Chapter 494
Wars between cultivators could vary greatly in time. With the ability for them to mobilize quickly it was more about who was willing tounch offensives rather than anything else. A length of weeks or months for a war between two factions was not umon, but neither were conflicts spanning decades- though obviously the former had more action.
In the Weos system, the war against the Twin Soul Sect was quick and bloody. Upon Kuchion, Anton and the others continued to press onward. To the best of their knowledge, they prevented any <em>actual</em> ascensions on the part of the Twin Soul Sect. Upon Bavore, the momentum also swung in the favor of the same side. Despite the prevalence of the Twin Soul Sect, they never intended to stand against the world alone. They were meant to be traitors on the inside, though theirst opportunity had slipped away with theck of the expected invasion.
Once they were discovered, the results were inevitable. Nobody would choose to stand for their goal, and those who might have entertained the thought certainly werent going to do so after they had been revealed. Even so, many people lost their lives- cultivators weak and strong, as well as others caught in the crossfire. In a way, everything was Antons fault though of course something like this had to happen inevitably. If they had waited, it would have only been worse. Anz, Rikuto, and all the allies they had been able to prepare had done what they could- anything more would have given a chance for the Twin Soul Sect to n their response instead of having to spontaneously act.
You look awfully grim for having just won a war, Everheart dered. And dont say something stupid like it was all the people of Weos and you didnt do anything or humble crap like that. We both know thats not true. Without me, this would have all been pointless as the Twin Soul Sect members would be more or less alive still. At least the talented ones. Without you, a bunch more locals would have died. You care about things like that, right?
I just wish it didnt have to result in so much death. If there was another way-
Then someone would have found it out long ago. But do you really think that there could have been a peaceful resolution? Dont tell me you would have let the Twin Soul Sect live to save others.
Well no Anton shook his head. What do you want me to say, that I want to be some sort of supreme god that can control every little aspect of the world to be the way I want it?
Yes, Everheart nodded. Say it again and again and again until it bes true. Though its gonna take you at least another millenium.
I doubt thats what you really want. Wouldnt that make uspetition? That seems more like your kind of goal.
Of course werepetition, Everheart dered. Were cultivators. And all of us, know it or not, wish to reach a level of unlimited power to do whatever we wish.
Nah, Anton said. I mean, more power would be fine. But I really just want to defend my home.
And what is your home? Everheart asked. Ceretos? The whole system? What about Rutera? What about <em>here</em>? When will it end?
Anton pondered on that for a few moments. You know, you make a good point. It would be easy to slip into the desire of controlling everything at that rate. I should restrain myself.
But why? Everheart said. You <em>could</em> do whatever you want. Well, not quite whatever- because Im sure at some point welle into conflict and Ill inevitably win that. But you could do whatever you wanted that fit with whatever <em>I</em> want.
... Thats a lot of words repeated over and over. I dont know what to say except Ive epted that my time wille. And I will be ready to embrace death when it happens. Thats what Fleeting Youth is all about, isnt it.
Maybe. I just made it, Everheart pointed out. I didnt <em>practice</em> it. You think Im the kind of guy who could ept not ascending, not <em>reincarnating</em> if I die?
... I just realized we wont be done with you when you die.
Eh, depends on if you do it right, Everheart pointed out. Just gotta tear up the soul.
Are you sure you should be telling <em>me</em> this? Anton asked.
Absolutely. If I have to go out, Id prefer it to be at the hands of someone I respect. And thats a short list.
Id be interested in hearing whos on it.
Well, its me- about a thousand times. Then you. Everheart shrugged, And almost everyone else is dead.
So there <em>is</em> someone, then, Anton smiled.
Maybe, Everheart shrugged, Unless they died too. Havent really been able to keep track.
I cant believe youre not swamped with messages from the upper realms, Anton said. You have to have tons of schemes there.
Yeah, but for me to be swamped people would have to know Im alive.
Only lunatics would believe youre dead, Anton pointed out.
Theres a big difference between people <em>knowing</em> Im alive and people <em>assuming</em> Im alive, Everheart said. Nobodys going to put together an army to hunt me down just because they dont know where my body is. I mean, not another one. They already did that.
... Do you feel empathy for anyone who died? Anton asked.
No. Everheart said bluntly. Nor for those they left behind. Everyone dies, everyone loses people. Thats just how things work. And I certainly dont regret what happened to everyone in the Twin Soul Sect. Everyone else? Everheart shrugged, Their souls probably still exist. Maybe theyll remember a previous life, maybe it will be scouredpletely nk. Doesnt matter to me.
... You need to get friends, Anton said.
Everheart made a face. Eeeugh. Dont say things like that.
