Chapter 190: Who Are You, Nokti?
Crow slipped his thumbs underneath the jaw of his mask and lifted the mask up. Noktis eyes grew wide, she stiffened and fell back on the cot. She couldnt help but stare at the impossible sitting in front of her.
Despite Crows calm, collected voice, his appearance was oddly youthful, almost effeminate, and child-like in nature. His hair fell loosely down to his shoulders in a bundle of silver strands, each lock ending with a single small curl. He had no facial hair, his soft brown skin was clear of any marks, not a single scar.
Anyone who saw Crow would wonder why he hid such a handsome, or rather, beautiful face underneath a mask. Yet it wasnt his hair nor his face that sent shivers down Noktis spine. It was his eyes, those overwhelming, staggering eyes. Underneath his long silver eyshesy something impossible, blots of all different colors shifted through his irises in an unforeseeable pattern of magnificence.
There was only one person, one being, who had such divine eyes. No one knew his face nor what he looked like, but they knew his eyes. Suddenly the mask in Crows hands made sense to her. Legends said that gods wore ebon masks to hide their divinity.
Noktis mouth felt dry, her tongue stiff. She tried speaking, but it barely came out as a mumble, C-ca
Caligo smiled, Hello, Nokti.
Noktis face paled. Her wide eyes kept ncing back and forth between his face and the skull-mask.
Ah, I see, Caligo raised the avian skull, This is more of a souvenir, really. You must be wondering why its color isnt ebon ck. The answer is simple, it''s a skull, they donte in different colors. Although, I suppose you must think of it as quite special. Ironically, while Im the only one typically not depicted with a mask, Im actually the only one who uses a mask.
Caligo shook his head, Artists and their interpretations, am I right?
Nokti opened her mouth, no coherent words came out.
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He nodded, Youre confused, understandable. Let me start over. I have many names, but you may simply call me Caligo, or Crow when out in public.
Nokti swallowed.
He pushed his chair aside and stood up, Thanks to extenuating circumstances, like a deal with an angry moon goddess and my boredom, I can kill two birds with one stone. In other words, today is your lucky day. Just for today, I am going to offer you a deal like no other, because I will tell you exactly what I want from you. And as a token of goodwill, Ill even take care of these nasty wounds.
Caligo took off his ck glove, revealing a long silver w on each finger. He ced his index finger right between Noktis corbones, at the base of her neck. She gasped a sharp breath, a deep cold rushed through her body. The pain biting at her throat and chest abruptly disappeared.
Caligo lifted his hand away and took a step back.
Nokti slowly sat up. There was no pain. She stood up on her own two feet, still, there was no pain. She unfurled the bandages around her neck, there were no bloodied wounds, not even a scratch. She gingerly touched her bandaged ribs, there was no pain either.
Nokti didnt need to remove the bandages around her chest to know that she had been healed. The truth was obvious. Crow had healed all her wounds in an instant, he had done the impossible. Which meant
She looked up at the man staring down at her with a curious gleam in his ever-changing eyes.
<em> This man is actually Caligo</em>.
Which meant
Nokti trembled in abject horror. Had he been testing her this entire time? She had insulted an ebon god straight to his face, multiple times. In fact, she even threatened to kill him.
Caligo sighed in contentment and smiled warmly, Ah, there it is, that sweet look of fear. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing such proud anger like yours crumble apart, that look ofplete despair is... <em>wonderful</em>.
Nokti whimpered in terror and backed into the corner of the tent. There was nowhere to run, she was doomed. Her legs buckled underneath her and she fell on her bottom. She gripped her bracelet tightly, the four talismans of the gods shook with her trembling.
Caligo sauntered over, reached down, and plucked the sword talisman from her bracelet, Oh, Nokti, Bellum doesnt care about you, if she even knew of your existence, she would probably kill you for being a disgrace.
He then plucked off the crescent talisman, Lunae actually does want to kill you, so I doubt youll find any haven there.
Lastly, he plucked off the star talisman, Stjerne abandoned the drow in favor of the humans, do you really think he cares what happens to a vampire?
Caligo crushed the three talismans in his palm and tossed away the crumbs.
Nokti broke down in tears, her voice taut in her throat, the reality of the situation finally settling in. The gods didnt care if she lived. She was insignificant, her life and death meant nothing to them. Her prayers didnt matter, because she didnt matter. She was going to die and nothing she did could stop it, nothing she did mattered.
