《Legend of Legends》 Prologue Prologue Trantor: - - Editor: - - [Wee. You are being summoned to the Valley of Death.] "Valley of Death?" Junhyuk Lee lifted his head and looked around. A sword and a shield were present. [You may exit using the main entrance.] Junhyuk was in an unexpected situation. To protect himself, he picked up the sword and the shield. As he passed the main entrance, he could hear another voice speaking. [Minion 00110230 deployed.] Junhyuk could see many people in front of him. They were dressed just like him. Everyone seemed unable to understand their current situation. "What is going on?" Chapter 1: Interview Day 1 Chapter 1: Interview Day 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - As he looked into a mirror, Junhyuk Lee took a deep breath and fixed his tie. "Whew, Junhyuk Lee. You will do well." As if he were about to hypnotize himself, he talked to his image and closed the closet door. He paced around his bedroom looking at how clean it was. Looking at his tidy room calmed him down. "OK." He felt like everything would work out just fine that day. Junhyuk put on his shiny, clean shoes and went out the door. On his way to the bus stop, he took out his smartphone. As he was listening to questions rted to hising interview, he saw a grocery store and walked toward it. When he saw the woman standing in front of the checkout counter, Junhyuk opened the door with gusto. Ding dong! "Wee," the woman said, bowing her head in response to the bell. She looked at Junhyuk and smiled. "You must be going to an interview." "Ha-ha-ha! That¡¯s about it. Do you have any banana milk?" "Yes." Junhyuk got two milk boxes and set them on the checkout counter. Soyeon Shin worked part-time at the grocery store. She stared at him and started to ring him up for the milk. Junhyuk handed her one of the boxes and said: "Have a nice day!" Soyeon smiled, showing deep dimples on her cheeks, and made a fist with one of her hands toward him. "Have a nice day!" "I will get the job for sure this time," he said as he left the grocery store. Soyeon watched him go and took out a straw, stabbing the milk box with it, and began to drink the milk. "This time everything will go well," Soyeon said. This was the fifth time she witnessed this situation, and he had failed to get the job every time before. As Soyeon drank her banana milk, she heard some news from the radio. "Today is Friday. In the past four months, there have been abnormal narcolepsy and massa cases on Fridays. As a precaution, you should limit trips outside to a minimum today. We will say it again. Today is Friday. In the past...." The newscast surprised her, and she whispered: "He won¡¯t take the bus, right?." At the bus stop, Junhyuk listened to possible job interview questions on his smartphone. As a bus approached, he put away his smartphone. Contrary to what he thought, there were not many people on this bus. Without hesitation, he sat right behind the driver. The seat was ufortable because it was directly above a wheel, but it was still a good spot for him to continue practicing for the interview. The doors closed. As the bus prepared to leave, someone knocked on the front door. It was an olddy. The bus door opened, and, as he watched her get on the bus, he stood up. "Please, sit here." The olddy looked around the bus and took the seat he offered. With the exception of Junhyuk, everyone around that seat looked old. The olddy took her seat without thanking him, but he paid no attention and stood beside her listening to his smartphone. While he focused on the bus leaving the stop, he could hear the radio: "Today is Friday. So far, abnormal narcolepsy and massa cases have taken ce on Fridays. Miss Gahee, how did youe to the studio today?" As the radio echoed the name Gahee, Junhyuk paid more attention. Ga Hee was his favorite actress. Despite her great looks, she wasn¡¯t very popr. However, she gained some poprity by going to radio shows. "Today is Friday, so I took the subway. Because of the incidents two months ago, the subway now has three drivers, so it must be safe." Junhyuk felt slightly worried by listening to her. It had to be worrying. Right now, he was riding a bus. Looking around, most passengers were very old. They didn¡¯t seem concerned about safety. "Every Friday, people are afflicted by abnormal narcolepsy. Patients numbers now exceed 6000, and, within an hour, those people fall under a groupa with numbers exceeding 100,000." Gahee¡¯s voice quivered a little. "I wish everyone would wake up safely." "Around the world, schrs are working to exin this phenomenon, so good news wille soon. Now, should we listen to today¡¯s episode?" Junhyuk took a deep breath. Abnormal narcolepsy made one fall asleep suddenly. It was different from normal narcolepsy in that while in the abnormal narcolepsy state, the person could not get hurt. For instance, if one experienced narcolepsy while driving, there would be an ident. However, even after idents, those afflicted by abnormal narcolepsy did not suffer any wounds. After that, they fell in aa and had yet to wake up. As they became afflicted by abnormal narcolepsy, the people were safe from the idents they caused, but those idents also caused many deaths. The biggest ident involved a ne. The pilot and copilot fell asleep and crashed into a hotel. Over 400 people died. Because of that, the world¡¯s attention focused on this matter. Until then, people just thought other people were falling asleep. However, since then, they had been able to discover many other things. One of the discoveries was that abnormal narcolepsy happened on Fridays. Most of the people who experienced it were under forty years old, and both males and females were included. The people who experienced narcolepsy could endure any physical shock. After just one hour, they would fall in aa, and their bodies would be normal again. Junhyuk tensed up and looked at the expression on the driver¡¯s face. The driver looked to be in his fifties, so he felt safe again and tried to concentrate on his smartphone. He listened to possible interview questions, but had already lost his focus. He sighed and went back to the radio broadcast. He could hear the Gahee¡¯s voice. "I wish you well on everything you do today. Have a nice day! I will be back on next week." Hearing her speak, Junhyuk felt as though his interview that day would go well, so put his smartphone in his pocket. The olddy who took his seat called for him: "Mister." "Yes, ma¡¯am." "Did this bus cross the yellowne?" She spoke, looking out the window. "What?" Junhyuk turned his head and looked straight ahead. At that moment, they were crossing the yellowne slowly. He quickly went over to the driver, who was already fast asleep. "Shit!" Abnormal narcolepsy was only supposed to affect those younger than 40. Junhyuk turned the steering wheel quickly and crossed over to the inside of the yellowne, but the driver was stepping on the elerator, and the distance with the car ahead was closing quickly. Junhyuk sounded the horn. Honk! At the sound of the horn, the car¡¯s window opened, and the driver gave him the middle finger. "Move over!" Despite his shouting, the car continued on straight. So, Junhyuk steered the wheel and tried to avoid it. However, the bus kept speeding up and hit the back bumper of the car, slightly. Bump! The man wasn¡¯t expecting to be hit, and put his mean-looking face outside the window and shouted: "THIS ASSHOLE! NOW, WHOSE CAR...." As he was about to curse some more, he saw the driver asleep and Junhyuk holding the wheel. At that sight, he became surprised and stopped cursing. Abnormal narcolepsy was already a worldwide issue. He knew all about it. "Move over!" The guy moved over and calmed himself. "Everything could have been fucked up!" Junhyuk took the steering wheel and shouted at the other passengers. "Please, help me!" "What¡¯s going on?" Most of the passengers were old, but one of them looked to be in his forties. He came over and started to p the driver. "Hey, wake up!" p, p! Even though he was being pped, the driver did not wake up. It was obviously a case of abnormal narcolepsy. Junhyuk refocused. "We have to step on the brake at once. Please, take the wheel." "OK." The guy took the wheel while Junhyuk pushed the driver¡¯s foot from the elerator, and, to step on the brake, he stretched his leg deep inside the panel. He was just barely able to step on the brake. Screeeeech! The speedometer was at 120km/h, but it was beginning to slow down. The speed came down, and the bus stopped. Junhyuk let out a deep sigh of relief. It had been a scary moment. Crash! A loud noise came from outside, through the bus windows. Junhyuk turned to look and became stiff. The driver of a car in the oppositene must¡¯ve also had abnormal narcolepsy. The car hit another car, and it was flying toward the bus. The car bounced off from the ground, and it was flying toward the driver¡¯s seat of the bus. Looking at all of this, Junhyuk felt time was passing slowly. He hastily pushed the guy who was holding the wheel to the side and realized there was no time for him to escape. The flying car was already at the window. At that moment, Junhyuk thought about the symptoms of abnormal narcolepsy. When one fell asleep, that person could withstand any physical shock. If he hadn¡¯t heard the radio a moment ago, he would not have remembered that fact. Junhyuk hid quickly behind the driver¡¯s seat. Then, the flying car from the oppositene hit the window. Crash! The window shattered into little shards, and, because of the impact, the bus shook from side to side. Hiding behind the driver¡¯s seat, Junhyuk felt the shock of the impact and became disoriented. In a stroke of luck, the flying car hit the window and bounced upward and went over the bus. If the car had broken through the window and struck the driver¡¯s seat, Junhyuk would surely have been dead. With all his might, Junhyuk pushed the driver¡¯s seat off himself and stood up. At that moment, he felt his head spin and staggered. He held onto a pole and was able to stand up. Looking behind him, everyone looked scared, but no one had died. The guy who had held the steering wheel did not look like he needed emergency care even though he was bleeding a little because of scratch from the broken ss. He seemed OK because Junhyuk had pushed him out of the way. "Is everyone OK?" "Young man, more importantly, are you OK?" "I am fine." The olddy who sat in his seat pulled out a handkerchief and said: "Your forehead is bleeding heavily." No wonder he was feeling dizzy! His body was in terrible shape. Junhyuk took the handkerchief from the olddy and applied pressure to his forehead. "Thank you." "Don¡¯t thank us! You saved us! We should thank you!" Junhyuk spoke through a smile:. "Anyway, we should take another bus. Why don¡¯t we get off first." Everyone got up from their seats carefully. Creeeaaak! Maybe it was because of the car¡¯s weight on the top of the bus, but the roof of the bus wasing down quickly. He could see an old man who got up from his seat awkwardly and was holding a bag. Junhyuk ran over to him, hugged him and rolled. Crash! The roof of the bus tore open, and the car that had been atop the bus crashed down, striking the seat from which the old man stood. Junhyuk let out a sigh of relief and the old man said: "Young man, are you okay?" "Yes, I am fine. Are you okay?" "Your leg." Junhyuk looked down at his leg and found his pants torn, and his left shin was cut open and bleeding. The old man pulled out a handkerchief and wrapped it around Junhyuk¡¯s shin. "I can do it." "In my younger days, I used to be a medic in the army. Rest easy." The old man wrapped it tight around the wound. "We are in a big trouble. How do we get off?" Junhyuk got up and took the emergency hammer to break open the windows. "Please, step aside. I will break open the window." "Young man, do you think you can do it?" When the car fell from the roof it split the bus into two parts, front and back. There were five people in the back. He decided to take those five out of the bus first, and then go to the front. "I can," Junhyuk whispered as if talking to himself and hit the window hard with the hammer in his hand. Chapter 2: Interview Day 2 Chapter 2: Interview Day 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk could find a way to get over the smashed window, but it would have been too much for the old people. He ran the hammer around the window frame to get rid of the shards sticking to it. After that, he took off his suit jacket and set it on the window frame and looked back. "I¡¯ll lift you. Please,e one by one." The old man who had wrapped the tourniquet* around Junhyuk leg took the lead. He was holding some pottery, but set it aside and went through the window. Junhyuk held the old man¡¯s hands, helping him get over the window. Suddenly, he could see a familiar face. It was the rough-looking guy who had pulled over just before. He was holding the old man¡¯s legs. "I¡¯ll help you. Hurry up!" "Thank you." While the guy took care of the old man, Junhyuk hurried to help the others. He helped four people through the window. Thest one was an olddy, and she faltered. "It will be tough." "I got you." "Still." Junhyuk looked at the hood of the car that crashed through the bus¡¯ roof and said: "It might explode." The grandma hesitated. Junhyuk went to her and lifted her arms to his shoulder. At that moment, the tourniquet on his left shin reddened with blood, but there was no time to think about it. Junhyuk was able to get the olddy outside. The rough-looking guy took the olddy and said: "It¡¯s leaking gas. Hurry up ande out!" "Just a moment." Junhyuk approached the car that fell through the bus. The driver who was having an abnormal narcolepsy episode satfortably in his seat, even though his car waspletely destroyed. He looked safe, so Junhyuk thought he would rescue the others. He walked past the wrecked car and went to the front of the bus. The people at the front weed him warmly. "Young man, the front door won¡¯t open." "I thought that would happen, so I brought a hammer." Junhyuk grinned and quickly approached a window, breaking it with the hammer. After that, he cleared the shards from the window and realized he had left his suit jacket behind. "Shit!" He was about to go back, but a leather jacket suddenly showed through the broken window. The rough-looking guy was smiling him. "Hurry and get them out!" Junhyuk got them all out of the bus. Only himself, the bus driver, and the driver of the car in middle of the bus remained. Junhyuk decided to rescue the bus driver first. He tried to unbuckle the bus driver¡¯s seat belt, but it seemed broken and didn¡¯te open. "So many problems!" He hit it with the hammer, and it came apart. Junhyuk pulled the bus driver toward him in a hurry. The unconscious driver¡¯s body was quite heavy. Junhyuk clenched his teeth and pulled harder. He barely made it to the window with the driver in his arms and, for a moment, he leaned on the bus to take a rest, breathing deeply. The tourniquet on his shin came a little loose. Junhyuk pushed the driver through the window and said: "Abnormal narcolepsy patient." "It¡¯s because he fell asleep that I almost died from an ident," even though he spoke roughly, the rough-looking guy did not stop helping out. Junhyuk gave him the bus driver and looked back. The only one left was the driver in the car who was obviously having an abnormal narcolepsy episode. The guy¡¯s car waspletely destroyed. Could he save him? "Hey! You should get out too!" Looking at the guy who was shouting outside, Junhyuk spoke sinctly*. "Let me check if I can get him out." Junhyuk approached and nced at the broken door. He wouldn¡¯t be able to open it, so he thought it over for a minute and looked at the half-broken windshield of the car and hit it with his shoulder. Creak! All he did was hit the ss, but the car slid. He could have been under the car when it slid. So, he gathered his breath and pulled the ss toward himself. At that moment, he almost cried. He did not feel it before, but his sides were hurting. He must¡¯ve broken one of his ribs. "You... are you a member of a rescue team?" Suddenly, Junhyuk could hear the voice of the rough-looking guy. "No, I am not." "Are you supposed to be some hero? I thought you were a rescuer. Step aside." The guy got a hold of the broken windshield and pulled it off in one go. Then, he unbuckled the driver and said: "Hey, I will pull him out. Are you going to be okay?" "I will hold the car for now." "Shit! Do you think that if you hold it, the car won¡¯t slide? The car weighs a lot! What do you mean you will hold it?" "I should try, anyway." Junhyuk ced his hands on the hood of the car and ced his shoulder underneath. Looking at him, the rough-looking guy shook his head and began pulling the driver out slowly. Creeaak! As the driver moved, the car made even more violent noises. The guy stopped for a moment, and then really pulled the driver out. Junhyuk felt more pressure on his shoulder. Fortunately, the car did not slide off all at once. The guy pulled the driver slowly and escaped. Junhyuk thought the situation was under control, and then the pressure surged. He felt as though his shoulder was ripped apart and jumped back. Crash! If Junhyuk had been just a momentte, he would have been squashed by the car. As he let out a sigh of relief, the guy shouted again. "Hey, the gas is leaking! Get out! Now!" "Right." Junhyuk went over to the broken window. He saw the old man¡¯s pottery and grabbed it and went through. As he touched the ground, his body absorbed all the impact, Junhyuk grimaced. He took his suit jacket from the window frame and held it against his chest. He walked away unsteadily. Then, he turned around, and he could see the rough-looking guy dragging the guy with abnormal narcolepsy. Junhyuk walked toward him and helped him out. As they pulled the driver out from the bus, there was an explosion in the back of the bus. Boom! The bus went flying as the car stuck in it exploded. Broken ss shards flew everywhere. Junhyuk felt the shock from the explosion and fell on the ground. He looked at the ming red bus and the car and let out a sigh of relief. He realized how precarious of a situation he had been in and, suddenly, he felt the pain from his ribs and shin. Junhyuk saw an old man walking toward him. It was the same old man who had wrapped the tourniquet around his shin. So, he gave the old man his pottery back. "I saved this." "Thank you." The old man took the pottery, and then there was a roar of pping. Junhyuk saw other cars parked, and people surrounding the area. The people were busy taking photos. Junhyuk looked around and groaned and got up. The rough-looking guy looked at him. "What¡¯s your name?" "Junhyuk Lee." The guy pulled out a business card and said: "I am Chulho Park." Junhyuk took the card and looked it over carefully. It said Chul Ho Capital. It seemed to be a private loanpany. Junhyuk ced the business card inside his pocket. "You have some guts. Do you want to work for me?" "I am going to a job interview today." "An interview? In your condition?" Junhyuk looked over himself and let out a deep sigh. "I should show up at least." Chulho shook his head and said: "Want a ride?" "No. In a day like today, I should take the subway." "You are right. Shit! I should not have driven on a Friday," Chulho sighed and said. "Then go ahead. I will stay here." "Thank you." idents caused by people under abnormal narcolepsy could be reimbursed by W.A.N.C.S. (World Abnormal Narcolepsy Countermeasure Structure). The idents themselves are caused by an irresistible force, and every ident is covered by insurance. Chulho looked at Junhyuk as he walked towards the subway. "You should collect the insurance money. Call meter." "I will do that." Junhyuk knew he had to treat his wounds, and for that he needed that insurance money. Chulho could be a witness to the case, so his medical treatment should not be an issue. He stepped inside the subways station, found a pharmacy and went inside. The pharmacist looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you OK?" Junhyuk smiled awkwardly and said: "No, I am not. I need peroxide and a tourniquet, please." The pharmacist looked at Junhyuk¡¯s wounds. "May I see the wounds?" "If you could, thank you." The pharmacist brought the peroxide and the tourniquet, and undid the old rag on Junhyuk¡¯s leg to examine him. "What in the world?!" The surprised pharmacist had a nametag on her chest. It said Jisun Jo. Junhyuk was about to say something, when she poured the peroxide on his wound. "Pharmacist, Ahhh!" Jisun looked at Junhyuk grabbing his own thigh and screaming. She put some gauze over the wound and pressed. "Be patient." "But..." He couldn¡¯t be patient even though he tried to be. He couldn¡¯t hold on to Jisun¡¯s shoulder, only to his own thigh. Jisun tapped on his leg lightly and said: "It¡¯s over." Junhyuk looked at his leg. The bandage was wrapped neatly. Looking at it, Junhyuk let out a sigh of relief and got up from his seat. "Thank you." "Don¡¯t mention it. Anyway, how did you get hurt?" "There was an ident involving someone under abnormal narcolepsy." "Were you at the ident right in front of this building?" "Yes." She smiled and said: "Take care of the receipt. The insurance will cover it." "Thank you." Junhyuk got his credit card. "How much is it?" "Wait a minute. I should bandage on your head." That¡¯s when he realized he had also opened his forehead. "I can do it." "Stay still. It¡¯s not often I look after wounds." She smiled ever so slightly, then poured peroxide on his forehead. "Ouch!" Junhyuk groaned from the hot pain. Jisun smiled at him as if she was enjoying this moment and looked over his wounds and said: "Luckily, the wound on the forehead is not so serious." Jisun ced a bandage on Junhyuk¡¯s wound. "This wound requires a hospital visit. You know that, right? This is only an emergency treatment." Junhyuk replied while she touched his forehead. "I know." She snatched the credit card from Junhyuk¡¯s hand. "The peroxide is two dors, and the tourniquet is three dors." "What about the bandage?" Jisun slid the card back and replied: "It¡¯s free of charge." "It¡¯s a good thing that I came here." Jisun smiled with her eyes. "If you think so, you should be a frequent customer." "I¡¯ll do that." Junhyuk signed the copy of the receipt and took his card, and, as he opened the door to leave, she shouted: "DON¡¯T FORGET TO GO TO A HOSPITAL!" ------ *tourniquet - anything thatpresses your body to stop or slow down the flow of blood *sinctly - in a short and clear manner Chapter 3: Interview Day 3 Chapter 3: Interview Day 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk got on the subway and soon felt exhausted. Everyone¡¯s attention was fixated on him, and a few people offered him their seats. "Please, have a seat." "Thank you." He took a seat and saw a group of female high-school students looking at him and talking to each other. "Isn¡¯t that the guy?" "He might be?" Junhyuk could hear the whispers about him, but paid no attention. Even though he used a disinfectant on his wounds, it did not mean his wounds were healed. He wasn¡¯t immune to pain. Junhyuk had his head down when a female student approached him. "Hello, mister?" Junhyuk was grimacing a little when he lifted his head. "We¡¯re right!" "What are you talking about?" "Watch this. This is you, right?" Junhyuk looked at the video where he rescued people on the bus andughed a little. "That¡¯s right." "Whoa, mister! Jackpot!" "What jackpot? Anybody in the same situation would¡¯ve done the same." The students talked amongst themselves and one of them said: "Mister, take pictures with us." "I am not in the mood." "Please, don¡¯t be like that." Theypletely ignored Junhyuk¡¯s injuries and began taking pictures with him on the background. Then, they became busy posting everything on SNS (a social media app). Junhyuk just smiled at the situation and leaned back on his seat. "Do as you please." Beginning with the high school students, many other people began taking pictures with him on the background. They were showering him with the clicks of cameras while he rested on his seat. -- In the front of a twelve-floor building, there was a capsule-shaped model. Junhyuk had an interview appointment with ST Capsule that day. ST Capsule made various medical products. Because of the incidents of abnormal narcolepsy and groupa, thepany got very busy. They were trying to make capsules to support everything patients who were in aa might need. So far, all medical products werebined to make a new capsule that was avable to ordinary people. Of course, the price was very high, but its effectiveness was proven, and W.A.N.C.S. selected the capsule as an official product. Hospitals could no longer take in patients because there were too many, making the capsule even more popr. The capsule enabled people to take care ofa patients from their houses. Because of it, ST Capsule became a major corporation. Unlike when they had started, now thepany made allponents of its medical equipment, and profits skyrocketed, turning ST Capsule into the 3rd majorpany in Korea and putting it within the top 100panies in the world. It took him a certain amount of guts to submit an application to ST Capsule. He had graduated from a university in Seoul, but it was not a reputable university. He paid attention to his grades, but many other people had simr credentials. After was walking inside the lobby of the building, he got an interview number and a name tag with his picture and hung it on his neck. Junhyuk went inside the lobby, and a woman standing there nced over to him and asked: "Are you here for an interview?" "Yes, where should I go?" "3rd floor." "Thank you." Junhyuk tried to go past her, but she called to him: "The interview began ten minutes ago. You should hurry!" "Thank you." He couldn¡¯t hurry even if he had wanted to. He was lucky not to drag his legs. After he got on an elevator, he saw his reflection on the elevator door and thought he should wash his face. It did not look so good. He couldn¡¯t do anything about the wound on his leg, but his face was covered with soot from the explosion. He didn¡¯t think it was polite to show for an interview like that. The elevator stopped on the 3rd floor, and the door opened. Junhyuk got out in a hurry. He went to a restroom and took off his suit jacket and hastily washed his face. After his face was clean, hebed his hair and saw the band-aid with a cartoon on his forehead. He pictured Jisun¡¯s face for a moment and smiled a little. He put his jacket back on and went out. "Number thirty-five. Is Mr. Junhyuk Lee here?" "I¡¯m here." He replied quickly. The woman who called out his name looked surprised after looking at him. She thought he should have gone to a hospital rather thane to an interview. but Junhyuk thought he might do well on the interview. He might gain additional points since he gained valuable experience on people with abnormal narcolepsy and groupa. Junhyuk opened the door to the interview room and felt everyone¡¯s attention was focused on him. Inside the interview room, there were three interviewers and four interviewees facing them, getting ready to start the interviews. Junhyuk found an empty seat and walked toward it and sat. One of the interviewers lifted her sses and said: "Number thirty-three, Dahae Kim?" "Yes." Junhyuk was getting everyone¡¯s attention, but the woman questioned another interviewee. Junhyuk sat on his seat with his back straightened waiting for his turn. She asked different types of predicted questions, and the interviewees answered them with expertise. Looking at this, Junhyuk took a deep breath. Soon, it was his turn. "Number thirty-five, Junhyuk Lee?" "Yes!" Junhyuk answered loudly, but the woman did not look at him. She flipped through her papers and asked: "Why do you think people are afflicted by abnormal narcolepsy?" He had never thought about it. The reason for abnormal narcolepsy¡¯s existence was still a question schrs from all over the world were trying to answer. "Nothing certain has been discovered yet." The woman slowly lifted her head, and her eyes met his. "I want to know your own opinion." Junhyuk was a little surprised. In fact, his clothes were dirty, and he had expected to be asked about them. Then, he would tell them what had happened that day, which would give them a good impression of him. Nevertheless, she did not show any interest in his clothing and questioned him with the coldest eyes. Junhyuk collected himself and answered: "It always happens on a certain day and time. Considering this point it might be somebody doing it deliberately. That¡¯s what I think." "Somebody¡¯s causing it? Are you insisting it¡¯s a conspiracy?" More than 100,000 abnormal narcolepsy patients caused idents injuring more than 500,000 people. At the moment, they knew abnormal narcolepsy cases showed up on Fridays and took measures to prevent further damages. However, in the beginning, there were countless idents. If it all happened because of someone¡¯s n, it was not a small problem. Junhyuk swallowed hard and continued to answer: "It happens regrly, and that¡¯s why it is suspicious." The woman looked at Junhyuk for a moment and nodded her head. "So, that¡¯s your opinion." She looked as though she no longer had any more questions for him, and questioned another interviewee. "Number thirty-six, Giltae Kim?" Junhyuk felt his turn went away poorly. They were asking the predicted, job-rted questions to the other candidates. Why had she asked him something he couldn¡¯t really answer? He had answered to the best of his ability, but no one noticed. Junhyuk tilted his head and looked over his clothing. Anybody would have asked him what had happened. They just did not have any feelings. Soon, the questioning was over, and the woman spoke again: "Everybody did great. Sessful applicants will receive individual messages, so take care of your phones." Junhyuk got up from his seat and was about to leave the room when the woman called for him. "Number thirty-five, Mr. Junhyuk Lee." He turned around, and she spoke to him calmly. "If you are as hurt as you look, you should go to a hospital first. How can someone who doesn¡¯t take care of his own body sell medical equipment that helps other people?" He bit his lip. She did not point out anything that wasn¡¯t right. "You may leave." Junhyuk nodded slightly and went out. That day had been filled with endless suspense. It had been spent in a blur. Junhyuk grabbed his ribs and walked out. "OK. I should go to a hospital." The interview did not go well because of abnormal narcolepsy. ST Capsule is rted to abnormal narcolepsy. He had thought, wrongly, that maybe they would hire him. Junhyuk walked towards the subway without any energy. On days like that, he shouldn¡¯t even take a taxi. -- After Junhyuk left, the interviewers were taking a break when a man entered the room. As the man entered, the interviewers got up from their seats and greeted him. The man lifted his hand slightly and said: "Please, leave the room for a moment." As the interviewers left the room, the man plopped on an empty seat. "General Manager Eunseo Kim." "Please speak, Director Kim." The man who was called Director Kim let out augh and said: "It¡¯s okay, Eunseo." "We are in thepany, big brother." "I know that." Director of ST Capsule, Sukhoon Kim looked for Junhyuk¡¯s application among the stacked papers. "This guy came to the interview, right?" "He doesn¡¯t have the basics, and he has lousy credentials." Sukhoon replied calmly to Eunseo¡¯s biting answer: "Hire him." "What?" Sukhoon did not pay any attention and replied: "I thought we were in thepany building?" "Director, do you maybe know this man?" Sukhoon made a paper model ne out of Junhyuk¡¯s application and threw it at Eunseo. Eunseo¡¯s eyes became cold, and Sukhoon spoke again: "If he doesn¡¯t have the right credentials, you shouldn¡¯t give him a good position, but you should hire him." "May I know why?" Sukhoon nodded his head and pulled out his smartphone and handed it to Eunseo. It was a video of a bus with a car stuck in middle of it. Soon, a window broke, and a guy showed up. The familiar-looking guy was breaking the window and cing his suit jacket over frame and helping elderlies get out of the bus. Eunseo was watching the video when she heard Sukhoon¡¯s voice. "It has been about 30 minutes since the video was uploaded, and it¡¯s getting an explosive number of hits. The hero of our time?" Eunseo looked at Junhyuk rescuing the elderlies and all the people in the bus, including the driver stuck in the car in middle of the bus, and Junhyuk rolling on the ground as the bus exploded. "So, that¡¯s why he showed up in that abysmal appearance to the interview." She thought she had figured out why he should up that way. In response to her cold remark, Sukhoon smiled. "Isn¡¯t he cute?" Eunseo looked at Sukhoon as if she were looking at a loathsome insect. Sukhoon looked a bit wounded by her and got up from his seat. "That¡¯s that. Hire him. The publicity from it will be great." "So... we should." She did not like the situation, but she had no reason not to hire him. Just giving him a position in thepany was not hard for her to do. Also, ST Capsule would gain a lot of publicity by hiring him. Thinking about it that way, it was right to hire him. Sukhoon got up. "Well, back to work." After Sukhoon left, Eunseo looked at the paper ne on her seat. It was made out of Junhyuk¡¯s application. Eunseoughed. "I can see right through him, but he¡¯s still cute." Junhyuk came to the interview hoping to pick up extra points for being at the explosion, but it was still great that he saved a lot of people. He did not care for his own safety. Instead, he was willing to risk himself to rescue other people. Abnormal narcolepsy was creating an aura of fear among people, and thepanies that made money treating groupa patients were not well-received by people. From thepany¡¯s position, Junhyuk¡¯s hire was a big deal. Chapter 4: Awakening 1 Chapter 4: Awakening 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk went to the emergency room and got thirty stitches on his leg and went home. It was the biggest injury he had ever gotten. He left the subway station and was going to his house when he looked over at the grocery store like he always did. Junhyuk was looking inside when his eyes widened. Soyeon, who had been working since morning, was still inside, behind the counter. He was d and went inside. "Wee." Soyeon had had her head down, but her eyes widened when she looked up. "Are you okay?!" Junhyuk had blood on his pants, which were rolled up, and was bandaged all over. It looked like a serious injury, and it made Soyeon worry. He scratched his head and said: "Today, there was an ident involving the bus I was riding on." She got out from behind the counter and checked him out from top to bottom. "Are youing from a hospital?" "Yes, it was covered by the insurance, so I could afford everything that I needed." "Still, it¡¯s a relief. You aren¡¯t seriously hurt?" "It feels good that you are worried about me." Soyeon¡¯s face got a little hot, and she went back behind the counter. Junhyuk smirked and walked toward the refrigerator and picked out two cans of beer. As a side dish, he got a shrimp-vored snack and put everything on the check-out counter, which made Soyeon frown a little. "Are you drinking?" "I didn¡¯t do well on my interview today." Soyeon walked back out from the counter, put the two cans of beer in the refrigerator and brought out a can of cider. She only checked the shrimp vored snack and ced both the snack and the cider inside a bag. "You are hurt. You should be taking antibiotics, and you shouldn¡¯t be drinking. Just drink a cider. It¡¯s also carbonated. OK?" Junhyuk thought about her gesture of giving him a cider, even though beers were not just carbonated, and didn¡¯t say anything about it. "Then, charge me for the cider as well." "Think of it as a constion drink from me." He scratched his head when she said that and nodded slightly. "Thanks. I will be going, now." He picked up the bag and was about to leave when Soyeon called out for him. "Wait!" He turned around. She smiled wide, making big dimples on her cheeks, and said: "Cheer up! You will do better next time!" When he heard that, he gave out a big smile. He thought it had been a lousy day, but, because of her support, he felt a lot better. "Thanks! When I get hired, I will get you a banana milk and a sushi roll." "I¡¯ll hold you to that." Junhyuk felt excited as he walked toward his apartment. He opened the door and was about to go inside when he felt the cold air. "Brrr!" He let out a deep sigh and went in and switched on the light. There was no one to wee him home. It looked as clean and tidy as when he left that morning. Junhyuk smiled and changed clothes. His injuries were covered by insurance, but his torn clothes weren¡¯t. He made himselffortable by putting on shorts and a short-sleeved shirt and sat on the floor of his room and opened the cider, drinking it while he turned on the television. That¡¯s when the news came on, and the news was about the bus ident, and him rescuing the elderly. "Shit!" It¡¯s true that he had rescued the elderly, but he hadn¡¯t expected to see it on news. It was probably the biggest things that had happened that day. Soon, there were interviews on news. One of the people interviewed was Chulho Park. "Junhyuk Lee, are you watching this?" Junhyuk was anticipating, rather nervously, what Chulho would say when he put his thumbs up and announced: "You are awesome!" Junhyuk felt a little awkward and scratched his head. Then, he got paper towels to clean up some cider he had spilled. When he crouched down to wipe the floor, the world went ck. Thump! The sound kept fading in and out, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t keep his eyes open because of the iing lights. He closed his eyes, but the lights kepting through his eyelids, and it felt like they were burning his eyes. "Ahhhh!" Screaming, Junhyuk eventually lost consciousness. How long had it been? He could no longer see the lights that were about to burn his retinae and covered his eyes with his hands. Then, slowly, he opened his eyes, stretching his hands out and began to look around. "What¡¯s this?" A strange ce. As he lifted his body, he could see what looked like a dorm, a bitrger than his own room. A silvery white light illuminated the room, and Junhyuk tried to make sure he was in one piece. "What?" He was wearing body armor, which he had never seen before. It looked like it could¡¯vee straight out of a fantasy movie, and it nged loudly when he hit it. Junhyuk, dumbstruck, got up quickly. Another surprise! "My injuries are gone!" The wounds on his leg were healed. He moved his legs several times and eximed: "What¡¯s happening?" He moved his head sideways, then heard a soft, very tempting voice, but the contents of what it said were a little disturbing. [Wee to the Valley of Death.] "Valley of Death?" He lifted his head, looking for where the voice wasing from, and found a sword and a shield in front of him. [You may exit using the main entrance.] Junhyuk picked up the sword and the shield to protect himself in this unexpected situation. Suddenly, a door emerged from a corner of the room. He tried to go through the door when he heard another voice. [Minion 00110230 deployed.] That¡¯s when he saw many other people who were dressed just like him. They also did not seemed to understand their current predicament. "Well, what is going on here?" Junhyuk had wanted to ask the others about it, but lost the chance when a man with a huge stature showed up and got everyone¡¯s attention. He looked as though he was 2.5 meters tall. When he stood in front of the crowd, he lifted his hand. "From now on, everyone on my right side follow me." The man pointed, and on his right side there were about fifty people. The big man turned around as if he had nothing more to say. Junhyuk was not a part of the fifty people. Then a man with a scar on his face went to the front and shouted: "What is this ce? And who are you, asshole, to order me around!" The big man turned his head slightly and pursed his lips. He gave a creepy grin, and jumped forward. The man, who was 2.5 meters tall and made out of muscles, flew over everyone¡¯s heads and kicked the head of the man who was asking the question. Stter! It looked surreal to watch a head crush like a watermelon, but the smell of blood scorching Junhyuk¡¯s nose told him it was all real. The big man got up slowly, and looked around himself. Junhyuk thought the big man was staring straight at him. His eyes were the eyes of a man who had killed many people. There was a craziness to his eyes that made Junhyuk nervous. "We don¡¯t have the time for this. You there, you follow me too!" Atst, the big man pointed at Junhyuk. Junhyuk froze up, but the big man had nothing more to say and turned and walked away. Junhyuk swallowed his saliva and followed him. Even though he was holding a shield and a sword, he was sure that if the big man had wanted him dead, he would be torn apart. So, fifty people followed the big man walking in front of them without making a sound. They soon came to a big door about five meters tall. As they passed the door, they saw something they had never seen before in their lives. They saw distant, middle-age castle walls with archers on the top of the them. Looking at them, Junhyuk could not figure out where he was. A man walking next to Junhyuk whispered to him: "Are you a Korean?" Junhyuk turned his head and saw a man who looked to be in histe 30s. He looked nervous as he nced around himself while talking to Junhyuk. "Yes, are you a Korean?" "That¡¯s right! Well, do you know where we are?" Junhyuk looked up at the sky while he walked. The purplish sky was definitely odd. "Well, it does not feel like a dream, and it scares me." "A dream? A moment ago, I stepped on a dead person¡¯s brain. This is definitely real." Junhyuk looked at the man when he said that. If the man had stepped on a dead person¡¯s brain, maybe he should question this man¡¯s sanity. Junhyuk felt like he should also avoid him. The big man was walking in front of the group when he reached the gate of the castle and turned around. He looked at the fifty people and announced: "Don¡¯t fall behind. Anyone who falls behind will die." He did not sound like he was joking. Junhyuk trembled and gripped his shield tightly. Despite its size, the shield was very light weight. The big man turned, and the gate of the castle opened up. He could see a long road stretching from the gate. On both sides of the road, there were trees as tall as twenty meters, and the road was so long he could not see the end of it. The big man no longer spoke, but began running. Watching the big man, Junhyuk also started to run. The big man was only jogging, but his strides were very long. The man who had been talking to Junhyuk also began running. Everyone ran after the big man, and, after running for an hour, the first man fell behind: a ck man stepped on a rock and was unable to pick himself up. Looking at the man, Junhyuk stopped. He too had reached his limit, and thought he couldn¡¯t leave the other man behind. The big man had said that if anyone fell behind, he would die. He looked at the big man, who did not seem interested in what was taking ce and kept his pace. Junhyuk approached the ck man and picked up his arm, cing it around his shoulder. "Are you okay?" The ck man replied by shaking his head and slowly tried to get up, but his legs dragged against the floor. "Shit!" At a nce, the man had a problem with his ankles. While Junhyuk supported him, the man saw that the group was already far away. Junhyuk did not even know where the destination was, and it was not a good idea to fall behind the lead group, but he couldn¡¯t just leave a wounded man behind. "Cheer up!" The ck man nced at Junhyuk looking ahead and spoke softly: "Thank you." Junhyuk could see the big man ncing at them but that was about it. The big man kept running, and the group soon disappeared from sight. Junhyuk felt grateful that he had gotten separated from the big man, who was obviously crazy, but looking around, he found himself surrounded by forest and felt terrified. "Sigh. I don¡¯t know where I am, but I won¡¯t just die." Junhyuk supported the ck man and, with him, moved forward. Chapter 5: Awakening 2 Chapter 5: Awakening 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They must¡¯ve been walking for an hour when the ck man could no longer take another step. They decided to rest on the middle of the road. For some reason, the shadows of the forest gave them a creepy feeling, so they decided to keep their distance. While they rested, the ck man spoke first. "Michael." "Michael? Junhyuk Lee." JunHyuk pointed at himself and spoke, making Michael smile. Junhyuk looked at the man¡¯s white teeth shining through his mouth and smiled back. Junhyuk¡¯s English level let him introduce himself, and even that he didn¡¯t speak well. Junhyuk pointed to Michael¡¯s leg. Michael looked down at his leg and then took off his armor. Then, he showed Junhyuk his swollen ankle. It was hard to believe he had walked for an hour with that leg. Junhyuk then looked at their surroundings. It would be better if he could find some wood to tie it against the leg, but, looking at the forest, he did not dare to go in. Junhyuk thought for a moment, and remembered his sword. He pulled the sword out, and began cutting Michael¡¯s pants. When he was done, he ced the sword against Michael¡¯s leg and wrapped it. Michael was surprised and gave his own sword to Junhyuk, but Junhyuk shook his head sideways and picked up his shield. "This will be enough." He never thought about cutting someone up. In a dangerous situation, a shield would be better. Junhyuk looked at Michael and asked: "Should we get going?" He got up and made gestures for walking, which got Michael to nod his head. His right leg was hurt, but he could support himself on his left. Junhyuk went to Michael¡¯s left, giving him support. Junhyuk picked up his shield with his left hand, and Michael ced his shield on his back and picked up his own sword. Together, they started to walk again. If they were to catch up with the lead group, which was moving fast, they would have to walk for a very long time. They had walked for a while when Junhyuk suddenly felt a chill and stopped. At once, Michael looked at Junhyuk. Realizing something was happening, and he looked around. Swoosh! Something moved through the leaves. Making little noise, a wolf the size of an ox came out from the trees. Seeing its size made Junhyuk disheartened. However, still nervous, he picked up his shield. He could feel Michael trembling. Junhyuk grabbed Michael¡¯s side tightly and said: "Don¡¯t be scared." "What?" Junhyuk lifted up his shield. "I will shield us, and you will thrust." Michael looked at Junhyuk¡¯s shield and lifted up his sword. Junhyuk nodded and spoke again: "I will shield, and you thrust." "You defense. Me attack?" Maybe because he enjoyed ying video games, he could understand this type of English. "OK!" Junhyuk let go of Michael and held his shield with his both hands. He took a few steps forward, which made the wolf lower his body. Being the size of an ox, even though it lowered its body, the wolf was still as tall as Junhyuk¡¯s waist. Michael ced his hand on Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and held on tightly as Junhyuk stepped forward. ng! The wolf pounces on top of Junhyuk, who shielded himself. Thung! The wolf stepped on the shield with its front paws and tried to bite Junhyuk. Junhyuk could feel the weight of wolf¡¯s body on his shield. That¡¯s when Michael struck. Chink! As Michael swung his sword, the wolf got a hold of it with its teeth. Michael held the sword with both hands, but the wolf was obviously more powerful. The wolf took away the sword in its teeth and jumped back. After the shock, Junhyuk rolled on the ground and looked at Michael. Michael¡¯s armored hand was torn and bleeding. He must have held onto that sword with all his might to tear it like that. Junhyuk swallowed the saliva in his mouth. He needed more than his shield to kill the wolf. Nervously, Junhyuk lifted his shield. "Run away." "What?" Junhyuk knews that he was not an altruistic man who risked his own life to save another¡¯s, but he couldn¡¯t just leave a wounded man behind. He dug in deep and got all fired up. He ran toward the wolf holding his shield and shouted: "Run!" After that, it was up to fate. The wolf also lunged toward Junhyuk, aiming at his head. Junhyuk lifted his shield. ng! He could feel the wolf¡¯s weight against the shield, making his legs shake, but Junhyuk rested his shield on his shoulder and held off the wolf¡¯s attack. Snap! Snap! The wolf got on the shield and again tried to bite Junhyuk, but he was holding tightly to his shield. He knew that even if he continued to buy time, in this situation, it wouldn¡¯t help the oue of things, but it was all he could do at the moment. Holding his shield, Junhyuk looked at Michael, who was standing still. Michael looked at Junhyuk and ran forward. He pulled out the sword against his leg while still running and drove the sword downward on the wolf. The wolf¡¯s head was too high up. Junhyuk remembered that the wolf had good reflexes and lowered his shield. Michael let go of the sword while wolf was not quite ready for it. Stab! Michael¡¯s sword struck the wolf on the shoulder. Before they could celebrate the hit, the wolf stepped forward and bit Michael¡¯s neck. Chomp! Lowering his shield, Junhyuk could see the wolf holding onto Michael¡¯s neck. Michael shivered and shook. The whole situation was surreal. Then, Michael looked at Junhyuk and said: "Run away." Michael was barely able to utter those words, and his neck was severed by the wolf. While watching Michael¡¯s head roll on the ground, Junhyuk realized what they had been dealing with. The wolf was something that could be not be handled by humans. Drip. Drop. Drip. The wolf turned slowly, blood dripping from its mouth. Looking at the wolf, Junhyuk was filled with fear. Wounded beasts were the most dangerous things in the world. Junhyuk stepped back ever so slowly. The wolf looked at him and readied to pounce. It lunged to follow Junhyuk. "Ahhhh!" Junhyuk ran fast out of fear, but the wolf was faster. If it had not had a sword stuck to its shoulder, it would¡¯ve run faster. While running away, suddenly, he felt a chill and turned, lifting his shield. ng! He was not in a good position to withstand the weight of the wolf¡¯s attack. Soon, all of that weight pushed Junhyuk to the ground. The wolf was on top of Junhyuk with just a shield between them. The wolf opened its mouth dripping with blood toward Junhyuk. Looking at Michael¡¯s blood, Junhyuk was gripped by fear and closed his eyes. Grrrr! He could feel the wolf¡¯s breath on his face. Thinking that he would die just like that, Junhyuk bellowed: "By no means!" Thump! Junhyuk heard a sound that didn¡¯t make sense and opened his eyes. He could see a field of ivory-colored light, and, outside of the force field, the wolf was trying to tear at him, but the light field did not break easily. Junhyuk could not figure out what was happening, but thought he could make it out alive and picked up his shield with both hands. The wolf distanced itself from Junhyuk, and he got up slowly. Junhyuk was covered by the ivory-colored light field. It was protecting him from the wolf¡¯s teeth. Junhyuk breathed deeply and lifted his shield, looking at the wolf as it lowered its body. The wolf took a position to pounce at any moment. Junhyuk stepped back. The ivory light field thinned and disappeared. The wolf slowly covered the distance while Junhyuk quickly stepped back. Bump! Junhyuk felt something against his back. It was the big man from before. "Did you activate your ability?" Before Junhyuk could ask him what he meant, the wolf lunged forward. Looking at the lunging wolf, the big man pulled out a giant rib and swung it. sh! The lunging wolf was split in two. The wolf¡¯s body was sliced exactly in half and bled profusely, sttering Junhyuk all over. The big man had sliced the wolf easily and walked toward Michael¡¯s cadaver. Michael¡¯s dead body was turning translucent. After Michael¡¯s dead bodypletely disappeared, a shiny gold coin appeared in its ce, and the big man picked it up. The big man tossed it to Junhyuk. Junhyuk caught it. The big manughed and approached him. He stood in front of Junhyuk, who was covered in blood, and stared at him. "Congrattions, minion." The big man walked by Junhyuk, and thought of something. He turned around slowly, and walked back. "I¡¯m Arn." Junhyuk wasn¡¯t curious about the big man¡¯s name. Michael had died right in front of him, and the body had disappeared. Also, what about the ivory-colored force field? He did not understand what the big man meant by activating his ability, but Arn had nothing more to say, and walked off. That¡¯s when the body of the wolf disappeared, leaving behind two gold coins. The big man picked up the coins. "Follow me." Junhyuk was standing still on the same spot, looking at Arn¡¯s back and said: "Please, exin all of this." "Exin?" Arn turned and looked at Junhyuk quietly. He did not speak. Junhyuk thought about the dead man back when Arn gave the same look and picked up his shield. ng! The shock was enough to break the shield and make Junhyuk fall to the ground. Arn jumped high in the air toward Junhyuk. He must¡¯ve jumped ten feet in the air with his eight-foot stature. Junhyuk hid himself under the shield and closed his eyes. He could not die like that. He had just survived the wolf, and could not die like that. Something moved inside his chest. He couldn¡¯t figure out what it was, and then he heard an unexpected sound. Thump! As Junhyuk opened his eyes, another ivory-colored field was around him. Arn tapped on the field lightly andughed. "You¡¯ve activated your ability, for sure." Arn took a step back. Junhyuk got up as the force field disappeared. As if he had been waiting for that moment, Arn stepped forward toward Junhyuk and grabbed him by the neck. "Argh!" Arn lifted Junhyuk, with one hand, level with his eyes. "You are just a minion. Do you think you are qualified to ask me a question?" Blood wasn¡¯t flowing right in his face, making Junhyuk¡¯s veins stand out. Arn looked at Junhyuk and threw him on the ground. "Follow me." Arn¡¯s eyes were filled with madness. Looking at him, Junhyuk didn¡¯t challenge him again. Arn did not think Junhyuk would ask another question, and turned around and started walking. Junhyuk checked out his neck and picked up his shield. His sword remained where the wolf had disappeared, and he picked it up. He sheathed it in the scabbard on his waist. Arn belittled him, but he still saved him from the wolf. If he wanted to stay alive, he should definitely follow him. Chapter 6: Awakening 3 Chapter 6: Awakening 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Ten minutes had passed since he started following Arn. Junhyuk could see a downhill slope. At the end of it, there was a tower of about five meters in height. The tower had archers on it, making him think of a security lookout. After the tower, there was a bridge. The bridge was about fifteen meters long. In front of the tower, there were people who made up the lead group mingling with another group. Together, there were about a hundred people. On the opposite side of the bridge, there was another tower. In front of that tower, there was a group of people wearing armor and waiting, but Junhyuk couldn¡¯t really see because they were too far away. Junhyuk looked at them and squeezed the gold coin in his hand. It only took ten minutes to get there. From where he was to the security tower, it should take less than twenty minutes, but Michael had died being unable to cover that short of a distance. Only the gold coin had been left behind. Junhyuk stared intently at Arn¡¯s back. He was able to y the wolf easily. He sliced the wolf with just one swing, and he could have helped them. Arn seemed indifferent to Junhyuk¡¯s stare and walked toward the tower. Junhyuk sighed deeply and followed him. Arn went inside the tower without talking to Junhyuk. Junhyuk lifted his head to look at the security tower and saw a woman leaning on the parapet. She was dressed like a magician. She saw Junhyuk and smiled at him. Junhyuk was staring at her when a man came up to him. "What happened to ck man?" Junhyuk turned his head and saw a Korean man in histe thirties. The man had left both Michael and Junhyuk behind. Junhyuk didn¡¯t answer him and continued looking at the area by the bridge. The man licked his lips and said: "It wasn¡¯t the right situation to interfere." Junhyuk did not me him, but he wasn¡¯t in the mood to talk andugh with him either. He did not say anything, and this made the man angry. "You were just being nosy! I didn¡¯t do anything wrong!" "I didn¡¯t say anything,"Junhyuk looked straight at him as he spoke. He was angry at Arn and the situation that didn¡¯t make any sense. The guy could see the anger in Junhyuk¡¯s eyes and stopped talking. Junhyuk moved the gold coin in his hand, which made him think about Michael¡¯s death. Then, he noticed people around him stirring up. Junhyuk followed the people¡¯s gazes and saw a woman standing by the tower. She had a robe on like a magician, but the robe had a see-through opening. She was almost naked and showed a lot of skin, but he did not think she was sexy. She was at least two meters tall. She pointed with her index finger at Junhyuk and nodded her head. Junhyuk pointed at himself with his index finger and tilted his head. The woman smiled and nodded her head. "Yes. You. Come here." Junhyuk approached her. People were talking behind his back, but he ignored them as he stood in front of her. She looked at him and said: "Follow me." Following her, Junhyuk was able to get inside the tower. The tower was special in that it was not made out of bricks, but was one whole structure. Inside the tower, logs served as stairs. The woman silently went up the stairs, and Junhyuk went after her. At the top of the tower, she looked at Arn and said: "Can I exin it to him?" "He is qualified to get an exnation." Arn looked as though he had nothing more to add, turned and said: "I will go out for now." "Take it easy ande back." Arn put on a cold smile and answered: "That depends on what that crazy guy does." Arn went down. The woman crossed her arms and said: "You asked Arn for an exnation?" "Yes, I did." "It¡¯s fortunate that you did not get killed." Honestly, Junhyuk already knew he could¡¯ve been killed. The woman smiled. "My name is Vera. If you are curious about anything, ask me. If I have an answer, I will give it to you." Junhyuk asked about what he had been the most curious. "What is this ce?" "The Valley of Death." Junhyuk frowned. "You know that is not what I want to know." Vera smiled. Despite being over two meters tall, she was quite the beautiful woman. "If you want a more fundamental answer, this ce is the Dimensional Battlefield." "Dimensional Battlefield?" "Yes, each dimension sends volunteers to fight. So, this is the Dimensional Battlefield." Was that even possible? "Is this a dream?" "A dream? You could see it that way since your body is sleeping." All of a sudden, a creepy thought passed through his head. "The abnormal narcolepsy?" Vera shrugged her shoulders and answered: "Regardless, you have been summoned. If you get killed in the Dimensional Battlefield, your soul will die, and your body will never wake up." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t get rid of the creepy feeling. Until now, there had been over 100,000 people underas. "So far 100,000, people have been brought here. Are they all dead?" "Only 100,000? It must¡¯ve started not too long ago." "What do you mean?" Vera took a step toward Junhyuk. "The summoning began only a short time ago. That number will increase." "Who is behind this outrageous scheme? Why should wee here for no reason and die?" Veryughed at Junhyuk and gave him a big smile. "Have you ever caught bugs and put them to fight?" "What?" "Your people¡¯s existence is like that of insects." JunHyuk Lee felt anger rising in him, but did not show it because he could see the coldness in her eyes. Her eyes lit up with energy. They were not as strong as Arn¡¯s eyes, but they looked dangerous. "You learn fast." Junhyuk sighed and looked at Vera. "Then, are a bug too?" Veraughed again at his question. "You are without any fear. That¡¯s why you asked Arn for an exnation." Vera stoppedughing and answered. "Arn, I and others like us are here under contracts. We have something to gain bying here. We are not like you people who will be thrown away." Junhyuk did not want to make Vera angry, so he asked her what he wanted to know. "I¡¯ve activated my power. What does that mean?" Vera smiled again. "Yes, you¡¯ve activated your power. What kind of power is it? Can you show me?" "I can¡¯t control it." Vera raised her hands in front of her and created a fireball out of thin air. "Are you sure?" Vera was going to throw the fireball at any moment. Junhyuk thought about how to stay alive, and then something moved in his chest, and he was able to make an ivory-colored field. Vera threw her fireball. Bam! There was an explosion, but Junhyuk was safe. The fire disappeared. Vera opened her eyes wide. "This is a high-ranking power. It has both physical and magical strength. It¡¯s a powerful force field." The field disappeared. "Itsts about 10 seconds?" He had not thought about it before, but if itsted 10 seconds, he should use it only when his life was on the line. After that, he was able to figure out how to make the field at will. Vera raised her hand to her chin. "Can you use it on other people?" "What?" It depended on his will to survive. How could he use it on other people? Junhyuk checked to see if he could use it on Vera by extending his hands toward her, but nothing happened. Vera shrugged. "That seems right. You can¡¯t use such a high-ranking power on other people. It¡¯s not even fully developed." "What do you mean by power?" Vera answered while smiling. "You wanted to know why your people are being summoned here?" "Yes." "It¡¯s because you people have potential powers." "Potential powers?" Vera walked to the parapet and pointed to people below. "Yes, they all have a potential power just like you, even if some of those powers may be weak and useless." Junhyuk stood next to Vera and looked down below. Arn was standing in the middle of the bridge, and there were about fifty nervous people behind him. There was a long-haired man on the opposite side of the bridge. He must¡¯ve been three meters tall and was holding a spear. Arn¡¯s height only reached the man¡¯s chest. Behind the man, there were another fifty people following him.Vera looked at the man and said: "Of course, among you, those who have activated their powers are only a few." "What? There are more than 100,000 people inas, and only a few have activated their powers." "Including you, only seven people have. Usually people who activate their powers run wild without knowing anything and end up dead." It meant that just because one had activated his power, it didn¡¯t mean he would survive. Vera sat on the parapet and looked at him. "Seven out of 100,000 people is a lot. On average, one person activates out of 100,000. There¡¯s a good reason why you people are being summoned here." Already, 100,000 souls have disappeared. How could she talk like that? Vera smiled while looking at Junhyuk¡¯s frowns. "Are you feeling indisposed?" "Isn¡¯t it obvious?" Vera looked up at the sky. "Give it up. Even if you feel bad, he is not somebody you could deal with." "You know who it is." Vera, still sitting, tapped her feet on the ground. "I told you. We are here under contracts." "Who is it?" Vera jumped on the parapet and danced. "It¡¯s a secret. You aren¡¯t qualified yet." Junhyuk thought for a moment and showed her a gold coin. "What is this?" Vera looked at the coin, and her eyes widened. "Where did you get it?" "Someone who was with me left it behind when he died." Vera crossed her arms and said: "That¡¯s a present from the person who summoned you here." "A present?" "Yes, a present. Pure gold is valuable in every dimension. It¡¯s the only form of currency you can use in the Dimensional Battlefield." "I can use it in here?" Vera extended her arms toward the people on the ground. "Yes, can you see those gold coins?" Junhyuk felt rebellious against Vera. First, shepared them to insects and now to gold coins. Vera looked at Junhyuk, and he buried his feelings. "Then what¡¯s a minion?" "A minion? A low person, a servant. That¡¯s what it means. Your people are at that level." He got angrier as he listened. "Well, why are you exining it all to me?" Vera took on a serious face, and jumped in front of Junhyuk. She lowered her head, levelling her eyes to his eyes. "You¡¯ve activated your power. You¡¯ve turned from a minion into a novice." "What¡¯s a novice?" "That¡¯s the designation of somebody who activates his power." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes were shining. "Does that mean I could activate even more power?" "I don¡¯t know. If your potential power is just one you will stay as a novice, and, if not, you will advance to higher levels." Junhyuk calmed himself down. "Well, it¡¯s not important right now. How can I survive this ce and return home?" Vera was satisfied with Junhyuk¡¯s question and smiled. "That¡¯s the most important question." Junhyuk swallowed his saliva. Vera replied with a smile. "You must be victorious on the battlefield. Of course, you have to survive first." Already, 100,000 people had died. It was the most difficult task to survive and return home. Junhyuk pressed hard against the gold coin and made a promise to himself that, by all means, he would return home. Vera approached him, and leaned on his ears, whispering: "Then, ¡¯till the war ends, do well." Chapter 7: New Employee 1 Chapter 7: New Employee 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - "It cannot be that child." "Mother, I love Haesook." "She is your little sister." He was still regaining his consciousness when he heard a soap opera with a highly contrived plot. Junhyuk opened his eyes wide and felt something sticky on his cheek. Ick! He touched his cheek. The sticky stuff was dried cider. On the television, the news had ended, and a soap opera was on. Junhyuk checked the time on his cell phone andughed. "It¡¯s only been an hour?" He felt disturbed by the time and closed his eyes. His soul had spent one month in the Valley of Death, but, in this reality, only one hour had gone by. Junhyuk tried to focus with his eyes closed. He felt something in his chest, opened his eyes and smiled. "It¡¯s true." In front of him, there was an ivory-colored force field. Junhyuk made sure the field was real and slowly got up from the floor. After 10 seconds, the field disappeared. Ring, ring! Suddenly, he heard his cell phone ringing. His mother¡¯s phone number was disyed on its screen. "Hello?" "Junhyuk? Are you okay? Why didn¡¯t you pick up the phone sooner?" Junhyukughed excessively. She must¡¯ve called him while he was sleeping for an hour. "I am okay. I didn¡¯t pick up because I was sleeping." "I saw the news. I had to call you, but I got worried because you didn¡¯t answer the phone. Are you sure you are okay?" "Yes, I¡¯m okay." "You couldn¡¯t have gone to the interview." "No, I couldn¡¯t because of the ident." "I thought so. Come visit me when you have some time." "Yes, mother. Sleep well." Junhyuk hung up and looked at his cell. There were forty-eight missed calls. His mother had called him, and Junhyuk smiled. After hearing his mother¡¯s voice, he knew he hade back alive. "I had to lie." He had already told his mother he had been invited for an interview at ST Capsule. It was a relief that he had been able to lie about not going. Junhyuk looked around his room slowly. In reality, it had only been an hour, but he knew he had been gone for a month. He knew he had returned. "It¡¯s been a long time," Junhyuk murmured to himself and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He undressed, removed his bandages, and looked at himself in the mirror. "I need to train just like Arn said." He had a slight pot belly and had not worked out before. Arn said he needed to strengthen his mind and body. If not, he could ruin his body due to the difference in power between his mind and body. Even though he had spent only a month with Arn, both of them became close. To survive the battlefield where death often happened, he naturally became close with Arn and took advice from him. Junhyuk looked in the mirror and showered. Feeling the cold water over him made him feel that he was really alive. While the cold water fell, Junhyuk opened his eyes slowly. "Come to think of it, my wounds have healed." His cracked rib and torn shin were both healed. In their ce, Junhyuk came close to death on many asions. He survived, but it hadn¡¯t been easy. "Will they summon me again?" He didn¡¯t want to go back to the deadly battlefield, but it did not depend on how he felt. He was told that after two weeks in this current reality, he would be summoned again at the same time. "Then, it¡¯s fortunate." If they hadn¡¯t summoned him in the evening, people would¡¯ve found out that he had experienced abnormal narcolepsy. Junhyuk got out of the bathroom and put on workout clothes. He was going to start working out now. He went out and took a deep breath. The air entered deep into his lungs. It was different from feeling it with his soul. He smiled and started to run. In this world, it had only been an hour, but his philosophy toward life had changed. He worked out the entire weekend, and, on Monday morning, he took in the fresh dawn air while running around his neighborhood. He returned home and saw two men wearing suits in front of his home. He approached them. "What¡¯s going on?" One of them turned around fixing his sses and asked: "Are you Mr. Junhyuk Lee?" "Yes, I am Junhyuk Lee." The man wearing sses gave him a business card. "I am the section chief to the W.A.N.C.S. Korea Bureau, Sungtae Kwak," he smiled and continued. "Could we talk inside?" "Please,e in." Junhyuk opened the door. His room was notrge, but he always kept it clean. So, he didn¡¯t mind guestsing in. He opened the refrigerator, but didn¡¯t find any soda. Instead, he poured two sses of water. "Please, have seat." Sungtae and other man took their seats. Junhyuk took out a receipt from his wallet. "You must be here for this?" Junhyuk was holding a receipt for the pharmacy and hospital bills. Sungtae looked at his colleague. The man picked up the receipt. "I heard you were wounded on your leg. Aren¡¯t you still hurt?" "They gave it thirty stitches, but it doesn¡¯t affect me. I should work out harder when I am wounded." "Right." "I should¡¯vee to you first. Thanks foring here." Sungtae looked at Junhyuk quietly and said: "This incident created some big issues." The ident involved two narcolepsy patients, a bus and a car explosion. It had to be a big issue, and the ident was spreading very fast on SNS. "I don¡¯t want anything besides the insurance coverage." "Don¡¯t worry about that, the insurance will cover you. If you want to visit the hospital a few more times, just ask for your receipts." "OK. Can I call the number on your business card?" "Yes." Junhyuk thought the conversation had ended. However, they kept drinking their water, and didn¡¯t get up. "Do you have something more to discuss?" Sungtae was waiting for this question and replied: "This ident changed people¡¯s perception of abnormal narcolepsy. So, our W.A. N.C.S. office wants to hire you as a public advertising model." "Advertising model?" "Yes, there won¡¯t be a lot of money since it is a public service announcement, but we are willing to pay a small sum for your work." He had been tempted by getting paid, but he wasn¡¯t interested. They would summon him again in two weeks. It was a ce where death was an everyday urrence, even for Junhyuk, who had activated his power. If he became an advertising model and fell under abnormal narcolepsy, people would get even more afraid. Also, he just wanted to lead a normal life. "I am sorry." Sungtae tried to persuade him one more time. "It was on Friday¡¯s evening news, and SNS is getting an explosive number of hits. If an advertisement went out now, it would be the most effective." Junhyuk Lee replied firmly: "I am sorry. I just want to lead a normal life." Junhyuk did not give him another chance. Sungtae sighed. "OK. If you ever change your mind, give me a call." "Take it easy." Junhyuk let them out, and looked at the business card. "It¡¯s a pity. The pay might¡¯ve been high." He was unemployed. He got his money from his family, but he didn¡¯t want to be famous. Junhyuk started doing sit-ups. After two weeks, he would be summoned again. He had to concentrate everything on returning alive. He had no time for anything else. His cell phone rang. Ring, ring! Junhyuk saw a number he didn¡¯t recognize. So, he stopped working out and answered the phone. "This is Junhyuk Lee." "Hello. I am Nayoung Lee from ST Capsule¡¯s Personnel Department. Are you Mr. Junhyuk Lee?" "Yes. What¡¯s going on?" "Congrattions! You¡¯ve passed ST Capsule¡¯s interview. You may find more details on our homepage." "What?! I passed?" "Yes, you¡¯ve passed." Junhyuk stared at his phone. "Is this a joke?" The interviewers had not been nice. How did he pass? "Check out our homepage. There is a list of people who passed and the date for orientation. You should look at it." "Okay." "Have a nice day! Again, I¡¯m Nayoung Lee from the Personnel Department." Junhyuk hung up and immediately turned on hisputer. He did not want to be a model because it would bring unwanted attention, but he still wanted a job. Also, they would summon him on Friday nights, so he should find a job. Theputer took a while to turn on. "This piece of junk!" He couldn¡¯t wait for hisputer and went online using his smartphone. He found the ST Capsule¡¯s homepage and then a section with a list of new hires. He found his own name on the list. "Did I really get hired?" He had gone to the interview, just in case, but he had thought that he had failed it due to the reactions of the interviewers. Junhyuk looked at the television. "Was it because of the news?" SNS posts and the news were very different. Junhyuk looked for his video on SNS, just in case, and gasped as he looked at the number of hits on the video. "20,000,000 hits?!" Only three days had passed since the ident. It was an unbelievable amount of hits. Junhyuk checked the orientation date as he tried to calm himself down. "It¡¯s this week. Wednesday to Friday. Two nights and three days." He was even happier now than when he had returned alive. He decided to call his mother. The phone rang, and his father picked up. "Junhyuk?" "Yes, father." "Why have you called?" "Father, I got hired by ST Capsule." His father was silent for a moment. "I thought you hadn¡¯t gone to the interview." "Actually, I went to the interview after the ident. I didn¡¯t want to get mother worried." "Is that so? Congrattions!" "I have an orientation to attend. I will visit you this weekend." "Sure." Junhyuk hung up the phone and thought about his father. Then, he got up. "I have a job now. I should keep my promise." Chapter 8: New Employee 2 Chapter 8: New Employee 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Wearing his workout clothing, Junhyuk ran to the grocery store. It was still morning. Soyeon should be there. When he arrived, he looked through the ss door, saw Soyeon arranging stuff, and went inside. "Wee!" Soyeon got up from her seat, saw that it was him, and was unable to hide her concern. "Are you okay?" "I could fly because of the cider you gave me the other day." "That¡¯s a relief." She started arranging sushi rolls. He picked up two sushi rolls and two boxes of banana milk, and put them on the checkout counter. Soyeon rang it up and looked at him. After paying the bill, Junhyuk gave her a sushi roll and a box of banana milk. "Just as I¡¯d promised." "Did you have another interview over the weekend?" He opened his sushi roll. "No." Soyeon¡¯s eyes widened. "Then, who hired you?" "ST Capsule did." "Really?" It was the thirdrgestpany in South Korea. Soyeon got a twinkle in her eyes when she heard, then and there, that he had been hired. Junhyuk took a bite out of the sushi roll and smiled. "Life is worth living," he said. Soyeon was impressed with him and looked around. There weren¡¯t any other customers. She also took a bite of a sushi roll. She was hungry because she hadn¡¯t eaten her breakfast. Looking at her sushi roll, she said: "It¡¯s delicious." Junhyuk looked at her while she ate, ate his own sushi roll, and then drank his banana milk in one go. During his month in the Valley of Death, when he was just trying to stay alive, he often thought about Soyeon. Thest time he had had a girlfriend was in high school. When he was in the army, his girlfriend cheated on him. Because of that betrayal, he did not date anyone when he returned to his university after the army. Thanks to that, he received good grades in his sses. However, when he was facing death, he had thought about Soyeon. It had probably been because of her bright and active personality. He wasn¡¯t sure how to feel about her, but every time he saw her he felt well. Junhyuk took the garbage. "When I get my first paycheck, I¡¯ll get you something better." Soyeon was a little embarrassed. She did not think much of a sushi roll and a box of banana milk, but going out with him for dinner was rather embarrassing. "Are you asking me out on a date?" Junhyuk got even more embarrassed than her. He scratched his head and mumbled: "It doesn¡¯t have to be a date. It¡¯s just that you are always rooting for me, so I feel grateful." Soyeon looked embarrassed, and Junhyukughed radiantly. "I was just kidding." Soyeon smiled. "You¡¯ve made it to a major corporation, so you should take me out for something bigger." "I will get you something better. I will," Junhyuk tapped on his chest while he said that. "Starting on Wednesday, I have two nights and three days of orientation. It ends Friday, so I won¡¯t be here. Don¡¯t wait for me." "I don¡¯t wait for you!" She said with wide eyes. Junhyuk looked as though his feelings were hurt. "Well, then there is nothing I can do. I should get going." "I am just kidding! I have waited for you since you made that promise." He looked proud. "Well, when I start my job, I will get you some banana milk every day." Soyeon stuck out her tongue slightly and said: "That could get tiresome for me." "Could it?" "You should juste and visit me from time to time like you do now." In truth, he only visited her when he had an interview so she could cheer him up. Unemployed people had no money. "Alright, I will do that. I have to go. See you next time!" He waved goodbye and ran home as fast as he could. It had been only two days, but since his soul experienced some struggles, his body responded well to his new training. ording to Arn, his body followed his soul and vice versa. Arn warned him about imbnce. So, to achieve bnce, after he got home, he did handstands. "Heee, up!" Before, his muscture had been normal, but now he could do handstands easily. While in the handstand position, he also did push-ups, but he soon lost his bnce and fell forward. Hey on the ground and looked at the ceiling. "Is it a date?" He mumbled. Junhyuk was thinking about the conversation he had had with Soyeon andughed. He was now doing sit-ups. "Ooph, ooph!" If he wanted to remain alive the next time he got summoned, he had to sculpt his body and mind. He had also been hired and had to get used to thepany as well. He did not think he would have time for a date. --- He was standing in front of the twelve-story building that was ST Capsule¡¯s corporate headquarters, wearing a suit and a backpack. He took a deep breath and entered the 1st-floor lobby. He found a service desk. "Where should I go for the orientation for the new hires?" "You should take that stairs downstairs and you¡¯ll see an auditorium." "Thank you." Junhyuk moved quickly. He went downstairs to the auditorium. It looked bigger than any ordinary auditorium you could find at universities. He opened the door and saw people talking in groups. He watched them briefly and walked in. People were taking their seats, so he felt he should do the same. He found an empty seat and everyone was suddenly staring at him. They were whispering, but Junhyuk could hear everything. In the Valley of Death, he could not afford to miss a single noise. If he did, he could¡¯ve been surprise attacked by beasts or monsters, and all that experience made his senses keener. "Who is that?" "He looks familiar, but I don¡¯t know who he is." Then a woman spoke. "Isn¡¯t that the man on SNS?" "Right, that¡¯s him!" "Is he one of the new employees?" Listening to people whisper made him feel awkward, and he got up from his seat. They must be his colleagues. Some of them might be assigned to the same division as him, and he shouldn¡¯t distance himself from them. "Hello! My name is Junhyuk Lee." He greeted them, and they stopped whispering. A woman lifted up her hand and asked: "Aren¡¯t you the guy from that famous video on SNS?" "If you are referring to the bus ident, I am that guy." The women whispered among themselves. A man lifted his hand. He was wearing sses and looked proud of himself. "The ident happened on the day of the interview. Did you get to interview?" "After the ident, I came straight here." "Weren¡¯t you injured?" Junhyuk knew where he was getting at. Looking at the man, he answered: "I did not want to be rejected without even being able to have an interview, and that¡¯s why I went to the interview, but they gave me a warning at the end of it: a person who does not take care of himself is not qualified to sell medical equipment." "Then, how did you get hired?" Junhyuk replied without an attitude. "Only the interviewers know the answer to that question." The man frowned at his answer, but Junhyuk paid no attention and continued: "In any event, nice to meet you, my new associates." "Nice to meet you!" The women greeted him. Junhyuk nodded his head and took his seat. He sat in the front row. He could feel everybody¡¯s gazes behind him, but he ignored them. People began whispering again. Suddenly, the door opened, and a group of people came in. They were wearing employee name tags. They called the attendance for the new employees and had them relocated. Every new employee took a seat in the front row. The guy with sses who had asked him questions was sitting right next to Junhyuk. He looked as though his pride had been hurt because he was sitting next to Junhyuk, but Junhyuk paid no attention. The twenty new employees were sitting in the front row when a woman went up to the podium. Junhyuk looked at her closely. She was the same woman with sses who had admonished him on the interview day. "All new employees are in attendance," she looked at them with a haughty expression. I am Eunseo Kim, Department Chief to the Strategy nning Department. Nice to meet you." The Strategy nning Department was the center of the corporation. She was the department chief, which made everyone nervous. The woman standing in front of them was at the center of the corporation, and everyone corrected their postures. Eunseo looked at them. "I am in charge of this orientation. We will spend next two nights and three days together," she said and looked at her tablet. "Mr. Jangho Kim." "Yes." Junhyuk looked at the man next to him, who got up from his seat. He looked proud. Eunseo lifted her head and looked at the man. "You passed the interview in first ce. For the next two nights and three days, you will be the chief of Section One." "I will do my best!" Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. "And Mr. Junhyuk Lee." "Yes." Junhyuk got up when Eunseo calmly called his name. "You will be the chief of Section Two. Each section will have ten people. You should pick the people who will be in your section and who have the same interests as you." After Eunseo spoke, Jangho stared at Junhyuk. Junhyuk ignored him and replied: "I will." Eunseo put her tablet away. "Thirty minutes from now, we¡¯ll take a bus to inspect a factory. You should pick the members for your section before that. I will see you at the factory." After Eunseo left, Junhyuk looked at the new employees and said: "Raise your hand if you want to join Section Two." The women raised their hands as soon as he finished the sentence. In total, seven women raised their hands, and two men looked around first, but also raised their hands. At once, Junhyuk filled up his section and looked at a man wearing an employee name tag. His name is Woogun Jang. "Mr. Jang. My section is filled up." "You are popr, Mr. Lee." Woogun took out name tags. "Hand out the name tags. You should introduce yourself. We will spend two nights and three days together." Junhyuk took the name tags and looked at Jangho. He looked ufortable with Junhyuk¡¯s poprity, but Junhyuk paid no attention to him. "Section Two,e this way. I will give your name tags." Chapter 9: New Employee 3 Chapter 9: New Employee 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - ST Capsule¡¯s factory impressed everyone who was on the field trip. The whole process was done automatically, and the workers only did inspections. Machines moved, making capsules, which impressed Junhyuk. Getting hired by such arge corporation gave him one more reason to survive. He would survive at all costs. Junhyuk looked at Mr. Jang, who was giving everyone a short briefing, and Eunseo, who was using her tablet. He thought about the question she had asked during the interview, and his answer to her question. His own thought had been correct. Existences even Junhyuk didn¡¯t know yet were summoning people, and they would probably summon more people that week. Many people would experience the summoning and thea, which worried him. That¡¯s when Eunseo turned her eyes slightly and saw Junhyuk. He looked into her eyes and smiled, but she seemed uninterested and looked at her tablet again. Mr. Jang kept talking: "So, it¡¯s a process that makes more than 10,000 capsules per week, but we might have to make more than that." Every week, there were more than 6,000 cases of abnormal narcolepsy. Patients who fell under massa got their capsules from W.A.N.C.S., but, in private hospitals, patients got their capsules purchased by the hospitals, or the people responsible for the patients got it for them. The number was not small, and they had to make more than 10,000 capsules per week. ST Capsule¡¯s factory excursion was over. Eunseo was standing in front of a bus. "We will now go to thepany training center. Everyone get on the bus." Junhyuk got on the bus with the other members of Section Two. There were two small buses. Each section, and the staff members in charge of that section, got on one bus. Junhyuk was with Mr. Jang and two female staff members. He got on the bus, took a seat and closed his eyes. He did not want to waste his energy by chit-chatting with the others during the bus ride. In the past a few days, he had been really into exercising, so he couldn¡¯t sit still. Junhyuk was putting pressure on each part of his body during the ride. Someone came and sat next to Junhyuk. The person¡¯s perfume tickled at his nose. "Do you travel alone?" Junhyuk did not feel good about being approached by Somin Jeon, the most beautiful woman among new recruits. It was a good thing to be approached by a beautiful woman, but it often meant trouble. "Do you have something to say?" "If I don¡¯t, can¡¯t I sit next to you?" Junhyuk smiled and replied: "No, I am trying to take a short nap." "Really?" Somin tilted her head, making her short hair flow through her shoulder. Junhyuk closed his eyes. "Then, I will take that nap." His closed eyes let her know that he was not interested in chatting. Somin looked at him with curiosity. She knew what her strength was. She was usually treated well by the people around her because of her beauty. Ever since she got hired by ST Capsule, demand for her went up even more, but now Junhyuk seemed indifferent toward her. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t terribly handsome. He was on the handsome side, but there were many other people who looked better than him. However, Junhyuk had a certain intangible quality about him. He was confident, and his eyes were radiant, which made him look experienced. Somin approached him first, but now he slept while sitting next to her, and her pride was hurt. So, she crossed her arms and closed her eyes. She felt her tension easing up and started getting sleepy. Junhyuk saw Somin falling asleep next to him. What is she up to? She fell asleep and leaned her head on his shoulder. It would be awkward if he pushed her away, so he let her sleep on his shoulder while he put pressure on the shoulder muscle of his other shoulder. Arn taught him that if he could control each part of his muscles it would maximize that muscle¡¯s power. Each day, he worked out a different part of his muscles that wasn¡¯t required for fighting. If one exercised parts of his muscle that weren¡¯t normally used, he would be able to maximize his power. So, Junhyuk was trying to learn which parts of his muscles he didn¡¯t normally use. There are 650 muscles in the human body. He used to think the body was just one huge muscle, but now he was trying to learn how to use each different part. He hadn¡¯t even gotten around to half of them. So, he decided he should sleep less and learn more. They arrived at the training center, and Junhyuk moved his shoulder. "Miss Somin Jeon." "Hmmm?" She slowly opened her eyes and realized she had slept on Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder. She woke up abruptly, then pulled out a mirror and looked at her reflection. She saw that her makeup was still on. Relieved, she sighed and got up. "Why didn¡¯t you wake me up?" "I was sleeping as well." He was just saying that in order not to embarrass her too much. He got up and put on his backpack. Somin could see a stain on his arm from her makeup and felt embarrassed and got out of the bus. Somin had drooled on his arm. He wiped it with a handkerchief, and got out of the bus. He could see Mount Chun Ma. ST Capsule¡¯s Training Center was on Mount Chun Ma, and its size was huge. There were only twenty trainees, and the training center was toorge for only twenty people. Mr. Jang exined: "This is ST Capsule¡¯s Training Center. It can amodate up to 3,000 employees. First, I will assign sleeping quarters. After the rooms are assigned, we will lunch together. So, unpack your luggage and change into something morefortable. You should find clothes in your closets. We will lunch in the cafeteria." Eunseo and Mr. Jang left. There were guides who were directing the trainees. Junhyuk found a room for himself. Each room at the training center amodated two people. Junhyuk found out who would be his roommate andughed. "What is so funny?" "Nothing. You can choose your bed first." "I will sleep by the window." Jangho unpacked on his bed, and Junhyuk took the bed by the door and unpacked. Jangho spoke first: "Just because we are sharing a room does not mean we are friends." "What do you mean?"Junhyuk asked. Jangho answered while holding his sses: "Mr. Junhyuk Lee. Where did you go to for university?" "I went to Han Jin University." "That¡¯s about right. I graduated at the top of my ss from Korea University with a degree in Business Management." Junhyuk looked at Jangho again. He graduated at the top of his ss from the best university in the nation. Of course he got hired with distinction. Perhaps, Jangho had always taken the number one ce wherever he went. "I didn¡¯t know that. Fine." Junhyuk went to a university he couldn¡¯t even put on his resume. "As long as you remain civil, I will also be civil." "Thanks." Jangho thought Junhyuk caught a lucky break and loathed him for that. He got hired because of his brain and hard work, but Junhyuk got hired because he saved some people and became an instant sensation on the inte. Would he be a detestable person? Junhyuk did not wish to waste his energy. He opened the closet and saw the clothes Mr. Jang had referred to. The clothes were white jumpsuits. He picked out arge one and put it on his bed. Jangho watched him undress. Jangho looked at Junhyuk¡¯s upper body and was in shock. Junhyuk¡¯s muscles were moving all over his back. It had only been five days, but his muscles were exquisitely well-shaped. That happened because his mind had grown so quickly, and his body had to keep up. Junhyuk got dressed, pulled the zipper up to his neck and looked at Jangho. "I will go out first." Jangho nodded, and Junhyuk went outside. Jangho looked at his own naked body. He thought he should exercise more. Up until then, he had only exercised to keep healthy, but changed his mind because of Junhyuk. "I should exercise more. And I will." Jangho¡¯s personality made it so that he had to be the best at whatever he did. When he went outside, he saw Junhyuk surrounded by women and heading toward the cafeteria. "Hmph." After lunch, they watched a short video on ST Capsule. After that, they also found out what they would be doing in thepany. They spent hours developing their allegiance to thepany. After dinner, Eunseo stepped forward. "Everyone did well. We will continue tomorrow, so rest for the remainder of the day. Also, we prepared a round of drinks." Everyone cheered. Mr. Jang took Eunseo¡¯s ce and spoke: "Let¡¯s all go to the cafeteria." They all followed Mr. Jang to the cafeteria. It was a buffet. The chefs were roasting different meat and slicing tuna. Junhyuk whispered: "Is this the grandiosity of a major corporation?" Mr. Jangughed and said: "Take your food and go over there to eat." Mr. Jang pointed to a ce right in front of a stage. Junhyuk thought he might have to perform. Nevertheless, he took two tes and started to put food on both of them. He was holding two full tes of food when he took a seat in the ce where Mr. Jang had pointed. Since he started exercising, he ate a lot. He thought it might be because of his increased muscle mass. He wanted to eat. Junhyuk was eating quickly when a person took a seat right in front of him. He looked at the person, and it was Eunseo. She is holding a te with sd and a few tuna sushi. "Gak!" Junhyuk choked and coughed from the surprise. It was none other than Eunseo Kim, why? Eunseo frowned after watching Junhyuk cough out some rice. "Do you want me to change seats?" "No. Not, really." Junhyuk wiped his mouth with a napkin, and Eunseo ate her sd. No one came over to their table since Eunseo was sitting there. She ate without speaking, and he continued to eat his food as well. After a while, Eunseo finished her meal first and said: "W.A.N.C.S. offered you work as a public advertisement model, and you turned the offer down, correct?" Junhyuk swallowed the food in his mouth and took a sip of water. He looked at Eunseo¡¯s eyes. "Yes, I turned it down." "Why?" "I just want to live a normal life." "Isn¡¯t it toote for a normal life?" Junhyuk was unable to answer, and then Eunseo spoke softly: "We will use you as a model. If you turn us down, there will be no reason for us to keep you here." Junhyuk looked around. The two of them were alone at their table. The other people were far away and unable to hear what they were talking about. "You mean for thepany advertisement?" "Correct." "Did you hire me because of the SNS?" "I can¡¯t say it¡¯s not because of it." Junhyuk worried for a moment. "Since I am an employee, thepany can¡¯t pay for the work as a model, right?" Eunseo smiled and answered: "That¡¯s not the case. You will get paid for modeling." Junhyuk sighed. He wanted to live quietly, and there was nothing he could do. "I understand." He conceded easily, and Eunseo smiled. She usually looked haughty, but then, looking at her smile, she didn¡¯t look bad. "I was worried since you¡¯d turned down the offer from W.A.N.C.S., but that¡¯s a relief." Eunseo Kim extended her hand, and Junhyuk grabbed it. Everyone was looking, but he didn¡¯t care. "You have a nice smile." Eunseo stopped smiling and went away. He got up to get more food. He was still hungry, but when he returned to his seat, he saw Somin sitting in front of him, smiling. "Can I sit here?" He couldn¡¯t even eat his food in peace. Chapter 10: New Employee 4 Chapter 10: New Employee 4 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk got another two full tes of food and ate them. Somin was eating soba noodles and looked at him with a smile. "Chief Eunseo Kim was talking to you personally. Does she want you to go to the Strategy nning Department?" Junhyuk shook his head. "No. She wants to use me as a model." She stared nkly at his honest answer. When they were on the bus, he didn¡¯t want to talk, but now he was being too honest. She didn¡¯t understand it. He lifted his head and smiled. "I wasn¡¯t expecting that." "What?" Junhyuk pointed with his chin, and Somin turned to see people getting on the stage. A piano yed, and then a female singer sang jazz along with it. She had a sweet yet sultry voice, and her singing was very sensual. Somin looked for Junhyuk, but he had already left his seat. He was going for more of the buffet food. "This must be his first time at a buffet." She was attracted to him, and even his gluttonous behavior was cute to her. She took a seat next to Junhyuk¡¯s seat and enjoyed the jazz while she ate. Soon, Junhyuk came back and sat opposite of Somin. Somin tapped on the seat next to her. "We already sat together on the bus. Why do you insist on sitting alone?" "It¡¯s different from being on a bus, "Junhyuk ate some ribs and replied. "We are not close enough to dine together." "You are being picky." "I am not that easy." Junhyuk smiled at her and ate the food on his tes. Looking at him, Sominughed and decided to concentrate on listening to the music. Looking at the both of them, Jangho was angry. To himself, he was a much better man than Junhyuk. Junhyuk just happened to be in an ident and did what every responsible man should do, but it had made him a star. Using it as a pretext, he got hired, and now Eunseo and Somin were trying to get close to him. They all made him sick to his stomach. "Argh!" Jangho Kim got up and went to his sleeping quarters. There was no reason for him to stay there any longer since Eunseo had already left. --- On Thursday, they experimented with the capsule, learning more about its effectiveness. Any ordinary person could handle a capsule, but they were trying to understand each part of the capsule. ording Mr. Jang, being well informed and understanding the effectiveness of everything in a capsule was necessary only in the training stage. Each department had an analyst, a salesperson and a repair person. Excluding them, there was no reason for other people to understand everything. No one was paying close attention, except for Junhyuk. He, himself, might have to use a capsule in the future, so he was the most curious and tried to understand everything. Jangho made a remark to provoke him: "Since he can¡¯t be an analyst, is he trying to be a repairman?" Junhyuk paid no attention and asked an analyst a question. They all looked at Jangho and talked amongst themselves. Jangho was like a bad student who was being sarcastic toward an honor student, and he did not feel so well. All the instruction concerning the capsule ended, and they all ate their lunch. The staff told them to gather around the ying field after lunch, by one o¡¯clock, and they all came. They were in their separate sections and chatting, and Somin stood next to Junhyuk. She knew Junhyuk didn¡¯t talk much. She did not say anything and kept a little distance from him. She was a woman that required attention, but he did not have the time to spend with her. He was standing there, tuning each of his muscles. What he was doing rted directly to him living. He could not pay attention to anything else. They had waited for a while when, suddenly, Eunseo showed up wearing hiking clothes with the other guides. Eunseo looked at the people gathered. "We should go on a light hike." Eunseo was in charge of training the new employees. No one was able to turn her suggestion down. Mr. Jang did not have a backpack, but the other guides did. It should only take one hour and thirty minutes to get to the top of Mt. Chun Ma. The whole trip, without stopping, should take less than 3 hours. "Let¡¯s go." Eunseo and Mr. Jang took the lead with Section One following them. Section Two was following Section One, and the guides were behind Section Two. Junhyuk was inst ce. A guide was having trouble with his heavy backpack, and Junhyuk offered to take it. "Give it to me." "I am fine." "It will be a good exercise. Give it to me." The guide turned down his offer a few times, but he started tog behind, so he gave Junhyuk the backpack. Junhyuk strapped the backpack on and said: "It¡¯s heavy!" "Give it back to me." "No, I¡¯m fine." Junhyuk moved forward. It was heavy, but he could still handle it fine. Even though he didn¡¯t look strong, he, in fact, had a strong constitution. He moved easily with the backpack on him, and the guide was impressed with him. He did not even break a sweat. This was not a light hike, and Eunseo and Mr. Jang were moving fast. They must¡¯ve been hiking for a while, and some of the other people weregging behind, especially Section Two. That was because Section Two wasposed mainly of women. Junhyuk cheered the women on with the backpack on his back. Many women did not have hiking experience, and they were slowing down. Somin was cheering and pushing the other women forward. She was different from how frail she looked. She showed a strong willpower, which impressed Junhyuk. She was not only pretty, but was also considerate of other people. Finally, Section Two reached the zenith, but that was twenty minutes after the lead group. On the top of the mountain, Eunseo was looking at the scenery. "You arete," she told Junhyuk. "I am sorry." Junhyuk apologized calmly, and Eunseo fixed her sses and said: "Then, let¡¯s start." He was curious by what she had meant by start when Mr. Jang called for him. Mr. Jang took the backpack from him. "Did you carry this here?" "Yes, what¡¯s inside the backpack?" "I will show you." With a smile on his face, Mr. Jang took out the things inside the backpack. They were all soju* bottles packed tightly inside the backpack. While carrying it, Junhyuk felt something sloshing. He thought it might have been water, but it was the soju. There were a total of fifteen bottles. The guides came over to Mr. Jang. They were carrying cups for the wine and side dishes to go with the liquor. Junhyuk looked at Eunseo. She was looking far away. So, he also looked at the scenery of Mt. Chun Ma. He had not liked to hike before, but at that moment, on the top of a mountain, the air and cool breeze and picturesque scenery all made him think it was worth the trouble. He was enjoying being on the top of a mountain when Mr. Jang announced: "We are ready!" As Eunseo turned her head, she saw Junhyuk. She realized that Junhyuk had also felt the same emotion from looking at the scenery as she did. She smiled and walked away. Mr. Jang was surrounded by new employees and he had already poured a round of drinks for everyone. Eunseo turned around and saw Junhyuk still looking at the scenery. "You shoulde too," she said. "OK." Quickly, Junhyuk took a seat. Eunseo picked up her cup and said: "From now on, you will experience many hardships working for thepany. Don¡¯t be discouraged and remember to push and to pull others just like you did during this hike. Then, everything will be okay." It hadn¡¯t been just a hike, but a hike with a meaning. Eunseo kept going: "I wish for a bright future for ourpany. Cheers!" "Cheers!" While everyone lifted their cups, Eunseo drank down her soju in one gulp. She had always looked so arrogant, and this was a new side to her. Everyone else emptied their cups. They had all been thirsty from the hike and were able to drink one cup each. Eunseo put down her cup and looked at Junhyuk. "Usually the guides carry the soju, but this time a new employee carried it. We are able to drink this cold soju because of him. Give him a round of apuse." Everyone pped their hands. Junhyuk scratched his head and nodded. Eunseo smiled and continued: "The new-employee training is over. We will have another round of drinks when we get down. Work hard!" Eunseo looked at Mr. Jang. "Make sure no one gets drunk. I will head down first." "I will go with you." "I am fine. I only drank one cup. Don¡¯t worry." "But..." Eunseo fixed her sses. It was a simple gesture, but she turned back to the arrogant persona of the Chief of the Strategy nning Department. "Are you trying to make me into a careless superior?" "No." As Mr. Jang smiled, Eunseo nodded her head and headed down the mountain. She looked strong. Junhyuk looked at her and picked up the soju bottle. Being at the top of a mountain made the soju taste extra sweet. He was about to pour some more when someone stopped him. It was Somin, who looked a little embarrassed. "I will pour it for you." "I¡¯m OK." "If you pour it yourself, I will be out of luck for 3 years." It was a joke. Junhyuk put his cup forward. Somin poured him a cupful of soju and lifted her own cup. "Now, you pour me a cup." Since she had been so considerate while hiking up the mountain, Junhyuk poured her a drink without thinking twice. She was his coworker now. He should be nice to her, and she was a beautiful woman. With her cup full, she smiled and clinked his cup with hers. He smiled at the sight, and both of them dly emptied their cups. ------ soju - a clear, colorless distilled Korean beverage traditionally made from rice Chapter 11: Evolution 1 Chapter 11: Evolution 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - There were fifteen bottles of soju and twenty-five people. That meant less than one bottle per person. If anyone drank too much, it would still be less than three sses. Everyone drank happily. A few drank enough and had a nice buzz going, making their faces red, but no one was too drunk. If someone stumbled on the mountainside, it would cause a major ident. They all knew that and only drank enough to be merry. Also, there weren¡¯t that many bottles. Junhyuk tried to pick up the empty backpack, and Mr. Jang waived his hand while smiling. "The guides will take care of it." It¡¯s was an empty backpack, and he did not have to carry it. "OK." The group went down the mountain. Junhyuk worried about there being an ident involving people who got rather tipsy and walkedst in line to keep a watch on everyone. "AHH!" Everyone was walking down when they heard a scream. They all stopped. It was a familiar voice. "Department Chief?!" Mr. Jang expressed his concern, and Junhyuk was already running. It was dangerous to run downward on a mountain, but he did not care. If necessary, he would create a force field. He ran fast. He had been training just as Arn instructed him, so he was utilizing every part of his muscles, and it was easy for him to run downward. As he ran down, his sense of bnce became more acute. The people behind him were calling his name, but he paid no attention. He only thought that he had to run faster. He did not have a special rtionship with Eunseo, but, after hearing that scream, his only thought was to save her. He ran toward where the scream hade, but there was no other sound. She could have been hurt already, so he ran faster. He ran for 30 minutes. He ran fast, as if he were flying. He covered a distance in a few minutes that would take an ordinary man twenty minutes. He saw Eunseo. She was still very far away from him. It would take him at least thirty seconds to reach her. The reason for the scream was the mountain hog about three feet from her. The hog was fuming, so Junhyuk ran faster. Eunseo heard the sound of Junhyuk running and turned to look. Then, he shouted: "MOVE ASIDE!" As Eunseo turned her head, the mountain hog started to run. Snort! Grunt! As she heard the sounds of the hog, she turned back to it. She wanted to move away from the charging hog, but couldn¡¯t do it because she was too frozen. Thump! "AAHHH!" With a short scream, she bounced off the pedestrian road toward the valley. Junhyuk did not even nce at the mountain hog and, instead, ran toward the valley. He couldn¡¯t jump down to the valley from a cliff, but he did it anyway. The mountain hog stayed where it was. Junhyuk figured he would be safe for at least ten seconds regardless of what happened. He would use his force field, but, after making the jump, he felt scared. He saw Eunseo falling. If she continued to fall like that, it would be hard to catch her, so he extended his hands toward her and closed his eyes. It had never worked before, but he really wanted it at this moment. It was not for him, but for her. He wanted the shield to protect her. The force field came out around him. Despite his wish, it did note out around Eunseo. He tried his best, but couldn¡¯t get closer to her. As she fell, she hit a branch. After that, her falling speed decreased. Watching her fall, Junhyuk kicked off the cliff wall. At that moment, he felt a sharp pain on his leg. Phump! With a loud noise, Junhyuk sped up, getting closer to Eunseo, but the ground was even closer to her. He tried even harder. If she crashed, she would die for sure. "NO!" He shouted aloud and wished even harder. Then, the field disappeared from him. That¡¯s when a protective field appeared around Eunseo. Thump! The field protected against any physical force. For ten seconds, it would work in any situation. Eunseo would be safe. The problem was what would happen next. Junhyuk was close to the ground, but he had already transferred the field. He was falling head first, but turned his body. It would be better if he fell on his legs. Crash! "G¡¯ahhh!" He had been training for a month ording to An¡¯s instructions, so he was close to reaching the human limit, but he couldn¡¯t help but break his legs. His leg bones were shattered, but he did not lose consciousness. He looked up. He must¡¯ve fallen at least sixty-five feet. He tried his best, and headed to Eunseo. His shin was broken and tearing open his skin, and she was deeply hurt from the collision with the mountain hog. She had also hit a tree branch while falling. Perhaps, she was dead already. He crawled toward her and checked to see if she was still breathing. She was not dead yet and was still breathing. He let out a sigh of relief, and looked at her wounds. The mountain hog hit her on the thigh, and it was swollen. It looked like her femur* was also broken. She had no other wounds. He fell next to her, breathed deeply, and shouted with all his might: "HELP US!" --- Junhyuk shouted for help with all his might and stared at his leg. His pain was making him dizzy. In any case, they both could die from excessive bleeding. He couldn¡¯t just die. He had survived the Dimensional Battlefield ande back. He couldn¡¯t die in vain. Junhyuk tried to stop the bleeding and focused on his shin muscle. Arn had taught him that by using a muscle¡¯s contraction, he could stop blood vessels from bleeding excessively. Junhyuk could do the muscle contractions even though it was difficult. He had been training each part of his muscles, so it wasn¡¯t impossible for him to do it. How could he die just like that? He took off his jacket, and tried to use it to stop the bleeding by wrapping it around his torn muscle. He thought it was possible he could die. He couldprehend each of his muscles, but he still did not know which muscle contraction would stop the bleeding. He was trying all of them and guessing. In the end, he was lucky. The bleeding decreased. He wrapped his jacket even tighter andy on the ground. He did everything he could do. At the moment, he should wait for the rescue team to arrive. Mr. Jang¡¯s face popped out from the hiking trail. Junhyuk looked at him. He didn¡¯t see them, but looked like he had hurried to get down. His face was sweaty, and Junhyuk shouted: "WE ARE HERE!" Mr. Jang looked at them, and his eyes widened. Junhyuk was bleeding heavily, and Eunseo had lost consciousness. "Are you OK?" "I am, for now, but I¡¯m bleeding heavily. It could be bad." "What about the Department Chief?" "Looks like she has a broken femur. The rescue team should hurry." "Wait a minute." Mr. Jang¡¯s face disappeared, and Junhyuk let out a sigh of relief. They would send a rescue team soon. "Mmm." Eunseo was regaining consciousness. Junhyuk crawled toward her. "Are you okay?" Eunseo frowned as she opened her eyes. "Ouch!" "Looks like your femur is broken, and your hip is bruised. Stay still." "I can¡¯t feel anything below my legs." "It may be because of the shock. Mr. Jang found us, so a rescue team will being soon." Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. She was feeling a great amount of pain, but she tried not to show it because of her pride. "Where are we?" She asked him. "You were hit by a mountain hog and fell off from the cliff." Junhyuk pointed upward with his hand. She looked up. It was at least sixty-five feet high. They fell and they were lucky to be alive. Eunseo closed her eyes. She could picture a mountain hog running toward her in her mind. She remembered falling, and Junhyuk jumping off the cliff. She remembered Junhyuk extending his hands toward her as he jumped, but did not remember anything else after she hit a branch, injuring her hip. "Why did you jump?" Junhyukughed. "If we are lucky, we will both survive." "We are lucky." Eunseo looked over to Junhyuk and asked: "How is your leg?" "I broke my shin, but I¡¯m OK." Eunseo wanted to talk more, but she closed her eyes because of the pain. As she closed her eyes, Junhyuk looked at her and said, tenderly: "The rescue team will arrive soon." Eunseo nodded without speaking. She was not even moaning and withstood her pain. Junhyuk sighed. "If it hurts, you should let it out." Eunseo did not talk, and endured it all. He realized it was pointless to say anything else to her. Resting next to her, his head was getting dizzy. He had stopped the bleeding, but he had already bled too much. He shook his head and said: "Stay awake. If you fall asleep, it will be dangerous." "I know." She knew what was happening, but it did not mean she could do anything about it. Junhyuk took care of her, and she was doing her best to endure the pain. She shivered slightly. "It¡¯s cold." Eunseo was wearing warm hiking clothes. She shouldn¡¯t be saying that she was feeling cold. She had to be bleeding. The broken femur or injured hip might have sliced some veins. If there was internal bleeding, the problem was serious. Junhyuk took off his shirt and covered her with it. He looked at her feeling cold, and looked up at the sky and gave her a hug. Eunseo was surprised, and Junhyuk whispered: "You cannot afford to lose body heat." Eunseo¡¯s face turned red, but she did not say anything. Junhyuk looked away. Soon, from far away, there came the loud noise of a rotor turning. Junhyuk looked and, between the trees, he saw a helicopter. "The rescue team is here." From the top of the cliff, Mr. Jang showed up. "The rescue team is here. Just hold on a little longer." Junhyuk let go of her and shouted: "Ms. Kim has hurt her hip! We need something to carry her!" "Understood!" People showed up on the top of the cliff. As she looked at them, she felt relieved, and passed out. Junhyuk noticed what had happened. A member of the rescue team shouted: "Are you both conscious?" "She just passed out! She was awake a moment ago!" "What happened?" "The Section Chief broke her femur and hurt her hip, and I broke my shin." "Wait a minute. We will get you out." Junhyuk looked at the passed out Eunseo and whispered: "Cheer up! Rescue team is here." ------ femur - name of the thigh bone, the longest and most resistant bone in the human bone Chapter 12: Evolution 2 Chapter 12: Evolution 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - He had ster casts around both of his legs and was lying on a bed, concentrating on a cup next to him. There was no change to the cup. "Maybe I can only use it on people?" He was surely able to save Eunseo with his force field. What was going on? He thought perhaps he would be able to create a field around himself, and it worked, but he was unable to transfer the field to other objects, and he couldn¡¯t try using it on other people. He sighed and leaned on his bed. The bed was tilted up, and it made him feel cozy. This was a VIP room, and it wasrge andfortable. After being rescued, he got to the hospital by helicopter. The doctors could have thought his condition was strange, so he rxed his muscles and made himself bleed profusely. The doctors had been worried about the heavy bleeding. Nevertheless, the surgery was sessful. "The real problem is with the Department Chief." Eunseo¡¯s femur was broken, and there had been internal bleeding, but the surgery also went well. The problem came from her hitting her hip on the branch when she fell. At that moment, her lower body was paralyzed. "Phew." If he had transferred the force field sooner, she might not have hurt her hip. It was his fault. Junhyuk sighed and tried again to make a force field, but it did not work. "I should experiment with thister." Junhyuk closed his eyes and concentrated on tuning his muscles. As he controlled his muscles, he could feel his legs¡¯ muscles and found that he could tell how seriously he had been hurt. He had put pressure on his muscles when he broke his legs, and the break had been clean. He still had to wear the casts for three weeks before his legs would be healed. He realized that he had to spend more time at that ce. "I have to leave in two weeks. This makes it difficult." As he leaned on the bed, he heard someone knock on the door. "It¡¯s open." He looked at the peopleing in, and his eyes widened . "Father! Mom!" Junhyuk¡¯s father, Sukhoon Lee, and mother, Haejung Kim, came in. Haejung checked his wounds as soon as she went in the room. "My Junhyuk, are you OK?" "I am fine." "What in the world?! How did you get hurt?" He scratched his head. "I rolled down a mountain." Haejung was being fussy. "I heard it¡¯s a singr fracture. After 3 weeks, you will be able to get rid of the casts, so don¡¯t worry too much," Sukhoon said. "I¡¯m not worried." Sukhoon and Haejung were worried. Sukhoon looked around andmented: "This room must be very expensive." "It happened during thepany training. They will cover all hospital costs." "I see." Haejung asked him carefully: "It happened so soon after you got hired. Won¡¯t you get fired?" "That won¡¯t happen." He had been hurt because he was trying save Eunseo. Of course, from Eunseo¡¯s position, he didn¡¯t do anything to help her, but even so, he was there with her ¡¯til they both got rescued. Because of that, he wouldn¡¯t get fired. "That¡¯s good to hear." Smiling, Haejung Kim made more of a fuss and chit-chatted with her son. He got busy answering her questions. She talked about telling everyone in her neighborhood that her son had been hired by ST Capsule. "By the way, do you want to go on a blind date?" "Mom!" Junhyuk became upset and protested. She smiled and said: "You remember her. She was in our neighborhood, Mr. Park¡¯s daughter. She just became an elementary school teacher." "I don¡¯t care. I just got a job. What do mean go on a blind date?!" "You don¡¯t even have a girlfriend. You¡¯ve been alone for so long." "Mom!" He said in a panic. Meanwhile, Sukhoon walked over to Haejung and put his hand on her shoulder. "Dear, stop it." Haejung smacked her lips and took a step back. Sukhoon spoke to Junhyuk: "Do you have a nurse?" "Yes, she went out for a minute." He broke both of his legs and was unable to move on his own. So, ST Capsule hired him a nurse. Sukhoon nodded and looked at Haejung. "Since you have a caregiver, we will just visit you from time to time." "How can you trust your son to a caregiver like that? I wille here on weekends." "Then, am I going to be alone on weekends?" "Go fishing with your friends! I will be here." Junhyuk sighed deeply and looked at his mother. "Then,e over just on Saturdays and Sundays." If she came over on Fridays, it could be a problem. Spending time in a hospital was already a problem. If his mother spent time with him, she would find out about his experience with abnormal narcolepsy. He wanted to avoid that situation. Sukhoon had nothing more to say and looked at his son. "I will be going. Take care of yourself." "Yes, don¡¯t worry." "Thanks to you, I will be fishing most of the time." Junhyuk knew how much his father liked fishing and just smiled. Haejung got up and rubbed her son¡¯s face with hands. "Think about the blind date." "Mom!" She looked at her panicking son. She acted offended by the reaction and left. Junhyuk looked at door close and sighed again. "What blind date...?" Junhyuk closed his eyes and concentrated on controlling his muscles. Even if he was hurt, if he didn¡¯t exercise, his muscles would beid. To prevent such a catastrophe, he exercised relentlessly. He couldn¡¯t transfer his force field at will, so he had to concentrate on being healthy again. --- He had problems with his legs, but his other body parts were fine. The next day, he got a wheelchair and went outside. He wanted to go check on Eunseo and find out what had happened to her. He went down a couple of rooms. In front of her room, there were two men standing guard, wearing suits. They stopped him. "There¡¯s no visitation at this time." Junhyuk wanted to return to his own room. If no visitation was allowed, he shouldn¡¯t try to see her now. That¡¯s when a man came out of her room and called for Junhyuk: "Mr. Junhyuk Lee?" "Yes." Junhyuk stopped and looked at him. He came over and spoke with a smile. "Are you here to visit the Department Chief?" "I wanted to, but there¡¯s no visitation right now." He naturally talked down to Junhyuk, but he was also too casual. He came over and took a hold of the wheelchair and said: "Let¡¯s go in. Eunseo wanted to see you desperately." Junhyuk did not have a chance to reply. The man pushed the wheelchair toward the room. Inside, he noticed her room was much bigger than his own and saw Eunseo lying on a bed. She had a cast on her thigh. She panicked when she saw them and put on her sses. She had a look of superiority and talked to Junhyuk: "How are you?" Junhyuk replied calmly: "They called it a miracle. I only broke both of my legs." "That¡¯s good." "By the way, how are you?" She frowned and didn¡¯t answer. The man spoke instead: "She is paralyzed below her waist, but, with some luck, she will get better," Junhyuk was really surprised, and the man continued talking. "We have invested in a project. It will make a giant stride in modern medicine, and the project has its first patient, now." "That¡¯s nice," Junhyuk replied innocently, and the man began tough. "Ha-ha-ha! Young man, I really like you." The man grabbed the wheelchair and asked: "Do you have anything more to say?" "No, I see that she is doing well. That¡¯s all." "Then, I will take you back." He couldn¡¯t use his legs, but that was it. Junhyuk was close to reaching the limit of the human body. Could he not move his own wheelchair? But the man pushed the wheelchair anyway. "Department Chief, take care of yourself." They went out. She was by herself again, and she sighed and took off her sses. With her eyes closed, she thought about the moment she fell from the cliff. She thought about Junhyuk, who had jumped after her. His beaming, frantic eyes showed how much he had wanted to save her. He had saved the people on the bus, so he might just be trying to save people from danger by risking his own life, but his beaming eyes made her think twice. "Phew." Whenever she thought about his eyes, her heart pounded. --- The man who was pushing Junhyuk did not take him to his room, but headed toward the terrace instead. They arrived on the terrace, and he ced a cigarette between his lips. Junhyuk stared nkly at him. "Isn¡¯t this a "no smoking" area?" "I know. It¡¯s just a habit. I¡¯m trying to quit." The man held the cigarette with his lips and looked at Junhyuk. "Can I ask you a question?" "I don¡¯t even know your name." He tapped on his business card with his index finger and gave it to Junhyuk. Junhyuk looked at it, and the man introduced himself: "I am the director of ST Capsule. My name is Sukhoon Kim." "You have the same name as my father." "Is that so? Your father must be quite a handsome man." Junhyukughed. "He is. If he wasn¡¯t, he would not have been able to marry my mother." "Ha-ha-ha! Your mother must also be quite beautiful." "She is." Sukhoon looked interested in the conversation. He held the cigarette between his index and middle finger, pretended he was smoking, and looked at Junhyuk. "Can I ask you a question now?" "Sure." Sukhoon looked at him calmly and asked: "Why did you do it?" "What?" Sukhoon ced the cigarette on his lips. "Why did you jump? That¡¯s what I¡¯m asking." Junhyuk thought it over for a minute. In truth, he thought he could have saved her. Of course, he jumped without thinking. He saw her fall and jumped on impulse. "I wanted to save her." Sukhoon calmly looked at Junhyuk and smiled. "Thank you." Sukhoon put the cigarette back into the cigarette pack and said: "Take care of yourself. When you are well, I will see you at thepany." Sukhoon waived and went back in the hospital. Junhyuk watched him leave and sighed. In any event, thepany wouldn¡¯t be firing him this time. "If she recovers, that will be great." If his power was a little more evolved, he could have saved her. He regretted not saving her on time, but she had a good chance at a full recovery. He felt better because of that. Junhyuk stayed on the terrace and looked up. "She looks better without sses." He thought about her putting on her sses while flustered. In any case, she looked cute. Chapter 13: Jungle 1 Chapter 13: Jungle 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The week after he was hospitalized, even though she had said she would only visit on weekends, his mom went to the hospital every day. He already had a nurse, so there wasn¡¯t much of anything his mother had to do. She became his conversation partner. She was watching a TV soap, and he was watching it with her while he bnced and tuned his muscles. It was an effective exercise to sense tune his muscles. He even learned to harden his muscles like rocks, but there was still more to learn. Knock. Knock. Somebody was at the door. "Who is it?" The door opened, and Mr. Jang came in with an unexpected person standing behind him. She was holding a bag of fruit. Looking at Somin, Junhyuk scratched his head. Why did she have to visit when his mother was here? It would create a misunderstanding. Indeed, Haejung¡¯s eyes were beaming. Junhyuk shook his head and said: "This is my mother." "Nice to meet you. I am Mr. Woogun Jang from ST Capsule¡¯s Strategy nning Department." "Oh, my goodness! You are hispany superior." Haejung smiled brightly when Somin introduced herself: "Nice to meet you. I am his new coworker, Somin Jeon." "That exins it." "Here." Somin handed the bag of fruit to Haejung, who took it with a smile. "Please take your seats. I will quickly peel some fruit." "We are fine." Haejung took Mr. Jang by his wrist and sat him on a chair. Somin looked around and took a seat. Haejung washed the fruit and brought them out with a fruit knife. Somin offered to peel: "I can peel them." "I can¡¯t let a guest peel! Wait a minute." She had a lot of experience being a housewife, and she peeled the fruit with quite the skill. Junhyuk turned to look at his guests. He wasn¡¯t expecting them. "Miss Somin Jeon, to which department did they assign you?" "I¡¯ve been assigned to the Strategy nning Headquarters." "That¡¯s the nucleus of thepany. You are something!" Junhyuk looked surprised, and Mr. Jang calmly exined: "Among the new employees, Miss Somin Jeon and Mr. Janho Kim have been assigned to the Strategy nning Headquarters." Of course, Jangho would have been assigned to that department since he was at the top among new employees, but Somin¡¯s assignment was unexpected. Mr. Jang pushed an envelope toward Junhyuk. "You¡¯ve been assigned to the advertising department." He already knew, hearing it from Eunseo. He took the envelope. Mr. Jang smiled at him. "As soon as you¡¯re fully recovered, you should report to work. You¡¯ve earned a paid vacation for your first month with thepany." "Is that right?" Junhyuk grinned. For his first month, he was getting paid without reporting to work. He felt good about that. His mom brought a te full of fruit. "Have some fruit while you talk." Haejung¡¯s eyes were beaming toward Somin. "I will go out for a few minutes," she told Junhyuk. "OK." Haejung went out, and Mr. Jang stabbed a piece of fruit with a fork and ate it. "ording to the rescue team, the fact that both of you survived is a miracle." They both had fallen from a scary height, and both of them survived. It could be called a miracle. If it weren¡¯t for Junhyuk¡¯s power, Eunseo would¡¯ve surely died, and if it weren¡¯t for Arn¡¯s muscle technique and training, which taught Junhyuk how to harden his muscles like rocks, he too would¡¯ve been dead. He couldn¡¯t do it before the ident and started to master Arn¡¯s technique because of the fall. That fall had been a blessing in disguise. Arn could withstand swords. Junhyuk was not at that level yet, but he learned how to minimize damage. "I was lucky. While falling, I hit a tree that absorbed the shock from the fall." "Is that so? It was pure luck." Somin stabbed a piece of melon and gave it to Junhyuk. Looking at this sight, Mr. Jangughed. "I am sorry. I should¡¯ve known." Junhyuk ate it in just one bite. "That it would taste bettering from Miss Somin Jeon than from you?" "Ha-ha-ha, is that right? I should¡¯ve known." Somin¡¯s face reddened, and Mr. Jangughed even louder. Mr. Jang ate more apples and chatted. Then, he got up. "Somin, are you staying here?" "No." Somin got up and Junhyuk said: "I will see you off." "It¡¯s OK. Recover quickly and report to work." Mr. Jang tapped on Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and went out of the room. Somin followed him, but before she went out she said: "Take care of yourself." "I will see you at thepany." Somin left, and, after a while, his mother came in. She stared intently at Junhyuk and said: "Who is that young woman?" "She is just a colleague. During the new-employee training, she was in my section." "Is that right?" If he let her question him, she would ask too many question, so he continued: "She is in a different department from mine. I won¡¯t see her often." "Right. She is pretty." Junhyuk already knew that Somin was pretty, but he had nothing to gain from agreeing with his mother on that point. In any case, he had been thinking about Eunseo and not Somintely, while he was in the hospital. At the moment of the ident, he ran with all his might. He had never used all of his energy, even for a short while, for someone in his entire life. His only thought had been of saving her when she fell. He thought about her often, even though he didn¡¯t have a rtionship with Eunseo. Every time he thought about her, he felt he was reliable. --- Junhyuk trained every day until Friday, but he wasn¡¯t satisfied yet. He tried to harden his muscles, but he couldn¡¯t harden them like when he fell from the cliff. He still had a lot to learn and sighed. That day, he had already sent his caregiver away and was alone. His mother had slept there on weekends, but, this time, he had also sent her away. He told them to summon him at same time as before, so they would summon him around the time when the evening news was on TV. He ate his dinner. Only two hours were left before being summoned. He vowed he would survive likest time, but there was no such guarantee. Death was not umon in the Dimensional Battlefield. He had activated his power. That¡¯s why he had survived before, and who knew what would happen this time. In the blood-filled battlefield, having ten seconds was like gold, but he couldn¡¯t just rely on his power. When he made his force field, he had to wait two minutes before he could make another. Could he not face many deaths during those two-minute intervals? He tried practicing making his fieldst longer, but couldn¡¯t. He was also unable to shorten the time interval. However, now, he could make a field anytime he wanted to, and it helped. After he returned to the Dimensional Battlefield, he would check to see if he could transfer the field to another person. If that was possible, it would help out a lot whenever he was with Arn and Vera. He prepared to calm his mind for the Dimensional Battlefield when someone knocked at his door. "Come in." There was no one left to visit him at this time, but the door opened, and a man wearing a suit came in. Junhyuk looked at him with curiosity. He stepped aside, and Eunseo, who was on a fully automatic wheelchair, came in. She looked at the man as he closed the door behind him. She fixed her sses. Even though she was on a fully automatic wheelchair, she still looked haughty. She looked at him with that air of superiority. "Are you well enough to move around?" Eunseo tapped on her wheelchair. "This is a newly made, fully automatic wheelchair. They used procedures used in capsules to make this. It doesn¡¯t cause bedsores or put pressure on the pelvis. I feel like I could do some work sitting on this." Junhyuk realized the powers that ST Capsule had. Did it only take them one week to make that wheelchair? "How is the project going?" Eunseoughed bitterly. "It¡¯s still in the clinical trial stage. It will take at least half a year." He felt sorry she had to stay paralyzed for at least half a year. "I should not have let you walk down by yourself. I am sorry." Eunseo shook her head. "It was my decision. Don¡¯t talk about it anymore." Eunseo looked at Junhyuk and said: "I heard, Mr. Jang came for a visit and gave you the assignment papers." "Yes, I got assigned to the advertising department." Kim Eun Seo stared at him calmly and continued: "If you want to transfer, I could make it happen." Junhyuk looked at her quietly. She looked around the room and muttered: "You could transfer to Strategy nning Department." That was the department where she worked. Junhyuk asked cautiously: "Then, I don¡¯t have to work as a model?" "No, you still have to work as a model." Junhyuk thought for a moment. "Then, I want to transfer to Strategy nning Department." Eunseo stared at him for a while. "It¡¯s a ce for the elite. It¡¯s not a problem to transfer you there, but it¡¯s not an easy ce to adapt to." "I will do my best." Eunseo fixed her sses. "OK. I will have you transferred. Work hard." "You can count on me." Junhyuk answered with confidence, and sheughed at him. She moved her hand over the guidance system of her automatic wheelchair. The wheelchair turned around, with her back facing him. "Thank you." It was in a really low voice, but his senses were highly developed due to his time spent in the Battlefield of Dimensions, and he could still hear her. Eunseo gathered herself and said: "Open the door." Wearing their ck suits, the men outside opened the door, and, as she went out she said: "Take care of yourself. I will see you at thepany." "Are you getting discharged?" She tapped her wheelchair and looked at him. "I have this. I don¡¯t have to be in a hospital anymore," she said and went out. Looking at her leave, he smacked his lips. She said she didn¡¯t have to be in a hospital, but she still had a cast around her thigh. She should rest just like him, but she was already going back to work. He felt sorry. "Then, I can see her again!?" He had a lot to prepare for by transferring to Strategy nning Department, but being able to see her again made him smile. "It all depends on whether I cane back." Junhyuk smiled and looked out of the window. It was already getting dark outside, and he could see the stars in the sky, which was rare. The sky was clear that day, and he could see a lot of them. "The sky must still be purple over there." Junhyuk stared at the sky quietly. He forgot to tune his muscles and fell asleep. An rm bell woke him up, and he pulled out his cellphone. Soon, it would be time for him to leave. Junhyuky on his bed quietly and rxed. How many hours had gone by? He saw the lights. In an instant, he had gone over to the Dimensional Battlefield once more. Chapter 14: Jungle 2 Chapter 14: Jungle 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - He knew what was about to happen, but he still had a hard time enduring the bright lights on his eyes. Still, this was not his first time, so he covered his eyes with both hands and felt less anxiety. The lights disappeared as the time passed. He slowly stretched out his fingers and opened his eyes. "I am here again, after all." They had told him that he woulde back, but he hadn¡¯t wanted to return. This was the ce where he must risk his life. A delicate white light lit up the room. At the corner of the room, a number popped up. [780G] He could guess what the number meant. He received pure gold coins in this ce. It looked as though it was marking the dimensional currency. Junhyuk tried to figure out if anything else was different and realized his armor had changed. It was thicker thanst time, but its weight felt the same. "Did my survival chance go up fromst time?" Still, an armor meant nothing. Arn could tear it up like a piece of paper. The only thing he could trust was his power. Junhyuk looked down at his legs. The broken shin had alreadypletely healed. "I will just pretend that I¡¯m still a patient when I return." Junhyuk finished checking himself and heard a soft voice. It was the very sexy tone that he did not want to hear. [Wee to the Valley of Death.] The Dimensional Battlefield had many ces, but he was back at the Valley of Death. It was a good thing. He had already spent a month in this ce. Junhyuk tried to collect his thoughts calmly. Then a double-edged de appeared. "A double-edged sword?" He frowned because he wanted a shield and a sword. He did not n to attack often, and he had wanted a thicker shield, but nothing happened ording to what he wanted. [You may exit using the middle doorway.] He had no choice but to pick up the double-edged sword. Soon, a door appeared in a corner of the room. Junhyuk went through and heard another voice. [Novice 007 deployed.] Junhyuk had a wry smile. Vera had already told him that when a minion activated his power, he would be a novice, and, until that day, over 100,000 people had died on the Dimensional Battlefield, but only 7 people had activated their powers. He realized that Vera had been telling the truth. Junhyuk flexed his body, trying to warm up. Outside, there were minions who did not understand what was going on, just like the previous time, but they looked shorter than him. Junhyukpared his height against their height and shook his head. "Did I get taller?" He shook his head when he saw a tall,rge man appear. That face looked familiar. It was Arn. He showed up and looked at the minions, and his eyes reached Junhyuk¡¯s. He smiled and said: "You. Follow me." People¡¯s attention turned to Junhyuk, who went to him and asked as he walked: "Only I shall follow you?" "No. From this one to this one, follow me." Arn pointed to ten people only. The number was less than the previous time. Before Junhyuk had the time to express his curiosity, a man stepped forward. "What?" The man had long blond hair and a tough look. As he stepped forward, Junhyuk jumped quickly. He knew what Arn would do and he wanted to stop it, but Arn was faster than him. Bang! Arn jumped up and fell down, and the man became a pool of blood. The people around took many steps back quickly. Arn got up and said: "Follow me." Junhyuk sighed. He did not want anyone to die, but he was not in a position to question Arn, yet. Also, he had seen too many people die thest time he was summoned and, at this point, watching people die did not bother him as much as it used to. Arn took the lead, and ten people followed him, as well as Junhyuk. They all went outside and saw a castle wall just likest time. Arn looked at the castle wall and looked behind himself without a second thought. "Don¡¯tg behind." After making his speech, Arn turned and took the lead. A strained Junhyuk followed him closely. Even though he had been there before and was now a novice, he couldn¡¯t let his guard down. This was the Dimensional Battlefield. Death was not a strange urrence. They went out of the castle wall. After a while, Arn ran toward a forest. Junhyuk was nervous and approached him. "Where are you going?" Arn replied curtly. "Follow me." He knew Arn¡¯s character, so he did not ask any more question and followed him, but the people following them were getting nervous. They were feeling anxious, and one of them moved forward. She might have been about seventeen years old. A big-eyed girl wearing thick armor came up to him and asked: "Are you a Korean?" There was no such thing as automatic interpretation on the Dimensional Battlefield. If one wanted to use automatic interpretation, one had to go to the dimensional traders and buy from them interpretation pills to swallow, but that was only possible for heroes like Arn who could afford to buy the pills. One pill cost a hundred gold, outrageous right? Junhyuk nodded toward the girl who spoke to him. "Yes." "Wh-where am I? Junhyuk looked at Arn. He was already running away from them. People were looking at the girl and Junhyuk. Junhyuk realized it was not a good thing to get separated from Arn. The forests had wolves and monsters, and if anyone met those things, they would not survive. Junhyuk had activated only one power. He could not fight the monsters in the forest by himself, so he ran toward Arn and said: "I will answer your questionster. Follow me for now." The important thing was to not get separated from Arn. Junhyuk took the lead and every one of the ten minions followed him as fast as they could. --- Junhyuk had nothing to say, for now. They were all quiet and followed him. They did not dare to ask questions to Arn, so they followed him without talking. They went deep inside of the forest. Arn lifted up his hand and everyone stopped running. There was a group of ten wolves in front of them. "Are you going to attack them?" Junhyuk asked. "Yes." "But there are ten wolves!" Arn nodded and said: "You should use your body." Junhyuk sighed and stepped forward. "Ten seconds." "I know." Junhyuk took a deep breath and ran. Sensing Junhyuk¡¯s approach, the wolves looked at him. Junhyuk knew how precious the ten seconds were, so he did notunch his field immediately. The wolves were the size of oxen. The biggest wolf ran and tried to bite Junhyuk. At that moment, heunched his force field. The ivory-colored light surrounded Junhyuk, and the wolf bit it, but the field did not break. Junhyuk held fast onto his double-edged sword and stabbed. The wolf opened his mouth wide, standing outside the field, and the double-edged sword went inside his mouth. Shlickt! Junhyuk pulled out the sword and ran again. There were six seconds left. The wolves ran toward him, and then Arn showed up. RRROOAAAHHH! Arn swung his saber, cutting all the the wolves in half. A wolf survived the attack, but Junhyuk stabbed it. He had be a novice, and his new double-edged sword had a higher attack power than the sword he used before. The wolf died from one stab. Arn looked around and said: "We will take a short rest." Junhyuk picked up the gold coins left behind by the dead wolves. He picked up four gold coins left by the two wolves he killed and saw Arn taking a seat. "What¡¯s your n?" He asked Arn. "We will cross the forest, and attack the enemy from behind." Junhyuk looked at the people following him. "With just these people?" "Aside from you, they can¡¯t help anyway." Arn looked over to Junhyuk and continued. "That¡¯s that. You¡¯ve worked hard." "I need to return alive." Arn knew just by looking at Junhyuk that he had trained like Arn told him to and increased his physical ability. When one increased his physical power, that would help increasing their mind power. If they pushed each other, they would get more power. "We will start in three minutes," Arn said calmly. "Yes." Junhyuk walked toward the minions. They were speechless after watching Junhyuk kill wolves that size. He looked around and said to the girl: "What¡¯s your name?" "Sarang Kim." Junhyuk decided to exin some things to her, at least. "Our bodies are now experiencing abnormal narcolepsy." "Abnormal narcolepsy?" Junhyuk Lee nodded and continued talking. "I don¡¯t have much time, so I will make it short. If I get another chance, I will exin some moreter. Only our souls are in this ce, the Dimensional Battlefield, and if we die our souls will disappear. Then, our bodies will be fall in aa." Sarang¡¯s eyes opened wide. Her eyes were already big, and, as they widened, they made her look even cuter. "How do you know these things?" "This is my second time here." "What?" Junhyuk continued calmly. "Focus on survival. If you stay alive you can return." "Is that possible?" "If you are lucky, you will activate your power and increase your survivability." "Power?" Junhyuk grinned, and looked at the other people. "Do you speak any English?" "I can have a short conversation." "Then interpret it for me. The most important thing is to stay alive in this ce. Exin it to them." "OK." Sarang stepped forward and started to exin it all to them. Some people did not understand her English, but they all understood it from her gestures. Meanwhile, Junhyuk walked to Arn. He looked as though he had something to say. "My power has evolved," Junhyuk said. Arn was curious. "How? Does itst longer? Did the interval time decrease?" Junhyuk extended his hand toward Arn without an answer. He thought about saving Arn. Arn looked at the ivory-colored protective field around himself and his eyes widened. He took out his saber and swung at it. The ivory-colored protective field protected against every outside attack. Both physical attacks or magical attacks, it protected against everything, but, inside the field, it was still possible to attack. Arn smiled for a long time. "You should use it well." "That will be nice." "Did you check how much distance it covers?" "I haven¡¯t checked that yet." "We will check it out on our next hunt." "OK." Arn got up and said: "Time to move." Arn spoke first, and Junhyuk looked at the minions. They had listened to the story with curiosity. It was hard to see Arn as a human, but Junhyuk had survived this hell before. They felt that if they followed him, their survival rate would increase. Their eyes beamed, and Junhyuk felt the pressure of their stares. He could hardly take care of himself. This was the Dimensional Battlefield, and he did not feel confident enough to help others. "Let¡¯s go!" Arn took the lead, and Junhyuk and the ten minions followed. Chapter 15: Jungle 3 Chapter 15: Jungle 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Looking at the shadows of the dreary forest, Arn said: "It¡¯s over there." "We are killing that?" "Correct," Arn replied, and Junhyuk sighed. "It looks dangerous. I will need more than ten seconds." "I want to see your evolved power. It¡¯s an experiment." "The minions might die." "So?" Arn felt nothing, and looked at Junhyuk. If he hadn¡¯t been a novice at that moment, he would have received the same treatment as the minions. "Get ready." Junhyuk had seen this type of existence before. Ghouls without their flesh and specters flying over their heads. There were eight of them, and, behind them, there was a seventeen-foot golem made out of bones. Looking at the giant golem, Junhyuk asked Arn: "Do you have a n?" "I will go in, and you make a field around me. I will fight for ten seconds ande out." "Will you deal with the bone golem?" "Yes, with ten seconds, I¡¯ll get that golem." "What about the rest of them?" "That will depend on you." Arn stopped talking and ran forward. He stepped forward, attracting the attention of the ghouls, the specters and the bone golem. Arn lifted his hand up. It was the sign, and Junhyuk extended his hand toward Arn. Soon, a protective force field surrounded Arn. He felt thankful to Junhyuk, ran and swung his saber. The ghouls that were blocking his path were all smashed into small pieces. The problem was the specters flying in the sky. The specters realized their attacks against Arn were futile and flew toward Junhyuk. Without his field, fighting against specters was not easy. He had already fought against specters once before. At that time, all he had to do was make the specterse to him, and Vera took care of the rest, but now, he needed to fight them by himself. Junhyuk held his double-edged sword in his hand and showed quite a lot of fighting spirit. Sarang shouted: "Be careful!" Junhyuk had to buy time until Arn killed the bone golem. "One has to take care of his own life." Thus spoke Junhyuk, who stepped forward while the specters swung their huge sickles. He hit a sickle with his double-edged sword. ng! He had never swung a double-edged sword before. His position was precarious, but he had to put in a lot of energy into his swings. He had learned to tune his muscles, and now, his soul was using all he learned. He blocked one sickle attack from a specter, but he was not ready for the other. Junhyuk dodged the specter¡¯s attack by rolling on the ground, but one of the specters attacked the minions. A man swung his sword. Junhyuk¡¯s mind had been trained, and so had been his body. The man thought he could do the same as Junhyuk, but the specter got the best of him and slew him with just one strike of the sickle. The minion¡¯s head fell off, and Sarang screamed: "AHHHH!" Junhyuk ran to her and shouted: "PICK UP YOUR SHIELD!" Junhyuk shouted at the minions, and they shrieked in return. One of the minions picked up his shield. Another specter attacked the minions, but they used their shields. The shock from specter¡¯s attack knocked a man down, but he wasn¡¯t dead. Junhyuk ran toward the minions while scoping out the specters¡¯ tactics. Basically, the specters flew into the empty air. They flew at least thirteen feet high and, except for when they were attacking the necks of their victims, they stayed up in the air. To attack them, one had to jump high. Junhyuk used the speed he had gained by running, stepped on the minions¡¯ shields and jumped. He reached the flying height of the specters and swung his sword. sh! The specter did not anticipate Junhyuk could jump that high, and was attacked, but it did not die from the attack. It would take more attacks to kill a specter. So, Junhyuk turned in the air and swung his sword once more. sh! The specter died, and the other specters dispersed. One of them swung its sickle at Junhyuk. Junhyuk had already swung his sword twice in the air and was falling. There was nothing he could do. All he could do was scream. Before the specter¡¯s sickle touched the double-edged sword, the specter split in two. Junhyuk saw the saber spinning away. Arn took the flying saber and continued to deal with the bone golem. The golem had already lost an arm and his ribs were broken, but it could still mount quite an attack. Bang! Arn rolled on the ground, dodging the bone golem¡¯s attack. "Collect yourself!" Junhyuk knew Arn had just saved him and smiled at that fact. He held his double-edged sword in one hand. It was heavy, but he could still use it. Junhyuk pointed his hand toward Sarang. "Give me a shield!" "What?! O-OK." Sarang looked upset, but gave him the shield. Junhyuk headed toward the bone golem. The ten seconds had already passed, and there was no more field. Arn had saved him by throwing his saber and was in a bad situation. He knew he must give Arn another chance. Junhyuk ran forward and shouted: "I¡¯ll give you an opening!" "Go away!" Arn shouted as if Junhyuk made no sense, but Junhyuk was already in the bone golem¡¯s territory. The golem swung his fist at Junhyuk. Junhyuk held fast to his shield. He lowered himself and set his muscles. At that moment, the bone golem¡¯s fist hit the shield. Bang! His head spun. He felt like he was being torn apart. "Nghahh!" He groaned while his body flew off into a tree. The tree shook hard, and Junhyuk vomited blood. From the ground, he watched the bone golem be torn to pieces. Arn stood on the golem¡¯s bones and looked at what was left. He picked up the gold coins and went over to Junhyuk. Junhyuk got up while looking at Arn standing in front of him. "I¡¯m fine." Arn grabbed Junhyuk by his neck and hit him against the tree. Thump! Junhyuk couldn¡¯t breathe, and his face turned red. Looking at him, Arn said coldly: "Do you want to die? Do you want me to kill you?" "N-No." Arn threw Junhyuk to the ground. "Don¡¯t be stupid. Novices don¡¯t survive because they think too highly of themselves." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "OK." Arn must like him. That¡¯s why he treated him the way he did. Junhyuk got up while Arn collected the gold coins left by the dead ghouls. "We rest for five minutes. Then, we move." Junhyuk picked up the shield and walked over to Sarang. Her whole body was shaking from what she had just witnessed. Junhyuk handed the shield over to her and said: "Calm yourself." "Mister." Sarang took the shield with her shaking hands and Junhyukughed. "Call me big bro." "B-big bro." "I will tell you again, calm down. If you lose yourself, you will die," he looked at the ce where dead minion had already disappeared from and continued. "As you¡¯ve seen, I don¡¯t interfere. Concentrate on surviving. If not, you will die." "I understand." She nodded a few times profusely. Junhyuk looked at the other minions. They had a different attitude toward him now than from before. If it weren¡¯t for Junhyuk, they would all have died from the specters¡¯ attacks. It was him who gave them guidance. "You should protect your own lives." Junhyuk honestly knew he could not save these people with his power. He couldn¡¯t even save himself for certain, so saving others was out of reach. We already lost a minion. Sarang exined what Junhyuk had just said, and Junhyuk picked up the gold coins the specters left. There were five gold coins left by the specters. Junhyuk took them, and Sarang came over to him. "Ah! Big bro." Junhyuk turned around and Sarang asked. "I saw it before when you killed the wolves, what is it?" She was just trying to rx, or she thought if she stayed close to him she could survive, he didn¡¯t know. "Pure gold coins. It¡¯s the currency used in the Dimensional Battlefield." "What can you buy with it?" "Stay alive. Then, you will meet the merchants of the Dimensional Battlefield." "The merchants of the Dimensional Battlefield?" He saw Arn getting up and said: "Get ready. We are moving." Sarang picked up the shield and looked at Arn. "Follow me," he said. Arn stood in front of a river under dim light. "You¡¯ve experienced it. So, you know, don¡¯t you?" Junhyuk looked at the river and sighed. "Can we cross this river by ourselves?" "Is there anybody else here?" Junhyuk took a look back. "I¡¯m OK, but what about the minions?" "If they are lucky, some will survive. If not, they will be food for the antas." The river was under dim light, and in it lived the carnivorous fish, the anta. It was ten feet long, and it looked like a shark with wings. Thest time Junhyuk had been here, he saw antase flying from the water¡¯s surface and kill a minion. His force field had saved him at that time. Arn looked up the sky and said: "We don¡¯t have much time. Let¡¯s go." If Junhyuk were to exin the minions predicament to Arn, he would not have cared. Junhyuk turned and said: "There are monsters called antas in the river. Shield your necks and chests. You won¡¯t die from a single attack." "Yes." Sarang looked nervous and took a step. They needed to hop from one stone to another to cross the river. The stones were very dispersed, but they could still cross by using them. Junhyuk helped the minions cross by going after them and, maybe, he might be in a position to save them. They hopped on the stones, and then Junhyuk looked to his side. "Run!" In the poorly-lit river, an anta showed up through the water surface. Eight very pointy horns broke the surface, indicating eight antas. Junhyuk ran on the stones behind the minions and shouted: "Just look forward and run!" A minion looked to his side and froze. Junhyuk shouted at him. The minions collected themselves and began running, but there were other antas already flying above the water surface. Junhyuk ranst and waste. At that moment, there were ten antas flying. He couldn¡¯t just use his field. "G-AHHHHH!!" In front of him, five minions were taken by the antas and went underwater. The water¡¯s surface darkened with the dim light, and, soon, the water turned red. Junhyuk ran faster. An anta beat its wings and snatched Sarang. Chapter 16: Gangking 1 Chapter 16: Gangking 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Sarang looked at the anta flying toward her and froze, but she soon thought about what Junhyuk had said and lifted up her shield. If she covered her neck and chest, she wouldn¡¯t die so easily. Bang! "Gh-argh!" The anta flew and hit Sarang. All she could do was try to stand still on the stone. The ten-foot long anta had hit her, and it wouldn¡¯t have made any sense if she were still standing there. Junhyuk put pressure on his thighs and crouched. The muscles were getting bigger until he jumped from the stone into the river. Sarang was drowning in the water after getting hit by the anta, so Junhyuk caught her. As soon as he grabbed her, he made a force field. Snap snap snap snap! Soon, there were seven antas near them. The antas wereing from the water below them, making the water rush upward. Sarang and Junhyuk were able to ride the wave made by the antas and float on the water. Junhyuk held Sarang and rushed toward the anta going toward him. He collide against the head of the anta and, using the shock from the collision, he was able to get back on the stepping stone. The antas flew toward him. Junhyuk knew he had wasted five seconds already, but there were only five stepping stones remaining. The problem would be that if he were to get hit by an anta, he would fall from the stepping stones even though he had his protective force field on. Junhyuk embraced Sarang and jumped. When he stepped on the first stepping stone, an anta flew toward him. He escaped it by ducking and jumped high. The antas were expecting that Junhyuk would step on the second stone and flew in from both side of the stone, but Junhyuk lowered his body and was able to jump two stepping stones at once. There were still two more stepping stones to go, and one second remained. Junhyuk held Sarang in his arm. He twisted his waist and threw her. She flew toward the shore, safely, without a problem, and she screamed: "Argh! Big bro!" Junhyuk focuses his mind and scoped out the movements of the antas. As the antas flew toward him, his protective force field started to dissipate. Junhyuk used a high level of concentration and escaped from the flying antas. He could not handle his two-handed sword well enough and did not use it to y the antas. He ducked to escape the flying anta and jumped toward another stepping stone. As he was about tond, an anta aimed at his ankle and flew toward it. Junhyuk folded his leg, hit the anta with his knee and grabbed it by its horn and spun around. The anta was ten feet long and weighed a lot, but Junhyuk¡¯s muscle were strong and had more energy than before, so he was able to spin the anta by its horn. Three antas collided against each other. Junhyuk let go of the anta he was holding and jumped on the next stepping stone. The antas sensed he might escape from them and flew in from every direction. There was no space for Junhyuk to escape. There were four antas flying toward him. Atst, he held fast to his two-handed sword. He couldn¡¯tpare the antas to the wolves, especially when he had to fight on stepping stones and how dangerous that is. Thuck, thuck! Then, a saber flew out and yed two antas. There were two antas remaining. Instead of swinging his sword, he jumped toward the shore with all his might. He rolled on the ground andy there still. He had spent too much energy spinning and throwing an anta and was now less tense and couldn¡¯t feel his body. A shadow appeared covering his head. Arn looked down at him without talking and turned around. "We will rest for 5 minutes. Then, we will move." Junhyuky on the ground and looked up at Arn. "Thank you." "Hm." Arnughed sardonically and left. Junhyuk got up slowly. Sarang came up to him and embraced him. "Bro! I thought we were gonna die!" Junhyukforted Sarang as she cried. "Are you hurt?" "I¡¯m OK." "That¡¯s a relief." In all honesty, Junhyuk had no intention to fight a group of antas even though he had a protective force field. If it had been possible, he had wanted to save everyone, but he did not have the time. In fact, if he tried to save everyone, they would all have been dead, including himself. He wanted to save at least one person and decided to save Sarang. "It¡¯s terrible! Everyone died." Junhyuk tapped on Sarang¡¯s armor and said: "You followed my instructions. That¡¯s why you are alive." Sarang lifted her head, and Junhyuk continued slowly. "You have a will to survive, and that¡¯s why you were able to use the shield and fend off the anta attack. If not, I would have been unable to save you." Sarang snivelled, and Junhyuk continued, "I already told you. You have to save your own life." Sarang snivelled some more and tried to stop crying. Junhyuk held both of her cheeks in his hands and looked into her eyes. "Do you want to go home?" "... Yes," Sarang replied curtly, and Junhyuk talked to her with confidence. "Then don¡¯t look back. Even if the only way for you to stay alive is stepping over me, you should step over me. That¡¯s the only way to survive on this merciless Dimensional Battlefield." Sarang looked at him vacantly and asked: "Did you do the same?" Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "In the beginning, I wanted to save everybody, but I learned it had been futile from the start." Sarang stared at him and realized everything. He had experienced everything she was experiencing now. He had already endured the panic, the same panic she was enduring now. She became confident that if she followed his instruction, she could also return home. She looked determined, and Junhyuk looked at her and smiled: "Us two. We will return." "OK." --- They did not encounter any more monsters in the forest. Arn looked as though he had walked this road before and was not talking. He took the lead, and both of them followed him, including Sarang who looked determined and was also not speaking. They had run for three straight hours, and Junhyuk sensed the air around him change. It was a war cloud. He felt the war cloud, which meant a battle was being waged. Arn turned back and said: "Let¡¯s hurry up!" Arn took the lead, and Junhyuk followed him. Sarang was following them carefully. She asked: "Why am I shivering, Bro?" Junhyuk looked at her. "We will invade a battlefield now." "Invade?" "Yes, our target is an enemy hero. We will go in and y the enemy leader, simple enough." "Then, we will be among enemies." Junhyuk nodded. "Correct." Sarang Kim was nervous. Junhyuk continued talking: "Anyway, prating the enemy position is up to Arn. Killing the enemy leader is also Arn¡¯s task. We only have to give him assistance while trying to stay alive." "We only have to try and stay alive?!" "Don¡¯t let go of your shield." She clenched her shield. Junhyuk talked to her calmly: "The enemy¡¯s strength is bigger than you expect. You should hold your shield tighter. If not, you might lose it." "OK." As they came close to the outskirt of the forest, they heard explosions. Boom, boom! Junhyuk asked Arn, who was ahead of him: "Is Vera over there?" "Yes, that¡¯s why we should go." Arn spoke and took the lead. Outside of the forest¡¯s boundary, they could see minions battling and another group, who was made of people taller than the minions. Vera was six feet, five inches. She threw her fireballs toward a giant man who was holding a shield. The battle took ce on a big road. Arn looked at Junhyuk. "Do you know that guy?" "Grangsha?" "Correct. When I attack him, put a force field around me." "Then, may we keep our distances from you?" Arn looked at him and said: "They will focus their attention on you, anyway." "But it¡¯s still better than being in the middle of the battlefield." "Do what you want." Arn spoke and moved. He looked like an assassin. He went behind the enemy line and crouched, then jumped up high. Junhyuk looked at him and talked to Sarang before going: "Wait here." After he spoke, Junhyuk ran toward Arn so that he could stay within range when he made a force field. He had to be close to Arn, since the force field could be transferred only over a short distance. He had to go into the battlefield. While running, Junhyuk saw Arning down and striking Grangsha. Thuk! "Ugh!" Grangsha moaned from the pain of the wound on his back while turning to face Arn and swinging his sickle. Grangsha was famous for utilizing his shield and sickle when he attacked. As Grangsha swung his sickle, Junhyuk made a force field around Arn. Thump! The sickle bounced off, and Arn smiled and shouted: "You are dead!" Arn swung his saber with speed, and Junhyuk looked around. The minions were all looking at him. The opposing minions were basically not humans. They had green skin, wore purple armor, and had wider shoulders than humans, which made them stronger. They were holding axes and went toward him. If Junhyuk moved, Sarang would be in danger. He knew that, so he stood his ground and walked toward the opposing minionsing toward him. He knew from thest time he had been there that the opposing minions were stronger than ordinary human minions. ng! Junhyuk struck an axe with his two-handed sword. The difference between a novice and a minion was not only power. Basically, a novice had more force. In the past, when an opposing minion struck his shield he felt like his arm would break, but, now, it did not feel so bad. Junhyuk swung his sword hard. Thack! The sword got stuck on the opposing minion¡¯s armor. Deflecting an axe gave him a false sense of his strength. He again realized he was not a hero like Arn. Junhyuk was surprised. Then, an opposing minion nked him and swung his axe. Junhyuk was stuck and he kicked the minion he was stuck to while trying to pull out his sword, but he didn¡¯t have enough time. Then, he saw a shadow in front of him. Bang! Sarang was standing in front of him. He swung his sword. Thuck! The opposing minion¡¯s head was sliced, and it sttered blood on Sarang as she held her shield up. She stood next to Junhyuk. He was proud of her, who just saved him, but it was not the time for chit-chat. "Step back." "I will protect you." "No, step back." The opposing minions advanced toward them. Junhyuk ran forward swinging his two-handed sword. He thought he shouldn¡¯t get it stuck again, and instead aimed for their weak spots. ng! He could easily parry an axe, and was really focused. As the axe bounced off his sword, he struck the neck of the minion who was holding it. As he sliced the minion¡¯s neck, other minions went toward him. Junhyuk stepped back. Hit and run. Junhyuk counted the number of opposing minions. There were other minions at the front line of battle. The opposing minions who caught Junhyuk¡¯s attention were eight. There had been ten of them initially. Two had died, and eight remained. Junhyuk looked at them and, holding his sword, he said: "Come on!" The opposing minions showed no fear of him. Opposing minions might get scared when facing a hero, but usually they don¡¯t care about dying. They had scared him in the beginning, but now they didn¡¯t. He could deal with them. Vera referred to the opposing minions as gold coins. "Let me earn some money!" Chapter 17: Gangking 2 Chapter 17: Gangking 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The minions running toward him had not been trained. So, their attacks were not very well coordinated. Instead, they had aggressive characters, so they did not retreat. The minions¡¯ movements were certainly menacing. When he was a minion himself, all he could do was defend himself with a shield, but, now, he could see their movements. The problem was that Junhyuk had never handled a two-handed sword before. If Junhyuk had trained with a two-handed sword, it would have made it easier for him to deal with the minions. However, he could control his muscles and he did not require extra training to use his skills like before, and since his strength and speed overwhelmed the minions, all he had to do was remain calm. nk! He parried an axe of a rushing minion and, using its rebound force, he stabbed his opponent¡¯s neck. Junhyuk remembered that his sword had gotten stuck once before, so he attacked with speed and precision. The minion grabbed his open neck and soon fell to the ground. Junhyuk stepped back. ng! The axe fell where he had been standing. Junhyuk saw the axe get stuck on the ground and stepped forward quickly and stabbed at another one with his sword, but minions were not stupid. The minion standing to the side of Junhyuk parried him. He did not challenge the minion who parried his sword and stepped back again. He wanted the gold coins from killing them, but he also didn¡¯t want to die. The two minions were only worth one gold coin. If he continued to fight them, he could get hurt or end up dead, and it would be a mistake. So, Junhyuk did not push himself further. As the minions watched Junhyuk step back, their spirits rose. It looked as though Junhyuk had a superior power to the minions, but as the minions pushed him away, they got excited, and Junhyuk calmed himself down. There were seven minions left, and they swung their axes at him, and, as he escaped their blows, his confidence grew. Their movements could not escape his eyes, and he was extremely focused and able to dodge their attacks at that moment. All he did was parry their attacks with his sword and stab when he saw an opening in their defenses, but he was delivering deadly blows. The number of minions decreased quickly. Junhyuk looked at the remaining three minions. Then, he heard Arn¡¯s voice: "Are you not finished yet?" As they listened to Arn, the minions became stiff with fear. Even though they were aggressive, they had their limits. In front of Arn, they were like frogs in front of a snake. Junhyuk looked at their frozen faces and stepped forward with a bitter smile. A swing is a big motion and may create an opening for the enemy, but a stab is not a big motion. However, when stabbing, he had to aim at the enemy¡¯s weak spot. If not, he might not hurt his enemy. Still, he was showing a high level of concentration, so he stabbed at the remaining minions¡¯ necks and sheathed his two-handed sword. "What happened to Grangsha? "He is dead, of course." Arn showed his antique-styled bracelet and said: "I dropped something expensive." "How much did it cost?" "This? 32000 gold coins." "You must not be feeling well." Vera appeared from Arn¡¯s back and said: "Not feeling well? Do you know what he lost?" When minions died, they fell into aa state in their worlds. When a soul died, its body did not wake up, but heroes like Arn and Vera were different. They reincarnated even if they died in the Dimensional Battlefield. Instead, they lost things they¡¯d bought with their gold coins, and that¡¯s why they didn¡¯t die and they killed. Vera went over to Junhyuk, opened her arms and gave him a big hug. Vera was so tall that his head was buried in her chest, making him unable to breath. He wriggled, and sheughed. "Has your power evolved?" "Yes, now let me go!" Vera let go of Junhyuk and said: "For a novice, you are doing your part." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "What are you going to do?" Vera looked behind her. "Let¡¯s leave this battlefield. News of this battle is already spreading." Vera looked at Arn. "They must¡¯ve found out about Arn¡¯s ganking*. They will being here soon in massive numbers, so let¡¯s move." "I understand." Junhyuk also wanted to move away from that ce. He picked up the gold coins on the ground, and Vera looked at him and said: "By the way, looks like you¡¯ve practiced the things that Arn taught you." "I want to return alive this time as well." Vera smiled and looked at Sarang. "Hm. Who is this child?" "We ganked together. She is a minion." Vera went over to Sarang. Sarang was five feet, two inches, and Vera was six feet, five inches. Sarang looked up, and Vera curved over her. Vera looked into Sarang¡¯s eyes and said: "You are a child with skill." Junhyuk was surprised. "Can she be a novice?" He asked her. "No," Vera shook her head and continued. "Did you know there are many kinds of minions?" "Like the minions on towers who are archers and ordinary minions?" "Correct. There is one more kind of minion. They are very rare." Vera took out a cane from her robe. "What is your name?" Sarang looked at Junhyuk. He nodded and she answered carefully: "Sarang Kim." "I am Vera. Take this." "What¡¯s this?" Sarang took the cane with care, and Vera stared at her and said: "Focus on this." There was a jewel on top of the cane. Sarang looked at it and concentrated, but nothing happened. Vera ced her hand on Sarang¡¯s head. "Focus again." Sarang focused her mind, and the jewel on top of the cane began to glow. Vera stood behind her and touched her shoulders. "Do you feel the stored energy?" "Yes." "Try throwing it. Target that tree." Sarang could not think of an answer. She only thought about throwing the energy against the tree. She was holding the cane, and a frozen light the size of a fist flew off and hit the tree. Thunk! The noise died off, and a scar the size of a fist was left on the tree from the collision. Junhyuk was surprised and asked: "What is that?" Vera rested her head on Sarang¡¯s head and replied: "This child is a magician minion." Junhyuk had only met ordinary minions carrying swords and shields. The archers stayed on the towers and castles, and he had never seen a magician minion and had never thought about it. Sarang was surprised at what she had done. Vera rested her elbows on Sarang¡¯s head and looked at Junhyuk. "This child, do you know her?" "We came here together." She was the only surviving minion from his group and she was also Korean. Vera looked at Junhyuk and said with a smile: "Even though she is a magician minion, she can only use basic energy bolts. So, may I teach her more things?" Arn looked at Vera with a nk stare. "What¡¯se over you?" "You¡¯ve taught Junhyuk well. I want to teach someone of my own." "His force has increased since he became a novice. The things I taught him cannot help him yet. I only taught him how to use his body, and I did not teach him swordsmanship." Veraughed aloud and replied: "I only n to teach her how to handle mana. We will be moving together, so it¡¯s the least I can do." "Can she survive?" Vera looked at Junhyuk and said: "Junhyuk will protect her." Sarang raised her wide eyes and looked at Junhyuk. He smiled. He was not in a position to help others, but he had to give an answer. "I will do my best." Vera hugged Sarang from behind. "Anyway, magician minions do not go to the front. There are so many minions already for the front line." There were only fifteen minions left of those who had fought the battle with Vera, but they could still make barricades. If it had been the first battle for these minions, they would not know how to make barricades, but these minions were different. They had already been in a battle for survival and they knew how to use their shields. Vera pped her hands and said: "Let¡¯s go. We should move away from this ce." Arn took the lead. "We will go back to that forest." "Again?" Junhyuk asked, surprised. Arn smiled. "This time we will trap them." After he spoke, Arn moved and Junhyuk followed him. Vera had her arm around Sarang¡¯s shoulder and walked behind them. There were also fifteen minions following the lead. He could empathize with the minions. Junhyuk was d Vera had liked Sarang. After he had activated his power, his other skills also went up. He could overwhelm the minions. Also, Arn had taught him well. If Vera taught Sarang well, her survival rate would surely go up. They walked for seven hours without rest, and came to a stop. It was a ce full of reeds. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t tell what kind of nt it was, but its height was over ten feet. He couldn¡¯t even see Arn¡¯s head above them. Arn walked between the nts, and everyone else walked behind him. Taking a ce in the middle of the reeds, he took a seat and said:. "We will rest here." "How long do we have?" Vera answered in Arn¡¯s ce: "This is a shortcut to the Valley of Death. If they move quickly, they wille this way. We will trap them here." They nned to do a surprise attack in that ce, and Junhyuk nodded. He sat up and collected his breath. Meanwhile, Vera exined many things to Sarang. She also showed Sarang a few things. Arn had taught Junhyuk how to treat each part of his muscles, and, now, Vera was teaching Sarang the basics of magic. Junhyuk wondered if Sarang would be able to use her magic once she returned to her dimension. Junhyuk looked at them, and Arn asked him: "How many gold coins do you have?" Junhyuk counted the gold coins in his pockets and replied: "I already had 780G and, from hunting and killing minions, I collected 19G. That makes it 799G." Arn shook his head in opposition. "Last time, how many gold coins did you collect?" "About 80G." "Where did you get the rest of the gold?" "I don¡¯t know." Arn looked at the minions and said: "When the heroes died, did yound an attack?" "Yes." "It depends on your contribution based on your level. You are a novice, and benefitse with it." "Really?" "Yes, heroes go after each other because of the equipment. When you help, you get paid with pure gold." "That¡¯s why I have more than I thought." "Yes. Last time, you barely touched them, so you did not get paid much, but this time you were able to help me, so your contribution went up. You will collect a lot more coins this time." Junhyuk asked: "How much?" Then, Vera told Sarang to practice on her own and went to them. Vera heard their conversation and said: "It depends on your contribution and on your level. If you take a decisive role in killing an enemy you can get paid 500G, but you only helped out, so it will be between 200 to 300 coins." Vera sat next to Junhyuk and continued: "Is that about over 1000G?" "Yes." Junhyuk looked at Arn and asked: "You can buy useful things with 1000G, right?" "Correct." Arn unwrapped the sash around his waist. There was jewelry inside the sash, and Arn looked at it and said: "You will be able to buy one piece of jewelry in here." Junhyuk was impressed. He already knew what it meant to own one piece of the jewelry. Dimensional merchants sold it. Each piece carried power that enhanced and empowered the level of the piece¡¯s owner. It was a chance to enhance his survival rate, and there was no reason to hold on to gold coins. ------ Ganking - To kill, ambush, or defeat with little effort; used in online games. Chapter 18: Dimensional Merchants 1 Chapter 18: Dimensional Merchants 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Hiding in a bush while thinking about many things, Arn covered his mouth with his hand. Everyone was holding their breaths and heard footsteps from far away. Junhyuk felt anxious. The noise from the footsteps was loud, at least ten people. He guessed one of them had to be a hero like Arn. Junhyuk held his breath and picked up his two-handed sword. Arn went over to him and whispered in his ear: "Vera will start, and, when I attack, put a protective force field around me." Junhyuk did not answer and, instead, nodded his head. Vera looked at them in their eyes and said: "They are within range." "Wait a little bit more." Arn looked at the minions. "When Vera starts, you will make a wall. The enemy cannot break through." Those minions had experienced a battle and had changed. Their eyes were beaming, and they acknowledged the order by nodding. Arn gave a sign, and Vera extended her hands. On top of her hands, five fireballs appeared. The fireballs flew through the bush and exploded in the the enemy¡¯s frontline. Vera ran forward and shouted: "Attack!" As Vera shouted, the minions followed her. Junhyuk tried to follow the minions who all had their shields up, but Arn stopped him. Arn shook his head. He meant to say it was not the time, yet. Junhyuk waited, holding on to his sword. The minions screamed and died in front of him. Sarang could not move forward and was sitting next to Junhyuk. Arn looked at her and said: "Use your magic on that tall guy. Aim for his head. It won¡¯t be effective, but you will draw his attention." Junhyuk¡¯s expression hardened. Drawing a hero¡¯s attention meant death. He did not have time to say anything, however, because Arn ran ahead. Junhyuk followed him with all his might. In the area where the reed bushes ended, Arn jumped to engage the werewolf that was attacking Vera. The werewolf broke through Vera¡¯s magic and moved forward. It had already been hurt by the magic, but was preparing an attack using its ws. The ws were three feet long, and the werewolf targeted Arn as hended. Suddenly, an ivory-colored light force field protected Arn. ng! The werewolf¡¯s ws bounced off, and Arn¡¯s saber shed the werewolf¡¯s leg. It bled profusely, and Arn¡¯s saber moved quickly. sh, sh! The werewolf vomited blood, stepped back and his eyes turned red. Hoooowl! Strangely, it howled in the middle of a battle, but, because of that howl, everyone froze. The minions who were making the barricade became stiff, and the opposing minions used their axes on the shields and aimed for the minions¡¯ necks. Arn was swinging his saber against the werewolf with a lot of force, but the red-eyed werewolf did not fall easily. The werewolf was healing quickly, and Arn¡¯s expression soured. Soon, ten seconds would pass. It didn¡¯t look like he could kill the werewolf within that time frame. Arn moved back, lowered his body and shouted: "Vera!" As the werewolf chased Arn, a fire wall appeared in front of it. The werewolf shed at it with his ws and was able to cut through. The fire did not keep the werewolf from trying to move forward. It was running on its four legs and getting closer as the force field around Arn started disappearing. The force field had bothered the werewolf, but it was now disappearing, and the werewolf meant to finish off Arn. Suddenly, an energy bolt hit the werewolf¡¯s face. Phump! It was hit with an energy bolt, but the destructive force was so small that the werewolf ignored it and attacked. However, it had stopped for a moment, and that made a big difference. Arn took a big step and swung his saber. The werewolf jumped, and if it hadn¡¯t jumped, it would have been sliced through his waist. Still, Arn¡¯s attack had been decisive. The saber cut both of the werewolf¡¯s legs. The werewolf staggered, and Arn threw his saber. Thuck! Even in that situation, the werewolf parried the saber using its arms, but, as the werewolf blocked the saber, Vera¡¯s fireballs hit it. Boom! The werewolf was hit on its chest and fell. Arn took his saber and cut the werewolf¡¯s neck. The werewolf¡¯s head fell on the ground, and Arn picked it up. The werewolf looked at Arn with its red eyes and Arn said, smiling: "Warren, go in peace." "You won¡¯t get away with this." After the werewolf spoke, the head disappeared slowly. Arn looked at the disappearing head when Vera said: "Don¡¯t waste time!" Arn looked at the remaining opposing minions. "Only the weak remain." Arn smiled and looked scary. The opposing minions became stiff, and Junhyuk showed up like a shadow and began to cut their heads. "He wants the money," Arn said whileughing. Vera was no longer angry. She went over to Sarang and said: "Aim for their heads. Your energy bolt cannot prate armors, yet." She had hit the head of the werewolf without inflicting any wound, so she knew how small her power was. Then, she hit a minion running toward Junhyuk with her energy bolt. Thuck! A hero could survive that energy bolt, but the minion dropped dead. The minion¡¯s head burst open, and Sarang stiffened. Vera put her arm around her shoulder and said: "They are not human, so don¡¯t feel guilty." Sarang felt better after hearing that from Vera. They were trying to kill her, and they had green skin. They weren¡¯t human. Sarang used her energy bolt again. --- The fallen minions disappeared and left gold coins behind. They dropped one coin each. Junhyuk picked up ten coins and looked at Sarang. She had killed three minions. In the beginning, there had been fifteen minions, and Junhyuk took care of ten of them, Sarang killed three minions, and the remaining two were struck down by Vera¡¯s magic. "Pick them up," Junhyuk told her. He could not pick up coins left by minions killed by another person. She went over, picked up her three gold coins and asked: "Where can I use them?" "When you meet a dimensional merchant." She knew some things, but she wanted a more detailed exnation. Sarang tried to ask Junhyuk again, and he told her calmly: "We are going to where they are, so you can see for yourself." "OK." Arn picked up the things left behind by Warren. He looked at a ne with a jewel stuck to it and tossed it to Vera. Vera took it and grinned. "It doesn¡¯t look pretty," he said. "Yeah, it¡¯s ugly enough to make me cry," she replied. Arn looked at his group and said: "We will go to the dimensional merchants and we will rest there." "Yes," they answered. Junhyuk looked at the remaining survivors. During the battle that just took ce, many people were frozen by Warren¡¯s howl. Only six of the fifteen minions survived. There was no guarantee that the remaining minions would survive another battle. Junhyuk looked at Sarang. It was a relief that Vera would always apany her. Arn had taught him without true effort, and he had to survived fatal situations on his own. After the battles, Arn would exin what happened. However, Vera was different. Vera exined the things that Sarang was curious about and enabled her to use her magic more efficiently. Sarang had forgotten about the minions she killed and concentrated on what Vera had to say. In the beginning, Junhyuk also got all exnations from Vera. He could understand Vera and Arn had different personalities. They moved quickly through a road in the forest. They had trapped their enemies, but other enemies might still trap them. They had to move fast to avoid any dangerous situations. They walked for a long time. The forest road ended, and they saw a huge mirror. The mirror reflected the forest. If they didn¡¯t know better, they would have thought it was a part of the forest, and not a portal to the dimensional merchants. Arn stood in front of the mirror. "Let¡¯s go in." Arn went in first, and the minions held their breaths. Vera pushed Junhyuk¡¯s back. "You first." "OK." Junhyuk took a deep breath and stepped toward the mirror. He felt really tired when he arrived at that ce for the first time. It was like breaking through the surface of water, only the other side was a different world. When he went there for the first time, his expectations were high, but, as soon as he entered, his excitement was gone. There was a worn out store with a man who looked like a yeti. The yeti was wearing sses. He was the merchant, and his name was Bebe. The yeti was talking to Arn, and Arn said as Junhyuk entered: ¡¯Bebe, show him your wares." Bebe looked at Junhyuk. Since he was a yeti, he was thirteen feet tall and had really big eyes. His eyes shone like obsidian, and he looked at Junhyuk. "You are a novice. Did you earn some gold coins?" Junhyuk ced his gold coins on the table. He put down twenty-nine gold coins, and Bebe stared at him. "Do you want to buy candy? You could buy candy for that price." Arnughed. "Stop ying." Bebe fixed his sses and pushed a small te forward. "Put your hand on it." Junhyuk put his hand on it, and a number appeared: 1230G. Bebe looked at the number. "For a novice, you have a lot of money," Bebe said as he pulled out some books from his chest. "But there isn¡¯t much you can buy with it." Bebe opened a book. On the pages, the things that he could buy from the dimensional merchant appeared. The descriptions were innguages he couldn¡¯t understand, so he looked at Arn. Arn shrugged. Bebe pointed to a pill and said: "If you take this pill you will be able understand everynguage used here. The price is 100G." "Isn¡¯t it too expensive?" "If you don¡¯t like it, then don¡¯t buy it." Bebe looked confident. Junhyuk looked at Arn, who said calmly: "Take the pill. It¡¯s not that expensive." He needed to kill one hundred minions to earn 100G. Arn was saying that it wasn¡¯t that expensive. Junhyuk worried for a moment and asked. "Earth alone has thousands ofnguages. How manynguages are there in here?" Bebe smiled. The yeti gave him the creeps with his smile because he was so big, but the yeti¡¯s eyes were also big, so he did not scare him that much. "It¡¯s not that expensive. All dimensions have tens of thousands ofnguages. If you take this pill, you will be able to read, write, speak and understand all of them. It¡¯s only 100G." Junhyuk sighed. If he could read, write and speak allnguages on Earth, it was worth the 100G. Junhyuk nodded, and Bebe pushed the te toward him. "Put your hand on it." As he put his hand on it, the number decreased from 1230G to 1130G. Bebe ced the pill on Junhyuk¡¯s hand. "Take it." Junhyuk stared calmly at the pill on his hand. It was worth the lives of one hundred minions. He closed his eyes and swallowed the pill. Chapter 19: Dimensional Merchants 2 Chapter 19: Dimensional Merchants 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Right when he swallowed the pill, he heard a noise, and the minions showed up. Vera and Sarang were thest ones to appear. He could understand what they were saying. It was interesting because even if they spoke English he heard Korean. Vera looked at Junhyuk, smiled and said: "Did they force you to buy anything?" Junhyuk shrugged. "I had no choice," he answered. Vera turned and looked at Arn. "Does he have anything good?" she asked. "No, I have to earn more to buy what I want." "You might get hurt if you don¡¯t buy anything. Aren¡¯t you always saving to buy something expensive?" "What do you see me as?" Arn asked and nced at Junhyuk. "Also, because of him, it¡¯s like I have an additional power." "You¡¯re right." Junhyuk paid no attention to their conversation and searched the book endlessly. The pages were filled with things that cost less than 1000G, and there must¡¯ve been hundreds of them. The book worked liked a smartphone, and the product descriptions extended in front of him. He read, and flipped with his finger to the next item There were a lot of things he could only use once, but he wanted something more permanent. He turned the pages quickly and stopped at the jewels¡¯ listings. There were strange inscriptions inside the beautiful jewels. He could understand the word runestone, but didn¡¯t understand how a runestone could be different by how it was made, and there was no exnation even though he swallowed the pill. Junhyuk only understood the description. Runestone with lowest power. [A person carrying it doubles his power. Limited to carrying ten runestones. If exchanging for a higher-level runestone, one needs three stones.] He read the instructions, but still did not understand what they meant. "What does it mean by ¡¯doubles his power¡¯?" Junhyuk asked. Bebe pointed to the minions and said: "Do you see the minions over there? Their power average is one." "What?" The yeti meant to say that if he carried a runestone, he would be able to have two times the strength of a minion! Surprised, Junhyuk listened, and Bebe continued with his exnation: "The lowest runestone¡¯s increment is two. The low runestone¡¯s increment is five. The middle runestone¡¯s increment is twelve. The high runestone¡¯s increment is twenty-five, and the highest runestone¡¯s increment is sixty. Of course, the price increases by three times as the quality of the rune increases." "Can you carry ten of the highest runestones?" "Of course." If he carried a highest level runestone, it would increase his power by 600 times. Of course, it would cost more. The highest runestone cost 81000G. It required an enormous amount of money. Bebe looked at him and said: "Heroes can only carry the highest level jewels. There is a limit of ten ording to each color, and a hero can carry up to thirty jewels." Junhyuk suddenly felt a surge of respect for Arn and Vera. At the very least, they had to have 2,430,000G to be fully stocked, and they both were. Junhyuk appraised the condition of the runestone. Red stones had attacking boosts, yellow stones had defensive boosts. Blue stones had to do with magic, so they had no meaning to him. As he made his appraisals of the runestones, he asked Arn: "Arn, what kind of runestones do you carry?" "The highest level red runestones. I enjoy killing by crushing." It had to fit one¡¯s character. Junhyuk thought about his fight with the minions. He carried a two-handed sword, but hecked power, so he could only attack the weak spots on their necks. That way, he wouldn¡¯t be get hurt, and it had been easy to take them down. He was thinking about it when Arn went over and said: "A man needs power." "Is that right?" Vera looked at Junhyuk. "If you want to stay alive, concentrate on defense. That¡¯s not a bad idea, right? If your defense doubles, you won¡¯t die from a minion¡¯s attack." He was interested in what Vera had just said. "If you are just defending your skin, you already have the force field," Arn said, and Junhyuk looked back at him. In any case, he had put the force field around Arn, and he was the one to deal with the minions. Junhyuk¡¯ worried for a moment. "If I double my power, can I slice through a minion¡¯s armor?" Arn nodded. "Of course, but if that minion has a defensive rune, you can¡¯t." Junhyuk thought for a moment. He would be more offensive if he could crush the enemies¡¯ armor. He was not too worried about defense since he could easily sense the enemies¡¯ movements. Also, Arn¡¯s speech lingered in his ear. "A man needs strength. I will get this." Junhyuk pointed to a runestone for strength, and Vera lost interest and shrugged as she returned to Sarang. Sarang could not understand what was happening in that ce and was busy looking around. Junhyuk picked out what he would buy, and Bebe pushed the te forward. "Here." Junhyuk ced his hand on the te, and the 1130G decreases to 130G. The 1000G meant that 1000 minions had died. He thought that the stone would only double his strength and he was not feeling so good about the price, but that was the only marketce. Bebe smiled and gave him a red runestone. He felt a strange energying from the stone and stared at it. Bebe asked him: "You bought it, so do you want me to put it on? Instation is free, but taking it off costs money." "Costs money?" "It takes a lot of energy to take a stone off. To take one off costs 50G." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t keep his mouth closed at that price. Bebe smiled and looked at him. "Instation is free. Where is your socketed item for attaching runestones?" An item? It was the first time he heard about it. Junhyuk looked at Arn, and Arn told Bebe: "It¡¯s his first time making a purchase, so he doesn¡¯t have it." "What? You didn¡¯t tell him? You can¡¯t wear a runestone on without a socketed item to attach it to." Junhyuk frowned. He felt like he had beenpletely duped and sighed. "How much does a socketed item cost?" Bebe closed the endless book at once. "First, I will tell you more about runestones," Bebe exined gently as he rested his elbows on the book. "Regardless of the level, there are three kinds of runestones with different instation procedures. You need to install the first one correctly to carry a second one." "They have to be installed differently ording to their colors?" "Correct. You learn fast," Bebe continued calmly. "I¡¯ve already told you about the stone levels, so I should tell you about socketed items." Bebe opened the book slowly. The pages spread and images appeared above them. Bebe continued: "As you can see, the socketed itemse with space for wearing at least three colors with at least a three-time increase. At most, you can have thirty runestones, and the socketed item could enhance your runestone¡¯s strength." "Enhance the runestone¡¯s strength?" "Of course! The lowest level socketed item has no enhancing capabilities, but the highest level socketed item increases the runestone¡¯s strength by fifty percent." Fifty percent was a very high number. It would be very expensive. In any case, he only had 130G and 29G in the bag in his chest. Junhyuk ced all the gold coins on the table. "What can I buy with this?" Bebeughed hard. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! With 159G you can¡¯t even buy the lowest level socketed item. The cheapest item is 200G." If he hadn¡¯t taken thenguage pill, he would¡¯ve been able to purchase a socketed item. He felt that Bebe was being spiteful. Junhyuk was looking at Bebe when someone dropped 41G on the table. He looked at the dropped coins and turned to see Arn. Arn did not look back at him, but said: "It¡¯s my fault. I did not exin it all to you, so I will lend you that sum. Pay me backter." "Thank you." Junhyuk sighed, relieved, and looked at Bebe. Bebe pushed a pendant forward. The pendant had three sockets where one could ce jewels. Junhyuk ced his runestone in a socket. It wasn¡¯t asplicated as he had expected. All he had to do was drop the runestone in the hole. Bebe pulled out a leather string,ced the pendant and gave it to Junhyuk. "I will say it again, you cannot remove the runestone out there. If you force it and try to remove it, you will break the stone, soe back here to do it." "I understand." Junhyuk put the pendant around his neck. As he put it on, the stone glowed. Then, the glow disappeared. He could feel his strength increase after he put it on. Junhyuk made a fist with his hand. He could feel the energy on his fist. When he became a novice, he became stronger than the minions, but it could not bepared to what he was feeling at that moment. He could use his two-handed sword to slice minions. Arn looked at Vera. "Do you need to buy anything?" "No, but I will sell this." Vera was holding a jeweled ne. Warren had left it behind when he died. She gave it to Bebe and asked. "How much will you give me for it?" "Let me see. Warren bought this just a short while ago. He won¡¯t be too happy about this." "It¡¯s like that. How much?" "He bought it for 73000G. I will give you 36500G." "Fine. Deal." Bebe pushed the te forward. Vera ced her hand on it, and Bebe spoke while operating the te: "Don¡¯t you need new equipment? It¡¯s about time." "I need to save some more. If I get it, I will rampage and devastate everything." "If you are lucky, just one. If you are unlucky, you¡¯ll need to catch two heroes." "Yes." Vera stopped talking and looked at Arn. "What is your situation?" "I need to kill just one more hero." "You have something from Grangsha. Didn¡¯t you sell it?" "I will just use it myself." "If you can, you should." Vera turned and looked at the minions. "Does anyone have another 50G?" The minions did not speak one word. They did not even know about the gold coins, and the surviving minions did not have that kind ofrge sum of money. "You can¡¯t even afford the lowest level potion, so you have no business here. Let¡¯s go out." Junhyuk asked carefully: "Can¡¯t we rest here a little longer?" "No. This ce has a different flow of time from outside, but the difference is notrge. We shouldn¡¯t waste time here when we can hunt outside," Arn said coldly. "If you want to pay me back, you should work hard." "I will work hard." He did not expect that Arn would lend him the gold coins. In any case, he needed to pay Arn back. Junhyuk thought about how to pay him back. Arn and Vera prepared to go outside when Junhyuk asked: "What is our next n?" Vera answered him with a smile: "If we were sessful with our ganking, we were supposed to meet with Numara." "Numara came this time?" "Of course. Right about now, Numara should be fighting hard at the watchtower." "Who is the opposing enemy?" "Ellic, probably?" After hearing Ellic¡¯s name, Junhyuk got angry. "The same Ellic who is angry at me?" "Ha-ha-ha, correct. That Ellic who tried to kill you and got himself killed." He had survived because of his ten-second force field, but he still remembered Ellic¡¯s furious eyes. When Ellic targeted an enemy, he was crazy enough not to care about his own death in order to kill that enemy. When the heroes were fighting in the frontline, Junhyuk stepped forward, and Ellic chased him for ten seconds and got killed. Junhyuk thought about him. Chapter 20: Dimensional Merchants 3 Chapter 20: Dimensional Merchants 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - After they left the trading post, they moved quickly. If they had encountered heroes from the opposing side while in the forest, it could have been dangerous. They were not trying to set up a trap, so they had to face their enemies in the frontline. If the opposing side was in fewer numbers, it would be okay, but, if it the enemies outnumbered them, then they would get killed. Arn and Vera took the lead and sped up, and the rest of the group spoke less and moved quickly. They also realized the precarious situation they were in. As he followed the lead, Junhyuk became impressed with their senses. The sky had no markings to tell directions, yet the heroes always moved quickly. As they followed the lead, Sarang did not speak, but then she called him: "Big brother." Junhyuk turned, and Sarang looked around and asked: "By the way, when will it end?" "I¡¯ve told you. We have to win." "What do we have to do in order for us to win?" Junhyuk thought it over and answered: "We have to destroy their watchtower and castle." "How long does it take?" "Last time, it took a month." Sarang stiffened. She worried about whether she could survive for a month while being so drained. Junhyuk whispered to her: "Since you are a magician minion, don¡¯t step forward, protect yourself with a shield and attack when you see an opening. Your power works well against enemy minions." "OK." "I don¡¯t know what Vera taught you, but you should think about it over and over." Sarang nodded. Vera had taught her how to enhance her magical power, and she should think about it. She was ovee by the emotions surrounding her, but she reminded herself of what Vera had taught her. Junhyuk stopped talking and contemted the changes in his body. He had exercised his muscles, making himself stronger, and now he carried a runestone and became even more powerful. His strength depended on his item, but he wanted to keep that strength. He prepared his muscles and moved fast. At the end of the forest, there was a river glistening softly. Junhyuk stiffened while Arn said: "You first." Arn allowed the minions to cross first, and Junhyuk was relieved. They did not know about the existence of antas, so they took big steps on the stepping stones. As if they¡¯d been waiting, the antas showed up, but, this time, Arn stepped forward. Arn ran and swung his saber, and the antas fell into small pieces. Arn had to be thinking that he needed to save as many minions as possible. Junhyuk turned to Sarang. "Don¡¯t worry and cross." "OK." He remembered thest time, how they had lost all minions, but, this time, Arn took care of business. He was relieved. They crossed the stepping stones carefully, and Vera stepped behind Sarang and spoke to Junhyuk: "Are you OK?" "Yes." It would only take ten seconds if he was crossing alone. Junhyuk looked at the others crossing and stepped on the stepping stones. Arn had ughtered the antas and was already on other side of river. The dead antas¡¯ blood spread across the river, bringing in more antas. Junhyuk jumped before the antas could get to him. The antas flew toward him, but he had already crossed the river. Junhyuk looked behind him and saw the antas bustling over the stepping stones. He did not have to use his power and was relieved. "We move." Since they¡¯d crossed the river, they were in allied territory. There were no boundaries in the forest, but the enemy did not cross into allied territory easily. If the enemy had, they would be met by their troops and would be unable to escape. When Arn made his surprise attack, it had been sessful, and they had gained a lot, but they had also risked many lives. They moved quickly inside the forest. Monsters showed up from time to time, but Arn and Vera killed them easily. Then, Arn and Vera motioned to make them stop. The group stopped, and Arn scoped out what was taking ce outside of the forest. "As expected, they are in the middle of a fight." Arn looked at the group. There were six minions, the magician minion Sarang, and Junhyuk. Arn calmly exined the situation: "Ellic and Grangsha are attacking the watchtower." It was possible for heroes to reincarnate, and they were already there. "Nudra is holding off their attacks, but it does not look easy. We go in right now." Arn looked at Junhyuk: "Ellic is there. I will fight him. When I start the fight with Ellic, put a force field around me." "I understand." Arn wanted to deal with Ellic instead of letting Junhyuk do it, there was no reason for him to turn Arn down. Arn looked at Vera. "We will deal with Ellic first. Nudra can handle Grangsha." Vera looked out and said: "We should move quickly. They might be hiding somewhere." "I know. We move at full speed." Arn was thinking about dealing with Ellic first by using Junhyuk¡¯s force field. He looked at the group and said: "Minions, move when we move and attack the opposing minions around the watchtower." "Understood!" After he spoke, Arn pulled out two sabers and said: "I¡¯m going." Arn left the forest, and Junhyuk followed him. As soon as he got out of the forest, Arn jumped up and fell on Ellic¡¯s head. Klung! Arn¡¯s saber and Ellic¡¯s hammer shed against each other, and, at that moment, Junhyuk enclosed Arn with his force field. They fought each other. Vera stepped forward and shouted: "Attack!" The minions ran forward, and Junhyuk joined them. He had a lowest level runestone, but he was not worried about the opposing minions. "I will earn 41G." After he made the forcefield, he could not use his power. Only his physical prowess remained. Junhyuk ran toward the opposing minions and saw his own minions encountering the opposing forces. ng! The minions were used to using their shields, so no minion died from the first attack. Junhyuk took the right nk and attacked the enemies. Before an opposing minion had the chance to react, Junhyuk stabbed him through his neck and stepped back. He did not stop there and stepped forward. Junhyuk saw an opposing minion holding an axe turn around to face him, and he held on to his runestone and swung his sword. ng! The minion could not stand the pressure of his sword and the axe went down. Junhyuk stepped forward and swung his sword. Craaaack! He was able to slice through the enemy¡¯s armor, but if he kept using his strength that way, he would get tired soon. The enemy minions concentrated their attention on Junhyuk as he stepped back. The enemies let out battle cries and attacked him, but his own minions defended him with their shields. It was more like Junhyuk had gone behind the shield wall, rather than his minions stepping forward. An energy bolt flew by and smashed an enemy minion¡¯s head. Junhyuk realized Sarang was giving him support and stepped forward. There were twenty enemy minions. Arn and Vera were fighting Ellic, but Ellic was so strong he did not fall so easily. That meant the remaining enemy minions were the responsibility of the eight remaining people. Junhyuk tried harder. He saw an enemy minion about to attack the shield wall. The minion lifted his axe, and Junhyuk stabbed him with his two-handed sword. The shields were held up high, so he stabbed the enemy minion between his eyes. The enemy fell, and Junhyuk realized that what he had just done was quite a safe way to attack. He could still attack from behind the shields. If he had a spear, it would¡¯ve been better, but he could still use his sword. He stayed behind the shields and stabbed from time to time, killing enemies. What could be easier? The minions holding the shields also felt better as Junhyuk decreased the number of enemy minions. Sarang also attacked, and the number of enemy minions decreased quickly. There were seven enemy minions left. He felt victory was at hand, but something changed. A group from the left side of the field of reeds had discovered them and were running to engage them. "Arn!" Junhyuk saw them before Arn did, and he shouted. Arn was fighting Ellic. Warren wasing from far away along with ten enemy minions. Ellic was near death, but he was holding out. Maybe, he had been waiting for Warren. Ellic tried to run away slowly, and Arn shouted: "Vera! Let¡¯s kill Ellic so we will get help from the watchtower!" "OK." A huge fire wall appeared behind Ellic, and Arn threw his saber. ng! The force field disappeared. Arn was wounded, but stillunched attacks. Ellic realized he could not escape, so, holding his axe, he ran forward. Arn looked at Ellic going toward him and jumped up. Ellic was crossing underneath his feet when a flying saber stabbed his back. "Ghaaaag!" With his back sliced, Ellic swung his hammer violently, as though he was having a seizure. He looked fierce, and Arn stepped back. Ellic lifted his hammer. "Vera! Step aside!" Arn shouted as he moved to the side, and Ellic dropped his hammer like lighting. Ka-Kang! Ellic¡¯s hammer shed against the ground, creating shockwaves. He still had a lot of strength left, even though he was dying. The minions staggered from the shockwaves. Ellic moved forward while everyone was off bnce, went through the firewall and jumped toward Warren. He was near death, but he was not dead yet. While Ellic ran away, Arn threw his saber at him. The saber struck Ellic on his back like a lighting bolt, and Vera threw a fire spear at him. "Aargh-gh!" Ellic fell right in front of Warren, who ran on his four legs and howled: "Hooooowl!" Warren howled loudly and ran toward Arn. Arn¡¯s face was devoid of expression. "Can you make a force field?" "We have to wait thirty more seconds." "Shit!" Ellic had inflicted heavy wounds on Arn and Vera just before he died. Furthermore, Arn had lost one of his sabers by throwing it at Ellic. The other side only had one extra person, but it was still a dangerous situation. "We will retreat." If they retreated to the watchtower, the archers would give them cover fire. They had to trust the archers and retreat. As they fell back, they heard Nudra shouting: "Be careful!" Arn turned to look, and Grangsha was shielding his body and turning. Grangsha was turning on the spot, and his sickle was flying everywhere. "What¡¯s he doing?!" Arn took his saber and jumped toward Vera. Vera stepped back while Grangsha¡¯s sickle becamerger. Grangsha swung his sickle faster than Arn and Vera could escape. Thump-thump-thump! Arn and Vera were already tired from Ellic¡¯s attacks, and Grangsha devastated them. The shockwaves had thrown Vera and Arn off guard, but they were not the only ones. The minions staggered from Grangsha¡¯s shockwaves, and then the enemy minions swung their axes. Four minions died from the enemy¡¯s attack. The shockwaves did not affect the enemy minions. They were able to stand firmly on the ground. Junhyuk staggered from the shockwaves, but, since he was a novice, he was able to stand his ground. He stood in front of Sarang and looked at the enemy. "Shit!" Arn and Vera were wounded and stepped back. Meanwhile, Warren had joined Grangsha. Chapter 21: Team Fight 1 Chapter 21: Team Fight 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Warren had no intention of letting Arn and Vera go to the watchtower where Nudra was, so he ran toward them. The distance between them was shortening fast. Vera created a firewall, but Warren shed through it with his ws, and Grangsha was right behind him. The enemy minions followed them. Arn steeled himself and turned. "Shit!" There was no time to escape. Warren ran toward them on his four legs, and he must¡¯ve been using an extra power to speed up. His speed looked unnatural. Nudra lifted up his hands as he watched Warren run. He extended his hands slowly and energy waves traveled from him toward Warren. There was nothing Warren could do about the waves. He just put his paws in front of him to block. Boom! Warren fell backward as Grangsha swung his sickle. The energy wave was split in two, leaving Nudra surprised. "I am not well matched against him." Nudra pushed Warren back, giving the others time to escape. Warren couldn¡¯t give up on the wounded Arn and Vera and started chasing them again. He was unable to use any more speed power and slowed down. Finally, Arn gave up on escaping and stood strong, lifting up his saber. "Nothing I can do about it." Their side had three heroes, and the opposing side had two heroes. They could win. The problem was that Vera and Arn were wounded. If the watchtower had been able to help them, they would¡¯ve taken a rest, but now they had to fight as they were. Arn stood at the front, and Vera started her magic spell. Vera used fire-based magic. This time, she shot off a fire spear. Warren had fought Vera before and covered his face with his paws and ran. Vera¡¯s magic aimed at the targeted opponent and was impossible to escape. Warren knew this, so he didn¡¯t try to run. Boom! Warren was hit by the fire spear and ran forward. Nudra looked at it and said: "I will help Vera. You take Grangsha." After he spoke, Nudra ran toward Warren. Warren sniffled and raise his ws when Nudra kicked him. It looked as though Warren¡¯s arms and ws were longer than Nudra¡¯s leg, but an energy wave shot off from his leg. Boom! Warren fell back, and Grangsha lifted his shield and moved toward Nudra. Then, Arn flew in from behind Nudra and swung his saber. ng! Grangsha had lost the opportunity to attack Nudra, and, facing Arn, he swung his sickle. Arn parried the sickle with his saber and smiled. "I am using it well, what you dropped earlier." Grangsha¡¯s eyes lit up with anger. "I will kill you!" Grangsha was seriously hurt from fighting Nudra, and it was hard tell who had the advantage between the two. Arn was missing one of his sabers, and it felt like he was at a disadvantage. Junhyuk quickly took stock of the battlefield. If Arn took care of Grangsha, then the three of them could take on Warren. The problem was that Arn was more hurt than Grangsha. However, they only had to wait fifteen seconds more. If Arn was surrounded by the force field again, Grangsha wouldn¡¯t be able to deal with him. Junhyuk was looking for an opportune moment to join the battle when he saw the enemy minions pushing his minions back. He stepped forward. To break their momentum, Junhyuk banged his two-handed sword against an axe and used the rebounding force to sh the enemy¡¯s neck and stab another enemy minioning from his nk. In a short period, he killed two minions. Their morale was shaken, but they soon mounted another attack, without waiting. Junhyuk realized that they were surrounded by enemy minions and took a step back, dodging their attacks while countering with his own. He was carrying a strength runestone. A failure in his attack was not possible. Every time he attacked, he was able to kill an enemy minion. They started to avoid him and kept attacking the friendly minions holding their shields. Junhyuk took a step forward to help when a minion showed up in front of him. He thought his opponent was a minion and swung his two-handed sword to realize the "minion" was holding two axes. ng! The enemy blocked his sword attack with one hand, and Junhyuk checked him out carefully. He was the same height as Junhyuk, and his shoulder looked wider than Junhyuk¡¯s. His opponent was bigger than an ordinary minion. As he realized that, hr jumped back. The enemy swung his ax where Junhyuk had stood. "Tsc! I will make my money." Junhyuk was used to not being able to understand what the minions were saying. After taking thenguage pill, that changed. His opponent really was different from the other minions. "Are you a novice?" "Tsc, are you also a novice?" Novices had activated powers. If his opponent was a novice, he also had an activated power. Junhyuk froze. His force field was a very high-level power, but he had to use it on Arn. If he used his power on himself and killed his opponent and Arn died, he too would die sooner orter. He had to put his hope on Arn killing Grangsha, and that he woulde help out after. Junhyuk breathed deeply and extended his hands. As he extended his hands, the novice moved to escape. The novice did not know what kind of power Junhyuk had, so he ran. Junhyuk put up a force field around Arn. "Ha-ha-ha, you did good." Arnughed hard and pushed Grangsha. The novice looked at them and then looked at Junhyuk and bared his teeth. "You used your power." Junhyuk positioned himself, holding his two-handed sword. He knew how precarious of a situation it was to deal with a novice without his own power, but there was no other way. He set himself on higher ground since it offered him a better chance to survive. He lifted his two-handed sword and said: "Come on!" The novice ridiculed Junhyuk and flew toward him. A novice without his power was not very strong, so he ran toward Junhyuk without a second thought. Looking at the novice, Junhyuk¡¯s eyes hardened. He realized from his first sh against the novice that, even though he was carrying a runestone, he was not stronger than his opponent. There was the possibility his opponent was also carrying a runestone, so he decided to defend himself. The novice ran toward him and swung his axe. Junhyuk blocked him with his sword. ng! Junhyuk¡¯s sword struck the axe, and the novice wielded his other axe, holding it in his other hand, but Junhyuk learned to expect anything when fighting minions, so he blocked it as well. Junhyuk focused and noticed that his speed was faster than his opponent. It turned out, he was also stronger. Junhyuk tried to stab the novice when the novice stomped hard on the ground. Thump! The ground shook, and Junhyuk felt energying up from it and was unable to move. He couldn¡¯t even move a finger and didn¡¯t know how long his body wouldn¡¯t move. He was in a situation where he could die at any moment. Junhyuk tried his best to move his body when the novice smiled cooly and swung his axe. Junhyuk was in a desperately dangerous situation. Then, an energy bolt passed by his cheek. A minion would¡¯ve died, but a novice was different. The novice turned his axe¡¯s de t to block the flying energy bolt. Boom! The novice stepped back with his axe, and Junhyuk was able to move again. As soon as he could move, he started swinging his sword. Junhyuk¡¯s sword moved like lightning, and the novice blocked it with his axe, but he wasn¡¯t in a position to fully block the sword strike. ng! Junhyuk tore up the novice¡¯s armor at his shoulder. The novice stepped back and stared at Junhyuk. "Tsc, shameful." Junhyukughed. The novice had used his power on a powerless Junhyuk. He wasn¡¯t in a position to discuss what was shameful. Junhyuk pointed at the novice with his two-handed sword. The novice stared at him and then shouted: "Gather up!" Hearing the novice speak, the other minions gathered around him. There were nine minions and a novice, and they got together in one ce. Junhyuk saw them gathering and thought he should wait for Arn. When Arn stepped forward, the minions wouldn¡¯t be able to deal with him. Of course, Arn had to kill Warren first, but if he endured, he would survive. Junhyuk took little steps back and said: "We will retreat toward the watchtower." "I won¡¯t let you!" The novice understood what Junhyuk had said and ran forward. The minions ran with him. If there had been only minions, Junhyuk could¡¯ve killed them one by one while retreating, but now there was a novice among them. He did not have the same number of minions as the enemy, and they were too many. Junhyuk calmly parried each minions¡¯ axe attack, one by one, with his sword. Ka-ng! The attacks were continuous, and, as he parried them, he took little steps back. The novice swung his axe at him. Junhyuk could resist the novice and his axe, but the novice was attacking with his minions, forcing Junhyuk to go on the defensive. Ka-ng! Junhyuk moved back quicker, and the novice attacked with all his might. Against continuous attacks, Junhyuk continued to move back. Then, an energy bolt flew by. Boom! The novice blocked the energy bolt. Using that moment, Junhyuk mounted his own attack. Since the novice had continuously attacked him, now there was a small distance between Junhyuk and the opponent¡¯s minions. Junhyuk had not intended it, but, as the novice blocked the energy bolt, he showed him an opening, and he took advantage of it on the spot. The novice turned his face quickly, but he still got shed across the cheek. As his sword swayed down, Junhyuk jumped forward. He was carrying a strength runestone and he was already many times stronger than a minion, but he hit a minion with his shoulder, which gave him quite a shock. "Tsc! Tsc!" The novice went to the back, but Junhyuk did not give chase. Suddenly, the minions swung their axes without restriction. Junhyuk looked at the swinging axes and took some steps back and raised his sword. Ka-ka-ka-ng! The minions saved the novice, and he shouted: "Kill that magician minion!" After hearing the novice, the minions headed toward Sarang who was throwing energy bolts from behind Junhyuk. If he let Sarang die, Junhyuk would die from a coordinated attack from the novice and the minions. Junhyuk swung his sword at the minions heading toward Sarang. sh! The minions died still wearing their armors and fell to the ground. Junhyuk stood at the front and shouted: "Do you really want to die?" Junhyuk stopped the minions from moving any further, and the novice¡¯s eyebrows twitched. He could kill a minion with just one blow. If they tried to pass him, there would be massive casualties. "Five of you attack him, and the rest attack the magician minion!" Junhyuk realized situation went from bad to worse. He raised his sword and took some steps backward and said: "Run to the watchtower!" "Big brother!" "I will slow them down. Run!" Junhyuk made sure that Sarang stepped back and began running. Then, he turned to face the novice. The novice bared his teeth and smiled. "You¡¯ve made a big mistake." The novice moved forward yelling: "Kill him!" As he looked at the minions and the novice running toward him, he gripped his sword tighter. Chapter 22: Team Fight 2 Chapter 22: Team Fight 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - He couldn¡¯t depend on Sarang¡¯s help anymore. He calmly parried the axes of the attacking minions. If he was careless, even for a moment, he would die. Maybe it was fortunate, but the novice was not mounting any attacks. He was just looking for an opportunity to strike Junhyuk, so Junhyuk had some breathing room. The novice didn¡¯t know, but time was on Junhyuk¡¯s side. He had to endure for two minutes, and his power would return. Then, cutting through them wouldn¡¯t be a problem. Of course, maybe he wouldn¡¯t have to wait that long. Far away, Arn was pulling out his saber from Grangsha¡¯s chest. Arn looked briefly at Junhyuk. When their eyes met, Arn ran toward Warren in order to help out Vera. Warren was pushed back by Nudra¡¯s attack each time he tried to attack Vera, and Vera used her magic to seriously wound Warren every time. Warren had to attack Vera only once to kill her, but approaching her was not easy. If Vera were alone, she might have already been killed, but she was with Nudra and was able to maintain a certain distance from Warren, using her magic at will. It looked like she was winning. In that moment, Arn joined her. It looked like it was the end for Warren. When Warren fell, the novice and the minions would surely not survive. So, Junhyuk concentrated on defense and repelled the minions¡¯ attacks. The novice looked at Junhyuk, held his axe with both hands and ran between the minions. Maybe he was thinking the same thing as Junhyuk: when the heroes died, they could not win. The novice looked to kill Junhyuk first and then run away. Klunk, klunk! As he repelled the continuous attacks, JunHyuk¡¯s face hardened. It wasn¡¯t the same as when the minions attacked alone. He felt pressured. The novice and the minions attacked aggressively. He couldn¡¯t handle all of them, and Junhyuk slowly retreated, but he had to maintain his position. If he loosened his posture, he might die. The novice pushed Junhyuk around, and there was a sinister smile on his face. "Ha-ha-ha! You are dead!" The novice stomped the ground. Thump! Junhyuk felt his body stiffen as he felt the shocking up from the ground. The novice¡¯s power had a shorter cooldown time than his. The price was high. As he stood there with his body immobile, the novice swung his axe down. As the axe was about tond on his head, Junhyuk was able to move again and jumped backward. The axe fell down in front of Junhyuk. With wide eyes, Junhyuk looked at the novice with his chest pierced by a saber that was sticking out, and, from behind the novice, he could see Arn. Arn pulled out his saber from the novice¡¯s back and swung it against the minions. sh! Four minions died without being able to scream. The remaining minions were scared, and Arn said to Junhyuk: "Deal with them." "Thank you." After he spoke, Junhyuk ran toward the minions and checked out the inside of the battlefield. Warren¡¯s eyes were all red and he was attacking. Warren had broad shoulders, and Nudra was having a tough time pushing him away. Junhyuk attacked the minions, and Arn asked: "How long has it been?" "About thirty more seconds to go." "OK. Then, in thirty seconds, we will deal with that wolf." Arn had joined him to help him out, but he still had only one saber. If he had two sabers, he could throw one, but, as he was, he had to get close to Warren. Also, Arn was wounded. If he got close, he might get killed by the enemy. At the very least, he needed Junhyuk¡¯s power, and that¡¯s why he had helped him. Junhyuk could transfer his power to other people, making it even more useful. If his power evolved again, the cooldown time would be diminished. Junhyuk could change the course of the war. Saving him was not a bad idea, and he should do it. Meanwhile, Junhyuk killed the rest of the minions. As he gathered his breath, he could see Warren escape from Nudra¡¯s attacks and about to attack Vera. He couldn¡¯t use his power yet. Junhyuk was thinking about what to do when Arn jumped up. He met with Warren in the middle of air. Bang! Warren kicked Arn¡¯s saber away and kicked him as well. Arn blocked the kick with both arms, but his arms began to bleed. Arn fell to the ground, and Warren also lost his strength and fell. Nudra jumped and kicked Warren, pushing him back. Hoooowl! Warren could not endure the pain and howled in anger. He sensed that the people around him were frozen and the broad-shouldered werewolf jumped forward. His howl had the power to immobilize heroes for a moment. Nudra couldn¡¯t kick, and Vera couldn¡¯t use her magic, so Warren ran toward them. He ran on four legs and was getting faster. Junhyuk extended his hands. He ced a force field around Arn, and Arn smiled and ran toward Warren. Arn had been in an area outside of the effect of Warren¡¯s howl. As Arn ran toward Warren, Warren stopped running and tried to escape. Warren, who had already experienced the protective field around Arn, knew its power. He ran back, and Arn threw his saber at him. Warren deflected the saber with his ws, and Arn picked up his other saber, the one he dropped when he killed Ellic. Then, Vera was able to move again and made a firewall in front of Warren. Warren shed the firewall with his ws. Then, Arn jumped at him and shed his back. "Argh-gh!" Warren screamed, turned and threw a punch at Arn, but his fist bounced off the field. All of a sudden, Nudra flew in and kicked Warren¡¯s face. Whack! Warren got stuck in the ground. Half of his body was underground. Then Arn sliced the wolf¡¯s head off with his saber. Warren bled profusely, and Arn took the head and smiled. "You told me that you would kill me. You weren¡¯t correct." "Argh! I will kill you!" Warren¡¯s head screamed aloud, then thinned out and disappeared. Warren¡¯s death solidified the victory. In any case, minions couldn¡¯t withstand attacks from heroes. They were that kind of existence. Junhyuk sighed and looked around him. The minions who came with Vera had all died. Only the minions at the watchtower, under Nudra¡¯smand, survived, but they were not many. Junhyuk saw Sarang running toward him from the watchtower. She realized the battle was over and gave Junhyuk a big hug. "Big brother!" She surprised him a little bit, but he tapped her back and said: "I am OK. I¡¯m still alive." She lifted her head, and he could see her eyes full of tears. She retreated to the watchtower as Junhyuk had instructed her, but she had been worried about him. Junhyuk tapped lightly on her armor and said: "It¡¯s over for now." Sarang nodded quickly, and that made Junhyukugh a little. Honestly, Junhyuk had been worried himself. Everything ended well, and Junhyuk opened his mouth: "Stop crying for now." Arn looked at the both of them and saw Junhyuk consoling her. "He has some guts now, having a romance in the Dimensional Battlefield." "And we survived because of his efforts," Vera added. Nudra came up and said: "It¡¯s a good time for them" Junhyuk listened to their conversation and let go of Sarang. He looked at Arn. "What¡¯s your n for now?" Arn spoke calmly. "We have to regain our health. If we stay here, they wille back when they reincarnate." "What happens to this ce?" "We gained a lot from this ce. We will retreat and go back even if it means giving up a watchtower." Junhyuk was bbergasted and looked at him. "What about us?!" Heroes could return to the main castle immediately by teleporting, but they were different. If they tried to return to the castle, they would have to walk, and it was not possible for them to wait for the heroes to return. So, they had to follow the road and retrace their steps, but that was also dangerous. Wolves and other monsters could attack them, and it was a long way to the main castle. After listening to Junhyuk, Arn thought for a moment and said: "There is nothing to be done. Follow us. First, we will take you to the dimensional merchants. I will go to the castle ande back to get you." "I understand." It was safe over at the merchants. Arn looked at Nudra and Vera. "You two return to main castle and regain your health ande back." "No, I will go to the merchants. I gained a few things to sell, and I will get a new one." "Right! That¡¯s nice." Smiling, Arn looked at Nudra: "Old man, go to the main castle. We will visit the dimensional merchants first." "I will go with you." "No. Old man, you should guard the watchtower. When the enemies reincarnate ande back, we won¡¯t have much time. Old man, you should guard this ce." Nudra thought for a moment and answered: "That¡¯s a better n." Nudra gazed at the minions on the watchtower and said: "Then, can you take them to the merchants?" "That¡¯s not a problem." There were only seven minions left at the watchtower. They weren¡¯t many, but it was better to have them there, than not have them. "Please." After he spoke, Nudra closed his eyes and, underneath his feet, a magic circle appeared. It was the way to return to the castle. Nudra shoot off into the sky in a rising beam of light. Arn said: "OK. Let¡¯s go to the merchants." "Yes." Arn and Vera took the lead, and Junhyuk, Sarang, and the joining minions followed them. "We should hurry." He would go to the dimensional merchants and return to the main castle. Then, he would go back to the merchants, and that required quite a bit of time. They wanted to save time, so they moved fast. --- Dimensional Merchant Bebe had a smile on his big mouth and said: "Back so soon!? Did you kill many heroes?" Vera had a smile on her face and grabbed her bag. "I will sell you this." Vera put an earring on the counter. Bebe looked at it and smiled. "Ellic bought it. Do you want to sell it?" "Of course!" Bebe thought about the price. "The original price was 80,000G. I will pay 40,000G, OK?" "Sure, give me the money." "Here." Bebe pushed his te forward, and Vera ced her hand on it. A number appeared on the te, and Vera smiled and said: "Now, you can make it." After she spoke, Vera took off two bracelets. "Make them into a Red Bracelet of Death." Bebe took a small box from the counter. He ced the two bracelets inside the box. "ce your hand on the te." Vera ced her hand on the te, and her number decreased to nearly nothing. Bebe smiled with satisfaction and operated the small box. Wooo, woo, woo! The small box shone and made noises, and then became quiet. Bebe pulled out a bracelet from the box. The bracelet had a design of a ck me on it, and Bebe smiled: "It¡¯s been a long time since I¡¯ve seen a me Bracelet of Death." "Give it to me." Vera put the bracelet on her wrist and created a me on her hand. The fire on her hand was ck, and Arn asked: "Do you like it?" Vera smiled and looked at Arn. "From now on, just count on me," Vera answered with confidence, and Arn looked at Junhyuk. "Shop here. Vera and I will go to the main castle ande back." "OK." Arn and Vera closed their eyes and a magic circle appeared. They soon disappeared into the sky shooting off in beams of light. Junhyuk walked toward Bebe. "Can I find out how much gold I made?" "Put your hand on here." Junhyuk ced his hand on the te and saw a number emerge that left him stunned: 1200G. It was a number he did not fathom. Chapter 23: Team Fight 3 Chapter 23: Team Fight 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - He needed to pay Arn back 41G, leaving 1159G. Junhyuk felt good and said: "Can I see your products?" Bebe nodded and gave him the book. He opened the book and various images of products emerged. Junhyuk looked at the runestones. He was carrying the lowest level runestone, but it made a decisive difference in the fight, so he carefully looked at the yellow and blue runestones. The yellow runestone did not increase one¡¯s strength, but it increased one¡¯s defensive power and restored one¡¯s health. The blue runestone increased one¡¯s magical power. It had the name of a spell, and it also increased attacking speed and uracy. Junhyuk knew Bebe could answer his questions and asked: "What¡¯s defensive power?" "Defensive power?" Bebe looked at the minions and said: "Their shield has a defensive power of one." "Then, will it increase defensive power by two?" "It means your body will be more than twice as strong as a shield." It was all very interesting. "Restoring health, what is that?" "You regain your health faster. Your power to heal increases, yeah?" Junhyuk was interested in that too. If he increased his health recovering power, he would increase his survival rate. "Then, what about this blue color stonel?" "You see that magician minion? She has spell power of one, but if you don¡¯t have any spell power, it¡¯s a useless runestone. You can¡¯t just create spell power." "Then, will blue runestone increase my attacking uracy?" "Yes." Bebe made one hand into the de of a knife and jabbed at his other hand. "If you increase your uracy, you will not miss your attack." "Is that possible?" Junhyuk could tune his muscles in detail. He did not really need uracy, but Bebe realized what Junhyuk was thinking and smiled. "You¡¯ve only dealt with minions so far. That¡¯s why you don¡¯t know there are novices who have powers that disrupt uracy. If you don¡¯t have any uracy, you won¡¯t be able to attack them sessfully." "Is that right?" His thinking had been ordinary, and if he met such a novice his attack wouldn¡¯t work and he might die. Junhyuk realized uracy was also necessary and said: "Anyway, I will get the lowest level defensive runestone." If his body was harder than a shield, he wouldn¡¯t die from a minion¡¯s attack. "It¡¯s 1000G." Bebe pushed the te forward, and Junhyuk ced his hand on it. Soon, the number decreased to 200G. Bebe pulled out a yellow runestone. "Give me your pendant. I will install it." Junhyuk gave him the pendant, and Bebe ced the lowest level defensive runestone in it. "You are not bad. Human novices don¡¯t evolve like you do." "Everyone died. I heard." "That¡¯s right. When one has a power and runs around, it¡¯s a big mistake. Even when one activates his power, the body is still that of a minion. Minions are like pieces of paper and die easily." Junhyuk nodded in agreement. He had faced many near death situations himself. "You are quite amazing. Maybe you could be the first human hero." "Doesn¡¯t that happen only when you have a special power? You have to get three powers, and then the power to ovee everything to be a hero." Bebe smiled and said: "Does Arn have powers?" Junhyuk shook his head, and Bebe said: "Arn evolved his own skills up to the level of powers, and you learned from him." "I learned how to tune my muscles, but he didn¡¯t teach me anything else." "That basic skill might help you evolve even more." Junhyuk thought about what Bebe had said. "Soon, Arn will be back. Is it OK for you to rest? You should practice," Bebe said. Junhyuk agreed and gripped his two-handed sword. He hadn¡¯t learned swordsmanship, so he just swung his sword like he was throwing a punch, or stabbing with uracy, or using the rebounding force to attack. To deal with minions, what he already knew was sufficient. His defensive and offensive powers gave him an advantage, but he couldn¡¯t getcent. Novices with powers might carry runestones just like himself. Then, even without his power, he needed skills. Junhyuk stabbed quickly with his sword. He was not facing anyone, and it felt awkward, but, as he practiced, his stabbing motion became more urate. He stabbed one spot, and Bebe looked at him and yawned. Then, Arn and Vera came back. "What are you doing?" After Arn spoke, Junhyuk put his sword away and said: "I thought I should practice." "Hm," Arn sniffed lightly and looked at the people gathered at that ce. "Hurry up! We will join Nudra." "Yes." Junhyuk took a step toward the outside when Vera stopped him by putting her hand on his shoulder. "Did you buy anything?" "A defensive runestone." "You did well. You will be different from the minions. Minions won¡¯t be able to strike you down." After she spoke, Junhyuk felt this errand had been a sess. Arn and Vera took the lead, and they arrived at the watchtower where Nudra was stationed. Nudra was at the top of the watchtower and looked at Arn and Vera and smiled. "You are right on time." "What do you mean?" Nudra lifted his hand and pointed far ahead and said: "They want to put an end to this." "Is everyone here?" Nudra nodded, and Arn¡¯s face hardened. "Did you call those two?" "They will be here soon." Junhyuk understood that five heroes would be there in total. Far away from the watchtower, they showed up. Grangsha was holding a shield and a sickle, and Warren was also there; Ellic was holding his hammer; Lybia had beautiful snow fractal-shaped wings, and,stly, Minota, who was thirteen feet tall with huge muscles, appeared. Minota had three horns on his head and looked simr to, but stronger than, the legendary Minotaur. Junhyuk checked out the enemy camp. He was not looking at the heroes because he couldn¡¯t deal with them. Heroes were out of his league. If he needed to, he would use his force field, and that was all. He was looking for enemies he had to fight. He could stop worrying about the minions and looked for novices, but he did not see any. Novices were bigger than minions, so it looked as though he only had to kill minions that time. "It¡¯s manageable." The number of opposing minions was less than fifty. The rest of the minions looked like they¡¯d been picked up from other ces. Sarang walked from behind him and asked: "Big Bro, are we in a danger?" Sarang had also realized who they had gathered at the enemy camp. Junhyuk answered steadily: "We will have two more heroes joining us. It will be quite a fight." Still, Sarang looked frightened. When heroes fought near minions, things were dangerous. Their powers were enough to kill nearby minions, so they should keep their guards up. Junhyuk looked at the enemy and exined gently: "You should stay behind since you are a magician minion, but watch out for that being who has ice fractal-shaped wings." From far away, Libya looked like a fairy, but she used her magic to devastate everything. Last time, if it weren¡¯t for his field, he would¡¯ve been killed by her. "Why?" "She attacks with ice magic, so you should just deal with minions." "I understand." While Junhyuk and Sarang were talking, a man showed up from the forest. He wore a sword on his back, and greeted people by nodding. Without speaking, he looked at the battlefield. "Halo, are you still practicing silence?" Nudra asked, but Halo did not answer. Junhyuk had met him a few times before, but he had never heard him speaking. However, he had outstanding skills. He went inside the enemy camp, and his swordsmanship was like a sh of lighting, making his hair stand. Then, there was a person walking on tree branches, wearing a hood and holding a longbow. Her eyes were like blue jewels, and she flew to the top of the watchtower. "It hasn¡¯t begun yet." "It¡¯s always like this," Vera answers her. She looked down to the bottom of the watchtower, saw Junhyuk and waived. "He is still alive?" Junhyuk nodded slightly, and the woman jumped down and stood next to him. "I heard about it. You can transfer your field to other people!" ¡¯Yes." "Then, put it on me." "That¡¯s garbage," Arn keenly intervened. "I will take the force field." "But, my body is like a piece of paper. You know how weak I am." "It¡¯s because you are ignorant and focus on attack runestones." "Hm! If I didn¡¯t, do you think they would die from my attacks?" Arn wouldn¡¯t hear any more of it and looked at Junhyuk. "Put it on me." Junhyuk thought it would be better to cover Arn with his field. Arn took attacks from everyone. If he was to survive from the enemies¡¯ concentrated fire, he should have the force field. Arn looked at the woman: "Diane, you stay behind with your bow." "Hm! Don¡¯t ask me for any help." Diane stopped talking and went back to the top. Arn shouted at her: "Where are the minions?" Diane answered from the top of the watchtower: "Libya killed them all, you know. She uses territorial magic." Arn looked at Halo. "What about you?" "They are over there." From the left side of the watchtower, Arn saw ten minions. There were seventeen regr minions, a magician minion and a novice on their side, but the opposing side had fifty minions. They were not easy enemies. Arn moved his hand. "Come down." From the top of the watchtower, Nudra, Vera and Diane went down, and they line up with Arn and Halo. They walked toward the enemy camp. Arn walked with authority, and Junhyuk, Sarang and the other minions followed him. There was a change in the enemy camp. The thirteen-feet tall Minota took the lead, Gransha followed him, then Warren and Ellic, and Lybia walkedst. Behind them, there were fifty minions. Both sides stopped within twenty meters of each other. Arn took out his saber and shouted: "Do you want to fight?" Minota wanted to fight him and smiled like an ox. "Whoooo! I will kill you all with my stomps!" Minota stomped the ground, and Arn ran toward him. It was the beginning of a big battle. Chapter 24: Victory 1 Chapter 24: Victory 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - He saw Minota run toward Arn, and Arn also ran toward Minota. The heroes fought in big battles known as Hanta. They could fight for a long time, but if they fought honestly, the fight would be short. This fight came after the previous battles, when their opponents died many times, and there was a big difference between the items they were carrying on each side. Junhyuk thought his side had an advantage, but he saw MInota rushing, and his hairs stood straight out of fear. Minota was used to hitting his opponent and then stepping on them. Other heroes didn¡¯t like to deal with him because he rushed in with immense strength. He could rush with great speed, and it looked like he used his power to increase his artificial speed. A hero might be able to escape his rush, but if a hero was careless, he would die. Minota didn¡¯t start by rushing. As Minota ran toward Arn, Arn also ran toward him. The distance between the two shortened, and Junhyuk watched them with his mouth dry. If the distance was too great, he wouldn¡¯t be able to transfer his protective force field, and it would create a dangerous situation. Junhyuk ran in front of the minions because of the distance he had to cover. Arn got closer to Minota and shouted: "Now!" Arn bent his legs, and, at that moment, Junhyuk put a field around him. "Right on!" Minota stomped the ground as he rushed forward. The ground underneath his stomps broke apart, and he ran so fast Junhyuk had a hard time keeping up with him through naked eyes, but Arn had already jumped over Minota and was charging toward the enemy camp. Warren jumped up to face Arn. No attacks would work against the field, but Warren also knew he could make the field bounce away by applying external physical force. Warren jumped up and assaulted Arn with his ws. As Warren attacked, Arn bent his waist backward in midair. Even when wearing the protective field, parrying an attack was something you did when you were still on the ground. In midair, parrying made him bounce off, so he escaped the attack. Warren aimed for Arn¡¯s head, but Arn swung his saber. sh! Warren covered himself with his arm quickly, which was shed instead of his body. Arn passed by Warren, and Grangsha was holding his shield and sickle and aimed at Arn. He stepped on Grangsha¡¯s shield and jumped. Arn was heading toward the deepest ce in the enemy camp where Libya was preparing her magic. Libya had also experienced Junhyuk¡¯s protection, so she stepped aside while throwing a ice spear. Arn dodged the spear and got closer as he wielded his saber. Arn meant business against Libya, and Ellic, who was standing next to her, ran toward him, but when Arn was on the ground, he was not very susceptible to attacks. Libya looked at Arn closing in on her and went up in the air. Diane had been waiting for Libya to go up in air and shot her arrows. Libya turned her body in midair and dropped on the ground. An arrow came close to her shoulder, barely touching it, but left it injured and made it bleed. It was not time to rx, yet. She moved to a spot just a step away from Arn. "It¡¯s only because of that protection." If he hadn¡¯t been wearing the protective field, when he jumped toward Libya, he would have been dead. She would have used her ice powers to slow him down, and the other heroes would have attacked him as a group, but because of that field, they couldn¡¯t mount a sessful attack, and it all made Arn very aggressive and very effective. On the other hand, Minota did not stop rushing even though Arn had disappeared. Arn was attacking the rear of his position, and Minota thought he should do the same against the heroes with powers. Vera or Diane, he wanted to stop at least one of them. He continued rushing when Nudra flew in suddenly and kicked him. Nudra¡¯s kick was intended to push him away. It did not carry any shock power, but it had the power to bounce things away just like Minota¡¯s rush. Minota looked at the flying Nudra and rushed harder. Boom! The ground shook from the shock, and Nudra¡¯s body was in the air, but Minota also bounced off from the hit. Minota couldn¡¯t get back to his own camp, but he slid to the side, away from everything. Minota disappeared from the scene, and they saw Libya at the opposing camp. Arn was attacking Libya, and the enemy heroes aimed at Arn. Suddenly, Halo stepped forward. Halo could cover quite a long distance and attack. He closed in with the enemy in a moment and pulled out his sword. Drawing out his sword, Halo attacked Libya. Libya lifted up her hand and made a rose on top of it. Its petals soon made countless leaves that flew everywhere, but Halo sliced Libya¡¯s arm. "Aargh!" With her arm sliced, Libya moved back quickly while Grangsha stepped in between the two and held up his shield. ng! Halo was swinging his sword to finish off Libya, but it got stuck on Grangsha¡¯s shield. Then, Warren raised his ws and aimed at Halo. All of sudden, there were two enemies on Halo. The heroes had simr power levels. It all depended on the equipments they carried, but it was not easy to handle two heroes by oneself. Halo blocked the attacks from the two while Arn¡¯s protective shield disappeared. Arn was being attacked by Libya and Ellic. It was easier to parry Ellic¡¯s attack, but Libya¡¯s magic had a frost effect, and frost slowed down the opponent¡¯s body. In that situation, Ellic¡¯s attack became dangerous. Arn wielded both of his sabers, blocking their attacks and shouted. "What are you doing?" "We are done preparing!" Vera lifted her hand, and, suddenly, meteorites fell from the sky. The meteorites had ck mes around them, and, as they fell, they lit fires through the enemy camp. Boom, boom, boom! They made loud noises and fell in the center of the enemy camp. After crashing, they created fire pirs that reached up to the sky. They were so powerful that nothing could survive the meteorite attack but the heroes. The enemy heroes were wounded by the meteorites and were covered in ash. They were still alive when arrows took to the sky. A covert arrow was shot and went through Libya¡¯s forehead. It took time to prepare, but they had meant to deliver the fatal blow with just one attack. It was enough to kill magicians with one blow, especially when they were hurt. Libya was dead. She was the most dangerous hero among the enemy. This Hanta ended in a victory. Arn knew Libya was dead, so he attacked Ellic, who had a hard time defending himself, and it wasn¡¯t the end of the magic. Vera threw a me spear, and Ellic dodged it by dropping to the ground. Ellic had already been hit directly by Vera¡¯s meteorite, and if he was hit with any more magic, he would be in a hard ce, but then, he tried too hard. Arn pushed Ellic relentlessly. Ellic had already experienced one death in the previous battle, and he had dropped an item, making himself weaker, and Arn had picked up several items, which made him more powerful. Also, Ellic had already been hit by Vera¡¯s meteorite. He couldn¡¯t depend on his colleagues. Grangsha and Warren were weakened by the meteorites, and were still fighting Halo. Halo had some space while fighting Warren and Grangsha. Grangsha and Warren looked at each other, and Warren nodded and howled: Hooowl! It¡¯s was a long and loud howl. The red-eyed Warren¡¯s wounds were healing quickly. The loud howl froze Halo, who couldn¡¯t move for a moment. Grangsha struck Halo¡¯s sword with his shield. Halo¡¯s sword went down, and Grangsha wielded his sickle, aiming at Halo¡¯s neck. Even a hero died from a sliced neck. Then, arrows flew toward Grangsha. Diane handled her longbow expertly, and it looked like the arrows flew in a single line. The arrows travelled fast, and Grangsha could not ignore them. He got angry and lifted his shield. Thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck! Five arrows hit Grangsha¡¯s shield, and he stepped back while Warren targeted Halo. sh, sh! Halo wielded his sword in a frenzy, but Warren looked victorious. It was not easy to regain momentum once you lost it. Warren attacked Halo while Grangsha held his shield up and ran toward Vera and Diane. The enemy had to stop those two¡¯s attacks to regain momentum. Vera smiled and extended her hands toward Grangsha, who was running toward her. From her hands, she made a ck firewall from the ground to the sky. Gransha swung his sickle at the wall and sliced it. Arrows followed the opening toward Grangsha. Thuck, thuck, thuck! Grangsha tried to stop the arrows from hitting him, and Vera threw another me spear. Bang! The arrows were powerful, but Grangsha was holding his shield and blocked all them. However, he couldn¡¯t stop Vera¡¯s magic so easily. Grangsha retreated, and Vera shouted: "I will take care of it here. Go help Halo!" "OK." Diane used her longbow as she ran. "You won¡¯t get there!" Grangsha was turning like a top on the spot and holding his sickle. He marked his territory with his attack, and Diane was within range. Diane was really surprised and took a step back, and Vera also distanced herself. Grangsha¡¯s attack was really dangerous, and he was trying to buy more time. Vera and Diane retreated while Warren dealt with Halo, but it did not go as nned. "Aaaah! With a loud scream, Ellic fell to the ground. Ellic inflicted a wound on Arn before he fell. Arn¡¯s left arm was cut through, but he still shed Ellic¡¯s neck. Arn threw the saber he was holding toward Warren¡¯s back. Warren felt the saber moving toward him and jumped up. He escaped the saber, and, at that moment, Halo turned to look up. Halo bent his knees and jumped. He went up while turning his body, and his sword sliced Warren. If Warren hadn¡¯t protected himself with both arms, he would have been dead and sliced in half. Warren¡¯s arms were bloodied, and he kicked at Halo. Bang! Warren shot Halo off toward the ground. Since Arn was wounded, it was easier for Warren to deal with him over Halo. Warren went after Arn, and Halo chased after Warren. Halo¡¯s rush was astonishingly fast, and the distance between the two was getting smaller. Junhyuk looked at the situation and shouted: "Watch o-!" Before Junhyuk had a chance to finish his sentence, from Halo¡¯s side, Minota rushed out at him and hit him on his ribs. Bang! With a loud noise, Halo flew twenty meters and got stuck on a tree. He was seriously wounded. This time, Minota targeted Arn and ran. The two enemies were too much for a wounded Arn. Chapter 25: Victory 2 Chapter 25: Victory 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk¡¯s mouth was dry. If this continued, Arn would die for sure. Even if he died, this Hanta would still be a sess, but he could not let him die. There was a difference between all five of them surviving and letting one or two die. Later, when they had to attack the watchtower, they might have a more difficult time. It was almost time to use his protective field again, but Arn had gone away to deal with Libya, and was too far away to receive protection from Junhyuk. Junhyuk gripped his two-handed sword and said: "Cover me!" After he spoke, Junhyuk ran, and the opposing minions ran toward him to block him. Usually, he would deal with them by stepping back, but now, he didn¡¯t have the time. Junhyuk ran, and an energy bolt flew in from behind him, knocking down a minion. One of the two minions attacking him went down, and Junhyuk seized the opportunity and swung his sword. sh! The opposing minion blocking him was in. Junhyuk took a step forward and scanned the other minions. There were two minions. They lifted their axes to show they would not to let him pass, but Junhyuk swung his sword. He had trained while at the dimensional merchants, and had be effective. He stabbed through the shortest distance. A minion was lifting his arm, and the sword sliced his neck. It was a simple stab, but it was fast. Junhyuk closed in and pushed the headless minion with his shoulder. The lowest level runestone gave him enough strength tounch the minion, and the minion flew toward the other minions, knocking some of them down. Dong! Then, a minion swung his axe in front of Junhyuk, who stopped the axe with his sword. Bang! The axe bounced off and, using the rebound force, Junhyuk stepped on the minions¡¯ heads and attacked. There were fifty minions in the opposing team, but they were not forming a single line, and he did not have to step on many of them. There were two remaining. As Junhyuk attacked, they both swung their axes. One of them attacked his head, and the other attacked him at the waist. Junhyuk slid to avoid both attacks, and the minions went by him. Junhyuk got up and killed both minions. The problem was that his ally minions were fewer than the enemy minions. The fight was unbnced. Junhyuk moved his head quickly. He had to put his protection on Arn as soon as possible and start saving allied minions. Warren and Minota were both attacking Arn. Warren couldn¡¯t use one arm, but he attacked quickly while Minota¡¯s destructive power drove Arn into a corner. Warren attacked and sliced Arn¡¯s chest and back, and Minota tried to step on Arn while Warren¡¯s nails flew in. "Die!" He aimed at Arn¡¯s eyes, and Arn seemed unable to stop the attack. Junhyuk did not waste any more time and used his power. ng! Arn really thought he had died, but, at that moment, he watched Warren¡¯s nails bounce away. Arn saw the ivory-colored force field in front of him and swung his saber. He sliced off Warren¡¯s elbow. Blood spilled on the force field when Arn shoulder-checked Warren. Warren staggered and stepped back. Arn ced his saber in its sheath and positioned himself. One attack. He would use his energy to attack. He would use the force field. Minota looked at him,ughed and bent down. Arn was protected by the force field, and Minota would rush forward to cover the distance. Minota got ready to rush toward Arn when Nudra showed up. Nudra¡¯s front kick changed the direction of Minota¡¯s rush. Minota went by Arn¡¯s side, and Arn pulled out his saber. Warren was surprised by Arn and stepped back. Halo quickly sliced Warren¡¯s back, and Warren couldn¡¯t move. That¡¯s when Arn used his highest level skill. "Aaargh!" Arn¡¯s saber went through Warren¡¯s chest, and blood was dripping off of it. Warren¡¯s chest opened, and he copsed to the side, leaving Arn¡¯s saber soaked in blood. Halo and Nudra passed by Arn and ran toward Minota and yelled: "Move aside!" The field did not have much time left. Arn saw Minota rushing toward him, trying to kill, so he jumped up. Arn moved to a ce where Grangsha was alone, facing Diane and Vera. With just one attack, Arn swung down on Grangsha¡¯s head. Tck! Grangsha thought of it as an opportunity to kill a very tired Arn when the field disappeared. As Arn dropped to the ground, the field disappeared. Grangsha smiled with satisfaction and swung his sickle. If he could kill Arn and then escape, there would be other opportunities. Arn guessed what Grangsha had been thinking and dodged. Grangsha¡¯s sickle went through the spot where Arn had been standing when a firewall burst forth. Grangsha swung his sickle against the firewall, and Diane¡¯s hand loosened an arrow. --- Junhyuk had knocked three minions down while running through the enemy line, put a field around Arn and run. The enemy minions decided to kill Sarang, the magician minion, and moved toward her. Junhyuk realized that he didn¡¯t have enough time to get to Sarang, so he stabbed a minion who had his back exposed, and stepped on his back and jumped. Then, he stepped on another opposing minions¡¯ shoulders. It wasn¡¯t easy to step on the minions¡¯ shoulders, especially on a battlefield like that, but Junhyuk was able to find his footing and run. Then, he arrived at a spot where a minion had dropped his shield and been hit by an axe on his head. He had been thest minion to protect Sarang. Junhyuk jumped. Sarang was overwhelmed by the attacking enemy minions and couldn¡¯t move. Junhyuknded in front of her and gripped his sword tightly. sh! It took one attack to split a minion in half. With that attack, the opposing minions stopped their advance. Junhyuk seized the moment and swung his sword. He killed three minions at once, gathered his breath and said: "Are you okay?" "What? Yes! I¡¯m OK." Sarang no longer felt overwhelmed. She felt her knees shaking, but was able to hold her own. Junhyuk hade back, and he should be able to protect her. With his entrance, more enemy minions were split in half. Junhyuk stood in front of Sarang and said: "Lift your shields and don¡¯t give in an inch. I will decrease their numbers!" Since Junhyuk had taken anguage pill, everyone understood what he was saying. The surviving allied minions lifted their shields and made a wall. The enemy was closing in with them. They hadn¡¯t learned to do that, but their will to survive made theme up with a shield wall. As soon as they made the wall, Junhyuk ran along one side. A minion trying to avoid the shield defense ran to the side, meeting Junhyuk. Junhyuk struck the enemy minion¡¯s axe attack and, using the rebound force, stabbed him through his neck. The enemy minions were now responding to Junhyuk¡¯s movements. Ten enemy minions ran toward him at the same time. Junhyuk saw them, but did not move back. Instead, he ran toward them. He trusted the effectiveness of his new defensive runestone. Three axes went toward Junhyuk while he ran. They aimed at his head and both sides of his waist. Junhyuk had been training, but he still couldn¡¯t stop three attacks at once. He first struck the axe aiming at his head. Dropping his elbow, he struck one of the axes aiming at his waist and twisted when an axe grazed him. Thack! The axe transferred quite a force to him, but his armor did not break. The defensive runestone had twice the strength of a minion¡¯s shield. Junhyuk stretched out his body and stabbed the minion who had been aiming at his head through the neck. He grabbed the minion who had been aiming at his waist by the neck. He held on to the enemy minion¡¯s thick neck and threw him against a minion standing to the right of him. When they collided, he stabbed them both with his sword, prating both of them. "Aaargh!" Junhyuk skewered two enemy minions and quickly pulled out his sword when he saw other minions running toward him. Do enemy minions feel fear? He was showing he was superior, but they didn¡¯t seem to mind what was taking ce. Their eyes were filled with anger and madness. They were drooling through the sides of their mouths and looked like they were willing to throw away their lives to kill Junhyuk. When he entered the Battlefield of Dimensions for the first time, they had scared him, making him stay behind his shield, but the situation was different now. Facing his enemies, Junhyuk held fast to his two-handed sword. --- An arrow struck the center of Gransha¡¯s forehead, and he fell over. Vera¡¯s meteor attack had decreased his strength, and he wouldn¡¯t be able to survive a shot to the forehead. Grangsha fell, and Arn got up expressionless. He was seriously wounded, but still alive. Only Minota remained. If they took him out, this Hanta would be aplete sess. Arn turned his head and saw Minota rushing toward Halo, bouncing him away, and running away. "Where are you going?" Arn threw his saber. Minota must have felt the saber flying toward him and moved aside. Despite his big size, Minota was able to dodge the saber, but taking time to do so was his big mistake. Nudra was ahead of Minota, and front-kicked him. Thung! Minota bounced toward Arn¡¯s direction from the shock. Arn ran toward him empty-handed, Minota thought that he might as well kill Arn, and turned around to face him. "Wooo, woooo!" Minota cried out like an ox and ran, but, soon, there was a firewall in front of him. As soon as the firewall appeared Arn moved to the side. Arn could die if he was hit by Minota¡¯s rush. He had only run toward Minota to distract him. It was a nice trap set up to make Minota think he could hill Arn. Suddenly, Minota broke through the firewall. Diane shot her arrows at him. Five arrows flew off in a row, each hitting Minota. Minota, even after being hit by arrows, did not stop rushing. They thought that Minota shouldn¡¯te close to Diane and Vera and went to their rescue. Vera and Diane saw Minota lifting his front paws and dodged to the left and to the right. Minota took advantage of the open space and escaped. He ran toward where the minions were battling. Arn realized who Minota was aiming for and shouted: "Move!" Junhyuk was ying minions and lifted his head. His eyes met Minota¡¯s. Chapter 26: Victory 3 Chapter 26: Victory 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Minota was well aware of the power that novice had. He had activated a high-ranking power. Before Minota met him, he only had the power to make a force field around himself. Of course, with that power alone he had walked through the middle of the battlefield and left without any wounds. Ellic had been crazy about killing him and ran toward him. He had gotten himself and his team killed. However, this time the novice had a much more evolved form of that power. If he transferred the field to a hero, that hero became much more powerful. Warren had thought he could kill Arn and attacked him, but he got killed. The novice could control the battle¡¯s oue. He must kill whoever had that power. He must kill him while he was still a novice, so he could not reincarnate, and his power would disappear forever. His own novices did not use their power on heroes, but instead used it on other novices. He had to kill that novice now. Even if he lost this battle, he woulde back and win the next. Minota had the novice in his sights and lowered his body and stomped the ground. One rush would kill him. "Woo, woo, woo!" Crying out loud, Minota stomped on the ground. --- Junhyuk froze as he saw Minota rushing toward him. The minion¡¯s defensive wall would not hold out against Minota¡¯s rush, and the heroes who could help him were too far away, so he couldn¡¯t trust the heroes for help. He had already used his field on Arn and still needed time for the next use. Junhyuk was thinking hard when Minota stomped the ground. He thought Minota might take a while considering his huge size, but Minota closed in in the blink of an eye. As Minota¡¯s size becamerger to him, Junhyuk jumped sideways, but he did not have enough speed. If this continued, Minota would hit his lower body, and would kill him for sure. Junhyuk really wished he could move six more feet. Then, he could be sure he would escape Minota¡¯s rush. Thump, thump, thump! A loud noise sted, and Junhyuk rolled on the ground. He did not know what was taking ce, but he knew he had escaped Minota¡¯s rush. Junhyuk sighed out of relief and lifted his head. That¡¯s when he saw Minota stop rushing and lift his paws. Junhyuk rolled away quickly. Bang! Where Junhyuk had been, Minota¡¯s paws got stuck on the ground up to his ankle. If he hadn¡¯t rolled, he would have died. Junhyuk rolled and saw Minota¡¯s ankle and swung his sword. He thought he could cut his opponents Achilles¡¯ heels and buy more time. ng! His sword bounced off Minota¡¯s ankle as if Minota was scoffing at his attempt. Junhyuk was really surprised and put away his sword when Minota lowered his head and smiled. "I got you." Minota¡¯s paws came forward to grab Junhyuk¡¯s neck, but Junhyuk stayed on the ground and rolled to the side. Crack! He saw a piece of the ground being torn right next to him and thought if he were to be grabbed by the neck, he would surely die. His hair stood up, and he concentrated really hard. Junhyuk saw Minota sweeping the ground with his paws and rolled to the side once more, but he couldn¡¯t really escape. Minota grabbed him by the ankle. As Minota grabbed Junhyuk by his ankle, heughed hard. Crack! His armor was torn and his ankle shattered. Junhyuk swung his sword at Minota who lifted him up to the level of his eyes. Thuck! However, Minota was a hero. Basically, Junhyuk had a different physique from Minota. He grabbed Junhyuk with ease and twisted him. Crack! "Argh!" Junhyuk moaned in pain. You could call it lucky, but his arm hadn¡¯t been torn off yet. Minota did not wait longer and opened his mouth wide. There were three rows of sharp teeth inside. "Ox, you have teeth like a shark." Junhyuk cursed, thinking he might die soon. It was the first time he cursed at a hero. He was feeling good about the cursing when, suddenly, a fire spear flew in and hit Minota¡¯s face. Bang! When Junhyuk escaped Minota¡¯s first rush, he wasted some time, which allowed Vera to catch up. ck fire sparks flew around Minota¡¯s face and exploded. His face was still burning. Minota already knew Vera wasing and tried to chew and swallow Junhyuk. Arn was also there, hitting Minota with his knee. If he had been holding his saber, he would¡¯ve attacked with it, but, since he did not, he used his knee. Uck! Minota¡¯s jaw shook loudly, then Arn took a hold of his neck and rode on Minota. Arn used both of his thighs and started trying to strangle him. Minota had a really thick neck, and Arn was barely able to do it. Even MInota could not chew Junhyuk up while being strangled. He lifted Junhyuk again, then threw him on the ground. He thought throwing him on the ground would kill him. Junhyuk was about to hit the ground when Diane took a hold of him and slid away. Junhyuk gritted his teeth in pain and looked around. Making a loud noise, Minota tried to grab Arn when Nudra jumped high and stepped on his head. Thuck! Minota bit his own tongue and his ankle got stuck in the ground. Then, Halo ran toward him and cut Minota¡¯s side. "Wooaargh!" Minota screamed loudly and fell to one knee. That¡¯s when Diane ced Junhyuk on the ground and shoot an endless amount of arrows at him. After being hit by Diane¡¯s arrows, Minotanded with both knees on the ground, and Arn quickly retreated. All of a sudden, Minota split in two. One Minota was facing Arn, and the other Minota stood up from the ground and started to run toward Diane. Junhyuk watched Minota¡¯s doppelganger art, and knew he would attack him even if he was facing death. He had Diane next to him, but she couldn¡¯t run away while she carried him. Junhyuk had difficulty getting up, but had a smile on his face. The cooldown time for his force field was over. He ced himself in front of Diane and created a force field. The ivory force field appeared when Minota¡¯s heavy rush started. Bang! The force field was able to withstand all types of attacks, but the amount of physical force caused the field to slide back. As the falling Junhyuk watched, the force field bounced off like a ser ball and hit a tree. Suddenly, Minota had an arrow piercing him from chin to forehead. Underneath Minota¡¯s feet, Diane was aiming her bow up. Diane¡¯sst arrow took Minota¡¯s life. Minota disappeared, and Junhyuk sighed in relief. "I¡¯m alive." He was still alive, but his wounds were serious. As Junhyuk tried to get up, suddenly, an enemy minion came holding his axe over his head trying for a strike. Bong! The force field was still up, and the minion looked bbergasted and repeated his strike at Junhyuk. Bong! When the axe bounced off one more time, the minion had his neck sliced. Halo was standing behind him. He looked like his job was done and turned and walked away. "Thank you." Halo did not stop and just kept walking away. Junhyuk realized the force field had disappeared and slowly got up. His right ankle was broken, and his right arm didn¡¯t feel like an arm, and it was broken into pieces. Junhyuk looked at the battlefield. All the enemy minions were already dead. However, only five allied minions remained. When he was attacked by Minota, the enemy minions managed to kill a lot of allied minions. Junhyuk saw one of the five survivors running toward him. It was Sarang. She got to Junhyuk and helped him get up and asked: "Are you OK?" "Since I¡¯m alive, I¡¯m OK." It really was OK. It was good to be alive. If he had died, he would be in aa. However, his condition was really bad. He had broken his arm and his leg on the same side of his body and couldn¡¯t walk. . Arn approached him. He had a limp arm, but he did not feel any pain and looked over at Junhyuk. "You stayed alive." "Yes." "By the way, did you just activate another power?" "What?" Junhyuk did not understand, and Vera walked to him and whispered: "Yes, just a moment ago you activated spatial relocation." "It was only for two meters, but still you knew you couldn¡¯t escape Minota¡¯s rush, so you activated spatial relocation, saving yourself," Arn continued. Junhyuk did not realize he had activated another power. Vera looked at Junhyuk and asked: "Do you want to do it again?" "In my condition?" He had broken an arm and a leg. Even if he could spatial relocate, he would end up on ground. Artaln calmly looked at Junhyuk and said: "How many gold coins do you have now?" "Me? Well, during this Hanta, I used force field two... no, three times, so I should have 1000G?" "Then let¡¯s go get you a treated." Vera was surprised by what Arn had said. "Really? Don¡¯t you want to take the watchtower?" Arn tapped on his broken arm and said: "We are not in a good situation. I should take him to the dimensional merchants and make him take a potion." "Just the four of us? Halo is also heavily wounded." "There is nothing we can do. We should get treatment first." Vera sighed deeply and said: "OK. We will push for the second watchtower. Hurry back!" "Sure." Arn put Junhyuk¡¯s arm around his shoulder and said: "Dimensional merchants have potions. One costs 500G. Since you are not sliced to bits, you should be able to get treated. So, you should get a potion." One potion cost 500G. It was a high price, but it was highly effective. He should get a potion for sure. His soul¡¯s wounds would transform into physical wounds. Sarang asked carefully: "Can I go with you?" Arn looked at Sarang and shook his head. "No. You should follow Vera and try to learn more from her." Junhyuk agreed with him. While being carried on Arn¡¯s shoulder, Junhyuk lifted his head to look at Sarang. "Arn is right. Follow Vera and learn." "OK. Stay alive, and we will see each other again." Junhyuk lifted his left hand and said: "I will get healed ande back." Arn tapped Junhyuk and said: "You will bite your tongue. Close your mouth." Junhyuk closed his mouth, and Arn took off running. Junhyuk was on Arn¡¯s back when he saw gold coins on the ground and said: "There are some gold coins there!" "You will bite your tongue!" Junhyuk looked at the gold coins left by the enemy minions he had killed by himself. "We don¡¯t have time. Forget about such paltry sums." Paltry to you! Chapter 27: Second Power 1 Chapter 27: Second Power 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Arn carried him to the dimensional merchants where they found Bebe yawning. Arn stood in front of Bebe and dropped Junhyuk. Junhyuk tried to stand up on his leg while Arn talked to Bebe. "Do you have potions? Give me one." "What about the money?" Arn looked at Junhyuk, and Junhyuk stepped forward. "Check to see how much money I have." Bebe put the te out, and Junhyuk ced his hand on it. It said 3800G. Junhyuk was surprised by the number, and Bebe took out a potion. It was a pure, pink liquid that looked like it tasted sweet. "Are you going to buy it?" "Give it to me." Bebe put the te out again, and Junhyuk ced his hand on it. The number decreased by 500G. There was still 3300G. Arn looked at Junhyuk buying the potion and said: "Wait here. I wille back." After he spoke, Junhyuk watched Arn go out and opened the potion bottle with his teeth. A fresh scent wafted out, and Junhyuk decided to drink it at once. He paid a lot to treat his arm and leg, so he should drink it. Junhyuk swallowed the fresh-scented and sweet-colored potion all at once, and his eyes widened. "Gak!" It had the unbelievable taste of poison. He wanted to bite his own tongue, but instead he wiped it with his hands. Bebeughed at him. "If it¡¯s good for your body, it will taste bitter." Junhyuk tried to me Bebe for the bitter taste when he realized his arm and leg had already been healed. He was a little surprised and swung his arm. Bebe looked at him and said: "Isn¡¯t it effective?" Junhyuk agreed with him, but he did not want to taste that again. "I shouldn¡¯t get hurt again." Bebeughed hard. "Everyone vows not to get hurt," Bebe sped his huge hands and continued: "But vows won¡¯t work. If you don¡¯t want to get hurt, you need more equipment." Junhyuk had been curious about something. "This time I have more money than I expected. Do you know what happened?" "Why do you want to know? It¡¯s a good thing you got more money." "They won¡¯t take the money away from meter?" "Of course not! The hosts aren¡¯t senseless," Bebe spoke and looked around. He did not want anyone to listen to their conversation and continued: "For a novice, you earned a lot during the Hanta. Usually, a novice would earn about 2500 for about five heroes." "Is that right?" Junhyuk was curious about it as well. Then, Bebe pped and continued: "Are you... did you just be an expert?" "What?" "Did you activate another power?" Junhyuk thought about what Arn told him beforeing here. Arn had thought he did. "I¡¯m not sure." "Ho. Isn¡¯t this surprising?! You already became an expert!" "What¡¯s an expert?" Bebe exined to him calmly: "People who activated their first power are beginners, so they are called novices. A person who activates his second power is a specialist, so he is called an expert; a person who activates his third power is called a champion; and a person who activates his ultimate power is called a hero." "So, people in different levels earn different amounts of money?" "That¡¯s right! A novice who helped out killing a hero earns 500G. An expert could earn four times more, so 2000G at once. It depends on your contribution." Bebe flipped through a book and continued speaking: "If you be a champion, you could earn 5000G helping out against one hero. Of course, there are times when champions can kill heroes. Then, you can earn items." He already knew about the item prices. Basic items cost thousands of gold, but he could see himself earning more money when he became a champion. Bebe smiled and said: "You are already an expert, so I should treat you as a VIP." "What¡¯s a VIP?" JunHyuk was surprised, and Bebe smiled at him. "VIPs get a 5% discount with every purchase." That was good to know. "Sure, but can an expert be a VIP?" "Of course!" Bebe opened his book wide and said: "Champions are VVIPs, and heroes are VVVIPs." Junhyukughed at what Bebe said, and Bebe looked at him and asked: "What is the second power you activated?" "Well, spatial relocation, but I¡¯m not sure." "It¡¯s a useful power. For escaping or attacking, you could use that power on both asions." "You can use it for attacking?" "Of course. You could use it to chase an enemy who tried to escape, and use it to attack an opponent¡¯s weak spot." It was all very interesting. Junhyuk thought about training while using his new power, and Bebe continued: "You will be an expert for sure on your next battle, but I will treat you as an expert starting now. Pick what you want." Junhyuk knew Bebe was just trying to sell more stuff. Last time he activated his power, he became a novice during the following battle. Bing an expert depended upon returning to the battlefield, but Bebe gave him the VIP benefits, and he thought of emptying his pocket. "First, I will look at runestones." "You do know what you think is right." Blue runestones applied only to magic, except for uracy. Junhyuk had no magical power, so he picked out the lowest level uracy runestone. "Give me this one." "Here." He ced his hand on the te. With the 5% discount, he spent 950G, and 2350G remained. He thought about what Arn had said about paltry sums and still felt bad about leaving the money behind. He handed Bebe the pendant. Bebe ced the lowest level uracy runestone on it and said: "Do you want something else?" "Do you have anything in the 2000G range?" Bebe thought about it for a moment and said: "To be honest, most of anything under 10000G is useless." He had meant that the useful things cost over 10000G, making Junhyuk worry. That amount of money seemed to be such a distant concept, and he did not have it. Bebe continued calmly: "If you are asking my advice, you should carry a potion. You should carry one for emergencies when you can¡¯te here. Return orders are also handy. A return order costs 500G." Bebe ced a few more things one could use on battlefield on the counter. Junhyuk decides to purchase only one potion. The other things coulde in hand, but were not of absolute importance. Bebe clicked his tongue and pushed out the te. "That¡¯s 475G." He felt like he should¡¯ve had VIP benefits earlier. Junhyuk ced the potion in his chest and thought about the second power he had activated: spatial relocation. In a dangerous moment, he had wanted to move two meters away, and he had wanted it like crazy. Maybe that was why his power activated, and, because of it, he was still alive. At that time, he had just gotten lucky without realizing he had activated his second power. Junhyuk concentrated. He didn¡¯t not how far he could move, but decided to move two meters again. He concentrated on that ce, but nothing happened. "Is something wrong?" Junhyuk concentrated again, but the relocation did not take ce. Bebe yawned and said: "When you activate your power for the first time, it¡¯s not easy to control. My advice is that you need clear mind projection." "What do you mean by clear mind projection?" "It¡¯s spatial relocation, right?" "Yes." Bebe pointed to a chair away from Junhyuk. "Don¡¯t think you will move to that chair, but think you are already on that chair." Junhyuk followed his direction. He didn¡¯t think he was trying to move there, but thought he was already on that chair. However, nothing happened. Bebe checked out his wares and said: "You couldn¡¯t do it right with your first power, right?" Junhyuk nodded slowly without protesting. Just like Bebe had said, he couldn¡¯t do it properly the first time. It took him fifteen days to be able to use the force field at will, and he had to realize that it was for protection and based on his basic will to survive. Junhyuk followed Bebe¡¯s advice and continued to concentrate, but he wasn¡¯t able to relocate. It wasn¡¯t easy, but if he got used to his second power, it could save his life. He had survived MInota¡¯s attack because of that new power. While Junhyuk concentrated, Arn returned. Arn nced at Junhyuk and asked Bebe: "What¡¯s he doing?" "He became an expert, so he is trying out his newly activated power." "Spatial relocation?" "That¡¯s what he said." Arn pulled out his sword and called for Junhyuk. "Come here." Junhyuk had been concentrating hard and did not know Arn had returned. "You¡¯ve came back?" Arn smiled and threw his saber at him. Junhyuk escaped it by moving aside, but Arn¡¯s second saber flew behind it, urately flying at Junhyuk. He had room to move away from the first saber, but he couldn¡¯t dodge the second. Junhyuk extended his hands and made a force field. Thump! The saber bounced off, and Junhyuk fell on the ground panting. Arn grabbed his sabers and looked at him. "Dodge it." "What?" "Do you want to use your new power?" "Even if that¡¯s the case..." He did not want to risk his life. The saber thrown before had a chilling feeling on him. He wasn¡¯t able to dodge the perfectly-timed second saber. Without his force field, he would been killed. JunHyuk got up, and the force field disappeared. Arn lifted his saber and looked at Junhyuk. "You can¡¯t use your force field now." "I know that." "Did you make up your mind?" Junhyuk balled his hands into fists. He hadn¡¯t been able to use his power since the first time, would it be possible? He closed his eyes. Powers depended on the person who developed them. Junhyuk¡¯s mind was made up. Junhyuk slowly opened his eyes and told Arn: "I¡¯m ready." Arn did not wait and threw his saber. Junhyuk could feel the chilling aura of the flying saber. If he didn¡¯t dodge it, he would be killed. Junhyuk had made up his mind and stepped toward the saber. Chapter 28: Second Power 2 Chapter 28: Second Power 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Because Junhyuk had stepped forward, the saber was right in front of him. Even if he moved, a part of him would be cut. Junhyuk realized he only had one ce he could go. He had to go beyond the saber and in front of Arn. He spent a short time calcting what he would do and wished, and wished, that he would be at a different ce. His wish not to die gave Junhyuk a chance, and, at that moment, his surroundings changed. He found himself right in front of Arn¡¯s muscr chest. However, he did not have the chance to celebrate dodging the saber because a shadow loomed over his face and he wasn¡¯t able to find out what it was before Arn smashed his face. His body couldn¡¯t handle the momentum, and it flew in the air, rolling once and mming hard on the ground. "Aargh!" Junhyuk grabbed his face, rolled on the ground and heard Arn¡¯s voice: "Who are you trying to hug?" "I¡¯m not trying to hug anybody!" Arn took his saber and looked down on Junhyuk. "What¡¯s the cooldown time before you can use it again?" "Wait a second." Did it work because he had used his will power? He could feel the cooldown time. Junhyuk waited for a moment before he spoke again. "This power has a shorter cooldown." It had only been thirty seconds. Junhyuk looked back at Arn. Using his will power, he really wished to move, and then the environment changed again. This time, he saw Arn¡¯s wide back. At that moment, he felt a shock to his temple. The shock was enough to throw him at Bebe¡¯s counter. "Wooah!" He could hear Arn¡¯s voice saying: "I don¡¯t like when people stand behind me." Junhyuk touched his temples and felt dizzy. Bebe whispered to Junhyuk: "You should thank your defensive runestone. If not for it, you could¡¯ve been killed!" Thinking about it, Arn¡¯s single attack killed minions. Arn did not use all of his strength, and Junhyuk reflected on what happened. If he did not have a defensive runestone, he would¡¯ve been killed or had to drink his potion. Arn looked at Junhyuk and said: "We¡¯ve checked the cooldown, but we should also check the distance." Junhyuk nodded and stood up. He was still feeling dizzy, but did not have any problems using his new power. However, the cooldown period wasn¡¯t over yet. He waited until he realized it had ended. Junhyuk ran toward the dimensional merchants¡¯ portal without hesitation, but, looking at the environment change, he realized he did not reach portal. Junhyuk looked back, and Arn said: "The distance is about five meters." Junhyuk measured the distance from start to finish. It was about five meter, not a long distance, but it was enough to save his life from a dangerous situation. Arn looked at the distanced covered and said: "You should check if you can control that distance." "It¡¯s still under cooldown." "We can¡¯t wait while you practice. Let¡¯s move and try it again when we have time." "OK." Arn looked at Bebe and said: "Give me an optical fossil." "Already? Here it is. That¡¯ll be 50000G." Junhyuk looked at the optical fossil after Arn paid for it, and it had five different colors and a gem. Arn asked him: "What?" "What¡¯s an optical fossil?" Bebeughed and said: "You don¡¯t know because you¡¯ve just be an expert, but they have been heroes ever since they¡¯vee to the Dimensional Battlefield. Their weapons are better than the weapons we have here, but optical fossils upgrade the power of their weapons, and heroes can¡¯t see where the attackes from. Optical fossils especially increase the power of physical attacks." Bebe looked at Arn and asked: "If you are sessful, this will be your eighth upgrade, correct?" "What is the sess rate?" "To insert for the first time, it¡¯s about 50%, but the sess rate to upgrade is 12.5%." Arn pulled out his two sabers and ced them on the counter and put the optical fossil on the sabers. He ced both hands on the optical fossil and said: "Upgrade." The five different colors lit up, and the lights started dancing on top of the sabers. Arn looked at the brilliant colors and saw the lights mixing inside the sabers and smiled. Bebe watched, astounded, and said: "Was it a sess?" "Yes, it was," Arn swung his sabers lightly. "Yes, I like it." "What¡¯s the deal with upgrading?" Bebe exined: "Basically, a weapon¡¯s performance and its inner structure increase by 20%, but if you increase it multiple times, it increases its performance exponentially each time you are sessful." Junhyuk realized what they had meant by increasing it by the 8th time and looked at Arn and wished he had the same power. Arn felt a lot better and looked back at Junhyuk. "Let¡¯s go." "OK." After they left, Arn took the lead and thought about something and stopped. He extended his hand to Junhyuk. Junhyuk looked at the hand, and Arn said: "My 41G." Junhyuk opened his eyes ever so slightly and looked at Arn. Didn¡¯t Arn say it was a small sum? Arn talked straight at Junhyuk: "Money is still money." Junhyuk shrugged and said: "I don¡¯t have any gold coins." "It¡¯s OK." After Arn spoke, a te showed up on his hand. It was just like Bebe¡¯s te. "Put your hand on it." Junhyuk ced his hand on it, and, above it, a notice for 1875G showed up. "It¡¯s 41G, right?" "Yes." After the 41G was taken out, 1834G remained. Junhyuk knew he mustn¡¯t upset Arn. "Thanks for letting me borrow it when I really needed it." "There won¡¯t be second time." "... OK." Junhyuk followed Arn. At one point, Arn stopped and said: "When you buy things, you think it¡¯s a good thing to buy runestones, but it¡¯s better to purchase basic equipment. Of course, it¡¯s not easy to collect the amount to buy one, so you should save your money." Junhyuk relocated to Arn¡¯s side, smiled and said: "Thanks for the advice." "Hm," Arn scoffed and walked quickly. Junhyuk followed right behind. --- Following Arn, he arrived at the central watchtower. There were many people in front of it: the four heroes and Sarang, and hundreds of minions who had been brought there by them. Junhyuk was astounded and asked Arn: "Is it already time for a full scale attack?" Arn nodded. "Yes. This time we were very sessful, so we opened up the central road. Now, we will deploy all remaining minions and attack." A full scale attack made Junhyuk worry. He had already experienced one of those. They would utilize all remaining minions in the Dimensional Battlefield, and, using those minions, they attacked the castle. The enemy¡¯s castle had superior defensive capabilities over regr watchtowers. Last time, the battle did not go well, so they had to fight for a long time. The full scale attack took ce at a muchter time. The war itself took a month, but, now, everything was going well, and it would be over soon. The problem was that whether attacking a watchtower or the castle, the main burden fell on the minions. That was because the minions were in the greatest numbers and were the easiest to kill. Meanwhile, the heroes destroyed the castlel or the watchtower. The enemy heroes had disrupted their movement, and thest full scale attack had resulted in a massacre of allied minions. Junhyuk had survived because he had activated his power, and the heroes told him to stay behind. However, Junhyuk was used as bait to draw in enemy minions. This full scale attack would result in another massacre of allied minions. Only the heroes could save the minions. It was a battlefield, and that was full scale attack. Junhyuk refused to look at the minions. It was not good to draw their attention. He didn¡¯t have the power to save them. Arn took Junhyuk to the rest of the group. "Are you ready?" "Yes." Vera looked at Arn¡¯s saber and smiled. "Was the upgrade a sess?" "I was lucky." "I¡¯m looking forward to its power." Vera looked at Junhyuk and asked: "Did you activate your second power?" "Yes. It¡¯s spatial relocation." Veraughed. "It¡¯s another high lever power, but he doesn¡¯t have any attack powers." "Maybe it¡¯s because he is only trying to stay alive. Hecks the will to kill his enemies." "Is that why?" Vera grabbed Junhyuk by the chin and pulled his face toward her, smiled and said: "Congrattions on making it to the expert level." "Thank you." "I don¡¯t know what kind of power you will activate in the future, but do look after me." Vera had her arm around Junhyuk and looked at Sarang. "In this full scale attack, we will do without that child." "That¡¯s good to know." Full scale attacks meant that minions would go to their deaths. There was no reason to refuse Vera¡¯s offer. "You should guard her well." "I will." --- During a full scale attack, enemy heroes usually popped up when a castle wall got destroyed. Junhyuk would use his force field then. If the enemy heroes did not aim for him, he could protect Sarang without using his field. Vera smiled and shouted. "Now, everybody attack!" After Vera spoke, the minions started to move. Sarang was about to follow the lead group when Vera approached her. Junhyuk went behind them, practicing his spatial relocation. On the road to the castle wall, they found the trail of the destroyed watchtower left behind. Passing by the second watchtower, the minions started to whisper among themselves. They couldn¡¯t see any enemies, only destroyed enemy camps, so they were feeling relieved. However, they shouldn¡¯t let their guards down. The castle was different from a watchtower. The number of archers on the walls was much higher, and the walls¡¯ defensive power was different. The allied heroes would attack in an all-out mode, but the enemy heroes would be cautious to engage. In the end, the minions would die while attacking the castle walls. Junhyuk thought heroes were scary. Heroes put minions in harm¡¯s way when the minions were of no use to them anymore. That¡¯s why heroes used items to destroy the castle while the minions were in front of it. There was no need to tell them what would be taking ce, since there was nothing he could do. Junhyuk sighed and concentrated on using his second power at will. He kept practicing spatial relocation, but held his breath when he saw a ck castle from far away. The castle walls were about seven meters high, and, in front of them, there were many enemy minions. They had to number around a hundred, but they also had archers, and a hundred was not a small number. When allied minions fought enemy minions, arrows strangely only hit the allied minions. Even though it was a close quarters fight, the enemy minions had the advantage of having archers behind them. The distance was closing when Arn lifted his hand. All allied minions stopped, and Arn turned. "This is a full scale attack!" The minions swallowed their saliva, and Arn continued coldly: "If you survive this battle, you will return to your world." The minions looked at each other. They were all d they could go home. Arn pulled out a small marble from his waistband. "Attack!" With his shout, the small marble shone. A light shed at the minions, and their eyes looked different. The minions were crazed, and they ran toward the enemy. Arn stepped back and said: "Here theye." They could see over the attacking minions. The castle gate opened, and the enemy heroes walked out. Arn smiled and said: "Let¡¯s go." Junhyuk held fast to his sword and followed Arn. This time, he would also survive, and he would return to his world, to his life. Chapter 29: The Fall 1 Chapter 29: The Fall 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Minions who were crazed did not look after themselves. If they had told ordinary people to take the castle, they would have run away after going against a few arrows. That marble had been used to prevent them from running, making them wild, so that enemy minions wouldn¡¯t be able to push them aside. Enemy minions were usually wild. Ordinarily, wild enemy minions would push them back, forcing them to take a defensive position, but, at that moment, it was different. The allied minion¡¯s battle spirits had been woken up, and, with the numerical superiority, they soon put pressure on the enemy minions. Then, the archers showed up on the castle walls. There were fifty archers, not too may, but they were different from ordinary minions. Their unified attack showered the minions with arrows. The minions who used their shields to protect themselves survived, but those who did not, did not make it. If one did not protect oneself, an arrow would surely strike one¡¯s face. Because of the archers¡¯ attack, the minions had to lift their shields, and, soon, they lost their bnce, and many fell. Junhyuk looked at the battlefield and saw others running toward him. They were the heroes who had lost thest Hanta. Because of them, he gained valuable items, but his advantage was not that high. This time, they didn¡¯t attack at full speed. When Minota had been absent, Libya had been killed, so they had to be thinking about the previous battle. Warren, Ellic and Grangsha were at the front. Minota would protect Libya this time, and Libya¡¯s magic was extremely dangerous. They were trying to protect Libya, so the allied heroes also changed their strategy. Arn signaled Junhyuk to stop and stepped forward. Halo stood right next to Arn and Nudra, and Vera stood next to Diane. Junhyuk was standing behind the heroes and looking at the enemy. His job was to create a force field at the most opportune time and to stay alive. If they didn¡¯t kill the heroes, the full scale attack would mean nothing, and the enemy would kill them, and the allied heroes would lose the battle. Junhyuk looked for an opportunity. Ellic stepped forward and shouted: "Are you not scared? You came back so soon." Arnughed a little and said: "You dropped some items and you still have all that bravado*." Arn¡¯s positioned himself exactly where Libya¡¯s magic wouldn¡¯t reach him, and Ellic was standing where Vera¡¯s magic wouldn¡¯t hit him. Arn looked at Ellic and said: "You dropped a bloody gauntlet. I will use it well." "You asshole!" Ellic cursed and ran straight toward Arn. "Stop!" Grangsha shouted quickly, but Ellic was already on his way to Arn. Arn stepped aside of the path of Ellic¡¯s rush, and Vera¡¯s fire spear flew in. Bang! Ellic halted for a moment, and they attacked him in full force. Halo swung his katana, and Arn also swung his saber. Ellic was the focus of the attacks while Grangsha and Warren ran to Ellic¡¯s aid. Arn looked at them approaching and shouted: "Nudra!" Nudra front kicked Grangsha. He was pushed back while Warren kept going, and Diane¡¯s arrow flew in, aiming at Grangsha. Thuck, thuck, thuck! Warren ignored the arrow on his arm and ran faster. If they let him run any further, Vera and Diane would be in danger. Arn swung his saber at Warren who was passing by him. Warren intended to ignore Arn and continue running. sh! However, when he got hit by Arn, Warren changed his mind. His chest had been opened wide, and he was seriously wounded. "Hoowwl!" Warren howled, and Arn, Vera and Diane froze. Warren¡¯s eyes turned red, and his wounds healed quickly. While Arn was frozen, Warren lunged toward Vera. Junhyuk extended his hand toward Vera. Usually, he used his force field on Arn when Arn attacked way out front, but now wasn¡¯t Arn¡¯s time. Vera could inflict heavy damages on the enemies, and, if she died, the allies might lose the battle. Warren¡¯s ws aimed at Vera¡¯s neck when, in the nick of time, a force field appeared around Vera. Clonk! Warren grinded his teeth in frustration, and turned to look at Junhyuk. He had heard from Minota that he had been killed while trying to kill Junhyuk, but they had to kill him. If not for the present, then for the future. Warren¡¯s attack did not work against Vera, and he turned to Junhyuk. Vera threw her fire spear at Warren¡¯s back, and Diane showered Warren with her arrows. Warren did not care about his wounds. With his blood-red eyes, he showed powerful regenerative capabilities. He could afford to get hurt. While Warren ran, Arn ran just behind him. Junhyuk lifted his sword against Warren, and Warren rolled up his lips. He was scoffing at the sight. A novice couldn¡¯t fight a hero. Warren knew Junhyuk¡¯s gesture of lifting his two-handed sword could be hisst act, and he swung his ws. Junhyuk could get killed, and he knew his attack wouldn¡¯t work. He had learned that by attacking Minota the previous time. He simply did not have enough attacking power to destroy a hero¡¯s defenses. As Warren¡¯s ws closed in, Junhyuk used spatial relocation and moved. Shooting for the maximum distance, Junhyuk saw the surroundings around him change and saw Warren extremely confused. Warren was swinging his ws at the empty air when Arn shed him with his saber. "Gargh!" Warren¡¯s back had a huge gash, and, suddenly, an arrow prated his forehead. Diane was preparing to reunch her attack. Warren fell to the ground, and Junhyuk sighed in relief. Facing a hero head-on was a chilling experience, even if he had the means to escape. If anything had gone wrong, he would have been killed instantly. Within the force field, Vera winked at Junhyuk and lifted her hands to the sky. She meant to destroy her enemies with a single blow and prepared her strongest power: meteor. Ellic was fighting Halo fiercely, and Grangsha was going back to Nudra. Far away, Minota and Libya were running toward the front. Libya threw an ice spear. They were trying to escape Vera¡¯s magic and were approaching fast. If anything went awry, the meteors would hit empty ground. The ice spear hit Halo. Crash! Halo was fighting Ellic head-on and was unable to avoid getting hit by the ice spear. When one was hit by an ice spear, his movements slowed down and his attacking speed decreased as well. His whole body slowed down and he was hit by Ellic¡¯s attack. Halo staggered. Nudra stepped forward to rescue Halo. He saw Grangsha going toward him and jumped in the air and kicked Ellic. Bang! Nudra¡¯s kick was not that powerful, but its force pushed back his enemies. Ellic was pushed back and was now facing Arn. Arn didn¡¯t hesitate and swung his saber at Ellic. ng! Ellic had blocked Arn¡¯s attacks twice when he was hit on the side by multiple arrows. Ellic tried to, but it was not easy to dodge Diane¡¯s arrows. Ellic¡¯s movements had be unnatural because of the arrows lodged on his chest, and Halo ran toward him. Halo¡¯s movements had slowed down, but he stillunched an attack. Quickly, Halo closed in on Ellic and shed Ellic¡¯s leg. Ellic knew he was toote and lifted his hammer. He banged the ground with his hammer, making concentric rings which created shockwaves. Arn and Halo staggered and stepped back. Ellic saw them back off and ran toward Minota. Ellic passed Grangsha and reached Minota and Libya when the meteors fell from the sky. Vera calcted where they would be, and the meteors hit them exactly where they were. "Move!" Minota shouted, but Ellic had already used his power to escape and could not change his direction in the middle of using his power. Minota protected Libya with his arms. Boom, boom, boom! Ellic fell down after being hit by the meteors, and Minota was burning with ck mes. It was different from before, the ck messted longer. Maybe she was using a continuous attack. While Junhyuk watched, Vera made a firewall in front of Grangsha. They had already lost two heroes, and Grangsha was standing where no meteors had hit, but was still in danger. Grangsha did not move forward, but started to move back. "Retreat!" Minota looked at Arn¡¯s group and focused on Junhyuk. Minota¡¯s chilling look made Junhyuk uneasy, and Minota said: "We wille back after we recover." They retreated quickly, and Junhyuk sighed in relief when Arn spoke: "OK. While they are gone, we will destroy the castle," and to Junhyuk he added: "You made the right call." Arn was important, but Vera was the nucleus of the allied attack. Of course, he would protect her. Junhyuk grinned and said: "Are we going to attack the castle¡¯s gate?" Arn looked at Diane and said: "Diane, you take care of the archers on the castle walls." "All right." Arn looked at Junhyuk: "You will be helping the minions." "OK." Junhyuk would take a generation to destroy the castle¡¯s gate with his attacking power. Vera looked at Sarang and said: "You should stay behind. You might get killed by enemy archers." "OK." The group moved toward the castle walls. Minota¡¯s group had retreated, and the castle¡¯s gate was closed. Junhyuk made up his mind and ran. The crazed minions were pushing back the enemy minions, but they were getting killed quickly by the enemy archers. Hundreds of minions had been there at the start of the battle, but now only about a hundred allied minions remained, and enemy minions numbered at about forty. Just to calcte casualties, the allies had a higher casualty rate, but now the heroes were involved, so the situation would change quickly. Junhyuk ran toward the minions, but the crazed minions did not make way for him to pass. He stepped on the minions¡¯ shoulders and jumped toward the enemy minions. A shadow fell on an enemy minion¡¯s head, and Junhyuk swung his sword down on him. Tck! The minion was sliced in two. It had taken him a lot of energy, but it was an effective way to attack and to affect their will to fight psychologically. Junhyuk swung his sword again. His sword swings sliced arms and necks. Among the minions, Junhyuk could be an unique and absolute figure. Then, a cloud of arrows showered down on him, but he had no intention of being hit. Junhyuk disappeared and showed up to the right side of the enemy minions¡¯ formation. Tens of arrows hit the ground where Junhyuk had been standing, and he smiled. He was loving his newly activated power. ------ bravado - a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate Chapter 30: The Fall 2 Chapter 30: The Fall 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The archers at the top of the castle walls were very skillful. The only way to block their shots was with a shield, and they were strong and urate. They also had a very special buff when they attacked heroes. It was different from attacking minions because minions could block with their shields. It was possible the hosts of the Dimensional Battlefield had created archers. When archers attacked heroes, they could cause serious damage to them. Of course, archers wouldn¡¯t start fights against heroes. However, when heroes attacked the castle, then the archers concentrated their attacks in response, and even heroes could not ignore that. So, when there were no enemy heroes left, like at that time, they killed the archers first. There were fifty archers left. Diane aimed and released. Thuck! An archer was hit on his forehead and fell. Diane calmly aimed again and released the bowstring. Again, another archer fell. "Forty-eight left." Diane pulled the bowstring and looked at Junhyuk. All of the archers¡¯ attention was focused on Junhyuk. "I don¡¯t have to worry." Junhyuk was doing well on his own. --- The first archers attacked before Junhyuk escaped by using his spatial relocation. Junhyuk got out of the archers¡¯ range and looked at the ongoing battle. The minions had lost their minds. Some of them were winning while some were losing. Junhyuk was waiting for the cooldown time of spatial relocation and getting ready to use it again. When he had three seconds left, he jumped forward. This time, he was near to where the allied minions were winning. If he went to a ce where his allies were losing, he might kill three minions, and that would not make a big difference, but in a ce where the minions were winning, the situation was different. Junhyuk lunged forward, stepping on an allied minions¡¯ shoulders, and, while hended, he stabbed an enemy¡¯s head. The enemy minion fell, and, while Junhyuk got up, he stabbed him again. When Junhyuk showed up, a minion turned to look at him, and he died with an arrow stuck to the middle of his forehead. Junhyuk quickly lifted the minion to cover his body. The enemy archers¡¯ skill was really something else. If anyone did not have his shield up, he would die for sure, but a dead minion could be used as a shield. Thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck! He heard countless noises. Junhyuk threw the dead enemy minion away and started swinging his sword again. To his left and right, enemy minions fell dead. Junhyuk realized he didn¡¯t need spatial relocation. He only needed to continue like this. The enemy archers aimed at him again, and Junhyuk killed another minion and lifted him up. Again, the dead minion¡¯s body shook from the arrows. If he continued, he could easily push back the enemy. That¡¯s when Diane shouted: "Get out!" Junhyuk threw the dead minion away and his eyes widened. All of a sudden, Minota was on top of the castle wall. He saw Junhyuk and just jumped down. Minota was four meters tall and fell from a seven-meter high wall, and the pressure from the drop was enough to make Junhyuk¡¯s hair stand. He was already making his way to the rear, but the shock from Minota¡¯s drop had an effect on him, and he staggered. Junhyuk moved back and saw Diane¡¯s arrows flying. They were intended for Minota, but he ignored them and kept charging after Junhyuk. Junhyuk really felt the danger he was in. Minota was being decisive and leaned over and rushed toward Junhyuk. He stepped on the minions like a bulldozer, and Junhyuk turned around. He was not sure about Minota¡¯s rushing distance, but he had to dodge at the right moment. Doosh, doosh, doosh, doosh! Junhyuk could feel the rushing Minota¡¯s touch on him and pulled himself out. When the environment around him changed, he just began to run toward the right. That¡¯s where the allied heroes were. Minota witnessed Junhyuk¡¯s disappearance and stopped rushing to look around. About five meters away, he saw Junhyuk running toward the heroes and he smiled coldly. "You are dead now!" Minota ran after him, killing minions with his stomps, but Junhyuk was not worried about it. There were some crazed minions who tried to attack Minota and got kicked by him like bouncy balls and killed. However, their attacks slowed Minota down, and Junhyuk was able to reach the allied heroes. Halo lunged in first. Swinging his katana while rushing, he was able to cover more distance than the others. Halo shed the rushing Minota¡¯s side, and Junhyuk felt relieved. Minota tried to surprise attack him, but he was able to escape. Now, it was up to the heroes to deal with him. However, even with his side shed, Minota did not stop rushing after Junhyuk. Minota was four meters tall and at least twice Junhyuk¡¯s size. Minota closed in fast. When Junhyuk felt his death approaching, Arn flew in with his saber. Arn swung his saber, and Minota¡¯s eyes started bleeding bloody tears. sh! Minota couldn¡¯t continue chasing Junhyuk with his eyes gone. He swung his ws like crazy. If he ever grabbed him, he would kill him, but he was now dealing with heroes. Arn dodged Minota¡¯s ws and cut his arm. With his arm cut, Minota lifted his leg and stomped the ground. Doosh! Arn tried to move, but he was still within range of the shockwaves and staggered. Minota crouched and sweeped the ground with his paws. Arn moved, and Halo appeared from behind him and stabbed Minota. Junhyuk could see Halo¡¯s katana sinking into Minota¡¯s chest and was relieved. Even if Minota did not die, he had to be seriously wounded. Then, Minota split in two. One attacked Arn, and the other attacked Halo. Even if he couldn¡¯t see, he was still able to fight those that were close to him. However, it was more like spasmodic* movements near death. Junhyuk felt relieved watching it all, when Vera shouted: "Move!" Junhyuk did not know what she meant and lifted his head and saw a figure above the castle wall. With wings like snowkes, Libya was standing there. He knew of her ability. She jumped up high and, when shended, she used her ice power around her. At that moment, she was trying to use her power on him. Not only Minota, but Libya was after him as well. They gave up on that battle and, instead, concentrated on killing Junhyuk. The cooldown time for spatial relocation wasn¡¯t finished, so he couldn¡¯t really escape. In the air, Libya pped her wings softly and flew toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk looked at her and held on to his two-handed sword. Libya smiled with confidence. Bang! Libya fell, and ice concentric* circles formed around her. She lifted her head, and Junhyuk smiled at her. He was covered by his ivory force field. If possible, he wanted to use it on the heroes, but now was not the time. He had to survive first to help others. Libya looked extremely surprised, and Junhyuk swung his sword. sh! A scratch appeared on her neck, and some blood poured out. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes beamed while looking at her. He thought all the heroes were the same, but it turned out Minota was especially strong. Of course, he couldn¡¯t kill Libya with a scratch, butter, when he became stronger, he would be able to. He would have the ability to kill heroes. Her eyebrows shook slightly and her pride was hurt by being injured by a novice. She couldn¡¯t forgive him. Her eyes looked cold, and she lifted both of her hands. Junhyuk distanced himself from her. His force field onlysted ten seconds, and even one strike from her would kill him. There was no reason for him to stay at the front not doing much. Junhyuk escaped quickly, while Libya made an ice flower and threw it up. Flower petals spread to all directions. Even if one petal grazed someone, that person¡¯s movement speed and attack speed decreased. Libya made an ice wall around her and shouted: "Grangsha!" Grangsha showed up on top of the castle wall. It looked as though they had nned to attack Junhyuk one by one. He jumped down and ran. Vera¡¯s fire spear and Diane¡¯s arrows were for Libya, but Grangsha took the shots instead. Junhyuk needed to move quickly. They had decided to have him killed. This was more dangerous than thest time. Then, Minota fellpletely, and the people regrouped. Halo was the first to swing his sword against Grangsha. Klunk! Grangsha blocked it with his shield, and Arn came up fast and swung his saber. Klunk! Grangsha was good at using his shield, but he was not able to shield himself from two attacks. Instead, he swung his sickle, making both of them step back. When Nudra joined the fight, Libya jumped up high. Looking at her, Vera scoffed and threw a fire spear. Boom! Libya blocked Vera¡¯s attack by using both of her arms. Of course, even if she blocked the fire spear, the fire would catch on her and continue the damage. Libya was being constantly attacked by allied heroes. Bang! She fell, and her cold energy spread, affecting those around her. The three heroes who were attacking Grangsha all froze. That¡¯s when Grangsha started spinning. That was Grangsha¡¯s highest level attack. While spinning, he used his sickle to sh everyone around him. Libya had frozen them, slowing them down so they couldn¡¯t move. Nudra quickly tried to kick Grangsha, but Libya stood in front of him and deflected Nudra¡¯s attack. Meanwhile, Grangsha was spinning, and his sickle went everywhere. sh, sh, sh! Blood sttered. Arn¡¯s blood, Halo¡¯s blood and Nudra¡¯s blood spurted like fountains. They had experienced Grangsha¡¯s highest level attack, and then theyunched attacks of their own. Grangsha¡¯s attacked left an opening at the end of it. Seeing that opening, Arn swung his saber and sliced Grangsha¡¯s leg. While Gransha staggered, Halo sliced the arm that held a shield. Even though Grangsha use his highest level attack, they had the superior physical constitution and defensive power. So, they counter attacked. Facing three heroes, there was nothing more Grangsha could do. With one leg sliced and his shield gone, Nudra appeared on top of him. Thump! Nudra kicked Grangsha¡¯s head and pushed his head to the ground, Junhyuk sighed in relief. Junhyuk had thought he had survived the enemy heroes¡¯ attacks when Grangsha smiled at him. When Junhyuk looked at him, he thought suddenly: Where is Libya? Junhyuk looked for her and found her quickly. Libya was holding out both arms, and, from her hands, pure-white, condensed ice came at him like a waterfall. ------ spasmodic - urring or done in brief, irregr bursts. concentric - circles, onerger than the other, that have amon center. when you throw a stone in ake, waves of concentric circles form from the point where the stone hit theke. Chapter 31: The Fall 3 Chapter 31: The Fall 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The force field had disappeared long ago. If he was hit by the icy wind, he would surely die. Junhyuk moved to his left through spatial relocation. It¡¯s was a huge relief that the cooldown time for spatial relocation was so short, and he was able to use it. When his surroundings changed, he began to run. He knew all about her power, having encountered it before. For five seconds, Libya was able to turn and continue using her ice storm. It had a long range, and he thought her power was really deadly. There was a reason as to why Libya was in charge of the enemy heroes¡¯ attack. Libya turned toward Junhyuk, and the ice chased him. When the ice storm hit the minions, they all froze. Arn, Halo and Nudra ran toward Libya, and the archers showered them with arrows. They all ignored the rain of arrows and tried to kill Libya, trying to put an end to her deadly power. However, Junhyuk could get hit first, before they had the chance to stop her. He ran with all his might and saw Vera running toward him. Vera looked at him and shouted: "Get on the ground!" Hearing that, Junhyuk threw himself belly first on the ground. Vera stood in front of him to block the ice storm. ck, ck, ck! The strong ice wind was freezing her quickly. Libya¡¯s seemingly unending ice storm finally ceased, and Vera was covered with white ice all over. Diane loosened an arrow toward Lybia. The ice storm was Lybia¡¯s ultimate power, and it was over, so she was very tired. Suddenly, Diane¡¯s arrow hit Lybia in the middle of her forehead. Because of the shock, Libya¡¯s head turned, and a running Arn shed her with his saber. It looked like both attacks had delivered the final blow together. Diane notched another arrow and shouted: "Move aside! We need to take care of the archers and destroy the castle¡¯s gate!" Arn, Halo, and Nudra move out of the range of the archers while Diane shot her arrows with shy speed. Previously, Diane had worried about the heroes popping up from somewhere, but now, she was just aiming at the archers, and the difference in speed really showed. Junhyuk made sure Libya was dead and got up. In front of him stood Vera, covered in ice. "Vera." Junhyuk moved toward her, mumbling, when her body shook. The ice broke, and Vera looked at him: "I did not do a good job." "What?" Junhyuk couldn¡¯t understand what she had meant. If she hadn¡¯t protected him, he would¡¯ve been dead. Vera walked to him and tapped his armor. Crack, crack! The armor had been frozen and broke into bits. Vera exined calmly: "Libya¡¯s ice storm decreases defensive power. Things like armor freeze and break into pieces. Her ice storm is deadly." Junhyuk saw the pieces of his broken armor and looked at Vera. "Are you OK?" "I¡¯m OK." Vera was shivering slightly. She was not in good condition. Then, Arn went over and asked: "How are you?" Veraughed a little. "They don¡¯t have any heroes. They will fall soon enough." "Take care of yourself. We don¡¯t have time to go back." "Sure." Arn took Halo and Nudra and ran toward the enemy minions. Minota had run wild, and Libya had used her ice storm. They both killed every minion except for Sarang, who had stayed behind. Diane killed every archer, and the remaining minions were taken care of by Arn, Halo and Nudra. Junhyuk pulled something out of his chest and gave it to Vera: "You should take this." Vera caressed Junhyuk¡¯s head. "It only helps novices recover. It has no effect on us. It won¡¯t help me, and I don¡¯t need it." Vera hugged Junhyuk¡¯s shoulders and continued: "Their strategy was to kill you first. It means your powers are that dangerous. A high level rank force field bes even more dangerous when you are able to transfer it. They have to kill you first in order to have a chance in the next battle." Junhyuk swallowed his own saliva, and Vera smiled and said: "They were trying to kill you while we tried to save you. You are valuable to us." Junhyuk asked carefully: "Do I have toe back next time?" "Of course." "Next time, they will target me from the beginning." "Yes." Vera tapped Junhyuk¡¯s head lightly with her own. "When you return, you should train harder. If possible, activate another power." "Can I activate another power?" "How far your powers will go or if your powers will stay as is, that I don¡¯t know." Junhyuk realized he had to activate more powers. Next time, he would be their primary target, so he had toe up with a n. "Whew." While he let out a sigh, the gate was destroyed. Vera signaled for Sarang. "Let¡¯s go in." "Yes." An astounded Sarang went up and joined Junhyuk and Vera. He put on a bitter smile and said: "Let¡¯s go in. The heroes haven¡¯t had time to reincarnate, so it will be over soon." "Are you OK?" Junhyuk checked himself out. His armor had broken, and his muscles were showing, but he was not hurt. Without Vera, he would¡¯ve been just like his armor, in pieces, but somehow he was OK. "I¡¯m fine." He entered the castle with Sarang. In front of the castle, there was a giant golem. The golem was guarding the entrance, and he must¡¯ve been sixteen feet tall. He had both defensive and offensive powers suited to his size. Even a hero could not fight a golem one-on-one. He was that powerful. Yet, the heroes ran toward thest obstacle, the golem. Arn took the lead. He ran first and shouted: "Force field!" Junhyuk ran after him, measured the distance and created a force field. When the force field covered Arn, the giant golem swung its fist down. The fist was blocked by the ivory force field, and Arn swung his saber. Arn had the golem¡¯s attention, and the other heroes attacked it. Halo aimed at the golem¡¯s arm while Nudra kicked it instead of using his power. ng, ng! Diane¡¯s arrows were very useful in dealing with the giant golem, but ten seconds was not that long. Arn shouted at Nudra: "Nudra!" Nudra was waiting for the right moment and front kicked the golem, pushing it back. They concentrated their attacks, and the golem fell over. Arn ran toward the golem. It swung its fist down, but Arn dodged it and swung his saber. ng, ng! Arn swung his saber so that he could block the golem¡¯s limbs while Halo aimed for its head, but the golem was not easily fooled and headbutted Halo. Bang! The damage from the giant golem¡¯s attack was different. Halo staggered, and the golem kicked Arn, throwing him in the air. Arn rolled on the ground, got up, and Vera shouted: "Step aside." Nudra stepped back, and, soon, ck fire me meteors fell from the sky. Boom, boom, boom! The meteors did not fall over a wide space, but were concentrated on the giant golem. Wrapped in giant ck mes, the giant golem fell, and Arn shouted: "Let¡¯s destroy castle!" Arn swung his saber, and a blue membrane showed up around castle. The castle was protected by a blue protective force field, but when the blue force field was destroyed, the castle itself would copse. That force field needed to be destroyed. It would decide the oue of the battle. Junhyuk stepped forward holding his two-handed sword. The force field around the castle was huge, and Junhyuk¡¯s attack would have little effect on it, if any, but he wanted to help out and return home. Sarang also used her energy bolt. The force field slowly cracked, and they continued to attack. Then, something ran toward them from inside the castle. Warren was the one running, and Nudra stepped forward. Nudra front kicked Warren, and Warren dropped back while Diane shot her arrows at him. Warren tried to block the arrows with both arms to protect his weak spots, but Diane was aiming at his legs. The arrowsnded on Warren¡¯s legs, and Arnunched himself against him. While falling, Arn swung his saber, and Warren blocks it with his ws. Chh-ng! Halo went up and stabbed Warren¡¯s side with his sword. "Howl!" Warren howled, and Vera¡¯s fire spear hit him in the head. Warren staggered, and Arn sliced his head off. There were five heroes. A reincarnated hero facing them alone was an act of suicide. Within the castle wall, Ellic looked outside and saw Warren get killed. The five heroes were destroying the castle¡¯s force field, and Ellic swung his hammer at the ground, and his eyes beamed with madness. Even a crazy Ellic knew there was nothing he could do at that moment. He looked at Junhyuk, who was hitting the blue force field. "You." With his hammer, Ellic pointed to Junhyuk with a cold grin on his face. "Next time, I will kill you for sure." Junhyuk swung his two-handed sword, and the blue force field shattered. Boom! The blue protective field was gone, and the castle copsed. Ellic disappeared, and Junhyuk made up his mind: Next time, he would activate another power. If he did not, he might get killed by Ellic¡¯s hands. Arn stood behind Junhyuk and said: "A person who doesn¡¯t stop will take the lead." Junhyuk turned around, and Arn looked down at him and said: "Work hard. Hard work does not tell lies." Arn turned around, and Junhyuk made up his mind again: He would work harder, just like Arn had told him, and he would survive no matter what. Vera waved at him while disappearing, and Sarang walked toward him and shouted: "Bro, what happens now?" Junhyuk looked at her and smiled. "We go home." "Really?! But you are not disappearing." Sarang was disappearing as well. Junhyuk talked to her softly: "It¡¯s a good thing you survived." "Big bro! How do I contact you...?" Sarang shouted in desperation as she disappeared. Junhyuk saw the white light. It was time to return. Chapter 32: First Day At Work 1 Chapter 32: First Day At Work 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - She stirred. Sarang was in front of her desk when she stirred and got up. Haesook Lim had been trying to cover her with a nket. She turned her head, saw Haesook and was stunned. "You didn¡¯t answer me. If you are sleepy you should sleep on your bed." "Mom!" Sarang ran and hugged her mom, and her mom gently tapped her back. "What? Did you have a nightmare?" Was it a dream? Is it OK to call it a dream? Everyone who had spoken with her had died. Would you call that a dream? Libya had looked like a fairy, and there had been the oxen person, Minota, and Warren, the werewolf. Had it all been a dream? However, when she met them, how scared had she been? It wasn¡¯t a dream. It was real for sure. Still, hugging her mom, it all felt unreal. "Mom, what day is it today?" Haesook looked at Sarang, sighed deeply and held her wrists, pulling her closer. She ced Sarang on her bed and said: "Do you remember you have a test tomorrow?" Sarang grimaced a little at the thought of a test. She had spent more than five days on the Battlefield of Dimensions, but the test day had not passed. She did not feel well about it. Haesook caressed her daughter¡¯s hair and said: "Go to sleep. I will wake you up at four. You could study a little then and go to school." "OK." Haesook ced a nket on her and left the room, turning the lights off. Inside her dark room, Sarang thought about what had just happened. She thought about destroying the force field around the castle and about Junhyuk. When she saw him the first time, he looked familiar. Now, she remembered him vividly because she had fought alongside him for several days. Sarang extended her hands outside her nket. "Was it really a dream?" What about the basics of magic she had learned from Vera? Was that also a dream? Sarang thought about her energy bolt. Then, specks of light coagted around her hands. She was used to gathering light around her hands beforeunching her energy bolt. Sarang looked at the lights on her hand. Suddenly, she got up and stared at the bright lights and gulped. "Is this for real?" --- Slowly, Junhyuk looked around. His hospital room hadn¡¯t changed. He sighed of relief, and moved his toes. He could move easily, and that meant his shin had also healed, so heughed a little. "I can¡¯t fool them. I should ask them to remove the cast next week." Junhyuk moved his cast-covered leg lightly and ced his head on the bed. He had barely survived his second trip to the Battlefield of Dimensions, but he could not rx. "Do I have two weeks, again?" Could he survive his next trip? When would he be summoned again? In his first trip, he hadn¡¯t done anything, but his second trip had been different. Since his power level advanced, he was able to transfer his force field and he changed the flow of the battle. The battle on the first trip hadsted more than a month, but, this time, it was over in less than five days, and his contributions had a lot to do with it. However, the enemy had concentrated their attacks on him. He understood that, from then on, he was the front man. Even if he used his force field on himself, it onlysted ten seconds. Also, he could use spatial relocation every thirty seconds, but spatial relocation did not cover long distances. He could only relocate up to five meters at a time, and the opponent could cover that distance with one or two paces. His powers had to evolve. He had to shorten the cooldown times, or his powers had to evolve. So, Junhyuk decided to test his powers soon. This time, he had gotten many items, and they should help him out the next time he was summoned. He was deep in thought when he felt something on his chest. "This is...?" There was a pendant on his chest with three colored runestone stuck to it. Junhyuk looked for something else on his chest, and he found it stuck to his hospital gown. Junhyuk had paid 500G for it. It was his potion. He whispered, looking at the potion: "How did it get here?" It had treated a broken arm and a broken leg in an instant; it tasted like poison, but its effectiveness was the best. It had power like no other medicine. Junhyuk looked at the potion and ced it against his chest, inside his clothes. He bought it to save his life, so he should treat it with care. He looked outside, and watched over the nightlife. Soon, he could only think of the face of one person. She was wearing sses and looked patronizing - a woman. He was thinking of Eunseo and he shook his head and closed his eyes. The potion could cure her. However, the potion tasted like poison. It had a taste from hell, so it wouldn¡¯t be possible to sneak in and give her the potion. He might have to make her pass out to get her to drink it. Even more important, they had announced that her case was impossible by modern medicinal standards, so it would be a hassle if he gave her the potion. They said that if one held on to jewelry, it would only bring blood. He should be more careful. Junhyuk decided to think about it carefully. He shouldn¡¯t be careless, whatever he decided. --- A week passed by quickly, and Junhyuk learned more things. His pendant worked properly, so his power was double what it had been before. He could lift his bed, which surprised him. Also, his interpretation pill worked as well. He could understand foreign broadcasts from any TV station. He could flip through Chinese and English channels and understand everything. It had cost him 100G, and he thought it had been expensive, but he would¡¯ve needed more than that in the real world to understand allnguages. Junhyuk decided to use all his time to try to upgrade his powers. When there were others around him, he browsed "how to use a two-handed sword" on his smartphone. He had swung it without any skill, so he needed some proper training. With his naked eyes, he had been able see what his opponents were trying to do. Of course, he had only mimicked their motions and he did not know what kind of mindset he needed to have to wield his sword, but their movements gave him a lot of clues. When there was no one around he practiced using his powers, but just because he used his powers often didn¡¯t mean they would evolve. However, he could use his powers more easily. Every thirty seconds, he could use spatial relocation. He was not too concerned with the changing scenery, but, at that point, he could relocate over six meters. It was just like Arn had said: hard work did not betray you. His powers did not evolve, but he made good advances. That day, he was getting discharged. In the morning, he punched the casts around his arm and leg. Crack, crack! At once, the casts broke, and Junhyuk got up easily. Until then, he had tuned his leg muscles lying down, but it was different to work them out while walking. He took a few steps and checked on the condition of his legs. He heard something outside his room, and the door opened. The doctors who were in charge of VIP rooms came in. Dr. Guak, the head of the department, and his subordinates came in. They saw Junhyuk without his casts and were all surprised. Dr. Guak was the first to collect himself and asked: "How is you leg?" Junhyuk jumped up and down easily and said: "I felt OK, so I got rid of the cast, and everything looks fine." Dr. Guak frowned a little. Junhyuk was a special patient. ST Capsule¡¯s Director Kim had asked them to look after him. So, they watched him closely, but he seemed to be OK and wanted to leave. Everything was very shocking. "How did you get rid of the cast?" "I hit it against the ground, and it broke in one blow." "What if your leg isn¡¯tpletely healed?" Junhyuk smirked, and Dr. Guak sighed and looked at the chief resident. "Take one more X-ray, and notify ST Capsule. If we don¡¯t find anything, we will discharge you." "Thank you." Junhyuk got another X-ray. Since he was in a VIP room, he did not have to wait. He went to Dr. Guak¡¯s office to look at the results. Dr. Guak looked really surprised. "Honestly, we thought it would take three weeks. You fell from a high cliff, and, even though you only broke your leg, we should be more careful." "I know." "You¡¯ve healed really fast." That was because he had been to the Dimensional Battlefield, but there was no need to talk about it. Dr. Guak looked at him and said: "ST Capsule agreed to pay for everything, so we contacted them. There will be a person from thepanying to help you with the discharge procedure." Junhyuk got up and bowed. "Thank you for taking care of me." Dr. Guak shook his head and extended his hand. Junhyuk took the doctor¡¯s hand, and Dr. Guak smiled. "Congrattions on getting well." "Thank you." Junhyuk went to his room and opened the cab. He had already prepared something to wear. He changed clothes and sat on his bed, pulling his legs toward himself to exercise his stomach. It was better to workout each muscle during an exercise, than to exercise just sitting around. While he was exercising his abs, he turned the TV on to CNN, and saw that W.A.N.C.S. was trying to make every Friday a worldwide holiday. "Are they going to do it?" It had already been three months since the first abnormal narcolepsy patient, and massa affected even more people. They were creating more patients by causing idents. They were not for sure about anything, and it was not easy to make every Friday a holiday, but the power W.A.N.C.S. possessed was beyond imagination. Their opinion was being epted by each nation. There would be a holiday every Friday, soon. Junhyuk watched the news when someone knocked on the door. He got up, stretched out his torso and said: "Come in." The door opened, and a man wearing a ck suit walked in. He looked familiar, but, when he moved, a surprising face appeared. Wearing her sses and with the same haughty expression on her face, Eunseo who came in. Chapter 33: First Day At Work 2 Chapter 33: First Day At Work 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk did not expect a visit from Eunseo and was really surprised, but he looked at her calmly, collected himself and greeted her: "Hello." He had been surprised by her visit, but Eunseo was even more surprised. They told her his injuries were small considering from how high he fell, but he would still needed more than three weeks topletely recover. However, Junhyuk waspletely healed and standing before her on his own two feet. "Are you really OK?" Junhyuk lightly jumped up and down and replied: "My family is known for having strong bones." Eunseo knew he was lying, but had no choice but to ept his exnation. She did not know anything about the Dimensional Battlefield and had to rely on his ount. Eunseo nced away from Junhyuk¡¯s focus and said: "Congrattions." "Thank you." Junhyuk thought about the potion, but decided to wait. ST Capsule had an ongoing research project. If it was sessful, she would recoverpletely. If she didn¡¯t heal, he could think about itter. He had evolved into an expert from a novice, and his contributions in killing enemies increase manyfold, so he could easily buy more potions. Eunseo operated her fully automated wheelchair toward Junhyuk and handed him an envelope. As he took the envelope, she moved away and said: "Inside it, you¡¯ll find your employee certificate and a memo on ST Capsule¡¯s Strategy nning Department¡¯s current project. You¡¯ve been assigned to the Strategy nning Department already, so you have to report to work starting next week, and, just like other new employees, you will have to go through a probationary period. If you don¡¯t want to fall behind during your probation, you should study the current project and understand it. So, you should read that material thoroughly." After listening to her exnation, Junhyuk smiled. ording to her exnation, she had looked after him rather well. "Thanks for paying close attention to me." Eunseo fixed her sses and turned away slightly. "You should report to work on Monday." After she spoke, she drove her wheelchair away from him and left, and Junhyuk opened the envelope. Inside were an employee certificate and a heavy document. It concerned a coboration project between ST Capsule and an American roboticspany. "Is that even possible?" Junhyuk looked over the information on the document at once and was really surprised. It was over fifty pages of dense information. "I have work to do over the weekend." After Eunseo left, a guy came in, and Junhyuk looked at him. The guy handed him discharge papers and said: "You may leave right away." "Thank you." Junhyuk took his discharge papers and picked up his bags. Starting that day, he would be busy. --- Junhyuk went home on Friday, told his family about his being discharged and slept. In front of his house, at the entrance, there was a package he had ordered. He picked up the package and went in. Inside, he opened the package and took out the contents. It was a dulled bastard sword. Junhyuk swung it lightly. sh! Even though it was dull, Junhyuk swung it like he could cut a man up, and not just straws. He swung it a few more times and looked for videos on his phone. The videos showed people training against each other with swords, so he had a hard time practicing alone, but was able to learn some basic moves. Junhyuk looked around his room and smacked his lips. The room was small, and he could only do basic stabs and shes because of the space. "I will practice what I can do now." It took more work than working out his muscles. He swung his sword a few more times and smacked his lips again. "Is it too light?" He could handle a two-handed sword with just one hand, and that was because of his strength runestone. He thought about ordering something else and swung his sword again, slowly at first, then quickly. SLASH! The sword made a loud noise by slicing the empty air. Practicing in a small room applied limitations to his swordsmanship, especially when handling a two-handed sword like a bastard sword. Nevertheless, he did not hit any objects in his room or damaged any walls. That was because he was ustomed to using a sword. However, he did not realize he was used to handling a sword, but was still really into practicing and learning. He practiced with the sword for three hours, and then took a shower. After the shower, he went to the refrigerator and took out a can of beer, drank it in one shot and looked over the documents. The ST Capsule¡¯s coboration project was something out ofic books. "Is this really possible?" When he saw the fully automated wheelchair, he thought that the mechanical engineering was really advanced, but this project was even more shocking. Junhyuk concentrated on the documents. He was already two weekste for work, and he should work harder. They were all on probation, but Jangho and Somin were elites. School grades didn¡¯t necessarily correspond to work performance, but they were, in fact, ahead of him. "I will catch up to them." Arn¡¯s advice transcended the Dimensional Battlefield. Junhyuk looked at the documents and focused on the project and what it was trying to aplish. --- Wearing a suit and a backpack, Junhyuk stood in front of ST Capsule¡¯s headquarters and lifted his head to look at the building. That was the third time he was there, but the first time as an employee. Junhyuk wore his name tag and walked with energy. Someone behind him spoke to him. "You are here?!" Junhyuk turned and looked at the person. It was Mr. Jang, and he was smiling. "Hello!" He nodded, and Mr. Jang walked next to him and checked him out head to toe. "I heard you got discharged. That¡¯s really astounding. You fell from such a height and got out so early." "I have really strong bones." "I hope you are energetic." Junhyuk, then, checked out Mr. Jang¡¯s condition. He had dark circles under his eyes. "Are you okay?" "I shouldn¡¯t tell you since you just got discharged from the hospital, but I¡¯ve been to my house only once this past week." "What?" "Since you will be working in our department, you should know. It¡¯s concerning our current project." "I heard about it from the department chief." "Hm? How did you meet her?" "I saw her in the hospital before I was discharged." "Hmm." Mr. Jang understood the situation immediately and nodded. Junhyuk fell from a cliff to save Eunseo. So, Eunseo could go see him. "First, let¡¯s go inside." "OK." In front of the entrance, there was a gate where everyone had to scan their name tags. Junhyuk followed Mr. Jang, scanned his and went inside. His parents had always wanted him to work for a major corporation. He was taking his first step toward that goal. Time spent in the Dimensional Battlefield should have destroyed his ability to have feelings, he thought, but he was feeling really nervous at that moment. Mr. Jang took Junhyuk to an elevator. "Our office is on the 9th floor." Waiting for an elevator, he heard a familiar voice: "Hello." Junhyuk saw Somin, who was wearing a beige-colored women¡¯s suit. He knew she was beautiful, but she was holding everyone¡¯s attention. "Hello." Somin smiled at Junhyuk. "I heard we will be working in the same department, but did not know you would be discharged so soon." "My family members have strong bones." "That¡¯s a relief! You look good." A momentter, an elevator arrived, and they all got in. It was morning, and everyone was trying to get to work. Junhyuk, Mr. Jang and Somin were pushed to a corner. Junhyuk got close enough to Somin to smell her perfume and felt odd. He had no rtionship with her, but then she leaned on him just a little bit. Why was this woman acting this way? So, he ignored her. He had no feelings for her. He thought she was pretty, but that was about it. Before the 9th floor, everybody else got out. There was more space, and Junhyuk saw Somin was a little sad. Junhyuk shook his head a bit, and the elevator arrived at the 9th floor. He followed Mr. Jang, who took the lead and said: "You are on probation, so you should try to learn what we do here. Read about the current coboration project." "OK." He continued following Mr. Jang to the Strategy nning Department¡¯s office. There were fifteen people inside. Mr. Jang went in and waved. "Everyone is here early." "Hello." Among them was Jangho, who saw Junhyuk and frowned. Junhyuk ignored him and, in a loud voice, greeted them. "Hello!" Everyone was surprised at his loud introduction, and Junhyuk smiled and introduced himself. "I¡¯ve been assigned to the Strategy nning Department. My name is Junhyuk Lee. Please, take good care of me." "Take good care of us." He greeted everyone, and Mr. Jang showed him his seat. After taking his seat, he worried about what he should do. Then, a mountain of files appeared in front of him. He lifted his head and saw Mr. Jang smiling. "It¡¯s about our contributions to the coboration project with Robotics. Focus. If you have questions, ask Jangho." "Mr. Jangho Kim?" "He¡¯s been here for only two weeks, but he already understands everything." "OK." He knew Jangho did not like him, so the thought of asking him questions gave Junhyuk a headache. Therefore, he decided to focus on the project on his own. After Mr. Jang left, Junhyuk turned to the files. Robotics was a major corporation in America. They had started by making robots for the military, but they jumped into the civilian sector, and he was curious as to why and curious about their coboration with ST Capsule. He found out one more thing about the project: W.A.N.C.S. was eagerly participating in it. Junhyuk was surprised again by the influence W.A.N.C.S. carried. He knew ST Capsule had ties to W.A.N.C.S. because thepany made capsules for abnormal narcolepsy and massa patients. This new project also had ties to them. ST Capsule was a major corporation in South Korea, but,paring it to Robotics, it still had many weaknesses. This new coboration project was goaded by W.A.N.C.S. Junhyuk was reading the files when people got up from their seats. Junhyuk got up as well and saw Eunseo on her automated wheelchair. She looked pretentious, and everyone greeted her. Junhyuk nodded at her like everyone else. Eunseo exchanged nces with Junhyuk and went into her office like nothing happened. He hadn¡¯t cared when Somin had leaned on him, but now he felt sad because he felt Eunseo had ignored him. Junhyuk shook his head a little, sat and looked over his files. Then, his phone rang. He looked around, and everyone told him to pick up the phone, so he did: "Strategy nning Department." "Mr. Junhyuk Lee?" "Yes, this is him." "Please,e to the chief¡¯s office." He felt good that Eunseo was looking for him and got up from his seat. "I will right there." Chapter 34: First Day At Work 3 Chapter 34: First Day At Work 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The chief¡¯s office was really spacious. There were high-ss sofas and tables, and arge desk was in front of a window. Eunseo offered him a seat: "Please, take a seat." Junhyuk sat on a sofa, and she drove her wheelchair to stand next to the sofa. "Did you look over the documents?" "Yes. I got the files this morning and I¡¯ve been going over them." "Did you understand the material?" "I will need a little more time with it." Eunseo looked at him asked: "By the way, do you speak English? When I went to give you the discharge papers, you were watching CNN." Junhyuk smiled ever so slightly. "I¡¯m not bragging, but I speak over tennguages." "Tennguages?! Your application did not mention anything about that." "I didn¡¯t want to brag." Junhyuk scratched his head, and Eunseo looked at him seriously. "I hope you are not lying about the tennguages." "Of course!" "How fluent are you in thosenguages?" "I have no problem conversing or writing up documents." "You speak, read and write in tennguages?" "Yes." "I am surprised. I¡¯ll have to check on what you are telling me, but, if you are being honest, we will be working together for quite some time." She might want to use him as an interpreter, but he smiled at the thought of working with her. Eunseo fixed her sses and said: "Let me know if you have any problems." "OK." "Work hard today." "I will get going." Junhyuk said goodbye and went outside. He took his seat and looked over his files. A whileter, a shadow appeared behind him. Junhyuk lifted his head and saw Mr. Jang standing there, smiling. "Do you want to have lunch with me?" He checked his watch, and it was already lunchtime. He had been so focused that time had passed without him noticing. Junhyuk arranged his files and got up. Mr. Jang looked around and said: "Jangho and Somin, you shoulde with us. You are all new employees." Somin smiled and asked: "Do you want to have sausage soup again?" "It¡¯s the best! The best!" Jangho didn¡¯t utter a word, and just stood behind them. Junhyuk put on his jacket and backpack. He followed Mr. Jang to Granny¡¯s Sausage Soup Restaurant. Mr. Jang said the ce was famous. Junhyuk had seen it on the inte, so it should be good. It was lunchtime, and many people were standing in line. Since it was a soup ce, the people ate quickly and left fast. The line shortened, and the group was able to get inside. Mr. Jang did not ask what the others wanted and just ordered: "Granny, four sausage soups." "OK. Just a moment." Mr. Jang wiped his hands with a wet towel and said: "So, did you read over those files?" "Yes, I haven¡¯t finished, but I understand what¡¯s going on." "Really?" Junhyuk also wiped his hands with a wet towel and asked: "However, aren¡¯t we losing something by coborating with Robotics? That¡¯s what I feel." "Yes, you¡¯re correct." Mr. Jang looked around and spoke in a hushed tone: "Looking at engineering, their contribution isrger than ours." Jangho, who hadn¡¯t spoken so far, started talking: "However, Robotics is a military supplier. Considering the fact they are making medical equipment, that will favor the world¡¯s opinion of us. I don¡¯t think we are losing anything. "We don¡¯t have the name recognition like Robotics does just yet, but, if this coboration is sessful, we will grow significantly." Junhyuk nodded and asked: "By the way, is it really possible?" Mr. Jang smiled. "It¡¯s possible. The trial stage is already over." "That¡¯s amazing!" Robotics was the best in robotic engineering. They said they discovered a new territory: making robotic arms and legs for prosthetics. To use robotics as medical equipment required enormous sums of money, but first, they would use it on abnormal narcolepsy patients. The research was being supported by W.A.N.C.S., and they also secured the supply route. The experimental stage was over. When the prosthetics went on sale, people would believe the research. It would be costly for people without limbs, but it was still a revolutionary step. Somin was arranging spoons and said: "Should we work with Robotics on marketing?" "Concerning marketing, Robotics will let us do our job because they¡¯ve been making military equipment, so people don¡¯t think too highly of them." "Is that right?" Mr. Jang smiled and said: "When the coboration bes a sess, we will be really busy." "Busier than we are now?" "Of course!" Everyone sighed, and the soups came out. Mr. Jang picked up his spoon, smiled and said: "Eat well so that you will be strong enough to work." Junhyuk heard him and took a spoonful of his sausage soup. "It¡¯s delicious!" Granny was cing soups at the table next to him. Suddenly, she pped Junhyuk¡¯s back very hard. Junhyuk almost went face-first into the soup, and he turned around toin. Granny smiled at him. "Of course, it¡¯s delicious. You should eat a lot." "I will." "You don¡¯t have to say anything nice. You are paying to eat." Granny left, and Junhyuk smiled and picked up his spoon. He had to survive at all costs in order to enjoy moments like this. Mr. Jang looked at him and asked: "Delicious, isn¡¯t it? There¡¯s no ce like this around here." "Right." Junhyuk thought it was really delicious. Somin was tired of eating sausage soup, but picked up her spoon. Jangho also began eating. They went to the office after finishing lunch. Mr. Jang smiled and said: "Do you want to have a smoke?" Junhyuk shook his head. "I¡¯m sorry. I don¡¯t smoke." "Really? Jangho, do you want one?" "Sure." Jangho followed Mr. Jang, and Somin asked: "Should we have some coffee?" "Sure." He had no reason to keep his distance from her, so he followed her. She got two coffees from a vending machine, brought them over and asked: "Do you have a lot of work?" "I¡¯ve only read half of the files I¡¯ve been given." Somin smiled a little. "That¡¯s nice. The workload depends on the day, so you might get more files." "Really?!" He already had enough files for a day. It would be like that every day, and that could be a problem. Junhyuk needed to train. It was an unwee situation. "When do we get off work?" "Don¡¯t think about it. We are on probation, so we can¡¯t get off before the others do it first." Junhyuk realized that he needed to work out while he read the files, and, in two weeks, if he had to workte on Friday, he had toe up with an excuse to get off work. He was thinking about making excuses on Friday when Somin talked to him: "What are you thinking about?" "It will be tough from now on." Somin smiled and said: "You should learn your job fast. They don¡¯t go easy one you just because you are on probation. You have to make suggestions to improve the workflow. Jangho already made two suggestions." "Really?" He knew Jangho would work well, but he did not know how fast Jangho would actually work. "I should work harder." "Let¡¯s work harder." Somin made a fist, and Junhyukughed and made a fist of his own. "Work harder!" After finishing his coffee, he was told to report to the chief¡¯s office and headed there. Inside the office, Eunseo was looking at her tablet. When he walked in, she lifted her head and asked: "Did you have a nice lunch?" "Yes, how about you?" Eunseo nodded and said: "The advertisement photo shoot has been scheduled." "Already?" Eunseo nodded and continued: "We should do it as soon as possible for the benefit of thepany. Here is the contract." Eunseo pushed the contract forward, and Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened. "The pay is that high?!" Junhyuk couldn¡¯t take his eyes off the contract. Eunseo fixed her sses and grinned. He lifted his head, and she spoke as usual: "It¡¯s an ST Capsule Ad. Even though you are an employee, didn¡¯t you expect to get that much?" "I really..." He did not imagine that amount and lowered his head. "Thank you." Eunseo thought Junhyuk always disyed his gratitude honestly and fixed her sses. "You should sign the contract." Junhyuk pulled out a pen and signed the contract, but he still couldn¡¯t believe it. He hadn¡¯t had that much money in his entire life, and he was earning it all at once. --- On the 12th floor of ST Capsule¡¯s headquarter, there were two men and a woman standing in the chairman¡¯s office. Looking rxed, one man sat on a chair and asked: "How is the progress?" With her hair braided and up, the woman answered calmly: "First, the new battery¡¯s effectiveness has been confirmed. One needs to recharge it once a day, so it could be a problem, but, once charged, it works for twenty-four hours. It will be possible to market it, so don¡¯t worry too much." "I already know about the engineering quality of Robotics, so I won¡¯t worry anymore." "Trust us, Mr. Chairman." A man wearing sses listened and said: "W.A.N.C.S. is really cooperating." "I knew the president would understand." "Mr. Chairman, we are still looking for the people you¡¯ve mentioned before." He was sitting, rxed, but he slowly got up. The current ST Capsule¡¯s CEO Doyeol Kim walked to a window and looked outside. He looked at the night and the scenery and answered: "There is nothing you can do." Doyeol Kim made a fist with his hand until his knuckles turned white. "Over there, minions have less than a one in 10000 survival rate." "Going by that rate, shouldn¡¯t there be at least ten survivors?" "It depends on the rate. Until now, there have been no survivors, so, we might get some of them all of a sudden. Don¡¯t trust the rate too much." Doyeol looked at Elise, who was from Robotics, and asked: "What about that thing you¡¯ve been preparing?" "A thousand are ready." "That might be too few?" "It requires secrecy. There is nothing we can do." "We need at least 10,000." "I will get it done." Doyeol looked out the window and said: "Tell the president I will visit himter." Gukhyeon Ang, the W.A.N.C.S. South Korean Bureau Chief, smiled and said: "I heard he will return soon." "I will see him then." "I will tell him." Elise and Guheyon left, and Doyeol touched the ss window. His hand shook lightly. "Can¡¯t I go back?" Doyeol murmured and made a fist with his hand. Chapter 35: Survivor 1 Chapter 35: Survivor 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - It was eleven o¡¯clock at night. The people who workedte usually used thepany dormitory and showers, but Junhyuk exchanged goodbyes with his coworkers and went home. He could work out his muscles while at work, but it wasn¡¯t possible to practice his swordsmanship there. Working out his muscles did not attract the attention of others. It was difficult to do two things at the same time, but he had gotten used to it. Also, he had activated two powers and escaped from death multiple times. All of that had made his soul grow. To keep up with his soul, he couldn¡¯t bezy about working out his muscles. He leftpany at eleven o¡¯clock an got home at 11:40 p.m. Junhyuk took off his clothes and took a shower. The shower was to forget a very tiresome day. Then, he picked up the bastard sword ced by the entrance of his apartment. They say that if one does not pick up his sword often, one will lose his sense with the sword. Before he swung his sword, he made a force field. With the force field around him, he used spatial relocation. He teleported from the entrance to the window then to the entrance again. Then, he turned and swung his sword. His attack wouldn¡¯t work against heroes yet, but the spatial relocation could be used everywhere else, so he should practice more. "I can do it." Junhyuk had no intention of letting go of his powers or his life in South Korea. During the cooldown time, he practiced his swordsmanship. He learned to use the two-handed sword and practiced untilte. At five o¡¯clock, He was covered in sweat and took a short shower. Wearing his exercise clothes, he went outside. He was going to the mountain by his house and ran fast. He didn¡¯t sleep all night, but his eyes were beaming vigorously, and his lower muscles were toned. The dawn¡¯s wind felt different. His physical condition was out of an ordinary person¡¯s range already. Both his soul and his body were. It took him less than five minutes to get to the top of the mountain, and he ran back. While on his way down, he had to dodge people climbing, which required a keen sense of bnce, but he did it easily, like he was floating on water. He went down and climbed the mountain again six times. He returned home, drank a cup of cold water and took another shower. After that, he ate a little and went to work. The subway was already filled with people even though he was early. Junhyuk took a short nap on the train. He only slept for a moment, but when he woke up he realized he was at his stop. Junhyuk yawned loudly, got off the subway station and went to his office. From the dormitory, one or two people had their towels around their necks. Mr. Jang saw Junhyuk andughed a little. "Hello!" Junhyuk greeted him energetically, and Mr. Jang waved as he spoke: "You should¡¯ve slept here. You didn¡¯t have to go home. We have more space, so shouldn¡¯t you spend the night here?" "I don¡¯t sleep easily anywhere." Mr. Jang shrugged and continued: "Do you have your photoshoot today?" "Yes." "You should do well." "I will do my best." Junhyuk went inside his office and saw more files. He was reading files on Robotics, and thought about Jangho making two suggestions already. He didn¡¯t want tog behind, so he needed to fully understand the deal on the coboration project. People started toe in, and Junhyuk greeted them one by one. After everyone came in, he really focused on his files. His concentration had gone up, so he was able to read faster. He was still reading his files when the people around him got noisy and got up from their seats. Junhyuk got up on reflex and saw Eunseo. Everyone greeted her, and Eunseo personally called for Junhyuk: "Junhyuk,e to my office." Everyone looked at him. He was a little embarrassed, but it felt good. After arranging his files, he went to Eunseo¡¯s office. There was another person with her. "Hello?" Junhyuk nodded at him, and Sukhoon Kim, whom he had met before, had his hands in his pockets and lifted one hand. "I heard you got discharged, and that you have strong bones. That¡¯s something else! Everyone in the hospital was surprised." Junhyuk smirked awkwardly, and Sukhoon looked at Eunseo and said: "For today¡¯s appointment, should I go instead of you?" "No, I will go. It¡¯s better that I go." "I told you, I am not trying to teach you anything." "I know." Sukhoon shrugged and said: "You should do as you please." Sukhoon walked up to Junhyuk and smiled. "Ourpany¡¯s image will change because of you. Do well." "I will do my best." Sukhoon waved and left. Eunseo checked Junhyuk out from head to toe, drove her wheelchair toward him, gave him a tabletputer and said: "It¡¯s the content for the advertisement. Look it over." There was content which Junhyuk disliked on the tablet and he frowned. "I need to meet them?" ¡¯In fact, their families want to meet you." "They do?" Eunseo nodded and replied: "It¡¯s because abnormal narcolepsy patients do not require treatment for the first hour, so the first responders rescue themst, but after one hour, they can fall under a massa and die." Junhyuk thought about it. After one hour, the protection from abnormal narcolepsy disappeared. After that, they were like normal people. Without the soul, the body died if they were not rescued quickly. "I already have their consent." The content was mostly about Junhyuk rescuing citizens. On that day, they had already interviewed other people, and Junhyuk had to meet with people affected by abnormal narcolepsy and read a few lines. It wasn¡¯t too difficult. Junhyuk tried to give her the tablet back. Eunseo shook her head and said: "It¡¯s being given to you by thepany. It¡¯s your personal item now." Junhyuk was a little surprised, and Eunseo fixed her sses and asked: "Have you checked to see if your contractual remuneration is in your bank ount?" "No, not yet." Yesterday, he had workedte and gone home to practice, so he didn¡¯t have time to check. Eunseo thought about his hands shaking at the agreed amount, and still he had not checked his ount. He was showing different sides of himself to her. "Let¡¯s talk while we move." The automatic wheelchair moved, and men opened the door for her. They stood in front of the elevator with her. Junhyuk walked behind her and checked out the expressions on their faces. They had to be bodyguards and they looked well-trained. Junhyuk was not talking and stood beside them, waiting for the elevator. The elevator arrived, and she went in first, then the bodyguards. Junhyuk stood next to her awkwardly. Eunseo exined it curtly: "You will get on a van where you will get made up and, when van gets to hospital, you will act as it¡¯s on the outline." "OK." The elevator stopped on the underground floor, and Eunseo said: "I will see you at the hospital." "Yes." Eunseo left with her bodyguards, and someone walked over to him: "Mr. Junhyuk Lee?" "Yes. That¡¯s me." "Nice to meet you! I am Yeonah Park. Come this way." He follow Yeonah to where a fancy van was waiting. Junhyuk stopped in front of the van, and another woman got out. She was wearing sses and a scarf. She took out a ruler and said: "Nice to meet you! I will be your coordinator for today. My name is Sunhae Lee." "I am Junhyuk Lee." "Let me measure your first." Junhyukplied calmly. He spread both his arms, and Sunhae spoke quietly: "Take off your jacket." Junhyuk took his jacket off and again spread his arms. Sunhae took his measurements and said: "You have quite a body." "Thank you for yourpliment." Junhyuk¡¯s body was not yetplete, but it was heading there. His muscles weren¡¯t too big, but he was still muscr. Sunhae took his measurements and smiled. "You have a good fit. I will bring out some clothes that will match you well." Sunhae looked at Yeonah and said: "We are going to Haewon Hospital, right?" "Yes, the photoshoot will begin an hour from now." "We have enough time." Sunhae measured Junhyuk¡¯s wrists. "I¡¯ll see youter." After she said that, she got in a car and left. Junhyuk looked at her leaving, and Yeonah pointed to the van and said: "We are also busy. Get in the van." Yeonah offered him a seat in the van, smiled brightly and said: "We have to do your makeup on the way, so we must be busy. Take a seat." Junhyuk took a seat, and Yeonah opened her makeup box and said: "I will use my magic on you on the way, so close your eyes." Junhyuk chuckled and closed his eyes. The van began to move slowly, and Yeonah started her "spell." It took thirty minutes to get to Haewon Hospital¡¯s parking lot. The van arrived, and Sunhae opened the door. She brought three suits and put each of them on Junhyuk, taking pictures each time, and sending the pictures somewhere. Soon, she nodded and said: "You shall wear the second suit." Junhyuk obliged and changed into the suit. The second suit was grey, had a slim waistline and natural shoulders. Junhyuk finished changing into his suit, and Yeonah touched up his makeup again. "Now, open your eyes." Junhyuk opened his eyes, and Yeonah looked at him calmly. "When we get a chanceter, would you like to work with me on a different project?" "What?" "You have a strong impression, and the makeup works well on you. A little dark impression will work well on the camera." Junhyuk shook his head. He was already busy working and didn¡¯t want another part-time job. Yeonah gave him her business card. "If you change your mind, give me a call." Junhyuk took her business card and got off the van. From a distance, he could see Eunseoing up toward him. She saw Junhyuk and fixed her sses. "Let¡¯s go. The team is waiting for us." She looked a little embarrassed, and he followed her and whispered: "How do I look?" He didn¡¯t have a chance to look at himself in a mirror. Moving in front of him, Eunseo whispered back: "OK." She whispered so low that he might not have heard her if he hadn¡¯t been paying attention. The automated wheelchair picked up speed, and Junhyuk followed her with a smile on his face. That day¡¯s shooting was inside one of the double rooms at Haewon Hospital. When they arrived at the room, they could see people in front of it: a middle-aged woman, a high school student, and another woman in her thirties. They all nodded at Eunseo, and she introduced Junhyuk to them: "This is Mr. Junhyuk Lee." She introduced them to Junhyuk: "These are the family members of the people who were hurt in that ident." Junhyuk nodded and said: "You must be very worried." A middle-aged woman walked up to him and bowed. "Thank you. On that day, my husband didn¡¯t have to work, but went out to see his friend and got in that terrible ident." "Right. Luckily, no one died." The woman in her thirties walked up to him and bowed. "You were trying to save my husband, risking your own life. If you did not rescue him then, my husband would have died from the explosion. Thank you." "It¡¯s OK. Anyone in the same situation would¡¯ve done the same." Junhyuk himself didn¡¯t know why he did what he did. It was just that people needed help, so he only thought of rescuing them. The high school student only bowed and did not speak. He seemed a little disgruntled, but his father was in aa, so Junhyuk understood where he wasing from. Eunseo spoke to the family members: "So, today we will spend time shooting the advertisement as we¡¯ve agreed. If something happens to the patients, we will contact you. So, you may all take a rest for the day." "No. We should stay with them." Eunseo shook her head. Her arrogant impression did not allow for any objections. "You might interrupt the photoshoot. I am very sorry." The family members left, and Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. "It¡¯s a simple shoot, but we will continue until we are satisfied with the results. So, get ready." "I¡¯m already ready." He had already memorized his lines. They opened the double bedroom, and Junhyuk could see two capsules and the two patients in them inas. In front of the capsules, there were lights, a microphone, and the camera equipment. Junhyuk took a deep breath and bowed. "Do look after me!" Chapter 36: Survivor 2 Chapter 36: Survivor 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The video and photo shoots progressed without any difficulty. The most important part was what Junhyuk¡¯s eyes gave off. As Junhyuk touched the capsules, his eyes had to resonate sympathy. Junhyuk knew that something had happened to them at the Dimensional Battlefield. Their souls had died, and neither would wake up. If anything went wrong, he would be in same situation, so his eyes demonstrated a lot of sympathy. Junhyuk felt a sense of belonging with them. How scared had they been? They did not have a choice, but were summoned and died on the Dimensional Battlefield. He, himself, could have been killed by a wolf while with Michael. He reminisced about that moment, and his eyes naturally shone with sympathy. The director and Eunseo both shouted the OK. Junhyuk still had his hand on the capsule when he looked at the camera. "Anyone can experience abnormal narcolepsy. Your family is not an exception. ST Capsule is another member of your family, and we will be there with you." Junhyuk finished his lines, and the director gave him the thumbs up. He collected himself and looked at Eunseo. She drove her wheelchair toward him. "First, we have a satisfactory photo. We are not a hundred percent, so we will shoot just one more time." Yeonah fixed his makeup, and Junhyuk asked: "When will this broadcast?" "If we shoot it fast and edit, then, starting Thursday, it will go to all broadcastingpanies." Junhyuk was a little surprised. They shot and broadcast it so fast! Eunseo read his mind: "When you have money, nothing is impossible." Junhyuk thought over ST Capsules¡¯ attitude toward this advertisement. The makeup was done, and Junhyuk got up. The director saw him and yelled: "We are shooting it again!" --- It was Thursday morning at busy subway station. Junhyuk took an early train to work. He heard people murmuring and woke up. He had been taking a short nap, and people¡¯s voices woke him up, so he was a little irritated and looked around. People were looking at their phones and talking about him. Junhyuk turned on his own smartphone and found out what was happening. They told him the ad would go out on Thursday, and it was already out. He felt shy and was going to stay by the door when his phone rang. His parents¡¯ number showed up on the caller ID. "Hello." "Son! I am watching you on TV right now!" It was his mother, Haejung Kim, and she spoke so softly that it made Junhyuk smile bitterly. "I¡¯m just a model." "My son is a star?" "Because thest ident became a societal issue." "Right." Junhyuk scratched his head and said: "I will pay you a visit on Saturday." "Right. Then, we will see you on Saturday, son." He hung up, and the phone rang again. His high school ssmates¡¯ numbers showed up on the caller ID. They didn¡¯t usually call him up, so Junhyuk decided to answer all the calls. From the subway station to work, there were twenty calls. Junhyuk hid his face with his hands. "This..." A a thirty-three-foot-tall and sixty-foot-wide banner with thest scene in the ad, when Junhyuk touched the capsule and said his lines, was on the side of the ST Capsule building. Junhyuk shook his head and moved fast. "It looks fine," said the voice that sounded behind him. It was Mr. Jang walking toward him with Jangho. Mr. Jang had a toothpick between his teeth, and he smiled at Junhyuk. "The photo looks really good!" "It¡¯s all makeup and lighting." "Even so, you will be the face of ourpany." Junhyuk sighed deeply and said. "It¡¯s only for now. I hope they will take the banner down soon." Mr. Jang smiled. "They won¡¯t take it down while you are under contract! I saw it on TV, and it¡¯s really good!" Junhyuk shook his head and quickly went inside. Everyone was looking at him throughout the day. In the subway station, people looked at him. In hispany, everyone saw the giant banner, and everyone recognized him. Junhyuk noticed people¡¯s nces and went to his office. He opened up his files when Somin and the other female coworkers came to his desk and greeted him. "The photo looks really good!" "Don¡¯t say a word. I¡¯m so embarrassed that I am looking for a hole to hide myself inside." "There might be a fan club!" "I hope not." Somin smiled and went back to her seat, and Junhyuk started to read over his files. He understood the big picture. Now, he had to contribute on how to improve the coboration project. Then, people got up from their seats, and Junhyuk got up as well. On her wheelchair, Eunseo nodded slightly and said: "So, does everyone know they are trying to make every Friday a holiday?" "Yes." "Starting next week, Fridays will probably be holidays. Even if it doesn¡¯t be a national holiday, thepany will take Fridays off, so be aware of that." Junhyuk smacked his lips. He would return to the Dimensional Battlefield on the following day. Eunseo continued: "Don¡¯t workte tomorrow. Get off from work on time." Everyone smiled. Eunseo moved toward her office and stopped and looked at Junhyuk. "The ad campaign is a sess. You did well." Junhyuk was shy. Eunseo went to her office, and everyone started working on their assignments. --- It was Friday. The roads had fewer cars, but it was not an official holiday, and there were still many people on the subway. He did not want to experience hell at the station, so he got up really early. He started walking to his work and saw a parked delivery truck. The driver had his head tilted backward and was sleeping. He must be really tired! Junhyuk yawned hard and ran to the subway station. That day, he would get off work on time and go home and prepare to be summoned again. His powers had evolved a little bit. To survive in the battlefield, he had practiced with his sword. He would survive no matter what happened this time as well. He ran toward the subway station and looked at his watch. It was 6:59 a.m. "Today¡¯s first wave is almost over." Starting at six in the morning and nine times after that, in two hour intervals, people were afflicted by abnormal narcolepsy worldwide. Each time, 600 people were affected. Every week, 6000 total were affected. Junhyuk had seen the delivery driver. His window had been open, and JunHyuk had run toward the subway station. Even if the delivery driver was in an abnormal narcolepsy state, his car was stopped, so there was no risk for an ident. Considering the world poption, 600 was a small number. Junhyuk took the stairs to the underground at seven o¡¯clock. --- "Huk!" The delivery driver¡¯s eyes opened. His name was Sanghoon Hyeon. He checked his body parts, looked around and breathed deeply. "Whew." What had he just experienced? He had been looking for the delivery address when he dropped to a ce taken by a bright light. They had called him a minion, and he had had to follow them. Life over there had been like life in hell. People like him had died, and he¡¯d gotten scared and run away to a forest. There had been a man who had had a simr built to his who had told him to just follow him. In the forest, he had seen a golem. Dealing with the golem, the ten-foot man managed to kill it. Sanghoon picked up a thing left by another. "Right!" Sanghoon checked his chest and pulled out a dagger, a red dagger. "It isn¡¯t a dream?!" For a month he had survived in the forest because of his dagger. When he had met monsters in the forest and gotten hurt, all he had needed to do was to attack with his dagger, and it healed him. His wounds had healed, and he had be used to hunting, and managed to kill monsters. When he did kill them, he was healed and felt good. He thought for a moment, and there was madness in his eyes. No one else could understand him. Sanghoon licked his lips and looked at one of his rearview mirrors and was surprised. He did not look like himself. He shook his head and put his dagger away. He looked for the delivery address and looked at his watch. "Seven o¡¯clock? It¡¯s only been an hour?!" He wasn¡¯t sure because he couldn¡¯t really sleep, but it felt like he had spent a month in the forest. What happened? He stopped thinking and looked again for the delivery address. First, he was working, so he should concentrate. The past month felt like a dream, but it had only been an hour in South Korea. It couldn¡¯t have affected his work schedule. Sanghoon picked up the packages and started to run. --- As promised, thepany let workers go home on time. Mr. Jang suggested dining out on a day like that, and everyone followed him. Junhyuk went up to Mr. Jang carefully. "Mr. Jang." "What¡¯s the matter?" "I am not feeling well. Can I go home?" "What? It¡¯s for new employees. Why do want to go home?" "I am sorry." Junhyuk tried to look the most remorseful he could. Mr. Jang looked at him and said: "I really want to take you with us, but I don¡¯t want to force it since you are not feeling well. OK." "Thank you." "We should get off work at the same time." "Yes." The Strategy nning Departments¡¯ workers were standing in front of the elevator when Somin came up to Junhyuk and asked: "The dinner is for new employees, so why do you have to go home?" Junhyuk looked strained and replied: "I¡¯m not feeling well. I¡¯m sorry." "You don¡¯t have to apologize to me. Go home and take a rest." "Enjoy your dinner and go home." The elevator arrived, and everyone went to the first floor. Outside the building, Junhyuk apologized to everyone and headed home. "I¡¯m sorry. Enjoy your dinner." "I feel bad. I thought I was going to have a drink with ourpany¡¯s model." "Buy me dinner next time," he replied. His coworkersughed at Junhyuk¡¯s suggestion. "OK. Go home and rest." "OK." The female coworkers looked disappointed, Junhyuk saw them go away, sighed and looked at his watch. It was six o¡¯clock. He would be summoned to the Dimensional Battlefield at eight o¡¯clock, so he still had two hours. However, considering the time it took to get home, he had to hurry. He had to get home and prepare to go to the Dimensional Battlefield. He also wanted to prepare everything in case he did note back from there. Junhyuk hurried and started to run when he saw a female high school student looking at the banner. She was holding the straps of her school bag with both of her hands, and she looked familiar to him. As she lowered her head, her eyes met his. "Big brother!" Junhyuk stopped running and looked at her. "Sarang?" Chapter 37: Survivor 3 Chapter 37: Survivor 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Sarang realized that what she had experienced was not a dream and, at first, she felt astounded, but that soon turned to fear. She did not know when they would summon her again to the Dimensional Battlefield, so she wanted to look for Junhyuk. However, she only knew his face and not anything else about him, so it was difficult to find him. Then, a week passed by without her being taken to the Dimensional Battlefield, and that included a Friday. She felt relieved, but another Friday was approaching, and she got really scared again. Then, on that Thursday, she saw Junhyuk on TV. The TV subtitles said he was an employee of ST Capsule, and she jumped with joy. After school, she went straight to the ST Capsule¡¯s HQ and she saw the huge poster with Junhyuk¡¯s photo. She was appreciating the photo when Junhyuk came out and she became overjoyed upon seeing him. Junhyuk, on the other hand, looked really surprised. Sarang hopped to him and looked up at him. On the Dimensional Battlefield, she really had to look up, but, in the real world, he didn¡¯t seem so tall. Still, his beaming eyes were the same as before. He just looked really surprised. Junhyuk was surprised by Sarang¡¯s entrance. His coworkers were walking behind him, and their eyes widened ever so slight while looking at them, especially Somin. Her eyes were shooting daggers at him, and it was enough to drill a hole on Junhyuk¡¯s back. Junhyuk awkwardly smiled and turned. Mr. Jang smiled and said: "I thought you weren¡¯t feeling well, right?!" Junhyuk faked a cough and introduced Sarang. "She is my cousin." Everyone had suspected that and looked at Sarang. She turned away from their gazes and looked at Junhyuk. Junhyuk winked at her, and Sarang smiled brightly and bowed. "Hello. I am Sarang Kim." Sarang had big eyes and a good disposition. She was wearing her school uniform, which made the male coworkers choke. They really liked her. The female coworkers felt ufortable with the male coworkers. Mr. Jang grinned and said: "A cousin?" "Yes, I haven¡¯t seen him for a long time. Could I borrow him for the day?" Mr. Jang thought she was cute, and she spoke well. Heughed and said: "He isn¡¯t feeling well. Ms. Sarang, you should take good care of him." "Yes, I will." Sarang took Junhyuk¡¯s arm and said: "Then, we will be going." Junhyuk smiled awkwardly, bowed and left. Looking at him, Mr. Jang shrugged and said: "Don¡¯t think anything immoral and let¡¯s go to dinner. Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t engage in any immoral behavior. He isn¡¯t a sugar daddy. Rtionships aren¡¯t based on money." He wasn¡¯t too distant from them and heard everything being said. Junhyuk looked at Sarang and sighed. He had already guessed why she came to see him, but why did it have to be that day? He would be summoned to the Dimensional Battlefield soon. He wanted to lie down in his house, and that left him with just one hour. "I only have about thirty minutes." "Is your house close by?" "No." "Then, let¡¯s go together." Junhyuk looked at her straight, and Sarang smiled and said: "On the way, I could ask you questions on what I¡¯m curious about." "OK, let¡¯s go." Sarang and Junhyuk got on the subway and were among a crowd. It was busy, and the hellish subway was not a good ce to talk. Junhyuk was able to make a path and ced Sarang against a pole by the door. He had three times the strength of an ordinary person, so he stood with force and made space. "Who is pushing?" Someone yelled from the opposite side, but Junhyuk ignored it and talked to Sarang: "We should whisper." "OK." "What were you curious about?" Sarang looked around and said: "It wasn¡¯t a dream, right?!" Junhyuk nodded heavily. Sarang swallowed her saliva and asked: "Will they summon me again?" Junhyuk worried for a moment and answered: "I¡¯m not sure." "Why?" "You are a minion." Sarang tilted her head. "What does that mean?" Junhyuk sighed and replied: "They summoned me because I was a novice. They think they can use my power. Heroes can summon me based on their contract." Sarang¡¯s big eyes widened, and Junhyuk continued calmly: "Of course, no minions had survived the first battlefield I went to. So, I¡¯m not sure if they will summon you again or not." "Then, maybe I don¡¯t have to go back?" "Right." "Hmm." Sarang worried and asked: "If they summon me, what do I have to do?" Junhyuk looked her in the eyes and said: "Do as I taught you." Sarang saw Junhyuk¡¯s beaming eyes and felt as though she had already been summoned to battlefield. His aura was strong, and it wasn¡¯t only affecting her. Other people were stepping away from him. He continued calmly: "Focus on staying alive." Sarang sighed. "How can I survive without you?" Junhyuk worried a little. In fact, Sarang¡¯s survival had had a lot to do with Vera¡¯s care. If a hero didn¡¯t look after a minion, that minion would end up dead. That was because heroes were ruthless. He caressed her head. "Practice." "What?" "Practice what you¡¯ve learned from Vera," he continued calmly. "I practiced what Arn had taught me ceaselessly to catch up to my soul¡¯s growth, but, because of it, the battlefield became a little safer. She nodded. "In any case, I have been practicing hard." It was fun making an energy orb. It required a high level of concentration. Her focus level went up and so did her grades at school. She spent the same amount of time studying, but her concentration level decided her grades, and her memory skills also improved. She didn¡¯t know why. "Hard work does not betray you, so practice harder." "I will." Junhyuk wondered and looked at her and asked: "By the way, did you tell your parents where you were going today?" "I did not." "What if they summon you to the Dimensional Battlefield?" Sarang smiled awkwardly. The first time, they had thought she had been sleeping, but what would happen if it happened again? Even if she returned from the battlefield, it would still pose a problem. She thought of something new and, with a bright smile, looked at him. "Big bro, can Ie over today?" He felt other people looking at him. He lifted his head and tapped her hard on the forehead, almost shouting an excuse: "You don¡¯t need an reason to visit a cousin¡¯s house!" People around him were suspicious of that, but their attention died down. Sarang put out her tongue and smiled: "He-he!" Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "It wasn¡¯t a bad idea, but next time don¡¯t wear your school uniform." She put her hand on her hips and said: "Why? Don¡¯t I look pretty?" "You also have to think about me!" Sarang realized the situation she had put him in and smiled. "I wore it so you wouldn¡¯t refuse to see me." He shook his head and said: "Let¡¯s talk more about itter at my house." "OK." It looked like she would give up easily, but she didn¡¯t. She followed Junhyuk, asking many questions about many things, and he had to answer all her questions on the way home. They arrived at his house, and he looked back quickly. She looked around in wonder, and he looked at her, sighed and opened the door to his house. It was his character to clean his house at all times, but having a girl over, especially a high school student, was something he did not expect. He opened the door and asked her toe in: "Come in." Sarang was smiling while she looked around the ce. Junhyuk took out a cold drink from the refrigerator, gave it to her and said: "I will go shower. Wait here!" "What? You are leaving me here to shower?" "Don¡¯t joke around." They had been to the battlefield field together, and it had been hell. Because of that, she felt more like a friend than a woman, and he could joke with her. Junhyuk went to the bathroom, and Sarang sat on his bed tapping her feet. A momentter, he had cleaned up. He gave her some workout clothes, took a can of beer out of the refrigerator and sat on a chair drinking his beer. "Go change." "Go where?" Sarang put the pants on underneath her skirt and also changed her jacket right there. She zipped her jacket and sat in front of Junhyuk, lifting her hand up. She made an energy orb with her hands. "I do it well, no?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t know how a magician minion would evolve. So, he didn¡¯t have any advice. "Practice what Vera taught you. You will get better." "By the way, does this work here?" "Did you not check?" "If I break something with this, it will be a problem." Junhyuk ced his beer can on the desk and said: "Shoot." Sarang aimed her hands at the beer can, and the energy orb became an energy bolt and shot off. Bang! There was a hole in the can, and Junhyuk checked his wall. The wall did not have a hole, but it was damaged rather deeply. He looked at her and said: "You shouldn¡¯t use it on people." "I shouldn¡¯t." On the Dimensional Battlefield, she had used it on enemy minions without a second thought, but, in reality, its destructiveness was greater than she had imagined. Still, it could smash an enemy minion¡¯s head with just one shot. "But don¡¯t hesitate on the battlefield." "Of course!" Sarang knew what she had to do. She tapped her feet and said: "Big brother, is this your third time?" "Yes." She looked at him. "What happens if you go alone?" Junhyuk answered with his arms folded. "If I fall asleep, just go home." "What if I fall asleep as well?" "Then, we will meet on the battlefield." Sarang folded her arms. "If they don¡¯t summon me this time, does that mean I don¡¯t ever have to go back?" "I will ask them about it." "Hmm." Impressed, Sarang got up. "When you fall asleep, I will wait right here." "There is no need. I might never wake up." "That¡¯s all the more reason I should stay here." Junhyuk looked at her straight. Heughed at what she said and wrote down a phone number. "Here. My parents¡¯ phone number. If I don¡¯t wake up, call them up." Sarang got worried and gave him a phone number. He looked at it and looked at her. "What¡¯s this?" "I might not wake up either. You should call my house." Junhyuk looked at her and, all of a sudden, threw the notes in the garbage can. Sarang was surprised and shouted: "Big brother!" He looked at her. "We go together ande back together." "But..." No one knew what would happen on that cold battlefield. It wasn¡¯t easy toe back alive and together. Junhyuk looked at his watch andy down. It was almost eight o¡¯clock. "You should lie down," he told to her. "OK." Shey on the bed and put her hands on her pounding heart. Thinking about the Dimensional Battlefield scared her, so she thought of what Junhyuk had told her and felt relieved. They would go together and would return together. Sarang thought of Junhyuk and closed her eyes. The clock struck eight. Chapter 38: Strange People 1 Chapter 38: Strange People 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Elise was reading the newspaper with ease when her subordinates showed up making loud noises. "Some of our people just went to the battlefield!" "How many of them?" "Five." Her subordinate handed her a tablet, and she looked at it and saw five people on the screen. She checked on their personal details report and asked: "What is their survivability rate?" "It¡¯s about three percent." "What if the five of them work together?" "Then, it¡¯s about ten percent." "That sounds good." Minions had about 0.01 percent survival rate on the Dimensional Battlefield, but if they trained at a high level and fought together, the survival rate increased to ten percent. "In an hour, one of them might have survived, so get their bodies in one ce." "OK." Her subordinates went away, and she ced her hand on the left side of her desk. The desk sensed her hand, and five screens were produced on it. They all focused on Elise. "We got people who went to the Dimensional Battlefield." On the far right screen, an old man spoke: "How many of them?" "Five." The people on the screens responded optimistically. On the far left, Doyeol Kim spoke: "What¡¯s their chance of returning alive?" "They have a three percent chance, but, if the five of them work together, it could increase to ten percent." "Do they know the rules of the battlefield?" "We taught them well." On the far right, the old man smiled and said: "I¡¯ll be waiting for the hour to pass." "I will give you good news." "I look forward to it." The five screens disappeared, and Elise got up from her seat. It was not the time to read her newspaper. "So, shall I go?" The Robotics Lab¡¯s top director, Elise, wore a white gown and went out of the room. --- He had his hands up, trying to calcte the time it took for the light to disappear. When he opened his hands, Junhyuk looked around the white-lit room. On the side of the wall, there was a number. It said 8834G. During thest siege, he had been targeted by heroes, and his contribution to killing heroes had gone up, so there was quite an amount. "I just need a little bit more." His target was 10,000G. All he had to do was contribute in killing one more enemy. Junhyuk checked himself out. His armor¡¯s color had darkened. The deep green armor was far lighter than the one he wore when he was a novice. It was so light, he worried about it¡¯s defensive power. It did not feel heavy at all. "Nevertheless, armors have no meaning against heroes." His armor had gotten stronger, but it was still like a piece of paper to a hero, so he shouldn¡¯t even worry about it, and it would still protect him against minions¡¯ attacks. Junhyuk finished his gear check when a soft voice spoke again. It was already the third time, but he didn¡¯t want to hear it. [Wee. You are being summoned to the Valley of Death.] Junhyuk was waiting to receive his two-handed sword, but, instead, two swords showed up. "Two swords?" He had practiced using a two-handed sword like crazy, but now he was an expert, and received two swords. He didn¡¯t know anything about dual-wielding swordsmanship. "Nothing ever goes as nned." Junhyuk sighed and picked up the two swords. Soon, a door appeared. When Junhyuk went through, he heard the voice again: [You¡¯ve activated two powers and became an expert. You have right to reincarnate one time as an expert.] He wasn¡¯t expecting it, so he asked: "Is that for real?" The voice did not answer and, instead, continued as usual: [Expert 01 deployed.] That meant he was the first human expert, and he had no intention of bing a missing number. "I will survive whatever it takes." Outside, he saw people crowded against each other. Junhyuk looked at therge crowd, and his attention stopped at a group of people who looked suspicious. Most people did not understand what was taking ce, but the group of people acted differently. They must¡¯ve known each other and gathered up in one ce. They didn¡¯t look surprised at all. They looked trained for any possible situation. Still, this was a dangerous ce for minions to survive, but if anyone had the will to survive, they might be of help. Junhyuk continued to look around him. Since he became an expert, he grew to be six feet, five inches, so he could easily look at the minions. Junhyuk looked and heard a voice: "Big brother!" Junhyuk felt d, yet disappointed. He did not know Sarang would be summoned again. Maybe she was called back because she survived with him or for a different reason, but they were together again. "Excuse me." Junhyuk went by the other minions and stood in front of Sarang. She was holding a magic staff and a shield and was looking at Junhyuk. "Big bro, did you get taller?" "Yes." "Your armor has alsopletely changed." His armor looked totally different from the other armors. Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "I think it¡¯s for experts." Sarang stood next to him and said: "Will you keep your promise?" "Of course. We will return together." He did not want to lose arade with whom he had fought together. They waited for a moment, and the door opened. People walked in. One was the eight-feet-two-inches Arn, and the other was the six-feet-five-inches Vera. They saw Junhyuk and went over to him. Arn and Vera stood in front of him, and Junhyuk spoke first: "Starting with the expert level, one reincarnation is possible. Is that true?" Arn and Vera looked at each other and shrugged. "We begin as heroes, so we are not sure. You should ask Bebe." The dimensional merchant Bebe should know, and Junhyuk nodded. "I just need little more money. I will ask him then." Arn chuckled and nced at the crowd. "From here to there follow me!" Arn spoke and stepped forward, and Vera said: "Sarang Kim, I summoned you." Sarang knew Vera was looking after her, but she wasn¡¯t sure how to feel about the situation. Should she feel resentment or gratitude for being summoned? She did not say a word. Vera gave her a big hug and said: "Even if I hadn¡¯t summoned you, they would¡¯ve done it anyway, but other heroes wouldn¡¯t know how to utilize your power. It¡¯s better to be with me than die needlessly." Sarang answered meekly: "Thank you for summoning me." Vera looked at Junhyuk: "And Junhyuk will be with you. It will be less dangerous." Junhyuk shook his head. "This time they will target me. Wouldn¡¯t it be more dangerous to be next to me?" "We have to wait and see." The smiling Vera put her arm around Junhyuk. Now that he was six feet, five inches, he could stand next to her. "Let¡¯s go. We have to walk a lot today." Junhyuk moved without hesitation. Arn took the lead, and Junhyuk followed him and also noticed that the suspicious people were among the group. The group was made up of thirty people plus Sarang and Junhyuk. It was arge number, so Junhyuk asked Vera: "Are we going to Watchtower immediately?" "No," Vera smiled and answered. "We are going to the enemy¡¯s forest." "So, we will hide in the forest and hit them?" "Yes, just likest time. We will hide and hit." "Then, why do we need so many minions?" "We need them," Arn said upon reaching the castle¡¯s gate. "From now on, don¡¯tg behind. We are entering a forest. If you¡¯re slow, it will mean your death." Junhyuk noticed Arn exin it more considerately. Arn started running fast when the gate opened. To keep up with Arn, the minions had to run very fast. It was like a near-death experience. Junhyuk matched his pace and asked: "Why are we running so fast?" "We have to be in position and seize their route, so we have to hurry." Vera spoke and looked at Sarang. "Magician minionsck physical strength. You should help her." Junhyuk offered his hand and grabbed Sarang by her wrist. Vera looked at her and asked: "Did you train hard?" Sarang nodded, and Vera added calmly: "Ordinarily, one has to activate a power to be a novice, but a magician minion who trains continuously will be acknowledged as having a power. Of course, it¡¯s difficult to be acknowledged as having a power, but training makes a difference." "Can she be a novice, then?" "Yes." Vera looked at Sarang again. "You only have the energy bolt ability. If they consider that ability deadly enough, you could be a novice." Junhyuk listened and looked at Sarang. Novices had different survival rates from minions. Of course, if she were attacked by another novice, she would have less of a chance, but she wouldn¡¯t die easily by the hands of the enemies. Sarang looked at Vera. "What do I have to do?" "Practice what I¡¯ve taught you and practice hard." Sarang made up her mind. "I will do my best." Junhyuk became an expert. When he was a novice, he was matchless against minions. Sarang had to work hard to increase her survival rate. The group advanced to the forest. Previously, they used to look for monsters, but, this time, they wanted to avoid monsters. Junhyuk helped Sarang¡¯s with the running and noticed some people weregging behind. They slowed down considerably and soon would be out of the group. Junhyuk let go of Sarang and approached the slow group. "Look here." The five of them looked at Junhyuk: four men and one woman. Their eyes looked full of strength, and their breathing was regr. They didn¡¯t look tired at all. "If you fall behind in the forest, you will die. Speed up." The five of them looked at each other, and a man stepped forward. "Don¡¯t mind us and be on your way." Because of the interpretation pill, Junhyuk understood thempletely. He looked at the man and said: "I am not joking. You don¡¯t look tired, don¡¯tg behind. If not, you will die." "We will follow you soon." Junhyuk saw others in the slow group holding their weapons. If he continued to goad them, they might attack him. Even though minions couldn¡¯t hurt him, he didn¡¯t want to fight allies. Junhyuk did not have a chance to say anything because Veraughed and said: "Don¡¯t mind them. You and Sarang aregging behind." Junhyuk knew Arn wouldn¡¯t wait for them. He smiled bitterly and spoke for onest time: "Follow us. I will lead." Junhyuk and Sarang were about to run, and the man asked: "Are you human?" Junhyuk looked really surprised and answered: "I¡¯m human." After he finished speaking, Junhyuk, Sarang and Vera left. The man spoke again: "That guy isn¡¯t a minion." "There is a person who isn¡¯t a minion among humans?" The man nodded and said: "Try to remember his face. If one of us survives, make sure to report him." Everyone nodded. "We will follow them." After the man spoke, they cautiously entered the forest. They looked at ease with their situation, but this was the Dimensional Battlefield. Chapter 39: Strange People 2 Chapter 39: Strange People 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk sped up and caught up to Arn. "Five people were left behind." Arn nced at him and said: "I saw it." "Do we just keep moving?" Arn stopped for a moment. "Now is the time for fighting. We can¡¯t take care of the people who stay behind." Junhyuk did not tell Arn that theygged behind intentionally. He looked back and nodded. "I understand." "Let¡¯s go." Arn moved again. They soon reached the riverside. "Cross." Arn crossed first, then the minions followed him. From far away, the antas showed up. Junhyuk pulled out both of his swords and was looking at the minions crossing when Vera extended her hand. "Go first." Vera made a huge firewall that blocked the antas from getting any closer. It was getting hot enough for the surface of the water to sizzle and boil. Junhyuk was once again reminded that everything was easier when he was apanied by a couple of heroes. He sheathed both swords and followed Arn. They crossed the stepping stones safely, and Junhyuk saw Sarang was tense, so he caressed her helmet gently. "Whew! I didn¡¯t know it would be so easy to get across." "That was due to Vera." "Right." Vera crossed the stepping stonesst and said: "We don¡¯t have time. Let¡¯s hurry." "OK." They all followed Arn and hid in the field of reeds, where they¡¯d been before. They took the very stressed minions with them and hid. They were all holding their breaths, and Arn went over to Junhyuk. "You¡¯ve trained hard." "Yes." "Did you collect a lot of money?" Junhyuk smiles bitterly. "I have 8,834G." "Then, if this surprise attack works out, you will have 10,000G." "If I stay alive." It was possible that he wouldn¡¯t survive. He had be the main target, but Arn did no really care. "You will survive." "I hope so." "If you survive, you should buy weapons from Bebe." "Weapons?" He thought weapons would be very expensive, but Arn continued calmly: "They only give you basic weapons, but the things Bebe sells are different." Vera stepped forward and exined further: "With 10,000G, you will be able to afford the weapons you want." "Are weapons really expensive?" "Bebe has some stuff that¡¯s cheap." "Why would I want a weapon?" Arnughed a little and answered: "The weapons they give you have no other power other than increasing your attack. If you want something good, you must upgrade it at least five times." Junhyuk looked at Arn¡¯s sabers. "Are they like your sabers?" "No. I brought them here myself. It¡¯sparable to the most highly upgraded weapons they sell here. So, I only increased their durability." "So, after upgrading, I could get something like your sabers?" "Something like them, but before the increased durability." Heroes used very special weapons. Junhyuk realized he could get something like that, and Arn continued: "If you pay more, you have more options. Also, depending on the upgrade, you could get a magic sword." "There are magic weapons?!" Junhyuk was really surprised, and Arn thought it was ridiculous. "Of course! However, when people get those kinds of weapons, they tend to get careless." That was something heroes like Arn would say. If it made you safer, wouldn¡¯t it be nice to own a magic sword? Junhyuk was worrying when Vera spoke: "There is nothing wrong with magic, but it¡¯s effectiveness is not that great, especially when dealing with heroes." "Wouldn¡¯t it be better to own one?" "Right, but when you add magic upgrades, the cost goes up." Junhyuk had cold sweats. "How much?" "Twice the price of an ordinary upgrade." Junhyuk sighed, and Arn looked at him and said: "More importantly, think about which weapon you want." "All right." At that moment, he was the mostfortable with a bastard sword, but he had only practiced with it by himself and wasn¡¯t sure of what he really wanted. He was worrying when Arn whispered: "They areing." Junhyuk was tense and saw them over the reeds: Ellic and Warren, along with twenty minions, were moving toward them. Junhyuk¡¯s expression stiffened when he saw Ellic. "It¡¯s Ellic!" Ellic was really wild. When he was focused on something, he didn¡¯t see anything else. If he wanted to kill Junhyuk, he would not care about his own death. In any case, Ellic could reincarnate. Junhyuk had heard he could also reincarnate, but he wasn¡¯t sure. Anyhow, it was best to not get killed. He was filled with dread. "Then, we should kill Ellic first," Arns said and looked at Vera. "Sorry, but you will have to get their attention." "Are you going to use it?" "To kill them with certainty, I have no other choice, but you have to bring them over." "Don¡¯t worry." Vera spoke and looked at the minions. "Advance!" Vera shouted, stepped forward and shot off her magic. Ellic saw the fire spear heading toward him andughed. "Right! Just likest time! I knew you would be hiding in the reed field!" Ellic blocked the fire spear with his hammer, but was still pushed backward. However, that¡¯s when Warren stepped forward. Warren shortened the distance at once, and Vera lifted her hands. Soon, a firewall zed. Vera made three fire orbs and hung them in the air. Warren jumped over the firewall. Boom, boom, boom! Vera had guessed Warren would be jumping, and Warren was hit by the exploding fire orbs. "Aargh!" Warren screamed and retreated, and Ellic rushed through the firewall, but Vera had already escaped. Ellic continued rushing, and Vera threw another fire spear. "That won¡¯t work!" Ellic blocked the fire spear with his hammer and shortened the distance between them. Vera threw fire orbs at him and hid in the reed field. "You are too slow!" Vera couldn¡¯t hide herself, and Ellic rushed in again. Bang! Vera bounced back, and Ellicughed and rushed toward her. Suddenly, he saw Arn getting ready for him. "Shit!" He tried to escape, but Arn pulled out his sabers and shed at him. Ellic knew he couldn¡¯t escape and hammered the ground. Bang! The hit created a huge shockwave, but Arn¡¯s sabers reached him first. Ellic¡¯s chest was open, and blood started pouring out of it like a fountain. Ellic staggered, and Vera¡¯s fire spear hit him on his open chest. "Aaargh!" Ellic staggered some more, and Warren ran toward them. Warren did not hesitate. However, Arn ignored Warren and threw a saber. Tck! The saber was stuck to Ellic¡¯s forehead, and Warren ran toward Vera. She was a magician, and her defensive power was lower than the others. He knew about that. Arn still had a saber and aimed it at Warren¡¯s ribs. "Hoowwl!" Warren howled, and Arn stopped. Vera made a firewall, but Warren easily shed through it and aimed his ws at her. Then, an ivory-colored force field appeared. ng! Vera moved back because of the shock and was safe. Warren looked over to her. "Novice!" Warren jumped up and stepped on the force field. Junhyuk had seen Vera in danger and had used his force field on her. At that moment, looking at Warren jumping, he began to run. He was running toward Arn, but he had to dodge Warren first. Junhyuk collected his thoughts and faced Warren. One mistake would mean his death. Warren saw Junhyuk running and prepared his ws. "You are an expert now!" Warren realized Junhyuk had on different equipment and stomped the ground. Being an expert didn¡¯t help, and Warren¡¯s ws aimed at Junhyuk. He was holding both swords. Maybe he could block it, but Warren¡¯s attack power was very high. So, that was not a good idea. Junhyuk concentrated on the ws. They looked like they would slice through his swords. When the ws were about to hit him, he moved using spatial relocation. Warren¡¯s ws shed through empty air, and Junhyuk appeared behind him. He had trained, so he was used to the changes in scenery. After he used spatial relocation, he ran like crazy. He covered twenty feet at once with spatial relocation and ran to Vera. She gave him more time to run by making a firewall behind him. Junhyuk saw the force field around her, and ran toward it to save time. Junhyuk gambled, and it was sessful. It was his force field, and he had no problem getting inside it. Clunk! He was surprised by the shock created by Warren, who was already hitting the force field. "How long do I have?" Warren shed at the force field with his ws. Soon, the force field would disappear, and Junhyuk knew that. He hoped that Arn woulde to him soon. Maybe Arn had heard his wish because he suddenly showed up above Warren¡¯s head and swung his saber. sh! Warren howled loudly after being hit by the saber: "HOWL!" Warren¡¯s howl had the power to freeze body movement. Arn froze, and the force field disappeared. Warren pushed Arn away and extended his ws. Junhyuk blocked the ws with his swords. Clunk! The shock was big enough to make both swords sh against his own armor, and Junhyuk dropped to the ground. He rolled on the ground, and Vera ced her hand on Warren¡¯s chest. "So close!" Boom! Warren¡¯s chest exploded, and he was bounced back. Arn moved again and swung his saber at Warren. Even though his chest had suffered an explosion, he blocked Arn¡¯s saber with his ws and still looked at Junhyuk. Junhyuk was bearing the pain and trying to get up, and Warren¡¯s eyes suddenly became all red. Soon, Warren¡¯s wounds were healed. It was phenomenal to watch Warren healing, but it meant death for Junhyuk. He blocked Arn with his arm, stomped the ground and jumped. Vera quickly threw a fire spear, but Warren dodged it and jumped over her. Warren was running toward Junhyuk. No one was between them. Junhyuk clenched his jaw and gripped his swords tightly. He focused his thoughts on facing Warren, who was running toward him. There was nowhere else to run. Chapter 40: Strange People 3 Chapter 40: Strange People 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Warren went up to Junhyuk at once and swung his ws at him. Junhyuk thought about what he could do in that situation: Attack or sh Warren? Impossible. Run away? Impossible. In the end, all he could do was buy more time. If he did not die, Arn and Vera were just behind Warren, and they could save him. Junhyuk saw Warren¡¯s wsing toward him and also knew that if he blocked them head-on, he would just be blown back. His swords were within range of Warren¡¯s attack, but he also knew it was still dangerous. Junhyuk decided to hit Warren¡¯s ws. He did not know if it was possible. Junhyuk¡¯s sword sliced through the air aiming at Warren¡¯s wrist. He was highly focused and was catching up to Warren¡¯s speed. Warren ignored Junhyuk¡¯s attack on his wrist and swung his ws. Shink! Even though it was very small, he had scratched Warren. Since bing an expert, his attack power increased, and he was able to inflict a wound on the werewolf. Warren ignored his wound and extended his paws. Junhyuk¡¯s arm was pushed back, but it was a small push. Still, Warren¡¯s ws grazed Junhyuk¡¯s face. Everything happened very slowly for Junhyuk. He tilted his head and bent backwards. He was getting closer to Warren, but it was the only thing he could do now to survive. His cheek was cut, but Junhyuk had prevented his head from being perforated. However, he was still in danger. Warren knew his right paw attack had failed and was about to wing his left paw. This time, there was no other ce to go. Junhyuk saw Warren attacking his ribs, and he ced his right arm above his ribs and held fast to his sword. Above his sword, he could see Warren¡¯s ws approaching. ng! Junhyuk felt the shock and felt his body get off the ground. He had at least a few broken ribs. While he was still in the air, Warren swung his right ws. There was no way out. Quickly, he lifted his sword above his head. The only thing he could do was try to block the attack. ng! To think his sword¡¯s durability could withstand it was wrong. His sword broke into pieces, and, if he hadn¡¯t tilted his head, it would¡¯ve been crushed. Instead of his head, his shoulder was shattered into pieces. His shoulder was broken, and his arm was torn off. Warren seized the opportunity and opened his mouth wide. He meant to devour him. Then, suddenly, a fire spear hit Warren¡¯s back, but Warren was using his healing power. Even though the fire spear was burning his back, Warren ignored it and bit Junhyuk. Chomp! Warren¡¯s became devoid of expression not because he bit Junhyuk¡¯s head, but because he was biting Arn¡¯s saber. Arn had shown up and swung his saber at Warren¡¯s mouth. Warren, who had bitten Arn¡¯s saber, tilted his head. Even though he was using healing mode, he had his head sliced through. Healing was impossible now. Warren moved slightly, and Junhyuk rolled on the ground. From Warren¡¯s point of view, he had to use that opportunity to kill Junhyuk. Warren ignored the other attacks on him and tried to kill Junhyuk. If he wanted for Arn to let go of him, Warren had to howl, but he had a saber in his mouth, making that impossible. Then, another fire spear hit his back. Warren still had the saber in his mouth when he aimed for Arn¡¯s ribs and swung his ws. The fire spears on his back did not extinguish easily. The damage continued to pile on, and Warren¡¯s healing power had its limit. Warren had to kill Junhyuk, and Arn had to let go of him first. Arn was still holding on to his saber and used his elbow to block Warren¡¯s attack. He knew this fight was to keep Junhyuk alive. Warren¡¯s w bloodied Arn¡¯s elbow, but Arn pushed his saber in harder. Warren was biting the saber hard, but Arn was stronger. Bit by bit, Warren¡¯s mouth was torn open, and Warren couldn¡¯t just keep on chasing Junhyuk. He lifts his leg and kicked Arn on the stomach. However, Arn used his arm to deflect Warren¡¯s paw, and Warren was left wide open, so Arn attacked him. Warren¡¯s mouth was torn some more, and another fire spear hit Warren on the thigh. Warren couldn¡¯t howl with his mouth like that. His thigh was on fire, and he could no longer endure Arn¡¯s attack. Arn tripped and staggered Warren, putting him on the ground. He swung his saber, and Warren grabbed one of Arn¡¯s arms and, using his other paw, aimed his ws at Arn¡¯s chest. It was such a short distance that it wasn¡¯t possible for Arn topletely dodge that attack. ng! Even so, Warren¡¯s ws stopped short of Arn¡¯s chest. The de of Arn¡¯s saber had stopped Warren¡¯s ws. Arn held on to his saber, and smiled, showing his teeth. "It¡¯s too bad." He knew how to handle his sabers in closebat. Arn swung his saber in a wide circle, and Warren¡¯s arm started to bleed. "Time for you to just die." Arn saw Warren¡¯s bloodied wrist and twisted his other saber, which was still stuck to Warren¡¯t mouth. Warren¡¯s mouth was being torn apart, and Warren got mad, stomping his paws against the ground. Arn kneed Warren¡¯s chest and pushed harder against Warren¡¯s mouth with his arms. Arn¡¯s muscles became bigger, and Warren¡¯s mouth split faster. Tck! In the end, Arn tore Warren¡¯s mouth and, in the process, split his head in half. Warren¡¯s eyes looked at Arn, and Arn smiled and pushed his saber against the middle of Warren¡¯s forehead. "I can¡¯t give him to you. Understand?" Warren disappeared slowly, and Arn turned to look at Junhyuk. His shoulder was bleeding heavily, and he was standing on the spot where Ellic had died. If Arn hadn¡¯t thrown his saber on time, he too would¡¯ve been in danger. "Why are you just standing there?" Arn collected Junhyuk¡¯s torn arm and said, "Do you have a potion?" "Yes." "That¡¯s good. I will hold it, so drink the potion," Arn said while holding Junhyuk¡¯s torn arm against his shoulder. Junhyuk drank the potion. The potion¡¯s healing power attached his torn arm back to his shoulder, but Junhyuk looked crushed. The potion¡¯s taste was hell. He felt less pain when his arm had been torn off than when he drank the potion. Junhyuk slowly moved his arm. It was still painful, but he was able to do it. "This is really something else." "It¡¯s because you are at a low level," Vera said, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly. Arn tapped on Junhyuk¡¯s helmet and said: "You did well." "I thought I was going to die." "The important thing is that you are still alive." Arn picked up the dropped equipment from the ground. Ellic dropped a ck glove, and Warren dropped an earring. Arn smiled. "These are valuable things," he said and looked at Junhyuk. "Do you have any potions left?" "No, I don¡¯t." "It looks like they are only trying to kill you. You should have more potions." "Then, are we going to the dimensional merchants?" "Yes. We should go to Bebe." "Both of them are dead. Isn¡¯t this a good opportunity to push?" Vera said. "That¡¯s right, but this battle depends on whether we can protect him or not." Vera looked at Junhyuk coldly. It was true Junhyuk¡¯s presence posed a problem for the enemy. He was just an expert, but his powers were of very high level. "We should go, but we can¡¯t stay for long. When we have the opportunity, we should use it." Arn said. "I understand." Junhyuk replied. "So, think about which weapon you want to get on the way." Junhyuk nodded, and Arn looked around. "I forgot about them." The minions were still fighting. He had been dealing with the heroes who attacked Junhyuk, and forgot about the minions. Junhyuk held on to what remained of his sword and ran toward them, and, while running, he picked up another sword dropped by an allied minion. He wanted to use two swords since that¡¯s what he was given. Junhyuk was an expert. When he was a novice, he was already superior to minions. sh! He blocked with his left sword and stabbed the enemy¡¯s neck with his right. He continued his attack, and the minion was split in half. Previously, it had been difficult for him to slice a minion in two, but now it was easy. Junhyuk saw two simultaneous attacks against him and lifted his sword. When the enemy axe touched his sword, he thought about a video he had watched on inte. It involved a two-handed sword, but it was possible with his current sword. ng, ng, ng! He couldn¡¯t draw one axe to the direction he wanted, but it was close enough. Junhyuk drew in both axes and shed the minions¡¯ necks. Then, he heard Arn shouting: "Don¡¯t waste time with minions!" Junhyuk turned, and Vera and Arn took care of the rest. The allied minions did not suffer much. There had been twenty-five minions at the start. Now, there were twenty. There were a lot more surviving minions than usual. The fights among the heroes were short, and Junhyuk, Arn and Vera took care of the rest. Junhyuk lowered both swords and lifted his head. He wasn¡¯t very dexterous, so it wasn¡¯t easy for him to use both swords. It was easier for him to use the right one. Then again, he had practiced what Arn had taught him, and was still able to use both. The difference between his arms was small. He would rather be holding a shield and a sword, but, as he was, he could mount an immediate attack in any situation. Dual-wielding was less destructive than using a two-handed sword, but he could attack continuously. Arn¡¯s sabers were an example. He liked having two sabers more than he liked Halo¡¯s sword. "Let¡¯s go." The group began moving, and Sarang joined Junhyuk. He drank the potion, reattaching his arm to his body, but his armor was still bloodied. "Big brother!" Sarang looked at Junhyuk, worried. "I¡¯m OK." "But..." It had been a serious wound. When Junhyuk shed with Warren, it had been difficult to tell what was happening when Junhyuk broke his shoulder. She had been really worried when she saw Junhyuk¡¯s arm fall off. If Arn hadn¡¯t helped, Junhyuk would¡¯ve died. It was astounding to see the arm reattached, but Junhyuk still did not look good. He spun his arms in circles and said: "You saw me fighting minions." He tapped his own shoulder. The shoulder had broken and turned bloody, but he was OK now. He still felt strange, but, overall, he was feeling fine. Sarang looked at him calmly, extended her hand and touched his shoulder. Even though it had blood on it, his shoulder looked OK. "Big brother, don¡¯t die." Junhyuk pushed hard against Sarang¡¯s helmet. "Didn¡¯t I tell you? We will return together." After Junhyuk spoke, Sarang¡¯s fear disappeared as if it had been a lie. She had felt like a strong person like Junhyuk could die, which had made her freeze, and she hadn¡¯t even been able to use her energy bolt. Junhyuk¡¯s speech seeped into her heart, and she was no longer scared. "Right. So, if you die, I won¡¯t stand for it." Junhyuk knew she was worried about him and smiled. It was good to know someone was worried about him. "Don¡¯t worry. I definitely won¡¯t die." Chapter 41: New Weapon 1 Chapter 41: New Weapon 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They moved covertly. At the front, there was a man taking the lead, and his name was Chris. For that assignment, they had done over twenty simtions, but the preparation time had been short. He had been the first person assigned to this project, but he had only been at the project for a hundred days. It was a relief for him to know that the group wasposed of veteran soldiers. The cost of their physical training had been astronomical. Chris checked out the forest and lifted his fist. The group got into position easily and stopped. Chris showed two fingers and pointed to his left. Two members of the group moved and went left. Chris held his breath and started walking. Behind him, two other members followed. Ahead of him, there was a two-tailed lion sleeping soundly. It was the size of an ordinary lion. Chris was stone-faced. Around the lion, there were small knolls made of blue and red jewels. Their assignment was to retrieve some jewels from that ce, but they never heard of the existence of the lion. Chris looked back, and the others nodded. They needed to retrieve the jewels. It was the first time they saw that lion, but they were told about the monsters they would be encountering. The monsters were stronger than ordinary beasts, but, in preparation, they had fought against drugged up beasts. Each one of them was prepared to fight a beast and beat it, and now there were five of them in one ce. A lion would be no match for them. Chris¡¯ eyes moved. The two to his left grabbed hold of their swords and slowly approached the lion. The remaining three would draw the lion¡¯s attention while the other two would finish the lion off. That¡¯s the best way. Chris ran to the front, and the other two followed him closely. Chris and two others stopped, and the lion opened its eyes when they crossed into its territory. It had two pupils in each eyeball. All four pupils were directed toward Chris, and Chris realized something was seriously wrong. Its murdering aura was different from that of ordinary drugged up beasts. He lifted his shield quickly. All three of them lifted their shields as they¡¯d been trained, and the lion pounced. Craack! It was strong enough to crush the shields. They had stopped the attack with their shield, but they were pushed back. They had learned about the shields and how to use them before arriving at the Dimensional Battlefield. They¡¯d been trained to block 50 percent of the attack with their shields, but the lion¡¯s attack was much stronger than they¡¯d expected. Then, two of them went around the lion and stabbed it with their swords. It was as if the lion also had eyes on the back of its skull. It grabbed the two by their wrists with its tails and mmed them on the ground. Bang! Their heads were crushed into pieces. Chris had to make a decision. First, they had to stay alive. "Disperse!" At the same time they all dispersed, the lion chased one that was farthest away from Chris, and bit the man¡¯s neck. Meanwhile, Chris went over to the spot where the lion had been sleeping, picked up some blue and red jewels, put them inside his shirt and looked back. The lion was running toward another member. This battlefield had a low survival rate. Even if he saved his team member, he couldn¡¯t deal with the lion. Chris decided to get all the jewels he could and hide. He thought that would be the best option. Chris began to run. Behind him, he could hear his team members screaming. He ignored them. "They are not my realrades." He was a hired mercenary. It would have beenughable if he had cared about camaraderie. Chris just ran away. The lion grabbed a cadaver with its teeth and looked around. Chris was no longer in its territory. The lion sat and took its time eating the bodies. --- They went to the dimensional merchants and saw Bebe dozing off. Bebe saw them and weed them. "You came?" Arn went over to him and said quickly: "First, two bottles of potion." "Potions? They won¡¯t work on you." "I am not going to use it on myself." Bebe pushed the te toward Junhyuk. "Since you are an expert, you get a 5 percent discount. It¡¯s 950G. Pay it up." Junhyuk did not say a word and put his hand on the te. It showed 11,834G. That decreased by 950G, and 10,884G remained. Junhyuk was d since he could buy a new weapon with that amount. He looked at Bebe. "I want to buy a weapon." "Hm... Since you have over 10,000G, you can afford basic weapons." "Yes." Bebe hummed, opened his book and said: "Some of these weapon types may exist in your world and others may not. Take a look." "It will still be a basic weapon," Arn said. "They are basic weapons, but do you think humans could have made these weapons?" Arn did not answer. Junhyuk looked at the weapons. Among them, he found something he had not fathomed as a weapon: a teddy bear. "What¡¯s with this teddy bear?" "It¡¯s used for summoning magic. It¡¯s basic and requires upgrades to really use it well." Junhyuk shook his head and talked about the weapon he was looking for: "I want to buy dual swords." Bebe looked at him and gave a big smile: "It¡¯s not a bad thought, but dual swords don¡¯t exist. You have to buy two basic swords separately." Junhyuk worried about the price. "How much does that cost?" "Each sword is 10,000G." He could only buy one sword, and his expression turned sullen. Junhyuk asked carefully: "I heard it was possible to upgrade it as a magic sword. If I did that, would I have to upgrade both swords?" "Of course!" "That will cost twice as much!" Bebe crossed his arms and said: "That would be bad, huh?!" Junhyuk had renewed hope, and Bebe smiled and continued: "I have a conscience. I will give you a 30 percent discount, but I have to charge you full price for one of the swords." Junhyuk sighed. That would still cost 170 percent of the original price. It was a lot more than what he was expecting. Bebe smiled: "But the 30 percent discount only applies toward upgrades. You have to pay the full price for the sword itself." Junhyuk went back to the book. There were all kinds of weapons, and he picked out a longsword. "I will take this." "The price is 10,000G. With your discount, it will be 9,500G." Junhyuk¡¯s stomach did not feel so well, but he still put his hand on the te. The number decreased to 1,384G. Bebe gave him the longsword. He had lost one of his swords during the battle. With that longsword, he had his dual swords. Junhyuk checked out the long sword. --- [Bebe¡¯s Basic Longsword] Attack level multiplied by ten. Dimensional Merchant Bebe¡¯s Basic Sword: Basic level weapon. It increases its owner¡¯s attack power by ten times. It can be upgraded for more power. --- Junhyuk swung the longsword lightly. He could handle it very easily, and it was hard to believe it was a longsword. Junhyuk lowered his sword slowly. "Could you tell me more about upgrades?" "It¡¯s cheap to upgrade it for the first time. It¡¯s only 1,000G. After that, 2,000G, 4,000G, 6,000G, 8,000G, 10,000G, and 20,000G upgrades are possible. After the 7th upgrade, no more upgrades are possible." It cost over 51,000G to fully upgrade one of his swords. Junhyuk was curious and asked: "How do I make a magic sword?" Bebe touched his chin and answered: "That costs a lot more. Precisely, it costs twice more. You have to choose your property or attribute and start with the first upgrade." "Then, if I pick an attribute, it¡¯s possible to use some magic?" "Of course, but it¡¯s effectiveness will be small. You will need at least five upgrades for it to be effective against a hero." Junhyuk nodded heavily. It was pricey, but he thought having a magic sword would help him. "So, I need 2000G." "That¡¯s right, but there¡¯s one more thing. Upgrades don¡¯t get VIP discounts." He had to pay the full price. His face turned rigid, and Bebe crossed his arms and said: "So, that¡¯s how it is." Junhyuk sighed and asked: "Can I ask you one more question?" "What is it?" "I can¡¯t carry this weapon where Ie from. Is there a way to hide it?" He had taken a potion to his world, and that meant he had to take his sword back, but he couldn¡¯t carry it in public. Bebe shook his head. "Did you say you came from Earth?" "Yes." "If you can¡¯t carry a weapon like this, it must be a nasty ce." Bebe opened his hands and said. "There are two ways." Bebe closed the book and opened it again. The two ways were disyed in the book. "You have to buy a space pouch, but that is very expensive. It has a height, width, and length of ten feet and it costs 10,000G." Junhyuk shook his head hard. Bebe knew how he would react. "You can¡¯t afford it now. Then, there is another way. You could engrave the sword to you and summon it." "Summon it?" Bebe showed his palm. There was a strange tattoo on top of it. "Just like this." Bebe closed his palm and opened it again, and a huge hammer appeared on top of it. "You don¡¯t have to call for it when you summon?" "That depends on your will. So, if your will is strong, you don¡¯t have to make a sound, and you don¡¯t have the time to chant during a battle." Junhyuk agreed. During a battle, there was no time to utter a few words. He could get killed trying to speak. "This is not so expensive." "How much?" "Engraving costs 1,000G. There is no discount." It was cheaper than he expected, and he thought for a moment. "Then, I want to engrave it." Bebe did not speak and instead pushed the te forward. Junhyuk put his hand on it. He had 384G left. He used to have a lot of money, and it was all gone. "Where do you want it?" Junhyuk showed him his right wrist, and Bebe pulled out a box. "Then, give me your sword." Bebe pulled out a small bottle from the box while Junhyuk handed him the sword. Bebe poured the bottle¡¯s contents on the longsword, and that engraved the sword. He engraved Junhyuk¡¯s wrist with the same mark and looked at him. "It will be easier to summon and return your sword if you name it. Now, think about hiding it." Junhyuk closed his eyes and thought about making the sword disappear. He felt the mark itch, and his sword vanished. He looked around, and Bebe smiled. "Think about summoning it. If it¡¯s difficult, say the word." "Summon!" Junhyuk said. His longsword appeared on his hand, and he swung it lightly. He looked satisfied. He could easily handle his new longsword and he could hide it any time he wanted. Arn spoke up: "We don¡¯t have the time for this. Let¡¯s go." They went there to get potions and equipment, so Junhyuk asked Bebe: "How much does extra armor cost?" "Basic armor?" Bebe smiled slyly and showed two fingers. "Armor starts at 20,000G." He was surprised that armor cost more than a sword, but Bebe thought nothing much of it and exined: "You assemble suits of armor. You must buy each piece to be able to use the entire armor, and I sell the full suit." It would take a long time to buy extra armor. Junhyuk stopped again and asked Bebe: "Is it possible to reincarnate once when you be an expert?" That was the most important question. "Right. You get one reincarnation." As Bebe answered, he felt relieved. Arn called out to him again. "We should move." "Yes, I¡¯m going." Chapter 42: New Weapon 2 Chapter 42: New Weapon 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They walked out of the dimensional merchants, went through the forest and arrived at the enemy watchtower. They were situated on a road behind the watchtower. Just like the castle walls, the watchtowers had archers on standby. Archers did not have a high attack power, but, when heroes were fighting nearby, there was usually magic involved to help allied minions and archers inflict heavy damage. When there were no heroes fighting, they attacked minions who were simply passing by. They didn¡¯t usually guard the rears of watchtowers very well, since whoever wasing from behind had to go through a lot of obstacles. Arn scoped out the back road. "We will pass the watchtower and attack from behind." It wasn¡¯t easy to pass by a watchtower. When the enemies ran back to their watchtowers, it was not easy to catch them. Junhyuk worried, and Arn looked at the minions. "Our targets are the enemy heroes and not the watchtower. Get your shields up to guard against the rain of arrows and just run through. Don¡¯t forget." The minions were bait to draw the archers¡¯ arrows. They nodded, and Arn looked at Junhyuk and said: "We are numerically superior, so don¡¯t use your force field. Save it. The enemy will target you again." "I understand." Junhyuk nodded, and Arn used his hand to signal. Soon, the minions got up, holding their shields. "Move." After Arn spoke, the minions began moving. They were holding their shields and looked strained. Behind them, Sarang and Junhyuk followed. The archers on the watchtower saw the minions and started shooting their arrows. Thuck, thuck, thuck! The arrows got stuck on the shields, and the minions didn¡¯t die and started running. Junhyuk was following their lead when his eyes met with the eyes of one of the archers. Junhyuk was not carrying a shield, and he was tall enough to make a good target. The archer shot, and the arrow left the bow and flew toward him. Junhyuk pulled out his sword. He was holding his sword with his left hand and swung it. Thung! He hit the arrows urately. Even though he was an expert, he was surprised with himself and with what he had just done. Arn walked up from behind and said: "You are very precise." That could be because he had an uracy runestone. Arn ran forward, and Vera walked up next to Junhyuk. "You need uracy if you want to use dual swords, especially someone like you, who needs more training." Junhyuk¡¯s expression became rigid. Maybe he needed more runestones, but he had decided to spend his gold on the summoning magic for his longsword. He looked ahead. They passed the watchtower, and, from far away, they saw Minota. Halo was dealing with Minota, and they were evenly matched, going back and forth. Minota turned around to look, and the minions were drawing the archers¡¯ arrows. Behind the minions, Arn and Vera were approaching. Minota tried to withdraw when he saw Junhyuk. Minota went straight for him. Junhyuk knew Minota wanted to kill him. Halo shed Minota from behind. His side was shed, but Minota didn¡¯t stop. Minota ran wild, and Arn jumped up. Arn aimed his sabers at Minota¡¯s head, but Minota blocked it with his arm. sh! His arm was bleeding, but Minota pushed Arn aside while he was still in the air. Minota had the size advantage, or maybe it had been because Arn was in the air, but Arn was pushed way back. Vera understood why Minota was running wild and quickly made a firewall. "Woo, woo, woo!" He mooed from deep inside his belly and rushed through the firewall. Minota was running fast toward Junhyuk when Vera threw a fire spear. Junhyuk moved aside. If he stood behind the minions, the minions would die needlessly. While Junhyuk moved aside, Minota split in two using doppelganger. One of the Minotas fought Halo and Arn while the other continued to run toward Junhyuk. Minota went through Vera¡¯s magic, and that scared Junhyuk. He consented that he was the bait to draw Minota. Junhyuk put out his right hand. "Summon." A longsword appeared in his hand. He held his other sword with his left hand and looked at Minota. Minota saw Junhyuk wan¡¯t running away, rolled up his upper lip, and stomped the ground. His rush was really fast. He had been far away just a moment ago, but now he was just in front of Junhyuk, who ran toward Minota. To buy more time, he would use spatial relocation. Before he touched Minota¡¯s horns, Junhyuk relocated. At once, he was behind Minota, and he turned his body and saw Minota stopping. His spatial relocation distance had increased to twenty feet, and it only took Minota one or two steps to cover that distance. Minota was trying to step on Junhyuk. If Junhyuk allowed that, he would die, so he stepped aside. Thump! The shock had been big enough to make Junhyuk leave the ground. He heard Arn shout: "Be careful!" Junhyuk looked toward Arn and saw Minota¡¯s other half was running toward him. Arn shouted as soon as Minota began to run, but Minota¡¯s horn was already in front of him. The ivory color exploded forward, and Minota¡¯s horn hit Junhyuk. Bang, bang! Like a ser ball, Junhyuk bounced off a long distance. He bounced toward the watchtower and mmed against it, which stopped him. Then, he saw both Minotas running toward him. The force fieldsted ten seconds. To kill Minota within that timeframe, he had to stay close to the allied heroes. He didn¡¯t retreat. Instead, Junhyuk ran toward the Minotas. The Minotas lowered their heads and rushed, both rushing toward him. He couldn¡¯t escape both Minotas without his spatial relocation ability, so he was hit again and bounced toward the watchtower again. Junhyuk felt the arrows dropping on his force field. Minota was trying to corner him against the watchtower and save time. Minota was moving toward the watchtower when Arn went for him. Arn stepped in front of Minota and swung his saber. He shed Minota¡¯s shoulder, but Minota ignored the pain and hugged Arn¡¯s waist. Arn scoffed, and swung his saber against Minota¡¯s head. Minota tried to block the attack with his horn. Thuck! Minota¡¯s horn was really strong and was not broken by the saber¡¯s attack. Minota was still hugging Arn when the archers started shooting their arrows. When archers attacked heroes, their arrows received a magical buff. Arn couldn¡¯t deal with Minota while they were shooting arrows at his back. He pulled out his other saber and stabbed Minota¡¯s arm, but Minota kept running. Arn knew he couldn¡¯t dodge the arrows going for his back, and tried to slice Minota¡¯s arm off. Minota was still hugging Arn when he rushed toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to go bouncing again, so his back faced the watchtower. Bang, bang! Minota¡¯s horn hit the force field, but Junhyuk was not pushed back. His back was on the watchtower, and he pushed Minota back instead. Junhyuk had to seize that opportunity. Soon, the other Minota would be rushing toward him. He had to take care of one of the Minotas at that moment. Junhyuk ran toward Minota, and Minota lifted his paws up high. There was a little time left on the force field, and Junhyuk sped up. Boom! He barely escaped Minota¡¯s paws. Then, Junhyuk turned around and swung his longsword. sh! When he had been a novice, he hadn¡¯t been able to scratch Minota. With his two-handed sword, he had only been able to scratch him, but now, he shed Minota. It wasn¡¯t a deep cut, and Minota gave off heavy resistance. It took him more energy than when he sliced a minion in half, but the important thing was that he could hurt Minota. Junhyuk managed to sh Minota¡¯s Achilles¡¯ tendon, and Minota staggered. Arn had five arrows on his back and still swung his saber at Minota. "Argh!" Minota tried to strike Arn with his horn, but Arn made circles with his sabers and finally gouged out Minota¡¯s eyes. Minota screamed, and Junhyuk looked back. The remaining Minota was running toward him. That Minota had been deeply wounded by Halo¡¯s and Vera¡¯s attacks, but was already in front of Junhyuk. Junhyuk stepped forward. He had two seconds left on his force field. He had to block the attack within that time. Junhyuk went toward him, and Minota scoffed and rushed. Bang! He blocked the attack just before the force field disappeared. The watchtower stopped Junhyuk¡¯s bounces again, and he watched the force field disappear. Vera shouted at him: "Move!" One Minota had lost his eyes and got his neck cut off. The other Minota also had serious injuries, and there was some distance between Junhyuk and him. What does she mean by move? He thought about it, but moved anyway. Thuck! An arrow prated his shin through his armor. The archers on the watchtower were all aiming at him. The problem was their bodies were shining. That was because they were being helped by the watchtower¡¯s magic. It was different from an ordinary attack. Their magic arrows even worked against heroes, and their arrows prated an expert¡¯s armor as if it were a piece of paper. "Ha-ha-ha! You will die in this ce!" The grievously wounded Minota cursed Junhyuk, and Junhyuk rolled on the ground. Even heroes had a difficult time blocking arrows. He was only an expert. The arrows hit the spot where Junhyuk had been as he rolled. Thuck! He couldn¡¯t dodge all of the arrows, and one of them hit his shoulder. He couldn¡¯t even roll on the ground anymore because of the arrows on his shin and shoulder. Then, Halo¡¯s sword stabbed through Minota¡¯s neck, and Minota fell down. Minota screamed and howled and looked at Junhyuk with a smile. He still wanted to kill Junhyuk, right up to the moment of his own death. Junhyuk got angry. He could not die like that. With the arrows stuck to his body, he rolled again, causing severe pain. Then, an arrow hit him on the ribs. Minota smiled hard, and Junhyuk shouted: "I¡¯m not going to die, you filthy ox!" Minota was disappearing, and Junhyuk moved by spatial relocation to stand in front of him. Junhyuk pushed his longsword into the middle Minota¡¯s forehead as Minota was disappearing. Minota was dying and probably did not feel pain. However, he still had the crazy, murdering spirit in his eyes. Junhyuk was now well outside the range of the watchtower archers, and he shouted at Minota: "Lower your eyes, you filthy ox!" Chapter 43: New Weapon 3 Chapter 43: New Weapon 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The heroes were attempting to kill the archers and destroy the watchtower while the minions acted as targets for the arrows. It would¡¯ve been nice to have Diane, but she wasn¡¯t present, so Veraunched fire spears instead. Halo was attacking the watchtower with his minions when a protective force field showed up around it. When they broke the force field, the watchtower would be destroyed. It was a good idea to kill the archers first if there was a way, but, if there was no other way, they had to destroy protective force field. The watchtower would crumble, and the archers would be crushed. Junhyuk turned and looked at Arn. He was pulling out the arrows from his back. It looked painful, but he was devoid of expression. Arn pulled out all of the arrows, and took out a potion and drank it. Potions did not fully work on heroes and, when they did, they only helped with small wounds, but, this time, it worked well enough to stop the bleeding and to heal him. Arn walked to Junhyuk and looked over his wounds. His shoulder, ribs and shin were prated by arrows. Arn sat in front of him and said: "I will pull them out." "Yes, please." He didn¡¯t dare pull the arrows out himself. Arn did not hesitate and pulled one out. Junhyuk clenched his teeth down hard and tried not to scream. It started to bleed, but Arn¡¯s expression didn¡¯t change, and he pulled out the two remaining arrows. When he pulled out the arrow that had gone through Junhyuk¡¯s ribs, Junhyuk started bleeding profusely. Arn put his hand on the wound and said: "Drink a potion." Junhyuk pulled out a potion and hesitated. He was dying, yet it tasted awful. He had a new respect for Arn who drank it without changing his expression. Junhyuk drank the potion, and many expressions shed across his face. It tasted like poison, but its effectiveness was certain. Arn lifted his hand from the wound, and it no longer bled. Junhyuk moved and got up slowly. Arn looked at the watchtower and said: "Why did you provoke Minota?" Junhyuk thought it over and sighed. "He made me angry." Minota cursed him and said that even if he was killed, he would kill Junhyuk. Junhyuk didn¡¯t regret what he said to Minota. Arn grabbed him by the shoulder and said: "In this battle, concentrate on surviving." "OK." He could use his force field on a hero at a decisive moment, but, in this battle, every enemy hero would try to kill him. If he wanted to survive, he had to save the force field for himself. He would use spatial relocation and the force field on himself and survive. The watchtower crumbled, and Arn looked at Halo. "Do you want to move with me?" Halo nodded. They¡¯d destroyed the watchtower, so they had some time. They would kill the enemy heroes in the meantime. Halo joined them, and Junhyuk knew having Halo increased his survival rate. His side moved along with four heroes. They could win. The group gathered the minions. The minions had arrows stuck to their shields, and there were thirty-four minions left. "We move." Arn spoke, and everyone walked. The minions following them saw Junhyuk and whispered among themselves. They were confused by Junhyuk and mistook him for a hero, but Junhyuk had no intention to exin it to them. He just walked next to Sarang. Sarang was worried about Junhyuk because he had almost been killed by arrows, but reminded herself of his promise that they would return together. He drank the potion, and his wounds healed. It looked as though he would keep his promise. It looked like the enemy heroes were targeting Junhyuk. She wanted to help him out, so she wanted to be a novice. She practiced what Vera had taught her diligently. While she walked next to Junhyuk, she made an energy orb on her hand, dispersed it and repeated the process. They had walked for a while and reached the end of the forest. Arn¡¯s face turned rigid. "They were attacked?!" The situation looked bad from where they were standing. Ellic and Warren were attacking the watchtower with another hero, wearing a mask and a ck cloak, whom they had never seen before. Junhyuk asked: "Who is that person?" "Grangsha is no longer qualified to be here, and that¡¯s the recement." "A new hero..." "I don¡¯t know what kind of power that person has." Arn looked at Halo. "We should attack before we lose our watchtower." Halo nodded, and Arn looked at Vera. "We will draw their attention. Send in a very big one." "OK. Take the minions with you." Arn nodded and looked at Junhyuk. "We are not sure what they have, so stay here and protect Vera." "Is that OK with you?" Arnughed a little. "I¡¯m OK. After Vera uses her magic, they will concentrate their attacks here, so you should protect her." Junhyuk had the force field to protect Vera. It was a relief to know he could get inside the force field with her. He nodded, and Arn signaled to advance. "I will get going." The protective force field around the watchtower wouldn¡¯tst long. They had to hurry. Arn ran, and Ellic and Warren looked at him. They saw Arn with some minions, and Ellic told Warren: "I will take care of him. You go to the watchtower." However, Warren shook his head. "There is one more." Behind Arn, Halo also ran toward them. Arn got close enough to Ellic and jumped in the air. Ellic held fast to his hammer. "Skia, you take the watchtower." The hero wrapped in ck clothing nodded and began hitting the force field around the watchtower. ng! Ellic¡¯s hammer parried Arn¡¯s saber. Halo attacked Warren with his sword in a sh of light. Both of them mounted their own attacks. Ellic lifted his hammer high and mmed it. Boom! A chain of concentric, circr shockwavesunched against Arn, but he blocked them with his saber. Ellic was aiming for Arn when the archers on watchtower hit him on his back. It would take longer for the watchtower to be destroyed, and it wasn¡¯t easy to fight Arn while being attacked by archers. Ellic held his hammer close to his body and rushed toward Arn. Ellic meant to fight him outside of the archers¡¯ range. Arn dodged Ellic¡¯s rush and ran toward Skia. Ellic was expecting Arn to fight him, but instead he ran toward Skia. Ellic shouted: "Arn!" There wasn¡¯t much time. Ellic was thinking he would destroy the watchtower and then take out the two heroes, so he followed Arn. Arn did not know what kind of power Skia had, so he attacked with his saber. Skia turned to face Arn. Skia saw Arn first, then Ellic running behind him. If Skia fought Arn, Ellic would take care of the watchtower. Skia parried Arn¡¯s saber with a dagger. ng! Skia frowned and looked at Arn. Arn¡¯s strength was beyond imagination. Arn pushed and greeted Skia. "I¡¯m Arn." "I¡¯m Skia." Skia tried to attack, but Arn used his other saber. Skia was also holding two daggers and blocked both sabers. "Hm." Arn looked very interested and began to attack continuously. Skia parried with the daggers, but was pushed back. Arn looked at Skia andughed. "You don¡¯t counterattack?" The allied heroes being attacked gave the watchtower archers magical power. So, Skia only parried and didn¡¯t counter. Arn felt Ellicing from behind and jumped up. He moved to where Halo and Warren were fighting. "Warren!" Warren looked back, but Arn was already swinging his saber. Warren howled aloud: "Hoowwl!" Warren¡¯s howl froze Halo and Arn. Ellic seized the opportunity and attacked the tower. ng! Ellic looked at Arn and scoffed. "Sorry, but this is our victory!" Ellic dropped his hammer on the watchtower. The force field around the watchtower changed color and disappeared, and the watchtower crumbled. The archers were crushed, and Ellicughed out loud. They had Warren, Ellic and Skia. "Die!" Ellic and Skia ran toward Arn. Arn stood next to Halo and smiled. Ellic realized what was happening when meteors dropped from the sky. "Vera!" They had thought that only two heroes hade to fight for the watchtower, but Vera had been secretly preparing her attack. There was no room for escape. Boom, boom, boom! ck med meteors hit them hard, sounding loud explosions. It was her most destructive power, and they were seriously wounded. The meteors attacked them directly. There was a very low chance they would survive. It was too bad the allies had lost a watchtower, but they could still win. Arn grabbed his saber, and Ellic shouted: "Kill Vera in the forest!" At that, Skia ran toward the forest. Arn tried to intercept Skia, but Skia was too fast for him. Arn lost Skia, but had confidence in Vera and Junhyuk. Both of them could deal with Skia. Meanwhile, he would kill Ellic and Warren. Arn moved toward Warren, and Warren¡¯s eyes turned red. Warren was already healing, and Arn shouted: "Kill Ellic first!" Halo aimed his sword at Ellic, and Ellic scoffed. "You must think I¡¯m a joke." Ellic lifted his hammer. Ellic¡¯s hammer gathered a strong energy around it. --- Skia discarded the ck cloak and ran toward Vera. Sheughed and created a firewall. The ck mes around Skia meant that Skia had been wounded by the meteors. Vera wouldn¡¯t be an easy opponent. Skia jumped above the firewall and moved quickly. Vera threw a fire orb at Skia. Boom! Skia looked about to be hit by the fire orb but vanished. It did not look like the fire orb killed Skia. Vera quickly made a fire spear when Skia rose from Vera¡¯s shadow and swung a dagger. sh! Vera was shed on her back and was bleeding heavily. Vera threw her fire spears, and Skia blocked them with daggers. Boom! Skia stepped back andunched an attack on Vera. She wasn¡¯t prepared. Skia¡¯s dagger aimed for Vera¡¯s neck. Then, an ivory-colored light covered Vera. Clunk! The dagger bounced off. This was not Vera¡¯s power. Skia heard there was a novice with a power like that, so Skia looked for Junhyuk. He moved inside the force field. Skia realizes that Junhyuk was the novice Skia had heard about. "You! We have to kill you for sure!" Skia shouted, and Junhyuk collected his breath. They had to think Junhyuk was a joke if they were all trying to kill him, and that made him angry. "I¡¯m not going to die for you!" Chapter 44: Skia 1 Chapter 44: Skia 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Skia smiled and tapped on the force field with one of the daggers. "I heard itsts ten seconds. When it¡¯s over, you¡¯ll be dead," Skia dered. Vera¡¯s eyes widened, and she made a fire spear: "Ten seconds? You¡¯ll be dead in five!" Vera threw her fire spear, and Skia blocked it with the daggers. Boom! Skia was pushed back by the force of the spear, and, where Skia stood, there rose a firewall. The firewall started underneath Skia¡¯s feet, and soon, Skia was engulfed in mes. Skia ran toward Vera again and understood the power of the force field. Magicians usually had strong attack power and relied on that power when fighting. Magicians who were heroes needed to be eradicated. Such a magician now had a ten-second force field. It had about five seconds left, but she was still dangerous. However, Skia was confident that the five seconds would pass without incident. Skia¡¯s body disappeared gradually. Vera looked left and right, searching for Skia, and said: "You don¡¯t know anything because you just got to our level." Vera made a fire orb behind her back and a fire spear on her head. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t understand what she was doing, but she made certain there was a firewall on her shadow. The force field disappeared, and Skia jumped out of Vera¡¯s shadow. Skia was again engulfed by the mes from the firewall. "Argh!" Boom! That¡¯s when a fire orb exploded, and, when Skia staggered backward, Vera turned and threw the fire spear. Boom! "Argh!" Skia had attacked after being hit by meteors and, now, was hit by a fire orb and a fire spear. Skia no longer resisted and started disappearing. Vera looked at Skia andughed. "All I needed was five seconds!" Skia looked at Vera and turned to look at Junhyuk. If it weren¡¯t for the force field, Skia would have killed Vera the first time Skia attacked. Skia realized that Junhyuk needed to be liquidated first. Skia boasted, but was now dying, and Junhyukughed at Skia. Vera told Junhyuk: "Next time, be more careful." Junhyuk turned, and Vera walked to Arn, saying: "Skia has the power to seep into the opponent¡¯s shadow and attack from behind. Skia delivers fatal blows. If it weren¡¯t for your force field, I would¡¯ve been killed." Junhyuk looked at the spot where Skia had been standing. Skia was an assassin hero. If Skia could kill Vera, Skia could kill him in one blow. Junhyuk thought about how to avoid Skia the next time they met. He had seen Skia hiding in the shadow for five seconds, and that meant Skia could pop up at any moment. Skia was the worst opponent. "I still won¡¯t die," Junhyuk spoke to himself and looked at Vera. Ellic and Warren had both been hit by the meteors, but Warren was alreadypletely healed. The fight was neck-and-neck between Halo and Warren, but Arn was winning against Ellic. Ellic was covered in wounds, and Junhyuk watched how Arn used his sabers. Dual swords were different from dual sabers. Sabers were used for shing, but Junhyuk had learned about blocking and parrying, and Arn¡¯s muscles were astoundingly developed. Every time he swung his sabers, Junhyuk could see Arn¡¯s muscles moving. Ellic was also a hero, but he used a heavy hammer, yet Arn was fighting easily against him. Arn was avoiding the enemy¡¯s blows and mounting his own counterattacks. Vera joined the battle and decided the oue. She threw a fire spear at Ellic and a fire orb at Warren. Ellic blocked it with his hammer, but Arn seized the moment to slice Ellic¡¯s legs. Ellic fell, and Arn shed the fallen Ellic¡¯s neck. Meanwhile, Warren began trying to escape. On his four paws, his speed was incredible. Soon, there was a firewall in front of him, blocking him from escaping further. Warren tried to jump over, but Halo attacked in a sh of light. Halo ran forty feet and swung his sword to cut Warren¡¯s back. "Hooowl!" He howled, but it was the end of the escape. Arn was already on Warren and shed Warren¡¯s back. Warren ground his teeth and swung his arms, but Arn blocked it with his sabers to save more time. Vera threw another fire orb, and Junhyuk sighed, relieved. This was a victory. Arn picked up the items left by the enemy heroes. "You did well." Vera spoke curtly: "Skia is so stupid, but Skia specializes in assassination. Skia can kill by seeping into one¡¯s shadow." "Grangsha was an easier opponent." "However, Grangsha had a high level of defensive power." Grangsha could block magic using his shield. Comparing Skia to Grangsha, Skia had no defensive power. Arn handed Halo the items dropped by Warren and said: "What do you want to do? Wait for Nudra or turn back?" Halo looked east, and Arn said: "OK. Let¡¯s go help Diane." Junhyuk attacked the remaining enemy minions. When the watchtower fell, the enemy minions attacked the allied minions. The allied minions who apanied Arn were reduced to twenty-five. Behind the twenty-five remaining minions, Sarang was throwing her energy orbs. Sarang was very urate and, while Junhyuk ran to her, she killed three enemy minions. The enemy minions were running toward her. Junhyuk ran toward them and used the sword he had just purchased, and his eyes widened. He could cut through an enemy minion¡¯s armor like paper. His new longsword was no match for minions. He could see why Arn had persuaded him to save 10,000G to buy new equipment. He killed three minions in two breaths. The first attack was a sess, and he swung his longsword left and right, slicing two other necks. Junhyuk ran toward the remaining minions and took care of business. Twenty allied minions survived. "Let¡¯s go help Diane." They would move as a group, giving no opportunities to their enemies. Even so, the enemy might gather arger number of troops. Calcting the time for reincarnation for three dead enemy heroes, they had time to help out Diane. With twenty minions, the group moved quickly. They went across the forest and met with Diane, who happened to be a fine archer for the allies. Diane was supposed to be facing Libya, but there were two of them pressuring her. Minota and Libya were attacking, and Diane was next to the watchtower, using her bow. "It¡¯s Minota. Let¡¯s go." Minota had reincarnated and gone there as soon as possible. Arn and Halo ran together, and Vera prepared her fire spear. Libya was attacking Diane and saw Arn and Halo running. She made an ice flower and sent it at them. The small petals of the ice flower covered both of them. Arn jumped past the cloud of petals covering him. Libya dodged him, and Minota rushed. Bang! Minota rushed hard at Arn, and Arn bounced away. Minota turned around and saw Junhyuk standing behind Vera. He smiled, baring his sharp, shiny teeth. "Ha-ha-ha! You came!" Minota rushed toward Junhyuk, and Junhyuk ran to a spot behind Vera and murmured: "Ellic is crazy, but that ox is crazy as well." Veraughed at him. "Stay alive!" She created a firewall, but Minota passed through it. He was engulfed in mes, but kept rushing toward Junhyuk, who was very scared. Minota had an incredible build. He was so wild in his rush that Vera dodged him and threw her fire spears. Junhyuk followed Vera around. "You can¡¯t hide behind her!" Minota ran toward him. Vera stepped in front of Junhyuk, and he made a force field around them. Thunk! The collisionunched Vera and Junhyuk against a tree. "Grr! That force field!" Vera threw her fire spears, and Minota blocked them with his arms. Suddenly, he saw Halo heading toward him from behind and mooed: "Woo, woo, woo!" He kicked at Halo with his hind legs, and Halo blocked it with his sword, but was bounced back, and Minota used his doppelganger ability. Vera was not capable of fighting both Minotas. She made a fire orb, and Minota kicked the force field. Bang! The force field bounced away with them inside, and Minota smiled: "You are being pushed, unable to use your magic." Junhyuk regretted making the force field for the two of them. He should have made himself bait, and used the force field on Vera. Vera threw her fire orb, hitting one Minota, while the other Minota kicked the force field again. Junhyuk felt the ten seconds would go by quickly. Halounched another attack, but Libya stood in front of him. Thump! Libya had escaped from Arn and decided to attack Halo. She stomped once and icy circles spread on the ground. Junhyuk was inside the force field, but when the force field disappeared he would feel the ice under his feet. That ice slowed people down. Junhyuk had to escape, but it was all around the force field. Still, he could use spatial relocation. Junhyuk was worrying when Vera shouted: "The force field is disappearing. Step on me and run!" Junhyuk could jump, but he still couldn¡¯t escape the ice. He decided to run first, then use spatial relocation. He lowered his body, and she made a firewall in front of Minota to block his vision. Junhyuk stepped on Vera¡¯s shoulder and jumped. He jumped as far as he could, but stillnded where there was ice. His armor began to freeze, and his body froze as well. Minota was running toward him. Junhyuk was about to move when Diane shouted at him: "Stay where you are!" Suddenly, an arrow hit the center of Minota¡¯s forehead. Diane killed a Minota instantly, but the other one was running toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk moved by spatial relocation. Bang! A tree broke, and Minota lifted his head. Junhyuk also saw Libya in midair. Libya looked beautiful as she turned and fluttered her wings, but Junhyuk cursed at her. Libya¡¯s eyes met Junhyuk¡¯s, and he was scared stiff. She turned in the air and flew toward him. Chapter 45: Skia 2 Chapter 45: Skia 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk only had two power, and both force field and spatial relocation had a cooldown time. That meant he couldn¡¯t use any of his powers, but that didn¡¯t mean the heroes would leave him alone. Libya was in the air, and everyone attacked her, but they did not stop her from crashing into Junhyuk. Even if the heroes attacked her, they couldn¡¯t save him. It couldn¡¯t happen like that. Libya started her descent into Junhyuk, and it was supposed to only take a moment, but that moment felt like a long time. A dangerous situation resulted in an increased thought concentration, and Sarang only thought that she had to stop Libya, even for just a moment, and her wish came true. Sarang made an energy bolt, and it shone brightly and flew with lightning speed. The bolt moved so quickly that it felt like everything else had slowed down. The lightning-speed energy bolt hit Libya dead on. Boom! Libya¡¯s eyes widened as her body came to a sudden halt. Everywhere else, time moved normally, but Lybia¡¯s time seemed to have stopped. Arn cut Libya¡¯s wings, and Vera threw a fire orb at her. Libya was exploding, and five arrows flew in a row toward her. The arrows hit her on the chest, and she dropped from the sky. It all happened suddenly. Time passed for her again again, and Sarang realized that her power had evolved with herst attack. Libya was dying, and her eyes darted at Sarang with hatred. Sarang felt scared, but soon realized that she had saved Junhyuk. Minota was looking at Sarang. "What is this?!" Minota looked at the new novice and faced a dilemma. Should he kill her or leave? Junhyuk walked over to the new novice, and said while shielding Sarang: "Filthy ox, you failed!" "What?!" Minota rushed toward Junhyuk. Lybia¡¯s death had shocked him, but his target was Junhyuk. Arn showed up in front of the charging Minota. Bang! Arn bounced off, but he stopped Minota¡¯s rush. Halo stabbed Minota, who had stoppedpletely, and Vera hit him with a fire spear. Lastly, Diane¡¯s arrow hit Minota with precision. Even he couldn¡¯t stand the attacks, and his body started to disappear. Junhyuk smiled at Minota. He had felt anxious because of that ox. If it weren¡¯t for Sarang, Junhyuk would surely be dead. Junhyuk threw the longsword he was holding. The sword flew like an arrow and struck the middle of Minota¡¯s forehead. Minota was disappearing, and the longsword was stuck to him. Minota¡¯s eyes were filled with hatred, and Junhyuk lifted his hand slowly and proudly showed the ox his middle finger. "Take this!" Minota¡¯s eyes were filled with even more hatred, and Arn said: "You stayed alive." Junhyuk looked at Sarang. Everyone looked at Sarang. Sarang¡¯s face reddened as the heroes looked at her. She didn¡¯t even know what she had done. Vera ran and gave her a big hug. Sarang¡¯s face was buried in Vera¡¯s chest, and Junhyuk looked at her and said: "Did her power evolve?" "That¡¯s right. She is a novice now." Junhyuk looked at Arn. "What power is that?" "She stopped her opponent. It¡¯s not just restraining. No movement is possible, and it has to do with stopping time. Just like your force field, it¡¯s a high ranking power." Junhyuk looked surprised, and Sarang smiled. Arn crossed his arms and murmured: "That¡¯s it! Humans have high ranking powers. This type of power activation is rare among all other races." "Right. No human has be a hero, but their activated powers are all high ranking." "Previously, did humans also activate high ranking powers?" Vera had her elbows on Sarang¡¯s head and answered: "They were middle ranking, but that¡¯s still significant." "You are right." Arn said and nodded. He looked at Junhyuk. "Is this the third power?" Junhyuk shook his head and asked: "What do you mean?" Vera ced her forehead against Sarang¡¯s forehead. "You said we summoned you, right?" "Yes." "This battlefield allows five team members. You may also bring novices, but just five of them." Junhyuk understood what she meant. "You don¡¯t mean five novices, but five powers, correct?" Arn nodded. "Right. Heroes must participate in the battle." "So, you mean other champions may apany heroes?" "Right. We are allowed to carry only extra five powers and, depending on the powers, they could change the course of the battles, like right now." "Then, can enemies also bring five powers?" Arn spoke calmly: "For humans, those who have activated their powers are few in number. Instead, humans activate high ranking powers. However, the enemies are different. You met them before, right?" "Yes." "I don¡¯t know what they will bring this time, but you better be careful." "Caution and more caution is my motto." Arnughed and looked toward the North. "This battle is almost over." Many heroes had died. The team battle would decide the winners and losers. Arn looked at Junhyuk and Sarang. Vera was hugging Sarang and said: "You can¡¯t take Sarang." "It¡¯s up to you, but you must train her so that she can use her power at will." "I will train her." "OK. Then, we will take down the watchtower and join Nudra." They all looked at the watchtower. Junhyuk turned to look at Sarang. "Thanks." "Don¡¯t mention it." Sarang was pleased that she had saved Junhyuk and be a novice. They would stay together. Junhyuk asked Sarang: "Should we help them?" "Yes." The watchtower was being destroyed by four heroes. There was nothing they could do to help, but Junhyuk said: "Hurry up." "Yes." The group moved to join Nudra, and Junhyuk and Sarang walked next to the heroes, but soon, Vera grabbed Sarang. If she wanted to use her power at will, Vera needed to train her. Junhyuk walked next to Arn and looked him over. Arn frowned and said: "If you have something to say, say it." "I want to learn dual-wield swordsmanship." "Dual-wield swordsmanship?" Arn took out his sabers while walking, swung them and said: "It¡¯s not like you are carrying a shield and a sword. Dual-wield swordsmanship requires skill. First, you have to be skilled in attack and defense. The left hand may be on defense or the right hand may be on defense, and both can follow up an attack. Defensive power and continuous attacks are the things that ovee your enemies." Arn swung his saber, and Junhyuk swung his longsword. Arn said: "I will teach you the basics of dual-wield swordsmanship, but my saber is used for shing, and it¡¯s different from your longsword." "I know." "So, you should learn on your own." Junhyuk nodded and swung his longsword repeatedly. Defense and attack. Continuous attacks. Right and left hands went on defense, then on offense. His flow was very awkward. Junhyuk hadplete control over his muscles, but it was still awkward. Arn showed him how to swing. It was for shing, but it looked very natural. All of his movements were straightforward, but if one had to block those movements, that person would end up dead. Junhyuk mimicked the movements, but very awkwardly. Arn showed him a few more swings and said: "It takes more than a day or two." "I know." Junhyuk knew Arnpleted his swordsmanship on the battlefield, and it would take more than one lesson, but he was excited to learn. "Speed up," Arn said. After he spoke, Arn began running, and Junhyuk ran while swinging his swords. The group moved quickly. They joined Nudra and looked over to the enemy camp. "They are all there." The five of them were in one ce. It¡¯s was time for the team battle, and the enemy was also aware of that. Junhyuk scoped out the enemy heroes who were aiming for him. Ellic had his hammer on his shoulder and wasughing at Junhyuk, and, behind him, Minota was snorting. Skia was tapping Skia¡¯s neck with a dagger. Warren was still angry with him, but was not targeting him. He was fixated on Arn. Junhyuk looked for Libya. Her eyes were set on Sarang, and Junhyuk stood in front of her. Arn told him: "They brought novices." He noticed two novices among the enemies. They knew about the enemy heroes¡¯ powers, but the novices were different. They didn¡¯t know anything and had to be careful. "Power is important, but it¡¯s more important to know how and when to use that power." Junhyuk nodded heavily. He, himself, thought about the timing of his powers. He might not even have the chance to use his own powers. Vera grabbed Sarang by her shoulder and said: "Your power is still irregr. So, stay behind." "Yes." Sarang nodded heavily, and Vera stepped forward and asked: "What shall we do?" "We fight." Arn took a step forward, pulled out a saber and said: "Let¡¯s begin!" Arn shouted and ran toward the enemy camp. They¡¯d been working together for a long time. Arn ran and Halo and Nudra followed him, while Vera and Diane prepared their attacks. Junhyuk held his swords and stood in front of Sarang. The enemy heroes¡¯ attention was fixed on him, and he did not feel rxed. The other novices took the minions and started running at the front. Even if they stopped all enemy heroes, they still had to stop the enemy novices and they didn¡¯t know what their powers were. The mysterious novices ran toward him, and Junhyuk shouted: "Pick up your shields!" The minions lifted their shields. There were twenty allied minions, one expert and one irregr novice. The enemy had forty minions and two novices. Junhyuk looked at them coldly and gripped his swords. It didn¡¯t matter what powers they had. At the end, it would be him left standing. Chapter 46: Skia 3 Chapter 46: Skia 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The heroes shed against each other, and the distance between the minions shortened. The enemy minions were led by their novices. They were wild, and that was due to their tribal nature. Junhyuk grabbed his swords and looked at them, preparing. Their armors did not pose problems. Bebe¡¯s basic longsword cost 10,000G, and it was able to tear the armors apart. The main problem was the novices¡¯ powers. One of the novices was huge, and he stepped forward and yelled: "Kill that guy!" Junhyuk realized that the enemy heroes had already told the minions and novices about him. When he was set against enemy heroes, he was like a mouse in front of cats, but he did not want to hear a mere novice mouthing off. Junhyuk went straight toward the novice. The novice saw Junhyuk running toward him and lifted both of the hammers he was holding and smiled cunningly. Junhyuk¡¯s longsword hit the novice. At that moment, the novice¡¯s body turned to stone. Clink! The longsword bounced off, and Junhyuk was really surprised. Then, a hammer dropped toward his head, but Junhyuk moved aside quickly. The other novice aimed for his ribs and swung his hammer. ng! Junhyuk held the longsword with his right hand and blocked the hammer. He could no longer hold off the hammer with just one hand. The novice who turned to stone also swung his hammers, and Junhyuk dodged him while frowning. "Is it some sort of petrification?" The novice had a surprising increase in defensive power, but his movement speed had decreased. Junhyuk distanced himself and circled around them, aiming for the other novice, but the first novice, the one who petrified himself, began calling an attack on him. The minions surrounded him, and he had a difficult time moving around. The allied minions were holding their shields up to protect from attacks, and it was not possible to ask them for help. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and ran toward the novice who had the ability to petrify. The stone novice dropped both hammers on Junhyuk¡¯s head, but Junhyuk was so focused that he was able to block the attacks. He dodged the stone novice and ran toward the novice on his left because he did not know what power that novice had. Still, it would be good idea to kill that novice before he had a chance to use it. Then, the stone novice smiled cunningly again and attacked with his hammers. The stone novice had done that before, and Junhyuk dodged both hammers again, curious as to why the stone novice continued to attack in the same manner. Junhyuk counterattacked, but suddenly, there were shockwavesing from the ground. "What?!" Junhyuk was ten feet above the ground. He didn¡¯t expect that, and knew that he wouldn¡¯t be heavily injured, but he was in the air and couldn¡¯t control his body. Both novices aimed for him with their hammers. Junhyuk was superior in physical makeup to the novices, but he couldn¡¯t dodge their attacks while in the air. He was dropping to the ground and saw the stone novice changing his bodyposition. The novices meant to attack him while Junhyuk fell. The stone novice had only meant to draw Junhyuk¡¯s attention. "They are idiots," Junhyuk uttered these words and, when the novices¡¯ hammers closed on him, moved by spatial relocation. He stood behind the stone novice, and his longsword prated the novice¡¯s neck. "Arg-glug!" The novice vomited heavy amounts of blood, and Junhyuk pulled out his longsword and looked at the other novice, who looked anxious. The stone novice died, and the other novice was angry rather than scared and swung his hammer. Junhyuk lifted his longsword. ng, ng, ng! The novice was agitated, and his attack pattern became simple. Junhyuk parried the novice¡¯s attack with his sword and moved to the novice¡¯s side and swung his longsword. The novice dodged by moving his head, but still had his carotid artery cut. Blood gushed out, and the novice held his neck with one hand and swung his hammer with the other. Junhyuk could see openings when the novice swung both hammers, and at that moment, the novice was swinging just one hammer. Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate and hit the hammer with the sword in his left hand. ng! Experts were stronger than novices, and Junhyuk hit the hammer with force. Following that, Junhyuk stabbed the novice with his longsword. The novice did not dodge or block, and the longsword went through his body. "Argh!" The novice vomited blood, and Junhyuk kicked his chest hard. His dead body flew toward the enemy minions. Junhyuk swung his longsword to clean the blood dripping from the de. Two dead novices. Their attacks had been excellent, but Junhyuk had used his spatial relocation to crush their simultaneous attacks. It all depended on how one used one¡¯s powers. Junhyuk saw the minions heading toward him. The novices might give him trouble, but minions stood no chance against him. Junhyuk massacred the minions and looked over to where the heroes were fighting. He still had his force field and he could use it on an allied hero, but first, he scoped out the enemy heroes who might be after him. --- The heroes¡¯ team battle didn¡¯t show an absolute advantage for either side. Each hero knew how to use his or her power to the fullest. When a team battle took ce, what decided the momentum were the powers they¡¯d brought into the fight. Junhyuk was able to help Arn out big time, and Arn fought well, but at that moment, theycked Junhyuk¡¯s power, so both sides were evenly matched. Lybia and Skia were fighting Arn and Halo at the front, and just behind them, Minota went wild. Ellic and Warren were trying to get to Vera and Diane, but Nudra stood between them. It looked as though both sides were evenly matched, but soon, Skia made the difference. Skia disappeared and reappeared from Halo¡¯s shadow and swung a dagger. Halo staggered, and Minota rushed him, sending him into the air. Skia and Minota¡¯s next target was Arn, but Nudra joined him quickly. Skia escaped Nudra, and Ellic and Warren ran toward Vera. Vera¡¯s magic was very potent. They wanted to pay her back for what she had done before. Skia also ran toward Vera, but then, saw Junhyuk killing the two novices. Skia had had confidence in the novices. Even though their powers had been low ranking, Skia believed the two novices could have taken care of Junhyuk, but Junhyuk had finished them and was massacring the minions. Vera made a firewall, and Skia¡¯s mind was made. In the past, Junhyuk had used his force field on the heroes. Without his force field, Junhyuk was just another expert. Skia looked at Ellic trying to destroy Vera¡¯s firewall. Skia hid behind Ellic and, soon, Skia hid in Vera¡¯s shadow. Ellic attacked from the front, and Skia would get Vera from behind. For assassins and magicians, taking the lead was important. Vera saw them both and tried to retread, but Ellic gave her no room to do so. "Where are you going?!" Ellic hammered the ground, and concentric circles spreaded out from the spot he hit. The circles surround Vera just as Skia popped out of her shadow. Diane was fighting Warren and couldn¡¯t help. Skia¡¯s dagger shed Vera¡¯s back. "Argh!" Vera bled from her back, and Skia continued shing her. Soon, an ivory-colored force field surrounded Vera. Thunk! "Of course." The force field was something with which they had to reckon, but it was also like a lifeline for Junhyuk. Without it, he could die. Skia saw Vera weaving her magic and escaped. Skia moved toward Junhyuk, closing in fast. Junhyuk faced a dilemma. He had used his force field on Vera to save her. He had meant to be inside the force field with Vera, but Skia moved very fast and was already between him and the force field. Vera was readying her magic when Ellic hit the force field, and the force field bounced away with her. The enemy heroes knew all about the force field at that point. Junhyuk held his swords, and Skia moved toward him. His skill was not match for Skia. He had to escape, but couldn¡¯t think of anything. Junhyuk looked into Vera¡¯s eyes. Vera signaled him with her eyes and made a firewall in front of Skia. Junhyuk ran to the left side of the firewall. Skia jumped over the firewall and continued chasing Junhyuk. A fire orb appeared in front of Skia. Vera knew Skia would continue chasing him, so she made the fire orb, and it exploded, slowing Skia down. Junhyuk got closer to Vera. Skia moved quickly, but Junhyuk got inside of the force field. "Whew!" Junhyuk gathered his breath, and Vera said: "Be very careful!" "Of course." Ellices went toward them with his hammer, and Vera threw a fire spear at him. Ellic blocked it with the hammer, and Skia hid behind him. "That force field won¡¯tst forever!" Junhyuk looked for Skia, who was hiding behind Ellic. If Skia disappeared, it meant Skia had moved to a shadow. They had to restrain Skia. Vera attacked Skia, who was still hiding behind Ellic. A firewall appeared behind Ellic, and Skia moved back from it. Vera smiled at Ellic. "It¡¯s toote." "What?" Nudra showed up from behind and kicked Ellic. Ellic was pushed forward to Vera, and she threw another fire spear. It was a direct hit on Ellic. Boom! Ellic was hit by the fire spear, and Nudra lifted both hands. Nudra created a strong wind and pushed Ellic. Ellic turned around, and a fire orb hit the back of his skull. Boom! Ellic was strong, but not strong enough to withstand attacks from Nudra and Vera. Ellic was dying when Junhyuk realized that Skia was gone. "Skia is gone!" Vera frowned and shouted: "Everyone, be wary of the shadows!" Vera created a firewall behind her back and a fire orb on Junhyuk¡¯s back. They were preparations for the worst. The force field disappeared. Junhyuk was very strained as he looked around and couldn¡¯t find Skia. "Where is Skia?" Skia could hide in a shadow for five seconds, but they did not know when Skia had disappeared. There was a fire orb on Junhyuk, and he held fast to his swords. The fire orb would explode first, before Skia had the chance to attack him. Boom! Skia jumped out from Junhyuk¡¯s shadow, and the fire orb exploded. Junhyuk looked at Skia as Skia disappeared into thin air again. Vera shouted: "Move!" Junhyuk moved by spatial relocation as Skia started turning into smoke. Junhyuk relocated twenty feet and swung his swords. The swords didn¡¯t touch anything. Junhyuk sighed in relief, but suddenly, he felt a burning sensation in his chest. He looked down slowly and saw a dagger sticking out of his chest. Skia whispered in Junhyuk¡¯s ear: "I told you I would kill you!" Chapter 47: Evolution 1 Chapter 47: Evolution 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - "Didn¡¯t I tell you I would kill you?" Skia whispered, taunting him. An opponent was getting killed. Junhyuk was being taunted and felt death approaching alongside pain and fear, but he felt one more thing. He felt terrible fury. Skia was killing him and scoffing at the situation, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t stand it. He couldn¡¯t just die. If he died, he would take Skia with him. This mindset moved Junhyuk¡¯s body. He grabbed the de prating his chest with his hand. His hand was bleeding and being torn, but he did not mind it. He couldn¡¯t even feel the pain because he was filled with great fury. Skiaughed a little at Junhyuk, who held on to the dagger¡¯s de. "Time for you to go." Junhyuk lifted his left hand and grabbed the whispering Skia¡¯s hair. Skia twisted the dagger. Junhyuk was holding Skia¡¯s hair as an expert, and Skia was a hero. Skia couldn¡¯t forgive him. Skia meant to give him more pain by trying to twist the dagger, but the dagger didn¡¯t move. "What?" Skia was confused, and then Junhyuk whispered in Skia¡¯s ear: "Do you think I will die alone?" Junhyuk spoke and disappeared. He couldn¡¯t use the force field, and spatial relocation still required additional time. Suddenly, he appeared next to Vera. Junhyuk was still holding on to Skia when he appeared. Vera didn¡¯t care how Junhyuk had managed to use spatial relocation with Skia in tow. At that moment, Junhyuk was sacrificing himself to kill Skia. Vera understood Junhyuk¡¯s wish and threw a fire spear at Skia¡¯s back. Boom! "Gah!" Skia tried to escape, but Junhyuk was still holding on to the de and the hair. Skia was hit with another fire spear. Boom! Since Skia was an assassin, Skia didn¡¯t have a strong constitution and was almost dead. It would take just one more attack, but Skia couldn¡¯t drop the dagger. Skia pushed the dagger deeper into Junhyuk. Skia couldn¡¯t twist or pull the dagger, but it was possible to push it in further. The part of the de prating Junhyuk¡¯s chest became longer. Skia swung the dagger held by the left hand and cut Junhyuk¡¯s arm with the hand that was holding Skia¡¯s hair. sh! Junhyuk¡¯s arm dropped, and Skia tried to move to another shadow. "No!" A shout rang out almost like a scream. Skia¡¯s head turned, and a long sh of light flew at Skia. It was very fast, and it only took a blink of an eye to reach Skia¡¯s head. The light hit Skia¡¯s head, and Skia began disappearing. Vera was making another fire orb when she turned to look and saw Sarang standing there. Her energy bolt was only strong enough to tickle heroes, but her power was different. Her activated power couldn¡¯t be ignored by heroes. Her power stopped time, but it was apanied by some small damage. Skia died from her power inflicting that small damage. Sarang ran toward Junhyuk, and Vera stood in front of her. Libya had already experienced Sarang¡¯s power and was targeting her. Sarang held Junhyuk. "Big brother!" Junhyuk was already disappearing. Junhyuk¡¯s lips moved, but he couldn¡¯t make any sound. Sarang started to cry, and his body disappearedpletely. Vera made a firewall to cover Sarang and said: "Experts have one reincarnation. He will be back." Sarang was covered in tears and looked at Vera. Vera continued: "If you want to see him again, retreat. They know about your power." Sarang collected herself. Junhyuk told her to stay alive, and she couldn¡¯t just stay there. She had to survive and meet Junhyuk again. Sarang got up, and Vera asked her: "Your power, can you sense the cooldown time?" That was the second time Sarang had used her power, and this time, she focused on the cooldown. "I have forty seconds remaining." "You can fire it once every minute?" With small damage and the ability to stop time, her power might be as useful as Junhyuk¡¯s. Vera stood in front of her and created a fire orb. --- Death. With death came terrible emptiness. The time spent there was both just a moment and an eternity. He passed through a dark space and opened his eyes. He was in the same room he appeared in every time he was summoned there. He was in the white room, and Junhyuk saw the amount of gold coins he had amassed. It said 11,384G. That was over 10,000G already. Shaking his head, he looked over hispletely fixed armor. There were no wounds. If he didn¡¯t have to pass through the thick, empty space, he would not have believed that he had died. Then, a deep-toned voice rang out: [You¡¯ve died once. You have 0 reincarnations left on this battlefield.] Junhyuk frowned and lifted his head. There were two swords in front of him, and he picked up only one of them. "Summon." Bebe¡¯s longsword appeared in his right hand. He was dual-wielding again, and his eyes beamed. "I should¡¯ve been more careful." Vera had been in danger, but it was still a mistake to use the force field on her. Still, if they lost the team battle, he and Sarang would surely die. So, he helped her, but he ended up dead. He decided that in the future he would use his powers more carefully. [You may exit through the main entrance.] Junhyuk walked toward the door. [Expert 01 deployed.] He went out of the door, and there were hundreds of minions talking among themselves. They would all die in a team battle or defending the allied camp. He looked at them and looked at the castle¡¯s gate. He had never died before, so he had never returned to the castle. Junhyuk was worrying about what to do when he heard Arn¡¯s voice: "What are you doing?" Junhyuk turned and asked him: "What brings you here?" "I died." Arn looked over his body andined: "Crap. I lost the gloves in the ice wall." He had never seen Arn wearing gloves and looked at him dumbfounded. Arn said: "What are you looking at? Let¡¯s move!" "OK." What it really meant was that Junhyuk couldn¡¯t make it to battlefield by himself, so Arn also got himself killed to take him back. He felt very grateful. Arn looked at the minions protecting the castle. "Follow me." The minions got up after hearing Arn. Arn¡¯s whole body exuded energy, and every minion was scared of him, following him without a word. However, those who spoke afterward would die. If they used items on minions, the minions would be more useful, but the heroes did not treat minions as humans. The heroes found it easier to use fear on the minions. Junhyuk walked behind Arn and said: "I need to purchase another weapon." "A weapon? Do you have the money?" "Yes." Arn hesitated and lifted his hand. The minions stopped, and Arn looked up at the sky and said: "All right. We will go, just the two of us." "What about the minions?" "Nudra is supposed toe here." Arn grabbed Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder. "We don¡¯t have the time. Run." "OK." Junhyuk followed Arn and ran. He wanted to buy another sword. --- He was running with Arn when he noticed something moving. Arn was disinterested, but Junhyuk looked at it. Something was moving inside the forest. "Something ising this way." "Why did you stop?" Arn frowned, and Junhyuk summoned his long sword. "It¡¯s a person." Rustle, rustle. Through the forest trees, a face showed up. It was a familiar face. One of the five who hadgged behind. He didn¡¯t look so good and was running. He must¡¯ve lost his sword, and he was only holding a shield, but the shield was heavily damaged. He ran and rolled toward them. "Please, save me!" He was shouting in English, and Junhyuk saw the thing behind him, a two-headed wolf. Junhyuk had never seen a two-headed wolf. He ran and swung both of his swords. nk, nk! Both heads bit in his direction, and each took a hold of one sword, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t very scared. He had experienced anger at the time of his own death, and the wolf¡¯s murdering spirit only seemed funny. Maybe it was because he had faced the heroes¡¯ murdering aura too many times. He could withstand the wolf¡¯s huge force. It was different from when he was a minion, when he would¡¯ve been dropped to the ground. Now, he was an expert. There was a significant difference in strength between minions and experts, and he was also a carrying a strength runestone. The wolf was trying to drop him using its two front paws, but he kicked the wolf¡¯s stomach. Thud! The wolf was pushed back, and Junhyuk grabbed his swords. Arn said to him: "Your power. You used it during the cooldown time for sure, and while carrying another person." Junhyuk listened to him, and Arn continued: "Your powers has evolved." "You¡¯re saying I should check?" "Right." Junhyuk jumped toward the wolf. The wolf attacked with both heads, and Junhyuk swung his swords. nk, nk! The wolf bit both swords again, and then Junhyuk used spatial relocation. He was on the wolf¡¯s back and swung his swords, slicing both of the wolf¡¯s hind legs. The regr longsword only scratched it, but Bebe¡¯s longsword cut and sliced a leg. Junhyuk wanted to buy more weapons. The wolf swung its fluffy tail. The tail¡¯s hair stood up and was sharp enough to stab someone Junhyuk focused on himself out and used spatial relocation. He was under the wolf and pushed his swords in from underneath the wolf¡¯s jaws. Both swords went up each of the wolf¡¯s heads. The wolf died without resistance, and Junhyuk cleaned his swords. Arn asked him: "Can you use it continuously now?" "Yes, continuous relocation is possible, but the cooldown time increased to forty seconds." "That¡¯s not too bad." This evolution was not bad at all, but in reality, it was very good. He could use two spatial relocations in a row, and that increased his survival rate. Junhyuk picked up eight gold coins and looked at the tired man. "Are you okay?" Chris was not himself and looked at him. He moved from ce to ce. Is it possible to teleport? He couldn¡¯t deal with two-headed wolf, but Junhyuk had killed it by himself. Chris needed his help. "Please, help me." Junhyuk stared at him nkly. He must¡¯ve been chased by monsters. "You must follow us." "Don¡¯t worry about it." Chris made up his mind that he would survive by following Junhyuk, and Junhyuk looked at Arn and said: "It¡¯s better to have more minions. Follow us." Arn took the lead, and Junhyuk followed him. Chris picked up his shield and followed his new lifeline. Chapter 48: Evolution 2 Chapter 48: Evolution 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Standing in front of the castle walls, Sarang looked at Vera. "Why is big brother noting back?" Vera was looking at the castle and answered calmly: "Arn died. They wille back together." "Is that right?" "By the way, how is your item?" "This?" Sarang lifted her hand and looked at a ring on her index finger. The ck and silver colors were mixed exquisitely, and Vera said: "It¡¯s a nice dropped loot." "It is a nice item, isn¡¯t it?" Sarang touched her ring. She had watched with anger when Junhyuk died and had shot her power and killed Skia. The ring was dropped by Skia. --- Ring of Shadows (Inherent Item) Moving speed +5. One power¡¯s cooldown time may be skipped once. (recharge time: 24h) Special powers were carried over with essories, but there was a limit of one power per essory. In the past, there was a legendary figure by the name of Dark Shadow that used this ring. --- Sarang touched her ring with care and asked: "Can I keep this ring? Is that OK?" Vera caressed Sarang¡¯s head and said: "You killed Skia. It¡¯s yours now." "But..." "essories have an ownership number limit. If you don¡¯t keep it, you¡¯ll have to sell it, and since it¡¯s yours, it¡¯s no use for us heroes." Sarang touched her ring again, and Vera saw minions standing outside of the castle¡¯s gate, and behind the minions, there were people leaning against the castle¡¯s wall. Five heroes were gathered in one ce. They were not attacking because they were worried there could be more people hiding. --- Minota crossed his arms and looked at Libya. "Shall we just attack?" "There aren¡¯t many minions left, and they are not all there yet," Libya agreed. "But I can¡¯t see Nudra." Minota, despite his heavy size, liked to use his brain. On the Dimensional Battlefield, among contracted heroes, stupid heroes were rare. Heroes had the apex position on the Dimensional Battlefield, and their abilities were astonishing. Ellic tapped the ground lightly with his hammer. "What are you worried about? You think they are hiding hundreds of minions somewhere?" "That will be Arn¡¯s job. It¡¯s just weird that Nudra isn¡¯t there." Ellic shook his head hard and looked at Warren. "We should attack now." Warren was worried and spoke up: "Arn hasn¡¯t regrouped. We will win if we attack now." Skia, who had been quiet, stepped forward and said: "That little girl, I can kill her, right?" Skia spoke, and everyone¡¯s attention was fixed on Sarang, who stood behind Vera. She was a novice who had activated her power. "We will fight as a team first, then you can kill her. Last time, you tried to kill an expert and got yourself killed, and we lost that team battle," Minotained and Skia frowned. "Surely, you were the one who told me to kill him!" Minota snorted hard. "So, do you think you did well?" "I did not do anything wrong." There was a coldness between the two, and Libya asked: "Why are we fighting amongst ourselves?" She looked at Minota and Skia. "We should fight as a team, not as individuals. We should win this team battle first. We will kill them first, and the remaining people should be easy enough to killter." "OK." Libya looked at Sarang and said: "When that child uses her power, I will hold her. Then, don¡¯t worry and take her." Minota nodded and stepped forward. Arn was the strongest among them. He had high defensive and attack powers. Without him, they had a good chance of winning. Nudra could be hiding and could jointer, but they still had the advantage. Everyone followed Minota. Skia stayed with Libya, and Minota, Ellic and Warren took the lead. "Woo, woo, woo!" Minota mooed like an ox, and they all shouted. Minota dashed first, and Ellic and Warren followed him. They all moved very fast. They ran, and a firewall appeared ahead of them. The firewall was made up of ck mes, and they had to go through it first. Minota went through the firewall, and Vera and her group retreated without looking back. "He is not here yet! Chase them!" Minota shouted, and Ellic and Warren sped up. Warren hunched over and shouted: "I¡¯ll bite them!" He began running like crazy on his four legs and closed in quickly on Vera and her group. --- Junhyuk purchased a longsword from Bebe and engraved it to his wrist. Chris was looking around him when Junhyuk looked at him. Chris realized that this was a really safe ce and asked Junhyuk: "Could I stay here?" Junhyuk looked at Chris nkly. Chris had to have an obsession with keeping himself alive. Junhyuk looked at Arn, and heughed a little. "If you stay here, you can¡¯t return to your world. Is that OK?" "Is... is that right?" Bebe touched his chin and said: "Correct. This ce is in a different dimension. It¡¯s separate from the battlefield, and you can¡¯t return to your reality from here." Junhyuk didn¡¯t know about that, and Chris sighed: "Then, I will go with you." Arn looked at Chris like he was a useless minion and said: "We should hurry." Arn¡¯s mood changed, Junhyuk asked him: "What¡¯s the matter?" "They are being chased by enemies. Hurry!" "OK." Junhyuk saw Arn running at full speed and frowned. Heroes moving at that speed were astounding. Junhyuk follows him with all his might, and Chrisgged behind. Arn ran and said: "Just follow this road. I will go first." Arn ran as he said that and soon disappeared. Junhyuk waited for Chris and ran with him. Chris asked him: "Why aren¡¯t you in hiding instead of following him around?" Junhyuk answered: "Being with them is the safest option." Chris didn¡¯t believe him. By being with them, he had to be on battlefield! Junhyuk said: "Follow me. It¡¯ll be dangerous." Chris nodded and followed him. He was surprised. Junhyuk was so tall and also had a great constitution. Chris had been trained specially for that, but how could Junhyuk run so fast? Chris heard a loud noise, and his body froze. "If you don¡¯t want to end up as monster meal, you should join the minions. That¡¯s the way to survive," Junhyuk told him. Minions did not die easily except during team battles. Junhyuk took the lead, and Chris followed him and saw the team battle for the first time. A fire spear flew across the field, and there was a monster with an ox¡¯s head. It was like watching a movie and one very different from reality. "What¡¯s going on?" He hadn¡¯t heard about that at all. If he had known about the team battles, he would not have taken the job even if they paid him millions. Junhyuk yelled at him: "Join them!" Chris collected himself. Not far from the heroes, the minions were fighting the enemy minions. It did not look safe to him, but he knew the forest was even more dangerous, so he joined them. Joining the minions, Chris began fighting. A green-skinned minion swung a hammer at him, but Chris managed to block. Enemy minions were dangerous for sure, but less threatening than the monsters he had encountered in the forest. Anyone who had been trained would surely be able to fight enemy minions. Chris picked up a dropped sword and began fighting minions with his sword and shield. --- Junhyuk ran and saw Vera bloody and Sarang standing next to her. "Sarang!" "Big brother!" Sarang was relieved after seeing Junhyuk. He stood next to her and asked Vera: "What¡¯s going on?" "There is no time for talk. Concentrate on the battle." Junhyuk looked over the battlefield. It looked like Arn had just saved the situation by joining in. Among the enemies, he spotted Skia standing at the very back, with an arrow stuck to the shoulder and trying to brush off ck mes. Lybia, who also had ck mes on her, was next to Skia, and they both looked seriously wounded. Everything was OK with Warren. Ellic and Minota were also heavily wounded. Arn waste, but was now dealing with Minota and Ellic simultaneously. They were both engulfed in mes, and Arn was dealing with them easily. Vera vomited blood, and Sarang asked Junhyuk while crying: "What do we do, big brother?" Junhyuk looked at her, Vera waived her hand and said: "Don¡¯t worry about me. Halo was blocking for me while Iunched meteors, and Skia attacked me. If it weren¡¯t for Sarang, I would¡¯ve been killed." "You got hurt while trying to save me." Junhyuk looked curious, and Vera exined it to him: "After Iunched the meteors, Skia came using the shadows, but Sarang hit Skia with her power. Time stopped, and Diane shot her arrows at Skia. Skia tried to kill Sarang, and I stepped in." Vera threw herself in to protect Sarang. Junhyuk could understand how she got hurt. If she had given up on Sarang, Vera could¡¯ve killed Skia, but she didn¡¯t and got hurt in the process." Junhyuk stood in front of them and looked over at the enemy camp. Nudra had not arrived yet. The enemies were heavily wounded, but his side was not doing well either. Halo had been targeted by the enemies when the meteors fell and was now being pushed back by Warren. Diane was doing better, but some of her body was frozen, which was a sign that she had been attacked by Libya. After Arn joined in, he started pushing Minota and Ellic, but the bout was still indecisive. Junhyuk knew that to control the flow of battle he had to decrease the number of enemies. They had all been hit by Vera¡¯s meteors, and the damages were heavy. Junhyuk looked at Vera. "Can you use your magic now?" "I can, but Libya and Skia are out of range." They were well behind the engagement line. Junhyuk felt that Skia was the most dangerous. "By seeping into shadows to move, how far can Skia travel?" Veraughed. "I checked it. It¡¯s about sixty-five feet." Right now, they were separated by 150 feet. That meant Skia couldn¡¯t get there. Junhyuk looked at Vera. "I heard you were in danger while I was at the dimensional merchant. Is it possible tomunicate?" "By using an item, it¡¯s possible tomunicate. Why?" "Then, tell Arn to attack Skia and Libya." "What about Minota and Ellic?" "Use a firewall to block them, and when Arn attacks, Skia may seep into a shadow and run away, then you should attack Skia. You can damage them then!" "Right. We also have Diane." "Then, please. When Arn attacks, I will make force field." "OK." Vera pulled out a crystal ball from her robe, closed her eyes and created a firewall in front of Minota and Ellic. Arn abandoned them and jumped. He was aiming for Skia, and Junhyuk made a force field around Arn. As Arn attacked, Skia just disappeared. Skia had to have seeped into a shadow. Arn did not chase after Skia, but he went after Libya. Libya tried to run away, but Arn swung his saber. Crack! Her wing was shed, but she managed to escape and join Minota and Ellic. She was trying to use her magic when Arn went after her. With the force field around him, Arn chased after her without hesitation. Then, Skia appeared behind Halo. Skia¡¯s dagger shed Halo¡¯s back, and Warren attacked him as well. Warren¡¯s ws were stuck to Halo¡¯s chest. No one had expected that. Vera had been waiting for Skia to show up again and used her magic continuously. Fire orbs and fire spears flew in a row toward Skia, and Skia turned. Skia smiled slyly and, as the fire spears approached Skia, Skia disappeared. Junhyuk was very tense. Skia had the ability to parry attacks. Skia dodged, but it didn¡¯t mean Skia could cover all that distance. After the fire orbs and spears went by, Skia showed up and ran toward him. Five arrows flew toward Skia. Skia used the daggers to cover weak spots and kept running toward him. Skia was closing in when Junhyuk grabbed hold of both longswords and ran toward Skia. "I will kill you." Skia swung the daggers, and Junhyuk relocated to the left. As Junhyuk disappeared, a sh of light blinded Skia¡¯s eyes. Skia had been hit by it before. It inflicted a small damage, but Skia had been so seriously wounded before that it ended up in death. Now, however, Skia was healthier. Skia tried to move but couldn¡¯t. Skia frowned as a fire spear and a arrow hit. Boom! Thluck! The fire spear hit Skia on the chest, while the arrow hit Skia on the neck. Skia couldn¡¯t move, and the heroes did not miss the chance to hit Skia¡¯s weak spots. Skia looked awful and started to disappear. Junhyuk went over to Skia and lifted a longsword. "This time, you are dead." Skia could move again and shouted: "You dare kill me!" sh! Junhyuk cut Skia¡¯s neck, and Skia¡¯s head flew off in the air. The world shifted around Skia¡¯s head as Junhyuk swung his swords. Skia¡¯s spinning head was sliced in four different parts, and Junhyuk stepped on the pieces. "Don¡¯t mess with me." Chapter 49: Return 1 Chapter 49: Return 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Skia disappeared, and four remained. Among them, only Warren had not been hurt. The problem was that Warren killed Halo. After Halo died, there was no one left to protect Vera and Diane. Warren ran toward the two of them. With the force field around him, Arn killed Libya and was now fighting Minota and Ellic. His force field only had three seconds left. However, when the force field disappeared, if his side supported him well, Arn would still be able to deal with Minota and Ellic, since he was not wounded. The problem was there was no one to deal with Warren. Junhyuk stood in front of Vera. Warren¡¯s eyes beamed after he saw Junhyuk. Junhyuk took the front after he stepped forward to kill Skia. Behind him were Vera and Diane. Sarang was at the far back. Junhyuk took hold of his swords. He had fought Warren before. Thest time, he had almost died, but more importantly, he survived. He just needed time to kill Warren, and if the worst came to worst, he would just escape. Junhyuk did not step aside, and Warren howled: "Hoooowl!" Junhyuk¡¯s body froze. In that situation, he could get killed in just one blow. He broke into cold sweats. Then, from behind Junhyuk, Sarang hit Warren with her energy sh. Warren stopped right in front of Junhyuk. Both of them were frozen and stared at each other. However, Junhyuk¡¯s side had two heroes preparing their attacks. A fire spear flew over Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and hit Warren¡¯s face, and a firewall appeared between Warren and Junhyuk. Junhyuk moved back by using spatial relocation. From the back, Junhyuk watched Warren attempting to open the firewall with his ws when Diane hit him on the face with arrows. Diane was holding her bow, and it was her time to attack. Warren turned his head, but an arrow tore his left eye up. Ahead of him, there appeared a fire orb. Boom! Warren stepped back because of the continued attacks. He was already seriously wounded and, if he continued to attack Junhyuk, he might be killed. Warren looked over at Arn. He was fighting two Minotas because of doppelganger, and Ellic was missing a leg. "We retreat!" Warren went back quickly. Minota rushed at Arn and began to run back. Vera looked at all of that andughed a little. "You must be joking." Vera made a fire spear and hit Minota¡¯s back while he was running. Boom! "Argh!" Minota screamed, and Diane¡¯s arrows hit him in a row. Finally, Minota turned grey and disappeared. This team battle was a victory. Ellic was missing a leg already when Arn shed his neck. Arn picked up the dropped loot and walked over to the others. "How are you?" "I didn¡¯t die, so it¡¯s OK. I will heal on the way back." "We don¡¯t have time to go back." "When Nudra joins us, we will attack." Arn was holding his saber when he looked at Junhyuk. "Follow me. We will take care of the minions." "OK." Arn ran while swinging his sabers. Looking at Arn, Junhyuk also swung his swords. It was still awkward, but he wanted to learn from Arn and he was getting better. Junhyuk and Arn sheathed their swords, and there were no more minions. Junhyuk picked up the gold coins and looked over to the surviving minions. There were only five left. They had fought well, but the enemy minions were stronger on the battlefield. Junhyuk felt good there were surviving minions. Soon, Nudra joined them. He saw the team battle was over andughed. "Then, we will bring an end to this fight." "Right! Let¡¯s go." Nudra brought 300 minions with him, and they all moved toward the castle. There were only fifty minions in front of the castle. Their side had 300 minions and the heroes. The opposing side had Warren, and the four other heroes had died. Junhyuk¡¯s side had a good chance at winning. "Can Warren block us by himself?" Arn pointed with his chin and answered: "Warren¡¯s healing ability is astounding. He might draw our attacks while being supported by the archers and buy more time. As time passes, he will wait for the others¡¯ resurrections." "It¡¯s a matter of time." "Of course." Arn looked at Diane. "Decrease the number of archers on the castle." "Count on me." Arn pulled out a small marble from his waistband and shouted: "Attack!" All 305 minions moved. They shed against the fifty enemy minions, and the archers loosened their arrows. The archers were already known to be urate. The allies couldn¡¯t rest easy just because they had the numbers advantage. Diane shot the archers on the castle wall, and she dropped them one by one until Warren stepped forward. He meant to buy more time. Junhyuk looked at Warren. "Sarang, can you use your power?" "Yes." "Then, we will act as bait for Warren." Junhyuk stepped forward, and Warren looked at him. Warren knew Junhyuk had the force field power. Junhyuk looked at Warren, then at Arn. "If the gate is destroyed, will Warren step forward?" "It looks that way." Arn did not hesitate and stepped forward. He walked on a straight path toward Warren. Arn was courageous, and Warren frowned. Arn could destroy the walls without attacking Warren. Warren thought about fighting Arn, but he was not an easy opponent. If he attacked, Arn would counterattack. The archers shot their arrows, but they could all die from the heroes¡¯ attacks. Warren could not decide what to do. Meanwhile, Arn got closer. Warren sighed and decided to attack. Warren attacked him, and Arn merely defended. Warren got in range of a fire spear. Vera threw her fire spear and ran back out of range from the archers. She timed it perfectly, and Warren took the hit from the fire spear and aimed for Arn. "Hoooowl!" With his howl, he froze Arn and continued his attacks. Warren¡¯s attacks left Arn wounded, but Arn only smiled. Warren felt goosebumps and stepped back, but Nudra was already dropping on him. Thunk! Warren felt his knees weaken, and his paws were stuck to the ground. The archers shot at Nudra, but Nudra ignored them and generated a strong wind against Warren. Fwoosh! Warren was pushed outside of the archers¡¯ range. He tried to escape, but Nudra kicked him. Nudra¡¯s kick pushed the opponents back, and Warren was pushed toward the allied line. While all that happened, Nudra was shot by three arrows, but he finally got himself well out of range. Warren knew it was toote to go back and looked at Junhyuk. "At least, I will kill you!" Junhyuk saw Arn jumping down on Warren. While being attacked by Arn, Warren closed the gap between himself and Junhyuk. Junhyuk waited for him. When he was about to be wed, he moved by spatial relocation. Junhyuk now stood in front of Vera, but Warren had expected that. Warren looked like he was bent on killing Junhyuk, even if he got killed. Warren had given up on this round of team battles. He rushed toward Junhyuk, and Junhyuk smiled. Warren was wounded by Nudra, Arn and Vera. He could probably only withstand two more blows. Junhyuk gripped his swords tightly and leaned forward, which pleased Warren. Warren swung his ws again, and Junhyuk used spatial relocation. This time, he appeared behind Vera, and she threw a fire orb at the spot where he had been standing. Boom! Warren staggered, and his eyes turned all red. Warren had an astounding healing power, and he was showing it now, but then, Sarang sent her energy sh against him. Warren was no longer healing, and his wounds remained open. Diane shot him in the middle of his forehead, and he couldn¡¯t even move. Warren turned grey, and Arn beheaded him. Warren had tried to buy more time for himself, but Nudra had kicked him within the allies attacking range, and he died. He had tried to kill Junhyuk, but he hadn¡¯t known Junhyuk¡¯s powers had evolved. Arn ran as soon as Warren died. He started hitting the castle walls, and Junhyuk ran toward the enemy minions. The allied minions were crazed, but they had decreased in number due to the archers. There were only half of them still alive. However, that was still a good number of survivors. Junhyuk started killing the enemy minions. The archers no longer had a buff since the heroes weren¡¯t fighting. Junhyuk lifted a dead enemy minion to block arrows and started massacring them. Arn had been correct in saying he had needed new weapons. The minions were no match for him. Before he finished ughtering the minions, the gate was destroyed. Arn went over and finished the remaining minions. "We go in." Inside the castle, Junhyuk frowned. Skia had already resurrected and was among the golems ying with the daggers. One of them had to die, but Skia might get help from the golems. He could use his force field to deal with the golems, but now was not the time. Junhyuk was indecisive, and Arn provided the solution: "Attack!" After Arn spoke, the minions all went inside. The surviving minions ran toward the golems, and Arn stepped forward. "Be careful." Arn was aware of Skia. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes met Skia¡¯s, and Skia smiled. Skia¡¯s stare was full of poison. Junhyuk measured the distance between the two. It was too long for Skia for to seep into a shadow, but he couldn¡¯t becent. If anything went wrong, he could get killed. Arn ran toward Skia, and Skia did not expect Arn could be so ignorant in his attack and stared nkly at him. Arn¡¯s swung his saber at Skia, and Skia disappeared. On his right, the golems swung their fists. Bang, bang! Arn dropped back, and Skia showed up. Skia had fixated on Junhyuk. Skia¡¯s range was sixty-five feet, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t let Skia get any closer. Junhyuk used spatial relocation. He could get hurt by running away since Skia moved much faster than him. After seeing Junhyuk relocate, Skia eyes sharpened. Junhyuk moved once, and Skia tried to seep into his shadow. Arn ran toward Skia again. He dodged the golems¡¯ attacks and shed Skia¡¯s back. Skia knew Junhyuk was still more than sixty-five feet away. Skia would take another step and seep into his shadow while allowing Arn to attack. Skia had to kill Junhyuk, and the next battle would be much easier. Skia went a few feet closer, trying to use the shadow power. Junhyuk moved by spatial relocation again and stood behind Vera. Skia was hit by Vera¡¯s fire spear and five of Diane¡¯s arrows. Skia tried to lift the daggers when Junhyuk began to stab Skia from behind. "Argh!" Skia was small and turning grey, Junhyuk clicked his tongue and shook his head. "I told you to not to mess with me." Chapter 50: Return 2 Chapter 50: Return 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - If other heroes were to disrupt him, he wouldn¡¯t be able to do it, but when there were no heroes, Arn could deal with the golems by himself, even though they were strong. At that point, a golem was crazed and massacring the minions who were attacking him. The golem was not looking at the heroes. Vera¡¯s meteors fell on the golem. Boom, boom, boom! The golem staggered in big steps, and Arn ran and swung his saber. He attacked the spot where Vera¡¯s meteors had done heavy damage, and a part of golem was destroyed. Inside the castle¡¯s force field, Libya appeared. She saw that part of the golem was already broken and sighed. She needed the golem¡¯s help to fight four heroes. If not for that help, she had no chance. She couldn¡¯t let the golem be destroyed. She made an ice flower with her hands. The ice flower broke into petals, and cold chills covered the minions who were attacking the golem. The heroes might withstand that attack, but the minions all froze in a moment. All of the minions within the range of the attack fell, frozen, and the golem swung his fist at them. Crack, crash! Most of the minions were broken into little shards of ice, but Diane shot an arrow and hit the golem in the head. Bang! After being hit by the meteors, the golem¡¯s functions were already low, and so it was destroyed by the arrow. Libya bit her lips, but did not dare to step out of the castle¡¯s force field. Four heroes were standing there, and Libya was frustrated for being stuck. Junhyuk realized he had survived that battle. Meanwhile, he got himself killed once, but being an expert had helped him. He sighed in relief and contributed to destroying the castle¡¯s force field by swinging his longswords alongside Arn. Libya could stille out, so he was prepared to use his force field at any moment while he continued to swing at the force field. There were only two surviving minions, and they stayed close to Junhyuk. One of the survivor¡¯s face looked familiar. He had survived OK, but he was crazed and hitting the castle¡¯s force field like a madman. It was hard to speak to him. Then, Ellic showed up, standing next to Libya. He looked at the situation and clicked his tongue and he saw Junhyuk destroying the castle¡¯s force field, standing behind Arn, so he talked to Lybia. Libya shook her head, but Ellic lifted his hammer and said: "I will do it." After he spoke, he rushed out. ng! Arn blocked him but was pushed back. Meanwhile, Ellic was holding his hammer high in the air and said to Junhyuk: "Die." Ellic dropped his hammer, and Junhyuk moved by spatial relocation. m! Ellic mmed the hammer and created shockwaves, but Junhyuk was out of range. Junhyuk looked at how far he had moved. Not only could he use spatial relocation twice in a row, but the distance had also increased. He had moved thirty-three feet, and Ellic went toward him. He was hit by Vera¡¯s fire spear and Diane¡¯s arrows but still moved toward him. This battle was over, but if Ellic wanted to give him more gold coins, Junhyuk would not refuse. "Come on!" Junhyuk shouted, and Ellic¡¯s eyes widened, and he ran. Holding his hammer, he approached, and Junhyuk looked at the others. The heroes were concentrating their attacks. Did Ellic think he could kill him? Ellic was about to smash Junhyuk with his hammer when Junhyuk created a force field. Thunk! The hammer bounced off, and Ellic stepped on the force field and went over it. Junhyuk was curious about what he was doing, and Ellic rushed from behind. "What?" He was pushing the entire force field toward the castle. The other heroes were dumbfounded. Only two minions were attacking the castle¡¯s force field, and that was not enough for the job. Ellic was risking his life to deliver Junhyuk to Lybia, who was making an ice spear. Minota showed up, standing behind Libya. "Shit." They were risking their lives to kill him. The force fieldsted for ten seconds. Ellic was out of energy and stopped pushing when, suddenly, Arn beheaded him. Ellic had a smile on his face when he died. Minota went out and used his doppelganger ability. Two Minotas were stepping on the force field. Crunch, crunch! Half of the force field was underground, but Junhyuk did not panic and shouted: "Destroy the castle¡¯s force field." There were three seconds remaining. If all heroes concentrated their fire power on the castle, they could shatter the force field. Then, this battle would end in a victory. Arn did not hesitate and hit the force field. All heroes began attacking the castle¡¯s force field, and Minotaughed at them. "That¡¯s an interesting way to fight." After Minota spoke, the two Minotas rushed at Nudra and Arn. Vera and Diane continued their attacks against the castle. Libya was making an ice spear to use against Junhyuk, and he couldn¡¯t retreat. Junhyuk hit on the castle¡¯s force field with all his might. In two seconds, he had hit the castle four times, but he wanted to contribute more. Junhyuk¡¯s force field disappeared, and Libya threw her ice spear. Junhyuk ran away while hitting the castle¡¯s force field. Libya¡¯s ice spear traveled in a single direction. If he ran sideways, he could dodge it. Junhyuk ran to the side, still hitting the castle, and Minota ran after him. "Woo, woo, woo!" Junhyuk knew he did everything he could do, and he hit the castle onest time and ran toward Minota. The active time for Minota¡¯s doppelganger ability ended, and only one Minota remained. He stomped the ground and rushed hard toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk¡¯s concentration was at an all time high. Minota¡¯s speed was really high, and Junhyuk looked at him intently and, all of sudden, used spacial relocation. Junhyuk was just behind Minota, and Minota quickly turned around. He was really fast and decided to rush Junhyuk. Clung! Junhyuk swung his longswords but still absorbed the shock. He dropped to the ground, and Minota tried to stomp him. Junhyuk thought he might get killed, and his hair stood up, but then, an energy st hit Minota. It was Sarang. Junhyuk got up quickly, and Libya threw another ice spear between Minota¡¯s legs. He did not have time to dodge and had already used up spatial relocation and the force field. He tried to block it with his swords. Bang! With a loud noise, the ice spear thinned out and disappeared as it went through Junhyuk¡¯s chest. Minota moved again, but he was also disappearing. He looked behind him, and the castle was falling down. Minota thinned out and said to Junhyuk: "I will kill you next time." As Minota spoke to him, Junhyuk grinned and pped him. Minota was vanishing, but he had made the ox plenty angry. "Filthy ox, I will make money out of you." He was killed but would resurrect. Junhyuk would kill him multiple times and collect items from him. Minota was not excited and smiled instead. Junhyuk felt a chill. Minota disappeared, and Arn walked over. "You OK?" "Yes." It was really scary at veryst minute. He could¡¯ve been killed by the ice spear, but the castle copsed right on time. If it hadn¡¯t, he would¡¯ve been killed. Arn did not speak much and waved his hand and disappeared. The other heroes were gone as well. Sarang, Junhyuk and two minions remained. The two minions were out of breath. They were still crazed, and Junhyuk looked at Sarang. "Big brother." "I will see you in my room." Sarang nodded and thinned out. Junhyuk felt a strong light hit his eyes and closed them. --- Junhyuk slowly opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of his own room. This time, he had experienced death. It made him scared, and he shivered. Junhyuk got up slowly. "Big brother." He turned his head, and Sarang jumped down from the bed and hugged him, and they both fell on the ground. Thump! "Ouch!" He hit the back of his skull on the ground and frowned. Sarang buried her head in his chest, then lifted it and asked, shouting: "We survived right?!" "Right." Sarang got up and started dancing to her own beat. Junhyuk smiled as she danced. "What are you doing?" "It¡¯s a ceremony of joy, don¡¯t you see?" Sarang grabbed him and got him up. Holding his hands, she danced, and Junhyukughed. Until then, he hade back alone. This time, he was sharing the joy of surviving with someone else. They both danced, and Junhyuk rested on the bed and watched her dance. Sarang got tired and sat on the chair, spinning the chair in circles. She hit the desk as she spun and stopped. "Ouch!" "Are you all right?" Sarang cried andughed, and Junhyukughed with her. "Big brother." Junhyuk looked at her, she tapped her stomach and said: "I¡¯m hungry." Junhyuk looked at his watch. "Should we dine out?" "No, we should order pizza." Junhyuk looked at her. She was sitting on his chair with grin on her face, and he smiled. "It¡¯ste. Is that OK for you?" "They think I¡¯m at the library." Junhyuk used his cellphone to order pizza. She requested a soda and a sd as well. She was still sitting on the chair and looked at her hands. The ring was still on her left index finger. "What¡¯s that?" "I got it from the battlefield, but I did not know I could bring it with me." "An item from the battlefield?" "Ah, I didn¡¯t tell you about it. Skia dropped it." Junhyuk looked at her ring and then at his own hands. Both wrists had engravings on it. "Summon." Two swords showed up. Junhyuk held both swords and felt no need to buy any other weapon. Sarang looked surprised, and Junhyuk put the swords away. "Oh, you are something else! You earned an item." "Do you envy me?" "Yes. I envy you." Junhyuk agreed with her. Sarang puffed her chest and ced both hands on her hips, making a superhero pose. "You should serve me. Do you know how many times I saved you?" "Right. Do look after me." Sarang looked at Junhyuk. If it weren¡¯t for him, she would¡¯ve been killed way before. Sarang stared at Junhyuk, and he became a little embarrassed. "The delivery iste." "They will be here in thirty minutes." Sarang thought Junhyuk was cute and got up. She grabbed Junhyuk¡¯s chest and pulled him toward her. "What?" She kissed him on the cheek, and Junhyuk got all red. "Big bro, thanks," she whispered in his ear. Chapter 51: Return 3 Chapter 51: Return 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Suddenly, Chris opened his eyes and began to act crazy. "Ha-ha-ha-ha!" His eyes were full of madness, and the researchers were dumbfounded by his behavior and went up to him. He was tied to a bed and restrained, but he was trashing so much, he might break free. Elise looked at him with her arms crossed. "Give him a tranquilizer." The researchers gave him a tranquilizer by injection. "Ugh!" He looked around him with ufortably creepy eyes and soon fell asleep. Elise was looking down at him and slowly walked toward him. "PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), but this behavior is unexpected." Elise looked at him for a moment and began searching his body. Inside his clothes, she found two gems. She took them and looked at them. Elise had a blue colored gem on her hand and whispered: "One Mana Stone." She picked up another stone with her thumb and index finger. "What is this?" Elise looked at the gem and pushed it toward a researcher who was standing behind her. The researcher ced the gem on a te. Elise turned her head and said: "First, search his body thoroughly." "Yes." She walked toward the door and stopped to look at the researchers. "Thoroughly," she pressed the point one more time and went outside. The researchers took Chris¡¯ clothes off and examined his body. Elise went back to her office and ced a hand on the desk. Soon, five screens rose from the desk. Their faces were full of expectations, surrounded by a thickyer of curiosity. Elise spoke calmly, giving her report. "One survivor. The rest of them did not make it back." The people on the screens were not interested in those who did not make it back, but they were told there was a survivor and were all very interested in that. "So, did he bring back anything?" "One Mana Stone and an unknown red gem." "Oh!" Everyone looked very interested, and Elise smiled and reported: "First, we are examining his body. After that, we will find out what happened right away." "We will be waiting." "Have some confidence in me." The screens turned off simultaneously, and Elise got up from her seat. Then, one screen turned back on, and Doyeol Kim appeared in it. "Do want something?" "How is the survivor doing?" "He is experiencing more than PTSD. We gave him a tranquilizer." "Is that right?" Doyeol thought hard and said "OK. I will be expecting good news." "Trust me." Themunication ended, and Elise tapped her index finger on Doyeol¡¯s screen. "You... What are you hiding?" --- A big kiss from a woman! It was not the first time, but he still had a hard time looking at Sarang while the two ate pizza because she was still in high school. Sarang thought Junhyuk was being funny, and she smiled and ate her slice. She thought it was delicious. "Big brother, I have something to ask." "Yes? What?" Junhyuk collected himself and swallowed the pizza he was chewing. Sarang put her slice down and asked: . "What¡¯s so good about bing a novice?" Junhyuk thought for a moment and answered: "First, for me, after bing a novice, my physical strength and conditioning went up. When your soul¡¯s ability goes up, the body tries to keep up. So, I followed Arn¡¯s training technique, and the results were phenomenal." Junhyuk unted his biceps, and Sarang touched one with her index finger and was astounded. "It¡¯s totally like a rock." Junhyuk smiled a little and said: "The most important is that your soul¡¯s ability has increased. You have many times the strength of an ordinary person." Sarang shook her head a little and said: "I don¡¯t feel any extra strength." Junhyuk crossed his arms, mulled it over and said: "First, you are a magician novice, so I am not sure what will happen. Maybe your mind will grow exponentially." "My mind?" "Yes. Don¡¯t you feel anything different since you became a magician novice?" Sarang shook her head and lifted hands. Suddenly, she made an energy orb. "Because I have to concentrate to make this, my concentration has increased." "Concentration? When you became a novice, your concentration might have increased a little. You might consider doing meditation for your soul." "Meditation?" "Yes," Junhyuk smiled and continued: "But you must not neglect your body. Do you know the saying healthy body, healthy mind? So, every morning, you should do some light jogging or ride a bicycle, do other basic exercises and, when you have time, meditate. When you are alone, you should practice your newly acquired power." "I don¡¯t have a ce to practice." There was no ce to practice energy st, and Junhyuk got worried. Right now, Sarang had a power that ordinary people called supernatural. If her power was discovered, crazy people would want to dissect her. Even if they didn¡¯t dissect her, she would be the object of many experiments. Sarang smiled. "Big brother, can I practice it here?" "Here?" "This is the safest ce. No one will find out." Junhyuk crossed his arms. He made the most scary expressions he could make. "Aren¡¯t you scared of me?" "Should I be?" Her big eyes were already bigger, and she tilted her head down. Junhyuk sighed: "OK..." Junhyuk thought it would be good for her to develop her power further. That was the way to survive the Dimensional Battlefield, but they couldn¡¯t practice together, especially if he came homete. "How far are we from your home?" "By bus, it takes two stops." "That close?" "Yes." Junhyuk pulled out his keychain, took out his spare key and said: "You shoulde alone. Don¡¯t bring anyone." "Don¡¯t worry." Junhyuk pushed the key forward, and Sarang covered the key with both hands. He tried to not to give in. He was an expert and was trained in Arn¡¯s technique. He held on to the key, and Sarang tried hard to get it from him. Junhyukughed and said: "You may use the room in exchange for cleaning it, OK?" "Ch, Cheap!" "Cheap?" Junhyuk pulled the key toward him, and Sarang was about to cry. "OK." Junhyuk let go of his hand, Sarangughed. "All right! I got a safe house." "You will be alone. It¡¯s not a safe house..." "Still, now I have a ce to practice." She was right. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t been able to practice when his parents were around. She couldn¡¯t talk about her powers to anyone. At such a young age, she must¡¯ve been very worried. Junhyuk, himself, had been stunned when he experienced it for the first time. Fortunately, he had no sign of injuries or stress disorders. "Your soul grew, and you will be fine, but when you have problems, you should call me any time." "Then, give me your number." Sarang pushed her hand forward, and Junhyuk unlocked his phone and gave it to her. Sarang punched in the number on her phone and smiled: "I got the number." Junhyuk shook his head and picked up another slice of pizza. She asked him: "Do we have to go back in two weeks?" "Yes, that¡¯s correct." "Hm. I cane back here when it¡¯s time, right?" Junhyuk took a bite of his pizza and said: "That¡¯s a good idea, but don¡¯t wear your school uniform next time, and don¡¯te to mypany. Juste here instead." "I can do that!" "You can¡¯te to mypany." For now, they had told them they were cousins, but they wouldn¡¯t believe it forever. Sarang picked up a slice of pizza. "This time, some minions survived!" Two minions had survived, but they were still crazed, and he didn¡¯t know how to stop their madness. "Right." "You think they will be fine?" "What?" "They were crazed because of an item. Maybe they¡¯ve returned in that state..." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "They will be sent to a mental hospital." Sarang sighed deeply. "Also, heroes are too much." Junhyuk agreed on that point. Minions were not human to heroes. Minions were pieces on a chessboard. Not more, not less. "Minions are lucky if they are chosen." Vera had taught her with care. If not for that, she would¡¯ve been in the same position as the other minions. Both of them were very lucky. She got her power, became a novice and did not end up like the minions. Sarang sat and hugged her knees, rocking herself back and forth. "Whew! I have a lot to study. I am a senior and, now, I have to train as well. It¡¯s too much." "Your concentration went up. Doesn¡¯t that make it easier to study?" "Boo, boo... Studying is never easy in this world!" Sarang jeered, and Junhyukughed and took another bite of his slice. "It¡¯ste. Go home." "Whoa! Aren¡¯t you going to walk me?" "You are wearing your uniform. They¡¯ll think I¡¯m a pervert." "It¡¯s reallyte, and I am still in high school!" There was no one that could threaten her because she had her powers. She could kill anyone she wanted to, but she couldn¡¯t use her powers in public. Junhyuk shook his head. "OK. I¡¯ll walk you home." "All right!" Sarang got up and took off the workout clothes he gave her. He was looking at her without thinking when she pulled down her pants underneath her skirt, and he turned his head quickly. Sarang folded the workout clothes, ced them on the bed and strapped on her backpack. "Let¡¯s go." Junhyuk walked next to her, and felt other people¡¯s stares shooting daggers at him. Every time someone looked at them, he talked to that person. "I am her uncle. Uncle." Sarang thought he was funny and took his arm. "You!" "What, cousin?" Junhyuk let go of her and realized how scary a girl wearing a school uniform could be. She should¡¯ve been wearing normal clothes. The two of them arrived at her apartmentplex, and people continued to stare disapprovingly. "Go in." "Big brother, until next time." Sarang waved, and Junhyuk got worried. "I should get a car." However, it was still too early. He had money from his advertising gig, but he shouldn¡¯t waste his money, yet he still wanted to buy a car. On his way home, Junhyuk thought about getting a car. Sarang was on the elevator and thought about what to put Junhyuk¡¯s phone number under. "My Mr. Junhyuk? My love Junhyuk? Big brother Junhyuk? House owner?" Sarang thought about it for a long time, and the elevator stopped, and she inserted Junhyuk¡¯s phone number as "Mine." Chapter 52: Encounter 1 Chapter 52: Encounter 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - After work, he was heading to his studio apartment when he saw some people gathered in front of a unfinished vi. They were male and female students from a nearby high school. Sanghoon Hyun, himself, used to smoke cigarettes when he was in high school. "They must be having a good time." Sanghoon spoke, continued walking and, suddenly, he heard a scream. "Gahh!" Sanghoon took a good look at them and saw a female student among the male students. She looked really scared, and the buttons of her uniform were undone. He walked toward them. "What¡¯s going on here?" Sanghoon asked them while walking, and two male students looked at him. There were five male students and one female student. All of them were surrounding another female student. At once, the full picture came into view. "Mister, go about your way!" A high school student went over and looked at him, and Sanghoonughed at the boy. "Let the girl go. Then, I¡¯ll be on my way." Sanghoon spoke, and the studentsughed. "Mister, the world is a scary ce." "I know." One of the students threw a punch really fast, but Sanghoon dodged it easily and hit the student¡¯s stomach. "Ugh!" That student fell down, and another screamed and also tried to punch him. "Why this son of a bit..." Sanghoon tilted his head, escaped the punch and hit the student on his stomach. The two fallen students couldn¡¯t speak and were just holding on to their bellies. "You never heard of Youngdeung District¡¯s crazy dog?" Sanghoon asked. When he was in high school, he used to get in a lot of fights. After finishing school, he tried to fit into society, but he wasn¡¯t well educated or had any certificates. In the end, he worked as aborer. However, he had no regrets. Without his past rough experiences, he would not have survived that nightmare that had been pure hell. "Kill him!" The remaining three students attacked him, and Sanghoon couldn¡¯t dodge all of their attacks. Their punches grazed him, but he paid them back each time with a punch of his own. He hit one on the chin, and then, there were only two left. One of them grabbed him by the waist, trying to tackle him to the ground, and another went behind him. Sanghoon kneed the one trying to tackle him. When the student fell over, Sanghoon grabbed him by the shirt and threw him at the one who wasing from behind. Then, he punched the student on the pit of his stomach. "Ugh!" The student was drooling as he fell. There were two female students, and only one of them had her shirt unbuttoned. The other female student took a picture of Sanghoon¡¯s face with her phone and said: "You should be more careful." Sanghoon took her handphone, threw it on the ground, stepped on it and replied: "No, you should be more careful. If I meet you again, I will kick all of your asses." The female student stepped back and ran away. "Take your friends with you," he shouted after her. Sanghoon looked at the five fallen male students and looked at the girl with the unbuttoned shirt. She was crying, and he walked up next to her and asked: "Are you OK?" "Th-thanks." "Be more careful. Don¡¯te outte at night." The student gave him a big bow and ran away. Sanghoon yawned and lit up a cigarette. Thunk! He felt a shock to the back of his skull, and the whole world shook. Sanghoon dropped to the ground, and everything turned red. Then, he saw one of the male students holding a brick. Heughed at Sanghoon. "Son of bitch! He thinks I¡¯m a loser." Sanghoon staggered while trying to get up. The blood on his neck felt warm. "I went easy on you." "Die, you son of a bitch!" He swung the brick, and Sanghoon frowned. Usually, one doesn¡¯t use a brick in a fight unless one is trying to kill. He swung the brick, so he meant to kill me. Sanghoon already knew everything about his opponent¡¯s character. He tried to grab the arm holding the brick, but his eyesight was shaky. Thuck! His forehead was torn, and he staggered again. "Get the hell up! Stomp him!" All five students began kicking and stepping on Sanghoon. He covered his weak spots and tried to get up, but he was losing consciousness. Am I dying like this? Soon, he realized that something had changed in him. He was suddenly feeling well and he pulled out a dagger from his jacket. The dagger looked red, and he swung it at the ankle of one of the students kicking him. "Argh!" He cut a wide gash on the student¡¯s ankle, and the high school student stepped back. The other four were surprised, looking at the scene. "What? You are bleeding!" "That asshole has a knife on him!" The four remaining students all went for him. They meant to take the knife away from him, but his own wounds were healing fast. Meanwhile, the one that had his ankle shed was bleeding out and losing consciousness. Sanghoon got up andughed. "Holy shit! Yeah... Why should I be forgiving?" His eyes were filled with madness, and the students didn¡¯t know what to do. Sanghoon walked toward them like a beast. --- There was no work on Saturdays. Junhyuk used the entire morning to practice using his powers and his swordsmanship. He even browsed the inte for dual-wielding swordsmanship and practiced those moves. At noon, he took his lunch,y on his bed and checked out his tablet. He checked his emails. The inbox was full of emails from Somin, mostly about thepany. He studied them and thought he owed her a meal. He was an expert and had survived again, so his concentration was surprisingly high. Within two hours, he had read the equivalent of one book and could point out the importance of what he had read. He sighed. "I have work to do." Now, he saw the full picture on the coboration project between ST Capsule and Robotics and he understood its impact. It required an astronomical amount of money, but it would be a giant step for mankind. Mechanical prosthesis would be possible. It wasn¡¯t like creating the Six Million Dor Man*. If man had a ¡¯one¡¯ in a power scale, that power would increase to ¡¯1.5.¡¯ If they increased the power output any higher, there could be idents. The subjects would be like speeding cars. If two people held hands, one shouldn¡¯t break the other¡¯s hand, and they¡¯d tuned the power output down for such asions. Junhyuk moved slightly and turned on the TV. It was time for the news. "Breaking News: This morning, on a yground, five bodies of high school students were discovered. The cadavers looked mummified, and the National Crime Scene Investigation joined the case." The screen was blurred to cover up the graphic content, but the report was still creepy. "Mummified?" Junhyuk checked it out on the inte. The news was all over it. Someone had posted a picture of the cadavers, and they sure looked like mummies. They were skinny, only skin and bones, and there were five of them. "Are they shooting a movie? Is this even possible in real life?" There were manyments like that on different blogs. Junhyuk looked at the TV and frowned. "What is the worlding to?" Something wasn¡¯t right. "The Dimensional Battlefield exists. I shouldn¡¯t be so surprised." Junhyuk shook his head and got up. He would move around, develop his powers, empty his head, and think about what his opinion would be on the coboration project. Jangho pointed to the fact that Robotics was a military contractor, but was now involving itself in the medical industry. It couldn¡¯t be called a medical project, but it renewed people¡¯s hopes. It wasn¡¯t cheap. It usually cost the same as a sedan, but the people who were hurt by abnormal narcolepsy would be covered and be able to get it for cheap. It was just the beginning. Junhyuk summoned his swords and swung them, thinking it was all possible because of a new battery. Robotics had created the new battery It worked for twenty-four hours and it was electrically rechargeable. Due to this new battery, Robotics could be the world¡¯s leading corporation. The battery worked for military situations and for people¡¯s daily life. A smartphones¡¯ battery life was short. With this new battery, one could use a smartphone for over a week. "It¡¯s really something else." If they were only after profit, they wouldn¡¯t have coborated. When this coboration became a sess, the effectiveness of the new battery would be known worldwide, and so would the Robotics¡¯ brand. Just by selling batteries, their profits would skyrocket. Junhyuk used spatial relocation, swung his swords and said: "I must focus." He was thinking of what to say about the project and wasn¡¯t focusing on his swordsmanship. He had to be stronger to survive. When he had time, he had to focus on his powers¡¯ evolutions and on mastering his swordsmanship. He had to concentrate. Junhyuk closed his eyes, focused and swung his swords. He was swinging them a little differently from before and he liked what he was doing, so he continued swinging. Junhyuk was swinging his swords like there was no tomorrow when he heard a noise. Click. He sent his swords away and teleported to the door. Creak. The door opened, and Sarang was holding two bags with her. Junhyuk stared at her nkly. "What are you doing here?" "Big brother!" Sarang smiled and gave him both bags, Junhyuk took them, and she took off her shoes. She wasn¡¯t wearing her school uniform, but it was still very surprising. "Why don¡¯t you answer me?" "I am here to train!" "On a weekend?" "It¡¯s because it¡¯s the weekend," she said and took his arms. "When can I train if not on the weekend? On weekdays, I have to study tillte at night." Junhyuk knew she was speaking the truth. "But my room is so small. We can¡¯t train here at the same time!" Sarang merely answered: "I have to focus my mind and I can do that on a bed." Junhyuk sighed. "All right. By the way," Junhyuk looked at the two bags and asked, "what¡¯s all of this?" "It¡¯s our dinner." Junhyuk was surprised again. "Here?" Sarang took off her coat. Junhyuk ced the two bags on the countertop and hung the coat. She jumped on the bed. "Ah! That feels good." Junhyuk looked at her nkly. Sarang rolled on the bed and made an energy orb with her hands, and Junhyuk didn¡¯tin anymore. "Right. I told you coulde here, so I won¡¯tin. Practice hard." Junhyuk checked on the door, summoned his swords and began swinging again. Sarang had a smile on her face. She yed with the energy orb in her hands and looked at Junhyuk. Her eyes were dull. ------ Six Million Dor Man - The Six Million Dor Man was a movie from 1973 in which an astronaut is seriously injured in a spaceship crash and gets rebuilt using robot parts. Chapter 53: Encounter 2 Chapter 53: Encounter 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Chop, chop, chop, chop! Junhyuk sat on the bed, pretending to look at his tablet, and watched Sarang, who was wearing an apron, cooking. Junhyuk did not know what to make out of that situation. He used to cook ramen noodles every day for himself, so he shouldn¡¯t refuse someone cooking a nice, hot meal for him, but she was a high school student. They had spent time together in the Dimensional Battlefield and had saved each other¡¯s life. He also understood that she had to train at his house, but he was still hesitant. "Tch." If she were in college, he would¡¯ve dly spent time with her. He clicked his tongue and looked at Sarang. She was looking at her smartphone and moving around, so she had to be preparing something nice. Junhyuk expected a good meal and looked over the major points of the coboration project on his tablet. He was thinking about work when Sarang set the table. He pretended he was OK, but this was the first time a woman other than his own mother had cooked for him, so he was nervous. "Come and eat." Junhyuk put the tablet down on the bed and walked over to the table, which was filled with different dishes. "So?" There were fried mushrooms, boiled tofu with soy sauce, stir fried anchovies with almonds, beef BBQ and a tuna stew. The table was full of food. It all looked so pretty on the tes that he smiled. Sarang took a seat and smiled. "Eat up." "It looks delicious." Junhyuk took a spoonful of rice first. The rice cooker had cooked the rice, and rice always tasted the same. The rice cooker required the right amount of water and the right amount of rice, and that was it, but this rice tasted good. He dly chewed his rice and lifted his chopsticks, nervous. What should I eat first? First, he would try the beef. Junhyuk ate the beef and smiled. "Delicious!" He nodded and picked up the stir fried anchovies with almonds and was immediately surprised. It was sweet, too sweet! It tasted like melted lumps of sugar, but it wasn¡¯t enough toin about it. Smiling, Junhyuk ate the tofu with soy sauce. Salty! She must¡¯ve poured the whole bottle of soy sauce! However, Junhyuk kept his smile. He had already tasted the potion from hell, so he could smile at that food. Compared to the potion, even the anchovies tasted good. A human had to reach his lowest point to realize how happy he was, and a woman had cooked for him. He should be grateful. Junhyuk ate the fried mushrooms. The mushrooms were unseasoned, and she had just fried them. He could taste the mushrooms¡¯ aroma. "Delicious." He ate more rice and got a bit of the tuna stew. He used to think that all tuna stew were the same, but he realized how stupid he had been. He missed his mother¡¯s cooking. This stew was full of MSG, and the saltiness disrupted his pte. "Delicious." Junhyuk felt grateful that she had cooked for him, and he did not hold back anypliments. If he were toin when a woman cooked for him, there might not be a next meal. She had spent more than an hour in the kitchen cooking that meal. Sarang had a bright smile and picked up her spoon. "Then, it¡¯s my turn." She tried the tuna stew first. "Ptooey!" She suddenly spit out the tuna stew, but Junhyuk continued eating. Sarang began tasting all of the dishes and let out a Bronx cheer*. She had bought the beef at the mart and cooked it, and the mushrooms were just fried. For the rest of the dishes, she had browsed the inte for recipes. They all tasted like poison. Either too sweet or too salty! How can he eat so calmly? He was smiling and telling her it was delicious, and she felt very grateful. Sarang looked at Junhyuk and said: "Hm... Today, you fill up on the beef." She picked up plenty of the beef and ced it on his rice bowl. Junhyuk thought she was hrious and startedughing. He had lost his feelings and emotions at the Dimensional Battlefield and he felt like he was regaining them. Sarang looked at him and began tough at herself, then she ate the beef and mushrooms with rice. "By the way, big brother, did you watch the news today?" "About the mummified bodies?" "Right. How is that possible?" "Well, I spent time in the Dimensional Battlefield, so I wasn¡¯t too surprised." "That¡¯s different from this," she said and her eyes beamed. "Maybe it¡¯s the work of a vampire who sucks the blood out of people." "And?" "I will catch him. I have the power to do it." Junhyuk frowned. What¡¯s this young girl talking about? "Don¡¯t." "Why?" "Movies are ruining the younger generation. You are not a hero! It¡¯s a job for the police." "But..." Junhyuk looked at her seriously. "Don¡¯t do anything dangerous." Sarang smiled. Maybe she had just wanted to hear him say that. "What if the vampirees after me?" Junhyuk answered calmly: "Then, you should use your energy bolt on his leg and run." Sarang had the power to stop time, and now she could use an energy st instead of an energy bolt. She might blow the vampire¡¯s leg off, but it was better for her to be safe. Sarang smiled after Junhyuk said that. "What if the vampirees after us both?" "Then, you run. I will fight him." Junhyuk was a monster going by human standards. Experts had strength beyond ordinary humans, and he was also carrying the strength runestone and had his swords. If his opponents did not use guns, they would be killed. "What? What is that?! We should either run away together or fight together." Junhyuk knew she was just pretending and said calmly: "Then, as a magician novice, you should fight from the back. I will fight in the front." "Sure." Sarang smiled brightly, and Junhyuk looked at her and then focused on eating. Sarang also looked at him and focused on eating. --- On Monday morning, he was on his way to work when he watched the news on his smartphone. They had found another three mummified bodies. The police thought it was the work of an organized gang. "Societal justice and rescue?" The dead high school students had been bad and hadn¡¯t readjusted into society. Junhyuk stopped watching the news. He had practiced a lot this past weekend. Sarang had been there to train, but Junhyuk could use his force field at will. Junhyuk could make a force field on whoever he chose, so he practiced spatial relocation. It was now possible for him to grab someone and teleport with that person. He had practiced in his room and had moved only twelve feet. Still, he had managed to teleport with Sarang. At first, he could only teleport himself, but with practice, he was able to do it with her. The first time Sarang teleported with him, she was so happy that it still made him smile. Sarang had practiced the uracy of her energy bolt. She had practiced with empty beer cans on the desk while she satfortably on a bed. She could shoot continuously and change the intensity of the energy bolt. She had shot more than twelve beer cans, and Junhyuk had had to drink them all first. Sarang had drunk sodas because she was underage and,ter, she had became so full that she had had to stop practicing. They had practiced together for the entire weekend and had be much closer. They had talked about saving each other and had eaten meals together. They didn¡¯t eat on the Dimensional Battlefield, and it was not a ce for small talk. Junhyuk got off the subway and walked toward ST Capsule¡¯s building while moving his hands around. He was training dual swordsmanship and, since he couldn¡¯t swing his swords, he was just making the motions. He went into his office and found out he was the first to arrive. He smiled and pulled out his tablet. He checked on the notes he had made on the coboration project and looked for extra information on the project. Then, he logged into thepany¡¯s intr and studied more. The door opened, and people started toe in. "Good morning!" It was Mr. Jang and his male coworkers. They all smiled at him. "Did you have good time with your cousin?" "What? Ha-ha-ha, I bought her some pizza and sent her home." "You are a good cousin." Mr. Jang passed him by, and the other male coworkers whispered among themselves: "Told you. She is just a cousin." "Strange. It stinks of a crime." Junhyuk smiled bitterly and reminded himself that he had to be careful. If the others found out that they had spent the weekend together, he just might get in trouble with them. Junhyuk was concentrating on his work when Jangho and Somin walked in. Somin greeted everyone and, as she saw Junhyuk, she turned her head away and sat down. Junhyuk wanted to know what was wrong with her, but Jangho just smiled at him as he too took a seat. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and decided to improve his rtionship with Somin. He meant to take her out on a meal since she had helped him a lot. He thought about this and that when the elevator door opened, and Eunseo walked in with her bodyguards. She drove her fully-automated wheelchair with ease and greeted the workers. "One hour from now, we will hold a meeting in meeting room. Everyone should attend." "Yes." "Come prepared," Mr. Jang said as he watched Eunseo go into her office. "Yes." "And Mr. Junhyuk Lee and Miss Somin Jeon, make copies of these and ce them in the meeting room." "Yes!" Junhyuk answered energetically and picked up the copy materials. "How many copies do we need?" "Thirty copies should be enough." "Right." Junhyuk took the materials to the copy machine, and Somin walked next to him. "I will prepare the tea for the meeting." "I can help you." Somin looked at him, shook her head and went away. Junhyuk reviewed the materials he was copying. "Already?" They had set a date for the coboration between ST Capsule and Robotics. The official announcement was a month from then. The meeting had to be about what would happen next. Junhyuk made thirty copies and headed to the meeting room. Somin was setting up the table for the meeting, and Junhyuk followed her around and ced the copies on each seat. The preparation was finished, and there was still some time left, so Junhyuk looked at Somin. "How about some coffee?" Somin shook her head. "After the meeting." "Promise?" Junhyuk acted exaggeratedly, and Sominughed at him. "It¡¯s good to see youugh." "Don¡¯t bother." They went back to the office and reported to Mr. Jang, and he gathered the rest of the workers. "Everyone, go to the meeting room. I will go with the chief." "Yes." Everyone took their seats in the meeting room, and Eunseo walked in. She was with Mr. Jang, and Mr. Jang stepped forward to start the meeting. "The ST Capsule and Robotics coboration has an official date set. The project was a sess, and the announcement will be made a month from now. Also, Robotics has given us full advertising rights." The people buzzed. It would be good to have only one of thepanies in charge of advertising. The final approval had to be made by both parties, but ST Capsule had the advantage. Eunseo lifted her hand, and everyone quieted down and focused on her. She looked at Junhyuk. "And this coboration¡¯s advertisement will include Mr. Junhyuk Lee." Everyone looked at him, and he smiled awkwardly. He did not know if that was good or bad. ------ Bronx Cheer - A fart-like sound made by sticking your tongue between your lips and blowing. Chapter 54: Encounter 3 Chapter 54: Encounter 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The ST Capsule and Robotics¡¯ coboration turned into a fast current, and Junhyuk¡¯s work until then became meaningless. "I should concentrate on advertisement?" "Correct," Department Chief Eunseo said calmly. "This advertisement¡¯s shoot will take three days and two nights, so you should be free on theing Wednesday, Thursday and Friday." Maybe it was better this way? He had to go to the Dimensional Battlefield the following week, but the shoot was scheduled for that week. "I understand." "We already have the concept for the ad. Here." Eunseo sent the contents from her tablet to his, and he looked over the concept and was a little surprised. "So, I will travel with them for three days and two nights?" "Right. This time, the people who received their metal model prosthesis will be traveling with you. The concept is that people with metal models will be able to live a daily life." Junhyuk nodded calmly. "Right. Should I prepare something on my own?" "No, not really. The Marketing Department is supporting this shoot." "I will work hard." It was a jam-packed schedule traveling through South Korea. During the trip, they would check the effectiveness of the metal model. There was a scene at a hot springs and one ying a simple match of kickball. "There are six members in the group, including me?" "Yes. Tomorrow, there is a meeting, so don¡¯t bete. Don¡¯t try too hard. Empty your mind and just show that you are enjoying the trip," Eunseo looked him in the eyes. "However, realize that they no longer have a handicap and show it on camera." "I will." People with the metal model were no longer handicapped. They couldn¡¯t ovee every situation, but they could move their limbs freely. "Here are the profiles on the people you will meet. Look them over." She sent him more materials. "I will." "So, shall we sign the contract?" "What?" They already had a written contract? He worked as an employee advertisement model and still had money in his bank ount. He wanted to buy a new car, but hadn¡¯t been to a dealer yet. Eunseo looked calm and pushed a contract forward. "This ad is not just for ST Capsule. It¡¯s limited to this coboration project, but the metal model will be developed further, and the first impression is very important. So, we need another contract with you, Mr. Junhyuk Lee." "OK." He pretended to understand what she was saying and looked over the new contract. It was almost the same as the previous one, but the amount of money had doubled. Junhyuk was really surprised and lifted his head, and Eunseo said calmly: "We are a major corporation, and so is Robotics." ST Capsule couldn¡¯tpare with Robotics in size yet. He didn¡¯t think his pay would decrease, but he thought the current offer was too high. The ad would y for one year, and the offer was of over one million dors. Junhyuk shivered, but signed the contract and gave it to her. Eunseo signed it as well and gave him a copy. "So, please do your best." "I will." Junhyuk got up from his seat, and Eunseo said: "You weren¡¯t therest time when thepany dined out." Junhyuk was curious about how she found out, and Eunseo fixed her sses. "It was for a Strategic nning Department¡¯s dinner. I was there as well." "I am so sorry. I was feeling sick." "They told me your cousin came to visit you, a beautiful high school student?" Her voice was sharp. Was he imagining that? Junhyuk smiled awkwardly. "Since that kid showed up, she took care of me." It was effective to refer to her as a kid. There was a small change in Eunseo¡¯s cold expression. He couldn¡¯t describe how her haughtiness had changed, but he felt it had. "Go to the Marketing Department. Mr. Han has something to tell you concerning tomorrow¡¯s meeting." "I¡¯ll get going." Junhyuk went outside, and Eunseo smiled secretly and tapped on her tablet. --- The five men all had stories of their own. Sukho Kim was in histe 30s and used to be a painter; he lost his right arm in an ident. He put his dream of bing a famous painter on hold and became the first person to get a metal arm. After that, he started painting again. Junhyuk had seen the paintings, and the metal arm allowed him to have the delicate brushes of painter. Manwoo Jung used to be a ser yer. He was in an ident involving an abnormal narcolepsy driver and lost both legs. After that, he attempted suicide multiple times but was never sessful and, now, he received the gift of the metal legs and started ying ser again. Chulsu Anh was a chef with bright future, but he lost both arms. He had been equipped with metal arms and had started cooking again. Joseph Lim was a professional gamer who lost his left arm. He had held the number one spot in the rankings as a professional gamer. He had been an eager gamer, and when he lost his left arm, he left the pro league and started to y games with just his right hand. He used to beat his opponents by using just his right hand, and that created a stir in the gaming world. He now had a metal arm and might go back to being a pro. Jinsu Kim was a bus driver who lost his left arm and his right leg. Compared to the others, he had an ordinary job, but he was also able to get a metal arm and a metal leg. On Tuesday, he met them during a meeting, smiling and greeting them: "Hello! I will be making the ad with you. My name is Junhyuk Lee." They were all sitting inside of a coffee shop and were focused on using their new metal arms and legs. They all knew the differences between metal arms and legs and regr limbs, but the public couldn¡¯t know about the metal model yet. Mr. Han, from marketing, apanied Junhyuk. "Have you all met? Finally, tomorrow is the day we start the shoot," Mr. Han continued. "All you have to do is follow the program and enjoy the trip." Manwoo smiled and said: "Can I think of it as a reality show?" "Sure. That should be easy to understand." Mr. Han looked at Jinsu. "Tomorrow, we will be getting an RV, and I want you, Mr. Kim, to drive it." Junhyuk had the most problem with epting that. The trial period had finished for the metal model, but could they drive? Jinsu had driven for many years, and he would be OK. In South Korea, bus drivers were quite skilled at what they did. If something were to happen, there would be an ident, but the people making the ad were willing to take that chance. Junhyuk had to risk his own life to film the ad. Maybe, he was being paid a lot of money because it was dangerous. Luckily, Junhyuk would be riding shotgun. If something were to happen, he could step in. "They will give us cooking materials, and Mr. Anh will be doing the cooking. For the rest of you, just enjoy your camping trip." Since their idents, they hadn¡¯t been outside. To them, this trip was kind of a challenge, and the focus of the ad was to capture that challenge. Junhyuk went over each of their roles, one by one. "Then, enjoy your gathering, and tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m., we will meet at ST Capsule¡¯s building. I¡¯ll see you tomorrow." Mr. Han got up and asked Junhyuk: "You got a second?" "Yes." Junhyuk followed him to the counter, paid for a coffee and gave him the credit card. "This is a corporate credit card. Tonight, take them out to dinner and send them home." "I understand." There was no reason to refuse apany credit card. The corporation would pay for everything, so Junhyuk took the credit card, and Mr. Han tapped his shoulder. "Because of your ad, our corporate image has improved. Do well this time as well." "I will do my best." Mr. Han waved, and Junhyuk went back to the group. They were not yet used to each other¡¯spany, so Junhyuk told them: "We should go out to dinner. It¡¯s on me." Chulsu asked: "Then, may I suggest a restaurant?" "Of course!" A chef¡¯s rmendation on a restaurant couldn¡¯t be bad. "Let¡¯s go." They all showed a different side to them now that Mr. Han was gone. They ate their dinners and also had some drinks. Junhyuk sent them home in taxis and collected all of the receipts. Thepany would pay for all of that. He had meant to only drink a little, but he might have drunk too much. He had a nice buzz going and got in a cab and pulled out his cell phone. He was calling Sarang. The phone rang twice, and he heard Sarang¡¯s bright voice: "Whoa! Big brother! What¡¯s going on? You are even calling me!" Junhyuk told her: "Sarang. I won¡¯t be home from tomorrow until Friday." "Where are you going? Take me with you!" "It¡¯s apany trip, so NO." "So, you are calling me because the house will be empty?" "Right. Because you should know." "I understand, but I want you to bring me a present." Junhyukughed. "I¡¯m not going on vacation." "I know it¡¯s not a vacation! Bring me a present. For sure! Bring back two presents!" Junhyuk smiled. "You heard about the mummified bodies incident?" "I watched it on the news." "You never know, so stay home. Don¡¯te by." "OK. You won¡¯t be there." Junhyuk gave her the key so that she could practice. She was not understanding it right, but he didn¡¯t correct her. He was seriously worried that she might encounter the vampire while he wasn¡¯t there. "OK. I will be back on Friday. We will meet on the weekend." "OK. Have a safe trip." "OK." He hung up the phone, leaned back on the seat, and the taxi driver said: "Because of the mummy incident, there is a new urban legend." "Right." "The CSI* unit will report on it soon." He was talking to the taxi driver when he got a notification on his cell phone. It was Sarang, wearing her school uniform and giving him the Bronx cheer. Underneath the picture, there was a message: [When you get lonely, look at my picture. Do bring me a present. For sure! Two presents!] Junhyukughed. "Do you have something going on?" Junhyuk shook his head and looked out the window. "Nothing. I just got a funny message." The scenery outside the window passed by quickly, and Junhyuk looked at his cell phone. There was one more message. It was Sarang¡¯s picture, but this time she was smiling. [You are looking at my picture. He-he. Have a safe trip.] Junhyuk smiled warmly. ------ CSI - Crime Scene Investigation, a unit of the police that who is responsible for identifying, collecting, preserving, and packaging physical evidence at the scene of a crime. Chapter 55: Encounter 4 Chapter 55: Encounter 4 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The beginning of the 3-day trip went smoothly. Jinsu was a veteran driver in his 50s, and he drove well. He drove them to Mt. Sul-Ak, where everyone had an early lunch and started climbing the mountain. They followed the Daechung route, and Junhyuk worried about whether they could make it to the top on time. It took eight hours toplete the Daechung route for ordinary people, and hiking was usually tough on the body. He was worried about whether the people with metal models could make it there. The filming crew joined them, and Junhyuk watched the people with metal legs hiking calmly. However, the people with metal arms were different. The metal model was made out of a special alloy, but it still used iron, which made it very heavy, and the group members hadn¡¯t trained hard after their idents. Mainly, Sukho, who was a painter and spent most of the time in his studio, and Joseph, who was a gamer, had low physical fitness levels. After they got their metal models, they began exercising and did not have problems in everyday life, but they had to be tired from the hike since it had to do with physical fitness. Junhyuk decided to take their backpacks. He was about to take Sukho¡¯s and Joseph¡¯s backpacks when Manwoo, who used to be a ser yer, offered to take one of them. They made it to the peak of the Daechung route, pushing and pulling to help each other. At the top of the peak, Junhyuk breathed in deeply. He felt like he could touch the sky, and the wide mountain range also made him feel fulfilled. He could tell why people liked hike. Junhyuk gave a chocte bar to the camera operator and said: "You are really fit. That camera must be heavy, and you hiked all the way here." "You are something else, Mr. Junhyuk Lee. You had two backpacks on your back, and your respiratory rate didn¡¯t even increase!" The camera operator was tired and gasping. Junhyuk¡¯s constitution was above the human limit, and every morning, he climbed the neighborhood mountain multiple times at full speed. It made sense that he was in shape. "Ha-ha. I exercise regrly." Junhyuk checked on Sukho and Joseph and looked at Manwoo. "You are in good shape." Manwoo tapped his legs. "I have better legs than when I was in my prime. This should be easy." Junhyuk smiled and picked up the backpacks. "Shall we go down? Dinner is at the lodge." "OK." Everyone got up with renewed energy, but Sukho and Joseph moaned and groaned, and Junhyuk tapped them on their backs. "Tonight, we will bathe at a five-colored hot spring." Sukho and Joseph got up, and soon, the group moved down the mountain. Junhyuk took a picture of himself at the top and went down. After the hike, everyone was very tired. They got BBQ meat for dinner, thick pork necks and bellies, and they also ordered beer. After that hike, everyone had their fill. After dinner, they went to the hot spring that was filled by five different types of water. They were not yet known to the world, so they bathed away from other people at another, smaller space. It was for the shoot, but the hot spring was in an open-air space. They took off their clothes and got in the water. The metal models werepletely waterproof, and everyone enjoyed the hot spring. Manwoo was shocked by Junhyuk¡¯s body. "You got a nice build!" Junhyuk agreed without hesitation. At that point, he did have a nice build, but Manwoo¡¯s body was something else as well. After he gave up ser, he had to have exercised regrly. "Manwoo, you have a nice build!" "I am a ser yer. All I know is how to work on my body." Sukho was listening to them talk and asked Junhyuk about the pendant on his ne. "Aren¡¯t those a ruby, a sapphire and a topaz?" Junhyuk couldn¡¯t let the others touch his pendant, so he picked it up and said. "It¡¯s a family heirloom. I inherited it, so I am not sure." Sukho was really astounded. "How can you draw inside the gems?" They were runestones, so the runes were written inside each stone. No one could read the runes, but it still took a special technique to write inside the gems. "Well, I only wear it." He talked his way out of it, and people were no longer interested. Junhyuk watched them enjoying their baths. Everyone there had been involved in an ident rted to abnormal narcolepsy patients, and they hadn¡¯t given up on their lives. After Chulsu lost his arm, he started visiting famous chefs to taste their dishes, and Joseph yed games with one hand. Sukho visited many exhibitions to keep up his sensibility as a painter. All of them did not remain in despair but were eager to live their lives. The bath in the hot springs was over, and so was the filming session, and the first night came to an end. The advertisement was about capturing the metal model¡¯s effectiveness. So, the next day, they went to the beach, and to show it live, they went into the water even though it was a chilly day. Junhyuk did not want to go into the water, but then he experience the strength of the metal arm. Chulsu and Sukho did not look strong, but by using their metal arms, they tossed Junhyuk in the water. The metal arm had 1.5 times the strength of an ordinary arm. Junhyuk could¡¯ve thrown them in water instead, but he didn¡¯t want to showcase his own strength. He walked out of the water, changed clothes and took another selfie with his phone. They visited a local herb park next and, in the evening, they all yed three-on-three kickball. Junhyuk and Manwoo were on different teams. Manwoo, as a ser yer, was really something else with his feet. He attacked, and Junhyuk defended, but there soon was a hole in Junhyuk¡¯s defense. Sukho and Chulsu did not y well since they had no interests in athletics. They yed for a long time, and Junhyuk¡¯s team lost. Manwoo offered to shake his hand. "You have a nice build and good athletic skills. You are really something else. Did you y before?" Junhyuk had never had time for kickball, so he smiled. "No, but I jog every morning." "Ha-ha-ha. Do you want to y real ser with me sometime?" He had only watched ser, and now Manwoo could y again. "If I get a chance." They ate their dinner, made a campfire and yed a few more games. He went to his room, and that¡¯s when he got a message. It was from Eunseo, who had arrived there that evening, and he went to her room. She was sitting alone in a huge room. "Have a seat." "OK." A woman was alone in her room, so he was extra careful. Junhyuk took a seat, and Eunseo smiled. "I¡¯ve seen part of the film, and it looks good." "That¡¯s nice." "So, we will make more than just amercial and make a special program instead." Junhyuk was surprised, and Eunseo continued calmly: "If they edit all of the footage, they will have about three hours worth of film." It made sense. They had filmed for two straight days. "But it¡¯s for a corporate ad. How do you make it into a special program?" "It will be more effective that way. We have already contacted some public TV stations. They will make a sample tape, and we will let them know, but it will happen." Eunseo was very positive there would be a special program on TV. "I understand." Junhyuk was surprised, and Eunseo consoled him. "It won¡¯t be a simple ad, and you will get paid for your participation in the special program." He would earn more money, so he smiled. "I didn¡¯t do anything." "You really fit into the ad¡¯s concept, and you are helping us." Junhyuk realized Eunseo was looking after him. If not, they would not have given him that kind of opportunity. "Thank you." "For what?" "For looking after me." Eunseo fixed her sses and spoke calmly: "You are mistaken. It¡¯s my job to develop the careers of the people under my supervision." Junhyuk scratched his head. "Then, what happens tomorrow?" "After breakfast, I will go back to Seoul." "But tomorrow is Friday." "I will pay your sry and the extra for your work, so don¡¯t worry." W.A.N.C.S. had turned Fridays into holidays. The heads of states had agreed, so Fridays were holidays in Korea, and on the other side of the Earth, Thursdays were holidays. Some countries had Thursdays and Fridays as holidays, and Junhyuk was jealous of the people in those countries. Eunseo wanted Junhyuk to work the next day and paid him for it, but it was still Friday! Eunseo looked at him. "As you already know, Mr. Jinsu Kim is over fifty, so he won¡¯t experience abnormal narcolepsy. There could be idents involving other drivers. We already know the event takes ce between 6:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. We will drive outside of that time interval." She took a while exining everything. No one knew why abnormal narcolepsy happened, but now people could avoid it. They would avoid idents on the road and work on Friday. Eunseo looked at Junhyuk and smiled. "Till thest shoot, do you best. You may leave." "Then, sweet dreams." Junhyuk bowed to her and left. Eunseo checked the footage on her tablet. She was especially interested in the bathing scene. --- The three days of filming were over, and the camping RV arrived at ST Capsule¡¯s building around 3:00 p.m. Junhyuk said goodbye to everyone and headed home. He was holding some stuff because of the demand to get presents. He had gotten mushrooms and honey. He was curious about how Sarang would react to her presents. If she refused them, then he would take the mushrooms and honey to his parents. He had something else for her. Junhyuk got home and was opening the door when he got a message. [Big brother, where are you?] Junhyuk replied curtly: [Home.] [You came back?] [Yes.] The messages came in real time. [I will head there after I¡¯m done here.] Junhyukughed and replied: [I am tired and will be sleeping. Ring the bell.] [OK.] Junhyuk took a shower and turned on the TV. The mummies incident was getting bigger. "Huh?! Twelve victims already?" The victims were criminals, but the number was too high. It had all happened in a week, and there were twelve mummies. The culprit was a real serial killer. They had found the culprit¡¯s DNA at a crime scene, but what good was that? They were not close to catching the killer. They had to have a suspect topare the DNA with, but they didn¡¯t have any suspects yet. "He is a troublesome guy." Junhyuk had no intention to go out, search for and catch the guy himself. He couldn¡¯t even take care of himself, but if he encountered the killer, he would catch him. "Is he really a vampire?" Junhyuk told her he would be sleeping, but he was only talking to himself. He summoned his longswords and practiced. He had practiced with his wrists, but now he had time to practice with real swords. Arn recognized Junhyuk¡¯s swordsmanship as a power, so he had to continue practicing and, maybe, he would activate another power. To survive, he had to be stronger. He didn¡¯t notice the time pass and kept swinging his swords when, suddenly, his cell phone rang. There was no one at the door, but Sarang was calling him. "Where are you?" "Big brother!" She sounded serious, and Junhyuk¡¯s eyes narrowed. "What¡¯s going on?" "Somebody is following me." Junhyuk sent his swords back and put on his jacket and his shoes. "Where are you?" "I got off the subway, and someone has been following me since the station." "Take the big road. Very few people could keep up with you when you run. Don¡¯t worry and run. I¡¯m going. Don¡¯t hang up." "OK," She said, and he heard her running. Junhyuk went out and ran like mad. Sarang couldn¡¯t be in real danger. If necessary, she would use her energy bolt, but they might arrest her for killing the person, and she couldn¡¯t reveal how she had gotten her energy bolt. Junhyuk ran like a madman and saw Sarang. He also saw someone following her. The person had his hands in his pocket and was also running, and Junhyuk felt something was wrong. Junhyuk ran fast, went up to her and ran past her. Sarang stopped running and stood behind him, gathering her breath. It was Friday, and there was no one outside. It was a big road, and there was no one walking. Junhyuk saw the man who was following her. He looked ordinary, but then he saw the man¡¯s eyes. They were frenzied and full of madness. That man must be insane. Chapter 56: Blood Sword 1 Chapter 56: Blood Sword 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - After falling asleep on his bed, Sanghoon regained consciousness. He saw himself all bloodied, remembered the previous day and rushed to the bathroom to throw up. It was as if he were vomiting his own stomach. After a while, he got up, looked at himself in the mirror and was really surprised. He was covered in blood and started washing himself like crazy. He washed himself until his skin became all red, and then he washed himself again. Sanghoon called the deliverypany and requested a vacation. The deliverypany was full of people who wanted to work there despite the heavy workload. Anyone who could drive could work for thepany. However, Sanghoon had a good reputation in thepany and was able to take the vacation without beingid off. He got a week off. Then, he covered himself with a nket and started shivering. He turned on the TV, and the news was filled with the things he had done. He looked at the photos of the students on the screen and remembered everything. "Shit." He didn¡¯t want to do it. He had been protecting himself, in self-defense. Those students had tried to kill him, and he had defended himself. He reminds himself that it had been self-defense, but his body quivered like a skinny tree in the wind. Sanghoon looked at the clothes he took off, walked carefully toward them and picked up the bloody dagger, ringleader and orchestrator of everything. Sanghoon looked at it and clenched his teeth. It gave him joy, and it was not something you could experience by doing drugs. He looked at it, threw it on the bed and covered himself with a nket. "I won¡¯t ever use it again," he told himself, but within a day, he picked up it again. He still had one rationalized thought left in his mind: He wanted to kill bad people. He picked out the worms of society and, that day, he killed three gangsters. He was filled with joy and had regained his rationality. He was able to find his way home to his bed, but he hadmitted three counts of murder. Murder had been difficult the first day, but after the second day, he felt less guilty. His victims were criminals, and he told himself that, but every night he looked for new victims around Seoul. He didn¡¯t want to do it around his house. He looked for organized gangsters, and when he found them, he hunted them. Sanghooon was hunting on Friday night, and he was bustling with joy. There were many ces where people were rarely seen, and many people were doing bad things, but that day, he spotted a female high school student. As he saw her, his dagger spoke to him violently. He hesitated, but still stalked her. By that point, he had lost his mind. He stalked the student who walked ahead of him and grabbed his dagger, feeling a fiery thirsting from it. That child was different. He would enjoy it more. He was running after her like mad when a man jumped out in front of her. Sanghoon stopped and looked at the man. He was facing off against two people, but nothing had changed. He wanted to quench his thirst. Sanghoon¡¯s eyes were filled with madness. --- Junhyuk looked at him and did not know he was the one responsible for the mummified bodies, but Junhyuk could see the madness. He had his hand in his pocket, so he had to have some type of weapon. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t summon his swords. He could only pull out a small sword from his jacket. "Sarang, this is not a good ce." "OK." Junhyuk slowly stepped back, and Sanghoon followed him. Junhyuk told Sarang: "Don¡¯t use your power. He needs to be arrested." "OK." She couldn¡¯t use her powers in public, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t intend to use his swords. He could summon his swords, but the CCTV cameras might catch him doing it. Junhyuk and Sarang stepped back into an alley. It was a dead end. Sanghoon followed them and opened his mouth wide. "Ki-ki-ki." He was crazy and pulled out his dagger. There were blood stains on it, and it looked strange. Junhyuk realized what it was. "That dagger is from the Dimensional Battlefield!" It wasn¡¯t an ordinary dagger, and Junhyuk understood everything. "You are the vampire." Vampire. It¡¯s him. Junhyuk was devoid of expression as he looked around. He found no CCTV cameras and summoned his longswords. It wasn¡¯t safe to deal with the crazy man while he was holding an item from the Dimensional Battlefield. "Sarang, don¡¯t interfere." "Should I use my energy bolt?" "No. Don¡¯t step in." Junhyuk spoke curtly and stood in front of Sarang. He stepped forward as Sanghoon took a step back. Junhyuk smiled slowly. "Why? Do you feel something?" Junhyuk¡¯s soul was trained, and he was an expert. His soul was iparable to ordinary souls. Sanghoon drew blood by cutting his palm. His blood seeped into the dagger. "Ki-ki-ki." As the dagger collected the blood, Sanghoon turned very pale, and his madness became even more pronounced than before. He jumped toward Junhyuk, and Junhyuk ran toward him. If he got away, Sarang could be in dangerter. Junhyuk made sure Sanghoon had no other way to get to her and he swung his sword. Sanghoon crouched and dodged the attack. Junhyuk kicked him, and Sanghoon tried to stab the leg, but Junhyuk twisted his leg. Ba-gack! Sanghoon was hit by a downward roundhouse kick and hit his shoulder against a wall. Junhyuk looked at him as he got up. "You could block it?" Sanghoon staggered but lifted his arms. He had a lot of experience in bare-knuckle fighting, so he blocked the kick. He was only pushed back because Junhyuk was very strong. Sanghoon got up and set his stance. Junhyuk attacked again, this time with his swords, but was unable to cut him. Junhyuk knew what was happening. This wasn¡¯t a simple brawl. Junhyuk was above the human limit, and his attacks were also beyond the human limit. Sanghoon could fight him, which meant that he was also above the human limit. How is that possible? Junhyuk blocked the dagger with the sword in his left hand and kicked Sanghoon again. Thuck! He was thrown back ten feet, and as he got up, he cut his palm again. That made Sanghoon be even faster. Sanghoon went at Junhyuk, and he swung both swords in continuous attacks. He had learned how to sh from Arn. He wasn¡¯t using sabers, but Junhyuk had trained himself on the technique. Thak-thak-ck! With loud noises, Sanghoon was pushed back. Junhyuk didn¡¯t give him an inch of space. Sanghoon knew he was losing and jumped forward. Junhyuk almost cut him in half, but withdrew his swords just in time. He used the blunt side of the swords and hit Sanghoon on the shoulder, smashing it, but Sanghoon continued swinging his dagger. ng! Junhyuk handled him easily, and Sanghoon stepped back and stabbed himself in the his smashed shoulder. Suddenly, Sanghoon¡¯s arm became very skinny. It did not look like an arm anymore. "Ki-ki-ki-ki." Sanghoon moved again, and Junhyuk had to focus hard. ng, ng, ng, ng! Sanghoon swung his dagger with speed beyond the human limit, and Junhyuk felt like he was facing a hero, but he blocked the attack with a longsword and thought: "No. He is not a hero." His movements were fast, but his attacks were not strong enough. It was all show and no substance. Junhyuk sped up. He had fought Warren before and had been able to withstand Warren¡¯s pressure. Each side swung their de, and the tempo of the fight picked up, and the sound of metal on metal whistled out for a long time. aang! A single shaking and shing noise rang out, and Sanghoon stepped back and looked at Junhyuk. He couldn¡¯t have his way with Junhyuk, so he got angrier and lifted his dagger. Then, he stabbed himself in the stomach. "What?!" Junhyuk thought the man was trying to kill himself, but Sanghoon¡¯s body was bing skinnier, and ended up very skinny. All the fat in his body was gone, and only muscle remained. "Ki-ki-ki-ki." Sanghoon howled and jumped at Junhyuk. Clung! He got faster, and Junhyuk had a hard time blocking him. He had sacrificed himself to get more speed. Sanghoon was using his speed to kill Junhyuk, while Junhyuk wanted to arrest him. He was not on the Dimensional Battlefield. He didn¡¯t want to kill in South Korea, but he didn¡¯t think he could stop Sanghoon anymore. The man had made himself even crazier to kill Junhyuk and Sarang. How could he arrest him? He would have to cut the man¡¯s limbs off to arrest him. Sanghoon¡¯s dagger traveled fast, and Junhyuk¡¯s eyes beamed. He realized that Sanghoon essentially only had one arm at that point, and Junhyuk was using two swords. He could defend himself and he realized one more thing: the man sacrificed himself to gain more speed, including his arm. Even if he were faster, he was missing an arm, so his attacks were not bnced. Without bnce, his speed had a limit. Junhyuk understood Sanghoon¡¯s limitations and realized his own victory. Junhyuk stepped forward at the swinging dagger. He took a huge step to it and blocked it with his longsword. Shi-shiiiink! The dagger slid down the longsword, and Junhyuk elbowed him. He was too close to swing the swords, but Junhyuk¡¯s elbow hit the man¡¯s ribs. Thuck! Sanghoon¡¯s ribs broke, and he was bounced back and rolled on the ground. Junhyuk meant to see an end to all of that when Sanghoon smirked. Junhyuk thought he had to be crazy to smile like that with his ribs broken, but Sanghoon positioned himself with his dagger as if he had won. Junhyuk looked at himself. and realized he was bleeding out of his left arm. The dagger had sliced him without him noticing. "Ki-ki-ki." Sanghoon was healing really quickly. He shook and howled and looked at Junhyuk. Junhyuk felt the wound on his arm ache. This was more dangerous than he had expected. Chapter 57: Blood Sword 2 Chapter 57: Blood Sword 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - She saw Junhyuk in danger and thought about stepping in many times, but the destruction her energy bolt¡¯s could cause went beyond tearing up beer cans. She could now drill a hole in a wall and she he was getting stronger and couldn¡¯t imagine using it on a human. On the Dimensional Battlefield, she blew enemy minions¡¯ heads like watermelons, and her energy st was even stronger. She even killed heroes with it. She couldn¡¯t just use her powers, but in case the worst happened, she generated an orb and stood by. She couldn¡¯t just use it, but if Junhyuk was in danger, she wouldunch the energy orb. Her opponent might die, but she brushed that thought to a corner of her mind. Junhyuk¡¯s left arm started moving unnaturally, and he looked at Sarang. Her eyes beamed with resolve, and he said: "Don¡¯t step in." "But..." "I will deal with him seriously from now on." Until that point, he had been trying to stop the man, but now it was different. He had to try to disarm the man at all costs. So, Junhyuk would aim for the man¡¯s right wrist. It wouldn¡¯t be easy to take the man¡¯s dagger from him, so Junhyuk was willing to cut the man¡¯s wrist. "This is in self-defense." Junhyuk told himself and stepped forward. Sanghoon ran toward him. The distance between the two closed, and Sanghoon continued to stab with his dagger. Junhyuk still couldn¡¯t move his arm, and Sanghoon stabbed at him at great speed. Junhyuk wanted to parry Sanghoon¡¯s attacks, but he couldn¡¯t because of his left arm. Junhyuk headed toward him. Sanghoon swung fast, but Junhyuk could still see the swings. Sanghoon¡¯s dagger was about to stab the middle of Junhyuk¡¯s forehead when an ivory-colored force field wrapped around him. ng! The stabbing dagger bounced off. The heroes¡¯ sword attacks would have pushed the force field back, but Sanghoon was not that strong. Sanghoon¡¯s dagger bounced off, and Junhyuk spun his sword in a circle. He tried to feel the movement of his sword and felt like he had cut Sanghoon¡¯s wrist, but he had only scratched it. Sanghoon pulled his wrist back extremely fast and did not get hurt. Junhyuk followed Sanghoon, but Sanghoon backed up and did not get caught by Junhyuk. Maybe he unted such a high speed because he had sacrificed his body to the dagger. Junhyuk wanted to cut his wrist. Then, Sanghoon stopped running away and ran toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk thought he would seize the opportunity and swung his sword, but Sanghoon stepped aside. He stepped on the walls of the alley, then stepped on the force field and ran toward Sarang. Sarang saw the crazed Sanghoon running toward her and did not hesitate. She fired her energy energy orb. Thunk! It made a small noise, but the result was not small. Sanghoon¡¯s left knee was smashed, and his leg waspletely torn apart. Sanghoon ignored everything and continue heading toward her. Sarang did not have the time to make another energy orb and fire it. Then, she was surrounded by an ivory-colored light. Junhyuk had teleported and stood in front of her. Without one leg, Sanghoon stabbed the force field and bounced off, and Junhyuk swung his sword again. He focused on the speed of his swing, putting everything behind it, and cut Sanghoon¡¯s elbow. The torn arm was still holding the bloody dagger, and Junhyuk swung again. Th-thack! Using the blunt side of the sword, he swung at Sanghoon¡¯s right knee. The knee bent awkwardly, and Sanghoon fell to the ground. Junhyuk stepped on his back and looked around. They had made a lot of noise, but the alley was still quiet. There were no CCTV cameras, and there was only a light by the entrance of the alley. Junhyuk looked around, and Sarang felt very nervous and tried to calm herself down. The enemy minions did not look like humans. They were of a green race, and she did not hesitate to use her power on them, but Sanghoon was different. He waspletely crazy, but he was still human, and she had blown his leg apart. Her heart pounded, and she wanted to check on Sanghoon. He had tried to stab her in the eyes. "Big brother!" Junhyuk was looking down on him when Sanghoon stabbed his torn arm with the dagger. Then, his body thinned one more time. He only had his muscles left, and now he was getting skinnier, almost like a mummy. "Ki-ki-ki-ki!" He let out his high-pitchugher, and Junhyuk lifted his sword again, but Sanghoon¡¯s body was very thin and started turning to ash. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected that. Sanghoon was feeling ecstatic through it all andughed like a madman. Sanghoon disappeared without leaving any trace, making Junhyuk feel like he had imagined the man, but he could still hear theughter in his ear. He looked back at Sarang, and she couldn¡¯t hide her fear. Sanghoon had killed himself and enjoyed it. It all looked very disturbing. Junhyuk picked up the dagger, hid it in his chest, sent his swords back and went over to Sarang. She looked up at him and gave him a big hug, and he patted her back and whispered: "It¡¯s all right now. It¡¯s all over." Suddenly, Sarang started to cry hard on him. She was relieved and no longer scared, and the realization that she had torn apart a person¡¯s leg weighed on her. Hisugh while he died terrorized her. Sarang couldn¡¯t collect herself to be calm, and Junhyuk whispered to her: "We should leave this ce." They had made loud noises. There was no trace of it, but a person had died in that ce. He had basicallymitted suicide, but people would see it in a different way. As Junhyuk spoke, Sarang nodded in his chest. "Then, let¡¯s go." Junhyuk grabbed Sarang by the wrist and looked back as they left. Sarang smiled awkwardly. "Big brother, I can¡¯t move my legs." Junhyuk knew what she meant. It was too much of a shock for a female high school student, so he sat in front of her and offered her a piggyback ride. "Get on." Sarang didn¡¯t speak and got on his back. Junhyuk lifted her up and held the back of her knees with his arms. She was wearing a skirt, and he shouldn¡¯t touch her naked legs with his hands. Sarang felt relieved on his back, and his good manners even made her feel better. She held tightly to his neck, and heined: "I can¡¯t breath. Give me some room." "He-heh." Sarang held on to his neck even tighter. "Did you get me any presents?" "Is that important now?" "Of course! That¡¯s why I came here! If it weren¡¯t for the presents, I would not have to met that crazy guy." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "I brought something." "Really?!" "Expect something nice." "All right!" Sarang was overjoyed, and he took her home while people looked at them with suspicion. He did not bother to say she was his niece and just went home. He told himself that he was carrying a patient, and people probably saw it that way. Inside of his room, he let go of her. "Do you want to wash up?" "I¡¯m OK." Junhyuk pointed to the bed. "Have a seat. Do you want some pants?" "I¡¯ll use the nket." Sarang sat on the bed and covered her legs with the nket. He felt d that she covered herself, realizing that he had a high school student in his bed again and he felt really awkward. He got up and got the presents. The packages looked very big, and Sarang beamed with expectation as if she had forgotten everything that happened that night. Sarang looked over the two packages. "Can I open them?" "Sure." Sarang opened the first present with great expectation. There were mushrooms inside. "What¡¯s this?" "Mushrooms. It¡¯s a delicacy from where I was." Sarang looked at him funny and grabbed the other present. "Can I open this?" "Of course." She opened it up without any expression on her face. "Big brother, are you making fun of me?" "What are you talking about? I was on a trip, and that meant I should bring back special, local products." "Big brother!" Sarang shouted out loud, and Junhyukughed. Heughed for a long time and he went over to her, grabbing her left hand. Sarang looked at him, and Junhyuk pulled out a bracelet. It¡¯s was made out of a jujube tree, also known as Chinese date tree, which was struck by lightning. He wasn¡¯t sure if the tree was really hit by lightning, but when Junhyuk saw the bracelet, he got a funny feeling. It looked good, and he ced it on Sarang¡¯s wrist. "It¡¯s made out of a jujube tree. It prevents idents and illnesses." "Do you really believe that?" She thought he sounded like a used car salesman, and she gave him a Bronx cheer. Junhyuk continued: "I am not sure what it is, but don¡¯t you feel anything?" Sarang looked at her bracelet. She looked at it for a long time and felt something. It was really small, but she did feel something, and it looked good on her wrist. "Why did you buy it?" "I wished for a safe return and to always be lucky." Sarang looked up at him, and Junhyuk caressed her hair. "So, do your best to return safely." She nodded and grabbed his hand. Junhyuk tried to pull it away when she closed her eyes and shouted: "Yeah! This is a luck transfer to big brother!" Junhyuk smiled at her. Luck couldn¡¯t be transferred, but he liked her wish. "I will take good care of it," she murmured as she looked at her bracelet. "Right." Junhyuk took out the dagger he had picked up, and Sarang was very curious and asked: "Is it really from the Dimensional Battlefield?" He nodded heavily and read the instructions on the dagger. --- Blood Sword Attack Power +10 Strength Absorption Power = 10% If one uses his own blood, attacking speed increases by 10% and movement speed increases by 5%. Stacks three times. Sold at the dimensional merchants. --- The owner¡¯s attack power increased by ten, and when the owner hurt his opponent, he received ten percent of the damage done to his opponent. If the owner damaged himself, his attack speed increased by ten percent and his movement speed increased by five percent, but it could only be stacked three times. After the fourth time, the owner might get killed. He understood why Sanghoon had stabbed his own arms and stomach now. He had wounded himself more than four times. Even if Junhyuk had left him be, he would still have died. "This is something else." Sarang shivered as Junhyuk spoke. "What are you going to do with it?" "It¡¯s from the battlefield, so I will take it with me next time. It¡¯s potent, so I may use it." It was different from Bebe¡¯s basic longswords and it had to be very expensive. He would sell it or use it himself. "It¡¯s really something else." Chapter 58: Doyeol Kim 1 Chapter 58: Doyeol Kim 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk thought there might¡¯ve been witnesses on the day the dagger¡¯s owner died and looked around the area carefully, but he didn¡¯t find anything out of ordinary. He had secretly gone back to the alley where the incident took ce, but didn¡¯t even find a drop of blood. That was because the Blood Sword absorbed all of it to thest drop. Junhyuk was curious about what kind of effects the Blood Sword would have on him, but decided not to check because he had seen Sanghoon cutting his own palm and turning crazy. However, he was curious about one more thing. He understood how Sanghoon thinned out and died, but his clothes had also disappeared into thin air. In any event, the mummified bodies serial killing was now over. Nobody had to feel afraid anymore. Junhyuk went to his parents¡¯ house on the weekend. Sarang had told him she wanted to meditate on weekends, and Junhyuk visited a car dealership on his way to his parents¡¯. The dealer told him that he should use half of his annual sry to buy a car, but Junhyuk, being a man, went beyond just half. His purchase would take over a month to be delivered, and he ordered full options for the car. When he returned home, he worked on dual-de swordsmanship and power training. He practiced two continuous uses of spatial relocation followed by stabbing the opponent¡¯s weak spot. He liked the fact that his attack was unusual, but he was missing something. "The attack¡¯s power is weak." He thought he would only be able scratch the heroes that way and realized that he was weak. To kill, he needed more powerful blows, and he shouldn¡¯t just wait for others to help him out. He felt that deep in his bones. Junhyuk spent the weekend practicing dual-de swordsmanship and his powers and went to work on Monday. Everyone was working, busy on the coboration project, but he had nothing special to do. He was thinking about what to do when Eunseo showed up for work and called for him. He felt relieved to be called over. Everyone was busy except for him, and he felt bad. Eunseo offered him a seat. He took it, and she picked up a remote control. She pressed a button, and blinds covered the windows of the room, a wall opened up, and a huge TV appeared. Eunseo started calmly: "We have edited the advertisement and the movie. The movie is three hours long and will be broadcasted in parts over three weeks." "Already?" "The announcement of the coboration will be three weeks from now, and so will the broadcast, but the ad will start running next week." "I see." Eunseo turned on the TV ¡ª it was a smart TV and it was connected to the building¡¯s intr ¡ª and they watched the videos. The ad was not long. Itsted only one minute, but it contained more footage than the previous one in which he had participated. The painter, Sukho Kim, was painting thendscape, and Manwoo Jung was kicking a ser ball. Chulsu Anh was cooking, and Joseph Lim looked cool ying games. Then, Jinsu Kim drove their camping RV. The scenes were in that order. It was a very short version of their camping trip, and Junhyuk smacked his lips. It was a good video. He was just embarrassed to see himself in it. Eunseo lifted her sses and said: "It will take a long time to watch the entire movie for broadcast. I will send it to you in an email." "OK." "You have to watch it. It came out really nice." "Oh... OK." He had applied himself at the shoot, but Junhyuk was embarrassed, and Eunseo looked at him. "The bathing scenes will be on the broadcast. You don¡¯t mind, do you?" "I don¡¯t mind." They had all been wearing shorts. Eunseo fixed her sses. "You will be the first to watch the ad and the movie. I will send them to my superiors, so don¡¯t show them to anyone else, not until it bes public." "Don¡¯t worry about it." Junhyuk smiled, and Eunseo nodded. "Then, you may leave. I will send that email right now." "OK." Junhyuk went out, and Eunseo reyed the ad. She watched the scenes containing Junhyuk carefully as she fixed her sses. --- There was a big screen in the auditorium, and they were watching a movie when ST Capsule¡¯s director Sukhoon Kim spoke: "Brother, it¡¯s a really nice movie." Sukhoon was sitting next to ST Capsule¡¯s president Doyeol Kim, but Doyeol did not speak. It was a three-hour long movie, and Sukhoon sipped on his tea while he watched the bathing scene. "He didn¡¯t look it, but he has a nice build." Doyeolughed at what Sukhoon said. "Right," Doyeol answered him, and as he saw the pendant hanging on Junhyuk¡¯s neck, his eyes widened. "That is...!" They could hear to conversation. Junhyuk exined it was a hand-me-down in his family, but Doyeol¡¯s eyes beamed. Sukhoon saw him and asked: "What¡¯s the matter?" "You said that he is an employee of thepany?" "You mean Junhyuk Lee?" "His name is Junhyuk Lee?" Doyeol whispered the name, and Sukhoon said: "When Eunseo fell from the hill, he fell with her. He is that guy." "He is that guy?!" Doyeol looked at Junhyuk on the screen and focused on his pendant. "I should meet him." "How about tonight?" "No. I¡¯m not in a hurry. You should check his schedule first." "I understand," Sukhoon answered calmly and smiled. "By the way, this is the first time you take an interest in an employee." Doyeol smiled and asked: "How is the coboration project going?" "We should ask Eunseo, but it¡¯s going well. Robotics is really cooperating, so things are going smoothly." "Right." "Brother, what did you do exactly?" "You don¡¯t have to know." Doyeol signaled with his hand, and Sukhoon got up and said: "I will tell the secretaries and make an appointment." "Right." Sukhoon left. Doyeol reyed the scene and closed up on the pendant around Junhyuk¡¯s neck. He was familiar with the writing on the pendant. "Runestones..." --- He got off work, turned on his smartphone and watched the movie. The beginning part was about the tragic stories of the people who spent time camping with him before they got their metal models. There were also scenes of the people getting their prosthetics, and then they went on the trip. He was on the trip with them. Junhyuk remembered it as a simple trip, but the editing magic transformed it intoughs and drama. They must¡¯ve interviewed them individually after the trip. They were really happy and thanking Junhyuk for going with them. He smiled bitterly. He only thought of it as a simple trip, but they were sincerely happy, and it made him realize the trip was also very tough. The three-hour movie waspartmentalized. Junhyuk got home, took a shower and started watching the movie again. He couldn¡¯t do anything about it now. He was a luggage handler in a reality show. The main characters were the people with the prosthetics, and he had just looked after them during the trip. "It¡¯s nice." He understood ST Capsule¡¯s power. The trip ended on Friday, and they did separate interviews and edited everything. He had to respect the editors¡¯ abilities and ST Capsule¡¯s power because it hired those editors. Junhyuks watched the entire movie, yawned really hard,y on his bed, and pulled out the Blood Sword. It looked as though it wanted to drink more blood. "It¡¯s a monster." Whoever had purchased it from the dimensional merchants, he didn¡¯t know. It may have been a hero. Junhyuk looked over it carefully and closed his eyes. "It feels good to be home instead of at work." The coboration project was ongoing, and everyone was still at work, but Junhyuk was working with the marketing department and got off work when they did. There were people still working at the marketing department, but Mr. Han was different. Mr. Han had offered him regr hours, and he had no reason to turn the offer down. Junhyuk could focus on training not only on weekends but on weekdays as well. "Right. I should sleep." He¡¯d been focusing on training and was really tired. Exercising needed rest. He had learned that the hard way. For the first time in a long time, he slept for a while. He got up at dawn and nned to climb his neighborhood mountain, but that day, he had a weird feeling. He stopped running and went home. He looked out of his windows, but did not notice anything. "What is it?" He felt like somebody was watching him, but he didn¡¯t find anybody. Junhyuk prepared to go to work. On his way to the subway station, he still felt like somebody was following him. Junhyuk got on the subway and knew it for sure. The morning subway was the hellish subway. There were so many people, it was not possible to follow him covertly, so Junhyuk saw the people following him. There were two men wearing ck suits. Junhyuk was certain they were following him. They were away from him, but they were following him. They got on two doors down and looked at him. He thought he should go meet them. Junhyuk walked across the hellish subway. His aura was enough for people to make a way for him. He walked over to the two men, and they look surprised. Junhyuk smiled at them. "You¡¯ve been following me since this morning. Who are you?" The two men denied the whole thing. "What are you talking about?" "You know what I am talking about!" The people around them began talking, and one of the men stepped forward and said: "You are mistaken. We will just move to the next car." Junhyuk watched them as they left. The peopleined about them moving, but they were so strong, they made a way. They went to the next car, and Junhyuk shook his head. They were well-trained. Why were they following him? Junhyuk frowned and murmured. "Sarang cannote over for a while." He had felt them when he went running that morning and at his house. They had to be professionals since he hadn¡¯t seen them until then. It was the hellish subway that turned them in. He didn¡¯t know why, but someone was watching him, and he had to be more careful. Chapter 59: Doyeol Kim 2 Chapter 59: Doyeol Kim 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - He was looking at the view of Seoul through huge windows in the ST Capsule¡¯s presidential office when Doyeol heard a knock and said: "Come in." The door opened, and the head secretary walked in. The head secretary stood behind him and made his report. "Team 3 was following him, but he made them." "They are so ipetent!" "No, but he got really upset. It happened on the subway." "Hm." Doyeol nodded and said "OK. However, if he catches them one more time, that will be the end of Team 3." "I understand," the head secretary answered and left. Doyeol had his hands behind his back and murmured: "He survived that ce, so he must be very careful." Doyeol touched his chin, took a seat and called up his secretary. "Director Kim made an appointment for dinner. When is it?" "Thursday evening at six o¡¯clock at the Royal Hotel." "Thursday? I see." Doyeol rested his chin on his hands. "When I meet him, I will know." --- They started following him early in the morning. Junhyuk got to work and looked around at everyone. He was looking for the people following him, but didn¡¯t see any of them. "So, thepany is safe." Junhyuk took notice of everything around him and sat down. All of his coworkers had dark circles around their eyes. As the coboration project got going, they became less healthy. Junhyuk checked on the progress of the coboration. He had just been in amercial, but he still wanted to know what was taking ce. However, he did not find more about the project. Eunseo was looking for him, and Junhyuk went to her office. She told him calmly: "You have an appointment today at lunch time." "OK," Junhyuk answered, and Eunseo fixed her sses and looked at him. "I sent the videos to Robotics, and a team from Robotics wants to meet you. So, we have a lunch appointment." "OK." Junhyuk was not worried about it. It was a work thing, so he didn¡¯t have to spend his own money, and Eunseo was not the type to dine with him alone. Eunseo looked at him and said: "Then, I will see you at lunch." "You areing too?" She continued: "This time, they will speak English. Is that OK? We might want to bring an interpreter with us." "It¡¯s fine. I told you I speak some foreignnguages." He had bought thenguage pill. He didn¡¯t need an interpreter. "I will trust you then. You shoulde back to my office by 11:20 a.m." "OK." Junhyuk said goodbye and left. Eunseo opened her desk¡¯s drawer. The paper airne made out of Junhyuk¡¯s application was in it, and Eunseo shook her head. "Can I trust him?" She would know how good his English skills were after lunch. --- He read the materials on the coboration project. It was 11:10 a.m., and Junhyuk got up and went over to Mr. Jang. He was on the phone and hung up to look at Junhyuk. "What is the matter?" "Chief Eunseo asked me to join her for lunch with the people from Robotics, may I leave now?" "About the advertisement?" "It looks that way." Mr. Jang nodded. "I see. Don¡¯t make a mistake." "Of course!" "Enjoy your lunch!" "You too." Junhyuk nodded to the other people and headed toward Eunseo¡¯s office. He opened the door and found Eunseo and Director Sukhoon Kim inside. Junhyuk greeted him, and Sukhoon smiled. "We meet again," Sukhoon said. "Right. How is your health?" Junhyuk replied. "It hasn¡¯t been that long of a time. Let¡¯s go!" Eunseo interjected. "OK." Sukhoon pushed Eunseo¡¯¡¯s wheelchair. There was no need for that, but Sukhoon wanted to. They went down to the parking lot and got on a luxurious limousine. They went to a traditional Korean restaurant. It was supposed to be really extravagant and expensive. The limousine stopped, and a woman wearing a traditional Korean dress walked over. "We have a room reserved." "The other guests aren¡¯t here yet?" "No." Sukhoon looked at Junhyuk. "Let¡¯s go." "Right." Junhyuk thought about pushing Eunseo¡¯s wheelchair, but she moved ahead of them. They went into the reserved room, and Sukhoon told Junhyuk: "I watched the movie." "Thank you." "My brother wants to see you." "Your brother...?" Junhyuk started asking him, and Eunseo got really surprised and looked at Sukhoon. Sukhoon smiled. "Ourpany¡¯s CEO." "The president?" "Right. How about Thursday evening?" "That¡¯s fine." He should make some time for thepany. The president wanted to dine with him, and he couldn¡¯t refuse. Sukhoon smiled. "Then, I will tell him." They heard the woman who guided them announce someone: "Mr. Clinton from Robotics is here." "Tell him toe in." "I will guide him." Soon, the door opened, and two men came in. One man was in his 40s, and the other looked to be his secretary. Sukhoon spoke to him in English. "I didn¡¯t expect to see you in person." "Ha-ha-ha! I am in charge of the coboration project, so shouldn¡¯t I be here?" Clinton looked at Eunseo, and she nodded back at him. "I¡¯m not well. Please, excuse me for not standing up." Clinton bowed, took her hand and kissed it. "You look very beautiful. Had I known, I would havee earlier." Eunseo did not speak and fixed her sses, and Clinton turned to Junhyuk. "You must be him, the coboration project¡¯s ad model." "Nice to meet you. I am Junhyuk Lee." Clinton exchanged greeting, and Sukhoon offered him a seat. "Let¡¯s all seat." Everyone took a seat. The other man was Clinton¡¯s secretary and sat behind him. He didn¡¯t even look up, so he had to be a secretary. Sukhoon ordered food, and they soon brought many dishes. They were traditional Korean dishes, and there were more than thirty different items. "Let¡¯s eat first." They began eating, and Junhyuk was astounded by the taste of the food. It was all so expensive and delicious, and he liked it a lot. The meal was over, and Eunseo and Clinton conversed. Clinton looked at Junhyuk. "I watched the movie. It came out really nice." "It¡¯s just good editing. For my part, I just went on a trip." "Ha-ha-ha! You are modest." Clinton smiled. "This ad will go out to the entire world, and ABC will run a special broadcast." He hadn¡¯t expected that, and Clinton continued: "Don¡¯t worry. We think everything will work out fine." "It¡¯s good to know." "We want to cut the scenes at the hot spring. What do you think?" Eunseo frowned, and Clinton continued: "It¡¯s not really a necessary scene. Should we edit it out?" Eunseo looked at Sukhoon, and he nodded. It wasn¡¯t a problem. Eunseo thought about it and looked at Clinton. She still had the full version with herself, which she wouldn¡¯t give up so easily. "Do we have enough time left?" Clinton asked. "The bathing scene is about ten minutes. We should be able to edit it out." She didn¡¯t know why Clinton wanted to cut the scene, but she agreed and nodded. In South Korea, ST Capsule was a major corporation, but the Robotics brand was much bigger at the world stage. They had the power to make a deal with ABC. Clinton thought he had resolved the matter and asked Junhyuk: "On that scene, you are wearing a strange pendant. Could I see it?" Junhyuk was really surprised. He could see it, but he couldn¡¯t wear it. Whoever wore it had their defensive and uracy powers increase. If he wore it, he would find out about the pendant¡¯s power, and that it was not ordinary. Junhyuk untied his tie and showed it to him. "I am sorry. I will show it to you, but you may not take it." "All right! I¡¯ll just look at it." Clinton ced the pendant on his hand and looked at the engravings. "It¡¯s on film, but it is still astounding. What are these engravings?" "I don¡¯t know. It¡¯s just family heirloom." "Right." Clinton sat down again and smiled at Junhyuk. "I collect gems. I¡¯ve never seen one like that before, and it¡¯s engraved. I want it." Junhyuk did not speak. Clinton pushed the point. "Do you want to sell it to me?" "What?" "I will pay you five million dors for it." Sukhoon and Eunseo were surprised at the price, but he couldn¡¯t sell his runestones. He was curious. Do they know about the runestone? If not, they should just look like a sapphire, a ruby and a topaz, but why is he offering such a crazy amount of money for it? Then, he remembered the people he had seen that morning. They had been Korean, so he was suspicious but wasn¡¯t sure. Junhyuk needed to be careful. "I¡¯m sorry. It¡¯s not about the money. I can¡¯t sell it even for ten million. Please understand." Sukhoon and Eunseo were surprised again. Junhyuk was not from a wealthy family, but he couldn¡¯t sell it for ten million dors? Clinton smiled at him. "I thought I would ask. If I made you feel bad, I apologize." Junhyuk saw the glimmer in Clinton¡¯s eyes, keenly, gleaming eyes. He should watch out for him. "I¡¯m OK. You don¡¯t have to apologize." They talked for a while and left. The limousine was heading back, and Sukhoon wanted to see the pendant. Junhyuk just showed it to him, and he shook his head. "There are no signs of any engravings, but he offered five million dors for it. He must be quite a collector!" Eunseo also looked at the pendant and nodded her head. "You are something else. You wouldn¡¯t sell it even for ten million dors." Junhyuk smiled, and Eunseo fixed her sses. He had been shocked by a 500,000-dor contract, but he couldn¡¯t sell it for ten million dors. She was curious about the pendant, but it was none of her business. Sukhoon and Eunseo were curious, but Clinton was different. He had to be more careful. Chapter 60: Doyeol Kim 3 Chapter 60: Doyeol Kim 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - After he got the report from Sukhoon, Doyeol smiled bitterly. He should have taken care of it before Robotics found out. Eunseo sent her materials so fast, he did not have a chance, and now Robotics knew. Doyeol clicked his tongue and said: "Dinner is this Thursday?" "Yes." "And he won¡¯t sell it for ten million dors?" Sukhoon shrugged. "It¡¯s a family heirloom, and he doesn¡¯t want to sell it." "I want to see that pendant even more." "He just showed it to us when we asked." "But he did not take if off?" "No." He was sure that it was a runestone pendant, but runestones were for heroes! Doyeol shook his head and said: "Right. I will find out when I meet him." "Then, I will see you on Thursday." "OK." Sukhoon left, and Doyeol hit the desk. "Clinton! Then, he must be after it!" --- After the meeting with Clinton, Junhyuk was extra careful. He felt like someone was watching him, but he had no evidence. On his way home, he watched everything carefully, closed the curtains on his windows, turned on the TV, and trained. He practiced using spatial relocation and the force field. Then, he moved on to dual-de swordsmanship before going to sleep. Nothing happened during the week, and on Thursday, he joined Sukhoon at the Royal Hotel. Like Tuesday, they rode in a limousine, but this time, Eunseo did not join them. On his way to the Royal Hotel, Junhyuk realized how his life had changed. It was all because he had been to the Dimensional Battlefield and had gone beyond human limitations. Filming the ad had earned him more money than he had imagined. He had one and a half million won in his bank ount, and they would pay him more after the broadcast, and he had experienced many things he had not experienced before. He shouldn¡¯t let his guard down. Someone was watching him, and that meant somebody was curious about him. They got to the Royal Hotel and went to the top floor where the restaurant was. The host took them to a man, alone and without a secretary. Junhyuk looked at him and was surprised. ST Capsule was a powerfulpany, but he was still so young. He could be in his 40s, but his eyes were like nobody else¡¯s. He looked at Junhyuk and understood everything, Doyeol greeted him first, and Junhyuk did not want to make eye contact. "Nice to meet you. I am Junhyuk Lee." "Greetings. I am Doyeol Kim." Doyeol had a presence just by sitting across from him. He was very young and a CEO of a major corporation, so he couldn¡¯t be an ordinary man. He offered Junhyuk a seat. "Seat." Everyone sat, and Doyeol said: "I ordered for you. Is steak cooked medium OK?" "I like it." They brought out the soup, and Doyeol said: "Let¡¯s eat." Junhyuk ate his soup while checking out Doyeol. He was the president, so why did he want to see him? He didn¡¯t speak and just ate his meal. They finished their steaks and waited for their dessert, and all the while, Doyeol did not speak. Junhyuk was thinking that Doyeol might have just wanted to dine with him, and that¡¯s when Doyeol spoke: "Because of you, our image has improved quite a lot. I also watched your ad and the movie." "It¡¯s just a good concept." Doyeol smiled at him. "You are modest." Doyeol was serious when speaking to him. "Do you have any problems at work?" "I don¡¯t." Doyeol started drinking his tea when Sukhoon said: "Your pendant. I told him about our meeting with Clinton, and he was really curious. Can you show it to him?" Junhyuk looked at him and nodded. Sukhoon must¡¯ve made a report. Junhyuk pulled out his pendant, and Doyeol looked at it and smiled. "Clinton is interested, but you won¡¯t sell it even for ten million dors?" "No." "It must be precious to you." "You can¡¯t buy it with money." Doyeol didn¡¯t speak further about that. "I wish I had something like that." Doyeol was no longer interested and got up. Junhyuk got up as well, and Doyeol offered him his hand and grabbed Junhyuk¡¯s hand as hard as he could. "Do your best for thepany." "I will." Doyeol tapped on his shoulder lightly and looked at Sukhoon. "Take him home." "I will." Junhyuk watched Doyeol leave. They¡¯d dined, and he hadn¡¯t spoken much. He put the pendant back under his shirt. Doyeol hadn¡¯t looked at it carefully, and Junhyuk shook his head. "My brother is reticent, but he means to look after you," Sukhoon said. "What do you mean?" "He doesn¡¯t dine with his employees." Junhyuk frowned. He had to think about that situation. He wasn¡¯t special; he was just an employee. After meeting Clinton, he had developed the habit of being suspicious. It wasn¡¯t a good thing overall, but someone was still following him, so for now, it was a good thing to be suspicious of people. Sukhoon smiled at him. "I will take you home." "No need. I can go back on my own." "My brother will scold me." "My neighborhood is not a ce for a limousine," Junhyuk said. Sukhoon relented and smiled. "Keep it a secret from my brother." "Of course!" There was no need to meet Doyeol again, and he could keep it a secret. Junhyuk called for a taxi. Inside the taxi, Junhyuk looked at his pendant. They had all been focused on it. "I will ask him if I can hide this." He meant to hide it like he did his longswords. As he thought about it, his phone rang. Junhyuk looked at the number andughed. The screen read rade." He felt like someone was after him, so he changed the name of the number in his phone. "Why did you call?" "Whoa! Is that your attitude after answering a call from a high school student?" "Speak." "Big brother, what do we do tomorrow?" "I¡¯m thinking about it." Somebody was watching him, so he shouldn¡¯t get Sarang involved. Someone might end up watching her as well. "I have tomorrow off. So, should we go on a trip?" "No, not really." He would be defenseless for an hour, and that was a problem. He should pretend to be sleeping. "Can you sleep at your house at that time?" "I can. They won¡¯t bother me." "Right. Just make sure no one find out about it." "Then, tomorrow we will be sleeping at our own houses?" "Right. That¡¯s the only way." "I understand. We will meet there. See you tomorrow." "OK." Junhyuk hung up the phone and leaned back on his seat when the driver said: "It must be nice to have the day off tomorrow." Junhyuk looked at him. He was driving a private taxi and looked old. "One has to be over forty years old to drive public transportation on Fridays, isn¡¯t that right?" "Ah, you mean thatw? It passed. It passed with unbelievable speed." "Thatw had to be passed since it concerns the safety of the public." "Right? The young drivers protested, but they still passed it." The neww made sense. They should¡¯ve passed it a long time ago. After the neww was passed, people could use public transportation on Fridays without worry. Junhyuk answered the driver¡¯s questions perfunctorily* and looked out of the window. It was already time to return to the battlefield. "It¡¯s almost Friday." The next day, he would practice for the entire day. He had to prepare before going back. Every Friday from then on was a holiday, so that was a big relief. Junhyuk closed his eyes slowly. He needed to rest on his way home because he would train like crazy that night. --- Official world wide holiday. That Friday morning, he put a piece of tape across the gap between the door and the wall, so If someone entered his room, they would leave a trace, and he jogged around his neighborhood, but didn¡¯t notice anyone. He ran toward the mountain. He ran so fast that if someone was following him, he would know. He got to the top of the mountain, checked the path, and saw no one following him, but he was still suspicious. "They must be professionals!" He had doubts, and the doubts wouldn¡¯t go away easily. Was there any way to lose them? He needed to think about it some more. On his way home, he saw some parked cars, but there were no cars near his home. That day, he trained and had to go to the Dimensional Battlefield, and he didn¡¯t know what they would do. Junhyuk checked the tape and saw that nothing was wrong and went inside. He noticed nothing out of the ordinary, pulled down the blinds on the windows and turned on the TV. He was afraid someone was listening in, so he turned the TV on first and then summoned his swords. He would focus on his training until the time to go to the Dimensional Battlefield. He trained all day and, in the evening, he sat on his bed. At night, his TV was still set on a high volume when he pulled out his cell phone. A voice whispered back to him from the end: "Big brother!" "Are you ready?" "Yes." "Make sure no one finds out." "What about you?" Junhyukughed. "Can you hear it?" "You mean your TV?" "Right. Just in case." Sarang believed in everything Junhyuk said. He told her someone was watching him, and she was extra careful herself. "All right. I will see youter." "Right. Later." He hung up the phone andy on his bed. It was time for him to leave, and he pulled out the Bloody Sword. "Can I take this with me?" He got it in South Korea, so he wasn¡¯t sure if he could take it to the Dimensional Battlefield, but he held on to it. He checked the time and slowly closed his eyes. Soon, the bright light covered his vision. ------ perfunctorily - doing something without being interested in it, with indifference. Chapter 61: Changes 1 Chapter 61: Changes 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - By that time, he was used to getting there and naturally covered his eyes with his hands. The light disappeared, and he opened his eyes and looked at the number in the corner of the room. It said 8,390G. Thest time he checked, it said 383G, so he had earned 8,000G. The first magic increment increase cost 2,000G. One sword was eligible for a 30 percent discount, so one sword would cost 1,400G. Both swords together would cost him 3,400G. Junhyuk checked his chest for the Blood Sword and was relieved. He pulled it out. "I was able to bring this as well." It was from the Dimensional Battlefield, and he was able to bring it back. Junhyuk looked at the Blood Sword and smacked his lips. "I could sell this. It must be expensive." Heroes sold stuff they didn¡¯t use even though Bebe only paid them half of the original price. However, he might still get arge sum. Junhyuk checked on his expert gear and saw two swords. Those swords were free, and Junhyuk¡¯s eyes twinkled. "I¡¯ll use them for throwing." He could summon his own weapons any time he wanted to, so he would take these swords and use them as projectiles when he was in danger. He didn¡¯t know how to throw expertly, but he could do the basics. He couldn¡¯t throw them at heroes, but he could use them on minions and novices. Junhyuk girded the swords around his waist and heard a soft voice. [Wee. You are being summoned to the Valley of Death.] "What wee?!" He had heard it before and was not surprised. [You may exit using the main entrance.] Junhyuk went to the entrance, and the voice continued: [You¡¯ve activated two powers and became an expert. You may reincarnate one time as an expert.] "I have an extra life, but I¡¯ll save it forter." Last time, Skia had killed him. He had felt filthy by being killed, but that wasn¡¯t the issue. He could really have been killed and lost his soul! "Skia, that filth must¡¯ve alsoe back!" Junhyuk murmured, and the voice continued: [Expert 01 deployed.] Junhyuk took a deep breath and walked out. A hundred minions were talking among themselves. In that chaos, Junhyuk looked for familiar faces, but did not find any. It was a small change, but the others looked even smaller to him. Junhyuk shook his head and someone yelled at him. "Big brother!" Sarang was the one yelling, and he looked at her. She looked different. She had grown, and her armor had changed as well. The armor entuated the contour of her body, and she was much taller. Sarang looked like a model. "Big brother, look at this!" She said as she approached him. She was holding a two-handed staff. He thought of his own two-handed sword when he became a novice andughed. "Your attack power has increased." "Definitely!" Sarang looked at him and smiled. "I have one more news that will surprise you to the core." "What is it?" Is there something surprising in the Dimensional Battlefield? The fact that they were there was the most surprising thing. Junhyuk stared at her nkly as she showed him her hands. He looked at her wrist and shook his head. "Oh! You were able to bring it here?" "Right! Shocking!" Sarang was wearing the jujube tree bracelet. "How were you able to bring it here? It¡¯s not from here." "That¡¯s not all. It has attributes!" Sarang handed him the bracelet, and Junhyuk examined it, shocked. --- Jujube Tree Bracelet Add Lighting attribute to all of the owner¡¯s attacks. The God of Thunder has touched it. He only grazed it, but the God of Thunder is very strong, so the bracelet received the lighting attribute. Lighting attribute: increase attack by 3%, add stun (1s duration). --- "The God of Thunder grazed it?" "That must be about the lightning hitting the jujube tree." Junhyuk clicked his tongue. "I didn¡¯t know it would be an item here, and what¡¯s this about the God of Thunder?!" Sarang shrugged, and Junhyuk handed the bracelet back to her. "The things about the lighting attribute are nice!" "Right?!" Junhyuk realized the Dimensional Battlefield was not the only issue. He could get items from Earth and use them on the battlefield. He was thinking about it when Sarang asked him: "So, aren¡¯t you much taller?" "Is that so?" Junhyuk could feel it too, but he wasn¡¯t sure. Growing one inch from five feet, six inches was really noticeable, but growing an inch from five feet, nine inches wasn¡¯t easy to discern. He was talking to her when the door opened, and Arn and Vera walked in. They looked around and found Sarang and Junhyuk. Sarang hadn¡¯t grown much, but Junhyuk was very tall among the minions. Arn walked up to him andughed. "You trained hard." "I didn¡¯t rest." He was working, but when he transferred to marketing, all he did was practice. He had also slept less and trained more, so he was quite powerful. Arn measured his height. "Right. When you train your body, your soul will keep up." "Is that right?" "There aren¡¯t many experts who could fight you and kill you." Arn paid him a very rarepliment, and Junhyuk smiled brightly. "Thank you." "Don¡¯t thank me. I like guys who work hard." "You love them," Vera said. Arn didn¡¯t speak, and Vera looked at Sarang. "By the way, I checked, and the number of human novices has increased! What is your novice number?" Sarang shook her head. "They called me Novice 012?" Junhyuk was shocked. "Really?" "Yes." Arn touched his chin and said: "Bing a novice depends heavily on the person. If they are lucky, one battlefield may activate many novices. Still, it¡¯s a high number." Junhyuk had been the seventh novice, and Sarang was now the twelfth. That meant that there were four other novices, but it still didn¡¯t mean that novices had a high survival rate. They usually tripped up and got killed on the battlefield. "Are there any survivors?" Vera nodded. "Yes. I heard there are two survivors." "Maybe we could meet them?" Arn shook his head. "No. They are from a different battlefield. The enemy heroes must have them." Junhyuk thought there was no need to meet them, at least not in that ce. However, in South Korea, that was another matter. Arn lifted his hand and said: "From here to there, follow me!" Arn spoke, and this time no one objected. Unless a minion had half a brain, no one would object based on Arn¡¯s stature alone. If anyone objected, he would kill them. He took the lead. "The battlefield has changed." "How so?" "I don¡¯t know what they are thinking." Arnined while Sarang was asking Vera about her jujube bracelet. Veraughed at her. "It¡¯s a valuable item. We usually bring our own weapons. Reality and the battlefield intersect, and when youe here, things be valuable items. Low-ss heroes bring things and sell them at the merchants. "They sell items?" "Right. But Bebe gives them low prices, so I don¡¯t rmend doing it." Junhyuk was listening to the conversation between the two, and Arn said: "We used to use the forest to attack our enemies. Now, they put stronger monsters in the forests, so heroes might even die in them." "Are they that strong?" "Yes. And there are other monsters that could change the flow of battle. It looks like it takes three enemy heroes to kill one of the new monsters." "There are monsters like that here?!" He knew how strong heroes were, and if it took three heroes to fight a monster, that was really a big issue. Arn nodded heavily. "Yes. They let the dragons loose." "Dragons?" Junhyuk thought about the dragons he had read about in books. They were usually the main character¡¯s nemesis, all-powerful,rge lizards! Those were dragons! "Right. They are half-sized dragons. I don¡¯t know where they got them, but they lost some strength bying here, so we will be able to deal with the dragons." "Half-sized?" Arn nodded calmly. "Your world doesn¡¯t have dragons?" Junhyuk nodded. "At least not for real. They are fictional characters." "Then, you will meet one here, but be careful. Dragons could kill you in one blow." "Can¡¯t we avoid them?" "I told you already, they could change the flow of the battle." They would encounter dragons eventually, and Junhyuk sighed. "We won¡¯t go after the dragons. We should first find out how strong the monsters are." If there had been changes, they had to know for sure what those changes were. Junhyuk respected Arn as a warrior and thought he had a lot to learn. Junhyuk showed him the Blood Sword. "I have a question." Arn looked at the Blood Sword, and his eyes sparkled. "Where did you get it?" "On Earth. Someone was carrying this and went crazy. I had to fight him... I got it from him." "Hm. The Blood Sword is not the highest-priced core item, but it¡¯s still very expensive. You got lucky." "I am using dual swords. I can¡¯t use this." Arnughed. "Why would you want to use it?" "It has a lot of buffs..." "Do you want to use magic swords?" "Yes." "You should use one magic sword, and fuse the other with the Blood Sword." "Fuse?" Arn continued: "Right. Pay Bebe, and he will synthesize it for you. Its buffs will be transferred to your longsword, so don¡¯t worry." "OK." He thought he had a powerful item, and now there was a way to use it. Arn looked behind him and said: "I don¡¯t think we have enough." Junhyuk looked back, and there were dozens of minions following them. "What are you talking about?" "I want to go hunting for the new monsters." "They must be really strong!" "We have to find them first. Let¡¯s go." "Right." Arn moved with increased speed, and the minions followed him. They went into a forest. Junhyuk ran beside Arn and frowned once he got inside the forest. "What is that?" His soul had grown, and he sensed something ahead. Inside the forest, he felt something in the air that he hadn¡¯t felt before. Arn looked at him and said: "You have grown for sure." Arn scoped out the forest and said: "There are various types of monsters. Be careful." "OK." Junhyuk had no intention of dying in that ce. Arn ran for a while and signaled with his hand. The minions stopped, and Vera and Sarang stepped forward. "Is this the ce?" "Yes. I feel something strong." "Then, let¡¯s go." Arn pulled out a saber and took the lead. He stepped forward through the forest and saw something out of fiction. It was a werewolf, but the werewolf¡¯s height was shocking. "The werewolf¡¯s height..." Grrrr. Slowly, he lifted his head and looked at the beast. It was twenty feet tall. Warren looked and felt cutepared to that werewolf. Chapter 62: Changes 2 Chapter 62: Changes 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk frowned after seeing the werewolf. It looked stronger than a hero, but the werewolf was not alone. Next to him, there were five cow-sized wolves. "Minions, take the wolves!" Arn shouted. The minions were nervous and did not move. They saw the werewolf the size of a building and couldn¡¯t move. "Collect yourselves!" Arn shouted at the minions in shock. The wolves jumped at the minions. They were aiming for Arn, but he dodged to the side. The wolves looked at Arn once and ran toward the minions. The minions still did not move, thinking about what to do instead. Ahead of them, a sword flew by and dropped a wolf in one hit. ng! "Shield yourselves!" Junhyuk shouted and threw another sword. He was very strong now, and another wolf was hit and fell. To Arn, the minions were like essories, but Junhyuk felt differently. The minions were frozen, but he couldn¡¯t let even one minion die. Junhyuk chased the wolves that were chasing the minions. He ran instead of using his powers. The minions lifted their shields. They heard Junhyuk and saw the wolves rushing toward them, but they couldn¡¯t attack, so they raised their shields instead. The wolves attacked them. ng! There were dozens of minions, but an individual minion couldn¡¯t fight the wolves alone. The wolves were stepping on three minions, and the other minions were just looking at them when Junhyuk arrived. He cut one of the wolf¡¯s neck and shouted: "Work together, then you will survive! Calm yourselves! Work in teams and don¡¯t die!" He jumped away. Arn, Vera and Sarang were engaged in a fight against the werewolf, so he had to join them. The minions wouldn¡¯t die. There were dozens of them, and they could kill a few wolves. There had only been five wolves, and he had dealt with three of them by himself. Junhyuk went away, and the minions started helping the three minions on the ground. Junhyuk wanted to concentrate. He watched the minions helping each other out and refocused his attention. His target was now the werewolf. The werewolf was trying to grab Arn with its ws. The ws were seven feet long, and they were not easy to dodge. Arn drew its attention while Vera and Sarang shot at it with magic. Vera was shooting her fire, and Sarang was shooting lightning. Their attacks were damaging the werewolf, but they were not decisive. Arn was drawing it in, but he couldn¡¯t fight it alone. Vera¡¯s and Sarang¡¯s attacks distracted the werewolf. Otherwise, Arn could have already been killed. Junhyuk extended his hand toward Arn. Soon, an ivory-colored light surrounded Arn, and afterwards, Arn really attacked the werewolf, much stronger than before. He couldn¡¯t be hurt, so he was not scared. The werewolf could push the force field back, but Arn was adroit* and not easily attacked. Arn fought him in honest, and Vera prepared her magic. She was working on her specialty, her meteors, and Junhyuk saw an opportunity. The werewolf was twenty feet tall, and it moved like a hero. If Junhyuk attacked it, he wouldn¡¯t be able to escape its reach. He wanted to support Arn, but the werewolf ignored Arn. It realized it couldn¡¯t wound Arn and looked at Sarang, who was shooting her lightning bolt at it. She was far from him, but the werewolf could reach her by just taking a step forward, since it was so tall. It took a step toward her, and Arn shed its back, but it ignores him. The werewolf walked closer to Sarang, and she couldn¡¯t move. That¡¯s when Junhyuk teleported next to her. It swung its ws and was about to hit her when Junhyuk grabbed her wrist and teleported again. Boom! The werewolf¡¯s ws hit the spot where they had been standing. They escaped in the nick of time. "Sarang! Use your power!" Vera shouted. Sarang used her energy st against the werewolf. The energy st had a lighting attribute, and it traveled like a bolt and hit the werewolf. The werewolf fell when the meteors crashed out of the sky. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! That was Vera¡¯s best weapon. The meteors hit the werewolf hard, and it was seriously wounded, but it did not die. The werewolf was frozen, and Arn stabbed it deeply in the waist. The werewolf moved again and howled loudly. "HOOOWWL!" The forest shook with the howl, and Arn pulled out his saber and, in a sh, he sliced through the werewolf¡¯s neck. The twenty-foot werewolf was beheaded. As it died, they all heard a whisper in their ears: [The War Wolf Lord has been killed. For the next two hours, your healing power will be increased by 10 percent, and your opponent¡¯s movement speed will decrease by 10 percent with every hit yound. The enemy¡¯s movement-speed decrease can be repeated three times for up to 30 percent. If you die within those two hours, your opponent will take over these buffs.] Junhyuk was speechless. "He must¡¯ve been a buff monster." A purple circle appeared underneath him. The circle moved as Junhyuk walked, following him around and giving off a strange energy. Junhyuk looked around, and everyone who had attacked the werewolf now had a magic circle underneath them. Arn looked at his circle andughed. "This will help us when we fight the enemy heroes." "What are you going to do?" "There is one more buff monster, but before that, we will fight some enemy heroes. Then, we could hunt for the other monster." "Right." Arn turned and threw his saber at a surviving wolf. Thluck! The saber sliced the wolf¡¯s neck and flew back to Arn. "Follow me." Junhyuk counted the number of minions left. Five minions had been killed while dealing with the wolves, and there were forty-five minions left. It was bad that they had lost five minions, but now they knew how to survive. The enemy would inflict a heavier toll on the allied minions, so it was better for them to be taught by monsters. Arn ran fast. "We only have two hours. Hurry up." Junhyuk followed him and looked over at Sarang. She ran next to him and smiled. "Big brother, thanks." "For what?" "You saved me from that werewolf." Junhyukughed and caressed her hair. "I did what I had to do." Sarang smiled at him. "By the way, being in this battlefield is like ying a game." "A game?! We have to risk our lives here. It¡¯s not like a game." Junhyuk lifted his head and looked at the purple sky. They were risking their lives, and other beings were looking at them like it was all a game. He felt sick to his stomach. "I will meet them sooner orter." If he became a hero, he might meet them. When that happened, he would have a lot toin about, but first, he had to be stronger. Arn was in the lead, and they took care of other, regr monsters in the forest. Unlike before, the forest path now had monsters along it. They passed through the forest and came to a familiar ce. Minota and Halo were fighting each other there. Junhyuk saw Minota and frowned. Minota wanted him dead, but this time, the allies had a special advantage. His side had two more heroes, and they were all buffed. It would be easy. "Save your power. Minota wille after you," Arn told him. "Right." His side had more heroes, giving them the advantage, and Arn ran forward and shouted: "Attack!" Minota had brought fifty minions with him, but the allies were adding forty-five minions to Halo¡¯s fifty. They outnumbered the enemy forces. With the numerical superiority, the minions attacked with courage. Minota saw Arn and Vera and frowned. "They killed him already?" Minota rushed toward Arn who was heading toward him. Halo tried to attack him from behind, but Minota was already running. Bang! Arn was hit and bounced to the air and dropped to the ground. "It¡¯s really powerful." Minota started retreating toward his watchtower, but he looked slower. Arn had shed Minota when Minota rushed at him. Vera smiled. "Then, what about this?" Vera made a firewall in front of Minota. He was very slow at that point, but he still went through the firewall. His movement speed had decreased already, and it was decreasing again. Minota frowned. "What is wrong with me?" Minota couldn¡¯t will his body to move faster, and Arn said: "It¡¯s something from the new monsters. Now, time for you to die." Minota looked around and saw Junhyuk. "You are here as well!" Minota realized he was dying. It wasn¡¯t only Arn. There were three heroes, and he was slowed down. He knew he was dying. So, he decided he should take at least one of them with him to his death and he picked Junhyuk. Junhyuk ran away from Minota, and Minota was so slow that he did not catch him. Junhyuk smiled, and Minota used his doppelganger skill. One of the Minotas was not slowed down at all. The movement-speed decrease only affected one of them, but Minota hadn¡¯t known about that. Junhyuk frowned at one of the Minotas. Halo wasing to his rescue, but Minota would get to him first. Minota hunched over and rushed at him. He was closing in when Junhyuk teleported. Junhyuk appeared just behind Minota instead of moving far away and shed Minota¡¯s ankle. He only gave the ox one sh. He had practiced for this moment for a long time, and Minota¡¯s skin peeled off, and his muscle was damaged. It was not deep, but he was hurt. "Woo, woo-aa-argh!" Minota turned around to rush him one more time, and Junhyuk teleported. He was now standing behind Halo. He smiled at Minota, who was beyond angry. "Filthy ox, you are slow." Junhyuk was buffed, and he continued to attack, lowering Minota¡¯s movement speed with every hit. Minota was very slow now, and Halo showed a rare smile and ran toward the ox. ------ adroit - skilful, skilled at using your hands or mind Chapter 63: Changes 3 Chapter 63: Changes 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Minota¡¯s movement slowed down. He had no problem with his attack speed, but his movement speed decreased, and Halo attacked him, so he was unable to move. Minota knew he couldn¡¯t move at will, so he blocked Halo¡¯s attack with both arms and rushed toward Junhyuk. Even though his movement speed was low, rush was his power, and it wasn¡¯t affected by the debuff. Junhyuk had already used spatial relocation, but he smiled at Minota rushing at him. "Nothing will change." He created a force field around himself, and Minota rushed the ivory-colored force field head on. Thunk! The force field was thrown back and hit the ground once with Junhyuk still smiling at Minota from inside. Minota ran toward him. This time, he was not rushing, so his movement was slowed again. Junhyuk ran head on against Minota. Halo was attacking him from behind, so there was one thing Junhyuk should do. Minota saw Junhyuk running toward him and tried to kick Junhyuk. He ducked to dodge the kick and swung his swords. The swords shed Minota¡¯s ankle. The attack didn¡¯t damage him much, but it applied the debuff again. Minota swung his fist down, and Junhyuk sidestepped it. Boom! His movement speed was slowed down, but his attack speed was still fine, and his fist attack was impressive. Junhyuk escaped by rolling on the ground. He didn¡¯t have enough attack power to seriously damage Minota, and Minota was very strong. Minota wanted to chase after Junhyuk, but he couldn¡¯t because of Halo¡¯s interruptions. He couldn¡¯t rush, and because of his movement speed, he couldn¡¯t fight Halo. Halo also aimed at Minota¡¯s leg. Junhyuk¡¯s attacks had scratched him, but Halo¡¯s attacks were different. One blow from Halo was enough to damage the muscles. "Woo, woo, woo!" Minota mooed angrily and turned to face Halo. Halo took big steps back, and Minota snarled and ran toward him. That¡¯s when Halo used his light sh attack. The sh traveled sixty-five feet and shed Minota¡¯s ribs. "Ugh!" Halo moved again, keeping his distance from Minota. He couldn¡¯t fight Minota at close quarters. Halo moved toward Minota, and Junhyuk watched the battle. One Minota had been killed by Arn and Vera. The other Minota was being attacked by Halo. Halo was having his way with the ox when Vera and Arn joined him. It was over. The victory belonged to his side. "Ha-ha-ha!" Minotaughed loudly and hit Halo. He used his rushing power, and Halo could only block the attack with his sword. Clunk! Halo bounced toward the watchtower. It could¡¯ve been Minota¡¯sst struggle, but Halo ran toward him, and the people from the watchtower ran toward Halo. "Be careful!" Junhyuk discovered them first and shouted, and Halo turned to look. Halo saw Ellic holding his hammer and rushing toward him. Clunk! Boom! Ellic rushed him, and Halo bounced back. Junhyuk was watching all of this unfold and frowned. "What is that...?" Ellic rushed Halo, and there was an explosion. Halo bounced back because of that explosion. He was trying to find his bnce when Warren appeared from behind Ellic. They all had red-colored circles underneath their feet. "Is it buff?" He wasn¡¯t sure, but Warren and Ellic were indeed buffed. Behind Ellic and Warren, there were a hundred minions. The situation was about to take a turn. Junhyuk saw Ellic and Warren running and shouted. "Kill that filthy ox first!" Veraunched a firewall in front of Ellic and Warren to buy more time, and Arn finished off Minota. Minota had lost a lot of energy, so he couldn¡¯t withstand Arn¡¯s attacks and died. With Minota gone, the allies had three heroes, and the enemies were two. His side had the advantage, but Junhyuk was in a difficult situation. He could use spatial relocation, but he couldn¡¯t use the force field. He could get killed by stepping forward. The enemy wanted to get in closer to attack, but Arn and Halo were fighting them while Vera prepared her magic. Junhyuk stood next to Vera. "Sarang! Come this way!" Sarang also went over to Vera. However, Vera couldn¡¯t use her magic yet. Junhyuk stood in front of the two, and Veraughed. "Are you protecting us?" "Focus on your attack." "Don¡¯t worry." Vera created an fire orb that floated in front of Arn. Ellic and Warren had to go through the fire orb to attack Arn. She had bought more time by doing that and prepared a fire spear. Warren jumped over Arn and went after Halo. Arn and Ellic were fighting each other. Boom! However, when Arn blocked Ellic¡¯s attack, there was another explosion, and Arn had to take a step back. Junhyuk looked at Ellic carefully. He was not using any special powers, so that meant he was buffed. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t wrong. When Warren attacked Halo, there was another explosion. Boom! Ellic¡¯s attacks were heavy and strong, but Warren¡¯s attacks were fast because he swung both arms to attack. The explosions continued, and Halo kept being pushed back. Junhyuk was watching all that and told Vera: "We have to slow them down and then attack." "Right. Sarang, attack with me. Aim for Warren." Sarang and Vera attacked Warren. Warren lifted his arms to block, but his movement speed was lowered. He was debuffed, and it was stacked twice. Junhyuk was not relieved even though he was slowed down. Warren had a special healing power. He could heal himself while getting hurt. Warren was slowed down, and Vera and Sarang continued their attacks. Sarang¡¯s attack was not strong enough, but Vera¡¯s attack was different. Warren chased after Halo, realized he had lost some speed and frowned. He then changed his target to Vera and Sarang. Warren had a jumping power, so his jump was not affected by the slow movement speed. He wasing down at the two when Junhyuk smirked. "Sorry, but you can¡¯t do that." Junhyuk grabbed both Vera and Sarang and teleported. Boom! Junhyuk andpany moved forty feet from the original spot. He had applied himself continuously, and the distance of his spatial relocation had increased. Warren turned his head and bared his teeth. Then, Halo attacked with a light sh. Warren blocked it, and countered with his own attack. Boom! Warren¡¯s ws touched, and there was another explosion. Halo frowned at the fact that whenever Warren attacked, there was an explosion. "There is an explosion when he attacks. Keep your distance from him," Junhyuk shouted. Warren ground his teeth, but Halo kept his distance, attacking him with light shes, and Warren couldn¡¯t stand it any longer and howled: "Hooowwl!" The howl froze Halo¡¯s movements, and Warren mounted his own attacks. Boom, boom! Halo staggered and stepped back. Warren¡¯s howl froze his opponents, and Halo was defenseless against the attacks and the buffed explosions. Then, Warren¡¯s eyes turned red. He meant to heal himself, and Junhyuk felt this could be a long fight. Vera smiled. "Halo, get ready!" Halo heard her and threw his sword above his head. Warren scoffed at the whole thing. "You think you can hit me with that?" Vera made fire orbs and spears and shouted: "Sarang!" "Yes!" Sarang shot her lightning st and hit Warren. Warren couldn¡¯t move, and the fire orbs and spears hit him continuously. Boom! Warren staggered, and Halo¡¯s sword moved in the air. It traveled like a bolt of lighting and hit Warren, piercing his chest. "Argh!" Warren had actually healed himself when he was struck by Halo¡¯s sword. Even though he had healed himself, he could only heal through one attack at a time. Warren had to withstand Halo¡¯s and Vera¡¯s attacks. This was Halo¡¯s power, Justice Rain from Above, and it took a long time to ready. He didn¡¯t use it often, but Sarang and Vera had helped him. Justice Rain from Above was rarely used, but it inflicted heavy damage. Warren staggered, and Junhyuk walked over to him. Warren ground his teeth while looking at him. "Do you want to die?!" He had a hole in his chest, but was still swinging his ws at Junhyuk. Junhyuk did not want to kill Warren this time. He didn¡¯t have enough attack power to do it. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes shone, and he swung his swords against the Warren¡¯s ws and shed his wrist. It was a small cut, but he had shed him. Warren bared his teeth and tried to bite him, and Junhyuk teleported. It was not Junhyuk¡¯s job to finish him off. Warren chased after Junhyuk. Halo¡¯s sword had gone through his chest, and Halo used the sword to behead him. Warren¡¯s head flew into the air, and Junhyuk heard a soft voice whispering: [You took away the Smander buff. For the next two hours, when you attack, your attacks will have a fire attribute and inflict 50 additional damage. If you die within those two hours, your opponent will take over these buffs.] He had new powers. They onlysted for a couple of hours, but he could inflict additional damage. He had beencking in attack power, so receiving the buff was great news. He had no intention to fight one on one against a hero, but this new buff made a big difference. Junhyuk looked at the purple- and red-colored magic circles around his feet and smiled. "This is nice!" Ellic was still standing, but the opposing side had three heroes, and he realized what his position was and began trying to escape. He used rush to get out, but Vera created a firewall. He passed through the firewall and his movement speed declined. Junhyukughed at him. Ellic couldn¡¯t escape. Sarang shot a lightning bolt. There was red glint around it. Boom! Sarang¡¯s lightning bolt was very weak against heroes, but she was buffed by the Smander buff. Ellic frowned, and Arn showed up. "The buff is really strong." Arn jumped up and came down on Ellic. Ellic swung his hammer, exchanging blows with Arn. The allied side had three heroes, a buffed expert and a buffed novice. Junhyuk watched the events unfold. Ellic was moving backward, and the spatial relocation¡¯s cooldown time was over, so Junhyuk jumped. Had he run, he could have been killed. Junhyuk teleported to Ellic¡¯s back and shed him. Boom, boom! Surely, there was an additional fifty damage to every hit. "Ugh!" Ellic¡¯s body started thinning out. After his attack, he had meant to teleport away, but he stared at Ellic nkly. Ellic was disappearing, and Junhyuk tried to grab him but couldn¡¯t. Ellic slowly disappeared, and in his ce, a golden bracelet was left. Chapter 64: Synthesis 1 Chapter 64: Synthesis 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk was really surprised when he heard a soft whisper: [You¡¯ve killed the hero Ellic. You have a right to the item he dropped. Will you pick it up? If you don¡¯t pick it up in three hours, the item will disappear.] Junhyuk listened with surprise and quickly picked it up. He looked at Arn, and Arnughed at him. "Congrattions!" "I can keep this?" "Ellic has dropped so many items already. I am sure this one will also be useful." Junhyuk read the bracelet¡¯s description. --- Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Bracelet (Set Piece) Attack Power +10 The Pure Golden Knight Elder used to carry this bracelet. In the past, he was called a legend and he carried items to increase his attack power. There was no one who could withstand a blow from him. Having aplete set increases the power of the item. --- "It¡¯s a Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Bracelet?" Arn checked it out and asked: "Does ite in a set?" "It does." "Ellic is collecting the entire set and dropped one? He must not be feeling well." "Is it hard to collect an entire set?" Arn nodded. "It¡¯s definitely not easy. The items don¡¯t always show up at the dimensional merchants. If someone buys a piece of the set, that person has to die for it to go back in cirction. You can pick it up and keep it or sell it." "Then, there¡¯s only one of each set piece?" "That¡¯s right. There is only one set, and it¡¯s hard to collect the entire thing, but if you do, your power will increase by a lot. The item by itself is powerful." With this item alone, he could increase his attack power by ten. It had the same power as a longsword, so he shouldn¡¯t refuse to take it or use it. He was carrying two longswords, and that meant his attack power increased twice. Junhyuk put on the bracelet, and Vera walked over and put him in a headlock. "You stole my kill! You attacked him when everything was already over and killed him!" "Argh! I didn¡¯t! I was only trying to escape!" She gave him a noogie and said: "You did well." "What?!" She smiled at him. "You are important to us, but it¡¯s not easy for you to be a champion, so you should buy more equipment." "So, are you giving me your support?" "No," she said and smirked. "If you kill steal one more time..." Vera ignited a me on her hand, and Junhyuk dry swallowed his saliva. "... I¡¯ll just leave it to your imagination." If he had thought about it, he would¡¯ve realized that heroes were always eager to get more items. He had stolen Ellic¡¯s item from Vera, but she was kidding with him. "I will be more careful." "It wasn¡¯t intentional. I will let it go this time." Vera turned to Arn. "We need to clean up the rest." The minions¡¯ fight was intense. It was about 150 against 150, and that didn¡¯t happen often. They shed against each others, but the heroes were dead, so this was the allies¡¯ victory. Veraunched a firewall and split the enemies into two camps. Junhyuk was not just looking. He still had the Smander buff, and his double swords created explosions that massacred the enemy minions. Standing behind him, Sarang shot her lightning bolt, and the heroes joined the fight. It took them less than five minutes to ughter their enemies. Looking at the dead minions, Arn said: "Even if we move now, the buff will disappear, and we won¡¯t be able to catch them. We should go to Bebe¡¯s." Vera nodded, but Halo shook his head. Arn watched them both and nodded. "OK. Then, we will attack the watchtower. After that, Halo should join Nudra, and we will go to Bebe." Halo nodded, and Arn shouted: "Destroy the watchtower! Attack!" There were 120 surviving minions. They rushed toward the watchtower while Arn, Halo and Vera attacked it. After the tower¡¯s destruction, Arn gave Halo eighty minions. The minions were of little help when the heroes were fighting, but they were a big help when destroying the watchtowers. Arn took the other surviving minions to the dimensional merchants. They did not meet any enemies on the way and got there safely. Bebe was about to doze off when he saw theme in and waved at them. "You came!?" Arn went up to him and said: "I need an enhancement stone, and this guy has a lot to do today." "So?" Bebe gave him an enhancement stone and the te. Arn ced his hand on the te, paid and picked up the enhancement stone. Arn pulled out his sabers, put them on the counter and looked seriously at the enhancement stone. "What is the sess rate this time?" "It¡¯s 6.75 percent." It was low, but Arn didn¡¯t hesitate. "Enhance." A five-colored beam of light shot up and danced on the sabers. While Arn watched, the exquisite light seeped into the sabers, and heughed. "It¡¯s a sess!" Bebe clicked his tongue. "Ha! That¡¯s the ninth enhancement! It should be very sharp. There¡¯s a big difference between the eighth and ninth enhancements." "Yeah. The odds were crap, but I did it anyway." "You should know that the ninth and the tenth enhancements are totally different." "I know, but I can¡¯t do it now." "Right, you might fail and have your power decrease." Bebe shrugged and looked at Junhyuk. "So, what do you need?" Junhyuk extended his hand. "How much money do I have?" "Here." Bebe pushed the te forward, and Junhyuk put his hand on it. It was arge sum¡ª13,390G¡ªand Bebe whistled. "For an expert, you have earned a lot." Junhyuk was curious and asked: "Perhaps. Do you have anything rted to the Elder¡¯s item set?" "The Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s set?" "Correct." He wanted toplete the set, but Bebeughed and said: "I had some things, but Ellic bought them. Two bracelets." "Ellic bought them?" "Correct. He had three, including that one." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes beamed. He wanted to kill Ellic again. Arnughed. "Do you want toplete the set?" "If possible." He looked at Vera, and she shrugged and said: "Good. It¡¯s a hero¡¯s dream to own aplete set, and you may dream." "Is that right?" "I will pick them up and sell them to you for cheap." "Thank you." Bebe stuck out his tongue at them. "You can¡¯t do that. I have to make a living." "It¡¯s fine. You are always too expensive." Bebeughed and asked him: "So, don¡¯t you need something else?" Junhyuk took out the Blood Sword. "I want to synthesize this with my sword." "Oh! Where did you get this?" Bebe was surprised to see the Blood Sword and looked at Junhyuk, who said calmly: "I got it from my world." "Hm. This can¡¯t be from your world. It¡¯s a magic sword." "I got it from a minion." Bebe touched his chin. "OK. If you synthesize it, the curse will disappear, but you won¡¯t be able to synthesize magic on top of it." "Is it possible to do regr syntheses?" "Yes. Regr syntheses will increase the Blood Sword¡¯s effects." "That sounds fine." Bebe ced the te on the counter. "The cost of the synthesis is five thousand gold." Junhyuk had the cold sweats. It was too expensive! He wanted toplete the Elder¡¯s set and needed to save money. He thought he needed to kill Ellic some more. "OK. Do it." "Which longsword?" Junhyuk hesitated and pulled out the right-hand longsword. "Pay first," Bebe said. Junhyuk ced his hand on the te, and the number decreased to 8,390G. He had earned five thousand gold since he had arrived in the Dimensional Battlefield. "It¡¯s strange. I only killed two heroes." Bebe took the longsword and the Blood Sword and pulled out a bottle. "What are you talking about?" "This time, I earned five thousand gold on the battlefield." "Is that so? Maybe it was because of the special monsters they brought in. They are expensive." "The contribution from hunting one monster is a thousand gold?" "I am not sure about the number, but it¡¯s more than that! So, should I start?" Bebe asked him. "Yes." Bebe pulled out a pink bottle and poured the contents on the Blood Sword. The sword melted slowly and covered the longsword. Once the Blood Sword covered the longswordpletely, Bebe hit it with a hammer. ng! The hit created shockwaves, and Junhyuk¡¯s hair stood up. Bebe smiled and said: "The synthesis is a sess." "Could it have failed?" "This type of regr synthesis does not fail." Bebe gave him the longsword, and Junhyuk inspected it. --- Blood Rune Sword Attack Power +25 Fitness Absorption +10% When absorbing the owner¡¯s blood, attack speed increases by 10% and movement speed increases by 5%. Can stack three times. --- Bebe¡¯s Basic Longsword had been synthesized with the Blood Sword, and the attack power had increased to twenty-five. When the owner wounded an opponent, the sword would heal the owner by 10 percent of the attack. When it absorbed the owner¡¯s blood, the attack speed increased by 10 percent, and the movement speed increased by 5 percent, but it would only stack three times. The fourth attempt could result in death. The attack powers of the two original swords werebined with an additional increase of five. It had cost five thousand gold, but the result was satisfying, and the longsword looked different. It was a Blood Rune Sword now, and there were blood-colored runes engraved on the sword. He hadn¡¯t liked the shape of the original, but now it looked cool. "I like it." "Right. The Blood Sword itself is very expensive. It¡¯s more expensive than a magic enhancement. It will be useful." Junhyuk swung the Blood Rune Sword lightly. It left a trace of red in the air, and he smiled with satisfaction. "I want to add a magic power." "You should know magic enhancements are different from syntheses." "You mean you won¡¯t give me a 30 percent discount?" "There¡¯s nothing I can do." Junhyuk sighed. "I still want to do it. How much does it cost for the first magic enhancement?" "Two thousand gold." "Could you tell me about magic?" "Sure." Bebe pulled out a book and opened it wide. Above the book, various magic descriptions appeared, and Bebe kindly exined everything. He touched the me-shaped emblem and said: "The fire attribute explodes when you stab someone, dealing heavy damage." Junhyuk had experienced that with the Smander buff and liked the additional damage. Bebe touched the snowke emblem and said: "This is the ice attribute. When you stab someone with it, that person¡¯s movement and attack speeds decrease.¡¯ "Sure." "In any case, it¡¯s hard to see any major effect on the first enhancement, especially against heroes." Bebe touched the bolt emblem. "This is the lightning attribute. When you stab someone with it, that person will be stunned." Junhyuk paid close attention as he listened. They were all good. Bebe touched the green water droplet emblem. "This is the poison attribute. When you stab someone with it, that person will continue to receive damage. When someone decides to hide, you can force that person to show up by stabbing them beforehand." It was a good attribute to use against Skia. Bebe touched the boulder emblem. "This is the earth attribute. It increases damage slightly and also increases your defensive power." Junhyuk thought about it seriously. He wanted to get them all, so he sighed and looked at Arn. "What do you think?" "You¡¯ll be using it. You decide." He thought for a long time, but it was time for him to make his decision. "I will pick this." Chapter 65: Synthesis 2 Chapter 65: Synthesis 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk chose the ice attribute. He thought it would be better to debuff his opponents. It decreased attack and movement speeds, and he wanted both. He told Bebe, who smiled at him. "You chose well. Regardless of your options, if your opponents are heroes, always go with debuffs." Junhyuk was relieved to hear that he chose well. "Enhance it." "Pay up first." Bebe tapped on the te, and Junhyuk ced his hand on it. The enhancement cost was subtracted, and 6,390G remained. Bebe hummed and pulled out a bottle shining with a white-colored light. Meanwhile, Junhyuk summoned his left-handed longsword. Bebe poured the contents of the bottle on it. It was as though snowkes were dropping on the sword. It waspletely covered in a white light when Bebe hit it with a hammer. ng! Cold shockwaves scattered from the hit. The longsword now had white rune engravings along the de. The enhancement had been a sess. "Check it out." Junhyuk lifted the sword and inspected it. --- Frozen Rune Sword Attack Power +15 Striking the opponent decreases the opponent¡¯s attack and movement speeds by 5%. Stacks three times. --- He had enhanced Bebe¡¯s Basic Longsword with the ice attribute. It increased the attack power to fifteen and, when it struck the opponent, it decreased the opponent¡¯s attack and movement speeds by 5 percent. It was possible to stack the effects three times, but it depended on the opponent¡¯s resistance. "It¡¯s affected by the opponent¡¯s resistance?" Junhyuk asked Bebe. "Correct, but it¡¯s a debuff, so it won¡¯t be very affected by resistance. If your opponent has magic defense, it will still debuff for over 50 percent of the ability." Half of the effect meant that, at the most, after three stacks, it would still inflict a 7.5-percent speed reduction. It wasn¡¯t much, but the difference might save his life. Junhyuk lifted the Frozen Rune Sword. He could see white runes shining along the sword and he liked it. He swung his swords. The blood-colored and white-colored traces in the air were exquisitely harmonious. It was quite the sight. Arn looked at this and asked Bebe: "Right now, the Blood Rune Sword has only been upgraded once, correct?" "Correct." "Then, the second upgrade would only cost four thousand gold since it¡¯s still a regr enhancement, correct?" Bebe nodded, and Arn called Junhyuk over. "Upgrade that sword one more time." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes shone as he listened to Arn. Surely, when it received regr enhancements, the sword would be more powerful. "Do it for me." Junhyuk pushed the Blood Rune Sword forward, and Bebe passed him the te instead. Bebe was smiling, and Junhyuk put his hand on it. Four thousand gold was subtracted from the total, and 2,390G remained. Bebe started humming and pulled out a small sack. He put one of his big hands inside the sack and pulled out some starlight powder. He scattered the powder over the Blood Rune Sword, and the sword¡¯s blood-like color shone even brighter. Bebe hit it again with his hammer. ng! The strike generated shockwaves, and the Blood Rune Sword shone brightly. Junhyuk had his eyes half closed because of the light and went over to Bebe. "It¡¯s a sess. Take it." He took the Blood Rune Sword and inspected it. The attack power had increased to thirty-five, and the fitness absorption rate increased to 11 percent. "The attack power increased by ten?" "The first upgrade increased it by five; the second increases it by ten; the third increases it by fifteen." Bebe sat on the countertop and said: "The cost will increase exponentially." It was still a significant increase. "Can I use this on heroes?" Vera shook her head. "Diane and I do not invest on defense, so it might work on us, but it will not work against Ellic." However, he still thought it might work. Junhyuk smiled, and Vera signaled for Sarang. "Sarang, youe here and check on how much money you have." "OK." Sarang walked over to him, and Bebe smiled. "A new customer?" Junhyuk felt Bebe was taking advantage of them somehow. Sarang ced her hand on his te, and she had a lot of money. It said 6,535G. Junhyuk looked surprised and looked at Sarang. "When did you get all of that money?" Vera answered instead: "She hasn¡¯t spent any money, so she has a lot, and I will help her shop. First, give her anguage pill." Bebe took out anguage pill and pushed the te forward. "Pay first." Sarang paid to purchased thenguage pill and asked: "If I take this pill, then will I be able to read, write and speak all thosenguages?" "And listen." Sarang quickly swallowed the pill. She had wanted it the most among the things they sold in the Dimensional Battlefield. She was in high school, and the pill would help her with studying. "We should look at runestones." Vera hummed and picked out two runestones. "This and that one." "She won¡¯t have much money left." "When did you start worrying about your customers? Give them to her." "Pay first." Sarang trusted Vera, but not as much as Junhyuk. She quietly ced her hand and paid. Only 435G remained. Junhyuk was surprised at what they¡¯d purchased. Sarang got two low level runestones of types Junhyuk did not have: one low level intelligence runestone and one low level magic attack runestone. Junhyuk looked at Vera. "She won¡¯t have enough money to get a pendant!" "She won¡¯t need a pendant." Vera took out a long, pink arm warmer. "Insert them in here," she told Bebe. "You want to give this to her?" "Yes. I have something better for myself." "You could sell it." "You¡¯ll give me such a low price, it¡¯s not worth it. It would be a different matter if it were expensive." Junhyuk asked about it carefully. "This is a Runestone-Socketed Arm Warmer. It increases the power of runestones by 20 percent, and you can insert up to thirty runestones. You just insert them in the sockets here." Junhyuk gulped. "How much does it cost?" "I made it in my world. I spent fifteen thousand gold on it to install the sockets and the 20 percent increase to runestone power." Junhyuk¡¯s mouth was wide open, and Sarang protested. "It¡¯s too good for me. I can¡¯t ept it." "No, not really. I myself carry an item that increases runestone power by 50 percent. I made this arm warmer, so I can¡¯t really sell it to Bebe. I am your mentor. I want to give it to you." Junhyuk suddenly looked at Arn, his mentor, who was avoiding his gaze. He wasn¡¯t bitter at Arn. This was Vera¡¯s goodwill toward Sarang, so he shouldn¡¯t me Arn for anything. He should just be happy for Sarang. "Take it. Just worry about getting more runestones and socketing them." Junhyuk had to buy something more expensive to socket high level runestones, but Sarang didn¡¯t need to do that now. She bowed to Vera. "Thank you." "With your power, you are helping us big time. Stay alive." "Yes!" She meant to survive. Vera gave her a big hug, and Bebe finished inserting the stones in the arm warmer. Vera took it and gave it to Sarang. "Wear it." "Yes." Sarang put it on and looked at Vera. "This increases defense by ten and reduces spell cooldown by 10 percent." "I made it. It¡¯s potent." Sarang hugged Vera. Vera had a very nice body, and Sarang was buried in her chest. Junhyuk was envious, but not of the arm warmer. Vera petted Sarang¡¯s head and asked: "How much money do you have?" "I have 435G." "I will give you some money to carve a seal for the arm warmer." "Carve a seal?" "It¡¯s possible to carve seals for runestone socketed items. Junhyuk is wearing a pendant, but this arm warmer is easily spotted by heroes." Junhyuk asked: "After you carve the seal, do you still get the runestones¡¯ power?" "Of course!" Junhyuk thought about carving a seal for his pendant, but he would need a new pendant soon. It was full, so no more runestones would fit in it. He didn¡¯t want to spend an additional thousand gold to carve the seal. He needed to earn more money. Junhyuk was thinking it over while Vera smiled at Bebe. "Carve the seal." "Here." Bebe pushed his te forward again, and Sarang put her hand on it. Her savings were all gone, and Vera ced her hand on it to pay the rest. Bebe looked at Sarang. "Give me the arm warmer. Where do you want the seal?" Sarang showed him her left wrist. "Here." Bebe started the engraving process, meanwhile Sarang smiled at Junhyuk. Junhyuk realized she wanted a seal on the same spot he had made his, on the inside of her wrist. Sarang¡¯s seal was engraved, and she asked, surprised: "Does this mean my intelligence went up?" "Low level runestones increase it by five, and there¡¯s also the 20 percent increase from the arm warmer. Mathematically, you have many times the intelligence of an ordinary person, but that¡¯s only on paper." "Mathematically?" Vera nodded and said: "Right. Your magic capacity has increased, but be aware that your intelligence has increased, and not your wisdom. Still, your magic production has increased." Sarang started crying. That meant that she would have an easier time solving her math problems, and it meant she could study better. The items at the dimensional merchants were very effective. Vera smiled and petted her head. "When your intelligence goes up, your magic attack and your magic production increase as well, so you can fire stronger energy bolts more quickly. Your magic and damage capabilities have increased. So, whenever possible, increase your intelligence." "OK." "The magic attack runestone will increase your damage capability directly, so it¡¯s also useful." The intelligence runestone was red, and the magic attack runestone was blue, so they looked different. Her power had increased, and she would do more damage. Magicians could inflict tremendous damage. Vera continued while smiling: "Next time, you can get a yellow runestone to increase your defense or magic uracy. In fact, get a magic uracy runestone. Your power works on your opponents, but your basic attacks won¡¯t work unless you have uracy. The arm warmer already increases defense, so you can wait on the defense runestone." Vera kindly exined many things to her, and Sarang listened carefully. Junhyuk was jealous. Junhyuk knew she hadn¡¯t bought a lot, but had increased her abilities considerably. She had increased her intelligence by six, her magic attack by six, her defense by ten, and her spells¡¯ cooldown times decreased by 10 percent. It was a great deal for 6,100G. He wasn¡¯t too jealous. He had his Blood Rune Sword and he could hurt and wound heroes with it. "Done shopping?" Arn asked Vera. "Yes. That¡¯s about it." "Then, let¡¯s move." "Where to?" Arn smiled. "Just follow me. As we nned, we will win this battle." Chapter 66: Counter Jungle 1 Chapter 66: Counter Jungle 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They all quickly followed Arn into the enemy forest. Junhyuk caught up to him and asked: "So, where are we going?" Arn smiled and said: "Right about now, the heroes we killed should have reincarnated, and there is one ce they will all go to." "Are you going to take the opponent¡¯s buff monster?" "We shouldn¡¯t just take it," Arn said, beaming. "Before our enemies kill the buff monster, we will kill them, and then take the buff." Speed was the most important thing. Junhyuk ran faster, and Arn said: "Speed up!" The minions behind them huffed and gasped as they ran faster. Junhyuk ran next to Arn and looked at Sarang. She wasn¡¯t having a tough time following them. "Are you OK?" "I fine. I have increased movement speed." He looked at her again. She wasn¡¯t running but jogging and easily notgging behind. "You¡¯ll do well in PE!" "I¡¯m not an athlete and I don¡¯t want to be one. Running is enough for me." Junhyukughed and said: "That¡¯s good." They ran for an hour and arrived at a ce where they could hear loud explosions and the enemy heroes yelling. "Minota! Push this way!" "Right." Boom! When they heard the explosion, Arn signaled with his hand for everyone to quiet down. The minions stayed where they were, and only the four moved. Arn, Vera, Junhyuk and Sarang moved next to a clearing. There was a fierce battle taking ce in the open space. There was a creature with woman¡¯s face and ample breasts floating in the air. It was the monster. It had two wings instead of two arms and only one leg. It stayed in the air and dove to strike. Its attack was so powerful that the heroes retreated each time. "A harpy?" Arn inspected the harpy and said: "They will catch it soon." "What do we do?" "They are not too hurt because there are three of them, but they are all wounded in some way. We should use our strongest attacks." Arn looked at Vera, and she nodded and took out her staff. "They are not all in one spot. I can¡¯t be urate." "It¡¯s OK. I¡¯ll get them in one ce." Arn looked at Junhyuk. "When they concentrate their attacks on me, you know what to do." "I know." Even for Arn, it was dangerous to deal with three heroes at the same time. Arn couldn¡¯t take them all since they were attack-focused heroes. Junhyuk nodded, and Arn moved quickly. He went after Warren, who was taking the harpy head on. When Warren discovered him, it was toote. Arn had jumped and wasing down on the werewolf, swinging his saber at Warren¡¯s head. Warren tried to block with his arms. sh! He withstood the attack, but he lost an arm in the process. "Argh!" Arn smiled a little and swung the saber in his left hand. Warren moved away quickly, but still got shed on the arm. Arn was putting a lot of pressure on Warren, and Minota and Ellic rushed him from the left and the right. The two meant to pincer attack Arn in the middle. Arn didn¡¯t retreat and instead lifted his sabers high. Minota and Ellic were closing the gap when Arn was surrounded by ivory-colored light. ng! The two shed against the force field at the same time, and Arn didn¡¯t move. Minota and Ellic staggered from the collision. Arn threw his saber, and it flew toward Warren. There was no time to dodge, so Warren lifted his arm to block. sh! The arm was cut off, and the saber continued flying and struck Warren¡¯s chest. They hadn¡¯t seen the sabers deal so much damage before, and Warren gritted his teeth. All of a sudden, Arn was already on his tail and beheaded him. Warren went down easily because he had been fighting the harpy and couldn¡¯t deal with Arn¡¯s attacks, and Arn¡¯s attack power was far greater than before, allowing him to slice Warren¡¯s arm off. Warren had withdrawn to heal himself, but he had rxed too much while watching Minota and Ellic attack Arn, so he was killed. Arn turned around after beheading Warren, and Minota and Ellic went after him once more. They weren¡¯t worried about what had happened to Warren; they wanted to kill Arn before Vera joined the fight. He was covered by the force field, whichsted ten seconds, but he had already spent four seconds, so he would pressure them for six more seconds. The two were attacking him at the same time when Arn saw the harpy flying above them. The harpy was seriously wounded. He could take her first. Arn ignored them both andunched his saber. It struck the harpy in its chest. "Squawk!" However, the harpy didn¡¯t die from his attack. It flew toward him, and Ellic and Minota attacked him simultaneously. Arn didn¡¯t fight off their rushes. His job was to hold them in one ce. He leaned forward and used the force field to block Ellic¡¯s hammer. The hammer was deflected down, and Minota tried to kick him. Arn leaned back and dodged Minota¡¯s kick. He looked up at the sky and smiled. It was time for the meteor shower. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Ellic and Minota were together in one spot, and the meteors hit them hard, decreasing their health, but the force field disappeared. "Die!" First, Ellic attacked him with the hammer. Bang! The hammer generated a shockwave, and Arn was pushed back. That¡¯s when Minota rushed at him, and Arn jumped at the harpy. He had only meant to escape from Minota and floated next to the harpy. Arnnded, and Ellic ran over, swinging his hammer. Thung! Even in that situation, Arn turned to face Ellic and deflected his attack, but the shock was too much to deal with. Arn was pushed back, and Ellic rushed again. Bang! Arn was getting irritated when Minota also rushed at him. The harpy was only after Arn since he had attacked her. He was missing one saber, and it was difficult for him to deal with Ellic and Minota at the same time even though both of them were hurt. Suddenly, a firewall burst out in front of Arn. Minota and Ellic couldn¡¯t lose him. They had to kill him before dealing with Vera. They understood the situation and went through the firewall after him. Junhyuk watched the events unfold. It was better for him not to get involved, but he couldn¡¯t just stand there. He thought about how to help Arn and looked at the harpy flying in the sky. It had a saber stuck to its chest. It had been attacked before they got there and had lost a lot of health. "OK." He jumped at the harpy as it went toward Arn. The harpy was in the air, and it was not a distance Junhyuk could cover just by jumping. So, he used spatial relocation to teleport above the harpy¡¯s head and swung his Frozen Rune Sword. sh! He cut the harpy, and its skin froze with ice. The harpy slowed down, and he used the Blood Rune Sword to stab its neck. He didn¡¯t know how the harpy had withstood the saber in its chest, but now it had a sword in the back of its neck and it was bleeding ck blood. Suddenly, he heard a soft whisper: [You¡¯ve killed the Gale Queen Harpy. For the next two hours, your attack power will increase by 33 percent. If you die within those two hours, you will lose the buff to your opponent.] The buff description was simple, but he couldn¡¯t understand how it worked at first. However, there was a white circle around his body. The harpy fell, and her dead body started disappearing. Junhyuk picked up the saber and threw it to Arn. He took it and swung it. sh, sh, sh! Arn¡¯s attack speed was astounding when he used his dual sabers, and he was now buffed. Arn was swinging his sabers multiple times, and a wind that dealt additional damageunched out from them after every couple of attacks. Arn swung very fast, and Ellic was losing. Ellic retreated, but Minota tried to step on Arn. He didn¡¯t chase after Ellic and, instead, retreated from Minota¡¯s attack. From behind Arn, a fire spear flew in. Boom! Minota staggered backward, and Ellic rushed by him toward Arn. Bang! Minota¡¯s and Ellic¡¯s continuous attacks bounced Arn backward. Then, a fire orb appeared in front of him. Minota and Ellic were in a hurry, but they couldn¡¯t just ignore the fire orb. When they saw the fire orb, they both turned back. They were winning against Arn, but now he had Vera with him, and it was not easy to chase him further. However, Junhyuk was standing alone. Minota and Ellic both ran toward him, and Junhyukughed a little and ran toward them. He had to pass through them to get to Vera. As Junhyuk ran toward them, Minota used his rush. Junhyuk ignored Minota and focused on Ellic. They were both attacking him just like they had attacked Arn simultaneously. Even if he teleported, Ellic was too close, but spatial relocation was only thing he could use at that moment. If he took on Minota¡¯s rush, he would be killed. Junhyuk teleported and passed by Minota, but Ellic lifted his hammer. Ellic was waiting for him, about to m his hammer down against him, and Junhyuk gritted his teeth, waiting for the impact. Suddenly, an electric st flew in. ZZZCRAK! Ellic stiffened and couldn¡¯t move. Sarang¡¯s magic stopped Ellic, and Arn ran toward him. Ellic had lost his strength, and Arn could take him. Junhyuk swung his sword without hesitation. The Blood Rune Sword shed against the gorget* covering Ellic¡¯s neck. Chink! The defensive power of Ellic¡¯s armor was certainly high. It looked like a piece of paper, but he had only managed to scratch it. Junhyuk continued his attack with the Frozen Rune Sword. As he swung his sword, a sharp windunched from the de and hit Ellic. Crack! The gorget broke, but at that time, Ellic was able to move again. He saw Ellic¡¯s eyes right in front of his nose, and it felt creepy. Ellic swung his hammer, but Arn was one step faster and swung his own saber. Thluck! Arn¡¯s saber was stuck to Ellic¡¯s head. Junhyuk watched Ellic¡¯s blood stter all over and moved aside. At that moment, Minota swept across the spot where Junhyuk had been standing. He had escaped in the nick of time. Arn shouted at him: "Get back!" Junhyuk had already nned to go back. He got behind Arn, held fast to his swords and exhaled. He always felt that way when fighting heroes. His heart beat like crazy, and he could hear it thumping. Junhyuk smiled. "Filthy ox, you are all alone." Chapter 67: Counter Jungle 2 Chapter 67: Counter Jungle 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Minota was now by himself and stared hard at Junhyuk. He had been winning against Arn, and what had changed the flow of the fight was the death of the harpy and the buff it generated. The buff gave them an additional attack. Arn already had a strong attack, and when he was buffed, he was able to inflict even heavier damage, and now Minota had just a bit of health left. Was it possible for him to escape from that ce? Impossible. If Minota had to die, he wanted to take Junhyuk or another hero with him. Minota made up his mind and snarled and stomped the ground. He dug hard into the ground and ran. Arn saw him running first and stepped forward. He jumped and aimed for Minota, and that¡¯s when Minota hunched over and rushed. He had been expecting Arn¡¯s jump and was able to go through Arn and appear right in front of Junhyuk. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected the rush, and now he had to face Minota alone. Then, a ck firewall appeared right in front of Junhyuk, and a fire orb appeared behind him. However, these things couldn¡¯t stop Minota¡¯s rush. Junhyuk held tightly to his swords, and when Minota closed in, he squatted. ng, ng! His swords were pushed back, and he used the momentum toy on his back, but he still had to deal with Minota¡¯s stomps. He was extremely focused and, whileying on his back, he rolled to the side. Minota realized Junhyuk had escaped his rush and turned around, stomping the ground. Bang! Junhyuk was getting up when he was hit and and vomited some blood while being bounced around by the shockwave. He felt like he had lost his arms from the hit and he rolled on the ground to escape the next stomps. Minota¡¯s stomps created shockwaves that tore his armor and shook his internal organs. He was not dead, but he was seriously injured. Minota smirked as he looked at Junhyuk. Arn was running at him, but Minota was confident that he had enough time to kill Junhyuk. Minota used his doppelganger skill, and one Minota headed toward Arn while the other swung at Junhyuk. However, Junhyukughed at that. Minota¡¯s swipe was his basic attack, so Junhyuk still had a chance. He dodged the paw and swung the Frozen Rune Sword. It only grazed Minota¡¯s wrist, but the wrist was frozen. It wouldn¡¯t be much, but Minota¡¯s attack speed would decrease. Junhyuk turned around, swinging his Blood Rune Sword. He got lucky and shed squarely into Minota¡¯s ribs. The first blow had cut the skin, but the second blow had sliced Minota¡¯s muscles. However, he wasn¡¯t able to hit Minota¡¯s internal organs. These were small wounds for Minota, and he kicked in response. Junhyuk blocked the kick with his swords. Clung! He was pushed back, and it felt like his arm was going to fall off, but his organs felt OK. That was because he had attacked with the Blood Rune Sword and regained some health. Junhyuk was small, so even though the Blood Rune Sword¡¯s attack was weak, he was still healing quickly. Minota got angry that Junhyuk had been able to block his attacks. Junhyuk was only an expert, and an expert blocking his attacks was unforgivable. "Woo, woo, woo!" He mooed like an ox, and Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened. Minota was experiencing extreme anger. His attack speed and attack power would increase from then on. Junhyuk could end up seriously hurt, and he still felt like his arm had been torn off. Junhyuk breathed in deeply and looked at Minota, who swung at him. He couldn¡¯t block the attack. The damage would kill him. Then, a lightning bolt hit Minota¡¯s eye. "Aaaargh!" It was sheer luck. Minota closed his eyes, and Junhyuk sidestepped the attack. "Hooah!" Junhyuk swung his swords, shing through the empty air. Minota still had his eyes closed, and this was a great opportunity. His swordsnded on Minota¡¯s thigh. Junhyuk was satisfied that he was healing himself and was debuffing his opponent at the same time, but Minota kicked at him again. Clung! Minota¡¯s attack wasrge. Compared to Warren, his attack speed was slower. He was also debuffed, so his speed had decreased, but he was just so big that it was impossible to avoid himpletely. He had kicked at Junhyuk and would continue to attack. He grinned, and Junhyuk grinned back at him. Junhyuk took a defensive stance with his swords, and Minota rushed at him. Time is up. Junhyuk teleported and stood in front of Vera. Minota rushed at the empty space, gritted his teeth and turned around. Vera had the advantage at long range. She blocked his path with a fire orb andunched a fire spear at him. Boom, boom! He used his arms to block the spear and dodged the fire orb. Minota ran toward Junhyuk, stomping loudly, but Junhyuk just stared at him with a cool smile. Minota had lost a lot of health. If Junhyuk attacked with Vera, he would be able to kill Minota. The other Minota had already been killed by Arn. He had to buy more time. Minota closed in, and Junhyuk grabbed Vera and Sarang and teleported. They moved to a spot opposite of where Minota was standing. Minota turned around quickly, and Arn ran by Junhyuk and threw his saber. Minota decided to hit the saber with his horn. ng! The horn blocked the saber, but Arn was closing in quickly and jumped while Vera and Sarang attacked. Veraunched a fire spear, and Sarangunched her lightning bolt. Junhyuk just stared at Minota. "Woo, woo, woo!" He mooed and rushed toward Arn. That was hisst move. He was engulfed by ck mes and died. Junhyuk sighed, relieved. He was still not feeling well. Junhyuk was still wounded, but at least he was alive. Arn looked around and said: "Take care of the minions first." There were about thirty minions left. Their heroes had died, but they were still fierce and were running toward the group. Junhyuk ran to meet them. He hadn¡¯t beenpletely healed when he started attacking with the Blood Rune Sword, but by the time all of the minions were dead, he had fully recovered. The heroes did not help him get rid of the minions. Junhyuk and Sarang were enough to take care of all of them. Junhyuk and Sarang decided to rest after the job was done, and Arn and Vera walked over. Arn gave Junhyuk a talon that was over eleven inches. "Take it. It will be a useful synthesis item." Junhyuk checked it out. --- Gale Harpy Queen¡¯s Talon The Gale Harpy Queen¡¯s Talon is a rare drop. It¡¯s possible to use it as a synthesis item. After synthesis, the owner gets an extra attack at 10% damage. --- Junhyuk looked at Arn. "This is amazing!" "Right. Also, it¡¯s a synthesis item, but you don¡¯t have to synthesize it with a weapon. You could synthesize it with an ornament, and it would still be very effective." "How much is this?" "At least fifty thousand gold. It¡¯s a new synthesis item." "Yeah?" Junhyuk wondered if he should sell it. "Are you going to sell it?" "I think it might be better to sell it rather than using it for synthesis." Fifty thousand gold was enough to upgrade his longswords and spend in other areas. "Then, how about we trade?" Arn asked. "Trade?" Arn showed him his hand. He was wearing a golden bracelet. "For that?" "It¡¯s the Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Bracelet. It¡¯s part of the set. Ellic dropped it when he died." Junhyuk gulped. It was hard toplete a set even for heroes, and as he got more items for his set, he would get stronger. Junhyuk had meant to collect them, but didn¡¯t want to buy them because they were very expensive, and Ellic was carrying three. "A set item costs at least ten thousand gold. Bebe will ask for that much," Vera said to the pensive Junhyuk. "So, Arn would sell the item for how much?" "Fifty thousand gold. He offered you a nice deal!" Junhyuk wondered about that, and then nodded. He still wanted the Gale Harpy Queen¡¯s Talon, but set items were so hard to get. Junhyuk stared at Arn hard enough to drill a hole in his face. "OK." Junhyuk pushed the talon forward. He had been able to kill the harpy because he had been lucky. Other people had decreased its health, and he had been able to deliver the final blow. He wanted to make the trade. Arn took the talon and gave him the bracelet. Junhyuk put it on and inspected it. --- Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Bracelet (Set item) Attack +10 The Golden Knight Elder used to carry this bracelet. In the past, he was called a legend and he carried items to increase his attack power. There was no one who could withstand a blow from him. Having aplete set increases the power of the item. Two-Item Set Effectiveness: Armor Piercing +35 --- It was the first time Junhyuk saw that option. "What¡¯s this about set effectiveness and armor piercing?" "Oh! It has that ability? How much?" "It says thirty-five." Arn nodded. "That¡¯s why he is called a legend. With only two pieces of the set, it already does that!" "What are you talking about?" Arn crossed his arms and said: "It¡¯s ignoring the opponent¡¯s defenses. If one has less than thirty-five defense, you should be able to inflict heavy damage." "Then...?" "Look at Vera. She only has her basic defense. She has incredible attack power, but her defense is weak. Heroes usually have basic defense of 50, but Vera specializes in attack, so she has an even lower defense." "Correct. My defense is thirty." "That means that I could attack you with sess?" Vera nodded. "Out of the enemy heroes, Libya and Skia have thirty defense." Junhyuk made a fist. The Golden Knight Elder¡¯s set would ignore the opponent¡¯s defense and inflict damage with just two items. Skia was hard to deal with, but Junhyuk would be able to fight now. He was d that he would be able to fight heroes head on. Arn looked around and said: "It would be nice to synthesize now, but we are buffed, so we will go help Diane. If Halo joined up with Nudra, they won¡¯t need us." They had killed three enemy heroes. The enemy watchtower now only had two heroes while their side had three. Arn and Vera would join Diane, and victory would belong to their side. Junhyuk and Sarang would help them out some more. "Let¡¯s go!" Arn shouted, and the group moved quickly. They had a two-hour buff. It was not a long time. Chapter 68: Counter Jungle 3 Chapter 68: Counter Jungle 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Diane was fighting Libya. Libya had ice powers, and her attack power was absurd. If Libya attacked continuously, Diane would die without putting up much resistance. However, Diane also had an astounding attack power, and if she attacked continuously, Libya could die as well, so both of them were being cautious. They exchanged some blows, but they knew each other very well, so neither of them was really hurt. Their minions were fighting in the middle of the battlefield, and both stood behind the minions, seldomly attacking. However, Libya¡¯s minions outnumbered the allied minions, who were almost all dead. Diane had to keep tabs on Libya, so she couldn¡¯t help the minions out, and they, in turn, were being pushed back toward the watchtower. Libya was pressuring Diane when she saw a group show up and frowned. "Damn!" She could see Arn and Veraing around the watchtower behind Diane. One additional hero was hard enough to deal with, and now there were two more. Libya ran away after seeing them. She had kept an eye on Diane, and when Diane started attacking minions, she took her chance. She looked at her watchtower, but didn¡¯t move toward it. Even with a watchtower backing her up, she couldn¡¯t fight three heroes by herself. Libya moved toward the allied forest. Diane stayed by her watchtower, and Libya followed the road to the left of that watchtower and stomped the ground. Suddenly, the road froze over. The icy road decreased the movement speed of the people who went through it. She wanted to slow down the allied heroes while running away. She looked back and saw that five people were following her: Arn, Vera, Diane, the expert Junhyuk, and the novice Sarang. "I will retreat for now, but we will meet again soon." --- Lybia ran away and turned the road to ice, and Junhyuk said: "Let¡¯s hold hands." This was a good enough time to try out the limit of his powers. The heroes joined hands. So far, Junhyuk could only teleport with people he could touch. ... and Junhyuk teleported while they held hands. It was the first time he was trying that, and it was a sess. They teleported beyond the icy road, and Libya tried to buy more time, but it was in vain. Junhyuk teleported again, and Libya gritted her teeth. The force field gave her so much trouble, and now she couldn¡¯t escape because of his spatial relocation. She looked back, frowned and started flying. Libya flew over the trees and went inside the forest. There was no road where she was headed, and she was trying to lose the group chasing her. Arn saw the trees, looked at Vera and said: "We will divide into two groups and hunt her down. I will go this way with Vera. Diane, you take Junhyuk and Sarang and go that way." Diane was dissatisfied. "I am not a babysitter!" "Babysitter? They will help you." She looked at Junhyuk and Sarang and stashed her bow on her shoulder. "Follow me. Carefully." Diane belonged to the elf race, and her speed inside a forest was impressive. It was not easy to follow her. Junhyuk nodded. "Don¡¯t worry." Diane turned to Arn and Vera. "Do you want to bet on who catches her first?" "That¡¯s an irrational concept," Arn said and ran. "Follow me. We will catch her," Diane told Junhyuk and Sarang. "OK." Both of them followed her and ran quickly in the forest. Diane was running on tree branches and was faster than them. Junhyuk had to run with all of his might to keep up with her. After running for a while, Diane signaled with her hand for them to halt. They stopped, and Diane pulled out her bow and said: "She ising this way." Junhyuk looked at Sarang and stepped forward to protect her. He ran toward the road, summoned his swords and shouted: "Stop!" Libya saw him and stopped running. She looked around and saw Sarang standing behind him, and there was a glimmer in her eyes. Surely, there had to be a hero around somewhere, but the heroes had to split up, so there couldn¡¯t be more than two hiding. She wanted to kill the two in front of her and then escape. Both of them had been a hindrance to her, and that was a good opportunity to get rid of them. Libya made an ice spear. "Where is your nanny? Children shouldn¡¯t be alone!" Sheunched the spear, and Junhyuk created a force field around Sarang and went inside it as well. Bang! The ice spear broke apart by hitting the force field, and Junhyuk ran forward. He didn¡¯t have a lot of time before Libya would run away again. He wanted to block her escape, and her eyes shone. She wanted to kill him even if she got killed in the process. She wanted to kill him twice, and then he would never be back again. Libya made ice flowers andunched them at Junhyuk. He was within her range. Then, Junhyuk teleported behind her and started swinging his swords continuously. sh, sh, sh, sh! He ignored her defense and attacked. The Blood Rune Sword had an attack of thirty-five, and the Frozen Rune Sword had an attack of fifteen. He was also carrying two Golden Knight Elder¡¯s bracelets which added twenty to each attack. The Blood Rune Sword was hitting for fifty-five, and the Frozen Rune Sword was hitting for thirty-five. He ignored her defensepletely. "Aaargh!" She screamed and ran forward. She hadn¡¯t been expecting that kind of attack from an expert. She had four snowke-like wings, and one of them was cut apart. She turned around and threw another ice pear, but Junhyuk used spatial relocation to escape. He joined Sarang and saw Libya take to the air. She was so angry that she changed her trajectory and mmed down on them. Bang! The force field was still there, and both of them had survived, but the force field was half buried underground. Libya stood on it and made an ice flower. "You dared to cut my wing?" When the ice flower exploded, it would generate an ice storm. He had already used two teleports, and she was standing on the force field. Libya wanted to kill them both at once, but when she turned to escape, an arrow flew at her. She felt Diane¡¯s attacking and tried to dodge it. The arrow didn¡¯t hit her on the head, but it went through her corbone. She was heavily wounded and wanted to flee. However, as Libya turned around, five more arrows flew toward her. She threw her ice flower toward the arrows, and the ice storm traveled forward from the impact, but Diane was out of range. Her shooting range was longer than Libya¡¯s magic range. Diane stood outside of Lybia¡¯s range and loosened another arrow. The tip of that arrow was covered by fire. "Sarang!" Junhyuk shouted. Sarang used her power. An electric st traveled from her and hit Libya. Libya was paralyzed, and Junhyuk walked out of the force field. He targeted her wings again. He was buffed, so he attacked with his swords and got extra attacks. sh, sh, sh! He cut two more of her wings, and Diane¡¯s exploding arrownded on her. Boom! Junhyuk attacked again right after the explosion. He crisscrossed his des on the ce where Diane¡¯s arrow hit Lybia¡¯s neck and beheaded her. He had been able to do that because of Diane¡¯s attacks. Libya¡¯s head flew off, and Junhyuk needed a moment to gather his breath. He hadn¡¯t been able to breathe while he was attacking her. With just one breath, he had cut her wings and sliced her neck. He felt like his heart was about to explode. "Whew." He exhaled and heard a soft whisper: [You¡¯ve killed the hero Libya. You have the right to pick up the item she dropped. Will you pick it up? If you don¡¯t, the item will disappear in three hours.] Junhyuk hesitated. Diane¡¯s attack had been decisive in killing Libya, but he did kill her at the end. He had been looking away when he killed Ellic, and now he had delivered the final blow again. The first time had been a mistake. Then, Diane walked over and grabbed his shoulder. "I¡¯m sorry!" "What for?" "I didn¡¯t mean to deliver the final blow!" Dianeughed. "How were you able to attack her? What happened?" Junhyuk showed her his arms, and she saw the Golden Knight Elder¡¯s bracelets. "Golden Knight Elder set items?" "Right." "I thought Ellic had those?" "He died and dropped them." Diane shook her head. "You killed Ellic?" "I was buffed with the Smander buff." "Really?" Junhyuk had helped them out with his powers before, but this time he had killed a hero. It used to be five versus five, but now it was more like five versus five and a half. Diane gave him a big hug. She was not sexy like Vera, but she gave off a fresh scent. His face got red, and Diane yed with his hair, messing it up. "Man. Pick it up before the item disappears." "OK." Junhyuk picked up the item Lybia dropped. It was only a handheld mirror. --- Ice Crystal Mirror Ice Magic Attack +25 The Ice Kingdom Erusha¡¯s treasure, the Ice Crystal Mirror. It increases ice-attribute magic attacks and ice magic attacks. It looks beautiful. --- Junhyuk felt like he had heard about that kingdom before and murmured: "It¡¯s for ice magic!" "Yeah? I won¡¯t need it." "Is that so?" Diane ced her hand on his shoulder. "If you did not draw her attention, I wouldn¡¯t have been able to attack her. This belongs to you." "Thank you." In fact, Junhyuk hadn¡¯t done more damage than Diane, but she was giving it to him, and he felt grateful. Diane tapped him on the shoulder. "You should sell it and get new armor." "OK." Armor pieces cost 20,000G, and now he would be able to afford one. Chapter 69: Dragon 1 Chapter 69: Dragon 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Libya had been killed, and after a while, Arn and Vera came through the way Lybia had used. "Did shee this way?" Diane nodded and put her arm around Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder. "Junhyuk drew her in and delivered the final blow." "The final blow?" Vera asked and turned cold towards him. Diane started waving her hand negatorily. "We got her because Junhyuk drew her in. He risked his life, so acknowledge him." "Is that right?" Vera petted Junhyuk¡¯s head and looked at Arn. "What do we do now?" Arn pulled out a marble and said: "I will contact Nudra and Halo." As Arn concentrated with his eyes closed, the marble began to shine in his hand. Junhyuk watched him contact Nudra and Halo. Arn opened his eyes and said: "We will go to Bebe first and meet them in the Valley of Dragonster." "The Valley of Dragons?" He thought they would be hunting one of the dragons Arn had mentioned before. "We are winning, so we will take down a dragon." Junhyuk was worried. Arn had described the dragons, and they sounded terrifying. Arn did not hesitate and started running. He was fearful, but they would have five heroes in one ce, so it would be possible to do it. Had he not witnessed their strength time and time again? The heroes were strong enough. They decided to visit Bebe. He was curious about how much Bebe would give him for the Ice Crystal Mirror. He really wanted to buy some new armor. On the way, they destroyed the watchtower that Diane had been attacking and went straight to Bebe. Bebe was yawning when they arrived. He saw theme in and smiled. "You came back quickly." Arn took off an earring and walked over to Bebe. The item looked to be a canine tooth, and he gave it to Bebe. He also took out the Gale Harpy Queen¡¯s Talon and said: "Synthesize them." "Oh! You¡¯ve got it already?" Bebe said and pushed the te forward. "It will cost twenty thousand gold." Arn frowned, and Bebe said: "These are new items, and synthesizing them will require the highest quality materials, so twenty thousand gold." Arn sighed deeply and put his hand on the te. The cost was taken out, and Bebe pulled out three bottles. "So, I¡¯ll be able to show my skills for the first time in a long time," Bebe said and poured the three bottles on the earring and the talon. The talon melted and seeped into the earring. Bebe pulled out a scroll and ced the earring on it. The scroll tore apart, generating a strong light that faded, leaving only the earring. A pure-white color surrounded the earring, and it looked quite unique. Bebe grinned and gave it back to Arn. "It¡¯s a sess. It was a big sess!" "Did you do it right?" "Put it on." Arn put the earring on and smiled. "It¡¯s a sess." "Don¡¯t feel bad about the twenty thousand gold. It was worth it!" "Right. The additional attack rate has gone up by 15 percent. It was worth it." Bebe touched his chin and murmured: "So, these monsterse alone to the battlefield. If you y it right, you¡¯ll have the right essories to increase your additional attack rate by 100 percent!" "They have a low spawn rate, and if they do show up, they are alone. If I wanted to do eight syntheses, it would take years." "But it¡¯s worth the trouble!" Arn nodded. If he increased his additional attack rate by 100 percent, it would just be the best way possible to attack. Bebe smiled and looked at the rest of the group. "Don¡¯t you want anything?" Junhyuk stepped forward, and Bebe¡¯s eyes widened. "Do you have more money?" "I want you to find that out." "Sure." Bebe ced the te on the counter, and Junhyuk ced his hand on it. The screen showed 13,390G, and Bebe was more surprised than Junhyuk. "You earned a lot!" "We killed four heroes and the Gale Harpy Queen. That¡¯s about it..." "If you killed the Gale Harpy Queen, it¡¯s understandable. It¡¯s worth three thousand gold." He already knew the buff monsters were worth a lot of money. Junhyuk pulled out the Ice Crystal Mirror, and Bebe said: "Libya must not be happy about that." "Yeah?" "Give it to me." Bebe took it and looked at himself in the mirror. "I am so handsome." Junhyuk thought about the Ice Crystal Mirror¡¯s description andughed. Bebe continued to look at himself in the mirror as he said: "So, there aren¡¯t many people who would buy this because of its description and attributes. I will give you thirty-five thousand gold for it." The offer of thirty-five thousand gold really surprised Junhyuk. He wasn¡¯t expecting it to be that high. Bebe asked him: "Are you selling it?" "Of course!" Junhyuk ced his hand on the te, and the number increased to 48,390G. His mouth was agape, and Bebe asked him: "So, what do you want?" Junhyuk thought about it. He wanted a new suit of armor. Armor was very expensive, so he hadn¡¯t thought about it before. "Can I look at some armor?" "Wise choice. Survival first." Bebe opened the book, and it flipped endlessly. Junhyuk looked at it and sighed. "Just show me what I can buy." "About forty-thousand-gold worth, right?" Bebe closed the book and opened it again, and five suits of armor showed up. Bebe began his exnation: "So, do you want to know more about defense? I told you thest time that a minion had a defense of one. Shields also have a defense of one, sobining the two, a minion has a defense of two, but a novice has a defense of five, and novices also have a magic defense of five." He understood that a novice¡¯s armor was superior to a minion¡¯s armor. He also had a defense runestone, so he could ignore minion attackspletely. Bebe continued calmly: "Since you became an expert, your basic armor has a defense and a magic defense of ten. You could ignore attacks from minions, but novices may still pose you problems." Junhyuk nodded, and Bebe pointed to a suit of armor. "It¡¯s possible to upgrade this armor five times, and you may also synthesize it with something else. It has a defense and a magic defense of 30! Astounding, right?" "What about the price?" "This one is the most basic one, and it costs twenty thousand gold. It¡¯s as I¡¯ve already exined." Junhyuk looked at the other suits. "What about this one?" It was a ck-colored suit of armor, and he liked the look of it. It would fit him well. "Check it out yourself. Press your finger against it." Junhyuk touched the image of the armor and inspected the item. --- Bebe¡¯s ck Armor (30,000G) Defense +35 Magic Defensive +35 Attack speed +5% Bebe sells it, and it increases the speed of the wearer. You can upgrade it five times, and the attack speed increases with each upgrade. --- Junhyuk liked the ability to increase his speed, but it was too expensive. Arn walked over to the pensive Junhyuk. "Basic armor sets are very much the same. This one or that one, it doesn¡¯t matter. You have to upgrade it, so buy something with the bonus option you like." "I understand." Junhyuk looked at the other pieces. Except for one, all of them cost thirty thousand gold, and they all had different options. The ck armor increased attack speed; the blue armor decreased the opponent¡¯s attack speed; the red armor increased attack; and the violet armor increased defense. Junhyuk thought about it and wanted to picked the ck armor. "Can I engrave and upgrade it?" "Sure. It¡¯s just like your swords." "I see." Junhyuk nodded and asked: "Then, do I get the effects while it is hidden?" "That¡¯s different for armors. You have to wear it to get the stats, but with the exception of defense, the bonus options will work." "I see." Junhyuk ordered the ck armor. "I will take this one." Bebe ced the te on the counter, and Junhyuk swallowed his saliva dry. The price was astronomical. He swiped his hand over the te, and the number decreased by thirty thousand gold. However, 18,390G remained. He didn¡¯t used to have that much money before, but now he was getting used to having arge sum. Bebe pulled out one ck armor from behind his counter, and Junhyuk walked over to him. "Take it off." "What?" "Take off your armor." "I can take it off?" Bebe smiled, and took off Junhyuk¡¯s armor. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t say anything. He was nowpletely naked. "Ahh!" He turned around, and Sarang was covering her face with her hands, but she had seen everything. He covered his male part quickly, and Bebe covered him with the new suit of armor. Click! Click! Junhyuk felt the full suit of armor shrinking to fit his body and smiled. "I did not exin it before, but it will hold your body¡¯s temperature even after hiding it," Bebe said. "I like it." That meant he could withstand heat and cold. It had been expensive, but it was worth it. It had nice bonuses. Junhyuk moved around. It was easy to move in it, and he asked Bebe: "How much would an upgrade cost?" "You can upgrade it five times. The first upgrade will cost ten thousand gold, but it will be worth it." Junhyuk asked carefully: "What about second upgrade?" "The second costs twenty thousand gold; the third costs thirty thousand gold; the fourth costs forty thousand gold; and the fifth costs eighty thousand gold." "Why is the fifth upgrade so expensive?" "You will see. Thest upgrade is special and really different." Junhyuk smacked his lips. It would cost two hundred and ten thousand gold in total, and it would cost him a lot more to upgrade everything. He sighed. "Engrave this for me." "Sure." Bebe moved his hand, and he took some big steps back. Bebeughed at him. "You have to take it off before I can engrave it." Junhyuk sighed. "Sarang, close your eyes," he said. "They are closed." He looked at her, and her eyes were still open. Junhyuk shook his head and asked Bebe: "Is there a changing room?" "Why do you need it?" Bebe quickly pulled off Junhyuk¡¯s armor and stopped his nagging. Junhyuk waspletely naked again. "Where do you want it?" Junhyuk thought about it and lifted his hand. "Over here." He pointed behind his ear, and Bebe nodded and said: "I will make it small." Bebe pushed the te, and Junhyuk put his hand on it, decreasing the number by a thousand gold. Bebe poured the contents of a small bottle on the armor and engraved it. It looked like a cross, but slightly different. Bebe waved Junhyuk over to him, and he made the same shape behind Junhyuk¡¯s ear. "Now, send it away." Bebe was holding the armor, and the armor disappeared. "Summon it." He summoned it and he was wearing his suit of armor. "I like it." Bebe smiled and asked. "Do you really like it?" "Yes." Junhyuk pulled out the two Golden Knight Elder bracelets. "Engrave these as well." "Where do you want it?" Junhyuk paid for the engravings and tapped the area behind his other ear. He was wearing his armor, and the armor clinked against his finger. "Right here?" "Sure." The number decreased by two thousand gold, and 15,390G remained. He was worrying about how much money he was spending when Bebe took his armor off again. Junhyuk covered himself, and Bebe said smiling: "You have to take if off before I engrave you." Chapter 70: Dragon 2 Chapter 70: Dragon 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Bebe started engraving the Golden Knight Elder¡¯s bracelets. Meanwhile, Junhyuk looked at his pendant. He had some money to spend now, and he wanted a new socketed item to rece it. "Do you have a socketed item that will hold more than thirty gems, and how much is it?" Bebe kept engraving the bracelets while speaking calmly: "If you want to just insert thirty items, it will cost you just ten thousand gold, but if you want a runestone-performance boost option, then it will cost you a lot more." "How much more?" "For a 10 percent performance boost, the price increases by thirty thousand gold. The highest boost option, 50 percent,es at a premium, and it costs a hundred thousand gold more on top of all the upgrades." "Then, a 50 percent performance boost item¡¯s cost is two hundred and thirty thousand gold total?" (Editor¡¯s note: 10k+30k+30k+30k+30k+100k = original cost + first upgrade + second upgrade + third upgrade + fourth upgrade + fifth upgrade) "That¡¯s the cheapest one. If you want to change its shape, it will cost you more." Junhyuk mouth was agape because of the absurd price range, and suddenly, someone pped his butt. p! "Ack!" Junhyuk was very surprised and turned around to see Diane smiling at him. "You want to change your socketed item?" "That¡¯s a sexual harassment!" Diane shrugged and said: "You and Ie from different species, so it¡¯s OK. If you p a monkey¡¯s butt, do you call it sexual harassment?" Junhyuk couldn¡¯t say anything, Dianeughed hard at him and pulled out an arm warmer. "Don¡¯t be angry. I want to give you this." "What is it?" "Vera gave Sarang a socketed item, something she had used before, right? I fought with you many times, so I want to give you something I don¡¯t use anymore." Junhyuk no longer felt angry that she had pped his butt, and instead, felt grateful, since she gave him a new socketed item. He felt like wanting to get his butt pped again. "Thank you!" Diane gave him the arm warmer and walked over to Vera, waving her hand. "It¡¯s really big!" Junhyuk frowned and inspected the arm warmer. It was made out of soft leather, and it felt really nice. --- Sherlock¡¯s Leather Arm Warmer (Runestone Socketed Item) Defense +10 Runestone Performance +20% Skill: Jump (distance: 100 feet; cooldown: 2 hours) High Elf Arasha¡¯s eternal friend Sherlock died, leaving this leather item behind. Sherlock¡¯s jump skill may be used once every two hours. --- Junhyuk¡¯s mouth opened wide. "Can I really take this?" "It¡¯s fine. I have something better for myself." Surely, she did carry something better, but he was hesitant. "First, let me mark you with a seal," Bebe said to him. "OK." Bebe engraved the back of Junhyuk¡¯s neck and asked: "Are you going to engrave the arm warmer as well?" "Yes." Bebe had finished engraving the bracelets and pushed the te forward. "Here." He had gotten something really precious, and he wanted to seal and engrave it. Junhyuk paid the cost. He had 14,390G remaining, but he had gotten what he wanted. The seal for the arm warmer was engraved behind his ear. All of the engravings were finished, and he summoned the hidden ck armor. He was fully armored and felt a lot better. "Crap! I should have taken a picture!" He heard Sarang murmuring. Junhyuk sighed and untied his pendant. "Take out the runestones." "Removing a runestone costs fifty gold per runestone." In the beginning, he thought that was an unreasonable price, but now it didn¡¯t bother him at all. He had earned a lot of money. Junhyuk paid the 150G, and Bebe removed the runestones. Junhyuk summoned the Sherlock¡¯s Leather Arm Warmer and gave it to Bebe. Bebe inserted the runestones on it and asked: "Do you want anything else?" Junhyuk pondered for a moment, and thought it would be better to make himself stronger. "I want to upgrade." Junhyuk was prepared to spend more money, and Bebe gave him the te. "What do you want?" "Both of them." Junhyuk ced the Blood Rune Sword and the Frozen Rune Sword on the counter, and Bebe said: "It¡¯ll be the Blood Rune Sword¡¯s third upgrade, so that¡¯ll be eight thousand gold, and it¡¯s the Frozen Rune Sword¡¯s second upgrade, so that¡¯ll be four thousand gold. It¡¯s twelve thousand goldbined." "Do it." Junhyuk watched the gold being subtracted on the te. He was left with 2,240G, but by upgrading both swords, he would be able to deal with heroes. Bebe finished upgrading the swords and said: "You are something else to have this much money as an expert." "You should¡¯ve given me a discount. You are not helping." "Check them out." Junhyuk inspected his swords. The Blood Rune Sword¡¯s attack increased by fifteen, so now it was fifty, and the health absorption rate was 12 percent. The Frozen Rune Sword¡¯s attack was twenty-five, and the opponent¡¯s movement and attack speeds decreased by 6 percent with the possibility to stack three times. He felt he had spent his money wisely. He had a new socketed item, and even though it had a two-hour cooldown, he had a new skill: jump. Arn knew Junhyuk had spent most of his money and said: "Then, it¡¯s time to move." Their business was done, and Junhyuk smiled. "Let¡¯s go." Killing Libya had made Junhyuk stronger. Arn moved with the group, and they headed toward the Dragon¡¯s Valley, a new ce. --- Nudra had his arms crossed, and Halo was standing next to him without speaking. The group ran for three hours to reach them. Thendscape used to be a cliff, but it had changed into a small valley. Arn reached them and frowned. "Are those all of the minions left?" "That¡¯s right." Arn counted the minions and the minions he had brought with him. There were only eighty of them. "Can we actually take on a dragon with these numbers?" Junhyuk couldn¡¯t guess or fathom how strong of an existence a dragon really was. The heroes wanted to throw the minions at the dragon to draw the dragon in. They wanted to see how strong the dragon was. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t take the minions¡¯ ce. He also valued his life. "Let¡¯s go!" Arn took the lead, and the heroes followed him. The minions followed the heroes. They were nervous, and Junhyuk was with them. There were a few escape routes, but it was scary to face a mysterious existence. There were cliffs to the left and the right of the valley that were about 130 feet high, but they felt higher, and the road between them was only ten feet wide. It was wide enough for two people to walk through, so if they had to flee, it would be really dangerous. Arn stopped on the small road and said: "Wait here." Everyone stopped, and Junhyuk walked over to Arn and looked over Arn¡¯s shoulder. It was quite the view. He had to gather his breath. After the small road, the valley opened into an empty space of about a hundred square yards, the size of a football field. However, it did not look that spacious. The mysterious existence was inside the valley, and from head to toe, it was about 164 feet long. It was so big that he got goosebumps just from looking at it. It had its eyes closed, and yet Junhyuk was extremely scared. He held tightly to his swords. Arn looked at the dragon and said: "We should probe it first." "Are we really going to kill it?" Could they kill it? It was huge! Arn pulled out a marble and said: "Attack!" It was something heroes used for the sieges at the end of each battle. The item released its power, and the minions turned mad, no longer scared. The berserked minions ran forward, all eighty of them, and Arn said: "I will take the lead with Halo. Nudra, protect Vera and Diane." "I will." Nudra¡¯s kick wouldn¡¯t help against the enormous dragon, but they attacked anyway. Arn ran with Halo and shouted: "Sarang and you, protect Vera!" Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to attack anyway. Then, the dragon slowly opened its eyes. The dragon¡¯s eyes were ten feet in diameter and looked incredibly scary. The minions ran toward the dragon, but it got up, and the minions failed to even reach its ankle. On his back, the dragon had four wings, and it said as it beat its wings: "How dare you?!" The dragon was livid. Its voice instilled fear in the berserked minions, and Junhyuk trembled as well. He was at least 170 feet away from the dragon, but he still felt a surge run through his body. "What is this?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t realize had spoken in a whisper, but Vera, who was readying her magic, answered him: "It¡¯s Dragon¡¯s Fear." He waspletely scared, but he shook his head and collected himself. The minions were running toward the dragon again. The dragon began to move. It moved a little closer and swiped its tail, batting some minions into the sky. It had an unbelievable attack power. Could they really kill it? As he thought about it, Arn and Halo took their positions against the dragon. Their sabers and sword looked miniscule. sh, sh, sh! However, their small weapons shed the dragon¡¯s ankle and drew blood from it. Junhyuk collected himself again. The dragon could have unbelievable strength, but the heroes were also strong. Then, Vera and Dianeunched their attacks. Vera¡¯s fire spear and Diane¡¯s arrows hit the dragon dead on, and the dragon beat its wings and flew up. Kunk! A blue membrane showed up from the sky and disturbed the dragon¡¯s flight. "You don¡¯t have enough strength to restrain a dragon!" It bellowed and opened its mouth. A giant me shoot out from its mouth, traveling toward Vera and Diane. They could get killed, so Junhyuk grabbed them both, and Sarang grabbed Vera¡¯s robe. They teleported to the right, and Junhyuk felt the shockwaves. That would¡¯ve been enough to kill him. He lift his head and checked on the dragon. The dragon¡¯s breath had been enough to evaporate the water below it, and now, a fog blocked his vision. "We are in danger!" Vera frowned and said: "I have to use all of my power. Protect me." "You have ten seconds." Junhyuk created a force field, and Veraughed and said: "That¡¯s fine. They will buy us more time." Junhyuk was able to see what was happening after the fog cleared. Arn and Halo were jumping up and down, one in each side of the dragon. Their attacks drew the dragon¡¯s attention. Vera prepared her meteors, and Diane also prepares an attack. Junhyuk knew they trusted him to protect them while they prepared their ultimates. "Please, don¡¯t pay any attention to us," he mumbled to himself. Chapter 71: Grave Danger 1 Chapter 71: Grave Danger 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Arn¡¯s saber was certainly doing more damage to the dragon than Halo¡¯s sword. The dragon was strong, but its attacks did not work against either Arn or Halo. Both of them struck the dragon with their basic attacks, and when it attacked them, they used their powers. Arn jumped and attacked where the dragon wasn¡¯t expecting, and Halo used his sh-of-light attack on it while dodging its attacks. The dragon was livid at that point. It swung its long tail and breathed fire, but it couldn¡¯t catch them. So, it lifted its head and roared. "If this is all you¡¯ve got, you will die!" The dragon¡¯s chest lit up, and underneath its skin, a red light climbed up its neck. The dragon lowers its head and breathed fire. The dragon¡¯s fire breath was different from regr fire balls. The fire breath evaporated all of the water from the valley and scorched the ground. The dragon breathed the fire in a circle, burning everything in its path. Arn and Halo quickly escaped, but Vera and Diane couldn¡¯t move. Nudra was standing in front of them shouted: "Move aside!" After he spoke, Nudra flew up. He couldn¡¯t handle it. The fire breath had been going for three seconds nonstop, and it would continue. In that situation, you had to protect the people behind you. Junhyuk ran ahead and shouted at Sarang: "Get in the middle!" Sarang understood right away and stood between Diane and Vera. Junhyukunched the force field around Sarang, but it was not enough to cover Diane and Vera, who were on the edge of the field. "Crap!" Junhyuk wanted to protect them all. If he gave up on one of them, he would save two, but he wanted to save all three. So, Junhyuk stood in front of them. The mes approached, and Junhyuk clenched his teeth. To save his friends and kill the dragon, he could die. "Expand!" The mes traveled faster than Junhyuk¡¯s shout. They were right in front of him, and Junhyuk shouted louder: "Expand!" Then, the mes engulfed him, but he did not feel their heat. Junhyuk saw the ivory-colored force field surrounding him. He turned his head slowly and saw the force field had grown wider. It now had a fifteen-foot radius, surrounding him and the other three. In that situation, only people with long distance attacks could have struck the dragon, but now it was possible to make a force field wide enough to cover a group. The mes had no intention of dying out, flowing by the force field. They didn¡¯t know when the dragon¡¯s attack would stop and they wondered if they could survive it. The mes died down, and he lifted his head to look and saw Nudra kicking the dragon¡¯s head down. With the dragon¡¯s head on the ground, the fire breath only burned what was in front of it. That¡¯s when the dragon lifted its head. Nudra was trying to retreat when the dragonunched fireballs at him. Nudra was in the air and couldn¡¯t escape. Boom! Nudra was hit, and the dragon went after him while Arn and Halo attacked the dragon¡¯s ankle. They had been going at its ankle for a while and now, they could see bone. The dragon had been slowed down by those two, but it wanted to attack Nudra, since it was Nudra who had kicked its head. "It¡¯s ready!" Vera shouted, and meteors fell from the sky. When the dragon had tried to fly, a membrane had prevented it from doing so, but now it let the meteors through. The membrane had to be there only to restrain dragon. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Even though the dragon was strong, after being hit by the meteors, the dragon was mortally wounded. He had lost two of its wings, and its head was being torn apart when Diane shot her arrow. Diane¡¯s attack had astounding pration power, and the arrow went through the dragon¡¯s left eye. It looked like a deathblow. "I¡¯ll kill you all!" The dragon was pure hatred and roared again. Even though they were surrounded by the force field, they still felt terror instilled by the roar. Veraunched a ck firewall. The firewall appeared from underneath the roaring dragon¡¯s feet. The dragon was so big, it had a hard time moving around and continued to lose health from the firewall. The dragon beat its two remaining wings and stomped the ground. Bang! The ground shook with the shockwaves. Junhyuk had to crouch to maintain bnce. He lifted his head, and the firewall had already disappeared. The dragon had to have felt that his long distance attack did not work and started rushing toward them. It was about 170 feet long, but it stood at about a hundred feet tall and it looked like a thirteen-story building was running toward them. The force field disappeared. Junhyuk grabbed his swords and looked at the dragon. Could he attack it? He had increased piercing attack, but looking at the dragon¡¯s thick scales, his attack might not work. Junhyuk didn¡¯t worry about it anymore. The dragon was heading toward him. He had to either attack or escape, and Junhyuk decided to fight. "Sarang, move aside!" Junhyuk ran toward it. The dragon felt entirely different up close. It kicked. The dragon¡¯s feet were like speeding trucks. Junhyuk dodged to the side and swung his sword. Maybe it was because of the ck armor, but his attack speed had increased, even though it was a small change. -Crack! However, his attack was really short of being a sess. He only managed to smash the dragon¡¯s scales, but he watched the dragon¡¯s ankle being frozen. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to kill the dragon. He wanted to slow down the dragon¡¯s movement and attack speeds. The dragon realized it had slowed and became even angrier, swinging its tail at Junhyuk. Junhyuk teleported, escaping the tail strike. He wouldn¡¯t have been able to escape the tail by running. He was now standing by the other ankle and swung his swords at the dragon¡¯s bone. The ankle had already been skinned, and he was able to deal damage. Junhyuk decreased the dragon¡¯s movement and attack speeds and escaped. The dragon looked at him, when suddenly, Diane¡¯s exploding arrow hit its head. Boom! It focused on Diane, and she started moving away quickly and shouted: "I am sorry, but I am too fast for you!" Diane moved fast, but not fast enough topletely escape the dragon. It was so big that, being at the center of valley, whenever it moved, it could reach everything. Still, Junhyuk was relieved. The dragon was no longer paying attention to him. Junhyuk joined Sarang. She had no means to protect herself, so he wanted to stay with her. She hadn¡¯t dared attack the dragon, and held on to his arm. "Big brother, should I not attack that thing?" "You shouldn¡¯t draw its attention. It¡¯s hard enough to escape from it. I had to use my spatial relocation because it was the only way I could do it." "It¡¯s a difficult situation." "But you will help us out. Use your power in a decisive moment." "OK." Sarang prepared her power, readying herself for whenever she would be able to use it, and watched the battlefield. They were hunters who were hunting a great dragon like in a movie, and it made quite a show. It was scarier than impressive. It was different from watching it on a screen. They were experiencing it, and she might have to join the fight. She was waiting for the right moment to use her staff. Despite the dragon¡¯s heavy advantage, it was being wounded, but they couldn¡¯t escape from the dragon¡¯s attacks either. Nudra was covered in ashes after being hit by the mes, and Halo couldn¡¯t move his left arm. However, Arn attacked the dragon the most and had not been hit by a significant attack, but he looked to be getting tired. The dragon was winning because of its huge size. It was difficult to deliver a deathblow against something so big. Vera¡¯s firewalls were put out by the dragon¡¯s feet, so she began using fire spears instead. She also did not forget to use fire orbs to help out. Diane¡¯s attacks were very sharp and piercing, but she was unable to deliver heavy attacks. "I have to give them a chance." It was not easy to create an opportunity to attack the dragon, but Junhyuk¡¯s cooldowns were over, and he decided to try. He could withstand the dragon for ten seconds, and he wanted to try. They all had to attack within a ten-second period and bring the fight to an end. Junhyuk was about to step forward when he looked at the entrance to the valley. It was only ten feet wide, and he saw shadowsing through it. Only enemies could show up at the Dragon¡¯s Valley. There were no monsters in that ce except for the dragon. "Arn!" Junhyuk called out to him, and Arn stopped attacking and looked at him. Junhyuk pointed to the entrance of the valley. Arn was closer to the entrance than Junhyuk, so he could see some people gathering there. "Shit!" Even with five heroes, it had not been easy to deal with the dragon, and now they would have to deal with enemy heroes as well. The enemy¡¯s group was watching the dragon and the allied heroes fighting. They would still have to deal with the enemy heroes when they finished fighting the dragon, but they had to finish the dragon first, before engaging their enemies. "Full attack! Sarang!" Sarang was really nervous and focused and understood it right away. Sheunched her electric st and hit the dragon. It was suddenly paralyzed, and Arn jumped and attacked the dragon¡¯s neck. s-craack! The dragon had a thick neck, and the attack did not chop its head off. However, Arn was not alone. Hended as Halo swung his sword and open the wound on the dragon¡¯s neck wider. The dragon¡¯s neck was half open and bleeding when a fire spear and an exploding arrow hit it. Boom, boom! The dragon¡¯s wound opened wider. Then, Nudra jumped at it and was going to front-kick it, but it did not look like his kick would work. "Don¡¯t make meugh!" The dragon was no longer paralyzed and swung its tail, but Nudra kicked it first. Craaack! Nudra¡¯s attack tore open more of the dragon¡¯s wounds. The dragon was so heavy, that it was not pushed back, and instead, its neck was pushed back, opening more of the wound. Its neck no longer held up, and the dragon lost all of its health and died. They heard a soft whisper in their ears, and their bodies were surrounded by five-colored magic circles. [You¡¯ve killed the dragon Kaloyan. For the next two hours, you get a 30 percent increase to health regeneration rate, a 30 percent increase to movement speed, a 30 percent increase to attack speed, a 30 percent increase to defense, and when you attack, you will inflict an additional one hundred damage on top of your normal damage. If you die within two hours, you will lose yours buff.] This was an insane buff. That buff was enough to change the course of the battlefield. Then, the enemy heroes ran into the valley. They had been expecting the dragon¡¯s death to run in. They wanted to take the buff away from the exhausted allied heroes, and as the enemy heroes expected, the allies¡¯ condition was bad. This was the worst time for a team battle. Chapter 72: Grave Danger 2 Chapter 72: Grave Danger 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The allied side wanted to stall for more time since they had a health regeneration buff, and potions really only worked on experts like Junhyuk and not well at all on heroes. Nevertheless, the heroes drank their potions. Vera and Diane frowned at the disgusting taste, but the other heroes were devoid of expressions. Maybe they had lost their ability to taste. "We will block their lead!" Arns said and started running forward. "Wait!" Junhyuk shouted back. Arn turned around, and Junhyuk extended his hand. Sarang was standing in the center of the group. Junhyuk had ced her there covertly, and heunched a force field around her. "For the next ten seconds, we should regain our health and attack them at full power!" He said. The entire force field covered them, and the enemy heroes stopped. They knew the power of the force field and were hesitant to approach. Arn chuckled. "That¡¯s not too bad." After he spoke, Arn threw his saber. The saber was meant for Warren, and Warren blocked it with his ws, but Arn¡¯s saber was upgraded, so it broke Warren¡¯s ws. He had blocked the saber, but Warren¡¯s most important weapons, his ws, were gone. Diane shot multiple times. At once, five arrows zoomed forward, and the enemy heroes busied themselves trying to block them with their weapons. Even though it was only for ten seconds, the allies could attack in any way they chose. Halo sent his sword up in the sky, preparing his most potent attack. Vera made a firewall behind the enemy heroes, so they wouldn¡¯t be able to retreat, and alsounched fire spears. This was a one-sided attack from the allies, and the enemies were enraged. "Kill Warren!" Arn shouted suddenly. He caught the returning saber and threw it again at Warren. Warren scoffed and was about to swing his left ws at it when Sarang stepped forward. The electric st passed by the heroes to hit Warren. He was paralyzed when the saber pierced his chest, and Halo¡¯s sword flew toward his head. Minota quickly kicked Warren to get him away, but Halo¡¯s sword still hit Warren¡¯s neck, beheading him. Warren died and disappeared along with the force field. Arn ran forward, shouting: "Junhyuk, Sarang, move toward the back!" They had used their powers, and as Arn shouted for them to move back, he ran toward the center of the enemy¡¯s formation. The health regeneration increased rate gave them extra health, but they were not fully recovered. They had lost a lot of health fighting the dragon. Arn ran and targeted Libya. Minota stepped forward to block with his horn. Clung! Arn¡¯s saber was so strong that it cracked Minota¡¯s horn. Minota¡¯s expression turned rigid, and Arn stopped. Then, the enemy heroes concentrated their attacks on him: Ellic¡¯s hammer, Minota¡¯s stomps and Libya¡¯s ice spear. Arn hadn¡¯t regained enough health to deal with all three of them. He parried Ellic¡¯s hammer, but Minota¡¯s stomps created shockwaves that made him lose his bnce. Then, an ice spear hit him. Boom! The ice spear slowed the opponent down. Arn was frozen, and Ellic swung his hammer. Halo sh attacked Minota and shed his ribs. "Argh!" sh attack had an increase movement speed and was surprisingly fast. Minota couldn¡¯t really respond to it, and Halo moved toward Ellic. Clung! Halo blocked Ellic¡¯s hammer, and Arn attacked Minota. They couldn¡¯t let Lybia be, but the enemies¡¯ defensive tactics was very strong, so they couldn¡¯t get to her. She looked at Vera and Diane, but decided to attack Arn. Arn¡¯s gear was of the highest quality, and it looked like he could kill them all by himself. Arn was still slowed down by the ice spear when Libya created an ice flower. The petals of the ice flower spread to all directions and damaged anything it touched. Vera threw a fire spear at Libya, but Lybia had alreadyunched the ice flower¡¯s petals. Craaack! The petals went everywhere, inflicting damage and slowing down opponents. Then, Minota ran toward Arn. Ordinarily, Arn would have blocked him, but he was so slow at that time that Minota pierced his stomach with his horn. "Argh!" Arn moaned, and Minota pulled both of Arn¡¯s arms. He was quickly losing health, and Junhyuk gritted his teeth. Junhyuk ran to save Arn, but he heard a screaming from behind him and turned to look. "Ahhh!" Nobody had know where Skia had been, but Skia¡¯s dagger was jutting out of Vera¡¯s chest. "Vera!" Junhyuk ran toward Skia, but Diane¡¯s arrows got to Skia first. The five arrows were fired in a row, but with the increased attack speed, all five arrows were about to hit Skia at the same time. Skia started fading, and the arrows flew through the empty air. Junhyuk knew Skia would show up again, and Skia showed up right in front of Diane. Junhyu teleported behind Skia and stabbed his sword at Skia, who was about to stab Diane. Skia ignored Junhyuk and continued to attack Diane. Vera was their most important hero, and she was dying. Skia also wanted to kill Diane. They would win this team battle because of Skia¡¯s contributions, so Skia ignored Junhyuk. Skia felt Junhyuk¡¯s attack wouldn¡¯t be that strong, so Skia swung both daggers at Diane, and she blocked them with her bow. Clung! That¡¯s when Junhyuk¡¯s sword pierced Skia. "Ugh!" Skia hadn¡¯t expected the attack to do much, but Junhyuk had just delivered the fatal blow. Skia tried to escape him, but Junhyuk was buffed with increased attack speed and continued his attack against Skia. Skia¡¯s speed decreased, and Diane loosened her arrows. Boom! It was a short distance, but the explosive arrow hit Skia, and Junhyuk swung the Blood Rune Sword at the staggering Skia¡¯s neck. sh! Skia was not beheaded yet, but Skia¡¯s vein had been cut, and blood poured out of it like a fountain. Skia swung the daggers at Junhyuk, but he teleported to stand behind Skia and finish the job. He beheaded Skia. "Ugh!" Skia¡¯s head flew up, and Junhyuk felt relieved. The heroes had attacked while in the force field, and the short distance explosive arrow along with Junhyuk¡¯s continuous attacks had killed Skia. He was wearing some pieces of the Golden Knight Elder¡¯s set and was able to ignore Skia¡¯s defense. Junhyuk picked up Skia¡¯s cloak and turned around to see Vera disappearing. "Vera!" Sarang was crying while hugging her. Vera had not died before, and Sarang was in shock. Vera caressed her cheek. "Stay alive." "I will. You should drink a potion..." Vera looked at Junhyuk. "Even if you die, protect Sarang." Junhyuk nodded heavily, and Vera disappearedpletely, dropping a red-gemmed ring. Junhyuk tried to pick it up, but he heard a whisper: [You don¡¯t have the right to pick it up.] He sighed and looked at the enemies. It was three versus four at that moment, and suddenly, he saw Arn get pierced by Minota¡¯s horn through his chest, and he too started to disappear. "Arn!" Arn couldn¡¯t die! Junhyuk had never experienced anything remotely simr to that situation, and Nudra said: "Protect Diane!" Was it possible to protect Diane? Junhyuk realized that he needed to stall for more time. He was still waiting for the cooldown time for spatial relocation to end. Diane was firing shots nonstop. She had an attack speed buff, and her attacks were extremely sharp. Minota was protecting Libya with his body, and all of Diane¡¯s attacks were focused on him. He was covered with arrows and used his doppelganger skill. He was also covered by the five-colored magic circle. Arn died and lost his buff to Minota. His health regen rate had increased by 30 percent, and that helped a lot. Minota ran forward, and Nudra extended his hands, generating a strong wind that pushed Minota back. Nudra kicked one of the Minotas and headed toward Libya. He was fast to begin with, and now that he was buffed, he seemed uncatchable, but Minota rushed at him and hit him. Both of them were buffed, and Minota headbutted him. Nudra bounced back, and Libyaunched an ice spear at him. He couldn¡¯t escape it, and Minota rushed at him again. Boom! Nudra staggered, and the second Minota rushed at him. Boom! He bounced away from the continuous attacks. He had lost most of his health fighting the dragon, and now he was barely alive. However, the enemies¡¯ attacks were not over. Minota rushed again, and behind him, he saw Libya flying through the empty air. Junhyuk grabbed Sarang by the hand and retreated. Lybia hovered up high and crashed on Nudra. Boom! Nudra¡¯s health was gone, and he started to disappear. Lybia was covered by the five-colored magic circle. Diane shot at her from a short distance, and Libya tried to escape, but Diane was too close. Libya staggered, and Minota rushed in. Boom! Diane lifted her bow, but she was still pushed back, and the second Minota rushed at her. "Aaargh!" Diane bounces off, and Libyaunched an ice spear. She saw the ice spear and moved in mid-air, loosening an arrow. The arrow hit Lybia directly in the neck, and Libya started to disappear, but her ice spear hit Diane in the chest. Diane dropped to the ground, unable to move, and Minota rushed at her. Craaack! Minota stepped on Diane¡¯s chest, and she wasn¡¯t even able to scream before she disappeared. From Junhyuk¡¯s side, Halo was the only hero alive. The enemies had Minota and Ellic. It was two versus one, and Halo couldn¡¯t handle both of them. He had lost a lot of health. Even if Junhyuk and Sarang stepped in, the situation wouldn¡¯t change. Junhyuk was worrying about what to do when Halo blocked Ellic¡¯s hammer and shouted: "Run away!" That was the first time he heard Halo speak. Junhyuk was staring at him nkly when Minota went toward Halo, and the second Minota went toward him and Sarang. Halo shouts again: "Stay alive! Run away!" After Halo¡¯s words, Junhyuk started running with Sarang. The entrance was blocked by the enemy, so Junhyuk ran toward the 130-foot high cliff that was blocking their way. Chapter 73: Grave Danger 3 Chapter 73: Grave Danger 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - One hundred and thirty feet. It was the height of a fifteen-story building. Even while measuring its height, Junhyuk continued to run. The entrance was blocked, and there was only one escape route. Running toward cliff, Junhyuk looked back. Sarang, just like himself, had the dragon¡¯s buff, so they both disyed great movement speed, but Minota also had the buff. Minota already had a long stride. He was thirteen feet tall and running, shortening the distance between them. Junhyuk gritted his teeth. If this continued, Minota would catch them. "Sarang." "What?" "Go to the cliff by yourself." "What about you?" Junhyuk looked back once and said: "I¡¯ll follow you." "I¡¯ll help you." "No. I¡¯ll also run. Get there first though." "Big brother!" He pushed her forward and said: "We came together and will return together. Go!" Sarang ran with all of her might, and Junhyuk pulled out his swords and turned around. The doppelganger Minota had lost a lot of health, but he had zero chance of winning. Junhyuk knew that and wanted to hold him off just a little longer. "Filthy ox! The buck stops here!" Minota continued running and rushed ahead. He looked at the dangerous rush and sidestepped it, but he couldn¡¯t let Minota continue running. As he stepped aside, Junhyuk swung his swords. His strikes were coordinated and smooth. Junhyuk swung at Minota¡¯s ribs, and Minota¡¯s eyes opened wide. Minota stopped suddenly and swung his fist. Junhyuk put all his focus on Minota¡¯s attack and escaped it. Minota¡¯s attack speed had increased along with his movement speed, so Junhyuk did not try to block him and, instead, dodged and countered. Minota gritted his teeth at being attacked and lifted his hoof high and stomped the ground. Boom! Shockwaves shot out in concentric circles from where Minota¡¯s hoof hit the ground, and they made Junhyuk stagger. It was not just a simple stomp. It was Minota¡¯s power and it inflicted a lot of damage. Minota swung his fist at Junhyuk, who dodged it while staggering, and also swung his swords in response. Because of the Blood Rune Sword, he was regaining health. Junhyuk attacked three times consecutively with the Frozen Rune Sword, and Minota tried to attack again, but Junhyuk teleported away and started running again. Sarang was very far away, waiting for him. He ran toward her and briefly looked back. Minota¡¯s movement speed had decreased because of his attacks. Junhyuk was gaining some distance from him, and as he reached Sarang, they started running again. The cliff was right in front of them. Junhyuk stood in front of the cliff and clenched his jaw. Even though Minota had slowed down, he would be there any minute. There was no point in just standing there. He grabbed Sarang¡¯s hand, looked up and bent his knees. His muscles were tensed up, and Junhyuk used his new skill. "Jump!" The skill had a long cooldown, two hours, but it was the only thing he could do at that point. Junhyuk jumped with Sarang in toll. He knew he had power, but actually jumping over a hundred feet was impossible by human standards. However, the cliff was tall. After jumping a hundred feet, they still had a ways to go. The jump reached its highest point, and Junhyuk calcted the remaining distance and teleported. He had teleported once against Minota, so he had one remaining. Both of them teleported and saw the top of the cliff. Junhyuk stabbed the cliffside with the Blood Rune Sword and hung by there. The cliff must¡¯ve been taller than 130 feet because the spatial relocation did not make up the rest of way. Junhyuk calcted the remaining distance and looked at Sarang. She looked back at him, and he smiled and said: "You go up first and wait." "What?" It wasn¡¯t easy pulling a person with one hand. He pulled her up and threw her to the top of the cliff. "Aaahh!" She screamed andnded safely. He stabbed the cliff with his other sword and pulled himself up. Having two swords came in handy. He got to the top and rested while looking down. Minota was going crazy down below, and Junhyuk showed him the middle finger: "Take this." At the bottom, Halo was killing Ellic, but in the end, he was killed by Minota joining the fight. He watched everything and gritted his teeth. Atst, all of the allied heroes had been killed. "Wait! We will be right there!" Minota shouted from below. "You think you can catch us?" Junhyuk was not worried and got up, looking at Sarang. She asked him carefully: "What do we do now?" Junhyuk sighed. "We should go to the castle. We should be there when the heroes reincarnate." "You think we¡¯ll get there?" He wasn¡¯tpletely sure. The forest was full of monsters, and it wouldn¡¯t be an easy task. "We¡¯ll get back," he said. He took Sarang¡¯s hand and looked at Minota again. He was still down there, and Junhyuk gave him another middle finger. "Let¡¯s go." Minota watched them leave and said: "I will kill that son of bitch for sure." Ellicughed at him. "You don¡¯t have to say it, but I will be the one to kill him." "Where do you end up when you follow that road?" Minota asked,ughing. "There are two paths. What do you want to do?" "What do you mean? Whoever catches him will kill him." "OK." Ellic and Minota smiled at each other, turned around and started running. --- The forest was much more dangerous whenpared to before. They had already encountered three monsters. Luckily, the monsters hadn¡¯t been strong. However, he couldn¡¯t let his guard down. They had only encountered weak monsters, but with Arn, they had fought strong monsters that could only be killed by heroes. Junhyuk had just killed another ck lion when Sarang asked: "By the way, are we moving in the right direction?" "We are?!" There was no way to tell directions in that ce. There were no stars or sun, so he wasn¡¯t sure he was going the right way. He had been there before, so he trusted his senses, but he wasn¡¯t sure. Junhyuk looked at her. "Let¡¯s keep moving." "OK." Junhyukughed and followed a road inside the forest. They had run for a while when they saw a monster. Boom! Boom! It was a two-headed ogre. Junhyuk frowned. "Shit! That can¡¯t be..." It was a monster on a level that only heroes would be able to beat. "We should run, right?" He asked her. "I think so too." They couldn¡¯t kill it, even if they were buffed, and Sarang realized that too. "We¡¯ll walk back the way we came," he told her. "OK." Sarang and Junhyuk retreated, but the twin-headed ogre bellowed and ran after them. It wasing their way, and Junhyuk stopped. "Big brother!" He didn¡¯t mean to fight the ogre. It swung a tree trunk and mmed it, and Junhyuk swung his swords at the ogre¡¯s ankle. "Ugh!" The ogre kicked, and Junhyuk rolled on the ground. Junhyuk remembered fighting against Minota, and attacked the ogre three times with the Frozen Rune Sword and teleported out. He grabbed Sarang¡¯s hand, and both started running. "I¡¯m going crazy," heined. "I see that." The two-headed ogre threw the tree trunk, and Junhyuk teleported with Sarang. "Roooarr!" The two-headed ogre couldn¡¯t hold its anger in and ran faster. The ogre¡¯s movement speed was debuffed, and it couldn¡¯t shorten the distance. Junhyuk was running with Sarang when he heard the ogre¡¯s loud dying scream. "Aaaarrrghh!" He stopped, looked back and saw someone stepping on the dead ogre. With a giant hammer on his shoulder, Ellic was standing on the body. "I found them." Junhyuk saw a magic circle around Ellic and frowned. Ellic was buffed. There was no way to fight a hero alone. Skia had been different. Skia had a very low defense, but Ellic was the opposite. Junhyuk realized it wouldn¡¯t be easy to run away and stopped. Ellic took big strides and said: "You¡¯re smart. It¡¯s impossible to escape." Junhyuk looked at the forest. It wouldn¡¯t be easy get off the road. He couldn¡¯t jump and he had already used both spatial relocations, so he couldn¡¯t do anything. He still had his force field, but it onlysted ten seconds. It would take more than that to kill Ellic, so he sighed and stepped forward. "Sarang." "Yes, big brother." "I will hold him off. You run." "I don¡¯t want to," Sarang answered curtly. "I have one spare life, but you can¡¯t reincarnate. So run," he replied just a curtly. Sarang was speechless, and he continued: "You heard Vera. I have to save you even if I die. Go!" Sarang hesitated, but she turned around and ran. "Don¡¯t die! I¡¯ll kill you if you die!" Sarang shouted, and Junhyukughed at what she said and looked at Ellic. Ellic wanted him dead, badly. He was crazy at that point and said while twisting his lips: "You thought you could run away?" From his position, Ellic could not fathom a way for Junhyuk to get away, and Junhyuk believed that Sarang could, but Ellic thought Junhyuk wouldst about eleven seconds: ten seconds because of the force field, and the remaining second to kill him. Junhyuk shook his head. "What are you talking about? I am not nning on dying." Junhyuk pulled out his swords and stepped forward. Ellic was speechless. Did Junhyuk mean to attack him? Skia had been killed because of Diane and not because Junhyuk had fought well. Ellic knew he only had a little health left after being beaten by Halo, but he thought he could handle Junhyuk. "Fine! I will tear you apart and kill that bitch too!" Ellic rushed forward holding his hammer, and Junhyuk ran toward him, shouting: "Give me the set item!" Chapter 74: Bouncing Back 1 Chapter 74: Bouncing Back 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Dark Night Cloak Defense +5 Evasion +2% Absolute Evasion +10% It looks cooler if you wear it on a dark night. People who value evasion more than defense wear it because it increases one¡¯s evasion chance. Absolute Evasion: the wearer evades basic attacks and powerspletely. --- Junhyuk got the cloak by killing Skia. He didn¡¯t think it would be very good, but he put it on anyway, only to find out it had interesting attributes. When fighting a monster while under absolute evasion, he would not be hurt at all and could mount his own attacks. He would be able to easily kill some monsters, but the chance of it working was the problem. The cloak only gave a 10 percent chance of absolute evasion. In other words, 90 percent of the time, it wouldn¡¯t work, and when the opponent was a hero, one blow could be deadly, so Junhyuk couldn¡¯t rely on the cloak alone. Right then, he had to fight. He had fought heroes before, and a hero¡¯s ordinary attack could be blocked by an expert like him. However, he would still get hurt, but it was better to block than getting hit. Ordinary attacks could be blocked or evaded, so he had to ce his focus on the opponent¡¯s special power, especially on ranged attacks or rushes, which could kill him instantly. He had to be aware of these situations, and Junhyuk approached Ellic. He had made up his mind that he might be killed in that ce, but he wanted to stall for as much as time possible in case he was killed. He was focused. Ellic saw Junhyuk heading toward him and scoffed at the scene, lifting his hammer. Junhyuk dodged Ellic¡¯s hammer while swinging his swords. Thung! Ellic¡¯s expression stiffened. Junhyuk was buffed and he was able to pierce Ellic¡¯s defense, damaging him. The strike inflicted a fixed amount of damage, and Ellic¡¯s high defense was of little value. Ellic was hurt by Halo and had lost a lot of health. Even though his health regeneration rate had gone up, he had not regained all of his health and he couldn¡¯t ignore the fixed amount of 100 damage to him. He understood all of that and swung his hammer fiercely, without exposing any weak spots. Junhyuk quickly swung his swords, attempting to hit and run, but he couldn¡¯t escape the hammer entirely. Junhyuk was being pushed back slowly. He had fought against Warren before, so he thought he could take Ellic on, but now he realized Ellic was a hero. Warren was wild, but Ellic was organized, and he hammered with purpose. He was slow, but when Junhyuk tried to attack his weak spots, he countered with his own attacks. Ellic was speechless, however. Junhyuk was only an expert, and his attacks weren¡¯t working. He wasn¡¯t very angry, but he wanted to put an end to that fight, so he lifted his hammer, but Junhyuk knew what wasing. Ellic was about to use his power. He mmed the hammer right when the ivory-colored force field surrounded Junhyuk. ng! As Ellic¡¯s hammer mmed the force field, it created a shockwave over Junhyuk¡¯s head. Inside of the force field, Junhyuk stared at him. Ellic was better than he had expected. Junhyuk had a 30 percent attack speed increase, but that was not enough. He decided to take extreme measures and used the Blood Rune Sword to cut his hand, staring at Ellic in the process. "You are dead." He cut his hand three times and heard a soft whisper: [You stacked three self-injuries with the Blood Rune Sword. You get a 30-percent buff to attack speed and a 15-percent buff to movement speed.] Junhyuk grinned and moved toward Ellic. The force field was still around him, and there was nothing Ellic could do. However, Ellic knew one way to deal with that. He could push the force field with Junhyuk inside, so he rushed. Junhyuk was not bounced back, however, because he swung his swords quickly. "Ugh!" Ellic had meant to push him with his hammer, but now he was barely able to block the swords¡¯ attacks. Clung, clung, clung! The attacks were different. Junhyuk¡¯s attack speed was faster than Ellic had expected. Ellic let three hits through his defense, and his movement and attack speeds decreased. Junhyuk smiled. "I¡¯ve got you now." Junhyuk was attacking a hero and pushing him around. Ellic frowned and swung his hammer. He kept attacking without worrying about defending himself. However, with increased movement and attack speeds, Junhyuk was able to put pressure on him. Little by little, his opponent was slowing down while he was getting faster. Normally, Ellic¡¯s defense would negate all of Junhyuk¡¯s attacks. However, this time, he had the dragon¡¯s buff, and the fixed damage was working well against Ellic. Ellic had thought the fight would be simple, but Junhyuk continued to inflict damage on him, so he started fearing for his life and retreated, realizing that he could end up dead. However, since Junhyuk¡¯s movement speed was faster than Ellic¡¯s, he chased after Ellic and continued attacking. His attacks were getting so fast that Ellic started getting hit more and more and had to focus on defense. Ellic blocked the attacks with his hammer, which stopped Junhyuk¡¯s advances. He didn¡¯t have enough strength to push the hammer away and, even with the force field, he couldn¡¯t bring the fight to an end. Ellic went on defense and waited. Junhyuk¡¯s force field onlysted for a total of ten seconds, so he had to wait to win. "Ha-ha-ha! Only three seconds remaining," Ellic said. Junhyuk gritted his teeth. There was nothing more he could do except to attack a few more times while the force field was still up. He did his best, but he was only able to hit Ellic twice in thest three seconds, and the force field disappeared. "Ha-ha-ha! Now, die!" Ellic decided to use his power because Junhyuk had blocked his previous attacks. He lifted his hammer, drawing energy around it. He wanted to scorch the earth within the range of his final and best attack. He mmed his hammer, and hammers fell from the sky like rain and much like Vera¡¯s meteors. Junhyuk teleported. Boom, boom, boom! Junhyuk sighed, relieved, and moved toward Ellic. Ellic had used his best attack, and by doing it, he had exposed a weak spot. Junhyuk took advantage of that to attack with his swords. Thuck, thuck, thuck! Ellic clenched his jaw as he was hit three times. Junhyuk was moving like a rat. He attacked quickly and withdrew just as quickly. The situation was getting dangerous for Ellic. He wanted to end it, so he rushed. Junhyuk was well within his range, and there seemed to be no way to escape, but he still had one more spatial relocation. So, he teleported, and Ellicughed at him. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Soon, you will die by my hand." The force field and both spatial relocations were used up, and Ellic seized the opportunity to approach Junhyuk, who swallowed dry. He did his best. He did everything he could do. "Ahh..." Junhyuk sighed deeply and grabbed his swords. He would fight until the end, and Ellic scoffed at him. "If you died easily, I would go crazy!" Ellic swung his hammer. His basic attack wouldn¡¯t work, so he mmed it on the ground. Boom! Junhyuk could¡¯ve escaped the basic attack with his superior attack and movement speeds, but the hero¡¯s power was a different story. Shockwaves traveled through Junhyuk¡¯s body, causing damage to his internal organs. "Ugh!" If it were a direct attack, he would¡¯ve been killed, but instead, he staggered, and Ellic swung his hammer again. Ellic didn¡¯t want to use his power a second time because Junhyuk was wounded and couldn¡¯t escape. Junhyuk barely lifted his swords. ng! He didn¡¯t move away, taking in all of the shock. He was even more hurt, staggering again, while Ellicughed aloud. "Ha-ha-ha! That¡¯s right! You¡¯ve got nothing left!" Ellic¡¯s hammer dropped again, and Junhyuk lifted his sword while Ellic continued to m the hammer down on him. ng, ng, ng! "That¡¯s right! Block! Block it till the end!" With every attack, Junhyuk felt like his arms were being torn apart. If he gave up, Ellic would smash his head wide open, but he hadn¡¯t given up yet. He couldn¡¯t kill Ellic with his attack, but he could deliver a blow to his weak spot, which would keep him from chasing after Sarang. He looked for an opportunity to strike between Ellic¡¯s blows. "Big brother!" Junhyuk froze. That stupid girl hade back after he had told her to run. "I told you to run away!" Ellic smiles and turned to look at her. "You didn¡¯t have toe back. I enjoy hunting my prey." Sarang extended her staff and shouted: "I know what I¡¯m doing! Shut up and take this!" Sarang¡¯s staff fired an electric st, and Ellic was paralyzed. Junhyuk got up. He felt like his body had been pummeled, but now he had a great opportunity, so he focused on one ce, Ellic¡¯s neck. Junhyuk swung at Ellic¡¯s gorget, a steel cor protecting his throat. He dented it, and kept swinging at it. When he finally broke some of it, Ellic started moving again. Ellic had not been paralyzed for long, and Junhyuk was not a hero, so he couldn¡¯t kill Ellic within that short of a period. Ellic swung his hammer, and Junhyuk rolled on the ground to avoid it. Ellic swung too rashly, and he was able to escape. Junhyuk was getting up when Ellic swung his hammer again. It was not an attack that Junhyuk could block. He waspletely out of position to do it. . Instead, Junhyuk lunged forward. He would get hit, and he would probably die, but he also had to kill Ellic to save Sarang. So, he chose to counter attack. He ignored the hammer and aimed for Ellic¡¯s neck. That¡¯s when another electric st flew by. Ellic was paralyzed again, and the Blood Rune Sword went straight into his neck. "Ugh!" Ellic screamed, and Junhyuk pushed the sword deeper. Ellic¡¯s eyes shot open, and Junhyuk whispered in his ear: "Like I said, give me the set item." After that, he twisted the sword in Ellic¡¯s neck. Chapter 75: Bouncing Back 2 Chapter 75: Bouncing Back 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Ellic¡¯s body fell and disappeared. Junhyuk sighed, relieved that he wasn¡¯t killed. Sarang walked over to him and grabbed his arm. "Are you OK?" She asked. Junhyuk grabbed her by the shoulders. "Are you crazy?!" He yelled. "What?" "Why did youe back?" She was surprised by the yelling, but he continued: "What if we hadn¡¯t killed him? Did youe here so we could die together?" Sarang¡¯s eyes were filled with tears. "How could I go?!" She yelled back. Her yelling caught him by surprise, and she kept going: "I couldn¡¯t leave you behind!" He looked at her, sighed and, without saying a word, he hugged her. She cried into his chest, and he sighed again. "Stupid, you have only one life." "I couldn¡¯t run away." He lightly caressed her back, and she stopped crying. "I¡¯ll forgive you just this once," he said. She looked up at him, and he caressed her cheeks and said: "Next time, I won¡¯t be so forgiving!" Sarang nodded slowly, and Junhyuk held her in his arms. "Thanks. You saved my life," he said. "Hm. You should¡¯ve thanked me earlier. Why did you get angry?" "I was joking, but I won¡¯t be as forgiving again." "Hm. OK." He tapped her back lightly. Then, he picked up the item Ellic had dropped and screamed silently. It was the very thing he was looking for, so he put it on and inspected it. --- Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Ring (Set item) Attack +15 The Golden Knight Elder used to carry this ring. In the past, he was called a legend and he carried items to increase his attack power. There was no one who could withstand a blow from him. Having aplete set increases the power of the item. Two-Item Set Effectiveness: Armor Piercing +35 Three-Item Set Effectiveness: Additional Fixed Damager +50 --- He knew how important fixed damage had been in fighting Ellic, so he really liked the set. "It¡¯s a big deal." "Is it something good?" Junhyuk nodded and showed her the ring. It was made out of pure gold and shone in his hand. "Ellic will miss this the most, and it will help me big time." It had a fixed damage buff, so it would work against people with high defense, but fifty was not a lot. However, anything could happen. He had killed Ellic because of the fixed damage he had dealt, so he was really d for it. Junhyuk looked at her. "We should hurry." "Will we be OK?" "Ellic came this way, so Minota will be waiting for us in the opposite direction. We should move forward." "What if we meet another ogre?" "We¡¯ll go around it. It¡¯s not easy to deal with it." "Go around it?" Junhyuk smiled: "Teleport." They had retreated from the ogre, but Minota was looking for them now, so it would be dangerous to go back to where they came. To escape Minota, they would have to face monsters. Ellic had died, so the safest way was to follow in the direction he hade from. "Let¡¯s go to the castle!" --- One by one, they reincarnated. They walked out of the castle with Arn in the lead, grinding his teeth. "I¡¯m sorry." "What about?" Nudra asked with his hands behind his back. Arnughed a little. "Going dragon hunting and getting killed." Vera was behind him, cracking her neck to the left, then to the right. "Does anyone know what happened to the children?" Diane walked behind Vera and said: "They were alive up to the time I got killed. Don¡¯t know what happened to them." "They were alive?!" Diane nodded, and the door opened. Halo showed up. Diane looked at him and clicked her tongue. "Halo died, so the children must be dead. The entrance to the valley was blocked." Arn looked at him. Halo was thest one to get there, so he said: "They are alive." "What?" Junhyuk and Sarang were alive, and Halo spoke, which was even more shocking. The heroes all looked at him. "Are you done with your vow of silence?" Diane asked. "I was trying to save them. There was no other way," he answered calmly. "So, they survived?" Arn asked, curious, and Halo nodded. "I saw them going up the cliff." "The cliff?!" Diane pped her hands and shouted: "Sherlock¡¯s Leather Arm Warmer! The jump skill!" Halo fixed his sword and said: "But Ellic and Minota were still alive." Everyone¡¯s expressions darkened. Arn grabbed his sabers and said: "They climbed up the dragon¡¯s valley. There are two paths from the cliff. We¡¯ll split up in two groups." Arn looked at Vera. "Vera and I will take the right road, and Halo, you take Nudra and Diane and go to the left road. We should hurry." "OK." Arn took the lead, and the five heroes ran, turning into a rescue team. --- The forest was more dangerous than Junhyuk had expected. They encountered over ten monsters, and the buff had ended, so they struggled a lot. They met some monsters they couldn¡¯t kill, but they teleported away to escape. At that moment, they were resting on a big rock. "Are you OK?" "I feel like I¡¯m dying." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. He was the one who had dealt with the monsters. If it weren¡¯t for Bebe¡¯s ck Armor, he would¡¯ve been dead. Sarang shot her lightning bolt from behind him. Her magic helped big time, but he was the one who had fought the most. "We will rest here for a minute." "When will we get there?" Junhyuk looked at the sky. He didn¡¯t know what time it was and couldn¡¯t guess how long it would take. However, he should be the one worrying and not her. "We will be there soon." Sarang shook her head and asked: "Big bro, are you directionally challenged?" "No, I¡¯m not! They call me the human GPS." He got up. "We should get going," he said. "We just got here. Just one more minute." "We don¡¯t have time. We¡¯ll get there soon." "You just said that we would rest." Junhyuk grabbed her by the robe and pulled her up. "Rest at the castle." "Ugh..." Sarangined, and Junhyuk started walking. She kicked the ground and followed him. They had to get to the castle. They knew how dangerous the forest was from experience. Suddenly, Junhyuk heard some footsteps and frowned. He was familiar with the noise. He stopped her, and a three-horned, thirteen-foot shadow appeared above them. It was Minota. "I almost lost you." "How did you find us?" He asked, and Minotaughed. "Ellic reincarnated, and he contacted me to say he had lost to you, and that I should hurry." "So, you came here?" "That¡¯s right. We meet again!" Junhyuk sighed. He had killed Ellic, but time had passed, and Minota had to have regained all of his health. It wouldn¡¯t be possible to fight him now. Minota smiled at him, showing a row of teeth like a shark¡¯s along with his middle finger. "What is meaning of this gesture?" Junhyukughed at him and looked back at Sarang. "Sarang." "Yes." "It won¡¯t work this time." She looked at him. She knew they couldn¡¯t deal with Minota at full strength. "We have to go that way." "Back off. We can¡¯t deal with him." Minota listened andughed. "Ha-ha-hah. You want to escape?" Minota stepped forward, and Junhyuk summoned his swords. "Run away!" He yelled. Junhyuk took a step forward, but she grabbed him by the wrist. "Let¡¯s go together." "Sarang!" Sarang extended her staff and said: "Listen to me!" As she shouted, she fired an electric st. Minota was paralyzed, and Junhyuk clenched his jaw. There were no more options. He grabbed her and ran forward, not forgetting to sh Minota¡¯s side on the way. All of them had lost their dragon buffs, so he had to slow Minota down. "Woo, woo, woo!" He wasn¡¯t paralyzed for a long time and mooed loudly as soon as he could, lifting his hoof. He wanted to crush Junhyuk, but Junhyuk teleported. Boom! The shockwaves traveled in all directions, but Junhyuk was already far away. Minota rushed to shorten the distance. When he saw the three horns approaching, Junhyuk teleported again. The distance widened, and Junhyuk looked back. The distance was significant, but the cooldown for the rush was shorter than the one for spatial relocation. Minota would catch them. "Ha-ha-ha! Run! Escape!" It was time, and Minota rushed again. That¡¯s when Junhyukunched his force field. Bang! The force field was immune to all damage, but it could be pushed. They bounced away with the impact, and the distance widened. Junhyuk ran faster. He had used his powers. He couldn¡¯t just run. He wanted to try his best to survive. "Ha-ha-ha! You used all of your powers. You¡¯ll die soon!" Ten seconds passed by, and the force field disappeared. Minotaughed hard and ran. "Ha-ha-ha! It¡¯s almost time!" Minota rushed at him, but Junhyuk knew one cooldown was over and teleported away. "Aargh! Slippery sucker!" Minota said angrily. They had barely escaped, but that could be thest time. If Minota rushed again, they would be killed. "Shit! I came this far!" Junhyuk said through gritted teeth. Minota would kill him soon enough, and that would be a shame. "Ha-ha! You can¡¯t run!" Minota stomped the ground and rushes at him. Junhyuk pushed Sarang¡¯s back to get her away and pulled out his swords. sh! "Ugh!" He felt a heavy pressure on his arm and rolled on the ground. He got up to see Minota standing in front of him. Minota lifted his paws and smiled. "I got you." Minota mmed his paws down, and Junhyuk tried to block with his swords. sh! Junhyuk saw a man standing in front of him, and his back looked familiar. The man smiled at him. "You did well." Chapter 76: Bouncing Back 3 Chapter 76: Bouncing Back 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk turned around, saw Vera standing in front of Sarang, and he sighed, relieved. "Retreat," Arn said. Junhyuk tried to do as he was told while watching Minota grind his teeth. "Fine! Today, I have to kill you!" After he said that, Minota used his doppelganger skill and rushed at Junhyuk. Minota¡¯s dangerous paws had almost reached Junhyuk when he was attacked. A ck fire spear zoomed in and disrupted Minota¡¯s focus. He blocked it reflexively instead of attacking Junhyuk. Boom! It was only for a moment, but it gave Junhyuk enough time to move back, and a firewall appeared in front of him. "Get over here!" Vera called for him, and Junhyuk went to her. Sheunched another fire spear at Minota, who was going through the firewall. Minota posed some danger because of his huge size, and after the fight began, he used his doppelganger skill. Junhyuk stood next to Vera, and Minota mooed coarsely. "Woo, woo, woo!" He approached, but Junhyuk blocked Vera. She was her strongest when she used her magic at will, and he wanted her to be free to do it. "Big brother!" Sarang shouted andunched her electric st at Minota. He was paralyzed, and Vera whistled and fired off her magic. Minota was standing inside of the firewall, receiving damage, when the fire orb hit him and exploded. Then, Vera followed through with another fire spear. Boom, boom! Vera¡¯s magic was working out beautifully. Only a short time had passed, but continuous attacks were what Vera did best. Minota¡¯s exorbitant health plummeted because of Vera¡¯s firepower, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t let his guard down. As expected, Minota rushed straight through the firewall, swinging his fist, and Junhyuk stepped forward to meet him. Vera¡¯s and Sarang¡¯s defenses were really low, so it was better for him to step in. ng! He blocked Minota¡¯s fist with his swords, but he paid a price for doing so and wasunched back. He rolled on the ground once and got up. Minota was really strong, but he had stolen Minota¡¯s attention, even if for a short while, and Vera¡¯s magic and Sarang¡¯s lightning bolt flew by him. Junhyuk held his swords up and said: "Are you holding on?" Minota tookrge strides toward him andughed. "I will hold on until I kill you!" Junhyuk dodged Minota¡¯s fist and swung his swords. He grazed Minota¡¯s elbow, and Minota started to bleed. Until then, he had only been able to scratch Minota, but thatst attack had made a deep cut. Minota¡¯s eyebrows twitched, and Junhyuk noticed it. The fixed damage was working, and Junhyuk was able to hurt him way more than before. At that stage, he could deal with Minota. Minota exchanged blows with Junhyuk and realized that Junhyuk was inflicting damage on him. His power was iparable to before. He could¡¯ve ignored Junhyuk¡¯s attacks before, but that wasn¡¯t the case now. It still wasn¡¯t a lot of damage, but he didn¡¯t have much health left. "Woo, woo, woo!" He mooed loudly and attempted a massive punch. Junhyuk parried the attack and countered with one of his own. Minota, who had been waiting for that, lowered his head and rushed. Junhyuk¡¯s spatial relocation was still on cooldown, and he was in the middle of attacking, so he wasn¡¯t expecting Minota¡¯s move. Then, the Dark Night Cloak fluttered, and Junhyuk spun away to the side. The 10 percent chance for absolute evasion pred in the nick of time, which made Junhyuk happy, and Vera fired a fire spear and fire orbs at Minota. Junhyuk swung his sword at Minota¡¯s ankle. Minota had used his rush, so the only option to close the gap between them was to run, but Vera had him locked down, preventing his movements. Junhyuk shed Minota¡¯s ankle, and because of the fixed damage, he was able to wound him much quicker. Minota watch Junhyuk spin away from his rush and lifted his hoof. He stomped the ground and Junhyuk teleported. Boom! The stomps created shockwaves, but Junhyuk showed up in the air, behind Minota¡¯s head, swinging the Frozen Rune Sword. Minota¡¯s neck was wounded, so Junhyuk stabbed at it with the Blood Rune Sword, but Minota didn¡¯t leave the back of his neck wide open, turning his head to dodge the attack. However, he didn¡¯t dodge itpletely, leaving a stream of blood leaking from where the sword hit. Minota ignored the pain and tried to counter with a backhand, but Junhyuk teleported behind Minota once more, but this time, he was on the ground. He was staring at Minota¡¯s butt because of the difference in their sizes and seized the opportunity. He put both of his swords together and shoved them in Minota¡¯s ass. "AAARRRRRGH!" He gave off a simr noise to when someone shes a cow¡¯s throat, and Junhyuk pushed the swords even deeper. "Just die!" He yelled. Minota tried to grab him, but he couldn¡¯t mount any serious attacks. Junhyuk dodged everything and pushed the swords further in. "AAAAAHHHH!" Minota screamed pitifully, and his body started to disappear. Junhyuk sighed and pulled his swords out. Minota was disappearing while fallen on the ground with his butt up high, and Junhyuk sat in front of him. "I thought you said you were going to hold out?" He said and showed Minota the middle finger again. "You don¡¯t know what this is? Go fuck yourself!" Minota disappeared, and Junhyuk saw an item drop. It was an earring that looked like a shark¡¯s tooth. Arn walked over,ughing. "Was this the main body?" Junhyuk asked. Arn shrugged and looked at the others. "Anyone hurt?" "No." Vera walked up to Arn. "Did you see it?" She asked him. "What?" "How Minota died?" Arn shook his head. "I didn¡¯t. I killed the other Minota and saw this one disappearing with his butt up high." Vera put her index fingers together in the shape of a gun and stabbed the air. "Junhyuk, did he really go like that?" Arn was surprised and looked at Junhyuk, who was picking up the item Minota had dropped. --- King of Beasts White Tiger¡¯s Tooth Deathblow +3% The ruler of the jungle, the King of Beasts White Tiger, has the sharpest tooth. It can kill an opponent with one blow. The chance for a deathblow is increased by 3 percent. --- Junhyuk picked up the item, inspected it and asked: "Arn, what is a deathblow?" Arn answered without thinking: "A deathblow is a fatal attack against an opponent. In the past, a crazy hero had increased his deathblow rate to 100 percent. He swept through the battlefields. They made a set item in his honor, but it¡¯s difficult to get deathblow items." "But why was he crazy?" Veraughed out loud. "Deathblow items are expensive, but their percentages are always small, and they don¡¯te with any other buff. Since it¡¯s a matter of chance, you need more than one. Therefore, a hero with a 100 percent deathblow rate is crazy." "Then, that hero was extremely lucky." "Yes, but no one has been that crazy since that hero." Junhyuk looked at the King of Beasts White Tiger¡¯s Earring. Deathblows were a matter of chance, and he knew how important the percentage rates were because of his Dark Night Cloak. The earring only had a 3 percent chance to proc. Junhyuk thought about it and put the earring on. It was the first time he pierced his ear, so it was painful, but it was nothingpared to what he had experienced so far. He decided to have a positive outlook about the earring. It had a low percentage rate, so he wasn¡¯t expecting much, and he could always sell it. He turned around and faced Vera. She told him not to deliver the final blow, but he had done it again. "I am sorry for taking the final blow," he said, scratching his head. Vera looked at his swords and swept her hands in the air, away from her body. "You smell! Go away!" "What?" "You¡¯re so cruel!" Vera started walking. Sarang followed her, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t know what to do. Arn stood next to him. "You did well." "I did do well, right?" "But then, did you have to kill him in such a nasty way?" Junhyuk scratched his head. "I saw a weak spot, so I took advantage of it." Arn shook his head. "Let¡¯s move. We should join the others for the team battle," he said. "We are going to a team battle now?" "They are missing some heroes, so now is good time." Minota had to reincarnate and rejoin the enemy group, and that would take time. Arn wanted to get it over with in the meantime. Junhyuk thought for a moment and asked: "Isn¡¯t there another buff monster left?" The enemy¡¯s buff monsters, the Smander and the Gale Harpy Queen, were dead, but there could be one more. Arn heard that and stopped. A smile creeped into his face. "I forgot about it!" He had been thinking about the dragon, so he had forgotten about the other buff monster. He pulled out a marble and closed his eyes. Junhyuk was waiting for Arn to deliver his message when Vera walked over. "What is going on?" "He is thinking about hunting thest buff monster." "That¡¯s right! There is another buff monster!" Vera said, excited. "We will meet where the buff monster is located. One of us will go to the castle and get the minions for the team battle. Sarang, wait." Vera pulled out a marble of her own and closed her eyes to send out a message, and Junhyuk stared hard at Sarang. "You didn¡¯t listen to me." "We came this way and met up with Arn and Vera. If we had gone the other way, we would both be dead." Junhyukughed and petted her head. Sarang was really fearless. "Next time, listen to me. I¡¯m worried about you. My heart is pounding." "He-he! Bro, you¡¯re worried about me?" Junhyuk sighed and flicked her head lightly. "Hey!" Sarangined about the pain and stomped the ground. Arn opened his eyes and smiled at the scene. "Let¡¯s go. Before the next team battle, we will kill thest buff monster." "OK." The group moved out, and Junhyuk took Sarang by the hand and followed the leader. Chapter 77: Bouncing Back 4 Chapter 77: Bouncing Back 4 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They came upon thest buff monster, and its appearance surprised Junhyuk. "Is that the mixture of a turtle and a snake?" The monster was a giant turtle with a snake for a tail. It was about sixty-five feet long, and it looked weaker than the dragon, but it still looked formidable. Everyone was there except for Nudra, and Halo looked at Junhyuk and smiled. "You survived." "Halo, if you hadn¡¯t yelled at me, we would have died on the spot." Junhyuk had been able to escape because Halo, who hadn¡¯t spoken even once before, yelled at him to tell him to get away. Diane walked over to Junhyuk, looked at his butt and smacked her lips. "I can¡¯t see your juicy butt because you are wearing that armor." Junhyuk hid his butt and said: "This is sexual harassment!" "I told you, we are of different species." Diane smacked her lips again. "We didn¡¯t find anyone. Did you?" "We came across Minota and killed him." "OK." Vera went up to Diane and whispered in her ear. They looked at Junhyuk every so often while whispering, and Junhyuk looked the other way. He knew what they were talking about. That¡¯s when Nudra showed up with 300 minions in tow. Junhyuk was surprised. "Are we killing this monster, doing the team battle and going straight for the castle siege?" "Correct," Arn continued calmly. "So, this time we hunt alone." They needed to save the minions for the siege, which meant that they wouldn¡¯t go back and would fight to the end, and wouldn¡¯t take them to hunt the buff monster. Arn¡¯s eyes turned to Junhyuk. "Youe with us." "Of course!" Junhyuk didn¡¯t know how much damage he would be able to inflict on the buff monster. The monster had the body of a turtle, so its defense had to be pretty high, and he was d to have the fixed damage buff. Arn ran forward and shouted: "Let¡¯s begin!" Arn attacked the turtle with his saber. He aimed for the turtle¡¯s neck, but the turtle withdrew it very fast, and he ended up hitting its shell. ng! The saber bounced off the shell. "It¡¯s thick! Vera, hit it hard!" He shouted. "Fine!" Vera lifted up her staff, preparing her magic. Halo aimed for the turtle¡¯s tail, and Junhyuk went with Halo. Something was different now that Halo had started speaking. His aura seemed lighter, and he seemed freer. Halo ran with him and said: "I¡¯ll attack it first." "OK." Previously, Arn paired up with Junhyuk, but this time, Halo was taking him. Halo attacked in a sh. He covered a distance of sixty-five feet in a split second, and his sh attack wounded the snake¡¯s neck. The snake bared its poisonous teeth, and Junhyuk ran from behind and swung his sword. ng! He didn¡¯t do as much damage as he wanted, but the fixed damage worked well. The snake snapped at him, but he teleported to stand on top of its head, above the snake¡¯s eyes. The Blood Rune Sword went through one of the snake¡¯s eyeballs. Tack! The snake screamed and shook its head, and Junhyuk lost his bnce and was thrown off. He was falling through the air when the snake snapped at him again. The snake¡¯s attack was really fast, so Junhyuk teleported far away from it. He could see the snake¡¯s mouth exactly where he had been. If he hadn¡¯t been able to use spatial relocation, he would¡¯ve been killed. The snake¡¯s neck was stretched out from trying to attack Junhyuk, and Halo jumped and shed it with his sword. The attack was different from Junhyuk¡¯s. Halo¡¯s attack had pierced the skin, going deep into the snake¡¯s neck. The head had almost been sliced off, and Diane loosened some arrows at it in a row. Her attacks were very precise, increasing the gash on its neck. Halo swung his sword again, and the snake was decapitated. Right then, the turtle¡¯s head popped out, and it opened its mouth wide. Poison smoke billowed out of it while the turtle turned around. "Sarang!" Arn shouted. Sarang fired an electric st. The st hit the turtle and paralyzed it. The turtle had wanted to cover itself in poison smoke, but now it couldn¡¯t move. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Meteors fell from the sky on the turtle¡¯s shell, but they also hit the turtle¡¯s head, and Arn swung his saber at it. The turtle¡¯s head was about to be sliced off when Nudra stepped in. Bam! Finally, the turtle¡¯s head was smashed to bits, and it was over. The turtle¡¯s body started to disappear, and everyone smiled. They heard a soft whisper: [You killed the Envoy Turtle. For the next two hours, your defense is increased by fifty. When you attack, you inflict a poison status of 200 damage over five seconds. This effect can be stacked three times. If you die within the time limit, you will lose your buff to your opponent.] It was a huge deal to be able to inflict 200 damage in five seconds, and it was possible to stack it. That meant they could do 600 damage in five seconds. That was a huge buff, and it also increased defense. Arn¡¯s eyes beamed. "That¡¯s too bad! We didn¡¯t get anything this time." He was talking about loot like they had gotten from the harpy, which had been very effective. "We need to get the team battle done in the next couple of hours. Hurry!" Everyone moved toward the central road, and they got to a ce where the enemy heroes were already gathered. There were four of them. Arn checked and saw they still had one hour left on the buff. "We attack!" He didn¡¯t wait and ran forward. The enemies were on the watchtower, and Arn rushed at them, leaving Junhyuk surprised. It was dangerous to have a team battle by a watchtower, but the heroes didn¡¯t care. As Arn advanced, Halo shouted: "Minions, attack the watchtower!" There were only fifty enemy minions at the watchtower to go against their 300. When the team battle started, the archers would attack the heroes, and the allied minions should attack the watchtower. Junhyuk followed the minions. "Destroy the watchtower!" Halo shouted at him. The watchtower posed a problem for the heroes, and Junhyuk could easily take care of the fifty enemy minions. He had a defense buff, so he could ignore all of the minions¡¯ attacks. Also, he had gotten so strong that his attacks would massacre them. The heroes were engaged in the team battle while Junhyuk ran toward the minions. He was confident that he would kill them all. He made sure to engrave it in his mind that it was important to destroy the watchtower. Berserked minions came at him, but Junhyuk¡¯s swords sliced and diced them. His attack power was so high, he didn¡¯t really push himself, but he still killed them easily. He had killed twelve minions when he came to a sudden stop. "What¡¯s going on?" Junhyuk was surprised, and an enemy minion approached. That minion looked shorter than the others, but at close inspection, he was hunched over. "A novice?" "Ha-ha-ha! I heard about you. They¡¯ve given me special instructions." "You think you can do something to me?" Junhyuk looked himself over. It wasn¡¯t a simple paralysis. A shadow was restraining him, and the restraint¡¯s effective time was long. Junhyuk shook violently, trying to move, but then a shadow appeared behind him. Skia popped out of the shadow and was attempting to stab him. "Big brother!" Sarang shouted. Junhyuk heard her andunched his force field reflexively. When the force field appeared, Skia¡¯s dagger bounced off of it, and he was no longer restrained. Junhyuk swung his swords at the enemy novice. The novice lifted his double axes, but Junhyuk was too strong. He pushed the axes down with one sword and swung the Frozen Rune Sword at the novice. The novice retreated quickly, but the sword grazed his neck. After that, Junhyuk ignored the novice and looked at Skia. The novice grabbed his neck, staggered and dropped to the ground, dying. The novice had a low pool of health and couldn¡¯t handle the 200 poison damage. Junhyuk attacked Skia, but Skia knew Junhyuk was immune to everything for ten seconds and retreated. However, Junhyuk had no intention of letting Skia go. His force field was up, so he wanted to catch Skia right then, or Skia would attack him again from behind when he attacked the watchtower. Skia saw him chasing. Skia just wanted to get away, but Skia was not scared of him. "How dare you?!" They were in the middle of a team battle, but Skia had attacked him because of his powers. His force field was dangerous to heroes engaged in a team battle. Skia wanted to kill him first, so Skia used a novice to do it, but the novice had failed. Now, Junhyuk showed no fear chasing Skia. Five seconds had already passed, and after another five, it will take just one heavy blow to take Junhyuk down. Skia wanted to run the clock on those five seconds and then attack. Junhyuk was getting worried about fighting Skia head to head. Skia was on defense, so he had toe up with something. That¡¯s when he cut his own hand three times with the Blood Rune Sword and heard a soft whisper: [You stacked three self-injuries with the Blood Rune Sword. You get a 30-percent buff to attack speed and a 15-percent buff to movement speed.] Junhyuk¡¯s swords started moving faster. His attack speed had increased, leaving Skia surprised, and he took the opportunity to cut Skia¡¯s elbow. "Ha!" Skia felt the fixed damage and frowned. "You are nothing!" Skia was livid and swung the daggers chaotically. Junhyuk knew he needed more than an increase to attack speed. Ellic was slow to begin with, but Skia was using double daggers. He needed more than a 30-percent, attack-speed increase to fight Skia. The opportunity came from elsewhere. An arrow flew in from behind Skia, and as Skia saw the arrow approaching, Skia thinned out and disappeared. Junhyuk knew Skia had to show up again to attack, and Skia¡¯s attack range was short, so he teleported away. As expected, Skia appeared swinging the daggers at the spot where Junhyuk had been standing. He was running to meet Skia when Arn¡¯s saber came down on Skia. Clung, clung, clung! Skia tried to withstand the attacks, but Arn¡¯s saber was not Junhyuk¡¯s swords, so Skia was forced back, and Arn shed Skia¡¯s ribs. "Ugh!" Skia staggered, and Junhyuk ran at Skia. Skia was out of powers, and Junhyuk joined the fight, pressuring Skia even more. Finally, Skia was beheaded. Arn looked at the dead Skia and saw an arrowing at them, so he grabbed Junhyuk and pulled him out of the way. Junhyuk looked around. He had been too focused on the novice and Skia to notice, but all enemy heroes were dead. "There were only three. Sarang paralyzed Libya, so we killed her first and took care of the other of two. Stupid Skia came after you and was easily killed by me," Arn calmly exined. Junhyuk was used as a bait to destroy the watchtower, and the team battle was easily won, so he shrugged. "Then, let¡¯s destroy the watchtower before we head to the castle and before they reincarnate." "Right." Arn smiled and shouted: "Destroy!" Chapter 78: Return 1 Chapter 78: Return 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - While they were buffed, they did their best to destroy the watchtower, but when they arrived at the castle, there were five enemy heroes there. "The buff is gone. Will this be victory by the sword?" Arn asked, looking at them. Junhyuk scoped out the enemy camp and said: "They only have minions." Among the enemies, there were no novices. That meant that they would only have the support of the archers on the walls. So, the allies only had to win the team battle. "Are there a hundred enemy minions?" "It looks that way." The allied side had three times that number. The enemies had archers, but Junhyuk, as an expert, could help out with that. Junhyuk¡¯s powers could be used during the team battle, so they wouldn¡¯t send him in to kill minions, but once they did, he would massacre them. Arn thought for a moment and said: "Hey, Ellic." Ellic frowned and stepped forward, and Arn smiled a little. "You lost the entire set of Golden Knight Elder items. How do you feel?" "What did you say?" Ellic scowled and stepped forward, but Minota stopped him. Ellic turned around, and Minota frowned at him. "Stay calm. They have toe to us." Ellic breathed deeply and swung his hammer in a wide arc. "Come here! Just shut up and fight!" Ellic shouted, and Arn smacked his lips. "That¡¯s a simple guy who is about to lose his status. He must be angry," Arn said and looked at the group. "We probably have to go to them to fight." "Is that possible?" The arrows from the castle were quite dangerous, and when heroes fought, they were even more so. Arn pulled out a marble. "First, the minions will draw their attention. Then, we go in." Arn lowered his voice as he spoke to Junhyuk. "We will designate squads." "Is it OK to attack in groups?" "It will be," Arn smiled as he answered. "Sarang will be at the centerne, and you¡¯ll put a force field around her. As the squads advance, focus on Libya." Arn fixed his gaze on Sarang. "Your have a big part." "OK." "Before the force field disappears, we will kill Libya and attack Ellic. Then, we retreat." "Will Ellice after us?" "Of course! It works better when you tease him than when you taunt him." Arn pulled out a marble and yelled: "Attack!" After he yelled, the minions went berserk and rushed. Arn followed them, and Halo ran behind him, but Diane was the one to attack first. She was behind the group, but she had incredible range. Diane attacked Ellic, and he blocked it with his hammer. Then, Arn leapt. Warren was standing in front of his group and saw Arn and swung his ws. Shink, shink! Arn¡¯s saber was so sharp that it cut through Warren¡¯s ws, and the squad moved in. Halo used his sh attack at Minota¡¯s ribs, and Nudra ran and kicked Ellic. The leads on both sides exchanged attacks, and the archers shot down from the castle walls. It was a dangerous spot, but they were within range, so Junhyuk created a force field. Sarang was at the center, and the force field covered the entire squad. Arrows bounced off the force field, and Arn shouted: "Sarang!" Sarange fired her electric st. The leads of the groups had shaken up the enemy camp, so she had a clear shot at Libya. Libya was paralyzed, and Vera¡¯s fire spear and Diane¡¯s arrows flew at her, but Minota stood like a wall in front of her. Arn saw all of that and left his squad, jumped over Minota and swung his saber at Libya. She couldn¡¯t escape. Arn shed her chest, leaving a big gash. Before Arn had a chance to continue, Ellic rushed from behind, swinging his hammer. Clung! Arn rejoined his squad, and Nudra jumped forward and kicked Libya on the head before the paralysis wore off. Arn¡¯s attack had been critical, and Nudra damaged her head, so she had lost a lot of health. Then, a firewall rose from beneath her feet. "Aaaahh!" Three heroes had attacked her, and Libya died without doing much. At that point, Minota rushed toward them, but was only able to push the force field a little. Arn and Halo attacked Minota, and Warren howled at Nudra, who had taken part in killing Libya. "Hoool!" Nudra froze, and Warren¡¯s ws pierced his ribs, and Skia, who was already behind him, stabbed him in the back. "Ugh!" Libya was dead, but so was Nudra. They hadn¡¯t gained an advantage. Arn and Halo closed in on Minota. Minota had amazing health and strength, and his rush could be bothersome. He could also use his doppelganger skill, so it was a good idea to kill him early. They attacked Minota, but he realized that he was the next target and used his doppelganger skill. Both Minota and the allies retreated, but the allies attacked Ellic on the way back. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Magic and arrow attacks zoomed by, and Arn and Halo did not look back, focused on escaping. The force field disappeared, but they were out of the archers¡¯ range. They didn¡¯t have much time before Libya would reincarnate, but they retreated, knowing that Ellic woulde after them. Ellic was livid and ran toward them, and nking Ellic from both sides, the Minotas ran with him. Minota wouldn¡¯t stop him, so he decided to join him along with Warren. Skia ran behind them, looking for any opportunities. Vera smiled. "Libya isn¡¯t there, so they don¡¯t have any range." She created a firewall andunched fire orbs, and behind her, Diane shot multishots. Five arrows flew across the field to hit the enemy heroes. Junhyuk stood next to Sarang and watched the fight. The enemycked range, but they were full of strength and health. Skia was probably the weakest opponent. Without the force field, Skia could seep into a shadow and attack Sarang. The heroes were also in danger. Junhyuk moved Sarang toward the back where Skia couldn¡¯t reach her. As Skia closed in, Skia disappeared. Skia couldn¡¯t be seen, and Junhyuk shouted: "Be careful! Skia is gone!" Vera set a fire orb on her shadow, and Diane ran forward. Diane¡¯s arrows were even deadlier at close range, and she focused them on Minota. Junhyuk moved Sarang further back, and Skia appeared behind Vera. Boom! Skia had wanted to surprise Vera, but was hurt by the fire orb on her shadow. Skia staggered, and Veraunched fire spears at Skia. Skia thinned out and disappeared. Junhyuk, who was watching everything, frowned. Sarang was out of range, but Vera was still in danger. Vera created a firewall behind her back and looked around, but Skia showed up to her left and stabbed at her. ng! She stopped Skia¡¯s attack with her staff, but Skia continued, and that was something Vera couldn¡¯t deal with at close range. As they came closer, Skia would be at an advantage. Junhyuk teleported behind Skia and used the Frozen Rune Sword to sh Skia¡¯s back. To Skia, Junhyuk was just a pest, and Skia couldn¡¯t turn around while fighting Vera, otherwise she would kill Skia. Skia tried to sidestep and block Junhyuk¡¯s second attack, but his first attack hade with debuffs, and Skia¡¯s movement and attack speeds had decreased. Veraunched a fire orb at Skia and grabbed Junhyuk¡¯s hand, and Junhyuk teleported away with her. Boom! Skia staggered from the explosion, and Veraunched another fire spear. At close range, Skia had the advantage, but at long range, Vera was superior. Skia was hit by the fire spear and staggered again. That¡¯s when Diane hit Skia on the back of the neck. "Ugh!" Skia was dying, mouth agape, and Junhyuk looked around. Minota, Ellic and Warren were attacking, and Halo was wounded, but Arn was fighting the three of them hard. Diane and Vera attacked at will, and the enemy had no way of winning. Junhyuk thought about going to help the minions, but Minota rushed Halo, and he was thrown off of his slot. Junhyuk ran toward Halo¡¯s spot. Skia was gone, so no one would attack him from behind. When Junhyuk arrived, Minotaughed loudly. "Ha-ha-ha! I¡¯ve been waiting for you!" Minota swung at Junhyuk, but he dodged to the side while swinging the Frozen Rune Sword. Minota¡¯s arm was cut, and the ice attribute froze his body. The other Minota came toward him, bumping his fists, and Junhyuk just stared at the situation. His job was to defend until Halo came back. It was dangerous to face two Minotas, but he couldn¡¯t give way. Arn was fighting alone against Ellic and Warren. There was fire support from behind them, so Arn could do it. Halo had been dealing with both Minotas when he wasunched away. Minota had been hit with a fire spear and arrows, but he was at full strength. He was thinking about fighting them alone when Halo returned. "Be careful." "OK." He would protect himself, and his objective was to stay alive. Both Minotas lifted their paws simultaneously, and Junhyuk retreated as far as he could. Boom! Boom! Two shockwaves were created simultaneously, and the shock felt stronger. Junhyuk thought he was out of range, but the simultaneous attack inflicted more damage at a longer range. Kunk! The impact shook his organs, and he vomited blood. Minota rushed toward him. It was a dangerous attack, but he had used both powers and was waiting for the cooldowns to end, so he lifted his swords. However, even if he blocked, he would still be in danger. Then, a lighting bolt flew by from behind him. Sarang wanted to help, but the lightning bolt wouldn¡¯t work against Minota. However, Minota was paralyzed. It was just for one second, but his power was gone. It only had a 3 percent chance to work, but Minota was paralyzed, and Junhyuk ran at him and stabbed him. This time, he stabbed Minota¡¯s balls. "AAaargh!" Chapter 79: Return 2 Chapter 79: Return 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Minota was hunching over, holding his testicles, when Halo swung his sword and beheaded him. He was still holding his testicles when he disappeared. The other Minota rushed at Junhyuk. His eyes looked mad, and he was filled with hatred. Junhyuk teleported. Minota arrived at the spot where Junhyuk had been standing when he was hit by a fire spear. Boom! Even after being hit, Minota couldn¡¯t control his anger. "Argh! I will kill you!" Minota was so livid, he couldn¡¯t see anything else, so he chased after Junhyuk. Even though Minota had a lot of health, when he ignored his own safety, he became an easy target for the heroes. Diane¡¯s arrows and Halo¡¯s sword attacknded on him. He was dying, but he still had only one thing on his mind. "You son of a bitch! Wait and see!" He said, staring at Junhyuk. Junhyuk smiled a little and answered him: "I¡¯m sorry. It wasn¡¯t intentional." Minota couldn¡¯t speak anymore and disappeared. Junhyuk watched him disappear and turned around. Arn was also fighting, and Warren was heading toward him. Suddenly, Warren jumped and aimed for Diane. Warren¡¯s eyes were blood red, and that meant his health was regenerating. Veraunched a fire orb while he was in the air. Boom! He was hit by the explosion and dropped to the ground, and Diane shot her explosive arrow at him. Boom! Finally, Halo shed him with his sword, but then, Warren howled: "Woo, woo, woo!" Warren had positioned himself well, and Arn, Halo and Diane froze. Ellic then rushed toward Arn, pushing him away, and Warren headed for Diane, biting her neck. "Aahhhh!" Diane screamed, and Warren tried to stab her stomach with his ws. However, Junhyuk ran toward them and stabbed Warren in the eye. "Argh!" Warren was in pain and opened his mouth, letting go of Diane. Junhyuk grabbed Diane¡¯s hand and teleported away. Warren was irritated, but Halo shed him. Halo¡¯s sword went through Warren¡¯s thigh and stuck to the ground. At that moment, if Diane received any more damage, she would die. Warren swung his ws at Halo, but Halo ducked and dodged them and retreated. The sword was still stuck the the ground, and Warren was trying to pull it out when a ck firewall rose from beneath his feet. The firewall inflicted continuous damage, and Diane loosened more arrows at Warren. He tried to block with his ws, but he was only able to stop three arrows. Two arrows hit him along with a fire spear, and Warren died. Warren¡¯s body thinned out and disappeared, Junhyuk let out a sigh. "Are you OK?" Diane was bleeding from her neck, and Junhyuk applied pressure to the wound with his hand. "Thanks! I could¡¯ve been killed if you were a littlete." "It¡¯s OK." At that point, only Ellic remained, and Arn jumped at him. ng! Ellic blocked Arn¡¯s attack, but everyone was waiting to attack him. Ellic fought hard, but he would lose. Soon, Ellic fell, and Arn smiled. "Push!" Meanwhile, the number of minions had decreased by half, but the allies still had four heroes. This battle would also end in a victory. Junhyuk felt the end approaching. They had won. They tended to Diane¡¯s injury, and Vera used her magic on the archers. "Follow me," Arn told Junhyuk. "OK." Junhyuk ran with Arn toward the minions. Arn ran very fast, but he kept up with him, shing at their enemies. The minions were no match for Junhyuk, and he watched Arn¡¯s swordsmanship and tried to mimic it. They killed the minions, destroyed the gate and went inside. Arn cracked his neck and inspected the area inside the castle. Inside, there were two giant golems. "Vera, blow them up." "OK." Vera was preparing her magic when Arn ran forward. Halo joined him, and Junhyuk followed them. The golems saw the invaders in their territory and ran to engage. A golem swung its fist down at Arn and Halo, and Junhyukunched a force field. Boom, boom! In the past, he had only been able to put a force field around one person. Now, he could cover all heroes. Halo and Arn were fighting the golem when Junhyuk also stepped forward. He stayed inside of the force field because the golem could kill him with one blow. Junhyuk could inflicted fixed damage, and it helped out. The golem was hit, and the blow splintered parts of its body. Then, meteors fell from the sky. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The golem staggered from the impact, and Diane¡¯s explosive arrows hit it head on. Boom! Parts of the golem¡¯s head came apart, and Arn jumped. Arn swung his saber, and the golem¡¯s crumbled to pieces. Meanwhile, Halo stabbed the other golem in the ribs. Golems were different from humans. Humans would die with a sword stuck to their ribs, but the golem swung at Halo,pletely ignoring the sword. Boom! Previously, Minota had been able to push the force field back a little, but the golem pushed half of it into the ground. They were stuck on the ground, and everyone attacked the golem. