Arc III Chapter 3
<strong><b>Arc III Chapter 3
Asami watched the retreating Kiri-nin. The boy wasn’t the worst runner she had ever seen. Nothing surprising after the little show she had put on for him. He ran for his life.
Wouldn''t her actionsignite their desire for revenge, or would they listen to reasonand give up? She didn''t know.Not that it mattered. Ifintimidation didn’t work, if they ignored her warnings, she wouldpersuade themwith steel.
Asami sheathedher deand retrieved her kunai.They were still stuck into the oak. Afterwards, shewaited, and waited, and waited.
Her eyes swept across the battlefield, admiring her handiworkof death, blood and gore. Corpses littered the snowy ground.The sight filled her with pride. Her performance had improved since her fateful encounter withItachi.
That day, he and hispanion made her a gift. That day her sharinganchanged, transformed. Her eyes evolved, further augmenting her style. The sharinganwas a truly potent weapon, a weapon that was hers and hers alone. Thelegendary mangekyousharinganwas now in her possession, yet her eyes remained a weapon ofst resort, only to be used wisely.
Her mangekyouallowed her to exert a degree of controlover her chakra never experienced before. They granted her a mastery of chakra down to the most elemental level, down to the very fabric, the very essence of chakra. Close or far, her eyes allowed her to manipte, tomand, to shape,to rule chakrawith near perfection. Form, density, cohesion, her chakra obeyed her.Her chakra was the extension of her will, the manifestation of her desires, the weapon of her hopes and dreams. She was her chakra. Her chakra was her. Her control was absolute.Her new powers exhrating.
Asami giggled with a certain sense of satisfaction. It took time and effort to understand the true extent of her powers, not to mention master them. Despite her modest progress, much remained still unknown, shrouded in mystery.
The mangekyou sharingan proved to be illusive in nature. Information was hard toe by, with its existence being hardly known outside informed circles. The vige archives didn''t yield much information about the Uchiha n and the secrets of the sharingan. Documents and scrolls existed, but the vast majority had been ssified following the day of the Uchiha n massacre. A drastic measure, taken by the vige council. Her ANBU background allowed her to ess some of the less confidential material, but even her ess was for some reason limited. There was something fishy about the Uchiha n and their sudden disappearance, and she wasn''t the only one to believed so.
Asami crossed her arms, watching the falling snow. The blizzard intensified.Nobody arrived.Fifteenhad apparently sessfully delivered hermessage. And apparently, the enemy heeded her warning. Eliminating their vanguard achieved the desired result,the Kiri ANBU ceased their pursuit and regrouped.
The temperatures fend night was approaching.It was time for her to leave and move to the assembly point.
Asami reached the assembly point, an abandoned vige near the border. The wars devastated the entire region. The viges piged, plundered, murdered, razed, cleansed. The border regions were hit hardest. They never truly recovered, even after all these years.
ANBU patrolled the area, guarding their camp against undesired intruders. Asami entered the vige. Judging by the numbers, the other three ANBU squads had returned, but their ranks were also depleted. The missions they carried out were dangerous, risky. Failure was nothing extraordinary, and yet the severity of their losses surprised her. Their missions led them deep into Kirigakure, deep into enemy territory without additional support.
They had suffered heavy casualties. Losses were highs.The green glow of her medical ninjutsu illuminatedthe air.The stench of blood filled the air. Their missions took a toll on them.They probably encountered heavy resistancejustlike them.Fortunately, most of her fellow ANBrades suffered only minor injuries, which was good.The dead werecheap. They required nothing. Woundedninja, however, were troublesome. They were a burden.
Asamicontinued her stroll through the vige, the falling snow apanyingher.She eventually metKonosukeand the rest of her squad. They were exhausted, their fatigue written all across their faces.
Konosuke was discussing something with the other squad leaders. It was something important. Yet he was the first to notice her. His eyes widened in shock. “Asami ... you are ... alive.”
“Surprised, aren''t we?” Asami smirked. His stare amused her.
“...” Konosuke regained hisposure. “To be honest, I thought you already dead, but it seems ... I was wrong.”
Asami crossed her arms. “You disappoint me, Konosuke. Why do you ce so little faith in my abilities? Did you really think that a few harmless Kiri-nin could even scratch me?”
Konosuke mustered a weakugh.“Aren''t we a bit overconfidenthere, Asami?”
“Possibly”, Asami conceded.
“Anyway, tell me, how did you make it back?”Konosuke studiedher coat. A conspicuous crimson touchcoloured her fur coat red.
Asami shed an innocent smile.“Isn''tthat obvious? I eliminatedtheir vanguard. Fifteen in total. I killed them all.That scared away the rest of the Kiri ANBU.”
Konosukeblinkedin disbelief.“You did what? Fifteen?You killed fifteen Kiri ANBU?”
“Fifteen? You are kiddingme, aren''t you?” Akahito, the captain of the second squad, didn''t believe hera single word.“Two, maybe three, but fifteenof these fuckers? No way.You must be lying.”
“You don’t believe me?”Asami responded with a re.
Akahito clicked his tongue. “Not in a thousand years. What do you think, Ino?” Captain Akahito turned to Ino. She was the captain of the fourth squad.
Ino gazed at her. “Based on my information, Asamiisquite talented. Unless I am wrong, she scored top of her ANBU ss despite her age, but who knows? The youngsters these days arestrong.”
“And what''syour opinion,Koichi, Konosuke?” Akahitosearched for support.
“...”Koichi didn''t answer. His eyes focused on her and the enigma.He was a veteran of many wars. “I don''t think she is lying, but who can tell?”
“...”Konosukemeanwhile just scratched his head.
Asamimerely rolled her eyes, only mildly annoyed.“Anyway, I think that we have much more important matters to discuss. Is it just my imagination, or have ourranks thinned?”
“So you noticedtoo?” Konosuke gritted his teeth.
Asami retorted, “Noticed, you say?That is quite an understatement. Barely half of us have returned...”
“Not even halfof us.”Koichi sighed in resignation.“All squads sufferedheavy losses. We lost tenkilled in action. Sevenwent missing. Fiveare heavily wounded. Our situation is ... dire.”
“What happened?” Asami asked. Thisentire operation was an unmitigateddisaster.
Ino voiced her opinion, “I have no idea, I suspect that our missions werepromised.The enemy expected us. My squad gotambushed. We were lucky to escape. Otherwise, we would have been wiped out.The same happened to Akahitoand Koichi.”
Akahito agreed,“They were justwaiting for us...”
AnANBU appeared,kneelingon the ground. He addressed Koichi,“Captain.”
Koichi crossed his arms. “What''sthe matter, Norinaga?”
Norinaga raised his head. “The enemy has sent a messenger. He wants to discuss our surrender. He ims that threepanies of Kiri-nin have surrounded our position. They want us to surrender to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Otherwise, they will be forced to annihte us.”
... ...
... ... ...
“...”Konosuke, Ino, Akahito,and even Koichi, they all fell silent.Seconds turned into minutes. Afeeling of hopelessness and despair infected their minds as realisation struck.They were done for...
Three wholepanies ... 600 men in total ... This was not a force they could ever hope to fight.