Chapter 76: Path of Light
Wheres Jurgen!?
Returning to the mansion, that was the first thing Lize-aneue asked.
Jurgen, who should have been at the mansion, was absent.
The Duke has already led the knights out to answer the emergency.
He already left!?
As expected of him, his response was really fast.
But it was too fast.
It means that he left with only the knights that were already ready to deploy.
Call him back immediately! We still dont know what happened in the south you know!? Why did he leave without confirming that first!?
We tried to stop him but..the Duke said that he is going to pave the way for you, Your Highness..
Paving the way!? Just what is he going to do!?
The Duke said that he is going to get rid of the monsters on your path
I see.
Then its understandable why he only led out the avable knights.
But it is still dangerous. The route from this ce to the south is quite difficult to travel after all.
Not to mention that it is far away, the south is dense with forests. Since the path is an unpaved road, monsters often appear from the forests.
Aneue. What about the unit that was undergoing the drill?
We cant use the recruits. The only one I can use here would be the cavalry regiment I brought along as the exercise partner.
A regiment consists of fivepanies. Onepany is about two hundred men, so the cavalry regiment should consist of a thousand cavalries. Well, it might not be that exact number because we have to count on the injured and the vacant positions but their number should be near a thousand.
Only one regiment?we dont have enough men do we.
Its a lot considering that we can assemble them in a hurry but.their number is not enough to face this kind of emergency.
Purple signal fire is a big matter in this nation.
The one who ordered it to be lit was probably Leo. At present, only the generals at the southern border or Leo who is the imperial inspector has that kind of authority.
That signal fire was that big of a deal.
I dont know if thats reassuring or not but that was a signal fire that will be lit in case of Leos death.
If theres an even more emergency event than that happening in the south then the situation there is that much more dangerous.
At best we only have enough men for reconnaissance right.
Even so, it is necessary for us to ascertain the situation. Depending on whats happening over there, we might have to move the southern army. Anyway, we have no choice but to go to the scene ourselves.
Aneue was overflowing with determination when she said that.
This is my sister, the Imperial Marshal.
Now, what should I do?
Its easy for me to go to the south with transfer magic. I can even bring Aneue along with me. However, its impossible to designate an urate transfer point. I dont know what or where the emergency is happening. Is it originating from Lynfias vige or somewhere else? The ce might not have any significantndmarks as well.
At worst, I might have to consider revealing my identity as Silver and carry Aneue along with the entire cavalry regiment to the South. That is the kind of situation we are in right now.
However, if I carry a thousand people to the South, it will take a lot of my magic power. Its different from going there alone.
In any case, if I have to make a transfer gate, I want a more urate destination.
Anyway, we have to wait for the regiment to arrive first right.
As she replied, Aneues face was full of worry.
Your Excellency, the Seventh Cavalry Regiment has arrived.
Good work, Regiment Leader.
With the Regiment Leader put his hand on his head, performing a salute. Seeing that Aneue also salute back in return.
Looking at her like this, it really made me think that she is really a soldier.
What about the recruits?
They are on standby at the training ground. I sent a messenger to the eastern border but before the messenger arrived they should have already sent out the reinforcement. Lets hurry and head to the site now.
The Imperial Army usually concentrates its force on the border.
Of course, they have men stationed at the central part of the country as well but each of the Lord has their own knights in their territory while the imperial capital is being guarded by the imperial knight order.
Thats why the Imperial Army is basically there tobat the foreign threat.
The eastern and western borders are stationed by elite troops in which the marshal has full control over. If there is something happening at the other borders, they have enough capability to send in reinforcements. They probably had countless training to prepare for such a situation.
In the past, while visiting the Northern front, the Prince was identally caught in a battle and died while takingmand. Aneue regretted that she couldnt get to his side in time.
It was because of that lesson that the speed of deployment of the eastern border has been significantly improved.
Considering the time, I dont think that we can march at full speed.
Theres no other way. We have to go as fast as we can.
The outside is already dim.
It will keep getting darker and darker from now on.