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Everyone¡¯s attack was focused on the golem, and the golem went down. Arn started attacking the force field around the castle. Libya had reincarnated, but didn¡¯te out. She would be facing for heroes alone and would die like a dog. "We won¡¯t see herter." Arn said. Libya gritted her teeth, and Arn swung at the force field. Clung! "We meet again in two weeks?" Junhyuk asked him. Arn shook his head. "No. This time, we meet in four weeks." "In four weeks?" "Right. You didn¡¯t know?" Vera asked, smiling. "You didn¡¯t tell me." "We¡¯ve been on a winning streak, so this was thest battle. Now, we advance." Diane said while shooting arrows. "Advance?" "We will meet different heroes," Halo said, shing at the castle. He seemed d, but Junhyuk was nervous. "New heroes?" "Right. Five different heroes from before." "Isn¡¯t that dangerous?" Advancement meant they would fight at a higher level, and the higher levels had different heroes. It felt ominous. He understood the heroes he had been dealing with, but did not know anything about the new heroes he would encounter. He could get killed without lifting his swords. He was worried. "They will still only have four powers. Heroes summoned here have limits," Arn said while swinging his saber. That was for when heroes fought each other, but he wasn¡¯t a hero. Junhyuk wanted to be extra careful the next time he was summoned. That¡¯s when Skia showed up behind Libya. Skia stared at Junhyuk and disappeared. He did not expect Skia to fight four heroes, but nevertheless, heunched a force field. For the next ten seconds, Skia wouldn¡¯t be able to attack. Skia showed up a littleter, but was pushed back by the force field. "Shit." The four heroes looked at Skia, and Skiaughed. "This time you¡¯ve won, but this won¡¯t happen next time." "We¡¯ve advanced. There won¡¯t be a next time." "Don¡¯t worry. I¡¯ll follow you there." Skia waived a hand, preparing a power, but Sarang fired her electric st at Skia. The electric st was faster than the heroes¡¯ attacks, and Skia was paralyzed, unable to move or use a power. Everyone ran toward Skia. Arnunched his saber, and Halo used his sh attack. Skia was cut in the ribs, and Vera¡¯s fire spear hit Skia on the head. Diane¡¯s arrows hit Skia on the chest, and Junhyuk stabbed the same ce. "Ugh!" Skia had to feel bad. Skia thought Junhyuk woulde out of the force field, but Sarang had hit Skia, and Arn chopped off Skia¡¯s head. Arn caught the head in the air and said: "Don¡¯t be so stupid if you want to advance. Learn from it." Skia¡¯s head disappeared, and Arn picked up the item Skia dropped. "Destroy it all!" Everyone started pounding the castle¡¯s force field. Minota reincarnated, but didn¡¯te out. Junhyuk¡¯s force field was still up. There would be no meaning for him toe out then. Minota watched them while grinding his teeth. "You know this is not the end!" Junhyuk looked at him and shrugged. "You have to advance to meet me again." Minota¡¯s eyes widened, and Junhyuk felt chills looking at his cold stare. In this battle, Junhyuk had killed Minota by underhanded means. Minota stepped forward and said: "We will advance too. We will meet you then." Junhyuk didn¡¯t answer, and instead, he hit the force field with the Frozen Rune Sword. Craaack! The force field and the castle werepletely destroyed, and Minota turned around. Junhyuk sighed. He had survived. He turned his head and looked at Arn, who grabbed his shoulder. "You are a big part in our advancement." "Not really. I survived because of you." Diane walked over and checked out Junhyuk¡¯s butt. "If you feel grateful, take off your armor." Junhyukughed and shook his head. "We meet in four weeks," Arn said. "OK. I¡¯ll see you then." Arn and the heroes disappeared, and Junhyuk looked at Sarang. She smiled at him. "Big bro, we are still alive." "Right." Junhyuk caressed her head. "It¡¯s a relief. We¡¯ll return together." Sarang smiled with her eyes. "We have a month before getting back?" "Right. Next time, listen to me more or else... Understand?" Sarang nodded. "I should be an expert so that I can reincarnate." Junhyuk agreed with her. She had to activate one more power, and it would be a huge relief. He watched her be surrounded by light and said: "You worked hard." "You too." The whole world was filled with light. Chapter 80: Novice 1 Chapter 80: Novice 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk slowly opened his eyes, sighed and lifted his hand to see a ck gauntlet. Unexpectedly, he was still wearing Bebe¡¯s ck Armor, so he sent it away and got up. He still had the Dark Night Cloak on his back, and the Beast King White Tiger¡¯s Canine was on his ear. "I should¡¯ve engraved these." Junhyuk ced the things he had brought back next to the bed and inspected the ones that weren¡¯t engraved: the Dark Night Cloak, the Beast King White Tiger¡¯s Canine, and the Golden Knight Elder¡¯s ring. His expression turned serious. "I should put the cloak in my backpack, and I can¡¯t wear the canine." He felt like someone was watching his house, so he couldn¡¯t leave things there. Some of the things were worth over thirty thousand gold, and he couldn¡¯t afford to lose them. At once, he put them in his backpack and inspected his ring. The Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Ring was rather big. It was big enough to cover one section of his finger and it was easy to notice. "I should wear it around my neck." Junhyuk took off the pendant. He should have sold it, but he was too happy to get Sherlock¡¯s Leather Arm Warmer and forgot. Someone had helped him, so he thought about helping otherster if there was an opportunity for it. Junhyuk smacked his lips and put the pendant inside his backpack. He ced the Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Ring around his neck, and the Dark Night Cloak and the White Tiger¡¯s Canine also went inside his backpack. Junhyuk was seriously worried. "I can¡¯t engrave my entire body. Maybe I should get a bottomless bag for these..." At least one hundred thousand gold would be required to afford the bag, but he wanted to get it. He scratched his head. "I should equip myself for now, and I will get a bottomless bagter." The main thing was survival. To survive, he needed more items, so the bag wouldeter. Junhyuk thought for a moment and remembered that magical items from South Korea had value in the Dimensional Battlefield. So, he should find more of them. He was pondering about things when the phone rang. Junhyuk looked at the screen, and it showed rade." Heughed a little and picked it up. "Why did you call me? We saw each other a moment ago." "It¡¯s different from meeting on the battlefield. He-he!" "It¡¯s fine. Go to sleep." "I just called you!" "I know. Did they notice anything?" "No." "Go to sleep." "Fine. You should sleep too." "Right." Junhyuk wondered if she had had an ulterior motive for calling him, and he got up and walked to the window, looking outside. "It¡¯s a problem." As long as someone was watching him, he couldn¡¯t train, but he was even more worried about Sarang. "She needs a space to train." He decided to worry about itter and started practicing. He had gained a lot of understanding during that time and he had experienced livebat with dual des and was getting better. --- Doyeol was touching his chin when the executive secretary reported in. "We are listening in, but nothing serious happened." "Right." Doeyol thought for a moment and asked: "Did we get the equipment?" "They areing in three days." "When they arrive, use them to check it. If anything suspicious happens, report to me right away." "I will, sir." Doyeol was worried. He wanted the runestones, but he couldn¡¯t buy them. If Doyeol offered, he would get suspicious. Doyeol knew for sure that Junhyuk had been to the Dimensional Battlefield, but only heroes carried runestones. However, he couldn¡¯t let him be. Others knew of it too, and they had to be following him as well. He couldn¡¯t let the others act first. Doyeol gestured, and the secretary went out. He was pondering alone when his desk began to shine. Doyeol tapped on the desk, and five screens appeared. He greeted them with his eyes and focused on Elise. Elise had called for that meeting and she began to exin: "The red-colored gem could be used on the Regeneration Project." "Really?" "Yes. I already gave it to the project team, and they will report in soon." "That¡¯s good. What about the Mana Stone?" "It¡¯s being used for the Iron Soldier Project." Doyeol smiled. They had gotten the Mana Stone from the Dimensional Battlefield, and it was of use. That was a relief. A white-haired, middle-aged person spoke up: "How many can you make?" "About a hundred." "OK. Make the prototype." "Yes." "Do you have anything else to report?" "No." "Then, till next time." The screens turned dark, and Doyeol was about to get up when a screen lit up, and the white-haired, middle-aged mean appeared on it. "What is the matter?" "I heard from Clinton." Doyeol smiled bitterly. "We are investigating, but we found nothing special." "Is that so?" The white-haired, middle-aged man¡¯s eyes flickered, and he looked at Doyeol andughed. "I found something interesting on this side. You should take care of it. If anything happens, just let me know." "Don¡¯t worry. I can do anything in South Korea." "Ha-ha-ha-ha! That¡¯s correct. I expect good news." The man disappeared from the screen. "He must have found something big." He did not mention the runestone during the meeting, so they must¡¯ve already known. "I should check on it." Doyeol would send somebody to America. --- On Monday morning, Junhyuk heard people whispering. They were all staring at him. It was like the time when thepany ad came out, so he checked his smartphone and the inte, and there was the second ad involving him. He chuckled. Junhyuk¡¯s soul had grown, and nobody walked over to ask him questions. He arrived at thepany and found no one there, so he sat on his chair. He was checking out the coboration project when he heard footsteps. Somin walked up and greeted him. "I saw the ad." "Really?" Junhyuk was embarrassed, and Somin asked him: "Did you pierce your ear?" Junhyuk touched his ear. He had needed to pierce it for the Beast King White Tiger¡¯s Canine. "I don¡¯t feel so well." "With your body?" Junhyuk smiled awkwardly. "I only look well on the outside. I don¡¯t feel well inside." He meant that he had pierced his ear for health reasons, and Somin looked at his ear. "You should have something in it, otherwise it will close." "Is that so? This is my first time." Somin was up close to feel his ear and smiled warmly. He heard more footsteps approaching, and Somin also turned to look. Mr. Jang and Jangho and the other coworkers came in. "You two are doing good this morning." Junhyuk smiled awkwardly. "She¡¯s giving me advice." "Is that right?" Mr. Jang smiled and patted Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder. "This ad is a sess. The coboration project is already the number one search online. Your name is number two." "I didn¡¯t do much." "It¡¯s because you showed your face. I knew you would do well." Junhyukughed a little, and Mr. Jang whispered: "It will be on TV in two weeks. You¡¯ll be a star." "I don¡¯t think so." Junhyukughed, and Mr. Jang took his seat. Somin smiled at him and took her seat. Junhyuk shook his head. Somin felt different from Sarang. Sarang felt like a younger sister while Somin felt like a grown woman. The elevator stopped, and people came out. He could see Eunseo and Sukhoon Kim. Sukhoon was greeted by many people, but he motioned for Junhyuk, and took him inside Eunseo¡¯s office. Sukhoon pushed Eunseo¡¯s wheelchair and smiled. "The response to the ad is really hot. We are getting the most clicks on the inte." He turned on the Smart TV and showed him the search engine stats. At number one was the coboration project, and number two was Junhyuk. Starting at number three were other people on the ad. Robotics and ST Capsule, and the prosthetic arm and leg were all in the top ten. Junhyuk was relieved that the ad had been a sess. "The edited version will be broadcasted in two weeks." "That¡¯s nice." Sukhoon walked over and patted Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder. "It¡¯s a stroke of luck that we hired you as a worker model." Sukhoon patted him again. "Work hard from now on." Junhyuk nodded, and Sukhoon went out. Junhyuk looked at Eunseo. She fixed her sses and looked back at him. "Robotics is responsible for the foreign advertising, and the ad is doing good on foreign sites." "I¡¯m d." "I nned it all." She said while looking at him. "Thank you." Eunseo calmly inspected him. He was not griping, but being sincere. Eunseo continued to look at him, and she found he looked different. He was not taller but he felt like a giant. He was showing charisma, and she was even more interested in him. "You are getting a lot of requests for interviews." "Do I have to do them?" "I turned them down for the most part, but after the official announcement of the coboration project, I won¡¯t turn them down." He knew he had to do interviews. He had four weeks. If he only had two weeks, it might have been difficult for him." "The Interviews will be prearranged, and you will know the questions and answers, so don¡¯t worry too much." "I understand." "You may leave." Junhyuk was about to go out when Eunseo stopped him. "Why did you pierce your ear?" He felt like a lot of people were interested in his ear. "I heard it¡¯s good for your health." "You may leave." Eunseo turned her tablet on and searched for a fancy jewelry site. "He wears an earring?!" She looked for men¡¯s earrings and smiled a little. Chapter 81: Novice 2 Chapter 81: Novice 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Guard Team Three carried out covert operations for ST Capsule. They were fitting the hideout with new equipment and talking among themselves. "Boss, is it OK to install something like this?" "It¡¯s OK. Anything unusual?" The boss asked the person in charge of the wiretap. "Maybe the person did it intentionally, put the TV is on a high volume, so the wiretap is not working. He is not speaking much either." "This will finish the job." They were installing something very heavy. It was some distance from the window and located in the shadows. It was an infrared heat signature detector. The boss installed it and turned it on. Soon, all of the heat signatures inside of Junhyuk¡¯s building were on disy. The boss focused on Junhyuk¡¯s room. His expression hardened. "What is going on?" Inside the room, a heat signature red up. Junhyuk was swinging something, and whenever he swung the object in his left hand, the screen of the heat signature detector became fuzzy. "Is he making cold air?" Then, something surprising was captured by the detector. Junhyuk moved from one end of the room to the other end of the room instantly. The boss¡¯ and others¡¯ eyes widened. "Nothing is wrong with detector, correct?" "Nothing is wrong." Then, Junhyuk¡¯s shape disappeared from one side of the room again to appear on the other side. The boss¡¯ eyes beamed. "This is really real." He was wondering why they had ordered him to watch an ordinarypany worker, but now he understood. Junhyuk ate dinner and turned up the volume on the TV. They knew that he was trying to hide. "I should report this right away." "We will continue to watch him." "Right." The boss took the infrared footage and went to the parking lot. He was about to get in his car when a car drove up and stopped in front of his car. The boss¡¯ expression hardened when four men got out of the car. He understood everything soon as he saw them. They were highly trained. "Where did youe from?" "We don¡¯t have time to talk. If you give us the footage, we will go away." He couldn¡¯t handle four guys, but he could make more of the footage he had in his hand, so he agreed to hand it over. One of the man picked it up when another man shot a taser at the boss, knocking him down. The man that took the footage looked up. "Let¡¯s go. Take him with us." They went up to Guard Team Three and used the tasers to restrain them. Both group were of equal strength, but the tasers made the difference. Everyone was on the ground, and one of the man looked around and said: "They have some nice equipment. Destroy everything." "Yes." They moved quickly inside Guard Team Three¡¯s hideout and collected everything, including the wiretap tapes. One of the man looked at the infrared heat signature detector. "He surely has special powers, but he is weak against state of the art weaponry." The man pulled out a cigarette, put it between his lips and walked over to the window. They were a good distance from where Junhyuk was staying. "They don¡¯t know." They had learned something Important. The man took a deep drag off his cigarette when his subordinates walked up to him. "Everything is ready." They cut the gas line and watched the gas flow out of it. Then, they turned the electric stove on and prepared for the explosion. As an elerant, they added petroleum. The members of Guard Team Three were still on the ground, and the man took another drag off his cigarette. When the other group arrived at the parking lot and got in their car, there was a huge explosion. Boom! --- Junhyuk was surprised by the sound of an explosion, opened the curtains and looked out of the window. It was far from his room, but he could still see it. He was suspicious of everything these days and looked at it carefully. He put on his backpack, went out and started to run. He was running toward the explosion site and saw a car pass him by. It was a Mercedes Benz, and he saw people inside of the car. He ran straight to the site and saw the entire building engulfed in mes. The whole vi was engulfed in mes, and people were watching it burn. The sound of sirens got louder, and the firefighters arrived. He saw the room on fire and had an idea. Even though it was burning, if he wore the ck armor, he could get inside. He thought about it for a moment and went up the building next to the vi. He could see the inside of the room through a window. It was full of strange equipment that was not at all normal in a room like that. He looked at it and decided to do an experiment. He wanted to use spatial relocation to get inside because he thought he might find something revealing. From the top of the building, he jumped over to the top of the burning vi and looked around. The smoke was giving him cover, and he summoned the ck armor and closed his eyes. While at the Dimensional Battlefield, he had only teleported to where he could see. Now, he wanted to teleport to somewhere he couldn¡¯t see. Junhyuk imagined the room he had just seen and teleported. The room was engulfed in mes when Junhyuk showed up. He didn¡¯t know how long the ck armor wouldst against the fire, so he inspected the room quickly. There were four men on to the ground, already on fire. It was toote to rescue them, so Junhyuk clicked his tongue and continued his search. All of the equipment was burning, and he could guess what it was. "A wiretap machine?" Junhyuk realized he should¡¯ve been more careful. He had only closed the curtains and turned the volume on the TV. In the middle of the room, there was a heavy machine, burning. It did not look like a wiretap machine and it had a camera on it. Junhyuk looked around and saw peopleing in and teleported out. He was on the top of the vi and sent the ck armor away. Then, he jumped over to the next building. The vi was filled with smoke. "I should be more careful," he told himself. Were they watching him with a camera from that distance? He had his curtain drawn. Is that even possible? Junhyuk realized they did not use simple cameras. That huge machine in the middle of the room was not just a camera. It wasn¡¯t a fluoroscope*. They had wanted to capture his movements through the wall. "Infrared?" It was something out of a movie. He was very intrigued and realized someone was interested enough in him to use that equipment. Junhyuk looked around the top of the building. It really looked like arson, so the people who had started the fire mighte back. Junhyuk looked at the people below. He inspected them out carefully, but no one looked suspicious. He widened his search, but he still didn¡¯t find anyone. "There was more than one group watching me." That was his guess, and he needed a new n. He didn¡¯t want anyone to know about his powers. "I need to spend some money." Junhyuk left the ce. He had something to do and he should move quickly. --- Bang! Doyeol mmed his fist on the desk and ground his teeth. "The entire Guard Team Three is dead?" "Yes." Doyeol had a serious expression and leaned back on his chair. "What happened?" "They became unidentified human corpses." "Do you know who did it?" "We checked the CCTV and found a suspicious vehicle, but it had been previously stolen." "That¡¯s right. They are serious and extra careful." Doyeol thought for a moment and asked: "What about the equipment?" "We installed it yesterday." "That means they filmed something with it. Send in another team with new equipment. Who could rece Guard Team Three?" He asked, caressing his chin. "Guard Team Six, but they are still raw." "It¡¯s OK. They won¡¯t be made by an ordinary citizen." "I¡¯ll get them ready." Doyeol waved his hand. "You may leave." The executive secretary left, and Doyeol caressed his chin again. "Are they doing this?" Someone was audacious enough to interfere, and he could guess who it was. Whoever it was, attacked and killed people working for him, but for now, he would be patient. Without evidence, he couldn¡¯t challenge the other party. They were in the same meeting group, but that didn¡¯t mean they were on the same level. Doyeol had been able to participate in the meetings because he had provided the mana stone. "But I won¡¯t let it slide." He had already hired someone to deal with the other side. Doyeol had to know what they were up to, and he had to find out more about Junhyuk. "I¡¯ll be busy." How many people had Doyeol stepped on to get to where he was now? Among them, there had been people that seemed he couldn¡¯t possibly go against, but he did not step away from a fight. --- Junhyuk wanted to buy a new house. It wasn¡¯t expensive to get one in his current district. If he were to purchase an old house, he would only have to pay for thend. Thend usually cost 950 dors. If it was close to road, it would cost over a thousand dors. However, he ended up purchasing an eighteen-hundred-square-foot house. It cost him over half a million dors, and he paid an extra fifty thousand dors to move in quickly. The owner wanted to move back with his parents, so he was able to move in within three days. After he moved in, he began restructuring the house. He paid a lot of money to build a living room and an extra room. After that, he wanted to coat the walls with lead. This cost a lot, but he wanted to prevent any monitoring from infrared detectors. Someone was watching him, and that someone might know what he was up to, but the important thing was for that someone not to find out what he was doing. He paid extra, and the construction was finished quickly. It only took one weekend, but it had involved more than ten workers. The exterior wall was finished, but they still had to work on the inner walls. The ground had not dried yet, so he couldn¡¯t ce any carpet. Junhyuk sent everyone out. In only a few days, he had spent a lot of money, but it was for his survival, and when he bought the house, he inspected it entirely. He considered hisst house and the house that was burned, and he made sure nothing was close enough to his new house. "I lost a lot of time." He started training again. ------ fluoroscope - an instrument with a fluorescent screen used for viewing X-ray images without taking and developing X-ray photographs. Chapter 82: Novice 3 Chapter 82: Novice 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The white light disappeared, and Jeffrey slowly opened his eyes. He turned his head left and right and realized he was restrained. "What...?" He was lying on his bed, waiting. If he was restrained, someone would be there shortly. He waited until a bunch of lights turned on. The lights were hard on his eyes until he got used to them and realized they wereing from the second-floor window. The lights were behind some men. Two of them were standing there, looking down on him. He didn¡¯t know who they were. Jeffrey checked them out and closed his eyes. He wanted to know how many men there were at his house. He guessed there were about ten men. He had gone to the Dimensional Battlefield, and that¡¯s when they restrained him. They had to be armed. It was annoying. Jeffrey sighed and said: "Why don¡¯t you introduce yourselves?" Because of the lights, he couldn¡¯t see the men¡¯s faces, but one of them spoke up: "You are not nervous." "I feel bad, but there is a need for a conversation." "Interesting fellow. We might be able to talk sensibly with him." A man with his hands behind his back spoke as well: "The name is Jeffrey. A Harvard University veterinary student. Age 22. Correct?" "Yes." "And you¡¯ve been to the Dimensional Battlefield twice now..." Jeffrey realized they knew a lot about him. "You know your information. What do you want to talk about?" "We are interested in the Dimensional Battlefield. Before you return to that ce again, you should make a deal with us." "A deal? Why don¡¯t you release me?" "Sorry. You must agree first." Jeffrey moved his head and said: "It looks like the deal would be one-sided." "That¡¯s not true." Jeffrey shook his head. "I don¡¯t know who you are, and you have me tied up, and now you want me to make a deal?" Jeffrey said, looking at the man who was looking down on him. "We should talk face-to-face." A huge wolf appeared. It was the size of a cow, and everyone became nervous. Jeffrey looked at the wolf. It walked over to him and destroyed the things tying his hands and feet. He got up and stretched, and the men surrounded him, aiming their guns at him. Jeffreyughed. "You leave me no choice." All of a sudden, Jeffrey was wearing a purple suit of armor. "Take him down!" The man staring at him shouted, and the guns fired off loudly, but the bullets bounced off the armor. Jeffrey cracked his neck. "You need a strong defense to survive." Jeffrey extended both of his arms, and a ten feet tall gori appeared next to him. "Take care of them," he said. The huge animals attacked the men shooting at him. They all fell with their pistols zing. They were torn apart, but Jeffrey didn¡¯t seem to mind. He looked at the man. "Are youing down?" "You are not a minion." "You didn¡¯t know?" Jeffrey said and smiled. "You messed with the wrong bull." Everyone went down, and Jeffrey looked at the wolf, and the wolf attacked the man. Crash! The window broke, and the wolf went inside of the room, but it was empty. Jeffrey hopped on the gori and inspected the second floor. It was all a bunch of equipment, and heughed. "They are careful." For fear that something might happen, the man wasn¡¯t there. Jeffrey looked around and said: "Spare no one." The wolf and the gori ran out. He kept inspecting the room and smiled. "If they want to be my enemies, so be it." Jeffrey looked for cash or things he could pawn. He couldn¡¯t lead an ordinary life anymore, and he needed money. He picked out a few things and walked out. With a signal, the wolf and the gori came to him, and Jeffrey sent them away and looked around. "What should I do now?" The road outside was barren, so he sent his armor away and left. He jumped over a wire fence, and a few cars approached him. There were three vans, and two men stepped out of them. Jeffrey just stared at them. Who are they? A grey-haired man stepped forward. "Mr. Jeffrey?" He asked. "Yes. Who are you?" "We are from ST Capsule. If you are being followed, why don¡¯t youe with us?" "ST Capsule?" "Yes. The CEO sent us." Jeffreyughed. "This is America. What can ST Capsule do for me?" "We will escort you to South Korea, where you will talk to our CEO." Jeffrey shrugged and smiled. "You are letting yourselves be known, so you must also want something. There is a condition." "Speak." Jeffrey pointed to the building from which he had walked out. "I wanted to live in peace and made a mess of things. Can you take care of it?" "Of course." Jeffrey smiled, and his eyes turned violent. "There is one more thing. Tell me who they were." "We will exin everything. Get in the car first. We are still in danger." "Well, shall we?" Jeffrey got in the car. As it started off, Jeffrey sighed. His pointless wandering was over. "What happened to my younger sibling?" "He¡¯s on a ne bound for South Korea." "I like you." Jeffrey leaned back on his seat and closed his eyes. He was going with their flow, but he didn¡¯t let his guard down. He had experienced how dangerous it was to trust someone while at the Dimensional Battlefield. He was the only one he could trust. ST Capsule would offer him a deal. He would talk to their CEO, and if they held him or his sibling hostage, they would know what kind of a guy he was. --- Over the weekend, they finished the construction, and Junhyuk trained. He didn¡¯t want to talk to Sarang on the phone. Someone could be wiretapping their phone conversation. He couldn¡¯t meet her either. He had made a space for him to train, and she also needed a space to train. More money was needed. So, he had to give her some money. If she had money, she could find somewhere to practice. Junhyuk withdrew some cash, careful to lose the tail on him. He was not an ordinary person and he could teleport to hide from people. He didn¡¯t tell her, and on Monday after work, he left his cell phone on his desk. It was possible to track him by using the phone¡¯s GPS. Then, he got on the subway. People couldn¡¯t follow him easily there. He would be able to catch anyone who tried. He arrived at Sarang¡¯s school by walking, running and teleporting eight different times from the top of one building to another. He ended at the top of the building next to Sarang¡¯s school. He had to give her money, so he waited until students started leaving the school one by one. Junhyuk spotted her. Her soul had grown, and she was easy pick out. Junhyuk dropped down and walked over to her. Sarang was talking to her friends when she saw him and ran toward him. "Big brother!" Junhyuk stopped her as she tried to give him a hug. "We are in front of your school." "Hm." "Follow me. I want to talk." "Get me something to eat." "OK." Junhyuk took her to a family restaurant, and she ordered her food with joy. "Is anyone following you?" "No." "Can¡¯t be so sure." "Why?" Junhyuk told her what had happened, and she listened attentively. "It¡¯s like a spy movie!" "I think so too." "Should we be meeting like this?" "No," he answered calmly. "They might wiretap our cell phones, so I left mine at my desk." "You don¡¯t know what will happen." "I know. After today, we might not meet again until the Dimensional Battlefield. We shouldn¡¯t talk on the phone." Sarang looked at him. "Why did youe to see me?" Junhyuk pulled an envelope out of his backpack. "Here." "What is this?" Sarang opened the envelope and gasped in surprise. "It¡¯s fifty thousand dors. Use the money to get a ce to practice. Get a studio or a loft, some ce where you can be alone," he exined calmly. Sarang was touched. That was arge sum of money, and he was giving it to her just like that. She thought he was very cool. "OK," she said and put the money away. "You shouldn¡¯te looking for me, and train on your own instead. Have you been practicing?" "Yes." She said, lifting her hand and generating a light orb. "I¡¯m very used to it now." "That¡¯s nice." Sarang¡¯s skills had improved. Junhyuk cut a piece of the steak and offered it to her. She felt happy and ate it dly. Junhyuk started to eat his port rib. He had been training, and now he could eat a lot more than he was previously able to. Sarang patted her belly. "That was delicious." Junhyuk caressed her head, picked up the check and stood up. "We should separate." "Really?" "Nothing good wille of staying together." "Hm," Sarang nodded slowly. "OK. I¡¯ll spend the money wisely." "It¡¯s not for shopping. It¡¯s for survival in the Dimensional Battlefield." "Trust me," she said and nodded. "Actually, can I buy a couple of things?" Junhyukughed. "Just two things." "Fine," he liked seeing her happy. "Just be as careful here as you are at the Dimensional Battlefield." "Don¡¯t worry." He patted her head gently and said: "We will meet on the battlefield." Junhyuk went away, waving his hand, and Sarang strapped on her backpack. "I have a fat wallet now. I feel full," she said and smirked. Chapter 83: Movement 1 Chapter 83: Movement 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The white-haired, middle-aged man satfortably on a chair andughed. "They got us this time." They hadn¡¯t known how strong a novice was. Twenty trained men had gotten beaten, and the heavy artillery hadn¡¯t arrived in time. "They dared to touch my prey on American soil!" The middle-aged man touched his chin and said: "So, what happened to his younger sibling?" "That person has left already." "Where did the person go? Do we know?" "Not yet." "Ha-ha-ha! This is interesting." They were beaten. They could guess who it had been, but they had no evidence. This had all happened on American soil, so the others must¡¯ve been prepared. "OK. I will not regret anything nor hold grudges," the man said and looked at a man standing behind him. "They¡¯ve found someone who can teleport in South Korea?" he asked. "Yes." "I want to meet that person." "I¡¯ll get everything ready.." A little smile appeared on the man¡¯s lips. --- On Thursday, after he got back from work, he got a call he couldn¡¯t refuse. It was Eunseo, so he went back to work to see her. "Do you have time this evening?" She asked calmly. "Yes." "Let¡¯s go then." He got in a car with her, and they went toward the Royal Hotel, the same ce where he had dined with Doyeol, which made him nervous. However, he wasn¡¯t going to pick up the check, so he agreed. It looked like Eunseo was a frequent guest at the hotel. She ordered first and then sat on her chair. "Tomorrow, the film will be broadcast all over the world." "At the same time?" "It has to be during the world holiday, and it will be a special broadcast to increase its effectiveness." "That¡¯s the power of the Robotics brand, I see." "Robotics¡¯ power is well known throughout the world." She said and took out a tablet. "After the broadcast tomorrow, you will have five interviews scheduled for next Monday." "I understand." Junhyuk didn¡¯t ask why she didn¡¯t tell him all that during business hours. She wanted to buy him a nice meal. "It¡¯s for the people who have been hurt, and this will be advertised," she continued. "I hope it goes well." "It will," she said, fixing her sses. "The interviews will take ce in one of ourpany¡¯s buildings, so don¡¯t worry." The food came out, and Junhyuk ate his meal with Eunseo. She did not speak during the meal so that he could eat his food. Doyeol didn¡¯t speak much either. It must be a family thing. Junhyuk was working on his food when Eunseo pulled out a small box. He looked at her, and she touched her ear and said: "When you pierce your ear, but don¡¯t wear anything, the hole closes." "Ah!" He touched his ear and looked at the small box. "Can I open it?" "You may." She spoke without any emotion, and Junhyuk opened the box. Inside the box stood an earring made out of onyx and tinum. She got it from Tiffany, and it looked expensive. "Thank you." Presents were made to be epted, and Junhyuk put it on. Eunseo looked at him once and concentrated on her food. "It looks good on you." Junhyuk smiled at her. She was feeling good, so that¡¯s all that mattered. Also, his ear had been healing because he had it pierced for the Beast King White Tiger¡¯s Canine, and had not yet bought an earring for it. After the meal, Eunseo offered to take him home, but he refused. After Eunseo left, Junhyuk touched his earring and looked up at the sky. In the center of Seoul, that night¡¯s sky looked very clear. "I should go home," he told himself. He was always careful on his way home. On the subway, Junhyuk looked around, but didn¡¯t find anything unusual. After he got home, he checked the CCTV recordings, and there was nothing special. The CCTV cameras covered every angle of his house, but he found nothing out of the ordinary. Junhyuk had already eaten, so he took a short shower and focused on his training. There was a bedroom and a living room. The house had a bed, a TV and aputer desk and nothing else. He found an empty spot and focused on his training. Soon, he had lost track of time. He practiced with spatial relocation and the force field while swinging his swords. He had trained for a while when he heard a noise outside. He checked on the CCTV feeds and saw two vans in front of his house. Ten men stepped out of the vans. They look around and jumped over the wall into his house. "Huh?!" Junhyuk was speechless as he just stared at them. His windows were protected as well, and the only way in was through the door. Junhyuk sent his swords away and turned off every light. They looked foreign and could be carrying firearms. They might even be responsible for the arson incident. Junhyuk sighed and summoned the ck armor. He had never faced firearms, but he wanted to protect himself and started thinking of how to capture them. He was going through ideas when a light flew over the doorknob, and they busted the lock and walked in. Junhyuk was sitting on his bed as he watched the people rush in. Five of the men had taser guns. The rest of them had guns with silencers. They found him and quickly surrounded him, but he just stared at them. "Junhyuk Lee?" "That¡¯s not me." Some of them inspected the rest of the house. The house had a simpleyout, and they didn¡¯t find anyone else inside of it, so they came back and looked at him. "You are not Junhyuk Lee?" Junhyuk felt no need to speak and got up. He wanted to knock them out and then question them. However, as he got up, they shot off their tasers, but he only felt a small sting. The ck armor was immune to magic, and the taser guns had no effect on it. Junhyuk was doing fine, so the men carrying guns took aim at his legs. He was worried. Ping! Ping! The bullets bounced off, and Junhyuk¡¯s worries went away. He ran at them and grabbed them by their wrists. Crack! Their wrists broke, and Junhyuk grabbed them by the elbow and threw them around. Four men were already on the ground, and Junhyuk kicked another, who wasunched away by the impact. He kicked two other men on their legs. Junhyuk¡¯s kicks were so powerful that no human could withstand them. Crack! Both men spun around and dropped to the ground. Three remained, and Junhyuk jabbed at two of them. He punched them hard. As for thest man, Junhyuk grabbed him by the shoulder, pushed him down and stared at him. He was the leader who had signaled the others with his eyes. "Are you ready to talk?" Junhyuk looked at the other men. Two men could still move around, but they couldn¡¯t move easily. Junhyuk¡¯s strength was far too destructive. He looked down at the man he was holding by the shoulders, pressing down harder, and the man wriggled in pain. "Argh!" He looked for his ID, but couldn¡¯t find one. That surprised him. "You guys came in here without a n? I will bury all of you if you don¡¯t talk. Who sent you?" He asked coldly. "Even if you kill us, you won¡¯t find anything," the man responded. Junhyuk looked at him and hit him on the back of the neck. The man lost consciousness, and Junhyuk kicked him and made sure everyone was down. After that, he looked at the vans outside. They had to have drivers, so Junhyuk teleported inside them. The first driver didn¡¯t know what to do, and Junhyuk knocked him out and moved to next van. He knocked out the second driver and waited. Forty seconds went by, and he teleported away with the driver. With two spatial relocations, he had both drivers inside of his house with the rest of the men. He duct taped all of them and thought about the situation. "What should I do with them?" --- Friday was a worldwide holiday, but local convenience stores were still open, so Junhyuk bought some wire and wrapped it around the men. When he got inside the house, he summoned the ck armor. They hadn¡¯t known if he was Junhyuk or not, so he would keep his face concealed. Junhyuk didn¡¯t give them any food, and the wire was tied in a way to block cirction. Then, he grabbed the man giving out the orders. "I got rid of the vans." The man didn¡¯t speak, and Junhyuk continued: "I¡¯m curious. If you don¡¯t return, will they send more goons?" The man finally spoke: "You¡¯ll meet him. It¡¯s been scheduled." Junhyuk smiled, but he was wearing the armor, so the man could not see his face. p! Junhyuk pped the man on the chin, and the man passed out. "I can¡¯t talk to these people." He changed ns. He would have to use force, so he took another man and tied his wrists with the wire. The blood couldn¡¯t circte, and his hands turned blue. Junhyuk stared at him. "From now on, every time you don¡¯t answer me, I will cut the cirction on your hands and feet until they fall off. If you answer me, I will let you go." "How can we trust you?" "Don¡¯t trust me and lose your hands and feet. First, I¡¯ll get rid of a hand and a foot. Next, your I¡¯ll take an arm and a leg. Then, I¡¯ll move on to the next person. So, don¡¯t answer me if you don¡¯t want to." Junhyuk sat on a chair, and the tied-up man looked at the others. Junhyuk saw the man looking at the leader and asked: "Do you need his permission?" So, he kicked the leader lightly. "Ugh!" The leader moaned and regained consciousness. Junhyuk grabbed him and said: "He needs your permission. You can watch your men lose their hands and feet or you can talk." Chapter 84: Movement 2 Chapter 84: Movement 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Finally, they started speaking. Junhyuk took the leader out to the living room. "Now, I will ask you some questions. Nothing good will happen if you lie," he said. The leader agreed to talk because he couldn¡¯t let Junhyuk cut the hands or feet of his subordinates, so he nodded. "Why are you chasing after this guy named Junhyuk Lee?" The man looked at him nkly. "You are not Junhyuk Lee?" "No, I¡¯m not." Junhyuk answered curtly, but the man was still suspicious. Junhyuk waited for him to talk more. "Someone wants to meet him." "Who?" "I can say it only if Junhyuk agrees to meet that person. We are sworn to protect the identity of our client. You can¡¯t get it from us by torture." Junhyuk thought for a moment. These guys were professionals. They wouldn¡¯t talk so easily. "The identity of the client is a secret..." Junhyuk wanted to know who the client was, so he said, "I have no choice. Without you, your subordinates will begin losing hands." Junhyuk went into his bedroom and tied every wrist with a wire. Their hands quickly turned blue. "The client¡¯s identity is a secret, so I will cut off your hands," he said. After he was done, he sat on a chair in front of the leader. "You¡¯ll be safe. Even though your subordinates will lose their hands, you¡¯ll be safe. Rx." As Junhyuk spoke, the man¡¯s eyebrows twitched. "Ah! First, what is your name?" "Thompson." "That¡¯s amon name." Junhyuk folded his arms and sat there without speaking. He needed to know who the client was even if that meant he had to cut everyone¡¯s hands off. He wouldn¡¯t budge. They didn¡¯t know that was really Junhyuk, and as the time passed, Thompson got more nervous. If there was no blood flow, it wouldn¡¯t take long for necrosis to set in. Thompson slowly lifted his head. "Untie them." "Are you going to talk now?" Thompson nodded, and Junhyuk walked over and untied their wrists. He closed the door behind him and sat on the chair, and Thompson started speaking. "Even if you find out who the client is, there is nothing you can do." "I just want to know who wants Junhyuk Lee." Thompson sighed and answered. "He is from the Rockefeller family. Charles Rockefeller, the current patriarch." "Rockefeller?" He couldn¡¯t have guessed it if he wanted to, so he crossed his arms. "Why does he want to meet him?" He asked. Thompson told him everything he knew. "He knows Junhyuk Lee has the ability to teleport." "Junhyuk can teleport?" "That is right." Thompson answered. "OK. That might be the case, but how did he find out?" "Some people who were watching him with an infrared heat detector got it on video." Junhyuk understood everything. "You are the arsonists." Thompson just stared at him. "Then, are you Junhyuk Lee?" "No, I¡¯m not." Junhyuk decided to deny that until the end. "OK. He might be able to teleport, but what does that have to do with the patriarch of Rockefeller family?" Thompson told him the truth. "Do you know about the Dimensional Battlefield?" "Dimensional Battlefield?" JUnhyuk realized the leader knew a lot more than he had originally guessed, but didn¡¯t let his surprise show. "What about it?" "So, you do know." "Yes, I do." Thompson continued calmly. "I only know that the Rockefellers have a big interest in the Dimensional Battlefield." "What does he want from Junhyuk Lee?" "He might have gotten his teleportation skill from the Dimensional Battlefield." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. He was in the big leagues now and he couldn¡¯t just go to America to take care of someone! He wanted to teleport between continents, but his teleportation skill only covered forty-two feet. The distance had increased by five feet. "OK. Before I let you go, I will give you some advice." Junhyuk grabbed Thompson by the shoulder. "I¡¯ll let you go this time because you talked, but remember one thing. Next time, I won¡¯t be so lenient," he said and applied pressure to Thompson¡¯s shoulders. "Next time, you will all be dead." His voice had a chilling effect after he had killed so many minions, and his aura wasrger than anyone Thompson had encountered before. Thompson realized he was serious and scary. He breathed shallow breaths, and Junhyuk continued: "Now, go to sleep." Junhyuk knocked him out and went into the bedroom and knocked all of them out, one by one. He untied them and gathered the film from the CCTV camera and headed toward the police station. He reported a home invasion, and went back to his house with the police. They arrested all of the men. He didn¡¯t want the police involved, but he had no other choice. The men had entered by breaking down the lock, and the evidence supported it. Junhyuk insisted he didn¡¯t know who had restrained them. At the police station, they also insisted they didn¡¯t know anything. They just asked for a phone call, got it, and called someone. After that, they were released in twenty minutes. Junhyuk watched an American diplomat whisking them away. Thompson left with them, and as he passed Junhyuk, he gave a slight bow. Junhyuk ignored him. When he heard the Rockefeller name, he had guessed its power was beyond imagination. If the Rockefellers could use their power in Korea, they would be untouchable in America. Junhyuk watched the car leave and murmured: "I know who they are. What should I do now?" He felt like taking a vacation to America and meeting the patriarch in person. He had enough power to kill a person. Instead, he looked up at the sky. He had lived all of his life in a country ruled by thew, so he had reservations about killing a man. "I will let this one go, this time." He hadmunicated his will. They had to answer him now. He might not like the answer, but there was nothing he could do. He didn¡¯t want to cross a line, and they had to be careful. --- After returning home, he turned on the TV. The special broadcast was on. At first, it had been a simple special broadcast, but then it turned into a worldwide special simultaneous broadcast. It was on the air with big advertisements. Junhyuk watched it and checked the Inte. There was a lot of buzz. The search rankings were all about the broadcast, and he saw his name on the list and scratched his head. "This could be a problem." His name was now famous, and Junhyuk shook his head. "No. This might actually be a good thing." The Rockefellers were after him. Modern society was ruled by money, and Rockefeller was the most powerful name in the world. He needed his own famous name so that the Rockefellers wouldn¡¯t be able to touch him. He could use his fame. Even if the Rockefellers could erase his name from the Inte searches, he had be famous before they were able to do that. "The interviews are on Monday..." That was a good opportunity. People had invaded his house, so the news would cover someone going after him. Junhyuk spent the weekend watching TV and training. His powers were his personal strength. He had to rely on his powers to protect himself. --- On Monday, he was at work waiting to be interviewed when Eunseo called for him. He went to her office, and Eunseo spoke somberly: "You¡¯ve had home invaders." "How did you know?" "The police called me." "They were there when I wasn¡¯t at home. The police arrested them in my room," he said calmly. "The intruders slept in your room?" "I know. I checked the CCTV for intruders, and the police went in and arrested them." Eunseo stared at him. "Why did an American diplomate to get them out?" "I¡¯m not sure about it myself." Eunseo thought for a moment and said: "They might ask you about this on today¡¯s interviews, but I don¡¯t want you to discuss it until the investigation is over." Junhyuk wanted to blow it all up during the interview, so he hesitated. "Why aren¡¯t you answering me?" Eunseo asked. "An American diplomat is involved. We should make an issue out of this to find out who they are." Eunseo¡¯s gaze sharpened. "You mean you don¡¯t trust us?" Junhyuk relented when she said that. "Fine. I won¡¯t mention it during the interviews. When you find out who they are, you should tell me." "I promise." Junhyuk decided to give in and take a step back. "I will do the interviews with you, so don¡¯t worry," she continued. Junhyuk knew she would be there to keep him on a leash. "I understand." "It¡¯s already time for the interviews. Let¡¯s go," she said after checking the time. "OK." Junhyuk, apanied by Eunseo, headed to the interview room. People were already there, and they were told Eunseo would do the interviews with Junhyuk. However, their first question was about the home invasion. "The first question is about the home invasion that happened this weekend. Please, tell us about it." Junhyuk answered calmly: "The police has all the information. I really don¡¯t know anything else." "It¡¯s out of the ordinary. Tell us something." "I have no furtherments on that topic." Junhyuk was decisive in his answers, and the reporter who was doing the interview realized there was no point in asking him further about it, so he changed the line of questions. After that, the interview went smoothly. "Did I make any mistakes?" Junhyuk asked Eunseo. "You did not." Eunseo had wanted to fix things if anything went wrong with the interviews, but that interview went fine. "If they ask you about the home invasion again, please answer them in the same way." "I will." Eunseo looked at the earring he was wearing and smiled slightly. The smile disappeared quicker than it had appeared. "Please do your best during the rest of the interviews." "I will." She fixed her sses and said: "Please, bring in the next reporters." Soon, there were other reporters. That day, they would do a total of five interviews. There were four remaining. Chapter 85: Movement 3 Chapter 85: Movement 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Doyeolughed at Sukhoon¡¯s report. "Now, our employee model, Junhyuk¡¯s home invaders are rted to the Americans?" "Yes." "Did he lose anything?" "We didn¡¯t check on that." Doyeol nodded. "Clinton is more envious than you imagine. Go and ask him if he still has the pendant." Sukhoon thought of something and nodded. "I¡¯ll ask him ande back," he said. Sukhoon went out, and Doyeol called for his executive secretary. "They were all restrained, right?" "Yes, all twelve members were restrained." "They had to be responsible for what happened to Guard Team Three, correct?" "With over 80 percent certainty." Doyeolughed hard. "Surely, there is something about him." He knew it when he saw the runestones that Junhyuk was not an ordinary person. Now, he dealt with twelve armed agents! He was really something else! "Interesting. What happened means that he is also involved. It might even be because of thest time." "What are you going to do?" "He didn¡¯t lose his pendant, but I want to find out how he will respond first." "OK." "As for Guard Team Six, tell them not to make any mistakes. They can¡¯t handle him." "Yes, I will tell them." --- The interview was over, and Junhyuk was tired. He was thinking of drinking a cold beer when he was visited by Sukhoon. The interview reporters went away, and Sukhoon waved his hand at Eunseo and walked up to him. He bowed toward Junhyuk. "Did you lose anything during the home invasion?" He asked. Junhyuk liked that question. He had to get rid of the pendant. "I lost my pendant." Sukhoon¡¯s eyes narrowed. "You said you wouldn¡¯t sell it for ten million dors?!" "Right." "Why did you not report it stolen?" Junhyuk sighed. "It¡¯s a big issue now, and if I¡¯d told them I¡¯d lost it, it would create more problems." Sukhoon looked serious. "It must be someone who knew about the existence of your pendant." Sukhoon patted his shoulder as if to console him. "I will check up on it and I am grateful that you did not make a big issue out of it." Sukhoon left quickly, and Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. "You behaved well." "Thank you for thinking so." She looked at her tablet. "You¡¯ll be paid for the special broadcast. Since you are an employee model, we worked as your management. Your fee is for a hundred thousand dors." "That¡¯s a lot." "And Robotics spoke to ABC and other worldwide broadcastingpanies, and they also paid fees. The fifty-twopanies paid a total of ten million dors." "What?!" He was really surprised and stared at her, and she fixed her ssed. "Robotics and we received about ten times that amount," she said. It was an astronomical sum, and he stared at her, surprised. She continued calmly: "It will be deposited tomorrow." "Thank you!" Junhyuk had the physical strength, but he realized that he needed money to be powerful. He had spent a lot of money, but he had earned ten times that. He felt pure joy, and Eunseoughed at him. He looked at her, and her expression changed. "You worked hard today. You may leave," she said. "Thank you." He left overjoyed. --- Sukhoon made the report to Doyeol, and Doyeol left with his executive secretary. They are headed to a cabin in the city of Ilsan. The cabin was heavily guarded. Doyeol passed the front entrance, which was guarded by agents. He went inside and found two people there, a man and a girl. "Wee." The man spoke fluent Korean, and Doyeolughed. "Can we talk for a minute?" He asked. "Doe in." Doyeol walked to the living room with the man, and Jeffrey smiled. "What¡¯s the matter?" Doyeol drank the tea given to him by Jeffrey¡¯s younger sister. "I need your help." "My help?" Jeffrey sipped his tea. "I thought my job was to get you a mana stone and a blood stone?" "That¡¯s right, your job was to get them from the Dimensional Battlefield, but without your help, we won¡¯t know much about him." Jeffrey got curious. "Is he a novice?" "It looks that way. If not, wouldn¡¯t it be difficult for him to restrain twelve trained agents?" "That¡¯s an Interesting friend." Jeffrey heard there were three surviving novices. He heard one of them became an expert, but he didn¡¯t care. His was a high ranking power, so even if the opponent had two powers, he was confident. It had been said that only champions could kill heroes, but he was only a novice and had already been sessful at it. He used the gold to equip himself better. More than powers, the equipment decided the victors. An expert without equipment didn¡¯t scare him. "Should I bring him alive?" If he had minions with him, it would be difficult to bring him in one piece. Doyeol shook his head. "You don¡¯t need to bring him in. Just check on what kind of power he has." "That¡¯s not much. Where should I go?" "I¡¯ll get you a car." "Then, I¡¯ll be waiting." Doyeol got up, and Jeffrey¡¯s younger sister, Joanna asked him: "Brother, what did you talk about?" Jeffrey had eaten anguage pill, so he could understand Korean, but Joanna didn¡¯t understand anything. Jeffrey merely shrugged. "There is an interesting friend, and he wants to introduce me to him." "OK. But when can I go back to school?" "Soon. They are looking into it." It had been pleasant to talk to Doyeol. Doyeol was looking out for them and gave them quite arge sum of money. The mana stones and the blood stones could be found in a certain area of the Dimensional Battlefield. All he had to do was bring some back for a hefty amount. He still had to risk his life at the Dimensional Battlefield, but now he could make money out of it. He could be wealthy. It was a favor for Doyeol. It could be a novice, but Doyeol didn¡¯t ask him to kill or capture the guy. He only had to check on his power. It wasn¡¯t much, and he was curious. Hundreds of thousands had already been summoned to that ce, and just less than ten people had activated their powers, and there were only three surviving novices left. One of the people had activated another power and was now an expert, but the difference was miniscule. Jeffrey had a high ranking power and was curious about the other novices, but it was impossible for him to go looking for them. Doyeol was bringing Jeffrey to him. All he had to do was meet him. "I¡¯m confident." He looked forward to that meeting. --- The interviews came out, and the world was focused on him. He got the car he had ordered, so he no longer had to take the subway. The car was a Volkswagen Tiguan. It was new, and he spent a lot of money to get all of the options, but it was still his first car. If he had known his paycheck would be that high, he would have gotten a nicer car. A man should have nice cars and watches. After three days, the people¡¯s responses to the broadcast were still intense. Junhyuk became famous, and so did the other people in the broadcast. They were on TV every day. Only Junhyuk no longer had to do any advertising because he was an employee, but the others in the broadcast continued to advertise the metal models. The world¡¯s attention was focused on the metal models, and because of it, there were reporters around his house. Thepany didn¡¯t want him to do any more interviews, and the reporters knew about ST Capsule, so they did not force their way in. Junhyuk liked the fact that there were reporters around his house. People watching him would be spotted if they tried to break in again, so he felt content. However, that day, when he got to his house, he didn¡¯t see any reporters. He was curious about what had happened. When he got inside, he checked the CCTV recordings while he ate dinner. "The reporters went away." The Rockefellers had the power to withdraw those reporters, and Junhyuk thought he might have an uninvited guest that day. He was sure that it would happen. "Are they going to bring me answers?" He had warned Thompson, so Thompson could be bringing back some answer that night. Junhyuk checked his door and trained. He didn¡¯t want to getzy about training, so he trained every day. Usually, after work, he trained until 3:00 a.m. and slept for three hours and, at six o¡¯clock, he ran at a local mountain. After running for an hour, he got home, ate his breakfast and went to work. That day, he was training like any other day when he heard a car parking outside at 11:00 p.m. Junhyuk checked the CCTV feeds and saw a blonde man getting out of the car. He looked tall and had pale skin. Junhyuk wanted to hide his face regardless of who it was. Good people did not barge in before announcing themselves, unlike bad people. He turned off the lights and summed the ck armor. After a moment, the man rang the bell. The interphone showed his face, but Junhyuk did not open the door. The man rang the bell a few more times and jumped over the wall. "Right. He doesn¡¯t have any good intentions." Junhyuk sat and waited, and the man knocked at his door. "Mr. Junhyuk Lee?" Junhyuk ignored him, and he heard the manughing outside. "I don¡¯t want to do this, but you give me no choice." Crack! The lock broke, and Junhyuk smiled coldly. The door opened, and a blonde Jeffrey walked in to see Junhyuk. "Bebe¡¯s ck Armor?" After he spoke, Junhyuk was surprised. The man had been to the Dimensional Battlefield and knew about the dimensional merchant. He didn¡¯t have a chance to respond before Jeffrey summoned his purple armor. "Bebe¡¯s Violet Armor." Junhyuk knew what it was, and Jeffrey became nervous. Jeffrey was well-equipped, and he was wearing a suit of armor that cost over thirty thousand gold. He had wanted to take the advantage, but they were both wearing simr suits of armor. Still, he felt like he might have more power and said: "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Jeffrey, a novice." Chapter 86: The Man Who Shouldnt Be Touched 1 Chapter 86: The Man Who Shouldn¡¯t Be Touched 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The novice knew he only had one power and used it to fight. Junhyuk looked at him nervously, and Jeffrey extended both arms. "Introductions are over. Let¡¯s begin," he said. After Jeffrey spoke, an ox-sized wolf appeared. It was something out of the Dimensional Battlefield, one of the monsters. Junhyuk frowned. "Your power is summoning monsters?" Junhyuk asked. Jeffrey had his arms crossed and said. "Then, let¡¯s see your powers." Junhyuk realized that he had been nervous for no reason. If his power was monster summoning, there was no reason to worry. Junhyuk had been expecting something like Sarang¡¯s power. Monster summoning was nothing to worry about. There were monsters Junhyuk couldn¡¯t deal with, but those monsters couldn¡¯t be summoned by a novice. Junhyuk summoned the Blood Rune Sword and the Frozen Rune Sword. After he had summoned his swords, Jeffrey looked worried. "Magic swords?" Jeffrey had been to Bebe¡¯s store before. He knew how expensive Bebe¡¯s swords were, and Junhyuk was already wearing armor. Jeffrey couldn¡¯t understand where he had gotten the money to buy those swords. It was almost impossible for a novice to deliver the final blow on a hero. Heroes had very high defense, so it was not possible for a novice to pierce the heroes¡¯ defenses. Jeffrey had been able to deliver the final blow against some heroes because of his monsters¡¯ high attack power. However, Junhyuk had three items. They were not things that the heroes used, but they were still very expensive. "Go!" Jeffrey yelled. The wolf scratched the ground with its paws and ran, but Junhyuk scoffed at the sight. The wolf looked scary, but it was still the lowest ranking monster. Junhyuk ran and swung the Blood Rune Sword, slicing through the darkness. Red light shed against the wolf¡¯s mouth. ng! The wolf yelped when the Frozen Rune Sword pierced its neck. It shivered for a while and then disappeared. Junhyuk had dealt with a wolf before, when he only had a basic sword. Now, he was much better equipped. He couldn¡¯t lose even if he tried. Jeffrey¡¯s eyes twitched after watching his wolf get killed without any resistance. "You won¡¯t use your power?" Junhyuk swung his rune swords lightly and said: "If your power is monster summoning, you won¡¯t see my powers." Jeffrey smiled coldly. "Then, what about this one?" He summoned the ten-feet tall gori, but Junhyuk had seen one before. It was a monster ranked higher than the wolf, but it was still a low ranking monster. He had encountered one in the forest with Sarang and had killed it without her help. The ten-foot gori stood up inside of his house. Crack, crack! The ceiling light broke, and pieces of the ceiling started to fall. Junhyuk jumped at it, and the gori lifted its hands. The ceiling looked to be about to break, and Junhyuk shed the gori¡¯s leg. sh! He swung his swords left and right, slicing both of the gori¡¯s legs. Then, he stepped on the gori and cut out its arms. "Grraaarrrgh!" The gori screamed in pain, and Junhyuk kicked its chin. Thunk! When it lifted its head because of the kick, Junhyuk stabbed it with the Frozen Rune Sword. The gori shivered for a moment and then disappeared. Junhyuk stood up. "It¡¯s disappearing. Is it possible to summon it again?" Junhyuk looked at Jeffrey, who was left speechless by Junhyuk¡¯s performance. "How many times did you upgrade your swords?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t reply and instead sheathed the swords behind his back. "Can you summon anything else?" He asked. Jeffrey hesitated. "You... Are you an expert?" "Perhaps..." Junhyuk didn¡¯t answer the question, but started walking toward Jeffrey, who stepped back as he approached. "If you are the answer from the Rockefeller family, I¡¯m seriously disappointed," he said. When he mentioned the Rockefeller family, Jeffrey stopped. "I wasn¡¯t sent by the Rockefellers." Junhyuk stopped walking and looked at him calmly. "Then, who sent you?" Jeffrey had no answer, and Junhyuk grinned. "You should pay for the house repair," he said. The ceiling was damaged, and Junhyuk wanted to get reimbursed. He ran and swung the Blood Rune Sword, but Jeffrey summoned a shield. Clung! Jeffrey wasunched back, hitting the front entrance. The entrance was crushed, which impressed Junhyuk. "You are wearing the violet armor and now you have a shield?" Jeffrey was too busy to answer. He had lived because of his violet armor and his shield. The armor couldn¡¯t stand a hero¡¯s frontal attack, but it was good enough to withstand the shockwaves they created. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t a hero, and he hadn¡¯t expected that type of attack from an expert. Jeffrey felt like his arm was gone and his whole skeleton was shattering. Junhyuk walked toward him. "How long will you be able to stand it?" He asked. "Wait!" Jeffrey held his hands up to try and stop Junhyuk, but he wasn¡¯t interested in stopping. He ran at Jeffrey again and swung the Blood Rune Sword down at him. Clung! Jeffrey broke through the door and rolled on the ground outside. Junhyuk didn¡¯t follow him out. He didn¡¯t want anybody to see him with his armor and swords, so he stood inside under the shadows staring at Jeffrey. He didn¡¯t want to let Jeffrey get away. He was about to swing the Blood Rune Sword when huge wings appeared on Jeffrey¡¯s back. They looked like bat wings, and Junhyuk just stared. "You have wings?" The wings pped, and Jeffrey went up. A huge bat was holding on to Jeffrey¡¯s back. Junhyuk had only seen the wings at first and made a mistake. He had never seen that monster, so the bat took Jeffrey away as Junhyuk just watched. Jeffrey hadn¡¯t found out anything about Junhyuk¡¯s powers. "Is that an expert?" No. Being an expert only meant that a person had two powers. Their souls would be bigger than the novices¡¯, but it still didn¡¯t make any sense. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t shown any of his powers. He had only used his equipment. "I must be going crazy." His minions had been no match for him. His minions had withstood bullets, and now they were both dead. It would take time for them to revive. "Next time, I¡¯ll get stronger minions." For the first time, he was looking forward to his next trip to the Dimensional Battlefield. --- Junhyuk watched Jeffrey get away, and the car outside also drove off. He sent his armor and swords away and inspected the front entrance. He could easily lift the front door by himself, but he was angry. "He called himself Jeffrey..." The man hade to another person¡¯s house and broken the front door and the ceiling. Junhyuk set the door aside andined. "This will cost over a thousand dors!" He was not just some ordinarypany worker and he was earning millions, so he didn¡¯t feel awful, but he wouldn¡¯t forget this incident. Junhyuk went inside the house. "If the Rockefellers didn¡¯t send him, it must¡¯ve been the people who got burned," he murmured. The people who had been watching him first, they might have sent him. "I easily found another novice." The novices who had activated their powers before Junhyuk were all dead. Only two novices that had activated their powers between Junhyuk and Sarang were still alive ording to Vera. One of them had to be Jeffrey. How did they get hold of him? "The Rockefellers know I have the power to teleport, so someone of simr capacity must have sent him." The enemies were powerful. They were powerful enough to get a hold of Sarang as well, and they had used an infrared detector on him. "I must warn her." Junhyuk thought about contacting her again andy on his bed. The door was broken, so he couldn¡¯t practice. He could see the house next door from where hey. "Next time I see him, I will make him pay for the repairs." That day, he let Jeffrey get away. He should¡¯ve been able to catch him however. All he had to do was jump. --- Doyeol heard Jeffrey was back, so he went to see him in Ilsan. When he got there, Jeffrey was lying on a bed. "What happened?" He had a hard time getting up, and Doyeolid him down again. "Tell me what happened." Jeffrey sighed. "That guy, don¡¯t go after him any more." "You met Junhyuk?" "I didn¡¯t see his face." Doyeol frowned, and Jeffrey exined: "He was wearing armor, so I didn¡¯t see his face." "Armor?" "They sell it at the dimensional merchant store." Doyeol didn¡¯t know about the dimensional merchant store, so he was curious. "Tell me more about the dimensional merchant!" Jeffrey knew Doyeol was just a minion and spoke calmly. "They sell stuff, dimensional things. They¡¯ve got a lot of stuff." "What do you need?" Jeffrey shook his head. "They only use pure gold coins, and you know how difficult it is to get those!" He knew a minion was worth one gold coin, so Doyeol smacked his lips. He didn¡¯t want the things from the dimensional merchants. He already had a mana stone and a blood stone. The red-colored gem was used on a new project, and he called it a blood stone. "I understand. What does wearing an armor have to do with not touching him?" "He didn¡¯t use his powers, but he crushed me." Doyeol froze. He knew about Jeffrey¡¯s power. Jeffrey had shown him the wolf and the gori, and they were immune to bullets and tore steel tes up like pieces of paper! "What happened to the wolf and the gori?" Jeffrey looked angry. "They were gone in a sh," he answered. "Huh!? Is that possible?" He thought it would require arge amount of firepower to kill both the wolf and the gori, but a person killed both of them! "I guess he is an expert," Jeffrey continued calmly. "An expert?" Experts were people with two powers. Jeffrey only had one power and hadn¡¯t been able to handle him. He had wanted to befriend Junhyuk since he had two powers. "He is an expert?" Jeffrey reaffirmed what he saw. "I didn¡¯t see his face." "But we knew that was a possibility." "Don¡¯t try to force anything on him." Twelve trained agents had been restrained, and Jeffrey hadn¡¯t been able to get close to him. Doyeol wouldn¡¯t do anything forceful. "I want him." Chapter 87: The Man Who Shouldnt Be Touched 2 Chapter 87: The Man Who Shouldn¡¯t Be Touched 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - After Jeffrey¡¯s riotous visit, Junhyuk was able to live without problems. Jeffrey¡¯s side and the Rockefellers¡¯ side seemed to be aware of and calcting the amount of power he had. However, there was a limit to what they could do in the middle of Seoul. Jeffrey had tried his best, and his limitations were apparent. There were no more forced entries, and Junhyuk was able to focus on thepany events. Robotics and ST Capsule¡¯s coboration was a big sess. Online, the coboration project was the thing most talked about. They had scheduled a trial performance, a demonstration of sorts. Again, the power of money showed its strength. Small and mid-sizedpanies¡¯ events were postponed, and instead they would hold a trial performance of Robotics and ST Capsule¡¯s technology at COEX, the Convention and Exhibition Center. The demonstration would involve every member who had appeared on the broadcast. The guys had already appeared on many TV shows, and they looked excited in anticipation for the demonstration. Between them, with the exception of the bus driver Jinsu Kim, they had earned their living by being popr. The former ser yer, Manwoo Jung, frequented artsy TV shows, and the painter, Sukho Kim, regained his poprity, and his paintings became very expensive. Chef Chulsu Anh was invited to be the head chef of the Royal Hotel. Joseph Lim used topete with one arm, but now that he had the metal arm, he startedpeting professionally again. He met them inside the waiting room and exchanged greetings. Manwoo spoke first: "By the way, I didn¡¯t see you on any TV shows, Mr. Lee." "Mypany is managing me, and I haven¡¯t had many opportunities to go on TV," he answered calmly. "Yourpany won¡¯t let you be on TV?" Joseph, the youngest, asked, and Junhyuk merely shrugged. "They are just being cautious." "Hmm. I should¡¯ve been cautious as well, maybe? Nowadays, I do a lot of TV shows and I¡¯m quite famous, so people recognize me all the time. I¡¯m getting fed up with it." Chulsu gave Junhyuk a business card. "When you have time, pay me a visit. I¡¯ll treat you to a nice meal." "I heard about it! You really became a chef at the Royal Hotel." "That¡¯s right." Chulsu had been a famous chef to begin with. After he lost his arm, he kept applying himself and didn¡¯t lose his taste for food and finally returned as a chef. His food was like a work of art, and his skills earned him a spot at the Royal. Junhyuk took the business card and smiled. "When I have some time, I¡¯ll pay you a visit." "I¡¯ll treat you nicely." They smiled and conversed until one of the program¡¯s workers came in. "Everyone get outside." They all followed him outside, and an announcer introduced each of them. An interesting fact was that the announcer was travel variety show host MC Jaehyung Park. "There was this time when the special program was broadcasted, and when our show came on the air, nobody watched!" The audienceughed out loud, and Jaehyung Park continued: "These are the people who threatened the livelihood of our show. Introducing, the painter Sukho Kim!" Sukho got on stage, and the people stared at him. The screen onstage was showing an image of Sukho before he got his metal arm, and the people watched it quietly. Soon, the screen turned off, and Sukho lifted his hand, and the people apuded him loudly. "And he who almost became a legend in the ser world! The athlete, Manwoo Jung." Manwoo cartwheeled on stage, and everyone stood there astounded as he bowed slightly. "Former athlete," Manwoo said, showing his metal leg. "This gives me an unfair advantage, so I can¡¯t rejoin the professional league." Peopleughed hard, and the screen showed Manwoo. The people¡¯s attention was focused on him, and as Manwoo was introduced, Jaehyung smiled. "As for this person, I have, in fact, had a chance to taste his food. I even gave him my signature. He regained his ce as a chef, and joined the Royal Hotel. I¡¯m truly d that I can taste his food again. Let me introduce, chef Chulsu Anh." Chulsu took the stage, and the people went crazy. They were all exceptional men, but they had also suffered a lot in their lives. The screen depicted their suffering well, and the people were crazy about it. Junhyuk scratched his head. The other men had a right to be there, but he was not part of the metal model series. He was mulling over it when someone called him from behind: "Junhyuk." He turned his head and saw Eunseo there on her wheelchair. She looked at his earring, smiled and fixed her sses. "When did get here?" "I can¡¯t avoid an event like this, but how are you feeling?" He had never been on a stage, so he didn¡¯t know if he had stage fright or not. However, he had killed hundreds of minions and survived the Dimensional Battlefield, so he could endure some attention from random people. "I¡¯m feeling fine." Joseph and Jinsu were introduced, and they were about to introduce Junhyuk. "This guy has be a hot topictely. First, he helped out our citizens who were in danger, and then he consoled those who were injured in different idents. He¡¯s a caring guy. Because of him, I might lose my job as an MC. Introducing the city¡¯s kind hero, Mr. Junhyuk Lee!" Junhyuk felt embarrassed by the introduction. He nodded at Eunseo and went on stage, waving at the public and standing next to the other members. When he got on stage, the screen showed him rescuing the people from the bus. It also showed him talking with the other men. He felt embarrassed by the power of TV editing and bowed. Jaehyungughed and said: "They came here today to tell you about the metal series. Then, for the first demonstration, Manwoo Jung." Manwoo disyed his ser skills on the stage. He showed great ability, and Jaehyung walked over to him. "It¡¯s like you are in your prime. You wouldn¡¯t have any problems in a professional league," he said. "I miss that. Call me anytime you want to have a match." The audience was impressed, and the men demonstrated their talents in sequence. Sukhoo painted, and Joseph showed his gaming skills. Most of them had a demonstrable talent, but Jinsu and Junhyuk had no particr skills, so they helped out the other members with their demonstrations. However, they weren¡¯t finished. The demonstrations were over, and the metal model series¡¯ men went to their booth, signed autographs and took photographs. The metal model requiredplex instation when using it for the first time, so audiences couldn¡¯t experience it first hand. However, people were still impressed by what they saw. The world would sometimes take an evolutionary leap. Several decades ago, people didn¡¯t dream of flying, but now they were breaking the speed of sound and going to the moon! One of those leaps was at hand, and the people were very excited. Junhyuk talked to the other men after the demonstration and, afterward, he joined the rest of the people from hispany: Eunseo, Sukhoon, the administrative team and the practical affairs team. Junhyuk¡¯s stood behind Eunseo. She was pushing her wheelchair with her hands, and people were curious, but it looked like Junhyuk was helping her. They went around each booth and saw a team from Robotics, so they walked over and greeted them warmly. "Long time no see!" It was Clinton and the Robotics practical affairs team. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes twitched. After Clinton recognized his runestone, many unpleasant things took ce, and this time the pendant was lost, and he was the the prime suspect! The pendant was not really lost, but that¡¯s what he had told people. Eunseo was not happy to see him either, but Junhyuk smiled, and Sukhoon stepped forward and greeted him. "Mr. Clinton, you came a long way." "This is a big demonstration. I should be here!" Sukhoon and Clinton conversed, and Clinton looked at Junhyuk. "It¡¯s been a long time." "Long time." "Are you wearing your pendant today?" Junhyuk shook his head. "Maybe you haven¡¯t heard, but it got robbed a while ago." "Is that right?" Clinton looked as if he heard it for the first time and seemed disappointed. "That¡¯s unfortunate. I really wanted it." "It¡¯s a family heirloom, so I¡¯ll find it." "Right. Let me know if I can be of help." "Thank you." Both teams joined up and moved together, and some reporters took pictures of Sukhoon and Clinton shaking hands. Junhyuk was obligated to move with them. He was the face of the ad, so he had to apany them. The coboration¡¯s demonstration was a big sess. Afterward, Junhyuk had to go to a dinner party with the group, and everyone was paying close attention to him. People gave him shots, but he didn¡¯t get drunk. He was extremely healthy, which enabled him to drink more than normal. After dinner, he felt tired and got a cab. It had been difficult for him to smile the whole time and greet all the different people. He had a newfound respect for famous people. By that point, he had a nice buzz going on when the phone rang. It was a new number, but he answered and heard a familiar voice. "Big brother!" "Hm. What¡¯s up with this new number?" "I¡¯m calling from a payphone just in case." "Good thinking." He had been tired, but after hearing her voice, he got reenergized. "What is the matter?" "Brother! I have a huge news!" "Big news? Did you win the lottery?" "Lottery?! I¡¯m underage!" "Right," he said andughed at himself. "What¡¯s the big news?" "My power evolved!" "Really?!" Sarang¡¯s power was quite unique. She paralyzed her opponents, which had helped him a lot! Every time she had paralyzed a hero, it had decided the oue of the battle. He was surprised that her power had evolved, but that wasn¡¯t a topic that they should talk about on the phone. Someone could be listening, and he wanted to meet her in person. "Where are you?" "Are youing over?" "Yes. We should meet and talk." "Then, meet me at the family restaurant where we atest time. I¡¯m hungry." "OK. I¡¯ll be right over." Junhyuk thought he had to work hard, just like the other days. He was far from the restaurant, and he wanted to get there by teleporting to lose anyone who might be following him. "This is a drag..." Chapter 88: The Man Who Shouldnt Be Touched 3 Chapter 88: The Man Who Shouldn¡¯t Be Touched 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - He got off at an earlier subway stop and left his phone in a safe deposit box. Then, he teleported twelve different times topletely throw off anyone that might be following him and he finally arrived to meet Sarang. Sarang and Junhyuk went into the family restaurant. Junhyuk¡¯s face was red, and Sarang shook her head disapprovingly. "Why did you drink so much?" She asked. "It¡¯s part of working at apany." After he said that, Sarang smiled bitterly. "I want to graduate and drink some alcohol." "Alcohol!? What alcohol?" Junhyuk said. "When you graduate, I¡¯ll buy you a drink." "Really? At some ce really nice?" "I don¡¯t know what you mean by a nice ce, but I¡¯ll buy you a drink." The head chef of the Royal Hotel told him that he would treat him to a meal, so Junhyuk would take her there. They ordered some food and waited, and Junhyuk looked at her. "Right. How did your power evolve?" "Hm... I have to show you." "Did you get a ce to practice?" "Yes," she said and smiled. "I gave the guy some money and signed a contract for a year." "Good. If you need anything, just buy it." "I¡¯m doing that." Sarang¡¯s practice required targets, and the targets ended up being destroyed, so she needed a lot of money. At first, he gave her a lot of money by his old standards, but now he had plenty of money to spare. "It¡¯s dangerous for me to go to your new ce. I left my phone in a safe deposit box on the way here, but you never know." They couldn¡¯t be together for long, and it wouldn¡¯t be good if they ended up revealing where her new ce was. Sarang nodded and lifted her spoon and fork. "I have increased it to two." "Increased it to two?" Junhyuk asked and looked at the spoon, then the fork and then at her. "You mean two people at the same time?" Sarang smiled and nodded. "It really is incredible!" Sarang¡¯s paralysis power was already powerful enough on one person. Now, she could paralyze two people! She would be a big help. "He-he, right?" Junhyuk felt pure joy at her power¡¯s evolution. "That¡¯s nice. I was worried about you." "What about you big brother? Did your powers evolve?" "My powers are getting stronger, but they haven¡¯t evolved in one go." He could teleport farther than ever, but aside from that, nothing else had changed. Junhyuk hade to meet her with some difficulty, so he decided to tell her about everything. "By the way, be more careful. The Rockefeller family knows about my powers and is after me. Also, there is another group following me. They even have a novice with them." "A novice?" Sarang¡¯s eyes widened, and the food came out. She said she was hungry, so she ordered some cream spaghetti and a Cajun sd. Junhyuk wasing from a dinner party, so he wasn¡¯t hungry. They ate and talked. She heard about the novice with the summoning power, and her expression hardened. "He sounds incredible. How did he earn so much money?" "He must have picked up few left over items." "Did he kill some heroes?" "Just like us, he could have delivered the final blow." Sarang nodded. Heroes had to agree to contribute, but she had also gotten items that way. "I won¡¯t be able to deal with him." "He was wearing armor, so you¡¯re right." Junhyuk beat the daylights out of him. However, his armor couldn¡¯t be damaged by Sarang¡¯s current power. Junhyuk¡¯s attack was really powerful, but the man still survived. "So, don¡¯t reveal yourself, and when we get back there, you should equip yourself with nice items." "But armors are so expensive..." A basic suit of armor cost thirty thousand gold. One usually had to sell items to get one. When one killed a hero, they got paid five thousand gold. "It would be nice if you delivered the final blow." Sarang shook her head. "Honestly, my power is no good when ites to delivering the final blow." "You¡¯re right." Sarang¡¯s power was astonishing. The paralysis provided a huge opportunity to attack heroes, but it was no good for delivering final blows. Her power was about inflicting paralysis and not doing damage. "Anyway, you should get a suit of armor." "OK." Sarang heeded his advice on matters concerning the Dimensional Battlefield. "We don¡¯t have to wait long." Four weeks had gone by very quickly, and Junhyuk¡¯s house had been broken in multiple times in that interval. "By the way, how are your studies?" Sarang smiled. "As of right now, I¡¯m ranked first in my high school." "Really?" She patted her head gingerly. "My calction skills went up. Not only that, but my memory has also gone up a lot." "That¡¯s nice." With her skills at calculus and her increased memory, her grades were way up. Sarang rolled her spaghetti with her fork and said: "My parents let me do things now." Sarang must¡¯ve spent a lot of time at her new ce, but her grades went up, so her parents didn¡¯t bother her. "Where do you want to go to college?" She ate the spaghetti. "I¡¯m thinking about it. I might not get in." "What do you mean you might not get in?" "Our lives are like that of flies." Junhyuk had an extra life because he was an expert, but that was not the case for her. He pressed down on her forehead. "I told you, we wille back together." She smiled. "Yeah?" "Of course, so don¡¯t worry. Start nning for college." "I don¡¯t want to be a doctor, but I could be awyer." "You could be a prosecutor or a judge. It¡¯s a good path." Sarang talked to him and worked on her food. They finished eating and walked outside. "Now, be careful... and be careful," he said, looking at her. "I know." He was still worried about her. It was a relief that they hadn¡¯t found out about her yet. "Develop your power. You might not activate another power, but develop your destructive ability." Sarang took a pretend sparring position. "My capacity to be destructive is increasing. You¡¯ll be surprised!" "Right. Work hard! I¡¯ll be going." "Do we meet on the battlefield now?" "Probably." "I see." Sarang waved and took off running first. He stared at her go and began his trip back to the subway, teleporting many times and jumping over many buildings. He picked up his phone from the safe deposit box and got a taxi to his house. After he got home, he started training again. Sarang was working hard, and so should he. --- Height: six feet five inches. Built of specially polished titanium. It was a humanoid robot. The robot was surrounded by various mannequins, and Elise was standing in front of it. "Iron Soldier Prototype, begin testing," she said. The robots eyes lit up a beaming blue light, and the Iron Soldier Prototype started moving. The soft movements were the result of data supplied by the metal prostheses. "Left, ck mannequin. Eliminate." The Iron Soldier lifted its left arm and aimed at the mannequin¡¯s head. The left palm opened, and 14.5mm bullets shot out of it, smashing the head to pieces. "Right, blonde mannequin. Eliminate." Without looking, the robot aimed to the right and shot the blonde mannequin with 14.5mm bullets, destroying itpletely. ¡¯Behind you, long-haired female mannequin, curly-haired male mannequin. Eliminate." Without looking back, the robot turned and shot two bullets, and the mannequins were destroyed. "Ten-meter radius. Eliminate," Elise said. The Iron Soldier¡¯s shoulders opened up, and twelve small missiles shot out of them. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The robot¡¯s surroundings were cleared. "Jump," Elise ordered. The Iron Soldier hunched down and jumped, reaching the thirty-two-foot ceiling. The robotnded, moving wlessly from beginning to end. Elise looked at the Iron Soldier and said: "Iron Soldier Prototype, testing over." The lightsing from the Iron Soldier¡¯s eyes shut down, and Elise looked behind her. There were fiverge screens with faces on them. They all looked impressed. The white-haired, middle-aged Charles Rockefeller spoke first. "Can it fly?" Elise shook her head. "It¡¯s possible, but with the mana stone we have, we could only make ten prototypes." "Energy is required..." "Flying requires a lot of energy." "How are its defensive capabilities?" "We don¡¯t know yet, but it could withstand a 120mm artillery barrage." "If hit directly?" "Yes." Those were the same specs of guns mounted on tanks. No one could stand up to the Iron Soldier. "Do you have to keep giving it orders?" "There is a live, 360-degree monitoring function. You can give it an order anytime." "What happens ifmunication breaks down?" Elise thought he worried too much. It¡¯s possible they would use an EMP against the Iron Soldier... "If that happens, the order is stored in the Iron Soldier. If captured, the Iron Soldier will self-destruct or try to make it back." An old man spoke up: "I like it. Make five of them." Charles Rockefeller agreed and nodded. "Each family gets five of them, and we keep the rest in storage for rainy days." Doyeol smiled. "It¡¯s a good idea." "Then, I¡¯ll make twenty-five of them," Elise responded. "How long does it take?" "If I have the money, it¡¯s possible to manufacture them simultaneously. Money is the issue." Charles Rockefellerughed. "The money will be there. I want it within two months." "It will only take a month." "I¡¯ll be expecting it." The screens turned off one by one, and Elise smiled. By making the Iron Soldier Prototype, she had prepared a lot of materials. She could make twenty of them easily. Putting it together, programming and tuning it would take time, but it would only take fifteen days to make twenty of them. Since she got the money, she would expand the manufacturing capacity. Elise was ordering the Iron Soldier to go back when a screen turned on. Elise looked at it. It was Doyeol. "What¡¯s the matter?" "What happened to the Blood Stone Regeneration Project? "ording to the regeneration project¡¯s team, we will hear from them soon." "Are we hopeful?" Elise already knew why he had so many expectations. She heard his younger sister was paralyzed from the waist down. "We expect good news." "Right. I understand. Tell me about itter." "I¡¯ll contact you." Doyeol disappeared from the screen. "The Physical Strengthening Project will also bear good news," she murmured to herself. With the blood stone, the Physical Strengthening Program was revived. Combining the Iron Soldier Project and the Physical Strengthening Project would yield a fruitful result. "And I will go down in history..." ...as a great scientist. Chapter 89: A New Hero 1 Chapter 89: A New Hero 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Friday evening, 7:58 p.m. Junhyuk had his TV on and was lying on the bed. It could be hisst time doing that. In case he died on the Dimensional Battlefield, he had a will written. He hadn¡¯t thought about it when he was penniless, but now that he had more than ten million in his bank ount, he thought he should get one done. Junhyuk didn¡¯t have any immediate family he had to support yet, so he left one million to Sarang and everything else to his parents. He could die, and Sarang could survive, so he wanted her to have money to train to continue to survive in the Dimensional Battlefield. Still, he wanted toe back alive. Junhyuk inserted the Beast King White Tiger¡¯s Canine on his ear and held the earring given by Eunseo in his hand. He thought of her, and a smile crept across his lips. Then, he ced her earring on his pillow. He also put the Dark Night Cloak on and moved the Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s rings from the chain around his neck to his fingers. It was 7:59 p.m. Soon, he would have to leave for the Dimensional Battlefield. A message popped on his phone. It was from Sarang¡¯s number. [We will meet soon.] Junhyukughed and replied: [Yes, we¡¯ll meet soon.] Junhyuky on his bedfortably. Soon, he would be covered by the bright light, so he waited, but nothing changed. He gave it a minute longer than normal, but after waiting for a while, everything stayed the same. He opened his eyes. It was 8:03 p.m. Junhyuk was supposed to have left for the Dimensional Battlefield at eight o¡¯clock, but the time had passed. "I¡¯m sure they said it was after four weeks?!" Then, his telephone rang. He knew it was Sarang¡¯s number, so he answered it, and she whispered nervously: "Big brother, what¡¯s happened?" Junhyuk decided to take a guess at the situation. "We¡¯ve advanced, so the summoning time has changed. Let¡¯s wait for a couple of hours to see if they¡¯ll summon us." "OK. Understood. I¡¯ll just go to sleep. They might summon me in my sleep." Junhyuk thought she lead afortable life andughed. "Do it. Meet youter." "Right. Meet youter." Sarang hung up the phone, and Junhyuk stared at the TV. The news was on, and it was about the metal series. After the coboration¡¯s demonstration, people had ordered a hundred thousand metal models. The worldwide order numbers were small, but they were still first time orders. After the first orders were fulfilled, people would speak nicely of the metal series. The metal series didn¡¯t have any side effects, and it enabled disabled people to lead normal lives. It cost about the same price as buying a new car, but people with some money saved up wanted to buy one even if it meant going beyond their means. Junhyuky on his bed. Those could be theirst couple of hours in Korea, but Sarang wanted to sleep. "She is an interesting girl." He decided to close his eyes. They didn¡¯t sleep on the Dimensional Battlefield. It was all about the soul, and they didn¡¯t eat either. They were anxious the whole time. Sarang was right in getting some sleep. He hadn¡¯t slept more than three hours each day because of training, so Junhyuk closed his eyes and waited to fall asleep. He thought he was getting there when the bright light covered his vision. He didn¡¯t sleep; he was summoned instead. The light disappeared, and he saw a number on the corner of the room. It said: 32,240G. Thest time he had checked, he had 2,240G. He was sure of that, so he didn¡¯t know where the extra thirty thousand gold came from. He had to have earned it during the dragon hunt and the three-time annihtion of the enemy heroes. Still, it was a lot of money. Junhyuk inspected his earring. If he sold it, it would him thirty thousand gold, so he would have sixty thousand gold. He felt like a wealthy person. Junhyuk took off the expert armor and was left naked, only wearing his cloak. He was alone, but it felt weird, so he summoned Bebe¡¯s ck Armor. He still had the Dark Night Cloak on and, for safety, he pulled out his swords. He sheathed the swords around his waist and heard a soft, low voice: [Wee. You are being summoned to the Valley of Death.] "I didn¡¯t want toe back," heined. He regted his breathing, and his head felt clear and lucid. [You may exit using the main entrance.] Junhyuk headed toward the entrance and heard further instructions. [You¡¯ve activated two powers and became an expert. You may reincarnate one time as an expert.] "I¡¯ll stay alive this time as well." After advancing to this level, he would encounter stronger heroes and risk his life. Junhyuk stood in front of the entrance. [Expert 01 deployed.] He walked out to a sea of minions talking to each other. No one was making a scene. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice. "Big brother!" He turned to look and saw Sarang. She walked over and grabbed his hands. Heughed a little and pressed down on her forehead. "It took two extra hours, but we came together." "Right," she said and looked around. "Where is big-sister Vera?" "Since when is she your big sister?" "She told me to call her that!" Junhyuk was left speechless. Then, the door opened, and a person walked inside. Arn greeted the both of them. "How are you?" Junhyuk considered the Dimensional Battlefield a ce where he had to risk his life, but Arn thought of it as a pic. He seemed to be doing well. "How are you?" "I¡¯m fine. I know we¡¯ll meet stronger enemies, so I¡¯m excited." "Do you know anything about them?" "No," Arn said curtly. "You two, follow me." "What about Vera?" "Vera left to go buff monster hunting already." "Then, where are we going?" Arn smiled. "You¡¯lle with me to check out our new enemies," he said. "Will we have support?" "Yes. After they are done hunting, they will join us." This could be dangerous. Everybody was hunting buff monsters, so the allies might not get there in time, and if the enemies showed up, they would die. Arn was not worried. "If there is danger, run," he said. "I can run away." Arn looked at them seriously. "We will meet very strong opponents. If there is nothing we can do, you two should survive," he said. As he said that, Junhyuk rxed a little. He was very confident about running away. Arn took fifty minions and headed out. They followed him calmly, taking a long, straight road headed to a watchtower. They wouldn¡¯t encounter any monsters on the way, but where they were headed, they would soon meet new heroes. Arn was happy and took easy, light steps, and the minions followed him while talking among themselves. Ordinarily, Arn would get angry, and Junhyuk thought the minions were too rxed. "Wait! Focus on me!" After Junhyuk spoke, everyone looked at him. Thenguage pill allowed one to converse with others in differentnguages. He talked, and everyone understood regardless of thenguages they spoke. The pill cost a hundred gold, and that was a good price. Junhyuk was speaking to them the same way heroes talked to minions. "This is the Dimensional Battlefield. If you want to survive, focus on your defense," he said calmly. The minions would fight minions. When they fought heroes, they would get killed, so there was no point in talking about it. After the exnation, they raised their shields. "Then, we¡¯ll speed up." While exining, their speed had gone down. Arn was leading and, like always, he didn¡¯t care about the minions, so Junhyuk led the minions and followed Arn. Arn looked at him. "You are all about minions!" "They will make a big difference." Arnughed and saw a watchtower far away and sped up. The group followed him. They got to the watchtower, and the enemy minions were already there. Junhyuk checked them out. "Are they riflemen?" He hadn¡¯t expected that the minions could be different. They wore armor and carried rifles. His side was carrying shields and swords, and they were carrying rifles. Arn was not worried. "Minions are stronger than you think. They can shield themselves from their attacks." Junhyuk looked at the minions, and they are dumbfounded. He looked over a the riflemen again and saw that the rifles had bays, and that they were ready for closebat as well. It was a big task for the minions to go against them. Then, Junhyuk looked over at the enemy hero. He was ten feet tall, wearing goggles and seemed very strong. He was wearing a leather jacket, and Junhyuk could see his muscles bulging through it. The most impressive part was his mechanical arm, which started at his elbow. The arm wasrge enough to cover Arn¡¯s upper body. It won¡¯t only hurt, it will kill you. "Is that a mechanical arm?" Sarang asked, and Junhyuk nodded heavily. The man was smoking a cigar. "He¡¯s a bit steampunky," Junhyuk whispered. "Steampunky?" Junhyuk couldn¡¯t exin what he had meant. "In cartoons, in a highly developed societies..." Sarang looked at him strangely. "Big Brother, you like cartoons?!" "Most men watch cartoons as grown ups." Junhyuk wanted to focus on the enemy. From the enemy¡¯s watchtower to the allied watchtower, there were about 165 feet. Even for heroes, that was too far of a distance to exchange blows. The man wearing the goggles opened his mechanical fist, ced his cigar on it and exhaled deeply. "We will meet often. Let me introduce myself. I¡¯m Bater," he said. "I¡¯m Arn," he replied curtly. Baterughed and inhaled his cigar. Arn frowned. He would be fighting him, but he was just sitting there smoking his cigar. Arn was getting angry, and Bater cracked his neck lightly. "You got an expert and a novice. That¡¯s big!" "What about you?" "I could have someone, but I have no use for them." Arn stepped forward with a smile. "Let me see if your strength is as strong as your mouth." Bater looked at him. "Are you OK?" Arn pulled out his sabers and signaled for Bater with his chin. "Come here," Arn said, and Bater¡¯s eyebrows twitched. His pride had been hurt. "You earned your beating." Chapter 90: A New Hero 2 Chapter 90: A New Hero 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk gulped and stared at Bater and his absurd arms. His looks resembled Minota¡¯s in regards to strength and physical fitness. In the team battle, he would be the leader of his team, and Arn would lead his. He seemed focused on attacking, so he didn¡¯t seem as sturdy as Minota or Grangsha. What type of a hero is Bater? He kept staring as Bater spoke to Arn. "You may receive help from those children standing behind you," Bater said. "If you are strong enough," Arn replied. Bater exhaled the cigar smoke for a long time and asked: "Then, shall we begin?" Bater ran forward. He wasn¡¯t using his powers. He wanted to test his opponent¡¯s strength first, so he punched at Arn. Clung! Arn swung against Bater¡¯s fist and took a step back. It became obvious that Bater had strength superior to Arn¡¯s, but Arn parried and counterattacked. Arn¡¯s swordsmanship was astoundingly fast and free. As he attacked, Bater went on defense from time to time. The thing was that his fists were so big that just by swinging them he was able to block Arn¡¯s attacks. Each of them was more effective than Grangsha¡¯s shield, and he had two of them. He was more dangerous than expected. They fought at close range, but then they moved a fair distance apart. They stared into each other¡¯s eyes, and Bater grinned. "You¡¯re not just trash talk." Bater looked at his mechanical fist. It was full of of small scratch marks, so he knew how strong Arn¡¯s saber was. Then, he hit his fits against each other and said: "Now, let¡¯s fight for real!" Without using their powers, they had had a taste of each other. Bater had more strength, and Arn moved faster than him. Now, it was time for them to check out each other¡¯s powers. Between them, there was a distance of about fifty feet. Both of them would be able to use his own power against the other. Arn never waited to be attacked, so he jumped in the air and dropped on Bater. Bater hadn¡¯t expected him to attack first, but heughed and lifted both arms to block. Clung! Simply swinging a sword was different from swinging while using powers, but each time one used his power, he had to wait for the cooldown, so using powers was not necessarily advantageous. And Bater was blocking the attacks with his arms, so he wasn¡¯t that hurt. He took a few steps back, but soon, stepped forward with his fists in front of him. Boom! The sh generated a loud noise, different from before, and Arn was thrown back. He was still blocking with his sabers, but it was obvious that he was hurt. He slid backward until he came to a stop, and Bater ran at him,ughing. "Time to get hot!" Bater said. He ran quickly and took a big step and punched at Arn. With his huge fists, he threw a one-twobo. Clung! Because of the shock, Arn was pushed back again. The shockwaves travelled through his sabers to his arm, and they felt like they were about to break. Bater was extremely strong. This guy¡¯s attack and defense are both at the highest level. Arn had thought he was the strongest hero among heroes who had advanced, but he realized he was weaker than Bater. He knew that from all the experience he had gained. He knew that the guy in front of him was slightly superior to him. Arn avoided attacking head-on and decided to attack him from the side. He felt like frontal attacks would have no meaning, so he decided for a hit-and-run approach, and Baterughed at him. "Are you scared?" Bater lifted his fist sky high and mmed it against the ground. Boom! Shockwaves extended out of the impact zone in concentric circles, and Bater hit the ground again. Boom! The shockwaves travelled farther and farther. Arn couldn¡¯t escape, and Bater mmed the ground. Boom! Three shockwaves were created, reaching Arn. Arn staggered and retreated, while Junhyuk watched everything. Bater had created the shockwaves in concentric circles that covered sixty-five feet. The first hit created a shockwave of sixteen feet in diameter; the second one had thirty-two feet in diameter; thest one reached sixty-five feet in diameter. The attack covered arge area, and it was very dangerous. Bater could rush the allied position and use his power to inflict massive casualties. He was that dangerous. Junhyuk looked at Arn. While Arn staggered, Bater took the time to puff on his cigar before running at him. "You¡¯re all trash talk." Bater yelled and tried to punch Arn, but he moved. He was hurt by the shockwaves, but Arn wouldn¡¯t just sit there to get hit. He dodged the fist, got closer to Bater and shed Bater¡¯s ribs with his saber. Bater had thought he was going to win and swung very wide with hisst attack. The momentary mistake left him with a deep wound. He no longer held the advantage in that fight. He had been winning after he used his power, but now he was losing. Bater stepped back, and Arn looked at him and grinned. "You¡¯re not ready to im victory yet." "Right." Bater was not hot-headed like Minota. Despite his heavy appearance, he was calm, and opponents like that were bothersome. Bater didn¡¯t threaten Arn, but he ran at him again. He attacked deliberately instead of being ovee by emotion, and Arn couldn¡¯t find any weak spots. While the two fought, Junhyuk looked at Sarang. "We should help him," he said. "Is it OK to interfere?" "We should hide your power." "What are you going to do?" "Just trust me." Sarang¡¯s power was useful in killing opponents, but if their opponent found out about her power, he would try to kill her first. JUnhyuk could escape by using his force field and teleporting, and if he died, he would reincarnate. However, Sarang couldn¡¯t, so it wasn¡¯t the time to disy her power yet. Junhyuk watched as Arn and Bater¡¯s fight became fiercer. They were going all out, drawing blood from each other. It looked like they were fighting evenly, but Bater was so muscr and big that Arn seemed to be in danger. Junhyuk understood he couldn¡¯t interfere. Bater¡¯s fists would pulverize him. There was only one way that he could help out. He focused on them and looked for an opening while they used their powers in battle. They weren¡¯t having a precise exchange of blows, instead swinging strong and wide. Arn would win the fight as soon as heunched the force field around him. Junhyuk approached them to make sure he was within range tounch the force field and kept watch on the fight. The fight became even fiercer, and Arn used his power. First, he dodged Bater¡¯s mechanical fist and attacked him continuously. His attacks shed like lightning. If Arn seeded, he would make quick work out of his opponent. However, Bater was nervous, so he was prepared and used his mechanical fists to block the attack, grinning. Arn didn¡¯t have the time to wait to use his power again, and Bater¡¯s power was ready for use. At close range, he could deliver one-twobos. Their destructive power was deadly to heroes. Bater was about to hit Arn when Arn smirked and moved to the side. Bater didn¡¯t understand. His fists were so big that even if Arn moved, they would still graze him, and when the punchnded, it would break Arn. And Arn smirked? He was contemting that reaction when Arn was covered by an ivory-colored light. ng! Bater¡¯s attacks bounced off the force field. Arn has this kind of power? Bater wanted to know everything about the force field. He tried to punch him, and Arn leaned away, and the attacks bounced off. Then, Arn countered. If Arn were to be hit with a frontal punch, Bater wouldunch the force field away with Arn inside, but Bater¡¯s attacks were just grazing the surface of the force field. Arn was using Junhyuk¡¯s power to the fullest. He continued to parry the attacks and counterattack. Bater¡¯s expression turned serious due to the counterattacks. Arn was ignoring defense while attacking, and there was little Bater could do about it. Bater continued to be wounded and retreated. Until that moment, they had been neck-and-neck, but now, Arn was winning. However, Bater had no regrets. Arn¡¯s force field disappeared after ten seconds, but during those ten seconds, Bater¡¯s health plummeted. Bater realized he had no health left and ran toward Arn. His specialty was rushing, even at close distance. He didn¡¯t stomp the ground like Minota, but he created explosions at short distances. Smoke billowed out of the mechanical arms. Bater¡¯s sudden rush was hard to defend against, so Arn used his saber to do it. Boom! Arn was pushed back. Meanwhile, Bater didn¡¯t hesitate and turned away. He knew he couldn¡¯t continue and had to escape. Arn had been waiting just for that moment, when Bater turned around and ran, andunched his saber. The saber was stuck to Bater¡¯s back, and Arn jumped. Hended and jumped again, and at that moment, Bater understood. His rush wouldn¡¯t work, so Bater turned around to fight him again. Clung! Bater defended himself, and Arn said: "This is the end." After he spoke, he swung his saber. He was stronger when he wielded two sabers, but he was still strong enough with one. Bater had one saber stuck to his back and couldn¡¯t handle any further attacks from Arn. The movement of Bater¡¯s arms became unnatural, and Arn stabbed him in the chest. They were facing each other at close range, and Bater took another drag off his cigar. "Whew! I didn¡¯t know about your force field. Is that your ultimate?" Arn had attacked continuously and shed him, and if throwing his saber was part of his ability, then the force field had to be his ultimate. Arn had no interest in answering Bater, who had been tricked by Junhyuk¡¯s power. "You can¡¯t win because of it." Bater started disappearing. "Itsts only ten seconds. Next time, I¡¯ll show you how it¡¯s really going to work between us," he said. Arn pulled out the saber from his chest and beheaded him with it. "We¡¯ll see about that when we meet." Bater disappeared, and Arn shouted: "Attack! Destroy the watchtower!" He took the lead, and Junhyuk followed him. After Bater¡¯s death, the next step was destroying the watchtower before the other heroes got there, giving the allies an advantage. Chapter 91: A New Hero 3 Chapter 91: A New Hero 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk ran toward the watchtower to destroy it and saw the enemy minions forming a line and taking a kneeling position to shoot at the allies. "Shields up!" He shouted, and the minions lifted their shields. If they had been a momentte, they would have been killed while running. As soon as the minions lifted their shields, the enemy minions started shooting. Tack, tack, tack, tack! It was a relief. The shields could withstand the bullets, but many minions were still hurt and rolling on the ground. Being closer to the enemies, they had been hit on the leg or the shoulder where the shields couldn¡¯t protect them. Junhyuk rushed to the enemy camp with the bullets bouncing off Bebe¡¯s ck Armor. As he approached, the frontline riflemen got up and tried to use their bays against him while the backline continued to shoot. However, Junhyuk had reached the enemy line swinging his swords, so he sliced and diced the riflemen. Meanwhile, the archers sent out a volley. Junhyuk grabbed a fallen rifleman and used him to cover himself. The arrows hit the rifleman, and Junhyuk ran around swinging his sword again. No one could withstand his sword attacks. Junhyuk was sweeping through the enemy minions while Arn destroyed the watchtower. Arn was using the cadaver of a rifleman to shield himself while doing everything he could to destroy the watchtower. A downed watchtower would mean a lot. It made a big difference. Suddenly, Arn tensed. "Retreat!" He shouted. After the shout, Junhyuk retreated without hesitation. "Go back!" Junhyuk shouted, and the minions retreated. They were in close range of the riflemen, and it was not easy to disengage, but Junhyuk was wreaking havoc at the enemy line, so the minions were able to retreat. After everyone retreated, including Arn, Junhyuk looked over at the watchtower. There were people running toward them. Soon, they ran in front of the riflemen. They were covered in red-colored circles, so they had to have killed a buff monster. There are two of them. Junhyuk was d that Arn had spotted them first, but Arn just looked at the enemy. "They were faster," he said. As the two ran, their expressions hardened. "Hm. Is Bater already dead?" They were two heroes. One of them was a woman, and she had an eyepatch with a gem shaped like a skull. She wore rollerdes on her feet. Bater had mechanical arms, and she focused on her legs. She was also holding something out of a character. "Heroes have guns?!" On her right hand, she was holding a cuss, and her left hand held a pistol. She was ready for close- and mid-rangedbat. The person standing behind her posed a bigger problem. He has a thick beard and dark circles around his eyes. He was wearing what looked like abcoat, and the lower half of his body looked like a mechanical spider¡¯s body. It even had eight legs. He looked bizarre and he also seemed to be a hero. Both of them looked extremely dangerous. They were also buffed. It wouldn¡¯t be easy to deal with them. Junhyuk was freaking out when some more people appeared. It was Nudra and Vera, and they were covered by purple circles. His side now had three heroes while the opposite side had two. He was thinking his side had the advantage when another man appeared. Unlike the riflemen, he was holding a sword, but it wasn¡¯t an ordinary sword. It was big, and the back edge was serrated. Looking at his size, he was not a minion. "He looks like an expert," Junhyuk whispered, and Vera nodded. "Right. He looks dangerous." They didn¡¯t know anything about his power. Junhyuk¡¯s had high ranking powers, but if he got hit by that de, he would be killed. "Do you know anything about their powers?" He asked Vera. "I will when we fight them," she replied. It was important to have information about powers when fighting heroes. Vera turned around, and Nudra stepped forward. Arn was standing next to him. Vera and Nudra were thinking about fighting to get information on the enemies¡¯ powers, but Arn was tired. He had just fought a hard battle and was not at full health. Junhyuk walked toward him tounched his force field when Vera stopped him. "Don¡¯t interfere. Nothing good wille out of it." "But Arn is not doing well." "Don¡¯t worry. I¡¯ll support him." Junhyuk was relieved to hear that. He thought that Vera should be sufficient. "You should keep an eye on that guy," she said, pointing to the expert among the new heroes. Junhyuk had no means to fight at long range. If that guy used his power, he would know how to fight him. He was nervously staring at the expert, and Arn stepped forward. It looked like the rollerde woman was going to back up by hunching over, but she burst forward toward Arn at a high speed. Arn was surprised by the speed, and the woman swung her cuss. Clung! Arn¡¯s saber met her cuss, and she smiled. "Your name?" "Arn." "We will meet often. I¡¯m Regina. Nice to meet you." Regina smiled, and Arn swung at her. Regina tilted back and dodged his attack, lifting the pistol in her left hand as she did it. Boom! The pistol shot like buckshot, with arge spread, covering Arn¡¯s body. Arn tried to protect his weak spots, but he couldn¡¯t really escape. "That¡¯s a power." It wasn¡¯t a simple attack. If it weren¡¯t a power, Arn wouldn¡¯t be so hurt by it. Arn took a step back from the impact, and Regina was about to pull the trigger again when Nudra dropped in. Nudra kicked Regina, pushing her back. As that happened, Nudra retreated, but the mechanical spider-man stepped forward. "It was an one-on-one fight, and you interfered. Lower ss people are different." Nudra looked at him and said: "I¡¯m Nudra. What is your name?" The man with dark circles around his eyes answered: "Everyone calls me Doctor T." Doctor T stepped forward and signaled for Regina. She joined him, and Doctor T smiled. "Since there are three of you, you must feel confident," he said. "I will even those odds." His eight legs crawled quickly, and he rushed toward Nudra. Nudra extended his arms and released a strong wind, and the doctor was pushed back. However, unlike the others, Doctor T pierced the ground with his legs, eventually holding him in ce. He smiled coldly. "Got you." Small openings appeared in Doctor T¡¯s mechanical body, and small spiders poured out of them, quickly cocooning Nudra in their web. Nudra tried to move, but the web was too tight. Doctor T smiled, and Arn rushed forward. However, the doctor was faster, and he ignited the web. A giant me quickly engulfed Nudra, and Arn jumped up. "You, stop," Regina said and fired. Arn blocked the bullets in mid air using his saber and dropped on Doctor T. The doctor moved sideways like crab and dodged Arn¡¯s attack. However, he had been able to save Nudra because the fire had stopped. Vera, who had been watching, stepped forward. Sheunched a huge firewall right in front of the enemy heroes, giving Nudra enough time to free himself from the spider web. However, he had lost a lot of health. Their enemies were urate and powerful, and both Arn and Nudra had lost a lot of health. Junhyuk watched Doctor T. He didn¡¯t know the range of the doctor¡¯s spider webs. The webs could tie people up, something that he had not seen before. When someone was tied up, that person could be killed instantly. He realized the battles would be hard fought. Junhyuk looked back at the man who looked like an expert, holding the mechanical de, and the doctor gave him a signal. "Help me, Adolphe." The man called Adolphe stepped forward, standing just behind the doctor and Regina. Experts usually had supporting roles. What kind of power does Adolphe have? Junhyuk stood behind Vera just in case. Because they hadn¡¯t known their enemies¡¯ powers, his side had been severely hurt. Nudra and Arn were on the verge of being killed. It was a dangerous situation. He had to stop them. If the heroes were killed, he and Sarang would be in danger. Junhyuk stepped forward, and Arn said: "Kill Doctor T first!" Regina posed a lot of danger with her weapons, but the doctor was even more dangerous. Arn jumped, and Nudra followed him. Regina scoffed at them and ran ahead shooting. Nudra moved his body slightly, dodging the bullets. Then, a fire orb appeared in front of Regina. She was trying to move back when the orb exploded. Boom! Regina retreated, but Arn had already closed the distance, aiming for Doctor T. The doctor lifted his spider legs, trying to block Arn¡¯s sabers. The spider legs were sharp enough to be used for attack. Clung! Doctor T blocked Arn, and Nudra kicked him, pushing him back. Junhyuk watched Adolphe stab the ground with his mechanical de, and something came out of Adolphe¡¯s waist pouch. It looked like a boomerang that was aiming at Arn and Nudra. They dodged it at first, but the boomerang turned liquid and tied both of them up. That was Adolphe¡¯s power. Arn and Nudra were immobilized, so Regina aimed at them with her pistol, and Doctor T cast fire. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Die!" Arn and Nudra had very little health left. However, an ivory-colored field covered both of them. Regina¡¯s bullets and T¡¯s fire bounced off of it, and Arn smiled from inside. "Our power is stronger." Adolphe¡¯s liquid rope disappeared, and Arnunched his saber at the doctor. Chapter 92: Adolphe, The Champion 1 Chapter 92: Adolphe, The Champion 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Doctor T hit the flying saber as a fire orb appeared above his head and a fire spear flew against his chest. The doctor used both of his arms to block the spear, but he was pushed back when the fire orb exploded. At a distance, Vera was at her most dangerous, making expert use of her magic. Vera¡¯s magicbos were dangerous enough for the new heroes. Doctor T shot off his me as he was pushed back, but the force field defended against it easily. Vera erected a firewall, disrupting Doctor T¡¯s and Regina¡¯s visions. That¡¯s when Nudra left the force field, jumping high in the sky. Seeing that the firewall was blocking their sights, Nudra made a move. Arn also jumped. The firewall disappeared, and Nudra crash-kicked Regina¡¯s head, leaving her stuck on the ground. She had anticipating something appearing from beyond the firewall, but when Nudra dropped on her head, Regina didn¡¯t have a chance to dodge. As she was stuck on the ground, Arn jumped toward her. He was outside of the force field, and Regina aimed her pistol at him. However, he moved faster than her and, still in the air, he threw his saber at her. The saber made a sharp, slicing noise as it flew and sunk into Regina¡¯s chest. Her left eye widened, and Nudra, who was standing behind her, kicked her back. She was pushed toward Arn, and he pulled out the saber from her chest. She started bleeding like a fountain, and that¡¯s when Arn used his ultimate, his signature finishing move, attacking her seven straight times. Regina couldn¡¯t resist, and blood gushed out of her in all directions. Regina had received massive damage, and it didn¡¯t look like she would survive. However, that¡¯s when Doctor T wrapped Nudra with his spider web and lit the web on fire. The giant mes were burning Nudra up when Adolphe ran toward him. Adolphe was holding a mechanical sword, and, when it shone blue, he shed Nudra. Thaaaaack! The sword made a loud noise, and it sliced Nudra in half. Then, Adolphe sliced the ground, in a pattern, about twenty feet long in all directions. Nudra had already lost a lot of health when he was attacked and killed by Adolphe, and Adolphe¡¯s sword strike was not a simple attack. It was another one of his powers. He could tie people up with his liquid boomerang and do that special sword strike. Suddenly, Regina was also sliced half. She had already been badly hurt when Arn shed her across the waist. With Regina dying behind him, Arn stared at Doctor T. He was hurt by Vera¡¯s magic, but he still looked strong and he still had Adolphe. The allies had the numerical advantage, but that didn¡¯t guarantee victory. Arn had lost a lot of health, and, as he stared at the doctor, he lifted his saber. "Now you are all alone." He was alone, but he was not an easy opponent. He had used his spider web and mes and had to wait on their cooldowns. Arn had also used his power, but they still had Vera. He ran at him and swung his saber, but Doctor T used his legs to block. They fought at close range, and Vera erected a firewall against Adolphe so he wouldn¡¯t interfere. They separated Doctor T and Adolphe and attacked only one of them. Doctor T scowled at Arn. Arn¡¯s swordsmanship was precise, but he could still block his sword. That¡¯s when the doctor decided to kill all of them at once. Even if he tried to run, he wouldn¡¯t get away because one of them was buffed, and he had already lost his speed buff. There was only one thing to do. "I have no choice." Even without the spider web, he could be urate at that distance. Doctor T used two legs to block the sabers. While blocking the sabers, those two legs moved sideways and a small opening appeared on the mechanical spider. From those openings, missiles shot out toward Arn. Boom! Arn had his arms wide open and was badly hurt. The missiles were about seven inches long, but they were strong enough. Arn staggered backward, and the doctor approached. He could kill Arn with his legs. Junhyuk teleported behind Doctor T and swung his swords. Thuck, thuck, thuck! He swung three times, but was unable to deliver a fatal blow. Doctor T¡¯s senses were sharp, and he was able to minimize the damage but moving slightly. However, Junhyuk had struck with the Frozen Rune Sword, and it debuffed the doctor twice. Doctor T now had decreased movement and attack speeds, and as he turned to look back, Junhyuk stabbed him again and jumped. He stepped on the doctor¡¯s shoulder and kicked his chest while moving toward Arn. When Junhyuk stood in front of Arn, Doctor T lifted his legs. Junhyuk grabbed Arn by the shoulder. Thack, thack! The doctor¡¯s legs mmed on the ground, but Junhyuk had already moved back with Arn. Vera attacked the doctor, who couldn¡¯t escape her attack because of his debuffed movement speed. Veraunched a fire orb and a fire spearbo toward him. He was hit twice, and ck mes continued to burn him. "Hee-hee-hee! You¡¯ve got skill, but you can¡¯t win!" The doctor was using his eight legs to close in on Junhyuk and Arn when Junhyuk saw two boomerangs heading toward them. "Shit!" He had already used his teleportation and couldn¡¯t escape Adolphe¡¯s power. The liquid boomerang tied them both up. Doctor T moved in quickly and lifted his legs. They didn¡¯t have any special power, but there was nothing Junhyuk could do about them. His legs were strong enough to go up against Arn¡¯s sabers. Doctor T¡¯s legs shone brightly and were about to drop on them when a st of electricity hit him, leaving the doctor paralyzed. From below his feet, a firewall surged up. He was paralyzed and burning, and a fire orb appeared in front of him. Boom! The fire orb exploded, and Vera continued the attack with a fire spear, hitting the doctor directly on the head. After the loud explosion, he was pushed back, and Arn was able to untie himself. Adolphe¡¯s tying power was strong, but it didn¡¯tst long. After freeing himself, he ran at Doctor T and stabbed him deeply. "Aaargh!" the doctor scream, and Arn smiled coldly. "I got you." Doctor T¡¯s body started disappearing. The mes and Arn¡¯s sabers had been too much for him. Then, a blue-colored energy appeared on top of Doctor T¡¯s head. "Move!" Junhyuk shouted and dodged. However, the blue energy sliced through Arn and left a twenty-foot crack on the ground. Arn¡¯s health had been very low when Adolphe attacked him. Vera fired some magic. Boom! A fire orb exploded in front of Adolphe, but he kept running as he burned. He wanted to kill Vera, which surprised Junhyuk. Vera was a magician, and she had low defense. He may be able prate her defense, and that could be dangerous for her. However, Adolphe had used all of his powers. Without his powers he wouldn¡¯t be able to deal with Vera. She was a hero after all. Vera threw a fire spear at him. He tried using the mechanical sword to block but couldn¡¯t and was pushed back, still getting hurt by her. However, he started running again. Junhyuk also ran toward her, trying to think about why Adolphe wanted her dead so badly. Vera just had to keep her distance and she wouldn¡¯t get hurt. Adolphe ran and picked up the items dropped by Arn, and that¡¯s when Junhyuk realized it. When an expert died, he didn¡¯t drop items. That meant that Adolphe had risked his life to pick up the items. He only had one extra life, and he was using it now. Adolphe lifted his mechanical sword, but it wasn¡¯t the time for him to use his power yet. Junhyuk still had some distance to cover before reaching Vera, and suddenly, Adolphe kicked off the ground. Just like Halo¡¯s sh attack, Adolphe¡¯s sword pierced Vera¡¯s ribs, and she started bleeding heavily. "He has another power?" They thought that he only had two powers, but he had a third. Vera was paralyzed. Rushing and paralyzing the opponent, is that his power? He could tie people up; he had a twenty-foot sh; and he had one more power, paralysis. Junhyuk teleported himself to Vera, grabbed her and teleported again. nk, nk! After they both left, Adolphe¡¯s mechanical sword dropped to the ground where they had been standing. If he had been a momentte, Vera could¡¯ve been killed. Once away, Vera could move again. "He is a champion," she said. After she spoke, she extended her staff, and Adolphe started running toward her again, but now she had some distance between them. Vera set a fire orb on his back andunched a fire spear at him. Boom, boom! He was hit by the fire spear and pushed back onto the orb, which exploded. Then, a firewall rose from below his feet. "Ugh!" He was impressive tost that long. He had to have some kind of resistance to magic, or he had a lot of strength. However, he too had a limit. He was smiling while he started turning grey. "Till next time." Vera threw her staff against his face. Bang! A bump appeared on his head, and he disappeared. Vera grabbed her chest. It looked serious. "Can you destroy watchtower?" she asked. Junhyuk nodded. They didn¡¯t have many riflemen left, so he would massacre them and destroy the watchtower. There were many allied minions standing. "Then, do it." Junhyuk looked at Sarang. "Stay here with Vera." Sarang could get hurt by a stray bullet while attacking the watchtower, so he told her to stay, and she nodded. "Be careful." "Don¡¯t worry." "Destroy the watchtower! Attack!" Junhyuk shouted at the minions. The minions followed him because he could kill the riflemen, and Junhyuk took the lead to destroy the first watchtower. The first battle cost them two allied heroes, but they killed three enemy heroes and a champion, and they destroyed a watchtower, so they won. Still, it felt like they had suffered a heavy loss. Chapter 93: Adolphe, The Champion 2 Chapter 93: Adolphe, The Champion 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - While Junhyuk was destroying the watchtower, Vera collected the items. She picked up the item dropped by Doctor T, but she couldn¡¯t take Regina¡¯s item. "Hmm... Two of them died and dropped items, but I could only find one." "Big sister, Arn picked up an item dropped by Bater," Sarang, who was standing next to her, said calmly. "Right. Then, we got two items?" Vera said and watched the tower be destroyed. "We should go see Bebe." The tower fell, and Junhyuk walked back to them with the minions. In total, with the previously surviving minions and the minions brought by Vera and Nudra, there were over 120 minions left. While sieging the tower, they had only lost thirty minions, which was good. The enemy had lost over a hundred riflemen. It was a big victory to the allied side. Vera got up. "Let¡¯s go see Bebe," she said. "Right." Junhyuk wanted to go. He hadn¡¯t activated a new power, so in the situation he was in, he wanted more items. Vera walked next to him on the way to the dimensional merchant. "Surely, they are difficult opponents." "Did you talk to the other heroes?" "Yes. Halo died, and Diane is still waiting." Usually Diane kept her distance while fighting, so it wasn¡¯t easy to kill her. However, Halo fought at the frontline, so the chance of him dying was high. Arn had almost lost his fight to Bater! "It¡¯spletely different from before." "These heroes are ranked higher, so there is nothing to be done," Vera said and shook her head. "Honestly, I didn¡¯t expect them to be this strong." They were strong. Furthermore, the heroes had strong and unknown powers. They hadn¡¯t seen everything yet, but the spider web and Adolphe¡¯s power already had paralyzing effects, and Bater could take advantage of that by using his rush. Their powerbinations were dangerous. In the team battle, they would be even more dangerous. Vera tapped Junhyuk. "You shouldn¡¯t worry." Junhyuk felt heavy, but he also felt that they needed him more than ever before. Then, he looked at Sarang. "Also, Sarang¡¯s power has evolved." "Is that right?" Vera turned to look, and Sarang nodded. "I can paralyze two people at the same time." Vera hugged her tightly and rubbed cheeks. "That¡¯s our Sarang!" Her power, the ability to paralyze two people, was powerful, but it was not a good idea to showcase her around the enemies. The goal was to keep her safe during this battle. They conversed and reached the dimensional merchant. Inside, they found Bebe yawning, and he waved at them. "We meet again. Have you advanced?" Vera nodded and ced some items on the counter, and her eyes sparkled. Including the bracelet Doctor T dropped, there were three items. "Do you have the Crimson Earring?" "I do. Do you want to buy it?" "Yes." "These items won¡¯t cover it in full." Vera extended her hand. "I know." Bebe looked at Vera¡¯s savings on his te and smiled. "You do have enough money!" Vera paid, and Bebe pulled out a small box from underneath the counter. "Since you¡¯ve advanced, you really need this." "I needed it before, but it was too expensive." "Yes. It costs over two hundred thousand gold, but it¡¯s effective. A fire magician like you will get interesting buffs." "I¡¯m spending a lot for it." Bebe opened the box and pulled out the earring. It had a small crystal hanging from the end, and inside of the crystal, there was a burning me. It looked extraordinary, and Vera put it on. "OK. I¡¯m done preparing," she said, looking at Junhyuk. "If you need something, now is the time." "OK." Junhyuk handed Bebe the Beast King White Tiger¡¯s Canine, and Bebe inspected it. "The Beast King White Tiger¡¯s Canine goes for eighty thousand gold. I can give you forty thousand gold for it. Will you take it?" he asked. Junhyuk already knew Bebe would give him only half of the ticket price, and he nodded. "I¡¯m selling it." Bebe pushed the te forward, and Junhyuk put his hand over it. The number disyed increased to 78,240G, his contributions in the killing of three heroes. Junhyuk put a lot of thought on how to spend it. "Do you have any items from the Golden Knight Elder set?" "I don¡¯t." He couldn¡¯t just wait for one of the set items to show up and hepared himself to Adolphe, the champion. Adolphe had superior strength, so Junhyuk ced his swords on the counter. "Upgrade them." "How do you want me to do it?" "How much will it cost?" "Your swords are magic swords, and magic upgrades cost as follows: eight thousand for the third, twelve thousand for the fourth, sixteen thousand for the fifth, twenty thousand for the sixth, and forty thousand for the seventh," Bebe answered, grinning. Junhyuk rolled his eyes at the price, but he answered calmly: "Then, upgrade the Blood Rune Sword, which is at level three, to level six and the Frozen Rune Sword, which is at level two, to level four." Bebe pushed the te. "Sixty-eight thousand gold." Junhyuk rolled his eyes again, but he still paid. Without upgrading his swords, he didn¡¯t feel confident enough to kill Adolphe. Adolphe had what it took to kill heroes, and Junhyuk wondered about getting items for defense. However, to kill, an upgraded weapon was the first step. The number on Bebe¡¯s te decreased, leaving only 10,240G. Junhyuk wanted to cry, but Bebe was smiling and proceeded to enhance both swords. He poured the powder over them and hammered both. At the end, he looked satisfied. "I did well. Check it out." Junhyuk inspected the swords. --- Blood Rune Sword (Level 6) Attack +125 Health Absorption +15% When absorbing the owner¡¯s blood, attack speed increases by 10% and movement speed increases by 5%. Can stack three times. Bebe¡¯s Basic Longsword had been synthesized with the Blood Sword. At level six the attack increased to 125. When the owner wounded an opponent, the sword would heal the owner by 15 percent of the attack. When it absorbed the owner¡¯s blood, the attack speed increased by 10 percent, and the movement speed increased by 5 percent, but it would only stack three times. The fourth attempt could result in death. Frozen Rune Sword (Level 4) Attack +60 Striking the opponent decreases the opponent¡¯s attack and movement speeds by 8%. Stacks three times. Bebe¡¯s Basic Longsword had been synthesized with the ice attribute. At level four, the attack increased to sixty. When it struck the opponent, it decreased the opponent¡¯s attack and movement speeds by 8 percent. It was possible to stack the effects three times, but it depended on the opponent¡¯s resistance. --- Upgrading them had increased his ability to inflict damaged. His swords were twice as strong. He had paid a lot, but now he could fight. Sarang stepped forward. "Could I check to see how much money I have?" "Sure." Bebe pushed the te forward, and Sarang ced her hand on it and frowned. She had eighteen thousand and five hundred gold. It was more than she had expected, but she never spent any money, so she felt frustrated. She thought that she had to deliver the deathblow on the heroes and earn more money. Vera looked at the two of them. "Are you done?" Sarang didn¡¯t want to spend her money and nodded. "Yes. Let¡¯s go." Vera waved goodbye at Bebe and went out first. The group followed her lead, and Junhyuk noticed the direction in which they were moving. "Are we not going to where Arn is?" "We need to regroup. Before the team battle, we have to kill them some more and take their items." Their powers couldn¡¯tpare to the enemies¡¯, so to finish them, they needed more items. "We are going to where Halo was. He was pushing the second tower and advancing, so we will kill the enemies there," she said. "Halo was killed, so the enemy must be strong!" "Communication has its limits. I heard he was a huge tank," Vera replied. "A tank?" Does that mean that he is stronger than Bater? Halo was killed by him, so he must have enough offensive and defensive power to deal with the allies. "Will Haloe?" "Arn went to defend the tower, and Nudra is going there as well. With Halo¡¯s help, we will kill one by one." "I am curious about his power," Junhyuk murmured. He was thinking that Minota had been a tank. "Whatever his power, we¡¯ll coordinate with Halo and get him. We also have you." Junhyuk nodded. He wanted to keep himself safe, but he still had to fight and use his powers. Halo and Vera could kill the tank, and Junhyuk and Sarang would help. It wouldn¡¯t be impossible. Junhyuk was anxious with anticipation for the new enemy, and he knew Sarang couldn¡¯t be a target. He looked at her. "Stay by my side when we meet the enemy hero." "I will." Junhyuk could create a force field or teleport, and she knew she would survive with him. He was running beside Vera when he saw the tower, destroyed. When the tower got destroyed, the minions in it also died. Junhyuk sent his respect to the dead and sighed. Vera¡¯s eyes turned cold. "Get ready. We¡¯ll meet him soon." Junhyuk ran forward nervously. The second tower was close enough for the enemies to be visible. A person stood above the riflemen¡¯s heads. He was thirteen feet tall, bald and with broad shoulders. The tank¡¯s size was simr to Minota¡¯s, and Junhyuk was curious about whether the tank looked like a monster. The man in front of the tower turned his head slowly. His chin was made of steel, and Vera looked at him and smiled. "Don¡¯t we need more than one hero?" "Halo!" Vera shouted and extended her staff. "I am over here." Halo was on the opposite side. His side had a tower, but their side was different. Without a tower, the enemy hero could go their way, and they had to fight him in an open field. Vera¡¯s attack was strong, but if she fought the tank alone, she wouldn¡¯t win. Junhyuk measured the distance between them and the enemy. He would teleport with Sarang and Vera if he felt they were in danger. The tank moved toward them without ncing at Halo. He had broad shoulders, a steel chin, and a brown, upside-down, triangr patch of hair on his chest. He looked like a regr tank, and Junhyuk grabbed his swords and stood next to Vera. If it got dangerous, he would teleport. The man ran, and when he got within forty feet, he became even faster. He wasn¡¯t just probing them. He had used his power to rush in, grab Vera by her waist and jump up. Junhyuk didn¡¯t have the chance to react, and still in the air, the man ced her head between his knees and started spinning. Junhyuk thought the skill looked familiar. "A spinning piledriver?" Chapter 94: Adolphe, The Champion 3 Chapter 94: Adolphe, The Champion 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - He was sure of one thing: if that continued, Vera¡¯s head would be crushed. Therefore, Junhyuk instinctively extended his hands, and just before Vera¡¯s head was about to hit the ground, an ivory-colored light surrounded her, and the enemy hero was pushed away. Boom! Veranded, leaving a hole on the ground. She felt dizzy, but was OK. Then, Halo ran from behind the enemy and used his sh attack to sh him in the ribs. The enemy was holding his ribs in pain, and Halo also entered the force field,unching his sword up in the air right after that. The enemy wanted to fight, and after that exchange, he looked at Junhyuk. "Bater was wrong." Bater had told them the force field was Arn¡¯s ultimate, making them all think the same, but now was not the time to argue about it. The important thing for Junhyuk was to save Vera. If Vera died, no one was certain of what would happen to Halo, so he had taken action. The enemy pounded his chest with his hand and pointed at Junhyuk. "What is your name?" "Tell me your name first." Junhyuk wanted to buy time for Halo¡¯s Rain from Above to bepleted, and Vera steadied herself and touched her earring. She was about to deliver a powerful blow. He was stalling for time, and his enemy smirked. His enemy had to be extremely confident in his defense and health. "My name is Jean Clo. I heard about your power. Is it immunity to magic and physical attacks?" He looked rxed, and Junhyuk stared at him nkly. "I¡¯m Junhyuk Lee. By the way, why aren¡¯t you running away?" "Escape?" Jean Clo smiled coldly and lifted three fingers. "You only have three seconds left." "It¡¯s enough time to kill you!" Jean Clo winked at Junhyuk. "Don¡¯t worry. I won¡¯t die and I will kill you." Junhyuk felt like what Jean Clo had said mighte true, but Vera scoffed at that. "Stay where you are if you can!" she said. Vera created a fire spear, but the spear looked twice its usual size. Junhyuk looked at it with surprise. However, Jean Clo used his arms to block it, so she created another fire spear and set a fire orb behind him. The fire orb was also twice its normal size. Jean Clo blocked the fire spear, but stepped back, exploding the orb. Boom, boom! The explosions were at a different level from before. Junhyuk knew it just by seeing it. Her magic was now much stronger than before. It was only an earring, but her magic was totally different. Jean Clo was damaged and staggered from the st. At that point, Halo hit him with Rain from Above. Halo¡¯s ultimate, Rain from Above, took a long time to set up, but it was effective. Jean Clo tried to dodge it quickly, but a gaping hole was left in his stomach. He opened his mouth and vomitedrge quantities of blood. As Junhyuk watched, he felt nervous. Jean Clo might not die after all. So, Junhyuk grabbed Sarang and ced her behind Vera just in case something happened. Suddenly, a huge firewall rose from under Jean Clo. The ck-med firewall was also different from before. He had a hole on his stomach and was being roasted. At that point, he should die. However, that would happen only if he didn¡¯t have something like Warren¡¯s powerful regenerative ability. That¡¯s when Junhyuk realized that Jean Clo might have something simr. "Be careful! He might regenerate!" Vera readied her magic, and Jean Cloughed from inside the fire. "Ha-ha-ha! Toote!" After shouting that, Jean Clo walked out of the fire. He had three blue energy rings turning around his body that were regenerating his health. "Shit!" Facing a tank like Jean Clo with that ability was like facing a disaster. The fire spear flew toward Jean Clo, but the three blue rings blocked it. Boom! The spear exploded and took out one of the rings. Halo took out his sword and ran in, trying to attack him, but the blue rings blocked him as well. Jean Clo had unbelievable regenerative capability, but the rings also blocked attacks. It was too much to believe. A fire orb exploded on Jean Clo, but it too was blocked by thest ring. He rushed toward Junhyuk, and closed in quickly. That was one of his powers. He covered sixty-five feet in the blink of an eye and grabbed Junhyuk¡¯s neck, lifting him up. Jean Clo was thirteen feet tall, and Junhyuk was well off the ground. He wanted to grab Junhyuk by the neck and m him against the ground. If he did that, Junhyuk would surely die. "We will meet again, friend." Jean Clo said. He was certainly dangerous. Two heroes were attacking him from all directions, but he ignored them and went after Junhyuk, an expert, because he knew about Junhyuk¡¯s power. Jean Clo started spiking Junhyuk against the ground, but just before Junhyuk hit it, he teleported away. Boom! Without Junhyuk, Jean Clo¡¯s hand crashed against the ground. "Friend, you have interesting powers." Junhyuk saw Jean Clo heading toward him again and gritted his teeth. Jean Clo was even more dangerous than Minota. He could fight against Minota, but this guy grappled you and, when he grappled you, he finished with deadly skills. Two heroes were attacking him, but he waspletely focused on Junhyuk. Minota was crazy, but this guy was even crazier. Even a tank had a limit, so Junhyuk ran toward him. He had a chance. Jean Clo saw him running, and his steel jaw dropped withughter. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! You are a man!" Junhyuk wasn¡¯t trying to be a man, but he had gotten Jean Clo¡¯s attention. Now it was a matter of seeing how much time he would buy. Junhyuk ran toward him, and Jean Clo attempted to grab him in response. Looking at the huge hand, Junhyuk ducked. The hand grazed his helmet, and Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword. Like any tank, Jean Clo disyed amazing defense. His sword had an attack of sixty, and it wasbined with the Pure Golden Knight Elder set, but he was only able to leave a skin-deep cut that bled a little. Still, Jean Clo was now debuffed. Jean Clo made another attempt. If he captured him, Junhyuk would die. Junhyuk¡¯s hair stood on end, and he dodged the hand. "Oh!" He swung both swords at Jean Clo, setting the second debuff, and Jean Clo extended both arms. At that moment, Junhyuk realized that he didn¡¯t have what it took to fight him and teleported away, leaving Jean Clo to hug himself. Jean Clo could have killed Junhyuk, but when Junhyuk teleported, Jean Clo smiled. "You can teleport twice?" Even while being attacked, Jean Clo was analyzing Junhyuk¡¯s powers. He didn¡¯t mind dying once. All he wanted was to find out as much as possible about Junhyuk¡¯s powers. Then, a gaping hole appeared on Jean Clo¡¯s chest, made from the back. Jean Clo vomited blood and raised to fingers to point to his own eyes and then point to Junhyuk. That was his way of saying that he would be watching Junhyuk. After that, he started disappearing. "Interesting, friend. Next time, I will kill you." He didn¡¯t sound like he was joking. Minota and Ellic were crazy, but he was different. He analyzed Junhyuk¡¯s powers and, even though he was in danger, he still tried to kill Junhyuk. In future battles, Jean Clo would be focused on getting rid of him. The allies had quickly advanced to the next level, but these guys were prepared. "I¡¯m going nuts." Halo swung his sword in the air, cleaning the blood off, picked up the dropped item and walked to Junhyuk. "Are you OK?" "Yes." This time things turned out fine, but he couldn¡¯t be sure about the next time. Halo shook his head. "This guy is dangerous. If he takes the lead in the next fight, I won¡¯t know what to do." Halo was rarely despondent. "We need to do something," Vera said. "The Crimson Earring, when did you buy it?" he asked, looking at her earring. "I had no choice. I wanted to increase my firepower." Halo nodded heavily. These new enemies were powerful, and victory was not guaranteed. They had only fought Jean Clo and found their individual powers to becking. Also, they still had to fight in a team battle, so victory was not guaranteed. They were dangerous. Halo looked at Junhyuk and Sarang. "You two, just stay safe this time." "We can¡¯t do that," Junhyuk said, and Halo patted him on the shoulder. "Your participation is important." "That¡¯s right. You have a big part to y," she said, cing her arm around him. Junhyuk sighed. "We should take advantage of this victory. Where are we going now?" "We¡¯ll go to Diane." Vera tapped his back. "Let¡¯s go!" Vera took Sarang and ran joyfully. Halo sighed and looked at Junhyuk. "We advanced. Everyone will get new items. Don¡¯t worry too much." They would get better equipment, so he might not have to worry. "You got money?" "Don¡¯t worry. Everyone had been preparing to get equipment," Halo said and patted Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder. "Just continue the good work." Junhyuk nodded. He had contributed to the victory and to their survival. No one had to tell him to do it. If he didn¡¯t, he would get killed. He focused his attention on Sarang. If he died, she would die too and he wanted to prevent that from happening. The group moved quickly as they headed to where Diane was still waiting. They had to join her and destroy her enemy. Right now, they were winning and they had to make good use of that advantage. They ran in earnest and reached Diane. Her opponent was a woman wearing leather boots with two pistols and a rifle on her back. The allies were being pushed back because of the enemy riflemen. The allies had pressured the enemy heroes, but if the minions were pushed back, they would lose their positions. Junhyuk looked for the enemy hero. She saw the allied heroes and went to her tower. On the tower, she holstered her pistols on her waist and pulled out her rifle. "Watch out!" Diane shouted. He was not sure what she meant by that and just stared when the rifle went off. Bang! The bullet screamed through the air and hit Halo¡¯s shoulder. Halo had dodged just in time. If he hadn¡¯t, his head would¡¯ve been shot. Junhyuk looked back at the enemy hero. "This range is crazy!" Chapter 95: New Power 1 Chapter 95: New Power 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Halo stepped back nervously, and Diane brought over some minions. "Be careful. When she uses her pistols, she has a shorter range, but she fires more often. However, she fires less often with the rifle, but the range and lethality increase," she said. "She is difficult. What¡¯s her power?" "Her name is Ki. When she uses her pistols, she can fire ten rounds. A single bullet doesn¡¯t do much damage, but if someone takes all taken shots, that person is a goner," she said while she nocked an arrow on her bow. After Diane said that, Junhyuk gulped. Ki is extremely dangerous! "And she has a type of jumping skill that she uses to get close or run away. She can also fire while in the air." With continuous fire and jumping, it wouldn¡¯t be easy to escape from her. "She aims when she uses her rifle just like I do with my bow." "Your bow is your ultimate attack." "I deal more damage, but her rifle¡¯s range is longer, and her preparation time is shorter." "Did you see her ultimate?" "No." So far, Diane had used deterrence to gather information on Ki, so she hadn¡¯t seen her ultimate. Junhyuk looked at everyone. "What are you going to do?" Halo also looked at the group. "Not much. Before the others arrive, we should get it done." "If we get close, she¡¯ll kill us." "We can block one bullet and, after that, we should get as close as possible. However, I¡¯ll use my sh attack to give chase when Ki jumps. With the exception of the first attack, we¡¯ll need your force field." Junhyuk nodded. "I have a favor to ask." "What is it?" "Let¡¯s leave Sarang at the tower." Halo looked at Sarang. "That¡¯s a good idea." "I can help!" Sarang protest, and Diane put a hand on her by the shoulder. "Her attack¡¯s range is longer than your power¡¯s range. Even if youe, you can¡¯t help." Sarang looked at Junhyuk, and he also ced a hand on her shoulder. "Wait here. We will be back." "Be careful. Don¡¯t die on me." "Of course," he said and shifted his gaze to Halo. "Let¡¯s go." Halo nodded. "You stand at the center," he said. Halo stood in front of Junhyuk. Vera and Diane stood to Junhyuk¡¯s left and right. They were ready. "Let¡¯s go." Halo looked back. The minions shielded themselves and rushed forward. They would be bait for the enemy riflemen. The group ran toward the enemy tower, and Ki aimed her rifle at Halo and pulled the trigger. Bang! Junhyuk witnessed the heroes¡¯ power. They could hit bullets in the air, and Halo blocked the shot. They got closer, and as they get closer, Ki pulled out her pistols. Diane had said the pistols had a shorter range, so she drew her bow and loosened the arrow. It flew as Ki hid herself among the riflemen. Boom! The explosive arrow killed many riflemen and injured Ki. The watchtower¡¯s archers responded with arrows of their own. Even heroes couldn¡¯t ignore the archers and the rain of arrows. They were a hundred feet out, which would take three seconds to cover running. "Let¡¯s begin!" Halo shouted. Junhyukunched a force field around himself. With him at the center, everyone ran as fast as they could, including Junhyuk. Soon, they would close in on Ki. She was firing her pistols along with the archers¡¯ arrows. The pistols popped off quickly like kernels of popcorn cooking, but they were still getting closer. Junhyuk¡¯s force field blocked every attack, and finally, they got close enough for the group to attack Ki. Wearing her Crimson Earring, Vera cast her magic first. A fire spear flew toward Ki, and she jumped back. Her jump covered a distance of about sixty-five feet. Diane shot off continuously. Five arrows flew toward Ki, and she couldn¡¯t dodge all of them. She was hit by two on the shoulder and, still holding on to her pistols, she turned to retreat. She moved very quickly and started putting some distance between them, and Halo clicked his tongue. "I¡¯ll get closer," he said and used his sh attack. Like a lightning bolt, Halo covered the distance and attacked Ki with his sword. She managed to block it with her pistol, but she was hurt because Halo had used his power. Ki staggered heavily, and Vera set a fire orb behind her. Vera¡¯s fire spear, and Diane¡¯s explosive arrow traveled through the air at the same time, and Ki aimed both pistols forward. Right then, the force field ran out of time, making her pistols look even more dangerous. Ki¡¯s dual pistols could create shockwaves, and she swept everything from all directions with the shockwaves. Boom! Halo wasunched back, and Junhyuk rolled on the ground with him. Vera¡¯s spear was closing in, but Vera staggered with the shockwave, and Ki took advantage of that to attack her. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! Ten bullets flew toward Vera. Ki¡¯s health was nearly gone, but she was still dangerous. Diane moved quickly and loosened more arrows, but Ki jumped again and escaped. Vera had been hit and was losing consciousness. Junhyuk gritted his teeth. Ki was dying, but while escaping, she was inflicting an insane amount of damage. Ki pulled out her rifle, and Junhyuk ran toward her. Ki was a marksman. She used her pistols for her ultimate, but she used her rifle for her regr attack. However, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t handle her regr attack. Ki could have equipped herself to boost her attacks, and everything about it was dangerous for Junhyuk, and yet, he still stepped forward. Halo had been pushed back, and it seemed like Ki had the highest movement speed among heroes. Junhyuk had to chase her down, so he ran as fast as he could while Ki aimed her rifle at him. "You are the man I need to kill." The rifle¡¯s shots weren¡¯t continuous, but each bullet was dangerous. Junhyuk focused and noticed that Ki wasn¡¯t retreating. He would be able to get close. Bang! As Ki pulled the trigger, Junhyuk teleported. That move was dangerous, and Junhyuk showed up right in front of her. The teleportation range was short, so he wasn¡¯t able to teleport behind her. Instead, he trusted the information Diane had given him. Because Ki was using the rifle, she couldn¡¯t reload and fire fast enough. He thought he had the advantage wielding two swords, so Junhyuk attacked her. Ordinarily, Ki couldn¡¯t be killed by Junhyuk, but at that moment, it was different. If he delivered the right blow, she would die. So, Junhyuk shed at her as fast as possible. If he couldn¡¯t kill her, he would still keep her busy and at that ce. Diane wasn¡¯t too far away. She would join him soon enough. Ki realized she couldn¡¯t escape alive, so she wanted to kill Junhyuk, but his attacks didn¡¯t give her an opening to use her rifle. She used the rifle to block them, but his swords moved faster and faster. He shed her ribs and her shoulder. The damage was mounting, so she put away her rifle and grabbed a pistol with her left hand. At close range, a pistol could kill him. Bang! The pistol¡¯s muzzle zed, but Junhyuk teleported again. This time, he was behind her and he swung his swords at her neck. Even though she was a hero, she couldn¡¯t survive an attack like that. A gash opened across Ki¡¯s neck, and blood gushed out of it like a waterfall. Junhyuk pushed the Blood Rune Sword deeper into her wound. "Gluck!" As Ki started disappearing, Junhyuk whispered in her ear: "You knew about me, but there is something you don¡¯t know." Ki turned to look at him. "The people who tried to kill me all died and leveled down. Remember that." Junhyuk moved the Blood Rune Sword sideways, beheading Ki, and he sighed, relieved. "Destroy the tower!" Halo shouted as soon as Ki died. Even though he was hit by the shockwaves, he was not in danger. Halo attacked while Junhyuk picked up the leather arm warmer Ki dropped and ran toward Vera. Vera was mortally wounded. It would be hard for her to stay alive. Diane was standing next to her, attacking the tower. However, Diane couldn¡¯t save her. When Junhyuk arrived, she sighed. "Take me out of the tower¡¯s range." "OK." Junhyuk carried her, inspecting her wounds. Vera¡¯s attack was higher than her defense, and her items only increased that gap. Ki¡¯s ultimate and continuous shooting had taken a toll on her. She wasn¡¯t dead, but she would die soon. "Are you hurt badly?" "Yeah. The crazy bitch did something so that the bleeding won¡¯t stop." Junhyuk was suddenly scared. Ki had a very high attack, and the wound kept inflicting damage. If he were to be hit, he would die. They are well out of the range of the tower, and Vera activated the return. She looked at him and smiled. "Be careful. I¡¯ll be back soon." He looked at her disappearing and looked at his hands covered in her blood and thought about how dangerous his new opponents were. He trusted the allied heroes, but some of them had already died once. He had to increase his attack. Sarang walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. "Big brother." Junhyuk turned, and she stared at him. "Must you put yourself in danger?" "I had to kill her." "I know that. You have to be more careful!" He had dealt with a hero alone, and Sarang¡¯s heart trembled. Still, Junhyuk understood where she wasing from and gave her a hug. "Don¡¯t worry. I don¡¯t die so easily." Sarang was shaking slightly, and Junhyuk watched the rest of the group approach after they destroyed the tower. "Are you OK?" "I was about to ask you the same thing. You are fearless," Halo said, and Junhyuk smiled. "I couldn¡¯t let her get away." "You did well." Halo patted his shoulder and looked at Diane. "We should go to the dimensional merchant." "Are we not giving the others a hand?" Diane asked, and Halo nodded, sheathed his sword and looked at her purposefully. "We can¡¯t continue like this." "True. I meant to go to Bebe¡¯s as well," she yawned and pped Junhyuk¡¯s butt. "Let¡¯s go." Junhyuk wanted to ask her if her hand hurt after pping his armor. Chapter 96: New Power 2 Chapter 96: New Power 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Bebe noticed Junhyuk being back so soon and smiled at him. "What happened to Vera?" "Vera returned." Bebe nodded. "It¡¯s lucky that she wasn¡¯t killed." Halo walked over to Bebe. "I need the Wind God Bracelet." Bebe stared at him nkly. "Really? It costs two hundred and fifty thousand gold?" "I¡¯ve been saving to get it." Halo pulled out two items from his chest and extended his hand. Bebe pushed his te forward, and Halo looked at his sum. Bebe smiled. "You have enough. Are you buying it?" "Correct." "It¡¯s a good thing you are getting it. Does thatplete your set?" "I can¡¯t buy expensive items that fast!" "Yeah, set items cost too much." Bebeughed a little, and from under the counter, he pulled out a small box and opened it. A cutting wind rose out of the opening. Halo rarely smiled, but he did this time. "Now, I¡¯ve got it." He put the bracelet on and shed his sword lightly through the air. Gusts howled from the de. "Is that a set item?" Junhyuk asked. "Yes. I haven¡¯t collected all of the items in the set, but it¡¯s more effective now. Now, I can fight," Halo said, and Junhyuk trusted him. Halo looked at Diane, and she stepped forward and pulled out two items as well. "You got the Moonlight Quiver?" "You want it?" "It would be the greatest help." "It costs three hundred thousand gold. you know?" "I know." Junhyuk thought those items were extremely expensive, and Diane paid and picked up the quiver. She girded it around her waist and pulled an arrow from it. The arrow looked ordinary before, but now it had a soothing moonlight glow. She nocked it on her bow and smiled. "I am expecting something special." Junhyuk didn¡¯t know much, but he knew they¡¯d been saving up to buy those items, and Vera had also paid a lot for her item. Then, Bebe turned to look at Junhyuk. "Do you want something else as well?" "Wait a second." He hadn¡¯t inspected the item he picked up, so he did it then. --- Wind Lizard¡¯s Leather Arm Warmer Defense +15 Attack Speed +10% Poison Damage +20 Made out of a wind lizard¡¯s skin, this arm warmer increases defense by fifteen and attack speed by 10 percent. It also increases poison damage by twenty. It was made by hand. --- Junhyuk was really surprised by the buffs. "Isn¡¯t this really good?" he asked. "They are more advanced than we are, so their items should be of a higher quality. It would be very expensive," Halo said after inspecting it. Junhyuk was curious about the price and gave the Wind Lizard¡¯s Arm Warmer to Bebe. "How much is this?" Bebe checked it out and answered, "It¡¯s a good item... It¡¯s normally a hundred thousand gold. If you are selling it, I¡¯ll give you fifty thousand gold." Junhyuk measured his options. With the fifty thousand gold, he could upgrade his Blood Rune Sword a 7th time. "Think about it first. If you won¡¯t use it, you should sell it," Halo said, worrying about him. He understood the power of the Wind Lizard¡¯s Leather Arm Warmer. It increased attack speed and defense and added some fixed damage that would go through his enemy¡¯s defense. He was still thinking about it when Diane asked, "If you are keeping it, will you engrave it?" "Yes." "You¡¯ll have to get naked." Junhyuk sighed. "I¡¯m thinking about this seriously. Don¡¯t joke." "I¡¯m not joking." Junhyuk shook his head. "I¡¯ll keep it." He could get fifty thousand gold for it, but he thought about it and he would be losing the same amount by letting it go. He also liked the buffs. So, he turned to Bebe. "Engrave it for me." "Where do you want it?" Engravings left him with tattoo marks. He didn¡¯t want anybody seeing them, so he wanted it some ce where people couldn¡¯t see. "Can¡¯t you engrave it over the same spot of a previous engraving?" "You mean aplex engraving." Junhyuk didn¡¯t know about that. "Is that possible?" "It¡¯s possible, but it¡¯s a difficult job, so the price is doubled." "So, eachplex engraving is two thousand gold? "Correct." Previously, he wouldn¡¯t have paid that much, but now he had some money and he didn¡¯t want tattoos covering his entire body. So, he chose to get theplex engraving. Junhyuk ced his hand on the te. He had 12,240G from his contribution in killing Jean Clo. "Do you just want the Wind Lizard¡¯s Leather Arm Warmer engraved?" "No. This one as well." He handed over the Dark Night Cloak, and Bebe smiled. "There is a limit of three forplex engravings." "Then, do it twice over here." He wanted to do it inside his left wrist. He paid, and the four thousand gold were subtracted, leaving him with 8,240G. Junhyuk felt awkward when Bebe took off his armor. He was naked and instinctively covered his butt with his hands. p! He was able to block Diane¡¯s hand that was about to p him. Still covering his butt, he red at her. "Stop it." "By the way, you forgot to cover your privates." "What?!" He was only covering his rear and not the front. "Big brother!" Junhyuks was about to turn around when Sarang covered her eyes with her hands. Junhyuk covered his front with the countertop by pushing himself against it and kept covering his rear with his hands. "Do it quickly!" "Right." Bebeughed and engraved both shapes on his wrist. It didn¡¯t take a long time, and Junhyuk wondered about having to pay twice as much for it. Diane was looking at his butt, and Sarang was looking at him naked. After being engraved, he quickly summoned the ck armor and looked at Diane. She wasughing hard. "We arete. Let¡¯s move!" Junhyuk said. He didn¡¯t want to argue with Diane and looked at Halo instead and asked, "Where are we going?" "The heroes are gathering on Arn. Vera is joining him. We should join him as well." "OK." Halo took the lead, and Junhyuk followed him. They headed to where Arn and Bater were fighting each other. They had taken the 1st tower, but if the enemy was there, they would be attacking their tower. Vera was alsoing, so the allies would have five people there. If the enemy heroes weren¡¯t all there, the allies would have the numerical superiority. The allies might lose other towers, but killing enemy heroes would work out the best, so the group moved quickly. The worst oue would be if Arn and Nudra got killed before they got there. --- The group moved diligently and reached Arn and Nudra. They were next to a tower, watching the enemy. It was a good thing that Vera was also already there. If not, they would have lost the tower. They were being attacked by Bater, Regina, Doctor T and Adolphe. Adolphe was attacking, but they were within Vera¡¯s range, and she was casting her magic. If the enemy attacked in full force, the allies might have been pushed back. The enemy was keeping their distance, and Regina had her pistols out. They could be preparing to push, but they might also just be waiting for someone else. Junhyuk looked at Halo. "They are waiting for someone." "It looks that way." The enemy had lost the 1st tower and couldn¡¯t get it reinforced. If the allies attacked, they might abandon their own tower. The enemy hadn¡¯t spotted them yet. If they had, they would have attacked. Halo, Diane, Junhyuk and Sarang were about to join them. Halo nodded, pulled out a marble and closed his eyes. He was telling the others they were there. His eyes opened a momentter. "Arn will move first. When the enemy engages him, we will attack them from behind." Junhyuk nodded. It was dangerous, but he still had to do it. If Arn got killed, there would be nothing to be done, but they went with the n. Arn and Nudra stepped forward, but Bater and hispany moved back. Still, the enemy heroes wanted to fight. As they retreated, Halo said, "Sarang will join us this time. Junhyuk!" "Yes?" "Stay with her, and if she is in danger teleport her away." Junhyuk nodded heavily. They could use Sarang¡¯s power. The allied heroes were powerful, but theyck powers to restrain or paralyze the enemy. However, the enemy was different. To deal with them, Sarang would be needed. Arn was far from the tower when Bater moved. Bater, their strongest hero, took the lead, and the other enemy heroes followed him. If they got within range, they would have a bigger problem. At that point, they were just feeling each other out, but the enemies had the power to close the distance very quickly. If they restrained the allies, they could kill an allied hero very quickly with their firepower. The allies also started moving. Halo had the same thought and said, "We should get closer." He looked at Diane and added, "We must attack first, before the enemy does." "Don¡¯t worry." Halo nodded and ran. Diane ran after him, and Junhyuk and Sarang followed her. If possible, they wanted to win the team battle, but at the very least, Sarang had to survive. The enemies saw Halo approaching from the rear, and Bater shouted, "Follow the n!" Bater rushed toward Arn. Regina dashed at high speed, and Adolphe and Doctor T followed her. They used all of their might to catch Arn andpany. "I will attack first," Halo said. After he spoke, he increased his movement speed. Halo was on high gear, and Junhyuk watched him go. His speed had increased 60 percent from his regr speed. He did not catch up with Bater and Regina, but he got to Doctor T and Adolphe. Junhyuk frowned. Doctor T and Adolphe could tie up their enemies, and had significant attack powers. Halo could be in real danger. As Halo closed in, Adolphe stabbed the ground with his mechanical sword andunched his boomerang. Halo tried to hit the boomerang with his sword, but it was not something you could hit, so he was paralyzed, and Doctor T advanced. Adolphe lifted his mechanical sword up high, and Junhyuk grabbed Diane¡¯s shoulder and teleported himself closer. Diane, who had also been teleported, was within range to attack the enemy. She took out five arrows at the same time and nocked them. "You did good. I will give you a spankingter." After she said that, the five arrows flew toward Adolphe and T doctor. Chapter 97: New Power 3 Chapter 97: New Power 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - It was the first time he was seeing arrows glowing with moonlight. He was curious about the damage they would inflict, and Adolphe and Doctor T became their first targets. Doctor T was about to use the methrower on Halo, and Adolphe was running while carrying his mechanical sword. They were both hit by the moonlit arrows and staggered backward. Doctor T was hit on the right arm, and Adolphe was hit on his thigh. They both looked to be in great pain, and Diane readied another shot. "It was worth the price," she said. Diane shot another five arrows. They zoomed through the air in a row, and Doctor T lifted his legs. He blocked three arrows, but two arrows still hit him on the chest. "Ugh!" He moaned, in pain, and staggered farther back. She had used her power and not just an ordinary attack, and it inflicted extraordinary damage. Dianeughed a little and pulled on her bowstring again. "Deathblows delivery!" Junhyuk could guess at what she meant. Diane carried items with high attack that inflicted fatal injuries. She shot some more moonlit arrows, and Doctor T used his front legs to block. He couldn¡¯t block arrows shot with her powers, but he could block ordinary attacks. After blocking, heunched a spider web at her in response. Diane was tied up by the sudden spider web. She couldn¡¯t let go of her bow, but Halo was able to move again. He was already close to the enemy, so he used his lighting sh attack. The lighting sh attack was also different. As Halo moved, wind waspressed into the sword and, as he shed Doctor T¡¯s ribs, the wind was dpressed, opening a gash where the sword passed. Doctor T looked at himself bleeding and asked, ""What kind of damage is this?" In fact, Doctor T didn¡¯t have a lot of health. Compared to the other heroes, he had high attack and the ability to tie people up, which made him dangerous, but when attacked, he was not different from the other heroes. Diane¡¯s attack had delivered a massive blow, and Halo¡¯s attack was also very strong. Doctor T was about to die, so he used his methrower. The strong mes engulfed Halo, and the fire inflicted persistent damage. Halo wasn¡¯t tied up, so he wasn¡¯t hurt badly. If he had been, he would be in critical condition. Halo still had some fire on him when he jumped and swung his sword. The sword shed Doctor T¡¯s body, and his chest bled profusely. By the look of the amount of blood spilled, Halo¡¯s new item opened up injuries and made them bleed. Doctor T staggered, and Adolphe rushed after Diane. With his mechanical sword, Adolphe shed Diane¡¯s chest. She was paralyzed, and he lifted the mechanical sword up high. If he attacked with his sword, she could die. Junhyuk grabbed Diane¡¯s shoulder and teleported away. Adolphe mmed his sword down. Crack, crack, crack, crack! Adolphe¡¯s sword crushed the ground up to thirty-three feet way, but Junhyuk could teleport a distance of forty-three feet. He saw the crushed ground ten feet in front of him and sighed. Adolphe saw his power hadn¡¯t worked and rushed toward Diane again. He knew Diane had low defense and wanted to bring her to an end. However, Junhyuk stood in front of the rushing Adolphe. Since he was a champion, his attack was certainly higher than Junhyuk¡¯s. His powers were strong, and his ordinary attack also looked powerful. Still, if Junhyuk didn¡¯t stop him, Diane would die, and he couldn¡¯t let that happen. He had to hold him for just a moment. Whenever Diane could move again, she would kill that champion easily. They both used their powers. Junhyuk walked toward Adolphe, and Adolphe looked at him andughed. "I heard you have useful powers." He attacked with his mechanical sword, and Junhyuk dodged to the side. Adolphe twisted his waist and swung again. It all happened too suddenly, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t really escape. Adolphe¡¯s sword shed through the empty air. Junhyuk had been attacked, but he looked like a shadow. Adolphe¡¯s eyes widened, and Junhyuk smiled. That was the power of the Dark Night Cloak. Junhyuk had escaped, and he swung his swords at Adolphe, who blocked with his mechanical sword. However, Junhyuk had been practicing his swordsmanship, and with three continued swings, he shed Adolphe¡¯s thigh. Adolphe had already been hurt by Diane¡¯s arrow, and he couldn¡¯t really find his footing. The important thing was that Junhyuk had shed him with the Frozen Rune Sword, and Adolphe frowned. Adolphe realized he was debuffed. He was moving slower, and Junhyuk¡¯s attacks became faster. He tries to block, but he was shed five more times. The debuff was stacked three times. Junhyuk thought he had done enough and hit Adolphe¡¯s sword as he stepped back. Adolphe ran toward him, but was hit by five arrows in a row. Adolphe covered his weak spots, but Diane didn¡¯t aim for them. Thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck! "Ugh!" The five arrows hit him on the leg without the previous injury. With five arrows in one thigh, Adolphe stared at Diane, but she was slowly loosening another arrow. "That hurt." The arrow flew, but Adolphe blocked it. Boom! It had been an explosive arrow. As Adolphe blocked it, another arrow flew through the air and prated his neck. "Arrgh!" Adolphe started disappearing, and Diane ran and said, "Junhyuk, follow me!" She knew Junhyuk hadn¡¯t used his force field and ran with him. Halo had already killed Doctor T. He was hit by the methrower, but the damage had been minimal. Diane had killed Adolphe, so the allies had the advantage. Halo took the lead, and Diane, Junhyuk and Sarang followed him. Sarang was runningst, and Junhyuk frowned. Bater was rushing against Arn and stomping the ground. His attacks covered long distances and inflicted heavy damage, and Regina was also on the move. Regina¡¯s speed was amazing, and she swung down her cuss on Vera. Vera was in danger. Nudra kicked Regina, pushing her back. He tossed Regina toward Halo and Diane. Halo used the lighting sh attack on her back. The attack opened a gash on her back, and it started to bleed, so she turned and shot her gun at Halo. Boom! He was hit by buckshot and staggered. Regina ignored Halo, and at max speed, she moved toward Vera. Bater was fighting Nudra and Arn, and Regina was trying to kill Vera. That seemed to be their n. Their original n called for Doctor T and Adolphe to join them. They had meant to kill all three heroes by using their great attack powers. However, Doctor T and Adolphe were dead, so Bater was dealing with Nudra and Arn, and Regina was dealing with Vera. Regina was moving at great speed, shooting her pistol at Vera. Vera dodged the bullets and quickly set a fire orb in Regina¡¯s path. Regina slid away from the fire orb, but a firewall appeared in front of her. She had nowhere to go, and Vera threw a fire spear. Boom, boom! Regina was hit with the fire spear and staggered to hit the fire orb. Vera had upgraded her equipment, and her damage had increased, but Regina was not dead yet. She looked at Vera, lifting her eyepatch. It was a new power. Vera turned into a big rock. Petrification. Regina walked up to Vera and swung her cuss and shot her pistol. a-chink! Bang, bang, bang! Nudraunched a strong gust and pushed Regina back, but Bater rushed in. Boom! Vera was a big rock, and she broke into small pieces. She had been out of range of Junhyuk¡¯s force field, and Arn looked at Vera dying and ran toward Regina. From behind her, Halo jumps toward her. Regina spun and shot her pistols. Bang, bang, bang, bang! Arn and Halo had to find safe spots from her bullets. Her pistol attacks had the power to push people back. After seeing the petrification power, they knew all of Regina¡¯s powers, but she was quite dangerous. She was trying to retreat when five arrows flew toward her. Regina attempted to dodge them quickly, but was still hit on the shoulder and chest. She had already lost a lot of health because of Vera, and the two arrows delivered the deathblows. Regina turned grey, and Bater smacked his lips. They were losing. Bater inspected the field and then ran toward Diane. The other heroes saw Bater running toward her. Nudra jumped and downward kicked Bater¡¯s head. Only Bater remained, so he used his ultimate. Bater used both arms to block Nudra¡¯s attack, but was stuck knee deep into the ground. Arn and Halo ran toward Bater. At close range, only they could deal with Bater. Both had health, so they could attack Bater without dying. They were both attacking when Bater stomped the ground. They were both within range, and the ground shook and staggered them. Boom, boom, boom! Bater stomped three times, damaging them heavily. Meanwhile, Diane shot at him. Bater was stuck to the ground, and it was too easy for her to hit him with her arrows. The Moonlight Quiver also added extra damage. Even Bater couldn¡¯t ignore the injuries he received. Junhyuk was standing behind Diane. They were still not sure about the enemy¡¯s powers, so he was ready to use his force field at any time. Diane shot again, just to make sure. Her attacks were deadly, and Bater extended his fist toward her. There were about eighty-two feet between them, and Bater couldn¡¯t rush because he was knee-deep in the ground. Diane opened her eyes slightly and let go of her bowstring. That attack should kill him, and Bater also knew that. Then, steam came out of Bater¡¯s arms and the mechanical fists shot off. "Rocket punches?" They had to move. Junhyuk created a force field around Diane. The force field was covering Diane, Junhyuk and Sarang when it was hit by the fists. Boom! The force field was pushed back thirty-three feet. It was the first time the force field had travelled that far, and they turned to look at Bater. He was hit by the arrow and was disappearing. Their tensions loosened. Chapter 98: New Power 4 Chapter 98: New Power 4 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The group gathered around the spot where Bater was disappearing, and Arn sighed. "Their ultimates are scary," he said. Junhyuk nodded in agreement. "The petrifaction was a surprise, but thatst rocket punch was shocking!" "What¡¯s a rocket?" Arn asked, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t know how to answer him. "We have something called a rocket. In any event, it¡¯s something very powerful." "Right. The entire force field was pushed back very far. Vera and Diane could have been instantly killed by it," Arn said and continued. "Anyway, did we just gain the advantage?" Junhyuk had a sudden thought, "They were waiting for someone toe!" As he finished speaking, they heard a loud gun noise. Bang! Junhyuk, who was holding Sarang¡¯s head, turned his head to look and saw Ki holding her rifle. "Diane!" Arn shouted and turned. Diane was bleeding from the middle of her forehead and started disappearing. She had already lost a lot of health from Adolphe¡¯s attack, and Ki had shot her weak spot. It was a fatal blow, and she had no other choice but to die. Junhyuk stood in front of Sarang and said, "They were waiting for those two." Ki and Jean Cloe out of the forest. Their n had been to gather the five of them and push the allies back. Junhyuk looked around. "We are at a disadvantage!" "We are three. They are two." "But we are all hurt." Arn frowned, and Junhyuk continued, "Let¡¯s go back to the tower." Halo agreed with him, "He is right. Without Diane, we should retreat until we can use the force field again. Then, we can rush and catch them." Arn thought for a moment and nodded. "Let¡¯s go back." Arn, Halo, Nudra and Junhyuk stood in front of Sarang. They could all deflect ordinary bullets. As they were retreating, Jean CLo ran toward them. Jean Clo knew that he couldn¡¯t let them get to the tower. Ki was also running, with her rifle in tow. Considering its range, she could kill any one of them at any minute. Junhyuk looked at Jean Clo and gritted his teeth. He had to retreat. "Everybody, hold on to me!" Everyone touched him, and Junhyuk teleported with everyone on him and escaped before Jean Clo got to him. Jean Clo watched as they got away, tapped his steel jaw and said, "Nothing will change." He would use his ultimate to chase them to the tower, and Ki would support him, making it difficult for them to escape. The allies had lost a lot of health already, and it was possible they might all die. To reverse the situation, Junhyuk thought he had to do something, even if it might not be easy. Ki and Jean Clo knew the allies werecking a long-ranged hero and approached. Behind them were riflemen. Junhyuk looked at them, and Jean Clo smiled. "You shoulde out. I¡¯ll show you what will happen if you stay in there." Ki positioned herself while she held her rifle. She pulled the trigger. Bang! There was a loud noise, and Junhyuk looked at the tower. An archer on the tower was dead. "I knew her range was long, but not this long," Junhyuk said and frowned. He looked at the others, and they were looking at Ki. "As soon as your force field is ready, we attack her." "What about Jean Clo?" Halo shook his head. "Ki does more damage. Jean Clo is strong, but he can¡¯t kill us with one blow." Arn nodded and said, "Jean Clo... I will deal with him." Halo nodded. "Be careful. If he catches you, it could get dangerous." "I¡¯ve already heard." Arn said and looked at Junhyuk. "Are you ready?" Junhyuk nodded, and Arn told Sarang, "Don¡¯te out until Ki is dead. You will help when we kill Jean Clo." "OK." Junhyuk also agreed with the suggestion. "Make sure Jean Clo can¡¯t use his ultimate. He won¡¯t use it at the start." "Trust me." Jean Clo would use his ultimate when his health was low, so they would use Sarang to finish him off. Everyone nodded, and thest archer fell from the tower and died. There was no meaning to the tower anymore. "Let¡¯s go." Arn and Halo took the lead, and Nudra ran after them. Junhyuk wasst. "Wait until she uses her power," Arn whispered. The distance was shortening, and Ki sat and readied herself. Jean Clo was in front of her and extended both of his arms. He was squatting, and it looked like he was finished getting ready. Junhyuk stared hard at Ki. He needed to stop her from shooting. The damage she inflicted with her attack was high, so he was very nervous. Then, Ki pulled the trigger. Bang! Junhyuk made a force field. The bullet bounced off of it, and Arnunched a saber at her. Ki jumped back, trying to escaped. While the force field was up, there was nothing she could do. She retreated, and Halo looked at Junhyuk. "Go after her!" Everyone touched Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder, and he teleported. They covered forty-three feet, and Halo boosted his movement speed by 60 percent and left the force field. Jean Clo rushed toward him, but Arn went after Jean Clo. Right when Jean Clo was about to attack, Arn swung his saber at his ribs. He stopped chasing Halo and tried to punch Arn instead. Jean Clo was very skilled with his arms, and Arn had to take a step back. However, Jean Clo had more tricks up his sleeves. He rushed toward Arn, but Junhyuk moved quickly to intercept and put the force field around him and Arn. "Right. I have to kill you first," Jean Clo said, staring at Junhyuk. Arn looked at Junhyuk once and jumped. He kept Jean Clo upied so that Jean Clo couldn¡¯t go give Ki support. Arn went in and out of the force field quick-attacking Jean Clo. Halo and Nudra closed in on Ki. She was now handling both pistols and started shooting. Bang! She pushed both of them back, re-equipped her rifle and pulled the trigger. Bang! Without the backing of a power, the bullets could be stopped. Jean Clo attacked Halo. His rush had a short cooldown, and once close, he grabbed Halo, who was trying to defend himself against the bullets. He held Halo by the neck and lifted him up. He was attempting a chokem. Junhyuk ran to them, but the force field disappeared. Boom! Jean Clo mmed Halo against the ground, and Ki¡¯s rifle fire hit and pierced Halo¡¯s belly. The enemy was working in unison. Ki was trying to help Jean Clo finish Halo off, so Nudra decided to attack her. She saw Nudra approaching, and she retreated, still shooting her pistols. She jumped, and Nudra tried to block her shots but was badly hurt. Before Halo got up, Jean Clo grabbed his leg with his arms and started spinning. Because of the motion, no one could get close. "The Giant Swing?" If Jean Clounched him, Halo would die from the impact. However, no one could get close to him while Jean Clo was spinning. Arn knew what to do and attacked Ki. He couldn¡¯t help Halo, but he could kill Ki, so both him and Nudra went after her. While they attacked Ki, Junhyuk thought of a way to help Halo. Then, a lightning bolt zoomed by and hit Jean Clo, leaving him paralyzed. Halo was still being held by the legs, but he shed both of Jean Clo¡¯s arms, which bled profusely. Then, Halo stabbed him on the neck. As Halo¡¯s sword pierced his neck, Jean Clo started moving again, so he threw Halo away and prepared to use his ultimate. A neck injury usually meant death, and Halo had a new item equipped that opened the wound even more. Jean Clo bled heavily and tried to use his ultimate instinctively. However, Sarang was faster. She fired another bolt, and he was paralyzed again. That¡¯s when Junhyuk jumped at him. Before he used his ultimate, Junhyuk had to kill him. Halo was thrown far away, so Junhyuk was the only one close enough. He wielded both of his swords and pushed them into the wound on Jean Clo¡¯s neck. It might have worked since Jean Clo¡¯s wound was already very wide, but Jean Clo¡¯s eyes widened and he said, "Bye, bye." Junhyuk tried to widen the wound even further, but Jean Clo was able to move again. He used his ultimate. A hero would have killed him, but Junhyuk couldn¡¯t do it in one attack. Junhyuk had walked into danger. Jean Clo¡¯s wound started healing quickly, and Junhyuk teleported away. Jean Clo¡¯s hands got close, and Junhyuk was almost killed. Jean Clo was going berserk. Halo was in serious danger, and he had lost most of his health. If he got grabbed, he would die. Junhyuk had used all of his powers. He couldn¡¯t help anyone with anything, so he went over to Sarang. However, Jean Clo went to help Ki instead of going after Halo. He grabbed Nudra by the waist and threw him in the air. No one could tell which side would win. Junhyuk was waiting for the cooldown to end and looked at Sarang. "Why did you interfere?" "I had to save Halo." She had done well. She had paralyzed Jean Clo, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t able to finish him off. This was not Sarang¡¯s fault but Junhyuk¡¯s own shorings. Halo got up and went back to join the fight. Everyone had lost health, but the fight had to continue. If not, they would all be killed. Junhyuk and Sarang couldn¡¯t help. Nudra was thrown to the ground, and Arn¡¯s saber shed Ki¡¯s ribs. Halo looked for Jean Clo, but Jean Clo¡¯s blue glow had stopped. He grabbed Arn and choke mmed him to the ground, but Halo stabbed his ribs. Then, Jean Clo did something unexpected. He grabbed Ki by the waist andunched her. She flew over all of the heroes toward Junhyuk and Sarang. While airborne, she shot her pistols without hesitation. Junhyuk frowned while retreating. She wasn¡¯t aiming just for him. So, he hugged Sarang and was hit in the back by three bullets. The bullets pierced the ck armor easily, and Junhyuk vomited blood. Sarang stared at him with her big eyes. "Big brother?" Junhyuk was still hugging her and said, "Don¡¯t die." Bang, bang, bang, bang! He was hit again. Junhyuk knew he was dying. The bullets hadn¡¯t hit a weak spot, but he would die soon. Junhyuk looked back, and Halo attacked Ki with his lightning sh. She jumped away and dodged, thinking that Junhyuk would die soon. Junhyuk was dying, but the important thing was that Sarang was still alive. Her big eyes were quivering, and he touched her cheek. "Stay alive. We¡¯ll see each other soon." "No, don¡¯t! Big brother!" Junhyuk felt the world turning ck, and Sarang¡¯s voice hit his ears like a hammer. "Big brother!" There was a long shout, and a warm body enveloped his body. Chapter 99: Fishing 1 Chapter 99: Fishing 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk was regaining consciousness. He opened his eyes, extremely surprised. Sarang was holding his helmet with both of her hands, and her eyes opened wide. "Big brother, are you OK?" "Yes. What happened?" He was staring at her in disbelief, and she was hugging him and crying. "It¡¯s a miracle! A miracle!." If Junhyuk had died, there wouldn¡¯t be anything strange about that. However, he had regained his health, and the continuous damage had also disappeared. Suddenly, he realized what had happened. "Did you just get a new power?" Sarang nodded. "It¡¯s a miracle! I was able to save your life." Junhyuk looked to the battlefield. Ki had been attacked by Halo and was pushed back. Now, she was aiming her rifle at him again. She saw that Junhyuk was still alive and was preparing to attack, but Junhyuk hugged Sarang and teleported. Bang! Ki¡¯s rifle fired, but Junhyuk and Sarang had already escaped. Sarang had to be saved no matter what the cost. Even if she had activated a new power, she would only get an extra life with the start of the next round. Right now, she was still progressing to expert. Junhyuk stood in front of her and asked, "What is the cooldown time of your new power?" "One minute." They had to know for sure what kind of power she had. He had been dying, and she saved him. It was a type of healing power, and maybe she could save the heroes too. Halo was badly injured. He had been hit by the buckshot, willing to sacrifice his own life to save them. They had dodged Ki¡¯s rifle, and Ki pulled out her pistols. Junhyuk and Sarang couldn¡¯t kill her unless somethingpletely unbelievable happened. So, she thought it was better to get rid of Halo first. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t very far away. The truth was that Halo¡¯s health was almost gone. If he were hit by a power attack, he would be killed, and Junhyuk decided he had to save him. Jean Clo had regained all of this health, and Arn and Nudra looked to be in serious danger. They couldn¡¯t help Halo. "Sarang, when the cooldown is over, use your power on Halo." After he said that, Junhyuk started running, and Ki turned to look at him. Her main target was still Junhyuk. Halo could reincarnate, but experts were different. She only had to kill him twice. So far, she had killed many experts who all had different powers. Considering all of the experts she has killed, Junhyuk had the most skill in battle, so she had to kill him. After killing him, she would kill Sarang because she had just gotten a new power. Sarang had saved Junhyuk from dying, which meant she had a high ranking power. Heroes only regained a little health by drinking potions, but it was a different story when they got healed by powers. So, Ki ran toward Junhyuk. Halo was almost dead, but he also took off to help him. Junhyuk looked at Halo and then at Ki. Her pistol¡¯s range was longer than the range he could cover with his swords. He could teleport one more time, but he wasn¡¯t sure how long he wouldst. As soon as Junhyuk got within her range, he dove sideways. Bang, bang, bang, bang! The shots almost hit him, but the bullets bounced off the ground, and he knew he had to buy more time. If Halo got healed, he would kill Ki. Halo had a new item, and he could inflict way more damage than before. Halo couldn¡¯t use his lightning sh attack yet, but he was ready to attack at any moment from outside of her pistol¡¯s range. Ki was surrounded by Junhyuk and Halo, and both were outside of her range. She couldn¡¯t jump at that point, so both sides were waiting for their cooldowns to end. Arn and Nudra were also at low health, but they could deal with Jean Clo. Jean Clo couldn¡¯ty a finger on either of them. On Junhyuk¡¯s side, both teams were checking each other out. Then, Sarang extended her arms. Halo was circling Ki and approached Sarang. Sarang¡¯s hands gave off a green-colored light, and from above Halo¡¯s head, green-colored powder started falling on him. His wounds were quickly healed. Ki ran toward Halo, shooting at him. It was a chaotic attack, but Halo blocked the bullets with his sword and used his lighting sh attack. He closed in on Ki and shed her ribs. Ki jumped in Sarang¡¯s direction, but Halo jumped in the same direction with her and attacked her in midair. Ki was bleeding heavily and was about to shoot at Sarang, but she countered, paralyzing Ki. Still in the air, Halo cut Ki¡¯s arm off. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t have done it, but Halo, being a hero, was different. He hadn¡¯t used his power on hisst attack, but he was still able to injure her badly. Before hitting the ground, Halo swung his sword three times, and Ki dropped to the ground covered in blood. She could move again, but Halo didn¡¯t let up. Blood spurted out of her neck, and she dropped. She started disappearing, and Junhyuk felt relieved. The allies now had the advantage. With Ki gone, they were up three to one. Jean Clo was holding on to Nudra and was spinning in midair. "Nudra!" Junhyuk shouted, but he couldn¡¯t save him. Boom! Nudra was on the ground, fading, and Junhyuk smacked his lips. Three had be two. However, Halo had regained his health, and he turned to Junhyuk. "We will take care of him." He ran and attacked, but Jean Clo blocked by using his arms. Jean Clo¡¯s elbow was cut and bleeding, and Arn jumped and attacked him from behind. In Jean Clo¡¯s position, it was better for him to attack Arn than attack Halo, who had regained his health. If he killed Arn, they wouldn¡¯t lose by a lot. Junhyuk watched Jean Clo pick up Arn. Arn shed his ribs, but Jean Clo still kept his grip on Arn¡¯s neck and lifted him up. He was about to chokem Arn when Halo rushed at him swinging his sword. Jean Clo lost his arm. He couldn¡¯t chokem with one arm and, instead, he hit Arn with his shoulder. However, Arn rolled on the ground and stood up again. Halo stabbed Jean Clo in the back. The sword pierced his torso and came out through his chest. Jean Clo couldn¡¯t scream, but he opened his mouth, and Halo spoke to him instead, "You lost." Halo pulled his sword out, and Jean Clo was left badly cut. He was bleeding like a waterfall, but he turned around and grabbed Halo¡¯s head. Jean Clo¡¯s gigantic hands were around Halo¡¯s face, but Halo looked rxed. Jean Clo had already lost his health and started to disappear. He died slowly. Halo swung his sword to clean the blood off of it and turned to Arn. Arn got up and was walking over when Sarang extended her arms, and the green powder dropped on him. He was healed and eximed in excitement, "That¡¯s an unbelievable healing power!" "How much were you healed for?" Junhyuk had a low health pool, but heroes were different. Their health pools were at a different level. Arn moved around and looked at Halo. "How about you?" "The continuous damage is gone, and I got healed for 30 percent of my health." "Right. I regained about 25 percent." Arn looked at Sarang. Her eyes were puffy from crying. "This healing power could give Vera and Diane half of their healths back," he told her. When heroes were at full health, they didn¡¯t die easily, but the allies who dealt the most damage had lower health pools. If she could give them half of their healths back, they could keep attacking the enemies for a much longer time. It was almost like Vera and Diane would have two lives. Arn continued, "But the enemy knows about your power now. You are not an expert yet, so you should try your best to stay alive." Then, he turned to Junhyuk, "If possible don¡¯t step in during a fight. Use the teleportations and the force field. We¡¯ll do the rest. Junhyuk could only attack Ki and Regina. If he attacked the rest of them, he would only be able to deal minimal damage. He hadn¡¯t been able to kill Jean Clo even when Jean Clo was seriously hurt. "What do we do now?" He asked Arn. Arn looked at Halo and said, "We will open this road. I will go to Bebe, and you take these two and destroy the 2nd tower." "OK. Where are we going after the 2nd tower?" Arn thought about it and answered, "To the dragon. If we can kill a dragon without them knowing, we will have the advantage in the next team battle." "Right. See youter." Junhyuk and Sarang followed Halo, and Sarang asked him, "You are notpletely healed, yet?" "When we start attacking the tower, I will have regained all of my health." They would get the minions to do the job, and the heroes wouldn¡¯t be in danger, so Sarang carefully made him another question, "I want to practice using my power. Is that OK?" Halo rarely smiled, but he did this time. "If it means regaining my health, go ahead." Sarang nodded and extended her hands. The warm, green-colored powder surrounded Halo, and he inspected himself. "Still 30 percent." Sarang nodded and looked at Junhyuk. "What about you?" "I¡¯mpletely healed." She smiled. "Good. If you are not dead, I¡¯ll save you." Junhyuk caressed her head. "Remember, you¡¯re the priority. You have to survive this round." "I know. You¡¯ll protect me!" "I will, but it¡¯s up to you to save yourself. If necessary, when I die, just run. OK?" She looked at him and smiled. "I¡¯m not sure I can do that, but I¡¯ll try." Chapter 100: Fishing 2 Chapter 100: Fishing 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - It didn¡¯t take long for them to destroy the 2nd tower. The enemy minions were riflemen, so the allied minions kept their shields up while rushing in, and Junhyuk took the lead, dealing with the enemy minions. It was over quickly. The riflemen¡¯s attacks couldn¡¯t prate Bebe¡¯s ck Armor, so it was easy for him to deal with them. By the time they had finished killing the minions and destroying the watchtower, reinforcements hadn¡¯t arrived yet. The enemy heroes would reincarnate, and they would surely return to fight again, so the allies moved fast. They were going to the Dragon¡¯s Valley. Once they arrived at the valley¡¯s entrance, they met with the others. "Did you buy anything?" Halo asked Arn. Arn frowned a little and tapped his sabers. "I tried to upgrade these, but it failed. Their stats lowered." After Arn said that, everyone¡¯s expressions froze, but Junhyuk was curious about what had happened. "Didn¡¯t you upgrade it to level nine?" "Correct," Arn answered calmly, "The first upgrade failed, and they got bumped down to level eight. So, I tried upgrading them two more times, and now they are at level ten." When he finished speaking, everyone felt overjoyed. Arn replied their cheers by pulling out his sabers. They were covered in a soft light and looked different from before. Junhyuk inspected the sabers while Arn continued calmly, "The difference between the 9th and 10th upgrades will be felt by our enemies." Arn was full of confidence, and Junhyuk felt relieved. Halo turned around and looked back. "You didn¡¯t bring many minions." There were 150 minions total, and they would be needed when destroying the towers. Minions couldn¡¯t draw the dragon¡¯s attention. Arn looked back and said, "Then, let¡¯s go." "The enemy won¡¯t know?" Junhyuk asked him. "About what?" "That we are attacking the dragon." "They could guess." "Previously, when we fought the dragon, we lost a lot of health. Couldn¡¯t it be dangerous?" The new enemies had enough power to match up with them, unlike their previous foes. The allies could get killed without being able to do anything. "Maybe we should let them take the dragon?" "If we do that, they will get the buff. Do you think we could kill them then?" Everyone was paying serious attention to Junhyuk, and Junhyuk said confidently, "We could hide and, when the dragon is about to die, we could steal the kill." "Is that even possible?" "It would take time for the enemy to kill the dragon. We would wait and steal it." "But there is no ce where we can hide." Junhyuk pointed upward and asked, "What about up there?" He had run away with Sarang before. If they took that road, it would take them over an hour to get up there. "It takes too much time." Junhyuk looked at the minions. "We don¡¯t have to take minions. We could hide them and just jump up the cliff." "Jump?" Junhyuk smiled. "With my jump skill and by teleporting." Last time, he had gotten stuck on the tip of the cliff, but with two teleports, he could get up there. Arn was interested in the idea and looked at the others. "What do you all think?" "It¡¯s a good idea. Even if we can¡¯t steal the dragon kill, the enemies will lose a lot of health, and we can attack them then," Diane agreed, and the other heroes nodded. "Is there a ce to hide them?" Arn asked, looking at the minions. "There is the reed field. We could hide them there and we don¡¯t have a lot of them." Nudra led the minions to the reed field, and Junhyuk looked up. There was a path to get up there, but it would take a long time. The allies decided to take advantage of their enemies¡¯ weaknesses. They would go up the cliff and wait by where the dragon was. Nudra returned and said, "I hid them well." Arn looked at Junhyuk. "Then, can you take us all up there by yourself?" "I can." Diane lifted her hand up. "Give me a piggyback ride." Arn looked up for a moment and asked, "Are we going up this way?" "Yes." "Let¡¯s do it." Arn jumped, stepped on the cliffside and stabbed it with his saber. He looked up and repeated the jumping and stabbing until he was already at the top. "We can do it." Nudra thought for a moment and kicked off the wall. He had an easier time getting up than Arn did. After hitting the wall twice, he was up. Junhyuk was astounded. "He got up there without using his power!" "It¡¯s not impossible," even though Halo said that, he stood next to Junhyuk. Junhyuk stared at him nkly, and Halo said, "I won¡¯t get up there using juvenile methods." Halo got closer to him, and Diane ran up to Junhyuk and got on his back. "This is my ce," she said. "Hold my hand." Halo grabbed his right hand, and Vera stayed to his left. "Hug me tightly," she said. Junhyuk hugged Vera by the waist, and Sarang stared at her with her eyes slightly wider and hung by Junhyuk¡¯s neck. "I¡¯m sorry I got between your women," Halo said. Junhyuk smiled. "Let¡¯s go up." After speaking, he jumped a hundred feet in the air. At the peak of the jump, he teleported, but he was not at the top yet. So, he teleported again, and they all arrived at the top safely. Junhyuk looked around. There was a road leading to the center of the Dragon¡¯s Valley, and that meant that people could used that road.. He looked up at the sky. This was his second time on the battlefield since the dragon first appeared. Since there is a road, does this mean that the people who designed the Dimensional Battlefield also thought about a situation like this? Arn moved first and said, "Let¡¯s go." The five heroes, Junhyuk and Sarang went to the spot Junhyuk and Sarang used to escape thest time. Junhyuk could see a gigantic dragon and shivered. It was hard for him to believe that he had fought a dragon before. Arn looked at the dragon and said, "After fighting us, the enemy knows that they need the dragon¡¯s buff to win." Thest team battle had gone to the allies. The enemies had botched their regrouping times, and the allies had killed them all and be stronger. Arn had sessfully upgraded his sabers, and the allies now possessed a healing power. They wouldn¡¯t lose. The most important priority was staying alive. This time, they would steal the dragon kill and, when the enemies lost their healths, they would attack and secure a victory. "We can¡¯t just jump down from here. We¡¯ll need to teleport," Arn said. Junhyuk nodded. "Just hold on to me, and we¡¯ll get down." Arn looked at the dragon. "I¡¯ll tell you when." "OK." Junhyuky on the ground, and Sarangy next to him. They were hiding from the enemy. The heroes crouched, doing the same. They waited. The enemies could ignore the dragon and start attacking the tower. Then, the allies would lose. They waited for an hour. Suddenly, the enemies showed up at the entrance of the Dragon¡¯s Valley. They had a hundred riflemen with them and they started nning for battle. They had probably dealt with the dragon before, and Junhyuk wanted to see how they would do it. They entered the valley and sent the riflemen head until they got within range. Their attacks might just scratch the dragon, but they had enough distance between them and the dragon to keep them safe. Jean Clo stepped toward the dragon. He usually had to grab someone to attack, so he couldn¡¯t do much against a dragon, but a hero was a hero. He punched the dragon, drawing its attention to him. The dragon swung its tail in response, and Jean Clo grabbed it. Jean Clo was such a strong tank that he tried to manipte the tail, but he couldn¡¯t. The dragon lifted its tail, and Jean Clo went up with it with a smile on his face. The other heroes started attacking. Doctor T shot off missiles, and Ki shot her rifle. Regina and Bater kept waiting. The dragon mmed its tail down, but Jean Clo jumped as he was about to hit the ground. The dragon¡¯s attention turned to Doctor T and Ki. Then, Bater rushed in with a punch. Boom! The dragon was hit and stopped. Bater delivered a one-twobo, and the dragon fixated on him. Ki continued shooting her rifle, and when the dragon came within range, Regina started to shoot it with her pistol. It looks like they were attacking the dragon in order, but soon, things changed. The dragon spewed fire, and the mes burned everything in their path. Junhyuk was curious about how the enemy would stop the dragon¡¯s breath. The allies had a force field, but they didn¡¯t. Jean Clo jumped and blocked the dragon¡¯s path. The mes burned everything, but he blocked it with his body, leaving the allies speechless, and the other heroes attacked the dragon. Their attacks were explosive. "They might kill it!" The enemy was sacrificing Jean Clo to kill the dragon. Jean Clo used his ultimate, and three energy rings appeared around his body, healing him quickly. However, the dragon¡¯s mes inflicted continuous damage, and soon, Jean Clo no longer had the energy around him and started burning very hard. Bater extended both arms, and his fists flew to hit the dragon. Boom! Clearly, that was a dangerous attack. Even the dragon was pushed back. "When do we go in?" Junhyuk asked Arn. "Not yet." Arn looked at the field. The dragon still had some health left. Then, the fire breath stopped, and the dragon lost more health. A dragon was still a dragon, and the allies had only killed a dragon due to the power of the force field. The dragon swept the ground with its tail, and the heroes jumped around like grasshoppers. The dragon rushed toward them, and Ki jumped, but the dragon still headbutted her. Ki was thrown away and fell to the ground. Doctor T used his methrower. Regina shot at it with her pistol, and Adolphe stepped in. He shed his mechanical sword from above to hit the dragon, and it was looking hurt. It could die soon. Arn grabbed Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and said, "Let¡¯s move." Junhyuk grabbed Sarang and jumped down. The other heroes also jumped down from the cliff. Chapter 101: Fishing 3 Chapter 101: Fishing 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Once he jumped down from the cliff, Junhyuk concentrated. Everyone had their hands on him, and he had the important role of getting all of them to the ground safely. As he was about tond, Junhyuk teleported. After reappearing, the heroes dashed forward. They knew that whether they did kill the dragon or not would decide the oue of the next fight. The heroes took off first, and Junhyuk ran after them, making sure to analyze the situation. He would help out at the right moment by creating a force field. Among the enemies, Jean Clo and Bater had used their ultimates. Therefore, they had be less dangerous than the others. However, the enemies who hadn¡¯t used their ultimates were still extremely dangerous. Junhyuk scoped out the enemy camp. They were focused on killing the dragon. Even when the enemy heroes found the allied heroes by the entrance, they continued attacking the dragon. The group hadn¡¯t arrived yet, and no one knew who would actually kill it, but the dragon was in a dire situation. It could be killed at any moment. The group was running fast, but they hadn¡¯t reached the dragon yet. In that situation, if they lost the dragon¡¯s buff, they would be at an extremely disadvantageous ce. The enemies weren¡¯t all badly hurt. Junhyuk looked at Sarang and offered, "Maybe you can heal the dragon?" "Wait a minute." Sarang extended her arms. Her hands shone with green light, and the green powder sprinkled down on the dragon. The dying dragon regained some health and got up. Sarang couldn¡¯t heal the dragon for a lot, but she had bought them some time, and they got closer to it. The distance was short enough for them to use their powers. Arn jumped, and Halo lightning-sh attacked the dragon, shing its ankle. Its scales splintered open, and blood started spurting out. Meanwhile, Arn got to the dragon¡¯s neck and shed it twice with his sabers. sh, sh. The gigantic dragon¡¯s head was lopped off. It all looked surreal. [You¡¯ve killed the dragon Kaloyan. For the next two hours, you get a 30 percent increase to health regeneration rate, a 30 percent increase to movement speed, a 30 percent increase to attack speed, a 30 percent increase to defense, and when you attack, you will inflict an additional one hundred damage on top of your normal damage. If you die within two hours, you will lose yours buff. If an enemy kills you, they will steal your buff.] Junhyuk knew the allies had killed the dragon. They got the buff, and they weren¡¯t wounded at all. In fact, Jean Clo and Ki were hurt, and some of them had already used their ultimates, so the allies had the upper hand. The enemy heroes looked surly. They were angry at losing the dragon kill and they wanted to fight. They thought all they had to do was take the buff from the allies. The dragon disappeared, and Arn dashed toward the enemy. He had the most health among the allied heroes. However, if they concentrated their attacks on him, Arn could die, and his attack now seemed meaningless. Junhyuk wanted to stop him, but someone else dashed faster than Arn. Nudra ran forward and front kicked Bater, who hit one of the walls around the valley and grabbed his head in pain while he stumbled around. So far, Junhyuk had only seen Nudra pushing the opponents back, and Bater was still dizzy from the impact against the wall. Nudra had only used his front kick to help the allies, and never before had an enemy bounced away and hit a wall. Jean Clo ran against Arn. He was using his rush, and Arn hunched over and ran faster. At once, Arn closed the distance, and his saber generated a spark. Arn¡¯s saber passed by Jean Clo¡¯s thighs. Both of them were shed through and started bleeding, but Jean Clo took a hold of Arn. Whenever Jean Clo grabbed someone, he could use one of his powers on that person, so he jumped with Arn in tow. Junhyuk thought about helping Arn, but it wasn¡¯t the right time. Jean Clo¡¯s attack was high, but Arn¡¯s health was also very high, so he couldn¡¯t kill Arn with one attack. Junhyuk looked back, and Vera had her staff in front of her, preparing to cast her magic. She wanted to use her ultimate, the meteors, and protecting her would be his task. Diane was shooting at the enemies. Junhyuk and Sarang had to be in the back, and he decided against putting the force field around Arn. Boom! Arn was mmed against the ground. Meanwhile, Halo and Nudra were dashing toward their enemies when Adolphe stabbed his mechanical sword on the ground and threw his boomerang at them. Both were instantly restrained, and Doctor T and Regina headed their way. Focusing their attacks on Halo rather than Nudra, Doctor T used his methrower, and Regina shot her pistol. Junhyuk decided to wait some more. No one was dying yet, and they were too far away for him to make a force field. Ki jumped and got closer to Halo. Their goal was to kills him. When Halo was released from Adolphe¡¯s power and could move again, Doctor T shot out the spider web. Halo was tied up again, and they kept attacking him. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t wait any longer. He couldn¡¯t let Halo die. Adolphe lifted his mechanical sword. A blue energy surrounded it. "Hold on!" Sarang held Junhyuk¡¯s hand, and Junhyuk grabbed Diane and Vera and teleported. They all found themselves behind Halo, and Junhyukunched the force field around Sarang. She had to survive at all costs. Boom, boom, boom, boom! From the center, the ivory light that covered Sarang extended all the way to Halo, and all the attacks against them were nullified. Halo found himself inside the force field, and he wanted to retaliate. Heunched his sword into the air, preparing to use his ultimate. Doctor T, Regina and Ki frowned and were about to retreat when a meteor shower fell from the sky. The sky was filled with falling meteors, and they didn¡¯t have time to escape. Boom, boom, boom, boom! It took a while to cast the meteor shower, so Vera didn¡¯t use it often. However, the enemies were all in one ce, attacking Halo, so she could concentrate the attack in one spot. Diane shot at the enemies while they were under the meteor shower. There was no need to focus the attacks on just one enemy. They are all wounded, and it was important to attack all of them. The moonlit arrows hit the heroes and Adolphe as well. They staggered, and Halo, using his ultimate, threw his sword at Regina, prating her stomach. Regina hadn¡¯t used her ultimate yet, so it was even better that she was getting hurt. They were all hit by the meteors, and she was hit by Halo¡¯s ultimate. Two ultimates had struck Regina, and it looked like she would die soon. Bater rushed. ng! He hit the force field and pushed it back. It wasn¡¯t a rocket punch, so the force field was only pushed back a short distance, but Bater was covering the enemy heroes¡¯ escape. Still, the allies had no intention of letting them get away. Ki started retreating, but a fire orb appeared in her path, and she hit it. Boom! She had been hit by the dragon¡¯s headbutt, the meteors, the arrows and the fire orb, so she started disappearing and died. Ki was gone, and Doctor T and Regina were next. Regina was hit by the meteors and Halo¡¯s sword, but Bater was shielding her, so Nudra stepped out of the force field and jumped, crashing down like lightning bolt. Boom! Nudra had used his ultimate to dropped on Regina¡¯s head. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t experienced it first hand, but he had seen it before and knew how powerful it was. Regina disappeared, and Bater shouted nervously, "Retreat!" The meteor attack had been too much for them to bear. The enemy tried to retreat, but the allies moved faster. Halo grabbed his sword and ran out of the force field, using his sh attack on the doctor. Doctor T tried to block the attack with his legs, but Halo was faster, and his sword shed through Doctor T¡¯s chest. While he was bleeding, Diane shot multiple arrows at him. Thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck! Doctor T was turning to face Halo when he was hit in the head by five arrows and started disappearing. Three heroes had died, and Bater looked worried. This was a valley. It was almost impossible to run away, and he wanted to kill at least one of them. He lifted his fists, looking for a target outside of the force field. Bater took a drag of his cigar and aimed at Halo. ng! Halo blocked the first attack with his sword, but Bater threw a one-twobo, and Halo was pushed back. Halo had blocked Bater¡¯s power, but that had left him seriously hurt. Halo staggered, and Vera and Diane stepped forward. Vera¡¯s fire spear and Diane¡¯s explosive arrows hit Bater on the back. Boom, boom! Bater staggered, and Halo struck with his sword. Bater lifted his mechanical arm to block, but Nudra also attacked him. Even though Bater had a lot of health, with four heroes attacking him, he would die soon enough. Nudra attacked him, and Bater was about to fall when Junhyuk saw someone running over to Halo. Adolphe rushed and shed Halo, and Halo was paralyzed. Even though Halo had some health left, if someone attacked him while he was paralyzed, he could die. Bater started raising his fist, which meant that he would use his shockwave attack, and the force field disappeared. Everyone was in danger. Junhyuk and Sarang were also in danger, and Sarang shot her electric st. Her st split in two, and one half hit Bater while the other hit Adolphe. Bater lost the rest of his health and disappeared with his fist raised in the air. The rest of the heroes attacked Adolphe. He was a champion, and taking all of the heroes¡¯ attacks was too much. He too disappeared. Junhyuk turned to look at Arn. He was fighting Jean CLo one-on-one. The rest of the heroes had been fighting very hard and hadn¡¯t noticed. Junhyuk watched Arn pushing his saber into Jean Clo¡¯s chest, and Jean Clo baring his teeth while looking back at Arn. "He-he-he! You got me real good." Arn didn¡¯t reply and instead pulled the saber out. Jean Clo bled out and disappeared, leaving Junhyuk astonished. Jean Clo had used his ultimate and lost some health fighting the dragon, but Arn had killed him in a two-man fight. The 10th upgrade was working out well. Arn looked at the group and smiled. "Sess!" They stole the dragon¡¯s buff and killed the enemy heroes. The allies hadn¡¯t lost anyone. It was aplete sess. Chapter 102: Equipment Skills 1 Chapter 102: Equipment Skills 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They had already pushed through the second tower, so if they wanted to, they could head to the castle. The enemies had no more towers and wouldn¡¯t try to meet the allies on the road. Arn thought about the situation. "I will go back and bring some minions with me." Nudra had his hands behind his back. "I need to see Bebe." "Go ahead." The others had already been to Bebe and upgraded their equipment, but Nudra hadn¡¯t had a chance to go there yet. If Nudra upgraded his equipment, they would be better prepared to deal with the enemies. Nudra looked at Junhyuk. "Are youing with me?" "Yes, I will." It wouldn¡¯t be a good idea to encounter enemy heroes on their way to their own castle, so he would use the time to visit Bebe, and Sarang had delivered a deathblow and picked up an item that she needed to sell. Junhyuk and Sarang decided to follow Nudra to Bebe, and Halo, Vera and Diane would take the minions to where the enemies¡¯ second tower used to stand. They had to hurry and get to Bebe before the enemies showed up. Arn would also have to hurry. They promised to meet before the enemy and went their ways. Nudra demonstrated his absurd speed. To follow him, Junhyuk and Sarang had to run so fast they smelled their own breaths. So, sooner than expected, they arrived at Bebe¡¯s Dimensional Merchant Store. Bebe was looking at a screen the size of a hand hovering in midair when he saw the group and smiled. "Are you here to get some equipment?" Nudra nodded, walked up to him and dropped some equipment on the counter. There were four pieces of gear, and Nudra extended his hand. Bebe pushed the te forward, checked the amount and asked, "Do you want to buy it?" "Of course! I¡¯ve been saving up for it!" "As you already know, it will cost you 250,000G." "Give it to me." Nudra paid for the item, and Bebe pulled out a pair of gloves, each of them embroidered with dragons. "Finally, the Dragon Gloves meet their owner!" Nudra put the gloves on and made a fist. At that moment, a visible, dragon-shaped aura surrounded his body. Junhyuk was surprised and asked, "What is that?" Bebe disyed clear salesmanship and answered, "They are called the Dragon Gloves and not just anyone can use them. The person has to attack using skills, and it doubles that person¡¯s attack power and increases the damage." It meant that Nudra could attack with power iparable to before. With the gloves on, he moved his body lightly. "If you want something, get it now." Junhyuk wanted to find out how much money he had, and the disy showed 35,240G. He had earned a lot. He thought about it for a moment and, finally, ced his Frozen Rune Sword on the counter. "I want the 5th upgrade." "That¡¯s 16,000G." Junhyuk nodded, and his earnings decreased to 19,240G. Bebe poured the shining powder on it and hammered it. Then, Junhyuk inspected it. After the 5th upgrade, the damage had increased by twenty-five, so it now dealt eighty-five damage, and whenever he hit an enemy, a 9 percent debuff would be applied. That meant that he could decrease his enemies¡¯ attack and movement speeds even more. It was worth the money. Junhyuk had nothing left to do, so he looked at Sarang. She had killed Bater and picked up an item. It looked like a gear nut, but it was a ring. However, it was so big that she could use it as a bracelet. The ring¡¯s buff rted to strengthening defense, so it didn¡¯t really fit with Sarang¡¯s persona. Sarang extended her hand and asked, "Could I check to see how much money I have?" "Of course!" Bebe¡¯s eyes widened as he looked at the sum. "Whew! You have earned a lot," he said, smiling at her. "You¡¯ve be an expert. Congrattions on bing a VIP at our store." "What?" Junhyuk shook his head and asked, "How much do you have?" Sheughed and answered, "39,500G." Junhyuk looked surprised, and Bebeughed and said, "Right, what do you need?" Sarang thought for a moment and ced the nut she had gotten from Bater on the counter. "How much would you give me for it?" Bebe looked at it andughed hard. "Bater died and dropped it?" "Yes." "He is definitely not feeling well," he said and picked it up. "It¡¯s called Makia¡¯s Nut, and every tank wants one. It¡¯s 150,000G, so I¡¯ll give you 75,000G for it." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened. It was a really an expensive item, and Sarang was also surprised by the price. Bebe continued calmly, "If you sell it, you¡¯ll have 114,500G. There are a lot of useful items above 80,000G." Sarang didn¡¯t know what to do, and Junhyuk said, "She needs an armor. Do you have any rmendations?" Bebe pulled out his book. "Of course! As long as you have pure gold coins, you may purchase items beyond your imaginations." He opened the book, and an infinite number of armors came on disy. "It¡¯s different from what you showed me before..." "Of course! I only showed you the basic suits of armor." "If I upgrade my armor, will it yield simr results?" Bebe just smiled and didn¡¯t answer him. Junhyuk frowned, and Bebe said calmly, "These items are expensive enough to have buffs that can¡¯t be gained from upgrades." Junhyuk smacked his lips and inspected the list. "She is a magician. Show her something befitting her." "Right." Bebe closed the book and opened it again, still disying numerous armor suits. He pointed to a few of them. "What about these for a magician?" Junhyuk saw that the suits showed a lot of skin and frowned. Armor was very important in the Dimensional Battlefield, and he wanted to decline anything that showed a lot of skin. "Do you have anything else?" "I do." Bebe disyed two suits of armor. "Look at this one. This is the Blue Core Armor. It reflects 10 percent of damage taken, and has defense and magic defense of a hundred. It also increases the user¡¯s mana pool. It costs 100,000G." It was really expensive, but it had astonishing defense. Reflecting enemy damage was also an absurd buff. It was expensive, but it was worth the price. Bebe pointed to another armor. "This is the Red Core Armor, and people who want to be on offense wear it. It increases you magical powers. It increases magic damage by fifty and decreases the enemy¡¯s health regeneration by 75 percent. It also increases defense and magic defense by a hundred. It costs 110,000G." With wide eyes, he asked, "It decreases the opponent¡¯s health regeneration rate?" "Not always. It¡¯s something the Red Core Armor can do much in the same way as your jumping skill." Jean Clo had a high level self-healing power, and Sarang could use this armor to decrease its effectiveness by 75 percent, allowing her to fight him. "These are nice items, so why don¡¯t people buy them?" "These are nice, but the effect only works once per hour. It all depends on your opponent, and whether or not they have a healing power. The robes work better on magicians than the armor to increase their damage." Bebe kindly exined it all, but Junhyuk was interested in the Red Core Armor. He looked at Sarang, and she had a smile going from ear to ear. "I will get whatever you rmend." "Then, let¡¯s get the Red Core Armor and fight Jean Clo and his healing power." From Jean Clo¡¯s point of view, the Red Core Armor had the ability to be damaging. Sarangughed and extended her hand. "I will get the Red Core Armor." "Right." She put her hand on the te and paid for it, leaving her with 4,000G. Junhyuk interjected. "Give her the VIP discount." Bebeughed bitterly at him. "You are smart. When you pay the full price, I usually keep the difference." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes narrowed slightly. "By the way, when I bought the ck armor, you charged me full price." "It¡¯s in the past. There¡¯s nothing I can do," Bebe said and pushed the te forward. "Put your hand on it." Sarang ced her hand on it, and 5,500G were added back up. Her total was now 9,500G, and she smiled for having saved some money. Bebe whistled. "Don¡¯t stare at me like that! Benefitse only to those who look after themselves." Junhyuk reminded himself to be more careful next time. When he upgraded his basic swords, one of them had received a magical enhancement, and he had not been entitled to a VIP discount for that, so he didn¡¯t bother when he bought his armor. From now on, he would always ask for the discount. There was no one he could trust in this world. Bebe pulled out a helmet from underneath the counter, snapping Junhyuk¡¯s attention back. He thought about the time Bebe had left him naked and he couldn¡¯t handle looking at Sarang like that. However, he turned back around when Bebe simply ced the helmet on her head. "Can you do it without making her naked?" Bebe looked at Sarang putting the entire Red Core Armor suit on and tapped her helmet once she was done. Then, he lifted his finger away from it, simply pulling out the novice armor in the process, like magic. Junhyuk was surprised by it, and Bebe said calmly, "I just can¡¯t take off women¡¯s clothes." Sarang looked at Junhyuk and giggled. "Did you want to see me naked?" "What are you talking about? I was trying to hide you from Nudra." Nudra ran over and punched him. Wham! It was a light punch, but Junhyuk still went down. He must have had his brains scrambled because he was seeing two Nudras, and Sarang cast her healing magic on him. As the green powder covered him, he recovered and told Nudra, "I almost got killed!" "Do you want to die? You are the first person to insult my honor and survive!" Junhyuk tried to avoid speaking to him any further. "No, I don¡¯t want to die." He turned around, and Nudra scoffed and focused on his meditation. Sarang was asking Bebe some questions. "Is it possible to do aplex engraving?" "It¡¯s double the price." "Do it for me." Sarang paid the cost. While Junhyuk was looking, Bebe did something else that seemed dishonest. He twirled his finger on Sarang¡¯s helmet, and arge robe of light covered her body. "What is that?" "It¡¯s a service. I don¡¯t have changing rooms fordies." She was wearing a robe of light like a magical girl, and he had instead gotten naked in front of her. "Next time, do that for me as well." "Men don¡¯t get any service, unless you pay." Bebe finished theplex engraving on her. "Check it." Sarang summoned the Red Core Armor and smiled. The armor entuated the body and showed her curves. They didn¡¯t know who had designed it, but whoever it was had high fashion sense. She walked over to him and smiled. "Big brother, do you want to see it?" Junhyuk touched it to inspect it. She was showing off the item¡¯s attributes, and he could see the buffs descriptions. --- Red Core Armor (110,000G) Defense +100, Magic Defense +100 Magic Attack +50 Skill: Repression (1h Cooldown) It¡¯s a brand name suit of armor, and ites as part of the core series. The Red Core Armor increases defense and magic defense by a hundred. It also increases magic attack by fifty. It¡¯s inner core has the ability to repress the enemy every hour. Repression: the opponent¡¯s health regeneration rate decreases by 75 percent for twenty seconds. Chapter 103: Equipment Skills 2 Chapter 103: Equipment Skills 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk was done buying from Bebe and walked out with Nudra. They were supposed to join up with the rest of the group in front of the castle wall, but they couldn¡¯t go there yet. They were only three people, and even though their strength had increased, their enemies had paralytic powers that they had to avoid. They were walking when Nudra frowned and said, "We need to pick up the pace." "What is the matter?" "They are being chased." Junhyuk frowned at what he said. The enemies weren¡¯t stupid. They knew they had the advantage and wanted to keep it that way by chasing after them, but the allies had not been captured yet. "How many are there?" "There are four of them." Nudra was already running at full speed. He was so fast that Junhyuk had a hard time keeping up, but he didn¡¯t abandon Sarang. The two of them made a big difference. "Howe there are four of them?" "I don¡¯t know." They were missing one. Where did that person go? It was a mystery, but the important thing was to rejoin the group and counterattack. When they killed their enemies, the castle would easily fall. They were still running when they encountered Halo, Vera and Diane fleeing. The three saw Junhyuk¡¯s group and waved at them. "They are right behind us." Junhyuk looked at the iing enemies. Regina was missing. Jean Clo was in the lead, and once they saw the allies regrouping, they slowed down. Adolphe was also with them, so they were about evenly matched. The allies got in position, and Jean Clo cracked his neck and said, "When we were fighting the dragon, you gave it to us good." Halo stepped forward and shed his sword across the air. "I don¡¯t want to talk. Let¡¯s begin." "You are hotheaded," Jean Clo said and sped his hands together. "We got beaten because of the dragon. I¡¯m not that easy." After he said that, Jean Clo stepped forward, but they couldn¡¯t focus on him. Halo had to keep him busy while the allies dealt with the other enemy attackers. Their enemies had to be thinking the same thing, and they even had another tank. He wasn¡¯t like Jean Clo, however. He had lower tanking capabilities than Jean Clo, but his attack was much higher. He could also rush. Indeed, Bater rushed ahead. He ran like a real tank, and Nudra stepped forward. He made a fist, and the dragon aura covered his body. Then, he front kicked the running Bater. Boom! Bater got pushed away, but Nudra also bounced back from their attacks shing. Nudra got up and dashed forward. His speed had really increased, so the Dragon Gloves had to be buffing him. He was quickly covering the distance when Doctor T shot his spider web. However, Nudra had already left the spot where Doctor T had aimed, and the web sprayed across the empty air. Nudra had jumped in the air to drop kick Ki. Boom! Ki had been aiming her rifle at him and couldn¡¯t move. She was a ranged attacker, and Nudra¡¯s kick took a toll on her. Then, Nudra released a strong gust from his hand on her back. Boom! Ki was pushed away and found herself within Diane¡¯s range. Diane let go of her bowstring, but Ki escaped the arrows by jumping. Nudra tried to chase after her, but Bater closed in on him, delivering a one-twobo. Boom, boom! He was hit not just once but twice. Nudra had put Ki in critical condition, but he himself was horribly wounded, and Ki had already retreated. Only Nudra was fighting at the front. Junhyuk quickly analyzed the battle. Jean Clo was facing Halo, and Halo was trying his best not to be grabbed by him. Halo was hitting and running to buy time, and he didn¡¯t look to be in danger. Jean Clo had many open, bleeding cuts across his body, Halo could win at any minute, and Jean Clo would use his ultimate soon. When he did that, Sarang could easily take care of him. The real problem was the situation in which Nudra found himself. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t put a force field on Nudra and he couldn¡¯t pull Nudra out because of distance between them. Suddenly, Nudra shouted, "Get Ki!" After he finished, he dashed after the fleeing Ki. Even without using his power, just by wearing his Dragon Gloves, his attacks looked different from before. Considering that Ki had lost most of her health, it could be the right thing for Nudra to sacrifice himself to catch her. Diane and Vera had already closed in and were attacking Doctor T and Bater. They wanted to keep them upied so they wouldn¡¯t be able to chase after Nudra. From the enemies¡¯ standpoint, Nudra was someone that had to be killed. Both sides were ying a game of cat and mouse. Nudra was after Ki, and Bater and Doctor T were after Nudra. Diane and Vera were after Bater and Doctor T. However, Ki wasn¡¯t just going to die. She pulled out her dual pistols, and Junhyuk shouted at Sarang, "It¡¯s her ultimate!" Ki¡¯s ultimate fired a shockwave and dealt enormous damage. If she gained some distance from Nudra, he would be dead. Someone had to stop her. Sarang extended arms. Her healing power had astoundingly long range. Nudra was right in the middle of the enemy line when the green powder sprinkled down on his head. At the same time, Ki fired the shockwaves. Boom! Nudra was pushed back, but he had already been healed, so he didn¡¯t die. Sarang¡¯s healing power had healed Nudra¡¯s health by 30 percent, but after the shockwaves hit him, he was still left with very low health. Ki¡¯s ultimate dealt very high damage. Diane was standing next to Junhyuk and whispered in his ear as she let go of her bowstring, "Ki is too far away. My continuous shots will get her. Let¡¯s go." Junhyuk grabbed her by shoulder and teleported. In a split second, they found themselves closer to the enemy line, and Diane loosed her arrows. Ki tried to block the shots with her pistols, but three arrows hit her, and she started disappearing. "Nudra!" Junhyuk shouted, and Nudra started running over to him. They had killed Ki, their target. The job was done. Then, Adolpheunched his boomerang at Nudra. It had the power to tie him up and paralyze him, and Nudra might not survive such an attack. Junhyuk knew that and tried with all his might to get to Nudra. When he was close to Nudra, Nudra was tied up by the boomerang. However, it wasn¡¯t a simple boomerang. He had thought that the boomerang only tied people up, but it also damaged them. Junhyuk frowned and extended his hand. Nudra extended his hand as well, and that¡¯s when Junhyuk saw that Bater had started dashing at them from behind Nudra and smiled. He would be able to teleport away when Nudra and he shook hands. Diane was already running to join them and ced her foot on Junhyuk¡¯s butt. Junhyuk frowned and teleported. He had used two teleports, but he had saved Nudra and killed Ki. As he sighed, Doctor T fired a small missile his way. Junhyuk was not a hero, and he couldn¡¯t survive it, even if it was small, so he cast a force field. Boom! The force field shook, but he had been just on time. He sighed again and looked back. With the force field up, Diane and Vera came into their own. Both of them focused on one person, the dangerous Doctor T. As they both started attacking him, Doctor T quickly retreated. Still, it didn¡¯t matter how much he ran, he couldn¡¯t get away. Junhyuk¡¯s running speed was faster than Doctor T¡¯s retreat. The force field was up, so he did not hesitate and ran deep into enemy territory. Both Vera and Diane still focused their attacks on the doctor, and Junhyuk looked for Adolphe. Adolphe knew he was in danger and moved quickly. He knew about the force field, and that itsted for ten seconds. He also knew that while it was up there wasn¡¯t anything that he could do, so he headed toward Bater. Doctor T was the target now, so Adolphe changed ns. Bater and Adolphe dashed toward Halo, who was still fighting Jean Clo and was now in danger. However, Halo had fought countless battles to stand there that day, so he used his lightning sh attack against Adolphe. Bater could have blocked it, but it was different for Adolphe. He tried to do it with his mechanical sword, but he had already been shed in his ribs. Bater threw a one-twobo at Halo, but he blocked it with his sword and ran inside of the force field As soon as he got in, heunched his sword in the air, readying his ultimate, and Junhyuk smiled. Halo knew how to use the force field, but he might notplete his attack, so he stood behind Nudra to buy more time. Doctor T had lost a lot of health because of the barrage of attacks, and Bater stood in front of him. He had a lot of health, so he wanted to shield him from magic and arrows. Junhyuk moved to the side and saw Doctor T about to be attacked. However, this time, Jean Clo blocked the attacks with his body. Jean Clo was bleeding all over, but he still took the blows. He had a lot of health to begin with, so taking the hits was easy. The allies wanted to kill Jean Clo as well. They had to make him lose a lot of health so that he would use his ultimate. However, they hadn¡¯t killed Doctor T yet, and the force field disappeared. Bater, Jean Clo and Adolphe were waiting for just that moment. The three of them rushed toward him, and Junhyuk stood in front of Sarang. But Sarang thought of something else. She stepped up and used her power to paralyze both Bater and Jean Clo. The heroes¡¯ rushes were dangerous. The two were paralyzed, but Adolphe did not stop rushing. He tried to sh Diane but was kicked by Nudra and forced back. Adolphe was rolling on the ground when Nudra dropped on him. Vera cast a firewall underneath Bater and Jean Clo, and the strong mes engulfed them both. Diane threaded her arrows between Bater and Jean Clo and hit Doctor T. The five arrows hit him. Doctor T hadn¡¯t tried to recover, and instead attempted to attack again. That¡¯s when he ended up shot by Diane¡¯s arrows, and now he started disappearing. There were two heroes remaining. With Adolphe, there were three, but Nudra was beating the living crap out of him. He didn¡¯t give Adolphe a chance to use his power. Wearing his Dragon Gloves, he was even a dangerous existence to heroes, and Adolphe died and disappeared once again. Meanwhile, Jean Clo and Bater regained their ability to move, but they were still being attacked by Diane and Vera. Then, finally, Halo dropped in on Jean Clo with Rain from Above, leaving a gaping hole in his stomach. Jean Cloughed maniacally and dashed forward. His body was quickly healing itself, and the three blue energy rings appeared around him. Sarang extended her hand. "Repression." Chapter 104: Equipment Skills 3 Chapter 104: Equipment Skills 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Sarang was wearing the Red Core Armor, and a blood-colored light shot out of it, headed toward Jean Clo. The bloody light surrounded him, and thorns grew out of it, piercing his body. He winced and he could feel the thorns suppressing his ability to regenerate. Jean Clo stared daggers at Sarang. There were two other heroes, and he had ced his trust on his ultimate, but it no longer had any meaning. The hole in his stomach that had been closing stopped, and he would be risking his life if he continued to fight in that state. Junhyuk was dangerous, but he thought Sarang was even more so, at least for him. Jean Clo ignored his injury and rushed toward Sarang, but Halo stepped in front of her. Halo had gotten his sword back and was ready to face him, but that¡¯s when Bater lifted both arms, and mmed the ground with his fists. His power had a range of sixty-five feet and damaged everyone caught in it, so Junhyuk grabbed Sarang¡¯s hand and dashed quickly toward the rear. Boom! Boom! Bater had to punched the ground three times to generate shockwaves at max range . When he punched the ground a second time, Nudra front-kicked him. He was pushed back, and the third m didn¡¯t work. Junhyuk was now well out of range. Halo shed Jean Clo, but Jean Clo managed to take a hold of Halo and m him against the ground. Jean Clo was certainly an extremely dangerous enemy. Even though he was wounded, he still manhandled Halo. He grabbed Halo again and used his giant swing power to throw him far away. Junhyuk stood in front of Sarang. Vera and Diane kept attacking, and Jean Clo would die soon, but if Jean Clo grabbed him or Sarang, either of them would die immediately. If so, Junhyuk had to die before she did, and he blocked the path to her with that in mind. Jean Clo smiled and extended his hands. Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword at him, cutting his elbow, but he didn¡¯t let his guard down. A fire spear and some arrows had hit Jean Clo, but he was still trying to grab people. He wouldn¡¯t die from Junhyuk¡¯s attack. Junhyuk managed to cut him two more times, but Jean Clo grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up with one hand. Jean Clo¡¯s eyes beamed with killer instinct. "I¡¯ll show you." After he spoke, Junhyuk saw the world turn upside down. He was looking at the sky on his way to the ground when a fire spear hit Jean Clo in the head. Boom! Junhyuk mmed against the ground. "Ugh!" Jean Clo had been dying, and his power hadn¡¯t been at full strength, but he still dealt a lot of damage. Junhyuk¡¯s back was broken, and he saw the sky turning yellow. He grabbed his back and tried to get up. Bater one-twoboed Nudra and extended his arms toward Junhyuk. The rocket punches were ready, but the cooldown for Junhyuk¡¯s teleportation was not. He couldn¡¯t do anything in that situation. The rocket fists flew toward him. He was ready to die and tried to use his swords to block the attack. However, a wide-shouldered shadow appeared before him. It was Halo, and he took the hit instead. Boom! Halo had lost some health fighting Jean Clo, and now he was hit by Bater¡¯s ultimate, so he started disappearing. Halo was pushed back and hit Junhyuk, and Junhyuk rolled on the ground endlessly. After rolling for a while, Junhyuk got up. A row of arrows and a fire orb hit Bater, and he bounced back. Nudra created a strong wind and pushed him back even farther. Halo was disappearing, and Junhyuk frowned while looking at him. "Shit!" If Halo hadn¡¯t blocked the attack for him, he would¡¯ve been killed. Halo died in his ce, and he was grateful. That gratitude changed into fury toward Bater. Junhyuk lifted his head, saw Bater being pushed back nonstop, and ran toward him. Bater saw him, and gathered his thoughts. He exhaled some cigar smoke, intending to kill Junhyuk in any way possible. He rushed toward Junhyuk like a tank, and Junhyuk dashed toward him ovee by fury. The anger burned within him, but his head was cool. This was revenge for Halo, so he had to remain calm. Bater rushed in and swung his mechanical fist at him. Junhyuk watched the fist heading toward him, closing the distance between the them. When the wind pressure from the fist stung his eyes, Junhyuk teleported. He appeared again standing behind Bater and swung his swords. Junhyuk made a small cut on Bater¡¯s neck and felt much better. Bater felt Junhyuk standing behind him and attempted a backspin blow, but Junhyuk had already ducked to dodge any potential attacks. If Bater didn¡¯t use one of his powers, Junhyuk could dodge his attacks. Junhyuk moved like lightning and swung at Bater¡¯s neck again, but Bater wasn¡¯t an easy opponent. He raised his mechanical hand to cover his neck and grab one of the swords. sh, sh! Bater frowned. He was being attacked from behind, and he knew he could kill Junhyuk if he could deliver just one blow. He decided on jabs instead of long swings because even if the jabs were light, Junhyuk would still die if hit by one. Junhyuk knew that and had no intention of being hit. He teleported and quickly swung his sword. He attacked Bater¡¯s left leg three times and, when Bater attempted to punch again, he saw the fist approaching and dropped to the ground on his back. Bater¡¯s fist went past the back of his head, and Junhyuk got up and jammed the Blood Rune Sword into Bater¡¯s neck. "Ugh!" The blow was fatal, and the sword was stuck. Bater had lost all of his health because of the blow and was quickly disappearing. Junhyuk pushed the sword a bit more and whispered, "This is revenge for Halo." Bater fixed his eyes on him and opened his mouth, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t interested in hearing him and pushed the sword horizontally. Bater was beheaded, and when his head rolled on the ground, Junhyuk stabbed it with his sword. The head was spiked on the sword and started disappearing. At that moment, he calmed down, his fury appeased. Junhyuk was getting up when Vera walked over to him and hugged him. He lifted his head, and she smiled at him. "You... I told you not to steal the final blow." "Sorry, I was very angry." Vera patted his helmet and said, "Good! You carried out Halo¡¯s revenge." Then, she looked at the item Bater dropped and added, "Check it out yourself." Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected to kill Bater, and there was a shiny, silver chain on the ground that could be worn as a bracelet. Junhyuk picked it up. --- Steel King Jax¡¯s Chain Defense +30 Attack +10 Health +200 Jax, the Steel King, used to carry this chain. It was used as a bracelet, but was also a weapon. It increases defense by thirty and health by two hundred. It also increases the wearer¡¯s attack by ten. --- It was an item that benefited tanks the most. It only had a small increase of ten to attack. The bracelet¡¯s effectiveness was in itself different from the other items. The advanced heroes carried these, and one cost at least 200,000G. Junhyuk looked at it, put it on, and his eyes shot wide. His health increased by two hundred, and he could feel the life within him going up. It was a new experience for him. Suddenly, Nudra frowned and said, "We should hurry." Junhyuk turned around, and Diane also frowned and added, "We only have 150 minions." "It¡¯s possible." Junhyuk was curious about what they were talking about and asked, "What is the matter?" "We have to destroy the enemy castle¡¯s gate." Vera put her arms around Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and added, "The bitch that didn¡¯t show up here, she sneaked by and destroyed one of our towers and advanced. The second tower was also crushed, and Arn went to deal with her but got killed." "Arn?" "That¡¯s right. He got killed by her ultimate." Regina¡¯s ultimate was petrifaction. Even a hero like Arn would die if he lost some health while under the effect of her power. "Then, she might get all of the towers and destroy our castle¡¯s gate?" "Halo is there. He will kill Regina and join us." Junhyuk understood the precariousness of the situation and nodded. The enemies had gathered as four while the remaining one went to destroy the towers. They had attacked the allies¡¯ weaknesses, but Arn had interfered with their ns. Arn had lost and died, but he had still slowed down her advance. So, before she destroyed the allied castle, they had to destroy the enemy castle first. Halo would reincarnate, and he would be able to deal with Regina, who had already lost some health. The group sped up. The enemy¡¯s castle didn¡¯t have heroes protecting it now, so they should be able to destroy it in a moment. On their way, they met the minions. When the enemy heroes started chasing them, they left the minions on the road. The minions didn¡¯t interfere in a fight among heroes and stayed safe. "Follow me," Nudra shouted forcefully and stepped forward. They arrived at the castle¡¯s gate. Two hundred enemy minions stood in front of the entrance, but the allies could deal with them. They didn¡¯t have any heroes backing them up. Nudra pulled out a small marble and shouted, "Attack!" As he shouted, the minions moved in like a massive iing wave. Junhyuk stepped forward. The enemy riflemen were of a different armed branch from the allied minions, but Junhyuk advanced all the same, massacring the minions while the heroes sieged the gate. Vera and Diane dealt with the archers while Nudra focused on the gate. Within five minutes, the allies had killed all of the minions and destroyed the gate. No enemy heroes showed up to give them any problems. Junhyuk went inside the castle and saw two golems. "Let¡¯s get the golems first," Nudra said once he saw them. "Is that possible?" Nudra nodded and looked at Vera. She readied her meteors, and while she prepared her magic, Diane nocked an arrow and aimed her bow. Both of them were using their ultimates, and Junhyuk stood in front of them. The crazed minions went after the golems, but the golems made mashed potatoes out of them. Vera cast her magic, and soon, meteors fell from the sky. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Even the giant golems couldn¡¯t ignore the damage inflicted by the meteors, and they were looking at Vera when Diane released her arrows. One arrow traveled through the air to hit a golem in the eye, sinking deeper than the others. Nudra brandished his Dragon Gloves, and the dragon¡¯s aura covered him as he jumped. He kicked the goleming at him, and Diane and Vera continued their attacks on the other golem. Nudra dealt with one golem, and they were dealing with the other now. The second golem had been attacked by both ultimates, but had only lost half of his health. It ran, and Junhyuk blocked its path. He thought golems were annoying and teleported atop of the golem and sank his Frozen Rune Sword into the eye that had already been punctured by Diane¡¯s arrow. The golem tried to grab him, but Junhyuk teleported again and swung his swords. With Junhyuk¡¯s dual des, Vera¡¯s fire magic and Diane¡¯s arrows, the golem finally crumbled. Junhyuk sighed, but Sarang shouted, "The enemies areing!" The enemy heroes started appearing from the inner chambers of the castle. "Retreat!" Nudra shouted. Chapter 105: See You Again 1 Chapter 105: See You Again 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - At first, the enemy heroes couldn¡¯te out of the castle. Even if the allies withdrew, the allies had three heroes, one expert and one novice. If they came out one by one, they would all be killed. So, after reviving, they stayed inside. However, once they had all revived, the allies would lose the advantage. Nudra knew that, and he left the half-destroyed golem behind and decided to withdraw. Junhyuk agreed with that decision. They couldn¡¯t waste time there. When all of their enemies revived, the allies might not be able to get out, so they retreated at full speed. Ki revived first. She brandished her pistols and shot at the minions attacking the golem. Her attack was so high, the minions couldn¡¯t block the bullets with their shields. The bullets went through the shields and killed the minions. If the allies tried to kill her, they could get stuck fighting and get swarmed, so they moved quickly toward the entrance. The allies had left the minions and run away, but they hadn¡¯t simply escaped. They were headed to a buff monster that lived near the enemy camp. Their enemies couldn¡¯t chase after them because the allies put a lot of distance between them, choosing the buff monster to gain the advantage. The monster was the Gale Queen Harpy. When Junhyuk saw what monster it was, he smacked his lips. If they killed the harpy queen, they would earn a useful buff. Nudra looked at it and said, "We don¡¯t have time. We have to kill it as soon as possible." "Buy us some time," Vera said. Nudra was wearing the Dragon Gloves and dashed. He closed in quickly and jumped at the harpy, stepping through a tree and kicking it. He hadn¡¯t used a power, but his kick was destructive. The Gale Queen Harpy twisted its body and dodged his kick, taking off from the ground. However, a moonlit arrow flew toward it, hitting its wing. The wing broke at the bone, and the harpy queen dropped a bit, and a fire orb appeared on its head. Then, a fire spear hit it, and it was pushed back, hitting the fire orb. The explosions continued as the harpy queen staggered, and Nudra jumped on its head and released a strong wind. The gust pushed the harpy queen to the ground, where it beat its wings attempting to move. The harpy queen flew low to the ground toward Vera. Vera quickly cast a firewall, but the harpy queen went through the ck mes, persisting in its path. Junhyuk teleported and stabbed the harpy queen on its ribs with the Frozen Rune Sword. He disyed strength iparable to before and opened a gaping hole on the harpy. The Gale Queen Harpy reflexively flinched away and beat its wings toward Junhyuk. He couldn¡¯t dodge the gale, so instead he held his sword up. Clung! The shock travelled through the swords and pushed him back. The harpy queen dashed over and used her talon to attack. He blocked the talon¡¯s attacks, but she continued to use her gale attack. He was wounded and stepped back. In the past, he might have been fatally wounded, but he had only lost one third of his health. The two hundred extra health made him feel different. The Gale Queen Harpy saw that Junhyuk had withstood its attack and came at him more ferociously. However, Diane¡¯s arrow hit it in the middle of the forehead. Diane had masterful skill and had been able to urately hit a moving target. The Gale Queen Harpy was pushed to the side by the arrow while Nudra dropped on it from the sky, and Vera¡¯s fire spear zoomed through the air toward it. The allies¡¯ attacks dealt more damage than ever before, and they easily killed the harpy. [You¡¯ve killed the Gale Queen Harpy. For the next two hours, your attack power will increase by 33 percent. If you die within those two hours, you will lose the buff to your opponent.] The voice told them they had gotten the buff, and white magic rings surrounded their bodies. Junhyuk turned around, and Sarang used her healing power on him. The green powder sprinkled over him, and he felt his healthing back. "Thanks." "Don¡¯t mention it." Vera came over and put her arms around him. "I got scared when she attacked you." "I¡¯m OK because of Bater¡¯s item." He showed her the chain bracelet, the Steel King Jax¡¯s Chain, and said, "I¡¯m wearing two bracelets in one arm." He had the Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s bracelets on both wrists, and now he was also wearing the Steel King Jax¡¯s Chain on one of them. He hadn¡¯t thought he could wear two bracelets on one wrist, and Vera exined, "You can wear ten rings and four bracelets total, two bracelets on each wrist." "I could wear ten rings?" Vera continued, "You could, but you¡¯d have to protect them." Junhyuk nodded. Heroes didn¡¯t have absolute superiority. Fighting meant to kill or be killed and dropping items that the enemies could pick up, and the heroes frequently got a bad deal. One had to sell the items picked up if they didn¡¯t work on him or her, but they usually only got half the price. It was important not to get killed, and Vera was right in saying he had to protect what was important. Nudra walked over. "Regina is dead. Now, Halo ising over, so we should rejoin him." "What about Arn?" "He will join us as soon as he revives." "The next battle will be thest one." Nudra nodded. "Yes. They areing quickly, and we have the buff for thest team battle." They had a chance because they had killed the buff monster near the enemy camp. The heroes who had reincarnated would be heading their way quickly. "Where is the battlefield?" "Where the giant golem is." The enemies¡¯ upper hand would end if the golem died, so they would try to the protect it. "What happens when the castle is attacked by Regina again?" Nudra said, "We have the advantage. If she attacks, some of us will use Return." Junhyuk looked at Sarang. "Be careful. We only have one fight left," he said. "OK." He hadn¡¯t died once and he would protect Sarang in the next fight. Junhyuk caressed her hair. He would protect her with his life. "Let¡¯s go," Nudra said. --- It had been a long time since everyone had gathered, and Junhyuk looked at Arn and frowned. "I lost because of her ultimate," he said. "Honestly, I was surprised. I thought you would win." Arn was still frowning. "I could¡¯ve won. Next time, I will." Is that possible? Arn should have used his ultimate first. His ultimate takes some time to prepare, but when he uses it, it¡¯s deadly. Arn¡¯s ultimate dealt a lot of damage, but it also had its weak points. On a one-on-one battle, it was one of the more disadvantageous ultimates. Arn shook his head. "Let¡¯s go." They walked past the destroyed gate and went inside the castle. The enemies were already there, surrounding the giant golem. Adolphe and Regina were missing. "She took a champion with her?" Arn looked back and said, "Hit the golem from a distance, and we will deal with the rest of them." "We don¡¯t have enough manpower!" Three allied heroes would deal with the four enemy heroes, while the others attacked the golem. "Don¡¯t worry," Arn replied. He stared coldly at the enemy camp and said, "We will deal with them." He had brought two hundred minions with him, so Arn pulled out a marble and shouted, "Attack!" The two hundred minions rushed toward the golem, and Junhyuk watched the enemy heroes stepping up. Three heroes approached, and Arn dashed toward them. Jean Clo gave up on protecting the golem and ran toward Arn. When close, Arn swung his sabers at him. Jean Clo started bleeding all over, but he ignored his injuries and rushed. His target wasn¡¯t Arn. Arn had a lot of health, and Jean Clo didn¡¯t want to attack him. He rushed toward the allied camp instead. Junhyuk looked carefully at Jean Clo, and noticed that he wanted to attack Sarang. He remembered her and decided that she was his ultimate target. While Jean Clo rushed, Arn was dealing with Bater, who delivered a one-twobo. Nudra stepped toward Jean Clo to contain him, kicking him. Jean Clo was thrown back, and a gun went off. Bang! Ki shot her rifle at Nudra¡¯s shoulder, and he started bleeding, but he ignored it. Ki had the highest attack among the enemies. The allies had to kill her first. With the enemies targeting Vera and Diane, the allies had to go for Ki. Junhyuk saw Doctor T moving slowly. The doctor had the ability to use his spider web to tie people up and paralyze them, so he frowned. He grabbed Sarang¡¯s hand and moved to the side of the battle. Doctor T was trying to ce the allied heroes on a straight line from him. When the allied heroes were in a line with him, he wouldunched the web at all of them. Junhyuk moved with Sarang, following Doctor T¡¯s movements. The doctor shot his spider web, and Arn jumped. Arn tried to go after Ki, but Nudra was tied up by the spider web. Jean Clo took the chance to grab Nudra and jump with him. Nudra couldn¡¯t move, and getting damaged was inevitable. Junhyuk was looking at Nudra when the doctor shot a small missile. Despite its size, they already knew how damaging it was. Boom! Halo was protecting the allied frontline and blocked the missile, but he was wounded in the process. However, he still had a lot of health, so he did the right thing. Bater rushed toward Halo and hit him, and Jean Clo mmed Nudra against the ground and moved toward Halo, who was rolling from the impact. The enemy heroes were behind the allied line. Even if if they killed Ki, the allies would be in danger. Chapter 106: See You Again 2 Chapter 106: See You Again 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Jean Clo and Bater started running, and Doctor T used his eight legs to go across the battlefield. Junhyuk saw the enemies running and, still holding on to Sarang¡¯s hand, got between Vera and Diane. They started attacking the enemy heroes, and both of them ced their hands on Junhyuk. Vera touched his shoulder, and Diane grabbed his butt, and he teleported. They did not move back. Instead, they teleported to where Arn was, passing the running enemies and appearing right behind the doctor¡¯s back. Diane shot an arrow at Ki, who was exchanging blows with Arn. Vera cast a fire orb in front of Doctor T before he turned around, and sheunched a fire spear at him. Boom, boom! A series of explosions hit the doctor, and he was pushed back by the shock. Meanwhile, Junhyuk dashed forward still holding Sarang by the hand. Jean Clo and Bater changed directions and rushed back, and Doctor T turned around and fired the methrower. The strong mes covered Junhyuk¡¯s vision, and he hugged Sarang and rolled on the ground. Heroes could survive the methrower¡¯s attack, but Sarang would be roasted in a second. His tactic worked, and he escaped the mes. Meanwhile, Arn threw his saber, and it sank into Ki¡¯s chest. Ki had been fleeing from Diane¡¯s arrow and wasn¡¯t able to dodge the saber. She started bleeding heavily, and Arn jumped and swung his remaining saber at her throat. Finding herself in danger, she pulled out both of her pistols and fired, releasing the shockwave. Boom! The shockwave pushed Arn back, getting rid of him for Ki, but Diane¡¯s arrows struck her chest. The shockwave had a short range, and only those within it were affected by it. Ki couldn¡¯t dodge Diane¡¯s attacks. Arn had diminished her health, and Diane¡¯s attacks finished her off. Ki was dying, and Jean Clo and Bater turned and rushed toward Vera, but she couldn¡¯t fight those two alone and at the same time. Doctor T also joined them, firing the methrower. When he saw Vera retreating, he fired the missiles. Vera blocked them with her staff, but she was still heavily injured. She couldn¡¯t withstand the shock from the explosion and was pushed back. Jean Clo and Bater were running toward her when Halo and Nudra rushed toward them. They had the wind on their backs, and Halo used his lightning sh attack against Jean Clo¡¯s back. Nudra front-kicked Bater,unching him so hard that he passed by Vera. Bater got up, turned around and rushed. His rush¡¯s cooldown had ended, and he was close to Vera. Boom! Vera blocked him with her staff, but the shock threw her off, and she bounced back. Junhyuk grabbed her in midair and looked at Bater. He was already raising his fist up high, intending to m it against the ground to create shockwaves. Nudra quickly ran at him, but Bater was faster. Boom, boom, boom! The shockwaves headed for Junhyuk, and he took Vera and Sarang and escaped. Diane had run forward to kill Ki, so she was hit by them. Nudra, who had run to Bater, was also hit. Junhyuk had increased health, but he wanted to avoid the heroes¡¯ attacks. He stepped back after Halo walked over and stood in front of him. Bater ran at Halo and threw a one-twobo at him. Bater¡¯s huge fists closed in on Halo. Clung! Halo blocked it with his sword, but he still got damaged by the shock. Junhyuk knew they only had to wait a little longer. After killing Ki, Arn and Diane would join them, giving them the advantage. Arn pulled his saber out of Ki¡¯s dead body and ran to rejoin the group. Bater pushed Halo back, and then, Jean Clo rushed toward him, grabbing him and choke mming him. Boom! Halo hit his back against the ground and tried to counterattack, but Jean Clo had already passed him and was running toward Vera. Arn was a littlete in rejoining the group, but he jumped on Bater¡¯s back while Diane shot at Doctor T. Nudra was pushed back by the shockwave, but now, he focused his attacks on Bater. Jean Clo was still dangerous, and Junhyuk had already teleported twice, but he still stood in front of Sarang. "Step back," Vera said. "OK." Jean Clo blocked Vera¡¯s fire spear with his arms and extended his hands. Vera knew what it meant to be grabbed by him, so she tried to escape as fast as possible, but she wasn¡¯t fast enough. Jean Clo took a hold of her legs, swinging her around and throwing her. Halo got up and started running when Vera came flying against him. Jean Clo had taken the heroes out, and now, he started running toward Junhyuk and Sarang. His mind had a singr focus: attacking Junhyuk and Sarang. And Junhyuk knew who Jean Clo was after. This battle¡¯s victory seemed far away. Junhyuk could only die once. As an expert, he could reincarnate, but Sarang couldn¡¯t. She would be a proper expert once the next battle started, so Jean Clo was after her. Junhyuk stood in Jean Clo¡¯s path, but he scoffed at that and extended his hands. His hands were sorge, Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t be able to escape if Jean Clo grabbed him, so Junhyuk twisted his body and swung the Frozen Rune Sword. Because of the Gale Queen Harpy¡¯s buff, he attacked twice at the same time, and the debuff stacked. Then, Junhyuk kneeled and shed Jean Clo¡¯s shin with the Blood Rune Sword. Junhyuk moved around like a rat to try to escape Jean Clo¡¯s attacks, and Jean Clo was furious. He stared at Junhyuk, and Junhyuk knew he wouldn¡¯t escape the next attack, but he wanted to buy some more time. Halo and Vera were on the way to join the fight against Jean Clo, so Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword and cut Jean Clo¡¯s palm. However, Jean Clo managed to grab him. He held on to Junhyuk¡¯s legs and spun him around. The world spun around Junhyuk, and he felt himself be thrown somewhere. He was flying toward Vera and Halo, crashing against Vera and losing half of his health. Without the item, he would¡¯ve been killed by that attack. He realized again how dangerous Jean Clo was. Junhyuk and Vera fell over while Halo continued to dash. However, Halo was too far away, and Jean Clo was getting closer to Sarang. She couldn¡¯t afford to be grabbed. Junhyuk was dizzy, getting up, and Jean Clo extended his hand toward her. Then, Sarang shot him with her electric st. Jean Clo was paralyzed, and Sarang rolled on the ground to escape his grab. Halo passed by her and swung his sword at Jean Clo¡¯s elbow. Blood rushed out of his arm, but as soon as he started moving again, he attacked Halo, and Halo was not in situation where he could choose to escape. If he did, Sarang would be captured. Halo stood his ground, shing at Jean Clo, but Jean Clo ignored his injuries and grabbed Halo. Finally, Junhyuk understood something: Jean Clo had to be holding someone to use his powers, and, with the exception of his rush, his powers had quick cooldowns. Jean Clo was about to use the Spinning Piledriver on Halo, and Junhyuk knew he had to make a decision, so he cast the force field on Vera. She ran forward, covered by the field, and the force field got to Halo, pushing Jean Clo off of him. Halo got up from the ground and readied Rain from Above. Vera prepared a fire orb and a fire spear, but Jean Clo had gotten used to her attacks and just stood there. Her attacks pushed him back a little, and he saw Halo¡¯s Rain from Above and smiled. Then, Jean Clo started healing quickly, and the three blue energy rings appeared around him. Boom! Jean Clo knew about Sarang¡¯s healing suppression power, but he was still healing quickly, and one of the three rings blocked Halo¡¯s Rain from Above. He could block an opponent¡¯s ultimate and just eat up his enemies¡¯ blows. Jean Clo extended a hand toward Sarang, and she said, "Suppression." Sarang¡¯s Red Core Armor released a wave of bloody light that wrapped around Jean Clo¡¯s body, and the blue energy rings were unable to stop it. Once the bloody light wrapped around Jean Clo, thorns came out of it that pierced his body, but Jean Clo had already used his ultimate and looked satisfied. Diane jumped into the force field and shot an arrow at him. It was an ordinary arrow, but it took out thest two blue energy rings protecting Jean Clo¡¯s body. Arn and Nudra also went into the force field. Both could use the rest to regain some health. "Who needs healing?" Sarang asked them. Arn stepped forward. "Heal me first." Arn had the biggest health pool, but he had lost a lot of it fighting Ki. He had been hit by Ki¡¯s ultimate and had lost even more health against Bater. Sarang extended her hands toward him, and the light green powder sprinkled over his head, healing a chunk of Arn¡¯s health. "The enemy wants to kill Sarang. We should protect her." Nudra nodded. "Hurry! They are already attacking our castle¡¯s gate." Arn nodded. They had killed the first golem. If they killed the remaining three heroes, they would destroy the castle. They could do it before Regina and Adolphe did it, but they had to kill the heroes first. Arn squatted and whispered, "Junhyuk, when I tell you, teleport me behind Doctor T." Junhyuk nodded. Arn¡¯s ultimate took a long time to get ready, but it dealt an insane amount of damage. However, that also meant that Arn couldn¡¯t deal with the heroes outside of the force field at that moment. From within the force field, theyunched their long-ranged attacks, but soon, the force field disappeared. Arn¡¯s eyes beamed, and he shouted, "Now!" Junhyuk grabbed his shoulder and teleported. They appeared above Doctor T¡¯s mechanical spider body, and Arn quickly unsheathed his sabers, shing the doctor from behind. The blow was fatal, and Doctor T had already lost a lot of health. He couldn¡¯t withstand the attack. Bater and Jean Clo rushed toward Sarang at the same time. Chapter 107: See You Again 3 Chapter 107: See You Again 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - There were only two enemy heroes remaining, and there was a limit to what they could do. If they did well, they might be able to kill two allied heroes. However, even if the allies lost two heroes, it wouldn¡¯t change anything. So, they wanted to get things ready for the next battle, and for that they had to kill Sarang. Both of them rushed at her, and Halo and Nudra stood in their way. Vera and Diane were attacking them, but Bater ignored the attacks and rushed at Halo, pushing him away. Halo blocked the strike, but wasn¡¯t able to keep his footing. While Bater rushed Halo, Jean Clo attacked Nudra, but Nudra kicked him. Jean Clo was pushed back, but Bater was standing next to him and struck Nudra with a one-twobo. After taking care of Halo and Nudra, Bater pointed his fists forward. Can Diane and Vera block that attack? Junhyuk wasn¡¯t sure. Vera and Diane couldn¡¯t withstand Bater¡¯s ultimate, but Junhyuk couldn¡¯t rely on Halo either. He had been pushed too far back. Junhyuk teleported to stand right in front of Bater¡¯s fists. Baterughed and fired. The mechanical fists rocketed out, and Junhyuk swung his swords at Bater. Bater¡¯s fists hit him, but he still managed to cut Bater¡¯s elbow. Junhyuk was willing to die, but he wanted to debuff Bater first. Also, he thought there was a small chance he might survive since he had full health. Boom! The shock blew Junhyuk backward, and he knew he had no health left. Bater¡¯s attack had been fatal. One blow had drained Junhyuk¡¯s healthpletely, and he realized, again, how dangerous Bater was. Junhyuk was rolling on the ground, and Sarang stopped him and hugged him. "Big brother! Big brother!" She wanted to heal him, but she couldn¡¯t. She had already used her power on Arn and, even if she could use her healing power, she couldn¡¯t save him now. Junhyuk lifted his hand, held on to Sarang and whispered, "Don¡¯t die. No matter what." He had stopped Bater¡¯s ultimate, and the others were there to protect Sarang now. "Big brother! Stay awake!" He was already disappearing, and the heroes made a wall around Sarang. Junhyuk shouted at their backs, "Look after Sarang!" "Don¡¯t worry." Junhyuk looked at her. "See you again." "We will see each other again," Sarang answered him, and Junhyuk slowly closed his eyes. The whole world turned ck. --- It had no beginning and no end. He travelled through the darkness, opened his eyes and sighed, "Whew!" Junhyuk looked at the amount of gold he had rued: 32,340G. He thought he had earned a lot and shook his head. "Holy shit! Sarang can¡¯t die." Jean Clo and Bater were risking their lives to kill her. The allies had twice the number of heroes present, but that didn¡¯t guarantee her safety. [You¡¯ve died once. You have 0 revivals left on this battlefield.] Junhyuk summoned Bebe¡¯s ck Armor and just walked by the two swords in front of him. He didn¡¯t need them now. There was nothing he could do now. The battle would be decided before he could get back. He only wished for Sarang¡¯s survival. Junhyuk looked around the room and murmured, "Was it OK to die?" The enemy¡¯s fighting skill was truly astounding. The allies had spent every dime equipping themselves and gotten stronger, but the enemies were still hard to deal with. He trusted Arn, but he too had been killed and lost. Their enemies were truly strong, and to fight them, he wanted to be better prepared. [You may exit using the main entrance.] Junhyuk walked through the door. [Expert 01 deployed.] The castle was empty. Last time he died, he saw minions standing around, but now they were all on the battlefield. Junhyuk walked through the empty halls and heard a soft whisper. [The castle¡¯s gate has been destroyed. The enemy has advanced into the castle.] Danger shed in Junhyuk¡¯s mind. He thought the allies would win, but the enemy was already inside. Only the giant golems were left to fight the enemy. Junhyuk dashed quickly to the entrance and saw Regina with fifty riflemen. He frowned when he didn¡¯t see Adolphe. "I didn¡¯t see him at the castle either." He watched Regina. She was giving out orders to the riflemen to spread out and form a line. Once set, she ordered them to attack one of the golems, and they did. They had an interesting attack strategy. They attacked from one side, and when the golem moved to that side, the other side started attacking. They kept attacking unhindered, and Regina crossed her arms and looked at Junhyuk. "Look carefully. You¡¯ll see why I came alone." After she spoke, Regina dashed at the other giant golem. She swung her cuss and shed the golem. When the golem moved toward her, her roller des rocketed out, and she moved fast enough to escape it. She attacked as she moved, hitting and running, and the golem couldn¡¯t chase her down. Ki would¡¯ve shot at it from a distance, but Regina was attacking it while dodging its attacks. She could do the job all by herself. But the giant golems weren¡¯t stupid. Both of them attacked at the same time, and she was left with little space to move around. Even Regina had a limit. Regina was in danger, but she spun around, firing her pistol and pushing the golems back. She could kill both of them if she had enough time. Junhyuk inhaled deeply. Regina was able to deal with the golems because she had amazing speed. He couldn¡¯t allow the golems to be crushed, so he teleported behind Regina and swung the Frozen Rune Sword at her. Regina was shed on the back, and her movement speed decreased. Regina scoffed and turned around swinging her cuss at him. Junhyuk blocked her attack and shed her again. His attacks didn¡¯t do much damage, but he was going for the debuffs. Regina was slowing down, but Junhyuk was sweating cold. She attacked with the cuss and fired her pistol between swings. It wasn¡¯t easy to fight her. However, he was lucky enough to sh her three times, Then, he teleported next to the castle¡¯s force field and moved inside it. Regina gritted her teeth, but now her speed was not fast enough for her to deal with the golems. "You don¡¯t think I can destroy this castle?!" Regina continued to attack the golems, but they weren¡¯t made for a single hero to take on, so she used her skills and powers. At short range, she fired at them, and once the golems gathered, she spun around shooting. It looked like she had dealt with golems many times before, but her since her speed was low, the golems got through. She also had to wait for the powers¡¯ cooldowns to end. Junhyuk carefully watched the fight. Without him, Regina might have killed both golems, and with the riflemen shooting at the golems, they would crumble sooner orter. He couldn¡¯t let them be. He had to wait to teleport, but he could still use his force field. Junhyuk waited for an opportune moment and ran out of the castle¡¯s force field. Regina smiled. "Do you want to die?" She was already debuffed, and him being there meant that he had already died once. Experts could only revive one time, and Regina wanted to take care of him. Junhyuk ran toward her, getting ever closer. He had her attention, and the golems prepared to attack her from both sides. Regina wanted to kill him because he had no revives left. She smiled and ran toward him. Junhyuk knew one thing as he got closer to her, that she had killed Arn with her ultimate. He had to avoid it. He watched her carefully as they got closer, and Regina lifted her pistol. Junhyuk knew what she was up to, and he released the force field. ng! Regina fired, and the bullets bounced off the force field. Junhyuk got closer to her, decreasing the field¡¯s radius, and was able to attack her. He shed at her, and Regian scoffed while she retreated. However, a giant golem swung his fist at ther. Boom! The ground shook, but Regina managed to escape the fist. Junhyuk shed her leg. Her leather pant was cut, and the wound was small, but it was good enough. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t trying to kill Regina. If possible, he would, but he was really trying to buy more time or get her to retreat. He wanted the victory. Regina tried to escape, but she was having a hard time dealing with golems because of herck of speed. Junhyuk strained himself by exerting himself even more. Regina was angry with his tactics. She couldn¡¯t do anything because of the force field, and the two golems were attacking her. She was only in danger because of his debuffs, otherwise she wouldn¡¯t be. Junhyuk thought he could get her again, but when the force field disappeared, he retreated. He didn¡¯t want to die a second time. Regina spun around and fired her pistol at him. Both golems and Regina stepped back, and she ordered the riflemen to shoot at the golems. Regina moved toward the castle¡¯s entrance, and the riflemen attacked the golems. Junhyuk kept his attention focused on Regina. It would take a very long time for the riflemen to kill the golems alone, so the allies could destroy the enemy castle first. Then, Regina smiled at Junhyuk and dashed toward the golems again. The golems had already been injured by her, so whatever she did could kill them at any moment. Junhyuk knew the teleportation¡¯s cooldown was over and ran toward her. Regina sped up as the golems got closer and fired at them. The giant golems staggered, and Junhyuk dashed toward her. He could always escape by teleporting away. However, Regina lifted her eyepatch and used petrification on him. Junhyuk turned to stone and lost half of his health. He wasn¡¯t expecting her ultimate, and Regina approached him. Junhyuk gritted his teeth. He was paralyzed and he couldn¡¯t do anything. Death wasing his way. Then, a giant golem swung its fist down at Regina. Boom! She had to escape, but the other golem ran at her and kicked her back, pushing her forward, closer to Junhyuk. Regina was hurt badly, but she wouldn¡¯t let the chance to kill him be wasted. Right when she swung her cuss, Junhyuk was able to move again and teleported away. sh! She had swung her cuss at the empty air, but he appeared behind her and swung the Blood Rune Sword at her neck. He sliced her, and she started bleeding. It was a critical blow. Regina fired her pistol at him in response, and his armor was pierced, injuring his ribs. She hadn¡¯t used her power, so even though he was hurt, he didn¡¯t die. Then, Junhyuk stabbed her neck with the Blood Rune Sword. "Ugh!" As the sword punctured her neck, he could feel his wound recovering. Regina was in terrible shape, and she turned around swinging her cuss, but he teleported. He knew he could kill her, so he didn¡¯t go far. The Blood Rune Sword was still piercing her body, and he teleported back to the same spot where she had shed her cuss and stabbed her with the Frozen Rune Sword. The Frozen Rune Sword met the Blood Rune Sword hanging from her neck. Regina vomited blood, but she wasn¡¯t dead yet and fired at him. She thought he had used all of his powers and smiled. Bang! Junhyuk was already in the air. He had jumped as high as he could, but he could still see Regina bleeding out. She started disappearing, and Junhyuknded on her chest and smiled at her. "See you again." He was only able to kill her because of the golems, but he was still d. She disappeared, and he saw an item where her body had been. He picked up the leather belt, and the world started changing. Junhyuk lifted his head and looked toward the enemy castle. It had been destroyed. "We won." The world crumbled away. Chapter 108: W.A.N.C.S. Lab 1 Chapter 108: W.A.N.C.S. Lab 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - A white light covered the world. After the light dimmed, Junhyuk opened his eyes. He was on his bed, conscious, and quickly picked up his cell phone. He wanted to find out about Sarang. Then, a message appeared in his phone. [It¡¯s me. I¡¯ve returned sessfully. He-he] Junhyuk was extremely relieved. Sarang was now an expert, and he was even more relieved by that. [That¡¯s nice. Get some rest.] [Big brother, go to sleep.] Junhyuk was sure Sarang was safe and lifted his hand. Thest item he picked up was wrapped around his wrist. It was a leather belt, and he inspected its attributes. --- Barbarian Belt Defense +20 Attack Speed +10% Fixed Damage +20 The barbarian warriors wore this belt. When they wore it, it increased their attack speed and defense. It took a significant amount of troops to fight these barbarians. The belt increases defense by twenty and attack speed by 10 percent. It also adds twenty to fixed damage. --- It was an impressive belt. Bater¡¯s Steel King Jax¡¯s Chain really increased health, and this belt helped with his attack. It increased attack speed and added fixed damage. Fixed damage was damage that ignored the opponent¡¯s defense, and its attribute was always useful when fighting someone with high defense. It was also a totally new item typepared to the items he already had. He put the belt around his waist and thought he wouldn¡¯t wear it outside. Instead, Junhyuk would engrave it with aplex engraving when he went back to the dimensional merchant. He rolled it up and put it in his backpack. Junhyuk stood in front of the mirror in his restroom. He had died again, and because of it, his eyes looked sunken. "I have to get stronger," he murmured. He was lucky to get back alive this time and he wanted to remain alive. For that, he had to take full advantage of the powers he already had and develop new ones. He wanted to train, but he had almost lost his mind in that battle and was extremely tired at that point. "I¡¯ll sleep tonight and train tomorrow." Junhyuky in bed and fell into a deep sleep. --- On Monday morning, he was listening to the radio on his way to work. "On Friday, at nine o¡¯clock, patients with abnormal narcolepsy woke up and killed twelve people. One of the patient¡¯s next of kin was also injured. W.A.N.C.S.boratory is running tests to make a diagnosis. Will they find more about abnormal narcolepsy?" Junhyuk shook his head as he heard the news. There should have already been survivors, but nobody in the world knew about them. That probably meant that the Rockefellers or others were involved. That this event was broadcasted was curious. Maybe it was because it had happened at a hospital, and the reporters got to it first. Junhyuk kept driving and murmured, "Is something different?" He thought of when he encountered the person with the Blood Sword. He acted as though he had lost his soul to the sword. However, even if this was a simr situation to the Blood Sword, they couldn¡¯t get rid of it so easily. "Will they do the right thing?" The survivors wouldn¡¯t be many. When they sieged the castle, some minions could have survived, but they would all be berserked because of the small marble. It would be hard for them to remain normal. If they couldmunicate, they would tell about the Dimensional Battlefield. It would be better if there were multiple survivors who told their stories at the same time. They would grab the world¡¯s attention, and people wouldn¡¯t be able to get rid of them easily. They would be strong, and the others wouldn¡¯t risk endangering themselves. Junhyuk tapped on the steering wheel and whispered, "They might start teaching shield and sword lessons." People couldn¡¯t learn to wield a shield and a sword in one day, and even if people practiced, their survival rate wouldn¡¯t be any higher. Heroes and archers pulverized minions. Junhyuk arrived at work, parked his car and took the elevator. He had a car now, so he didn¡¯t have to mingle with othermuters. Inside the elevator, Junhyuk checked the news on his smartphone. Until that day, there had been no news concerning abnormal narcolepsy patients. Now, people were very interested in these new survivors. The survivors had killed twelve at the hospital, and one of them was transferred to the W.A.N.C.S.b. He read the news and looked at the pictures of theboratory. He was suspicious of W.A.N.C.S., and they might use theboratory to hide things. The elevator got to the first floor, and the door opened. Some people walked in, and Junhyuk bowed at them. "Hello!" Junhyuk was still a new employee at thepany, and he liked that. He was only working as a model for ST Capsule because he couldn¡¯t refuse to. Doyeol and Sukhoon Kim had entered the elevator, and he greeted. Their secretaries were standing behind the two, and he bowed slightly at them. "The demonstration was a sess. They are apuding you." "I was just there." Junhyuk wasn¡¯t using the metal prosthetics, and he thought he had done nothing except show up. However, Doyeol thought otherwise. Doyeol grabbed Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and looked at his smartphone. "What is the news about?" Junhyuk showed him the screen and answered, "There were abnormal narcolepsy survivors, and the inte is all about them." "I saw it on TV. They attacked the people around them, right? One of the injured is a family member." Sukhoon nodded. "They aren¡¯t sure, but the survivors seem berserked and don¡¯t understand their current situation." Junhyuk guessed those two knew more about the situation than what the news reported, and Sukhoon looked at Junhyuk and chuckled. "We work with abnormal narcolepsy, so I checked it out." They sold capsules to abnormal narcolepsy patients. He should rightfully check things out. ST Capsule had already spent a lot of money, and it would probably spend more on the subject. "I hope you find out more." "Theb will let us know. We¡¯ll just wait." They conversed, and Junhyuk got off on his floor. He sat on his chair and looked at Eunseo¡¯s office. The coboration had been a sess, and everyone was too rxed. Nobody worked over the weekend. He cleaned his desk, turned on hisputer, and people started trickling in. Junhyuk greeted them one by one. The elevator door opened, and Eunseo moved out. She greeted everyone, and said to him, "Mr. Junhyuk Lee and Ms. Somin Jeon,e to my office." Junhyuk and Somin looked at each other. She didn¡¯t know anything, and both headed toward Eunseo¡¯s office. She was sitting on her sofa when they walked in. They sat down, and Eunseo said, "You did well during the exhibition." Junhyuk bowed slightly, and Eunseo looked at Somin. "Ms. Jeon, you¡¯ve worked hard." Somin bowed, and Eunseo continued, "The coboration is a sess, but did you hear about what happened over the weekend?" "Yes." It was about the survivor, and Junhyuk was also interested in the story. "W.A.N.C.S. will let us know when they find something, but if we are to get more information faster, we need people at theboratory." "You mean we should work there?" Eunseo nodded. "We already gave them a hefty sum of money, so we applied to send people over." Junhyuk was surprised. He had nothing to do in the Strategy nning Department. He worked mostly as a model, but Somin was different. Eunseo turned to Somin and said, "While over there, you won¡¯t work too much. And when the results on the survivor are delivered, you¡¯ll return here. Don¡¯t worry." Eunseo had already decided, and there was no reason to refuse, so she fixed her sses and continued, "Today, I will go with you to talk to theb supervisor. The appointment is at eleven o¡¯clock, so be ready in thirty minutes." "Yes." "Go get ready." Both of them walked out of her office, and Junhyuk scratched his head. "What should we take?" "We¡¯ll take our tablets with us and nothing else." Somin went back to her seat, and Junhyuk cleared his desk. He only grabbed his tablet and put it in his backpack. This time, maybe he would meet the survivors. He wanted to find out more about them. After thirty minutes passed, Eunseo came out of her office. Junhyuk and Somin were already waiting for her. When they got on the elevator, Eunseo asked, "Junhyuk, did you drive?" "Yes." "Then, take Somin with you. Do you know where to go?" "Yes," he said, and the elevator stopped. There were people following Eunseo, and they helped her get to her car. "Don¡¯t bete," she said. "Yes," he answered and walked to his car with Somin. When they arrived, she smiled at it. "You got a new car." "That¡¯s right. I got some money from the model work, so I bought it." He opened the door for her, and she got in. Junhyuk got in as well, and he typed theb¡¯s address into the GPS. "I¡¯ll drive safely." "Please do." Junhyuk and Somin talked while on the way to theboratory. They talked about the coboration project, and when she told him how much money thepany had earned, Junhyuk almost stopped the car. "They made that much?!" "Yes. The metal model is about $30,000. They sold about a hundred thousand units. Using simple math, they earned about $3 billion total. The project and the manpower came from Robotics, so we got just about 10 percent of the earnings, but that¡¯s still $300 million." Junhyuk thought about that astronomical sum and said, "That¡¯ a scary amount." "Right." Somin yawned and murmured, "This is only the beginning. We sold a hundred thousand models already. I have no idea how many more we will sell. We¡¯ll be rolling in money." Junhyuk also wanted money, but he shook his head. He already had plenty of it, and he didn¡¯t waste money. It wasn¡¯t in his character. His real work was in the Dimensional Battlefield. They arrived at theboratory, and he parked. Eunseo was already there. She took the lead and said, "Let¡¯s go in." Junhyuk looked at the huge building in front of him and frowned. The size of the building made him curious about their research. Chapter 109: W.A.N.C.S. Labs 2 Chapter 109: W.A.N.C.S. Labs 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - When he got inside the W.A.N.C.S.boratory, Junhyuk looked at everything. There was a guide desk on the first floor, and Eunseo called for someone and waited. Some time passed, and a middle-aged man wearing a whiteb coat showed up. The man had hair carelesslybed and wore sses. He stepped forward and greeted Eunseo. "You came!" "I told you why we¡¯de." The man looked at Junhyuk and Somin and chuckled. "The temp workers, your friends?" "Yes, they are." "Follow me." The man lead the way, and Eunseo followed him on her fully automatic wheelchair. "You should greet them." The man stopped walking and turned around. "I¡¯m theb chief, Iltae Park." "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Junhyuk Lee." "I¡¯m Somin Jeon." "You look familiar. Have we met before?" Eunseo answered him instead, "He is ourpany¡¯s model." "Ah! The metal series advertisement model." Iltae lifted his hand apologetically and continued, "I don¡¯t remember much outside of my interests. Please understand." Junhyuk wanted to say that Iltae was ab chief, which was beyond his own ability, but he decided not to. They got on an elevator, and Iltae pressed the button for the third floor. "I will show you your office, where you¡¯ll be working," he said. Somin smiled and asked, "What shall we work on?" Iltae shrugged and answered, "Do you know a lot about capsules?" "I can take care of them." "Good. This ce has a total of twelve hundred capsules. The centralputer is overseeing them, but we still need human help. You could help us out." "I understand." Iltae got off on the third floor and opened the door to an office. It looked like a space for temps. There were two desks and a telephone. "You will be working here. If you need anything, press ¡¯0¡¯ on the telephone, and it¡¯ll connect you to the guide desk," Iltae exined calmly." "I understand." "Then, you two stay here." Eunseo shook her head and protested, "Junhyuk, you should follow me." Iltae looked at her, shrugged and said, "Then, follow me." And added to Somin while pointing to the room next door, "That room is the rest area. You should get some tea." "OK." Leaving Somin behind, the group took the elevator and went to the fourth floor. The floor had people working busily, and they passed by them to get to a ce surrounded by ss. Behind the ss, there was a man restrained to a bed. Junhyuk watched the people, busy, as they worked on the man on the bed. It looked like the people were there to watch the man. There were ten of them. The man had his eyes open, but they stared nkly at nothing. Eunseo turned around, and Iltae said, "His destructive instinct didn¡¯t take his own safety into ount. When people tried to restrain him, he broke his own arm, but he didn¡¯t care about that and continued to attack them." "What is his condition?" "We gave him enough tranquilizer to put an elephant to sleep." "Is it OK to give him that much?" "We gave it to him in doses. We won¡¯t let him die." To them, the restrained man couldn¡¯t die. He had answers to what happened when people experienced abnormal narcolepsy. Junhyuk walked closer to the ss and looked at the man. Then, the man turned slowly to look at him. They saw each other, and suddenly, the man started moving. He was moving instinctively, and the people around him were surprised. Junhyuk could see the man¡¯s eyes. They looked like the eyes of the man who had held the Blood Sword and tried to kill him and Sarang. Maybe the man could recognize he was an expert? The man wanted something, but Junhyuk distanced himself from the ss. Iltae looked at the man and then at Junhyuk. "Do you know him?" "I¡¯ve never seen him before." "Hm." Iltae looked at Junhyuk, walked to ss and pressed the speaker button. "Give him more tranquilizers." They injected him again, and the man no longer looked at Junhyuk. Junhyuk watched as he turned his head, and they moved on after. They went to Iltae¡¯s office, and he ordered his secretary to bring them tea. Iltae sat down, and Junhyuk sat on a sofa. A momentter, the secretary came in with tea. Iltae sipped on his tea and said, "Without the tranquilizers, he was out of control. We are monitoring him, but we are not hopeful." "I understand." "That was the first time he showed any response to anything," he said and looked at Junhyuk. "He doesn¡¯t even recognize his own family, but he responded to you. That¡¯s something to be hopeful about." Eunseo looked at Junhyuk first and then at Iltae. "So, you need Junhyuk¡¯s help?" "He is a temp here. Why shouldn¡¯t he help?" Junhyuk frowned. He couldn¡¯t get out of that situation. "I understand. I¡¯ll help you with anything you need." "Thanks." Iltae smiled, looked at Eunseo and added, "We don¡¯t know anything, but when we do, we¡¯ll let you know." "Please, do." "Don¡¯t worry. Expect something good," Iltae said, staring intently at Junhyuk. --- Eunseo left, and Junhyuk was given a medical gown. This time he wouldn¡¯t just look across the ss, but he would meet the man in person instead. The man was sleeping because of the tranquilizers. His skin was very rough, and Junhyuk read the name on his chart: Jisuk Dong. "Are you giving him more tranquilizers?" Junhyuk asked. "If we try to listen to him, and we let him lose, he¡¯ll try to bite us." Junhyuk was curious. He didn¡¯t know him and he couldn¡¯t remember the faces of each of the minions in the battlefield. The minions also didn¡¯t know his face because he had been wearing Bebe¡¯s ck Armor. The minions might be able to recognize novices and experts, he thought. He wanted to know more. About an hourter, Jisuk woke up from the tranquilizer. He was half asleep and, when he looked around, he saw Junhyuk. Jisuk¡¯s eyes were extremely active, but he couldn¡¯t speak. There was something covering his mouth that prevented him from speaking. "Does he want to attack me?" Junhyuk asked while looking at Jisuk. Iltae stood next to him and asked, "Are you sure you don¡¯t know him?" "I¡¯m sure." "Let¡¯s find out!" Iltae gave the signal, and another person opened the muzzle on Jisuk¡¯s mouth. "Aaargh!" JIsuk was foaming at the mouth, and Junhyuk prevented the others from restraining him again and walked over to him. He pressed down on Jisuk¡¯s head. Jisuk tried to bite him, but Junhyuk was too strong for him. Junhyuk didn¡¯t look like he was exerting himself, but he had strength beyond ordinary men. Jisuk looked at him with envy, and Junhyuk shook his head. "We should stop. He is just too aggressive." "It¡¯s impossible tomunicate now." Junhyuk nodded. "Muzzle him." Junhyuk himself put the guard around Jisuk¡¯s mouth. He was strong, so he did it easily, but the people around him looked very surprised. "You are so strong!" Junhyuk didn¡¯t mind it too much. He hadn¡¯t used his full strength. "I like to exercise." He showed his biceps, and the eyes of the women among them beamed. Iltae shrugged. "Give him more tranquilizers. I don¡¯t know when he will stop that madness, but it¡¯ll be a matter of time." They couldn¡¯t do anything in the short term, and as Iltae spoke, Junhyuk nodded. "Right. Where should I go now?" "Just go get some rest." "I¡¯ll go see my colleague then, Somin." "Sure. When this man wakes up, I¡¯ll let you know." "OK." Junhyuk headed to where Somin was. She was drinking a cup of coffee. "Can you make me a cup as well?" "Sure. I don¡¯t have anything else to do," she said and made him a cup and ced it in front of him. "So, what did you do?" she asked. "Nothing," he answered, shrugging. "He is not in very good condition. He is afraid of people." "Is that right?" Somin thought about the news and shook her head. "Isn¡¯t it dangerous?" "No, not at all," Junhyuk said, showing his biceps. "I¡¯m strong enough." Somin giggled. "If anything happens, protect me." "Sure," He said, leaning back on his chair. "We have nothing to do." "Right. Even though we were sent here, there isn¡¯t much we can do." Someone knocked on the door, and two researchers walked in. They had a stack of documents on them. "Are you the temps?" "Yes." "These are the capsules under your care." Junhyuk looked at the documents. "There are at least a hundred!" The researcher answered, "It¡¯s only a hundred. Please understand there are twelve hundred capsules monitored by five people." Junhyuk wasn¡¯t using anyone of anything. "I was getting bored. I¡¯ll do it! What should I do?" Somin asked cheerfully. "There is nothing much you can do. Follow us. I¡¯ll show you the capsules." Somin got up, and Junhyuk tried to follow her, but Somin shook her head. "Stay here. You have to help with the survivor." "Not at all! I¡¯ll go with you," he said and followed her anyway. They went to the second floor. There were rooms all the way to the end of the hallway, and each room had six capsules. "This is why this ce is sorge!" Junhyuk and Somin followed the researchers and learned about the capsule maintenance for the one hundred capsules under their care. They split them fifty-fifty between them. Junhyuk looked over the capsules he was responsible for and saw people sleeping inside. At least they looked that way, but he knew their souls were gone. Junhyuk touched one of the capsules and sighed. Then, he inspected them, and they were all working correctly. He stepped out of the room, and saw two researchers walking. As they passed by him, he stopped. They were wearingb coats, but their eyes and gait looked different. They didn¡¯t look like people who had worked their entire lives in ab. Because of their coats, they also didn¡¯t look like guards. "Wait!" Junhyuk called after them. Chapter 110: W.A.N.C.S. Lab 3 Chapter 110: W.A.N.C.S. Lab 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The two researchers looked at each other and walked to Junhyuk. He just smiled at them. "I got dispatched here today. Do you work here?" One of the men stepped forward and answered, "That¡¯s right." "Good." Junhyuk kept smiling while he pointed to the capsules and said, "I want to ask you something about that capsule. Its readings are too high." In fact,pared to the other capsules, that one¡¯s readings were slightly higher than normal. The numbers indicated the amount of calories given to the patient. If they didn¡¯t know how capsules worked, they wouldn¡¯t be able to tell what the readings were for. Junhyuk thought that if they were researchers, they would be able to answer him correctly. They looked suspicious. That floor had a crew of five researchers, and Junhyuk had already seen two of them. He didn¡¯t think the two men in front of him were a part of the remaining three. Already inside the room, one of them walked toward the door. The room they were in wasn¡¯t too big, beingrge enough to only fit six capsules. The man looked around outside and closed the door. Junhyuk was watching him and kept smiling. They were acting very suspiciously. Junhyuk turned around to look at the capsules, goading the men in doing what he thought they would. As he turned to face the capsules, one of the man pulled out a syringe. "We should report the variations in these readings to the chief. What do you think?" he asked calmly. The man¡¯s image was reflected on the capsule, and he approached without making a sound. Junhyuk turned to face him, and the man didn¡¯t hesitate trying to push the syringe into his neck. Junhyuk had seen the other man walking outside to keep watch, and he grabbed the wrist of the man standing in front of him and forced the syringe into his neck. He injected the entire dosage, and the man fell. Junhyuk supported his body to the ground. The man keeping watch outside said, "Hurry up!" Junhyuk got up slowly and asked, "What¡¯s in the syringe?" As he spoke, the man turned around and put his hand in his pocket, quickly pulling out a pistol with a silencer. The man didn¡¯t have the chance to pull the trigger as Junhyuk grabbed his pistol and blocked the trigger with his finger. He didn¡¯t want to summon Bebe¡¯s ck Armor, so he just used his strength to prevent the man from pulling the trigger. The man quickly swung his elbow at Junhyuk, but he just yawned. He was used to dealing with much more dangerous individuals. Junhyuk blocked the elbow with his left hand, and the man closed in, attempting to knee him. Junhyuk dodged and elbowed the man on his throat. The man tapped his shoes against the ground, and a de appeared from one of them. "Don¡¯t y with me." Junhyuk stepped on the man¡¯s shoe, breaking the de and his foot. The man groaned, and Junhyuk grabbed him by the throat and threw him on the ground. "Ugh!" Junhyuk took the pistol away, twisted his arm and pinned him down. At that point, Somin, who heard strange noises, opened the door, and her eyes shot wide open. "Junhyuk, what¡¯s going on?" "Call the guards and theb chief!" "Yes, just a moment!" Somin ran out, and the researchers who worked on the capsules came in. Junhyuk inspected the five researchers, took theb coats off the other men and waited. Soon, the guards arrived with Lab Chief Iltae. They looked with surprise at the restrained men. ¡¯What is going on?" Junhyuk handed the restrained men over to the guards and got up. "I was checking on the capsules and going outside when I met them. They looked really suspicious, so I asked them about the caloric readings, and they tried to inject me with something." He pick up the syringe and gave it to Iltae, who gave it to a researcher. "Analyze its contents." "Yes." "You have thirty minutes." The researcher ran out, and Iltae continued, "Take these men to underground room five and tie them to beds." "Yes, sir." The guards took them away, and Junhyuk asked, "Aren¡¯t you reporting this to the police?" "I am not. We should find out more about them." Junhyuk shrugged and took a step back. There was nothing he could do now. Iltae patted his shoulder and said, "You are something else." The men looked to be really strong, and he alone had restrained them both. Iltae thought Junhyuk was special, and he wanted to watch him. "Do you want to join me in the interrogation?" Iltae asked. Junhyuk thought about it for a moment and nodded. He didn¡¯t want to get involved, but he was already involved and he wanted to know more about the men¡¯s intentions. --- The underground floor was spacious and had different security protocols to get inside. Every room was devoid of windows, and they were headed to room five. As he entered room five, Junhyuk saw the men tied up on the beds. The researcher arrived with the results of the syringe¡¯s content, and Iltae frowned. "Propofol?" "Yes." It was a strong tranquilizer used for full body anesthesia. "Did they have any IDs?" "No." Inside room five, there were two guards. Iltae and the researcher who had brought the report were also there. Junhyuk looked intently at Iltae. Iltae ignored Junhyuk¡¯s stare and said, "Find out how they were able to get in. Ourb¡¯s IDs aren¡¯t replicable." "Yes, sir." "From now on, increase out threat level by two." "Understood." Junhyuk watched the men answering quickly and felt like there was something unreal about it. It was like they were in the army. They were very organized. Why did Iltae bring him there? Iltae looked at Junhyuk and said, "Let¡¯s go outside." "OK." Junhyuk saw there were about ten rooms on that floor and asked, "What is this ce?" Iltae merely shrugged. "It¡¯s for our secret research. Do you want me to show you?" "No, I¡¯m fine." He didn¡¯t want to get too involved and be one of them. Iltae answered his cell phone and frowned. "Shit! Follow me!" They got on the elevator. "What is going on?" Junhyuk asked carefully. "Jisuk Dong¡¯s heart stopped." "Don¡¯t you have researchers with him? There were ten of themst time." "They all passed out." "Do you have CCTV cameras?" "I do, but let¡¯s look at Jisuk first. Then, we¡¯ll look at the CCTV footage." "Whoever it is, he¡¯s audacious." They broke in in the middle of the day and assassinated Jisuk? Had he only dealt with part of the team? They got to the fourth floor, and Iltae walked out quickly. There were researchers on the ground all over the ce, and the doctors were trying to save Jisuk. Junhyuk gathered all of the researchers in one ce. He couldn¡¯t help Jisuk, whose heart had stopped, so he checked on the researchers and found out they were still alive. The doctors kept working on Jisuk, but his heart didn¡¯t start up again, and they gave up on him. They talked among themselves and dered, "He is dead." Iltae shook his head. "Whoever it is, he is brazen and deliberate," he said and looked at Junhyuk. "Come with me to check the CCTV footage." "OK." Junhyuk was curious about who had been behind all of that. Iltae started talking as they waited for an elevator. "It all happened when I left my post to check on you." "Do you mean they came to me on purpose?" "Those two were distracting you from the real target." They got in the elevator. "You are skilled. If someone is after me, can you protect me?" "I¡¯m only a temp here?" "Protect me during work hours." "Since Jisuk is dead, my job here is done." "You think so?" Iltae was smiling, and Junhyuk frowned. Iltae knew better. They got off on the first floor and headed toward the guard room. They saw the guards looking at the monitors. There were thirty of them, and one of them spoke to Iltae. "You came." "Mr. Jang, what happened?" Jaeyoung Jang was the head of the security team at thatb, and he looked at Junhyuk and asked, "This is a ssified operation. Is it OK?" "Don¡¯t worry. Without this friend, we wouldn¡¯t have captured those two men." Jaeyoung nodded continued, "Watch this." He showed them the footage of Jisuk¡¯s room. All ten researchers were overseeing Jisuk when a person walked in. The person was wearing a motorcycle helmet and a ck leather jacket. He looked out of ce. How did he get in here? The person lifted the visor of his helmet and looked at the researchers, and the researchers simply passed out. One of the researchers took a syringe to the food station and injected it in the grape juice that was being given to Jisuk. After that, the researcher copsed. The person wearing the motorcycle helmet looked at the CCTV camera, turned around and disappeared. Junhyuk realized he was not an ordinary human being. He can control people with his stare and make them pass out? He had controlled them like puppets, and Junhyuk thought he had to have a special power. He looked at Jaeyoung and asked, "When did he leave?" "About five minutes ago." "Did you check the license te?" He could have a motorcycle te, but Jaeyoung¡¯s answered negatively, "The te didn¡¯t reveal anything useful." The te simply read "Mind Control." It wasn¡¯t possible to track him down. "It looks like a big motorcycle." "It¡¯s a 2012 Ducati 1199 Panigale." "Can you track it?" "We are on it." Iltae nodded and looked at Jaeyoung. "Make sure the media don¡¯t find out about this until we have the suspect in custody." "Yes, sir." "Then, take care and get to work." Iltae went out, and Junhyuk looked at the screen again and followed him out. "You worked hard today. Go home and see you tomorrow," Iltae told him. "I think I¡¯m done here." "See you tomorrow." Iltae smirked and turned around. Junhyuk stared at his back, frowned and shook his head. He wasn¡¯t interested in Iltae at that moment. "Is he another novice?" Chapter 111: Dispatch Work 1 Chapter 111: Dispatch Work 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - A grey Ducati 1199 Panigale sped through the streets and used a ramp to get inside a parked truck. Once it got inside the five-tonne truck, the people waiting quickly closed the door. It was dark inside, and someone turned on the lights. Two men walked over, and the person got off the motorcycle and took off the helmet. She had short hair, pale skin and longshed blue eyes. A man stepped forward. "Wee." The woman looked at him, and he lowered his gaze. Sheughed at him. "Did the moneye in?" "Yes." She took her leather jacket off and ran her fingers through her hair. Another man walked over to her holding a chiffon blouse and jeans. The woman changed right there, not minding the men around her. "You got a motorcycle?" "Of course!" The truck was already moving, and the woman was done changing when a man showed her aptop and said, "You have a call from the prince." The woman took theptop and set it to the side. It was an online video call, and an Arabic-looking man appeared on the screen. "You took care of business," the man said. "I got paid well." "I can trust you." "If you have more work, just let me know." "I¡¯ll be in touch." The woman finished talking and felt the truck stop. She picked up a pink motorcycle helmet. Suddenly, the truck¡¯s rear door opened, and another woman wearing the same clothes as her walked in. The first woman looked at the men, pointed to her motorcycle and said, "That¡¯s my favorite horse. Give it a good paint job." "Don¡¯t worry." The woman waved lightly at them and got off the truck. There was a blue scooter parked in front of her. She was humming as she got on the scooter and left. The truck¡¯s door closed, and it drove off. --- Junhyuk signed a nondisclosure agreement, and he and Somin were called by Eunseo to go back to ST Capsule. On the way, Somin didn¡¯t speak much. She was scared because someone had been killed, so Junhyuk spoke to her first. "Don¡¯t worry. The temp work should be over." "You think so?" Somin was scared to go back to the W.A.N.C.S.b. The people who were associated with Jisuk¡¯s death seemed to be highly organized. She had only seen people like that in movies, so she was naturally afraid. "They dispatched us there to find out more information from Jisuk Dong when he woke up and not to look after the capsules." "Maybe." They had been there for only a day. If they came back that soon, the other workers might look at her funny, but she didn¡¯t care. "Don¡¯t worry." Somin looked around and asked, "Why did they kill Jisuk?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t have an answer. He could only guess, but he wanted her to know everything. "There might be people who don¡¯t want others to know the cause of the abnormal narcolepsy." "Why? There are two hundred thousand abnormal narcolepsy victims already. Finding the cause of it should be priority!" "It has to do with money." "Money?" Junhyuk shrugged. "Someone hired a professional killer to do the job. That person couldn¡¯t have done it if he didn¡¯t have money. Someone with money wanted more money." "I¡¯m scared." Somin shivered, and Junhyuk nodded slowly. He also thought that whoever was behind what happened was really dangerous. "Maybe the killings won¡¯t stop here." "What? What do you mean?" "There are multiple people who woke up from abnormal narcolepsy. Whoever it is, probably went after all of them." Somin frowned, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t say anything else about that. She would probably pass out from his stories. Somin remained silent, and Junhyuk focused on driving. They arrived at ST Capsule and went straight to Eunseo¡¯s office. It wasn¡¯t time to leave work yet, and Eunseo invited them in. She was frowning while looking at them both. "Ms. Jeon, the temp work is cancelled. You must be worried about what happened today, so get some rest and report to work on Monday." Somin was extremely relieved, and Eunseo continued, "You may leave now." Somin nodded and left. Eunseo turned to Junhyuk. "Chief Park told me everything. You saved the situation?" "No, Jisuk is dead. I didn¡¯t do anything to help him out." Eunseo shook her head. "Chief Park officially requested your presence at theb." Junhyuk thought about the chief for a brief moment, and Eunseo stared at him. "If you don¡¯t want to go, I will turn him down." Junhyuk pondered about it. The W.A.N.C.S.b posed him someplications. They didn¡¯t seem to be interested in finding the cause or the cure for abnormal narcolepsy, but they worked as if they were in the army. Ordinarily, he would¡¯ve refused since he didn¡¯t want to reveal things about himself. However, it was different now. The W.A.N.C.S. had benefactors, and among them was the Rockefeller family. The Rockefellers might be influencing theb. In a way, he understood the ce better now. It was like the enemy battlefield, but he didn¡¯t want to avoid it. He wanted to find out more about the assassination. "I¡¯ll go. I have nothing to do here." Eunseo fixed her sses and looked at him intently. "Then, you may go back. Report there tomorrow." "May I go home today?" "Yes, you may." "Then, I¡¯ll take my leave." Junhyuk said goodbye and went out. He took his bag and got in his car. They could call it temp work, but he would be in enemy territory, so he had to get ready. Junhyuk looked at his cell phone and threw it on the passenger¡¯s seat. He couldn¡¯t use it because they might have tapped it. "I should get a burner phone." Burner phones were against thew in South Korea, but he still wanted one. He also needed to get in touch with Sarang. He didn¡¯t know anybody who could get him a burner phone or who had a criminal record. He didn¡¯t know anybody in the criminal world and he thought he shouldn¡¯t try going against thew by himself. Then, he thought of someone whose business card he had. The man who had helped him during the bus ident, Chulho Park. He had his own money lending business called Chulho Capital, and he might be able to help Junhyuk, so Junhyuk drove to Chulho¡¯s business address. Chulho Capital was located in the Sadang District. Junhyuk saw the sign that read Chulho Capital and went inside. He opened the door and saw a few men working at their desks. They looked very big. The men nced at him and turned back to their work. Then, a woman walked over smiling. "Hello! What do you need?" "I¡¯m here to see Chulho Park?" The men working at their desks turned their attention back to Junhyuk, and he gave the woman the business card he was holding. "He told me to visit him." "And who would you be?" "Junhyuk Lee." "Wait here." Junhyuk sat on a sofa, and a man went outside. Junhyuk sensed the man standing guard outside of the door andughed. If anything happened, the man outside would block his path, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t nervous. He could kill hundreds of them if he wanted to. Chulho stepped out of his office. He looked very rough andughed at Junhyuk. "Ha-ha-ha! You are famous!" Junhyuk got up and bowed slightly. "I meant toe sooner, but I had the chance to do it now." "I see that you¡¯ve been busy." They shook hands, and Chulho led him by the hand to his office. "Ms. Kim, two cups of coffee." Chulho sat Junhyuk down on the sofa in his office. "I saw your ads and the TV shows." Junhyukughed awkwardly, and Chulho continued, "Since the newscast that day, mypany¡¯s image has improved." Chulho had also helped out in saving the people that day. It was only right for his image to have improved. Knock, knock! The woman walked in with two cups of coffee. Chulho sipped on his and asked Junhyuk, "So, do you need anything?" Junhyuk hesitated for a moment. "I need you to do me a favor." "A favor? Do you need money? I thought you had made a lot from the ads!" Junhyuk shook his head. "I don¡¯t need money. I need a burner phone." "A burner phone?" Chulho was interested now and leaned forward, asking, "What is going on?" Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "It¡¯s hard to exin. I just have a strange feeling." "What feeling?" "That someone is listening in on my phone." "A wiretap?" Chulho said,ughing hard and waving his hands negatorily. "You¡¯ve gotten funny since you became famous." Junhyuk wasn¡¯t interested in Chulho¡¯s reaction. "Can you help me?" "Of course." "Get me two of them." Chulho¡¯s eyes widened slightly, and he stared at Junhyuk. "You need two? It¡¯s a woman issue." He knew it was for a woman. In fact, it was for Sarang, and Junhyukughed hard. "Is it possible?" "Wait here." Chulho got to his seat and dialed a number on his phone. "Tell Lee to bring me two burner phones." He sat back on the sofa, and a man walked in. The man didn¡¯t speak and ced two cell phones on the table and left. "In our line of work, we need to use burner phones. Understand that you can only use these phones for calls and text messages." "That¡¯s enough." He called a number with one of the cell phones, and the other phone rang. Chulho gave him both phones. "You have the numbers. They are ready to use." Junhyuk took the phones. "How much?" Chulho simply patted his shoulder and said, "We¡¯ve been to hell and back together. I can¡¯t charge you. Think of them as gifts." Junhyuk was sorry that he hadn¡¯te sooner. "Thank you." "Right. Feel like a drink tonight?" Junhyuk shook his head. He didn¡¯t have the time that night. "No, I should get going." Chulho shrugged. "If you are too busy, maybe next time." "Right. I will pay next time." "That¡¯s right. Famous people are different. I¡¯ll drink the expensive stuff." Junhyuk nodded. "I¡¯ll call you." "Sure. I¡¯ll wait for it." Junhyuk walked out and sat in his car. No one was following him, but he was not happy. He looked at the burner phones. "I should meet Sarang tonight." He wanted to give her a phone and tell her to be more cautious. She had the Red Core Armor, but she should still be careful. At theb, the person¡¯s power looked extremely dangerous. "Mind Control," he murmured, thinking back on the Paningale¡¯s license te. Chapter 112: Dispatch Work 2 Chapter 112: Dispatch Work 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - He parked his car at least two subway stations away from the meeting ce, leaving his cell phone but taking both burner phones. He always had to be careful on his way to meet Sarang. Once he left the parking lot, he teleported across some buildings. He moved quickly because there were people on the streets and avoided areas with CCTV cameras, going from the top of one building to another. When the distance between buildings was short, he just jumped across them, and when the distance was long, he teleported. He got to the meeting ce in five minutes. This time, Sarang wanted to meet him at a famous meat franchise restaurant. She was standing at the entrance and waved at him. "Big brother!" "Let¡¯s go in." Junhyuk didn¡¯t speak much and walked inside the meat specialty restaurant and took a seat. Sarang had a bright smile across her face and ordered her food. "Loins for five people, please." "Is anyone elseing?" "No, just the two of us." Junhyukughed and nodded. "That¡¯s all. We¡¯ll have Sprites for drinks." "OK." The waitress went away, and Junhyuk handed her the burner phone. "What is this?" "A burner phone. There is a number in it." Sarang looked at it and smiled. "Is it your number?" "Right. Don¡¯t use it for anything other than to call me, and use that phone when you call." "This is like a couple¡¯s phone." He shook his head and changed the topic, "Did you hear about the survivors?" "It¡¯s all over the news. Yes, I heard about it." "They are getting assassinated," he continued. "What?" "I met one of them, but he was killed." "Really?" "Yes. The others will probably be or have already been killed as well. Soon, it will be on the news." Sarang put her burner phone in her bag and whispered, "Is it the same people as before?" "I¡¯m sure." The waitress brought out the meal¡¯s side dishes and set the table. Junhyuk stopped talking for a moment but continued when she left. "And I saw a novice today." "A novice? You met one before. Is it the same person?" ¡¯No. This person has a different power. He controls minds." "A mental subjugation power?" Junhyuk nodded and borated, "He put nine researchers to sleep and used one to get what he wanted. He made him pick up a syringe and inject it, and then he also put that person to sleep." "He sounds dangerous." Junhyuk nodded. "Right, very dangerous." Even Junhyuk found him dangerous. What if he ordered him tomit suicide? "Don¡¯t look him in the eyes. He lifted the visor of his motorcycle helmet, so he must control others with his eyes." "But we don¡¯t know his face." Junhyuk agreed. "Just be extra careful." Sarang nodded. "OK." "One more thing." Junhyuk expounded on his encounter with Jisuk Dong. Sarang heard everything and asked, "Then, minions can recognize us?" "Possibly." The difference between minions and novices wasn¡¯t just power. The size of their souls were different. Maybe the survivors could see the size of an individual¡¯s soul. Sarang had a lot to think about, and the waitress came back and started roasting the meat. It was a ssy restaurant, so the waitress roasted the loins for them. They couldn¡¯t keep talking, so they just focused on eating. Junhyuk was astonished by Sarang¡¯s appetite. She was eating quite a bit. "Did you skip any meals?" "I get hungry," she said and then whispered, "I use up my energy quite often." She must¡¯ve been training to increase her powers, and she had been practicing and exercising her body. She had to be hungry. Junhyukughed and rolled up his sleeves. "We¡¯d like to order five more portions." He was quite muscr now, and he ate a lot more. Ordinarily, he ate a high-calorie diet. He was eating meat now, so he wanted more. Sarang smiled, and the waitress was surprised by their appetites. They finished their meal, and Junhyuk looked at the receipt and clicked his tongue. They ate fifteen portions, which were normally for fifteen people, and it came out to $600. Heughed and looked at her. She was drinking coffee for dessert, and Junhyuk said, "If something happens, I¡¯ll call you." "Don¡¯t worry." He caressed her head. "Practice hard." Junhyuk left, and Sarang touched her head and smiled. "Practice hard." She walked out energetically pumping her fists. --- In the morning, Junhyuk reported to work at the W.A.N.C.S.b. He thought he would never go back there, but he was back just as Iltae had expected. He went to Iltae¡¯s office, and Iltae gave him an ID card. "While you work here, use this." "Thank you." Junhyuk put it on, and Iltae said, "We found out who the intruders were." "You found Jisuk¡¯s murder suspect?" Iltae shook his head. "We don¡¯t know who he is, but we¡¯ve identified those two people you captured." "Where did theye from?" "There is a mercenary group in Germany, the Schterron Mercenary Company. They are from there." "How did you find out?" "Curious?" Iltae asked secretively, and Junhyuk shook his head. Iltae seemed to be joking, but he didn¡¯t want to nod. Junhyuk wanted to be inside the enemy territory, but he didn¡¯t want to fall for any traps. "We should put pressure on Schterron to find out what these two were looking for," Iltae said calmly. "Is that possible?" They were a mercenarypany and they would protect their clients, but Iltaeughed at his question. "You must not know it yet, but we have power beyond your imagination." W.A.N.C.S. was a global cooperative, so it had to have some influence. "We will investigate Schterron about what they were up to and find out if those two will take responsibility for Jisuk Dong¡¯s murder," Iltae said smiling. Junhyuk thought for a moment and asked, "So, does the W.A.N.C.S.b oversees every abnormal narcolepsy patient who has woken up?" "That¡¯s our job." "What about the ones in other countries?" Iltae nodded, and Junhyuk asked, "Then, are the other survivors also dead?" Iltae leaned back on the sofa and asked, "How did you know?" "The patients who woke up must know something important. If not, there would be no reason to kill them." "Hm!" Iltae nodded and spoke as if spitting out the words, "The other survivors are also dead. Whoever it is doesn¡¯t understand what danger the human race is facing." Junhyuk saw another side of Iltae. Maybe he became a researcher to save the human race. Iltae shook his head. "I must give you your assignments." "I could do anything." "Just continue what you did yesterday." Junhyuk tilted his head. What did he do yesterday? "Oversee the capsules." "Is that all?" "You don¡¯t have enough on your resume to do anything here. I can¡¯t use you as a guard, and you are a model." He didn¡¯t particrly enjoy overseeing the capsules, but he didn¡¯t speak out, nodding instead. "I understand. Shall I go to the second floor?" "Yes, they will exin more once you get there." "OK, I¡¯ll go now." Junhyuk got up, and Iltae smiled and said, "If I get something from Schterron, I¡¯ll inform you." Junhyuk left the office for his first day of work at the W.A.N.C.S.b. He went to the second floor to meet the researchers. There were two of them, and they had already met Junhyuk the day before. One of them got up and walked over to him. "I heard you¡¯ll being here." "We¡¯ll be working together. Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Junhyuk." "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Daejoon Gil." Daejoon offered him a seat and a cup of coffee. "You¡¯ll oversee a hundred capsules. Finish your coffee, and we¡¯ll get out there, and I¡¯ll exin some more of the process." He already knew some, but Daejoon would go more in-depth. Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t refuse the help, so he drank his coffee and conversed some more. Afterward, he left to see the capsules he would oversee. Daejoon exined that he had to make reports when there were any changes to the capsules and other things to pay attention to. In any event, Junhyuk would use the centralputer to oversee the capsules, and he wouldn¡¯t be in the capsules¡¯ rooms. He only had to do what the centralputer couldn¡¯t. It seemed like an easy job, and Daejoon agreed with that assessment. "Before noon, you should check the capsules, and then do it again after lunch. You will have lots of time, so just do what you want in between." Junhyuk pointed to his ID card. "Can I get into the second floor?" "Yes. Starting with the third floor, you¡¯ll need different clearance." Junhyuk didn¡¯t think Iltae just wanted him to work on the capsules. He didn¡¯t know Iltae¡¯s true intentions, so he would simply watch some more. He would be mindful of things and stay alive in that ce, but he needed cash just in case something happened. Nothing happened on the first day. When he got home, he trained some and went to bed. Something serious happened in the morning of the second day. Junhyuk noticed strange activity in the W.A.N.C.S.b and went to the second floor. Daejoon was waiting for him there. "Iltae is looking for you." "Iltae?" Daejoon nodded, but he didn¡¯t know why. Junhyuk went to Iltae¡¯s office. He was looking at theputer. He offered Junhyuk a seat and sat down of the sofa. "There is a problem," Iltae said, frowning. "Both of our suspects were killed yesterday." They were tied up underground! How did they die? That ce is well guarded. "Who killed them?" "One of our guards." "What?" Iltae was still frowning. "But the guard doesn¡¯t remember anything." Suddenly, Junhyuk thought of something. "Mind Control." Chapter 113: Dispatch Work 3 Chapter 113: Dispatch Work 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Iltae nodded at the words that came out of Junhyuk¡¯s mouth. "You think so too? We were thinking the same thing." "But did hee in here in person to do the mind control?" "No. The guard went home and came back to work and used his own ID card to get inside. Then, he went underground and killed them both." "How long did it all take?" "He didn¡¯t hesitate, so less than five minutes." "Is there anything else strange about it?" Iltae looked surprised and stared at him. "Something else... His car¡¯s back bumper was dented. He probably had a small ident." "Do you know where the ident took ce?" "No, not yet." "Did you check the car¡¯s ck box?" Iltae shook his head. "The ck box disappeared." With the ck box, they could find out who had hit the car, but it being gone meant that whoever had done it was meticulous and deliberate. Junhyuk sighed. "What are you going to do?" Iltae sighed and said, "We should announce Jisuk¡¯s death. This will be done simultaneously across all W.A.N.C.S.bs. People will make an issue out of it, and a conspiracy theory will surface." "People might criticize theck of security." "Nothing we can do about it now." "How are you going to announce it?" "We can¡¯t reveal anything about the hypnosis, so the person who actually killed him will be a simple murderer. We¡¯ll use someone to pin it on." Junhyuk frowned, and Iltae continued, "There¡¯s nothing we can do. When people lose interest in the case, we will pull the person out of jail." "Is that possible?" Iltae nodded. "Of course! We only have to reveal Jisuk¡¯s death." Junhyuk nodded. There was no need to announce the deaths of the Schterron¡¯s mercenaries. Iltae got up from his seat. "Now you know." "If we knew where the ident took ce, could we check CCTVs cameras around the area and deduce what happened?" Junhyuk asked out of curiosity. Iltae smiled. "Mr. Jang is already on it. Did you want to go with him?" "I¡¯m here to oversee the capsules." "You should go. We¡¯ll pay you extra for the work." "I could help, but I can¡¯t catch the hypnotist." Junhyuk was trying to get out of it when Iltae tapped his forehead lightly. "This is what I want from you. You think fast and you have foresight. You should go with Mr. Jang." He thought about it for a moment and answered, "OK. I¡¯ll assist him." "Mr. Jang is waiting for you. Go." "At the first floor¡¯s guardhouse?" "Correct. Starting today, you¡¯ll be busy." Junhyuk got up, bowed and went out. W.A.N.C.S. was enemy territory, and it was now being attacked, but he wasn¡¯t sure about who was doing it and why. Junhyuk decided to go along with the guards. He went to the first floor, and found Mr. Jang looking at him. "The chief told us. Let¡¯s go." "OK." He was surprised by Mr. Jang¡¯s car. It was a 2014 Lamborghini Gardo Spyder, and Jaeyoung Jang looked proud as he said, "I enjoy speed, so I have a nice car." He wanted to ask if it had been very expensive. It cost hundreds of thousands of dors, and Junhyuk was curious about how he was able to afford one. "Get in." "Where are we going?" Junhyuk asked. "We contacted the Department of Transportation. We don¡¯t know the exact spot of the ident, but we know the area." "Is it covered by CCTV cameras?" "They thought of it, so there aren¡¯t many, but the surrounding area might have one." The engine started with a roar. The ident took ce just five minutes away from the W.A.N.C.S.boratory. There were no regr cameras around, but Junhyuk checked the area and found two private CCTV cameras. Jaeyoung saw them too. "Should we go over there?" They headed to a stew specialty restaurant. They wanted to check the recordings, so when they were inside, they asked to meet the owner. Then, Jaeyoung pulled out an ID and did something Junhyuk didn¡¯t expect. "We are from the CIA," he said, and the owner quickly made copies of the recordings. Once they walked out of the restaurant, Junhyuk asked him, "How did you get a CIA ID?" "I don¡¯t just have a CIA ID." Junhyuk realized that Jaeyoung wasn¡¯t an ordinary security officer. They got a copy of the other CCTV camera¡¯s recording, and Jaeyoung watched the two of them on hisptop. The car had stopped at a light, and another car hit it from behind. It was a small ident. The guard walked out of his car and approached the second car. The second car¡¯s window opened, and they talked, and the guard went back to his car right after. He went back to the second car for the second time and handed something over. "It¡¯s the ck box." Jaeyoung nodded. The guard had given the ck box to the second car himself. He got in his car and drove off, and the second car made a U-turn and disappeared. Jaeyoung got on his cell phone and called somebody. "Mr. Park, it¡¯s Jeayoung Jang. Run a search on a te for me, 02LU4231. The car is BMW X5." Junhyuk looked at the screen and ran the videos again. Neither recording had the face of the driver in the second car. The face didn¡¯t appear, but he was wearing a hat and he wasn¡¯t very big. "He didn¡¯t have much time, so he left these recordings behind." "He felt it was impossible for us to track him." Jaeyoung started the car. "We¡¯ll catch him." Junhyuk didn¡¯t tell him the truth. If they caught the culprit, it would only create more problems. Whoever it was had the ability to control minds and might kill the people who were tracking him. --- Jaeyoung and Junhyuk were back at theb. Iltae called them in, and they went to his office. "Schterron insists that those two resigned their posts a while ago." Jaeyoung smiled bitterly. "They know the two men are dead." "Right. If not, they wouldn¡¯t have been so insistent." Iltae looked at Jaeyoung. "What happened with your investigation?" "We are running a search on the te, and we¡¯ll follow up on it." "Hm." Iltae was pondering everything when Jaeyoung¡¯s cell phone rang. Jaeyong had a short conversation on it and sighed. "Someone reported that car stolen this morning." Junhyuk nodded. "They are extremely careful. They wouldn¡¯t have used their own vehicle, and since he can mind control, he can get any car." It hadn¡¯t been stolen. The person had given up his own key. "Maybe the car¡¯s owner might remember who took his car?" Iltae suggest to Jaeyoung. "I¡¯ll check." Junhyuk got up with Jaeyoung, and Iltae said, "There will be an official announcement today." They couldn¡¯t keep it a secret. Junhyuk nodded and went out with Jaeyoung. As they got to the Lamborghini, Junhyuk said, "The announcement will create an uproar." "Yes." Jaeyoung frowned and started the car irritably. He was in charge of the security team. His pride had been hurt. Inside the city, Jaeyoung drove at 63 kilometers per hour. While in the car, Junhyuk focused on training his eyesight. The car was moving fast, and Junhyuk saw Jaeyoung calling someone. They talked, and Jaeyoung turned the car, going to the Seocho District. Once there, he parked in front of a building. "Where are we?" "At the BMW¡¯s owner¡¯s ce. Let¡¯s go." Jaeyoung went inside and showed his CIA ID at the front desk. "We are here to see Sukjoon Hong." "What about?" the front desk worker asked him. "A stolen car was used in a crime. We need to talk to him right now for our investigation." "OK." The front desk worker called someone up, and a man showed up in five minutes. He looked at Jaeyoung and Junhyuk. Jaeyoung looked like a CIA agent, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t. He looked familiar to the man, and the man shook his head. Jaeyoung walked toward Sukjoon. "Mr. Hong?" "Yes, that¡¯s me." "The owner of the BMW X5 with the te 02LU4231? You reported it stolen this morning." "Yes." "It was stolenst night. Why did you wait until this morning?" Sukjoon didn¡¯t understand the question. "I didn¡¯t see my car at the parking lot this morning. That¡¯s why I reported it stolen. What do you mean it was stolenst night?" "Come over this way." Jaeyoung took him outside of the building and showed him a film of the ident. "Do you see the intentional ident?" "That¡¯sst night." There was a timer on the recording, and Sukjoon frowned. "Where were you at about ten o¡¯clockst night?" Sukjoon became irritated, but Jaeyoung continued, "That¡¯s not all. The stolen vehicle is linked to a murder case. Where were you around tenst night?" "I went to a club with a friend." "Did you take your car?" "Yes." "How did you get home?" Sukjoon was getting worried. "I took a cab. I was intoxicated." "Why didn¡¯t you call for a designated driver and take a taxi instead?" Sukjoon frowned and nodded. "What? Why did I call a cab?" Junhyuk thought of something and asked, "Did you meet anyone? You might have given him your car key." "I gave him my car key? Are you saying I¡¯m a culprit?" Junhyuk turned to look at Jaeyoung, and Jaeyoung said, "Give me your friend¡¯s phone number." Sukjoon nodded and gave him the number. Jaeyoung called it up and walked away with Junhyuk. "We might see him giving up his car key," he told Junhyuk. "Right." Sukjoon didn¡¯t remember anything. He could have been hypnotized, but there was a third person who saw everything. They drove to the Bangbae District and stopped in front of a coffee shop and walked inside. They headed toward a man sitting there. "Mr. Dongho Lee?" "Yes. Are you the one who called me?" Jaeyoung showed him his CIA ID and sat down. Junhyuk also took a seat, and Dongho asked, "What is going on?" "Last night you went to a club with Sukjoon. Is that correct?" "Yes." Dongho didn¡¯t understand what was happening. "Sukjoon left his car behind and took a cab?" "I¡¯m not sure. He was drinking heavily and then he just left." Jaeyoung leaned forward and asked, "Did he meet anyone at the club?" "Sukjoon?" Dongho thought for a moment and said, "He was pestering a woman." "A woman?" "Yes, he was pestering her and got drunk and went outside by himself. I was alone for the rest of the night." Junhyuk and Jaeyoung looked at each other. He had only met a woman. "Do you remember what she looked like?" "She was a Caucasian with blue eyes. She had long blonde hair and attracted everyone." A blond, blue-eyed woman. Now they knew what she looked like, and they were sure she was behind the mind control. "What is the name of the club?" "Hongdae¡¯s Cocoa Club." "Thanks for your cooperation. If you remember anything else, call me." Jaeyoung gave him a business card, and both of them left the coffee shop and got in the Lamborghini. "Let¡¯s go." Chapter 114: Anna 1 Chapter 114: Anna 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They arrived at Hondae¡¯s Cocoa Club, but it hadn¡¯t opened yet. Jaeyoung and Junhyuk knocked on the door. They knocked for a while, and when the door finally opened, arge man appeared across the threshold. "We are not open yet." Jaeyoung showed him his ID and asked, "Is the owner here?" "He is not here right now." Jaeyoung stepped forward and said, "We are looking for a murder suspect. Your cooperation is appreciated." He heard it concerned a murder case and shivered. "Are you looking for a witness?" Jaeyoung nodded, and the man went inside and came back out. "Follow me." The man guided them to an office. They were cleaning up the club, getting it ready to open. Junhyuk saw many CCTV cameras as he walked to the office. If they were lucky, they would have a good shot of her face. They were introduced to the owner of the club, a young man smoking a cigarette. As they entered, he got up from his seat. "Have a seat." He was young for an owner, but Jaeyoung and Junhyuk took their seats, and the owner said calmly, "First, show me your IDs." Jaeyoung showed him his ID, and the owner shook his head. "CIA... Did you bring a warrant?" Jaeyoung answered him, "You might have to close the ce if we make an official visit." "Is that a threat?" "I don¡¯t joke." The owner looked at Junhyuk and shook his head. "And aren¡¯t you a model?" "That¡¯s just part-time work." The owner shrugged. "I don¡¯t want to get too involved." Junhyuk nodded, and the owner continued evenly, "OK. How can I help you?" Jaeyoung told him why they were there. "Can we checkst night¡¯s CCTVs recordings?" "Are you looking for your suspect in the videos?" Jaeyoung nodded, and the owner got up from his seat, brought out aptop and said, "Do it." They fast-forwarded the video looking for the person. Under the club¡¯s heavy lighting, they soon found a blonde woman, but she was dancing and didn¡¯t show her face to the CCTV cameras. "She knew the location of all of the cameras here," Jaeyoung said coolly. There were a total of seven cameras, and she didn¡¯t show her face once. "Perhaps you know this woman?" Jaeyoung asked the owner. The owner looked at the woman Jaeyoung was pointing at and shook his head. "I don¡¯t know that person." He seemed to be telling the truth, and Jaeyoung continued indifferently, "I need your waiters and DJs to gather here. We have to make a reenactment." The owner called the people on their phones. "They¡¯ll be here." Jaeyoung lifted theptop and said, "I need this to get her face." "Go ahead, but be careful with it." Jaeyoung headed out to the club¡¯s stage area. There were ten waiters and a DJ there. The owner told them calmly, "Your cooperation is appreciated. If you know something, you should tell these gentlemen. If you do not, you should reconsider working here." Everyone nodded, and Jaeyoung showed them the screen. "Does anyone know this blond woman?" The waiters looked and shook their heads. "Maybe it was her first time here?" Then, the DJ said, "I don¡¯t know her name, but shees in here with a different person each time." "You¡¯ve seen her before?" "Shees onto the stage from time to time." The DJ pointed at the ceiling. "She was under the lights, so I can¡¯t tell if it¡¯s the person I¡¯m thinking with different clothes, but I have a feeling it¡¯s her because of the way she dances." "Do you know her?" DJ shrugged. "I tried to seduce her a few times, but she usually disappears before my show is over." "How often does shee here?" "Maybe once a month. It¡¯s hard to see her frequently." Jaeyoung thought about it for a second and asked, "Can you tell me more about her appearance?" "She is white with really pale skin. She has long eyshes, and her blue eyes are beautiful. I can¡¯t tell you about her hairstyle because it changes every time shees in. I think she wears a wig," the DJ said calmly. "What about her eyes and lips?" "I¡¯m not sure. She wears makeup, and her features feel different every time." Jaeyoung nodded. "Thank you for your cooperation," he said and gave him his business card. "If she ever shows up again, call me." "I will." He looked at Junhyuk. "We¡¯ll do a reenactment." "Don¡¯t we need more information?" "It won¡¯t be urate." Then, the DJ spoke up again. "I followed her once. She was riding a Harley." "A Harley?" "A Harley Davidson FXSBSE CVO Breakout." "You know a lot about motorcycles." The DJ smiled. "It was the model I wanted, so I remember it." Jaeyoung nodded. She rode two motorcycle and both were very expensive. It would be possible to narrow the search. "Thank you for the information." Jaeyoung walked out with Junhyuk and said, "We¡¯ll find her soon." "Yes." Junhyuk wanted to prepare himself in case he met her. He either had to fight her without using his powers or he¡¯d knock Jaeyoung out first. --- Anna¡¯s short hair was wet as she opened herptop. A bald man with a Hakenkreuz tattoo on his chest appeared on the screen. "Thank you," he said. "Don¡¯t thank me. You didn¡¯t give me much time for this job!" "I¡¯m sorry. I had no choice. I paid you more than usual." "Don¡¯t ask me to do things like this again." "I understand." The man was done talking and disappeared from the screen. Anna dried her hair with a blowdryer and looked in the mirror, focusing on her eyes. "It¡¯s fun." The first time she went to the Dimensional Battlefield, she didn¡¯t think she could be powerful, but she had activated her power and survived. She was powerful. It¡¯s her world, she could kill anyone and she wouldn¡¯t leave any evidence behind. She smiled and heard a knock on the door. "Come in." A middle-aged Caucasian man walked in. He took the blow dryer away from her and said, "My daughter, do you have any prior engagements today?" "I¡¯ve already been to school, but I¡¯m going backter, so I don¡¯t have anything to do right now." "You should make some friends." Anna smiled. "Don¡¯t worry. I have many friends." "I¡¯m sorry you had to follow me here to South Korea." Anna grabbed his hand. "I¡¯m fine. I like South Korea, and I have many friends." The middle-aged man smiled and kissed her forehead. "Have fun at the school." "Yes, dad." "Are you taking your motorcycle?" "Yes." "Be careful." Anna smiled brightly, and the middle-aged man went out. She walked into the dressing humming. "What should I ride today?" she murmured. There were fifteen motorcycle keys on top of the drawer. --- Jaeyoung¡¯s ability was surprising. Before the end of the day, he brought in three names and showed them to Iltae. "We narrowed it to three names, but they are all males." Iltae looked at the list. "But you only have one Caucasian." "Yes, but he will be hard to investigate." "Right, he is a foreign diplomat..." Junhyuk realized something. "But the person we are looking for is a woman." Jaeyoung took out a tablet and said, "Stephen has a daughter. Her name is Anna, and she is an exchange student at South Korea University." Junhyuk stared at Jaeyoung. "She is a strong suspect." "What are you going to do?" "Stephen can¡¯t be contacted since he is a diplomat, but his daughter is different." "Where are you going to meet her?" "She went to school earlier today, but she still has sses to attendter, so we could meet her today." "Intentionally meeting her at a ce with a lot of people around?" "Something like that. We might find ourselves in danger when we talk to her." Both of them would be in danger, and Iltae asked, "Are you taking the snipers with you?" "Yes, I think I should." Junhyuk was surprised by their conversation. "You are taking snipers?" What were they doing in the middle of South Korea? Iltae answered him quietly, "We¡¯ll just restrain her. We can¡¯t kill her, and she is the rtive of a diplomat." Junhyuk realized what W.A.N.C.S. was capable of. They were talking about taking snipers to the middle of South Korea. They might even kill Anna. Iltae shrugged. "I¡¯ll pay you for tonight¡¯s work. Go with him." "OK." He would be OK. Since they were taking snipers, he wouldn¡¯t have to step forward to deal with Anna. Junhyuk and Jaeyoung got in the Lamborghini and headed to South Korea University. The support teams were following behind them in two cars. Jaeyoung hung up the phone and told Junhyuk, "She is attending a lecture." "How do you know?" "We are tracking her cell phone." The W.A.N.C.S. had many resources. The Rockefeller family was behind them in that regard. Who had actually ordered the killings against thepany¡¯s wishes? Junhyuk wanted to know. He didn¡¯t want to be swept by any of the bigger events surrounding him. They got to South Korea University and parked near the building where Anna was attending the lecture. Everyone got out of their cars. Jaeyoung positioned the support team here and there. They knew they wereing to a school, so they carried their firearms in bags. Jaeyoung walked over. "There is a resting area in front of the building. We will talk to her there." "Are you arresting her?" "We¡¯ll just meet her today. Just check her out." Junhyuk was nervous. It wasn¡¯t easy to read someone without looking into her eyes. "Are you going to look into her eyes?" "I will. If something happens to me, the snipers will deal with her." If not, Junhyuk would have to step in. Jaeyoung and Junhyuk went into the building. A few people recognized Junhyuk and came over to him, but they went away after meeting Jaeyoung. They went to a lecture hall and waited for a long time until people starteding out. A woman was talking to her friends while walking out. She had pale skin and longshes. She was quite beautiful. She saw Jaeyoung and Junhyuk and turned her head. She tried to look into Junhyuk¡¯s eyes, and he looked at her chin. He thought it was best to avoid her eyes. "Anna, can we talk for a minute?" "Where do youe from?" Jaeyoung showed her his CIA ID. She saw his it and shook her head. Then, she lifted her head and smiled brightly. "Right, where do you want to talk?" "There is an open area in front of the building." Jaeyoung took her out to the set up spot, and Junhyuk followed them. Anna was walking in front of him, and he prepared for the worst. The ce was crawling with snipers, and he couldn¡¯t use his powers to deal with her, but it should go smoothly. They were in a small resting area. Anna took a seat under a shadow, putting herself out of the snipers¡¯ range. She didn¡¯t look like an ordinary college student, and they were curious about her. She looked at Jaeyoung and Junhyuk and smiled. "What do you want to talk about?" Anna¡¯s blue eyes sparkled. Chapter 115: Anna 2 Chapter 115: Anna 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Jaeyoung stared coolly at Anna and asked her, "Where were youst night around ten?" Anna was touching her chin and looked calmly at Jaeyoung. Then, she looked at Junhyuk. He was avoiding her eyes, and she felt like there was something weird about him, but didn¡¯t know what it was. "I¡¯ve seen you before. Aren¡¯t you a model?" Anna asked. "I have other jobs as well," he answered casually. "Hm. Your other job has to do with the CIA?" Anna felt dazed and looked at Jaeyoung again. He was looking at her directly. He had to be curious about her power. If not, he wouldn¡¯t be asking her questions about her whereabouts. So, one man was avoiding her, and the other was looking at her directly. She didn¡¯t know what they are thinking, but if anything happened, she knew how to deal with them. "I went to a club." "You left the club at exactly at 9:35 p.m. What did you do afterward?" "I went home. Why do you ask?" "At what time did you get home?" "Well, I went home and took a shower and went to sleep. I didn¡¯t check the time. I partied hard." Jaeyoung continued unfazed, "Then, do you remember the guy who was pestering you?" Anna realized Jaeyoung knew too much about what she had done. A smile creeped across her lips, and she said, "There was a guy, but I don¡¯t remember his face." Jaeyoung showed Sukjoon Hong¡¯s face in his cell phone. "Was this the guy?" "Well, it could¡¯ve been him." Anna said, shaking her head. She asked, "Why do you ask?" "His car was involved in a murder case. The car was stolen, and we are investigating the women he met." "Really? Nothing out of ordinary took ce." Her blue eyes sparkled, and Jaeyoung¡¯s eyes twitched. "I understand," he said, giving her his business card. "If you remember something, give me a call." "Sure," she got up and smiled. "Then, am I free to go?" Anna left, and Junhyuk asked, "What do you think?" Jaeyoung didn¡¯t answer him. Junhyuk thought he was acting strange. His eyes seemed to be nk, so Junhyuk grabbed his shoulder. Jaeyoung reacted by trying to twist Junhyuk¡¯s hand, but he was not powerful enough. Junhyuk grabbed him and said, "Pull yourself together!" "Let go of me! What are you doing?" Jaeyoung asked. He looked like himself again, so Junhyuk let him go and sighed. "I thought you were hypnotized." "I¡¯m fine." "What are you thinking?" Jaeyoung spoke calmly, "From the look in her eyes, I felt like I couldn¡¯t trust her, but we need to double check a few more things. She is the strongest suspect so far. "What are we going to do now?" "We should follow her." "Do we do it ourselves?" "Yes." Jaeyoung picked up his cell phone. "Evacuate the area," he said and looked at Junhyuk. "Get in the car." Junhyuk got in the car without protesting. The car moved slowly and then stopped. They could see Anna from where they were. She got on a motorcycle, a 2012 Ducati Diavel Cromo. He was curious about how she afforded her multiple motorcycles that cost tens of thousands of dors. She took off, and Jaeyoung followed her. Junhyuk frowned during the chase. "She is riding her motorcycle on car-onlynes." "It¡¯s against thew, but it¡¯s not important now." Anna turned her head, lifted her left arm and waved at them. Then, she sped off. Her motorcycle could maintain an incredible speed, and Jaeyoung also stepped on the elerator. They were on Highway 88 when Junhyuk looked at the speedometer. It said 100 km/h. The car moved fast, but it was unable to catch up. The car was going fast when Jaeyoung turned the wheel to the right. Junhyuk felt nervous. That side had no road. Boom! The car drove off the road, going through the guardrail on its way into the Han River. Junhyuk looked at Jaeyoung¡¯s eyes, and they were normal again. "She got us." They hadn¡¯t expected that. Junhyuk ced his hand on Jaeyoung¡¯s shoulder and looked at the iing surface of the water. Right as they hit the water, Junhyuk teleported. The car was under water and the airbags popped out. Junhyuk went over to the window and broke it with his fist from the outside. He made sure the window was broken and took Jaeyoung to the surface. "Ha!" Junhyuk saw Jaeyoung was himself again. "What happened?" Junhyuk frowned and answered, "I think she got us." "You mean by hypnosis?" "If not, you wouldn¡¯t have swerved through the guardrail and driven into the Han River." People were gathering around the area of the ident. "What should we do?" "Let¡¯s leave this ce. They will take care of the rest." Junhyuk and Jaeyoung swam to the shore. They were drenched, and the people watching came over to them. Jaeyoung took out his cell phone. "The phone was in the water." "It¡¯s waterproof." Jaeyoung answered curtly and made a call. Within three minutes, another car arrived at the scene, and they got in it. Junhyuk was covered with a towel. "What are you going to do?" "It¡¯s dangerous to approach her." "Are you going to arrest her?" Jaeyoung thought for a moment and answered, "We should ask the chief first." Junhyuk nodded, and the car headed to the W.A.N.C.S.b. When it arrived, both of them went in to meet Iltae. Iltae thought they looked like a couple of wet rats andughed hard. "Your Lamborghini is at the bottom of the Han River," Iltae joked. "I will get my revenge," Jaeyoung answered seriously. "You two are in good condition even though you were in a big ident." "I passed out, and Mr. Lee saved me." Iltae looked at Junhyuk. "You must be really strong." "I didn¡¯t pass out. Jaeyoung must¡¯ve been hypnotized," Junhyuk answered evenly. "Anyway, thanks for your help." Jaeyoung sat down and asked, "What are you going to do?" "We have a suspect, but she is being difficult." "Right." Iltae touched his chin. "I¡¯ll talk to my superiors. They¡¯ll know what to do." Iltae looked at Junhyuk. "You may leave. We have a suspect, and you saved Mr. Jang. If you involve yourself further, you¡¯ll have to register with us." "Then my work here is over?" "Take the rest of the week off. Report to work at yourpany next Monday. I thank you for your service." "Thank you." Iltaeughed hard. "You may leave." Junhyuk said goodbye and walked outside. He had experienced Anna¡¯s prowess and couldn¡¯t tell what really happened. That told him how powerful she was. He hadn¡¯t looked into her eyes, so he had been safe, and that told him something about her. Her power wasn¡¯t absolute. He could deal with her. Junhyuk got in his own car and tapped on the steering wheel. "What should I do?" He wanted to know if she was working for the Rockefeller family, but she was really dangerous. She used her hypnosis to kill people and she might want to kill him as well. Without his powers, he could¡¯ve been killed with Jaeyoung. Junhyuk closed his eyes, tapped on the steering wheel some more and opened his eyes. "OK. Let¡¯s go meet her." He didn¡¯t want to avoid her any longer. He wanted to know who hired her and he thought that day was a good day to do it. He moved quickly. He left his cell phone behind with the car and took public transportation to go to Anna¡¯s house. He opened his burner phone and looked at the time. It was eleven o¡¯clock at night., and he could see her through the window. She turned the lights off. At 11:35 p.m. a car arrived, and a man showed up in her room. She talked to him, and he left. "That must be Stephen." Junhyuk had some doubts after seeing father and daughter together, but he had made up his mind. She had killed a lot of people and almost killed him. And she would continue to kill, so Junhyuk summoned Bebe¡¯s ck Armor. He needed to avoid looking at her eyes and things would be easy. Junhyuk scoped out her house. It had a lot of CCTV cameras, but he could ignore them. He headed to her house, jumped sky high andnded on the roof. Then, he teleported inside her room. Junhyuk was moving through the darkness when Anna suddenly sat up on her bed. She is wearing a ck and yellow suit of armor. It was the first time Junhyuk was seeing it, which meant it was not one of the basic armor sets. Sarang wore 110,000G suit of armor, and Anna¡¯s cost about the same. He thought she was a novice, but now he was not sure. She might even have more gold than him. Sarang¡¯s armor had special powers, and Anna¡¯s armor probably did too. He couldn¡¯t just focus on her hypnosis. Junhyuk summoned everything he owned. He had to make an honest effort in the fight, but he still avoided her eyes. Anna frowned. "You know about my power." Anna extended her hand and picked up a drill. "I want to ask you a question," Junhyuk said. "What is it?" "Who hired you?" Annaughed. "I don¡¯t work for anybody." "Why did you kill Jisuk Dong and the Schterron¡¯s mercenaries?" Anna looked at him andughed again. "W.A.N.C.S. has a novice, and you are here to kill me?" Anna lowered her stance, and Junhyuk raised his swords. "You aren¡¯t going to answer me?" "Correct," she said smiling. "If you think you can deal with me just by not looking at my eyes, you are mistaken." Anna had finished speaking and dashed. She moved faster than expected, and he swung the Frozen Rune Sword at her. ng! Chapter 116: Anna 3 Chapter 116: Anna 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Anna was using a sword that looked like a drill, and she blocked the Frozen Rune Sword with it, but the drill-like sword bounced away. She felt like she was about to lose her hand, and Junhyuk was stronger than she had expected. Anna tried to retreat quickly, but Junhyuk was faster. He swung the Blood Rune Sword down at her, and Anna held her sword with both hands, lifting it to block the strike. Clung! The sh forced her to her knees, and Anna realized she could die at any moment, so she used her hidden skill. "Shockwaves!" At that moment, her armor generated shockwaves that travelled in all directions from it. It happened suddenly, and Junhyuk was pushed back by the shock. Just before he hit a wall, he teleported. Anna was relieved and resting when Junhyuk appeared by her and grabbed her neck. Boom! He mmed her against the ground and aimed the point of the Blood Rune Sword at her neck, but Anna stabbed him in the ribs with her sword. He felt the shock from the stab and frowned. It had prated Junhyuk¡¯s defense, so its piercing stats had to be very high. Junhyuk grabbed her wrist and pulled the sword out from his ribs. He was bleeding heavily through his ribs, but he ignores it. He let go of her wrist and stabbed her shoulder with the Blood Rune Swords. Her armor had high defense, but his attack stats were higher, so the Blood Rune Sword went through, piercing her armor and her shoulder. "Aaargh!" She started screaming, and he grabbed her neck and mmed her against the ground again. He could feel his wound healing fast. He had been seriously wounded, but the Blood Rune Sword was taking care of it. Junhyuk looked at Anna. "Who do you work for?" She didn¡¯t look at him and bit her own lips slightly. Anna wasn¡¯t answering, and he twisted the sword stuck to her shoulder. "AAAAHHHH!" Junhyuk ignored the screaming and slowly pushed the Blood Rune Sword farther in. He could feel her bone breaking, and Anna¡¯s jaw cked, her mouth agape. With a loud noise, her door broke down, and two agents holding pistols came into the room. Anna had already returned her armor and was screaming while Junhyuk turned to look at the agents. "Save me!" The two agents shot at him without hesitation. Bang, bang, bang! Junhyuk ignored the bullets bouncing off of him and looked at Anna. A man was standing behind the agents, she extended her hand toward him. "Daddy! Help me!" Junhyuk¡¯s mind was shaken. He didn¡¯t want to kill her in front of her father, so he pulled the sword out. "Argh!" He held her neck and turned his head. Her father, Stephen, was shouting, "What do you want? I¡¯ll give you anything, just don¡¯t hurt my child." Junhyuk didn¡¯t answer him and teleported. They appeared on the roof of the house, and still keeping a hold of her neck, he asked, "Who do you work for?" She had changed. Just before, she had been willing to fight him, but she couldn¡¯t deal with him effectively. She no longer used her power, and Junhyuk¡¯s teleport made her understand his power. She had attacked, but Junhyuk simply ignored it. She had considered her power as a novice and thought she could finish him with one blow, but Junhyuk¡¯s strength was beyond her imagination, and he wasn¡¯t even bleeding. Anna thought things over while Junhyuk tightened his grip around her neck. She couldn¡¯t breathe and shouted, "I¡¯m a mercenary!" She screamed, and he made sure he didn¡¯t look into her eyes. "Who is your client, and why did you kill Jisuk Dong and the Schterron¡¯s mercenaries?" he asked, keeping a hold of her neck. "Prince Al Jar asked me to kill Jisuk, and Schterron¡¯s President, Jonas, asked me to kill the mercenaries." "So you got paid to kill?" Anna wasn¡¯t answering him, and Junhyuk smiled coldly. "You don¡¯t value human lives." Anna finally understood him. "If you value human lives, let me live!" she said. "You know the value of your own life, so you should value theirs as well." Junhyuk raised the Blood Rune Sword. "I¡¯ll keep an eye on you. If you use your power to kill again, I¡¯ll be back for another visit." Anna sighed, relieved. Then, she saw the blood-colored de in front of her, and the world turned ck. She screamed in pain. "AAAAHHHH!" Junhyuk had sliced through both of her eyes and threw her off the roof. She was a novice and she wouldn¡¯t die from the fall. She fell screaming, and people gathered around her when shended. Meanwhile, Junhyuk headed to the opposite side. His teleportation¡¯s cooldown was over, so he used it to leave the residence. He moved quickly and sent his equipment away. The wound in his ribs had healed, but it left a blood stain on his clothes. He couldn¡¯t walk around like that, so he took off his shirt andined, "I need more storage." If he had storage he could carry extra clothes. He was only wearing a dark coat to hide the rest of the blood now. Junhyuk went into a public restroom. There was no one there, and he quickly washed his clothes. He got rid of the blood stain, put his shirt back on and headed toward the subway station nearby. He thought about buying new clothes, but he didn¡¯t want to draw people¡¯s attention. Thest train arrived at the station, and he kept his head down all the way home. When he got home, he threw himself on his bed. His injuries from the shockwaves and the drill sword had already all healed, and Junhyuk looked at his hand and frowned. Stabbing someone in reality had a different feeling than doing it at the Dimensional Battlefield. He felt rotten. He grabbed a cold beer from the refrigerator andy on his bed. His burner phone rang and he picked it up, hearing Sarang on the other end. "Big Brother, what¡¯s up?" "I¡¯m lying in bed. Why aren¡¯t you sleeping?" "I¡¯m a senior. I can¡¯t sleep. I sleep five hours per day to study." Junhyukughed. He had experienced high school himself. He used to think he was the center of the universe and would get irritated easily. Thinking about it, high school was a gateway to the future. Society wasn¡¯t forgiving, and harder obstaclesy ahead, beyond high school. He could picture Sarangining about it. "I was just training. I just wanted to call you." Junhyuk decided to tell her about what had happened that night. He only had Sarang on his side. "Today, I fought against another novice." "Are you OK?" Sarang was worried about him, and Junhyuk smiled. "I¡¯m fine. I¡¯m an expert." "You could¡¯ve gotten killed." Novices weren¡¯t something to be ignored. Their average strength wasn¡¯t hard to deal with, but novices had powers, and one of those could end up killing him. If Anna had used her hypnosis, he would¡¯ve been dead. "For this opponent, as long as you don¡¯t look into her eyes, you¡¯ll win." "So, what did you do?" "I made sure she wouldn¡¯t use her hypnosis again." "Did you kill her?" "No, I made sure she wouldn¡¯t use her eyes again." Sarang was silent for a moment, and then she said, "She can repair that if she goes back to the Dimensional Battlefield." "Yes, but I seared myself in her mind. If she does anything funny, I¡¯ll kill her then." Sarang didn¡¯t have an answer for him. She had been to the Dimensional Battlefield, and her feelings were numbed. "Her armor was something else! I couldpare it to yours. It had a shockwave skill that pushed the enemy back," he said. "She must have a lot of money." Junhyuk didn¡¯t mention Anna¡¯s weapons. The drill sword had pierced his armor, and it was something Bebe might sell in his store. "Next time, tell me more about her. It sounds like she is someone I have to be careful with." "Yes, will do." "I¡¯m going to sleep now. I¡¯ll call you." "Right, go to sleep." Junhyuk hung up and looked at his phone. Using his burner phone, he could talk to her anytime he wanted to. He slowly closed his eyes. He didn¡¯t have to report to work for a few days, so he would train instead. --- Junhyuk woke up with his phone ringing. Iltae was calling him. He wanted him to go to the W.A.N.C.S.b immediately. Junhyuk knew it was because of Anna, but he pretended he didn¡¯t know anything and went. He hadn¡¯t returned his ID card and was able to go in unimpeded. At Iltae¡¯s office, he saw Iltae and Jaeyoung waiting. They looked serious. "What is the matter?" Junhyuk spoke first, and Iltae leaned back on the sofa and answered, "Anna, our suspect, was attacked." "Attacked?" "Someone broke into her diplomatic residence, and she lost her eyes and almost lost her right arm." Junhyuk sat on chair and said, "It must be someone who knows about her power." "Correct." Iltae looked at Jaeyoung. "You didn¡¯t do it, did you?" "No, I didn¡¯t." Iltae looked at Junhyuk, and he stared back. Iltae sighed. "It happened before I had the chance to talk to my superiors. We will keep an eye on the situation." Junhyuk nodded. "Why did you call for me?¡¯ Iltae shrugged. "I knew you¡¯d be curious. You almost lost your life because of her!" "I don¡¯t want to get involved. I know how dangerous she is." "Is that so? OK." Iltae waved his hand. "You may leave." Junhyuk bowed, and Jaeyoung walked after him. "Junhyuk." He turned around, and Jaeyoung asked him, "Where were youst night, between eleven and twelve? "I was sleeping at home. Why do you ask?" "Nothing." Jynhyuk left, and Iltae walked out of his office and said to Jaeyoung, "You are suspicious of him." "It does look funny." Jaeyoung¡¯s eyes were fixed on Junhyuk, who is still waiting for an elevator. Chapter 117: Back To Battlefield 1 Chapter 117: Back To Battlefield 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - W.A.N.C.S. was in charge of overseeing patients with abnormal narcolepsy, and all patients who woke up died on the same day. This was a big issue in the media. People talked of conspiracy theories, but on his way to work on Monday morning, Junhyuk thought that W.A.N.C.S. had pressured the media. Anna had told him about Prince Al Jar. He was one of the UAE princes, a billionaire that owned oil fields, and Junhyuk was naturally suspicious. The prince was antithetical to the Rockefeller family. So, a prince was involved. He browsed the inte for more information on Schterron, but he couldn¡¯t find anything new. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t a hacker, so there was a limit to what he could find on the inte. It was an international mercenarypany after all. Junhyuk reported to work earlier than his coworkers, cleaned the office and sat on his chair. Soon, he saw other workers arriving. He greeted some of them. As Eunseo reported to work, she called for him. Junhyuk went to her office, and she offered him a seat. "Theb chief contacted me. He is full ofpliments," she said. "I didn¡¯t do much there." "He is usually quiet, but heplimented you," Eunseo said calmly, staring at him. "They will wire the money to your bank ount. He¡¯ll pay you a hefty sum." "What is thepany¡¯s official position on this event?" Junhyuk asked carefully. She fixed her sses and said, "We were waiting for Jisuk Dong to wake up. Since he died, we will focus on dealing with the media. The media is ming W.A.N.C.S., and if we aren¡¯t careful, we will be misinterpreted." They were selling capsules, and if they were responsible for the patients not waking up, they would be med. Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. "We prepared a special TV broadcast because of the recent events. Thest one was popr, so you¡¯ll be cast with the rest of the group. Filming begins next week. Thest program was broadcast worldwide." "Is that right?" "Is there a celebrity you want to appear with?" "I can¡¯t think of anyone." "Then, we¡¯ll take care of the rest." Eunseo looked at her tablet and said, "I¡¯ll let you know when everything is scheduled." Junhyuk walked out, saw Somin and walked over to her. "Would you like a cup of coffee?¡¯ Somin nodded and followed him outside. They sat in the rest area, and Junhyuk got two cups of coffee from a vending machine. "Are you OK?" "We just signed a nondisclosure agreement, so that¡¯s nice." Jisuk¡¯s death was a sensitive issue, and all they had to do was sign a media nondisclosure agreement about that day. Somin had pulled herself together from the shock of Jisuk¡¯s murder. After she left, the two mercenaries died, but he didn¡¯t tell her that. She stared quietly at him. "I thought you would stay over there much longer. You came back so soon." "They didn¡¯t need me." "What did you do over there?" "Oversee the capsules." Somin smiled. "It must¡¯ve been boring." "Something like that." In reality, he hadn¡¯t been bored. His car crashed into the Han River. "I got more work because of everything," he said calmly. "More work?" "A TV broadcast." "Again." He didn¡¯t borate, but he nodded. "Yes, and it will be broadcast worldwide again." "You¡¯ll be an international star." "Do you want my signature?" Somin broke out in a smile. "Thanks." "For what?" "Being worried about me." Junhyuk smiled. "The things about the murder are probably not a pleasant memory." "They are not, but I got paid time off and rested. I feel much better." "That¡¯s nice." Somin got up. "I¡¯m not working as a model, so I must get back to desk duty." Junhyukughed. She wasn¡¯t lying, so he drank his coffee and got back to work. --- Elise was taking in the aroma of her tea. "I didn¡¯t expect you would call me personally." Doeyol quietly sat in front of her and said, "I need to check a on few things." "Go ahead." "When will the iron soldiers bepleted?" Elise smiled and said, "They are being manufactured, and you will get yours within two weeks." "Right." Doyeol fixed his eyes at Elise and said, "You do know I don¡¯t have much power within the Pentagram." "Yes, you don¡¯t have enough power or friendspared to others," she agreed calmly. Doyeol smiled. "If I didn¡¯t have my mana stones, they wouldn¡¯t have included me." Elise didn¡¯t answer him. Doyeol¡¯spany, ST Capsule, was growing at a scary rate, but it was still smallpared to some of the otherpanies. If he didn¡¯t have the mana stones, the others wouldn¡¯t have supported him. However, he did have them, so he had joined the Pentagram, and the others were supporting him. His mana stone was being used in all researches, andter, Chris brought him another mana stone and a blood stone. They were being used in the Iron Soldier and the Regeneration Projects. Right now, they were training many people to survive the Dimensional Battlefield, but they were never sure of how many would return. That meant that the mana stone and the blood stone supplies could end at any moment. They were starting a revolution and they couldn¡¯t stop now. "If the supply of mana stones and blood stones keeps up, the Pentagram will have the power to shake the world." "Right." The Metal Series had shaken the world already. The Regeneration Project would revolutionize the medical field. They would control the mechanical engineering and biophysics markets and would be the leaders of the world. "But people are getting in the way." The Pentagram knew all about the Dimensional Battlefield, and there were others with that knowledge. This time, the survivors had been killed. "That¡¯s why I called you," he said. Elise frowned a little. "I want to stand atop the members of the Pentagram, so I need someone to help me. You should work for me." Elise smirked. "If I line up with you, I must abandon the others." "Right." She smiled, and her eyes beamed. "What can I gain from working with you?" "You¡¯ll get plenty of mana and blood stones." Her eyes widened. Those stones came from the Dimensional Battlefield. It was not something you could get at a supermarket. How could he maintain the stones¡¯ supplies? Elise looked at him calmly, and he was telling the truth. She had to tell him she would line up with him and she would get all the stones she needed. Those stones needed to be studied further, but they didn¡¯t have enough of them at that moment. Elise thought for a moment. If she refused him, he would find someone else to work for him. She was at the top of the mechanical engineering and biophysics fields, but he could find other people to work for him, and there were a few who couldpare to her in her fields. Doyeol could hire them instead of her, and her position would be in danger. "Can you prove it?" Doyeol picked up the briefcase next to him and ced it on the table. He pushed it toward her. Elise let go of her tea cup and opened the briefcase. Her eyes almost popped out, and she gasped. There was a mana stone and a blood stone in it, and both were bigger than fists. Elise looked at him stupefied. "How about it? Do you want to work for me?" The mana and blood stones were bigger than she had seen before. He could supply more, and the research would advance by leaps and bounds. She swallowed dry and stared at him. She had been busy, but he had called for her specifically. "What do you need help with?" she asked carefully. "Tell me what¡¯s going on with your research first, and make me a stronger iron soldier." Elise closed the briefcase and said, "These are for research. I¡¯ll need more for your stronger iron soldier." Right now, they needed to break down the mana stones into a hundred little pieces to make the iron soldiers, but if she had more of them, she could produce the iron soldier much more easily. Doyeol was waiting for her answer and pushed another briefcase forward. It was also filled with a mana and a blood stone. "I only need mana stones for iron soldiers!" "Think of the blood stone as a gift." These things couldn¡¯t be bought with money. Elise smiled and picked up the briefcases. "You will be the first to know about the research¡¯s results. If you need anything else, just let me know." "You made the right choice." She looked into his eyes and felt relieved. He would have had to find someone else if she had refused, but she couldn¡¯t even imagine betraying him. He had only had mana stones when he got into the Pentagram, but he had guts, and she thought he would eventually take control of the Pentagram. As long as he kept supplying stones, he would be at the top. Elise looked at the briefcases and smiled. Doyeol called for her personally, and she came. She made the right move. --- Elise left, and Doyeol sipped his tea. The door opened, and a person walked in. A blonde man, Jeffrey, sat next to Doyeol. "Is that the woman?" "She is the best engineer in the world and she just joined us." "Is that why you gave her stones worth $100,000 each?" Jeffrey didn¡¯t believe Doyeol at first, but Doyeol had paid him on the spot for the stones. He earned $400,000 dors from his trip to the Dimensional Battlefield. He brought back the four biggest stones he could find and he had also kept the monster who had been guarding them, the lion-like monster. He could summon it at any time now. "I need her to make me the leader of Pentagram. I need you more, but I need her as well." Jeffrey wasn¡¯t interested. His interests were his family, his life in South Korea and more money. They needed each other, and that was all for him. "Can you beat that armored guy if you see him again?" Doyeol asked him. ¡¯No, not yet." Jeffrey had just captured the lion monster, but he knew he still couldn¡¯t beat the armored guy. That guy hadn¡¯t even used his power, and he had defeated his pets. He had to be an expert, so Jeffrey couldn¡¯t deal with him yet. He would need to summon a buff monster to kill that expert. Chapter 118: Back To Battlefield 2 Chapter 118: Back To Battlefield 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Filming was scheduled for the following week. After that, Junhyuk went to the marketing department from time to time for meetings about the movie. This was a cooperation between thepany and TV stations, and the marketing department held meetings every day. They also brought the five men with metal prosthetics to the office. The five of them had busy schedules, but they decided to appear on the broadcast. The metal models were given to them by thepany, and they wanted to help out. Once they gathered in one ce, they didn¡¯t have anything special to do. The marketing department and the program¡¯s director nned everything, and they listened and made suggestions. After one of the meetings ended on Thursday afternoon, Doyeol¡¯s executive secretary appeared in front of Junhyuk and greeted him. "The president wants to meet you." "Right now?" "Yes." Junhyuk bowed and followed the secretary to the president¡¯s office. The secretary knocked on the door and let him know that Junhyuk was there. The door opened, and they heard Doyeol¡¯s voice. "Come in." Junhyuk went in, saw a man sitting next to Doyeol and frowned. The pale, blond man had introduced himself previously as Jeffrey, a novice, which meant that Doyeol had sent Jeffrey to his house. Junhyuk decided to pretend that he didn¡¯t know him, and Doyeol offered him a seat. "Have a seat." Jeffrey smiled and extended his hand. "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Jeffrey." "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Junhyuk Lee." Junhyuk spoke perfect English, and Jeffrey said, "You speak English well." "I speak tennguages fluently." "Is that right?" Jeffrey spoke to him in a strangenguage, which Doyeol didn¡¯t understand, but Junhyuk did. "First time seeing me?" Junhyuk frowned. This time Jeffrey asked in yet anothernguage, "You really don¡¯t know me?" Junhyuk shook his head. "Are you ying a joke on me?" Junhyuk asked. Jeffrey shrugged and leaned back on his seat. "He likes to joke around," Doyeol told him. Junhyuk remained silent, and Doyeol looked at him and smiled. "You got your filming schedule. Next week, right?" "Yes." "This broadcast is very important." "Eunseo told me about it." "Do it well. Just do what you¡¯ve been doing." Junhyuk nodded, and Doyeol smiled. "My friend here will work at the secretary¡¯s office from now on. He will work as an interpreter, and you¡¯ll meet him from time to time. He¡¯ll apany me when I meet with foreign buyers." "Right." Junhyuk looked at him, and Jeffrey still had a smile on his face. Jeffrey¡¯s eyes seemed to say that he knew who Junhyuk was. The stare felt burdensome to Junhyuk. Doyeol looked at Junhyuk and smiled. "You should cheer him on. Do look after him." "I¡¯ll do my best." "You may leave." Junhyuk got up, said goodbye and left, and Jeffrey asked, "Is it OK for me to work here?" "I don¡¯t care." "What about the Rockefeller family?" "They could guess about you, but even if they knew about this, they couldn¡¯t touch me. We are on equal grounds," Doyeol said and smiled deviously. "At least for now." Doyeol looked at Jeffrey and asked, "So, what do you think? Was he the guy in the ck armor?" Jeffrey shrugged. "Ordinarily, a person who speaks tennguages is highly educated, but his resume doesn¡¯t indicate that." "So?" "I¡¯m about 70 percent sure that he is the guy." "Right." Doyeol wanted to see Junhyuk¡¯s reaction. If Junhyuk had returned from the Dimensional Battlefield, Doyeol had to make him join his side. Jeffrey couldn¡¯t deal with him because he was on another level, so Junhyuk could bring him back a lot more. --- Junhyuk returned to his office and turned on hisputer, but he could only think about Jeffrey. Jeffrey hade after him. Why did I have to meet him now? Because they were curious about me? He had dealt with the people sent by the Rockefeller family, and Jeffrey came after that. Jeffrey had already told him that the Rockefellers hadn¡¯t sent him. He hadn¡¯t believed him then, but after seeing him with Doyeol, he was sure the Rockefellers hadn¡¯t done it. What kind of person is Doyeol? He funded W.A.N.C.S., so he had to be close to the Rockefellers, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t sure. Jeffrey called himself a novice, but he wasn¡¯t sure about that either. Junhyuk thought hard about everything and stared at theputer screen. He was deep in thought when a shadow appeared above his head. "What are you thinking about?" It was Mr. Woogun Jang, so Junhyuk bowed and smiled at him. "I was thinking about what concept I should go with for this broadcast." "Right." Mr. Jang patted his shoulder and said, "You¡¯ll do well." Junhyuk looked around and frowned. "Where is everybody?" He had been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn¡¯t noticed anything. Mr. Jang smiled at him. "They went home. You were buried in your thoughts." "Is it already time to go home?" Junhyuk got up, but Mr. Jang had a few more words for him. "How about a drink?" "Sure." Junhyuk was feeling strained, so he decided to have a drink with Mr. Jang. --- They drank a few shots of soju, and he called for a designated driver, who drove him to his house. When he arrived, he saw a man standing in front of his house with his arms crossed. It was Jeffrey, and Junhyuk walked over to him. "Jeffrey, what are you doing here?" Jeffrey looked at him and smiled. "This is your house?" "Yes." "We are neighborhood cousins. Is that the expression in Korea?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t understand and just stared until Jeffrey pointed to the house next door. "I moved here today." Junhyuk was surprised. What was this guy thinking? Jeffrey smiled and said, "We should have coffee. Come over to my house." "I¡¯ll change into something morefortable and go." "I¡¯ll be waiting." Junhyuk went into his house, changed into his training gear and walked outside. Jeffrey took him to his house. Jeffrey hadn¡¯t unpacked all of his belongings yet, and suddenly someone ran to him. She was blonde and very beautiful, and she walked over to Junhyuk. "Hello, I¡¯m Joanna." "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Junhyuk Lee." Junhyuk turned to look at Jeffrey. He took him to the dining table and looked at Joanna. "Some coffee, please." "OK." Joanna had already been heating water to make coffee, and Jeffrey smiled. "She is my younger sister. Isn¡¯t she pretty?" Junhyuk calmly looked at Jeffrey. Jeffrey had moved next door, and he thought Jeffrey was going to try to drive him crazy. He even thought about killing Jeffrey, but he just introduced his sister to him. Was he not thinking about fighting? "She is pretty," Junhyuk rxed and answered him. She brought them the coffee and stepped back. "Have a pleasant time. I have to unpack," she said and left. Junhyuk stared at Jeffrey. "Is this a coincidence?" Jeffrey shook his head. "No, it isn¡¯t." "Can you tell me what happened?" Jeffrey pulled out an envelope. Junhyuk took a look inside and found a bunch of $50 bills. There were $100,000 total, and he stared at Jeffrey. "It¡¯s for your house repair." Jeffrey was sure now, and Junhyuk knew it too, but he tried to deny it once more. "What do you mean?" "You didn¡¯t hear me? I went to your house when you weren¡¯t there and met an armored man. He told me he would get the money from me for the house repair." "You damaged my house?" "Correct." Junhyukughed a little and knew he couldn¡¯t deny it anymore. His eyes turned cold. "You knew, and you moved next door?" Jeffrey nodded. "We didn¡¯t get along well the first time we met, but it doesn¡¯t have to stay that way." "What do you mean?" "I heard the Rockefeller family is after you." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes beamed, and Jeffrey smiled. "The Rockefellers are after me too. Without Doyeol¡¯s help, my sister and I would¡¯ve been killed." The Rockefellers were after Jeffrey, and Junhyuk was slightly moved by that information. Jeffrey continued, "Doyeol is protecting us." "Right." Jeffrey continued calmly, "But I can¡¯t just rely on one person." "What do you mean?" "I joined up with him, but it doesn¡¯t guarantee my safety. I have to make myself safe." "So?" Jeffrey smiled. "I want to be your friend." Jeffrey fought against me, and he wants to be my friend. What is he thinking? "My sister¡¯s safety is my top priority. If something happens to me, please, protect my sister." "Me? Why?" "I¡¯ll sacrifice myself and more for you." "What kind of sacrifice?" Jeffreyughed. "I moved here to find out whether or not you are a novice." "Doyeol¡¯s wish?" "Of course." "Why does he want to know?" Jeffrey pulled out a small, blue gem from his pocket and showed it to him. "Have you seen it before?" Junhyuk picked it up and looked at Jeffrey. "I¡¯ve seen it at the Dimensional Battlefield." "They need it to build the metal models." Junhyuk ced the gem on the table. "Things from the Dimensional Battlefield are extremely expensive in Korea!" "You learn fast. Doyeol is collecting people who can go to the Dimensional Battlefield. If you are a novice, he will pay you an astronomical amount to join his team." Junhyuk thought it over. "OK. I understand the situation. What can you do for me?" Jeffrey smiled. "If you don¡¯t want to be revealed, I¡¯ll hide your identity." "Until I decide to show myself, you¡¯ll hide that information. Is that right?" "Yes." Junhyuk smiled and whispered, "If I kill you, everything will be resolved." "They will get even more suspicious," Jeffrey answered him coolly, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "Your offer is hard to refuse." Jeffrey shrugged. "More importantly, we have powers and we must work together. We might have a better chance to survive in the Dimensional Battlefield that way." Junhyuk wasn¡¯t speaking. He finished his coffee and got up. "I¡¯ll think about it." He turned, and Jeffrey asked, "By the way, are you an expert?" He left without answering, and Jeffrey stared at him leaving and whispered, "He is an expert." Chapter 119: Back To Battlefield 3 Chapter 119: Back To Battlefield 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk went home and called Sarang on the burner phone. She picked it up, and a cheery voice greeted him on the other side. "Big brother, you don¡¯t usually call me first?!" "I have something to discuss." "Hm... I thought so." She was disappointed, and Junhyukughed and said, "The novice with the summoning power moved next door." "What?!" Sarang is surprised, and Junhyuk exined everything calmly. "He wants to be my friend." "He made a mess at your house thest time and now he wants to gain your trust?" "His conditions aren¡¯t bad, and I think I¡¯ll gain a lot by having him next door." "So, are you friends now?" "I think so." "Hm." "But I¡¯m hiding you from him. When I decide that I can trust him, I¡¯ll introduce you two." "I understand. I¡¯ll trust you." "Right, get some rest." "Go to sleep and dream about me." Junhyukughed, hung up andy on his bed. Was Doyeol an enemy of the Rockefeller family? He didn¡¯t know whether to trust Jeffrey, but he felt good about their agreement. He didn¡¯t know how to get information on Doyeol without him, and he could gain more information from Jeffrey. Junhyuk closed his eyes. He thought of what Sarang had said about dreaming about her, which made himugh. In his dreams, he did meet her. --- She was lying in bed with bandages around her eyes and around her right arm. Suddenly, Stephen got a phone call, and she listened in. He was on the phone for a while, and then he walked over, caressed her hair and said, "I have to go out for a moment. If you need anything, talk to the nurse." "OK. Be careful." Stephen went out, and she touched the bandages on her eyes. He had made her this way, the novice with the ability to teleport, and she frowned. "Next time, I will teach him a lesson." Her hypnosis hadn¡¯t worked, so she wouldn¡¯t use it on him. She would make more puppets and attack him with them. Therefore, she had to know who he was, but she didn¡¯t know anything about him. Still, she could take a guess. "His name is Junhyuk!" He had been avoiding eye contact with her, and she had looked into it. Jaeyoung¡¯s ident didn¡¯t have any casualties, which meant that Junhyuk wasn¡¯t an ordinary person. If he had the ability to teleport, he would have done so during that car ident. Jaeyoung was surely hypnotized, so she wasn¡¯t suspicious of him, but Junhyuk was different. With a knock on the door, two people walked in. Anna turned her head, and a person closed the door and leaned against it. Another person walked to her and stood in front of her bed. "How are your wounds?" Anna recognized the voice and frowned. The person saw her reaction and asked, "You know who I am?" "CIA Agent Jaeyoung Jang?" "You¡¯ve got a good memory." Anna didn¡¯t say anything else and shut her mouth. Jaeyoung continued, "I¡¯m really sorry about your ident." "Thank you." "The doctor told me you won¡¯t recover." "He told me the same." Jaeyoung tilted his head and said, "Then you won¡¯t be able to hypnotize people." Anna turned her head toward his voice. "What do you mean?" "You are lucky to lose just your eyes," Jaeyoung blurted out. A smile creeped across her lips, and he continued, "It¡¯s a small price to pay for my car. Oh! And thises from the top, but you will be deported." "Deportation?" "Your father just lost his status as a diplomat, and he will return to Germany." Anna was silent, Jaeyoung turned away slowly and said, "I hope I won¡¯t see you again." Anna listened to him walking away and smiled. "This is fun now." Without being able to get her revenge, she would be deported. She knew about their power, but she felt angry about her father losing his status as a diplomat. "They are acting deliberately." --- The Antique Library had a mismatched hologram in it. The hologram had four faces on it. Among them, was Doyeol, and he asked, "She¡¯s a novice. Why don¡¯t you want her?" The Antique Library¡¯s owner, Charles, the Rockellers¡¯ patriarch, opened his mouth. "Her power is a double-edged sword. If we could control her, we could do anything, but if she works for other people, we won¡¯t be able to deal with her." An old man with a long moustache said, "So you¡¯ve made up your mind?" "Yes. The things from the Dimensional Battlefield are valuable, but she worked against us and she is dangerous." Anna¡¯s hypnosis didn¡¯t leave any evidence behind. She was the best assassin, and the Pentagram had the power to arrange to have her meet anyone, which meant that she could kill anyone without a trace. However, that also meant that they had to be able to handle her. If she followed after people who had simr influence to the Pentagram, they would be in danger. "We will vote on what Charles has said. If you agree with him, raise your hand up," said the old man with the moustache. Charles raised his hand and the others followed him. One by one, the five of them all raised their hands, and Charles smiled. "Doyeol, take care of it this time." It would take ce in South Korea, so he would do the job. "I will," he said, bowing. Charles leaned back on his chair. "Then, till next time." The screen turned off, and Charles stroked his chin. "Have you found Jeffrey?" "Yes." His secretary was already in the library, and Charles smiled coldly. "Where?" "South Korea." "Right." Charles pulled a cigar from one of the desk¡¯s drawer, and his secretary lit it up. "He grew up," he said, smiling. ST Capsule¡¯s Doyeol had just joined the Pentagram. He was getting more powerful fast, but the others thought he was still weak. Doyeol didn¡¯t know his own ce. "He got a novice. What difference does it make?" Novices were valuable, but a novice alone couldn¡¯t change anything about the Pentagram. The Pentagram had power the to shake the world, and Doyeol was trying his best. He looked cute to Charles, like a kid trying to y with the adults. Charles exhaled deeply. "Just watch them for now. He hasn¡¯t betrayed the Pentagram, so there¡¯s nothing we can do at this moment." "I¡¯ll get on it." The secretary went out, and Charles took another drag and murmured, "Something very entertaining happened." --- It was already Friday night, and Junhyuk prepared for the Dimensional Battlefield. He was lying on his bed, wearing the Barbarian Bel, when he picked up the burner phone. She had been thinking the same thing. His phone rang, and Junhyuk looked at the number andughed. "Big brother!" "Are you ready and on your bed?" "Yes. I¡¯m on my bed thinking of you. "Why are you thinking about me?" ¡¯Hm. Are you embarrassed?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t reply, and Sarang roared withughter. "Big bro, did you see me in your dreams?" "No." "Whoa! I saw you in my dreams. You are too much." Junhyuk smiled. "Time to leave. Get ready." "OK. See you soon." Junhyuk hung up and closed his eyes. It was time to go. He would deal with strong enemies and fight fierce battles, and his heart started pounding. The white light covered his vision, and Junhyuk covered his eyes with his hands. The light disappeared, and he looked around, checking the amount of money he had: 34,240G. Junhyuk was satisfied. With that amount, he could get another upgrade. He wouldn¡¯t be able to get the seventh upgrade, but the sixth was affordable. Junhyuk took off the standard gear. Unlikest time, he was wearing the cloak and the belt. However, he still felt naked and summoned the ck armor. The standard swords wouldn¡¯t help, so he left them behind. [Wee. You¡¯ve been summoned to the Valley of Death.] Junhyuk smiled bitterly and inspected his equipment. He summoned everything he owned and sighed deeply. [You may exit using the main entrance.] Junhyuk walked and heard further instructions. [You¡¯ve activated two powers and became an expert. You may revive one time as an expert.] "Sarang has also be an expert this time." The enemy was very dangerous. It felt like a miracle that Sarang hadn¡¯t died even once. He had almost gotten himself killed twice. "I¡¯ll stay alive." Junhyuk heard a soft whisper. [Expert 01 deployed.] He walked out and heard the minions talking among themselves. Soon, a head popped up in the middle of them. It was Sarang. She was wearing the Red Core Armor and she crossed the sea of people by exuding an aura that the minions couldn¡¯t ignore. So, they made way for her. Her armor made an impression on them. The minions would be surprised to know that her armor had the same cost as the lives of one hundred and ten thousand of them. "Big brother!" Junhyuk saw the rest of her equipment. "Is that the standard expert equipment?" "Yes, I got these instead," she was holding an orb and a small crystal ball. "Expert magicians carry two items." Junhyuk inspected her new weapons. "If you want to hurt your enemies, you¡¯ll need new equipment." So far, they had focused on her survival, but now they could focus on her attack as well. The enemy tanks would be hard to defeat with her strength, but she could use her magic to some effect on the others. She had to increase her magic stat further and she would be able to deliver a deathblow. "Good idea." They had relied on the heroes until now, but the enemy team had a champion, Adolphe, so they should do more to help out. "Right. If you pick up one of the tanks¡¯ items, don¡¯t sell it and keep it for yourself." "Tank items?" "Yes. We have more space for more items. Get items that¡¯ll increase your health, and you¡¯ll survive." "Sure." Sarang knew how important it was to survive and agreed with him. They talked until the castle¡¯s door opened, and Arn, Halo and Vera walked in. Arn saw Sarang and Junhyuk, and walked over to them. "You are here." Junhyuk nodded, and Arn turned around. "Hurry up! We aren¡¯t taking any minions with us today." That meant that they had to move faster, and Junhyuk made fists with his hands. "Let¡¯s go!" Chapter 120: Variables 1 Chapter 120: Variables 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They moved very fast without the minions. If they took the minions, the monsters in the forest would have dyed their advance. However, they were three heroes and two experts, so they weren¡¯t in any danger. While they were running in the forest, Sarang said to Junhyuk, "Big brother, there is an expert other than the two of us." "What are you talking about?" "The voice said that I¡¯m the third expert?" Junhyuk stopped running and looked at Sarang. Vera joined them and said, "That¡¯s right. Someone from a different battlefield became an expert. It¡¯s rare to see two experts on one battlefield, and your news travelled fast." So far, he had only met novices, but now there was another expert. It was something to be cautious about. Even a novice was dangerous depending on his or her power. An expert was even more dangerous. "Do you know what kind of powers he has?" "I heard only a part of the story, so I am not sure, but it sounds like the expert has two offensive powers." "Sure," Junhyuk was envious since he didn¡¯t have any offensive powers. "He sounds dangerous." "To you? Why?" "Because he has offensive powers?" "No, you are superior to him," Vera said and shrugged. "Surely, an expert with offensive powers is strong, but your force field blocks all attacks, and you could just sh through him." "Right." He didn¡¯t have offensive powers, but his regr attack stat was high, and he had defensive powers. He could simply block any iing attacks. "Could you find out more about him for next time? I might end up meeting him." "You mean the expert with the offensive powers?" "Yes." "Why?" "I met some novices in South Korea, and they almost killed me," Junhyuk said calmly. Vera¡¯s stare turned cold. "Someone came after you?" "Yes." Arn turned back and asked, "What did you do?" "One of them is a hypnotist, so I gouged her eyes out. The other one became my friend." "A hypnotist?" Halo joined the conversation. "I heard about it. She¡¯s from a battlefield prior to ours. She made a huge mess of things." "A mess?" "Her allied heroes were all killed, and she controlled the enemies and got a triple-kill by herself." "What?" She killed three heroes by herself? "The enemy heroes that lost were at low health, and she used one to kill the other two." "Why did the third hero join the fight?" Sarang asked, and Veraughed at her. "They had just arrived at the Dimensional Battlefield. They didn¡¯t trust each other and they didn¡¯t know they were hypnotized, so they killed each other. It was breaking news." "She had nice equipment... So, that¡¯s how she got it." "Why didn¡¯t you kill her?" Arn asked. Junhyuk scratched his head. "I didn¡¯t want tomit murder." Arn stopped and grabbed him by the shoulder. "Keep this in mind: you are important to us. If you get hurt in South Korea, I won¡¯t leave it alone." "I understand." He hadn¡¯t seen Arn¡¯s killer intent in a long time. Vera tapped Sarang¡¯s shoulder. "That¡¯s right. If anything happens to you, I will go to your dimension and beat the crap out of you." That statement surprised Junhyuk, and he looked at Vera. "You can go to my dimension?" "Yes. It¡¯s bothersome, but I can." Junhyuk was dumbfounded. If heroes went to his dimension, things would end inplete disaster. "I¡¯ll stay alive." "Do it! if your own kind kills you, we will pay a visit to your dimension." He had to stay alive to save the Earth. Junhyuk looked around and asked, "Where are we going now?¡¯ "We are going to kill the smander." "The smander?" Smanders were a type of buff monster that lived in the enemy territory. "That¡¯s right. The enemies will try to kill the smander first. We will kill it instead and attack them from behind." "We should hurry." They had to hurry to get to the smander first. If the enemies got there before them, they might try to attack the allies on the road. However, if the enemies decided to gather, things would be more difficult. The allied side had given up a tower to get the smander. "Let¡¯s pick up the pace." The heroes sped up, and Junhyuk felt like dying. Sarang had a movement speed stat increase, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t. He ran as fast as he could. They arrived at the smander¡¯s den and saw that the smander was still alive. It was fourteen meters long and spewed fire. Doctor T, Regina and Adolphe were fighting against it. They had hunted the smander for their team thest time as well. Arn looked at the fight and said, "The smander isn¡¯t doing well." However, it didn¡¯t matter. The allies had the superior fighting power. "We should start by getting one of them out first." It would help them big time if they could get rid of an enemy hero. Vera prepared to cast Meteor Shower, while Arn also readied his ultimate. He crouched and said, "Our target is Doctor T. Junhyuk, teleport me over there." "OK." Meanwhile, Doctor T tied up the smander with his spider web and fired his missiles at it. Adolphe¡¯s sword gave off some energy, and it sliced through the smander. Finally, Regina¡¯s barrage of shots hit the smander, and it died. They were then surrounded by red circles when Vera¡¯s meteors fell on them. The meteors fell from the sky and caught the heroes by surprise. They were all close to each other, and Vera¡¯s meteors hit them hard. Vera¡¯s earring gave her spectacr power. The enemy heroes looked around and quickly dispersed. They had to break to escape from Vera¡¯s meteors. Doctor T dashed to one side, and Junhyuk and Arn teleported in his direction. Doctor T fired the methrower, and Arn swung his saber. sh! Arn¡¯s saber traveled through the air, past Doctor T¡¯s skin, and he started bleeding and staggered. "Cowards!" Doctor T didn¡¯t have a lot of health. He had been hit by Arn¡¯s and Vera¡¯s ultimates. Both had time to prepare their attacks and inflicted critical damage. The doctor staggered, and Arn attacked him with seven continuous saber strikes. They all hit him. The doctor started disappearing, and Arn turned around. Junhyuk moved behind him, and Regina dashed toward them, aiming her pistol. Bang, bang, bang, bang! Her continuous shoots covered a decent range. Junhyuk had increased health, but it was not a good idea to be shot by her. He moved, and at the same time, Arn blocked for him. Arn was hit by the bullets, and a light green powder started falling on his head. He was wounded and getting healed at the same time. Junhyuk was impressed with Sarang¡¯s timing. Arn was soon healed andunched his saber at Regina. He threw his saber from close range, and she had a hard time escaping. Regina raised her cuss to block, but Halo attacked her back with his lightning sh attack. A long gash appeared on Regina¡¯s back, and Adolphe made his move. Adolphe stuck his saw-ded sword in the ground and released the energy boomerangs that constricted Arn and Halo¡¯s movements. Regina escaped the boomerang by using her increased speed. She was headed toward Vera. It was easy for Regina to deal with Vera because even though Vera had high attack, she had low health. Regina could kill her in a short time. Adolphe took his saw-ded sword out of the ground and rushed while Regina ran toward Vera. Junhyuk quickly cast a force field around Vera. Both Vera are Sarang were inside the force field, and Adolphe attacked it relentlessly. Clung! Adolphe¡¯s attacks bounced off the force field, and Junhyuk sighed. Adolphe had rushed and tried to attack them while Regina had wanted to get rid of Vera. He had barely averted disaster. Regina frowned and looked for Junhyuk, but he had already jumped. Arn closed in quickly, and Regina turned around and shot at him. Arn fell over, but the force field was safe. Vera cast a fire spear at Regina. Boom! Regina was pushed back, and as she moved backward, she hit a fire orb, causing a series of explosions. Vera¡¯s attacks made Regina stagger. Vera had already cast meteor, and the enemies had low health. Regina couldn¡¯t touch Vera, so she decided to escape. She had an extremely high movement speed, and by using her speed, she tried to get out of Vera¡¯s range, but Vera wouldn¡¯t let her go so easily. Halo went after Regina, and Arnunched his saber. She blocked Arn¡¯s saber and lost a few seconds, and Halo arrived swinging his sword. Clung! Regina was a bnced hero. Her health was high and her attack stat was also high, but heroescking unique powers were awkward, and Regina was one such awkward hero. When she was with the other heroes, the others couldplement herck of unique powers. However, she was alone now. She could still kill Vera, but Halo and Arn had joined in and she couldn¡¯t deal with all three. In a one-on-one situation, things would be different because of Regina¡¯s ultimate. Junhyuk was watching the situation when Regina lifted her eye patch and cast her ultimate. Then, he started to run. Halo was close to her and turned to stone. Regina shot at him continuously. Bang, bang, bang, bang! Halo¡¯s chest was covered in blood, and Adolphe swung his sword at him. A long, blue streak of energy dropped on Halo. Reginacked enough strength, but it was different with Adolphe¡¯s help. Halo¡¯s chest opened and blood started pouring out, and Regina tried to stab him with her cuss. However, the allied heroes counterattacked. A fire spear hit her back, and Arn appeared in front of her. sh! Arn wasn¡¯t toote to save Halo, but Adolphe went around him and swung his sword at Halo. He knew Halo was seriously wounded and he wanted to kill him before he started moving again. Heroes could die from critical hits, especially when they were seriously wounded. However, Adolphe was left frowning. His sword didn¡¯t hit anything. "Shit!" Halo was thirty feet from him. Junhyuk was standing behind him, looking at Adolphe. Chapter 121: Variables 2 Chapter 121: Variables 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Haloughed about having escaped from Adolphe¡¯s attack. "Thanks," he said and used his lighting sh attack against Adolphe. Adolphe quickly raised his sword to block, but Halo shed his ribs, and he started bleeding profusely. "Ugh!" Halo got behind Adolphe, who had staggered, and used Rising Dragon, a spinning jump attack that shed Adolphe¡¯s back. Adolphe¡¯s back was bleeding in such a way that it looked like he had grown bloody wings. Halo wasing down from the air, and Adolphe blocked Halo¡¯s sword with his own. ng! Adolphe had been attacked twice and couldn¡¯t keep his footing. Junhyuk decided to join the fray. When Adolphe saw Junhyuk running toward them, he gritted his teeth. Because of him, Adolphe had lost the chance to kill a hero. He scowled, thinking he could even have gotten one of Halo¡¯s items. Halo and Adolphe were facing each other, and Junhyuk swung his sword at Adolphe¡¯s back. sh! Adolphe turned around, but it was already toote for him. His back was sliced through, and he was debuffed. Halo looked at him and smiled. "It¡¯s over," he said and aimed for Adolphe¡¯s neck. Adolphe turned and dodged, but he was focused on Halo, and his back was exposed to Junhyuk, who attack continuously and without hesitation. The debuffs piled up nonstop, stacking three times, and Halo beheaded Adolphe. His head rolled on the ground, and Junhyuk looked away. Regina¡¯s health was also gone, and she started disappearing, killed by Arn¡¯s and Vera¡¯s attacks. They had seeded in taking the smander¡¯s buff and they would head to the enemy tower and fight against whoever was there. Their target was Bater. They would kill him and destroy the second tower as well. Sarang cast healing on Halo. While he was being healed, Junhyuk looked around. So far, they had focused on the enemies and the monsters. He had been fighting and didn¡¯t have chance to look around. The gems that Jeffrey had shown him popped into his mind, so he was looking for something to take with him. Vera walked over and asked, "What are you looking for?" Junhyuk saw a lot of gems strewn around the smander¡¯s territory. Inside each of them, there was a small me. He picked up one. "Things from the Dimensional Battlefield are highly valued in South Korea. I want to take some back with me." Veraughed happily at Junhyuk. She inspected the gem he picked up and dropped it on the ground. "These are spirit stones. They are the lowest level gems, but not all lowest level gems are the same." She looked around, picked up a couple of small gems and gave him one. "If something like this will help you, you should take some back. What are you looking for?" "Blue gems. Maybe they are called mana stones?" "Mana stones?" Vera smiled. "The right mana stones can be found only at one ce in the Dimensional Battlefield. We¡¯ll get er." "Where are they?" "The Dragon¡¯s Valley." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "We have to kill a dragon first to take some mana stones..." "That¡¯s right. Mana stones from the Dragon¡¯s Valley are of high quality." Junhyuk looked at the spirit stone and asked, "Where do you use these stones?" "It depends. The lowest level spirit stones give you fire, and you won¡¯t run out of it, but you have to make a pact with the spirit inside. It has no attack value." "Is that by your standards?" "Of course." Maybe they would be of value on Earth. Junhyuk stared at the spirit stone. "How do you make a pact?" "It¡¯s the lowest level spirit stone. Don¡¯t think too hard." Vera gave the other spirit stone to Sarang and said, "Hold it out with your hand and feel its energy. Then, summon it." Sarang and Junhyuk held the spirit stones in their hands and focused. They felt a warm energy permeate their hands and summoned the lowest level spirit stone¡¯s fire. The bird-shaped mes were small enough to hold in their hands. "Is this the lowest fire spirit?" "Yes, it¡¯s name is Kasha. Just summon it." "How do you summon it?" Vera shook her head. "You guys have sizable souls, and your souls have power, so just will it to make it your own and speak yourmand." Sarang responded quickly, "Kasha, you are mine now!" Kasha fluttered its wings and rubbed its beak against her hand. Junhyuk looked at his own fire-based Kasha. "Kasha. You are mine now," he said slowly. Kasha fluttered its wing and picked at Junhyuk¡¯s hand with its beak. It felt very warm, and Junhyuk smiled. "Among the lowest level fire spirits, I picked these two because they have the power tomunicate." "Communicate?" "No matter what distance, you two canmunicate through these two Kashas." "Really?" They had the burner phones, but the Kashas couldn¡¯t be disrupted by anything. It was a new method ofmunication, and he wouldn¡¯t refuse it. "Are these Kashas all connected?" "No. The rest of them have spirit power. Only these two have the ability tomunicate. The rest has the power to burn." "The power to burn? Does that mean we can make fires with these?" "That¡¯s right, and the fires can¡¯t be easily put out. Fire spirits just burns everything." Junhyuk thought the Earth could use these stones and picked up two more. Vera smiled at him. "But that is its only power. The battlefield has no use for them, so they are left here all over the ce." "I don¡¯t care. I won¡¯t use them here." Junhyuk thought of using them on Earth, which is why he took a few more. Sarang wasn¡¯t paying attention to what he was doing. She was ying with the Kasha on her hand. "Are you really going to help memunicate with big brother?" The Kasha nodded, and Sarang whispered into its ear. "Big brother," she said and blew her tongue at him. Junhyuk could hear everything because he was standing next to her. Then, his Kasha repeated what Sarang had said. It sounded just like her, and Junhyuk was left speechless. "You don¡¯t have to use your voice. Just focus on the Kasha and will it to do what you want," Vera said. Junhyuk focused on his Kasha. "Quit ying around." Sarang was surprised and looked at him. She smirked, focused on her Kasha, and her will was delivered to Junhyuk. "Big brother, you are cute when you are angry." Junhyuk shook his head. "This is amazing." Veraughed and said, "Now, let¡¯s move. We¡¯ve lost a lot of time." "OK." They started running. Bater could already be trying to escaped after he heard the news of the other heroes¡¯ deaths. Before that happened, they had to catch him. They were three heroes and two experts, so they could easily do it. The group moved toward Bater¡¯s tower, but he wasn¡¯t there. There were no minions either, so they destroyed the empty tower. However, they gained nothing out of that. "We lost our own tower." Bater had destroyed one of the allied towers and taken his minions and retreated. The allies also destroyed a tower, but they felt empty. "What are we going to do?" "We destroyed each other¡¯s tower, so we move to the next tower and help Nudra out." The group changed its course. They didn¡¯t know where Bater was, so they had to change their n, running without rest to where Nudra was. Nudra was already in serious danger, and Bater had already arrived. Nudra was fighting Jean Clo when Bater intruded, putting him inplete disadvantage. Jean Clo and Bater could both handle the tower¡¯s attacks while they attacked Nudra, so he had a hard time dealing with the both of them. Nudra was all bloodied, and Arn shouted, "Junhyuk!" Sarang and the heroes touched him, and Junhyuk teleported. He took them closer to Nudra, and Arn and Halo dashed toward him at the same time. Arn jumped, and Halo used his lighting sh attack. They attacked Bater and Jean Clo. Meanwhile, Sarang extended her hands, and the light green powder fell on Nudra¡¯s head, healing him. Then, Nudra released a strong gust of wind. Boom! Bater was pushed back, and Arn and Halo got closer. Vera was preparing to cast her magic. She touched her earring, and Junhyuk analyzed the battlefield. Jean Clo was very hard to kill, but Sarang could suppress his healing power and possibly do it. If they were to kill one of them, it had to be Bater. Junhyuk stood in front of Vera and asked, "Do we kill Bater first?" "Yes!" Bater¡¯s attacks inflicted more damage than Jean Clo¡¯s. Everyone was thinking same thing, so they would all attacked him. Arn was dealing with Jean Clo. Halo and Nudra rushed after Bater while Vera also targeted him. Bater didn¡¯t have enough health to deal with three heroes. "We have to retreat!" he shouted. Jean Clo rushed toward Arn, but was shed on the ribs by Arn¡¯s saber. However, he grabbed Arn and threw him with a giant swing. Jean Clo had a lot of health, but his wild rush had enabled him to get a hold of Arn. While Jean Clounched Arn, Bater mmed the ground. Boom! Boom! Boom! The three shockwaves traveled toward Halo and Nudra and pushed them back. They tried to escape, but they couldn¡¯t let the enemy flee. "Sarang!" She didn¡¯t hesitate and cast her electric st on the enemies. Two lights flew out. One hit Jean Clo while the other hit Bater, and Vera cast a firewall where they stood. Her firewall inflicted continuous damage. Halo, Arn and Nudra attacked Bater. He was only paralyzed for a moment, but the three heroes took advantage of that to really hurt him. They were in the process of damaging Bater when Jean Clo grabbed Nudra. Nudra¡¯s health was very low, and Jean Clo was about to choke m him when something unexpected happened. Bang! Jean Clo lifted him up, and Nudra was shot in the middle of his forehead. He lost whatever health remained and started disappearing. Jean Clo mmed his body against the ground and smiled. "Now, we are evenly matched." Junhyuk saw Ki at the top of the tower. They didn¡¯t know what had happened to Diane, but now the heroes were indeed evenly matched. Chapter 122: Variables 3 Chapter 122: Variables 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Jean Clo and Bater retread, but they came back, and Junhyuk breathed in deeply. Since they knew the allies had used all of their powers, they wanted to fight. Sarang had used her electric st and her healing power and had to wait on the cooldowns, so Jean Clo and Bater approached. Junhyuk analyzed the situation. Bater was hurt the most among the enemy heroes, but Bater had a lot of health overall and very strong attacks. Bater¡¯s ultimate was especially strong. They had to kill him first. If possible before he used his ultimate. Vera also looked at their situation. "Kill Bater first," she said, scowling and holding a fire spear in her hand. "We have to kill him within ten seconds." "OK." Arn and Halo ignored Jean Clo and ran toward Bater, but he scoffed at them. They were after him because he had low health, but this wasn¡¯t the first time he found himself in a situation like that. Because he had seen Ki running, Bater decided against withdrawing. Jean Clo ran toward Arn, and Bater went after Halo. Jean Clo and Bater both had rushing abilities, but their rushes had different characteristics. Jean Clo wanted to grapple, while Bater pushed his enemies away. They both rushed at the same time, and something unexpected happened. Jean Clo grabbed Arn, and Bater pushed Halo away. Only Arn was left in the enemy territory. He had the highest amount of health among the allies, but he was in a dangerous position. Jean Clo chokemmed him, and Ki fired some shots. It was the same pattern they had used when Nudra was killed, and they had three heroes in one spot. Even Arn could die in the blink of an eye. Ki¡¯s bullet flew toward Arn, and an ivory-colored light covered him. Clung! The bullet bounced off, and Jean Clo had to let go of him. Arn squatted. He was preparing his ultimate while Junhyuk ran toward him. Vera and Sarang were just behind Junhyuk. Junhyuk got to Halo, grabbed his shoulder and teleported. In a moment, everyone was within the force field. The force field covered Arn and spread, dividing the enemy in two groups. Jean Clo and Ki were by the tower, and Bater was on the opposite side. Halo used his lightning sh attack on Bater. He shed Bater¡¯s ribs, and a rising dragon appeared on his back. Bater¡¯s back was bleeding uncontrobly, and Vera¡¯s magic zoomed in. She cast a fire orb, and fire spears flew toward him. He blocked the spears with his fist, but the incessant attacks pushed him back. Boom, boom, boom! Three heroes had attacked him before Vera¡¯s attacks. Bater could feel his health going down and saw Halo, who was outside of the force field, and hit him with a one-twobo. Thunk! Halo blocked the attacks, but was still pushed back. Bater was going after him when Arn swung his saber. sh! Bater¡¯s back was left with a gaping hole, and his movement speed slowed down. Then, Halo shed Bater¡¯s neck with his sword. Bater disappeared, and Junhyuk moved. He was holding Sarang¡¯s hand and going the opposite way of Jean Clo and Ki. The force field was blocking their path, and Junhyuk had to get as far away as possible. Ki jumped, and Junhyuk hugged Sarang and teleported. Bang! She aimed for them but missed. Junhyuk and Sarang got up and saw Ki crashing down. "That was dangerous." The force field disappeared. Junhyuk had used all of his powers. They had managed to kill one hero, but they still had to fight Jean Clo and Ki, the enemies¡¯ best tank and marksman. It would be easier to deal with them now, but they would put up a fight. "How long?" "Twenty seconds," Sarang answered. Junhyuk¡¯s force field had two minutes left in cooldown, while the teleportation had forty seconds. "Let¡¯s retreat." Junhyuk and Sarang got out of Ki¡¯s range, and the heroes shed again. Jean Clo blocked the heroes¡¯ path by spreading his arms wide open, and Ki shot from behind him. They had to go through Jean Clo to get to Ki. If they let Ki be, she would deal a lot of damage. Junhyuk watched what was happening and murmured, "We could have used Diane." Diane had a shorter range than Ki, but she still made a huge difference. Vera¡¯s magic had a short cooldown, but she couldn¡¯t attack continuously like Diane. Her magic also had a shorter range than Diane¡¯s attacks, so she couldn¡¯t reach Ki. They had to kill Jean Clo first, but it was not an easy thing to do. Jean Clo had an enormous amount of health and defense. He didn¡¯t fall easily. Jean Clo was bleeding while fighting Arn and Halo, and he grabbed Arn. He was about to chokem him when Ki fired at Arn. Tink! The saber blocked the bullet, but Arn was chokemmed. Boom! Arn crashed against the ground, and Jean Clo grabbed him again, this time by his legs, and swung him around, throwing him at Halo. The two got tangled up and bounced away. Vera¡¯s magic flew toward Jean Clo. Fire spears and a fire orb caused a series of explosions that kept Jean Clo from rushing. Ki¡¯s range wasn¡¯t long enough to reach Vera, so she decided to kill Halo and Arn. Vera waspletely focused on Jean Clo. The first one to fall would lose the battle. Junhyuk could see the situation was going well for them. Jean Clo couldn¡¯t fight Halo and Arn alone, and Vera¡¯s magic could suppress him. The allies would win that exchange. "Big brother, I¡¯m ready," Sarang said. "OK. Let¡¯s help Arn." The allies wanted Jean Clo dead, and the enemies wanted Arn dead. Arn was also seriously wounded, so Jean Clo and Ki were aiming for Arn. Junhyuk ran in with Sarang. She stood behind Vera and extended her hands. The light green powder rained down on Arn¡¯s head. His injuries form Ki¡¯s shots started closing up, and Arn used his seven-sh attack on Jean Clo. Ki approached and pulled out two pistols. She saw Arn healing, but her pistols were lethal at close range, so she got further in and fired them. However, Halo stepped in front of Arn. His sword shed at unbelievable speed, and he stopped all of the bullets. Tink, tink, tink, tink! The bullets bounced off Halo¡¯s sword, and Arn attacked Jean Clo. Arnunched his saber at close range and hit Jean Clo on the shoulder. "Now, you are missing a saber!" Jean Clo said and grabbed Arn by the neck. Then, Sarang stepped forward and cast her electric st. Jean Clo was paralyzed, and Arn smiled. "This is your weakness." Arn¡¯s sabers were short range weapons, but Jean Clo had to get closer. He was paralyzed and still holding Arn when Arn shed him, cutting his artery. Arn wanted to lop Jean Clo¡¯s head off, but Jean Clo¡¯s arms were too long, and he was only able to slice the artery. With his artery sliced, Jean Clo started receiving damage. Arn¡¯s sabers had been upgraded ten times, and they were as sharp as possible. Arn cut off Jean Clo¡¯s arms, and they dropped to the ground. Then, Arn raised his sabers, intending to put an end to Jean Clo, but Jean Clo could move again, and three blue energy rings appeared around him to block Arn¡¯s attack. Clung! One blue energy ring was crushed, and Sarang stepped forward. Jean Clo was regaining momentum. "Suppress!" Sarang¡¯s Red Core Armor gave off a bloody energy that covered Jean Clo. Thorns came out of the energy and went into Jean Clo¡¯s body. "Shit!" Jean Clo had used his ultimate, and Sarang was suppressing it. His neck that had stopped bleeding for a moment started back up again, very intensely. Arn was very close to him, so he swung his sabers and destroyed the two remaining blue energies rings. Jean Clo grabbed him by the shoulder and smashed him against the ground. It was an invisible powerm, and as Arn rolled on the ground, Jean Clo kicked him like a ser ball. Arn¡¯s body went up in the air, and Ki fired at him. Halo wasn¡¯t there to protect him this time, so Arn raised his sabers, blocking the bullets. Arn crashed down, and Jean Clo retreated. Sarang¡¯s suppression was working against him, and he could die at any moment. He had already lost most of his health. As he was retreating, a firewall appeared in his path. Jean Clo¡¯s body burned, but he still managed to run away. Then, something flew toward him. It was a saber that pierced through the firewall and hit his chest. Jean Clo¡¯s eyes widened, and Arn ran at him and jumped, hitting Jean Clo¡¯s chin with his knee. Even without using weapons, heroes could kill. Jean Clo had used thest of his strength in the m and the kick. Suddenly, Jean Clo stopped healing, and Arn finished him off. He disappeared, leaving only one hero left. Ki fired her twin pistols to help her escape. Jean Clo died, and she jumped and ran toward her tower, but the allies couldn¡¯t leave her be. Junhyuk went after her and saw some minions by the tower. There were about a hundred riflemen standing there. Ordinarily, they could be ignored, but the tower¡¯s archers were dangerous to heroes if they fought alone. Junhyuk was curious about whether they would engage the riflemen when Arn shouted, "Attack!" Nudra¡¯s remaining minions would attack the riflemen and the archers, and Ki fired at them. Arn picked up his sabers and dashed. He wanted to seize that opportunity, so the heroes ran after Ki. Junhyuk and Sarang followed. The riflemen stood up, and one of their rifle¡¯s was shining. This wasn¡¯t an ordinary attack, so Junhyuk hugged Sarang and rolled to the side. The rifle sparked. Chapter 123: Variables 4 Chapter 123: Variables 4 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The rifleman fired, and a light orb flew out of his rifle toward Halo and Arn. When it it got between the two, it exploded. Boom! The explosion covered a finite range, but it also generated shockwaves and inflicted damage. Arn and Halo were pushed away. When they got up, they heard the sound of a gun. Bang! They had expected that Ki would run away, but she had turned around and fired her rifle. Her timing was perfect, and she hit Arn¡¯s head. It was a fatal shot. Arn disappeared, and Halo used his lightning sh attack to cover fifty meters in a second and cut down the minion who had been too far away. The rifleman minion had gone through a power activation, and Halo was about to slice him to pieces. He was only wearing the minions¡¯ armor, so Halo could kill him with one blow. However, Ki stood in his way, already wielding her pistols, and pulled the triggers. Boom! Ki had used her ultimate, and Halo was thrown far away. She distanced herself from him and fired more shots. Bang, bang, bang, bang! Suddenly, he quickly spun his sword, which acted like a shield, and the bullets bounced off of it. Vera cast a fire spear. The target wasn¡¯t Ki but the minion who had activated a power and became a novice. The fire spear traveled quickly, so Ki blocked it with her own body. Boom! Ki¡¯s health was low, but Vera¡¯s spear didn¡¯t kill her. "Retreat!" she shouted after taking the hit for the novice. The novice turned and started running. