The other lower ss student''s situation while Apollo takes his exam.
Axel and ir shouted while being chased by a horde of demonic beasts.
"You two are too slow!"
A mischievous voice said however the two boys just said "Shut up!"
The owner of the voice justughed whilefortably sitting on her magical beast mount.
"Princess, how about letting the twins get on the mount they might die?"
"Don''t worry general they will be fine, after all the twin des of our kingdom won''t fall easily"
Said the girl whose hair is simr to the flower that blooms during spring. Her eyes looked calm despite the roaming danger and her face was as beautiful as her name.
"Princess Sakura please we will die at this rate!"
Mckenzie shouted while dodging some attacks from the beast behind him.
"Oh my Riku it seems you are getting a bit out of character today"
"That''s because I am not Riku!"
Mckenzie thought upon hearing the princess''s words, he wanted to scream at her but he just couldn''t do it.
"Never mind forget what I said"
"That''s right my dear soldiers please keep running until we arrive at the fortress"
While Mckenzie and the princess bicker ir remains silent since he is trying to remain focused while running.
Upon entering the examination building Mckenzie and ir found themselves inside a strange kingdom called the Fallen Sun. The people they possess are the so-called twin des of the kingdom, Yuki and Riku. At first, the two were d to find out it was an extremely well-known character since they put great emphasis on the twins when tackling their integral part during the war.
However, they never knew that the beautiful and charismatic princess who fought alongside them was a sadistic woman.
"If you two don''t run fast you will be eaten alive"
"Can''t you a shut up!"
"I can''t believe the only part of the book that got correct is the general, other than that nothing is getting right, especially that bitchy princess is getting on my nerves!"
Mckenzie thought again while grabbing his de to sh another enemy.
Overall they experience no hardship as the fortress of the Fallen Sun kingdom can move and fly around the sky.
(Congrattions forpleting one of the topics of Lesson One: Age of Extinction)
It was really fortunate that they tackled a very specific part of history, if not they wouldn''t have been able to travel and sessfully find the central part of the continent.
The first lesson they had in history was the Age of Extinction, at this part a strange phenomenon happened that made all the magical beasts in the eastern part of the continent corrupted. After that corruption, all the kingdoms in that part of the continent fled until the entire continent was infested with demons.
That was how the Age of Extinction started and ended, and the moment Riku and Yuki met the five pirs that is already the middle part of the Age of Heroes.
Continue reading at mvl
Casper and Samael looked at their two friends wondering what was going on.
"Are we at a wedding?"
"Yeah and is it just me or am I seeing Matilda and Arabe getting married"
"No I don''t think you are hallucinating Casper I do see them in front of the altar!"
While the two confusingly looked at their surroundings Arabe and Matilda were no different, both were excessively confused since thest thing they remembered was taking their exam. Now they stood in front of many people and were about to get married.
"What''s going on?"
"I don''t know I just got here"
While the two panics not knowing what they should do, Casper and Samael try to identify which part of the easter continent is this.
"Seeing this architecture we should be at the Kingdom of Yi"
Samael concluded then he switched back to his two friends that is about to get married.
"I am guessing that''s Yeon and Hye"
"Ah you mean the girl who disguised as her deceased brother?"
"Yes it should be her"
"If it''s those two girl''s story then.."
Casper looks at the ceiling remembering one of the lines in their lesson.
~As the bride and groom proceed to the wedding, an eerie presence suddenlyes. A breath of deathes that kills anyone, while eyes that pierces you the moment its gaze locks on you. A day that was supposed to be a blessing turned into a nightmare~
Both Casper and Samael look up and soon a shadow has cast the sun.
"Here ites"
Samael calmly said before storming off towards his two friends. While he approaches Matilda and Arabe, Casper is about to fulfil his character role.
He breathes then fixes his poster then it happens.
Yup, Samael and Casper''s roles are extra, they were the unnamed servants that saved the couple on their tragic wedding.
"We better go,dies"
"It''s good to see we are not the only one here"
Matilda smiled while Arabe took a sword from one of the fallen guards.
"We should be able to use this," she said while taking two more swords for all of them.
"Let''s go people we better move!"
Casper warned while being chased by dozens of demonic beasts.
"Sorry people but the wedding is officially cancelled"
Arabe removed her essory before storming off with her friends.
"Hey, I found horses!"
Like ir and Mckenzie, the four manage to fulfil the task they need to do, they all manage to flee and request help from the king. This event will lead the kingdom to head towards the other side of the continent where they will meet the five pirs. And that shall be the end of the Age of Extinction and the start of the Age of Heroes.
Then at the end of the Age of Heroes, the devils joined the battle since they had been affected by the massive breakout.
(Congrattions Students!
You have passed the second part of the Exam!
Wee to the third part
Lesson 3: The Treaty of the Abyss]
All lower-ss students open their eyes when they realize they are transported to a different room.
"Sir Riku"
"Sir Yuki"
"Wee to the Raven Castle"
A man spoke startling Mckenzie while ir was just the same.
"Where are we now?"
Mckenzie spoke while ir looked around the room.
"Based on the architecture and the name the man just said we should be in the Dark Continent"
"So it means"
"Yeah we are at the Raven Castle where the five pirs and the other heroes came to organize a treaty between the devils"
This part of History was when the demons were finally eradicated and humans were trying to reestablish their cities and kingdoms. Julius at that time was supposed to be the king of the kingdom of Celestio and not an empire. So for the peace of both sides, they decided to send their leaders and settle an agreement for the future. So that no war or disagreement can ever appear in both races.
"Good evening heroes"
Another man suddenly spoke and began guiding Mckenzie and ir inside the halls of the castle.
"I wonder who else is here?"
"Probably the other heroes?"
The two began to talk before a shadow made them halt.
"Wait is that!"
The two eximed and saw their four friends Matilda, Arabe, Casper and Samael. All four of them wearing their kingdom''s respective armor.
"Wait it''s you guys!"
Samael and Casper hurriedly approached Mckenzie and ir while Matilda and Arabe stood where they were.
"It''s good to see you guys!"
"How did your test go? Was it hard?"
"Hey guess what Ara and Matilda almost got married"
"Wait seriously?"
"That''s hrious"
At first, the twodies don''t want to get involved in their useless chatter but hearing their names the two are forced to seriously speak with them.
"Were the human heroes always act this way?"
The two guides thought while seeing the six argue.
"The halls are really noisy today"
The six stopped their useless chatter when a familiar voice made them stop.
"Niko, Agnes!"
Mckenzie calls out only to be smacked by Matilda.
"Remember we are not really ourselves, so you should refrain from calling our real names" she told him.
"It''s okay calm down"
Niko said then made a bowing posture and added. "This humble warrior from the Kingdom of Farmosa greets the heroes"
"Wait so you are General Ming-Hao?" ir realized then he switched to Agnes and said "And I suppose you are Lieutenant Li-Hua?"
"Yes you hit the mark"
"So you two are together on the first and second part of the exam?"
Arabe asked while holding Mckenzie on the cor.
"No actually... "
Agnes''s words were cut off when four more people came.
Wearing iron helmets and armors which are made from magical beast leather fabric and reinforced metal tes. Then resting on their back and waist are bows, swords and crossbows.
Alya, Braiden, Vesta and Aaron revealed themselves looking good on their armor.