Marching at night is dangerous. They can try to take a shortcut through the forest but many monsters will be active at night.
A detour can be avoided but it will still take time to get through.
I consider my options.
Should I reveal that Silver is here and transfer them to the ce.
But if we transfer right into a Southern City there will be a problem with the local lord and if wend far away from the scene we will still have to do a night march.
As I was wondering what to do, the Dukes butler ran up to us with ragged breath.
What happened?
N, noHaaa, haa.the preparation ispleted so I havee to inform you, Your Highness..
Preparation? What of?
You havent heard?
The butler has an unbelievable expression on his face as he stares at Aneue.
Aneue had a suspicious look on her face but the butler immediately returned to normal.
Thats very like the Duke..Please, this way.
Saying so, the butler guides us upstairs.
There, we saw an unbelievable scene.
This is..a road?
There is a glowing road leading to the south.
It continues on and on.
Three years ago, the Duke cooperated with the Lords in the surrounding area to create this [Licht Weg (Path of Light)]. It is still under construction but it will extend toward both the north and the south. Once it is finished it will be a road that directly connects both borders together.
Why did he?
His reason on the surface is to secure a transportation route for the merchants but..
His real aim was to allow Aneue to be able to quickly head to both the southern and northern border, right.
The butler nods quietly.
That day three years ago.
The thought that, if only there is such a road, must havee to Jurgens mind.
So that when such incidents happen again, he can prevent Aneue from having any more regret.
What a guy..
Your Excellency! If we use this path we can march to the south at full speed!
Is, that so..begin preparation immediately.
Aneue gave hermand and the Regiment Leader started running. Seeing that, the butler quietly leaves.
For a while, Aneue looks at the path of light and mutters.
He really is an idiot..dont you think so too? Al.
Yes. Duke Reinfeld is already plenty rich. Once this road ispleted, the ones who will benefit more from it will be the surrounding Lords after all.
Of course, Duke Reinfeld will benefit from it as well but considering itsrge-scale construction, it will have quite a big negative effect on him.
This will surely take years to recover his loss.
The Lords around here are not very influential. Most of the construction cost probably came out of Jurgens pocket.
Why.why did he go this far?
I wonder? Even I dont know. How about you ask the person himself?
That was a lie.
The answer is obvious.
I love you. He simply kept himself true to those words. So that the one he loves doesnt have any more regrets.
Three years ago, Jurgen may have felt the change in Aneue. No, it might be him who felt it the most.
What is it?
What should I do?
I dont know that either. But I think Aneue should behave more like yourself you know. If you ept his proposal simply because you felt guilty toward him then the Duke will probably be quite disappointed you know. He would say, I didnt fall in love with this kind of person or something like that.
What a troublesome guy
Right. I think he is one of the three most troublesome people in the Empire. He did all this and never say a single word to you after all. There are a lot of people who would say that they have already done this much so you must marry them you know.
I did this for you so marry me. That was simply not how he thinks. He did not do it to get something in return.
Not for himself, but for the person he loves.
When he said that he wants to be true to his love, I thought that his feeling was super heavy but now I understand.
When he can go this far for her, I wanted to praise him instead.
He is a frighteningly straightforward person.
How about not feeling sorry for him and just start from thinking that wouldnt it be nice to marry this person, isnt that a good enough start?
No. No matter how far he goes, Jurgen is still a good friend of mine.
Is that so. Well, its Aneues problem so I think that you should be the one who decides how you want this but.
I turn back and silently walk away.
Its about time the cavalry regiment is ready after all.
While I was looking at them, Aneue followed after me.
But what?
You curious?
Of course, just say it already.
Well.I just thought that it would be nice to call him my brother-inw. I couldnt ept anyone as my brother-inw unless he can do this much after all. that so.
Aneue lightly smiles at my words. Her blue mantle fluttered as she quickened her pace.
Her appearance was dignified and full of determination.
Thats the figure of my sister I used to.
Lets go, Leo is waiting.
Thus, Lize-aneue and I went straight to the South.