Caligo crouched down in front of her and pointed at the final remaining talisman, a sliver of metal in the shape of an eye.
...I am the only one who sees you, Nokti. Not the facade you disy in front of others, but the one you so desperately try to hide, your true self. I am the only one who hears the prayers you whisper in the night as you curl into a ball under the nkets. I am the only one who hears you cry out for your parents in your nightmares on those dark nights. I know who you are because I am the only one who was ever truly looking at you.
Noktis cries grew quiet. She stared into his iridescent eyes, they were cold and unfathomable, yet she could see no lies within them. Suddenly, she felt a warmth blossom deep within her misery. This being, a <em>god</em>, actually <em>saw </em>her for who she was; Nokti, a simplemon-born vampire from a small tribe in Dusk Valley. He had singled her out from all the rest. Why?
Caligo stood up, This is my gift to you, a choice. Fortunately, you have been given a second chance at life, so the choice is simple. You can choose to walk out of this tent, grab a centaur, and run far away from the Cairn. Forget about this war and live your life. You need not worry about Marek Helene either, I will make certain we win this war, and when the timees you will be reunited with him, and spend the rest of your lives together until you both grow grey and old.
Nokti smiled hesitantly. The offer seemed pretty nice, all things considered. She hated this war and with Caligo by Mareks side, she knew Marek would be safe.
Caligo lifted a wed finger, Simply put, if you walk out of this tent right now, you will live out your peaceful mediocre existence to the fullest. And I will never deem to look at you again.
Noktis smile died on her lips. Caligo, the Mystery of the Realm, the god of the deep earth himself, would cease to look at her? She would cease to matter to a god? The only god who ever cared for her? And in return, she could live out an ordinary life, like any other mortal?
Or, Caligo lifted a second finger. You can ept my deal; Choose to stay by my side and witness the rebirth of not just Dusk Valley, but of the entire Ebon Realm itself. I will show you what this world can truly be and I will take your soul to heights you never dreamed possible. You will live a life far beyond that of any mortal and in death, you will have eternal bliss.
Noktis crimson eyes brightened with awe.
Caligo opened his hand wide, In exchange, all I ask from you, is, <em>you</em>.
...Huh? she mumbled.
He smirked, Its simple, I want <em>everything </em>that epasses your existence. I want your mind, your body, your love, your devotion, and when deathes for you I will take your soul as well. Some mortals might find that fate cruel, but then again, there are worse ways to live and die. It really depends on your point of view. Spend your life among the rabble or let your life be spent by a god, the choice is yours.
Caligo pped his hands together, Which leads us back to the only question that truly matters at this very moment. Who are you, Nokti? Are you Nokti the Brave? Nokti of the Cairn? Nokti the Powerful? Or are you the one who gave everything, including her soul, to a god?
She bit her lip, ...Could you not take my soul by force if you wanted to? Who am I to stop you?
Caligo clicked his tongue, Now where would be the fun in that? Your choice is what makes this interesting.
She looked away, unable to keep her gaze on those piercing eyes.
Caligo stepped aside and pointed at the tent p, The peaceful life you wanted is right outside there. Feel free to take it.
After a quiet moment, Nokti pushed herself to her feet. She rummaged in one of her wooden chests for a thick cloak and threw it over her shoulders to protect her eyes and skin from the morning sun. She then grabbed a few other basic items and stuffed them in a satchel, all the while making sure she didnt make eye contact with Caligo.
After a tense minute, she was ready to travel. She dragged her feet to the entrance. She stopped as she reached the tent p. Her shoulders trembled. Nokti took a deep shuddering breath.
How often was a mortal chosen by a god? Practically never.
Offerings to the gods weremon, even sacrifices werent <em>that </em>rare. It was considered an honor in most ces even. But for someone to spend their life with a god? That was unheard of.
How many times had she dreamed of being noticed by the gods, even a simple sign that they were listening, that they actually cared? When she was at deaths door she begged the gods to save her. She hoped Bellum would listen. To Noktis dismay, it seemed Bellum never cared about her, the goddess didnt even know her name.
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And now when Caligo himself came to her tent and saved her from death, she was going to run away?
Nokti kept her eyes on the ground. She dropped her satchel, threw off her cloak, and walked over to Caligo. She bent down on one knee and bowed her head.