With the civil war in Weos over, Anton was able to get some rest. He hadnt quite realized just how far hed pushed himself while fighting on Kuchion. If hed gone a little too far- and there had been any enemies nearby- he would have been vulnerable. Once he was out of energy, he could just be killed. Like anyone else. Since natural energy was required for both offense and defense, pushing his offensive capabilities to their limits had been risky. Sure, he had the advantage of attacking from far beyond the range of <em>most</em> people, but if even one assassin had been concealed among allies and hed burned himself just a <em>bit</em> harder? That would have been the end. It would have been a waste.
Then again, every person Anton was just in time to save could easily be someone amazing in the future, someone priceless the world couldnt afford to lose. Anton didnt believe that most or even necessarily <em>any</em> of those he had saved would be like that but just thinking about how hed affected things on Ceretos told him that amazing people coulde from anywhere.
Take Lev, for example. He had been at best a slightly above average disciple in the Grasping Willows, good enough that a Spirit Building elder had taken him under his tutge. Not that Spirit Building was anything impressive by Antons current standards. Regardless, Lev had been nearly dead when they first found him. He hadnt seemed like anything impressive for a while, eventually joining the ranks of those with great talent. Then he was the second person on Ceretos to achieve Assimtion. And for such a thing, second wasnt bad. In fact, perhaps it was even more impressive than being the first in some ways. He hadnt tried to force Antons methods into his cultivation style, but came up with his own path once he simply knew it could be done.
Anton sighed. This was perhaps the curse of being a cultivator, his brain being able to think more swiftly also found itself going down rabbit holes more often. His mind would resolve itself but he wondered if old cultivators ever got over this. He didnt have many examples, but it seemed that people tended to be entrenched in one manner of acting and stick with that. That wasnt necessarily bad, but he needed to be certain that his was the right one.
With Weos matters settled, Anton would have liked to get them and Rutera back in the same room talking about what they would do with Azoth- or whatever Weos called them. Who wouldnt like to add some old enemies of enemies onto their team?
Unfortunately, while it was likely they <em>would</em> be entering into some talks, Weos probably wasnt eager to jump into a war. Revenge on Azoth might be enticing, but would it be worth it? Could they trust Rutera, or Ceretos for that matter? Anton would answer those as yes, probably, and definitely if he had anything to say about it. But convincing people of that was another matter.
Anton realized he also didnt know much of anything about Azoth. They attacked Rutera and Weos, which he had positive opinions of. Did that immediately make them bad people? Yes. Anton could say that with full confidence. Unless both systems were lying through their teeth about what had happened, in which case theyd done an exceptional job of convincing everyone Anton had talked about that Azoth had begun hostilities without any attempts atmunication. Even starting off with some sort of demand for people to hand over a or resources would have been <em>something</em>.
Still, he should look into it. He was friendly with enough people from Rutera that he could get information that way, but he also thought to look into things for himself. Though he wasnt sure if going in person was a sensible idea, he could still list that as a potential option. If he could even travel between systems on his own, which he <em>still</em> hadnt attempted. He needed to do that. Even if he failed, he should only waste a few months at most.
It really didnt make much difference to Anton how manys Azoth had- or how many nonary orbiting bodies they had outposts on. Ultimately that was important to know for military matters, but the thing that stood out to him the most was the top of the report. Azoth: Single star system. By itself, it wasnt that interesting. In fact, it was kind of disappointing. But the fact that it came up in a report reminded Anton that there were other options.
Binary star systems existed. That was something that had been confirmed by his own eyes (and telescopes) before Prospero Vandale died. There were even systems with more stars. While this was interesting from an astrological perspective, it wasnt exactly new. It was just suddenly more relevant to Anton in the past couple decades.
What would such a system mean for his power? Unfortunately, he couldnt know quite yet. There was a binary star system nearby- uninhabited, as far as Anton was aware. But for Anton to truly know anything, he needed to wait at <em>least</em> until he reached his next star, perhaps two if he were going to travel to Azoth. At the current moment, he had one avable star he could Assimte with. He might be able to bond with both stars of a binary star system at once, or he might need two avable. If he <em>didnt</em> have two avable, it might kill him. Rather, it was more likely to kill him than trying something new was <em>anyway</em>, and Anton had to admit since nobody else had traversed this same road he was relying on some intuition. Cultivators intuition was amazing, but not always correct.
Anton grumbled to himself. Why couldnt <em>Azoth</em> have been a binary star system? Then he could have gone through some training and experimented there. If he copsed their stars in a horrible ident, it wouldnt be <em>too</em> bad. At least it would deal with a problem.
Anton frowned. He was going to have to go back to Rutera. He didnt want to shove his way into a conflict but he also didnt want to just leave it alone. Hed have to find the right people to talk about for that- both on Rutera and back home, since it also affected Ceretos to have him gone.