in and outquickly.No interruptions. Nodiversions. Time is precious. Secure both targets. Eliminate everyone else. Afterward, we will proceed with the second stage of our n. Understood?”Akihiro and Ibuki nodded.
Under the cover ofthe pitch ck night, the fateful trio began to move.
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Viiness, noble girl, princess.
Reincarnation is a fickle matter, unpredictable and capricious, uncaring and unforgiving in nature. Stranded in unknownnds, in a different time and age by the mysterious forces of magic, Aurora is reborn as the sole heiress of the ancient noble House von Schwarz, destined to enter the game of kings and queens, armed with pride, deceit, and an adorable doll.