Chapter 567
Chapter 567: Maritime Exercises
"Begin preparation for the Raiteiunch."
"Prepare for the Raiteiunch! Connect with each ship!"
At sea, I was sitting in the chair provided on the gship Alphonse.
As I gave the instruction, the captain ordered the entire crew.
With the gship Alphonse at the center, escort ships began to connect one by one, first to the right, then the left, then to the rear on both sides.
To counteract the recoil of the Raitei, after connecting, the escort ships dropped anchor to prepare for the recoil.
"Connectionplete! The magic supply to the Raitei is also sufficient!"
"Raitei Is ready tounch! All hands prepare forunch!"
The captain looked at me.
I was to give the order tounch.
I nodded quietly and gave themand.
"Launching Raitei!!"
Along with the captain''smand, the Raitei... did notunch.
The magic reactor is not a device that generates magic power on its own. It merely stores magic power. Once fired, it takes days to recharge.
Also, the barrel of the Raitei requires maintenance after each firing.
We can''t fire it for real each time during exercises.
We move as if we had fired it.
"Raitei hit the enemy fleet! There was significant damage!"
"Disconnect. Alphonse moves forward. Escort ships,unch your aerial forces as soon as possible."
"Understood! Disconnecting! Alphonse will move forward now!"
We disconnect from the escort ships and the Alphonse begins to move forward.
Meanwhile, the Sixth Imperial Knight Order began to rise into the sky one after another from the escort ships.
"The fourth ship''sunch has been interrupted..."
Looking at the escort ship to the rear left, it seemed there was trouble, and the Skyhawks were not rising into the sky.
Seeing this, the third ship, located to the rear right, also stoppedunching its Skyhawks.
The captain gave me a quick nce.
He probably shares my thoughts.
"Alphonse will move forward. Instruct the Skyhawk unit in the sky to attack the enemy fleet. The enemy fleet is disoriented by Raitei. We strike while we can."
"Understood! Full speed ahead!"
Leaving the halted escort ships behind, Alphonse moves forward.
The Skyhawk units waiting in the sky understand the intent and begin to ascend and move forward to attack the enemy fleet.
This is the flow of events.
"How did it go? Your Excellency?"
"Return to the port. It''s a waste to continue in this state."
"Understood! We''re turning back to the port!"
The exercise ended, and the Alphonse and four escort ships returned to the port.
The Skyhawk unit of the Sixth Imperial Knight Order joined us yesterday.
However, due to theck of time, exercises started immediately on the newly refurbished, yet nameless, escort ships.
Perhaps due to the unfamiliarity of being on the ship, the Skyhawks were restless, and the crew struggled with the unfamiliar task ofunching the Skyhawks from the ship.
But it''s already the second day.
It can''t be chalked up to unfamiliarity anymore.
"What happened?"
"Yes! The Skyhawks wouldn''t listen, we couldn''tunch them into the sky, and we fell behind."
The captain of the fourth ship, where the initial trouble had urred, answers my question at the port.
"What is the contingency n in such a situation?"
"We return the reluctant Skyhawk back inside and prepare another Skyhawk forunch."
"Could you do that?"
"We were instructed to do so, but I wouldn''t say we were able to do it. We need to modify the ship''s structure to allow for smoother swaps. We also think it''s necessary to devise ways to minimize shaking during takeoff."
"Very well."
He understands his failures and knows what is needed.
Skyhawks are living creatures.
It is required of the captain of the escort ship to strive to allow the Skyhawks tounch with as little stress as possible.
The captain of the fourth ship seems to understand this.
"Then let me ask, why did the third ship stopunching?"
"Yes! Because the fourth ship couldn''t get the Skyhawks up, I thought we might start over from the beginning. I thought it would be wasteful to tire out the Skyhawks with unnecessaryunches."
"Do you think there are do-overs on the battlefield?"
Facing the captain of the third ship, who seemed to suggest that he had made the correct decision, I stared him down. Clearly, he hadn''t expected to be put on the spot.
He straightened his back.
"I... I apologize!!"
"This is a military exercise. It''s not a y where we get apuse forunching Skyhawks all together. Without instructions from us, there should be no stoppage. The enemy is right before us, the gship is in the middle of operations. Your job is to get the Skyhawks up at full speed and provide support to the gship. Will you stop even in real battles if there is an issue with the adjacent ship?"
"N-no... I apologize!"
"Apologies are unnecessary. Giresburger!!"
I called out loudly to the Minister of Marine Affairs Giresburger who was standing nearby.
He probably knew he would be next.
He came and stood before me with a resigned look on his face.
"Yes! Right here!"
"Weren''t you instructed to prepare the best captains? Is a captain who unterally suspends an exercise among the best? If so, I may have greatly misunderstood. It seems I may need to give up on centering strategies around the Imperial Navy."
"I apologize, Your Excellency! It''s all my responsibility!"
"If you''re going to talk about responsibility, do your job. Prepare another captain. A captain who can quickly understand the operations of the special escort ships and act correctly."
"I understand!"
The captain of the third ship, who had just been dismissed, was in shock.
He looked as if he didn''t understand why such a thing was happening, but we can''t trust an escort ship to someone who can''t handle such things.
"Since you don''t seem to understand, let me exin. The ship you are on is not a failure or defective product. It''s a special ship that carries precious Skyhawks and houses Imperial Knights. Even a minor mistake in judgment can lead to defeat, it''s that kind of ship. It cannot be entrusted to someone who is not prepared."
After exining the reasons, I started to walk.
My destination was Kuber, who was listening to improvement ns from the Sixth Imperial Knights.
"Yes, yes, I understand. We''ll make improvements as soon as possible. Ah, about erging the hatches, we''re currently working on it."
"Kuber! Having only one hatch for the Skyhawks to take off from inside the ship takes too much time and it doesn''t function if there''s a problem. Without reducing the ship''s durability, make it two."
"Two!? Your Highness!? For all four ships!?"
"You made them. Take responsibility and make them usable."
"A-ah, Your Highness... I''ve been...cking sleeptely..."
"The Sixth Imperial Knights haven''t been sleeping properly either. It''s important for them to get used to it, but it''s also important to make it morefortable. You''re the Minister of Technology, do your job."
" Yes"
Kuber responded to my demands with a soulless expression.
Watching me, the crew of the escort ships stood rigidly, looking tense.
They didn''t know when my wrath might descend upon them.
"He''s like a demon."
"Are you scared, Captain?"
"I''m not really scared. I have confidence in myself."
Captain of Alphonse approached me and spoke in a low voice.
He probably understands that I''m intentionally being tough to keep everyone on their toes.
Although I''m being respected as a temporary marshal, there''s an atmosphere of contempt around me. As if they think I''m just a prince who got lucky.
I can''t fight with such an atmosphere.
That''s why I had to be harsh to everyone to break this atmosphere.
It''s probably more urate to say that I don''t have the luxury to be lenient.
We can''t set sail if they''re not up to par.
"The crew of Alphonse are all elite. Is it too much to ask for the same level?"
"It''s tough, but we have no choice. It''s necessary."
"That''s true. I''ll somehow make thempetent."
"Do we have time?"
"That depends on my brother."
The movements of thebined fleet change with the activities of Leo''s 150,000 troops.
If they''re just skirmishing around the border, we can''t provide support.
We need the royal army to push in before we can take our turn.
There''s a little grace period until then.
We have to get it done in that time.
"By the way, Captain, we need to name the escort ships soon. Do you have any suggestions?"
"I''m at a loss if you ask me. Wouldn''t it be better for Your Excellency to name them as you wish?"
"Then how about Johannes?"
"I''d prefer you didn''t..."
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