Chapter 682
The Gates of the Earth had fallen. No doubt that information was more impactful to the locals. For Gabri, it was just the next step in removing troublesome cultivators. She didnt want to count this as winning the war just yet, but they could systematically eliminate the remaining Transferral cultivators. The only remaining issue was Otakar. He wasnt unstoppable, but it was unclear how much more damage he would cause before they finally took him down.
Though in thetest battle it seemed as if the Wayfarer got away unscathed, that was only technically true. The battle had revealed how imperfect additions from the Independence would fail, and many of their generators were overstrained. Even if the barrier stood up to him, they were mere moments from him breaking through and attacking now more vulnerable internals.
Before anything else, the Wayfarer had to undergo additional repair and a replenishment of its energy. Gabri wouldnt be useful on that trip, so she was remaining at the Gates of the Earth to help with the inventory of resources and techniques. It had only taken a few hours of work for the formation masters to open the defenses cleanly, with nobody around to stop them. Gabri was one of the technically weakest individuals qualified to look through the techniques for information on Transferral- which would be properly cataloged and almost certainly destroyed thereafter. At least anything involving the actual process. Information on its efficacy and more specifically weaknesses would be preserved for the future.
General, the one word set her on edge, despite it being from her personal assistant. It was the way it was said. Top prioritymunication iing from the Wayfarer.
She nodded. Patch them through.
Her assistant angled a portable screen, as it seemed themunication would involve visualponents as well. Was it a battle where they needed tactical advice? Could she even respond in time to do anything?
Then the image appeared in front of her, and she rxed. Far more than she ever thought she could. Hello, general, grinned a <em>mostly</em> recognizable old man. He seemed to be missing the vast majority of his hair, though he was one of those with strong roots. I was just making my way back and intersected with your ship, so I thought I would drop a message. He stepped back slightly, revealing a dark band around his waist, and an otherwisepletely bare body. As you can see, I am missing a few things. Ill have to ask someone to make me a sun-proof storage bag for next time. Along with the darkness around his waist, Gabri detected something odd about his chest. It didnt look quite real. Ill say more when we meet in person. But I didnt want to keep anyone waiting.
Well good. Now she could spread the information that Anton was alive. She also understood why it was top priority, despite his casual tone. He was alive, but not entirely well. Hed been flung into a sun, but was injured. Was the only thing that burned his hair? And why would it burn but not his nails? She shook her head. Thinking about that too much would make her crazy.
His identity was verified via energy scan before the message was sent, her assistant rified. It seemed necessary considering the obvious light based illusions.
I hope someone gave him pants, Gabri said.
I believe they attempted that <em>before</em> the message, but he found it more humorous this way.
At least hes in a good mood.
It was strange how much a few days could change a. Obviously Anton was aware that a could be scarred in a short time, but the actual was rtively unharmed. Just a couple handfuls of sects. It was most obvious because of the distinctck of barriers in ce. There were only a few more, and Anton could pick out Transferral cultivators hiding behind some of them. They would have to be watched carefully so they could not gather together.
As for Otakar Anton couldnt quite sense him. Though he had a method he could try if it was an emergency, it would absolutely alert the man to the attempt. So for the moment, he was content to make sure he wasnt lurking around any of the new ground bases the Trifold Alliance had established in various sect headquarters.
The Gates of the Earth was most centrally located and notable, so Anton made that ce his current target. But as he was getting closer, his casual senses caught some familiar figures among arger number of unknowns. It was Anishka, trudging through the wilderness with a number of local cultivators at her side. It was fairly easy to determine their destination. He listened in just to make sure he properly understood the situation. They appeared friendly at first nce, and his more detailed investigation told him the same.
He was tempted to fly down and meet her, but even with his new pants it didnt seem like a good idea at the moment. It was best to let her finish the journey on her own. Though he could go ahead and warn people that they wereing, just to remove the possibility that something went awry. It was always a pain when negotiations had toe after identalbat. Well, if <em>he</em> was the one shot and he could magnanimously wave it off it was a different story. That was actually quite good- but attacking people of lower cultivation who wished to be your allies was never a good look.
Anishka stepped beyond the tree line first, followed by Grug and Ufoma. Then came the rest of the designated leadership from various ships. She boldly walked along the road and approached the gate, head held high. But she was constantly worried about Ruteran beam weapons or archers. But they made it all the way to the gates without trouble.
Halt! Who approaches?
I bring local cultivators who wish to discuss peace, Anishka said. I am a disciple of the Fire and Ice Pce. If she needed to she would mention her mother, but she didnt want to rely on that too much. Those following along with her knew she was not from their world already.
Anishka, said one of the gate guards. Your arrival was anticipated.
Oh. I mean, of course. Where should we go? After receiving directions, she began to lead the others.
Is is that Ufoma was the first to speak as they approached the central area. One of the Assimtion cultivators? he gestured not towards a person, but towards a general aura of energy.