Nokti licked her lips and swallowed nervously, ...I''d rather dedicate my life to a god that <em>sees</em> me, a god that chose a mortal like <em>me</em>, than live a hundred lives out there knowing that no god cares, that my life is ultimately meaningless.
Caligo lifted her chin, she met his gaze hesitantly.
There is no going back, Nokti. If you ept, the Cairn will no longer have a ce in your heart. Your life will be mine and mine alone.
...Will you be there?
Until you breathe yourst.
A single tear fell down her cheek, I will not fail you, my lord.
Are you certain?
I swear it, she nodded.
Prove it. Show me where your loyalties lie.
Tell me what I must do, she nodded.
He brushed away her tear, Marek has disobeyed mymand and caused irreparable damage in ways you cannot begin to fathom. He must pay for his actions. Tell me, are you fond of acting?
Nokti swallowed.
Marek sat on arge wooden throne, carved by several drow artisans from one of the valley tribes that had joined their cause. The sun had finally set. The summer solstice had ended, as had his sacred duties for the day. As chieftain of the Cairn, he had performed the sr rituals the entire morning and afternoon. Now he had a chance to celebrate the festivities with his people.
Most of the tribe was dancing, eating, and drinking merrily, simply enjoying the day. They had yet to find out about the battalion that had fallen inside the frost-mistst night. Marek decided it was best to break that news tomorrow.
For now, he spent his time wandering through the crowds of his people, simply enjoying the warm atmosphere. He spotted a familiar face standing at the corner of the festivities.
Nokti? Marek whispered.
Her eyes met his, she turned away and left. He frowned. He ran towards her, hisrge dire arms pushed aside anyone that stood in his path with ease.
Nokti, wait, where are you going!?
She stopped walking and looked at him.
He smiled wide, Youre standing on your own two feet, thats great! Did Vaughn manage to fully heal you?
Marek opened his arms and tried embracing her, but she stepped back. His smile froze as he noticed the grim expression on her face.
Nokti? Whats the matter?
...I came here to tell you that its over between us, she said curtly.
He frowned, W-wha? Uh I dont What are you saying exactly?
Dont worry, Marek. She will still serve as themanding general of the Cairn''s military forces. She simply wont be sharing your bed or anything else with you for that matter, Crow stepped out from behind a nearby tent.
Crow? What is the meaning of this? Marek asked suspiciously.
Isnt it obvious? I made a deal. Crow raised his arm.
Nokti stepped next to Crow without hesitation. He wrapped his arm and cloak around her and pulled her in close. She nestled her head between his neck and mask.
Marek snarled, Crow, you bastard! Nokti, what did he do to you? Get away from him!
Im sorry, Marek, Nokti said bitterly. Ive made my choice.
Why!? I dont understand! This isnt like you, Marek yelled.
...I will prove myself worthy, Nokti looked away.
Please, tell me, why are you doing this? Marek pleaded.
Crow patted her curved bum, Thatll be all for now, Nokti. You may go.
She nodded and left without another word.
Crow, what have you done? Marek clenched his fists.
I told you, Marek. Your actions have repercussions. I told you to listen to the twins while I was gone. You chose not to. These are the repercussions from your choice, he said coldly.
Marek grabbed Crow by his shirt and lifted him up, So, you think you can just make Nokti break up with me and feel her up? Is that it, you sick fuck?!
Crow grabbed Mareks wrist and squeezed. The warlord screamed in pain and fell to his knees as the bones in his wrist were shattered and crushed.
Crow released the mangled wrist and brushed off his shirt, I like you, Marek. I think you have the potential to rule all the valley tribes. But touch me again and I will not hesitate to disembowel you and find another to take your ce.
Marek red at him, <em>Bastard</em>.
Crow nodded, Youre angry, good. Well need that anger for the war. Oh, and by the way, I wont just touch Noktis ass. Im going to do all sorts of things with her beautiful body you never even thought possible. She will be the perfect toy to pass the time.
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Youll pay for this, you cold-hearted monster!
Crow chuckled, You have no idea, little man. Whenever you have any thoughts about disobeying me again, I want you to remember this moment. I want you to know you lost her because you <em>did not listen to me</em>.
Marek stared daggers into his back as Crow walked away.
Crow ignored him and nced up at the silver moon.
Are you satisfied, Lunae? muttered Caligo.