My Pov again
The tenth day of the eighth month, Augustus, exactly two months after the start of the academy. Me and my friends set off to kill some insects.
"Alright let us do some briefing!"
"Here are all the locations of all the temples, and I already assigned your locations based on what you guys wanted. So the list goes like this:
Twelve - only the army here
Eleven Temple - ir and Mckenzie (with the prepared Army)
Tenth temple - Alya, Braiden, Vesta and Aaron (with the prepared Army)
Ninth temple - Arabe, Samael, Casper and Matilda (with the prepared Army)
Eight Temple - Niko and Agnes (with the prepared Army)
Seventh temple - only the prepared army will attack
The sixth temple - already abandoned but will be investigated
Fifth temple - only the prepared army will attack
Fourth temple - only the prepared army will attack
The third temple - only the prepared army will attack
Second temple - Jillian and Keith (with the prepared Army)
First temple - Alicia and Apollo (with the prepared Army)
That''s all, do you guys want to change the set-up?"
"No," they said in unison.
"Okay, since everything is settled we should head out now"
I said which everyone answered with a nod.
It was saturday so no sses, with clear nice weather we began to walk.
"Man, what a perfect day to kill someone"
"We are heading out now!"
Mckenzie happily waves at the dormitory staff, telling them we are going for a night camp.
"Stay safe okay"
"Yes Miss Martha"
We went towards the old shrine and from there I prepared the teleportation circle.
So, are you all wondering how I will bring an army?
Simple I''ll teleport them.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Ready!" they all simultaneously said making my heart skip a beat.
"Commence teleportation!"
Our figures disappear as we get transported towards our assigned destination.
Before we get to the good part shall I exin how we could teleport there?
For a couple of days, I have sent a massive amount of insect spies. Though I call it massive it is still within its natural amount, that can be found in the forest in which the temple is located.
Using those insects, I was able to create a two-way teleportation circle which I learned from scroll-making.
So in summary I made the monastery temples a massive magical scroll. I didn''t just put one spell, I put many.
Then as soon as we arrived at our own respective location, the hunt was set to start.
"Let us start"
I move my hand and from the sky, an army of ck metallic knights emerge.
The first temple was immediately turned upside down.
"Let''s keep going" I pour my mana into a spell and my will soon manifested.
My body suddenly began to blur until my shadow multiplied.
"No matter how much I see this spell, it is still scary"
Alicia said while observing me.
From a single boy, it turned into an army, but I wasn''t done yet.
My body is soon enveloped by a dark matter until it turns into armor.
One hundred demonized me soon flew up joining the rally of mechanized knights.
"Prepare to attack!"
Imanded and all the knights whose bodies were d with shields moved to take out a cannon. Their shield was there because they were being attacked but since I was there, time to attack.
A rain of white pirs turns into dazzling lights as it descends from the sky.
"What are you doing attack!"
"Put on a barrier!"
"How did they get inside?"
"I don''t know?"
"Just put the damn shield already!"
"Sir the shield doesn''t work!"
With their protection being a collective set of magical barriers of hundreds of mages, the pdin started to make a move wanting to destroy the mechanized knights.
However, I won''t let it happen.
With me being multiplied into one hundred it was fun to test a fusion spell.
Apollo is teleported inside the enemy line causing them to look at him warily.
"It''s a devil!"
"How did hee here!"
"Attack now!"
The pdin and mages began to prepare but before they could even get closer a ck-tainted mass started to spread out.
"Don''t get closer it''s deadly!"
My demonized form has all my demonic skills from demonification and it also retains my other human skills.
The other Apollos alsonded perfectly beside the charging pdins. As soon as theynded they didn''t hesitate to attack.
Lightning crackled as Apollo bathed himself in a sea of electricity.
"Thunder aura, positive lightning"
The sky darkens while the ground is bathed with light.
From the sky was an army of robotic knights firing hundreds of canons every second. While on thend were a hundred demons using various skills to dominate the battle.
