"Your brother Eros Lionheart is making a move against you"
"Is he now?"
"Don''t take it lightly, he has his own connections and people especially since the Duke recognizes him as his heir"
"I am well aware of them, ALL of them" I emphasized making my professor frown.
"What do you mean?"
"Sure my brother has his own connection but that is the same with me, and by using them I was able to find all of my brother''s precious people"
"Okay, so who are these connections do you have, can those people be trusted?" He kept inquiring, I could feel he wanted to hear something that could make him less worried, so I answered.
"All the mages of the tower are my connection" I replied and a smile I usually see appeared in front of me.
It was his usual smile that made us shiver since it was always the one he wore when giving us his torture training.
"Good" he coldly said despite looking excited about something.
"I will give you the information I got from those pirates and the ones I will get with the security"
He said before getting a small jet ne fit for one person.
"I''ll be back once I am done talking with the head of security"
"Oh, okay" I can only say before he flew away, it seems he is excited.
"Did he perhaps think I would make a move against my brother too?"
[Considering your personality yes, you might actually burn your brother alive]
"That''s actually a bit urate although I prefer a slow burn for my brother"
[And how will you achieve that Creator?]
"That is actually easy, my brother is not materialistic, he values people over any greater riches. So my aim is to take those people away from him, one by one"
[Do we have a lot on our list?]
"Nope, not really although I said that he values people he doesn''t really let anyone get too close to him. In the end, we are down to the three people he loved and valued the most. His teacher, Edmund Tower, his aid and right hand, Liam Tenor, and finally.."
Unknowingly a smirk began to form on my lips as I said Eros Lionheart''s most beloved and most desired person.
"His fiance, Emilia Catarina Von Aileas, the beloved princess of the kingdom of Aileen"
I''ll be taking her as well and I''ll make sure he is there to see it, though that might take a long time since I haven''t taken a move yet.
[But I wonder why did he suddenly make such a move. If I am not mistaken he never taken interest in you]
"Ah, that? Probably because of what I did to his teacher. He must have known from him that I was already breaking the seal. After all every time I tore the seal''s stability a nerve-wreaking pain strikes his beloved teacher. A pain that is akin to thousands of burning needles breaking into your skin"
"What''s on your mind, Apollo?"
Alicia inquired when she noticed me looking at the sky where Professor Adolfo went.
"I was informed that my brother is trying to harm me"
"What do you n to do? This might reach the emperor''s ears, he will definitely stop this from escting"
"You are right, so can you make sure the emperor remains innocent about this"
"I will try but first talk to them they have been looking at you worriedly ever since you talk with the professor"
She told me while her eyes guided me towards our friends. And like what she just said they are indeed look worried. They must have noticed how serious the topic me and professor were talking about.
I said feeling bad since I didn''t want them to think that the Monastery was back again. They finally felt a bit free I don''t want them to feel oppressed again. So I need to cheer them up.
The journey became peaceful after that one chaotic hurdle and since we had plenty of time to fool around we decided to explore the newly modified ship. We went to the kitchen, to the dining hall, the pool area, the training hall and also to the yground. Then we got bored again and went to the control room and talked with the crew. It was entertaining until we arrived at a certain funny problem.
"So how are supposed to open this?"
While we remained curious the crew gave us a funny challenge. The challenge is to open a puzzle box made from wood. The body of the cube was covered with symbols and holes as if you needed a key to open it.
"It looks like a Rubik''s cube to me," Ages said while looking at the box in Niko''s hand.
"Maybe we should spin it then, give it a try Niks" Braiden suggested urging his friend to make a move.
"Okay, which direction should spin it?" Niko asked while positioning his fingers around the cube.
"Spin it to the left" Alya suggested which Niko immediately obeyed.
As he spun the cube I saw how it began to change and morphed into another type of puzzle.
"And what the hell is this?" Mckenzie blurted out after seeing a more confusing item. From a cube, it turns into a pyramid adding confusion to our ss.
"Go kids try to figure this one out" the crew teased us making meugh while my friends became raging volcanos wanting to break the puzzle.
However, while they try to figure it out a sudden violent shaking hit us. We stumbled a bit and some of us ended up rolling on the floor.
"What''s going on?"
"It''s okayds it''s just a simple air turbulence no need to panic"
The captain assured them.
"Wait where is the pyramid? " Niko questioned since he felt his hand was empty.
"Where did it go?"
"There!" Alya said making us follow her fingers.
"How can a pyramid roll on the floor?" Braiden questioned trying to reach the puzzle however as he did so the ship shook again.
"What the hell!"
I heard someone shout while Braiden and Niko began running after the rolling pyramid. Mckenzie joined in and despite the ship flying in an uneven way, they were still able to run after the puzzle.
"Hey quit running here!"
"Wait Mckenze listen to the captain!"
I said however it was toote with the ship shaking due to the air''s sudden change, Mckenzie identally bumped into one of the crew making him stumble on the control panel.
"Wait I think I pushed something I shouldn''t" he said while the captain looked at him worriedly.
"I didn''t right?"
However, the old sailor didn''t say anything and instead held onto the ship''s steering wheel. The engine started screaming while the floor shook for a different reason.
"Hold on tight"
I said as the power of the button took over, that button the crew pushed was actually the jet booster I added.
[Just why did you even put it in the first ce]
"I put it in case we got surrounded and we need a boost to break through"
[Yeah and now we might crash into the ships in front of us]
"Hang on tight!"
I heard the captain say while holding onto the steering wheel. And to my surprise, he was able to control the ship despite the speed it had.
"That''s one amazing drifting" I can''t help but say while my feet remain stuck on the floor while my friends desperately search for something to hold onto.
Our aerial ship pierced through the clouds while leaving a trail of white clouds.
"Just what the hell are those kids doing?"
Adolfo said as he saw the ship flow past the one he was in.
"Hey is that the flying vessel the lower ss is using?"
Asked a random student which made his ssmateugh.
"Nothing I just felt that our stay here might be entertaining"
"Isn''t the ship a bit fast?"
"Yeah it should be slowing down now"
Like what they notice instead of slowing down the ship storm and races towards the main campus.
"That didn''t go as we expected"
The youngest among them said though the professors panicked as they witnessed what happened.
Professors and security personnel of the academy stormed in to stop the ship before it could even crash. However, before they could even get closer its momentum slowed down until its speed became normal.
{Good day this is Captain Oswald Michiels of ck Sky, I apologize for the trouble we caused. Our crew just faced a minor engine difficulties. Rest assured that we already fixed that problem}
The captain spoke as the ship stirred back and went towards the runway.
{I repeat this is Captain Oswald Michiels of ck Sky, my passengers are the students of Aster Academy may we proceed tond?} he asked and to his delight, the runway opened and the flying ship finallynded with its passengers passed out due to shock.
"Everyone is alright right?" he asked turning back from the steering wheel and looking at his crew and passengers.
"I''m okay"
"Me too"
Said the two childish voices of a boy and a girl. One is with the hair as ck as night while the other is that of a setting sun.