Chapter 413: Wee at the Imperial Capital
We will arrive at the Imperial Capital soon, Your Highness.
I nodded at the Imperial Knights report.
I then turn to Marianne, the princess of the Dominion who is sitting next to me inside the carriage.
Princess Marianne. We are about to arrive at the capital. I think that you are already aware but
Im fineIve prepared myself for this.
Marianne replied with a firm voice.
However, her face is pale.
She probably understands what it means for a Dominions royalty to enter the Imperial Capital.
The Empire has a deep grudge against the Dominion. The Crown Prince was like a son to the people of the Empire and they me the Dominion for killing him.
If the Crown Prince was alive, the future of the Empire would have been secured. This session war would not have happened in the first ce and we would not be open for the other countries to attack like this.
Its all because of the Dominion.
That deep grudge will surely be directed at Marianne.
Thats what it means for her to enter the Imperial Capital.
.if its hard then we can circle around and enter from another gate.
I am a princess who sold out her country.I have the responsibility to ept everything.
Thats a good resolve.
I wonder if I can do the same if I am in her shoes.
Her resolve is worthy of praise. After all, Marianne shared no me in it. She was only a princess.
Three years ago, Marianne was held hostage in the United Kingdom. Even if she had the power to stop them, she was simply not there. And yet she still wants to take on all the responsibility of that herself.
I dont want to subject her to too much bad experience.
However, if the person herself already made up her resolve then it would be wrong of me to give her extra care.
Eventually, Marianne will be exposed to the grudge of our people. Even if she runs away here, the chain of grudges will still bind her.
It is an unnecessary worry on my part then. Its a relief though.
Thank you. Prince Arnold.
Marianne thanks me while lowering her head.
I couldnt help but notice that her hands were slightly shaking.
However, I cant do anything about it.
The only thing I can do for her is to stay by her side.
When I was thinking so far, the carriage stopped.
What happened?
Elna who should have been leading our convoy came to me in a hurry.
I got off the carriage and went to see what was going on.
The main gate of the Imperial Capital is in front of us.
A crowd was standing in front of the main gate.
The number is more than a few hundred.
It seems that the city guards are trying to disband them but the protestors do not show any sign ofplying at all.
THATS RIGHT! DONT FORGET OUR GRUDGE! the grudge is this deep-rooted huh.
I mutter so and think about what to do.
It is not difficult to force them to disband using the Imperial Knights.
However, that will not serve as a solution.
If too many people wanted Mariannes head then even Father can not ignore them.
Father may not have the intention to execute Marianne himself but this development can very well lead to that.
If I can not at least calm these people down then Mariannes life will be in danger.
What do you want to do? Should we use the back gate?
If we just run away in front of them then they will only get angrier. No.whatever we do, they will still be angry.
There is no option left.
No matter how much she apologizes, the people will not forgive the Dominion. They will take it out on Marianne until they are satisfied.
The Crown Princes death is only an excuse. They want to lynch her only because they have the justification to do so.
Peoples nature is just cruel.
We have no choice. I will talk them down.
You think you can reason with them!?
No, but if I dont do this then we cant get anything starts.
We are here under the directmand of His Majesty! Lets just force our way through!
That wont solve anything.
Theres no solving this! No matter what you do, the grudge from three years ago will never disappear!
Even if it wont disappear I still have to do something about it. I am the Crown Princes younger brother after all.
Saying so, I shook off Elnas restraint and tried to head to the crowd gathering at the main gate.
At that time, a loud voice suddenly echoed throughout the Imperial Capital.
[[This is the Fourth Prince, Traugott Lakes Adler.]]
It was a voice amplified by magic.
He is probably at the castle.
This is unusual. Trau-niisan rarely does something like this.
Thats why I stopped my legs.
Lets leave it to Trau-niisan.
Will it be fine?
If that person gets serious then theres no problem.
Saying so, I head back to the carriage.
In the meantime, Trau-niisan continues to talk.
[[Currently, Princess Marianne of the Dominion is approaching the Imperial Capital. I am aware that many of you are not convinced of letting her into our city.]]
Among the Imperial Family, Trau-niisan is a special case.
He is the direct younger brother of the deceased Crown Prince.
The only child the Empress has left.
On the matter involving the Crown Prince, no one is more convincing than him.
[[Thats why-I am going to announce my stance. The Dominion indeed killed my brother, thete Crown Prince Wilhelm and the Empire has been surrounded by dark clouds ever since. This fact will never change. There were times when we were subjected to many painful experiences because of that as well. If my brother is still here, this would never have happened. I have repeated that same thought countless time myself]]
His words are sincere.
And because of that sincerity, the people listen.
[Even so, the Empire has recovered. There have been too many problems to count but we resolved all of them. This is the Empires way. Even if we are overwhelmed by difficulties, we always rise up and ovee them. That is the kind of country we have. That is whyI overcame my grudge. I shall dere here as the Crown Princes younger brother. I will cease ming what happened to my brother on the Dominion. As his younger brother, I understood him well. He was not the kind of person that would want two countries to antagonize each other over his death. He was that kind of person. That is why I am going to resolving this issue myself.]]
This matter is a nationwide issue but essentially, it is the Imperial Familys.
And the person who is at the core of the issue is dering that he is going to resolve it himself.
This is an important event.
After all, it is an issue where no one dares to touch.
[[There was sadness. Of course, I have my regret as well. Even so, we must look forward. Eventually, the sun will rise again. Even if my brother is no longer with us, a new sun will shine upon the Empire. Do not keep your head down forever! My brother is someone of the past! Look ahead! People of the Empire! Everyone who admired my brother should know whether to me or to give praise to a princess who abandoned her country to save her people! Proud Citizens of the EmpireI believe that you will not depreciate your own value like that.]]
Trau-niisan is good at making speeches.
Because he always says what he thinks, his words continue to touch peoples hearts.
[[Still, I know that there will be some of you who want to put me on the princess. I have no intention to lecture you over how you want to process your personal grudge. I will not stop you. But I will not forgive anyone who uses my brothers death as their excuse. From now on, the act of using his death as a justification to hurt the people of the Dominion will be equivalent to insulting myte brother. Even if that person is the Emperor himself, this Traugott will never forgive that. Thats why..Lets smile and wee her, our neighbors gentle princess.]]
Trau-niisans voice disappeared.
The people in front of the main gate who had been screaming also lost their momentum.
Their justification is gone. They have no reason left to be there.
There will be parents whose children have been killed in the Dominion or the friends of those who have been killed.
However, unfortunately, the number of the Dominions people that the Imperial Army had killed is way past that.
It was a war. Anything involving that is surely saddening.
It was such resentment and anger that caused a war in the first ce. Marianne has nothing to do with that.
Thats why only a few people still curse at Marianne.
It would help if hes always like that though.
Who are you talking about?
I got into the carriage and muttered so.
It was Marianne who I sat next to that asked me that question while casting her eyes down.
My proud elder brother.
When I answered her, the carriage started moving again.
The crowd in front of the main gate gradually started to disband.
Once the main gate was opened, we entered the capital.
At that moment, cheers rose around us.
Looking outside, I see a lot of people lining up along the street.
Innumerable flower petals were scattered into the air, a weing mood.
So? What do you think of the Empire?
I is a wonderful country
Next to me, Marianne covers her face as she sheds her tears.
I decided not to look and direct my eyes to the people waving at us instead.
My mood is not so bad right now.