Book 2: Chapter 2
<strong>Luke and Luna</strong>
Fr, friends!?
Yup, friends. Im Halt, third son of the House of Count Silveray. Would you be my friend?
Well, ahm, even if you tell me to be friends with an aristocrat that is
Oh, then Ill just report the matter of being called an idiot to Father.
Please do not do that! Oy, you shouldnt ckmail someone to be your paloops, pl, please pardon me!
Ohh, so youre okay with being friends, yes? And thats how you normally speak, right? Lets drop the formalities since were pals.
Ahh cant help this Yep, I get it. Im Luke, nice to meet yah.
Yeah, likewise.
When I reached out my hand, Luke rubbed his hand on his robe first before shaking mine.
Somehow, hes a really great guy who pays attention to details.
Ahm, excuse me I also want to get along with both of you.
Hesitatingly, the female student I helped earlier tried to converse with us, albeit a little shyly.
Of course, theres no reason to refuse.
You also want to be friends with us, right. Im Halt, and this is my best friend, Luke.
Oy, why are you the one introducing me!? And whats this about best friends!?
I just got to know Lukes name but I dunno why, I called him my best friend. Our interactions were amusing, so I guess it slipped.
Being called that way, Luke looked flustered and embarrassed, but since theres no malicious intent in his words, theres no problem.
I am called Luna. Please take care of me.
Yeah, nice to meet you, too.
Hey, nice to meet you.
With this, I made two friends. If Tina were to hear about this, Im sure shed be extremely happy. Tinas worried whether I could make friends in school.
With that in mind, I headed to the entrance ceremony hall with Luke and Luna.
The entrance ceremony ended quite early.
With Luke and Luna in tow, I hurried towards the area of the school grounds where my house was supposedly built. I wanted to introduce them to Tina as soon as possible, so I walked hurriedly inrge strides.
Whoa, the Counts Residence is truly incredible. To be able to build a house on the school groundstheyre quite something.
And there is a maid, too. If Im not mistaken, not even parents can enter the school premises aside from the students.
Hehe, isnt it amazing?
I may sound like Im bragging, but Im getting anxious in my heart. Its because I cant find my house. Its supposed to be near this area ording to the map Tina gave me but
Hey, Halt, not sure about this, but is that your house?
In the direction Luke pointed to, there stood a mansionrge enough to amodate a few dozens students. Though its size was only 1/5 of the Silveray Mansion where I lived, it was a stately mansionplete with a gardepletely different from the buildings in the school premises.
The word [Silveray] was engraved on the gates.
I thought I would be given a small bungalow, something simr to what I had lived in my previous world. Even if it had many rooms, it would be approximately the size of two LDK (living room with a dining room-kitchen area).
Wow, the Count is marvelous!
Luna was stunned.
Im shocked, too.
Since theres nothing to be done about it even if we stand outside, I took Luke and Luna and headed to the mansion. I rang the bell at the gate, and Tina appeared from inside after a while.
Wee home, Halt-<em>sama</em>.
Im home, Tina.
Halt-<em>sama</em>, may I know who these people are?
Ah, Ill introduce them to you. Theyre new friends I made today. This is Luke, and shes Luna.
My name is Luke. Please take care of me.
It is nice to be your acquaintance. My name is Luna.
Wow, Halt-<em>sama</em>, you were able to make new friends. Congrattions!
Yeah, thanks! Well, since were already here, is it okay for Luke and Luna to join us for dinner?
Why, of course. I will prepare it immediately. Please enjoy yourselves in the living room.
When Tina went off to the kitchen, I realized I dont know where the living room is, so we walked through the mansion and checked out the rooms. Finally, when we found a room that looked like it would be the living room, we sat down. But Tina came right then and called us for dinner.
The mansion is too huge.
Since only Tina and I live in this mansion, there will definitely be rooms that will not be used, so I contemted suggesting that Luke and Luna live here.
The dinner Tina made was still as delicious as ever.
Luke and Luna look satisfied, too.
After dinner, Luke and Luna said they needed to return to their dormitories, so I promised them well to go to our ssrooms together. A lot of things happened, but it was a fulfilling first day in the academy of magic. Tomorrow, magic lessons willmence.
Im excited.
But prior to that event, there will be a ss announcement. I hope Ill be ssmates with Luke and Luna, if possible. After expressing that to Tina, she went out to go somewhere.
It took almost an hour before she returned, and even if I asked her where she went, she just smiled mysteriously and refused to answer.
The next morning, when I reached our meeting ce, Luke and Luna were already waiting.
Sorry Imte.
Nope, youre right on time.
Yes, I also just arrived.
Im relieved if thats the case. I hope well be in the same ss.
It might be difficult for all three of us to be together. There are 30 sses.
There are 300 students admitted this year. Since each ss has ten students, the number of sses became 30. It might really be hopeless for the three of us to be in the same ss.
Can Halt do something about this with the Counts influence?
Hmm, its impossible. Its just yesterday that we became friends. I didnt have enough time to prepare for that.
Yeah, thats possible.
Yes, thats true.
I think if I request Father, who spoils me and even built a stately mansion within the school premises just for me, he can probably tamper the sss roster.
But, as expected, nothing can be done since it was just yesterday. With that in mind, we headed to the bulletin board where the sses are posted.
Let me say the result.
All three of usnded in the same ss.
It seems like somebody erased the other students names and then rewrote oursall three of usright on top. I could read the name written previously.
One of the erased names suspiciously looked like Nard, that son of Baron Zordee, who was involved in the incident with Luna yesterday.
Ah, well, lets just leave the small details be.
I just need to be happy now since Im in the same ss with Luke and Luna.
For all three of us to be in the same ss You did use the Counts power after all, right?
I didnt do anything. Besides, why is it only our ss that doesnt have a homeroom teacher?
Oh, youre right. The other sses have their respective advisers written on the roster.
Its as if our sss homeroom teachers name had been erased.
I have a feeling that somethings going to happen.
But, theres no use thinking about it now.
Anyway, when the lesson starts, well know who our adviser is. Together with Luke and Luna, we walked towards the ssroom.