Chapter 317: You are just jealous
At the Gao Manor
Gao Lan Mei was toozy to mingle with the rest, so she decided to just go to her room to change clothes. She also wants to sleep if possible. A very long deep sleep.
"Young Miss, do you need me to bring you more warm water?" Gao Chu asked.
"I can help!" An idiot bird protector eximed, raising his hand to volunteer. "Young Miss, I can do a lot of things for you!" he said added.
Gao Lan Mei''s eyes twitched, in annoyance. She already gave up threatening this protector who is wearing a green Oni mask.
Releasing a deep breath, "You. Guard the courtyard. Do not bother me."
"Wait." Gao Lan Mei called out when the protector turned around after a bow. "What is your name?" She asked curiously.
"Oh. You can call me anything you want Young Miss." The protector answered, cheerfully. "Ah, Yngjn sounds good." He offered as a suggestion as he taps his mask with a finger.
Zicuy Regime protectors are not only forbidden to remove their masks but also to tell their name. So if Gao Lan Mei wants to call him something else, that is perfectly fine as well.
At least now Gao Lan Mei will not tantly tell protectors that she does not trust them because of their masks.
"Hmm. If you im to be handsome, it actually means the opposite. We can go with that." Gao Lan Mei stated with a smirk. "Now get out," she added with a hand wave.
In all honesty, for Gao Lan Mei, like''s Yngjn''s personality. For her, a protector is an honest man.
Though it is clear that he wants something from her that is why he is trying his very best to curry favor. Still, she prefers to be around beings that are shameless and honest.
Gao Chu left Gao Lan Mei who is currently soaking on a hot wooden tub when Wei Jiayi''s raven flew to the edge of the tub, next to her. Its beak opening and closing like eating something.
"What are you eating?" Gao Lan Mei asked the raven with a frown since she is not sure if she saw a ck tail on the side of its beak before it was swallowed.
"Ah, probably the ck snake that you always bring along. Do not worry about that." Wei Jiayi answered, then he added brightly, "Mei Mei, I have a piece of good news for you. Guess what."
Gao Lan Mei was shocked. That is thest ck snake from Yen Mngju. ''Don''t tell me they were eaten the same way! Is that the reason why I cannot summon any?!'' Her thoughts.
"Your raven did what?" She stated narrowing her eyes at the raven, as a recement of Wei Jiayi. "You know that they are useful for me right?" She asked unhappily. If she has more ck snake it is an added protection!
"They are not yours. I gave you better snake pawns." Wei Jiayi exined carefully. "They are on the storage ring..." He offered.
With a raised brow, Gao Lan Mei is not sure if she willugh or what. Now she can only imagine Yen Mngju''s annoyance everytime a ck snake dies.
When the demi-god visits, it is a high possibility that she will get an earful ofint from him!
"Better? You are just jealous." Gao Lan Mei uttered helplessly, shaking her head as she sshed a small amount of water to the raven.
"What''s that?" Wei Jiayi asked, after hearing the sound of water. "Did you just threw something?"
"So? Your peeping, I am taking a bath." Gao Lan Mei replied knowingly. "I ampletely naked now, do you want to watch that forter?" she added.
"..." Wei Jiayi is dumbfounded. He cleared his throat but still unable to react before his mind subconsciously responded.
"Do you want my watchter? I want now!" He eximed too eager for his own good.