Anishka nodded. That would be the formation master Naid Conaire.
And the other one? Grug asked. Like a star.
Anishka actually hadnt noticed that one, because it was weaker. But once it was pointed out, she easily recognized it. And it wasnt exactly <em>weak</em>, but instead <em>restrained</em>. Though she thought he also felt weaker as well. That would be the sect head of the Order of One Hundred Stars. Anton the sniper. And also the voice from the sky.
Ufoma gave her a knowing nod. Perhaps he had spoken to Celina and learned about the connection there. And she was definitely going to meet him, but first she had to deal with the rest of this.
Except, of course, both the formation master and Anton found their way to the very ce she was directed to.
Wee, Naid Conaire was the one to speak first as the group approached avish meeting chamber- recently in the hands of the Gates of the Earth. We are d to receive any interested in negotiation. Along with him and Anton, there was general Gabri and a number of other important figures.
It might seem like a group gathered to intimidate- but they could have done that well enough with one alone. Instead, Anishka thought it was meant as a sign that these people would be taken seriously. Hopefully they would interpret things the same way.
Anishka avoided seating herself centrally- though she was responsible for bringing these people, she could not speak for them. There was some silent posturing, and somehow in the scramble Grug ended up being in the central spot.
We dont want to fight you, Grug said. At that, people stiffened around them as such a conciliatory phrasing opened the negotiations- from the clearly weaker side.
Same here, Anton said smoothly. I am sure that you have heard some of our exnation for how things turned out this way- otherwise you would not havee. But I would love to hear your current understanding.
Grug had spoken first, and no amount of ring from his sides was sufficient to make him understand that others didnt want that. Which might ultimately have been the best possible oue. A bunch of the top sects attacked you guys and stole people. Then you were mad at them so you came to kill them.
They stole people and cultivation, Anton rified. Through a process called Transferral.
Stealing cultivation isnt a transfer. Its stealing, Grug said. And thats bad.
Anton nodded seriously. Anishka could see something weird about his hair, but she wasnt sure what it was. Youre right. Its bad. Though if it had only been cultivators from the upper realms well, that was themon ground that led towards what <em>we</em> thought was going to be a prosperous rtionship. But we did nothing to harm anyone from Ekict before the attack upon us. Would you like to see?
See what? Grug asked.
Some of the attacks.
Im not really a fan of violence, Grug said.
Thats fair, Anton said, but made sure to sweep his eyes over the rest. Just be aware that recordings of many of the situations are avable for viewing, should you desire proof beyond our word. Or that of the local records, Anton added. While you think about that, I can offer our terms. They are simple enough. You dont have to fight for us. Just dont fight against us. This extends to your sects as well. We can get you inmunication with any of them if necessary. It also covers themon people. In fact, it would apply to everyone except of course therge sects who started everything have already gone far beyond what is eptable.
... What if some of us fought you? asked one of the other cultivators. Some of those from my ship had sectmates who fought in earlier battles.
Did anyone actually <em>choose</em> to fight us? Anton asked. Though he wasnt the only individual qualified to speak, it was also nice for the experienced grandpa in the room to be delivering all of their information. He held up a hand, It doesnt actually matter. We are prepared to offer nket forgiveness to anyone not part of a specific list of sects. Obviously the Gates of the Earth were one of those, but we can give you the full list if anyone wished to raise objections to any of their cklisted statuses. Anton went through them all one by one. Nobody had any objections. Except You seem to have something you want to say, Anton called out one of the others. Please, make your case.
Well, uh, a middle aged man who seemedfortable in his shadowy corner obviously hadnt expected to speak. I dont know about all of them. In fact, I think this stuck with me because it was an exception. But there was someone from the Night Ind Gang that helped me out against a beast. Didnt ask for a cut or anything. Seemed nice.
That is a point in their favor, Anton agreed. If anyone has simr tales, feel free to mention themter. Were not interested in wiping out your systems cultivation orbat strength. Unfortunately, we cant abide by anyone practicing Transferral, especially as they were willing to turn it on us while we were friends.
Yeah, Grug said. They arent good allies.
With that, they covered various other points. Mostly practical things, such as how they would return people to their sects- without making them targets for other natives of Ekict. Once they got some momentum behind them with a majority of smaller sects agreeing to remain out of the war and secondarily to protect each others interests in that regard, then they wouldnt be so vulnerable. But at the moment, many sects were split up under the leadership of the greater sects- and they werent all fortunate enough to have sessfully taken over ships. Some hadnt tried, fearing the consequences, and some had failed. Outside of ships, they simply wouldnt be mobile enough to participate in the war- so they only had to deal with being yanked back and forth and marching day after day.
Though nobody would be required to fight against their own people, it would be beneficial if the Trifold Alliance could have the direct support of local sects. But that was for another time. Not one terribly distant given the current pace of the war, but perhaps it would be brought up in a day or two.