"Formation everyone listen to me!"
"Pull back and wait for mymand why are you attacking recklessly!"
"I''ll run instead of getting to fight this monster!"
"Hurry run to the bishops!"
[Notification Alert the skill Oppressor is currently in effect!
The opponent''s ability to think is limited by 50%!
The opponent''s morale is down to 70%!]
A single thought emerges despite having hundreds of bodies.
The spell Clonis took effect resulting in a multiple Apollo. It wasn''t a typical type of cloning spell or doppelganger spell, because it was Apollo.
All of the one hundred him was him, thoughts, knowledge even memories they all have it.
[Iing trouble Creator the upper echelon is finally here!]
Lightning spark because fifty ck demonized people were d in blue lighting.
A massive amount of electricity coarse through thend and air causing the temperature to rise significantly.
"Fusion magic, Wrath of the thunder God!"
An amount of electricity that can swallow a mansion soon hurls away towards the enemy.
And with a speed that is a third of the speed of light, the spell went straight at the bishops.
While the air became the conductor of heat it caused a loud booming sound increasing the nervousness of his enemy.
"Fifth gospel"
A clear and passionate voice soon entered the boy''s ear making the other fifty Apollo cast a spell. They began to chant.
"Third gospel of the holy book. Don''t do to others what you don''t want to be done to you"
The world felt like crushing down when they heard such a spell.
"How can that thing a cast such spell"
"Could he be one of us?"
However, despite their panic expression they soon calm down.
"That wasmendable," another Apollo said while lifting his staff.
"Now then let me use more spells"
Inside the Eleventh Temple, a group of pdins were quietly sleeping together.
However, their rest halted when a massive blood lust got them.
"Ah, you noticed me immediately, I knew you werepetent"
The pdins look at me vignt while drawing their swords.
"Well sorry the fight isn''t really between you and me"
A loud massive sound of marching erupted then the boy continued to speak.
"Well you see these guys are the ones who will fight"
Right behind Mckenzie was an army of mechanized soldiers while one hundred demonized knights were already behind him.
Gelo''s Pov
I keep on thinking where did this tragedy start?
To begin with, I wasn''t meant to be included in this bloodshed.
However fate was cruel, they add me to this mess without asking for my damn opinion.
Three years ago on the third month of the year, I found a group of people in the woods. All with injuries that seem capable of taking their lives.
I was an orphaned boy taken by the young baron of a little city located at the west of the Neron Kingdom, a ce which is under the empire.
"Master look!"
The young me didn''t know, I just pointed my finger towards a group of injured people.
Maybe that horrible event wouldn''t have happened if I hadn''t let them in. If I turned a blind eye and pretended I didn''t see their weakened body and ran away from seeing them. Would everything change?
Will my family return?
The answer that kept popping into my head was.
In the end, we will get swept in the mighty struggle for power. The five seals hold a monster, that is what my master told me, so if they gather all the five it''s the end game.
"Master, I saw people in the woods!"
"Gelo stop running like that I keep telling you not to get close to the forest"
"But master look!"
Grego Delvin the young baron of Devin district looks at the little boy in front of him. The city of Mckenzie was one of the small cities his territory had.
The Delvin district has two cities and three small viges under its territory, and the young man Grego manages this fief.
"Come master you gotta see this!"
"Gelo if we keep doing this the scheduled days for patrolling the territories might dyed"
"Come on master!"
As we arrived we saw five people all covered with life-threatening wounds.
"This is!?"
The me back then thought the reason why you looked so worried when you saw these people was because they were hurt. It turns out you saw the insignia pin on the boy''s chests making your expression panic.
That day was the starting point of a long journey for me.
"Hey! My name is Gelo Mckenzie a resident of this city! What''s your name? Where are you from? Why are you injured? Did you get attacked by some monster?"
However, instead of answering the boy in front of me looked ragged and scared.
"Please just hand me over" he cried to me desperately.