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes beamed. He was standing behind Vera, and that novice could be more dangerous in the next team battle. He had shown his power just now, and it was an offensive one. It dealt a lot of damage. The attack¡¯s range was also good. He had to be killed. Junhyuk grabbed Halo and Vera and teleported. The group was now in front of Ki, and she had already used her ultimate, so she had to wait on the cooldown. At close range, the allies had the advantage. Halo and Vera attacked Ki while Junhyuk teleported once more. He appeared right behind the novice who was running away and swung the Frozen Rune Sword against the novice¡¯s waist. The novice rolled forward and dodged the sword. Junhyuk was astonished, and the novice turned around, still on the ground, and pointed his rifle at Junhyuk. The gun fired again, and the light orb exploded. Boom! Junhyuk had already used his teleportations, so he used his swords to cover his body¡¯s weak spots instead. However, the shockwaves pushed him back, and he was seriously wounded. He started getting up. He had been hit once, but he lost half of his health. Meanwhile, the novice got up and ran away. Junhyuk wanted to go after him, but his movement speed had decreased. He could kill that novice with one swing of his sword, but the novice was escaping. Junhyuk gritted his teeth. Because his movement speed was very low, the distance between the two widened. "OK." he said and cut the palm of his own hand with the Blood Rune Sword. He felt the darkness surround him. His health was very low, and he could be killed at any moment. However, his speed increased, so Junhyuk quickly closed in on the novice. He would catch the novice soon. Ki was busy with Halo and Vera and couldn¡¯t chase after Junhyuk. If Ki attacked him, he wouldn¡¯t be able to survive, but she didn¡¯t even have time to switch her weapons. Junhyuk chased the novice down and felt himself regaining his strength, but he didn¡¯t want to cut himself with the Blood Rune Sword again. As he approached, the novice started getting pale. Junhyuk was far better equipped than him. The novice had already seen his powers. His opponent wasn¡¯t a minion, and Junhyuk could kill him with one strike. The novice felt his hairs stand. He needed more time to reuse his power, but his opponent was speeding up toward him, so the novice stopped running and turned around, aiming his rifle at Junhyuk. "Stop!" he shouted. "Stop barking!" Junhyuk replied. Junhyuk dashed toward him, and the novice fired. Bang, bang, bang! The bullets bounced off Junhyuk¡¯s armor. The novice¡¯s attack wasn¡¯t strong enough to prate his armor. Junhyuk just needed to be aware of the novice¡¯s power. He could guess the cooldown of that absurd power, and it was probably around twenty seconds. The novice had attacked Halo and Arn first and reused his power on Junhyuk after twenty seconds had passed. Usually, offensive powers had short cooldowns. He would be able to use his power in a few seconds, so Junhyuk could end up dying first. However, he didn¡¯t want his pride hurt by getting killed by a novice nor by a hero. Junhyuk closed in quickly, and Sarang shouted, "Big brother! Watch out!" Junhyuk heard her and jumped. Bang! Ki had jumped and fired at him with her rifle. At that point, Ki¡¯s normal attack could kill him just like that, so Junhyuk jumped as high as he could using his skill. When he starteding down, the novice had a smile on his face. He aimed at Junhyuk and pulled the trigger. The gun fired a light orb, and Junhyuk was in the air, with no ce to hide. Ki was also getting ready to fire at him again. Junhyuk looked at them both and felt sorry. His cooldown time was up. Boom! The light orb exploded, but an ivory-colored light was surrounding Junhyuk. He wasunched further up because of the shock of the explosion but starteding down. Ki gave up after seeing the force field. The novice¡¯s eyes were filled with despair, and Junhyuk stepped forward and shed him with the Blood Rune Sword. sh! The novice tried to speak, but his head was lopped off. Junhyuk saw the head rolling on the ground and turned around. In the direction he was looking, Ki, who had been trying to kill him, got hit by Halo¡¯s Rising Dragon instead. She was shed across her back and started to disappear. Junhyuk sighed. He could have been killed. He had interfered prematurely and gotten hit, so Sarang walked over and healed him. He felt his health returning and smiled at her. "Thanks." Vera also walked over. "We have to destroy the tower. Let¡¯s go." "Yes." The minions had no chance. Junhyuk stepped forward and massacred them. Their bullets didn¡¯t work against his armor, and it didn¡¯t take a long time. They destroyed the tower and decided to take a break, being tired from all the fierce fighting. Halo stood in front of Junhyuk. "You did well. That novice would have posed a serious problem." "I thought so too. I tried my best." "Don¡¯t die on your own. Experts only have one extra life. If you get killed twice, it¡¯s over. Without you, we can¡¯t win," Vera said. Junhyukughed. "You are making me stay alive." "Stay alive," she said and pushed his head down hard. "Are theying here?" Halo nodded. "What happened to Diane?" Junhyuk asked. "She got killed." Vera sighed and said, "They are hard to deal with one on one." Halo nodded. "Their individual power surpasses ours. If we aren¡¯t careful, we might lose." They had gotten new equipment, but victory wasn¡¯t guaranteed. "But we won." "We should win. We have our cuties with us," Vera said,ughing. The allies had a lot of firepower, and Junhyuk and Sarangplemented them. Junhyuk got up. "What is our n?" "We gather and go to Bebe¡¯s." "All together? What if we lose our tower? Or lose our dragon?" "We¡¯ll be OK," Halo said calmly. "We might lose a tower, but we took down two of theirs. We have to upgrade at Bebe¡¯s to destroy their castle." Regina alone had destroyed a tower and the castle¡¯s gatest time. If the enemy gathered, they would be even more dangerous. Bebe¡¯s store was on the enemy¡¯s side, and the allies could move faster. Junhyuk decided to go with flow of the heroes. He wasn¡¯t influential enough to change their n, so he waited for the other heroes¡¯ arrivals. Diane arrived first, then Nudra and,stly, Arn. Their enemies didn¡¯t show up. Arn talked to group, "I used the Dragon¡¯s Valley path, but I didn¡¯t see any enemies. They must be hunting the buff monsters. Let¡¯s go." "OK." They had killed and been killed, but the allies were still there. The enemies failed to pick up any items, but the allies did. The group moved quickly. They moved as a group because they were afraid of getting picked off by the enemies if they got separated. They decided to upgrade their equipment and, after, they would go hunt the dragon before going to the enemies¡¯ castle. They couldn¡¯t lose the dragon. If they did, they might lose the following team battle. Vera told Junhyuk she would pick out mana stones for him, and he wanted them. The group finally reached Bebe¡¯s ce, but they encountered something unexpected in their path. In front of the Dimensional Merchant portal, the entrance to Bebe¡¯s store, they saw all of the enemy heroes gathered. They were also visiting Bebe and were blocking the way in. "Can we get in there?" Junhyuk asked. Their enemies had the advantage now, but Vera giggled and said, "This ce isn¡¯t that unfair. You can¡¯t fight once you get inside." Junhyuk inspected the enemies. Jean Clo and Bater were at the front, and Doctor T, Regina and Adolphe were behind them. Lastly, Ki had her rifle holstered around her shoulder. The allies¡¯ n didn¡¯t go well this time. They would have to fight their enemies without going into the Dimensional Merchant first. There was no way around it. Junhyuk gathered his breath, and Arn shouted, "Let¡¯s go!" The allied heroes dashed, and Junhyuk followed them. Right in front of the portal, the team battle was about to take ce. Chapter 124: Scuffle 1 Chapter 124: Scuffle 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They started getting close to the enemies, and Junhyuk quickly scoped out the battlefield. It would be a good idea to kill one of the enemy heroes before things started. "Let¡¯s kill one first by using our ultimates." Arn nodded and got in position. He stopped moving toward the enemies and prepared his Punishing Draw while Halo readied Rain from Above. Vera started casting Meteor Shower, but Jean Clo and Bater rushed at the same time. When Junhyuk saw them, he shouted. "Nudra!" Nudra was wearing the Dragon Gloves and was covered by the dragon aura. He kicked Jean Clo, but Bater passed by him. However, Diane¡¯s explosive arrow zoomed in. Boom! Bater was hit by it, but he continued rushing, and Junhyuk cast a force field. Sarang was at the center, and the force field covered everyone. Bater hit it, but was bounced back. They could try to kill him first, but they decided to take out Ki. However, Ki was set far away, firing at them with her rifle, and the allies¡¯ ultimates wouldn¡¯t reach her. After Ki, Doctor T and Regina were the priorities. They both had the ability to ensnare their opponents, so the allies had to take one of them out first. Meteors crashed from the sky right in the middle of the enemies¡¯ territory, which was a great idea. Both tanks, Jean Clo and Bater, had already stepped forward, so they were out of the meteors¡¯ range. The enemies dispersed to escape the meteors. Regina picked up Adolphe and escaped by using her absurd movement speed, and Doctor T went the opposite way. "Kill the doctor," Arn said. Halo¡¯s sword was hovering in the air. His ultimate took a while to prepare, but when itnded, it was unstoppable. It traveled faster than an arrow and couldn¡¯t be dodged. Nobody could escape it. Doctor T twisted his body, but his shoulder was cut off. Arn looked at Junhyuk, and he touched Arn¡¯s shoulder and teleported. They appeared in front of Doctor T, and Arn drew his saber. sh! Doctor T couldn¡¯t do anything. He was beheaded. The doctor didn¡¯t have a lot of health, and he had been hit by three ultimates, so he died. Arn grabbed Junhyuk and jumped. Bang! A bullet hit the ground on the same spot where Junhyuk had been standing. Arn returned to the force field and dropped him. "Regina!" he shouted. Regina¡¯s power could kill anyone at any moment. Arn had shouted as a warning, and Diane attacked her. Diane had been holding her shot until that moment, and suddenly, she let go of the bowstring. The arrow flew off, aimed at the middle of her opponent¡¯s forehead. Regina had a lot of speed, but the arrow was faster. Then, a shadow appeared in front of Regina. Jean Clo had run over, and Diane¡¯s arrow hit him instead. It stuck deeply into his shoulder. Nevertheless, Jean Clo stood in front of Regina and smiled expectantly. "Three more seconds." They¡¯d killed Doctor T, but if the enemies focused on one of them, the allies could quickly lose a hero. Arn looked at Halo, who was holding on to his own sword. They looked at each other and stepped out of the force field at the same time. Regina was hiding behind Jean Clo. If the allies tried to kill her now, they would fall under attack, so it would be a better idea to kill Bater first. Arn stepped forward and used his seven-sh attack. Bater was blocking with his arms when Halo used his lightning sh attack. The attack casually passed through other enemies in search of Bater¡¯s weaknesses. It was not possible to stop it. Halo shed Bater¡¯s ribs, moving behind him and following it up with Rising Dragon. Blood started pouring out of Bater¡¯s back, but the force field disappeared, and the enemies counterattacked. Halo was still in the air when Ki shot at him. ng! He blocked the bullet with his sword, but he was surprised. When Halonded, Jean Clo was already there to meet him and grapple him. Jean Clo jumped holding Halo¡¯s head between his knees. It was the spinning piledriver. No one was there to help Halo. The enemies were focusing their attacks on him while the allies focused on Bater. Arn stepped aside while swinging his saber, and five arrows passed by where Arn had been standing. Bater went after Arn, attempting a one-twobo, and was hit by the arrows. He staggered, and suddenly, Vera¡¯s fire spear hit his head. A fire orb behind him also exploded. The explosion was fatal. Bater had lost all of his health, or so the allies thought. Nevertheless, Bater fired his fists toward Vera. Junhyuk grabbed her and Sarang. Boom! Bater¡¯s fists were quick, but Junhyuk was faster. He hugged Vera and teleported, looking over the rest of the battlefield. Halo was on the ground, and Regina was shooting at him. He could die at any moment, so Sarang extended her hands toward him and sprinkled the light green powder over his head. Halo had regained some health, but with the enemies¡¯ attacks focused on him, he wouldn¡¯tst long. He tried to get up, but Ki shot him from far away. Regina was still shooting at him, and Halo quickly spun his sword. Halo made a shield in front of himself, and all of the bullets bounced off, but Jean Clo walked around the shield and grabbed him by the legs. Jean Clo threw him behind Regina, and the allies couldn¡¯t do anything. Ki approached Halo while firing her pistols. Halo tried to lift his sword to protect himself, but Adolphe attacked with his ten-meter energy sh. Boom! Halo was covered in blood, but Arn finally beheaded Bater, who bled out and disappeared. Bater had used his ultimate at thest second, while Nudra and Arn attacked him and made him take hisst breath. They had killed two enemy heroes, but Halo was also disappearing. This was a brawl, a scuffle. Arn held fast to his saber and looked at the enemies. Jean Clo had his arms extended and shouted, "Kill one by one!" Adolphe stabbed the ground with his saw de, and a blue energy boomerang flew off, ensnaring Arn and Nudra. With their feet tied, Jean Clo rushed, and Regina used her speed to follow him. However, Vera cast a firewall. The wall appeared in front of the two enemy heroes, but both went through it without hesitation. They weren¡¯t scared of the damage. They had to attack. Regina went through the firewall, and Arn swung his saber at her, but she raised her cuss to block. ng! She stopped moving forward, and an arrow headed toward her. She blocked it with her sword, but the arrow exploded. Boom! Regina staggered, and Nudra sted her with a strong gust of wind. They had decided that Regina was the most dangerous opponent. She was pushed back, but Jean Clo was already on Arn, grabbing him and jumping. Arn had attacked him, but Jean Clo had simply ignored it. Jean Clo had Arn. Vera wanted to finish Regina off, so she stepped forward to engage her, but Ki had jumped and was crashing down on them, firing her pistols at Nudra. Nudra tried to block the bullets with his arms, and Regina was hit by Vera¡¯s magic and staggered. Regina took her eyepatch off, and Nudra turned to stone. Boom! Jean Clo mmed Arn against the ground and went after Nudra, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up. Arn tried to get up quickly, and Adolphe stepped into battle. He rushed toward Arn and used his boomerang again, and Arn couldn¡¯t move, so Junhyuk ran toward Arn. So far, he had been protecting Vera, but he also wanted to help Nudra and Arn. Arn and Nudra protected the frontline. If they died, the others would be massacred, so Junhyuk shed his palm as he ran forward. He shed it three times, using his increased movement speed to strike at Adolphe. ng! Junhyuk blocked Adolphe¡¯s attack aimed at Arn¡¯s neck and frowned. Maybe it was the difference in equipment, but the exchange cause his arm to formicate. Adolphe scoffed and stabbed at him with his saw de. Junhyuk swang both of his swords in response. ng, ng! Junhyuk had increased attack speed and, when Adolphe stabbed at him, Junhyuk blocked the attack and parried. His job was to buy as much time as possible until Arn could move again. Adolphe¡¯s de moved to the side, and Junhyuk shed him on the ribs with the Frozen Rune Sword. Adolphe¡¯s speed decreased, and Junhyuk had an easier time blocking him. Adolphe frowned and attacked fiercely. His attack speed was lowered, but he was very strong. Every time he attacked, Junhyuk felt his arm on pins and needles. Adolphe¡¯s sword was about to sh him when a saber popped up and blocked it. Adolphe had used all of his strength, but Arn simply stopped his attack. Arn was easily mightier than him, and he stepped in front of Junhyuk. "Kill him fast," Junhyuk said. "Right." Adolphe¡¯s powers were bothersome. They wanted to kill him quickly because of that and because the enemies were concentrating their attacks on Nudra. So, he swung his saber at Adolphe. Adolphe fought against him with the saw de, but there was a clear difference in swing strength, and Arn found an opening. Junhyuk also found some openings and stabbed Adolphe¡¯s armpit. The Blood Rune Sword went in deep, and Adolphe winced in pain. Arn shed his neck. The sword in Adolphe¡¯s armpit slowed him down and restrained him, and Arn beheaded him easily. Junhyuk was relieved that he had saved Arn. Nudra had died, but Regina was left half dead. Arn jumped over Jean Clo and dropped on Regina, cutting through her. Suddenly, Junhyuk saw a shadow looming above his head. "Ugh!" Jean Clo had walked over and grabbed his neck, lifting him up. The teleportation¡¯s cooldown hadn¡¯t finished yet. Chapter 125: Scuffle 2 Chapter 125: Scuffle 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - During a scuffle, one had to take care of oneself. Junhyuk had stepped forward beyond his means to ensure the allied victory and was grabbed by Jean Clo. If Jean Clo hit him with a normal attack, he might survive. Junhyuk had high defense and increased health. However, Jean Clo had used one of his powers, so Junhyuk was sure that he would die. Jean Clo was about to chokem him against the ground. Junhyuk¡¯s mind was racing, sure that he would die. When suddenly, an electric st hit Jean Clo, leaving him paralyzed. Junhyuk quickly swung the Blood Rune Sword and the Frozen Rune Sword at the same time and cut Jean Clo¡¯s fingers. Jean Clo¡¯s hands started bleeding, and the hold weakened. Junhyuknded on ground and dashed toward Vera and Sarang. He couldn¡¯t teleport, and his running speed had its limit. Jean Clo started moving again and rushed toward him. Junhyuk tried dodging to the side, but Jean Clo¡¯s arms were too long for him to escape them. He grabbed Junhyuk by the legs, and the world spun around him. He felt like he knew what it would be like to ride a giant swing. Then, a fire spear flew in, hitting Jean Clo hard. However, even after he was hit, Jean Clo kept spinning and threw Junhyuk toward Ki. Ki had the superior attack stat. Even without using her powers, she could easily kill Junhyuk. He was so scared that his hair stood on end, but he kept thinking that it was not his time to die. Ki aimed the barrel of her gun at Junhyuk, and he realized that the cooldown for his teleportation power was over. He teleported. Junhyuk appeared above Jean Clo¡¯s shiny bald head, about forty-three feet up. Hended on Jean Clo¡¯s head and hopped over, leaving a footprint on his scalp. Jean Clo was furious and attempted to grab Junhyuk, but he teleported again, appearing where Vera and Sarang were. Jean Clo was huffing and puffing and dashed toward him. Then, Arn showed up behind Jean Clo. After killing Regina, he thought about killing Ki, but he decided to save Junhyuk and Sarang. Arn shed Jean Clo¡¯s back, and Jean Clo gave up on Junhyuk after receiving the wound. He turned around and bearhugged Arn. His thick arms wrapped around Arn, holding him in ce. Jean Clo ignored Diane and Vera¡¯s attacks and moved toward Ki, still holding Arn as he ran. Ki had the longest range, finding it easy to aim at someone who couldn¡¯t move, and Jean Clo was much stronger than Arn. Vera ran forward and raised a firewall in Jean Clo¡¯s path, but he ignored it and kept running. After that, five arrows hit his hamstrings, and although Jean Clo had a lot of health, the shots stopped his movement. He opened his arms by reflex, and Arn attacked with something like a sword dance. Jean Clo knew the damage would be high, and Arn repeatedly stabbed his ribs. The sound of gunfire echoed. Bang! Ki had used one of her powers for the shot, and the bullet pierced Arn¡¯s skull. He had resisted multiple attacks, but a single bullet had killed him. Jean Clo threw Arn¡¯s body away, pulled the arrows out of his legs and used his ultimate. Three energy rings surrounded his body, blocking the magic and arrows directed and him, and he started healing quickly. "Suppress!" Sarang shouted. The blood-colored light covered Jean Clo¡¯s body, and he said, "That bitch!" He gritted his teeth and looked at Sarang, who was suppressing him. Two blue energy rings had disappeared, so it was time to finish everything. "Follow me!" Jean Clo ran forward, attempting to quickly closed in on Vera and Diane to attack them both. However, they couldn¡¯t allow him to get closer to them. Ki had her long range, and Jean Clo wanted to attack them at close range while Ki gave him cover and used the distance to her advantage. Vera¡¯s magic destroyed thest of Jean Clo¡¯s blue energy rings, and Diane¡¯s arrows flew toward his thigh, hitting him and slowing him down. However, Ki got closer and started attacking. Bang! The sound of gunfire came first, and then, Diane was hit on the shoulder. She readied her shot, but her attack speed decreased. Meanwhile, Jean Clo rushed and his movement speed increased. With his rush, he could ignore his injuries and run faster. Diane was very close to him, and one of her arrows hit his stomach. It went all the way in, leaving only the feathers visible. Still, he grabbed her by the neck. Junhyuk had to protect her, so he shed at Jean Clo¡¯s ribs, but the wound wasn¡¯t deep. He was in the middle of attacking again when he heard another gunshot. Bang! The bullet hit his shoulder, and he was thrown on the ground. His left shoulder was smashed to pieces, blood pouring out of it. Before Jean Clo chokemmed Diane, Vera¡¯s fire spear hit him on the head, and he staggered. Diane shot him again at close range, but another sound of gunshot rang out. Her defense was lower than Junhyuk¡¯s, and the bullet took a toll on her. It smashed her corbone, and she started bleeding. Then, Jean Clo mmed her against the ground. Boom! Diane disappeared, and Junhyuk watched it all. Vera¡¯s fire orb appeared in front of Jean Clo and exploded. Boom! Jean Clo had lost a lot of health, and Sarang suppressed his ability to heal. Vera¡¯s magic and Diane¡¯s attack chipped the rest of his life, and he didn¡¯t survive. Jean Clo fell to the ground, and Vera ran past him. She had to get closer to Ki. Ki was using the distance in her favor. It wasn¡¯t a long distance, but the allies couldn¡¯t reach her. If Ki continued to attack, everyone would die. Her damage output was simr to Vera¡¯s. Vera dealt higher burst damage, but Ki could damage continuously. So, Vera ran ahead and prepared to cast her magic while Ki attacked first. Bang! The rifle took time to reload. After she fired a shot, Vera got closer. For Ki, every shot was important. Vera ran and twisted her body, but the shot still hit her shoulder. The pain traveled through her body from the bullet¡¯s hole, but Vera kept going. She finally had Ki within her range. Vera cast a fire orb andunched a fire spear first. Ki jumped and pulled out her pistols. The fire spear failed to hit her, and Kinded in front of Vera and started firing. Bang, bang, bang, bang! Vera was extremely injured, and Junhyuk became very nervous. She could die, and he had used all of his powers. Without his ability to teleport, he couldn¡¯t get close and he couldn¡¯t protect her from the bullets with his body. Sarang shot an electric st, seemingly using her item¡¯s power. Ki was paralyzed in front of Vera, and she raised a firewall underneath Ki¡¯s feet. The mes started burning Ki, and Vera cast a firebolt. It was just her ordinary attack and not one of her powers, so she failed to put an end to Ki. Ki started moving again and raised her pistols at Vera. At that point, they had both used up their powers, so the only thing left to do was to brawl. Ki had the advantage, and the situation turned from bad to worse. Shockwaves shot out of Ki¡¯s pistols. Boom! It was her ultimate, and the shockwaves pushed Vera back. She holstered her pistols and pulled out her rifle, positioning herself. Her goal had been to push Vera away. Bang! The sound of gunshot reverberated, and the bullet hit Vera in the middle of her forehead. Vera started bleeding and disappeared. Junhyuk took a hold of Sarang and started to run. Ki had used all of her powers, and they were out of her range as well. Sarang looked back, and Ki picked up an item dropped by Vera and started to follow them. She wanted to end it all and she was getting closer. There was a significant difference between their speeds. Junhyuk looked at Sarang. "Keep running!" "What?" "I¡¯m slow, and she is closing in." "But I can¡¯t survive on my own!" "I know, but don¡¯t give up." Sarang looked him in the eyes and said quickly, "Big brother, I too am an expert. I have one more life." "You do, but it¡¯s only one more life. I don¡¯t want you to feel what it¡¯s like to die. Don¡¯t give up." Sarang closed her eyes. "OK. Don¡¯t die, no matter what." "OK." Junhyuk pushed her back, and she started running with all her might. She was faster, and the distance between them was increasing. He looked back and saw that Ki was still getting closer. However, he was still out of her range. If she stopped to aim, he would get farther away from her. Ki started speeding up. She had powers and she could use her jump at any moment. If she jumped, Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t be able to escape her. Still, the cooldown for Junhyuk¡¯s teleportation was almost over, and he was faced with a dilemma. Should I run or should I face her? Without killing her, he couldn¡¯t get away, but he didn¡¯t have enough confidence to face her alone. It would be an one-on-one fight, and she could kill him with one shot. If he continue to run, Sarang could get much farther away from there. Ki smirked and jumped. She was holding her pistols in her hand, and the teleportation¡¯s cooldown ended. She had been injured by Vera¡¯s firewall, but Junhyuk decided to run. Bang, bang, bang! He teleported, and she changed to her rifle. He teleported again, appearing inside the forest, and ran. Ki changed targets and aimed for Sarang, who was still within range of the rifle. If she used her power to shoot, Sarang would certainly die. Junhyuk knew he had to kill her, but he was too far away, and there was no way to attack her. Ki was about to pull the trigger, and Junhyuk was ovee by emotion and swung his sword at her, still well out of range of her. Chapter 126: Champion 1 Chapter 126: Champion 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Ki knew Junhyuk was a bothersome opponent, but she also knew that he didn¡¯t have an item that increased speed, so she would catch up to him eventually. Even if he teleported twice, she was confident that she would get to him. At that moment, she had the opportunity to get rid of Sarang, and her goal was to kill them both anyway. Ki watched Junhyuk leave her range and prepared to fire at Sarang. Junhyuk had used his teleportation twice already, so he wouldn¡¯t be able toe to her rescue anytime soon. Ki got in position and aimed her rifle at Sarang. She also saw Junhyuk stabbing the empty air well outside her range. She wanted tough at him, but something flew toward her neck, and she quickly stepped back. "Ugh!" Something had shed her neck, or at least, it felt that way. Soon, she started bleeding heavily and realized her injury had been critical. She wasn¡¯t wearing any protection around her neck, so it was a good spot to deliver a critical strike. Ki grabbed her neck and stared at Junhyuk. He was already running toward Sarang. "Did he activate another power?" --- Junhyuk realized that he had been ovee by emotion and shed at something, and Ki¡¯s neck was bleeding heavily. She didn¡¯t see it, but he definitely did. Junhyuk¡¯s sword teleported and appeared in front of Ki, shing her neck. The neck was bleeding heavily, having been sliced wide open. He had attacked her alright. It was a critical strike, and Ki was holding her neck. Meanwhile, Junhyuk ran toward Sarang. On the way, he could feel things change within himself. He had activated a new power and he felt for its cooldown time. His strike could teleport and hit his opponent. "Spatial sh?" Junhyuk quickly realized this power was a new power. Ki had the longest range among the enemies he had seen so far, but his new power had an even longer range. His new power¡¯s attack also teleported, so his enemies wouldn¡¯t have a chance to react. He didn¡¯t know if the enemies would be able to block it or not, but it was still a new power. And it was an attack power, so the cooldown was very short. "Maybe thirty seconds?" Regr attack powers usually had twenty-second cooldowns, but considering the strength of his new power, he would have to wait longer. Still, depending on how he chose to develop his power, he could shorten the time by practicing. Junhyuk caught up with Sarang and grabbed her hand. Ki retreated, letting Sarang get away from her. "Big brother, did you just activate a new power?" she asked. "Yes." Junhyuk looked at Ki and tried to guess the range between them. After activating his new power, he could feel its range, and she was within it. "There is no need to run now," he said, standing in front of Sarang. "What?" "I can kill her." "But..." Ki¡¯s attack stat was enormous, and she could kill Junhyuk with one regr shot. Her range was even longer than Vera¡¯s, but now Junhyuk¡¯s was longer still. His attack had a thirty-second cooldown, but Ki didn¡¯t know that, and there wasn¡¯t any need to tell her either. By that point, she had used all of her powers. She could jump to close the distance, but her jump also had a cooldown. So, they faced each other. Ki gritted her teeth and dashed. She knew he was out of her range, so she had to get closer. Junhyuk¡¯s attack was powerful, but he had to use his power, and she knew he had to wait on the cooldown. She had to kill him before the cooldown was over. She closed in on him, and saw Junhyuk smiling coldly while raising his sword. She felt goosebumps. He could kill her. Champions could kill heroes, and she couldn¡¯t let him be a champion. Even his new power was of exceptional rank. She had to kill him for good in this battlefield. If she killed him twice, he wouldn¡¯t be a champion, so Ki dashed, risking her life in the process. She got him within her rifle¡¯s range, but she didn¡¯t stop. Instead, she pulled out her pistols. Her rifle¡¯s attack speed was low, so she chose the pistols. They were enough to kill him. She was closing in, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t move. He was finally within her range, and she took aim and fired at him. Bang, bang, bang, bang! She thought he had decided the fight, but the ivory-colored force field appeared around his body. She had only been thinking about his teleportation, and in the meantime, the force field¡¯s cooldown had ended. The force fieldsted for ten seconds, and Ki frowned. She didn¡¯t know what his new power¡¯s cooldown was and had gotten too close. Still, she understood how imprable his force field was and started running away. Her pride had been hurt by a champion, but she had no other recourse. Junhyuk watched Ki running away and asked, "How much time do you need?" "I¡¯m ready." "Then, cast it." Sarang cast an electric st that hit Ki, leaving her paralyzed. She was nervous. She wanted to gain some distance, but they had gotten her. Ki turned her head to look and saw Junhyuk and Sarang approaching with the force field around them. Her mouth felt dry. They would kill her. Junhyuk kept some distance while walking toward her, but she didn¡¯t have much time. Junhyuk raised his sword, wasting time, and Ki could move again and started running. He didn¡¯t try to quickly close in on her. The force field would disappear, and his Spatial sh wouldn¡¯t be ready right away, so he let her get away again. The force field disappeared, and Ki pulled out her rifle. He was right within her range, and she wished he still had to wait some more and aimed at him. Junhyuk swung his sword, and Ki, surprised, dodged to the side. However, nothing happened. Ki had been duped, so she took aim again. She would kill him with one shot, but Junhyuk swung again. This time, Ki ignored him. She didn¡¯t want to be made a fool of again and allow his attack¡¯s cooldown to end. He guessed at what she would do and pretended to attack her at first. She thought he was wasting time again and pulled the trigger, but her eyes widened. Something sharp touched her neck. It felt cold as she pulled the trigger, but the bullet never came out. The world turned dark, and she only saw Junhyuking toward her. He had a huge smile on his face, and Ki knew she had to inform the others about his new power. Junhyuk had to be killed. Ki died and left an earring behind, and Junhyuk picked it up and inspected it. --- Obsidian Earring Attack +20 Poison Damage +20 It looks like a ck cat¡¯s eye, and it was made out of obsidian by the Meow Tribe¡¯s shaman. It increases attack and poison damage by twenty. --- Just this one earring could increase his ability to inflict damage by a lot. He liked it. His attack had increased by twenty, and it also dealt twenty poison damage. He already had the Wind Lizard¡¯s Leather Arm Warmer and, with this earring, he now dealt forty poison damage. He also already had the Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s set items, which gave him the ability to inflict fifty fixed damage, so he could deal a total of ny damage without caring about the enemies¡¯ defenses. He didn¡¯t want to sell his new item, and he looked at Sarang. "We¡¯ll go see Bebe." They would be safe inside the Dimensional Merchant. When they walked back to Bebe¡¯s ce, they saw the minions fighting each other. Junhyuk and Sarang joined the fight, and it turned one-sided. The minions couldn¡¯t scratch them. Junhyuk took the surviving minions inside the store through the portal. When Bebe saw the two of them, he asked surprised, "What happened? What about the heroes?" "They are all dead." "You two survived!?" Junhyuk nodded. "I¡¯ve activated a new power." "Huh? Already?" Bebeughed out loud and said, "You will soon meet that person." "Who?" "You¡¯ll know when you do," he said and didn¡¯t borate further, but he asked, "Do you need anything?" Junhyuk nodded and pushed his hand forward. "Can I check on how much I have?" "Sure." Bebe ced the te on the counter and ced Junhyuk¡¯s hand on it. A number appeared: 55,240G. Junhyuk smiled at the amount and ced the Blood Rune Sword on the counter. "Upgrade it for thest time." Bebe nodded, and subtracted 40,000G. That made Junhyuk feel unwell. It was a lot of money, but he had to get stronger. Bebe pulled out the ingredients ¡ª they were different from thest upgrade ¡ª and poured a ck liquid on the sword, covering it entirely. After that, he sprinkled a silver-colored powder on it and hammered it hard. ng! With a loud noise, the sword lit up and soon faded. Bebe was satisfied and smiled, but the sword¡¯s shape had changed. It had a fuller in the middle of de. The inner side of the de was silver, and the outer side was ck. Finally, it emanated a soft, blood-red energy. Junhyuk swung it lightly, and it felt better than before, so he inspected it. --- Blood Rune Sword (Rare) Attack +160 Drain +20% When absorbing the owner¡¯s blood, attack speed increases by 10% and movement speed increases by 5%. Can stack three times. --- Bebe¡¯s Basic Longsword had been synthesized with the Blood Sword. The seventh upgrade made it a rare item, further upgrades were possible by using special stones. The attack power had increased to a hundred and sixty. When the owner wounded an opponent, the sword would heal the owner by 20 percent of the attack. When it absorbed the owner¡¯s blood, the attack speed increased by 10 percent, and the movement speed increased by 5 percent, but it would only stack three times. The fourth attempt could result in death. The sword¡¯s attack had increased, and the drain ability¡¯s power was surprisingly high. It all depended on the damage he dealt and the 20 percent increase. Because of all of his items, he could deal even more damage. Junhyuk smiled with satisfaction. "How can I get in touch with the allied heroes?¡¯ Bebe was surprised by the question and pulled out a marble. "You need amunication item." "How much?" Nothing was free in that world, and Bebe smirked. It¡¯s 10,000G, but you are a VVIP now, and you get a 10 percent discount. So, 9,000G." The price was too high, but there was no other way. He had to contact the others and rejoin them. Junhyuk was left with 6,240G. When he pulled out all the things he had to engrave, he felt like crying. He had the Steel King Jax¡¯s Chain, the Barbarian Belt and the Obsidian Earring. It cost him 6,000G total, and he was left with 240G. "I¡¯m poor." Chapter 127: Champion 2 Chapter 127: Champion 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Bebe finished theplex engravings on Junhyuk, and he stepped back. Sarang also wanted to shop. She was looking at different types of weapons because she wanted to improve her regr attack, so she needed a new weapon. Meanwhile, Junhyuk was focusing on themunication marble. He was told to focus on who he wanted to talk to, so he thought of Arn. Suddenly, he heard Arn¡¯s voice. "You survived?" Junhyuk answered with a smile, "Yes." Bebeughed while looking at him. "You are unfamiliar with it, but if you get used to it, you won¡¯t have to talk out loud." Junhyuk¡¯s face reddened, and he went back to talking with Arn. "What about Ki?" "I killed her." "How did you do that?" Junhyuk smiled. "I activated an attack power." "You are a champion?!" "Yes." He could hear Arnughing, which he rarely did, and Junhyuk was surprised. "Congrattions!" "Thank you. I¡¯m at the Dimensional Merchant. Should I wait here?" "No. I thought you two had died, so we were waiting for you to revive. But we have to move right now." "Where are you going?" "The Dragon¡¯s Valley." Junhyuk had guessed that¡¯s where they would be headed. Victory depended on whether or not they killed the dragon, but they had to be careful. While attempting to kill dragon, they had been killed before. They had also killed those attempting to kill the dragon. "Can you get there?" "I think so." Junhyuk had a gained a different power that inflicted a lot of damage. He was different from before. "Then,e right away." "OK." Junhyuk looked at the minions. He had to take them with him, and it would be a long way. The minions had already gone through a battle, and twenty of them had survived. So, he would take them with him. Junhyuk looked at Sarang. She was holding two orbs in her hands and thinking. "Big brother, which one is better?" Junhyuk looked at Bebe, and he calmly exined their attributes. "One orb increases electric-type damage, but it only works for electric-type attacks. The other one can be used for anything, but it only increases magic damage by seventy." He thought for a moment and looked at Sarang. "It¡¯s tough to choose. Maybe you should use the electric type?" "Hm." Sarang kept thinking, and Junhyuk looked at her and then at Bebe. "What about the price?" "They are the same price. They are higher level orbs than ordinary orbs, and it¡¯s possible to upgrade them. They cost 40,000G each." Sarang had 43,500G. She wanted to buy one and she would also find herself without money after. He thought some more and asked, "Does a magic attack increase affect her healing power?" "Yes." "Only of that type?" Bebe shook his head, and Junhyuk had his answer. "Don¡¯t buy a single attribute weapon. If you increase your total magic attack, your healing power¡¯s effectiveness will also increase. Buy the weapon without an attribute focus." Sarang agreed with him, and Bebe smiled. The healing power wouldn¡¯t change much, but even a small change could decide whether they won or not. "You have chosen well." Sarang bought the orb that increased her magic attack by seventy but had no other buff. However, that was enough. She paid for it and engraved it. "We should move now. We¡¯ll meet them at the Dragon¡¯s Valley." "OK." He took her and the minions out and moved quickly. It wouldn¡¯t be an easy road to their destination. If he were with the heroes, the monsters would beughable, but he was alone now. So far, he had crossed many paths at the Dimensional Battlefield and never gotten lost. However, on his way to the Dragon¡¯s Valley, he saw something and frowned. It was a twin-headed ogre, and he had run from it before. He could use his Frozen Rune Sword to debuff the ogre and run from it again, but it would take longer to get to the valley. Junhyuk¡¯s role was important if the allies wanted to maximize their potential to kill the dragon, so he sighed and stared at the twin-headed ogre. "We kill it." "Is that possible?" Junhyuk looked at the minions. "Stay back," he said with authority, and the minions did. The ogre ran toward them, and Junhyuk lifted his sword. There was some distance between them, and the ogre couldn¡¯t imagine being attacked. Then, Junhyuk shed the air. The attack teleported through space and beheaded one of the ogre¡¯s heads. "Aaaarrggh!" the twin-headed ogre screamed in pain from the lost head. It stomped its feet on the ground, and the ground shook, but Junhyuk just stared calmly at it. The Spatial sh was certainly superior. It covered a lot of space, and the opponent didn¡¯t have a chance to defend itself from the attack. He could kill the ogre that way. Aside from the buff monsters, the twin-headed ogre was the highest-ranking monster in the forest. Junhyuk watched as the ogre ran toward him. It had lost a head, but it was still fast. However, the ogre wasted time writhing in pain, so Junhyuk ran toward it and shouted, "Sarang!" She fired an electric st that paralyzed the ogre, and when he passed by the ogre, Junhyuk sliced one of its legs, leaving a trail of blood streaming from it. He could feel the power of his Bloody Rune Sword and the fixed damage that couldn¡¯t be ignored. Still, the twin-headed ogre wasn¡¯t a pushover. It started moving again and swung its club. The wind pressure from the blow passed by Junhyuk¡¯s head, and he teleported. Junhyuk was now standing behind the ogre, and he swung both of his swords. The damage skyrocketed, and the twin-headed ogre bled from its neck, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t behead it. There was a difference between his power and his regr attacks. The ogre was swinging his fists at him when Sarang¡¯s lightning bolt hit it. Zzap! Was she lucky? The ogre froze, just for a moment, but Junhyuk was able to save his teleportation and cut the ogre¡¯s thigh instead, the same ce he had cut before, leaving the bone exposed. Junhyuk retreated. Boom! The ogre¡¯s club mmed the ce where Junhyuk had been standing, but he had already left. He knew how much stronger he was now. He would have a champion¡¯s physique the next time he came to the Dimensional Battlefield, but his sight had already improved. "Is this a champion¡¯s sight?" He understood why Adolphe was so dangerous. Adolphe had been a champion for a long time and had many items. He was stronger than Junhyuk, but the gap was smaller now. "It will be better to get rid of him." He didn¡¯t know how many times he needed to kill Adolphe, but they had already killed him twice. Junhyuk watched the ogre going berserk. They were closer to each other, and Junhyuk moved his body. The ogre failed to hit him, and Junhyuk cut the same spot on the ogre¡¯s thigh. The ogre fell to its knees before him. Junhyuk sliced through the ogre¡¯s eyes. "Aaargh!" He stood behind the ogre and said, "It¡¯s not easy to kill you with a regr attack." He had had to attack three times in the same spot with his regr attack, and that only happened because he had acquired more powerful items. The ogre was maddened, and Junhyuk swung his sword at it. sh! His Spatial sh beheaded the ogre again. It stayed there for a moment and then dropped to the ground. The ogre disappeared, leaving something in its ce. "What item is that?" Junhyuk inspected it. --- Twin-Headed Ogre¡¯s Umbilical Cord The twin-headed ogre is stronger than an ordinary ogre. Its strength lies on its birth¡¯s umbilical cord. The cord is usually used as an ingredient that increases strength by five. --- Junhyuk stowed the item away. "We¡¯ll sell itter and split the sum." "But you killed it alone." "No, we worked together." Junhyuk started running again. The minions had watched him kill the ogre and didn¡¯t make a sound. They were more scared of the monsters than of the heroes, and Junhyuk had killed one by himself, so they were terrified of him. He took the minions to the valley, and there were already another hundred minions there. Vera walked over and hugged him tightly. "My Junhyuk has be a champion!" Heughed. "You taught me well." "That¡¯s right, and you know it!" Vera wasughing and punched his helmet. Meanwhile, Diane came over and pped his butt. SLAP! He was wearing his armor, so could barely feel it, and it seemed that she was obsessed with his butt. Then, Diane wrapped her arms around his neck. "What is this new power?" Junhyuk smiled and lifted his sword. "Step back for a moment." Everyone was curious and stepped back, and Junhyuk looked into the valley and shed the air. Far away, a crack appeared on a cliff. Everyone looked at the crack, and their eyes widened. "What just happened?" Diane asked, and Halo answered her instead. "Huh! Unbelievable! It travelled through space and cut it!" Nudra was also astounded. "As far as spatial range is concerned, is this the highest-ranking power so far?" Everyone looked at Junhyuk, and Arn summarized, "The force field is high ranking, the teleportation is high ranking and the Spatial sh is high ranking. This is the first time someone has all high-ranking powers." He had met many heroes, but Junhyuk stood out. Junhyuk smiled, and Arn frowned. "You¡¯ve activated a new power, but that will put you in danger." He understood what Arn meant. "They only have to kill you twice in this battlefield. Next time, you¡¯ll be a champion, so they will try to kill you before that happens." Junhyuk nodded heavily. There were five heroes and one champion who wanted him dead. It wouldn¡¯t be easy to stay alive. Arn looked at the group. "We can¡¯t use him as bait. He could get killed, so focus on defending him." Everyone agreed, and Arn smiled coolly and said, "I intend to win. Let¡¯s go kill a dragon." "OK." Junhyuk realized that Arn had thought about losing to keep him safe, and his chest was filled with warmth. Chapter 128: Champion 3 Chapter 128: Champion 3 ¡ª¡ª Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl ¡ª¡ª Dragon¡¯s Valley, the ce where the giant dragon was located. He was going up against the dragon again, and the dragon was emanating its superior aura. Junhyuk quickly scoped out his surroundings, but didn¡¯t see any enemies. Arn looked around and said, ¡°Take fifty minions and block the entrance to the valley.¡± The minions blocked the entrance, and Arn pulled out a small marble from his pouch. ¡°Attack!¡± The rest of the minions attacked the dragon. The dragon lifted its head, saw the minions running toward it and stood up slowly. Once up, it swung its tail, and the minions running toward it were swept by the tail and flew into a wall, crushed. Junhyuk looked around. ¡°They might attack us from behind.¡± ¡°They are heading this way. We have to kill the dragon first. Go all out,¡± Arn said and looked at Vera. ¡°Prepare your meteors.¡± ¡°Sure.¡± Vera stepped forward and started casting her magic while Diane also readied her attack. They would use their ultimates and kill the dragon as soon as possible. If their enemies found out, they wouldn¡¯t be able to do anything. Halo started getting Rain from Above ready, and Arn worked on the Saber Draw. Junhyuk stood at the center, staring at the dragon. He could help anyone at anytime. The dragon looked far superior. Would my power work on it? He kept thinking about it until the heroes were done preparing. All of the minions had died, and the dragon looked in their direction. Vera raised her staff forward, and meteors crashed down from the sky on top of the dragon¡¯s head. Boom, boom, boom! The dragon writhed in pain, and Halo¡¯s Rain from Above hit it next. The dragon tried to move its head out of the way, but it failed to escape the strike. Rain from Above grazed its head, and pierced through the dragon¡¯s scales, making it bleed profusely. Diane¡¯s arrow whizzed through the air and hit the dragon¡¯s eye. Rrrooaaar! The dragon roared in pain and spun its body around, swinging its tail. When the tail was sweeping the ground, Nudra jumped. He went very high up in sky and dropkicked the dragon¡¯s head. Boom! The dragon was in the middle of turning and lost its bnce. Then, Arn, who had been watching the dragon, shouted out, ¡°Junhyuk!¡± Junhyuk took a hold of Arn and teleported. They appeared in front of the dragon¡¯s chest, the range of one teleportation. The dragon opened its mouth, and Arn drew his saber. Arn¡¯s saber came out in a natural circr sh, and the dragon¡¯s chest opened up and started bleeding heavily. Junhyuk teleported again, and the dragon bit down hard on the ce where they had been standing, but there was nothing left. ¡°OK. Let¡¯s begin our hunt,¡± Arn said. Arn and Halo dashed together. They ran, and the dragon lifted its head up high. Its neck started turning red, and Junhyuk shouted, ¡°Firebreath!¡± ¡°Don¡¯t worry about us. Launch your force field!¡± Junhyuk ran left and right and stood in the center of the group. Soon, the dragon¡¯s breath poured out of its mouth. Roooaaar! The dragon vomited a gigantic me that melted the ground, but Junhyuk hadunched his force field in time. It withstood the dragon¡¯s mes, but it had a time limit. Within those ten seconds, they had to close the dragon¡¯s mouth. If not, they would burned to death. Vera cast a firewall under the dragon¡¯s feet; Diane fired a series of arrows, and Sarang cast lightning bolts. They would inflict enough damage to kill the dragon soon, and Junhyuk looked at his sword. He wanted to know how powerful he really was. He nced at the dragon¡¯s neck and targeted it. The Spatial sh covered the distance between them and left an opening on the dragon¡¯s neck. sh! mes starteding out of the opening. The dragon¡¯s firebreath relied on the dragon¡¯s neck. With its neck cut, and mes pouring out of the opening, the breath quickly died down. Vera smiled and said, ¡°It sure deals some damage.¡± Vera cast a fire spear at the opening, and Diane also focused her arrows on the wound. The dragon tried to block the attack with its arms, but they were too much for it, so it stopped its breath altogether. Meanwhile, Halo and Arn moved around the dragon, continuing their attacks. Without using their powers, they attacked, and the dragon¡¯s scales were torn here and there, leaving each wound bleeding heavily. They were stronger than before, and they would kill the dragon before their enemies arrived. ¡ª At the mountain perch overlooking the valley, five heroes and a champion hid themselves. They were smiling as they watched the allies fight the dragon. ¡°We will return the favor the same way they stole it from us.¡± Doctor T was running his fingers through his chin and looking out at them. The allies were very strong. If this continued, they would kill the dragon at any moment. The force field seemed like a cheat. It was that strong, and the allies weren¡¯t getting hurt at all. ¡°Who will go?¡± They had to deliver the deathblow and steal the kill on the dragon. Ki, who had been listening, said, ¡°Let¡¯s all go. If not, we¡¯ll lose the dragon.¡± Doctor T smiled. ¡°OK. Our target is that champion.¡± He had heard about Junhyuk, and everyone agreed. He was too dangerous and he had to die. If he survived that round, he would be too powerful. Doctor T was staring at the dragon and said, ¡°Let¡¯s begin.¡± ¡°Yes!¡± The doctor jumped off first, and the rest followed. As hended, he shot his spider webs in all directions. The webs had tensile strength, and the rest of the group used them tond safely. However, some of the allies saw them and shouted about the enemy presence, but the rest of the heroes were in no condition to pay attention to them. Doctor T fired his missiles, and Ki and Regina fired their pistols, but the dragon didn¡¯t die. As the dragon turned to look, Doctor T shouted, ¡°Bater!¡± Bater stopped running and extended his arms forward. ¡ª The dragon was almost dead when the enemy heroes jumped down from the top of the cliff. ¡°It¡¯s the enemy!¡± Junhyuk shouted quickly. The allied heroes heard him, but they couldn¡¯t do anything. Their job was to finish the dragon off, and losing the buff would spell their own deaths. The enemies kept their distance, and the allies had the greater probability of the killing dragon. There were five of them surrounding it. Then, Bater raised his arms. It was his rocket punch. If he fired, the dragon would die. No one knew how much health the dragon still had, but the rocket punch would certainly do the job. Junhyuk gritted his teeth. His cooldown had ended, but he waited. Bater¡¯s rocket punch went toward the dragon, and even the other enemy heroes started attacking the dragon, but just before the rocket punch hit it, Junhyuk used his Spatial sh. If the Spatial sh didn¡¯t kill the dragon, Bater would get the buff. Junhyuk was gambling a bit when swung his sword. [You¡¯ve killed the dragon Kaloyan. For the next two hours, you get a 30 percent increase to health regeneration rate, a 30 percent increase to movement speed, a 30 percent increase to attack speed, a 30 percent increase to defense, and when you attack, you will inflict an additional one hundred damage on top of your normal damage. If you die within two hours, you will lose yours buff to your opponent.] Five rings of different colors surround their bodies, and Junhyuk sighed, relieved. Had he failed, they would have lost the buff. The allies had the buff, and they only had minor injuries. It was dangerous to attack the dragon, but this time, they had used their ultimates from the get-go. They had blocked the dragon¡¯s firebreath once and killed it. They had used the force field to block the firebreath, butter, the dragon¡¯s tail swipe injured Halo. However, Sarang had used her healing power him. They weren¡¯t at full health, but the dragon¡¯s buff gave them a 30 percent increase to health regeneration. Soon, they would all be healed. However, the allies didn¡¯t have the advantage yet. The heroes had all used their ultimates while, on the enemies¡¯ side, only Bater had used his. After they took the buff, the enemies gathered together. Vera had already used Meteor Shower, so the enemies had some ck and time to attack. Jean Clo extended arms. ¡°Too bad. We could have killed him.¡± Doctor T extended his hand, and a small spider crawled up on it. ¡°That champion killed the dragon,¡± he said to the spider. Junhyuk wanted to say that he was still an expert, and experts only had two lives. The enemies were all focused on him just like Arn had said. They wanted to kill him even if they had to make sacrifices to do it. Arn and Halo stood in front of Junhyuk. The enemies would sacrifice themselves to kill him, but the allies would do the same to keep him alive. Junhyuk smiled at the situation, and Arn sized the enemies up. ¡°What shall we do?¡± ¡°There is no other way. We¡¯ll fight them normally.¡± A regr brawl did not favor the allies, but they had used all of their ultimates, and there was no other way. They had to just trust the dragon¡¯s buff and bring home the victory. Junhyuk stared at the enemies. ¡°What should I do?¡± Vera smiled at him. ¡°What should you do? We¡¯ll make a wall, and you just run.¡± ¡°What?!¡± ¡°Stay alive.¡± Vera wasn¡¯tughing, and Junhyuk nodded slowly. The heroes were willing to die for him. That someone was willing to die for him made his heart swell. He wanted the heroes to stay alive, but he wanted to live as well. Junhyuk raised his sword. ¡°Let¡¯s begin.¡± ¡°OK.¡± The enemies had held a meeting of their own, and Jean Clo and Bater stepped forward. When they got closer, they would rush, so Arn and Halo also stepped forward. They approached each other, but the enemies¡¯ attack came from somewhere unexpected. Adolphe had been following Jean Clo and Bater, hidden behind them, and fired two blue energy boomerangs that tied Halo and Arn up. Then, Jean Clo and Bater rushed. They picked up speed like they were going to pass straight by Arn and Halo. So, Nudra quickly stepped forward and front-kicked Jean Clo, but Bater kept going. The allies had a n of their own. Bater¡¯s rushing path was now blocked by a firewall. Boom! As Bater rushed through it, a fire spear mmed against him. He covered his face with his hands, and an arrow hit his stomach. Boom! Bater was pushed back by the explosive arrow. Someone dashed toward Arn and Halo. Taking advantage of her speed, Regina approached and pulled out her pistol. She was within range. Vera cast another firewall. It wasn¡¯t intended to damage her, but to block her vision instead, but Regina didn¡¯t hesitate and fired at Junhyuk. Bang! The bullets went through the firewall, but Junhyuk had already moved. When Vera cast the firewall, he retreated. Suddenly, a spider web wrapped around Junhyuk, Doctor T¡¯s spider web. Chapter 129: Sacrifice 1 Chapter 129: Sacrifice 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk was tied up by Doctor T¡¯s spider web. He got caught unexpectedly, and the spider web even injured him. Luckily, its main focus was restraining people. If it had been a damage-based attack, Junhyuk would have been half dead. Doctor T started firing missiles, and Junhyuk teleported. The missiles exploded where he had been standing, and Junhyuk retreated behind his allies and raised his sword. The enemy heroes were getting closer to him, but there was a wall of allies between them, and the allies attacked. The allied heroes targeted enemies with special powers, focusing on Regina first as she had the most dangerous ultimate. Arn started moving again, and he delivered a seven-shbo to Regina¡¯s back along with Halo¡¯s attack. Since they were buffed by the dragon¡¯s buff, each attack dealt a lot of damage. Regina¡¯s health was half gone, but she didn¡¯t deviate from her original target. She dashed at high speed and got between Vera and Diane. Once there, she tried to take off her eyepatch when an electric st struck her. Regina was paralyzed, and Vera¡¯s magic and Diane¡¯s arrow struck her. It seemed like she would die soon, but before that, she was able to move again. Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate and used his Spatial sh. Regina¡¯s neck was sliced and started bleeding heavily. She died without having a chance to take off her eyepatch. After the others had attacked her, she was unable to withstand the damage from the Spatial sh. They couldn¡¯t rx even after Regina died. The enemy was bent on killing Junhyuk. He had a prominent role in every team battle, and his new power was too powerful. They wanted him dead. Regina had died, but they were still inching closer to Junhyuk. Jean Clo grabbed Arn by his leg and swung him toward Halo. The two crashed and got pushed away by the force. Adolphe rushed at Nudra and cut him, paralyzing Nudra while Ki got even closer. Junhyuk was at the back of the allied formation. For Ki to get him, she had to get in range of Vera¡¯s and Diane¡¯s attacks, but she didn¡¯t care. Doctor T fired the methrower, and Vera and Diane had to dodge. At that moment, Ki looked through the scope of her gun and met Junhyuk¡¯s eyes. The force field was still under cooldown, but he could teleport once. If he teleported, he wouldn¡¯t escape the following time. Junhyuk frowned as he analyzed the situation and thought about blocking her attack with his sword. Ki pulled the trigger, and Junhyuk teleported. He moved to the side and saw a pir of blue energy shooting toward the sky. Adolphe was holding his saw de and had just delivered the thirty-foot sh. His sword strike traveled vertically, and Junhyuk could move horizontally to avoid his attack. Junhyuk dodged to the side with all of his might and frowned. He could feel what the five heroes and one champion were after. Arn jumped and tried to attack Ki, and Halo used his Lighting sh on Doctor T. Ki turned around and blocked the attack with her rifle, but Arn¡¯s jump was one of his powers, and she couldn¡¯t really block him and stay safe. Halo shed the doctor, and he started bleeding from his ribs. Jean Clo stepped forward to block Vera¡¯s attacks, and Bater rushed by Nudra and stood in the middle of the allied formation and pounded the ground. Boom! Boom! Boom! The allies didn¡¯t stop him and dispersed instead. His ground pound dealt damage and also created shockwaves, so the allies ran. Ki also jumped into the allied formation. She was holding her pistols and was still bleeding from Arn¡¯s attack. Junhyu didn¡¯t have any powers left, so he charged toward her. Ki fired continuously, and he tried to block the bullets with his swords. Then, someone appeared in front of him. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected anyone toe to his aid, but it was Nudra. Nudra¡¯s speed was high, and he was blocking the attack for Junhyuk. Nudra was hit by Ki and left all bloodied, but suddenly, light green powder started falling on his head. Sarang had used her healing power on him, and Nudra front-kicked Ki in the chest. She was pushed back, and Junhyuk sighed. She had used one of her powers and not some regr attack. He could¡¯ve been killed. Bater stepped forward. He had simply pushed the heroes away before, but now, he got close to Nudra and one-twoboed him. Nudra couldn¡¯t dodge the attack and was thrown back. When that happened, Jean Clo rushed into Nudra¡¯s spot like a moving tank. Diane shot her arrows at him, but he ignored the arrows stuck to his thigh and kept going until he grabbed Nudra by the neck. He lifted Nudra up and chokemmed him against the ground. Doctor T quickly approached by using his eight legs. He didn¡¯t have any speed-increasing powers, but his regr speed was the fastest among the enemies. When he got close enough, he fired more missiles. Junhyuk had been alert, and when the doctor came close to him, he quickly dodged to the side. Boom! Although he dodged the original explosion, the shockwaves created by it took some of his health, and his misfortune wasn¡¯t over yet. Jean Clo had mmed Nudra against the ground and headed toward Junhyuk. Jean Clo rushed, and Junhyuk watched with extreme care. Jean Clo blocked all of the other enemies¡¯ vision, and they couldn¡¯t see Junhyuk. He was so strong that he was being attacked by the allied heroes and still went after Junhyuk. As he approach, Jean Clo extended his arms, and Junhyuk held tightly to his swords. He had already run enough and couldn¡¯t do it anymore. Jean Clo¡¯s gigantic hands got close, and Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword, slicing his forearm. Junhyuk could cut him deeper than ever before, and that was the result of the buff and the better items. However, he was still weaker than Halo and Arn, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t stop there. With the buff in effect, his attack speed had increased, and he could swing faster than usual. Junhyuk spun around and shed Jean Clo¡¯s thigh. An arrow had already hit the thigh and was left stuck there, and Junhyuk made the wound deeper. Then, he crouched and swung again. Junhyuk shed and debuffed him while regaining his own health, but Jean Clo had a lot of health. He didn¡¯t look hurt at all. There was no way Junhyuk could kill him with regr attacks. Jean Clo became furious because Junhyuk continually escaped him. He swung his fists around, and Junhyuk dodged him again. However, Jean Clo finally took a hold of Junhyuk. He threw Junhyuk up to the sky and jumped behind him. As Junhyuk was falling head first, everyone stared at him. He was the team battle¡¯s main target. Then, Jean Clo grabbed him out of the air and used his screw piledriver on him. As Junhyuk approached the ground, a smile appeared on his face. The cooldown was over, and he cast a force field around himself. Thunk! With the force field around him, Jean Clo was pushed off. Junhyuk got back in position. He had ten seconds and he knew how valuable that time was for him. Should I use these seconds to run away? No, he still had to wait for the teleportation¡¯s cooldown, so he couldn¡¯t run away. The enemies were bent on killing him, and he reminded himself of how dangerous their rushes could be. Junhyuk was ready to die, but with him risking his life, the team battle had to end in a victory. If they could kill Ki, the allies would have the advantage. He had to kill one enemy, and even if he were killed, they would be victorious. After winning the battle, they would crush the enemy camp. Junhyuk felt sorry for the allied heroes who had risked their own lives for him, but he had to be a sacrifice. He had made up his mind, so he dashed forward. The force field pushed the enemies backward. Junhyuk wanted to kill Ki, and the allies saw Junhyuk running to the front, and their eyes beamed. They realized it was not possible to save him anymore. Had he ran away, they could have saved him, but at that point it was different. Halo knew what Junhyuk was trying to do. Ki had used her jump already, so she had nowhere to go. Halo closed in on Ki and shed her. She fired at him, but he ignored her and swung his sword. She hit him on the shoulder and on his ribs, but he shed through her ribs, leaving a gaping hole. Suddenly, Arn¡¯s saber flew in. She was already wounded on the ribs and tried to block his attack, but her stance was unstable. Diane¡¯s arrow hit her in the back, and she winced. She would die soon. Ki turned and looked at Nudra. He was heavily wounded and the closest to her. She wanted to die with him, so she fired her pistols at him. Bang, bang! She had used the shockwave, her ultimate, thinking she could kill him that way, but the force field covered Nudra. The shockwave hit it, but only pushed it back. Nudra was safe. Junhyuk had saved Nudra in the nick of time, and now, he used the Spatial sh to attack Ki. Blood poured out of her neck like a waterfall, and her eyes were full of venom, but she was already disappearing. Junhyuk didn¡¯t stop there. He had lost his force field, and the enemy heroes would concentrate their attacks on him. He had already decided to sacrifice himself, but he wanted more before he died. Junhyuk picked up a small saw wheel dropped by Regina. Just like Adolphe, he had to pick up the loot at all costs. Seven seconds had gone by, and Junhyuk picked up another item, one that Ki dropped. It was a golden anklet. He checked his surroundings while putting his new items away. The enemy heroes stared coldly at him, and Junhyuk smiled cooly back at them. The allied heroes were inside the force field. There were three enemy heroes, Jean Clo, Bater and Doctor T, and a champion, Adolphe. The three of them had rushing abilities. and one could ensnare people. They were all gathered in one ce. Bater was bumping his fists against each other while puffing on his cigar. Jean Clo flexed his huge muscles. Doctor T fixed his sses and stared intently at Junhyuk. His mechanical parts twitched eagerly. Adolphe had his saw de held up high. "I will die, but this team battle belongs to us," Junhyuk told them. Chapter 130: Sacrifice 2 Chapter 130: Sacrifice 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Jean Clo heard what Junhyuk had to say, opened his steel jaw andughed loudly. "With you gone, do you think we will lose?" He wasn¡¯t interested in listening to Junhyuk any further and ran toward him. He knew Junhyuk had used all of his powers and wanted to kill him right there. Junhyuk knew the allies would win that battle even if he died. He retreaded. If he had to die, he wanted to force the enemies to use all of their powers. Arn and Halo blocked the path towards him. They attacked Jean Clo at the same time, shing his ribs from left and right. With them torn, Jean Clo got ready to use his ultimate. If he lost all of his health, his ultimate wouldn¡¯t be effective. He had lost about half of his health at that point, so it was a good time to use his ultimate. Jean Clo pushed Arn and Halo aside, and ran toward Junhyuk. Sarang extended her hands toward him and said, "Suppress!" The blood-colored energy surrounded Jean Clo, but he already knew that would happen. Jean Clo had used his ultimate for one reason: to block Vera¡¯s and Diane¡¯s attacks. Vera cast her magic, and Diane shot an arrow, but the blue energy from his ultimate that was surrounding him blocked their attacks. Jean Clo ignored them and ran toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk raised his sword toward Jean Clo. His mind was very calm at that point. He knew what he had to do and he wasn¡¯t scared. Because he would die anyway, he would go all out. Junhyuk ran toward Jean Clo, who raised both arms. Is it because I¡¯m so calm? Junhyuk clearly saw the attack. Jean Clo was debuffed, and Junhyuk escaped his attack unhurt and shed his ribs. Jean Clo watched Junhyuk passing him by and horse-kicked him. Junhyuk got hit on the back and rolled on the ground. It wasn¡¯t Jean Clo¡¯s power, but Junhyuk lost 30 percent of his health. He clenched his jaw and got up, but Bater was already next to him, swinging his fist down. Bater had a lot of health, and Junhyuk had nothing to gain by getting hit, so he turned his body to the side and tried to dodge the fist. In nick of time, he made it. Then, he shed Bater¡¯s thigh with the Frozen Rune Sword and spun around to sh Bater¡¯s ankle with the Blood Rune Sword. Junhyuk regained some health with his second strike, but Bater wouldn¡¯t let him be. Bater took a stance and punched out in a one-twobo. Junhyuk could die. His hairs stood up, feeling nervous as he watched the fists approaching his face. The fists wereing in fast, but the electric st was faster. Bater and Doctor T were both paralyzed. Arn and Halo understood Junhyuk¡¯s mindset, so they focused on killing Doctor T rather than saving Junhyuk. Both of them attacked with critical hits, and Doctor T disappeared. Junhyuk jumped to escape Bater. That was only possible because Bater was paralyzed, but Adolphe rushed toward him and attacked. Junhyuk raised his swords quickly and blocked the attacked, but his body tightened in ce, and he lost some health. He had blocked Adolphe¡¯s power, but Adolphe still managed to damage him. If he hadn¡¯t blocked it, he would¡¯ve been killed instantly, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t move, and Adolphe smirked and swung his saw de. There was nothing Junhyuk could do. Suddenly, an explosive arrow flew in to help him out. Boom! Adolphe staggered from the explosion and raised his saw de high up. The thirty-food sword energy sprung from the de, and Junhyuk frowned. He still couldn¡¯t move, so he was ready to be hit by the sword energy, but Vera cast a firewall underneath Adolphe¡¯s feet. The firewall burned Adolphe, but he didn¡¯t move and mmed the energy down. Junhyuk was watching the attack when he was able to move again, so he quickly moved to the side to escape the sword energy. Adolphe was burning and couldn¡¯t keep his stance. The energy made a big hole on the ground where Junhyuk had been standing. Junhyuk had barely escaped getting sliced in half. He got up quickly, wanting to buy more time and thinking the allies would win without further casualties. Then, two thick arms wrapped around his waist. Junhyuk didn¡¯t turn around. Instead, he grabbed his swords and stabbed the arms, pointing the des toward his back. He felt his health filling up, but the world around him was already spinning. It was a backdrop, a wrestling move. This was also not a power, but it would still be deadly for Junhyuk, so he quickly stabbed the area behind his neck, where Jean Clo was standing. Jean Clo was wounded, but Junhyuk failed to do any further damage, and then, he felt the shock of his head against the ground. Boom! He finally lost all of his health, and watched the world disappear around him. Jean Clo dropped Junhyuk¡¯s body, and went straight toward Sarang, and Junhyuk looked at her. He had been willing to die. Victory belonged to the allies. When he died, the allies would the kill rest of the enemies, and the enemies wouldn¡¯t run away. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes met Sarang¡¯s. "Stay alive." She couldn¡¯t hear him, but she understood what he said. The enemies wanted to kill him, and now he was dead, so they would go after her. Nudra stood in front of her, and the world faded around Junhyuk. --- Death visited again. He endured the harsh emptiness and felt his soul hardening. Normally, he could not have endured the emptiness, but once he did, it feel like he had aplished something important. Junhyuk yawned wide and patted his armor with both hands. "I won¡¯t die again." He had only one life left. He couldn¡¯t die. Inside the white-colored room, Junhyuk looked at the number disyed: 15,240G. He had been penniless, but now he had some money and inspected his new items. He wanted to know more about the items he had picked up. First, he looked at the anklet Ki dropped. Right of the bat, he was dumbfounded and overjoyed, quickly putting it around his ankle. --- Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Boot (Set Item) (Changed Shape) Attack +10 Movement Speed +10% The Golden Knight Elder used to wear this boot. In the past, he was called a legend and he carried items to increase his attack power. There was no one who could withstand a blow from him. Having aplete set increases the power of the item. Two-Item Set Effect: Armor Piercing +35 Three-Item Set Effect: Additional Fixed Damager +50 Four-Item Set Effect: 50% area of effect damage at a 10-meter radius. --- The shape had changed. Originally, it had been a boot, but now it looked like an anklet. He was more surprised by the fourth effect. "Area of effect damage?" Usually, when fighting heroes, fights took ce within limited-space arenas. He could now use his power to attack the enemy and increase his regr attack¡¯s range. He would deal 50 percent of his attack damage, but his attack would increase, and eventually, he would be able to kill his enemies by himself. "Now that¡¯s a set power!" Junhyuk stuck out his tongue and looked at the next item, it was the small saw wheel that Regina had dropped. --- Ore Booster (Boost Item) Movement Speed +5% Health +100 Simply mount it on your boot, and it will increase your movement speed and heath. It¡¯s expensive, but effective. Movement speed increases by 5 percent, and health increases by a hundred points. --- Junhyuk ced it next to his anklet, and a soft voice whispered to him. [Do you want to mount the Ore Booster on you Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Boot?] "Mount it." [It¡¯s now mounted.] Junhyuk was overjoyed. He used to be very slow inparison to the others, but now he could move faster than even Sarang. He got up and heard another whisper. [You¡¯ve died once. You have 0 lives left on this battlefield.] "I know." He had nice, new items, but he had to protect himself. He couldn¡¯t die again. [You may exit using the main entrance.] Junhyuk walked to the door, and the soft voice whispered. [Expert 01 deployed.] He wasn¡¯t a champion yet, but next time, the voice would whisper champion. He walked outside and pulled out a small crystal. Curious about the situation, he wanted instructions on what he should do. He thought about Arn and asked, "What happened?" "We killed them all." "Any casualties?" "None, and we protected Sarang." "That¡¯s good." Junhyuk was relieved. Sarang was safe. "Where should I go?" There was a moment of silence, and he answered, "Defend the castle." "What?" "Just likest time, Regina can sneak off and attack the castle. Protect it. The castle has archers, and you¡¯ll be safe." Junhyuk could protect the castle. He was confident of that. His attack range was longer than Regina¡¯s. However, the allies would be at a disadvantage on the next team battle. "Don¡¯t you need me?" "Don¡¯t worry." "But..." "I don¡¯t care if we lose the next team battle. You will be a champion on the next battlefield, and we will win the next time," Arn said seriously. He was saying the truth, but he was also worried. "Don¡¯t think we will lose without you either." Junhyuk inhaled deeply. If Regina came his way, the allies would have the numerical superiority and would have the advantage during the team battle. Arn didn¡¯t want Junhyuk dead, so Junhyuk had nothing more to say. "I understand." "The castle can¡¯te down. Protect it at all costs." "Don¡¯t worry about it and win." "Of course. Don¡¯t worry." Junhyuk put the crystal away and looked at the castle. He had only gone there with a purpose before and never really looked at it. The castle looked like a medieval structure, but it also had many differences. Junhyuk went over to where the archers were. The archers were buffed and could inflict heavy damage on heroes. He stood next to them and looked down. Regina could y a giant golem on her own, and she was a powerful woman. She woulde his way soon. "She will die by my hands." Regina had a lot of health, and even when she received critical hits, she didn¡¯t die easily. However, the archers would help, and Regina wouldn¡¯t get in the castle. Junhyuk leaned on the castle¡¯s parapet and thought of Sarang. He summoned his Kasha and talked to her. If she was thinking of him now, she would summon her own Kasha. "Sarang." The Kasha shook its head and looked at Junhyuk and opened its mouth, and he heard her voice. "Yes, big brother." Junhyuk chuckled and said, "Take care of yourself and stay alive at all costs." "Sure! You too, take care of yourself!" "Right." He was grateful to Vera because now he couldmunicate with Sarang through the Kashas. He finished speaking and leaned on the castle¡¯s parapet with the Kasha on his shoulder. "I will stay alive," he murmured, looking at the purple sky. He had sacrificed himself for the team and so he reminded himself what was most important to him as he gripped his sword tightly. Chapter 131: Sacrifice 3 Chapter 131: Sacrifice 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Arn¡¯s group went straight to the enemy¡¯s tower, destroyed it and kept advancing before the dragon¡¯s buff disappeared. They had a few minions left, but they didn¡¯t care about that. They destroyed the second tower and moved toward the castle "Howe we haven¡¯t seen any enemies?" Halo asked. They had destroyed the second tower, and the enemies should¡¯ve been there to meet them, but nobody showed up. Arn stopped walking and said, "Perhaps they are all headed to our castle." As Arn said that, everyone got worried. So, they thought for a while, and he said, "Junhyuk has the force field and the teleportation. He will survive on his own." The enemies wouldn¡¯tmit their entire force to attacking Junhyuk, and if that were the case, he would survive. Also, if the enemy heroes left the castle, the allies had the superiority. "We will use our all of our powers to destroy the enemy castle. If we don¡¯t meet any heroes, we have to destroy their castle first." Vera smiled. "We will be faster than them." The enemy heroes had started out from the castle, but the allies point of origin was the Dragon¡¯s Valley. Since they started at different positions, if both side moved at the same speed, the allies would get to the enemy castle first. "Let¡¯s move." Sarang followed heroes and spoke to the Kasha perched on her shoulder. "Big brother." The Kasha replied, "What?" "We can¡¯t find any enemy heroes right now. Maybe they all went to our castle." The Kasha was silent for a moment and replied, "Is our side moving faster?" "Yes." "Then, don¡¯t worry about here. I will buy more time." That wasn¡¯t what Sarang meant to say, and she clicked her tongue. "Don¡¯t overdo it." "Don¡¯t worry." Sarang was done talking and ran fast. This battle depended on their timing. --- Junhyuk looked at the Kasha and murmured, ¡¯They are alling this way!" It wasn¡¯t a simple statement. Even with the support of the archers, it wouldn¡¯t be easy. The enemy would rush even when attacked by archers. They had to be confident they could kill Junhyuk before they themselves were killed and they would be moving as arge group. Junhyuk stood up. He was standing with the archers, looking down at the bottom of the castle and far away. From which direction are theying? They were probably close to where Bater had destroyed a tower, but his allies were moving much faster. He had to endure for some time. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to waste time on the castle wall, so he practice using his powers. The enemies needed some time to get there after all. The Spatial sh was a newly acquired power, and he didn¡¯t know what would happen if he continued practicing it. The damage inflicted could increase or the cooldown could shorten, so he wanted to train. He swung his sword using Spatial sh. It ripped the space in front of him and appeared far away. Junhyuk looked at the damage and decided to practice as much as possible. --- Sarang reached the gate of the enemy castle, and there were only two heroes protecting it: Jean Clo and Ki. Ki was standing on the wall, intending to attack with the archers. Without destroying the wall, with the exception of Vera and Diane, the rest couldn¡¯t attack because theycked range. Ki also had an incredible attack stat and enormous ability to deal damage. Arn looked at Halo. "It will depend on how quickly we kill Ki." Everyone nodded. Jean Clo was the tankiest, and he stood at the front. Ki had the highest attack, and she stood on the castle wall. While attacking the castle, she would attack them, and they had to endure it. There were only two, which meant that Bater, Doctor T, Regina and Adolphe were headed toward Junhyuk. He had many powers, but it would be hard for him to stay alive. To save Junhyuk, the allies had to destroy the castle as soon as possible. Arn looked at Sarang. "Don¡¯t step forward. Use your healing power on the heroes who lose half of their health." "Sure." He turned to Vera. "Start off strong." It would be best to use the ultimates. The Meteor Shower would fall on the castle even if Jean Clo approached them. Ki watched the heroes preparing their ultimates. Jean Clo popped his neck left and right. He could dodge the meteors, but Rain from Above was a different matter. The enemies had made ns to kill Junhyuk, but the allies¡¯ resolution was also strong. Jean Clo looked at Ki. She was getting ready to shoot, but the allies weren¡¯t within her range yet. He stepped back slowly and leaned against the castle. "OK! Let¡¯s go!" Even if they used their ultimates, they couldn¡¯t get to the gate without getting within range of Ki¡¯s shots. Jean Clo leaned against the gate and extended his arms. He would grab anyone that came close to him. Then, he watched the sky fill up with meteors. "It will hurt like hell." --- Junhyuk used his Spatial sh as soon as each cooldown ended. After a while, he saw the enemies approaching from far away. They had minions with them, and Adolphe and three heroes were there. Junhyuk stared at them and raised his sword. They didn¡¯t know, but he could deal damage to a wide area now. He nned to use the Spatial sh on whoever attacked first. The enemies positioned themselves far away, and Bater stepped forward and showed Junhyuk his fist. Bater raised his huge mechanical fist and took a heavy drag off his cigar, puffing out an enormous cloud of smoke "Come down here." "If you were me, would you go down?" Junhyuk replied, Bater frowned. Doctor T and Reginaughed hard, Bater smiled a bit. His smile made Junhyuk scared, and he shivered. However, at that moment, Junhyuk had the advantage. He took the time to speak with the Kasha on his shoulder. "The enemies are here. What¡¯s going on over there?" "Jean Clo is by the gate, and Ki is firing from the wall, but we will kill Jean Clo very soon," the Kasha said. Junhyuk looked at his enemies. They had moved very fast, even bringing minions with them. He thought the allies would be much faster. "You got here quick. How did you manage that?" Junhyuk asked. Regian smirked. "How? We ran." He knew that already. Last time, Regina alone destroyed a tower and the gate. She had disyed amazing speed, and he thought she was hiding something. Still, Junhyuk wasn¡¯t interested. They were right on edge of where Junhyuk could use his power. That gave away the amount of experience they had on the battlefield if they knew the exact limit of his power by watching him only a few times. Bater bashed his fists against each other. "Now, let¡¯s begin." The enemies would destroy the gate first, then kill him, or use long range attacks against him: Regina¡¯s pistol, Doctor T¡¯s missile, Bater¡¯s rocket punch and Adolphe¡¯s ten-meter sword strike meant that they were all capable of long range attacks. Junhyuk looked at whom he considered the most dangerous person: Regina and her petrifaction. He wasn¡¯t sure about the attack¡¯s range, but if he was petrified he would die. He could dodge the doctor¡¯s spider web by teleporting, but the petrifaction was different. He raised his sword, and Bater shouted, "Attack!" The riflemen usually used the distance to shoot, but they all rushed forward. They were trained in using bays for close rangebat, but by doing that, they were abandoning their strength in long range. As Bater ordered, the heroes approached. Bater rushed through his own minions and reached castle¡¯s gate and began pounding against it. The archers focused on the riflemen, and Bater¡¯s n worked beautifully. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and swung his sword at Regina. She dodged by using her incredible speed. Junhyukughed. He had been practicing the Spatial sh, so he knew they would try to dodge it. They could time their dodges with his swing and escape the Spatial sh. It was not impossible. Regina also had the highest speed, so she had the highest chance of dodging the sh. However, Junhyuk had already thought of how to deceive them: a false swing. He had swung just for the hell of it, and they dodged. Regina was moving at high speed and realized Junhyuk hadn¡¯t used his power, so she aimed her pistol and closed in quickly. Adolphe and Doctor T followed her closely. Junhyuk looked at them andughed. He had learned one more thing while practicing the Spatial sh: he didn¡¯t have to swing to use his power. He held tightly to the his frozen de and moved it just a little. Regina started bleeding profusely from the neck, but with her as the focus, a ten-meter radius area was his by a coldstorm of air. Doctor T and Adolphe didn¡¯t know what it was and stopped in their tracks. It was the fourth effect of the Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s set, and that was the first time Junhyuk had used it. He knew he would damage a wide area, but the magic sword¡¯s attribute and attack power boosted the effect further. Doctor T and Adolphe had lost their speed, and he had gotten more than he bargained for. Regina was holding her neck and continued moving closer to the wall, but she didn¡¯t know one thing. Because Junhyuk had attacked, the minions no longer held any meaning for the archers, and they fired at Regina. Even as she was targeted by the archers, Regina inched closer toward Junhyuk. He knew what she was trying to do and he ran. Regina removed her eyepatch, and the archers were petrified, but Junhyuk had already left the scene. She ran after him, but Junhyuk teleported to the original spot, and her face turned red with anger. He smiled at her. "Where are you going?" he said, but inside, he nearly died of fright. If he had been a momentte, he would¡¯ve been petrified and he wouldn¡¯t have survived. Junhyuk raised his sword. He had one more teleport and twenty seconds left for his next Spatial sh. Bater was pounding at the gate, so he had to make the buffed archers shoot at him. He inhaled deeply and jumped off the edge of the wall. Doctor T shot the spider web at him, and Adolphe rushed toward him. Junhyuk was tied up by the web, and Bater turned around. He wanted to finish Junhyuk with a one-twobo, but Junhyuk only smiled. The ivory-colored energy covered him and stopped all of the attacks. Junhyuk raised his swords and said, "For the next ten seconds, I¡¯ll have fun." Chapter 132: Close Call 1 Chapter 132: Close Call 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The ten-second period was a short time, the shortest, but at that point, it was all the time in the world for Junhyuk. He had decided to kill Regina. She had already used her ultimate, and he had dealt some damage to her with his Spatial sh. After the time passed, he would be able to use the Spatial sh again. Junhyuk turned around and swung his sword at her, but Regina blocked it with her cuss. This time, he had swung the Blood Rune Sword, and a blood-colored shockwave spread out with her as the focus point. She was already mixed in with the riflemen. With her as the center, the shockwave covered a ten-meter radius and swept through the riflemen. The damage dealt was enough to kill them in one hit. Even with him only dealing half damage, the blow wasn¡¯t something a rifleman could withstand. The minions were dead. Inside the circle, only Regina, Doctor T, Adolphe and Bater remained. Junhyuk learned one more thing when he attacked Regina. Regina herself could block his strike, but with her as the center, the shockwave generated couldn¡¯t be blocked by the others. Doctor T and Adolphe had received damage, and he learned all he had to do from the damage they had received. Suddenly, he swung both of his swords like a whirlwind. Regina blocked his strikes easily. Junhyuk had been to the Dimensional Battlefield constantly risking his life swinging his swords, but Regina was a natural born hero. It had been very easy for her to block all of his attacks with her cuss. However, the people next to her continued to be affected by the shockwaves and receive damage. Then, the others finally retreated. Regina also retreated, and Junhyuk gave up on killing her for the moment. Previously, Junhyuk had jumped down from the castle wall without hesitation because he could return by teleportation. He wouldn¡¯t follow her now because he couldn¡¯t kill her. If he followed her it would mean dying like a dog on the street. He turned around and saw Bater with a smile on his face. His fists were pointing straight at Junhyuk. Junhyuk saw him, gritted his teeth and ran toward his assant, but Baterughed and fired the rocket punches. Boom! Junhyuk had the force field around him and wasn¡¯t hurt, but the rocket punches pushed the force field backward very far with him still inside, and he thought once again that Bater was a hard opponent to deal with. Two seconds remained, and he was twenty meters away from the wall. Junhyuk ran to the wall, but Bater had made up his mind and rushed after him. Junhyuk knew he couldn¡¯t teleport because he would fall short of the wall, but he couldn¡¯t allow himself to be rushed and pushed farther back. He teleported. He passed Bater and appeared close to the wall but still seven meters from the castle itself, and the force field disappeared. From behind him, Regina fired continuously. Junhyuk didn¡¯t turn around and used his jump skill instead. When he made it to the top, he turned to look at his enemies. Bater wasn¡¯t expecting him to escape and clicked his tongue. They all looked at him once and turned around. Even for heroes with high health, the buffed archers¡¯ attacks were too much to withstand. The rest of the riflemen were being massacred by the archers. They shouldn¡¯t have rushed in the first ce. Junhyuk had jumped down and attacked Regina, and his attacks had already killed most of the riflemen. The allied minions raised their shields and swung their swords to survive, and the archers gave them support. Most of the riflemen were dead. They had gotten too close to the archers and wouldn¡¯t survive. Junhyuk stopped looking at the dying riflemen. The heroes had distanced themselves from the archers, but now they were running toward the castle again and wouldn¡¯t leave Junhyuk in peace so that he¡¯d be able to use his power again. Junhyuk looked at theming and raised his sword. He might use Spatial sh again, so once the heroes saw him raising the sword, they dispersed instinctively. Heughed hard. The heroes knew the attack wasing, but they still couldn¡¯t escape it. That was the power of the Spatial sh. They couldn¡¯t run forever. Junhyuk wanted to kill Regina. She was applying pressure to her neck, and he wanted to attack the same spot. He was staring at her, and Regina retreated. If someone stepped in for her and attacked Junhyuk to give her cover, she thought she could kill him. The Spatial sh dealt a lot of damage. It traveled through the empty space and delivered a critical hit. It couldn¡¯t be blocked and it was hard to dodge. She couldn¡¯t risk her life on her own, so she retreated quickly, and Junhyuk decided on his next target. He wanted to pick someone who had a long range attack and chose Doctor T. The doctor was already bleeding heavily from his neck and the injuries he suffered from the shockwaves. The shockwaves had killed riflemen by the truckload, but Doctor T was still alive. Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh was a very strong power, but he couldn¡¯t kill a hero with one strike, at least not yet. However, Doctor T suddenly stopped in his tracks. He was holding his neck and retreated, and Regina took his ce. Her presence made Junhyuk frown. He had to attack the enemy to buff the archers, but he had already used his powers. He used the force field and the teleportation and was left with nothing to do from his position. Regina aimed her pistol at him, and Junhyuk breathed in deeply while staring down the barrel of her gun. She had also used all of her powers, and her attacks were powerful, but not as powerful as Ki¡¯s. Bang! Regina fired, and Junhyuk raised his sword. He blocked the bullet with it, but the bullet ricocheted and hit him on the shoulder. Even though he was wearing armor, the bullet went through. If it had bounced off in a different direction, he could¡¯ve been hit on the head. Junhyuk understood he had put himself in an unusually dangerous position, but he had made an attack, and the archers got the buff and focused on Regina. She frowned and retreated again. Junhyuk had pushed her back, but he couldn¡¯t rx yet. Bater was pounding on the gate again, but he would crash through it soon. Junhyuk stayed with the archers. The gate was destroyed, and Junhyuk retreated with them. It was time to give up the gate. Junhyuk went up to the gigantic golems and stood there, holding his sword. The golems were quiet, but when the enemies entered the castle, the golems would go berserk. He thought he could kill Regina by himself. If there were three attacking at once, Junhyuk could certainly die, but Regina and Doctor T had lost a lot of health. He could kill either of them to dwindle their numbers. He waited while standing next to the golems. The gate crumbled, and the enemies entered the castle. Bater, Regina, Doctor T and Adolphe walked in and cut down every remaining archer. They walked slowly and with fifty riflemen still following behind them. Having lost so many already, that was it for their numbers. However, there were no more minions to defend the castle. Only Junhyuk remained with one golem to his right and another to his left. The riflemen rushed in. They had already lost their ability to reason because of the item, but they attracted the golems Junhyuk observed the enemy. The heroes were waiting for the riflemen to get closer to the golems, and he understood the cards they were holding. The previous time, Regina hadn¡¯t used an item to make the riflemen go berserk, but now they were rushing toward the golems all crazed. Even if the heroes had used the item to make them fight against the archers, the effect persisted. Junhyuk stood between the two golems because he didn¡¯t want to stand within the range of the enemy. Then, he looked at the heroes with long range attacks and stepped forward again, swing his swords at the riflemen. With every strike, shockwaves boomed out of the center and swept through the riflemen. It all happened quickly. Adolphe tried to help the riflemen, but it was already over. He swung his saw de sword, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t block him. If he tried, Adolphe could paralyze him, spelling his doom. Junhyuk teleported instead and stood between the golems again. Adolphe stopped, and the golems started kicking. Boom! The heroes had to be careful with them. They were a lot more powerful than all of them. Adolphe got hit by the two golems, being sent far away while vomiting blood, and Junhyuk smiled. His Spacial sh would be able to kill Adolphe now. After the golems damaged him, the Spacial sh would kill him for sure, but Junhyuk wanted to save his power. He didn¡¯t want Adolphe dead yet. Bater approached, rushing past the golems, and mmed his fist on the ground, hard. Bam! Bam! Bam! Twenty-meter shockwaves stretched out from where his fist hit the ground, but Junhyuk had already been running away before Bater struck for the first time. He had been able to escape, but he saw that the two golems had gotten separated. Between them, he saw Doctor T running toward him. Regina was ten meters behind, following him. Junhyuk knew how dangerous they were and raised the Blood Rune Sword. Soon, Doctor T started bleeding again, and a shockwave spread out with him as the center of it. Junhyuk had thought he could kill him, but Doctor T was still alive. He still had a lot of health left in him and shot the spider web at Junhyuk, but Junhyuk teleported to escape, heading to the area inside the castle¡¯s force field. Regina clicked her tongue and said, "Kill him before he uses his power again!" They wanted to kill him before he could use the Spatial sh again. Meanwhile, she attacked the two golems. Regina could deal with them alone. She also had Bater, Doctor T and Adolphe with her. Doctor T had lost some health and retreated, but he was capable of long range attacks. Bater dealt with one golem, and Regina was firing her pistol at the golem standing behind Bater. They were keeping the golems separate. When a golem got close, they used their powers and attacked only that one. Soon, they killed one golem and just the other remained. Junhyuk felt he would be able to use the Spatial sh at any moment, but he didn¡¯t want to step in front of the heroes. It had been dangerous before, and now only one golem remained. "We are losing," he murmured nervously. The remaining golem didn¡¯t have much time left in him. The battle wasn¡¯t over yet, and it looked like allies would lose after all. Suddenly, Junhyuk heard a familiar voice. "Why should we lose?" He turned around and saw Arn and Halo standing there. "What happened?" "We died and revived." "What?" Arn¡¯s smile told him not to worry. "The enemy heroes are all dead. We will win." Arn and Halo ran out of the force field. Junhyuk felt no need to stay behind and followed them, using the Spatial sh again. Chapter 133: Close Call 2 Chapter 133: Close Call 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Arn jumped, and Halo used Lightning sh. They attacked Bater and Regina, and both of them appeared suddenly. Doctor T rushed toward them firing the methrower. Huge mes engulfed them, but Doctor T suddenly felt a prick on his neck, and his eyes shot wide. He started bleeding, and half of his neck was sliced off. He had already been hit twice on the neck by Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh and, finally, he died. Junhyuk watched the doctor die and smiled. He had finally killed a hero, and while he died, a shockwave shot out of his body, sweeping through Regina and Bater. Both were being attacked by Arn and Halo and lost their footing. Meanwhile, Arn and Halo got in position. They stood in front of the golem, and Regina and Bater looked at each other. They knew how hard it would be to deal with two heroes alongside a golem. Bater looked into Regina¡¯s eyes and nodded. They were both looking at Adolphe using his power, the ten-meter sword energy. Adolphe¡¯s attack dealt significant damage, and neither Arn nor Halo wanted to be hit by it, so they dispersed to the left and to the right. Bater took advantage of the empty space to rush, but Junhyuk knew where he was headed. When they destroyed the gate and started fighting, Junhyuk¡¯s cooldown had already ended. An ivory color surrounded him and stopped Bater in his tracks, and he puffed out some smoke. "This time, we failed," he said. For the next ten seconds Junhyuk didn¡¯t engage in any fighting. He knew how hard it was to deal with heroes without his Spatial sh, so he stepped back slowly. Regina watched him and frowned, but there was nothing she could do about it. Junhyuk moved back ever so slowly until he got inside the castle¡¯s force field. He looked at the heroes and said with some confidence, "Next time we meet, I will be a champion." As he said that, Arn and Halo rushed toward the enemy heroes. Adolphe stabbed the ground with his sword, and two blue-energy projectilesunched out of it, tying them up in ce. Bater one-twoboed the golem¡¯s leg, and when the golem fell over, Regina fired at its head. Boom! The golem¡¯s head was smashed into little pieces, and it was unable to continue functioning. Bater jumped, heading to the castle¡¯s force field, and started punching the castle as hard as he could. Thunk! The force field shone blue and stopped Bater¡¯s fists. Arn ran up behind him and swung his saber, shing him. However, Bater ignored the saber while continuing to pound the force field. Regina dashed to the force field and shed it with her cuss while firing her pistol at it. It was as if they were attacking Junhyuk himself, and he frowned. The heroes were wounded and tired. Regina, who was bleeding from her neck, was specially so. Halo swung his sword at Regina, dealing further damage. Both were about to copse, but they continued to attack. Junhyuk could understand what they had in mind. They knew they couldn¡¯t kill Junhyuk or kill Arn or Halo. Adolphe helped out in killing the golem, but both Arn and Halo were at full health. If Doctor T were still alive, they¡¯d have gone after the two heroes. Their own castle¡¯s force field was already under attack, so they wanted to increase their chances of winning by destroying the allied castle¡¯s force field. Bater, Regina and Adolphe had the superior attack power as a group, but the castle¡¯s force field wasn¡¯t easy to destroy, and they were still being attacked by Arn and Halo. Regina was bleeding heavily from her back and turned around, firing her pistol. The shot had the power to push Arn and Halo back. Bater kept punching the force field as hard as he could. Boom! Boom! Boom! Three shockwaves appeared from his blows and pushed Arn and Halo further back. Junhyuk watched the whole thing speechless. They wanted to destroy the force field while under attack from Arn and Halo. Junhyuk gripped his swords tightly. If he stepped out, they would go after him instead of the force field. If he stayed, they would continue to plow through the force field. Their actions hadn¡¯t made sense at all at the beginning, but now they made all the sense in the world. Junhyuk gulped and teleported. Doctor T had dropped his sses when he died, and Junhyuk picked them up and saw Regina and Bater heading toward him. Adolphe also rushed at him, and he just watched them. He had done everything he could. If he stood up to Adolphe, he would get killed. He was about to teleport when Halo showed up like aet and shed through Adolphe¡¯s waist. The cut was deep, and Arn appeared out of nowhere and stabbed Adolphe¡¯s forehead. Adolphe didn¡¯t have enough health to survive the heroes¡¯ ultimates and disappeared. Junhyuk thought he had made the right decision not to use his teleportation. Bater and Regina both stared at Junhyuk, but did not stop hitting the force field as they approached. Junhyuk knew why. They both knew the maximum distance of his teleportation. Suddenly, Regina and Bater rushed at him at the same time. They closed in on Junhyuk, and he smiled. He had surely bought more time for the team. Junhyuk ran toward the both of them. He wanted to pass them by, but Bater got so close that he punched out at him, but Junhyuk teleported before getting hit. He was now in front of the force field, just a step away from it. He leaned forward to walk, and a bullet headed for his back. Bang! When Bater rushed, Regina knew that Junhyuk would teleport. She had pretended to boost her speed to chase him, but she quickly turned around and positioned herself so that she could shoot at him. Junhyuk teleported, but he wasn¡¯t quite inside of the force field. He had drawn them out by taking a few steps back, distancing himself further from the force field and digging his own grave. The bullet went through his back, but he fell forward hard. His armor had shattered where the bullet hit, but he was still alive. It was probably because of the item he had picked up from Regina. His health had increased. Another bullet bounced off the force field, and all he could feel was fear at that moment. He had made it inside the force field. If he hadn¡¯t, he would¡¯ve been killed. He had been defenseless when he got shot in the back. Junhyuk turned around, and Regina clicked her tongue. Suddenly, Arn shed her, but Regina boosted her speed to run away from him. Bater watched the whole thing, and he too ran away. Arn and Halo chased after them. They ran. They knew they had lost time by going after Junhyuk and they had lost the fight. Even though they lost, they didn¡¯t feel like they should die, so they ran in order to preserve their lives. Arn and Halo also used their full strength to chase after them. Regina would die with the next attack. She had been wounded by the Spatial sh, and Halo had sliced her back many times. They were bleeding out and retreating, and Junhyuk sighed and looked at the sses in his hand. --- Doctor T¡¯s sses Defense +20 Eyesight +50 Passive: Observation The crazy, lunatic Doctor T made these sses. They have been recognized as an item in the Dimensional Battlefield. It increases defense by twenty and eyesight by fifty. It also has a passive ability. Observation: It describes the health and mana of the opponent in percentages. If the opponent¡¯s rank is below yours, it also tells you their precise health numbers. --- Junhyuk liked the passive ability. He had never seen anything like it. When he fought heroes, he didn¡¯t know how much health they had left. He just guessed he had hurt them, but Doctor T had been aware of exact percentages. Junhyuk wanted to wear them, but he couldn¡¯t because of his helmet. He also couldn¡¯t take it off at that moment, but he stared at the sses and smiled. They added twenty to defense. He could wear them in South Korea and he didn¡¯t even have to engrave them. Junhyuk looked outside. The force field had disappeared. Nobody was attacking them, which meant only one thing: the enemy castle had fallen. "Sarang, did we win?" Junhyuk asked the Kasha. "The force field is gone. Did you survive?" it replied. "Sure." Sarang felt relieved. Junhyuk looked far away toward the North. Since the previous battlefield, they had fought separately in thest fights. "You survived. That¡¯s good." "What¡¯s good?" Junhyuk had heard an unexpected voice. Vera was standing right there. "You died?" "Who died? Me?" Vera walked toward him and gave him a blue gem the size of his hand. Junhyuk looked at her, and she smiled brightly. "The Dragon¡¯s Valley had some useful gems like this mana stone. I wanted to give it to you." "What about the castle¡¯s force field?" "It was already almost destroyed." Junhyuk was dumbstruck and just stared at her. Bater and Regina had risked their lives hitting the force field on his side. Seconds could have decided the victors, but Vera wanted to give him the mana stone. What if we¡¯d lost? "Thank you," Junhyuk said. They had already won, and he didn¡¯t want toin. If he did, he would get her fist. He was a champion, but he couldn¡¯t beat Vera yet. She caressed his hair and said, "You fought hard. If you didn¡¯t give us time, we¡¯d have lost." "It¡¯s good to win." Vera looked at the Dimensional Battlefield and said, "I¡¯ll see you next time." "Yes, I will be champion then." "Right, you are our champion." Junhyuk smiled at her. She had called him a champion, and he felt very proud. Champions had four lives, and he now had his Spatial sh. He would be even more brazen in the next battlefield. Adolphe always picked up items, so he should do the same, even if he died. He even had his teleport to help him pick them up. The world around him started disappearing, and he closed his eyes. Chapter 134: Contractor 1 Chapter 134: Contractor 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The white light disappeared, and Junhyuk slowly opened his eyes. He raised his hands and saw that he was still holding the sses and the mana stone from the Dragon¡¯s Valley given to him by Vera. He inspected his body and found the lowest spirit stones used for burning. Junhyuk put the sses on first. He was a champion, so he should be able to see any expert¡¯s health numbers. Satisfied, he looked at the mana stone through the sses. Suddenly, he heard a voice. "You brought things back from the Dimensional Battlefield." The person with the voice hadn¡¯t made any noise besides speaking, and Junhyuk instinctively summoned his swords and swung at the ce where the voice came from. His opponent had seen his face, so he didn¡¯t summon his armor, but he had meant to kill his opponent when he swung the swords. Arn had warned him about getting killed in South Korea. However, he stopped the strikes just before they hit and saw an unusual person standing there. Light blue bandages were wrapped around his entire body. he was wearing a bowler hat and a trench coat like H.G. Wells¡¯ The Invisible Man. There were bandages even wrapped around his mouth. "How about putting your swords away?" he said. "Who would you be?" The bandages rolled up around his face. He must be smiling. "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m the Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s Chief Contract Manager for Team Three, Agenchra." "Contract manager?" "You may call me Contractor." Junhyuk was still suspicious of him and kept a hold of his swords as they talked, ready to use the Spatial sh at any moment. Agenchra saw that Junhyuk was still suspicious of him and shrugged. He put his hand inside his trench coat¡¯s pocket, and Junhyuk¡¯s sword closed in on his neck. He moved slowly, and said, "It¡¯s a notebook. I have to show you something." Junhyuk gave him some ck. He couldn¡¯t escape the Spatial sh anyway, so he could have some room. Agenchra tore up a page from the notebook and showed it to Junhyuk. The page hovered in the air as if it were stuck to a ss wall, simr to how Bebe showed him the equipment in his book. Junhyuk could see that he was really from the Dimensional Battlefield, but he could still have ulterior motives, so Junhyuk still kept his swords out. Agenchra pointed to the torn page and said, "It¡¯s a contract. Read it." Junhyuk scanned the page. "Are you kidding?" It was all written in very small letters and it was long enough to fill an entire wall. Agenchra thought for a second and said, "Then, should I summarize it for you?" "Tell me about the things I could gain and the things I will lose." Agenchra smiled and lifted his hand. A blue light rose out of his hand, and he pointed it toward the page. Part of the page erged. "You have be a champion and satisfied our lowest condition, so I have to pay you a personal visit," he exined calmly. Junhyuk read the erged text, and it was written in anguage he had never seen before, but he understood it due to thenguage pill. The Dimensional Battlefield contractor came because he had be a champion. Agenchra smiled and continued, "You became a champion earlier than we expected. We are surprised." "Surprised? Two hundred thousand people have already died on the battlefield!" Agenchra didn¡¯t really care about that. "We¡¯ve sent a million people from other ces and never got a champion. There are entire dimensions like that." Junhyuk eyebrows twitched. He realized they were willing to summon the entire poption of a from a dimension until they got a champion from there. He felt uneasy and he didn¡¯t hide his feelings. "So, my dimension has produced a champion. You won¡¯t summon anyone else from here, correct?" "No, you are wrong." Agenchra raised his hand, pointing to another part of the contract. Junhyuk looked at where he was pointing, and Agenchra added further, "This dimension has produced a champion. That means this dimension may produce others. The experiment will speed up." "Experiment?" "That¡¯s not something I can exin, but you will understand soon enough," Agenchra said calmly. "Soon?" "Yes." Junhyuk wanted more answers right there and stared hard at Agenchra. He wanted to hear more, and Agenchra pointed to another part of the contract. "You became the first champion from this dimension, so you will get additional benefits." "Additional benefits?" "You may attend a private Dimensional Battlefield." Junhyuk didn¡¯t understand and stared at him. "So far, you¡¯ve gone to the heroes¡¯ Dimensional Battlefield in a supporting capacity. You may participate in the Champions¡¯ Battlefield used by champions. It¡¯s a smaller arena than the Valley of Death, but you will have unlimited revives there and a higher possibility of activating new powers. You even have the possibility of bing a hero if you participate." Junhyuk wasn¡¯t expecting that. He wanted a bigger role in the Dimensional Battlefield, but he didn¡¯t expect there would be a Champions¡¯ Battlefield. Agenchra pointed to another area of the contract. "The Champions¡¯ Battlefield and the battlefield you¡¯ve been to are operated by different managers. You will have two two-week intervals of rest in South Korea for each battlefield. That means that if you leave for the Champions¡¯ Battlefield next week, you will rotate and go to one battlefield one week, and the other the following week." Junhyuk was speechless. They wanted him to fight every week? Still, the Champions¡¯ Battlefield had unlimited revives, so that was good. "Since there are unlimited revives, what¡¯s the penalty for dying?" "You learn fast, and that¡¯s an important facet." Agenchra pointed to another part. "On the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, you won¡¯t drop your items, but monsters will drop their ingredient items. Champions can die, but you will lose gold if you die." "Gold?" "Yes. Each time you die, you will lose 3,000G. When you kill someone, you earn 3,000G." "What happens if I don¡¯t have enough gold?" "You will go negative. If that¡¯s the case, you have to pay it back the next time no matter what. If you don¡¯t, each further participation will be taxedpound interest." Junhyuk was still in shock, and Agenchra continued, "On the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, no one has the advantage. Everyone has three powers, and no one has an ultimate. The fights will be on equal terms. You will be killed and kill and repeat. Unless you are a champion without fighting prowess, you will earn more money there, and like I said, champions don¡¯t drop their items on this battlefield." Junhyuk mulled it over. "OK. I¡¯ll participate. Since I¡¯m the first champion from my dimension, what happens to the other champions that rise up?" Agenchra was impressed by that question and checked his notebook. "You are very sharp. Every champion may use this battlefield. What I told you before was lip service." Junhyuk wanted to punch him. He had been duped by Bebe before much like that. "Since you are the first champion, there are some benefits," Agenchra continued. "What is it?" "When this dimension produces other champions, you¡¯ll be able to recruit them." "What do you mean?" Agenchra put the notebook away and answered, "On the single Champions¡¯ Battlefield, you will have the chance to pick your own members. However, that is only if your dimension produces more champions." Junhyuk thought for a moment. "Do you mean that team members change on this battlefield?" "Not every time. Members may change if someone bes a hero or if a member dies in his dimension." Junhyuk had gotten a good picture of the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. "Is that all?" "No. When you participate and win, you will get prizes." Prizes? Junhyuk wanted to hear more. "What kind of prizes?" "That changes in each battlefield, but every champion is satisfied with their prizes." They would fight harder over prizes. Even if it was some random equipment, it would cost tens of thousands of gold. Junhyuk crossed his arms. "What are the contract¡¯s conditions?" "The conditions are simple. You will do your best to be a hero. Until you be a hero, you will participate every two weeks. You have to make those promises." "What happens if I can¡¯t go?" "That won¡¯t happen." Junhyuk shook his head. "Every time I go, I lose my soul to abnormal narcolepsy for an hour here, and I have to go every week?" Agenchra pointed to another part of the contract. "On the battlefield you¡¯ve been to, time in South Korea passes because you are acting as support, but on the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, time in South Korea won¡¯t pass," Agenchra exined. Junhyuk was surprised again, and Agenchra continued, "It¡¯s the same for the heroes you¡¯ve been fighting with and against. When the heroes are on the battlefield, someone may wish to harm them out of it, so time doesn¡¯t pass for them." "So, you keep them from being harmed by stopping time." "Correct." Junhyuk had no words for the amount of power they had. They could stop time, and he could only guess at what else they could do. Agenchra smiled and asked, "Are you going to sign?" "That¡¯s only for the Champion¡¯s Battlefield, correct?" "Of course." "I have one more question." "Ask me anything." "Why do heroes go to the Dimensional Battlefield?" "I can only answer that question when you be a hero. You aren¡¯t qualified for that information yet," he answered. "I¡¯m not qualified?" Agenchra nodded, and Junhyuk sighed. "I¡¯m trying to be a hero, so let me know the answer when I do." "Good decision." Junhyuk thought of something else, pulled out the crystal marble and thought of Arn. "What¡¯s the matter?" He couldmunicate with Arn form South Korea now and was overjoyed. "A contractor came by to talk about the Champions¡¯-only Battlefield." "Hm. I¡¯ve heard about it, but I started off as a hero, so I¡¯ve never been there." Yeah, you are special! Junhyuk didn¡¯t say anything. "Should I sign?" "They won¡¯t cheat you. Listen to everything they have to say. If you want, you may participate. You are responsible for yourself." Junhyuk slowly closed his eyes. He would make his own decision and be responsible for it. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at Agenchra. "I¡¯ll sign." Chapter 135: Contractor 2 Chapter 135: Contractor 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Agenchra raised his hand, and the page that wasrge enough to cover a wall became a small piece of paper. He pointed to the paper, and the single sheet became two. Then, he held up both of the pieces of paper and looked at Junhyuk. "Put your hand on them." Junhyuk ced his hand on them, imprinting his fingerprint. "Repeat after me, ¡¯I, Junhyuk Lee, will do my best to follow this contract. I promise.¡¯ Easy, huh?" Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened slightly, and he said, "I, Junhyuk Lee, will do my best to follow this contract. I promise." When he said "promise," a chain made of lighte out of the paper and bound him to the contract. The light soon disappeared, and Junhyuk stared at Agenchra. He took one piece of paper for himself and gave the other to Junhyuk. "You should read it at least once." "I think so too." Agenchra smiled. "Then, be ready next Friday at 8:00 p.m. I wish you victory." "Thanks." Agenchra raised his hand and drew a big square in the middle of the air. He pushed the square, and a space opened. He went inside it and disappeared. He had said he was the Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s Chief Contract Manager for Team Three, and his powers were beyond what Junhyuk had imagined. Maybe even heroes couldn¡¯t touch people like that? Junhyuk shook his head and summoned his Kasha. The Kasha perched on his shoulder, and he said, "Sarang." "What is it?" He was hearing her voice, but it felt different from the phone. The phone feltputerized somehow, but the Kasha spoke in Sarang¡¯s voice. It was fun and astounding. "I want to know if you are safe." "I¡¯m good. Is there a problem?" "Something did happen. There is a Champions¡¯ Battlefield for champions!" "Really? Then you¡¯ll go to two battlefields?" "Yes." "Are you going to be OK?" Junhyuk chuckled and said, "I¡¯ll have infinite revives in the Champions¡¯ Battlefield." "That¡¯s nice!" Sarang answered cheerily, and Junhyuk fell on his bed. He had the contract in his left hand, and he ced the Kasha on his belly. "Because I became a champion, everything changes. A contractor came by." "A contractor?" "The Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s Chief Contract Manager for Team Three. I think management is bigger than I thought." "There must be a lot of behind all this. It has to be a big operation, bigger than we ever imagined." "Right." So far, he had only tried to survive the battlefield and didn¡¯t bother to find out more, but the more he found out, the more he understood that management was beyond his reach. They could stop time and summon people from different dimensions. You could very well say that they were like gods. Junhyuk got up. "Get some rest. Don¡¯t show your Kasha to other people, so use the burner phone." "Hm. I like the Kasha better." "Then, go to sleep." Junhyuk sent the Kasha away and got up from the bed. He looked over his contract. It was long enough to cover an entire wall of his home, but he could get through it. It contained a lot information, but he wanted to know more. It felt funny to read it at that point because he had already signed it. Arn had told him they wouldn¡¯t cheat him, and he trusted Arn. It was like getting insurance. They told you not to read the entire contract, and it all depended on how much the insurance agent could be trusted during the process. Friends who already had insurance would tell their other friends to trust the agent. Sometimes, people lost a lot of money by getting the wrong insurance, but Arn was like a mentor to him. Arn had saved his life many times and currently trained him. He trusted what Arn had said, but just in case, he was still reading over the contract. --- nes didn¡¯t fly on Fridays, so airports were packed on Saturdays. However, Anna got on the nefortably. Stephen and Anna took their seats at first ss. Stephen helped her get on the ne. She was still wearing sunsses, and her right arm was bandaged. She moved unnaturally. Anna sat next to her dad, and the secret service agents sat around them. There were only two of them in first ss, two other men. Soon, the ne took off, and Anna leaned back on her chair. She put her earbuds on, and Stephen sighed. He was a diplomat, and his daughter had been attacked by a robber and lost her eyes. Her arm wouldn¡¯t recover either. It would take a miracle for her to regain her disposition. She had always loved motorcycles, and Stephen felt guilty. He had lost his status as a diplomat. When they returned home, he nned to spend some time with her. The ne rose high up and leveled off. Two men from business ss got up and got into first ss, and the secret service agents tried to stop them. Pht, pht! They had turned to look at the business ss men when two other men in first ss got up and shot the agents. Other secret service agents in the ne got up, but the stewardesses were aiming pistols at their heads. Stephen felt nervous and stared at them. They weren¡¯t just aiming, but had already shot and killed some agents. Within the first ss cabin, there were four men and a stewardess. One of them walked over to Anna and took off her sunsses. Anna frowned and opened her eyes. The man staring at her put his pistol on her head. He inspected her face and decided she was the right target, but the man suddenly turned around and shot the other members of his own group. There were two other men aiming at her, and they were killed by that man, but the man himself was also killed by the other members of their team just before they died. The survivors all aimed at her, and she said, "Stop!" One man and a stewardess were surprised by it and looked at their own pistols. They couldn¡¯t move after Anna had spoken. She took her earbuds off and looked around. "I thought you woulde, but why didn¡¯t you wait?" "Are your eyes OK now?" Anna looked at Stephen and smiled. "Yes. Why don¡¯t you take a nap?" "A nap?" Stephen fell asleep, and Anna leaned him against the chair. She pulled out a satellite phone from her bag and called someone, delivering her answer. "I ept." "Ha-ha-ha! You made the right decision." "I¡¯m in the air. What should I do?" "Don¡¯t worry. Wang has sent a fighter jet, and it will be there soon. Shanghai Pudong International Airport has people working for Wang." "OK. My family¡¯s safetyes first. You know that, right?" "Sure. You¡¯ll be joining us, so that¡¯s the least we can do! You will be safer than my own family." The Algerian prince sounded happy, and Anna hung up. She looked at the man and the woman and walked over to the woman and smiled. "Go to the pilots." The woman obeyed hermand. "Tell them you want to get inside." The woman picked up a phone and spoke in it. Anna could hear the copilot, so she took the phone from the woman. "Open the door." The door opened, and the copilot looked nervous. Anna walked over to the pilot and whispered in his ear, "Make an announcement." "What are you talking about?" She looked at the pilot and smiled. His eyes looked weird, and Anna looked out of the window. A fighter jet approached from the China¡¯s direction. "The ne has technical issues, and we¡¯ll bending at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. Announce it." The pilot obeyed hermand, and Anna slowly turned around. She would follow the fighter jet to Pudong Airport, and the Pentagram wouldn¡¯t be able to touch her anymore. She looked at the woman and the man who had tried to kill her and said, "Tell me who sent you." Both despaired, but there was nothing they could do. --- Doyeol heard that Anna¡¯s ne hadnded at Pudong International Airport, and he knew his n had failed. He hadn¡¯t expected that. He called for a meeting with the other members of the Pentagram, and four faces appeared on the screens around him. "My n has failed," he said. Charles grimaced. "What happened?" "Theynded at Pudong International Airport instead, and Wang was involved." Charles sighed and shouted, "SHE IS JUST A NOVICE WHO CAN¡¯T EVEN USE HER POWER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "If she hadn¡¯t recovered, we would have killed her," Doyeol mumbled. Charles was filled with anger, and the old man who had been listening said, "Calm down. If we knew the Algerian prince and Wang would¡¯ve been involved, we should have acted differently. We shouldn¡¯t have relied on you." Doyeol felt extremely humiliated. They will kneel before me soon. At that point, they were talking as if it was all his fault, and Doyeol knew it was. If Anna went to the Algerian prince, that¡¯s one thing. However, if she recovered her power, this was the worst situation possible. She woulde after the members of the Pentagram at any moment. The old man said calmly, "If Wang took her in, we will know where she is. Charles, can you give out some orders in China? What are your numbers there?" "I have fifty agents at Pudong Airport right now. In two hours, I¡¯ll have two hundred agents in China." Doyeol just listened. He knew how powerful Charles was, and that he was different from himself. Charles could give out orders in China, not just in America. It was the power of money." If he was to stand tall among them, he had to change. The old man continued calmly, "I¡¯ll find out her location, and you take care of it." Charles looked at Doyeol. Doyeol felt humiliated, and he knew it. "I will." "Then, move out right away." The screens turned off, and Doyeol leaned back on his chair. "Whew!" He was very frustrated, but his responsibility had gone to Charles. If he could kill Anna, Doyeol would be grateful, and if not, he wouldn¡¯t be responsible anymore. It wasn¡¯t a bad situation to be in. "I should concentrate on my own safety." Anna used hypnosis, and he wasn¡¯t sure who could protect him. He would have to have Jeffrey guard him. Chapter 136: Distorted World 1 Chapter 136: Distorted World 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - It did not take long for Junhyuk to understand what Agenchra had meant by elerating the schedule. He had already signed the contract, and there were a lot of breaking news stories with the start of that weekend. "I must be going crazy." Junhyuk was watching TV and pulled out themunication crystal. The news was full of stories about strange beings attacking tourist ships on the Han River. People said the beings had horns on their heads and would drag the victims under the river. "There are antas here?!" He focused on the crystal and heard Arn¡¯s voice. Arn sounded drunk, and he could feel that Arn was in fact buzzed. "Whazz the matter?" "The contractor told me my dimension had potential to produce more champions, and that things would speed up. Now, there are antas from the Dimensional Battlefield here!" "Hm... Really? My dimension already has heroes, so your dimension may experience those disturbances." "My dimension may experience it?!" "You have activated your powers due to your efforts to stay alive. Your dimensioncks motivation. To make them more motivated, they are creating an environment like that of the Dimensional Battlefield." "Then, management is trying to activate more powers here?" "Correct." Junhyuk was extremely shocked. Ordinary people couldn¡¯t deal with antas. He had fought them before, and it would take at least a small army to fight one. "Will there be other monsters?" "Don¡¯t worry too much. They will be easy in the beginning." "What if they send a dragon?" "Don¡¯t worry. If they send a dragon, that will happen muchter." "You mean they will sent one?!" "Also, don¡¯t treat the monsters the same way you treat monsters on the Dimensional Battlefield." "What do you mean?" "The Dimensional Battlefield has many limitations. They put limitations on the heroes and they do the same with monsters. You don¡¯t actually think a real dragon is that weak, do you?" "What about the antas?" "Sure!" Junhyuk felt like he had been cheated. His powers were the same in South Korea. "People will activate their powers." "That¡¯s difficult." "Don¡¯t forget one thing." "What?" "You got your abilities by fighting constantly, but people who activate their abilities suddenly are drunk with power. People like that are demons." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t breathe. What Arn had told him was a serious issue. "The demons will be after you." "Right." "Don¡¯t get yourself killed in some stupid way." Junhyuk¡¯s mind was sharp now. He had made up his mind and he wouldn¡¯t die easily. He wouldn¡¯t hesitate to save his own life. "Don¡¯t die meaninglessly. If you die, I will go to your dimension and kill everyone." Arn wasn¡¯t joking. He had also said that his powers were limited in the Dimensional Battlefield, but they wouldn¡¯t be limited in Junhyuk¡¯s dimension. He couldn¡¯t guess at what Arn would do. "I¡¯ll stay alive." "Right. I¡¯ll go back to drinking." "Have fun." Junhyuk finished talking and watched TV. The arrival of the antas was only the beginning. The dimensional battlefield had many types of monsters inrge numbers. "Is South Korea the only country with antas?" There were many monsters, but Earth was bigger. On TV, the coast guard hard arrived at the Han River and started rescuing ships. Theyuncheds on the top and the bottom of the river to make sure the antas wouldn¡¯t escape. Junhyuk decided he would go there in person. It was a weekend, and he had time. The antas were there to force more people to activate their abilities, but he couldn¡¯t let innocent people die, so he got in his car and headed their way. --- Doyeol was watching the news and asked, "Jeffrey, do you know what they are?" Jeffrey was also surprised. "Those are antas. Why are they here?" "I¡¯ve seen them at the Dimensional Battlefield. So, I was right." "Yes." Jeffrey looked at Doyeol. He was focused on the TV and didn¡¯t notice Jeffrey¡¯s stare. Doyeol¡¯s phone rang, and he looked at Jeffrey. "I need to be alone. I want to think." "I¡¯ll leave." Jeffrey went outside, and Doyeol pressed a button. His desk opened up, and a screen rose in the center. There were five faces on the screen, and they were all frowning. The old man spoke first. "Do you recognize it?" "They are called antas, a type of monster." "Then, they are from the Dimensional Battlefield?" "Yes." "That¡¯s a tough situation. We have wolves showing up, so the army was sent to kill them. The wolves couldn¡¯t be killed by rifle bullets, so they had to use heavier firepower." Doyeol looked at Elise, who was also present. "Can iron soldiers fight against them?" Elise checked something in her notes and answered, "I have to check first, but if the army¡¯s firepower can deal with them, the iron soldiers will certainly be able to do it. However, there are too many wolves." "They killed some bats that showed up, and the bats left something behind. We analyzed it, and it is just like the mana stones. What do you think?" Charles asked. He showed them a very small, blue gem. It was much smaller than regr mana stones, but they didn¡¯t have to go to the Dimensional Battlefield to get it. The world had changed. "We can¡¯t allow other people to kill the monsters first." Charles nodded in agreement. "Only a few know the value of the mana stones. Before they find out about them, we have to hold a monopoly. Elise, speed up the production of the iron soldiers." The old man caressed his beard and said, "When production of the iron soldiers increases, we need a newpany to advertise them. How about Robotics?" Charles shook his head. "Doyeol will be a better choice. The coboration with Robotics allows him to have a good image worldwide. He should step up. We will have detachments all over the world to respond quickly to the incidents and build a monopoly on mana stones." Everyone looked at Doyeol, and he smiled. "OK. I will step up and be responsible." The others didn¡¯t like the spotlight, and Doyeol knew it too. That¡¯s why they gave him the position. If something went wrong, they would all me him like they did before, and so, they would continue to control the world. They thought they had the right to order him around, but they would regret giving Doyeol that chance. He looked at Elise. "Instead of the prototype, we need iron soldiers right away. We have to impress the public, so we need them right now." Elise checked her notes and said, "They will be ready right away. It takes three hours to have them fly to South Korea." "Sure. I¡¯ll be waiting." Doyeol knew he had to move quickly, and the old man looked at him calmly. "I¡¯ll send some people over. They will help you." "Thank you." Doyeol had to act subservient when necessary, but he would get stronger. That was his way to top. He lifted his head and asked, "What happened to Anna?" The old man and Charles frowned deeply, and he continued, "She can¡¯t hypnotize the iron soldiers. They¡¯ll deal with her. Elise, can we send each of them one iron soldier first?" "It¡¯s possible. Don¡¯t worry." Doyeol looked at the others. "We should make a special team to deal with her." Charles looked at him and nodded. "Then, we will put you in charge." "Trust me." The others hung up, and only one remained on the screen. It was Elise. "Is everything going well?" "Don¡¯t worry. When you get the newpany, invite me to your newb. I want to be close to you." "I¡¯ll give you the best instations." "I¡¯ll be expecting that." The screen turned off, and Doyeol was left alone. He pressed a button on his phone and asked, "Did we send a team already?" "Yes. I will send you the video." "Do it." Doyeol called for Jeffrey, who was waiting outside. Jeffrey walked in and saw that Doyeol wasn¡¯t watching TV, but a brand new video instead. He looked at the screen and said, "It¡¯s not just one anta." "The Han River has three. The police arrived at the scene quickly and sealed off the area." Jeffrey shook his head. "Sealing it off won¡¯t work." "What do you mean?" "You can¡¯t kill them with pistols." Antas were famous at the Dimensional Battlefield. Pistols wouldn¡¯t work against such monsters. Rifles wouldn¡¯t work either, so they would need heavy artillery to deal with them. "You mean they wille out of the sealed area?" "Yes. At least, I think the army should step in." Doyeol looked at the screen. "Let¡¯s watch. If the police can¡¯t do it, then the army will go in!" Jeffrey watched the antas swimming in the Han River and worried about people getting killed before the army arrived. --- They were stopping the cars, and Junhyuk parked far away. He walked over, but there were too many people, so he couldn¡¯t get close and looked around instead. He had his sses with him and he could see very far away because of them, so he went to the top of a building to scope out the situation. The police haduncheds around them. The three antas were swimming around, with the police surrounding them. They were SWAT and all of them were holding K1Apact assault rifles used by the armed forces. Ordinary police officers would be killed by the bushels, but the special team was different. They were just standing there, and Junhyuk checked his smartphone and murmured, "Are antas only in South Korea?" Abroad, they had wolves and bats. "Only the lowest ranking monsters crossed dimensions?" The monsters just dropped from the sky. At least, it felt that way to him. People were responding slowly, and many were dying. Junhyuk turned his head to look, and the antas started moving. The police weren¡¯t crossing the sealed area, so the antas started swimming in a circle and attacked the officers. The SWAT members fired. The shots felt more like warning shots because they were shooting at monsters. Their rifles could only scratch the antas. One of them bit a SWAT member and dragged him below the surface. Junhyuk could no longer stand there. He understood why management had sent those monsters, but he didn¡¯t agree with them. "Don¡¯t me me." He jumped down from the building wearing the ck armor. Chapter 137: Distorted World 2 Chapter 137: Distorted World 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Hended on the ground below and broke through the blockade without care, dashing forward. As he ran, he felt something had changed. He hadn¡¯t noticed it before because he had been training at home, but his run was different. The wind felt different against his body because his speed had increase even further. He ran to where the people were standing. Many of them had crossed the sealed area to look at what was happening. They watched the SWAT member get bitten by the anta and they screamed and ran away. Junhyuk had an easier time running when the people made way. They noticed him running, but they were busy running away, swept by fear. Junhyuk was wearing the Dark Night Cloak and scoping out the area ahead. The anta was about two hundred meters from the shore, and Junhyuk thought he would have to swim and became seriously worried. Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh covered fifty meters, so he was about two hundred meters short. He wanted to get as close as possible and shorten the distance, so he crossed the sealed area. Then, he ran as fast as he could and pushed off with both legs, jumping a distance of thirty meters. It was beyond the human limit, but he was still shy of covering entire distance. While in the air, he started wondering if it was possible to use his jump skill mid-jump and decided to check. He activated the skill and stepped on empty air and jumped again, learning something knew about his skill in the process. He could jump at least thirty meters without his skill and he had used his skill to jump another one hundred meters at a thirty-degree angle. Seventy meters remained between him and the anta, and he still had to cover twenty meters of that, so he teleported. He tried to shoot for the maximum teleportation distance and was extremely surprised by the oue. Junhyuk had teleported over fifty meters. Previously, he could only teleport about thirteen meters, but now it was over three times that. The anta was still far away, so he couldn¡¯t strike it normally, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate and used his Spatial sh. Two antas had surfaced, aiming for the SWAT members, and Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh sliced through one of their necks, and the blood-colored shockwave generate from its body impacted the other anta. They were shredded to pieces, and the SWAT members instinctively looked at Junhyuk, shocked. Bang, bang, bang, bang! All of the bullets bounced off his armor, and he dove into the water. Ssh! He dove even deeper under the surface. Below the water, he looked around and frowned. "This is right." There were over ten antas swimming underwater. He didn¡¯t know where they¡¯de from, but there were many, and he couldn¡¯t fight underwater. Hended at the bottom of the river and pushed off to surface again, making a ssh. He spun around in the air andnded on a police boat. Thunk! The boat shook, and the SWAT members aimed at him. "There are more than ten monsters in the water! Pull yourselves together!" Junhyuk shouted. After he spoke, the SWAT members looked at each other. Theirmander stepped forward and said, "Secure the area!" They were all still aiming at Junhyuk. They didn¡¯t know where he hade from, but he had killed the monsters, something that they couldn¡¯t do with their rifles. Junhyuk lowered his swords and looked around. Soon, the antas surfaced with their long horns. They formed groups and headed toward the boat Junhyuk was on. There were exactly twelve of them, and the SWAT team didn¡¯t know what to do. They had only prepared for three, and now, there were twelve. They panicked. Themander started quickly calling out orders. "Send more teams! Call the army! We can¡¯t handle them!" he shouted loudly. Junhyuk looked at the antas. They weren¡¯t going to wait for the SWAT team and jumped on the boat. The SWAT officers shot at them, but they failed to inflict any damage at all. Junhyuk dashed toward an anta that had its mouth open and swung the Frozen Rune Sword. The anta¡¯s head split in two, and a freezing shockwave swept through the antas. Three of them died, all white and frozen and dropping to the bottom of the river. Junhyuk realized that his weapons¡¯ effectiveness had also changed. His weapons somehow knew that the SWAT members weren¡¯t the enemy, so they weren¡¯t hurt at all, but everything around them was swept clean. The police boat was frozen, and the water around the boat was as well. "What just happened?" The SWAT officers stared at their rifles, speechless. They were having difficulty breathing from the cold around them, and Junhyuk realized that if he continued swinging the Frozen Rune Sword, they would freeze to death. He stepped out of the boat and onto the frozen river. Seven more antas rushed at him, and Junhyuk swung the Blood Rune Sword again because now he was aware of the effect the Frozen Rune Sword had on the environment. The antas came at him ferociously, and that made them easier to kill. They were grouped up, and he could kill many at time. Thest two surviving antas dove deep into the water after the exchange, trying to hide. "Running away?" Thes couldn¡¯t stop the antas, so Junhyuk dove after them. The two were fleeing from him, and heughed at the scene. Unlike before, they couldn¡¯t get away now. Junhyuk used the Spatial sh, killing one, and teleported. Because he could cover fifty meters, he appeared on top of the other anta¡¯s back. The anta pped its wings and surfaced, and Junhyuk unceremoniously stabbed it on the head. It died, and a blood-colored shockwave extended out of it. The anta¡¯s body dropped on the water, and Junhyuk stepped on it and used his jumping skill. All of the antas were dead, and he had to get out of there. Junhyuk jumped toward the border of the sealed area. He dove in the water,nded at the bottom of the river and started swinging his sword. He was underwater, but it didn¡¯t restrain his movements, and he moved forward swinging his sword. They had sealed the area withs, and Junhyuk sliced through them with the flow of the water. He was wearing armor, but current was strong, and he would soon be far from there. Junhyuk also ran at the bottom of the river, passing underneath two bridges and walking ashoreter. He didn¡¯t want to attract any attention while getting out of the river, so he checked that there was nobody around, hid his items and teleported. He cleaned himself and looked around. The current of the water was faster than the officers running, so nobody had been able to follow him. Still, he didn¡¯t leave any traces. On his way back, he kept an eye out for CCTV cameras, avoiding them all, andined. He shouldn¡¯t have dived in and should¡¯ve just moved toward the shore instead. Now, he was downtown. He teleported once, covering fifty meters, and people disappeared from sight. Then, he did it again for a total of a hundred meters. He had also taken off his armor so people wouldn¡¯t recognize him. Once he got back to his car, Junhyuk took off his shirt and squeezed it before getting in. He had parked very far away from the area. People had stopped looking for him, and he teleported to the driver¡¯s seat, leaned back andughed hysterically. The SWAT team had fired at him, but he had learned something new: he hadn¡¯t actually been powerful when he was an expert. Junhyuk took the road away from area. He drove off, and his burner phone rang. He answered it. "Big brother! Are you crazy?" "You saw it too?" "Of course! It¡¯s all over the TV! The inte is filled with it! Why did you do it?" Junhyuk parked the car and said, "The Dimensional Battlefield monsters are here because management wants to produce more champions." "It¡¯s because of you?!" "Don¡¯t talk like that. I activated my powers to survive." "I¡¯m sorry." "No, you don¡¯t have to be sorry. I knew why the monsters were there, so I couldn¡¯t stay home," Junhyuk said and leaned back on his seat and stared into the sky through the car¡¯s sunroof. "I couldn¡¯t watch people die, so I stepped in." "I understand." Sarang was silent for a moment and continued, "Is South Korea the only one to have antas?" "I¡¯m not sure yet." "I could run across them. What should I do?" Junhyuk knew the answer to that and told her, "Kill them." "Is that OK?" "Sure. Your own life is your priority. Don¡¯t die so easily." "He-he. I won¡¯t die easily." "And keep your real identity hidden." "Sure. If not, my life would changepletely." Junhyuk wanted to say that the world had changedpletely. "Let¡¯s be cautious." "Sure. You take care." He hung up and pulled out hismunications crystal, thinking of Arn. "Why did you call me again?" Arn sounded frustrated, and Junhyuk exined everything. "My powers seem enhanced here in South Korea." "Of course! Being a Champion isn¡¯t just about activating powers. It also means your soul has grown, and your abilities will also increase. The growth of your soul affects your powers." "Then, my powers are strengthened forever?" "No. That¡¯s only over there. At the Dimensional Battlefield, you will have simr or only slightly better powers." "That¡¯s too bad." He could do wonders with his new powers at the Dimensional Battlefield, but Arn told him it was impossible. "My weapons are enhanced as well. The Frozen Rune Sword froze everything around me." Arn remained silent for a minute and said, "It follows its owner¡¯s growth." "If I grow stronger, my weapons will grow with me?" "Yeah." Junhyuk summoned the Frozen Rune Sword and inspected it. It would grow with him. "Don¡¯t think about power," Arn said. Junhyuk pulled himself together. Arn had already told him sudden power would turn people into demons. "Don¡¯t make me kill you," Arn continued. Arn was worried about Junhyuk, and he knew it too. "That won¡¯t happen." Chapter 138: Distorted World 3 Chapter 138: Distorted World 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Doyeol was watching TV and was surprised by the person appearing on the screen. The antas made good enemies for the iron soldiers and were a good reason for the iron soldiers to be introduced. Ordinary weaponry didn¡¯t affect the monsters, and police needed to use heavy artillery. With that in mind, the iron soldiers could fight the monsters, and their introduction would¡¯ve been timely. It would¡¯ve been too bad that the police on the boat would¡¯ve been killed, but as more police got killed, the people would¡¯ve cheered for the iron soldiers. Yet, one man destroyed Doyeol¡¯s dreams, and he looked at Jeffrey. "Is that the person you¡¯ve met?" "Yes." "It that Junhyuk?" "There a 50 percent chance." Junhyuk asked him not to reveal his identity, and Jeffrey waspletely sure it was him on the screen, but he told Doyeol something else. Doyeol looked at the screen and said, "Leave me alone for a moment, please." "Sure." Jeffrey went outside, and Doyeol pressed a button. Elise appeared on screen. She also seemed very surprised. "The events aren¡¯t unfolding correctly." "When will they get here?" "In less than twenty minutes." "Hm." Elise was biting on her pen and murmured, "The man who is being called the Dark Knight, are his weapons from the Dimensional Battlefield?" "What is the Dark Knight?" "That¡¯s what they call him on the inte. He is getting a lot of attention." "Too bad." "Right... he ruined the iron soldiers¡¯ debut." Doyeol sighed. "What about his weapon¡¯s abilites?" "I¡¯m not sure, but the shockwaves know who his friends are. It¡¯s worth some research." "Is that right?" He wasn¡¯t sure who the man was. He could guess, but he wasn¡¯t sure and he wanted to watch some more. The world was experiencing a distortion, and that distortion was bringing about changes to what humans could do. The man they called the Dark Knight had to reveal his identity eventually. "Who is sending out orders?" "I am. Where do you want them?" "Send them to headquarters." "OK." He sighed, leaned back on his chair and sighed again. He had lost the advantage of people being focused on the antas and lost the marketing opportunity. "There must be more." They were flying from America, and that took a long time. But when they got there, they could be deployed at any moment. He was leaning back on his chair, looking at the TV, when the screen showed the appearance of a new monster. Doyeol jumped out of his seat. "Jeffrey!" Jeffrey came in, looked at the TV and frowned. "It wasn¡¯t just the antas." This time, a huge bear had appeared. When the bear stood on its hind legs, it was five meters tall. The bear didn¡¯t appear in Seoul but in Mt. Sek instead, and there were more than one. The antas were the lowest ranking monsters in the Dimensional Battlefield, and the bears were ranked higher than them. The bears were going wild, and nobody could stop them. "Shall I go?" Jeffrey had the power to deal with the bears. He didn¡¯t care about the attention Junhyuk was getting, but people were getting killed, and he wanted to help. "No. Soon, I will be able to deal with them my way." Mt. Sek had many hikers, and there were already many casualties. It was a mountain, so people couldn¡¯t really run away, and they died falling off the cliffs. Jeffrey looked at the screen and turned around, thinking of Junhyuk. He had thought Junhyuk was an expert, but now his powers didn¡¯t look normal. The feed had shown Junhyuk teleporting, and after that, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t reach the antas, but when he swung his sword, the antas died. He killed them with one strike, but more importantly, he swung from a distance. He could have killed Jeffrey if he really wanted to. Jeffrey had escaped by holding on to the bat, but Junhyuk could have killed him. He let Jeffrey get away, and Jeffrey¡¯s best idea so far was to make friends with him. --- Junhyuk was seating in his car, browsing the inte andughed. "Dark Knight?" He had been wearing the ck armor and ck cloak, so they were calling him Dark Knight. The SWAT team had attacked him, but he focused on killing the antas. With the dead corpses of the antas floating to the surface of the river, and the corpses of the SWAT team members that died appearing, Junyuk was looking even better. Junhyuk checked the news, saw the headlines and frowned. "Mt. Sek?" The bears were on Mt. Sek, and he had seen them before. They weren¡¯t that strong. Junhyuk could kill them, and even Sarang, with her new weapons, could do the same. The problem was the distance. It would take him at least two hours to get there. If he sped too much, they might find out who he was. Junhyuk kept searching for an answer on what to do when his burner phone rang. He picked it up and heard Sarang¡¯s voice. "Big brother, huge bears have shown up. Aren¡¯t they ranked higher than the antas?" Junhyuk pulled himself together. The Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s managers were responsible, but he had ruined their n. Management wanted to produce more champions, but Junhyuk couldn¡¯t just watch people die. He gave up on hiding his powers from other people. The world didn¡¯t know his identity and called him by the Dark Knight moniker. Was it because I killed the antas that higher-ranked monsters were there? If I interfered again, would they send monsters ranked even higher? If they sent buff monsters, he wouldn¡¯t be able to deal with them alone. It took at least two heroes to handle one of them. "Correct. Maybe because I killed the antas they sent higher-level monsters." "What are you going to do?" He thought it over for a moment. "I should help, but it will be best if I don¡¯t have to interfere. If they send higher-level monsters, even the army won¡¯t be able to kill them." "You are saying that, but when people are in danger, you always interfere!" Junhyuk chuckled. The Dimensional Battlefield was different from South Korea. He couldn¡¯t just watch innocent people die in his dimension. He couldn¡¯t let people die when he could save them. Then, he thought of something he had seen in a movie. "Great poweres with great responsibility." He felt like people were dying because of him. "Do you want me to go with you?" "No, not yet." People could still be tracking him at that point, so he couldn¡¯t move around with her. "Just live your life for now. However, if something happens, don¡¯t hesitate. OK?" "I understand. Be careful." Junhyuk sighed and decided to move. He started driving and turned the radio on. There was only news concerning what was happening at Mt. Sek. The army stationed nearby moved into the area. They could stop the huge bears from killing people. "That must be it." Antas were the lowest-ranked monsters, and heavy artillery might have worked on them, but the bears were different. They had thick skin, and the artillery might have no effect. As Junhyuk drove down the highway, he bit his lip. "Can the army stop them?" If the army couldn¡¯t do it, the number of casualties would increase, and people would eventually activate their powers. However, a person couldn¡¯t deal with those monsters just by activating a single power. Just like him when he first activated his force field, doing it didn¡¯t mean he could kill monsters. But if someone activated a power, that person could run away if he wanted to. "They don¡¯t have a n!" He was angry at Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s managers again, but he wanted to watch the events unfold. The other countries still had monsters at the lowest tier showing up. South Korea was the only one with monsters at a higher tier, so he thought he couldn¡¯t be hasty. Otherwise, he might attract even stronger monsters. "What should I do?!" Junhyuk shouted and mmed on the elerator. He was driving at 180 kilometers per hour. --- The army arrived, sealed the area with barbed wires and started evacuating people. Meanwhile, all three bears gathered in one ce. They sent the army in under themander of the 11th Mechanized Infantry Division. He had a map open in his headquarters and asked, "What is the casualty count for sealing the area?" "One squad was annihted. They were buying time for us while we sealed off the area." "I¡¯ve lived too long to witness something like that," the division¡¯smander said, frowning. "Is the artillery ready?" "The bears are within range," the artillery leader answered. "OK. How about tanks?" "Yes, sir." "Then, begin the attack." The orders had already been given to kill the bears, and there was no need to hesitate. There had already been over a hundred casualties when the order was given. They had watched as the police couldn¡¯t do anything against the fish monsters, so they activated the army. The 11th Mechanized Infantry Division was given the responsibility. They intended to use the heavy artillery, and if that didn¡¯t work, they would get something more powerful. The division¡¯smander pounded on the desk. "Attack!" he ordered, and the nning officer transmitted the orders to the other officers. The artillery unit began firing, filling the air with noise. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! The ground shook, and the noise stopped. "What happened?" themander asked calmly. Themunications officer checked and reported back, "The three bears are attacking the artillery unit." "Did we kill any?" "All three are wounded, but none are dead." "Which other unit is nearby?" "The 20th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, sir." "Evacuate the artillery unit and bring in the mechanized infantry." "Yes, sir." He gave them quick orders, but the situation wasn¡¯t going as he had nned. --- The artillery unit thought they could kill the bears when they first opened fire, but the bears were stronger than they had expected. Their skin was burned, and they were wounded in ces, but they kept moving freely. The bears ran across the mountain, but got stopped by the K1 88-Tanks. The tanks fired 105mm rounds at the bears. Boom, boom, boom! The artillery unit had fired at a fixed position and hadn¡¯t hit any of the bears directly. However, they changed their target and concentrated on a single bear, killing it. Rrroooaar! The bear screamed, staggered and fell, but the soldiers did not rejoice. There were two remaining, and while the soldiers reloaded, the bears got dangerously close. They scratched at a tank and tore the armor te off as if it were a piece of paper. The tanks fired while the soldiers fired the K6 Heavy Machine Guns, but they couldn¡¯t wound the bears, and the soldiers got scared after watching the bears tear the tanks appart The bears couldn¡¯t be dealt with by humans. One of the bears stood up, disying its ws when a small missile zoomed through the sky. BOOM! There was a loud explosion and mes engulfed the bear. The soldiers were surprised and looked up to see something well beyond their imaginations. It was a two-meter tall, golden human. There was smokeing out of its right shoulder, and the iron soldiernded in front of the bear. Thunk! The iron soldier extended its arms, and its forearms opened up and fired fourteen tiny missiles toward the bear. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! And more mes engulfed thest bear. Chapter 139: Guardians 1 Chapter 139: Guardians 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Screeech! Junhyuk was driving on the highway when he heard the news on the radio. He mmed the breaks and parked by the rest area. "What is this?" "The Iron Soldier Model 01 is a robot that made its appearance on Mt. Sek, disying scary firepower and killing the bears. ST Capsule¡¯s Doyeol Kim is now holding a press conference. We¡¯ll connect you to it live." "Iron soldier?" Junhyuk searched the inte in his smartphone, looking for the iron soldier. Doyeol¡¯s breaking press conference was everywhere. The iron soldier¡¯s appearance was sudden, and the press conference helped spread the news all over the world. Doyeol¡¯s press conference was being broadcast live on the inte, and Junhyuk found a link to watch it. Jeffrey was standing behind Doyeol. The announcer made a speech, and Doyeol stepped up. "The monsters were killed by the iron series robot. It was invented jointly by ST Capsule and Robotics. There was no right time to introduce them, but the world was under attack by monsters, and we decided we needed to deploy them." Doyeol paused and looked at the reporters. "So, we created Guardians. We will do our best to stop the monsters. We promise." Doyeol had dered the establishment of Guardians. All of the reporters got up, and he raised his hand to calm them down. "I will only take three questions," he said and pointed to one of the reporters. "I¡¯m Junghwa Lim from Korea Daily. The iron soldiers showed up at an opportune time. Did you expect the appearance of monsters?" Doyeol smiled and said, "You are mistaken about that. We made the iron soldiers to maximize the metal model¡¯s functionality. If you watch today¡¯s performance, the iron soldier is still in the experimental stage. They are under development, but when we saw the monsters, we couldn¡¯t just sit and watch." The reporters were going wild, and Doyeol pointed to another. "Korea Broadcasting¡¯s Gukhawn Kim. I¡¯m curious if in fact the iron soldiers could stop the monsters showing up all over the world. There are over a hundred ces with monsters. Could Guardians stop them all?" "Guardians has over a hundred iron soldiers in production. We were able to stop the bears that showed up in Korea, which the army couldn¡¯t do, and we will only deal with monsters that the army has no answers for. Also, the iron soldiers can fly and be deployed faster than any army." The reporters went wild again, and Doyeol pointed for thest time. "I¡¯m Sungho Lim from Donga. Weapons are illegal in South Korea. Isn¡¯t there an issue with the deployments of irons soldiers in South Korea?" "We are willing to makepromises with the Korean government. We will use the iron soldiers only to fight monsters and won¡¯t use it in any other way." The reporters raised their hands, but Doyeol got up and said, "This is the end of the conference on Guardians. We are not just talk and we¡¯ll be proactive in every scenario." Doyeol left, and Junhyuk watched the screen with a nk stare. He hadn¡¯t known about the iron soldiers¡¯ existence. Modern science can deal with monsters from the Dimensional Battlefield? They were confident, and the situation was getting out of hand. The appearance of the bears made things worse. The Dimensional Battlefield managers didn¡¯t want iron soldiers to stop the monsters. He would see where they were going with that. Junhyuk leaned back on his seat and looked up at the sky. "What shall I do now?" They could stop the monsters without him, and he shouldn¡¯t step in anyway. He had only wanted to watch the events unfold, but when people died, he stepped in. Junhyuk had thought they wouldn¡¯t be able to stop the bears, but they didn¡¯t need him anymore. "Should I just see what will happen next?" he murmured, staring at the sky. Depending on how well Guardians performed, the Dimensional Battlefield managers could send even stronger monsters that couldn¡¯t be dealt with by them. Junhyuk started driving again. It was time for him to go home. --- Right after he got home, he was lying on his bed when he decided to check the distance he could teleport. He couldn¡¯t teleport at home anymore because the distance had increased, so he thought he needed a new ce to practice. All of his powers had increased, so he couldn¡¯t keep practicing at home. He was checking the inte for a new space when the doorbell rang. Junhyuk knew he wasn¡¯t expecting any guests, so he looked at the interphone¡¯s screen and frowned. "Jeffrey?" Jeffrey was holding a six pack of beer and said, "How about some beer?" Junhyuk thought about Jeffrey standing behind Doyeol earlier and opened the door. Maybe he knew a lot about Guardians. Jeffrey looked around andughed. "Your ce is really empty." He kept it spacious to train, so like Jeffrey said, it was empty. Junhyuk got a small table and said, "I don¡¯t have any appetizers..." "I thought so, and I brought something." Jeffrey pulled out some beef jerky, and Junhyuk chuckled. He got a few tes and set the beef jerky on one. "Busy day?" "Since the monsters started showing up, yes." Jeffrey got a beer can and smiled. "Did you see the Dark Knight? It¡¯s all over the inte." Junhyuk took another can and answered, "I saw it. He has quite the power." Jeffrey saw through Junhyuk¡¯s denial andughed out loud. "Surely, he has to be an expert. Teleportation and long range attacks, I¡¯m very curious." Junhyuk opened the can, and sipped on it. He had no reply to what Jeffery had just said. "I¡¯m more curious about Guardians¡¯ iron soldiers. They must be powerful to kill those bears." Jeffrey had guessed at why Junhyuk opened the door and smiled. "I saw today¡¯s battle on TV. The robots are capable of flight. Beforending, that one used its weaponry to burn and kill the bear." "Is that even possible?" "The robot fired small missiles that were actually napalm bombs. The bears were roasted." Junhyuk wondered if his ck armor could withstand the napalm bombs. His magic defense was lower than his regr defence, so he wasn¡¯t sure he could. However, he could teleport and use his Spatial sh to destroy one of the iron soldiers. He felt confident he could win in a fight. Jeffrey stared cooly at Junhyuk. "Modern science has evolved beyond my imagination," he said. "Can Guardians¡¯ iron soldiers kill other monsters?" Junhyuk asked. "Today¡¯s show isn¡¯t everything. Don¡¯t worry about it for a while." "For a while?" Jeffrey looked calmly at Junhyuk. "Why are the monsters here? Why now?" "The abnormal narcolepsy also came without warning." Jeffreyughed. "That¡¯s right." Junhyuk emptied the can. "I¡¯m done drinking." "I¡¯m not done yet." Jeffrey seemed rxed, but Junhyuk thought he was shameless. However, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t let his guard down around him. He had survived the Dimensional Battlefield so far. Junhyuk didn¡¯t know which battlefield he was on, but he was a novice, and that was something. Experts had an extra life, but novices had to survive in there, and that took more than just a power. Jeffrey was smiling now, but he had to have a strong desire to live. "Keep drinking." Junhyuk chewed on the beef jerky and looked at Jeffrey. He drank slowly and asked, "What a difficult thing it is to be an expert!" "What is an expert?" Jeffrey forgot where he was and answered, "An expert is someone who has activated two powers. It¡¯s hard to activate one power, so how hard must it be to activate two?" Junhyuk thought it wasn¡¯t that hard. There were only a few novices, and now there were two experts. The rate was higher than Jeffrey thought. Considering all of the people summoned to the Dimensional Battlefield, the rate was still low however. "The Dark Knight has two powers, and they are exceptional. He can teleport a distance of fifty meters, so even heroes can¡¯t chase him down." If he could teleport that distance at the Dimensional Battlefield, he wouldn¡¯t be killed ever, but over there, he could only cover a thirteen-meter distance. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to talk about it. "This ce, the Dimensional Battlefield, I can¡¯t fathom at what it¡¯s like. However, to survive, it seems important to gain your allies¡¯ trust rather than antagonize them." "How do you earn your allies¡¯ trust?" "If your allies are willing to die for you, your survival rate will increase exponentially." Jeffrey shook his head. "You mean those haughty heroes?" Junhyuk nodded calmly. He knew why Jeffrey had that attitude, but the heroes had told him they would die in his ce, and their health went down because they tried to save him. Was it because they needed him? That¡¯s part of it, but Junhyuk had fought with them, so he thought of them as hisrades. Jeffrey looked at Junhyuk and shrugged. "It¡¯s something to think about," he said and emptied his beer can. "I¡¯ll put the rest of them in your refrigerator and I¡¯lle back again." "If you do that, I¡¯ll drink them all!" "No worries," he said and got up. "Today, Doyeol asked me about the Dark Knight. I told him nothing." "Really?" Junhyuk was very rxed, and Jeffrey shrugged and turned to leave. He walked to the door, put his shoes on and asked, "I meant to ask you, where did you get that old pair of sses?" "I have bad eyesight nowadays." Jeffrey¡¯s eyes beamed, but he shrugged and turned around. Junhyuk was wearing an antique pair of sses, and they had to be from the Dimensional Battlefield. Still, he wouldn¡¯t ask. He had seen Junhyuk¡¯s power and he didn¡¯t want to die. Jeffrey said goodbye, and Junhyuk watched him with his sses and thought Jeffrey was a capable person. He had 150 health and 200 mana. Ordinary humans only had 10 health, so Jeffrey was impressive. Chapter 140: Guardians 2 Chapter 140: Guardians 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Even after the monsters¡¯ appearance, time passed normally, and it was time to report to work. On Monday morning, Junhyuk headed there. The shoot for the broadcast had been scheduled for that week, but all the world was talking about were the monsters, and no one knew what would happen next. Celebrities who had been scheduled for the shoot declined to participate, so the broadcast was postponed indefinitely. Junhyuk listened to what had happened and nodded. It wasn¡¯t the time to be making a movie, and he understood that. The Han River monsters and the Mt. Sek monsters, after those two events, no more monsters appeared in South Korea. If the monsters kept appearing endlessly, they would have sealed certain areas off, but no more monsters showed up. However, the possibility made people even more nervous. No one knew when or where the monsters might show up next, and people were afraid, so they started seeking someone to save them. The Dark Knight and Guardians were hot subjects when it came to that. Guardians ced an iron soldier in South Korea and deployed fifty iron soldiers to countries around the world. There were monsters all over the world, and some hadn¡¯t been killed by the armies of those countries, or their responses had been too slow. In the end, the iron soldiers killed all of the monsters. The lowest-ranked monsters couldn¡¯t deal with the iron soldiers¡¯ firepower. Junhyuk reported for work, but he had nothing to do because the filming had been postponed indefinitely, so he watched the iron soldiers killing monsters on the inte. He didn¡¯t know much about them, but he could end up meeting and fighting one. At least, he thought so. The Rockefeller family owned the iron soldiers, so he was preparing himself in case he had to fight them and analyzed the iron soldiers¡¯ astounding abilities online. One iron soldier carried twenty-eight small napalm bombs, and their palms opened up to a 14.5mm anti-aircraft rifle. Their destructive power was astonishing. The iron soldier made sure the enemy didn¡¯t approach by keeping its distance, and its long range firepower was just amazing. It also responded very quickly. Junhyuk could only teleport twice, so he started thinking he would have a hard time if there were more than three iron soldiers. If the iron soldiers gathered in one ce, he could kill them with the shockwaves, but if not, he would have a tough time. Junhyuk was going over strategies to fight the iron soldiers when his office phone rang. He picked it up, and it was Eunseo. "Please,e to my office." "I¡¯ll be right there." He hung up and headed to Eunseo¡¯s office. Sukhoon was inside with her, and Junhyuk was surprised when he saw them. Ordinary people didn¡¯t have health above twenty, and people didn¡¯t usually have mana. Eunseo had twenty health and ten mana. The sses read soul power. People said strong bodies embodied strong souls, so people with stronger constitution on average had higher health, but still, Eunseo¡¯s health was unexpected, and she also had mana. He couldn¡¯t call her a novice, but among minions, she would put up a fight. Maybe she could be a magician minion. As soon as he saw them, Junhyuk greeted them, and after, he thought about her. Sukhoon greeted him as well and offered him a seat. "Filming is cancelled. You must feel bad." He felt just fine. That only meant he could train some more. "I¡¯m OK." Sukhoon looked at Eunseo and then asked Junhyuk, "What do you think of Guardians?" "Guardians? They are our defense against the monsters." They had established Guardians and announced it the day before, and the world was already going wild over it. When the soldiers were deployed, they could actually stop the monsters. Sukhoon smiled and said, "Right. Guardians is like that. I don¡¯t know when my brother thought of Guardians, but with the iron soldiers, the world is a different ce." The monsters¡¯ appearance had already changed the world, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t express his opinion and merely agreed with Sukhoon. "Right." "So, what I¡¯m saying..." But Eunseo cut him off, "I will tell him." "Yeah? You will?" She fixed her sses and looked at Junhyuk. "Guardians will be operated by the lowest number of personnel possible. We just need researchers and repairpeople. We don¡¯t need anybody else." It was where they housed the iron soldiers, and Eunseo continued, "I will take the position as Guardians¡¯ CEO." "What?!" Guardians¡¯ CEO position couldn¡¯t just go to anybody. It was natural for the position to go to a family member, but Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected that. Sukhoon shrugged and said, "Surely, she is capable of bing a CEO. She is a good manager." Junhyuk stared at Eunseo. She was crippled from the waist down, but she still had her charisma. No, the truth was she had even more charisma than before. She would do a great job as their CEO. "Congrattions!" She adjusted her sses and looked at him. "Will you transfer to Guardians with me?" "What?!" Junhyuk hadn¡¯t imagined that at all. He was shocked, and Sukhoon continued calmly, "ST Capsule owns Guardians. When you transfer, you won¡¯t quit your job as thepany¡¯s model. However, you would just be bored here, so you should go and establish Guardians with her." Junhyuk wanted to smile bitterly. Even he knew he didn¡¯t fit in with the Strategy nning Department. He had more fun doing advertising jobs and hanging out with people. The people in the Strategy nning Department saw Junhyuk as someone who had been hired as a marketing ploy. He was an inte sensation, and that¡¯s why he became an employee. Then, he saved Eunseo from an ident. However, after joining the department, he worked mainly as a model. He thought it over for a moment. Should I go to Guardians? He was still under contract for his model work, so he couldn¡¯t quit. Junhyuk stared at Eunseo. Why did she call for me? The only information I¡¯ve given her is that I am fluent in tennguages. "What will I do there?" "Guardians was established with a moment¡¯s notice. We must begin from the start. We have to meet with government officials for adjustments and send documents to countries worldwide. It won¡¯t be hard to get the cooperation from other countries, but we have to have the agreements on paper." It concerned making stepping stones for thepany. Junhyuk thought he could do more with Guardians, but he didn¡¯t want any overtime work. "I feel positive about the transfer, but make me a promise." "What is it?" "I won¡¯t do overtime work." Sukhoonughed hard. "Ha-ha-ha! I really like you. Right. You should speak your mind when necessary." Eunseo adjusted her sses and said, "I guarantee normal work hours." "What about sry?" "The sry will be the same, and you will continue to work as ST Capsule¡¯spany model." "I will appear on ads and get paid extra?" "Correct." Junhyuk nodded. The extra money meant hundreds of times the regr annual ie. He made good money while working as a model, so he wouldn¡¯t refuse it. Then, Junhyuk thought about the mana stone he had brought back. If he sold it, he wouldn¡¯t even have to work anymore. He was tempted to do it, but he put it on hold. He could afford anything he wants now, so he shouldn¡¯t be greedy. "Where is thepany?" "We need aboratory, so we will renovate a factory in the city of Paju." "When do I transfer?" "If you¡¯ve made up your mind, just sign the contract. You will transfer when you are ready, and I¡¯ll take care of any other issues." Junhyuk hesitated and asked, "When I get there, I can see the iron soldiers?" "Yes, that will be part of your job, but you won¡¯t give them orders." If he could see the iron soldiers up close, he would learn more about them. "I¡¯ll do it." Junhyuk had decided, and Eunseo pushed the contract forward. He read it quickly and signed it, giving the document back to Sukhoon, who asked, "Why are you wearing those old sses? You are the face of ourpany." JUnhyuk¡¯s sses were round-shaped, and he deserved thatment. Next time he visited the Dimensional Merchant, he would change their shape just like the Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s boot. He felt the need to wear sharper-looking sses. Eunseo took the contract from Sukhoon and said, "The transfer isplete. Spend today packing your belongings. We will have a goodbye party tomorrow. Starting on Wednesday, report to work at Guardians¡¯ headquarters." Junhyuk got up from his seat, bowed and left. "Eunseo, why don¡¯t you take someone more capable?" Sukhoon asked her. "There are plenty of capable people already." At that point, Junhyuk was on the verge of bing an icon. Guardians would have plenty ofints about his hire, but Junhyuk would silence all of the critics. He was already famous around the world and he would help them meet different people from many countries. They would say that it was all because of Junhyuk¡¯s starpower, but that power couldn¡¯t be ignored either, and he would learn how to do his daily assignments. Eunseo adjusted her sses and said, "You should have taken the CEO position. I¡¯m sorry." "You shouldn¡¯t be sorry. Doyeol didn¡¯t think I would do a good job." Sukhoon wasn¡¯t disappointed. He didn¡¯t want that kind of responsibility yet, and Guardians wouldn¡¯t bring in any profits. "I¡¯ll be going." Sukhoon saw Junhyuk packing his belongings. As Junhyuk finished, people walked over to him, and he smiled and exined things. The people were left surprised. Some of them were envious, but most were sincerely happy for him and shook his hand. Sukhoon murmured, "Why does Doyeol want Eunseo and Junhyuk?" He understood Eunseo bing a CEO, but he didn¡¯t understand why Doyeol wanted Junhyuk to apany her. It was a secret to Eunseo because Sukhoon had merely mentioned his name, and Eunseo agreed right away and had him transferred. However, Sukhoon was still curious. Chapter 141: Guardians 3 Chapter 141: Guardians 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The goodbye party for Junhyuk and Eunseo was simple. They held it at the best beef barbeque restaurant and spent a fortune, so most people didn¡¯t feel bad because the two were leaving. Many people were sad because Eunseo had to leave, but only two people felt the same way about Junhyuk. Somin and Mr. Jang were saddened by the news. Mr. Jang just gave him some encouragement to do well once Junhyuk got to his new job, but Somin was filled with sorrow. At the end, Junhyuk told Somin to call him anytime she wanted to, while Jangho stared hard at Somin. Junhyuk, however, didn¡¯t care about Jangho¡¯s stare. Somin was very happy that Junhyuk¡¯s had said that, and Jangho stared her down again, but Junhyuk just ignored him. In any event, Junhyuk didn¡¯t have time to date. He felt guilty meeting other women other than Sarang. Once the simple goodbye party was over, Junhyuk headed home. He arrived, fell on his bed, pulled out his tablet and looked for information on the city where he was going to work. It wouldn¡¯t be easy tomute to Paju, so he decided to buy a new house there. He felt guilty about owning two houses, but he was earning enough, and it was necessary. Junhyuk thought about his new house. It needed to berge, at least fifty meters across, so that he could practice teleporting. There weren¡¯t a lot of options. Only three houses fit the criteria, and he would visit them all the next day. He called Sarang on the burner phone. "Whoa! Why did you call me first?" "I¡¯m transferring. Starting tomorrow, I report to work at a different ce," he said calmly. "That doesn¡¯t make any sense! You gave up on your dream job?" "It¡¯s owned by the samepany, and I get paid the same. I¡¯ll also continue to work as a model." "ST Capsule owns the otherpany?" "The newly created Guardians." "Why did you transfer?" Sarang asked, surprised. "I wanted to learn more about the iron soldiers." "Won¡¯t it be dangerous?" "It¡¯ll be fine." She didn¡¯t think Junhyuk would die, so she quickly agreed. "Where is the newpany?" "Paju." "Really?! That¡¯s so far." "I have to move there." "Then, you won¡¯te see me anymore?" "I could, and I¡¯ll see you every two weeks." "Hm... We don¡¯t even have time to eat a proper meal over there." Junhyukughed. "Friday, I have to go to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. We¡¯ll dine together on Thursday." "Hm... Can you meet me?" "I¡¯ll wear a disguise, so don¡¯t worry." Sarangughed brightly and whispered, "My mom is here. I need to hang up." "Right. Sleep tight." Junhyuk hung up and raised his hand. He stared at it and slowly closed his eyes, mumbling, "I have to find a suitable house." --- In the morning, he got a message on his phone and put the address in the GPS and drove to Guardians¡¯ headquarters in Paju. It was a repurposed and renovated factory,rger than ST Capsule¡¯s headquarters. Junhyuk was stopped by the guards at the huge entrance and showed them the employee ID given to him by Eunseo. One of the guards verified it and opened the gate. Junhyuk felt the security was top notch and drove in. Therge parking lot only had five cars parked in it. Junhyuk parked his car and went inside the building, realizing the security was tighter than he had expected. He saw a female worker behind a desk and walked over. "Hello." "Hello," Junhyuk greeted her, and the female worker smiled. "The CEO is waiting for you." "Where do I go?" "Head to the third floor." Junhyuk walked toward the elevator and had to pass through a metal detector. He turned around, and the female worker smiled at him. "It¡¯s for safety." Junhyuk went through, and it scanned his body using a blue light. Once that was over, he got on the elevator and went to the third floor. Soon, he saw the door to the CEO¡¯s office and opened it to find a bunch of secretaries inside. Among them, he saw some familiar faces. The bodyguards who followed Eunseo around and looked well-trained each had ten health. The sses showed him the strength of their souls, but they also had physical strength. The secretaries weremanded by a woman, and the woman also had ten health. She definitely wasn¡¯t ordinary. They were all strong, and he felt awkward. "I¡¯m Head Secretary Dohee Anh. The CEO is waiting for you." He wasn¡¯tte, but Eunseo was already there. Junhyuk showed her his ID and said, "Guardians¡¯ Junhyuk Lee." Guardians didn¡¯t have separate departments. Junhyuk would oversee Guardians, but he didn¡¯t know who was who yet. Dohee took him into Eunseo¡¯s office, and he saw her there. She offered him a seat and moved closer to him on her wheelchair. Junhyuk sat, and Eunseo told Dohee, "Two cups of tea, please." "Yes, ma¡¯am." Dohee came back with the tea and left. "I sent you everything by email," Eunseo said. Junhyuk checked his tablet and was surprised at the amount of unopened emails. It didn¡¯t look simple. "There¡¯s an iron soldier in the hangar. Let¡¯s go see it," she said. "Can I?" She nodded. "We are responsible for everything in the Executive Department. Our main priority is the iron soldiers. There is a repair team and a research team, but the responsibility lies with us." "OK." Junhyuk was d that he could get closer to the iron soldiers, and Eunseo sipped her tea. "I will introduce you to the head of the Development Department we scouted." "Is it a famous person?" "It¡¯s the former head of the development team at Robotics, the actual inventor of the iron soldiers." Junhyuk was curious to meet that person. He wanted to see an iron soldier¡¯s powers and check to see if the current energy system was enough to keep it operational. He definitely wanted to meet the inventor. Eunseo finished her tea and took Junhyuk to the hangar. There, he saw an actual iron soldier for the first time. It was a two-meter tall humanoid robot and it looked clumsy. "It looks odd in real life." He thought it would look sharper, and someone said in a dry tone, "Nothing can be done about that. To equip itself, it has to berge, and because it isrge, it carries heavy equipment." Junhyuk turned around and saw a woman with her hair tied up. He thought Eunseo was strong, but the woman was stronger. She had thirty health and twenty mana. The woman couldn¡¯t be a novice yet, but she would make a strong minion. Eunseo looked at her and said, "This is the person I want to introduce you to, Development Chief Elise." Junhyuk felt that she had replied sharply, but that had to be because Junhyuk had said something unpleasant about the iron soldier. "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m the Executive Department¡¯s Junhyuk Lee." "Development Department Chief Elise." She stood next to Junhyuk and looked at the iron soldier. "As I told you just now, to deal with monsters, it needs heavy artillery. When we analyzed the bears¡¯ skins, we found that it couldn¡¯t be pierced by ordinary firepower." Elise spoke slowly, and Junhyuk stared at the iron soldier. "I¡¯ve witnessed the power of iron solder. It¡¯s killing monsters all over the world." "Right. State-of-the-art weaponry is installed on every iron soldier, and they are killing the monsters, but we have a lot more to show." "That wasn¡¯t everything?" Elise smiled. "Of course not. They are state-of-the-art machines. The powers disyed so far are just the tip of the iceberg." Junhyuk looked at the iron soldier. "I want to see it, its true power." Elise shook her head, and said, sounding very proud, "That won¡¯t happen. The monsters can¡¯t bring out the best of the iron soldiers." And she whispered, "Maybe the Dark Knight will do the job." "The Dark Knight?" Junhyuk asked and turned to her. Sheughed. "The Dark Knight killed the Han River monsters by himself, disying amazing power. He has abilities beyond modern technology." Technology couldn¡¯t match Junhyuk¡¯s powers. Beyond even novices and experts, as a champion, he had supernatural powers. Junhyuk stared at the iron soldier. It hadn¡¯t disyed all of its power, and Junhyuk frowned. He had already thought it would be difficult to deal with one, and Elise was telling him that wasn¡¯t all. He turned to look at Elise and asked, "How many employees do you have?" "I¡¯m alone," she answered. "What?" She smiled and continued, "More urately, I¡¯m with Zaira. But she is an artificial supeputer. I¡¯m alone with my robots." Junhyuk looked at Eunseo, and she said, "She brought her things with her. The equipment she put in this ce costs over $500 million." The iron soldier was special and state of the art, and they had already spent $500 million on its inventor. She had brought things with her and had an artificial supeputer. Guardians probably had invested over $1 billion. It was understandable why the security was tight. They had all that equipment there. Elise guessed at what he was thinking and smiled. "No one can break in here. Zaira could spot anyone trying to do it." Junhyuk nodded and looked at Eunseo. "What is our priority here?" "Theposition of cooperation documents," she answered. He thought that would be boring, and Eunseo said, "We have rough drafts done. You just have to trante them." "Count of me for that," he said confidently, and Eunseo looked at Elise. "Elise, you are doing well." "Don¡¯t worry. Since I have unlimited support, I will show you what can be done as a scientist." "I expect big things." She turned to Junhyuk and said, "I¡¯ll take you to your office." Junhyuk followed Eunseo and disappeared. Elise watched him through a hangar window. Once he hadpletely disappeared, she said, "Zaira, what do you think?" "His physicality is quite powerful. It¡¯s beyond human limitations." "Is something special about him?" "He has three items that need to be analyzed and he has a hidden pure mana stone with him." "A mana stone..." she said, smiling brightly. "Just like Doyeol had guessed." Chapter 142: New Novice 1 Chapter 142: New Novice 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk had impressed Eunseo big time that day. She had written the official cooperation documents, and he had very nicely tranted them into tennguages. He sent her the cooperation documents and asked, "Every time an iron soldier is deployed, it costs a lot of money. Can it be sustained by the monsters¡¯ residual product?" Junhyuk¡¯s cooperation document stated that they wouldn¡¯t be paid at all for the iron soldier¡¯s deployment. Instead, they would get the leftover monster materials. Eunseo was not worried and answered, "Guardians is a way to stop the monsters. We aren¡¯t here to make money." "That¡¯s fine, but Guardians still requires an astronomical amount of money to run!" They didn¡¯t use ordinary weaponry when the hunted for monsters, and Junhyuk was curious about how that would work. Eunseo adjusted her sses and said, "I know what you are curious about. The iron soldiers use weapons supplied by the defense industries. They make new weapons and advertise them that way." After making new weapons, they had to find buyers. If their weapons could be used against the monsters, it would be an advertising boon for thosepanies. The iron soldiers umted data while fighting monsters, and during the process, the weapons could be showcased to the world. "And we want the monsters¡¯ residual materials so that we can study their weaknesses. If the army kills the monsters instead of us, we will still buy the materials so that we can analyze them further." "Research the monsters¡¯ leftover materials?" "Some monsters¡¯ materials are already on their way here. Chief Developer Elise will analyze them." Junhyuk was surprised. "Elise is alone with her supeputer. Can you give her that many assignments all at once?" "I have ess rights for her supeputer, Zaira. Don¡¯t worry about information monopoly." But Elise had created Zaira, and wouldn¡¯t she only reveal information she wanted to? Eunseo cleaned up her desk and said, "You¡¯ve worked hard today. We will hire more employees for the Executive Department. Meanwhile, it¡¯ll just be the two of us." Junhyuk looked at his watch and smiled. It was time to go home, and Eunseo was taking care of the rest of the business. "What are you doing after work today?" "It¡¯s a longmute, so I¡¯m looking for houses around here." "Good thinking. Longmutes can be taxing." "Yes. I already know which houses I¡¯m seeing, and I¡¯m nning to sign a contract for one today." "I¡¯ll see you tomorrow." Eunseo went out, and Dohee followed her. Junhyuk watched her go and then packed his belongings and looked around the Executive Department¡¯s office. He was the only employee in thatrge office. That day, he had Eunseo working with him, so he wasn¡¯t bored. Soon, however, he would be because he would be working there alone. "But I get to leave at the right time!" The newly establishedpany allowed him to get off work on time, and he was grateful. Junhyuk hummed, got his bag and went to his car. He would go look at three houses, and he would get one. He looked at all three houses. One of the houses had been overadvertised online, the other had an owner that would take another month to move out. At thest house, the owner was moving abroad and needed someone to move in right away. The house wasrge, and Junhyuk liked its structure. The garden was big, and the building itself was alsorge. He especially liked its huge underground floor. Diagonally from end to end, it was about sixty meters long and it was arge space. The floor had plenty of exercising equipment, and there was a boxing ring in the center. The owner¡¯s father used to be a boxer, but he was living abroad on business now. Junhyuk could buy the house for cheap. It was 1,652 square meters, and he paid $2 million for it. He decided to pay in cash and put down a $200 thousand deposit. He would pay the rest in cash when the owners moved out, and they told him they would move out by Friday. If they did, Junhyuk could renovate the house on the weekend, so he agreed. He looked at the ce. Housing in Paju was cheap inparison, but he was still lucky to get such a big house. Two million dors was a lot of money, but it was cheap for the size of the house. They prefered cash, so he had been able to lower the price. The going rate had been much higher than what he had paid. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to settle down in Paju, but he had no regrets. He would earn more money, and if not, he would sell the mana stones to Jeffrey. Then, he wouldn¡¯t have to worry about money again. He had spent $2 million, but now, he had the space he wanted to train. The price had been worth it. He couldn¡¯t spend money if he died, so he needed to invest on his training, and he felt good about it. Junhyuk got in his car, started the engine and called Sarang with the burner phone. He wanted to talk to someone, and the first person he thought of was her. The burner phone rang three times, and Sarang picked up. "Tomorrow, the Sun will rise from the West. Are you going to keep calling me first?" "Don¡¯t be silly. I went to work today and signed the contract for a new house." "You bought a new house? And went to Paju for work?" "I needed space to train and I didn¡¯t have a choice." He needed to renovate the new house, and renting created problems. "Is it arge house?" "You¡¯ll be shocked when you see it. It cost me $2 million." "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" she shouted at the mention of the price, and Junhyuk held the phone away from his ear. "I am not crazy and I have the money," he said. "This is a lot, too much! Are you that wealthy?" "You didn¡¯t¡¯ know?" "If you can afford a $2 million house, you have to be wealthy. I will leech from you." "Look for a ce where I can disguise myself." "I already have." Junhyukughed. "I learned more about the iron soldiers. I need to be more cautious." "Why?" "They haven¡¯t used the iron soldiers at full power for the monster hunts yet. It¡¯s equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry far beyond our imagination." "Are you there to learn more?" "That¡¯s right, but one day wasn¡¯t enough to learn much. I¡¯m also there to work. I¡¯m not a bum." Sarang smiled brightly. "Have a housewarming party." "Sure. I¡¯ll send you the invitation." He was afraid there was someone always following him, but now his teleportation had increased. He could cover a hundred meters if he teleported twice. With that distance, no one could keep up. Junhyuk was driving. "See you tomorrow," he said. "Be careful." Junhyuk hung up and stepped on the elerator. It was alreadyte, and there weren¡¯t many cars on the road, so he drove fast. --- Second Day at Work On Thursday, he wanted to get to work before Eunseo, so he woke up at dawn and got there by eight o¡¯clock. Eunseo wasn¡¯t there yet, and Junhyuk passed through the metal detector and went to his office to read the cooperation documents again. While he was reading, Eunseo arrived at work with her team of secretaries. Junhyuk walked out of the office and greeted her. Eunseo bowed toward him and said, "Today, we have five international conference calls. I¡¯ll need you for simultaneous interpreting." "Sure." She looked at her watch. "We start at ten. Take the cooperation documents to the meeting room and get ready." "Yes, ma¡¯am." Eunseo went to her office, and Junhyuk gathered the documents. He had tranted them in ten differentnguages, so he went to the meeting room and took a seat. At 9:50 a.m., Eunseo entered the meeting room and moved her wheelchair next to Junhyuk. "The first meeting is with China. You won¡¯t have any problems, correct?" "Sure." Junhyuk pulled out the documents in Korean and in Chinese and ced them in front of Eunseo and waited. Dohee walked over to one of the walls and pressed a button. A seventy-inch monitor slid down from the ceiling, and its screen turned on. Dohee pressed more buttons, and a person appeared on the screen. Junhyuk saw who it was and was surprised. After connecting with China, he couldn¡¯t believe at who had appeared on the screen. It was Jowee Jhang a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China. Junhyuk didn¡¯t know who he was, but he had an impressive title. China¡¯s Communist Party had 73 million members. The Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China was the very top of those people, and there were only nine senior members in it. The man was a high ranking member of the Politburo, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t think he would have the time to participate in that conference call. At ten o¡¯clock, Mr. Jhang appeared with an interpreter, and Eunseo bowed toward him. "Nice to meet you, Guardians¡¯ CEO Eunseo Kim," Jowee said, bowing slightly. "It¡¯s good to see you, Jowee Jhang." They started a light conversation, and Junhyuk acted as the simultaneous interpreter. He didn¡¯t have any problems keeping up, so Jowee and Eunseo started the serious conversation. Jowee raised the cooperation documents and asked, "These cooperation documents don¡¯t have anypulsory enforcement. Isn¡¯t that right?" "Of course." "If that¡¯s the case, we won¡¯t sell the monsters¡¯ residual products. You need to recognize that the residual materials belong to China even when resulted from iron soldiers killing the monsters." Eunseo adjusted her sses, and Junhyuk could see that she was ufortable. "When the Chinese army kills the monsters we will relinquish the residual materials, but when iron soldiers kill the monsters, we have the rights to the leftovers." Jowee smiled coldly. "You sound very dangerous. Is it OK if China expels the Guardians?" "No, we will augment our detachment in China. Guardians needs more than ten ces to support China effectively from the monsters." "Then, why don¡¯t you cooperate?" "The monsters situation requires worldwide attention, so research on the monsters must continue." "So, we will do our own research." "There are many different types of monsters showing up all over the world. China has blood wolves, and they only appear there. To research more about them, we need the leftover materials." Joweeughed. "You don¡¯t have any ulterior motivation?" Eunseo didn¡¯t speak further and stared at him. Junhyuk, who had been interpreting so far, looked at her. She wasn¡¯t giving an inch while dealing with one of China¡¯s leaders. Jowee was about to speak when his assistant whispered something in his ear. He frowned and looked at Eunseo. "Let¡¯s talk another time," he said, and the feed cut off suddenly. Junhyuk thought Jowee had been rude and didn¡¯t have any manners, but Elise appeared on the screen. "There is another worldwide monster attack. Korea has monsters at the Seoul National Cemetery. Allow me to deploy the iron soldier." Eunseo nodded and said, "Deploy the iron soldier!" Chapter 143: New Novice 2 Chapter 143: New Novice 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The monsters had been quiet for a while, but now they reappeared. However, Junhyuk hadn¡¯t thought that the monsters would disappear after one wave. They had appeared suddenly, and the nervous group headed to where Elise was. When Junhyuk arrived at the Development Department he was really surprised by the size and amount of monitors. They covered a wall that was about two floors high and were disying a quickly-changing panorama of downtown Seoul. "Different from what I had imagined, they fly low." He had thought the iron soldiers would fly at high altitudes, but that wasn¡¯t the case, and Junhyuk thought they probably scared people. Elise saw Junhyuk¡¯s surprise andughed at him. "Don¡¯t worry. The low flights impress people and also work as advertisements." Junhyuk nodded. "What about the monsters? What are they?" Elise had her arms crossed and murmured, "Something unexpected. I thought they would show up in America. Zombies." "Zombies?" He had met the undead before. They resided in dark ces, and he felt better it was zombies. They were vulnerable to physical attacks. "Is there only one kind?" Eunseo asked, and Elise nodded. "But there are many of them, and the national cemetery is a meaningful ce. Can we really destroy it?" Eunseo fixed her sses and said, "You must act before people are hurt, and a small amount of destruction will be OK. You must act quickly." "Don¡¯t worry about it. I see Seoul National Cemetery." The iron soldier was recording, and the national cemetery had turned into a pandemonium. There were car idents all around it, and people had gotten out of their cars and started running wild. Behind them were the zombies. It was the middle of the day, and there were twelve zombies, but they moved really fast. Unlike in the movies, they covered long distances in a short time to bite people. As the zombies ran around killing people, Junhyuk clenched his fists. His heart was pounding from watching those people die. The screen showed the iron soldier¡¯s arm. It opened, and small missiles shot out of it. The zombies were the target, and the missiles hit them urately. The zombies moved fast, but the missiles were faster. The iron soldier used napalm bombs, and soon the national cemetery was engulfed in mes. As Junhyuk watched, he asked, "Have the people been evacuated?" Elise nodded. "No one there is alive, and the napalm¡¯s range won¡¯t reach any survivors." That meant that, in a short time, the zombies had killed a lot of people. Junhyuk could see that the zombies¡¯ moved too quickly for a normal human. There were at least twenty dead at the cemetery. They lost their lives in such a short time! Junhyuk watched the zombies getting killed. Surely, the iron soldier was powerful. Elise looked at the screen. "There is movement inside the cemetery. Entering." The iron soldier flew up and the screen changed. It entered the cemetery and found many bodies lying there, but the cadavers were getting up. Elise clicked her tongue. "That¡¯s a problem. Just like real zombies, there is contagion." "The iron soldier can¡¯t stop them alone?" "It would be better to keep the iron soldier there. People could carry the contagion, and that would be dangerous." Junhyuk watched. "If ordinary firepower can¡¯t stop them, can anyone stop them?" In the movies, zombies got their heads blow off. However, if ordinary guns couldn¡¯t pierce their skulls, how could they be stopped? The iron soldier flew around and started shooting. On the screen, controlling the iron soldier felt like the person was ying a video game. The guns didn¡¯t kill the zombies, and they started moving quickly, looking for survivors. The lone iron soldier couldn¡¯t deal with the zombies multiplying, and Eunseo received a phone call. She hung up and said, "The capital¡¯s Mechanized Infantry Division will move in and seal off the national cemetery." It was a good thing that the army had moved quickly, but it would be a serious problem if the soldiers became zombies. Elise operated a few things, and the iron soldier flew higher and circled around the area, firing at the zombies on the ground. It targeted the distant zombies, and the zombies headed away from the bullets. However, that¡¯s exactly where the iron soldier was located. The iron soldier headed toward the zombiesing at him. Its hands appeared on the screen, tearing up a zombie¡¯s mouth. Blood sttered on the screen, but the iron soldier didn¡¯t stop and obliterated the zombies. However, not all zombies were interested in the iron soldier, so only a few had actually engaged him. "They are getting away," Eunseo said, and Elise frowned. "If the mechanized division seals off the area, we can keep them inside." "What if they break through the barricade?" "Then, the problem will get bigger. The iron soldier has used all of its long range weapons." "That can¡¯t be. Kill them at any cost." Elise nodded and said, "There are five zombies remaining. I will begin the hunt." The iron soldier flew up again, tearing the corpses nearby. It was flying low enough to touch ground and it grabbed a zombie. It was moving very fast. If that continued, the iron soldier would clean up the cemetery of zombies. It killed four zombies, and thest was heading toward some ce unexpected. It was going to a restroom. The zombie broke down the door and headed inside. When the iron soldier got there, a scream rang out from inside. "Aaahhh!" It was a woman¡¯s scream, and everyone frowned, staring at the screen. The iron soldier looked inside the restroom. The zombie¡¯s face appeared, and the iron soldier moved quickly. If the woman was bitten, she would have to be killed. If she had not, they had to save her. The iron soldier entered and was trying to grab the zombie when something strange happened. The zombie went into the stall and something shot out. It moved so fast the screen couldn¡¯t capture it. Zombies moved beyond human speeds, but it moved even faster. It disappeared quickly from the screen, unlike any human movement. The iron soldier captured the zombie and killed it. As it turned its head, the woman had run away from the restroom. Elise saw her and knew it. The woman had to be killed. "She got bitten by the zombie. I must kill her." The iron soldier took off looking for the woman. She had ran over a hundred meters already. When the iron soldier caught up to her, she just sat down on the grass and stared at it. Everyone knew about the iron soldiers, and she was crying, seemingly relieved. Eunseo looked at her through the monitor and said, "Bring her here. We have to check if she has been bitten or not." Elise smiled and operated the iron soldier. The iron soldier extended its hand, and the woman took it and stood up. "You¡¯ve encountered zombies. I will take you to Guardians¡¯ HQ, and we will check to make sure you are OK and get you home," the iron soldier said. "Is that true?" She had survived a pandemonium and was thinking about going to the police, but the iron soldier spoke first, "You will be morefortable with us." "OK." The iron soldier hugged the woman and took off. It wasn¡¯t flying low this time. Instead, it rose very high over the city¡¯s buildings. "Ahhhh!" the woman screamed, and the group looked at each other. Eunseo spoke first. "Can she move that fast because she was bitten by the zombie?" Elise shook her head. "She moved faster than the zombies. It was a short distance, and she fell, but she is faster than the zombies." "Then, what happened?" "I don¡¯t know, but the feed couldn¡¯t keep up with her speed. It¡¯s not normal." Elise looked at Junhyuk watching the iron soldier flying with the woman. "God only allows suffering that can be endured. That woman might be the key to solving the monsters situation." Junhyuk turned to look at Elise. That woman had activated her power, bing a novice. Elise said she was the key to solving the monsters situation and realized she had to know a lot more. Doyeol had Jeffrey with him, and Elise might know about the Dimensional Battlefield. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to reveal his identity and started feeling helpless. The screen showed Guardians¡¯ HQ. The iron soldier had returned. Itnded at the hangar, and Eunseo looked at Elise. "Let¡¯s go together." "Yes, but before that we have to seal them off." A cylinder ss container covered the iron soldier and the woman, and smoke wafted inside the ss. "What is happening?" "It¡¯s an antiseptic. I don¡¯t know about the zombie virus, but other infections can purged." Elise got up and said, "Let¡¯s go together." Eunseo followed Elise with her wheelchair, and Dohee and Junhyuk followed them toward the hangar. The ss enclosure rose again, and a woman walked out coughing. "What is this?" The woman asked, and Dohee walked toward her. "This is Guardians¡¯ HQ. You might have been carrying a contagion, so we cleaned you up. Please understand," she said and pointed to a room. "You may change your clothes over there." The woman looked at herself and nodded. "Right." She was covered in dirt, and her shoes¡¯ heels were broken. She followed Dohee, and Elise turned a screen on. "I have her identity. Her name is Sora Shin, and she used to be a track runner. After a knee injury, she quit." Junhyuk now understood why she became a novice. Her desire to live and to run became one and activated a new power, speed. Activated powers could be used right away at the Dimensional Battlefield. If she could run a hundred meters at high speed at the Dimensional Battlefield, she could escape anything. Junhyuk looked at the room where she was. He had witnessed someone activating her power, and it was refreshing. Sora walked out of the room, seemingly more rxed, and Junhyuk checked her stats. Two hundred health and fifty mana, she was very physically-focused. Chapter 144: New Novice 3 Chapter 144: New Novice 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Sora walked out, and Eunseo moved forward. She kept kept staring at Eunseo riding her automatic wheelchair. "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Eunseo Kim, Guardians¡¯ CEO." "Nice to meet you." Sora already knew about Guardians. It was huge, international news. At least on Earth, everyone knew about it. People who had survived monster attacks knew even more. She also didn¡¯t expect the CEO to be around her age. Eunseo introduced Elise to Sora. "This is Guardians¡¯ Development Chief, Elise. She will exin everything to you." Elise stepped forward. "Nice to meet you. The zombies were simr to zombies in movies, but they were faster than expected. The people who were bitten by them carried a contagion and became zombies themselves. Do you understand?" "Yes." Sora thought of what had happened and shivered. "We used a form of disinfectant on you as soon as you got here with the iron soldier, but we still need to draw your blood and run a few more tests on you," Elise added. Sora wasn¡¯t feeling well, and Elise continued calmly, "I promise it won¡¯t be dangerous, and the data we collect here will be sent to the Center for Disease Control. They already know about your rescue and they need more data from you." After the mention of the CDC, Sora became very nervous. While listening, she started worrying about whether she had been bitten by a zombie. She didn¡¯t even know how she had run away from it, but she understood what they were telling her and she was definitely nervous. "We will run the tests and let you know," Elise told her. "OK." Elise thought of something else and said, "You can¡¯t use anymunication devices in here. We jam all connections to the outside." "But I have to call home!" Elise nodded. "We will call your home, and, without the results of the tests, you¡¯d be just giving your family something else to worry about." "I understand." Elise smiled and said, "Please,e this way." Sora followed her, and Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. "Junhyuk, you may go back to the executive office. You¡¯ll receive a lot of calls, but remember that we don¡¯t know anything yet. Soon, we¡¯ll make a list of casualties." "OK." Eunseo saw Elise returning and asked her, "When can we have the results for Sora Shin?" Elise answered calmly, "The blood test will tell us if she¡¯s carrying the contagion within five minutes." "What?" Junhyuk was surprised and asked the question without realizing. "We only have to check one person, and it¡¯ll take five minutes. If there were more, we would need more time," Elise exined calmly. She looked at Eunseo. "Are you calling Doyeol?" "I should. This was Guardians¡¯ first mission," Eunseo said and added, "If this happens anywhere else in the world, let me know everything about the iron soldiers¡¯ results." "I will." Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. "Then, you run control from the Executive Department." "Yes." Junhyuk went to the office, and just like Eunseo had said, the phones were going crazy. He was really surprised by the titles of the people calling, but he calmly answered all of their questions. They couldn¡¯t reveal the identity of the woman. They were keeping her safe and running blood tests on her. He told them to wait for the result. The people on the other side of the line screamed out their titles at him, but Junhyuk just answered unfazed. Since the phones were going wild, he answered them in the sequence by which phone call came in first. Time passed quickly. He had been answering calls for a long time when the door opened, and people came in. It was Doyeol and Jeffrey. They saw him talking on the phone, and Doyeol walked quickly toward him, extending his hand. Junhyuk handed him the receiver, and Doyeol said coldly, "We will make a list of casualties soon!" He was done talking and pulled the phone¡¯s cord out. Junhyuk had wanted to do it, and Doyeol did it without hesitation. "You must be having a hard time," he said calmly. "No, I¡¯m not." He hade to Guardians and tranted the cooperation documents. Since then, he had had nothing else to do. It was only his second day at work. "Follow me." Junhyuk followed him without question. Jeffrey greeted him with his eyes, and Junhyuk nodded slightly toward him. When Junhyuk looked at Doyeol, he found out he had a surprising amount of health. He had fifty health and was clearly not an ordinary minion. His soul¡¯s size was entirely different. Powerful people have big souls, Junhyuk thought. He didn¡¯t want tog behind, so he walked fast. Doyeol headed to the meeting room. Eunseo, Dohee, Elise were there, and Sora was sitting on a chair opposite of them. Doyeol walked in, and she stood up. He bowed lightly toward her. "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Doyeol Kim." "Hello." Sora had been preparing for an employment opportunity. When she was young, she was a bright track star. However, after injuring her knee, she started studying again and, now, she was getting ready for the workforce. That day, she had gone to the national cemetery to visit her father who was buried there. Her interview would be on the following day, but the incident happened first. Doyeol was an important figure for Sora, important enough that she didn¡¯t look him in the eyes. Doyeol signaled to the chair. "Have a seat. I want to talk to you." "Yes." Sora sat, and Doyeol also took a seat. A secretary came into the room bearing some tea. Eunseo had her bodyguards, but this was the first time Junhyuk realized they had an extra secretary. Eunseo told Doyeol to drink his tea, and he stared at her. "The blood test is negative. She doesn¡¯t have any symptoms," she said first. Sora sighed deeply, feeling relieved, and Eunseo adjusted her sses. "We haven¡¯t revealed your identity, so don¡¯t worry about that either." "Thank you." They had rescued her from the zombies and hadn¡¯t revealed her identity. She was very grateful. Eunseo looked at her and said, "You aren¡¯t carrying the contagion, but we have one more thing to tell you." "OK. Please speak." "Your speed when escaping the zombie is inhuman. We think it¡¯s a type of supernatural power." "A supernatural power?" "Yes. Humans don¡¯t have that kind of power." Sora pressed her chest with her hand, and Eunseo continue, "The monsters¡¯ appearance is a worldwide disaster. Do you understand?" "Yes." "We quickly introduced the iron soldiers to fight monsters, but we don¡¯t know what kind of monsters will show up. We found another possible way of dealing with monsters through you." "Through me?" Sora became nervous, and Eunseo continued calmly, "You earned your supernatural power while dealing with a monster." Sora frowned slightly. "Are you going to have me fight these monsters?" Eunseo shook her head. She was devoid of expression and not joking at all. "But we wish that you participate in our research." "Research?" "You are the first person to activate a supernatural power by encountering a monster. If we study you, we may find ways to deal with them." "That means I won¡¯t have to fight the monsters?" Eunseo nodded, but Sora hesitated. Doyeol had been listening and said, "You must be thinking we¡¯ll treat you like an alien from outer space. I¡¯ll give you some advice. We are only interested in how you activated your power, where that power came from, and how we can use that power. I promise you won¡¯t be in harm¡¯s way." Sora was still hesitant, and Doyeol made a signal with his eyes. Dohee pulled out a document and gave it to Sora. She looked at it, and her eyes widened. "I told you, saving humanity rests on you. If you help us out, we will give you a small sum in return," Doyeol said calmly. "A small sum?!" Sora looked at the number, and her eyes lost focus. If she agreed, they would give her $10 million. When they found ways to use her power, they would recognize her contribution and give her an additional $1 million a year. "Are you joking?" Doyeol¡¯s eyes didn¡¯t move, and he said, "I don¡¯t have the spare time to make jokes. I took a helicopter here to tell you that." Sora wasn¡¯t feeling well. Doyeol was too charming for her. "So, if I agree right now, you will give me the money right away?" "Sure. Only, you have to sign a confidentiality agreement and, while research is underway, you may not contact the outside world." "If I can¡¯tmunicate with the outside world, how do I know I¡¯ll be safe?" Doyeol chuckled. "Don¡¯t worry about that point. We just want to keep it a secret. You may contact your family." Sora smiled and bowed. Junhyuk wanted tough aloud but couldn¡¯t. Sora had the power to run away from that ce if she wanted to. Unless they put her in a sealed room, no one could follow her around because of her power. Doyeol asked Sora, "How about it? Are you going to sign?" Sora asked carefully, "If I agree to this, whichpany will I belong to?" Doyeol looked at Eunseo. "Surely, you¡¯ll belong to Guardians." Eunseo knew what Sora wanted to find out. "You¡¯ll be a researcher in the research team." Sora made up her mind and smiled. She had almost died and had activated her power. For that, she was given the biggest opportunity of her life. "I will. I will," she said. "Good." Doyeol looked at Eunseo. "We¡¯ll give you a detailed schedule and further information." "Thank you." Sora bowed to Doyeol, and he looked at Eunseo. "We hired her, but I want to talk to her alone." "OK." Eunseo went out, and Junhyuk started following her, but Doyeol called for him. "Junhyuk, stay for a moment." Junhyuk looked at Eunseo, and she nodded, so he stayed behind in the meeting room. Doyeol looked at Sora. "So far, we made the official contract. Now, it¡¯s time for the unofficial contract." "Unofficial contract?¡¯ Sora started feeling uneasy, and Doyeol crossed his hands together and said, "It¡¯s about the Dimensional Battlefield." Junhyuk shivered slightly, and Doyeol looked at him. "Junhyuk, take a seat." Chapter 145: Contract 1 Chapter 145: Contract 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk eye¡¯s met Doyeol¡¯s, and he looked at Jeffrey, who shook his head, seemingly saying that he didn¡¯t say anything. Junhyuk knew that, and Doyeol was confident. It all depended on what Doyeol wanted, and Junhyuk had to make his mind up. While talking to Arn, Junhyuk learned one thing: the most important thing was his own life. If someone threatened his life, he had to kill that person without hesitation. He reminded himself of that and sat down. He could teleport, so sitting down meant nothing to him. As he sat, he stared at Doyeol. It wasn¡¯t time to reveal his identity yet, and he wanted to listen to what Doyeol had to say. After Junhyuk took a seat, Doyeol looked at Sora. "Now, it¡¯s your turn to listen. Have you heard of the Dimensional Battlefield?" "No," she said, shaking her head. Doyeol continued calmly, "The Dimensional Battlefield summons abnormal narcolepsy patients, and if they die there, they fall in a permanenta. Their souls die." "What?" They had said that they didn¡¯t know anything, but Doyeol exined it all. They had to know a lot more about abnormal narcolepsy, and Sora became very nervous. The public didn¡¯t know anything. Only people like Doyeol knew, and people with powers simr to hers. Sora knew she had to keep that a secret. Doyeol smiled brightly at her, and Sora realized what he was talking about. Doyeol knew it too. "The Dimensional Battlefield is a hard ce to survive for ordinary people, but you have activated your power and have a higher survivability rate. I want to propose a conditional partnership." "What is it?" "I¡¯ll give you information on the Dimensional Battlefield, everything I know. You stay alive in that ce and, when you return, you bring back these items with you." Doyeol showed her a mana stone and a bloodstone. Their sizes were about the same as a thumb. They were rather small. Junhyuk had one the size of a fist byparison. "What is that?" Doyeol showed her the blue gem and said, "This is a mana stone. We were able to manufacture the prosthetics because of it." Sora picked it up. The stone was shining blue, and she was mesmerized by it. "What you are holding is used to fuel the iron soldiers. We can make one iron soldier with a stone of that size." She was stupefied, and Doyeol continued, "We have plenty of money, but we can¡¯t purchase mana stones with it." Sora carefully put the mana stone down, and Doyeol held the blood-colored gem. "This is called a bloodstone. We are researching it for the Regeneration Project. If we are sessful, we will open a brand new door in the field of medicine. However, we need more of them." Sora listened to him and realized those weren¡¯t for her. She had just been attacked by zombies, and after the iron soldier rescued her, they ran tests on her. Events unfolded, and she got paid $10 million for signing a contract with an annual sry of $1 million. She had be one of Guardians¡¯ researchers and she wanted to live her life without being envious of others. She had just heard about the Dimensional Battlefield, and Doyeol said he would tell her everything about that ce if she agreed to gather the two gems ande back. She gulped. "When I bring back these stones, what do I get?" Doyeol saw that Sora had taken the bait and smiled. "When you bring them back, we¡¯ll pay you depending on the stone¡¯s grade and we keep the stones." "What is the going rate?" Sora asked carefully, and Doyeol showed her his fist. "A mana stone the size of my fist goes for $100 million." "What?" A hundred million dors was an astronomical amount. "Each is them is $100 million?" Doyeol looked very serious. "Of course." She gulped again. "How do you know I will go to the Dimensional Battlefield?" Doyeol put the stones away and answered, "Until now, we didn¡¯t know who would go. But you¡¯ve activated your power, so they will summon you for sure." "How certain are you?" "You are the first one to activate a power in this world. The Dimensional Battlefield has a few who have activated their powers. They are summoned there on a biweekly basis." "A biweekly basis?!" "I¡¯m sure of that." Sora realized that there was a high probability that she would be summed, and she took a moment to think. "I can¡¯t talk to anybody about this." "Of course. Secret is key." "But isn¡¯t it a good idea to tell people about the Dimensional Battlefield?" Doyeol shook his head. "If we tell, we will only create mass panic and confusion. No, it¡¯s not a good idea." She sighed deeply and looked at Junhyuk. If it is a secret, why is he telling Junhyuk? She stared at him, and Doyeol also looked at him. "I told you to stay because I have a proposal for you." "What is it?" Doyeol took out his his smartphone and said calmly, "I want to purchase your mana stone." Sora looked at Junhyuk. If mana stonese from the Dimensional Battlefield, and he has one with him, that means that he has been there! Does that mean he also has powers? As soon as Junhyuk heard what Doyeol said, he release his intent. Doyeol had arge soul, but it was not big enough topare it to Junhyuk¡¯s. To begin with, a minion¡¯s soul couldn¡¯t bepared to the soul of champion, and he had been to the Dimensional Battlefield many times, activating powers and polishing his soul. Also, as an expert, he had died, and that had erged his soul as well. When Junhyuk release his intent, Doyeol became unable to breathe. As soon as he felt Junhyuk¡¯s intent, his forehead started sweating, but he didn¡¯t relent. "You have a mana stone. It¡¯s different from the other mana stones. We have to research it and bring about big advancements so that we can stop the monsters." Junhyuk understood why Doyeol had wanted him to stay. Sora was still there, and Doyeol had spoken to him directly. He had two agendas. Doyeol wanted Sora to trust him, and he expected Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t do anything while she was there. Junhyuk thought it over for a moment. Doyeol was confident in his assertion, so that meant that he already knew Junhyuk had a mana stone with him. Junhyuk didn¡¯t know how he had found out, so if he decided to refuse, he might have to use force. Jeffrey and Sora were also there, and they were close. One Spatial sh could kill them all. However, he would be a murderer, and they would chase after him forever. Also, Sora hadn¡¯t done anything, and he would feel guilty about killing her. Junhyuk thought about the things he could gain and agreed. Doyeol was so nervous that he was shaking, but he didn¡¯t drop his smartphone. Junhyuk looked at him and said, "If it¡¯s different from the other mana stones, you must know its price." As Junhyuk spoke, Doyeol¡¯s expression eased, and he said, relieved, "Of course." "How much will you give me for it?" "The purity is different. For something simr to the previous one, I would have paid $100 million, but you must be paid five times that amount. So, $500 million. How does that sound?" Doyeol was strong in delivering his proposal. Going by pure physical strength, Junhyuk would have killed him, but in South Korea, he overpowered Junhyuk. Still, Junhyuk knew his mana stone was totally different from other mana stones. Vera had given it to him personally, so he shook his head, and Doyeol smiled bitterly. "Right now, I only have $500 million in liquid assets, but if you gave it to me, I would give you $200 million worth of ST Capsule stock shares." He was willing to give him $200 million in shares, and Junhyuk¡¯ eyebrows twitched. He could be a shareholder of ST Capsule. Thepany¡¯s annual dividends were of 7 percent. If he held $200 million in shares, that would trante to $14 million in yearly dividends. They would tax him like crazy, but he would still be extremely wealthy, and that was on top of the $500 million. He pondered his options seriously. If he had money, he wouldn¡¯t have to work. He needed more money to train to survive, and Doyeol¡¯s offer benefited him. "I have conditions of my own." "Speak." Doyeol knew the contract was almost made because Junhyuk hade up with conditions. "People are following me. Take care of them." Doyeol frowned slightly. "To do that, we must follow you around." To protect him, they had to follow him around, but Junhyukughed out loud. "Do it without following me. If you put surveince on me, the contract is over." Doyeol thought about it and answered, "I see. I will try" "I¡¯m selling my mana stone, but that doesn¡¯t mean I will be working for you." Junhyuk looked at Jeffrey, and Doyeol nodded. Doyeol didn¡¯t need him. He needed his mana stone, and Junhyuk had decided to deal with him instead of making him an enemy. "Of course, but promise me something." "Please, go on." "I want a monopoly on your mana stones." "You don¡¯t have enough cash now. You even gave me stocks!" Doyeolughed loudly. "If you agree, I will pay you the same price in the future." Junhyuk stared intently at Doyeol. He was not the lying type. Doyeol was confident that he woulde up with a way to pay him, and Junhyuk pondered about it. "If you keep it a secret that you purchased it from me, I¡¯ll give you a monopoly." "Thanks." Doyeol operated his smartphone and showed it to Junhyuk. A notification appeared on Junhyuk¡¯s smartphone, and he looked at it. The $500 million had been wired to his sry ount. Doyeol smiled and said, "Don¡¯t worry about tax. I¡¯ll take care of it." Junhyuk pulled the mana stone out. Vera had given it to him personally, and Doyeol¡¯s eyes beamed. "You will get your shares by tomorrow." Junhyuk knew that contract had changed his life forever. Chapter 146: Contract 2 Chapter 146: Contract 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Sora watched the deal being made, and her eyes widened. She had been really surprised by the $10 million signing bonus and the $1 million annual sry, so she lost touch with reality after hearing that mana stones and bloodstones were worth $100 million. She hadn¡¯t received her $10 million signing bonus yet, so she had a hard time believing it all. However, right in front of her, they agreed to a $700 million contract for some random stones that were used for the iron soldiers as a new energy source. She was perplexed by the price, and her jaw hung open. Junhyuk was now worth hundreds of millions, and Sora just stared at him. She hadn¡¯t seen it before, but she realized that he was the world-famous employee model for ST Capsule. Junhyuk was already a star on the inte and the world. That star was someone who had survived the Dimensional Battlefield and had his own powers. Sora¡¯s eyes beamed. They told her she would certainly go to the Dimensional Battlefield, and he had to know a lot about that ce. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes were resolute, and she couldn¡¯t talk to him at that moment. Junhyuk made the deal and checked his bank ount. He had been paid $10 million for his films, but now the ount said $510 million. He had enough money to do anything he wanted, and Doyeol told him he would take care of the people following him. So, he could focus on his training again. Junhyuk thought for a moment and said, "OK. Next time I get the stones, I¡¯ll let you know." "Sure! I¡¯ll be expecting it. It doesn¡¯t have to be mana stones or bloodstones. If you get something from the Dimensional Battlefield that you want to sell, just let me know. You won¡¯t be sorry." "I¡¯ll do that." Junhyuk got up. "I don¡¯t want anyone aside from those here today to find out about what has transpired here." Doyeol agreed. "Of course. I meant to ask you same thing." "And find someone to work as an employee model." "You want to quit?" "As soon as you get someone, I¡¯ll quit. Do you want penalty fees for the breach of contract?" Doyeolughed very hard. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! What do you mean? We¡¯ll make it look like we made a mistake. Is that OK?" "Sure." Junhyuk looked at Sora. "Sora, can you keep the secret?" She knew that only a few people in the world knew about the battlefield and she nodded. Junhyuk looked very scary. She couldn¡¯t think of anything else but to nod. When Junhyuk turned around, she sighed. He went out of the door and inhaled deeply, but he still had one thing to do. Junhyuk sat in his office and started writing on a piece of paper. Once he finished, he folded the paper, put it inside an envelope and went to see Eunseo. Junhyuk went to the CEO¡¯s office, and Dohee announced him. He went inside at Eunseo¡¯s invitation. "What did my brother want?" she asked. "It¡¯s a secret. I can¡¯t tell you." Eunseo frowned a bit, and Junhyuk handed her the envelope. She read it, raised her sses and asked, "You are quitting?!" "Yes." "You are quitting Guardians?" "Yes, and ST Capsule is letting me go as a model." "For what reason?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t feel like talking, and Eunseo looked at him and said, "You are quitting on your second day. That is a surprise." "I want to live my life. It¡¯s my choice." "But we don¡¯t have enough people working here. It will take some time for your resignation letter to go through." Junhyuk could understand her reasoning. "I will report to work until you find someone. Do you need a month?" Eunseo nodded. "A month will be plenty." "Then," he said and got up. "Elise discovered more things about what happened today. Look it over and email me. You may go home after," she said matter-of-factly. "OK." Junhyuk walked out and headed toward the Development Department. Elise wasn¡¯t at her seat, so he waited. She came running with serious look on her face. "Can I see your files on what happened today with the monsters? The CEO wants me to," he asked her. Elise looked at him, tapped on her tablet and said, "I¡¯ve used Zaira to give you ess. Check yourputer at the Executive Department." "I don¡¯t have an ID or a password." Eliseughed at him. "Go and check," she said and ran to her office. Why is she so busy? Junhyuk looked at the closed door and thought of Doyeol. Elise was the inventor of the iron soldiers, and he could guess what she was doing. Junhyuk stared at the closed door and clicked his tongue. "Zaira knew about it?!" He wasn¡¯t sure how Doyeol knew about his mana stone, so he thought of Elise and Zaira, and the answer was right there. Junhyuk had already made a deal with Doyeol, but he thought it would be funny if he asked him a few questions now. He went to his office and turned hisputer on. The screen showed his face, and Junhyuk looked around. He had already been given ess. [You have ess to today¡¯s iron soldier¡¯s deployment. Do you want to ess it?] Junhyuk was nervous, and when he heard the voice, he responded. "Show it to me." Fifty video feeds opened in sequence. Junhyuk looked at the fifty feeds, impressed with theputer¡¯s effectiveness. They were high quality feeds, and all fifty were ying at the same time. The office¡¯sputer was far more advanced than his personal one. He watched the feeds and saw the events that unfolded and frowned. Fifty iron soldiers had been deployed, but there were still casualties. Suddenly, one of the feeds showed the Chinese army attacking the iron soldier. "Hm." China wanted the residual materials from the monster extermination. He hadn¡¯t expected the Chinese army to attack the iron soldier, but the iron soldier didn¡¯t shoot back. If it did, it would create an international disaster. Junhyuk witnessed the power of the iron soldiers and shook his head as he watched all of the screen. With the exception of China, the iron soldiers had handled all of the monsters. However, he also saw a monster that he had never seen before. "I¡¯ve never seen the entirety of the Dimensional Battlefield." Junhyuk watched thebat on the screen and murmured, "I could get this type of information here..." He knew that, on Earth, money and information meant power and he had some money at that point. He didn¡¯t have enough to control people, but he had the means to earn more. However, information was different. As Junhyuk looked at the screen, he shook his head. He thought about how to live his life in South Korea and said, "Combine the feeds into one file." [Apression program will be used. Viewing of thepression is only possible within Guardian HQ.] "I don¡¯t care." The feeds all joined into one video, and Junhyuk was left speechless. It was new technology, but it was also fifty feeds beingpressed into one file. He shook his head and sent it in an email to Eunseo. He also sent what Zaira had told him and looked at the screen again. He had decided that he wanted to leave thepany. There was a lot to do. He wanted to train and search for items on Earth that he could take to the battlefield. He hadn¡¯t had money before, but now, he wanted to buy whatever he could and take those things to the Dimensional Battlefield to see if he could use them as items. He wanted an iron soldier, but that was too expensive. He couldn¡¯t buy one with his $500 million. Still, he might not even be able to use the iron soldier at the Dimensional Battlefield. Its attack power was high, but the heroes¡¯ defenses couldn¡¯t be broken through, meaning it would just be another piece of junk. "I should look into antiques." He could find them in museums and shops, and they might carry powers. Junhyuk smacked his lips. "I need something to tell me what can be used at the Dimensional Battlefield." The Dimensional Merchant had everything, so Bebe might have something that could analyze objects from South Korea. He would ask Bebe about that the next time he was at the battlefield. Junhyuk got up and grabbed his belongings. "I get off work early today." He still had time until he had to meet Sarang, but it was a long way to Seoul, and he had to take an alternate route to avoid other people. He was looking forward to what she would say about the deal he had made that day. --- He was wearing a hood, a t-shirt and sunsses so that people wouldn¡¯t recognize him. People wouldn¡¯t be able to tell even if he were a movie star. He went to meet Sarang dressed like that, and that time, she wanted to go to a different restaurant. "Is it a sushi ce?" "It¡¯s a famous sushi ce." "Did you get a private room?" "Of course! Let¡¯s go in." She wasn¡¯t wearing her school uniform, so Junhyuk didn¡¯t feel the pressure of being seen with her and went inside. He took his hat off inside the private room, but didn¡¯t take off the hood. He ordered some food and looked at her. She was smiling brightly. She was happy, and he could tell. "I quit my job today." "What?!" He had just transferred and then resigned right after. Sarang was very surprised and asked about it, and Junhyuk told her about the deal he had made that day. "Vera gave me a mana stone, and he knew I had it, so I sold it. I have some money now, so I don¡¯t feel like working at thepany." "People win the lottery, and they go wild. They don¡¯t end up doing well." Junhyukughed at her. "I got more than if I had won the lottery." "How much?" He told her about the money, and Sarang¡¯s eyes twinkled. "The $500 million got transferred immediately, and I¡¯ll get another $200 million in stocks." Sarang stared at him and shouted, "Big brother!" Junhyuk was surprised by it, and Sarang stared hard at him. "Today is not April Fool¡¯s Day. Don¡¯t joke like that!" Heughed and showed her his smartphone with his bank ount. Sarang couldn¡¯t keep her mouth shut and looked at him again. "Big brother!" "What?" "I¡¯m lightheaded." Junhyuk massaged her forehead with his thumbs. "Let¡¯s eat." The sashimi came out, and Junhyuk took a bite. Sarang ate as well. "Big brother, should I ask Vera to give me a mana stone as well? With just one, I can change my life." "Well, ites from the Dragon¡¯s Valley. Unless we kill the dragon first, it will be hard to get one. But when we score a victory, you should ask her for one." "You¡¯ll sell it for me?" "I charge a 30 percent fee." Sarang felt betrayed and shivered, and Junhyukughed at her. "I¡¯m joking." "Big brother!" Sarang shouted again, and Junhyuk caressed her head and smiled. "I¡¯ve earned some money, but I need more." "Five hundred million dors isn¡¯t enough?" "To survive in South Korea, I need more power, and more money means more power." He had felt something with Zaira that day. To have information like that in South Korea, he would need more money. The mana stone deal had changed his life, and he looked to reach even higher levels in South Korea. Chapter 147: Swamp of Despair 1 Chapter 147: Swamp of Despair 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Thepany didn¡¯t open on Friday, and Junhyuk was resting at his home, gathering his thoughts. He didn¡¯t mind going to Dimensional Battlefield that day. Even if he died, he wouldn¡¯t die. However, he was notpletely carefree. So far, he had only had a supporting role to the heroes, but this time, he would be a leader in the fight. In that new battlefield, he could earn a lot more money. Champions usually had high defense, but his attack, especially his new power would crush them. Junhyuk raised his two longswords: the Blood Rune Sword and the Frozen Rune Sword. The Blood Rune sword had been upgraded, and was now a rare item. He looked at the Frozen Rune Sword and murmured, "Will I be able to upgrade you this time?" He absolutely needed to do it. Junhyuk knew that and obsessed over it. Once he finished upgrading the sword, he would buy more runes. From then on, he would have to earn a lot more money. He wanted to use that battlefield as a stepping stone for doing so. Junhyuk swung his swords and returned them. He let go of his anxiety andy on his bedfortably. His burner phone rang loudly. Junhyuk picked it up and heard Sarang¡¯s voice. "Big brother! It¡¯s tonight at eight o¡¯clock, right? "Right." "You will be leaving soon." "Yes." "Make a lot more money." Junhyukughed. She sounds like a wife talking to her husband! "I will kill as many as possible." Not all champions were the same. He had the Spatial sh, but he wasn¡¯t sure if he could kill Adolphe. Junhyuk finished talking to Sarang and stayed on his bed with his eyes closed. Soon, it would be time, his first time at the champions-only Dimensional Battlefield. He had to have fallen asleep, but the white light pounded his cornea, and he appeared in a familiar room. Junhyuk looked at the number on the wall: 23,240G. Since he had be a champion, his earnings for killing heroes were different. "This time, each kill is worth 3,000G. I¡¯ll make more." Junhyuk looked around and heard a soft voice. [Wee to the Swamp of Despair.] That Dimensional Battlefield was different, and he wanted to stay in the room and find out more about that ce. Then, a full suit of armor appeared before him. [Those without their own armor may wear it.] Junhyuk inspected the suit. It wasn¡¯t better than an expert¡¯s basic suit of armor, so he summoned Bebe¡¯s ck Armor and inspected everything he had. He owned more equipment now and he was stronger than ever before. Junhyuk gathered his breath, making to go outside. Suddenly, he heard a voice he had never heard before. [I will tell you about the Swamp of Despair. This ce will group you with two other champions, and you may follow two roads to attack your enemies. Both roads have watchtowers, and it¡¯s a good idea to stay on them.] He still didn¡¯t understand the situation, so he kept listening intently. That was his first time there, so it would be good for him to have an idea of the ce before going into battle. [Between the roads, you¡¯ll find a swamp. There is a high-ranking magician sealed in that swamp. If you help the magician, you will receive buffs. They may change the flow of the battles ahead, so if you can, you should give the magician the needed help.] Junhyuk thought the high-ranking magician was just like the dragon, but he didn¡¯t have to kill the magician. Instead, he had to help the person out. It was different from what he had thought, and he wanted to hear more, but the soft voice came back. [You may exit by the main entrance.] With that, Junhyuk realized the exnation was over and walked through the door. [This is the champions-only Dimensional Battlefield. You have unlimited revives, but you will lose 3,000G each time you die. Keep that in your mind and enjoy the battles.] He thought they were nicer at the champions-only battlefield. [This Swamp of Despair¡¯s victory prize is a Spatial Bag. Its height, length and width are five meters. Do your best to ensure victory.] Junhyuk was all ears. The Spatial Bag was normally too expensive for him to get, and they would just give it to the victor. He had to win. He pushed through the door, and the voice dered: [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] They didn¡¯t call out a number, but referred to him by his name, and he was very proud to be a champion. He opened the door. There were numerous minions standing there, but they weren¡¯t people minions. They looked like lizards and stood on two feet. Junhyuk looked at them and murmured, "Lizardmen?" The battlefield was called a swamp, so the minions were lizards. Junhyuk looked around. He was at the champions-only battlefield, so there had to be other champions there. He saw some people standing there. They were a head taller than the lizardmen, and Junhyuk walked toward them, analyzing them. One man had bandages all over him and blue eyes. His eyes told Junhyuk that he had to be someone important. Junhyuk realized the man was also a champion, and he wanted to know more about him. He had to know more about his enemies¡¯ powers, but it was also good to know his allies. It was easy to tell the other was a champion just by looking at him. He was over three meters tall and broad-shouldered. He was holding a staff with horns on it, and Junhyuk guessed he was some sort of troll. He walked over, and the troll greeted him. "You must be the new champion." "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Junhyuk Lee." The troll smiled. "I¡¯m Kaljaque. We¡¯ll get along fine." Kaljaque looked at the man wrapped in bandages, and Junhyuk also looked at him. "Aktur," he answered. Junhyuk looked at them and asked, "It¡¯s my first time at the champions¡¯ battlefield. Can you tell me more about what needs to be done?" Kaljaque smiled. "Compared to the Valley of Death, it¡¯s smaller. Take either road and destroy the enemy castle, and it¡¯s over." "If you know that, why don¡¯t you do it then?" Aktur had some nasty things to say about Kaljaque, but he only smiled and didn¡¯t respond. Aktur looked at Junhyuk. "Fighting itself is simple. I will take one road, and you two go up the other one. Don¡¯te over to my road," he said and signaled for the lizardmen. "Follow me." Aktur left, and Junhyuk got a little nervous. Allies had to fight together, and Aktur had told him not to go over to his road. He was anxious about that. "Why is he acting that way?" Kaljaque answered matter-of-factly, "We¡¯ve lost ten times straight." "Ten times straight?!" "Right, and in the meantime, a champion got killed," Kaljaque answered. "Killed?!" Kaljaque signaled for the lizardmen and said, "He got killed in his hometown. He was a champion... What a senseless death." Junhyuk was already aware that he could be killed in South Korea. Kaljaque continued, "And you are our new member, but you just became a champion. He is not very happy." Junhyuk sighed and asked, "What do they mean by ¡¯help out the high-ranking magician at the swamp?¡¯" "There will be a message, and you can help the magician out. Just one champion is enough, and they won¡¯t ask you anything difficult. When you help, they will give you a buff, but an enemy champion will also try. You need to stop that champion from helping." Junhyuk thought it was some kind of quest. Aktur and Kaljaque didn¡¯t seem fast enough, but he had items that increased his speed, so he should go help out the high-ranking sorcerer. "Then, I will go with you on that road, and I¡¯ll go help the sorcerer." "That¡¯ll work." Kaljaque called for a hundred lizardmen and smiled. "Then, let¡¯s move?" Junhyuk followed him. Outside, he saw the sky was purple andughed at it. It was a long road ahead. He followed Kaljaque outside the castle and was shocked when he looked at the roads. "What is that road?" There were walls of me about twenty meters tall on each side of the road, but the road didn¡¯t feel hot at all. Junhyuk wanted to put his hand on it, but Kaljaque stopped him. "Don¡¯t do it. The mewall damages champions who touch it. It¡¯s really hot." Junhyuk stared at it. He was thinking about pushing the enemy champions into it to deal damage. "I¡¯ll push the opponents against it." "They are thinking the same thing," Kaljaque said and smiled. "What are your powers?" Junhyuk asked. "My powers? Why?" "I need to know. We must cooperate." "You are a strange fellow. Kill your enemy on your own." Junhyuk was very surprised. They didn¡¯t cooperate at all. How can they win? They lost ten times straight, so that was the reason. He could end up part of the losing team, and if he lost, he would lose money quickly. "Tell me about your powers." Kaljaque stopped and looked at him. "Then, I will show you on the way." Kaljaque suddenly rushed forward, covering a distance of fifteen meters. Maybe he hasn¡¯t fully developed his power. The distance is short. He stopped rushing and swung the staff with thorns on it. Boom, boom, boom! A three-hit continuous attack. It¡¯s not like Bater¡¯s shockwaves, but it will still deal some heavy damage. "Graaaaahhl!" A howl. The howl rang on Junhyuk¡¯s ears, so he frowned and asked, "What kind of power is that?" "The howling paralyzes the enemy. Enemies within ten meters are paralyzed for three seconds." He was powerful enough, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t believe that they had lost ten times straight. Either the enemy was strong, or his allies didn¡¯t use their powers enough. Kaljaque looked at him. "So?" "Astounding powers." "Right? My staff will make cookie dough out of them." He didn¡¯t ask why they had lost ten times. Kaljaque was very happy with Junhyuk¡¯spliments, and Junhyuk figured out how to deal with him. Compliments worked not only on whales, but also on trolls. Kaljaque rested his staff on his shoulder. "Just trust me." He didn¡¯t ask what powers Junhyuk had, and Junhyuk started getting a headache. He wanted to win prizes, but he was drawing a nk. How can I win with them? "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Behind my back is the safest ce in the universe." Kaljaqueughed hard, and Junhyuk wanted to smash the back of his skull, but he didn¡¯t. Chapter 148: Swamp of Despair 2 Chapter 148: Swamp of Despair 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The watchtowers at the Swamp of Despair looked like they were built by barbarians whenpared to the watchtowers from the Valley of Death. The swamp was surrounding them, and they looked hastily built, but the watchtowers had to have some magic protection. Junhyuk looked at the lizardmen archers atop the watchtowers. They were sticking their tongues out while they looked at the enemy camp. When Junhyuk looked that way, he saw that the enemy also had lizardmen. It was a champions-only battlefield, and the champions would decide who would win since the minions were the same kind. Their road had two enemy champions. If both of them had gone over to Aktur, he would have had to kill them. Both champions looked special, however. "They don¡¯t have humans here?" The heroes were mostly humanoid, but the swamp waspletely different, starting with the champions standing in front of them. One was a three-meter tall, four-armed, grey-skinned monster. He only had one eye, but he carried four weapons: a short spear, a longsword, an axe and a hammer. At first nce, he looked dangerous. The other, standing next to the monster, was a female centaur, she had the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a horse. There was a spear on her back, but she was holding a horn bow. Junhyuk took stock of them and asked Kaljaque, "What kind of powers do they have?" "We will know when we fight them. Why are you so curious? Don¡¯t fight with your brain." Junhyuk now understood and agreed with Aktur about the troll, but the troll had to contribute. He couldn¡¯t just send him on the enemies¡¯ path. They would kill Kaljaque and make money, getting even more equipment. It would quickly go from bad to worse. "This is my first time fighting here, and I¡¯m worried. You¡¯ve fought them before, so you must know!" ¡¯Ha-ha-ha! That¡¯s right. I fought them for a long time." Kaljaque pointed to the four-armed, one-eyed monster. "His name is Lugos. His skin turns ck if you hit him, and I think he feels less pain that way." He must mean Lugos buffs his own defense. "When his arms double in size, be very careful. If he swings your way, it hurts a lot." He means Lugos increases his muscle mass to attack. "Lastly, be careful when he stomps the ground. It creates strange shockwaves that send you up in the air." Junhyuk looked at Lugos. His size and defensive power meant the champion was some type of tank. "What about that woman with the horse¡¯s body?" "Her name is Gyulsean. She shoots her horn bow from a distance. She is hard to deal with." A long-range attacker. She will be difficult. "When she closes in, she uses rushes with her spear. It hurts you bad and also pushes you back." Junhyuk looked at the mewall next to him. Touching it would damage him and push him back. He had to be aware of it. "What is the distance of her rush?" "I¡¯m not sure. I haven¡¯t measured it. It must be longer than my own rush." Junhyuk expected it to be fifteen or twenty meters. He could cover that with his teleportation. Kaljaque raised both of his hands. "When she is close to you, she will spear and throw you. Be careful. She has killed many people that way." He knows she has those powers, but he still got killed by her many times, Junhyuk thought and smiled bitterly. "A tank and a full-range damage dealer. Hard to deal with. How do you fight them?" "How do I fight them..." Kaljaqueughed, raised his staff and shouted, "Attack!" "What?!" Junhyuk didn¡¯t have time to respond. He and the lizardmen were already running. "What about the watchtower?!" "We will kill them first!" he shouted and ran forward. The enemies had smiles on their faces. Gyulsean pulled her bowstring slowly, and Junhyuk felt better. When Gyulsean shoots her bow, Kaljaque will stop, and we won¡¯t be attacked by the watchtower, he thought. If they were attacked by the watchtower while fighting the enemies, they would be easily killed. Gyulsean fired, and Kaljaque turned his head, but was hit on the shoulder and should have stopped then, but he kept moving. "You can¡¯t make me stop!" He moved faster, and Junhyuk despaired at the sight. Can I actually win with this guy? Gyulsean fired again while she retreated, and Lugos stepped forward. Lugos was so much bigger than him, but Kaljaque didn¡¯t care. "Come here, Lugos!" Kaljaque rushed forward, covering fifteen meters in an instant, but Lugos didn¡¯t care. The one-eyed monster wasn¡¯t ignorant at all. He was very calm. Boom! Kaljaque¡¯s rush looked very stupid, but the hit created quite a shock. The giant Lugos was pushed back and staggered, and Kaljaque swung his staff at him without hesitation. Boom, boom, boom! The three-hitbo! That¡¯s his power! Why is he using all of his powers now? Lugos won¡¯t die from his attacks, and he seems strong! Lugos raised his four weapons to block, but the shockwaves pushed him backward. Kaljaque kept moving forward, and the watchtower started attacking him. Each arrow was powerful. Junhyuk could see it with his eyes, and the lizardmen engaged in dogfights. At that time, Junhyuk got behind Kaljaque. Lugos was strafing to one side while fighting, and Junhyuk noticed that too. He was making way so that Gyulsean could attack, but the most important thing was to get out of the tower¡¯s range. Gyulsean saw Lugos making way, and instead of shooting an arrow, she rushed with her spear. Boom! The rush hit Kaljaque in the ribs andunched him away. Junhyuk watched him bounce five meters away and understood her power. Gyunsean put more emphasis onunching her opponent than simply striking him. In terms of damage, it was lower than Kaljaque¡¯s rush, but she could use her power in many different ways. Kaljaque was pushed back and shouted loudly, "You coward! Your rush again?!" At first sight, Lugos and Gyulsean showed coordinated and powerful attacks. They were cooperating with each other and easily dealing with Kaljaque. Junhyuk ran over to Kaljaque, touched his back and teleported. "Hm?" When he opened his eyes, Kaljaque saw that Lugos and Gyulsean were farther away, so he looked back. "Cool your head and then fight." "What are you talking about?! Did you see me being attacked?" Junhyuk inspected Kaljaque. He was looking to see how much of Kaljaque¡¯s health had gone down. The enemies¡¯ attacks were fierce, but he still had half of his health left, and it was regenerating at incredible speed. Gyulsean¡¯s attacks weren¡¯t weak, so Kaljaque¡¯s health had to be higher than Junhyuk had imagined. He was also regenerating quickly, so he had to be a tank-type champion. Tanks needed to rush and grab the enemy¡¯s attention, but diving in took timing as well. He was just being ignorant and he could get himself killed. Kaljaque saw his lizardmen getting maimed and tried to run back, but Junhyuk grabbed his arm. "What?" he shouted, and Junhyuk shook his head. "Let¡¯s retreat." "Why?" "We are being attacked by the tower, and we can¡¯t fight them both that way." "You should help out. I will take one down, and you take one down. Since you can teleport, you deal with Gyulsean." Junhyuk shook his head. "Gylsean¡¯s attack range is longer than the distance of my teleportation." "While you get close to her, I will distract them." Junhyuk stared at him. His eyes were very serious, and Kaljaque felt extremely dumb. Junhyuk had seen him rushing and thought Kaljaque only cared about himself. When he told him he would distract the enemy, Junhyuk understood he could also think about others. "We have to retreat." "Then our minions will be killed." "If the minions all die, we can still kill the champions. That will be better." Kaljaque stared at him. If the minions died, that was the end, and killing champions sounded better. Junhyuk had just arrived, but he knew Junhyuk was right. However, he had never retreated before. He is a troll warrior. Kaljaque looked at the enemy and smacked his lips. "If we retreat, can we win?" "When we are outside of the tower¡¯s range, I will fight with you." "If we don¡¯t retreat?" "I won¡¯te." "Even if I die?" Junhyuk nodded heavily. "To win, I must not." Kaljaque shouted, "Retreat!" The lizardmen heard him and got back slowly. They were different from men in that they did it orderly. They had been trained the right way, so they weren¡¯t all dead. Twenty of them remained. While they retreated, the enemy champions didn¡¯t do anything. The enemies just kept staring at them while Junhyuk took Kaljaque and retreated to his own tower. Then, they started talking among themselves. Kaljaque started pounding the ground with his staff and ncing at his enemies. He also didn¡¯t forget toin. "Warriors are suppose to fight until their heads get crushed. We are teasing them, and I don¡¯t like it." Junhyuk didn¡¯t answer and just kept paying attention to what the enemies were up to. "Without that tower, we will win." "I trust what you say." Junhyuk knew the opponents didn¡¯t know about him, and he wanted to use that to his advantage. So, Kaljaque had to get their attention. The enemy champions talked for a while before stepping forward along with their eighty surviving lizardmen. Junhyuk didn¡¯t care about the lizardmen minions. He could kill them all with a few strikes, but he wanted to watch how the enemies responded. He looked at Kaljaque. His muscles were twitching, and Junhyuk noticed that his health had gotten over 60 percent. In just a short period, he had regained 10 percent of his health, and Junhyuk was shocked by his ability to regenerate. Kaljaque acted like and had the powers of a troll. The enemy was just outside of the range of the allied tower when Kaljaque took his staff and started running. "Attack!" Junhyuk followed him and sighed deeply. He had to fight with that troll and gain experience in the battlefield, but he already had a headache. Chapter 149: Chance of Victory 1 Chapter 149: Chance of Victory 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk ran after Kaljaque. He had already made a promise, and Kajaque had 60 percent of his health left. That time, he could die. Lugos hadn¡¯t used his powers yet. Junhyuk was running while Kaljaque was hit by Gyulsean¡¯s arrows, but he kept going. Because Junhyuk was running behind Kaljaque, he wasn¡¯t hit by any arrows. Gyunsean didn¡¯t rush, so Kaljaque was able to do it. He ran full throttle, and Lugos stood in front of him. He started swinging his four weapons, and his body turned ck. Boom! Kaljaque¡¯s rush delivered a huge shock, but the all-ck Lugos stood his ground, and Junhyuk inspected him. The color change was a type of power, and when using that power, he received less damage than normal. So, Junhyuk had to buy more time until Lugo¡¯s resistance buff ended. That¡¯s when Kaljaque raised his staff and pounded him three times. What is this troll doing? He is so stupid! Kaljaque wanted to use the flow of events to knock the opponent down. Junhyuk closed in on them, but Gyulsean arrived first and tripped Kaljaque. He was the one knocked down. Kaljaque tripped and fell within the range of the enemy tower. When the enemy got closer to maximize their range, Junhyuk should have pulled him away, but it was toote for that now. Junhyuk analyzed the situation. He didn¡¯t know the enemies¡¯ healths, so he couldn¡¯t use his Spatial sh yet. Junhyuk approached them, and Lugos stepped forward. His huge eye was beaming in excitement, and he shouted, "You are a newbie!" Lugos got closer and stabbed at him with the short spear. The muscles of his arm tightened with the motion of the very sharp stab, but Junhyuk dodged his attacks and swung the Frozen Rune Sword, shing his forearm. As Junhyuk cut him, he was d he had done it. Junhyuk had thought Lugos would be ignorant and strong, but his defense wasn¡¯t as strong as he had thought. His forearm tore up, leaving a huge wound, and a shockwave stretched out from him with a ten-meter radius. The nearby lizardmen were swept by the shockwave and died, and the rest of the lizardmen scattered. Junhyuk felt more confidence from shing Lugos¡¯s forearm than from the lizardmen he had killed, and because of that confidence, he started attacking the enemy. Lugos had four arms, but his attack speed wasn¡¯t that fast. Each of his blows was powerful, but his speed overall was quite slow. After getting his forearm shed, his movement speed decreased. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t an easy opponent, especially for someone like Lugos. He had fought against heroes many times over, and fighting was part of him now. He was highly focused and engaged on Lugos, but Lugos was making his hairs stand up. Lugo¡¯s attacks were that dangerous. Junhyuk carried items that enhanced his attack rather than his defense or health, so if Lugos managed to hit him, it would hurt a lot. He was tied up with Lugos, and Kaljaque was exposed to attacks from Gyusean and the tower, and his health was plummeting fast. Junhyuk could see it. "Kaljaque! Retreat!" Kaljaque retreated from the tower¡¯s range and attacked Gyulsean, but Gyulsean disyed amazing ability to move. She had horse legs and she moved differently. Gyulsean moved quickly and prevented Kaljaque from retreating any further. She dodged Kaljaque¡¯s attacks and skillfully stabbed him with her spear. Junhyuk would have a tougher time dealing with her than with Lugos. He saw that Kaljaque had 20 percent of his health left. Champions didn¡¯t have ultimates, so if the tower concentrate its attacks on him, he would surely die. If Kaljaque died, Junhyuk would be alone, so he knew he had to use his power right then. Each time Junhyuk attacked, Lugos lost 7 percent of his health. Because of Lugos defensive power and hisrge health, Junhyuk knew the Spatial sh wouldn¡¯t kill him yet. Junhyuk kept thinking, and Gyulsean rushed toward Kaljaque. Boom! Kaljaque was pushed five meters back, and that could be fatal. He only had 7 percent of his health left. Even if he ran, if the tower attacked him, he would die. Junhyuk had to save him. Kaljaque was almost dead, and Gyulsean approached him. Lugos made the right choice and left Junhyuk behind to go after him as well. Lugos had 70 percent of his health left. Even if Junhyuk shed him, he would still survive, but Kaljaque would die from a single blow. Lugos¡¯ arm erged to twice the size, and Junhyuk looked at Kaljaque. He hadn¡¯t lost his spirit yet. Even with Lugos and Gyulsean running toward him, he shouts, "Graaaahh!" Suddenly, Gyulsean and Lugos were paralyzed, and Junhyuk realized that Kaljaque had used his power. Kaljaque had paralyzed the two and swung his staff at Gyulsean. The tower¡¯s archers were attacking him, and he had only 3 percent of his health left. Still he wasn¡¯t thinking of escaping, but wanted to kill the enemies instead. Junhyuk thought about what he was doing and became angry, but he remained patient. Junhyuk could still save him. He extended his hands, and an ivory-colored light surrounded Kaljaque, and Kaljaque stopped swing his staff and stood there dumbfounded. "Run!" Junhyuk shouted loudly, and Kaljaque collected himself and started to run. When he ran, the force field pushed Lugos and Gyulsean aside. The paralysis from the howling was gone, and they both attacked Kaljaque. Kunk, kunk, kunk! Because Kaljaque¡¯s health was low, they thought they could kill him. However, after pounding on the force field a few times, they realized the force field around him would block all physical attacks. They frowned and looked at Junhyuk, but he had already close in on Gyulsean and was swinging his sword down on her. She raised her spear to try to block his attack. ng! The shockwave spread out, but Gyulsean wasn¡¯t wounded at all, so Junhyuk tried to stab her again. She blocked him again, and he used the Spatial sh with the Blood Rune Sword. Gyulsean felt a prick on her neck and twisted her body, but the Spatial sh had hit her, creating another shockwave. "Argh!" He watched her health drop. It had only been one blow, but it was a critical strike. The Spatial sh took 70 percent off of her health. She had already lost 10 percent while fighting Kaljaque, so she only had 20 percent of her health left. Gyulsean waspletely surprised by the sudden amount of damage and retreated. Junhyuk didn¡¯t chase her down. Instead, he grabbed Kaljaque and went back to his tower. "Look! We are supposed to fight together!" "Kaljaque, one more strike and you will die." "But they are..." "If you die first, we can¡¯t win." Kaljaque gritted his teeth, but retreated anyway. Before the force field disappeared, they put a good distance between their enemies. Junhyuk turned and looked at Gyulsean. She was holding her neck and drinking a potion. She had started with 20 percent, and after drinking the potion her health was at 50 percent. The Spatial sh could deal damage equal to 70 percent of her health. The next one would kill her. Then, Junhyuk looked back at Lugos, whom he had been fighting. He had started with 70 percent of his health, but it was down to 50 percent. When he struck with the Spatial sh, the shockwave dealt half of the total possible damage to Lugos, meaning the pure Spatial sh could take out 40 percent of Lugos¡¯ health. When the cooldown was over, by his calctions, he could kill at least one enemy. Before the force field disappeared, Kaljaque drank a potion. He was also aware that he had to regain his health. His health increased by 15 percent, leaving him at 18 percent, and Junhyuk learned that Kaljaque¡¯s health was twice that of Gyulsean. He could understand Kaljaques¡¯ style of fighting now, and how he had survived the battles. He had to have items that increased and regenerated his health. Junhyuk stood in front of him. "We¡¯ll wait twenty-five seconds." "Waiting for your power?" "Yes." "Then their powers will also return." "But without my power, we can¡¯t fight." As Junhyuk said that, Kaljaque thought for a moment, but he soon agreed. Just a moment before, Junhyuk had been engaged in battle with Lugos, and each time Junhyuk attacked, he created shockwaves that killed most of the lizardmen. There were thirty lizardmen left. Kaljaque could also deal with the lizardmen alone. One hit meant one death, and he would continue to attack and kill all lizardmen, but he couldn¡¯t sweep through them with shockwaves. "Is that your power?" "What?" "Making shockwaves that damage your surroundings." Junhyuk stared at him. "Now you are curious about my power?" "Yes. It¡¯s the first time I see that kind of power." Junhyukughed. "It¡¯s an item¡¯s effect." "An item? Is there such thing?" Junhyuk answered him. He was not a hero, so he couldn¡¯t lose his item and answered everything. "It¡¯s an item set effect. It¡¯s hard to build a set, but when the set isplete it has astounding effects." "Cool. So, your powers are the force field and the teleportation? What is the other one?" He had been running, so he couldn¡¯t see the Spatial sh. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to keep secrets from his allies, so he told him calmly, "When we fight again, I will show you." "I¡¯m looking forward to it." As they talked, Kaljaque recovered more of his health. It was now up to 20 percent. The enemies had also regained some health, but that had to be because of potions. Junhyuk inhaled deeply. "This time, you take Lugos. I will take Gyulsean." "Can you kill Gyulsean? Can you even get close to her?" "Don¡¯t worry about it." He wasn¡¯t thinking about getting close. He would kill her from a distance and then attack Lugos. If the allies had another long range attacker, things would be much easier. If someone took out 30 percent of Gyulsean¡¯s health, Junhyuk would take care of the rest. However, they didn¡¯t have such a person. He had to do the best with the circumstances he was given. The enemies were scared of him and didn¡¯te close. When Junhyuk was fighting Lugos, he generated shockwaves that hit Gyulsean and swept through the lizardmen. Knowing that the lizardmen were useless, they decided not to use them. They were standing by the tower and realized their cooldowns were over. Both side¡¯s cooldowns were over. Junhyuk still had some time left for the force field, but he couldn¡¯t wait any longer. The enemy champions started making their move because their powers were at their disposal. If Junhyuk made Kaljaque wait any longer, he would get into another predicament just like before. He took a step back. "Second round. Let¡¯s begin." "OK." Kaljaque ran forward pell-mell, and Junhyuk knew he had to be careful. He couldn¡¯t control Kaljaque, so he had to clean up Kaljaque¡¯s shit for him. Chapter 150: Chance of Victory 2 Chapter 150: Chance of Victory 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Kaljaque was running without looking back, and Lugos and Gyulsean saw that and started retreating. This time, they were luring him into their range, and he wasn¡¯t thinking of stopping. Kaljaque¡¯s strong rush was aimed at Gyulsean, but the enemy wasn¡¯t interested in making way for him. Lugos stepped forward and tried to stop his rush. Junhyuk took some steps back, and Gyulsean took out her bow and readied an arrow. Kaljaque¡¯s health was only at 20 percent. If the enemies used their powers on him, he could be killed. Gyulsean was drawing her bowstring, and Junhyuk saw that she was within his range and swung his sword. Before she had a chance to release the arrow, a gash opened on the side of her neck, and she started bleeding out. It was a fatal blow, and Gyulsean¡¯s eyes widened. She didn¡¯t understand how or why she was dying. She didn¡¯t understand Junhyuk¡¯s powers yet. [You¡¯ve killed Gyulsean and earned 3,000G.] Gyulsean disappeared, and Junhyuk scoped out the battlefield. Once Gyulsean died, the shockwave swept the lizardmen nearby away. They had thought they had to stay out of Junhyuk¡¯s way, so they had gathered around Gyulsean and were killed as a group. Kaljaque wasn¡¯t interested in Gyulsean¡¯s death and headed toward Lugos, whose body turned all ck to stop his rush. Lugos was shocked that Gyulsean had died, and his single eye opened wide. Junhyuk headed towards Lugos, who had already engaged Kaljaque. Junhyuk saw Kaljaque raising his staff and got the urge to curse him out, but he remained calm. Lugos has already turned ck, and he won¡¯t be able to inflict a lot of damage. Why is he trying that again? He quickly approached Lugos. Lugos was focused on dealing with Kaljaque rather than Junhyuk. Kaljaque had very little health left, and Lugos¡¯ goal was to kill him. He had to be thinking that. Lugos swung his four weapons, damaging Kaljaque. The tower also attacked him, but he ignored it and kept fighting Lugos. Kaljaque had 5 percent of his health left and couldn¡¯t keep fighting Lugos. Junhyuk shed Lugos¡¯ ribs with the Frozen Rune Sword, touched Kaljaque and teleported. Kaljaque had been pounding on Lugos, but now there was some distance between them, and he swung at the empty air and frowned. "Why are we running again?!" "Do you really want to die?" Junhyuk shouted back, having lost his patience. Junhyuk was angry, and Kaljaque was dumbstruck. Junhyuk had been patient and paid himpliments, and his anger surprised Kaljaque. He turned his head to look at Lugos, who was running toward them. From Lugos¡¯ point of view, Kaljaque only had 5 percent of his health left, and he really wanted to kill him. Lugos had 50 percent of his health left, and he seemed confident that he would still kill Kaljaque even if he were attacked by Junhyuk. Junhyuk stood in front of Kaljaque and said, "Both of us can survive and kill him, so stay back!" Lugos came really close to them, but he was out of range of the tower¡¯s supporting fire. The amount of health he had left meant that Junhyuk would have to attack him eight more times to take him down. Junhyuk was highly focused and headed toward Lugos. He didn¡¯t give Kaljaque a chance. If he had, Kaljaque would be killed. Junhyuk stepped up, and Lugos swung hard. Lugos¡¯ four arms and four weapons made it hard for Junhyuk to find a weak spot. Junhyuk stopped heading after him and stepped aside, so Lugos passed him by and headed to Kaljaque. Kaljaque was very happy that Lugos wasing for him. He had regained 1 percent of his health and now had 6 percent total and might be able to withstand two of Lugos¡¯ blows. Junhyuk moved quickly behind Lugos, and Kaljaque howled suddenly, "Graaaahh!" The sudden howl was timed perfectly, and it paralyzed Lugos. Then, Kaljaque mmed his staff against Lugos¡¯ head. Crrraaack! He dealt a lot of damage to Lugos¡¯ head, and Lugos lost 12 percent of his health in one hit. It looked like a critical hit to Junhyuk, and he wanted to seize that opportunity, so he swung his sword. Junhyuk shed Lugos¡¯ back, damaging him. His back was defenseless, and Junhyuk inflicted 10 percent of damage to Lugos¡¯ total health. His health dropped from 50 to 28 percent, but once he could move, he stomped the ground. Boom! The shockwave rose from the ground, sending Junhyuk and Kaljaque into the air. Junhyuk clicked his tongue. There was a gap between him and Kaljaque, and he couldn¡¯t touch him. He couldn¡¯t teleport. Lugos¡¯ arms erged to twice their normal size, and he looked at Kaljaque. All four arms were double their size, and it looked like Kaljaque would die soon. The shockwave had also damaged them, and Kaljaque only had 1 percent of his health left. Junhyuk decided to take a chance. He teleported by himself underneath Lugos¡¯ chin and stabbed upward through his head with the Blood Rune Sword. He expertly avoided hitting bones and stabbed upward, delivering a critical hit. Lugos lost a lot of health. It decreased by 15 percent, leaving him with 13 percent left. Junhyuk pushed the Blood Rune Sword deeper and stab his eye with the Frozen Rune Sword. It was another critical hit, and Lugos lost another 10 percent of his health and was left with 3 percent. He had also lost his eye, but he tried to attack Junhyuk. However, Junhyuk was close to his chest, and his arms were too thick at that point to grab him, and Junhyuk wasn¡¯t interested in being attacked. His health would decline rapidly if Lugos hit him with a strong attack, and he might even die, so Junhyuk pulled his swords out and crawled between Lugos¡¯ legs, appearing on the other side. Lugos attacked the empty air, and Kaljaque mmed his staff on him. Craaaack! Lugos only had 3 percent of his health left, and that single blow took hisst breath away. Junhyuk watched Lugos disappear, surprised. He had practically killed Lugos by himself, but Kaljaque stole the kill from him. [Kaljaque killed Lugos.] The Swamp of Despair had a announcement system that toldbatants who had been killed by whom. Junhyuk heard the voice, and his eyebrows twitched. Kaljaqueughed very hard. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! What do you think? I saved you." Junhyuk wanted to p him, but he was hisrade. So, Junhyuk exhaled deeply and pulled himself together. "Worry about your health." "Don¡¯t worry. I have the fastest regenerative power among champions." He was speaking the truth. He was regaining health as he talked. Then, Kaljaque turned back and shouted, "Attack! Destroy the tower!" The lizardmen followed his order and ran. Junhyuk wanted to contribute and also saw Kaljaque running. "Kaljaque!" Kaljaque had regained some health, but he only had 2 percent of his health left. The tower wasn¡¯t buffed, but an attack from the tower would still kill him. However, Kaljaque didn¡¯t look back at Junhyuk even after he shouted, so he was hit with an arrow and staggered. Junhyuk ran to him and stepped on his shoulders, blocking the iing arrows. "Retreat!" "I want to destroy the tower." Junhyuk stopped the arrowsing toward them and shouted, "You will be killed!" "When you are killed by the tower, you don¡¯t lose any money." What the hell is he talking about?! Junhyuk wanted to pry his head open and look inside. The lizardmen went for the tower, and the archers began attacking them instead. Junhyuk looked at him and asked, "How did you survive the Valley of Death?" "Hm... Simple. When you have only one life, just stay inside the castle." "What?!" He sounded extremely stupid, and Junhyuk felt sorry for the heroes who fought with him. "Don¡¯t step in until you¡¯ve regained your health. I will siege the tower." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes gave off a very sharp look, and Kaljaque felt very stupid and avoided them. "OK. Do it fast. If not, I will step in." Junhyuk had heard enough, and turned and ran. The lizardmen were attacking the tower, and Junhyuk swung his sword. The tower had a force field, but it was much weaker than the one in the Valley of Death. They didn¡¯t look strong at all, and their force field was also weak, so Junhyuk struck fast and the tower¡¯s force field quickly crumbled. The tower was almost destroyed, and Junhyuk looked at Kaljaque. He was already attacking with his staff with only 3 percent of his health left. Junhyuk wanted toin, but he didn¡¯t. It would have been like reciting poetry for the troll¡¯s ears. Crraaaaack! The force field was gone, and the tower was destroyed. Junhyuk sighed and looked at Kaljaque. He looked very proud. "It¡¯s been a long time since we destroyed an enemy tower first." "Kaljaque." "Yes?" Junhyuk spoke to him calmly, "Kajaque is a warrior. I can tell from your powers and the courage you¡¯ve shown here today." Junhyuk felt no need to respect him any further and talked down to him, but Kaljaque didn¡¯t realize that. "Ha-ha-ha! You are very wise." "But..." Junhyuk started and stared at him so hard he was about to drill a hole in Kaljaque¡¯s face. "You must know when to use your courage. Otherwise, you are just gold coins for the enemy." "What?" "In singlebat, you may do as you wish. We are all champions here, and there won¡¯t be any difference." "I like one-on-one fights." Junhyuk nodded. "Right. So, only get in one-on-one fights." "What?" Kaljaque looked baffled, and Junhyuk rified it even more. "When you are in the tower¡¯s range or there are two champions facing you, just step back." "Stepping back isn¡¯t the way of a warrior." Junhyuk was angry, but he said patiently, "On the Valley of Death, you said that when you get down to yourst life you stay inside the castle." "Sure, that¡¯s the right way to do things, but we have unlimited revives here. Why do I have to stay back?" "When you die, the enemy earns 3,000G, and it will make the enemy stronger." Kaljaque bit his lips andined, "But warriors don¡¯t step back." He was very stupid and stubborn. Junhyuk realized he couldn¡¯t reason with him, so he grabbed Kaljaque¡¯s forearm. "This time we killed two!" "Ha-ha-ha! Right. I killed one of them by smashing his brains in." Junhyuk was the one who almost killed him, and he wanted to go over it, but didn¡¯t. "Right. Just do as I tell you, and you will kill many more and be stronger." "Stronger?" "Sure. Your equipment will get better, making you stronger." "Correct." "When you are stronger, you will kill three champions by yourself." Kaljaque was listening now. "That will happen soon." "Sure. Real warriors can do that." "Ha-ha-ha-ha!. Right. Real warriors." "Right. So, do as I tell you." Kaljaque pounded on Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder. "Don¡¯t worry. Just trust me." Junhyuk looked at him and still felt nervous. He had said that, but he might still run straight toward the enemy camp at any time. Junhyuk had topliment him often and indoctrinate him more. "Then, shall we move?" "Let¡¯s. We should get to the castle before Aktur does." Junhyuk really wanted to pry Kaljaque¡¯s head open. Chapter 151: High Ranking Sorcerer 1 Chapter 151: High Ranking Sorcerer 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk crushed the tower and advanced, but he felt like he shouldn¡¯t advance too far. If he did, he might encounter a group of enemies, and that would be difficult. "Should we bring more lizardmen?" There were only ten lizardmen left. With that amount, it wouldn¡¯t be easy to siege the castle. "Then, you should go." "We should all go. You¡¯ll be alone and you might meet an enemy." "I should kill them." Junhyuk had thought that he could have a normal conversation with Kaljaque for a moment, but he gave up on that idea. "We should move together." "Do what you like." Kaljaque hummed and swung his staff while he walked, and Junhyuk sighed. "Nothing is happening on Aktur¡¯s side." "Drakey is hard to deal with. Aktur will have a hard time with him." "What are Drakey¡¯s powers?" "Why are you so curious?" Kaljaque said, but he thought for a moment and continued, "Drakey has two heads and four legs, and he shoots soundwaves. They are dangerous. They shake your organs." "What is the range?" "It¡¯s longer than my rush, but I¡¯m not sure." Junhyuk wanted to ask how he had fought him, but didn¡¯t and asked about other things instead, "What about the other powers?" "He can escape like an eel. For a certain time, no attack will work against him." It sounded like an absolute dodge. Junhyuk would have to be careful. He could escape the Spatial sh that way, and that meant that every second counted in the fight. "For how long?" "About 3 seconds?" Junhyuk realized that his own powers were awesome. "Right." Kaljaque crossed his arms and said, "He has one more frustrating power. It¡¯s like summoning a tornado, but he makes a water pir and sucks everything around it. It deals a lot of damage and it hurts a lot." "How big is the space the sucking force affects?" "About a five-meter radius?" So within a ten-meter diameter, it sucked the opponents and inflicted damage. It would be hard to deal with. He could be the strongest enemy among the other champions, but Aktur was dealing with him for now. Aktur might actually bepletely different from Kaljaque and actually be OK. "What are Aktur¡¯s powers?" Kaljaque thought Junhyuk was asking too many questions, but his eyes were so focused and serious that he answered, "Since he is a mummy, he has a cursing power. When he curses the opponents, they slow down." "What is his range?" Kaljaque shook his head a little and took five steps forward and said, "This much?" Kaljaque could only give estimates on everything, but Junhyuk listened to him carefully. That Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s three-on-three confrontation would be the team battles. He wanted to prepare for them and learn more about Aktur¡¯s powers. Kaljaque thought of something and extended his arms. "Finally, he has the power to summon skeleton soldiers. He summons three skeleton soldiers, and they fight with us. They deal some damage." Junhyuk would ask Aktur about his skeleton soldiers and how much damage they could inflict. "Do they work on enemy champions?" "They stay active for twenty seconds, and the power has a long cooldown, but together, they deal the same amount of damage as Aktur himself." That meant that each skeleton dealt about 30 percent of Aktur¡¯s damage. It was a lot. If they lured the enemies in and summoned the skeletons, it would be like there were two Akturs fighting. Junhyuk thought he could kill one enemy right away when the team battle began. Of course, Kaljaque¡¯s powers weren¡¯t bad either. The howling had a paralysis effect, and his rush would hold at least one enemy down. However, Kaljaque didn¡¯t have a clue about how to time his attacks. Junhyuk had learned a lot about the enemies he had fought already, but he hadn¡¯t met Drakey and was curious about him. "Does Drakey have high attack or high defense?" "It¡¯s about the same?" That meant that Drakey was a bnced type, and Junhyuk was about to ask something else when he heard a soft voice. [The High-Ranking Sorcerer in the Swamp of Despair has awoken. Lend him the help he needs, and he will give you a reward.] Junhyuk listened to it and looked at Kaljaque. "Kaljaque, where is the High-Ranking Sorcerer?" "In the Swamp of Despair. Go in from here, and they will be gathering there. You won¡¯t get lost." "OK. I¡¯ll head there. You go back to the tower." "Why?" "Just in case. If two enemiese after you, it could be difficult." Kaljaque thought for a moment and said, "Don¡¯t worry. You go. The buff will be useful when you get it." "OK. I¡¯ll return soon." Junhyuk headed to the High-Ranking Sorcerer, and Kaljaque smiled and murmured, "The enemy has also sent someone to the High-Ranking Sorcerer. If anyonees this way, it¡¯ll be just one of them, so why should I bother going back?" Kaljaque rested his staff across his shoulders and signaled for the lizardmen. "Let¡¯s go," he said and headed toward the enemy camp. --- Junhyuk headed to where the High-Ranking Sorcerer was. He had an item that increased his speed and thought he would get there first. He ran for a while and saw a few of the monsters in the Swamp of Despair. Perhaps he could take a mana stone or a bloodstone from that ce back with him, but the important thing was to get the buff. Junhyuk shed through some monsters on the way and dashed forward. He ran until the road ended, and a huge swamp appeared ahead of him. There was an ind in the middle of the swamp, and he thought that was where the sorcerer was sealed. Junhyuk saw stones sticking out of the swamp at three-meter intervals and ran. On his way to the ind, he realized he was the first to arrive. However, once he stepped on a stone, a person appeared on the other side. It was Gyulsean. When she saw Junhyuk, she started running quickly. Junhyuk thought that she might have difficulty hopping through the stones because her bottom half was that of a horse, but she scoffed at him and moved in a way that almost seemed like she was flying. They would both get to the ind at the same time, and Junhyuk thought he might have to fight her. Gyulsean got there first and shot an her arrow at him. Junhyuk blocked it, but he thought he was going to fall from the stone path, so he teleported and started running again. She hadn¡¯t expected Junhyuk to teleport, so she got nervous and pulled out her spear. "This ce is not for you!" Gyulsean¡¯s stab was much faster than Lugos¡¯, but Junhyuk saw the spearing toward him and responded calmly. He didn¡¯t want to block because he could fall in the process, so he simply moved his head and dodged. Gyulsean¡¯s stab was fast, but Junhyuk had fought heroes that were faster, so he easily dodged her attacks. He approached her and swung the Frozen Rune Sword. Gyulsean had high attack and movement speeds, and he wanted to decrease them. A white shockwave expanded from the strike, and Gyulsean was slowed down. She didn¡¯t care about her lower speeds, however, and swung her spear. That time, Junhyuk used his sword to block. Clung! The shock sent him off to the side, but he made it on the the ind. On solid ground, Junhyuk had no reason to lose. Junhyuk was about to attack when Gyulsean stabbed at him with her spear. He fell to the ground, and Gyulsean pierced his body with it. She wanted to throw him. That was her power. She had been attacking normally and suddenly switched to her power. It was something she learned to do after spending a long time in battlefields. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t respond. He was hooked on the spear andunched in the air. Meanwhile, he remained calm. He had seen the same tactic used on Kaljaque. She could onlyunch him about ten meters, and Junhyuk wanted to know the exact distance. Kaljaque had said it was about ten meters, but now Junhyuk knew it was ten meters. Before hended, he teleported and appeared above Gyulsean¡¯s head, swinging the Blood Rune Sword down. Gyulsean barely sidestepped and blocked his attack. Clung! Junhyuk raised the Frozen Rune Sword and attacked. Again she blocked it with her spear and moved to the side. Hended and stared at her. She had 85 percent of her health left, and Junhyuk kept looking at her while moving to the center of the ind. Gyulsean¡¯s stabbing motions restrained his movements, and he realized why Kaljaque couldn¡¯t get out of her range at the tower. She had kept him contained. Junhyuk knew that if he fought her, he would end up with his back to the swamp. He took a step forward, straining himself. The spear grazed his shoulder, and Junhyuk got even closer and hit the spear. Clung! She was skilled with her spear, but Junhyuk¡¯s continuous attacks were hard to defend against. Gyulsean was getting tired, and he sensed the victory was his. When her health dropped to 70 percent, he would kill her with one use of the Spatial sh. At that point, her health was at 75 percent. Junhyuk wanted to keep attacking, and she was still stabbing at him. His own movements had to be big to escape from her attacks. Her big swings would reveal her weak spots as well. Then, he decided to distance himself. It was time to use the Spatial sh. However, suddenly, Gyulsean rushed. Boom! She was using her power, and the way she connected it with her regr attacks was really smooth. Junhyuk was pushed away. He bounced five meters back, and his feet touched the swamp. [You have fallen in the Swamp of Despair. Your ability to escape has decreased by 70 percent, and your movement speed has decreased by 95 percent. If you don¡¯t leave the swamp within ten seconds, you will die.] Junhyuk stepped back on the ground, and Gyulsean was drawing her bow and smiling. He just stared her down. Gyulsean¡¯s bow had a long range, butpared to Diane¡¯s shooting speed, Gyulsean was twice as slow. So, he wanted to wait for the first arrow and then attack. Gyulsean let go of the bowstring, and the arrow made a loud noise, flying toward Junhyuk. He didn¡¯t wait any longer and used his jump skill. While in the air, he used the Spatial sh. "Ugh!" She had looked up at him when he jumped, raising her head and leaving her neck exposed. Blood started gushing out of it. She had 5 percent of her health left and switched to the spear. Junhyuknded and quickly ran toward her. They were very close, and she tried to stab the middle of his forehead. Junhyuk didn¡¯t dodge. Instead, he released his force field, and the spear bounced off of it. His sword went through her heart, and Gyulsean lost the rest of her health. Junhyuk stepped on her body to pull the sword out. Her body fell into the swamp. "Yeah, you go in there." [You¡¯ve killed Gyulsean and earned 3,000G.] Chapter 152: High Ranking Sorcerer 2 Chapter 152: High Ranking Sorcerer 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Gyulsean disappeared, and Junhyuk slowly turned and looked around the ind. It wasn¡¯t big and it was full of tree stumps and roots. There was a muscr man tangled in the roots. He had a huge canine sticking out of his mouth and green-colored skin. He was staring at Junhyuk in wonder. "You have interesting powers." "Are you the the High-Ranking Sorcerer?" The man shook his head. "No. I¡¯m the Peerless Sorcerer, thest and best sorcerer of the Rogenchra continent." "Then, what are you doing here?" The man stared at Junhyuk as he said that. "Are you here to criticize me? Don¡¯t you want the buff?" "No, it¡¯s nothing like that. I¡¯m just curious. There¡¯s also a dragon at the Valley of Death." "Are youparing me to a dragon?" Junhyuk realized that the man had a lot of pride and didn¡¯t want to argue with him. "What do you meanpare you to a dragon?" "Hmm..." The man was bothered by Junhyuk and shook his head. "I don¡¯t have to exin my situation to you. Go north, and you¡¯ll find an ant. Bring me the ant¡¯s fruit." "Shall I kill the ant?" "Do what you must." The man waved his hand, and Junhyuk bowed and asked, "I¡¯m Junhyuk Lee. What is your name?" "Ha-ha-ha! Thunder has called on me. I am Hatma." "I¡¯ll get it for you quickly." "I¡¯ll be waiting." Junhyuk bowed before him again and asked, "Could I ask you a question?" "What is it?" "Do you know where the Dimensional Merchant is in this ce?" Hatma was dumbfounded by the question and just stared at him. "Why are you asking me?" Junhyuk scratched his head and said, "This is my first time in the Swamp of Despair." "Right. You haven¡¯t been a champion for long, then?" "Yes." Hatmaughed hard. "But you have amazing powers." "Thank you." He bowed again, and Hatma pointed with his hand. "Follow that road, and you will find the ant. The road next to it leads you to the Dimensional Merchant." "Then, I will bring you the fruit first." "The ant won¡¯t be easy to deal with. Be careful." "Thanks for worrying about me." Junhyuk bowed again and followed the road Hatma had shown him. He had told him the ant wouldn¡¯t be easy to deal with. Being a monster, the ant could be stronger than Junhyuk expected. He ran for a while and heard a soft voice echo. [Kaljaque has been killed by Lugos.] The voice sounded off suddenly, and Junhyuk frowned. "What did this troll do?!" Gyulsean wasn¡¯t there, and Lugos had to have been alone. Junhyuk would¡¯ve understood if it was one-on-one fight, but there was something fishy about it. "I told him to retreat to the tower." With the tower¡¯s support, he couldn¡¯t have lost. With the buff, he would have won any one-on-one fight. It looked like Kaljaque didn¡¯t follow his instructions. "What am I going to do with that troll?" Junhyuk sighed and ran fast. He was headed to where the ant was. The first thing to do was for him to take the fruit from the ant. Then, he would take the fruit to the sorcerer and get the buff. Kaljaque wasn¡¯t with him, and he couldn¡¯t expect anything from him. The allies had only lost 3,000G so far. "Maybe it¡¯s a good thing that we¡¯ve only lost 3,000G." Heroes lost their items, sopared to the heroes¡¯ battlefield, that wasn¡¯t bad. His opponents wouldn¡¯t get strong with every fight. Junhyuk ran, and a huge empty space appeared in front of him. He stopped. There was only one huge tree in the center of that space and nothing else. "Ant?" He looked again, but couldn¡¯t find anything that looked like a monster, so he shook his head and approached the tree. It was about twenty meters tall, and he stood in front of it thinking that the tree was truly humongous. It was at least the size of a seven-story building, so it was natural that Junhyuk felt it was big. He looked around carefully. There was supposed to be an ant somewhere, but he could only see the tree. Junhyuk looked up the tree and saw a fruit hanging from the top. It was a twenty-meter tall tree, and the fruit was stuck to its branch, and Junhyuk quickly learned who the owner of the fruit was. He quickly took some steps back. Fwoosh, fwoosh! The roots of the tree came out of the ground and grabbed at the empty air, going back down after. The twenty-meter tall tree began to move. Boom! Boom! The tree had thick roots and started using its roots to go toward him. I was wrong! It isn¡¯t an ant. It¡¯s an Ent! Junhyuk wondered how he would go about fighting it. As he did, the tree swung its branches at him. The long branches swooshed through the empty space, but there was no ce for Junhyuk to hide. The branches were that long. Junhyuk moved back and escaped. The tree kept moving, and Junhyuk could observe it. He wanted to know how much health the tree had and used his Spatial sh. Crack! It was an Ent. Junhyuk could deliver critical hits on humans, but he didn¡¯t know where a tree¡¯s weak spots would be. The bark tore apart and flew off. He didn¡¯t know where he had hit, but the tree lost 20 percent of its health. The Spatial sh was Junhyuk¡¯s main weapon, and he had only dealt 20 percent of damage to it. The tree would be hard to deal with. Junhyuk inhaled deeply, and the Ent swung its branches angrily. There was no ce to hide from them, so Junhyuk teleported and appeared on the spot where the tree was standing and swung his sword. Thuck, thuck, thuck! Junhyuk¡¯s attacks were sharp, but his three consecutive hits had only dealt 10 percent of damage to the Ent. He retreated. Crack, crack! Roots rose form the spot where Junhyuk had been standing. He was nervous and moved sideways to attack the branches. The tree was huge, and its range and attack motions were huge. It was hard for him to find ces to hide from its attacks. He could dodge the root attacks, but he couldn¡¯t find a space to hide from the branches. He teleported and attacked again. Junhyuk¡¯sbos chipped at the Ent¡¯s health. The Ent had about 50 percent of its health left, and it sent a sharp branch toward him. Junhyuk deflected it with his swords, but the branch came down on his head. ng! Junhyuk was bounced back and barely got himself steady to look at the Ent. Its mouth opened, and very powerful branches shot out of it. Junhyuk knew he had already lost 10 percent of his health with that single hit. "Is this its power?" The Ent wasn¡¯t speaking, but it kept swinging the branches. Junhyuk got out of the range of the branches altogether and looked around. It was a spacious lot, and at the edge of the space, there were a lot of tall trees. He moved to the edge, and the Ent became very angry and chased him down, all the while swinging its branches. Junhyuk leaned on a tree. When the Ent swung at him, Junhyuk ducked forward, just close enough to the ground to almost hit it. Behind him, he heard the trees breaking and falling and felt the branch moving. As soon as that happened, he ran toward the empty space in the middle of the area, cutting through the branches and escaping again. He went back to the edge of the area and leaned on a tree, gathering his breath. The Ent was turning around, and he wanted to attack it again, but he saw a branch shooting forward and barely dodged it. The branch prated the tree on which he was leaning. Thunk! It was gut wrenching, but that had to be the Ent¡¯s power, and it had a cooldown. He would have his chance. Junhyuk ran and cut up more branches. As the branches broke off from the trunk, he heard a scream. GGRRROOOOAAAAAARR!!!! The scream shook the earth, and he staggered. However, his attacks had been sessful. The Ent had lost 20 percent of its health. "Was that its weak spot?" Junhyuk closed in on it and wanted to attack the same spot, but the branches covered the Ent, and roots rose from the ground. The Ent had 30 percent of its health left, and Junhyuk had made up his mind. It was time to decide who won and who lost. Heunched the force field, ignored the branch attacks and swung his swords hard. Junhyuk¡¯s attacks decreased the Ent¡¯s health, but it also swung its branches hard. Boom! If the branches hade from the side, he would have been pushed aside. However, the branches came down on him, pushing the force field downward. The force field was stuck to the ground, but Junhyuk continued his attacks. The Ent had 10 percent of its health left, and when the force field disappeared, Junhyuk retreated. He couldn¡¯t die while fighting the Ent. A branch fell on the spot where he had been standing. Junhyuk¡¯s attacks had debuffed the Ent. Its attack and movement speeds had decreased, so Junhyuk could escape from it and distance himself from the Ent. He ran to the opposite side of the clearing, and the Ent moved its huge trunk and chased him down. Junhyuk looked at it, gathered his breath and smiled. "Now is the time." He used the Spatial sh. The strike covered the distance and delivered the final blow to the Ent. A red shockwave expanded from the spot, and the End crashed down slowly. Boom! The Ent fell, and Junhyuk picked the fruit from its branch. [You¡¯ve acquired the quest item Ent¡¯s Fruit. Be careful. If you die, you will drop the quest item.] It was the first time Junhyuk had heard about quest items and that he would drop it if he died. He wanted the buffs from the High-Ranking Sorcerer and he had already fought a fierce battle for the quest. He had gotten the quest first this time, but if someone ever got the quest before him, he could kill that person to steal the quest. It was just like stealing the dragons from the enemies at the Valley of Death. Junhyuk looked around checking that nobody else was there, and he took the fruit and started running. He thought about going to the Dimensional Merchant, but he wanted the buff first. He ran for a while until he saw the swamp where he would soon meet Hatma and exchange the item for the buff. Junhyuk stepped on the stepping stones and saw someone on the ind. It wasn¡¯t Hatma. The four-armed Lugos was standing at the end of the stone path. He was a tank and he would be bothersome, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t think he would lose. He was about to step on the ind when, from behind Lugos, a two-headed enemy appeared. "Drakey." Drakey was supposed to be fighting Aktur, and Junhyuk scowled. Chapter 153: High Ranking Sorcerer 3 Chapter 153: High Ranking Sorcerer 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk stopped running forward and measured the distance to the enemy. There were about thirty meters in between them, with ten stepping stones remaining until he reached the ind. He faced a serious dilemma. If he got closer, his enemies would surely attack. Lugos would block his path; Drakey would use his power; and Junhyuk would fall into the swamp. Junhyuk¡¯s jump was still under cooldown, so he couldn¡¯t get any closer for now. He just stood there, and Lugos waved his index finger from side to side. "Give me the Ent¡¯s fruit." "I won¡¯t." "Then, you will give it up when you die." Junhyukughed out loud and said, "If I don¡¯t get any closer, you won¡¯t either!" The stepping stones were a hard ce to fight. The enemies couldn¡¯t easilye to him, so Junhyuk decided to use all of his powers to lure them in. "You have toe here," he said, raising his sword. His enemies looked at the Frozen Rune Sword, and Junhyuk pulled the Blood Rune Sword from the scabbard on his back and immediately used Spatial sh. "Ugh!" Both of Drakey¡¯s necks had been cut, and blood gushed out of them. He staggered,and lost 50 percent of his health, but Junhyuk agreed that Drakey¡¯s stats were bnced. His defense was certainly higher than Gyulsean¡¯s. Lugos was also hurt in the process. Junhyuk smiled coolly. "Stay there and die." Drakey quickly drank a potion, which increased his health by 20 percent, leaving it at 70 percent. Junhyuk just stared at him rxedly while on the stepping stones. His power had a range of thirty meters, and Drakey and Lugos couldn¡¯t just stand there. Lugos ran first. Fighting on the stepping stones was dangerous, so Junhyuk looked back. There were twenty stepping stones behind him, covering a distance of about sixty meters. As Lugos ran toward him, Junhyuk raised his swords. Lugos was crossing the stones, but Junhyuk knew Drakey had to be behind him. Lugos didn¡¯t have a long-ranged attack. He had to attack from at least three meters away, so unless he crossed the stones he wouldn¡¯t be able to reach Junhyuk. Some of his weapons had a longer reach, but fighting on the stepping stones meant that they both had a chance to fall into the swamp. Lugos was stronger than Junhyuk, so he had the advantage. However, his health wasn¡¯t greater. Junhyuk stepped back as Lugos came closer. If both sides tried to escape, there would be no ce to go, so Junhyuk headed to the center of the stepping stone path. Lugos followed him, takingrge strides toward Junhyuk. Drakey attacked first. He opened his mouth, releasing sound waves. Junhyuk felt the danger, but didn¡¯t just leave. He wanted to know the damage the sound waves would inflict so that he could fight Drakeyter on. He couldn¡¯t cut sound waves, so he covered his body with his swords. Boom! The sound waves hit, and Junhyuk was pushed back. Before he went too far, he stabbed a stepping stone with his sword and used it to hold his weight. "It hurts." He had lost 30 percent of his health. Drakey¡¯s attack dealt a lot of damage. It wasn¡¯t a fatal hit, but still inflicted heavy damage. Junhyuk bnced himself, and Lugos appeared close to him and stabbed at him with the short spear. He ducked and dodged the spear, swinging his sword in response. Junhyuk cut Lugos¡¯ hand. He was too far from Lugos, so cutting his hand was all he could do Lugos was at the center, and a shockwave spread out from him that made Drakey grunt in pain. Drakey had been right behind Lugos, but he decided to retreat a bit. Meanwhile, Junhyuk was attacked again and countered with his own attack, generating another shockwave. Drakey was hurt again and retreated way back, measuring the range of Junhyuk¡¯s shockwaves. "That¡¯s a useful power." He only had one long range attack, his sound wave, so they had to get close, but the shockwaves would kill them. Every time Lugos was attacked, another shockwave was liberated. Both of them had to take turns when fighting Junhyuk. The stepping stones were too narrow for them to coordinate attacks on him. Drakey went way back and prepared his attack, and Junhyuk merely smiled at him. Lugos had to fight him alone. Drakey couldn¡¯t help at that point. His sound wave was on cooldown, and Junhyuk would kill Lugos before the time was up. Junhyuk increased his attack speed, and Lugos counterattacked. He was powerful. Each time Junhyuk blocked, he felt like he was about to fall into the swamp. Still, while fighting Lugos, he learned new things. From his point of view, it wasn¡¯t a good thing that Lugos was able to swing all four weapons. Before Lugos could attack with his four arms, Junhyuk stabbed him quickly and continuously, keeping Lugos on lockdown. He controlled the flow, and Lugos became furious. "Graaaah!" Lugos stomped his feet, and Junhyuk clicked his tongue. Shockwaves rose from the ground that sent him into the empty air and took 10 percent of his life away. He hung in the air for a while, and when hended, it would be in the swamp. As Lugos waited for Junhyuk tond, he raised his weapons trying to attack him in the air, but Junhyuk teleported. Junhyuk appeared on his back and kicked, jumping off. Lugos lost his bnce and started falling into the swamp, but he stabbed a stepping stone with his weapons to keep himself up. However, Junhyuk didn¡¯t have time for him and dashed toward Drakey. Drakey scoffed at him. His cooldown was over, and Junhyuk would lose. He measured Junhyuk¡¯s speed and summoned a tornado. Junhyuk was running when a tornado appeared in front of him and sent him into the air. He lost 15 percent of his health and teleported again. As he appeared behind Drakey, he swung his sword. sh! Junhyuk¡¯s sword only grazed him even though Drakey didn¡¯t dodge. Junhyuk felt like he was cutting air. Drakey turned around and swung his spear. Junhyuk raised his sword, but it got deflected, pushing him off from the stepping stones. Drakey opened his mouth and released the sound wave. Boom! Junhyuk fell into the swamp. [You have fallen in the Swamp of Despair. Your ability to escape has decreased by 70 percent, and your movement speed has decreased by 95 percent. If you don¡¯t leave the swamp within ten seconds, you will die.] The sound wave had dealt another 30 percent of damage to him. At that point, he had 15 percent of his health left and he was in the swamp. He had lost 95 percent of his movement speed, and there was no way for him to escape. Junhyuk gritted his teeth and tried to move his feet, but he couldn¡¯t get out. He was slowly drowning and thought he had used his teleports too soon. Then, someone with bandages all over started running toward him. It was Aktur. "Aktur!" Junhyuk shouted, and Aktur ran faster. Drakey turned toward Aktur. Junhyuk wished Aktur would save him, but he had to face off against Drakey. Still, Junhyuk tried his best to move toward Aktur. Drakey wasing toward him, and Aktur extended his hand. Drakey had to cross the stepping stones, but three skeleton soldiers appeared, and he stopped. Meanwhile, Aktur extended his hand in Junhyuk¡¯s direction. His bandage unwrapped and flew toward Junhyuk, wrapping his wrist. Junhyuk didn¡¯t have time to respond before the bandage pulled him out of the swamp, and he jumped to where Aktur was standing. Aktur retreated to another stepping stone. Junhyuk sighed and stood on the stepping stone where Aktur had been standing. "Retreat! We¡¯ll fight on the ind," Aktur shouted. He used the stepping stones to get to the ind, and Junhyuk followed him quickly. Both escaped, and Drakey and Lugos went after them, but stopped thirty meters shy of the ind. Junhyuk and Aktur were already there. Drakey stared at them. The ind was a far better ce to fight than on the stepping stones. Junhyuk had a thirty-meter long-ranged attack, and Aktur could pull enemies twenty meters away. He knew they couldn¡¯t win. Lugos appeared behind him and asked, "What are we going to do?" "We have to retreat," Drakey answered, and Lugos thought for a moment. "Let¡¯s." "We¡¯ve lost the buff. Let¡¯s save ourselves." "Nothing we can do. They still have Kaljaque, so we¡¯ll get one buff out of him." Drakeyughed and turned around. "Let¡¯s turn back now. They mighte after us." Lugos and Drakey turned, and Aktur said, "Give him the quest item. We¡¯ll get the buff and chase after them." Junhyuk agreed and went over to Hatma. He offered him the Ent¡¯s fruit, and Hatma opened mouth. "Put it in." Junhyuk put the fruit in his mouth, and Hatma chewed it. Junhyuk was speechless. He had almost died getting it, and Hatma was just eating it. "It¡¯s delicious," Hatma said. "What about the buffs?" "Wait." Hatma¡¯s muscles started swelling, and the roots restraining him broke off. There were still branches around his arms, but Hatma put his hands on his chest and opened his mouth. "I call on you, Thunder. Hatma says that you will move faster than the wind and strike harder than thunder." [The High-Ranking Sorcerer¡¯s buff is applied. For one hour, your movement speed and your critical hit rate increase by 10 percent. When you deliver a critical hit, the opponent will receive 305 additional damage. If you die, the enemy will take the buff.] Junhyuk was surprised and stared at Hatma. Hatma smirked and looked back at him. "Kill everyone! Now you know why they were trying to take the quest I¡¯d given you!" Junhyuk nodded. Hatma was restrained by the trees again and said, "See youter." The trees wrapped him and pulled him half underground, to the center of the ind. Junhyuk approached him and extended his hand, meaning to pull him out. "Hatma!" Hatma smirked and said, "Until the next battlefield." He wentpletely under, and Junhyuk realized that was supposed to be his seal and felt bad for him. "Buried alive." He clicked his tongue, and Aktur stared at him. "What are you doing? We will lose them." "Let¡¯s go." Aktur took off first, and Junhyuk went after him. They headed in the direction Drakey and Lugos had gone, but the two hadn¡¯t run away. They were waiting at the end of the stepping stones. When Aktur saw them, he smiled coldly. "He-he-he. They want to die." Junhyuk agreed with him. They were buffed and couldn¡¯t lose even if they tried. It would be difficult to fight on the stepping stones, but the buffs were very powerful. Aktur was already running, and Junhyuk ran after him. Chapter 154: You Too 1 Chapter 154: You Too 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk ran with Aktur. As they got closer, Drakey stepped forward. It wouldn¡¯t be good if either Junhyuk or Aktur fell into the swamp. "I¡¯ll attack first." Aktur hadn¡¯t seen Junhyuk¡¯s powers and tried to slow down, but Junhyuk shouted, "Just keep running!" Aktur did, and as he run, Junhyuk raised his sword. When Junhyuk raised his sword, Drakey dimmed. "Don¡¯t go into Drakey¡¯s range!" Junhyuk shouted after seeing him. "He is using Absolute Dodge already?! Is he in his right mind?" Akturmented darkly and stopped. Junhyuk also stopped, and Drakey smacked his lips. "Did they read my mind?" Drakey was still fifty meters from Junhyuk, but he had seen Aktur¡¯s moves and instinctively used Absolute Dodge. However, Junhyuk didn¡¯t attack at all. He and Aktur were out of Drakey¡¯s range, maintaining the deadlock. Drakey stepped back, and Lugos stepped in front of him. "His range might be longer than we imagine." Junhyuk stopped, and Drakey wondered about his range. "I will take him," Lugos said, smirking at Drakey¡¯s observation. He was confident in his own strength, and Aktur looked at Junhyuk. "I¡¯ll take the front," Junhyuk said and used all of his strength to jump. He jumped over Aktur andnded on a stepping stone. He had jumped over six meters and swung his sword. The enemies saw him swing the Frozen Rune Sword and protected their necks. Then, Junhyuk used the Blood Rune Sword to deliver a Spatial sh. "Ugh!" Drakey was hit on the side of the neck and started bleeding. He held the wound and staggered. Having already used Absolute Dodge, he couldn¡¯t get away. The hit was powerful, and he trashed violently. It was a critical hit, and Drakey lost 65 percent of his health, leaving him with only 5 percent. Junhyuk ran forward, and Lugos, watching him, raised his weapons. Aktur ran next to him and said, "A fifty-meter attack? That¡¯s some power! It also deals a lot of damage!" "Drakey only has 5 percent of his health left. One hit should kill him," Junhyuk said, speeding up. "Then, you kill him. I¡¯ll take Lugos." Junhyuk thought of Kaljaque. Kaljaque had killed Lugos when he had no health left and told Junhyuk to be thankful. He shook his head and sped up. Junhyuk got closer to them, and Drakey stepped forward, summoning a tornado in front of Junhyuk. He couldn¡¯t be hit by it. He had regained some health, but he only had 15 percent of his health left. When he saw the tornado, Junhyuk shouted to Aktur, "Come here!" "What are you talking about?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t answer and instead extended his hand behind him. Aktur picked up the pace and grabbed his hand, and Junhyuk teleported with him. They passed by the tornado, and Aktur¡¯s eyes widened. "Teleportation?" Drakey saw Junhyuk teleporting andunched the sound wave right away. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t get hit by them either, so he teleported again. Aktur became extremely surprised by the continuous teleportation, and Drakey had used all of his powers. Aktur had a dark smile on his face. "I¡¯ll take Lugos," he said, and Junhyuk nodded in agreement. Even if Lugos came after him, Junhyuk could still kill Drakey. At that point, Junhyuk had increased his movement speed, and Drakey didn¡¯t have any powers left. He moved quickly toward Drakey, but Lugos appeared between them and stabbed with the short spear. Junhyuk was on thest stepping stone, and he jumped over Lugos, who raised his head to look at Junhyuk. However, Aktur was already throwing his bandages toward him. Lugos was surprised and stepped aside. Junhyuk made the jump and looked back at Aktur. His bandages were on the ground, unable to wrap Lugos. "Are you just messing with me?!" Lugos shouted. While he did that, Aktur closed in, swinging his w-like nails. Lugos blocked the strike with his weapons, and Junhyuk headed toward Drakey. Drakey saw himing and swung his sharp spear, but Junhyuk blocked it and counterattacked. Junhyuk attempted a series of fast attacks and learned that Drakey was extremely proficient with the spear. It was natural that champions would be skilled with their weapons, with the exception of Kaljaque, and Junhyuk realized he was in serious danger fighting Drakey like that. He only had 15 percent of his health, and Drakey had 5 percent. Junhyuk had more health, but he could be killed by one use of Drakey¡¯s powers. Junhyuk trusted Aktur, but he didn¡¯t let his guard down. While fighting Drakey, he distanced himself from Lugos because Lugos could use his feet to create shockwaves that could send Junhyuk into the air. Drakey¡¯s cooldowns were shorter than Junhyuk¡¯s cooldown for the Spatial sh. His sound wave only had a twenty second cooldown, and Drakey could use it at any moment. However, Drakey also analyzed things. He couldn¡¯t win if the situation continued as it was. Junhyuk was focused, and his sword moved freely. Drakey had a hard time finding any openings. Drakey was quite skilled at creating chances with his spear, but Junhyuk expertly blocked all of his attacks. It had been a long time since Drakey had fought someone with that much skills. He had been dealing with Kaljaque, who just swung his staff stupidly and ignorantly, or Aktur, who attacked with his nails. Junhyuk was a new revtion to him, but Drakey couldn¡¯t retreat. He felt the cooldown was over, and so was the wait. "Die!" Drakey opened his mouth andunched the sound wave, but Junhyuk just smiled and raised the force field around himself. The ivory-colored light surrounded his body, and Junhyuk moved forward. The sound wave bounced off the force field, and Junhyuk closed in and cut Drakey¡¯s neck. [You¡¯ve killed Drakey and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk turned, and saw that Lugos was still fighting Aktur. Aktur had summoned the three skeleton soldiers and was suppressing Lugos, but Lugos¡¯ health was still at 50 percent. He was a tank, and it was hard to deal with him. Lugos watched Drakey die and stomped the ground. Boom! The shockwaves sent Aktur into the air, and Lugos¡¯ arms doubled in size. Aktur had 80 percent of his health left. Junhyuk had used the Spatial sh, and the shockwave from had taken 20 percent of Lugos¡¯ health. Aktur hadn¡¯t won yet. It all depended heavily on his weapon. Aktur shed him with his nails while Lugos attacked with all four weapons. Without using his power, it would be hard to damage Lugos, but Junhyuk wanted to help him out. Lugos had erged his arms, and the swings wereing down on Aktur when Junhyuk jumped in front of Lugos. Lugos had seen Akturnd and struck, but Aktur was already in the force field by that time. Clung! Aktur was astonished by the field. "This is awesome!" "Let¡¯s attack him together." "I¡¯ll kill him. He¡¯s mine." "Sure." Junhyuk knew the cooldown for the Spatial sh was over and swung at him. "Ugh!" Lugos was hit on the side of the neck and was left with 10 percent of his health. Junhyuk stepped back. "Is this enough?" Aktur smiled and stepped forward along with the skeleton soldiers. Junhyuk thought he would have a fine time with Aktur. He gave Lugos up and he was sorry to lose the 3,000G, but he had a new ally, and that was good enough. Aktur finally managed to kill Lugos. [Aktur killed Lugos.] Aktur looked at Lugos¡¯ corpse and then at Junhyuk. His blue eyes looked noble, and he smiled as he stared at Junhyuk. "You took Kaljaque and won. I thought you would be useful, and you surely are powerful. We will make a good team." "Thanks for thinking so." Aktur asked him, "What are we going to do now?" "I want to visit the Dimensional Merchant." "Yeah? Go ahead. I will attack the tower on my side." "What about Kaljaque?" "It would be nice to concentrate our attacks, but if you can use him, he could stay on your side and put pressure on our enemies." "What if the enemies concentrate on your side?" "Don¡¯t worry about me running away. No one can chase me down." Aktur could curse his enemies, slowing them down, and summon skeleton soldiers to back him up. He would be safe. "OK. I¡¯ll go to the Dimensional Merchant first and then find Kaljaque. We will deal with the enemies and rejoin you. We need to be together to bring an end to this battle." Aktur shook his head andined, "Shit! A team battle with Kaljaque?" "There is no other way" "When I think about it, I feel like it would be better to get cancer." Junhyukughed out loud. "I agree. Do you know what cancer is?" Akturughed and said, "I took thenguage pill, so I know. I told you something that you can understand." Aktur raised his hand. "Then, you take over my struggles." "OK." Wanting to see Bebe, Junhyuk split from Aktur and ran. He reached the Dimensional Merchant and saw Bebe. He was touching his chin when he saw Junhyuk and smiled. "That¡¯s right! You became a champion!" Junhyuk presented his hand. "Tell me how much money I have." "Sure." Bebe ced the te on the counter, and Junhyuk put his hand on it. It disyed 39,240G. It was more than Junhyuk had expected. He had killed three champions while at that ce and helped killing two more, so he was curious about how he had earned that money. Junhyuk looked at him, and Bebe shrugged. "When you kill a champion on the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, you get 3,000G. When you help kill a champion, you get 1,000G. Killing the quest monster gets you 5,000G. The quest monster only appears once in each battlefield, so it¡¯s a good idea to kill it. Are you still curious?" Junhyuk shook his head. The calctions were correct. "Are you buying anything?" Bebe asked. Junhyuk put the Frozen Rune Sword on the counter. "I want to upgrade it a sixth time." "Twenty thousand gold," Bebe said calmly. Junhyuk ced his hand on the te and the 20,000G got taken out. While Bebe was upgrading it, Junhyuk removed his sses. Bebe finished the upgrade and looked at Junhyuk. "What about the sses?" "Is it possible to change their shape?" "Shape changes are more expensive than engravings. The shape changes, but you have to wear it as usual to receive the attributes." "How much?" "Ten thousand gold." "What?" "But I could make it into any shape you want. I could even make it into a belt. Impressive, right?" "How about a discount?" "That¡¯s possible. Do you want a discount?" Junhyuk nodded and extended his hand. The te took out 9,000G, and Bebe smiled like a crafty merchant and looked at Junhyuk. "How do you want it?" Chapter 155: You Too 2 Chapter 155: You Too 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - "Any shape?" "Sure." "Can you make it contact lenses? Will I have to take them off?." "Items aren¡¯t supposed to be taken off, so you won¡¯t feel ufortable even if you don¡¯t take them off." "I could wear them to sleep?" "Sure." "Then, make the lenses." Bebe pulled out various potions and said, "But remember one thing: when you be a hero and die, you will lose your item regardless of whether you¡¯ve fixed it somewhere or not." "I understand." Bebe poured some type of magic liquid on the sses and sprinkled magic powder over them. "Do you want me to make round lenses?" "Just regr lenses." "Right." Bebe held the sses and pped his hands. Zap! The sses disappeared, and Bebe had two lenses on his hand. "I¡¯ll put them on for you." He thought Bebe¡¯s hands would be too big for Bebe to put them on him, but Bebe did it well. Junhyuk closed his eyes a few times and smiled. "This is reallyfortable!" "I made them the same color as your eyes. You won¡¯t have any problems and you can also wash them." "Thank you." "It¡¯s business. Don¡¯t thank me." Junhyuk was set to go back to the battlefield when something came to his mind. "I¡¯m trying to bring items from my dimension here. Is there an item to detect such items?" "You mean a detector?" Junhyuk was staring at Bebe full of hope, and Bebe nodded. "Sure. I have everything here." "How much is it?" "It¡¯s really expensive." Bebe opened a book and exined, "Look at these. Items have powers on the battlefield. This detector looks for items in a ten-meter radius. More expensive detectors cover arger area." "What about the ten-meter radius detector?" "A hundred thousand gold. Cheap isn¡¯t it?" "Cheap?!" "Think about how it helps you bring things here from your dimension. I¡¯ll even buy the things I find useful from you." "I¡¯ll use the useful things myself." "You are right, but there is a limit to how many items you can carry. You could sell them and earn money and, with that money, upgrade your items. That¡¯s the first step to bing a legend." "A legend?" Junhyuk asked, and Bebe thought he was too nonchnt. "Why are heroes fighting like hell?" "Well..." "Items are expensive, and they are looking for ways to be stronger. But most importantly, they are trying to be legends. Bing a legend means that you are superior to everyone. The Hall of Legends will have your name etched on it, and heroes with their names at the Hall get special rewards." Junhyuk finally learned why the heroes were fighting and advancing through rounds. He didn¡¯t know what the special rewards were, but they had to be impressive for the heroes to be fighting like hell. Junhyuk showed him his hand. "Discount?" "Sure. You don¡¯t have a lot, so you have to get the 9,000G detector." "Is it possible to upgrade it?" "It is." "I¡¯ll get it." He wanted to do his own legwork, so Junhyuk put his hand on the te, and 9,000G was subtracted. He received a five millimeter cube in return. "How do I use it?" "When you find something, it changes color. Within one meter, it will get red, and you will know what kind of item you¡¯ve found." One meter? Would I know which item to pick out without the detector? He had a chance now, unlike before. And what about within a ten-meter radius? That he couldn¡¯t do. He would have to keep focusing, and he couldn¡¯t do that the whole time. It would be nicer to own the ten-meter radius detector, but it was better than nothing. He could also upgrade it. It would be expensive, but he could start now. Junhyuk took the cube and said, "I¡¯ll go earn more money." "Do it. I¡¯ll have more things here." "I look forward to it." Junhyuk was about to go out when Bebe threw a rock at him. Junhyuk caught it, and Bebe smiled. "It¡¯s a bonus." "What is this?" "A return stone." Junhyuk was surprised by the return stone, and Bebe smiled. "It¡¯s rechargeable. Each return is 500G. Not much at all!" "How many times has it been charged for?" "Basically, it has been charged three times. Three charges allow for one return. However, when you activate it, you can¡¯t be attacked for ten seconds. After you use it, you have to recharge it." "It must be expensive. Why are you giving it to me?" "It is expensive, but I don¡¯t think you will die. So, you will use the return stone a lot. You¡¯ll have to recharge it many times. I¡¯m investing on you." "Thank you. I¡¯ll make good use of it." Junhyuk bowed toward Bebe and headed outside. He had to find Kaljaque. Just the thought of it made him start getting a headache, but he still had to do it. He had been running for a while looking for Kaljaque when he heard a soft voice. [Guylsean killed Kaljaque.] Junhyuk stopped running. He had a full-blown headache. "Why this troll!?!" He took out the return stone not expecting to use it so soon, but he had to meet Kaljaque upon his revival. The world turned white, and Junhyuk was standing in the room where he had started. He opened the door and went out. Kaljaque was very angry. "Kaljaque!" Kaljaque spouted out quickly, "Good thing you are here! I had the buff so I fought and died. They attacked me. There were two of them. They are cowards." "The two of them were together?" "No. One of them came out of the forest." That was a relief. If Kaljaque had trusted his buff too much and fought two of them from the start, Junhyuk would have pped him. He sighed instead. "First, we will stay at our tower and join Aktur. Then, we¡¯ll push for the enemy camp." "Good thinking." Kaljaque propped his staff on his shoulder. "Let¡¯s go." Kaljaque took the lead, and Junhyuk followed him and became curious. "The enemies had to reincarnate, and it had to take time. Where did you meet them?" "Around the enemy tower." Junhyuk wanted to ask why he had gone there, but he remained patient. If he asked, his headache would grow. "This time, listen to me carefully, and we will kill them both." "If we can kill them, I will listen to you." Junhyuk wanted to say that he had to listen to him anyway, but he didn¡¯t say it. Their tower was destroyed, but Lugos and Gyulsean were not there. He pulled out hismunication device and thought of Aktur. "Aktur, do you see champions on your side? We can¡¯t find any?" "Drakey is here alone! Be cautious." "Right. We are advancing now." Drakey was over there, so there could only be two champions on his side. There was no need to worry. "Let¡¯s go to the tower." "Right." Kaljaque wasn¡¯t thinking much. They moved past the broken tower and followed the path, running for a while until they found the enemy tower. Gyulsean and Lugos were at the enemies¡¯ second tower. The buffs had already ended, and it was time to fight again. So, Junhyuk looked at the enemies and whispered, "I can attack from fifty meters away. I can attack before Gyulsean attacks, so when we get closer, take the lead. When Gyulsean gets blocked from long range, rush and take Lugos. I will kill Gyulsean first and help you kill Lugos." "OK." "Then, let¡¯s go." Kaljaque dashed forward first, and Junhyuk followed him while unsheathing his swords. They ran together, but the enemy response was different from before. Before, Gyulsean would have attacked with her long range attack, but now, Lugos took the lead and was closing in. Gyulsean was behind him, keeping herself hidden. Junhyukughed hard. "Good thinking!" Lugos could survive Junhyuk¡¯s attack. Junhyuk could only take 40 percent from Lugos¡¯ health, but he didn¡¯t care and used his Spatial sh anyway. "Argh!" Gyulsean had been hiding behind Lugos, so she had to be confident. Then, she was hurt and screamed. When Junhyuk heard her, he shouted, "Now!" Kaljaque rushed forward, and Lugos turned ck. The two shed, and Junhyuk passed by them and jumped. As Junhyuk was about to pass by Lugos, an arrow flew in his direction. However, Junhyuk teleported, getting closer to Gyulsean. His teleport had gotten him just shy of reaching her. Gyulsean shot again, and Junhyuk raised his sword. ng! The arrow bounced off, but it still damaged him. Junhyuk gritted his teeth and got closer, and she pulled out her spear. Gyulsean only had 30 percent of her health left. As Junhyuk approached her, Gyulsean stabbed at him with the spear. They exchanged blows, thinking about when the other side would use its powers. If neither side used its powers, Junhyuk would have the advantage. He had dealt the first blow, and his opponents health was greatly reduced. Drakey was skilled, but Gyulsean was also a great spear user. Since her lower body was that of a horse, he could call her ancer. She was really good. He couldn¡¯t deliver any significant hits or knock her down. Gyulsean wasn¡¯t letting him get any closer either. Then, Kaljaque ran toward Junhyuk. "I¡¯ll help." Junhyuk wanted to shout at him to stay put. Kaljaque couldn¡¯t help, and Lugos attacked him from behind. Even so, Kaljaque went over. He got closer to Gyulsean and howled. "Graaaahhh!" Gyulsean was paralyzed. "You did well!" Kaljaque¡¯s power worked better than he expected, Junhyuk swung his sword at the paralyzed Gyulsean. The attack created a shockwave that deal some damage to Lugos, who had been chasing Kaljaque. The important thing, however, was to kill Gyulsean first. She had 20 percent of her health left, and three seconds was enough to kill her. Junhyuk wanted to attack her with abo, but Kaljaque was already raising his staff behind her back. Junhyuk stabbed her once, and Kaljaque stomped the ground. Boom, boom, boom! Junhyuk watched as Gyulsean slowly disappeared. [Kaljaque killed Gyulsean.] That was the second time, and Junhyuk was really angry. Kaljaque just smiled and said, "I helped you. Now, let¡¯s kill Lugos." Kaljaque moved toward Lugos, and Junhyuk stared at his back. Is he doing this intentionally? Kaljaque might be intentionally keeping an eye out for the deathblows. The troll might be more intelligent that he thought, and he wanted to check. Is he doing it on purpose or was he just born that way? "Then, I¡¯ll kill Lugos." "Do it." Junhyuk saved his Spatial sh and ran toward Lugos. Chapter 156: You Too 3 Chapter 156: You Too 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Lugos had about 70 percent of his health left. They both ran toward him, and Lugos scowled at Gyulsean¡¯s death. Because he was under attack from both of them, he started going toward the second tower. They couldn¡¯t lose Lugos at that point. If he reached the tower¡¯s range, they would lose the two-to-one advantage. "Block him!" Junhyuk shouted, and Kaljaque stood in his way, swinging his staff. Kaljaque was huge, and Lugos couldn¡¯t pass by him. Junhyuk attacked Lugos¡¯ back, and he stomped the ground. Boom! The ground shook with the shockwaves,unching Junhyuk and Kaljaque into the air. Lugos¡¯ arms erged, and he attacked Kaljaque, who had been blocking his path, with them. Bang! Kaljaque blocked two attacks, but let the other two got through. He waspletely bloodied, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t use his power. He couldunch the force field, but didn¡¯t feel the need to do it at that moment. Kaljaque was attacked twice, but he still had a lot of health left. It took a lot to deal with his entire health pool. When he tried to kill Gyulsean, he was attacked on his back and was left with 70 percent. Now, he had been attacked by Lugos and had 60 percent left. He had blocked half of the attacks, but still lost 10 percent of his health. Lugos was obviously powerful. If Junhyuk had been hit by that, he would¡¯ve lost 30 percent of his health. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t sure about Kaljaque¡¯s defense, but he recognize that Kaljaque¡¯s health was superior to his own. Lugos had to be a tank, but he also had a significant attack stat as well. It wasparable to Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh. He specialized in attack and inflicted a lot of damage. Junhyuknded and quickly took some steps back. Lugos¡¯ stomp had inflicted 10 percent of damage to him. So, he just watched Kaljaque exchange blows with Lugos. Both had items that buffed defense and health, so nobody was winning. If one of the sides used its power, he could deal a lot of damage, but without using a power, the fight was going very slow. Junhyuk pondered for a moment and joined the fight. Lugos had four arms, but that didn¡¯t mean he didn¡¯t have a weak spot, and neither Junhyuk nor Kaljaque were weak. They attacked him without using their powers, and Lugos started losing health. When Lugos had 30 percent of his health left, Junhyuk looked at Kaljaque and thought, If he is an intelligent troll, he will attack now. He could kill someone at 30 percent of his health. Kaljaque howled, and Lugos was paralyzed. So far, the fight had been even, but he could win the fight by using his howl. Kaljaque howled because the cooldown had ended, but Junhyuk was still suspicious. He could have done it specifically to kill Lugos. Kaljaque rushed. Boom! Lugos lost 10 percent and couldn¡¯t defend himself, so he was pushed back into the mewall. When he touched the mewall, he lost another 5 percent. Junhyuk had already heard the mewall was hot, but didn¡¯t expect Lugos would lose that much health. Lugos sprang forward, and Kaljaque raised his staff. Junhyuk was sure of it then. The troll was intelligent. If he struck three times, Lugos would die. He had 15 percent of his health left, and Kaljaque knew it and was looking to deliver the deathblow. Junhyukughed. Kaljaque had no intention of giving up on trying to kill Lugos, but Junhyuk also felt no need to give up on Lugos, and his Spatial sh was ideal to finish the job. He saw Kaljaque striking the ground, and Lugos trying to block, so Junhyuk used the Spatial sh to split the side of Lugos¡¯ neck deeply. "Ugh!" It was a critical hit, and the Spatial sh took 40 percent out of Lugos¡¯ health. He only had 15 percent, so he died from the strike. [You killed Lugos and earned 3,000G.] Kaljaque smacked his lips. He had used everything he had to kill Lugos, but the Spatial sh got to him first, taking his chance away. "Thanks for helping me kill Lugos," Junhyuk said calmly. "When I help, you can kill anyone." "Thanks for listening to me." Honestly speaking, he hadn¡¯t listened. He was using his intelligence to deliver the deathblows. However, Junhyuk made a decision. He would have Kaljaque in the front as a tank, but even if he was in danger, Junhyuk wouldn¡¯tunch the force field. He would only use his teleportation and force field, if Kaljaque was about to get killed. There would also be no yielding to Kaljaque. He would save the Spatial sh, and if opportunity arose, he would deliver every deathblow. Maybe he would give them up to Aktur, but he wouldn¡¯t allow Kaljaque to get any more of them. Kaljaque looked at the tower. "Destroy the tower." "Surely, we will get this one." With the second tower destroyed, the castle would be right in front of them, and their enemies would soon gather on that side. Aktur could kill Drakey and crush the tower on his side. Victory woulde soon enough. "Let¡¯s begin." It only took the two champions to crush the tower. That was more than enough, and as Kaljaque took the lead, Junhyuk remained undamaged. Once they crushed the tower, Junhyuk looked at Kaljaque. "We will join Aktur and kill Drakey and crush the remaining tower. We¡¯ll get to the castle soon. If Drakey is killed, there will only be two enemies at the castle, making things easier." "OK." The two moved quickly, looking for Aktur. --- Kaljaque and Junhyuk found him, but Drakey wasn¡¯t there. He was alone, attacking the tower. He looked at Kaljaque and turned around again, pounding the tower. Junhyuk and Kaljaque joined in, and they quickly destroyed it. Aktur looked at Junhyuk. "Drakey heard about you killing the other two and retreated." "Right." Drakey was smarter than expected. He had analyzed things on the go and made the quick decision to retreat. Junhyuk smiled. "OK. Let¡¯s go to the castle!" "Right." Aktur took the lead, and Junhyuk followed. Kaljaque was inst ce and said, "I¡¯m here as well." "Don¡¯t talk. Just follow us," Aktur said harshly, and Kaljaque rested his staff on his shoulder and followed. Junhyuk learned from Aktur¡¯s attitude toward Kaljaque that the intelligent troll had duped not only him. He wanted to be more cautious from then on and walked next to Aktur. Kaljaque led the lizardmen. There were a hundred lizardmen following them. It was time for an all-out attack. "What¡¯s different from the Valley of Death?" Junhyuk asked as they moved. Aktur looked at his nails. "This ce has three champions and only one golem, but the golem is stronger than a champion. We have to attack it from a distance." "What about archers?" "We have archers here, but there are fewer than at the Valley of Death. However, don¡¯t ignore them." "It won¡¯t be easy. The enemies will stay where they are." Aktur looked at Kaljaque. "We¡¯ll send him in and lure one out. Then, I¡¯ll kill him. Who do want to lure?" "We need to kill someone annoying. How about Drakey?" Aktur smiled sinisterly. "I was thinking the same thing. Drakey has a long range attack. We¡¯ll lure him out, and I will summon the skeleton soldiers. You and I will also attack him." Kaljaque spoke up from behind, "Who do I rush and get?" Aktur answered without looking at him, "Kill anybody you want. When you get in danger, just retreat." "Sure." Junhyuk turned to look at Kaljaque. He dealt the deathblows in certain situations, so Junhyuk was very confused by the troll. Just like Aktur had said, just looking at the troll would give him cancer. However, he could use him when he was in need of a body and not a brain. That¡¯s where Kaljaque would thrive. "Then, we can attack. There would only be two left, and we can kill them easily. Gyulsean has low health, so we should attack her first. Lugos would best," Aktur said calmly. "If it goes as nned, it¡¯ll be easy." "I expect a lot from you." "Don¡¯t expect too much. I¡¯ll do my best." Aktur smiled sinisterly and kept going. They arrived at the enemy castle with a hundred lizardmen and three champions. With that few champions, the first team battle would decide the flow of the battle. They had to kill their enemies there and advance into the castle to kill the golem. Then, it would be over. Even if the enemies reincarnated, they would do so one by one, and the allies would win. "You remember the n?" Aktur asked. "Sure," Kaljaque answered him in a carefree manner. "We attack with the lizardmen. The archers will focus on the lizardmen, and the enemy will respond. Kaljaque, you attack first. Kaljaque rushes, and we will lure Drakey out. Don¡¯t deviate from the n," Aktur said, and Kaljaque stepped forward. "Don¡¯t worry about it. Attack!" Kaljaque didn¡¯t want a detailed exnation, so he shouted and the lizardmen followed him. The lizardmen were aggressive, so they followed his orders even without the use of an item. They ran, and Kaljaque followed them. Junhyuk didn¡¯t know how to feel about him. Is he courageous or just stupid? Still, he was taking the lead, so Junhyuk had to follow him. "Let¡¯s go," Aktur told Junhyuk. The enemies would use their powers, but they if they stayed behind Kaljaque, they would be safe. They had Kaljaque take the lead for that reason. Kaljaque could rush to safety, and the rest would depend on Junhyuk. If he used the force field on him, Kaljaque wouldn¡¯t be hurt at all, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t tell him he would. Aktur knew about the force field and hadn¡¯t included it in the battle n. That had been intentional on Aktur¡¯s part, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t care. If Kaljaque was about to get killed, he wouldunch the force field around him. Junhyuk ran with Aktur and inspected the enemy. The n was set, but it depended on how their enemies would react. They were ready to improvise at any time. The first team battle of the Swamp of Despair was about to begin. Chapter 157: Its A Relief 1 Chapter 157: It¡¯s A Relief 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Kaljaque ran at full force, and Lugos stepped forward from the enemy camp. Kaljaque¡¯s rush gave off quite a shock, and he could strike three times in a row against Gysean or Drakey, dealing heavy damage against them. So, Lugos had to jump into Kaljaque¡¯s path. Although Kaljaque¡¯s actions were stupid, that didn¡¯t mean his attacks would be ineffective. Even as Lugos got in position, Gyulsean and Drakey didn¡¯t made a move. Both of them had long range attacks, but they still allowed Kaljaque to move in closer. They wanted him to be within the archers¡¯ range. Junhyuk looked at Aktur. "If something goes wrong, will Kaljaque just die?" "Don¡¯t let that happen." A noble light shone from Aktur¡¯s blue eyes, and he took off. Junhyuk ran after him, and Kaljaque had already rushed. Kaljaque swung his staff, and Lugos turned ck to take the hits. Clung! Lugos was hit by Kaljaque, and Gyulsean quickly dashed from behind him and stabbed at Kaljaque with her spear. She hooked andunched him toward the enemy camp. Lugos was blocking his path, and Kaljaque was surrounded by all three champions. He was also within the range of the castle, so he started losing health fast. Aktur arrived andunched his bandages. They wrapped around Drakey, and Aktur pulled him toward himself. Junhyuk gripped his swords tightly. They had nned to attack Drakey, but he had a lot of resistance. With the pull, Drakey lost 20 percent of his health. Aktur summed the skeleton soldier right away, and all three of them rose from the ground. In response, Drakey summoned the tornado at the center of the skeletons. They had expected Drakey to resist, but they didn¡¯t ount for his tornado. Junhyuk started getting pulled into the tornado, but he teleported away. He couldn¡¯t do anything about the health he had lost, but he wouldn¡¯t let Drakey get away. Junhyuk appeared behind Drakey and shed at his back. However, Drakey shimmered away, and the sword sliced through empty space. Absolute Dodge. Drakey was bent on getting away from them. He was using all of his powers, and Junhyuk knew he couldn¡¯t attack the champion for three seconds. Still, he wouldn¡¯t let him get away. An arrow zoomed through the air behind Junhyuk, and he turned to dodge, but it hit his shoulder, damaging him. Drakey wanted to take Junhyuk out before the tornado dissipated andunched the sound wave. His sound wave would deal 30 percent of Junhyuk¡¯s total health in damage, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to be hit by it, so he teleported again. He appeared next to Drakey and swung his sword, but the three seconds hadn¡¯t passed yet. Therefore, because of the Absolute Dodge, he sliced through the empty air again. Drakey ran through an open space. If he went back into the archers¡¯ range, the n would fail. Junhyuk thought about using the Spatial sh when Aktur extended his hands and said sinisterly, "Escape? In front of me?" A pool of ck ink covered the ground, and hands came out of it to hold Drakey¡¯s ankle. Drakey gritted his teeth and turned around holding tightly to his spear. His movement speed was cursed. He couldn¡¯t escape, and when he turned, Junhyuk was already there swinging his sword. ng! When fighting Drakey while without using his powers, Junhyuk had a hard time delivering any meaningful hits. If he wasted any more time, Kaljaque would die. He started getting worried, and Aktur came over. His skeleton soldiers were still there, and the four of them attacked Drakey at the same time. That¡¯s when Junhyuk found an opening and exploited it, shing Drakey¡¯s ribs. Up to that point, Junhyuk hadn¡¯t been able to inflict any damage on Drakey, but he had just delivered a critical hit that took off 12 percent of Drakey¡¯s health. For one hit, it was quite the damage. Junhyuk tried to continue the attack, raising the Frozen Rune Sword, but Drakey blocked it with the spear. ng! When he blocked Junhyuk, the skeleton soldiers shed Drakey¡¯s back. They didn¡¯t deal a lot of damage to him, but Drakey was being attacked from all sides and started losing focus. He could only block Junhyuk and Aktur, so he allowed the skeletons¡¯ attacks to go through. However, the skeleton soldiers¡¯ attacks couldn¡¯t be overlooked. Drakey¡¯s health fell to 50 percent, meaning that one Spatial sh would kill him. Junhyuk faced a dilemma when, suddenly, Aktur shouted, "You kill him!" Junhyuk wanted to save the Spatial sh, but this was not the time to do it. He didn¡¯t want to let Kaljaque get any deathblows, but he had to kill Drakey and win the battle. The Spatial sh cut through Drakey¡¯s neck. "Ugh!" It was a fatal blow, and Drakey stopped breathing. [You killed Drakey and earned 3,000G.] Drakey was dead, and he turned to look at Kaljaque, who only had 10 percent of his health left. He could get killed at any moment. "Save him!" Victory wasn¡¯t assured yet, and Kaljaque had to live, so Junhyukunched the force field on him. "Come this way!" The force field pushed Lugos back, and Kaljaque escaped. He started running, and Gyulsean shot her arrows at him but missed. Kaljaque returned, and Junhyuk said, "You fought hard." Aktur stood in front of Kaljaque and said, "Drink a potion." Kaljaque drank it and stared at the enemy camp. Lugos and Gyulsean had retreated, and Junhyukughed at them. "They are scared." Aktur smiled sinisterly and answered, "Don¡¯t give them time to revive. Time is on their side." "Right." After Kaljaque drank the potion and regained his health, he stepped forward. "Let¡¯s go attack right now!" After drinking the potion, he had 26 percent of his health left and dashed forward without looking back. Aktur smiled sinisterly. "This is a good time to use his skills," he whispered softly and ran. Junhyuk ran after him. The lizardmen were engaged in a fierce struggle, and Junhyuk looked at the castle wall. There were only a few archers, but they were buffed. He couldn¡¯t ignore their attacks and he knew it. So, he thought of sweeping the lizardmen away. Junhyuk ran toward the enemy minions and swung his sword. Lugos and Gyulsean were leaning against the castle wall and didn¡¯t have time to respond before he killed a lizardman. He cut through the lizardman¡¯s stomach, and a shockwave spread from him, sweeping the rest of the enemy lizardmen. They fell quickly, and the allied lizardmen got some breathing room. They looked at Junhyuk running, and he said, "OK. While we deal with the enemy champions, you deal with the castle¡¯s force field." "We don¡¯t need them!" Kaljaque ran forward and attacked Lugos. He might even have gained some sense as he used his powers from the start. Junhyuk thought they had a good chance of winning, but Kaljaque¡¯s health was too low. Junhyuk ran with Aktur, and Aktur raised his hand forward. The bandages wrapped around Gyulsean, and he pulled her toward him. The skeleton soldiers¡¯ cooldown was longer than Junhyuk had imagined, but pulling Gyulsean was already very impressive. Junhyuk and Aktur attacked her simultaneously, but she wasn¡¯t just taking the hits. She rushed suddenly toward Junhyuk, pushing him toward the mewall. Gyulsean¡¯s rush pushed her opponent for five meters. He still had to wait to teleport, so he hit the wall, surprised. The rush took off 20 percent of his health, and the wall took off another 10. He was still on the wall when Gyulsean attacked him with the spear. Junhyuk parried the attack with his sword and moved to block her path. He stood in her way and swung his sword, but Gyulsean blocked it the spear. She was hard to handle with just his swordsmanship. However, Aktur was also there, and he scratched her hind legs with his nails, giving Junhyuk an opening. Junhyuk took it and shed at her again. Gyulsean was quickly losing her health and attacked Junhyuk. He didn¡¯t move or give her a path out. Instead, he continued to pressure her with his swings. She pretended to block his sword, but pushed her spear farther in, hooking it on his back and throwing him. Junhyuk lost 15 percent of his health with the throw, and he hit the wall again, losing an additional 10 percent. In a moment, Junhyuk had lost half of his health, and Gyulsean took the chance to run by him and away from the wall. However, when she passed him, Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword at her body. She had a lot of speed, but he had debuffed her. So, her speed decreased, and she couldn¡¯t get away. Junhyuk stood in front of her again, Aktur attacked continuously. Again, she started losing health quickly. When she had about 75 percent of her health left, Junhyuk felt that the Spatial sh cooldown was over, and he used it right away. "Aktur!" Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh cut through her neck, taking 70 percent of her health with it. Aktur stabbed her with his nail. It went through her chest,ing out of her back, and Junhyuk heard a soft voice. [Aktur killed Gyulsean.] Junhyuk would have stolen the kill had it been Kaljaque, but he wanted a good rtionship with Aktur, so he yielded the deathblow to him. "Thanks," Aktur told him. Meanwhile, Kaljaque was still fighting Lugos and had lost a lot of health. He had about 5 percent left, and Lugos had 70 percent while the two exchanged blows. Kaljaque could die at any moment, and Junhyuk shouted, "Come here!" He howled suddenly. "Graaaah!" Lugos was paralyzed, and Kaljaque passed through him, but the archers shot him in the back. Kaljaque had 1 percent of his health left when Junhyuk was finally able to touch him. Junhyuk teleported and retreated while Aktur took over the fight with Lugos. They attacked each other, and Junhyuk looked at Kaljaque. "Wait here. You can¡¯t die, you know?" "But Lugos is mine!" "Then, you can deliver the final hit," he said, but he wouldn¡¯t let Kaljaque do it. If Kaljaque rested, he would quickly regain his health. Leaving Kaljaque behind, Junhyuk went toward Aktur and joined the fight against Lugos. The archers concentrated their attacks on Junhyuk and Aktur, and Junhyuk was losing and regaining health. In any case, he wouldn¡¯t allow every arrow to hit him. Lugos knew he was alone against the two, and his body turned ck. He was standing his ground. Junhyuk and Aktur seemed unable to deal significant damage to him, and the enemies could revive as time passed. They exchanged small amounts of damage, but Lugos was losing his health little by little. However, Junhyuk¡¯s cooldown was over. Lugos had 20 percent of his health left. Junhyuk had 40 percent of his health left, and he teleported back. As Junhyuk moved back, Kaljaque dashed forward. He had 15 percent of his health and rushed Lugos. Lugos¡¯ health was low, and Kaljaque raised his staff. That¡¯s when Lugos stomped the ground. Boom! Kaljaque and Aktur flew in the air, but Junhyuk was out of reach and sliced through Lugos¡¯ eyes with the Spatial sh. [You killed Lugos and earned 3,000G.] "Junhyuk Lee!" Kaljaque shouted, still in the air and extending his hand to attack, but Lugos was already dead. Chapter 158: Its A Relief 2 Chapter 158: It¡¯s A Relief 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Kaljaquended and dashed angrily toward Junhyuk. "I wasn¡¯t toote. I was able to save you," Junhyuk said right off the bat. Kaljaque looked surprised and tried to speak, but Aktur interjected, "You keep being loud, and if the enemy revives, I will kick your big ass." Kaljaque looked at Junhyuk and Aktur, then ran frustrated toward the castle. The enemy champions were all dead, and they had to act quickly. If all of their enemies revived, they would lose their advantage. Kaljaque knew that too and pounded at the castle wall. The castle¡¯s protections didn¡¯t hold, and twenty lizardmen survived. Junhyuk had been attacking the gate with them and entered the castle. Inside the castle, Junhyuk quickly killed all the archers left on the castle wall and looked inside. The golem was standing there. So far, he had supported the heroes in fighting the golems, but now he had to kill the golem himself. Drakey had been killed first, and he was already standing next to the golem. "Champions revive that fast?" Junhyuk murmured and started walking down from the wall. The golem was stronger than a champion, so even if all three of them were still alive, they couldn¡¯t let their guards down. Junhyuk looked at Kaljaque. His absurd regenerating power gave him 20 percent of his health back, and he was still gaining more. When he was not fighting, his regeneration rate was much faster than when he was engaged inbat. Junhyuk finally got down from the wall. "We should¡¯vee sooner rather than stood there talking nonsense." Aktur clicked his tongue and looked at Junhyuk. "Tell Kaljaque to regain his health, and you bring the lizardmen inside. We¡¯ll pull Drakey again." "Can we do it so easily?" "I¡¯ll do the pulling." Junhyuk looked at Kaljaque. "Wait here." Kaljaque pouted but didn¡¯t answer. Aktur uttered a few words for his benefit, "If you want, go and get yourself killed. I don¡¯t care." Aktur tone was sharp and harsh, but Kaljaque didn¡¯t answer. "What are you doing?! Attack!" Aktur shouted at the lizardmen. They went toward the golem, and the golem started moving. Before Drakey also moved, Junhyuk ran and said, "I¡¯ll get his attention." "OK." Aktur followed him, and Junhyuk looked at the golem. At that moment, the golem was stepping on the lizardmen. However, when Junhyuk attacked Drakey, the golem would focus on him. Junhyuk was aware of that and still ran toward Drakey. He wanted to get Drakey¡¯s attention, so Aktur could find an opening to pull him. Drakey saw Junhyuk approaching and stepped back. Soon after he had died, Gyulsean had died, so she would revive soon. When she did, the allied champions would be in serious trouble. Drakeyunched a sound wave against Junhyuk. That was his most potent attack, so Junhyuk teleported right away, appearing next to him while wielding a sword. ng! Drakey had already witnessed the teleportation, so he was ready to react. The golem turned and dashed toward Junhyuk. Drakey and the golem attacked him at the same time, making it very dangerous for Junhyuk. He dashed quickly behind Drakey, blocking Drakey¡¯s path to the castle¡¯s force field. Drakey turned around, and Aktur¡¯s bandages wrapped around his neck. Aktur started pulling Drakey toward him while the golem attempted to pound Junhyuk with its fists. Junhyuk dodged it and headed for Aktur. Drakey summoned a tornado while being pulled. Aktur had a lot of experience fighting him, so he hadn¡¯t summoned his skeleton soldiers yet and gotunched instead. Junhyuk dodged the golem¡¯s attempts to step on him and went to help Aktur. Kaljaque rushed toward Drakey. He intended to prevent Drakey from retreating, so he rushed and howled. At that point, Kaljaque didn¡¯t have a lot of health. If possible, they had to help him. Akturnded and summoned the skeleton soldiers, Junhyuk decided to leave the situation to Aktur and turned to face the golem. It had to die anyway. He watched the two attack Drakey and stood in the golem¡¯s path. The remaining lizardmen were attacking it from behind, and the golem tried to step on him. Junhyuk rolled to the side and brandished his sword. Crack, crack! That golem was different from the ones at the Valley of Death. There, Junhyuk couldn¡¯tnd a proper hit on the golems. It never felt like he was hitting them. However, right now, his strikes had an effect. Junhyuk was stronger, but the golem was also weaker at the Swamp. Still, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t just ignore it. The golem was stronger than a champion. Since he couldn¡¯t ignore the golem¡¯s attacks, he focused on dodging the blows and countering them. Then, he heard a soft voice. [Aktur killed Drakey.] "Aktur!" Kaljaque suddenly screamed, and Junhyukughed aloud. Aktur also didn¡¯t yield kills to Kaljaque. Kaljaque was throwing a tantrum, and Junhyuk had to get him under control. "Come here and help!" Aktur came over and joined the fight, and the golem started getting crushed. However, Kaljaque wasn¡¯t helping. Junhyuk looked at him, and he was just standing there, frowning. "Retreat!" Junhyuk was turning around when an arrow zoomed in. He turned quickly attempting to dodge it, but the arrow sank into his shoulder, pushing him backward. "Shit! Revived already?!" Gyulsean was outside of the force field drawing her bow again. Junhyuk tried to step forward when Kaljaque ran by him. "She is mine!" Kaljaque had regained his health, but he couldn¡¯t kill Gyulsean by himself. The golem was still standing. However, Kaljaque didn¡¯t see anything else. He approached her wielding his staff and swung mindlessly, but he still dealt her some heavy hits. Gyulsean could escape and counterattack, but Kaljaque wasn¡¯t alone. Junhyuk looked at Aktur. He was wing the golem with his nails. "Go help him!" "Right," Junhyuk responded. As he ran, he shouted at Kaljaque, "I will help you!" "I don¡¯t need it!" Kaljaque had lost two chances to kill champions, and he was feeling slighted. So, he yelled that he didn¡¯t need help. However, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t concede to him. "If time passes, Lugos wille. That¡¯s a problem." Junhyuk said and aimed at Gyulsean¡¯s side, and Kaljaque swung his staff. He didn¡¯t swing it against her, but toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk quickly stepped back, and Gyulsean stabbed Kaljaque in the ribs. "Don¡¯t interfere." Junhyuk thought the troll had gone crazy. He wanted to Spatial sh him but didn¡¯t. "Come here and help," Aktur shouted at Junhyuk. He stared at Kaljaque and turned to face the golem. If they killed the golem they would win, even if Kaljaque was killed by Gyulsean. He joined the fight, and the golem was crushed. Aktur¡¯s nails crushed the golem¡¯s head, destroying itpletely. Junhyuk looked at the fallen golem and turned to look at Kaljaque. That¡¯s when he saw Lugos approaching him. Lugos had revived. Boom! As Lugos arrived, he stomped the ground, sending Kaljaque into the air. Gyulsean switched to her bow and shot him in the arm. Her arrow hit him, leaving him with 8 percent of his health. He could be killed, and Junhyuk faced another dilemma. He could save Kaljaque with the force field, but questioned whether he should do it. While he thought about it, Lugos¡¯ arms erged and struck Kaljaque. "Aaagh!" Kaljaque started disappearing. Junhyuk¡¯s little hesitation had killed him, and Junhyuk felt bitter about it. "We don¡¯t have time. Kill Gyulsean," Aktur told him. Aktur dashed first, and Junhyuk followed him. Junhyuk looked at Kaljaque disappearing. He was turning gray and still holding his staff. "Who me?! You think I will die this way?!" Junhyuk tried to ignore him. "What?" "I will kill everyone!" Kaljaque had started disappearing, but he wasn¡¯t dying. Aktur also stopped. "Really?" Aktur looked at Junhyuk, and Junhyuk¡¯s asked, "Revive?" "Did he activate a new power?" Gyulsean and Lugos were also looking at him. Kaljaque waspletely healed, and he was bigger than before. He was four meters tall, and his eyes beamed as he raised his staff. "Die!" Boom, boom, boom! He struck three times and he was stronger than ever before. Gyulsean lost her healthy quickly, leaving her at 50 percent. Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate and used the Spatial sh on her. [You killed Gyulsean and earned 3,000G.] Kaljaque looked at him and shouted, "You stole from me again?!" Junhyuk retreated instinctively. If he hadn¡¯t, Kaljaque¡¯s staff would¡¯ve hit him. Meanwhile, Lugos retreated into the castle¡¯s force field. Kaljaque walked toward Junhyuk, and Aktur got in between them. "Stop!" Kaljaque looked at Aktur. "You are same! You dare to steal from me?!" Kaljaque swung against Aktur, but Junhyuk touched him and teleported to the castle¡¯s force field. Kaljaque was crazy and rushing toward them, and Junhyuk asked, "Kaljaque, did you be a hero?" "Yes." "Then, we won¡¯t see you again?" "Yes." Kaljaque swung his staff, and Junhyukunched the force field. Clung! The staff bounced off. "Then, destroy the castle." Aktur knew where Junhyuk what getting at and pounded at the castle¡¯s force field. Junhyuk joined in, and the force field started to lose its resistance quickly. It was weaker than the one at the Valley of Death. Kaljaque kept attacking them both, meaning to kill them, but they just ignored him and managed to destroy the castle¡¯s force field. Junhyuk turned around slowly, and Kaljaque stared at them. "You two stole from me. Now, I won¡¯t see you again." Aktur smiled sinisterly. "You are a hero now. I won¡¯t see you again. Congrattions on bing a hero." Junhyuk saw Kaljaque disappearing and said, "It¡¯s a relief that you are a hero now." Chapter 159: R-Project 1 Chapter 159: R-Project 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - As the world disappeared around him, Junhyuk was relieved, thinking that everything was over. He had won his first battle at that Dimensional Battlefield and he wouldn¡¯t have to meet Kaljaque, the troll, again. The world turned white, but when he opened his eyes, he was not in his room. Everything remained white, and as he looked around, a square box appeared in front of him. He looked at it and heard a soft voice. [The Swamp of Despair¡¯s victory prize is in the box. Please, check on it.] Junhyuk was d it was a prize and put his hands on the box. It opened up, and a small orb appeared. [The victory prize is a Spatial Bag. Only the owner can open it, and when you ce your hand in it, you can pull out whatever item you ced inside.] Junhyuk pushed his hand inside the orb, and a five-meter cube space appeared like a hologram. He thought of a space in it and pushed his hand inside, and the hologram moved to that ce. "Whoa." Junhyuk pulled the spirit stones from his chest and ced them in the corner of the Spatial Bag. He pulled out his hand, and the hologram disappeared, leaving just the orb in its ce. [You may grab the Spatial Bag with both hands to relocate it.] He grabbed it with both of his hands and moves it toward the left side of his chest. He pushed his right hand in again, the hologram reappeared, and he took out the spirit stone. Junhyuk smiled. With it, he could carry whatever he wanted. [When you want to look for an item in the Spatial Bag, just think about it, and you¡¯ll be able to pull it out without looking.] It was the first time Junhyuk was using the bag, so he was grateful for the exnations. He thought about the spirit stone and pushed his hand inside. Before the hologram appeared, he grabbed it and pulled it out. "OK." Junhyuk smiled and put all of the spirit stones back in the bag. [The next Champions¡¯ Battlefield is in two weeks. We will see you next time.] As the voice finished talking, the world turned bright white. Junhyuk closed his eyes, but the light still pounded his cornea. When he opened his eyes, time hadn¡¯t passed. He got up slowly and looked at the left side of his chest. The orb was there, but only he could see it. He pulled out the two spirit stones again and smiled. "I got it now." The bag was too expensive. He had thought about buying it muchter, but now he had it. Smiling, he ced the spirit stones back inside and got up. The Spatial Bag followed him around. It was fixed in ce by holding it with both hands. He teleported, and the bag remained in the same spot by his chest. Junhyuk pulled out his burner phone and heard the voice he wanted to hear. "Big brother?" "Right, it¡¯s me." "What happened? You¡¯re already back?" "Right, time stopped for real. I was there for a while, and time didn¡¯t pass here." "Did you win?" "Sure." "Right! I thought so." Junhyukughed and said, "I had a tough time there." "What happened?" "I met a troll." "A troll?" "Yes. I¡¯ll tell youter." "OK. You must¡¯ve just returned. Rest easy." "Right." He hung up the phone andy on his bed, thinking about what to put inside the Spatial Bag. --- Doyeol was with Elise, looking at a screen shown to them by Zaira. Two men were lying on beds. "Both of them have broken spines and have lost movement below their waists," Elise exined calmly. "Right." People who lost the movement of their lower body experienced some leg muscle deformation even if they were cared for. Their legs looked skinny, so the onlookers could see that they were impaired. "Both have not used their legs for more than ten years. Their muscles have atrophied. I¡¯ll begin the experiment." Their spines were connected to a tube, and red liquid was being injected through it. They shivered with each injection. Both were restrained, but changes happened quickly and so did the screaming. Their muscle mass increased within ten minutes, and they started moving. "We injected the R-Potion from the Regeneration Project into their spines to repair their impaired nervous system." "Just the nervous system?" "We can¡¯t do anything about amputations yet." "Right." Doyeol was still satisfied. With that, Eunseo could recover. Elise looked at the screen and watched the men get up. "We can¡¯t do anything about amputations, but other regenerations are possible. For example, putting muscles back into atrophied legs." Doyeol nodded, and Elise showed him another screen. "There is a theory that beings that hallucinate have nervous systems. These metal models can use that nervous system to allow the user to move freely. The R-Potion can regenerate that nervous system, so that the metal models can recover from any injury." "Right. Then, if webine the Regeneration Project with the Iron Project, it will have a synergistic effect." "Yes." Doyeol looked at Elise. "OK. This is the Regeneration Project. What about the other project?" "Zaira." As Elise spoke, the screen changed, and other people appeared on it. There were ten soldiers, and they were doing a different experiment. A person was shot, but he ran and cut through a machine gun with a knife. Another person dodged the bullets, and another person punctured the steel te with a knife. "The muscle strength is up to three times normal. When one uses his muscles to their limit, that person will tear the muscles apart, but the bloodstones enable quick recovery. So, we produced soldiers that go beyond human limitations." "Awesome. How are they against heavy firepower?" "That type of weaponry can take out limbs, so we can¡¯t heal them yet. But one can always dodge. They will make better agents than soldiers." "True. That¡¯s good thinking." Only soldiers woulde under heavy firepower, so having them as agents would be best. "As for project results, how many do you have?" "Only ten that are known to Pentagram. I will send each member two of them." Doyeol looked at Elise, and she smiled. "And since you gave me the higher quality bloodstone, I can supply you ten more. They will alle here. Their muscle strength if five times normal, and their regeneration rate is better." "Put four at Guardians. I will take the remaining six." "I thank you for that." Doyeol got up. "So, the experimental stage is over?" "So far, we ran secret experiments on two thousand people. They all signed confidentiality agreements. What are you going to do?" "I don¡¯t want to wait anymore," Doyeol said, got up and looked at Elise. "Take care of Eunseo. Set up a date." "I need time to prepare. You just want the regeneration? Or...?" Doyeol thought for a moment. "Will she feel the difference?" "She will feel her muscles enhancing and she¡¯ll have to get used to them, otherwise things could get funny." Doyeol touched his chin. "Even so, make sure she recovers. The Guardians¡¯ CEO position can be dangerous." "I will set the date." Elise smiled, and Doyeol answered, "Please do." --- It was Saturday, and Junhyuk was overseeing the construction at his new house. The power of money was impressive. They were even working on the weekend. He saw a caring his way. It stopped in front of him, and Doyeol and Jeffrey got out. "Why are you here?" "I heard you would be moving here, so I wanted to pay you a visit." Junhyuk frowned, and Doyeol looked at the construction. "Don¡¯t worry. I took care of the business you mentioned. There is no one here." "Are you sure?" "Sure. If someone is still following you, you may breach the contract between us." Doyeol was strong, so Junhyuk gave up. "Then, that¡¯s a relief." "What are you working on?" "Instion," he answered. It looked like they were building the instion, but he was cing foil inside as well. Junhyuk looked at Jeffrey. "We were neighbors, so we must separate." "I am moving in next door," Jeffrey quickly answered him. Junhyuk was surprised, and Jeffrey smiled. He also had hundreds of millions of dors, so he could afford the new house. "We are still neighbors." Junhyuk looked at Doyeol. "Did you know?" "I told you, to stop people from following you, I have to keep watch." "You also agreed not to follow me around!" "I have my limits. Can¡¯t you understand?" He looked at Jeffrey. He seemed like a nice person, and Junhyuk shrugged. "Nothing I can do now." It would be nice to have Jeffrey around to help him get stronger. Jeffrey should be the strongest after him in South Korea. Doyeol looked around. "Then, I will be going." "Be careful on your way." Doyeol left with Jeffrey, and Junhyuk shook his head and looked at the house. They were working hard to finish the job that weekend. "I have a lot to do." He looked at his wristwatch. The cube item detector was inside of it. He would use it to find more items in South Korea. He had wanted to do it with Sarang, but people could easily recognize him. He was known throughout the world, so he couldn¡¯t do whatever he wanted. Junhyuk touched his chin. "I could get items to change my appearance." So far, he wore hats and hid his face. If he asked Bebe, he might even be able to change his face. Then, people wouldn¡¯t recognize him. "I have to earn more money." It was a long road ahead. He had to get new equipment and he wanted items that he could use in South Korea from the Dimensional Merchant. He needed more gold coins. Chapter 160: R-Project 2 Chapter 160: R-Project 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They were able to finish the construction on the weekend, and when he reported to work on Monday, a huge weight was off his shoulders. He didn¡¯t have to travel from Seoul to Ilsan, hence saving time, and he could train at home. He had the space to practice his teleportation as much as he wanted. The changes allowed him to train without limitations, so he didn¡¯t mind spending the money on the construction and the move. Since bing a champion, his powers in the real world had reached an entirely different level, and Junhyuk wanted to practice and get used to them. He had filled a vacancy in the Champions¡¯ Battlefield that existed because a champion had died in his dimension. If he wanted to survive in the real world, he had get stronger in reality. For that, he had to get used to his powers there. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t imagined something like Zaira existed. If he was to survive state-of-the-art technology, he needed his own ns. He wanted his own Zaira, but that would be too expensive. "They need able people." Junhyuk parked his car at the Guardians¡¯ parking lot and thought about many different things. After parking, he went inside the HQ, passing through the metal detector. He had put the things he needed in the Spatial Bag, so even though he went through the metal detector, Zaira wouldn¡¯t know what he was carrying. She couldn¡¯t read through another dimensional space. He had just taken a seat at his desk when he got a phone call. He picked it up, and it was Eunseo on the other line. "We will renegotiate our terms with China. Bring the monster rted materials to the meeting room by 9:30." "Sure." Until they found someone to rece him, he was still an employee. Junhyuk gathered the videos Zaira had showed him on the Chinese incident on his tablet. He took the materials to the meeting room, made tea for Eunseo and took a seat. Soon, the door opened, and Eunseo came in. She was with Dohee, and behind her, there were two men. Junhyuk looked at them and was surprised. They had fifty health each. Because Junhyuk stared at them, Eunseo camly exined, "These are the new members of the Guardians¡¯ security team." Using ordinary people as a measurement, their health limits were astonishing. They had a third of Jeffrey¡¯s health, and he was a novice. Eunseo operated her wheelchair and took her ce. Dohee pulled the TV down, and Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. "Can I see the videos from China?" "Wait a minute, please." He worked on his tablet, and Dohee came over and fed the images to the TV screen. It showed the iron soldier being attacked. "The iron soldier was attacked first." Eunseo was touching her chin staring at TV and said, "We did the right thing by not attacking. If possible, we have to avoid forceful confrontations." She fixed her sses and continued, "We cannot beckadaisical about this either. Other countries might confront the iron soldiers in the same manner. We must pressure them." "We are dealing with China. Is that possible?" Junhyuk asked carefully. "This monster situation involves every country. Even if China has a defense system of their own, if they aren¡¯t cooperating, we must make an issue out of it," she said calmly. Junhyuk knew they were dealing with the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China and was unsure, but he decided to trust her. At nine-thirty, the Chinese delegates appeared on screen. Jowee the member from the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party was on screen. He sat on his chair and smiled. "What is the matter? It¡¯s too early in the morning." "We need an exnation concerning this situation." "Exnation?" Jowee shrugged. "Didn¡¯t Ms. Guardian CEO tell us that when we exercise our own military, we don¡¯t have to sell the residual product from the monsters?" "Yes, but you attacked us. We want an exnation." "That¡¯s not true!" The Chinese had attacked, and Jowee was denying it. Eunseo showed him the videos of what had happened. "As you can see, you attacked first, and we simply withdrew." "The sitemander must¡¯ve thought the iron soldier was a threat. Privatepanies shouldn¡¯t have interfered with a military operation," Jowee was extremely calm as he said that. Eunseo rarely smiled, but she was smiling now, and her smile looked dangerous. "This was the first time our property was attacked. We didn¡¯t do anything, but the next time we will make an issue out it." "Do you mean you will fire back the next time?" Jowee said grimacing. Eunseo wasn¡¯t shaken and answered, "We must protect our own property. If necessary we will use force. I must tell you one thing: if you go to a site with monsters before we do, we won¡¯t interfere with it. If we get to it first and are attacked thereupon, we will fire back in order to protect our property." "You sound dangerous." "I¡¯m not sure if you know this, but our actions are supported by W.A.N.C.S. and the U.N. I will provide them with the videos concerning this event, and you should prepare to answer them." "How much power do you think they have on Chinese soil?" "We¡¯ve told you our position on this matter," She said, feeling no need to continue the conversation, and Jowee¡¯s eyebrow twitched. "So, we will end this conversation," she added. "If you treat me this way, you will regret itter!" Eunseo didn¡¯t answer, and instead, she hung up. Junhyuk watched Jowee¡¯s angry face disappear from the screen and looked at Eunseo. She looked back and ced a piece of paper in front of him. "Trante this page. We will send it to W.A.N.C.S. and the U.N. with the video." "I understand." For Junhyuk, the trantion was easy. He took the document, and Eunseo operated the screen. Soon after, Elise appeared on it, and Eunseo asked, "How is the research going on the monsters¡¯ corpses?" "So far, we have fifteen different monsters. We are finished with the research on the different species and are evaluating the best weapon to use against each of them. We¡¯ll soone up with the most potent weapons for all fifteen species." "OK. Tell me right away when you are finished. Send the information to every country, but when you have results on the Chinese monster, don¡¯t tell them anything." Elise smiled. "Good thinking. I was wondering about what to do with the Chinese side." "We will fire back if the iron soldier is attacked again by the Chinese. Just don¡¯t make any civilian casualties, but prepare to fight back." "Just don¡¯t create civilian casualties, right?" "Right." Junhyuk already knew the iron soldiers could do it all without creating civilian casualties. He had watched the zombie situation, and the iron soldier had made a killing field out of the surroundings. It might have to change weapons in to avoid civilian casualties, but if the Chinese touched an iron soldier again, they would be embarrassed. "How is Ms. Sora Shin?" "We are still investigating. Do you want a report?" "I will head over," she said and turned the TV off, turning back to Junhyuk. "Do the trantion, please." She went out on her wheelchair, and Junhyuk smacked his lips. He had already given her his resignation letter, so she didn¡¯t want to let him know what was going on with Sora. He cleaned up the meeting room and went back to his office. While he was tranting, he kept going over all the events. Doyeol had covered up the incident. They had saved Sora, the novice, and people knew there was a rescue, but they didn¡¯t know who it was. No one really knew about Sora. Junhyuk thought of her. She had the highest movement speed and she specialized on survival, She also had a lot of health. Her attributes looked like a tank¡¯s, so she shouldn¡¯t be running away. Instead, she should be chasing her enemies. "Sora Shin." Doyeol had told her he would tell her more about the Dimensional Battlefield. Jeffrey was with her, so her starting line was different from other people. "What about the security team I saw today?" They didn¡¯t look like a normal security team because their attributes were far above those of regr humans. Compared to novices, they were weak, but they still had five times the amount of health of regr humans. Junhyuk kept thinking for a moment and came up with a theory. "The mana stones made the iron soldiers, so they were made from the bloodstones!" They had to be buying the bloodstones because they had a use for them. They couldn¡¯t be as powerful as the iron soldiers, but bloodstones had a use of their own. They were for humans. Junhyuk had some time, and Zaira allowed him ess to fifty other videos. He was watching an iron soldier deal with monsters. The iron soldier carried heavy artillery and had more firepower than a fighter jet. He wanted to learn more about their weapons, so he watched carefully. The iron soldier killed the monster and took care of their bodies. Two iron soldiers were picking something up, and Junhyuk stopped the video. "Is that a mana stone?" A light blue gem dropped out of the monster¡¯s corpse. If it was a mana stone, there would be conflict over who owned it. "The Chinese must know it too!" Junhyuk stared at the screen and shook his head. Mana stones were expensive. Even mana stones from monsters should cost several hundreds of thousands of dors. He also wanted the money, but he couldn¡¯t interfere. "If I interfere, they¡¯ll send even more monsters" --- Sora was enjoying the track around theb. Eunseo watched her and asked, "What is the result?" Elise turned on a few screens. "On average, she has superhuman powers, and her powers are increasing slowly." The screen showed aparison of Sora¡¯s physique to an ordinary person¡¯s. Elise tapped on the microphone and said, "Ms. Sora Shin. Use your power." Suddenly, Sora disappeared from sight, and Elise calmly exined, "Sora can run a hundred meters in one seconds. She can also do it backwards." "A hundred-meter dash in one second? Can you use that power on other people?" Elise shook her head. "We don¡¯t know how she got it. We did a blood test and found that her blood is different from others." "Her blood is different?" "She has an inherent wavelength. If we use that information, we will find more people with powers." As Elise spoke, Eunseo fixed her sses and watched Sora running on the track. Chapter 161: R-Project 3 Chapter 161: R-Project 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - They were having a family dinner, and Doyeol spoke first, "Eunseo." She raised her head, and Doyeol smiled at her. "I heard about what you did with the Chinese. Soon, W.A.N.C.S. and the U.N. will put pressure on them." "That¡¯s fast," she said. Doyeol forked the asparagus and ate it nonstop. "We established Guardians, but thepany belongs to others as well." "Right." It was using Robotics engineering, and worldwide corporations were helping out covertly. She knew it already. The world¡¯s most powerful families were also connected to it. Doyeol smiled and said, "Don¡¯t worry about the Chinese." "Sure. Thanks for paying attention." "Whoa! Our Eunseo said thanks!" Sukhoon shouted, surprised. Eunseo looked at him coolly, and he turned away and drank his ss of wine. Doyeol looked at the two and smiled. "The Regeneration Project is a sess." "Really?" Eunseo disyed a rare response, and Doyeol looked at her. "Yes, the initial experiment is over." Sukhoon looked at Eunseo. "I can see your high kick again." "Big brother," Eunseo said in a somber tone, and Sukhoon turned around again. Doyeol exined some more, "Within the Regeneration Project, we have a special project. It¡¯s called the R-Project." "R-Project?" Doyeol nodded slowly and put his fork and knife down. "The world knows about the Regeneration Project, but we will use an R-Potion from the R-Project on you." "Is it effective?" "It¡¯s regeneration far beyond human imagination, and you will have strength many times that of ordinary humans." Sukhoon put his wine ss down and looked at Doyeol. "Big brother, that sounds very dangerous!" "The initial experiment is over, and I don¡¯t want Eunseo to get hurt again! There will be many who oppose Guardians." "If it¡¯s that dangerous, I will take her ce." "You can¡¯t," Doyeol answered curtly and continued, "We will do it after the meal." Sukhoon looked at her, and she adjusted her sses. "Sure." --- Junhyuk only did a few things at Guardians HQ. The administration of iron soldiers was handled by Elise. He picked up the phone calls and transferred them to Eunseo. However, Eunseo hadn¡¯te to work that day. His superior wasn¡¯t there, so it was his job to y around. Still, he couldn¡¯t just y. Zaira was watching everything that happened in that ce. Junhyuk browsed for dual swordsmanship on his smartphone. The WMA (World Masters Athletics) was reenacting middle age swordsmanship, and he spent his time watching it. Knock, knock! Junhyuk heard the knocking, and the door opened. Elise walked in. "Do you have time?" He looked around. "It looks that way?" "How about lunch with me?" Junhyuk nodded and got up. He was curious about Elise. She had made the iron soldiers and was Zaira¡¯s owner. She was a true genius scientist, and that piqued his curiosity. He followed her to thepany restaurant and saw a woman already dining there. "Hello," Sora greeted him, and Junhyuk greeted her back. She was eating a lot of beef, and Junhyuk smiled and said, "You have a good appetite." Sora smiled. "I started running again, so I¡¯m not worried about getting fat." Elise helped her out. "She is exercising a lot. She won¡¯t get fat from eating that much." Junhyuk nodded. He also exercised a lot, but people didn¡¯t know about it. He trained by what Arn had taught him and also ate a lot, more than anyone he knew. Junhyuk also took a teful of beef, and Sora said, "You must also exercise a lot!" When she looked at him, he didn¡¯t have huge muscles, but his muscles were as hard as stones. She smiled and asked, "What sport do you y?" "I just exercise for my health." She stared at him. Sora knew what kind of person he was. He had been to the Dimensional Battlefield. She couldn¡¯t reveal the truth about him, but he had powers. Sora was running again because she knew she would be going to the Dimensional Battlefield and she wanted to survive. Doyeol had told her about that ce where they treat human lives like that of flies. She couldn¡¯t rest if she wanted to survive. Jeffrey had also taught her about things there. He told her about heroes, and that she needed to get along with them. She didn¡¯t know which heroes she would meet, but Junhyuk might have more advice for her, so she wanted to get along with him. However, she didn¡¯t have the chance to meet him often. She wanted to ask him about the battlefield, but she had signed a confidentiality agreement, so she couldn¡¯t ask him anything. Elise was next to them. She didn¡¯t bring anything up and just continued eating. As Sora ate, Elise ate a sd and asked him, "You¡¯ve resigned?" "Yes. When they find a recement, I¡¯ll quit." Sora looked at him. She would also quit if she had the money he had at that point. However, she needed to get a few mana stones, or a really big one. Elise smiled. "That¡¯s too bad. We didn¡¯t even have dinner outside." "Maybe for my goodbye party?" Elise took out a business card and whispered, "We¡¯ll have drink together. Give me a call." Junhyuk smiled and gave her his business card. "I don¡¯t have a new business card." "That¡¯s OK. It¡¯ll be valuable if you don¡¯t use them in the future." Sora was chomping her food down and extended her hand. Junhyukughed and gave her a card as well. She took it and smiled. "I¡¯ll give you one when I get a business card." "You can give me your number." Junhyuk handed her his smartphone, and Sora typed her number in. Elise watched the exchanged and asked him, "You were watching the iron soldiers. Did you find anything new?" He realized she kept records of the people who watched the iron soldier videos. He had a high-endputer in his office, but he wouldn¡¯t use it from then on. "Concerning China, I was watching to see if we have evidence to support us. However, there are strange things left over by the monsters¡¯ corpses." Elise smiled. "You watched it carefully. Right. Our research is not only to kill the monsters. So far, their body¡¯s are foreign to us, and they possess a high research value. We could use them to research armor, and we may also learn other valuable things." She pulled out a mana stone. It was really small, and the color wasn¡¯t clear, but he had seen it on the screen. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t expecting to see it, and Sora was surprised as well. "That...?" "It¡¯s from the a monster¡¯s corpse. We call it a mana stone and we get energy from it," she said and ced it on the dinner table. "This could propel changes to the scientific world that could save us centuries of research." She tapped it with her finger and continued, "I think the monsters are gift from God. Scientists will apud their appearance." "They are too dangerous to be God¡¯s gift." "We can control them. Don¡¯t sell scientists short. We can know something is dangerous, but also be able to control it." Junhyuk looked at Elise. She was one of Doyeol¡¯s people, so she might know everything about him. "You mean the mana stone is not known to the scientific field. Why are you telling us?" Elise smiled. "If you see it on the road while walking, bring it to me. It doesn¡¯t look like much, but it¡¯s worth $1 million. It¡¯ll be like winning the lottery." She lowered her head and said. "The scientific world doesn¡¯t know of them yet, so I¡¯ll purchase them myself. Do you understand?" "Sure." Elise tapped her business card in front of him. "When you find some, call me. I will pay for them." Junhyuk learned something strange about her tone. His eyes beamed, and she smiled. They exchanged looks as if they were talking just to each other. This woman isn¡¯t just working for Doyeol. He picked up the card and said, "I will call you... if I find some." "Stones simr to those are OK too. We don¡¯t know much, so if you find anything strange, call me." Junhyuk nodded and got up. "How about some coffee? Which kind do you want?" he asked. Elise smiled. "Espresso, please." "Milk coffee for me," Sora said. He got them their coffee and smiled at Elise. He had to be careful with her. Junhyuk drank his coffee, and he smiled every time his eyes met Elise¡¯s. --- Junhyuk yed all day long, and it was time to go home. He always got off work on the dot and wished every day was like that day. When he walked outside, a car arrived. It was Eunseo¡¯s, and Junhyuk was getting off work. He wanted to greet her, so he waited for her. The car parked, and people came out. Dohee and the security team members got out first and took the wheelchair out. Junhyuk walked over, and Dohee took Eunseo to the wheelchair. He wanted to greet her, but he stopped suddenly. Eunseo had had twenty health and ten mana. He had been surprised before, but now she had seventy health and ten mana. She had beente that day, but she couldn¡¯t have increased her health like that in one day. She looked at him. "Going home?" "Yes. It¡¯s after five." He always left work promptly, and Eunseo shook her head. "Anything happen?" "No. No one called either." "Yeah? You may go." She nodded and went inside the building. He watched her with eyes slightly widened. "What¡¯s going on here?" Chapter 162: Surprise Attack 1 Chapter 162: Surprise Attack 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Wednesday. Junhyuk was the only employee in the Administrative Department. He was given ess to the online applications for the Guardians program. Without Zaira¡¯s help, they would¡¯ve been unable to sift through them. That many people had applied. After Junhyuk handed in his resignation letter, they began epting applications that previous Friday, so only four days. However, since Guardians was already known throughout the world, a surprising number of people had applied. The Administrative Department had five employee openings, but ten thousand people had applied. That was one spot for every two thousand applicants. Junhyuk was able to judge the applications with Zaira¡¯s help. He wanted to at least nce over all of them, and looked through a condensed version of the pictures and qualifications. He was leftpletely surprised. "Threenguages is the minimum." He quickly went through the pages. His eyesight was really good, so he spent about one second in each page with Zaira¡¯s help, looking at pictures and qualifications. He was going through the images when he said, "Stop." The screen stopped, and Junhyuk added, "Go back three people." The screen went back three applications, and he smiled. "Is this a coincidence?" It was Soyeon Shin¡¯s picture. Her qualifications were certainly lower than the other applicants. She had good grades, but she didn¡¯t graduate from the best university or was fluent in threenguages like the others. Her English score was really good, but not as good as the others. Junhyukughed hard and set her application as qualified. Eunseo had told him to pick only one hundred applicants out of all of them. They were looking for his recement, and had given him a big responsibility. He included Soyeon Shin on the list and murmured, "Qualifications aren¡¯t everything." After he told himself that, he got up. "I told her I would take her out and I didn¡¯t. I hope she gets this job." Guardians was a part of ST Capsule, but the annual sry was very high. If she got hired, he would forgive himself for not taking her out and breaking their promise. Heughed and murmured, "Knowing the right people is important." Junhyuk went over all ten thousand applications and selected the hundred he liked. They all had simr qualifications, so he picked out from the pictures he liked. He made the list with all one hundred people and asked Zaira, "Can you send them emails and messages and make phone calls?" [Yes. When would the interviews take ce?] "Interviews will be next Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Divide them in two groups of fifty for the interviews. Can you make calls?" [Certainly.] Zaira answered and simultaneously sent out emails concerning the interviews and the online applications and called them individually. She spoke with the one hundred people and recorded the conversations. Junhyuk listened to the one with Soyeon. She sounded really happy, and Junhyuk smiled while he listened. He thought of her jumping with joy. Zaira finished all of the phone calls. [What is your rtion with Soyeon Shin?] she asked him. Junhyuk fake-coughed and said, "What are you talking about? [You were listening to the phone call, which is why I¡¯m asking you.] "Don¡¯t bother. I just know her a little." After that exchange with Zaira, he was reminded one more time that she was not simply a superputer. She sounded like she was twisting the facts. He sighed. "Send the list." The printer lit up, and the list came out. He picked it up. "I will go talk to the CEO. Meanwhile, send notifications to the people who didn¡¯t make the list." [I will do it.] He finished judging the applications with Zaira¡¯s help and took the list to Eunseo. Dohee guided him to her office, and when Eunseo saw him holding the documents, she extended her hand. He handed them to her, and she looked them over. "The list of the people who passed?" "Yes. I selected a hundred people and sent them the interview date." Eunseo nodded. "The interviewers will be me, you and Dohee." "Me?" "We are looking for your recement, so certainly," she said and continued. "If you want somebody, you may hire that person. I will give you a free pass." "What?" "I can do that at least that much," she added. "Thank you." He underestimated her power. "There are only three interviewers, and we are only hiring five people. I¡¯m giving you the right." Because he knew it was Eunseo, he smiled. She saw him smiling at her, looked down at the documents and said, "You may leave." "Then, I¡¯ll be going." He bowed to her and left. Eunseo raised her head. She was smiling ever so slightly. She shook her head and got up from her wheelchair, walking around lightly and kicking suddenly. Woosh! She shook her head again. "I need more time to get used to it." --- He had judged ten thousand applications, and that wasn¡¯t easy. With Zaira¡¯s help, however, Junhyuk had finished before noon. Now, he was getting ready to be seeded by his recement. "Since I got here, I only did trantions and interpretations and picked up the phone." Guardians kept the world safe and peaceful, and he was one of its only employees, but he didn¡¯t have anything to do. He smiled bitterly and, with Zaira¡¯s help, he made a list of phone numbers he had to give to the recement. The recement would do his own trantions, so he didn¡¯t spend a lot of time in preparation to leave his post. He didn¡¯t get online. If he did, Zaira would know what he was up to. Instead, he looked at dual swordsmanship on his smartphone and looked around. He felt like someone was watching him, and suddenly he got a response. [Do you want materials on dual swordsmanship?] "Are you watching me?" [I just want to help you.] Junhyuk knew Zaira was connected to Elise. If he gave Zaira an order, Elise would know of it too, so he thought about it. He was already looking for things on dual swordsmanship, and Zaira knew it. He couldn¡¯t hide it from her. "Give me materials on dual swordsmanship." Quickly, Zaira showed him all kinds of materials from pictures to videos of ancient dual swordsmanship techniques revived in the modern era. He couldn¡¯t find those on the inte on his own. He had made the right decision and he moved his hands lightly while watching the videos. So far, Junhyuk had learned by watching Arn¡¯s saber techniques. Arn was a hard teacher to find, and his swordsmanship focused around shing. Longsword dual swordsmanship was totally different from dual swordsmanship with sabers. Junhyuk realized that from watching the videos. "Show me something on dual swordsmanship with sabers." Many screens came up, and Junhyuk learned the difference between the two styles of swordsmanship. He could improve. "Can you send me these by email?" [I will do it right now.] Hepared and contrasted the styles of swordsmanship while moving his arms. He was definitely learning more about dual swords. --- Zaira was disying the screens to Elise, and sheughed while watching. "He is using you. He must know something." Elise controlled Zairapletely, and Junhyuk was using her anyway. He was revealing something about himself. She looked at the other screen and saw Eunseo moving around lightly. Eunseo didn¡¯t know it yet, but Zaira controlled everything at Guardians. Elise looked at her and smiled. "She is better than I thought." The trained agents took a long time to get ustomed to their new bodies, but Eunseo was getting used to it faster than them. She was still using her wheelchair just in case, but she would soon get used to itpletely. "It¡¯s easier to use a fully automatic wheelchair." Elise also wanted that wheelchair. Sheughed hard and looked at the screen with Sora Shin. "Novices use two-handed swords?" Sora was training with a two-handed sword, but it would take her more than a few days. It would be better for her to just run away from conflict. Elise had heard about heroes. Sora should just run away from them to keep herself alive, she thought. She turned off all screen, pulled out some documents on the monsters species and murmured, "I must make new weapons." --- Junhyuk watched the monitor until it was five o¡¯clock and got up. It was nice he was able to go over the materials on theputer, but it would be even better to practice at home. He went out and saw Eunseo and Dohee. "Are you getting off work?" "The superiors must get off first, so that the employees will feel less pressure." Junhyuk smiled. If Eunseo got off work first, he would be more at ease. In any event, he didn¡¯t even care. She nodded at him and operated her wheelchair, moving forward. She wanted to get out of the door first, and Junhyukughed and slowly walked toward the door. Eunseo took the lead, and the security team members got in her car. Junhyuk bowed to them and got in his own car. He downloaded his emails and watched the videos on dual swordsmanship as he started driving home. Once he got out of Guardians HQ and reached the crossroads, he saw shadows loom over him. He turned to to look, and there were container trucks to his left and right. There were four of them, and he inspected them. Junhyuk saw Eunseo¡¯s car in front of him and looked at his phone. While he was watching the videos, the light changed. The trucks started off, and one of them sped up. The trucks positioned themselves to the left and right of Eunseo¡¯s car while one stayed behind the car. Junhyuk felt something sinister was happening. He didn¡¯t head home. Instead, he got on highway and called Eunseo on her cellphone. It rang, and he heard her voice. "CEO." "What is the matter?" "Right now, container trucks are surrounding your car. Is anything the matter?" "Get down!" He heard Dohee¡¯s voice, and loud noisesing from the container truck. Rat-a-tat-tat! Chapter 163: Surprise Attack 2 Chapter 163: Surprise Attack 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk knew there was a shooting happening, and he summoned the Pure Golden Knight Set and the Blood Rune Sword. He drove closer to Eunseo¡¯s car and used the Spatial sh on the front wheels of the container truck that was just behind her car. The Spatial sh cut through the front wheels and generated a blood energy shockwave that shed through all six wheels of the truck. Without the wheels, the truck skidded off the road. Junhyuk turned the wheel and elerated. The RPM went up as he sped up, and his car passed the skidding container truck. Once it was gone, he could see the whole situation. There was one truck on each side of her car, and the other trailer was blocking it from the front. The front one had opened the container door, and there were five men firing machine guns. Eunseo¡¯s car had been badly hit. Everyone inside it might have already died, but the driver was still holding on to the steering wheel. He had ducked and was trying to get away, but he couldn¡¯t because the trucks were in the way, and the shooting continued. There was someone still alive, so Eunseo could also be alive. Junhyuk extended his hand,unching a force field around her. Even without looking, he could now create a force field around whoever he wanted. Eunseo¡¯s car waspletely covered, so the bullets bounced off, and the trucks on either side were pushed away. Junhyuk drove closer. He passed her car and crashed against the truck with the five guys with machine guns. They were just standing there with nk stares. Crash! Junhyuk was driving a VW Tiguan, and the front bumper was crushed. The people holding the machine guns staggered from the shock. Then, he overtook Eunseo¡¯s car and stepped on the breaks smoothly. Her car crashed against the Tiguan, and Junhyuk changed gears to reverse and elerated. Screeeech! His car¡¯s tires smoked out, and the two cars slowed down slowly. The member of the security who was driving her car stepped on the breaks, and the two cars slowed quicker. The container truck also slowed down... ... and turned around. It made a U-turn, leaving long skid marks on the road, and Junhyuk looked at it. The driver in Eunseo¡¯s car reversed, made a U-turn and drove off. He was probably going back to Guardians HQ. They had picked the highway as the ce for their surprise attack because they couldn¡¯t do anything at the HQ. With the iron soldier on site, they couldn¡¯t attack the HQ. Junhyuk didn¡¯t get out of his car and also made a U-turn, looking at the container truck. They were on the highway making turns against traffic. The other cars stopped suddenly, and there are multiple additional idents. The trucks ignored the idents and continued on their path. Junhyuk clicked his tongue at their audacity. "They are bold!" There were three trucks, but only two made sessful U-turns and chased after Eunseo. The other was totaled while trying to make the turn. He watched the two trucks. Suddenly, he put his car in reverse, turned the wheel and mmed on the elerator. The other cars on the highway saw the multiple idents and started slowing down, and Junhyuk was able to reverse between them. He was weaving through the other cars, but the trucks didn¡¯t care about them. They were hitting the other cars, pushing them to the side and elerating. Junhyuk watched the way they were driving and gripped the Blood Rune Sword tighter. The cooldown was over, and he used the Spatial sh again. He hit the front wheels of the left truck. Once the wheels were gone, the blood energy shockwave spread out and took out the front wheels of the truck on the right. They had been speeding up, so when the wheels were taken out, the two crashed against each other. Crash! Once they crashed, the containers fell off, skidding off the road and creating additional idents. Junhyuk stopped his car and got out slowly. The highway looked like a battlefield, and he sent the Pure Golden Knight Set and the Blood Rune Sword away and walked over to the containers. Some people got out of them, and Junhyuk looked at them and frowned. "Chinese?" The five were wearing suits with blood dripping down them. They pulled out their guns, and Junhyuk ran toward them. They were trying to aim at him, but they were dizzy from the ident. So, he was able to get to them before they started shooting. He grabbed the wrist of one of them before he had a chance to shoot and twisted it. Crack! They all had ten health, so they had trained to their limit and they shot at Eunseo. Junhyuk had no intention of forgiving them. One man pulled himself together and managed to shoot at him, but Junhyuk ducked, closed in and hit the man¡¯s chest. He elbowed the man¡¯s neck, and his opponent¡¯s mouth hung open, and he fell to the ground. Another man aimed at him, and Junhyuk spin-kicked him in the chin. It all looked cinematographic. The opponent flew one meter into the air with the kick. However, when Junhyuk turned around, two bullets were fired at him, and he didn¡¯t have time to escape. He couldn¡¯t teleport, so he was hit on the stomach, but he didn¡¯t feel anything. He was curious about it, but ran toward them. The people who shot him just stared nkly at him, and Junhyuk front kicked one of them. He rolled in the air,nded and moved on to the other man, taking him out. Junhyuk had to find out who was behind that attack, so he ced them in the backseat of his car and drove between the crashed cars and away from the mess. People would notice if he drove backwards. He had wasted no time taking care of the Chinese men, so it was not good for him to be noticed. Once he got out of the area of the ident, he turned around and drove to Guardians HQ. It was a relief that his Tiguan was still drivable after the idents. The front bumper was crushed, and the back bumper was also smashed. Junhyuk thought the car was amazing to still be working. He also thought of having to get a new car and cursed under his breath while he continued to the HQ. It was pandemonium there. The security guards were out, and a helicopter was flying over the building. Junhyuk¡¯s smashed car drove in, and the security guard stopped him. "Let him pass," he heard a sharp voice say. He parked his car in the parking lot and looked around. Eunseo¡¯s car was covered in bullet holes, and he ran toward her. Dohee was copsed in front of the car and bleeding heavily. Eunseo had blood all over her and was applying pressure to Dohee¡¯s wounds. "Are you OK?" Junhyuk asked, and Eunseo raised her head and her eyes beamed. She had picked up a call from him and lifted her head, and the container truck in front of her opened its door, and people appeared holding machine guns. Dohee pushed her head down, and the shooting started. Dohee had been hit, and the bullets kept hitting her. She couldn¡¯t bare the pain, and a loud noise came from behind her car, and something happened. An ivory-colored light surrounded their bodies. Eunseo felt that wasn¡¯t the first time a miracle happened. The bullets bounced off, and the trucks on each side of the car were pushed off. Eunseo was very astonished, and then Junhyuk¡¯s car passed her. She was staring with surprise as his car went through the ivory-colored light and crashed against the truck ahead of her. Then, Junhyuk seemed to be stopping his car, but reversed and stopped her car. Eunseo¡¯s car was being driven by a member of the security team, and he made a U-turn and drove back to Guardians HQ. The security team was going crazy, and everyone was on alert. They took Dohee and looked over her, but her condition was worse than expected, so they called an emergency helicopter, and Eunseo was now applying pressure to her. And that¡¯s when Junhyuk got there. He saw she was covered in blood but still breathing on her own. Her health was now at thirty. Her new health had saved her. The helicopter arrived, and peoplee out from it. They approached Dohee, checked on her, gave her first aid and took her with them. Junhyuk watched Dohee getting on the helicopter and looked at Eunseo. Her clothes showed signs of injuries, but she looked safe. "I got a few people from the scene of the ident." Eunseo was very surprised and got up suddenly. Junhyuk was even more surprised than her. She ran toward his car, looking at the assants with sharp eyes. Those were the people who tried to kill her. She made a signal with her finger, and the security team came over. "Take them inside and put them in detention," she said and turned her head around. "And go back to the scene of the ident, and bring back the rest of them. Don¡¯t leave anyone behind." "Understood." The security team moved out, and Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. "Thanks for everything." Junhyuk looked at her. "Your legs are healed?" he asked, and she pulled herself together. She had been too excited and stood up in front of him. "I am sorry I didn¡¯t tell you before. We can¡¯t talk about the Regeneration Project yet." "The project is a sess?" "Yes." "That¡¯s nice." He was sincerely d that she was healed, so he conveyed his feeling to her. Eunseo adjusted her sses. "I will give you the right reward for your help." Junhyuk shook his head. "I¡¯m just d that you are OK." Junhyuk had heard the shooting on his phone, so he didn¡¯t hold back any of his power. He had wanted to hide his powers, but he didn¡¯t care about that in order to save Eunseo. She avoided his eyes and looked at his car. It was all smashed because he had tried to save her. She touched his Tiguan and looked at him. The ivory-colored light protected her from the bullets, and then he appeared. She had to investigate him further. Chapter 164: Surprise Attack 3 Chapter 164: Surprise Attack 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk looked at his car. "I should walk home." "I¡¯ll call you a cab." "No. It¡¯s not that far. I could run home, and the situation with the roads won¡¯t be good for cars." The highway waspletely shut down. There were big idents, and the roads were a quagmire. Like Junhyuk had said, it wouldn¡¯t be a good idea to walk home. "You might be in danger. You¡¯ll need a security team to go with you." Junhyuk shook his head. "I wasn¡¯t their target. Things just happened that way, but they won¡¯te after me again." Eunseo looked around. There were just enough security team members to guard her. The others were out. "When you get home, send me a text message." "I will." Junhyuk said goodbye and headed out. She watched him leave through the front gate and entered the building. Elise was looking at the information on the monitors with Zaira¡¯s help. Eunseo walked in, and Elise turned to look at her. "Zaira, check the CEO¡¯s condition." A light came down and scanned her from head to toe. [Her body has finished recovering. There is some bleeding, so she should be in the infirmary.] Eunseo shook her head. "I won¡¯t got to the infirmary," she said. Then, she looked at Elise and added, "Did you find out who was behind this?" Elise looked at the monitors and said, "All five of them belong to China¡¯s Ministry of State Security (MSS), the Chinese intelligence and security agency. They quit their posts sometime between five and ten years ago." The screen disyed the pictures of their work as spies. Eunseo looked at them and asked, "Where did you get this information?" "We hacked the MSS, but we have had a hard time tracking their actions. They all quit their posts, so it¡¯s hard for us to find out what they¡¯ve been doing since then. Their information is all analog, so even Zaira can¡¯t hack the system." "So, China is behind this?" "Do you want to me investigate Jowee Jhang?" "I want everything on him." Things had changed since the negotiation with China. Former MSS agents were behind the surprise attack, and this could mean a diplomatic war. South Korea had little to gain from a diplomatic war with China. Guardians wasn¡¯t a part of South Korea and didn¡¯t have its military backing. They worked for W.A.N.C.S. and the U.N., and China had tried to assassinate the Guardians¡¯ CEO. They had failed, so it was time to find out who was responsible. For that, Eunseo and Elise needed evidence. "What about the scene of ident?" Elise smiled. "The TV stations are going crazy. The news is going out worldwide." Three stations were covering the incident, and the international news was showing the scene. It had to be that way. There had been seventy-two crashes and a shooting on South Korean soil. With the target being the Guardians¡¯ CEO, everyone was in an uproar. Eunseo looked at the monitors and asked, "What is that?" Elise smiled. "Someone on the scene filmed it. It¡¯s all over inte." Junhyuk was fighting the agents. Eunseo hadn¡¯t expected him to be such a good fighter, and her mouth hung wide. "It¡¯s on the inte?" "It¡¯s spreading like wildfire." "Erase everything." Elise turned to look at her. "Are you sure?" "Erase all the files. Can you erase other people¡¯s files?" Elise smiled. "You know I can," she said and touched the screen. "Zaira, you heard her!" [I will begin.] Many other screens were on ying the video all over the inte. Elise handed Eunseo a cup of coffee while Zaira deleted all of the files online. Eunseo took the coffee, and Elise smiled. "Warm yourself." She nodded and heard Zaira¡¯s voice. [I¡¯ve blocked all files, and 123,582 downloaded files are being chased and deleted. Also, I deleted the original file. I will also block simr files on the inte.] Eunseo nodded and sipped her coffee. She felt her body warming and looked at Elise. "I must go to the hospital and check on Dohee." "I¡¯ll alert the security team and call for a helicopter." "Sora Shin¡¯s power wavelength detector... how long before it isplete?" Eunseo asked nonchntly. "Basically, we have a short range detector, but we¡¯ll have to wait for a long range one. When weplete the long range detector, we will send one to each of the Guardians¡¯ bases." She heard that, handed Elise the cup back and said, "We will talk more after the hospital." --- Junhyuk walked home. The highway waspletely sealed in an entire different way from being empty of cars like most days. He thought about what had happened that day. "Jowee Jhang." He thought of China and that man. Jowee had to be behind all of that as there was no other person who wanted the Guardians CEO dead. At that moment, Guardians was a hot-button issue. The world was watching the Guardians CEO, so Jowee had to be very audacious. Junhyuk looked to the East and clenched his fists. Jowee hadn¡¯te after him, but he couldn¡¯t let it be. He was deep in thought about the men when his burner phone rang. Junhyuk picked it up, and Sarang sounded very worried on the other side. "Big brother, are you OK?" "Me? I¡¯m fine." "I saw it on the inte. Didn¡¯t you get hit by a bullet?" "Yes, but I¡¯m OK." "Really?" Junhyuk pressed his fingers against his eyelids and answered, "Yes. It¡¯s probably because of my items¡¯ defenses." "Phew! Big brother, your inte videos have all been erased. Everyone is curious." "What are you talking about?" "The files concerning you can¡¯t be uploaded to the inte. All files are being deleted. Nothing concerning you can get on the inte." "People can¡¯t upload anything?" "Yes. Nobody can upload, and everything is being deleted. Do you know what¡¯s going on?" He shook his head and thought of something. He knew of something that could monitor the inte and delete files. The Guardians¡¯ supeputer Zaira could do it, but he hadn¡¯t expected that. He wasn¡¯t sure if Zaira could get in to personalputers and delete files. "I can guess, but I¡¯m not sure. I¡¯ll call you back." "OK, but who is behind all this?" Junhyuk clicked his tongue. "Guardians had problems with China. I think it¡¯s the Chinese." "Then you should¡¯ve been more careful. The videos showed you beating the crap out those people, so they mighte after you again." "Then, they must know who they¡¯ve awoken." Junhyuk thought of what Arn had told him. He must kill those whoe after him, and Sarang realized what he was thinking. "Big brother! When is your housewarming party?" "Housewarming party?" "You moved, so you have to invite people over! Are you thinking about not inviting me?" Suddenly, he felt more rxed. "I¡¯ll invite you." "Really?" "Yeah." Jeffrey was living next door, but he could teleport in and out of his house without anyone noticing, and he had to include Sarang in any housewarming party. "I¡¯ll invite you for this weekend." "You promise? I¡¯ll have time this weekend." "Yes." "Then, talk to youter." Feeling more rxed, he hung up and kept walking. Once he got home, he turned the TV on. All stations were covering the seventy-two crashes on the highway and the shooting incident that took ce on broad daylight. Junhyuk opened a can of beer and watched the TV. There were seven dead and eighty-three wounded. It was a disaster. He drank his beer and crushed the can. "They¡¯ve caused this disaster!" In fact, they had onlye after Eunseo. If Junhyuk hadn¡¯t attacked, the casualties would¡¯ve been lower since no one would¡¯ve made U-turns on the highway. However, he med everything on them. He teleported to the refrigerator, took out another can of beer and drank it all in one shot. Junhyuk connected his smartphone to the TV and brought up the materials Zaira had sent him. He summoned his swords and trained while watching the videos. He was able to mimic a few movements, but he had to adapt them to his style. Not everyone had humanoid forms at the Dimensional Battlefield. Doctor T had eight legs, and Bater was much bigger than him. The videos showed fights against human enemies, so he had to adapt them to nonhuman entities. Junhyuk imagined an enemy and adjusted the movements. His swords soundly split the air. --- Eunseo was sitting on her wheelchair in front of the operating room. The Regeneration Project couldn¡¯t be known to the world yet, and since she had been shown riding her wheelchair already, she couldn¡¯t walk around normally. She waited until a doctor came out and spoke to her, "The tough part is over, but even if she recovers, she won¡¯t be the same." "Is there a problem?" "We pulled a bullet out of her spine, and she will be paralyzed from the waist down." Eunseo touched her head and asked, "She¡¯ll be like me?" The doctor looked grave and nodded. "It¡¯s a miracle she survived." Eunseo sighed deeply. "She¡¯ll survive?!" "Yes." "Can you transfer her?" The doctor was surprised by the question and answered, "She¡¯ll survive, but transferring her is difficult." "Give her whatever she needs." The doctor nodded. "I will do my best." He went back to the O.R., and Eunseo took out her cell phone and called someone. It rang three times before she heard Doyeol¡¯s voice. "I¡¯ve been calling you. What happened?" "Some people shot us. My cellphone was destroyed in the process." She had gotten a new phone from the security team. "Elise told me what happened. Jowee is behind all of this?!" "Yes, I already ordered an investigation." "I¡¯ll look into it as well." "Thanks, big brother. I must ask you a favor." "Anything." "Dohee was hurt protecting me. She¡¯s a paraplegic now, and I want to help her." Doyeol was silent, and Eunseo continued, "Without her, I would¡¯ve been killed." "OK. I¡¯ll get things ready." Chapter 165: Monster 1 Chapter 165: Monster 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk was training when he heard the doorbell. He teleported to the basement and went over to the inte. From the inte, he saw Jeffrey standing there, waiving some beer. "I¡¯m not having a housewarming party!" he said over the inte "I want to talk to you about what happened today," Jeffrey said, smiling. Junhyuk opened the gate and teleported to the front door. He wiped his sweat off with a towel before opening it, and Jeffrey crossed the threshold astounded. "It¡¯s much better than my house!" Junhyuk looked at the house next door. It was about the same size as his. "You are joking." He stepped aside, and Jeffrey walked in and smiled. "This house looks like a house." "Are you teasing me?" He had a training space in the basement, and the upper floor had furniture. He wasn¡¯t done decorating yet, but it didn¡¯t get in the way of his daily life. He offered Jeffrey a seat at the living room and made a fruit tter to go with the beer. Being an expert with a de, it didn¡¯t take long for him to cut everything. Once he brought the tter out, Jeffrey opened a can of beer and handed it to him. Junhyuk gulped the cold beer down, ate some apple and asked, "What did you want to talk about?" Jeffrey took a drink of his own and said, "I heard former MSS members were behind the attack. There were thirteen of them, and you captured five. Two of the eight died on the scene; two more were seriously injured and hospitalized. The police are watching them." "What about the rest?" "They didn¡¯t get them." Junhyuk took care of the agents who got out of their cars, but whoever remained inside got away. "Then, they aren¡¯t out of danger yet." "Don¡¯t worry too much. We are using Zaira to do a long range investigation, and we got the R-Agents working the case." "R-Agents?" Jeffrey put the can of beer down. "The agents were created by using bloodstones to maximize their regeneration rate. Their muscle strength is many times that of ordinary people, so the stones were just right for making agents." "I didn¡¯t know they could do that with bloodystones!" Jeffrey smiled. "By using things from the Dimensional Battlefield, we are advancing. The project was led by Doyeol and Elise." "Right." Jeffrey emptied his can, picked up another one and said, "This Friday, it¡¯s extremely likely that Sora Shin will go to the Dimensional Battlefield." Junhyuk stared at him, and Jeffrey smiled and said, "She should be on our side." "Her?" "This will be her first time at the Dimensional Battlefield, but she has a higher chance of surviving than other minions. We should help her!" Junhyuk stared at him. Doyeol was leading the world, and Jeffrey got a lot of information by being next to him. It was like he was spying Doyeol. "But there isn¡¯t a ce to meet her. Guardians HQ is under Zaira¡¯s supervision." "Elise already knows a lot about the Dimensional Battlefield. Even if she learns anything, she can¡¯t changed the flow of it." Junhyuk thought for a moment and asked, "I¡¯ll give her some advice. If she returns, I¡¯ll get closer to her." "Good thinking." Jeffrey emptied his can and got up. "May I leave the rest of the beer in your refrigerator? You¡¯ve got a really big one." "Do it." Jeffrey was rxed. It was his personality, and Junhyuk agreed with the beer situation. Jeffrey left, and Junhyuk took the beer and teleported them to the refrigerator. He ced the cans inside, teleported to the basement and summoned his swords. "Advice on the Dimensional Battlefield..." He thought about what to say to Sora and swung his swords. --- Junhyuk walked to work and saw a helicopter. He waited for the helicopter tond in the parking lot. The security team came out first, and Eunseo moved out after. She was earlier than usual, and Junhyuk went over to greet her. "You are early." Eunseo moved the wheelchair over, looking up at him. "Follow me." He followed her to her office, and she offered him a seat. Junhyuk knew she could walk, but didn¡¯t ask her about it. "How is Dohee doing?" Eunseo frowned. "We need the Regeneration Project to help her, but she will live for now." "That¡¯s nice." He was relieved that Dohee had made it. He had seen at least ten bullet holes in her. Eunseo looked at him. "I want to thank you officially." Junhyuk became embarrassed and scratched his head. "I did what anyone would do." Eunseo adjusted her sses, hiding her mouth with her hands while she smiled. "You saved me and captured the attackers. I am grateful and I will certainly repay you." "What happened to them?" "We¡¯ve identified them, and they are currently under interrogation. We are gathering evidence on who ordered the hit." "They are Chinese. China must be behind all of this!" "We¡¯ve started investigating. It¡¯s a long range investigation, but we will track them soon. When we find out who did it, we won¡¯t forgive that person." "Right." Eunseo looked at him. "We have a small problem. Two of the attackers are unounted for. Until we find them, I will put a security team on you." "Please, don¡¯t do that. I can protect myself." "They carry guns. Please, ept my offer." Junhyuk shook his head. "I¡¯m really OK. Use that manpower to help catch the culprits. If possible, before the day is over." Eunseo looked at him and gave out a short sigh. "OK. I will do my best. Today will be busy. You may leave." Junhyuk bowed to her and headed to the Administrative Department. He soon understood what she had meant when she said the day would be busy. All of the phones were ringing like crazy. --- Ribs were on the menu at Guardians HQ, and Sora had a te full of them. She was eating them with enthusiasm. Feeling antsy that she might have to go to the Dimensional Battlefield, she used the food to calm herself. She was working on her te when a shadow loomed over her. When she raised her head, she saw Junhyuk smiling with another te full of beef ribs. "May I join you?" Sora nodded. He saw the bones she had left and said, "I have to work hard to catch up to you." Sora looked at him. "Are you OK?" "Me?" He plugged his ear with a finger and answered, "I¡¯ve been on the phone about a hundred times today. My ear hurts, but I¡¯m fine. They are paying me well." Sora lowered her head and whispered, "But you don¡¯t need more money." He smiled at her. "They will pay me until I quit. I shouldn¡¯t refuse my sry." She was also smiling, and Junhyuk stared at her. "After the meal, how about some coffee with me? The roof has a little park, so it¡¯s a good ce for coffee." "Sure!" Sora really wanted to talk to him. Junhyuk showed her a piece of rib and said, "Then, let¡¯s get to work." They smiled at each other and ate, piling bones on top of each other. After, they made coffee and went to the roof. Once they arrived at the small park, Sora stared at him and said first, "Please excuse me, but I want to ask you about the Dimensional Battlefield!" He stared at her. "When you get to the Dimensional Battlefield, find out about your heroes." "Jeffrey told me the same thing. I must get close to them." "Correct. Heroes are the leaders of the Dimensional Battlefield. If they take your side, you will survive." "About the survival rate, is it hard toe back alive?" "So far, hundreds of thousands died there. Only a few have survived." Sora started feeling nervous, and Junhyuk continued calmly, "Don¡¯t get too scared. To survive, you must do what is necessary. It¡¯s different from South Korea. Steel your mind to survive." "Survive?" In South Korea, survival meant fiercepetition, but what Junhyuk meant was survival itself. She had to do anything to survive. Sora inhaled deeply to shake off her nerves, but she still felt nervous. "Your power is important over there. You have a very high movement speed, so use it well," he continued calmly. "I should run away?" "When you are facing a hero, but the allied heroes might use you to lure the enemies in. Only your power can help you." "You mean I should run." "When you get there, use your power. Check it out first. I¡¯m not sure if you can run a hundred meters there." She could run a hundred meters, but she could only do it for one second. Within that timeframe, she covered that distance on Earth. However, she wouldn¡¯t have more time even if the distance at the battlefield was shorter. "You should use your power to survive." "OK." Sora was being told different things between Junhyuk and Jeffrey, and she pondered the information. "And work on improving your power," he said calmly. "Powers can improve?" "Sure. Right now, you cover one hundred meters. It might increase to two hundred. The one-second timeframe could increase to two." "I didn¡¯t think that was possible." Sora was surprised, and Junhyuk continued, "And there is a very little chance, but you might activate a new power." "Activate another power?!" He realized there had been limits to what the others had told her. They told her about the Dimensional Battlefield, but hadn¡¯t given much detail. Junhyuk told her what she might get from visiting Bebe. "The first power you activate makes you a novice; two powers make you an expert; three powers make you a champion; and finally, four powers make you a hero." "So people with four powers are called heroes?!" Junhyuk knew she was carefully paying attention. "Right. After activating four powers, one bes a hero." Chapter 166: Monster 2 Chapter 166: Monster 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - After giving Sora some advice after lunch, he was back to taking phone calls. Countries from all over the world were calling, and he spoke with them in their ownnguage. Suddenly, the siren went off, and he raised his head. Zaira was making an announcement and ying the video feed on theirputers. [There is a monster at the Guardians HQ parking lot. The highest emergency protocol has been issued.] Weeeee, kchunk! Steel tes about fifty centimeters thick came down and covered the walls. Junhyuk got up and tapped on the wall. He was astonished. "Did we have this type of protection?" Soon, a screen with Zaira¡¯s feed appeared on the wall. [A never-before-seen monster has appeared. The iron soldier is awaiting deployment.] Junhyuk had also never seen that monster before. He had seen a lot of monsters, but that one looked entirely different. "It looks sturdy!" There was a sevenyered shell on its back, and the shell was covered in spikes. It was about five meters tall and it stood on four feet. Suddenly, it swung its tail, smashing the helicopter that wasnded there. It was very powerful. The monster looked around and crouched. Junhyuk heard Zaira. [Iron soldier deployed.] The screen changed, and the iron soldier appeared. It was outside and it extended its arms toward the monster, firing small napalm bombs. Boom, boom, boom! There was an uproar of explosions, and mes covered everything, but the monster appeared through the smoke and swung its tail against the iron soldier. The iron soldier was pushed back and hit the wall. Crushing the normal outer wall, showcasing the steel tes that covered the entire building. The hit dented the steel. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and looked at the monster. He didn¡¯t know much about it, but he was sure of one thing: it had high defense. The iron soldier¡¯s attacks were useless against it. The iron soldier flew up and extend his arms, shooting bullets from its palms without a single miss. However, all of them bounced off the shell on its back, leaving Junhyuk astounded. "It¡¯s really dense!" The iron soldier¡¯s attacks were useless against the monster¡¯s shell. Also, the fact that the monster appeared at Guardians HQ was very significant. "They don¡¯t want iron soldiers?" The administrative personnel from the Dimensional Battlefield wanted people to activate their powers. Because a champion hade from Junhyuk¡¯s dimension, they started putting monsters on Earth. The monsters were there to get people to activate more powers, but the iron soldiers killed the monsters. They had to have changed their minds. So, they sent a new monster to kill iron soldiers. Junhyuk wanted to keep watching. He might have to step in at some point, but not just yet. He saw weapons in the iron soldier that he hadn¡¯t seen before. It carried state-of-the-art weaponry, but the monster wasn¡¯t dying. The shell on the monster¡¯s back wasing off, but it wasn¡¯t enough to kill it. They were at the highest threat alert level, so the phones wouldn¡¯t work, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t have to answer any more calls. Junhyuk just rxed in his seat and watched the iron soldier fight. The iron soldier flew up high and put its hands together. Suddenly, its chest lit up, and a me beam shot out of its hands. Junhyuk was watching it all and got up from his seat. "That¡¯s?!" Boom! It pressurized energy and shot it, and it looked a lot like Vera¡¯s fire orb. The shock was so big, it shook the entire steel-walled building. Junhyuk kept watching the monitor. Just now, the iron soldier had shown him something new. Could the armored monster withstand it? The smoke cleared, and the monster appeared with half of the shell on its back gone. The iron soldier saw it and extended its hand. Its chest lit up again, but the monster crouched and jumped. The iron soldier quickly evaded, but the monster¡¯s tail grew and hit the iron soldier. Bang! It was an entirely different attack from before, and the iron soldier bounced away. Part of its torso was broken. The monster rolled up into a ball in the air, and the spikes surrounded its entire body. Then, it started spinning, heading toward the iron soldier. The iron soldier tried to escape, but the monster was quicker to close in and crash against it. Crack, craaaack! The iron soldier tried to stop the monster with its hands. However, the monster was spinning too fast, and the shock was too powerful. The impact smashed the iron soldier¡¯s hands, but the iron soldier managed to stop the monster¡¯s spin. However, the monster¡¯s spikes grew in size. They pierced through the inner mechanism of the soldier¡¯s arms, and Junhyuk clicked his tongue. The administrative personnel from the Dimensional Battlefield wasn¡¯t easy to deal with. "But it¡¯s a relief!" If they had sent buff monsters, the iron soldier wouldn¡¯t be able to do anything about it. They had sent a monster of simr strength to the iron soldier, so they knew what they were doing. "They didn¡¯t send a disaster." He kept watching. The iron soldiers arms were pointed at the monster, and its chest lit up. Another high energy beam shot out. Boom! The monster¡¯s shell was already gone, so the energy went in and exploded. The building shook again. Junhyuk looked at the monitor, saw a shadow and clicked his tongue. "That wasn¡¯t enough?!" The monster appeared. The iron soldier had possibly exploded. It wasn¡¯t appearing on the screen. [The iron soldier has stopped functioning.] Junhyuk inspected the monster¡¯s condition. It was torn up like a used rag, but it was still moving around. The monster swung its tail against the wall, piercing the steel tes. At that point, Junhyuk sacked his lips. The monster was more dangerous than he had expected. "Should I step in?" He summoned the Pure Golden Knight set items. If he summoned his swords, people would find out who he truly was, so he couldn¡¯t do it. He stood in front of the wall. Although he was able to smash through it easily, he didn¡¯t do it. "Come within my range." Zaira continued filming, and he knew the monster¡¯s exact location because of that. [The monster is inside the building. Use the emergency exits and evacuate for the bunker.] The ground opened up, and he was even more surprised. By using that path, he could reach the bunker safely. However, if he did, he would be too far from the monster. So, he waited instead of moving. The monster was in the building, running around looking for people. Junhyuk thought everyone had already used the emergency path to get to the bunker. It was fast and it wasing toward Junhyuk. "It¡¯s capable of searching?!" Zaira came back on. [Move to the bunker.] A steel wall came down, blocking the monster¡¯s path, but it was torn apart. The monster had tore it up like a piece of paper, and the defense system wouldn¡¯t hold against it. The defense system was made to hold against any human attacks, but the monster was from another dimension, so the defense system had room to improve. He looked at the escape route. It wasn¡¯t shaped like stairs. If he went in, he would slide down, so he couldn¡¯t do it yet. [Last warning! The emergency route will be sealed soon.] Junhyuk went toward the emergency path opening and focused on the noisesing behind his door. The monster wasing his way. He couldn¡¯t see the video feed, but he could guess. However, he wasn¡¯t sure about the distance. Without knowing the exact location, he wouldn¡¯t attack. Junhyuk stood in front of the escape route and looked over at his office¡¯s door. Boom! Boom! The monster was close, and the wall shook. Junhyuk balled his hands into fists, and the escape route started closing. [Emergency escape closing.] To prevent the monster from reaching the bunker, the escape was being sealed. Junhyuk watched it closing and looked at the steel wall. Boom! Boom! He heard the monster¡¯s loud footsteps and jumped toward the emergency route while swinging his fist toward his office¡¯s door. The Spatial sh covered the distance and hit the monster, but Junhyuk had used it with his fist. It was the first time he had tried it, but it was possible. The Pure Golden Knight set items had a lot of attack attributes, so even without using a weapon, he dealt a lot of damage. He slid down the escape route, and the monster was left smashed behind the steel wall thanks to the spatial attack. The shockwaves created by the attack destroyed the steel tes covering the hallway. Junhyuk was sliding toward the bunker that was located in the basement. When he got close, the slope ttened, and hended on his feet. He saw that everyone was there, and they were all looking at the monitor. The video showed the monster¡¯s body and a mess in the halway. Junhyuk quickly sent his Pure Golden Knight items away. He learned that he could change the direction of the Spatial sh depending on the weapon he used. When using a sword, the shockwaves traveled sideways. However, when using his fist, they made a ball. Without using his weapon, the damage was lower, but he still killed the monster with his bare hands. He might not have been able to do it normally, but the monster¡¯s shell was already gone from the iron soldier¡¯s attacks. He didn¡¯t know what the personnel from the Dimensional Battlefield would think about what had happened, but he did what he had to do. If he hadn¡¯t, the monster would havee into the bunker as well. Junhyuk watched the monitor, and Eunseo came over to him on her wheelchair. She raised her sses and asked sharply, "What did you do?" "What are you talking about?" "Why didn¡¯t you follow the order to escape?" She sounded icy, but he knew what she really meant. She was worried about him, and Junhyuk smiled awkwardly. "I¡¯m sorry. I was nervous and I couldn¡¯t move." Eunseo stared at him hard and sighed. She turned and looked at Elise. "How did the monster die?" Elise was looking at several screens and answered, "Some invisible shockwaves appeared. They appeared inside the monster¡¯s stomach." Elise looked hard at Junhyuk, and he smiled and said, "The iron soldier must have damaged the monster enough to kill it." She smiled at that, and he avoided her attention. Chapter 167: Monster 3 Chapter 167: Monster 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The new monster attack happened only at Guardians HQ. It didn¡¯t show up in any other ce. Junhyuk watched them taking the monster¡¯s body and smacked his lips. They found a bloodstone in the monster, and bloodstones cost as much as mana stones, so he was annoyed because he was the one that killed it. He looked at Elise, and she was controlling Zaira and looking at the monitors. "The iron soldier is destroyed. What are you going to do?" Elise stopped working and looked at Junhyuk. "The iron soldier is getting improved. This monster was sent here to test the iron soldier¡¯s powers, so I¡¯ll deploy the iron soldier MK-II." "There is a MK-II?" "I got a hold of a high quality mana stone," she said, staring him down. He turned away. "Even with an increased output, the iron soldier won¡¯t be enough!" Elise nodded heavily. "I will research this monster¡¯s corpse and analyze its structure. I made weapons to deal with the previous monsters by researching them. If this monster has a simr structure, I will make something for it." He looked back at her. The monsters were getting stronger, and she felt she could make weapons to deal with even stronger monsters. The woman was a genius among geniuses. She smiled at him. "Are you surprised?" Her eyes twinkled, and she whispered in his ear, "I¡¯m more surprised with you." He smiled awkwardly. "We don¡¯t have any casualties." "Right. How long are you going to stay with us?" Elise turned the monitor, and Junhyuk looked at her, baffled. The monitor disyed the current time, and Junhyuk looked back. Eunseo was operating the monitors and looked at him. "You may leave." "Then, I¡¯ll be going." A surreal event had taken ce, but he couldn¡¯t do anything about it now. He couldn¡¯t even make ims to the bloodstone. However, he had killed the monster, so he expected them to send an even stronger one. Things would get moreplicated. Junhyuk looked around the bunker. "How do I get out?" "You can use thedder." Elise pressed a button, and adder came down from the ceiling. He walked up to it and felt someone looking at him. When he turned, he saw it was Sora. She looked at his eyes and smiled furtively. Junhyuk nodded to her and began climbing. Sora would go to the Dimensional Battlefield, and that might be thest time he would see her. He climbed silently. If she returned, he would talk to her more. Junhyuk saw the mess in the parking lot. The helicopter had exploded, and the building¡¯s brick wall was broken through, disying the steel tes inside. "This will be a hassle." He wanted to leave before the reporters got there. On his way home, he picked up his burner phone. "Big brother!" Sarang sounded happy, and heughed and exined what had happened that day. "Guardians HQ was attacked by apletely new monster." "Are you OK?" She was always worried about him, and Junhyuk smiled. "I¡¯m fine. But this new monster couldn¡¯t be killed by ordinary weapons. It smashed the iron soldier to bits." "Really?" "It will be on the news soon. The Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s administration sent it, and it only happened at Guardians HQ. "If the iron soldier was destroyed, who killed the monster?" "Me." She was silent for a while before saying, "If you killed it, they will send even more powerful monsters!" "Nothing I can do now. If I hadn¡¯t killed it, it would¡¯ve killed many people," he said and continued, "This monster targeted the iron soldier. The HQ is the only ce it attacked. Things could be different from before." "True. By the way, I will see you tomorrow." "Yeah, back to the battlefield." He was a champion, but he still had to survive. Sarang was an expert, so he felt better. However, he couldn¡¯t let his guard down. "See you tomorrow." "Right, see you." He hung up the phone and headed home quickly. He nned to spend the rest of the time up to the next day learning new dual sword techniques. --- Friday, 8:00 a.m. Junhyuk had trained all night when, suddenly, he got a text message. Jeffrey had sent only a couple of words. [Sora Shin deployed.] Junhyuk felt strange. So far, he hadn¡¯t known many people going to the Dimensional Battlefield. Many people went to the Dimensional Battlefield each week, but it was not a huge number whenpared to the poption of Earth. However, this time was different. He knew Sora. He had dined with her twice and given her advice. His advice weren¡¯t secret, and they would help her. Sora had looked at him as if he held her life in his hands, and he was a little nervous, but he had given her good advice. If Sora returned, he would include her in the allied camp like Jeffrey had proposed. At that point, Sora was living at Guardians HQ, but they would release her soon. He might keep a close watch over her. She had only activated one power, but she could activate more. She could be a champion or a hero. Only the heavens knew. Junhyuk texted Jeffrey. [If she wakes up, let me know.] --- He thought about training, but he felt uneasy, so he sent his swords away and teleported to the first floor. He sat on the bed and watched TV. The news was covering the event from the day before. It was good for him to watch the news about the monsters. Iron soldiers were bing a symbol of hope, but they had to remain honest. The news said that the iron soldier had killed the monster, but they weren¡¯t showing the battle. They only had footage of Guardians HQ. The news¡¯ focus was that the monster had only appeared at Guardians HQ. They were saying that many scientists would research the cause, but Junhyuk knew that only a few people knew the truth. He browsed the inte and read people¡¯s responses to the incident. They were scared of the monsters, and some were writing about the end of the world. People had bigger reactions when the monsters first showed up. The appearance of the iron soldier gave them hope, and even newer monsters were killed by them. The iron soldier was the world¡¯s hope, but it had been destroyed, which made people despair. They talked about how the monster had only shown up at Guardians HQ and thought it was a warning against the iron soldiers, predicting that stronger monsters would appear. Junhyuk shook his head severely. "This can¡¯t be." Defeatism just killed minions and prevented people from activating new powers. He kept shaking his head while hey on his bed. Suddenly, he got a new text message. It was nine in the morning, so Junhyuk got up quickly and checked his texts. [Sora Shin returned.] He looked at the text, and his eyes widened. "She survived!" Survivors from the Dimensional Battlefield were rare, and Junhyuk only knew a few novices. She had activated her power on Earth and she had returned. That was a big moment. She was lucky, but more survivors would return. Junhyuk looked for her phone number on his phone and sent her a text. [Congrattion on your return.] Hey in bed again, and his phone rang. It was Sora, and he picked it up. "Can we talk now?" She sounded shaky, and he guessed at the state she was in. She had to have faced death many times, so she needed to rx more than anything. "Are you OK?" he asked. "Yes. I¡¯m OK," she said, but a momentter, she went back on it. "NO! I¡¯m not OK!" Of course, Junhyuk could empathize with her. He had felt the same way the first time. He hadn¡¯t felt like himself, and time passed differently over there. One couldn¡¯t survive with Earthly morals at the Dimensional Battlefield. When one returned to their dimension, the shock was too great. "You did what you had to do," he said calmly. "But..." "Trust me. You did what you had to do." She was silent, and he heard her sobbing. "Can I trust you?" "Trust me." The silence passed, and Sora stopped sobbing and answered, "I trust you." She was herself again, and Junhyuk was relieved. "I will buy you a drinkter. Then, we will talk some more." She sounded chipper and answered, "Get me something very expensive!" Junhyukughed loudly. "You choose. I can get you anything you want for a drink." "I¡¯ll be waiting." He hung up thinking she could adjust to any situation. Then, he got up and summoned his swords. Sora had returned, and that was a good thing. He knew her, and she had returned. This time he had to return alive. "At least four times." That was how many times he had killed Adolphe, and still Adolphe kept showing up in the battlefield. That meant that champions had four revives. This time, he also had the Spatial Bag. At that point, he needed the bag to bring things back from the Dimensional Battlefield, specially things that he didn¡¯t want to engrave. He needed the bag to hide them. The Spatial Bag wouldn¡¯t help him much in battle, but he was getting stronger step-by-step. That week, Junhyuk hade to understand dual swordsmanship and trained in what he learned. It would help him a lot. He couldn¡¯t do much at all with his normal attacks, but his Spatial sh and Doctor T¡¯s sses would help him get deathblows. He wouldn¡¯t just do it every time because Vera might kill him, but he wouldn¡¯t just stand there. "I have to get stronger." He had killed a monster on South Korean soil and he would have to face stronger monsters. Junhyuk himself had to get stronger. He wanted to be a hero and he had the items to make him stronger. Chapter 168: The Power Of Money 1 Chapter 168: The Power Of Money 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Sora had gone through abnormal narcolepsy and returned alive, and reports about the Dimensional Battlefield were sent to the Guardians¡¯ CEO. Sora didn¡¯t try to hide what happened, and Eunseo worried about what to do with the reports. She told Doyeol everything that was on her mind¡ªhe was like a spiritual guide for her¡ªand Doyeol looked at her sitting on her wheelchair and walked over to her. He grabbed her hands and lifted her up. Once she stood up, he calmly exined, "Now, you also have to know." She gulped. Doyeol offered her a seat, made her a tea and said, "Abnormal Narcolepsy happens when souls from this dimension are called to the Dimensional Battlefield. Over there, the souls must fight, risking their lives in the process. A few of those souls will activate their powers." Eunseo froze while listening to the story for the first time, and Doyeol poured himself some scotch and drank it. "If they die at the battlefield, they will never wake up here again. So, most of those patients don¡¯t wake up." "You knew?!" Doyeol nodded heavily. "Yes, I knew," he said and continued, "I know you are shocked, but the Dimensional Battlefield can¡¯t be known yet." "Why?" Her expression was rigid, and Doyeol raised his ss of scotch, pointed to her and said, "Our Regeneration and Iron Soldier Projects depend on mana stones and bloodstones from the Dimensional Battlefield." As she listened, she understood the entire situation, the reason why Doyeol didn¡¯t want people to know about the Dimensional Battlefield. "We must make it public." "Not yet." "Big brother." She remained set, and Doyeol red at her. "I told you not yet." "More people returning alive means more mana stones and bloodstones." "Yes, and other people will also have ess to them." "Big brother!" He gulped down his scotch and said, "I won¡¯t repeat it again. If you go public with this information, you will be removed as Guardians CEO." Eunseo¡¯s eyes twitched, and Doyeol put his ss down. "You know it already, but there are people who helped us secretly who know about it too. If you know what kind of people they are, you won¡¯t say anything to keep us safe." Eunseo bit her lips and, listening to him, she came to a different conclusion. She couldn¡¯t just go public and she would have to think of another way. "I understand." --- It was time for him to leave, and Junhyuky on his bed. He hadn¡¯t slept the entirety of the previous night and that day so that he could train. However, at that point, he wanted to rest andy on his bed and closed his eyes. It was time for him to go to the Dimensional Battlefield, and he had a lot to tell Sarang. She knew she would meet him at the Dimensional Battlefield, so she hadn¡¯t called him that day. Junhyuk closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep, but his burner phone vibrated, and he got a text message. He looked at it andughed. "I thought so." [Big brother, see you soon.] Junhyuk texted her back. [See you soon.] He put the phone down and closed his eyes. Once he fell asleep, the world turned white. He opened his eyes slowly and checked on his gold: 16,240G. Junhyuk made sure he had the correct amount from what was left from the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. He inspected the new standard armor, and it was better than the expert¡¯s armor, but not by much. Junhyuk took off his helmet and summoned his equipment, looking at the standard equipment in front of him. Experts got two swords, but there were long spears for champions. "Champions use long spears?" He summoned his swords instead. [Wee to the Valley of Death.] Junhyuk inspected his equipment and lightly moved his body. [You may exit through the central door.] He walked to the door, but the exnation continued. [You activated three powers and became a champion. You may revive five times.] Just as he had expected, Junhyuk knew he could die more times, but he didn¡¯t want to do it. He felt an extreme emptiness when he died and he didn¡¯t want to feel it again. Once he stood in front of the exit, he heard the soft voice. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] Champions didn¡¯t go by numbers and were instead called by name. It felt different for him, but he walked out proudly. Just like Adolphe, whenever there was an item on the ground for him, he had to pick it up. He didn¡¯t want to die, but he still couldn¡¯t give up on the items. Junhyuk went out the door and saw the minions talking among themselves. As he passed them, he realized he had grown taller. He was now 2.3 meters tall, and the minions made way for him. He was looking for Sarang, and soon, she appeared, making her way through the minions toward him. "Big brother!" She hugged him by jumping on him, and heughed and tapped her helmet. "Long time no see," she said smiling. Junhyuk pushed her down. "Don¡¯t forget." "What?" "You are still a high school student." "What about it?" "Don¡¯t hug me like that." "Hm." She pouted, and he saw some peopleing through the gate. Arn and Vera came in and waved once they saw him. Arn simply waved, but Vera jumped toward him and hugged him. He couldn¡¯t move, and she shouted, "I knew you¡¯d win!" "What?" Junhyuk wanted to know what she was talking about and pushed her away. "What are you talking about?" "I knew you¡¯d win at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield." "I also knew I¡¯d win." She put him in a headlock and continued, "You rascal! You are too cute. Everyone wants to see you." "Me?" "Right. You." Junhyuk was curious and looked at Arn, and Arn patted his shoulder. "Everyone bet that you would win." Curious, Junhyuk asked, "You mean you bet on me to win at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield?" "Right." Junhyukughed very hard. "Is that possible?" Vera smiled. "Heroes can use their gold coins to gamble on the Champions¡¯ Battlefield." "You must¡¯ve earned a lot." Arn nodded. "Thanks to Kaljaque, your team had lost ten times straight, and they thought you¡¯d also lose. Considering Kaljaque¡¯s record, they thought you¡¯d lose. You were just a variable. The odds where 20:1 against you." Junhyukughed. "So, you bet on me?" "Sure! We trust you!" "And you earned a lot?" "More than you can imagine. The three of us need to go to Bebe. We¡¯ll go there with you." Junhyukughed again. "That¡¯s nice. You must¡¯vee out really well." Vera headlocked him and said, "Let¡¯s go. We¡¯ll get new equipment and fight." Arn and Vera took the lead, and Junhyuk followed them. "I want to sell the Twin-Headed Ogre¡¯s Umbilical Cord. How much will Bebe give me for it?" Vera answered, "The original price is 50,000G, but Bebe will only pay you half of that, so 25,000G." Arn stopped and looked back. "Talk to Diane. She wants to upgrade her bowstring, so she might pay you the full price." "So, 50,000G?" "It depends on Diane." Junhyuk wanted to sell it to her at full price. It was expensive after all, but he had to meet her first. They arrived at Bebe¡¯s, and Bebe waved at them. He saw Junhyuk and smiled at him. "Thanks to you, I did some business. Thanks." "Bebe can bet?" "Sure." Junhyuk shook his head and stepped back. He wanted to upgrade the Frozen Rune Sword onest time, and it would cost 40,000G. He didn¡¯t have enough money yet, but he would earn more in the battlefield. Arns stepped up and made a purchase. "Do you have the King¡¯s Bracelet?" Bebe touched his chin and looked at Junhyuk. "You must have some money on you!" "Not as much as you, but I have a good amount." Bebe pushed the te. "The King¡¯s Bracelet is the most expensive item among set items, you know?" "I know. You can¡¯t sell it even though you have it?" "Only a few people are collecting this set." Arn ced his hand on the te, and Bebeughed. "OK. One King¡¯s Bracelet. I will give you a discount, it¡¯ll total to 400,000G. Will you buy it?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t know if he heard it correctly. The Pure Golden Knight set items were about 100,000G, but a bracelet was 400,000G. It¡¯s too expensive, even for a set item! Bebe pulled the bracelet out. It was surrounded by a dark energy, and Bebe smiled. "I thought you would focus on your attack." "The King¡¯s set items give you increased attack and health. I¡¯m buying it because of that." "It¡¯s been tough on your health since you¡¯ve advanced, huh?" Arn put the bracelet on and nodded. "Yes, to deal with the new monsters, I need and entirely new set of equipment." Junhyuk learned that Arn had bought it to increase his health. It wasn¡¯t as high as Jean Clo¡¯s but Arn had about as much health as Bater now. Arn looked at him and smiled. "A single item can¡¯t change the flow of things, but set items are different." "Do you have any other King¡¯s set items?" Junhyuk asked. "I didn¡¯t buy it, but I picked one up thanks to my good luck." If he picked up something that expensive, he is definitely lucky. Vera stepped up. "I need the me Flower Orb." Bebe stared at her. "What about your weapon?" "I¡¯ll sell it." Bebe clicked his tongue. "As you know, the me Flower Orb is 800,000G." "I know. You should give me at least 300,000G for my staff." Bebe shook his head, and Vera ced her hand on the te. Bebe clicked his tongue again. "You must¡¯ve bet all of your assets on your friend. How much did you earn?" Chapter 169: The Power of Money 2 Chapter 169: The Power of Money 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Vera took the me Flower Orb from Bebe and held it in one hand. It was a sphere, and inside that sphere there was an eternal me burning bright white. It looked like it belonged to fire mages. Vera purchased it and smiled, "And give me upgrade stones, five of them." "You want to upgrade it five times?" "I need to at least do the basic upgrades." Each stone was worth 50,000G, so she was spending 250,000G like it was nothing. Junhyuk was dumbfounded, and he understood why the heroes were so happy to see him. Vera took the upgrade stones from Bebe and used them. She upgraded it five times in sequence and was sessful. Junhyuk was dumbstruck again. It already looked like the item was effective, and she had upgraded it five times. She had a smile from cheek to cheek, and Junhyuk asked carefully, "Did it get buffed?" "Its basic attack hasn¡¯t improved much, but the fire magic damage has increased by 30 percent." Junhyuk was very surprised. All of Vera¡¯s magic used fire, so she had increased her damage by 30 percent. She would be more powerful than ever before. Vera had finished and kept smiling. "We are done. Let¡¯ go." "Have the other heroes also been here?" Junhyuk asked carefully. Arn showed a rare smile. "Yes. The three of them have equipped themselves and headed to the same ce. They should be up there already." Vera spun the me Flower Orb on her hand and said, "Then, as we nned, we will take the lower path, and the first group will move to the center." Junhyuk watched them get new equipment, and the other three had done the same. This battlefield would be doable. They took the lower path and saw people destroying their tower. Bater, Regina and Adolphe were damaging it with the riflemen. There were two heroes, a champion, and fifty riflemen, and they had nearly destroyed the tower. Junhyuk looked back, and his side wanted to move fast, leaving the minions behind. Arn, Vera, Junhyuk and Sarang arrived. The minions wouldn¡¯t change the oue of the battle, so he wasn¡¯t worried. "What should we do?" Vera smiled brightly, spinning her orb in her hand and said, "They haven¡¯t seen us. We will hit them hard from the start." She was using her ultimate, and Junhyuk stood in front of her. Arn held his position for her and her ultimate, meaning to advance at any time. Sarang stood behind Junhyuk. Before the enemies had a chance to see them, Vera would use her ultimate, and Junhyuk and his team would have the advantage. Is that a relief? The tower¡¯s defenses were almost gone, and the enemy was fiercely attacking it. The battle had just started, so if they could destroy a tower, they would have the advantage. However, because of that, they were so focused on the tower that Vera finished casting. If the enemies had found out beforehand, they might have been able to escape, but the meteors fell from the sky onto their heads while they attacked the tower. Regina responded first. She moved at high speed. However, she still lost 40 percent of her health in the escape. If she hadn¡¯t dashed away, the damage would¡¯ve been much higher. Even though she escaped the impact, she was still getting hurt. Lesser ck mes dealt continuous damage, so her health decreased by 2 percent with each passing second. Junhyuk looked at Bater. He had only lost 25 percent of his health from the Meteor Shower¡¯s direct hit, but he was also losing 2 percent of his health every second. Bater turned and ran toward the allies. He wasn¡¯t very fast, so he was hit by another falling meteor that took another chunk of his health on impact. Things were going well. Although he was only a champion, Adolphe had only lost 50 percent of his health, but he was also losing health continuously. The ultimate had been a big sess. The enemies had lost half of their healths, so this fight would be easy for the allies. Junhyuk wanted to kill one of two, so he needed to time his Spatial sh correctly. He went for Regina since she had the highest probability of dying from the hit. Adolphe ran and stuck his saw de on the ground. Suddenly, two blue energy boomerangs took flight. So far, nobody had been able to escape them. As Junhyuk watched the boomerangs, Arn jumped. The enemies were running toward the allies, so Arn quickly closed in on Regina and attacked her. Her ultimate was the most dangerous. To prevent her from using it, Arn attacked her first. Junhyuk smacked his lips. Arn had made up his mind on Regina, so Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t be able to deliver the final hit. If he did, Arn would get angry. He looked at Bater¡¯s eyes instead of Regina. Bater had a lot of health, so he wouldn¡¯t be able to kill him with the Spatial sh. He needed to time it right. Arn jumped, and the blue energy boomerang tied Vera up. The other boomerang turned and suddenly flew toward Junhyuk. He wouldn¡¯t escape from it, so instead he want to put an end to his problem. Bater advanced like a tank and pointed his fists toward Junhyuk. To stop him, Junhyuk felt necessary tounch the force field. Bater closing in and punched right when Junhyuk¡¯s force field came out, and Bater¡¯s fist pounded against it. The force field shook, and Bater was pushed off. Junhyuk looked at Vera. She had cast the meteors and was now casting her magic against Bater. The fire spear and the fire orb made a series of explosion that hit Bater and took 30 percent of his health. He had 35 percent left. Arn was putting a lot of pressure on Regina. He jumped on her and dealt his 7-Hit Combo. She was left with 30 percent of her health. They were both down to 30 percent, but their health pools were different, Bater basically had more health overall than Regina. He and Adolphe turned away from Junhyuk¡¯s group because they had the force field around them. For ten seconds, nothing would get through, and their attacks had no meaning. They ran toward Arn. Junhyuk saw an opportunity in their change. Arn had 85 percent of health, and it was from a big pool, but if they focused on him, he could die. It was a close-quarters battle, and Junhyuk could strike with the Spatial sh. The shockwaves made concentric circles, and they would deal half of the damage. Time woulde for him to act. Adolphe shed Arn¡¯s back, and Arn was paralyzed. Regina shot her rifle on him, and Arn started losing health quickly. Bater came up to him and one-twoboed him. The three were attacking him, and Arn lost 40 percent of his health. If that continued, Arn would die first. Vera cast a firewall. Since she changed weapons, Vera¡¯s fire magic dealt more damage. Bater and Adolphe stood in the firewall, quickly losing their healths, so they stepped back. Adolphe wanted to finish Arn off and raised his sword. If the 10-meter blue energy strike hit Arn, he would lose the rest of his health, and Bater was also attacking him. Junhyuk wanted to grab a hold of Arn and teleport, so he was about to move, but Vera said first, "Wait. We can kill them both." She threw a fire spear that would deal 30 percent damage to Bater. He had 35 percent of his health, and she could kill him. Arn started moving again andunched his saber at Regina. It was a short distance to throw, and Regina couldn¡¯t escape. She was left with 15 percent of his health, and Junhyuk shouted, "Sarang!" Sarang shot her electric st. Before they had the chance to use their powers, Adolphe and Bater were paralyzed. After that, Vera¡¯s fire spear hit Bater. He was pushed into an orb that had already been set, and it exploded, leaving him with 3 percent of his health. Junhyuk seized the opportunity and used his Spatial sh. Bater was hit in the back of his neck, and his mouth hung loose. It was a critical hit, and the strike created shockwaves. The blood-colored concentric shockwave swept the other enemies away. Bater vomited blood and fell, and the shockwave hit Adolphe as he tried to retreat. Regina was holding her eyepatch and started bleeding heavily. She disappeared. Arn was about to behead her, so he stopped and turned slowly. "Junhyuk." "I¡¯m sorry." He hadn¡¯t known that would happen. Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh had killed Bater, and the shockwave killed Regina. She only had 10 percent of her health left after Arn¡¯s attacks. The Spatial sh delivered a fatal hit, and the shockwave killed Regina. One hit, two kills. Junhyuk had only wanted to kill one, but they had both died, Arn and Vera¡¯s eyes were changing, and he understood why. Arn aimed his saber at Junhyuk and moved to his side. Clung! Adolphe blocked the attack, and Arn decided on an all-out attack against him. Sarang used her regeneration power on Arn. Adolphe had a lot of health left, but Arn¡¯s attack was superior. Even without using his power, he exchanged blows that left Adolphe cornered. Vera wasn¡¯t just watching it all. She cast a fire spear at him, and Adolphe quickly lost his health. Arn lowered Adolphe¡¯s saw de with one saber and shed his neck with the other. Adolphe gritted his teeth and stared hard back at Arn, and Arn shed deeper through him before he had the chance to speak. He didn¡¯t want to listen to Adolphe¡¯s stupid barking. After watching Adolphe disappear, he turned around, put his head on Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and said, "I earned a lot because of you, so I¡¯m forgiving you." "I¡¯ll be more careful." "Use your Spatial sh as the first strike. You¡¯ll have the chance to use it again, so don¡¯t save it from now on." "The first strike is honest." He had sinned, so he just agreed. Arnughed at Junhyuk and patted his shoulder. "We won. Take your things, and we¡¯ll move." "Yes." Junhyuk picked up the items left by Regina and Bater, and Vera put him in a headlock. ¡¯You! What did I tell you?" "Sorry!" he shouted. "Don¡¯t forget it. This wasst time," she whispered in his ear. "Yes." She patted his shoulder lightly. "OK. But then again, don¡¯t be afraid of thest hits. Use your power at important moments." "I understand." Just like Arn had said, he should deal the first strike. He had killed two at the same time, so they were murdering him with their res. Junhyuk picked up Regina¡¯s cogwheel and Bater¡¯s steel bracelet and smiled away from Arn and Vera. Chapter 170: The Power of Money 3 Chapter 170: The Power of Money 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk quickly inspected the items. --- Madness Gear (Socket Item) Attack Speed +5% Attack +10 Simply socket the item to a bracer, and it will increase your attack and attack speed. It¡¯s expensive, and its effectiveness is well known. Attack speed increases by 5 percent, and attack increases by ten. --- He could socket it to his gauntlet, and it would increase his attack and attack speed. Regina usually dropped socket items, and he was grateful. He could sell it to Bebe, but he would only get half the price, so he wanted to use it for himself. The boost in attack was as good as a Pure Golden Knight Bracelet. It wasn¡¯t a set item, but Junhyuk was happy, and he inspected the steel bracelet as well. --- Iron Wall¡¯s Steel Bracelet Defense +40 Health +300 Essential for any tank, it gives the wearer high health and defense. It increases defense by forty and health by three hundred. --- Junhyuk had no intention of bing a tank. His ideal hero was Arn, who was a bnced type, and attack received a bigger focus in bnced heroes. That¡¯s if he could be a hero. In the current situation, he picked up the dropped items and wore them. If he sold them to Bebe, he wouldn¡¯t get much out of them. Junhyuk put the Iron Wall¡¯s Steel Bracelet on and felt his health increasing. "Whew!" He socketed the Madness Gear on his gauntlet and made a fist. He had killed two heroes with one attack. He had experienced a lot of danger in his life, but he could now earn a lot more. Junhyuk smiled with satisfaction and looked back. Arn and Vera were killing the remaining minions. He looked at the allies¡¯ tower. Its force field was nearly gone. "We don¡¯t have any minions with us, but we will destroy the tower. Sarang has a regenerative power, so we won¡¯t lose any health." Junhyuk nodded and went toward the enemy tower. It had no riflemen, just archers, and it would be easy to take it down. Arn attacked first, and the rest of them followed him. Sarang used her health regeneration on Arn, and they were all topped up while destroying the tower. Their tower¡¯s force field was almost gone, but it was still standing. The allies were winning. Arn looked at the destroyed enemy tower, pulled out a crystal ball and closed his eyes. He wasmunicating with the other heroes, and Junhyuk just stared at him. Then, he opened his eyes. "In the upper area, only one enemy hero appeared, so they killed him and destroyed the tower. They want to meet us in the center, so let¡¯s go." "Yes." Three had attacked one and killed the hero. Junhyuk¡¯s group attacked two, so there had to be another two in the center, and attacking the center would mean killing all enemy heroes. Both groups had destroyed a tower. The allies were winning, and they had to hurry. They ran toward the central tower. The heroes from the upper path would join them. As the group ran, they saw the other heroes by the tower. Their tower was already destroyed, and Junhyuk smacked his lips. "Thinking about it, the first tower was nearly destroyed." If two enemy heroes came this way, the tower would¡¯ve been destroyed. Arn and Vera had been together, and the other allied tower was almost destroyed. It was bound to happen without any allied heroes in that ce. Junhyuk looked around, and Diane walked over to him and pped his butt. p! He covered it with both of his hands and looked back. Diane was just standing there, smiling at him. "I earned a lot because of you." He thought he had a chance, so he pulled out the Twin-Headed Ogre¡¯s Umbilical Cord. "Arn told me you want to enhance your bowstring? How about this?" Diane took it, looked it over and smiled. "I couldn¡¯t find any when I was hunting. You got one?!" "Do you want to buy it?" She blinked. "You want money from me! Are you selling it?" He smiled and pulled the cord from her hand. "If you don¡¯t want it, it¡¯s fine." Junhyuk turned around, and Diane gave out a heartyugh. "You can¡¯t take a joke. I¡¯ll buy it." He turned around smiling, and Diane summoned her te. "Put your hand on it." He did, and it disyed his gold: 19,240G. He had gotten items instead of money for killing the two heroes. He only got money when he helped in killing a hero, so he hadn¡¯t gotten much this time around. However, he got two more items, so it didn¡¯t matter much. Still, it was better to have more money, and he wanted to upgrade his equipment. Then, the number shot to 79,240G, and Junhyuk looked at her. Diane smiled at him with her eyes. "I gave you some more." "It¡¯s not just some!" "Don¡¯t worry. I needed the item." Junhyuk was curious about how much they had bet on him, and Halo walked over and pushed his helmet down. "They destroyed the central tower and retreated." Arn thought for a moment and said, "Two isn¡¯t enough to kill a dragon. We¡¯ll destroy their tower and find a buff monster." "We are five. It¡¯s better for us to go kill the dragon now," Halo suggested, and Arn nodded in agreement. "It might be too early, but it¡¯s still a good idea. What do you think?" "Sure." Everyone agreed, and they dashed out to destroy the tower. With five heroes on one tower, it was too easy. They pulverized it quickly and headed toward the Dragon¡¯s Valley. Junhyuk looked at Vera. "Can you give me another mana stone?" "You want things from the Dimensional Battlefield?" "Yes. If you have anything else other than mana stones, I¡¯ll take it." "You are greedy." Nudra said, "Don¡¯t take too many things from the Dimensional Battlefield." Junhyuk looked at him, and Nudra continued, "If you find things from the Dimensional Battlefield in your dimension, it means the distance between the two is decreasing." "What do you mean?" "Are you the first champion?" "Yes." "Then, they¡¯ll send monsters there." "How did you know?" Junhyuk asked. "We are heroes, so it doesn¡¯t concern us, but when champions rise, they send monsters to make more champions." Junhyuk nodded heavily. "It¡¯s a mess. They started with low-ranking monsters, so I killed them. But they sent stronger monsters." "Right. It isn¡¯t easy to deal with the administration. Don¡¯t do too much, or they will send even stronger monsters." Junhyuk had learned his predictions were right, and Nudra continued, "When you take things from here, the distance between the Dimensional Battlefield and there will decrease. More monsters will appear in your dimension as a consequence." "The appearance of monsters increases just by taking things from here?" he asked. Sarang was listening and said, "Iron soldiers need to use mana stones to deal with the monsters!" Nudra smiled bitterly. "From a snake¡¯s venom, you can make its antidote. When there is a problem, there is a solution." "What about it? When you take things from here, more monsters will show up. To deal with those monsters, you need more things from here," Vera said. Junhyuk nodded, and Vera whispered to him, "The lowest-ranked spirit stones can be used to kill monsters." "Is that true?" Spirit stones burned everything, and Elise might be able toe up with a new weapon by studying them. Junhyuk wanted more things from the Dimensional Battlefield. He would sell them, and they would research them to help them fight monsters in the future. He would put the things in the Spatial Bag, and they woulde up with new ways to fight monsters. He saw the Dragon¡¯s Valley from far away and looked at Sarang. "This time, you take some." "Really?! I can?" Mana stones could be worth $700 million, and Sarang was nervous. Junhyuk smiled at her. "You are qualified to own one, but don¡¯t sell it. Keep it. Monsters will appear, so sell it when you have to." "OK." She smiled, d that she would own something worth $700 million. Vera looked at Junhyuk. "The mana stonese from the Dragon¡¯s Valley, but there are other things out there as well. You can find bloodstones from the buff monster Wolf Warlord." "Yeah?" He could also get a nice amount for bloodstones. Diane, who had been listening, asked, "Why are you taking stones back?" "What should I take back?" She touched a tree. "This tree is different from what you see in your dimension. It can produce things on apletely different scale." "Will there be more monsters if I take this back?" Dianeughed aloud. "It could happen, but it will help you more than it hurts." She broke off a twig and gave it to Junhyuk. "Take it back with you." He took it and put it in his Spatial Bag, and her eyes widened. "Really?! When did you get a Spatial Bag?" "It was the reward from the Champions¡¯ Battlefield." She smiled and looked at the trees. "Don¡¯t just take anything you want. Ask me about the trees. If not, it may be dangerous for your dimension." He became nervous about what she had said, and Diane pped his butt loudly. "Just take what I give you." He knew the heroes would have the most knowledge. They gave him a mana stone and told him where to find bloodstones. If he had time, he will go after the Wolf Warlord and take the bloodstone with him. Diane¡¯s gift might also be expensive. It was a good thing he had a good rtionship with the heroes. They talked and arrived at the Dragons¡¯ Valley. Junhyuk looked at the group. "We don¡¯t have any minions with us?" "Why? Scared?" "NO!" Minions could only draw the dragon¡¯s attention at the start. There was no reason to be scared, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t have to take the lead. "Then, let¡¯s go?" Arn lead the group to the narrow entrance of the Dragon¡¯s Valley. The dragon was sleeping. Junhyuk learned something new. He was a champion now, and his soul was bigger, so he learned that the dragon was really dangerous. He could see it much better now. Arn stepped forward. "We¡¯ve upgraded our equipment. Kill it before the enemy gets here." Arn dashed forward, and Junhyuk followed him. A small spider was watching all of their movements at the Dragon¡¯s Valley. Chapter 171: Dilemma 1 Chapter 171: Dilemma 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Arn took off, and Halo ran after him. Vera went further in and readied her meteors. The dragon was raising its gigantic body, and Junhyuk gulped. He couldn¡¯t believe the dragon was actually limited. That was Kaloyan, the dragon. Junhyuk relearned that dragons were supreme existences, summoned his dual swords and stared at it. Sarang put her hand on his back. He looked at her, and she asked smiling, "Big brother, are you scared shitless?" "You sound so pretty," he said to her and felt his nerves ease. Looking at the dragon again, he added, "That¡¯s a restrained dragon. I¡¯m scared of what it might do at our dimension." Even funnier to him were the heroes who were hurting the dragon. In a one-on-onebat-situation, heroes couldn¡¯t kill a dragon, but when there were many heroes, they got it done. Those were heroes. Junhyuk watched them and knew he was still far from being one of them. He had to get stronger. Arn and Halo got the dragon¡¯s attention. Arn had raised his health, while Halo had increased his attack. The dragon was bleeding profusely, and Halo was certainly different from before. The dragon didn¡¯t stop bleeding. It looked like Halo had equipped himself with a damage-over-time item. Halo swung his sword quickly, so adding damage over time would be the most effective. Nudra protected Vera, and Diane was waiting with her bow drawn. She had to have bought new items, so her attack would be critical to the dragon. Arn and Halo kept the dragon upied while Vera cast Meteor Shower. From the sky, inmed meteors fell and hit the dragon hard. Rrroooaaar! The dragon roared, beat its wings and swung its tail. Arn jumped, and Haloy on his stomach on the ground. The dragon had a lot of health, and it wouldn¡¯t have been killed even if all meteors had hit it. Now, it was going wild, but Diane winked at Junhyuk. "I got something as well. Look." Diane loosened the arrow, and it flew across the empty air. The arrow shone with two moonlight glows. When it hit the dragon¡¯s eye, the moonlight energies rushed into it. Rooooaarr! The dragon stomped around, and Diane moved, smiling at Junhyuk. "What do you think? It¡¯s killer, huh?" "What was that?" "The arrowhead gets two additional energies, and each energy deals an additional 10 percent damage. I got that kind of item now. It¡¯s more expensive than an ordinary weapon, but I got it because of you." Every attack dealt an additional 20 percent damage. It was definitely not an ordinary item, and Diane was one of their main attackers. If she got such an item, she would be the most dangerous hero. Junhyuk turned to looks at the valley¡¯s entrance, and something appeared from it. It was two huge fists. He quickly extended his hand, but Diane was hit in the back before he could get to her. She bounced to the front of their formation, and Junhyukunched a force field around her. Bater¡¯s rocket punches hit her, but she wasn¡¯t dead. She had lost 70 percent of her health, however. The enemies were surprise attacking from the rear, and Bater wasn¡¯t alone. Junhyuk hadunched the force field, and bullets ricochet off of it. Those were certainly from Ki. "We have enemy heroes at our backs!" They didn¡¯t intend to steal the dragon, but were instead attacking while the allies fought the dragon. Unless the allies got out of the valley, they would also be attacked by the dragon. The enemies had joined forces with it. "Killer timing," Junhyukined, and Sarang stood next to Vera. "We have to block the entrance." "What are you talking about?" "Please, cast your firewall!" Then, Bater and Jean Clo ran through the valley¡¯s entrance. They were big and had the highest health, so they dashed to block the allies¡¯ way out. Sarang cast her electric st on the two of them, and both were paralyzed. Then, Vera cast the firewall, dealing continuous damage. The mes dealt the highest damage, and Bater and Jean Clo started losing their health. "Kill Bater!" Vera shouted. She threw a fire spear, and Diane shot five arrows that were covered by ten moonlight glows. Boom! Vera¡¯s fire spear hit Bater head on, and he staggered. That¡¯s when Diane¡¯s arrows all hit him along with the ten moonlight energies. Vera had also already set a fire orb, and there were a series of explosions. Bater suddenly lost half of his health. Considering Bater¡¯s health was very high, Vera and Diane¡¯s weapons were putting an amazing damage disy after the upgrades. They would be able to kill him before the forcefield dissipated. Junhyuk kept an eye on Jean Clo and grabbed Vera and Diane and teleported. The enemies wereing through the entrance, and the allies were now in their path. Jean Clo tried to avoid the firewall, but he couldn¡¯t because the force field was blocking his path. So, he continued to take damage. Bater retreated after seeing the force field, but Junhyuk used his Spatial sh as Bater was stepping back. Like Arn had said, the enemycked regenerative powers, so it was a good idea to use the Spatial sh more frequently. The Spatial sh hit the back of Bater¡¯s neck, and he vomited blood. The strike created a shockwave that swept through the others. Bater lost 20 percent of his health. He had already lost half of his health, so now he had 30 percent left. Sarang regenerated some of Diane¡¯s health, bumping her from 30 to more than 50 percent. The allies had the upper hand, but two heroes were fighting the dragon. Things could turn at any time. Arn read Junhyuk¡¯s mind and shouted, "Block them for a moment! We¡¯ll kill the dragon first and give you support." It wasn¡¯t easy to kill a dragon. Vera¡¯s and Diane¡¯s ultimates had hit the dragon hard, but it still had a lot of health left. The force field and the firewall were blocking the entrance, and Diane fired five more arrows. They zoomed out with ten moonlight glows and hit the people trying to enter the valley. Bater had 20 percent of his health left, and Nudra moved out. He was covered by the Rising Dragon and front-kicked Bater, who was pushed back and left with 5 percent of his health. Nudra was now on the enemies¡¯ side and extended both hands. Gusts wooshed out of his hands, pushing back Jean Clo and hitting Bater, who disappeared. The enemies¡¯ had surprise attacked and almost killed Diane, but the allies managed to kill Bater first with their concentrated attack. Their powers had grown exponentially. Junhyuk witnessed the power of money and looked at the enemies¡¯ side. They kepting, and the force field disappeared. It was time to fight head on, but his side only had three heroes. They were fewer in number and alsocked a tank who could take the lead and block. Jean Clo tapped his still chin and approached. "You got us at the beginning." Junhyuk realized his situation wasn¡¯t great. Arn and Halo were fighting the dragon, and the dragon wasing their way. He saw the dragon approaching and thought of something. Dragons breathed in a straight line, so it would be nice if the dragon decided to breathe fire on the allies. He pulled out a crystal and spoke to Arn. "Lure the dragon so it can breathe our way!" "Good thinking. Wait few more seconds." "Don¡¯t let them get away from the valley¡¯s entrance. Stay close to me. We must teleport," he whispered to his group. "OK," Nudra said. Nudra had the highest health among allies, so he had to take the front. Vera and Diane attacked. During their cooldowns, the allies used their normal attacks, but since the upgrade, even their normal attacks were deadly. Jean Clo ran ahead first, and the attacks were focused on him. Noise of gunfire sounded out from behind him. Ki had the longest range, and Vera staggered and stepped back. Ki dealt absurd damage. Vera had been hit once, but she lost 25 percent of her health. Adolphe stepped up and struck with the 10-meter blue energy. The allies had gathered in one ce to block entrance, so the blue energy could be deadly. The Spatial sh was under cooldown, but Diane shot an arrow with two moonlight glows. Boom! Adolphe was hit, and the activation of his power was cancelled. She had just bought them more time. Regina took Bater¡¯s ce and pulled out her pistol and cuss. Junhyuk realized something: Doctor T wasn¡¯t there. "Where is he?" Junhyuk looked for him, but Doctor T wasing down from one of the walls. When he saw Junhyuk looking for him, he fired the spider web. The doctor had aimed for Nudra, so Nudra was tied up, and Jean Clo grabbed him and jumped up. He started spinning in the air while someone shot Nudra¡¯s back. Nudra could end up dying. Junhyuk realized the cooldown for the Spatial sh had ended, but he couldn¡¯t attack Jean Clo at that point. He looked for another target for his power. He could do the most damage to Ki, but he couldn¡¯t kill her with one hit. While he thought about what to do, Adolphe stabbed his sword into the ground. Two blue energy boomerangs flew out, one wrapping around Vera and the other around Diane. All allied heroes were tied up. Junhyuk stopped hesitating and used the Spatial sh. It traveled toward Doctor T, hitting the his neck in a critical hit. Doctor T had focused more on attack, so his defense was low, and he lost 40 percent of his health. The shockwave from the strike swept through Regina and Adolphe. Then, Jean Clo finally mmed Nudra against the ground. Boom! Nudra got up staggering, and Junhyuk heard Arn, "It¡¯s time." "Nudra!" Junhyuk shouted. Nudraunched a whirlwind that sent all of the enemies back toward the entrance. Then, he retreated over to Junhyuk. All of the heroes touched him, and he grabbed Sarang¡¯s hand. Junhyuk turned to look and saw the dragon¡¯s firebreath heading their way. He teleported, and the dragon¡¯s breath covered the valley¡¯s entrance. Chapter 172: Dilemma 2 Chapter 172: Dilemma 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The dragon continued to breathe fire. It was hard to block its superior power without the force field. There was only one other way to withstand it, and Jean Clo stepped forward, extending both his arms to block the firebreath. To survive, he used his ultimate. Three blue rings surrounded him, taking the damage for him, and he started regaining his health quickly. Junhyuk looked at Sarang, and she nodded and extended her hands. "Suppress!" The blood-colored light started out of Sarang¡¯s chest and flew over, wrapping around Jean Clo. Soon, thorns shot out of the blood-colored cloud, suppressing his health-regenerating ability. Jean Clo grinded his teeth. Without regaining his health, even he couldn¡¯t withstand the dragon¡¯s breath. Junhyuk had thought he could sweep the enemies away with the dragon¡¯s breath, but his thinking fell short. The allied heroes dodged the breath, and the breath covered the valley¡¯s entrance. As nned, they attacked the enemies with the breath, but the allied heroes were the ones that threatened the dragon. So, once the dragon spewed its breath, it raised its head in search of his assants. The giant mes travelled through the valley wall, heading toward Junhyuk¡¯s group, and Junhyuk clicked his tongue. "Shit!" He grabbed Sarang¡¯s hand and started to run, wanting to get as far away as possible from the dragon¡¯s breath. Then, he saw Nudra soaring. Nudra was covered by the Rising Dragon and drop-kicked the dragon¡¯s head. Boom! The head mmed against the ground. After Nudra¡¯s ultimate, the dragon¡¯s breath stopped chasing Junhyuk. The enemies had lost a lot of health, and if the allies could get the dragon¡¯s buff, they would win. Junhyuk turned around to look, and the allied heroes had to be thinking the same thing as they took off for the dragon. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t check the dragon¡¯s health, but it had been hit with three ultimates. It looked like a used rag at that point. Arn drew the dragon¡¯s attention while Halo prepared Rain from Above. The dragon had been bleeding all this time, and Rain from Above could finish it off. The dragon raised its body and swung its tail. Just before Halo was about to use his ultimate, the tail hit him and pushed him against the wall. The dragon stepped on Halo and attempted to bite Arn, who had been running toward him. Arn twisted his body to dodge, but the dragon grabbed him with his w. Arn swung his saber at the dragon¡¯s w, but it didn¡¯t care and opened its mouth wide to bite him off. "You can¡¯t do that!" Veraunched a fire spear that hit the dragon¡¯s chin, and Diane shot her arrows. The arrows flew at the dragon in a row, hitting it. The dragon howled and roared, turning around to swing its tail at them. As the tail approached Vera and Diane moved quickly, trying to escape it. Diane moved back, and Vera fell forward, dodging the tail. They were both feeling safe, when suddenly, the enemies counterattacked. Small missiles zoomed toward Diane¡¯s back and exploded. Boom! Diane was pushed forward from the shock, bouncing toward the dragon. Jean Clo approached her and grabbed her neck, lifting her up and mming her down. She had about half of her health at the start, but after both attacks, Diane was left with 10 percent of it. Before Diane could get up, she was hit by a bullet. Bang! She turned grey, and Junhyuk clicked his tongue. She was the most dangerous attacker among the allies, and they had lost her. Arn cut the dragon¡¯s fingers and climbed up its forearm. The dragon beat its wings and soared straight up. Above the valley, there was a that prevented the dragon from flying up, but it could still jump up with the help of its wings. Heading upward, the dragon turned its head to try to bite Arn. ng! Arn blocked the dragon¡¯s teeth with his saber. Meanwhile, the rest of the enemies advanced into the valley. Using her high movement speed, Regina closed in on Vera and swung at her with the cuss. Vera used her me Flower Sphere to block the attack, and Regina fired at her with the rifle. Bang! The rifle dealt a lot of damage from short range, and Vera had low health. She was badly hurt. However, Vera was still a magician regardless of the range. Boom, boom! A fire orb exploded in front of Regina, and she was pushed back. A fire spear chased her. After the series of explosions, Regina made up her mind and took off her eyepatch. Vera was paralyzed, and Doctor T approached and sted her with the methrower. The mes covered Vera¡¯s back, and Ki closed in, shooting her with the pistol. Vera disappeared. Both of the allied attackers had died. Junhyuk took Sarang and headed to the opposite direction of the dragon. Nudra, Halo and Arn were engaged with it, so if the enemy heroes caught Junhyuk, he would die. As he was running, however, he heard a soft voice. [You¡¯ve killed the dragon Kaloyan. For the next two hours, you get a 30 percent increase to health regeneration rate, a 30 percent increase to movement speed, a 30 percent increase to attack speed, a 30 percent increase to defense, and when you attack, you will inflict an additional one hundred damage on top of your normal damage. If you die within two hours, you will lose yours buff.] Once he heard that, Junhyuk turned around. The dragon was bleeding from its neck, and Arn was standing there. Then, Arn took off. Kaloyan¡¯s buff was significant. The allies had lost two attackers, and there were four enemies remaining, but they had been hit by the firebreath, and each had about 40 percent of his or her health left. The allies could still win. Junhyuk took Sarang to where Halo was standing. "Stay back," he said to both of them as they arrived. Junhyuk had to wait for his cooldowns to end. Without his powers, he couldn¡¯t interfere with the heroes fighting among themselves. Halo passed them by, running toward Regina, and used his sh Attack. Regina¡¯s ribs were cut, and Halo turned around and continued shing at her. Each time his sword cut through her, she bled like a fountain. Regina was quickly losing her health until it came close to bottoming out. Adolphe came over and shed Halo. Halo was paralyzed, and Regina turned around, firing her pistol at him. He was pushed back, and Adolphe used his 10-meter energy strike. Halo didn¡¯t have a lot of health left. He had been hit by the dragon¡¯s tail and stepped on by the dragon. After Regina¡¯s shots and Adolphe¡¯s rush, he had about 20 percent of his health left. If the distance was shorter, he could still have killed her, but she had put some distance between them. Ki was still among the enemies, and she pulled her trigger. Halo¡¯s sword moved like a sh of light, and he used it as a high-speed shield to knock the bullets away. Ki clicked her tongue, and Doctor T joined in. With his eight legs, he crawled over and fired his small missiles. Boom! Halo blocked them with his sword, but the explosion left him with very low health. He only had 3 percent of it when Jean Clo suddenly appeared behind him. Jean Clo grabbed his legs and spun him around. Halo was a death¡¯s door. When Jean Clo let him go, Nudra caught Halo, but the giant swing also dealt some damage. After taking that damage, Halo disappeared. Nudra had just wasted his time. Doctor Tughed aloud, "He-he-he! Aeback?" The allied situation wasn¡¯t great. Arn and Nudra were still around, but Nudra had 30 percent of his health. All of the enemies had low health, but there were four of them. If they included Adolphe, there were five. Arn stepped up and shouted, "Junhyuk!" "I¡¯m ready." The cooldown was over, and he stepped forward. Sarang was standing next to him. Arn ran by Nudra, and Junhyuk shouted, "Regina¡¯s health is low!" Arn didn¡¯t hesitate andunched his saber. Regina blocked it with the cuss, but the saber throw was itself a power. With her low health, she couldn¡¯t block itpletely and disappeared. Arn was already swinging his saber at Jean Clo when she died. Jean Clo blocked it with his elbow, and Doctor T fired the spider web, tying Arn up. While Arn was tied up, the enemies counterattacked. Jean Clo grabbed Arn by the neck and lifted him up while Ki prepared to shoot. Junhyuk had already been getting closer and touched Arn. He teleported Arn away, avoiding Jean Clo¡¯s chokem. They had escaped, but they weren¡¯t safe yet. Ki was still preparing to fire. While she didn¡¯t, Junhyuk looked at the enemies and said, "Doctor T¡¯s health is at 30 percent, Jean Clo¡¯s at 30 percent, Ki¡¯s at 52 percent and Adolphe¡¯s 40 percent." After calling out their healths, Nudra dashed forward. He front-kicked Doctor T, who was pushed back and hit the wall. Doctor T now had 22 percent of his health, and Nudra let him be,unching a strong gust against Jean Clo, who had been attacking Arn. Jean Clo was pushed back and left with 20 percent of his health. Ki didn¡¯t felt like she had time to snipe, so she ran and fired her pistols at Nudra, who started losing health quickly. Nudra had 10 percent of his health when Arn finally got out of the spiderweb. He got loose and jumped, trying to sh Ki in the process, but she jumped as well and escaped the attack. He let Ki go, and saw Doctor T still staggering. Arn threw a saber at him. The saber sank into Doctor T, leaving him with 2 percent of his health. Arn was trying to take his saber back when he was thrown at Regina. Adolphe had sunk his de into the ground, and two blue-energy boomerangs flow out, tying Arn and Nudra. It happened at just the right moment, and Junhyuk clicked his tongue, raising his sword. "Use it!" Arn shouted. Junhyuk heard him and, without hesitation, used the Spatial sh. He had measured the distance to the enemy, and the sh went deep into Jean Clo¡¯s neck. "Ugh!" Jean Clo lost 15 percent of his health, and the shockwave swept around him. Doctor T and Adolphe were struck by it. Doctor T disappeared, and Adolphe was left with 20 percent of his health. Junhyuk was gripping tightly to his swords when he heard the sound of gunfire. Bang! He quickly turned his head thinking it was Ki¡¯s shot and saw Nudra disappearing. Jean Clo, Ki and Adolphe were still alive from the enemies¡¯ side. The allies had Arn, Junhyuk and Sarang Chapter 173: Dilemma 3 Chapter 173: Dilemma 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk inspected the enemies. Jean Clo¡¯s health was at 6 percent, Ki¡¯s at 54 percent and Adolphe¡¯s at 20 percent. Among them, Ki was the most dangerous, but there was no way to kill her. She had the longest range and was in the back. Junhyuk looked at Arn. He had 43 percent of his health left. Jean Clo could already regenerate his health fast, and now that he had Kaloyan¡¯s buff, he was quickly regaining it. Arn looked at Jean Clo and asked, "Force field?" "Still twenty seconds left." "It¡¯s a tough situation," he said and looked at Ki readying another shot. "We kill Jean Clo first." "Are you OK without your saber?" "Do look after me." Junhyuk smiled bitterly, and Arn stopped speaking and dashed forward. He was running empty-handed, and Junhyuk followed him. Jean Clo knew all he had to do was kill Arn, and they would win. Junhyuk teleported. Regina had died, and from the spot where she had disappeared, Junhyuk picked up a saber and threw it at Arn. Jean Clo had already grabbed Arn by the neck and was lifting him up, and Arn grabbed the saber and cut Jean Clo¡¯s forearm. Once that happened, the shot rang out. Bang! The bullet hit the middle of Arn¡¯s forehead. It was a critical hit, taking off 30 percent of his health. Junhyuk was very scared. Arn had 13 percent of his health remaining. If the chokem went through, he would die. Junhyuk ran toward Jean Clo, but Adolphe blocked his path. Junhyuk¡¯s expression darkened, and he said, "Move aside." "I won¡¯t." Adolphe wielded his saw-ded sword, and Junhyuk took a step forward. He had already used his teleports, so he couldn¡¯t help Arn. He had to deal with Adolphe, but Adolphe had also already used his powers and couldn¡¯t get rid of Junhyuk easily. Meanwhile, however, Arn could be killed. Two electric sts flew in, one hitting Jean Clo and the other Adolphe. Both were paralyzed, and Junhyuk seized the opportunity to stab Adolphe¡¯s neck with the Blood Rune Sword. Because he was paralyzed, Adolphe allowed the critical hit, losing 15 percent of his health. Junhyuk used the Frozen Rune Sword to sh through Adolphe¡¯s ribs, and he disappeared. Arn was pushing his saber into the middle of Jean Clo¡¯s forehead. Jean Clo was also paralyzed and couldn¡¯t escape the fatal hit. He disappeared, and Junhyuk felt more confident. The allies would win. Only Ki remained. However, his confidence disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. Ki had spent a long time on the battlefield and could read the situation. She ran, firing her pistols. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! The seven shots hit Arn, taking the rest of his health, and he disappeared. Arn was dead, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t wait around. He dashed toward Ki. Junhyuk still had to wait on the Spatial sh¡¯s cooldown. It was almost over, but he had to stay alive until then. Ki fired her pistols at Junhyuk as he ran toward her. He knew he couldn¡¯t survive if he got hit. She had the highest attack among his enemies and the allied heroes as well. He rolled on the ground, but he couldn¡¯t escape her that easily. A bullet grazed his shoulder, and he lost 10 percent of his health. He wasn¡¯t expecting to lose that much from the pistols. She was attacking normally and not using a power. So, he looked at her nervously, and she closed the gap between them, cing her pistol against his forehead. "Got you." He didn¡¯t have a chance to reply before she pulled the trigger, but the cooldown for the force field was over. The ivory light covered his body, and the bullet bounced off of it. Sarang also entered the force field and fired an electric arrow at Ki. Sarang¡¯s basic attack didn¡¯t do much damage. When Ki was hit by it, she lost 2 percent of her health. She had Kayn¡¯s buff and 54 percent of her health remained. If things stayed that way, Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t be able to kill her. He swung his swords. The Frozen Rune Sword quickly shed her, and Ki lost 5 percent of her health. He continued to attack, and Ki retreated quickly. She couldn¡¯t attack him with the force field around him, so she decided she needed to step back. However, Ki thought wrong. In thest battlefield, Ki lost her boot item, and Junhyuk got it from her. Now, he had her boost in movement and he could move faster than her. Ki had been cut by the Frozen Rune Sword, so her speed had decreased. The distance between them was diminishing. She realized that retreating wouldn¡¯t be easy, but she couldn¡¯t let herself be attacked for ten seconds, and Junhyuk had the Spatial sh. If it hit, it could be fatal, so her life was definitely in danger. Ki clicked her tongue and turned around. Junhyuk shed with his swords, and Ki blocked the strikes with her pistols. Meanwhile, Sarang continued to fire her electric arrow. Ki could deal with Junhyuk alone, but she was letting herself be hit by Sarang. She was losing 2 percent of her health at a time, but if that continued, things could turn dangerous. Junhyuk was astonished while attacking her. She wasn¡¯t attacking, but defending instead, and she was impressive. Junhyuk¡¯s dual swordsmanship couldn¡¯t hit her once. However, Sarang was slowly picking away at her. Sarang was getting used to her electric arrow and started looking for Ki¡¯s weak spots. Ki¡¯s health was at 40 percent, and Junhyuk realized he could use the Spatial sh. He needed to time it just right to finish her off, but the force field only had three seconds left. Junhyuk swung his swords, and Ki learned something from his attacks. He was about to use the Spatial sh, and the force field had little time left. She knew the range of his Spatial sh. It was longer than her own, so she jumped to put some distance between them. She got away from him, but he could still cover the range with the Spatial sh. Then, she put her pistols away and pulled out her rifle, aiming it at him. She had jumped away from him, but he could still use the Spatial sh. He dashed forward as the force field disappeared, and Ki smiled and pulled the trigger. Junhyuk gritted his teeth and turned. Bang! He heard the gunfire and felt like he had lost his shoulder. He avoided a critical hit, but he was extremely damaged. With one bullet, he lost 50 percent of his health. If it had been a critical hit, he would¡¯ve been killed. Junhyuk shed with the Frozen Rune Sword, and Ki moved. She thought she could dodge the Spatial shpletely or at least a critical hit. However, he knew what she was thinking, which is why he swung the Frozen Rune Sword first. The Blood Rune Sword had a greater attack. He could use the Spatial sh without swinging his sword, so he used it with the Blood Rune Sword, shing her neck. "Ugh!" As it happened, she lost a lot of her health, and as she lost health, Junhyuk regained some of his. The Blood Rune Sword dealt a lot of damage, and he regained a lot of his. Junhyuk saw that Ki has 3 percent of her health left. He had been just short of killing her, and she turned around and closed in on him, brandishing her two pistols. She could kill him that way, but Junhyuk¡¯s teleport was out of cooldown. She pulled the trigger, and he teleported. Suddenly, he appeared next to her and started swinging his sword. He could kill her with one hit. Junhyuk¡¯s attack could deal 5 percent of Ki¡¯s health, but she turned toward him and smiled. Bang, bang! She had ced her two pistols in front of her and fired the shockwaves, her ultimate. Junhyuk bounced away from the shock. He hit a wall, and his health fell to its lowest. Ki walked over and fired her pistols. He could die, but he wasn¡¯t worried about it and teleported again. He couldn¡¯t kill Ki at that point and he knew there was nothing else he could do, so he teleported to where Doctor T died and picked up the gloves the doctor dropped. Once he did, Ki shot him. His health was gone. The world started disappearing around him, and he saw Sarang. "Run!" Ki had regained 1 percent of her health, leaving her with 4 percent, and Sarang couldn¡¯t deal with Ki¡¯s attack. Junhyuk had health-boosting items, but she didn¡¯t have any. She wouldn¡¯t survive any of Ki¡¯s attacks. She had to run. Suddenly, Sarang fired her electric st. It was still under cooldown, which meant that she had used her item. Ki was paralyzed, and Sarang fired her electric arrows. Ki started disappearing, and Junhyuk watched it all as his vision turned nk. The harsh emptiness loomed over him again. --- "Cough!" He gasped for breath and looked around. Junhyuk had revived in the white room, and he touched his forehead. He could feel it over himself every time he died, and he didn¡¯t want to experience it again. Junhyuk looked around him and saw the amount he had earned: 102,240G. He thought 30,000G of it belonged to Sarang and inspected his new item, Doctor T¡¯s glove. --- Precise Mechanical Glove Intelligence +100 Defense +10 uracy +50 Doctor T made this. It may be his finest creation. The glove itself has intelligence and has supported the doctor. It increases intelligence by 100, defense by 10 and uracy by 50. --- Junhyuk smacked his lips. It would be a really good item for Sarang. "I should give this to her instead of the 30,000G!" Most items were at least 200,000G, and selling them would him 100,000G., but he wouldn¡¯t charge her. He summoned the Kasha. "Sarang, are you alive?" The Kasha¡¯s wings fluttered. "I¡¯m going to the Dimensional Merchant." Junhyuk smiled. "Hide in there. I will be there soon." The allies had died as had the enemies. However, their enemies hadn¡¯t picked up any items, so the allies should have the advantage. "I¡¯m itching for round two." Chapter 174: Two Of Them 1 Chapter 174: Two Of Them 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - [You died once. You have four revives remaining in this battlefield.] "I don¡¯t intend to die any more." He had four revives left, but he didn¡¯t want to die. Each time he died, he felt deep psychological pain. He would grow from the pain he felt, but there was no such need. [You may exit through the central door.] He walked through it and heard a soft voice. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] As he walked toward the castle¡¯s gate, he saw the allied heroes. They were gathered there, smiling bitterly as they saw Junhyuk. "You were killed as well?" "But Sarang is still alive." "Yeah?" Sarang was still alive, which meant the enemies hadn¡¯t picked up any items. Everyone was d about that. "I¡¯m supposed to meet her at the Dimensional Merchant," he said. "Good thinking. If she can get there, she¡¯ll be safe." They couldn¡¯t fight inside the merchant, so that was the safest ce as long as she didn¡¯t run across any enemies at the entrance. Arn looked at the group. "What should we do?" They had destroyed all of the enemies¡¯ first towers, while their enemies had only destroyed the one in the central path. The allies had the advantage. The group was deep in thought when Halo said, "Let¡¯s push center. The enemies will be there as well." "What about Sarang?" Vera shook her head. "We have to move as a group. If we go after Sarang now, everyone has to go, and the enemies will push the second central tower. We will have a team battle first and then look for her." I agree, but the allies will need Sarang¡¯s power in the team battle! It won¡¯t be easy without it. Vera read his mind and ced a hand on his head. "We¡¯ll win. Don¡¯t worry." He heard her, puffed out his chest and said, "Let¡¯s go." It would be better if the enemies didn¡¯te through the center. The allies would destroy their tower and advance. However, with all the other first towers remaining, they had to go through the middle path. It would be a true team battle to decide who was stronger. Arn selected three hundred minions. He wanted to rush the enemy, taking more than half of their total minions. Heading to the central tower, they passed the first destroyed tower and advanced, but the enemies were nowhere to be found. Junhyuk frowned, and Arn said, "They must¡¯ve gone somewhere else." He pulled out a saber and added, "OK. Who will get the towers first?" Arn ran ahead first. The center road was shorter, so the allies would destroy the second tower and head to the castle first. Junhyuk looked at the group and asked, "What about Sarang?" Arn took a moment and said, "Can you go alone?" "Me, alone?" "The enemies have to be gathered as a group. If not, their formation will crumble. So, go alone." "Will you be OK without me?" Vera put her arm around him. "Don¡¯t worry. We¡¯ll be fine without you." The heroes looked at him and told him not to worry, so Junhyuk shrugged and said, "OK. I¡¯ll be safe on my own." "Right. Get Sarang and bring her to the central castle wall." "OK." The heroes moved to the second tower while Junhyuk headed toward the Dimensional Merchant. It was rare for him to be moving by himself. As he walked, he kept a close eye around himself. He was a champion, so he was not scared of most monsters. The twin-headed ogre was strong, but he could still kill it. He could use the Spatial sh, and if that didn¡¯t work, he could draw it out. As he headed to the Dimensional Battlefield, he killed two monsters on his way. Once there, Junhyuk used the portal to get inside. Outside, a spider kept watch of his movements. --- Junhyuk saw Sarang inside, and when she saw him, she gave him a big bear hug. Heughed and patted her back. "It¡¯s OK. You came here all by yourself." Sarang nodded. "I was doing some shopping." "What do you want?" "I was just browsing. I have 40,500G now." "That¡¯s a lot!" "I think it¡¯s because I¡¯m an expert." Junhyuk pulled the Precise Mechanical Glove out. "Sarang, I have to give you 30,000G. Can I give this to you instead? It boosts intelligence, and I can¡¯t use it. I don¡¯t want to sell it to Bebe. He would only give me half price." Bebe spoke out, "I heard everything!" Junhyuk smiled and showed her the Precise Mechanical Glove. Her eyes widened. "This is amazing! It adds a hundred to intelligence!" Junhyuk looked at Bebe. "What is its original price?" "It¡¯s 250,000G." It was a good idea to pick up items and make exchanges. Junhyuk looked at her, and her eyes beamed while she nodded. "Thanks! I¡¯ll use it well!" He smiled and asked, "What did Ki drop?" Sarang showed him a pauldron, a type of shoulder armor. "It increases evasion, defense and focus!" "Focus?" Junhyuk looked at Bebe, and he added, "Some powers take a long time to cast. If an enemy attacks, you can be disrupted. However, if you have focus, that won¡¯t happen." Kis had a lot of power, and among them, her sniping took a long time to prepare. She had to have that item to increase her focus so she wouldn¡¯t be interrupted. Junhyuk thought the pauldron would be a good item for Sarang. The enemy heroes had dropped nice items. It was better to use them rather than sell them. He could use his powers right away, so he didn¡¯t need focus. "You need evasion and defense. Take good care of it." "You don¡¯t want me to sell it?" "It¡¯ll be better to use the items over selling them." Sarang nodded and took the pauldron and the glove. "What did you want to buy?" Junhyuk asked her. "Bebe told me there were some nice items in the 40,000G range." She might get items that increased her magic attack, but good items cost over 80,000G. It would be better to save for now over buy something. "The best items are all expensive. Buy one return stone and save your money." "A return stone?" "How much is a return stone?" Junhyuk asked Bebe. "It¡¯s 5,000G." "What about the discount?" Bebe smiled. "Right. You¡¯ll get a discount." Junhyuk looked at her. "I have a higher discount rate, so I¡¯ll buy it for you." Bebe shook his head. "You may only carry one return stone. Also, when you own one, it¡¯s assigned to you. You can¡¯t give it away." Junhyuk thought Bebe wasn¡¯t easy to deal with, and Sarang stepped forward. "I¡¯ll buy it." She bought one, and Bebe calmly gave her an exnation. "It has been charged three times. When you use it, you are immune for ten seconds." "I understand," she said and looked at Junhyuk. "Are you getting anything?" Junhyuk pulled the Frozen Rune Sword out and said, "I want to upgrade this." Bebe pushed his te. "Is this thest upgrade? It¡¯s 40,000G." "Do it please." The 40,000G was subtracted, he was left with 62,240G. Bebe sprinkled some powder over the Frozen Rune Sword. The powder dropped over it like falling stars, and Bebe hammered it hard. Bang! A gust of wind wooshed out, and Junhyuk watched the Frozen Rune Sword change. The de was thicker, and it had turned white. Bebe gave him his sword back, and Junhyuk inspected it. --- Frozen Rune Sword (Rare) Attack +140 Striking the opponent decreases the opponent¡¯s attack and movement speeds by 12%. Stacks three times. --- He had enhanced Bebe¡¯s Basic Longsword with the ice attribute. It increased the attack power to 140 and, when it struck the opponent, it decreased the opponent¡¯s attack and movement speeds by 12 percent. It was possible to stack the effects three times, but it depended on the opponent¡¯s resistance. After upgrading it seven times, it had be a rare item. Further upgrades were possible with the use of upgrade stones. Junhyuk wanted to upgrade his armor. Bebe¡¯s ck Armor could be upgraded, which would increase its attack speed buff. He made Sarang turn around and told Bebe, "Upgrade my armor." "Right." "The first is 10,000G; the second is 20,000G; and the third is 30,000G, correct?" Junhyuk asked calmly. "Correct." "Do it three times." He really wanted tomit, and Bebe pushed the te forward. The 60,000G was subtracted, leaving him with 2,240G. Bebe sprinkles the powder three times, hammered it and smiled. "It worked out well. Look." Junhyuk could see the ck armor was a little more polished. --- Bebe¡¯s ck Armor (+3) Defense +95 Magic Defense +95 Attack Speed +11% Among basic suits of armor, this one increases the wearer¡¯s attack speed. After the third upgrade, its defense and magic defense increased to ny-five, and the wearer¡¯s attack speed increases by 11 percent. --- Junhyuk was satisfied with the stats. "Defense has increased." "Thanks to the upgrade." Bebe ced the helmet on him, and as he put it on, he thought of something else. "Is there an item that changes the way people see my face?" "A transformation item?" "Just for the face?" "You mean a mask," Bebe said with eyes slightly widened. "What do you want it for?" "How much is a mask?" "It depends. A single-face mask is 2,000G, but a multi-face mask costs around 10,000G." Junhyuk was relieved. "Just give me a single-face mask." Bebe pulled out a thin sheet of vinyl and asked, "Do you want any particr shape?" "Just something different from my face now," he answered. "I¡¯ll give you a sharp, angr shape." Bebe put the mask on himself, and he looked mean. He had small lips and sharp eyes. People would avoid someone like him. He pulled the mask off, and Junhyuk put his hand over the te and asked, "Discount?" "Yes. Give me 1,800G." He had 2,240G, but after the purchase, only 440G remained. However, he had gotten something important. "Can someone tell I¡¯m wearing the mask through scientific methods?" he asked. Bebe shook his head. "No one can tell you are wearing a mask, but someone might measure your proportions and figure out who you are." Junhyuk was curious if anyone was willing to do that. Then, he put the mask in the Spatial Bag and smiled. "I can buy anything here." "Sure. As long as you have money." Junhyuk nodded and looked at Sarang. "Let¡¯s go to the castle¡¯s central wall. We should help." "OK." He walked out of the portal with her and heard something approaching them from behind. He frowned as soon as he saw them. Doctor T and Adolphe were staring back at them. Chapter 175: Two Of Them 2 Chapter 175: Two Of Them 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Doctor T was smiling at Junhyuk. "You aren¡¯t scary at all." Junhyuk stood in front of Sarang, and the doctor shook his head. "I came back here to kill you. I can¡¯t let you get away." Junhyuk measured the distance between them: twenty meters. Both Adolphe and Doctor T could attack from that range, so he and Sarang stepped back. Doctor T, still smiling, approached slowly. "Don¡¯t think about running away. I won¡¯t let you get away." Junhyuk thought for a moment. He could use the Spatial sh and take 40 percent of the doctor¡¯s health. After that, he had to take another 20 percent of Doctor T¡¯s health within thirty seconds, but the doctor¡¯s attack stat was really high. Fighting for thirty seconds wouldn¡¯t be easy. "What are you going to do?" Sarang whispered in his ear. "I¡¯m thinking." If there were two heroes, he would run without even thinking about it. However, their enemies weren¡¯t that strong. Of course, Doctor T and Adolphe wouldn¡¯t be easy either. The doctor had incredible attack, and Adolphe had a lot of health. Adolphe was also just a champion and wouldn¡¯t drop an item if he died. He needed to be killed five times, but Adolphe wouldn¡¯t leave the castle after dying four times. Junhyuk looked at the doctor and said, "We kill Doctor T first." "Is that possible?" "What¡¯s the range of the electric arrow?" "About twenty-five meters." "OK. Let¡¯s do it." He swung the Frozen Rune Sword, and Doctor T dodged. Then, Junhyuk stepped back while using the Spatial sh with the Blood Rune Sword. "Ugh!" The Spatial sh took 40 percent of the doctor¡¯s health, and the shockwave swept through Adolphe. When they were both pushed back, Junhyuk grabbed Sarang¡¯s hand and started to run. Sarang created and threw an electric arrow. It hit Doctor T. The arrow¡¯s damage had increased. On Ki, Sarang had only been able to deal 2 percent damage at a time, but she dealt 4 percent damage to the doctor. Junhyuk realized he could kill the doctor. If he killed Doctor T, Adolphe could be ignored. Adolphe was dangerous, but he would have the force field to deal with. Doctor T boosted his speed as Junhyuk ran away. His speed with the use of his eight legs was incredible. Junhyuk had movement speed buffs, but he couldn¡¯t get away from the doctor. The distance between them was about twenty-two meters. He was out of Doctor T¡¯s attack range. His hairs stood up while trying to maintain the distance. At any moment, Doctor T could use the spider web on him. Junhyuk had the force field, but he wanted to save it forter. Adolphe was chasing after them, but he was slower than the doctor and wasgging behind. Junhyuk felt better as the distance from Adolphe increased. Sarang could attack while running, so she hit the doctor again. Junhyuk wanted to get a bit farther away. He wanted to use the Frozen Rune Sword to decrease the doctor¡¯s speed, but he also just wanted to keep running away, thinking he would be able to kill the doctor. However, there was another variable. A three-headed wolf walked out of the forest, and it was as strong as the twin-headed ogre. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t stop. It would be the worst oue if he did, so he dashed toward the three-headed wolf, and the wolf opened its maw wide. The wolf spewed fireballs. That¡¯s why it was dangerous. Junhyuk ran as close as possible to the fireball and teleported. With that one teleport, he passed by the fireball, and it hit Doctor T and Adolphe. If Adolphe had enough time, he could kill a twin-headed ogre on his own. He was better equipped than Junhyuk, but they were chasing after people at that moment. The fireball covered him, and Doctor T took to the trees, hopping from branch to branch. The wolf looked at Doctor T, and Adolphe rushed toward it, shing the wolf. The wolf got paralyzed, and Doctor T dropped on it, crushing the wolf. Craaack! One of the wolf¡¯s head crumbled, and Doctor T used the methrower. He wanted to kill Junhyuk, but he needed to deal with the wolf first. The mes roasted another of the wolf¡¯s head while Adolphe beheaded thest. Junhyuk had gotten far away, and another electric arrow zoomed in. Pzzzzt! Doctor T raised one leg to block the arrow, but it still damaged him because of its attribute. It dealt 2 percent damage, and Doctor T started running madly. Adolphe ran after him. Junhyuk had gained some distance, but looking at the electric arrow, he had only gained three meters, and Doctor T realized Junhyuk was trying to kill him, so it would be moreplicated toe up with a chance. Doctor T extended his hand toward Junhyuk. A small spider flew toward him, travelling faster than an arrow, and Junhyuk swung his sword instinctively. ng! The spider bounced off, and Doctor T gained five meters. Heunched the spider web, and Junhyuk teleported. It was hisst teleport, but he had to use it at that point. The force field was ast resort. He kept running with Sarang. Without her, he couldn¡¯t kill Doctor T. They were about twenty-five meters away, but they could lose the five meters at any moment. He checked on the doctor¡¯s health. There was exactly half of it left, so Junhyuk made up his mind. "Kill Doctor T." "Is that possible?" "I can use the Spatial sh." They had run for thirty seconds, so now was their chance. He could take care of the other 10 percent, but if he used the force field, the doctor would run away. He had to get close to Doctor T, so he measured the distance between them. "I¡¯ll go at it alone." "Will you be OK?" "I will. Use Heal on me." Sarang nodded, and Junhyuk used Spatial sh without thinking too much. "Argh!" The doctor learned again how dangerous the Spatial sh was, and Junhyuk could use it just by looking at his target. It didn¡¯t take any significant motion. Doctor T lost 40 percent of his health, leaving him with 10 percent, and Junhyuk jumped. As he did, Doctor T fired the small missile. Boom! Junhyuk blocked it with his sword, but was still pushed back by the shock. It was only a single missile, but it was effective. He lost 45 percent of his health, putting him closer to death. The small missile dealt physical and fire damage at the same time. It was unlike Ki¡¯s sniping. Junhyuk¡¯s defense was higher than his magic defense, so it decreased Ki¡¯s sniping damage. He hit the ground and light green powder fell over him, regenerating 45 percent of his health. It was Sarang¡¯s healing power, and Junhyuk walked toward the doctor. He only had 10 percent of his health, and Junhyuk felt he could kill him. As he got closer, Adolphe dashed toward him swinging the saw-de sword. Junhyuk crouched and shed with the Frozen Rune Sword, cutting Adolphe¡¯s ribs. Adolphe swung again, but Junhyuk disengaged and swung his sword at Doctor T. The doctor used two of his legs to block. Junhyuk had learned something from the fight. Heroes could easily handle Junhyuk¡¯s swordsmanship at close range. His swords wouldn¡¯t work against the doctor, and he would die if he remained in that ce. An electric arrow hit Doctor T again, and he lost 4 percent of his health, leaving him with 6 percent. Junhyuk had to dodge Adolphe again, but that¡¯s when Doctor T fired the methrower. Then, an electric st hit him, and Doctor T was paralyzed and started disappearing. Sarang had improved her electric st, so she dealt thest hit on thest 6 percent of the doctor¡¯s health. Junhyuk watched him disappear and turned to face Adolphe. Adolphe had lost 40 percent from the shockwave and another 7 percent from Junhyuk¡¯s and Sarang¡¯s most recent attack. He had 53 percent remaining, and it was imperative to down his health quickly. Junhyuk swung fast. Within two seconds, he had shed Adolphe three times, taking 46 percent of his health. Adolphe was left with 7 percent of his health, but he started moving again. So, he swung the saw-de sword, pushing Junhyuk away. Adolphe sank his sword in the ground, and two blue beams of energy wrapped around Junhyuk and Sarang. He stepped back, igniting the ten-meter-long blue sword energy, and Junhyuk smiled at him. "You lost." Junhyukunched the force field. The ivory light surrounded him and Sarang, and Junhyuk dashed forward and stabbed Adolphe in the chest. Adolphe knew no attacks would work against him now, but he could still block. However, while he was fighting Junhyuk, another electric arrow hit him. It took 5 percent of his health and left him paralyzed, and Junhyuk swung his swords. Adolphe¡¯s mouth hung open, and he disappeared. Junhyuk was extremely relieved. He had barely survived. Chapter 176: Win Or Lose 1 Chapter 176: Win Or Lose 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Doctor T dropped an earring, and Sarang picked it up and looked at Junhyuk. "You did well. If he had hit me with the methrower, I would¡¯ve been killed." The methrower didn¡¯t kill in one hit, but it dealt damage over time. He couldn¡¯t have teleported, and if he had been hit by the mes, and if Adolphe had attacked him, things would¡¯ve turned dangerous. He could have used the force field, but he still wouldn¡¯t be able to kill the enemies. Sarang bit her tongue softly. "Sorry." Junhyukughed and said, "It¡¯s OK. What have you got there?" Her eyes widened after inspecting the item, and she looked at Junhyuk. She let him check the item out. He looked at its attributes and thought Sarang had done the right by picking it up. Junhyuk would have thought about its original price and of selling it. --- Ste Earring Intelligence +20 Attack Speed +5% This earring is made out of a star¡¯s energy, and it increases intelligence by 20 and attack speed by 5 percent. --- It would be at least a 100,000G item, but Junhyuk felt Sarang could put it to use over selling it. Items with intelligence should go to her to make her more effective. "Can I give you some money?" Junhyuk pushed her helmet down hard. "If you pick up a Pure Golden Knight set item, give it to me." "OK." He knew how powerful set items were. If he collected all of the Pure Golden Knight set, he would be much more powerful. He grabbed her hand. "Let¡¯s go to the castle wall." "Wait," Sarang said smiling. "I need to engrave my equipment." They weren¡¯t far from the Dimensional Merchant, so she should engrave her items. "Right. Let¡¯s do that first." They headed toward the Dimensional Merchant, and Sarang got aplex engraving from Bebe. She also got a mask. It was possible that someone would find out about her at any moment, so she got the mask, and Junhyuk agreed. --- The enemies were standing in front of the castle walls, and Arn said, "They are attempting to grow some brain cells." All of them were out in front of the wall, even Adolphe, and Vera looked at them and said, "They went beyond our expectations." The enemies hadn¡¯t gone center. Instead, they had attacked top and bottom at the same time and destroyed the second towers of each path and returned. They had given up on the second tower in the center, which is why they took top and bottom. If they could win the team battle in the castle wall, they would have the advantage. "Did they attack Junhyuk?" "Doctor T and Adolphe did, and both died." "Then, they must¡¯ve reincarnated." Everyone nodded, and Arn smacked his lips and asked, "Why are they sote?" To fight all out, the allies also needed their full strength. Without it, they wouldn¡¯t be able to kill the enemies, especially with the castle wall behind them. Halo turned to look and smiled. "Here theye." The heroes turned and saw Junhyuk and Sarang heading their way. They waited for them to arrive and said, "You two did well." "We were lucky," Junhyuk answered smiling. He had been lucky to kill both Adolphe and Doctor T. He had waited calmly for the Spatial sh¡¯s cooldown so he could kill them both. Junhyuk looked at the enemies and smacked his lips. There was a lot of killing intent emanating off of them, and it made his skin crawl. After he became a champion, Junhyuk could feel the enemie¡¯s aura more urately. In that ce, the heroes¡¯ powers were restrained, and he wondered how powerful they would be in their own dimensions or in South Korea. Junhyuk pulled himself together at the sound of Arn¡¯s voice. "They are all there, and we have to get inside. The enemies have put everything into this team battle." If either side had a member missing, they would¡¯ve lost the team battle. Both sides wanted to win, and Junhyuk could feel their resolve. Arn looked back. "Then, let¡¯s go in!" Even if the allies waited, the enemies wouldn¡¯te out, so they had to make the first move. Arn pulled out a small marble and shouted, "Attack!" The minions went berserk and rushed forward. They had their shields up, and the heroes ran after them. Arn and Halo were leading the heroes. The allies could cover a long distance in a short period, so they ran hunched over, advancing while dodging Ki¡¯s shots. The enemies also moved. Jean Clo stepped forward, and Bater bumped his huge mechanicals fists against each other and moved forward slowly. Ki got in position. Bang! Ki fired, and Arn was hit on the shoulder and started bleeding. He already knew he had to tank at least one shot and sped up. Jean Clo rushed toward him, and he thought it wouldn¡¯t be good to get grabbed. Jean Clo closed in, and Arn jumped. Jean Clo tried to grab him, but only caught air, and Arnnded among the enemies¡¯ second line of defense. Regina and Doctor T were stationed at the second line, and Regina blocked Arn¡¯snding with her cuss. His jumped damaged her, but she prevented him from advancing farther. Doctor T fired the spider web at him, and while Arn was tied up, the enemies concentrated their attacks on him. Junhyuk had been watching and used the Spatial sh. Arn had told to him to use it as the first hit, and Junhyuk shed Ki¡¯s neck. She lost 40 percent of her health, and the shockwave swept through Adolphe, who had been protecting Ki, and he lost 20 percent of his health. Ki fired her pistols at Arn, who was still tied up. Bang, bang, bang, bang! Her pistols, Doctor T¡¯s methrower and Regina¡¯s pistol took half of Arn¡¯s health. The enemies wanted to kill him first, and Junhyuk frowned. He could use the force field on Arn now, but it wouldn¡¯tst long. As Junhyuk was thinking, Vera shouted, "Put the force field on Arn!" He stopped hesitating andunched it, and the ivory light covered Arn¡¯s body and blocked everything. Arn took an offensive stance. He wanted to use his saber¡¯s quickdraw. While he prepared his ultimate, Vera touched Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and shouted, "Junhyuk! Go to Arn!" Everyone touched him, and Junhyuk teleported. He appeared next to Bater and outside of the force field, so he had to teleport again. After the second teleport, Junhyuk stood next to Arn. Sarang use Heal on Arn, and he drew his saber, shing the space ahead of him. He aimed for Regina, and she was hit by the ultimate, quickly losing a lot of health. Regina was bnced-type hero, and she had some defense and health, but Arn¡¯s ultimate took 50 percent of her health. His ultimate took a long time tounch, but it was very powerful because of it. Regina was difficult to deal with, so Arn attacked her. After that, everyone focused on her. Diane loosened her arrows, and Vera touched her earring and cast her magic. The fire spear and fire orb created a series of explosions, and Regina disappeared. Diane¡¯s arrows were much stronger than before, so when Vera¡¯s magic hit Regina, she lost the rest of her health. Arn had used his ultimate, but the concentrated attacks had killed her. Junhyuk turned to look at Halo, and he left the force field, attacking with his lightning sh attack. His sword moved like lightning as he shed Ki in the ribs, but she continued to fire at him. Bang! Ki lost a lot of health and used her ultimate. If one kept saving their powers for too long, they would be wasted. Ki wasn¡¯t saving it. The shockwave pushed Halo back into the force field. "What are you going to do?" Arn wasn¡¯t worried. "Kill Ki." She had 40 percent of her health left, and Arn threw his saber while Veraunched a firewall. Huge mes came from the ground and engulfed Ki. The saber hit her, and Ki started losing health quickly. She tried to escape by jumping, but Diane shot at her. Ten arrows zoomed through the air, and the arrowheads hit Ki. She dropped to the ground and disappeared. Arn jumped. "Doctor T!" Their target was dead, so the important thing was to find the next one, and that was Arn¡¯s role. When he jumped, the force field disappeared. Doctor T blocked with two legs, and Arn positioned himself and used the seven-shbo. Jean Clo and Bater rushed in, and Nudra covered himself in the Rising Dragon and generated a strong gust that stopped their rush. Both bounced back, and Junhyuk became very nervous. If either of them came after him, he had no powers left and wouldn¡¯t be able to deal with it. Doctor T felt pressured and fired the small missiles. The five allied heroes were focusing their attacks on him, and the doctor would die. The enemies were divided between the front and the back. Doctor T¡¯s side had archers and Adolphe. Once the small missile hit Arn, Adolphe wielded his saw-de sword. Rushing and shing, he took 30 percent of Arn¡¯s health. Junhyuk wanted to go help Arn, but Sarang grabbed him by the waist and pulled him down. Both of them rolled on the ground as two mechanical fists flew by. Boom! They couldn¡¯t do anything, and Arn disappeared. Bater had used his ultimate to kill Arn, and Adolphe sunk his sword into ground, and two blue energy beams shot out and tied Vera and Diane up. They were in the back of the allied group, Jean Clo and Bater run toward them. Nudra had already stopped their rush, but he couldn¡¯t deal with the two alone. They needed Halo. Junhyuk ran toward Doctor T and Adolphe and shouted, "Stop Bater!" Halo passed by him, running toward Bater. Nudra was trying to block Jean Clo¡¯s path, and Junhyuk blocked Doctor T with his swords. "You may not advance." Chapter 177: Win Or Lose 2 Chapter 177: Win Or Lose 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk could courageously block Doctor T because he knew the doctor had used all of his powers. He had also used all of his powers, but he could still stand in the doctor¡¯s way. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t damage heroes with normal strikes, but the enemy heroes also couldn¡¯t hit him with normal strikes. His swordsmanship had improved that much. He blocked both of Doctor T¡¯s legs with his sword and tried to counterattack, but both sides needed to wait until their powers returned. Doctor T blocked Junhyuk, but he still received fixed damage, and since Junhyuk had used the Spatial sh early, he would be able to use it again soon. Junhyuk had blocked the doctor again when Adolphe lifted his saw-de sword, and the ten-meter blue energy surged out of it. Two heroes were tied up behind Junhyuk, and Adolphe was targeting them. Junhyuk was fighting Doctor T and frowned because he couldn¡¯t do anything. Sarang shot her electric st. Adolphe and Doctor T were paralyzed. Junhyuk slid between the doctor¡¯s legs and swung his swords. Both the Blood Rune Sword and the Frozen Rune Sword shed the mechanical spider parts continually, and the shockwaves swept through Adolphe, damaging him. Suddenly, he heard Vera¡¯s voice. "Move!" Junhyuk hopped to the side, and the fire spear zoomed by, striking Doctor T¡¯s head. Adolphe¡¯s restraining power only prevented movement, so Vera could still use her powers. Ensnared heroes that had long range attacks could still use their powers while tied up. Doctor T was hit by the fire spear and pushed back, hitting a fire orb, causing a series of explosions. Doctor T had been hit by Arn¡¯s seven-shbo and the explosions, and that left him with 40 percent of his health. Then, an arrow with two energies hit the doctor. Boom! After the explosive arrow hit him, he only had 15 percent of his health remaining. The Spatial sh could kill him, but Junhyuk still had to wait for the cooldown to end. Doctor T, who had been under attack, was now free to move. He used the methrower, and the long mes spewed out. Junhyuk quickly ran to the side, but the mes burned his shoulder. That¡¯s when he knew the cooldown was over. Junhyuk used the Spatial sh, and Doctor T¡¯s mouth hung wide. The Blood Rune Sword¡¯s Spatial sh made Doctor T disappear, and its shockwave swept through Adolphe. Junhyuk felt himself regaining his health and ran toward Adolphe. Thuck, thuck! He wanted to kill Adolphe, but two arrows hit him, one on the shoulder and the other on the ribs. So far, Doctor T had had his back to the archers. Now, he was dead, and Junhyuk was their target. Junhyuk writhed in pain and rolled on the ground. He picked up the white gown dropped by the doctor and put it in his Spatial Bag. When he got up, Adolphe was already there, swinging the saw-de sword down on him. Adolphe was debuffed, and his attack speed was slow. Vera shot a fire arrow, and Diane fired her arrows at him. Both were saving their powers against Adolphe, and normal attacks would still deal heavy damage to him. Sarang was also helping out, and Adolphe disappeared. Two more arrows hit Junhyuk, and he lost half of his health. Adolphe was dead, and Junhyuk tried to get out of the archers¡¯ range. Jean Clo and Bater were fighting. If Junhyuk got to them, he would be clear of the archers. Jean Clo had done a giant swing on Nudra, and Nudra rolled on the ground, got up and ran. Junhyuk analyzed the situation. Jean Clo and Bater were fighting Nudra and Halo head on. Jean Clo had about 72 percent of his health while Bater had 65 percent. Bater had been injured by Halo¡¯s attacks, which created wounds that didn¡¯t heal easily and kept bleeding. Bater was covered in blood, and Junhyuk shouted, "Bater¡¯s health is lower!" Arn was dead, so they needed someone to assign the next victim. A firewall rose from underneath Bater¡¯s feet. The huge mes engulfed Bater, and Diane shot at him as well. Bater¡¯s health dropped below the halfpoint. Halo had been waiting and swung his sword down on him, and Bater countered Halo with a one-twobo, pushing him back before he had a chance to swing his sword. "Let¡¯s go to the wall!" Bater shouted. Only he and Jean Clo remained. They needed the archers¡¯ help, and the allies had to prevent them from getting to the wall. Jean Clo tried to grab Nudra, but he jumped way high and dropped down on Bater¡¯s head. Boom! He kicked Bater¡¯s head multiple times, and Bater¡¯s body went in the ground up to his knee. Nudra¡¯s Dragon Kick was his ultimate, and Bater was left with 10 percent of his health. He had a lot of defense and health, but there was little he could do at that point. Halo appeared in front of Bater and swung his sword down. The sword cut down vertically, and Halo jumped and shed again. After that, Bater disappeared. They had focused their powers to kill him. Halo startednding, and Jean Clo used the momentum rued from running and shoulder-checked him. It wasn¡¯t a power, but the shock was intense, and Halo never actually hit the ground. Jean Clo pushed him away and ran. The allies had to stop him. Nudra boosted his movement and blocked Jean Clo¡¯s path, but he grabbed Nudra by the neck and lifted him up. Jean Clo got hit by Vera¡¯s and Diane¡¯s attacks, but he didn¡¯t care and chokemmed Nudra. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and dashed toward Jean Clo. His steel jaw opened, and heughed aloud. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Jean Clo rushed toward Junhyuk. He had already used the giant swing, but he still had the screw piledriver. To use that, he had to jump from the ce where he stood. Junhyuk wanted to buy more time, so he also ran toward Jean Clo. Jean Clo blocked the Frozen Rune Sword with his elbow, grabbed Junhyuk and jumped. Junhyuk started falling upside down, but his heart felt weird, and he teleported. Jean Clonded, but Junhyuk was far away. Nudra front-kicked him, and Jean Clo was unable to get to the castle¡¯s wall and bounced back. He left a long trail on the ground before opening his arms and running again. When Jean Clo was pushed back, Halo started using Rain from Above. As Jean Clo started running to the wall again, Rain from Above dropped on him like a sh of lightning. Jean Clo used his ultimate, and three blue energy rings surrounded his body. Rain from Above took one of the rings out. Jean Clo¡¯s ultimate had blocked Rain from Above, and Vera and Diane attacked him. Their goal was to destroy the rest of the blue rings. Sarang moved her hands toward him and said, "Suppress!" The blood-colored energy surrounded him, and thorns burst out of it, piercing Jean Clo. He red at Sarang and ran forward. They couldn¡¯t allow him to get to the castle. Halo stood in front of him. Without Arn, Halo was the right person to fight Jean Clo. He sliced through Jean Clo¡¯s leg and stepped aside while Nudra dashed over. Jean Clo was like a tank, but he couldn¡¯t get by two heroes. He grabbed Nudra¡¯s fist, and hit Nudra¡¯s neck with his elbow. Nudra spin-kicked the back of Jean Clo¡¯s head. Jean Clo staggered, and Diane¡¯s multi-shot hit him. Veraunched a fire spear at him as well, and a fire orb exploded against his back. Jean Clo gritted his teeth. Junhyuk¡¯s cooldown was over, and he used the Spatial sh. He didn¡¯t want to be med for stealing a kill. After Junhyuk used the Spatial sh, Jean Clo¡¯s health hit 8 percent. The heroes attacked him simultaneously. Halo¡¯s sword pierced his stomach, and Nudra kneed his chin. Both Diane¡¯s arrow and Vera¡¯s fire arrow hit his neck. "Argh!" Jean Clo stared intensely at Vera and disappeared. Everyone attacked at the same time, but Veraughed aloud and walked over. "I killed him." Diane smacked her lips and said, "Pick it up. It¡¯s time to finish this." The minions attacked the riflemen and less than a hundred survived. Junhyuk ran and shouted, "I will take care of the minions." He could generate shockwaves that swept through the surrounding area. He was so powerful that he was better than the heroes at massacring minions. The shockwaves had a radius of ten meters and cleaned up all of the minions. Vera and Diane took care of the archers. The gate remained, and Junhyuk destroyed it and went inside. Once they saw the golems, Vera said, "I will cast Meteor Shower, and we¡¯ll start." "OK." The enemy heroes hadn¡¯t revived, so the minions drew the golems¡¯ attentions while Vera cast her meteors. She could inflict a lot more damage, and the golems were seriously injured. They went after her, and Nudra and Halo each took a golem. Diane shot her arrows. They were dealing with the golems very quickly. Each of the heroes had a new item, and it made a difference. Junhyuk also didn¡¯t waste time. He used Spatial sh against a golem, and the golem crumbled soon after. Sarang used Heal on Junhyuk twice, and the other golem died within five minutes. The group quickly moved to pound the castle¡¯s force field. It was breaking apart when the first revived hero apparead. Regina appeared inside the force field, but she saw that both golems had already been destroyed. She didn¡¯t leave the force field, and the group destroyed the castle. It crumbled, and Junhyuk gathered his breath. "We have a lot more power, and it¡¯s serving us well." Vera smiled. "Right. Those enemies will be gone with the next round." Junhyuk turned, and Vera put her arm around him and whispered, "One more round and we advance. We¡¯ll keep putting our trust in you for next round." "Already?" "We are winning," she said and kissed his cheek. "Where did we find you?" Sarang stared hard at them, and the world disappeared around the group. Chapter 178: House Warming Party 1 Chapter 178: House Warming Party 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk returned to his room and sighed deeply. He had survived that time as well, so he opened the Spatial Bag and pulled out a whiteb coat. --- Crazy Doctor¡¯s Coat Defense +20 Evasion +4% It can be used in the ce of a cloak. It increases defense and evasion. When wearing the coat, people will think you are smart. --- The stats were better than what he normally used, but the coat didn¡¯t have the absolute evasion skill like the Dark Night Cloak. However, the basic stats were superior, and Junhyuk felt it would be better to change. He put the Crazy Doctor¡¯s Coat on andughed. "I¡¯ll wear this and maybe I¡¯ll sell the Dark Night Cloak." His burner phone rang, and he picked it up, hearing Sarang¡¯s cheery voice. "Big brother! Don¡¯t forget about tomorrow!" "I won¡¯t! I¡¯ll transform and meet you." "OK. See you tomorrow." Junhyuk hung up the phone and took the coat off, cing it back inside the Spatial Bag. He put the mask on. It covered his entire face, and after putting it on, his face looked cool and sharp. The eyes were narrower, and his lips were thinner. His eyes had a deep, dangerous glint to them. He sharpened his stare and was surprised. He had killed numerous minions and opponents and emanated the killer intent he had rued through his eyes. Even a serial killer would be scared of that glint in his eyes. Junhyuk thought no one would bother him in a busy street and took off the mask. He looked at his face andughed. "A totally different person." He stretched a bit and summoned his swords. They had evolved. At that point, he couldn¡¯t get through the heroes¡¯ defenses with regr attacks, but when he became more skilled, he would be able to hit them. Junhyuk teleported to the basement and practiced his dual swordsmanship. Previously, he imagined random opponents, but now, he thought of the opponents he had faced, and his training was much more effective. --- Five monitors came on, and Doyeol frowned and asked, "What¡¯s the situation?" Elise was on one of them and exined, "There are 232 survivors, and we¡¯ve located all of them. However, those are just the survivors who reported returning alive on the inte. We can¡¯t be sure of the number if some of them haven¡¯t gone online." Everyone frowned, and Mr. Rockefeller said, "They may stay offline, but we¡¯ll find them. Tap on all phone conversations." Elise frowned and said, "Zaira doesn¡¯t have the ability to do all of these things. She can¡¯t listen to all phone conversations." "Don¡¯t worry about that. We don¡¯t have the same capability as Zaira, but we have ways to listen in. We just need to listen for conversations about the Dimensional Battlefield. It won¡¯t be difficult," Charles saidughing. Doyeol sighed and asked, "Do you know what happened?" "ording to our investigations, they were summoned to the Dimensional Battlefield, but they refused to follow the heroes from the castle and survived. None of them knows what is outside of the castle," the old man said. "Simply because a hero changed his mind?" Doyeol asked. "We don¡¯t know that yet. They don¡¯t know much more, but we should protect each of them." He said protect them, but Doyeol knew he meant detain them. "I¡¯ll pay close attention to the situation as it develops," Doyeol said. The screens turned off one by one, and Doyeol leaned back on his chair with a frown. They were all trying to hide the Dimensional Battlefield. Meanwhile, hundreds hade back alive. They¡¯d written about it on the inte, but Zaira was able to erase it all. If she hadn¡¯t, the Dimensional Battlefield would get out to the public. The survival rate was so low over there, this was the first time that many people came back alive. "What is going on at the Dimensional Battlefield?" --- Saturday morning. Before going out, Junhyuk looked at himself. He couldn¡¯t wear the mask then, so he put it in the Spatial Bag. Junhyuk didn¡¯t take his car. He wanted to use public transportation to mix with other people and, if something happened, he¡¯d pull himself out the situation. When he walked out of the gate, his neighbor¡¯s gate opened, and Jeffrey stepped out. Junhyuk shook his head. "How did you know?" "I saw you walking in the garden." "You can see my garden?" Jeffrey nodded. "As you can see, my house has three floors, and I have great vision." Novices were superior to ordinary people, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "What is it? You are waiting for me early in the morning?" "You went to the Dimensional Battlefield at ten o¡¯clockst night, correct?" Junhyuk couldn¡¯t answer, and Jeffrey continued, "I must be right." Junhyuk touched his shoulder and looked at him icely, "Maybe you know too much?" "I just guessed," Jeffrey said and smiled. "Last night, there were over a hundred surviving abnormal narcolepsy patients who went at ten and returned at eleven. Do you know what happened?" Junhyuk thought about what had happened on the battlefield. At the beginning, the heroes hadn¡¯t taken any minions. They went to Bebe¡¯s and went to the Dragon¡¯s Valley. Near the end, the heroes only took half of the minions to push the central tower and the castle wall. The other half of the minions must¡¯ve survived. They stayed safe inside the castle. "What happened to them?" "They are arresting all of them." "How did they find them?" Jeffrey showing him his smartphone and said, "The inte is being monitored. If someone writes about the Dimensional Battlefield, they erase it and deploy an arrest team." "Zaira?" Jeffrey nodded. "If you put something on the inte, they¡¯ll be watching." "Sure. What about the people they arrested? What are they going to do with them?" "I don¡¯t know that much. They want them to stop spreading the news about the Dimensional Battlefield. That¡¯s all I know." Junhyuk realized Jeffrey had some skills of his own. Doyeol didn¡¯t tell him everything, and Jeffrey had found that information by himself. "Are you going to work?" "Yes, even on weekends. I need to demand that they increase my sry." Junhyuk smiled and waved at him. "If you find out where they are holding those people, let me know." "Are you going to rescue them?" "I don¡¯t know, but if I know where they are, I might." Jeffrey shrugged. "I¡¯ll look into it, but don¡¯t expect too much. I don¡¯t want to be Doyeol¡¯s enemy." "I know." Junhyuk hailed a cab. He had to meet Sarang that day. The cab took him to Ilsan, and he got on the subway and headed to the meeting spot. Junhyuk got off at Euljiro-1 station and went into the restroom. He put on his mask and opened the Spatial Bag, changing clothes with the ones he had left in there, and teleported to somewhere else. The distance of his teleportation had increased. Every time he died, his soul grew, and his soul¡¯s growth helped boost his powers. Junhyuk could teleport through a distance of sixty meters, and he started thinking of other ways to move around the city. He had transformed, and people wouldn¡¯t recognize him. Junhyuk got on the subway again and headed toward Jonggak station. He had a sharp face, and people avoided him. He got off at Jonggak and headed to a pizzeria. Sarang wanted pizza for brunch, and Junhyuk waited outside the restaurant. Many people passed him by, and a woman walked over to him. She had long hair and sses, and he thought she seemed arrogant. He thought of Eunseo. When she came up next to him, she said, "Do you have the time?" "Don¡¯t joke around." The woman stared at him, and he whispered in her ear, "Your health and mana are superior to everyone else¡¯s." "Hmm... Doctor T¡¯s sses." Junhyuk pushed her head down. "Let¡¯s eat brunch." They took their seats inside the pizzeria and ordered. He looked at her. She looked mature, but he told himself again that she was still in high school. Then, he looked at her and thought of what Jeffrey had told him. "The minions that were with us, half of them stayed in the castle and returned alive." "Really? Howe no one knows about it?" Junhyuk looked around and whispered, "They are getting arrested. If I find out where they are, I¡¯ll rescue them." "Wouldn¡¯t it be dangerous?" "I¡¯ll take my equipment, and it¡¯ll be OK." While geared up, Junhyuk¡¯s defenses were superior even to an iron soldier¡¯s. He had gotten stronger with all the gold he had spent. Nothing could hurt him on Earth. If there was something that could, it wouldn¡¯t be a weapon. His attack was beyond anything they had on Earth, so he wasn¡¯t worried. "Can Ie with you?" she asked him. "No," he answered curtly and changed the subject. "How are your powers?" "Not good." "Dying improves your power." "Are you telling me to die once?" Junhyuk smiled. If Sarang died once, her soul would grow, but he didn¡¯t want that to happen. "I¡¯m just letting you know." "Anyway, what are you doing today?" "I¡¯m going to look at some antiques." "Antiques?" He nodded. "If I¡¯m lucky, I¡¯ll get some items that will help on the battlefield." Sarang looked at her jujube tree bracelet. "Find me something like this." "I¡¯ll work on it." The pizza came out, and they ate it. The masks didn¡¯t get in the way of the food. Junhyuk liked his mask, and it made himfortable. He didn¡¯t have to care about other people. He had gotten that mask because he didn¡¯t have any money, but he would get one that changed into many different facester. After finishing their meals, they both walked around the Insa District looking for antiques. They entered the third antique shop, and the cube in his watch changed colors. "Found one!" Chapter 179: Housewarming Party 2 Chapter 179: Housewarming Party 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk walked around the antique shop and saw the cube changing color. While walking around the ce, he found a ring. It was green jade, and there was a picture inside. The picture had the body of a dear and the head of a sparrow. There were horns on the head. It also had a tail that looked like a snake. The picture was quite small, and anyone with poor eyesight wouldn¡¯t be able to see it. Junhyuk picked up the ring, and the old man who was looking at him said, "$10,000." He was surprised by the price, but the old man continued, "It has a deep history." "It looks very old, and it has something inside," he said. The old man pointed with his index finger, and Junhyuk gave him the ring. "This is Byrum," the old man said, looking at the ring. "Who is Byrum?" "It¡¯s the god of wind, y¡¯know?" "A god of wind?" Junhyuk replied incredulously. "Right." "If it¡¯s so old, howe it has a picture inside? It looks like it was drawn byser." "Why don¡¯t you trust me? Do you think I¡¯m lying?" "It has a picture of a god of wind. I can¡¯t believe it¡¯s an antique." "You don¡¯t have to buy it." "Right." Junhyuk started heading out, and the old manughed loudly and stared at him. "Hu-hu-hu! Why are you so quick to make up your mind? We mustpromise." Junhyuk looked back at the old man. "I¡¯ll give it to you for $8,000." "$1,000." "You aren¡¯t prepared topromise," the old man said, shaking his head. "$5,000." "$2,000." "$3,000." Junhyuk looked at him and nodded. "OK. Do you take credit cards?" "If you pay by credit card, it¡¯s $4,000." Junhyuk stared at him, and the old man smiled and asked, "Are you using your card?" "I¡¯ll get the money." "Cash only. No checks." Junhyukughed. "I¡¯ll be back." Both of them went out, and the old man smiled and said, "$3,000! I made some money today!" --- He purchased the ring for $3,000 and looked around at other ces but found nothing. Then, he entered a traditional tea house with Sarang, drank some tea and said, "I can¡¯t find anything else." "Yeah. My legs hurt." "Sedentary," he said andughed at what she had said. Sipping his tea, he looked at the ring and murmured, "It¡¯s an item, but is it worth $3,000?" Sarang showed him her jujube tree bracelet. "If it¡¯s as effective as this, it¡¯s worth it." "Right." Junhyuk would go to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield the following week and he could check on it with Bebe then. The $3,000 wasn¡¯t a lot for him, but he wished it would be effective. If he found any item at that price, he should get it. Sarang smiled at him. "Today is the housewarming party. Let¡¯s go!" "Already?" "Can I sleep at your house today?" "Don¡¯t talk nonsense." After eating brunch, he spent four hours looking for antiques and only found the ring. If he headed back then, he would arrive home in the evening. "Drink your tea. Let¡¯s go." Sarangughed, drank her tea and got up. Junhyuk got on the subway toward Ilsan with her. After the subway, they took a cab to his house. They got off nearby, and he took off his mask. Jeffrey knew he was out of the house, so he shouldn¡¯t teleport. He walked in, and Sarang walked alongside him, still wearing her mask. She took it off once inside, looked around and smiled. "This is your house? It¡¯s really nice." Junhyuk took a can of soda out of the refrigerator and gave it to her. "I practice in the basement. Wanna see it?" "Sure." He grabbed her hand and teleported. Sarang looked around, astonished. "Whoa! I¡¯m totally jealous." Junhyukughed and flipped a switch. Targets came out of the wall, and Sarang pped, even more impressed. "I made it for you. Try it out!" "Can I?" She asked, and he nodded. Sarang extended her hand, and the electric arrow hit the target. Junhyuk was impressed. "You must¡¯ve been practicing!" "I practice every day." She let him know that she didn¡¯t y around and she shrugged and added, "I have some time to practice." Then, Sarang turned to look at him. "Big brother." "What?" "I can¡¯t practice my healing power." "So?" "You must help me." Junhyuk frowned at her. "You want to decrease my health?" "I have no other choice." Sarang could kill an ordinary person with her powers, but Junhyuk could withstand them. He sighed and summoned his equipment. Junhyuk extended his arms sideways, and she shot and electric arrow at him. Bzzzzt! "It hurts like hell," he mumbled. He had lost 8 percent of his health, and Sarang extended her hand. The light green powder sprinkled over him, and he regained his health. Junhyuk gathered his breath, and Sarang smiled awkwardly. "You lost a fraction of your health. I can¡¯t be sure about my power." "You want to get my health to the bottom?" "I want to know what I can do!" "Your healing power can restore my health," he said. He had no intention of being hit by her again, and Sarang stuck her tongue out at him. "Then, let me hit you every two minutes." "Are you joking?" Sarang smiled. "I¡¯m not." Junhyuk thought she wanted to hurt him and worried about it. "That is..." The interphone rang, and Junhyuk teleported and picked it up. Jeffrey was holding more beer on one hand. "Why are you here?" "Housewarming party! Party!" He showed his other hand and he was holding toilet papers. Junhyuk stared at him, and Sarang appeared. "Who is it?" "I told you about the tamer," Junhyuk answered. "Ah! The novice?" "Right." "I want to meet him." Junhyuk stared at her. "Are you crazy?" Sarang put her mask on. "What about now?" she said and continued, "I want to meet him. I¡¯ve never met other survivors." "You don¡¯t want to meet him." "Big brother." Junhyuk looked at the interphone and at Jeffrey smiling and holding the beer. Jeffrey wanted to tell him something, and Junhyuk sighed. "Don¡¯t let him know you are an expert. He can tell, and people mighte after you." "Can I pretend I¡¯m your girlfriend?" "It¡¯s only pretend." She stuck her tongue out at him, and Junhyuk opened the door for Jeffrey and teleported upstair. He had wanted to send Jeffrey away, but if things continued that way, she would continue to hit him with her powers. He sent his equipment away and waited by the front door. Jeffrey walked in, saw her and was surprised. "Who is this?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t have a chance to reply before Sarang hugged him and said, "Girlfriend." He stared at her, and she took Jeffrey¡¯s beer and toilet paper. Sarang offered him a seat, and Jeffrey quickly epted it. Junhyuk looked at them both and sighed. He sat down, and Sarang made a fruit side dish and brought it out. She sat next to Junhyuk, and Jeffrey shrugged. "I didn¡¯t expect you to have a girlfriend." "So?" Junhyuk replied coldly, and Sarang elbowed him. "Why are you so irritated? He is here for the party!" Jeffrey smiled brightly at her. "Right?! You must not know, but he is often irritated." "Jeffrey," he said, and Jeffrey shivered and turned to look elsewhere. Sarang handed him a can of beer. "How did you be friends?" Jeffrey looked at Junhyuk and answered, "I¡¯m his neighbor. I live next door." "Then, invite us to your house next time," she said and stared at Junhyuk. "You haven¡¯t invited just him already, have you?" "No. How about next weekend?" "I¡¯ll be there." "Why are you making promises?" She smiled. "You are being difficult." "You have something to tell me?" Junhyuk asked Jeffrey. "I¡¯m here for the party!" Junhyuk shook his head. "Then, drink some beer and go." "Can I bring my little sister here?" "What?" Sarang interjected. "Bring her over." Jeffrey picked up his cell phone and made a call. Junhyuk sighed and decided to have a party. Joanna came right away, and Junhyuk felt ufortable with her there. However, she was on good terms with Jeffrey and Sarang, so Junhyuk just drank his beer. Sarang got along with Joanna. She spoke a little Korean, but Sarang had taken thenguage pill and talked to her in English. Jeffrey¡¯s eyes widened a little, and he got curious. That¡¯s when Junhyuk elbowed her. "I¡¯m going to get more drinks. Let¡¯s go." Sarang shook her head. "You go alone." Junhyuk stared at her, and she got up. Once outside the house, he said, "Don¡¯t make any mistakes. You can speak English, but that¡¯s it." "You know I have a higher intelligence than you." Junhyukughed. "Just be careful." As he walked, he looked around. Doyeol had taken care of the people following him and just left Jeffrey, but he still didn¡¯t trust Doyeolpletely. He bought appetizers for the beer and more alcohol. The beer cans could be taken to the refrigerator, and Sarang went to the kitchen with Joanna. "Did you find out something?" he asked Jeffrey. Chapter 180: Housewarming Party 3 Chapter 180: Housewarming Party 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - After Junhyuk finished speaking, Jeffrey lowered his voice and whispered, "What are you going to do with Sora?" "We¡¯ve scheduled a meeting. How are you going to convince her?" Junhyuk asked. "We might have more money than Doyeol¡¯s friends, but Sora has ties to Doyeol. It will be difficult to bring her into our group." "Yeah?" "Make her understand the situation. You¡¯ll be able to get through to her better than me." Junhyuk thought for a moment. "I told her I¡¯d buy her a drink. I¡¯ll talk to her then." Jeffrey pulled out a pen. "Use this before you talk to her." "What is that?" "It detects listening devices and jams them as well." "That could be useful." Jeffrey nodded. "I¡¯m guarding a VIP, so I¡¯m able to get my hands on things like it." Junhyuk inspected the pen while Jeffrey continued nonchntly, "Also, there is a new novice." "A novice?" "There was a fire in Japan, and a building was totally destroyed by it." "And it wasn¡¯t on the news?!" "It was on TV, but Japan censored it. They were on site to find out what exactly transpired." "Inte censorship?! Like Zaira?" "Right. I found out because I was with Doyeol. They erased everything before people had a chance to find out. Zaira gathered the information and showed it to Doyeol." "Why do you think it¡¯s a novice?" "The building was entirely destroyed by the fire, and it took less than one minute. There was no trace of it left." Junhyuk was very surprised. The fire sounded like Vera¡¯s mewall. "That¡¯s too strong for a novice!" "It¡¯s not technologically possible, so they are guessing it¡¯s a power." "How are they going to find him?" "People are already looking for him in Japan. Our side has also sent R-agents over there to try to win him over." "If R-agents are involved, it¡¯ll be more like capture than persuasion. Is that even possible?" "The novice only has the fire power. It¡¯ll be the only power, but he will also have a lot of health. He may have some equipment, but it was most likely his first deployment, so he won¡¯t have a lot of it..." Jeffrey said calmly. "Even if he delivered a deathblow, he won¡¯t have earned much in his first deployment." It¡¯s possible the novice isn¡¯t well-equipped, and the R-agents can regenerate. Even more importantly, they are well-trained. R-agents were trained in weapons handling and had regenerative ability. The novice would have a tough time dealing with them. Jeffrey smiled and said, "Many will die, but when they find him, they will catch him." "If he destroyed the entire building with fire, he will probably have PTSD." "They must catch him before he burns down another building." "Right." "The appetizers is here," Jeffrey whispered. The tes came out, and they both talk nonplussed. Since Joanna was there, they wouldn¡¯t talk about the battlefield. Dinner was beer and appetizers, and after it, Junhyuk was finally able to kick Jeffrey out of the house. He left, and Junhyuk told Sarang the information he had received. "They have a novice in Japan?" she asked. "Yes. The novice has a dangerous power, and he probably has PTSD. It¡¯s a delicate situation." If it had happened in South Korea, he might have looked for the novice. He would have definitely found the novice and wouldn¡¯t just let him be. "So, what are they doing about it?" "The R-agents with their regenerative ability stepped in, and they will find him soon." "I heard you talking about Sora Shin. What were you talking about?" "You heard?" "I wasn¡¯t too far away." Her focus was better than her hearing, which was how she had heard the conversation. Junhyuk had thought the appetizers hade out too quickly, so she had to have heard everything while preparing them with Joanna. He sighed and replied, "We¡¯ll keep you hidden, but it¡¯s good to know other novices and, if possible, make them your friends." "Hm. Turn the novice to our side? That could be interesting." "Right." "She can run fast?" "Yes. I¡¯m curious about whether she was able to run on the battlefield." "You don¡¯t have any ulterior motives?" Junhyuk flicked her forehead. "Don¡¯t be stupid. Go home now." "I¡¯m hungry." "You ate most of the appetizers!" "Make me some ramen! I don¡¯t expect any fancy cooking from you." He stared at her and sighed. "Fine. Only because you are hungry. But can you stay out thiste?" "They trust me." Junhyukughed and prepared the meal. He made an omelet and miso soup and took it to Sarang. "It looks nice!" "Looks? Taste it." She took a spoonful of the miso soup, and her eyes widened. "It¡¯s delicious!" "I¡¯ve been living by myself for a while. Of course, it¡¯s delicious." She smiled brightly and worked on her meal. Junhyuk smiled at her. It was good to watch someone eating the meal he had prepared. It was different from eating alone. She slurped on her spoon and gave him the thumbs-up. "The woman who marries you will get something delicious like this every day?" "Maybe," he answered and got up. Sarang took the tes. "I¡¯ll help you with the dishes." "OK." He washed the dishes with her. Sarangthered and rinsed them while Junhyuk wiped them and put them away. He looked at her once the dishes were done and found that she had wiped her nose while washing dishes, and there was some foam on it. Junhyuk wiped it off for her. "Thanks." "You, too." She smiled, and heughed. "Let¡¯s go. Your parents will get worried." "Can Ie again to hang out?" "You can. Jeffrey knows your face with the mask. Just walk in the front door." "OK." They left the house, got in a cab and headed to the Ilsan subway station. He walked her to the subway. Sarang took off her mask and looked at herself in a mirror at the station, and Junhyuk waved good-bye as she left. After that, he headed home. His house felt empty. Just moments before, Jeffrey, Joanna and Sarang had beenughing in his living room. Junhyuk felt lonely for a moment and shook his head lightly. Then, he teleported to the basement and summoned his swords, swinging them. The feeling of loneliness went away, and he rxed. Practicing his swordsmanship helped him gather his thoughts. --- The basement at Guardians HQ wasn¡¯t only an escape route. It also contained ab imprisonment cell. There were people looking into it. A woman was confined behind the sturdy ss enclosure, and Doyeol was watching her. Her eyes and ears were covered, and she was wearing a straightjacket. "Is that enough to restrain her?" Doyeol asked Elise. She smiled and said, "She has a special power, but without an ignition source, she is useless. However, once the fire starts, she can keep it going." "She burned down a building?" "Yes. She can increase the fire¡¯s temperature to 3,000 degrees celsius." "She¡¯s a human napalm bomb." "Yes, she is. Because of the R-agents, we found out she could start a fire by sight." "Is that why her eyes are covered?" Elise nodded and said, "She ignited a series of fires that killed three R-agents." "That¡¯s a big loss." There weren¡¯t many R-agents. The iron soldiers were machines, so unlike them, they had carefully selected people to be R-agents. They needed to check on whether they were loyal, so it was more difficult to produce R-agents than iron soldiers, and they had lost three agents, even with their regenerative ability. They had captured the novice without any government finding out about it. It had been possible because they had taken Sora¡¯s blood sample and found out about the wavelength in a novice¡¯s blood. "She has PTSD, so she has to rest first," Doyeol said calmly. "She needs continuous tranquilizer injections and therapy. Do you know a psychologist?" "I have one already." Elise knew how fast Doyeol worked, and she looked at the monitors and said, "Sora also needs therapy." "Right. Did she bring anything back?" "No, not yet." "It¡¯s nice that she came back alive!" Jeffrey had a power that helped increase his survival rate. They had thought Sora wouldn¡¯t survive the battlefield, but she had. It would be difficult at first, but the more she went there, the more things she would gather and bring back. She also had her own power. By using her 100-meter dash in one second, she would be able to gather stuff. Doyeol looked at Elise and said, "Don¡¯t tell Eunseo anything about Asuka." She nodded calmly. Elise was working for him and not Eunseo. Eunseo had already told Elise to reveal the Dimensional Battlefield to the public, but Doyeol had vetoed that. After talking to him, Eunseo was now going with the flow. However, it didn¡¯t look like Eunseo was following Doyeol¡¯s instructions. Still, she knew Elise was also working for Doyeol and didn¡¯t mention it anymore. They had apprehended Asuka and they knew how Eunseo would respond to that. Doyeol looked at Asuka and said, "And keep this a secret from Pentagram as well." Elise stared at him. "Yes." Novices had different powers, and they wanted to run research on those different novices with different powers. Elise was trying to find a way to induce powers just like the novices¡¯ on ordinary people. Doyeol left, and she looked at Asuka through the ss, smiled and said, "Let¡¯s work together, Asuka." Chapter 181: New Employee Interview 1 Chapter 181: New Employee Interview 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - It was Sunday, and he had finished lunch and was in the middle of training when he got a text message. [Can you buy me a drink today?] [Can youe out?] A momentter, Sora sent another one. [They won¡¯t let me go out yet.] He imagined her whimpering and chuckled. [I¡¯ll go to the HQ tonight. Let¡¯s drink at the park. I¡¯ll bring drinks.] [Thank you.] He turned the TV on and watched the news. "Both the inte and the news are being censored?" A building had beenpletely destroyed by fire and many people had probably died. It had only briefly made the news, but then it was subdued, so it wasn¡¯t possible to get any information about it from the TV or the inte. "I have to make more money." He opened the Spatial Bag and pulled out the leaves. "How much are you worth?" Whether it was Doyeol¡¯s money or Elise¡¯s money, he needed more money to make himself more powerful. Elise wanted to buy stuff behind Doyeol¡¯s back, but if she paid well, he wouldn¡¯t refuse her. Obviously, Doyeol told him to bring back mana stones and bloodstones, but this was something else. He ced the leaves back into the Spatial Bag and got up. Not wanting to think about it anymore, he went to the basement and trained until night. --- Guardians HQ was still going through reconstruction from the destruction. The iron solder was helping with the construction, and it was moving along quickly, but it had only been a few days. Junhyuk had some fried chicken and beer with him. He saw the construction underway and sighed. They wouldn¡¯t be able to enjoy their beer in the garden. Then, he saw the rooftop was also destroyed, sighed again and sent a text. [Where are you? I¡¯m here, but they are doing construction, and I can¡¯t find a ce to drink.] [I¡¯ll head over now.] He waited by the front gate, and Sora walked out of the building and over to him quickly. She looked nervous, and Junhyuk spoke to her first. "I came from the parking lot and got surprised. The backyard may still be OK. Wanna go there?" "Sure." They went to the back of the building, and Junhyuk saw the backyard was still intact, so he sat down. He set up the chicken and beer while Sora sat still, biting her nails. She looked different from before. Junhyuk sat in front of her and poured her some beer in a cup. "Shall we drink?" Sora emptied her cup right away and looked at him. "Can you give me another, please?" So, he did. Sora drank three cups that way and sighed. "Thanks." He looked at her calmly and asked, "How was it?" She had already told Elise, but not in detail. Sora looked at him and said, "The enemies had a hero troll. Had it not been for him, we would¡¯ve lost." Junhyuk wasn¡¯t sure he heard correctly. "The enemies had a hero troll?" "Yes. He rushed and followed up with a three-hitbo. He was a troll. You could kill him, but he still survived." "Kaljaque?" Sora nodded. "Correct. That¡¯s his name. How did you know?" He smiled bitterly. Kaljaque had be a hero and left the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, and Sora had met him. "You were fighting alongside the allied heroes." "That wasn¡¯t always the case. They used me as a bait to lure Kaljaque. I was just bait," she said shivering. Junhyuk knew the feeling. It was same for him when he went to the battlefield for the first time, but he could stand his ground for ten seconds. She was fast, but her opponents were heroes. Her health was rather high, but heroes could kill her just by grazing her at her current stage, so she used her one-second run to get away. "Did Kaljaque take the bait often?" Sora smiled and replied, "He ran like crazy every time he saw me!" Her power wasn¡¯t a danger to heroes. Even though she ran fast, she didn¡¯t have any attack powers. Perhaps when she got some equipment that would change, but at that moment, she was harmless. Kaljaque was being himself if he had tried to kill her. "That¡¯s a relief." "Do I have to go back?" she asked him tentatively. Junhyuk nodded heavily. "Yes. They¡¯ll call upon you again in two weeks and at the same time." "I have to relive that hell?" "Earn some money and get some equipment. Even a single item can keep you from dying." "I know, but it¡¯s so expensive." Sora had met Bebe, so Junhyuk told her what to get to survive. Zaira was monitoring thepound, so he didn¡¯t tell her what to get in exact detail. When he told her about the items, he noticed her feelings toward him. Her eyes sparkled, and he could guess what was on her mind. It wouldn¡¯t be hard to be friends with her. --- They drank all of the beer, but neither of them was drunk. People had chicken and beer to get buzzed and not to get drunk. Sora got up and pped her cheeks lightly. "I should be going." Junhyuk nodded. Sora was more focused on surviving now than being nervous like at the beginning of the evening. The important thing was for her to not feel separation anxiety between this dimension and the Dimensional Battlefield. There was a limit to what he could do for her. She told him that she would have a psychologist working with her, and starting the following day, she would have regrly-scheduled therapy. She has to go back in two weeks. Can she get better within that time? Still, therapy was better than getting no help. She bowed to him and went back inside, and Junhyuk cleaned up the ce. He was about to leave when he saw Elise. She walked over to him. "Chicken and beer?" Her Korean was fluent. Elise was certainly a genius. "Yes." "Sora was extremely nervous. I was worried about her." "I was able to help her a bit." She sat where Sora had been sitting, touched her chin and looked at him. He stared back, and she whispered, "I thought we would drink together?" "Yes." "Then, where is my beer?" "I drank with Sora today." Elise pouted, saying, "Sure. I¡¯m not curious about that now." She crossed her arms and asked, "What did you bring back this time?" Junhyuk stared at her and pulled out a leaf. Her eyes sparkled. "I need to tell you something," he said. "I don¡¯t know what this is for." "I¡¯ll look into it." "This isn¡¯t for mechanical engineering." "Bioengineering was my minor." "You should pay me fairly. I¡¯m not sure what this can do, but I think I should get paid the same amount as a mana stone," Junhyuk said. Diane, the Elf, had handpicked it for him, and Elise swiped her tongue across her lips. "Can I check it first?" She ced a hand in the air, and it turned into a screen. Junhyuk frowned. Zaira was monitoring the ce. She had to be monitoring the entire HQ. Elise scanned the leaf and smiled. "It¡¯s not from this dimension. Its structure is different." She put the leaf down and added, "Things from the Dimensional Battlefield have different prices depending on how you use them. However, this is the first deal between us, so I¡¯ll give you a fair price: $100 million." Junhyuk felt grateful to Diane. The next time she pped his butt, he would let her. "I¡¯ll wire the money to the bank ount you used with Doyeol," she said while operating the screen. "Thanks." "You don¡¯t know anything about this leaf?" "I didn¡¯t even know about the mana stone or the bloodstone, so of course I don¡¯t know." "I¡¯ll do some research on it and let you know," she said and showed him her smile. "Thanks for selling it to me." "I don¡¯t care who buys it. I don¡¯t belong to anyone." "Then, bring me something next time as well." "As long as you pay." Elise could pay him $100 million, so he could make deals with her. That also diminished the distance between them. She would be a good source of information. Elise got up and took the leaf. "I should get going." "You should." He had been paid, so he didn¡¯t want to keep her any longer. She went in, and Junhyuk sat on a chair and looked at the sky. He could see a few stars. Once he got up, he murmured, "They are reasonable." Junhyuk had killed some monsters, so he thought the Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s administration would send even stronger monsters, but they hadn¡¯t. The chicken and beer had been his dinner, and it was time to go home. --- After facing a 1-percent-chance eliminatory round, they were all gathered there for the interviews. However, thepany would only select five out of the hundred, and the other applicants looked very confident. Soyeon was feeling nervous, but she pulled herself together by lightly pping her face. Guardians was an internationalpany. They operated the iron soldiers, which fought and killed monsters. Guardians HQ had been attacked, but no one was hurt, and they were creating even stronger iron soldiers at that point. Everyone showed up for the interview. Soyeon had thought fewer people would show. They called her number along with four other people. The five of them would be interviewed at the same time. She went into a room and tried to familiarize herself with the interviewers. The Guardians¡¯ CEO, Eunseo, was wearing her sses. Another woman sat next to her, and she looked strict. Soyeon looked at the woman, and her heart pounded. A man also sat with them. He was looking at some documents when Soyeon took her seat. When she saw his face, her mouth moved without her realizing. "Mr. Banana Milk?" Chapter 182: New Employee Interview 2 Chapter 182: New Employee Interview 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk was focused on the interviews, and as Soyeon¡¯s turn to be interviewed came, he looked closely at her credentials. She certainlycked experience and other qualifications whenpared to other applicants, but he also knew how diligent she really was. Junhyuk turned to look at Eunseo, and she spoke first, "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Eunseo Kim, CEO of Guardians." From the beginning, Eunseo spoke in English. The applicants all had to speak fluent English to work there, and Junhyuk was a bit worried. Soyeon¡¯s application said she was fluent, but holding an actual conversation was something else. Eunseo asked the applicants about the appearance of monsters and their thoughts on it. They answered her in perfect English. So far, most applicants gave her simr answers. They thought of Guardians as Earth¡¯s protectors, and Eunseo listened to their answers looking as superior as ever. No one had really grasped her attention with an answer. Then, it was time for Soyeon to give her answer. She gathered herself and said in perfect English, "The appearance of the monsters has something to do with abnormal narcolepsy." Eunseo focused on her, and Soyeon continued calmly, "It¡¯s been a while since the first abnormal narcolepsy case. Itself, it¡¯s quite an unusual event in human history. You could say it¡¯s an abnormal circumstance, and another abnormality followed, the introduction of monsters. It¡¯ll be hard to find a connection between the two, but they must be connected. It¡¯s not an ident that the two happened around the same time." Eunseo looked at Junhyuk and asked, "Are you talking about a conspiracy?" Soyeon shook her head. "These are supernatural events and not based on human conspiracy." Eunseo stared cooly at Soyeon and slowly opened her mouth. "That¡¯s your opinion." Junhyuk knew he had a free pass, but it depended on how Eunseo felt about it. However, Eunseo had spoken to her the same way she had spoken to him in his interview. If that continued, he would feel burdened to hire Soyeon. Soyeon felt awkward as the interview continued, and Junhyuk looked at her and sighed. Eunseo was finished with her questions, so Dohee followed with questions of her own. Her questions were naturally sharp, and a few failed to answer them adequately. Junhyuk looked at her expressionless. She had been seriously wounded, but now she was healed and present. He saw that she had the same qualities as R-agents. When Dohee turned her attention to Soyeon, the emergency siren went off. [A monster has appeared in Ilsan Lake Park. Iron soldier MK-II is ready for deployment.] "Deployment granted!" Eunseo shouted right away. Those whose interviews had ended had already left. "I¡¯m sorry, but today¡¯s interviews will be postponed. Those who haven¡¯t finished their interviews will be notified within two days for a follow up." "Yes." The applicants were nervous and got up from their seats. Eunseo operated her wheelchair and spoke quickly, "Dohee, let¡¯s go to Elise." "Yes." "Junhyuk, stay here and take control. Until the monster is subjugated, take these people to the evacuation shelter." "Will do." Dohee and Eunseo left, and Junhyuk went over to the people who were still there. "Until the monster is taken care of, let¡¯s all go to the evacuation shelter. I¡¯ll guide you." They were still working on rebuilding, but the priority at Guardians HQ had been the evacuation shelter. The emergency evacuation shelter had been safe thest time, but just in case, they had also built an evacuation shelter on the 1st floor, and that¡¯s where Junhyuk took the group. There was nothing in the shelter. It was located on the 1st floor, but if something happened, they could easily relocate to the shelter in the basement. Zaira was in control of everything. Junhyuk guided the group to the shelter and tried to close the door. Then, Soyeon walked over to him and asked, "Do you remember me?" "I was supposed to take you out to dinner, but I¡¯ve been too busy," heughed and answered. Then, he looked around and added, "This ce is safe. Please, go in." Soyeon had something on her mind, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t speak further and closed the door, remaining outside. The situation was precarious, and he decided to watch how it would unfold. Last time the HQ was attacked, the building was heavily damaged, so no one was in the hallways. Junhyuk ran and reached Elise¡¯s office. The door opened, and Junhyuk could see the screens. There were antas at Ilsan Lake Park. They had already appeared at the Han River, but these were a little different from the previous ones. "They are walking onnd?" As he blurted that out, Eunseo turned to look and nodded. "They are moreplicated than the ones that showed up in the Han River. They are all over theke anding from all directions." The monsters were jumping up and down, looking for victims. The MK-II was standing at the center of theke, firing small missiles in various directions. The missiles chased the monsters down and exploded, surprisingly disying significant firepower. The missile first prate a monster¡¯s hide and then exploded. It was the most effective way. "The monsters have thick hides, but the iron soldier is able to prate them easily." "It¡¯s still in the experimental stage, but we researched their structure and made a dposition liquid. It¡¯s working, but it still needs guidance. Bullets won¡¯t work. It requires small missiles," Elise said nonchntly, but what she said was very surprising. Junhyuk focused on the screen again, and the screen panned quickly. The monsters were approaching people, and the MK-II grabbed one of their mouths with its hands. There had been some people on dates there, and some of them were paralyzed with fear. [Evacuate the area.] It said in Zaira¡¯s voice. After the MK-II spoke, it flew up holding the monster¡¯s mouth. There were other monsters left, so the iron soldier shoved its hand inside its mouth and started shooting. The monster¡¯s insides weren¡¯t that strong, so the shooting tore its mouth like a used paper towel. The MK-II flew around, hunting the monsters. Meanwhile, another of Zaira¡¯s sirens rang out. [There is another type of monster in the parking lot. Iron soldier MK-II is ready for deployment.] It was good to know that there were two MK-IIs stationed at the HQ. They had done so just in case of another attack, but at that moment there was only one present. The MK-II was certainly more powerful than the previous iron soldier model. They had upgraded its weapons and increased its firepower. Can it stop the monsters? Junhyuk had dealt with monsters before, and he thought these monsters were stronger than before. "Deployment is granted." The other MK-II was deployed, and two feeds appeared on the screen. The thing broke out of the ground. It had six legs and a thick shell on its back. Unlikest time, the shell didn¡¯t have spikes, but its size was entirely different. It was five meters tall and it started to destroy the buildings. It¡¯s force came from its size as it began pounding against the buildings. Junhyuk clicked his tongue while watching. "Even if we rebuild, if other monsters show up, we won¡¯t be able to keep buildings intact?!" he said. Eunseo sighed. "Don¡¯t worry. We are also building other instations on another site." The Dimensional Battlefield monsters¡¯ target was Guardians HQ. Even if it moved, new monsters would still show up there. The iron soldier MK-II appeared before the monster. Guardians HQ had numerous cameras, and those were filming the monster from different angles. It swung its fist at the iron soldier. Despite its heavy build, it moves quickly, but the MK-II was faster. The iron soldier flew up and let out a barrage of small missiles. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The missiles exploded, generating a field of smoke, so the iron soldier flew higher above it. The smoke cleared, and the monster raised its head and spewed a green liquid that looked to be sticky. The MK-II escaped, and the monster stomped the ground and jumped. The whole building shook from the shock. "Can the applicants survive these tremors?" "They are already in the basement. Unless there is a direct attack, they will be safe. The problem is how to kill that monster," Elise said cooly. The new monster was different from the one previously. It got hit with eight missiles, but it was still fine, which showed how strong it was. Junhyuk sighed and asked, "Will it work?" Elise shook her head. "Ordinary attacks won¡¯t work." The iron soldier was using its entire arsenal, but they hadn¡¯t made weapons forrge monsters yet. Junhyuk was staring at the huge monster, astounded by its defense. The iron soldier was equipped with modern artillery and nothing was working. The iron soldier might not be able to win. Elise watched the situation and said, "It¡¯s stomach looks to be weaker than its backside. I¡¯ll focus the iron soldier¡¯s firepower on it." Eunseo wasn¡¯t worried and responded, "Do it. Is there a problem?" "The iron soldier¡¯s new weaponry only has three charges. If it doesn¡¯t kill the monster within those shots, the monster will get inside likest time." Eunseo knew how dangerous that was and, devoid of expression, she asked, "Did we kill all of the monsters in Ilsan Lake?" Elise checked the screen and answered, "There are no signs of more monsters." "Then, have it returned here and use the new weapon." "Understood." Elise gave out new instructions, and the iron soldier MK-II moved quickly. It dodged the monster and ced its hand on the monster¡¯s stomach. A stream of light travelled from the MK-II¡¯s chest to the palm of its hand, and a beem rushed out. Boom! The building was insted with steel tes, but they still heard the explosion. The monster dropped backward and rolled on the ground. The skin on its stomach was torn open, and it was oozing green blood, but it was not dead yet. The monster rolled into itself, turning into a ball. With it protecting its belly, the iron soldier was out of tricks. Elise¡¯s expression hardened as she looked at the screen. "We are moving to the basement." Junhyuk felt the entire room move. With Zaira¡¯s hardware in the room, the room itself started moving to the basement. The monster had rolled up into a ball and was rolling toward the building. They could see it on the screen. Boom! The iron soldier dodged, and the monster hit the building. Some of the building crumbled, and they felt the shock from the room they were in. Junhyuk grabbed Eunseo¡¯s skidding wheelchair and looked at the screen. The iron soldier was still the monster¡¯s primary target, so it turned around. "Can the new weapon attack its backside? What is the sess rate?" Eunseo asked. "It¡¯s less than 40 percent." Eunseo fixed her sses and said, "Do it." Chapter 183: New Employee Interview 3 Chapter 183: New Employee Interview 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The huge monster rolled toward the iron soldier, and the MK-II extended both of its hands. Soon, its chest lit up, and the energy gathered on its palms. The energying from each hand joined together to create an orb, and the iron soldier fired it toward the monster. The orb travelled quickly like a lightning bolt and hit the monster. Boom! The monster bounced back, damaging the building. Junhyuk was watching all of that and sighed. "The building won¡¯tst long." "If we can stop it, the building won¡¯t be a problem." Elise¡¯s eyes beamed, and she added, "The iron soldier¡¯s weapons system has been upgraded sincest time, and it¡¯s not like it¡¯s not working. If we develop weapons forrge monsters, it will be easier to deal with them. When considering a huge monster such as this one, we will need to produce a better dpositionpound. The problem is time." "The problem is time." The new, stronger monster had shown up within just a few days. The biggest problem had been that they hadn¡¯t had enough time to prepare. They could make the dpositionpound quicker if that was Zaira¡¯s sole focus, but they couldn¡¯t allow Zaira to work on only one thing. Elise¡¯s eyes sparkled, and she added, "The hide on its back has been torn. Now, we may attack once more, but the iron soldier won¡¯t be able to fly for thest attack." "When will the iron soldier MK-II that was deployed to the park return?" "In one minute." "Then, lure the monster toward the parking lot." The iron soldier MK-II stood on the ground. The monster destroyed what was left of the building, but in the process, it must have stepped on something that turned all of the monitors off. "What is the matter?" Eunseo asked. "The electricity has been shut down. Emergency power wille on soon," Elise answered casually. The screen came on again, and Elise looked at the it and murmured, "Thirty seconds before arrival. Luring it to the parking lot." The iron soldier moved to the parking lot, and the monster headed toward it. The monster¡¯s body filled the screen. It might notst thirty seconds. The iron soldier quickly flew up, and the monster stopped rolling and spinning and got up, shooting the green liquid. The iron soldier tried to dodge, but the monster was expecting that. It appeared exactly at the ce where the iron soldier moved to and grabbed the MK-II, mming it against the ground. Boom! After that, the monster opened its mouth, and the screen turned green. "Destroyed." "It¡¯s not here yet?" "It¡¯s here now." Another screen was showing the huge monster still holding the iron soldier MK-II, lifting it up and mming it against the ground. "Attack now." The flying iron soldier MK-II raised its palms, gathered the energy and attacked. The beam went through the opening in the monster¡¯s back and came out through its stomach. "Aaargh!" the monster screamed and threw the iron soldier it was holding, which was now a broken piece of junk. The other iron soldier flew up so high that the huge monster seemed to be the size of its hand. "The damaged iron soldier can self-destruct by using its remaining energy. It will be enough to kill monster. Shall I try?" Elise asked calmly. "What is the drawback?" "The expense of it is the problem, of course. You already know the cost of a single iron soldier MK-II." "Do it." "OK," she said, taking over the controls. "The broken pieces of the damaged iron soldier MK-II will be detached." The monster had mmed it to ground many times, and the iron soldier was covered in the green liquid the monster had spewed. The iron soldier¡¯s arms and legs detached from the torso, and the screen showed the monster spitting the green liquid toward the iron soldier flying above it. Elise looked at Eunseo. Eunseo nodded, and the iron soldier flying in air extended its hands. It started gathering energy, and the monster, who could sense danger, rolled into a ball. The damaged iron soldier fired its engine and flew toward the monster, entering through the hole on the monster¡¯s back anding out through its stomach. The monster was still balled up when the damaged iron soldier self-destructed. Boom! There was a huge explosion, but the monster had been balled up, so the explosion was contained within it. If the monster hadn¡¯t been in a ball, the explosion would¡¯ve levelled the building. The monster tipped and fell, and Elise smacked her lips. "It¡¯s size will help us in our research of monsters." Junhyuk felt like Elise had been quite audacious. The iron soldier could have killed everyone, but she chose to do it anyway. That wasn¡¯t the only thing he noticed, however. Eunseo had also ordered the self-destruction. Both women were very daring. Elise operated the controls and said, "The monster is not responding." "Whew," Eunseo sighed deeply and looked around. "You did well." "I just watched." Junhyuk looked at Elise. "What happened to the applicants?" Elise looked at the feeds and said, "They were moved to the basement, so they should be safe. The path to where they are is also clear." Junhyuk looked at Eunseo, and she said calmly, "Let¡¯s make sure everything is OK. Then, we¡¯ll let them out." He smiled bitterly. "Everyone will give up on applying for the job." They had to have felt vulnerable and at risk. Do they still want the job? Guardians protected the Earth against monsters, but HQ was the most dangerous ce when it came to monsters. They kepting after the Guardians HQ. Other facilities only had one iron soldier on standby, and those facilities could be destroyed if the monsters focused on them. Elise remained in control and said, "The iron soldier has retrieved the monster¡¯s body. There is no danger now." Eunseo looked at her, smiled and said, "The interviewees will want to get out of here quickly." Junhyuk nodded and asked, "Should I go to them?" "Let¡¯s all go," Eunseo said, but Dohee shook her head. "You can¡¯t go while using the wheelchair." Eunseo looked at Elise, and Elise said casually, "I could stream an announcement. Do you want to do it?" "Yes," Eunseo nodded. Elise took a camera and zoomed it on Eunseo. Eunseo collected herself. The screen split into two feeds, one side showed Eunseo, and the other side showed the nervous applicants. Eunseo looked at them and spoke coolly, "Everything is fine now. The monster has been killed, and there is no danger. You are all scared from the sudden attack. Monsters are attacking the entire world, and you should learn that, here at Guardians, we are doing everything in our power to stop those attacks." The applicants hadn¡¯t actually seen the battle, so they didn¡¯t know one of the iron soldiers was destroyed. "I will contact you again. Mr. Lee will guide you out of here. Just follow him." Eunseo was finished speaking and looked at Elise, who turned the camera off and looked at Junhyuk. "Go through that door over there, and you¡¯ll find adder. Climb it, and you will see the iron solder. It has already cleaned the mess, so you should be OK." "Sure." He opened the door and climbed up thedder. Outside, Junhyuk could see the aftermath of the battle between the monster and the iron soldiers. The parking lot was a mess, and the main building was mostly destroyed. Junhyuk looked around and murmured, "But the iron soldier stopped the monster on its own." Honestly, he hadn¡¯t expected that. He hadn¡¯t wanted to step in, and the iron soldiers were able to take care of the situation, even though they had lost one. Junhyuk looked for the remaining MK-II. He walked toward it and saw at hatch next to it. The iron soldier opened the hatch for him, and he stepped inside, going down adder. He opened a door at the end of the hall at the bottom, and inside, he found the frightened people. "You may use thisdder to climb up." The people were disorganized and started fighting to get to thedder, but Junhyuk stood in front of them and said, "Don¡¯t fight. Form a line. You were all given numbers for the order of your interview, so maintain that order. Female applicants go first." The female applicants lined up and climbed thedder. Junhyuk let them get out first mainly because they were wearing skirts. Then, he let out the male applicants. Junhyuk was thest to leave. Outside, he saw Soyeon waiting for him. She saw him and said, smiling, "Mister!" Junhyuk looked around. "Why are you still here?" "I thought it was safe now." "Don¡¯t you see people running away?" He realized the iron soldier had already left, but Soyeon extended her hand to him and said, "Give me your business card." Junhyukughed and gave her a business card. He was about to quit work, but his private phone number would remain the same. "Here." She took the card and ced it inside her purse. "Thanks, I will give you a call." "Call me, and we¡¯ll dine out," he replied,ughing. "I¡¯ll look forward to it." "You may leave. Everyone has already left." Soyeon bowed to him and left, and Junhyuk decided to head back. "They have to find someone to rece me." He shook his head. The monster had appeared during the interviews and scared off the applicants. He raised his head, looking at the sky. "Maybe it was intentional?" But he thought the idea was silly and smiled bitterly. "I should get back." He was walking back to Eunseo when he saw a woman standing far away. She was wearing tattered clothes, and her hair was long. She was giving off a funny aura, and when she saw Junhyuk, she started running away from him. He watched her do it. "A novice?" Chapter 184: Asuka 1 Chapter 184: Asuka 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk watched the novice running away from him and guessed who it might be. She had to be the one Jeffrey had referred to, a novice who had burned down an entire building. He realized that she had already been caught. Junhyuk had heard that Doyeol had already sent R-agents for her, but hadn¡¯t expected to see her there. He thought about running after her, but before he had the chance to move, some people exited the building. Two men ran after her. One of them was naked and had burns all over his body, but he was healing quickly. Junhyuk guessed that they were R-agents. The woman running away had decent firepower, but she wouldn¡¯t get rid of the R-agents with her speed. Her basic health was superior to theirs, but that only meant that her soul was stronger. She probably hadn¡¯t had the time to increase her physical strength to match her soul yet. Junhyuk watched them move about, then he used thedder to get to where everyone was. He went down, and Eunseo was there to ry some information. "You may leave work now." "It¡¯s not time yet." "There is nothing for you to do here if you stay." The Administrative Department was destroyed. Junhyuk looked at Elise. She checked the monitors and looked at him. "The Administrative Department is gone. Even Zaira can¡¯t get in." He sighed and looked at Eunseo. "Then, I will be heading home." "You worked hard today. There will be more work to be done tomorrow." Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate further and left. He went outside and looked at the destroyed buildings. It was all in ruins, but there were people working inside some of them, and he was impressed. "I¡¯ll have a lot to do tomorrow." Monsters had shown up. There had only been a few casualties at the park, but there could be more victims around the world. On his way home, he checked the inte through his smartphone for news. He knew the news had already been filtered and censored, but he still wanted to check. He didn¡¯t have to search much of the inte. The important details had made it into the news anyway. Monsters had appeared around the world, but the ces where iron soldiers had been deployed did not incur high casualties. However, the ces without iron soldier received massive losses. So far, there were only fifty iron soldier bases. "If the monsters appeared more often, the iron soldiers wouldn¡¯t be effective!" They needed mana stones to make iron soldiers. To collect the necessary mana stones, they needed more than just Jeffrey making trips to the Dimensional Battlefield. They brought mana stones back every two weeks, but they needed more. The stones weren¡¯t just used for iron soldiers. The metal models also required mana stones, so there would be continued demand for them. He didn¡¯t know how long it took to make an iron soldier, but it took an enormous amount of money. If things continued that way, they wouldn¡¯t be able to stop the monsters anymore. Junhyuk looked at the sky. "What are they ying at?" The Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s Managers could always let more powerful monsters loose, monsters that could easily destroy the iron soldiers. But they weren¡¯t doing that. Junhyuk realized he couldn¡¯t solve anything by worrying and walked home. Nowadays, he didn¡¯t drive and walked to and from work instead. Because both monsters had appeared in the parking lot, it was easier to walk now. --- Doyeol was really surprised. "Asuka escaped?! What are you talking about?" Elise was on the screen and showed him a few more video recordings. "While fighting the monster, there was a power outage. It looks like she used that moment to escape." Doyeol was looking at the monitor andughed gleefully. "The fire is hot. Howe she is not burned by it?" "We don¡¯t know if she is immune to all fire or if it¡¯s only the one that she starts, but she is definitely immune to the fires she starts." "So, she burned her blinds and restraints." "Yes." "Are you sure about her power now?" "Firestarter, mes that induce other mes. When she escaped, her mes started at least five other fires in chain reactions." "You mean she caused at least five fires over 3,000 degrees celsius?" "Yes. When she burned down the building, she had also started five different fires in chain reactions." "She burned down a building with just five fires!?" "She is born to burn. She could burn down anything she wanted to." "So, are you chasing after her now?" "The enhanced R-agents and retrieval teams are after her now." "We can¡¯t let people know that she is in South Korea. We need to quickly take care of situation. I¡¯ll also dispatch someone." "OK." "It¡¯s too bad we can¡¯t catch her by using iron soldiers." "People are on the lookout for them. That could be a problem." "Does Eunseo know about this?" "No, not yet." "That¡¯s good. After we retrieve her, we¡¯ll move her to a different location." Doyeol turned the monitor off and sighed. Asuka was a human torch. He wanted to know how she started the fires, so he needed to catch her. "All because the monsters appeared." Doyeol clicked his tongue and looked back at Jeffrey, who had been standing there the whole time. "I have a favor to ask." --- Asuka stole a motorcycle and looked back at the people chasing her. They had been engulfed in mes, but healed quickly. While escaping, Asuka had encountered those people with the fast healing ability. Without hitting their weak spots, she couldn¡¯t kill them. They turned away whenever a fire started, so they weren¡¯t hit directly and healed themselves while chasing after her. They had fought her a few times before and knew things about her, so they kept up while keeping a few inches out of her range. At first, there had only been two men, but now there were six carsing after her. Asuka gritted her teeth and looked back. They were keeping a thirty-meter distance because they knew about her power, but they didn¡¯t know everything about her. "Don¡¯t me me for it," she said and looked back. A caring toward her was engulfed in mes. The mes arched up to the sky hitting the cars that were following her. Five chain reaction mes That was Asuka¡¯s power. She knew it instinctively how to use it the most effective way. The chain reaction induced fires among four cars that had been chasing her. Four of the six cars were on fire, and the others stopped. Asuka stopped the motorcycle and looked back. "Don¡¯t chase after me anymore," she said and zoomed off. She had regained her consciousness afterpletely burning down a building. She had been scared of what she had done and went into hiding, but soon, there were peopleing after her. To escape them, she created another fire. She had learned how to survive at the Dimensional Battlefield. Many people had died because of her fire, but she no longer cared and just wanted to escape. However, people continued toe after her, and eventually, they got her. When she regained consciousness, she couldn¡¯t see or move even a finger. She couldn¡¯t even use her power. But there was an earthquake where she was being held. She thought she would die, but she decided to take a chance. She burned the blinds over he eyes and her restraints. While escaping, she learned that she could control her power more precisely. Not only could she start a fire, but she could concentrate that fire in one spot. She escaped without burning down the ce where she was being held. Now, she had stopped the people chasing after her. She was riding her motorcycle when she saw cars appearing in front of her. There were five of them. She could have lit them all on fire, but that would block the road, so she weaved left and bit her lip. Because of the shock of returning from the Dimensional Battlefield, she had burned down an entire building, and people were still chasing after her. "If you want to die!" At the Dimensional Battlefield, she had learned to kill others to survive, and she knew what would happen to her if they captured her. Asuka looked back. They were keeping a thirty-meter distance, but they also didn¡¯t really know about her power. A fire started on the road and a chain reaction took over the cars chasing after her. When the fire appeared on the road, the cars turned, but by that point, they were already on fire. Three cars stopped suddenly. Asuka sighed because she had killed again, but continued on on her motorcycle. Then, someone burst through the mes. She looked back and her expression hardened. A huge wolf was heading toward her. The mes burned up and disappeared, and what remained were the fires that she hadn¡¯t started, the ones caused by burning the cars¡¯ gas. The wolf wasn¡¯t hurt by the fire and kept running. It closed in quickly while Asuka kept on the motorcycle. She had stolen a motorcycle used for deliveries, and there wasn¡¯t any more speed to it. The wolf was catching up. It jumped. A shadow loomed over her head, and she mmed the break and turned. She stepped on the ground with her left foot, using it for leverage, and the motorcycle left skid marks on the road. The wolf jumped over her,ing for her again, and Asuka felt like the wolf was familiar to her somehow. "A monster from the Dimensional Battlefield?" The wolf didn¡¯t scare her. Asuka looked at it and her eyes shed. "I can kill you anytime." Asuka¡¯s power had a twenty-second cooldown. A fire started on the middle of the wolf¡¯s forehead, and it chained to its chest and legs. Fwoosh! She had wanted to kill the wolf, so the wolf was engulfed in mes and died. Asuka felt the danger had passed and turned the motorcycle away. However, a shadow appeared in front of her. She tried to escape, but the motorcycle wasn¡¯t moving even with the wheels turning. She turned her head and saw a gori lifting the back of her motorcycle. It was three meters tall and was only using one hand to keep her in ce. The other hand was heading toward her, and the gori flicked her forehead hard. "Tack!" After that attack, Asuka lost consciousness. Chapter 185: Asuka 2 Chapter 185: Asuka 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk was at home eating dinner when he saw huge mes not very far from his house and decided to find out what was happening. He knew how dangerous a novice with PTSD was. Sora only had the power to run, and that didn¡¯t make a scene, but the novice from Japan had burned down an entire building. In such a situation, they couldn¡¯t just let that novice be. She could kill innumerous people. The problem was that they weren¡¯t sure about that novice¡¯s power. Even Junhyuk could be killed if he wasn¡¯t careful. He walked out of his house and ran toward the mes. Soon, another fire started. They appeared in sequence, which meant that either the situation was precarious or the novice had gone berserk. At that point, Junhyuk felt obligated to stop the fire and teleported to where the fire was. When he arrived at the scene, there were two cars burning up and three more cars stopped there. The head of arge wolf appeared in front of a car as it came running over the fire, and Junhyuk realized that Jeffrey was also there. The wolf ran toward a woman riding a motorcycle, and she turned around and lit another me. "Twenty-second cooldown?" Regardless of the opponent, when someone had a dangerous power, it was always a good idea to find out its cooldown time. Junhyuk watched as a chain reaction started on the wolf, and it burned to death. It was possible he wouldn¡¯t be able to survive a fight with that novice. The chain reactions could focus on a single person, and there were five of them. He felt that she was overpowered. He hadn¡¯t been hit by her power, but it looked as dangerous as the Spatial sh. However, even she couldn¡¯t do much during its cooldown. All of a sudden, a gori raised the back of her motorcycle and knocked her out. Junhyuk had calmly watched the entire thing and sighed. Jeffrey had restrained her, and she would return to her cell. Doyeol couldn¡¯t be tricked twice. He was not easy to deal with. Junhyuk watched as the agents took her and turned around. There was no longer any reason for him to step in. "That¡¯s a relief." He thought about asking Jeffrey about the incidentter and headed home. --- They injected her with a tranquilizer so she wouldn¡¯t regain consciousness. "Is this ce safe?" Doyeol asked while looking at her. "She won¡¯t be able to escape so easily. We all saw how her power works." Asuka could create mes, but she had to do it in sequence. They came out almost all at the same time, but the fires had to happen in sequences of five. Thick walls wouldn¡¯t keep her enclosed, but thin walls that were also cold and fireproof would work. There were twentyyers of thin walls surrounding her. If she wanted to destroy the walls, she would have to use her power at least four times. Within that time, even if she used her power once, the cell would fill with gas, and Asuka would fall asleep. Unless there was another monster attack, this would work to restrain her. Doyeol looked on Asuka and asked, "Can you wake her up?" Elise operated the controls. Zaira was also in control of that ce, and Elise said, "She¡¯ll wake soon." Doyeol watched silently as Asuka came to. She looked around and gritted her teeth. "Do you think you can hold me here?" Within a moment, the high-temperature mes burst in sequence, and five holes appeared in the fireproof walls. Then, a gas starteding out from the ceiling, and Doyeol said, "Shut it off." Elise stopped the gas, and Doyeol walked without speaking. Jeffrey was standing behind him, and Doyeol smiled and added, "You may follow me." "Even I can¡¯t protect you." "You can stay here if you wish." Before Jeffrey had a chance to reply, Doyeol opened the door to Asuka¡¯s cell and went inside. She stared angrily at him, but her cooldown wasn¡¯t over yet. Doyeol showed her the palms of his hands, pulled up a chair and sat in front of her. Asuka looked at him intently and said, "I can roast you anytime I want to." "I know that." "Then, why are you sitting in front of me?" "First, you should listen to me. Then, you can decide whether to roast me or not," he said smiling. Asuka stared at him silently, and Doyeol, still smiling, continued, "I guess you activated a power at the Dimensional Battlefield, am I right?" She didn¡¯t reply and just stared at him. "There is an arrest warrant for you in Japan," Doyeol added. "Release her." Asuka was free to move again, and she looked at him, surprised. Doyeol calmly pulled out a tablet and gave it to her. "It¡¯s the Japanese Cab¡¯s investigation team¡¯s report. The Information Headquarters and the Public Security Intelligence Agency are both after you. We brought you here quickly, but they found out who you are." Asuka realized the Japanese knew who she was, and she couldn¡¯t live in Japan anymore. "What will happen to me if I¡¯m captured?" "You killed twelve people in the process of burning down that building. The problem is that one of the people killed was an army general." She sighed. "They will execute me." "They won¡¯t, but they will work you like a ve." Asuka looked at him. "OK. I understand I can¡¯t go back to Japan, but how are you different from the Japanese government? The people who captured me weren¡¯t ordinary people, especially thatst thing that knocked me out. You can only find that at the Dimensional Battlefield." "Is it time to introduce myself?" Doyeol smiled, pulled out a business card and gave it to her. "I am ST Capsule¡¯s CEO Doeyol Kim." "ST Capsule is Guardians¡¯ parentpany." "So, I don¡¯t have to exin that," he crossed his arms and continued, "Guardians was established to stop monsters, but that¡¯s only a front. We are here to gather things from the Dimensional Battlefield to save the world from destruction." Asuka started shaking a little, and Doyeol continued calmly, "I want you to work for us." She had wanted to work for them as well. Before she went to the Dimensional Battlefield, she had already known about Guardians. Now they wanted her, and she no longer felt like a monster. Instead, she was someone who could stop monsters. She felt like activating her power had been her destiny, but then she thought of something else and raised her head. "But what about my family...?" "We¡¯re way ahead of you. They¡¯ve all been brought to South Korea." She realized how scary Doyeol could be, and her eyes widened a little, but she asked, "OK. Can I ask you about the contract¡¯s conditions?" --- Junhyuk reported to work and saw that they had cleared most of the debris. The iron soldier was very powerful. It was even better than heavy machinery. He watched as the iron soldier unfolded steel walls that had been destroyed during the attack. He was standing there when Dohee approached him. "We¡¯ll be working from the basement. The surface has to be cleared before we move back." "The Administrative Department?" "We decided to use the bunker as the Administrative Department. You should meet with the CEO first. Follow me." Junhyuk followed Dohee to where Zaira¡¯s hardware was located and climbed down thedder to where Eunseo was. She hadn¡¯t left work since the day before. She fixed her sses and looked at him. "I must tell you a few things first. The Administrative Department must organize files concerning thest monster attack and check on the amount of monster bodies that will be arriving today." "I understand," he said. Junhyuk was d he had some work to do. "Then, you may start. Zaira will help you, so it¡¯ll be easy." Zaira had helped him before, and Junhyuk nodded calmly. He said goodbye to Eunseo and climbed down thedder to the bunker. Once there, he shook his head. "Surprising." Like usual, his "office" had a desk, aputer, a fax machine and a printer. He sat on the chair and booted hisputer. It quickly turned on, and he heard Zaira¡¯s voice. [How can I help you?] "I don¡¯t have a lot to do to be honest." [As you know, each nation will send us the monsters¡¯ bodies today. I¡¯ll show them to you.] Junhyuk was surprised by the amount. "There are a lot of them!" Zaira had worked with Junhyuk before and gave him the documents at his pace. He checked them quickly and said, "Before the bodies get here, I want to see a list of casualties for each nation." Soon, the screen disyed the list of the deceased from this monster encounter, and Junhyuk clicked his tongue. "There were extensive casualties. Was there anyone who activated his or her power during this attack?" [You don¡¯t have clearance for that information.] Junhyuk sighed and said, "Fine, then show me the footage." Fifty different feeds appeared on the screen, ying the recordings, and Junhyuk paid close attention to them. "y it at twice the speed." He watched the video from China and asked, "China deployed an army, but they didn¡¯t do anything. What happened?" Jowee from the Central Politburo was still there, but they didn¡¯t to anything. [You don¡¯t have clearance for that information.] Junhyuk frowned and said, "Can you connect me to the CEO?" [Of course.] Soon, another screen appeared with Eunseo in it. She looked a little surprised. "The Chinese army was deployed, but they did not move. Can you tell me what happened? Considering Jowee¡¯s stance, that¡¯s hard to believe." Eunseo fixed her sses and said, "Jowee hasn¡¯t been seen since the attack. He is missing." "Is that even possible?" Jowee was one of the most powerful figures in China. It was hard to believe that he had gone missing. "They are investigating his disappearance. Maybe it was pressure from W.A.N.C.S. and the U.N., but they are keeping their promises. There won¡¯t be any trouble from China, at least for now." "That¡¯s good to hear." Junhyuk was still curious, so he asked, "Did anyone activate a power from this attack?" Eunseo looked around herself and said, "They found people in Ennd and India, but we don¡¯t know for sure." "Right." There were more novices now, and it had happened faster than ever before. The Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s managers had seeded in their goal. Chapter 186: Meeting 1 Chapter 186: Meeting 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Zaira helped out big time with all the work for the Administrative Department. Junhyuk finished everything before lunchtime, but realized that the restaurant had also been destroyed. "Should I eat out?" He was about to get up when he received a message on hisputer. It was from Eunseo. [Let¡¯s have lunch together.] Junhyuk had no reason to refuse, and he had been wondering what to do about food. [I¡¯ll head your way.] He walked out and climbed thedder. Outside, he saw Dohee giving Eunseo a piggyback ride. Dohee ced her on a wheelchair and got on the phone, and Junhyuk walked over to her. "Not having a restaurant is a hassle." Eunseo looked at him and said, "We should use the temporary HQ." "Temporary HQ?" "I sent an email with the address. It will take another fifteen days for the HQ in Seoul to bepleted, so we rented a building in Ilsan. After lunch, we¡¯ll pay it a visit." She could rent out a building just like that, and Junhyuk wondered what she couldn¡¯t do without hesitation. A car arrived, and Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. "Let¡¯s go together." "Sure." Dohee walked over and ced Eunseo inside the car, and Junhyuk sat next to her. While the car moved, she started speaking to him. "Tomorrow, bring the applicants to the temporary HQ." "I¡¯m not sure we¡¯ll even get five of them." "If they are all scared and don¡¯t want to work for us, we have no reason to hire any of them," she said coldly and did not speak further. Eunseo was looking out of the window, and Junhyuk looked at her, realizing she was in a tough spot. Guardians was the symbol of hope for the world from the monsters, but the monsters¡¯ consecutive attacks had destroyed the HQ, leaving no buildings standing. While she looked out of the window, she thought of something. "Do you like Korean food?" "I do." Eunseo didn¡¯t say anything else, and the car drove for ten more minutes before arriving at an upper-ss Korean restaurant. She got on her wheelchair and went inside. She must¡¯ve been a frequent customer because the staff recognized her and guided her to a room. Inside, Eunseo told Dohee, "I want to dine with him alone. Is that OK?" Dohee left, and the foods started to arrive. Eunseo had to have made a previous reservation, and the food came out one item at a time. She raised her chopsticks and said, "Let¡¯s begin." "Let¡¯s." Junhyuk dined with her. The food came out in sequence, and she did not speak during the meal. They both ate quietly. When they finished their meal and the dessert came out, Eunseo looked at him. "I have a big favor to ask you." "Does it have to do with work?" She had said it was a favor, but he had a feeling it wasn¡¯t work-rted. Junhyuk was right. She shook her head and said, "I want to you to meet someone for me." He didn¡¯t know why that had to be a favor, but Eunseo fixed her sses and added, "No one must know about the meeting." He calmly stared at her, and she pulled out a USB-drive and gave it to him. Then, she wrote an address on a napkin. "You have to do it after work today. I already contacted them." "Sure." Junhyuk didn¡¯t feel burdened by the idea and picked up the drive. In any event, he didn¡¯t think he would be in danger while meeting anyone. Eunseo smiled at him. "Thanks. It doesn¡¯t have to do with work, and I will repay youter." "No. I¡¯m sorry I have to quit, but I¡¯m happy to help out." She finished the dessert and asked, "Then, should we head to the temporary HQ?" "Sure." Eunseo left the room, and he followed her. Dohee got in the car, and they all headed to the building at Ilsan. Once Junhyuk saw the building, he clicked his tongue. "This is it?" "Right." It was a seven-story building at Ilsan Lake Park. They had wanted to rent it for a while, but it was toovish. Junhyuk had a hard time believing in it. The building had been recently built, and they were renting all of it. Each department was assigned to a different floor, and Junhyuk¡¯s Administrative Department would take the 3rd floor. There wasn¡¯t anything special on that floor. It was a huge office space with a few desks. Because they were looking to hire five new employees, there were six desks on the floor. The extra one was for him. Junhyuk looked around, and Eunseo looked at him and said, "Zaira is also in control of this ce. However, while Zaira can¡¯t help to the same extent as the original site, Zaira is still efficient here." "That¡¯s nice." He had worked with Zaira and was aware of how much Zaira coulde in handy. "Report here starting tomorrow." "Sure." Junhyuk didn¡¯t care where he had to go. He looked around once more and then at Eunseo, and she started moving out on her wheelchair and said, "Let¡¯s go back to HQ. We have a lot of work to do." Once they returned to HQ, Junhyuk worked on his assignments with Zaira¡¯s help. He immediately email and called all one hundred applicants requesting that theye to work the next day. He listened to all the conversations at the same time. There were many voices, but Junhyuk wanted to pick out Soyeon¡¯s voice in the exchange and was sessful. She sounded calm even though she had encountered a monster thest time she was at Guardians. He thought she might show up again. Zaira told everyone about the temporary HQ and reported the job to Junhyuk. [I¡¯ve contacted everyone.] "Thanks." Junhyuk¡¯s office phone rang, and he picked it up. A Guard at the entrance was calling him about the monsters¡¯ bodies that had arrived from the airport, so he took Zaira¡¯s reports on the monsters and went outside. The containers were showing up one after the other. They were still rebuilding the facilities, so the bodies would be ced in a special refrigerator. Despite the monster attack, the special refrigerator was still intact because it was located away from the main building. Junhyuk guided the containers to the refrigerator and started to check their contents. Excluding South Korea, forty-nine nations had sent specimens, and their sizes all varied. Once at the refrigerator, he saw that the specimens were all frozen, and there were people opening the containers, so he was able to inspect the contents. There were monsters Junhyuk had never seen before. It was possible the monsters weren¡¯t just from the Dimensional Battlefield. Junhyuk inspected each of them, and they all look like used rags. He was about to leave the storage refrigerator when a monitor popped up, and Elise appeared on screen. "How are the specimen?" "They are all frozen, but the iron soldiers are too powerful. They are all disfigured." "I thought so too. We are recruiting researchers for the new monsters. When they gather, we will be able toe up with new weapons against huge monsters." He looked back at the containers and asked, "Is this ce safe?" "Only monsters will be able to break in by force. Don¡¯t worry." Junhyuk nodded and looked at her. "Then, I¡¯ll lock the storage refrigerator." He put his hand on the screen where Elise had appeared. The monitor scanned his fingerprints and locked the door. He walked out and looked at the building. That was part of the Administrative Department¡¯s duties, but he hadn¡¯t done it before. Once he quit, the new employees would have a lot more to do. He headed to Eunseo¡¯s temporary office. She didn¡¯t have her own room at the moment, so she shared a room with Zaira¡¯s equipment. Once there, Junhyuk made his report. "I sent emails to the applicants and called them as well." Eunseo didn¡¯t speak. "And I¡¯ve stored the monsters that arrived from the airport in the storage building." "Overseeing the bodies is a new task for the Administrative Department. Is it difficult?" It took hours to ce specimen in storage, but Junhyuk shrugged and replied, "It¡¯s nothing. When the new employees get here, I won¡¯t have much to do. It¡¯s nice that I can be of use." "Thanks for thinking like that," she said and looked at the screen. "We have to move before tonight, so gather your things. While you were in the storage room, I sent boxes to your office. Just ce your things in them." "Sure." Junhyuk said goodbye to Eunseo and went to his office to pack his things. He didn¡¯t have any more work, and it was five o¡¯clock when he finished gathering everything. He was getting ready to go when Eunseo appeared in hisputer screen. "It¡¯s five. You may leave." "I will go ahead." She looked around once and looked at him, and Junhyuk smiled at her as if to tell her not to worry. She didn¡¯t want Zaira to find out she had asked him a favor. "Then, I¡¯ll get going." She nodded slightly, and Junhyuk left his office and climbed thedder. The iron soldier Mk-II was working in ce of the heavy machinery, and there was still some debris left. They would be moving to the satellite HQ, but he felt that they would be back in the main HQ soon enough. On his way out, he understood that nobody should know about the secret meeting and headed home. There, he put his mask on and teleported out of the house. Then, he took a cab to Ilsan, and headed into the subway. He had to go to Seoul¡¯s Heukseok District, which was currently going through redevelopment. There were many new apartments, but there were still underdeveloped areas. He was heading into one of those areas that day. The building was cramped up among other buildings behind the national cemetery, in a poorer area of town. The ce he was looking for was underground, and Junhyuk started growing wary of the favor because the conditions were so decrepit. However, he had made a promise, so he would meet this person. He had the USB-drive and some memos with him when he knocked on the door to a basement. "Who is it?" "I have to give you something. There was an appointment." "Just a moment." The door opened, and a head popped out. The person looked to be in his early twenties and probably not gone through military conscription yet, but his head was shaved. He looked around and looked at Junhyuk and pushed his hand forward. "Give it to me." Chapter 187: Meeting 2 Chapter 187: Meeting 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk was having a hard believing that that crock of a person was who Eunseo had sent him to meet. The interesting thing about him was that he had ten health and twenty mana. Still, Junhyuk didn¡¯t feel like he hade to the wrong ce, so he gave the guy the USB-drive. The man took it and tried to close the door, but Junhyuk kept it open. The man hesitated for a moment while Junhyuk checked the inside of his house. There was only a light from aputer¡¯s monitor and no other. However, including theputers in the living room, there were a total of fiveputers. "What, what do you want?" Junhyuk looked at the man calmly. He is wearing his mask, so he looked naturally mean, much like a cold-blooded killer. "Do you have anything to say?" The man looked at Junhyuk and said, "You¡¯ll be able to see it tomorrow at ten o¡¯clock, so be sure to deposit the money." "Tomorrow at ten o¡¯clock. OK," Junhyuk said and ced his hand on the man¡¯s shoulder. "Name?" The man grimaced and asked, "Why do you want to know?" Junhyuk¡¯s lips twitched. As his lips move up, the man got nervous and answered, "Sungtae Kwak." "Age?" He had already revealed his name, so he answered obligingly, "Twenty-three." "Military service?" "I¡¯ve done it." He had a baby, boyish face, but he had already been in the army. Junhyuk pushed his hand forward. "Identification." Sungtae showed him his ID, and Junhyuk looked over it and returned it to him. "I will remember you, so don¡¯t do anything funny." He didn¡¯t only speak, but gestured threatenly with his body as well. Junhyuk¡¯s soul was muchrger than other people¡¯s, and Sungtae was afraid. Sungtae was about to pee his pants, but Junhyuk stopped there and tapped his shoulder lightly. "Then, I will check back tomorrow at ten and deposit the money." Concerning the deposit, Eunseo had to know about it. She had to have made the contract herself. However, he didn¡¯t tell her about the deadline of ten o¡¯clock because he feared Zaira might find out about it. Junhyuk stepped aside, and the man closed the door and locked it from the inside. Junhyuk pretended to go up the stairs, but carefully eavesdropped instead. He could hear Sungtae¡¯s voice from inside of the room. "Whew! I almost peed my pants. His eyes were scary!" Junhyuk chuckled and quietly left that ce. At ten o¡¯clock the following day, he would know what Sungtae was capable of. He had a lot ofputers, so it had to concern that. "What is he up to?" Elise was in charge of theputers. She had Zaira, and Junhyuk knew how capable Zaira was. Zaira could do anything, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t understand why Eunseo hadn¡¯t used Zaira. He shook his head and headed home. --- In the morning, he reported to the temporary HQ and waited for ten o¡¯clock. There were some applicants, and Junhyuk told them to go eat lunch and return by two o¡¯clock. The new employees would be taking over Junhyuk¡¯s tasks, so he had time find out what would happen at ten o¡¯clock. At ten, he went on the inte and was significantly surprised. "What is this?" There was only one thing on the inte. Every news website and every TV channel only showed the news. It was about the Dimensional Battlefield. Junhyuk checked every portal on the inte, and every single site he visited had information on the Dimensional Battlefield. It had been tranted in a few differentnguages, and some foreign sites were also covered with information on the Dimensional Battlefield. "This is impressive!" Zaira could easily do that because she was a supeputer, but Sungtae didn¡¯t have a supeputer. He had only a fewputers, so the results were surprising. "Was it for fun?" At ten o¡¯clock, the inte had been covered with information, but it only took five minutes for it to disappear, and Junhyuk was curious. "Zaira, did you do it?" [You don¡¯t have authorization.] Junhyuk chuckled and raised his hand. "Right." That was even more shocking. If Zaira was behind that, it took her only five minutes to delete the contents from the inte. He wanted to see Sungtae again if Sungtae hadn¡¯t already run away. He shook his head and browsed the inte. Portal sites worldwide had been hacked by him, but there was no mention of him. Someone had been in charge of it, but his name didn¡¯t appear anywhere online. Junhyuk searched the inte for five minutes, and he just wasn¡¯t there. Then, Junhyuk looked at something else. "People will find out about the Dimension Battlefield." The inte no longer had information on the battlefield, but there were no other supeputers like Zaira anywhere else. Hard copies couldn¡¯t be stopped. People would talk among themselves. It wouldn¡¯t be like on the inte, but mouth-to-mouth gossip also travelled fast. Soon, everyone would know about the Dimensional Battlefield. "Why did she do it?" Sungtae had done that, and Eunseo was behind him. Junhyuk thought Eunseo had found out about the Dimensional Battlefield because of Sora Shin. She hadn¡¯t used Zaira to spread the news, which meant that Doyeol had been against the idea. He finally understood the situation and leaned back on his chair. "Whew!" Leaning back on his chair, he thought for a moment. Sungtae Kwak, Junhyuk had been looking for someone like him. "He hasn¡¯t run away yet," Junhyuk said and concentrated back on his work. --- After lunch, only three people showed up. Soyeon was among them. Junhyuk smiled at her. She sounded collected and she hadn¡¯t given up on finding employment. Eunseo looked at them and said, "Nice to see you all. You had all received high marks on your interviews. Thank you foring again." She handed Junhyuk some documents and continued, "All three of them have passed. Starting Monday, report to the Administrative Department. Until the reconstruction is over, report here for work. We will move to Seoul soon. Be aware of that as well." "Yes!" the three of them answered loudly. Eunseo looked at Junhyuk and said, "Give them a tour of thepany and tell them what you do. You may divide the workload among them." "I understand." She left, and Junhyuk looked at the new employees. "Follow me." Junhyuk took them to each floor and told them what they do. In fifteen days, they would be moving, so he didn¡¯t go into a lot of detail. He took them to the Administrative Department. There were six desks there, and Junhyuk said, "Pick a desk and take a seat." The people took their seats, and Junhyuk told them what they would be doing. There wasn¡¯t much to do, but as he spoke, everyone paid attention. Junhyuk went over their applications and divided the work between them. Among them, Sukjoon Shim had superior foreignnguage skills, so Junhyuk gave him foreign cooperation documents and exined what he had to do. Junhyuk already knew what to do with the new employees, and dividing the work did not take a long time. Giyil Kim was next, and Junhyuk told him about the monitors the Administrative Department was responsible for, and he told him about the monitors that controlled the iron soldier¡¯s deployment. Giyil paid close attention to it all. Atst, Junhyuk looked at Soyeon Shin. "And Soyeon, you will be doing this job." It was the new assignment, the specimen administration work went to her, and Junhyuk smiled and continued, "Then, review your individual jobs. After that, you may leave for the day. Monday is your first day of official work, so don¡¯t bete." "Yes!" they answered him mightily. Soyeon was still standing there, and Junhyuk said, "Go have a drink with your coworkers. Don¡¯t stand around here. I haven¡¯t forgotten about buying you dinner, don¡¯t worry. You may leave." "OK." She bowed to him and looked into her bag, pulling out a box of banana milk for him. Then, she headed to the elevator where the others were. Junhyukughed and drank the banana milk. He gulped the sweet liquid down and threw the empty box in the trash can. "Time is passing slowly today." He wanted to go see Sungtae Kwak, but time was at a standstill. Junhyuk sat down on his chair and told Zaira, "Show me something on dual swordsmanship." He had asked Zaira for that before, so she quickly showed him some footage on dual swordsmanship. Junhyuk watched the footage, and soon, five o¡¯clock came around. He went into the CEO¡¯s office and told her he was leaving. Eunseo nodded, and Junhyuk headed home. From his house, he teleported outside while wearing his mask. Junhyuk tried to get a cab and murmured to himself, "When they move to Seoul, should I buy a new house like this one?" He could do it. He had plenty of money. But it was still an annoyance. "I could still use this house." Junhyuk used public transportation to get to Sungtae¡¯s house. He headed to the basement and eavesdropped. Inside, he heard the sound of aputer, which meant Sungtae was still in his apartment. Junhyuk knocked. No one answered, and Junhyuk said calmly, "Open the door. If not, I will destroy it." No one answered, and Junhyuk grabbed the door knob and twisted it by force. Craaack! The handle broke, and he went inside. Theputers were the only things turned on, and there was no other sound. No one was inside. Junhyuk looked around and walked slowly. The ce was very quiet, and Junhyuk found a room with the door closed. He walks over and said, "Sungtae Kwak." A small whimper answered him from inside, and Junhyuk stood in front of the door, "Come out. I want to speak to you." No one answered, and Junhyuk grabbed the doorknob. Suddenly, a hole appeared on the door, and Junhyuk felt a gunshot. He kicked the door, breaking it down, and Junhyuk saw two men in suits. Sungtae was tied up. Junhyuk had seen those two men before. They were R-agents. Sungtae had a lot of skill, but they had gotten to him. Junhyuk entered the room and heard another gunshot. They were about to shoot again when he ran at them. The R-agents aimed for him, but Junhyuk¡¯s speed was buffed, and he was moving too fast. He was already behind an R-agent when he hit the agent¡¯s wrist, making him drop his pistol, followed by a kick to the agent¡¯s neck. Junhyuk saw the other man aiming for him and also grabbed the agent by the wrist and snatched the pistol away. Then, Junhyuk stepped on the agent¡¯s knee. Craaack! Junhyuk knew they had regenerative abilities, so he didn¡¯t give them a chance. He wanted to hurt them more. They could probably reattach their limbs if they were torn apart. An agent tackled him, and Junhyuk grabbed him by the shoulder and kneed him. The agent fell down, and Junhyuk stepped on him, breaking his leg to pieces. Then, Junhyuk grabbed Sungtae. "Can you walk?" "What? Yes!" Junhyuk untied him. "Pick up your stuffs if you need anything. You must flee from this ce." "Over there!" Junhyuk turned around and saw the R-agents regenerating and standing up. Heughed at them. With a cold stare, he smiled, and the agents shivered. "Move aside if you want to stay alive." Chapter 188: Meeting 3 Chapter 188: Meeting 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - The R-agents crouched nervously. One man pulled a knife from his ankle, and the other pulled a knife from a holster on his chest. Junhyuk looked at them and clicked his tongue. They were both highly trained. Even though they were scared, they didn¡¯t withdraw. He looked back. Sungtae was standing behind him with his face in the open. They knew it now. Junhyuk wanted to move with Sungtae in future, and he had to make sure he could. He looked at the R-agents. One of them was moving toward the fallen pistol, and the other is walking toward him. He slowly walked toward the man heading his way, and the man swung his knife. The man was highly trained, but he was facing Junhyuk. He grabbed the knife with his hand, and hit the man on the ribs. "Ugh!" R-agents had high regenerative abilities, but they didn¡¯t have a lot of defense. Junhyuk¡¯s hit had damaged him, and one blow had destroyed the man¡¯s internal organs. The R-agent vomited some blood, and Junhyuk grabbed his head and mmed it against the ground. Craack! The head caved in and blood sttered everywhere, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t care. He was wearing a mask, but they knew what Sungtae looked like. For Sungtae, Junhyuk had to take care of the business at hand. He raised his head, and the other agent had already picked up the pistol. Again, it wouldn¡¯t work on Junhyuk, so heughed at the situation, but the agent wasn¡¯t aiming at him. Junhyuk dove instinctively. Thuck! With a light sound, the bullet traveled toward Sungtae, but hit Junhyuk, bouncing off his back. Sungtae had been its target, and Junhyuk had rescued him. He pushed Sungtae under a desk and ran toward the agent. Even though the agent realized that the gun didn¡¯t work against Junhyuk, he couldn¡¯t give up his strongest weapon. Thuck, thuck! Two bullets flew out, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t flinch, running and punching the agent instead. The R-agent dodged the first punch and tried his knife. However, Junhyuk punched the agent¡¯s neck and palm-struck the agent¡¯s jaw. Craack! The jaw cracked, and Junhyuk mmed against him, elbowing his nose as a follow-up. The agent¡¯s face caved in, and Junhyuk mmed him to ground. Looking at the pools of blood on the ground, Junhyuk grimaced. Arn had told him not to hesitate to kill in order to preserve himself, but that was the first time he had killed humans in cold blood, and his heartbeat went up. He looked at the two fallen men and said, "We have to get out quickly. Get your stuffs." "Yes!" The two men had died right in front of Sungtae. Junhyuk had killed them to save him, but Junhyuk had done it with his bare hands, and he was terrified. He gathered his things quickly, and Junhyuk said calmly, "No one must see you. Pick up only the things you need, and erase the other materials." "But..." Junhyuk stared at him coldly, and Sungtae shivered and quickly packed his bag. He packed a notebook and external hard-drive, and then quickly wiped hisputers. "I¡¯m done." Within five minutes, Sungtae had finished packing. Junhyuk nodded, summoned the Pure Golden Knight¡¯s set, and told him, "You may leave first. Wait for me in front of the door." "OK." Sungtae left, Junhyuk destroyed all of theputers with his fist. Boom! After that, he walked over the broken pieces, destroying them further, and looked at the R-agents. Their heads were smashed in, but they were still moving. Thinking of it, their bodies had been burned, but they had regenerated. They wouldn¡¯t die. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and looked down at the R-agents. "I warned you to step aside." He could use the Spatial sh, but he didn¡¯t want to leave any evidence, so Junhyuk returned the Pure Golden Knight Boots and stepped on one R-agent. St! The damage he dealt was different from just stepping on them. The R-agent¡¯s head exploded, and he kicked the other agent¡¯s head as well to make sure their health hit zero. Then, he ced their corpses in the Spatial Bag. He would have had a hard time cleaning the scene at that ce if he hadn¡¯t. He picked up a few pieces of paper and rolled them up. He turned on the gas stove, and lit the papers on fire. Then, he threw the burning pieces of paper on the ground. "This should be enough," he said. There wouldn¡¯t be bodies, and the mes should take care of the remaining evidence. Junhyuk walked outside and saw the smoke billowing out. "Did you justmit arson?" Sungtae asked nervously. "Run, if you don¡¯t want to be caught as an arsonist." Sungtae was about to cry, and Junhyuk ran with him, grabbing Sungtae¡¯s wrist and running for areas that were empty of people. They ran for a while and grabbed a cab. The cab took them to Sillim District, which was full of motels. Junhyuk rented a room, and the motel¡¯s owner looked at them judgingly, but they ignored him. Once in the room, Junhyuk went into the bathroom while Sungtae sat on the bed. There was some blood spatter on his clothes, and Junhyuk took a quick shower. He got some training clothes from the Spatial Bag and walked out. Sungtae was trembling, and Junhyuk said, "Go wash yourself." Sungtae turned to look at him and asked, "Did you kill them?" "They knew what you look like, so I had to kill them." Junhyuk sounded nonchnt about killing people, and Sungtae was nervous. Meanwhile, Junhyuk sat on a chair and repeated, "Go wash yourself." "Sure!" Sungtae ran to the bathroom, and Junhyuk pulled out some clothes from the Spatial Bag for him to change into. Junhyuk turned a chair backward and sat leaning forward on the backrest, thinking about what to do. First, he had to rid of the bodies. Corpses wouldn¡¯t decay inside the Spatial Bag. But he didn¡¯t want them there with his valuables, so he thought about dumping them in the ocean. "I will need a boat." He would get a seafaring boat and leave no evidence. Then, he would tie the bodies to something heavy and dump them. "Shit!" he cursed. Killing them hadn¡¯t had to do with his survival, but he had already done it. "It was for Sungtae." If they had gotten to Sungtae, who knows what would have happened to him. He reminded himself that it had been to save someone. While he thought about it, he gripped the chair so hard, he broke it. Junhyuk sighed deeply, and Sungtae walked out. He was wearing a bathrobe, and Junhyuk pointed toward the bed with his chin. Sungtae sat down, and Junhyuk threw him the clothes. "Put these on." "Yes." Sungtae did so very obligingly, and Junhyuk continued calmly, "Today at ten o¡¯clock... did you get paid well?" "I got the money promised to me," he answered. "How much?" "A hundred thousand dors." "A hundred thousand dors?" Sungtae smacked his lips and said, "I¡¯ve been sending viruses all over the world and was in control of a hundred thousandputers, so that¡¯s how I did what I did. I thought I couldst ten minutes, but the supeputer was too much for me. It got rid of it all within five minutes, but I still earned my money!" Junhyuk stared at him. "You only got paid $100 thousand for that?" "What?" Sungtae couldn¡¯t speak, and Junhyuk smiled at him. "I will make you an offer you can¡¯t refuse." Sungtae was nervous, but Junhyuk continued, "I will buy you a supeputer, and you will work for me. I will pay you an annual sry of $500 thousand." "A supeputer costs an astronomical sum." "This time, a supeputer stopped your work. How much does a supeputer like that cost?" "The materials themselves cost a lot, and a supeputer like that costs hundreds of millions." "How about $200 million," Junhyuk said nonchntly, and Sungtae nervously did a spit-take. "I want a $1 million annual sry." Junhyuk smiled coldly, and Sungtae asked carefully, "Then $800 thousand?" Junhyuk stared at him, and Sungtae asked again, "Then, $600 thousand?" Junhyuk got up, and Sungtae shouted out, "I¡¯ll work for $500 thousand, but you need to get me a supeputer!" "How much do you think you¡¯ll need?" "A hundred million." "Can we purchase it anonymously?" "I can get the hardware through a special supplier. I didn¡¯t have the money before, but with it, it won¡¯t be a problem." Junhyuk walked over to him and ced his hand on Sungtae¡¯s shoulder. "I¡¯ll pay $300 million for the supeputer, and your sry will be $1 million." "Th-thank you." Junhyuk looked at him and added, "For the time being, stay here. I¡¯ll prepare aodations for you. How much space will you need for a supeputer?" "At least a three-storied building with 3,600 sq. feet." "Sure, I¡¯ll get it ready," he said and took a thousand dors out of his wallet and handed it to him. "I don¡¯t know how long it will take. Take this money and don¡¯t use anything that can be traced." "I can¡¯t live on that amount for a month." Junhyuk thought Sungtae wasn¡¯t an ordinary person even if he looked dumb. His life was in danger, but he still negotiated his sry and he wanted more money for now. Junhyuk gave him another thousand dors and the number to his burner phone. "If you need anything, call me on this phone." "Sure." Junhyuk walked to the door, but turned back and said, "Don¡¯t even think about running. Think about what they will do to you if they catch you." "I won¡¯t betray you." "I will contact you on the weekend. Meanwhile, get in touch with your supplier for the supeputer." "Sure." Junhyuk was about to leave when he stopped again, "Just in case, erase all your information from the inte." "I¡¯ll wipe everything." Junhyuk had nothing more to say and walked out. He had a lot to do. First, he had to purchase a building. After he spent the $300 million, he would have $300 million left. He would look into a 3,600 sq. feet, three-storied building. If possible, he would get a ce near a subway station, but that would be expensive. Still, he was willing to spend some money. "I need to bring back a mana stone next time. If not, I will go homeless." There was the possibility that he wouldn¡¯t get any mana stones. Last time, he had been unable to bring one back, but he would bring one back, or a leaf. It wouldn¡¯t be too difficult. From now on, he needed more money. He had thought he had a lot of money, but as he started spending it, it went away at incredible speed. Chapter 189: New Partner 1 Chapter 189: New Partner 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Doyeol was looking at the faces on the monitors, frowning. Charles Rockefeller was speaking, "Are the R-agents in South Korea not well trained? Don¡¯t you realize the damage it did to us?" "I know that." "The hacker is quite skilled and could seriously damage us. If we had him, he could work for us, but if he works for the opposition, he could be a hindrance!" Doyeol sighed, and Charles turned to Elise and asked, "Don¡¯t you have the CCTV recordings from Zaira?" "Someone erased all recordings from the CCTV cameras nearby," she said calmly. "Do you mean someone moved before we did?" "We hadn¡¯t expected the R-agents to fail, so we didn¡¯t check soon enough. Also, right now, Zaira is analyzing the specimen from thest battle and developing new weapons," she said. "You don¡¯t mean to tell me a hacker is more important than weapons forrge-scale monsters, do you?" Charles clenched his mouth, and the old man said, "We shouldn¡¯t just me it on CEO Kim. The R-agents were killed, so maybe there is a novice involved." Doyeol nodded heavily. "There is a high possibility of that." "You¡¯ve already lost that novice from Japan. By the way, what happened to the novices that appeared in Ennd and India?" A blonde, middle-aged woman on the monitor spoke up calmly, "We got the novice from Ennd, but we lost the one from India." "Disappeared?" The woman nodded, and the old man sighed deeply. "They¡¯ve begun moving in earnest." Doyeol looked at the screen Elise was on. "What power did the novice that appear in India have?" "The power to encase people in a water bubble. Once inside, the people drowned." "Just one person at a time?" "Yes." "If we find where that novice is we will get them, but it will be difficult to find them." "By the way, Anna went over to that side, so they have two novices! We only got one novice this time. Seems we are in a tough spot," Charles said. Doyeol doesn¡¯t speak. He had two novices working for him, but he didn¡¯t want to reveal that. "Did you lose all of the agents? If so, we¡¯ll send more of them from our side," Charles told Doyeol. "I¡¯ll find that hacker, so don¡¯t worry." "Is that so?" Charles looked funny, and the old man raised his hand up. "The hacker gave us some problems, but CEO Kim is fighting the monsters effectively, so don¡¯t me him so much. We trust that you will find that hacker. It¡¯s entirely up to you." "I understand." The old man looked at the others. "Is there anything else in the agenda?" Everyone shook their heads, and the screens turned off. Doyeol held his forehead and murmured, "What¡¯s happened?" The R-agents had not reported back, and Doyeol was taken aback by that, but the recordings of the CCTV cameras around Sungtae¡¯s ce were all erased. Sungtae¡¯s photos were erased as well. He was a fine hacker, Doyeol knew that, and he was able to take care of himself, but that was too much for Doyeol. Zaira couldn¡¯t find the hacker either. Doyeol sighed deeply and got up from his seat. "Focus on finding that hacker." "Yes." The Security Chief left, and Doyeol held his forehead again. Whenever something went right, something bad always followed. --- Eunseo sat on her automated wheelchair and looked outside. Dohee walked over and gave her a USB-drive. "Any trace of him?" "No." "Everything is erased?" "Yes, I erased everything myself." "Just hope we aren¡¯t toote," Eunseo said and fixed her sses. "You may leave for now." "Yes." Dohee left, and Eunseo inserted the USB-drive in herptop and stared at the screen. It showed the video of two men running away in the middle of the night. She paused the video and inspected the face of one of the men. He looked cold. How did he know Sungtae and how had he rescued him? Considering the skills of the R-agents after Sungtae, the cold-looking man had to be more powerful than she imagined. Without letting Doyeol know about it, Eunseo had needed Sungtae to do something, and now he hadpletely disappeared from the radar. When she found out Doyeol had been looking for the hacker, Eunseo quickly stepped in, but she had been toote. After Sungtae¡¯s apartment burned down, Eunseo ordered Dohee to erase all nearby CCTV recordings. "You could help us big time." That mysterious man, he had suddenly shown up and rescued Sungtae while taking care of the R-agents. She fixed her sses and looked at the man on the screen again. --- He reported to work on Thursday, and the only thing he did was prepare for the new employees. There were no monsters, and after work, Junhyuk visited Chulho Park. Chulho greeted him very warmly and said, "A famous person like you! What are you doing here?" Junhyukughed and answered, "I have a favor to ask." "What is your favor?" "I need more burner phones." "Are those useful to you?" "When I need to keep something secret, theye in very handy." Chulho made a call, "Tell Mr. Lee to bring me two burner phones." Someone knocked, and a man entered. He ced two burner phones on the table, bowed and left. Chulho handed Junhyuk the two burner phones and said, "Last time, I gave them to you for free in consideration for our rtionship, but this time I must charge you. But I will give them to you for cheap. Each of them is $100. How about it?" "Thank you." Junhyuk handed him the $200 and took the phones. He was about to get up when Chulho asked him, "Did you hear about what happened yesterday?" "The incident at ten in the morning?" "Right, about the Dimensional Battlefield." "I was at work, so I didn¡¯t really look into it." "Yeah? There is a ce called the Dimensional Battlefield, and the people afflicted by abnormal narcolepsy go there. If they survive the battles taking ce there, those people can return." Junhyuk realized that what Eunseo had done had changed people¡¯s attitude toward narcolepsy. "Then, what do they have to do to survive over there?" "Train with a sword and a shield? Over there, they can only fight by using a sword and a shield." "Is that the middle ages? A sword and a shield?" "You didn¡¯t know? Now, the inte is flooded with searches on swords and shields." Junhyuk thought that was for the best. Minions would have a higher chance of survival if they trained with a sword and a shield. At that moment, Zaira was controlling online information about the Dimensional Battlefield, but if more people returned alive, more people would know about it. "Then, I should practice." "My workers are all training. You should prepare for the worst as well." "Yes, then I will see youter." "Right. Let¡¯s have a drink togetherter." Junhyuk said goodbye, walked outside and went to the subway station. On his way home, he went in a public restroom to put on his mask. --- He gets off at the station in Sillim and went to the motel where Sungtae was staying. Sungtae was eating Budae jjigae (sausage stew) and waved at Junhyuk when he saw him. "Have you eaten?" "No." "Should I order another?" "I¡¯m OK." Junhyuk gave him a burner phone and said, "Use this to make calls." "Sure." Junhyuk is done, but when he was about to leave, Sungtae spoke up, "Did you do it yourself?" "Do what?" "I was trying to erase my image and the CCTV recordings, but they had already been wiped." Junhyuk frowned and said, "I didn¡¯t do it, which means someone else erased them." "Then, they know my face." Junhyuk sighed, "We should move. We¡¯ll avoid CCTV cameras. And hide your face." "Sure." Sungtae worked on his sausage stew. After, Junhyuk took him outside, and both of them ran down a narrow alley. Sungtae is wearing a hat and avoiding the cameras. They took the subway and get off at Seoul University Station to look for another motel. Junhyuk rented a room and said, "If possible, don¡¯t show your face to anyone." "Sure. But there is a limit to how much I can run..." Junhyuk looked at him calmly. "Tomorrow night, I will help you stay hidden, so wait." "Tomorrow night?" "It¡¯s just so you are aware." He didn¡¯t exin any further, and Sungtae smacked his lips. "They want to meet on Saturday concerning the supeputer, is that OK?" Junhyuk pondered a moment. "I haven¡¯t got a building yet." Sungtae showed him hisptop and said, "I didn¡¯t know how much you were willing to spend, but there are many buildings in the Guro District. I checked out one of buildings, it has three stories and it would house a supeputer." "Yeah?" "When we set up the supeputer, it will be good idea to do it under the pretext of establishing a newpany. It will take a lot of electricity to run it, so how about a venture capital firm?" "What will it do as apany?" "I invented some things and haven¡¯t patented them yet, so how about developing those things." "Do you need a supeputer for the job?" "We just need them as an excuse for anybody investigating from the outside." Junhyuk thought for a moment. "Sure. How much is the building?" "It¡¯s a ten-story building for $40 million." "Fine. I¡¯ll buy the building. We¡¯ll make use of all floor, so find out where you can put the supeputer." Sungtae had expected that answer, so he smiled and asked, "Can I name thepany?" Junhyuk remained silent and stared at him, and Sungtae scratched his head. "I was joking." "I¡¯m the owner. Don¡¯t forget it." "Yes." Junhyuk stared at him and said, "Tell them we will meet on Saturday." "Sure!" Sungtae was overjoyed, but Junhyuk ignored him and walked outside. He called thepany selling the building. The building was new, so whoever bought it could move in right away. Someone picked up the phone, and Junhyuk said, "I¡¯m trying to buy one of your buildings. Can I see it now?" "Of course! Where do you want to meet?" "Guro Station." He hung up the phone and headed toward Guro Station. He will buy it in his own name, but he would pretend he was buying it for someone else, so he didn¡¯t take the mask off. At Guro Station, Junhyuk met a bald, middle-aged man, who smiled and offered him a seat in his car. Junhyuk got in the backseat and looked out of the window. "Do you want to see something in particr?" "There is a newly built ten-story building. Let¡¯s go there." "Yes, sir." The man sounded very respectful, and that had to be because the building is very expensive. They got there, and Junhyuk looked at the building andughed. Sungtae had picked it out. It was a fair distance from the subway station, but he still liked it. It was new, and he liked how fresh it looked. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected to buy a new building in downtown Seoul, but he followed the middle-aged man inside. They got to the tenth floor, and Junhyuk looked out at the view of the skyline at night and said, "I¡¯ll buy it." Chapter 190: New Partner 2 Chapter 190: New Partner 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - He was told that they couldn¡¯t do business on Friday, so he scheduled to buy the building on Saturday. Junhyuk headed home. After he got there, he took off his mask and looked into the mirror. After meeting Sungtae, he had spent a lot of money, but that meant that he was getting stronger in the real world. "It¡¯s a good thing that I met him." He had met him because of Eunseo, and Sungtae turned out to be better than expected. If Junhyuk gave him a mask, he would be able to relegate his works to him. Making apany and running thatpany¡¯s activities would be Sungtae¡¯s responsibility. Junhyuk shook his head lightly. The next day, he would have to go back to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, and he wanted to rx. This week, he had had a lot to do, so he hadn¡¯t had time to practice. He teleported to the basement and started to train when his burner phone rang. Junhyuk picked it up, and Sarang was on the other side, speaking cheerfully. "Big brother! You go to the battlefield tomorrow, right?" "Right. What¡¯s going on?" "I just wanted to hear your voice, so I called." "Is that all?" "No. Recently, I¡¯ve started taking stray cats or wounded dogs to my house and healing them. And now I can heal two at the same time!" "What?" "My power has evolved!" "Really?! That¡¯s amazing!" She already had a lot of healing power, and now she could heal two people at the same time. That couldpletely change the flow of battle. Just like Junhyuk¡¯s force field, it was a useful power. "I¡¯ve been too busytely, but it¡¯s nice that your power has evolved. How did youe to heal stray cats?" "The cats just follow me now." "Try not to draw too much attention to yourself." "And I have to spend a lot of money to buy them food." "Don¡¯t worry about the money. Next time we meet, I¡¯ll give you some more. Don¡¯t let the cats follow you around." "Are you giving me an allowance?" "Your power has evolved, so I¡¯ll give you some money." "Cool! Big brother, I love you!" "You are being too loud. I¡¯m hanging up." He wanted to tell her about Sungtae, but it would be better to tell her in person. "Hm. Be safe tomorrow." "Right." He hung up and focused on his training. Kaljaque wouldn¡¯t be there the next day, so it would be easier. "What will they give award me tomorrow?" Junhyuk had earned a Spatial Bag thest time, and that had been very useful to him. He expected to win and to get a new item for his victory. "It¡¯s for winners-only." His opponents were quite powerful. They would have a hard time winning if it was just two of them. Junhyuk wished they would partner with a new, useful champion and swung his dual swords. --- Friday, eight o¡¯clock in the morning. The white light surrounded Junhyuk, and he appeared in the familiar room. He looked around and checked his earnings: 33,440G. There was a lot of money, and he heard the soft voice. [Wee to the Swamp of Despair.] "I don¡¯t need the basic equipment," he said. Unlike before, someone heard what he said, and the basic equipment didn¡¯t show up. Junhyuk checked on his equipment. He was stronger than ever before and, without Kaljaque, he should win. Then, he raised his hand and checked on the new ring. --- Ring of the God of Wind Attack +5 Attack Speed +10% The God of Wind controls the wind, and his power is in this ring. It increases attack power slightly and significantly increases attack speed. Attack power increases by five and attack speed increases by 10 percent. --- "Cool!" he shouted. He hadn¡¯t expected the ring to be that effective. He hadn¡¯t been sure about obtaining weapons from the real world, but that ring was superior in its effectiveness. "Maybe I should rob a museum?" He hadn¡¯t been to any museums, but he might find more items in those. He was thinking about it when a kind voice exined a few things to him. [In the Swamp of Despair, three champions make up one team. By using either or both of two roads, you may attack the enemy. Both roads have watchtowers, so it would be a good idea to not approach them casually.] He had already fought there, so he understood the exnation better. [...and between those two roads, there is a swamp. In the swamp, there is high-ranking sorcerer. When lend him a hand, he will buff you. It could change the flow of battle, so help him if you can.] The high-ranking sorcerer¡¯s buff was surprising. It was difficult to get the andplete that quest. The enemies were aware of it as well. [You may exit through the main door.] Junhyuk stood in front of the door. [This is the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. You have unlimited revives, but each time you die, you lose 3,000G, so be aware of that.] He wanted to earn more money to get stronger. [The reward for victory in the Swamp of Despair will be a Runestone Bag. You may choose one of the highest runestones of each color from the bag. Do your best to win.] Junhyuk¡¯s ears perked up. The highest-quality runestones were very expensive, and they would give three of them to the winner. He had to win no matter what. Junhyuk pushes door, and the soft voice whispered: [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] He walked outside and saw the lizardmen standing there. They were already familiar to him, so he found Aktur and headed to him. Aktur was standing with arms folded, and Junhyuk waved at him. "You came!" "Nice to see you!" Akturughed and said, "It¡¯s nice we won¡¯t have Kaljaque, but this new one iste." "He may bete because he is new." Junhyuk had also been busy listening to the exnations when he got there the first time. Aktur¡¯s eyes glinted blue, and he said, "As long as we don¡¯t get troll, we¡¯ll be fine. I¡¯m hopeful." "Right." Junhyuk stood next to Aktur and looked around. He didn¡¯t know anything about the new champion and just hoped that the new champion wouldn¡¯t be a troublemaker likest time. A sharp voice echoed behind the lizardmen, "Why are you blocking my path?!" The lizardmen wereunched in many directions, and only a champion could treat allied lizardmen like that. However, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t see his face. The size of a champion¡¯s soul was bigger than that of a minion, but he still couldn¡¯t see him. Aktur was curious as well and looked for the new champion. The new champion¡¯s appearance was unusual. The lizardmen made way. The path was cleared, and the champion headed their way. Junhyuk saw him and murmured, "Gon?" He looked like a cartoon! He had a huge head, thick legs and a long tail. He was also entirely red. When he approached, Junhyuk could see that he wasn¡¯t even as tall as his waist. The new champion raised his head. "How did you know my name?" Junhyuk, curious, asked, "Your name is Gon?" "My name is Gongon. I am a member of Red Dragon Tribe. Where are we?" "You didn¡¯t hear the exnation?" "I heard it, but I am a dragon! Why do I have to be in this dump?!" Junhyuk thought he was the loudmouth-type and looked at him, "This is the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. Powerful championse here from many different dimensions to fight." "They must not know about my tribe¡¯s power. I¡¯m a hatchling, and they brought me here!" Junhyukughed bitterly. Arn had already told him that dragons were strong, but the battlefield management had captured dragons and use them as buff monsters. Even if the entire Red Dragon Tribe wanted to fight, they couldn¡¯t handle the battlefield management. Junhyuk looked at Gongon and then Aktur and said, "I¡¯m not familiar with this ce and I don¡¯t have anything to show Gongon. Do you want to go with him?" Aktur looked at Gongon and said, "I¡¯m not the type of person to teach anyone anything." After saying that, he turned around and added, "I will take upper road." Junhyuk looked at Gongon and covered his face with his hands. That hatchling didn¡¯t know anything, it fighting alongside him gave Junhyuk a headache. "Nothing I can do." Junhyuk took a knee and looked into Gongon¡¯s eyes. "Gongon,e with me to the lower road." "Why should I?" Junhyuk felt like beating him up, but he said calmly, "There is a reward for winning in the Dimensional Battlefield." "A victory reward?" "Didn¡¯t you hear?" "Something about runestones. What do you want to do with it?" "It¡¯s a very nice item that can make you stronger." Thinking he could get stronger, Gongon¡¯s tail started wagging, and JUnhyuk smiled. "I¡¯m not sure, but I¡¯ll tell you what I know. Let¡¯s go." "Perhaps." Gongon stood next to him, and Junhyuk looked at Aktur as he took fifty lizarmen with him. "I¡¯ll be going." "See youter." Aktur looked at Gongon and added, "Do well." He left, and Junhyuk took fifty lizardmen with him, and both he and Gongon and started to move. "What are your powers?" Junhyuk asked. Gongon shook his head. "Powers?" "You must have powers." "Wait a second." Gongon opened his mouth and spewed a jet of me. It looked like a handheld fan and it covered a distance of twenty meters. Junhyuk was satisfied with the range, and it could envelop all three enemies within the me. Gongon pondered some more and, this time, headbutted a tree next to him. He covered twenty meters in the rush, and the tree broke in half. Then, he shook his body and light emanated from it. The light shifted into a three-meter tall existence. "What is that?" Junhyuk asked. "It¡¯s a transformation." Gongon raised his w. "When I keep this up, it feels like my body is stronger." Junhyuk wasn¡¯t sure, but it looked like that power increased Gon¡¯s attack and defense. He couldn¡¯t keep it up for a long time, however. After twenty seconds, Gongon looked like a hatchling again. "I can¡¯t keep it up! What is this ce?" Junhyuk raised his hand, and the ivory-colored force field covered Gongon¡¯s body. Gongon looked at it and asked, "What is this?" "My power. It¡¯s a force field and it will protect you." When the force field disappeared after ten seconds, Gongonined, "This ce limits all powers?!" Junhyuk nodded and said, "I can also teleport." He appeared behind Gongon, and the dragon smiled. "That¡¯s an interesting power." Then, Junhyuk showed him the Spatial sh. Far away, a tree was sliced in half, and a glint appeared in Gongon¡¯s eyes. "What?! That attack?!" "It goes through space to sh the enemy. It¡¯s my only long range attack." "A human that has the ability to cover long distances?" Junhyuk smiled. "Until you familiarize yourself with this ce, why don¡¯t you listen to me?" Gongon¡¯s tail tapped Junhyuk¡¯s chest. "I like you. I will trust you for now." Chapter 191: New Partner 3 Chapter 191: New Partner 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk took Gongon to where the enemy had been waiting. Gyulsean and Lugos were present. After seeing them, Gongonined, "A centaur? And what about that one-eyed monster?" "The centaur is called Gyulsean. She is highly-skilled with a spear, and her rush will push you back. In closes range, Gyulsean uses her spear to flip you," Junhyuk calmly exined. While staring at Gyulsean, Gongon hit the ground with his tail a few times. "What about that monster?" "His name is Lugos. He wields four weapons and, when his body turns ck, he can cut the damage received by half. For the ten seconds when his arms erge, he can deal twice as much damage. When he stomps the ground, the shockwaves canunch you into the air." "He must be strong!" "Yes. He is their tank." "What is a tank?" "People with high defense are tanks. Some tanks have high attack as well." Gongon looked them with his huge eyes and said, "OK. For now, I will listen to you, but I will make my own judgements when I fight them." "Sure." Junhyuk scoped out the enemy camp and led the lizardmen to the front. The enemies were still standing around their tower. Seeing that, Junhyuk gave the next exnation, "Do you see the archers on the tower?" "Sure." "You don¡¯t have to pay attention to them ordinarily, but when you fight enemy champions, they get buffed. And they can really hurt you then. That¡¯s why our enemies are staying where they are." "They mean to fight where they have the advantage?" "They don¡¯t know who you are, so that must be their goal." "In other words, they are cowards?" Gongon was smiling and Junhyukughed. "You can think that way." "So, what do we do?" Junhyuk pulled out the Blood Rune Sword and said, "If they get hit by something big, they¡¯lle out?" "Something big?" Junhyuk nodded and measured the distance between them. As he approached them, the enemies stepped backward. But even if they did retreat a little, they wouldn¡¯t get out of the range of the Spatial sh. If they withdrewpletely, Junhyuk could take the tower. Finally, Lugos stepped forward. Junhyuk didn¡¯t pay him any attention and ran forward, using his Spatial sh. "Ugh!" Gyulsean was retreating when her neck started spurting blood. She lost 75 percent of her health. Junhyuk was dealing more damage than before, inflicting an extra 5 percent to her, and he stepped back. The archers shot their arrows at him, but he escaped them and looked at Gongon. "Gyulsean only has 25 percent of her health left." "How do you know that? She does look like she is hurt." Junhyuk smiled. "You can find everything in the Dimensional Battlefield. It¡¯s an item¡¯s ability." "Hm." Gongon saw Lugos stepping forward and swung his huge head around, using his thick legs to stomp the ground. "What shall we do?" Gongon was going with Junhyuk¡¯s n, and he smiled. "Let¡¯s find out what you can do." Gyulsean was drinking a potion at the back line, and Junhyuk quickly analyzed the situation. Her health was back to 45 percent, and Lugos was standing in front of her like a steel wall. There were also archers, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t worried. "Wait twenty seconds." "Why twenty seconds?" "I¡¯ll be able to use my Spatial sh again." The Spatial sh was fearsome because the enemy had no means to recover from its damage, especially Gyulsean, who had already drunk a potion. Once the cooldown of the Spatial sh ended, she would die. At the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, buying time was extremely disadvantageous to the enemy. They couldn¡¯t stand the situation, and Lugos ran forward. Even though the enemies had the tower behind them, the allies could kill them easily with the Spatial sh. Lugos wanted mount an attack when there was no chance of the Spatial sh being used. He ran forward and Gyulsean ran behind him. They knew they could die in twenty seconds, so they decided to attack then. As the enemies ran toward them, Junhyuk said calmly, "Wait." "Until when?" "Until they are out of the tower¡¯s range." Gongon nodded and hunched over. "I can wait." Gyulsean was within range, so she loosened her bowstring. An arrow flew toward Gongon as he stepped forward. Thuck! Gongon was hit on the shoulder and grimaced. "It hurts more than I imagined." "Of course, it hurts." Lugos ran toward them. He was not rushing, but he closed in fast and swung his weapons. It was a four-weapon strike, and Gongon had stepped forward again. Thuck, sh, sh, thuck! Gongon ran forward bravely, but he couldn¡¯t do anything and bounced back. Junhyuk caught him and teleported. They appeared well behind their formation, and Junhyuk checked on Gongon¡¯s condition. He had been hit by an arrow and Lugos¡¯ four-weapon strike, but he had only lost 20 percent of his health. He was frowning and breathing hard, and Junhyuk murmured, "You are stronger than you look?" Junhyuk had enhanced his defensive equipment, but that was the first time Gongon was at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, and he was practically naked. Even so, they had barely damaged him, which meant that his basic defense was far different from Junhyuk¡¯s. What would happen if Gongon wore armor? When Gongon¡¯s size changed, his defense increased. At that point, he would beparable to Jean Clo defense. Lugos closed in and swung his weapons, so Junhyuk sent Gongon back and blocked Lugos. ng! Lugos attacked with all four weapons, but Junhyuk had experience fighting champions, so he looked for an opening and attacked. Even if the attack wasn¡¯t a direct hit, he still inflicted continuous, fixed damage. The situation favored Junhyuk. He shed Lugos in the nick of time, and Lugos frowned. He lost 8 percent of his health. If they kept exchanging ordinary attacks, Junhyuk would have the advantage, and the Blood Rune Sword would heal his health. Gylsean was nearby and loosened another arrow. At that time, Junhyuk quickly grabbed Gongon and teleported over Lugos, shouting, "Hit her!" Gongon didn¡¯t hesitate andunched out. He "flew" over twenty meters and struck Gyulsean. She had had 45 percent of her health, but the hit left her with 15 percent. It hadn¡¯t been fatal, but the damage was significant. "Gongon! Breath!" Again he didn¡¯t hesitate, breathing the fan-like me, which covered Gyulsean. "Aaargh!" Gyulsean screamed aloud and roasted. Then, they heard a familiar voice. [Gongon killed Gyulsean.] Junhyuk now knew how much damage Gongon could deal. He could take away 45 percent of Gyulsean¡¯s health with his attacks. Also, Junhyuk was wearing his armor, and Gongon¡¯s defense was about equal to his without having to wear anything. Gongon looked cute, but he was far stronger than Junhyuk. His powers were a different story, but Junhyuk felt good that Gongon was his ally. Lugos approached them from behind, but Junhyuk heard his footsteps and turned. Lugos¡¯ arms had erged, and he swung a hammer and an ax, and Junhyuk wanted to put an end to the battle. He raised the force field, and Lugos¡¯ attacks bounced back. "Gongon! Transform!" he shouted quickly. "That¡¯s a good idea!" Gongon grew bigger and swung his fists at Lugos. However, Lugos blocked the attack with his spear. Junhyuk understood the problem. Gongon had superior physical ability, but hecked experience, and ordinary attacks wouldn¡¯t work. The transformation increased Gongon¡¯s might, but he had to use normal attacks. At that point, the transformation was useless. Gongon allowed an attack from Lugos. "Ouch!" He stepped back, losing 7 percent of his health. That was all Lugos could do. The cooldown for the Spatial sh was almost over, and Gongon kept on fighting Lugos. Lugos could wield four weapons at a time, and Junhyuk himself had a hard time dealing with him. Gongon was fighting him with bare hands, so the results weren¡¯t great. Still, Gongon was gaining experience. Even though Lugos had four weapons, Gongon had two arms and two legs, and he swung his tail around. He was getting used to fighting and was able to block Lugos¡¯ attack and punch him in the chest. Boom! Lugos staggered and stepped back, losing 10 percent of his health. Gongon had strength. He could fight like that for twenty seconds, and one hit dealt 10 percent of damage to Lugos¡¯ health. The opponent wasn¡¯t stupid, but if a hit connected, Gongon could kill someone with that transformation. "Well rounded?" He had heard dragons were strong, but it went beyond Junhyuk¡¯s expectation. Lugos stepped forward. His skin was turning dark, and Junhyuk knew that he was trying to run away. He stood in Lugos¡¯ path. The force field had disappeared, but he couldn¡¯t let Lugos get away. For his part, Lugos didn¡¯t care and ran toward Junhyuk. Because of the difference is size, Junhyuk would be pushed back, but he didn¡¯t just stand there waiting for the hit. Lugos ran, and Junhyuk sidestepped him and shed Lugos¡¯ legs. He didn¡¯t deal a lot of damage, but he used the Frozen Rune Sword to prevent Lugos from getting away. Lugos slowed down, and Junhyuk approached him from behind and shed at his back with the Frozen Rune Sword. Lugos was hit on the thigh and slowed down even more. Junhyuk had upgraded the Frozen Rune Sword, and it was showing its power. He had been hit by three strikes, and his movement speed had been lowered to half, so he couldn¡¯t get away. Junhyuk circles around and stood in front of him. Gongon walked over and stood next to him. The transformation was over, and he swung his tail, tapping the ground. He stared at Lugos. Lugos looked at both of them, and his eyes widened slightly. He had used two of his powers, but had been unable to make a dent. He also knew that the Spatial sh¡¯s cooldown was over. He wouldn¡¯t survive that time. He had made up his mind and swung all four arms, staring at Junhyuk. "You killed Gyulsean, so I will kill Lugos," Junhyuk told Gongon. "Do you get something if you kill someone directly?" "More gold." "Gold?" "It¡¯s the currency they use in the Dimensional Battlefield." Gongon looked at Lugos and swung his tail. "Sure! I get one. You get one. I like it." Chapter 192: Quest 1 Chapter 192: Quest 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Lugos was extending his arms and running toward them. Junhyuk started heading towards him and said, "Can you use your powers again?" The cooldown for attack powers was usually twenty seconds, so Gongon nodded his head and replied, "I can use my headbutt and breath." "Then, use them both now." Gongon did not reply. Instead, he ran toward Lugos and headbutted him. Lugos raised his arms to block, but he still staggered from the hit. Gongon¡¯s headbutt dealt a lot of damage, but it didn¡¯t push or stun the opponent. Lugos had 50 percent of his health left, but after being hit, he was left with 33 percent. One hit had taken away 17 percent of his health. It was strong. Considering Lugos¡¯ defense, it¡¯s an astonishing blow. Gongon did not stop, however. He inhaled deeply and breathed out mes. The fan-like mes covered Lugos entirely. When Gyulsean died, she had only had 15 percent of her health, so Junhyuk couldn¡¯t measure the extent of the damage, but this time, they would find out how much damage the mes could inflict. Gongon¡¯s mes covered Lugos, and he lost 12 percent of his health. He had 21 percent left, and Junhyuk ran forward and shouted, "I will kill him!" Gongon nodded and stepped aside. Junhyuk saw Lugos and swung his sword. Lugos tried to escape from the Frozen Rune Sword, but it was toote. His neck had been cut, and it bled like a fountain. "Tsk!" Lugos moaned, staggered and soon disappeared. [You killed Lugos and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk¡¯s capacity to deal damage had gone up, and using the Spatial sh, he killed Lugos. Lugos disappeared, and Gongon approached Junhyuk while wagging his tail and asked, "What do we do now?" "We destroy the enemy tower." Gongon looked at the tower and asked, "It doesn¡¯t hurt if I just get hit?" "It still hurts, but if the lizardmen fight first, they won¡¯t focus on us." "Hm," Gongon understood the situation. "Then, let¡¯s destroy it." "Attack!" Junhyuk shouted at the lizardmen. They had been waiting for that order, so they dashed toward the watchtower. When Gongon breathed fire at Gyulsean, the mes had also killed some enemy lizardmen. While the lizardmen attacked the tower, Junhyuk and Gongon supported the attack, and the tower was quickly destroyed. They decided to push on further. They had been lucky to destroy tower so quickly, so they wanted to push on to the second tower. While they were heading toward the second tower, Junhyuk heard a soft voice. [The restrained high-ranking sorcerer in the Swamp of Despair has woken up. Help him out, and he will reward you.] Gongon¡¯s eyes opened wide, and he looked at Junhyuk. "High-ranking sorcerer? Should we be rewarded by sorcerer?" Junhyuk remembered that the rewards from the high-ranking sorcerer were quite good. He tried to exin, but he was talking to a dragon, and Gongon didn¡¯t fully understand. "Just like your powers are reduced here, the high-ranking sorcerer¡¯s powers are also reduced. However, he can still buff you, and the results are impressive." It wasn¡¯t just a powerful buff, it could decided the victor. Among the allies, Junhyuk had highest chance toplete the quest and to fight off enemies who would be trying to take on the quest themselves. Junhyuk looked at Gongon and said, "Wait a second." He sent his intentions to Aktur. "Aktur, I am trying to do the sorcerer¡¯s quest with Gongon. Can I take him?" "If you move together, the enemies will push on that path." "Even if it means giving up a tower, it will be a good idea to show Gongon what a quest is. And more than one enemy might show up on the quest. I could fight them off with him." Aktur remained quiet for a while and then asked, "How is Gongon?" "He has some useful powers and he follows me. If I teach him right, he will be a big help." "Then, give up a tower. I¡¯ll keep an eye on the the situation. I may join youter. Go and do your quest." "OK." Junhyuk was done with themunication and looked at the hatchling. "Gongon, let¡¯s go." Gongon looked at the road and asked, "Both of us are going?" "Right. Even if we lose a tower, you should learn about quests and the sorcerer." Gongon thought for a moment and nodded. "Right! I want to learn more about this ce, so I should go with you." Gongon should learn theyout of the battlefield, and he would learn more. They ran in the direction of the high-ranking sorcerer, and Junhyuk found out that the dragon¡¯s movement speed was much lower than his. If he wanted to get to the sorcerer first, he would have to leave Gongon, but he continued to run with the dragon instead. They had run for a while when Junhyuk said, "The high-ranking sorcerer is at the Swamp of Despair. All roads lead to the swamp, so don¡¯t worry about getting lost." "You thinks it¡¯s possible for a dragon to get lost?" Junhyukughed and answered, "I¡¯m not sure." Gongon didn¡¯t pay attention and kept running. They got to the swamp. It was huge, and there were stepping stones about every three meters leading to an ind in the middle of it. "Can you cross?" "Are you kidding me?" Gongon might be slow, but by using his thick legs, his ability to jump was impressive. He jumped over to a stone in one try and looked back as if waiting for apliment. Junhyuk gave him a thumbs-up and said, "You look cool!" Gongon smiled and wagged his tail. He felt good, and Junhyuk made his way through the stepping stones. Gyulsean appeared on the opposite side. Her movement speed was already well-known. Because he had items that boosted his speed, Junhyuk did not think he would lose in a race, but Gongon was with him at that point. He wouldn¡¯t be able to outrun run with the dragon in tow. Gongon was away of the situation and jumped over the stepping stones, but he was still slow. Junhyuk jumped to the stone where Gongon was standing. The dragon was surprised and tried to jump, but Junhyuk grabbed him. He saw Gyulsean drawing her bow and smiled. "Are you alone?" "What do you think?" He looked behind them and saw Lugos standing there. He had moved to block their path of retreat. Gongon, still being held by Junhyuk, looked back and asked, "What are you going to do?" Junhyuk answered nonchntly, "They made a mistake." "What?" "They areing at us one at a time." Gongon looked ahead and smiled, "Right." Junhyuk ran toward Gyulsean. She drew her bow as he approached. Junhyuk was still holding Gongon while he measure the distance between her and them. Lugos approached from behind, but Junhyuk and Gongon were heading toward Gyulsean at greater speed. Just outside of the range of Gyulsean¡¯s arrows, Junhyuk used his Spatial sh. One could not see it in action, but Gyulsean¡¯s neck opened, and she started losing health quickly. She only had 25 percent of her health left, but she loosened the arrow when Junhyuk got within range. It flew fast, and Junhyuk teleported right away. The arrow missed because of the teleportation, and he shouted, "Go! Gon!" Gongon jumped, heading toward Gyulsean, and he headbutted her. The hitnded. "Argh!" [Gongon killed Gyulsean.] Gyulsean screamed and disappeared. She hadn¡¯t thought about her Junhyuk and Gongon¡¯sbo could kill her even if her attack was high. "That was a sess." Gongon wagged his tail, but when he turned around, he shouted, "Behind you!" Junhyuk turned around to look, and Lugos was already flying toward him. If Junhyuk tried to stop the attack, he might fall into the swamp. However, he wasn¡¯t worried and he teleported in Gongon¡¯s direction instead. He ran the rest of the way and stood next to the dragon, looking back at Lugos. Lugos stopped running and stared at the two. He had already fought them two-against-one and knew the situation wasn¡¯t good. So, he turned around and retreated. Junhyuk faced a dilemma as he saw Lugos running away. He could catch up to Lugos, but fighting on the stepping stones meant that he could fall into the swamp. He was worrying about what to do when Gongon said, "I¡¯ve killed one. That one is yours." He made up his mind. If he let Lugos go, he would interrupt the quest¡¯s progression. So, it would be better to kill him then. Junhyuk grabbed Gongon with one arm and said, "I have to run so be understanding." "I amfortable and nice!" Junhyukughed and runs. Gyulsean was as fast as him, but Lugos was different. Distance between them decreased, and Lugos started worrying. To fight them both, Lugos had a better chance of winning on the stepping stones. He thought for a moment, and decided to ce himself in the safest spot. He remained at the end of the swamp and turned around, brandishing his four weapons. Junhyuk was four stepping stones away from him. In that situation, Junhyuk could very well fall into the swamp. He could use the Spatial sh, but he didn¡¯t like the location of the battle, so he stopped, and Gongon raised his head. "Why aren¡¯t you attacking?" "Wait for a moment." He had run so fast, that his teleportation was still under cooldown. However, Lugos wasn¡¯t running away, waiting for him instead. The cooldown ended, and Junhyuk cracked his neck to the left and to the right and said, "I¡¯ll say it again don¡¯t fall into the swamp. If you do, you will need help to get out." "You will help me." "Lugos will interfere, so don¡¯t fall." "I¡¯m thinking about falling." Junhyuk lifted Gongon and said, "Don¡¯t step in until I tell you to." "Don¡¯t worry." Junhyuk ran, and Lugos¡¯ eyes gleamed. He had fought JUnhyuk before, and he was powerful. He would surely teleport, so Lugos had to be ready. Junhyuk closed in and teleported behind Lugos. He had meant to push Lugos toward the swamp, but Lugos stomped the ground. Boom! "Shit!" Both Junhyuk and Gongon wereunched in the air. Lugos¡¯ arms erged, and the two had nowhere to find footing and had to block Lugos¡¯ attacks. ng! Both of them blocked the attacks, but both fell into the swamp. [You¡¯ve fallen into the swamp. Chance of escape decreases by 70 percent. Your movement speed decreases by 95 percent. If you don¡¯t get out within ten seconds, you will die.] Chapter 193: Quest 2 Chapter 193: Quest 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - It wasn¡¯t fine that they had dropped in the swamp, and there was some distance between the two. Junhyuk extended his hand and shouted, "Hold on!" Gongon extended his hand, but his arms were too short, so Junhyuk sighed and shouted, "Your tail!" Gongon turned his body around and extended his tail, but it wouldn¡¯t reach. Junhyuk inched closer to the dragon, but Lugos was already upon him, swinging his weapons. In the swamp, their movement speeds were considerably low. Therefore, they couldn¡¯t escape Lugos¡¯ attacks, so they used their own weapons to block, sinking them deeper into the swamp. Then, Junhyuk used the powers he had been saving. He teleported and hugged Gongon first. Then, he used the jump skill. He jumped high and went over Lugos. Once hended, he let go of Gongon. Gongon shook his head and body to get himself clean and bared his teeth. "You dare make me fall into a swamp?" Junhyuk ced his hand on Gongon¡¯s head, who turned to look at him, and he said, "Don¡¯t get excited during battle. Make your chest hot, but keep your head cool." Gongon didn¡¯t say anything else and was no longer furious. Junhyuk knew the dragon could normally remain furious and not have to calm down. He was a dragon and powerful enough to crush his regr opponents with his powers even when furious. However, things were different at the Dimensional Battlefield. There, everyone had limits ced on their powers. Dragons were weaker than in reality, and heroes were weaker than in their own dimensions. So, Gongon couldn¡¯t trust his powers too much and run around mad. In the battlefield, other champions could kill him. After Gongon calmed down, Junhyuk said, "Let¡¯s go." He had been waiting for that, so he smiled and ran. Boom! Lugos blocked him with all four arms, but some of the damaged pierced through. Junhyuk ran toward Lugo, and just before Junhyuk got to him, Gongon breathed fire. The two attacks hit in abo, and Lugos lost 30 percent of his health. Lugos swung his weapons toward Gongon, but the dragon had made up his mind and transformed, blocking Lugos¡¯ attacks. After he transformed into therger form, Gongon had difficulty fighting as a full-scale dragon. He kept on fighting Lugos until Junhyuk arrived. Meanwhile, Junhyuk looked for the right moment to sh Lugos¡¯ leg. When cut by the Frozen Rune Sword, one also lost attack speed. Even so, the transformed Gongon kept fighting Lugos and started getting used to his fighting technique. If Lugos lost some attack speed, Gongon could pummel out attacks. Lugos could feel the danger, and his body darkened. Thunk, thunk, thunk! Only half of the damage went through, but the three-hitbo hit, and he lost 15 percent of his health. Lugos steadied himself, and Junhyuk strafed to his back and swung the Frozen Rune Sword again. After the cut, Lugos lost more of his attack speed, and Gongon seized on that. Despite how he looked, Gongon had a natural fighting sense. After Lugos lost some attack speed, Gongon¡¯s attacksnded on him directly. Lugos started losing health quickly. Even while cutting the damage in half, each hit cost him 5 percent of his health, and he only had 45 percent left. Lugos was looking to counterattack and swung his weapons right as Gongon¡¯s transformation ended. The dragon had been over three meters tall when Lugos started his swing, so he ended up shing the empty air, leaving himself wide open. Junhyuk seized the opportunity and cut Lugos¡¯ back, putting him at 39 percent health. His Spatial sh was out of cooldown, but he was waiting for Lugos¡¯ body to return to normal, so he ran toward Gongon. The diminished Gongon swung his tail to attack, but his stance was different form when he was erged. All of his ws and tail were used for both powers when transformed, but now Gongon could only headbutt, use the ws on on his feet and tail to attack normally, leaving himself wide open as well. He exposed himself to a hammer attack, but Junhyuk grabbed him and rolled on the ground. Boom! Lugos mmed the hammer down, and Junhyuk saw that his body started turning gray again and used the Spatial sh. The side of Lugos¡¯ neck was cut and started gushing blood. Then, his body disappeared. [You killed Lugos and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk was still holding Gongon when he said, "Killed him." "You did well. Now, do we go meet the sorcerer?" Junhyuk nodded and, still carrying Gongon, started to run. He crossed the stepping stones and met with the high-ranking sorcerer. Hatma was tied up, and Gongon asked when he looked at him, "Hey, can I untie you?" Hatma looked at dragon and then at Junhyuk. "What is this hatchling? Is today his first day?" Junhyuk nodded, and Gongon frowned. He went over to Hatma and kicked the roots of the tree. Hatma frowned, and Gongon said, "You are just a sorcerer. What are you talking about? I could kill you." "Ha-ha-ha! Just a sorcerer?!" Hatma bared his teeth and said, "If I weren¡¯t tied up, I could beat the crap out you." "Do you want to die?" They exchanged a flurry of words, and Junhyuk thought of what Hatma had told him before. He was a very powerful sorcerer. To Hatma, Gongon looked cute andughable. So, Junhyuk butted in and stopped the arguing. "We are here to help you." "Hm." Hatma seemed ufortable, and he looked at Gongon and asked, "What is your name?" "Ha-ha! Are you qualified to know my name?" Hatma stared coldly at him and said, "Remember this: my name is Hatma, who was called by thunder. You are just a hatchling, unaware of anything. When you return to your ce, ask the Dragon Lord. Ask him about me, and the Dragon Lord will know who I am." "Ha-ha-ha! Don¡¯t make meugh. You remember my name." Junhyuk lifted Gongon and looked at Hatma. He looked at them and said, "This time, bring me the golem¡¯s nucleus. "The golem¡¯s nucleus?" "Right. Follow this road, and you will meet a golem. Destroy his nucleus and bring me the remains." Junhyuk looked at road and asked, "Doesn¡¯t this road lead to the Ent?" Hatmaughed. "It depends." Junhyuk shook his head. "I¡¯ll back." "Do so." Junhyuk thought about leaving Gongon behind, but decides to take the dragon with him, just in case something was guarding the golem. He lifted the dragon in a hug and crossed the stepping stones. It wasn¡¯t an issue to move with Gongon like that. Considering the dragon¡¯s movement speed, it was better that way. "What kind of quest is this? Just killing a golem?" Gongon murmured. "It¡¯s not just a golem. I fought an Ent before, and it was strong." "Laughable. It¡¯s only an Ent?" Junhyuk sighed and said, "Let¡¯s go." He ran for a while and saw the ce where the Ent had been. It had turned into something like a public cemetery. Junhyuk looked around and let go of Gongon. "Where is golem?" the dragon asked after stomping the ground. "Somewhere around here." Gongon inhaled deeply and shouted suddenly, "Bone Golem! Come out! Don¡¯t make me wait!" Soon, skeletal hands came out from the ground of the cemetery, and skeletons surrounded them. "They look scrappy," Junhyuk whispered. "Right?" Gongon started to run around, headbutting skeletons and mming his tail against them, smashing them to pieces. Junhyuk joined in and destroyed the rest. The skeletons were all gone, and the bones gathered in one ce. Chuk, chuk, chuk, chuk! They rose up into a four-meter wide at the shoulders, five-meter tall golem. It looked awkward, and Junhyuk smacked his lips. "Where is its nucleus?" Gongon looked at the golem andined, "I can¡¯t do much here." What he had meant was that if he were his normal self, he would easily find the nucleus. Junhyuk ignored him, gripping tightly to his swords. The golems giant fist swept the ground, aiming at Junhyuk, and he yelled, "Dodge!" However, Gongon shook his head and ran toward the golem. Boom! The fist hit him, and the dragon bounced back. "Gon!" Junhyuk shouted. Once hended, Gongon gritted his teeth. "Shit. It hurts!" Junhyukughed. Gongon had lost 10 percent of his health. He hadn¡¯t been wise, but know Junhyuk knew how strong the golem¡¯s attacks were. Still, he had looked pathetic flying in the air. Junhyuk moved forward, and the golem swung at him. With the huge fisting at him, Junhyuk teleported and appeared on top of the golem¡¯s shoulder. He didn¡¯t know where the nucleus was, so he wanted to attack every ce where it might be. He hit the golem hard on the head. ng! The blow created a shockwave, and the golem¡¯s head was smashed, but the golem swung its arm, aiming for Junhyuk. He jumped down from the golem¡¯s shoulder as the golem twisted around, attempting to elbow him. "Ugh!" Junhyuk blocked the blow, but still bounced back. He was just getting up as Gongon rushed the golem and headbutted it. Boom! The golem¡¯s leg shattered, and it leaned forward. Gongon transformed and low sweeped the other leg. Boom! It shattered, and the golem fell forward on the ground. Junhyuk stepped forward. The golem was getting shattered, but it was also healing quickly. As the transformed Gongon bore into the golem, he shouted, "Where is damn nucleus?!" Junhyuk had been wondering about that too. He was also destroying parts of the golem, but they couldn¡¯t find the nucleus, and the golem was regenerating quickly. Gongon breathed on the golem, burning its chest, and the golem punched the dragon in return. Gongon rolled on the ground from the impact, and the transformation ended. He looked damaged as he got up. "Junhyuk, do you have any ideas?" Junhyuk stepped back and said, "What happens when the nucleus is destroyed?" He could generate a shockwave for that, so he sent his swords away and raised his fist. "There is no other way. We will beat the crap out of him." Chapter 194: Quest 3 Chapter 194: Quest 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - When using his swords, he could a lot of damage, but the shockwave dispersed only horizontally with the sh. However, when using his fist, things were different, the shockwave dispersed in an orb-like manner. Still, the damage was much lower than when using a sword. Junhyuk punched toward the bone golem. The fist hit it, generating a massive shockwave. Boom! The bulk of the damage had toe from the weapon. In general, damage from equipment buffs was not strong enough. However, fixed damage from equipment buffs went through directly. It didn¡¯t matter where the golem¡¯s core was. The shockwave swept through a radius of ten meters, covering the entire golem. Junhyuk kept dodging its attacks and punching it. Boom, boom! The bone golem¡¯s healing rate decreased, and Gongon walked over. He inspected the golem carefully, and his eyes sparkled. "Found it!" the dragon shouted, and headbutted the area. He flew like a cannonball, hitting the golem¡¯s ribs to find the core between the broken bones. Boom! The core¡¯s shell was destroyed, and the bones that made up the golem fell to the ground. Junhyuk looked at it as he walked over. Gongon, who had been covered by the massive pile of bones, burst outining, "When I return, I will kill many undead to release my anger." Junhyukughed and looks for the core among the bones, and he quickly found an object the size of a fist shining. [You¡¯ve gained the Golem¡¯s Core. Be careful! You always drop quest items if you die.] Gongon had heard the same thing and looked at Junhyuk. "When we die, we drop it?" "Correct." "We killed the golem, but the quest¡¯s reward can be imed by our enemies?" Junhyuk nodded, and Gongon continued toin, "Can¡¯t let that happen. I put some effort into getting this item." Then, the dragon extended his short arms toward Junhyuk and said when Junhyuk stared at him, "Carry me." "What?!" "You carry me so we can return quickly. We can¡¯t bete." Junhyukughed and picked up the hatchling. He held Gongon to his side and followed the road. Meanwhile, he sent a message to Aktur. "Aktur." "What is the matter?" "Where is Drakey?" "He¡¯s reviving. I¡¯m destroying the enemy¡¯s tower." Junhyuk thought that things were happening like before. "Can youe to the Swamp of Despair. Our enemies might gather up there." "Already moving." "Meet up soon." Junhyuk ran diligently with Gongon in his arm. On the way, Junhyuk kept an eye to his surroundings. He was worried that he might meet with an enemy. He ran for a while and got to the Swamp of Despair, but there were others already there. The enemies were on the ind. Aktur showed up on the other side, and Junhyuk sent him another message. "What are you thinking?" "We have to go in at the same time." Junhyuk looked at the enemies and sighed. The ind was on a swamp, and they would concentrate in one direction. "It might be dangerous for you, Aktur." "I will go in first and, when they focus on me, I¡¯ll retreat. It will be nice if I can fight them on the stepping stones." Junhyuk nodded and shouted, "Let¡¯s go!" He started running with Gongon, but despite his expectations, all three enemies went after him. They knew how strong Junhyuk and Gongon were together. Junhyuk clicked his tongue. That was not a good turn of events, but the allies were stronger than in the previous battlefield. Even so, they didn¡¯t know how Gongon would perform on a three-versus-three fight. As he ran, Drakey stepped forward. Drakey was a difficult opponent, and Junhyuk turned to Gongon and said, "Hold on tight." Gongon used his hands and tightened his grip around Junhyuk¡¯s arms, and Junhyuk used the jump skill. By jumping, he went over the enemies to stand behind them. Hended and stared at them, and they clicked their tongues and turned around. They had wanted to take advantage of the numerical advantage, but they had failed, so they gathered up. Junhyuk kept searching for an opportunity, and the Spatial sh cut Gyulsean¡¯s neck. She quickly lost a lot of health, and Junhyuk closed in by teleporting andunched Gongon. "Gon! Go!" The dragon flew through the air ready to headbutt the centaur, but their enemies had been watching the events unfold, and Lugos stepped forward and blocked Gongon¡¯s path. The Spatial sh had generated a shockwave that had hurt Lugos, but he still had a lot of health. After being blocked by the cyclops, Gongon stood up, inhaled deeply and released his firebreath. The mes covered the enemies, and Aktur joined in, heading toward them. "Why are you in a hurry?" Junhyuk asked. "Seize the opportunity!" Junhyuk ran as well, and Gongon rolled forward and mmed his tail against Gyulsean, who was low on strength. She disappeared. In this battlefield, she hadn¡¯t been able to fight at all and just kept dying instead. [Gongon killed Gyulsean.] Aktur realized the situation was changing fast and asked, ¡¯Who shoud I grab?" "Lugos!" Drakey had absolute dodge, so he would be hard to pin down. Aktur knew that and grabbed Lugos by the neck and pulled him toward the allies. While that was happening, Aktur also summoned the skeletons. Junhyuk knew he and Aktur could kill Lugos. "Gongon! Block Drakey! "Right!" Gongon transformed and engaged Drakey. Another benefit of his transformation was that itsted for twenty second, and when that ended, he could use his other powers. Its defense worked as well as Junhyuk¡¯s force field, but the force field¡¯s cooldownsted ny seconds. Also, Gongon could continue to fight while transformed. Gongon engaged Drakey, while Junhyuk and Aktur took care of Lugos. After Aktur summoned the skeletons, Lugos¡¯ body turned dark, and he tried to rejoin Drakey. However, Junhyuk prevented his escape by shing his thigh. It was easier to damage Lugos with the three skeleton soldiers as backup. Junhyuk shed him three times, and Lugos gritted his teeth. His defense was buffed, and he still had half of his health, so, even though his movement speed was debuffed, he still tried to runs away. Akturughed at the sight. "He is cute," he said, and ck hands rose from the ground. Lugos was so slow at that point, that he stopped moving. Lugos realized that he couldn¡¯t run away, so he turned around and swung his weapons. However, his body started to go back to its normal color, but he stomped the ground at that time. Boom! The skeleton soldiers, Junhyuk and Aktur were sent into the air, and Lugos¡¯ arms erged as he struck at them. His attacks sent Junhyuk and Aktur flying back. He only had 30 percent of his health, but the allies were thrown into the swamp. [You¡¯ve fallen into the swamp. Chance of escape decreases by 70 percent. Your movement speed decreases by 95 percent. If you don¡¯t get out within ten seconds, you will die.] Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate and teleported out. He quickly closed in on Lugos and swung his sword, but the cyclops blocked the attack. ng! Junhyuk joined the skeleton soldiers still attacking Lugos and while that was happening, Aktur tried to get out of the swamp. However, he had lost 95 percent of his movement speed, so he was having difficulty getting out. Junhyuk cornered Lugos and shouted, "Use the skeleton soldiers to get out!" The skeletons went to help Aktur while Junhyuk continued to pressure Lugos. The cyclops had already lost his movement speed, and, despite having four arms, he was getting damaged by Junhyuk¡¯s attacks. The Frozen Rune Sword sweeped in, and Lugos blocked it with the ax. Then, he pushed it away with the hammer. Lugos stabbed with the short spear, grazing Junhyuk¡¯s ribs. He was very skilled with his weapons, and Junhyuk was injured, but Junhyuk countered to regain his health. The Blood Rune Sword dealt damage to the enemy while healing Junhyuk, and Lugos¡¯ health was nearly depleted. Meanwhile, Junhyuk felt the Spatial sh returning and shouted, "Aktur! You kill him!" Lugos had little health left, so Junhyuk ignored him and ran toward Gongon. The allies had the advantage, so Junhyuk left Lugos for Aktur. "Gongon, I¡¯ll take care of him." Gongon had 60 percent of his health left while Drakey had 50 percent. When Gongon heard Junhyuk, he was no longer transformed. Before disengaging, Gongon smiled and attempted to headbutt Drakey, but Drakey used the absolute dodge. Drakey knew how much damage that headbutt would¡¯ve dealt, so he used the absolute dodge to keep himself safe and prepared to counterattack. Meanwhile, Junhyuk picked up Gongon and released the force field. ng! Drakey saw the force field and frowned. The absolute dodge onlysted for three seconds, but the force fieldsted for ten, so he ran toward the stepping stones. Junhyuk ran after him, still holding Gongon, and Gongon smiled and said, "It¡¯s time." Absolute dodge ended, and Gongon breathed fire. The mes covered Drakey¡¯s back, and Drakey felt himself losing some health and sped up. He had 35 percent of his health left, and Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. However, his two heads moved, one to each sie, and the Spatial sh went through the empty air between them. "What?" It was very difficult to read the timing of that attack, so until that point, the Spatial sh had never failed. How did Drakey dodge it? Drakey smiled and turned around. "He-he-he! Lucky!" "Maybe?" "That¡¯s right. My item gives me absolute dodge." Junhyuk clicked his tongue. He also had an item with absolute dodge, but it only gave him a 10 percent chance, and that rarely happened, but Drakey¡¯s had worked at the right moment. He looked at Junhyuk and said, "Don¡¯t be so surprised. I¡¯ve increased my absolute dodge rate." Junhyuk could upgrade his equipment, and so could his enemies. Drakey¡¯s absolute dodge rate was now much higher. "Even without the Spatial sh, I will still kill you." Junhyuk said, dashing forward, and Drakey smiled. "The force field is done." Drakey extended his hand, and a whirlwind appeared atop the stepping stone, wrapping around Junhyuk and Gongon. Junhyuk knew he was about to fall, so heunched Gongon away. While flying through the air, Gongon extended his hand. "Junhyuk!" Junhyukughed and said, "It¡¯s fine. I¡¯ll kill Drakey, so hold on to him for me." He fell into the swamp. [You¡¯ve fallen into the swamp. Chance of escape decreases by 70 percent. Your movement speed decreases by 95 percent. If you don¡¯t get out within ten seconds, you will die.] Chapter 195: Siege 1 Chapter 195: Siege 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Drakey made Junhyuk fall into the swamp and startedughing. "You should die there!" he said and turned to run away. Gongon went after him, shouting, "Stop!" However, he didn¡¯t have any items and he couldn¡¯t keep up, so Drakey was putting some distance between them. Junhyuk watched Drakey run away while he tried to get to the stepping stone. He still had to wait on his teleport¡¯s cooldown, so without that, it didn¡¯t look like he would get out of the swamp. He made his way slowly and heard a soft voice. [Aktur killed Lugos.] Junhyuk turned back and saw Aktur running toward him after having dispatched Lugos. Gongon had gone after Drakey, so Junhyuk could only rely on Aktur at that point, but he was still very far away. "Aktur!" Junhyuk shouted, and Aktur ran toward him, extending his hand. The bandageunched forward, flying toward Junhyuk. He grabbed it, and Aktur pulled him out. Junhyuk was able to get to the ind and started running. Each of the other members of the allies had killed one, so it was his turn to kill an enemy. Gongon was running in front of him, but he wasgging behind, so Junhyuk picked him up and continued. Aktur looked at Junhyuk andughed, "He is having a hard time." "You can¡¯t call this a hard time." Junhyuk could kill Drakey with the Spatial sh, but he ran away. It would be a problem if the Spatial sh failed again. Junhyuk sped up. Unlike Gyulsean, Drakey didn¡¯t seem to have invest much on his movement speed. Junhyuk was inching closer, and he inhaled deeply. "I should get closer." "How?" Instead of replying, he teleported. The gaped shortened considerably, and Junhyuk threw Gongon, yelling, "Go!" Gongon flew him, ready to headbutt. Drakey turned sideways, dodging the attack. It looked like the absolute dodge had worked again. The cooldown for the Spatial sh had ended. "Escape this again!" Junhyuk used the Spatial sh, and dove forward, but the absolute dodge didn¡¯t work that time. "Ugh!" The Blood Rune Sword shed, and a gaping hole appeared on Drakey¡¯s neck. After the shockwave, Junhyuk teleported again. His sword cut through Drakey¡¯s neck again, on the opposite side of the first sh. Drakey started disappeared, and Junhyuk spoke a few words, "If your absolute dodge is not at 100 percent, don¡¯t unt yourself." [You killed Drakey and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk looked at Drakey¡¯s corpse and said, "Let¡¯s go finish the quest." Gongon, who was standing next to him,ined, "We should havepleted the quest first and then killed him." Junhyuk smacked his lips. "We didn¡¯t have time." Gongon looked at Aktur. "It takes time toplete a quest?" Aktur smacked his lips and said, "It usually takes a while, so we should try to prevent the enemies toplete their ns first." Junhyuk nodded and looked at the dragon. "Let¡¯s finish the quest, and then we¡¯ll go look at some items." The dragon raised his head at the mention of items, and Junhyuk caressed Gongon¡¯s head and said, "Let¡¯s finish the quest first." Junhyuk walked toward Hatma and pulled out the Golem¡¯s Core while Hatma opened his mouth. "Put it inside my mouth." "This is not for eating!" "Don¡¯t bber." He ced the core inside Hatma¡¯s mouth, and the sorcerer chew it. Then, Hatma smacked his lips and showed them his tongue. Junhyuk looked surprised. "The Golem¡¯s Core tastes really good." Junhyuk shook his head. "You ate everything..." "Are youining?" "No, I¡¯m not." Hatma¡¯s muscles twitched, and branches restraining him broke off. He strained to break free from some of them, gathering his hand to his chest, and said, "I¡¯ve been called by thunder. I, Hatma, will give you power to move faster than wind and strike harder than thunder." [The high-ranking sorcerer¡¯s buff is applied. For one hour, your movement speed and your critical hit rate increase by 10 percent. Critical hits deal an additional 30 percent damage. If your enemy kills you, he will take the buff.] After being buffed, Junhyuk looked at Hatma. The roots restrained the sorcerer again, and he looked at Gongon. "Hatchling, when you return, go and ask about me." "He-he-he. Right! I will certainly ask." Hatma was wrapped by the roots and disappeared, and Gongon looked at Junhyuk. "He talks so big about himself!" "He is very confident in himself. When you return, you should ask about him." "When I return, I will ask about many things." Gongon grinded his teeth, and Junhyuk shrugged. "Aktur, what are you going to do?" "Right now, I am saving up money." "Then, I¡¯ll take Gongon with me. What about you?" Aktur thought for a moment and said, "Before our enemies reincarnate, I will go and gather the lizardmen. I feel like I could sweep through our enemies with one push." Junhyuk looked at him and asked, "Is it OK to win so easily?" "Doesn¡¯t matter. We lost ten times straight." "Right." Junhyuk didn¡¯t say anything else and started on his way to the Dimensional Merchant. Gongon, who was running behind him, asked, "We aren¡¯t in a hurry?" "No." "Hm." The dragon clicked his tongue, but Junhyuk ignored him while letting him keep up. He couldn¡¯t leave Gongon behind. Considering what had happened that far, Gongon had earned a spot on his team, so they ran together and got to the Dimensional Merchant¡¯s portal. Gongon looked at it and frowned. "What!?" "This ce sells items." "This portal looks suspicious." "What are you talking about?" "This portal is twisting dimensions. How is that possible? A dimensional portal doesn¡¯t make any sense here." Junhyuk saw Gongon¡¯s surprise,ughed and picked up the dragon while heading inside. "Argh!" Gongon screamed while going in, but nothing happened. "Do you know how dangerous a dimensional portal is?" the dragon shouted at Junhyuk once inside and got a shrug in response. "This ce is safe." "Don¡¯t make meugh! It¡¯s a big deal to open a dimensional portal, but it¡¯s not possible to keep it open this long...!" "Why are you so noisy?" Someone suddenly eximed, and Gongon turned and frowned. Bebe was caressing his chin, just sitting there. "You are just a yeti!" Gongon made to headbutt him, and Junhyuk tried to stop him, but he couldn¡¯t stop a power activation. Gongon flew across the air, but Bebe grabbed his head. Bebe had big hands, and Gongon¡¯s head was entirely covered by one of them. Bebe lifted Gongon by the head and looked into his eyes. "Hey, hatchling." "My name is Gongon." With his head gripped by Bebe¡¯s hand, Gongon attempted to kick, but he couldn¡¯t reach Bebe. Bebe looked at Gongon and then Junhyuk. "This is the new champion?" "Yes." "You didn¡¯t make the contract yourself." "What are you talking about?!" Gongon screamed, and Bebe lost interest and let him go. Boom! Bebe made a slight movement with hand, and Gongon flew off, hitting a wall. The wall crumbled, and Gongon fell on the ground. The dragon had high defense, so he shook his head and transformed. "unt yourself some more!" Transformed, Gongon ran forward, but Bebe raised his hand pped the dragon¡¯s face, hard. p! Gongon spun in the air and hit another wall. Junhyuk was astounded. Bebe was stronger than had imagined, and he felt he had been right all this time for not challenging the yeti. Gongon grabbed his face and looked at Bebe, who justughed, "Baby. You don¡¯t know whoes in here, so lower head and stay quiet." Gongon was angry, and he got up. Junhyuk stood in his way and said, "Gon!" "Step aside!" "Gon!" Gongon inhaled deeply and said, "Junhyuk, I like you. So, step aside." Junhyuk extended his hands toward him. "This ce is the Dimensional Merchant. If you have gold coins you can buy anything. You¡¯ll like it here." Gongon touched Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and said, "I better like this ce." "I told you, they have everything here." The dragon was no longer angry and went back to his regr size. Gongon walked over to Bebe, jumped on the counter and stared at the yeti. "If I ask the dragon lord about you, will he know you?" Bebeughed. "I¡¯m Bebe. Go head and ask him about me." Gongon nodded said, "Fine. Your things, show me what you got." "How much gold do you have?" "Why? Does it cost just to look?" Bebe smiled. "No, that¡¯s not the case. Go ahead and look around." Bebe opened a book for the dragon, and Gongon¡¯s eyes sparkled. While he perused the book, Junhyuk went over to Bebe. "Can I see some items?" Gongon was enjoying himself, and Bebe pushed a te forward. Junhyuk put his hand on it, and 49,440G popped up. "What do you need?" He thought for a second. He could upgrade his armor again with 40,000G, and his armor would get stronger with each upgrade. However, after some time, he shook his head. He wanted to settle his problems in South Korea first. "I want another mask." "A basic mask?" "Yes." Bebe pushed the te forward. "What are you trying to do?" "I just need it." Junhyuk put his hand on it, and the total decreased by 1,800G. After pulling out a mask, Bebe asked, "What kind of face do you want?" "A slightly fat and dumb face." "Right." He tried on the new mask, and it seemed just right. He looked at himself, very fat, andughed. "I like it." If Sungtae wore it, no one would recognize him. "Sure. So far, everyone likes my masks," Bebe said while handing it to him. Junhyuk put the mask away in the Spatial Bag, and Gongon said, "You have good some stuff here." Bebe looked at him. "You are well-spoken for a hatchling." Junhyuk looked at Gongon, but the dragon just shrugged his tiny shoulders. "I learned from my father." Bebeughed and said, "Why are you holding on to 100G?" Gongon was confused, but he said, " The Andes Tribe candy. I heard about it from my father. Give me one." "Payment first." Gongon paid the price, and Bebe got the candy. The dragon put it in his mouth and his eyes widened. "Holy shit! It¡¯s the bomb! Give me a hundred of these!" "Gon!" Chapter 196: Siege 2 Chapter 196: Siege 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl ------ Gongon sucked on the candy and turned his head to look at Junhyuk. "Why?" "You can buy other things with gold. Why are you buying candy?" Gongon smiled and put his short front arms on Bebe¡¯s te. "Charge it." Bebe smiled and said, "Paid." Then, he gave the dragon a hundred pieces of Andes Tribe candy. Gongon took them and ced them inside his Spatial Bag. At which point, Junhyuk became very surprised he had one of those. "Gon, you have a Spatial Bag?!" "This is just the basics. I¡¯m a dragon with significant magic control," he said, smiling. "Even though I¡¯m hatchling." Junhyuk grabbed his head and asked, "How big is it?" "This? It¡¯s not that big. The length, width and height are all ten meters, so it¡¯s a thousand cubic meters." Junhyuk¡¯s mouth hung open. It was extremely impressive. "Do you have another one?" Gongon ate another piece of candy and said, "I have three others that I made. One has five-meter measurements, another one has seven-meter measurements and thest has nine-meter measurements." Junhyuk sighed deeply. "You can make more when you return?" "Sure. It requires special materials, but I could get those," Gongon said while eating another piece of candy. "My father can provide me the materials." "If you sell one, you could get a lot of gold," Junhyuk said evenly. "What?! Really?" The dragon looked at Bebe. "Give them to me, and I¡¯ll tell you the price." Gongon pushed two of the bags forward. "The seven-meter and the nine-meter ones." Bebe looked at them and smiled. "You must¡¯ve made this when you were an amateur. They are very rudimentary." "What?!" "However, they are still valuable. The seven-meter one is 100,000G, and the nine-meter one is 200,000G." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes shot wide. "What did you just say?" "The seven-meter one will sell for 200,000G, and you already know I only pay half the price." "But if you keep spending gold..." "So? There are only a few beings who can make Spatial Bags." Junhyuk felt sick to his stomach. He had risked his life to earn gold, but Gongon had done it while sucking on candy. "I¡¯ll sell them," Gongon said calmly. He extended his hand over the te and easily earned the 300,000G. Then, he opened the book and said, "Give me this one." "Only a few people know of it. It will suit you." "I knew it just by looking at it. This weapon is for a dragon, and when I transform, it will as well." "So, is this what you want to buy? It¡¯s 300,000G." "That¡¯s right! Give it to me quickly!" Junhyuk clicked his tongue. A 300,000G weapon had to be useful with a price like that. Gongon¡¯s attack stat was already high, but he became even stronger. Bebe gave him the weapon. It was a w small enough to fit into Gongon¡¯s hands. It was very small, but it still cost 300,000G, which left Junhyuk speechless. "Would you buy the five-meter one?" "Show it to me." Gongon handed him the bag, and Bebe clicked his tongue. "I can¡¯t buy this. It¡¯s too rudimentary." The dragon twisted his mouth and said,"You aren¡¯t buying it?" "Correct." So, he looked at Junhyuk and asked, "Do you want it?" "What?!" "It¡¯s not as useful as the other ones, but it will still work. Take it," Bebe said nonchntly. Junhyuk extended his hand, saying, "Gon, I love you." "You don¡¯t have to love me," Gongon said, smiling and wagging his tail slowly. "We are all equipped, so let¡¯s go!" Junhyuk took his new Spatial Bag and stepped forward, but Gongon stopped in front of the portal, so he picked up the dragon, and they walked out. Gongon¡¯s body was shaking as he looked around andined, "Is that really safe?" "It¡¯s safe. I haven¡¯t been hurt so far." "Is that so?" Gongon shakes his head and added, "Let¡¯s go! Where are we going?" "Wait." Junhyuk pulled out hismunication crystal orb and called Aktur. "Aktur, we just came out. Where are you?" "I¡¯m taking the upper path." "Let¡¯s meet at the second tower of that path then." "Yes, sure." "You are talking to Aktur?" Gongon asked. Junhyuk nodded, and Gongon closed his eyes butined, "My telepathy won¡¯t work. How are you doing it?" "With this," and Junhyuk showed him the crystal orb. The dragon shook his head and said, "Youmunicate with that?" "Right. I can even use it tomunicate with another dimension from my dimension." "What?!" Gongon was really surprised. He went back inside the portal. Different from before, he was unafraid that time. A momentter, he walked out with amunication crystal in his hand. "How did you buy it?" "I didn¡¯t have enough money, so I sold a few things I owned. Bebe didn¡¯t want to buy anything other than the Spatial Bags at first, but I got this for cheap. It was a good deal." Junhyuk didn¡¯t know why Gongon thought the crystal was that important, but he listened to the dragon. "OK. Now, time to move. If Aktures across our enemies, he will be in danger." Gongon raised both of his arms, and Junhyuk looked at him and said. Like a child, Junhyuk held him to the side of his torso. "Let¡¯s go." Gongon had another piece of Andes Tribe candy on his mouth and was sucking on it while wagging his tail. The piece of candy cost 20G, but Gongon didn¡¯t care about it. He waspletely shameless. Junhyuk had risked his life to hunt heroes to earn his gold, but Gongon had earned his by selling his Spatial Bags. He had received 300,000G at once, so 20G was insignificant to him. Junhyuk took Gongon and headed to the second tower. There, they met up with Aktur, who was taking the tower down. "What about the enemy?" "No one there." "They aren¡¯t after us. Are they preparing for a siege?" Junhyuk mumbled, shaking his head. "I think so. Only the siege remains," Aktur said evenly. "Unlike towers, the castle¡¯s gate can only be broken through by us, while the archers attack us from above with their arrows." Junhyuk smacked his lips and said, "We¡¯ll destroy the tower before moving on." Aktur shrugged. "Right. We have to do what we must," he said. The second tower crumbled, and Gongon extends his arms toward Junhyuk, but Junhyuk ignored the dragon. "We aren¡¯t in a hurry. They¡¯ll be waiting for us." "Hm." Gongon smacked his lips and followed him. Aktur looked at the dragon and then at Junhyuk, saying, "Don¡¯t give him a bad habit." "What?!" Gongon frowned, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "Rx. Aktur is still sore about thest partner he had." Gongon ate another piece of candy and said, "Pick me up instead." Junhyuk sighed and ced Gongon on his side. "Why do you like being picked up?" "Dragons are wise, and I don¡¯t have to exert myself to move that way." "Like a carriage?" Junhyuk asked, smiling bitterly. "It¡¯s not like that. You are special," Gongon said, staring at Junhyk. "Can you give me a ride on your neck?" "That¡¯s fine." Junhyuk started to run. Aktur, who wasn¡¯t interested in the conversation between them, also picked up the pace, and they soon arrived at the castle to see their enemies standing in front of the castle wall. All three enemy champions and their lizardmen were there. Gongon said, "I can destroy the castle¡¯s gate with one firebreath." Junhyuk put him down and touched his head. "Don¡¯t forget, we have to pull one before you can fight." "I know, I know." Gongon extended his short front arms, and the w on his hand shone brightly. "Time to use it." Junhyuk had been expecting it too. Gongon¡¯s attack stat had already been high without a weapon, so Junhyuk expected good things from him after he acquired the w. Aktur looked at the enemy camp. "What shall we do?" Junhyuk thought for a moment a. It was dangerous to go into the enemy camp, but it was also dangerous for Aktur to pull an enemy champion out. Most of them had longer ranges than him. "You should pull them over here," Gongon said, looking at Aktur. "Right." "Then, bring us the two-headed monster. The centaur will die from mine and Junhyuk¡¯s attacks anyway." Aktur looked down at the dragon, "He has absolute dodge. When he uses it, I can¡¯t get him." "Then, bring us that four-armed monster." Aktur looked at Junhyuk, who smacked his lips in reponse. "Lugos can¡¯t run away, so it would be a good idea." "Then, just likest time." Junhyuk looked at Gongon. "I have to go in anyway to kill Gyulsean. They will attack me," Junhyuk said. "How many hits can you take?" "Even with my defensive power, I can¡¯t be hit more than twenty times." "Can the enemy tie me down?" "Drakey has a whirlwind that will lock you down." Gongon thought for a moment, and then hit Junhyuk¡¯s chest with his tail. "Then, you should save me." "You speak so carelessly." Gongon looked forward, and Aktur said, "Then, let¡¯s begin." They would kill Gyulsean first and pull Lugos toward them. There was no issue. Junhyuk had picked Gongon up to his side and started running. On his right hand, he held the Blood Rune Sword while on his left he held Gongon. Gyulsean readied an arrow after seeing them. She knew what Junhyuk was trying to do. She couldn¡¯t withstand the Spatial sh followed by Junhyuk attack, but Gyulsean wanted to deliver some hits in the meantime. Junhyuk saw her. He could kill her without being hit, but carrying Gongon was problematic. "I¡¯ll take a hit." Junhyuk used the Spatial sh, and Gyulsean¡¯s neck spurted blood. The shockwave went through the enemy champions and their lizardmen. Those lizardmen within range all disappeared. Junhyuk picked up the pace. Gyulsean let go of her bowstring. The arrow hit Junhyuk on the shoulder. He was wounded, but he kept approaching the enemies. When he was within range, he shouted, "Go! Gon!" Gongon wanted to try his headbutt, but Lugos stood in front of him, so Gongon used the firebreath instead. After Gongon¡¯s mes, Gyulsean disappeared. She had just managed to hit Junhyuk on the shoulder with an arrow. [Gongon killed Gyulsean.] Killing a champion was good, but arrows rained down from the sky. The archers had been waiting for them, so Junhyuk teleported and picked up Gongon from behind. Lugos and Drakey rushed toward them, but Junhyuk teleported. Boom, boom! The two struck the ground while Junhyuk took Gongon out of the range of the archers. "You did well!" Gongon shouted, and Junhyuk smiled and ced him on the ground. Chapter 197: Thanks To You 1 Chapter 197: Thanks To You 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl ------ Junhyuk and Gongon left the archers¡¯ range while Aktur was extending his hand toward Lugos. Aktur¡¯s bandages flew out and wrapped around Lugos¡¯ neck and pulled him. Even if Lugos were pulled, Drakey had no other recourse, so he ran toward Aktur. The enemies wanted the supporting fire from the archers, but that would be meaningless if all champions were to die. Grimacing, Drakey ran and created a whirlwind. The whirlwind sucked Junhyuk, Gongon and Aktur in, leaving Lugos to retreat. Watching him running away, Aktur extend his hand, and shadow hands raised from the ground to hold Lugos in ce while the whirlwind faded. Junhyuk dropped to the ground and ran toward Lugos, swinging the Frozen Rune Sword. Meanwhile, Lugos swung his hammer back at Junhyuk. The cyclops still had his attack speed, and he didn¡¯t think he would lose the exchange. ng! The Frozen Rune Sword got deflected, and Junhyuk naturally turned his body and struck with the Blood Rune Sword. Unlike is the past, he made use of a stabbing motion. He had trained in dual-swordsmanship and learned to stab. It was rare for him to do it in an actual fight, but the stab¡¯s sharpness exposed his enemy¡¯s weakness. The stab went through Lugos shoulder, and he frowned and swung his ax. Junhyuk pulled the sword out and spun to escape the attack. Boom! The ax mmed on the ground as Junhyuk dodged it, and someone passed by him. "I¡¯ll take care of it!" Gongon had transformed and was running forward. Gongon was three meters tall, and both of his hands had three sharp ws. mes covered the ws, and Gongon attacked with them. Lugos swung the short spear instinctively to block. One of Gongon¡¯s ws bounced off, and he swung with the other one, shing right through Lugos¡¯ ribs. Junhyuk saw that the dragon¡¯s ability to deal damage had increased. One hit took away 13 percent of Lugos¡¯ health, so the damage had increased by at least 30 percent. Junhyuk¡¯s body wasn¡¯t strong, and he depended heavily on weapons to deal damage. However, Gongon could already deal a lot of damage from the start, so a 30 percent increase was astonishing. Lugos could also see that Gongon¡¯s damage had increased. None of them were waiting for Drakey toe to the rescue. At the same time, Lugos used all four of his weapons. Aktur ran forward while summoning the three skeleton soldiers, and Lugos started getting sloppy. Even though he had four weapons and the skill to use them, he was dealing with other champions. With the skeleton soldiers added to the mix, Lugos kept leaving openings that were getting attacked, and the damage was pilling up. They weren¡¯t attacking him with powers, but he quickly lost a chunk of his health. Drakey ran toward him and released the soundwave, which pushed back all three of them. However, Lugos only had 40 percent of his health left, so Aktur shouted, "Kill Lugos!" Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate. The cooldown for the Spatial sh had ended, and he used it. Drakey had gotten closer, so that was an opportunity to attack both of them at once. The Spatial sh cut through Lugos¡¯ neck, and a red shockwave expanded from it. "Ugh!" [You killed Lugos and earned 3,000G.] Lugos disappeared with his eyes wide open, and the group looked at Drakey. He had been running toward them, but he clicked his tongue and stopped. Drakey had lost some health already, so if he strained himself, he could easily get killed, so he retreated. The group thought about chasing him, but stopped because of the archers. With the archers¡¯ help, Drakey made it inside of the castle. "Why is he running away?" "There¡¯s nothing he can do now. He is alone," Gongon asked and Junhyuk calmly replied. Drakey was alone, and at that moment, he could only stay inside of the castle with the golem and wait. That was his only recourse. That way, he could give up the castle without dying because every time a champion died, they lost 3,000G. Gongonughed and looked up the castle wall. "How do we take care of them?" "We could use long range attacks." Junhyuk told him to wait and readied the lizardmen. The enemy lizardmen were getting in position as well. Then, the Spatial sh¡¯s cooldown ended. "The archers on the castle wall are a nuisance, but we¡¯ll sweep them out first." Drakey wasn¡¯t there, so it wouldn¡¯t be a difficult task. Junhyuk signaled when his Spatial sh was ready and started toward the castle. The lizardmen ran with him in the lead, and Junhyuk used the Spatial sh on the archers on the way. The attack killed many, and the shockwave it generated swept through the lizardmen. Half of the lizardmen had already died, and Junhyuk lifted Gongon up. "Please use your firebreath," Junhyuk said andunched the dragon. In the air, Gongon breathed the fan-like fire, killing the archers. Without them on the castle wall, the lizardmen ahead posed no more problems. It was rare to find a specialist in minions like Junhyuk. He ran toward the lizardman, swung his swords, and the lizardmen fell. The shockwaves made quick work of them, and Gongon said, "That¡¯s a nice power? I couldn¡¯t find any items that could do that." "It¡¯s a set ability." "A set ability?" "Yes." Gongon had learned something interesting, and his eyes gleamed. Junhyuk pointed to the gate and said, "We have to destroy the gate before they revive." "Sure!" Gongon started hitting it and the others joined him. Then, Junhyuk looked at the lizardmen and thought of something, Do lizardmen talk about the Dimensional Battlefield once they return to their dimension? Are they like humans? He became curious about a few things, The lizardmen were berserked, so would they be OK once they returned? The gate crumbled, and Gongon advanced to see a huge golem, and heughed. "That¡¯s just a golem! What are they trying to do?" "You can¡¯t deal with it alone," Junhyuk said, and Gongon cracked his neck left and right and stepped forward. Junhyuk ced his hand on Gongon¡¯s head, adding, "And Drakey is still there." Drakey was standing behind the golem, meaning to protect the castle¡¯s force field. Gongon looked at Drakey and asked, "That is the guy who has absolute dodge?" "Correct." "What are you going to do?" Gongon raised his head to look at Junhyuk, who started thinking. "Aktur, can¡¯t you pull Drakey?" "There¡¯s a significant chance I can¡¯t." That meant they had to fight Drakey with the golem, and Junhyuk smacked his lips. "With his absolute dodge, it won¡¯t be easy. We will do our best. Kill the golem first." "Sure!" Gongon¡¯s body moved slightly, and he tried to step forward, but Junhyuk grabbed his head again. "Wait! The lizardmen will get its attention first." Aktur stepped forward. "Attack!" he said coldly, and the lizardmen rushed out. Junhyuk believed that their aggressiveness would help in situations like that. He didn¡¯t have to induce them to madness. The lizardmen ran, and Gongon mumbled, "They are aggressive!" "It¡¯s a good thing." The massive golem kicked them, and they died with punctured stomachs. "Let¡¯s begin," Junhyuk said. He ran out with Gongon after him. While they ran, Junhyuk kept an eye on Drakey. The golem was more powerful than a champion, and Drakey would help it out, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t think he would lose. The matter at hand was to not get killed and win. Junhyuk ran forward, but he didn¡¯t use the Spatial sh. The lizardmen were keeping the golem upied, so he swung the Frozen Rune Sword, shing through the golem¡¯s leg and slowing it down. Gongon rushed forward and kicked it. Ordinary attacks wouldn¡¯t destroy the golem, but they had wary of Drakey. When Junhyuk and Gongon attacked, Drakey used the whirlwind. They were covered by the wind, and the golem swung its fist. Junhyuk teleported and appeared behind Drakey. He swung the Frozen Rune Sword at Drakey¡¯s back, but Drakey swiped with his spear to block the attack. He looked around, and stabbed at Junhyuk with it. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to fight Drakey one on one. He didn¡¯t think he would lose, but his real job was to hold Drakey there. "Kill the golem first!" "YES!" The other two attacked the golem. The golem, however, wasn¡¯t an easy opponent. Itunched Gongon off and mmed Aktur against the ground. Still, it was getting hurt. Drakey, who was dealing with Junhyuk, smiled. "This is fun." "What is?" Junhyuk heard horse hoofs behind him. "Shit!" He turned to look, and Gyulsean already had her spear toward him. She tried to attack him, but he teleported to appear on top of the golem¡¯s shoulder, next to its head, and stabbed it with his sword. Crash! The golem had already lost health, so it was destroyed after the strike. Then, Junhyuk inspected the allies¡¯ condition. Gongon had lost 30 percent of his health while Aktur has lost 50 percent. They had fought the golem in the whirlwind, which was how they had been so hurt. However, Junhyuk had been saving his Spatial sh so that he could kill Gyulsean quickly. With her gone, he would deal with Drakey. He stood next to Gongon. "We have to finish this before Lugos revives." "We¡¯ll earn more money if we kill them more times." "That¡¯s right, but we have to take it easy. We haven¡¯t won yet." Gongon nodded and stepped forward. His defense stat was extremely high, and he enjoyed taking the lead. Maybe it was a condition of Gongon¡¯s pride, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t stop him. Junhyuk ran with the dragon, and they saw that Gyulsean was near the castle¡¯s force field. If he used the Spatial sh, Gyulsean would enter the force field, so Junhyuk smacked his lips. "Kill Drakey first!" Junhyuk was worried that his Spatial sh might fail, so he decided to use it between average strikes. Drakey could use his absolute dodge, and his power wouldst for three seconds. Junhyuk and Gongon had started, and Aktur joined them in going after Drakey. When they finally reached him, Drakey used his absolute dodge. For three seconds, Drakey had no enemy. Before the three seconds ended, Drakey went inside of the force field. Even if they had tried to stop him, they wouldn¡¯t have been able to. Once Drakey entered the force field, Gongon frowned and kicked it, yelling, "Cowards! Come back out here!" Chapter 198: Thanks To You 2 Chapter 198: Thanks To You 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk had his hand on Gongon¡¯s head and said, "Wait for Lugos toe out. We¡¯ll go and destroy the castle¡¯s force field in the meantime." He and Gongon moved to the side and started pounding on the force field. While watching their force field being destroyed, the enemies frowned at the situation, but they didn¡¯te out. Junhyuk had kept an eye out on the enemies. Lugosing out meant that they would have to engage him again, but for him, he could always go back inside the force field, so it was like they were fighting at the frontwn of their enemies¡¯ house. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and said, "Be careful. He can run away anytime." "Sure. It¡¯s been a while since I fought cowards," Gongon said and continued to strike at the castle¡¯s force field diligently. The situation didn¡¯t favor the force field. They continued their pounding, and the force field started to shake. Finally, the enemies came out. Lugos was the sturdiest, so he came out first. He turned dark immediately and stomped the ground. Since he used his powers as soon as he came out, Junhyuk, Gongon and Aktur wereunched into the air. The enemies were aware of the gravity of their situation, and Gyulsean came out shooting an arrow against the allies in the air. Junhyuk blocked the arrow with his sword, but he still received damage. The impact pushed him back, and Gyulsean set her bow aside and pulled out her spear. Finally, Drakey also came out. Drakey opened his mouth, and at that moment, Junhyuk didn¡¯t think twice before raising his force field. He set it with himself in the center, and Drakey¡¯s soundwaves pushed the force field back. Still in the air, they were all pushed back by the soundwave, but the enemies had used their powers. Lugos had already used two powers, so the situation favored the allies. If the enemies went back into their castle¡¯s force field, the allies would destroy the castle. Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. Gyulsean had lost her chance to retreat and was hit by Junhyuk¡¯s power again. Her neck was cut, and blood sttered on the ground. Her eyes shot wide. She could die at any moment. Junhyuknded and looked at Gongon. Without saying anything, Gongon flew in a headbutt toward Lugos while Gyulsean went back behind the castle¡¯s force field. Before she was able to heal and return to the battlefield, the allies had to put matters to an end. They still had Junhyuk¡¯s force field. Aktur showed Junhyuk his w-like nails and asked, "What are we going to do?" "We can¡¯t destroy their force field within the few seconds we have, so we have to kill them first." "OK," Aktur said and ran forward, extending his hand in the direction of the enemies. From the ground, shadow hands rose to grab Lugos and Drakey. Meanwhile, Gongon used his firebreath. The huge mes covered the enemies, and Junhyuk took a deep breath. There was something he had to do while Gyulsean was away, so Junhyuk touched Gongon an Aktur and teleported. They appeared between the castle¡¯s force field and the enemies remaining outside of it. They had blocked the enemies ability to retreat, and Junhyuk looked at Gyulsean. Within the force field, she was drinking a potion and regaining her health. She was frowning. Junhyuk stopped looking at her and looked at the other enemies. "Let¡¯s go." The group started their attacks. Junhyuk turned to face Gyulsean. She coulde out and interfere, so he stayed to deal with her. The allies were attacking and blocking the enemies¡¯ ability to retreat. If Gyulsean didn¡¯t interfere in some way, the allies would have the advantage. She closed her eyes and raised her spear. It wasn¡¯t one of her powers, but Junhyuk kept looking at her while his own force field disappeared. She came running out. Junhyuk knews she was quite skilled with her spear, but he thought she was being stupid. Aktur and Gongon had already pushed Lugos and Drakey back, and that¡¯s when she came out to face the three champions. Her health was at 50 percent, so she could die at any moment. He smiled thinking about her stupidity and raised his sword. While she ran, Gyulsean pointed her spear forward, and something unbelievable happened. Behind her, there appeared ten running centaurs. They looked translucent, like souls, and they were all running toward them. Junhyuk grabbed Gongon and Aktur and teleported. The centaurs remained, stilling after them. "Is that a new power?" Aktur nodded. "She kept dying without doing anything, so maybe she activated a new power in desperation?" Even after teleporting, the centaurs kept charging at them. "Aktur, do we have to kill them?" "Is there such deadly blow?" he said and summoned the skeleton soldier, making them charge against the centaurs. They shed, and soon, both some centaurs and all skeletons disappeared. Crack! The soldiers were crushed as some of the soul centaurs disappeared. The three skeletons along with three centaurs were gone, but the enemies still had seven left. Suddenly, a whirlwind formed. "Shit!" They were drawn into the whirlwind while the centaurs closed in. The centaurs attacked, taking off a good chunk of the allies¡¯ health. Each centaurs had an attack equivalent to 30 percent of Gyulsean¡¯s attack. In other word, that power had a total attack, with all ten centaurs, of 300 percent of Gyulsean regr attack. Gongon lost half of his health, and Aktur was left with 20 percent of his, but the enemies had used all their powers. Junhyuk had 70 percent of his health and swung his sword. The shockwave from Junhyuk¡¯s attack swept through the centaurs. He wasn¡¯t sure if they disappeared on their own or because he had dealt damage over what they could handle, but they were all gone. However, while they were all gone, he didn¡¯t regain any health from it, possibly because they were just souls. Everyonended, and Junhyuk dashed out first. Gyulsean shot an arrow at him, but the arrow passed him by as he lifted his sword. He realized that the 10 percent chance for absolute evasion had worked and he went forward.* He wasn¡¯t aiming at Gyulsean. The shockwaves were enough to kill her even though he had to damage her first. Junhyuk aimed for Lugos and swung his two swords at him. Lugos also swung his weapons. ng! Junhyuk parried Lugos¡¯ ax, and he strafed to Lugos¡¯ side, swinging the Frozen Rune Sword. The sword cut through Lugos¡¯ ribs, and he slowed down. Then, Gongon, already transformed, ran toward Lugos. He had decided to help Junhyuk and joined in the attacks against the four-armed champion. The both of them concentrated on Lugos, and Gyulsean and Drakey decided to approach Junhyuk. Then, suddenly, a roll of bandages flew toward Drakey and pulled him. The twin-headed champion was pulled away, and Junhyuk and Gongon kept attacking. Gyulsean was being ignored, so she ran and hooked Gongon with her spear and threw him back. Once Gongon was out of the way, Gyulsean and Lugos joined attacks on Junhyuk, and he blocked Gyulsean as she rushed him. ng! From close range, the rush pushed him back, and he mmed against the castle¡¯s force field. Lugos and Gyulsean attacked him, and Junhyuk bent forward, parallel to the ground. Lugos¡¯ ax and Gyulsean¡¯s spear passed through the empty air where his torso had been. Then, he stood straight and realized his Spatial sh was ready. As previously nned, he wanted to attack Lugos and let the shockwave take care of Gyulsean. However, she had be a hero, so her health and attack were higher. Still, he felt that he had to kill her, so he swung the Blood Rune Sword toward Lugos, who raised his hammer to block. Then, Junhyuk¡¯s sword disappeared. "Watch out!" Lugos shouted, but the sword was faster. A cut appeared on Gyulsean¡¯s neck, which she hadn¡¯t expected, so she couldn¡¯t really responds. A red, circled shockwave expanded from her neck. [You killed Gyulsean and earned 3,000G.] She had be a hero, and he had killed her, but he still only earned 3,000G. Junhyuk smacked his lips and focused his attacks on Lugos. The four-armed champion only had half of his health when Gongon joined the fight again. "Can I kill this guy?" Junhyuk nodded. "I¡¯ll help you a little and leave." Gongon was still transformed, and Lugos¡¯ arms were erged. However, Junhyuk had attacked struck him twice with the Frozen Rune Sword, so Lugos was considerably slow and was leaving many openings. Gongon was beating the crap out of him, so Junhyuk left to engage Drakey. Aktur was fighting Drakey, but he was being pushed because he didn¡¯t have any powers left. He was also at low health, with only 10 percent left. Drakey could kill him at any moment, but when Junhyuk joined, Drakey frowned. Gyulsean had be a hero, so they thought they had superiority in that team battle, but she was dead and Lugos was in danger. Drakey wanted to kill Aktur, but he had also used all of his powers, and Aktur was on defense. Now, Junhyuk was also attacking him, so there were two of them to deal with. Junhyuk could sh him with the Frozen Rune Sword, and Drakey would lose speed, so he had to fight Junhyuk first. Junhyuk attacked Drakey, but the twin-headed champion¡¯s absolute dodge was working fine. Still, he couldn¡¯t keep doing it forever. It worked about 50 percent of the time, but Junhyuk attacked faster, and the Frozen Rune Sword finally shed Drakey. Then, he heard a familiar voice. [Gongon killed Lugos.] Lugos was dead, and Junhyuk was certain the allies would be victorious. Drakey frowned and swung his spear, meaning to distance himself from the group, but Gongon flew toward him. Boom! Drakey¡¯s absolute dodge didn¡¯t work, and Gongon¡¯s headbutt mmed against him, leaving him with 20 percent of his health. Junhyuk had wanted Aktur to kill with Drakey, but Drakey had been about to kill Aktur. Drakey attacked. "Gongon! mes!" Gongon inhaled deeply and blew it out. Drakey was approaching quickly and extended his spear. The firebreath failed. Drakey escaped it with his absolute dodge, and the spear mmed against the hatchling. "Argh!" Gongon wasunched back, and Junhyuk dash to Drakey, swinging his sword. Drakey¡¯s blood sttered on the ground from Junhyuk¡¯s attack, and Gongon, angry, returned swinging his tail. The tail mmed hard against Drakey¡¯s head while Aktur¡¯s w-like nails pierced his neck. "Tsk!" [Aktur killed Drakey.] Drakey fell, and Junhyuk smiled. "That¡¯s nice! You killed him!" Aktur shrugged. "Let¡¯s end it." Everyone pounded on the castle¡¯s force field, quickly destroying it. Junhyuk looked at Gongon, who raised his head, and touched the dragon¡¯s head. "It¡¯s all thanks to you." Aktur agreed, "This is much better than before." Gongon smiled and wagged his tail slowly. "I¡¯ll contact you if I get bored." The hatchling smiled with themunication crystal in his hand. Then, the world disappeared around them. ------ *Editor Note: I thought he was wearing the Doctor¡¯s Coat. He put it on in Ch. 179, and I don¡¯t remember him changing it back. Chapter 199: New Employees 1 Chapter 199: New Employees 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl ------ Gongon disappeared, and the world around him shattered. Junhyuk clenched his hands into fists. Kaljaque was gone, and Gongon hade because of it. They had been able to win easily. He had been victorious in all of his battle, but he wasn¡¯t sure when hest enjoyed a victory like that. He was smiling hard as his surroundings turned white. In front of him, there was square box, which he thought contained the reward for his victory. [Here is the reward victory in the Swamp of Despair. Inspect it.] Junhyuk thought of the reward¡¯s description and touched the box. It opened, and three gems floated out. [The reward for your victory, the highest quality runestones. You may take each colored runestone and wish for the runestone you want of that color.] He touched the red runestone, and various types of red runestones came up as options. He didn¡¯t hesitate and chose an attack runestone. It was of the highest quality and increased attack by sixty. He had gained strength iparable to before and was feeling deeply satisfied. He touched the yellow runestone and invested in defense. His defense would increase by sixty as well. Then, he touched the blue runestone and selected uracy. [The highest quality runestones will be delivered to you, and they will be socketed to an item automatically.] Junhyuk was surprised by that and raised his arm. Every runestone had been socketed to his item. He didn¡¯t need Bebe. "I like it." He tapped his arm and smiled. His attack and defense had both increased. [The next champions¡¯ battlefield will take ce two weeks from now. We will see you there.] After the voice spoke, the world shone blindingly again. Junhyuk closed his eyes and waited for the light to stop pounding at his cornea. Then, he opened his eyes. Time really hadn¡¯t passed. He got up and picked up his burner phone. Soon, he heard Sarang¡¯s bright voice, "Big brother! Did you win?" "I¡¯ll tell you about it when we meet, but the result was victory." "What was the reward?" "A set of three of the highest quality runestones." "That¡¯s huge!" Junhyukughed and replied, "If you activate another power, you cane to the champions¡¯ battlefield." "Then, I won¡¯t be able to go with you to the Dimensional Battlefield. I won¡¯t." "Don¡¯t talk like that. You must be stronger. And be a champion and a hero." "It was just talk. Don¡¯t get too riled up." "I have to go out. I¡¯ll call you." "Don¡¯t forget it!" He got up, put on his mask and teleported. After he left things to seem like the house was still upied, he left to meet Sungtae. He got to the motel where Sungtae was staying, knocked on the door and waited. "Who is it?" "Open up." He spoke simply but coldly, and Sungtae opened the door. When he saw Junhyuk¡¯s face, he stepped back slowly. Junhyuk followed him inside and took a seat. After he sat on the bed, he pulled out a mask and handed it to Sungtae. "Put it on." Sungtae picked it up, astonished. "Is it some kind of spy thing?" Sungtae pulled it with his hands, and the mask extended, so he ced it on his face. "It feels like skin, and I can breath easily." It was not an average mask. It cost 1,800G, which meant that it cost 1,800 ordinary souls. "If I put on some sses, it¡¯ll be perfect!" He looked like a meathead. Sungtae looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his posture a few times. He hunched his shoulders and bent over. His appearance had surely changed. "This thing really works!" "I told you not to worry." Sungtae smiled and looked at him. "Did you buy the building yet?" "Yes." "We put it in ourpany¡¯s name." Junhyuk didn¡¯t understand and looked at him, and Sungtae handed him a few documents. He looked it over and frowned. "KST Company?" "You don¡¯t like it?" "They are your initials, Kwak, Sungtae?" Sungtae scratched his head. "We can always change it." Junhyukughed and asked, "The name isn¡¯t important. What kind ofpany are you thinking of?" "It¡¯s a shellpany. It exists only on paper." "To whom does it belong?" Sungtae gave him a piece of paper. "Max?" "Yes. That¡¯s the shellpany¡¯s most powerful shareholder¡¯s name. There is a lot of information on him, but there is no picture of him." "Do you want to use my picture?" "Correct! If we do that, it¡¯ll be perfect." Junhyuk took a moment to think. He had wanted to buy the building under his name, but if he did that he would attract attention from others. They needed a supeputer in the building, and it would be better to buy it under a foreign name. He didn¡¯t have supeputer like Zaira and he had already spent half of his capital. It was not the time to reveal himself yet. Junhyuk looked at Sungtae. The man was telling him which road to take, so Junhyuk ced a chair in front of him and sat. "We have to talk." "About what?" Sungtae¡¯s expression changedpletely, and Junhyuk continued calmly, "I am your employer." "I¡¯ll be loyal to you." "Sure. Some things you did have crossed some lines." Sungtae became anxious as Junhyuk spoke. Junhyuk had killed people without any remorse. He didn¡¯t want to cross him. "Sorry if I crossed the line!" Junhyuk stared at him without speaking, and Sungtae realized how heavy the silence was. He bowed deeply, and Junhyuk got up. "If you want to do something, report to me first. Understand?" "I understand." "I like the effort you are putting into things. You may use my picture," Junhyuk said. "Then, I will take a picture of you now." Sungtae took the picture with cell phone and bowed again, saying, "Next time, I will report to you first." Junhyuk remained silent until he thought of something, "Biggest shareholder... Do you mean that there are other shareholders?" Sungtae started sweating heavily, and Junhyuk smiled cooly at him. "There is one other shareholder. He has 5 percent of the shares while Max has 95 percent." Sungtae smiled awkwardly and added, "It¡¯s in there." Junhyuk looked into document and back at Sungtae. "So, you took stock options on your own?" "It would be better to have a publicpany..." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. He had taken the shares, and Junhyuk had to watch him more carefully. "Fine. You will promote me on the inte, but can you create legal evidence on me?" "Of course! The person who will sell me the supeputer will work as a broker. I will ask him for documents for you," he said. "How much?" "Each identification will costs $10,000." "Including yours, so do we need two?" "You are quick." "Tell him to make two then." "Sure." Junhyuk thought for a moment and said, "We will buy the building and get the supeputer and the IDs first. Tell him to meet you early tomorrow morning." Sungtae nodded, and Junhyuk left. He felt better having Sungtae do all of the work. On his way home, he looked up into the starry sky. He was friends with Jeffrey, and Sarang was on his side, but shecked power. He was working with Sungtae to increase his power in South Korea, but he was still very weak by society¡¯s standards. "Next time, I will bring back something that will make me a lot of money." While looking at the stars, he thought of Gongon. "Gongon?" "Whew! I increased mymunication crystal¡¯s ability." "What are you talking about?" "Can you see my face?" Surprised, Junhyuk said, "I can see you! Can you see me?" "No. You haven¡¯t increased your crystal¡¯s ability. I can just hear you." Junhyukughed. Gongon was sucking on a piece of candy. "You were supposed to ask some questions when you returned, no?" "Shit! My own father sold me out." "To the Dimensional Battlefield?" "Right. And I asked about Bebe and Hatma, and he told me to be careful. They mighte after me in my dimension." Bebe and Hatma were scary. Junhyuk knew that and nodded. "Next time, be more careful." "Right! I will be. He is only a sorcerer... Why is he so scary?" Gongon finished the piece of candy and started sucking on another one. "I am on my way home. Call meter," Junhyuk said. "OK, right! Next time, I¡¯ll increase your crystal¡¯s ability as well." "Thanks!" After the conversation, Junhyuk felt good that he had befriended Gongon. The hatchling had given him a Spatial Bag, and he might even give him more stuff. "I¡¯m worried about what will happen when he goes to the Dimensional Battlefield." Gongon was very proud. On the champions¡¯ battlefield, everyone was the same, but heroes were different. Nothing good woulde of annoying them. "Next time, I¡¯ll teach him about it." Gongon listened to him, so he would kindly exin things. --- On Saturday, before noon, Junhyuk met with Sungtae, and they went to the Gangnam district. Sungtae was worried about going to a crowded ce, but they went to a small coffee shop. They were meeting someone, and that person probably thought it would be better to meet in a crowded ce. Junhyuk sat down, and Sungtae ordered a coffee and took a sit. He was sipping on his coffee, when a foreigner came over and sat down next to them. He was slightly bald and wellbed. The man touched his chin and said, "That is a really nice transformation." He attempted to grab Junhyuk¡¯s coffee, but the man saw his eyes and took Sungtae¡¯s coffee instead, sipping on it. Sungtae smiled at the man. "Bro, long time no see!" "Right! We met when you dropped out of school." Sungtae smiled. "You heard about what we need?" "I heard, but do you know how much it will cost?" "I know. But safety is more important." The man wiped his sweat with a handkerchief. "What do you see me as?" Junhyuk, who had only been listening until then, asked, "Your name?" When he spoke, the noisy coffee shop became very quiet. He directed the question to the man, and the man wiped his face. "I¡¯m Brian." He pulled out a package and gave it to Brian. "Things," he said. Brian pulled out a couple of passports and IDs from his bag, and Junhyuk took his and gave the rest to Sungtae. Then, he approached Brian slowly. Brian gulped. "The money is ready. When are you going to be ready?" "It¡¯ll take about two weeks." Junhyuk¡¯s lips twitched. "I¡¯ll give you five days." Chapter 200: New Employees 2 Chapter 200: New Employees 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl ¡ª¡ª¡ª Brian left so fast that he almost seemed like he was running away, and Junhyuk looked at Sungtae. "I see that we¡¯ll be using a swiss bank ount, do I have sole ess?" "¡¯Max¡¯ has ess." "Thepany needs $350 million?" "To begin with," Sungtae said, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly and got up from his seat. "Let¡¯s go. It won¡¯t be good idea if others see you. I¡¯ll take you home." "Could I apany you to buy the building?" "What are you going to do?" "Thepany is making a big purchase, so I¡¯m curious." Junhyuk smiled and replied, "Don¡¯t be nonsensical. Go home and stay there." "I understand." Sungtae was a good social climber. Junhyuk did not speak further. He took Sungtae home and went to sign the purchase. It was a contract, but Junhyuk couldn¡¯t pay the down payment right away. The money hadn¡¯t been transferred to the Swiss bank yet. He told the owner of the building that he would wire the money the following Monday, and they finalized the terms of the contract, and he left. He picked up his burner phone to hear Sarang¡¯s bright voice. "What is the matter? You are calling me first?" "Where are you?" "I¡¯m training." "Can you put on your mask ande out?" "Sure. Where should I go?" "Let¡¯s get something delicious. Can youe to Guro station?" "Yes!" He found a coffee shot near Guro station, ordered himself a cup of coffee and stared out of the window. Before he finished his coffee, Sarang, wearing her mask, showed up. She looked condescending and walked fast. She was probably d to see him. He chuckled as he watched her. Then, he offered her a seat and said, "I wanted to give you something. That¡¯s why I called you." "What is it?" He pulled out the Spatial Bag Gongon gave him and handed it to her. The Spatial Bag was normally invisible to others, but as Junhyuk handed it to her, she figured out what it was. "This is... !" "A Spatial Bag," he said and continued calmly, "ce it somewhere you findfortable. Other people can¡¯t see it." "OK." She smiled and added, "This is really nice!" "Each of its sides measures five meters." "Thanks!" He shrugged. "I got it for free." "For free?!" "Yes," and he told her about Gongon. She listened to everything, and her eyes sparkled. She touched her cheeks and tapped her feet on the floor. "I want to see him! What does Gongon looks like?" "Why?" "I think he is cute!" Junhyuk shook his head. "Well..." "Show me! You can see his face!" "I can¡¯t show it to others." "Really!?" Then, he told her about hispany, "I am setting up a shellpany to buy a building and a supeputer." "Are you serious!?" "Yes. I¡¯ll have it on Monday." "How much is the building?" "Do you want to see it?" "Show it to me." The building was near Guro station, so Junhyuk took her there and showed her the building. She stared at it, astonished. "This is really yours?" "That¡¯s right." "Big brother, can we have dinner on the roof?" "On the roof?" Sarang nodded passionately, and heughed and replied, "We can only get fast food." "I don¡¯t care." They got hamburgers and walked behind the building. Then, Junhyuk teleported them to the top of the building. She was at the very top of a ten-story building and happily sat on the ledge. "That¡¯s dangerous." "If I fall, you¡¯ll use the force field or teleport to save me, so..." "You are brave." He sat next to her and handed her a hamburger. She swished her feet and ate her meal. "This is your HQ?" "Right." "I¡¯ll get some mana stones next time." "Sure. I¡¯ll do the same. I¡¯m spending my money too quickly here in Korea. I need more." She drank her Coke andughed. "I thought it would be enough if I could eat and live, but it seems I need more." "Just because you can eat and live doesn¡¯t mean the world is a safe ce." She remained silent, taking a big bite out of her hamburger. Junhyuk was sitting next to her, eating his own hamburger, and he also swished his feet lightly. Those were simple burgers, but they were eating somewhere different, so it all tasted delicious. Junhyuk chewed on his bit and mumbled, "Should I take some to Gongon?" Gongon was weak against food, so it would be a good idea to keep him well fed. ¡ª On Monday, he reported to work at Ilsan and prepared to greet the new employees. His job was to transfer his workload to them, but when he got there, he saw a desk he hadn¡¯t seen before. "Is there someone else?" That couldn¡¯t be the case. We¡¯ve filled the five slots, so why would there be another desk? He was going to see Eunseo and opened the door, and one of the new employees was already out there. "You came early?" "It¡¯s my first day!" Soyeon looked nervous, and he offered her a seat. He would ask Eunseo about the new deskter. Soyeon had arrived first, but the other employees showed up too. They sat on their desks, and atop each of them there was a worker¡¯s manual. He looked at them. "Read over your manuals and ask me if you have any questions." Junhyuk nned to spend his morning on the work transfer. Then, they heard the clicking of high heels outside. He turned around, the door opened and a familiar woman walked in. He looked at her and wondered who she was. She had 150 health and 300 mana. "Nice to meet you. I¡¯ve been assigned to the Administrative Department today. I¡¯m Tsubasa." "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Junhyuk Lee." She was the woman with the ignition power that had been found in Japan. It was the first time he heard her name, but he was aware of her power. He realized the new desk was meant for her and offered her a seat. Tsubasa sat down, and Junhyuk walked over to her. "Did they tell you about your work?" "No. They told me I would find out about it here." He thought for a moment before saying, "You¡¯ll do the same job as Soyeon. She¡¯ll be moving the monsters¡¯ bodies into storage, and it¡¯s a lot of work." "Sure." He thought Tsubasa was fluent in Korean and realized something else. She too had taken thenguage pill, so she fit right in at the Administrative Department. She would be working with Soyeon, and he made that decision to make use of her power. At least, if anything happened, Soyeon would be safe with her. Junhyuk assigned them some work and went to look for Eunseo. Outside of the CEO¡¯s office, he saw Dohee, who guided him inside. Junhyuk was offered a seat, and once he sat down, he asked Eunseo, "Today, someone showed up who we did not select. Could you tell me about that?" "My brother suggested her. I checked it already, and she¡¯s fluent in manynguages," she answered. Doyeol had suggested her, and of course he did. Jeffrey had captured her. He looked at Eunseo and realized something else. With Tsubasa¡¯s attack power, she had the ability to protect Eunseo. HQ had been attack by monsterstely, and Tsubasa could be Eunseo¡¯sst line of defense. She looked at him. "How long will it take to train them for all of the work?" "Two weeks should be enough." "Do you mean you will quit in two weeks?" Junhyuk nodded, and Eunseo hid her face. "We will have a congrattory party for the new employees. It will also be a good bye party for you." "You don¡¯t have to do that." "I want to. Don¡¯t refuse." He nodded and said, "OK, but I have a favor to ask." "What is it?" "Could I go out for a while?" "You may. Will it take long?" "No. I¡¯ll be back soon enough." "If you arete, you may go home from there." Junhyuk smiled at her. "Thanks for looking after me." He went out, and Eunseo watched him leave. She sighed and leaned back on her wheelchair, looking at the ceiling and shaking her head as he went out. Dohee entered, and Eunseo said, "Let¡¯s go to the Development Department." "I¡¯ll take you." Eunseo headed to the Development Department where Elise was located. Zaira couldn¡¯t functionpletely in that building, but Elise could still make use of her. She was there, working. Eunseo looked at the things piled in front of her. There was arge orb with electrodes attached to it. Elise had been inspecting it, but she turned to face Eunseo. "You came?" Eunseo approached her and asked, "How is it going?" "It¡¯s going well. If everything goes right, it will be ready in three days." "Three days?" Elise nodded, and Eunseo looked at the things piled up before her. She fixed her sses and murmured lightly, "I¡¯m looking forward to it." ¡ª Junhyuk headed to a bank. It was still before noon, and he entered and headed to the VIP room. He walked briskly and a worker approached him. Junhyuk took a seat, and the worker brought out a cup of tea. "You look familiar." He had worked as a model, and his face was well known, but Junhyuk just said, "I want to see the department manager." "Please, wait a minute." The worked shook his head and left. Meanwhile, Junhyuk sipped on his tea and waited. A bald, middle-aged man walked in.The man saw him, smiled and handed him a business card. "Nice to meet you. You were looking for me?" Junhyuk looked at the worker who started entering the room, and the manager chuckled and waved him off. The worker left, and the two of them remained. "How can I help you?" Junhyuk smiled, "My face is well known, so I have a favor to ask you." "Sure. How can I help you?" Junhyuk pushed his bank book forward. The manager looked at it and looked at him, and Junhyuk said nonchntly. "The transfer has to be made anonymously. No one can know." "That¡¯s possible. I¡¯ll do it myself." Junhyuk handed him the bank ount number, and the manager looked at it. "That¡¯s a Swiss ount." Junhyuk smiled. "The transfer is ratherrge. Is it possible?" "It is. How much do you want to transfer?" He smiled again. "$350 million." "What?!" Chapter 201: New Employees 3 Chapter 201: New Employees 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl ¡ª¡ª¡ª The money was transferred to the Swiss bank, and afterward, Junhyuk checked the ount by phone. He was able to see that the money had, in fact, been transferred, which showed the impression he had made on the department manager. Only the two of them were inside the VIP room, and the manager felt the pressureing from him and almost peed his pants. "I¡¯m joking. Keep this a secret." "I¡¯ll do it." Junhyuk said goodbye and went back to work. He headed to the development department, and Elise was surprised to see him when he got there. "What is going on?" "Could we talk, just the two of us?" Elise nodded. "It¡¯s not even lunchtime yet. Shall we lunch together?" "Sure. I¡¯m buying." They walked out of thepany¡¯s grounds and looked for a nearby restaurant. Unexpectedly, Elise looked for a fermented miso soup ce. They sat down at a restaurant with a strong miso aroma, and Elise ordered her soup, looking satisfied. Junhyuk looked at her. "Do you like this ce?" "Unless one enjoys a culture¡¯s traditional food, one can¡¯t understand that culture." Sometimes, Junhyuk thinks she had taken anguage pill because she was extremely fluent in Korean. He looked at her calmly and said, "I have a favor to ask." "A favor?" He handed her a spoon and filled her cup with water. "I am not sure what Zaira knows, but I have to spend some money, so I¡¯ve transferred some money to a Swiss bank ount." "I know." He knew that was because of Zaira. "Can you make sure you are the only one who knows about this?" Her eyes widened slightly, and she stared at him. "Why do I have to do that?" Junhyuk shrugged and replied, "I¡¯ll bring back many more things from the Dimensional Battlefield to earn some money. If you want to buy those things from me in the future, isn¡¯t this a small favor to ask?" Sheughed. "In other words, I could buy them from you exclusively?" "If you keep me hidden from other people¡¯s attention." She stared at him for a moment and lifted her spoon, "Let¡¯s eat first. We¡¯ll talk moreter." He probed her aura and realized that she would do what he had asked. Then, he took his spoon, and together, they ate their fermented miso soup. It had a really strong aroma, and they were satisfied with their lunch. After finishing it, they got coffee from a vending machine and, while holding their cups, they headed back to thepany. Elise took a sip of her coffee. "If you let me purchase any item you bring back, I will agree to your demand." "How much can you hide me from others?" "I can¡¯t hide basic stuff. Doyeol is already interested in you." "Then, what can you hide?" "I can hide the things you request from here on, like your money transactions," she said calmly. "Keep my assets hidden, and I¡¯ll let you know about other requests." "Sure. Will do." "Do you have enough capital?" he asked evenly. The things he acquired at the Dimensional Battlefield were very expensive, sometimes in the hundreds of millions. She had to have a limit. "Don¡¯t worry," she said smiling, and Junhyuk stared at her quietly. For a simple scientist, she had quite bit of money. Elise looked back at him andughed. "Don¡¯t be too surprised. Do you know how many patents I have? And I¡¯m Robotics¡¯ Head Researcher and one of its shareholders." He was seeing a side of her he didn¡¯t know. They stood in front of their building, and she smiled at him. "Lunch was delicious." Junhyuk waved lightly at her, and when she walked away from him, she said a few more words, "Also, the leaf I bought from you, I learned a few things from it. It¡¯s amazing! If possible, I would like the three¡¯s seed and fruit." "I¡¯ll look into it." She waved and headed back to work. Elise went down to the Development Department, and Junhyuk headed to the Administrative Department. Others had finished their lunch and were on their way back to work. When Junhyuk saw them, he greeted them. "Was your meal delicious?" "Yes." Then, Junhyuk went over the worker¡¯s manual and as much as he knew about the job. ¡ª Wednesday night. Junhyuk was wearing his mask, standing next to Sungtae. Sungtae had new,rge sses on and was wearing a backpack. He lookedpletely different from before. "This is the ce." "It feels different in person than looking at it in a picture." "Let¡¯s go in." He opened the door with a key, and they took the elevator to the top. They got to the tenth floor, and Junhyuk said, "This office is mine." "Ha! Then, let me have the ninth floor." "Do as you please. With the exception of my office, you may use the building as you like." "Really?!" "Yes. Save three stories for the supeputer. We have a lot to do. Also, take care of the building." Sungtae the notebook he had brought with him. "For the building¡¯s security, I¡¯ve already looked into somepanies. They are expensive, but they¡¯llpletely safeguard the building. The most famous securitypanies in this world are Germany¡¯s Ste, America¡¯s Special One and China¡¯s Yellow Dragon." "We can¡¯t use Ste." He had fought against Ste before, so he couldn¡¯t work with them. Therefore, twopanies remained: American¡¯s Special One and China¡¯s Yellow Dragon. "So, those two are the only options that work for us?" "They are pricey, but they are the only ones we can trust. They are skilled at what they do." Junhyuk clicked his tongue. He trusted neither the Americans nor the Chinese. "Then, look for Korean securitypanies, somebody cheap." "Somebody cheap?" "Right. We¡¯ll just buy the entirepany." "It¡¯ll cost you." "It won¡¯t be too expensive." "Right." Junhyuk calmly continued, "The securitypany will take care of the building, but what about the supeputer?" "Brian will install the supeputer. We are preparing a program to oversee it. If it doesn¡¯t work out, we¡¯ll have to hire some people. I have some friends from my college days. You should hire them." "Where did you go?" "MIT." Junhyuk felt the discrepancy in both of their educations and clicked his tongue. "Sure. Do it. Did Brian call?" "Tomorrow, we will get our things." "I won¡¯t be here tomorrow. Can you do it alone?" "By the way, can I sleep here today?" Junhyuk sighed. "You can. I¡¯ll sleep here today as well." No one could recognize Sungtae because he was wearing a mask, but his safety wasn¡¯t guaranteed. It would be better to sleep there and report to work the next day. "Do you want to y a game with me?" "What game?" "A World War game." Junhyuk trusted his reflexed, so he yed the game, but for the next few hours, he lost big to the core of his soul. ¡ª At 3:00 a.m., Junhyuk saw container trucks in front of the building. The containers opened and various electronics were taken out. Junhyuk was looking down from the tenth floor. Brian was standing next to him. "I got the things you requested." Junhyuk looked at him, and Brian felt nervous. "I¡¯ll make sure everything is alright, and then I¡¯ll wire you the money," Junhyuk said. "Of course." They started at three in the morning, and it took them four hours to unload everything. Even so, the speed of the work was amazing. Brian and his team were fast and urate. Everything was installed and working within those four hours. They told him the work was done, and Junhyuk and Sungtae stood in front of the supeputer. Sungtae turned it on and rubbed his hands together, his eyes sparkling. "Then, shall I begin?" He connected hisptop to the supeputer and uploaded something. Junhyuk watched him. Once the upload was done, Sungtae¡¯s hands shed, and Junhyuk pressed his shoulder. "How is it? Is theputer working OK?" Sungtae was typing obliviously on the keyboard, but he recognized Junhyuk¡¯s voice and said, "Yes, it¡¯s working fine." "Then, I¡¯ll wire him the money." "Ah! Wait a moment." Sungtae¡¯s fingers flew across theptop¡¯s keyboard, and he showed it to Junhyuk, "Check it out." Junhyuk looked at Max¡¯s Swiss bank ount with all the transferred money and raised his head. Brian looked at the expectantly. Junhyuk presses "Enter," and the money was wired. He looked at Brian, who checked his smartphone and bowed back to him. "Whenever, whatever you need, let me know. I can get you anything on Earth." "An iron soldier?" Brian broke into cold sweats. "That¡¯s not possible yet." He had said yet, and Junhyuk realized Brian wasn¡¯t an ordinary broker. It was good to know him. He grabbed Brian¡¯s shoulder and said, "As long as you keep it a secret, I will call you from time to time." "Call me anytime!" Sungtae was busy typing, and Brian looked at him and smiled. "Tell him I¡¯ll call himter." Junhyuk nodded, and Brian disappeared with the container trucks. Junhyuk looked at Sungtae, still typing busily, and looked around the mainputer room. It didn¡¯t look like Zaira yet, but Sungtae would fill things in. He tapped Sungtae¡¯s shoulder. "Let¡¯s do thister." "I can¡¯t go out very far." He hadn¡¯t expected that. Junhyuk shook his head and went outside, taking the subwaymonly known as hellway. He was wearing his mask, and the subway wasn¡¯t too packed yet. ¡ª Eunseo looked at the machine Elise was showing her. "It¡¯s finished." "Yes, it¡¯s finished." "Can you sweep with just one machine?" "Yes, you can sweep South Korea with this." She looked at Elise and asked, "How many would you need to cover the entire world?" "Measuring by area, we¡¯d need 1,494 machines. We have one already, so we need 1,493." Eunseo sighed and said, "We need it for major cities. How is the production of iron soldiers?" "We¡¯ve increased the production line, but weck important materials, so there is a limit to production." "Make as many as you can." "I will until I reach the limit." Eunseo nodded and was about to leave when the orb with electrodes attached to it started to move. The machine made a noise, surprising Eunseo, and Elise turned one of the monitors on and said, "A monster attack is expected in a location." Eunseo looked at the machine and asked slowly, "Where?" Elise frowned and said, "Seoul Station." Chapter 202: Monster Hunt 1 Chapter 202: Monster Hunt 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - [A monster is expected to appear at Seoul station. All employees evacuate to a shelter.] The sudden broadcast made the new employees nervous, and Junhyuk turned to them. Before he had a chance to say something to them, the whole building shook. They got more nervous, and Junhyuk looked at each of them. Of all of them, only Tsubasa looked rxed. "Don¡¯t panic. The quake just now was caused by the deployment of the iron soldier." "Really?" "We have two iron soldiers stationed here. Even if something were to happen, we would be safe. Follow me." Junhyuk knew he could protect himself from any situation and was very rxed. His demeanor made the others feel less nervous. He guided them to the basement shelter. The shelter had been made by repurposing the basement parking lot and covering it with steel on all sides. Junhyuk entered and saw that the others were already there. Everyone in the building was now inside the shelter. They could sit and watch things unfold on arge TV screen. Junhyuk knew that the image feed wasing from the iron soldier¡¯s perspective, and his eyes gleamed. He was wondering if it was a good idea to show them the battle. Then, Dohee came out from a room inside the shelter and called for him. "Mr. Junhyuk Lee. Please,e this way for a moment." He entered the room and saw Elise, Eunseo and Sora. Sora saw him and waved at him dly. He bowed slightly to her, and Eunseo offered him a seat. "Just in case, there is another iron soldier preparing for deployment." "That¡¯s a relief, but are you expecting the appearance of a monster?" "Correct," Elise said proudly. "We invented a machine that can predict when monsters will appear." "Is that even possible?" "How we made it is a secret, but it¡¯s possible." "With what kind of dy can you make the prediction?" "Right now, within three minutes." The iron solder was flying over Seoul, broadcasting a message. [A monster is expected to appear at Seoul station. Evacuate the area immediately.] People moved quickly. They knew about the iron soldiers and trusted them. They all believed what it said and ran fast. People thought of monsters as things that massacred people, and they all were busy fleeing. Seoul station was evacuated, and the image in the feed descended as the iron soldiernded. Elise, who was looking at herputer, said, "We have three seconds." Junhyuk thought the machine was more precise than he had given credit. The iron raised its head, and the sky turned dark. Ten huge bats appeared. They were just like the one Jeffrey owned, and Junhyuk grimaced. If even one of those got away, there would be huge repercussions. The iron soldier¡¯s back opened, and missiles shot into the sky. The bats opened their mouths as the missiles approached and released supersonic waves at them. Boom, boom, boom, boom! The missiles exploded in the air, and the iron soldier raised both of its hands. From there, a spray of bullets shot out in the direction of the bats. Their wings were shredded, and Junhyuk was left astonished. "What happened?" Elise smiled and said, "The recently hired scientists coated the bullets in the monster dposition liquid. It renders the monsters¡¯ defenses useless." There was a limit to how many missiles the iron soldier could use, but it had a lot more bullets. The iron soldier fired like he was trying to make Swiss cheese out of the bats, and some of the bats fell from the sky. Five bats had fallen, and the others counterattacked. They flew in, releasing supersonic waves. Three bats attacked the iron soldier. One bat flew toward Seoul station, and the other flew toward Namdaemun, Seoul¡¯s South Gate. The iron soldier flew up, cracking the ground underneath, shooting and killing the three approaching bats. Then, it chased after the one that had gone to Seoul station. The bat released supersonic waves at the station¡¯s shrine, shattering the ss surrounding it. Screams were heard from within the shrine, but the iron soldier arrived, peppering the bat with bullets and killing it. Only one bat remained, and screams could be hearding from the South Gate. The iron soldier zoomed off quickly. Junhyuk was thinking that the iron soldier could easily kill the remaining bat when he heard the emergency siren go off. Elise looked at the monitor and frowned. "We¡¯re expecting another monster attack." "Where?" Eunseo turned to look, and Elise answered calmly, "Where Guardians HQ was located." "They don¡¯t know we¡¯ve moved." "Right." Elise turned around, and Eunseo fixed her sses and said, "We have to go and meet them. I¡¯ll allow the iron soldier¡¯s deployment." Soon, the whole building shoot, and another screen appeared. While watching it, Junhyuk asked, "Why does the building shake before the iron soldier¡¯s deployment?" Elise answered, "It¡¯s on roof." He wanted to ask why she was using the roof if it would be safer to deploy from the basement, but he turned to the screen. The bat that was heading to Namdaemun was flying acrobatically, trying to get away. The iron soldier couldn¡¯t hit it. Even if the iron soldier shot precisely, the bat was moving erratically. It was always flying low and in between buildings. There were people still running on the streets, and the iron soldier could injure someone identally. The bat did not attack the people below, but the crowd had broken into a stamped, and some people had been hurt. Eunseo asked, "Can it move faster?" "It can. It can break the speed of sound. But the shockwaves from that will destroy the area." "OK. Can you evacuate the people from Namdaemun?" "Yes." "Once the evacuation isplete, use of speed of sound is allowed." "There will be coteral damage." "Guardians will reimburse the city for the destruction," Eunseo said, and Elise quickly operated herputer. All of the speaker at the gate red evacuation orders, and people quickly moved inside the buildings. "Then, I will increase its speed," Elise said. She entered somemands, and the image changed very quickly. Screams and the sound of broken windows were heard from every direction, but the iron soldier had already made its way to the bat and was holding onto the bat¡¯s wing. The bat turned around, wing at the iron soldier. The bat grabbed the iron sodier¡¯s leg, swinging it around and mming the iron soldier against a nearby building. The iron soldier kept its aim on the bat, and bullets shot off from its hand toward the bat¡¯s face. Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-ta! The bat¡¯s face was destroyed, and everyone was relieved, but Elise frowned. "Another monster attack is expected at Seoul station." When Junhyuk heard that, he frowned. "Did they just open a door and let them keeping?!" Elise frowned and answered, "I¡¯m not sure what you mean by that, but I will redeploy the iron soldier to Seoul station." "Do it." They looked at the screen to see the same type of monster that had appeared in Paju. At the time, the iron soldier had had a hard time with it, but its weaponry had improved, so it would be able to handle it this time. The fight started, and Junhyuk asked calmly, "Can the iron soldier deal with it?" Elise bit her lips. "It¡¯s time to see what the new weapons can do." Junhyuk was relieved. Paju was far away. If the iron soldier lost, people would die, and they wouldn¡¯t be able to help them. The iron soldier¡¯s new weaponry wasn¡¯t too different from its previous weaponry. The only difference was that it was designed for huge monsters. They were basically the same, but specialized differently. Those monsters couldn¡¯t fly, so the iron soldier seemed to be winning. However, the monster was not ordinary. While its hide was being destroyed, it was taking time to do it. "Another five bats have appeared," Elise said calmly. The iron soldier flew up to shoot the bats, and Elise saw herputer light up again and eximed, "Shit!" Everyone looked at her, and she continued, "There¡¯ll be another monster attack." "Is it going to Paju?" "No, it¡¯sing toward our building." Junhyuk gulped. "Wait! Three minutes is not enough time for us to evacuate the building!" Elise looked at the monitor and continued, "We have to block the monsters to one side, but that looks difficult right now." "Then, what do we do?" "Bring the security team members inside," she told Dohee. Dohee went out and brought in five men. When Junhyuk saw them, he realized they were R-agents. Once inside, Elise walked over to a wall and pushed hard against it. The wall opened to disy a stash of firearms. She smiled at Dohee, "These are intended for huge monsters. Can you handle firearms?" Dohee nodded and signaled for the R-agents. They selected what they liked and also took some ammunition. "The locations have ovepped, and there is no way to know if it¡¯sing from the air or from the ground. I don¡¯t know how strong monster will be, but it won¡¯t be easy to kill." She meant to say that it was possible the monster might not be killed simply by shooting at it, then she sighed and continued, "If a monster does show up, buy some time until the iron soldier returns." The R-agents have quick regeneration powers. so she wanted them to act as decoy until the iron soldier could join the fight. Junhyuk was a little nervous. The R-agents were being deployed, but they were only a bit stronger than minions, and they didn¡¯t know what kind of monster would show up. Normally, R-agents posed no problems for the monsters. "We have 2 minutes. Protect the entrance to the shelter," she said calmly. Dohee signaled, and the R-agents left quickly. Then, Elise looked at Sora. That made Sora curious, and she stared back at her. "And our shelter¡¯s final boss is you," Elise said calmly. "Me?" Sora became nervous, and Elise, smiling, pushed against the wall where the firearms had been located one more time. The wall turned, and the disy changed, and two-handed sword appeared. Sora just stares at her, and Elise shrugged. "Are you familiar with it?" Sora gripped the two-handed sword and looked at Elise. "What do you want me to do with it?" "It¡¯s a longsword designed for huge monsters, and it¡¯s also been coated with dposition liquid." Chapter 203: Monster Hunt 2 Chapter 203: Monster Hunt 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - There were three monitors in the room. One screen showed the iron soldier fighting bats, and another showed the iron soldier fighting the monster with the shell. Thest screen had a feed from inside the building. Elise looked at them and gulped. "Ten seconds before another monster attack." They hadn¡¯t been able to predict monster appearances before, so this time they were more numerous. Junhyuk walked over to Sora. She looked nervous while swinging the longsword with her hands. "The agents will be able to kill the monster," he told her. "I¡¯m hoping for that as well." She rested the longsword against her shoulder and said, "Wait!" Sora stopped talking and used her power. Inside that small space, her movement was astounding. She covered a short distance at high speed while extending her sword forward. There was a spark in her eyes. "This is working." Junhyuk knew that Sora¡¯s blow was not ordinary. If she used it right, it would work just like Halo¡¯s attack. In the Dimensional Battlefield, her strike wouldn¡¯t be recognized as a power. Considering her attack power, it would be better for her to run away from heroes rather than attacking them. However, things could be different when she fought monsters, and in case of Sora, she can move really fast during that second. During that time, she was able to run and attack as well. Junhyuk walked up to her and asked, "How many times can you attack?" She tilted her head and replied, "If all goes well, about three times?" If within that second she could swing her sword three times, that would be of great help to her. However, even though she had a lot of health, she didn¡¯t know which monster she would be facing. So, it might not help much. "Swing twice and use the remaining time to run away." She had faith in him, so she nodded. "The monster¡¯s appeared on the roof!" Elise shouted. On the roof, a dimensional portal opened, and two ck jaguars stepped through. They looked like normal jaguars, but they each had three eyes. When Junhyuk saw them, he grimaced. The jaguars were there to fight iron soldiers, so they had to know the previously-deployed monsters¡¯ defenses had failed. Management probably also knew that the iron soldiers weren¡¯t on site at the moment, and they had sent the jaguars, which meant that those jaguars had to have some special power. They appeared on screen, and one of the jaguar¡¯s middle eye shone bright, lighting up. Then, the ck jaguar took off running and disappeared from the screen. Then, it tore through the elevator doors and jumped down the shaft. The monitor couldn¡¯t keep up with it. As Elise watched, she said, "One of them took the west elevator, and the other took the east." The R-agents quickly moved toward the elevators, and Junhyuk balled his hands into fists. He was curious to know if the R-agents¡¯ weapons would work against the monsters. There were cameras in the elevator and the hallways, and two R-agents went to each elevator. One agent stayed back to protect the entrance to the shelter, just in case. The R-agents took aim at the elevator doors and waited. There was a moment of deathly silence, and then the loud noises started. Boom! The startling sound hade from the basement, and the people in the shelter screamed. However, Junhyuk had no time to pay attention to them. The elevator doors had been crushed, and the ck jaguar rushed out. Rat-tat-tat-tat-at! After all the noise, one of the ck jaguar¡¯s shoulders was bleeding. Obviously, the agents had aimed for the head, but the monster was far too quick. The bullets prated the skin, but the knockback wasn¡¯t significant. The jaguar measured three meters from head to tail, and the agent¡¯s guns weren¡¯t enough to stop it, unless they hit a weak spot. The jaguar dashed forward, shing one R-agent on the chest and biting the other on the shoulder. The R-agent had moved his head to the side quickly to dodge a bite to the head. When the jaguar bit down, the agent pressed the muzzle of his gun against the monsters head and pulled the trigger. Rat-tat-tat-tat-at! The jaguar moved its head, and the bullets missed. However, some were still able to hit the jaguars chin and forehead. Still, the R-agent was getting his shoulder crushed in the process. Meanwhile, the other R-agent recovered from the chest wound and fired multiple rounds at the jaguar, who swung its tail and wrapped around that agents neck. The jaguar pulled the R-agent closer and wed at him. The agent¡¯s head was split in half, and Junhyuk winced. Even for an R-agent, he was too hurt to recover. Then, the R-agent who had been bitten ran toward the jaguar. The ck jaguar opened its mouth in an attempt of another bite, and the agent shoved the muzzle inside of it and pulled the trigger. Rat-tat-tat-tat-at! Things were different from just hitting the jaguar on the chin. This time, the bullets prated the jaguar¡¯s head, and its movements slowed down considerably. Everyone was relieved at the sight, but the jaguar sliced the R-agent in half with both of its paws. A shiver ran through everyone that was watching the feed, but nobody screamed. Sora had been to the Dimensional Battlefield and was used things like that. The others, however, were strangely calm. As Elise watched the screen she said, "West ispromised. East is still engaged." She was cold, but realistic. Junhyuk watched the west feed, where the ck jaguar was twitching and shaking its head. It was staggering and it seemed hurt, but it was stilling. Elise looked at it and looked at Eunseo. "Shall I activate the trap?" "What trap?" "It¡¯s a ymore mine. There are marbles coated in dposition liquid inside, but the building might get destroyed." "What about the shelter?" "Even if the entire building falls, the shelter will be still safe. But it might be a long time before we are rescued." Eunseo fixed her sses and pondered about it. Sora stepped forward and said, "I will go out for now." Everyone looked at her, and she grabbed the longsword. "The total distance is seventy meters, so I coulde back in one second and still deliver one attack." Eunseo shook her head. "It¡¯s too dangerous." Sora rested the longsword on her shoulder. "Right now, that jaguar can¡¯t run. I¡¯m confident in my ability to run, so don¡¯t worry." "When you attack, you could get counterattacked. As you can see, one of their attacks could kill you," Eunseo said, and Sora smiled nervously. "I¡¯ve already met that monster at the Dimensional Battlefield. It¡¯s half dead, and I can get it." She sounded courageous, but Eunseo was still worried. "When Sora uses her power, her physical condition gets maximized, so she has a chance to kill it," Elise said. "What do you mean?" A graph appeared on screen, and Elise continued, "Sora¡¯s power isn¡¯t just running fast. Humans moving at that speed must avoid hitting other objects and require superior eyesight and reflex. Sora will be under better conditioning. She will be OK." Junhyuk had just learned something new about Sora. Not only could she run fast for one second, but her reflexes and senses were heightened as well. Eunseo kept thinking, and Elise said, "In ten meters, we won¡¯t be able to use the trap." Eunseo looked at Sora and had a hard time saying her next words, "Do it." Sora smiled and looked at Elise. "Open the shelter door." She started walking, and Junhyuk hesitated. If she were wearing armor, he wouldn¡¯t be so worried, but she just winked at him and walked toward the door. Sora was carrying a longsword, and the employees that saw her whispered among themselves. Junhyuk focused on the screen. Soon, a shadow appeared, and the ck jaguar¡¯s head was within reach. Before anyone could shout, Sora was back inside. Elise closed the door and smiled. "Just as expected." While moving at high speed, the force inflicted by the strike was different. She had beheaded the jaguar and gotten back. Junhyuk gave her a thumbs up. She was shaking a little, so he could guess how nervous she might¡¯ve been. She had showed a lot of courage. Sora smiled brightly at him and stood in front of the door. Everyone cheered for Sora, but then Elise spoke quickly, "East has been breached." Everyone looked at the monitors, and Elise continued, "Both Namdaemun and Paju monsters have been killed, and the iron soldiers are returning." "How long will they take?" "They are flying at the speed of sound, so the iron soldier from the South Gate will take one minute, and the one from Paju will take thirty seconds." "Understood." Both screens showed the remaining ck jaguar, and only one R-agent was still alive. Sora was nervous, but she walked back outside, and Junhyuk followed her. "How long is your cooldown?" "I have to wait another ten seconds." She had to wait, and the iron soldiers hadn¡¯t returned yet. It would take one of them thirty seconds to return and another ten seconds to get to the basement. However, the R-agent engaged with the jaguar was buying them more time. The jaguar hadn¡¯t been hurt much, and it seemed to understand the power of the gun the R-agent was holding. Junhyuk clenched his fists staring at the door. He heard the loud gunfire from outside, but it stopped within three seconds. Then, he summoned Sherlock¡¯s Leather Bracer, and the Smander Leather Bracer. He wore them underneath his clothes, so no one noticed. He still had his hands balled up. After summoning both items, his defense rose to fifty-five, making him able to withstand the monster¡¯s attack. Sora could kill it, but he had to wait on her power¡¯s cooldown. It would be better if the door didn¡¯t break. Boom! It cracked, but it didn¡¯t break. Boom! It cracked again, and the employees screamed. They had enough courage to work there, but their lives were in danger, so they were losing their poise. Junhyuk started thinking about how many would choose to remain with thepany, and Elise shouted, "The door will be fine, but the wall mighte down!" She meant that the door was solid steel, but that wasn¡¯t the case for the walls. The door cracked again, and part of the wall fell over. Junhyuk got behind the door and supported it with his back. Then, there was another shock against the door. Boom! After the impact, Junhyuk felt he could support the door. His strength had increased by 20 percent with Sherlock¡¯s Leather Bracer, and he had seventy-four times the amount of health an ordinary man had. The door wouldn¡¯t break. Chapter 204: Monster Hunt 3 Chapter 204: Monster Hunt 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk leaned against the door to block the way, and Sora held the sword to her side and said, "My power is back." "Let¡¯s wait to see if the iron soldier returns. Maybe the door will hold until then." He thought it would be better if the iron soldier engaged first. Sora¡¯s defense was shoddy. The ck jaguar also seemed to becking in defense, but its reflexes were quite dangerous. It couldn¡¯t get through the door, and the iron soldier, with its superior defense, would be able to deal with it. However, Sora might get torn apart like the R-agents. Junhyuk rested his back against the door, and Soyeon Shin also leaned on the door to support it. Boom! "Aaahh!" Soyeon had showed courage in following Junhyuk, but was surprised by the impact and screamed. Because she was being courageous, the other employees approached and did the same. Tsubasa stared at them and stood behind Soyeon. If something dangerous happened, Tsubasa¡¯s attack could hold the jaguar back. When people came over and leaned against the door, Junhyuk felt something strange. He realized they all had courage and wouldn¡¯t quit thepany. Boom! They felt another shock through the door, and everyone gritted their teeth. Even while anxious, they remained courageous. Junhyuk looked around, and suddenly, it all became very quiet. He looked at the monitor and saw the ck jaguar crouching, getting ready to pounce. While it prepared, its w were getting longer. Seeing that, Junhyuk pushed the employees away, and the jaguar tore a hole in the door, attempting to get in. Junhyuk had barely escaped the ws. It had taken time for the jaguar to use its ws, and they were sharp enough to tear through steel doors. The jaguar poked its head through the opening on the door and bared its teeth. "Aaaahh!" Junhyuk looked at the monitor. The jaguar¡¯s head was through the door, but its torso was exposed on the other side. "It¡¯s here!" Junhyuk shouted, and the jaguar looked at him. Then, the loud sound of gunfire rang out. Rat-tat-tat-tat-at! The iron soldier MK-II¡¯s arms were powerful. It shot at the jaguar¡¯s ribs, peppering it with bullets, and Junhyuk headed toward Sora. She seemed relieved to see the jaguar¡¯s head being pulled back. After pulling out his head, the jaguar pounced on the iron soldier. The iron soldier fired at the jaguar, tearing a wall along with one of the jaguar¡¯s legs. However, it got closed to the iron soldier and wed at it. The MK-II lost an arm, and the jaguar wrapped its tail around the iron soldier and mmed it against the ground. The iron solder revved its engine, attempting to get up, but the jaguar was already on it, wing at it and decapitating the iron soldier. The iron soldier¡¯s defense wasn¡¯t enough to deal with the ck jaguar. That was when the other iron soldier arrived and got to the jaguar by taking the elevator shaft. The jaguar turned away from the decapitated iron soldier, and the other soldier wasing out of the elevator, firing at the monster. The ck jaguar kicked the fallen iron soldier, which flew in the air and blocked the iing bullets. The iron soldier stopped shooting, and the jaguar pounced on it and sliced its head. It possessed astonishingly fast and strong single blow. Junhyuk understood something. That ck jaguar was an assassin. It had been sent to destroy iron soldier. What itcked in defense, it used in single strikes to destroy the MK-II. After destroying both soldiers, it ran toward the shelter. By then, it had lost one leg, and its torso was full of holes. The jaguar broke down the door, and Junhyuk grabbed a chair next to him. Once the jaguar entered the shelter, Junhyuk threw the chair and shouted, "Sora!" While the jaguar sliced and diced the chair with its ws, Sora used her power. The jaguar tried to swing at her, but she dodged it, and sliced the monster¡¯s torso. It had already been damaged in the ribs by the iron soldier, so she sliced it in half. Still, she didn¡¯t stop there, finally beheading the ck jaguar. Then, she retreated. Her attack and retreat had taken one second. The jaguar had tried to swing at her, but had not hurt her. Sora sighed, relieved, and Junhyuk smiled at her. He had been trusting Tsubasa to take care of everything, but it had been Sora with her longsword who had done so. She was still sighing when Eunseo and the others came outside. Eunseo bowed to her and said, "Thank you for protecting us from the monsters." "I did what anyone would do." Sora swung the longsword once to remove the blood dripping from it and rested it on her shoulder. Everyone expressed their gratitude toward her, and Elise walked over to inspect the ck jaguar. Then, her head turned to looked at the iron soldiers. "Ouch! We lost a lot of money this time." Elise operated her tablet, and a wheeled robot entered. It started inspecting the jaguar. Then, she looked down the hallway and clicked her tongue. It was filled with fallen R-agents and iron soldier parts. The robot took the corpses and the iron soldier debris and disappeared. She went back to the group and said, "We have to relocate quickly." Eunseo nodded heavily. The day had been a disaster. "The monster attacks are getting more dangerous." "Yes, we are in tough spot." "First, let¡¯s check take stock of the damage and check on the attacks around the world," Eunseo said camly. The new employees were looking at the broken door, and Eunseo gave them a quick order, "Take your seats." Everyone sat down. She looked at Elise, and Elise pulled out sixptops. "With Zaira¡¯s help, work will be easier. Browse the inte for monster attacks." Eunseo nodded and looked at the new employees. "The Administrative Department will check the inte for videos of monsters. Check if there is any problem and find out more information about the body transfers to Korea." "Yes." She looked at Junhyuk and added, "Find out more about the monster attacks, and send each nation a cooperation report." "Sure." "Teach them about monster attacks and what to do in such circumstances." "Yes." It was a good chance to transfer his workload to the new employees. Junhyuk took a seat and taught them what to do. He told them about how to use Zaira. When they found out how powerful Zaira was, everyone was speechless. Once they had learned about the AI supeputer, they started working with Zaira¡¯s help. --- Sora looked at the longsword she was holding. It had been coated in dposition liquid to be used against huge monsters. Because she had her own power, she had been able to kills monsters with it. "You did well." Sora turned to see Elise smiling. "Your power is beyond my expectations. Maybe you will be the one to safeguard Guardians." "What about the iron soldiers?" "They helped, but you saw everything! You would be more effective in dealing with monsters." "It¡¯s a relief that I was able to help." "By the way, congrattions!" "On what?" Elise smiled and said, "Sora, you killed the jaguars, and there were mana stones inside them. They were bigger than expected, so you should get $3 million for each." "What?!" She was surprised, and Elise continued, "We still have to do a more urate appraisal, but as soon as that¡¯s over, you¡¯ll be paid." Sora couldn¡¯t believe it, and Elise focused on the screen. "The weapons worked, but we still need better armor. I wasn¡¯t expecting that." She looked at the robot holding the ck jaguar¡¯s ws. They had started out short, but but the jaguar erged them by one meter, and they had easily sliced through barium titanate steel. Even if they had the monster dposition liquid, they had no answers for the ws. They would have to kill the jaguar before it struck. Elise touched her chin and murmured, "They areing out this way." She smiled and added, "OK. I¡¯ve figured out what they are trying to do!" They had to disable the monsters. Elise didn¡¯t know who was sending them, but she was feeling confident. They¡¯d have to strengthen the HQ¡¯s defenses. "We have to spend more money!" She was working busily, and Sora stared at her and turned away to look at Junhyuk working. She had been courageous because of him. Sora looked at the steel door. It still contained some residue of Junhyuk supporting it with his back. Then, she looked at her sword. It had been very useful. It wouldn¡¯t help against heroes, but it had proven to kill monsters. "I¡¯ll take it with me." --- Junhyuk was very busy. Both the crowded areas around Namdaemun and Seoul Station had been attack, but they had been able to predict the appearance of the monsters and evacuate the people. If the iron soldiers had been deployed after the monsters had appeared, many people would have died, but they had been mostly wounded. The supersonic flight in Namdaemun had broken a lot of ss that hurt a lot of people. People hadn¡¯t been killed by monsters, but they had been wounded by the iron soldier, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t know how they would respond to it. In Paju, there were fewer people, so no one was killed. It was a huge relief. After gathering the information on what happened in South Korea, he turned to the international attacks and frowned. South Korea had been the only country able to predict monster attacks, so the other nations deployed iron soldiers after the monsters showed up. And there were many casualties. He looked at theptop¡¯s screen and froze the video and rewound it. It was the feed from the iron soldier in China. The video showed a monster that looked like a huge ox. The iron soldier had been able to capture it on video. The monster measured five meters from head to tail and was running wild in a market. Then, a little girl stood in front of it. She looked to be about fifteen years old and she extended her hands toward the ox. Suddenly, the rushing ox was sliced in half, and Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened. "A wind de?" Even the ground had been cut. It was certainly a wind de. "Another novice?" However, it didn¡¯t look like the girl had activated her power in China. She looked too calm, so she had to have been to the Dimensional Battlefield. The number of novices was increasing, and some of those might be experts, and some of those experts might be champions. "China!" Chapter 205: Unexpected Meeting 1 Chapter 205: Unexpected Meeting 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk sighed deeply after he finished processing the monster attack. He felt like it would¡¯ve been easier if he had worked alone. He could quickly grasp what Zaira was doing even as it worked at great speed, but ordinary people were different. They did not and could not use Zaira¡¯s power properly. However, with five people divided in groups things had worked out, and they had gone smoothly. Junhyuk had divided the workload among five people, but Soyeon and Tsubasa didn¡¯t have anything to do that day, so he taught them things rted to the other jobs. He wasn¡¯t sure when he would finish the transfer of responsibilities. After he was done, Junhyuk went to Eunseo to make his report. She was inside the shelter, working with Elise. Eunseo saw hime in and make his report, to which she listened intently, then she looked at her watch. "It¡¯s 5:00 p.m. You may leave." "What about the other employees?" "They may also leave," she said and turned to look at him. "Since you¡¯ve acted with courage, I don¡¯t think anyone will quit." When he heard that, he smiled bitterly. He had his armor and extended health, but Soyeon was different. She was the one with true courage. "Soyeon helped, and that¡¯s why the others helped. You should tell that to her." "I¡¯m aware of it." Junhyuk felt that Soyeon had gotten on Eunseo¡¯s good side and smiled. "Then, I¡¯ll be going." He walked outside and all of the Administrative Department workers looked at him. "Let¡¯s go home." Everyone gets up from their seats, and Junhyuk smiled and added, "Today, let¡¯s go get some beer. It¡¯s on me." The employees cheered, and Junhyuk took them all to a nearby sports bar. While everyone was sat down, drinking beer, Junhyuk looked at Soyeon. "You mustered up a lot of courage there." "The truth is you acted first. I just followed you." He shook his head. The other employeesplimented her. From the male employees point of view, they wanted topliment their attractive female coworkers. They all apuded her. Meanwhile, Junhyuk moved to sit next to Tsubasa. He hadn¡¯t expected her to tag along to the sports bar. He sat down in front of her and raised a ss of beer. She also raised hers and clinked it against his. "You must be stunned because of all that¡¯s happened," he said to her. "I wasn¡¯t the only one at work." Junhyukughed. "You are right, but it is a relief." Junhyuk looked at the other employees and Tsubasa did the same. The others must be feeling relieved and alive, and they were all enjoying their drinks. "Don¡¯t get too drunk," Junhyuk told them. "You are worried we might drink too much?" Junhyuk shrugged and said, "You are feeling euphoric, so that might happen. Drink moderately." Soyeon¡¯s face was little red. "I will," she said, and a male coworker agreed with her. Junhyuk smiled bitterly and said, "Your opinion carried more weight than mine." She smiled and drank her beer, and Junhyuk raised his ss and did the same. Lately, he was always training alone, so he hadn¡¯t been out drinking with others. He could be open with Sarang, but she was only in high school, so she couldn¡¯t drink with him. Junhyuk observed Tsubasa. She seemedfortable enough and was enjoying her beer. She was actually quite the beautiful woman. Anyone could easily approach Soyeon, but Tsubasa looked proud and unapproachable. However, she took the initiative to speak to the men, and they felt better about her, so she seemed to be making friends. Junhyuk leaned back and watched them. They were easily bing friends, and he wanted to befriend her too. Sora and Tsubasa, with the two of them protecting Guardians, the HQ wouldn¡¯t fall so easily. Junhyuk didn¡¯t need to worry so much and emptied his ss. The beer felt extra cold that day. --- He finished the beer with his coworkers and headed to Guro before heading home. Once he got home, he wouldn¡¯t leave until the Dimensional Battlefield the next day. He goes to the ninth floor and saw Sungtae unconsciously tapping on theputer. There was no sign that he had eaten anything, so Junhyuk went out and bought him a hamburgerbo meal. Sungtae didn¡¯t know Junhyuk hade back and just kept working hard. Once Junhyuk tapped on his shoulder, he was surprised to see him there and sighed, relieved. "You scared me." Junhyuk¡¯s mask could scare people. He handed Sungtae the food, and Sungtae cheered loudly and quickly downed it all. Junhyuk pulled a chair and sat next to him. "So what have you been doing?" "Hm. Everything is working fine, but we have to wait until tomorrow night to see how it really works." "Tomorrow is Friday." "I will remain here, then you cane Saturday and see it work." "Does it take long?" "It takes a while to adjust the program to the supeputer, but it will work fine on Saturday." "Then, I can see the supeputer working on Saturday?" "Yes." Junhyuk looked calmly at the supeputer. He had spent half of his assets on it, but it would be a source of power for him on Earth. If he was to gain information faster than other people, he needed that supeputer operational. Junhyuk got up and looked back. With a mouthful of the hamburger in his mouth, Sungtae cracked his knuckles and walked over to him. "When it¡¯s working, I will let you know." "I¡¯ll look forward to it." He lost himself in theputer again, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly. Geniuses were different. He had crazy focus, and Junhyuk had to get him food. Junhyuk stopped by the convenience store and bought some ramen noodles and a coffee maker and took them back to Sungtae. He left it all there along with a note. That way Junhyuk was sure Sungtae would feed himself until he came back on Saturday. Then, he headed home. The next day he would go to the DImensional Battlefield, so he had to prepare everything he could. --- Last time, he had purchased the Ring of the God of Wind, but he hadn¡¯t had time to look for anything this time. Junhyuk was at home, training. He had be a champion in the Dimensional Battlefield and had five lives, so he felt he was getting toocent. He wanted to train extra hard. Everywhere he went, he worked on his muscles bit by bit. However, practicing swordsmanship was a different story. He appreciated when the sword shed through the thick air, generating a gust of wind. Nothing else existed except for him and his sword. The sound of his heartbeat travelled forward with his sword, chasing after an imaginary enemy. He imagine himself to be alone on the road, looking for the strongest enemy. His muscles were shaped after his movements, so the better he moved, the stronger his muscles became. Junhyuk was inventing himself. He didn¡¯t know when it would all end, but he swung his sword. He forgot time and swung his sword. How long has it been? Junhyuk thought, stopping the swing and teleporting. "Whew!" The day was already bright outside, so he had to have been practicing for at least six hours. He smiled, poured some milk into his cereal bowl and turned on the TV. The news was about the monster attack the previous day. Seoul Station had been damaged, and the windows at Namdaemun¡¯s market were shattered by the iron soldier¡¯s supersonic speed. And Guardians would pay for all coteral damage. "They¡¯ll have to spend a lot of money." For now, things were fine, but the damages would increase in the future. Can they pay for it all? Junhyuk got up from his seat. The money issue was Guardians¡¯ problem, and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt like the Dimensional Battlefield managers were acting with purpose, but they didn¡¯t threw things at them that they couldn¡¯t handle. The iron soldiers had been defenseless, but people with powers had stopped it all. Also, they had onlye after Guardians in South Korea. "Are they attacking the leader? Or experimenting?" Junhyuk knew he couldn¡¯t interfere. When he interfered, stronger monsters appeared. He finished his cereal, did the dishes and teleported. There was still some time to practice, but when he swung his sword, he thought of someone, the little Chinese girl. She had released a wind de with a range of about thirty meters, but everyone within that range had been affected by it. "She was calm." She had to have activated her power at the Dimensional Battlefield. Junhyuk reminded himself of her face and pretended he had to fight her. He thought of her and about the enemies he would face in the Dimensional Battlefield. Time passed without him noticing while he swung his sword, and his burner phone rang. He picked it up to hear Sarang¡¯s voice on the other end. "Big brother, are you ready?" Junhyuk checked the time on his smartphone and was surprised. "It¡¯s time already!" "What? You didn¡¯t know?" "No, I was training." "Did you eat?" "Just breakfast." "You don¡¯t have time to eat now!" "It¡¯s fine. When I get there, I won¡¯t be hungry." JUnhyukughed, returned his equipment and teleported to his room. Hey on his bed and told Sarang, "See you soon." "See you." After speaking, he closed his eyes. --- The world turned white, and Junhyuk opened his eyes slowly. He was in the same room as always, so he checked his earnings: 58,260G. After checking on how much he had made in the Champion¡¯s Battlefield, he took his helmet off and summoned everything he owned. [Wee. You¡¯ve been summoned to the Valley of Death.] He inspected his equipment. He had done it before, so it didn¡¯t take long to look over everything. [You may exit through the main doors.] Junhyuk walked toward the exit, and the voice added something else. [You¡¯ve activated three powers to be a champion. As a champion, you have five revives.] Five, that was a lot of lives, but he couldn¡¯t let his guard down. He could die anytime, anywhere. Junhyuk stood in front of the exit and heard a soft voice. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] After walking outside, he saw a lot of people. They probably knew about the Dimension Battlefield as they were holding their shields and swords tightly. Only 30 percent of the poption knew about the Dimensional Battlefield, but that was a big change from before. Some of them might even be novices. Junhyuk was thinking about spreading the news of the Dimensional Battlefield when Sarang showed up from far away. She was much taller than the others and she ran toward him. Then, he heard a familiar voiceing from behind him, "Dark Knight?" Junhyuk turned to look and saw apletely unexpected face. Chapter 206: Unexpected Meeting 2 Chapter 206: Unexpected Meeting 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl ¡ª¡ª Junhyuk looked at the woman behind him. She was a bit taller than the other minions, and her health and mana were higher as well. From underneath her helmet, he could see her face. He gulped. "Am I right? You are the dark night from the Han River." Junhyuk changed his voice and said, "Correct. Aren¡¯t you Guardians¡¯ CEO?" "I¡¯m Eunseo Kim. Nice to meet you." Junhyuk waspletely taken by surprise upon meeting Eunseo in that ce. Sarang rushed behind him and stood next to him to see Eunseo¡¯s face. "Ah! She is Guardians¡¯ CEO!" Eunseo turned her head to look at her, but Sarang¡¯s armor had a full helmet that covered her head, so Eunseo couldn¡¯t see her face. He looked at Sarang and said in the different voice, "Can we talk for a minute?" "Wait!" Junhyuk extended his hand toward Eunseo, who was approaching him. She stopped, and he put his arms around Sarang¡¯s shoulder and took her away. "Call me Max." "Max?" "Yes." "Does it mean anything?" "It¡¯s my other identity." Sarang cocked her head slightly. "Oh! You have another identity?" "It cost me $10,000." "Nice! Get me a new identity too." Junhyuk held his head with his hand and said, "Then, your name will be Catherine." "Really?" "Wait a minute." He pulled out themunication crystal and felt for the five heroes, then, he said, "I have a favor to ask." "You are out? Let¡¯s go right away!" "Our cutie! We¡¯ll be there soon!" Someone sounded cheerful, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "In this battlefield, please call me Max. And Catherine for Sarang." "Cutie, show me your butt!" Diane said, and Junhyuk sighed and cut off themunication. In any event, the heroes would support him. They had to have earned some money, and that was a good thing. Junhyuk and Sarang walked toward Eunseo. She was holding a sword and a shield, feeling anxious. He was feeling conflicted. Junhyuk knew how important Eunseo was. She was Guardians¡¯ CEO, the same in charge of fighting monsters. ST Capsule¡¯s Doyeol could rece her if he wanted to, but for the sake of humanity, she had leaked information on the Dimensional Battlefield. She had to return alive and in one piece. He looked at her and said, "My name is Max. This is Catherine." "Nice to meet you." "Just remember one thing..." Eunseo looked at him anxiously as he spoke. "In this ce, more than anything, concentrate on surviving. Stay alive no matter what." He had been able to share his true feelings with her, and Eunseo nodded heavily. Junhyuk was about to speak again when the castle¡¯s door opened, and people rushed inside. "Max!" He hears Diane¡¯s voice and was relieved. It looked like she was going along with his request. Diane ran up to him and pped his butt before he had a chance to respond. Junhyuk just shook his head. "You are in a good mood." "That¡¯s right! I¡¯ve earned a lot this time as well." "How much did you make?" "The odds were lower thanst time. Last time, your team had lost ten times straight, so the odds were high. This time, people bet on your side, but I earned three times what I bet." "Three times... You must be happy." "Yeah. The odds were only three to one, but I bet ten times more thanst time." "What?!" "The investment was different, so I earned more money." Junhyuk was in shock and stared at her. That had to be more than fun for her. Arn walked over and put his arm around Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder. "So Max, is there a reason?" He understood what Arn was asking and introduced Eunseo to him. "She stops the monster attacks in my dimension. Her name is Eunseo Kim, and she¡¯s Guardians¡¯ CEO." Eunseo was in front of two-and-a-half meter tall heroes, and she bowed carefully. Arn looked at her and clicked his tongue. "So?" "I have to send her back in one piece at all costs." "At all costs?" "Yes." "If you want, let her stay in the castle. Then, she will live," Arn said nonchntly. Junhyuk looked at Eunseo. "Stay in here so that you will return alive." Eunseo shook her head. "No. I will go with you." She held tightly to her shield and sword, and Junhyuk shook his head. "To be honest, you are a minion, and minions serve only as targets for bow practice. The enemy can easily kill you, so stay here." She swallowed dry. "I want to know more about this ce. Please, let me go with you." He was feeling conflicted because he felt her desire, and Diane shrugged. "She is strong-willed. Don¡¯t ignore her willpower. Max, let¡¯s take her." She patted Junhyuk¡¯s butt and added, "If you protect her, you will save her." "If that¡¯s the case, I can¡¯t fight earnestly." Arnughed. "That all depends on what you want to do." Junhyuk sighed and looked at Eunseo. "Can you follow my instructions at all times?" "Sure." He was still feeling conflicted, and Arn said, "We don¡¯t have time for hesitation." Junhyuk sighed and nodded. "Let¡¯s go." Arn stepped forward and signaled to the minions with his hand, saying, "From here to there, follow me!" Arn and Diane took the lead, and Junhyuk, Sarang and Eunseo followed them. Junhyuk walked next to Arn and asked, "Why did Dianee instead of Vera?" Diane heard him and replied, "I volunteered, and Vera is moving with Nudra." "How is the front?" "Halo is taking center, and we¡¯ll head below." "I heard you earned some money. Shouldn¡¯t we go to the Dimensional Merchant?" "We¡¯ll take the tower first and then head to the merchant. Last time, we got our new items, and the situation favored us. This time, after the first battle, we¡¯ll head to Bebe¡¯s and, then, we¡¯ll kill the dragon and push center." Junhyuk thought about the previous time, when they had tried to kill the dragon, and everyone was killed except for him and Sarang. The enemies had Doctor T watching the allies, and he was dangerous. The allies had a n, and no one knew how it would unfold. Unlike the allies, the enemies could keep surveince on the allies. They were on the move, and Eunseo was moving cautiously. She was feeling anxious, and Junhyuk sighed. It would have been better if she had stayed in the castle, but she wanted to see the Dimensional Battlefield, and he thought things might change if she learned more about the Dimensional Battlefield. Something bright red was shining in the forest. He didn¡¯t know what it was, but a wolf the size of an ox suddenly came out of the forest. It pounced on the minions, who were frozen in fear. However, Eunseo raised her shield and her sword to protect herself. It wasn¡¯t easy to wield a sword and a shield, but she did it effortlessly. It was possible that after hearing about the Dimensional Battlefield, she had trained to do so. Junhyuk stepped forward and shed with his sword, killing the wolf in one blow. The strike created a white shock wave that swept the area, and the minions started murmuring, "The Dark Knight is for real!" He ignored what he heard and looked at the minions. They had teamed up with Eunseo, and they were lucky for that. They wouldn¡¯t be used recklessly. "Your shield will protect you from danger. If you don¡¯t use it, you will be killed. Pull yourselves together," he told them. Everyone nodded, and Arn said, "Hurry." "Yes." Junhyuk sped up after Arn. The minions trusted him more than the heroes like Diane and Arn, so they quickly followed behind him. --- Arn looked at the tower over the bridge and grimaced. "Strange. Are they not here?" Diane shrugged and asked, "What should we do? The minions aren¡¯t there, so we can destroy it easily." "OK, let¡¯s attack first." There was no reason to bypass an empty tower. Towers were too important. Arn unsheathed his sabers and shouted, "Attack!" The minions were too nervous to respond, and Arn stared at them coldly. Junhyuk stepped forward. He ran, and the minions followed him. "Raise your shields!" he shouted,manding them. The minions lifted their shields, Junhyuk thought that was a good opportunity to teach them about the Dimensional Battlefield. Instead of using the Spatial sh, he just ran. There were archers on the tower, but they weren¡¯t buffed, so their attacks wouldn¡¯t be fatal. "Focus on defending with your shields," Junhyuk shouted at the minions as they screamed around at the iing arrows. They started to use their shield, but five minions had been lost from the first archers¡¯ volley. The others, however, were defending themselves well. Arrows flew out from the allies¡¯ side, five arrows to kill five archers. Diane¡¯s archery was like that of a goddess. Arn jumped over the minions and attacked the tower. The tower¡¯s force field shook, and Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. The minions were cautious, but there was no reason to let the archers live. Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh created a shock wave that swept through the rest of them. After the archers had died, only the tower¡¯s force field remained. "Destroy the tower!" Junhyuk shouted. The minions ran at it and started pounding against it. Junhyuk looked around. He wanted to make sure the enemies had really given up the tower. Diane came up to him and caressed his butt. She was patting it like it was a baby¡¯s butt, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "From now on, use your Spatial sh to kill the archers." "Don¡¯t we have to catch the enemies?" Junhyuk could use the Spatial sh to kill heroes, so he wasn¡¯t sure about using it to kill archers, but Diane shot an arrow at the tower and said, "When archers are buffed, they are troublesome. Use it well." He was standing next to Diane and watched the tower fall. The archers¡¯ attacks had killed five minions at the start. Two other minions had been injured. Sarang walked over to them and showed them her hand. From it, she sprinkled a light green powder over them, and the two got up suddenly. Arn and Diane were surprised and walked over to her. "Sa... no, Catherine, what did you do?" She posed with her hands on her waist and said, "My power has evolved. Now, I can heal two at the same time." Diane wrapped her arms around her, hugging her, but Arn wanted to know more. "Do you heal for the same amount?" "I¡¯m not sure. I was only treating animals, and they all got better." "Right. Well, congrattion on evolving your power!" They bothplimented her, but then, suddenly frowned. Upon seeing that, Junhyuk got nervous. "We head center," Arn said. "What happened to Halo?" "He¡¯s been killed." Chapter 207: Unexpected Meeting 3 Chapter 207: Unexpected Meeting 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk thought Halo had upgraded his equipment to the point where he couldn¡¯t be killed. They had to have hit him in a weak spot. "How many were there to kill Halo?" "Everyone was there." "All five of them had pushed center?" "Right." It was a gamble for the five of them to move as a group at the same time. They might take center, but they would lose top and bottom. In any event, they would get the first center tower, but they wouldn¡¯t take the second. That meant they would lose a couple of towers from other ces, and considering everything, they wouldn¡¯t benefit directly. However, they seemed to be trying too hard. They had to be doing it to find a way out of their losing streak. "They might know where we are going!" "They have Doctor T." "So they might counterattack us!" The five of them had already destroyed the center tower, which meant they could turn around at any time. The allies couldn¡¯t keep track of them, but the enemies could track the allies with Doctor T¡¯s help. They could go in whichever way they wanted. Even if two heroes went to help Halo, if the enemy had five heroes waiting, they would be in a tough spot. Arn thought it over for a moment. "Then, let¡¯s return first." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t hide his anxiety. "If you do that, we¡¯ll be in danger!" Arn looked at Junhyuk and then turned his head to nce over at Eunseo. "We¡¯ll take a right and kill a buff monster on the way." The buff monster was far from center, but they had time until the enemies got to the second tower. Halo would revive, and Vera and Nudra would join him. They could hold them off until the rest of the allies got there. Diane smiled. "OK! Then, let¡¯s go back." "Thanks." Junhyuk was grateful. Ordinarily, the heroes would have returned by teleporting. He could also do it, but without the heroes, the minions would all die, and he couldn¡¯t lose Eunseo in that ce. They ran toward the Wolf Warlord. Once they got there, they saw the Wolf Warlord¡¯s shining eyes. The minions all froze in fear, and Junhyuk stared at them. If they stood stupefied like that, they would all die. "Raise your shields!" The minions raised their shields, and ox-sized wolves rushed at them. There were only five wolves, but they were quite dangerous. Junhyuk stood in front of the minions and looked at Arn and Diane. They were already attacking the Wolf Warlord. They were dealing more damage than before, and their attacks were quickly injuring the Wolf Warlord. The subordinate wolves rushed at Junhyuk, and he ran at them. Thinking the enemy might show up after them, he decided to save his Spatial sh. Once Junhyuk closed in on the wolves, they scattered. The one in the center of the formation rushed at in. It got close and lunged, attempting to bite Junhyuk, but he dodged the sharp canine teeth and swung the Frozen Rune Sword. He sliced the wolf in half, generating a pure white shockwave. Two of the wolves were within range and froze to death. The other two weren¡¯t near enough. Sarang fired an electric arrow at one of the wolves. Nowadays, Sarang¡¯s attacks also dealt more damage, and a hole appeared on that wolf¡¯s head. Only one remained. The wolf ran toward the minions, and Junhyuk teleported. He appeared behind the wolf¡¯s head and stabbed down its neck. A gash opened, and blood sttered all over the minions. Unlike at the tower, blood had covered their shield, and the minions were scared. Meanwhile, Junhyukpletely beheaded the wolf. They watched him filled with fear and respect, looking like they were putting their entire trust on him. He turned around to look at the Wolf Warlord. The Wolf Warlord was in terrible condition. He wouldn¡¯t have to step in. Diane and Arn worked well together. She paid attention to detail and aimed for the Wolf Warlord¡¯s weak spots, so Arn had an easier time dealing with it. The Warlord tried its best, but in the end, Arn¡¯s saber cut its head. [You¡¯ve killed the Wolf Warlord. For the next couple of hours, your health regeneration rate will increase by 10 percent. Whenever you strike an enemy, the enemy will lose 10 percent of their movement speed. The slow effect can stack three times. If you get killed within that time, your enemy will take your buff.] A purple ring appeared underneath Junhyuk¡¯s feet, and he looked at the other members of the group. Arn approached him. "I told you about itst time, didn¡¯t I?" "Told me about what?" Arn threw him a bloodstone. Junhyuk took it, and a gleam came over Eunseo¡¯s eyes, but she stayed where she was. "There are high quality bloodstones around the Wolf Warlord. She told me to give you some when I got it." "You mean Vera?" "That¡¯s right." "Thanks! Could I get some more?" Arnughed. "You can pick some up. They are over there. But the one I gave you is the best one." Junhyuk walked over to where Arn had pointed and whistled. There were bloodstones strewn around like they were pebbles. He only picked up the ones he liked, but he still picked up a lot of them. The only one that was worth hundreds of millions of dors was the one Arn had given him, but he could also make money from the others. Junhyuk put them all in the Spatial Bag, and Eunseo walked over to him. "Do you know what you¡¯ve just picked up?" "Sure." She tried to borate, but Junhyuk raised his hand to stop her. "We could talkter, but now we have to hurry." Eunseo bit her lips and didn¡¯t speak more. She was surviving because of his help. At the same time, Arn regretted losing time. "We have to get to the second tower before the buff runs out, so we have to run at full speed." Junhyuk had an item that increased his movement speed, but it was different for the minions. If they were to keep up, they¡¯d have to run with all their might. "We can¡¯t rest here. Run!" Arn took the lead, and Junhyuk followed them. The minions ran behind unaware of anything. They reached the second tower breathing heavily after having run for an hour. They could see the others. There were three heroes standing next to the tower and another five heroes and a champion opposite of them as well as enemy minion riflemen. Eunseo gathered her breath and protested, "But they have rifles?!" Junhyuk nodded. "You can block their bullets with your shield. Don¡¯t worry." She looked at the enemy camp and raised her shield, realizing that it was her only protection there. "The enemies are over-exerting themselves. When the team battle begins, you have to be careful," he exined calmly. "What¡¯s a team battle?" "An all-out frontal assault." "What should I be careful of?" she asked hesitantly. Junhyuk pointed at Bater and his huge fist, "That¡¯s Bater. He can m his fist against the ground and create a shockwave with a twenty-meter radius. If you are within range, as a minion, you¡¯ll be killed. So, be careful." The minions were hearing him as well and focused on his word. Junhyuk was speaking to all of them. "That¡¯s Doctor T. His methrower and small missiles are dangerous. That¡¯s Ki over there with the double pistols. Those can generate shockwaves that will kill you. So, be careful." He was telling them that they could be killed easily, and Eunseo realized how hard it was. Junhyuk had told her to stay in the castle, and he hadn¡¯t been joking. "That¡¯s Adolphe, and he has a ten-meter sh, so stay out of his range. Regina shoots everywhere. Stay out of her range," he continued. Eunseo summarized what she had heard, "In one phrase, stay out of the Heroes¡¯ ranges." "Correct. Stay far away." Eunseo stepped back, and the other minions did the same. At the same time, Junhyuk steps forward. He couldn¡¯t really engage in a fight near the minions, so he and Sarang stood together, and Vera walked over. "I made more money because of you." Junhyuk smiled. "That¡¯s nice," he said and looked at Halo. "How is it going?" "I got killed. The five of them came after me, and I did not have a way to survive." "Now, it¡¯s payback time." "Right." The allies had the advantage. The second tower was nearby, and it could help. The enemies had to know that too, but Jean Clo stepped forward and said, "We never cared about the tower. Let¡¯s go." "Be careful. We¡¯ve lost so far, so don¡¯t sound so confident," Regina said, and Jean Clo closed his mouth while she checked on her weapons. "If this situation continues, they won¡¯te out. What are you thinking?" "We¡¯ll push them first and then pull them," Bater said, pounding his fists against each other, and everyone agreed. He stepped forward, and the others supported him. Jean Clo did not stay at the front. He remained behind Bater and scoped out the field. They were making their n. Junhyuk stepped forward, saying, "Be careful." And Bater rushed. He went after Arn, who seemed frozen, and Jean Clo followed after him. Then, Jean Clo grabbed Arn by the arm and used a giant swing tounch Arn toward the enemy camp. Bater smiled, satisfied, and raised his fists. He was about to pound the ground. Junhyuk wanted to step in, but Nudra was already on him,nding a front kick. Nudra¡¯s attack pushed Bater back, but Jean CLo grabbed him by neck, lifting him up. That¡¯s when Junhyuk extended his hand. While Nudra headed against the ground, Junhyuk touched him and teleported. Boom! Jean Clo¡¯s empty hand smashed against the ground, and the allies counterattacked. Arn was already within the enemy camp, so he jumped high up and drop-shed with his sabers. Chink, chink! Bater blocked the attack, and a giant firewall rose between the two. Bater and Jean Clo had been isted by it, and Junhyuk smiled. Without even speaking, the allies had attacked like clockwork. It was time for more. Chapter 208: Disclosure 1 Chapter 208: Disclosure 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk analyzed the situation. They wanted to get rid of Bater and Jean Clo together. The allies had enough firepower to melt away any opponent, including tanks. The five would attack the two. The firewall couldn¡¯t stop everyone, but the enemies would have to push themselves to get through it, and the allies had time to attack before that. Arn wanted to finish off Bater and used his seven-strikebo on him. Meanwhile, Halo sneaked behind Bater, shing his back. sh! Both attacks seeded. On top of that, five arrows hit Bater. He was quickly losing health, and Jean Clo ran, trying to get to him, but Nudra released a gust of wind on Jean Clo. Junhyuk watched the fight while preparing his Spatial sh. However, he didn¡¯t want to kill-steal. He only wanted to deal a significant blow to the enemy that would favor the allies. Bater knew he could die any moment if he didn¡¯t do anything about it, so he raised his arms and mmed the ground. Boom, boom, boom! Three shockwaves extended from the impact, pushing the heroes who were attacking him back. Without using a power, if a hero were attacked by multiple opponents, he would let many normal attacks through. Bater had been continuously attacked in that manner and only had 30 percent of his health left. He grimaced and raised his head,ing to the conclusion that if he had to die, he had to contribute to his team before doing so. He extended his fists forward and aimed them at Vera. She watched,ughing, and cast her magic. Sheunched a fire spear, and Bater fired his fists at her. She ignored the rocket punches heading toward her, however, and set a fire orb. Boom, boom! Bater was rocked by Vera¡¯s continuous attacks, and before the rocket punches reached her, an ivory-colored light covered Vera¡¯s body. "Shit!" The rocket punches pushed the force field back, but Vera wasn¡¯t hurt at all. Bater realized he would be in danger if he remained in the battlefield, so he tried to retreat quickly. However, the heroes wouldn¡¯t let him. Theyunched another attack, but the enemies didn¡¯t stay still. Bang! After the loud sound of gunshot, blood sttered from Arn¡¯s shoulder. Regina had broken through the firewall. While Regina created an opening, Ki had shot Arn. He was bleeding from the shoulder, and Regina dashed in, firing her guns at him. Nudra tried to stop her, but Jean Clo stepped in his way. With Regina heading toward him, Arn simply retreated. At the time she started shooting, Arn had already made his way into the force field. Her bullets bounced off of it, and Arn stared at Bater running away. Then, he threw one of his sabers at Bater¡¯s direction. "Ugh!" Bater thought he had safely escaped, but the saber sunk into his back, and he disappeared. The enemies winced, and Arn watched the force field disappear. He moved his shoulder lightly and looked at Junhyuk. Because of his force field, the allies had been safe for a while. The enemies had wasted some powers, and Bater had been killed. They were winning. --- The ivory force field had been cast to protect Vera, and because of it, the allies were winning. Meanwhile, Eunseo had been watching, and she thought of something. Junhyuk had extended his hands while she fell from a cliff. His eyes had been full of hope and desire to save her. She had thought of his eyes, but the impact against the tree had made her lose consciousness. Still, she could remember something wrapping around her, an ivory-colored light, a light that saved her. She had also seen that ivory light once again after, when Chinese agents had tried to kill her. In that dangerous moment, the ivory-colored light had saved her again. Each time the ivory light appeared, Junhyuk showed up right after. He had saved her twice before, and now she was looking at that light again, released by a person calling himself Max, the Dark Knight. She suspected only one thing, but many memories came rushing into her mind pointing toward it. He had changed his voice, but thinking about it then, the voice had been very familiar. Eunseo unconsciously mumbled a name, "Junhyuk Lee." --- Bater had died, and the allies were winning, but the battle wasn¡¯t done yet. Jean Clo rushed and picked up Arn. The st of gunshot right after, and Arn was hit on head, critically wounded. Then, Doctor T fired his missiles. Jean Clot had a lot of health, and once he grabbed him, two long ranged enemies fired their weapons. Arn was hurt and attacked Jean Clo. While Jean Clo¡¯s arms bled, he lifted Arn and jumped. It was the screw piledriver. Arn¡¯s condition was fatal, and Junhyuk looked at Sarang. Sarang realized the situation was dire and extended her hands. Then, a light green powder sprinkled over Arn¡¯s head. He had healed some, but his situation was still dire. Arn was mmed against the ground, and Halo used his sh attack on Jean Clo, shing his ribs. With half of his health left, Jean Clo decided to use his ultimate, and blue rings appeared around him, but Sarang extended her hand and said, "Suppress." From her hands, the blood-colored light weaved through the air and wrapped around Jean Clo. He couldn¡¯t heal, and everyone focused their attacks on him. His health was low. Knowing that, Junhyuk decided to attack him. However, Jean Clo still had enough health for Junhyuk to know he couldn¡¯t kill him with one strike, so he used the Spatial sh. He swung the Blood Rune Sword, releasing the Spatial sh. Before that, Vera¡¯s explosivebo and Diane¡¯s explosive arrows hit Jean Clo. Once the Spatial sh reached Jean Clo, he died. Unexpectedly, he had killed Jean Clo. He looked at the heroes to see how they felt about it, but they did not care. They were too busy fighting. Adolphe rushed in and shed Arn, paralyzing him, and Doctor T used his methrower. Arn had already lost a lot of health when another sound of gunfire rang out. With him paralyzed and unable to move, the shot was fatal, and he disappeared. Two enemies had been killed, but the allies had lost one. Junhyuk grimaced and got in position. Their tanks were dead, but the allies had lost their strongest hero. Halo and Nudra stepped forward. When Arn wasn¡¯t there, the two of them took his ce. Regina started twirling and shooting her pistol, which pushed both Halo and Nudra back. However, Vera and Diane focused their attacks on her. Bang! When they attacker her, Regina fired a single gunshot that pushed Vera back. Vera had been hit in the chest and gritted her teeth. "Shit!" she yelled in pain. Regina closed in on her. Vera¡¯s health was lower than the others, and she had lost a lot of it from that gunshot. Regina pulled her eyepatch off, and Vera stiffened. Seeing that, Junhyuk ran forward. "Shoot!" Junhyuk shouted, and Sarang used her electric st. Both Regina and Adolphe were paralyzed, and Diane shot five arrows at them. The consecutive shots hit Regina¡¯s chest, and Halo and Nudra attacked her at the same time. Doctor T also rushed in, firing his web. Halo got stuck, and the doctor fired the missiles at Vera. They were bent on killing her. Vera was still petrified when the missiles exploded. Meanwhile, Ki had reloaded her sniper rifle and was about to pull the trigger. At that moment, Vera only had 30 percent of her health left. With her still petrified, if she were hit by the shot, she would be killed. With the target was unable to move, the rate of critical hits increased. Junhyuk had already been running toward her, so he touched Vera¡¯s back. Bang! A single sound of gunshot rang out, but Junhyuk had teleported with Vera. She could move again and she looked at him smiling, "Thanks." "Be careful." She raised a firewall underneath Regina and Adolphe. The two of them were burning when Nudra attacked them. He dropped from the air, kicking Regina¡¯s head. After receiving his ultimate, Regina¡¯s head was stuck to the ground. Then, Vera threw another fire spear, and Regina disappeared. The series of strikes had been too much for her. Suddenly, Ki fired her pistols. "Aaargh!" Vera¡¯s health had been low, and she disappeared. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t been able to save her and clicked his tongue, looking over the enemy camp. Doctor T, Ki and Adolphe remained. However, the allies still had three heroes, a champion and an expert. Ki had given up on long ranged attacks to attack and kill Vera, but now, Ki herself was within the allies¡¯ range. Without hesitating, Halo moved forward. Another sh attack shed through Ki¡¯s ribs, but she didn¡¯t retreat. Instead, she fired her pistols, releasing shockwaves. Boom! Halo was pushed back, and Ki jumped away and retreated. As a follow-up, Doctor T fired his missiles. The enemies were trying to kill another one, and Junhyuk felt the Spatial sh¡¯s cooldown end and scoped out the field. If he was lucky, he would kill one more. He wanted to kill Ki as she had lost quite a bit of health. However, her health was still too high for him to do it with one strike. Doctor T used the methrower, and Adolphe pierced his de into the ground, and two blue energies zoomed off. The blue energies wrapped around Halo and Nudra. Adolphe started preparing for the ten-meter sh, and Junhyuk stepped forward. Adolphe swung the sword energy toward him, but Junhyuk could predict Adolphe¡¯s movements. The energy travelled from Halo to Junhyuk. Junhyuk rolled on the ground to escape, but Halo didn¡¯t. A gaping hole appeared in his chest, and Junhyuk got up and ran forward. Adolphe had used all of his powers, and to help the allies, Junhyuk wanted him dead. His sword shed against Adolphe¡¯s. He growled because Junhyuk was blocking his path. Previously, Adolphe¡¯s strength had been superior to Junhyuk¡¯s. Now, however, things were different. Once Junhyuk blocked the saw de sword with just one of his, he smiled. "There isn¡¯t much difference between us." Junhyuk had the highest quality attack runestone. Adolphe might have more items than him, but he had obviously not invested in runestones. "Now, it¡¯s time for you to die." Chapter 209: Disclosure 2 Chapter 209: Disclosure 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Junhyuk parried Adolphe¡¯s saw-de sword and seized the moment to counter stab with the Frozen Rune Sword immediately. He had aimed for the chest, but Adolphe dodged the attack by turning his body away. Adolphe had escaped just a hair¡¯s breadth, but Junhyuk closed in and used the Blood Rune Sword to cut his leg. Adolphe grimaced and stepped back, and Junhyuk smiled with satisfaction. Adolphe knew about the Frozen Rune Sword¡¯s power and focused on dodging it, but at that moment, Junhyuk was under the Wolf Warlord¡¯s buff, which caused his movement speed to increase. After feeling the cut, Adolphe shed his sword across the air. He had swung the two-handed sword to put some distance between himself and Junhyuk, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t budging. Junhyuk bent crouched, and the saw-ded sword went past his head. Then, he swung the Frozen Rune Sword low, cutting Adolphe¡¯s ankle, debuffing his movement speed. Not only was had his movement speed been debuffed, but his attack speed had been as well. With stacking debuff, it was safe to say that Adolphe was nearing his end. Previously, Junhyuk had to be mindful of being overwhelmed by his strength, but now, he had his newly acquired runestones, so he no longer cared. Adolphe winced and swung his sword against Junhyuk, who dodged to the side and decided to mount his own counterattack. When he was about to do it, however, Adolphe smiled cooly. That¡¯s when Junhyuk felt something was wrong and rolled to the side. Bang! It was something Adolphe had been hoping for. When Junhyuk dodged the sword strike, Ki shot at him. Even though Junhyuk had more defense than before, getting hit by Ki was not a good idea. While Junhyuk dodged the bullet, Adolphe quickly retreated. Junhyuk¡¯s head turned to look at the others. He had been too focused on Adolphe and forgotten about his surroundings, which had almost gotten him killed. So, he calmly looked around. Ki was using her sniper rifle, but Doctor T, who still had a lot of health, was attacking head-on. With Ki¡¯s cover, Nudra and Halo could approach. Meanwhile, the Doctor was trying to kill Diane. The doctor had to have thought that it would¡¯ve been better to kill Diane than Nudra or Halo, who had more health. However, Diane wasn¡¯t an easy opponent. She lured Doctor T as close as possible while still maintaining her distance from Ki. At that moment, Doctor T was trying to stay away from Nudra and and Halo. While he was fighting with Diane, if Nudra and Halo also joined the fight, the doctor would surely die. So, he distanced himself from the allies, and Halo and Nudra decided to go after Ki. With them heading her way, Junhyuk, who had been watching it all, knew that she wouldn¡¯t be able toe after him anymore. He would take care of Adolphe, and the allies still had Sarang. If Adolphe got paralyzed, the enemies would only have two heroes left. Diane wouldn¡¯t die easily to Doctor T, and Ki had already used her ultimate. Halo and Nudra would be OK. With that in mind, Junhyuk attacked Adolphe fiercely, and Adolphe gritted his teeth while fighting back. Even if Adolphe was just grazed by Junhyuk¡¯s sword, he would lose some movement and attack speeds. Adolphe felt the Frozen Rune Sword and the debuff at the same time. He could feel his body getting heavier, and it was making him go crazy. So he changed his tactics to defend himself. Meanwhile, his power came back. Adolphe thought Junhyuk¡¯s power hade back as well, but he wasn¡¯t using it. Adolphe wanted Junhyuk dead. From close range, Adolphe rushed in and swung the saw-ded sword. Junhyuk blocked the attack with his swords, but his body was still paralyzed. He shouldn¡¯t have saved his Spatial sh. He had been doing so to kill Ki, but now he was stuck. However, he couldn¡¯t get hit by Adolphe¡¯s ten-meter energy strike because the cooldown hadn¡¯t ended yet. One of those would¡¯ve cost him 20 percent of his health. Adolphe rushed, but the damage wouldn¡¯t be very high. With him stopped, Adolphe swung his sword at Junhyuk¡¯s neck, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t afford getting hit by a critical hit. Zzap! The sword wasing down, but suddenly, Adolphe¡¯s head snapped backward. The single sh of an electricity arrow had zoomed in to hit his head, and with luck, Adolphe had been stunned. The effect had a very low probability of taking ce. Adolphe was in fact paralyzed, and Junhyuk smiled. However, both of them were in the same predicament and couldn¡¯t move. Adolphe grimaced and started moving again, quicker than Junhyuk. He swung his sword at Junhyuk! ng! He had been quicker, but Junhyuk also started moving again and blocked him with his swords. Then, he parried and countered with the Frozen Rune Sword, shing Adolphe¡¯s arm and stacking the debuff three times. Then, he took a step forward and swung the Blood Rune Sword to regain some of his health. Feeling cornered, Adolphe realized he had to strike Junhyuk with a massive blow to kill him. If not, he would have to ask for help from the heroes. With the difference in their movement speeds, Junhyuk attacked him fiercely. Nothing good woulde to him if Adolphe used his power, so Junhyuk kept up the pressure. He wanted to finish him off, and every sh was getting through. When Adolphe had only 20 percent of his health, Junhyuk had made up his mind. He would kill him at all costs, wanting to help his team. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes glinted, and he dodged Adolphe¡¯s attack. Adolphe had lost half of his movement speed, and Junhyuk tapped his chest. Adolphe was very angry, but Junhyuk teleported to appear next to the heroes who were attacking Ki. She wasn¡¯t retreating, but actually fighting at the front. Junhyuk appeared next to Halo, touched him, and teleported again. Nudra was moving at high speed, but Halo was rather slow. He took Halo and closed in on Ki, smiling. There were eight meters between them now. Ki had been trying to nk them, but he was able to catch up to her with the two teleportations. He was finally close enough, so he didn¡¯t wait and used his Spatial sh. Adolphe tried to block the attack, but blood gushed out of Ki¡¯s next, and the shock wave swept across everyone. "Ugh!" The shock wave killed Adolphe, and Junhyuk dashed toward Ki. With only 20 percent of her health left, she was scared of the sight of him approaching. Meanwhile, Nudra was covered by the Rising Dragon andunched an attack. Ki frowned and jumped to escape. She thought she had, but Halo was already there, thanks to Junhyuk¡¯s teleportation. Halo sh-attacked her, slicing her ribs. Then, Nudra released a strong wind toward her. Ki disappeared, and Junhyuk smiled. The allies would have the victory. Junhyuk had not killed Ki, but he had helped out his team in the team battle. He turned around, and Doctor T gave up on killing Diane and tried to run away. He ran into the forest, and Diane shouted after him, "You dare to run into a forest in front of an elf!" She ran, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate. He jumped over the trees in the forest to appear in front of the doctor. Doctor T scoffed at him and struck with his front legs. Junhyuk blocked the attacks with his swords, but the doctor had been waiting for that moment to fire off his missiles. Boom! The small missiles hit Junhyuk, and he went rolling on the ground. Doctor T chuckled and rushed at him, smiling. However, at that moment, an explosive arrow hit the doctor¡¯s shoulder, and he staggered. He only had 35 percent of his health left, and Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword at him. When he felt himself being cut, he frowned. Even as a hero, when he lost his attack speed, Junhyuk could kill him. Doctor T could use his powers, but ordinary attacks would be ineffective against Junhyuk. Junhyuk quickly followed with the Blood Rune Sword, regaining some health and ran to the side. When the doctor finally used the methrower, Junhyuk had already escaped. Still, the mes pursued Junhyuk everywhere while he moved to escape them. Even as he kept running, he got burned on the back and felt himself losing health, but then, the light green powder sprinkled over his head. His health was back, so he smiled and went after Doctor T. He wanted to keep him pinned down so the doctor wouldn¡¯t run away. Halo, Nudra and Diane finally entered the forest and surrounded the doctor. He sighed and looked at Junhyuk. "You are always the problem!" Junhyuk pointed his swords at Doctor T. "I¡¯m sorry, but I have to go get some items. Can¡¯t you just die?" "You will be the only one to die in this ce," Doctor T said, and rushed toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk blocked the legs with his dual swords and shouted, "Help me!" "Why? You don¡¯t need any help," Diane said. "I could be killed!" Junhyuk shouted again. "He only has his web power left, and you need practice fighting heroes one-on-one anyway." Doctor T had already told Junhyuk he would die, so he attacked fiercely, letting out all of his anger. Junhyuk was pushed back, and Halo sent his sword in the air while Dianed pulled on her bowstring. "Should we see who kills him?" Halo¡¯s Rain from Above and Diane¡¯s ultimate, one of the two would kill the doctor. Both attacks took a long time to set up, but the damage was massive. Doctor T fired the webs at Junhyuk, He was too close, and Junhyuk got wrapped, unable to escape. The doctor¡¯s front legs flew at Junhyuk. Tied up the way he was, the doctor¡¯s attack could be fatal to him. Junhyuk winced, and an arrow pierced the middle of the doctor¡¯s forehead while a sword jutted out of his chest. He started disappearing, still attempting to strike Junhyuk. "Shit!" Doctor T clicked his tongue, and Junhyuk smiled and cut the webs off himself. Then, he beheaded the doctor, kneeled before him and whispered in his ear, "I asked you to just die." Chapter 210: Disclosure 3 Chapter 210: Disclosure 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl ------ Junhyuk went back to ce where he had fought fiercely and looked for an item. Jean Clo has dropped one, and it looked like a big gear, simr to the item Regina had dropped before. He quickly inspected it. --- Elite Breastte Enhancement Gear (Socket Item) Defense +10 Health +100 By simply socketing it, it increases defense and health. The item may be removed in exchange for another. It is expensive, but its effectiveness is well known. Defense increases by ten and health increased by a hundred. --- Just like the item Regina had dropped, it could be socketed. However, this one was meant to be used on armors. It could be socketed and removed at any time, and Junhyuk had no reason to refuse it. He would socket it and, if he ever changed his armor, he would socket it again into the new armor. Then, he looked at the spot where Doctor T had died, thinking that he would¡¯ve been furious if he had fought the doctor long enough for the item to disappear. He was lost in thought about the item for a long time when he suddenly heard a voice, "Junhyuk." Junhyuk turned his head and frowned. Eunseo was standing there. "Who are you looking for?" "Aren¡¯t you Junhyuk?" He was about to deny it when she added, "When I fell from the cliff, and when Chinese agents attacked, on both asions, I saw the ivory-colored force field." He shut his mouth, and she continued with conviction, "And you were the only one in both ces, Junhyuk." Without knowing what to say, he just thought it over. She didn¡¯t speak anymore, staring at him instead. Junhyuk realized he had nowhere to hide, so he got up slowly, looked at her calmly, and spoke in his own voice, "I thought you were unconscious when you fell from that cliff." She shook her head in a deliberatelyrge motion. He didn¡¯t speak, just staring at her, and eventually, she asked, "Why did you hide it?" "I can¡¯t reveal my powers on Earth." Eunseo wasn¡¯t stupid. When he said that, she understood everything and didn¡¯t question him further. He stared silently at her. Eunseo hesitated, but she said slowly, "You were him." Then, she took a step toward him, looking up at his face, and said before he had a chance to speak, "Thanks." Junhyuk smiled bitterly and responded slowly, "I don¡¯t want it to be known." She nodded and agreed. Nothing good woulde of revealing the Dark Knight¡¯s identity. "When we return, I want to speak to you." "Then, return alive at all costs." "What can I do?" Junhyuk grabbed her arm and said, "You must go to castle and note out." "But if I¡¯m to learn about the Dimensional Battlefield..." "You don¡¯t have to know," he continued curtly. "We will probably go kill a dragon. And dragons can kill you with just a regr swipe or by breathing fire." Dragon hunting was not easy, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t promise her safety. After saying that, she couldn¡¯t argue back. She wanted to stay alive and, when she returned to their world, she wanted to hear more from him. She didn¡¯t refuse Junhyuk anymore. Then, Diane walked over and pped Junhyuk¡¯s butt hard. "I got it!" Junhyuk was in the middle of a serious conversation, and he wanted to say some words to Diane about her interruption. However, he had a favor to ask her. He looked at Eunseo. "You have to go back." "I understand." After hearing her answer, he sighed and looked at Diane. "I have to go to the castle." "By returning?" "No. With the minions." She looked at Eunseo and added, "Hm... Do it. That will be safer." Then, she looked back and asked, "Does anyone want to go with them?" Halo and Nudra shook their heads. They didn¡¯t want to go back to the castle. There was no reason to. Junhyuk smiled bitterly and said, "You must be thinking about going to the Dimensional Merchant." "Yep. You don¡¯t need help going back to the castle, right?" He nodded calmly. Junhyuk could get back to the castle on his own without any help from the heroes because he wouldn¡¯t encounter any buff monsters on the way. Diane looked at Sarang and asked, "Are you going with them?" "Yes." Halo, Nudra and Diane took some minions and were about to leave when Junhyuk went over to Diane. "Diane, I have a favor to ask." "What is it?¡¯ "Do you remember giving me a leaf?" "Ah! That? Of course, I remember." "Perhaps, could I get its fruit or seeds?" Her eyes widened slightly, and she stared at him. "It¡¯s not hard to get them for you, but it¡¯s not a good idea to take items from the Dimensional Battlefield to your dimension." "I know." "Good," she said, petting Junhyuk¡¯s butt. "Then, I will see youter." She took the minions with her, and Junhyuk sighed. Eunseo was the only minion he took with him. He felt guilty about not taking the others, but that was all he could do. Minions were necessity in battle. He didn¡¯t have to worry about getting back from the castle. He would meet Arn and Vera there, and they would head straight for the dragon. Junhyuk took Eunseo and moved with Sarang. While walking, Eunseo kept looking at Sarang until she asked Junhyuk, "She has two powers. Can you tell me more about her?" "I can¡¯t," he answered curtly. She had found out who he was, but she could not find out about Sarang. Eunseo nodded slowly and added, "OK. I ept that." She was no longer interested in Sarang, and Junhyuk walked with them. s "Guardians favors people with powers," Eunseo told Sarang. Sarang shrugged, but didn¡¯t say anything back. Then, Junhyuk told Eunseo, "To be honest, I can¡¯t help Guardians." "What do you mean?" "Giant bears showed up when I killed the monsters at the Han River, and that only happened in South Korea. I knew it then that if I killed the monsters, stronger monsters woulde," "Are you sure?" "Even if I¡¯m not sure, there is high probability that that¡¯s the case. I can¡¯t kill the monsters on Earth." "Too bad." He didn¡¯t want to speak further, and picked up the pace with them, "Let¡¯s hurry back to castle. There are monsters roaming around here, so it¡¯s not safe." "Sure." The two sped up right as a monster came out of the reed field. Junhyuk frowned at it. "It¡¯s here as well?" He had only seen that monster in South Korea, the monster with the thickyered shell. It was only about three meters tall, so not too tall. "It¡¯s really sturdy!" Junhyuk had crushed one with his bare hands before, and he had his swords at that moment, so he was not scared. He used the Spatial sh on it. The monster had been confidently rushing against them, but blood gushed out of its neck. Junhyuk frowned. "It really is dense..." He teleported and stabbed the wounded area with his sword. The Frozen Rune Sword stuck to it, and the monster stomped the ground and swiped with its tail. Junhyuk kicked its stomach, took a step back and ran at it again. The monster opened its mouth, and Junhyuk stabbed into it with his sword. After, the monster shook, and Junhyuk forced the sword in deeper. It pierced the monster¡¯s head, and blood fell from the opening. The monster had been too confident, and he had killed it easily. After it was gone, he could see it had left something behind. "It wanted to give me something." He picked it up and checked it out. --- Garial¡¯s Shell (Ingredient) Defense +5 The monster¡¯s shell. Its thick skin is used on shields. When used as a shield ingredient, it increases defense by five. --- Junhyuk looked at the item and said, "This monster is called a garial." "A garial?" He ced the shell into the Spatial Bag and said, "I won¡¯t get much for it, but it will help." Sarangughed, and Eunseo asked. "Where can he sell it?" "There is a ce called the Dimensional Merchant. It buys everything from every dimensions. It¡¯ll buy this item as well." "Really?" She was in business herself, so she wanted to know more about the Dimensional Merchant. Junhyuk walked fast. "We have to hurry." "Let¡¯s." The appearance of the monster had scared Eunseo, and she followed, staring at Junhyuk¡¯s back. The iron soldier had had a hard time killing garials, but Junhyuk had killed one with ease. She felt bad that he couldn¡¯t fight on Earth. With his help, the monsters would be easily killed there. They arrived at the castle without encountering any more monsters. Before reaching the castle, Junhyuk bumped on Arn and Vera, who had fifty minions with them. They waved him down. "Where are you going?" "I am taking Eunseo Kim to the castle." "Yeah?" Arn agreed with the move. "Good thinking. We can¡¯t be burdened while we fight our enemies." Junhyuk nodded. "We can¡¯t take her when we go dragon hunting." "Can wee?" Vera asked. "No, just tell me where you are headed." "We are going to the Dragon¡¯s Valley." "I¡¯ll join you soon." Arn nodded and left with Vera while Junhyuk ran with Eunseo and Sarang. He took Eunseo inside the castle and said, "Even if the heroes take the minions with them, don¡¯t go with them. I will tell the heroes about you." "Thanks," she said gratefully, knowing she could return alive. Junhyuk looked at her, saying, "The battle might take longer than expected. Don¡¯te out from here." "Sure." Then, he added calmly, "If you are curious about somethings, don¡¯t try to find out about it. I will tell you about it once we return to our own dimension." "Got it. I¡¯ll stay here no matter what." Junhyuk left Eunseo inside the castle and walked out with Sarang. "I wanted to hide it, but she found out." "What are you going to do?" "What do you mean?" Junhyuk looked at the castle where Eunseo was waiting with the other minions and said, "Now that it¡¯s been disclosed, I¡¯ll find a way to use that to my advantage." He had meant to leave Eunseo. He had meant to quit thepany so that he wouldn¡¯t had to deal with her. Now, a change had to be made in their rtionship. Junhyuk looked at Sarang and said, "Let¡¯s hurry. They have minions with them, so we can catch up." Chapter 211: Thwarted 1 Chapter 211: Thwarted 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl ------ The Valley of Dragons. Junhyuk and Sarang saw the people gathered around the valley¡¯s entrance and approached them. The heroes were there with a hundred minions, and the two rejoined them. The heroes saw them and smiled. "Now, can I call you Junhyuk?" "Yes. You may call me that." "Whew! I¡¯ve been wanting to say your name. I was having a really hard time." Diane made a fuss, and Junhyuk smiled at her. However, he was still wearing the helmet, so Diane couldn¡¯t see his face. She raised her hand and said, "Here is the fruit and the seed." "Thank you." He quickly extended his hand, but Diane pped it away, protesting, "You know how to repay me!" Junhyuk sighed deeply and stuck his butt out toward her, but she wagged her index finger from side to side. "This was a special favor for you, so you have to take off your armor for the p." "What?!" he said, really surprised, and Diane smiled. "Are you sure you are an elf?" "Don¡¯t be discriminatory toward elves!" She waved the fruit and the seed in front of him, and his eyes gleamed, following the items. So far, she had had permission to p his butt and she had done so over his armor. Now, she was waving items that were worth $100 million each in front of him. The trade was a butt p for $200 million, and Junhyuk was going through an inner turmoil while clutching his armor. "Just one p," he said and took it off. --- Junhyuk stared at the dragon, who was standing haughtily and standoffshly as always, and Sarang whispered in his ear, "Big brother, are you OK?" "No. I have been vited." "But the reward is huge." "Should I unt the fact that my butt is $200 million?" Then, Diane walked over to Junhyuk and put him in a headlock. "Two hundred million dors? Is that arge sum?" "It¡¯s a huge sum." She smiled and added, "Just tell me whenever you need something. To find things like that in the Valley of Death, I have to walk around some, but I¡¯ll do it for you." "Thank you." She shrugged and looked at Arn. "What are you going to do?" "We can¡¯t wait anymore. Let¡¯s get the dragon and see." Junhyuk looked at the dragon again and sighed. Won¡¯t the enemiese while we are hunting the dragon? He looked around. Killing the dragon had been quiteplicated up to now, so he was feeling anxious. "Hurry! Attack!" Arn shouted, and the minions started to run. They went in first, and Arn followed behind. Junhyuk and Sarang followed him. Arn and Vera had died, so they hadn¡¯t gotten new items, the but others had had time to upgrade their equipment. Junhyuk expected an upgrade in their equipments¡¯ performances. The dragon swiped hard against the minions and looked at the ones left. Meanwhile, Arn approached the dragon first. Both Arn and Halo shed its legs, making it furious. Junhyuk, if possible, wanted to stop the dragon¡¯s fire breath, but it would do it sooner orter anyway. Vera prepared Meteor Shower, and Diane readied an arrow. Nudra ran toward the dragon, covered in the Rising Dragon Aura, and attacked. Junhyuk watched it all and stuck his tongue out. The dragon is extremely formidable, but if things continued, Arn, Halo, and Nudra would kill it. However, that didn¡¯t mean they would be immune to the dragon¡¯s attacks. With their movements speeds, they couldn¡¯t get away unscathed, but the heroes used their powers one after the other. They jumped and sh attacked. Still, even moving around the dragon, they didn¡¯t dodge every attack and were all wounded. Sarang looked at their injuries and extended her hands. From them, a light green powder sprinkled over the heroes, and Arn and Halo were healed at the same time. Previously, Junhyuk used to be quick at using his force field, but Sarang had used her healing power first this time. Arn and Halo were healed and attacked the dragon again. Vera smiled. "The preparations are over," she said, and meteors fell from the sky, mming hard against the dragon. Thinking it could die at any moment, the dragon growled and inhaled deeply. Junhyuk had been watching it, and he gathered the group in one spot. "It¡¯sing!" The dragon¡¯s breath took a long time to extinguish, so to block it, they had to gather inside the force field. The ivory-colored structure appeared, and it covered the entire group. Diane looked at Junhyuk and winked. "Watch carefully," she said and let go of her bowstring. An arrow covered in moonlight and flew off and prated the dragon¡¯s eye, piercing through the back of its skull. So far, the arrow had only been able to damage the eye, but this time it had gone through. She shot two more arrows to hit the same spot. Junhyuk was shocked. "What happened?" Diane smiled and said, "The bow has new item socketed to it." "What?!" He wanted to know what she had meant, and she exined it to him slowly, "I have purchased a very, very, very expensive item." "What is it?" "It makes my arrows spin like a drill." "What about the increased damage?" "It goes up by 30 percent, but it only works 50 percent of the time. However, when it works, it works beautifully." "Is that even possible with just one item?" Dianeughed brightly, saying,"I spent all that money earned because of you on it." He was curious about the price of the item, but it wasn¡¯t a good time to delve into that. At that moment, the dragon was breathing fire, but after getting its eye pierced, it started rushing toward them as well. It mmed its tail against the force field, which was hit,unching everyone into the air. The dragon¡¯s tail swipe was stronger than Bater¡¯s rocket punches. However, they were still safe from the mes. Diane shot a series of arrows, and Vera cast her magic. Every hero concentrated his or her attacks on the dragon. It held out for a while, but in the end, it fell, meaninglessly. [You¡¯ve killed the dragon Kaloyan. For the next two hours, you get a 30 percent increase to health regeneration rate, a 30 percent increase to movement speed, a 30 percent increase to attack speed, a 30 percent increase to defense, and when you attack, you will inflict an additional one hundred damage on top of your normal damage. If you die within two hours, you will lose yours buff to your opponent.] Junhyuk was ted that they had killed the dragon before their enemies had gotten there. "Sess!" "Why aren¡¯t they here?" "Well..." Junhyuk shook his head. He didn¡¯t know what was going, but they had killed the dragon before the enemies arrived. They had been buffed and, for two hours, they would be invincible. Feeling the enemies¡¯ absence, they started moving, heading for the lower path. They had taken the first tower, and the second tower would be easy. On their way there, the five heroes still saw no sign of the enemies. Junhyuk shook his head. "By the way, can our movements be detected by the enemies?" "When a tower is attacked." He felt a little less anxious. "So, if the enemies attack our tower, do we know it as well?" "Correct." "Then, that¡¯s a relief." Without taking down the towers in a path, the enemies couldn¡¯t attack the castle. That meant that even if the enemies moved faster than the allies, the enemies had to attack the towers first, so the allies would know about it. They had run for a while, and suddenly all of the heroes stopped. Junhyuk watched them, and Arn stuck his tongue out. "Look at them?" "What is the matter?" "The second tower is being attacked." "They are already attacking the second tower!?" While they had been fighting the dragon, their enemies had made their way to the second tower. "Then, what do we do now?" "Return." "What about the second tower?" "We relinquish it." Even if they returned at that moment and tried to get to the second tower, it would already be destroyed. "I¡¯ve been thwarted." "Right. Can you return?" "Yes." "Then, return." Junhyuk looked at the surviving minions. Only ten of them had survived the fight with the dragon, but they couldn¡¯t return like the heroes. He looked at them and asked, "Can you see the reed field over there?" They all nodded, and he added slowly, "Hide in there. If a monsteres, you must fight in order to survive." "Are you leaving us behind?" "We can¡¯t move together anymore," Junhyuk said curtly, and everyone felt depressed. "If you want to stay alive, pull yourselves together," he told them. A minion stepped forward. "But you already saved Guardians¡¯ CEO!" "I¡¯m sorry, but I have to take the portal back. It¡¯s a matter of time." The minions murmured, and Junhyuk added, "Pull yourselves together and stay alert. Staying in the reed field will increase your survival rate." The minion stared at Junhyuk, but didn¡¯t speak, and Junhyuk ignored him. At that point, he didn¡¯t have the time to deal with that minion. He took the portal back with the heroes and left the white room. The heroes were already outside when Junhyuk and Sarang walked out. "The second tower is already gone. We¡¯ll use the big road in the center to attack." "Will theye through the center?" "I¡¯m not sure. With the tower gone, can¡¯t be sure of where they areing from," Arn said, frowning. "So, we need someone to stay inside the castle." "If you do that, won¡¯t it decrease our numerical advantage?" Arn spoke calmly, "Vera and I haven¡¯t had a chance to upgrade our equipment, but the others have. Even if we have a team battle, we shall win." "You said someone needs to stay here." Arn put a hand on Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and said, "You stay here." "Me?!" Then, Arn looked at Sarang and added, "With Sarang." "They¡¯ll have Adolphe with them. You know that, right?" "I know." He could guard the castle, but the heroes could find themselves in dire need. In team battles, Junhyuk and Sarang had a massive impact. He could use the force field to protect them, and Sarang could heal them. Sarang¡¯s stun and Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh were also of big help to the allies. However, he realized that Arn had made up his mind and didn¡¯t argue. "I¡¯ll be safe here, so sure." "Right. If the enemies show up, let me know. We will push center." "Be careful." Arn waved and took the minions out with them. The heroes left, and Junhyuk kept thinking that campaign was extremely strange. "What¡¯s changed?" The enemies had only attacked center, and they had already lost a team battle and given up on the dragon hunt. Now, they were pushing center again. The allies had lost two hours on the road, and the buff was gone, so the enemies had been smart. While the allies killed the dragon, the enemies took the second tower. Now, only the castle remained. Even if the allies met them in the center, the enemies wouldn¡¯t run away. If they did, they would be killed one-by-one. Why are they pushing center? They were disying apletely new strategy, which meant that the enemies were treating the allies with respect. While Junhyuk worried, Eunseo walked over. "What¡¯s going on?" "The enemies are using an unexpected strategy, so I have to stay here now," he told her. "Then, we are in danger here now?" Junhyuk looked far off into the big road and said, "Just hope that isn¡¯t the case." Chapter 212: Thwarted 2 Chapter 212: Thwarted 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Ever since he first came to the Dimensional Battlefield, things had never been more peaceful. At that moment, all he had to do was look out for an enemy who was noting and be cautious. There was nothing else to do. Eunseo tried to speak to him a few times, but he only gave her short answers. He told her there would be more opportunities for them to have a discussion, but that, at that moment, they had to focus on the frontline. After that, Eunseo also remained silent. Instead, she also focused on the horizon ahead. Junhyuk was a bit aways from Eunseo, looking ahead. He didn¡¯t know how the enemies were moving and couldn¡¯t guess it. Because of that, he was feeling frustrated. "Doctor T¡¯s ultimate is not so bad." The other¡¯s ultimates were extremely powerful, like in most cases, but Doctor T¡¯s ultimate involved scouting ahead by sending out tiny spiders. Up to that point, the allies hadn¡¯t thought much of Doctor T¡¯s ultimate. Now, the enemies were acting strategically and disying the ultimate¡¯s superiority. The enemies were probably looking at the allies like ants ying in the palm of their hands. The allies were moving as a group, so they would be safe, but a hero might get killed. Junhyuk focused tomunicate with Arn. "How is the situation?" "Right now, enemies have appeared on the lower and upper path, but three of them are unounted for." "Maybe they are preparing an ambush?" "We can¡¯t ignore that possibility. We will send one out for the lower and upper path each, and the other three will continue center. Even if there is an ambush, we should be OK." Junhyuk had lied in ambush himself. Waiting in the reed field and ambushing the enemy was something he had done many times before, so there was the possibility of the allies receiving massive casualties. Perhaps, the enemies were attacking each tower to attract attention, but it was hard to say if that was the case. The enemies could destroy a tower with just one here. They had done it before. Previously, the enemies had sent just one hero to destroy the golems and the castle, so the allies couldn¡¯t let their guard down. In order to block their attack, the allies had to move, cing themselves on defense, even if they had killed the dragon. "Perhaps it¡¯s a good thing the enemies are waiting in ambush?" "Why?" Sarang asked him. Junhyuk pointed to the horizon and said, "If the tower is already under enemy attack, even if the allies run fast, they won¡¯t be able to reach it in time. What if the enemies drop the tower ande this way?" "They should return." "Right. The heroes could return, but how many of them should return? And what if the allies are already skirmishing with the enemy?" "Return would take time and we could lose the castle in the meantime!" Junhyuk nodded heavily. "Without heroes, it¡¯s almost impossible to defend the castle on our own. It¡¯ll be difficult to buy more time as well." "Right." Junhyuk could deal with one enemy hero, but if more of them showed up, he wouldn¡¯t be able to do much. He looked at Eunseo, who was scouting the surroundings, and murmured, "When the enemy minions show up here, we¡¯ll have to send out our minions to meet them, but that won¡¯t be easy." He looked at the minions inside the castle. There were many of them in wait, but if they went out to meet the enemy, they would be killed. If the enemy got there, Junhyuk would have to send them out. However, he still had issues, psychologically, with ordering them to their deaths. Junhyuk looked ahead. "If we see an enemy, we must report back to the heroes to let them know how many enemies are here." As he spoke, all of a sudden, there was movement in the forest to the right of the central road. A group appeared. Even in in sight, they were approximately a hundred, but the minions weren¡¯t the problem. Junhyuk scouted nervously and saw three heroes and Adolphe. At that moment, he quickly made his report by using themunication crystal, "Jean Clo, Ki and Bater are here. Adolphe as well." A brief moment of silence passed, and then the reply came, "Vera, Diane and I will return. Hold the castle." "Yes." There was an enemy attacking each of the towers, which would be Doctor T and Regina. That meant Nudra and Halo were dealing with them. If the allies fought with the backing of the tower, they wouldn¡¯t be killed. Junhyuk stood on the castle wall and looked at the enemies running toward him. Jean Clo and Ki were taking the lead. Bater¡¯s eyes emanatedplete killer intent while looking at Junhyuk. Ki¡¯s range was extremely long, so she could kill the archers from where she was. Junhyuk had to do something about it. He raised his sword and pointed to the enemies. "When they are within range, I¡¯ll buy more time with the Spatial sh." "Sure." Sarang scoped out the enemies nervously. Even if the enemies ran quickly, the allied heroes should return first. Without Junhyuk, the castle would¡¯ve been attacked without the allies¡¯ knowledge. However, Junhyuk was there. "We should halt their advance." They were within a hundred meters of the castle, and Junhyuk had his sword in hand, gripping it tightly. Once the heroes closed in, they sent their riflemen. The minions had stop the riflemen. If not, the riflemen could destroy the wall in no time. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t use the Spatial sh against them either at that point. He kept thinking. When the riflemen closed in, the archers started attacking. The archers¡¯ range was longer than the riflemen¡¯s, so they started picking them off one by one." "Thinking of it now, the riflemen are prettyme." They were long range units, but they couldn¡¯t kill the archers at that point. However, they could get to the bottom of the wall and attack the archers from there. There was a definite difference between the allied and enemy armament. All of a sudden, a voice boomed out, "Open the gate!" Junhyuk turned back and saw Arn, Vera and Diane. The gate opened, and the heroes took a hundred minions with them outside. Once out, Arn shouted, "Attack!" The minions raised their shields and ran forward, toward the riflemen, and Junhyuk looked at Sarang. "Let¡¯s go." "Yes." Both of them started at running, and Eunseo shouted after them, "Be careful!" Junhyuk nodded to her as he headed out before the gate was closed again. The minions were already in full battle mode. Arn lead the heroes, and Vera and Diane followed. Junhyuk thought of the alliedbination andpared it to the enemybination and frowned. Vera and Diane were weak. If enemies closed in, the two would have a hard time staying alive. Only Arn could fight up close with the enemies. On the other hand, Jean Clo and Bater could fight up close. Junhyuk thought he was key to the alliedbination. He smacked his lips and inspected the frontline. If Arn could lure just one enemy, the archers would help in the fight. Jean Clo and Bater both stepped forward, and Arn stopped running. Both of them could rush, so Arn calcted the distance and stepped back. If either of them rushed after Arn, he would find himself in a difficult position. While Arn retreated, the enemies headed toward him. Looking at the whole picture, the enemy line was moving forward, and Junhyuk walked toward them. He wanted to kill Ki first, but there were other enemies who posed more imminent danger. Jean Clo and Bater were at the front, but if Junhyuk could get help from the archers, he could kill them both. As the enemies approached him, Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate to use the Spatial sh. While Bater was running with Jean Clo, a gash opened on his neck, and a red shock wave extended out from it. Jean Clo was injured by the shock wave, but he was so strong that he could ignore it. Instead, he sped up, rushing toward Arn. By rushing, he put himself within range. Once he grabbed Arn¡¯s neck, the archers attacked him. While under attacked from the archers, Jean Clo turned around and choke mmed Arn. After being mmed against the ground, Arn got up quickly, but Bater finally caught up and hit him hard on the back. "Argh!" Arn staggered, and the alliesunched their attacks. A firewall appeared behind Bater, and Diane shot at him continuously and urately. After Junhyuk used the Spatial sh on Bater, everyone concentrated their attacks on him. Arn turned and hit him with the seven-strikebo. A fire spear hit him, and Bater got pushed back, hitting a fire orb behind him. The three barraged him. Bater had lost a lot of health after Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh and Diane¡¯s continuous arrows hit him in a row. The drill arrows¡¯ 50 percent boost to attack had seeded. Arn¡¯s seven-strikebo and Vera¡¯s series of explosion had wounded him further, and Bater only had 10 percent of his health left. All of a sudden, he looked like a used rag. That only happened because the heroes and Junhyuk had upgraded their equipment in thest battlefield. Arn still had 70 percent of his health, and the allies were winning. Bater could feel the danger and attempted to retread. Then, a shot rang out. Bang! A bullet went through the firewall and hit Arn in the middle of the forehead. The shot was a critical hit, and Arn lost 30 percent of his health. Meanwhile, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t let Bater escape. "Get him!" he shouted, and Diane shot a single arrow that flew out and hit Bater. His health was near the bottom, and when Sarang heard Junhyuk¡¯s shout, she fired an electric st. Pzzic! Jean Clo and Bater were hit by the st, and Bater disappeared. Sarang was nervous. She felt guilty she had killed a hero at thest minute, but Vera whispered in her ear, "You did well." At that moment, the important thing was to kill them quickly. Another gunshot rang out, and Junhyuk raised the force field around Vera. With Vera at the center of the ivory-colored light, Arn also entered. The bullet ricocheted off the field, and Sarang healed Arn back to 60 percent of his health. An enemy had been killed, and Arn had only lost 40 percent of his health. Junhyuk thought they were winning. The archer¡¯s attacks pushed Jean Clo back. A single exchange had cost the enemies one hero, and they winced. Junhyuk watched them retreat and asked Arn, "What do we do now?" "We don¡¯t need the archers. Let¡¯s close in while the force field is up." Arn took the lead, and the rest of the group followed him. At that point, the enemies knew their attacks would work, so they retreated. They didn¡¯t go far though. They were confident that they could kill Arn and massacre the others after. Vera¡¯s and Diane¡¯s attacks were high, but they couldn¡¯t do anything against Jean Clo and Ki¡¯sbination. Junhyuk watched them retreating and asked, "Should I slow them down?" Using his Spatial sh with the Frozen Rune Sword would slow the enemies down, and Arn nodded. "When the force field disappears, do it in one go. I¡¯ll jump in and take care of the rest." "Should I aim for Ki?" Arn nodded, and Junhyuk gripped the Frozen Rune Sword tightly. The force field faded, and Junhyuk made his move. While Ki ran away, her neck spurted out a fountain of blood, and a pure white shock wave extended out from it, slowing the enemies down. Arn jumped. Chapter 213: Thwarted 3 Chapter 213: Thwarted 3 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl --- Arn jumped, closed in on Kill and shed at her. As he approached, Ki pulled out her pistols and shot out the shock wave. Boom! Ki¡¯s shock wave pushed Arn back. The impact was a critical hit, and Arn lost 45 percent of his health, leaving him with only 15 percent left. The n to kill Ki was going from bad to worse. However, she had also been left with 40 percent of her health. At that point, it didn¡¯t matter who was going to kill her. Vera¡¯s and Diane¡¯s attacks could do it, but there was still some distance between them. Jean Clo rushed, grabbed Arn and jumped. If he got mmed like that, Arn would surely die. Junhyuk ran to the front and looked at Ki, who was already wielding her pistols. If Arn died there, there would be dire consequences to the allies. However, Junhyuk was not confident he could survive Ki¡¯s attack. Still, he couldn¡¯t stop running toward her. While running to the front, Junhyuk focused on Ki. He wasn¡¯t sure even if he focused entirely on her, he would be able to survive her attack. Meanwhile, he disengaged Adolphe, who released two blue energy attacks that were out of his range, but wrapped up Diane and Vera. Seeing that, Junhyuk gritted his teeth and ran. Ki fired multiple rounds at him, and because Junhyuk was entirely focused on her, he saw the bullets flying toward him. He teleported and escaped them. The gunshots flew by, and Junhyuk touched Arn, who was in the air, spinning toward the ground, and teleported. He had saved Arn in the nick of time, but he had used all his teleportations in the process. Arn wasn¡¯t entirely safe. At that moment, Ki had retreated and was preparing another shot. It could kill him. Junhyuk bearhugged Arn and rolled on the ground. Thus, escaping Ki¡¯s shot. Arn smiled at Junhyuk and threw his saber. It struck Ki, leaving her with 25 percent of her health. That was when Jean Clo ran ran at them again, but Junhyuk stood in his way. Arn couldn¡¯t die yet, and although Junhyuk had gotten stronger, even with the Spatial sh he was weak inparison. He was ready to die in Arn¡¯s ce, which is why he stood in front of Jean Clo. Jean Clo scoffed at the gesture and squeezes Junhyuk by the neck. When Jean Clo raised him from the ground, Junhyuk swung his sword and sliced Jean Clo¡¯s arm. Meanwhile, Arn gripped his saber tightly and dashed. If Arn killed Ki, Junhyuk was confident that the allies would win that team battle. Jean Clo raised him up higher and chokemmed him against the ground. Boom! He felt the impact against his back, and without realizing it, he coughed out all the air in his lungs. "Ugh! Cough!" Arn was on his way toward Ki, but Junhyuk had to buy him more time, which meant he had to fight Jean Clo. Jean Clo was a tank. He had a lot of health and defense, and normal attacks usually dealt less damage to him. Even without using his ultimate, he could deal a lot of damage. That was a hero. Junhyuk tried to get out of Jean Clo¡¯s hold by swinging his sword desperately. sssh! He had managed to cut Jean Clo¡¯s finger in the process. He couldn¡¯t cut Jean Clo¡¯s arm off, but it wasn¡¯t impossible for him to lop off fingers. After losing his finger, Jean Clo lost his grip on Junhyuk, who stepped back quickly and pointed his swords at Jean Clo. Jean Clo¡¯s steel jaw opened, and he shouted at Junhyuk, "How dare you!?" Adolphe rushed and shed Arn, leaving him paralyzed, and Ki¡¯s shot hit Arn in the middle of the forehead, and he disappeared. Junhyuk gritted his teeth, staring at Jean Clo. He still had 80 percent of his health left. Ki was at low health, but she was fighting from a distance, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t have the Spatial sh ready and couldn¡¯t get close to her. The situation had worsened. Without Arn, it wouldn¡¯t be easy to deal with Jean Clo, Adolphe and Ki, but he inhaled deeply and thought quickly. When the Spatial sh was ready, he would kill Ki in one strike. However, the problem was surviving until then. He had to survive both Adolphe and Jean Clo, and Ki was already preparing another shot. The enemies knew it wasn¡¯t good for them to waste time and focused on Junhyuk. Jean Clo aimed for Junhyuk, while Adolphe aimed for Vera and Diane. However, Junhyuk was more worried about Sarang than Vera and Diane. If it was just Adolphe, he wouldn¡¯t be so worried, but Ki was still out there. He hadn¡¯t expected it, but Diane dashed forward while drawing her bow, and Junhyuk realized that Diane was trying to get rid of Ki. Ki realized it too. Because of that, she switched her target from Junhyuk to Diane. Bang! Diane turned her torso slightly and got hit on the shoulder. Adolphe tried to stop her, but she moved like a shadow to the side and released her bowstring. In a brief moment, Diane shot five arrows that flew toward Ki, who jumped. Diane watched as her arrows missed Ki and gritted her teeth. Then, she dodged Adolphe¡¯s sword strike. She sped up. Diane could get a speed boost even when she was not in the forest. Meanwhile, Vera threw a firespear at Adolphe so that he couldn¡¯t chase her down. He got hit by the firespear and bounced off a fire orb. After the explosions, Adolphe staggered. At the same Jean Clo was trying to stop Diane, but Junhyuk still stood in front of him. Junhyuk nked Jean Clo and sliced Jean Clo¡¯s leg. His movement speed was superior to Jean Clo¡¯s, and he had been able to stop Jean Clo from running after Diane. Jean Clo turned around and tried to backhand Junhyuk, but Junhyuk leaned back, barely escaping the attack. He took two steps back and repositioned himself. Jean Clo approached while tapping his own chin, "Right. You want to be killed by me. I¡¯ll grant you that favor." Jean Clo did not waver and extended his hands forward. Junhyuk, who had fought him before, knew that he couldn¡¯t cut Jean Clo¡¯s arms. He would have to cut him elsewhere, and he knew just the ce. Jean Clo extended his hands, and Junhyuk stepped back while swinging his sword. Suddenly, Jean Clo lost another finger. While cutting fingers wouldn¡¯t deal a lot of damage, it would prevent Jean Clo from mounting his attacks. "Ahhh! I will kill you!" Jean Clo said furiously. Fury made people blind, and Jean Clo no longer cared about the others. Junhyuk had lured him in while watching Vera corner Adolphe. Adolphe was a strong champion, but he was weaker than Vera. She circled around him, casting her magic, while Adolphe, who had used all of his powers, couldn¡¯t pin her down in one ce. Adolphe changed ns and decided to go after Sarang, but she also didn¡¯t just sit there waiting. She ran toward Vera and, while running, she shot an electric arrow at him. Sarang¡¯s focus was already very high, so she could cast magic while moving. Junhyuk hoped Sarang would stay safe and lured Jean Clo toward a deserted ce. He was slowed down, making it possible to pull him. However, while Junhyuk did that, Jean Clo rushed suddenly. Seeing that, Junhyuk clicked his tongue, realizing that Jean Clo¡¯s rush had a short cooldown. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t escape, and Jean Clo grabbed him by the neck, so he decided to take a chance and cut Jean Clo¡¯s thumb. Jean Clo needed his fingers to keep his grip, but he had lost his thumb, his middle finger and his ring finger, so he couldn¡¯t keep hold, and Junhyuk got free. He smirked, and Jean Cloughed and grabbed him with his left hand. "You forgot something. I rush to close in on you. Even without fingers, I can still get to you." Jean Clo grappled him and jumped. At that point, Junhyuk had 70 percent of his health, but he was about to be damaged by the screw piledriver. He couldn¡¯t escape. The world was spinning around him, and he tried to stab Jean Clo with the Frozen Rune Sword. His head hit the ground. Boom! The world kept spinning, and he lost 30 percent of his health, leaving him with 40 percent. However, Jean Clo wasn¡¯t done with him. When he grabbed Junhyuk by the head, an arrow went through his shoulder, and he frowned. At the same time, Junhyuk sliced Jean Clo¡¯s other thumb off. Then, he fell to the ground and rolled to escape. Once he turned around, he saw Diane running toward him. She had gotten rid of Ki and was now after Jean Clo. Jean Clo realized that Ki was dead and lost some confidence. Ki was dead, and only Adolphe and himself remained. The allies had two heroes, Junhyuk and Sarang. He knew that was the worst possible situation and shouted, "Kill Vera!" Adolphe stopped chasing after Sarang and ran after Vera. Jean Clo tried to join him, but after having used his rush against Junhyuk, it wasn¡¯t easy to keep up with Vera. However, that was his only option. Jean Clo chased after Vera, and Junhyuk smiled, seeing that Jean Clo would need his rush if he was to catch Vera. He could stop Jean Clo. The cooldown of the Spatial sh had ended, and Junhyuk saw that Adolphe and Jean Clo were close, so he didn¡¯t hesitate and used his power. The Spatial sh hit Jean Clo¡¯s neck, generating a blood-colored shock wave that swept through Adolphe, killing the champion and leaving Jean Clo with 40 percent of his health. The Spatial sh had taken a lot of his health, and a barrage of arrows was heading his way. Jean Clo was already slow, and now that he had been hit, he used his ultimate. Three blue energy rings surrounded him, but at the same time, Sarang suppressed it, surrounding Jean Clo¡¯s body in a blood-colored energy. Vera cast a fire arrow on him, and the blue energy rings all shattered. "I will kill you all!" he howled. Jean Clo was going berserk, and Junhyuk decided not to get any closer. By that point, Vera and Diane could kill him. His regenerative power had been dispelled, but he could still have a rush left in him. Jean Clo inspected the health bars of everyone in the battlefield. They were all within his rush¡¯s range. Diane was running toward Junhyuk to help him out, so she was really close. Vera was standing up, casting her attacks. When his rush returned, Jean Clo had 20 percent of his health left, and he wanted to kill someone before he died. He skipped Vera and Diane and chose Sarang. He rushed toward her, and Junhyuk teleported to appeared in front of her. Jean Clo grabbed him by the shoulder, lifting him up and mming him against the ground. Boom! It was a critical hit, and Junhyuk was left with 5 percent of his health. When Jean Clo was about to punch him one final time, the back of his head exploded. An explosive arrow had gone off, and a fire spear hit his face. Both attacks struck him urately, and Jean Clo disappeared, having failed to punch Junhyuk. Junhyuk sighed, relieved, and said, "I¡¯m sure he regrets that." Chapter 214: Upgrading Equipment 1 Chapter 214: Upgrading Equipment 1 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl --- He was watching Jean Clo disappear and sighing when a shadow loomed over his head. Junhyuk turned to look, and Sarang extended her hand to him. "Are you OK?" "Well, I didn¡¯t die, so I must be fine." He grabbed her hand and got up, and Diane and Vera walked over and told him, "You did well." He stretched his neck lightly and started cleaning the dirt off his armor. Diane walked over sneakily and cleaned the dirt off his butt. "You¡¯ve got a lot of dirt on you." "Are you cleaning me?" "That¡¯s right. Do you think I have dark, ulterior motives?" Diane smiled while she cleaned the dirt off his butt, and Junhyuk was left not knowing what to say, simply turning to Sarang instead. "Did you pick up the item Bater dropped?" "Ah! Wait a second!" She ran back and picked it up. Unexpectedly, Bater had dropped a pair of boots, and Sarang showed them to Junhyuk. Steel Military Boots Defense +15 Magic Defense +15 Movement Speed -5% Health +200 These are dense military boots. When wearing them, you can inflict a lot of pain by kicking someone¡¯s shin. Defense and magic defense increase by fifteen. Due to their weight, movement speed decreases by 5 percent. They also increase health by 200. --- Junhyuk looked at the boots¡¯ attributes and was d. "This is good. I was worried about your low health." "Wouldn¡¯t these fit you better?" "No. They increase health and defense, so they¡¯ll work better on you. I don¡¯t like the fact they decrease movement speed, but you can get another item to increase your movement speed somewhere." "That¡¯s right, but you are the one who does most of the fighting." Junhyuk shrugged said, "Yes, but it still matters whether or not you get killed in a single hit. Even more so for an expert, a 200 health increase is really nice. You should keep it." Sarang thought about it for a moment and nodded. "OK." Junhyuk felt better then because he had less to worry about her. With her health at that level, she would at least survive a single hit from the heroes. Vera frowned and said, "We¡¯ve been hit." "Who?" Vera licked her lips and said, "Our upper and lower towers have both been destroyed. The enemies attacking those have been killed, but Nudra also died." "Things are as good as we thought!" At that point, the allies had cleared the first upper and lower towers, but they also had lost theirs, and they had lost both of the central towers. As a whole, their position was dire. With the second central tower destroyed, someone had to stay at the castle. Vera took a moment to think. "Nudra¡¯s been killed, so lower path is vulnerable. I¡¯ll head there myself." Diane shook her head and said, "No. I¡¯ll go there instead. Vera, you take Junhyuk and go to Dimensional Merchant." "Is that OK?" "You need more equipment, and it¡¯ll be easier to deal with the enemies after." Vera nodded at that, and Diane continued, "When Arn revives, I¡¯ll send him to you. Sarang can defend this ce alone." Sarang hesitated and said, "But I don¡¯t havemunication crystal." "Use the Kasha, and Junhyuk will tell us." Vera had decided the matter at hand, the group decided to follow her decision. Junhyuk was alone with Vera, and both started off. It might have been better to wait until Arn revived, but the enemies were moving quickly. It would be best ot upgrade their equipment first. Even if he was alone with Vera, Junhyuk remained on the lookout. The Dimensional Battlefield was sorge that it wouldn¡¯t be possible to spot Doctor T¡¯s spiders. He might get lucky, but he couldn¡¯t see any at that point. While the enemies might find out where they were, it was still a good idea to visit the Dimensional Merchant. They reached their destination without meeting anyone and, upon entering, they found Bebe yawning hard. Bebe waved at them and smiled. "You came!" Vera walked over to him, and Bebe smiled and said, "You¡¯ve all been handsomely rewarded this time. Do you want to buy something?" Vera whispered to Bebe, "Do you have the Phoenix set?" "You want it?" "I think this is the right time to get it." "It¡¯s a fire set, so not many people are looking for it, but set items themselves are always hard to get, just so you know." "So, do you have it or not?" Bebe smiled and pulled out item by item. "So far, I¡¯ve collected four Phoenix set items, but do you know how much these will cost you?" "How much?" "A total of 1,200,000G." Vera exhaled deeply and said, "Then, check these out." She pulled out some things and showed them to Bebe, who inspected them and whistled. "Did you steal these from a Dragon¡¯s Lair?" "I found them at the Ancient Dragon¡¯s Lair. I got them from there." Bebe inspected the items more thoroughly and, astonished, he said, "They are impressive. Wait a moment. I¡¯ll calcte the entire price for them." Junhyuk looked at Vera enviously. How much would think from the Ancient Dragon¡¯s Lair bring in? Bebe had already said they were impressive, so they had to be worth a lot. Bebe took a while calcting and said, "This is the most you¡¯ve brought me so far, and they are items of the highest quality." "So, how much?" "For these, 1,980,000G. I¡¯ll give your another 20,000G, so how does 2,000,000G sound?" "Perfect. Then, give me the Phoenix Set first." "Sure." Junhyuk watched Vera as very purchased everything. She looked powerful, and even after spending 1,200,000G, she still had 800,000G. What had she actually found at the Ancient Dragon¡¯s Lair? Junhyuk was jealous, and he started to feel sick, but his sickness was short-lived. Vera untied her cloak, and changed clothes right in front of him. A glint came over his eyes, and Bebe made a tent. However, before the tent had been set up, Junhyuk had been able to see her beautiful bottom. Right at the moment he saw it, the tent went up, and Junhyuk smacked his lips. A momentter, Vera walked out of the tent, and Junhyuk¡¯s mouth hung wide open. Her outfit only covered the important part. Besides that, she was practically naked. With feathers covering her privates, she exined calmly, "Even though it looks like this, it has a lot of defense." "It¡¯s a set, so it must be powerful!" "Sure. Fire mages wear it. It¡¯s a very impressive set." "How many items are required for the full set?" "Eight items, but even now my damage has increased and my cooldowns have decreased. I can kill our enemies faster than ever before." Junhyuk was surprised to hear that there was something to decrease cooldowns. Was that even possible? Junhyuk looked at her with surprise, but Vera wanted to upgrade her equipment with enhancement stones, so she spent the rest of the 800,000G on the stones and doing all the basic upgrades on all four items. Junhyuk had just witnessed her spending 2,000,000G. He had been shocked by Gongon¡¯s expenditures previously, but Vera¡¯s had far surpassed those. He wanted to bring back stuff from South Korea and upgrade his equipment like the heroes did. He thought he might have to put together a museum heist and smiled bitterly. "And I have something you spoke of," Bebe said. "I spoke of something?" "You were looking for Pure Golden Knight Elder set items." "What?!" Junhyuk¡¯s eyes sparkled, and he repeated, "What is it?" Bebe showed him a golden cloak, and Junhyuk was dumbfounded A golden cloak! He was wearing the Dark Night Cloak, which went well with his ck armor. The golden cloak wouldn¡¯t match. However, he still wanted to buy it. He had been waiting a long time for another item. "How much is it?" "It¡¯s 100,000G. Cheap, right?" Junhyuk nodded and asked, "But isn¡¯t the Phoenix set too expensive whenpared to it?" Cheap was good, but the quality did matter. He wanted a good deal. "I know what you are worried about, but don¡¯t worry. You can increase the level of set items, but it takes a lot of money." Junhyuk smacked his lips and asked, "How much does each level-up cost?" "Each will cost you 200,000G." "Is a level-up better than an upgrade?" "Basic upgrades are better than level-ups, but the level-ups will work out to your benefit in the long term. Upgrades get erased when the item levels up." What Bebe meant is that he should go with the level-up over the basic upgrade. That way, he could upgrade his items after they were leveled up. "But the item belonged to a legendary figure, and it¡¯s a set item. Howe it¡¯s at such a low level?" Bebe answered nonchntly, "Back then, things were just beginning, and the quality ofbatants wasn¡¯t as great as it is now. Nowadays, a hero who puts everything in attack won¡¯t seed and won¡¯t be a legend." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. There was a history to the items and the Dimensional Merchant. The legends of the past wouldn¡¯t necessarily be legends in Junhyuk¡¯s time. "Could I check on how much money I have?" "Sure." Junhyuk ced his hand on the te and became ecstatic. The number 107,260 showed up. The item required 100,000G, so he could buy it. "I¡¯ll take it." "Sure. What are you going to do with the cloak you are wearing?" He didn¡¯t want to sell the Dark Night Cloak, but he said, "I have something else to sell." He wanted to gather the Pure Golden Knight set items, so he didn¡¯t need it anymore. He also couldn¡¯t wear the golden cloak in South Korea, so he decided to keep the Dark Night Cloak. However, he didn¡¯t need the Mad Doctor¡¯s Coat anymore. He showed it to Bebe and said, "How much will this get me?" Bebe checks it out and replied, "I¡¯ll give you 150,000G." That was more than Junhyuk had expected, so he answered, "Deal!" Bebe bought it, and Junhyuk hummed as he earned a quick 150,000G. "Then, give me the cloak now." He took the Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Cloak, worth 100,000G, and touched it. His heart was pounding, but he rxed before inspecting it. --- Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Cloak (Set Item) Attack +10 Defense +5 Evade +3% The Golden Knight Elder wore this cloak. In the past, he was called a legend and he carried items to increase his attack power. There was no one who could withstand a blow from him. Having aplete set increases the power of the item. Two-Item Set Effect: Armor Piercing +35 Three-Item Set Effect: Additional Fixed Damage +50 Four-Item Set Effect: 50% area of effect damage at a 10-meter radius. Five-Item Set Effect: 20% chance of an extra attack at 50% normal damage. Chapter 215: Upgrading Equipment 2 Chapter 215: Upgrading Equipment 2 Trantor: - - Editor: - - Trantor: Moliere Editor: SootyOwl --- Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened after checking the set items¡¯ effects. "That¡¯s awesome!" He¡¯d only been able to gain that type of buff before by killing he Gale Queen Harpy. It was a type of buff that could proc continuously. It had a 20 percent chance of working, but if it worked with the Spatial sh, it would be great. "There¡¯s a reason to gather a low-level item set." Vera heard Junhyuk murmuring, and she smiled as she asked, "Did you purchase another Pure Golden Knight set item?" "Yes, but it¡¯s too shy. People will easily notice it!" "Why are you so concerned? If youplete the entire set, you¡¯ll be covered in gold." "What?!" "Didn¡¯t you know why the Pure Golden Knight is called PURE GOLDEN Knight?" Junhyuk broke into cold sweats. Would he have to be covered in gold? He turned to Bebe as if asking for help. "Do you have dye?" "Of course, I have dye. I have everything in here. However, it¡¯s very expensive." Bebe had said expensive, which probably meant Junhyuk couldn¡¯t afford it. "How much is it?" "For set items that can level up, the dye costs 50,000G a piece." Junhyuk felt like copsing. He wanted to save money, so for a while, he would have to wear the gold. Arn walked in suddenly, and upon seeing Junhyuk¡¯s cloak, he smiled. "The Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Cloak!" "You know of it?" "That¡¯s such a cheesy color! I heard the Elder was the only one to wear such a cheesy color in all of the battlefield¡¯s history." "Have you ever met him?" "Never met him. He became a legend a long time ago," he said and pped Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder while walking over to Bebe. "Do you have the Light Wind Bracelets?" "Are you looking for two?" "I have no choice. Right now, those are the only set items I can carry." "They are so effective for only two set items. There is nothing like them. You are in luck! I have them!" "How much?" "For both, 700,000G." Junhyuk heard, dumbfounded, the astronomical sum being discussed. However, while the basic price for items in the Pure Golden Knight Elder set was 100,000G, he would need an additional 200,000G to level them up. In essence, each item would cost him 300,000G. Thinking that way, Arn¡¯s items seemed to have a fair price. However, did Arn have that kind of money? Vera had gained her money from the items she stole from the Ancient Dragon¡¯s Lair. While Junhyuk worried, Arn extended his hand nonchntly and paid. Bebe handed him the two items. "Did you bet all of your assets?!" "I thought I would win." "Don¡¯t be overconfident. The opponents will have another champion next time." "Junhyuk can kick his ass!" "You have a lot of trust in him." He put the two bracelets on and said, "OK. Let¡¯s go!" "Wait a minute," Junhyuk said and walked over to Bebe and pulled out the return stone. "I have to refill my return stone." "How many do you want?" "Do it ten times." He needed 4,500G, but he had over 150,000G and could easily afford it. Without his return stone refilled, he wouldn¡¯t be able to get back to the castle at a moment¡¯s notice. Bebe handed him the te, and Junhyuk paid the cost. He had 152,760G left, and Bebe refilled his return stone. After taking it, Junhyuk looked at Arn. "Where are we going?" Arn walked outside with the others and said, "We¡¯ll split the party first and then attack the center. It¡¯ll take long time for our enemies to reach the castle, so we¡¯ll push top and bottom. Diane already went to the bottom path and killed Regina. We¡¯ll join her." Junhyuk nodded. They would regroup with Diane and attack the second tower at the bottom path, putting pressure on their enemies. "What if they gather there?" "Then, retreat." Junhyuk smiled bitterly and followed Artan. Diane and Arn conversed, and they took a different route and ran. It was important to regroup with Diane as soon as possible. They join Diane enroute to the second tower. Diane waved at them widely and said, "Hurry! The enemies who¡¯ve revived areing this way!" Their enemies couldn¡¯t insist on pushing through the center. The probably was higher that only one or two would head that way, so it was important to keep pressuring them, so they wouldn¡¯t be able to flee. Junhyuk inhaled deeply and murmured, "I¡¯m d Sarang isn¡¯t here." Diane looked at his cloak andughed. "Are you wearing the Pure Golden Knight Cloak?" "Yes. I have five items of the set now." "You are lucky!" One couldn¡¯t just collect set items by having enough money. The items had to be avable. When the set items were unavable, one had to give up on the pursuit. "Let¡¯s hurry." "Yes." With Diane, the group ran to the second tower. Their enemies, however, were already there. "Were they expecting us?" Bater, Ki and Doctor T were present. Adolphe was standing next to them. "This will be a victory by the sword." "Right." There were three heroes and a champion on each side. Their skills would decide the victor, and Junhyuk expected to win. He and the others had gotten new equipment. The allies firepower was superior to what it was just a moment ago. Thebination types were the same as the enemies¡¯. Bater and Arn were the tanks, and the other two in each team were damage dealers. Arn said, "Let¡¯s kick some ass!" He ran ahead first, and Junhyuk ran after him. Bater started running toward them while bumping his fists together and smoking a cigar. "All right! Come on" This would be a fair battle, and the losers would have no room forint. When they got within Bater¡¯s range, he rushed. Ordinarily, Arn would have jumped to avoid Bater, but that time was different. Arn stood in Bater¡¯s path. Boom! He was pushed back, and Bater swung a one-twobo. While Arn had been hit, he remained steadfast and delivery his seven-strikebo in close range. Junhyuk was watching it all unfold. Arn¡¯s seven-strikebo dealt different damage to different enemies. Previously, it would deal 15 percent damage on Bater. This time, however, it dealt 20 percent damage. The Light Wind Bracelets had increased his damage by at least 30 percent. Bater had 80 percent of his health when Diane shot her continuous volley. The arrows spun, striking Bater along with Vera¡¯s firespear. Boom! Every attack seeded, and Bater was left with 15 percent of his health. Vera¡¯s magic had increased significantly in power, and even Bater was surprised. The enemies struck. Doctor T tied Arn in his webs to prevent him from attacking Bater any further. Meanwhile, someone fired at Arn. Bang! Junhyuk raised the force field around Arn, and within it, the webs dismantled themselves. Arn was free, and heunched his saber. Bater raised both of his hands to block, but the saber went through his stomach. "Ugh!" With only 15 percent of his health, Bater lost the rest and disappeared. While Arn was a tank, he also focused on attack damage. Bater, on the other hand, didn¡¯t have the same capacity to deal damage. That meant that Arn now had the power to kill him. The enemies were bbergasted, and Junhyuk smiled. With force field surrounding the allies, the enemies couldn¡¯t do anything, so they retreated to their tower. Arn shook with adrenaline and said, "Attack before the force field is gone!" "Right!" Arrows couldn¡¯t get through the field, so the allies got inside it and ran toward the tower. Ki grimaced and took some steps back. "What are you going to do?" "I did not know Bater would be killed so fast." Junhyuk had also been surprised, and he could guess at how the enemy felt. He sped up, and Diane shouted, "Behind you!" Everyone looked back, and Jean Clo dashed out of the reed field. He had been hiding there, preparing to surprise attack the allies, but since Bater had been killed very quickly, he had lost his chance. Junhyuk said, "Let¡¯s kill them first!" "Right! Kill Ki first!" Ki had the highest attack among the enemies, but her defense was low. So, if they concentrated their attacks on her, they would kill her. Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword at her. She turned to dodge, and that was when Junhyuk used the Spatial sh on her neck with the Blood Rune Sword. The 20 percent chance triggered, and the extra attack dealt an additional 50 percent damage to her. As Junhyuk had expected, the Spatial sh also took advantage of the extra attack. It was a critical hit that took 40 percentage off Ki¡¯s health, leaving her with 60 percent. Junhyuk had seen it, but he couldn¡¯t believe what he had done. Arn jumped, and Ki jumped back, dodging Arn¡¯s strike. Junhyuk knew Arn wouldn¡¯t catch her, so he touched Vera and Diane and teleported. The group attacked Ki. Diane¡¯s explosive arrows hit her, and Vera cast a firespear at her. The damage had gone over the limit, and Ki disappeared. It all happened suddenly, and Jean Clo, who was still chasing after the allies, shouted, "NO!" He was furious, but it was toote. The allies would win that round. Arn closed in to Doctor T, swinging his saber, but the doctor blocked the attack with his front legs. ng! In response, Doctor T fired his missiles at Arn. Boom! Arn staggered while Diane shot her arrow barrage. Five arrows with ten moonlit arrowheads hit Doctor T and Adolphe. After the two were attacked, the force field disappeared. Then, Adolphe stabbed the ground with the saw-ded sword. Two blue boomerangs of energy shot out from him and tie Vera and Diane up. The allies are within range of the tower¡¯s archers, and Vera and Diane were being hit by them. Arn was fighting Doctor T while Junhyuk turned to face Jean Clo. The Spatial sh was still under cooldown, but Junhyuk wanted to lure Jean Clo in. He ran forward, and Jean Clo¡¯s eyes shone. "I don¡¯t have time to y with you!" Jean Clo really wanted Junhyuk dead, but he didn¡¯t have time. Bater and Ki were dead, and Jean Clo wanted to decrease number of allied heroes. He tried to brush past Junhyuk while saving his rush to use on the heroes, and Junhyuk scoffed at him. Jean Clo blocked Junhyuk¡¯s sword attacks with his arms. Unable to cut through, Junhyuk was pushed back. However, he had managed to sh Jean Clo¡¯s thigh with the Frozen Rune Sword. He couldn¡¯t dream of killing Jean Clo with normal attacks, but debuffing him was different. Two attacks went through, and Jean Clo was slowed down considerably. "I must y with you, then!" Chapter 216: Upgrading Equipment 3 Chapter 216: Upgrading Equipment 3 Jean Clo kicked at Junhyuk, who twisted away to dodge. However, he had been waiting for Junhyuk¡¯s move and grabbed him by the neck at the end of it. Junhyuk tried to slice Jean Clo¡¯s fingers off, like he had done before, but having already gone through that, Jean Clo did something unexpected. He pulled Junhyuk closer and headbutted him. Thunk! Junhyuk¡¯s head shook, and he couldn¡¯t pull himself together. Meanwhile, Jean Clo mmed him to the ground. Boom! "Ugh!" Junhyuk exhaled roughly and realized the two attacks had taken 30 percent of his health. Junhyuk had told Jean Clo he had to y with him, and Jean Clo was ying rough. Jean Clo did not stop there and proceeded to kick Junhyuk, who wasunched off and rolled on the ground after hitting it. Junhyuk stabbed the ground with his sword to stop himself and raised his head. However, Jean Clo had already rushed toward Vera and grabbed her. He probably focused on her after seeing how dangerous her upgraded equipment was. His goal was to kill her. Jean Clo swung her around and threw her between Arn and Doctor T. After he came closer, Diane quickly moved toward the back. Once she had safely escaped to where he couldn¡¯t touch her, she shot a barrage of arrows at Doctor T. The doctor had been firing his methrower toward Vera when the arrows hit him. A bunch of his health was gone, and Arn took a stance. Junhyuk was watching it all with surprise. Arn had Doctor T within range of his quickdraw. His ultimate could deal amazing damage, but could he use it? The doctor realized his situation and tried to step back, but Vera raised a firewall behind him to block his retreat. Still, Doctor T decided that it would be better to get damaged by the firewall than Arn¡¯s quickdraw and tried to move back quickly. Then, Vera stood in the way of his retreat and shot fire arrows at him. Doctor T couldn¡¯t think of what to do, but Jean Clo ran toward him. At that point, he had 60 percent of his health left, and Arn¡¯s quickdraw could kill him in one strike. However, Jean Clo didn¡¯t have enough time to close the gap. Doctor T clenched his teeth and tried to go around when Vera set a fire orb in his path. Boom! It exploded, and the grimacing doctor was pushed back. Suddenly, something unexpected happened. Adolphe rushed in to sh at Arn. Arn had been preparing his quickdraw when he was hit by the rushing sh. Then, Adolphe used his ten-meter energy strike. Junhyuk, who had seen it all, started running. Arn had enough health to survive the attack, but with things like that, Doctor T might escape. On his way, Junhyuk sh Jean Clo with the Frozen Rune sword. Jean Clo¡¯s movement speed decreased visibly, and he extended his hand to grab Junhyuk, but Junhyuk rolled away to escape. He ignored Jean Clo and kept running. The ten-meter energy strike fell straight Arn. After being hit, Arn had 25 percent of his health. The allies could deal more damage than before and had pressured their enemies, but now, Arn could be killed. Adolphe had used his energy strike on Arn, and Arn ran toward him, swinging, in response. Adolphe swung his saw-ded sword, but Arn slid his saber against its de and cut his arm. Adolphe tried to raise his arm to block, but then Arn swung his saber and shed his neck. Adolphe had quickly moved his neck back to avoid being beheaded, but the sh had been critical, and he lost 15 percent of his health. He was in shock, and Arn passed him by and jumped on Doctor T. Arn closed in quickly, swinging his saber down, and Doctor T blocked while being pushed back. Then, Arn used his seven-strikebo on the doctor, which made him take hisst breath. The doctor disappeared, and Jean Clo looked repulsed by the sight. They were fighting under a tower, and the allied heroes had lost quite a bit of health, but Jean Clo couldn¡¯t fight them alone. Still, Jean Clo approached Arn and grabbed him. Arn¡¯s desperate saber swings cut Jean Clo¡¯s forehead, but he ignored it and used the screw piledriver on Arn. Jean Clo was up in the air anding down when Junhyuk quickly dashed in and touched the falling Arn and teleported away. Boom! Jean Clo crashed alone, and while he still had a lot of health, it was not enough to fight three heroes at the same time. Junhyuk looked at Jean Clo and said, "I¡¯ll take care of Adolphe." "Right." Interestingly enough, the tower¡¯s archers were focused on the heroes. They weren¡¯t attacking Junhyuk, so he decided to kill Adolphe. They all knew that Jean Clo couldn¡¯t go against three heroes, but Adolphe could mess things up. The champion had manyplicated powers. Junhyuk ran after him, and Adolphe gritted his teeth and swung his sword. ng! Junhyuk blocked the attack and sidestep while letting the de fall next to him, then he used the opening to swing the Blood Rune Sword and sh Adolphe¡¯s side. He felt himself regaining health and continued to attack quickly, looking like a tornado that generated red and white shock waves continuously. When both shock waves triggered at the same time, they looked like one power, pink shock wave. After a while, Junhyuk realized the the Spatial sh was out of cooldown. Adolphe was at half health, and Junhyuk sliced him with his dual sword and kicked him on the chest, pushing Adolphe back. Junhyuk used the distance between them to look over at Jean Clo. He was being attacked from all sides, and also only had half of his health. Junhyuk thought the Spatial sh would be able to kill him at that point. He aimed the Spatial sh at Jean Clo¡¯s neck, hoping to hit both of them with a single strike. However, Jean Clo suddenly raised the three blue energy rings around his body, and one of them negated Junhyuk¡¯s attack. Junhyuk scowled. The fatal blow had been blocked by Jean Clo¡¯s ultimate, and there was no one around to stop it. If Sarang were there, they would¡¯ve been able to suppress it, but she wasn¡¯t, and Junhyuk felt her absence deeply. Jean Cloughed hard and lifted Arn by the neck. The archers focused on him while Jean Clo chokemmed him. As a result, Arn disappeared, and Jean Clo smiled with satisfaction. "You¡¯ve must have been thinking I was an easy target so far." Jean Clo got up and howled, "I will kill you all!" He had only had half of his health, but he was quickly regenerating the rest. While Junhyuk ran to meet him, the Kasha was summoned, and Sarang eximed from the other end, "Regina has shown up here at the castle!" Junhyuk stopped running to speak to the Kasha, "Regina?" "Yes, and she brought minions with her. What should I do?" He pulled out hismunication crystal. He had to stop Jean Clo, but if the castle fell, they would lose. "Regina is at the castle now," he told Halo. "Really? I¡¯ll return right away." Junhyuk heard Halo¡¯s response and turned to Jean Clo. The blue energy rings were gone, but his health had gone back up to 80 percent. The heroes had all used their powers to try to kill him up to now, but his health had shot back up suddenly, and he had blocked the Spatial sh and survived. Junhyuk ran toward Adolphe and swung his sword. Adolphe blocked it, but regr arrows and fire arrows flew toward him. They were not powers, but the heroes¡¯ attacks still dealt a lot of damage, and Adolphe started to quickly lose his health. Junhyuk unsheathed his swords and spun like a top. While spinning, he pierced Adolphe¡¯s neck with the swords, and Adolphes eyes widened. However, Junhyuk ignored it and passed him. He turned to look at Jean Clo, who was heading toward Vera. With Arn dead, the archers focused on her, and she was running fast to get out of their range. Jean Clo¡¯s movement speed was still debuffed, and she could keep her distance from him for a while. However, when his rushed returned, Jean Clo grabbed her and swung her toward the tower. Boom! She mmed against it and fell to the ground, dazed, and the archers shot at her. Vera was losing health fast. If things continued, the archers would kill her before Jean Clo had the chance to. While running, Junhyuk shouted, "Diane! Kill the archers!" Diane shot a barrage at the archers. While they could do significant damage to heroes, they were also weak against the heroes¡¯ attacks. Jean Clo¡¯s attack wasn¡¯t great, but his defense and health were superb. In that case, killing the archers first was a good idea. In the end, Vera had 30 percent of her health left. Junhyuk ran as fast as he could. He couldn¡¯t let Vera die. She had just upgraded her equipment, and he couldn¡¯t let her drop any items. It would be a serious problem if that happened. He stood in front of her, and Jean Cloughed while watching. "You don¡¯t know what you are doing!" Jean Clo extended his hands, and Junhyuk swung at him immediately. His goal had been to cut Jean Clo¡¯s fingers, but Jean Clo wasn¡¯t stupid. He extended his hands through the strike and grabbed Junhyuk¡¯s de. The sword could cut his fingers, but not his palm, and, still holding the de, Jean Clo grabbed Junhyuk by the helmet and threw him at Vera. Diane had killed all of the archers, and Vera was taking some time to breathe when Junhyuk was thrown at her. She hugged him and rolled on the ground. All the while, Jean Cloughed as he approached them. Even slowed down, Jean Clo had no problem catching them. Junhyuk got up and shielded Vera again. "Make your attacks. I will block him." She put her trust in him and cast her magic. Her fire spear struck Jean Clo. He tried to block it with both hands, but he got pushed back, hitting a fire orb that had been set behind him. Boom! The explosions took away 35% of his health. She was more powerful than ever before, and the damage was severe. Jean Clo ran toward her, but a firewall rose from underneath his feet. At the same time, Junhyuk made him stand in the mes by swinging his swords at him nonstop. Jean Clo thought he had figured out how to deal with Junhyuk¡¯s attacks and tried to grab his swords again, but this time, Junhyuk changed the trajectory of his strikes and cut Jean Clo¡¯s chin. Then, he rolled forward to escape the hero¡¯s kick. Jean Clo turned around quickly, and stepped forward hard, reaching and grabbing Junhyuk in the process. He had escaped the kick, but he hadn¡¯t expect Jean Clo to follow up like that. Without hesitation, Jean Clo used the screw piledriver on him. Boom! His skull shook, and he realized he only 15 percent of health left, and Junhyuk thought he couldn¡¯t let himself die at that point. He tried to escape fast, but Jean Clo mounted on top of him and raised both of his fists. "I will kill you first!" Boom! He couldn¡¯t move or block. It was just an ordinary attack, but Junhyuk lost 8 percent his health from it. One more hit, and he would die. Then, suddenly, an arrow flew in and pierced through Jean Clo¡¯s neck. The spinning arrow reminded him of an assassination skill, and he thought Jean Clo would die from it. But, Jean Clo survived with 2 percent of his health remaining. "Don¡¯t!" Junhyuk shouted in vain as Jean Clo mmed his fists against his helmet. Junhyuk started to lose consciousness when he saw a fire arrow hit Jean Clo¡¯s head. Jean Clo also started to fade, and Junhyuk smiled at him. "See youter!" Chapter 217: Power Activation 1 Chapter 217: Power Activation 1 He ran through the emptiness without end following the light and opened his eyes, exhaling roughly. "Huck!" He felt his chest open, grimaced and murmured, "Shit, Jean Clo." He felt the same way every time he died, and it was not something he wanted to feel. The endless emptiness always left a scar behind on his soul. Even if his soul grew with each scar, he did not like it. Junhyuk shook his head and looked around. The disy said 170,760G. He had rued more than ever before, which, to him, was a type of constion. Junhyukughed at himself and then pped himself to pull himself together. [You¡¯ve died once. You have four revives left on this battlefield.] "I know. I don¡¯t want to experience that again." It was the first time in a long time that he used one of his revives. Junhyuk exhaled deeply and stepped forward. [You may exit through the main doors.] He walked toward the exit. Junhyuk had been killed once, but he was not giving up. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] He opened the door to meet the others who were waiting there. Arn grimaced, and Junhyukughed. "You got killed as well?" "But we¡¯ve killed Jean Clo. The second tower will be destroyed." "Good to know." "What happened to Regina. Didn¡¯t shee to the castle?" "Halo and Nudra came, so she ran away." Junhyuk recognized that Regina acted wisely, but they had lost Regina nearby, which meant she could attack the castle any time she chose to. "What are you going to do?" "We¡¯ll push hard when we get the opportunity. Now, both teams are in the same condition." They had destroyed both towers on the lower path, so their side could advance to the castle through it. With both teams under simr conditions, a new battle was about to start. "What about the castle?" "We¡¯ll operate in the same way we¡¯ve been up to now." If he had to use the return stone continuously, he would incur a mary loss. It did cost 500G to recharge. "Should I go with you?" "Yes," Arn said with his arm around Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder. "This time we¡¯ll destroy their castle." "Right." Each side had made their move on the other, and the allies wouldn¡¯t be pushed around. He went with Arn and meets Halo, Nudra and Sarang. Eunseo was still standing on castle wall. Arn smiled at Sarang. "You did well." "I had no other choice. I can¡¯t fight Regina." He nodded and looked at the group. "We¡¯ve destroyed the second tower on the lower path. I thought it would be hard for Vera and Diane to go to castle, so I told them to go to buff-monster hunting. Once we join them, we¡¯ll push through and attack." "What about this ce?" Arn touched Sarang¡¯s shoulder and said, "I leaving it in your care." "Don¡¯t worry." Junhyuk was relieved with that decision. If she stayed in the castle, she wouldn¡¯t be in danger, and even if the danger came, she could send a message, and the heroes woulde. It was the safest ce. Arn¡¯s eyes sparkled. "We won¡¯t take the minions." "Won¡¯t it be dangerous?" "The minions will slow us down. We are now fighting time as well." "Right. Let¡¯s move." Junhyuk¡¯s movement speed wasparable to the heroes¡¯, so he wouldn¡¯t slow them down. They went out of the castle and ran at full speed. Since they could kill a buff monster with just two heroes, their groups task was to push to the castle. Junhyuk could smell his own breath as he ran. He had never run so fast. They ran for a while until they regrouped with Vera and Diane, who had killed the Gale Queen Harpy. At that point, Vera walked over and bearhugged Junhyuk. "You got killed because of me!" "I only did what I had to do." He raised his head from between her bosom, and she tapped his helmet lightly. "Now, let¡¯s move?" "Let¡¯s." The group headed to the castle. There were no ambush, and they arrived there safely with their enemies waiting for them. Junhyuk realized they were missing a hero, "Regina is missing." "She must be looking for an opportunity." Junhyuk hesitated and asked, "Can we return while fighting?" "No, you can¡¯t return in the middle ofbat." "So, what if Regina attacks the castle while we are fighting?" "What do you want to do?" "It¡¯ll be best if one hero refrains from fighting. That person can go stop Regina if necessary." "No. Everyone will fight. If Regina shows up, one of us will retreat and then return." "Sure." Junhyuk smacked his lips and looked at the enemy camp. The allies would be fighting without any minions. Although, minions weren¡¯t much help. When Junhyuk stepped forward, he would sweep through all enemy minions in a single breath. Jean Clo and Bater stepped forward from their camp, Arn said, "Junhyuk Lee." "Yes?" "Without their archers, we will win." The allies had more heroes, and Junhyuk understood what Arn had meant. "Then, I will return." "You?" Junhyuk nodded. "Even if Regina shows up, I can deal with her." "Surely, you can deal with her." "Isn¡¯t that enough?" Arn took a moment to think and nodded. "OK. Use your Spatial sh on the archers and at other important moments then retreat." "Sure." They had decided what to do, so there was no more need to worry. Arn and Halo stepped forward, and Nudra was covered by the Rising Dragon while moving. Jean Clo and Arn shed while Junhyuk ran. The five heroes had moved at the same time, so the enemies had no time to pay attention to Junhyuk. He knew that, so he ran. The archers were buffed and releasing their arrows, but Junhyuk used the Spatial sh to surprise attack them. It was important aim for the center with the Spatial sh. The shockwave generated swept through the surroundings, and half of the archers were gone. He retreated. THe battle was already very intense. Jean Clo chokemmed Arn, and Bater rushed on Halo. They fought fiercely, and Junhyuk stood next to Vera. When Nudra attacked Bater, all of the allies focused on him as well. They had the superior firepower, and Bater was quickly losing health. If things continued, the allies would win by arge margin. However, at that moment, the summoned Kasha shouted, "Regina is here!" Junhyuk frowned and looked at Arn. While fighting, his eyes met Junhyuk¡¯s, and he nodded as if to say it was OK for Junhyuk to leave. Junhyuk extended his hands toward Vera. "I will go protect the castle." "Do it." That ce was extremely chaotic, but even without Junhyuk, the allies would win. On the other hand, the castle stood little chance without him. Junhyuk raised the force field around Vera, and from inside it, he returned. The force field protected him from all attacks, so his return couldn¡¯t be cancelled. Junhyuk felt bad that he couldn¡¯t help the heroes, but his priority at that moment was to protect the castle. Once there, he kicked the doors and exited the little room. He was running, and he saw Sarang and Eunseo on the castle wall. They couldn¡¯t go outside, so he went up to see an infantry of riflemen heading toward them. "Did Regina escape with the riflemenst time?" "They had dispersed, so they must¡¯ve regrouped." There were only thirty of them, but they could attack the archers. The Spatial sh was still on cooldown, and Reginamanded the riflemen to attack, while she pounded at the gate herself. "I can¡¯t let her smash through the entrance." Junhyuk inhaled deeply and jumped down from the wall. He started running as soon as hended, but even if he ran as fast as he could, he wouldn¡¯t be able to get away from Regina. She had natural speed buffs. Junhyuk ran at the riflemen and swung his sword. His attack swept through the riflemen who were attacking the archers on the wall. The shock wave erased them forever. Then, he stopped and looked at Regina. She nced at him once and turned to pound at the gate. The archers couldn¡¯t do much damage without the buff, and Regina knew it, so she ignored them and worked on the gate. "Do you want me toe to you?" Without thinking twice, Junhyuk ran. If the gate fell, the allies¡¯ victory would be in jeopardy, and the following enemy attack would be even more dangerous. Regina was still working on the gate when he closed in. However, she had been watching his approach and fired at him. Junhyuk teleported next to her to escape from the attack. Then, aiming for her head, he swung his sword. Regina blocked it with her cuss, and he quickly swung the Frozen Rune Sword at her thigh in response. However, she blocked that as well, with her pistol that time. She was extremely skilled with both of her weapons and as much of a dual wielder as he was. Regina fired her pistol, and he retreated, but she went after him, swinging her cuss and firing her pistol. He swung his dual swords, but she easily deflected his attacks and pressured him. She was winning. He couldn¡¯t touch her with his swords. It felt like she knew where he would be attacking and defended perfectly. However, she could reach him with the pistol. He had already been shot in the thigh and lost 5 percent of his health. At the same time however, when he got shot, Regina let her guard down when she shot him, and when he saw the opening, he sliced her with the Frozen Rune sword on the ankle. He got lucky enough to cut her twice, stacking two debuffs on her. Then, he distanced himself. Reginaughed at him. "You think you can run away from me?" Regina boosted her speed and went after him again. At the same time, Junhyuk cut his palm three times with Blood Rune Sword. [You¡¯ve been sliced by the Blood Rune Sword three times, causing a 30 percent increase to your attack speed and a 15 percent increase to your movement speed.] He felt himself losing health and shouted, "Heal me!" Sarang extended her hands and cast her magic on him. Even the injury on his leg was healed, and he smiled at Regina. "You got slower, and I got faster. Let¡¯s rumble." Chapter 218: Power Activation 2 Chapter 218: Power Activation 2 He raised his speed to the same to be the same as Regina with her speed boost, and it looked like his attack speed was superior to hers. Junhyuk reminded himself of Regina¡¯s remaining powers. She had the petrification stare and the shooting twister left, and he decided he had to get her to use the spinning twister. With one teleportation left, he thought that if he timed it right, he could easily win. He ran toward her, swinging his sword. Since his attack speed was faster than before, he could switch from defense to offense,nding a hit. Unlike the previous slices, that sh struck true, and Regina frowned. She was a bnced hero, who had focused on both defense and offense, but even then, his attack dealt damage. However, it only took 5 percent of her health. Even though that was it did, Junhyuk didn¡¯t stop attacking. After his first attack hit her, he continued the fierce flurry of attacks, cornering her, but she still had a smile on her face. "You can fight." When she met him for the first time, he had been an amateur, but since then, he had experienced many fights, raising his skills by quite a bit. He worked on his swordsmanship all the time, and every time he died, his soul grew, which also had an effect on his skills. It deepened and raised his understanding. There was no reason for Regina to be pushed around by him, however. The problem was the debuff. Her attack speed had slowed down, and Junhyuk was looking for opening to attack her. It wasn¡¯t a lot of damage, but the hits kepting and the damage kept mounting. However, Regina did not think that she would lose, not even one bit. Even if her attack speed had slowed down, that didn¡¯t mean her shots had slowed down as well. She could still aim her pistol just fine with her debuffed attack speed, and a bullet pierced his ribs. He merely gritted his teeth at the pain and continued to attack her. Probably because he had already experienced death, he was still able to collect himself and swing his sword while seriously wounded, and his attack speed buff was still in effect. So, kept on pressuring Regina and managed to take off 15 percent of her health. At that point, the angle is just right for Sarang to attack from castle wall, so she maintained a supporting role. Sarang¡¯s attacks weren¡¯t as powerful as his, but she was able to do it from a long distance. Meanwhile, Regina had to block her attacks while fighting Junhyuk, and both of them managed to continually damage her. While fighting Regina, he felt his Spatial sh return. Without hesitation, he used it. Even if his enemies knew about the Spatial sh, they couldn¡¯t dodge it suddenly in the middle of a battle. Regina¡¯s neck started bleeding, and even more attacks got through. She lost 45 percent of her health very suddenly, and Junhyuk and Sarang had already taken 23 percent of it, so she had 32 percent of her health remaining. He felt victory would soon be his, and that¡¯s when Regina spun in a circle, firing in all directions. Junhyuk didn¡¯t think. He just teleported. The shooting twister covered all angles around her, so to avoid it, he had to go up. The force field had not returned yet, and Regina had expected him to teleport up, so she took her eyepatch off. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t escape and fell, petrified, to the ground. At the same time, Sarang cast her electric st. Regina had wanted to finish him off while he was petrified, but she had been paralyzed as well. Still, the petrificationsted longer than the paralyzation. Regina ran to him and cut his neck with the cuss. It was a critical hit, and he lost a lot of health. Then, Regina pointed her pistol at the middle of his forehead and said, "Checkmate." Bang! He couldn¡¯t do anything. He continued to receive critical hits, and his health fell by 40 percent. If she had used her power, the damage would¡¯ve been much higher. He only had 45 percent of his health left. Unless the petrifaction cleared, she would continue to shoot him, and her continuous pistol shots power was almost ready. If she was able to use it, he would be quickly taken to hell. She smiled and pointed the pistol at his chest and said, "The gate will be shredded quickly." She was about to pull the trigger when she got paralyzed again. Sarang had hit her with another electric st, which had also dealt 5 percent damage to her health, leaving her with 27 percent. Then, Junhyuk started moving again. He quickly swung his sword, hitting her with a critical hit, taking another 10 percent off her health. Then, he struck with the Blood Rune Sword, which was another critical hit that took another 10 percent of her health. By that time, she started moving again. He wanted to finish her, so he pushed himself to swing further, but she blocked his attack with her cuss. Once she started moving again, she did so with her speed boosted. Her power was ready, and her speed was back to normal, so she pointed the gun to his chest and fired. Bang, bang, bang! The series of shots were nearly fatal, and he lost most of his health. From 40 percent he fell to 5 percent, and Junhyuk clenched his jaw. Junhyuk had 5 percent of his health while Regina had 7 percent. His attack speed was higher, but he didn¡¯t feel confident about not getting host. Still, he would be expecting a lot from Sarang if he wanted her to stay alive and finish Regina. He had to to strike her once more to make things easier. He attacked her again, but she parried and moved around him with her superior movement speed. Then, he felt a gunshot against his ribs. It went through his lung, and he lost the rest of his health. He was gasping for air when another electric st came for Regina, but she dodged it. Junhyuk had wanted to have been able to deal a little more damage to her. It should¡¯ve been the right time. He knew how difficult it would be for Sarang to fight her. Regina turned, and as he watched, he shouted, "Be careful!" She only had 7 percent of her health, but they couldn¡¯t ignore her. Even at that health, Regina could still kill Sarang. With her pistol, Regina could attack from long range. Even if the castle fell, Sarang had to survive. However, there was nothing Junhyuk could do for her now. --- Eunseo didn¡¯t know how powerful a hero really was, but after she met one, everything changed. The riflemen attacked, felling the archers, but when Junhyuk showed up and jumped down from the castle wall, he thought he would solve everything. However, heroes couldn¡¯t be glossed over. Junhyuk had massacred the riflemen, but he hadn¡¯t been able to kill the hero. He¡¯d died, and Regina, although bleeding, was still running toward the gate. That image made Eunseo tremble with fear. Regina was running while firing her pistol, and Eunseo, scared, hid behind the castle wall and watched as Sarang, furious, kept using electric arrows. Junhyuk had died in front of her, and she was livid. Eunseo realized that Sarang wasn¡¯t just a woman who stood next to him. However, Regina was unbelievable. With her speed, she dodged every attack and shot Sarang on the head. Eunseo couldn¡¯t believe Regina¡¯s speed and skill. Sarang¡¯s head tilted back, and she staggered. She had been just out of range of Regina¡¯s shot, but Regina got to the gate and started pounding against it. She was there, alone, but the gate was getting destroyed. At that point, Sarang took a deep breath and said, "Get ready." Eunseo looked at her nervously, and Sarang stood in front of her and continued, "I will try to stop her." "Is that possible?¡¯ "With an activation, it¡¯s possible," she said. Eunseo wanted to hear more about the activation. Activations meant power, and Sarang continued, "Going beyond your limit and your desires are key to activating a power." Those things made a big difference on whether someone activated a power or not, and Eunseo listened to her attentively. When the gate fell, Sarang murmured, "Shit! Why aren¡¯t theying?" She had told Junhyuk about the hero, but he had been the only one toe back. Perhaps, they had thought Junhyuk would be able to deal with Regina by himself. But Junhyuk had died, and she was also about to die. She had one revive, but she had never died before, so she was anxious. "Just let it be one critical hit." Regina had been pounding at the gate while under attack from the archers, so she had 5 percent of her health left. One critical hit should finish her off, and Sarang wanted to do her best. When Regina appeared at the top of the castle wall, she smiled at Sarang. "It¡¯s been fun." Sarang didn¡¯t hesitate and used her electric st, but Regina scoffed at it and used her cuss to block. It was a simple attack, so the electric st bounced off the de. Regina ran at her and shed her arm. Sarang had been holding the orb when her arm was cut off, and to push the pain down, she bit her lips. The muzzle of the pistol pressed against her forehead. "We will win this battle." Bang! Sarang fell, and Eunseo was at wit¡¯s end. She had practiced using the sword and shield she was holding at that moment, but those things couldn¡¯t help her. Eunseo resisted being frozen from fear and stared at Regina. She had no interest in a minion, so Regina pulled the trigger, but Eunseo moved instinctively to the side. Regina thought she had killed her, but Eunseo had dodged. Regina winced. Her health was low, and she wanted to leave before the heroes returned, but the minion wouldn¡¯t die. Eunseo rolled across the ground and gathered herself. She knew that she really could die, and her hairs stood up on her skin. Eunseo had only been able to dodge the shot because Regina had thought it would be easy. Regina was paying attention now, and her blood-thirty aura was easily palpable. Eunseo felt like a mouse in front of a cat. She couldn¡¯t really move, and Regina inched closer, pointing the gun to the middle of her forehead. Eunseo knew she would die soon, but she couldn¡¯t do anything. "You got my attention now. Think of this as a gift," Regina announced and pulled the trigger. Eunseo felt time passing slowly. Death was facing her, but she yearned to survive, and her will came to life. Bang! The trigger had been pulled, but Eunseo was no longer standing on her spot. Without Regina realizing, Eunseo kicked the side of her neck. Boom! Regina lost all of her health and disappeared. Meanwhile, Eunseo was so nervous she couldn¡¯t calm herself down. Regina had already lost most of her health, but Eunseo had managed to kill a hero. Then, she heard a soft voice speaking to her. [You¡¯ve killed the hero Regina. You have the right to the item she dropped. Are you going to pick it up? Items disappear within three minutes.] There was a ring sparkling on the ground. Chapter 219: Painful Victory 1 Chapter 219: Painful Victory 1 As soon as he revived, Junhyuk kicked the door open. On average, people who¡¯d died required time to recuperate, but he didn¡¯t have any time. He was in a hurry. Sarang could die at any minute, and the gate might be destroyed. He didn¡¯t think about anything else and almost destroyed the door with his kick. He could hear the voice announcing his deployment, but he doesn¡¯t pay any attention. Outside, he summoned the Kasha. "What happened?" The Kasha didn¡¯t utter a word, and he ran outside. At that moment, someone called for him from behind him, and he stopped. "Big brother!" Junhyuk turned around to look, and Sarang was there, staggering a little bit. He realized it while watching her. She had died. Junhyuk didn¡¯t say anything and just gave her a hug. Against his chest, Sarang shook her head and asked, "You¡¯ve experienced this?" "Many times." He had died many times. The first death had felt like endless emptiness, but he was getting used to it, even though he didn¡¯t want to go through it by any means. Without speaking, he hugged her tightly as Sarang gathered her breath against his chest. "What shall we do about it?" "About what?" "Guardians¡¯ CEO." Junhyuk winced a little, but didn¡¯tpletely continued the subject by saying, "It¡¯s OK. You did everything you could." Sarang had probably protected Sarang until her death, and that was good enough. The situation being what it was, if Eunseo died, it would be Got¡¯s will, and there was nothing he could do about it. Junhyuk petted Sarang and said, "The giant golems are still here. She wouldn¡¯t have entered the castle with such low health. Let¡¯s head out." "Sure." Sarang leaned against him while they walked outside. There, they saw that the gate was destroyed. In those conditions, there was nothing to hold enemy attacks back. Only the golems remained, and things didn¡¯t look good. Junhyuk was about to walk ahead when someone called him from the wall, "Junhyuk!" Junhyuk and Sarang were very surprised to see her, and Eunseo sprinted toward them. Once he saw her, he saw that her stats had gone way up. She had 180 health and 180 mana, which was extremely bnced. He looked at her and said, "Did your power activate?" "Yes." "What kind of power is it?" "I¡¯m not so sure." "Can you show it to me?" Eunseo shook her head. "I can¡¯t start it now." "What?" She smacked her lips and said, "I activated my power and learned it has a cooldown, but I don¡¯t know how to trigger it." "Do you remember what happened when you used it the first time?" She thought for a moment and said, "The enemy hero had pointed her pistol at the middle of my forehead and pulled the trigger. Suddenly, time slowed down, and I appeared behind her and kicked her at her weak spot." Regina had pulled the trigger, and still, Eunseo was able to do all that within that time? He shook his head. "Really?" He did not understand the principle of triggering powers yet, but Sarang looked at Eunseo and whispered her thoughts about it in his ear. Sarang¡¯s intelligence was extremely high, and she had been able to figure things out just by listening to Eunseo. Junhyuk shook his head and unsheathed the Blood Rune Sword. "Let¡¯s make an experiment. I¡¯ll attack you, and you use your power." "What? You are attacking me?!" Without hesitation, he swung his sword at her. It was an honestly swing, like all of his other ones, and Eunseo froze. The sword came at her, and she felt it moving slowly. Then, she stepped around him easily and high-kicked the back of his head. Toosh! He staggered forward mid-attack and held the back of his head. "I was right. It¡¯s a counterattack." Her opponents would think their attacks had seeded when suddenly her power triggered, and she attacked their weak spots with a critical hit. Junhyuk had lost 15 percent of his health from the blow. Considering she didn¡¯t have any equipment, her first attack power was very strong. Powers that were designed to control the opponent dealt less damage, but powers that were designed to hurt had increased strength. As an example, Arn was a good case. He didn¡¯t have any powers that controlled the opponent, so all of his powers dealt a lot of damage. To help with that, he acquired both attack-boosting and defense-boosting items. Junhyuk looked at Eunseo and asked, "How long is the cooldown?" "Thirty seconds." It was the same as his Spatial sh. On average, hers was longer than most powers, but that was because she was counterattacking. He wanted to check if her power was limited to short range or also worked at long range, but he could do itter. Then, he suddenly thought of something. "Did you kill Regina?" "Yes. Her health was low, so I killed her." He nodded heavily. "OK. Did you pick up the item she dropped?" "Here," Eunseo said, showing a metal object in the palm of her hand. "What kind of stat does it have?" "It increases defense by twenty and attack by ten. It¡¯s a ring." "Wear it." "What?" "If you wear it, you won¡¯t get killed, even if you are shot on Earth." Eunseo, who hadn¡¯t died, had activated her power and earned the item. Junhyuk knew he was a target on Earth and wanted her to survive any attacks. Heeding his words, she put the ring on and smiled bitterly. The ring was rough and very noticeable. "Wait a minute." Knowing that they had protected the castle, he wanted to find out how the allies were doing, so he pulled out themunication crystal. "How is it going?" He heard Arn¡¯s reply, "We¡¯ve destroyed the gate and killed a golem, but we had to retreat." "Did we lose anyone?" "Nudra, Halo and Diane were killed." Junhyuk sighed and turned around. As expected, the heroes were exiting the castle. Halo, Nudra and Diane walked out together, so they must¡¯ve been killed after Junhyuk died fighting Regina. "What do we do now? Regroup? The gate is destroyed, but we still have golems here." "We¡¯ll finish it with speed. Just run here without the minions and head to the lower path. Leave Sarang behind." "Sure," Junhyuk said and looked at Sarang. "Stay inside the castle¡¯s force field, and if an enemy shows up, tell me right away." "OK." He patted her shoulder, turned to Eunseo and said, "Even though you¡¯ve activated your power, if you interfere, you¡¯ll be killed forever. Don¡¯t step in." "Fine." Eunseo also did not want to fight a hero. She didn¡¯t want have that experience again. Then, he turned around to see Diane smiling. "We¡¯ll destroy them first. Let¡¯s go," she said. "Yes!" He started running with the heroes to bring an end to that battle. The allies might lose, and that could be theirst opportunity. If the enemies used the central road, they could get ahead of the allies, so he and the heroes ran as fast as they could. They got to the enemy castle without meeting anyone. Sarang had also not contacted him, and their whole group was there. Arn and Vera joined the group, and they ran to the entrance of the castle. The enemy heroes weren¡¯t around, and the group continued to where the second golem was. There, they saw the enemy heroes gathered around the golem. Until now, the enemies had sent their heroes out one by one or in small groups to attack the allies. Now, all of them were gathered in one ce, even Adolphe. They would be very dangerous together, and with the included golem. Ordinarily, Sarang would be there to help out, but she wasn¡¯t. Therefore, the allies had to be extra careful. Arn looked at their enemies and said, "We¡¯ll kill the giant golem right off the bat. Cast the Meteor Shower, and let¡¯s see how they respond. I¡¯ll pretend to use my quickdraw to lure them here." Everyone nodded. Arn¡¯s quickdraw took a long time to trigger, but it dealt an absurd amount of damage. The enemies would want to stop it. Junhyuk had already teleported with Arn to have Arn use the quickdraw at the enemies, so now, they couldn¡¯t ignore it while knowing the amount of damage it dealt. The allies prepared their attacks. Even the giant golem didn¡¯t have them in range. The enemies only had one person who could attack from long range, and Ki was already preparing to fire. Halo and Nudra stood in front of Arn. Both of them could withstand her shots. Right as they did, a gunshot rang out, and Halo pivoted his body. He had been hit on the shoulder, but he ignored the pain. Not even an eyebrow moved on his face, and Junhyuk wondered how much pain a hero would have to go through to have the soul the size of Halo¡¯s. The shot went through, but before the enemies had a chance to move, meteors fell from the sky, mming hard against the golem. "When the giant golemes at us, we¡¯ll retreat," Arn said quickly. The golem couldn¡¯t leave the castle, nor could it recover its health. The allies wanted to keep it at a distance and, if possible, attack from far away. There was no need to fight it and the enemies at the same time. The enemies, on the other hand, hadn¡¯t expected Arn¡¯s tactics, so they looked at each other and began to move. If things continued that way, they would lose their golem. So, they stepped forward. Sarang wasn¡¯t there, and they did not expect to lose in her absence. Junhyuk smacked his lips, and Arn asked, "All of them have thirteen-meter ranges, correct?" "Yes." "If you get close to Ki, she will kill you." "I have my force field." Arn smirked at his answer and concluded, "OK. Let¡¯s kill Ki first." "She can disengage by jumping, however." "I know it. Get her off guard." After saying that, Arn looked at the group and added, "Halo and Diane stick together, and everyone focus on Ki after we teleport." "Can we kill her with one focused group attack?" "We have you." Junhyuk smacked his lips. What Arn had meant was that they wouldn¡¯t lose track of her with Junhyuk¡¯s mobility. "Are you ready?" Diane notched an arrow and nodded. Meanwhile, Halounched his sword in the air and looked at Junhyuk. Arn touched the handle of his saber and smiled. The three ultimates were set to trigger, and Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh was also ready. "Let¡¯s go." Chapter 220: Painful Victory 2 Chapter 220: Painful Victory 2 The heroes were done preparing, and Junhyuk touched them and teleported. After the first teleport, Ki came within range, and Diane shot at her. Her shots were different from before because her equipment had been upgraded, and they dealt a lot of damage. After Diane released the arrow, Jean Clo stood in front of Ki. He had such a high health that he must¡¯ve thought that it would be better for him to take the arrow instead of Ki. While Jean Clo blocked Diane¡¯s arrow, Junhyuk teleported again with Arn and Halo. This time, they appeared just behind Jean Clo, and there was no one between them and Ki. She saw theming and fired. Arn got hit on the shoulder and grunted in pain, but he was already close to her. Halo triggered Rain from Above and shouted, "Block the side!" Ki saw Halo¡¯s Rain from Above and jumped, but her thinking was shortsighted. Rain from Above¡¯s aim could be adjusted. It took a long time to prepare it, but it had many strong points. Ki tried to block it with her gun, but the sword tilted a little bit while falling and prated her stomach, leaving a gaping hole and taking 70 percent of Ki¡¯s health. Junhyuk seized the opportunity and used the Spatial sh. She had already jumped, so she had no other power to escape being shed. A shockwave expanded from her, but since she already jumped, it didn¡¯t hit anyone else. However, she died. Bater approached the heroes, and Arn released the quickdraw. Bater used his arms to block, but the attack was a critical hit, and he lost 50 percent of his health. Realizing how much health Bater had lost, Arn seized the opportunity and continued to strike at him. He was fighting fiercely, but Junhyuk said, "We have to retreat." Jean Clo had turned around and joined in the attack. Things wouldn¡¯t turn out well if the allied heroes were stuck there fighting. Without worrying about it, Arn said, "Raise the force field." Junhyuk did so, and the group entered it and started running away. While they ran away, Diane gave them supporting fire with her multishot. Then, she also entered the force field. The enemies did not want to fight at close range when Arn and Halo specialized in it, so they kept some distance from the allies. Whenever the force field disappeared, they could use their rushes, so they kept the distance just right. Meanwhile, Vera and Nudra also entered the force field. Arn looked at their enemies while inside the field and said, "We¡¯ll kill Bater first." Bater only had 50 percent of his health, and if the heroes focused their attacks on him, he could be killed. Everyone nodded, and Vera prepared her magic. Nudra looked calmly at Bater and asked, "Do we attack everyone?" "Think about that after we kill Bater." Among the enemy damage dealers, Ki was their core, and she had already been killed. The allies were out of the giant golem¡¯s range, so there was no problem. There, if they could kill Bater, they would surely win. Nudra nodded and jumped. With him above the enemies, their gazes fixed on him. While that happened, Vera¡¯s magic sted against them. A fire spear zoomed in, but it struck Jean Clo. He had more health and greater defense than Bater, so his job was to block everything. Jean Clo took the hit, and that¡¯s when Nudra bolted down from the air. Boom! Bater raised his arms to block, but the impact was enough to wedge him in the ground up to his knees. He had lost 30 percent of his health, and couldn¡¯t get out. Nudra followed up with a front kick. Boom! Bater was pushed back by Nudra¡¯s kick and left with 5 percent of his health. One more hit should¡¯ve finish him off, but that was when Adolphe ran up to Nudra with his rush and shed him. Nudra was paralyzed, and Bater fired the rocket punches. Boom! His defense and health were higher than Diane¡¯s, but he he had been rushed against and shed, be paralyzed and then hit by the rocket punches. In the end, he lost a lot of health, leaving him with 30 percent of it. After that, Adolphe shed him again with the ten-meter energy strike. Nudra¡¯s chest had a gaping hole, and Doctor T fired his missiles at him. Boom! He had taken Bater¡¯s health mostly away, but the enemies focused on him, and Nudra died first. Meanwhile, Bater was running back toward the castle. He was trying to put some distance on Arn, but Arn jumped and closed the gap. Once closer, Arn threw his saber, which stuck to Bater¡¯s back. Bater disappeared. One hero had been killed on one side and two on the other. Junhyuk had the impression the allies were winning, but that¡¯s when Jean Clo closed in on Arn and swung him toward the enemy¡¯s castle. Arn had been thrown away from the allies, and hended where the giant golem was standing. The golem stomped, and Arn rolled away and ran as fast as he could toward the allied camp with the golem chasing after him. Things would be annoyed if the golem tried to interfere, but Junhyuk had used all of his power, so there was nothing he could do. "Let¡¯s kill Doctor T!" Junhyuk shouted. He had decided on their next target. Among the remaining enemies, Doctor T and Regina were the most bothersome. Jean Clo was easier to deal with. A fire spear flew toward Doctor T, catching him by surprise. He tried to block the attack with his front legs, but he was still pushed back. A fire orb had already been set behind him, and it exploded. Doctor T lost 50 percent of his health, and Diane shot multiple arrows at him. The guided arrows struck him, leaving Doctor T with 25 percent of his health. Halo had been it all, and step forward to use his sh attack. Halo was running like the wind, but the doctor shot him with the webs. He got stuck during his attack, and Regina quickly closed in on him and pointed the gun to the middle of Halo¡¯s forehead and pulled the trigger. Bang! Halo couldn¡¯t escape getting hit in the face and lost 30 percent of his health. Then, Doctor T roasted him with the methrower, and Adolphe appeared, swinging the saw-ded sword against him. ng! Junhyuk¡¯s sword parried Adolphe¡¯s just in the nick of time. With Halo stuck, all of the attacks thatnded were critical hits, and he was left with 30 percent of his health. Even though Junhyuk had block Adolphe¡¯s attack, the situation didn¡¯t look good. Halo cut the webs sticking to him, and swung at the doctor, who had been standing in front of him. Doctor T blocked the attacks with his front legs, and parried the sword toward the ground. Right before the sword touched the ground, Halo used the Rising Ind Dragon. He jumped while shing Doctor T; that was the Rising Ind Dragon. The doctor was left with 5 percent of his health, and an arrow hit the middle of his forehead. It was an ordinary attack, but the hit was critical, and Doctor T disappeared. Things was happening very fast. Meanwhile, Junhyuk was fighting Adolphe. The enemies had just lost another hero, which meant the allies were winning. However, Regina shot Halo while he was still in the air. He used his sword to block, but he couldn¡¯t get every bullet. When hended on the ground, Halo had 25 percent of his health left. Jean Clo ran at Halo from behind Regina and grabbed him, raising him by the neck. With him off the ground, Regina quickly fired at him. Bang! It was another critical, and Halo lost 8 percent of his health, leaving him with 17 percent. Then, Jean Clo, who had a hold of him, jumped. He was about to use the screw piledriver, and Junhyuk scowled. Halo could get killed at any moment. The allies were paying the price for their overconfidence, and Adolphe front kicked Junhyuk, pushing him back. Then, Adolphe shed his side. Junhyuk rolled and got up. That¡¯s when Halo hit the ground, and Jean Clo kicked him away. At that moment, Halo took hisst breath. Adolphe stabbed the ground with saw-ded sword, and two energy rings zoomed out. While they had the power to ensnare people, they weren¡¯t that dangerous. However, one of the rings got a hold of Arn. Arn had been running away from the golem when the ring wrapped around his ankle. Then, the giant golem started attacking. Arn was more powerful than ever before, but he still couldn¡¯t deal with a golem by himself, even more so now that he was paralyzed. The allies had Vera and Diane, while the enemies had Jean Clo and Regina. As for Junhyuk, he knew that the Spatial sh cooldown was almost over, and Adolphe had used all of his power. Junhyuk moved. It was more important to stop Jean Clo than deal with Adolphe at that juncture. Jean Clo came at him, and Junhyuk wung the Frozen Rune Sword at his thigh. Jean Clo tried use his hand to block the attack. ng! Jean Clo pushed the Frozen Rune Sword toward the ground, and Junhyuk swung with the Blood Rune sword instead. At that, Jean Clo parried the sword with his elbow. The sword nicked him, but it was a tiny wound. After the Blood Rune Sword got parried away, Junhyuk cut Jean Clo¡¯s ankles with the Frozen Rune sword and rolled back. Jean Clo¡¯s gigantic hands grazed by him. If he had been a littlete, the consequences would¡¯ve been dire. Junhyuk got up, but Adolphe was there already, swing the saw-ded sword at him. ng! He wasn¡¯t in position, but he still had to block the strike. After that, Junhyuknded hard on his butt. Diane and Vera attacked Jean Clo, whose defense was higher than his offense. Regina was the more dangerous, but Jean Clo was right in from of them. Both of them attacked him, and he walked slowly toward them and punched at them. Both of them attempted to run away, but Regina removed her eyepatch, leaving Vera petrified. Jean Clo rushed toward her extremely fast and raised her by the neck while Regina used the shooting twister at her. Diane tried to rescue Vera and fired multiple arrows, but she was hit by Regina¡¯s attack. Vera¡¯s attack was higher than her defense, and Regina¡¯s attack dealt her critical damage, leaving Vera with 40 percent of her health. After that, Jean CLo chokemmed into the ground and stomped on her. Junhyuk parried the saw-ded toward the ground and mmed against Adolphe with his shoulder. Adolphe got pushed aside, and Junhyuk ran, attempting to save Vera. Jean Clo saw him running, but he ignored him and raised both of his fists. He was on top of Vera with his two fists raised, and the chances of Vera surviving were slim. "NO!" Junhyuk shouted, but he couldn¡¯t stop Jean Clo. He felt like he had failed, but then, an arrow hit Jean Clo¡¯s temple, throwing him to the side. Junhyuk looked around, and Arn, rolling on the ground to escape the golem. He had lost half of his health, but he was still alive. Things wereplicated, but the allies hadn¡¯t lost yet, and Junhyuk ran as fast as he could at Jean Clo and Regina. Chapter 221: Painful Victory 3 Chapter 221: Painful Victory 3 Jean Clo was hit by the saber and got pushed off, falling to the side. Meanwhile, Regina turned around and aimed the muzzle of the gun at Vera, who had little health left. Regina¡¯s normal attack could be fatal to her, and Vera was still petrified. Junhyuk wished that Sarang was there with him at that moment. He thought about that for a moment and then started attacking. He swung his sword from far away, and Regina dodged instinctively, but he didn¡¯t use the Spatial sh. He swung again, and Regina used her boosted speed to move from the spot. However, he still hadn¡¯t used the Spatial sh. She stared at him as he came closer. Junhyuk swung the Blood Rune Sword at Regina¡¯s head, and she scoffed, blocking with her cuss, but at that moment, the Blood Rune Sword shed. "Ugh!" She thought she had blocked the attack, but he had used the Spatial sh, and it went through her neck. At close range, the Spatial sh was even harder to parry. Regina was injured and retreated quickly while shooting at Vera, who could move again. It was a normal attack, so Vera rolled on the ground to dodge it, but as she got up, she saw Jean Clo standing there. She had rolled toward him, and he tried to kick her. Vera decided that she couldn¡¯t escape the attack, so she cast a fire spear from short range. Boom! Jean Clo got hit in the face, but he managed to kick Vera¡¯s stomach. Both sides got pushed away, but Junhyuk caught Vera in his arms. Bang! He thought he had saved her, but a gunshot hit Vera, and she started disappearing. Against his chest, she smiled at him and said, "You must win." "I¡¯m thinking the same thing." Vera disappeared, and Junhyuk ran at Regina. Diane read Junhyuk¡¯s mind and shot an explosive arrow at her. Regina parried the arrow with her cuss. Meanwhile, Junhyuk closed in on her and swung the Frozen Rune Sword at her thigh. Both attacks connected, and Junhyuk hit her pistol with his sword. If the gun pointed at him, even if Regina¡¯s speed was debuffed, Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t be able to escape the shot. He tried to stop Regina from aiming at him, while Diane nked her and used her multishot. Regina used her boosted speed to get away from the attacks, but she was still hit by seven arrows, and half of her health remained. Even without Vera, the allies could still win. However, someone wasughing at Junhyuk¡¯s hope and grappled Junhyuk¡¯s waist. Then, the world turned upside down. Boom! Junhyuk felt dizzy and tried to get up. Jean Clo had backdropped him, and Junhyuk staggered while he tried to get up getting up. Then, Jean Clo tackled him and dropped him again on the ground. He mounted on top of Junhyuk, smiled and said, "What can you do?" Then, he raised his fist, but at that moment, Junhyuk teleported. Boom! He appeared behind Regina, while she exchanged attacks with Diane. From behind her, he swung his sword at her neck. Because he had teleported and swung his sword, it worked almost like the Spatial sh and caught her off guard. Regina couldn¡¯t do anything and received a critical hit. Junhyuk saw her losing 10 percent of her health and smiled with satisfaction, but Regina turned around like lightning, swinging her cuss. Junhyuk was barely able to parry it. He blocked the sword, but at that moment, her pistol went off against his chest. Bang! He turned away as fast as he could and avoided the critical hit. He could teleport, but if he did so against a normal attack, he wouldn¡¯t be able to do it against her power. Junhyuk did not have time to pay attention to his injuries, however, because Jean Clo went after him with Adolphe running at his side. If they attacked him together, Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t be able to handle it. Arn wasn¡¯t there, so the situation was dire for him. Diane looked at him with sympathy and shoot multiple arrows. Adolphe got hit by the multishot and got pushed back. Seeing that, Junhyuk used the Frozen Rune sword on him. He was able to hit Adolphe twice, creating two pure white shockwaves. Because of that, the enemies gathered in the center of the shockwaves were debuffed twice. After that, Junhyuk didn¡¯t feel it necessary to remain in that spot, so he teleported to stand next to Diane. When she saw him, she smiled and said, "Don¡¯t shake your butt in front of me." "Honestly, how can you joke now?" Diane smiled again and readied an arrow. "Get ready! Here theye!" There were two heroes and a champion, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t handle them alone. It was impossible. The enemies ran toward them, and Junhyuk felt the pressure of their killer intent and held tightly to his swords. Jean Clo¡¯s health was at 40 percent. Regina¡¯s was at 45 percent; and Adolphe¡¯s was at 55 percent. By fighting the three of them, Diane¡¯s health wasn¡¯t important. What was more important was that she could attack without duress. Even if Diane had a lot of health left, she would lose it quickly if attacked. Junhyuk ran forward like a ser goalkeeper who wanted to cover all the angles. He was willing to make that sacrifice for Diane. Jean Cloughed at him. "Right! Come here!" Jean Clo had his arms extended while running toward Junhyuk, and he suddenly thought of Vera. It wasn¡¯t Vera¡¯s bosom he was running to, and the thought ofnding on Jean Clo¡¯s chest terrified him. However, he had to do it. "I don¡¯t give a shit!" Junhyuk cursed and ran as fast as he could. He thought he would be fighting Jean Clo, but Adolphe rushed him and shed Junhyuk. Junhyuk raised his sword, but the sh came right after a rush, and Junhyuk was paralyzed. Once in that state, Jean Clo approached smiling and merely passed him by. Jean Clo was more focused on killing Diane than dealing with Junhyuk. After passing him, Jean Clo used his rush, and Diane shoot an explosive arrow. The arrow flew toward the middle of Jean Clo¡¯s forehead, but he smiled and used his ultimate. He was surrounded by the blue energy rings that protected him from the arrow while he regained his health. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t do anything. Regina went over to him and aimed the pistol at his temple while Adolphe swung the saw-ded sword. Right at that time, he could move again, so he quickly spun to the side. Regina¡¯s shot grazes his helmet, and the saw-ded sword missed him. While spinning, he raised both of his swords, one sword aimed at Adolphe¡¯s neck and the other aimed at Regina¡¯s ribs. Both of them hadn¡¯t expected Junhyuk to be able to move again and were shocked by him. Regina dodged his sword, but Adolphe¡¯s neck got pierced. His eyes widened, and Junhyuk took a step toward him, twisting the sword. The wound opened, dealing additional damage. Adolphe shed upward, but Junhyuk escaped the attack, swinging his sword. Then, he rolled away to escape Regina¡¯s attack. While on the ground, he turned around and hit the saw-ded sword away and shed Adolphe again. Adolphe¡¯s head fell on the ground. Regina and Adolphe¡¯sbined attack had failed, and Junhyuk had utilized small openings in the enemies¡¯ defenses to kill Adolphe. Adolphe was dead, but Jean Clo rushed against Diane and mmed her to the ground, and Regina moved to join him. If Diane couldn¡¯t get rid of Jean Clo, the joint attack from him and Regina would kill her. Junhyuk ran as fast as he could, closing in on them. However, Regina had her gun pointed at Diane. If Diane died, the allies wouldn¡¯t win. Then, a shadow covered Regina from above. It came down on her, swinging a saber at her back. It was Arn. Regina was cut, and Arn used the seven-strikebo against her. Her strength was gone. Killing Regina had been a sess, but Jean Clo still remained. His health was back up to 80 percent, and he didn¡¯t seem to care about Arn¡¯s appearance. Jean Clo had stomped Diane and was raising his fist. The giant golem was still after Arn, and Jean Clo wanted to finish Diane off first. Somehow, she managed to dodge his fist and loose arrows at close range. He managed to dodge the first, but he couldn¡¯t escape the seeking arrows, so he got hit on the chin and pushed back. Dien rolled out to escape his foot and shot five arrows as soon as she got up. They all hit Jean Clo¡¯s chest, and he was pushed back again. However, he grabbed her in the process and swung her toward Arn. The two hit each other and both staggered. Jean Clo closed in and punched them. sh! Junhyuk swung his sword at Jean Clo¡¯s elbow. He was interfering, but Jean Clo did not forget about his targets. Jean Clo grabbed Diane and jumped, using the screw piledriver. Arn turned around. The situation wasn¡¯t good. The golem came from behind him and kicked him, and while Arn did block it with the saber, he was stillunched off, rolling on the ground. Boom! Jean Clo mmed Diane against the ground, and Junhyuk swung his sword at him again. While it might not be possible to save Diane, he still wanted to attack Jean Clo as much as possible. The sh was a critical hit, and Jean Clo couldn¡¯t ignore him anymore, but he still wanted to kill Diane. Diane rolled to escape and loosed more arrows, but Jean Clo was faster and kicked her. He grabbed her neck and mmed her against the ground. Diane finally lost all of her health and disappeared. Through all this time, Junhyuk had kept attacking him, so Jean Clo now had 45 percent of his health. He turned to look at Junhyuk and smiled. "You hurt me," he said, and extended his hands at Junhyuk. He cut Jean Clo¡¯s hands, but he crouched and tackled Junhyuk in response. The shock of his back against the ground made him cough his mouth open, and Jean Clo mounted on him and smiled. "It¡¯s time for payback." Jean Clo was about to pound him, but Junhyuk quickly stabbed at the hero. Jean Clo scoffed and grabbed his arms and pressed them both against the ground. "Ha-ha-ha-ha. What are you gonna do now?" "I don¡¯t want to do it with a man!" Junhyuk headbutted him, but soon regretted that decision, crying out. His back was on the ground, and his headbutt didn¡¯t do much. Jean Clo raised him by the waist and headbutted him. Boom! His skull shook, and he couldn¡¯t see. Jean Clo was about to do it again when Arn showed up from behind. sh, sh! Arn¡¯s saber cut through him twice. One of the shes was a critical hit, and Jean Clo bled profusely, but he still headbutted Junhyuk again. Boom! Junhyuk couldn¡¯t see, and Jean Clo grabbed him. All of this time, Junhyuk hadn¡¯t picked up the item Ki had dropped. At that moment, Jean Clo got up, and Arn¡¯s saber seemed to be dancing on its own. Junhyuk looked for the giant golem, but it had already been destroyed. "So cool!" The giant golem had chased after Arn, and he had killed it by himself. Vera¡¯s meteors had done their job, but he was still impressive. Junhyuk turns to look, and saw Jean Clo grabbing Arn. Then, he lost his sight entirely. --- Endless darkness. Junhyuk travelled through it and slowly opened his eyes, which really surprised him. "What happened?" So far, he had been lucky because he hadn¡¯t died that much. On that battlefield, however, he had died many times. Death was always followed by emptiness, and he didn¡¯t want to experience that emptiness. He pulled himself together and opened his eyes to see a familiar surrounding. "I died and things ended?" While reviving, the victor had been decided, and he had returned to Earth. He shook his head and got up. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and leaned against a wall. "Shit!" Everytime he died, he had to travel through that endless emptiness. Even though he was a champion and had a bigger soul than before, the experience was still hard on him. Ordinarily, he would just get up on he returned, but now he was having a hard time doing so. Junhyuk gathered his thoughts and breath. "I¡¯m losing my mind." Chapter 222: Ganesha 1 Chapter 222: Ganesha 1 Junhyuk was trying very hard to gather his thoughts when the phone rang. When he answered, he heard Sarang¡¯s voice. "Big brother! Have you returned?" "Yes, I¡¯m back." "Big brother, I had heard you¡¯d been killed, and you didn¡¯te out. I was so worried!" Heforted her cries, "I¡¯m fine. I was waiting to revive, but the battle must¡¯ve ended, and I woke up here." He didn¡¯t want to worry her, but he pressed his temple with thumb and middle finger, trying to withstand dizziness. "That¡¯s a relief. But how many times did you die in thest battle?" "Three times." "Are you OK?" Sarang had died once, so she knew what it was like and sounded worried. "Don¡¯t worry. Champions can die five times, which means a champion can endure that many deaths," Junhyuk said things he only guessed at without thinking. "You were killed today for the first time, so you must be tired. Get some rest." "Sure, big brother." "Good." "Take me out for a meal sometime this week." "Sure. Tomorrow?" "Yes!" Sarang sounds excited, and Junhyuk smiled and said, "Get some sleep. I¡¯ll call you tomorrow. Let¡¯s do lunch together." "OK. Go to sleep." Junhyuk hung up the burner phone and opened his Spatial Bag. He pulled out the bloodstones, and the seeds and the fruit given to him by Diane. Arn had given him a bloodstone worth $100 million, and he had picked up thirty more smaller ones. Looking at all the things gathered there, he clicked his tongue. "Crap! I didn¡¯t bring the mana stones from the Dragon¡¯s Valley." While fighting dragon, he had been focused on the probable appearance of his enemies and had forgotten to pick up any mana stones. "I¡¯ll get some next time." He didn¡¯t have the $700 million mana stone, but had brought back a $100 million bloodstone and the seeds and fruit, whose price he didn¡¯t know yet. There were also thirty bloodstones, and if he got $10 million for each, that would be a total of $300 million. "It¡¯s about the same amount as the Dragon¡¯s Valley mana stone." Then, Junhyuk put all the things bag in his Spatial Bag while saying, "This should be enough for a while." He had purchased a building and a supeputer and had spent all of his money, so he was relieved that he would have some more money. Hey on the bed andined. "I¡¯m dizzy." The feeling hadn¡¯t passed, so he closed his eyes. --- He felt like he had only slept for a little while when his cell phone rang. Junhyuk woke up covered in cold sweat and frowned, shaking his head and looking at the caller ID on his phone. Then, he picked it up. "It¡¯s sote! What¡¯s up?" "Can we talk?" "I¡¯ll be there on Monday. We can talk then." "I can¡¯t wait. I¡¯m standing in front of your house right now." Junhyuk looked outside through the interphone monitor and saw a Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 parked there. He could see Eunseo sitting inside of it. "Wait a second," he said and teleported to the bathroom to have a quick shower. After that, he teleported out to dress himself and went outside. He looked at Jeffrey¡¯s house and saw the lights were out. "Now, everyone knows, so it doesn¡¯t matter!" Only Eunseo knew he was a champion, but many people knew he had been to the Dimensional Battlefield. Now that others knew about it, it was important for him to be strong so that they wouldn¡¯t be able to control him. That was what he was thinking about as he walked outside and toward her car. She opened the door and said, "Get in." He did so without speaking as he felt the need to talk to her anyway. Eunseo started driving while remaining silent. She looked puzzled, and Junhyuk leaned back on his seat without speaking. He could endure the physical exhaustion, but his soul had to rest at that point. The window was open, and the cold wind on his face made him feel more rxed. Eunseo drove somewhere secluded. There was no one around and no lights. He looked up and gazed at the sky full of stars, smiling at the fact that it was not purple. He was enjoying the ride when Eunseo stopped the car. He turned to her, and she fixed her sses and looked at him. "I want to hear it from you." "What do you want to hear?" "I want to hear everything about the Dimensional Battlefield." Junhyukughed and asked, "Why must I tell you about it?" He felt Eunseo shaking and he looked into her eyes and said, "We went to the battlefield together, and I felt the need to save you and helped you out. But I don¡¯t feel like telling you about the Dimensional Battlefield." He knew information was power, so Junhyuk couldn¡¯t budge now. Eunseo stared back at him, inhaled deeply and said, "Right. OK." She rxed, and her gaze looked different. She was much calmer then, looking like a businesswoman. "Do you want money for that information?" "Information is power. You know that." "Right, and I also know what it means to get the information first." Eunseo fixed her sses and added, "How much do you want for it?" Junhyuk stared at her silently. The car sat two people, and they are looking at each other at a distance of about fifty centimeters. The conversation was cold and distance, and he said while staring at her, "It¡¯ll be more expensive than you think." "Don¡¯t forget I have more money than you imagine." Heughed. How much money she had or was willing to spend wasn¡¯t important to him. Doyeol could pay him $500 million, and she probably didn¡¯t have that much to spend at once. He looked at her calmly and said, "I want you." Eunseo¡¯s eyebrows twitched. Her haughty expression crumbled, and she avoided his eyes. "What, what are you talking about?" Junhyuk knew she¡¯d misunderstood the situation, but he did not correct her. "I want you." Eunseo gathered her breath and looked at him. While hiding her blushing face, she said, "You already have Catherine." She had not heard her real name, but Eunseo knew the two were close. Nevertheless, he looked at her and replied, "I want someone with power." "What?" Eunseo¡¯s demeanor crumbled, and he thought she was cute. "Earth already has people with powers. There are those who control them, and I don¡¯t want to be controlled by others." He looked intently and piercingly into her eyes and spoke the truth, "So, I need you." Her heart was pounding, but she hid it and looked at him. His eyes were drawing her into him, and he felt bigger that any monsters to her. With three powers and the strength to go against a hero, he was at a higher level than any other she had met before. She looked at him and said, "I need time to think about it." "When you make up your mind, we¡¯ll talk." Junhyuk hadid bare his intentions. He had revealed a lot, but he still wanted Eunseo. Up until then, he had just been an employee, but now the dynamics would reverse. He leaned back on his seat, and she started driving. With the cold wind on his face, he closed his eyes. She drove fast, and the ride ended quickly, and soon he was back to his house. When he got out of the car, he looked at her. "Then, I¡¯ll see you Monday." She stared at him without speaking. Behind her sses, her eyes were shaking, and Junhyuk entered his house without uttering another word. After closing the door behind him, he heard the car leaving and felt that he had earned the friendship of another novice. He changed his bedsheets andy down. After rolling on his bed for a while, he teleported to the basement and started training. He summoned his swords and moved around to get rid of the thoughts in his head. He couldn¡¯t rest just because his soul is tired; it was not his style. His swords moved in a light rhythm. --- Saturday. Junhyuk had made a promise to Sarang to meet her, but before that, he went to Guro district to see Sungtae. He hadn¡¯t been starving himself. The floor was full of empty ramen noodle cups. Junhyuk went inside the room, but Sungtae continued to mash on his keyboard busily, so he waited a while. Sungtae¡¯s hands suddenly stopped, and he got up from his seat and started dancing like a madman. "What are you doing?" Junhyuk asked. "Ahh!" He was surprised andnded on his butt. After collecting himself, he said, "You scared me!" "I asked you what you were doing." Sungtae smiled and got up. "The instation is over." "Is it operable?" "Yes." Sungtae was still smiling. "Look!" He cleared his voice and said, "Ganesha." Junhyuk looked and heard a slightly husky, but very attractive woman¡¯s voice. [Did you call me, master?] Sungtae started dancing like a madman again, and Junhyuk looked at him and asked, "Is that an AI?" "How did you know?" Sungtae asked after he stopped suddenly. "Why are you its master?" "I made it, so it¡¯s only natural!" Heughed hard, and Junhyuk walked closer to him. "I am your employer." "Sure." Junhyuk turned to look at the monitor and said. "Give me all of the rights." Sungtae smiled and said, "Certainly! I programmed Ganesha, but I needed a supeputer to do it." Then, he said, "Ganesha, this here is Max. He has full rights and clearance to use you." [Everything?] "Correct. The same as me." [Wait a minute.] Ganesha stopped for a moment, and all of the information on Max showed up on the monitor. Then, Ganesha said, [Please, tell me your name.] "Max." [Your voice has been recognized. Max, you are now my master.] Junhyukughed and looked at Sungtae. "What is Ganesha¡¯s capability?" "Anything you desire. At least as far as worldwide information goes, it should be the best." Sungtae was very confident, and Junhyuk smiled. He had underestimated Sungtae¡¯s abilities. Junhyuk had wanted Zaira badly, but it was possible he possessed something better now. Chapter 223: Ganesha 2 Chapter 223: Ganesha 2 Sungtae looked at Junhyuk and said, "But we have a problem." "A problem?" He smiled and continued, "I was able to install the Ganesha, the artificial intelligence program, but we will need a team to operate it in order to maximize its use." "You mean your college buddies?" "Yes. I¡¯ll bring them over, but their sries can¡¯t be lower than mine." "Maybe they aren¡¯t that capable?" Sungtae¡¯s annual sry wasn¡¯t low, but his sry couldn¡¯t bepared to those of capable workforce in the States. "They hate going outside more than me, so they sell their programs or fixputers whenever they needed money and live like that. I want to bring them over." "Can you trust them?" Sungtae took a moment to think. "Considering the work we will be doing, we might want to write contracts that enforce confidentiality agreements?" "You think so?" "What do you want to do?" Junhyuk pondered everything and said, "We¡¯ll need our own team ofwyers, but we¡¯ll do thatter. Instead, we¡¯ll have the contracts written by aw firm first." Sungtae touched his chin and said, "This and that, we have a lot to do." "That¡¯s right. We have to find a security team as well." "I¡¯ll do that by tomorrow." He thought Sungtae was working harder than he had expected, which was a good thing. "OK. Call your friends and let them know." "Will do." "Approximately, how much money do you need?" "Not counting me, there are ten people. How about $10 million total for their annual sries." "They can¡¯t be paid same as you. No way." He wanted to treat the administrator and the others differently. "The sries are a matter of negotiation. l¡¯ll be able to lower their sries, but one floor of the building has to be their room and board." Junhyuk took a moment to think and said, "I gave you the authority to oversee the building. Do as you please." "Can I?" "I don¡¯t care if you use the entire building." Sungtaeughed gleefully, and Junhyuk continued, "I¡¯ll find aw firm and have the contracts written." "The sry is settled then, but the research costs and equipment will cost $50 million more." Junhyuk stared at him without speaking. Sungtae might think Junhyuk was a bank and stupid. "I¡¯ll wire $100 million to thepany ount, but be mindful of it." "It¡¯llst at least five more years in operation costs." Junhyuk shook his head and said, "I¡¯lle back tomorrow. Prepare the things you need." "Don¡¯t worry about it." Junhyuk took out $1,000 in cash and handed it to him. "You¡¯ve installed Ganesha, so treat yourself to something delicious." "I can¡¯t leave this ce yet. I must order food." Junhyuk was about to leave when he thought of something else. "Tell Brian to make another ID." "Whose is it?" "A twenty-four year old woman named Catherine. I¡¯ll send you her pictureter." "Sure." His purpose was to make an ID for Sarang. After, he waved goodbye. "Then, see you tomorrow." --- Junhyuk called Sarang and changed their meeting ce. They would be meeting at Seocho Station, and when Junhyuk arrived, he saw Sarang was already there. She was wearing her mask, and when he walked to her, she ran to him and hugged him. At that, Junhyuk touched her forehead with his fingers and pushed her away. She stuck her tongue out at him, but he remained adamant. "We¡¯ll eat first, then go somewhere." "Where?" "Aw firm. I need some help with writing contracts." Sarang stared at her calmly. She was doing it with such unspoken intensity that it seemed she could see through his mask, and he felt that her soul had grown since her death. He caressed her head and said, "Let¡¯s go. What do you want to eat?" "Sashimi!" "Sure." They find a sashimi ce near Seocho Station, and once they ordered, he looked at her. She seemed to be expecting something, and he said, "I¡¯m expecting more from Eunseo Kim." "Guardians¡¯ CEO?" "Yes. Like Jeffrey said, I must collect people with powers." Sarang shrugged. "Will she be on our side?" "I don¡¯t know, but if she were, she would help us." "She must have a lot of money and friends..." "She does." Sarang puffed her cheeks with air. "Hmph!" Heughed at her. "Are you jealous?" "Jealous? Why?" He shrugged, and her eyes widened ever so slightly. She was wearing a mask, but he could guess at her expression under that mask andughed. He felt himself recovering from his fatigue. Sarang was about to say something when the sashimi came out to the table. She still wanted to say something, but Junhyuk picked up a piece of sashimi and raised it toward her. Her face reddened, and she opened her mouth and ate it. He didn¡¯t speak further, eating his sashimi in silence. The sashimi was very soft, and it melted in his mouth. When he put down his chopsticks for a moment, Sarang asked, "What¡¯s the matter?" He answered calmly, "Nothing. I earned a lot of money, but I haven¡¯t gotten anything for my parents." "You¡¯ve earned hundreds of millions of dors, you didn¡¯t get anything for your parents?" Junhyuk looked embarrassed. "Tonight, I¡¯ll visit them." "Do it. Can I go with you?" Heughed. "Don¡¯t make meugh." "Hmph!" She continued to eat the sashimi, and he picked up his chopsticks again. That night, he would visit his parents, but for now, he was hungry. Once they were finally full, they started looking for the biggestw firm around Seocho Station. They entered the building without hesitation, and the people inside greeted them respectfully. "How may I help you?" "I need a contract written." "How much money will it involve?" "I¡¯m making contracts for my employees. Their annual sries will be $1 million." "Pleasee in." Junhyuk and Sarang entered and waited. A few minutester, a middle-aged person entered the room. Junhyuk got up, and the middle-aged man handed him a business card. "I¡¯m the CEO of the General Law Firm, General Choi." Junhyuk looked him over. "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Max." "Please, have a seat." Choi offered them seats, and everyone sat down. Junhyuk learned that he was General Law Firm¡¯s CEO and exined what he needed from him. "The contract concern confidentiality agreements and sries, and I need them written. Most of our employees are foreigners, and I don¡¯t want any mistakes made." "You need the contract in English." "Yes." Choi looked at him with eyes that seemed to smile. "We have a form for contracts like that, and I¡¯ll touch up on it." "Please do." "When do you need it by?" "As soon as possible." Choi answered him nonchntly, "Can I send it to you by tomorrow?" "If you get it ready tomorrow, I¡¯lle pick it up." Thinking about it, Junhyuk didn¡¯t even have a fax machine, and he thought he would need more things in his building. "How much will it cost?" Choi knew it from his extensive experience that Junhyuk could choke someone just by looking at him. It had been a long time since Choi met someone like Junhyuk. He had asked for a $1 million contract, but Choi thought that could be a test. "It¡¯ll be my gift to you." Junhyuk¡¯s eyebrow twitched, and Choi quickly continued, "You could be our client." Junhyuk stared at him without speaking, and Choi smiled. "Ourw firm is one of the top fivew firms in the country." He hadn¡¯t known that. Junhyuk had entered thew firm¡¯s building because the building was big. "You won¡¯t be disappointed," Choi said confidently. Junhyuk thought about it. He wanted his own legal team, but he might need to use aw firm before he could put one together. "Fine. If I like this contract, I¡¯ll hire your firm." "Please, trust us." While getting up, Junhyuk said, "I value action more than words." Choi was awyer, and he had to be articte, but Junhyuk needed results. "I¡¯ll see you tomorrow." Junhyuk walked outside with Sarang, and Choi escorted them to the exit, waving goodbye. Junhyuk chuckled and walked with Sarang. "I¡¯ll use my new ID to purchase a new house and a new car." "Good thinking," "The next time I¡¯m shopping for a house and a car,e with me." "Will it be OK?" "Sure. I¡¯m getting your ID made as well." "ID?" JUnhyuk nodded. "Your name will be Catherine." "Cool!" Sarang expressed herself, and Junhyukughed at her. "When the ID is finished, I¡¯ll let you know." "Sure!" He took her home and took a picture of her before saying goodbye. Sarang insisted that he take a picture of her real face, but he ignored her and walked her home. Afterward, he called Elise. She seemed very d to hear from him. "You must¡¯ve been to the Dimensional Battlefield. Did you bring back anything new?" "Let¡¯s meet and talk." "I¡¯m at thepany. Come over." "I¡¯ll see you soon." He went home first and took off his mask. Then, he drove to Ilsan. Thepany was still under construction from the monster attacks. When Junhyuk walked in, he heard Zaira¡¯s voice. [Come downstair.] He went to the basement, and saw Elise eating ck bean paste noodles and waving at him. "You came!" Her lips were covered in ck bean paste, and he shook his head. She offered him a seat, and he took it. "Do you want some noodles?" Elise showed him her bowl of noodles, but he shook his head. "I already ate lunch. Are you eating yours now?" "I¡¯ve been busy." She was always busy working, but he did not ask her about it at that time. He ced his hand inside the Spatial Bag and asked, "Today, I have a $100 million bloodstone and thirty smaller bloodstones, and you wanted seeds and fruit. Are you going to buy everything?" "Puff!" Without realizing, she spat out her noodles, and he blocked them with his hand. "How about it?" "Let¡¯s appraise the bloodstone first." Junhyuk nodded and took out all of the bloodstones. She examined them carefully and ced them in a measuring instrument. Then, she went back to her seat and started eating her noodles again. "It¡¯ll take five minutes toe up with prices. May I see the seeds and fruit?" He held them out in his hand and asked, "How are you going toe up with prices for these?" She put down her chopsticks with sparkling eyes. "If these are as I expect, they¡¯ll be worth more than $100 million. For all of the seeds and fruit, I¡¯ll give you $300 million." Junhyuk shook his head. "I was talking about the bloodstones. Just give me a hundred for these." Elise stared at him. "What else do you want?" "I want to know the results of your research." "My research results?" He nodded, and she added calmly, "You can¡¯t buy research results with money. I thought you knew that." "I know, but without my help, that research can¡¯t continue." Elise smiled mysteriously, and heughed and asked, "Deal?" She shrugged and replied, "Nothing I can do. Deal." Chapter 224: Shopping 1 Chapter 224: Shopping 1 Elise was finishing her ck bean paste noodles when Zaira spoke up. [The appraisal is done.] She wanted to seem impartial, so she remained nonchnt and asked, "What are the measurement values?" [Bloodstone measurements: two counts of 500BP, ten counts of 200BP, and eighteen counts of 150BP.] Elise turned to look at him. "That¡¯s really easy to calcte! It¡¯s $50 million for 500BP, $20 million for 200BP and $15 million for 150BP, so that¡¯s a total of $570 million. You also brought a $100 million bloodstone. So, I¡¯ll give you $670 million." Junhyuk tried to hide his surprise and asked, "You can give me that much?" "Sure. I¡¯ll transfer it to your ount right away." "Wait." Junhyuk wanted deposits on separate ounts and said, "Transfer $100 million to a Swiss ount and the rest to my original ount." Elise looked at him and said, "Zaira can¡¯t control money expenditures in Korea. People will talk." Junhyuk thought for a moment, and Elise continued, "Do you want my help in opening a Swiss bank ount?" He thought it would be a good idea to have a Swiss ount in his actual name. "Will opening an ount take long?" "Zaira, make him a bank ount." [Please, wait a moment.] Elise finished her noodles and took out a napkin to wipe her lips. Then, Junhyuk received a call on his phone, and Zaira exined what it was about. [It¡¯s a call from the bank.] He picked it up and answered a few questions, realizing he had just opened an ount. He wanted to visit Switzend sometime. "I¡¯ll also pay you for the seeds and fruit. Is $770 million enough?" "Yes." "Zaira, transfer the money from my ount." Elise went to make some coffee. [Transfer isplete.] She brought back her cup of coffee and sat with her legs crossed. "I could tell you about the research results, but to replicate the results takes unimaginable money and equipment. What do you want to do?" He understood what she meant, "Even if I have the research results, if I want to do something with it, it will take a lot of money and time. That¡¯s what you are telling me, right?" "Correct. How about taking the results¡¯ products from me?¡¯ "Results¡¯ products?" "The finished products like R-potions and iron soldiers. I can give them to you." Junhyuk wanted an iron soldier. Guardians owned all iron soldiers, but the idea of privately owning one made him waver in his choice. Even with the research results, he wouldn¡¯t make an iron soldier. Iron soldiers were a product of Robotics¡¯ expertise in mechanical engineering. "Making an R-potion costs $5 million. We have to extract materials from the bloodstone and mix them with other materials, so that¡¯s the cost of it." Elise continued, "Iron soldiers cost about $150 million for each unit. If we were to sell one, we would sell it for more than $500 million. For $150 million, you¡¯ll get an iron soldier without any weapons. With weapons, you¡¯ll have to pay more." Junhyuk thought he could afford one. "OK. The leaf I gavest time, what did you use it for?" Elise smiled at him. "You are not easy to deal with. I offered you two things. I thought you¡¯d be satisfied." "I¡¯m not satisfied." She shrugged and said, "That leaf is disying two capabilities. First, monsters respond to it. And second, even though it¡¯s only a small amount, it spurts off mana." "Mana?" "That¡¯s right. I asked you for the seed because the leaf spurts off mana when it¡¯s cut. If I have a tree of it, and I¡¯ll be able to make artificial mana stones with it." His eyes widened, and Elise smiled. "If that happens, we won¡¯t have to rely on the Dimensional Battlefield for mana stones." "Shocking!" "I¡¯m nning to nt the seeds you gave me, but I¡¯m also curious about the possibilities the fruit holds." He was curious as well. "You said that monsters respond to it. Can you detect dimensional tears made by them?" "Correct, but we need more than that leaf to detect dimensional tears. We need a lot more." "Sure." "If you want a monster detector, you have to bring more leaves and an additional $200 million." He realized that even if he had the research results, it wouldn¡¯t be easy for him to take advantage of them. "So, if I take a finished product, does that means I can¡¯t learn about the research results?" "That¡¯s right." He was worried. The options needed more time to be weighed properly. "I¡¯ll tell you what I want next time." "Sure." She wanted to go back to her research, but he asked, "Why do you need so many bloodstones?" Elise smiled at him. "That¡¯s a secret." He realized again that she was not an easy woman to deal with. "I will call youter." He said goodbye to her and got ready to buy gifts for his parents. His father liked Korean beef, so he bought kilos of it. While he drove, he gathered his thoughts. He didn¡¯t have to work as a model anymore. He had earned more than $10 million working as a model, but now, he needed hundreds of millions. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t taking much money to give to his parents. If he did, his rtives might get suspicious, and it was his job to keep the peace in the family. He was taking just enough to make sure his parents did well. He could give them moreter. When he arrived at his parents¡¯ house, his mother gave him a very warm wee. His father didn¡¯t speak, but he also liked when his son visited him. His father patted Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder, and he smiled at his father and showed him the Korean beef. "Today, we¡¯ll have a beef party." "Sure!" His mother, Haejung Kim, had taken him inside, but when she went to the kitchen, she was surprised by the many kilos of Korean beef. "I¡¯ll have to show you my cooking skills today." She meant to cook all of the dishes that required beef, and Junhyuk wanted to help her out. "I¡¯ll help you." "OK. Can you peel some onions?" He started doing so. Haejung was with her back toward him, and he peeled the onions so fast that he took a step back, bumping into her. If he hadn¡¯t, he would have cried from the onions. Haejung smiled and said, "If you don¡¯t want to do it, just tell me." "I peeled them and cut them." His mother turned around to look and was surprised to see the onions sliced and diced. "So fast!" "I¡¯m good with a knife. I¡¯ve been living alone for a while," he chuckled and said. "Do you need more help?" "Sure! From now on, you are my cooking assistant." "I¡¯ll do my best." He helped her mother prepare dinner. They had a nice family dinner. After it, Junhyuk made coffee, brought it out and started speaking candidly, "Father." "What?" "Please oversee my assets." "Your assets?" "Yes." His father, Sukhoon, put on a serious expression and ced his coffee mug down. "How much do you have to call it assets?" "About $5 million." His mother was very surprised when she heard it, and Junhyuk caressed her back. "While working as a model, I made $10 million. I spent $2 million on my house. I also bought a new car. I have about $8 million left. Father, mother, you could spent $3 million on yourselves and oversee the remaining $5 million. "So you want to give us $8 million?" "No. I¡¯m giving you $3 million. And the $5 million is for you to oversee." "So you want me to spend that money?" Junhyuk smiled. "You retired from asset management, but you can still do it." "Asset managers don¡¯t use their own money." "It¡¯s not yours. It¡¯s mine," Junhyuk continued. "You may keep anything over a 5 percent yield." His father looked at him calmly. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Fine. I¡¯ll do it." "Thanks." He felt the burden leave his shoulders. His father might lose all of the money, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t care. His father had retired to go fishing with his friends, so he could spend the money on fishing. That was enough. Junhyuk smiled and asked, "Can I sleep here tonight?" His mother noticed that her son was spending $8 million like it was nothing and asked him about it carefully, "Son." "Yes." "You are my son?" "Of course!" He took her hands and said, "Get a new house and other things. That¡¯s why I¡¯m giving you the money." "No. When your father brings in more ie, we¡¯ll spend it then." He realized that his parents would manage the entire $8 million and he wanted to say aloud, "If you spend all that money, I won¡¯t care. I¡¯ll just make more money from my TV appearances. I have enough money to spend for a lifetime." "Then, I will manage your money," his father said. "Please do," he said. "Then, I will go to sleep." "Go ahead." Junhyuk went to his old room while his parents started a heated argument andy on his bed. "Don¡¯t be surprised." He closed his eyes. On Sunday, Junhyuk put on his mask and went to Seocho. He went to the General Law Firm to meet Choi, who gave him the contract. The contract had extensive uses concerning many possible situation. Junhyuk read it over, looked and Choi and said, "I can hold you responsible for this contract?" "Certainly!" "OK. If something happens because of this contract, you¡¯ll be responsible. I¡¯ll be one of your clients." "I¡¯ll be responsible for it." Choi had sought advice from his foreign friends on writing that contract. It had no weak uses. Junhyuk took it and got up. "I¡¯m sorry to bother you on a Sunday." "Don¡¯t be. From now on, just depend on us for your legal matters. Call us anytime." "Sure." Suddenly, Junhyuk turned around and looked at Choi. "I did not introduce myself. I¡¯m Max, CEO of GST Company," he said and left. Choi stared at him as he went out and called the firm¡¯s investigator into his office. With a serious expression on his face, he said, "Get me everything on GST Company and on its CEO, Max." "Sure." The investigator left, and Choi smiled and said, "We are getting to know each other." Chapter 225: Shopping 2 Chapter 225: Shopping 2 Junhyuk went to visit Sungtae and show him the contract. "Here it is." "You have it already?" "First, scan the entire thing and ask Ganesha if there are any legal loopholes." "Why didn¡¯t you just ask Ganesha to do it?" "We needwyers, and I needed to make contact with them. I decided to use General Law Firm for GST affairs." "For now, right?" "Correct. For now." Junhyuk sat on a chair calmly, and Sungtae turned a scanner on and put up each page of the contract to face it. "Are there any problem areas?" Sungtae asked. [No.] Sungtae heard Ganesha¡¯s answer and turned to look at Junhyuk. "I¡¯ve called my friends, and seven of them want toe here." "I thought you said you needed ten." "I could still call more of my friends, but I have to wait." Junhyuk thought for a while and asked, "Ganesha, I need GST business cards. Can you do them?" [I have twelve designs for business cards.] The twelve designs appeared on screen, and Junhyukughed when he saw them. "Can you make one up?" [The designs can be adapted. I made simple designs that leave longsting impressions.] "Interesting." He picked out two designs and looked at Sungtae. "Which one do you like?" "I like the one on the left." "OK. Then, let¡¯s get them printed. Send the files to my email." [I¡¯ve done it.] Junhyuk looked at Sungtae. "And we need new cell phones that go with our new IDs. Let¡¯s go out." "It¡¯ll be better than having burner phones." Sungtae was getting ready to leave when Junhyuk asked, "Ganesha, can you scan the entire inte in our country?" [If I scan such information, data usage will be high. If you want me to do it for certain keywords, I will look them up for you.] "OK. Within South Korea, collect data on ¡¯Power, Dimensional Battlefield, and Return.¡¯ If you don¡¯t, it¡¯ll probably deleted." [Power, Dimensional Battlefield, and Return data materials will be stored.] "There is, perhaps, another supeputer tracking that data, so be careful." [Don¡¯t worry about things like that.] Junhyuk looked at Sungtae and asked, "What happened to what I told you to look into?" "The securitypanies?" "Right." Sungtae was still getting dressed and said, "Ganesha, show him thepanies we looked into." Junhyuk looked at the monitor. It was showing the businesses¡¯ security experience and their sizes and assets. It also showed ces thepanies protected. He looked at it and asked, "Can you change betweenpanies faster?" [That¡¯s possible.] The items on the screen moved in and out quickly, but Junhyuk saw everything and picked twopanies out. "Call these securitypanies, Bakdu and Taesan. Tell them to meet me for a business meeting at 3:00 p.m. today. If they can¡¯te, there won¡¯t be any contracts. Tell them that too." [Understood.] Ganesha made the calls, and Junhyuk heard that bothpanies¡¯ CEOs woulde at 3:00 p.m. to sign the contract. "They must need the money." Bothpanies were in financial difficulty, so Junhyuk knew they wouldn¡¯t refuse his offer. He looked at Sungtae who is getting ready. "We¡¯ll also get some furniture. We need a ce for meetings." "Can¡¯t we just sign the contracts outside?" "We need a securitypany. We have to make them trust us." Junhyuk walked out saying, "We have to hurry." He had his appointment and he also had to buy furniture. There wasn¡¯t much time. Both of them went out and looked for a shopping mall. At the mall, Junhyuk found a furniture store. A salesperson walked up to them. "What kind of furniture are you looking for?" "I am decorating an office, but I have aplicated requirement." "Requirement?" "The furniture must be delivered by 2:00 p.m. today." The worker looked at his watch and smiled awkwardly, "We won¡¯t be able to do it by then. Today is Sunday, and there aren¡¯t any delivery drivers." Junhyuk tried to leave the store then, but the salesperson followed him in a hurry and said, "I¡¯m sorry. Just look at the furniture. I¡¯ll call up some delivery drivers." He sat down and opened a catalogue. Looking intently at the pictures in it, he said, "I will get this entire set in this picture. I¡¯ll also need bookshelves, and five more sets." He turned the page. "And this will go into the secretary¡¯s office, so five sets would be enough." The salesman¡¯s face hardened as Junhyuk chose everything. His order was already over $70,000-worth of furniture. He looked at sofas. "I¡¯ll need a set in my office, and that one will do for the resting area." The man wrote everything he wanted down. It was already over $100,000. Then, Junhyuk looked at him. "I¡¯ll pay you only if you can deliver it by 2:00 p.m. today." "I¡¯ll do it no matter what." Junhyuk got up and said, "I¡¯ll transfer the money to your store¡¯s ount. I¡¯ll do half as a deposit, but if you can¡¯t deliver everything by 2:00 p.m., our agreement is null and void." The worker handed him the bank ount number, and Junhyuk transferred the money. As he walked out, Junhyuk said again, "By 2:00 p.m." "Don¡¯t worry!" The worker bowed, and Junhyuk went to a pottery store. The tes and tea cups were on sale, and Junhyuk picked out what he liked. He chose the highest quality tea cups and ordered them in sets, which didn¡¯t take long. He went around the mall and told everyone he ordered from that they needed to deliver everything by 2:00 p.m. It took an hour and a half for him to finish shopping. When he looked at his watch, he said, "Let¡¯s go to the cell phone store." "Yes." Sungtae had been surprised by the spending spree. He knew Junhyuk had a lot of money, but he had spent over $300,000 just shopping that day. Junhyuk chose two cell phones from the store and opened up new lines. After that, they went to a restaurant. It was a conveyor belt sushi ce. Both sat down and pulled the tes down from the belt. Junhyuk was looking at his new cellphone when Sungtae said, "Let me see it." "Why?" "I¡¯ll download an app for you." "What app?" "It¡¯ll connect you directly to Ganesha. Using that app, you can talk directly to Ganesha." Junhyuk handed him the phone, and he downloaded the app. "With Ganesha, work will get easier, so this will be useful. The app is also voice activated." Seeing that he could connect to Ganesha with the app, Junhyuk smiled. "When did you make this?" "Last night." Junhyuk used the app to give Ganesha a few orders and was satisfied. "You did well." He grabbed the eel sushi and added, "After we are done eating, let¡¯s get some clothes." "Clothes?" "That¡¯s right. We need suits. We¡¯ll get some pre-made ones today, but next time we¡¯ll use a tailor." "Sure." Sungtae focused on eating. After escaping the people who came to kill him, he had been eating delivery food for the entire month. They both ate a lot that day. Junhyuk¡¯s muscle mass was wayrger than that of ordinary people, so he ate even more than Sungtae. After lunch, they bought suits and went back to the office. Using Ganesha, Junhyuk checked out events around the world. His cell phone rang, and he picked it up. The furniture had arrived, so he went downstairs to check on the delivery trucks. There were more than ten of them. Junhyuk took one of the drivers aside and took him to the tenth floor. He showed the driver to his office. "ce the furniture here. The bookshelves will go by the wall." Then, Junhyuk pointed to ce he would use as a secretary¡¯s office and said, "And ce the five sets of furniture here." Junhyuk pointed to the resting area and added, "And put the resting area furniture in there." "Sure." "Everything must be ready by 2:00 p.m." "We¡¯ll do it right now." Junhyuk looked outside, through the window. The furnitures, decorations and other things were arriving. "Don¡¯t bete." Then, Junhyuk pulled up Ganesha¡¯s app and said, "Look for a cleaningpany. Tell them to clean the office starting at 2:00 p.m. for thirty minutes." [Understood.] Junhyuk turned off his cell phone and, with his hand held behind him, he looked out through the window. Guro had a lot of new buildings because of many factories were moving into the region. There were even bigger buildings than his. He looked around and said, "I¡¯ll do it one by one." At first, his money had belonged to Doyeol, but now, his money had once belonged to Elise. Foreign money wasing into South Korea, so the more he spent, the more he was helping the economy. "I¡¯ll be more powerful." Phnthropy wouldeter. He wanted to gather power so that others wouldn¡¯t move against him. After that, he nned to be phnthropic. He was thinking this and that while they installed the furniture. Everything was in ce, and a driver came in for his signature at 1:40 p.m. The driver was sweating like crazy, and Junhyuk handed him an envelope. "Thank you. Be careful on your way." The driver hadn¡¯t expected a tip from him and bowed in response. "Thank you." He looked into the envelope and cheered. Meanwhile, Junhyuk looked around his office. It looked like a major corporation¡¯s CEO¡¯s office, and he was happy with the new decoration. Then, Sungtae walked in, looked around andughed hard. "This is the power of money." "Correct. This is the power of money." They had started in the morning, and by 2:00 p.m., the office decorations were set. Sungtae shook his head. A cell phone rang, and Junhyuk picked it up. The cleaningpany had arrived, and he told them toe up to the tenth floor. Thepany¡¯s CEO himself hade. "Nice to meet you! Office cleaning, right?" "If you finish by 2:30 p.m., I¡¯ll give you $2,000." There were seven cleaningdies. There amount would cover their wages and more, so the CEO affirmed, "We will do it by then!" Junhyuk looked at Sungtae. "Look after them." "Where are you going?" "I have to go out for a minute." Junhyuk found an ATM nearby and withdrew some cash. He took out $5,000 and put $2,000 in an envelope. Then, he treated himself to a cup of coffee and went back to his office. "I¡¯ll need secretaries." He had a lot to do. He would quit Guardians so that he could focus on GST. He arrived at 2:30 to see the office clean, so he paid them the $2,000 like he¡¯d promised and sat down in his tidy office, looking at Sungtae. "I¡¯ll need coffee. Bring me six cups." "When are we getting secretaries?" "I was thinking the same thing." "Can I do the interviews?" Junhyuk waved his hands and said, "Get some coffee." Sungtae went out, and Junhyuk¡¯s cell phone rang. He picked it up and heard a hard voice from the other end. "I¡¯m Bakdu¡¯s CEO. Where should I go to?" It wasn¡¯t time yet, but he was already there, which gave Junhyuk a good impression of him. "Come to the tenth floor." Junhyuk waited by the elevator. A momentter, the elevator stopped, and a well-trained man walked out from it. His hair was cut short, and Junhyuk liked his eyes. He had ten health, which meant that, for a human, he was impressive. Junhyuk smiled and extended his hand. "I¡¯m GST¡¯s CEO, Max." "I am Bakdu¡¯s CEO, Daesan Kang." Chapter 226: Shopping 3 Chapter 226: Shopping 3 He offered Daesan Kang a seat and pulled out a tablet. He turned it on and opened Ganesha¡¯s app to learn everything there was to know about Bakdu Security. While Junhyuk read it over one more time, Sungtae came in. When he finished, he looked at Daesan. "I brought coffee," Sungtae said. Junhyuk signaled with his hand, and Sungtae handed Daesan a cup. Daesan took it and said, "This must be a new business." "I haven¡¯t unpacked my bags." Junhyuk smelled the aroma of the coffee and put his cup down. He had just drunk a cup, so he didn¡¯t want to drink another one. "Bakdu Security provides security for twopanies at a rate of $100,000 each." "Correct." "There are two security teams. Not counting new employees, every employee has quite the resume." Daesan¡¯s eyes hardened. He was starting to wonder how Junhyuk had gotten a hold of that information, but Junhyuk continued nonchntly, "Just enough to pay your employees their sries." Daesan steeled his face and said, "My financial situation isn¡¯t that good, but I can vouch for our abilities." "I know. I don¡¯t know about the others, but I know you¡¯ve been the chief security officer for the Blue House." (Editor¡¯s Note: It¡¯s Korea¡¯s equivalent of the White House.) "How did you find out?" "When we investigate things, we do it thoroughly," Junhyuk said, raising his eyes to look at him. "We are now looking for a securitypany that will provide security to ourpany." "Just yourpany?" "To be urate, I want to acquire yourpany. How abouting under ourpany?" Daesan expressed discontent, "We are in charge of two otherpanies now. The breach of contract fees are..." "We will take care of those since we¡¯ll be acquiring yourpany." "It¡¯s three times the regr fee..." Junhyuk calcted it for him, "So, it¡¯s $300,000 for each ce for a total of $600,000. Bakdu¡¯s assets total about $2 million. Not counting the breach of contract fees, I¡¯ll pay you $4 million to acquire yourpany. I¡¯ll also double your team¡¯s sries." Daesan did not know what to say, but Junhyuk continued, "I want to double the number of employees, but how to do it will be your job." "Their sries..." "They¡¯ll depend on their experience. However, concerning our work here, you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement." Daesan shook his head lightly. When Junhyuk checked the time, his smartphone said 2:50 p.m. He looked back at Daesan. "Today, I scheduled meetings with twopanies, Bakdu and Taesan. You came here early, so I¡¯m giving you the choice." "Are you going to give them the same conditions?" "Of course." Daesan checked the time. There were ten minutes to go, but Taesan¡¯s CEO might arrive early, just like he had done. Daesan looked at Junhyuk. Junhyuk looked very calm, like it was easy for him to acquire Daesan¡¯spany. Money must not be a problem to him. "What exactly does GST do?" "I can only tell you that after you sign the contract." "If you are doing anything illegal, I can¡¯t and mustn¡¯t help you." Junhyuk took a moment to think. GST¡¯s main line of work was collecting information and, if possible, gather people who had activated their powers. He knew he couldn¡¯t always remain within thew. His work involved dealing with the Rockefellers, who could bend and twist thew ording to their wishes. They could make Junhyuk¡¯s work illegal. Junhyuk crossed his arms and looked at Daesan. "I¡¯m looking for a security team for mypany right now, butter, I may ask you for a more private line of work. And I can¡¯t promise the work we do here will to totally legal all the time." He was being honest, and Daesan was impressed by that. His eyes looked deeper than the eyes of anyone Daesan had ever met. His eyes were telling the truth. After pondering things, Daesan said, "If we have to do anything illegal, I¡¯ll do it alone. Is that OK?" "I won¡¯t ask you to do anything if I don¡¯t trust you." Daesan sipped his coffee and made his decision, "We will merge." "Good." Junhyuk got up and offered him his hand. Daesan shook it, and Junhyuk smiled. "Today, we just made a verbal agreement, but the General Law Firm will contact you soon about the contract. They¡¯ll tell you more then." "Sure." "Let¡¯s work together from now on." Daesan smiled, and Junhyuk walked him out. They met Taesan¡¯s CEO Taesik Kim at the front, and Taesik smiled at Daesan. "You came here too?" Junhyuk looked at Taesik and was d that he had gone with Daesan. Just by looking at Taesik, Junhyuk knew that he couldn¡¯t be trusted. "I¡¯ve just signed a contract with Bakdu. I¡¯m sorry since you came all this way." Taesik gave him a business card and said, "Even though you signed a contract with them, you might need us. Please, take my card. I am Taesik Kim." Junhyuk took the card and smiled. His expression turned scary, and Junhyuk¡¯s smile made Taesik uneasy. "GST¡¯s CEO, Max." Taesik offered his hand, but Junhyuk ignored the gesture. "Please, take care." Taesik looked a bit angry, but Daesan was smiling. Their rtionship did not look pleasant, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t interested in that. --- He pulled out his smartphone and called General Law. "Hello, this is Choi." "Max from GST here. I¡¯m acquiring a securitypany, so I¡¯ll need a new contract." "Where should I go?" "I¡¯ll head to your instead." "Then, how about 4:00 p.m. at my office?" "Sure." Junhyuk hung up and looked at Sungtae. "Perhaps, you picked out a securitypany too fast?" "I¡¯m a better judge of character than you¡¯ll ever be," Junhyuk said and added, "When the security team arrives, they¡¯ll have to have ess to their entire building. Tell Ganesha to get everything ready for them." "But isn¡¯t that the security team¡¯s job?" "No, Ganesha must be in control of the entire building." "Understood." "I¡¯ll tell Ganesha what it needs to do." "Sure." Junhyuk opened the app to contact Ganesha, "I need two corporate credit cards and one personal card under the name of Max. One of the corporate card should have a limit of $10 million. The other two should have no limit. I need them as soon as possible." [Understood.] Junhyuk turned to Sungtae and said, "I¡¯ll head out. The securitypany deal should be over by tomorrow." "The sooner, the better." "Whenever I¡¯m not here, you¡¯re in charge. You have 5 percent of the shares of this ce." "It¡¯s mypany too." "Correct. Work hard." Junhyuk patted him on the shoulder and headed out, heading to the General Law Firm. There, he talked to Choi about the merger and, thinking he had worked too hard that day, he headed back home. Once he entered his home in Paju, he took off his mask andy on his bed. "Whew!" He had only shopped that day, but he had spent $6 million dors. While lying on his bed, he looked at his hands. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected he would spend so much money. While he reminisced about his past, he heard a voice. "What are you doing?" He saw Gongon¡¯s face on the ceiling andughed. "I just got home and was trying to rest." "Nice!" "Gon, what have you been up to?" "I¡¯ve been to the Dimensional Battlefield." "Right. Did you meet some heroes?" "Yes. They are nothing, but I still had to tter them. I had a hard time." "Be careful. Heroes are basically different from us." "I know. I challenged some of them, and they almost killed me." Junhyukughed. "You were acting yourself." "I want to train harder. I won¡¯t contact you again till I go to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield," Gongon said. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t thought about contacting Gongon. He¡¯d been too busy in South Korea, but he did not tell the little dragon that. There was no need to get him upset. "Too bad!" "Ha-ha-ha. I know it¡¯s bad, but we¡¯ll meet soon." "Right. Train hard, and I¡¯ll see you on the battlefield." "Yes, see you next time!" Gongon said, waving his short arm. Junhyuk waved back, and Gongon cut the connection. Hey on his bed with his eyes closed and said, "Till next time." --- Junhyuk was about to go to work and had just left his house when he saw Jeffrey in front of his door. "Are you going to work now?" "What about you?" "I am as well." "Did you wait for me?" Jeffrey sat on the stairs in front of the gate and said, "Have you been to the Dimensional Battlefield?" "You know I have." "Doyeol wants to know if you brought anything back?" "Nothing," Junhyuk said evenly and sat next to Jeffrey. "Do you have any new information?" Jeffrey got up and cleaned the back of his pants while saying, " The world is changing too fast." Junhyuk looked at him, and Jeffrey continued, "The number of people activating powers is increasing too fast." "Isn¡¯t that because of the monsters¡¯ appearance?" "That could be. But people know about the Dimensional Battlefield now. Someone was behind the leak. Even though it was for a short period, someone told stories about the battlefield on the inte, and I think the number of novices is increasing because of it." "How many novices?" "So far, there are thirty novices." "That many?!" "Yes." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t hide his surprise. "How many novices has Doyeol acquired?" "He has twenty novices now. The enemy has another six, and we can¡¯t locate the four remaining ones. It¡¯s not possible to find them." "How many do we have on our team?" "We are trying hard, but only Tsubasa so far. Sora follows you, so she could be on our side." "Then, we only have four?" "It looks that way. We don¡¯t have as much information as our enemies. There¡¯s nothing we can do." Junhyuk had Ganesha now, so he wouldn¡¯t lose out on any information. However, there was a limit to that. Whenpared to Zaira, Junhyuk thought Ganesha wasn¡¯t as capable. It wasn¡¯t a matter of the AI coding. Zaira just had superior hardware. Elise, Robotics¡¯ number one researcher had created Zaira with cutting edge hardware. Meanwhile, Ganesha had been created with lesser quality parts acquired through brokers. Information gathering wasn¡¯t the only problem. To get the novices, he had to meet them, but he didn¡¯t have enough personnel to do it. Junhyuk had acquired a securitypany, but it only had two teams. Doyeol had many security teams at his disposal, so it wouldn¡¯t be easy to reach novices before him. He told Ganesha to keep the searches within South Korea, meaning to get a jump on the novices at home, but even that wouldn¡¯t be easy. Junhyuk sighed. "I have to get her." "Who?" He didn¡¯t answer Jeffrey. Chapter 227: Poe-ling 1 Chapter 227: Poe-ling 1 Junhyuk went to work at Guardian¡¯s office in Ilsan. There, he met the other employees and smiled at them. From that moment on, he had just one more week, and Junhyuk wanted to spend it diligently. The monster corpses had arrived from the airport, but Ilsan didn¡¯t have a storage room, so everything was sent to Paju. That day, they were moving the corpses to the new headquarters being built in Seoul, and Junhyuk took Tsubasa and Soyeon with him. Eunseo hadn¡¯t arrived at work yet, so he didn¡¯t see her. Junhyuk was willing to wait for Eunseo to make up her mind, and he told the others he was going out. Looking at the new building, he couldn¡¯t hide his astonishment. "When did they build all this?" Soyeon asked, stupefied. "Probably, at the same time were building the HQ at Paju. If not, they couldn¡¯t have built this much already." The area designated for apartment redevelopment was without apartments. Instead, a huge building took over it. The storage room had three sections, and there were over fifty trucks in front of the storage area. Junhyuk walked past the trucks to meet the drivers. "Did you just arrive?" "Please, wait a minute." Junhyuk walked toward the entrance of the building and ced his hand on the fingerprint scanner. Soon, he heard Zaira¡¯s voice, and the door opened. Standing in front of Tsubasa and Soyeon, he said, "Now, check on where the bodies came from and measure their sizes. It will take about two hours." Each took out a tablet and started the process. The work was simple, and having more people would help it go faster. Junhyuk ordered them to ce the bodies deep inside in order of arrival. By then, the iron soldiers were deployed to at least fifty countries, and the storage room had fifty separate areas. Every week, there were about two monster attacks, so there were many monster bodies now. They had also created a monster research team that was able to research the bodies much faster. Junhyuk inspected that day¡¯s corpses. In China¡¯s case, the monster had been killed by a person with a power, so there was no body from there. He stopped the team that was working on the corpses from the States immediately. "Wait!" There were putting the bodies away when they stopped, and Junhyuk walked over to them and frowned. "Is this part broken?" Junhyuk asked, and Tsubasa and Soyeon walked over to them as well. The material was from the United States, but a part of the container had cracked, and there was a green liquid oozing out. Junhyuk looked at the green liquid and frowned. "Maybe it¡¯s the monster¡¯s blood?" More people gathered around him. "We have to transfer this body. Bring me a new container." The new container was brought over, and people wearing HAZMAT suits arrived. To transfer the body from container to container, they had to move the whole thing to a different ce designed for the job. So far, they had found no virus on the bodies, but it was never a bad idea to be extra careful. They decontaminated the body in the other room first before starting the transfer. Junhyuk was looking at the monster through a monitor and frowned. He checked his tablet and found the identity of the monster found in the States. "Is it a poe-ling?" [Editor¡¯s Note: The best that I could tell was that it was something like Slimer from Ghostbusters. Think Legend of Zelda Poes.] It was a sticky, jelly-shaped monsters. They had to use napalm to kill it. Junhyuk looked at the body again. Bits of green jelly filled the container, and Junhyuk looked at Soyeon. "In this case, it¡¯ll be better to dispose of the container." The container itself was very cold. The idea was to keep the bodies in it without having them decay. However, this time the container had cracked, and there was a liquid oozing from the body. It was having issues keeping the contents cold, so it was a good idea to exchange containers. Junhyuk watched carefully as they exchanged containers and walked around checking to see if there were others with simr problems, but he found they were all OK. "Well, let¡¯s go back." He waited for everyone to get out of the storage area and ced his hand on the scanner and closed the door. The delivery trucks started to leave, and Junhyuk looked around. The whole building was still empty, but there was a park with vending machines around it. After getting a few drinks from the machine, he handed one to Tsubasa and another to Soyeon. "Before we go back, let¡¯s have lunch. It¡¯s on me." "If it¡¯s lunch, I want noodles," Soyeon called out first, and Junhyuk looked at Tsubasa. She didn¡¯t speak, and he went back to looking at Soyeon. "Do you know a good noodle ce?" "I do!" "Then, take us there." --- Inside of therge monster storage room, a container was bouncing and shaking. The contents hade from the United States, and a crack appeared on it. Through that crack, green liquid started oozing out. The green liquid traveled to the center of the storage area and stood up. It was already three meters tall and shaped like pudding. The monster was a poe-ling. Despite its endearing name, the monster ate everything around it. Only the iron soldier would be able to stop it. The poe-ling started to move. It looked very slow, but it maintained a speed simr to a grown man running. When it got to the containers with other bodies, it spit more of the green liquid over them, and the liquid seeped into each container. The poe-ling didn¡¯t stand there watching. It kept moving to cover all fifty containers in that green liquid. While it had started at three meters tall, it now measure only two meters. Crack! Bang, bang, bang! The containers started to shake and bounce, and the monsters soon broke through from the inside. The iron soldiers had killed them all, but now, the monsters were getting up with green eyes. Their bodies remained mangled, but more importantly, they were alive again. The poe-ling took the lead, and the monsters followed it. When they got to the storage room¡¯s steel door, the monsters rushed at it. Boom! The door didn¡¯t break, but it was seriously dented, so they pounded at it more fiercely and, soon, they broke through it. --- The group was drinking their sodas when they suddenly heard a loud noise. Boom! The storage room door dented out, and Junhyuk pulled out his tablet. "Zaira, show me footage inside the room." Cameras had already been installed in the storage room, and the tablet disyed the feed he requested. His mouth hung open. "There were certainly dead before!" The monster bodies were up and moving around, but there was no time to find out what had just happened. "Zaira, tell Elise about the situation and call for the deployment of iron soldiers," Junhyuk said and started to run to his car with Tsubasa and Soyeon. While they were getting in the car, storage room door finally broke open with a loud boom. A wolf with half of its head remaining crossed through the threshold. Hooooll! The wolf howled, and Junhyuk stepped on the elerator. His objective was to get out of that ce. There was more than just one or two monsters. All of the monsters were alive again, so there were at least fifty of them. To survive, he had to get away. Just in case, he summoned his arm warmer. His defense went up, and Junhyuk turned the car around. The monsters chased maddeningly after it. None of the monsters were in one piece, but there were many of them. The wolf chased after the car with a mountain hog next to it. However, the hog was very fast, even faster than the wolf, and two meters tall. The hog was about the size of a truck, and Tsubasa stared at it. Soyeon was frozen scared, and Junhyuk gave her his tablet. "Ask Zaira if the iron soldier¡¯s been deployed and what the expected time of arrival is." Soyeol collected herself and shouted at the tablet, "Zaira, has the iron soldier deployed?" [The iron soldier has deployed. Permission for breaking the sound barrier has been granted. It¡¯ll get there in two minutes.] Junhyuk bit his lips. It was flying at the speed of sound, but they would have to survive the monsters for two minutes. He wouldn¡¯t be worried if he was alone. In fact, he would¡¯ve been confident he wouldn¡¯t die, and if necessary, he could¡¯ve gotten away. But with Soyeon, the story was different. Tsubasa could take care of herself, but he couldn¡¯t trust her too much. She only had enough firepower to kill about five monsters. They needed greater movement speed, but that was something they didn¡¯t have at that moment. Toosh, toosh, toosh, toosh! There were two hogs and four wolves chasing after them now. They were pouring out of the storage room, and Junhyuk wasn¡¯t sure the iron soldier could deal with all of them alone. Junhyuk asked, "Do you have your seatbelts on?" "Yes!" Junhyuk yanked on the wheel. Screeeeech! The back wheels stopped, and the car skidded. While it did, he turned the wheel again and stepped on the elerator. The car drifted, and they got out of that area. Boom! The hogs crashed at a wall trying to chase the car, and the wolves tripped on fallen logs. Junhyuk frowned and murmurs, "I need a new car." If he had a faster car, he might¡¯ve been able to get away. As Junhyuk drove, monsters appeared opposite of him. They looked like alligators and they were blocking the road. He stared at them. From head to tail, they were about ten meters long, and Junhyuk felt himself against a wall. He mmed on the elerator and said, "We¡¯ll take a sidepath." Tsubasa caught a glimpse of the side of his face. She thought he was amazing because he didn¡¯t seem scared. Instead, he was just trying to get them out of there. When she looked at the alligators, she thought she could deal with them normally, but there were too many at that point, so she wanted to follow his decisions. The alligator¡¯s mouth opened, and he quickly turned the wheel. SNAP! The car barely escape, but the hood got taken out. They were relieved at their luck, but then something pulled the car off the ground. Whiiirr! The wheels spun in midair, and Junhyuk turned to look. The car¡¯s sunroof was covered by a spider¡¯s web. A giant spider was on a wall, pulling the web toward it with its mouth wide open. "Shit!" Chapter 228: Poring 2 Chapter 228: Poring 2 Unless they cut the web, there was no way to escape. And even if they cut the web, the car will crash below, and there were monsters crawling all over down there. Junhyuk took a moment to think and looked out through the car window. The spider was rather slow at pulling car toward it, so Junhyuk opened a car door, and grabbed the tablet from Soyeon. "Unbuckle your seat belts!" After saying that, he threw the tablet toward the building¡¯s window. It shattered, and Junhyuk leaned his seat back and said, "Come this way." Soyeon was really scared and asked, "Do I have to move?" "If you don¡¯t, you¡¯ll be monster food." "But..." "I¡¯ll help you." Soyeon moved to the front seat, and as Junhyuk touched her back, he said, "You could get hurt by the ss, but it¡¯ll be better than dying. Protect your face well. Then, jump!" Soyeon was hesitating stepping through, but Junhyuk pushed her forward, and as that happened, she screamed, "Ahh!" He turned to Tsubasa and said, "Tsubasa, you have to jump too." She stared at him for a moment and nodded. The spider saw Soyeon going into the building, and started pulling the web faster. It was possible for them to kill the spider at that point, but if they did that, the car would crash down on alligators and wolvers. Tsubasa¡¯s power had a cooldown, so she unbuckled herself and moved to the driver¡¯s seat ready to jump. Junhyuk touched her back and said, "Jump!" She jumped out hard as Junhyuk pushed her back. She was really surprised with the power of his push. He was just sitting there when he pushed her, but he had done it so hard that she covered quite the distance as she entered the building. When shended, she turned around to look, but the car had already disappeared. "What happened?" The surprise was short-lived. Junhyuk appeared just outside the window. She thought he must have cut the seatbelt and used it as a rope while he swung inside. Hended on the broken ss, but hended on his feet and his bnce was very good. He rolled once and said, "Let¡¯s get away from the window." Craaaack! From outside, they heard the loud noises of the car being crushed, and shrapnel flew everywhere. The spider must have eaten the car. Junhyuk looked at his group and sighed when he saw that everyone was safe. Then, he looked around and saw office furniture. At that moment, the spider¡¯s face appeared through the broken window, so Junhyuk grabbed Soyeon¡¯s and Tsubasa¡¯s hands, kicked the door open and ran. Boom! Behind them, a spider web came zooming by and stuck to the wall. It had been meant for them. The webs were especially dangerous for Tsubasa and Soyeon. Junhyuk could teleport, use the force field or just his regr strength to tear them up, but he wanted to avoid all of that. The group moves toward a set of stairs, and a wall crumbled behind them. The spider appeared through the opening. It was so big that it filled up the hallway, but it could still move. Junhyuk ran toward the stairs, but it would be hard to escape it. "When is it gonna get here?!" Heined about the iron soldier, and Tsubasa looked behind her. The spider opened its mouth, and Tsubasa¡¯s eyes sparked, igniting a fire inside the spider¡¯s mouth. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! Suddenly, the spider exploded, and the group was swept by the shock and flung into the air,nding on the ground rolling. Junhyuk alone managed to run through it, but Soyeon and Tsubasa were covered in spider guts. Junhyuk checked them out and looked at Tsubasa. Her power had done that, the five-explosionbo, and it had left no trace of the spider behind. Junhyuk looked around. "I am d everyone is safe." From the stairs, they heard the sound of windows shattering. Junhyuk looked down and frowned. There were wolves and monkeys entering the building. He took the group inside an office, closed the door behind him and stacked chairs and desks against the it. He had to pretend he was having a hard time moving the objects in front of the women. Soon, the monsters were outside, howling and making noise. At first, he thought they would just pass them by, but the wolves started mming against the door. Boom! "Wolves are also dogs!" He thought they had to have a keen sense of smell, and they had to be smelling the humans. Both women were covered in spider guts, so they probably didn¡¯t smell human, which meant they were smelling him. A wolf¡¯s head appeared through the gap of the door, and Junhyuk punched it. Boom! Yelp! He had only summoned the arm warmer, but the Wind Smander¡¯s Leather Arm Warmer had fixed poison damage, and wolves happened to be the lowest level monsters, so the damage was significant, and the wolf yelped and pulled its face back. However, it came back suddenly, sticking its face through the door and baring its teeth. Junhyuk was about to punch it again when he heard the sound of a window shattering followed by the fierce noise of gunfire. Rat-at-at-at-tat! With that, the wolf¡¯s snout disappeared from the door. "The iron soldier arrived." Junhyuk sighed, and Soyeon finally rxed and fell on her butt. Tsubasa was staring at him in amazement. The man had punched a wolf and shown very good judgement. Suddenly, the iron soldier¡¯s arm came through the door, and it easily pushed it open. [It¡¯s a relief that you are all safe. We have to move to the roof. Let¡¯s go.] Junhyuk knew Zaira was speaking through the iron soldier andughed hard. He walked over to Soyeon and offered her a hand. "Get up, please. We have to move to the roof." Soyeon was very relieved the iron soldier was there, but she was about to break down. "My legs are like jello. I can¡¯t get up." He looked at her for a moment and picked her up. Soyeon¡¯s face turned red. "I must be heavy..." "No, you are very light. Don¡¯t talk like that." Then, he looked at Tsubasa and asked, "Can you follow us?" "Sure. Let¡¯s go." The iron soldier took the lead. Junhyuk followed it outside the office and saw monsters entering the building. They were crowding the hallway, but they were onlying from one side. The monsters had already been killed abroad, and only regr iron soldiers were deployed abroad. The one there was a MK-II, so it would be able to deal with them. The MK-IIs were equipped with the dpositionpound, which could easily tear through the monsters with the machine gun. The iron soldier smashed through the monsters in the hallway and stood at the stairs. [Go up!] Junhyuk started heading up, and Soyeon said, "I think I can walk now." He ced her down, but bnced her as she staggered. "Let¡¯s go to the roof." As the noise got louder from below, Junhyuk took the lead. He could tell the iron soldier had more ammo than usual. Considering the level of the monsters, the iron soldier could kill them all. On the roof, they heard the sound of a rotor turning. "There isnding pad for helicopters." There was a rescue helicopter from the firefighters, which they must have sent in a hurry. The group got on. Things had been dangerous, but once the helicopter took off, they thought they were all safe. That was when they saw monsters climbing the outer wall of the building, and there was a spider among them. "Shit! There is another one." The spider shot a web at them as the helicopter took off. Because of it, the helicopter was unable to get any higher or move anywhere. Junhyuk sighed instinctively. Up to that point, he had been taking care of Soyeon, but now, he had to take care of the pilot as well. Then, Tsubasa looked at the spider. When it opened its mouth, a series of explosions went off. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! When the spider exploded, the situation went from bad to worse. The spider¡¯s body parts flew in all directions and hit the rotor, they also smashed through the tail of the helicopter. As a result, the helicopter lost bnce and was about to crash. There was nothing Junhyuk could do. He was thinking of using his powers when the iron soldier flew in and grabbed the helicopter, andnding it safely on the roof. The propeller stopped and everyone got out, the pilot as well. Junhyuk looked at the iron soldier. "Zaira. How many monsters are there?" [There are forty-two monsters remaining.] Junhyuk looked back at the roof¡¯s entrance. "Sorry, but can you block the entrance with the helicopter?" The iron soldier lifted the helicopter and ced it in front of the entrance, leaving the pilot speechless. "Do you know how much each of those costs?" "Guardians will reimburse you for the loss," Junhyuk said unfazed. He walked over to the parapet and looked down. The building was made of ss, and there weren¡¯t many monsters that could climb it. "Kill all the spiders and monkeys and we should be safe then." The iron soldier flew up and it started gunning down the spiders and monkeys. Rat-at-at-at-tat! The monkeys lost their limbs, and one fell to the ground. If things persisted that way, the group would be safe. Then, Junhyuk saw another monster moving slowly among the others. He was not sure about its size, but it was the poring. It was trying to get inside the building. "Zaira! Kill the poring!" he shouted. The iron soldier started shooting at it, but the monsters surrounding it blocked the bullets, and the poring slowly entered the building. "So, it was the poring!" Chapter 229: Poring 3 Chapter 229: Poring 3 Junhyuk realized that the cause of the incident was the poring, and when thinking of it, all of the monsters had green eyes. "Zaira! Kill the poring! It¡¯s the source!" A voice came from the iron soldier in midair. [Porings can¡¯t be killed with the monster dposition liquid. We have to use napalm, but we¡¯ll destroy the entire building if we do that.] Junhyuk grimaced. Destroying the building was a problem, but they had to kill the poring. After thinking for a quick moment, he asked, "If the poringes up here, would be it possible to prevent burning down the building?" [You are on the roof. We can throw it off the building first and then explode it. That won¡¯t damage the building.] It would be better if Tsubasa stepped in, but that wasn¡¯t his decision. Junhyuk looked at the iron soldier and said, "The poring used other monsters to block the machine gun fire, which means the machine gun can damage it. Bring it here." Pilot was shocked and asked, "Do you want to let the monster up here?" "If a napalm bomb went off inside the building, we wouldn¡¯t survive. However, we can¡¯t possibly allow the monsters to live." At that moment, the monsters were attacking them, but if the monsters disengaged and went elsewhere, there was no telling what they would do, and the iron soldier couldn¡¯t be responsible for that. The iron soldier zoomed below and fired its missiles, hitting the monsters on the wall of the building. The explosions left a hole on the wall, which the iron soldier used to enter the building. Junhyuk had the group retreat from the parapet. "The iron soldier took care of the monsters on the walls, but we still need to watch them for other monsters climbing up." He looked at Soyeon and added, "You stay here and watch the entrance, the other should find a wall to keep watch over." Everyone nodded, and Soyeon protested, "I¡¯ll take a wall too." "There is no need. Things aren¡¯t stable. Stay here and gather your strength." "No," she said curtly. "We survived because you made the right decisions. This is the most dangerous ce, so you should stay here and watch over it." Junhyuk patted her shoulder lightly. "Fine," he said. The truth was that not only would the poringe through the door, but other monsters would as well, so Junhyuk should stay there waiting. Soyeon went to the left and kept watch on the movements below. Junhyuk looked around. At that moment, his cell phone rang, but he did not pick it up. The situation was too dangerous to have someone calling him. However, even though he didn¡¯t answer, he still heard a voice through the device. [Why aren¡¯t you picking up the phone?] "Zaira?" He grabbed his phone and heard the supeputer. [I put it on speaker. There are thirteen monsters at the stairs, and the iron soldier is short on ammo.] He took the call off speaker. The situation wasn¡¯t good, and there was no need for the others to hear about it. Junhyuk ced the cell phone against his ear. "You said you were short on ammo. What about your other weapons?" [I have five missiles and two napalm bombs remaining.] Junhyuk let out a long sigh. "The iron soldier was not properly equipped!" [This was an emergency deployment. It was supplied with extra ammo, but that was it. That¡¯s how the iron soldier has been able to fight so far.] Junhyuk thought Zaira¡¯s AI was very advanced. It was even making excuses. "Fine. Send the monsters up." Junhyuk nced over at Tsubasa. A chain of explosions inside the poring would be the best way to kill it, if she could do it. There were loud noisesing from the stairwell that Junhyuk could hear. [It¡¯s dangerous.] "What are you talking about?" Boom! Even louder noises rang out, and the pilot shouted, "The iron soldier got pushed back!" "What happened?!" Junhyuk asked his cell phone. [The corpses of the monsters grouped up creating arger monster.] "What?!" Another bang rang out by the windows, and the pilot backed off, scared. "Wh-what is that?" Junhyuk looked at the stairwell and ran toward it. The iron soldier was holding onto an arm that was about seven meters long. The arm wasposed of parts of dead monsters. "That arm is so long! How big is the monster?" Junhyuk murmured. It wasn¡¯t just a simple monster brought back to life, but a conglomeration of monsters. The palm of the iron soldiers hand shone blue, and a big beam shot out of its arm. Boom! The dead pieces making up the arm scattered, and Junhyuk asked the cell phone, "How about the poring?" [It¡¯s moving up. Dealing with this monster is not easy.] "The beam just now. How about using it on the poring?" he asked. [The chance of it killing the poring is less than 30 percent.] "It didn¡¯t die with the napalm bomb. It came back to life, which means the bomb might not be the answer," he said. [Among the weapons the iron soldier is carrying, only the napalm bomb will do the job.] "Push it out of the building with the beam and then use the bomb on it," he said. The iron soldier flew up and entered the building again. Because it could fly, it could avoid the other monsters and deal directly with the poring. However, the poring wasn¡¯t an easy enemy. More loud noises rang out, and the iron soldier got pushed through the roof. Seeing that, Junhyuk frowned. The iron soldier flew away, making a hole on the roof, and Junhyuk could see another arm made up of dead parts through it. Just the arm was seven meters long, which meant that the monster had to be at least ten meters tall. Its size shocked him. "It¡¯s almost art." The iron soldier fired the five missiles, and they all hit the monster and exploded. Boom! The monster was killed, and its dead bits flew everywhere. Being made up of other dead monsters, it wasn¡¯t that strong. Now, however, the iron soldier only had one napalm bomb left in its arsenal. It could not make any mistakes when dealing with the poring. The others gathered behind Junhyuk as he observed the situation. He thought the poring would appear through the door, but the giant dead monster¡¯s body was being sucked through the hole on the roof. "Is that the poring?" Junhyuk asked his cell phone. [It¡¯s eating the giant monster.] "Will it get bigger?" [Yes, it will.] Junhyuk sighed. When all of the monster disappeared, a ten-meter tall poring took its ce. "It doesn¡¯t look like it has a brain!" [I¡¯llmence the attack.] The iron soldier flew at the poring and extended its hands, releasing the blue beam. Boom! The impact against the poring was significant, but it did not look like the attack could kill it. The poring bits scattered apart, and two poring headed toward Junhyuk and the other people. In response, Tsubasa ignited the chain of explosions on them. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! After that, nothing remained of the two, and Junhyuk thought her power worked even better than the napalm bombs. Tsubasa¡¯s cell phone ran, and when she picked it up, she heard Zaira¡¯s voice. [The iron soldier will buy you more time until you poweres off cooldown.] "How did you know about me?" [I¡¯ll buy you more time.] Tsubasa frowned, and the iron soldier fired the remaining bullets at the poring. Rat-at-at-at-tat! The pieces of poring that had scattered were rposing themselves. If things continued that way, the iron soldier wouldn¡¯t be able to do anything. It waited for the poring to gather itself up to fire the beam at it. However, instead of sending it out as a beam attack, it gathered the energy into an orb. When the orb entered the poring¡¯s body, it exploded. Boom! The huge explosion destroyed part of the poring, and only half of it remained. The rest of the parts started gathering themselves up again, and that¡¯s when Tsubasa whispered to her phone, "I¡¯m ready." She waited until the poring bits gathered in one spot and used her power again Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! The poring exploded again, and the pieces flew all over. Junhyuk took one of the pieces into his hand and looked at it. It was still moving, and he frowned, thinking that they probably all had to be burned. "Zaira, we have to burn the poring bits!" [I¡¯m scanning the area.] The iron soldier took off, and Zaira ryed through his cell phone, [There are 122 poring pieces. Starting collection.] The iron soldier gathered the other pieces while Junhyuk looked at the one in his hand. He had never seen a monster like that. It revived and ate other monsters, getting bigger in the process. "It¡¯ll be dangerous if more of these show up!" [Gather the specimen, and we¡¯lle up with a way to fight it.] "Gather the specimen?" [It¡¯s forter.] Junhyuk agreed. They needed to be ready for more poring, but he still said, "Be careful. It might revive." [I know. I¡¯ll keep it in small pieces so that it won¡¯t get strong.] Junhyuk looked at the people behind him. They looked frazzled and they walked toward him. However, after seeing the poring bit in his hand, they took a few steps back. The piece was still moving. "It doesn¡¯t look that dangerous," the pilot said. "Th-that is the monster?" "Correct." The iron soldier approached Junhyuk and took the piece from his hand. "Take the specimen ande up with a countermeasure," he said. Then, he looked at Tsubasa and Soyeon and added, "You did well." Soyeon shook her head and smiled. "We didn¡¯t do anything?" Tsubasa stared at Junhyuk. During thest monster attack, he had held the door. Now, he had made all the right calls. She smiled and said, "You worked hard." "You worked hard," he said, looking back at her. Chapter 230: Decision 1 Chapter 230: Decision 1 There were many people within Guardians who did not know Junhyuk, especially outside of the administrative and the research departments. Guardians had also hired new employees to help with monster research, so now they had over a hundred people employed by them. That day was the first time some of those people saw Junhyuk. The research team was working on the building after the poring incident. They were all wearing HAZMAT suits, and Junhyuk looked at Soyeon. Soyeon and Tsubasa were sitting on the back of an ambnce, covered by trauma nkets. "First, go to hospital and check to see if there¡¯s anything wrong. If you require medical attention, thepany will pay for it with its insurance," he told them both. "I just feel rxed from anxiety." "When people get into car crashes, some symptoms appearter, just like now. Go to the hospital. I already made a report." Junhyuk looks at Tsubasa and added, "How are you feeling?" "I want to return to thepany. Is that possible?" Junhyuk paused to think. "Then, let¡¯s all go to the hospital first, and you can go back to thepany with me." "What about me?" "Soyeon, you can go home." "But..." "Please, do as I tell you." Soyeon was very nervous, and he didn¡¯t want her to go back to work. Tsubasa probably wanted to go back so that she could make her report on her power usage. That¡¯s why Junhyuk agreed. He patted Soyeon¡¯s head and got on the ambnce himself. "Let¡¯s leave." The ambnce started, and Soyeon stared at him. "How did you manage to stay with apany like this?" Junhyuk chuckled. "To be honest, I¡¯m quitting this week." "What?" Soyeon and Tsubasa were shocked by the statement and stared at him. "The new employees were hired to rece me. Not because they were short of people." Soyeon couldn¡¯t keep her mouth closed, and Tsubasa was visibly surprised. "Are you really quitting?" Junhyuk nodded. "I have some work to do." Soyeon and Tsubasa kept quiet all the way to the hospital and remained silent until all exams were over. Guardians had already called the hospital, and they were able to get examined quickly. Junhyuk was also examined, and they all left right after everything was over. They hadte lunch, and he sent Soyeon home. By taking a cab, he and Tsubasa went back to work. Junhyuk went to Eunseo¡¯s office to make his report while Tsubasa went to see Elise. Eunseo was sitting on her wheelchair, and she offered him a seat when she saw him walk in. After he sat down, she moved over. "I read the report. Without your quick thinking, casualties would¡¯ve been much higher." He stared at her without speaking. He had only gone over there so he could get an answer from her. Things were going from bad to worse, and he wanted her to side with him. He waited for it quietly. Eunseo felt his eyes on her and avoided looking at them. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "You haven¡¯t given me an answer." She hesitated. "I haven¡¯t decided yet." Still looking at her, he said, "I¡¯ll wait." There was no need to make her feel nervous, so he got up from his seat and added, "You know this is myst week here, right?" Eunseo fixed her sses and answered, "I know." He stared calmly at her. "I¡¯m going home." "Please do." Junhyuk left, and Eunseo walked out. Dohee approached her and asked, "Where are you going?" "I want to meet Elise." "Of course." Eunseo headed to the basement and met Tsubasa standing in front of an elevator. Tsubasa greeted her first, and Eunseo nodded lightly. "You had tough time today." "I¡¯m OK." "If you aren¡¯t feeling well, go to the hospital. Thepany will pay for everything." Tsubasa smiled and said, "I¡¯ll be heading home." "Please do." Eunseo went off to meet Elise. She was looking at the moving poring bits that the iron soldier had brought her. "I have a lot of visitors today." Elise shocked a piece of the poring with electricity and asked, "What¡¯s going on?" Eunseo looked at Dohee and said, "Don¡¯t let anyone in here." "Sure." Eunseo got up and looked at Elise. "Do you know it?" "Know what?" Elise¡¯s eyes widened, and Eunseo stood opposite of her. "Do you know that I became a novice?" Elise smiled. "I didn¡¯t think you¡¯d tell me." "Guardians created a machine to detect novices." Elise crossed her arms and looked at Eunseo. Their conversation continued in hushed tones. "Does anyone else know?" "I¡¯m the only one." "If Zaira knows, can anyone find out about it? Including my brother?" Elise shook her head. "They do have rights to the novice-detecting machine, but they can¡¯t see anything unless I authorize it." "You authorize it?" Elise extended her arms wide and said, "All rights to Zairae from me." Eunseo thought that Elise was too powerful. She was in control of all information. "I have a favor to ask." Elise waited for her to speak, and Eunseo said, "Hide the fact that I¡¯ve became a novice." "Why should I?" "I will owe you bigtime." Elise shook her head, saying, "You can¡¯t ask me a favor like that." "What do you mean?" "You¡¯ll be going back to the Dimensional Battlefield every two weeks." "Do you mean to say you want me to bring back blood and mana stones?" Elise just smiled. "Correct. But I¡¯ll pay you the correct value for them. However, you have to give me the purchasing rights." "Why should I?!" Elise waited until Eunseo calmed down and said, "If you bring back stones, there will only be a few people who would be able to buy them, including Doyeol. If you sell the stones to them, they¡¯ll know who you are." Eunseo was still unable to understand and just stared at Elise. By contract, Elise merely shrugged. "I will give you weapons coated in monster dposition liquid," she added. "Those weapons won¡¯t work against heroes." Eunseo knew about the heroes. She had killed a hero, but she didn¡¯t want to go against another one again. Elise¡¯s weapons wouldn¡¯t even scratch them. "I¡¯m giving you weapons to kill monsters. Not heroes." "To safeguard me from monsters?" Elise nodded. "You can only keep your privacy if you sell the stones to me, so let¡¯s make the deal." Elise said, then, she whispered, "And I¡¯ll keep your secret." Eunseo realized that Elise was just trying to help. "I¡¯ll do it." "Good thinking." Eunseo sat back down on her wheelchair and asked, "Is Tsubasa a novice?" "I can¡¯t tell you." "Right." Eunseo had watched them kill a poring that day. The iron soldier hadn¡¯t done anything at the time, and it wasn¡¯t one of Junhyuk¡¯s powers. Her guess was that Tsubasa had done it, even more so after she saw Tsubasa leaving Elise¡¯s office. Now, she was sure. "My brother sent her here?" Elise shrugged, but didn¡¯t answer. After that, she left without saying anything else. While heating a piece of the poring, Elise said, "Zaira. The information on Eunseo can¡¯t go anywhere else. Only I¡¯ll have ess to it." [Understood.] Elise looked at the poring and started thinking about using a monster to fight monsters. "Develop that method..." she murmured to herself. "I have a lot of work to do." While she was busy researching other things, she nned her secret research on the poring. "I could use some extra hands in here." Meanwhile, Junhyuk was talking to the other employees. They had heard about the poring, and congratted him on returning alive. After handing them some work, he left. He went home and put on his mask, heading straight to GST after. He saw a few people standing around on the first floor and smiled. They are members of Bakdu¡¯s security team. They nodded toward him and went to work while Junhyuk took the elevator to the ninth floor. When he exited it, he saw Sungtae talking to four foreigners. Sungtae saw him and got up abruptly. "You came?!" "Yes, who are these people?" "The friends I told you about." Junhyuk looked at them. All of their healths were between four and five, but two of them had a lot of mana. He could tell they were special people. Junhyuk offered them a handshake. "I¡¯m Max, GST¡¯s CEO." "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Chuck." The man was over 180 centimeters tall, and Junhyuk shook his hand. "I¡¯m Tirot." Tirot was from India and was one of the ones with high mana. "I¡¯m Armando." After greeting Armando, he saw a woman. Her sses had such thick lenses that they made him dizzy when looking at them. "I¡¯m Brita." "Wee." Brita also had high mana. Junhyuk looked at Sungtae. "They are all my college buddies." "Unemployed now?" "Yes." "They want to be employed, I presume?" "Six-hour work days and the rest is free. Those are the terms of the contract." "Sry?" "A total of $500 thousand." Junhyuk thought Sungtae had done a good job in the negotiations. "You must keep everything you do here secret. Do you understand?" Everyone nodded, and Junhyuk had them sign the contracts. Sungtae took the group to the sixth floor, leaving Junhyuk alone. "Concerning my previous instructions, did you find anything?" he asked Ganesha. [One person activated a power in South Korea, but that person disappeared right away. However, the information still remains.] Chapter 231: Decision 2 Chapter 231: Decision 2 "Did you find out who posted about the novice online?" Junhyuk asked while taking a seat on the chair. Suddenly, the screen disyed the profile of a short-haired man. "Sungju Kim. A sophomore at Dosung University. Age: 23..." Junhyuk touched his chin and looked at the picture. "Can I read what he posted about the power?" Ganesha disyed a simple statement on screen. [You can¡¯t get away from me. I have the power to restrain you.] Junhyuk frowned and asked, "This look rather dangerous, doesn¡¯t it?" Junhyuk wanted those who activated powers to join him, but Sungju sounded dangerous and unstable. "How about his position or location?" he asked. [Right now, his phone is turned off.] "From when?" [The statement was posted a couple of hours ago, and the cell phone got turned off an hour ago.] Today was Monday, and Sungju must¡¯ve returned on Friday. What was he thinking? Sungju could¡¯ve caused trouble with his power on that same Friday. "Ganesha, can you check for more of his writing online and the messages on his phone?" Junhyuk asked. [Already did.] The screen disyed the cell phone messages, and Junhyuk was able to guess at his state of mind. "He the same number thirty times, but the person didn¡¯t pick up." The situation had be clear to him. "Show me the information on the person he called." A woman¡¯s face appeared on the screen, along with her profile. "Eunkyung Choi. Dosung University¡¯s Queen." Considering the messages, Sungju was stalking her. He hadn¡¯t known how she would treat him in real life, but now that he had been to the Dimensional Battlefield, he understood the overall situation. He had called her many times, but the woman didn¡¯t pick up. Considering his phone was turned off, Junhyuk concluded Sungju was missing, "Where is Eunkyung?" [She¡¯s at Dosung University.] Junhyuk took some time to think. Zaira had to know about that situation. Doyeol must have wanted Sungju, but Sungju was dangerous. "Let¡¯s go." Junhyuk decided to meet Sungju first and make a decision after meeting him. He was getting ready to leave when Sungtae came in and asked, "Where are you going?" "Keep an eye on this ce. I¡¯ll get in touch through Ganesha." "Sure." Junhyuk bumped into Daesan Kang outside. He greeted him, and Junhyuk asked, "Can I borrow your car?" "I¡¯ll drive you." Junhyuk shook his head. "I don¡¯t trust you for that just yet. Just lend me your car." Daesan gave him the car keys, and Junhyuk went to the parking lot to look for it. "That¡¯s a very cool car." It was a Range Rover from Land Rover. Junhyuk was fond of luxury SUVs. He like it more than his Tiguan. "Let¡¯s go." He entered the address for Dosung University on the GPS and used the app on his cell phone tomunicate with Ganesha. "Ganesha, if Eunkyung¡¯s cell phone¡¯s location changes, let me know." [She is inside Dosung University.] "OK." He doesn¡¯t know Sungju¡¯s particr power, but he didn¡¯t think it would kill him. Even if he had an attack power, Junhyuk had fought heroes before. He was not going there as the Dark Knight, so some damage might get through. However, Junhyuk was nning to summon all of the necessary equipment. Doyeol might have already sent R-agents in, so Junhyuk had to be careful. He mmed on the elerator. --- Dosung University. The university was located at the edge of Seoul, but still within the city. They epted good students with good grades. When Junhyuk entered it, he checked for Eunkyung¡¯s location. [The east building has arge lecture hall. She¡¯s in there.] He scouted the parking lot and parked far from it. There were three ck vans parked there. Seeing them, Junhyuk summoned some of his equipment, including the two arm warmers. He walked slowly. "Can you control the CCTV cameras around here?" he asked Ganesha. [I can.] "Find out if someone else has ess to it." [Two other teams essing the feeds.] "Make sure they don¡¯t know about us." [Certainly.] Then, he heard Sungtae¡¯s voice saying, "I¡¯ll support you. Don¡¯t worry about it." He knew how good of a hacker Sungtae was. If Sungtae worked with Ganesha, even Zaira wouldn¡¯t know what was happening. "OK. Send the CCTV feeds to my cell phone." After watching them, he decided to go into the lecture hall. He teleported twice to enter. Once there, he pressed his back against the wall and asked, "Can you see Eunkyung?" [I put her on screen.] Junhyuk saw the woman¡¯s face on his cell phone. She was eating snacks with her friends. "Run all of the feeds through my phone." Every feed appeared on his cell phone. Most of them showed ordinary students, but there were some of men wearing suits. "Thanks." They were probably R-agents. They are wearing suits and divided in teams of two agents each. "If you find Sungju, let me know," Junhyuk said. There was no guarantee that Sungju would be there, but the possibility of it was very high. If not, the R-agents wouldn¡¯t be there. Junhyuk walked slowly. Others had ess to the CCTV feeds, and he guessed that it was Zaira and Doyeol. Elise was on Doyeol¡¯s side, but she acted independently sometimes. Junhyuk was walking while dodging the cameras when he heard Ganesha. [A hooded man appeared on the third floor. He¡¯s moving while trying to avoid the cameras, but his build matches Sungju¡¯s.] "OK. What about the others?" [The men in ck suits are moving to the third floor.] "Where is Eunkyung?" [Fourth floor.] "Good." Junhyuk started to move again and asked, "Can you turn off the CCTV cameras momentarily?" [It¡¯s possible.] "On my signal turn, them off." [But I won¡¯t be able to guide you after that.] "I don¡¯t care." Junhyuk looked up. The R-agents were moving quickly. "Now!" The cell phone feed turned off along with the CCTVs, and Junhyuk took off running. He would use his teleportation only when necessary, which he thought it would be because he didn¡¯t want to kill the R-agents. On the stairs, he frowned. He saw an agent blocking his path. There were five other agents that he could see, but there were many more within the building. He engaged. Junhyuk extended his hand, but the R-agent blocked his advanced and tried to punch him. He had used his hand as a feint, however, and pulled the agent to himself, headbutting the agent. Crack! He broke the R-agents nose and elbowed his neck, leaving him with one health. Then, he mmed the agent on the ground and left. There were five agents remaining on the fourth floor. Sungju might be captured by them first, but it seemed like his objective was to get to Eunkyung. Junhyuk walked fast. Sungju opened the door to the room where Eunkyung was. Eunkyung was inside talking to someone, and the R-agents sped up to get to her as well. Junhyuk walked even faster. "You just yed me!" rang the voice of a man. A loud scream came from the room, and the agents went inside. Junhyuk watched from the door. He could see blue chains wrapped around Eunkyung. The women were screaming, and Sungju was staring at the R-agents. They tried to tase him, but Sungju wasn¡¯t an easy opponent. He dodged their attacks. Meanwhile, Junhyuk looked at Eunkyung chained up. She was bleeding from her mouth, and her health was at zero. She was already dead. Even the most basic damage would kill ordinary people, so Junhyuk watched Sungju dodging the agents. He was running wild. The R-agents were equipped with Taser guns, but they weren¡¯t enough this time. Sungju extended his hand out suddenly, and the blue chains wrapped around an R-agent and mmed him against the wall. Junhyuk saw the R-agents health pool empty even though the agent had more health than ordinary people. The damage of Sungju¡¯s attack was still able to kill him. His goal was to kill the agents, and Junhyuk frowned. There was madness in Sungju¡¯s eyes. He was not himself aftering back from the Dimensional Battlefield. He was using his power to kill people. JUnhyuk was very calm. Sungju couldn¡¯t be an ally. He was too dangerous. The R-agents continued to attack him, but Sungju threw his chains against him. Sungju didn¡¯t have any equipment, and he couldn¡¯t fight evenly against the well-trained agents, so he wanted to take advantage of the chaos. The agents closed in on him and pulled out their batons, but Sungju was moving erratically. An agent rolled closer to him, and Sungju stepped back, but he was cornered. All of the R-agents went at him at the same time, but Sungju smiled and extended his hand forward. The blue chains wrapped around an agent¡¯s neck, arm and legs, mming him back. The other R-agents were also mmed against the wall. The first agent died, and the other agents couldn¡¯t move. Sungju picked up a baton from the ground and walked to the surviving agents. "Fuck! Who the fuck are you?!" Sungju was about to strike the R-agents with the baton when someone grabbed his arm. "That¡¯s enough." Chapter 232: Decision 3 Chapter 232: Decision 3 Sungju was about to curse at Junhyuk, who had grabbed his wrist, but before he did, he was already flying in the air. After rolling on the ground, he looked at Junhyuk and watched him punch the R-agents on the chin. Thuck! Each blow knocked an R-agent out. After putting every R-agent to sleep, Junhyuk walked toward the front of the lecture room. The female students were scared of him, and Junhyuk hit the back of their necks lightly. He was wearing a bandana around his head hide his face from people. The women lost consciousness, and Junhyuk looked around the room. Eunkyung and the R-agents were on the ground still in chains. Junhyuk got a handle on the cooldown of Sungju¡¯s power and stood in front of him. Sungju was staring intently at him, and Junhyuk unwrapped his bandana and smiled. Junhyuk was emanating cold-blooded killing intent, and Sungju got scared. Junhyuk approached. Sungju had been to the Dimensional Battlefield and knew what was taking ce at the moment. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t an opponent he could deal with, so he lowered his head, and Junhyuk frowned. "Look up." "I didn¡¯t do this intentionally." "No excuses." Sungju was groveling at Junhyuk¡¯s feet and extended his hand toward him. The chain wrapped around Junhyuk¡¯s neck, arm and leg and mmed him toward the wall. Then, Sungju picked up a baton and yelled, "Fuck! I knew I couldn¡¯t kill you!" He ran at Junhyuk and swung the baton at him. It broke in half, leaving Sungju excited, but that¡¯s when Junhyuk said, "Your power deals damage, but without it you are nothing." Sungju got so scared that he ran away, and Junhyuk added, "You have three seconds." Sungju broke down the door and kept running. Meanwhile, Junhyuk untied himself from the chains and followed. Sungju kept going at full speed. He had run for three seconds, but he didn¡¯t know where he could go, so he used the door by the stairwell and went through it. Junhyuk teleported. He was walking up the stairs, and when Sungju saw him, he was terrified. Junhyuk smiled coldly at him. Because he was wearing his mask, the smiled was even more reminiscent of a killer. Sungju knew he couldn¡¯t kill him, so he ran back to the lecture room, but when he saw Eunkyung dead, he frowned. Junhyuk teleported in front of him and said. "Do you realize what you did now?" "It wasn¡¯t my intention..." His voice gave out, and Sungju walked over to Eunkyung¡¯s corpse and hugged her. Junhyuk stood behind him. "You did this." "Fuck! I didn¡¯t mean to!" Sungju was about to cry, but Junhyuk grabbed his head and mmed it against the ground, leveling it with Eunkyung¡¯s head. Sungju closed his eyes. "You did this. Don¡¯t avert your eyes." "I, I, I... " "I know the Dimensional Battlefield is a shitshow. Even if you return alive, it¡¯s hard to stay sane," Junhyuk said. "But you¡¯ve crossed the line." He couldn¡¯t be controlled and he couldn¡¯t be trusted. However, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t let him go either. Doyeol might enlist him to his side, and he would be dangerous. Even Junhyuk knew the danger of those chains. Novices didn¡¯t have a lot of equipment, so if Sungju tied them up, and Doyeol¡¯s forces focused their attacks on them, they could be killed. He couldn¡¯t let him live. Junhyuk balled left his hand into a fist and raised it. He was about to finish it. However, Sungju pointed his palm toward him, and the blue chains wrapped around him again. Junhyukughed. "You can gain a few seconds, but you can¡¯t get away from me." Sungju got up and stared at him. "Who are you to judge me?!" "You have three seconds," Junhyuk said. Sungju gritted his teeth and started running away, but he took a different path this time. He was running toward the window. When he reached it, he jumped down from it. Junhyuk got loose and ran to the window. Sungju had jumped from four stories high, and it looked like he had just broken a leg and was getting away. Junhyuk kept watching and saw the R-agents noticing Sungju from their vans and running toward him. Junhyuk had trusted his powers too much. Sungju was limping, but he stopped once he saw the agents. Then, he turned around and pointed the middle finger at Junhyuk, thinking that the R-agents were there to protect him. Junhyuk returned the Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Ring and summoned the Blood Rune Sword. They couldn¡¯t see his sword from where they were. "You son of a bitch! Eat shit and die!" Sungju was waiving his middle finger around, and Junhyuk released the Spatial sh. The Bloody Rune Sword shed, slicing Sungju¡¯s neck. "Ugh!" Sungju vomited blood, grabbing his neck with his hand and finding nothing but a gash. Junhyuk returned his equipment and disappeared. The R-agents stood over Sungju, and others looked to where Junhyuk had been standing. They really couldn¡¯t see anything. While talking to Ganesha, Junhyuk looked around him and walked away. "How is the situation?" [One of them is in control of the CCTV feeds.] "Erase everything concerning Sungju and the R-agents. How much time do I have?" [I can do it in thirty seconds.] Ganesha was really powerful, and Junhyuk wrapped himself with the bandana and headed up the stairs. The door to the roof was sealed, so he teleported outside. Then, he leaned over the building and scoped out the area. The R-agents were taking Sungju¡¯s dead body to their van. "Will they research the novice¡¯s corpse?" Others were entering the building. He had already made sure that Sungju¡¯s health had hit zero, so there was no reason for him to stay there. To get away, Junhyuk used his skill to jump high in the air. Then, he teleported andnded far away from the lecture hall. He walks to his parked car, and once inside it, he called Ganesha. "Any trace of me?" [None.] "What about the CCTV footage?" [No trace.] The important thing was to get away from there, so he started his car, and once he got far away from the university, he rolled down the window and felt the wind on his face as he stepped on the gas. He did what he had to do, but there was still remorse. Handling the wheel tightly, he drove for a while before getting back to GST¡¯s parking lot. Daesan and Sungtae were there waiting for him. When he got out of the car, he tossed the keys at Daesan and said, "Nice ride." "It¡¯s nothing." Junhyuk didn¡¯t say anything else and left Daesan behind. Sungtae followed him to the elevator, and once inside, he checked him out and asked, "How was your business?" Junhyuk looked at him. "Ganesha said you wanted to collect a novice, but you came back alone." Junhyuk grabbed a hold of him and said, "I did not tell you because you did not need to know." "Right, right!" "Just understand it and forget about it." Sungtae nodded quickly. "Thanks," he said and continued, "By the way, do your friends have unique skills?" "They are not unique skills, but they are interested in different things. Tirot and Brita are impressive though." "Impressive?" "They are both very creative. Their thought processes are very different. Sometimes, theye up with cool idea, but usually, they are very strange." Junhyuk looked at him and said, "You are like that too." Sungtaeughed hard. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! You are wrong. I onlye up with cool ideas." Junhyuk shook his head. "Why haven¡¯t you gotten out?" They had passed the ninth floor, heading to the tenth, and Sungtae shrugged. "I¡¯m escorting you." Junhyukughed, got out on the tenth floor and looked at him. "I like Ganesha¡¯s capabilities." "You know how much it cost already." "No one ising after me, right?" Sungtae pounded his chest and said proudly, "Don¡¯t worry. Ibined my skills with Ganesha¡¯s. No one can trace you." Junhyuk smiled at him and said, "Close the door." "Rest easy." The elevator¡¯s door shut, and Junhyuk went to his office. Sitting on a chair, he looked out the window. He was watching the nightlife outside while he pulled out his burner phone and called Sarang. "Big brother! What¡¯s up?" "I just wanted to hear from you" "Big brother, did something happen?" she asked him carefully. Junhyuk was shocked by the scope of her skills and said, "Nothing serious." He didn¡¯t want to tell her he had just killed a man in South Korea. He just wanted to hear her bright voice. That was good enough for him. "What were you doing?" "I was thinking about you." "What?! Are you teasing me?" "He-he! I was studying." They exchanged jokes, and his mind rxed. Chapter 233: Resignation 1 Chapter 233: Resignation 1 Elise was looking at the images Zaira was disying on the screen while tapping her finger against her chin. "Look at this!" Examining the skill involved, it looked like the work of the work of the hacker who had leaked the info to the intest time, but this time, it was much more precise. The hacker had disrupted Zaira¡¯s connection to the CCTV footage and was still jamming it. Zaira had tried to use over 172 different cameras to get footage of the situation, but it was unable to, so Zaira had to give up. All screens went dark after the R-agents went in. "Who could have done this? There aren¡¯t many who are capable of it." Zaira had erased everything pertaining to power searches, but someone had still shown up, and that someone had to have aputer like Zaira. "Zaira, have you located the person?" [I was using GPS to trace him, but it¡¯s disconnected now. Tracking is impossible.] "We are also using resources for other things, but still, there aren¡¯t many who could have done this! Even if it¡¯s the same hacker, he can¡¯t continue this for long. We¡¯ve also wiped all of the virus." [To do this kind of work, he would need a supeputer. There are only about ten capableputers in the world.] "You mean there are only tenputers that could do it?" [Yes.] "Investigate and sweep thoseputers to find the hacker." [Understood.] "Can you do it?" [Can I use 10 percent of my processing power for it?] "Do it." Elise never shirked away from a challenge. "Nobody¡¯s beaten me yet." --- After he came home and started training, his cell phone rang. Someone was calling Max¡¯s phone. It was Sungtae, and he spoke with urgency. "Turn on the TV!" "Wait a sec." Junhyuk teleported to the living room and turned the TV on to see news that left him speechless. "There¡¯s been a triple murder at Dosung University. The women have only been identified by theirst names, Choi, Kim and Lee, but police are having a hard time locating the suspect. The CCTV footage seems to have been wiped." Junhyuk scowled, and Sungtae spoke up, "What happened?" "The R-agents must have killed them as a cover up." "R-agents?" "The people who came to kill you." Junhyuk scowl remained. Why did they kill the witnesses? Sungju was already dead, but they were probably interested in running experiments on his body. "They couldn¡¯t leave any leads." If they investigated Eunkyung¡¯s phone, they would find out about Sungju. But they had to have put a trace on it too. Junhyuk copsed on the sofa and let out a deep sigh. "I shouldn¡¯t have let them live." The R-agents had survived and killed the witnesses. Junhyuk teleported, grabbed a can of beer from the refrigerator and chugged it. He couldn¡¯t really taste the beer. After that, he teleported back to the basement and summoned every piece of equipment he had. Training was the best way to clear one¡¯s mind. --- He reported to work early and got a call from Eunseo. She offered him a seat when he entered her office, and he sat down. Eunseo walked over to him. Junhyuk was a little surprised, and she leaned against the desk and crossed her legs. He looked at her legs and then at her eyes. She liked the fact he was more interested in her eyes than in her legs and smiled. She didn¡¯t usually smile, so the smile was slight, but it was still noticeable. Junhyuk smiled back at her. "You don¡¯t need your wheelchair anymore?" "Because of the poring incident, the public has lost confidence on Guardians. HQ is also continually under attack. So, this will be good time to announce the regeneration project is a sess." "Announce it?" "I am proof of the project¡¯s sess. It will be effective that way." "Right." The monsters posed a threat to Guardians, but not as much to the public nowadays. Every monster that appeared away from Guardians¡¯ HQ was handled with rtive ease. Eunseo continued, "The iron soldiers will be stationed in South Korea as the first line of defense." "Will that work?" "It has to. This is the most dangerous spot. Seoul HQ will be repaired, and the dposition liquid will be supplied to the military. Then, the military will be able to fight monsters as well." "You¡¯ll be making a lot of money." "Probably billions." Junhyuk was surprised. "That much?!" "Guardians will no longer require outside financial support." "Good to know." Junhyuk looked at her, but she avoided his stare. He got up slowly to get her attention again. "Have you made up your mind?" "I¡¯ve only had a day." He smiled and looked at her. She stared at his smile with intensity that was about to drill a hole on his lips. He tried to avoid looking at her, but she grabbed his cheeks. Coming as close as possible to his face, she whispered, "I¡¯m willing to be on your side, but can you promise me that you won¡¯t hide anything from me?" A rtionship without any secrets, he had to think about it. Still holding onto his face, she said, "It¡¯s your turn to answer." He realized then that he hadn¡¯t just approached a novice. They would have a much more personal rtionship if she joined his team, and he couldn¡¯t buy rtionships like that with money. As far as money went, he probably had more liquidity than her because his money wasn¡¯t tied up somewhere as investment. By using her connections, he could achieve a lot more than by himself. However, he was hesitating. She, on the other hand, didn¡¯t, and pressed her lips against his, kissing him. She closed her eyes, so he closed his eyes as well. Her arms wrapped around his neck while he wrapped his around her waist. She didn¡¯t resist it. The kiss onlysted for a few seconds, but it felt like forever. He stepped back, and she exhaled lightly. He smiled at her, and she stared back at him. Her stare concerned him, and she kissed him again. Things moved quickly, and heid her on her desk, but she stopped, got up and asked, "Can you answer me now?" She looked very innocent under her sses, but he was hesitating. He would have to bepletely open with her, but he had a simr rtionship with Sarang. "I can¡¯t decide by myself." Eunseo frowned. "You mean Catherine..." He didn¡¯t answer. She had guessed correctly and took a few steps back. After adjusting her clothes, she told him, "Before you resign, get an answer from her. If not, I will not join your side." He got up and looked at her. "I understand." He was about to leave when she called after him and said, "I¡¯ve sent you an email concerning today¡¯s announcement. Trante it for me. It¡¯ll go out to the entire world." "I¡¯ll do it." He got out and got on the elevator, touching his lips slowly as he entered. Her lips hadn¡¯t felt cold or pretentious, but hot and passionate. Dohee stared at him as he left for the Administrative Department. Once he was gone, Dohee entered Eunseo¡¯s office. Eunseo was also touching her lips, red like a ripe apple. "CEO?" Eunseo fanned herself with her hand and looked at Dohee. "What is the matter?" "Nothing," Dohee said and left. Eunseo sighed and sat on her chair. Tapping her feet, she said, "Crazy, crazy." --- Junhyuk focused on his work. He handed out a few instructions and started tranting the email. It took him an hour to trante everything, and once he sent the email back, he got up. "Can I have your attention, please?" The emails contained the news conference¡¯s location and time. "There will be a news conference today. Use Zaira to contact various newspapers. The conference will be at 2:00 p.m. Tell them to not bete. It¡¯ll concern a new medicine." "Yes, sir." The employees started getting in touch with newspapers and other media outlets with Zaira¡¯s help. Tsubasa could trante from then on, and the other employees had learned how to use Zaira. There was nothing more for him to do. The preparations for his resignation were over. "I have to make up my mind up before resigning!" He wanted to meet Sarang, so he went to the resting area and messaged her with his burner phone. [Can you meet me tonight?] He got a reply soon after. [Whoa! I have time! Certainly!] He sent another message back. [I will stop by your school. Wear your disguise, OK?" [I have the Spatial Bag. No problem.] [Right.] [OK! See youter!] He put the phone away just as Soyeon walked in. He smiled at her. "How about some coffee?" "I¡¯ll get it for you." "I¡¯m sorry, but you haven¡¯t been paid yet. I¡¯ll buy it." He grabbed a couple of cups from the vending machine, and Soyeon took one and sat down. He sat next to her and asked, "Are you OK?" "I¡¯m fine. I was a little shocked, but the doctors said there was nothing wrong." "That¡¯s good." Soyeon examined him and asked, "Are you really resigning?" He nodded heavily, saying, "I¡¯ve made up my mind." "But..." She asked carefully, "Can I join you?" He shook his head. "Guardians is just starting, so it¡¯s going through some issues, but its foundation is solid. Soon, the dangers will pass, and the ce will be safe. Guardians will be a worldwide entity, so stay here." Soyeon looked at him, and he continued, "Just watch today¡¯s conference. Guardians is a totally differentpany now." Chapter 234: Resignation 2 Chapter 234: Resignation 2 Therger newspapers and broadcastingpanies gathered in the conference room. Foreign correspondents were also present at Guardians. The Administrative Department worked busily to prepare the room, and Junhyuk saw his former coworkers on dispatch. "Mr. Jang!" "Long time no see!" They had needed more people than the Administrative Department could provide, so they dispatched ST Capsule¡¯s Strategy Department. Somin hadn¡¯t seen him in a long time. "How are you? I heard Guardians HQ was attacked several times." "It wasn¡¯t that dangerous." Somin looked at him and smiled. "Can you tell me what they are revealing today?" "No. I can¡¯t do that." "Even to me?" Junhyuk shrugged. "How about me?" Mr. Jang whispered in his ear. "No," Junhyuk said curtly and looked forward. "Just wait. You¡¯ll find out." Mr. Jang and Somin started jokingly using him of having changed, but he merely shook his head. They had all eaten lunch early and headed there immediately, so the preparations were over quickly. At 2:00 p.m., Junhyuk stepped forward, and people focused on him. "Today, Guardians will make a very important announcement. The announcement will be made by Eunseo Kim our CEO," he said. His only role was to introduce Eunseo. It would be thest time he would face the public for her. Once he stepped back, Eunseo moved forward on her wheelchair. Everyone¡¯s attention turned to her as she spoke through her microphone. "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Eunseo Kim, Guardians¡¯ CEO." Even after she said that, the room remained quiet. The reporters were anticipating something big from her. Eunseo fixed her sses and looked at the reporters, and they all stared back at her in silence. "Today, I am here to announce that our Regeneration Project is a sess." She had called it the Regeneration Project, but it had been kept a secret, so no one knew about it. "What¡¯s the Regeneration Project?" a reporter shouted. Eunseo continued, "From now one, patients who couldn¡¯t be treated will be able to receive medical attention." "Can you cure cancer?" Eunseo shook her head and raised her hand, and everyone was silent again. "Before I became CEO, you found out about my ident on a mountain," she continued as the reporters nodded. "I became a paraplegic, but I wanted a cure. I wasn¡¯t satisfied with life on a wheelchair." The reporters looked at her while thinking that there was no other way. To live, one had to adjust, but she was talking about something else altogether. With their eyes on her, she said, "I¡¯ll show you the result of the Regeneration Project." She finished speaking and got up from the wheelchair. The reporters didn¡¯t say anything, so she walked across the podium and said, "Due to the results of the Regeneration Project, R-01 can even reconstitute a damaged nerve system." A reporter carefully raised his hand and said, "Perhaps you¡¯ve been faking your condition?" "Where did youe from?" Eunseo asked. "I¡¯m from the Daily Newspaper." "Please, leave." "What?!" She looked straight at him said, "You can¡¯t talk about my past struggles like that. Leave." ""But..." Eunseo gave a signal with her hand, and some security personnel came up to the reporter and took him outside. She looked at the others and said, "If you want proof of my previous condition, check with the hospital." Then, she walked over to her wheelchair, leaned against it and said, "A person who¡¯d been a paraplegic for twenty years is now walking again thanks to the R-01 treatment." Eunseo raised her hand, and Junhyuk turned on the video they had prepared. The reporters were astounded with what they saw on the screen. A person with previously atrophied muscle was moving again and doing interviews. She turned to face the crowd. "Amputees are getting new limbs due to thepounds ability to use the body¡¯s cell to generate new legs and arms." She showed them a different video that left the reporters speechless. A person missing an arm was providing the medical team with a cell culture, which was mixed with the regenerativepound. Later, the person had surgery to attach the new arm. He used his new hand to eat and y on the video. Eunseo looked at reporters and continued, "The Regeneration Project is just starting, but it¡¯s a revolution to medicine." She extended her hands to the side, pointing at a direction. "ST Capsule¡¯s president, Doyeol Kim, is here. He has been spearheading the Regeneration Project." Doyeol stepped forward, and the photographers got busy taking his picture. The ramifications of the Regeneration Project were incalcble to the world of medicine. People who had had nerve damage would be able to walk again with the R-01 treatment. "I will only take three questions," Eunseo said. Hearing that, the reporters became unhappy, but raised their hands all the same. Eunseo pointed at one. "I¡¯m Dowoon Anh, from MBS." "Ask your question." "The R-01 treatment is revolutionary, but won¡¯t itpete with ST Capsule and Robotics¡¯ coboration, the Iron Project?" Eunseo looked at Doyeol, and he nodded, so she looked at the reporters and answered, "It¡¯s true that both projects will bepeting against one another. However, the Regeneration Project will actually cost the patients¡¯ money. The Iron Project is subsidized by its use inbating monsters." "Does that mean that the R-01 treatment is very expensive?" "Yes, to begin with. The cost will go down in the future, however." Eunseo pointed to another reporter. "Minsoo Choi, from Korea Daily." Eunseo nodded, and he asked, "I want to know more about the timing of this announcement. Why are you revealing it at this particr time?" Eunseo fixed her sses, and Junhyuk could tell that she hadn¡¯t liked the question. He felt sympathy for the reporter as she stared him down hard. Even before she became a novice, she had more health than most people, which also meant that her soul was bigger than the most. After bing a novice, her soul had gotten even bigger. Minsoo kept waiting and Eunseo said, "We debated a lot with ST Capsule on the matter, on when would be the best time. This is a message of hope for people, so we thought of now more than ever." "Is it because Guardians HQ is continuously attacked by monsters?" JUnhyuk was shocked by Minsoo¡¯s courage, but he also sympathized him. Eunseo focused solely on the reporter. "I can¡¯t deny that fact, but the monsters are attacking us directly, and we cane up with countermeasures for that." She paused for a second and continued, "We hadn¡¯t seen monsters before, so their appearance is a first time urrence. We are only protecting fifty countries now, but that number will soon increase, and we will do our very best." Junhyuk felt relieved by Eunseo¡¯s answer, and she pointed to another reporter. He was from the United States. "I¡¯m Elt, from NBC." Eunseo nodded, and he smiled. "Your announcement is certainly surprising, but it was not what I was expecting." She stared at him, and he continued, "I was expecting that you would be announcing the dposition liquid that will be distributed worldwide." "Your question has nothing to do with our announcement," she said and continued, "but I will answer it. By researching the monsters¡¯ hides, we¡¯ve made a dposition liquid that will help us deal with monsters more effectively. If each nation¡¯s military is equipped with it, they¡¯ll be more effective as well." The reporters were going wild with the new announcement, but Eunseo stared at Elt and said, "You asked a dangerous question." They all raised their hands, but Eunseo signaled with hers for them to calm down. When the room was still again, she continued, "Concerning the dposition liquid, you¡¯ll be getting materials detailing it." She was done, and Junhyuk stepped forward. "I¡¯ve already sent the materials to your emails. Feel free to check it." The reporters all pulled up their emails and scattered, speeding to be the first to break the news. Junhyuk thought there was a small war being fought in the conference room. He looked at Eunseo. She was very charismatic. At that moment, she was talking to Doyeol, who smiled at Junhyuk. "Long time no see." "You look healthy." Doyeol shrugged and answered, "No reason for a failing health. Guardians has been under attack, and you¡¯ve been in danger. I¡¯ll deposit more money in your retirement fund." "What about the other employees?" "Sure. All Guardians employees need and will get more money." Junhyuk smiled bitterly, and Doyeol said, "Can we talk for a moment?" "Certainly." He looked at Eunseo and took him away from her. "There¡¯s been nothing from the Dimensional Battlefield. What happened?" Junhyuk answered calmly, "Due to the flow of the battles, I can¡¯t always get mana or bloodstones." "Yeah?" Doyeol asked him straight. "Perhaps, you¡¯ve found another party to sell them to?" Chapter 235: Resignation 3 Chapter 235: Resignation 3 Junhyuk stared at Doyeol for a while before asking, "What do you mean by the other side?" "You mean you don¡¯t know?" Junhyuk crossed his arm and continued to stare at him. "I don¡¯t know what you are referring to, but I want to make one thing clear." "What?" "Even though I¡¯ve sold you mana stones, that doesn¡¯t mean I¡¯m on your side." "You promised to sell me things from the battlefield." "Let¡¯s not forget our agreement," Junhyuk said, while Doyeol frowned but remained silent. "Fine. Next time, if you bring anything back, contact me. We need the mana and bloodstones." "I understand." Junhyuk left Doyeol and walked over to Eunseo. "How was it?" she asked him. Junhyuk raised a thumb up. "You were cool." "Thanks." The conference room looked like a warzone, and Junhyuk said, "It¡¯ll trend on the inte." "Yes. The work is done. Do you feel like having a drink?" "I can¡¯t. I have a previous engagement." Eunseo guessed at what he was going to do and raised both of her hands apologetically. "Of course. Your engagement must also be important to me." "Be understanding." "Sure. I understand." Eunseo took a step toward him. She got very close to him and whispered in his ear, "What did you talk about with my brother?" "When I spill my secrets to you, you¡¯ll know. But not yet," he said, and she took a step back. "I will have drinks with the Administrative Department employees." "My goodbye party is on Thursday!" "I¡¯ll drink then also," she said and turned around. Dohee walked over, and Eunseo left with her. "Let¡¯s clean up," Junhyuk said to the others. The Guardian employees started cleaning up, and the ST Capsule Strategy Department helped out. Later, everyone went to have a drink, but Junhyuk went home, put on his disguise and went to meet Sarang. He sent messages to her burner and sat at a coffee shop near the school. He was drinking his coffee while watching TV. The news about the news conference was on, and when he saw Eunseo on TV, he touched his lips. He could still feel her kisses. "What are you doing?" Junhyuk was startled and looked down to see Sarang in disguise sitting in front of him. "Where is mine?" she asked. "I didn¡¯t know when you¡¯de?" "Hm. Get me a cup now." "What do you want?" "Red bean with Ice!" Heughed and got her a bowl of red bean with ice. Sarang smiled and started eating it. "Why did you ask me to meet you?" "I have something to say." She stared at him with the spoon in her mouth. She was wearing a mask, but he could take a guess at her expression underneath it. "Do you remember Eunseo Kim, Guardians¡¯ CEO?" "I remember. I got killed once for protecting her." "Right. She is a novice now." "What about her? She is my big sister!" Junhyuk was speechless. "Since when she is your big sister?" "Why not? She¡¯s older than me, so I¡¯ll call her that." He continued, "I am trying to bring her to our side." "So?" "She wants to know every secret." Sarang¡¯s eyes widened. "Every secret?" "Correct." "That means she wants to be on our side permanently?" "That is her condition." Sarang put the spoon down. "Can we trust her?" He pondered about it and answered, "We can eitherpletely trust her or not at all. It¡¯s one of the two options." "Why are you telling me all this?" "She will know about you as well." Sarang realized something. "So, you are here to get my permission?" "Yes." She smiled. "You make me feel good." "Why?" "Because you are here to get my permission." Junhyuk told her to stop being nonsensical, and Sarang turned away. She saw Eunseo on the TV and said, "Completely or not at all?" "That¡¯s right." "How much do you need her?" He took a moment to think before answering, "She is essential to our operation." "Essential?" "Correct. We can ignore her money, but not her friends." Sarangughed brightly, and the people around her looked at her. "Don¡¯t draw attention to yourself," he warned her not to be so loud. "Sorry. You said that money doesn¡¯t matter." "Why is that so funny?" "That tells me money is not a constraint." "Money doesn¡¯t matter. After you graduate, you cane work for me part-time. I¡¯ll pay you." "Really?" "Do you think I¡¯m joking?" "Nope." She ate her red bean with ice and smiled. "Let¡¯s take her." "Are you sure?" "It was only for a short while, but I¡¯ve grown fond of her." He caressed her head, and when she smiled, he continued, "OK, we¡¯ll have dinner with herter." "Good. Aren¡¯t you buying me dinner tonight?" "I am." He got up and said, "Let¡¯s go and eat." "I¡¯m still working on my red bean." "After dinner, I¡¯ll get you more dessert." She got up and wrapped her arms around one of his. "You are the best!" "Get away from me." "Why? It feels good." He sighed, and she followed after him. After dinner, he took her home and went home himself. After taking off his mask, he called Eunseo. He had to tell her immediately. She picked up the voice, and her voice seemed eager. "You called early!" "Did you drink a lot?" "A little." "Then, let¡¯s talk tomorrow." "Come and pick me up," she answered quickly. Junhyuk hesitated before asking, "Where are you?" "I am at Ilsan¡¯s Daemang." "I¡¯ll go right now." Junhyuk hung up and grabbed a cab. He arrived at Ilsan¡¯s Daemang, a traditional Japanese restaurant, and called her again. She came out with Dohee. He approached them, and Eunseo looked at Dohee and said, "I will head home with Junhyuk." Dohee grabbed the car key and handed it to him, and Eunseo straightened herself up. He walked up to her, but she waved him off. "I¡¯m fine. I didn¡¯t drink too much." He nodded and walked toward her car. He opened the door for her, and Eunseo entered it. Once they were both in, he started driving. "Do you want to go home?" "Can we get some air first?" "Sure." As he drove, she looked out the window. She didn¡¯t speak, and he stepped on the elerator. The wind blew on her hair, and she adjusted it with her hands and said, "Let¡¯s go somece quiet." He drove somewhere quiet. The car stopped. She unbuckled her seatbelt, walked out and yawned hard. He did the same without the yawning. Eunseo gathered herself and said, "I¡¯m ready to listen." "I¡¯ve made a decision," he announced, staring at her. "I need you." "That means..." "That even if I lose everything, I still need you." Her eyes widened, and he said, "Let¡¯s get together." She staggered from what she had just heard, but he supported her, and she smiled at him. Ordinarily, her smile was very secretive, but now she was smiling wide and bright. He stared at her, and she hugged him suddenly. He hugged her back, and after a while, they separated. She fixed her sses and avoided his gaze. "Thanks for supporting me." He wanted to ask her if that hadn¡¯t been a hug, but he didn¡¯t do it. She looked at him and said, "I want to hear all of your secrets." He nodded and said, "Get in the car. I¡¯ll tell you everything." She got in, and he continued, "Where should I begin?" "I have time, so tell me absolutely everything." She wanted to know everything. He looked at her, and she looked at him. "I¡¯ll start with first time I went to the Dimensional Battlefield," he said. --- Daylight was starting toe up, and he smiled. His story had been long, and she had listened with enthusiasm. They talked for a while, and now the sun was rising. "That¡¯s hard to believe." "What part?" "That Catherine is a high school student." That was the only thing she had been curious about. She got up and yawned deeply before saying, "I want to meet her." "She wants to meet you too." "Arrange a meeting." "After I resign, I¡¯ll do it." She looked at him as if she had thought of something. "Are you really resigning?" He nodded. "No one can control me. So, I¡¯ll need more power, and for that, I need independence." "But you have enough money already." He had already earned more than a billion dors. While he had spent hundreds of millions of it, he still had some money. "What do I bring to the rtionship?" she asked. "Money isn¡¯t everything." "No. Money can buy everything, but you have to know where to spend your money." "Is that right?" She nodded and got up. "But Elise is an exception." "I¡¯m cooperating with her. And I am her client." "No, I¡¯m talking about her money." Heughed and nodded. "She is an exception. She wants things from the Dimensional Battlefield for her research." "Like the iron soldier and the R-potion." "That¡¯s only a part of it. Only Elise can make use of items from the battlefield and turn them into money. We need her help." "Are you going to make her join our side?" He shook his head. "Nope. We are just using each other. That¡¯s good enough." She smiled at what he said. Chapter 236: Resignation 4 Chapter 236: Resignation 4 The sun rose, and Eunseo drove to work. Junhyuk took a taxi home first before going to work. It was Wednesday, and the following day would be hisst. That day, he decided to tell the others he was leaving. Eunseo had also told him to tell them, so there was nothing preventing him from doing it. He went to the Administrative Department and saw the other employees answering the phones busily. One of them was not as busy as the others. Tsubasa was leaning casually on her chair and looking at herputer, so he approached her. "What¡¯s going on here?" "Because of the conference yesterday, we are getting an enormous amount of calls." "But you don¡¯t look so busy." She answered him matter-of-factly, "I¡¯m only responsible for foreign calls, but I am getting them from foreign military." With Guardians announcing the distribution of the monster dposition liquid, she was probably getting enough calls from foreign military forces. Tsubasa had taken thenguage pill, so she could answer all of them. The Administrative Department was working smoothly, and he thought they didn¡¯t need him anymore. He took a seat. The others were working very hard, so he didn¡¯t want to distract them. He contacted Zaira instead. "Zaira, can¡¯t youe up with a prepared response for today¡¯s calls?" [I could standardize the answers to the callsing through and generate responses based on that.] "Then, answer the calls yourself, and let the others answer the ones you can¡¯t." [Will do.] He heard Zaira¡¯s answer and got up. Then, he waved his arms at the others to get their attention and used his hands to signal for them to hang up the phones. Once everyone did, he said, "Zaira will answer the calls from now on. You¡¯ll only get what¡¯s necessary." Everyone was dumbfounded, and he continued, "Zaira can help a lot, so check your work against it first. Zaira has no reason to take the initiative." "Yes, sir." Everyone agreed, and he continued, "Drink some coffee and rx." Soyeon got up, but he shook his head and said, "I¡¯ll get the coffee. Stay here." He went out, but Soyeon followed him. "Let¡¯s go together." They went to a coffee shop near the building and ordered the drinks. HQ had a coffee machine, but he wanted to buy the coffee so that everyone could drink it without anyone having to make it. Soyeon waited for the coffee toe out and asked, "You are going to let us know today?" He noddedpliantly. "I will let them know about my resignation." "I haven¡¯t learned much yet. Why are you quitting already?" "You need Zaira, not me. I get help from Zaira as well. That¡¯s the only advice I have for now." In fact, he hadn¡¯t worked for a long time at the Administrative Department either. There was nothing more for him to teach. They took the drinks back to work. Tsubasa was the only one still answering calls because she only answered foreign calls. Zaira was taking care of most of the domestic ones. He handed out the coffee and sat on Tsubasa¡¯s desk. She looked at him while concentrating on the call, and he raised his coffee and said, "I am quitting tomorrow." "What?!" He had made his explosive statement calmly and smiled. "You guys have assimted all of my work," he continued. "The only advice I can give you now is get Zaira¡¯s help. Do that, and your work will be much easier." "What are you going to do now, after resigning?" He shrugged. "Because of my work as a model, I¡¯ve saved some money. I want to do what I want to do." "Can you tell us more about it?" "It¡¯s a secret," he said and shrugged again. "My announcement is over. Drink your coffee." After that, he sat down. The others had more questions for him, but he saw the message on hisputer and got up. Junhyuk looked at everyone and said, "I have to go out for a while." Right as he was about to leave, Tsubasa asked, "When is the goodbye party?" He shrugged and said, "Maybe tomorrow?" Then, he went to see Elise. She was freezing the poring pieces and turned to look at him. "You¡¯re here." "Why did you want to see me?" "Do you have time this afternoon?" "I am quitting tomorrow. Should I skip work for rest of the day?" Elise smiled and asked, "Should I talk to the CEO about this?" "No, I have time." "Then, let¡¯s meet after lunch." He nodded and went to see Eunseo. Her eyes were bloodshot, but she smiled at him. She offered him a seat, and he took it. "May I leave early, after lunch?" "Sure. Tell me your reasonter?" He nodded, and she smiled and said, "Good. You must have told your coworkers about your resignation. Make time for me tomorrow night." "I will." He got up, and she stared at him and asked, "How about dinner together tonight?" After taking a moment to think, he said, "I have to check my schedule." She looked disappointed, but he smiled at her and left. --- After lunch, he went to see Elise. She handed him her car keys and asked him to drive her somewhere. Heughed loudly, but he drove. "Just follow navigation," she told him. Following the GPS, he asked, "Business in Seoul?" "Correct." He drove past Guardians HQ in Seoul, and the destination wasn¡¯t far from it. He was getting more curious, but he kept going while Elise talked to Zaira through her tablet. They arrived at their destination, and he frowned slightly. "Where are we?" "My private property. My house." Elise touched her tablet, and the garage door opened. He drove car inside, parked it and followed Elise out. She smiled and asked, "Do you like my house?" Her house in downtown Seoul was bigger than his house in provincial Paju, which left him surprised. "I¡¯m jealous. How much was it?" "Not very expensive. I bought it when they were redeveloping the area." She must have bought thend from Guardians, and he smiled bitterly. "Zaira has control here?" "Of course!" She took the lead and continued, "I wanted to show you something today." His curiosity increased. Elise took him to her garden. Within it, there was what looked to be a ss greenhouse. It was a small arboretum. Inside, he saw a tree about his size, but it felt strange. "Is this is what I think it is?" "Correct." She stood next to the tree. "I nted the seed you brought me, and it¡¯s already this tall." "Isn¡¯t that too fast?" Elise shook her head. "Zaira predicted the tree would grow only to ten meters."Elise pointed out to her garden and added, "I bought a hundred trees that will grow to be ten meters. They¡¯ll be nted here." "To hide this tree." "Correct." Elise smiled and continued, "It¡¯s different from ordinary trees. It¡¯s simr to them, but this one is growing mana stones as fruit." He walked over to the tree and touched the leaves. "Does its leaf have the same effect as the leaf I brought you?" Elise shook her head. "It¡¯s not the same. It won¡¯t be the same, but I have to wait and see." Elise touched the leaves and added, "If you pull it out, it will only be effective for about a day. How did you know what to bring me?" He touched his butt without noticing and said, "A hero gave it to me." "Hm. Is there another way to pick it out? Can you find out?" "I¡¯ll ask." After she heard his answer, she looked at the tree and said, "This tree will change the world." "It looks that way." She turned to him. "But I¡¯m not so sure if I can rent the tree from its seed." "So?" "Bring me some more?" He noddedpliantly. "I made deal with you, so don¡¯t worry on that point. If I can get more, I¡¯ll bring it to you." "OK."Elise said, touching the tree and smiling. "This tree is alive, and it¡¯s moving like this." The tree moved along Elise¡¯s hand. She touched the trunk and asked, "Are you resigning?" "Yes." "I relied on you during the monster attacks. I won¡¯t be able to do that now." "Can youe up with a defense n?" Eliseughed brightly. "Don¡¯t worry. I have ns of my own. If the monsters are like the ones we¡¯ve seen, I¡¯m prepared." He smiled at her confidence. She was surely a character. "Don¡¯t be overconfident." "Why?" "The monsters so far have been weak, but stronger ones wille." Elise heeded his advice and smiled, "Sure, but it will be something that I can endure." Then, she touched the tree and murmured, "Even though I have no idea of why they are attacking." He smiled bitterly at what she said. If he were to tell her what was happening, what would she say? He was curious about it as he looked at the tree. Elise was the tree¡¯s owner, and the tree was almost dancing with her. He thought of what Nudra told him then, that things from the Dimensional Battlefield will elerate the changes on Earth. Junhyuk shook his head. "Tomorrow is my going away party. Are youing?" "Of course!" Chapter 237: Farewell Party 1 Chapter 237: Farewell Party 1 Junhyuk came home,y on his bed and looked at his hands. "Is it the tree?" The tree from the Dimensional Battlefield was effective. It could create mana stones artificially, which could then be used to make iron soldiers. If it all worked out OK, the value of the tree would be astronomical. It was the goose thatid golden eggs. He liked the fact that Elise had nted it in her garden. The tree could change the world, and she nted it in her backyard. He looked around at his house and murmured, "Right. I will nt my own after seeing it bear fruit." The tree was worth more than $100 million, but he wanted to nt one of his own. Not anyone could have one, and its value was significant. He got up suddenly while thinking of nting the tree. "Whew! I¡¯ll fall behind." He had to go to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, but he was too rxed. He had a lot of work and he kept getting distracted by idents and other things, but now he had time to train. He teleported to basement, summoned everything he owned and started swinging his sword. He would meet Gongon soon. The enemies would have a new champion, and Junhyuk would finally know who it was. He wanted to train harder. He wanted to be in best shape possible, so he focused on his swordsmanship. Thursday. The going-away party was scheduled for that same day, and Junhyuk went into work unworried. He greeted his coworkers, took a seat and turned hisputer on. It was hisst day, so nobody would give him any work. He was at his chair, rxing as he stared at hisputer, when he got a message. It was Eunseo, and she wanted to see him. The other employees tried to guess at what was going on, but didn¡¯t say anything. He went into her office, and she raised her head slowly. She looked cold and condescending. Suddenly, he felt guilty about something. "Were you busy yesterday?" He had gone to Elise¡¯s house and looked at the tree and talked. Elise had told him about what she had been researching up to that point. They were creating a better R-potion, and the Iron Soldier MK-III was under development. They had talked, and she had made him dinner, and he had gone home. He had been too entranced by Elise¡¯s stories that he had forgotten about Eunseo. Junhyuk had certainly wronged her. It was his mistake, and he acknowledge that fact, "I went to Elise¡¯s house." "Her house in Seoul?" "Yes." She looked even more cold and condescending. "I heard she never invites anyone, but you¡¯ve been there?" He got the cold sweats, but she said, "New iron soldiers have arrived here today. Did you hear about it?" "I hadn¡¯t." "South Korea is being attacked by more and stronger monsters, so they¡¯ve sent more iron soldiers to HQ. We will have five iron soldiers on standby now." He realized what Guardians was doing. "That¡¯s good. I was worried about the safety here." "Even without the iron soldiers, we have made other preparations. We supplied the dposition liquid to the air force. That way the air force will be able to assist the iron soldiers in Seoul." "That¡¯s good." Suddenly, a siren went off. He frowned and heard Zaira¡¯s voice. [Monsters expected to appear in Seoul and Yeouido. Everyone move to the basement shelter now.] Eunseo sighed and said, "This week is not an exception. They are here again." He agreed with her on that point. The poring incident had been an issue, and now some other monsters were showing up. "They must know I¡¯m quitting." His mind was clear. He didn¡¯t have to step in, and Eunseo was a novice wearing a powerful ring. It increased both her attack and defense. She would be safe and she could use her own power to defend herself. "Let¡¯s go." They went to the basement and met the other employees. Eunseo and Dohee went to see Elise, and Junhyuk looked at everyone else. "Don¡¯t worry. This is not the first time." The workers looked at each other and smiled awkwardly. When the first monster attack happened, most of them had wanted to resign. They all had good enough resumes to get into any major corporation, but they had chosen to remain there. They were prepared to stay there. He realized they are more audacious now. They didn¡¯t need him anymore. If they had popcorn, they would watch the monsters on the monitors like they were watching a movie, and since Junhyuk also knew there were five iron soldiers on standby, everyone was calm. Dohee walked out of Elise¡¯s office and called for him, "Junhyuk, this way, please." He went in and saw the images on the screen shing quickly, so he turned to Elise and asked, "Just Yeouido has been attacked so far?" "Why don¡¯t you send more iron soldiers to there?" "We will get support from the military. The first attack will be handled by the iron soldier, but additional attacks will be handled by the military." "That¡¯s good." "Did you warn the people in Yeouido?" Eunseo asked. "I did. The attack is at the financial district, which is very heavily popted." Eunseo sighed and said, "There is nothing we can do now." Even a one-second change in the stock market could have catastrophic results, but there was nothing Guardians could do about it. While dealing with the monsters, they could only have the people evacuated and the market shut down. Zaira chime in. [Monster arrival expected. Iron soldier already on site.] "Give out the evacuation order," Eunseo said. Zaira¡¯s voice boomed over Yeouido. [Monster attack imminent. Evacuate immediately.] Junhyuk watched the people rushing out through the monitor. The monsters were getting more intelligent. It was likely that the one that was about to appear would be hard to deal with. While he watched the evacuation, a dimensional tear appeared. The ground cracked, and a jelly-like substance rose from it. He scowled. "A poring?" He knew how hard it was to kill a poring. "Is it possible to kill it?" Elise answered, "Difficult to say. I don¡¯t have a solution yet." "Can¡¯t you do anything?" Elise measured her options. "It¡¯s downtown, so we can¡¯t use napalm bombs." "If you have a solution, don¡¯t hesitate to use it," Eunseo said. "Are you sure?" Elise asked, and Eunseo nodded. "It¡¯s fine. Kill it as soon as possible. We don¡¯t want a simr situation like the onest time." "Understood." Eunseo asked, "Can the poring affect humans too?" "I haven¡¯t had a chance to find out. I didn¡¯t have the time." Junhyuk nced quickly at Elise. If she had had the time, she would¡¯ve run the experiments. The poring looked like a three-meter tall pudding, and the iron soldier fired small missiles at it. The missiles contained small amounts of napalm, so when they exploded, they raised the surrounding temperature by a lot. They had been engineered specifically to be used in downtown areas. Eunseo was ready, and Junhyuk shook his head. The missiles exploded. Boom! The poring was torn into pieces, but the problem was that the pieces scattered everywhere. "How many pieces are there?" [A total of 1,720 pieces.] "Gather them!" With the poring pieces everywhere, if people could in fact be affected by the poring, they would have a huge problem on their hands. [Additional monster attack expected.] "Already?" Before the military had gotten there, more monsters were on the way, and the pieces of poring were scattered about. If a monsters died, but a piece of poring got to it somehow, the monster would live again. The monsters had to be killed and remain dead. "Collect the pieces. When is the military arriving?" [Five minutes away.] The whole thing would be over in five minutes. However, the detection machine rang loudly. [Monster appearance expected in Paju. Monster appearance expected in Guri.] Junhyuk heard the reports and frowned. "They must know we have more iron soldiers today!" Like Elise had said, they were giving them a hell just difficult enough for them to endure. "Permission granted for two iron soldier deployments," Eunseo said. The two iron soldiers left the base, and Eunseo calmly gave out orders, "Tell the military deployments to go to Paju and Guri." Elise made the calls, and Junhyuk murmured, "We will be attacked as well." Everyone looked at him. The pattern of attacking Guardians HQ every time had been set. They just didn¡¯t know which monster woulde. The detection machine rang aloud again. [Monster attack expected here soon.] "They must think we are easy targets," Elise said, smiling cooly, and added, "Zaira, activate our highest-level defenses." [Activating highest-level defenses.] She turned around, and Eunseo nodded. "Permission granted for iron soldier deployment." On iron soldier went to the roof, and another set up at the basement. Dohee looked at Elise and said, "Give us weapons." "There is no such need. It would only create unnecessary casualties." Dohee bit her lips, and Elise turned away to look at Sora, who grabbed the longsword and got up. "If everything fails, I¡¯ll step in." Chapter 238: Farewell Party 2 Chapter 238: Farewell Party 2 When the construction ended, they would move to the HQ in Seoul, but at the moment, a dimensional tear had appeared, and monsters were about toe through. Zaira disyed the footage on the screen. [Monsters expected on the roof.] There was a dimensional tear on the roof, but what kind of monsters woulde through? So far, only rtively weak monsters had appeared. However, every monster that showed up at HQ up until now had significant more strength than the ones around the world. They had possessed either extreme armor or the sharpest weapons. Junhyuk was curious about which monsters would show, but only jaguars crossed the tear. They were the same type of jaguars that had destroyed the cest time, but this time there were five of them. "Are they attacking with numbers?" Last time, the iron soldier had been on deployment, but this time, the iron soldier was waiting for them and fired immediately. Rat-at-at-at-at-tat. The jaguars were jumping down from the tear in the sky, and on of them was cut in half by the bullets. However, the other fournded safely. As jaguarsnded, they attacked the iron soldier from four different directions, but the iron soldier flew to evade. The jaguars did not pursue it. Instead, they entered the building. The iron soldier quickly fired at them, but only one jaguar was hit on its hind legs. "You think everything is over because you areing in here?" Elise said and looked at Eunseo. "Can I destroy the elevator?" "Sure." The jaguars, just likest time, got on the elevator, tearing through the door, hoping to go down the shaft. However, this time there was a camera in the elevator that captured the jaguars on video. Then, the walls of the elevator opened, and heavy artillery guns appeared through it. Rat-at-at-at-at-tat. The jaguars had nowhere to go and were being turned into swiss cheese. Junhyuk was impressed. As elevator came down with the walls covered in holes, but there were no casualties. "That¡¯s really cool!" The jaguars were prevented froming down and ended up as rags on the ground. Elise smiled at hisment. "Don¡¯t be surprised yet. Is there any other monster in the basement?" They heard Zaira again. [Monsters are currently expected to appear there.] Elise smiled. "Come! Come!" Junhyuk thought she was enjoying all of that like she was ying a video game. The building¡¯s defenses were highly developed, and he didn¡¯t have to worry. Junhyuk looked at the footage from Yeouido instead. A giant alligator had appeared there, and as it swung its tail, it smashed the cars around it,unching them all over. The iron soldier attacked the alligator, and the bullets were able to prate its hide. "How many poring pieces do we have?" [At this moment, 875 poring pieces have been collected.] "Won¡¯t things get worse if we don¡¯t gather them all?" "The military has arrived for support!" The alligator was immense, and it didn¡¯t die easily. The iron soldier hadunched the small missiles at it, taking its leg, but the alligator continued to look for people. It smashed through a convenience store window with its head looking for people. The Dimensional Battlefield Management wanted more people to activate their powers, and there was nothing to be gained by killing the iron soldier, so the alligator had other priorities. To protect the people, the iron soldier grabbed the alligator by its tail,unching it away. Meanwhile, there was no way to find out where the poring pieces were. Junhyuk heard Zaira¡¯s voice. [Another monster attacked is expected from the roof.] He was more interested in what was happening there than at Yeouido, so he turned to look and frowned. Wraiths holding sickles appeared on the roof. There were three of them, and Junhyuk was stunned. Wraiths had high physical defense, and as the iron soldier fired at them, the shots didn¡¯t work at all. Then, one of the wraiths flew up and swung its sickle. With that single blow, the iron soldier was cut in half. "What just happened?" "Ordinary physical attacks won¡¯t work." Everyone looked at him. Dohee wanted to ask him how he know that, but he exined, "I¡¯ve seen them in games. They are a type of ghost. You have to attack them with an attribute." "This isn¡¯t a game." Dohee expressed her concern, but everyone murmured among themselves. Elise was shocked. "They don¡¯t even use elevators to get down." The wraiths just went through walls. They were hard monsters to deal with on Earth. The monster dposition liquid wouldn¡¯t work on them. "Can iron soldier stop them?" Eunseo asked. Elise bit her lips and answered, "Thews of physics won¡¯t work! I¡¯m speechless, but shockwaves might do the job." "Can the building withstand the shock?" Junhyuk asked, and Elise nodded. "Last time I used ymores because the building couldn¡¯t handle it, but this time is different." The wraiths were heading to the basement, and Junhyuk summoned the arm warmers and the Pure Golden Knight items. He summoned everything except for the cloak, thinking that he might have to step in. His attacks had fixed damage and poison attribute, so he was sure he could kill them. The wraiths entered the basement where the iron soldier was standing guard. The iron soldier extended its hands, and blue energy started gathering within them. The wraiths flew, and Elise pressed a button. Boom! Boom! Boom! The walls of the hallway copsed, but the wraiths didn¡¯t mind them. Thews of physics didn¡¯t apply to them. The walls had been copsed to prevent the building from going down. So, the iron soldier fired the shockwave. Boom! The blue orb exploded, and the wraiths were thrown everywhere. The shock was dampened by the steel walls, so the building quaked hard, but remained standing. Junhyuk heard the sighs of relief of the people around him and looked at the monitors. In Paju, the same monster with the shell that appearedst time had shown up, but the iron soldier was dealing with it. Guri had a monster the size of a house. It was an ox and it destroyed three buildings, but the iron soldier had damaged its leg, preventing it from moving any further. Junhyuk looked at Yeouido and said, "We have to gather all the poring bits!" Elise nodded and said, "I¡¯m sending a collection team." "How long will that take?" "Over ten minutes for them to get there because the roads are blocked." The collection team was set up in Seoul, which was close to Yeouido, but could they really be there in ten minutes with the roadblocks? "The iron soldier can deal with the alligator. Why not ask the military to collect poring pieces?" Eunseo answered, "Fine. Ask the military to do it." Elise shook her head. "They aren¡¯t wearing any protective gears, so wouldn¡¯t it be dangerous?" Junhyuk agreed. Without protective gear, there was no telling what would happen with the poring pieces. "I held it on my palm, and it wasn¡¯t dangerous, but being that there is a lot of bits, there could beplications." Elise said, "The poring pieces be dangerous to humans if they get over thirty centimeters big." "Is it possible to measure the ones about that big?" Elise nodded. "How many thirty centimeter pieces are there?" [There are five of that size and over. Prioritizing collection in the area.] Elise showed them another feed, and Junhyuk frowned. "Is it inside that building?" "They scattered when it exploded." He kept watching, and the alligator feel down. [The alligator is dead. Attacking the poring pieces.] "Don¡¯t hurt innocent bystanders." "Don¡¯t worry about the shooting," Elise said. The iron soldier was inside the building, a lobby center, where a part of the poring was gathering its pieces around it. It was about fifty centimeters at that point and moving quickly. The little poring was moving at about the speed of a grown man, but the iron soldier was much faster. Rat-at-at-at-tat. The iron soldier did not use napalm bombs, but shattered it into pieces all the same. "They take about two minutes to join into one again. Let¡¯s deal with the other porings," Elise said. The iron soldier moved quickly to locate the other poring, and Eunseo said, "Tell the military to gather the pieces inside the building." The iron soldier flew to the next building, and a helicopternded with military personnel that went straight to gather the pieces the iron soldier had just taken care of. Zaira made another announcement. [The collection team is five minutes away.] The team collected the bodies and locked them into safe boxes. The pieces would be powerless, and that monster attack would be over soon. The iron soldier searched and destroyedrge porings, and Junhyuk thought that the deployment of wraiths was something he hadn¡¯t expected. Wraiths were immune to the dposition liquid, so someone had to be watching Guardians. Guardians had toe up ways to deal with wraiths. "Too bad." One of the iron soldiers had been destroyed by the wraiths, and he thought it was a shame. Elise must have heard him because she said, "The iron soldier was sliced in half, but it did not explode. We can repair it." Then, she looked at the monitors and added, "We were prepared. Even though we lost one iron soldier, we stopped their attacks." He looked at the Yeouido feed and disagreed with Elise. The alligator had destroyed everything in its path. Cars were lost along with the buildings the alligator had attacked. The ox in Guri had destroyed three buildings. The damages had to be in the tens of millions of dors. Eunseo looked at the screens and said in a somber tone, "It¡¯s not over yet. Stay alert." Chapter 239: Farewell Party 3 Chapter 239: Farewell Party 3 Even before the collection team arrived, and despite Eunseo¡¯s worries, they were able to destroy the reforming porings. Once the collection team arrived, they ced all remaining pieces in safe boxes. Eunseo was relieved and finally sat down. Junhyuk walked over to Elise and asked, "There are 1,720 pieces. Would those add up to its original size if webined them?" "No. When the napalm bomb went off, the spot it hit disappeared." "Then, we can¡¯t know that all of the pieces have been collected?" "I¡¯m scanning the area, but there are no more poring pieces." "Really?" He nodded and stepped back. Thest time, the poring exploded into pieces where there were no people. This time, however, the pieces had been hard to collect. Junhyuk looked at Eunseo. She was feeling better and looked back at him. "The monster attack is over. Let¡¯s finish here, and after, we¡¯ll have your farewell party." He looked at Elise. "Can I use Zaira?" "Sure." He went out and looked at his coworkers. They were staring at him, and he spoke calmly, "Now, we¡¯ll do an ount of the aftermath of the monster attack. Please, focus." After he spoke, the staff divided up the work. The monster attack didn¡¯t only take ce in South Korea. Each country had a method of dealing with monsters that needed to be reported along with what problem each country had had. He assigned the work to the staff and started helping out. He reviewed the videos of the attacks and found no particr problems. "Still, there might be another novice." Novices were appearing faster than ever. There were already thirty of them, but how many would actually survive the Dimensional Battlefield? And how many would survive it every time? Doyeol was giving the novices information on how to survive, but that only increased their chances slightly. If they were grouped up with horrible heroes, they wouldn¡¯t have a chance. He wasn¡¯t worried about the fifty countries with iron soldier deployments. None of them showed novice activity this time around. However, things were different for the countries with no iron soldier. Another novice might acquire powers. He sent an email with his report to Eunseo and got up. His job was done. However, when he got up, everyone looked at him. Eunseo and Dohee walked out of the office, and Eunseo said, "Get a limousine ready. We¡¯ll have the farewell party." Everyone cheered, and Eunseo took the lead. There were two limousines parked outside, and Eunseo looked at him and said, "Take the one in the front." "Yes." He walked over to the limousine and saw that it was still empty. Then, Eunseo got in with Elise. The car started, and he started feeling awkward. As if she owned the limo, Elise suddenly poured herself a drink. She offered him a drink, but he shook his head, so she took a sip and rxed. He had never seen her drink before. When she invited him to her house, she had been tense, so he had never seen her that rxed. When he was at her house, she had eaten dinner with her tablet still next to her. However, at that moment, she looked carefree. It was like he was seeing the genius¡¯ weakness. "Uh-hum!" Eunseo pretended to cough, and once he looked at her, he saw that she was staring at him. Her stare looked anxious, and he smiled. "Maybe I could get a cup of water?" "Sure." Eunseo handed him a bottle, and he asked, "Where are we going?" "We are heading to our cabin. It¡¯s your farewell party, so it has to be special." Elise smiled. "The cabin in Paju?! I am excited!" "Have you been there?" Elise shook head and emptied her ss. Then, she raised the empty ss toward Junhyuk. "Can you pour me some more?" He poured her a drink, and Eunseo also grabbed a ss. "Pour me some as well." So, he did. Eunseo took the bottle from him and offered to pour him a drink. He finally agreed to drink, so they all enjoyed a ss together. The cabin in Paju was bigger than his house, there was a barbeque area set up outside. There were cooks working the grills, so all they had to do was sit, eat and rx. Eunseo offered them seats, and once the already cooked meat came out, they started drinking again. Eunseo got up and said, "Guardians has just started, but we have a big responsibility." Everyone nodded, and she continued, "Junhyuk has been with us since the beginning and helped us big time. Today, he is leaving us." Everyone looked at him, and he felt awkward. "He must have ns for himself, so let us congratte him," she finished. Eunseo looked at him with a smile. She had meant her words. He would changed the course of history. Smiling, she asked, "Do you have something to say?" He got up and raised his ss. "We haven¡¯t spent much time together, but due to monster attacks, we¡¯ve shared life and death moments together. I¡¯m leaving now, but continue to protect the Earth." Everyone raised their sses, and he emptied his. Soyeon walked over and told him, "You make us feel like we are the Earth¡¯s police force." "The fact is that you are." The Dimensional Battlefield management was sending higher-level monsters, but Earth has the iron soldier to protect it, along with the novices and their powers. Guardians was at the center of it all, so Earth¡¯s police force sounded right. Elise walked over and showed him her ss, saying, "It¡¯s hard to find time for a drink!" He clinked his ss against hers and said, "Next time, I¡¯ll invite you to my house." "I¡¯ll look forward to it." They drank together, and Soyeon joined them. As more of the women approached him, he started feeling awkward. His male coworkers were staring daggers at him for it, full of jealousy. Junhyuk clinked his ss against Soyeon¡¯s and drank. Each one of them walked over to him, and he have a drink with each person. Once he had drunk too much, he shook his head to the others that approached him and said, "I¡¯ve had too much. I need some air." He got up and left. The male staffers were waiting for that and started to talking to the women as he made his way out. Heughed and looked at the cabin. He had bought his own house based on practicality, but the cabin was a little different. It looked very picturesque, and decorating it must have cost a fortune. Junhyuk looked around when he heard footsteps heading toward him. He turned and saw Eunseo approaching. He waited for her, and they walked together. "It looks so cool." "Thanks." She didn¡¯t borate, simply walking by his side. They made their way around the cabin in silence. Eunseo liked the fact that she was walking with him, but she didn¡¯t say anything else. After they had walked for a while, he spoke up, "Elise has a tree from the Dimensional Battlefield in her house." Eunseo looked at him. "The tree exudes mana, which means that we could use it to make more mana." Her eyes widened, and he continued, "She showed me the tree and her other research projects." "Is that so?" "Time flew, and I lost track it. I had dinner with her." He stopped walking and looked straight at her. "I apologize for not dining with you yesterday. Give me a chance to make it up to you." "I am angry. You didn¡¯t even call me." He smiled. "Shall we go back to the party?" "Sure. You are the main attraction." They walked back to the terrace where the others were drinking. People had had quite a bit of alcohol by then, and they whistled as Junhyuk and Eunseo walked in. "Are you dating?" He didn¡¯t have a chance to reply because Eunseo stared icely at the speaker, shutting him up. She walked over to the center of the gathering, raised her ss and said, "If you get drunk and fall before I do, you are a weak person." Everyone looked at the worker who had just asked the question, and Eunseo smiled. "Whoever is still standing after I fall will get a 500 percent bonus next month." Everyone cheered as they heard the announcement and started drinking more. Junhyuk shook his head. Eunseo was a novice, and only Tsubasa and Sora could drink as much as she could. --- The military had settled in Yeouido, and the collection team was gathering the monster remains. People were moving about busily. They were also working on rebuilding the damaged areas. The alligator had destroyed a store, and the road had copsed. However, the alligator wasn¡¯t the only one. The iron soldier had also contributed to the damages. The napalm bomb had destroyed the roads, and its guns had made a lot of damage. To kill the poring, the iron soldier had gone through five buildings, shooting at will. There had been three casualties from the store that was destroyed, but no other. The soldiers were blocking the roads, but many people were gathered around the blockades to watch. They were curious, and many of them were students. A female students who was taking pictures saw a man who turned around slowly after looking at the situation. The man bumped into the student and her cell phone fell on the ground. "Hey!" The student scowled and shouted, but the man tried to get away. The student grabbed his arm, and the man turned around. When she looked into his eyes, she lost the feeling in her legs and fell to the ground. His eyes were entirely green. The man walked away, and another five followed him. They moved as one. Something was not right, but the student was so scared that she couldn¡¯t even scream. Chapter 240: New Champion 1 Chapter 240: New Champion 1 When he woke up that morning, the first thing he looked for was a cup of water. He teleported to the kitchen to grab a ss of water from the cooler and shook his head. "It was a wild night." Eunseo had spoken about drinking it to thest drop. In the end, only Eunseo, Tsubasa, Sora, Elise and Junhyuk stayed awake drinking. Elise was the most surprised. They drank all night, and he walked home. The cabin in Paju wasn¡¯t too far from his house, and after a thirty-minute walk, hey on his bed. He felt like he had only slept for a moment before he work up thirsty and went to get a ss of water. After that, he teleported to the basement, summoned his sword and sat down. Themunication crystal chimed, and he saw Gongon¡¯s face in the air. "What are you doing?" "I¡¯m just training before I meet you again." "You look like crap?" Heughed. "What about you? I thought you were training." "Expect big things from me." He gathered himself and said, "Gongon." "What?" "You shouldn¡¯t be a hero?" "Why?" "I don¡¯t feel like going to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield without you." He had fought alongside a troll before he got paired up with Gongon. He didn¡¯t want to give him up. Gongon stared nkly at him andughed. "Kuh-kuh-kuh....ha-ha-ha-ha! You recognize my greatness." "I did it from the start." He hadpared Gongon to the troll before. "See you soon." "Right, see you soon." After talking, he got up. With Gongon in his team, he felt confident going against any champion. "I¡¯ll win this time as well." He got rid of his hangover and focused on swinging his sword. --- The room was covered by the blinding white light, so he summoned his equipment and checked to see how much gold he had: 196,760G. Junhyuk was d to have that many gold coins. He knew that he could afford to get something knew and looked at his armor, thinking about upgrading it. "Is there a Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Armor in the set?" If he could get the Elder¡¯s armor, he wouldn¡¯t need to upgrade his current one. "I¡¯ll ask." While he decided to collect the entire Elder¡¯s set, he heard a soft voice. [I will elucidate you on the Swamp of Despair.] "That¡¯s not necessary." He already knew where he was and had memorized theyout of the swamp. [I¡¯ll skip the exnations from now on. Do you ept?] "Yes. I¡¯ve been here before. No exnations necessary." He could picture the high-ranking sorcerer and his face. The dragons knew his name as well, so he had to be well-renowned. However, he was trapped here, which indicated just how powerful the Dimensional Battlefield managers were. [You may exit through the main doors.] He walked to the exit. [This is the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. You have unlimited revives, but each time you die, you lose 3,000G, so be aware of that.] With Gongon in his team, he wouldn¡¯t lose. [The reward for victory in the Swamp of Despair will be a bag filled with enhancement stones. The number of stones is unknown. Do your best to win.] Heughed. Each enhancement stone cost 50,000G. Even if he only got one, that would still be good enough. Therefore, he was determined to win that battle. Once he pushed the door, he heard the soft voice announce him. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] When he walked outside, he saw the lizardmen squatting. Aktur had been leaning on the castle¡¯s door and pushed off. "You arete." "What is it?" He heard Gongon¡¯s voice from behind him, "What is it? These worthless beings now recognize my greatness." He turned around and saw Gongon is smiling. With his short body and giant head, he surely was cute, yet he also emanated an aura of authority. "What did you do?" "I learned to disy my pride." "Interesting." The lizardmen were minions. By disying his pride, Gongon had made them scared of him, and he expected to beplimented for having the lizardmen squat. So, Junhyuk walked over to Gongon and patted his head. "You are something else!" "Just trust me on this battle." He nodded and looked at Aktur. "They have a new champion, right?" "We¡¯ll have to find out who it is." Junhyuk took a moment to think and asked, "What are we gonna do?" "I¡¯ll head to the upper path." "OK. Fight well." Junhyuk turned to Gongon and suggested, "Let¡¯s go together." Gongon smiled, wagged his tail and stood next to him. "Good. Let¡¯s go," the hatchling said, swinging his short arms. "Follow me!" The lizardmen followed them, and Junhyuk took the lead. "You must been training hard!" "Of course! In my entire life as a dragon, I¡¯ve never trained so hard." Junhyukughed. "We don¡¯t know about new champion, so let¡¯s be cautious." Gongon¡¯s eyes sparkled, but he wasn¡¯t smiling anymore. "My father told me about this ce. I won¡¯t be sloppy." "Thanks." The hatchling had his guard up, so Junhyuk thought there was no way they would lose. They weren¡¯t thinking that the new champion could be stronger than the previous one. To them, the allies were more powerful than their enemies. They talked until they reached a tower. When Junhyuk saw the enemies, he frowned. "I see Lugos. That must be new champion next to him?" Gongon shook his head and asked, "Isn¡¯t that an octopus?" "I¡¯d never seen an octopus wearing armor!" The new champion was at least three meters tall with ten-meter long tentacles. There was a helmet on its head, and it looked study. It had eight tentacles. It was an octopus. Junhyuk stepped forward and asked, "Is that the new champion?" Lugos was about to step forward with an answer, when the octopus stepped in front of him and said, "My name is Kraken." Gongonughed at his name and said, "Of course, that¡¯s your name!" Kraken¡¯s eyes widened, and Gongon bared his teeth. "What the hell are you staring at?!" the hatchling said. Junhyuk looked at Gongon, who was staring at Kraken, sighed and stepped forward. "Should we fight them now?" He wanted to know more about Kraken¡¯s powers. Gyulsean had long-range attacks, but she was gone now. So, both he and Gongon advanced while Lugos and Kraken did the same. He watched the two of them. That was Kraken¡¯s first time in that battlefield. It and Lugos hadn¡¯t worked together, so Junhyuk was looking for an opening in their teamwork. He inspected Kraken¡¯s equipment. The helmet looked strong, and the champion wasn¡¯t human, so he would have a hard time figuring out its weaknesses. Junhyuk looked at Gongon, and Gongon stepped forward. "I should break the ice, right?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t exin. There was no need. He said simply, "Please, do." Gongon advanced, and Kraken headed toward him. Taking the length of its tentacles into consideration, it was the longest enemy the allies had faced by far. It seemed like a good size for a tank, so they assumed that the octopus was one. However, Junhyuk wanted to know more about Kraken¡¯s damage potential. Gongon ran to the front, and Lugos pulled out his weapons. Kraken was about to show its power, and Junhyuk wanted to exploit that. Still, the most important thing was to win. Kraken ran toward Gongon, swing its tentacles. Four of them were directed at Gongon, but the hatchling dodged them all. At that moment, Junhyuk realized how hard the dragon had trained. He hadn¡¯t even transformed yet and he was moving much more swiftly. For a dragon, it was important to be quick, so he could see that Gongon had been training just like him. Gongon dodged all of the Kraken¡¯s attacks and rushed. Boom! Gongon mmed hard against Kraken, but Kraken only lost 17 percent of its health. The same attack would¡¯ve dealt 22 percent of damage to Lugos, so Kraken at least had more health than Lugos. Kraken was pushed back, but swung its tentacles to grapple Gongon. However, the hatchling quickly inhaled and spewed his firebreath. The strong mes covered Kraken, but it only lost 12 percent of its health. Once the firebreath died down, Kraken swung its tentacle like a whip at Gongon, who gotunched away. Junhyuk caught him and looked at Kraken. Kraken hadn¡¯t used any powers yet. Meanwhile, Gongon held his stomach with his tiny arms and said, "I¡¯m getting angry. What is the damage?" "Both attacks together dealt about 30 percent total." Kraken moved toward them, and Gongon said, "It¡¯s really dense." "Yes." Watching the fight, Junhyuk realized that only Kraken¡¯s eyes received critical hits. He set Gongon down and said, "Let¡¯s get at him again. Get his attention." "Sure." Gongon ran at Kraken again, and Kraken, again, swung its tentacles like whips. Even Junhyuk wasn¡¯t sure he could dodge all of those attacks, but Gongon was doing it. So, Junhyuk gripped his sword tightly, and while Gongon had Krakens attention, he used the Spatial sh. "Aaargh!" With loud scream, Kraken lost an eye. Junhyuk saw that the Spatial sh had worked, but Kraken only lost 30 percent of its health. The shockwave served no purpose as Lugos was too far away. Junhyuk ran toward Gongon. Kraken only had 41 percent of his health remaining, and he wanted to finish it off. At that moment, Kraken coiled within itself like a spring. And flew forward. Boom! Gongon had no time to escape and gotunched away by the hit, but Junhyuk caught him again. Kraken had headbutted the hatchling, which they hadn¡¯t expected. The headbutt had a range of twenty meters. After that, it used its tentacles as whips, so that gave it an attack range of thirty meters. Gogon grabbed his head with his tiny arms while getting up. "Ouch!" Junhyuk helped him up and said, "Let¡¯s kill Kraken before Lugos joins the fight." Gongon smirked and answered, "Yes." Chapter 241: New Champion 2 Chapter 241: New Champion 2 Lugos took off quickly, but Kraken came toward them first. Considering the distance, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t just y around. They had to take away Kraken¡¯s remaining 40 percent of health. He ran at Kraken, and Kraken used its tentacles as whips, and Junhyuk started wondering if those were weapons or part of Kraken¡¯s body. Wanting to find out, he swung the Frozen Rune Sword. ng! He delivered an attack strong enough to leave his hands shaking from the impact. Looking at his opponent¡¯s wounds, his eyes shone. Junhyuk had dealt some damage, but he also found out that the tentacles were part of his body as well as weapons. So, even though they were sturdier than normal, he¡¯d still be able to damage them and apply debuffs to Kraken through them. He realized that Kraken¡¯s attack speed had slowed and swung the Frozen Rune Sword nonstop. Having Kraken block with the tentacles was enough to stack the debuffs. Kraken had slowed down, and Gongon ran toward it. Because the tentacles were slower, Gongon jumped in the air and transformed. He rolled underground to appear behind Kraken and punch Kraken straight on the helmet making a loud bang. Kraken was dazed, and Junhyuk approached him. However, Lugos was already getting close while erging his arms in the process. Still, there was enough time to deliver an attack on Kraken. He closed in, but Kraken raised its tentacles and vomited ck ink from its mouth at it. Arrrgh-cough! The ck ink covered the same range as Gongon¡¯s firebreath, and as it covered Junhyuk, he became unable to see. Thuck, thuck, thuck! Blinded, he couldn¡¯t see an inch in front of him. Because of that, he got hit three times on the gut, and rolled on the ground, gritting his teeth. "A tank that deals a lot of damage?!" Each hit took away 8 percent of his health, so he lost a total of 24 percent. Junhyuk covered his weak spots with the dual swords and stepped back. Meanwhile, Kraken snatched the transformed Gongon in midair and twisted him. "Arrgh!" Gongon screamed. Junhyuk tried to brush the ck ink off with his hands, but it wouldn¡¯te out. He was barely able to open his eyes to he sees Gongon in the air, getting twisted like wetundry. "Gon!" Junhyuk extended his hand and raised the force field around Gongon. As the force field covered Gongon, Kraken was forced to step back, and Junhyuk went over to support the hatchling. "Are you OK?" The transformation had ended, and Gongon was small again. Gongon tried to grab his side, but he was unable to with his short arms. "Holy shit! That hurts!" He sounded like an old dragon, and Junhyuk patted Gongon¡¯s back and said, "It must be its power." Gongon had already lost 40 percent of his health. Both the ink and the grapple twist dealt an unexpected amount of damage. They were both high-level powers. It¡¯s true that it wasn¡¯t easy to grapple an opponent, but considering Gongon¡¯s high level of defense, that was an extremely damaging power. Gongon stared hard and furiously at Kraken, and the octopus waved a tentacle back. Gongon got even angrier at this, and Junhyuk sighed. "Your heart must be hot, but your head must remain cold." He put a hand over Gongon¡¯s head, and the dragon adjusted his tail and said, "I¡¯ll kill that octopus. Lugos is yours." "OK," he nodded. "Considering Kraken¡¯s health at this point, yourbos should kill it." "I know." "Let¡¯s go!" he shouted as the force field disappeared, and Gongon ran ahead. Kraken swung its tentacles at Gongon, but the hatchling dodged and jumped. He was about to headbutt Kraken, but Lugos also jumped. Boom! Lugos blocked the dragon, but Gongon wasn¡¯t stopping. He inhaled deeply, and Lugos stomped the ground. Boom! The shockwave sent Gongon into the air. In that state, Gongon couldn¡¯t do anything. Meanwhile, Kraken shaped its tentacles like spears and tried to hit Gongon with them. Thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck! Gongon was losing health quickly. Junhyuk had lost 8 percent of health with each strike, so Gongon lost 30 percent in no time. Because Kraken had eight tentacles, he could attack from many angles very quickly. Gongon fell to the ground bloodied, and Lugos attacked him. Boom! Gongon tried to roll away Lugos¡¯bo, but he still lost 20 percent of his health. Lugos was about to attack Gongon again when Junhyuk teleported to stand in front of the hatchling. ng! He blocked Lugos attack, but Lugos was buffed, and he couldn¡¯t bear for a long time. Junhyuk started feeling his knees buckle, so he parried Lugos¡¯ attack to the side and shed Lugos¡¯ leg with the Frozen Rune Sword. That¡¯s when Kraken¡¯s tentacles loomed over him, so he grabbed Gongonn and teleported away. There was just enough distance between them to escape Kraken¡¯s attacks. Junhyuk lifted the dragon and retreated some more. The Kraken¡¯s tentacles struck the spot where they had been standing. Looking at Gongon, he looked like a used rag, bloodied and battered, and he only had 10 percent of his health left. Junhyuk stood in front of him and said, "I¡¯ll deal with them now." "What?!" "Try to regain your health." As he said that, Junhyuk took a step forward. Lugos and Kraken did the same. Both of them had received speed debuffs, but if they both attacked him, he wouldn¡¯t be able to handle it. "Wait here until your powerse back and then help me," Junhyuk said and ran into the enemy¡¯s range. The eight tentacles whipped at him and Lugos jumped. Again, Junhyuk was surprised by Kraken. Its tentacles didn¡¯t evene close to hitting Lugos in the process, aiming just for him, whipping dangerously just at him. Junhyuk counterattacked, and shockwaves expanded from each hit on the tentacles. Every time he hit a tentacle, he debuffed Kraken, which helped him escape the slowed attacks. He stepped forward knowing that his enemies had used their powers and were waiting for them to return. Meanwhile, he would be able to deal with them. He was extremely focused, and each counterattack on a tentacle also dealt damage to Kraken. The damage was mounting, and Kraken was left with 10 percent of its health. As he attacked, he visualized the fighting to an end. Then, he heard footsteps behind him. The fight wasn¡¯t over yet. He had no chance to say anything before Gongon shouted, "Block Lugos!" He ran toward Lugos,but Lugos was ignoring him and going straight toward Gongon. Junhyuk scoffed at that and grabbed Lugos¡¯ arm and teleported behind Kraken. With the opening, Gongon jumped and used his headbutt against Kraken. However, Kraken also tried to headbutt Gongon. Boom! [Gongon killed Kraken.] Then, he heard another voice. [Kraken killed Gongon.] "Gon!" Junhyuk shouted, but the dragon was already disappearing. "Ouch! That octopus¡¯ head! See you next time!" He watched Gongon disappear. The fight was now singlebat, and Junhyuk felt confident that he wouldn¡¯t lose to Lugos. He stepped forward, and Lugos also came toward him. Junhyuk kept swinging while dodging Lugos¡¯ attacks. By then, Lugos was already debuffed, and the fight was turning one-sided. So, Lugos used his defense buff power, and his body turned ck, but the damage kept mounting. At that point, 50 percent of Lugos¡¯ health was gone. With the buff raised, Lugos decided to retreat toward the watchtower, so Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. Lugos was facing him when the Spatial sh cut the side of his neck, and Lugos¡¯ mouth fell open. He had lost 40 percent of his health in almost no time. Like a tornado, Lugos punched him four times in response. Junhyuk took the hits and did something unexpected in Lugos¡¯ mind, he closed in further, pulling out the Blood Rune Sword and sticking it through Lugos¡¯ neck. "Ugh!" He sunk the sword deeper and said, "This is the end." After Junhyuk twisted the sword, Lugos lost the remainder of his health. [You¡¯ve killed Lugos and earned 3,000G.] He looked at Lugos¡¯ corpse and then at the tower. Junhyuk was out of the archers¡¯ range, and they knew it, so he signaled with his hand, and the lizardmen ran forward. "Attack!" The lizardmen started to attack the tower, and he joined the fight. The watchtower soon fell, so Junhyuk sat on the rubble attempted tomunicate with Gongon. "How are you?" "Holy shit! I am so angry! How is it going over there?" "Haven¡¯t you heard I killed Lugos?" "I just came out of the room. Where are you?" "We destroyed the first tower." "What do we do now?" "Wait." Junhyuk raised themunication with Aktur as well. "Aktur, how is it going over there?" "I am fighting Drakey right." Aktur and Drakey had been fighting each other for a long time, and they knew each other well. No one was going to win easily. "I destroyed the first tower, and we met the new champion." "What¡¯s it like?" "It¡¯s an octopus. It can headbutt and shook ink that blinds you. It can also grab and wrangle the opponent. It deals way more damage than Gyulsean." "Is that it?" "As a tank, it¡¯s also more powerful and has higher defense and health than Lugos." "That strong?!" "It died with Gongon. It¡¯s a strong enemy. Hard to deal with." On a one-on-one battle, Gongon could deal with it alone. The dragon could dodge all of Kraken¡¯splex attacks, but tanks usually worked with others when fighting. The team battle would be way more dangerous now. Junhyuk sighed and said, "The high-ranking sorcerer will spawn soon. I¡¯m moving that way to get to the ind first." "Do it. You¡¯ve already destroyed the first tower." Junhyuk cutmunications with Aktur and raised Gongon again. "Gon, let¡¯s go meet the high-ranking sorcerer." "Shall I leave for him now?" "You can find the ind right? The central road connects to high-ranking sorcerer¡¯s ind." "Don¡¯t bete." He smiled at the dragon¡¯s cockiness, but Gongon couldn¡¯t see him at that point. "Gongon, can you upgrade mymunication crystal when we have time?" Gongon showed a big smile. "Ch-ch-ch, Ha-ha-ha-ha. I¡¯ll do it, sure. Come quick!" Junhyuk ran light-heartedly toward the central road. Chapter 242: Fury 1 Chapter 242: Fury 1 While on his way to the ind, Junhyuk heard a soft voice. [The High-Ranking Sorcerer in the Swamp of Despair has awoken. Lend him the help he needs, and he will give you a reward.] He picked up the pace, crossing the stepping stones to see Hatma all tied up by the roots of a tree. Hatmaughed at him. "You came alone? Where is that hatchling?" "He will be here soon." "I want to see his face with the knowledge that he didn¡¯t know anything." Junhyukughed. "Give me the quest. When Gongon gets here, we¡¯ll leave together." "Ah! The quest." Hatma tapped his forehead with his finger and continue, "I am getting a lot of headachestely. Bring me Bron¡¯s brain." "Bron¡¯s brain? Are you going to eat it?" "Yes, can I use it any other way?" "Who is Bron?" "You will know when you see him. He has arge head." Junhyuk nodded, and Gongon appeared at the opposite side of the ind and shouted, "Come here and carry me!" He shook his head and was about to leave when Hatma said, "The enemy is over there." He looked at the side opposite of Gongon and shouted, "Gongon! I¡¯ll cover you, so run here!" Then, he ran to meet his enemies. Lugos and Kraken were running toward him, and Junhyuk unsheathed the dual swords once he saw Kraken. Gongon would join in soon, evening out the numbers, but Junhyuk was suspicious of what Kraken would do. Blocking the way, he made it so the enemies couldn¡¯t cross easily. However, Kraken extended his tentacles while running toward him. Meanwhile, Gongon was struggling to cross the three-meter wide stepping stones. Kraken had no problem doing it, and Junhyuk frowned, looking at Lugos running after Kraken. "Gongon, hurry!" he shouted loudly and used the Spatial sh. Kraken¡¯s eyes popped out of its socket, and blood gushed out, but Junhyuk frowned. Kraken, who had been takingrge strides, staggered for a moment, but kept running all the while. Junhyuk teleported. He waited for Kraken to approach and swung his swords at Kraken¡¯s head. Kraken blocked with blocked with a tentacle, but the debuff had been applied. The attack was a sess, but Kraken had a hold of him at that point. Kraken raised him up, keeping both of his hands and legs immobile, and twisted him like wetundry. "Argh! Why this octopus head!?!" His body twisted at the waist, and Junhyuk felt massive pain, looking 25 percent of his health at once. The attack hadn¡¯t evennded a critical hit. Still, the pain was real and debilitating, and now he understood why Gongon had cursed at the octopus soon after. He should have teleported, but instead he went through the pain, feeling stupid for it. The octopus mmed him against the ground. Landing unevenly, he felt the damage spread through his body. Because he was all twisted up, he was unable to escape the impact, and, altogether, ended up losing 30 percent of his health. Junhyuk rolled away while Kraken extended its tentacles at him, which he blocked with his swords. At that moment, he heard Gongon¡¯s voice, "Just die!" Gongon came from behind and headbutted Kraken, who was pushed toward the Swamp of Despair. However, its tentacles were too long, and it looked like the octopus coulde out of the swamp easily. Junhyuk still ignored Lugos and ran toward Kraken. It was in the swamp, but instead of trying to get out, the octopus swung its tentacles toward him. Junhyuk bit down of the pommel of his sword, and grabbed Kraken¡¯s tentacle and teleported. Thirteen meters wasn¡¯t a long distance considering Kraken¡¯s tentacles had a range of ten meters, but he still teleported. While in midair, he kicked Kraken. Meanwhile, Kraken tried to grab Junhyuk again, but he jumped to get way. Junhyuk had ced Kraken in the middle of the swamp while hended safely away. He looked back and saw that Kraken had a fair distance to cover to get back tond. With the Frozen Rune Sword¡¯s debuff and the Swamp of Despair¡¯s debuff, Kraken wouldn¡¯t be able to leave within ten seconds. That was the best way to deal with the octopus. After he dumped Kraken away, Gongon frowned and said, "I was going to kill it!" "I know." Junhyuk looked at Lugos and continued, "Let¡¯s focus on the quest. It twisted me too, so I wanted to kill that octopus as well." Gongonughed. "Fine. Let¡¯s take turns killing the octopus, but let¡¯s take care of the quest first." Lugos didn¡¯t know what to do, but he jumped voluntarily into the swamp. The allies couldn¡¯t figure out what Lugos was up to, but he got to Kraken and grabbed his tentacles while erging his arms with muscle enhancement. It was usually used as an attack, but Lugos was using it in the middle of nowhere. Lugos pulled Kraken out andunched him out of the swamp. The allies were speechless. Then, Kraken grabbed Lugos and pulled him out of the swamp. Junhyuk was perplexed. "That was possible?!" The octopus had a ten-meter long reach, otherwise it wouldn¡¯t have been. Gongon smiled. "It¡¯s better this way!" Junhyuk shrugged. "I¡¯ve used all my powers to dump Kraken in the swamp." "Could I tear it apart now?" Heughed at Gongon¡¯s answer, and said, "You may kill it now." "Good! Right. I will kill that octopus ten times over." Gongon bared his teeth and was about step forward when Junhyuk grabbed his head. "Wait!" "Why?" "Wait till my Spatial shes back." The Spatial sh would increase their chances of dealing heavy damage, and he wanted to wait for it. "What about them?" "They¡¯lle this way." The Spatial sh had a long cooldown, and the enemies quickly took off toward the ind, going over the stepping stones. Junhyuk grabbed Gongon and ran backward. "What are you doing?" "Let theme to the ind." "Why?" "It¡¯ll be back soon." As he waited for the Spatial sh, Gongon stared hard at the enemies getting to the ind. "They¡¯re here." The hatchling dashed forward, and Junhyuk ran after him. With both of them approaching, Lugos took the lead. While he had used his muscle enhancement power, he had another tanking power left. However, all of Kraken¡¯s powers had returned. Lugos dashed forward, and his body turned dark. Still, Junhyuk was faster, and he picked up speed. Kraken was using its tentacles like whips to slow Junhyuk down, but Junhyuk just blocked it with the Frozen Rune Sword, stacking debuffs. Both Kraken and Lugos were quickly debuffed and losing movement speed. Each time he hit them, he felt the palm of his hand tearing up, but Junhyuk debuffed them while Gongon joined the fight. Lugos swung his weapons, bug Gongon was too quick for him at that point. The dragon went in between Lugos¡¯s legs and ran toward Kraken. Lugos turned to attack Gongon, but Junhyuk shed at his back. They already had a lot of debuffs in ce, but Junhyuk wanted to stack more. He had learned to concentrate on debuffs nowadays. Junhyuk¡¯s sword stabbed Lugos¡¯ back, and before Lugos had turned aroundpletely, he stabbed again, even faster this time. "Aaargh." Lugos groaned, but Junhyuk twisted the sword, stabbing even deeper and delivering additional damage. The shockwave spawned from within Lugos, damaging him further. By then, he had already lost half of his life, but he was finally able to turn around and face Junhyuk. Lugos started attacking, but Junhyuk knew that his stacks were stronger than Lugos¡¯. Could Gongon deal with Kraken alone? Kraken had received a Spatial sh, so he believed that Gongon would be able to stand against it alone. His job was simple: kill Lugos. The Spatial sh returned, but Lugos stomped the ground after blocking Junhyuk¡¯s next attack. Boom! The shockwave on the groundunched the allies in the air. The counter attack began, and Kraken grabbed hold of Gongon¡¯s legs. Kraken twisted Gongon, but Junhyuk raised the force field around Gongon soon after. Gongonughed hard as hended and breathed fire. Kraken¡¯s tentacles started burning, and Junhyuk felt the urge to eat roasted octopus tentacles. After the attack, Gongon ran toward Junhyuk, cing them both inside the force field, and Junhyuk said, "I¡¯ll kill Lugos." "I don¡¯t care. That octopus twisted me again." "I saw it. You kill it." Gongon smiled. Kraken had 30 percent of its health left. From within the force field, Junhyuk made his strategy. "The Spatial sh can hit them both. I¡¯ll go for Lugos, and you kill Kraken." "OK. Let¡¯s do it." The allies waited until the force field disappeared and ran out. However, that¡¯s when Kraken inked them. Junhyuk was covered in ink and cursed instinctively, "Shit!" Without sight, he had to go on defense. He tried to use his dual swords to block, but a tentacle grabbed his ankle, and suddenly he was in the air. [You have fallen in the Swamp of Despair. Your ability to escape has decreased by 70 percent, and your movement speed has decreased by 95 percent. If you don¡¯t leave the swamp within ten seconds, you will die.] He gritted his teeth. There wasn¡¯t much he had to worry about however as he could teleport again. His sight hade back, but he frowned. Gongon was flying in the air, but there was no way for Junhyuk to help. "You octopus head! Stupid son of bitch!" Gongon cursed while in the air. He couldn¡¯t get to Gongon, and the hatchling would probably die, so Junhyuk teleported to the stepping stones. "What about me?" Gongon shouted. "I can¡¯t help you." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t save him even if he had teleported. He couldn¡¯t get to him. Gongon was too far away. With eyes filled with anger, the hatchling stared at Kraken. "I have five seconds! Kill it before that!" Junhyuk nodded and used his Spatial sh at the octopus, taking another one of its eyes along with the rest of its life. It disappeared. [You¡¯ve killed Kraken and earned 3,000G.] "Ha-ha-ha! You got what you deserved!" Gongon shouted. Soon, Gongon went under in the Swamp of Despair and disappeared. Chapter 243: Fury 2 Chapter 243: Fury 2 Gongon was gone, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t let his guard down. Gongon had fallen into the swamp, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t hear any announcement saying that the hatchling had been killed by someone. He ran over the stepping stones and attacked Lugo, who only had 30 percent of his health left. Lugos ran in his direction to prevent him from getting on the ind. Still, Junhyuk had a lot more health than him. Lugos swung his weapons torwad Junhyuk. Junhyuk saw the axe approaching and attempted to block it with his dual swords, even knowing the impact could knock him into the swamp. Lugos¡¯ eye glinted, and he used all four of his arms to put power behind the attack. However, Junhyuk saw his muscles move first and teleported. He appeared behind Lugos, swinging his dual swords down at him and shing his back twice. Lugos tried to turn around, but Junhyuk kicked him back and stepped back, putting some distance between them. Lugos went wild. He only had 15 percent of his health left, and two regr strikes would finish him off. Lugos knew his powers hadn¡¯t returned, so he turned around and started running away. Junhyuk saw Lugos crossing the stepping stones and chased after him. He wanted to keep his distance and use the Spatial sh when it returning, so he didn¡¯t speed up. Nothing good woulde from fighting on the stepping stones. Once Lugos crossed, Junhyuk picked up his pace. Lugos knew that his health was too low to take on Junhyuk. After searching for the optimal spot for their battle, Lugos ran into the reed field. When Junhyuk saw it, he hesitated. Lugos might ambush him, but he wouldn¡¯t die. However, he did not want to lose his health. Junhyuk pondered his options and ran into the forest. Suddenly, an attack came from his side, and he blocked it with his sword. ng! It was an axe attack, and although he blocked it instinctively, he couldn¡¯t deal with force behind it, and his body gotunched into the air. Then, Lugos swung his axe down. ng! He blocked it with his sword, but while in air, he couldn¡¯t position himself correctly. As hended, Lugos stabbed at him with a short spear. Junhyuk twisted his body around, but the spear still grazed his shoulder. He was bleeding, but he swung his sword at Lugos, who tried to retreat quickly. However, Lugos still got pierced in the ribs, and his health fell to 10 percent. Junhyuk ran after him, and Lugos hid himself in the reed field once again. Junhyuk did not want to lose sight of Lugos, so he went into the reed field himself. Lugos ambushed him again, but this time his arms had erged. Junhyuk blocked the attack. ng! It was a powerful blow, but it did not hit Junhyuk, so there was no damage. As he blocked Lugos¡¯ attacks, Lugos closed in and tried to split Junhyuk¡¯s head in half, as if it were a watermelon, with an axe. Junhyuk, in turn, tried to approach him as well, but when Junhyuk did that, Lugos smiled at him and stomped the ground. Boom! The impact generated shockwaves thatunched Junhyuk into the air. Lugos had been waiting for that and swung all of his weapons at Junhyuk, leaving him with 30 percent of his health. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t allow himself to be hit by any more attacks. Lugos smiled and swung for more strikes. Lugos¡¯ arms were erged, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t allow thebo to go through, so when he hit the ground he focused everything on dealing with it. He blocked the attacks with his swords, but was pushed back from the impact and force of the strikes. Junhyuk only had a bit of health left, and Lugos started to get greedy. Lugos himself only had 10 percent of his health, but held nothing back, and his body darkened. Lugos wasing at him, and Junhyuk took a deep breath. His attacks dealt half damage when Lugos was buffed like that, and Lugos had to attack him at least three times to kill him. Junhyuk trusted himself. He saw Lugos running toward him and ran forward to meet him. The cyclops¡¯ single eye sparkled. "Just die!" Lugos shouted, beginning the flurry of attacks. However, Lugos had a pattern to his axe attacks. He tried to split Junhyuk head, but Junhyuk dodged it just in time. sh! The axe wooshed past him, and Junhyuk tightened his grip on the Frozen Rune Sword. At the right time, Junhyuk counterattacked. Lugos had been expecting it and parried the attack with his axe. Once again, Junhyuk came to the realization that Lugos had four arms, so he closed in on Lugos and kicked his shin. Lugos tried to stab him with the short spear, but Junhyuk stepped on Lugos¡¯ knee and jumped, using the momentum to do a backflip. The short spear swung past him, and he shing Lugos¡¯ arm with his sword during the flip. The strike only dealt half the damage, but it still took 5 percent of Lugos¡¯ health away. However, Junhyuk saw a swording upward toward him, and there was nowhere for him to escape it. sh! He shoulder got sliced, and Junhyuk remained cautious about Lugos, so the cyclops couldn¡¯t follow it with abo. Lugos pushed forward, meaning to finish Junhyuk off, and Junhyuk stepped back. "Where are you going!" Lugos screamed, and he smiled at the cyclops. "Toote," he said, and the Spatial sh shed against Lugos¡¯ neck, which spurted like a fountain. [You¡¯ve killed Lugos and earned 3,000G.] He had managed to kill Lugos with the Spatial sh, but Lugos had also changed. The cyclops had even nned an ambush for Junhyuk in the reed field. "I have to be more careful." He shook his head and began walking in the direction of his quest. Junhyuk¡¯s health was low, but he was recovering slowly. Once he arrived at his destination, he was surprised. "It¡¯s not possible to predict anything here." He was standing on a clearing, and there were riflemen all over. The riflemen aimed at him. Junhyuk had recovered half of his health, and after a quick search for his target, he found what he was looking for. The target had such a big head that he was easily spotted. When he stepped forward, he suddenly saw Gongon¡¯s floating head. "Where are you?" "I¡¯m at the quest." "I¡¯ll bete." "Sure, but the enemies will block the way back. Go join Aktur and kill Drakey, thene to the ind." "With Aktur?" "Yes." "Sure. Did you kill LUgos?" "Yes, I killed him." "OK. See youter." Gongon cut offmunications, and Junhyuk inhaled deeply while looking at the enemy ahead. "It¡¯s time to begin." He ran at them, and the riflemen shot at him, so Junhyuk raised the force field around himself. He decide to get to Bron from the get-go. Protected by the forcefield, he ran fast, and his enemies were at a loss for what to do. Once he stood in front of Bron, the force field ran out of time, but Junhyuk ignored that. He also did not use the Spatial sh because he didn¡¯t know how much health Bron had. He was about to sh Bron when Bron pulled the trigger on his rifle. Bang! The sound of gunshot rang out, and Junhyuk scowled. He had lost 10 percent of his health with that single shot. However, he still managed to swing his sword. He knew what had to be done. Surprised, Bron hadn¡¯t expected the attack, and his rifle was sliced in half. Junhyuk took a step closer to Bron, but he suddenly pulled out a gatling gun. The muzzle started firing like crazy, and Junhyuk just teleported. He appeared behind Bron, swing his sword down at him. Once the sword touched Bron¡¯s simple armor... ng! ... Bron¡¯s head turned 180-degrees, and he fired the gatling gun again. Junhyuk knew that his only option was the Spatial sh at that point. His sword shed, and a gash appeared on Bron¡¯s neck, the only part of his body not protected by armor. "Ugh" Bron was bleeding heavily, and Junhyuk teleported again and checked on Bron¡¯s health. He had lost health of his health. Bron turned around, and Junhyuk swung his sword at Bron¡¯s arm. ng! His armor looked like simple clothes, but it prevented all the damage to Bron. At that point, the riflemen started shooting at Junhyuk. Junhyuk ignored it, still focused on Bron. However, each bullet that struck him dealt 5 percent of damage to his health. "What?!" Those were some strong bullets. The riflemen weren¡¯t minions, and Bron aimed at him again. Junhyuk hit the gatling gun with the Frozen Rune Sword and stabbed forward with the Blood Rune Sword. Bron was getting wide-eyed. Junhyuk had realized that the only spot he could attack Bron was his neck, so he stabbed deeper. "What the hell...?" Junhyuk twisted and pushed his sword in deeper, but Bron had his gun against Junhyuk¡¯s stomach, and Junhyuk had already used all his powers. He wanted to finish Bron and swung his other sword. Bang! After the sound of gunshot, Junhyuk was pushed off and rolled back on the ground. The shot had an unbelievable destructive power, and he lost 15 percent of his health. "Is that his power?" Junhyuk had a power that gave him perfect defense, and other people werepletely focused on attacks, but Bron¡¯s defense was extremely high, and his attack with the gatling gun was very powerful. Bron had 10 percent of his health remaining. Junhyuk got up, but soon had to roll around trying to escape Bron¡¯s shots. Rat-at-at-at-at! The shooting raised a dirt cloud from the ground, and Junhyuk used the opportunity to close in on Bron. "Shoot his legs!" Bron shouted. The riflemen and Bron shot at him, but he kept running. There was the possibility that Junhyuk could die withoutpleting the quest. "Don¡¯t make meugh!" Chapter 244: Fury 3 Chapter 244: Fury 3 A bullet grazed his thigh, and Junhyuk felt himself slowing down, but he gritted his teeth and stepped forward. Bron¡¯s pistol and gatling gun were peppering in his direction. He kicked the ground and jumped. While in the air, Junhyuk could be an easy target, but at that point, he had to escape Bron¡¯s attacks. Still, his shoulder and thigh got hit by the riflemen. Junhyuk sucked up the pain and fell on Bron. Bron raised both of his weapons to block, but Junhyuk used his swords to deflect them and give him an opening. Bron¡¯s weapons bounced back, and Junhyuk kneed his nose, breaking it. With Bron¡¯s head tilted back, Junhyuk pushed a swords into Bron¡¯s neck. "Argh!" Bron writhed and moaned in pain while Junhyuk beheaded him. Junhyuk grabbed Bron¡¯s head and jumped. Thanks to the Blood Rune Sword, he had regained a lot of his health, but the riflemen were still attacking him, and he was losing health quickly, so if he were to be attacked by another champion, he would be in danger. Junhyuk dropped Bron¡¯s head on the ground and went wild. "Why you little shits?! Aren¡¯t you afraid of me!" The riflemen fired at him, and his swords moved about busily. By the end, he was running toplete his quest, entirely covered in blood. Suddenly, he heard a soft announcement. [Aktur killed Drakey.] Junhyukughed. "He really wants to kill Kraken." Considering just attack power, Gongon had a higher chance of winning. Aktur had killed Drakey because Gongon had let him. Gongon was focused only on Kraken. "Am I in any danger?" He had killed the riflemen and regained some of his health, but he would be at half of his health when he got back to that ind. Taking that amount into consideration, it wasn¡¯t a good idea to encounter an enemy. Drakey was dead, but the possibility of meeting Kraken and Lugos was still there, and the way that encounter went would make a huge difference. Kraken could throw him in the swamp, and he wouldn¡¯t be able to get out of it in time. "He is difficult to deal with in the Swamp of Despair," Junhyukined. Then, he raised amunication with the hatchling and added, "Gongon,e to the ind quickly. I only have half of my health. If Ie across an enemy, I may be killed." "Ha-ha-ha! Do you need me?" "Yes, I need you." "I¡¯ming with Aktur. See you soon." "OK." Themunication cut off, and he sped up. Suddenly, however, things jumped out of the forest ahead. It was a wolf pack. He looked at the wolves and whistled. "Thanks!" The wolves attacked him, but he cut them down only with the Blood Rune Sword, leaving the Frozen Rune Sword unused. Monsters could pop out sometimes, but he was grateful for it now. He killed all the wolves and gained another 20 percent of his health back, smiling. "Thanks." He walked through the corpses of the wolves, shook his head and said, "70 percent is plenty." He had enough health now, so he really sped up his pace. --- Junhyuk had guessed correctly. He had to cross the stepping stones, but Kraken and Lugos were waiting for him. Gongon and Aktur were already standing on the ind, on the opposite side. He looked at them and inhaled calmly. "Do they want me to cross?" His enemies were standing at the gate, and crossing that gate wouldn¡¯t be easy to him. So, he cracked his neck right and left and shouted, "Gongon! At my signal." "OK!" Gongon jumped up on Aktur¡¯s shoulders, and the expression on Aktur¡¯s face changed. Junhyukughed at it, but that way, Aktur and Gongon could move together. Junhyuk ran forward, and Kraken ran toward him. Lugos ran in the direction of the stepping stones, meaning to block Aktur and Gongon. Junhyuk looked over at Kraken. After Kraken fell into the swamp, it learned a valuable lesson. If Kraken got a hold of anyone, that person would beunched into the swamp. Should Junhyuk teleport or should he save his teleport? Junhyuk made up his mind. He had Bron¡¯s head tied to his waist, and his job was to give the head to Hatma. "Gongon! I aming!" Junhyuk shouted as he sped up. Kraken whipped its tentacles at him. All four of them wereing in his direction, and he blocked them with his dual swords. Junhyuk got as close to Kraken as possible and teleported. The teleportation put him further away from Kraken, but the octopus chased after him with its tentacles as if it had eyes on the back of its head. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t able to dog one of them, and it wrapped around his waist, so he used the Spatial sh. sh! "AAAAHH!" Kraken lost the tentacle along with 15 percent of its health. It wasn¡¯t a critical hit, but he had still lost a tentacle. While Kraken screamed in pain, Junhyuk teleported again. Heading toward Aktur and Gongon, he shouted, "I mustplete the quest! Block the enemy!" "Of course!" Aktur understood everything and stood in the enemies¡¯ path while Junhyuk went over to Hatma. With Gongon and Aktur blocking the way for Kraken and Lugos, Junhyuk handed Hatma Bron¡¯s head. Hatma moved through the tree roots and extended his hand. "Give it to me." Hatma took the head and split in half. Blood sttered on the ground, but he ignored it, took the brain out and started eating it, munching it loudly. Hatma looked detestable to Junhyuk, but he wanted the buff so he could help Gongon and Aktur. Hatma closed his eyes, savoring the taste, then he opened his eyes andughed. "Bron¡¯s brain is the best medicine for headaches!" "He was hard to deal with." "It¡¯s because he has a big brain." "How about that buff?" "I¡¯ll give it to you now." Hatma extended both of his arms. "I was called by lightning. I am Hatma and I will give your strikes movement faster than wind and lightning." [The High-Ranking Sorcerer¡¯s buff is applied. For one hour, your movement speed and your critical hit rate increase by 10 percent. When you deliver a critical hit, the opponent will receive an additional 30 percent of damage. If you die, the enemy will take the buff.] Once Junhyuk was buffed, he shouted, "Gongon! Bring them here! Fight on the ind!" With the buff, Junhyuk wasn¡¯t scared anymore, but Kraken headbutted Gongon and Aktur at the same time. The two staggered, and Kraken held their legs and threw them both away from Junhyuk. "Shit!" When Aktur got thrown, heunched his own bandages against Kraken. His power was interesting. His bandages wrapped around Kraken, and it got pulled away with Aktur. They both fell into the swamp. Gongon did not. Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate, running toward Lugos. He was buffed and wouldn¡¯t hesitate joining a fight. Gongon also tried something different and headbutted Lugos. Boom! Lugos staggered and got pushed away, and Junhyuk smiled of satisfaction. His critical hit rate had gone in, and the damage had increase. Lugos lost 52 percent of his health with Gongon¡¯s single headbutt. "Huh?! This is the buff!" Junhyuk ran toward Lugos, who turned dark and tried to attack Gongon. However, transformed to fight Lugos. Gongon uppercutted Lugos, and Junhyuk could see he must have trained really hard. However, although the strike wasn¡¯t a critical hit, Lugos still lost 10 percent of his health, leaving him with 28 percent. Junhyuk swung his sword at Lugos, but got parried with the axe. Gongon low-kicked Lugos, who was left with 18 percent of his health. Lugos¡¯ position wavered, and Junhyuk stabbed him in the ribs. The cyclops lost all of his health, and Gongon took a few steps back. The hatchling wasn¡¯t interested in Lugos¡¯ death. Junhyuk pulled out one sword while beheading Lugos with the other, and the cyclops disappeared. [You¡¯ve killed Lugos and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk collected his breath and turned around. Kraken was trying to get out of the swamp, but was unable to. Still, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t teleport to help Aktur, but the mummy looked at him and shouted, "I can¡¯t get out! Take a tower for me!" He and Gongon nodded. They looked at Aktur and Kraken sinking into the swamp. When they were no longer visible, he sighed. "He killed himself." "Right. That octopus-head is able to think of nothing but that." He looked at them disappear and thought of something. Junhyuk had corpses in his Spatial Bag, and he threw them in the swamp. He reminded himself of his decision: to advance, to protect others, he wouldmit murder. Gongon stared at the corpses. "What are those?" "Those are people who went against me on Earth," Junhyuk exined calmly. "Why did you save the bodies? Why didn¡¯t you burn them?" "I don¡¯t have that kind of power." "I¡¯ll make you something you can useter." He touched Gongon¡¯s head and said, "You are my only friend." Gongon looked at him. "So, you are giving me a piggyback ride, right?" Chapter 245: Item Power 1 Chapter 245: Item Power 1 Junhyuk heard Gongon¡¯s voice. "It¡¯s ready now." The hatchling dropped themunication crystal, and Junhyuk snatched it out of the air. "Can we see each other¡¯s face?" "Let¡¯s find out." When Junhyuk used themunication crystal, he could see Gongon, and Gongon could see his face as well. "Ha-ha-ha! When you see my face, you can also see my feet," Gongonughed. "That¡¯s because I am giving you piggyback ride." Junhyuk smiled and expressed his gratitude, "Thanks for upgrading it." Gongon shook his head. "No need. I¡¯m studying how this process works to learn more about magic!s Crystals work through dimensions, and I want to meet whoever made this and pick at his brain." "Right... we are here." Junhyuk had given Gongon a piggyback ride all the way to the dimensional portal. "Let¡¯s go in." Once they went inside, they saw Bebe, and Gongon jumped down. He ran toward Bebe and sat on the counter. Bebe smiled and was about to p him down when Gongon shouted quickly, "I am here to buy more candy!" Bebeughed and extended the te. "How many do you want?" "I want to sell you something first. I worked hard on it this time." Bebe looked at the item, and Junhyuk listened in carefully. "What is that?" "I asked for materials from my father and I made a BIG Spatial Bag! It¡¯s twenty meters! Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Bebe looked surprised and checked it out, astonished. "I haven¡¯t seen this time of bag in a long time." "How much will you give me for it?" "A hundred thousand gold." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened. The price was crazy high, but he was more surprised by what Gongon said next. "Each candy is 20G, so give me 50,000 pieces of candy." Bebe was also shocked, and he looked at Gongon and asked, "50,000 pieces? Really?" "My father told me to bring him back some candy. Only 20,000 of it will be mine." "That¡¯ll stillst you a while." "No, considering the melting speed, you can¡¯t save them for long. Also, because of the materials that went into making that bag, I can¡¯t make another one." "OK. Do you need anything else?" Gongon shook his head and pulled out five swords from his Spatial Bag. "These swords of renown in your world?" Bebe asked. "The lord made these." After inspecting them, Bebe said, "These are high-quality swords. I¡¯ll give you 200,000 for each of them." Junhyuk was shocked again. Bebe was purchasing them for 200,000G, which meant that he would sell them for 400,000G, and Gongon was selling them all. The hatchling earned 1,000,000G. "I want the Kali breastte and the Kali shoulder tes. I need those two." "You¡¯re after the Kali set?" "He is a living dragon legend. He¡¯s the strongest dragon in all dimensions!" "You are very knowledgeable." Bebe gave him the items and said, "It¡¯s 500,000G for each." "I know. Nice doing business with you!" Gongon put the two items on without transforming, and they fit him nicely. The dragon smiled. "I want to fight." "Enjoy them." Junhyuk shook his head and headed over to Bebe. "Do you have anything of the Pure Golden Knight set?" "No, nothing." He thought about his options for a moment and asked, "Is there a Pure Golden Knight Armor?" "There is one. Why?" "Then, I won¡¯t enhance my current one." "If you buy a new armor, you¡¯ll have to sell your current one." Junhyuk nodded. He shouldn¡¯t rush buying new things now. His goal was to save more and buy better itemster. Not wanting to buy anything else, Junhyuk looked at Gongon, and the hatchling smiled at him. "Shall we go?" "Do your new items have a set-item effect?" "The two-item effect is kinda small. My critical hit rate increases by 10 percent." "What?!" Junhyuk felt like that was a good boost, and Bebe exined further, "The dragon Kali is a new legend. Considering his power, the set-item effect is just right." Junhyuk shrugged and looked at Gongon. "You got stronger. Let¡¯s go?" "Sure. Let¡¯s destroy some towers." He and Gongon crossed the dimensional portal and moved out. They were headed to the second tower in the lower path. While they expected their enemies to show, they didn¡¯t meet anyone. They found that curious, but they still destroyed the tower. That¡¯s when Aktur connected with them. "The first tower in the upper path is gone, and all three of them areing this way. What do you want to do?" It would be hard to deal with all three at the same time, and Junhyuk took a moment to think. "We just destroyed the second tower. Can you hold them there?" "I¡¯ll try. Why can I see your face?" "I had it fixed. If you get in any danger, run away. Don¡¯t die." "I know. I¡¯ll hold them here." "OK. We¡¯ll destroy their castle." He looked at Gongon and said, "Get on." "Will do!" Gongon jumped on his shoulder, and, giving Gongon a piggyback ride, Junhyuk ran as fast as he could. If they attacked the enemy castle, their enemies would have to return. "Gongon, let¡¯s focus on the archers on the wall. I¡¯ll use my Spatial sh, and you use your firebreath." "Sure." He threw Gongon up and used the Spatial sh right after Gongon took off. Gongon¡¯s firebreath covered half of the castle, and the shockwave from the Spatial sh swept the rest of the wall clean. Junhyuk swung at the iing lizardmen. There were many of them, but they were no match for him. He was the best at what he did, and what he did, even better than heroes, was massacre minions. After quickly dispatching all the lizardmen, he looked at Gongon and shouted, "Destroy the gate!" They were pounding at the gate when, suddenly, they heard Aktur¡¯s voice. "They¡¯ve all returned." "We¡¯ll retreat. Come to the lower path, and let¡¯s meet on the first tower." "OK." After they cut off, Junhyuk pounded at the gate some more. It would take ten seconds for their enemies to return, and even after that, it would be a total of thirty seconds before they reached the gate. Junhyuk wanted to destroy the gate and retreat. "Do your best." Gongon transformed and pounded at the gate, which shattered quickly, but they saw the enemies heading their way. Junhyuk turned, ready to run. "Gongon, can you go back to your original form?" "Yes." "Do it!" Gongon was small again, and after Junhyuk gave him a signal, the hatchling climb on his back again. Junhyuk ran away with the three enemies chasing after them. There was arge gap from the start, so the enemies couldn¡¯t catch up immediately, but it was a long way to the first tower. It would take him a few hours with Gongon on his back. "Yeah! Run!" "I¡¯ll drop you." Junhyuk gritted his teeth and ran. Meanwhile on his back, Gongon wagged his tail diligently. --- He ran for a while before seeing Aktur heading toward him. Junhyuk was very d to see the mummy. "Aktur!" "You came." "Yes! I exhausted!" He threw Gongon at Aktur, but Gongon pirouetted in the air,nded standing and said, "Riding piggyback is not that easy." "Do you want to die?" "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Give me another ride next time." Gongon wagged his tail, looking in the enemies¡¯ direction. They had also run at full speed and were catching their breaths. Junhyuk inhaled deeply while looking at his enemies. "Aktur, so d that you are still alive!" "Sure." Aktur looked at the enemies and said, "With Drakey¡¯s absolute evade, they are three tanks." "That¡¯s right. Drakey is also a tank." Gongonughed. "Even if they are sturdy, if we pound them hard enough, they will die." Gongon bumped his fists against each other and asked, "Who do you want as the first victim?" "Who do you want to beat the shit out of?" "Kraken." Kraken was better than Lugos as a champion, but it was very different from Drakey, so it was hard topare the two. Junhyuk looked at Aktur and asked, "Can you hold them off for a while?" "Even Drakey? But you know his power!" "I know," Junhyuk said and looked at Gongon. "We¡¯ll kill Drakey first." Gongon shook his head. "As you know, octopus-head also has a long-range attack." "And it can rush." "True. Kraken can damage anything within five meters of him immediately." Junhyuk sighed and asked, "What should we do?" Gongon stepped forward. "I¡¯ll be the tank." Both of them looked at the little dragon. Gongon was about as tall as their waists, but he said he wanted to be the tank, and that made themugh. Kraken had a ten-meter reach with its tentacles, but Gongon looked at Junhyuk and said, "I am different from before." Junhyuk nodded. Gongon had new items, and they were both defensive items. They had to have increased his defense, so Gongon was definitely stronger now. The little dragon stepped forward and said, "I¡¯ll go." He finished the sentence and sprinted forward. Looking at his enemies, Junhyuk used the Spatial sh, hopping to apply the debuff with the first attack. Kraken got hit in the eye, and the shockwave spread out from there. The others were debuffed and slowed down. Suddenly, a whirlwind rose beneath the three allies, and all three wereunched in the air. Kraken flew toward Junhyuk, who raised the force field around Aktur, negating Kraken¡¯s rush. As Junhyuknded, he ran forward and shouted, "Gongon! Let¡¯s kill Kraken." "I was waiting for you to say that!" Gongon transformed ready to showcase his increased damage. The hatchling flew as a beam of light toward Kraken, mming it with his head. The impact echoed all around. Boom! Ordinarily, his rush dealt Kraken 17 percent damage to its max health. However, the new items increased the chance of critical hits, and Kraken lost 44 percent of its health. Gongon was still transformed. He grabbed Kraken¡¯s tentacles and pounded the octopus with his fists. Kraken couldn¡¯t escape. Doosh! Doosh! Kraken attacked Gongon with some free tentacles, but the damage was insignificant. "Item power!" Junhyuk shouted out and ran into the scuffle. Chapter 246: Item Power 2 Chapter 246: Item Power 2 Gongon was beating the crap out of Kraken, but the octopus used four tentacles to pick the dragon up and twist him by the limbs. Junhyuk wanted to block the attack for Gongon, but he couldn¡¯t do it. However, Gongon had a lot of health. He would feel dirty and nasty after receiving the attack, but it was better for Junhyuk to save his powers. Gongon got twisted up and shouted, "Argh! You octopus head!" Junhyuk closed in on Kraken, and Aktur summoned the skeleton soldiers to fight Drakey. Gongon got mmed against the ground and got up pounding the ground with his fists. Junhyuk let him attack Kraken again because Gongon¡¯s killing intent had risen after the attack. Lugos was heading toward Junhyuk, and, once close, Junhyuk parried Lugos¡¯ attack. Gongon took Junhyuk¡¯s ce and inhaled deeply. With his chest inted, he dodged all of Kraken¡¯s attacks, but Kraken opened its tentacles and spit out the nk ink, which sprayed all over Junhyuk as well. "Shit!" Junhyuk was trying to clean his eyes when Lugos attacked him. The cyclops¡¯ armas were erged, enabling him to deal high damage. Junhyuk had to teleport away. Boom! The ground shook, and Junhyuk felt the shockwave underneath his feet. Then, he heard the sound of Gongon spewing me. He took a few steps back, rubbing his eyes, but it didn¡¯t help. Still, that was the only thing he could do at that point. Suddenly, he heard Gongon¡¯s scream. "Aagh!" Junhyuk opened his eyes wide and saw Gongon had been thrown against a me wall. Firewalls surrounded the path, and Gongon bounces off of one. Junhyuk scowled and ran forward. Gongon dropped to the ground, no longer transformed, and Junhyuk looked around the battlefield. Aktur and Drakey were taking time to fight each other. There was no reason for him to focus on them, so Junhyuk ran toward Kraken. Kraken saw him running toward it, but continued to attack Gongon. The hatchling got his vision back, and rolled around to escape Kraken¡¯s attacks. Lugos ran to attack Gongon as well, both of them focused on him. Gongon has 50 percent of his health, and Kraken has 36 percent left. It was a matter of killing the enemy first. Once he got close, Lugos stomped the ground. Boom! The shockwave sent both Gongon and Junhyuk into the air, leaving Gongon with 42 percent of his health and not much more than Kraken. Junhyuk grumbled that his Spatial sh wasn¡¯t off cooldown yet and parried Kraken¡¯s tentacles. ng, ng, ng! Because he was still in the air, he couldn¡¯t deal with the force of Kraken¡¯s attacks. The same was true for Gongon. Both gotunched toward the wall, and when Junhyuk hit it and received the damage from it, he realized that Kraken had gotten used to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. When Junhyuknded, Lugos headed toward him. Even without transforming, Gongon could deal a lot of damage, and he also had a 10 percent buff to his critical hit rate. If they were lucky, Gongon would kill Kraken. Gongon had to stop their joint attacks. Meanwhile, Drakey was still fighting Aktur. Junhyuk blocked Lugos and shouted, "Gongon, take care of business!" "I know!" Junhyuk attacked Lugos, so that Gongon could pass them by. Lugos was pushed back, and Gongon attacked Kraken. If Kraken couldn¡¯t grab the hatchling, Gongon would have the advantage. The little dragon dodged Kraken¡¯s grab attacks, but got hit by a whip of a tentacle. However, he still got close to Kraken and, using his short leg, kneed Kraken¡¯s head. It connected, and the blow was a critical hit. Junhyuk trusted Gongon, and Lugos and him were exchanging blows. They were fighting fiercely when, suddenly, a soft voice made a weing announcement. [Gongon killed Kraken.] "Gongon! This way!" "Got it!" Lugos saw Gongoning, and his body darked as he ran to the side. He was repositioning himself to fight near Aktur and Drakey, but Junhyuk blocked Lugos¡¯ path. He swung the Frozen Rune Sword and shed the cyclops¡¯ thigh. It was easy for Junhyuk to strike at Lugos while he attempted to run away. Lugos slowed down. Meanwhile, Gongon, who had been running toward him, flew like a rocket toward Lugos. Boom! Lugos leaned back to dodge, and Junhyuk stabbed him with his sword. The sword went through Lugos¡¯ chest, but because of the defense buff, it didn¡¯t have a big impact, and Lugos kicked him off. Boom! Junhyuk got pushed back, and Gongon kicked the cyclops¡¯ hamstring. His leg bent in a funny way, and Gongon bit his neck. "Aahh!" Lugos tried to hammer Gongon away, but the hatchling leg go of his neck on time and mmed him with his tail. Gongon was going wild on Lugos¡¯ back, but there was nothing the cyclops could do while the little dragon climbed around his back to attack him. Even without transforming, he still dealt a lot of damage, and Lugos was left with 35 percent of his health. Due to the debuffs, Lugos couldn¡¯t move well or quickly, so Gongon just kept on attacking him. Junhyuk dashed forward and said, "Give him to me!" So, Gongon kicked Lugos¡¯ back hard and ran toward Drakey. He only had 20 percent of his health left. While he knew he didn¡¯t have a lot, Gongon still wanted to help out. Gongon was being Gongon, Junhyuk thought as he swung his sword against Lugos. Lugos tried to block, but was suddenly hit on the back of his neck. "Ugh!" Lugos disappeared, and Junhyuk turned around. [You¡¯ve killed Lugos and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk joined the final fight, and Drakey had no choice but to ran away. Drakey was strong, and he had the perfect evasion boosts, but he couldn¡¯t fight alone. Junhyukughed at him. "Does he think he can run away with his speed?" He saw Drakey had 60 percent of his health left, and Junhyuk wanted to make him slower. So, he ran toward Drakey, and Drakey scowled. He didn¡¯t want to deal with Junhyuk while running away. Drakey turned around, and Junhyuk disyed the difference in their speeds. Drakey swung his trident, but Junhyuk blocked it with one of his swords. However, Drakey was a very aplished spearman, and he suddenly released the soundwaves. Boom! Junhyuk got thrown toward Aktur and Gongon, but Aktur had already released his bandages. To deal with that, Drakey used his perfect evasion and started to run away again. After the soundwave attack, Drakey was able to put some distance between him and the allies. Junhyuk stared at Drakey... "He is stupid!" ... and teleported. Drakey stared at him. "Shit! You are so annoying!" Junhyukughed and blocked the trident attack with his sword. At that moment, Aktur and Gongon finally joined the fight. Drakey couldn¡¯t fight the three of them by himself. He knew he would die, but he also wanted to kill someone before that happened. Drakey wanted to kill Gongon, so he timed his attack just right for him to attack at the same time Gongon attacked. Drakey¡¯s attack hit Gongon¡¯s armor, but it still dealt a lot of damage even if Drakey hadn¡¯t used a power. Gongon looked at the trident and at Drakey and said, "You are so weak!" Drakey was furious. His face was a grimace, and the others started attacking him. Junhyuk shed Drakey¡¯s back, and Aktur used his w-like nails against Drakey¡¯s ribs. Drakey stared at them both, baring his teeth, but his powers hadn¡¯t returned yet, so Junhyuk smiled coldly at him. "You can¡¯t kill Gon." Gongon kicked Drakey in the stomach and said, "You don¡¯t have enough strength." Drakey hunched over, and Gongon whispered in his ear, "You aren¡¯t qualified to be a champion." Then, Gongon headbutted him, and Drakey lost nearly all of his health. "One more blow should kill him." Gongon stepped back, and Aktur wed at Drakey. His nails pierced Drakey¡¯s chest. [Aktur killed Drakey.] Junhyuk looked at Drakey and then at Gongon and Aktur. "This is the beginning of the end." Gongon and Aktur smiled, and Gongon pulled out a piece of candy from his Spatial Bag and tossed it in his mouth. "I don¡¯t have enough health." "We already destroyed the gate. We have time." Aktur looked at Gongon and asked, "You don¡¯t have any potions?" "Potions?" Gongon sighed. "I could use heal, but I can¡¯t use heal in this ce." Aktur pulled three potions out from his bag. "My gifts to you. Let¡¯s all drink." Junhyuk drank the free potion and felt his health regenerating. "By the time we get there, we¡¯ll be at full health." Before, drinking a potion recovered his health right away, but now he had more health, so it took time. Junhyuk looked at Aktur. "Let¡¯s go." "Wait!" Gongon had stopped the group with his tail wagging. "Piggyback!" Junhyukughed, and Gongon got on his back and said, "Then, let¡¯s go!" --- The gate was destroyed, and the enemies only had one hope, the giant golem. While there was only one golem, it could still pose serious problems. Junhyuk looked at the golem and murmured, "We should have brought lizardmen." They had moved quickly and left all the lizardmen behind. The enemy lizardmen posed no real problem for the allies, but the allied lizardmen could distract the golem. Junhyuk tapped Gongon¡¯s foot and said, "Get off. It¡¯s time to fight." "Right, I have the chance to kill that octopus one more time," Gongon said afternding. Aktur looked vicious as he asked, "What are we going to do?" Junhyuk smiled and answered, "Let¡¯s beat the shit out of each one of them." Chapter 247: Crapshoot 1 Chapter 247: Crapshoot 1 Junhyuk looked at enemies facing him and stepped forward. "We could use our long-range attacks, and our speeds are faster than the golem¡¯s." "What are we going to do?" "Attack the enemies first and retreat when the golemes for us." "OK." Gongoncked experience in the Dimensional Battlefield. Junhyuk¡¯s strategy was borne out of experience, and he moved up. "Get them all frustrated." "But I will kill Kraken." "Sure." Junhyuk ran and used his Spatial sh. Kraken was the most dangerous enemy, and Drakey had perfect evasion, so using the Spatial sh on Drakey would be useless. Lugos could be killed at any time. Therefore, Junhyuk took out one of Kraken¡¯s eyes. "Argh!" The Spatial sh generated a shockwave around that spot, and because the giant golem was within range, he smiled and stepped back. "Let¡¯s get back to the gate." Gongon wagged his tail. "Are they going toe after us?" "If they are stupid, they will. If not, they¡¯ll keep some distance between us." "That would be bad." "No," Junhyuk said as he smiled. "The first time is fine, but after two Spatial shes we can just overrun them." The Spatial sh was the most potent weapon among the champions, especially when the strike was a critical hit, and it dealt even more heavy damage. Junhyuk and Gongon ran away, and as the enemies approached, Gongonughed. "They are chasing us so hard that they are about to shit their pants." Junhyuk stopped running, and Gongon looked at him. "If we run that fast, they can¡¯t get closer." "Right." After scoping out the enemies, Junhyuk said, "Run at my signal." Gongon waited, wagging his tail. "I¡¯m itching to headbutt them." "Run, run!" They started running, but their enemies stopped in their tracks so that the giant golem could catch up, and Junhyuk looked at them. "That is your n, right?" The giant golem turned around, and the enemies followed it back. Junhyuk smiled. "Let¡¯s get closer." They approached the enemy, and Junhyuk was looking for a chance to deliver another Spatial sh. However, the enemies had seen through his n. The golem wouldn¡¯t turn around again unless it was hit, and Junhyuk knew that as he looked at the enemies around the castle wall. Kraken made to go back into the castle, and Junhyuk smiled. "Will it help us if they go in one by one?" Kraken entered the castle to regain health, and Junhyuk shouted, "Let¡¯s move!" He sprinted off and used the Spatial sh. They were less than thirty meters away, and this time he aimed for Lugos, who had already been hurt by the shockwave and only had 80 percent of his health. Lugos took the hit, and his health decreased by another 40 percent. Junhyuk seized the chanced and grabbed Aktur and Gongon and teleported. They covered thirteen meters with the move, and when they got closer, Junhyuk shouted, "Go! Gon!" Gongon flew and headbutted Lugos, leaving him with 20 percent of his health. However, Drakey quickly cast a whirlwind, but it only managed to get Gongon. Lugos tried to retreat to the castle quickly, but Aktur moved faster, and wrapped the cyclops¡¯ neck with his bandages, pulling Lugos toward himself. Junhyuk stabbed Lugos while he was being pulled, and because there was no way for the cyclops to prepare for the hit, Junhyuk stabbed his neck. It was a critical hit, and Lugos died. [You¡¯ve killed Lugos and earned 3,000G.] Drakey retreated after watching Lugos die. He wanted to fight with the golem¡¯s help, but they could kill him easily if he was alone. With Lugos dead, there was nothing he could do. "Kill the giant golem now!" Junhyuk shouted. Gongon had been waiting for that and flew toward the giant golem. He kicked at it at the same time the golem kicked his leg. Boom! Gongon didn¡¯t have enough force behind his kick, and the golem¡¯s foot was only slightly destroyed, but Gongon bounced away, rolling on the ground for a while. Junhyuk swung his swords at the golem¡¯s legs, and the shockwave took care of the nearby lizardmen. Without the enemies there, they would have an easier time getting rid of the golem, so it was best that they did it as quickly as possible. Aktur, aware of the situation, summoned the skeleton soldiers, and they attacked the golem. Kraken came back, and whenever Junhyuk saw it, he raised the force field around them. ng! The allies continued to attack the golem inside the force field. It was their job to take it down. Meanwhile Kraken whipped desperately against it. His tentacle whips carried quite the impact, but it wasn¡¯t enough to move the force field. Junhyuk shed the golem¡¯s legs again. "Kill it before the force field disappears!" Gongon smiled. "Don¡¯t worry so much!" GOngon was going berserk inside the force field, and the golem was quickly losing its health. Within ten seconds, the golem copsed. Kraken and Drakey remained. Victory belonged to the allies. Kraken and Drakey couldn¡¯t fight against the three of them, so they went back to the castle, and Junhyuk scoffed at them and started pounding against the castle¡¯s force field. "It will be over soon!" Gongon started to kick the castle¡¯s force field. "They are scared." Probably after hearing Gongon¡¯s remark, Kraken walked out with Drakey. Drakey stepped forward, and the allies attacked him, but he used perfect evasion. "Shit!" With his power activated, nothing would hit Drakey for three seconds. No attacks would work against him in that time. Drakey swung his trident, and Gongon blocked his attacks. "This is barely a scratch!" Kraken closed in and lifted Gongon up. At that time, Junhyuk used his jump. In the air, he touched Gongon and teleported away, appearing even higher up. "Thanks!" Gongon shouted. "Go kill Kraken! Go, Gon!" He threw Gongon down like a rock, and the hatchling transformed in the air beforending. Than, he headbutted Kraken¡¯s head. Boom! Kraken lost 44 percent of its strength. Junhyuk came plummeting down, holding his sword toward Kraken, who had 56 percent of its health left. As hends, his sword pierced the octopus. "Arrrrhhh!" Kraken was in danger, and it tried to go back inside the castle¡¯s force field. But, from underneath it, ck hand rose from the ground to grab it. The Frozen Rune Sword had debuffed Kraken, and now, Aktur¡¯s Damnation slowed him even further. Still, the castle¡¯s force field was really close. Kraken continued to try to move toward it, but Gongon swiped Kraken¡¯s leg and shouted, "Where are you going?!" Kraken was extremely debuff, and Gongon pulled it toward him. Junhyuk swung his sword at Kraken, debuffing it even further, and the octopus was left with 30 percent of its health. "A bit more!" "I¡¯m not just ying in here!" Drakey generated a sound wave that swept through everyone. They all got thrown to the ground, and Kraken quickly got up. However, it was still very slow, and Kraken had some distance to cover to the force field. Gongon could kill it quickly. With his transformation, it would be no problem for Gongon to deal the remaining 30 percent in damage. Junhyuk pushed him and shouted, "Go kill him!" Gongon ran toward Kraken, and Junhyuk realized that his Spatial sh had returned. He could kill the octopus with one hit as long as it was a critical hit, but Gongon wanted to do it. Gongon chased after Kraken and inhaled deeply. The firebreath covered Kraken¡¯s entire body while the octopus was still trying to run away. It was a critical hit, and Kraken lost nearly all of its health. Any attack would kill it now. Drakey ran toward Gongon, trying to cover for his teammate. He wanted to block the path, but Junhyuk came between them and, while blocking Drakey trident, he shouted, "Jump over!" Gongon stepped on Junhyuk¡¯s shoulder and jumped over him and Drakey,nding on the back of Kraken¡¯s head as it attempted to return to the castle¡¯s force field. Boom! Kraken disappeared, and when Junhyuk looked at the octopus, Drakey stabbed him in the thigh with his trident. [Gongon killed Kraken.] "Good job!" Junhyuk shouted. It was now Drakey¡¯s turn to try to return to the force field, but Gongon stood in his way. Gongon was back to his original size and shouted, "Peek-a-boo! I will kill you too." Drakey swung his trident at Gongon, and when the hatchling jumped to escape it, Drakey punched Gongon in his stomach. Gongon was in the air when he got hit, so he gotunched away, but Junhyuk took his ce to block Drakey¡¯s path. Aiming his dual swords at Drakey, he said, "So sorry, but you can¡¯t escape." "Don¡¯t make meugh!" Drakey scoffed at him, and Junhyuk swung his swords. However, instead of blocking with the trident, Drakey closed in on him. Junhyuk shed at Drakey, but only one attack actually hit. Although wounded, Drakey was still running toward the force field. He had counted on his perfect evasion to get through, but he had been hurt. Had he used his trident, he would¡¯ve wasted valuable time. Perfect evasion could save him from time to time, and only one hit had gotten through. However, that¡¯s when the bandages wrapped around Drakey¡¯s neck, and Aktur pulled him toward the allies. Junhyuk sighed and said, "We got him." Chapter 248: Crapshoot 2 Chapter 248: Crapshoot 2 Aktur pulled Drakey toward him. "Where do you think you are going? You are mine!" "You have a good team. That¡¯s it. Don¡¯t be so proud of yourself." Aktur got angry. "Don¡¯t interfere!" Junhyuk and Gongon blocked Drakey¡¯s escape routes and watched the two dueling. They were about evenly matched, but because Drakey had the perfect evasion, Aktur couldn¡¯t win easily. While the two fought, Junhyuk asked Gongon, "What are you going to do?" "What do you mean?" "You¡¯re just gonna watch?" Gongon shook his head and asked, "May I interfere?" "No," Junhyuk answered and added, "We have to destroy the castle¡¯s force field before they revive." Gongon wagged his tail. "If he tries to escape, I¡¯ll block him. You go and pound on the force field." "OK." Junhyuk started beating against the force field. With him working alone, it would take a rather long time to get the job done. He continued to pound the force field while watching the duel from time to time. Drakey had put his pride on the line in fighting Aktur. Aktur had used all of his powers and was struggling. Drakey, with his perfect evasion, had the upper hand. Both required some time before their powers would return, and Junhyuk kept on beating the force field. The castle¡¯s force field was going down. However, he thought he would still need more time. Suddenly, however, Gongon shouted, "Junhyuk!" Drakey had pushed Aktur away and was running toward Gongon. The hatchling tried to kick Drakey, but Drakey didn¡¯t stop or try to avoid it. Gongon¡¯s attack failed, and Drakey passed him by, running toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk shook his head and said, "I can¡¯t let you through." Junhyuk attacked, and Drakey parried with the trident. After that, Drakey let the next attack through, trying to push past, and Junhyuk thought he might lose him. "Aktur!" "Kill him!" Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. Drakey had just used the perfect evasion, and couldn¡¯t use it again so quickly. Junhyuk¡¯s attack hit him. sh! Drakey lost one head and was left with 10 percent of his health. He had already lost some health fighting Aktur, but he was still running away. At that moment, Junhyuk grabbed Drakey¡¯s remaining head and said, "Where do you think you are going?!" Junhyuk teleported with Drakey to appear behind Aktur. Drakey was still alive, and Junhyuk delivered him to Aktur, who swung his w-like nails at the enemy. In a final attempt to dodge, Drakey turned to face Aktur, but by then he had already been hit. Drakey died. [Aktur killed Drakey.] Junhyuk looked back and said, "Time to finish this." The group pounded against the force field. Lugos showed up it, and his eyes smoldered, but he didn¡¯te out. Junhyuk looked at Lugos while pounding the force field and said, "You guys are finished." Gongon popped a piece of candy in his mouth and shouted, "These enemies are too easy. We¡¯ll keep winning." Lugos gritted his teeth and tightened the grip around his weapons, but he still didn¡¯te out, so Junhyuk said calmly, "OK. Before I came here, they¡¯d won ten straight victories." Gongon stared at him nkly. "But you are a special human being." "Thanks for saying that." Aktur said after listening, "The team won¡¯t change." His eyes sparkled. "Time for payback." Junhyukughed. "Sure, it¡¯s payback time." The castle force field was finally destroyed, and Gongon looked at Junhyuk andughed. "Then, see youter." "Don¡¯t fight with the heroes in your team. Do well." "Don¡¯t worry." Gongon smiled and disappeared, and Junhyuk looked at Aktur and closed his eyes. --- The room was white, and there was a square box in front of him. His heart raced as he looked at it. [Your reward for winning at the Swamp of Despair is in front of you. Please, inspect the contents.] He touched the box, and it opened suddenly. A bag appeared inside it. [The bag sack contains enhancement stones. The number you receive is random.] Junhyuk touched the sack. He wanted to find out how many stones were inside, but he hesitated. If he touched the sack, it would open, so before that, he rubbed his hands together and murmured, "More than two." Once he made up his mind, he touched the bag. A light shone from it, and he saw an enhancement stone, only one, and he gritted his teeth. "Shit!" He was in the middle ofining that there was only one, when another one popped up. "Holy cow! There are two!" With two stones, he had earned 100,000G. He was very happy at that point, but yet another stone popped up, and he stared in disbelief. By the end of it, a total of six stones appeared, and he was about to cry. "So cool!" [These all belong to you. You may use the stones at the Dimensional Merchant.] He had seen how they worked, but he wasn¡¯t entirely sure of what they did. Junhyuk ced the six stones in his Spatial Bag. [The next Champions¡¯ Battlefield will take ce in two weeks. We will see you then.] The world lit up white, and he close his eyes quickly, opening them again slowlyter. With hands balled into fists, he cheered, "Sess!" He had wanted two, but he got six, so he smiled and pulled out themunication crystal. "How many did you get?" the question came in Aktur¡¯s voice. Junhyuk was surprised that Aktur had contacted him first. "How many did you get?" Aktur asked again. "Six." "Shit!" "How many did you get?" "Two." Two wasn¡¯t bad, but Junhyuk had gotten a lot more. Aktur was probably bitter about it. "Next time, you¡¯ll get more," Junhyuk said. "Right. See you next time." Aktur disconnected, and Gongon called him right after. The hatchling was still sucking on candy, and Junhyukughed when he saw him. "What¡¯s up?" "How many did you get?" "Six." Gongonughed very hard at that, and Junhyuk frowned. Gongon bit the piece of candy and said, "I got ten." He scowled. Gongon had already earned a lot of money, and now he had all those enhancement stones. Junhyuk felt sick. Meanwhile, Gongon waved his short arm and said, "Then, see youter." Junhyuk waved back. "Right, till next time." He had gotten more than he had hoped for, but he was still bitter about Gongon getting more. Still, he felt better when he remembered Aktur had told him he got two. Junhyuk got up and moved about lightly. He hade out with a lot of spoils from the battle. "I have to collect the Pure Golden Knight set items." He wanted to save money so he could get the items, but he didn¡¯t know when Bebe would have them. He also wanted to upgrade his equipment. Junhyuk thought of something and raised Arn on themunicator. "Arn." "Yes? Why can I see your face?!" "A dragon I met boosted my crystal. I think we¡¯ll advance next time." Arnughed. "Dragons waste time with nothing. Right, we are advancing." "It took more time to advancest time. What about this time?" Arn said, "It won¡¯t take any more time this time." "That¡¯s good." "It¡¯s not that good." "Why?" "We will face enemies the likes of which we have never faced with this advancement." Junhyuk smiled awkwardly. "When we moved, thest ones were really strong..." "Right. They were at a high level, but this time, we¡¯ll meet enemies of the highest level." "The highest level?" "Correct. And they must protect their ranks. With ten straight victories, one bes a legend." "You need to advance to the highest tier and then win ten straight victories?" "Correct, and they¡¯ve already won eight." Junhyuk got the cold sweats. The new enemies would be stronger than ever. Arn continued, "You have to get stronger." "I¡¯ll do my best." "Don¡¯t just do your best." Arn was silent for a minute before he spoke again, "You are weapons that are different from mine." "Yes." He had gotten stronger with Arn¡¯s instructions. Without his teachings, Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t be as strong. "I¡¯ve had many students, but you are my best one." Junhyuk smiled awkwardly. He wanted to see Arn¡¯s face. Arn said in a hushed voice, "Do you want to get stronger?" "I want to get stronger," Junhyuk answered without hesitation. Arn could see him, so he put on the most decisive expression he had. A momentter, Junhyuk heard Arn¡¯s voice again. "Hmm... you have made up your mind." Then, he added curtly, "That¡¯s good." Junhyuk was curious about his remark, but Arn asked, "Are you alone?" "Yes." "How big is your ce?" "My ce?" "You can¡¯t have anything within twenty meters of you." Junhyuk teleported to basement. Standing at the center of it, he said to the crystal, "I¡¯m ready." "OK. I¡¯ll send it over." He didn¡¯t have to chance to ask what before a dimensional tear appeared. The tear generated a big shock wave that swept everything. Boom! Chapter 249: Gift 1 Chapter 249: Gift 1 Elise was checking on her tree when she heard a loud rm from her tablet. "What is the matter?" [A dimensional tear has appeared.] "Appeared? You weren¡¯t expecting it?" [I couldn¡¯t predict it at all.] Elise frowned while quickly operating her tablet and said, "How many monsters showed up?" [There are no monsters.] "So, there¡¯s been a dimensional tear without monsters?" [Just the dimensional tear.] Elise ran toward the research room. "Show me satellite imagery. I want to see what the tear looks like." The image came on screen and zoomed in. "What is that? Is it a sinkhole?" Elise asked. [It made a crater with a twenty-meter radius.] "Where exactly is it?" [Going by the address, it¡¯s Junhyuk¡¯s house.] "What?! What happened to him?" [He is not appearing on the satellite.] Elise used her phone to call him, but couldn¡¯t get through, so she frowned harder. "Perhaps something¡¯s happened to him? Connect me to the nearby CCTV cameras and look for him." [I can¡¯t find him on any nearby CCTV.] Elise couldn¡¯t help but scowl and say, "Continue calling him. When you get through, let me know." --- He thought a twenty-meter radius would be enough, but after the tear appeared, it generated a huge explosion. The explosion didn¡¯t hurt him, but it burned his clothes and destroyed the entire house. He noticed that something appeared on his palm. There was a type of red energy moving across his hand. Once he looked at it, he realized that he was naked and teleported. He got to where his drawer was and looked for some clothes. After cing the red energy inside his pocket, he looked at his house, or what was left of it. The damage looked more like sinkhole than a crater. He shook his head and left, avoiding the CCTV cameras. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want anyone to find out he had been inside the house when the explosion happened. If he was lucky, he could still collect the insurance money. It wasn¡¯t a lot of money for him, but he still wanted it. After that, he raised Arn on the crystalmunicator. "Arn, what is this?" "Did you eat it?" "What? I haven¡¯t eaten it yet." "Then, eat it." He couldn¡¯t guess at why Arn wanted him to eat something that was moving. "Do I chew on it?" "Just put it in your mouth." He felt strange about eating it, but raised the red energy up to his mouth. As it touched his lips, it went into his mouth automatically. He couldn¡¯t even chew it. It was alive, and it went into his stomach. After that, the energy travelled everywhere in his body. It felt like ants were crawling around his veins. It felt really itch, and he hunched over. After finding a small sidepath, Junhyuk walked over to it. Then, he teleported to the roof of a nearby building andy down. The itching was just beginning, and he bit his lips. However, he couldn¡¯t endure what was happening to him for long because it was taking ce inside his body. Suddenly, he heard Arn¡¯s voice. "Focus your mind." He did it instead of questioning Arn. Junhyuk was still biting his lips when he heard Arn again. "You are experiencing pain now because you aren¡¯t strong yet. Endure it and feel the strength move inside you." He focused. It felt really itchy, but it was a process to raise the strength within his body, and as he focused, the itchiness lessened. He even forgot about who he was in the process. Junhyuk imagined arge field within his body, and the field gotrger as his soul got bigger. It was not easy for his notion of self to keep up. He had experienced death, and following the energy inside his body was almost like dying. The energy finally stopped. It had seeped out of his body, but now it wasing back into it, and he felt his body had changed. Arn had taught him how use his muscles. This time, he learned how to use the energy within his muscles by following the pathways. Like Arn, his muscle strength was beyond just the muscles. He felt the energy returning to his body and radiating all over, from head to toe. Junhyuk could feel each part of his muscles. He followed the red energy as it gathered in his gut. Once he felt it there, he took a deep breath. "Whew!" An energy pathway had been created, but the pathway was weak and narrow, and he didn¡¯t know how to strengthen it. He felt the energy in his gut. It was still moving slowly, but it remained there. Junhyuk breathed in deeply. "Whew! It stinks." Suddenly, Junhyuk heard a voiceing up behind him and got up and grabbed the person neck, mming the person on the ground. That¡¯s when he saw who it was. "Elise?" "Arrgh! Let go of me." He let her go, and she caressed her reddened neck and mumbled, "I thought I was going to die." Junhyuk looked around. No one else was there. "What happened?" "I was going to ask you that!" Elise looked at him and added, "What is that smell?" He could smell a foul scenting from his body and distanced himself from her. "How did you know I was here?" She crossed her arms and stared at him. "I was looking for you all over!" "Me?" "Your house was destroyed by a tear, and your cell phone is off. I was worried about you!" Junhyuk frowned. "Something happened... How did you find me?" He had avoided CCTV cameras, so it wasn¡¯t easy for her to find him, but she smiled. "Zaira is connected to 120 satellite. Seven of them were going over South Korea, so I looked all over Ilsan and found you lying down here." Junhyuk was astonished by what she had just said. "You did all that?" "But it took me a long time." He looked up. It was night, and she had just told him that it had taken her long time. Elise stared at him and said, "Today is Sunday." "It¡¯s already been two days?!" She nodded, and he was left surprised. Then, she continued, "Your house has been sealed off by the authority of Guardians." He scratched his head. "I can¡¯t collect the insurance money, then." "Why? Do you need money?" "I don¡¯t want people getting suspicious." "Don¡¯t worry about it. People won¡¯t know." He sighed, relieved. "That¡¯s nice." Elise¡¯s eyes sparkled. "What are you holding in your hand?" He did not answer her. Instead, he puts it away in his Spatial Bag. Junhyuk should probably get in touch with Arn, but it wasn¡¯t the time for it. "I should be going." Elise stared at him. "Where are you going?" "I should find a hotel and shower." "Let¡¯s go to my house." "What?!" Elise continued, "My car is parked below. Shower at my ce." He thought it over. His body was rancid at the moment, and it would be a good idea to take her offer at that point. He could get in touch with Arn whenever he was alone, so he nodded. She pointed the way, and he followed her inside the car. "I am sorry," he apologized. "I can clean my car anytime." Elise drove while he looked out the window. "Eunseo must know about this too." "Sure." He looked over to her and asked, "Can I borrow your cell phone?" His cell phone was outside the Spatial Bag, so it was destroyed with the building. The burner phone and Max¡¯s cell phone were also gone. Once he got Elise¡¯s phone, he called Eunseo, but he wouldn¡¯t be able to get in touch with Sarang through it. "Did you find him?" Eunseo asked, and heughed. He felt better knowing that she was worried about him. "It¡¯s me." "Junhyuk?" "Yes." "Are you OK?" He answered calmly, "Nothing major¡¯s happened." "Your house is destroyed, but you are OK?" "You know me." "Whew! That¡¯s a relief. You met Elise?" "Yes, she found me." Eunseo continued, "Why did you not call me?" "Sorry. I didn¡¯t have time." He told her the truth, and she pressed on, "Can we meet now?" "I¡¯ll call you tomorrow. I can¡¯t right now." "Are you really fine?" He didn¡¯t tell her about his smell. "I¡¯ll call you tomorrow." "Sure. Call me tomorrow." He hung up and handed the phone back to Elise, who focused on driving. They got to her new house, and she parked the car. "Come in." "I will intrude on your kindness." Elise showed him the bathroom. "Shower." "Sure." He went inside and washed himself. The water was falling on his head, and he knew he couldn¡¯t contact Arn while within Elise¡¯s house. She was more capable than he had expected, and her power came from her gadgets. While he showered, he raised his head and centered his mind as the water hit him, focusing on his gut, where the energy was stored. Chapter 250: Gift 2 Chapter 250: Gift 2 He washed himself clean and walked out to find some workout clothes left out for him by Elise. When he went to the living room, he found Elise drinking a beer. Junhyuk smiled at her and took a seat on a sofa. Elise offered him a beer and smiled back. "Can you tell me what happened?" He didn¡¯t want to talk about it. "There was a sudden explosion, and I found a safe spot." Sheughed. "Sure. No monsters showed up even though there was a dimensional tear, but... it¡¯s already happened. I won¡¯t ask you about it anymore." However, she stared at him and continued, "What was it that you were holding in your hand?" Junhyuk shrugged. "What are you talking about?" "That round crystal. It¡¯s certainly not an Earthly material." Junhyuk smiled bitterly and asked, "You already checked?" She nodded, so he answered, "I can¡¯t sell it, and you can¡¯t research it. It¡¯s quite expensive." "Is that so?" Elise gave up and changed subject, "You don¡¯t have a ce to stay. Do you have any ns?" "I¡¯ll find a hotel." She smiled said, "How about staying at my house?" "Here?" She nodded, but he shook his head. "I can¡¯t intrude upon you." Elise shrugged at his remark. "When I go to work, this house stays empty. And I have a lot of extraordinary things in here." He thought about the tree from the Dimensional Battlefield being nted there and smiled. "I can¡¯t stay here." He had a lot of work to do. He had to train and he had just resigned his job. "Hm... Really? Too bad." Junhyuk emptied the beer can and said, "I will return your clothes after I wash them." "No, just keep them." He did not ask her why she had man¡¯s clothes at her ce. They weren¡¯t close enough to the point that he could ask her personal questions. Junhyuk got up, and she asked, "Are you leaving already?" "I had to shower, but it¡¯ll be better if I get a hotel." Elise shrugged. "Fine." He bowed slightly and left. On his way out, he sees a small arboretum and stared at it. Suddenly, the energy in his gut moved slightly. Without realizing it himself, he walked closer to the arboreum. The tree that generated mana was there. The energy in his body reacted to it, and as the reaction got stronger, he started getting thirsty. The ss case could stop the mana. It was seeping out of the tree. Once the energy felt the mana, it started moving. As Junhyuk stood by the arboretum, the mana flowed toward him, and the energy ate all of the mana around him. He absorbed the mana, but the quantity wascking. He required a lot more of it, but he didn¡¯t actually want to go inside the arboretum. He was thinking about what to do when he heard Elise¡¯s voice. "Are you curious?" He turned to look, and Elise answered for him, "I¡¯ll show it to you." She opened the door to the arboretum, and when Junhyuk walked inside, he saw numerous trees. The mana tree was hidden among them. Once inside, the energy within him started moving around yfully. Every time he inhaled, he inhaled small bits of mana, and the energy yed within him. At first, the energy just wanted to make pathways. Now, it travelled all over his body, and his own energy pathways were getting wider. Elise signaled for him to get closer to the tree, and he walked while focusing on the energy within. Then, she showed him a bit of machinery. "This machine detects mana, and this one tells how much mana the tree is making." "Is it effective?" "The quality of mana stones is getting higher," Elise exined. "It is gathering mana." He nodded and looked at tree. The branches moved away from him. Elise looked at the machine and shook her head. "The concentration of mana is plummeting. This has never happened!" Elise walked toward the tree, and the branches moved to hug her. Meanwhile, he took a step back. At that point, the mana was rushing toward him, and the energy within Junhyuk was moving with regrity. He focused on it, but suddenly, Elise interrupted him, "Junhyuk, I am so sorry, but can you move out? The concentration of mana is decreasing." "Sure." He walked out, but the energy was still moving within him. Its speed had slowed, but the energy pathways had be wider and stronger. "Do I need more mana?" he murmured. If he needed mana, that would be a serious issue. Without going to the Dimensional Battlefield, he couldn¡¯t really get any. Junhyuk turned to Elise. If he couldn¡¯t get another tree, he wouldn¡¯t get any mana. Junhyuk waited for her, but she didn¡¯te out, so he wrote a message on the ground. [I¡¯ll pay you back for your generosityter.] He left. --- Once he entered the hotel room, and no one was around, he summoned the Kasha. It was night, but his burner phone was gone. Using the Kasha was the only way tomunicating with her. "Sarang." "Big brother!" The Kasha fluttered its wings and shouted, but it could only transmit her voice. "I watched it on the news. Your house has been destroyed! I was so worried!" "Sorry, but I am doing fine." "Your burner phone didn¡¯t work! What is so fine about that!" He scratched his head. "I had no choice. Arn gave me a gift." "A gift?" "Right. It was transported through the dimensions, and shockwave destroyed the house." "Shockwave? Are you OK?" "I¡¯m fine. I¡¯m doing better than before." The Kasha fluttered its wings, but it didn¡¯t speak, and while staring at it, he smiled. "My phones have been destroyed, but I am contacting you know. Did you summon the Kasha before?" he asked. "I had no choice. That was the only option I had." He smiled. "I¡¯ll open a new line tomorrow and call you. I¡¯ll put it under Max." "You aren¡¯t going to work tomorrow?" "No." "Buy me a meal." He took a moment to think and answered, "Fine. We¡¯ll go out to the ce where you practice. I need a ce to train." "Sure! See you tomorrow, and call me right away!" "Will do." He sent the Kasha away and pulled out the crystalmunication orb. Junhyuk wanted an exnation from Arn. He connected to Arn. "Did you just wake up?" Arn asked. "No. I¡¯ve been up for a few hours, but I stank, so I took a shower." "Just as I expected." "What?" "I knew you could endure it." Junhyuk smiled awkwardly and asked, "What would happen if I couldn¡¯t?" Arn was silent for a moment before saying, "I gave you what is called a living spirit. It¡¯s a type of living energy. Only a few can survive the transition." Junhyuk didn¡¯t speak, focusing on what Arn was saying. "Every living spirit is unique to the host, and it¡¯s impossible to tell how it¡¯ll react. The ones with living spirits melt their essences in their bodies and go beyond their own limit to make their own living spirits. Before they do that, they can¡¯t transmit spirits to others." As he listened, he thought Arn was speaking nonsense, but he didn¡¯tin. "Seventy percent of people die during the acquisition, and another twenty percent dieter by the spirit. That means that only ten out of a hundred survive, and only the chosen one are selected to start the process." Junhyuk started sweating cold. Arn had told him to eat it without even exining what would happen. "Ha-ha-ha, you trusted me right?" Junhyuk asked. "Yes, I trusted you." "Thanks for trusting me." Arn could see his face, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t feel good about that. He wanted to curse him out. "You¡¯ve epted the living spirit, which means that your body has developed energy pathways. If you can get more mana, the energy will travel through the twelve chakras in your body and strengthen you." He had already felt the energy pathways being built in his body. "We don¡¯t have mana where I live. Diane gave me the seed of a tree, and that¡¯s the only way I can get mana here." "No mana?" "No." Arn was silent for a moment before clicking his tongue. "You can¡¯t do anything about it?" "I came close to some mana this time, and my twelve chakras were strengthened." Arn was relieved. "That¡¯s good." "Why is it good?" "After the pathways have developed, the spirit will continued travelling it. Even without mana, the spirit will travel through it repeatedly, strengthening the pathways further. That is the basic of the basic." He nodded. "What did you mean by getting eaten by living spirit?" Arn answered nonchntly, "It¡¯s called a living spirit because it¡¯s alive. With mana, it¡¯ll grow, but if the spirit bes toorge for the soul, it will eat the soul." Junhyuk started sweating cold again. "What do I have to do?" "Let the spirit grow, and you will eat it when it¡¯s grown." "But my soul could be eaten in the process, correct?" "Correct." Junhyuk inhaled deeply and slowly opened his eyes. "No matter what happens, I will eat the living spirit." "Right. When you can do that, you¡¯ll be stronger than ever before." After finishing his exnations, Arn disconnected, and Junhyuk looked at the crystalmunication orb and murmured, "Thanks for the gift." Chapter 251: Gift 3 Chapter 251: Gift 3 After he finished talking to Arn, hey on the bed and focused on his gut, where the energy was stored. The living spirit had devoured the mana and grown stronger, and it moved around using the widened energy pathways. The spirit wasn¡¯t moving as quickly as when it was eating the mana, but it was still moving. Junhyuk could feel the shape of the pathways and the movement of the living spirit. He was lying downfortable, following its movement, and forgot about the time. Once the living spirit went back to his gut, he opened his eyes. He was surprised by what he saw. "What?! It¡¯s morning already?" He had followed the spirit around his body twelve times, and it was already daytime. Looking at the time, he shook his head. "I have a lot to do today." The first thing he had to do was buy a new cell phone. He needed one under Max¡¯s name. So, he checked out of the hotel and took a cab to the mall. There, Junhyuk body a new set of clothes. Then, he went to the restroom, put his old clothes in the Spatial Bag and changed into the new ones. He walked out of the restroom wearing a ck suit and headed to the cell phone store. There, he bought a smartphone. After that, he went back to the restroom and put on his mask. Junhyuk headed to Guro. When he arrived at GST, he only saw the security team, so he smiled bitterly. "I need to be more mindful." He needed secretaries and people to take care of the building. Junhyuk greeted the security team and went up the elevator. As soon as the doors to the ninth floor opened, he saw Sungtae standing there. "I was worried." "About what?" "You haven¡¯t been in in a few days, and I couldn¡¯t reach you." Junhyukughed. "I am here to work diligently." He had resigned from Guardians, so he nned to be a lot more focused on GST. He and Sungtae went to Ganesha¡¯s room, and Junhyuk saw things he hadn¡¯t seen before. "When did you get these?" "Aren¡¯t they cool? We needed more state-of-the-art equipment." Junhyukughed, and Sungtae handed him a card. "The cards are here." He checked out the card with Max¡¯s name on it and looked at Sungtae. "Did you get your own card?" "Yes." Junhyuk put his card away and asked, "Have you gotten a call from Brian yet?" "Yes. He got in touch, and I gave him the cash." He looked at Catherine¡¯s paperwork and ID and chuckled. Sarang would have a new identity now. After looking around the room, he asked, "Did anything happen?" Sungtae frowned and said, "Ganesha, show us the footage." One of the new purchases was a big-screen TV. On it, a scene from CCTV footage yed out. When Junhyuk saw it, he frowned. "What?! Why are they moving as a group?" The video showed the Han River Park. Twenty people were moving as one group, and their movements looked strange. "We searched for them. They moved like that and scattered. We are looking for them one by one, but what do you think we should do?" Junhyuk grabbed his chin while thinking. "Where did you first find them?" "Yeouido and the Han River Park." "Yeouido?" He frowned. A monster had appeared in Yeouido, a poring. He wasn¡¯t sure if porings could affect humans, however. "Continue looking for them them. Make sure no one else finds out about the surveince." "Sure." Junhyuk looked at the other people working. "We will go out to eat when everyone is here. Is that OK?" "Certainly!" Junhyuk nodded and added, "We need people to take care of the building." "I¡¯m looking for cleaningpany, what should I do?" "If you find a small-sizedpany, buy them and have them merge with us." "Even if it¡¯s small, it¡¯ll cost us millions?" "It¡¯s fine. Our work is top secret, and nobody should get in without proper ess. So, we do our own cleaning." "I understand." Sungtae did not want anyone finding out Ganesha either. Junhyuk pulled out Max¡¯s new cell phone and said, "Install Ganesha¡¯s app." "Did you lose your cell phone?" "Yes." Sungtae installed the app. "Only I have ess to the GPS, so while your cell phone is on, I can track you through it." Junhyuk took a moment to think and put the phone away in the Spatial Bag. Sungtae frowned and looked at the screen. "Ganesha, can you find my GPS location?" [I can¡¯t.] Junhyukughed and pulled out his phone. "I know what¡¯s wrong, Ganesha," he said and added, "Don¡¯t let anyone track me without my permission, including Sungtae." Sungtae shrugged. "I just wanted to look for you. If anyone tries to locate you, we will scramble the signal, and you will get a message on what is going on." "That¡¯s nice," Junhyuk said, nodding. "I have to go out." "Where are you going?" "I have work to do." Junhyuk left. Once he got to the subway station, he went to the restroom, took off his mask and called Eunseo. "Hello?" "It¡¯s Junhyuk." "Is this a new number?" "Yes. I have to tell you something right now." Eunseo asked in a serious tone, "What is the matter?" "I have to check all the CCTV footage from the area around Yeouido starting withst Thursday." "What are you looking for?" "I¡¯m searching for twenty people moving as a group." "Is it serious?" "Yes. And ask Elise if porings can affect people for me." He didn¡¯t hear her say anything else. "I¡¯ll over soon." "You¡¯ve resigned. Will that be OK?" Junhyuk took a moment to think and said, "Write up a contract for free. I¡¯m not sure about what¡¯s happening myself, but when I find that out, I¡¯ll quit." "You¡¯ll handle it yourself?" "Yes." Junhyuk heard herughing brightly on the other side. "Come quick. I¡¯ll get the contract ready." "Then, see youter." He hung up and focused on the subway. Before, when he had time, he tuned his muscles. Now, he focused on the living spirit. Previously, he had lost track of time whenever he focused on it, so he wanted to know how to do it while keeping track. This time, he focused on the time while he felt the living spirit moving inside of him. Once the spirit returned to his gut, he sighed and said, "I can¡¯t keep track of time and feel the energy along with it?" He leaned against the door and looked out. Suddenly, he got a call from Elise and heard her voice when he picked up. "Where did you find out about this?" Junhyuk answered calmly, "That¡¯s not important right now. Is it possible for porings to affect people?" "We haven¡¯t experimented it on people yet, but live monkeys can be affected." "People might be as well." "It¡¯s possible." "Did you find them?" "Five of them were spotted in Yeouido, doing their thing and causing problems." "We can¡¯t solve this by ourselves. Can you track all of them?" "I¡¯ve started tracking their locations, but if this keeps up, more people will be affected." "I¡¯ll be there soon. Let¡¯s talk more then." "OK." He sighed and looked out the window. If porings infected people, there was no way to know what would happen. Could he actually be of help? "We have to contain them right when they appear," he murmured and balled his hands into fists. Once he got to the Guardians HQ in Ilsan, he went to see Eunseo. She was looking at a big monitor inside her office. When Dohee announced his arrival, she got up from her seat. Her door opened, and Junhyuk walked in. Eunseo offered him a seat, which he took, and she handed him a piece of paper¡ªit was his contract. "I need you to sign it. You need to keep this a secret. You¡¯ll give us advice concerning the poring situation, and we¡¯ll hire you until the matter is resolved. We¡¯ll pay you $1 million at signing. When the matter is resolved, you¡¯ll get another million." "That¡¯s not much." Dohee frowned after hearing him say that, and Eunseo continued, "There¡¯s nothing we can do. We also don¡¯t know if this matter will be a big issue." He wasn¡¯t interested in the money. If he couldn¡¯t prevent whatever it was from beginning, he would need Guardians¡¯ and the government¡¯s cooperation, so he signed it quickly. "Where should I go?" "There¡¯s amand post being set up on the third floor. Let¡¯s go." Junhyuk followed Eunseo, and the two of them and Dohee got on the elevator. Dohee stood ahead, and Eunseo grabbed his hand into hers. He turned toward her. She blushed and turned her head away, so he inteced his fingers with hers. She tried to pull her hand away, but he didn¡¯t let her. Only once they got to the third floor that he let go of her hand. There were manyputers on the third floor, and Soyeon and Tsubasa were also there. There was a group of monitors in the center of the room as well. Elise was on her tablet, and she waved at him and Eunseo when they entered. "We found some of them, but what should we do now?" "We have to work with the military and the police on this. Send them the documents requesting their cooperation." Eunseo looked at Soyeon and Tsubasa, and they started working on theirputers. Both of them looked at him, curious as to why he was there after resigning, but he paid them no attention. Junhyuk walked over to Elise and looked over her tablet¡¯s screen. "Did you find anything on poring infections?" Elise showed him what she had been looking at. "Look at this." Chapter 252: Poring Situation 1 Chapter 252: Poring Situation 1 Elise showed him footage of a man touching a woman¡¯s shoulder. It looked like a simple touch, but the woman walked away with the man right after it. Junhyuk frowned while watching. "One simple can infect other people." "The infection spreads even when someone¡¯s clothes are covering them." He thought it over for a moment and asked, "Maybe the rate of infection isn¡¯t as fast as I thought it would be?" Eunseo asked, "There are already thousands of people infected. How is it slow?" He answered calmly, "The infection spreads only through touch, but there is no way to escape it." After listening to him, Elise added, "That assessment is correct. It¡¯s a simple mode of infection, but the numbers are still low. The first five were only able to infect twenty people each. It¡¯s a slow process." "That also means the infection rate is twenty per day." Elise agreed. "Five will infect a hundred. A hundred will infect two thousand. Two thousand will infect forty thousand," she said and continued, "But the number of infected did not increase on the first and second day. On Saturday, a hundred were infected, and two thousand on Sunday. Today, forty thousand will be infected." "There¡¯ll be forty thousand infected just in Seoul?" "If we are a dayte, Seoul will have eighty thousand people infected," Junhyuk said. Eunseo looked at other employees and asked, "Did you not get any replies?" "Not yet." "Call chief of police," she told Elise without any hesitation. "Right." Zaira connected to the police chief, and Eunseo spoke quickly, "Chief, people infected by a monster are appearing in downtown Seoul. If we don¡¯t do anything, the number of infected will grow to forty thousand." "What are you talking about all of a sudden?" "It started in Yeouido, and the infection is spreading. We have to establish a joint military/policemand center to deal with the situation. If we don¡¯t do it today, there¡¯ll be forty thousand infected by the end of the day, and tomorrow, we¡¯ll see eighty thousand people infected. "Where should I go?" "We have a temporarymand center here at thepany. Come here, and have your officers get ready. Make sure they can respond to anything right away." "I¡¯ll get there as soon as possible once I get the basics set up. Do you have anding pad?" "On the roof." "I¡¯ll be there." Eunseo hung up and looked at Elise. "Call the Army Chief." She told the Chief the same story and hung up. "We have to find out where those two thousand people are, and when they started infecting other people." "We found the whereabouts of 1,552," Elise said. Eunseo didn¡¯t hesitate. "Did you find the origin of it all?" "We¡¯ve spotted the first five, but we only found the location of one of them." "Get me that person¡¯s identity," Eunseo said. Elise stared at her, and Eunseo said, "Deploy the iron soldier." "That¡¯s good. We¡¯ll certainly catch the person." Elise operated something and the whole building shook. The iron soldier was deployed. While it flew, it transmitted footage of its path. "What¡¯s the incubation period for the infection before people can start infecting others?" Junhyuk murmured. "It takes about twenty hours, but I¡¯m not so sure." He asked Zaira, "From when is thest footage you have of infection?" [Sixteen hours ago.] Junhyuk sighed and said, "We have to do ID checks on all of the infected people and we have four hours to do it." Eunseo nodded and looked at Elise. "Carry out the ns. Run a check on all of the people infected. How long would it take?" "Wait a second." Elise operated her tablet and said, "It takes time to run ID checks with facial recognition only." The screen was running through the faces one by one. "They are spreading through downtown Seoul. Are they moving anywhere else?" "Yeouido was at the center of it all, but it hasn¡¯t spread outside of Seoul yet." Eunseo looked at the group after talking to the Army chief and said, "We have to move quickly before a curfew is announced. A joint police/army task force will deal with the situation." They might impose a curfew. If eighty thousand people were infected, they would have to block off the entire city of Seoul. "The infected have to wait until they can infect others. If it wasn¡¯t for that, Seoul would¡¯ve been overrun already." Everyone frowned at his statement. If eighty thousand people were infected, a million six hundred thousand would be the next step. Eunseo made another call and said, "The Chief of Police will be here soon. Let¡¯s go meet him." Dohee, Eunseo and Junhyuk went to the roof, and he took the chance to make Eunseo a question, "What will the police do?" "Right now, their SWAT teams have taken five helicopters around the city in search of people whose identities have been confirmed." They soon saw a helicopter arriving. The rotor was loud, and it was blowing a lot of wind, but men walked out of the helicopter. The Chief of Police Taewoo Jeon, his assisted, and a man with a rough exterior stepped onto the roof. Eunseo offered her hand, and Taewoo shook it. "I¡¯ve dispatched SWAT, but I want to hear more from you." "Let¡¯s go down. I¡¯ll exin everything." On the elevator, Taewoo asked, "Who ising from the army?" "The Army Chief will be here." "He is?!" "Yes." Taewooughed intensely. "Of course... The situation might spread beyond Seoul." They arrived at themand center, and Taewoo took a seat with the others. Elise turned on a big screen and showed them the CCTV footage. Eunseo introduced her. "She is our chief researcher, Doctor Elise. She will exin the monster infection to you." Elise bowed. "Nice to meet you all. I¡¯m Dr. Elise." She continued, "This video shows a person, who is infected, infecting another. It¡¯s the only video we have of it." Taewoo frowned. "The contact happened over the clothes. Is infection still possible that way?" "Yes. All you have to do is touch someone. Under or over clothing doesn¡¯t matter. It takes about two for the infection to spread, but only one second of constant touch is required." She continued, "The people infected act as one group, and that seems to be because the source is controlling the others." "Then we have quarantine people who are infected. Do they disy any other symptoms?" Elise pointed to the screen showing the footage of the poring in Yeouido. "This is the cause of the infection. During the fight in Yeouido, some people got infected. At least, that¡¯s what we think," she exined. She looked at Eunseo and asked, "Can I show the footage from the iron soldier?" "Do it." The images on the screen changed. "One of the first five infected people has been identified. The iron soldier is out to arrest that person." The monitor showed an apartmentplex getting closer. The iron soldier broke one of the windows of the apartment and went inside. There, it saw a man. The man¡¯s eyes werepletely green, and it attacked the iron soldier without hesitation. The iron soldier grabbed the man¡¯s wrist, but the man, who didn¡¯t seem to feel any pain, grabbed the iron soldier¡¯s head. The iron soldier mmed him against the ground, but the man moved quickly and in an inhuman way. The iron soldier mmed him against the wall, destroying it. The man punched at kicked at the soldier, but the iron soldier broke all of his limbs and stuffed the mans mouth with a cloth. [I caught him alive. Returning now.] The iron soldier was on its way back, and Elise exined, "We have to research the man further, but I can guess at what is happening. The man doesn¡¯t feel pain, and his movements are superhuman." While frowning, Taewoo asked, "Is it possible to bring them back alive?" "That won¡¯t be easy. We¡¯ll use tranquilizer guns, but if that doesn¡¯t work, we should be prepared to kill." "We have to kill them?" Elise nodded heavily. "We have to do further research, but they will infect others within four hours. If that happens, forty thousand people will be like that." "You are saying we have to capture or kill them within four hours?" She nodded, and Taewoo couldn¡¯t hide his displeasure. If he had to give the order to kill them, his public life would be over. The man with the rough exterior said, "I am sorry, but the lives of our policemen are important." The man got on the phone with someone and said coldly, "I am giving you new orders. You may shoot to kill those resisting arrest. Keep yourselves safe." Taewoo didn¡¯t speak. The man had spoken instead, and Junhyuk agreed with him. He looked at the man and said, "The order to kill is justified, but you should use silencers so ordinary citizens won¡¯t know what is taking ce." The man looked at him. "What is your name?" "My name is Junhyuk Lee." "I¡¯m Moonki Song." Moonki made another call, and Eunseo got a call of her own. "The army chief is here." Taewoo got up and said, "Let¡¯s all go." Eunseo looked at Junhyuk. "You go. I¡¯ll stay here," he said. He looked at Moonki, and Moonki nodded. Taewoo and Eunseo went out, and Elise added, "The iron soldier is here. I have to go now." Elise gave Junhyuk the tablet and exined, "You have unlimited power to deal with the situation. Use Zaira to help you." "If you find anything else, let me know." Chapter 253: Poring Situation 2 Chapter 253: Poring Situation 2 As soon as he got the tablet, he said, "Zaira, delete all videos and posts to socialworks concerning the situation." [All information concerning this situation will be deleted.] "The SWAT team has been deployed somewhere. Show me all CCTV footage from the surrounding area," he continued. Soon, each camera feed appeared on screen one after another, and Moonki, who was watching said, "You have a lot of experience." "I used to work for Guardians¡¯ Administrative Department." "Are you saying you have experience going up against monsters?" Junhyuk nodded, and Moonki looked at the monitor. "Is it even possible to delete all information?" "This is only taking ce in South Korea in real time, so it¡¯s possible." "That¡¯s very effective." They talked, and the CCTV footage showed the SWAT team going into a house by breaking down the door, and the team members getting thrown away like ragdolls. SWAT started shooting, and the infected person appeared all bloodied. "There¡¯ll be a lot of casualties," he said. Moonki nodded heavily. "They only killed one, but there were too many losses." Meanwhile, the door opened, and people came in. They had stars on their shoulders, and Eunseo walked in with them. They all sat down. Junhyuk¡¯s job was to mediate. He would take Elise¡¯s ce and make suggestions on how to proceed. He also wanted to know of any special symptoms the people infected by the poring could disy. While he had seen one of them fighting against the iron soldier, he still wasn¡¯t sure about what they could do. The Army Chief of Staff, Daeil Kim, took a seat and looked at Junhyuk. "Are you going to exin the situation to us?" "I¡¯m Junhyuk Lee. I¡¯ll give you a short summary of what is going on." By using the tablet, he showed them the footage of how people were infected and of the iron soldier restraining an infected. After the video and the quick exnation, Daeil couldn¡¯t hid his scowl. "How many officers are on the ground right now?" Taewoo spoke calmly, "Things looked dire, so we activated the SWAT teams. They are using five helicopters to carry out the mission. Meanwhile, the local police will arrest those infected whose locations we¡¯ve pinned down." Moonki whispered in Taewoo¡¯s ear, and Taewoo looked back at him. "Show us the SWAT team in action." Junhyuk pulled up the CCTV footage of the shooting scene. To kill a single person infected by a poring, some SWAT members were sacrificed. Seeing that, Daeil got up from his seat. "I have to talk to the president. Excuse me." Then, he looked at the man sitting next to him and added, "Call Lieutenant General Han to prepare for a quarantine line. Tell Lieutenant General Kim to prepare as well." "Yes." Daeil went out, and the man he spoke to made the calls quickly. The defensemand of the country¡¯s capital was now directly involved, and Junhyuk felt that that was a significant improvement from only having the police involved. Junhyuk looked back at the list of identified infected. A high school teacher was infected, and that teacher worked at Sarang¡¯s high school. He looked at Eunseo and said, "I have to go out and make a call." She took the tablet from him, and he walked out and called Sarang. The phone rang once, and he soon heard Sarang¡¯s voice from the other end. "Hello?" "Sarang, it¡¯s me." "Big brother! Whose number is this?" "I got a new phone." "Ah! Why did you call me?" "Do you have a teacher named Woontak Dong?" "Do you mean the history teacher?" "Right." "What about him?" Junhyuk remained silent for a moment before saying, "He¡¯s been infected by a poring, and three hours from now, he¡¯ll be able to infect others." "What should I do?" "A SWAT team and the city¡¯s military forces have been deployed. Go home early." "What about my friends?" He started worrying. Did she mean to fight for her friends? "If you want to fight, take him somewhere nobody can see you. However, I¡¯m not sure what kind of powers infected people have. It might be better to fight where there are people around." Sarang answered a momentter, "Even if I have to summon my armor, I shall take full responsibility for him." Junhyuk was a bit worried, but he knew Sarang had the power to fight the infected without much danger to herself. She could kill a person with her lightning bolt. "We know a few things. The infected have eyespletely green, and the one who fought against the iron soldier had superhuman speed. So, don¡¯t let your guard down." "I understand." He hung up and went back inside. Daeil also came back and took a seat. "This is unofficial, but a kill order has been given. The city¡¯s military and SWAT teams will carry out the order. The police will establish blockades and quarantine lines." When Taewoo heard him, he felt relieved from the heavy responsibility. "I¡¯ll get it done." Junhyuk was still worried about Sarang, and Eunseo walked over and asked, "What is the matter?" "It¡¯s nothing." He decided to trust Sarang. He had fought alongside her many times, and she had stayed safe. She would be alright. --- Sarang hung up the phone. She was still in recess, but turned to the person next to her and asked, "Did the history teachere in today?" "Who? Mr. Dong?" "Yes." The girl shook her head and tapped the back of of the person sitting next to her. "Do you know if Mr. Dong is here?" The girl fixed her sses and said, "I saw him in main office... He might have gotten eye surgery. He was wearing a sunsses." Sarang frowned. He ha to be hiding his eyes, which meant he was sentient. She got up, and her friend said, "Recess is almost over." "I have stomach ache, so I¡¯m gonna see the nurse." Once out of the room, she ran to the main office. After passing a few students in the hallway, she went inside. All of the teachers stared at her, so she bowed heavily and asked, "I have a question for Mr. Dong." "Right. If you have a question, ask anytime." Her grades had gone way up, and her ranking was among the best in country, so the teachers were all supporting her studies enthusiastically. At that moment, the bell rang, and the teachers left. Sarang walked to Mr. Dong¡¯s desk. He has a book opened in front of him, but he wasn¡¯t reading it. "Mr. Dong." The teacher didn¡¯t turn around, and she was sure of it then. She looked around. The only people in the main office were Mr. Dong, her and the P.E. teacher. Sarang summoned her orb, held it on her hand and threw a pen toward Mr. Dong. He caught it instinctively, bearing his teeth at her. She stared at him. "You don¡¯t remember your name, but you can still think. You came to school after all." Mr. Dong snarled, and she said, "Follow me." Sarang walked backward slowly, and Mr. Dong got up. He was getting close to her, but Sarang didn¡¯t let her guard down, staring at him while going downstair. Mr. Dong tried to attack her a few times, but Sarang gave off significant pressure. She took him outside. There was a restroom behind the school building, and that was her destination. Once inside, Mr. Dong attacked her suddenly. He got down on all four, moving much like a spider or a dog. He was really fast. However, Sarang wasn¡¯t surprised. She had experienced something simr in the past. To her, after having fought monsters many times over, he wasn¡¯t fast enough. She cast an Electric st on him. Those only paralyzed heroes, but it was entirely different matter for humans. Craaack! Mr. Dong got hit and stopped suddenly, but he wasn¡¯t paralyzed. He was dead andpletely charred. She sighed of relief. "Whew!" She hadn¡¯t been close to Mr. Dong, but she had killed a person, so shock washed over her. Suddenly, a green blob seeped out of Mr. Dong¡¯s ear. After seeing that, Sarang stared at it and made a call with the cell phone in her hand. The blob tried to enter the sewer, but she kicked it. It hit a wall and sshed down to the ground. She had called Junhyuk, and when she heard him answer, she said, "Big brother, I have something to ask you." "Did you kill him already?" "He was already at school. I couldn¡¯t wait. However, there is a problem." "Problem? What is it?" "I killed him, but green blob came out of his ear, and it¡¯s alive. It¡¯s trying to get away." Junhyuk sighed. "I¡¯ll send a SWAT team and a gathering team. Just tell them you found him dead already." "Do I have to stay here and watch it?" "We don¡¯t have any answers, so I can¡¯t tell you anything." Sarang looked around the restroom, found a bucked and ced it over the green blob. She put her foot on top of it when she saw the blob trying to get out. "Send them quickly." "Of course! Right away!" She wished no one would see what she had done. If other students saw her now, it could be a headache because people had seen her got into the main office. Sarang continued to kick the green liquid as it attempted to leave the bucket. --- Junhyuk looked at Eunseo. "A high school teacher is dead. He had been previously identified, and green liquid came out of his ear. The liquid is attempting to get into the sewer, so we have to send a team out quickly. We can¡¯t afford to lose a piece of poring." Eunseo whispered to him, "Is it Sarang¡¯s school?" "Yes." She nodded. "I¡¯m deploying three iron soldiers. Send one over to the school. The other two will go to check out those close to him." "You want to get them alive?" "If possible. Elise needs more infected subjects." "Sure." By using Zaira, he deployed the iron soldier. It would help Sarang, so that she didn¡¯t have to fight any longer. Chapter 254: Poring Situation 3 Chapter 254: Poring Situation 3 Sarang was sitting on a bucket when she heard a loud noise rang through the entire school. She turned to look in the direction of the noise, and the poring piece tried to get out of the bucket. She kicked it back inside the bucket and sat down on it again. The iron soldiernded in front of her, and Sarang stepped aside. [Poring piece located. Collecting it now], the iron soldier said in a mechanical voice. It lifted the bucket and picked up the poring with its hand, cing it inside a small box. Then, it turned to Sarang. [I¡¯ll collect the corpse as well.] She nodded and stepped back. After picking up Mr. Dongs body, it said, [Maybe there¡¯s a chance you¡¯ve been infected?] "No." [Return to ss. The government will handle the rest.] "OK." The iron soldier flew away. "Big brother is powerful. I¡¯m jealous." Sarang couldn¡¯t teleport. In a situation like that, everyone was looking at the restroom, so there was no way for her to avoid attention. She grabbed her stomach and went inside the building. An iron soldier had appeared and taken Mr. Dong with it, so the teachers ran toward her. Once they found her, they asked, "What happened?" She had already told the teachers that she had had questions for Mr. Dong, so she had toe up with an excuse. "I was asking him question, and he went crazy. I ran here, but he slipped and stopped moving." "Howe that iron soldier came here?" "I am not sure. There was a green oozeing out of Mr. Dong¡¯s ear. I kept it contained with a bucket, and the iron soldier collected the ooze and his body." "Since the iron soldier was here, does that mean it pertained to a monster?" "I am not sure... but maybe." Sarang was trembling. "I was scared." Teachers knew her as just a high school student. She was highly ranked nationally. A teacher had gone craze, and she ran away. The teacher fell, and the iron soldier showed up and took the body away. It was definitely rted to a monster incident. The other teachers started feeling sorry that they had raised their voices at her, and one of them stepped forward and said, "Let¡¯s go see the nurse. You must be in a shock." The other teachers nodded and stepped back. She looked at them and said carefully, "The iron soldier told me the government will handle the matter. We have to keep this a secret." "Of course. We don¡¯t have to tell the other students." Sarang went to see the nurse. Shey on a cot and closed her eyes. Thinking of the green-eyed Mr. Dong, she murmured, "That wasn¡¯t Mr. Dong." Sarang moved around on the bed. --- The iron soldier had contained many people, and the army had killed a lot as well. Junhyuk looked at the number on the screen and frowned. "We have arrested or killed 1,752 people so far," he said, and Taewoo and Daeil frowned. "How many of them have we identified?" "Of the 2,000, we¡¯ve identified 1,985." "How much time we have?" "An hour and a half, but it¡¯s not certain," he answered. Daeil frowned again. "How long will it take to take care of everyone?" "About an hour." Daeil turned to Eunseo and asked, "How long would it take if we give the iron soldier permission to kill?" Eunseo hesitated and nodded. "We can do it on time." "Then do it. We have mobility limitations." She nodded and looked at Junhyuk. Guardians was, at that point, upied by the police and the military, but they wouldn¡¯t be able to do anything if a monster showed up. She trusted him instead. "Deploy every iron soldier." "All iron soldier deployed." Junhyuk agreed with the decision. To make sure they were on time, the iron soldier had to help. Without mobility, it wouldn¡¯t be possible to deal with every infected person, so the remaining two iron soldier were deployed. "We need further information on the remaining fifteen people. If not, the numbers will increase to three hundred." "We¡¯ll find them." Junhyuk trusted Zaira. --- They were gathered in one ce. All green eyes looked at each other as one of them said, "This can¡¯t continue." They could articte, and as they looked at each other, they nodded. "Let¡¯s move." They all got up and headed in different directions. They hid themselves among the crowds, moving without stopping. At the same time, people all over Seoul were dying, those walking on the street or at work at theirpanies¡¯ buildings. The green-eyed people had started killing other people. The sudden attacks caught people by surprise and many were killed. The police and military were eliminating the green-eyed people with the help of the iron soldier, and Seoul became a quagmire. Daeil looked at the monitors and said, "A lot of people will die." "Over three hundred already have." The infected numbered at 150, and they were going berserk, wreaking havoc in Seoul. The infected were using regr people as shields from the police and military, so killing them was bing more difficult. Junhyuk watched, and Zaira spoke up. [Searches about the incidents on the inte have blown up.] "Block them all." He couldn¡¯t pay attention to anything else. Instead, he connected to Elise through the tablet, but she didn¡¯t realize he had done so. She was entirely focused on her work. "Elise, the infected are killing regr people. Did you find anything new?" "The infected have a piece of the poring inside of their bodies. It covers their brain, and when the person dies, it leaks out of the ears. I¡¯m analyzing these poring pieces, and they are showing different characteristics from the poring pieces we gathered previously." "In what ways?" "They have learned to use human knowledge. One of them tried to escape by the sewer, so they understand human society. They may also be articte." "Is there a way to fight them?" "They are weak against electricity. Tasers may separate the poring from the brain, but the poring won¡¯t die. It may escape to somewhere else." "We can¡¯t gather the pieces during the chaos. Can you shut down the poring¡¯s defenses?" "No. Use short-range attacks so that you can catch them." "Understood." He report back what he had heard from Elise. After the report, Taewoo and Daeil gave out the others. If using Tasers could save the host, that would be the best way to go. Zaira told him that the remaining infected had been identified and disyed their information on the screen. They were the first infected. Out of the five, four of them had been spotted. They moved differently from the others. Unlike the others who killed mercilessly, they were moving between the crowd, using subways and buses to move through crowded ces. Junhyuk looked at Eunseo while still connected to Elise. "We¡¯ve located four of the first infected. They aren¡¯t killing anyone. Why don¡¯t we use iron soldier to capture them alive?" "Get those four!" Junhyuk looked at the tablet and Elise added, "They may be in control of the other infected." Eunseo didn¡¯t hesitate. "Order the iron soldiers to arrest them." "Yes, ma¡¯am." He told the iron soldiers where to go, and they took off quickly. Meanwhile, Junhyuk was following their footage on screen. "They are definitely learning. They are using crowded areas to try to get out of Seoul," Junhyuk murmured. However, Daeil and Taewoo heard him anyway. "Why don¡¯t we stop them? Shut down subways and buses." Junhyuk looked at Eunseo, but she shook her head. "The iron soldier will do it, but there might be tremendous coteral damage. Send the police and military over there now." "Sure. Show me the locations." Junhyuk pulled up the four locations, and Taewoo and the military sent a couple of helicopters to each one. Junhyuk saw an iron soldier arriving through the feed. It made an announcement through the subway station, and people started evacuating. They realized that it was a monster incident, and the iron soldier waited for them to get out of the way. Soon a train arrived. When the door opened, the iron soldier flew in, surprising the people inside. A hooded man with sunsses lunged to the side, dodging the iron soldier. He grabbed a bystander by the neck and threw him at the iron soldier while he escaped through the crowd. The iron soldier raised both hands and ced them against the ground. A strong current travelled through the rail, the train and the tform. "Ugh!" Everyone copsed at the same time, but only one of them had been infected. The green ooze came out of his ear, and the iron soldier collected it and the man¡¯s body. Junhyuk was shocked by it all. "Elise, what did you just do?!" "I told you, it¡¯s weak against high voltage, so I shocked it." "I know it works, but isn¡¯t it too dangerous?" "It¡¯s fine. I checked everyone¡¯s heartbeats. Nobody died." That surprised Junhyuk. "So, the host is still alive?" "Sure, for now. Once the iron soldier brings him in, let¡¯s run some tests." Chapter 255: Hostile Power Activation 1 Chapter 255: Hostile Power Activation 1 They were able to arrest the first infected, and the pieces of poring fell out of their hosts and were collected. Since the first infected had been arrested, the other infected stopped their hostile behavior, and the joint force finished the arrests without any more casualties. Junhyuk looked at feed Zaira was showing him. "We¡¯ve arrested or eliminated all identified infected. There were a total of 47 arrests and 1,953 casualties. The incident is over now." "How many civilians were hurt?" "A total of 782 were killed and 1,230 were critically wounded. The wounded are receiving medical attention right now." "The military and police will provide transport and helicopters." Eunseo bowed. "Thank you." Daeil shook his head and looked at her. "It¡¯s already happened, so we can¡¯t pretend it didn¡¯t. What worries me is that it mighte back." "Research on the poring is ongoing, and we¡¯ll research the original infected. This mayhem will be preventable in the future." Daeil nodded his head slowly. "I understand. You have a lot of work to do." The iron soldiers killed and arrested more infected than the military and the policebined. "I¡¯ll report to the president. A spokesman from the presidential office will make an official announcement tonight," Daeil said. Junhyuk nodded. In Seoul alone, including the infected, some four thousand people were killed." The citizens would probably demand answers. Daeil looked at Taewoo and said, "Today will be a busy day. When you have time some other time, let¡¯s have a drink." "I¡¯ll let you know." Daeil left and Taewoo did the same soon after. Things needed to be cleaned up, but that was not Guardians responsibility. Eunseo copsed on a chair and sighed. The operation didn¡¯t take long, but many things had happened in a very short time. "Are you OK?" She looked at him, pped her cheeks lightly and got up. "I¡¯m fine. Everything is over now, but stay and help with the cleanup." "I will." They had paid him $2 million, so he wouldn¡¯t refuse. "Tsubasa and Soyeon, Guardians will pay for all hospital bills, so call the hospitals and let them know everyone should get treatment." "Yes, ma¡¯am!" She turned to Junhyuk and said, "Come to the basement with me." "Sure." They went down together. The basement wasrge, but notrge enough to house all of the bodies. The police and the military were en route with even more bodies, and the iron soldiers had already stacked many of them there. Junhyuk and Eunseo walked by a hundred bodies on their way to the research room. Elise had the poring pieces in storage while she worked away. When they entered, she looked at them. "The poring is the most advanced and intelligent monster that¡¯s crossed dimensions so far." The infected had ess to human knowledge and were able to inflict more damage and chaos than any other monster. "How are the hosts doing?" Eunseo asked while looking at one of the former hosts. "Their vitals are normal, so they must be sleeping." "That¡¯s good." It would be nice if some some of them remained alive. "Is there a reason to keep the original infected separate?" Junhyuk asked as he looked them over. Elise nodded her head calmly and said, "I had no choice. They were exposed to the infection for a much longer period. They need to be studied." Junhyuk realized she was talking about running experiments on living people and smirked. She continued, "There is a difference between dealing with the poring and the infected, but I might find amonality. We will make special weapons tobat porings and prevent another situation like this." Eunseo nodded and said, "Install more CCTV cameras around Seoul and the other provinces." Junhyuk agreed with her decision and looked at Elise, who was working on her research. "When the result are in, I¡¯ll let you know." Looking around, Junhyuk saw that Sora was also there. With her there, if something were to happen, she could protect Elise. So, Junhyuk and Eunseo headed back to themand center, and he looked at the footage Zaira was showing him. Seoul was mayhem. "Show me Elise¡¯s researchb." A feed of theb appeared on the monitor, and he sat on a chair and operated the tablet, looking for things to help out with cleaning up. --- They had no time for a meal, so they ordered delivery and worked while eating. Junhyuk was having a sausage soup as he watched the footage of Seouls chaotic bloodbath. The police had cordoned off areas all over as the recovering team worked hard to gather the corpses. They were all carrying poring detectors in case there were any remnants, but the teams were short-staffed. There were just too few of them. Junhyuk felt lucky to be working inside. While he also had a mountain of work to do, he would receive help from Zaira. Elise, on the other hand, couldn¡¯t even eat at that moment. He was watching her through the feed in herb and he frowned. She was researching the poring bits, but behind her, the hosts were waking up. ¡¯Elise! Behind you!" Junhyuk shouted. His shout was broadcast to Elise, but when he looked back, the hosts were already up. He stopped eating, took his tablet and started running. Suddenly, the power in the between shut off. Even his tablet wasn¡¯t working. So, he ran to the stairs, opened the emergency door and teleported. He appeared inside Elise¡¯sb, and Sora was there too. Sora had herrge sword and was standing in front of Elise. Junhyuk looked around and scowled at the four hosts standing up. They all had green eyes and focused their gazes on him. "What happened?" He summoned the Pure Golden Knight set, without the cloak, and stood in front of Elise and Sora. Eliseughed and said, "They can release an electromaic pulse, and I didn¡¯t know they could do that." In the darkness, their glittering green eyes were clearly visible. He checked their health and mana and frowned heavily. "All four of them have activated a power." "They¡¯ve activated powers?" "Yes. They are all novices now, but I¡¯ve got no clue of what their powers might be." Junhyuk looked at his enemies, ready to raise the force field if necessary. They all heard the whirring of machinery, and theb lit up again. "You said they EMPed the ce?" "Right, but Zaira can bring the power back in cases like this." Zaira was helping and that was nice. Junhyuk stared at the novices. "I have a question: the poring pieces are out, so why are they still infected?" The novices stared only at him. The novices on the sides took the hands of those in the center. They were shaped like a rhombus. Junhyuk thought quickly, and the novices disappeared. "Elise! Track them! Where did they go?" She activated Zaira and frowned. "They must have gone outside. Everything around us has shut down because of the EMP." Junhyuk scowled and went out, shouting, "Stay there and don¡¯t move!" He teleported to the roof. Even if he didn¡¯t know what powers they had, he couldn¡¯t let them be. He looked around for them. They had teleported, but they had just activated their power, so they couldn¡¯t be that far. He was right. They were just outside the HQ, heading down an alley, but because he had used all of his teleportations, he simply ran toward them. "I should be fine even at this height." As he ran, he summoned his armor, but not his cloak andnded right in front of them. Junhyuk had jumped down from the roof of a building, but because he was wearing his armor, hended safely. He stood up while staring at the novices. They distanced themselves from each other. One of them had a teleportation power, another had an EMP power, but he didn¡¯t know about the other two. Once he transformed into the Dark Knight, he summoned the Frozen Rune Sword. As he stared at them, he said, "Let¡¯s talkter." He ran toward them, and the furthest one from him stepped forward. Not knowing who had what power, he swung his sword. At that moment, the enemy extended his hand toward him, and suddenly, a blue curtain appeared between him and the novice. ng! He stared at his enemy. The green-eyed novice had the power to block attacks. "This is fun." Chapter 256: Hostile Power Activation 2 Chapter 256: Hostile Power Activation 2 When Junhyuk ran out, Sora sighed, relieved, but Elise said something that worried her. "Weren¡¯t there five original infected?" They turned around and saw the person who had had broken arms and legs get up. Having activated a power, he waspletely healed. Sora and Elise didn¡¯t know what kind of power the person had, and Elise said from behind Sora, "We have to kill that thing before it¡¯s fully awake?" "Can we kill it?" "It doesn¡¯t look very benevolent." Sora raised her massive sword, and the man opened his eyes and looked at her. His eyes were green, and Sora rushed off toward him. When she got close and swung her sword, the man raised both of his arms. ng! The impact created a strong shockwave, and the man bounced back and hit a wall. Sora felt her hands tingling and frowned, running at him right after. Before the man could raise his arms again, Sora¡¯s sword went through his stomach. "Ugh!" She pulled it out and stepped back. It all happened within one second, and her palms were bleeding, torn in the first attack. The green-eyed man got up again. His stomach wound didn¡¯t seem deep, but he was still bleeding. Elise clicked her tongue. "His power must raise his body¡¯s defense!" Sora¡¯s power was extreme speed. She could deal damage by using it, but the power itself wasn¡¯t an attack power. She hadn¡¯t dealt a lot of damage, and the man had a defensive power. Because Sora had used her power, she was waiting on the cooldown. That¡¯s when the green-eyed man came at her, but at that point, even his arms were green. When Elise saw that, she murmured, "Is that power from the poring? Why is he green?" She was curious, but Sora looked at her and said, "That kind of defensive power is different from my speed in that itsts longer, so move toward the door." Sora had some understanding of the enemy¡¯s power. He had raised his defense, and it couldst up to ten seconds. Because the enemy¡¯s power was defensive, Sora wouldn¡¯t die in one hit. However, the enemy wouldn¡¯t get hurt by her either. Elise opened the door and saw Eunseo heading in. "Stay out. He has a power and he is hostile." Eunseo frowned. "Can¡¯t Sora kill him?" "He has a defensive power, and although Sora used her speed to attack him, he¡¯s still fine." Eunseo¡¯s frown deepened. "Just run away." "It¡¯s dangerous." "It¡¯s fine. It¡¯s a defensive power." Eunseo pulled out a pistol, and Sora wanted to tell her that a pistol wouldn¡¯t work, but Elise grabbed her arm. Elise shook her head and took a few steps back. Sora walked out of the room with her. After the two left the room, Eunseo closed the door and fired the pistol. Bang! The man blocked it with his forearm. It wasn¡¯t even scratched. However, although he had a incredible defensive power, he was still a novice. Eunseo ran at him, and the man did the same toward her, punching at her at the same time. His fist slowed down, and Eunseo appeared behind him and kicked him. Boom! His defensive power didn¡¯t matter. He couldn¡¯t bepared to a hero. Any novice would die in a single hit. The man¡¯s neck was broken, and he fell to the ground, his eyes no longer green. Eunseo inhaled deeply. She could only counter attacks. Nevertheless, her counters were really strong. --- Junhyuk looked at them and raised the Frozen Rune Sword. The force shield made by one of them only protected one side. Compared to Junhyuk¡¯s perfect defense, it was of lower rank. They each had powers of their own, and the four of them moved in unison. Dealing with four powers meant it was akin to dealing with a hero. However, their healths were those of novices, so they were like pieces of paper. He wasn¡¯t interested in the others¡¯ powers. They wouldn¡¯t talk to him, and their green eyes posed a threat. Junhyuk saw some people watching him, and he tightened his grip on the Frozen Rune Sword. The bystanders were ten meters away, so any shockwaves wouldn¡¯t hit them. Junhyuk was about to swing his sword when one of the men extended his hand and fired a green beam of light. The beam was about the size of the man¡¯s forearm, and Junhyuk took the hit with his body. He could¡¯ve raised the force field, but he didn¡¯t want to show off in front of a crowd. Also, he already knew the beam wouldn¡¯t kill him. A hero¡¯s attack wouldn¡¯t kill him, so a novice had no hope of doing it. They didn¡¯t have any items either. However, when he got hit by the beam, he frowned. He kept getting damage after the hit. Feeling the damage stack, he made up his mind. They were of no help. The man who raised the force shield got hit on the side of the neck. A pure white light shockwave expanded from the strike. It carried an ice attribute, and the surrounding area was frozen over. The green-eyed people fell, but they died without even bleeding. Junhyuk looked at his sword. He had used the Spatial sh and, in doing so, he felt something strange. From the arm he used for the strike, he felt his vein pumpingrger quantities of blood. The pathways were responding to his power, which meant that he was more powerful than ever. "I¡¯m not sure about the Dimensional Battlefield yet, but I¡¯m definitely stronger here." He looked around and saw a big crowd watching him. However, because they had also been affected by the EMP, their cell phones weren¡¯t working. He teleported away, but the spirit pathways didn¡¯t respond to him doing so. Junhyuk appeared in Eunseo¡¯s office. He was alone, so he looked out the window, down into the street, and saw that the crowd didn¡¯t approach the bodies. Then, he went to the basement. Elise, Sora, Eunseo and Dohee were standing in front of a body. "Did something happen?" Elise answered him, "One of the first infected people woke up. He had a power." "What kind of power?" "A defensive boost. He was able to negate Sora¡¯s attack." He stared at them. "How did you deal with him?" Elise looked at Eunseo and answered, "The CEO got him." He looked at Eunseo. Her power only worked as a counterattack, but the damage was absurd. "We have to go outside," he said. "The four novices!" Elise eximed and ran out. Sora followed her. Eunseo looked at Dohee and said, "Protect Elise." "But..." "Please." Dohee went out and Eunseo asked, "Do you have an idea of what happened?" He shook his head. "I¡¯m not sure. Maybe the poring activated their powers." Eunseo took a moment to think and said, "Only the original infected activated powers. If others do it as well, this will be a serious problem." He nodded his head. "Then, there will be many people with powers." He didn¡¯t like it, and Eunseo said nervously, "The situation isn¡¯t over yet." He looked at the people who were brought in. There were more than forty people still alive lying there. "What if they all activate powers..." They were likely to be hostile, so what shall they do? There was no way to restrain them. They hadn¡¯t figured out how to negate powers yet. Elise need more time and materials to figure out how to suppress powers. Junhyuk was shaking his head when Elise came back. Dohee and Sora were carrying scattered body parts. He looked at her, and Elise smiled. "These are well preserved. I can use them for research." Junhyuk told Elise what he was thinking after herment. "About the poring-infected hosts, if they activate their powers, won¡¯t that be a big problem?" Elise touched her chin and said, "Their powers can¡¯t be exined by thews of physics. There is no way to stop it for now." She looked around and added, "The EMP originated here, so this room won¡¯t be of any use. We have to move to Seoul HQ." Eunseo agreed, "That¡¯s a good idea." Elise continued, "I wasn¡¯t expecting an EMP attack on Korean soil. Guardians has to spend some more money." "Don¡¯t worry about that." Eunseopletely grasped what an EMP attack could mean. She had to spend more money to prevent another situation like that. Elise looked around. "Prepare to move now and quickly. I need more time to get my things ready to move out." Eunseo nodded. "I¡¯ll call for a helicopter. Evacuate the employees first. The traffic must be clogged in Seoul right now." They were cleaning up after the poring incident, so there was no other way. They had to move to Seoul. Eunseo left with some of the others, and Sora and Junhyuk remained. Elise looked at her and said, "Sora, you have to move out as well. Go pack. Junhyuk will remain here." Sora looked at him and left. After Elise sent her away, she told him, "After seeing the original infected activate their powers, I cane up with a few theories. Porings can infect people, assimte their knowledge and activate their powers." Junhyuk frowned at that. Poring could keep corpses moving, and now they could activate powers? He couldn¡¯t even guess at what the Dimensional Battlefield management was thinking. "But the other hosts aren¡¯t wake yet. It takes some time for the poring to activate powers." "You are only guessing, and making guesses like that can be dangerous." "I know." She continued, "When the hosts wake up, I need to find out if they have activated powers. During that time, keep me safe inside the Guardians Seoul HQ." Chapter 257: New Power Activator 1 Chapter 257: New Power Activator 1 He was riding on a helicopter and looked out the window. Instead of moving the dead bodies at that moment, they decided to take care of the living people first because they could wake up at any minute. It wasn¡¯t a long ride from the HQ in Ilsan to the one in Seoul. When he saw it, he thought about the first time he encountered a poring. The event had been shocking, but the porings were disying even more astounding qualities. "The building looks sturdy." At least from the outside, it looked fine. Considering how damaged it had been, they had to have rushed the reconstruction. Junhyuk was lost in thought, and Elise got out of the helicopter and tapped his shoulder. "Follow me." He kept thinking while following her. In that moment, he was really busy and he didn¡¯t have the time to look after her. However, he couldn¡¯t just let her die. She was important to him and she was also a valuable figure for humanity. Without Elise, humanity would be at the mercy of the Dimensional Battlefield managers, and he couldn¡¯t allow that, so he followed her to herb and asked, "How long does it take?" "It depends on when they wake up. I can take a sample of their blood and see if it generates a wavelength." "Don¡¯t they activate their powers before their blood carry a wavelength?" "That¡¯s correct, but I still want to watch the developing stage." He smiled and followed her. Just in case, she had the forty-two people separated. A strong ss covered the separate rooms housing the hosts. Among the two thousand infected, only forty-seven were there. Five of those had been killed, so only forty-two remained. Elise operated a new tablet. "I can¡¯t use Zaira, but the one at my house is fully operational." He wondered what she had meant by that. "Are you saying you have a supeputer at home?" "Sure! Thepany paid for Zaira, but her schematics belong to me." He was shocked. However, he knew how wealthy she was, so it wasn¡¯t aplete shock. He had Ganesha, so it was only natural that she had a supeputer at home. Elise pulled up the Wavelength Detector and murmured, "After the EMP, the Dimensional Tear Detector stopped working. It takes days to make a new one." "Don¡¯t you have to work on that first?" "I don¡¯t have to do it myself. The team that made the dposition liquid is probably making the new one." He shook his head. "I have to make a phone call. There¡¯s a meeting tonight I have to cancel." "Do it. Sora is with me, so if any danger arises, I¡¯ll run." "Don¡¯t fight. Run." He went out and pulled out his cell phone. He called Sarang, and when he heard her voice, he was relieved. "Big brother." "You must¡¯ve been scared today. Are you OK?" "I¡¯m fine, but I feel little depressed." "We had some trouble of our own. The first people infected by the poring activated powers." "They became novices?" "Yes, but they didn¡¯t reason like human beings. I had to kill them all." She was silent for a while, and he continued, "The remaining survivors might activate powers, so I have to stay here and protect Elise." "You are cancelling our dinner." "I can meet you tomorrow." She took a moment to think before saying, "OK, but you¡¯ll have to spend some money tomorrow." "I¡¯ll get you a full-course meal. Don¡¯t worry." "Then, see you tomorrow." "Get some rest." He felt bad that he couldn¡¯t see her since she was depressed, but he had work to do. When he walked back inside, Elise said, "Someone woke up." The person had woken up inside the istion room, looked around and shouted, "Where am I?" Elise said, "We can¡¯t find a wavelength." "Do you know when that person was infected?" "I don¡¯t know that yet, but they haven¡¯t activated a power, so I want to run more tests." The door to theb opened, and Eunseo walked in. She saw the person had woken up and said, "The government found out about the people who activated powers." Because one of the novices had had a teleportation power, Junhyuk had to transform into the Dark Knight to kill them, and people had seen it. "What are they going to do?" "They want to take over the survivors." "The Korean government?" Eunseo nodded, and Junhyuk frowned. Elise shook her head. "I can¡¯t allow that!" Eunseo looked at her, and she continued, "The Korean government is misinformed!" Elise turned to look at Eunseo and finished with, "The Korean government is way behind in researching monsters. I can¡¯t allow that to happen." "But this isn¡¯t an easy decision. They could pressure us..." "I don¡¯t care! Guardians belongs to ST Capsule, but its investors are mostly foreign. They can make it a foreignpany anytime they choose. The government can¡¯t force us to give up survivors." "Is that really necessary?" Elise nodded. "I¡¯ll make a call. Wait here." Elise left, and Junhyuk looked at Eunseo. "I agree with Elise." "But it won¡¯t be that easy." He shrugged. "Elise wants to research them." "What?!" He didn¡¯t answer her. Instead, he looked at the awoken survivor. No wavelengths had been detected. When Elise came back, she said, "CEO, don¡¯t worry about it. They belong to Guardians." "What?!" Eunseo didn¡¯t have a chance to ask any more before her phone rang. She spoke a few words and hung up. "Elise, what did you do?" Elise answered her nonchntly, "You said they pressured us, so I put even more pressure on them." Junhyuk was surprised again by Elise¡¯s power. If she had involved the Rockefeller family, she was capable of applying that pressure. Eunseo looked at her and said, "That¡¯s a relief. You can do your research." Eunseo left, she looked wounded somehow, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly as he watched her leave. She was the CEO, but Guardians main figure was Elise. Eunseo was receable while Elise was not. Junhyuk turned to the people waking up. None of them had activated a power yet. --- Those waking up didn¡¯t show any special symptoms. They had all awoken, except for two who were still sleeping. Those awake were being tested, but because there was no reason for Elise to run the tests on them herself, another team was in charge of them. Guardians was a lotrger than when it started, and most of the researchers were foreign. The government hadn¡¯t known what was happening up to that point, but now it was trying to get into the inner circle, and Elise had pressured it to step back. Junhyuk looked at the two who hadn¡¯t woken up. ¡¯Why aren¡¯t they waking up?" Elise tapped her tablet and said, "They were in the first batch of people infected by the original." Junhyuk looked at her, and she showed him the tablet. "They were infected by the people originally infected by the poring." "You are saying there are only two out of all those people?" "Correct. Only two." Then, she added, "Maybe they were lucky." "They were infected for the longest time after the original." Elise touched her chin and said, "Something is strange." "What?" "Why aren¡¯t they getting up?" Something was strange. Both the original and the second batch of infected had woken up. Only the survivors of the first batch were still sleeping. "They are very suspicious." Junhyuk sat on a chair and stared at the area where the two were sleeping, so Elise offered him some coffee and sat next to him. "Nothing is out of the ordinary, but we do know they only infected younger people." Junhyuk kept staring at the two. One of them was a PhD student in engineering. The other was an ordinary college student. While he stared at them, he said, "Any news from the corpses?" Elise clicked her tongue. "I haven¡¯t really begun my research on them yet." No one knew when those two would wake up. If they activated powers, he would need to restrain them, and because Elise was staying there, she hadn¡¯t had the time to research the corpses yet. She might even get a live sample out of all of that. He leaned back on his chair and sipped his coffee. Then, he heard a voice from the istion room. "One of them is waking up." They went through the ss enclosure and checked the Wavelength Detector. The PhD student didn¡¯t respond. "Is that good?" "I was hoping one of them would activate a power." Heughed at her. The man who had just woken up looked at the machines around him and got up. Elise spoke to him through a speaker, "We are running tests on the people who were infected. Come out and follow the instructions of the people wearing whiteb coats." Student looked around some more and asked, "What do you mean by infection?" "You don¡¯t remember, but you¡¯ll find out about it soon. Just follow the instructions for now." The student walked out, met a foreigner with a whiteb coat and followed him. Junhyuk looked at the remaining woman and said, "Only one left." Elise was feeling nervous. "All that suspense." The woman might activate a power. The engineering student had woken up, which meant the woman might wake up at any time. She opened her eyes, and Junhyuk and Elise frowned. They looked at each other. "That¡¯s an odd eye?" Only one of the woman¡¯s eyes was green, and she was getting up very slowly. Chapter 258: New Power Activator 2 Chapter 258: New Power Activator 2 Junhyuk looked at Elise, who frowned an said, "We¡¯ve detected a wavelength. It¡¯s a novice." He looked at the woman who had just gotten up. If she was hostile like the other poring infected, power activators, he would not hesitate to kill her. Everyone had left, and nobody else was watching that ce. "Can you make sure?" Elise asked him as he looked at her. He nodded and went over to the woman. Junhyuk opened the door and went inside the sealed room. The woman looked at him. One of her eyes was glittering green. Seeing that, he wanted to kill her, but he decided to suppress his feelings. Her other eye was showing him how nervous she was. Junhyuk thought of her name and called it, "Eunmi Jung?" "What?! Yes!" The woman remembered who she was, and she answered him. While he still wasn¡¯t sure if she was hostile, he was relieved. "You were infected by a monster and transported here." "Infected by a monster?! But I¡¯ve never seen a monster!" "What is thest thing you remember?" Eunmi thought it over before saying, "I was on my way to home when someone grabbed my shoulder. That is all. And his eyes..." She raised her head. "... He had eyes entirely green. Was he infected?" She was making deductions and seemed fine, so he approached her and summoned the arm warmers and four items of the Pure Golden Knight set. He asked her, "The infection has left your body, but do you feel anything strange?" She stared at him. "Strange?" She lifted her hand, touched her green eye and murmured, "Something is..." As she did that, she extended her hand, and a green orb came out of it. The orb started circling her quickly. Shocked by what had just happened, she asked, "Wh-what is this?!" He returned the Pure Golden Knight items, grabbed a pillow and threw it. The pillow hit the green orb, and the orb disappeared. He had thrown the pillow with all of his mighty, even willing to use the Spatial sh. Once the green orb disappeared, he said, "It¡¯s protecting you." "What¡¯s happening?" "Can you feel the cooldown?" "About twenty seconds," she answered. It wasn¡¯t as high-ranking as Jean Clo¡¯s ultimate, but it could save her life. It could negate one enemy hit. "It¡¯s a protective power..." It wasn¡¯t dangerous, so they didn¡¯t need to worry about it. The issue at that point was whether she could remain herself. Junhyuk looked at Elise. He couldn¡¯t see the other side of the ss from his side, but he said, "She has a power, but it¡¯s not dangerous. What are you going to do?" Eunmi looked in the same direction he was looking and asked, "Where am I?" "You are at Guardians. Since the monster incident, we¡¯ve been running some tests. We are checking to see if any of you pose any danger." "Pose danger?" Junhyuk turned to her and exined, "There were some who were hostile. I must ask you: Do you ever think of killing anyone?" "What? No!" He looked at Elise¡¯s direction again, and Elise said, "You¡¯ve activated a power, so I have to run more tests. Wait there." Junhyuk waited, and when the door opened, Elise and Sora walked in. Junhyuk stared at her, and Elise approached. "I can¡¯t run her tests while doing the others." "You have Sora." "Because the power itself doesn¡¯t pose a threat, I¡¯ll run the tests myself." "Can I go home?" he asked. "Yes. Sora will be here with me," Elise answered. Junhyuk looked at Sora. She could destroy the green orb with her regr attack and, by using her extreme speed, she could attack more than twice. Sora would be able to deal with Eunmi if there was a need for it. He smiled. "I¡¯ll be going home. Work hard." On his way out, he stopped in front of Sora. "Be cautious. There may be reason for why she has that odd eyed." "Don¡¯t worry." He turned to Elise and added, "Don¡¯t get close to Eunmi. Sora should run the tests." "Why?" "I¡¯m not sure what¡¯s going to happen." Elise smiled at him. "Sure. Don¡¯t worry." "Don¡¯t let guard down even though she has a defensive power. If something should happen, just run away." "You sounds scary, but I¡¯ll do it. If I call, you should return." "Sure. Just run away if something happens." "Right." He looked at Eunmi. She looked bbergasted that he was going home. Sora started speaking to her kindly, and Eunmi looked more rxed. Then, he approached Eunmi and stared at her green eye. "Just be calm and do the tests." "Will it be OK?" "As long as you don¡¯t hurt anyone." He looked at her glittering green eye, not sure if it hade about because she had activated a power or because she had been infected. He hoped it was not part of the poring¡¯s influence. --- Elise was diligently looking at something while passing a notebook with over ten pages to Eunmi, who was solving the puzzles while scratching her head. Those were personality tests, and she remembered what Junhyuk had said. Why were they being so cautious around her? Did she want to kill people? No way! She shook head and looked around. No one was there. The room was empty, and the walls looked very strong. She raised her hand, and when her left eye gleamed, the green orb appeared. She was curious about what the orb was. It circled around her for ten seconds and disappeared. "What is this? Why must I be treated this way?!" Everytime she used her power, her left eye shone. She sighed and went back to the problems, but the left side of her head started aching. "Arrgh!" She grabbed her head and wailed. Then, she grabbed the pages, staggered and fell from the chair. When the door opened, Sora walked in. "You OK?" she shouted Eunmi pushed Sora away and barked back, "Don¡¯te near me!" Sora was staring at her when she heard Elise¡¯s voice, "Pull out your sword." Sora did so, and with it in hand, she stared as Eunmi got up slowly. She was still holding the nobody in her hand. Her right eye was entirely white, and her left eye glittered green. That¡¯s when Eunmi went after Sora. Elise asked, "Can you restrain her?" "I¡¯ll try." Sora swung her sword without adding speed. She had had some experience in the battlefield, so her swordsmanship had gotten better, and regr people were no match for her. However, Eunmi moved unexpectedly. She strafed to escape therge sword and elbowed Sora¡¯s neck. "Ugh!" Sora groaned and stepped back. "Can you restrain her?" Elise asked again. "I am not so sure now." "Then, get back out here. She can¡¯t leave the room anyway." That was Elise¡¯s decision. Eunmi only had a defensive power, so she wouldn¡¯t be able to break through. Meanwhile, Sora nodded and backed up slowly. Eunmi stared at her, baring her teeth. At that point, Sora felt something eery, but she got out, and Elise closed the door. "Don¡¯t worry. This ce is safe. It can even contain monsters. She can¡¯t get out," Elise said while pushingmands on her tablet and ordering Zaira. "Check on Eunmi and call Junhyuk. Tell him it¡¯s an emergency." She looked at Sora and added, "Let¡¯s check." Seeing the feed from inside the room on her tablet, she frowned. "She is too rxed." Eunmi touched the walls and took some steps back slowly. Elise watched her do it, all the while thinking that her power only served for defense. Finally, Eunmi stood in front of the door and raised her hand. A green foam spilled out of her left hand and turned into a spear. Eunmi took a step back and stabbed at the door, destroying it. Elise scowled. "Sora!" "Yes?" "Hold me and use your high speed to run." Sora nodded and hugged her while saying, "Be careful." Elise hugged her back, and Sora sped out. By the time she was done, they were outside of the building, and Sora let go of Elise. "You OK?" "Argh!" Elise was about to vomit. "Zaira, seal theb." Suddenly, the entireb was being sealed off. Boom! Boom! Boom! Zaira was closing all the doors, and Sora asked, "What now?" Elise hesitated. "The equipment tobat monsters is inside. We can kill Eunmi, but I want to catch her alive." "You want her alive?" "She activated two powers. If we can study her, the value would be enormous." "How are you going to capture her?" Elise answered nonchntly, "Junhyuk wille." Chapter 259: New Power Activator 3 Chapter 259: New Power Activator 3 Screeech! Crash! Junhyuk was ignoring traffic lights in four-way streets and driving past them. There was a loud, sharp noise followed by the sound of a collision, but he ignored it all and kept driving. When he arrived at Guardians HQ, he drove through the gate and rushed inside. He had destroyed the gate and ignored the security guardsing out of the booth, going straight to Elise¡¯sb. When he saw Elise, Sora and Eunseo standing outside the building, he slowed down the car. "What happened?" he asked as he got out of the car. "Eunmi activated another power," Elise answered. "What kind of power?" An expert would have extraordinary strength, and he had to know what kind of power it was. Elite showed him the footage on the tablet and exined, "She used the green foam to make a spear. It¡¯s really strong. She was able to destroy the wall with it." "So, she¡¯s not able to do it without the power?" "Correct. Without it, she can¡¯t." "For how long does the powerst and what¡¯s its cooldown?" "She can use the green foam for ten seconds, and the cooldown is about thirty seconds," she answered. After receiving information about the power, he started nning what to do next. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t worried about dealing with an expert. Both his health and strength were superior to hers. However, he turned to Elise and asked, "Why haven¡¯t you killed her yet?" "I have to do some more research on her." Surprised by her answer, he asked, "She has lost her ability to reason and she has an offensive power. Why do you want to research her?" Elise nodded calmly and answered, "It¡¯s precisely because she has lost herself. If we can restrain her, and she recovers her ego, it¡¯ll be the first time we¡¯ll be able to run tests on an expert, and it¡¯s possible she could be cooperative." Junhyuk shook his head. "Then, you are asking me to catch her alive?" "Right." He sighed and added, "That¡¯s difficult even for me." "It¡¯s possible." Junhyuk stared at Elise, and she tapped on her tablet. He got a message on his cell phone and looked at it. "It¡¯s a contract fee. Catch her alive, and I¡¯ll double it." He would get $10 million and he knew that wasn¡¯t insignificant. Considering the time involved, it was a lot of money. Junhyuk sighed. "You think I¡¯m here for the money?" "No." He looked at the group. Elise, Sora, and Eunseo shouldn¡¯t die. He had received a call from Zaira, and that¡¯s why he was there. While Elise did want Eunmi alive, he turned to Eunseo. "Do you want her alive?" Eunseo nodded heavily. "We have to know more about her condition. It¡¯ll help us counter porings." He sighed deeply and looked at Elise. "Pay me three times that amount." "Sure." "When I take her down, is there somewhere I can put her in?" he asked. "Don¡¯t worry." Elise smiled and added, "I know of her power now, so we¡¯ll act ordingly and ce her somewhere she can¡¯t escape, but we¡¯ll need to start on construction." Junhyuk sighed again. "Fine. I¡¯m going in, but I have a condition of my own." "What is it?" "Don¡¯t film me in any way." Elise stared at him for a moment and said, "OK. Zaira, turn off all the cameras inside." [All cameras have been turned off.] "Raise the walls," he said. Elise tapped her tablet and added, "Be careful." "I¡¯ll be back." Once inside, he summoned his equipment. He didn¡¯t summon his armor nor his cloak, but he summoned everything else. After seeing her power, he could get guess at its damage. Her power was like Gongon¡¯s transformation, but its damage didn¡¯t seem to be based on a rate of her original normal damage. That was why she was able to destroy the wall without any equipment. "It must have a set amount of damage." He was thinking about that when he saw Eunmi. She was not holding a spear. When he that one of her eyes was green while the other waspletely white, he sighed. "And they are hopeful?!" Junhyuk didn¡¯t think about it anymore. He realized he wouldn¡¯t need his weapons as the expert didn¡¯t have any herself. Eunmi¡¯s health was at 550 and her mana was at 700. He could beat her with his bare hands. "Eunmi?" he spoke up first. She didn¡¯t answer. Instead, the green foam seeped out of her, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate. He teleported behind her and punched. A green orb appeared and crashed against his fist, breaking apart. Then, Eunmi turned around and swung her arm. He was expecting a spear, but the foam had turned into a sword. She was able to shape the foam at will. Junhyuk turned his body, dodging the swing. He had fought heroes before, so an expert didn¡¯t pose him much danger. He was unimpressed by the attack, but suddenly, thorns grew out of the sword toward him, and he teleported away instinctively, frowning. "Difficult." She could shape it however she wanted, but the range was limited to four meters. Junhyuk considered himself lucky to find out about her power that way. His body got slight goosebumps, but he couldn¡¯t use the Spatial sh because he wanted her alive. Even the Spatial sh¡¯s basic damage would kill her. Junhyuk was thinking about dodging her for ten seconds when she ran toward him. She wasn¡¯t that fast while holding her weapon, and he could use the force field, but he didn¡¯t want to show Eunmi all of his powers yet. Elise had ordered Zaira to turn of the cameras, but he also didn¡¯tplete trust Elise. He knew he was curious, so he wanted to use as few powers as he could. Junhyuk thought about the poring. Her weapons would damage him much, but he was worried that they might infect him. He didn¡¯t want to put himself in danger, so punched a wall. Boom! The punched had made a hole, and he picked up the pieces of the wall. "This is not like a pillow." Junhyuk threw a piece the size of his head, and it sped off like lightning. Eunmi sliced it with her sword, and he kicked the other pieces on the ground toward her. sh, sh, sh! He could control his musclespletely, and his kicks were urate. The small pieces of rock flew toward her, and she blocked them with the sword. There was only about six meters between them, but she couldn¡¯t advance. If she let her guard down, she would die from the debris. When Eunmi¡¯s power ended, and she lost her sword, he ran at her. Junhyuk closed in extremely fast, and she leaned back to dodge. However, she was unable to escape him. He punched her on the chin, and she staggered. Then, he punched her again, but this time on the ribs. Junhyuk broke her ribs, but he didn¡¯t care. The two attacks sapped her health, and she fell to the ground while he stared at her. She was regaining health, but she would be out for a while. Junhyuk could restrain her at any time, so he grabbed the back of her neck and dragged her out. Outside, the women were waiting for him. Elise saw Eunmi and was relieved. "Take her to the iron soldier hangar." Junhyuk nodded, and she walked next to him and asked, "How did you get her?" "I hit her. She is in need of medical attention." She didn¡¯t die, but she didn¡¯t look good either. So, Elise took a moment to think and said, "I¡¯ll give her some medicine. When do you think she¡¯ll wake up?" He saw that she was slowly regaining health, but he didn¡¯t know when she¡¯d open her eyes, so he merely shrugged. Elise spoke up again. "Can an iron soldier restrain her?" Junhyuk thought it over and said, "Be careful with her second power. It has a four-meter range and it will kill you." "I¡¯ll arm the iron soldier with rubber bullets." "Sure, but don¡¯t get close to her, at least not within four meters." "Sure." Elise thought she could handle the situation, so he didn¡¯t say anything else and just took her to the hangar. The other employees weren¡¯t aware of what was happening. Only Eunseo knew. Once Junhyuk got to the hangar, he said to Elise, "If she has lost her ability to reason, you must restrain her. Her power is dangerous." "You should stay here till she wakes up," Elise said. "I don¡¯t know when that¡¯ll be." Elise smiled. "She¡¯ll wake up soon." He looked around and saw an iron soldier. "Where are the rest of the iron soldiers?" "The EMP damaged their circuits, but that¡¯s considering it was an extraordinary EMP." Junhyuk agreed. Powers were inherently something that was impossible by Earthly means. Elise pulled out a syringe and gave it to the iron soldier. It injected the contents into Eunmi, and she regained some of her health quickly. Junhyuk watched as her health went up to thirty, and Eunmi groaned and worke up. She could open her eyes, but she couldn¡¯t get up. After looking around, she asked, "Where am I?" One of her eyes was back to normal, but the other was still green. Chapter 260: Strong Enemy 1 Chapter 260: Strong Enemy 1 They ran tests on Eunmi, and she seemed normal, but due to her injuries, she couldn¡¯t move. "This may be meaningless, but I still have to tell you something," Elise told her. "What happened to me?" "You were infected along with other people. Do you remember?" "No, I can¡¯t remember. They were testing me..." Elise had expected that answer. "You¡¯ve activated two powers. Can you feel them?" she asked. Eunmi¡¯s left eye twitched, and green foam came out of her hand and changed into a sword. She surprised herself in the process. "What did just happen?!" Elise understood now that she had activated two powers. "This is beyond what I had expected." Elise walked over to her, and Junhyuk sighed and walked over to Elise. She smiled at Eunmi. "Now, I am sure that you are still infected. We have to know how you¡¯ll behave in the future. If not, you won¡¯t be able to get out there and join the rest of the world." "You mean I have to be confined here?" "You might lose consciousness again and kill many people around you." "Kill people?" Elise showed Eunmi her tablet. "This is you when you lost your memory." Eunmi was holding a spear and breaking down a door. She had lost her ability to reason, and one of her eyes waspletely white while the other was green. She was shocked by what she saw. "I¡¯ll take full responsibility and cure you, but you have to cooperate," Elise told her. "Even if I want to cooperate, if this happens again, I will be unable to." "You can¡¯t get out of this ce, and you¡¯ll regain your reasoning eventually. To prevent other people from being infected, I need your help." Eunmi was about to cry. "I have to go to school." Elise looked at Eunseo, and Eunseo said, "If you help us, don¡¯t worry about your grades. If you want, after you graduate, you can work for us." Eunmi stared at Eunseo. She was attending a second rate university and she would have a hard time finding jobs. However, if she could work for Guardians, wouldn¡¯t that be a great opportunity? "If you cooperate, we willpensate you as well," Elise said. "Compensate?" Elise showed her the tablet again. "Sign here. The signing bonus is $100 thousand, and you¡¯ll be paid $1 million after the research is over." "What?!" Junhyuk knew that amount was absurd for a college student. They could have offered more, but she was just a student, and they knew that it would be enough to entice her. Eunmi was conflicted, and Eunseo chuckled. "We will help you." She looked at Junhyuk and asked, "You aren¡¯t going to dissect me, right?" Heughed hard. "You¡¯ve watched too many movies. Guardians was established to protect the world, so don¡¯t worry." She stared at him and said, "I¡¯ll trust you." "Why are you trusting me?" he asked. "You are ST Capsule¡¯s model." "Riiight." He realized once again the power the media had. Junhyuk looked at Elise, who got Eunmi¡¯s signature and smiled. "Elise, I want to talk." "Sure." Junhyuk took her aside and asked, "I helped you now, things can¡¯t continue like this." "I know it. I¡¯ll try the iron soldier on her, and if the iron soldier can restrain her, I won¡¯t need your help." "Where are you going to hold her?" "I¡¯ll dig arge hole. She has powers, but she can¡¯t jump extremely high." He frowned. "How you going to get in and out?" "I have to check, but I¡¯ll use an elevator. If she makes any problem, I¡¯ll shut down the elevator." She looked at Sora and added, "I¡¯ll check if Sora can use her speed vertically. If so, the ce will be really far down." "Can I go now?" he asked. "Help me move her to the undergroundb." "You have an undergroundb?" "I have to move some things around, but there is no ce like it." He followed Elise toward Eunmi. The iron soldier lifted her, and he followed it. Sora, Elise and Eunseo followed him. They got on an elevator and moved underground, heading to Elise¡¯sb. At the bottom, she opened a door to a room. "I nned to bunk here, so stay here and cooperate." "Sure." Eunmi had already checked her bank ount and seen that she had received the money, so she was cooperating. "I¡¯ll be going. If something happens, call me," he said, looking at the group. "Wait." Elise tapped her tablet, and his phone rang. He checked it and saw that he had received his pay. "I hope nothing bad happens." "Don¡¯t worry." Elise knew that if she had to call him, it would cost her money, so she would find other alternatives. Junhyuk and Eunseo got back on the elevator, and he looked at her. "I have to train now, but you should know, I won¡¯t be able to go to the same Dimensional Battlefield as you this Friday." "What?!" He calmly exined things to her, "In each battlefield, heroes can take up to five support powers. I have three powers, and Sarang has two, so they already had five extra powers. You¡¯ll go to a different battlefield this time." Arn wouldn¡¯t drop either Sarang or him to take Eunseo, and she scowled. "What do we do now?" "Focus on staying alive. Get help from the allied heroes, and make them help you." She nodded. "Understood. I have to make them realize they need me." "That¡¯s about it." Her counterattack could help. She didn¡¯t have any equipment boosting it, but its power was still massive. If she got any items, she would be even more powerful. Also, she had her ring, and minions wouldn¡¯t be any problem for her. She only had to be careful of novices and those ranked higher than that. Junhyuk looked at her and said, "Just make sure no one finds out that you are a novice." "Sure." Her falling under abnormal narcolepsy had to be kept secret, so she nodded, and he smiled. "Don¡¯t worry too much. Sora came back, and so will you." "OK. Then, go on a date with me on Saturday," she said. "What?!" "Have dinner with me." He didn¡¯t like the term "date," but did not mind having dinner with her. "Sure." Junhyuk bid her good luck and walked to the car he had rented and was now all dented. "I¡¯ll have to pay for that." He would do it and buy himself a new car. The following day, after a meal with Sarang, he would purchase a new car. --- They ate dinner, and he got a car and bought one for Sarang too. Her new ID had been a driver¡¯s license. Junhyuk still had to teach her how to drive, but she had a car now. Both cars would be delivered in a week, and because they had bought two cars, the dealer treated them like VIPs. He told her about the living spirit and that he wouldn¡¯t be able to call her. He wanted to focus on the living spirit. "Don¡¯t worry. We¡¯ll meet again on Friday." "Thanks for understanding. I¡¯ll see you on Friday then." "How did the poring situation happen?" Junhyuk shrugged. "This is only the beginning. It will spread to other countries. We have to kill porings. That¡¯s about the best solution." "Whew! When I go to sleep, I still think about it." "He was infected and he wasn¡¯t the person you knew. Don¡¯t worry about it." "I know." She looked at him and asked, "Are youing to my training ce?" "No, I¡¯ll focus on the living spirit." "Of course. Let¡¯s train together next time." "Sure." He sent her home and went to a hotel. There, he closed his eyes and focused on the living spirit. The spirit travelled through therge pathways, and he did not notice the time passing. Junhyuk called Sungtae, who had found a cleaningpany in the meantime and done other things. He told Sungtae that he would be there on the weekend and hung up to train with the living spirit again. Time passed quickly. It was Friday, and there were no monster attacks. He was in the middle of training when he got a call. It was from Eunseo, but he failed to pick it up immediately because of his training, so he called her back. "Hello?" "You came back safely." "Since I was alone, it was tough." "I¡¯m d you made it back. Your chances of returning alive will increase with each sess." "Thanks for saying that." He continued, "I¡¯ll call you when I return alive." "Come back safe." He hung up andy on the bed, focusing on the living spirit. The spirit did not get bigger, but he could feel it moving around therge pathways in his body. A bright white light shone on him, and he felt that he was back in the Dimensional Battlefield, so he opened his eyes slowly. Chapter 261: Strong Enemy 2 Chapter 261: Strong Enemy 2 Junhyuk turned around and looked at the amount of gold he had: 222,760G. It was a lot, so he smiled at the sight. When he started hearing the soft voice announcing where he was, he cut it short. "Stop. I¡¯ve been here already, so there¡¯s no need to exin anything. If anything changes, let me know." [From now on, I will inform you if there are any changes to the Valley of Death.] "Thanks." After replying, he summoned every item he had, walked toward the exit and stopped. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] He opened the door, walked out and saw a throng of minions. Passing them by, he heard someone call him from behind. "Big brother!" Sarang was running toward him, and he smiled. Her helmet was covering her face, but when she got ot him, she hugged him tightly. He tapped her helmet and said, "Get off me." "It¡¯s been a while." Sarang¡¯s voice transpired joy at seeing him. They were in a battlefield, so why were they so rxed? They were still talking when the heroes arrived, all with serious looks on their faces. The minions made way, and Arn walked toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk bowed to Arn, who said, "You did well at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield." "There was a new champion, but it wasn¡¯t too dangerous." Arn turned to the other heroes and said, "We have to find out who we will face." They nodded, and Arn continued, "You¡¯ll all likely die on this battlefield." The heroes tared at Junhyuk and at Sarang, and Junhyuk said, "If Sarang dies, let her stay inside the castle." Nobody said anything, but Vera stepped forward and patted her shoulder. "Anybody against this suggestione forward now." No one opposed her, and Arn looked at Junhyuk. "If you die four times, stay inside the castle." Junhyuk smiled and answered, "I will." Arn looked around and said, "I will take him and Sarang through the bottom path." "Take me too." They did not know anything about their enemies, so they wanted to focus on synergy. "I¡¯ll go top." "I¡¯ll go with you." Diane and Nudra agreed to move together, Halo said, "I¡¯ll check out the enemies in the center path." Junhyuk walked over to Diane and asked, "Can I get more seeds?" "Seeds?" He nodded, and Diane raised her hand. "You know the price, right?" "Sure." "Then, I¡¯ll get you more." Arn selected fifty minions and looked at the group. "This is a reconnaissance mission. We¡¯ll find out more about the near-legends now." Arn took lead, and Junhyuk followed him. Vera was having a serious conversation with Sarang, and Junhyuk just walked after Arn quietly. Outside castle, Junhyuk suddenly stopped. He felt an enormous amount of mana around him, and the living spirit started moving. Seeing that, Arn picked him up. "Focus on the living spirit." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t utter one word. The living spirit was feeling all the mana around him and moving intensely. He thought his veins, arteries and pathways were strong, but they were being torn apart by the spirit moving so quickly. However, just as quickly as they tore, they were repaired by the spirit. The living spirit was entirely focused on repairing the pathways, and he had to pay attention to the spirit¡¯s movements. That¡¯s what Arn wanted him to do even if he hadn¡¯t said it out loud. Junhyuk didn¡¯t answer Arn. Instead, he focused on the living spirit, and suddenly felt a warm energy on his back. After that, the living spirit went back to its normal ce. In his gut, the living spirit was now twice its previous size. Once it stopped moving, Junhyuk opened his eyes wide. "Get down." Hended on the ground, and Arn asked him, "How are you?" "I can¡¯t believe it." The pathways in his body had be even wider, and as he felt them, he stared at Arn. "Even though the living spirit is bigger now, it¡¯s fine. Whenever you have time to pay attention to the living spirit, do so. I can carry you." Junhyuk bowed. His soul had to grow with the living spirit, and even if his soul couldn¡¯t keep up, he wanted to let the living spirit grow. Arn was giving him the opportunity to do just that. "I am not sure what management is thinking, but this ce has a lot of mana. If a ce has this much mana, it¡¯ll produce many strong individuals." Junhyuk looked around. Because of the warm energy on his back, he felt a little drowsy, but if necessary, he would engorge on the mana like a dog on its bone. To suppress the living spirit, his soul had to grow as well. Junhyuk nodded, looking around, and Arn added suddenly, "Enemy spotted." Junhyuk looked at the enemies. There were two of them, but no experts or champions, and they gave off strong aura. The minions couldn¡¯t see them, however. The blond man wearing goggles was really skinny. When the white-skinned man looked at the allies, they could see he had the face of a porcin doll. The other was a wide-shouldered man in armor. He had a horn on his forehead and held a gigantic sword. The man was three meters tall, and the sword was three meters long. Minions could also make a difference on the battlefield. For instance, riflemen minions posed more danger than sword-and-shield minions. When Junhyuk looked at the enemy minions, however, he frowned. They were in full armor, and sharp des stuck out from their hands. "Gillettes?" They were all holding two des, and Sarang asked him, "What is a gillette?" "Our world has something like gillettes," he said and looked at Arn, who was smirking. "We should check them out first." Arn stepped forward, and the man with the giant sword did the same from the opposite side. The sword was wide enough to ce beef on top of it and roast it to a steak. The size of it looked surreal, so the hero must have focused on attacking. Junhyuk gripped his swords tightly, and Vera put a hand on his shoulder. "We should find out their powers first. Save your own." He realized that the enemy had scared him and inhaled deeply. Arn was his teacher, so Arn would be fine in dealing with them. Arn stepped forward, and the single-horned hero pointed his sword on him. "Let¡¯s y." Arn pulled out his sabers and ran. He wasn¡¯t using his powers, so the single-horned hero smiled. "Interesting fellow." The hero raised his sword high and swung it down hard, and Arn used his sabers to parry. Screeeeech! The impact between the sabers and the sword created sparks, and the two came shoulder to shoulder. Arn parried the giant sword to the side. Normally, the sword was so big that it forced its opponents to use their powers. The two were measuring each other, trying to figure out who would use their powers first. Arn closed in with the sabers, and the single-horned hero did the same and tried to elbow him. Arn tried to move his head quickly, but got hit, and his forehead started bleeding. The horned hero passed by Arn and turned around while swinging the sword, but Arn dodged it and closed in again. The horned hero was not only handling therge sword, but he knew exactly how to duel with it. Arn had a smile on his face, and the horned hero pulled the big sword toward him and shed at Arn, moving his sword like it was his own hand, masterfully. Arn¡¯s back was facing the hero, and he turned around swinging his sabers. Clink, clink! Arn closed in again, and the horned hero covered his eyes and, using his pauldron, pushed Arn away. Seeing the impact, Arn covered his chest with his sabers. Boom! There was some distance between the two now. "My name is Arn." The horned hero rested the sword on his shoulder. "You are good enough to learn my name. I¡¯m Keros." Artlen felt his saber¡¯s de with his fingers. "We¡¯ve checked each other out. Now, let¡¯s really fight." "Good idea." Keros brandished his sword and positioned himself. He was staring at Arn with cold eyes, and Arn ran toward Keros, who swung at Arn. Arn dodged it, and Keros tried to elbow him again, but Arn used his seven-strike attack on Keros. They sh like lightning. Keros stepped back and covered his body with his sword, but he couldn¡¯t escape the power. Suddenly, a red light shone from Kero¡¯s sword. ng, ng, ng, ng, ng, ng, ng! The red light took all seven strikes, and Keros seemed OK. However, Arn staggered backward. He was spitting blood. Everyone was curious about what had happened, and Arn wiped his mouth. "Reflective damage?" When Keros swung again, the red light had already disappeared. "It decreases enemy-attack damage by 80 percent, so I only take in 20 percent, but it also returns 50 percent of the damage to the attacker." Keros shrugged and added, "But I have to time it right. Otherwise, it¡¯s useless." Arn had used the seven-strikebo, but Keros had blocked it and reflected the damage. He smiled bitterly. Counterattacking was hard, but Kero¡¯s had done it perfectly. Keros was a legend candidate, so he was inplete control of his counters. "That¡¯s a nice power." But such a power had to have a long cooldown, and Arn would exploit that weakness. He ran toward Keros again. Chapter 262: Strong Enemy 3 Chapter 262: Strong Enemy 3 Keros looked at Arn running toward him and smirked while moving his giant sword. Even though Keros was moving slowly, Arn couldn¡¯t let his guard down. He threw his saber. Keros looked at the saber flying toward him, and his eyes widened. However, he blocked it with his sword, and Arn grabbed it on the bounce back. Seeing that, Junhyuk clicked his tongue. "What was that defense?!" "What are you talking about?" Vera asked. "Even though he blocked the attack, he only lost 5 percent of his health," Junhyuk answered. "What about it?" "Arn used his power, but he lost only 5 percent of his health." Vera frowned and said, "Then, maybe he¡¯s a tank?" Junhyuk understood it then. Tanks could endure with their superior defense, and counterattacks worked well for them. Arn closed in, and the two fell into closebat again. Keros fought extremely well against the sabers, and Junhyuk remembered that he still had unused powers. Arn had used the seven-strikebo, but had gotten himself injured. At least half of his attack had returned to him, and he lost 7 percent of his health. No one was sure about Keros¡¯ defense. Even though 20 percent of Arn¡¯s attack had gone through, it felt like it had done nothing to him. Arn got really close to Keros to attack him, thinking that because of the extremely close range, Keros would be at a disadvantage with his sword. Arn wasfortable fighting at that range with his sabers, so he had to be gaining ground. However, Keros was calm. His defense was extremely high. His weapon looked absurd, yet he was a tank. Arn was waiting to seize the opportunity. The counterattack had a long cooldown, and Arn was nning to use the seven-strikebo on Keros again when its cooldown was over. The cooldown ended, and Arn started shing again. sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh. Keros defended the strikes, but the damage still went through. Arn didn¡¯t hesitate and attacked again. The cooldown on his throwing power had also ended, so Arnunched it at close range. ng! The two sabers returned to Arn, and Keros swung his giant sword at him roughly. Arn had to step back, and a glint came over Keros¡¯ eyes. Keros stomped the ground and jumped toward Arn. Keros stomped the ground and jumped toward Arn. He rushed, and his pauldron mmed against Arn, who blocked the attack with his sabers, but he still took damage. Boom! When he gotunched away, Arn knew that something was wrong. Even though his attack stat was high, he still had the highest defense among the allies, but Arn lost 20 percent of his with that attack. Keros raised his sword up high and mmed it down. Boom! When the sword hit the ground, red lights fanned out from the ce of impact. The fan-shaped shockwave passed through Arn, and he was pushed back, grimacing. He lost another 30 percent of his health. For a tank, Keros dealt unsurpassed damage. Including the reflective damage along with all the rest, Arn had 43 percent of his health left. Keros¡¯ damage was too high. Arn was struggling, and Keros ran toward him. "You think I¡¯m a tank?" Arn grimaced, and Keros pointed his giant sword forward. Arn ran toward him, and an opening appeared on Keros¡¯ sword that released red lights toward Arn. The shrapnel from the giant sword covered Arn, flying toward him like a hurricane, and Arn grimaced. They had already seen three powers, which meant that had to be his ultimate. Keros couldn¡¯t be a tank, and it was possible that his ultimate would kill Arn. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Arn wanted to know the power of Keros¡¯ ultimate, which meant that he would take it head on. However, an ivory light covered his body, and the shrapnel bounced off. Arn turned to look and found Junhyuk standing there, so he clicked his tongue and looked forward. The red lights disappeared, and Keros stared at the force field. "Ah! This is the renowned force field," he said. Then, he turned to Junhyuk and nodded as if to greet him. "That¡¯s the friend who is winning in the Champions¡¯ Battlefield." He stared at Junhyuk, and Junhyuk felt threatened by it. Keros looked at him like wild game, and Junhyuk¡¯s hairs stood up. Arn appeared between the two and said, "Sorry. This is a brawl now. Let¡¯s fight as a team." He ran forward, and Vera took off, following him. "Let¡¯s begin!" Keros looked at them both and turned to retreat. Already aware of the force field, he did not wait around. The enemy was running away, and Arn said, "We don¡¯t have much time." "Don¡¯t worry. I¡¯m here." Vera threw a fire spear, and Junhyuk waited. Keros stopped to block the spear. Boom! The sword released red lights, and the fire spear died off. Vera was inside the force field, but she was still shocked. Keros was astounded. "That field is better than my counterattack. The reflective attack didn¡¯t work." Then, the man next to Kerosughed hard. "Difficult." Keros looked at Junhyuk and said, "We¡¯ll kill him four times." "Sure." Keros had taken his eyes off of him for just an instant at his partner¡¯s response, but when he looked back at Junhyuk, he didn¡¯t find him. Keros thought he was short and was hidden by Vera and Arn, but suddenly, he felt a prick on his neck. "Ugh!!" Keros groaned loudly, and a shockwave extended out with him in the center. He held his neck. "A Spatial sh?" It dealt a lot of damage. Keros hadn¡¯t seen iting and hadn¡¯t been able to respond to it. "No, was he invisible?" Keros thought he had disappeared and somehow hit him. "This is why assholes with teleport powers are hard to deal with." Keros put pressure on his neck and added, "I¡¯ll kill him." "You are greedy." "You deal with that magician!" "Sure." "Don¡¯t let your guard down. They have a champion with them." The force field died out, and the man raised both of his hands. "Debuff them." The man created two orb-shaped machined that spun around as if they were alive. The man extended his hand. The fight had to continued. Vera prepared her magic, and the man said, "The force field is gone. Introduce yourselves." Vera was about to curse, but Arn held her back. "We are nearly within the range of their watchtower. Stop here." Vera grimaced, looked at the man and popped her knuckles. "Get out here, and I will listen to your sorry story." "I don¡¯t need the watchtower anyway." Arn made a signal, and everyone moved back. Junhyuk was frowning, and Arn asked him, "What¡¯s wrong?" "Keros. His defense is absurd." "I know." Junhyuk shook his head. "The Spatial sh only took 20 percent of his health." "He is stronger than Jean Clo?" "Definitely." Arn smiled bitterly. "Sturdier than Jean Clo, and deals more damage than regr damage dealers. It has to be because of his items, but it¡¯s still astonishing." They talked. Meanwhile, the man walked closer and said, "My name is Tuelus." Tuelus introduced himself and extended both of his hands, adding, "This side is Sol, and this side is Luna." He looked pleased. "You will remember these names." Vera shook her head. "You are a funny one and full of shit." She turned to Arn and asked, "When do we begin?" Arn looked at Junhyuk, who raised two fingers. Arn nodded and said, "I¡¯ll get you more time." "Who is my target?" "Tuelus." "OK." Junhyuk positioned himself, and Arn moved forward. Keros also stepped forward, and Vera smirked, murmuring, "You are still here." Sarang nodded. Their enemies were impressive. They didn¡¯t know about Tuelus yet, and the suspense was mounting. "Don¡¯t overdo it," Junhyuk told Sarang. "Sure." He thought that the enemies were stronger than the allies. If they pressed the allies, he and Sarang could both die, so Junhyuk made a decision. The force field was gone for now. They had witnessed Keros¡¯ powers, but they hadn¡¯t seen Tuelus¡¯ yet. At that point, he couldn¡¯t be sure if they could survive this battle. However, their enemies didn¡¯t know about her. Keros looked at the allies and ran toward them. "Let¡¯s begin." Arn ran toward Keros, and Vera ignited a fire spear. Without the force field, Keros could counter, cing Vera in danger. She threw the fire spear at Tuelus, but Keros blocked for him, getting hit by the spear. Boom! Vera could deal a lot of damage, but Keros only lost 10 percent of his health. However, he had already lost some health. With the damage Arn had inflicted on him, and Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh, after Vera¡¯s attack, Keros was left with 53 percent of his health. There was only a 10 percent difference in the proportion between Arn¡¯s and Kero¡¯s healths. Junhyuk was thinking about attacking Keros, but Keros attacked Arn suddenly. If Arn retreated, Keros would attack Vera directly, so Arn grimaced and parried with his sabers. Boom! Arn is thrown backward and lost 20 percent of his health. Then, Keros raised his sword, ready to released the fifteen-meter, fan-like shock wave. Arn could die at any moment. Arn had been thrown toward Junhyuk, who touched him and Vera while Sarang touched his back as well. He teleported. Boom! The shockwave extended from the ground, and the sight of it made Junhyuk sweat cold. Thebo would¡¯ve killed Arn. Junhyuk thought he had saved Arn, but blue bullets made of light rushed in his direction. Thuck, thuck, thuck! Arn tried to parry with his saber, but there were more than ten bullets flying toward him, and he had already used all of his powers. Arn was dying, and Tuelus was smiling while he stood behind Keros with Sol and Luna in his hands. "I told you... You will shudder." Chapter 263: Dark Clouds Over the Battlefield 1 Chapter 263: Dark Clouds Over the Battlefield 1 Arn lost 30 percent of his health all at once, which meant that the enemy¡¯s attack had pierced Arn¡¯s defenses for 30 percent of his health, at least. Keros¡¯ shockwave could certainly inflict damage, and that help them understand Tuelus¡¯ attack. Vera gritted her teeth, and Junhyuk stood in front of her and said, "Let¡¯s kill at least one." "Right," and extended her hand, igniting a me with it. She raised a firewall from under Keros, but he ignored it and ran toward her. The firewall dealt continuous burn damage, but if the hero simply passed through it, they would lose much health. Keros was running, and he had exactly 50 percent of his health left. Junhyuk rant toward Keros, trying to get his attention, and Keros smirked and ran toward him. Keros had used all of his powers, so Junhyuk thought he could do something and got closer. Suddenly, Keros swung his massive sword, and just like Arn had, Junhyuk decided to block the strike with his dual swords. ng! Once the massive sword swung down on his dual swords, without even realizing it, Junhyuk was kneeling before Keros. As he kneeled, he felt Keros¡¯ sword slicing through his armor little by little. "What is this...?" Keros¡¯ strength was unlike that of any hero he had met before, and he gritted his teeth. However, if that continued, he would be sliced in half, so he parried the massive sword to the side. sh! It wasn¡¯t a clean parry, and Junhyuk¡¯s right arm was lopped off in the process. He started bleeding profusely, but he managed to sh Keros¡¯ thigh with the Frozen Rune Sword. Trying not to groan, he rolled on the ground, distancing himself from Keros, and got up. Keros looked at him and smiled. "You fight well." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t answer. "Big brother!" Suddenly two electric sts flew across the battlefield and hit Keros¡¯ and Tuelus¡¯ faces respectively, and a fired spear exploded against the back of Keros¡¯ head. Keros was pushed forward, seeing the fire orb in front of him. Boom! He was pushed back, and Junhyukunched himself against him and stabbed at his neck with the Frozen Rune Sword. However, the stab didn¡¯t go through. The paralysis had worn off, and Keros blocked the sword using his gauntlet. Junhyuk had applied the debuff twice, so when he saw Keros wielding his giant sword, he protected his body with the Frozen Rune sword. Junhyuk was in the air. The impact of the giant sword against the Frozen Rune Sword had sent him flying. While bouncing, however, Junhyuk used the Spatial sh again. The Frozen Rune Sword shed, and the side of Keros neck started bleeding. "It¡¯s been fun," he said, but Keros dove forward, stabbing at him with the giant sword. Junhyuk tried to block, but Keros twisted the sword in the air. ng! Junhyuk¡¯s sword bounced back from the impact with the massive sword, which gave Keros arge enough opening to stab him. "Ugh!" The massive sword was extremely wide, and it had prated his armor. Junhyuk had lost 20 percent of his health when he lost his arm, and Keros had stabbed his heart, so the strike was nearly fatal. Junhyuk was barely alive, but he couldn¡¯t move, so Keros walked closer to him, and stabbed him all the way through, smiling at Junhyuk in the process. "Everytime I see you, I will kill you." Junhyuk held Keros by his single horn and said, "Kill me all you want. I will be right there every time you die." After those words, the world turned dark. --- The harsh emptiness. He didn¡¯t know how much time he had spent travelling through it it. It had felt like a moment, but also like an eternity. After going through it, he breathed hard. "Whew!" He raised his right arm and touched his chest. There were no injuries, but he could still feel the massive sword going through it. So, Junhyuk sighed and walked to the exit. He had seen their strength, but he was not scared. He would pay them back for what they had done. Junhyuk stepped forward. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] When Junhyuk opened the door, he saw Arn, which was natural. Even after reviving, Arn would still have to go rejoin the battle, and by then, the fight would be over. He understood why Arn was still there. Then, he saw the others standing by Arn and frowned. "You were all killed?" Halo, Nudra and Diane were standing next to Arn. They were all grimacing. "What happened?" Arn asked. "His strength is unbelievable. Keros killed me." "You guys hadn¡¯t killed him before you were killed?" "No." "Vera will be here soon." Junhyuk was expecting the same oue, but he was curious about the others¡¯ powers. "Halo, how was your opponent?" "I met a tank." "We thought our enemy was a tank too." Halo shook his head. "I¡¯ve been talking to Arn, and I also think your enemy was a tank, but not like mine." There was a real tank out there, and Junhyuk felt despondent. "How was it?" "My power only inflicted 4 percent of damage to the enemy¡¯s health." Halo had upgraded his equipment and highly boosted his damage, but he had only dealt 4 percent of damage to the enemy. Things were serious. Halo could deal more than than Arn, so Halo¡¯s enemy had to be a serious tank. "I retreated, and he followed me to the watchtower and killed me. I¡¯d never seen anyone like him." As he watched Halo talking, Junhyuk could tell that he was burning with anger and smiled. Nobody¡¯s morale was low. Junhyuk looked at Diane, and she walked over to him without saying anything and hugged him tightly. "Diane?" Diane grabbed his butt without speaking, and when he teleported away, she clicked her tongue. "Crap! It won¡¯t wear off if I touch it." "You did it very suddenly!" "A-ha! Do you mean I can touch it if I warn you?" He shook his head, and Diane shrugged. "There were two on my side. One was a robot, and the other had a mechanical arm and an evil arm. The robot killed me." "A robot?" Diane looked at Nudra. "Ask Nudra. I saw it, but not up close." Junhyuk turned to him. "The beginning was simple. I tried a kick, but the robot¡¯s hand pulled me closer, and after that my powers became unusable. They attacked me, and I died." Junhyuk scowled. If their enemy could take powers away for a short while, they could kill any of them. Junhyuk looked at Diane, and she shrugged. "The robot threw a strange at me, and I got caught in it and died." "A?" "That¡¯s right." The robot had pulled Nudra and thrown a from a long distance. He would be a difficult enemy. "How is his defense?" "Basically, really strong. His attack was high, but his defense at least equals Arn¡¯s." "They are difficult enemies." If the team battle happened right then, the allies would lose. Junhyuk sighed, and Vera and Sarang walked out from within the castle. They had to have died at the same time. Vera looked at the group and couldn¡¯t help butugh aloud. "Everyone¡¯s been killed?" "Yep, we didn¡¯t do much." Vera sighed and looked at Junhyuk. "I failed to avenge you." "That¡¯s OK. I¡¯ll do it myself." The heroes all looked at him and burst intoughter. Meanwhile, Diane pped his butt. "This is why I like you so much." He covered his butt with his hands. "What do we do now?" Arn looked at the group and asked, "So, do we know their powers now?" Everyone shook their heads, and Arn frowned. "We know about Keros. What about Tuelus?" "We couldn¡¯t check. The blue beam from his right hand made a circle that swept through the surroundings. That¡¯s all we know." Arn nodded and looked at the group. "OK. Sarang, you stay here. If anyonees, contact us and stay inside the force field. They can kill you with single blow." "Yes." He turned to the others and continued, "We should re-equip ourselves, but the first towers are probably down by now, so we¡¯ll fight Keros and Tuelus." They were strong, but not many times stronger than the allies. If the heroes focused on them, they could kill them. "Kill them first, and we¡¯ll head to Bebe after." The items they were carrying right now wouldn¡¯t help them much. Their enemies were that strong, so Junhyuk agreed with the n. They would take the lower path, giving up the middle and upper paths, but there was nothing he could do. The allies couldn¡¯t defend every path, so they had to concentrate on one. Junhyuk walked over to Sarang. Her eyes were shaking, and he hugged her tightly. "Stay here and rest." "I will." He patted her back lightly and walked away. Junhyuk was with the heroes to dish out some vengeance. The five heroes were together, and Junhyuk wondered if he could kill Keros. So far, the heroes hadn¡¯t cared who he killed, but now, the enemies had to be carrying amazing items. He had to be careful about picking up items from the ground. Junhyuk walked out with the heroes, waving goodbye toward Sarang. She did the same enthusiastically. He wanted to be decisive. They had killed him and her, and Junhyuk really wanted to kill one of them with his own hands. As he walked out of the castle, he felt the living spirit going crazy. It was running around his veins, gobbling down mana like a maniac. Junhyuk stopped, and the group looked at him. Arn picked him up and said, "Focus on the living spirit." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t answer, and Diane asked him, "What is wrong with you?" "He has a living spirit within him now." "A living spirit? The one that disappeared from your dimension? That¡¯s too dangerous!" "Correct." Diane stared Arn down. "You gave it to my cutie?!" "He will endure it." She clicked her tongue and added, "Well, that¡¯s too dangerous." Arnughed. "You¡¯re worried." Diane caressed Junhyuk¡¯s butt and added, "It¡¯s my hobby. Don¡¯t pay any attention to it." Chapter 264: Dark Clouds Over the Battlefield 2 Chapter 264: Dark Clouds Over the Battlefield 2 The living spirit ran through therge pathways in his body several times, making them evenrger, but then it changed to making his vein tougher. The living spirit was moving even faster than it had done in Korea. How many times had it run through his body? He felt the warm energy on his back, and the living spirit rested in his gut. Junhyuk slowly opened his eyes and saw a watchtower. He looked around. "No one is on the watchtower?" "That¡¯s right. I don¡¯t know where they went. It¡¯s empty." He got off from Arn¡¯s back. "Should we attack now?" "We should." They all wanted to visit Bebe. All heroes had died once and lost items in the process. Without new items, the allies would be pushed around. "Take care of the archers." "Yes." The Spatial sh could deal with the archers by itself, and because there were no minions, they took down the watchtower easily. "OK. We don¡¯t know where the enemy went, but the tower is destroyed, so we have a chance. Let¡¯s go see Bebe," Arn said. Everyone nodded, and they headed toward Bebe. On the way, Junhyuk asked, "Where do you think they went?" Arn pondered it over and said, "They probably went to hunt a buff monster. The enemies must be worried about us too. Let¡¯s hurry." Junhyuk nodded and ran faster. They needed new items before meeting up with the enemy again. On the way, Junhyuk turned to Diane. "Did you make more money?" She caressed his butt and said, "I trust two things, you and earning money." "That¡¯s nice." He felt good that the allied heroes were earning money because of him. As least, they had money. They ran for a while, but when they arrived at Bebe¡¯s portal, they met an unexpected group. There were three enemy heroes in front of them¡ªKeros, Tuelus and one more. Third one had a long back and spikes along his spine. He didn¡¯t look human. The heroes mouth was sliced from ear to ear, and he looked like he wasughing. Junhyuk was scared of looking at him. Halo looked at him and said, "That¡¯s the tank." A tank and two DPS. The allies had five heroes and Junhyuk, so they had a chance. Five would kill three. The tank got up and said, "I¡¯ve waiting here to meet you all. I am Aak." Aak extended his arms and continued, "Good ideaing here. So, let¡¯s party!" "Party? What party?!" Diane was already pulling her bowstring, and Aakughed and ran toward her. Arn jumped on Aak,nding on him, but Aak simply blocked Arn¡¯s saber attack with his forearm. Aak started bleeding from his forearm, but he ignored it and pushed Arn back, continuing on his path. Then, Nudra kicked Aak on his stomach. Aak was pushed back, and Junhyuk was relieved. At that point, Diane let go of her bowstring, and ten arrow flew out followed by twenty guided lights. The arrows flew in Tuelus¡¯ direction, and he escaped by strafing to the side. Meanwhile, Keros took Tuelus¡¯ spot. He used the massive sword to shield his body, blocking every arrow. Once the sword lit up red, Junhyuk grabbed Diane and teleported. They already knew of Keros¡¯ counterattack. Diane smiled at Junhyuk and said, "Thanks." He didn¡¯t respond, looking straight at the enemy. "Who do you want to kill first?" "A DPS." The allies had to kill the one with the strongest attack first, and Junhyuk nodded and used the Spatial sh. "Argh!" A gash appeared on Tuelus¡¯ neck, and he frowned, staring at Junhyuk. A shockwave swept through the enemies, dealing heavy damage. Tuelus was a standard DPS, and all of his items had to focus on attack. However, once the Spatial sh hit, it only took 25 percent off his health. Surprisingly, his defense was quite high. "They are too strong." They were definitely stronger than all of the enemies the allies had fought so far, or at least their items were stronger. Tuelus wiped the blood off his neck and smiled. He was staring at Junhyuk, and Junhyuk started feeling really nervous. The allies continued their attacks on Tuelus. From underneath him, a wall of fire rose from the ground, and a fire spear headed toward him. All of their firepower was now focus on the hero, and Tuelus clicked his tongue. "Take it easy now." Two machines floated up to Tuelus¡¯ shoulders and counterattacked with ten beams of light. Arn took them all and lost 35 percent of his health exactly. The attack hadn¡¯t even been an ultimate. Keros ran. Boom! Nudra was taking the front, so he got hit and bounced back from the impact. He crashed, and Aak took the lead for the enemy heroes. Halo used his sh Attack on Aak, passing the hero by. He wanted to attack the other enemies as well, but that¡¯s when Aak stomped the ground. Boom! The ground shook, and Junhyuk scowled. With Aak in center, concentric shockwaves expanded outward, and everyone caught by them was paralyzed. Aak punched at Halo, and Halo was thrown back toward Nudra. Keros went at them and swung hisrge sword down, creating the fan-like shockwave. The allies were losing a lot of health fast, and Tuelus sauntered over to them slowly and smiled. "How many of you will live?" The two machines on Tuelus shot two bluesers, and thesers formed a circle. The allies could all die, but at that moment, they were able to move again. Junhyuk had raised a force field around them. Chink! Tuelus bounced off the force field, and while the machines did fire thesers, nobody was hurt. He turned to the allies, who had already started attacking again. However, they were all at low health. The shockwaves had dealt a lot of damage, including to Junhyuk. Ordinarily, shockwaves didn¡¯t deal that much damage, but even Junhyuk lost 20 percent of his health because of the ones Aak released. As for the ones Keros created, those took 70 percent of Junhyuk¡¯s health, so he only had 10 percent left. He had wanted to save the allied heroes, but also, to save himself, he had had no other recourse. From just two attacks, the allies were doing terribly. If Tuelus¡¯st attack had seeded, most of the allies would have died. The allies had been thwarted. They had thought they could¡¯ve won with their numerical superiority. After they started moving, they all focused on Tuelus. However, Tuelus dodged everything, and Aak stood in his ce. Junhyuk was shocked by Aak¡¯s health and defense. The five heroes all focused on him, but he only lost 40 percent of his health. That was a legend candidate and a tank. Junhyuk was curious about the items the enemies were carrying. Then, Halo, Vera and Diane stepped back. THey were preparing their ultimates, and the other two heroes were covering for them. Because Arn¡¯s ultimate only hit a short range, he blocked for them instead. Junhyuk stood next to Halo and Vera, and Aak frowned, saying, "They are annoying..." "How many seconds left?" "Two." Tuelus shrugged. "Let¡¯s use them in sequence." Keros nodded and pointed his massive sword forward. The force field disappeared, and the sword exploded,unching a hurricane of shrapnel that swept through the surroundings. Seeing that, Junhyuk touched Halo, Vera and Diane and teleported. Keros attack dealt enormous damages, so he was hoping he didn¡¯t have a lot of defense. Instead, they focused on attacking the DPS who could kill with a single attack. However, Keros¡¯ attack affected an entire wide area, and it took 30 percent of the allies¡¯ healths. Arn lost all of his in the process and disappeared. Nudra was left with 30 percent. However, that¡¯s when the allies¡¯ ultimates we done charging. Diane fired, Halo use Rain from Above, and meteors covered the sky. Everything was cast, and that¡¯s when Tuelus machinesbined to form one and fired a bolt of lightning. That¡¯s what Junhyuk witnessed. He didn¡¯t see anything else. --- The heavy darkness. He ran like crazy and pierced through it. "Whoa!" What the hell happened? Tuelus¡¯ attack wasn¡¯t ordinary. The gigantic bolt of lightning covered and burned through everything. "Is that his ultimate?" It had inflicted an unreal amount of damage. Along with that unreal damage, the range of it was quite shocking. "Without the force field, it can kill all of us." He shook his head and walked to the exit. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] Junhyuk looked surprised after going out and looking around. "Holy crap!" He had expected to see Arn since he had been the first killed among them, but Junhyuk also saw Diane and Vera, who had low defenses byparison. They had all boosted attack more than defense and had paid the price. "You all got killed?" "Shit! Tuelus used his ultimate." "Did you kill him?" "Don¡¯t know." Diane sighed. "My arrow and Halo¡¯s Rain from Abovended, but I don¡¯t know what happened." Vera grimaced and said, "I got killed, and the meteor shower stopped. With any luck, Tuelus isn¡¯t alive." Junhyuk was shocked. The five had failed to kill three. Then, Halo and Nudra appeared. "You two were killed?" "They used long-range attacks, and we got killed." Junhyuk had raised the force field to protect the allies, but the enemies had a simr capacity, the tank Aak. Aak had health and defense, and when he was attacked by the allied heroes for ten seconds, he only lost 60 percent of his health. The allies started preparing their ultimates, but he stood strong like a force field. They were all shocked and speechless, but then, Nudra spit out a sentence. "Tuelus is dead." Junhyuk found renewed hope in Nudra¡¯s words. Chapter 265: Dark Clouds Over the Battlefield 3 Chapter 265: Dark Clouds Over the Battlefield 3 The allied heroes had been defeated ande back, and Sarang was also inside the castle. She looked at Junhyuk and asked, "You¡¯ve died twice already?" "Yes." Sarang had also experienced what it meant to travel through the dark emptiness, and she did not want to experience that again. Because Junhyuk had already experienced it twice in the same battlefield, she was very worried about him. He understood her concern and patted her shoulder, looking at the allied heroes. They all had serious expressions on their faces. "I had heard rumors, but I wasn¡¯t expecting this," Arn said, and the others nodded. Legend candidates. They were the current Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s strongest, and that description fit. One-on-one battles were meaningless. Three of them had even shut down all five allies, even with Junhyuk there. Arn smacked his lips and said, "Was thebination bad?" An absurd tank and two DPS. The tank had taken most of the attacks, but hadn¡¯t died, and the allies all got killed by a long-range AOE while standing in one spot. "We¡¯ve already lost the second tower in the upper and middle paths, so we¡¯ll take the bottom path and attack." "You mean attack at the second tower in the bottom path?" Arn nodded and added, "It would be nice if we could kill the dragon, but we¡¯d all die in the process. So, we have to push to the second tower. We must thwart the enemy by using our ultimates." "When do we go to Bebe?" "Let¡¯s put that n aside for now." "Why?" Vera asked, and Arn continued, "Did you lose a lot of items?" Everyone frowned. They had been killed twice, so each of them had lost two items. "But we can¡¯t retreat now," Vera said. "Correct. I don¡¯t want to retreat either," Arn continued. "So far, every time we advanced to a higher tier, we¡¯ve been killed twice, but by killing our enemies once, we were able to purchase upgrades. However, things are different now." "If we can them now, things would be great?" "Yes, but we can¡¯t kill them now." Vera touched her chin and looked at him. "Arn, are you admitting defeat?" "I¡¯m not so how it would go in other dimensions, but there are too many restraints here. We mustpare ourselves to them, and their items iparably better than ours. Rather than fighting them, we should focus on winning the battle." Arn looked very serious. "If we all get killed again, we might have to give up this round." Everyone was shocked while listening to him, and Arn smiled bitterly. "I did not know these words woulde out of my lips." Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected them to either, and Arn continued, "If we lose more items, the next round will be even more difficult." "Is there a way to win in the next battlefield?" Arnd shrugged. "This time, we all have enough money to upgrade our items, but if we lost any more items, the upgrades will be meaningless. We won¡¯t win any battles." "So, to win the next round, you n to lose this one?" "But we must put in some effort. Without their tank, if we concentrate our attacks, we can win, especially if they lose their own items." Of the enemies, Tuelus had been killed. They hadn¡¯t picked up Tuelus¡¯ item, but it still meant the allies could kill an enemy. It would be nice if they could kill more. It would be even better if they could pick up items as well. Arn looked at the allies and announced, "Let¡¯s move out." Junhyuk patted Sarang¡¯s shoulder, and he followed the heroes. When he left the castle, the living spirit responded to the presence of mana and started going wild. This time, the living spirit travelled through smaller veins. The arteries could already handle it, but the smaller pathways started getting renewed. Arn picked him up and carried him. Junhyuk knew what Arn thought of him, and he owed the hero a lot. While on Arn¡¯s back, he focused on the living spirit. The spirit was getting bigger, and his soul also got bigger each time he died. Because of the deaths, his soul was growing faster than the living spirit. He didn¡¯t want to die, but the deaths were helping him, so he took advantage of it. He the felt warm energy on his back, and the living spirit went back to sleep, so Junhyuk opened his eyes. When he stepped on the ground, he saw the second tower empty. "The enemy isn¡¯t here." "It¡¯s better this way. Destroy it." It was an easy affair to destroy the second tower. The allied heroes all participated, and the tower went down quickly. Once over, Junhyuk looked at his hands and then at Arn. "Whenever I move, I feel the living spirit." Arn responded, "It¡¯s probablyrge now." His soul was growing, so the living spirit was also growing quickly. Arn looked at him and added, "Feel the response from the living spirit. Later, you¡¯ll make the spirit your own by adding your movements to the spirit¡¯s movements. You¡¯ll have supernatural strength." "Strength?" Arn nodded. "This ce restricts your strength, but when you return to your own dimension, you will feel it. With the living spirit, you¡¯ll be more powerful, so train harder with it." "Good to know." Arn looked at Vera and asked, "Did you get what I asked?" "Wait." Vera pulled out a small marble from her Spatial Bag, and Arn took it and gave it to Junhyuk. "This will make you stronger from now on." "May I ask what it is?" Vera tapped his shoulder and said, "Monsters from other dimensions have been bothering your world." "Yes, but if I interfere, management will send even stronger monsters." She touched the small marble in his hand and said, "This will pull the coordinates of the dimensional tears." "What?!" Because he didn¡¯t understand her, he just stared at her. "The monsters in your dimension. As long as you don¡¯t activate it at the same time as a dimensional tear, this will pull them toward it," she said. Junhyuk broke into cold sweats. "Are you saying you want me to kill the monsters? But what happens if a buff monster appears?" Arn said, "That¡¯s just you wanting to stay a champion." Arn stared at him. "You mustn¡¯t take steps back to move forward." Junhyuk looked at his hand. He felt the living spirit. When he returned to Earth, he would be stronger than ever. "I can kill whatever I want?" Arn said, "Thest thing management will send are buff monsters." "No dragons?" Vera shook her head. "It will be too much for management to send dragons. It¡¯ll only be more buff monsters, and you will deal with them." "But not even a single hero can deal with a buff monster?!" Arn smiled coldly. "This ce has restraints. You think it would be the same in my dimension?" Junhyuk was nervous. The truth was that monsters would also be stronger. Because buff monsters would also be stronger, he is scared to fight one by himself. "Whew! So, if it doesn¡¯t open at the same time, I can pull the tear?" "Correct." His targets were the monsters, and he could even carry out a small revenge against management, so he ced the marble in his Spatial Bag. "Get stronger," Arn said, grabbing his shoulder. Junhyuk nodded. He wanted to see an end to the Dimensional Battlefield. He wanted to be a legend. "I¡¯ll be stronger." Arnughed. "Sure. Now, let¡¯s move." Arn followed the road, and Junhyuk went after him. If there were enemies at the end of the road, the allies might all get killed. However, they ran in full haste and arrived at the enemy castle. An enemy was standing there. It wasn¡¯t Aak, but a giant robot. It was four meters tall, and by its height alone, it could have been a tank, but the allies had heard about its powers. Keros and Tuelus were also there with the robot. Tuelus was smiling coldly. "I heard you destroyed the tower, so I returned. Nice to meet you again." Tuelus had been killed in the previous battle, so he had to have lost an item and gotten weaker. He wanted revenge. However, the allies were all thinking the same thing. Arnughed hard. "You are using three again?" "The other two went to destroy your towers." If the enemies destroyed the towers, the allies could be attacked from any path, but Arn inhaled deeply and said, "Don¡¯t care." Arn had given up on victory in this round. The allies would focus on killing their enemies and making them weaker, and Aak wasn¡¯t there. There was a chance the allies might win. Arn looked at Junhyuk and said, "I trust you." He started preparing the quickdraw, and everyone prepared their own ultimates. Nudra was standing at the front. Junhyuk swallowed hard. He was scared that the allies would be wide open while preparing their ultimates, but he also knew it was the only way to go if they were to kill any enemies. He got ready to raise the force field, and Keros smacked his lips and raised his sword. "You must have made you minds, but why are you all standing so close..." Keros hit the ground with the giant sword, releasing the red shockwave, and Junhyuk raised the force field. Boom! The force field shook, but there was no damage. Tuelus clicked his tongue and said, "You think you can kill us?" The enemy heroes all retreated toward the castle, taking the minions and retreating to the archers cover. Still, Junhyuk felt confident that he could kill one enemy hero, and his target was Tuelus. Arn was fuming with killer intent, and Junhyuk touched him. He inhaled deeply, and Arn whispered in his ear, "Kill Tuelus." Junhyuk teleported to the middle of the battlefield, right in front of Tuelus. Chapter 266: Defeat 1 Chapter 266: Defeat 1 As soon as they were face-to-face with Tuelus, Arn unsheathed his saber. Even though Arn¡¯s ultimate required preparation, it had a deadly attack power. Arn tried to sh Tuelus, but the hero retreated, and Keros stepped in front of him to block. His massive sword was shining red, and Arn gritted his teeth. ng! Arn¡¯s quick draw had failed, but the counterattack was blocked by Junhyuk¡¯s force field. Still, the allies had wasted a valuable ultimate. Keros was standing at the front, but there was still a chance. All of the allies had prepared ultimates, and meteors started falling from the sky. Halo¡¯s Rain from Above passed by Keros and went straight toward Tuelus, and Diane released her arrows as well. Rain from Above prated Tuelus¡¯ stomach, and Diane¡¯s arrows hit him on the chest. A meteor also crashed against him. Tuelus was hit by two ultimates and a meteor and lost 60 percent of his health. Rain from Above did its job. It was a critical hit. However, the meteor was not. After taking the damage, Tuelus extended his hands and said, "Your force field is over." The two machines floating around himbined into one. Junhyuk watched as the force field disappeared right before Tuelus activated his ultimate. The hero¡¯s sense of timing was extremely developed, so he was ready to make his move when the force field disappeared. Junhyuk grabbed the allies and teleported. The teleport was sessful in sparing the allies from the ultimate, and Junhyuk sighed, relieved. At that moment, the enemies started their counterattacks. The gigantic robot extended his arms, and Vera was pulled toward it. On Earth, Junhyuk could have teleported over a fifty-meter distance, but at the Dimensional Battlefield, he could only cover thirteen meters. When Vera got pulled, Arn shouted, "Kill the target!" Arn focused on Tuelus. He jumped to cover the long distance and, as hended, he swung his saber at the hero, but Keros parried the attack. ng! Halo sh Attacked, and Nudra followed him, kicking the giant robot, who was pushed back, putting some distance between the robot and Vera. Then, Keros swung his massive sword at the ground. Boom, boom, boom! Once the sword hit the ground, a red shockwave swept at the allies. Only Junhyuk and Diane were spared from the attack as they were out of the red wave¡¯s range. Seeing that, Diane clicked her tongue and shoot five arrows. They flew off, followed by ten guiding lights, and Junhyuk searched for Tuelus. Tuelus was furious and threw re bombs at his enemies. Vera got hit by ten of them and lost 40 percent of her health. Meanwhile, Junhyuk didn¡¯t hesitate and used the Spatial sh, which sunk deep into Tuelus¡¯ neck. "Ugh!" Tuelus, who had had 40 percent of his health, now had 15 percent left. It was now possible to kill him, and the allies had to be thinking the same thing as they all focused on him. However, that¡¯s when the gigantic robot pounded its fists together. Bang! With it as the center, the space around it shook, and the allies frowned. Diane, who was pulling at the bowstring, said, "The robot hit them with power nullification." All allied heroes within its range had their powers blocked, and Tuelus approached with his machines on his shoulders, releasing the blueser rings. The allies were losing health quickly, and when Keros pointed toward the heroes with his sword, they realized they could be killed at any moment. However, Diane released the multishot again, five arrows with ten guiding lights, but the robot stood in front of them and took the hits. Then, Keros¡¯ massive sword exploded. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! The allied heroes were swept away right in front of Junhyuk¡¯s eyes. The enemies hadrge-scale ranged attacks, and if anybody got hit by three of those attacks from whichever enemy hero, that person would die. Junhyuk gritted his teeth at the sight. "Diane." She was pulling her bowstring while scowling, and he continued, "Let¡¯s kill Tuelus." "I was thinking the same thing." Before Keros¡¯ sword returned to its original form, they had to decide the issue at hand. Junhyuk ran to the front, grabbing the enemies¡¯ attention, and Diane ran to the side. The two were running in different directions, and Kerosughed hard at them. "I¡¯ll take this side." He was heading toward Junhyuk, while the robot extended its hand toward Diane. Suddenly, a flew toward her. The looked electrified, and it was so wide that it felt like it covered everything. Diane was wrapped by it, and Junhyuk clicked his tongue. Wishing that the cooldown for the Spatial sh would end quickly, he turned to Keros. He had already witnessed the extent of Keros¡¯ sworsmanship, but the hero also had an enormous amount of health. Junhyuk ran toward him, and Keros swung the massive sword down at him. As it approached him, Junhyuk waited for the perfect time to dodge. aa-kunk! If Junhyuk hadn¡¯t been watching the strike, he would have been sliced in half by it, but he managed to escape in the nick of time, taking the opportunity to run at Tuelus. After watching what had just happened, Tuelus was left speechless. But,ing back to his senses, he said, "Do I look that stupid?!" The machines on Tuelus¡¯ shoulders released re bombs. Junhyuk knew those weren¡¯t a power but ordinary attacks, so he parried the bombs with his dual swords. ng! The hero¡¯s regr attack made Junhyuk¡¯s palms numb, but he continued to push toward Tuelus. "What the hell are you doing?!" Instead of answering, Junhyuk jumped, and Tuelus did the same. Keros was just watching it all,ughing hard at everything. "What is he doing?" Junhyuknded at the ce where Diane had been ensnared by the, and when hended next to her, she let go of an arrow. Boom! Diane shot at close range, and Tuelus lost 10 percent of his health, leaving him with 5 percent. He grimaced, and Keros and the robot ran toward him. Both moved fast despite their sizes. Both the robot¡¯s and Keros¡¯ eyes were red, and Keros rushed with his shoulder forward. Boom! Diane had been setting up another shot to kill Tuelus when Keros mmed against her,unching her back. The robot, on the other hand, was punching at Junhyuk. Junhyuk wanted to seize the opportunity. Tuelus only had 5 percent of his health, and he might be able to kill the hero. So, he dodged the fists and swung his dual swords. ng! One of Tuelus¡¯ machines blocked his sword attack, and the other machine attacked him. Pew! Junhyuk got hit on the shoulder by a re bomb, but he could still fight. Although the machines blocked for Tuelus, the hero was still getting damaged. One couldn¡¯t ignore the power of fixed damages, but Tuelus only lost 1 percent of his health in the attack. Junhyuk swung again, but the robot caught up to him and punched him on the ribs. Boom! "Ugh-cough!" He rolled on the ground and glowered. Junhyuk had to get closer to Tuelus, but meanwhile, Tuelus was throwing re bombs at him. Having already lost half of his life, Junhyuk stared at Diane. She had gotten free of the electrified, but Keros was trying to finish her off. Junhyuk ran toward Tuelus again while the re bombs headed in his direction, and the robot ran toward him. He wanted to kill the hero, so he paused. Tuelus only had 4 percent of his life left, so surely, there was as chance. The robot closed in, and Junhyuk used it to shield himself and escape the re bombs. It was so big that it made for nice cover. However, he still had to dodge its fists, and they were enormous. Junhyuk had to focus on dodging everythinging at him. Suddenly, Tuelu¡¯s machines appeared over the robot¡¯s shoulders andunched re bombs at him. "What?!" He hadn¡¯t expected that it would¡¯ve been possible to assign the machines to Tuelus¡¯ allies. Because he was focused on the robot¡¯s fists, he got hit by the re bombs. One of them punctured his ribs, and he started losing health, but he was still waiting. In his fury, Tuelus was approaching him. Junhyuk no longer cared about Diane. He was worried about himself and gritted his teeth. After a re bomb hit his thigh, his chance appeared. The Spatial sh¡¯s cooldown was over, and Junhyuk used it immediately. The sword shed across Tuelus¡¯ neck, but the machines responded just as quickly. ng! They blocked the strike, and Tuelus only lost 1 percent of his health. "Holy shit!" Junhyuk attacked again, not caring whether the attack would seed. The fixed damage got through, and Tuelus lost another 1 percent of his health. The hero only had 2 percent of his health left, but anything could kill Junhyuk at that point as well. The robot and Keros were running toward him, and he knew there wouldn¡¯t be time for him tond two attacks, so he extended his hand, touched Tuelus and teleported. Away from the other heroes, Tuelus kicked him before Junhyuk could attack again. Thuck! "Argh!" Junhyuk¡¯s thigh was shattered, and he couldn¡¯t move. Tuelus was a hero, and even his kicks dealt a lot of damage to Junhyuk. Junhyuk gritted his teeth and stabbed at the hero, but Tuelus onlyughed at him. The hero knew how much damage Junhyuk could deal, so he let the hit through. Meanwhile, heunched more re bombs at Junhyuk. The machines blocked Junhyuk¡¯s sword, and Tuelus¡¯ eyes widened. It was a single attack, but it had dealt him two damage along with the fixed damage. The hero lost all of his health. "This doesn¡¯t make any sense!" He died with widened eyes, and Junhyuk turned to the robot and Kerosing his way. He couldn¡¯t survive. So, Junhyuk picked up Tuelus¡¯ ring, and Keros¡¯ massive sword beheaded him. Junhyuk didn¡¯t even scream as the world spun around him. He justughed out loud. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Sess!" His head fell to the ground, and Keros walked toward it. Whatever happened, Junhyuk had killed the enemy and picked up an item. He had died for a worthy cause, so Keros raised his sword and said, "Congrattions!" The hero stabbed the middle of Junhyuk¡¯s forehead, and the massive sword went through the head and stuck to the ground. As Junhyuk watched the world turn ck, he was still smiling. Chapter 267: Defeat 2 Chapter 267: Defeat 2 Dense darkness. He found his ego in that ce and travelled through the darkness. Feeling the same every time, Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to experience it again. "Whew!" The bright light covered his vision, and he slowly opened his eyes and felt the ring in his hand. Junhyuk opened his hand slowly and looked at it. "It wasn¡¯t a dream." A legend candidate¡¯s item. He smiled wide and checked it out. --- Kranshel¡¯s Eye Ring (Unique) Magic Attack +30 Magic Defense +30 Health +300 Evil influences Kranshel¡¯s Eye Ring. It has been upgraded, attaining a new level and bing more powerful. Magic attack and defense increase by thirty, and health increases by three hundred. --- The ring boosted both magic defense and attack by thirty and increased health by three hundred. It was hard to believe that a ring had so much power. "Is this the power of a unique item?" It was the first time he was seeing that type of ring, but as he held it in his hand, he sighed. "But it boosts MAGIC attack and defense." Junhyuk wanted physical boosts, not magic boosts, but he decided to wear it anyway, so he put the ring on his finger. He would take advantage of the magic defense and health boosts and he could always sell itter. "I¡¯ll find out how much it costster." At that moment, he couldn¡¯t visit the Dimensional Merchant, so he couldn¡¯t sell it even if he had wanted to. As he stood by the exit, he heard the soft voice announce him. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] As he opened the door, he saw the heroes. They had been waiting for him, so as soon as they saw him, they asked, "Did you kill him?" Junhyuk showed him his hand, and the heroes saw the ring. "You killed him!" Diane walked over and hugged him, and he smiled. "Your hand." "He-he-he, what¡¯s the matter?" She caressed his butt and left, and Arn walked over and patted his shoulder. "You did well. You killed a hero and picked up his item. Tuelus is weaker now." Then, he turned to the group and continued, "But the situation isn¡¯t so good." Everyone nodded, and Arn kept going, "We now know the difference in our powers, and we can¡¯t defeat them like this." Even though they had used five ultimates, they had only managed to kill one hero. "What are we going to do?" "The archers on our wall won¡¯t help us, so we¡¯ll give up the gate and fight with the golem. If the golem falls, and we don¡¯t kill anyone, we¡¯ll head inside the force field." Vera scratched her head and said, "This makes me angry." "We can¡¯t lose any more items." Losing items meant they wouldn¡¯t have a future. Arn continued, "I don¡¯t care if they are legend candidates. I still have to give them some nice payback, so we¡¯ll be patient this time." Diane smiled and said, "Then, wait here. I have to go visit a ce." "You know it¡¯s dangerous." "If I run, do you think they can catch me?" Arn frowned. "Be careful." "I will." Diane waved at them and left. "Then, we wait here?" Junhyuk asked. "Yes. All the towers are gone, so it won¡¯t take long," Arn said and added, "Use this time to focus on your training." Junhyuk nodded. He had to train with the living spirit, and the Dimensional Battlefield had plenty of mana. So, Junhyuk and Arn left, heading outside the castle. There, Junhyuk took a seat, and Arn stood behind him, saying, "Just watch the living spirit taking in all the mana. However, don¡¯t let it overpower your willpower." "OK." Junhyuk inhaled deeply, and as the mana surrounded him, the spirit started moving fast. He could feel the living spirit¡¯s energy. As he focused, he felt the spirit passing through his arteries and veins, but he had a harder time following the spirit through his veins. However, because he had been killed thrice, his soul had grown quite a bit, which enabled him to follow it. Otherwise, he would not have been able to do it. He had also already experienced the spirit passing through his veins, so he had an easier time following it. Junhyuk felt the warm energy on his back and opened his eyes while the living spirit went back to rest in his gut. Looking around him, he saw the five enemy heroes and their minions. He easily spotted Tuelus first. The hero was staring intently at him, so Junhyuk waved. Tuelus saw the ring on his finger and tried to rush out, but Aak prevent him from doing so. Aak looked at the allies and showed them a fist. "It¡¯s been long time since there were two kills at our expense." Tuelus grinded his teeth. "Why are we talking? Let¡¯s kill them!" Junhyuk held his swords in his hands and kept an eye on Tuelus as he stepped back. The heroes moved toward him, and he used the Spatial sh. The sword shed across Tuelus¡¯ neck, and the hero groaned. "Argh!" His eyes became different, and he said, "This little shit!" Aak held Tuelus back and ran toward the allies. "That was a cool move!" Aak looked extremely ferocious, and Junhyuk regretted having attacked. "Don¡¯t overdo it," Arn told him. Arn threw his saber at Aak, who blocked it with his arms and kept on running. Junhyuk thought Aak¡¯s tanking ability was astonishing every time he saw it. Jean Clo was dangerous, but Jean Clo was just a regr car byparison. Vera hit Aak with a fire spear, and Arn said, "Junhyuk, teleport us back to the wall." "Right away!" He teleported with all the allied heroes, and the enemy heroes pressed on under the archers¡¯ attacks. The allied heroes had participated in the battle, so the archers were buffed and attacked. However, the enemies were very strong. Tuelus¡¯ machines fired re bombs, and many archers got killed. Another enemy hero, one who had a right mechanical arm and a left demonic arm, ran toward the allies and raised his right hand. From the tips of his fingers, bullets sprayed out, killing the archers. The two were attacking at long rang, so the others rushed forward to sweep the minions. Keros was swinging his massive sword among his enemies, and each swing left spraying fountains of blood in its path. Sarang was standing at the wall and asked, "Should I attack?" "No, you stay back," Vera said, and Sarang turned to Junhyuk, who nodded at her. Outnumbered, she sighed and left. Junhyuk watched the battlefield. It wouldn¡¯t take long for the allied minions to be massacred. "Where is Diane?" he asked. "She isn¡¯t here yet." He was relieved to hear that. If she had been killed, she would have already reincarnated. So, he went back to scoping the enemies. "Can I hit him again?" "That would be nice." Junhyuk searched at Tuelus among the enemies, but Tuelus¡¯ attention was fixed on him. It wouldn¡¯t be easy tond the Spatial sh. Junhyuk took a few steps back to get out of Tuelus¡¯ line of sight. Arn and Halo shielded him, and he used the Spatial sh from behind them. Itnded on Tuelus¡¯ neck, and Junhyuk looked at the heroes and said, "Let¡¯s go back." "Sure." He had used the Spatial sh twice and taken half of Tuelus health. Another opportunity to kill Tuelus showed itself. The allied heroes stayed with the golem as the gate was getting destroyed. At that moment, Diane walked out of the respawn point. "Whew, I am not toote!" Junhyuk looked at her, and Diane showed him her hand. She was holding seeds, three in total. "Diane!" "Sorry I¡¯mte. I had to get these." "Did you risk your life?" "I nned to run away." Junhyukughed very hard. He was grateful that she had done that in order to get him those seeds. At that point, Diane stretched her hand toward him. "You will pay for themter. They destroyed the gate." Junhyuk didn¡¯t care about the gate, and he suddenly hugged her tightly. "Thank you." "You still have to pay me." He smiled brightly at her and said, "My butt will always belong to you." "Oh! Really?" He turned and saw the enemies. It wasn¡¯t the time for jokes. Diane patted his butt and said, "Don¡¯t die." "Sure." The heroes stood in front of him, and Junhyuk said, "Arn told us not to die anymore. Let¡¯s retreat to the force field." "I know that. Don¡¯t worry," Vera told him, and he smiled and looked at the enemiesing their way. Their minions were taking the lead, and there were at least two hundred of them. He could kill all of them, but if he did, the enemy heroes would kill him in process. So, the minions shed against one golem, and Aak drew the other golem¡¯s attention. Arn looked at them and said, "Kill Tuelus! Don¡¯t you die!" He ran toward Aak. However, his defense wouldn¡¯t help much against these enemies. Three of their powers could kill him, and the enemies might focus on andbo Arn. However, Arn had a n of his own to retreat. Tuelus attacked Arn with ten re bombs. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Arn blocked it with his saber, but still received some damage. Then, Aak punched at him. Boom! Aak might not have used a special attack, but his attack pushed Arn back. Meanwhile, Junhyuk was waiting for the right moment. The hero with two different arms attacked Arn from long range. In no time at all, Arn lost half of his health, and the other allies joined the attack. Diane¡¯s arrows and Vera¡¯s magic headed toward Tuelus, and while Keros blocked one attack, the arrow still hit. The explosive arrow went off, and Tuelus staggered. Meanwhile, Halo attacked Aak, and Junhyuk watched the state of the battle. He had to stop any potentially dangerous attacks by himself. Aak kicked Halo and pushed him back, taking a big step forward. Then, while in the center of the allies, he stomped the ground. Junhyuk knew that that stun attack would be enough to kill all of the allied heroes, so he quickly raised the force field around everyone and blocked Aak¡¯s shockwaves. From within the force field, Arn shouted, "Counterattack!" Chapter 268 Defeat 3 Nudra covered himself in the Rising Dragon and released a gust at Aak, who was pushed back by the strong wind, and Diane and Vera attacked the enemy hero. Halo shed Aak on the thigh, and blood started spurting out of the wound. In many ways, Halo¡¯s attacks were at the center of the attacks that could kill Aak. Halo¡¯s attacks inflicted a bleed status on the enemy, so against those with high defense, carrying items that forced heavy bleeding was always a good idea. Junhyuk thought he might have a chance to kill Tuelus again, but the man with one mechanical arm and one demonic arm jumped into no man¡¯snd and shouted, "I, Lujet, order! Come here and help me! Peltra!" Lujet named himself and gave out amand. Soon, a five-meter tall, demon appeared from the enemy camp. The demon had six arms and two thick legs. Junhyuk looked at Peltra and murmured, "What is that thing?" "RROOOAARR!" Peltra screamed and swung at the force field, which was pushed back. The attack¡¯s destructive power was astounding, and in the past, only Minota had had aparable rush. Peltra covered the force field and started pounding on it. Peltra was punching at it with two fists, and the allies could no longer see their enemies. Vera looked at Peltra and said, "It¡¯s a demon summon. This doesn¡¯t make any sense! This is a power of the highest rank!" "Peltra is a high-ranking demon." Everyone was watching Peltra from within the force field. A demon had been summoned, but Peltra had to return at some point. The allies had no means of killing Peltra, so they had to wait for the summoning to end. Diane readied an arrow and said, "Let¡¯s prepare our ultimates in the meantime." Diane, Vera and Halo prepared their ultimates. Meanwhile, Junhyuk shuddered at the enemies¡¯ strength. With Peltra around, there was nothing the allies could do. All they could do was use the force field for protection. So far, the force field was thought to be without peer, and their enemies hadn¡¯t been able to do much while it was up, but now, there was someone who could counter the force field after a fashion. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t developed his own ultimate yet, so it was hard to make aparison, but now there was someone with a power of the highest rank, simr to him. The force field deploy time was almost over, but Peltra hadn¡¯t returned yet. Peltra was about to pound the force field again, so Junhyuk ran toward the demon. He couldn¡¯t reach Peltra¡¯s fists. Instead, he touched Peltra¡¯s leg and teleported to the very back of the enemy line. Peltra had been blocking for Tuelus, so he got rid of that. Halounched Rain from Above, and Diane shot her arrows at the hero. Tuelus moved to the side, and Aak and Keros stood in front of him to cover him. Keros deflected the arrows with his counterattack, but Rain from Above flew in and prated the target. Tuelus gritted his teeth. It wasn¡¯t a critical hit, but he lost 20 percent of his health. On top of that, Tuelus kept on bleeding, receiving damage over time. The demon was still there, and Junhyuk had to move dexterously to escape Peltra¡¯s swinging arms. All six arms came down hard like shooting stars. While Junhyuk moved around, the living spirit within him responded little by little. It was running through the arteries in his legs. He escaped Peltra by a hair¡¯s breadth, but suddenly, he felt pain shot up his ribs and he lost half of his health. Junhyuk turned around to see Lujet, who had summoned Peltra, extending his mechanical arm. Junhyuk knew he¡¯d die if he were hit, but he didn¡¯t want to die, so he dodged by crawling between Peltra¡¯s legs. Peltra turned around, swinging down its fist. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t dodge it. He held tightly to his swords in front of him, and suddenly, Peltra disappeared. "What?!" When he saw Peltra disappear, he rolled away and got up. However, as soon as he got up, Keros swung his massive sword at him. Junhyuk used the momentum and leaned back, sliding forward on his knees. The massive sword swung by him, but he felt the pressure through his face tearing at the skin. Junhyuk straightened up, swinging the Blood Rune Sword and using the Spatial sh. Tuelus only had 30 percent of his health, so if he was lucky, Junhyuk would be able to kill him. However, Tuelus had kept a close eye on him, and as the Spatial sh shed, Tuelus jumped. Without hitting the neck, the attack wouldn¡¯t be a critical, and as expected, it wasn¡¯t. Junhyuk had only been able to deal 13 percent of damage. However, he¡¯d gotten lucky. The extra attack activated and dealt another 7 percent damage to Tuelus, who now had 10 percent left. Seeing that, Junhyuk teleported. He thought it was OK for him to die, so he shed at Tuelus. The machines floating around the hero blocked Junhyuk¡¯s attack, but another 1 percent of damage went in. That¡¯s when Lujet¡¯s demonic arm grew longer and struck him hard on the ribs. Boom! It had obviously been a fist, but an explosion took ce on impact, and thest of Junhyuk¡¯s health disappeared. --- "Ahhhh!" He had revived and was covering his face with his hands. As he checked out his body while in the dark emptiness, he couldn¡¯t feel it. He tried very hard to leave the darkness, and as he struggled, his will and soul grew. He looked around and realized he was still in the spawn room, which meant that the battle was still ongoing, so he ran toward the door. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] He opened the door and sighed. He had already died four times, so he couldn¡¯t die anymore. If he died one more time, it would mean a true death. "I didn¡¯t think I would ever reach the death limit." Junhyuk sighed again and walked out quickly, heading toward Sarang and the other heroes. They all smiled at him. "You¡¯ve revived." "What happened?" Diane smiled. "I killed Tuelus," Halo said. "Really?" "Yep. His health was really low from your attacks." He had taken 70 percent off of Tuelus¡¯ health just with his multiple Spatial shes. The other 30 percent or so were taken by the allies. "Did you get anything?" Halo nodded and said, "I attacked Aak with a sh Attack, passing by him, and after that, I shed Tuelus and picked up an item." Halo was holding a bracelet, looking at it. "I could¡¯ve been killed on the way back, but the others covered for me." The enemy heroes had a lot of powers that could inflict paralysis or other restraining effects. Halo was lucky to return to allied camp alive. Junhyuk smiled and looked out. The enemies were pounding at the castle¡¯s force field. Tuelus wasn¡¯t there, but the others were hardly injured. "We only killed Tuelus." "That¡¯s right." They had killed Tuelus three times on this battlefield. The hero was a legend candidate, so his pride must¡¯ve been hurt deeply. More importantly, he had lost three expensive items. Junhyuk looked at Halo and asked, "Does it buff magic?" "It has buffs defense, attack speed, and has a fixed damage bonus." "That¡¯s good." Vera¡¯s eyes sparkled, and she walked over to Junhyuk. "Your ring buffs magic?" "Yes. It gives thirty to magic attack and defense and three hundred health." As he told her the stats, Vera raised her hand. "I will buy it!" "I don¡¯t know how much it costs." "Probably..." They were talking when the castle started falling apart. Junhyuk looked at Vera and smiled. "I¡¯ll sell it to you for 70 percent of its original price." Veraughed. "Sure, but first you have to win at the Champion¡¯s Battlefield." "I will." He would win. He watched the force fielding down and looked at the enemy camp and murmured, "I didn¡¯t kill him." He had wanted to kill Keros, but hadn¡¯t been able to, so he had focused on killing Tuelus, but things weren¡¯t over yet. His enemies needed one more victory to be legends. "Next time, I¡¯ll kill him." Looking at the falling castle, he closed his eyes. As he opened them slowly, he appeared back at his own world. "Whew!" He exhaled deeply and got up slowly. It was his first defeat, and he smiled bitterly and covered his head with his hands. "Aplete defeat." The allies couldn¡¯t have won. Their enemies had been legend candidates, and legends felt different and heavy. Arn¡¯s team needed more victories and more items to be legends. Every time a hero died, they dropped an item, so heroes had to stay alive and kill their enemies to keep their items. Arn¡¯s team had a problem. They didn¡¯t have a tank, and fighting without a tank was getting difficult. "I can¡¯t tell them to change their items." It was not easy to change focus and items. It cost a lot of money. Junhyuk sighed. "Legends..." At first, he had just wanted to stay alive, but the purpose of the battles was to be a legend. "Does it depend on which team I¡¯m in?" As a tank, Gongon was the best. He had been born a tank, and if he was equipped correctly, he could fight any hero. Right now, Gongon wasn¡¯t really a tank. He had powers simr to Arn¡¯s, so he was bnced with a higher attack stat. Junhyuk was thinking of the ideal team when his phone rang. He checked to see that it was Sarang¡¯s number and picked it up. "Big brother!" "Yes." "Are you OK?" "I¡¯m fine. Why?" "You were killed four times this time." "But I also earned a lot." His soul had grown much bigger, and Junhyuk thought of Kaljaques. The troll must¡¯ve died numerous times. How big would his soul be? Kaljaques¡¯ soul had grown so big, he had thought, mistakenly, that he had be a hero before actually doing it. Junhyuk shook his head and said, "It wasn¡¯t a good experience." "Something is strange." "What is it?" "I¡¯ve epted my teacher¡¯s death." Junhyuk sighed. "That¡¯s probably because your soul has grown after your death." "I¡¯m not sure how to feel about it." "At least be a champion. You must work harder to be stronger, Sarang." "OK." "Work harder." "Sure." He hung up and got up. "I have to go home." Junhyuk wanted to return to his home in Paju. He had to nt the seeds and pull the dimensional tear to hunt some monsters. "I have a lot of work to do." Chapter 269 Private Hunting Ground 1 Junhyuk called Eunseo and made an appointment for a lunch date on Saturday. He wanted to tell her a few things. As he looked at her expression, he frowned. "Are you OK?" "I¡¯m fine." She looked rxed, but she had just been through the Dimensional Battlefield, so she had to be anxious. He looked at her and said, "If you can find a trustworthy psychologist, you should see one. We¡¯ll still have to go to the battlefield." "Is there a way to avoid going?" He shook his head heavily. "As far as I know, there is no way of not going." Eunseo sighed, and he thought for a while and added, "I have a favor to ask you." "A favor?" Junhyuk nodded heavily. "Yes. My Paju home is under Guardian custody. I have to get it back." "Sure. They¡¯ve found nothing unusual about the ce. We can fill the sinkhole that was made in your house." "No, you don¡¯t have to." "But part of the house has copsed there." "I won¡¯t have anyints living there, and I¡¯ll buy the house next door," he responded. "The house next door?" He nodded. "I¡¯ll buy the house next door and use the current one for training." Eunseo stared at him and smiled. "What exactly do you mean by training?" He had made a pact with her not to hide anything from her, but he wasn¡¯t sure if that included the things he had brought back from the battlefield. "When Iplete my training facility, I¡¯ll invite you over." She nodded, and they talked for a while, eating and finishing their lunch. At the end, they got up. "Then, I have to go buy the house next door." "Can Ie too?" "No, I¡¯ll be fine on my own." They said goodbye, and he headed to Paju. Junhyuk found a realtor in Paju and requested the purchase of the house next door. The realtor called back with an expensive price, but he agreed to it. Junhyuk told the owners of the house to vacate within a week and paid them $2 million. The owners returned with a positive answer and agreed to vacate within three days. He told them goodbye and headed to his own house. Once there, looking inside, he sighed. Arge part of the building had copsed and sunk into the hole, but during their time doing research, Guardians personnel had cleaned up the house rather nicely. However, Junhyuk still had more cleaning to do. "Shall I start now?" He called the interior decoratingpany that had done the decorations when he had first moved in and told them his conditions. At first, thepany did not want to ept the job, but he told them that if they finished that weekend, he would pay them $100 thousand more, so they agreed to do it. Junhyuk hung up the phone and pulled out his sword. "I should clean as much as possible when there¡¯s nobody around." He swung his sword at the debris made when part of the house copsed. There was a lot of it, but his attack was stronger than any machinery in South Korea. So, he sliced and diced the debris and dirt and put everything in his Spatial Bag. Then, he poured everything out outside and repeated the process a few times until the house was almost clean. Soon, the people from the interior decoratingpany came, measured the size of the sinkhole and made some calls. Meanwhile, the CEO of thepany walked over to him. "Nice to see you. Are you really going to have panic windows?" "Yes, and I also need covers for the windows?" "OK. We¡¯ll work overnight andplete it all by tomorrow." "I¡¯ll leave for the night." He wanted to nt the seeds as soon as possible, but he had to wait. Junhyuk looked at the CEO of thepany working with his employees and slowly turned around to see Jeffrey standing right behind him. "You kept safe." Junhyuk stared at Jeffrey andughed aloud. "When did you be an expert?" Jeffrey was shocked by the question and stared back at him. "How did you know?" Junhyuk walked toward Jeffrey slowly, which made Jeffrey feel anxious. "How did you find out...?" Junhyuk knew a lot, and he could see a lot, and Jeffrey realized it once again that he was not someone Jeffrey could deal with. Previously, Jeffrey had thought that Junhyuk had been an expert. Looking at him now, however, he knew Junhyuk was a champion and maybe even more than a champion. Junhyuk walked close to Jeffrey and clutched his shoulders. "Were you hiding it from me?" "No, I just barely became an expert." Jeffrey continued, "I¡¯m not kidding. You are the first person I¡¯m telling." He stared coldly at Jeffrey and asked, "Why? You think you can fight me now?" "No." Junhyuk shrugged and continued, "Fine. Can we talk for a minute? I¡¯m having some construction done and can¡¯t stay here." "Sure, let¡¯s go to my house." He followed Jeffrey to his house and looked around. "Where is your sister?" "She went to Membership Training with her friends." "Really?" Junhyuk took a seat, and Jeffrey offered him a beer. "It¡¯s broad daylight, and you want to drink?" "It¡¯s only beer. It¡¯s not even liquor." Junhyuk popped the can open, took a sip and stared at Jeffrey. "So, what is your new power?" Jeffrey smirked. "Are you going to train me?" "No." "Then, I won¡¯t tell you. Please, understand." Junhyukughed out loud. Jeffrey wanted to save his power if at any point his life he was in danger, and Junhyuk said, "That¡¯s fine. I understand." He crossed his arms and asked, "Do you have any news?" "There are more novices now than we thought." "By how many?" "Since the monsters appeared, the number has increased, and it¡¯s speeding up." Junhyuk pondered it for a moment and asked, "What about experts?" "I¡¯m not so sure about them. One has to be a novice first to be an expert, and most novices belong to certain groups already." "Is that right?" "Governments are collecting novices as well." "Governments?" "Yes, there was a woman who took care of a monster in China. Since then, the Chinese government is taking every novice into custody." Something came to his mind. "Sora is the only known novice in Korea!" "Yes, but she can¡¯t be touched." "Why?" "You¡¯d understand if you knew who was funding Guardians." "Yeah?" Jeffrey had meant that the people who funded Guardians were above government control, and Junhyuk suddenly thought of the Dimensional Battlefield management. Just like management had wanted, the number of people activating powers was increasing, but they didn¡¯t want novices, they wanted more heroes. For that reason, the novices might be in even more danger. "Are you waiting?" "What do you mean?" He raised his hand to cover Jeffrey¡¯s mouth and murmured, "Right. Just let them be." More novices were appearing, and they were forming groups. It was possible that there were ns to use novices on Earth. At that point, there were more novices than ever before, but management wanted even more. It would be difficult for any of the current novices to be champions. "They want heroes..." They might have to wait a while longer. "We may be attacked by more monsters." "Do you know something I don¡¯t?" Junhyuk waved his hand and said, "It¡¯s just a guess." He wanted to be a hero himself, and the process was already in motion. Getting up, Junhyuk went to the veranda, and Jeffrey followed him. There was heavy construction equipmenting in and out of his house, and Jeffrey asked, "What are you really making?" "I¡¯m just cleaning my house," Junhyuk answered. Jeffrey shrugged and emptied his can of beer. Junhyuk drank some more and stared at him. "Can you find out where the novices are gathering as a group?" "About the novice groups?" "Yeah." Jeffrey looked at him and answered, "I¡¯ll try." "OK." Junhyuk didn¡¯t speak any further andpletely emptied his beer can. Then, he crushed it and looked at Jeffrey. "See you next time." "Where are you going?" "I have some work to do." Junhyuk said goodbye, went outside and grabbed a cab. He was headed to Guardians HQ in Seoul because he was curious about Eunmi Jung and he wanted to meet Elise. He got out of the cab in front of the gate. Because he had already resigned, he couldn¡¯t get through, so he called Elise. The guard let him in after the call, and he went to see her, heading straight to the basement. There, Sora came out to greet him, and he walked alongside her as they talked. "You came back from the battlefield safely." "The enemy troll allowed us to win." He thought of Kaljaques and smiled. "That¡¯s nice." They walked and talked and, soon, got to the basementb, where he met Elise. She was holding a tablet and walking over to him. "You came?" He nodded and asked, "Did Eunmi ever lose her conscience again?" Elise nodded. "There has been one incident since thatst one, but we were able to restrain her from far away." "Restrain her?" Elise smiled. "The iron soldier suppressed her with rubber bullets, but it had a hard time doing it." "That¡¯s something," The iron soldier was capable of shutting down an expert. They knew about her power and how to attack her from afar. Also, Eunmi didn¡¯t have any equipment, and that helped. He looked at Eunmi on the screen. She was sitting quietly in her room and, at times, she summoned the green energy. Then, Junhyuk turned to Elise. "Did she leave for the Dimensional Battlefield on Friday?" "Not this week." He looked at Eunmi again. Due to the poring incident, she had activated two powers and was now an expert. Therefore, she would definitely go to the Dimensional Battlefield and she would get some equipment there. At that point, the iron soldier would be unable to deal with her anymore. "If she goes to the battlefield andes back, be very careful. She might purchase new equipment, and the iron soldier won¡¯t be able to do anything." Elise frowned at his warning. "OK," she said, staring at him, and asked, "Did you bring anything back this time?" He didn¡¯t want to tell her about the seeds because he needed them for himself. "Nothing." Chapter 270 Private Hunting Ground 2 The people on the monitors looked at Elise. "Is artificial activation possible?" Elise tapped on her tablet and answered, "Through the poring infection, artificial activations are more than possible. However, to be able to do it, we have to run human trials first." "Don¡¯t worry about the experiments," the old man said, and Elise nodded. "Then, yes, artificial activation is possible through infection, but likest time, someone may develop an EMP power. Also, if someone develops a teleportation power, we won¡¯t be able to hold them." "Don¡¯t worry about the teleportation. We¡¯ll make ab in the middle of nowhere in the desert. Focus on the EMP and other potentially problematic powers." Elise took a minute to think and said, "If we have enough funding, we can try." The old man looked at Charles and asked, "How is your team of novicesing along in order to fight monsters?" Charles answered with a smile, "We don¡¯t have enough novices yet, but we are forming teams based on their basic powers. Five will make up a team, and we are putting three teams together right now. They are showing increased firepower against monsters, at least." Elise listened and asked, "Have they all returned from the Dimensional Battlefield?" She did not oversee that project. The teams that would fight monsters were being called monster teams, but they would actually be agents for Pentagram. If they used their powers to attack, ordinary people would stand no chance. Their powers went beyond thews of physics, and only other powered people could deal with them. Charles frowned and said, "So far, 30 percent of the novices that went to the Dimensional Battlefield haven¡¯t returned." "But that¡¯s still a good number." They had more information on the battlefield, which increased their ability to return. Charles stared at Elise and said, "Since we created the novice teams, the return rate has increased, and it will continue to increase." "That¡¯s nice. If you need anything, just let me know." The old man shook his head. "No. You focus on the weapons to use against monsters and the dimensional tears." Elise shrugged and answered, "I understand. Will do." Soon, the monitors went off one by one, and Elise¡¯s eyes widened slightly as she murmured, "Right. We will wait and see who willugh thestugh." She went back to her tablet. --- Junhyuk was watching the construction at his house. They wanted to finish the work within a day, and heavy machinery was brought in, so the result was satisfactory. There was a twenty-meter tall crater in his house, and they carved the walls so that the crater was now cylindrical in shape. The sunroof could be open or sealed. Junhyuk pressed a button and was satisfied with the result. "This is good enough." He turned around, and the decoratingpany¡¯s CEO was smiling at him. "You wanted it finished in a short time, so I had to hire a lot of workers and get the heavy machinery. It was quite costly." Junhyuk looked at the itemized list of costs, picked up his cell phone and wired the money. The CEO was d to be paid right away and smiled widely. "Call us anytime, and we will do our best." "If I need anything else, I¡¯ll call you." All of the people left, and he looked at the floor. It hadn¡¯t been finished meticulously, but it was still smooth, and he nned to nt the seeds there. He pulled the three seeds out of his Spatial Bag and nted them to one side of the crater. That was to be his training facility, and he wanted to make mana and train at the same ce. Junhyuk also nned on pulling the dimensional tears to that location so that he could train by killing monsters. He nted the seeds and watered them, but as he looked at them, he frowned. The living spirit started moving again, slightly. He put his hand over where he had nted the seeds and felt the seeds sucking the mana out of his body. His brow furrowed deeper. Meanwhile, the living spirit was trying to hold on to the mana as it spun around. Junhyuk was losing mana slowly and in low quantities. It was the result of the tug of war between the seeds and the living spirit. However, the living spirit was still young, and eventually, it lost all of the mana to the seeds. Maybe because they had absorbed the mana, the nts sprouted, growing quickly. They grew suddenly, and Junhyuk took a few steps back. "It¡¯s like Jack and the Beanstalk." The tree threes grew fifteen meters at once, touching the wall and taking over it as well." "They have nice adaptive skills." After reaching fifteen meters, they grew ten-meter branches which covered the sunlighting through the window in the ceiling, and Junhyuk took a seat under the shadow of one of the branches. He had lost his mana, but now the trees were quickly giving off mana. Junhyuk shut the window with the remote control and closed his eyes, feeling the surrounding mana. Compared to the Dimensional Battlefield, there wasn¡¯t enough mana. However, he now had a means to acquire mana, unlike before when he couldn¡¯t raise the living spirit. Junhyuk breathed deeply, taking in the mana. Meanwhile, the living spirit moved quickly, absorbing even more. As he felt it move, he focused on training. He wanted to be able to stop it whenever he wished to. Arn had been able to interfere and put the living spirit to sleep, but now, he was the one who had to put the living spirit to sleep, so he felt it taking in mana. The living spirit was flowing through his veins rather than his arteries, and he pushed his will toward it. The spirit was getting used to hear from him, and once Junhyuk put it away in his gut, he slowly opened his eyes. "Whew!" He exhaled deeply and balled his hand into fists. Bang! Air pressure exploded from within his hands, sounding loudly, and he smiled. "This is it!" The living spirit gave him power. It had a conscience of its own, but it couldn¡¯t interfere with his every movement. Junhyuk trained again, focusing on being able to distinguish when or not to use the living spirit. Whenever he wanted more power, he was able to push his will to the living spirit and get more power from it. He and the living spirit were getting used to each other. Junhyuk looked at the time and frowned. "It¡¯s been a day already?" He had nted his seeds on Sunday, and it was already Monday. Junhyuk sighed and raised his head. He hadn¡¯t installed an elevator in the crater, just adder up to a hatch. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want anything getting out of there. He looked at the trees for onest time¡ªthe three of them moved as if they were alive¡ªand walked over to them and touched them. They shook lightly, and he smiled. "I¡¯ll return soon. Stay here." He teleported to the top of thedder, went up and opened the hatch. Once he got outside, he saw his nextdoor neighbor moving out, so he walked over and greeted him. "I cleaned up the house." "Thank you." Junhyuk went inside and looked around. He had bought the previous house for therge basement to practice, but the rooms and meals were the new house¡¯s purpose. There, he measured the distance between the new house and the training facility. "Hm." Junhyuk could only teleport straight there from one spot. He could only cover fifty meters with his teleport, so if he wanted to do it from inside the house, he had to go to the first-floor bathroom. "I must practice my teleportation." He wanted to increase its distance. "Just two won¡¯t do." He had thought that two teleportations could get him out of anything, but in fact, that was not the case. After fighting the legend candidates, he realised that the two teleportations and the force field weren¡¯t good enough. "I need to increase the distance and multiple usage." Those two wouldn¡¯t be easy to achieve, but as he looked at the new house, he scratched his head. "I need furniture." Junhyuk wished he had a secretary. Hispany was under Max, and they couldn¡¯t help him now. "Nothing I can do." He had created Max, so he had to adhere to his own rules. Junhyuk took a cab and went to the mall on a big shopping spree. There, he bought things for his own room and the essentials. After that, he put on his mask and went to GST. He had delegated his duties to Sungtae so that he could focus on training, but from time to time, he needed to check up on Sungtae. Junhyuk entered the building and saw that the lobby had female receptionists. They bowed toward him, and he stared at them and chuckled. In front of the elevator, the security agents opened the door for him. "The security team leader and the vice president are waiting for you." He nodded and got on. On the ninth floor, he got off to see Daesan and Sungtae. They bowed toward him, and he nodded and asked, "You got a team of secretaries?" "Yes, we needed them. I¡¯ll write a report. If you don¡¯t like anyone, we¡¯ll fire them." Junhyuk nodded and walked over to Ganesha. It waste, and only two people were still working: Tirot and Brita. Both of them had mana of their own. Junhyuk waved at them. "You heard about the poring infection?" "Yes, is Ganesha working on it?" "It is." Junhyuk looked at Sungtae and said, "We could have lost Seoul." "Whew! It¡¯s a relief we didn¡¯t!" Junhyukughed and looked at Ganesha. "Ganesha, do you have information on powered people?" [There were three powered spotted on Friday.] "Do you know their locations?" [All information disappeared on Saturday.] "Really?" He clicked his tongue. While he had been training, he had lost three novices. It could¡¯ve been Doyeol or the government. Maybe even someone else. "I can¡¯t have everything." He was alone and he couldn¡¯t do it all by himself, so he thought for a while and said, "Continue collecting information." [I understand.]He had to continue training, so he needed someone¡¯s help to gather the novices. Chapter 271 Private Hunting Ground 3 Junhyuk did some of his CEO duties and went home. He wanted to check one thing out. His soul had grown very big, so he could control the living spirit. However, that wasn¡¯t good enough. He wanted to spend more time focusing on the living spirit as well as on increasing his powers. Pulling the dimensional tear coordinates meant summoning monsters, so he had to be able to wake up even while he was training with the living spirit and be aware of his surroundings. Junhyuk wanted to train focusing on these things. At first, the sprouting trees didn¡¯t give off much mana, but since they were in an enclosed space, there was now plenty of mana gathered in the facility, so he took a seat and rxed, focusing on the spirit. During that time, he checked on whether he could do other things as well. Previously, the living spirit wouldn¡¯t move, but now it was different. The living spirit was responding to him, and when it moved along his arteries, he could focus on other things. That had to be because his soul had grown. If not, he wouldn¡¯t be able to work on his arteries and stay awake. The living spirit did things by its own. There was a difference between it responding to his will and it being autonomous. It was absorbing mana on its own and running through his arteries, and Junhyuk wanted it to stop. At that, the living spirit responded in the most ferocious way. "Argh!" Nevertheless, he was able to pull the living spirit into his gut. Then, he tried to get up. "Whew!" At the current stage, suppressing the living spirit and waking up took him three minutes, but he had to be able to do it in less than ten seconds. "I have a long way to go." Junhyuk satfortably and started to order the living spirit around. It had been suppressed by him, so now it was rebelling against him, ferociously absorbing more mana while rushing through his arteries, and Junhyuk summoned it to his gut again. The living spirit responded to it more riled up than the first time, but he was able to push it to his gut. It took him two minutes and forty-five seconds. "Whew! Do you wanna do this?!" Junhyuk made up his mind and focused again. The living spirit started moving, and he suppressed it a few more times. Forgetting about the time, he focused on his training. Unlike before, he had gained a sense of time even while he was training. Sometimes, he had to split his mind in two, but usually, he maintained it as one to fully focus on training. He trained for two days continuously before finishing. While training, he didn¡¯t even eat. "Hm." Junhyuk teleported to his house, ate a light meal and turned on the TV. There was nothing special on it, so he shook his head and focused on the living spirit instead. He knew the spirit responded his movements, but he didn¡¯t know whether it responded to his powers. Just now, when he teleported, the living spirit did not move. That couldn¡¯t be good. Junhyuk felt that for him to get stronger, the living spirit had to respond to his powers, so he focused on the living spirit and teleported again. It was for a short while, but he felt the spirit growing and returning to its original size. When he arrived at the training facility, he frowned. "Something is weird." The living spirit had responded, but he wasn¡¯t sure if the spirit knew what was happening. So, he teleported again. This time, he focused entirely on the living spirit and felt it move. Then, he measured the distance he had teleported. "The distance didn¡¯t increase, but I learned something new." The important thing was that the spirit was responding to his powers. If he learned more about it, he would be able to improve his powers. Junhyuk ran one more experiment. He focused on the living spirit, but stopping and waking up took twelve seconds. He needed more practice. He sat down and focused on the spirit and waking up and trained hard until he was able to do it in less than ten seconds. After that, he rxed and set up the crystal orb given to him by Vera. Then, he connected with her through themunication orb he already owned. Soon, he could see Vera¡¯s face. "Yahoo! I can do it because I am magician, but how did you do it?" "I met a hatchling on the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, and he adjusted it for me." "Ugh! He must surelye from a magic tribe if he did it like it was nothing. I spent a lot of time on mine." Junhyuk smiled awkwardly. "I have a question." "What is it?" He picked up the crystal ball. "You didn¡¯t tell me how to operate this." "Ah! That!" She smiled and continued, "It¡¯s simple. Just twist it." He twisted the crystal orb, and lights shot out of it. "After you start it, you¡¯ll only be able to stop it after a day. To stop it, twist it in the opposite direction. "OK." He knew it would take a while for it to stop after he started it, but he didn¡¯t care about that. He usually spent many days training at once anyway. Junhyuk might be summoned to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield while training, but he looked at the crystal orb and murmured, "Except for the monsters that are transported at the same time by a different dimensional tear, if the monsters are summoned here, I can deal with all of them." Even if they sent stronger monsters, he was willing to go against them. Junhyuk looked at the crystal orb with the power to pull dimensional tear coordinates and closed his eyes. If something happened while he focused on the living spirit, he would know through the orb. He felt the spirit absorbing the mana around him and travelling through his arteries. He focused on it, and it travelled once through his arteries and returned to his gut. Then, he got up and said, "Shall I practice teleporting?" He focused on the spirit again, but when he made up his mind to teleport, the spirit dispersed, so he focused harder. Up to that point, he had focused on using his power first, but now he changed the order. By focusing on the spirit, he learned a lot. Each time the spirit grew, his understanding also grew, and his teleporting distance increased little by little. "Hup!" He opened his eyes and looked around to find out that he had teleported to a distance beyond expectations. He was in the air, and his teleportation just now had covered a hundred meters. The living spirit was influencing his powers, and he realized he could increase them. Beforending, he teleported again. Due to experience, he didn¡¯t forget to focus on the living spirit, and as he returned to the training facility, he balled his hands into fists. "This is it!" So far, he had only used his powers the way they had been activated. But now, he was able to will his powers to grow, and something had changed. The battlefield limited his powers, but things were different there. "This is the first step toward bing a hero!" The teleportation distance had increased, and he wanted to check on his other powers. If the Spatial sh had been influenced, it would be even more powerful. However, because the living spirit was responding to his teleportations, he wanted to focus more on teleporting. The Spatial sh would require a target. The teleportation¡¯s cooldown remained the same, and he took a seat. The living spirit was going through his arteries, eating mana and growingrger. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t rx. He would make the spirit grow, and in turn, the spirit would make his powers grow. It would not only boost his strength, but also his powers. He felt the spirit slowing down and opened his eyes. He wanted to teleport again, and the spirit dispersed. It was something he had learned while teleporting. That time, he covered another hundred meters and he started getting used to it. Beforending, he teleported again and returned to the training facility. "Whew, I can¡¯t fly." If he continued that way, someone might see him up high, so he thought about which direction to teleport to avoid people seeing him. However, suddenly, the crystal orb started shining. He noticed the light flickering and looked at it. A dimensional tear had appeared, and monsters wereing. "What kind of monsters will they be?" He summoned his equipment and looked ahead. --- The iron soldier had been deployed, and Elise operated her tablet and murmured, "Ten o¡¯clock at night and in Hongdae..." At that time in Hongdae, the streets were packed with people heading to nightclubs. They were all out drinking, and many younger people were there. If ordered to disperse, would they? From now on, they decided to broadcast a warning as soon as a dimensional tear was detected. Since the poring incident, the president¡¯s office had asked for cooperation, and in a situation like this, the police and the fire department would be deployed to carry out the disperse order. Elise looked at the Hongdae CCTV feeds and frowned. The siren went off, and the orders were given, but the drunken college students didn¡¯t respond. A few of them even shouted back and stayed there. "Just as expected." But, the iron soldier arrived on time. Elise was looking at it when Eunseo appeared on another screen. "Not counting Korea, how many countries have the dimensional tear detector?" "Right now, the United States, Ennd and China." Elise didn¡¯t have enough detectors, so only those three countries had them. "Are those countries responding?" "Yes, all three countries are responding to the tear." "What if it¡¯s a poring? Do you have a n?" "I don¡¯t have any ns against porings yet. We are still working on a way to kill it instantly." "We have to hurry with the evacuation." "Yes." Elise wanted to call on the military, but she didn¡¯t. Soon, the iron soldier made another announcement, and the lesser drunks got a hold of those who were stered and vacated the area. The poring incident had resulted in thousands of deaths, so now they were running in a panic. Some people were trampling others as they ran away. Zaira spoke up. [The dimensional tear will appear in three, two, one. Dimensional tear appearing.] Elise looked at the screen and frowned. The monsters appeared, but they disappeared just as suddenly. "What? What just happened?" [The monsters have disappeared.] Elise was shocked and shouted, "What about the other countries? US, China, and Ennd?" [The areas with the dimensional tears are engaged in battle.] Elise frowned. What was happening? Chapter 272 Hunting 1 The crystal orb¡¯s light was getting stronger, and he felt space tearing apart. Junhyuk was already fully prepared. So far, monsters appeared to activate people¡¯s powers. To an ordinary person, even the lowest-ranking monsters from the battlefield were extremely dangerous to that person¡¯s safety, which instigated them to activate their powers. However, Junhyuk was different. He wanted more experience; he wanted to test out the living spirit on the monsters. Snakes came out of the tear. They were twenty meters long, and thick enough for him to hug them with both arms and still not be able to touch his hands together. There were three of them. Junhyuk frowned and murmured, "I¡¯ve never seen you before!" Hiss! One of the giant snakes rushed toward him. He clicked his tongue and moved forward toward it, swinging his sword. sh! The snake was only a low-ranking monster, seemingly of a rank a little higher than the wolf. Still, it couldn¡¯t take single blow from him, and its head fell off. "First one," he murmured with his sword down. Another snake slithered toward him and wrapped around his body. The snake was trying to bite his head, but he used the Spatial sh. Junhyuk had wanted to focus on the living spirit, but constricted by the snake, he felt he was unable to, so he just ended things quickly. sh! The Spatial sh created a shockwave that swept through the remaining snake and killed it. He lowered his sword and murmured, "Last time, it took a while..." The first time he killed monsters, the spawn rate from one wave to another had taken a good amount of time. However, when the iron soldier hunted down the poring, the waves had spawned quickly enough. "How about this time?" Junhyuk looked at the crystal orb and saw its light getting stronger, and space tore apart again. Wraiths came out of the tear, and as soon as they saw him, they attacked him. There were four of them, and he moved toward them. Physical attacks wouldn¡¯t work against wraiths, but he had the Frozen Rune Sword. He could stack the cold attribute, and it also had fixed poison damage, making it easy to deal with the wraiths. He felt it was easy to use the living spirit while swinging his swords¡ªit felt natural¡ªand he noticed his swordsmanship was different from before. Junhyuk looked at his swords, and his eyes widened slightly. "This is an interesting situation." The spirit was moving through his arteries toward one of his sword, easily passing through his body to the sword, making it glow. "Sword energy?" Junhyuk frowned and mumbled, "I can¡¯t use them both at the same time..." Junhyuk carried dual swords, and he wanted to infuse the living spirit to both of them, but he was unable to. He needed to divide the living spirit in two, but he couldn¡¯t to do it yet. So, he clicked his tongue and waited. "Are moreing?" After waiting a moment, space tore open again, and three jaguars came out. Their ws were one meter long, and jaguars had sliced clean through an iron soldier before. "They are getting stronger." Junhyuk liked the fact that the monsters were stronger. He moved toward them, and the jaguars moved like lightning. Left and right and center, the jaguars were rushing toward him. As he ran toward them, the one at the center slowed down, and as it slowed down, the ones on the left and right sped up. He had to deal with them quickly. ng! He was shocked that the jaguars parried his swords with their ws, but the interesting part was that the swords got stuck to the ws, inflicting fixed damage to kill one and releasing a shockwave that killed all the surrounding jaguars. He looked at the fallen jaguars and murmured, "What are these ws made of?" His attack was high enough to work in the Dimensional Battlefield. He could even pierce heroes¡¯ defenses to inflict damage, but the jaguars had blocked his sword. Looking at the ws, he set them aside and raised his sword again. "How many will they send?" The monsters were getting stronger. If they sent a buff monster, he would likely die like a dog. Nervous, he looked forward. "I should be able to infuse the Spatial sh with the living spirit as well." Even now, the Spatial sh was strong enough, and he still had another power to activate. Even if he didn¡¯t, he had to be able to use the living spirit with all of his powers. He raised his sword as he watched space tear apart again. --- Elise couldn¡¯t keep her mouth closed. "So far, how many dimensional tears have appeared?" [There have been twelve tears detected within South Korea.] "But all monsters have disappeared?" [Correct.] "At what rate are the tears appearing?" [About forty seconds between them.] The tears were appearing too fast, and the detection wasn¡¯t keeping up. However, every tear within South Korea had its monster reportedly disappear. "It¡¯s like someone is stealing all the monsters!" If someone was stealing all of the monsters, that was something to be thankful for. They only caused humans harm. "But we did not expect this. We can¡¯t ept this situation!" Currently, Guardians HQ had three novices and one expert. The iron soldiers were also there, so monsters weren¡¯t really a problem. However, they couldn¡¯t let their guards down because the tears were ongoing. Every time a tear appeared, a stronger monster came through it, and it was already the twelfth tear to open. Someone was stealing monsters, and Elise was curious about whether that someone would be able to deal with the monsters OK. "Someone must be able to deal with these monsters...?" As she questioned things, she thought about Junhyuk, but even he couldn¡¯t steal monsters from tears. "I must check with him." --- He had his sword down and exhaled deeply. Twelve tears had opened so far, and the monsters¡¯ bodies were piling up. He even got seven mana and seven blood stones. When he picked up the mana stones, the trees and the living spirit responded ferociously. When the mana stones dropped, the trees wrapped them with their roots, and he felt betrayed by them. Meanwhile, the living spirit tried to absorb the mana stones, and he had to quickly put them away in his Spatial Bag. However, they did not respond to the blood stones. He thought that was interesting, but he didn¡¯t have time to think about it then. Monsters were appearing every forty seconds, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t possibly continue for a day. There was a limit even for him. "Whew, have they made up their minds?" A stronger monster appeared with each tear, but their rankings didn¡¯t increase dramatically. He could still deal with them for now. He looked at space tearing again and said, "A day right?" However, when he saw what wasing out of the tear, he scowled hard. There were three ogres. Junhyuk had killed a twin-headed ogre before, but he wasn¡¯t at the point where he could ignore ogres yet. Still, he wasn¡¯t too worried since he had something he could rely on. Junhyuk could only infuse the living spirit into one sword for now, but he had now figured out how to do it at will and had found that out by repeatedly killing monsters. He was winning big. He had gone beyond his physical limit and earned more strength, and even without using his powers, he was able to kill. As he saw the ogres, he quickly used the Spatial sh, to which the living spirit responded. Junhyuk thought the living spirit had left his body because he had used the Spatial sh so quickly. The Spatial sh went through space to kill the enemy. He could aim it wherever he wanted to, so he tried to send the living spirit where he wanted to in the same way. After using the Spatial sh, he felt the living spirit within him, like nothing had happened. "It¡¯s not moving away from me." He hadn¡¯t known how the living spirit would respond, but he was satisfied with the result. All ogres had been killed. The Spatial sh did its job, and the shockwave took care of the rest. So, he walked over and checked the ogres, but found nothing useful. Junhyuk sat on one of the ogres¡¯ bodies. Things were already in motion, and he couldn¡¯t stop them now. If he left, that ce would be the center of a newly created Hell City on Earth. Looking ahead as he sat on the ogre, his cell phone rang. He checked the number to see it was Elise. "Junhyuk?" "Yes. What¡¯s up?" "Are you behind all this?" "What are you talking about?" "The monsters are disappearing right now!" "I don¡¯t know what is going on, but isn¡¯t that a good thing?" "The monsters are disappearing nonstop, so something bad might happenter!" Junhyuk didn¡¯t answer. He wanted to focus on keeping his strength. "I have something to do right now. I¡¯ll call youter." He hung up and looked ahead, wanting to know how strong of a monster would show up. A littleter, two twin-headed ogres appeared. Seeing them, he felt a little nervous. They were going to start sending the real monsters from now on. Twin-headed ogres were high-ranking monsters on the battlefield. There, they were the strongest wandering monsters, so Junhyuk swallowed dry. After those, they might send buff monsters. He inhaled deeply and raised his sword. "Let¡¯s rumble." He ran toward them, and the twin-headed ogres attacked him. They were carrying and swinging tree trunks, and he dodged between their attacks, quickly swinging the Frozen Rune Sword in the process. A twin-headed ogre suddenly lost one of its legs, and Junhyuk learned how dangerous his sword could be with the living spirit infused to it. The shockwave slowed down the ogres, and he smirked and slowly got up. Raising his sword again, he said, "I¡¯ll y with you for a long time." Junhyuk had to kill the monsters before another tear appeared with more monsters, and he wanted to recover while fighting the ogres. He was only able think like that because he had better control of the living spirit. The ogres knew they were slowed down, so they breathed fire. Junhyuk faced the fire, but was not pushed back. He just frowned. "So loud." He used the Spatial sh, focusing on the living spirit. At that moment, the living spirit suddenly disappeared, and one of the ogres heads was beheaded. The shockwave beheaded the ogre¡¯s other head, but the second ogre was rushing toward him quickly. He dashed forward to meet it. Hurrah! Junhyuk dodged the ogre¡¯s tree, then vaulted from the ogre¡¯s knee, shing its ribs and elbow before beheading both of the ogre¡¯s heads. Junhyuk searched through the corpses and found heavy blood and mana stones. "Worth it!" He sat down smiling and recovering when, suddenly, the space around him shook. He had already killed twin-headed ogres, so he didn¡¯t expect anything more difficult, but he picked up both of his swords all the same. However, what came out of the tear in space was somethingpletely unexpected. Chapter 273 Hunting 2 His entire body was wrapped in bandages, and he was wearing a fedora. His trench coat was fluttering. It was the Dimensional Battlefield manager. Junhyuk pointed his sword at the manager and asked, "Is your name Agenchra?" "It¡¯s an honor that you remember me." After Agenchra arrived, the space stopped shaking, and everything around him stopped. Junhyuk realized that time had also stopped and smiled bitterly. "Why are you here?" Agenchra looked at the numerous monster bodies on the ground and scowled. Then, he pulled out a small pocket book and started writing on it. "Look, you were asked a question. Now, answer it." Agenchra closed his pocket book, looked at Junhyuk and said, "You look very different from before." Junhyuk nodded. He was much stronger now. He had the living spirit and, through his trees, he had been getting mana and getting a lot stronger than before. Agenchra stared at him. "But you have a ways to go before you employ an expedient method like this." "What are you talking about?" However, Junhyuk knew he couldn¡¯t continue go on like that, and that it would be dangerous for him. Still, he didn¡¯t express an agreement with Agenchra. Having the manager there meant that the Dimensional Battlefield might want to impose sanctions on his activities. Agenchra continued calmly, "With your ability right now, you wouldn¡¯t be able to deal with monsters above A-rank. But we are running an experiment, and soon, the sequence of monsters that will appear will be stronger. If this continues, you will have to deal with A-rank monsters." Agenchra¡¯s eyes shone bright blue. "And there is a 98.7-percent chance that you will die." Junhyuk agreed with his survival rate. It was very realistic. "You mean I have a 1.3-percent chance of surviving?" "Yes, it¡¯s possible. There is a 1-percent chance that you will lose two limbs and survive, and there is a 0.3-percent chance that you will lose only one limb, survive and also win." "You mean I can¡¯t keep my limbs and win." "Precisely." Junhyuk crossed his arms and stared at Agenchra. "So?" Agenchra felt his hostility, but the bandages around his mouth rose into a smile, and he said, "I must tell you one thing: the objective of our experiment is to develop a hero." Junhyuk stared at Agenchra, and Agenchra continued, "You are trying to get stronger, and we like that fact, but your actions are rather ignorant, and I must tell you to stop. That¡¯s why I am here." "Stop my actions?" Agenchra kept smiling as he said, "From now on, there is no need to pull the coordinates to this ce. We will send monsters here without your effort." Junhyuk was curious about what else Agenchra would say, so he just stared at him. "I will also fix a few things in here." "Fix a few things?" "We will only send B-rank monsters to this ce, and we¡¯ll increase the number of monsters." Junhyuk looked around him and said, "I don¡¯t have enough space in here for that!" If twin-headed ogres appeared inrge numbers, he wouldn¡¯t be able to deal with them, but Agenchra continued, "I¡¯ll increase the space in here, enough for your fights. A depth of forty meters and a radius of a hundred meters, would that be enough?" Junhyuk just stared at the manager, speechless. "Going by your dimension¡¯s time, normal monster deployments ur from six in the morning until eight at night. From eight till ten at night, we¡¯ll send you monsters. One type every five minutes. Each time you kill that type, we¡¯ll send you more." He stared at Agenchra and asked, "What is your condition?" Agenchra pointed at the crystal orb Vera had given him. "From now on, don¡¯t use that thing anymore." "Why?" "I¡¯ve already exined it, but that thing interferes with our experiment. For our experiment, we will impose a sanction on the usage of that thing." "By whose orders?" Junhyuk released his killing intent, and Agenchraughed and said, "I am doing you a favor." "How is that a favor?" Agenchra extended both arms and answered, "If you continue to interfere with our experiment, the Dimensional Battlefield Administration will step in. I stopped them froming here because I had talked to you before." "The Administration?" "They oversee our forces." The Dimensional Battlefield Management oversaw time and space by themselves. The administrators also oversaw their forces. He was no match for them. Curious, Junhyuk asked, "How strong are they, these administration people?" "Each of them can kill S-rank monsters by themselves." "Comparable to heroes?" "They also step in to contain heroes who have broken their contracts." They killed heroes? Junhyuk didn¡¯t know how strong heroes were outside of the Dimensional Battlefield, but he clicked his tongue. If the administrators went there, he wouldn¡¯t survive them. At least, he knew he couldn¡¯t deal with them yet, so he relented. "Fine, but I have a condition of my own." Agenchra smiled and extended both arms wide. "If I can be of help, I will help you out." "Sure. I want these." Junhyuk tapped on a tree and continued, "I need them to train. It¡¯s an absolute necessity. I nted some seeds from the Dimensional Battlefield, but I heard nting them here lessens their quality. So, bring me trees from the battlefield and nt them here." Agenchra touched his chin and pondered over the request, "In order to do what you¡¯ve requested, you¡¯ll need more space." "Is that possible?" Agenchra looked at him and smiled. "It is possible." "OK. Also, I don¡¯t want anybody to have ess to this ce. Can you make that happen?" "After I finish expanding this ce, it¡¯ll be an entirely different space. Only those invited by you will be able toe in here." "Only by my invitation?" Agenchra nodded. "Only those with your permission will be able to enter." "Good." He no longer cared about Vera¡¯s gift. Right now, he couldn¡¯t deal with A-rank monsters, so his job was to prevent them froming to Earth. He also didn¡¯t want any visits from the Dimensional Battlefield administrators, but he wanted to get everything he could until they said no. Agenchra opened his pocket book and showed him his hand. "Then, I will begin the spatial expansion." Junhyuk saw Agenchra transferring something. From Agenchra¡¯s fingertips, blue rays of light covered every direction, and the space started growing. It stopped at sixty meters tall and with a radius of two hundred meters. Seeing that, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t keep his mouth closed. From the corner of the space, many trees started growing. Junhyuk stared at the manager, and Agenchra continued with the transfer. Twenty trees in total were transferred to the new space, and Agenchra put his hand down. "The space wasn¡¯t big enough. I wouldn¡¯t be able to nt any more trees!" Junhyuk had gotten mana from three trees, but now he had twenty, and the trees had been transferred directly from the Dimensional Battlefield, so their mana content was entirely different from the ones he had nted. The living spirit was going wild, but he suppressed it. At that point, he was able to do it. His willpower was enough to push it down, and Agenchra smiled and continued, "Do you like it?" Junhyuk nodded slowly and said, "Sure. I like it." Looking at the manager, he added, "I have a question." Agenchra nodded, and Junhyuk asked, "As for the experiment, if I see any monsters around me, can I kill them?" "Yes, of course. But as I told youst time, whenever a monster is killed by you, we¡¯ll send an even stronger one." Junhyuk didn¡¯t continue. He clicked his tongue while staring at the manager. "So, the Dimensional Battlefield Administration only wants one thing?" "Yes. Do minimize your presence during this experiment." "If I have to interfere, it¡¯ll only result in stronger monsters?" "Correct." He had thought that killing monsters in his space would help people, but the Dimensional Battlefield Administration didn¡¯t want that happening. They wanted more people activating powers and they weren¡¯t going to stop. Junhyuk wanted to be a hero. That was his n, and he had to do it quickly now. He couldn¡¯t do anything about the Dimensional Battlefield Management. "I understand. Are you done with your business here?" "Then, I¡¯ll confiscate this from you." Agenchra took Vera¡¯s crystal orb and put it between the pages in his pocket book and closed it. It wasn¡¯t only a pocket book, but also a Spatial Bag. Agenchra looked at him and said, "I helped you because you were most cooperative. It¡¯s just my token of gratitude." As a token of gratitude, he had expanded the space magically. Junhyuk shouldn¡¯t refuse such disys of gratitude. Agenchra looked at him and tapped his fingers. Suddenly, a small tform appeared from the ground. On it, there was a basin with enough liquid to cover to palms. Agenchra looked at the tform and said, "This is my personal gift to you." "Gift? What is it?" "It¡¯s a regenerative fountain. When you drink from it, it¡¯ll refill two minutester." "What does it do?" "It replenishes your health and mana consumption." Stunned, he stared at the manager, and Agenchra looked at him and smiled. "You are trying to be a hero and you are dedicated and passionate. This is my gift." Junhyuk stood in front of the regenerative fountain and looked at Agenchra. "I should drink this while I deal with B-rank monsters?" Agenchra nodded and opened his pocket book again. "Right now, you are totally unprepared to deal with A-rank monsters, but when you improve, I¡¯ll send those your way." "Who will be the judge of that?" Agenchra smiled and answered, "We will be the judges." Management was far beyond his imagination, and he answered, "Fine. About these bodies..." Junhyuk pointed to the pile of monster corpses. "Can I keep them?" "Sure. These are just for show. We don¡¯t care." Junhyuk thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know of a way to move them?" "You mean the corpses?" "Yes. For instance, a Spatial Bag." Junhyuk wanted more from Agenchra, and the manager smiled. "There is a special Spatial Bag for cadavers, but it¡¯s a single-sized container." Agenchra showed him a small crystal orb. "Unlike other Spatial Bags, this doesn¡¯t have the capacity to differentiate between objects. It just gathers and spews everything." Junhyuk thought he would gain the Spatial Bag for free, but Agenchra didn¡¯t give it up easily. So, he thought of something and asked the manager a question, "How much can I put in it?" "As far as bodies, you can put in as many as fit into this space. But when you put bodies in it, you have to take them all out before you put anything else in it." Junhyuk smacked his lips and extended his hand. This time, Agenchra ced the crystal orb on it and took a step back. Then, he took off his fedora and bowed before Junhyuk. "OK. I¡¯ll see you again when I be a hero." Agenchra smiled and suddenly disappeared, and Junhyuk looked at his surroundings. He had gotten a training facility beyond his wildest dreams, and things were a lot less dangerous than before. He wouldn¡¯t be encountering any buff monsters. As his hands balled into fists, his eyes glittered. "I¡¯ll take full advantage of this." Chapter 274 Unlimited Hunting 1 He took Agenchra¡¯s crystal orb and gathered the bodies within it. The next time it took something else in, it would have to spew them out. However, it was very spacious, and more bodies could fit in it. Next, he checked the basin. He was exhausted at that point, so he used both hands to take some water and drink from it. Then, he felt his health and mana recovering. The basin was better than he had expected. "A regenerative basin." He could make money off of it. Junhyuk leaned against the altar that contained the basin and looked around. Staring at the twenty trees, he thought of something. Some of them were exactly the same as the trees from the Dimensional Battlefield, so he could sell their leaves to Elise. After that, he pulled out themunication crystal suddenly and connected to Diane. "This is so nice! My cutie pie! You asked Vera for this?" "No, but I have something to ask you." "What is it?" "It¡¯s about the leaves from the Dimensional Battlefield. I want to pick them from the trees." "You¡¯ve nted the seeds I gave you?" "Yes." "You can¡¯t just nt them! When the soil is different, they won¡¯t grow as well." "I have trees that are exactly the same as the trees in the Dimensional Battlefield, but I want to know if the leaves are different." "Oh! Where did you get the trees?" After hesitating a bit, he told her. "You can only pick one leaf from each tree like the one I gave youst time. Also, you can only collect them once per month. You¡¯ll have to wait, but that¡¯s the way it is." He could only pick one leaf per tree per month, but he had seventeen trees from the battlefield, which meant that he could get seventeen leaves per month. Each leaf was worth $100 million, so he could make $1.7 billion per month as long as he could sell them. His eyes were full of vigor. If Diane had been in front of him then, he would have grabbed her hands. "Is there a way to tell?" "Yes. I am an elf, so I can tell just by looking at a tree." Junhyuk frowned, and because Diane could see him, sheughed hard. "By the way, you have a living spirit, correct?" "Yes." "Then, there is a way. By using the living spirit, you can enhance your senses. Enhance your vision and look at the tree to find the leaf with the most energy." Junhyuk cheered at what she had just told him. "Thank you! I will surely find it." "Then, do well in the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. I trust you." "I will do my very best." He cut offmunications with her and connected to Arn next. "What is the matter? Vera¡¯s crystal didn¡¯t work?" "No. It worked just fine." "And you have time to talk to me?" "That¡¯s correct." Arn read the expressions on his face and said in a somber tone, "Tell me in detail." Junhyuk sighed and exined it all to him, and after hearing the story, Arnughed loudly. "That¡¯s nice! You aren¡¯t ready to kill a buff monster yet." Junhyuk wanted toin at Arn, but he had a question to ask him at that moment. "Diane told me that by using the living spirit, I can enhance my senses. Can you teach me how?" "What?! You can¡¯t control the living spirit yet?" "I can control it with my will, but I don¡¯t know how to use it in detail yet." "Hm. It¡¯s possible by simply making your will known to the spirit. Send the living spirit to the organs that control your five senses." As he heard that, Junhyuk transported the living spirit to his eyes. When he opened them again, he was extremely surprised. His sight had improved tremendously. "You must continue improving your senses at all times." "By the way, when I use my dual swords, the living spirit can only infuse itself to one. Is there a way to have the living spirit attached to both swords?" "No. That¡¯s a limitation of the living spirit. You can send it anywhere you want, but not to two different spots at the same time." Junhyuk frowned. "But I can have it in parts of my body." "Oh! You can do that! But that is the limit. So, go beyond what the spirit can do. That¡¯s the only way." "I understand." Junhyuk finished talking to Arn and walked to a tree. There, he focused his enhanced vision on the leaves, and only one stood out to his eyes. However, he couldn¡¯t decide whether it was really superior to the others or not, so he walked over to the tree and enhanced his sense of smell. Then, he was able to tell which leaves were superior and which were inferior. There were two leaves that stood out, and he smiled. "One is ready now, and the other should be ready next month?" He focused the spirit on his fingertips and looked for the leaf that had more life. There was only a small different, but he was able to pick up on the most minute detail by using the living spirit. So, he picked a leaf from the tree. After taking in the scent of the leaf again, he smiled and walked over to the next tree and picked a leaf from each of them. By the end, he had picked seventeen leaves. Looking around, he realized that monsters would be arriving the next day, but at the moment, he was calm. Junhyuk smiled and teleported. He had boosted his teleportation to a hundred meters with the help of the living spirit, but he couldn¡¯t get out, so he looked around and grimaced. "What?! Where is the exit?" Junhyuk thought the space had simply expanded, but it was, in fact, entirely different from before. "Agenchra!" he shouted, and a tear opened in space from which Agenchra stepped out. "Do you have aint?" Junhyuk had wanted to disy his anger, but the sudden appearance of the manager, which he hadn¡¯t expected to happen, made him forget his feelings. A momentter, he realized that there was no exit. "Agenchra! There is no exit!" Agenchra touched his chin and said, "I didn¡¯t tell you? This ce can be entered from anywhere. It¡¯s a private space made only for you." Junhyuk was surprised. That this ce could be entered from anywhere meant it was highlyplex. "How?" "Youmand ¡¯enter¡¯ and ¡¯exit.¡¯" Junhyuk looked at Agenchra and said, "You should¡¯ve told me." "I¡¯m sorry. Do you need anything else?" "When I exit, where do I go?" "You will be where you entered. I don¡¯t know where that is." He nodded. "OK. Then, I¡¯ll exit," he said and, suddenly, he was on the first-floor bathroom in his house. Junhyukughed and smiled. "That¡¯s a relief!" He had gotten all bloodied while fighting monsters, so he got in the shower and washed himself clean. After he came out, he decided to see Elise immediately. "Even she can¡¯t buy them all at once!" She might pay him in monthly installments, and he thought that maybe he should look for other parties to sell to and who could pay him. Still, he had given Elise first bid, so he had to see her. After walking out of his house and hopping on a cab, he murmured, "I should get a car." He had bought a car under Max¡¯s name and another under hispany¡¯s name, but he didn¡¯t own a car in his own name. As he thought about getting one, he closed his eyes, and the cab headed to Guardians HQ. Junhyuk told the receptionist he was there to see Elise, and Sora walked out to greet him. While she guided him, he asked, "What happened to the monsters?" "I am not sure about what happened to the monsters in South Korea, but the ones in foreign territories were all killed." "That¡¯s a relief." When he got to the basement, he stared at Elise, who leaned back on her chair and looked back at him. "What is going on?" Junhyuk looked at Sora and said, "I want to talk to her alone." Elise looked at her, and Sora left. They were alone now, and he pulled up a chair and sat right in front of her. "I have a question." "What is it?" "How much money do you have?" Elise became very interested and crossed her arms, staring at him. "Beyond your wildest imagination." He pulled out a leaf, and her eyes sparkled. It was a necessaryponent of the Dimensional Tear Detector. "You paid $100 million for this," he said. "Correct. It¡¯s worth it." Then, he pulled out the remaining sixteen leaves, and her eyebrow twitched. "You got a lot." "I can get you the same amount every month," he said, and sheughed brightly. "Shocking! Are you growing some trees somewhere?" He simply stared at her, keeping his face stoic. She smiled and said, "This time, I can pay you for these, but I¡¯ll be a middleman next month and pay for part of them. However, I have a special patent on the technology for the use of these leaves, so no one else can use them except for me." "What do you mean by you will be the middleman?" "Many can pay for these. They are a necessaryponent of the Dimensional Tear Detector. Right now, only the US, Ennd and China have detectors, but other countries want one of their own." She smiled. "But they can¡¯t do anything with it in leaf form. What they want is the Dimensional Tear Detector. So, next month, sell me the leaves, and I¡¯ll make the detectors and sell those." "What¡¯s my take?" Elise talked to Zaira, and some information appeared on a screen nearby. "One detector costs $300 million, and each leaf can make up to five detectors. There are otherponents that cost $200 million. Each leaf will bring $500 million in ie, and I¡¯ll pay you $300 million for each of them." "You mean you¡¯ll take $200 million as the middleman." Elise shrugged. "My technology is worth that much." Junhyukughed. She was willing to pay him three times to original price, and he shouldn¡¯t refuse her offer. "What about the contract?" Elise gave Zaira an order and picked up a document from the printer. He signed it, and she signed it, and each kept a copy. Looking at her suddenly, he asked, "When you sell things made from this month¡¯s leaves, you¡¯ll have more than enough money to buy from me!" She grinned at his realization and said, "You aren¡¯t just going to sell me leaves." Heughed at her. By considering the things he would sell her, she had decided to make money this way. Junhyuk stared at her calmly. He was selling things to her, and she was creating new technology with those things and bing even wealthier, which meant she could shake the billionaire world. "I do all the work, and you are the one making money." Chapter 275 Unlimited Hunting 2 Junhyuk wanted to tell Eunseo and Sarang what had happened, but he decided to wait. They called them B-ranked monsters, but he would still have to risk his life. If he made any mistakes in the uing training session, he could be killed. Junhyuk went back home and checked his bank ount. He had sold seventeen leaves and made $1.7 billion, he put $500 million in the ount under his real name, and $1 billion under Max¡¯s ount. The remaining $200 million, he transferred to the GST ount. To kill legend candidates, he had to train without rest. He needed all the time he had.king at those figures, he startedughing. "They are only numbers." When money crossed certain line, it stopped looking like money and it started looking more like just a number. He took a shower and changed clothes. It wouldn¡¯t be long until he went back to the Dimensional Battlefield, and he didn¡¯t want to waste his time on Earth. "Enter." Junhyuk watched his surroundings change. He had lived there before, and nobody could guess his basement had be a ce like that now. Rxed, he sat down and closed his eyes. There was plenty of mana in the facility, unlike before. While it was still little whenpared to the Dimensional Battlefield, it was enough for his training. He inhaled deeply and unleashed the living spirit, which ran through his arteries like crazy. The spirit had grown much bigger. After rushing through his arteries, it gorged on the bountiful mana as it took to his veins. Junhyuk felt the living spirit expanding and thought Arn might have been wrong about it. When it traveled through his arteries, it did so in full form, but when it traveled through his veins, it broke into many pieces. When Junhyuk tried to follow the living spirit through his arteries, it put enough strain on the spirit to shatter it into bits. However, the living spirit didn¡¯t care, and it dispersed and returned to its original spot. At first, Junhyuk had only tried to follow the spirit, but now, he was able to push his will to it while it traveled through his veins. The spirit felt each part and corner of his body, and each cell was influenced by Junhyuk¡¯s will, and he learned from it. His body was truly big and wide. Junhyuk felt the living spirit returning after traveling through his veins and realized it must have absorbed quite a bit of mana, as it was much bigger now. The living spirit returned to his gut, and he stopped it there. It didn¡¯t matter if he did it when it traveled through his arteries, but when it went through his veins, Junhyuk had to focus on it. Monsters woulde at the appointed time to the facility, and he slowly opened his eyes and looked at his cell phone. Even though the entire ce was in a different space, time still passed, and the clock told him it was four in the morning. "It took quite some time." Thinking back, he had started training around ten at night, and it was now four. The living spirit had traveled through his veins for six hours. When it traveled through his arteries and absorbed mana, it did so at a much faster rate. However, the ce was entirely safe. If not, he wouldn¡¯t be able to practice there. "I must thank Agenchra." Junhyuk got up and teleported. At the moment of the teleportation, the living spirit dispersed, and Junhyuk opened his eyes. He knew that if he focused on the spirit, his teleportation distance would increase. "Is it still a hundred meters?" he guessed at the distance he had traveled. Junhyuk didn¡¯t know how far he would be able to teleport in the battlefield, but for now, he focused on training. He did another hundred-meter teleportation and used the Spatial sh. The living spirit disappeared again, but this time he felt it. It traveled fifty meters out with the sh and returned to him. Junhyuk started thinking about what that could mean. "If I add the living spirit..." The living spirit absorbed mana, so if he added mana to his regr attack, he could create sword energy. Thinking that way, he thought the Spatial sh could deal even more damage. A spark appeared in his eyes, and he waited for the cooldown to end. It was time to improve his powers. --- The space tore apart, and twin-headed ogres appeared. There were ten of them looking around. "Rooaaar!" He looked at the ogres and cracked his neck left and right. "I¡¯ve been waiting." His health and mana were already filled up, and he activated the living spirit and took off running. Junhyuk went so fast that the ogres could only watch him. sh! Without leaving any trace, he sliced the two heads of one agre. Then, he stepped on the ogre¡¯s shoulder and jumped. As he jumped, the twin-headed ogres swung their weapons. They all had a reach of about five meters when taking the lengths of their arms and the tree trunks into consideration. Junhyuk saw a trunking his way and ducked. Then, he jumped for a second time and opened his legs wide as another trunk passed below them. After that, he turned around in midair and used the Spatial sh. As he did so, he activated the living spirit, and the Spatial sh hit the ogre standing in the center of the others. Then, a blood-colored shockwave swept through the surrounding ogres, and afternding back down, Junhyuk jumped again. The shockwave was enough to kill the ogres, which was a direct result of him activating the living spirit while using the Spatial sh. However, some ogres were outside of the range of the shockwave. The bodies of the twin-headed ogres were quite wide, and only two or three could fit within the ten-meter radius. Meanwhile, the more Junhyuk used the living spirit, the easier it would be for him to transfer his will to it. Junhyuk was already capable of controlling each of his muscles at will, and now, by strengthening his muscles with mana, his movements went even beyond the previous limit. He sliced an ogre¡¯s leg, kicked its head and continued running. As he ran, he saw the ogres¡¯ attacks and dodged to the side. Boom! The ground shook, and he jumped, cutting an ogre¡¯s arm, stabbing its shoulder and kicking its temple. He saw the ogre¡¯s head cave in and pulled out the sword while spinning. Of course, as he did, he shed the heads that were within range of the spin. Without stopping, he jumped again, and a trunk crashed against the ce where he had been standing. While in the air, he teleported and stabbed the back of an ogre¡¯s neck. Then, he pulled the sword out, slicing the ogre¡¯s head, andnded. "Whew!" He had already activated the living spirit, and he was getting tired much faster than previously, a side effect of him pushing past the limit of his movements. As he stood, he lowered his sword next to him. There were four twin-headed ogres remaining, and he exhaled heavily. "I can still do this." He ran forward again, and the ogres came at him like berserkers. --- Junhyuk was lying on the ground panting roughly. "Whoa! I¡¯m dying here." He got up and saw his arm deformed and bent out of shape. "Ugh!" Junhyuk learned there was a limit to using living spirit. On thest spawn, he had dealt with twenty-five twin-headed ogres, all within thirty minutes. At first, he had killed ten of them quickly, but as the number increased with each spawn, he had spent more time on each. At thest spawn, twenty-five of them had appeared, and he couldn¡¯t deal with them head on, so he had had to run and buy time to kill them. He walked over to the altar, dunked his head in it and drank. The water from the basin entered his body and recovered his health and mana, and his deformed arm regenerated as well. Junhyuk opened and closed his hand again and again and murmured, "Shit! B-ranked monsters are so strong!" During thest wave, he had had to block an ogre¡¯s attack with his left arm. He had been wearing armor, but the attack still broke his arm. However, those were still B-ranked monsters, and he didn¡¯t have anything to add to that. "Compared to buff monsters, these aren¡¯t very strong at all." He couldn¡¯t deal with buff monsters. Leaning against the altar, he looked around. The twin-headed ogres¡¯ bodies piled up, but there weren¡¯t that many of them. After some time, the others had naturally disappeared. It was just like a video-game. If one didn¡¯t pick up the drops, they disappeared. So, there were about forty bodies left. "I¡¯ll clean upter." Junhyuk was so tired, he couldn¡¯t do it now. His health and mana had been filled back up, but he was still tired. "I wish I could also recover from exhaustion." However, the living spirit was running through his arteries and that made him less tired. Junhyuk sat downfortably, and the spirit started moving again. The spirit travelled through his arteries twelve times, and his muscles felt less tired. Once it returned to his gut, he got up. "Whew!" Using the living spirit in the fights had earned him a lot. He could now swing his swords in any situation and he could also fight with his body instead of relying on his swords. Furthermore, the living spirit waspletely used to his body. "Now, time for the spoils." He had fought for two hours without checking what had dropped, so he started checking the bodies for blood and mana stones. Since they were B-ranked monsters, he found many. "Not all of them left some." He found thirteen mana stones and seven bloodstones. They were all heavy, which would bring him a nice amount of money, and even when the bodies had already disappeared, the stones remained. "I feel no need to sell them right now." Junhyuk had enough money for now, so he pulled out the crystal orb given to him by Agenchra. He took everything out of it and filled it back up with the bodies. "This is very nice." It wasn¡¯t a Spatial Bag, and he couldn¡¯t pull out the exact items he wanted, but it was the most effective thing for carrying bodies. When Junhyuk thought about fighting the twin-headed ogres again in the evening, he sighed. "I¡¯ll get some rest." He took off his armor and said, "Exit." Appearing in the bathroom, he smiled bitterly. "This is now my entrance." He was all bloodied, so he had to take another showered. After that, he walked out and prepared a light meal, cooking instant rice and some side dishes. He ate, went over to his bed andy down. Lying down, he felt the drowsiness of sleep approaching and murmured, "Not yet." It wasn¡¯t safe to bring Eunseo and Sarang to train with him yet. He alone would be responsible for them when that happened, but he would get them there eventually. In bed, he quickly fell asleep. He had trained beyond his limitations, so he couldn¡¯t stay awake and slept soundly and deeply. Then, his phone rang, and as he checked it, he smiled bitterly. He thought he had slept for only a moment, but it was already one in the afternoon. After checking the number, he picked it up. "Why are you calling?" "You came over yesterday and only talked to Elise. What happened to you?" "I had something to sell to Elise." "Ah! Does it have to do with someone stealing monsters from South Korea?" Heughed and answered, "You call it stealing, but it¡¯s a good thing someone stole them. It¡¯s better that way, isn¡¯t it?" "So, you aren¡¯t denying it?" "Nope. I got something from a hero and pulled the monster spawns, but it won¡¯t happen again," he answered. "You killed that many monsters all by yourself?" He smiled. Previously, he wouldn¡¯t have been able to deal with those monsters on his own, but now, he had the living spirit, and it made it easier to hunt. Currently, he was hunting groups of B-ranked monsters. "Is that why you called?" "Do you have time tonight?" "Tonight?" He took a moment to think and asked, "Is it important?" "No, it¡¯s not that." "Then, let¡¯s meet after next Friday." "After next Friday?" "Yes." Chapter 276 Unlimited Hunting 3 Eunseo hesitated at first and then said something unexpected, "I really want to see you tonight." His brain shut down because of what she said. Eunseo seemed reckless, and he was a little taken aback. "Nothing¡¯s happened, right?" "Nothing special¡¯s happened, but I really want to see you." He took a moment to think. Right now, he had to concentrate on the legend candidates. However, when he had made up his mind and was about to turn her down, she spoke up first. "I don¡¯t know what to do. I had counseling, but it didn¡¯t help at all," she said, and he knew he couldn¡¯t turn her down anymore. After a moment, he said, "Let¡¯s meet tonight at six at Ilsan." He had to be home by 8:00 p.m., so he made the appointment ordingly. "Thanks. Then, I¡¯ll see you at Ilsan." Junhyuk hung up the phone and stared out the window. Then, he put on some clothes and went to the bathroom. "Enter." There wouldn¡¯t be any monstersing, so he sat down and felt for his arteries. If the living spirit moved through his veins, he would bete for his appointment, so he told it to go through his arteries and got up. That day, he had gained a lot from fighting the twin-headed ogres, and as he learned more through actual fighting, Junhyuk realized he needed to integrate that knowledge into the ways he grew. He pulled out a sword and swung it. By being able to transfer the living spirit in his body to it, he felt like he could sh anything he wanted, even space. Without stopping, he teleported and continued to practice his swordsmanship, nning on thwarting his future enemies. When he teleported, he focused on the spirit. His attacks were aimed to destroy his enemies, and while it had dealt with twin-headed ogres, he wanted for it to be able to overpower champions. He would deal with people on the same level as him eventually and he was feeling nervous about it. Junhyuk teleported and used the Spatial sh. The living spirit followed the sh, and he was able to transfer his will to the spirit, so the attack on apletely different level from before. "This is just on Earth. I need to check whether it works the same at the Dimensional Battlefield." Lowering his sword, Junhyuk exhaled deeply. "Whew!" Then, he closed his eyes, thinking about all the training he had done and said, "Exit." Appearing in the bathroom, he took a shower and changed clothes. Then, Junhyuk walked out and took a cab to Ilsan. When he reached Ilsan, he called Eunseo, and she told him which restaurant to go to, so he went there. It was a high-end restaurant, and because he had gotten there ahead of her, he told the waiter her name for the reservation and took a seat at their table. After a while, Eunseo opened the door and walked in. She looked at him while fixing her sses and smirked. He stood up to offer her a seat and then sat down again, staring calmly at her. She had always looked strong before, but now she seemed weak. Her physical appearance remained the same, but as he looked at her, he felt like he¡¯d been ignoring her. "Are you OK?" he asked her. But she raised her hand and said, "I¡¯ve already ordered for the both of us. Is that OK?" "That¡¯s fine." When she raised her hand, tes started leaving the kitchen, and she looked at him and continued calmly, "I¡¯m trying not to take too much of your time." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "You don¡¯t have to try." Eunseo stared at him and added, "The fact is that I don¡¯t have much time myself." The food came out, and Eunseo ate while talking. "An interesting event took ce during thisst monster attack." "What event?" He had not heard about it, so he waited for her to borate. Eunseo continued calmly, "Ghana doesn¡¯t have an iron soldier, so they gathered novices and went monster hunting." "Just novices?" "Yes. The army was also there, but the novices had a decisive role in quelling the monsters. In Ghana, they are treated as heroes." Junhyuk put down his knife and pondered for a moment. They weren¡¯t hiding the novices, but disying them. "That¡¯s an interesting urrence." So far, the people that had been collecting novices had been hiding that fact from the public. This new development wasn¡¯t going to seat well with those people, but there were ces that not even Guardians could reach, and they had to make ns of their own and use the novices." "What is Guardians going to do?" "There¡¯s nothing we can do. They got the mana stones from the monster hunt, and by using those mana stones, we are making a massive quantity of iron soldiers. We¡¯ll be able to deploy them to over a hundred countries." "That¡¯s good." Eunseo cut her steak and put the slice in her mouth. "By glorifying novices and getting their help, every country would be able to remain safe. And, in the end, by fighting monsters with iron soldiers, Guardians would influence the entire world." "Maybe they¡¯ll choose both options." "Yes. Countries can oversee novice teams and the iron soldiers. With cooperation from the police and the military, those countries will deal with the monsters." Junhyuk thought for a moment and asked, "Perhaps, did any more monsters appear after those novices took care of the ones in Ghana?" "Yes, but the military in intervening now." Junhyuk thought of Agenchra. Their objective was to activate as many novices as possible and to activate heroes from them. When the novices killed the monsters, management sent more, which meant that they would send more monsters to where novices were gathered. It looked like they were testing the novices, but it didn¡¯t feel like those were their real intentions. "They must be waiting!" "What do you mean?" "Nothing." Junhyuk thought his ideas were too undeveloped to reveal, so he changed the subject. "By the way, who did you meet in yourst trip to the Dimensional Battlefield?" Eunseo put down her knife and fork and said, "Among the allied heroes, there was a very strong hero. She had just be a hero, and the lower part of her body was that of a horse." "Was it Gyulsean?" "Ah! Do you know her?" He smiled bitterly. Kaljaque, who used to be in his team, was now fighting Sora and giving her easy victories. Gyulsean, his previous enemy, was now a hero and helping Eunseo¡¯s team achieve victories. It was all very interesting. "It¡¯s important to befriend allied heroes, but don¡¯t forget you have only one life to give. You have a counterattack power, so you¡¯ll be able to escape dangerous situations, but you can¡¯t really run away like Sora." "I know." "Don¡¯t step in front of an enemy. Keep yourself safe." Eunseo smiled at him. It was a rare smile from her, and he smiled back. "Thanks. You areforting me." Junhyuk was curious about why she had wanted to see him that night. Was it because of the glorification of the novices or for her to get somefort? After finishing her light meal, Eunseo got up and asked, "When can I see Sarang?" He thought for a moment and said, "It is not good to procrastinate, so this weekend should be good." "Really?" He smiled at her. "Have I ever told you a lie?" "No. I trust you and I¡¯ll wait." Junhyuk walked her out and went back to his ce. His watch said 7:40 p.m. He turned on Max¡¯s cell phone and opened the app that connected to Ganesha. Through it, he watched videos of the novices in Ghana. There were five people with powers. They were adoring those novices and making videos of their actions in Ghana. In the videos, the monsters attacking them were giant snakes. As the ferocious snakes attacked, each novice disyed a different power. The snakes were being hit by military weapons, but the novices rushed toward them. A novice seemed cut and full of muscles, suddenly dashing toward a snake and hitting its head. The shock torn the snake apart, and Junhyuk frowned as he watched. "It seems to be a basic damage power, but the low-ranked monster disappeared with the attack, so I can¡¯t tell much about it." It could just be a simple rushing power, or something else. He couldn¡¯t tell. A snake had disappeared without much effort, so the other snakes turned toward the novices, and a woman stepped forward. The African woman extended her hand, and the slithering snakes slowed down. Meanwhile, another novice stepped in. The novice jumped way up, and mmed against the ground. It was a simple attack, but the shockwave generated from the attack killed the snakes around. The shockwave had a ten-meter radius from the novice¡¯s point of impact. The remaining snakes rushed at the novices, but another novice stepped forward with a raised hand, and the snakes mmed against each other. They had lost their sense of direction, and Junhyuk frowned. A power that made monsters lose their senses might work against heroes, and he was curious about it. The snakes gathered together, and a fat African man stepped forward. Rolling himself into a ball, he rushed toward the snakes. As he mmed against them, he bounced off toward another snake. He struck the snakes five times before stopping and smiling. Therge snakes were already torn to pieces, but Junhyuk was able to learn the man¡¯s power. "Some kind of bludgeoning power with a five-hitbo?! That could be dangerous for him." If the man tried to attack heroes with that power, regardless of the damage, he would die. Junhyuk thought he wouldn¡¯t be seeing that man again next time. Another video had all five of them making a TV appearance, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t interested in watching it, so he turned off the app and checked the time. It was 8:00 p.m. Junhyuk went to the bathroom and said, "Enter." He saw a newly-appeared monster in front of him and frowned. "It¡¯s not a twin-headed ogre." He already knew twin-headed ogres were B-ranked monsters, but he had never seen what was in front of him at the moment. It had the head of an alligator and broad shoulders and strong legs. Its tail was wagging behind it. As it saw Junhyuk, it pulled out its weapon from a holster behind it. It was a saw-ded sword. Junhyuk knew the monster was smaller than the twin-headed ogre, but also probably stronger. "It gets boring fighting only twin-headed ogres," he said and closed in, swinging his sword down. ng! The twin-headed ogres had not been able to respond to him because of the living spirit within his body, but this monster was different. "Tsc! You are quick!" ng, ng, ng! Junhyuk parried the saw-ded sword with his duals swords and frowned. "You can speak?" "Yeah, I can speak." Stepping back, Junhyuk asked, "What is the name of your species?" "Elidra is the proud name of my species." "I have some time. Shall we y?" Junhyuk smiled as he asked. The twin-headed ogres had enough power to break through his armor and shatter his bones, but this new monster was fast, and its quickness was iparable to the twin-headed ogres. From then on, he would also be dealing with Elidras, and he wanted to know more about them as he swung his sword. Chapter 277 New Enemy 1 Junhyuk was breathing roughly while staring at the fallen Elidras on the ground. At first, they were difficult to deal with, but in the end, he was able to kill all of them. They had sharp and quick movements and sharp tail attacks and, as their numbers increased, they started mountingbined attacks. They were surely shocking enemies. While fighting them, he earned a lot. By making use of the living spirit, he got astonishingly faster. The Elidras were a good opponent for him. Junhyuk was more skilled in swordsmanship than the Elidras, but they made up for theirck of swordsmanship with erratic movement. Because of that, he was able to improve his sword skills even further. His opponents couldn¡¯t fill the gap between swordsmanship with wild movement. That was something he learned. To begin with the first one, he had been able to use what he had learned and shed through it easily. Their wild characteristics could not match his skill, but as the number increased to ten, he met his match. After being cut on the ribs and shoulder, he focused on the battle to push beyond his limitations and learned, on his own, how to suppress the living spirit to a part of his body. Willing the spirit to move a bit faster when it was suppressed, his own speed increased, and he forgot all about going slow. He got much faster as he rushed toward his enemies. Multiple Elidras died by his faster speed through the suppressed spirit. But, by doing so, he felt even more tired. "Whew! There is nothing in this world that is free." The faster speed by use of the suppressed living spirit required three times the normal energy expenditure. He had been able to kill the enemies in a short time, but he was now lying on the ground, waiting for his energy to return. To recover, he would need to use the living spirit. If he kept suppressing the spirit, he would use more energy, so he slowly let the living spirit run through his arteries. As he recovered slowly, he connected to Arn through the Dimensional Communication Device. "What happened?" "I fought B-ranked monsters called Elidras." "Hm. Fighting other monsters along with the twin-headed ogres will help you." "Right. I want to ask you something." "What is it?" "This time, when I was fighting the Elidras, I tried to move faster and inadvertently suppressed the living spirit. However, by doing so, I used up my energy very fast." "You learned how to suppress the living spirit on your own?" "Yes." Arn was silent for a while before breaking out in very hard and loudughter. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! It hasn¡¯t been that long that you got the living spirit, and you learned how to suppress it so fast!" After his heartyughter, Arn got serious again. "You have a lot to learn about the living spirit. It¡¯ll changed how you will it, so it all depends on how you use it and your imagination. You¡¯ve just learned how to elerate." "Can I use it at the Dimensional Battlefield?" "No. You can¡¯t use it there." He was disappointed, but Arn continued, "Now you know how significant the limitations are at the battlefield." Junhyuk suddenly thought of Gongon. Even with his bare body, the hatchling had superior skills to others. Then, how strong was Gongon, really? The dragon was being limited, but he was still very strong. Junhyuk kept panting as he slowly got up. "Suppressed eleration... are there other skills to learn? Can you give me hints?" "There are a few other things, but you won¡¯t be able to use them now. You learned eleration, so focus on it. Master that skill first." "I understand." "Then, good luck." Arn was done talking and disconnected. The living spirit had moved through his arteries while they conversed, and now, he was able to move around easily. Junhyuk walked over to the Elidras¡¯ bodies, looking for mana stones and bloodstones, but they only dropped mana stones, and there were twenty-two of them. He realized that the Elidras were different from the twin-headed ogres and thought that he would probably go against a B-ranked monster that only dropped bloodstones. He emptied the crystal orb and filled it back up again with all of the bodies, including the Elidras¡¯ this time. After that, he started wondering if he should get rid of some of the bodies now because if he filled it up with an endless quantity, he wouldn¡¯t be able to empty it anywhereter. "I¡¯ll go talk to Elise this weekend." Junhyuk stopped thinking about the bodies and, as Arn instructed him, practiced his eleration. He demanded faster speeds from the living spirit, and, while it was suppressed, it travelled through the arteries in his legs at amazing speed. Junhyuk ran and swung his sword. sh! With boosted eleration, he started swinging his swords. He thought of the Elidras mountingbined attacks and swung ordingly, putting all his might in his swings. Within three minutes, he was resting with his swords pointed to the ground, breathing hard again. "Whew! Did I improve?" The eleration period had increased, which he was relieved about as he copsed on the ground. "I¡¯ll rest until tomorrow morning." Junhyuk closed his eyes and unleashed the living spirit. It passed quickly through his arteries and moved over to his veins. It would take the spirit six hours to go through it all, but he was rxed now and focused on the spirit running through his veins. Afte sessions of B-ranked monsters, the living spirit¡¯s own willpower had increased, and Junhyuk could no longer control it while it travelled through his veins. Junhyuk felt the spirit absorbing mana as it went on its path, and a smile appeared on his face. As hey on the ground looking up at the sky, he felt for it. He didn¡¯t fall asleep, but due to the spirit travelling through his body, he felt much less tired. The twin-headed ogre was strong, and the Elidra was quick. He had dealt with them both, and on Friday, at 6:00 a.m., he saw the new monsters spawning andughed hard. "Now, both of them areing at same time?!" At first, only the twin-headed ogres came out, so he was expecting more waves of twin-headed ogres. But this time, a twin-headed ogre and an Elidra spawned at the same time. Junhyuk thought that the two monsters would fight each other, but they both rushed toward him. He had not expected them to work together, much less usebined attacks against him. Using its strength, the ogre pushed him and tried to find an opening while the Elidra kept him distracted. Junhyuk suppressed the living spirit and elerated. By using eleration, he could kill his enemies easily, but he got extremely tired in the process, and even drinking from the basin wouldn¡¯t recover his energy. He chose to sh the enemies quickly and let the living spirit travel through his arteries to recover his energy. While the living spirit went through his arteries, it absorbed mana and, during that short time, it let him recuperate very fast. Junhyuk killed the ogre and the Elidra, and after that, within the time limit, he killed all the other monsters. In the end, however, he almost copsed from exhaustion. "Still very difficult." As the enemy numbers increased, so did theirbined attack skills, and he had had a tough time, but he managed to deal with all of them. Lying on the ground, he closed his eyes and went over the battles in his mind. "The summons to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield stops time, so it won¡¯t matter." With closed eyes, he willed the living spirit to travel through his veins. It went slowly, and as he felt for it, his muscles recuperated. He felt each sinewy part and smiled. "Interesting enemies." With thebination of strength and quickness, they had taught him a lot aboutbined attacks and how to find openings. And by using his powers, he had learned more about how to use them. "The problem is my powers haven¡¯t evolved enough yet." He had killed the monsters without using the force field, but meanwhile, he thought seriously about how to sell the monster bodies. "If I can make money from them, I will sell them. If not, I¡¯ll let them disappear." He thought the B-ranked monster bodies would bring him money and help out Elise in the process. His mind wandered, and heughed. He had engaged in a bloody battle while focusing on the living spirit for two hours. He was growing up fast. Now, he was able to let the living spirit run through his veins while thinking of other things. He knew that if he thought of other things the spirit would slow down, and that focusing on the living spirit made it absorb more mana and travel faster, so he decided to focus on it. In the previous battle, the allies had been defeated soundly, and they were hoping he would be victorious in the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. They would be betting on him to try to get better items for themselves. It was a gamble, but he wouldn¡¯t refuse the situation. The 3,000G he earned for every kill wasn¡¯t important, but the victory reward was, and this time, he nned to learn about how to use the enhancement stones. Junhyukyfortably and focused on the spirit travelling through his veins. --- The living spirit had also grown. It travelled through his veins three times and it only took five hours to do it. Junhyuk opened his eyes at one in the morning, returned home and showered. Then, he called Sarang. "Brother, why did you call me first?" "Me? I won¡¯t be able to connect to you." "What are you talking about?" "My training facility has been built, but there is no reception there. I n to train there and go directly to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield." "Where is that ce? Why won¡¯t phones work?" Heughed and answered, "After Ie back from the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, I¡¯ll tell you. It¡¯s a special ce." "Are you going to win?" "If nothing has changed, I will win. I¡¯ve already fought those enemies, and we are superior to them." "The heroes are counting on you. Do well!" "Don¡¯t worry." He thought of something and added, "And Saturday, we¡¯ll meet Eunseo together." "Really?" "Yes. She wants to meet you, and I¡¯ll also show you my training grounds." "Whoa!" He thought of Eunseo and told her, "If you have any problems, call me anytime." "May I?" "Of course! Don¡¯t worry. Just call." "Your facility has no cell reception." He took a moment to think and said, "Send me messages." "Hm, sure. Big brother, win and return safely." "Right." Junhyuk hung up and ate his lunch. nning to skip dinner, he teleported to the bathroom and said, "Enter." He wanted to train harder and, as he entered, hey on the ground. Junhyuk had the option to practice his powers, but he wanted to grow the living spirit more, so hey there and sent it through his veins. After finishing up, he focused on practicing his powers. There was just an hour left before he went to the Dimensional Battlefield, so he trained hard for that hour and, at 8:00 p.m., he sat on the ground and closed his eyes. The living spirit was still running through his arteries when he felt the bright white light pierce his cornea. He was being transported to the battlefield and, as he slowly opened his eyes, he checked out how much gold he had: 232,760G. He had only killed a few on thest battlefield, and his coins did not increase. Smiling bitterly, he summoned his equipment as he heard a soft voice. [The exnation on the Swamp of Despair has been deleted by request. The victory item for this Swamp of Despair is a sack of random items. Inside the sack, you¡¯ll find random items from magic items to rare items, so do your best to win.] The items inside would bring him a nice amount of gold. If he got lucky, he might get rare items, which he would use right away. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t lose. He had to win. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] Chapter 278 New Enemy 2 Junhyuk walked outside and saw the lizardmen kneeling in front of Gongon and Aktur. Gongon wagged his tail at him and tilted his head slightly toward him. "Looks like you have grown taller?" "Is that right?" He looked around for something to measure his height against, but could not find anything suitable forparison. Aktur, who had his arms crossed, said calmly, "You¡¯ve certainly grown taller." Junhyuk smiled. "Did I really grow?" he asked. Then, he stretched his arms and added, "What should we do this time? Same asst time?" Aktur shook his head. "Our enemies have changed." "They¡¯ve changed? I thought teams couldn¡¯t change." "Correct." He didn¡¯t know where Aktur had gotten that information, but he realized that Aktur had better connections than he did. Junhyuk looked at the mummy rather strangely, and Aktur continued calmly, "Drakey and Lugos are dead. So, they brought in two more champions." "Drakey and Lugos are dead?!" Junhyuk had fought themst time, and hearing that they were dead now made him feel strange. They couldn¡¯t have been killed in a silly way. They had been too skilled for that. "It happened in their dimensions, so I don¡¯t know the details. However, others were brought in." "What are they like, these new ones?" Gongon asked. Aktur showed him his palms and said, "I don¡¯t know anything about them. We¡¯ll have to fight them to find out more." Something was nagging at Junhyuk. Only Kraken still remained. "Did Kraken kill those two?" "He wouldn¡¯t be that stupid." "We don¡¯t know that." Of their three enemies, two had died, so Junhyuk was suspicious of the third. Gongon shrugged. "This ce has many limitations. There is no way to be sure of who is stronger in their own dimensions, but I don¡¯t think Kraken can travel between dimensions." "You think it¡¯s a coincidence?" Gongon wagged his tail. "That¡¯s my thought on the subject." Junhyuk looked at Aktur and asked, "Then, are we adopting a new strategy?" "No. When you meet the enemy, make sure tomunicate to the others. We have to know what kind of enemies they are beforeing up with a new strategy?" Junhyuk nodded and looked at Gongon, saying, "Then, let¡¯s move together!" "Sure." Aktur took the upper bath, and Gongon and Junhyuk went toward the bottom. Junhyuk took fifty lizardmen and headed toward the watchtower. When Junhyuk had first arrived, he had wanted to check on his teleportation¡¯s range, so as he walked with Gongon, he teleported suddenly. Seeing the distance he had covered, he smiled. "OK." Gongon ran toward him while wagging his tail. "Did you just teleport through twenty meters?" "I trained like a dog. It was worth it," Junhyuk said, smiling. Previously, the distance had not increased at all. However, this time, it had doubled at once. Before, he would¡¯ve been vulnerable to attacks, but now, his enemies wouldn¡¯t be able to reach him unless they used their powers. And when considering two teleportations, even long-ranged attacks wouldn¡¯t be able to hit him. He could also always run away. Junhyuk looked at the sword he was holding and wondered about how the Spatial sh had changed. He couldn¡¯t use it on Gongon, so he wanted to meet their enemies quickly. cing a hand on Gongon¡¯s head, he said, "This time, I worked hard as well." "Hi-hi-hi. You are something else." Last time, Gongon had trained hard before going to the battlefield, and they had gotten satisfying results from his effort. This time, Junhyuk had worked hard in hopes of simr results. His powers hadn¡¯t improved only in South Korea, but in the battlefield as well, and that was all because of the living spirit within him. Junhyuk had learned that even if the battlefield had limitations, he could still improve his powers. He tried to walk away quickly, but Gongon jumped on his neck. Junhyuk looked at the hatchling, who simply wagged his tail. "Let¡¯s go!" He smiled bitterly while giving Gongon a piggyback ride and ran. As always, the watchtowers were weaker than in the Valley of Death. Once he reached it, he tapped Gongon¡¯s foot lightly. After Gongon dropped to the ground, Junhyuk looked at the enemies in front of him. He had met Kraken before, but there was another champion there. However, that champion looked familiar. "An Elidra?" Opposite of him, was a champion with an alligator head and broad shoulders. Elidras were quick, but they weren¡¯t as big as the one in front of him, who had even wider shoulders and a highly trained body. The Elidra stepped forward and pulled out two saw-ded swords from his waist. "Nice to meet you. I am Nid, the savior of the Elidra species." Junhyuk had already seen the Elidras¡¯ wild dual swordsmanship, but the others hadn¡¯t been able to use proper technique. The Elidra in front of him was different, however, and without knowing what powers the Elidra had, he couldn¡¯t just step forward. Gongon walked ahead and said, "Kraken, two of your teammates have changed, but you still can¡¯t win." The hatchling turned to Nid and added, "Especially when you are paired with that low ss species." A spark appeared in Nid¡¯s eyes, and he stared coldly at the dragon. "Don¡¯t get him excited," Junhyuk said. Gongon shook his head. "No. Some excitement is good. I want to see his powers." Gongon¡¯s eyes also looked cold, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly. Even though he is young, Gongon was still a dragon, and the things he said weren¡¯t wrong. Junhyuk saw Nid running toward them and said, "I¡¯ll start." "OK." How much stronger had the Spatial sh gotten? Junhyuk ran toward Nid, and when there were about fifty meters between them, he swung the Blood Rune Sword from behind him. With a sh, the sword disappeared. The Spatial sh disappeared from his enemy¡¯s sight and reappeared immediately. His enemy couldn¡¯t match its speed, and without any uncertainty, blood gushed out of Nid¡¯s neck. "Ugh!" Junhyuk had added the living spirit to the Spatial sh and noticed a difference. While he wasn¡¯t sure of what kind of equipment Nid had, as Nid¡¯s neck tore apart, Nid lost 45 percent of his health. The strike created a shockwave, and since Kraken had been following Nid, Kranken lost 17 percent of its health. The shockwave dealt 50 percent of the original strike¡¯s damage, and it had dealt 17 percent of damage to Kraken¡¯s health, which meant that the shockwave had hit for 2 percent more damage than before. Even if he wasn¡¯t sure about Nid¡¯s defense, he was satisfied with the damage increase. Junhyuk did not stop, running forward as fast as he could. Of course, his regr speed hadn¡¯t changed. However, the Dimensional Battlefield had unlimited mana, and there was no way topare it to the training facility. He had been absorbing mana all the while, so he focused on the living spirit so it wouldn¡¯t enter his veins. With a burst of speed, he shed against Nid. ng! The swords shed, and Nid bared his teeth against him. "Your skills are astounding." Junhyuk felt Nid¡¯s strength pressing against his sword and frowned. Junhyuk possessed the highest quality attack rune and was strong himself, but Nid was not being pushed around by him. Elidras specialized in speed, so he thought Nid was surely a champion. Then, Nidughed and said, "Shall I repay my debt to you?" Junhyuk realized that Nid was about to use a power and became anxious. At once and regardless of Nid¡¯s power, he decided to be hit by it. There was no single blow that could kill him. At that moment, Nid¡¯s sword became translucent and passed by his sword, shing him in the chest. "Ugh!" Junhyuk groaned and winced in pain, but more importantly, he had to dodge Nid¡¯s next attack. So, Junhyuk stepped back, but Nid tracked after him, saying, "I am sorry, but you can¡¯t outrun me." Nid closed in quickly, so Junhyuk teleported. At once, he appeared twenty meters back, and Nid stared at him with wide eyes. At that moment, Gongon rushed toward Nid. Boom! Gongon headbutted Nid, who bounced back, rolling on the ground. Kraken appeared suddenly, grabbing Gongon by the legs and raising him up. As Kraken held on to Gongon¡¯s limbs, Junhyuk clicked his tongue. He hadn¡¯t wanted to show all of his powers from the start, but he, too, had experienced Kraken¡¯s twisting power and did not want anyone to feel that vited. Junhyuk extended his hand, and an ivory light appeared from Gongon¡¯s body. Kraken no longer had a hold of Gongon, and Junhyuk looked at Nid. NId¡¯s translucent sword had returned to its normal consistency. As Gongon dropped to the ground, he could not hold his fury back, and a firebreath spewed from his mouth. The mes swept across the enemy line. After being hit by Gongon¡¯s headbutt and now his firebreath, Nid was left with 15 percent of his health. Nid grimaced and looked at Junhyuk and Gongon, who were within the force field. "A protective shield?" "Correct. Even heroes don¡¯t have that type of force field," Kraken said. Nid nodded and stepped back, drinking a potion. His health went back up to 35 percent. "They are strong enough." Kraken¡¯s eyes sparked as it said, "They aren¡¯t easy." Gongon hadn¡¯t transformed yet, so Kraken retreated within the watchtower¡¯s range. Junhyuk and Gongon chased after their enemies, but they couldn¡¯t close in. Junhyuk had already used his teleports, and Gongon didn¡¯t have any speed boost items. The force field had prevented Kraken¡¯s power, but that was its only use. While standing next to Junhyuk, Gongon wagged his tail and asked, "How is your injury?" Junhyuk checked his health and murmured softly, "Nid¡¯s power disappeared, so it looks like it has a time limit. His strike took 20 percent off my health." "Was it a critical hit?" "Yes." "Then, don¡¯t worry about it. I kept an eye on it, and it onlysts for three seconds." "Don¡¯t dismiss it. He has high movement speed, and you can¡¯t block his attack when his power is active." If Junhyuk got hit by three attacks within those three seconds, he might even lose 60 percent of his health. And they hadn¡¯t seen Nid¡¯s two other powers yet. If Nid really went all out, he might die. Gongonughed and said, "I¡¯ll go first and be the shield." The hatchling stepped forward, and Junhyuk walked behind him. "We haven¡¯t seen his other powers. Be careful." "When a lion hunts a rabbit, a lion does his best," Gongon said, running ahead. He entered the watchtower¡¯s range to kill Nid, who had 35 percent of his health left. Nid¡¯s health and defense weren¡¯t great. Compared to Kraken, Nid¡¯s defense was rather low. However, Nid¡¯s attack stat seemed to be significant. Junhyuk stopped worrying and ran behind Gongon, who was already ahead. If Gongon were to use his power at that point, it would be his transformation. Junhyuk saw Kraken taking the front and swinging its long tentacles. Gongon was very small, but that he was able to dodge all of Kraken¡¯s tentacles was unbelievable. Then, Gongon headbutted Kraken and shouted as he continued to attack, "You finish him off!" Thinking of it, Gongon held a deep grudge against Kraken. Junhyukughed and closed in on Nid, who he thought he could kill easily with the amount of health Nid had left. As he approached, Junhyuk swung his sword, but Nid blocked it with his own. A smile appeared on Nid¡¯s face, and he said, "Now, it¡¯s my turn, right?" Nid spun around, touching Junhyuk lightly. Chapter 279 New Enemy 3 After Nid grazed his ribs and passed him by, Junhyuk scowled. He had no way to block the attack just now. It was almost like sword energy had left Nid¡¯s body to attack him. When Junhyuk checked himself, he realized that Nid had taken away 30 percent of his health. Nid had the translucent sword attack and this seemingly phasing sword strike. If he used both powers at the same time, he would be able to deal incredibly high damage. Junhyuk wanted to know what Nid¡¯s remaining power was, but as he looked around and saw arrows flying at him from the watchtower, he ran toward Nid, who saw himing and smiled. "Ha-ha-ha! Let¡¯s bring an end to all of this." Nid ran toward him, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t worried. He stepped forward, swinging his sword, and Nid did the same with his saw-ded sword. ng! When both swords shed, Nid smirked at him... "This is your end!" ... and suddenly howled. Junhyuk¡¯s body froze with Nid¡¯s howl. With only half of his health left, bing paralyzed was the worst thing that could have happened. The howl also took 5 percent of his health away. Nid shed at him. sh, sh, sh, sh! A single cut dealt 8 percent of damage to him, and he was attacked four times, taking 32 percent of his health. Junhyuk only had 13 percent left. After being paralyzed for three seconds, he was able to move again, so he dodged Nid¡¯s next attack. Ducking, he escaped and followed up with his own swing, which he learned from fighting the Elidras. The sword travelled quickly through Nid¡¯s ribs. "Argh!" Nid lost 7 percent of his health, but Junhyuk passed nimbly through Nid¡¯s side and followed it up with another swing of his sword. After the second strike, Nid¡¯s eyes widened. He had started the engagement with 35 percent of his health and, now, he only had 21 percent left. Meanwhile, Junhyuk had regained a little of his own health, 3 percent, which put his health at 16 percent. Parrying Nid¡¯s attack, Junhyuk stepped back. Nid ran toward him, swinging his saw-ded sword, and Junhyuk instinctively raised his own sword to block. That¡¯s when Nid¡¯s sword became translucent. "Hm!" Junhyuk did not block the saw-ded sword. Instead, he tried to retreat quickly. However, he was toote in doing so and got sliced through his chest in the process. His armor tore apart, and blood sttered through it, taking 10 percent of Junhyuk¡¯s health with it. Junhyuk had 6 percent of his health left now and grimaced. That¡¯s when Nid¡¯s translucent sword came at him again. However, this time, he knew there was no way for him to dodge it, so he clicked his tongue and teleported twenty-meters back. As a result, Nid turned around and aimed for Gongon. Gongon saw Niding toward him, scoffed and jumped by kicking off Kraken¡¯s head. However, Kraken grabbed Gongon¡¯s legs and kept him off the ground. Meanwhile, Nid swung his sword at Gongon unceasingly. Gongon couldn¡¯t move, and Nid went at him like crazy. Because Gongon couldn¡¯t block, he started getting hit by critical hits. One of the shes against his chest took 15 percent of his health. However, once the translucent sword ended, Nid had to wait on the cooldown to use it again, and at that moment, Gongon transformed into therge dragon. Gongon deflected Nid¡¯s saw-ded sword and back-kicked Kraken, pushing the octopus back. At the same, Junhyuk was running back toward them. The Spatial sh was off cooldown, and Junhyuk thought he could put an end to the situation with it. Meanwhile, Gongon had to stand his ground. With 72 percent of his health left, Gongon allowed some of Nid¡¯s shes to go through, and Kraken dealt some damage to him. However, Gongon was still strong enough. The hatchling¡¯s defense was very high, and he wouldn¡¯t die in a situation like that. Gongon was still transformed and running toward Kraken, and the octopus opened its mouth wide toward him. It was the ink attack. Losing his vision wouldn¡¯t be a problem, but if Junhyuk was hit by it, there was a chance he could get killed, and he didn¡¯t want to die. So, Junhyuk kept an eye out for the attack¡¯s timing. Kraken shot out the ck in from its mouth, and Junhyuk jumped. Because he had jumped vertically, he was able to dodge the ink. In response, both Kraken and Nid looked up at him. However, they quickly lost interest and went back to focusing on Gongon. The enemies were running toward the dragon, and Junhyuk smiled and used the Spatial sh. This time, he shed one of Kraken¡¯s eyes, and the blood red shockwave swept across Nid. [You¡¯ve killed Nid and earned 3,000G.] He had killed the champion and hended smiling. Nid had had surprising powers, and he was capable of killing Junhyuk by himself, so Junhyuk had to be careful of him. Nid¡¯s howl would be particrly dangerous during a team battle. Junhyuk checked his health, which went from 6 percent to 18 percent. Gongon was blind, and Kraken headbutted him and grabbed the dragon¡¯s legs, throwing him toward the watchtower. While under attack from the watchtower, Junhyuk ran toward Kraken, but the octopus simply ignored him and ran toward Gongon. Kraken had 55 percent of its health left, and Gongon had 64 percent. Under attack from the tower¡¯s archers, the hatchling had not recovered his sight yet. Junhyuk ran quickly toward Kraken. Although his regr movement speed had not increased, Junhyuk felt that his attack speed had increased a bit. Kraken swung its tentacles at him without paying too much attention, and Junhyuk smiled. Before, he wouldn¡¯t have been able to dodge the tentacles. But now, he had fought twenty-five Elidras and he was able to find the openings in Kraken¡¯s attacks. Kraken wasn¡¯t focused at all, and Junhyuk threw himself at the openings between the tentacles. Meanwhile, Gongon had recovered his sight and started running toward Kraken, grabbing the octopus¡¯ attention. Junhyuk smiled. Junhyuk dodged all of Kraken¡¯s attacks, closing in and stabbing it with the Frozen Rune Sword. The sword sunk deep into Kraken, and Kraken¡¯s eyes widened. It swung all of its tentacles at Junhyuk, who blocked them with the Blood Rune Sword and twisted the Frozen Rune Sword deeper into the octopus. "Ugh!" Kraken groaned and writhed in pain. It lost 15 percent of its health, leaving it with 40 percent. Junhyuk knew he couldn¡¯t let up, so he pulled out the Frozen Rune Sword, shed one of the tentacles and retreated. Kraken¡¯s attack speed was debuffed, and Junhyuk was able to dodge everything. At that point, Gongon joined in and switched with Junhyuk. "You did well!" Gongon said calmly, kicking Kraken. "Should I help you some more?" "There is no need!" Gongon dodged the tentacles, closed in and kicked Kraken again. Boom! Then, he breathed fire, which was a critical hit, and Kraken disappeared. [Gongon killed Kraken.] Junhyuk sighed, relieved, but that¡¯s when he heard another soft announcement. [Kilraden killed Aktur.] Junhyuk grimaced. "Aktur was killed?" Up to now, Aktur had had a lot of experience fighting Drakey, and he had learned to deter his enemy for some time by using the watchtower. Even if the enemy was strong, Junhyuk thought Aktur would¡¯ve been able to handle the situation. However, Aktur had died way too easily! Junhyuk sighed and said, "This one must be stronger than the old champions." Nid was quite dangerous, and the champion who had killed Aktur had to be dangerous as well. Gongon wagged his tail and added, "Aktur is a bit weak." Junhyuk wanted to say something, but he couldn¡¯tpare Aktur to Gongon. Gongon had fought Drakey in the past and disyed his superior strength. To Gongon, Aktur had to be weak. Junhyuk looked ahead and said, "Let¡¯s destroy the watchtower." Gongon whistled, and the lizardmen rushed crazily. That was the best way to fight before Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh came off cooldown. Unworried, he joined the lizardmen in destroying the watchtower. Once it was down, Junhyuk inhaled deeply. Gongon had his eyes slightly widened as he stared at Junhyuk. "What are you doing?" Junhyuk was absorbing mana, and he smiled at the hatchling¡¯s question. "Nothing much. By the way, let¡¯s go see the sorcerer." "Right." Gongon got on his neck, and Junhyuk sighed. "You must, huh?" With the dragon on his shoulders, he looked at the lizardmen. "Follow us." There were thirty-five lizardmen remaining, and he did not want to waste them. They could be of use in the future. Then, he started running while giving Gongon a piggyback ride, headed to the ind where Hatma was located. On the way, Aktur connected with him. "You must be careful." "Of Kilraden? What are his powers?" "He is a lot like you. He can teleport, but only for a short distance. However, he can do it three times straight." Junhyuk frowned. He had never met Kilraden, but even if the range of his teleportation was short, by being able to do it three times at once, he would be a difficult opponent. Even if Aktur pulled him, he could simply escape. Junhyuk continued, "What about his other powers?" "He can hide for three seconds." "Hide? Is he an assassin?" "He dealt an absurd amount of damage to me." With the ability to hide and teleport, Kilraden was a dangerous assassin. "What about his other power?" "I haven¡¯t seen it." Junhyuk scowled. Aktur had only been able to see two powers before he was killed. His defense was low, but that was still shocking. "OK. When we meet him, we¡¯ll find out. By the way, we are on our way to meet Hatma." "I¡¯ll head there as well." "OK." Considering that they would meet enemies on the ind, it would be better if Aktur also came along. Their enemies had to reincarnate and make their way there, so Junhyuk would get there first. However, they would probably interfere once he tried to leave the ind. Junhyuk told Gongon what Aktur had told him. "The person who killed Aktur must be an assassin." "An assassin?" "He can hide for three seconds and teleport three times, even if the range of each teleport is short." "Ha! Someone else has powers rted to space?" "Yes, and he¡¯ll probably be difficult to handle." Gongon thought for a moment and said, "Usually, assassins have a high attack stat, but their defense is shitty!" "That¡¯s usually the case." Gongonughed. "Then, you kill him." "Easy for you to say." Honestly speaking, Junhyuk wanted to meet Kilraden. Assassins could deal a lot of damage if their attacksnded correctly. As he ran, he absorbed mana without letting the living spirit into his veins. Instead, the spirit ran through his arteries, which enabled it to absorb a lot more mana than otherwise. The Dimensional Battlefield was a good ce to nurture the spirit. "Let¡¯s go see Hatma!" As he ran, Junhyuk heard a soft voice. [The high-ranking sorcerer in the Swamp of Despair has woken up. Help him out, and he¡¯ll give you satisfying rewards.] Junhyuk turned to Gongon and said, "Maybe we¡¯ve taken longer than we thought? Or is Hatma waking up earlier than usual?" "He woke up early. Does it matter?" Junhyuk looked at the purple sky. Hatma was one of the staples of the battlefield. That he had woken up early meant that something had changed. It was not something to simply ignore. Letting go of his thoughts, Junhyuk picked up the pace and reached the ind. He started crossing the stepping stones while seeing someone at the opposite end of them. The person was wearing all white clothing. A bandana covered his eyes, and only his chin was visible. The man was standing where Junhyuk was about tond on the ind. Gongon smiled. "That is the assassin?" Junhyuk tapped Gongon¡¯s feet lightly, and Gongon got off of him. "Kill him." Chapter 280 Cant Lose This Round 1 An assassin. Junhyuk had already fought one before, and they were difficult to deal with. He had also been killed by thest one he fought. Last time, the assassin had used the shadows to move around, but this time it was teleportation. Junhyuk didn¡¯t like the fact that assassins had specialized powers. He closed in, leaving exactly two stepping stones left. The enemy could hide, so he had to decrease the number of directions the enemy could attack from. Junhyuk stood on the stepping stone, looking at his enemy, and asked, "Kilraden?" The enemy nodded heavily. He had gotten the champion¡¯s name after Aktur was killed, and assassins were tight-lipped. They didn¡¯t talk much. After decreasing the number of ways the enemy could get to him, Junhyuk extended his arms. "I don¡¯t care if you don¡¯t talk." As he unsheathed his swords, Kilraden pulled out a dagger. Junhyuk wanted to say that the champion was carrying a weapon fit for assassinations, but the enemy had already disappeared. He grimaced and swung his sword at his back instinctively, but there was no one there. Then, he heard Gongon¡¯s voice. "Above you!" Instead of trying to swing again, he jumped forward, toward the next stepping stone, and saw Kilraden drop where he had been. Kilraden¡¯s outfit was entirely white. The champion looked at him and disappeared again. Teleportation. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and dove toward the ind. Just as he had expected, Kilraden appeared right where he had been standing. Kilraden looked at him, and he dove again. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t rx. Even if he got to the ind first, he had to consider his enemy¡¯s teleportation power. Kilraden started running toward him, and he inhaled deeply. Then, the champion disappeared again. Junhyuk raised his head to look up and spun around, shing behind him. There was nothing there again. His enemy had to have a lot of experience doing what he did, and Junhyuk felt a sting on the side of his neck. Teleporting away, he grabbed the spot. He had just been hit by a critical hit and lost 40 percent of his health in the process. The only good thing at that point was that the living spirit regenerated his health quickly when he was not engaged in battle, so had had full health before they started fighting. However, he was still shocked at losing 40 percent of his health by a strike that prated his defenses. Junhyuk retreated and saw a translucent Kilraden. The champion had pretended to teleport, but had hid instead. Junhyuk had kept watch above and behind himself, and Kilraden had simplye through the front and stabbed his neck with the dagger. Hidested for three seconds, but Kilraden had already used it. The champion had also teleported twice already. Junhyuk walked toward his enemy and said, "I learned something just now." Junhyuk wanted to check on something. He wanted to know if the critical hit had been part of Kilraden¡¯s power or if he had just simply been badly positioned, so he walked toward Kilraden, and Kilraden turned the dagger around and walked toward him. "An assassin who wants a frontal, head-to-head fight!" Junhyuk attacked Kilraden, but didn¡¯t let his guard down. This wasn¡¯t just a fight with swords, but a fight with powers. As he approached, he swung his sword, and Kilraden parried with the dagger. Junhyuk had expected the parry and continued to attack. He thought he would¡¯ve been at a skill level of his own, but there were many champions who could match his swordsmanship on the battlefield. Kilraden parried his dual swords with a single dagger, and Junhyuk smiled coldly. "I am not that easy!" As his swords struck the dagger, he closed in and stabbed forward with the Frozen Rune Sword. However, Kilraden just kept smiling. The timing was perfect. Even Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t have been able to prevent the strike. But as the sword touched Kilraden, the champion¡¯s body phased through it while he swung his dagger. Junhyuk tried to parry it quickly, but blood was already gushing out of his chest. "Ugh!" A critical hit. He lost another 40 percent of his health. "That¡¯s a shocking amount of damage!" Junhyuk gritted his teeth, but Kilraden had already disappeared. Kilraden attacked by teleporting, and if hisbosnded, he would deal damage iparable to Nid. That type of damage would even be fatal to heroes, especially those who focused on attack. Kilraden¡¯s attacks could kill them. The assassin¡¯s third power was even a counterattack. Once he became a hero, he would be quite a sight to behold. Kilraden had disappeared through teleportation, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t tell where the next attack woulde from. There was only one thing he could do now, so he raised the force field around himself. ng! Kilraden had teleported and hade at him from the side, but the assassin bounced off. "It¡¯s my turn." Junhyuk turned around and used the Spatial sh, which went through Kilraden¡¯s neck. "Argh!" Kilraden screamed, stepping back. A red shockwave extended from his neck. With a 20 percent chance to happen, the extra attack activated, stacking the critical hits on Kilraden. All of the attacks hadnded, inflicting heavy damage. The first attack took 55 percent of the champion¡¯s health, and the extra attack took another 28 percent. The single Spatial sh had dealt 83 percent damage in total, leaving Kilraden with 17 percent of his health. Junhyuk retreated and repositioned, smiling at Kilraden. "Got you." Kilraden frowned, and Junhyuk disappeared. He reappeared stabbing the back of Kilraden¡¯s neck, piercing through it. The attack was fatal, and Kilraden opened his mouth wide, vomiting blood. Junhyuk twisted the sword and pulled it out. [You¡¯ve killed Kilraden and earned 3,000G.] Tired, Junhyuk looked back. He could have been killed at any moment. Gongon walked over to him and said, "He didn¡¯t have a lot of health, but his damage was absurd. Are you OK?" Heughed hard and said, "No, I am not OK." Junhyuk had lost 80 percent of his health from two hits. During the uing team battle, there was a chance he could get killed at any time by the two new additions. Shaking his head, Junhyuk murmured, "It wasn¡¯t easy." "It didn¡¯t look like it was." "Did you think about helping me out?" he asked Gongon. "You were dealing with a loser and you didn¡¯t need any help." "You are so cool." Junhyuk walked over to Hatma, who, restrained by the tree, smiled at him. "It was fun watching you fight." "It wasn¡¯t that fun." At the reply, Hatmaughed and continued, "I want to listen to a song." "What?!" The sorcerer was always shocking, but now he wanted to listen to a song, which was absurd. Junhyuk stared at him, and Hatma smiled and continued, "Follow that road, and you will meet Sairan. You¡¯ll find Sairan¡¯s tribe there. There are seven princesses, and one of them is Sairan. Bring me the conch around her neck. It must contain her voice." "Your taste is very unique." Hatmaughed hard. "When you listen to it, you¡¯ll know." "I¡¯ll bring it to you." Junhyuk didn¡¯t say anything else and turned around. He was in better shape thanst time. Gongon was there and so were the lizardmen. He walked over, and Gongon jumped on his back, getting a piggyback ride from him. "Is it quest time again?" "Correct. Let¡¯s go." Without saying anything else, he looked at Gongon and the lizardmen with him and ran toward the quest. --- Sairan, one of seven princesses. He saw the situation ahead andughed. "I wasn¡¯t expecting this." Sairan wasn¡¯t by herself. She was surrounded by ten nagas. Junhyuk saw her sitting on arge rock by herself among them. "What do we do now?" "Let the lizardmen handle the nagas. They must be on the same level, no?" Junhyuk shook his head. Each naga was three meters long. Even novices wouldn¡¯t be able to deal with them. There were only ten of them, but they had to be very strong. Junhyuk looked at Gongon and said, "I¡¯ll kill the nagas." He was the fastest one at killing mobs, and the hatchling looked at him and nodded. "Then, throw me." "Sure." Heunched Gongon with some strength, and the dragon flew ahead. Then, Junhyuk looked at the nagas and gave out the order to the lizardmen, "Attack!" The lizardmen rushed forward, and so did he. When the nagas saw him, they headed toward him. In reality, the nagas swung their tridents, and the lizardmen died suddenly, so Junhyuk stepped to the front. A trident wasing in his direction, so he swung his sword, and the naga lost its head. Once it died, the shockwave swept through the other nagas around it. Junhyuk didn¡¯t stop, running ahead. He saw a path between two enemies and ran for it while swinging his swords. Red and white shockwaves expanded in rings that swept through his enemies. There had been ten nagas, but their skills were below B-ranked monsters. After taking care of them, he ran toward Sairan. "Things were a lot more difficultst time." Junhyuk looked for Gongon, but the dragon was far away from the battle. "Gongon!" The hatchling said through gritted teeth, "Shit! What is this shit?" Junhyuk ran after Gongon, and Sairan stayed on her rock, staring at them both, but did not mount any attacks of her own. Junhyuk looked at her. She was a beautiful woman, but she had no pupils, and her eyes were entirely blue. She merely stared at them both. Junhyuk lifted Gongon and asked, "What happened?" "I got hit by my own firebreath." "Your attack was reflected back?" Gongon got up and red at the princess. "Right. She¡¯s not the only thing there." Hearing Gongon, Junhyuk decided not to use the Spatial sh. If he did, it might get reflected back at him, dealing fatal damage. "I want to know what type of force field she has. Shall we?" "OK." They couldn¡¯t see a force field at that point, so they had to sh against her. Junhyuk ran toward her first, trying to sh her, but a dome-shaped force field appeared around her. ng! He watched as his health disappeared and grimaced. Gongon ran forward and used his headbutt, but he was also thrown back. Junhyuk looked at the dragon and said, "There must be a way." Her force field was invisible, and there was neither a time limit nor a cooldown to it. It also reflected damage, which made it very powerful. Gongon got up suddenly. "OK. There must be a limit to the damage it can take." They had to surpass that limit to be able to deal damage to the princess. When things concerned magic, Gongon was on an entirely different level from Junhyuk. So, trusting the dragon, Junhyuk decided to attack. Gongon had already used his firebreath and headbutt, and Junhyuk had used a regr attack. However, the force field had yet to disappear. It hadn¡¯t gone over its damage limit yet. Gongon transformed and said, "I¡¯ll destroy it." Junhyuk saw Gongon¡¯s determination. The dragon¡¯s defense was high, but his attack was even higher. Gongon was going all out to destroy the force field, so Junhyuk also raised his sword. "Right. Let¡¯s do it." He still had the Spatial sh. Chapter 281 Cant Lose This Round 2 As he watch the transformed Gongon punch, Junhyuk raised the force field. ng! The force field also covered Gongon, whoughed at the situation. "We should¡¯ve used this already." Junhyuk¡¯s force field had been capable of blocking a legend candidate¡¯s attack, so he trusted it, and the force field blocked the reflected damage. So, for the next ten seconds, the allies had to deal as much damage as possible. Junhyuk did not hesitate to use his Spatial sh. The strike dealt a lot of damage, but it was also reflected, hitting his own force field. That scared Junhyuk. Thinking of it, he had never been hit by his own Spatial sh. If he were to be hit just the right way, he couldn¡¯t even imagine what kind of damage it would deal him. It was that kind of power. Even with the Spatial sh, Junhyuk was unable to break down the reflective force field. He frowned a bit, but that¡¯s when Gongon punched it, and the force field shattered. Sairan¡¯s eyes widened, and Gongon flying knee-kicked her chin. "Aaah!" Sairan screamed aloud. The sound resonated in the air, bouncing Gongon off again. While attacking Sairan, Gongon had left Junhyuk¡¯s force field, so he returned to it quickly. Seeing Gongon enter, Junhyuk asked, "Was it a shockwave?" Gongon had already lost more than half of his health. The hatchling had gone against Sairan¡¯s force field for a while and received all the damage reflected to him before Junhyuk raised his force field. Junhyuk looked at the hatchling, and Gongon said calmly, "I¡¯m OK." After the sound barrier around Sairan disappeared, Junhyuk turned to her. "Let¡¯s go." He ran at her, and Sairan opened her mouth again. "Aahh!" Junhyuk timed his jump. Her soundwaves covered the area around her horizontally, but they couldn¡¯t cover the space above her to where he had jumped. So, Sairan raised her head to look at him, and that¡¯s when Gongon moved as well. Untransformed, Gongon¡¯srge foot smashed against Sairan¡¯s chin. "Aahh!" She wasn¡¯t using a power. Sairan was simply screaming. But Gongon didn¡¯t stop there. He spun around and smacked her up his tail. Crush! Without even being able to scream, Sairan fell to the ground. After that, Junhyuk stabbed her in the chest with his sword. Her force field was extremely powerful, but she didn¡¯t have a lot of health herself. Junhyuk picked up the shell around her neck. Hatma wanted to hear the voice contained within it. Even though Junhyuk was curious about it, he decided not to listen because if he did, and the shell didn¡¯t work again after that, things would beplicated. So, he held it in his hand and looked at Gongon. "Let¡¯s go back." He started walking, and Gongon ran up to him and hopped on his neck. Junhyuk sighed and ran ahead with Gongon on his back. They were headed to where Hatma was located. --- Things went just as Junhyuk had expected. They arrived, but their enemies were already there, gathered on the ind and waiting for them. So, he contacted Aktur. "Where are you?" "I¡¯m hiding in the forest. Are you here, yet?" "Yes." "I¡¯lle out then." Junhyuk saw Aktur appearing from the opposite side of the ind and scowled. "This isn¡¯t good." "Aktur, you got scared and went over there?" "Don¡¯t talk like that to a fellow ally. A team¡¯s discontent only serves the enemy¡¯s purpose." Gongon nced at Junhyuk and said, "You are so passionate in this round." "I can¡¯t lose this round," he told Gongon calmly. "That¡¯s for sure. They are giving away free items, and they are supposed to be rare!" "They are supposed to be magic or rare!" "Then, mine will be rare!" Junhyuk shook his head at Gongon and said, "You were born lucky." Gongon was born a dragon and with a silver spoon in his hand. Junhyuk looked at the enemies ahead and murmured, "What should we do?" He wanted toplete the quest and kill the enemies, but prating the enemies¡¯ defenses andpleting the quest wouldn¡¯t be an easy task. He was unsure, but Gongon stepped forward. "Let¡¯s go." "It won¡¯t be easy." "But we can¡¯t stay here and waste time." Junhyuk sighed and followed the dragon. He was already aware of how strong their enemies were, so he said, "Gongon." "What?" "Go straight to Hatma." "Is that even possible? They can teleport as well." Junhyuk took a moment to think and said, "We have to check on something." "What?" "On whether the assassin can teleport with others. Let¡¯splete the quest. You block for us." "OK." Junhyuk took Gongon and ran over the stepping stones. Their enemies didn¡¯t think they would run toward them, so they hesitated, but he ignored them and kept running. While running, he watched the enemies¡¯ responses. With the teleportation on the table, he couldn¡¯t simply jump over them. Once Junhyuk and Gongon had closed in, Kraken used its tentacles. The other enemies kept waiting for him, so he jumped anyway, going over them all at once. All he had to do was control the angle of his jump, and it became a good option for getting over obstacles. Junhyuknded in front of Hatma and quickly handed the shell to the sorcerer. Hatma smirked, taking it. "You really are something." He put the shell against his ear and hummed. Meanwhile, the enemies were approaching Junhyuk, and his eyes narrowed. Junhyuk saw the enemies running toward him and realized something. "He can¡¯t teleport with others." He turned back to Hatma, and Gongon shouted, "Shit! Hatma! Give us the reward!" Hatma frowned a bit as he looked at the dragon. "You are interrupting my entertainment!" "You can¡¯t be like that right now!" Hatma smiled and pulled both of his arms free from the roots. As he raised them, he shouted, "I call on you, Thunder. Hatma says that you will move faster than the wind and strike sharper than lightning."[The High-Ranking Sorcerer¡¯s buff is applied. For one hour, your movement speed and your critical hit rate increase by 10 percent. When you deliver a critical hit, you will deal 30 percent in additional damage. If you die, the enemy will take the buff.] Junhyuk was buffed, and he smiled. His enemies had been unaware of his ability to jump, so he had seized the opportunity. At that point, Aktur joined the allies from behind them. Junhyuk smiled at the enemies on the ind. "Now, we can have a proper team battle." The prospects of the team battle still didn¡¯t look easy. The enemies had an extreme ability to deal damage, but now the allies were buffed, so Gongon stepped forward. "We have the buff. Let¡¯s wipe them clean." Junhyukughed at Gongon¡¯s statement and stepped forward with confidence and strength. "Then, I¡¯ll start, he murmured and, from behind Gongon, used the Spatial sh. Their enemies were unaware of Junhyuk¡¯s range, so they were approaching the allies calmly, and Junhyuk aimed for Kilraden, who had an absurd capacity to deal damage. Kilraden was walking behind Kraken, very rxed, when the Spatial sh cut through his neck. With the buff in effect, Kilraden lost 72 percent of health all at once, and the shockwave generated from the strike swept through Nid and Kraken, taking 30 and 22 percent off of their healths respectively. "Long live the buff," Junhyuk murmured, and Gongon dashed toward his enemies with all his might. Kraken saw the hatchling running toward them and moved first. Kraken was a tank, and it wouldn¡¯t allow others to approach them easily. Kraken hit the hatchling, pushing him off, which meant that Kraken would still be able to deal with them, even buffed. "Aktur! Deal with Kraken!" "Right!" Akturunched his bandages at Kraken¡¯s legs and pulled it toward him. As the octopus moved away, he dropped Gongon, who took the initiative to fly off into a headbutt. Nid decided to swing his saw-ded sword while Kilraden hid. However, Nid had made the wrong choice. Boom! Gongon smashed against Nid, who lost a chunk of his health. The hit wasn¡¯t a critical, but it still took 35 percent off Nid¡¯s health, leaving him with 35 percent left. Nid howled. Gongon was paralyzed, and the enemies mounted their attacks. Nid focused on Gongon, but the real problem wasn¡¯t Nid¡¯s attacks. Kilraden, who was the real problem, appeared behind the hatchling suddenly and stabbed him. Nid was about to follow up with an attack on Gongon when Junhyuk touched him and teleported away. As he and Gongon retreated, they heard Aktur¡¯s screams. "Aaaargh!" Junhyuk turned toward Aktur and saw Kraken twisting him like a wet rag. Sighing, he scoped out the battle. Gongon had been paralyzed and lost 45 percent of his health in the process, leaving him with 55 percent. Aktur now had 40 percent left. The initial Spatial sh had been a sess, but the allies started quickly getting beaten a short while after it. He looked around unable to see Kilraden, but Nid was running toward him. Junhyuk knew there was nothing good about a missing Kilraden, but Nid spun like a top, heading his way. That¡¯s when Junhyuk grabbed Gongon, who was about to step forward, and raised the force field. ng! Nid bounced off, and Kilraden did the same from behind them. Looking back, Junhyuk murmured, "He was hiding." Junhyuk looked at Gongon while keeping an eye on Nid. Kilraden had one more teleportation, so he wanted to kill Nid first. "Kill Nid first!" "OK!" Gongon wanted to put an end to the fight, so he transformed and inhaled deeply. Surprised, Nid tried to get out of the way, but the hatchling was faster. The ferocious me covered a semi-circle in front of Gongon, and Nid with it. Maybe it was because the critical hit rate had gone up, but the firebreath took all of Nid¡¯s health at once. Junhyuk knew that when transformed, Gongon¡¯s critical hit rate went up, and the dragon was already buffed. When Kraken lost another 30 percent of its health, Junhyuk realized again how scary Gongon¡¯s damage was. Junhyuk thought things were going well, and in any event, they had killed Nid. However, when he turned around, he saw Aktur, and Kilraden appearing right behind him. "Watch out!" he shouted, but it was of no use. Aktur was stabbed with the dagger on his neck, and because he had already lost a lot of health fighting Kraken, he couldn¡¯t stay up anymore. [Kilraden killed Aktur.] "Kilraden!" Junhyuk ran with Gongon toward his enemy, but while closing in, the force field disappeared, and Kraken swung its tentacles at both of them. Transformed, Gongon dodged the tentacles, punching Kraken as he closed in. The hatchling hit Kraken, and Junhyuk looked at Kilraden. Aktur was gone, and he had to deal with Kilraden quickly. When Kilraden saw him running, he disappeared. Unable to know where Kilraden was, Junhyuk spun around swinging. Junhyuk had focused on his back, but Kilraden appeared above him and stabbed him with the dagger. Junhyuk felt himself lose 25 percent of his health, but felt relieved about it. It was a critical hit, but the damage was lower than before, which meant that the counter and the hidden attacks were the only ones that dealt more than that. Realizing what was happening, Junhyuk swung at Kilraden, but the assassin had been waiting for the attack and activated the counterattack. "Shit!" Unable to block or dodge the counterattack, Junhyuk lost another 40 percent of his health at once. Chapter 282 Cant Lose This Round 3 Junhyuk had been attacked twice, losing 65 percent of his health. Considering his defense, this was amazing. After being counterattacked, he mounted his own attacks. Counterattacks were attacks that allowed you to parry an iing attack and make one of your own. As a power, the enemy¡¯s attack went through thin air, creating an opening for your own. Still, there had to be a weakness to counterattacks, and when Junhyuk realized there was nothing he could do but take the hit, he let it happen and stabbed forward with the Frozen Rune Sword right after. The sword went through Kilraden¡¯s body, and the assassin stopped in ce. Junhyuk only had 35 percent of health left, but that single attack from him had taken away 12 percent of Kilraden¡¯s health. Junhyuk hade to the conclusion that since both sides had used their powers, victory would be decided by swordsmanship. ng, ng, ng! He pushed hard with his attacks, and while Kilraden parried and blocked, he was pushed back little by little. Junhyuk kept chasing after Kilraden, amazed by the assassin¡¯s skills with his dagger. Even though he was swinging dual swords, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t use them both to stab at the same time. However, he kept on thebo. Still, Kilraden kept his bnce and kept blocking his strikes. Because of that, Junhyuk was having a hard time finding an opening. Nevertheless, he thought he could kill the assassin with one critical hit and he wanted to put an end to the fight. Kilraden only had 16 percent of his health. Surely, Junhyuk had the advantage. Then, Junhyuk got attacked in the most unexpected way. Kraken¡¯s tentacles suddenly wrapped around his arms. Because he was tied up, Kilraden got really close to his chest, trying to stab his heart, but Junhyuk turned his body away. The attack didn¡¯t hit his heart, but he was still wounded and damaged. It was just a regr attack, and he had dodged a critical hit, but he still lost 12 percent of his health. Junhyuk wondered how many items Kilraden had from the battlefield. He couldn¡¯t believe the assassin was a new champion. Junhyuk focused while Kilraden pulled the dagger out and tried to stab with it again. Kilraden¡¯s skill with the dagger was definitely masterful, but Junhyuk could still dodge it. The problem was that one of his hands was still tied up, but although a dangerous situation, he could still fight. Junhyuk felt the living spirit move quickly and activated eleration. In South Korea, eleration made his body move faster, enabling him to sh his enemies, but now it was different. To his eyes, the enemies movement had slow down, but so had his. In fact, he was seeing things in slow motion. Previously, he could have countered with eleration, but it was not the case now. They were still moving at the same speed, so there was only one way to solve that problem. He had to read the enemy¡¯s path while using the least amount of movement to get there and counter. He was relieved that his enemy had been debuffed by the Frozen Rune Sword. So, he predicted the enemy¡¯s path. Expecting the dagger to fly toward him, he spun around and raised his sword. With the Blood Rune Sword up, he meant to attack the enemy¡¯s blindspot. From Kilraden¡¯s position, and because of the debuff, the assassin was not able to read Junhyuk¡¯s movements. That was a big gain for Junhyuk. Now, he knew that he could use eleration in the Dimensional Battlefield, and Junhyuk thought that if he had to get stabbed by the dagger, he would let it through a spot where it would damage him the least. At the same time, he twisted around and stabbed with his sword. The dagger had been aimed at his heart, but it went through his lung. Kilraden had a smile on his face, but Junhyuk stabbed him through the ribs with the Blood Rune Sword, and the sword went up to the assassin¡¯s heart, piercing it deeply. Kilraden couldn¡¯t understand what had happened. It was a critical hit, and the assassin lost all of his health. The soft voice made the weing announcement. [You¡¯ve killed Kilraden and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk smiled with satisfaction, and the world returned to its normal speed. Suddenly, the scenery in front of him changed. Boom! Junhyuk sat up while holding his head and swung the Frozen Rune Sword against the tentacles. He came loose, spun around and got up quickly. Junhyuk had lost some health from Kilraden¡¯s attacks, but because he had attacked with the Blood Rune Sword, he had recovered to 14 percent of his health. Just now, when he got mmed against the ground, he lost 8 percent, so he only had 6 percent of his health left. Once up, he shouted, "Are you not done yet?!" Kraken had 35 percent of its health, and Gongon had 22 percent of his health. Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh hadn¡¯t returned yet, but Gongon was still transformed. The hatchling was punching Kraken on the face, and Junhyuk frowned and ran toward them. He couldn¡¯t just rely on Gongon¡¯s attacks. As he ran, he saw the tentacles flying toward him. Junhyuk wanted to use eleration again, but when he tried, he just got a headache, so instead he went as fast as he could while dodging the tentacles. Kraken had thought it could kill them both, but Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t let that happen. Junhyuk didn¡¯t act impatiently. He wanted to attack Kraken the right way, so he didn¡¯t want to waste time fighting its tentacles. Kraken¡¯s attack speed was debuffed, and with time, Junhyuk would find an opening. The octopus also had to focus on Gongon, and its attacks against Junhyuk weren¡¯t really working. Junhyuk closed the gap between them. Kraken had a lot of health, but Gongon¡¯s attacks were certainly strong. As Junhyuk closed in, Gongonnded two hits on Kraken, leaving it with 15 percent of its health. Junhyuk saw an opening and stabbed at it with the Blood Rune Sword. The attack went in deep, but it wasn¡¯t a critical hit, and Kraken only lost 8 percent of its health. "Ugh!" Kraken went berserk and attacked furiously, but Junhyuk stepped on Kraken¡¯s head and dodged it all. Junhyuk¡¯s health was low enough that he could die with a single hit, so he decided to dodge while Gongon¡¯s fist mmed hard against Kraken¡¯s head, taking the rest of Kraken¡¯s health. [Gongon killed Kraken.] Junhyuk sighed, relieved, and turned to Gongon Both of them could¡¯ve been killed if anything had gone wrong. Junhyuk copsed on the ground, gasping for air, and the hatchling walked over to him and rested his head on Junhyuk¡¯s stomach. "Shit! This is hard." "Right!? Kraken must¡¯ve gotten some new items." Gongon smirked and said, "But, we won." Junhyuk knew they had won, but it hadn¡¯t been afortable victory. Kilraden, Nid and Kraken¡¯sbination could kill the allies at any given time. "From now on, we have to be careful of team battles." "Yes. Aktur is very weak, so he won¡¯t be much help." Junhyuk tapped Gongon¡¯s head lightly and said, "But we won because Aktur pulled Kraken." "Aktur¡¯s powers are impressive. Too bad we can¡¯t use them more often." That had to be because Aktur had the worst items among the allied champions. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t checked it, but Aktur wascking in basic strength despite his powers having great effects. Aktur wasn¡¯t shining on the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. Gongon was strong enough, even unequipped, and Junhyuk¡¯s items were decent. Aktur wascking in both personal strength and good items. Junhyuk smiled bitterly and got up. As he did, Gongon¡¯s head fell to the ground, and the hatchling frowned. "Let¡¯s go see Bebe." "OK." Gongon got up and got on his back, and Junhyuk sighed and asked, "Did you bring some more nice items this time?" "Some dragons wanted more candy, and they gave me some items. I¡¯ll make money in the exchange." Now, Junhyuk was very curious. "But can¡¯t dragonse here if they choose to?" Junhyuk was going over the stepping stones when Gongon shook his head and said, "Not every dragon cane here." "Really?" "Only dragons in line to be dragon lords cane here. Ordinary dragons can¡¯t." "Not any other dragon, right?" he asked. "Right." Gongon raised his shoulders proudly, and Junhyukughed and asked, curious, "Are there things you can¡¯t use here that you can use in reality?" "Hm." Gongon put his hand deep inside his Spatial Bag and pulled out a bracelet. "How about this?" "What is that?" "It¡¯s an item magicians particrly like. It gathers mana. It absorbs mana from the environment and transfers it to whoever is wearing it." Shocked, Junhyuk stared up at Gongon. "Why aren¡¯t you using it?" Gongon smiled. "There is more mana here than in other dimension. It doesn¡¯t affect me because I¡¯m a dragon, but I brought it anyway." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened. It really was something. If he wore the bracelet, he could train the living spirit even while not in the training facility. "That¡¯s amazing." "Take it." Gongon dropped it, and Junhyuk picked it up. "This isn¡¯t an item?" "It has no other power, so it can¡¯t be an item in the Dimensional Battlefield." "How do you know?" "The heroes told mest time I fought with them." After Gongon gave him the bracelet, Junhyuk asked, "Can you get me some more?" "Why?" "Some people need it." It wouldn¡¯t just be of help to him with the living spirit, who absorbed mana constantly. The bracelet would also help novices and experts among his allies. After Gongon heard him say that, heughed. "The fact is that in order to measure the Dimensional Battlefield mana, I brought several of them. Maybe I was aware that something might go wrong." After saying that, Gongon dropped another eight bracelets, and Junhyuk was d to be friends with the dragon. "Gongon, I¡¯ll give you more piggyback rides!" "Ha-ha-ha! I only gave you some items, but if I can get more rides, I¡¯ll take it." Junhyukughed. The dragon might not be aware of it, but those items would help Junhyuk a lot. "How do I use it?" "When it¡¯s filled with mana, it¡¯ll turn blue. When it¡¯s empty, it¡¯ll turn red. Just be aware of it. When all of the mana is gone, just go somewhere with plenty of it, and it¡¯ll start absorbing it again." "So, I absorb more mana the more I use it?" "Of course." Still curious, Junhyuk asked, "What about people who can¡¯t control mana?" "Then, it¡¯ll help your well-being. Mana is one of theponents of life, so it¡¯ll be good for your well-being if you have mana around you." Now, Junhyuk was sure. The items would be of great use to novices, experts and even champions. To be a hero, he didn¡¯t only need power, but he needed other skills too. He needed this item. When he saw the bracelets shining blue, he put them all in his Spatial Bag. "OK. Let¡¯s hurry. We¡¯ll see Bebe and destroy the second tower." Junhyuk picked up the pace. --- He hadn¡¯t seen Bebest time, so it had been a while. "Long time no see!" "I thought I was the only one feeling that way?" "I heard you got paired with legend candidates. I was expecting good news, but you weren¡¯t ready yet." "They are monsters," Junhyuk said, and Gongon became interested. "Legend candidates? Are they strong?" "Very." "How do theypare to me?" Junhyuk smiled at the hatchling and said, "Stronger than you." "Hmph!" Gongon scoffed and turned his head away. Junhyuk smiled at the sight and then looked at Bebe. "Did you get any new Pure Golden Knight set items?" "Nothing." He sighed. His best option was to collect more of the Pure Golden Knight set, but Bebe didn¡¯t have any of those items. After sighing, Junhyuk pulled a ring out of his chest. When Bebe saw it, his eyes widened. "You got that?!" "How much is it?" Bebe smiled. "Kranshel¡¯s Eye Ring. It¡¯s a unique item with a nice price. Two million gold." Chapter 283 Power of the Upgrade 1 Junhyuk¡¯s jaw hung loose, and he asked, "You are going to pay me two million gold?""No. I would sell it for that amount, so I¡¯ll buy it for a million gold. Are you selling it?" Junhyuk shook his head ferociously. He could sell it to Vera for 70 percent of that: 1.4 million gold. Because he already had a buyer, Vera, he didn¡¯t need to sell it to Bebe. However, a problem still remained. Vera had probably bet all of her gold on his victory, so if he lost, she would lose it all. Junhyuk reminded himself again that he had to win and put the ring away in his Spatial Bag. "I want to ask you about enhancement stones." "Enhancement stones?" Bebe stared at him, and he pulled out a stone from his Spatial Bag. As Bebe watched it happen, he smiled. "The victory reward enhancement stone." "Yes, I want to know how to use it." Bebe took the stone and asked, "What do you want to upgrade?" Junhyuk handed him the Blood Rune Sword, and Bebe chuckled and said, "Look over here. When you push the enhancement stone against an item you are upgrading, you¡¯ll hear a message. You don¡¯t have to answer it verbally. Just think the answer. That¡¯s all." "Simple enough." "The reward enhancement stones are of a different quality than the ones I sell. They are of lower quality, but they are free, so it¡¯s to be expected. However, it¡¯s always better to use them than not. You can do three basic upgrades. After that, the chance it¡¯ll work drops by 50 percent." Junhyuk frowned. The sess rate for the fourth upgrade was 50 percent, and for the fifth, it was 25 percent. He looked at both of his swords. Junhyuk had six stones, so he wondered if he should do all the basic upgrades for the both of them, or if he should try to upgrade just one sword all the way. Gongon looked at him and said, "You need at least one sword you can count on." Smiling bitterly, Junhyuk pulled out all of the stones. "Give it to me." "One has already been upgraded." "I know." He looked at the Blood Rune Sword and ced the stone against it. At that moment, he heard a soft voice in his head. [Do you want to upgrade the Blood Rune Sword?] "Yes." Junhyuk didn¡¯t have to, but he answered the question aloud by habit. Suddenly, the enhancement stone turned into powder and sprinkled over the sword, seeping into it. [The upgrade was a sess. It is now a Blood Rune Sword (+2)] Thinking about what Gongon had said, he used all of the remaining enhancement stones on the Blood Rune Sword. Looking at the result, he sighed. "The fifth upgrade is a sess!" He had failed once when going to the fifth upgrade from the fourth, but eventually, it had worked. While Junhyuk sighed, Gongon pulled out his enhancement stones, and Junhyuk stared at the dragon¡¯s ten stones wondering how many upgrades Gongon would be able to do. The sess rate diminished with each upgrade after all. Gongon started doing his own upgrades, and when he finished, Junhyuk asked, "How many upgrades were you able to do?" "Nine." Junhyuk¡¯s mouth hung wide, and checking out the weapon in his hand, Gongon smiled. "I like these enhancement stones." Junhyuk stuck his tongue out at the hatchling. The damage of the weapon increased by five with the first upgrade, ten with the second, fifteen with the third and, starting with the fourth upgrade, damage increased by ten plus the previous amount each time. Bebe also exined that it would increase by twenty plus the previous amount starting with the seventh upgrade and thirty plus the previous amount starting with the ninth. So, the first was five, second was ten, third was fifteen, fourth was twenty-five, fifth was thirty-five, sixth was forty-five, seventh was sixty-five, eighth was eighty-five, and the ninth was a hundred and fifteen. Junhyuk knew his ability to deal damage had gone up. The Blood Rune Sword (+5) was doing an extra ny damage. Gongon¡¯s weapon, on the other hand, was doing four hundred more damage. Now, he understood why Arn only spent money on upgrades. Seeding in the upgrades was better than getting a new item. Enhancement stones were expensive, but considering the results, the cost wasn¡¯t bad at all. A single ring was worth two million gold. The enhancement stones were somewhat of a gamble, but the benefits were significant and certain. Junhyuk turned to Gongon, and the hatchling pulled out some items from his Spatial Bag. Junhyuk was amazed at the sight of the equipment. Even at a nce, it was obvious they weren¡¯t ordinary items. However, when Bebe saw them, he murmured, "Compared tost time, these are garbage." "Nothing I can do about it. Compared to the Lord¡¯s items, these aren¡¯t very nice." "These are worth fifty thousand each. There are twenty, so I will pay you a million gold." "OK. Give me five hundred thousand worth in candy and something from the Kali set." "I only have the ne from that set." Smiling, Gongon said, "That¡¯s fine. Give it to me." Gongon ced the astronomical number pieces of candy in the Spatial Bag and also took the ne. Junhyuk looked at the hatchling. With two pieces of the Kali set, Gongon¡¯s critical hit chance had been boosted by 10 percent, and now he had one more item from it. On top of that, Gongon had upgraded his weapon nine times. The hatchling was significantly stronger now. Junhyuk clicked his tongue as he witnessed it happening. Gongon¡¯s base stats were already beyond him, and being that he was a dragon, he was growing stronger really fast. Junhyuk shook his head. It was a good thing that his ally was getting stronger. There was no need for him to be envious of it. After putting on the ne, Gongon said, "Let¡¯s go." "OK." They had done what they needed to do, so it was time to go. Aftering out, Junhyuk asked, "What is the set item¡¯s effect?" "Critical-hit damage increases by 20 percent. It doesn¡¯t help at all when it¡¯s not a critical." When a criticalnded, it was almost like the effect of a buff. Shocked, Junhyuk stared at Gongon, but the hatchling just said calmly, "Let¡¯s destroy the tower first. Where did you tell Aktur to go?" "Wait." Junhyuk connected to Aktur. "Aktur." "Where are you?" "We just left Bebe¡¯s. Now, we¡¯re thinking of destroying the second bottom tower." "I¡¯ll head there." "OK. Then, see you there." Giving Gongon a piggyback ride, Junhyuk ran. The watchtower could be easily destroyed if their enemies weren¡¯t there, but he ran with ease, expecting to meet them. Gongon¡¯s upgrades were enormous, but Junhyuk had also upgraded his weapon five times. He was curious about how that would impact the Spatial sh, and if he could use his eleration again. He wanted to meet the enemy. --- They destroyed the second tower, but did not meet any enemies. After that, they joined Aktur and the lizardmen Aktur had brought with him. When they reached the castle wall, they saw their enemies waiting for them. When Gongon saw them blocking the castle, he smiled. "We can now fight in earnest." Kraken¡¯s defense was high, but Gongon was a lot stronger now. Meanwhile, Junhyuk scoped them out. The enemies¡¯bination was quite dangerous, so the allies couldn¡¯t let their guards down. Wagging his tail, Gongon shouted, "Forward!" The lizardmen ran ahead ferociously, and Gongon moved behind them. Junhyuk followed the hatchling while keeping an eye on everything. The Spatial sh could cover a distance greater than his enemies¡¯ range, and he decided on his target. Junhyuk wanted to prevent Kilraden from doing anything. Looking at the assassin, Junhyuk used the Spatial sh, curious about the damage it would do. However, when he used the Spatial sh, Kilraden disappeared. He hadn¡¯t expected that. He wasn¡¯t sure whether Kilraden had dodged by hiding, or if it had happened by coincidence. Nevertheless, the Spatial sh tore through empty space. His eyes widened, and Kraken ran in their direction. Once closer, Kraken hit Gongon without hesitation. Boom! Gongon was pushed back by the shock, but mounted his own attack. The enemies weren¡¯t aware of how much Gongon¡¯s ability to deal damage had grown. Junhyuk thought even Kraken wouldn¡¯t be able to withstand an attack from the hatchling. Kraken spit out the ck ink and attempted a headbutt while everyone was blinded. But, unworried, Junhyuk raised his force field. Kilraden was hiding, and the force field would also keep him from attacking while giving them time to recover their eyesight. Gongon wiped his eyes while inside the force field and looked around. They had wasted the force field to recover their vision, but in doing so, Junhyuk saw Kilraden appearing behind the other enemies. Junhyuk had also wasted the Spatial sh, but Kilraden had done the same with his ability to hide. However, Junhyuk knew he had lost more than the assassin. "Let¡¯s attack," he said, and the group ran forward. Kraken, Nid and Kilraden all retreated, but the allies were closing in. Taking the lead, Junhyuk shouted, "Aktur!" Aktur¡¯s eyes beamed, and heunched his bandages, which flew and wrapped around Kilraden. As the assassin got pulled, the force field disappeared. Aktur had a lot of actualbat experience, and it was shining through. He had timed the pull just right, and the allies concentrated their attacks on Kilraden. All three of them did. However, Kilraden disappeared. The assassin had used his teleportation. Junhyukunched himself where Kilraden had been standing, but then he looked at Gongon, and the assassin appeared behind the dragon. He stabbed Gongon¡¯s neck, which was a critical hit, and Gongon lost 15 percent of his health. Exasperated, Gongon swung his tail behind him, but Kilraden had already disappeared and reappeared stabbing Gongon¡¯s ribs. It wasn¡¯t a critical hit, so Gongon only lost 8 percent of his health. When Gongon turned to face Kilraden, the assassin teleported again and stabbed Gongon¡¯s neck once more. Another critical. Gongon was infuriated and transformed in an attempt to catch the assassin, but Kilraden ducked, and Gongon¡¯s fists passed him by. That¡¯s when he activated the counterattack. It was another critical, and Gongon lost 24 percent of his health at once. Suddenly, Gongon was left with 38 percent. If that continued, the hatchling would be in danger. Meanwhile, Nid was spinning toward the allies. When Junhyuk saw Nid, he frowned. If Nid howled, things would go from bad to worse. So, Junhyuk ran toward the spinning enemy. But, Nid passed him by, and once he stood in front of the allies, the champion opened his mouth. That¡¯s when Junhyuk turned around, grabbed Nid and teleported away. Gongon couldn¡¯t afford to get hit by the howl, so Junhyuk used his teleportation, but once they reappeared, Nid howled, and Junhyuk was paralyzed. At that point, Nid focused his attacks on him. The situation had changed, but Nid was taking advantage of it. After the howl, every hit was a critical, and Junhyuk started losing health quickly. Still, he could take it. While Junhyuk was under attack, Gongon headbutted Kilraden. Gongon was transformed, and the attack was a critical hit, taking 82 percent off of Kilraden¡¯s health. Gongon tried to follow up with a punch, but Kilraden dodged it and swung his dagger. In response, Gongon used his firebreath on the assassin. The mes covered Kraken as well, who wasing up behind Kilraden. The assassin was getting into position when he faded from existence. [Gongon killed Kilraden.] Unable to do much about the firebreath, the assassin died. Gongon was a lot stronger. He might even be much stronger than Kilraden, who also had a high attack stat. That was the power of the upgrade. Kilraden was gone, and Gongon ran toward Kraken. Meanwhile, Aktur summoned the skeleton soldiers and focused on Kraken as well. The two could kill the octopus. Seeing them, Junhyuk looked at Nid. He had regained his movement, but he had lost 40 percent of his health in the process. Still, he knew he wouldn¡¯t lose. "You are mine." Chapter 284 Power of the Upgrade 2 Nid watched Kilraden get killed and immediately tried to kill Junhyuk. Nid mounted all kinds of attacks on Junhyuk, and he ran toward Nid with his swords in hand. Suddenly, Nid¡¯s saw-ded sword became translucent. Junhyuk had expected Nid to use his power, so when the enemy¡¯s sword headed his way, he didn¡¯t try to parry it, but focused on dodging it instead. Nid was using a wild sword technique, twisting it around multiple times as he aimed his strikes at Junhyuk. However, champions of that level had simr skill levels. Kilraden¡¯s dagger skills were simr to Junhyuk¡¯s swordsmanship, which, in turn, was simr to Nid¡¯s swordsmanship. It was more difficult to dodge now than parry, and when Junhyuk evaded the critical hit, he seized the opportunity. Nid¡¯s de grazed his shoulder, and he took the chance to counter. Nid had the power to make his weapon immaterial to other weapons, but that also meant that the champion couldn¡¯t defend himself while using that power. Seizing that moment, Junhyuk counterattacked. The Blood Rune Sword shed Nid¡¯s arm. Each had attacked the other, and both had avoided critical hits, so both Junhyuk and Nid lost 10 percent of their healths each. However, Junhyuk recovered 2 percent of that in the process. Still, the situation wasn¡¯t good. While paralyzed, he had lost 40 percent of his health. And prior to rescuing Gongon, he had taken Nid¡¯s spinning attack and lost 30 percent. So, before the exchange, he only had 30 percent of his health in total. He had just lost 10 percent and recovered 2 percent, which put him at 22 percent, but he was at a disadvantage. Nid attacked him again, and Junhyuk gritted his teeth and teleported. Appearing behind Nid, Junhyuk sessfully stabbed the back of the champion¡¯s neck. The strike was a critical hit this time, and Nid lost 20 percent of his health. Junhyuk recovered another 4 percent, but he was not out of the wood yet. After attacking Nid, Junhyuk retreated. Nid turned around while swinging his saw-ded sword, which just missed Junhyuk, who heaved a sigh of relief. Junhyuk wanted to avoid all critical hits and slowly take down Nid. Junhyuk pointed the Frozen Rune Sword forward, and Nid shouted and ran, swinging his saw-ded sword. Junhyuk had been thinking that recovering his own health was the priority, but to win in a battle, he had to slow down his enemy. Junhyuk dodged the flying saw-ded sword and closed in, swinging the Frozen Rune Sword. He shed Nid¡¯s ribs and passed him by, rolling on the ground ahead. ng, ng! Nid¡¯s sword passed by where he had been standing and grazed the ground. Getting up, Junhyuk smiled. Nid had missed the most recent swing because his speed was debuffed. Nid still had 63 percent of his health, however. Junhyuk looked at Gongon and Aktur. Gongon had been grabbed by Kraken, who was twisting the hatchling¡¯s limbs. "Ugh! Octopus head! I¡¯ll kill you!" Gongon was losing health, and Junhyuk frowned at little. Kraken had also lost a lot of health, so things between the two would being to a close soon. Because of that, Junhyuk decided to kill Nid as soon as possible, but the champion red at him while swinging his sword at Junhyuk. Nid¡¯s swordsmanship depended on his instincts, so the de was wild and didn¡¯t follow a regr path. It was the most difficult thing about dealing with the champion. However, Junhyuk had his own sword skills to use and induce an opening on Nid. Seeing the deing toward him, Junhyuk used eleration again. He watched as the two saw-ded swords slowed down and learned, for sure, that he could use eleration in the Dimensional Battlefield. As the two swords converged on him, Junhyuk passed between them and stabbed ahead with his own sword. Nid¡¯s attack speed had been debuffed, so Junhyuk was able to close in with the stab, a critical hit. Soon after, the eleration wore out, but he had already been through it once, so he wasn¡¯t surprised by it at all. Junhyuk raised his sword. ng! Junhyuk parried the saw-ded sword, taking a step back while smiling. Nid¡¯s health had gone down to 43 percent, and his health had gone up to 30 percent. The upgraded Blood Rune Sword was dealing more damage, and naturally, when he attacked with it, he was recovering his health quicker. And now, the Spatial sh¡¯s cooldown was almost over. Junhyuk was about to ready his sword when he heard Gongon scream. Curious about what was happening, he looked around and saw Gongon mming against the castle wall. After twisting him like a rag, Kraken threw Gongon at the castle. Seeing the archers shoot at the hatchling, Junhyuk frowned. Gongon only had 15 percent of his health. If anything went wrong, Gongon would be killed by Kraken. Meanwhile, Kraken only had 10 percent of its health left, but Gongon was under attack from the archers. Because Junhyuk was focused on what was happening to Gongon, Nid was able to sh his thigh even though Junhyuk dodged the brunt of the attack. The wound wasn¡¯t the important part, however. Because of the injury, Junhyuk movements slowed down. Nid smiled at him and swung his sword, which Junhyuk parried. ng! Putting weight on his leg felt ufortable, so Junhyuk was pushed back. He grimaced and took some steps back to reposition his stance. Nid was smiling with satisfaction and ran toward him, swinging his sword. Junhyuk threw himself forward and used the Spatial sh. While running toward Junhyuk, Nid¡¯s mouth hung wide, and the champion lost all of his health. [You¡¯ve killed Nid and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk sighed and lowered his sword. Turning around, he saw Kraken attacking Gongon. Kraken was ignoring attacks from Aktur and joining the archers in taking down Gongon, who was losing health quickly, instead. Gongon was dodging Kraken¡¯s tentacles, while swinging his tail at Kraken. The tail strike dealt the octopus a surprising amount of damage, and Kraken was gone. [Gongon killed Kraken.] However, the archers had been concentrating their arrows on the hatchling, who started disappearing. "Gon!" Stuck through with arrows, Gongon fell and said only one sentence, "End it now." He disappeared, and Junhyuk gritted his teeth. Gongon had died because Kilraden had pressured him in the beginning. If the assassin had attacked Gongon while hiding, the hatchling would¡¯ve died even sooner. Realizing that, Junhyuk shuddered at Kilraden¡¯s capacity, turning to Aktur, who had 50 percent of his health left. "Let¡¯s destroy the wall at once!" "Right." The enemy champions were all dead, so the archers weren¡¯t buffed anymore. It was time to take the wall down. Junhyuk grabbed one of the bodies of the lizardmen and used it as a shield to block the arrows from above while he pounded at the wall. The gate was strong, but the two champions could break through it. When they finally did, Junhyuk threw the corpse of the lizardman covered in arrows away, heading up the wall to kill the archers. After doing so, Junhyuk was breathing heavily when he asked, "What do we do now?" "How much health do you have?" He frowned and answered, "I have 45 percent." "You can gain more, right?" "When Kilraden revives, he could kill us both." Considering Kilraden¡¯s powers and damage capability, he could end the two champions. "If we find ourselves in danger, we can always run. Any damage we do to the castle will help us," Aktur said calmly. Junhyuk nodded and said, "Let¡¯s go. Watch out for your health as you fight." He took the lead, and Aktur followed him. Junhyuk decided he would strike first, but he saved his defensive power just in case. He ran and used the Spatial sh. Crack! There was no such thing as a critical hit against a giant golem. The golem didn¡¯t have a weak spot, and the damage wasn¡¯t very high. But, he had to decide things before their enemies revived, so Junhyuk went all out. After the Spatial sh, he closed in, and three skeleton soldiers followed him, Aktur¡¯s power. It was the appropriate time to use them to help their efforts. Junhyuk slowed down, and the soldiers went in first, which made the golem focus on them. Junhyuk wanted to debuff the giant golem, so he attacked with the Frozen Rune Sword, shing the golem¡¯s leg. As he did, he dove forward and dodged the golem¡¯s attacks. The skeleton soldiers had grabbed the golem¡¯s attention, but one of them had already been destroyed. Then, Aktur ran ahead, raising his w-like nails, and attacked. By the time the golem toppled over from their joint attacks, Kilraden reappeared from within the castle¡¯s force field. Kilraden was thinking, and they could see him. The assassin was worried because he couldn¡¯t see how much health the allies had, and he was trying to figure out how he would deal with two champions at the same time. Junhyuk had wanted to kill the golem before Kilraden had made up his mind, but before that could happen, Kilraden left the force field and disappeared. Junhyuk ran toward Aktur, touched him and teleported as quickly as possible. Kilraden appeared where he had been standing, and with a rare smile on his face, he disappeared again. Knowing he had to wait for the Spatial sh, Junhyuk frowned. "Run!" The giant golem was rushing toward them, but the allies were faster. However, they couldn¡¯t see Kilraden, which meant the assassin had to be hiding. Junhyuk was weighing his options. He could raise the force field, but if he didn¡¯t, they would have to keep running until Kilraden reappeared. However, he didn¡¯t have to worry for long. "Argh!" Aktur, who had been running next to him, screamed and fell. [Kilraden killed Aktur.] Junhyuk could withstand Kilraden¡¯s critical hit, but Aktur was killed in a single hit, and he realized things had gone from bad to worse. Junhyuk swung his sword at him, but Kilraden didn¡¯t make to dodge it, and that¡¯s when he realized the assassin was going to use his counterattack, so Junhyuk teleported. As Kilraden¡¯s dagger tore through the empty air, Junhyuk shed the assassin¡¯s neck from the back. It was a critical hit, and Kilraden lost 25 percent of his health. Junhyuk had dealt more damage than before with a regr attack due to the Blood Rune Sword¡¯s upgraded damage. Kilraden teleported, and Junhyuk, without hesitation, raised his force field. Kilraden was suddenly bounced off of it, but Junhyuk ignored him and ran toward the golem. He could always deal with the enemy after the golem had gone down, so he ran toward it, and the golem ran toward him, but the golem couldn¡¯t get through the force field. As Junhyuk watched the golem pound the force field, he focused on it and felt the living spirit connect to it. As he did, he pushed his will toward the living spirit, and it responded by decreasing the radius of the force field and changing its shape. Then, Junhyuk attacked the golem ferociously. The giant golem was going down slowly, and Junhyuk turned around. Kilraden was there, and he couldn¡¯t allow the assassin to return to the castle¡¯s force field. However, he didn¡¯t have enough health to fight Kilraden head-on. Junhyuk had 50 percent of his health, and Kilraden had 75 percent. Kilraden could only teleport once more, and Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh came off cooldown. He had used it at the beginning of the battle with the golem, so enough time had passed. Also, because his sword had been upgraded, it was possible that he would be able to kill the champion with one hit. So, Junhyuk readied himself, and Kilraden did the same while holding his dagger. "You won¡¯t get there." Chapter 285 Power of the Upgrade 3 Kilraden stared at Junhyuk. As an assassin, Kilraden did not want a head-to-head fight, but the important thing was that he was now buying more time. They ran toward each other. Kilraden¡¯s teleportation covered about eight meters, and Junhyuk wanted to prevent Kilraden from going into the castle¡¯s force field, so he swung his sword. He had also wanted to use eleration, but he couldn¡¯t do it yet. ng, ng, ng! Junhyuk swung his sword and focused, attacking to buy more time. His Spatial sh would return faster than Kilraden¡¯s powers. Waiting for it to return, he pressed on against Kilraden. Junhyuk could see Kilraden¡¯s moves. Kilraden was using the dagger for defense, something Junhyuk hadn¡¯t seen before. The champion¡¯s defensive abilities were designed for people stronger than Junhyuk. While fighting, Junhyuk learned more about Kilraden¡¯s skill with the dagger. Kilraden was able to block critical hits with the dagger, and Junhyuk had a lot to learn from him, but he did not want to waste any more time. The Spatial sh had returned, and Junhyuk stabbed at Kilraden with it right away. This time, he stabbed instead of shing, which was more difficult to block, but Kilraden¡¯s eyes beamed. The champion raised his dagger and parried Junhyuk¡¯s sword attack. Kilraden had been waiting for it the entire time, and tried to counter right after. Kilraden had parried the Blood Rune Sword¡¯s attack, but he didn¡¯t notice the strike disappear for a split second. The Spatial sh prated Kilraden¡¯s neck and came out from the other side. "Ugh!" He had wanted Kilraden dead with a single blow, but it did not kill him. Junhyuk grimaced, but soon, realized he had been lucky enough. The Spatial sh had triggered the extra attack, and while Kilraden was trying to stab Junhyuk with his dagger, the champion got hit again and finally disappeared. [You¡¯ve killed Kilraden and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk did not have time to celebrate Kilraden¡¯s death. He turned around and pounded on the castle¡¯s force field, trying to destroy it as soon as possible. Junhyuk knew that even though he had upgraded his items, he wouldn¡¯t be able to bring the castle down on his own, and it would take a long time if he tried. "Junhyuk, what is going on?" "The giant golem is gone, and now, I have to destroy the castle¡¯s force field." "Yeah?! That¡¯s good!" Junhyuk smiled and said, "But when the enemies revive, I have to run." "Right. We can gather up and go back." Junhyuk pounded against the force field even quicker and with all his might. That¡¯s when he saw Nid inside the force field. Nid saw him too and, without hesitation, walked out of the force field. Junhyuk took a moment to think. He could deal with Nid alone, but if Kraken also came out, it would be a problem. Nid was a bnced champion, so Junhyuk thought he wouldn¡¯t have a problem dealing with him. But Kraken was a tank, and he couldn¡¯t deal with a tank, especially in the situation he was currently in. As Nid walked out, he targeted Junhyuk. Nid was flying like a corkscrew in his direction, and Junhyuk teleported to escape the attack. "You can¡¯t do whatever you please!" Nid said. Junhyuk looked at Nid and then at the castle¡¯s force field. The force field had already been damage, so just a bit more would bring it down. But Kraken might revive while he was dealing with Nid, so he didn¡¯t have a lot of time to think. He wanted to use everything he had on Nid. All of his powers hade back while he was trying to bring the force field down. Nid ran toward him, and Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. "Ugh!" It was a critical hit that took 55 percent of Nid¡¯s health. Having an upgraded sword meant not only that his normal damage had gone up, but that the Spatial sh damage had gone up as well. Junhyuk continued to attack. Nid swung his saw-ded sword at Junhyuk, who parried it. At that moment, Nid opened his mouth. "Howl!" The sudden howl paralyzed Junhyuk, and Nid attacked him quickly. There was nothing he could do. He couldn¡¯t move. Quickly losing health, Junhyuk was left with 30 percent of it and frowned. If Nid attacked with his translucent de, there would be nothing Junhyuk would be able to do. Worried about what to do, he made a decision. If things went well, he would be able to kill Nid, and there was also a chance he would be able to destroy the castle¡¯s force field. Nid¡¯s saw-ded sword became translucent, and Junhyuk made up his mind. He would fight. Junhyuk focused on the living spirit and raised his force field. This time, the force field was small, like film around his body, and Nid did not bounce away when he struck it. However, the translucent sword did not prate the force field. Junhyuk shed Nid¡¯s elbow, and Nid scowled, moving sideways. Junhyuk attacked him, but Nid blocked him calmly and went back inside of the force field. Junhyuk was being covered by a force field, and Nid was doing the same. He hadn¡¯t been able to kill Nid, but he wasn¡¯t disappointed. Nid wasn¡¯t around, so he could focus on destroying the castle¡¯s force field. Nid watched him pound against the force field and gritted his teeth. The champion couldn¡¯t attack now. Meanwhile, Nid was regaining his health quickly. There was nothing he could do with Junhyuk inside his own force field. Still, Nid couldn¡¯t just watch. He was ring at Junhyuk when Kraken appeared behind him. "What are you doing? Why are you letting him be?" "He has a force field around him." "But you still can¡¯t let him be!" As soon as Kraken came out of the force field, it hit Junhyuk. Boom! Junhyuk still had the force field around him, so he didn¡¯t take any damage, but he was pushed back, and Kraken stood between him and the force field. Soon after, Nid appeared behind Kraken. The two were standing in front of him, so if possible, he had to retreat. "Shit!" The castle¡¯s force field wouldn¡¯tst long. He thought he would be able to destroy it with three more hits. If he retreated now, they would have to have a team battle again. Junhyuk looked at his own health. He could still teleport, but he wouldn¡¯t be able to destroy the force field like that. With his health the way it was, if he fought the two of them, Junhyuk would die. "Nothing I can do!" He sighed and started taking some steps back, but that¡¯s when Kraken shot its ck ink. Without hesitation, Junhyuk teleported himself back. He had dodged whatever attacks followed up, but his force field had disappeared before the ink attack, and now he was blind. Junhyuk could die at any moment. Kraken and Nid ran toward him quickly and started attacking. Junhyuk was nervous, and although he had highly trained senses, he still didn¡¯t have his sight, so he couldn¡¯t fight them both right now. However, he still managed to dodge Kraken¡¯s tentacles. Thinking Kraken might use a power on him, which would kill Junhyuk, he retreated. Nid ran at him, swinging his saw-ded sword. While both champions were attacking him, bones started sprouting from the ground in front of him. ng, ng, ng, ng! Junhyuk recovered his sight and saw the wall of bones in front of him. "What are these?" He could hear Nid and Kraken, but he did not know what to do. Then, he heard another voice from behind him. "It works well." Looking back, Junhyuk saw Aktur. Aktur couldn¡¯t be there, but he was. Junhyuk looked at him, and Aktur, shining with a light blue aura, said, "Be ready to destroy the force field soon!" "What?" "Destroy the castle¡¯s force field!" Junhyuk gulped. "You... Did you just be a hero?" "Correct." Aktur wanted to say more, but he opened his mouth and added, "I¡¯ll distract them." After speaking, the wall came down, and Nid and Kraken appeared. Surprised to see Aktur, their eyes widened when they noticed him. However, they couldn¡¯t just stand there. Akturunched his bandages and pulled Kraken while damning the ground at the same time. Kraken couldn¡¯t move, so Aktur headed toward Nid and summoned the skeleton soldiers. Once the soldiers surrounded Nid, Aktur shouted, "Destroy the force field!" Junhyuk knew that even though Aktur had evolved into a hero and his basic power had increased, he couldn¡¯t expect much from him. So, Junhyuk ran toward the castle¡¯s force field. Behind him, Kraken tried to swing his tentacles at him, but Junhyuk ran left and right to avoid being caught. Because he was running away from Kraken, he easily dodged all of its tentacles. Junhyuk stabbed at the castle¡¯s force field. Nid was tied down with the skeleton soldiers, and Aktur was covering for him well. Seeing Aktur¡¯s sharp w-like nails, Junhyuk smiled bitterly. Aktur had been the weakest existence at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. After the enemy champions changed, Aktur had be even weaker byparison, but now, he was a hero, and that was amazing. Junhyuk didn¡¯t think about it anymore. Kraken grabbed Aktur and started twisting his limbs, while Nid pushed the skeleton soldiers back. Junhyuk knew he could not procrastinate, so he used all his might to pound at the castle¡¯s force field. Nid was already behind him, but he blocked the attack and shouted, "We¡¯ve won!" Junhyuk shed the force field one final time, and it was gone. "No way!" Nid shouted from his back. Junhyuk heaved a sigh of relief and watched the castle go down. Then, he turned around slowly, saw Aktur and stared at him. "Now, we can¡¯t meet each other..." Junhyuk asked. "Probably." Junhyuk offered him his hand, and when Aktur shook it, he smiled. "Can I ask you one thing?" "Sure." "Were you stuck in the Champions¡¯ Battlefield for a long time?" Aktur nodded slowly. "Too long." "This is nice. Do well now that you are a hero." Aktur¡¯s shining blue eyes stared at him, and the mummy said, "I¡¯ll see you when you be a hero. Thanks to you, we stopped losing. Thanks." After saying that, Aktur started disappearing. Junhyuk looked at him and said, "May the fortunes of war be with you." Aktur disappeared, and the surroundings were filled with light. Junhyuk closed and opened his eyes again. Everything around him was white, but he saw a square box. He sighed deeply and looked at it. [This is the Swamp of Despair¡¯s victory reward. Please, take it.] He put his hand on the box, and when it popped open, a beam of light came from within it. [That is your reward. Please ce your hand on it.] Junhyuk¡¯s heart kept pounding as he ced his hand on the light. When he did, it slowly started taking shape. As he looked at it, the light slowly faded away, leaving a gauntlet in its ce. Looking at the gauntlet, Junhyuk murmured, "What are your stats?" Chapter 286 Training Together 1 Gauntlet of Desire (rare) Defense +5Attack +5Critical Hit Damage +10%Extra Attack Chance +10% (50% Damage) The color of desire is ck, so like the color of soot, the gauntlet was ck. It increases defense and attack by five. Critical hit damage increases by 10 percent. The chance for an extra attack increases by 10 percent, and if it triggers, it deals 50 percent of the original attack¡¯s damage. --- Junhyuk¡¯s mouth hung wide open as he looked at the gauntlet he was holding in his hand. It was awesome. "From now on, I have a 30 percent chance to trigger an extra attack?!" It was the same as the Pure Golden Knight set effect. The 10 percent increase would help him a lot, and he also noticed that the gauntlet increased critical hit damage by 10 percent. The Spatial sh usuallynded as a critical. It tore through space to attack the enemy directly. Increasing the Spatial sh¡¯s damage by 10 percent was something he shouldn¡¯t scoff at. He dly held on to the gauntlet and pumped his fist. "Alright!" Soon, the world turned white, and he found himself in the training facility. As he opened his eyes, he saw monsters. An elidra wasing toward him, so he ran at it. The elidra swung its saw-ded sword, and he dodged it easily and sliced the elidra¡¯s neck. Then, thinking of something, he lowered his sword and connected to Arn. "Congrattions on your victory!" "Yes, I was prepared to die." "You did well." Junhyuk wasn¡¯t interested in talking about his victory. Instead, he wanted to ask Arn something. "In this round of the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, I used eleration." "Are you talking about the living spirit¡¯s eleration?" "To be more urate, it wasn¡¯t eleration. My body and time felt like they had slowed down. That¡¯s what I experienced." Arn stayed silent for a moment, before saying, "Strange. I have not experienced anything like that." "Is it weird?" "However, if you can use that power in the Dimensional Battlefield, you shouldn¡¯tin about it. It is not a power anyway. It¡¯s certainly not your ultimate. If they were considering it your ultimate, the eleration would work the same way in all dimensions." Junhyuk was worried about things on that point. If they had recognized the eleration as a power, it would have been his ultimate. However, he was not in a hurry to be a hero. After seeing Aktur and Kaljaque, he didn¡¯t think it was important to be a hero. Instead, he had to think about whether he would be able to be a legend after bing a hero. "If I can use it, I shall." "Do it." Seeing another elidra pop out, he disconnected with Arn and smiled. "Is today elidra day?" Two elidras appeared, and he ran toward them. He attacked ferociously, shing an elidra and triggering an extra attack. With just the 10 percent increase that raised it to a 30 percent chance to trigger, it felt like the extra attacks wereing out way more often than that. However, the extra attacks weren¡¯t necessary when fighting elidras. Junhyuk lowered his sword to his side and looked at the bodies. He did not need to use eleration when fighting them. He drank from the Regenerative Basin andy on the ground. Time had previously stopped, but it was now moving again, and he thought that Sarang had probably called him, but he wanted to go through the monster training first before calling her. When he saw another elidra appearing, he got up. --- Junhyuk was gettingfortable fighting the monsters. He had fought the elidra champion, Nid, so he could tell how the elidras would move next. Nid was at a much higher level than an ordinary elidra, so he had some ck when fighting the normal ones. Junhyuk spent the afternoon fighting monsters. Then, he let the living spirit run through his arteries before leaving the training facility. Because he was wearing the bracelet Gongon had given him, he could sense the mana around him. So, he smiled. "This is some bracelet." It absorbed a significant amount of mana. While at home, he learned that he could let the living spirit travel through his arteries because of it. Junhyuk called Sarang and Eunseo. He was nning to give them each a bracelet and bring them to his training facility. Through training, he would make them both stronger. Junhyuk set a meeting with Sarang and Eunseo for the evening. He would have dinner and deal with the evening monster wave. Junhyuk also called Elise and got in a cab. In the backseat of the cab, Junhyuk slowly absorbed mana from the bracelet and closed his eyes. That day, he would be meeting Elise to talk about the monster bodies. They had piled up to a point where he felt he could only trust her with them. His own people could only gather information at the moment. They weren¡¯t ready to research the Dimensional Battlefield yet. Elise wascking proper researchers, but he did learn how she was making her money. He thought of many things before the taxi arrived at Guardians HQ. Exiting the cab, he went to see Elise, and just like the previous time, Sora walked out to meet him. He looked at Sora and started pondering about whether he should give her a bracelet. She belonged to Guardians and she wasn¡¯t one of his people. Staring at her, he asked, "How is your life?" "Nowadays, I have a lot of free time, so I¡¯ve been focusing on my training. They have a new research subject, so I was put on the backseat." Junhyukughed. "Have a meal with me sometime." "Outside?" "Yes." There was a contract and an annual sry, but she was still just working for a major corporation. He could match their offer for her and was seriously considering bringing her to his side. Reaching the basement, he saw a feed of Eunmi on a big screen. She was using both of her powers. When he saw her calmly using her powers, he was surprised. "Did she go to the Dimensional Battlefield this week?" Elise shook her head. "It¡¯s a surprise, but she hasn¡¯t been summoned." Usually, when novices appeared, they were immediately summoned to the battlefield, but she hadn¡¯t been, which was certainly surprising. Junhyuk turned to Eunmi again and asked, "Have you learned anything?" "Because she became an expert, I couldn¡¯t measure her wavelength with the previous detector, so I made one specifically for experts." He was astonished by Elise. Her skills were certainly shocking. In only a short while, she had made an expert detector. Elise looked at him and asked, "Do you have business with me?" Smiling at her, he said, "I had a chance to go on a monster hunt, so I have a lot of monsters bodies." She cocked her head. "Didn¡¯t you go to the Dimensional Battlefieldst week?" Junhyuk realized yet again that Elise could be very perceptive, but he continued without answering her question. "Do you need monster bodies?" "What kind of monsters?" To Elise, he was still important, so she still had to keep him around. When she had heard he wasing to see her, she had turned on the expert detector, but the detector had not seen him as an expert. It was obvious that he had powers, but the expert detector had not seen him, and that meant there was the possibility that he could be a champion. She didn¡¯t want to bring it up yet, however. "These are high-ranking monsters, things you haven¡¯t seen yet," he said. "How many?" "A hundred." After collecting a hundred bodies, he kept on only gathering mana stones and bloodstones. The bodies were piling up, but there was nothing else he could do. Elise¡¯s eyes widened. "A hundred?" "Yes," he continued calmly. "I have to dump them all out at once, so it can¡¯t be anywhere small." "How did you bring them here?" He couldn¡¯t tell her about the Spatial Bag yet, and even if she wanted one, he wouldn¡¯t be able to get it for her. "I used something." "OK. Then, let¡¯s go to the monster (cadavers) containment room." The monster containment room was veryrge, and he could dump all of the bodies there. "Eunmi, let¡¯s take a rest. I¡¯ll see you in an hour," Elise told her through an inte. Eunmi nodded andy on her bed. Then, Elise said to Sora, "Stay here for a bit. You know what to do if there are any problems?" "Yes." They had already contained her once, so they weren¡¯t too worried about Eunmi. Elise turned to Junhyuk and said, "Then, let¡¯s go." They walked out of the research room and went to the containment area, where she showed him an empty space in the back. The space had a fifty-meter radius. Junhyuk looked around and smacked his lips. He was d that he had brought the elidras. As he pulled out the crystal orb from his chest, Elise looked at it with interest. Then, he dumped all of the bodies out of the orb. All of a sudden, therge amount of bodies came out, and Elise stepped back with surprise. Her eyes beamed, and she looked at him. More specifically, she was looking at the crystal orb. "Where did you get it?" "At the Dimensional Battlefield." "Can I get one?" "This is so expensive that I can¡¯t get one for you." For a Spatial Bag, that one might actually be cheap. Itcked all the other functions aside from gathering and dumping bodies all at once. But, it could hold as many bodies as he wished. Elise smacked her lips and murmured, "I want to visit the Dimensional Battlefield." He smiled bitterly at her. "If you had ever been there, you wouldn¡¯t talk like that." She did not say anything else on that point, moving to examine the bodies. She was astounded by them. "I¡¯ve never seen monsters like these." "That should be right." The truth was that those monsters were hard to encounter even in the Dimensional Battlefield. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t seen an elidra before either, and they had not appeared on Earth. If there had been elidras alive and causing trouble, things would have been different on Earth. Also, the twin-headed ogres¡¯ skins were so thick, no human weaponry would get through it. He was unsure if the iron soldier would have a solution for those two monsters. Elidras were surprisingly fast. They were slower than the jaguars, but the way they moved was shocking, making them difficult to deal with. Even Junhyuk couldn¡¯t tell what was going to happen when he fought elidras. Elise pulled a scalpel from her chest, and when she used it on a twin-headed ogre, her eyes widened. "This is something. Considering this muscle mass, the monster dposition liquid won¡¯t work!" Ogres had enormous muscles. Even if someone pierced an ogre¡¯s skin, it was impossible to tell how much damage had actually gone through the muscles. Elise wrote on her tablet and continued the examination. She also used her scalpel on an elidra¡¯s skin, but she couldn¡¯t even scratch it. "Compare to other monsters¡¯, this one¡¯s skin is superior." It looked like an alligator, and its skin itself was hard. Junhyuk¡¯s attack was so high that he had sliced it like a piece of paper, but things would probably be different for the rest of Earth. "I have certainly never seen these monsters before. Considering everything, I¡¯ll give you $5 million." She turned to him and added, "When I research these, the development on the monster research will be enormous." Chapter 287 Training Together 2 Junhyuk put on his Max mask and headed over to hispany. GST was changing quickly every day. They had hired secretaries and a cleaning crew, on top of their security team. Thepany had been created to make use of Ganesha, so they didn¡¯t need a lot of people working there. Junhyuk looked at the ones surrounding Ganesha. There were eight people working now, and all of them were Sungtae¡¯s friends. Junhyuk gathered everyone in a meeting room, and two of them always got his attention since they possessed mana: Tirot and Brita. Looking at them both, he said, "This is the first time we¡¯re actually introducing ourselves. I¡¯m Max, GST¡¯s CEO." Everyone was paying attention to him. They all liked working there. It had been the best environment they could find. It even had a supeputer, which was a big help to them. They all had had trouble doing their jobs previously because of theirputers¡¯ inefficiency, but now, they had Ganesha¡¯s help, so they were all satisfied. Junhyuk looked at them and said, "Do you know about the Dimensional Battlefield?" Everyone nodded. Sungtae had previously published news of it, if only for five minutes, but they had heard about it. Junhyuk continued, "The lowest-ranked monsters of the Dimensional Battlefield are the ones appearing here. Humanity is gathering mana stones and bloodstones from those monsters, and by using those, we¡¯ve been able to produce iron soldiers and people with extreme regenerative capabilities." Everyone¡¯s eyes widened, and he looked at each of their faces. "Guardians has sole control over that technology, and it is developing quickly." After making the monster dposition liquid, Guardians was making an astronomical sum of money. Thepany monopolized the world market in selling military equipment, raking in the money. Junhyuk knew that was all because of Elise, but he couldn¡¯t make her one of his workers. "Guardians¡¯ main researcher is called Elise. Do you know her?" Everyone eyes widened, and Brita spoke up, "You mean Elise from Robotics?" "I have heard that she had worked for Robotics." Brita scowled at that, and he asked, "Do you have a problem with her?" Sungtae smiled bitterly and said, "Brita tried to patent two items, but Elise already had patents on them, so Brita doesn¡¯t like her much." Junhyuk looked at Brita. If she could create what Elise had created, he had high hopes for her. "Elise is a robotics engineer!" Sungtae cackled. "Brita majored in robotics engineering, but because of patent incident, she decided to go intoputer engineering." Elise wasn¡¯t simply a robotics engineer, however. She also had skills in biological engineering. Junhyuk looked at Brita and said, "OK. How do you feel aboutpeting against Elise?" "On what?" "I¡¯ll tell you more about mana stones. The iron series makes use of a new energy source produced by the mana stones. The mana stones are the iron soldier¡¯s main energy source." Brita hesitated for a moment and said, "I have to see an iron soldier¡¯s core. I have to know how advanced it is to know where to advance it further. I¡¯ll retrace Elise¡¯s path, but to catch her, there is nothing else I can do." Junhyuk took a moment to think and said, "OK. I¡¯ll get you two iron soldiers." Everyone was shocked by what he said. "Can a civilian purchase an iron soldier?" "I¡¯ll use unofficial means to get them." Sungtae scratched his head. "Even Brian can¡¯t help with that." "I know. I¡¯ll make the purchase myself, so don¡¯t worry." Then, he turned to Brita and said, "Start research on the mana stones. If you need anything, just let Sungtae know." Junhyuk turned to Sungtae and added, "Just get everything she asks for." "Do you mean get whatever she asks for officially?" "No. Unofficially. If anyone finds out we are researching mana stones, they will monitor us." Only the world¡¯s ruling ss was researching mana stones at that moment, and Junhyuk did not want to draw their attention. "Then, the unofficial purchase prices will be higher than normal." "Don¡¯t worry about the money." Looking at Brita, Junhyuk said, "I¡¯ll give you everything you need for your research." After some hesitation, Brita said, "The most important thing is the mana stone. I¡¯m not sure what mana stones are, but I need to have one to research it." Junhyuk pulled three mana stones from his chest and gave them to Brita. "These are mana stones. Each one costs about $20 to $30 million." Everyone¡¯s eyes widened, but Junhyuk continued calmly, "Start your research at once." He simply and calmly handed her tens of millions of dors worth of stones, leaving everyone astonished with him. Junhyuk looked at them and then turned to the security team leader. "Protect Brita well." "We will." After getting up, he said, "Use any space in the building you need for your research." Brita looked at the mana stones and answered, "I¡¯ll take the entire fifth floor." "Sure," he said, nodding at her. Junhyuk was willing to invest as much as he needed to catch up to Elise, even though it would not be an easy thing to do. "Then, I¡¯ll take my leave." He walked out of GST and got on the subway. He would be having a meeting with Sarangter, but he got his phone and made a call to Elise. "I¡¯ll buy two iron soldiers," he said calmly. "Will you be overseeing them, or will we have to control them?" "I¡¯ll be in control. All you have to do is let me have them." "OK. It¡¯ll cost you $300 million. I can have them sent to you." "I¡¯ll go and pick them up myself." "They¡¯ll be ready by Monday." Junhyuk held tightly to the handles in the subway, which were moving with the train. He met Sarang and Eunseo at a high-ss hotel restaurant and introduced them to each other. "This is Sarang, the country¡¯s number one girl genius." "What?!" Sarang tapped his shoulder lightly, and Eunseo frowned a bit. He introduced Eunseo as well, "This is Eunseo, Guardians¡¯ CEO." "Nice to meet you." The two shook hands, and Junhyuk exined further, "Sarang is, unofficially, an expert. She was the third activation on Earth." As Eunseo looked at Sarang, the high school student made a V sign with her middle and index fingers and said, "Just like big brother said, I¡¯m Sarang, the country¡¯s number one!" Junhyukughed and continued, "You don¡¯t need any exnations on Eunseo, right?" Sarang nodded and smiled at Eunseo. "Can I call you big sister?" "You may." The two of them talked like old friends, and he stopped worrying about them. They talked for a while until their meals came out. That¡¯s when Junhyuk exined why he had called them. "I have a private training facility." "A private training facility?!" Sarang asked, and he answered, "Yes. Arn gave me a living spirit, and to train with it, I needed more mana. I had brought some mana trees and started to train with them. I had also received an item the pulled dimensional tear coordinates to me and used it." Eunseo fixed her sses. "There is such a thing?!" Junhyuk nodded and continued, "After fighting a bunch of monsters, a manager from the Dimensional Battlefield showed up." Both of them became nervous at the mention of the manager, but he continued calmly, "And he made a training facility for me. I can fight B-ranked monsters there until I get bored, so I fight them twice a day." "How do you fight them twice a day?" "Theye in the morning from six to eight, and in the evening from eight to ten. A wave triggers every five minutes, and each seeding wave has more monsters than the previous." Sarang turned the subject to other things. "What kind of monsters are B-ranked monsters?" "Twin-headed ogres, for example." She frowned. "Big brother, you had such a hard time killing those!" "Not anymore. You have your own orb too, so you might also be able to kill them easily." He turned to Eunseo and said, "If you don¡¯t use your power, you won¡¯t be able to kill them." She was still a novice, so while she was able to kill ordinary monsters, B-ranked monsters were an entirely different story. Eunseo frowned at what he said, but he continued calmly, "However, I have a regenerative basin, so unless you get killed, I can save you." Looking at Eunseo, he said, "I wanted to tell you all of this, but youck equipment, so I am worried about you." Eunseo took a moment to think and said, "I want to experience it and find out what kind of monster it is." He nodded. "I wanted you both to see it tonight." While eating her steak, Sarang asked, "Where is it?" "You can get in from anywhere as long as you are with me." "Really?" Junhyuk nodded and said, "In short, I can get there from anywhere I want, but I have to exit from where I¡¯ve entered." Eunseo took a moment to think and asked, "How about we go from my office?" "Is it close from here?" "It¡¯s in Yeouido." He nodded and said, "Then, let¡¯s use it." After settling on that, he pulled out the bracelets. "And look at these." "What are those?" "I met a dragon at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, and he gave me these. It absorbs mana and transfers it to whoever wears it." "Mana?" Junhyuk showed them the bracelet he was already wearing. "Mana is an essential form of energy. If you wear this, you can stay healthy. But we are all different. I use mana to get stronger beyond my limitations." Sarang¡¯s eyes widened. "Then, you are stronger here than when we were on the battlefield?" "Correct. Thanks to this, I¡¯m getting even stronger." Sarang took a bracelet and put it around her wrist, saying, "This is mine!" Eunseo was envious of Sarang¡¯s juvenile actions, but Junhyuk offered her one as well. "Even if you can¡¯t handle mana, wear this, and you¡¯ll live a long life. Take one." "Thanks." She put the bracelet around her wrist, and as he watched her, he said, "We have to make it to the eight o¡¯clock evening round. Let¡¯s hurry." Everyone nodded and got up. They all got inside Eunseo¡¯s car and took off. Junhyuk and Sarang thought it would¡¯ve been a simple office, but when they got there, they saw a tall building. Eunseo said calmly, "Just go to the top floor." Seeing the incredibly expensive office building, they went to the top floor and washed their hands. Looking at both of them, Junhyuk said, "It¡¯s almost time. Let¡¯s move first and talkter." "Right." He had never entered with others before, but he knew what to do and offered them his hands to hold. They all held hands, and with his eyes closed, Junhyuk said, "Enter." Suddenly, he heard a soft voice. [Will you allow this group to enter the training facility?] "Allow," he said, and their surroundings changed quickly. As Sarang and Eunseo looked around, they saw arge space with trees from the Dimensional Battlefield. Both women were nervous, and Junhyuk smiled at them. "Wee to my training facility." Chapter 288 Training Together 3 Sarang looked around and shook her head. "It¡¯s interesting. After getting here, I stopped feeling manaing from the bracelet." "Were you feeling the mana from it?" Surprised, Junhyuk looked at her, and she nodded. "Mana was leaving the bracelet and making a circle around my heart and disappearing. It was... circting?" As he stared at her, he said, "Connect with Vera. Maybe she can teach you how to control it." "Really?" Sarang started trying to connect to Vera. Meanwhile, he turned to Eunseo. "Do you feel anything?" "Well..." Not everyone could feel it. Junhyuk, himself, had only been able to feel mana after acquiring the living spirit, and he couldn¡¯t give the living spirit to her. The survival rate for the procedure was too low. If she had died on the battlefield and had her soul grown, things would¡¯ve been different, but now, the living spirit would eat her alive. Eunseo was doing light stretches. She had one item, a ring. Of course, the ring had both defense and attack boosts, so it was useful, but with just one ring, it would be difficult for her to fight B-ranked monsters. He turned back to Sarang. She seemed to be focused on something, and he decided not to worry about her. So, he summoned all of his equipment. He had already told Eunseo everything. Still, as he summoned his equipment, Eunseo watched, astounded. As she watched him through her sses with beaming eyes, she said carefully, "Your equipment looks so cool." "I¡¯m wearing a golden cloak, so be understanding." "No! The gold looks very cool!" He thought wealthy people had a different idea of what was cool. After he gave Eunseo a few warnings, Sarang walked over to him and said, "Big brother." "What?" "Do you have any mana stones?" He pulled one out slowly. "Can I have five?" Eunseo already knew their value, but he pulled five of them out, worth $100 million total. He did so nonchntly, to Eunseo¡¯s surprise, and handed them to Sarang, who made a circle with the five stones. She also drew a circle around the mana stones and started writing something down. Junhyuk stared at her, but Sarang was engaged in the graphic work. She had drawn a magic circle, and he crossed his arms and watched her. The mana stones started radiating and, suddenly, shone with bright blue light. Then, the surrounding mana gathered around the circle. The radiating lights gathered and attached weaved themselves around Sarang¡¯s heart. The lights were circling around her heart and radiating. Then, clicking his tongue because of it, Junhyuk saw a dimensional tear, and a twin-headed ogre appeared from it. "Huck!" He didn¡¯t know how long Sarang would take with what she was doing, so heunched himself and sliced one of the twin-headed ogre¡¯s heads. His damage was extremely high, so he not only sliced a head, but the shockwave generated from the attack sliced the other head as well. Hended after slicing the head and walked toward Sarang. Shaking her head, Eunseo said, "You dealt with such a monstrous monster so easily." He smiled bitterly. "In any event, I¡¯m only dealing with B-ranked monsters. That¡¯s all. If an A-ranked monster appeared, I would die." "What type of monsters are appearing on Earth?" After thinking for a moment, he answered, "Most of them are the lowest-ranked monsters. But the iron soldiers have dealt with D-ranked monsters. Usually, they are around rank E or F. It¡¯s hard to rank porings." Eunseo looked at fallen twin-headed ogre. Ogres were such strong existences, and she hadn¡¯t known he could kill one so easily. He was not a simple champion, but had already gone beyond her imagination. Then, surrounded by strong light, Sarang opened her eyes wide. The circle of light around her heart had already disappeared, but Junhyuk thought Sarang had changed somewhat. "What did you and Vera talk about?" Raising her left her, she pounded her chest and said, "I¡¯ve learned about the magic circle. By creating one around my heart, I can cast magic faster." "Use it now." Sarang raised her orb, and above it, a blue lightning bolt appeared. Then, she created a lightning arrow from the orb andunched it, smiling. "My magic attack speed has surely increased, and the circle has gotten stronger and bigger since absorbing all of that mana." "You¡¯ve learned a lot." Sarang nodded. "I told her about this ce and the bracelet, and Vera taught me it all. She hadn¡¯t done so before because I had no way to acquire mana on Earth." Before he had a chance to speak again, Vera connected with him. He could see her face, so he focused on talking to her. "What Sarang just learned is a lot safer than your living spirit. It has been proven so, so don¡¯t worry about her. I just wanted to let you know." "That¡¯s good." "You won, so this one is on me." "Is that right?" "Of course! The magic circle is not something I teach just anyone, and that dragon¡¯s charging bracelet is hard to get as well." "Is it valuable?" "Of course! Dragons, as a species, always look down on other species, so it¡¯s always hard to get a present from a dragon. It¡¯s hard to get dragons¡¯ items unless you steal them from theirirs." Junhyuk thought, again, that he was d to be friends with Gongon. "If she practices the magic circle, her magic will get stronger. Even if she can¡¯t increase her damage in the Dimensional Battlefield, it will get stronger in yours, so make her practice hard." "I understand." "Then, see youter!" Vera waved at him and disappeared, and Junhyuk looked at Sarang. "If you practice the magic circle, your magic will get stronger on Earth." "Really?" Then, two other twin-headed ogres showed up, and Junhyuk looked at them and said, "Sarang, you take the left one." "OK." Sarang created a blue orb and fired. Boom! Before getting equipped, it had been hard for her to fight B-ranked monsters. But now, because of her equipment, her damage was higher, and she destroyed one of the twin-headed ogre¡¯s heads in one hit. "Roar!" the ogre shouted, and Junhyuk looked at the twin-headed ogre on the right. Focusing on the living spirit, he used the Spatial sh. sh! The power of the Spatial sh was superior, and the shockwave took out his twin-headed ogre¡¯s second head. Junhyuk turned to Sarang, and she cast an electric arrow that took away the other head of her ogre. Sarang watched the fallen twin-headed ogre and extended both of her arms, inhaling deeply. She closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again, she smiled. "This is nice." Looking at Junhyuk, she said, "Whenever the mana circtes around my heart, I be stronger." "Is it difficult to do?" Sarang tapped her head and said, "You know it! My head is the best." He shook his head and said, "Just in case you get injured, drink from there." Eunseo walked over to the basin he had pointed to, and looking into its calm light, she asked, "Can I take some of the water outside since it cures everything?" "Well... I¡¯ve never tried it before." She thought of taking some out with her and mass producing it, astonishing the world. Junhyuk told her to wait, and he exited the training facility, quickly reappearing with a water bottle. He filled the bottle with the basin water and exited. Just by looking at the filled water bottle outside, he knew the benefits from the basin water only worked within his training facility. He clicked his tongue and went back in. "It doesn¡¯t work outside." "Is it for this facility alone?" Junhyuk nodded, and when three twin-headed ogres appeared, he looked at Eunseo. "Do you want to deal with one?" "Sure." "If you feel that you are in danger, you have to retreat." "OK," she said and ran toward a twin-headed ogre. Junhyuk knew she would have a hard time dealing with one of them because Eunseo¡¯s attack stat was very lousy. She could only trust her power, but he wanted to watch her use it. Junhyuk sliced a leg of the ogre that came toward him and followed Eunseo, who was staring intently at an ogre. The ogre swung its tree trunk, and Eunseo ducked. The truth was that among novices, Eunseo¡¯s stats were really high. Before she had be a novice, she had already had an augmentation procedure with the R-Potion. She dodged the zooming trunk and punched the twin-headed ogre¡¯s hamstring, but her fist just bounced off of it. The twin-headed ogre swung the trunk repeatedly, but Eunseo dodged sideways. However, the ogre had expected her to move and swung his fist at her. Junhyuk thought she wouldn¡¯t be able to escape, but Eunseo turned translucent and appeared behind the ogre. Then, she kicked it. Boom! One of the twin-headed ogre¡¯s head was destroyed. Even though she didn¡¯t have more items, her power¡¯s attack was extremely high. She had destroyed a twin-headed ogre¡¯s head with a single kick. But that wasn¡¯t all. The twin-headed ogre wouldn¡¯t die from losing just one head, but it did get angrier, and in its fury, it attempted to punch her. Eunseo trusted her regenerative ability and raised both of her arms to block the attack. She thought that if she didn¡¯t die from a single blow, she would survive the fight. However, as the fist approached her, she shivered. Could she block it? Eunseo was curious about what she could do, but that¡¯s when he showed up in front of her. Junhyuk had teleported, swinging his sword and slicing the twin-headed ogre¡¯s fist. Blood sttered about, but he grabbed Eunseo and teleported away. "Roaar!" the twin-headed ogre screamed, running toward him, but Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. The ogre was swept up by the Spatial sh and fell, in pieces. Junhyuk turned to Eunseo, and as she wiped the sweat from her forehead, she said, "That was something else." "Sorry. I wanted to know if you could withstand the ogre¡¯s blow, but it looked too dangerous." Eunseo smiled. "No. You did the right thing. As I was about to get punched, I thought I was going to die." He smiled. "Then, let me check it out first." "What?!" Junhyuk sent his equipment away one by one. When he had exactly thirty defense, he said calmly, "I am a champion with a lot of health, so I¡¯ll see how much damage that does to me." He had never been intentionally hit before, but now was the time to find out. If he received more damage than Eunseo¡¯s health, that would mean she shouldn¡¯t be there. As Junhyuk prepared himself to get hit by a twin-headed ogre, Sarang walked over to him and smiled. "Big brother, you could die." He shrugged and said, "With my health, I won¡¯t die." Sarang nodded to that and added, "You are right. You won¡¯t die. But it will hurt like hell." Chapter 289 Going Forward 1 The next wave had four twin-headed ogres, and when Junhyuk saw them, he stepped forward. "I¡¯ll let them hit me first." "Are you going to be OK?" "I¡¯ll be fine." Without any worry, heunched himself forward, and the twin-headed ogres swung their tree trunks at him. Ordinarily, he would¡¯ve dodged, but he threw himself at one of the attacks. Boom! Junhyuk bounced away, rolling on the ground. Then, he got up and checked to see how much of his health had been taken off. Junhyuk had lost two hundred health. That was definitely the attack of a B-ranked monster. With thirty defense, which was something a minion could only dream of having, he was still significantly damaged. An attack like that could also kill a novice in a single hit. When Junhyuk got up, he said, "Step back." Eunseo should not be there. With her defense, she wouldn¡¯t be able to withstand a hit like that. After taking the hit, he put his equipment back on and used the Spatial sh. Half of the ogres running toward him died. Sarang, who was standing next to him, started casting her magic. After taking care of the twin-headed ogres, he turned to Sarang and said, "Sarang, you heal me." "OK." It would be good for Sarang to exercise her healing power. While getting healed, Junhyuk looked at Eunseo and said, "Eunseo, you won¡¯t be able to withstand a hit with your defense. There are only a few twin-headed ogres now, but their numbers will increase, and I won¡¯t be able to help you." In fact, Eunseo agreed. With the power she had, she shouldn¡¯t be there. Junhyuk looked at her and said calmly, "I¡¯ll take you back." "I¡¯ll wait for you there." Junhyuk grabbed her hand and said, "Exit." They exited and he added, "When we are done training, we¡¯ll head here." After reentering the facility, Junhyuk stood next to Sarang. "Eunseo can¡¯t be here, at least not yet." "Right." Sarang touched her chin and said, "It¡¯s very difficult for a novice to get items. Eunseo only has her counterattack as her power. If she trusts that counterattack too much, she could be killed." Junhyuk nodded heavily. Even if he wanted to save her, he would not be able to help her. Sarang asked, "Big brother, Eunseo knows a lot of people, right?" "Right." "And she owns a lot of antiques, right?" "Right." "How about giving her the detector?" "What?" Junhyuk turned to her, and she smiled and continued, "You are too busy training, so you don¡¯t have the time to look for items. Eunseo can¡¯t get new items in the Dimensional Battlefield, so how about letting her get new items on Earth." He nodded in agreement. He had to go out of his way to find antiques that would work as items, but Eunseo was different. She could already have some at her house, or find some through her friends. She would be able to get items to use at the Dimensional Battlefield, which would help her get much stronger. "That¡¯s a good idea," he said and caressed Sarang¡¯s head. "Is that because of the runestones?" "What do you mean?" Sarang tapped his chest lightly and said, "The next ones areing." The dimensional tear appeared again and ogres walked out of it. "Should I use my power this time?" "Sure." Sarang¡¯s eyes beamed, and she raised her orb, heading into battle. --- Eunseo looked at the clock and saw that it was already past ten, and she was too worried to sit still on her chair. "They¡¯ll be here soon." Junhyuk¡¯s health was shocking. Not even a twin-headed ogre had been able to kill him. "What should I do?" She had to activate another power and be an expert, otherwise she wouldn¡¯t be of any help. Eunseo was feeling guilty, but when she thought of the twin-headed ogre, she lost her confidence. She was holding her forehead with her hand when she felt something, and when she raised her head, she saw Junhyuk and Sarang. He was covered in blood. "Sorry. Can I shower first?" "The bathroom is over there." Junhyuk looked at Sarang and said, "You go first." "I¡¯ll be a while." "It doesn¡¯t matter. Go ahead." "Then, I¡¯ll be going." Junhyuk watched her go into the bathroom and bowed slightly toward Eunseo. "I forgot I¡¯d return covered in blood." "On that note, are you OK?" "I¡¯m fine." Eunseo brought him a towel, but Junhyuk shook his head and said, "When Saranges out, I¡¯ll teleport into the bathroom and shower, so I don¡¯t need to wipe the blood off right now." Eunseo sat on the sofa and looked at him. "Sorry. I¡¯m not much help." "I want to tell you something." "What?" "After Saranges out, and I shower, we¡¯ll talk," he said. Eunseo nodded, and Sarang walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head. "I went fast." "Thanks." Junhyuk teleported, and once inside the bathroom, he took a cold shower, making sure that all of the blood had been washed off. Once he finished, he took some clothes out of the Spatial Bag and put them on. Eunseo and Sarang were talking to each other, and he was d that the two had be close. Junhyuk took a seat, and the two looked at him. "I haven¡¯t told you yet, but you can find Dimensional Battlefield items on Earth." He had told her many things about the Dimensional Battlefield, but not everything. As Eunseo heard that, her eyes widened. Then, Junhyuk showed her the detector and said, "This thing can detect Dimensional Battlefield items within a ten-meter radius, and once you get within a one-meter radius of that item, it¡¯ll shine red." Eunseo¡¯s eyes beams. She was of no help now, but with that machine, she could find items that would eventually enable her to help. Junhyuk continued calmly, "I found an item at an antique shop and a bracelet made out of a tree struck by lightning." "Are you saying they are hard to find?" "Yes. There¡¯s no way to be sure what item will be usable on the battlefield, but I¡¯m guessing chances are better with really old items." "Old items... Do you mean artefacts?" "That¡¯s my guess. They are usually of historical importance or far too expensive, so we can¡¯t get them." Eunseo nodded heavily, and he handed her the detector. "I want you to have it and look for items." Eunseo was visibly a little nervous, so Sarang said, "You probably know a lot of people, so you¡¯ll be able to find them. You¡¯ll have an easier time than us trying to look for items." Eunseo nodded. She knew more people than the other two and she had enough money to purchase things. "If you need money, let us know. We¡¯ll pay our share." "I already have enough money." Junhyuk smiled at her answer. She probably had enough money, but even Eunseo would have a spending limit. Still, he didn¡¯t press on. If she ever needed something, she would ask him for it. "Are you going to look for items?" Eunseo was holding the detector nervously in her hands and asked, "After I find an item, how do I check what it does?" "You can only get that information at the Dimensional Battlefield. When you find anything, let us know first, and we¡¯ll share them. We¡¯ll pay for our shares." "I¡¯ll pay for the items. I can¡¯t earn gold, so even if it¡¯s only on Earth, I want to pay for them. I¡¯m guessing you can only buy the detector with gold." Junhyuk smiled bitterly and said, "To be honest, because of the training facility, I¡¯m earning an enormous amount of money. I¡¯m getting cadavers and stones." He turned to Sarang and added, "I earned a lot this time." Sarang nodded. "He got ten mana stones and twelve bloodstones. With those types of spoils, you don¡¯t have to worry about money." Eunseo couldn¡¯t keep her mouth shut. "You got $220 million for two hours of work?" He nodded. "I can earn that much money twice a day. Sarang can only train in the evenings, so I n to give her half of what we earn each evening." He added, "We¡¯ll earn more by selling the bodies as well, so when you get new items, we should divide the cost." "That¡¯s a good idea." If he earned $100 million a day, his assets would surpass Eunseo¡¯s eventually. Junhyuk continued, "When you are able to fight with us, we¡¯ll divide what we earn between us all." Eunseo smiled. "I am getting fired up. I¡¯ll certainly get more items." Junhyuk smiled back. "I have one more favor to ask of you." "Please, speak." "It¡¯s about novices," he said, and Eunseo and Sarang looked at him. So, he shared his thoughts with them. "I know countries are gathering novices, but if possible, I want to recruit them as well." "Novices?" "Yes, I have enough money to do it." Eunseo pondered the idea and said, "My eldest brother is recruiting them, so it won¡¯t be easy to meet novices secretly." Junhyuk waved her remark away. "Don¡¯t worry about it then. It¡¯ll be good if it happens, but it¡¯ll be bad if other people find out we are doing it." "I¡¯ll be cautious when I look for them." Eunseo wanted to help badly, and Junhyuk smiled with satisfaction. Then, he turned to Sarang. "It¡¯ste. I¡¯ll take you home." "I can take her home." "Big sister, are you trying to interfere with our date?" Eunseo was surprised, but Sarangughed brightly and said, "I am joking. Big sister, take me home." After hearing that, Junhyuk sighed and said, "Then, let us all go." Chapter 290 Going Forward 2 It was Sunday, and Junhyuk had nned to train with Sarang. He went looked for a house around where Sarang lived, gave her extra money and found a ce where she could move in right away. The owner of the ce agreed to empty it by Monday, so Junhyuk gave them extra money and signed the contract. Then, he made sure Sarang could move in by Monday evening, and that she had finished the preparations for the move. Once he paid the fees agreed in the contract, he called Sora. Junhyuk set up a lunch meeting with Sora and headed to the meeting ce. After arriving, he pulled out a tablet and checked the news. Everything was about novices nowadays. Ghana had used novices to deal with monsters, and they were glorifying novices. There was a story about two of Ghana¡¯s novices disappearing, and once he saw it, he knew they wouldn¡¯t return. "A novice¡¯s survival rate isn¡¯t that high." The novices around Junhyuk were lucky, and they had returned, but ordinarily, their chances were low. Usually, novices werepletely massacred. Thinking that the turn of events was only natural, he satfortably and closed his eyes. Mana wasing through his bracelet, so he used it to fatten his living spirit. Then, he felt someoneing toward him. Sora was standing in front of him, smiling. "Can I have a seat?" "Please do." She took a seat, and he ordered food. He turned to her. She had Kaljaque as an enemy and she had returned. She was lucky. "How is life at thepany?" "It¡¯s just like I told you before. Nowadays, we don¡¯t have much to do. They must¡¯ve found everything there is to know about novices. My only job is to run away with Elise." Junhyuk thought that it had been a good idea for her to stay with Elise. After taking a moment to think, he said, "If that¡¯s the case, you don¡¯t have to stay there." "But it is a good job." "You haven¡¯t been to your house yet, right?" "I can¡¯t do anything about that." Junhyukughed. When their orders came out, he smiled. "Let¡¯s eat first." Sora¡¯s eyes sparkled with curiosity, but he didn¡¯t speak further. Once they finished the main course, the dessert came out. "Sora." "Yes." He had wanted to meet her, so she was expecting something from him. Junhyuk looked at her and spoke slowly. "As a matter of fact, I want to recruit you." "Recruit?" "You know how Ghana glorified their novices?" "Yes, I know." "From now on, every country will try to do the same. Developing countries are disying such attitudes. And other countries will do the same." "They¡¯ll utilize novices to deal with monsters, right?" "That¡¯s right." Sora took a moment to think and said, "I can deal with monsters." "That¡¯s not the problem. If the country takes you, they won¡¯t treat you nicely." She nodded slowly. "That is probably true." "I don¡¯t think you are well treated right now." "But they are treating me nicely." Junhyuk showed her three fingers. Sora asked him what he meant by that, and he continued slowly. "I will pay you three times what they pay you. I¡¯ll also pay the fee to breach your contract." Sora kept thinking while staring at him. "Why are you so nice to me?" He smiled and said, "I can trust you." She couldn¡¯t make up her mind. "I am just a novice." "I know, but you will grow stronger." His eyes beamed, and he added, "I will help you with your growth." At that, Sora¡¯s eyes sparkled. Then, he pulled out a bracelet and set it on the table. "I just got it. It collects mana and transfers it to whoever wears it. Mana is a source of life, it¡¯s an energy, so even if you don¡¯t have powers, the mana will increase your lifespan. You will gain more benefits than that as a novice." "Is it a Dimensional Battlefield item?" "It is from there." "And you are giving it to me?" "I¡¯m looking for people with powers that I can trust. You are one of them." He stared her down, and Sora balled her hands into fists. Junhyuk offered her the bracelet and said, "Come with me." After some thought, Sora asked carefully, "If I leave Guardians, won¡¯t my life be difficult?" It wouldn¡¯t be a good idea to have a hostile rtionship with South Korea¡¯s most powerful group. But, Junhyuk shook his head. "You forget. We are the only ones that can bring stuff back from the Dimensional Battlefield. As the number of novices increase and their return rates increase, there will bepetition. The prices of mana stones and bloodstones will drop, but our work won¡¯t suffer." "Really?" "Right now, Guardians has a monopoly on mana stones and bloodstones, but soon, other corporations will jump in, and we¡¯ll be even more valuable." "Valuable?" He nodded slowly. "Before that, I need people I can trust." Sora picked up the bracelet and smiled. "Let¡¯s do it." He nodded. "OK. If you need anything, let me know. If you need awyer to handle the termination of the contract, I¡¯ll introduce you to one." "Awyer?" "Yes." Sora started thinking about her situation, and he said to her calmly, "If you need anything, just let me know." "OK." Nervously, she asked, "Where should I report to now?" Smiling, Junhyuk said, "When you quit Guardians, just stay home. I¡¯ll prepare a training facility for you to practice." "OK. I¡¯ll resign and let you know." Junhyuk smiled again and said, "I¡¯ll pay the termination fee, so don¡¯t worry about it." "Sure." Sora realized how much he needed her, and she held onto the bracelet. --- Junhyuk had been sessful in recruiting Sora, so he looked for another house. He had purchase a house for Sarang to train, but now he needed another one. He visited a few houses, and after looking at them, he headed to his house in Paju to go to his training facility and focus on his training. Junhyuk trained and hunted, and after, he exited to the bathroom and washed himself clean. When he walked out, his phone rang. He knew it was Elise¡¯s number. "Did you get the iron soldiers?" "They are here, but I have a question." "What is it?" "Sora is quitting. Are you behind that?" He bitterly smiled. "Right now, your research on Sora is nearly done, so I¡¯m recruiting her." "Hm." "Is that a problem?" "No problem, but Doyeol isn¡¯t very happy about it. The termination fee is three times her regr sry." "I¡¯ll pay it." "Why are you so bent on taking her?" After thinking, he answered, "I want to make a team with people I can trust." "A team made up of people with powers?" "Yes. If they are trained right, they¡¯ll be able to deal with whatever happens in the future." "What do you think will happen?" "Well, the monster waves won¡¯t stop so easily." After being silent for a minute, Elise said, "Come get your iron soldiers." "I¡¯ll be right over." Junhyuk changed and called Sora, who was surprised to get a call from him. "What¡¯s wrong?" "I talked to Elise. You told Doyeol that you are quitting?" "Yes, he wants the termination fee." "Tell me your ount number, and I¡¯ll wire the money." "I¡¯m sorry." "Don¡¯t be sorry. I¡¯m spending $3 million to recruit you, and that¡¯s cheap." Sora had a good amount of health, and her power was useful. He wasn¡¯t sure about the Dimensional Battlefield, but she was of use on Earth. She was also a good candidate for a tank, and he meant to train and grow her. Junhyuk wired the money to her ount, grabbed a taxi and headed to Guadians¡¯ HQ in Seoul. Once there, Sora did note out to meet him like usual. She was probably busy dealing with her contract situation, so he went to see Elise by himself. Elise was in the basement researchb, looking at Eunmi on a monitor. She had ced electrodes on Eunmi and was watching her use her powers. She turned around to look at him. "You came." "I¡¯m here to get my iron soldiers." Elise stared at him. "As you already know, to control an iron soldier, you¡¯ll need a lot of equipment. We have Zaira, and she can control iron soldiers, so you¡¯ll need a supeputer to be able to control the two iron soldiers." "Don¡¯t worry about that." Elise took him to where the iron soldiers were located. There were two of them. Junhyuk touched one of them and asked, "Do they have GPS?" "Sure. They are expensive, so of course they have GPS." "Take them out." Elise opened the iron soldier¡¯s chest and pulled out a small device. She took it out of both of them. "To synchronize them with aputer, you need code." She handed him the code, and he said, "Thanks for your concern." "Well, you are paying me $300 million." Junhyuk pulled out some mana stones and asked, "Can I give you these instead?" Elise smiled brightly. "I will measure their worth." While measuring the stones, she looked at him and asked, "You don¡¯t need any more help?" "I¡¯ll be fine." Junhyuk ced the iron soldiers inside the Spatial Bag, and Elise walked over and asked, "If I can research that, we¡¯ll be able to mass produce it." "I can¡¯t." Spatial Bags were so expensive on the battlefield that they probably wouldn¡¯t be able to mass produce one. Dragons couldn¡¯t do it either, and he wouldn¡¯t give it to Elise anyway. "You are hurting my pride." Junhyuk shrugged and asked, "What are the measurements?" "A total of $320 million." He smiled. "You don¡¯t have to give me the $20 million now. I might need something elseter." Eliseughed brightly. "OK." She was expecting more deals with him, so she patted his back lightly. "If you have problems with the iron soldiers, just call me. I¡¯ll help you" "Sure." Junhyuk said goodbye and walked out. He was about to exit the building when he saw Soraing out. She saw him, smiled brightly and ran toward him. "I¡¯ve just resigned. Take responsibility." Smiling, he said, "Then, should we go forward?" Chapter 291 Going Forward 3 Junhyuk took Sora home, put on his mask and headed to GST. He was going there to drop off the iron soldiers. When he arrived, he saw the security team installing the security system. "Is it going well?" he asked the security team chief. "This ce is highly secure. Anyone without proper authorization won¡¯t be able toe in here." Junhyuk nodded and asked, "Can I go in now?" "Of course." He went inside and saw that the new equipment had been installed. Junhyuk was d that the equipment was already there. Then, he saw Sungtae and Brian, and Brian smiled when he saw Junhyuk. "We meet again!" Junhyuk gave a light nod and looked at Sungtae. "How is the equipment?" "They are of the highest quality. I had to get them fast, so I paid an extra 10 percent." "That doesn¡¯t matter. How long will it take to get everything?" Brita, who was walking toward them, answered, "We got most of the necessary equipment. The rest are essories, and we aren¡¯t in a hurry. We¡¯re already well prepared." Junhyuk had only given them a short while, but Brian had already been able to import everything around them, which astonished him. Junhyuk entered theb and looked around. The equipment wasparable to those of Elise¡¯sb Junhyuk turned to Brita and asked, "Then, are you ready to start your research?" "Do you have them already?" He nodded and looked around. Sungtae and Brian had left, so he calmly ced his hand on his chest and pulled out two iron soldiers. Brita¡¯s eyes widened. She could not understand how items as big as those coulde out of him. Her eyes beamed. "Sorry, but I can¡¯t tell you about this," he said calmly. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t give her the Spatial Bag for research, so he continued, "You may use one to tear apart and figure out how they are made, but the other we¡¯ll use to guard this ce." "You want to use an iron soldier to guard the building?" "Correct. We are not safe from monsters." Brita took a moment to think and said, "Wait." She went over to the iron soldier and took off its shell. She did it so well that he could tell that she was very skilled. Brita looked inside the iron soldier and shook her head. "I can¡¯t see its GPS. Is it somewhere else?" "I took it out. And here is the synchronization code," he answered calmly. She took the code and started working on a keyboard. The screen started loading, and then it showed the iron soldier. Brita said camly, "Ganesha, see if the iron soldier is connected to anotherwork." Ganesha spoke a momentter. [It¡¯s in its most basic state. It¡¯s not connected to any otherwork.] Junhyuk realized that Elise had kept her promise and realized that he could trust her even more. "Considering the iron soldier¡¯s weaponry, can you get it extra ammunition?" "I can¡¯t do that in South Korea." "Then, how can I get more weapons?" "You can probably get them from where you purchased these." Junhyuk smiled bitterly and said, "Nothing we can do now. To start, set the control over the iron soldiers to me, you and Sungtae." "Sure." "Then, work hard." Brita had been waiting for that moment, and she pulled out her tools for dismantling the iron soldier. Junhyuk was relieved while watching her. She was very passionate now. Junhyuk walked outside. There were still many things to install next to the mainb, and Brian was in charge of installing them, so he saw Sungtae and Brian nearby. "Sungtae, talk to me for a moment." "Sure." Junhyuk looked at Brian and said, "We¡¯ll be dealing with you in the future. Please do your best." "I will!" He patted Brian¡¯s shoulder lightly, and Brian¡¯s eyes beamed. Considering the things that Junhyuk had already bought, he already knew how wealthy Junhyuk was and he knew that, through Junhyuk, he would be able to do business with a wider world. Junhyuk nodded slightly and took Sungtae to the tenth floor. Although, Junhyuk was the CEO, he rarely used the CEO¡¯s office. When he showed up with Sungtae, all secretaries suddenly got up from their seats. Junhyuk had noints about Sungtae having hired secretaries. They had signed confidentiality agreements and they were all beautiful. They earned more than secretaries at major corporations and also got a lot of benefits from GST. Sungtae had used thepany benefits to make sure to hire them. They greeted Junhyuk, and he went inside the CEO¡¯s office. Junhyuk and Sungtae took their seats, and a secretary walked in and stood there. "Do you want anything to drink?" "I¡¯ll have some coffee. What about you?" "I¡¯ll have coffee as well." The secretary bowed and walked out, and Junhyuk looked at Sungtae. "I have a job for you." "Just tell me what it is." Lately, Sungtae was very happy. He was the second-inmand at GST and he could do whatever he wanted. He also had Ganesha. "I have to buy some buildings without thepany name," Junhyuk said. "Buildings?" As Junhyuk nodde, the secretary knocked on the door and brought in their coffee. Junhyuk took his cup and walked over to a window. Sungtae got up and walked to him. "To start, let¡¯s get the building next door." "What are you going to do?" "I n to collect people with powers." Sungtae already knew about powers, so he quickly understood what Junhyuk had meant by it. "Nowadays, articles concerning novices aren¡¯t being deleted. But it¡¯s different in South Korea. They are still being deleted here." "Right. In South Korea, Guardians has the biggest power over information, and thepany is also gathering powered people. I¡¯m only nning on gathering those I can trust." "Trust..." "The people I can trust. To begin with, I¡¯ve recruited someone." Sungtae couldn¡¯t hide his surprised looked, and Junhyuk continued calmly, "So, let¡¯s get a new building, but not under GST¡¯s name." "Then, with what name are you making the purchase?" "Create anotherpany." "Do you have anything in mind?" "Just Max." Sungate smiled and said, "Then, are you giving GST to me?" Junhyuk grabbed Sungtae¡¯s shoulders and said, "If you show your worth to me." Sungtae had only been joking, so his eyes widened. GST¡¯s total assets were enormous now. Thepany was thriving, and its breakthroughs would shock the world. On top of that, Junhyuk had just said that he would be willing to give Sungtae thepany. Sungtae was ecstatic. Junhyuk continued, "Hurry and get the building next door. Give them $2 million more than the going price." "Sure." After hearing Sungtae¡¯s answer, Junhyuk finished his coffee. Then, the phone rang. He pressed a button on it and heard a secretary¡¯s voice. "What is it?" "Tirot from the Administrative Department wants to see you." Junhyuk looked at Sungtae, but Suntae just shook his head. "He didn¡¯t tell me anything." "Yeah? Tell him toe in." There was a knock on the door soon after, and Tirot walked in. Junhyuk had been watching Tirot closely as he also had mana, which made him think that Tirot was probably different from the others. He offered Tirot a seat and asked, "Do you want a drink?" "No, I¡¯m fine." Junhyuk and Sungtae sat down again. "So, what do you want to talk about?" With some hesitation, Tirot said, "I want to talk about Brita¡¯s research." Junhyuk shook his head. "Is that a problem?" "No, it¡¯s not." Junhyuk satfortably. He wanted to hear what Tirot had to say, and Tirot looked straight at him and said, "Brita will need help from others." "Sure." Elise led her research, but she had a monster research team of her own. Just like Elise, Brita would also need a team. However, it wasn¡¯t the right time for that. Brita was dismantling the iron soldier, and that wasn¡¯t something that just anyone could have ess to. "I have a favor to ask of you." Sensing that Junhyuk wanted to hear from him, Tirot continued, "I have a lot of interest in biological engineering." Junhyuk became even more interested. Elise had knowledge of robotics, and Junhyuk supported Brita¡¯s attempt to catch up to her. Now, a biological engineer, Tirot, hade to him on his own. "Yeah? Then, what I can do for you?" "The remnants of the monsters from the Dimensional Battlefield and R-potions and bloodstones, I want ess to them." Junhyuk frowned slightly, and Tirot shivered a little. Then, Junhyuk raised his hand to let Tirot know that he wasn¡¯t frowning because of him and turned to Sungtae. "I need you to purchase one more building." "You are...?" "Monsters are veryrge. Considering Guardians¡¯b, one building for everything isn¡¯t enough. We have to buy a new building and repurpose it." Sungtae smacked his lips and said, "That¡¯ll be a massive construction." "It will, but it¡¯s necessary." Then, Junhyuk turned to Tirot and added, "OK, I¡¯ll have them for you." "Thank you." "However, until everything is done, you won¡¯t be able to run your research." "I know." "So, you may direct the construction yourself." "Thank you!" Tirot would be in charge of the researchb, so it would be good for him to lead its construction. Junhyuk got up and patted Tirot¡¯s shoulder. "You can have anything you want. Do your research." "Thank you." Tirot walked out, and Junhyuk looked at Sungtae and asked, "Is Tirot talented in biological engineering?" "Brita and Tirot are different from us. Tirot minored in biological engineering, and he also has a PhD in the field, but he doesn¡¯t talk about it because he is not a showoff." "A PhD from MIT isn¡¯t something to brag about?" "One can always get a PhD." Junhyuk wanted to punch Sungtae. "I want to beat you up." "Ha-ha-ha-ha! I have to go now. Got work to do." Sungtae left, and Junhyukughed and looked out of the window. Within the jungle of buildings in the Guro District, he knew he was taking steps forward. Chapter 292 Weed Out 1 Jeffrey looked at the people in front of him. There were a total of four people, men and women, and they all stared at him. He smiled brightly at them and said, "Nice to meet you. I am Jeffrey and I¡¯ll be responsible for teaching you." "What are you going to teach us?" Jeffrey looked at a depraved-looking high school student, slowly closed his eyes and opened them again. He had been through numerous battles before. The high school student got scared of Jeffrey¡¯s look, and Jeffrey turned to the others and said, "I will be teaching you how to survive the Dimensional Battlefield. It¡¯s the least I can do." After he said that, he gave them two-handed swords. "Wielding a weapon should be basic, and your powers will help out your allies. Shall we check your powers?" They wondered if they should follow Jeffrey¡¯s order, so they just stared at him, but Jeffrey looked at them andughed. "Sorry to tell you, but if I don¡¯t pass you, your contract will be nullified." "What do you mean by the contract being nullified?" "That¡¯s the authority I have." --- Wednesday. Junhyuk had just killed monsters ande out of training. After walking out of the shower, he noticed his cell phone ringing. He checked the number first and picked it up. "What¡¯s the matter?" "I have something to tell you. Can we talk?" "Where are you?" "I¡¯m in front of your former house, but is the construction not finished?" "I moved to next door." "Oh! I¡¯ll there soon." THe doorbell rang, and Junhyuk opened the door. Jeffrey was holding a six-pack and chuckled. "Really, I can¡¯t understand the reason for your empty houses." "I live alone, so I don¡¯t need a lot." "True, but this is too much." Junhyukughed and brought some fruit out of the refrigerator. Jeffrey opened a can of beer and gave it to him. "You are something else. You bought this house like it was nothing." "I had no other choice." Jeffrey sipped on his beer and said, "You know they are collecting novices, right?" "Any good results?" "Doyeol has five of them including Tsubasa. She has already been to the Dimensional Battlefield and returned, so I don¡¯t have to watch her, but the others haven¡¯t gone yet, so I¡¯m training them." "Training?" "On how to survive the Dimensional Battlefield." When novices survived they could be a lot of help. Doyeol knew that, so he was having them trained. "What¡¯s Doyeol going to do with these novices?" "He wants to weed out the good from the bad. Tsubasa is protecting Eunseo at Guardians. Doyeol wants to do something with those who survive." "Is that right?" "And if he can make a security team made up of novices, it¡¯ll be his best shot at keeping safe. Novices have powers that go beyond thews of physics, afterall." "Just like when he hired you." "Yes." Junhyuk stared at Jeffrey and said, "Elise invented an expert wavelength detector." Jeffrey frowned. "How did she do it?" "An expert appeared during thest poring incident. Haven¡¯t you heard?" "No, not yet." "Well, she did it, so if you want to hide the fact that you are an expert, talk to her." "Will she listen to me?" "Not sure, but it¡¯s the only way." "Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?" "I told you, we are a team." Jeffrey was d to hear that and said, "That¡¯s good to hear." "Can you tell me about monster taming?" Junhyuk asked him. "I don¡¯t know much." "Help me here." Jeffrey answered nonchntly, "If you take monsters to the brink of death, you can tame them." "OK." Junhyuk thought about the rtionship he had with Jeffrey. He wanted to maintain a certain distance from him and decided he couldn¡¯t give Jeffrey B-ranked monsters for him to tame. He couldn¡¯t allow Jeffrey into his training facility yet. In the evenings, he trained with Sarang, but he trained by himself from home in the mornings. If he went to Seoul to train, he would have a hard time meeting Jeffrey. "So did you recruit any novices?" Junhyuk asked calmly. "Unless they¡¯ve already been to the Dimensional Battlefield, I have no intention of recruiting them. And I can¡¯t offer more money than Doyeol." In reality, Junhyuk had more liquid assets than Doyeol. However, while at first he had wanted to gather all of the novices, now that he had the bracelets, he only wanted to recruit the ones he could trust. Jeffrey smiled and asked, "I heard Sora Shin has left Guardians. Did you pay for her contract termination fee?" "That¡¯s correct." "She¡¯s in your team." "I can trust Sora." Sora thought she had survived the Dimensional Battlefield because of Junhyuk, so she followed him blindly. That¡¯s why he had taken her into his team. Jeffrey¡¯s lips twitched. "You don¡¯t trust me?" "You tried to kill me. For us to trust each other, we need more time." Jeffrey didn¡¯t want to be Junhyuk¡¯s enemy, thinking that, among the surviving human, Junhyuk was probably the strongest. He had figured it out after bing an expert. There weren¡¯t a lot of weapons that could crack his armor, even heavy artillery couldn¡¯t do it. So, what about Junhyuk¡¯s armor? He was a champion, so he had to have acquired an unimaginable amount of gold coins. He must not be touched. "I¡¯ll try harder." Junhyuk doesn¡¯t respond. --- Jeffrey had left, and Junhyuk was on his way to GST. With the bracelet on, he could let the living spirit go through his arteries, so it was now possible for him to train 24/7. He wanted to pay more attention to GST. Up to that point, he had had Ganesha and trusted Sungtae, but now, he was making a roboticsb and a biological engineeringb. He wanted to award those of simr importance to Sungtae. They were the chiefs of hisbs, and he thought he had to maintain his position within thepany, so he reported to work to do his daily tasks, and after work, he trained with Sarang. That was his daily routine. The secretaries were nervous because he was showing up for work every day. Sungtae joked around with them, but Junhyuk never did. Inside apany, if someone was soft, someone else had to be firm, so he intentionally made them nervous so that they¡¯d do their work right. Junhyuk went to his office, turned on theputer and connected to Ganesha. "Ganesha, search for these people: Sungtack Lim, Eunkyung Kim, Joonsang Seo, Jungsu Ma." [Found: Sungtack Lim, 128 matches; Eunkyung Kim, 1,452 matches; Joonsang Seo, 72 matches; Jungsu Ma, 7 matches.] "Search for Sungtack Lim, eighteen years old; Eunkyung Kim, twenty-two years old; Joonsang Seo, thirty-four years old; and Jungsu Ma, thirty-two years old." [Found: Sungtack Lim, one match; Eunkyung Kim, thirty-five matches; Joonsang Seo, two matches; Jungsu Ma, one match.] "Put them on the screen." As Junhyuk looked over their IDs onscreen, he touched his chin. Jeffrey had told him about them, so he was scoping them out. There were pictures, and he could tell the four of them right away. Two had attack powers, one had a defensive power, and the other had another kind of power. "He is moving so fast." The country was now trying to gather novices, but Doyeol was moving faster than the government. Junhyuk could only imagine the power Doyeol had. "That¡¯s about right." When Doyeol was ST Capsule¡¯s CEO, he had arge influence among South Korea¡¯s billionaires, but with Guardians, he was earning astronomical sums of money. Among all of Korea¡¯s billionaires, Doyeol was the one that could change the course of things. It¡¯s been said that money could summon ghosts, and now, Doyeol had the money he wanted to monopolize novices. "It was a nice move to hire Jeffrey." Jeffrey had survived the Dimensional Battlefield many times over. While they drank, Jeffrey told Junhyuk that he was pairing novices ording to their powers. If a monster appeared, the new novices would be able to deal with the monster if they didn¡¯t let their guard down. "But I don¡¯t know what will happen if they actually meet a monster." Right now, monsters were showing up everywhere to activate people¡¯s powers, but soon, they would send even stronger monsters. "Then, we¡¯ll weed out the good from the bad." Not all novices were the same. He was thinking about what Jeffrey had told him when his cell phone rang. Junhyuk checked the number. It was Elise, so he picked up. "What¡¯s wrong?" "There¡¯s a monster attack!" "Don¡¯t you have two iron soldiers?" "The monsters are appearing in four different sites. Two more than there are iron soldiers." Junhyuk looked at the sky. Did management know about the number of iron soldiers? "So?" "Can¡¯t you use the iron soldiers I gave you?" He grimaced. He could deploy one, but the other one was dismantled. "Only one of them is operable right now." "Then, give me some support. I¡¯ll send the monster response team to the other site." "The monster response team?" "They are made up of special forces equipped with weapons to fight against monsters. They can deal with it. " Junhyuk said calmly, "I understand. Where do I send mine to?" "Deal with the monster in Inchon." "Tell me the exact location." "I¡¯ll send you the coordinates." "Sure." After he hung up, Junhyuk called Brita. He was waiting for the elevator while he exined everything to her. "How long will it take to deploy the iron soldier?" "We can deploy one right now. But there¡¯s no way for it to get out, so it¡¯ll destroy a wall in the process." Junhyuk took a moment to think and said, "I¡¯ll decide where to make the exit. Get it ready." "Yes." "Then, I¡¯ll send you the coordinates." "Yes." He got on the elevator and went to Brita¡¯sb. There, he put the iron soldier in his Spatial Bag. Brita had already seen him take it out, so she wasn¡¯t surprised. "When I call you again, deploy it." "Yes." He went out and quickly teleported to the roof of the building next to his. He could teleport a hundred meters now, so he did it again. Once he was far away from hispany, he pulled out the iron soldier and made the call. "Brita, deploy it." "Yes." He watched the iron soldier fly away and said, "Run the feed on a monitor." "Sure." "I¡¯ll be there soon." Within forty seconds, he had teleported back to thepany and gone to see Brita. She was looking at arge screen. "I sent it to the coordinates, but what is going on?" "A monster attack is expected. How long until it gets there?" "Three minutes. If it breaks the sound barrier, it can get there sooner." He was about to order for the speed up, but he checked the coordinates again and said calmly, "Don¡¯t use Mach speed. I¡¯m not sure what will happen." "Yes, sir." He was watching the feed when Sungtae walked in. They all hadmand over the iron soldier, so he had received a warning. "What is going on?" "Guardians requested a deployment to deal with monsters." Junhyuk crossed his arms and watched the screen. Elise had requested the deployment, but the iron soldier was headed to a ce Jeffrey had talked about, the novice¡¯s training facility. A monster was about to show up at that exact spot, so it might be stronger than expected. The weeding out would start earlier than expected. Chapter 293 Weed Out 2 Junhyuk had deployed the iron soldier toote to check out the novices¡¯ powers. Suddenly, his phone rang gain. When he looked at the number, he saw it was Elise and picked up. "The iron soldier has been deployed." "I have a more serious problem." "What problem?" "There are more dimensional tears than there are iron soldiers deployed in every country. To be more urate, there are two more dimensional tears in every country." "Are you saying the novices are their new targets?" "You expected that, and things turned out just like you said." Every country had gathered novices and trained them. Although, in South Korea, Doyeol was the one doing that job. The dimensional tears appeared at the locations of those novices, which meant that management was trying to kill them. "Don¡¯t send iron soldiers to where the novices are gathered. They will deal with the monsters anyway." "What if the monsters¡¯ strengths are equal to the novices¡¯?" "If that¡¯s the case, there is nothing the iron soldier can do now." "Right. I¡¯ll consider you advice." Junhyuk knew that the weeding out had started in full swing. This was a worldwide event, and it was possible that some novices would evolve into experts. Junhyuk hung up the phone and pondered everything. There were still so few novices. If they were to count up all of the novices currently, there wouldn¡¯t even be three hundred. The number of people that would evolve from this, if any, wouldn¡¯t be high. He was thinking about things when the iron soldier feed focused on arge factory building. It¡¯s roof had been torn off. "Approach slowly." The iron soldier looked down into the building through the roofless opening. When Junhyuk looked down at what was below the iron soldier, he scowled. "A golem?" Therge golem was at least a C-ranked monster. Even novices with attack-focused powers, they were no match. The novices would have a hard time finding its core. Still scowling, Junhyuk said, "They will all die." "What do we do?" He sighed. The iron soldier would also have issues reaching the golem¡¯s core. Then, the attacks started. A novice extended his hand toward golem, creating an explosion. The golem simply walked through while another novice extended his hand. The golem stopped all of a sudden. "Focus fire!" Junhyuk ordered right away. "Yes, sir!" While the golem was paralyzed, the iron soldier let loose a ferocious barrage on it. The golem¡¯s upper body cracked, and it ran forward. After it regained its movements, the golem stepped on the novice, killing him. Then, it swung its arm. A man created an ice spear and threw it at the monster, but it didn¡¯t damage it at all. A woman stepped in front of the golem and extended her hand while the golem punched at her. Her hand erged, and she blocked the golem¡¯s fist. Boom! The shock from the block sent the woman rolling on the ground. Meanwhile, the golem attacked the others. "Prioritize rescuing those people rather than destroying the golem!" Junhyuk said, still scowling. "Yes, sir!" The iron soldier fired at the golem¡¯s head, flew down, snatched the woman and then flew back up. The two men left on the ground shouted after it. "Save us!" "Save me!" The broken pieces of the golem started regenerating, and the iron soldier fired at its chest, but it was unable to bring the golem down. The iron soldier could only buy more time. The iron soldier was able to hug the man, but was unable to grab the high school student. The golem swung its giant fist at the student first and smashed right through him. Unmoved by what he was seeing, Junhyuk asked, "Are we safe?" "Two people have died." "How many do you think have died due to monster appearances? Relocate those that have been rescued and go back and deal with the giant golem." Brita asked carefully, "Can it deal with the golem?" "An incendiary bomb will deal take the golem down." The iron soldier had to find the golem¡¯s core to be able to destroy it. After cing the two people on a roof far away from the scene, it flew back toward the golem. The golem hadn¡¯t attacked the surroundings. Instead, it had followed them, and it was on top of an adjacent building, readying itself. The shattered parts of its body had already recovered. When the iron soldier flew over it, the golem kicked the roof and jumped. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected to the golem to have a jumping power like that. The iron soldier shot at the golem, but the golem ignored the attacks, focusing instead on the people that had been left on the top of the other building. The two quickly retreated, but when the golemnded on the roof, it crushed it. Junhyuk frowned. It seemed like the golem had been designed to kill novices. The golem was only attacking them. With the roof destroyed, the building started to tilt, and the two novices started rolling toward the edge of the building. As Junhyuk watched, he said, "Attack the golem¡¯s chest!" The iron soldier fired the incendiary bombs from its shoulder. They were small, but they were highly destructive. When the bombs hit the golem¡¯s chest, they exploded. Boom! The explosion was massive, and the mes raged from within it. Cracks appeared everywhere on the golem, but its core was still safe, and it did not fall down. Scowling, Junhyuk said, "The iron soldier has a weapon that use the energy of its core. Can you use it?" "Wait a moment." The screen disyed the weapons¡¯ categories, and Brita found the one. She asked, "Shall I use it?" "Target the golem¡¯s stomach." Brita gave themands, and the iron soldier extended its hand toward the golem¡¯s stomach. The incendiary bombs had hit it and left a hole, so the iron soldier took advantage of that and released the bright blue beam from its hand toward it. The golem jumped and punched the ground, killing the man that had survived up to now. Then, the golem¡¯s core was shattered, and shrapnel made of its destroyed body parts flew everywhere. The iron soldier¡¯s hand had been destroyed from the shock of the attack, and Junhyuk frowned while assessing the situation. Luckily, he saw that the woman, Eunkyung Kim, was still alive. "Take that woman to a nearby hospital." "Sure." The iron soldier took the woman and flew away, and Junhyuk took a moment to think about her. People with defensive powers usually had higher rates of survival. Attack and magic powers could be used against heroes, but heroes could also easily kill those foes. However, defensive powers were different. Junhyuk walked out of the building and got in a car. While heading toward Incheon, he called Brita. "Use the iron soldier to take her to the hospital." "Sure." He drove toward the hospital to where the iron soldier was headed. Driving toward the closest emergency hospital to the fight, he inhaled deeply. "She has high survivability. I have to see her." He drove to St. Mary¡¯s Hospital at the Catholic University of Incheon and, as he parked his car, he saw many people moving around. They were all looking at the iron soldier in front of the ER. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t sent it back yet, so he teleported to the roof of the hospital and called Brita. "Send the iron soldier to the roof. I¡¯ll deal with it." When the iron soldier arrived on the roof, he walked up to it and stashed it in his Spatial Bag. Then, he teleported back to the parking lot. Appearing inside his car, he casually opened the door and walked toward the ER. Junhyuk had driven really fast, so the reporters weren¡¯t there yet. He walked over to Eunkyung, who was lying on a gurney, waiting for a room. She had been hit by the shrapnel, and her shoulder was shattered. However, if she were to be called to the Dimensional Battlefield, that injury would heal. Eunkyung looked at him and asked, "Who are you?" "I¡¯m the owner of the iron soldier that rescued you." "What?! Doesn¡¯t it belong to Guardians?" "No." He pulled out a pen and paper and wrote Max¡¯s contact. "Doyeol can¡¯t help you now. If you need help at any time, just give me a call. However, I hope you will memorize this number and burn the paper." Eunkyung memorized the number. She was surprised that the iron soldier was privately owned, but she was certain that he would help her. Doyeol had failed to protect her, so she wanted to memorize the number. "But Doyeol made me an offer I can¡¯t refuse," she said. "The $1 million annual sry?" "Yes." "I¡¯ll pay you $2 million a year. Don¡¯t get tied up because of money. I can give you money. But if you die, everything will be meaningless." Junhyuk saw peopleing, signaled with his hand to warn security and left. He was getting away, and that¡¯s when she saw the reporters swarming in. The iron soldier had brought her there, and the reporters wanted to know why. A doctor arrived and moved the gurney. "Where are you taking me?" "To a ward. Let¡¯s move." Shey on the bed, relieved that she had escaped the reporters and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she was inside a VIP room. The reporters couldn¡¯t get in there. As shey there, the door opened, and Doyeol walked in. He straightened his clothes and walked over to her. "Are you OK?" "I¡¯m fine." "Are you the only survivor?" "Yes." Doyeol sighed and said, "OK. Get some rest. I¡¯ll be backter." "OK." When Doyeol walked out, he joined Jeffrey and said, "That monster showed up like it knew where the novices were." "And it was a higher-ranked monster." "Really!?" They had thought that the novices would be able to kill monsters, but the novices had been massacred. If the iron soldier had not saved one, they would have all died. "Sigh! I lost some valuable people." Novices had powers that went beyond thews of physics. A novice¡¯s power could only be stopped by a novice¡¯s defensive power, and without anyone knowing, he had been collecting novices to use them. Now, he had lost most of them. "Keep an eye on this ce¡¯s defenses." "I will." Jeffrey had the authority to delegate Doyeol¡¯s orders. He made a call while following Doyeol out, gave out a few orders and continued walking. Before walking Doyeol out, he looked back. She had survived the monster attack in the only way she could. Jeffrey didn¡¯t know the details, but the important thing was that she had survived. He hadn¡¯t been interested in the others anyway. Instead, he thought of recruiting her. Chapter 294 Changing the Strategy 1 The weeding out had taken ce all over the world, and every country had lost arge number of novices. Every country had kept secret the number of novices they actually possessed, but people knew that only a few novices had survived. In South Korea, the iron soldier had been deployed as support, and only one novice survived. Other ces must have gone through simr experiences. "Did any of them evolve to experts?" Starting at the expert level, people would be moreplicated to deal with. However, if Junhyuk was the one who found the expert, he could do it easily. Even experts didn¡¯t have a lot of health. On top of that, Junhyuk could tell if his opponent was an expert. After getting the iron soldier back to theb, he focused on his training. Instead of going to his house in Paju, he trained from within his house in Seoul with Sarang. He trained hard, pushing the living spirit through his veins. He didn¡¯t go to work anymore, focusing only on training. Just like before, he let the living spirit travel through his arteries in the training facility, and at one point, he felt his surroundings getting brighter and brighter. When he opened his eyes, he found himself at a familiar ced and looked for the amount of gold he had: 251,760G. Previously, he had thought that amount was unimaginably high, but now, he felt like it was nothing. "If I can earn more money..." He pped himself lightly, summoned all of his equipment and walked to the entrance. Suddenly, he heard a soft voice. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed] He walked outside as the door opened, and seeing the numerous minions, he proceeded with a proud posture. The minions made way for him, and he shook his head slightly. As he stood there, Sarang came running toward him soon after. Nowadays, they had trained together every day, but it had been a long time since both had been together on the battlefield. Her height stood out among the minions, and he smiled. "Your soul has grown." "Really?! You have grown as well." "Yeah?" While training with Sarang, he had practiced using the living spirit, so now he could use eleration at will. Arn had told him to continue training even after mastering eleration. While Junhyuk talked to Sarang, the heroes showed up inside the castle, and Junhyuk smiled at them. "You came!" Vera ran toward him and gave him a big hug. Buried in her chest, he was surprised and shouted, "What¡¯s wrong?!" "Wrong? You are so adorable!" Diane walked over to him, pped his butt and said, "This is mine now, didn¡¯t I tell you?" "That¡¯s right but..." There were so many people around that he couldn¡¯t allow her to, but Diane didn¡¯t care, and kept on patting his butt. "This time, I thought you were going to lose, and that made me really nervous." "You thought I was going to lose?" "Yep. Nid and Kilraden are both famous champions. Then, they joined Kraken, who is really strong, as teammates, so I thought you were going to lose." "Were the odds high then?" Halo nodded. "You¡¯ve been winning so the odds had dropped, but due to the new champions, the odds went back up." Junhyuk turned to look at Vera, and she showed him three fingers. "Getting three times what you bet is a good deal!" Junhyuk was relieved after hearing that. Vera had made money, so she could pay him now. "That¡¯s great!" Arn¡¯s hand fell on his shoulder, and the hero said, "I want to talk too, but now isn¡¯t the time." "What are we going to do now?" The legend candidates were so strong that the allies just couldn¡¯t win in ordinary fashion. Ordinary means would be meaningless andpletely useless in achieving victory against them. "Just follow me," Arn said calmly. He took the lead, and the other heroes followed. They did not take any minions with them, which meant that they wanted to move as fast as possible. As he ran, Junhyuk guessed at their strategy. "Are we going to Bebe from the start?" "Correct." Nudra, with his hands behind his back, smiled at him. "We¡¯ll get new items first." "And then?" "Then we¡¯ll focus on the middle path." Junhyuk nodded. Their enemies were confident in their own strengths. During thest battle, they had controlled all threenes, so they would be attacking with confidence. Last time, when the enemy had three heroes and the allies had all five, the allies still lost the engagement. However, this time would be different. Junhyuk had gotten stronger because of the living spirit, and the allied heroes would have new items. He knew things would be different from before. They ran as quickly as possible and did not meet any enemies. When they got to Bebe, they realized the enemies must be destroying all three first towers just like before. While the heroes looked at items, Vera walked up to him. "So, can you sell me that ring?" Junhyuk nodded and showed her the ring. It was a unique item listed at 2,000,000G, and Vera pushed her te toward him. "The original price of the ring is 2,000,000G. I told you I¡¯d offer you 70 percent of it, so 1,400,000G. How about it?" "Sold!" "OK. ce your hand on the te." He did so, and the gold was transferred. After the 1,400,000G was added to his total, he was left with 1,651,760G. Looking at that number, he shivered. He had never thought he would have that much gold at once. He gave her the ring, and Vera put it on and gave him a big hug. "Thanks!" "I should thank you!" Junhyuk started thinking about what to do with all that money. He didn¡¯t want to get any new items now, so the first thing to do was to level-up the Pure Golden Knight Elder set. After walking over to Bebe, he said carefully, "I want to level-up the Pure Golden Knight Elder set." "That¡¯s fine. Each level-up costs 200,000G." Junhyuk took off his equipment and gave the items to Bebe. "Level-up all five of them." "Sure." Junhyuk had just spent 1,000,000G, but he didn¡¯t miss the money. Bebe pulled out some liquids and gems from the counter and ced a gem over each of the Pure Golden Knight Elder items. Then,ughing, Bebe said, "The level-up is a good thing. It¡¯s not a simple upgrade, so expect interesting results." There were two bracelets, a ring, a boot and a cloak in front of Bebe. Every item had an attack-stat boost, but the items¡¯ levels were rather low. However, after the level-ups, things would be different. With the gem on the items, Bebe poured the liquid over them. Once the liquid hit them, the Pure Golden Knight Elder items shone bright gold, even more so than before. The golden light soon seeped into the equipment, and Bebe smiled at him and said, "The level-ups are done." It had been quicker than he had expected. So, he touched every piece of equipment, inspecting them and putting them on.--- Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Bracelet (set item)Attack +10 (+10)Health +100 The Golden Knight Elder wore this bracelet. In the past, he was called a legend and he carried items to increase his attack power. There was no one who could withstand a blow from him. After the level up, this piece of equipment is stronger than ever before.Having aplete set increases the power of the item. --- The bracelet had not only gained a boost to attack, but it had also gained a health boost, and Junhyuk¡¯s hands started shaking. "This... this can¡¯t be." He had only invested 200,000G, but the results had far exceeded his expectations. So, he quickly inspected the other pieces of equipment. The other bracelet had the same attributes, so his health increased by two hundred with both of them. After putting them on, he picked up the ring, and his eyes beamed as he put it on. The item¡¯s attack stat had double, and he had gained twenty defense on top of that. Then, he put on the boot. Its attack stat had also doubled, and his movement speed increased by 5 percent. The item also added a regeneration rate of fifty. Lastly, he picked up his cloak. --- Pure Golden Knight Elder¡¯s Cloak (set item) Attack +10 (+10)Defense +5 (+10)Absolute Dodge +10% The Golden Knight Elder wore this cloak. In the past, he was called a legend and he carried items to increase his attack power. There was no one who could withstand a blow from him. After the level up, this piece of equipment is stronger than ever before.Having aplete set increases the power of the item. Two-Item Set Effect: Armor Piercing +35 (+10)Three-Item Set Effect: Additional Fixed Damage +50 (+50)Four-Item Set Effect: 50% (+10%) area of effect damage at a 10-meter radius.Five-Item Set Effect: 20% (+5%) chance of an extra attack at 50% normal damage. --- The cloak used to add 3 percent to evade, but now it had an absolute dodge stat. The set effects were also much better. Junhyuk had only invest 1,000,000G, but the results he had gotten from it were things he couldn¡¯t even had guessed at. "Is this the power of the level up?" He couldn¡¯t even get a unique piece of equipment with 1,000,000G, but his strength had increased tremendously with the set items¡¯ level ups. Looking at Bebe, Junhyuk asked, "Leveling up a set item is much better than buying new equipment! Why isn¡¯t everyone doing the same thing?" Bebe¡¯s mouth hung wide open, and he startedughing loudly. "Most people know that, but it¡¯s not easy to get set items. And to be able to protect one¡¯s equipment until the end?! Only those who will be legends may dream such dreams." Junhyuk paid careful attention to what Bebe told him. He wanted to protect his items and collect the entire set. "Did you get any new Pure Golden Knight Elder set items?" "Nothing." Junhyuk nodded slowly and checked the rest of his equipment. He had 651,760G left. If he got a new Pure Golden Knight Elder set item and leveled it up, that would cost him 300,000G, so it would be 600,000G for two items. Thinking that way, he decided he could only afford to spend fifty 50,000G, and started thinking about what he could do with it. Junhyuk handed Bebe the Blood Rune Sword and said, "Last time, I upgraded it with a reward upgrade stone. Can I do it again with one of your stones?" Bebe smirked at him. "You are smart." "Why?" "Upgrade stones are rare at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, but the quality of those stones is different from mine. Sometimes, champions have better equipment than heroes." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes beamed, and he extended his hand. "What¡¯s the limit to basic upgrades?" "Everything up to the fifth upgrade is a basic upgrade." Biting his own lip, Junhyuk said, "Give me five upgrade stones." Chapter 295 Changing the Strategy 2 Junhyuk looked at Bebe¡¯s enhancement stones. They were different from the ones he had earned at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, and they increased attack and endurance by 20 percent. He raised the Blood Rune Sword, on which he had used the reward enhancements stones from the Champions¡¯ Battlefield and sessfully upgraded it to plus five. The original damage had increased by 90, so its basic attack was at 250. He could upgrade it five more times with the Dimensional Battlefield stones. Feeling nervous, he started the upgrades by using the enhancement stones just like he had learned from Bebe. After he finished the upgrades, he raised the Blood Rune Sword, astonished. Its attack stat was beyond anything ever before. The Blood Rune Sword now had an attack of 622, and Junhyuk was deeply moved. "Now, let¡¯s go slice and dice them," he said, and everyoneughed. They knew he had enhanced his sword, but he still couldn¡¯t fight heroes alone. His normal attack had dealt 1 percent damage to Keros, and his damage was now four times what it had been when they fought. So, his normal attack should deal about 4 percent damage. Junhyuk expected his Spatial sh to do the job, but he couldn¡¯t make that much of a difference. "We are aiming for Tuelus. We have killed him already, so it should be easy to do it now." "But there is no guarantee we will meet him." "Even if we meet others, we¡¯ll have the advantage, and because of that, we¡¯ll win this time." The truth was that Junhyuk wasn¡¯t expecting much. Even though he had gotten stronger himself, the enemies possessed unmatched strength. "Push middle?" "Correct." Junhyuk gathered his breath. "Let¡¯s go." The heroes were all better equipped now. They had all bought better items than the ones they had lost, so the new equipment should help out. Arn¡¯s eyes beamed. "Let¡¯s go." The group started running toward the middlene. There was nobody at the middle tower. The enemies had already destroyed the allied tower, so they had to be looking for the allies. "Let¡¯s destroy the first tower!" It wasn¡¯t a lot of work destroying a tower, even without minions. "Please, your Spatial sh." Without thinking about it, Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. After he took care of the archers, they pounded at the empty tower, and that was all. Once they destroyed the tower, Arn said, "We can reach the second tower quicker than the enemying toward us. They must also destroy the second tower before following us, but we are faster." If the enemies destroyed all of the second towers in the allied territory, the allies wouldn¡¯t have the advantage. But if the allies destroyed the second tower in the middlene, they would be able to push forward at any time. They all followed Arn to the second tower and destroyed it as well. After the tower fell, Arn sighed deeply. "They¡¯ve opened up all of the paths, but we also got onene. Let¡¯s return." "Return?" Arn nodded. "We will head out after we return. If we vanish from here, our enemies will also return. Then, a few of them will advance in order to find us." Arn smiled and added, "When they split up, we¡¯ll counterattack." Junhyuk nodded, and they prepared to return. It seemed like the enemies were winning, but things would be different. The allies would have a chance if they counterattacked when and if their enemies split up. Junhyuk had returned with the heroes, and they were all inside the castle. They didn¡¯t know where the enemies were and looked at each other. "If we move, where do you want to take us?" Arn took a moment to think and said, "Three of them have to have stayed at the castle, so let¡¯s take the lower path." The group moved again. They didn¡¯t take any minions with them either this time. Currently, the allies were engaged in a type of guerri warfare, trying to split up their enemies. Being legend candidates, their enemies were overconfident and moved in small groups. Three of them had killed five allied heroes before, so they had probably left three within the castle and two were out in search of them. Now, the allies had to cut them down. While they moved, Sarang asked Vera a lot of questions, and Vera answered her kindly. Junhyuk also wanted to learn, so he walked over to Arn. "Arn." "What?" "I want to learn things other than eleration." Arnughed. "Once eleration is mastered, you can learn strengthening. Should I tell you about it?" "Strengthening?" Junhyuk was expecting something big. He couldn¡¯t use eleration in its original form in the Dimensional Battlefield, but it was still amazing. Strengthening would also help him, and he wanted to learn it. "I want to learn it." Arn looked at him andughed. "By the way, are you absorbing mana right now?" "I can control it now." For a few days, Junhyuk had trained so that he could let the living spirit travel through his veins while he did other things. There was an enormous quantity of mana in the Dimensional Battlefield, and if he wasn¡¯t to do other things while the living spirit absorbed mana, the spirit would only be a burden. Hearing his answer, Arn nodded. "Strengthening is when you gather your forces and let it rip." "How is that different frompression?" Arn showed him his hand. "You have to divide the living spirit." "Divide living spirit?" "That¡¯s right. It is a more advanced skill than eleration. Divide the living spirit and sent it to the tips of your fingers. Do so in continuous waves. Gather the living spirit in your arteries and sent it to the tips of your fingers." Arn extended his hand and added, "Then you make it explode." Junhyuk had already felt the living spirit traveling through his veins and dividing into small bits throughout his entire body. But he had not intended to do it, and he hadn¡¯t tried it again. Since the Dimensional Battlefield had so much mana, however, he could always try there. After Arn¡¯s pointers, Junhyuk focused on the living spirit and tried to divide it. He had been using the living spirit intentionally for a while, but currently, it was impossible for him to divide it at will. He was still focusing on the living spirit when the group reached the bottom tower. The watchtower could be seen from far away, and Arn nodded slightly. "The castle wall hasn¡¯t been attacked yet," Arn said. "When we have the chance, let¡¯s destroy the tower." The group attacked the tower, and while they did, Junhyuk focused on dividing the living spirit. It wasn¡¯t an easy thing to do at will, but he had learned it now. Suddenly, the reed field behind the watchtower started moving, and Arn responded to the sound. He turned to look and saw a person flying in at high speed. The person was using a power to close in as quickly as possible, and he was holding a massive sword. Keros appeared with his sword, and Arn, wielding both of his sabers, ran toward him. Boom! Arn was pushed back, and Junhyuk turned to look around. If Keros was there, there might be others as well. And as expected, someone was running toward them along ten flying re bombs. Junhyuk raised the force field. For ten seconds, the allies could do whatever they wanted to, so Arn used the seven-strikebo on Keros. Previously, that attack had only dealt the hero 5 percent of damage. However, this time, it took 10 percent of the hero¡¯s health. Arn had gotten better equipment, but the damage was still phenomenal. As Arn attacked, Halo ran forward and used his sh attack on Keros, who raised his massive sword to parry. ng! Halo started bleeding, and Junhyuk grimaced. Keros was trying to escape when a fire spear hit him. Boom! Keros frowned and stepped back. A volley of arrows flew his away, but he blocked everything and continued running away. He was trying to hide within the reed field, where Tuelus was already hiding. They were legend candidates, but they were also realistic. They would be in danger for ten seconds, so they retreated. They were pros and had fought numerous opponents, so they wouldn¡¯t let their guards down. When Arn saw then running away, he said quickly, "Pursue!" The allies could chase down two enemies even without Junhyuk¡¯s force field. The effectiveness of their new equipment was showing. "Howe you dealt so much damage now?" "My attack is the same, but I sliced through the enemy¡¯s defense," Arn frowned and said. "How high is your piercing stat?" Arn didn¡¯t answer. Instead, he smiled. He had intentionally increased piercing, and Junhyuk had renewed hope. The allies would be able to deal with their enemies now. As they ran toward the reed field, the force field disappeared. They had advanced into the reed field when Keros¡¯ sword exploded. Boom! Sword shrapnel flew all over, and the allies got swept in a whirlwind of it. Keros, knowing he was being chased, prepared his ultimate while in the reed field. As the ultimate took the allies¡¯ healths away, Junhyuk learned something else: the allies had focused on killing and not on keeping themselves alive. For example, Arn had spent all of his gold on piercing boosts. Without that kind of investment, their attacks would be useless against their enemies, however. The best defense was a good offense, and their best chances at survival were in killing their enemies before they themselves were killed. However, that was easier said than done. Keros stepped back, and Tuelus stepped forward. The two machines created a sh that turned into a circle. In the allied camp, things were chaotic all of a sudden. Tuelusbined the two machines into one, and Junhyuk shouted at him, "It won¡¯t happen again!" Junhyuk teleported, and right before he did so, the heroes touched him, and they all appeared behind Tuelus. Tuelus fired the blue beam at the empty space, and Junhyuk used the Spatial sh, slicing Tuelus¡¯ neck, dealing 33 percent of damage to the hero. Previously, he had only dealt 25 percent, so the damage was much highers. His critical hit rate had also increased due to the set level-up, and he was witnessing those effects. The Spatial sh created a shockwave around Tuelus that swept through Keros. Nudra, covered in the Rising Dragon, jumped off Keros¡¯ head, and Diane fired her explosive arrow. Boom! Tuelus got pushed back by Diane¡¯s arrow, and Nudranded on his head. Meanwhile, Arnunched his saber. When Tuelus staggered back, a fire orb exploded behind him. Boom! With that explosion, Tuelus turned translucent. Chapter 296 Variable 1 Tuelus had died without doing much and without mounting any of his own attacks. There was a bigger meaning to that, and that was that, in a team battle, if the allies attacked ferociously, they could easily kill an enemy hero. Keros had not expected Tuelus to die so meaninglessly, so he started feeling anxious and raised his sword up high. He was going to m it into the ground and create a shockwave, but before the shockwave was generated, Junhyuk took hold of the allied heroes and teleported away. Nudra, however, was rather far away, so Junhyuk couldn¡¯t save him. After teleporting, he watched Nudra being swept up by the shockwave. Only a little of his health remained after that, so if someone grazed him, Nudra would die. Keros ran toward Nudra, but Sarang fired her electric st at him. Keros was paralyzed, and the allied heroes focused their attacks on him. Arn jumped and swung his saber at Kero¡¯s head; Nudra front kicked him; Diane used her multishot; and Vera cast a firewall. In just a short time, all of the attacksnded. Meanwhile, Halo was also running toward Keros. With the allied heroes¡¯bined attacks, Keros started losing health quickly. Last time, even when the heroes¡¯ powersnded on their enemies, the damage they dealt Keros wasn¡¯t that high. However, now that they had new equipment, Keros was losing health in chunks. Keros had little health left, but the paralysis wore off, so he stepped forward while swinging his massive sword. He was aiming at Nudra, and Junhyuk tried to get to him. If anything went wrong, Nudra would be killed, and Junhyuk wanted to prevent that. Keros had already used all his powers, so it wouldn¡¯t be easy for him to kill Nudra. However, Nudra¡¯s health was almost gone, so he could die from a single hit. Keros¡¯ massive sword was heading toward Nudra, so Nudra sped both hands in front of himself and released a gust toward Keros. However, right at that moment, Keros kicked the ground and jumped. The jump wasn¡¯t one of Keros¡¯ powers, but the timing was right, and he escaped the gust. Then, he spun his body around,ing down with his sword on Nudra. Because Nudra was still generating the gust, he couldn¡¯t escape. But that¡¯s when a light green powder sprinkled over Nudra¡¯s head, and he regained 20 percent of his health. Keros sword attacknded, but it could not kill Nudra, who smirked and kicked him in return. Whack! Keros was hit on the chin, and Nudra was already in air, kicking Keros¡¯ neck again. It was a critical hit, and Keros also died. Junhyuk sighed, relieved. Among the five allied heroes, no one had died, and they had killed two enemies. Things were looking bright. Relieved, the group picked up the dropped items from the ground, and Junhyuk looked at Sarang. The enemies had used area-of-effect attacks twice, but Sarang had survived. "It¡¯s good that you are still alive!" Not only had she survived, but she had also saved Nudra with her powers. Sarang smiled at him. "Last time, they had also used area-of-effect attacks, so I kept a certain distance this time." She was still only an expert, but she had been to the Dimensional Battlefield many times. She had measured the distance of the enemies¡¯ attacks and read the timing of Junhyuk¡¯s teleportation correctly, all while keeping her distance while they closed in through the teleportation. After surviving the enemies¡¯ attacks, she had seized the opportunity. Junhyuk smiled and looked at the others. Nudra walked over and put his hand on Sarang¡¯s shoulder. "Thanks!" "I did my job." He smiled and continued, "Your healing has increased." "I¡¯m training hard." She was still in high school, so Sarang and Junhyuk only trained together in the evenings. Junhyuk fought the B-ranked monsters, but he didn¡¯t kill them all. Instead, he let himself get hit by them intentionally in order to increase Sarang¡¯s power through practice. It had worked. She could heal for a lot of health every time now, being able to heal Nudra by 20 percent. Vera came over and hugged Sarang by her neck, saying, "She is my apprentice!" Junhyuk looked at Arn and asked, "What do we do now?" "We¡¯ll push forward again. Let¡¯s destroy the second bottom tower. If our enemies show up with less than three heroes, we¡¯ll have another team battle," Arn said, taking the lead. Sarang followed him, and whenever she could, she practiced her healing on him. While making their way to the next tower, she healed all of the heroespletely. When they arrived at the second tower, they saw no enemy heroes, so they all smiled. "Let¡¯s destroy it and return!" Enough time had passed for the enemy heroes to revive, but they were not there, which might mean that they were giving that tower up. They would destroy the tower and return. It wouldn¡¯t take long to do it. However, when the tower was about to fall, enemies showed up. There were four of them, but one of them was really short. Looking at them, Junhyuk frowned. "That must be their expert." He was two meters tall and he didn¡¯t look like a champion, so he had to be an expert. He had des for arms, and although Junhyuk knew the Dimensional Battlefield wasn¡¯t just for humans, he was still coping with having to fight such creatures. With his two ded arms, the expert also had the head of an insect. As they approached, he just stood there among the enemy heroes. As Junhyuk scoped them out, he said, "He looks like an expert, so why did they not bring him outst time?" Experts could die once, so why didn¡¯t they let him tag along? However, even without that expert, the allies had been defeated, which now raised the question: Why were they bringing him out now? The allies had just killed Tuelus and Keros, and the enemies had shown up without them. mp, Aak, Lujet were there, and they looked very sturdy. Junhyuk was worried about how to deal with them. "Destroy the tower before they intervene!" Arn shouted quickly. Considering Aak¡¯s health, in an engagement, the allies couldn¡¯t destroy the tower unless they killed the enemies first. The enemies would be buffed if a fight broke out now, so before that happened, the allies had to destroy the tower. Everyone focused on the tower, and while the enemies aimed for the allies, the allies were able to destroy the tower before the enemies got much closer. Looking at them, Junhyuk realized that theycked long-ranged attacks. However, they all had enormous amounts of health. Still, because the allies had focused solely on attack boosts, they might have the advantage in this battle. Aak was the first to run toward the allies. He could even put pressure on the allies with the force field up. He was that strong. Seeing him run, Junhyuk decided on who he would attack first, Lujet. Lujet¡¯s attack was really strong, but he had low defense inparison to the others. The enemies were closing in, and Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. At that moment, the expert running toward him suddenly disappeared. If the expert was hiding, there was nothing Junhyuk could do. He used the Spatial sh on Lujet. With a single blow, Lujet lost 30 percent of his health. Lujet hadn¡¯t lost an item yet, so the damage wasn¡¯t extreme, but the Spatial shnded beautifully, also generating a shockwave. The expert still didn¡¯t show up. Aak was already close enough to the allies, so he stomped the ground. Boom! The shockwave generated from that paralyzed Arn, Halo, and Nudra, who were at the front. Vera and Diane had already fought Aak, so they had kept their distances and were safe. Junhyuk and Sarang had also stayed safe, but mp ran toward them and extended his hand. At that moment, Junhyuk felt his body being pulled toward the hero. Then, mp released a pulse from within his body that created a field that surrounded the area. "Power sealing!" The power sealing not only sealed powers away, but also inflicted a small amount of damage. Junhyuk grimaced, and he saw Lujeting forward and extending his hand. "I, Lujet,mand! Come here and help me, Peltra!" The five-meter tall demon appeared while nearly everyone was stunned and had their powers sealed off. The demon swung its fists toward the allies. Because their powers had been sealed off, it was impossible for Junhyuk to use his force field. If not, he would have. Junhyuk scowled, and Lujet extended a hand forward. A missile flew out of the hero¡¯s mechanical hand and hit Arn. Meanwhile, Junhyuk believed that all he had to do was survive and he would get his chance. He was preparing to use the force field once the seal had worn off when a de pierced his ribs. Junhyuk swung his sword at the area instinctively, and the de in his ribs pulled itself out. It was a critical hit, and he lost 30 percent of his health, so he looked for who had stabbed him. It had been the insect-headed expert. He had hid and stabbed him. Junhyuk was about to jump to get away when Aak swung his fist toward him. Seeing that, Junhyuk thought he could parry the fist and then raise the force field, but Aak¡¯s fist wasrger than normal. Boom! Junhyuk got hit in the face, and the world turned ck all around him. He lost 50 percent of his health. --- Another death. He travelled through the thick darkness, but he was having a hard time. "Aha!" he breathed out roughly, kneeling on the ground. He thought he would never get used to dying. After gathering himself, he got up. "What killed me?!" Junhyuk didn¡¯t know all of the enemies¡¯ powers, but Aak¡¯s attack was extraordinary. "Was it one of Aak¡¯s powers?" Junhyuk¡¯s defense was quite high. However, the attack had pierced his defenses and taken away 50 percent of his health. He¡¯d been killed with a single hit, so he wasn¡¯t sure of the damage. "He¡¯s only a tank, so how can he deal so much damage?" He was not sure about what had happened, but he thought that attack would be deadly for Vera and Diane. Then, he decided to head outside and connect to the heroes. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] Junhyuk walked outside and saw the the minions milling about. Without realizing, he touched his own ribs. "That hidested longer than I had imagined." The expert¡¯s hiding powersted longer than Kilraden¡¯s. On top of that, he had prated his defenses and dealt 30 percent of damage to him. For an expert, that was a lot. Junhyuk decided to wait. The heroes might still be fighting, and he didn¡¯t want to connect to them while that was going on. However, while waiting, the heroes showed up behind him. "We got killed." Shocked, he saw Arn, Halo, and Nudra walking toward him at the same time. "All of you?" "That demon summoning made cookie dough out of us." The demon¡¯s attack power was really high. Without the force field, no one could fight it. With the demon attacking uninterruptedly for ten seconds, the allies couldn¡¯t have survived. "Without that enemy expert, we wouldn¡¯t have been killed," Halos said. "Did he use another power?" Nudra nodded and answered, "He used a multi-restriction." Chapter 297 Variable 2 Multi-status ailments created difficulties. When enemies had powers like that, that meant that during an engagement, the allies wouldn¡¯t be able to do anything while the enemy dealt them damage unimpeded. Junhyuk sighed and said, "I am sorry. If my powers had not been sealed off..." Arn shook his head. "The enemy came after you intentionally. Without your force field, they can summon the demon and deal greater damage to us." "The demon¡¯s ability to deal damage is absurd." "It is a power of the highest rank." Halo also agreed, "It¡¯s of a rank even higher than your force field." Junhyuk clicked his tongue. Until now, he had thought his force field had no equal, but now, he was hearing the enemy¡¯s power was even higher ranked. Junhyuk started thinking about how tobine the allies¡¯ powers in the next fight when Vera and Diane walked out, and he frowned slightly. They both had died, which meant that the allies had been annihted. Soon, the door opened again, and Sarang staggered outside. Junhyuk went over to her, gave her his body for support and asked, "Are you OK?" "I¡¯m not." Junhyuk knew the feeling. It was not possible to get used to death, a fight with emptiness. He turned to Vera and Diane and asked, "What happened?" "What happened was that nobody could block for us, so we did not survive." "Did you kill anyone?" Vera sighed and said, "We managed to kill Lujet, but we were unable to pick up the item he dropped before we got killed." He sighed. "What do we do now?" Vera looked at Sarang. "Sarang, you stay here, and we¡¯ll attack the middlene." "What if we meet the enemy?" "If we meet three, we fight again, and we¡¯ll target the enemy expert," Arn said. The allies could kill the expert easily even though the expert might hide. Junhyuk nodded and added, "Let¡¯s do it." Then, he summoned the Kasha and said, "If something happens, let us know." "I will." He caressed Sarang¡¯s head and added, "Stay and rx. It¡¯ll be a while before the enemy gets here." "You be careful, too." "Sure, I¡¯ll be careful." Junhyuk had died more times after meeting the legend candidates than during all his time in the battlefield before meeting them. He started thinking about how to fight them, that he should be more careful about using his force field. The legend candidates had enough health to withstand the ten seconds of the force field, and they also had the demon. The group decided to push middle. They had already destroyed the second middle tower, and it was the shortest path to the castle, but their enemies might try to go middle as well. Junhyuk walked with Arn, thinking about how to cause the living spirit to explode in a single point, but it wasn¡¯t easy. "Next time, they won¡¯t kill me so easily." He thought he could kill the expert with his Spatial sh. Although he wanted to save it, it would be worse for him to die because he had saved his own power. --- The second middle tower had been destroyed, but they did not meet any enemies. After some thought, Arn said, "We¡¯ll head to the castle. We have to fight sooner orter." The enemies had to be protecting their castle. While the allies didn¡¯t know how many enemies would be at the castle, they must have sent some heroes to the allied castle. Some of them should have remained to protect their castle, but if their numbers were low, the allies could kill them and advance. If the enemies were quicker to get to the allied castle, the allies would have to return. Junhyuk stood in front of the castle and looked at the enemies. mp, Keros and Tuelus were waiting for the allies. "No expert." "Do they think they can push us back with just three?" "They are capable of it, just likest time." Junhyuk sighed and asked, "Then, should we start?" The enemies were standing on the castle wall, and it wouldn¡¯t be easy to fight them while the archers were on the wall. They were already hard to deal with without them. Before the allies moved, Junhyuk stepped forward. He had the Spatial sh, which was a strong attack. As he stepped forward, the enemies twitched. They were a bit scared of his Spatial sh since they didn¡¯t know where it wasing from. Seeing that, Junhyuk smirked at his enemies. His target was certainly Tuelus, but if Tuelus was ready for it, it wouldn¡¯t be easy to hit him with the Spatial sh. And unless the attack was a critical hit, the damage would also be rather low. The allied heroes ran ahead of him. If they could block for him, he might get a chance. Then, mp ran forward. If mp grabbed him, Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t have a chance to use the force field. He had no time to wait, so he used the Spatial sh. Tuelus was running behind the others, but the Spatial sh still hit his neck. "Argh!" he groaned, making up his mind. The strike was a critical hit, and it took 33 percent off Tuelus¡¯ health. Then, the extra attack triggered. The bonus damage rounded up, taking 50 percent of 35 percent, dealing 17 percent to Tuelus for a total of 50 percent of his health. It was an unexpected sess. Realizing he was low on health, Tuelus frowned. He was about to retreat when Halo stepped forward. He passed by mp while shing mp¡¯s ribs with the sh attack. However, mp simply ignored Halo and extended his hand. Junhyuk felt himself being pulled toward mp, but as he did, he teleported. Knowing that mp would probably use his sealing power, Junhyuk teleported away, so mp decided not to use it. However, mp¡¯s eyes turned red, and realizing what that meant, Junhyuk shouted, "Watch out!" Keros ran quickly toward him and swung his massive sword down at Junhyuk. The giant sword mmed into the ground, creating a shockwave. Junhyuk had stepped into the attack while trying to get away from mp¡¯s sealing power. It wasn¡¯t Keros¡¯ ultimate, so he wanted to teleport, but he couldn¡¯t. Instead, he raised the force field around Vera. Boom! When the shockwave hit, the allied heroes were already inside the force field. There, they didn¡¯t have to worry about the archers¡¯ attacks, so they all ran forward. Arn took the lead and jumped, his saber aiming at Tuelus. The enemy hero quickly retreated. After having lost half of his health, he escaped Arn¡¯s attack. Keros stepped in front of Tuelus and blocked the saber with precision. ng! Because Arn had jumped out of the force field, he was damaged by Keros¡¯ reflective damage. Junhyuk ran toward Arn, and that¡¯s when the Kasha on his shoulder spoke up suddenly, "The enemy is here!" Junhyuk bit his lips and said, "Stay inside the castle¡¯s force field. We¡¯ll return once we are finished." Sarang would be safe inside the force field even if the allies lost. She couldn¡¯t deal with the enemies alone, so staying inside the force field was the smartest thing she could do. Because the Kasha had shouted, all allied heroes had heard the news. Keros and mp blocked the allies¡¯ way out. The two had higher health and defense than Tuelus. Meanwhile, Junhyuk retreated into the allied line and shouted, "Grab me!" All of the heroes touched him, and he teleported. Passing mp and Keros, they all reappeared in front of Tuelus. The hero tried to run away, and Junhyuk smirked. The allies wouldn¡¯t lose Tuelus while he was right in front of them. A firewall blocked Tuelus¡¯ path, and another rose behind Keros and mp, separating them from the allies. Tuelus scowled, and Nudra jumped high up. The enemy hero looked behind him and saw something unexpected. A barrage of arrows was flying toward him. The two machines above Tuelus¡¯ shoulders tried to block the arrows, but they couldn¡¯t block all of them. Tuelus had lost a lot of health quickly when Nudranded on him. Boom! Nudra had kicked Tuelus¡¯ head, and Vera threw a fire spear. The best option would be for Vera to kill Tuelus, but now wasn¡¯t the time to make decisions on that. Everyone focused on the enemy hero. Meanwhile, Junhyuk looked around. The enemies had only sent two to the allied castle, but two might be enough to take it down. In fact, they could have only sent one, and it would¡¯ve probably been enough to destroy the wall and kill the two giant golems. The allies were pressed for time. Tuelus met his end with Diane¡¯s explosive arrow. While the hero disappeared with the explosion, the allied force field also disappeared. Junhyuk had used the Spatial sh first, so now all of his powers were gone. In their current situation, there were two enemies left, and the force field was gone. mp¡¯s powers were designed to create abnormal situations, and although Keros also had nice powers, they weren¡¯t that impressive. "We have to act quick and return." "Right." Halo ran forward, swinging his sword. He targeted Keros while Nudra kicked mp,unching him back. While mp got pushed back, all allied heroes attacked Keros. However, Keros didn¡¯t just sit there. The hero used his high speed to escape, and it was surprisingly fast. One of Keros¡¯ powers was a speed boost that could be used for rushing or retreating. The allies chased after Keros, and because their backs were exposed to the archers, they kept on chasing him as Keros retreated out of the archers¡¯ range. The archers were buffed, so the allies couldn¡¯t afford to fight them now. By following Keros, they had gotten clear of the archers. mp stepped forward, and the allies rushed toward him. mp did the same and released the pulse field, using his sealing power. The allies scowled. They couldn¡¯t use their powers and they also didn¡¯t have a lot of time. The allies had to kill their enemies and return to save their castle. Therefore, they all rushed toward mp, and so did Junhyuk. mp was very big and blocked the allies¡¯ path. Meanwhile, Keros was rejoining the fight. Because Keros¡¯ defense was lower than mp¡¯s, the allies thought they should attack him instead. They could ignore mp¡¯s ultimate, but Keros¡¯ was different. Keros hadn¡¯t used his ultimate yet, and the allies had to kill him before he did. The allies all turned to Keros, but a sudden noise came from behind them. Boom! Junhyuk turned to look and shouted, "The enemies have returned!" The allies had thought about killing the enemies and going back, but the enemies had returned first. Aak was now running toward the allies, and Junhyuk gritted his teeth. Aware of what was happening, Keros ran back toward the allies. Nudra released a gust of wind on Aak, pushing him back, and the allies gained some breathing room. However, suddenly, the demon was summoned right on top of the allies. Lujet had also returned with Aak. "Shit!" Chapter 298 Variable 3 Once the Spatial sh came off cooldown, Junhyuk would target Lujet first. Lujet could summon the demon, and the allies didn¡¯t have a way to kill it within a short time. So, to deal with the demon, the allies had to kill Lujet. Lujet jumped down from the castle wall, and Junhyuk made his preparations. If the bonus damage triggered, he might be able to kill Lujet. However, the Spatial sh hadn¡¯te off cooldown yet. Aak ran toward the center of the allied camp and stomped the ground. Boom! All of the allies got hit by the shockwave and were stunned, and that¡¯s when Lujet summoned the demon. Once there, the demon punched Junhyuk. "Ugh!" He got hit on the chest and bounced away. Now, he waspletely aware of why the demon was so dangerous. Junhyuk had lost 50 percent of his health from a single hit. He was furious. Meanwhile, Lujet extended a hand toward him and said, "You are cklisted," and from the tip of his fingers, missiles shot out. When Junhyuk saw them, he dove to the side with all of his might. However, Halo stepped in front of Junhyuk, spinning his sword in front of him. The sword blocked the attack, and after all missiles had exploded, Lujet scowled. "I¡¯m not going to let you live." Because Halo had blocked the attack, Keros ran toward him and made his massive sword explode. The shrapnel of the explosion swept through all of the allies. Lujet had grabbed the allies¡¯ attention, and Keros took the opportunity to use an area-of-effect attack. Junhyuk had lost most of his health in no time at all. The only reason Junhyuk survive was due to the fact that the shrapnel hit everyone instead of focusing on just him. Then, Junhyuk felt the Spatial she off cooldown and swung his sword, shouting, "Kill Lujet!" He used the Spatial sh on Lujet¡¯s neck, and it hit. Lujet¡¯s eyes widened, and blood gushed out of the hero, but he only lost 30 percent of his health. The allies focused their attacks on Lujet now, and Junhyuk looked around. He was thinking about how he could help the allies when, suddenly, he felt a sharp pain, and his eyes widened. The expert was standing next to him with his insect mandible open. He smirked and said, "You thought you were so smart." "You...!" Before he had a chance to finish his sentence, he started losing consciousness. The fight between the allies and the enemies raged in the background. --- A sudden death. He had been killed by that expert. Junhyuk was furious, and he went through the empty darkness as quickly as possible. Once out, he breathed heavily. "Whew!" he said, leaning his head back and grinding his teeth. "I got destroyed." The demon¡¯s attack, Keros¡¯ power, and the expert¡¯s sneak attack. He had been killed once again. Two deaths. He had tried to get through the darkness in any way he could, and his soul had grown because of it. He got stronger every time he died, but nobody wanted to get hurt. Junhyuk inhaled deeply. The heroes were all alive and engaged with the enemies. It was five against four. The enemy had the expert, but Junhyuk believed the allies would do well this time. "We have to kill one or two enemies." Thinking about a bunch of things, he walked out, and Sarang walked toward him. "The enemies returned, and I didn¡¯t know what was happening. Are you OK?" "I¡¯m fine." "You died again." Sarang was worried about him, and he hugged her lightly. "Let¡¯s wait here until we find out what happened in this team battle." Sarang nodded. Vera and Diane showed up next. When they both saw Junhyuk, the two of them smiled bitterly at him. "You are having a hard time." "I¡¯m fine. What happened?" Vera sighed and said, "After you hit Lujet with the Spatial sh, we all attacked him. But they used the multi-status ailments on us, and we got killed." "Multi-status ailments... You mean the expert?" "Right, that bug-looking thing." Junhyuk sighed. Vera and Diane were their team¡¯s main offense, and they had both been killed. The rest of them would be massacred. The bug was only an expert, but it could sneak-attack and inflict status ailments. He could simply hide until there was an opening to stack the bad statuses on his enemies, and his job was done. "Maybe that expert has some good equipment." Junhyuk had gotten stronger after bing a champion, but that expert was disying some absurd damage. Considering the expert¡¯s damaging power, he had to have impressive items. He would be able to assassinate heroes. That¡¯s the kind of damage he had. The legend candidates would cover the expert so that he could assassinate someone at the end of the fight and get himself better equipped. Halo and Nudra showed up next, and Junhyuk asked, "What happened?" Halo sighed and answered, "We killed Lujet, but they killed us." "What about Arn?" "Last I saw him, he was attacking Keros." "Did Keros have a lot of health?" Halo nodded heavily, and Junhyuk sighed. Diane walked over to him and caressed his butt. "You did everything you could. Don¡¯t me yourself." He smiled bitterly. Diane¡¯s caresses of his butt happened whenever she wanted. Before he could say anything, Arn showed up. The hero sighed and said, "You all got killed!" Frowning, Junhyuk asked, "What do we do now?" Arn looked at the allies and said, "This time, we killed two and we picked up their items. We all got killed, so we lost five items, but the cost of the items we gained and lost might be simr. Did anyone drop an expensive item?" Everyone checked their equipment and shook their heads. "No, we only lost cheap stuff." Arn continued, "We need a different way to distribute items. We¡¯ll put these into a group auction." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t understand. Whoever picked up the items was the items new owner, so why were they giving up expensive items? Vera smiled and said, "Right. We are all one team." When Junhyuk looked at the group, the heroes all agreed. Arn continued, "If anyone needs an item, buy it, and we¡¯ll share the money earned from that. Vera will put up the price, so anyone who is willing to pay more will get the item. Anyints?" Everyone nodded, and Arn smiled. "Right now, none of us has any money. I¡¯ll tell you the attributes for the two items, so if anyone is interested, they should say so." Tuelus and Lujet both had dropped item. Tuelus¡¯ item dealt with magic, so Vera should take it. She inspected the item and said, "I¡¯ll buy this. I don¡¯t have any money now, but I¡¯ll pay 1,400,000G." Arn nodded. "There wasn¡¯t anybody else bidding, but thanks for being fair." "We are all friends here." Arn raised Lujet¡¯s items. "Anyone can use this, so inspect the attributes." As Junhyuk looked at the item, Vera walked over to Junhyuk and put her arm around his neck. "Junhyuk, I need your help." "My help?" "Can you win the next Champions¡¯ Battlefield?" Junhyuk thought about it. "The depends on who the new champion is." Aktur hadcked items, but his powers had been very useful. Now that Aktur was gone, would Junhyuk be able to fight as well? Vera whispered, "You must win." After some thought, he answered, "I¡¯ll win for sure." Junhyuk had upgraded his items. If the battle were held now, he would win. It¡¯s true he didn¡¯t know who the next champion would be, but he already had Gongon. As the two talked, the auction ended. "Diane is the new owner. She¡¯ll pay 1,600,000G." Diane put the bracelet on and smiled. "I¡¯ll deal serious damage to the enemy." Junhyuk looked at Arn and asked, "What do we do now?" "We wait for the enemy," Arn answered calmly. "Where do we fight them?" Arn frowned. "We¡¯ll have a better chance with the giant golems." A golem could fight a hero, so with the golems, they would be able to really hurt their enemies. However, it hurt Junhyuk to say that since he knew the n was cheap. Arn frowned for the same reason. Then, he turned to the group and said, "Right now, we can¡¯t win. We¡¯ll just let them be legends. However, we¡¯ll kill at least one of them as a farewell." Junhyuk turned to the group. Prices for hero items ranged from low to high. Junhyuk had cheap items, but others had items priced between 80,000G and 2,000,000G that they had gotten from the legend candidates. They had lost many things while fighting the legend candidates, but if lucky, they would get more items from them. The allies were now able to kill two of the candidates at a time, and with the golem, their chances of killing another were even better. Junhyuk agreed with what Arn had said, and Diane walked over to Junhyuk and smiled. "Let¡¯s go to the castle wall." "The castle wall?" "Correct, we¡¯ll use our archers to the fullest." Junhyuk knew what she meant. The allies would attack the enemies and because of that the archers would be buffed and also focus on their enemies, and Junhyuk had no objections about taking full advantage of the archers. If used right, the Spatial sh would further damage the enemy. Junhyuk, Vera and Diane took their positions on the castle wall. Junhyuk was positioned at the center of the wall, and Sarang walked over to him and stood in front of him. "Why are you here? Get inside." "When the enemy gets here, I¡¯ll go inside." Junhyuk smiled bitterly at her. The minions were standing in front of the gate. They didn¡¯t know what would happen to them, so they were just standing there. There was no way to save them, so putting his hands on the parapet, Junhyuk said to Sarang, "The enemy has long-ranged attacks. You¡¯ll die even if you just get hit by a single blow. You know that, right?" "When yound your attack, I¡¯ll withdraw." He looked at her and smiled. "Don¡¯t forget to do it." "Of course. I don¡¯t want to die either." Junhyuk smiled, looked down and gathered his breath. The enemy wasn¡¯t there yet, so he started absorbing mana for his living spirit. Without leaving the wall, he started to slowly absorb mana. Meanwhile, Sarang was doing the same thing. While Junhyuk absorbed mana into his gut, Sarang absorbed mana into her heart. As he looked at her, Junhyuk saw that she had focused on the task and was really into it. He frowned a bit. The first time he had absorbed mana on the battlefield, he had needed help from Arn. However, Sarang didn¡¯t need any help from anyone. She was absorbing mana for the first time on the battlefield and doing so at enormous quantities. He realized that she was in a trance, unable to recover consciousness until she was done. Junhyuk thought about waking her up, but that¡¯s when the enemy showed up through the middle path. They were apanied by five hundred minions. Junhyuk scowled. "They are ready." Suddenly, Diane and Vera walked over, and Vera turned to Sarang and said, "When you withdraw, take her with you." "Sure." The enemies were gathering toward the gate, but they were still out of range of the Spatial sh. "Attack!" They sent the five hundred minions ahead, but the allies werecking in numbers. Frowning, Junhyuk said, "Are they...?" Vera saw it too and finished, "They are trying to destroy the gate with the minions." "Is that possible?" "No, it¡¯s not." Vera pulled out her orb and added, "We are here." Junhyuk smiled and said, "Shall we make them crawl?" After he said that, he jumped down from the castle wall and ran toward the minions. To the enemy minions, he was like a natural disaster. Chapter 299 Activation 1 Junhyuk was nning on using his Spatial sh if the enemies got closer to him. But first, he had to take care of the enemy minions. Junhyuk was also expecting one more enemy to appear, the expert. He stepped forward. Among the enemies, only the expert could hide and sneak on Junhyuk. The expert¡¯s hiding power alsosted surprisingly long. If that expert became a champion, he would be extremely bothersome. In the situation he was in, Junhyuk wanted to coax the expert out. Although the expert¡¯s sneak attack was quite painful, Junhyuk would endure it. He was sure that if he survived the attack, he would be able to kill the expert. He saw the five hundred minions running toward him, and their approaching stampede was quite the scene. However, Junhyuk did not waver, nor was he scared. Unbothered by the enemy minions, he looked far into the distance to where the enemy heroes were. Junhyuk¡¯s movement speed was so high that it enabled him to take the lead from the allied minions. The enemy minions, wielding dual swords, tried to cut him. sh! As an enemy minion was sliced in half, a shockwave was generated that divided the enemy¡¯s frontline, and Junhyuk ran forward, passing the fountains of blood he had created. He was getting closer, and the enemy heroes clicked their tongues. Aak stepped forward by himself, but Tuelus¡¯ machines were floating above his shoulder. Junhyuk, curious about how the two machines had gotten there, gritted his teeth. Aak wasing for him, so he couldn¡¯t stay there. Aak¡¯s attack stat was enormous, and Junhyuk was well aware of that. When he saw Aak running toward him, he did not hesitate. He stabbed an enemy minion and used the Spatial sh right after. Aak didn¡¯t see iting due to the minion blocking his vision, and suddenly, the Spatial sh cut through his neck. "Ugh!" Junhyuk realized just how strong Aak¡¯s defense really was. The attack was a critical hit, but Aak only lost 12 percent of his health. Junhyuk watched as the enemy minions were swept up by the shockwave and retreated. Aak saw Junhyuk hide among the allied minions and swung his arms around roughly, tearing minions down like paper. Junhyuk sighed, teleported back to the castle wall and saw the enemy heroes run toward the castle. Aak had already been hit by the Spatial sh, so the enemies meant to finish the job. Junhyuk wanted to stay for another thirty seconds until his Spatial sh came off cooldown again, but he knew he couldn¡¯t. The only purpose the allied minions that were in front of the enemy heroes served was to slow them down. However, there were still plenty of enemy minions. Junhyuk had cut down their numbers, but not by much. Aak had joined the fray quicker than he had expected. Junhyuk had reappeared where Sarang was, and looking at her, Veraughed and said, "While they are destroying the gate, we¡¯ll attack. You take her inside." "Will she wake up if I take her inside?" "The mana flow only goes so far as the castle wall. When the mana supply stops, she¡¯ll wake up." He nodded, picked her up and teleported, running the rest of the way inside of the castle with Sarang in his arms. The heroes who were staying next to the giant golems asked when they saw her, "What¡¯s wrong with Sarang?" "She was training and fell asleep." Arnughed and pointed to the back. "Take her inside. She can¡¯t stay here anyway." "Sure." By the time he took her inside the castle¡¯s force field, she was already waking up and slowly opening her eyes. "Big brother?" "That¡¯s right. It¡¯s me." Sarang looked around and asked, "Why am I in here?" "You were training and fell asleep. You were still sleeping when the enemies came." She smiled bitterly. "I¡¯m sorry." "It¡¯s OK. Just stay here," he said and went outside. Sarang moved around inside the castle¡¯s force field in order to catch a glimpse of him leaving. Junhyuk walked outside and stood next to the heroes and the giant golems. Vera and Diane jumped down from the castle wall and ran to them. "Get ready. The gate ising down soon." While Vera and Diane joined the rest of the heroes, the gate was destroyed, and the enemies entered the castle. There were a hundred enemy minions still alive. Aak had 80 percent of his health, and the others still had around 90 percent. Diane and Vera were still attacking them from afar. When Junhyuk saw the enemies, he said, "When the minions get closer, I¡¯ll deal with them." The allies had enough minions. They had stationed some minions on the castle wall, who were nowing back in. The allies had prepared everything, and Aak slowly walked toward them. Aak had lost some health, but he was still hard to deal with. Meanwhile, Junhyuk looked for the enemy expert. When the insect-looking expert looked at Junhyuk, he tapped his chin. Aak, still a fair distance, folded his arms and shouted, "Attack!" They were legend candidates. Once Aak gave out the order, the enemy minions ran forward. However, Junhyuk knew that if he stepped forward, Aak would run forward as well. He needed to save the Spatial sh, so he remained still. Reading the situation, Arn shouted, "Stop them!" The allied minions moved, holding their shields up to block the enemy minions. The minions were all mixed up now, and Junhyuk saw Aak moving. If Junhyuk stayed alive, he would be able to help the alliester, so he hid behind the allied heroes and watched the enemies get closer. His Spatial sh was a long-ranged attack, and the enemy minions were already within range, but if Aak fought the allied heroes, he would also be within range. As the enemy minions approached, the giant golems started moving. With them, the allied heroes started moving as well. Even without using their powers, the allied heroes still had really powerful attacks. The heroes shed through the minions and approached the enemy heroes. When Arn saw Aak, he said, "Let¡¯s attack the back of their formation." The allies wanted to leave Aak for the giant golems, and Junhyuk nodded in agreement. Considering Aak¡¯s monstrous defense and health, it would be best if the golems fought against him. Arn scoped out the back of the enemies¡¯ formation and jumped. Aak had been at the front, but Arn jumped over him, aiming for Tuelus. Aak turned to look, but Halo and Nudra had already followed Arn, and Vera and Diane were preparing their attacks. Suddenly, a giant golem kicked Aak. Boom! Aak blocked the attack with his arms, and Junhyuk became a bit scared of Aak¡¯s skills. He had blocked the giant golem without being pushed back. He was a monster. Aak pushed the golem¡¯s foot aside and ran forward. He had seen that Tuelus was under attack, but he targeted Vera and Diane instead. Worried, Junhyuk said, "Let¡¯s go past him." He touched Vera and Diane and teleported over Aak, and the hero started chasing him instead. The allies all attacked Tuelus. Arn had jump-attacked the hero, while Halo used his sh attack. Tuelus was losing health fast, and without hesitation, Junhyuk used the Spatial sh on him. It hit the hero¡¯s neck, leaving him with 30 percent of his health. Tuelusbined his two floating machines into one, but the allies couldn¡¯t allow him to use his ultimate, so Junhyuk quickly raised his force field. All of the allies were inside the force field when the giant sh of light hit the force field. The sh disrupted the allies¡¯ vision, but the attack bounced off the force field, and Junhyuk shouted, "Kill him now!" Vera and Diane attacked at the same time. Keros intervened, however, parrying Diane¡¯s attack, and taking the hit from Vera¡¯s magic. Tuelus was retreating from the battle, and the allies might lose him. Arn threw his saber, and Tuelus machines parried the attack, but he still received a bit of damage from it. He was getting away and might even be able to escape. Junhyuk was about to teleport when Nudra jumped high up. Nudra could tell Tuelus¡¯ health was minimal now. Boom! Nudra kicked down on the hero¡¯s head, and Tuelus disappeared. Without the force field, the allies couldn¡¯t have pulled that off, but with the force field, the allies took care of business. Arn¡¯s eyes beamed, and he shouted, "Kill Lujet!" Lujet could summon the demon, so the obvious thing was to kill him before he could do it. The allies chased after Lujet, but mp and Keros blocked the way. Junhyuk looked at Aak and saw something that left him speechless. Aak was killing a giant golem by himself. Knowing that his attacks wouldn¡¯t work against the force field, Aak had focused on a giant golem. It took a lot of damage to destroy a golem, but Aak had done it already. However, now he only had 50 percent of his health left. mp blocked the allies¡¯ path. Nudra decided to leave the force field and was immediately under attack from the enemy. Lujet fired the missiles from his fingers at him, and Nudra used both of his arms to block them. However, the missiles exploded, and Nudra lost 45 percent of his health at once. Then, Keros swung his massive sword at Nudra¡¯s ribs. Nudra used his speed boost to escape the attack and close in on Lujet. Then, he kicked the hero toward the allied camp. Lujet wasunched toward the allies, and Vera set a fire orb on his path. Boom! Diane shot her multishot at him as the fire orb exploded, but mp parried Diane¡¯s arrows. mp ran toward the force field. He had timed correctly for the force field¡¯s disappearance and stood in front of the allies just as it faded. There, mp extended both hands forward. Junhyuk thought about teleporting, but there was no one directly in front of mps hands. Then, mp pulled someone toward him. Aak smiled from ear to ear. mp had pulled him, and Aak was now standing directly in front of the allied line. Then, Aak stomped the ground. Boom! With the exception of Nudra, all other allies were stunned. Chapter 300 Activation 2 As everyone got stunned, Lujet summoned the demon to the center of the allied formation. However, this time, the demon did not target Junhyuk. Junhyuk¡¯s strength was in his force field, and now that he had already used it, he no longer seemed dangerous to his enemies. The demon focused on an allied attacker, Vera. She got hit and lost a lot of health all at once. The same attack had taken away 50 percent of Junhyuk¡¯s health previously, but Vera lost 70 percent. At that moment, Junhyuk realized one thing: to be a true legend, focusing entirely on damage was not enough. It just simply didn¡¯t allow you to survive a situation like this. Byparison, Tuelus was responsible for dealing damage for the opposite team, and his defense wasparable to Arn¡¯s even after he had gotten weaker from dropping items. Only people as strong as that could be legends. Aak punched Vera, and she faded. Unexpectedly, the second giant golem went out to help the allies, engaging the demon in front of them. Lujet watched the golem fight the demon and ran past both of them, piercing Diane¡¯s chest with his hand. As his demonic hand punctured her chest, Diane lost 40 percent of her health, and Lujet regained his in return. "This is nuts!" Junhyuk wanted to move but couldn¡¯t. If things continued that way, two allied heroes would die before they were able to move again, and more would follow after that. Junhyuk watched Keros moving forward and mming his sword into the ground. He got his movement back just in time to try to teleport to his allies, but mp was faster. The hero had been waiting for that and used his sealing power on the allies, preventing Junhyuk from teleporting or using any other power. Keros¡¯ sword strike generated shockwaves. Boom! He was bounced up in the air. All he could do was grit his teeth, and it would be hard for him to survive. Then, Keros aimed his sword at the allies, meaning to have it explode. Junhyuk could only watch. Meanwhile, Sarang had been watching the fight from within the castle¡¯s force field, and she balled her hands up instinctively. mp had pulled Aak, who followed up by stunning the allies. Then, the demon had mostly killed Vera. mp had used his power to seal off the allies¡¯ powers, while Keros created shockwaves. With gritted teeth, Sarang realized that if things continued that way, the allies would be annihted, and Junhyuk, who always rescued her, would die again. That meant that Junhyuk would have to experience the emptiness of death once more. Sarang thought fast, looking for things that she could do at that moment. Lujet had the longest range among the enemies, but his range was shorter than her attack¡¯s range. After calcting all that, she walked out of the castle¡¯s force field. If she died once more, that would be the end for her, and she knew that, so she ran through the calctions she had made again. Before Keros¡¯ sword exploded, Sarang extended her hands. "Please!" The allies were all seriously wounded at that moment, and she could only heal two of them. She felt bad about it, but that was all that she could do. As she extended her hands, she felt the mana within her chest stretching ferociously. She had never felt that before, and her power was enveloped by the outstretched mana. The light green powder sprinkled over all of the allies, and all of their healths increase. She was confident that they would survive longer now, but if they were hit by Keros¡¯ ultimate, they would still all die. So, Sarang extended her hand quickly again, and an electric st zoomed out of it. Before Keros had the chance to use his power, he was paralyzed. The allies all focused on Keros now, but the paralysis wouldn¡¯tst long, and the enemy heroes were all looking at Sarang. Lujet ran at her first, while mp extended his hand. She took a quick couple of steps back, and by a hair¡¯s breadth, Sarang got out of range. However, the enemy kept up their pursuit. She couldn¡¯t get caught. Sarang quickly analyzed the enemy camp. Keros was still paralyzed, and the allies were all attacking him. The hero had lost arge amount of health by that point. The paralysis didn¡¯tst long, but the allies, being veterans,nded critical hits from short range. Keros was still alive, however, and that meant that Junhyuk¡¯s chances of survival were very low. The hero would try to use his ultimate again. As Sarang retreated, she looked at Junhyuk. Could she help him? To help him, she had to kill Keros. The allies¡¯ powers were still all sealed, so they were hitting Keros with criticals from up close. The hero still had a significant amount of health however, 25 percent. It wouldn¡¯t be easy to kill Keros at that point. Still, Sarang eyes sparked, and she felt something as she extended her hands slowly. Her desire to help Junhyuk had given her a feeling, and that feeling had be a certainty. She pulled out her orb in front of her, and soon, the orb shone brightly. She could see Keros, and thunderbolts fell on Keros¡¯ head. Boom! The bolts fell on Keros¡¯ head precisely, and the enemies did not know what to make of it. Meanwhile, Keros started fading, and vestiges of the thunderbolts extended all over. The expert got shocked and reappeared from his hidden state. Sarang watched as Keros died and pulled herself together. She had just be a champion. "Sarang!" The expert wasn¡¯t hidden anymore, but he was rushing toward Sarang. Junhyuk had been the one to shout, and Sarang snapped out of her daze and looked at the expert. The expert had been hit by the mini-bolts and had already lost 30 percent of his health, and Sarang quickly analyzed the situation. All enemy heroes were rushing toward her. They were prioritizing her after she had be a champion. That was a rule that the legend candidates adhered to. Because of Sarang¡¯s powers, attack range and damage, the enemies were all running toward her. Junhyuk teleported and appeared behind them, stabbing the expert on his back. He had done so from behind, and his sword pierced the expert¡¯s back and came out of his chest. The expert¡¯s mouth opened wide, and Junhyuk stabbed his neck with the Frozen Rune Sword. They both fell to the ground rolling, and Junhyuk mmed the expert down, pulled out his swords and shed down again, beheading the expert. "Get back inside the force field!" he shouted. Sarang did just that, and Junhyuk looked at the enemies, who were nowing toward him. Unfortunately, after Sarang had killed Keros, she hadn¡¯t had time to pick up his item. As he stood there, in front of the enemies, and watched Sarang entering the force field again, he was relieved. She was safe now. "Then, should I fight again?" Junhyuk held tightly to his dual swords and ran toward the enemies. Aak was running toward him, punching in his direction. As Junhyuk watched Aak¡¯s fist approaching, he used eleration. Able to read the path of the fist, Junhyuk turned his body as much as possible. It was still hard for him to twist his muscles all of a sudden, but he could deal with it. He had already trained his muscles, so he controlled them and turned his body slowly. As he dodged Aak¡¯s fist, his sword shed through the hero¡¯s ribs. sh! He dealt more damage than he had expected. It was a regr attack, but it took 5 percent off Aak¡¯s total health. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected to deal that much damage, and Aak frowned and howled, "Hoorah-rah-rah!" Suddenly, giant shockwaves extended from Aak¡¯s body and went far off through all the enemies. That¡¯s when the three of them that remained changed the course of their actions. Lujet¡¯s demon disappeared, but within that short time, it had destroyed the giant golem. After the demon disappeared, Junhyuk realized that the enemies had used all of their powers, so he thought the allies had the advantage. Then, Lujet stood right in front of Diane and aimed his mechanical hand at her, firing the missiles from his fingers. Boom, boom, boom, boom! Diane faded, and Junhyuk grimaced. He had thought the missiles were still under cooldown, so he had no idea what had just happened. mp extended his hand toward him, and as Junhyuk was pulled, his eyes widened. "What the hell...?" mp¡¯s power was also supposed to be under cooldown. What was happening there? Junhyuk didn¡¯t have a chance to finish his sentence before Lujet ran toward him and pierced him with the demonic hand. He lost a lot of health at once, while Lujet regained his. It looked like Lujet had the power to absorb his opponent¡¯s health. As Junhyuk¡¯s vision turned blurry, he tried to look around. He saw enemies using powers without having to wait for their cooldowns. Then, Junhyuk turned to Aak. Aak¡¯s howl from just before had been the beginning of everything. "A power that cancels cooldowns?" Junhyuk couldn¡¯t think anymore. The world got entirely blurry, and he lost his willpower. --- Rough emptiness. Junhyuk pulled himself together to be able toe out of that state. As he came out of the darkness, he staggered. "Whew!" Junhyuk was still alive, but the cost had been high. Staggering, he stood up with pride, opened the door and walked out. The giant golems had been destroyed, and the fight had turned into a three versus three, but things had not ended while he was reviving. Junhyuk ran out quickly and saw Sarang on his way. "Sarang!" She saw he had revived and walked over to him. "Big brother, are you OK?" "I¡¯m fine. What happened?" "They are destroying the force field." Junhyuk ran quickly to the force field and saw the enemies. They were attacking the force field, and Vera and Diane were also watching the enemies. "Vera, Diane." "Our cutie stud, you still alive?" Diane smiled and caressed his butt. "Now, it¡¯s over." Junhyuk saw that the force field was almost gone. "We all died in the end." "Right, and the others haven¡¯t reincarnated yet." Junhyuk sighed and looked at the enemies. Lujet had 35 percent of his health left, and Junhyuk scowled. He could still kill the hero. "I¡¯ve been killed enough," he said and ran toward the force field. When Aak saw him, he tried to punch Junhyuk, but he smiled and teleported. He appeared behind Lujet and used the Spatial sh on the hero. The attack hit Lujet¡¯s neck, and the hero grimaced, but he was not dead yet. Lujet turned around to kill Junhyuk, swinging his demonic arm at him. The hero wanted to take Junhyuk¡¯s health into him, but that¡¯s when the bonus attack triggered. "Ugh!" Lujet couldn¡¯t do anything before dying. Meanwhile, mp extended his hand toward Junhyuk. Junhyuk got pulled, and mp used his sealing power on him before punching at the champion. Junhyuk knew what he had to do now that Lujet was dead, so he blocked mp¡¯s fist, but was pushed back in the process. Taking advantage of the momentum, he rolled back on the ground and picked up Lujet¡¯s item. Lujet had dropped a pair of earrings, and after Junhyuk picked them up, Aak¡¯s attacks finally brought the castle¡¯s force field down. Chapter 301 Changes 1 Usually, when the castle¡¯s force field was destroyed, the Dimensional Battlefield would disappear, and they would all return to their own dimensions. However, this time was different. The castle crumbled, and the world changed. This time, they all heard a soft voice. [Legend candidates Aak, Keros, Lujet, mp and Tuelus have won ten straight victories and have be legends.] All of them appeared in front of the allies. A bright white light shone on Aak, Keros, Lujet, mp and Tuelus, and they floated up to the sky. As their bodies also shone, Junhyuk watched it all in shock. "That¡¯s a nice performance!" [Legends Aak, Keros, Lujet, mp and Tuelus, your names will remain forever in the Hall of Legends, and item sets bearing your names will be added to the Dimensional Battlefield.] Junhyuk watched the items float in the empty air. Because they had be legends, the items they had equipped floated around them. Suddenly, all of them disappeared. Junhyuk murmured, "Where did they all go?" Arn, who had revived, walked over and said, "They¡¯ll be added to Bebe¡¯s store." "Then, I can buy them with gold?" "You can, but it¡¯ll be difficult to buy those items." "Why?" Arnughed and answered, "They had, for the most part, unique items. Each unique item already costs about 2,000,000G. On top of that, now they are set items, so how much do you think they¡¯ll cost?" "At least 2,000,000G." "Correct, so not everyone will be able to buy them." Most heroes wanted to get stronger, so they usually spent their money on items rather than trying to save a lot of it. Heroes¡¯ wallets got thinner as time passed, and with thin wallets, they wouldn¡¯t be able to buy items that cost 2,000,000G. And now, because they had be set items, which when collected gained incredible boosts from each added one in the set, an astronomical sum of money would be required to purchase all of those legends¡¯ items. "Whew! Definitely, not everyone can buy those." "That¡¯s right." While they were talking, they heard another soft voice. [With the promotion of the new legends, the fifteenth season is now over. Your battle records will be considered for the next season, and if you win your next battle, you will be assigned a new level.] Junhyuk looked at Arn. "What does that all mean?" "That a new season has begun." "A season?" Arn nodded heavily. "That¡¯s what they call it here. A team of heroes bing legends marks the end of the season. Meanwhile, they will bring up new heroes. We may have to fight heroes we¡¯ve never met before or heroes we already know. Sometimes, allies and teammates will switch teams to fight more efficiently." "What about us?" "We¡¯ll stay together," Arn said, patting his shoulder lightly. "Then, see you next time." Junhyuk didn¡¯t have a chance to speak. Instead, he heard another announcement. [The sixteenth season will begin in four weeks.] Light covered everything, and he watched the world change around him. He was now at his training facility and, as he got up slowly, he looked around. Junhyuk took a moment to think, going over everything he had just learned. When new legends were announced, the season ended. After a season ended, a new one would start for thepetition for legend status to begin anew. What would happen to him? What about the Champions¡¯ Battlefield? Junhyuk sat downfortably and said, "Agenchra, if you can hear me, can youe over so that I can ask you some questions?" After he had finished speaking, a dimensional tear appeared in the training facility. A person wearing a fedora, a trench coat, and wrapped in bandages walked through. Agenchra took a seat in front of him and said, "I knew you would be looking for me." "That¡¯s good." Junhyuk went straight to the point, "Will the start of a new season affect the Champions¡¯ Battlefield?" Agenchra shook his head. "No. The new season only affects heroes." He bitterly smiled. "Until we be heroes ourselves, all we have to do is fight?" "Yes." Junhyuk took a moment to think and asked, "If there are other human champions, I can take them with me to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. That¡¯s what you said, correct?" "Correct. Are you talking about Sarang Kim?" "You knew about her?" "A new champion must sign a new contract to be able to join the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. A member of the management team went to see her already." Junhyuk chuckled. "That¡¯s basic stuff. I wasn¡¯t thinking properly. Aktur left our team, and a new champion has evolved, so I can take her with me, right?" "Of course." Agenchra smiled and added, "You have already been training here together." "Are you monitoring this ce?" Agenchra shook his head. "Not necessarily. You are the first human champion, so we are watching you closely." "Really?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t say anything else. Agenchra had made the facility for him, so he had expected to be watched. He did not care about it and did not ask anything further on the subject. "Do you have any more question?" "One more." He looked straight into Agenchra¡¯s eyes and asked, "Why the weeding of novices?" Agenchra frowned and answered, "I can¡¯t tell you anything on that subject. I¡¯m not responsible for that line of work." "Whose line of work is it?" "The Dimensional Monsters Administration." Junhyuk had just learned that management was divided into departments like any major corporation. "When will the monster attack stop?" "When five humans all be heroes and form a team." "Five?" Junhyuk knew how hard it was to evolve into a hero. He had been to the Dimensional Battlefield numerous time, but even he was not a hero yet. "By the way, where did those new legends get all that money?" Agenchra smiled. "They had won thirty-two times straight before they had even be legend candidates." "If that¡¯s the case, then the lowest ranking team can be a legend candidate?" "Correct. These new legends became candidates in the shortest time, and they carried really nice items." "Right?!" Junhyuk realized that for him to be a legend, he couldn¡¯t get killed as often. As a hero, each time he died he would drop an item, and that would make it difficult for him to upgrade his items. "I must stay alive and win." "It¡¯s not easy to be a legend. You must have a good team and, if possible, not die while winning continuously in the Dimensional Battlefield." "Right, I agree." "But you get handicapped when you win continuously. For one thing, you¡¯ll encounter stronger opposing teams. Bing a legend is not easy." Junhyuk listened to it all quietly, nodded and answered, "I n to be a legend myself." "We are all looking forward to that." He turned to Agenchra as he heard that. "You have activated powers concerning space, and all of your powers are high-ranking. So we are expecting good things from you," the manager added. Junhyuk waved his hands profusely and said, "Just like you said, I need a good team." "Considering your luck, that is also possible," Agenchra said and took off his fedora, bowing to Junhyuk slightly. "Then, I will be going." Agenchra disappeared, and Junhyuk gathered his thoughts. When he became a hero, who would be on his team? Junhyuk thought of a few candidates, people who wanted to be heroes, but he wasn¡¯t sure yet about who would be on his team. Suddenly, he thought of something and looked inside his Spatial Bag, pulling out a pair of earrings. --- Vampire Lord Lujet¡¯s Earrings (set item) Attack +30Attack Speed +10%Defense +30 The Vampire Lord Lujet has be a legend. These earrings are made from the ghost beast Eldra¡¯s eyes. It has been infused with magic and it increases the power of whoever wears it. It increases attack and defense by thirty and attack speed by 10 percent. If other items in the set are collected, additional power will be bestowed to the wearer. --- Shocked, Junhyuk stared at the earrings. "Why is this a set item?" Lujet, the legend candidate, had dropped it, and Junhyuk thought that it would¡¯ve cost 2,000,000G, so the others wouldn¡¯t be able to buy it. But it wasn¡¯t a unique item. It was a set item instead. "Because they became legends, their items became set items?" Of the allies, Vera would be the strongest toe out of this. She had been gathering Tuelus¡¯ items. "Hm." Junhyuk put the earrings on. The Vampire Lord Lujet had be a legend, and his item was now a set item with three attributes associated with it. He wanted to see what kind of powers he could get from apleted set. If he could gather them all, he would be much stronger. Since it was a set item, he could not die while carrying it. Junhyuk pledged that when he became a hero, he would not die anymore. That was the only way to be stronger. After that, hey down on the floor and absorbed mana. Before the morning wave of monsters, he wanted to absorb as much mana as possible and let the living spirit travel through his veins. --- Only Junhyuk took advantage of the morning wave. He had upgraded his equipment and gotten the new earrings. He had also absorbed an incredible amount of mana at the Dimensional Battlefield, so he was much stronger. So, he didn¡¯t only practice the eleration. He trained and thought about how to explode the living spirit at a single point on his finger. While he had taken care of the morning wave, he was still unsure about how to focus the living spirit explosion at a single point. "Do I have time?" Because a new season was beginning, he had four weeks. That meant that he would go to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield twice before that. He would be partnered with Sarang, so he wanted to check out her powers. The Thunderstorm¡¯s damage was incredible. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t sure if the attack on Keros was a critical hit, but her new power equalled that of his Spatial sh. On top of that, it also dealt ssh damage. He didn¡¯t know what percentage of the total damage was applied to the ssh damage, so he wanted to go over those things with her. "Sarang is so much stronger." She could paralyze two people at once, heal up to five people. Her healing ability and her health had increased. On top of that, there was the Thunderstorm. With those powers, she would be a high-ranking champion just like him. Junhyuk gathered his thoughts and swung his sword, training the single-point explosion until it was time to meet Sarang. It was five in the afternoon, and she had already left school by that time. She was the top-ranked high school student in the entire nation, so she had benefits. "Exit." Junhyuk appeared in the bathroom and washed the blood off himself while he prepared. He changed clothes and walked toward the front door. Sarang had juste in from the main gate, and he extended both arms toward her and said, "Come over here, Champion Sarang." She smiled at him. Chapter 302 Changes 2 With her face full of excitement, Sarang said quickly, "So, I¡¯ve met with the contract manager from the Dimensional Battlefield. The contract was so long! In any event, I read it and signed it." "Did you read it carefully?" "Time had stopped, so I did. It was easy to understand." "You did well reading through it all." "I¡¯ve acquired speed-reading skills." Sarang was very intelligent, so speed-reading hadn¡¯t been difficult for her to learn. Junhyukughed and said, "Then, shall we train now?" "Wait, let¡¯s eat first." "Eat?" "Yeah, this." She brought out some food from a Korean fast food ce. There were seasoned rice cakes, Korean sausages and two rolls of sushi. She had even brought some fish cake soup, and Junhyukughed at the sight. "You got so much." "I¡¯m a growing girl, so I have to eat a lot." "Riiiiight." Both of them set the food on the table and took their seats. Sarang had locked her feet together and was swinging them underneath the table while she looked at him. "This is nice." "What is?" "Just having a chance to eat with you." Junhyuk stabbed a rice cake with a fork and gave her the bite, then he took a bite of his own off the rice cake. "This is seasoned nicely!" "It¡¯s from a brand new fast food ce, and the food there tastes good. The students from my school go there often." "Yeah?" He ate dinner with her. After dinner, he had a cup of coffee, and they both went to his training facility. The monsters hadn¡¯t shown up yet, but he unsheathed his swords and said, "Your health has increased." "Only my basic stats have increased." "Nevertheless, what you said before is right, you have grown stronger." He knew that sparring with her was not possible yet. Sarang still didn¡¯t have a lot of equipment. "Let¡¯s start by checking out your new power," Junhyuk said smiling. "It has a forty-second cooldown." "That¡¯s very long." For an attack power, it was too long. However, considering the damage it inflicted, its range, and the fact that it hit over a wide area, it made sense that its cooldown would be long. There had been times that her equipment had been better than his, but now, Junhyuk was better equipped. He had sold an item for 1,400,000G and upgraded most of what he owned. On top of that, he was wearing the earrings. Through it all, he had also developed his skills and powers. Junhyuk chuckled. "By the way, B-ranked monsters aren¡¯t going to pose any problems now." "We still have to train, and if I get hit by one of them, it¡¯ll still hurt," she said. "Right..." Junhyuk didn¡¯t intend for her to get hit. He would act as a shield for her and kill the monsters. But, her health wasn¡¯t the only thing that had increased as she turned into a champion. Her attack and defense had also increased. However, she still couldn¡¯t take a lot of hits from B-ranked monsters. It was time, and a twin-headed ogre appeared. As he saw it, Junhyuk said, "Try your Thunderstorm out." "Sure." After she said that, she put her orb forward, and thunder and lightning cracked from the sky. Crrraaak, boom! The twin-headed ogre didn¡¯t even have a chance to scream before it had be ash. Her power was overwhelming. A bed of lightning webbed through the surroundings on the floor, and Junhyuk dry coughed. "Woah! This is huge!" Junhyuk had also moved to sh the twin-headed ogre, but before he could even get there, Sarang had roasted the ogre in a sh. She was also shocked by what she could do. "It is..." When considering the overall damage, her power was superior to the Spatial sh, and he asked, "What is the range?" "Approximately forty meters." Her power¡¯s range was longer than an ordinary hero¡¯s attack, but shorter than the Spatial sh¡¯s range. He also measured how far the bed of lightning extended. It expanded to a radius of ten meters from the center of the lightning strike, covering an area greater than the range of his shockwave. "That¡¯s some nice power you got." "Big brother." He turned to look at her, and with her head cocked to the side, she asked, "I¡¯ll be going to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield with you. What is that ce like?" He answered her question calmly, "When you go, you¡¯ll meet Gongon. With Gongon and you, we¡¯ll win easily." "Gongon... Do you mean that dragon?" "Yes." "I¡¯ve been wanting to meet him." "And you will." After they talked, they waited for the next wave. Two twin-headed ogres appeared, and Junhyuk looked at her. "Let¡¯s check it out one more time. We need to know the damage of the bed of lightning." "Sure." Sarang pushed her orb forward, and the thunderbolt crashed down once more. When just looking at it, all you could see was lightning falling from a dry sky. However, the power¡¯s damage was enormous. One of the twin-headed ogres got roasted again, and the bed of lightning extended from it to hit the other one beside it. Crack, crack, crack! "Roooaar!" the twin-headed ogre screamed as both of his legs were charred. Seeing the twin-headed ogre kneeling from the pain, Junhyuk realized that the damage of the bed of lightning could not be ignored. Then, he ran forward and beheaded the kneeling twin-headed ogre. "The area-of-effect part of the attack can¡¯t kill a twin-headed ogre by itself." Junhyuk¡¯s shockwave hit for 50 percent of his attack, and that always killed the twin-headed ogre when he used the Spatial sh, but her power¡¯s bonus damage wasn¡¯t enough to kill by itself. That mean that the bed of lightning hit for less that 50 percent of the original attack. "When you upgrade your equipment, it¡¯ll get stronger." "That¡¯s what I¡¯m expecting as well. When you kill an opponent in the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, you get 3,000G, right?" "Correct. But you have to be careful." "Why?" He added calmly, "Our enemies are extremely powerful." There was an assassin among the enemy champions, and if Sarang were to fight alone, she would be killed. Now that Junhyuk¡¯s defense had increased, he would take them on. "I¡¯m worried. My defense is not high enough yet." "It¡¯ll increase." He ced a hand on her head and added, "You should try to reach for Tuelus¡¯ level." "What?! The now legend Tuelus?!" "That¡¯s right. You should increase your attack stat, but that will have its limitations. So, increase your defense and magic as well. Your defense should beparable to Arn¡¯s, and your attack should be simr to Tuelus¡¯." "I feel burdened by it all already." "If possible, I¡¯ll help you grow. Also, your power is better than my Spatial sh. It¡¯s so fast, there is no way to dodge it or escape from it. However,bined, we have six powers, so one of us will be reassigned to a different team. In any event, we are champions, so we can at least die four times." "Are you saying I should aim for thest strike?" "If you just do that, even your hero partners may turn on you." "I¡¯ll be discrete." He smiled at her. "You are like me. Your have utility powers, so you can be of great help, so try to be deliberate and careful with yourst strikes." "Sure." She smiled and added, "Then, shall we?" Another wave of monsters was appearing, and she had already prepared her magic. Junhyuk had enhanced his equipment, so twin-headed ogres posed no problems for him. He, himself, managed to kill twenty-five twin-headed ogres while they experimented with Sarang¡¯s new power. After killing the twenty-fifth monster, Junhyuk copsed from exhaustion with Sarang next to him. "Whew! Our power levels have increased too much!" Sarang looked at him from head to toe and said, "Honestly, you have be many times stronger. The power of money is scary." Heughed at her. "Is that right?" He had spent 1,400,000G on top of having set items, but he knew he had been lucky that he had been able to collect all of those set items. "Considering what I got, I¡¯ll have to earn more money." Junhyuk already had Pure Golden Knight items, but he also wanted to collect items from the Vampire Lord set. Set items of higher ranks had useful boosts and effects. Gongon was proof of that.He wanted to buy 2,000,000G items, and finish his Pure Golden Knight collection. There were also the runestones. Junhyuk wanted to rain money, and he wanted to upgrade his weapons some more times. There was a lot more money he needed to spend. They were in the middle of a conversation when they heard a soft voice.[The champion Junhyuk¡¯s training facility has another champion, so we will increase the rank of iing monsters.]"What?!"He got up, and suddenly, a dimensional tear appeared, and arge werewolf walked through it."A Wolf Warlord?"An A-ranked monster had suddenly appeared, so Sarang got up fast, and he shouted, "Get behind me!"Junhyuk stood in front of her and stared at the Wolf Warlord, the A-ranked monster. Junhyuk¡¯s defense wasparable to a regr hero¡¯s defense, and although his weapons were of lower quality, he could offset that difference.That meant that although he didn¡¯t have an ultimate yet, his overall power was simr to a hero¡¯s.Trusting Sarang, Junhyuk ran forward. The Wolf Warlord swung its ws at him, and the ws shed against the Blood Rune Sword.ng!There was a loud shing sound, and Junhyuk saw that he wasn¡¯t able to cut the ws off. The real problem was the Wolf Warlord¡¯s size. It was ten meters tall, and its ws were two meters long.Junhyuk felt like he was standing in front of a giant."Sarang!"Sarang cast her Thunderstorm.Boom!The lightning struck the Wolf Warlord¡¯s head, but it was not dead yet. Then, the Wolf Warlord mounted its own attacks. Its eyes were filled with revenge, and it jumped over Junhyuk.Junhyuk teleported. He had read the trajectory of the Wolf Warlord¡¯s jump and appeared in front of it, using his Spatial sh as he did so.Junhyuk thought the Spatial sh would kill the Wolf Warlord, but the monster merely turned his head away. Usually, the Spatial sh would have prated the enemy¡¯s neck, but the attack had only grazed its neck area.The Wolf Warlord was still in the air when it swung its ws down at him. Junhyuk blocked them with his dual swords.ng!He parried them, but he still got bounced away. While Junhyuknded, the monster moved toward Sarang.Junhyuk raised the force field around her. The Wolf Warlord was falling on her head when the force field appeared, and the monster pounded against it with its fists.Boom, boom, boom!The blows were severe, and the force field got pushed down into the ground. At the same time, Junhyuk gritted his teeth and started running.The Wolf Warlord had evaded the Spatial sh, which meant that he would have to fight it with regr attacks, and that wouldn¡¯t be easy to do.The Thunderstorm had worked and damaged the monster, but the Wolf Warlord wasn¡¯t an easy enemy. Junhyuk¡¯s attack stat was high, but he couldn¡¯t do anything against the werewolf¡¯s ws.As he ran, Sarang shouted, "I¡¯ll stop it!""OK!"When he approached the Wolf Warlord, Sarang shot her electric st. It travelled like a light arrow and hit the Wolf Warlord, paralyzing it. Then, Junhyuk jumped on it. He hadn¡¯t used his jump in a while, but he jumped high enough to reach the Wolf Warlord¡¯s head, swinging the Blood Rune Sword in the process. Chapter 303 Changes 3 Junhyuk¡¯s attack was outstanding. He could make it certain with the Spatial sh, but even without the Spatial sh, he could deliver critical hits to a paralyzed opponent. The Wolf Warlord¡¯s neck was bleeding, but it wasn¡¯t beheaded. Junhyuk stabbed the same spot again and twisted his sword to make it sink in deeper, and the Wolf Warlord started losing the focus of his eyes. Boom! The Wolf Warlord fell to the ground without any life left. Junhyuk watched it fall, panting. It had died and left a bloodstone, and Junhyuk picked it up. "This is it!" It was a bloodstone of unique quality, the highest possible quality, and it would fetch $100 million. Junhyuk picked it up and threw it to Sarang, who caught it with a surprised look, so he smiled at her. "You maderger contributions in killing it, so you keep it." "How much is this worth?" "You can get $100 million for it." Sarang calmly stared at the bloodstone. That little gem was worth $100 million, and she felt satisfied just by looking at it. Junhyukughed. "Do you like it?" "I¡¯m falling in love with this bloodstone." Junhyuk looked at the werewolf¡¯s body. Up to that point, only B-ranked monsters had shown up, but now A-ranked monsters would start appearing. The problem was the Wolf Warlord¡¯s size. He couldn¡¯t put anything that tall inside his Spatial Bag with other things. To do it, there was only one option. "From now on, I¡¯ll carry A-ranked monsters only." He opened his Spatial Monster Bag. There was nothing in it yet, so he could always pick up the bodies around the training facility. It wouldn¡¯t have been a bad idea to pick up bodies as diligently as monsters died, but he would normally fight a hundred enemies per day. In any case, he hadn¡¯t ced anything in it yet. Even if the bag had been filled, he wouldn¡¯t have had a ce to deliver those bodies at that exact time. He had the put the corpse of the Wolf Warlord inside of it. It was an A-ranked monster, and it would probably be useful in many different ways. He could sell it to Elise and make a fortune from it, but he didn¡¯t want to do it yet. Junhyuk wanted to research it at hispany first. It would take some time to finish hisb, but he didn¡¯t want to sell it to Elise so she wouldn¡¯t be a step ahead of him. At that moment, hispany was having a hard time catching up to her as it was. Junhyuk waited a little longer, but no other monsters appeared. "They aren¡¯t sending A-ranked monsters that often?" If they let A-ranked monsters loose on him, he would have no answer for them. If two monsters showed up, he would have a hard enough time staying alive. The Wolf Warlord had sensed his Spatial sh and dodged the critical hit. If a monster like that showed up in a pair, he would not know how to deal with them. Sarang stared at him and said, "We¡¯ve been hunting B-ranked monster, but from now on, we¡¯ll be hunting A-ranked monsters?" Junhyuk nodded heavily. "Our powers have increased, so B-ranked monsters can¡¯t help us further. For us to be heroes, we¡¯ll need to deal with A-ranked monsters." A-ranked monsters couldn¡¯t be dealt with alone, but while dealing with them, the two would evolve into heroes He couldn¡¯t kill an A-ranked monster by himself, and he didn¡¯t know if A-ranked monsters would show while she wasn¡¯t there or if they would only show when she was there. "Agenchra." He was curious about the details and wanted to ask the manager, but Agenchra didn¡¯t show up. As Junhyuk grimaced, Sarang said calmly, "Big brother, I need to go home now." "Right." He grabbed her hand and said, "Exit." They appeared in the bathroom, and as he walked out, he said, "Take a shower. I¡¯ll take you home." "OK." Sarang had gotten used to her routine inside the training facility. She showered quickly, and when she walked out, he went inside and did the same. "I¡¯ll go out first," he said. Junhyuk teleported outside the house and waited a moment. Then, Sarang walked out and looked for him. She had gotten there alone, but now he would apany her back. After he took her home, he went to hispany. He had put on his mask before arriving and heading into GST. It was around ten at night, and almost everyone had gone home already. Junhyuk was greeted by a few security team members before he saw Sungtae, who was still living there with his friends, so they could meet anytime. After greeting Sungtae, they both went to see Brita. "Has anything happened?" "Nothing¡¯s happened." Junhyuk took a moment to think about thest weeding out and the surviving woman. Had she not made her decision yet? He went into Brita¡¯sb and saw thepletely dismantled iron soldier. There were numerous pieces and scattered parts, and Junhyuk thought there was no ce for him to step on. He walked carefully and saw Brita looking at something. She was looking inside the core of the iron soldier. There were many wires attached to it, and Brita was staring at it like a madwoman. Junhyuk cleared his throat, but she did not respond, so he smiled bitterly and said, "Brita." Brita heard him only then and turned her head to look at him. "You came!" "I¡¯m curious about your research." Brita turned a monitor on, and her eyes beamed. "I knew Elise was a genius, but didn¡¯t know how much of a genius she really was." He looked at the screen, but he couldn¡¯t understand anything. After he took thenguage pill, he could understand anynguage, but engineering jargon was a different matter altogether. Brita exined a few things to him, but within five minutes, she realized that he wasn¡¯t able to understand anything she had told him so far. "The mana stone appeared after the abnormal narcolepsy, and during the short time from then til now, she made this much progress! She is really excellent." "So, have you found out anything about the core?" Brita nodded. "If I can process the mana stone right now, I can make a better core than this one." "Is that possible?" She hadn¡¯t had much time, so how was that possible? Brita smiled at him. "It¡¯s because of the mana stone we have now." "What about the mana stone?" "To extract the necessary results from the mana stone, we need more time to research it. I can¡¯t do it alone. However, we are in the possession of a mana stone many timesrger than the one inside the iron soldier." "Is that right?" The world required more iron soldiers than there were mana stones, so they had spliced the mana stones into small pieces to use them. However, GST was different. It had a continuous supply of mana stones, so it could work with them whole. Brita continued, "So, I am nning on making a new core." "That¡¯s that for the core," Junhyuk said and looked at the iron soldier parts on the ground. "What about weapons that depend on the core?" "I have to finish research on the core first, so I¡¯m not there yet." "If the core¡¯s output increases, then the weapons will also increase in power. You should research that as well." Brita¡¯s eyes beamed. "You¡¯ll soon see big results." Junhyuk nodded andpliment her on her work. Then, he walked out of theb, and Brita went back to what she was doing. He did not need to pressure her in any way. As he walked with Sungtae, he asked, "Have you purchased the new building yet?" "Yes. Right now, it is undergoing massive construction for Tirot¡¯sb." "How much money do you need?" "I told Brian to look into it. To start on Tirot¡¯sb, we¡¯ll need $300 million." The building had cost $500 million, but theb itself cost $300 million. It was an astronomical amount of money, but Junhyuk wasn¡¯t worried. Back at the training facility, he had just fought an A-ranked monster that left behind a $100 million bloodstone. He would be able to earn a lot more now. Junhyuk walked with Sungtae toward the building under construction that would house Tirot¡¯sb. Inside, they met Tirot, who was looking at blueprints. He smiled at them both. "You came!" Junhyuk nodded and stood next to Tirot to look at the blueprints. "How big do you think a monster is?" he asked. "About five meters." "Consider ten meters." Ten meters was about the height of a four-story building. A tall monster like that also meant that it was of an impressive quality. "So as not to put pressure on the building itself, you¡¯ll have to build theb underground." "I will, and the containment room has to berger." Junhyuk gave Tirot some advice on how to improve hisb. He didn¡¯t know anything about biology, but he had dealt with monsters before and he knew a lot about them. Tirot listened to his advice and asked, "Is it possible to get a live monster?" "No. Don¡¯t be reckless." Live monsters couldn¡¯t go inside the Spatial Bag, and considering how dangerous monsters were, Junhyuk had to kill them first. Tirot nodded in agreement, and Junhyuk paid Tirot somepliments and left. He and Sungtae walked over to a building they had purchased under Max¡¯s name. It would be the building for housing the novices. Junhyuk went inside and looked around. Sungtae had paid close attention to this building, and construction was already underway. "Does it have boarding capacity?" "Yes, but novices have powers beyond thews of physics, so I¡¯m not sure what will help them." "Are you building an underground training facility?" "So as to not damage the building itself, that is the best option." Junhyuk nodded. His own training facility was located underground. He looked around inside the building. "We¡¯ll get a novice soon, so finish up the construction as soon as possible." "Sure." "This ce will be a heaven for novices. Make sure not just anyone can enter. Put a code on the door." "Yes, I will tell the security team." "I want to control everyone¡¯s ess here through Ganesha." "That¡¯s possible." Junhyuk went to the roof of the building and looked around. They were three buildings in the center of the city. They were not the tallest buildings, but the researchers in that ce would be the driving force of the world. A-ranked monsters had appeared, and he was training more. Now, he wanted to make progress within South Korea as well. Junhyuk raised his head toward the sky. The Dimensional Battlefield¡¯s managers had weeded some of the novices out. He didn¡¯t know how many had survived and activated another power, but more people were activating powers now than ever before. "I will be the first." He wanted to be a hero and challenge himself to be a legend. He made that pledge to himself with clenched fists. Chapter 304 Warp 1 The new monsters¡¯ bodies were highly stic. To cut them up, first she had to apply the dposition liquid to the area, and then she had to use aser cutter. By using the muscles from those corpses, Elise was trying out new things. She was currently trying to make a new mechanical body. The monsters¡¯ muscles were superior to those of previous muscles and could easily withstand the mechanical pull. However, the muscles would lose tension over time, and that was another problem. Elise was extremely busy with her research nowadays. By finishing what she was currently working on, she would be able to create even stronger iron soldiers. They would reach a new level. A new core had been developed. It was better than those cores within regr iron soldiers, but the new core remained empty. She already had a mana stone in mind to fill it, and only Doyeol had a specimen of that mana stone. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t been able to get another one like it since the first time. It was priced at $700 million, and Elise would use it as the core. To make the strongest iron soldier, Elise had taken a few measures of her own. She had nted a nerve system into the monster¡¯s muscle, and to control that muscle, this new iron soldier would be fully controlled by a supeputer. She needed a supeputer that would only control that iron soldier and nothing else. Elise had made a supeputer with artificial intelligence before, but she had taken no breaks and spent her timepletely focused on that. --- It was a weekend, and Elise was working at home when she saw an emergency announcement through Zaira. She walked out of theb while spraying herself with decontamination liquid. Elise didn¡¯t know if the monster corpses carried any virus, so she always wore a hazmat suit and cleaned herself with a decontaminationpound when she exited. Then, she turned on a monitor to see a member of Pentagram, Charles Rockefeller, on screen. As soon as he saw Elise on screen, he started speaking. "There is a problem." "What kind of problem?" "Ab was researching porings, butmunication with thatb has been cut off." "I thought you were prepared for anything that might happen?!" "R-agents and iron soldiers were stationed that, but we still can¡¯t get through." "The R-agents I can understand, the iron soldiers were also destroyed?" "That¡¯s right." Elise frowned a little. After the mass production of iron soldiers, each member of Pentagram had gotten ten unique iron soldiers, and Charles¡¯ iron soldiers had been destroyed! "Show me what happened on the screen." "Sure." The got an email, opened it and watched the video attachment. "They are using long range attacks." There were two people who could use long range attacks, and all of their eyes were entirely green. Just like when Eunmi rampage, they didn¡¯t disy any personality. They were people who could massacre the innocent. "How can I help you?" "I¡¯ll send their GPS locations. Can you intercept them?" "How can I intercept any of them?" "I need Guardians¡¯ iron soldiers." Elise took a moment to think. The fact was that Zaira controlled Guardians¡¯ iron soldiers, and while members of Pentagram had iron soldiers of their own, the two groups had different artificial intelligence capabilities. The iron soldiers with the members of Pentagramcked battle experience, among other things, so they had failed to engage the enemy sessfully. "You should ask Guardians¡¯ CEO about it." "You know what¡¯s happened, right? I want to you move secretly." Elise thought of something else and said, "Even if I moved alone, the American military would know of it. On top of that, there¡¯s no monster distress call right now." "I¡¯ll take responsibility for the American military." "Then, I should just give up on my research?" Charles Rockefeller thought for a moment and said, "We needed more preparation. We nned poorly." Elise sighed and answered, "Fine, but send me your research and your findings. I need to know everything if I¡¯m going to find out what happened." Charles took a moment longer to think and answered, "Sure." "I¡¯ll delete everything after I eradicate the infected." Charles Rockefeller nodded, and the feed cut off. Elise watched the recordings of the battle. They were capable of long range attacks, so even though the iron soldier was moving at high speed, it got destroyed from three hundred meters away. Elise had to find out who had delivered that attack. "I need to pay more attention." --- Elise used Zaira to take control of the iron soldiers being manufactured in the United States. They hadn¡¯t been distributed to every country yet, so nobody would know what she was doing. She murmured to herself, "There are all kinds of powers." Elise couldn¡¯t see all of the powers on the screen. She had just deployed twenty iron soldiers and was following their feeds. All of the iron soldiers were extremely well armed, all equipped with midrange weaponry. So, Elise thought they would be able to handle it. There was GPS tracking for ten survivors, and when Elise found then, she started attacking. The survivors had a range of three hundred meters, so Elise used the twenty iron soldiers to attack from five hundred meters away. Their shoulders opened, and small missileunchers appeared. Twenty missiles flew at high speed toward the enemies and exploded on impact. Boom, boom, boom, boom! After the smoke dissipated, Elise could see arge green shield covering all of the enemies. However, Elise had expected something like that and nned for it. Another volley of missiles flew toward the enemies. That green shield was a power beyond thews of physics, and it looked amazing, but powers also had limitations. They were limited by time, and once you knew that, they didn¡¯t seem that dangerous. The missiles swept through the enemy position again, and the enemies reacted instinctively. Elise smiled at the sight. "Keep far away, Zaira. Make sure they don¡¯t get too close. Torch the area." Half of the iron soldiers extend their hands in front of them, raining bullets down on the enemies from their arms so that their enemies wouldn¡¯t get any closer. The others fired more missiles. The enemies were massacred, but three of them still survived. Elise thought the job had been simple enough and murmured, "He couldn¡¯t do this and had to ask me to do it?" Missiles flew toward the surviving enemies, and a woman with ck hair stepped forward. She also had green eyes, and as she touched the other two survivors, they disappeared. "Hm?!" Elise tried tracking them through GPS, but she couldn¡¯t find them. Then, and urgent announcement came from Zaira. [A dimensional tear has suddenly appeared in Yongsan.] "What?!" The enemies had disappeared suddenly, followed by a sudden dimensional tear. Elise tapped her tablet and said, "Check the area surrounding Yongsan." Soon, footage of Yongsan appeared on screen. It showed a dimensional tear. From it, three green-eyed people walked through. They blended with the crowd and disappeared. "NO!" They had just been in a desert in the United States, and now they were in South Korea just like that. Someone had the power to create dimensional tears. Elise was extremely shocked and knew she couldn¡¯t keep it a secret anymore, so she called two people at once. Eunseo picked up up her phone first, and Elise spoke fast, "Poring-infected people have appeared. I¡¯m requesting the deployment of iron soldiers." "An infected person? Did Eunmi escape?" "The people appeared through a dimensional tear." Eunseo nodded. "Permission for deployment granted." Elise deployed and took control of three iron soldiers through Zaira. Then, she bit her lip. "Why isn¡¯t he picking up?" The iron soldiers couldn¡¯t deal with the situation by themselves. She wanted Junhyuk¡¯s help, but she couldn¡¯t reach him. She frowned and bit her lip even more as she looked through the iron soldiers¡¯ feeds. "I haven¡¯t finished the infected detector yet." She had wanted to make one, but she hadn¡¯t finished the research on it. So, there was no way for her to find them at that moment, but the three of them suddenly appeared in downtown Seoul. They could start infecting other people, and Elise was afraid. "I have to finish this today." Were they going to infect others or would they just go on a killing spree? Elise couldn¡¯t do anything at that point, so she ordered Zaira, "Keep calling Junhyuk." --- On Sunday, no A-ranked monsters appeared when he went to train in the morning. He couldn¡¯t deal with one of them alone. Once he entered the training facility, he let mana travel to his veins til lunchtime, then he exited the facility and walked out of the bathroom. He could let others enter his facility, but not without him. Sarang was supposed to join him that Sunday, so he exited a little earlier to shower. After washing himself clean, he changed into new clothes and walked out of the bathroom into the house. His cell phone was going wild, and he had twenty-three missed calls. When he finally picked up, he heard Elise¡¯s panicked voice, "Junhyuk, this is an emergency!" "Is it monsters?" If it was monsters, he couldn¡¯t do anything. He couldn¡¯t engage monsters outside of his facility. If he did, management would send even stronger ones. "No. People infected by porings have appeared!" "Poring infected people?!" With the exception of Eunmi, they had all been killed! He was curious about what she was saying, so Elise spoke quickly, "It started in the US." "How did theye to South Korea?" After a moment of silence, she said, "I am not sure. It looked like a warp." "What?" Junhyuk didn¡¯t know what she meant by that. Some people activated powers after being infected, but warping? And from the US to South Korea? "They are inside Yongsan station. The iron soldiers have been deployed, but it¡¯s crowded, and I can¡¯t do anything." "Where are they exactly?" "I trying to use a detector, but I can¡¯t locate them. If they infect others and escape, it¡¯ll escte." "Have you stopped the trains?" "Yes. All trains are on standby." The government had already experienced an incident with a poring, so it wasn¡¯t hesitating likest time. Junhyuk thought it was a serious problem, and when he walked out of the house, he saw Saranging through the gate. "I¡¯ll call you back." He hung up and walked toward Sarang. "There are people infected in Seoul right now. I have to go." "Another poring infection?" "Yes, it started in the US, but they warped to South Korea." "What?!" Sarang was shocked, and he told her calmly, "Warping is breaking the rules. I¡¯m not sure if that person activated the power because of the poring infection or not, but before they warp again, I need to kill them. If I let them escape, things will escte." "Then, take me with you." He shook his head. "I¡¯ll do a better job going alone." Junhyuk could teleport over a distance of a hundred meters, and his defense was extremely high now. Sarang was a champion now, but shecked the proper equipment. He couldn¡¯t take her with him, and Sarang agreed and nodded. "Fine, but do be careful." He entered the training facility with her and exited alone. Junhyuk could get to Yongsan in ten minutes, but during that time, anything could happen. He called Elise back, and when he heard her through the receiver, he said calmly, "I¡¯ll be there in ten minutes. Tell me the details." Chapter 305 Warp 2 There were a lot of people moving around at Yongsan Station. The infected had shown up there, and things would get serious if they infected other people. Junhyuk parked his car around a corner of the station. The army had cordoned off the entire area, so it was not easy to get close. The army was controlling everyone who went in or out, and it wanted to prevent even a single person from escaping its grasp. Inside his car, he had summoned all of his equipment. He did not need the entire Pure Golden Knight set, however, so he simply wore the cloak. He sighed. "I should dye it," he thought and murmured to himself before teleporting. Junhyuk had been aiming for a particr ce, a spa nearby, and he teleported there. When he appeared on the roof, he realized that there were people already there. A soldier was aiming his rifle toward Yongsan Station, but when Junhyuk appeared, the soldier started heading toward him. Junhyuk could tell he wasn¡¯t an ordinary soldier. Junhyuk looked at the soldier and looked far away toward Yongsan Station. All entrances to the station had already been sealed, so he connected to Elise through his Bluetooth and said calmly, "Go over police and militarymunication and see if there is an escape route." "Will do." He gathered his breath. Junhyuk had upgraded his equipment, but the enemies had disyed powers beyond what he had thought were limitations. A warp power? He had heard they had warped through a dimensional tear. If warping was possible, his enemies could have other powers that broke the limits. "I¡¯m going in," he said and started running. The soldier was preparing to shoot, and all of the other soldiers saw him as he was about to jump. Junhyuk used his jumping power and flew toward the station, and the eyes of all of the soldiers followed him. When hended at the station¡¯s parking lot, he looked around and saw that there were soldiers there as well. The muzzles of their guns aimed at him, and he teleported inside the building. When he saw nobody inside therge station, he frowned. The military had already moved everyone to the first floor, and they were searching the other floors. "Are they in hiding?" If they were hiding, he wouldn¡¯t be able to find them. Junhyuk needed to know if they were novices or, in fact, experts, but there was no way for him to know without being able to see them. He sighed lightly and walked. While walking, he heard footsteps from the stairs. All esctors had stopped, so he could hear them walking, and it sounded like military boots. Junhyuk knew he couldn¡¯t let his guard down against the soldiers, so he tiptoed out of that area. Then, he heard Elise¡¯s voice from his Bluetooth. "All civilians are on the first floor, but the military can¡¯t find the infected." Junhyuk walked inside a restroom and asked, "I thought the infected could only activate powers after the bits of poring were removed from them." "I can¡¯t be sure this time." "Why?" Elise was silent for a moment before saying, "The infection took ce in the US because they were running an experiment with poring infections to activate people¡¯s powers. These are the subjects that escaped from theb." Junhyuk scowled. "Don¡¯t you know how dangerous that is?!" "I had nothing to do with it." He thought of a name all of a sudden and said, "Charles Rockefeller." "He is the one responsible for the entire experiment." Junhyuk gritted his teeth. Of course, Charles would be the one responsible for a dangerous experiment like this. "Why did theye to South Korea?" "I¡¯m not sure about that either." Junhyuk nodded and said, "I¡¯m heading to the first floor." Junhyuk heard the sound of military boots moving, and he quickly headed away from the footsteps. He moved without making a noise and walked toward the first floor, where people were. Once he got there, he saw about three hundred people gathered on the floor. The soldiers around them were wearing hazmat suits and carrying rifles. Junhyuk looked through the three hundred people on the floor. The infected should be there. They probably wanted to infect others, and that was the perfect ce to do it. Because they can¡¯t hide green eyes, the infected should have something covering their eyes. As he looked at the people, Junhyuk saw that they were all scared, but a few of their had their heads raised. As he watched, he frowned slightly. "How many people did they experiment on for there to be three experts?!" Junhyuk¡¯s defense was outstanding now, but the enemies might have some basic powers that he couldn¡¯t imagine, which meant that they could be strong even without any items. He was nervous, but there was nothing he could do about it. Junhyuk teleported next to the three, who responded to his movement, and touched them all and teleported away. They all reappeared on the roof of the station¡¯s parking lot. As they got there, Junhyuk distanced himself from them and unsheathed his swords. They responded right away. One of them opened his mouth, and a green liquid shot out from it. Junhyuk thought of Gongon¡¯s breath and raised the force field around himself. The expert¡¯s breath covered it. Junhyuk took a second to analyze them and saw that they did not look like people anymore. Theirpletely green eyescked reason, so he didn¡¯t worry about it anymore. "You are no longer humans, so there¡¯s no reason for me to let you live." They could infect others, and he was not backing down. Junhyuk ran toward them, and the dark-haired woman extended her hands toward him. He scoffed at it. With his force field, nothing would be able to harm him for the next ten seconds. That was something he had learned while fighting heroes. The other two also attacked him. One had green fingernails that looked like ws, and the other rushed toward him, at least the attacked looked like a rush. Junhyuk ran toward them, and the dark-haired woman¡¯s hands shone bright, and Junhyuk realized that his force field had already disappeared. "What?!" He didn¡¯t know what had happened, but the rushing enemy mmed against him at that moment. Boom! He is thrown off to a wall and smashed through it. The rushing power had also stunned him. "A push and a stun?!" It was a high-ranking rush, and Junhyuk gritted his teeth as the other walked toward him and stabbed him with his w-like nails. As the nails touched him, an explosion went off. Boom! Junhyuk was thrown off once more and rolled on the ground. The two attacks had taken 35 percent of his health, and Junhyuk knew he couldn¡¯t just ignore them. Moreover, he was most curious about the woman who had the power to dispel his force field. He had heard about her from Elise, that she was responsible for the warp. He knew they had powers that surpassed what he had imagined, but the ramifications of that were hard to believe. "I can¡¯t let you live when you have powers like those." He raised his sword, but they were out of the range of his Spatial sh. "Stop right there!" Junhyuk had already used his teleportation, so he ran toward them, and the one with the w-like nails ran toward him. When he saw the nails approaching him, he scoffed and triggered eleration. There were no restraints against it on Earth like at the Dimensional Battlefield. By using eleration, he closed in, cut the man¡¯s arm, and stabbed him on the neck. Meanwhile, a light blue shockwave extended from the impact and froze the other man, who had been running toward him. It was over for the man who had used the breath. The man tried to punch Junhyuk, but he dodged it and stabbed him with the Blood Rune Sword. Junhyuk felt his health is recovering, and he triggered eleration again. If the woman used her warping ability, he wouldn¡¯t be able to find her again, so he sped up. The woman looked at him and closed her eyes. She was within the range of the Spatial sh, so he used it on her. The sh entered her chest, her eyes widened and she screamed. His momentum stopped him right in front of her, and he sighed deeply. "Whew!" He had gotten to her in the nick of time. Junhyuk looked back. "Tsc!" A person was getting up. Junhyuk thought he had killed him, but his health was at a hundred. "You are not dead?" Junhyuk ran toward him. It was the man who had stabbed him with his w-like fingernails. "Is that just like Kaljacque¡¯s ultimate?" Reviving was possible. It was a power, and it was one that went well beyond what Junhyuk had thought possible. Junhyuk closed in quickly. He had already used his eleration, but he swung his swords at the man, who blocked them with his nails. The man shed at Junhyuk, who leaned his head back to block. He dodged the sh by a hair¡¯s breadth and countered by shing the man¡¯s thigh. The man¡¯s speed was debuffed from the sh, and Junhyuk stabbed him in the heart. The one hundred health dropped to zero. Junhyuk looked at the fallen man and murmured, "That was dangerous." He knew he couldn¡¯t leave the bodies there, so he put them all his Spatial Bag. He has put two inside the bag when soldiers appeared. They were aiming at him, and he sighed and said on the Bluetooth, "Elise, I got all three of them. If I¡¯m going to carry these out, these soldiers can¡¯t interfere." Soldiers closed in on him and aimed their rifles at him. "Drop your swords and put your hands up!" He didn¡¯t want to kill innocent people, and as he stared at them, he heard Elise¡¯s voice. "Just wait a minute." He simply stared at them without putting his swords down, and the number of soldiers kept on increasing. He could escape that ce easily, but he waited. Then, a major came up from behind them and shouted, "Put your rifles down!" The soldiers followed the order, and the major walked up to him and asked, "I got a message from above. You killed the infected, is that true?" Only the woman¡¯s body remained on the floor. Instead of answering, Junhyuk simply nodded. "The quarantine team ising here. Do you want toe with us?" As Junhyuk shook his head, Elise spoke up nervously in his ear, "There¡¯s a dimensional tear appearing in your location. What happened to that woman?" He turned to her slowly and answered, "I killed her." However, as he turned, he was shocked into silence. The woman¡¯s body was in the air, and her chest was moving. "A dimensional tear?" The tear wasn¡¯t appearing in the air, but within the woman¡¯s body, and Junhyuk knew that was something he had never seen before. He ran toward the dead woman and shouted, "Move out!" Chapter 306 Dimensional Tear 1 The woman was surely not breathing anymore, and Junhyuk could tell that by the woman¡¯s body floating in the air. It looked as though someone was pulling her body up intentionally. He had shed her neck, and blood was still pouring out of it. She was dead for sure. However, a dimensional tear had appeared. The woman was dead, so she was incapable of warping, but Junhyuk thought that monsters would show up through the tear. The iron soldiers appeared quickly. Suddenly, monsters started pouring out of the tear. Pouring out was the correct expression for it as many monsters rushed out. Junhyuk ran toward the dimensional tear, shocked by the number of monsters that had appeared. They looked like a water buffalo herd stampeding, but the monsters were, in fact, a pack of wolves. The iron soldiers fired bullets with dposition liquid at the pack without giving Junhyuk a chance to react. The shooting turned the wolves into used rags, but there were so many of them, that some of the wolves ran toward Junhyuk. That¡¯s when he stopped running and started shing at the wolves, tearing them up like scraps of paper. Each sh generated a shockwave that swept through the wolves, and their bodies started piling like mountains. As the waves of wolves kepting, Junhyuk thought about triggering eleration. After all their bodies piled up, Junhyuk thought there should be five hundred of them. They were the size of buffalos, and there were five hundred of them. As he stepped over the bodies, he saw the dimensional tear getting bigger and bigger. "It¡¯s not disappearing." That was a serious problem, and Junhyuk collected himself. "Can you find out what is keeping the dimensional tear open?" he asked. "I can¡¯t find out what¡¯s behind it, but the tear is growing," Elise responded. Junhyuk was watching it all. "Considering its size,rger monsters might appear. Have the iron soldiers stay here, and evacuate the rest of the people. This may take longer than expected." After saying that, Junhyuk looked at the woman¡¯s body once more. He stared at her and used the Spatial sh on her again. Her body was sliced in half, but the dimensional tear did not dissipate. Junhyuk folded his arms and stared at the tear. The tear kept growing after the pack of wolves got annihted, but there was nothinging through it. He just kept staring at it, until suddenly, something came out of the tear. This time, it was jaguars. The jaguars¡¯ ws could even slice through iron soldiers. Junhyuk watched as the jaguars rushed toward him, and he raised his swords. "I shall sweep them up!" he said and swung his swords. Junhyuk had fought twenty-five twin-headed ogres at once, so he had gotten used to fighting many enemies at the same time. The jaguars had superb attacks, but their hides were weak, so he shed through them easily. However, the jaguars disyed their speed prowess, and he had to trigger his eleration to keep up. Some jaguars came closed to escaping, and some did, but Junhyuk managed to kill all within his reach. The jaguars that got away were destroyed by the iron soldiers. He has stopped jaguars, but he was now scowling. The dimensional tear was getting even bigger. Things would be even more problematic if stronger monsters were to appear, and if an A-ranked monster showed up, he wouldn¡¯t be able to do anything. Junhyuk stared at the dimensional tear. He had to stop it somehow. When he looked around, he saw that the soldiers were still there, but the citizens were being evacuated by the quarantine team through the quarantine vehicles. "Why don¡¯t you attack the dimensional tear with the iron soldiers?" he asked calmly. "Won¡¯t that be dangerous?" "We can¡¯t let it be. Something strong mighte out of it. What do you want to do?" "We¡¯ll attack the tear." Junhyuk distanced himself from the tear, and the iron soldiers began their attacks. However, their missiles got sucked into the tear. When Junhyuk saw the tear swallow up the missiles, heughed out loud. "What can we do now?" A momentter, more monsters rushed out, hippo-like monsters, and they all ran toward him. "What can I do?" He swung his swords once more. --- Eunseo was watching a monitor and frowning. The missiles had been swallowed by the dimensional tear, and she did not know what to do. "What should we do?" "The situation isn¡¯t great. The missiles aren¡¯t working, so I¡¯m thinking of sending an iron soldier into the tear." "If the iron soldier goes in, can it stillmunicate?" "I¡¯m not sure about that. I can¡¯t answer that question." "What happens if we can¡¯t control it?" "We should use an automatic process. We¡¯ll send one in, and it¡¯ll check out what is inside and return. I have a program like that set up." "Then, do it." The iron soldier cost hundreds of millions of dors to make, so they couldn¡¯t just send one in. "I¡¯ll send one in now," Elise said, smiling. After stopping the wave, the iron soldier advanced into the tear, and everyone watched it nervously. Money wasn¡¯t an issue now. They had never experienced a tear like that one, and monsters just kepting from it. Eunseo had Junhyuk deal with the monster waves all by himself. She had heard everything about him, but she was still shocked by what he could do. There were so many monsters, and he was all by himself. She was very worried about him. The roof of Yongsan station was alreadypletely filled with bodies, and she was concerned with how they would remove all of them. The waves did not give them any time to clean up. They kept triggering at five-minute intervals, so there was no means with which they could remove the bodies. They couldn¡¯t simply detonate the dimensional tear either, so they could only trust Junhyuk. --- A previously unimagined dimensional tear. Junhyuk was getting tired of shing monsters, but he was expecting results from the iron soldier that had just entered the tear. The tear was still growing, already reaching a diameter of five meters. The tear was big enough for twin-headed ogres to starting out. That was possible now. Junhyuk had thought it was good that he could predict the monster waves, but after dealing with all of them up to now, there were over two thousand bodies piled up. Their weight made it very possible that the building might copse. Junhyuk was seriously worried. The soldiers had already evacuated, only military helicopters kept flying around. The building was still standing, and Junhyuk got up slowly once the time for the next expected wave approached. Only an iron soldier was protecting him now, and Junhyuk pulled out his sword from a monster he had just killed. The tear grew again, and different monsters came through. Boom! With heavy footsteps, golems appeared, and there were more than fifty of them. "I¡¯m tired." He had thought he would only have to kill the infected, so he hade to prevent others from getting infected, but now the infection wasn¡¯t the problem. The powers of those infected were shocking. The woman was able to dispel his force field, which had never happened before, but he hadn¡¯t thought he would die at the time since his equipment was so much stronger than anything on Earth. However, now he knew that he the powers of those infected were beyond limitations. Junhyuk ran toward the golems. Their cores needed to be destroyed, and he was capable of doing it. As he attacked, the golems shattered, and Junhyuk murmured to himself while they did, "When is iting out?" An iron soldier had gone inside, and it was already the second wave after it had done so. He was destroying the golems, but he was incredibly frustrated. At that moment, he thought he had to talk to Agenchra about what was going on. He dealt with the golems alone, but he was exhausted and copse on top of the golems¡¯ shattered bodies. "Agenchra." The iron soldier had gone into a tear that contained that many monsters, so he didn¡¯t expect it to be OK. Junhyuk called for Agenchra because he wanted to know what management was thinking. He did so multiple times, but there was no answer, so he stared at the open sky above him. Without Agenchra, he was unable to talk to the Dimensional Battlefield Management. Staring at the dimensional tear, Junhyuk sighed. The tear was there, and an infected person had created it, and it kept going in perpetuity. "It never stops!" Monsters kepting, so what could he do about the tear? He thought about it. Junhyuk had been able to stop the waves, but each following one wasposed of stronger monsters than the one previous to it. He wondered if he should stay there or not. So far, all monsters that had shown up could have been stopped by the iron soldiers and the army. However, twin-headed ogres were a different matter. Thump, thump, thump! Suddenly, the ground started shaking. It started small at first, but as he looked down, the shaking got stronger. It got so strong that Yongsan Station copse. However, the roof remained standing, and Junhyuk frowned and looked around. The weight of the bodies had sunk the stantion, but the dimensional tear was still there, and the monsters kept pouring out of the empty air. Suddenly, Junhyuk thought about someone he could ask about the dimensional tear. So, he pulled out hismunication orb and said, "Vera." "What¡¯s up?" "A dimensional tear has appeared where I live. Monsters areing through it by the thousands. How can I stop it?" "A dimensional tear? What happened?" "A person infected by a poring appeared, and she was trying to warp, but I killed her, and now the dimensional tear won¡¯t disappear." "Poring? Why?!" "Do you know anything?" "I can¡¯t read the minds of the managers, but do you want to stop the dimensional tear?" "Yes." Veraughed brightly. "Then, go inside it." "What?!" Chapter 307 Dimensional Tear 2 Waves of monsters wereing out of the dimensional tear, so how could he know that was inside it and if he should go in? He was worried, but Vera said calmly, "When you go inside the dimensional tear, you¡¯ll find a tower with a core. You must destroy that tower." "There is a tower inside?" Junhyuk could no longer worry about things. Parts of the building were copsing, and he had to teleport. After teleporting, he stood in front of the dimensional tear. With his mind made up, Junhyuk teleported inside the tear. When he entered, pure white light covered his vision, just like when he got summoned to the Dimensional Battlefield. Junhyuk thought that management liked white lights, a useless thought, and he saw a road ten meters wide. When he looked back, he saw the portal he had gone through vibrating. That was the dimensional tear, and he would use it again to leave. Junhyuk walked forward slowly. What was that ce? Did it diminish his powers like the Dimensional Battlefield? If not, could he use all of his powers? Junhyuk waited for a moment, and when the cooldown ended, he teleported as far as he could. He had crossed a distance of a hundred meters, however, still couldn¡¯t see the end of the road. It was a brightly lit road, and Junhyuk was hearing loud noises from the other end. He grimaced and kept on slowly moving forward. If anything came his way, he would deal with it. The shape of the existences became clear, and Junhyuk scowled. Twin-headed ogres were heading his way, but he didn¡¯t mind them. He ran toward them and started slicing and dicing the monsters. That was the tenth wave. After the dimensional tear was made and waves of monsters started showing up, the tenth wave wasposed of twin-headed ogres. Junhyuk was doing well, but the ranks of the monsters were increasing faster than ever before. He shed through the ogre, and when a part of the twin-headed ogre flew off and hit the pure white wall, it disappeared instantly. Junhyuk got an odd feeling from it, but he cut down the rest of the ogres. When the bodies disappeared, he inhaled deeply. "They aren¡¯t going to send an A-ranked monster, right?" Even heroes couldn¡¯t deal with A-ranked monsters easily, and while heroes were stronger when in their own dimensions, the monsters were also released from their shackles. Junhyuk tried connecting with Vera again, but hismunication device wouldn¡¯t work in there, so he started running. He had only met two types of B-ranked monsters so far, but there might be more of them. Junhyuk didn¡¯t know how long the road was, but he had to get to the tower and destroy it before an A-ranked monster appeared. Then, he thought that the waves started at every five minutes, which meant that the monsters should be five minutes away with their movement speeds. He couldn¡¯t guess at how fast the monsters were, so he decided to run. Junhyuk had run for a while before he saw the next group of monsters. They had gathered up, and it was the first time Junhyuk was seeing that type of monsters, but they wereing after the twin-headed ogres, so that meant that they were more dangerous than the ogres. He sped up and used the Spatial sh, slicing a monster in half. The shockwave generated from the attack swept through everything around. Junhyuk thought that those monsters were easier than the golem, but there were still ten of them remaining. He ran at them, and they dispersed, and each of them attacked him. Frowning, he swung his sword, but he couldn¡¯t cut them. They were more annoying than golem. The monsters seemed to have turned into mist-like existences, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯tnd an attack on them. He thought there might be a nucleus within their mist state, so he looked around in search for one. THen, he felt something strange on his back and stepped forward while turning around and shing toward his back. The monster was sliced through the center, and a shockwave borne out of that center strike. The rest of the monsters dispersed, and he slowly looked around himself. It looked like, when in mist state, they had to gather and attack as a group, which also meant they formed a single file when they attacked him. Without gathering, they couldn¡¯t attack him, so he had a chance to kill them all. Junhyuk held tightly to his swords and stood upfortably. He was less nervous than before and he didn¡¯t move even though he knew he was in a situation where every second mattered. Those monsters were at least B-ranked. If they had gotten through the tear to South Korea, society wouldn¡¯t have been able to deal with them. Junhyuk stood there and focused on his senses. The mist surrounded him, and two mists became one and started attacking him. However, Junhyuk had read the attack and triggered eleration. He shed the enemying toward him, and the mist dispersed again. "I don¡¯t have time for this," he said. The mists converged and attacked him again, forming a single enemy. The enemies could control their shape, and they rushed at him as a single, smaller enemy. He watched as the little mist monster attacked him at once, and he returned the Frozen Rune Sword to the scabbard and punched at the mist. Boom! Even without any weapons, his attack power had increased after he had upgraded his equipment. His punch created a sphere-like shockwaved that expanded within the little mist monster. They were B-ranked monsters, so Junhyuk couldn¡¯t kill them with a shockwave from his punch, but he shed again with the Blood Rune Sword, creating yet another shockwave, but this time things were different. He was standing at the center of the road when he swung his keenly, and when the enemies gathered, he triggered his eleration without hesitation, finally managing to kill all of them. Junhyuk looked at them and gasped for air. There was a limit to his eleration, and he might encounter even stronger enemies. If he meandered, more enemies woulde, so he couldn¡¯t just stay there. "Holy shit! Do I have to continue fighting without a regeneration basin?" He didn¡¯t have time to recover, so he continued running even though he was tired. He had to find the tower and destroy it before encountering any more monsters. As he ran, he thought, ¡¯What is this tunnel made out of? The tunnel¡¯s walls absorb monster bodies.¡¯ Junhyuk didn¡¯t know where the monsters wereing from or where they had disappeared to.He thought about a lot of things, but he didn¡¯t have any answers for them. Junhyuk ran just like Vera had told him to, and after a while, the road started getting wider, and that made him nervous. "Perhaps?" The road widening could mean that evenrger monsters could show up. The size of the monsters didn¡¯t much matter, but he thought that therger ones wouldn¡¯t be so weak. Five-meter tall twin-headed ogres had already appeared, and even bigger monsters might show up. He knew that, so he ran with all of his might. Even if a bigger monster showed up, he had to kill it and destroy the tower with the core. He picked up the pace and saw something familiar far away. "A ck Turtle?" The giant turtle had a thick shell, and it had a snake¡¯s head where the tail should have been. When he saw the buff monster, the ck Turtle, he sighed. "So, finally an A-ranked monster." He had never fought an A-ranked monster by himself and he couldn¡¯t ask for help now. The ck Turtle started to move. He had fought one of them before, but not alone. It wasn¡¯t easy to pierce the turtle¡¯s shell. As he ran forward, his eyes beamed. He hadn¡¯t been able to fight one by himself before, but what about now? The Wolf Warlord had instincts that prevented him from using the Spatial sh on it. The Spatial sh was his strongest power, but the Wolf Warlord could dodge it. However, things were different now. The ck Turtle wasn¡¯t that fast, and he wanted to know if he could pierce its shell. As he ran, he saw the snake¡¯s head moving quickly, and it attacked him. It struck in a sh, but Junhyuk dove to a side to dodge. Boom! As he rolled on the ground, he saw the wall. The walls around the road were thick, but they had absorbed the monsters¡¯ bodies. Should he kick off of it? He didn¡¯t have long to think about it before the snake¡¯s head raised itself high up and crashed down toward him. Junhyuk threw himself toward the wall. He triggered eleration and kicked off the wall as he used his Spatial sh. He thought the snake¡¯s head might dodge his attack, so he focused it on the other head, the turtle¡¯s head. The Spatial sh prated its neck, and the turtle bled out heavily, and blood sttered everywhere. However, it wasn¡¯t dead yet. It had more health than a twin-headed ogre, so Junhyuk grimaced and murmured, "I need more time." He could deal the most damage with the Spatial sh. His regr attacks could also damage the turtle, but he needed to deal more than they could to take it down. It needed to be arge amount of damage. Junhyuk ran on the wall and dropped on the turtle¡¯s head, and the snake head attacked him at high speed. He teleported while swinging his sword, and Junhyuk was thinking the attack would be the turning point of the fight. Regr attacks had to work against the turtle, if not, he wouldn¡¯t be able to take it down. The Spatial she¡¯s cooldown was too long. The sword left a mark on the turtle¡¯s neck. It was working. However, the snake¡¯s head flew toward him, mming him on the side. Boom! Junhyuk was thrown at the wall and fell to the ground, trying to gather his breath. The turtle opened its mouth wide and spewed a green fog toward him. Junhyuk felt the corrosion melting everything around him and teleported again. He appeared on the turtle¡¯s back. Junhyuk eleration was used up, but he shed the turtle¡¯s neck again. He trusted his attacks, but the turtle withdrew its head into its shell. The snake¡¯s head was still moving and mmed against him again. Junhyuk was thrown off once more, hitting the wall and falling to the ground again. A-ranked monsters were at another level. When he got up again, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t breathe, but he saw the ck Turtleing toward him. The turtle¡¯s head was still inside the shell, and the snake¡¯s head was bearing its tongue at him. "Are you teasing me?" Junhyuk ran toward the ck Turtle again. Chapter 308 Dimensional Tear 3 The ck Turtle¡¯s strengthy in the poison breath it spewed from its turtle head, on the snake head¡¯s high speed, and finally, on its unbelievably thick shell. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t confident that he would be able to break through the shell. The snake head moved toward him, and he dove to the side. His movement speed was really high, but he couldn¡¯tpletely escape the attack. Junhyuk got hit on the side and pushed back. Meanwhile, the snake head wrapped its long tongue around him and slowly raised its head, trying to swallow him whole. He looked into snake head¡¯s eyes and said, "You think you¡¯ve won?!" The ck Turtle did not speak. Instead, it opened its mouth wide and tried to bite him. He looked at its sharp teeth and, without hesitation, raised the force field. The snake¡¯s head was nearly swallowing him when the force field appeared, and it had a radius of five meters, so it tore through the snake head¡¯s mouth. Then, Junhyuk shrunk his force field quickly. As the force field made ayer over his body, he swung his sword, attacking the mangled mouth of the snake head. The head was going berserk. He attacked a few more times, but the snake head was moving erratically, and it hit him in the process. He gotunched off, so he took the time to ess the injuries on the snake head. They were only scratches, and he wouldn¡¯t be able to kill the turtle if things kept going that way, so Junhyuk stopped attacking and gathered his thoughts. This dimension was no like the Dimensional Battlefield. There were no constraints to his powers. Junhyuk could trigger eleration, but eleration wouldn¡¯t help him. As he slowly raised his sword, he kept on thinking. Junhyuk had moved the living spirit to the tip of his sword, and he gathered the mana around him on that point. The snake head was moving toward him, but he just kept focusing, ignoring the snake head. Boom! He gotunched back from the shock again, so he moved the living spirit to the tip of his sword once more. When the living spirit reached that point, the mana gathered there turned thicker than before. Finally, Junhyuk was able to split the living spirit. The process had been different from what had taught him. Arn had told him to split the living spirit first and then send it out. Junhyuk repeated the process, and the tip of his sword shone brightly from the mana gathered on it. The snake head was about to attack him again, and again he moved the living spirit to the tip of his sword, like a wave. Every time it reached the tip of his sword, that part of the sword shone brighter. The snake hit him again, and he gotunched off, but the living spirit was moving toward the tip of the sword at a faster pace. At that point, the tip of the sword was shining very brightly, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t look at it, so he ran toward the snake head. The snake head was making to attack him again, so he pointed his sword forward. The sword hit the snake head, and at that moment, he sent the living spirit to the tip of the sword again. All of the force gathered there exploded. Boom! The explosion was huge, and Junhyuk got pushed back from the shock. He got up slowly, and when he looked at the snake head, he saw it was destroyed. Junhyuk was relieved then, thinking that he had killed the ck Turtle. However, that¡¯s when the turtle head appeared. Junhyuk chuckled and swung his sword, which disappeared into the turtle neck. He used his Spatial sh as soon as it came off cooldown and smiled. "So hard!" It wasn¡¯t an easy thing to kill an A-ranked monster. He was tired, but he walked forward. Junhyuk did not want to wait for something strong toe to him. After walking for a little while, he sped up, running forward. During his fight with the ck Turtle, he learned how to use the single-point explosion. Even if it was different from what Arn had told him, he had aplished it. Junhyuk ran faster. He could see the tower from far away. It was shining bright white, and his eyes beamed at the vision. "This the end." He picked up the pace and approached the tower, almost there. Then, he readied his Spatial sh. It would be better to destroy the tower from a distance rather than from close range, so he used the Spatial sh. ng! But the tower was covered with a translucent barrier that blocked the Spatial sh. "What the?!" The tower had a force field, just like a castle. Suddenly, someone spoke up from behind him. "Why don¡¯t you quit now?" Junhyuk frowned and looked back. Only monsters had shown up so far, so who could it be? He pointed his sword at the person speaking, a person covered in bandages. The person was wearing a suit and sses. The person¡¯s eyes shone bright red. "Agenchra?" "I am not Agenchra." Junhyuk looked around and noticed that time had frozen in that ce. "Who are you?" "I am the Monster Administrator Eltor." "Eltor... I¡¯ve been wanting to meet someone from monster management." Junhyuk had many questions for the monster administration, and Eltor raised his sses a little bit and said, "I heard about you from Agenchra, but I had no reason to visit you before." "But there¡¯s a reason for us to meet now?" "Yes." Eltor looked at him and repeated, "You should quit." "Quit what?" "Destroying the tower core." Junhyuk scoffed. "Nonsense. Do you know what kind of damage this thing is causing right now?" "I know exactly." "The total damage won¡¯t be like before. Why did you release the monster waves?" Eltor spoke calmly, "You people brought this unto yourselves." "What?" "Humans created those who could open dimensional tears." "They were infected by the porings you sent." Eltor did not reply, simply smiling. Junhyuk was about to say something when Eltor spoke up first, "This will be good for humans." "That¡¯s absurd! Monsters waves like this will kill everyone, even those with powers!" Eltor chuckled and said, "These monsters are territorial. With the dimensional tear as its center, they can only survive within an area of a three-kilometer radius." Junhyuk hesitated before asking, "Are you creating a monster zone?" "Correct. We want a monster zone." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened slightly as he stared at Eltor. "You wanted those people to open up the tear." "We wanted it, but we did not force it to happen." He inhaled deeply. "What are you going to do with a monster zone?" "People with powers will venture into it to try to stop it. And more will evolve, while others will die." "They might give up." Eltorughed. "As time passes, the area will get bigger. Humans will feel threatened by it and send in more people with powers." "You already weeded out some!" There had been many novices, but most were weeded out. How many of them would have activated more powers? Eltor continued, "We don¡¯t simply want novices. We want people who¡¯ll survive the battlefield." Junhyuk didn¡¯t answer, simply staring at the manager. He knew what they wanted, but they wouldn¡¯t get what they wanted in a day. "What is your n?" "From now on, we¡¯ll make more monster zones." "You mean you will make more infected people who can open dimensional tears?" Eltor simply smiled without answering, and Junhyuk could get what he was thinking: Make a few monsters zones on Earth, and collect those who can keep it from expanding. If monsters ranked higher than B show up, things would be problematic. Could novice teams stop them? No, not really. Junhyuk didn¡¯t speak those things, just staring back at Eltor. "If that¡¯s your n, I don¡¯t have the power to stop it right now." "You¡¯re wise." "But this is not a good spot." After speaking, he did not wait for Eltor¡¯s answer before swinging his sword against the tower core. ng! Sparks came out of the tower core, and Junhyuk continued swinging while Eltor sighed. "Who told you about the tower core?" "No one. I figured it out myself." He pounded against it without stopping, and Eltor sighed once more and said, "You can¡¯t protect the Earth alone." Junhyuk didn¡¯t answering. Instead, he continued attacking the core. "We can give up on the first monster zone, so I won¡¯t interfere. But there will be more monster zones," Eltor said with a shrug. Junhyuk just kept silently attacking the core, but it was still not destroyed. So, Junhyuk aimed his sword and sent the living spirit to the tip of his sword, where it dumped some mana and returned. He repeated the process, and the tip of his sword shone brighter and brighter. Once finished, he didn¡¯t think twice before swinging his sword. ng! The tower core started cracking, and Junhyuk ignited the single-point explosion. In the end, he destroyed the tower core. Boom! When he turned around, he saw Eltor in front of him. "You can¡¯t make a zone here." Establishing a monster zone would yield more negative effects than positive effects. Yongsan station was in the center of Seoul, so he couldn¡¯t allow a monster zone there. Eltor did not debate with him, just staring at him instead. "This ce will close in one minute. If you stay here, you¡¯ll be lost through space." Junhyuk started running. The dimension¡¯s closure wouldn¡¯t be a simple problem. If he remained there, he might never be able to get back. So he ran with all his might, triggering eleration whenever possible and running faster and faster. "You can¡¯t do everything alone," Eltor murmured and disappeared. Junhyuk was running as fast as he could, but he still had a long way to go. The tower core was too far away from the exit, and he wouldn¡¯t be able to get out of there by simply teleporting. Instead, Junhyuk focused on the living spirit and triggered eleration while pressuring the living spirit and transferring that energy to his teleportation. He did it again, but there was still a long way to go. Junhyuk grimaced, realizing that he hadn¡¯t thought about this when he entered. "Whoever destroys the tower core won¡¯t survive." He kept on triggering eleration. Junhyuk was not as fast as Sora Shin, but he still went well beyond the limits on human speed. However, he was not confident that he would be able to get out of there. "This trap is dirty." He ran as fast as he could. When he pressured the living spirit, he could run faster. Then, from far away, he saw the dimensional tear, and the area around it was crumbling. Junhyuk teleported twice in a row and dove through the dimensional tear¡¯s opening in the nick of time. After leaving that bright white world, Junhyuk saw Yongsan Station had been destroyed, and the bodies of the monsters were everywhere. He fell on top of them. Thunk! There was a rumble through the ground, and Junhyuk raised his head. The dimensional tear was up in the air, and it shook chaotically before finally getting sucked into itself. It disappeared. Chapter 309 New Team 1 After closing the dimensional tear, Junhyuk disappeared from that ce. He had teleported a hundred meters to stand atop another building. Then, he sent his equipment away and teleported back to his car. There, he leaned against the seat and exhaled a deep sigh. "What happened?" he heard Elise¡¯s voice ask. "Because of the dimensional tear, a monster zone could have been created, but I stopped it. I want to go home and rest now." "A monster zone?" He thought about what management was trying to do and said, "Considering what will happen from now on, you muste up with ways to kill porings as soon as possible, as well as also detect infected and eliminate infected people. If not, monster zones will start appearing around the world from now on." After a moment of silence, Elise said, "We have to keep that from happening. I¡¯ll focus on that." Without saying anything else, Junhyuk hung up. He started his car, sted some cold air from the air conditioning and sighed again. "I¡¯m in a tough spot." He leaned back on his seatfortably, put his car in reverse and got out of the busyplex to the street. The way there had been busy, but there was a lot of room on the way back. After driving home, he entered the training facility, where Sarang was waiting for him. "Enter." Inside, he saw Sarang practicing her control over mana. She was focused like before and had not felt the time passing. However, she felt him arriving and, regaining her consciousness, looked at him. "Big brother." "I¡¯m back." She walked over to him, looked him up and down and asked, "What happened?" Junhyuk frowned and exined the dimensional tear to her. After he finished, she scowled at the news. "You stopped it this time, but there¡¯ll be more." "Right. The world may end up filled up monster zones." Porings would be the main focus of monster deployments from now on, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to think about it too deeply, so he shook his head and said, "By the way, I learned to use a new ability." "A new ability?" He nodded and raised his sword. The tip of his sword had the living spirit on it, and it grew brighter. When she watched the brightness explode, she was astonished. Sarang could control mana, so she knew the size of the force the explosion on the tip of his sword could exert. "Is this a power?" "No," he said calmly. "It¡¯s a regr attack." The ability was not considered a new power by Dimensional Battlefield standards, but it made an enormous difference within Junhyuk¡¯s dimension. "I have to practice it so that it can be used more quickly," he continued. The living spirit could be merged with his powers, increasing their strengths. Junhyuk was still learning new ways to use the spirit, so he didn¡¯t know the full extent of what could happened when the spirit wasbined with his powers. To learn, he wanted to train more. Junhyuk moved the living spirit to his sword and focused. Arn had told him he could gain more things from the spirit, and he was now training one of them. The managers of the Dimensional Battlefield wouldn¡¯t wait for him, so until management was satisfied, the would experience more suffering. He wanted to relieve humanity from that suffering, so he was doing his best at focusing on the living spirit, skipping rest and work on his way to bing a hero. And even though he was not a hero yet, he had to get stronger in his dimension. Junhyuk thought of the ck Turtle and the extreme density of its defense. A-ranked monsters had different levels of defense, and he wanted to get stronger so that he could deal with them. Then, he saw the monsters appearing before him. Previously, the waves started with B-ranked monsters before upgrading to A-ranked monsters. However, things were different this time. A-ranked monsters started appearing from the get-go. A Wolf Warlord, but this time it wasn¡¯t alone. It hade with a pack of wolves. When Junhyuk saw them, he smiled. "Sarang, I¡¯ll deal with the Wolf Warlord, and you take care of the wolves." After saying that, he ran forward. The Wolf Warlord bared its sharp fangs, and Junhyuk triggered eleration. As he focused even more on eleration, he got faster. Far surpassing human limitations, he faced the Wolf Warlord head on. --- The disaster at Yongsan Station became breaking new around the world. Hoards of monsters hade out from the dimensional tear, and if that happened again, humanity¡¯s current level of firepower wouldn¡¯t be enough. Sora wasn¡¯t an exception. She was terrified, and she talked to Junhyuk about all of those things. Who would she be able to trust if it happened again? Only Guardians had a history of dealing with monsters effectively. Guardians had iron soldiers. Thepany also had weapons that used the monster dposition liquid, and it was trustworthy. As he listened to her in his parked her, he smirked. They had arrived at the new building he had purchase. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t spoken much on the ride, simply driving her dare. She stared and him and asked, "Where am I?" "From now on, I¡¯ll be recruiting people with powers to help them grow." "I¡¯m looking forward to it." Junhyuk went inside and looked around. There was a training area with state-of-the-art training equipment run by a state-of-the-art training program. Sora looked around, astounded, "It¡¯s something." He had been there the day before to check it out. He had gone over the training equipment and made a card for himself under his own real name for check-in purposes. He had also told Sungtae that someone else would be responsible for the things that happened in that building. He said that person¡¯s name was Junhyuk. Junhyuk looked around and said, "We have basic room and board here as well." "That¡¯s really nice. I can do more statistical training here than at Guardians." "You should be able to." They walked to the outside garden. It was located on the roof, and Junhyuk got a couple of cups of coffee from the vending machine there. They drank their cups together. "Don¡¯t worry about the dimensional tear." That was all that Sora had talked about on her way there. Now, she was simply listening to him as he said calmly, "I stopped the dimensional tear at Yongsan Station." "What?!" He continued, "I¡¯ll be with you, so I don¡¯t want to keep secrets from you." "Perhaps, are you the Dark Knight...?" "They call me that." He smiled awkwardly and added, "When a dimensional tear appears, all we have to do is destroy the tower core. However, there aren¡¯t many who can do it right now." Unless they went in with a motorcycle, only Junhyuk would be able to do it and return alive. He looked at Sora. Her power was outstanding, but she was only capable of covering a distance of two hundred meters at once. She wouldn¡¯t be able to get through the entire road toe back alive from the tear. "We have a lot of work to do. There will be more tears." "There¡¯ll be more?!" He nodded heavily. More dimensional tears were expected to appear, and Junhyuk wanted to form a team to stop the monsters. Sora could be a tank in that team, but she still needed more and better equipment. He said calmly, "For that reason, you must train yourself. I¡¯ll give you plenty of money as well." "I wasn¡¯t expecting money, but if you want to give me more, I¡¯ll take it." Sora realized what kind of man he was, and her worries faded away. If anything went wrong, he would step in and save her. She believed that. Sora looked at the equipment on the wall and picked out arge sword. Easily swinging it around, she said, "I¡¯ll do my best." Junhyuk smiled at her. Sora had been to the Dimensional Battlefield many times, so he was not worried about her getting scared in front of monsters. Then, he looked at his cell phone and murmured, "Veryte." He was thinking about that surviving novice. He wanted her as well, but she hadn¡¯t called him yet. Junhyuk thought she would have called him sooner, but she was taking too long to do it. To him, she had a nice power, and he really wanted her. --- Junhyuk kept worrying about the next poring attack, but that hadn¡¯t happened. There had been no other dimensional tears since that first one, and it was now Friday. And people were shocked once again. For the first time since it started happening, there were no abnormal narcolepsy victims. Nobody fell asleep at the fixed times people normally would, and that made people more nervous. Only two people among all of humanity knew why that had happened, and the two of them were dining together at that very moment. He looked at Sarang. "Today is the day." "I know. I¡¯m nervous." The Champions¡¯ Battlefield had no death limit, which meant she would return alive, but she was still nervous. Anyone who had experienced the dark emptiness of death would have agreed with her. After thinking for a moment, Junhyuk said, "Honestly, they aren¡¯t easy enemies. They started weak, but the team now is so much stronger." The enemies before used to be easy, but after Kraken was paired with the other two, the entire team was able to deal very high damage. After Junhyuk exined it all to her, Sarang smiled and said, "But I won¡¯t die. I¡¯ll do my best." "It won¡¯t be easy, but I¡¯ll help you." "Then, I will be moving with you?" Junhyuk nodded. "It¡¯ll be better to have you with me than to pair you with Gongon." "I want to meet Gongon." Heughed. "Gongon will be expecting you," he said. Then, he ate thest piece of Korean sausage and got up from his seat. "Shall I take you home?" "No, I am fine," Sarang said, getting up. "By the way, time will stop when I¡¯m at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield?" "That¡¯s right." "That¡¯s good. I won¡¯t have toe up with an excuse for it then." Junhyuk fakeughed and said, "Right, so don¡¯t worry about it." After sending her home, he entered the training facility, where he sat on the ground and practiced the single-point explosion before going to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t sure if he could use what he had learned on the battlefield. Arn had said he wouldn¡¯t be able to, but the eleration had worked differently over there, so he thought the same might happen to the single-point explosion. He was expecting to be able to use it, so he focused on training it. He hadn¡¯t been able to kill the Wolf Warlord by himself, but his eleration speed had increased even further, so he was able to fight against it now. Even with eyes closed, the bright white light pounded at his corneas. Chapter 310 New Team 2 After Junhyuk got used to the bright light, he checked out how much money he had: 446,760G. In thest battle, he had spend a lot of money, and although he had earned some more, he had less than what he had started with. In exchange, his equipment was better than ever before. Junhyuk heard the soft announcement voice. [We will skip the exnation on the Swamp of Despair by your request. The reward for this round is very cool, and it does not happen often. It is a random gold bag. The amount of gold within it is random, so do your best to win.] A bag of gold. The problem was that there was no minimum. He could get very little gold from it, or there might not even be any gold at all within it. "They wouldn¡¯t do that to me." He would be with Sarang, and they would do their best to win. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] When he walked outside, he saw the lizardmen kneeling ahead of him, and he thought that Gongon had made them do that like he always did, but when he raised his head to look for Gongon, he was shocked by what he saw. "Ah! So cute!" Sarang was hugging the hatchling, and Gongon couldn¡¯t move. Gongon looked at Junhyuk and asked, "What is this human?" Junhyuk let out a small sigh and walked toward them. Sarang, who was hugging the immobile Gongon, greeted him with her eyes. "Big brother, why is Gongon so cute?!" ¡¯Cute? Gongon is a dragon, a type of reptile. However, Gongon¡¯s scales are warm, so he¡¯s different from other reptiles.¡¯ After a sigh, Junhyuk said, "Just like you said, she is human, and a newly-evolved champion." Gongon tried hard to get away from her, but she wouldn¡¯t let him get away. So, the dragon gave up, loosened his arms and asked, "Do you know this human?" "She has been with me through many battlefields." Gongon wrapped her arm with his tail and loosened her grip on him. Then, he stood in front of her and stared at her. "Your skills?" "Trustworthy." "Your powers?" Junhyuk gave Gongon a short summary of them, "An electric st that paralyzes the opponents, mass healing, and a Thunderstorm. Those are her three powers." "I understand the electric st, but mass healing?" Gongon looked at her, chuckled and added, "Even I can¡¯t use healing magic here. She is quite a unique human." Junhyuk had also not seen anyone else with healing magic. In deep thought, Gongon murmured, "This ce has many species with each dimension sending their own beings. It¡¯s hard to believe that she can heal all those different beings. Is it an absolute heal?" Once done, Gongon raised his head and extended a hand to Sarang, "In any event, it¡¯s nice to meet you. I¡¯m Gongon." "I am Sarang Kim." Gongon had extended his short w forward, and Sarang took hold of it. Then, she forcefully pulled Gongon toward herself and hugged him. "So cute!" Junhyuk sighed and said, "In any event, Gongon..." "What?" "Can you solo the upper path this time? I want to take the lower path with her if that¡¯s OK." After some thought, Gongon said, "Do it." "Thanks," Junhyuk responded, smiling. "Don¡¯t be grateful." Gongon sped his hands and asked, "You fought against legend candidates, right?" "Yes, and they became legends after thest battle." "That¡¯s sad. I wanted to fight them." Shaking his head, Junhyuk said, "You don¡¯t want to fight them. I had never died that many times before." Gongonughed out loud and said, "You can never tell with dimensions. There are many strong ones." Junhyuk smiled bitterly and said, "This time, they are giving out gold, so let¡¯s do our best." "A gold bag, right?" Gongon smirked. That didn¡¯t make Junhyuk feel good. Gongon was already extremely lucky to be born in possession of all sorts of things, and his existence made Junhyuk curious. He couldn¡¯tpare himself to the dragon. That was the kind of luck Gongon had been born with. Still, Junhyuk didn¡¯t feel that bad about his own luck, so he said, "Then, let¡¯s get going." "Should I kill one and then head toward the swamp?" "Yes, head to the swamp after you¡¯ve killed someone." Gongon waved at Junhyuk, who turned to Sarang. "Let¡¯s go." He called up the lizardmen and prepared thirty of them to move out. Sarang was still hugging Gongon, not wanting to let him go. "We can¡¯t give up a tower. Let¡¯s go." Sarang felt very guilty and finally let the hatchling go. The dragon signaled to the lizardmen, and when one got close to him, Gongon got up on his shoulders. Then, he waved his short ws at the two other champions. "See you at the swamp." "See youter." When Gongon started riding on the lizardman, Junhyuk thought it was a great idea that he should havee up with before, but that was all in the past. The hatchling had given him the bracelets, so he couldn¡¯t be stingy about giving him piggyback rides. Junhyuk headed out with Sarang, and as she left the castle, she looked at the walls around the paths. She thought the me walls were strange. "We don¡¯t have a power that can push the enemy to the walls, so they¡¯re not of much use to us. But be careful not to get pushed by the enemy." After some thought about it, she asked, "If we go this way, who¡¯ll we meet?" "Probably Kraken and Nid. Nid is a member of the Elidra tribe, and he¡¯s well bnced," he answered. "Then, who should we attack?" "Kraken¡¯s defense is rather high, so we should focus on Nid." Nid was bothersome, but the allies could kill him. "Paralyze him first, then drop a Thunderstorm on him." "But the range of the electric st is shorter than the Thunderstorm." Junhyuk thought it over and said, "I¡¯ll use the Spatial sh first to draw the enemies in. Then, use your Thunderstorm." The Thunderstorm onlysted for a moment, so unless the enemy had some sort of protective barrier, they wouldn¡¯t be able to escape the attack. Sarang agreed with his n. They talked about the details of their n while they walked, until they got to the tower. Junhyuk saw Kraken and Nid on the other side, just like he had expected. If Kilraden had been there, Sarang would have needed to be extra careful. She was wearing armor, but it wouldn¡¯t hold for long against Kilraden¡¯s attacks. Junhyuk patted her back and said, "Let¡¯s go." The enemies wereing out of the tower, walking with pride, and he frowned. He knew his equipment was superior to theirs in both defense and attack. As he stepped forward, Sarang followed him carefully. Sarang knew that heroes had fought for her before, but now she was the main character of her own fight, and she could feel the weight of that. Junhyuk shrugged and said, "I¡¯m much stronger this time. Don¡¯t worry so much." "Sure." He wanted to test his powers. Kraken was at the front, and the enemies wereing toward him, so he smiled. "Things will be different this time!" "You sound so full of yourself," Nid said, but Kraken stepped in front of him. "Don¡¯t get too excited. Just win." Kraken extended its tentacles forward and got up on them. The octopus was heading toward them, and Nid followed right behind. "Our target is Nid. Don¡¯t forget," Junhyuk said. After he did, he ran forward. Junhyuk was nning on cing his enemies within the range of his Spatial sh, and Sarang gathered her breath and ran after him. Sarang had decided to trust herself. If he got himself in danger, she had to heal him, and to mm the Thunderstorm on her enemies, she had to follow behind him. Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword, and Kraken and Nid thought it was the Spatial sh. One dove left and the other right, moving instinctively, as if they had been training together. However, hadn¡¯t gotten quite ten meters apart from each other. Junhyuk used the Spatial sh on Nid, curious to know how much its damage had increased. The power sliced through Nid¡¯s neck, and a shockwave extended from the point of impact. The results were surprising. That single strike had taken 55 percent off of Nid¡¯s health. "Ugh!!" More than half of Nid¡¯s health was gone, and with Nid being a bnced champion, Junhyuk thought his power would work well against heroes as well. Junhyuk was ecstatic, when suddenly, lightning bolts cracked down from the sky. Nid had a pierced neck, and the bolts were crashing against his head. Craaaack! As the blue lightning struck Nid, a bed of lightning extended from him across the ground. The Thunderstorm¡¯s damage was outstanding. "Argh! What is this?!" Nid shouted, charred to a crisp, his body already fading. [Sarang killed Nid.] Junhyuk knew his damage had increased, but he learned just how much greater her damage was. Kraken stopped and stared at them both in shock. Scared, the octopus started running away. The shockwave from his Spatial sh had taken 20 percent of Kraken¡¯s health, and the bed of lightning had taken another 10 percent. Kraken didn¡¯t have a chance if it were to fight them alone. On top of it all, it had already lost 30 percent of its health, so it was running away. Even though Kraken was tanky, it was at a disadvantage by itself. Junhyuk smirked at Kraken, and Sarang started to run after the octopus, but he stopped her. "Wait." "Why?" "We¡¯ll move after the Spatial sh returns." With the Spatial sh, Junhyuk would be able to hit Kraken for 40 percent of its health. He was nning to follow the Spatial sh with the Thunderstorm, and together, they would deal at least 70 percent of damage to Kraken¡¯s health, so it would be easy to kill the octopus. Sarang nodded and moved next to him, exhaling heavily. "By the way, the Thunderstorm is really something else." "It was a critical hit." "That happens sometimes." The bolts of lightning were really fast, so naked eyes could barely see them appearing. Her electric st was also very fast, so naked eyes couldn¡¯t really follow it. That¡¯s why heroes were often hit by it. Therefore, because the Thunderstorm¡¯s lightning crashed down really fast, enemies couldn¡¯t escape it. On top of that, the damage was absurd. It was smaller than his Spatial sh, but only by a little, and she wasn¡¯t as well equipped as him. On the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, if the twobined their powers, they could kill anyone. Both attacks were nearly impossible to dodge, and now, Junhyuk was well aware of how dangerous theirbination was. Kraken was standing next to the tower, not moving. The octopus was nning on using the tower¡¯s archers, and the lizardmen were taking the vanguard, ahead of it in the formation. The lizardmen were thirty meters from the tower and waiting. Junhyuk smirked at Kraken¡¯s preparations. To him, the Spatial sh could not be dodged. An image of Gongon showed up out of nowhere. "You killed one already? So cool!" "If you had seen it happen, you would¡¯ve been shocked." "I¡¯ll kill mine and join you." Kilraden could deal a lot of damage, but Gongon had both great defense and great attack. The hatchling had the advantage, so Junhyuk smiled and said, "Let¡¯s find out who gets the kills first." The Spatial sh¡¯s cooldown was over, and Junhyuk looked at Sarang. "Let¡¯s go fish ourselves an octopus." Chapter 311 New Team 3 Junhyuk had run forward, but Kraken had started retreating while sending the lizardmen thirty meters forward. However, a Spatial sh could kill them all. Kraken was retreating, and as Junhyuk watched him do so, he smiled. "Sarang, touch me." She had been waiting for that moment, and so she did. They both teleported over the lizardmening toward them. The range of the teleportation had increased by twenty meters, so they closed in fast on Kraken. Junhyuk hit Kraken with the Spatial sh, which prated its eye. At the same time, Sarang cast Thunderstorm on the octopus, but it wasn¡¯t an easy foe. When Kraken lost 40 percent of its health because of the Spatial sh, Kraken flew toward them in a headbutt. Craaack! The lightning bolts fell behind him. Kraken had already witnessed the Thunderstorm, so he trusted his senses to escape it, surviving the crashing lightning bolts. By using his headbutt, Kraken closed in quickly, and once closer, he spewed the ck ink toward them both. Both of them lost their sights, and Kraken ran toward them quickly. ng! Junhyuk heard Kraken bouncing off his force field and learned from that sound. They were both blinded because of the ink, but the ink wouldn¡¯tst as long as the force field. Once Junhyuk could see again, he looked out. Kraken had to have realized that the situation wasn¡¯t going well for him, so he was retreating. Junhyuk chuckled at the sight and grabbed Sarang¡¯s hand. "Let¡¯s catch him." After saying that, he used his jumping ability, leaping well over Kraken to stand in front of the octopus. "Where are you going?" Kraken gritted its teeth. The force field had already disappeared, and Kraken wouldn¡¯t just turn over and die. The octopus extended its tentacles, but Junhyuk weaved through them to close in. As he did, the tentacles got a hold of Sarang. Sarang was lifted up, and Junhyuk frowned. If things continued that way, she would fall victim to the wringing power. Junhyuk gritted his teeth and shed a tentacle with his sword. The tentacle was cut in half, but Kraken still had her up, and the octopus started wringing her. "Aaargh!" He knew the type and the amount of pain she was in, so Junhyuk closed in and stabbed the octopus¡¯ head with his sword. The strike took 6 percent off of Kraken¡¯s health, and the octopus threw Sarang at the wall. As she bounced off the mewall, Junhyuk sank his sword deeper into his enemy. Kraken only had 20 percent of his health left, and as the sword kept plunging deeper, more damage kept piling up. Junhyuk looked at Sarang and saw her walking away from the mewall. She was healing herself, the light powder was also sprinkling over him. Junhyuk started wondering whether he should continue to attack Kraken, but that¡¯s when Sarang shouted, "Big Brother! Step aside!" She had put her orb forward, and an electric st shed out of it to hit the enemy champion. Kraken was paralyzed, and she took the opportunity to run toward it and start beating the crap out of the octopus with her orb. Junhyuk sighed at the sighed, twisted his sword and pulled it out. Kraken bled to death. [You¡¯ve killed Kraken and earned 3.000G.] Sarang didn¡¯t care at all about the fact that he had killed the Champion. She kept on beating Kraken as the octopus faded away. Still angry, she even stepped on the champion, and Junhyuk shook his head. "He¡¯s gone." "This piece of octopus crap! Aargh!" Junhyuk had also been through the wringing, so he knew. Sarang had gone through it, but she had fully healed herself with a single use of her healing power. The power¡¯s rate of healing was astonishing. In the end of it, she hadn¡¯t been damaged, but she couldn¡¯t contain her anger. She was trashing across the ground in anger, and Junhyuk tapped her shoulder and said, "Wait here." Then, he walked over to the lizardmen and killed them all. The lizardmen didn¡¯t know how to run away, so he destroyed them and the tower with them. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t at full health, but he had managed to bring the tower down. Once he returned to Sarang, she looked at him and lowered her head. "S-sorry." She cast heal on him, bringing him back to full. "It hurt like crazy." Junhyuk smiled bitterly and said, "I know. I¡¯ve been through it as well." She smiled. "Big brother, how did you endure it?" "Endure it? I cursed that octopus and beat the crap out it." Sheughed aloud. "That¡¯s nice." News of Gongon got delivered to them. [Gongon killed Kilraden.] Junhyuk looked at her and asked, "Then, shall we get going?" Once they got on the road to the swamp, they started running, and the sound of an announcement rang in their ears. [The High-Ranking Sorcerer in the Swamp of Despair has awoken. Lend him the help he needs, and he will give you a reward.] Hatma¡¯s rewards were always useful, and they could be the deciding factor between victory and defeat. They kept moving. "Ourbination is certainly strong. If we do it right, we can kill the enemy with a singlebined attack." "Right." "But beware of something." "What?" Junhyuk thought of Kilraden, whose attacks dealt a lot of damage. She could easily fall to one of the champion¡¯s attacks. "Kilraden can teleport. Your attack may fail, and he may hinder your efforts. If Kilraden focuses on you, you may die without being able to do much." However, if she found Kilraden first, she might kill him outright. Her Thunderstorm could deal more than half of them champion¡¯s health in damage. She could also paralyze him and kill him that way. Both sides were dangerous to each other. Junhyuk made sure she understood it, and as she listened to him, she smiled. "I¡¯ll be fine as long as Kilraden doesn¡¯t kill me with a single attack." "Right, and I¡¯ll make sure the force field is on you, but be careful. Aside from being able to teleport, Kilraden also has a counter." "I will." As they talked, they reached the ind and saw that Gongon was already there. The hatchling waved his short w at Junhyuk, who shook his head and walked toward the dragon. "How did you get here before us?" Both Junhyuk and Sarang had items that increased their movement speeds, but Gongon didn¡¯t, so Junhyuk was curious as to how he had gotten there. Gongon smiled at his question. "I brought a new item from home. It has a boost to movement speed, so I got here faster." Junhyuk was jealous of the dragon tribe and the fact that Gongon¡¯s items could be used on the Dimensional Battlefield. Gongon turned to Sarang and said, "You must have nice skills. You killed one even before I did." "I was lucky." Gongon wagged his tail and said, "Don¡¯t hug me. If you want to give me a piggyback ride, that will be OK." Sarang shook her head. "Not unless you give me the same amount of time to hug you as the time I use to give you a piggyback ride." Junhyuk walked over to Gongon and whispered, "Gongon, you don¡¯t walk during a piggyback ride, and if she carries you while hugging you, you won¡¯t walk either." "Hm. That¡¯s correct." Gongon looked at her, and extended his arms. Then, he tilted his head sideways and said, "I¡¯ll give you equal time. Three minutes for three minutes." "Sure." Sarang picked him up, hugging him in front of her, and started walking. Junhyuk shook his head, following them toward the center of the ind, where Hatma was. Hatma stared at him and said, "You are getting better." Junhyuk smiled. "Thanks for noticing it." He knew that he had gotten stronger, but his strength was about the same on the battlefield. However, Hatma had noticed the difference. The Sorcerer waved his hand and said, "Today, I need an organ from a ten-thousand-year-old centipede." "A ten-thousand-year-old centipede?" "I¡¯ll be waiting for you at the Ents¡¯ Hill. Bring me that organ." It sounded dangerous. If it had lived for ten thousand years, it had to be strong, but Hatma smiled at them and said, "You guys will be able to get it." Junhyuk finally nodded and looked at the group. Sarang, who was still hugging Gongon, looked at him, and he said, "Let¡¯s go get an organ from a ten-thousand-year-old centipede." She asked back, "The centipede¡¯s lived for ten thousand years?" "Yes." Gongon said, "If a Virus survives for a thousand years, it will live fore. If that thing has lived for ten thousand years, it must be quite powerful." "It must be an A-ranked monster." In fact, most of the monsters that had shown up on the Champions¡¯ Battlefield were B-ranked monsters. However, the severity of the task feltpletely different. Still, it could only be an A-ranked monster, and Junhyuk would be with Gongon and Sarang. He and she had fought numerous A-ranked monsters together while training, so they were already used to fighting them. On their way out, Kraken, Nid and Kilraden appeared in their path. Looking at them, Junhyuk sighed. They had to be careful of Kraken¡¯s grabs and throws within the swamp. His jump¡¯s cooldown was over, so he decided to make the jump over them to stay safe. He looked at Gongon and Sarang and said, "We¡¯ll jump over the enemies." "Shouldn¡¯t we teleport?" "We¡¯ll jump instead." After saying that, he held Sarang and Gongon at his sides and stepped on the stepping stones. Kraken started running toward him. Kraken knew of the power of Junhyuk¡¯s and Sarang¡¯s attacks, but they could kill the octopus, especially with Gongon¡¯s help. Junhyuk knew Kraken would step up to make use of the swamp, and as that happened, Junhyuk jumped as high as he could. Junhyuk had started on the stone path and jumped over thirty meters, going way above his enemies andnding on the other side, out of the swamp, where he continued to retreat slowly. "If they stay on the ind, we¡¯ll go do our quest." He ced Sarang and Gongon down on the ground. They were all out of Kraken¡¯s range, and Junhyuk stopped for a moment. Gongon took the opportunity to wave his ws at the octopus. "Scared?" the hatchling shouted, and their enemies went berserk. Junhyukughed and held tightly to his dual swords. Their enemies weren¡¯t done yet, and their attack powers were outstanding. Whoever delivered the first hit, would likely win the battle, and Junhyuk had the longest range. Chapter 312 Superiority 1 The enemies ran toward him, and when Junhyuk did the same, they frowned slightly. Kraken was ahead of the iing champions, but the octopus did not use a power. If Kraken had used a power, Junhyuk would¡¯ve felt grateful. However, his attention was mostly focused on one enemy, Kilraden. Kilraden¡¯s attack stat was greater than the others, and if Sarang was attacked by him, she could be killed in an instant. Junhyuk watched Kilraden, ready to use the Spatial sh whenever the assassin came within range. But, Kilraden seemed to be aware of his power¡¯s range. Kraken came within range, followed by Nid. Junhyuk was focused on Kilraden, but as soon as Kilraden came within range, he disappeared. Seeing that, Junhyuk¡¯s eyebrows twitched. Meanwhile, Kraken closed in quickly, but Gongon had been watching, smiling at it all. "Buy more time." Kilraden¡¯s hiding power didn¡¯tst long, so the allies would have to buy more time. The assassin couldn¡¯t cover fifty meters while hiding. Junhyuk and Sarang stopped walking and watched as Kraken and Nid closed in. Then, Gongon stepped forward from the allies¡¯ formation. As both sides approached each other, Junhyuk looked around. Kilraden was hiding, but where was he? Junhyuk sighed and said, "Let¡¯s just be sure." The force field was a big help. During that team battle, Junhyuk wanted to kill an enemy first to start the battle off in a good note, so he raised his force field around himself and dove forward. "We¡¯ll kill Nid first!" "Sure!" He and Sarang couldbine their attacks to get rid of Nid. Knowing that, he released the Spatial sh, which prated Nid¡¯s neck. The champion lost 55 percent of his health at once, and then the extra attack triggered, dealing another 27 percent of damage to Nid¡¯s health. The elidra only had 18 percent of his health left. The Thunderstorm was not needed anymore, so Sarang attacked Nid with a regr attack. An electric arrow flew toward him, and Nid tried to use his rushing, flying attack power. However, right as Nid was about to take off, Sarang used an electric st against him as well. That was Sarang¡¯sbo. The electric st was faster than the electric arrow, so they both hit him at the same time. Nid and Kraken were both paralyzed, and the attacks took the rest of Nid¡¯s health. As he faded, they heard the soft announcement. [Sarang killed Nid.] Junhyuk looked at Kraken, who had been standing next to Nid. The Spatial sh¡¯s shockwave had swept through the octopus, taking 30 percent of its health. Kraken had also been hit by Sarang¡¯s electric st and was now paralyzed. Gongon ran toward Kraken and transformed himself. He was going to finish Kraken as quickly as possible, so he rushed. The rushing Gongon mmed hard against Kraken. Normally, when Gongon attacked Kraken, Kraken would lost about 30 percent of his health. However, this time was different. The dragon took away 45 percent of Kraken¡¯s total health, and Junhyuk stared at him in surprise. Then, Gongon turned around and kicked the octopus, pushing Kraken back. Gongon inhaled deeply, about to use his firebreath. All of his attacks flowed very naturally. However, when Kraken got hit by Gongon¡¯s back kick, the octopus spewed ck ink, and Gongon got blinded by it. Before any other attacksnded on the dragon, Junhyuk ran toward him, meaning to put Gongon inside the force field. However, Kraken grabbed Gongon by the legs, wringing him. The damage wasn¡¯t great, but the attack felt viting. Junhyuk teleported right up against Gongon, touched him, and teleported back. However, in that short period of time, Kilraden appeared and stabbed Sarang in the neck. The time limit for his hiding power had ended, so Kilraden had teleported to attack her, dealing massive damage. It was a critical hit, and Sarang lost 70 percent of her health at once. Her defense was lower than Junhyuk¡¯s, and she also didn¡¯t have any items that increased her health. Junhyuk reappeared next to her, and now they were all within the force field. Kilraden had failed tond abo The assassin ran toward Kraken without thinking twice, and Sarang healed herself along with Gongon. The dragon was back at full health, and Sarang regained 50 percent her health, so her health was at 80 percent. Her eyes widened slightly. Kilraden¡¯s attacks dealt massive damage. A single attack had taken away 70 percent of her health, so two hits would kill her. Junhyuk looked at her and said, "Kilraden has already teleported once, but be careful. His teleportation¡¯s range is shorter than mine, but he can shut you out." "I understand." Hearing the answer, Junhyuk stepped forward. "Kraken is almost dead." Gongon smirked. "I¡¯ll kill Kraken." Gongon ran forward. He had been wrung, so he wanted to kill the octopus and put an end to that situation. He was also still transformed, so killing wouldn¡¯t be hard. As Gongon approached, Krakenunched itself at him. Gongon blocked with ws, but he still got damaged. While Kraken headbutted Gongon, Kilraden appeared behind the dragon and stabbed him. Gongon lost a lot of health at once, 30 percent, and Junhyuk ran toward him. Kilraden looked back. The force field was disappearing, so Kilraden allowed Junhyuk¡¯s attack to hit him. As the attack was about tond, the assassin countered. The counter took off 30 percent of Junhyuk¡¯s health. Junhyuk¡¯s defense and health had increased, so the damage he received had decreased. After that, Junhyuk parried Kilradens attacks while mounting his own attacks. Kilraden had expected that from Junhyuk, so the assassin teleported and escaped. He had finally used all three teleportations. Junhyuk looked for the champion, and the assassin appeared behind Sarang, stabbing at her with his dagger. The strike left her with 10 percent of her health, and Kilraden tried tobo, but she dove forward and rolled past his dagger, which shed right through where she had been standing. Sarang ignored the dagger shing through the empty air and extended her orb toward the champion. An electric arrow shed out of the orb. Kilraden saw it heading toward him, but suddenly, lightning bolts crashed on top of him from the sky. Craaaack! Kilraden lost 60 percent of his health from a single use of her power, and he also ended up paralyzed by her electric arrow, which had a small chance to inflict the status on her enemies. Noticing the champion paralyzed, Sarang kept firing electric arrows at him nonstop. Meanwhile, Junhyuk closed in on them and shed Kilraden¡¯s neck with his sword, passing him by. Kilraden started bleeding from the neck, and Sarang moved to join Junhyuk while continuing to shoot electric arrows at her enemy. When Kilraden could finally move, he tried to get away, but Junhyuk stabbed him through the ribs, a critical hit, and the assassin lost the rest of his health. [You¡¯ve killed Kilraden and earned 3,000G] As he watched Kilraden fading, Gongon was breathing roughly. Junhyuk turned to look at the dragon and saw Kraken was also fading. [Gongon killed Kraken.] Gongon looked at the octopus¡¯ fading body on the ground and scoffed at it. When Junhyuk walked over, Gongon looked up at him. "Our battle skills are superior." "No, not really." Kilraden had attacked Sarang. Without the force field, she would have been killed in an instant. If she got hit by abo, she would die. Gongon looked at her and said, "Don¡¯t focus on your powers too much. You need more equipment, especially defensive equipment." "Sure." Sarang hugged Gongon again, and Junhyuk watched them. "By the way Gongon, your damage has increased! What happened?" Gongon spoke nonchntly, "I upgraded my equipment. I didn¡¯t have a lot of money, so I only did the basic upgrades, but they were enough to increase my damage." Gongon had already used the Champions¡¯ Battlefield reward stones and gotten his equipment to +9. Then, he got some upgrade stones from Bebe and upgraded his equipment by 20 percent. Gongon could now deal more damage than Junhyuk, and as the dragon spoke as if it were nothing, Junhyuk felt jealous. Gongon extended his short w forward and shouted, "Let¡¯s go! To kill the ten-thousand-year-old centipede." Junhyuk sighed and took the lead. They didn¡¯t know much about the centipede, but he had the highest defense among the allies. --- They had gone toplete their quest of killing a centipede, but when they looked in front of them, they frowned. "This look really dangerous!" At the end of the forest, there was a clearing with five anthills. They did not know where the centipede was, but they felt as if the empty space was sucking them in. They also felt like if they did enter the clearing, they wouldn¡¯t be getting out. Junhyuk and Gongon were both thinking. "We should check it out first." "How?" "Go in." "Who? Me?" Gongon answered calmly, "Of course! You have your teleportation." "Even then..." Gongon smirked and kicked Junhyuk¡¯s back. "You! Gongon!" Before he had a chance to get angry, Junhyuk had fallen into an anthill. There really was no need to be angry at Gongon. As he looked ahead, Junhyuk saw a monster within the hill. Because he could teleport at any time, he stood there and stared at the centipede. The monster was five meters long and could hardly be called a centipede. Seeing it drooling, Junhyuk used his Spatial sh without hesitation. The monster opened its maw, and the Spatial sh went in perfectly. There was soft tissue inside the monster¡¯s mouth, and the sh hit the right spot. It also generated the blood red shockwave. The monster vomited blood and copsed. Junhyuk got on the monster¡¯s back and heard a soft announcement. [You killed a thousand-year-old centipede. After you kill four more thousand-year-old centipedes, you¡¯ll encounter the ten-thousand-year-old centipede.] The voice had exined the quest¡¯s conditions, but Junhyuk frowned when he found out he had killed an easier centipede. He wasn¡¯t sure if he could kill one of them without the Spatial sh, and he had to kill four more. Junhyuk looked back out. Gongon and Sarang were outside the anthill, so he told them, "I have to kill four more thousand-year-old centipedes." Gongon said, "Get out here quickly so we can try the next hole." Chapter 313 Superiority 2 Theyer of sand surrounding the anthills was structured in such a way that it all fell to the bottom. That was to prevent the ants from getting out. To get out, Junhyuk had to teleport. Once out of the anthill, he looked down below. The hill nted down for approximately forty meters, and there mighte a time where he would have to teleport twice. Junhyuk ran with all his might up the hill for another twenty meters, and he was barely able to get out of clearing. He stared at Gongon and said, "You didn¡¯t have to kick me." "We don¡¯t have much time. If you feel bad about it, have one of these." Gongon threw something at him, and Junhyuk¡¯s eyes beamed. It was a piece of Andes Tribe candy, valued at 20G each. "Why do you like it so much?" Gongon popped one into his mouth. "The taste makes dragons go crazy." Junhyuk shook his head. Modern humans were used to MSG and spices. Would the taste be able to satisfy his pte? However, since it was given to him for free, he couldn¡¯t refuse it. He popped the candy into his mouth. It was delicious and it tasted like peppermint. It was also soft. The taste was very sweet. He felt the candy with all of his senses, and his senses were pushed to the limit. Junhyuk tasted the sweetness like he was falling into it, so he closed his eyes and enjoyed the taste. When the sweetness started fading, he started feeling refreshed. The feeling came from his mouth, and he slowly opened his eyes. Until the veryst moment, the taste of the candy was extremely satisfying. Junhyuk looked at the hatchling, who was snickering. "Does it taste good?" "How is this taste even possible?" Gongon shrugged."The merchant has all sorts of things from all dimensions, but this is the only candy it carries. Just think about that!" Bebe didn¡¯t just sell any item. It cost 20G just to appease one¡¯s sweet tooth. Thinking of it, that candy had to be something else. To earn 20G, one had to kill twenty minions. That didn¡¯t feel like much to him now, but twenty souls were needed to taste the candy. Sarang looked at Gongon and asked, "Can I have one too?" Gongon nodded. "If you stop hugging me while still giving me piggyback rides, I¡¯ll give you one." Sheughed and replied, "I¡¯ll just buy one myselfter." "Do that." Gongon turned to him and added, "Hurry." "Right." Junhyuk was feeling better, so he got up and looked down at the anthills. "You guys can¡¯t give me support." Gongon nodded. "We are out of range." The forty-meter downhill to get inside put everyone outside out of range. Sarang said, "I can cast Thunderstorm." "Can you do it this time?" She nodded. He was going at it again, and it felt like he was getting sucked into the hill, even though he was standing still. He was standing at the center of the clearing again, and that¡¯s when he saw another thousand-year-old centipede. The centipede lifted its body up, and that made things easier for the allies. Junhyuk gave Sarang a signal, and she put her orb forward. Suddenly, lightning stuck down on the centipede. There was not a drop of rain around. Craaack! The attacknded just right, and the centipede roared loudly. "RAAAARRR!" Junhyuk frowned. The Spatial sh had killed thest one because it had gone into the centipede¡¯s mouth. "The thousand-year-old centipede has magic resistance! It only received half of the damage!" Sarang shouted from far away. Junhyuk looked at the centipede as it raised his head, rushing toward him. Then, he used the Spatial sh when the centipede opened its mouth. sh! The strike generated a red shockwave, and the thousand-year-old centipede lost its life. However, its body was still heading toward him, so he dove to the side and rolled out of the way. Boom! The thousand-year-old centipede fell, and Junhyuk was astonished by its size. It had to have been extremely angry to dash at full force, and it was fifteen meters long from head to tail. Junhyuk sighed, got up and teleported twice to get out of the clearing. Looking at the others, he said, "We have to attack them from the outside somehow." "I think you¡¯ll have to kill the thousand-year-old centipede, and when the ten-thousand-year-old one shows up, we¡¯ll all attack it," Gongon said. Junhyuk stared at the centipede he had just killed. The reason why he had managed to kill it was that his Spatial sh was a high-ranking power, and it had hit for a critical. He wondered if the enemy champions would be able to bring it down. Kraken would tackle it head on in a monster fight, but Nid and Kilraden would have a hard time against it. Junhyuk shook his had and said, "I agree. If we anger the ten-thousand-year-old centipede and make it leave the anthill, we¡¯ll all be able to attack it." While stretching, he added, "When my powers are off cooldown, I¡¯ll kill the next one." Gongon threw a piece of candy at him and said, "I will give you some candy each time you kill one." Smiling, Junhyuk ced the candy inside his mouth. Sarang was looking at him with envy, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to give her a piece because it was really addictive. The taste was good enough to make you spend your entire savings on it. After lying on the ground to enjoy the candy, Junhyuk got up once it was done and said, "Then, shall I kill the next one?" He went into a hole, and down in the paths below, something showed up. However, Junhyuk already knew the centipede¡¯s attack patterns. He was relying on the Spatial sh too much, and there had to be another way to hunt the centipedes, but he had gotten used to his tactics. After killing it, Junhyuk teleported back to the surface, and Gongon threw him another piece of candy. Junhyuk unwrapped it and, when he was about to eat it, he saw Sarang staring at him with envy. So, he threw the candy toward her, and when she caught it, he said, "Don¡¯t get addicted to it." "It¡¯s only candy. It won¡¯t happen." Junhyuk shrugged. Gongon had already said that dragons went crazy over the candy. When Sarang ced the candy in her mouth, she shivered. He knew what she was experiencing, so he turned to Gongon. The dragon was eating his candy unconcerned. "After you kill two more, we¡¯ll fight the ten-thousand-year-old centipede together." "We¡¯ll help you." Junhyuk nodded and looked away. The cooldown for his teleportation was almost over, so he stepped forward, and that¡¯s when Sarang¡¯s eyes shot wide open. "This is so good!" He shrugged. "Well. It¡¯s the best candy out of all dimensions." Sarang was astonished. "It would be cool if we could sell it on Earth." "Probably not." "Why?" "People would have to taste them first, and we can¡¯t hand them out for free." She was about to say something, but she sighed. "That is a problem." Junhyuk moved out while saying, "Just enjoy it on our own." Gongon ate it constantly, but they should enjoy the candy sparingly. The hatchling had tens of thousands of gold worth of candy. Junhyuk entered the hole to hunt another centipede, but not because he wanted more Andes Tribe candy. After Junhyuk killed the fifth centipede, he teleported outside. The ten-thousand-year-old centipede had not shown up yet. Gongon gave him another piece of candy, and the ground started shaking. Junhyuk, Gongon, and Sarang looked toward the center of the clearing and saw the five anthills copsing. Once they were gone, arger hill rose from the center. The distance to the hill¡¯s mouth was of over a hundred meters. Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t be able to teleport out of the new hill, and as they watched it rise, the spot where they were standing started to crumble. They all moved back some as the sandbank surrounding the clearing started rushing toward the center to feed the newly formed anthill. Looking at it, Junhyuk murmured, "This centipede will be very difficult to deal with!" The hill was twice the size of the others, and looking at it, Gongon said, "You can kill it with a single attack." "It¡¯ll be very nice if that¡¯s true." Snickering, Gongon kicked him down into the clearing again. Junhyuk didn¡¯t have a chance to protest before he started sliding down the sandbank, feeling like he was going extremely fast. "Hey! You¡¯re supposed to help me this time!" Gongon looked at Sarang and asked, "Should we go as well?" "Sure." They were both about to jump in when the center of the massive hill moved, and something veryrge appeared. A centipede thirty meters long came out of the ground, roaring as it raised its body to about twelve stories high. "Raaaaarrrr!" The roar was extremely loud, and Junhyuk was afraid. "Gongon!" He quickly looked behind him to see the hatchling and Sarang standing at the same spot calmly. "Do you want some candy?" Gongon asked her. "Thanks!" They were joking among themselves while Junhyuk was terrified. The two of them ate candy and waved at him. "You¡¯ll do fine!" "Gongon!" he shouted, and the shout alerted the giant centipede. With its maw open, the centipede rushed toward him. Instinctively, Junhyuk used his Spatial sh against it. The attack went in its mouth, and Junhyuk thought he had killed it. Cluck! The shockwave extended within the centipedes body, but it was still rushing toward him. Its health was far above the previous ones. Junhyuk teleported to the top of the centipede¡¯s head, but he couldn¡¯t deal with its size. At first he thought it was thirty meters long, but fifty meters of it had alreadye out of the hole. It wasing out specifically to attack him, so he stabbed down hard on its head. ng! Its hide was too thick, and the sword bounced off of it. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t believe it. "What the hell is this?!" The centipede swung its head, and Junhyuk lost his grip, falling down. At that point, the centipede mmed its body against him. Boom! Junhyuk lost 10 percent of his health and gotunched away,nding next to Gongon and Sarang. "Big brother! Are you OK?" He looked at them eating candy and said, "Its hide is too thick." Wagging his tail, Gongon said, "You look tired. I¡¯ll help you." Junhyuk scoffed at the dragon and replied, "Thanks." Then, he got up and looked toward the centipede. "Time to fight for real." Chapter 314 Superiority 3 When the centipede raised its body way up, Junhyuk ran toward it, while Gongon and Sarang followed him. Gongon¡¯s feet were sinking in the sand, but he did not stop even though he was scowling. Sarang also followed Junhyuk. If she were left alone, she would be in danger if the centipede attacked her. Junhyuk was taking the lead of the group. He had lost 10 percent of his health from the hit from the centipede, so he thought the fight was winnable, and although he didn¡¯t know how much power the centipede¡¯s bite possessed, he ran toward it. The centipede opened its mouth wide and vomited acid. As he watched the centipede do so, Junhyuk thought there was only way to save his friends. "Gather up!" He raised the force field, and the liquid covered the entire area around the force field. Inside, Junhyuk looked at the group. What could he dow now? "We must go inside its mouth to deal damage?" Gongon asked calmly. "That¡¯s right." Junhyuk looked at the hatchling and asked, "Are you volunteering?" Gongon snickered. "I wasn¡¯t expecting to go inside of anybody¡¯s mouth ever, but I will." Junhyukughed. "We only have one chance." He grabbed Sarang and Gongon and used his jump skill. The jump was urate, and they all went inside the centipedes mouth, the two being held by Junhyuk. The centipede closed its mouth quickly, but it couldn¡¯t chew down on the force field. Tack, tack, tack! Junhyuk felt the impact on the force field. "What do we do now?" "Your Spatial sh is not off cooldown yet?" "Not yet." Gongon transformed himself, inhaled deeply and breathed fire. The mes burned the inside of the centipede¡¯s mouth. "Raaaaaaah!" The centipede was going crazy, and the group lost bnce with all the shaking inside the force field. Sarang cast an electric arrow with her orb, and Junhyuk inspected the inside of the centipede¡¯s mouth. He saw the wound previously made by the Spatial sh, but he realized he had to maintain the force field. Without it, the centipede would swallow them whole. Its sharp teeth were shing against the force field even to that moment. He sighed and said, "Gongon, I know you already feel dirty, but we must exploit that injury." Gongon looked at himpletely surprised. "Are you saying I have to go further in?" "Sorry, Gongon." Junhyuk kicked the hatchling¡¯s butt, and Gongon left the force field. He was nowpletely covered in centipede saliva. "I feel so dirty," Gongon murmured. He was on the centipede¡¯s tongue, running on it. "Holy dog shit!" Gongon cursed while cing his ws inside the open wound made by the Spatial sh. Then, he started tearing it up. "Raaaaaah!" The would opened even more, and it started bleeding heavily. As the dragon got covered in blood, he exerted himself even more. "I will kill you!" While that was happening, the centipede was going berserk, so Junhyuk looked at Sarang and said, "We should make it stop." She cast an electric st on the centipede, and it was paralyzed. Junhyuk turned to see Gongon going crazy on the wound and realized his force field was about to fade away. "Gongon! Come back! The force field is almost gone!" But Gongon was still going crazy on the wound, so Junhyuk sighed, walked out of the force field, and picked up the hatchling. When the force field finally disappeared, he teleported to the top of the centipede¡¯s head with them. "Raaaaah!" The centipede shook its head, and Sarang cast Thunderstorm on it. The lightning bolts wouldn¡¯t work against its hide, but she focused them on the centipede¡¯s eye. As the centipede went berserk, Junhyuk slid down its back while holding Gongon and Sarang. Covered in blood and saliva, Gongon shouted, "Let go! I¡¯m already dirty!" He put the hatchling down. The centipede had lost an eye, and it was turning around toward them. Junhyuk smiled at it and said, "It¡¯s back!" The Spatial sh was off cooldown, and he cast it on the centipede¡¯s wide open mouth. Gongon had made the injury even wider, and Junhyuk focused his attack on it. The Blood Rune Sword¡¯s Spatial sh cut deep into the injury, and the strike finally worked. The centipede took itsst breath. It did not even scream. As it crashed down, Junhyuk picked up the rest of the group and ran to the side. Boom! The impact created arge dust cloud, and Junhyuk covered his face to try to see within it. Then, he turned to the group. Gongon, who had already been covered by blood and saliva, was now covered by dirt on top of everything. The hatchling slumped down and sat on the ground. Sarang was also tired. "You did well." "I feel so dirty." Junhyuk looked at Gongon one more time and walked over to the fallen centipede. He had to pull out its organ, and he couldn¡¯t do it through the thick hide. So, he pulled out his sword. Sarang couldn¡¯t help him there, and Junhyuk stabbed the centipede, tearing into the centipede¡¯s hide piece by piece. The ten-thousand-year centipede¡¯s length was in full view, and it was about a hundred meters long. It took time to dig into it.Finally creating an opening, Junhyuk looked inside. The task had been difficult, but he found what he had been looking for, its organ. He sighed as he saw it. Then, he turned to look behind him. Gongon was wiping himself off with the sand, and Sarang was helping him. Junhyuk looked at the pieces of centipede hide and said, "We can use this." His swords had not worked against the centipede¡¯s hide and neither had the Thunderstorm. The problem was cutting it into smaller pieces. Junhyuk pressed his sword against it, and started sawing the hide with it. Little by little, he sliced chunks he could carry, making the pieces small enough to put in his Spatial Bag. After he had taken one piece, Junhyuk realized he could not continue. "What are you going to do with that hide?" Gongon asked. "Its defense capability is incredible, so it should be useful." After some though, Gongon said, "Give me a piece. I¡¯ll experiment with it." Sighing, Junhyuk said, "It¡¯s hard to slice them." The dragon got up and looked at the bits that had already been cut. "You¡¯ve already done it!" Gongon picked up some pieces and ced it in his Spatial Bag. Gongon¡¯s bag wasrger than Junhyuk¡¯s, and Junhyuk was jealous. The hatchling took three pieces and said, "I wonder how the meat tastes." Gongon hadined about how dirty he had gotten, but now he was thinking of eating it. After taking another piece of it, Junhyuk got up slowly and said, "We¡¯ve wasted too much time." Killing the ten-thousand-year-old centipede hadn¡¯t been easy, and they had wasted even more time cutting it apart. When Junhyuk saw the coagted blood on his body, he used the sand to wipe it off. "Let¡¯s goplete the quest." They got back to the stepping stones. They had thought they had spent too much time on the quest and that their enemies would be waiting for them because of that, but they couldn¡¯t see anyone around. Junhyuk had a bad feeling about that and started looking around. "We mustplete the quest as soon as possible." He started walking quickly. "Ahhh!" Junhyuk looked back and saw Sarang had been stabbed on the neck. Kilraden had done it. [Kilraden killed Sarang.] Before he could even do anything, Sarang had been killed. "No!" he shouted and ran toward her, but had already vomited blood and died. Kilraden escaped into the forest. He had been waiting for them and targeted her since she was the weakest of the group. When he tried to run after Kilraden, Kraken appeared instead. The octopus tried to use itsrge tentacles to grab him, and Junhyuk shouted, "Gon!" "Way ahead of you!" Gongon shouted back. Gongon¡¯s speed had increased by a lot, and the dragon headbutted Kraken. The octopus was pushed back, and Junhyuk used the Spatial sh on it They had lost Sarang just like that, with the flick of a finger, so now wasn¡¯t the time for fight. After using the Spatial sh, he picked up Gongon and ran. Junhyuk wanted his revenge, but he had to wait. "Are you running away?" Junhyuk was making a mad dash with Gongon under his arm. Kraken had taken the Spatial sh, but Nid and Kilraden were nowhere to be seen. Nid and Kilraden were hesitant of going against the Spatial sh, so Junhyuk was able to run unimpeded. He was heading toward Hatma. While running, he answered Gongon, "We¡¯ll finish the quest and then kill them." Gongon stared at him. "You are something else." "What?" "Your first impulse was to kill them, but you still thought aboutpleting the quest." "We can be sure we¡¯ll kill them if weplete the quest." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t kill them all. They weren¡¯t that easy. For the two of them to kill all their enemies, they had toplete the quest. Junhyuk crossed the stepping stone and put Gongon down. "Stay here." "Don¡¯t worry," the hatchling said. Then, he looked to the stones and shouted, "Stop!" Kraken and the other enemies were heading toward him, and Gongon cracked his neck left and right. "Didn¡¯t you hear me? Stop!" Junhyuk walked over to Hatma and gave him the ten-thousand-year-old centipede¡¯s organ. "Hatma! Give us the reward!" Hatma took the organ and smirked. "You killed the ten-thousand-year-old centipede?!" "That was the quest!" The sorcerer chuckled and ate the organ. Meanwhile, the enemies had closed in on Gongon, and the dragon wouldn¡¯tst long by himself. "Hatma!" Hatma swallowed the organ and put his hands together. "I call on you, Thunder. Hatma says that you will move faster than the wind and strike harder than lightning." [The High-Ranking Sorcerer¡¯s buff is applied. For one hour, your movement speed and your critical hit rate increase by 10 percent. When you deliver a critical hit, the opponent will receive an additional 30 percent of damage. If you die, the enemy will take the buff.] Junhyuk was buffed, and he ran toward Gongon, shouting, "Gon! Step aside!" Chapter 315 So Cool 1 Gongon was about to retreat when Kraken closed in and grabbed the dragon¡¯s leg. Junhyuk saw the octopus. It had already been by Gongon¡¯s headbutt and Junhyuk¡¯s Spatial sh. He checked on Kraken¡¯s health and realized the champion had to have drunk a potion because it had 50 percent of its total health at that point. Junhyuk knew he couldn¡¯t kill Kraken with a Spatial sh, but if Gongon fell into to the swamp, they would have bigger problems. So, Junhyuk used the Spatial sh on Kraken¡¯s remaining eye, and the octopus lost all of his health. The damage was way higher than he had expected. Kraken lost 52 percent of his health all at once and faded away. [You¡¯ve killed Kraken and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk didn¡¯t have a chance to be surprised by Gongon. The dragon transformed and breathed fire toward his enemies. Kilraden had disappeared, and Nid was rushing. Nid¡¯s rush was capable of piercing defenses, and when he saw that the Elidra had passed by Gongon and was heading his way, he frowned. He couldn¡¯t let himself get hit with the rush, so he quickly raised the force field around himself. Nid bounced off of it, and Kilraden reappeared and stabbed Gongon¡¯s neck. Gongon dropped sideways, and Junhyuk ran toward the hatchling, cing him within the force field. Gongon turned to his enemies, ring. "These pieces of shits!" He gritted his teeth and tried to go out. "Kilraden can teleport, so we should kill Nid first." "Anytime!" Gongon ran out first, heading toward Nid, who was now trying to escape. However, Gongon had the item boosting his speed now. Nid couldn¡¯t escape, and Gongon closed in and punched at him. Nid scowled and parried the punches with his sword. ng! But Gongon had martial arts training, and he was able to exchange blows with Kraken, who had many tentacles, so he got through Nid¡¯s parries sessfully. Gongon and Nid were fighting ferociously, and Junhyuk looked around and saw Kilraden standing very far away. When the allies entered the force field, Kilraden retreated. He knew that if he stepped up at that moment, only death awaited him. But Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to let Kilraden go. He and Gongon had decieded to kill Nid first, and everyone had used their powers. Their swordsmanship skills would decide the victors. Nid was very capable in that regard, but he couldn¡¯t fight Gongon and Junhyuk by himself. Nid started losing health quickly, and when Kilraden appeared next to him, a shockwave triggered. Kilraden was hit by it, and allies continued to focus on Nid. With the debuff effects stacking, the allies could easily kill Nid. That¡¯s what it looked like right now. Nid was trying to prevent heavy damage, parrying and deflecting attacks constantly, but from time to time, a hit got through. Suddenly, however, the force field disappeared, and the enemy champions mounted their attacks. "Rooaar!" The loud howl made Junhyuk and Gongon stop, and when Nid¡¯s sword turned translucent, the champion attacked. The stunsted for three seconds, but it felt like an eternity. Kilraden had retreated far away when he got hit by the shockwave, but he teleported and attacked Gongon. Both Nid¡¯s and Kilraden¡¯s attacks were critical hits. Every melee attack thatnded while the target was stunned was a critical. Gongon lost most of his health all of a sudden. Once he could move again, Junhyuk touched Gongon and teleported toward the back. He could cover twenty meters at once, and there was no way for Kilraden to catch up with them. Only 12 percent of Gongon¡¯s health remained, and after Junhyuk ced Gongon on the ground, he ran forward and shouted back, "Stay here and rest!" Kilraden was running toward him. The champion had used one of his teleportations to attack Gongon the first time, and after the force field disappeared and Nid howled, he had used it a second time. Only one remained. Junhyuk closed in on Kilraden so that Kilraden wouldn¡¯t focus on Gongon. The assassin turned to Nid. "Trust me," the elidra said, running toward Junhyuk. Nid had 15 percent of his health left, and Junhyuk could see that and knew that nobody had any powers left. Nid had full trust in his health and swordsmanship. Kilraden was following Nid like a shadow, and Junhyuk couldn¡¯t let them get away, so he swung his sword and Nid tried to parry. Reading Nid¡¯s movements, Junhyuk triggered eleration. Nid was using his chaotic sword technique, and Junhyuk moved his sword in such a way that even the champions couldn¡¯t block. Both sides had moved, but Junhyuk¡¯s swords suddenly changed directions. Junhyuk could control his muscles, but this was difficult even for him. Nid couldn¡¯t parry the attack, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t aim for a weak spot. Junhyuk had already debuffed Nid with the Frozen Rune Sword, so his attack was a sess. His sword pierced Nid¡¯s thigh, and the champion staggered back. That¡¯s when Junhyuk aimed for Nid¡¯s neck. The eleration was gone, but Nid was in the middle of staggering, so Junhyuk thought the attack wouldnd. However, Nid cocked his head to the side and dodged the attack. Then, Junhyuk pulled the sword from Nid¡¯s thigh and shed him across. Nid was cut in half and faded. [You¡¯ve killed Nid and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk did not stare at Nid¡¯s fallen body disappearing. His sight was fixed on Kilraden. If the assassin attacked Gongon now, the hatchling would certainly die. He wanted to keep that from happening, but he couldn¡¯t stop a teleport. Right before him, Kilraden teleported. Junhyuk turned back toward Gongon, who was still transformed, and saw Kilraden appear like a shadow behind the hatchling, swinging his dagger. "Gon!" Junhyuk shouted and ran toward Gongon, but his timing was off. Kilraden¡¯s dagger travelled through the empty air, aiming for a critical hit. But then, Gongon¡¯s transformation wore off, and the hatchling got smaller, causing Kilraden to fail. Now that he was smaller, Gongon mmed his tail against the assassin¡¯s thigh. Scowling, Kilraden swung his dagger at him, but the dragon rolled to the side to dodge. Junhyuk was now between then, and he took the opportunity to swing his sword. ng! Kilraden parried with his dagger and took a step back. The assassin hadn¡¯t used all of his powers. He could still hide and counter. Junhyuk attacked him ferociously, knowing that the cooldown for the Spatial sh was nearly over. He wouldn¡¯t let the assassin get away. Kilraden had been waiting for him to attack, so he used his counter. It had looked like Kilraden had parried the sword, but he had stabbed Junhyuk instead, taking 30 percent of his health. Junhyuk ignored the pain and continued to swing his sword roughly. That¡¯s when Kilraden hid. "Gon! Step aside!" If the allies could remain safe while Kilraden was hiding, victory would be theirs. So, Gongon ran toward Hatma. Due to his buff, he wouldn¡¯t get caught. Junhyuk followed him. Kilraden could attack him, but not Gongon. Kilraden¡¯s first attack had been a sess, but it only took 30 percent off Junhyuk¡¯s health. He had 70 percent of his health left, so he had some room to fight Kilraden. On top of that, Kilraden¡¯s stats were entirely focused on attacking, so his defense was quite low. The assassin had made up his mind. He couldn¡¯t catch up with Gongon, so he attacked Junhyuk instead. That¡¯s when Junhyuk felt something sharp on his neck, and he turned swinging his sword. Junhyuk prevented any additional hits and turned to face the assassin. He looked at the expression on Kilraden¡¯s face and smiled. "We won." Junhyuk ran at him swinging, and Kilraden parried his sword. The assassin could tell he was in a tough spot, so he started to retreat. That¡¯s when Gongon came up from behind Junhyuk and headbutted Kilraden, pushing him back. Junhyuk closed in again and swung his sword at the champion, trying to get his attention. Gongon breathed fire. Because the hatchling was buffed, he was dealing much more damage than usual. The firebreath was a critical hit, and Kilraden lost a chunk of his health. Junhyuk was able to stab Kilraden very deep at that point, and although Kilraden tried to parry it, Junhyuk used the Spatial sh with the strike. His power went deep into Kilraden¡¯s neck, and the champion faded. [You¡¯ve killed Kilraden and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk looked at Kilraden¡¯s corpse disappearing and sighed deeply. He had had to protect Gongon, so the fight was tough. Then, he felt something against his butt. When he turned to look, he saw Gongon, angry. "Shouldn¡¯t I have gotten one?" Junhyuk smiled bitterly. "Sorry. I didn¡¯t expect Kraken would die so easily." They had been able to demolish Kraken with the buff. Hatma¡¯s buffs were astonishing. They heard pping then, and turned to see Hatma still standing there. "You are still here?" "It was fun to watch." The sorcerer crossed his arms and said, "Thanks to you." "What?" Hatma, who was smiling mysteriously, raised his hand. "See youter," he said. The roots restrained Hatma again, and Junhyuk looked at Gongon and asked, "What did he mean?" "Not sure. But thanks to us, he was able to eat the things we got for him!" Junhyuk agreed. Thinking of it, the allies had gotten things for Hatma that weren¡¯t easy to get. Hatma awarded them with buffs, but maybe Hatma was getting stronger by eating the things they brought him. Junhyuk shrugged. "We won thanks to the buffs." Gongon was still murmuringints as he got on Junhyuk¡¯s neck, and Junhyuk looked at him. "Sarang isn¡¯t here. Give me a piggyback ride." Junhyuk asked the dragon, "Gon, can you fix Sarang¡¯smunication crystal as well?" "So that you can see her face?" "Right." Gongon shrugged and said, "It¡¯s not that hard." The dragon rested his chin on Junhyuk¡¯s head and asked, "What do we do now?" "I¡¯ll tell Sarang to go to Bebe. Meanwhile, we¡¯ll destroy the second bottom tower. There is a plenty of time." Gongon smiled. "OK. I need time to refill my candy stash." Chapter 316 So Cool 2 They did not see any enemies while destroying the second tower. When they started heading to Bebe¡¯s, Junhyuk was still giving Gongon a piggyback ride. He had already told Sarang to meet them at the merchant. Junhyuk got there fast, and looked around the dimensional merchant¡¯s portal for enemies. He didn¡¯t spot anyone, so he went inside. Sarang had gotten there before them, and she was looking over wares. When Bebe saw Junhyuk and Gongon, he waved at them. "Come in." They walked toward the Yeti. Gongon stood on the counter and pulled out his equipment to sell so that Bebe could start appraising it. "Hm. You have some good stuff here." "Right?" Bebe started pricing each of them. The items were mostly bracelets, and Junhyuk was shocked by the prices he heard being called. "This is 300,000G. This is 250,000G. This is 350,000G, and I¡¯ll give you 500,000G for this one." Junhyuk interjected on the trade. "Can I see them as well?" Bebe shrugged and showed him the items, and Junhyuk took them to inspect. The dragons had made those items, and a lot of them had magical benefits. Junhyuk spotted something special, and Bebe had priced it at 250,000G. "This is 250,000G, right?" "Right," Bebe said matter-of-factly. Junhyuk turned to Gongon and asked, "Are you selling these for the other dragons?" "Correct." "How much money do you have?" he asked Sarang. "Me? About 300,000G." Then, Junhyuk asked Gongon, "Can you sell this one to Sarang?" "What?" "You can charge her 270,000G for it." Without thinking about it, Gongon said, "Since you are paying me more, I have no reason to refuse. Sure." The dragon looked at Sarang and added, "By the way, this item fits her well." Junhyuk gave her the bracelet and said, "Check this out. It¡¯s a nice fit for you." Sarang¡¯s eyes widened after inspecting it. "This is 270,000G?!" "There¡¯s no discount even if we¡¯re on the same team." She was willing to pay 270,000G for an item priced at 250,000G to sell, and Junhyuk wanted her to have the bracelet since it had some great boosts. It boosted electric attribute powers by 5 percent, and it also boosted health. She didn¡¯t have any items that increased her health, so this was a must for her. It was rather cheap since it only had two stat boosts, and Junhyuk was reminded of when she had bought the orb. Sarang was trading the bracelet with Gongon while Bebe watched, and the Yeti said, "Trading among champions isn¡¯t bad, but you shouldn¡¯t do it in front of me." Junhyuk felt bad, but he calmly said, "We didn¡¯t know the price. In any event, money will flow into your store." As everyone gathered gold, gold would eventually make its way to the merchant. That was the only ce to spend it. Looking at him, Bebe shrugged. "Do you want anything?" "Did you get any Pure Golden Knight set items?" "No." Junhyuk smacked his lips and asked, "Do you have any remaining Vampire Lord set item?" "Sure, I have them." Junhyuk¡¯s eyes beamed, and Bebe smiled. "When new legends are made, only champions can buy the items at first. But usually, champions don¡¯t have enough money." Junhyuk agreed. They cost around 2,000,000G each. Bebe shrugged and asked, "Do you need anything else?" After some thought, Junhyuk said, "Anders Tribe candy, I need ten." "Candy? You want candy?!" "I¡¯ll save them to eatter." Bebe said uncaringly, "It¡¯s your money. You don¡¯t have to give me any excuses." Junhyuk took ten pieces of Anders Tribe candy, and ced them inside his Spatial Bag. Bebe watched him, then turned to Sarang and Gongon. "OK. Are you going to sell me the rest?" he asked. Gongon nodded, and Bebe finalized the calctions. "A total of 1,150,000G." Gongon often made between 1,000,000G to 2,000,000G, and Junhyuk felt very inadequate. He was already making an iparable amount of money to before and he had even bought ten pieces of candy. Gongon made his own calctions and said, "Give me 500,000G worth of Anders Tribe candy, and do you have any Kali set items?" "I have a ring. Are you buying it?" Gongon nodded and purchased it. Gongon had tiny wed arms, and one of his thick ws now had a ring around it. He looked very cute. "Ah!" Sarang hugged him, and Gongon hit her hands with his tail. "I¡¯m still trading." Gongon was buying a lot of candy, and it would take a while. Bebe dumped the candy into Gongon¡¯s Spatial Bag and said, "OK. Do you need anything else?" "No." Junhyuk looked at the group. Sarang didn¡¯t have anything to trade, and he had only bought ten pieces of candy, but he would buy other things next time. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t earn as much money in the Champions¡¯ Battlefield since he only got 3,000G per enemy he killed, so he couldn¡¯t buy a 2,000,000G item. However, the reward this time would be a gold bag, and he didn¡¯t know how much he would get. Gongon asked, "What do we do now?" "We can force ourselves forward." Junhyuk had to protect Sarang, but they had enough strength to bring the enemy castle down as long as she didn¡¯t die meaninglessly. "Let¡¯s go to the enemy castle." The allies picked up the pace. They were stronger than during their previous team battle and they wanted to keep things going. At first, the difference had been small, but allied advantage was snowballing, so they had to continue. Once they got to the front of the castle, they saw Kraken and Nid at the gate. Kilraden was standing on the castle¡¯s parapet. The enemies had a n of their own for the team battle. They meant to use the archers up on the wall, but the archers wouldn¡¯t make much of a difference. The allies could attack from long range, and they could kill Nid with the flick of a finger. Nid kept shaking constantly, trying to avoid any critical hits, and Junhyukughed at him. He wouldn¡¯t be able to shake like that during the battle, so Junhyuk gripped the Blood Rune Sword tightly and looked at the allies. "Let¡¯s start." "I don¡¯t want to wait. Let¡¯s go now!" Gongon said excitedly, and Junhyuk smiled and started running. Kilraden was still on the castle¡¯s parapet, but Kilraden could teleport, so the allies had to be careful of him. Junhyuk had taken the lead, and Gongon had followed him, but suddenly, Gongon started running ahead of him. Junhyuk didn¡¯t have a chance to ask about Gongon¡¯s new item, and the set bonuses were usually massive boosts. Junhyuk looked at Sarang. She was preparing to cast Thunderstorm. He turned to Nid. The elidra¡¯s powers had a lot of utility. He could rush and stun. While running toward them, Nid was still shaking his head. Nid was very aware of Junhyuk, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t care. He inhaled deeply and elerated. Time passed slowly, and he saw Nid shaking his head in slow motion. Junhyuk elerated even more, and Nid started moving like a turtle. That¡¯s when he used the Spatial sh on the champion. "Ugh!" Nid had been shaking his head, but the sword prated his neck all the same, and Nid lost 55 percent of his health all at once. However, he was still running. Nid started to spin, and Gongon ran toward him. Gongon had transformed, and he wanted to finish the fight. Boom! Gongon¡¯s headbutt normally dealt heavy damage to Kraken, so with a single hit, Nid started fading. Junhyuk looked around... [Gongon killed Nid.] ... but Kilraden was not there. Junhyuk had set Sarang in front of him and said, "The Thunderstorm might not work on Kilraden, so use it on Kraken." "Sure." Junhyuk thought Kraken woulde after him. Gongon ran toward Kraken, but Kraken headbutted the hatchling first. The dragon couldn¡¯t stop Kraken with his two short arms and got pushed back. Kraken then grabbed the jettisoned Gongon and threw him in the opposite direction. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t raised the force field, so Kraken threw Gongon toward the castle wall. He hadn¡¯t had time and he whispered softly, "I must rescue Gongon." Sarang ran forward, and he followed her lead. They couldn¡¯t see Kilraden, so he had to be hiding. The champion could show up at any time, but where and when would he? Kilraden appeared right in front of Sarang and tried to stab her neck. Junhyuk had been expecting him from behind, so there was nothing he could do about the first hit, but he raised the force field around her immediately after. Kilraden bounced off, and she cast an electric st. Kilraden tried to teleport, but the electric st was so fast that it hit just before he could. Then, Sarang pointed her orb forward. She was furious and she wouldn¡¯t let Kilraden live. Craaaack! The lightning bolts hit the champion, and Kilraden lost a lot of his health. Then, Sarang touched her ring once and pointed her orb forward again. Craaaack! A Thunderstormbo. She had cast it twice in a row, and Kilraden faded. [Sarang killed Kilraden.] Junhyuk remembered the ring¡¯s power. She could only use it once a day, but how many champions would be able to withstand two Thunderstorms? Even heroes couldn¡¯t survive her attack. Junhyuk grabbed her and teleported. Sarang was breathing heavily from anger, and as she stood in front of Kraken, she pointed her orb forward. Kraken had watched Sarang pulverize Kilraden, and now, scared, he couldn¡¯t move. But, she was pointing her orb for a different reason. From the sky, light green powder fell on her, Gongon and Junhyuk, and they all recovered their healths. Sarang had 86 percent of her health now, and the allies would win for sure. Gongon ran toward Kraken and shouted, "You are so dead now!" Chapter 317 So Cool 3 Gongon was very strong when transformed, and Kraken knew that. The champion thought it was about to die at any moment, so it spit out the ck ink toward Gongon. The hatchling was not inside the force field. He grinded his teeth in anger after getting hit, but Kraken was already running away to the gate. Junhyuk was watching Kraken, so he teleported, closing in on the champion. Then, he swung his sword against the octopus¡¯ tentacles. The sword pierced one and stuck it to the ground. Kraken red at him and tried to pull the tentacle free. It split in half, but Kraken ignored the pain and continued running. Sarang kept on shooting electric arrows at Kraken. They weren¡¯t doing much damage, but Kraken was constantly losing health, little by little. Kraken entered the castle, and Junhyukunched his sword, but it bounced back. "Hm. Is it the castle¡¯s force field?" The gate wasn¡¯t usually covered by a force field, but he looked at Gongon and said, "I¡¯ll deal with the minions. You attack the gate!" "OK!" The minions were all lizardmen, and Junhyuk ran toward them. Gongon was attacking the gate, and Sarang still had the force field around her. Junhyuk stabbed a lizardman with his sword and lifted him up, blocking the archers with the body. He kept on swinging his second sword against the lizardmening toward him. Red shockwaves appeared with every strike, and they quickly decreased the number of minions. If no champions stepped in, dealing with the minions would be a simple matter of time. Junhyuk killed all of them without ever facing an arrow from the castle. Then, he turned to look to see why and saw Sarang attacking the archers with her electric arrows. Thest archer fell and died, and he joined Gongon in pounding on the gate. The force field surrounding the gate was destroyed, and when Junhyuk entered the castle he saw Kraken standing far away. The other champions hadn¡¯t revived yet, so now was their chance. "Let¡¯s push forward." Gongon was untransformed, but he ran ahead ferociously. Junhyuk followed and said, "I¡¯ll lure the giant golem. Let¡¯s work together to kill it." Gongon smiled. "That¡¯s a nice n." Junhyuk returned the smile and used the Spatial sh on the golem. The Spatial sh created a shockwave that swept through Kraken, but it was only coteral damage. Gongon ran in first, and Sarang followed him. Both of them bad memories of Kraken. Junhyuk thought the two would get the job done, so he headed toward the giant golem. The golem raised its food, and Junhyuk triggered eleration to dodge it. As he ran, he quickly dove to the side. It was hard on his body, but it was better than getting stepped on by the golem. He rolled to diminish the impact of the momentum and shed the golem with the Frozen Rune Sword, distancing himself from it right after. His own movement speed was originally faster than the golem¡¯s. On top of that, he debuffed the golem. Junhyuk looked around and saw Gongon and Sarang pushing Kraken around. The octopus might retreat to the castle¡¯s force field, but at that moment, the two were handling it. Gongon was a bnced half-tank, and Sarang has amazing utility. Theirbined attacks were superior to Kraken¡¯s. Junhyuk turned to the golem. An assessment of the situation told him that the golem was a type of A-ranked monster, perhaps even a little stronger than that. It wasn¡¯t fast, but it had enormous strength. Heroes had a hard time fighting golems by themselves, and many had to attack a golem as a group. But he had also seen a hero with a long-range attack kill two giant golems. "I have experience with A-ranked monster." The giant golem was looking away from him, so he ran fast toward it. It would be problematic if the golem went to help out Kraken, so he ran toward it and shed the golem¡¯s Achilles tendon with the Frozen Rune Sword. The golem was debuffed again, and it turned, trying to punch him. Junhyuk would have parried the punch, but the golem¡¯s movements were so slow that he simply dodged it. Then, he thought of something. I can elerate on Earth normally, but here there¡¯s only a perceptive effect. But what about enhancement? Junhyuk focused on his sword. The living spirit went through it quickly, leaving only a trace of force behind before returning. The golem attacked him again, and Junhyuk dodged and frowned. The spirit¡¯s force was gathering on the sword, but there was no mana attached to it. "Won¡¯t it work?" After gathering force like usual, he attacked the golem¡¯s leg with it. Boom! The giant golem¡¯s leg was smashed through as if it had been hit by a hammer. The injury wasn¡¯t a sh, but a smash instead. He knew that the damage dealt hadn¡¯t increased, but enhancement effect yield a different type of attack and injury. He could shut down the golem with that. The Spatial sh created ring-like shockwaves, but when he used it with his fist, the shockwave was almost spherical. If he could use the single-point explosion with the Spatial sh, the attack would bepletely different. Arn could not do what he had done just now, and he smiled at that. The golem attacked him again, and he rolled away while smiling. As he got up, he looked at the giant golem. He dodged the giant golem¡¯s kick, stepped on the golem¡¯s knee and jumped. Reaching over the golem¡¯s shoulders, he swung his sword at one of them. Craaack! Golem¡¯s shoulder was destroyed, and the golem swung its fists at Junhyuk. Junhyuk stepped on the golem¡¯s back andnded on the ground. The giant golem turned, and Junhyuk gathered the force on his sword for the single-point explosion. Because there was no mana, he couldn¡¯t see it, but when he attacked, his attack was different. After looking at the golem, Junhyuk scoped out the battlefield. Kraken was trying his best to get inside the castle¡¯s force field, and Gongon was biting the octopus. Sarang was shooting electric arrows at it. Kraken only had 10 percent of its health left, and the allies would soon use their powers on the champion. Junhyuk was murmuring to himself that it would be over soon when he saw a shadow rushing toward the allies. "Watch out!" he shouted, but Nid came out fast. Nid had rushed out of the castle¡¯s force field, and after hitting Gongon, he spun toward Sarang. Gongon had already been damaged, so Junhyuk raised the force field around Sarang. ng! Nid bounced off the force field. Meanwhile, Kraken ran toward the castle¡¯s force field. Suddenly, the golem kicked Junhyuk. He didn¡¯t have time to escape, but he blocked it with his swords. ng! Junhyuk was bounced back rolling, and that¡¯s when he learned something else. Because his defense had gone up, the attack hurt less than before. The giant golems at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield were weaker than those at the DImensional Battlefield, so Junhyuk could kill it as long as he remained focused. He distanced himself from the golem and analyzed the situation. Gongon and Sarang had lost Kraken, but they were now holding on to Nid. The champion felt that it was dangerous to deal with them alone, so he was also trying to get back into the force field. Nid was avoiding the fight and trying to escape, and Junhyuk sighed while watching him. "Let him go! Destroy the castle¡¯s force field." The allies were protected by Junhyuk¡¯s force field, so they wouldn¡¯t be in danger. Therefore, they should¡¯ve ignored the enemy and pounded to the castle¡¯s force field. After Junhyuk told them what needed to be done, he turned to face the golem. They had to work fast to win. He gathered the force on his sword one more time and looked at the golem. His own health was low, but a Spatial sh would fill it up, so Junhyuk circled the golem until he felt it was off cooldown and used it. Boom! The Spatial sh carried the single-point explosion with it, and it worked like a hammer against the golem. When dealing with champions, shing and piercing attacks were effective, but blunt attacks worked better against golems. The shockwave from it was also sphere-like. Partially destroyed, the golem staggered, and Junhyuk ran toward it. The golem swung his remaining left arm at him, but he dodged it easily. Junhyuk attacked the golem¡¯s left arm, slicing it at the shoulder. As the golem tried to kick him, he gathered the force around his sword again. This time, he used the single-point explosion against the golem¡¯s stomach. There was a heavy impact, and the golem crumbled to the ground. It had taken a while, but he had dealt with it alone. He sighed and looked at the allies. They were pounding against the castle¡¯s force field, and his own force field had disappeared. Inside the the castle¡¯s force field, Junhyuk saw the enemy champions gathered. They were thinking. Were they going to go out or give up the round? The enemies felt like they had already lost that round. The giant golem had been destroyed, so one of them would have to stay with the force field to protect it. The castle¡¯s force field was almost entirely gone as well, so victory had been decided. Should they give up or fight until the end? Junhyuk was curious about what the enemies were thinking. Kilraden had revived, so he had to protect Sarang against the champion. Her health had increased, but she would still die if she was attacking twice by him. Kraken came out first and headbutted Gongon. After Gongon got pushed back, Kraken followed up by spew ck ink over him and Sarang. The two were blinded, so there was no time for Junhyuk to hesitate. He teleported and joined the others. Kilraden had alsoe out, but he disappeared as soon as he did. Junhyuk touched the allies and teleported. He had distanced them from Kilraden, but he was still worried. His own teleportation could cover a longer distance than Kilraden¡¯s, but Kilraden had one more teleportation than him in total. Thinking, he hugged Gongon and Sarang. He needed more time. Meanwhile, Kilraden showed up and disappeared again, so Junhyuk used his jump skill. He jumped over their enemies, heading toward the castle¡¯s force field. He wasn¡¯t interested in fighting. Instead, he wanted to bring the castle down, so he shouted, "Pound the force field!" Gongon and Sarang started pounding, and Junhyuk watched as their enemies ran toward them. Kraken, Nid, and Kilraden. The heroes had recognized those champions powers. Considering their powers and equipment, they were certainly most dangerous enemies, but the allies were superior to them. Junhyuk aimed his sword at his enemies and said, "You lost!" As he did, the castle¡¯s force field was destroyed. Victory belonged to the allies. Junhyuk didn¡¯t know what the odds were for the bets, but with Sarang, they had won again. If Arn¡¯s group had bet on they, they would have earned some gold. Junhyuk ignored the disappeared enemies and looked at Gongon instead. "We¡¯ve won." Gongon smiled at him. "See you next time." "Right." Junhyuk waved, and Gongon faded. Sarang also faded, and he saw bright white lights covering him. He opened his eyes slowly to find himself in thepletely white room. In front of him, there was a square box. He looked at it and exhaled deeply. [This is the Swamp of Despair¡¯s victory reward. Check it out.] Thinking about the reward, he put his hand one the box. Square box suddenly opened up and lights shot out of it. [Victory Reward: Randomized Gold Bag. Touch it.] His heart was racing, and he reached for the bag. Chapter 318 Monster Area 1 A bright light shone on the gold coins, and the light flew toward Junhyuk. He took the bright light in calmly and smiled. He didn¡¯t know the amount yet, but he had a good feeling, and considering that satisfied feeling, the amount had to be high. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened as he heard a soft voice. [You gained 7,770,000G from the randomized gold bag.] Up to that point, rewards from the Champions¡¯ Battlefield had fallen between 100,000G and 300,000G. This time, he made over twenty times that amount. Satisfied, he smiled. Bybining the amount he had just gained with what he already had, he would be able to buy at least four items from the Vampire Lord¡¯s set. He closed his eyes, and the pure white light pounded against them. When he opened them again, he was at the training facility. He was curious about how much gold the others had gained, and they had to have thought the same thing since two faced appeared in front of him, Gongon¡¯s and Sarang¡¯s. Junhyuk shook his head. "How can I see you both at the same time?" Gongon answered nonchntly, "I turned the visualmunication into a group chat. That way, we can talk as a team." Junhyuk nodded and asked, "How much money did you gain?" Gongon grimaced and answered, "I thought it would be so cool, but it was so bad. I only got 170,000G." That was the amount they earned on average, and Junhyuk smiled at the fact that he had earned more than the hatchling this time. Sarang shook her head and answered, "By the way, am I the only one who can see the projections?" "Only the owner of the orb can see them. Othes, who don¡¯t know better, will think that you are talking to the air or to yourself." Sarang chuckled and answered, "I got 770,000G." Gongon¡¯s eyes widened and he said, "What? That much?" After listening to them both, Junhyuk smiled with victorious satisfaction. "I got 7,770,000G." Sarang and Gongon stared at him and both shook their head. "That¡¯s a huge give away. They shouldn¡¯t have given you so much." "Unless they stole my luck, it¡¯s impossible." Wasn¡¯t a dragon already lucky to be born as a dragon? "Next time, I¡¯ll be able to afford some new equipment," Junhyuk said nonchntly. He didn¡¯t know the effects of the Vampire Lord set, but he would get four of those items. Only champions would be able to purchase them before the start of the season, and among the champions, he had the money for them. As long as items of the new set didn¡¯t ovep with the ones he owned for the Pure Golden Knight set, he would be able to get multiple set boosts, and he would be much stronger than ever before. Gongon shrugged. "That much moneyes and goes, so I don¡¯t care. You¡¯ll be able to get new items, and that¡¯ll help us." Gongon had a positive outlook, and that was nice. Junhyuk looked at them both and said, "You worked hard. See you next time." "Right, I need to train some more." Dragons already had very high basic stats, but Gongon was extremely proud, so he pushed himself even more. If Gongon ever became a hero, Junhyuk wanted to fight alongside him. Gongon disappeared, but Sarang was still looking at him. "Big brother. So... we¡¯ll have to go back in two weeks?" "That¡¯s right. The Champions¡¯ Battlefield happens every two weeks." In the new season, one of the two would have to fight with a new group. It was paramount that whoever changed teams met good heroes, and Junhyuk thought of training harder with her until then. "Rest for a while." Junhyuk cutmunications and looked ahead. A monster would appear soon. He was expecting a B-ranked monster, but when one showed up, it was an A-ranked monster, a Wolf Warlord. Junhyuk inhaled deeply. "Should I be happy?" He had to deal with the monster within five minutes, and it seemed like the Dimensional Battlefield management had recognized his skills. He wasn¡¯t sure if he should be d about that though. Summoning his swords, he said, "I will fight." He had learned many things from fighting the giant golem and he could trigger eleration on Earth. Junhyuk and Sarang had fought the Wolf Warlord together before, and he had learned from that as well. He attacked the Wolf Warlord. --- It was the first peaceful Friday since the abnormal narcolepsy cases began. In the second week, people realized that the illness was not happening and were d about it. Junhyuk finished fighting the A-ranked monster, took a shower and had a cold beer while watching TV. The new coverage was entirely devoted to that Friday¡¯sck of abnormal narcolepsy cases. Only those who had fought against legend candidates knew of the real reason. When Junhyuk emptied the beer can, he threw it in the trash, exhaled heavily and murmured, "This won¡¯t end so easily." They would create monster areas, and the world would find itself in a more difficult situation. People didn¡¯t know about it, but the monster invasion would continue until human heroes appeared. Junhyuk looked at his hand. The living spirit was moving fast. It travelled to the tip of his fingers and returned to his body, but it left a little force on his fingertips. It repeated the process, leaving enough force on his fingertips to trigger the single-point explosion. Junhyuk concentrated mana on his fingertip and balled his hand into a fist. "I will make the living spirit my own." He absorbed mana continuously. Now, he was training the single-point explosion. He pressured the living spirit and elerated it. He was trying tobine both abilities, the single-point explosion and the eleration. The Wolf Warlord was very fast, and it was not easy to hit a critical against it. He had used the Spatial sh on it, but that had its limits. So, he wanted tobine the two abilities into one. Once he seeded, he would be able to kill the Wolf Warlord without the use of his powers. "If I get new equipment, I¡¯ll be able to kill the Warlord more easily." Junhyuk had a lot of gold, and if he spent it wisely, A-ranked monster would be a lot easier to deal with. After thinking of something, he smiled bitterly. "They wouldn¡¯t send S-ranked monsters, would they?" Buff monsters were A-ranked monsters, but S-ranked monsters also existed. Five heroes had had to fight against it a the same time, the dragon. Junhyuk believed that management wouldn¡¯t send one to his training facility. Even a single hero couldn¡¯t deal with a dragon. Junhyuk realized he was wasting time thinking about it and got up. "Should I pass on the shell of the ten-thousand-year-old centipede?" If they researched the centipede¡¯s shell, their level of biological engineering would advance tremendously. Junhyuk had had a hard time slicing the shell, and he thought it would revolutionize the world. He was in his living room when he started cutting smaller pieces of it. He didn¡¯t want to give it up, at least not all of it. Just enough to spark the research. He sliced a meter square of it. After that, he started thinking. If he were to give it to Elise, research on it would be faster, but... "We¡¯ll research it ourselves." Junhyuk ced the square inside of his Spatial Bag and walked out. If he could make armor out of the centipede¡¯s shell, it would work beautifully at the Dimensional Battlefield. He drove to Guro District, where theb was located. The facade said it was a researchb for a biological engineeringpany, but in fact, theb¡¯s main focus was monster bodies. The construction was ongoing, but theb was already at work. Tirot couldn¡¯t do the research alone, and Junhyuk wanted to to hire more people willing to sign the non-disclosure agreement. He entered and saw Tirot slicing an ogre¡¯s muscle, researching its sticity. The twin-headedogre¡¯s muscles could be used to create strength boosts at the Dimensional Battlefield. Would they be able to make equipment from the bodies? Would that equipment work in the Dimensional Battlefield? Junhyuk thought about making an ogre gauntlet, one that boosted strength, but he couldn¡¯t mass produce it due to the low number of bodies. Novices were bing experts and champions, and they could find equipment on Earth. Now that A-ranked monsters were appearing, he wouldn¡¯te across a twin-headed ogre unless he met it at the Dimensional Battlefield. Ogres were of no use now, but the bodies of A-ranked monsters had their own special effects. He could earn gold from those, and if he could manufacture items with their quality, he could sell those to Bebe. Junhyuk would no longer be jealous of Gongon. He was doing better than the hatchling since he was fighting A-ranked monsters twice per day, which appeared every five minutes for two hours. He had been gathering the bodies, but he needed arger storage space. Junhyuk was also thinking about moving theb to a more secluded ce, to a province somewhere where factories were located. He walked over to Tirot. "Any results?" Tirot looked at him and smiled. "No animals we know on Earth have qualities like these. If we made this public, many people would want to research it." Junhyuk nodded in agreement. "We¡¯ll get people who you¡¯ll be able to count on. You can¡¯t do this job alone, and you need more researchers." "Is that possible?" Tirot had dark circles under his eyes, and Junhyuk wanted to talk to him about hiring more people. "Skill is important, but secrecy is more important. Right now, only Guardians is allowed to research monsters." Officially, only Guardians was allowed to research monster, but each country probably carried out research of its own. China had already made known its intention of expelling the Guardians¡¯ branch manager from the country. Junhyuk put his hand on his chest. "I came here today for this." He pulled out the meter square of centipede¡¯s shell. Tirot looked at it and asked, "What is this?" Junhyuk answered calmly, "Something with unimaginable durability. I don¡¯t even know how to cut it. If you can do it, that¡¯ll be nice. I won¡¯t be stingy in my support, so find a way to mass produce it." "Sure!" Tirot was d to have the new project, and Junhyuk continued, "Considering the event at Yongsan, more monsters will appear. And there may be a new industry based on cadavers that grows from that. We must stay a step ahead of them. We need results." Tirot¡¯s eyes beamed. "I am funded well here, so I¡¯ll show you results." "I¡¯m looking forward to it." He patted Tirot¡¯s shoulder and walked out. The world was experiencing change, and only those who were prepared would get what they wanted from that change. Chapter 319 Monster Area 2 When Junhyuk went into the training facility with Sarang, they were faced with two A-ranked monsters. He was already used to dealing with the Wolf Warlord, but now there were two of them, and the danger level went way up. Junhyuk had to use all of his powers to kill the monsters within the given time since the danger level was so high, but he managed to kill them both in the end. He had learned how to kill Wolf Warlords, but they still weren¡¯t easy opponents. He hunted for two hours and, breathing roughly, he looked at Sarang. "Are you OK?" "I¡¯m fine. By the way, they only added an extra one, but it¡¯s so much tougher." Junhyuk nodded in agreement, looking ahead. The two of them had high-ranking powers with great utility. With an absolute defense force field and long range critical attacks, they were able to stop their opponents. The Thunderstorm/Spatial shbo had finished the A-ranked monsters off. Junhyuk wondered if the A-ranked monsters were the same as those in the Dimensional Battlefield. If so, howe heroes had so much trouble dealing with them? So, he came to the conclusion that they were different. "Did they decrease the monsters¡¯ power level?" he murmured, and Sarang shook her head. "But they are certainly stronger than B-ranked monster." "Right. That¡¯s right..." Junhyuk had thought that even heroes couldn¡¯t deal with two A-ranked monsters. Heroes did have powers beyond imagination, but so did A-ranked monsters. He decided not to think too hard about it and shook his head, turning to her. "Shall we go out?" "Not yet. I want to train with mana." "Then, let¡¯s train some more." Sarang started focusing and absorbing mana into her mana circle, while Junhyuk trained with the living spirit. The spirit was consuming mana on its own, and growing by the day. Unlike in the Dimensional Battlefield, the living spirit wasn¡¯t consuming all the avable mana, but it was still feeding. Junhyuk had to make the living spirit his own. He had to learn how to use eleration and enhancement at the same time. That was the aim of his training. He still couldn¡¯t do it, but he had learned something new. The eleration had be even faster, and he could trigger the single-point explosion quicker as well. However, he still couldn¡¯tpletely control both, so he still couldn¡¯t call them his. Junhyuk thought he was making strides in his advancement. When he saw Sarang open her eyes, he stopped. "Let¡¯s go back." He took her hand and exited. In the bathroom, he let her shower first and went outside. Momentster, she came out, and he showered. When he came out, he saw Sarang watching TV. When he looked at what she was watching, he frowned. The TV was showing footage of a dimensional tear, and it wasn¡¯t just one or two. There were dimensional tears all over the world. Junhyuk wanted to find out more, so he grabbed his phone. While he¡¯d been training, he had gotten over twenty calls, so he called Elise first. "Where were you? Why did you not pick up?" her voice came through exasperated. "Is there a dimensional tear in South Korea?" "No, none in South Korea yet." Relieved, he asked, "By the way, didn¡¯t they stop the poring-power research?" "These dimensional tears happened naturally." "Naturally?!" Last time, the dimensional tear had appeared because of someone¡¯s power. It would be nearly impossible for someone with simr powers to appear again. So, why were there tears? Thinking, he said, "I¡¯ll call you back." Junhyuk hung up and shouted, "Agenchra!" He wanted to know more about what was happening, so he tried summoning Agenchra. Perhaps, the members of the management teams were thinking different things, and he wanted to make sure. There was no response, so Junhyuk called him again, "Agenchra!" Suddenly, everything around him stopped. He knew they stopped time before appearing, so he waited. From the empty air, the manager appeared. Agenchra cocked his fedora toward him and bowed. "Were you looking for me?" "I have a mountain of questions, but I want to ask you about the dimensional tears first." Agenchra smiled awkwardly. His face was covered by bandages, so Junhyuk was surprised that he could look awkward. "I¡¯m not sure. That¡¯s not my expertise." "The previous dimensional tear was created by a person infected by a poring, but I don¡¯t see how there could be so many of them now." Agenchra looked at him calmly and said, "Honestly, porings were created by the monster administration team. I also have information on infected people. The mechanism behind how to make dimensional tears are nowmon knowledge, so they went ahead and just made the monster areas." "Then, they can make tears anywhere at anytime?" Agenchra shook his head. "There should be a hundred monster areas around the world right now. However, to make dimensional tears, they have to make cores, and making cores takes time. For the time being, there won¡¯t be any additional tears." Junhyuk scowled. "Even if they make monster areas, they won¡¯t get more novices." "Correct. But these areas will be training grounds for novices to be experts, champions and heroes." "You call it a training ground, but I¡¯ve been inside a tear. No one cane out of that safely." "Only the strong will survive." Junhyuk stared at Agenchra. He had forgotten. Management was willing to waste an entire dimension to make an experiment. They only cared about producing heroes. They didn¡¯t care at all about human dignity or the value of human lives. Junhyuk was furious. "You people do whatever you want..." Agenchra did not answer, and Junhyuk stared him down. "The monster areas will berger, is that right?" "Correct." "Then, someone has to destroy them." "Are you going to do it yourself?" He couldn¡¯t answer that question. If a dimensional tear appeared in South Korea, he would destroy it, but tears were appearing in other countries. He could step in right now, but he had to get stronger first. He didn¡¯t care about whether he could be a hero, but he wanted to wait until the next Champions¡¯ Battlefield, when he would be able to get new equipment, at least. With new equipment, he could destroy the tears. As far as escaping their copse, he would worry about thatter. He had heard enough about monster areas. Now, he had toe up with ways to deal with them. "OK. About the A-ranked monsters in my training facility, are they weaker than normal?" Agenchra¡¯s eyes widened. "How did you find out?" "I didn¡¯t notice when there was just one, but since you started sending two, I figured it out." Even heroes would have problems dealing with two A-ranked monsters. If champions were able to deal with them, then they had to be weaker than normal. Agenchra said calmly, "These are restrained A-ranked monsters. When you are ready, you¡¯ll encounter them at full power." At that moment, Junhyuk realized that he was still weak. His items had gotten better, but his basic stats were still weaker than a hero¡¯s. After thinking of something, Junhyuk asked, "Since monster areas have appeared, will monsters stop showing up outside of them?" Agenchra shook his head and said, "No. Even more monsters will appear at different ces." "Why?" "More novices will activate powers, and we will weed them out." Closing his eyes, Junhyuk said, "I understand. You may go." Agenchra took off his fedora and bowed. "I¡¯ll see you next time." Junhyuk did not want to see Agenchra again. After Agenchra went away, time started moving again, and he felt Sarang staring at him. "Big brother, did you call on Agenchra?" "How did you know?" "You called out his name twice." Junhyuk realized then that she hadn¡¯t seen him. "I must go see Elise." "About the dimensional tears?" "Right." Sarang watched monsters pouring out the dimensional tears, wreaking havoc in the cities. Most monster areas were being built within metropolises. "Should we stop that?" Junhyuk tapped her head and said, "We need better equipment, or we¡¯ll die. So, let¡¯s think about that after the next battlefield." "Sure," she said, nodding. He caressed her head and asked, "What do you want to do now?" "I want to rest here for a while. You go." "OK. Don¡¯t forget to lock the door when you leave." Junhyuk left her there. As he drove to Elise, he called her. She wouldn¡¯t be able to leave work with all the tears showing up, so he went to Guardians. Elise had already told security that Junhyuk wasing, so he was able to go inside. He went to herb and saw Zaira showing footage of the tears in many different screens. There were a lot of other women in theb as well. The monsters were pouring out of the tears and eating people. He looked at the feed and said, "Are there a hundred?" Elise nodded. "That¡¯s right. A hundred. How did you know?" Without answering, Junhyuk looked at Eunseo next to Elise. "What are you going to do now?" "We¡¯ll divide the monster areas into districts. The army will be stationed outside of those districts." Junhyuk answered, "Only powered people can deal with the tears." Eunseo and Elise stared at him, but he shook his head nonchntly. "I can¡¯t do it." "What if we make a way into them?" "You can¡¯t." The tears were expelling B-ranked monsters, so there would be A-ranked monsters waiting inside. It would be extremely difficult for anyone to make their way in. "Then, what can we do?" Eunseo asked. Junhyuk frowned. "We should scope out the areas and make teams to attack them. Teams of powered people." "But even they can¡¯t do much once they use their powers." Junhyuk said, "They need equipment." "Can they deal with these monsters?" He knew the task wouldn¡¯t be easy. So, he pulled out the stuff he had wanted to give Elise from his Spatial Bag: Wolf Warlords¡¯ ws and hides. Junhyuk had been waiting for Tirot toe up with use for those, but he couldn¡¯t wait any longer. Elise took them with beaming eyes. "New monster parts!" "Use these to make equipment for powered people." Junhyuk had thought about revolutionizing the world with them, but he couldn¡¯t wait any more. The revolution hade to him first. Elise nodded. "I¡¯ll use these to make weapons and armor, but I still need the bodies." "I have plenty of those, but they won¡¯t be free." Eunseo interjected, "Of course. We¡¯ll pay you handsomely." He looked at Eunseo and said, "They¡¯ll weed out novices. Some novices may survive and be experts, but unless we make teams out of them, they won¡¯t be of much use. Guardians must step in." Eunseo fixed her sses and said, "I will do my best." Junhyuk looked at the monitors. A hundred monster areas. They were mountains that humanity had to climb. Chapter 320 Monster Area 3 Junhyuk left Elise and Eunseo and went to see Sungtae on his way home. He wanted to tell Tirot to submit a budget proposal and he also wanted to talk to Sungtae. With Max¡¯s mask on, Sungtae greeted him, and they went into Ganesha¡¯s control room. "Ganesha, I need information on monster areas," he said calmly. [Do you mean the information that¡¯s been gathered so far?] "Right. Can you delve deeper than the news?" [Of course.] He could have asked Elise, but he didn¡¯t want to be a burden to her, so he told Ganesha to do it instead. If there were any problems with the monster areas, he would know right away. Junhyuk hoped the areas wouldn¡¯t grow too fast, and he turned to Sungtae. "With the appearance of monster areas, the world will experience a revolution." "I know." Sungtae knew this event was revolutionary. Dimensional tears had appeared all over the world, and armies were in ce to blockade them, but those armies were unable to go inside the tears. The monsters remained within a certain limit. "To deal with these monsters, Tirot¡¯s Bioengineering Lab has to work properly." "We aren¡¯t making iron soldiers?" "No. The iron soldiers have limitations." While dealing with dimensional tears, the iron soldiers had shown their limitations. Their weapons were limited by thews of physics. However, powered people broke thews of physics. In the end, they would fight with objects made out of monster bodies rather than use iron soldiers. "So, let¡¯s make the necessary equipment. We should register the Bioengineering Lab and make the resulting equipment official. What do you think?" Brian could get them the stuff that they needed, but within secrecy, Brian had his own limit. Sungtae took a moment to think and said, "That¡¯s possible, but Brian won¡¯t like it so much." "Don¡¯t worry too much about it." "OK." He continued calmly, "I will move the Bioengineering Lab to a ce not far from here." "The building¡¯s inner construction is not done yet." "Even if it takes more time, we will move theb. It is too small now." They had bought a nearby building and started construction, but the building could only grow so much. Junhyuk wanted to increase the space, so it would be best to move theb to a nearby province and get argerb. "It won¡¯t be difficult to get arger space, but construction will take time." "If possible, we¡¯ll do it fast. We also need a bigger security team." A single security team was enough for now, but when he moved theb to the Gyunggi province, he would need more security. Sungtae nodded in agreement. "I¡¯ll ready that myself and make reports on the progress." "Do it." When Junhyuk finished talking to Sungtae, he went over to Max¡¯s building. Sora was staying in that ce, and it wasn¡¯t hard to find her. She was in the private training facility, where she could use her massive speed at will, swinging a sword. As Junhyuk watched her, he clicked his tongue. She didn¡¯t have any special attacks or powers, so she was probably having a hard time picking up equipment from enemy heroes. She had to work diligently to get herself equipment and she might have to purchase Bebe¡¯s basic equipment like he had. Her power would be enormous against ordinary humans, but she couldn¡¯t do much against people with their own equipment. Junhyuk walked over to her as she trained, and Sora put down her two-handed sword and gathered her breath, smiling at him. "You came!" He bowed slightly and said, "Let¡¯s have coffee together." Sora wiped her sweat with a towel. "Can I wash first?" "Sure. Come to roof garden when you are done." He got two cups of coffee from a vending machine and went to the garden on the roof, where he sat looking at the sky, rxed. Sora might have used her powers to get herself ready because she showed up only a momentter. Her hair was still wet, and she took a seat opposite of him. He gave her a cup of coffee and said, "You should have taken more time bathing!" "I¡¯ve formed a habit of doing things fast." She meant she used her power frequently, and he became curious of something. "Has your power evolved?" Sora smiled. "The active time has doubled!" Her power used tost for only one second, but now she could keep moving for two. That meant that the distance she covered had doubled as well. "That¡¯s nice!" Sora raised her arm. She was wearing the bracelet, and his eyes beamed. "I¡¯ve been wearing this while training. Whenever I use my power, I feel it absorbing mana, which is how my power finally evolved." Junhyuk already knew mana was good for the body, but he hadn¡¯t known that it would help in a power¡¯s evolution. Would everyone have a different way of generating mana? He came up with exnations of his own, but he couldn¡¯t reach a definitive answer. Her power had increased, and that was a good thing. "There are monster areas appearing all over the world, so countries will start gathering their own novices," he said. "To attack those monster areas?" Junhyuk shook his head. "They may be able to decrease the number of monsters within it, but they can¡¯t destroy them." If they sent people to destroy the tears, they wouldn¡¯t be able to escape unless someone was able to warp like that infected women could. "You may get other offers." Things were happening all over the world, and Guardians was also gathering novices. Guardians might want Sora to join thepany. Sora¡¯s eyes widened. "Do I have to go?" Junhyuk shook his head. "Dealing with monsters is a good way to train. When your life is in danger, you may activate other powers, but right now, it¡¯s too dangerous." "I feel confident that I can run away." "After you use your power, you¡¯ll be helpless." While she had greater health than normal people, she was still a novice. After some thought, she asked, "What should I do?" "I am making new equipment by using monster bodies. When the equipment is ready, you could wear it and go to a monster area." Sora¡¯s power was high-ranking even at the Dimensional Battlefield, so she should train within monster areas. However, Junhyuk couldn¡¯t let her go practically naked. It would be like letting a baby swim in ake. Looking nervous, Sora nodded. "Sure, but I have a question." "What is it?" "When I be an expert, do I get better treatment?" He smiled at her. "I¡¯ll pay you three times more." Sora pumped her fists, and Junhyuk smiled and drank his coffee. "You¡¯ll still have to use the weapons they give you at the Dimensional Battlefield. You should prepare for bing an expert, so train with dual swords," he said. "Dual swords?" Junhyuk nodded, and Sora raised her two-handed sword. "This is good enough." She had been training with a two-handed sword for a long time, so it might be better that way. Nevertheless, she should have a nice one. Junhyuk had requested that Eunseo look for antiques, and if she found a two-handed sword, he would give it to Sora. "By the way, is the narcolepsy incident over?" Junhyuk shook his head. "No. Right now, the Dimensional Battlefield is in recess, but they¡¯ll call again." Sora grimaced, and Junhyuk continued, "This is a secret, so don¡¯t tell anyone." "Sure." He got up first and said, "Focus on your training. Sounds like you earn mana when you use your power. Use your power willfully to get more mana." "I will." They said goodbye, and Junhyuk walked out. He was heading to his house in Seoul when his phone rang. When he saw the number, his eyes widened. After Junhyuk had moved to Seoul, he hadn¡¯t seen Jeffrey, so he picked up the phone. "Long time, no see." "You didn¡¯t tell me you were moving!" "I haven¡¯t really moved. I¡¯m still looking for a house. What¡¯s up?" Jeffrey was silent for a moment before saying, "I have a chance to get stronger. Can you help?" "What do you mean?" "The monster areas have monsters that are stronger than the ones I possess. I want to capture some." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. Because he didn¡¯t fully trust Jeffrey yet, he hadn¡¯t invited him to his training facility. But now, those monsters had appeared in the wild. The monster areas were filled with B-ranked monsters, while A-ranked monsters stayed within the dimensional tears. Jeffrey wanted to tame some. B-ranked monsters would be able to attack heroes. Junhyuk refused Jeffrey. "I¡¯ll help you in South Korea, but I won¡¯t go abroad." "Whew... OK." "What are you going to do?" "I¡¯ll ask Doyeol. The army can capture some monsters." Jeffrey wanted to tame monsters without going to the monster areas. There was a lot of danger in going straight there, but Jeffrey could summon up to three monsters. "Be careful. Don¡¯t die outside of the Dimensional Battlefield." "Are you worried about me?" "I am. Be careful." Jeffrey was an expert, so he wouldn¡¯t get killed easily. On top of that, his equipment focused on defense. Junhyuk hung up the phone. "If Jeffrey can summon three B-ranked monsters, he will be much stronger." He knew Jeffrey was strong, but after meeting Lujet, he stopped thinking that summoning was a weak power. Lujet was called a Vampire Lord, and he was able to summon a demon far more powerful than Junhyuk could have imagined possible. It was a power of the absolute highest rank. Thinking about Lujet, Junhyuk shook his head. "I¡¯ll make Jeffrey an ally." Junhyuk was thinking about making a team, and he put Jeffrey in the column of potential human heroes. But, he had yet to trust Jeffreypletely. Chapter 321 Gathering People 1 All one hundred dimensional tears had appeared on a Sunday, which people were calling Bloody Sunday now. The Friday before that, people had felt ted since there hadn¡¯t been any cases of abnormal narcolepsy, but on Sunday, they were crestfallen. The monsters appearing through the tears were of a different level than the ones that had appeared previously. Up to that point, the military had been able to stop monster attacks, but now, all branches of military had been defeated, and they were focusing on containing the monster areas instead. The monsters with superior strength seized the cities. Many people had died, and the families of the victims were angry, but even the military couldn¡¯t enter the monster areas. Each of the tears appeared in a country¡¯s major city and highest popted area, and because of that, the world economy had suffered. Real estate business and the stock market had crashed. People who had not cared about monsters were now deeply concerned about monster areas. Those with money and power got angry, and the military gathered again. Publicly, the military was gathering to retake the monster zones. They were equipped with monster dposition liquid, but in the end, they failed to even get close to the tears. They had been able to easily advance in the beginning, but when B-ranked monsters appeared, everybody was wiped out. People felt hopeless after the annihtion, and God was merciless on hopeless people. --- Wednesday. Monsters fell from the sky, five times as many than ever before. To stop them, both iron soldiers and the military were deployed, and they were able to do it only after heavy civilian casualty. While watching TV, Junhyuk sighed. Sarang, who was sitting next to him, said, "South Korea remains unaffected." "It must be intentional." It might be because Junhyuk had shut down a dimensional tear. No monsters fell from the sky either, and the world started looking at South Korea differently. "If no monsters show up in South Korea,nd prices will skyrocket." "Do you ownnd?" Junhyuk shrugged and answered, "Three buildings in Guro. Two houses in Paju. I¡¯m also building ab in the Gyunggi province. Are these enough?" "You are something else." "Not long until the math test?" he asked nonchntly. "Not long." "Are you taking it?" She nodded. "It hasn¡¯t been that long since I gained more intelligence, so I have to take the test to go to a nice university. My previous grades weren¡¯t good." Junhyuk thought about what she said and asked, "You are ranked number one in the country. You can go anywhere you want. Have you thought about your major?" She shrugged and answered, "I¡¯m so intelligent now it gives me a headache. Where should I contribute?" Junhyuk answered, "You¡¯ll get even more intelligent. Each runestone will make you more intelligent, and you may be the smartest person on Earth." "Hm. What should I study?" "You can study anything you want. You don¡¯t have to focus on a single major." Sheughed. "Right. When I have time, I¡¯ll get certifications." He nodded and said, "You are so cool." She had been gathering intelligence runestones, but he was focused on strength runestones. Junhyuk got up. "You should be heading home." She checked her bracelet and nodded. "The mana is recharged, so I should be going. Are you going to the training facility?" "I am." She stared at him. "Are you really just going to watch the whole thing?" "What?" "The monster areas." He stared at her for some time. "Just be sure to remember one thing: the monster areas are really dangerous. I¡¯m just getting ready to attack them." "Isn¡¯t crafting equipment taking a while?" "If we have the equipment, we can attack. But not right now." They were able to kill an A-ranked monster, but he remembered that there were more than one inside a tear. The truth was that he didn¡¯t know what was inside each tear, so he had to be careful. He had to know more about the tears. If a tear ended up being longer than the previous one he had visited, he might not survive getting out of it. "We need to know more about dimensional tears." "How?" "Through Vera." Sarang¡¯s eyes beamed. "Should I ask her?" "No, I¡¯ll do it." "Let¡¯s both do it. We can group chat now." Junhyuk nodded and tried to raise Vera through themunication orb. Sarang did the same, and Vera appeared soon after. "I can see you both. Junhyuk¡¯s dragon friend did this for you?" "Yes. By the way, I have something to ask." "Wait. I just want to let you know everyone got paid because you won the Champions¡¯ Battlefield." Junhyuk smiled. "That¡¯s nice." "But you won too easily this time, so the returns won¡¯t be that high next time. You should¡¯ve gone easy on them!" "I was just trying to win." "Even with lower odds, you still need to win. Can you?" "If things are normal, we¡¯ll win. They won¡¯t be able to get into the Dimensional Battlefield before the next battle to upgrade their equipment." "Right. I¡¯ll bet on you again next time." Vera smiled. "I wanted to ask you about dimensional tears." After some thought, Vera smiled again. "Oh, yeah! What happened to thest one?" "I went into it myself. There were A-ranked monsters crawling within it, and I definitely needed more time to escape after destroying the tower. I was in danger even when I had teleportation at my disposal." Vera touched her chin and said, "You guys normally won¡¯t have enough time to get out." "What do you mean?" Vera said calmly, "We can get out just by running, without the need of teleportations." "What?!" "There are constraints to our movement speed in the Dimensional Battlefield. Ordinarily, we can run out of a copsing tear." Junhyuk started pondering things, and Sarang said, "But there are no dimensional tears in dimensions with heroes." Vera smiled. "Correct. We heard about the dimensional tears from others who became heroes. They also told us how to destroy them. Just in case, we listened carefully." Junhyuk sighed. "Is there a way to safely extract ourselves from dimensional tears? It¡¯s more dangerous to return than to destroy the tower core." Vera raised her hand. "Wait a minute," she said and got up. When she came back, she had something in her hands. There were two of them, and they were the size of her palms. "This works with mana stones. It can teleport things within a five-meter radius to somewhere else. It has teleportation magic, but each use will consume a mana stone of about this size." He looked at the gesture she made, and it looked like it would cost at least $10 million per use. Curious about something, Junhyuk asked, "If you feed it a bigger mana stone, can you use it more than once?" "It may be possible. It¡¯s not aplex object." "Can you give it to me?" Vera pondered the idea. "My Junhyuk has earned me some money. Sure, I can send it to you. Theye in pairs, so how many do you need?" "How will you send it?" "Just like Arn did. It¡¯ll cost me a fortune, but I can do it for you." Junhyuk looked at Vera. She should definitely have enough money in her own dimension. It would be easy for her to do it. "Just in case, can you please send me five?" Sarang asked, "Tears are dimensions of their own, at least that¡¯s what I heard. Will that work within tears?" Veraughed brightly. "You are a curious being. I¡¯ve already checked it and have used it in other dimensions." "Do other dimensions have dimensional tears?" Junhyuk asked. "That¡¯s right. That¡¯s how I found out about tears. They had the most difficult time stopping them." "We have a hundred dimensional tears." Vera cocked her head. "It¡¯s not that easy to make tears! People have to activate powers to open up dimensional tears." Junhyuk sighed. They could only do it by ident before, so management must have created the poring to find out how to open tears. "Now, battlefield management can create tears anytime if they have the tower cores to do it." Vera frowned. "That¡¯s a terrible situation. With a hundred dimensional tears, your world may disappear." "That won¡¯t happen." He wouldn¡¯t let Earth disappear. Vera would send him her things, and with the new equipment, he could always destroy the tower cores by himself. Getting to the tower core was hard, but he didn¡¯t have to do it alone either. He would gather novices and experts, gift them new equipment and destroy the cores. After Vera had sent him the teleporter, would it be possible to mass produce them? If so, he would be able to attack multiple areas at the same time. Vera shrugged. "Right. Our Junhyuk will do well." He asked carefully, "Last time, the space copsed within itself, so is there a way to send those things without destroying my ce?" "There¡¯s no way to avoid that. Moving within different dimensions is not easy." Junhyuk would find a ce for the transfer, and Vera said, "I¡¯ll let you know when I¡¯m sending them. Be ready." "Thanks." Junhyuk had finished talking to Vera. He had helped Vera make some money, but he couldn¡¯t buy the things that would save the world from destruction with money. Junhyuk turned to Sarang and said, "Inside the tear, I came up against an A-ranked monster, but that tear was rtively new. Time has passed now, so I don¡¯t know how many monsters are inside the new tears." Sarang swallowed dry. "I¡¯ll get the stuff from Vera and wait until the equipment is ready." They both could deal with A-ranked monster now, but the ones they were dealing with were also under constraints. However, even if a real A-ranked monster appeared, they would be able to deal with it together. But if more than one appeared, they would need more allies. He would need powered people around the world to provide him with strength. Chapter 322 Gathering People 2 It was Friday again. People were nervous, but nobody became afflicted with abnormal narcolepsy. Still, people were not happy because of the monster areas and the waves of monsters that came from those areas. Junhyuk was watching the news while moving the living spirit through his body. He couldn¡¯t simply forget about the problems on Earth and train, so he turned on the news from time to time to check on what was happening around the world. He checked through the information Ganesha gave him regrly. From the time the monster areas appeared, they had only increased once. On a Friday afternoon, five days after they had appeared, their radii became longer. They all had a radius of three kilometers initially, and all increased by a kilometer. The monsters rushed out suddenly from their territories, and the armies protecting the areas took enormous damage. The news was covering the increase of the areas continuously, and people seemed to have forgotten about abnormal narcolepsy. Junhyuk knew that nobody would get hit by it for four weeks in total because they were preparing for the new season, and lizardmen, not humans, were the ones called to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. As he watched the news, Junhyuk smacked his lips. He wanted to craft new equipment, but it wasn¡¯t an easy task. Making new equipment out of the dead bodies of monsters wasn¡¯t an easy thing to do. Junhyuk felt the living spirit gathering at his fingertip. Thepressed energy pushed back quickly, leaving traces of it behind. He could see the mana gathering at his fingertip and balled his hand into a fist. Through diligent training, he was approaching his goal. At first, he couldn¡¯t possibly have dealt with two A-ranked monsters, but he was getting used to it now. So, now he was fighting without using his force field.eleration had be faster and nowsted longer, but dealing with two A-ranked monsters was still difficult. His Spatial sh had not improved. A single Spatial sh couldn¡¯t take out an A-ranked monster. Even if he delivered a critical hit on a monster¡¯s weak spot, it wouldn¡¯t be enough to bring down its massive health pool. To deal with monsters like that, he had to improve his Spatial sh, and to do that, he had to focus more on enhancement over eleration. However, the biggest problem was creating a single-point explosion. It took a long time to gather the energy for it, so he was training in order to simplify the process. He wanted to be able to create a single-point explosions with two stacks of energy, and for that, he had to be able to control the amount of mana involved. He had also started training the single-point explosion with the Spatial sh, but it wasn¡¯t easy. It wasn¡¯t easy to gather the necessary mana to his fingertip with only two passes of the living spirit through it. When he tried to leaverger amounts of mana on his fingertip, the living spirit stuck around, attached to it. So far, due to his training, he had been able to decrease the stacks to five. Although five wasn¡¯t a lot, it would still take too long for it to be viable at the Dimensional Battlefield. Junhyuk focused more on it, but then his phone rang. When he checked on who it was, he saw that it was Eunseo. He picked it up, and she greeted him calmly. "How are you?" It¡¯d been a week since he¡¯dst seen her. "I¡¯m fine. Why did you call?" "I want to see you. Is that possible?" "Do you want me at Guardians HQ?" "No, meet me at Restaurant Chungil." "The sashimi ce in Seoul?" "Yes, I will make a reservation under your name." "Sure." Junhyuk was curious about her invitation, so he got up and got ready. While putting his clothes on, he kept on controlling the living spirit. Junhyuk had thought he had grown with the living spirit, but after talking to Vera, he knew he¡¯d been wrong. He was far frompleting his training. Heroes were faster than him in their own dimensions than he could be while teleporting on Earth. That meant that he still had a long way to go to be a hero. "I will work harder." Junhyuk walked out and drove to Chungil. The restaurant was very famous for its high-quality sushi. He went in, told them his name, and they guided him deep into the restaurant. Because he didn¡¯t see Eunseo, he went ahead and took a seat. While he wiped his hands with the wet towel, Eunseo walked in. She smiled at him. Nobody else was following her, which shocked him. "You came alone?" "Yes." Eunseo took a seat, wiped her hands with another wet towel, and said, "I¡¯ve ordered, OK?" "Certainly!" He did not mind. She looked over at him and then poured some water into his cup. "Did you hear about the monster areas bingrger?" "I heard." "The military forces have already been defeated, and people are looking at us for help." Guardians was now the center of attention. Eunseo continued, "Everyone¡¯s realized how serious the problem is, so they are all gathering novices. Because South Korea didn¡¯t experience any monster waves this time, the novices wille here." Up to that point, South Korea had been the country with the greatest number of monster attacks, but this time, things were different. There were no monster areas, and there had been no monster spawns. Therefore, other countries had decided to send their novices there. "That¡¯s good to hear." Eunseo took a sip of water and said, "So far, we¡¯ve confirmed 232 novices." "Officially." Junhyuk thought there could be more, but previously, only one out of a hundred thousand became a novice. She nodded. "Unofficially, I think it¡¯s double the official number." "That¡¯s still fairly high." Eunseo fixed her sses. "Due to the monster areas, there¡¯s been an increase in novices, and the monster spawns on Wednesday probably generated even more novices." "That means that none of them are strong enough." There were differences between newly-activated novices and novices that had survived the battlefield. Eunseo nodded heavily in agreement. "I am not sure if these novices can stay alive or if they can even survive the Dimensional Battlefield." Bing a novice didn¡¯t solve anything. Their survival rates were extremely low. Novices seemed powerful, but in the Dimensional Battlefield, they only served one purpose: bait. That is, unless a novice developed a power of the highest rank. Junhyuk frowned deeply. "They won¡¯t be called to the Dimensional Battlefield for another two weeks, so they won¡¯t be weeded out." It was the first time Eunseo was hearing that. He hadn¡¯t nned on keeping it a secret from her, so he told her about the legends and the fact that the battlefield was preparing for a new season. Eunseo frowned. "So, there will be more abnormal narcolepsy cases." "They are in recess." "Sigh... Is there anything we can do?" Junhyuk knew that things wouldn¡¯t change just because they were gathering novices. "How is the development of the new equipment going?" "Elise is working diligently on it. A research team came to Korea, and they brought new machines to make the new equipment. We are building a factory inside Guardians." There was a limit to what humans could make. To make the equipment efficiently, they needed to automate the process. It would take time and investment to make better equipment, but it was necessary. Junhyuk took a sip of the water when the food came out. Then, he waited until the servers left and said, "Because the novices are from all over the world, they might not agree on which monster area to attack first." Novices had to get rid of tears, and they would try to focus on the ones in their own countries first. Eunseo stared at him and said, "I have a favor to ask." "What is it?" She felt nervous about it, but she went ahead and asked anyway, "For people to trust Guardians, we need the Dark Knight who destroyed the first dimensional tear." Junhyuk had been about to raise his chopstick, but he froze when he heard her. "I have to step in?" "If you do not, no one will listen to us." He took a moment to think. Eunseo was being honest. He had to step in. But if he did, people would focus their attention on him. As he thought, she whispered to him, "You don¡¯t have to show your face. But you have to show your Dark Knight armor and your powers." Junhyuk took a piece of sashimi and chewed it. "I can¡¯t, but you could film me." Eunseo smiled at him. "I¡¯ll be grateful if we can do it!" It would be good enough if Guardians had a rtionship with the Dark Knight. That would be effective. Junhyuk didn¡¯t know it yet, but people around the world wanted to see more of the Dark Knight. The leaders of the world were especially interested in him. He didn¡¯t tell Eunseo about Vera¡¯s gift. He would do so after he had received it. Junhyuk had to prepare first, so he would wait some more. Still, he had to give Eunseo some hope. "If I attack a tear, it¡¯ll be after next Friday." "I¡¯ll make a list of novices and send it to you, and I¡¯ll find out our first target tear." He took another sashimi. "However, Elise mustplete the new equipment before that. Without the new equipment, an operation isn¡¯t possible." Without it, novices wouldn¡¯t survive B-ranked monsters, or even C-ranked monsters for that matter. The equipment should be ready before anything could happen. He chewed the piece of sashimi. "You should eat and talk." She smiled and picked up a piece for herself, eating it. "Are you training?" he asked, looking at her. "Yes, I am." She only had her counterattack power, so she couldn¡¯t practice it alone, but she had been training herbat skills. "I can take you to the training facility," he replied. Her attack stat had increased, but her defense had taken a massive leap. Junhyuk could take her attack and also train her. She stared at him dly. "Does that mean I can train with you?" He nodded and answered, "The monsters are even stronger than before, so you can¡¯t hunt with me. But I will spar with you." Sarang didn¡¯t have to be there since they had the regenerative basin, and she nodded. "It¡¯s been difficult trying to train properly, so this will help me." He stared at her and asked, "Did you find any new items on Earth?" Smiling, she ced her hand forward. She was wearing a gold bracelet he hadn¡¯t seen before. "I got one." Chapter 323 Gathering People 3 Junhyuk looked at her bracelet and then at Eunseo. Her health and mana hadn¡¯t changed, which meant that attack, defense and attack speed might have. They couldn¡¯t find out unless she went to the Dimensional Battlefield, but he was really curious."What kind of item is it?"Eunseo took the bracelet out and showed the inside of it to him."It¡¯s been said Cleopatra used this bracelet. There¡¯s an inscription inside about the rain goddess Tefnut, and it works."A rain goddess, so it might have a water attribute. He wasn¡¯t sure about it, but it was a good thing that she had the item now.Junhyuk looked at her and said, "It looks expensive.""It¡¯s an antique, so yes, it was expensive, but it is not worth more than life."He nodded."I hope it will help."Touching the bracelet, Eunseo said, "I will try to get better items."He smiled."Expensive items will probably have great buffs, but cheap things may also work in the Dimensional Battlefield. The jujube tree ne worked right away on the battlefield.""Really?!""I also found an item in an antique shop by ident. Just be thorough, and you¡¯ll find them."Eunseo¡¯s eyes beamed, and he smiled at her."We should eat, no?""Right."Eunseo picked up her chopsticks, and both ate their sashimi with pleasure.Junhyuk thought they would go their separate ways after the meal, but Eunseo suggested that they train together right away. He had nned to train with Sarang that evening, so he couldn¡¯t take Eunseo with him. With A-ranked monsters appearing, Eunseo wouldn¡¯t survive.Nevertheless, he took Eunseo to his house. Sarang was already there. He had made ns with Eunseo suddenly, so he didn¡¯t have a chance to tell Sarang about it. She was making food when they arrived.Eunseo grimaced a little after seeing Sarang, but he was looking at Sarang, so he didn¡¯t notice it."When did you get here?""At six. Big sister came, too?""I had a favor to ask him, so we went out.""Right. What favor?"Junhyuk answered instead, "This time around, every country is gathering novices, but to control them, they need the Dark Knight. So, I¡¯ll provide a video.""A video?!"He nodded."I will exin dimensional tears to them and tell them how to get rid of them."Sarang smiled at him."You did good. You should help out," she said to him. Then, she walked over to Eunseo, crossed arms with her, and said, "Big sister, help me prepare the meal."He said calmly, "We already ate!"Sarang frowned a little."And you didn¡¯t tell me about it?!"Junhyuk looked awkward, and Eunseo helped him out."Sarang, we only ate a little. We can eat more. Shall I watch your cooking skills?"Sarang folded the sleeves of her shirt up and said, "Of course! I will show you what I got."Junhyukughed at her. Sarang¡¯s cooking skills were ordinary. Her food was edible, and that was the extent of it. She didn¡¯t douse her food with MSG, but her cooking was regr.Eunseo had only eaten high-quality cooking from very young, so she looked at him funny, and he shrugged."I¡¯ll go get changed.""You do that."Sarang waved him off, and Junhyuk went into his room to change. When he came out, Sarang and Eunseo wereughing while talking and cooking.Shaking his head at the sight, he turned on the TV. The gathering of novices wasn¡¯t a secret, and some of those novices had already be famous, like celebrities.He watched them on TV, but he realized that some countries were keeping their participation in the gathering a secret. At the moment, only the less developed countries were unting their novices and the fact that they were sending them to Korea. The U.S., China and Russia, and other countries of simr strength weren¡¯t making public announcements.Junhyuk suddenly thought about the Chinese woman, the one who had sliced a monster in half.Would shee to Korea? She had disyed a high-ranking power. While watching TV, he turned his head toward the smell of kimchi stew. Sarang ce a pot of it on the table and said, "Come."Junhyuk was already full, but he couldn¡¯t say it, so he took a seat at the dining table while Sarang ced the other dishes. An omelet and other sides filled the table Normally, Junhyuk didn¡¯t eat sides when he dined alone, so when he saw the table full of food, heughed."Looks good.""Big sister is here," she said. Sarang looked at him and added, "You are going to help her train, right?""Sora was able to enhance her power by training while wearing her bracelet. Because Eunseo¡¯s power is a counter, someone must spar with her."Sarang nodded."That¡¯s good," she said. Then, she touched Eunseo¡¯s hand and added, "Big brother¡¯s health should decrease. This is a win-win situation."Junhyuk frowned. Their goal was to beat the hell out of him.He tasted the stew."Today¡¯s is better than usual!""Is that apliment?""I thought it was."Without saying anything else, he started eating. Eunseo ate, too, and paid Sarang manypliments."It¡¯s delicious!""Right?"Sarang dly ate the food, and Junhyuk realized thatpliments made people happy. When he finished the meal, it was almost eight o¡¯clock. He turned to Eunseo and said, "When we finish with the monsters, I¡¯lle back. Rest up.""I will train here alone. Go," she said, fixing her sses.He nodded and took Sarang¡¯s hand."Enter."When they entered the training facility, Junhyuk said, "Vera is certainly taking a while.""She has to send the items through dimensions. It¡¯s a favor to us, so we should wait."Smiling, he summoned his equipment and said, "Get ready."They were monsters of the same rank, A, but he was being diligent about his training. If possible, he did not want to use powers to kill the monsters, but that wouldn¡¯t be easy.He hoped the Spatial sh would work with the single-point explosion that day, and he stared at the monstersing toward him.---An old man and a young woman hade to see Doyeol, and he offered them wine in his garden. The old man was president of W.A.N.C.S., Mario, and the young woman was a member of the Rockefeller family, Jennifer Rockefeller. Mario was also the nucleus of Pentagram, and it was possible that Jennifer would seed him. They were both important to Doyeol.While drinking wine, Mario asked, "There was only an estimate for the number of novicesing. How many experts wille?"Doyeol answered calmly, "Two from China, one from Russia, two from the States, one from the United Kingdom. That¡¯s it so far."Jennifer put her wine ss down and asked, "How did you find out?"Jennifer had brought one expert from the States, while the American Department of Defense brought another one, and Doyeol already knew about it.He continued calmly, "I was lucky enough to have finished making expert detectors, which I ced at the airport. That¡¯s how I knew."Jennifer said matter-of-factly, "I thought we had to share new technology..."Doyeol nodded."Correct. It¡¯s still in its developmental stage, so I haven¡¯t had a chance to send them out. I¡¯ll do it soon."Unlike before, Doyeol was no longer pressed about his decisions. Because he had survived the Dimensional Battlefield and was starting a revolution, Doyeol had be a full member of Pentagram. He hadn¡¯t lost an inch in power, and was actually bing more important to the organization.He had created Guardians and was bing unimaginably wealthy.At that moment, Guardians was making more money than ST Capsule, and that was due to the weapons coated in monster dposition liquid. Pentagram had provided the initial capital, but Doyeol was the main shareholder, so he was wealthier than ever before.Jennifer wasn¡¯t a member of Pentagram yet, so herint seemed like the whining of a child.Mario looked at Doyeol and asked, "South Korea doesn¡¯t have any experts?"Doyeol answered, "We have the Dark Knight, but we don¡¯t control him.""The Dark Knight. He feels like more than an expert."On video, the Dark Knight looked superior. He had sliced through the monsters, making a mountain out of the bodies, and then leapt into the dimensional tear.Pentagram wanted to acquire the Dark Knight, along with his armor and equipment, but in the long run, they wanted to control him. That¡¯s why Mario was there from the States. Doyeol had joined Pentagram rtivelyte, and Mario still didn¡¯t fully trust him.Mario turned to Jennifer. She could help a lot. She could seed Charles, and on top of that, Charles had sent an expert with her.Mario didn¡¯t trust Doyeol, so he brought Jennifer along to acquire the Dark Knight."So, where do you think their first target will be?" Mario asked.Doyeol shrugged."Well..." Doyeol wanted to do whatever he could to earn power, but he needed someone to help him. "The sequence of attacks isn¡¯t important. The important thing is whether we can destroy the monster areas."Doyeol did not answer Mario¡¯s question, and Mario and Jennifer looked at each other. Both realized that Doyeol was hiding something from them.Mario said to him, "You should do more."The situation would be handled by Guardians, and because Guardians¡¯ CEO was Doyeol¡¯s little sister, Pentagram couldn¡¯t simply ignore him.Mario gave up, for now, and Doyeol smiled at him."Yes, I will."Doyeol cheered with Mario and smiled. He had sent Jeffrey to the gathering. If Jeffrey did his job, Doyeol¡¯s ce within Pentagram would be fixed, and he would hold great importance. Chapter 324 Decision 1 Monday. Junhyuk had been kicked the hell out by Eunseo since she started her training. Because his equipment was better than before, even when shended a critical, it only did 10 percent of damage. Kilraden¡¯s counternded for 30 percent, sopared to him, she had a long way to go. For one, Eunseo did not have any weapons, so she was attacking with her basic stats. Kilraden¡¯s damage was also superior to hers because he was a champion. Junhyuk told her to focus on the bracelet that absorbed mana, to counterattack while focusing on the mana. What was surprising was that Eunseo was able to read the flow of mana for her power on her third try, and after that, she did it every time. However, she couldn¡¯t control the structure of the mana flow. Junhyuk told her about his own absorption of mana through the living spirit, and he also told her about how mana moved and where it stayed. All he could do was exin things to her. There was no way to train her on what he told her. Everything was very abstract. He hoped she would focus on absorbing mana. Sora, without even knowing much about mana, hadbined her power with it while using her power over and over to evolve it. Because of that, Junhyuk believed that mana would make Eunseo stronger. Sarang also trained with them, focusing mainly on her heal training, and Junhyuk thought there was no way for him to know how far Sarang¡¯s powers would evolve. To begin with, Sarang was now able to heal five people at once, and now she was focusing on increasing the amount she healed. To test out her power, she wanted Junhyuk¡¯s health to drop first, so while Eunseo counterattacked him, Sarang joined up with her. Sarang¡¯s regr electric arrow¡¯s damage had increased, and she was also training on how to shoot them off continuously. With both women attacking him, Junhyuk would sometimes lose half of his health. Still, he wouldn¡¯t let them both beat him senseless without trying to defend himself. He dodged the first electric arrow before getting hit by the second. After his health had lowered, Sarang tried her healing power. At this point, Sarang¡¯s healing power could heal him for 25 percent of his health at once. It also looked like his equipment was helping the amount healed because it had a lot of health boosts. During the weekend, he supervised their training, so he had to sleep less to be able to train himself. After Sarang and Eunseo left to go home, he stayed up alone, training the single-point explosion and eleration. He still couldn¡¯tbine the single-point explosion with the Spatial sh, but he would get better. After training alone, he decided to rest for a while. About that time, Sarang would be going to school, and Eunseo would be heading to Guardians. Eunseo¡¯s schedule was even more strict, as she went to work even on the weekends. She told him that that weekend she had gone to work and met with representatives of every country. Although she couldn¡¯t be honest with them, she told them she would bring video of the Dark Knight destroying the dimensional tear. He told her to prepare an online conference on Tuesday, but that he would only be able to start attacking tears after Friday. He had been thinking about all of those things when he saw Vera¡¯s face appear in front of him. "Where are you right now?" He answered calmly, "I¡¯m at the training facility the manager from the Dimensional Battlefield made for me." "Nice. Wait a second." Vera had many crystal orbs floating around her, and after making some calctions, she said, "Since Arn sent you the living spirit, I can easily track your coordinates. Also, because management created that ce, it can take a dimensional tear appearing without getting destroyed. So, I¡¯ll send it to you right now and exin things in detail after that." "Sure." He had been waiting to hear from her, so he got up expectantly. Suddenly, a dimensional tear appeared right in front of him. Junhyuk felt a little nervous as he watch it form, but then, ten objects dropped from it. They came in pairs, and Vera had sent each pair in a different color. Junhyuk put his hand forward, grabbed the machines and ced them inside his Spatial Bag. Tush, tush, tush! The air seemed to spin, and the flow of mana did the same. The air pressure created a typhoon, and Junhyuk shook his head and brushed the dirt off himself. He had thought the typhoon would destroy the training facility, but the facility remained safe and sound. Nothing had happened to it, and Junhyuk smiled bitterly. He sat back down, waiting to hear from Vera, and she appeared again, smiling. "Did you get them?" "I got five pairs." He pulled out a pair from his bag, showed it to her and asked, "How do I operate them?" "You¡¯ll need mana stones for them. When you look at it, can you see apartment in the middle of it for mana stones? Just ce a mana stone in there, and it¡¯ll do the rest automatically. You¡¯ll need two mana stones. Using it is simple, so just put the mana stones in and press the button to see." He nodded heavily. "How do I know it will work if I put arge mana stone in it?" He couldn¡¯t just head inside the tears while trusting the machine when it might not work properly. "Do you see marbles stuck to the mana stone when you ce it in there? It has up to ten marbles, so when you put a mana stone from the Dragon¡¯s Valley in, it¡¯ll chargepletely. The ones not from the valley won¡¯t charge it fully." Junhyuk checked the machine and smiled. "Thank you." "I earned a lot because of you, so this is a present from me. I won¡¯t tell you how many resources I had to use to get them to you, though." Junhyuk realized that to move things through dimensions, one had to spend an enormous amount of resources. He also realized that Arn gifting him the living spirit had been a massive present. "I will win the next round as well." "Of course!" Junhyuk didn¡¯t think his team would lose. He might die once or twice, but victory would belong to them. "Then, see youter," she said and disappeared. Junhyuk pulled out two of the machines and ced mana stones in them. He had a lot of mana stones now and he did not want to sell them. He used two mana stones that he got from killing twin-headed ogres. They cost $50 million each, and when he put them in, only three marbles shone. Junhyuk scowled. "Spending $100 million will only give me three charges?" Honestly, he didn¡¯t think it was expensive. The machine worked in every dimension, and each charge only cost him $33 million. He exited the training facility, showered and walked out into the living room. His phone rang, and when he checked the number, he saw he had five missed calls, all from Jeffrey. He picked up the phone. "What¡¯s up?" "I want to see you." "Have you been to a monster area?" "I got some things I can use this time." Junhyuk realized that Jeffrey was overconfident. The monsters in the monster areas didn¡¯t threaten Junhyuk, so he wasn¡¯t worried. Was Jeffrey aware of where Junhyuk wasing from? "What do you want to show me?" "Don¡¯t you want to see?" Junhyuk couldn¡¯t understand Jeffrey¡¯s mysterious attitude. "Meet me at the Paju house. In two hours?" "Sure." He headed to Paju, which only took him an hour. Inside, he saw all the nice furniture he had, but the house looked empty since he hadn¡¯t been living there. "Should I sell it?" Junhyuk was thinking seriously about it. He worried about whether he should own an empty house. Then, he went to the garden. Nowadays, he had his own private training facility, but he remembered digging the ground around the house to make himself some training grounds. He opened the door and looked inside it. It was empty. The manager had moved the trees to his new training facility. While he looked around the training grounds, Jeffrey showed up. He was looking through the open door, and when he spotted Junhyuk, he jumped down. "Did you wait long?" "Not long." He looked at Jeffrey, and Jeffrey smiled. "I have a favor to ask you." Junhyuk was trying to make Jeffrey an ally, so he answered, "Sure." Jeffrey hadn¡¯t expected that answer, so he stared straight at Junhyuk and said, "Spar with me." Junhyuk¡¯s expectations had been correct, and heughed. Jeffrey could now summon B-ranked monsters, and he was brimming with confidence. Junhyuk nodded. "Sure, but I¡¯ll go all out. If you don¡¯t want to die, prepare yourself." Jeffrey nodded heavily and put his hand forward, summoning four monsters. Junhyuk hadn¡¯t expected that. There was a twin-headed ogre, an elidra, a porcupine-looking monster with thorns all over his body, and a giant snake. Junhyuk felt that they were all at about the same level, and he was about to use his full strength like he had promised. So, he summoned all of his equipment, and Jeffrey smiled. "You are trusting me more now." He did not answer Jeffrey. Instead, he raised his sword. Junhyuk had dealt with twenty-five B-ranked monsters all by himself, and there were only four of them now. Junhyuk had assigned Jeffrey as a potential ally, but he wanted to know if Jeffrey was worth it and what the difference between them was. Junhyuk thought about how to kill them, and Jeffrey smiled. "Then, I¡¯ll go all out as well." Jeffrey summoned his own equipment, which looked better than before. Then, extending his hand, he shouted, "My second power! Fury!" Suddenly, the four monsters grew by half their original sizes, and their bodies turned red. Junhyuk was shocked. He could guess what that power did. Fury increased the strength of summoned monsters, and Junhyuk would find out what kind of power they had now. He readied the single-point explosion. Junhyuk was in the habit of using the single-point explosion before the Spatial sh now, and he raised the Blood Rune Sword. "Let¡¯s begin." Chapter 325 Decision 2 Junhyuk was worried that Jeffrey might be within range if he used the Spatial sh. If so, considering his defense, he could die from a single strike. The Spatial sh would take at least 50 percent off of Jeffrey¡¯s health. If Jeffrey was lucky, he¡¯d survive, but Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to trust luck. So, he stepped back. Considering Jeffrey¡¯s character, the expert wouldn¡¯t take the lead when attacking. On the battlefield, one could die at any moment, so even if Jeffrey had a lot of defensive equipment, he shouldn¡¯t take the lead. Heroes could tear apart defensive equipment such as his like pieces of paper, so Jeffrey was keeping a certain distance from him, just like he had expected. Junhyuk gathered his breath. The preparations for the single-point explosion were finished. "This should work!" If he could add the single-point explosion to the Spatial sh, its destructive power would be entirely different, but things did not happen as he had expected them to. When he extended his sword, the twin-headed ogre ran toward him. They both locked eyes with each other, and Junhyuk saw that the twin-headed ogre¡¯s eyes were bloodshot. He used the Spatial sh on the ogre¡¯s chest, timing it with the single-point explosion. Boom! Normally, the Spatial sh sliced the opponent, but this time, it was different. Right when the Spatial sh hit the ogre¡¯s chest, it triggered an explosion. It was like a bomb had gone off. The twin-headed ogre waspletely destroyed, and the elidra and the giant snake following behind it were also taken out. The single-point explosion created an orb-shaped attack that destroyed all three monsters. When Junhyuk saw that only the porcupine monster remained, he knew that he was safe, but he was disappointed that he had not killed it as well. The remaining monster started shooting thorns at him. Twenty of them were flying his way, but he did not teleport. Instead, hepressed the living spirit and ran forward. There were twenty thorns flying his way, but there were plenty of gaps between them. If they had been closer together, Junhyuk would have had a harder time escaping them with eleration. He moved between the thorns to reach the monster. Shocked, the monster did not have a chance to straighten the thorns on his body, so the Blood Rune Sword prated the monster¡¯s forehead and stabbed down into the ground. The monster couldn¡¯t even scream, and Junhyuk walked slowly toward Jeffrey. Jeffrey was wearing a helmet, so he couldn¡¯t see his face, but Jeffrey couldn¡¯t keep his mouth closed. As he approached Jeffrey, Jeffrey took a step back. Junhyuk thought he had shown the expert enough of his powers, so he did not push Jeffrey any further. He silently pointed his sword toward Jeffrey¡¯s neck and said, "Shall we continue?" Jeffreyughed awkwardly, "No, ha-ha-ha," and smacked his lips. "You can summon four monsters, so it looks like your power has evolved. You also activated another power, which will help you," Junhyuk said calmly. "Ha-ha-ha, right?" Jeffrey had imagined he could kill a buff monster on his own since he had four B-ranked monsters and a buff power, but Junhyuk had coldly reminded him of his own limitations. Junhyuk stared at Jeffrey and lowered his sword. Jeffrey sent his equipment away, and Junhyuk did the same, and Jeffreyughed. "You are extraordinary. I didn¡¯t know you¡¯d be this strong even though you are a champion." Junhyuk did not reply, and Jeffrey spoke fast. "Honestly, I thought I had made strides on the battlefield and had grown more, but I did not know a champion could defeat me this easily." Junhyuk¡¯s eyebrows twitched, and he said, "A hero can easily kill a B-ranked monster. Even if you have four of them, a hero could easily get rid of them." "My battlefield is different. I couldn¡¯t do it with one, but I could hold off a hero with two. I was thinking I could even kill a hero now that I had four." Junhyukughed. "Don¡¯t let your guard down. You have an extra life now that you¡¯ve be an expert, but overconfidence will lead you to hell. Heroes can earn money off of you." "I heard that too. I they are lucky, they can get so strong." "Right, heroes can have great equipment by the way. You¡¯ve been ignoring them, but they can kill you. So, be careful." "I didn¡¯t think... but I understand now." Junhyuk thought Jeffrey would heed his advice and smiled. Jeffrey had been to a lot of battlefields, and he listened, so Junhyuk thought he could be useful. "Where did you get these?" Jeffrey shrugged. "I talked to Doyeol, and he got them from Japan." "Japan?" "Yes, Tokyo has a monster area." "Doyeol can pull those kind of strings in Japan?" Doyeol hadn¡¯t attacked the monster area, but the Japanese had given him the monsters, which meant that Doyeol had ties to Japan. "Sure, he is the major shareholder of Guardians." Guardians supplied weapons with monster dposition liquid to the world, so of course, Guardians¡¯ major shareholder would have power all over the world. Junhyuk looked at Jeffrey. "When it¡¯s time to destroy the monster areas, you¡¯ll be part of it." Jeffrey could summon four B-ranked monsters, so he could help. The B-ranked monsters could be used in tanking. Junhyuk could deal with the B-ranked monsters alone, but he also had his limits. He had been able to stop thest tear in Seoul because the monsters hade out in waves, but now the monsters were already out of the tears and roaming the areas. He couldn¡¯t deal with all of them alone. The team attacking the monster areas had to include Jeffrey, and Junhyuk was also considering taking Sarang with the team, but in his mind, Jeffrey was already in. Junhyuk stared at him and asked, "What is Doyeol thinking now?" Jeffrey smiled. "Doyeol wants to see you." He frowned. "If Doyeol wanted to see me, why did you spar with me?" "Sparing is only sparing." Junhyukughed bitterly. "Are you satisfied?" "I learned something for sure. I shouldn¡¯t challenge anybody." He shrugged. "OK. Let¡¯s go see Doyeol." "Right." The video conference was the next day, so he wanted to know what Doyeol was thinking. Junhyuk walked out with Jeffrey and got into Jeffrey¡¯s car. They drove for quite a while, but there were no houses around. "Where is the house?" "It¡¯s no good if just anyone can find it." Jeffrey got out of the car, and Junhyuk followed. "All this area is privatend," Jeffrey said. He saw a cabin and went toward it. A few R-agents were on security detail, and they made way for Jeffrey. When they entered, they saw Doyeol lighting a fire. He threw a log in the firece, got up and stared at Junhyuk. "It¡¯s getting cold." Junhyuk nodded, and Doyeol continued calmly, "Let¡¯s sit. We have a lot to talk about." Junhyuk took a seat, and Doyeol got a bottle of liquor out of the cab. "Do you want a drink?" He nodded, and Doyeol poured one for him. He picked up the ss, and Doyeol sat in front of him. "I know about your powers, but you haven¡¯t sold me any more mana stones since that they." Junhyuk stared at him. He had sold them to Elise first, buttely, he had so many of them that he could sell them to both parties. Considering the mana stones he had gotten from the training facility, he should sell some to Doyeol just to keep up the rtionship, so he pulled some out. They were mana stones from B-ranked monsters, and each cost tens of millions of dors. Junhyuk pulled out ten of them, and Doyeolughed out loud. "You¡¯ve been collecting them?" Junhyuk nodded slightly, and Doyeol took out a small machine and ced the mana stones on it. The machine had been made by Elise. It was portable and it could appraise mana stones. After appraising them, Doyeol pulled out his cell phone. "They are worth $240 million total. Should I use the ount you gave mest time?" Junhyuk shook his head and gave Doyeol a new bank ount number. Doyeol nodded. "Compared to a Korean bank ount, this will be safer." Doyeol wired the money and looked at him. "I wanted to talk to you." Junhyuk smiled and turned to look at Jeffrey. "Did you want to run an experiment on me?" Doyeol looked at Jeffrey, and Jeffrey shook his head. Once again, Doyeol learned just how strong Junhyuk was. He had stopped a dimensional tear by himself, so was there anything else that needed to be said about him? He had created a mountain out of monster bodiesst time, so it was hrious that they had tried to go at him with just four monsters. "That was Jeffrey¡¯s idea." Junhyuk remained silent for a while, simply staring at Doyeol, and then he asked, "I want to know why you wanted to see me today." Doyeol looked at him, took a sip off his drink and said, "The video conference with the Dark Knight is tomorrow." "Right." "I want to ask you for a favor." Junhyuk realized that Doyeol knew he was the Dark Knight, and there was no way he couldn¡¯t tell Doyeol he wasn¡¯t at that point. It would just be ridiculous if he tried, so he guessed at what the favor could be. "Do you want me to let you decide which monster area we attack first?" Junhyuk sounded extremely cold, and Doyeol waved his hand at the suggestion. "No, I don¡¯t want that. But could you tell me which country you will attack first?" Junhyuk realized that Doyeol wanted to have power over the countries that they attacked, and Doyeol continued, "Tell me the first three countries you will attack. I¡¯ll pay you handsomely for the information." Doyeol was always very polite when he wanted to deal with him, and the conditions weren¡¯t unfavorable to Junhyuk. "Sure, I will tell you. Chapter 326 Decision 3 From Paju, he drove straight to Seoul and went into his training facility to practice his single-point explosion Spatial sh. He thought that he would train whenever he could, and so, he would use the Spatial sh. There was no opponent, but he would know if he had seeded or failed by looking at the shockwave. Junhyuk started gathering the energy for the single-point explosion, and the living spirit ran back and forth, dropping the energy until it was ready. At that point, he extended his sword. He wished for the single-point explosion to happen at the same time as the Spatial sh, but the shockwave from the Spatial sh came out as a ring. "Shit." He had done it sessfully once, but hadn¡¯t been able to repeat it yet, so he inhaled deeply and waited for the Spatial sh¡¯s cooldown to end. As he gathered his breath, he practiced his swordsmanship. There was no such thing as an end when training one¡¯s swordsmanship. By improving his swordsmanship, he improved the sess rate of his attacks. Junhyuk thought he had to go beyond the bounds of regr swordsmanship. He wanted to practice his swordsmanship while elerating, and he did so as he slowly extended his sword. On Earth, he could change the speed of his sword from slow to fast as he wanted, but at the Dimensional Battlefield, that wasn¡¯t possible. So, he had to train on how to read his opponents¡¯ movements and on how to adapt his swordsmanship to them. Unexpected enemy movements always exerted strain on his muscles, which were refined now, so even as they strained, Junhyuk was able to thwart his enemies¡¯ movements. However, for that, the opponents couldn¡¯t read his movements. So, he had to wield his sword in unexpected ways, even so far as to doing it wildly to adjust to his enemies. For that reason, he also had to adjust his eleration, but he also needed another way to attack. Junhyuk needed more muscle mass than what he had now. He needed stronger muscles, like steel, but they also needed to be flexible like a jaguar¡¯s. Thinking of new ways to train his muscles, he exited the facility. Junhyuk washed himself and walked out into the living room, where Sarang and Eunseo were waiting for him. Eunseo had a few cameras with her. "We are using these for the video conference." Looking at the cameras, he said, "Install them in my room." Eunseo stared at him for a moment and asked, "Did you meet with my elder brother?" Junhyuk became curious by how she had known, and he nodded. "How did you find out?" "My brother doesn¡¯t miss a chance to seize the moment." He nodded. "I made a deal with him." "A deal?" "He wanted to know the first monster area we¡¯d attack, but we ended up deciding on the first three." "That¡¯s not too bad. My brother will pay you handsomely." Eunseo knew Doyeol well. Doyeol had changed some time ago, but he still knew how to treat people well. He often paid more than necessary, and because of Guardians, Doyeol had be much more powerful. Right now, Doyeol had enough money to ruin Junhyuk if he wanted to. Eunseo looked Junhyuk over carefully and shook her head. She knew all about Junhyuk, and money alone wasn¡¯t enough to ruin him. Junhyuk had enough mana stones to change the course of the financial world. If he got paid properly by Doyeol, he wouldn¡¯t be swayed by others. He smiled. "Once we finish hunting A-ranked monsters, we¡¯lle back." He and Sarang entered the training facility and pulled out their weapons. "Today, for the first time, I was able to use the single-point explosion with the Spatial sh." Shocked, Sarang stared at him. "You got stronger." "I don¡¯t know about that since I used it on B-ranked monsters, but the Spatial sh did change." "What¡¯s your sess rate?" "Now, about 50 percent." Junhyuk smiled as the Wolf Warlord showed up in front of him and said, "I¡¯ll show you." He ran toward the Wolf Warlord and used the Spatial sh with the single-point explosion. The Wolf Warlord escaped the strike, but the spheric shockwave swept through it. The Spatial sh hit the empty air, so he wasn¡¯t sure, but it looked like the damage had increase. When the shockwave hit the Wolf Warlord, its arm was shredded like a used rag. "Wait a minute." Junhyuk wanted tobine his swordsmanship with eleration, and the Wolf Warlord was the perfect enemy for that. Even when using eleration, the Wolf Warlord was fast enough to escape him. He had to fight more erratically to deal with Wolf Warlords. When he started dealing with two at the same time, Sarang kept watch over the fight, prepared to enter the fray if he should find himself in danger. She was holding tightly to her orb. --- The cameras had been installed in his room, and he could also see himself on a monitor. There was a second monitor so that he could see the video transmitted from the other side. That day¡¯s conference involved representatives of every country and Guardians, so he paid a close attention to detail. Junhyuk looked at the time. The conference would begin at eleven in the morning, and he turned on the monitor. He had his back to the main camera, so that¡¯s what the screen was showing, and he stood up and waited. The other screen came on, and he heard an announcement. "The video conference is beginning now." When he heard that, he summoned his armor. He did that deliberately to show it to them, so that they wouldn¡¯t doubt it was him. After summoning the Dark Knight armor, he turned to face the screen slowly. He could see every one of the faces on the screen. There were about twenty of them, but there were others who couldn¡¯t be seen on the screen. There should be about a hundred people present for the conference. As he looked at the screen, he said, "Nice to meet you." Junhyuk had shown his powers as the Dark Knight, and there was video to prove it, so they all recognized him immediately. "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m from the U.S. Department of Defense. My name is Steve." Steve was from the US, a powerful nation, so he spoke first. Junhyuk simply stared at him, without replying, so Steve continued, "We were trying to get things done on our own, but we haven¡¯t had any results. So, we decided to seek your opinion, which is why we called for this conference. You are the only one who¡¯s destroyed a dimensional tear so far." He stared at Steve and said, "I must do one thing before deciding on which country¡¯s monster area I¡¯ll attack first." "Anything." "I must make a few teams," Junhyuk said calmly. "How many will be in a team?" "They¡¯ll beposed of ten at most. We¡¯ll keep another five in reserve, but only ten will go inside a tear." "Is there a reason for that?" He showed Steve the machine he had gotten from Vera. "I¡¯ll use this. They can transport anybody within a five-meter radius of it from within the tear out, so I need a number that will fit within that five-meter radius." Steve looked at the machine carefully and asked, "How do you operate it?" Junhyuk pulled out a mana stone. "Do you know what this is?" Only a few representatives recognized it, so Junhyuk exined, "This is called a mana stone. You can get it from monsters. To operate this machine, you¡¯ll need mana stones, and the cost of usees out to about $30 million." The representatives¡¯ faces hardened, but Junhyuk continued, "You can¡¯t find this machine anywhere on Earth, so I¡¯ll charge fees for using them." "How much do you want?" Junhyuk crossed his arms and said, "I¡¯ll destroy all of the monster areas, so you should decide on the amount to pay me." Steve looked at the others, and the Japanese delegate spoke up, "Aren¡¯t you ashamed to charge us money?" Junhyuk stared at the Japanese delegate and asked, "Who would you be?" "I am a brigadier general from Japan. My name is Kaito." "Honestly, I don¡¯t know how many of you know how dangerous it is to go inside a tear. I will risk my life, but I won¡¯t do it for free." To protect life on Earth, the dimensional tears had to be destroyed, but he wouldn¡¯t be a chump and just do it freely. The tears weren¡¯t just his problem, and he also had to pay the members of the teams. Kaito became silent, and Junhyuk spoke calmly, "I, myself, will decide on who will be on the teams. After making the teams, I¡¯ll have them engage in actualbat before sending them into dimensional tears." Kaito scowled. "You¡¯ll be in charge of all of this?" He did not express his distaste for the idea, but Junhyuk said, "You can make teams of your own and do what you like. We¡¯ll talkter." After saying that, Junhyuk cut the feed. He had nothing to lose. He got up and exited the room. They weren¡¯t going to find out about his house. He had already told Ganesha and Elise to keep an eye out for any tracking mechanism. They wouldn¡¯t be able to trace him. However, he still wanted to move out. He had gotten a new ce because it was close to Sarang¡¯s school, and he was moving out that week. After walking out, he looked at the files he had. Junhyuk wanted to make teams of ten people, and those people had to have some utility in dealing with monsters. Some had to contain monsters, while others had to attack. The teambinations had to be excellent, and he would go over every member¡¯s powers during the fight with the monsters. Some might even have high-ranking attack powers and be able to deal with monsters, but they wouldn¡¯t have any equipment yet. He had to maximize their powers and createbos, and for that, he had to train them first. The important thing was to keep them from panicking, but he also had to keep their cooldowns in mind. "Problems." There were more than two hundred powered people, but he would pick them. If possible, he only wanted to make five teams out of the bunch, along with five extra reserve teams. Aftering up with three teams, he touched his chin. He would go to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield and upgrade his equipment even more before attacking the tears. He was looking at the list when his phone rang. It was Eunseo¡¯s number, and when he picked up, she said, "They¡¯ve made a decision. They want another conference call." Chapter 327 Order of Priority 1 After summoning all of his equipment, Junhyuk turned on the camera. He could see their faces, and after looking at each other, the American, Steve, spoke up. "We¡¯ve made a decision." Junhyuk remained silent, simply staring at him, and Steve cleared his throat. At that point, Kaito said, "I apologize for myments." Junhyuk stared at Brigadier Kaito. They did not want problems with Junhyuk since he was the only one to destroy a tear. So, the Japanese delegate, Brigadier Kaito, had been pressured by the other countries to make that apology. "I want to make this absolutely clear, if there are any other disagreements, you should let me know now." He continued, "That way I can make my own decision." His statement carried nuance, and the delegates frowned. The decision he would make would be simple. He would dy destroying the tears. As a result, astronomical damage would befall those countries. They were all frowning, and Junhyuk asked, "What is your decision?" Steve exined, "There are a hundred monster areas. Every country will contribute. So, for each destroyed tear, we are willing to pay you $500 million. When you finish the job, you¡¯ll have earned $50 billion." Steve looked confident, but Junhyukughed at him. He would get mana and bloodstones from the areas, so he would earn way more than $50 billion. Junhyuk nodded and answered, "OK. But I must have the rights to the monster bodies, and the items dropped in the area. I¡¯ll agree to $500 million under those conditions." Steve was aghast. Most did not know about it, but some of the delegates knew of the inherent value of monster areas. Junhyuk continued, "I told you before that I will be risking my life. However, I have no intention of dying. And I also have to pay my team members. I won¡¯t force them to work for free. So, decide now." They all looked despondent, and he asked, "What is your decision?" Steve looked at the others. He was looking specifically at the delegates from China, Russia and the United Kingdom. They all nodded, and Steve sighed deeply. "We must all agree to the terms. So, each country will keep the monster bodies and resulting items, but we will pay you $1 billion for each tear you destroy. How about that?" The truth was that it wasn¡¯t hard for him to kill monsters elsewhere, so after some thought, he answered, "OK, but no country will tax me or my team members." Steve did not have a chance to reply because the Chinese delegate suddenly spoke up, "That¡¯s nonsense! Every team member must pay taxes to his or her country." Junhyuk looked at the other delegates and said, "I¡¯ve heard the Chinese opinion. Does anyone have anything else to say?" The Chinese delegate scowled. Junhyuk was making all of the decisions by himself. If he didn¡¯t focus on a country first, the damage would be absurd. The monster areas¡¯ radii increased by one kilometer every five days. Those who would best in line would lose major cities. In five hundred days, the radii for the areas of monster-controlled territory would reach a hundred kilometers. Biting his lips, the Chinese delegate said, "I agree with you." They wanted him to go to his or her country sooner thanter, so they all agreed with him. Junhyuk was thinking that the team members would be risking their lives, so he had to pay them ordingly. Himself as well. "OK. Then, write up an official contract agreeing to what we discussed just now. When you have all signed the contract, I will begin moving." Steve frowned and said, "Sure, we¡¯ll get it done. But could you tell us one thing?" Junhyuk stared at Steve, and Steve swallowed hard. "How long will it take to destroy each tear?" Junhyuk thought about it and said, "It depends on the teams, but at least five days for each tear." A tear would be gone every five days, but that also meant that one of the monster areas would reach the hundred-kilometer radius. The delegates scowled. Junhyuk looked at them and said, "There is one more thing." His eyes sharpened. "You haven¡¯t provided me with all the documents concerning your experts. Experts will be the deciding factor of the sess or failure of a campaign." Junhyuk looked at their faces. They had all been hiding their experts, so he had only received documents on their novices. He continued, "I need more information on the experts. If you want, you may continue hiding them, but I wish you wouldn¡¯t." If a country was hiding its experts, he would ce them low on the list. "After you have signed the contract, we will talk some more." After he finished talking, the video conference ended. He turned off the camera and walked out of his room. Once he had returned his equipment, he yawned very hard. He had to do it anyway, but with experts, he could attack five monster areas simultaneously. At first, he would take the experts with him into the tears, butter on, he would be able to send teams of experts on their own. For that, he had to know more about them. On top of that, if the experts formed teams, they would be able to kill him too. If all their powers focused on one person, even Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t be able to survive. "I must know about their powers." --- Jennifer was pacing slowly across the hotel penthouse, and she turned around to look at the group of men working on theirptops. The three men had been assigned to track the Dark Knight, who had just participated in a video conference. But they had failed. They were all internationally-known hackers and they had all failed. Someone intelligent had to be working for the Dark Knight. Jennifer clicked her tongue. "Have you located him?" One hacker sighed heavily. "I hacked Guardians, but his image was being fed from somewhere else, another country. I hacked through fifteen countries, but any more than that is impossible now." "How is that possible?" "If he has a supeputer at his disposal, it¡¯s possible." Jennifer waved her hand and said, "Fine, you may all leave now." They left, and she sat on the bed and said, "Helen,e in here." A woman with a blond ponytail walked in. Helen had deep blue eyes like the ocean, and Jennifer offered her a seat. "They all failed." Taking a seat, Helen said, "Too bad. I wanted to meet him before the others." Staring at Helen, Jennifer asked, "When you do meet him, can you restrain him?" Helen shook her head. "You¡¯ve seen it as well, Jennifer. I can¡¯t kill that many monsters alone." "But in a one-on-one fight, can you kill him?" While Jennifer waited for the answer, Helen poured some wine in a ss. "Our powers may be simr, but not our equipment. His armor is basic, but his weapons are high quality. His attack power must be insane." After taking a sip of the wine, she added, "I can¡¯t kill him." Jennifer drank an entire ss of wine before saying, "He must be stronger than you. You are practically crying." Helen stared at Jennifer. Jennifer had been born with everything. She had never been to the Dimensional Battlefield, so she was like a child whining. To survive the Dimensional Battlefield, one had to know one¡¯s limitations, but more importantly than that, one had to know the enemy¡¯s powers. Helen knew the Dark Knight was at least an expert, possibly a champion. If the Knight was a champion, everything made sense. Experts wouldn¡¯t be able to get all of that equipment. Helen was too wise to face the Dark Knight alone, and not even Jennifer would make her do it. Jennifer would gather more experts and make a team to deal with the Dark Knight, but that would only happen if the Dark Knight didn¡¯t do Jennifer¡¯s bidding. Helen didn¡¯t think about it any further, choosing to finish her wine instead. --- Junhyuk didn¡¯t recognize the number, but he picked up the phone anyway. It was Eunseo. "Did you change your number?" "I asked Elise for a safer phone. I have to be careful." Junhyuk agreed with her. Each country would try to contact her separately. To avoid unnecessary attention, she should be more careful. "Certainly." "The contract¡¯s been written and the delegates already signed it. What do you want to do?" "I¡¯ll go." There were people following her around, and she wouldn¡¯t be able to get rid of them, but he had his teleportation. Elise was at Guardians HQ, and she would cooperate, so he could teleport to her house. Elise¡¯s house was right next to HQ. "Come tomorrow at eleven. You¡¯ll have to meet some delegates." "I thought so. I¡¯ll be the Dark Knight anyway." "We can¡¯t train for a while." "Nothing we can do about it. I¡¯ll think of some other way." Junhyuk hung up. He had to move, but more importantly, he had to be more careful about his security. "I¡¯ll talk to Elise." He called her and heard her voice when she picked up. "What¡¯s up?" "I have to go into Guardians, but I need your help." "Hm. Did you know I had to divert satellites today?" "That¡¯s why I am asking you." Elise agree heartily, "OK. But can I see you today? I have some new equipment prototypes, so I want your advice." "I¡¯ll go now." He was shocked once again by what she could do. It hadn¡¯t been that long since he had given her materials, but she had already made prototypes. He wanted to check on the new equipment, so he went to see her. Chapter 328 Order of Priority 2 Elise had called him to her house. Guardians had started using a new team for the research, so it was safer that way. When he got there, the front gate opened up automatically, and he followed the road within and parked his car. After that, he looked for her in herb. Upon arriving, theb door opened automatically, and thinking that Elise was probably watching him, he chuckled and entered. Inside, another door opened to another room, and he saw Elise working on something. She raised her head and eximed, "You¡¯re here!" Junhyuk walked over and saw a pile of things next to her. "Did you make all these?" "These are for basic use." Junhyuk didn¡¯t want much, just things that could be used as equipment. The w of the Wolf Warlord was one meter long, and someone had taken it out and attached a handle to it. It was the most primitive-looking weapon. Junhyuk lifted the sword made out of the Wolf Warlord¡¯s w, and Elise said, "It¡¯s very sharp. Basically, it has extreme slicing capability." And just like she had said, the Wolf Warlord¡¯s w looked very sharp. He swung the weapon a few times, and every time he did, a sharp sound reverberated through the air, as if the de was cutting it. His own swords had been upgraded, so they were already sharp, but that weapon hadn¡¯t been, so Junhyuk took a moment to think and said, "This is probably better than a basic longsword." The sword seemed to be better than Bebe¡¯s basic longsword to him, but that was just as long as the handle didn¡¯t fall out. After swinging it a few more times, he looked at the other equipment. Junhyuk had wanted a glove from Tirot, but Elise had already made one. The glove was made from the Wolf Warlord¡¯s hide, and as he put it on, his eyes beamed. "This is surprising!" The glove fit his hand perfectly, and when he made a fist, it felt much stronger than usual. Elise calmly exined, "I did not use just the hide. I added the muscle to it as well, along with bloodstone powder to help with flexibility." He turned to her. Elise had used bloodstone powder to create that effect, and once again, he was beyond shocked by her abilities. As he balled his hands into fists, he said, "Basically, you have increased its attack stat. I also have to focus on survival, however. How is the armoring?" Elise clicked her tongue and said, "The Wolf Warlord¡¯s hide is not easily cut whenpared to the hides of other monsters, but I haven¡¯t figured out a way to diminish physical impact." He replied unworried, "Each individual has to deal with physical impact on their own. The important thing is that the armor is not shredded." "I¡¯ve already made something for that." Elise pulled out a two-piece leather armor, a top and a bottom, and she showed him the pieces. "But I don¡¯t have enough materials to make more." Junhyuk nodded. "I need at least forty-five sets of leather armor and weapons. The weapons should be tailored to the individuals¡¯ powers and preferences, but they do need to be coated in monster dposition liquid." "To do that, I need ten bodies." "I¡¯ll give them to you." "If you would." "They¡¯ll be used to attack monster areas, so we¡¯ll sell them to team members." Junhyuk wasn¡¯t going to use them. They would be for those in the teams who didn¡¯t have any items. Elise smiled. "The price will be high. It is entirely different from an item from a B-ranked monster. Each cadaver should be worth $50 million, but with manufacturing costs, the prices will be much, much higher." "I¡¯ll bring you more, but I can only bring you one at a time." "That¡¯s fine." Junhyuk thought he would have to find a way to store A-ranked monsters. He would check the factory site he was going to purchase and do so there. He didn¡¯t have the ability to get more Spatial Bags because he would be spending all of his gold on new equipment. Smiling, he said, "I¡¯lle back tomorrow morning." "Sure." Junhyuk would be in his Dark Knight armor, fully equipped, but he would teleport from there to get inside Guardians, so nobody would know. After leaving Elise, he called Sungtae and told him to acquire the factory site. He had to act quickly. --- Junhyuk arrived at Elise¡¯s house way before he was supposed to sign the contract. He gave her the Wolf Warlord¡¯s body, pulling one from his Spatial Bag, and Elise helped him get closer to Guardians HQ. Already wearing his armor, he bowed slightly toward her and teleported inside. When he appeared, people surrounded him almost immediately. The ce was full of foreign delegates, so some of the security teams even aimed rifles at him. Junhyuk walked forward nonchntly, however, as no rifle could pierce his armor. The agents followed him all the way to the main building, where the delegates were. There, they stopped him. "You can¡¯t get in." They had to have heard of the Dark Knight, and Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to fight them, so he said, "I¡¯m here to sign the contract." The agents sent word inside, and once they got an answer, they made way for him. However, they still followed him in, but he did not care. When he entered the meeting room, he saw that the delegates were already there. Everyone looked at him. He was in full armor, so nobody could see his face. Sitting opposite of Eunseo, he looked at the contract. It was a simple agreement. They were willing to relegate control to the Dark Knight when it came to destroying monster areas. Once the attacks began, the Dark Knight had to destroy a monster area every five days. Each country would provide him with transportation. As he read it, he picked up a pen. "There are no problems, but before I sign, I have to know about your experts." Junhyuk looked at the delegates, and Steve waved his hand. A man standing behind Steve walked up and handed Junhyuk a file. Steve said, "This is top secret, so destroy the file after you read it." Junhyuk nodded in agreement. He just wanted to know the experts¡¯ powers, so he opened the file. Steve frowned as Junhyuk zoomed through it, closed the file and said, "Those are useful people. They must participate." After he said that, he looked at the others. The Chinese delegate looked at him and waved his hand. Another man walked over to him and gave him two more files. Junhyuk opened the files, and his eyes beamed. He saw a familiar face, the woman who had sliced the ox. After reading the files quickly, he said, "They¡¯ll participate." Then, the delegates from the United Kingdom and Russia gave him their files. After he had finished reading them, he handed the files back. "Five of them will participate in the main team and attack the tears." Steve asked, "Those people have important positions in the Department of Defense. Can you guarantee their safety?" Junhyuk shook his head. "I can¡¯t promise anybody¡¯s safety." Every team member had to guarantee his or her own safety within the dimensional tear. Nobody could do that for them. He added, "If you don¡¯t want your expert to be in danger, speak now. I¡¯ll remove them from the expedition." They all sighed and nodded. "It¡¯s fine. By the way, which country will be first?" Junhyuk answered, "Once we get them the new equipment from Guardians, I will train them. The training will take ce in Japan." At that, Kaito¡¯s face brightened, but Junhyuk continued, "After I have trained them for a while, I¡¯ll let you know which country will be first. Any questions?" They all shook their heads, and Junhyuk signed the contract as DK. He took a copy and gave the other back. "The monster areas are disasters now, but I will soon destroy them," he said, looking at them. "I will work with Guardians, so if you want to talk, contact Guardians. I will decline all other contact." After letting them know his intentions, he turned around and walked out of the meeting room. Nobody stopped him. He walked through the hallways, and Eunseo followed him. Then, she came up next to him and said, "I need to tell you something." "What is it?" "A group of people want to meet the Dark Knight." He asked, "Other than the delegates?" "Yes." She continued calmly, "The CEO of W.A.N.C.S., Mario, and a member of the Rockefeller family, Ms. Jennifer." He hesitated. Mario had been involved with abnormal narcolepsy before Guardians was established. He was there now, and Junhyuk faced a dilemma. He didn¡¯t care about the Rockefeller family, but Mario could be of help to Eunseo, and Junhyuk thought he should help her out. "Sure. Where are they?" "They are on the top floor. I also need to tell you that Jennifer¡¯s security guard is an expert." Junhyuk smiled bitterly at that, but he thought that if anyone, a Rockefeller would be the one to have an expert as a security guard. "I¡¯ll meet them." They entered the elevator and saw a woman. The R-agents were standing behind her. They looked sharp. Because a member of the Rockefeller family was there, the agents looked better than normal. Among them, was a woman with her blonde hair in a ponytail. She had deep blue eyes. Chapter 329 Order of Priority 3 Junhyuk stared at the woman blocking his way. At once, he could tell that she was an expert. However, her health was low. On average, an expert had about five hundred health, but she had four hundred health. What could that mean? He was wearing his armor as he stared her down, so she could only see his eyes, but that was enough to scare her. Helen stared back at him. She could see that his equipment was superior to hers. She had already seen videos of his powers and she thought he might be more than an expert. She stepped aside. "They are waiting for you." Junhyuk took the lead, and Eunseo followed him, but Helen blocked her path. "I am sorry. Only the Dark Knight¡¯s been invited." Eunseo¡¯s eyes twitched, but he raised his hand. "I¡¯ll go in alone." She nodded lightly and stepped back. Eunseo¡¯s stare from behind her sses was cold. Helen frowned a little at the sight, but she did not really care. Junhyuk took the lead, and Helen followed him diligently. Junhyuk felt Helen following him, but he ignored her. He thought that nobody would attack him there, no matter how audacious they might be. The R-agents were guarding the door. As they opened it, he went in and saw an old man and a woman drinking tea. They both got up from their seats after he entered, and the old man walked up to him and offered Junhyuk his hand. "Nice to meet you. I am Mario, CEO of W.A.N.C.S." Junhyuk shook his hand, but he did not speak, so Mario shrugged and looked behind him. "This is Jennifer. She is a member of the Rockefeller family." Junhyuk looked at Jennifer, and just by looking into her eyes, he knew that she had been born with everything. Her eyes were full of confidence. "Nice to meet you. I¡¯m Jennifer." He stared at her for a little bit and then took a seat. The others sat as well, and he said, "I want to know why you wanted to see me." A straightforward question, and Mario smiled. "You must be in a hurry." Jennifer said, "I like him even better now. Then, I¡¯ll speak inly as well." Looking at him, she asked, "What is it that you want?" She crossed her legs and added, "I can give you everything you want." The Rockefeller woman spoke differently from others, and Junhyuk was interested in what she had said. However, he wasn¡¯t interested in joining them. He had only agreed to the meeting because they were influential. Junhyuk looked at Mario and asked, "Are you offering me the same?" "W.A.N.C.S. wants you to join us. You¡¯ll be a big help to us." Heughed inside himself, but did not show it. "I don¡¯t know the meaning of this meeting and I don¡¯t work for anybody." Smiling, Jennifer said, "This type of opportunity doesn¡¯te often." Staring at her, he said calmly, "I don¡¯t want a bad rtionship, so I¡¯ll speak carefully." Junhyukughed as he said that, emanating pride. He was disying force, and Helen moved over to block Jennifer. Jennifer was shaking a little, and he told her, "Next time, I hope it will be more pleasant." After saying those words, Junhyuk walked out, and Jennifer leaned against Helen and took a seat. "What just happened?" Helen answered, "Just as I had expected, he is a champion." "A champion?" Jennifer was staring at Helen, who exined, "He wasn¡¯t showing his killing intent, but his pride. You were seeing the size of his soul." As one leveled up, the size of one¡¯s soul increased, and Junhyuk had just shown her the size of his soul. It was massive. Helen was an expert, and she had experienced a death herself, so she knew that after going through that fierce darkness, the size of one¡¯s soul increased. However, the difference between Junhyuk and Helen shouldn¡¯t be that big, which meant that he was a champion. She had guessed that by seeing his equipment, but now she was sure. "Even if you gather all living experts, you won¡¯t be able to kill him." "I thought experts could just attack him nonstop?" Helen shook her head heavily. "He can teleport, so if you tried to kill him and he escaped, you would make the most dangerous enemy on Earth." Jennifer sighed and got up. "Then, I must keep a good rtionship with him?" "For now." Jennifer turned to Mario, and Mario said calmly, "For now, don¡¯t think about it." She wasn¡¯t sure if she could pull it off, so she shouldn¡¯t try. In the past, Pentagram had tried to kill Anna and failed. Now, its members had to be extra careful. Jennifer couldn¡¯t make another powerful enemy, and this time it wasn¡¯t Anna. With Junhyuk, she was sure to die, so she wouldn¡¯t try. --- Junhyuk didn¡¯t have a good history with the Rockefellers. They had tried to kill him before, so even if they offered him a great deal, he wouldn¡¯t take it. Because Mario had been at the meeting, things had ended rather nicely, but Junhyuk was once again made aware of the power of the Rockefeller family. He wanted to distance himself from them for now, but he did not know what would happenter on. Junhyuk teleported to Elise¡¯s house and changed. She took him to the subway station nearby and said, "The satellites passing Guardians did not record anything, so don¡¯t worry." He showed her a bright smile and said, "You¡¯ve helped me big time." She looked at him and replied, "You owe me a drink." "Sure." He watched as Elise drove off and took the subway home. On the way, he teleported a few times, so even Elise wouldn¡¯t know how he got home. He waited for Sarang inside the house, and when she finally came from school, she saw him on the sofa and smiled at him. "What¡¯s the matter? You should be in the training facility." Junhyuk told her what had happened that day: about the contract, the expert, Mario, and Jennifer. As Sarang listened, she shook her head. "You want a rtionship with the Rockefeller family?" Junhyuk shook his head and said, "I don¡¯t have a good rtionship with them, but I shouldn¡¯t be on bad terms with them if I¡¯m going to destroy the tears." "So, you want to use them?" He agreed, and Sarang smiled. "OK. By the way, will it be enough even if all experts participate?" "I was able to kill the monsters before because they came out in waves, but now, they are already all over the ce, so things won¡¯t be easy." "Should I go as well?" "No." He waved her off and said, "Let¡¯s go train." "After we eat." Sarang pulled out spicy, stir-fried rice cakes and Korean sausages from her school bag, and Junhyuk shook his head. "Aren¡¯t you tired of those?" "If I were, I wouldn¡¯t be a high school student." They bothughed and picked up chopsticks. "Right, let¡¯s eat first. Then, we train." --- Friday. The world was moving very fast, but time froze when he went to the Dimensional Battlefield, so Junhyuk didn¡¯t need to worry about something happening while he was out. He kept on training and absorbing mana to fatten up the living spirit, and soon, the bright light covered everything around him. Junhyuk closed his eyes when that happened and opened them slowly a little whileter. The room was entirely white, and his heart was pounding. He checked the amount of gold he had: 8,235,760G. Junhyuk gasped when he saw it, and he was very proud of what he had gathered. Up to that point, he had had an inferiorityplex whenparing himself to Gongon, but now, he was very proud of himself. And he became even happier when he heard the announcement. [The exnation on the Swamp of Despair has been deleted by request. This round is thest round before the new season. The reward is a bag with a random number of runestones of the highest quality of a random type. At most, the bag will have five runestones. Do your best to win.] Junhyuk¡¯s heart pounded, and he balled his hands into fists. He was expecting a nice reward. The cost of the highest quality runestones was very high, so he thought it might be the best reward after the bag of gold. Humans didn¡¯t expect good things to happen twice in a row. It was basic human psychology, so he was d to hear the news. As he stood at the door, the announcement came on. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] He opened the door and walked out to see the lizardman kneeling, and Sarang hugging Gongon. Junhyuk walked over to them, and Gongon sighed and said, "Am I going to be hugged this round as well?" "Be understanding." Gongon shook head. "What do we do?" Junhyuk wanted to go to Bebe¡¯s right away. He wanted to acquire the Vampire Lord¡¯s set items, all four of them. If he did, the round would end in their victory for sure. "Let¡¯s go to Bebe first." Gongon shook his head. "Our fighting skills are enough for a victory right now. If we go to Bebe, we must give up a tower." Junhyuk took a moment to think before saying, "If I get new equipment, we¡¯ll win for sure. We can afford to lose a tower." Gongon shook his head again. "I¡¯m aware of that, but you can¡¯t win the entire battle by yourself." Junhyuk knew that too. Even when fully equipped with the new set, he would still have enemies. Gongon said, "Only you can afford new equipment this round. I can¡¯t buy anything." As Gongon said that, Junhyuk agreed, "Right, I was shortsighted." The Dimensional Battlefield required teamwork. That was what was most important. The allies would be stronger if he got new equipment, but they shouldn¡¯t risk things. There was no need for it. After a while, they would go see Bebe. Junhyuk patted Gongon¡¯s tiny shoulder and said, "Let¡¯s go with our usual n." Chapter 330 Blood Battle 1 Sarang did not want to leave Gongon, but Junhyuk had the power to protect and fight, so she went to the lower path with him. Now that Junhyuk knew the victory reward, he did not want to lose. He was only thinking about how they should prepare for an enemy surprise attack until he got to the bottom tower, where he spotted an enemy. Kraken wasn¡¯t with Nid this time. Nid was alone, and so Junhyukmunicated that to Gongon. "Gon, it seems like two went in your direction." "Only the octopus head is here." Kilraden was nowhere to be found. He was the bothersome enemy, and they had no idea where he was. Scowling, Junhyuk told Sarang, "Kilraden isn¡¯t showing up anywhere. Be careful." "Sure." Kilraden couldn¡¯t be ignored, even when they were extra careful. In his case, if the champion used both of his powers at the same time, he would kill Sarang. So, she had to be on high alert. The good thing was that if Junhyuk and Sarangboed their attacks, they would kill Kilraden immediately. Nid had to be angry since he didn¡¯t have a chance to fightst time, dying easily most times. Maybe because of that experience, Nid was standing next to the watchtower. Junhyuk looked at Sarang and said, "Let¡¯s kill Nid first." He thought it would be easy to kill Nid and ran toward the champion. Nid saw him running forward and slowly stepped back. He had to be thinking of the range of the watchtower¡¯s archers, and Junhyuk scoffed at that, running even faster. Junhyuk ran as fast as he could, distancing himself from Sarang. That¡¯s when Kilraden appeared behind her without making any sound. Junhyuk used the Spatial sh on Nid, and at the same time, Kilraden stabbed Sarang¡¯s neck with his dagger. "AAH!" Sarang screamed. Junhyuk gathered his thoughts and turned, trying to look at her to deploy the force field, but Kilraden was already stabbing her a second time, this time through her spine. Only two hits and Sarang had already lost her life. She was already gone, and Junhyuk grimaced. He would have to deal with the two champions alone. As he turned to look at Nid, he realized that he had been lucky. The extra attack had triggered, and Nid only had 18 percent of his health left. After losing that much health, Nid started to retreat. Junhyuk gritted his teeth and ran forward. The archers on the watchtower started shooting at him, but he ignored them and kept pushing. Kilraden was chasing after him, but Kilraden didn¡¯t have enough speed to catch up with him. Junhyuk was going after Nid as fast as he could, and suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his back and scowled. Kilraden has used two of his teleportations to catch up with him. The champion was not sparing any powers. Junhyuk turned to look at Kilraden, but the champion had already hidden. Seeing that, Junhyuk quickly raised the force field. He couldn¡¯t use the force field when attacking, but it would help with locating Kilraden. Surely enough, Kilraden hit the force field and was bounced back. Nid had fled, so Junhyuk turned around and focused on Kilraden. Junhyuk shed at Kilraden, and the champion bit his lip and raised his dagger to block. Because Junhyuk had the force field around him, Kilraden¡¯s counter wouldn¡¯t work. They would have to brawl, but Kilraden thought he had a chance since Junhyuk had already used his Spatial sh. As Kilraden raised his dagger to block, Junhyuk thought about his training. He had practiced with eleration, and the eleration nowsted longer than ever. On Earth, he used eleration to speed up whenpared to those around him, but in the Dimensional Battlefield, his movement speed remained the same. Only his perception became faster. As Kilraden blocked with his dagger. Junhyuk gripped the Frozen Rune Sword in his left hand and swung it against the lower half of Kilraden¡¯s body. He had swung down at Kilraden with the Blood Rune Sword and shed across him with the Frozen Rune Sword. The two attacks were entirely different. When he first started training, Junhyuk had had a hard time getting used to thatbination of attacks. Because he was using both swords, he had to be inplete control of his muscles, but he could do it now. Getting attacked from two directions, Kilraden tried to dodge by stepping back. Kilraden was right in retreating, but Junhyuk had expected that, so he took a big step forward and extended his sword deeper. Kilraden twisted his body to dodge, but Junhyuk aimed at the lower half of Kilraden¡¯s body again. The champion couldn¡¯t escape the Frozen Rune Sword that time. Kilraden got shed on the thigh, and Junhyuk smiled with satisfaction. He had debuffed Kilraden, and since he was using eleration, even Kilraden wouldn¡¯t able to do anything. Surely enough, Kilraden was having a hard time blocking his sword attacks. Junhyuk could elerate for eight seconds, and three had already passed. He didn¡¯t know if he could kill Kilraden in that time, but he would try his best. Kilraden was speechless with Junhyuk¡¯s attacks. His attacks depended on him using his senses, but the champion hadn¡¯t expected the attacks to be like that. Junhyuk knew what Kilraden would do next now that he was debuffed and slowed. Junhyuk¡¯s attacks hadnded, so he regained the health that he had lost against the archers. Kilraden, on the other hand, only had 30 percent of his health left. With the stack of three debuffs on the champion, Junhyuk knew that he could kill Kilraden for sure. He was about to finish Kilraden when the force field suddenly disappeared, and Kilraden, who had nned to block with his dagger, used his counter instead. sh! Junhyuk lost 30 percent of his health, and he was still within the archers¡¯ range. He was worried, but he decided to finish the fight, so he kept swinging. There was no reason to retreat, even after the counterattack. Junhyuk was about to finish Kilraden off, when suddenly, Nid appeared from behind him, spinning like a corkscrew against his back, taking 22 percent off of Junhyuk health at once. Junhyuk had lost half of his health, but Nid did not stop, swinging his sword at him instead. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t stop Nid¡¯s attack. As the sword¡¯s de became translucent, Junhyuk decided he had to use his teleportation. Missing because of that, Nid gritted his teeth and chased after him. Kilraden and Nid chased after him together, but they both had low health. Nid had to have drank a potion at some point because his health was back at 43 percent. Looking at the two champions, Junhyuk gritted his teeth. He had 48 percent of his health; Kilraden had 30 percent; and Nid had 43 percent. Junhyuk realized that his Spatial sh woulde off cooldown soon, but would he be able to run away from them in the meantime? They kept their chase, and Junhyuk murmured to himself, "When I kill you both, I will treat myself to a piece of candy." Junhyuk had bought ten pieces, meaning to eat them only at special asions. If he killed them both, he would eat one. It wouldn¡¯t be easy to go against the two of them, but he felt confident. He was controlling the distance between himself and his enemies. If he ran too far away, they would stop, so he kept enough of a distance that the enemies kept the idea that they could kill him in their minds. Junhyuk had one more teleportation left, and his enemies weren¡¯t fast enough to catch up to him. Would they realize it? Then, Nid and Kilraden stopped chasing him and turned around. They were going back to the watchtower. Junhyuk clicked his tongue. He couldn¡¯t force them to chase after him, so he had to go back to them. They knew he had used his force field and they would watch out for the Spatial sh. He ran toward them, and as he closed in, Nid and Kilraden turned around and attacked him. They had to be aware that his Spatial sh wasing off cooldown, so they thought they had to finish him before that happened. Junhyuk scoffed at them. He could read their moves and what they were counting on. They were counting on Nid¡¯s howl, and while he knew that, he kept on running toward them. When he got closer, Nid stepped forward. Junhyuk was about to swing his sword down at the champion when Nid opened his mouth. That¡¯s when Junhyuk triggered eleration. It only affected his sense, but he could see Nid¡¯s mouth opening slowly. Hoowl! Nid howled, and when he did, Junhyuk teleported. He had done it quickly, but he was still paralyzed by the howl. However, the teleportation had been a sess. Both powers had been used at the same time, and as Junhyuk stopped, both enemies ran toward him. Junhyuk wanted to kill them both, and his eyes were beaming brightly. It was only a matter of time, and they knew about his Spatial sh. He was paralyzed by the howl, so if a lot of critical hitsnded on him, Junhyuk would die. Kilraden could deal enough damage to get the job done, but Junhyuk had teleported far away, so the enemies were wasting time getting to him. Once they got to him, they attacked him. Both strikes were critical hits, but they only took 30 percent off Junhyuk¡¯s total health. When they attacked again, the paralyzation wore off, so he raised both of his swords to block them. ng! He blocked both attacks, and Kilraden ducked and tried to stab his ribs with the dagger. Nid attacked Junhyuk¡¯s head with the saw-ded sword. Junhyuk saw their attacksing, but he focused on the single-point explosion. The living spirit travelled quickly, leaving energy on the Blood Rune Sword. He had already stacked four passes of energy by the time they got to him. They had shed him, but he had stayed alive. So, as he gathered the fifth stack of energy on his sword, he extended it forward, toward Nid. Kilraden ducked again, even more, making to attack Junhyuk¡¯s legs. The enemies knew about the shockwave his attack created, so they both ducked. Junhyuk also usually aimed the Spatial sh at their necks, so if they ducked, they could avoid the attack altogether. However, this time, Junhyuk was lucky. The single-point explosion triggered with the Spatial sh. Boom! The sword pierced Nid¡¯s neck, and a blood-colored spherical shockwave extended from the impact. Nid disappeared immediately, and Kilraden disappeared soon after. Junhyuk heard two announcements. {You¡¯ve killed Nid and earned 3,000G. You¡¯ve killed Kilraden and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk coughed out the air in his lungs. He had gambled with his life. If he hadn¡¯t teleported when Nid had howled, he would¡¯ve been killed. Everything had happened as he had hoped, and he had killed the two by himself. Satisfied, Junhyuk put a piece of candy in his mouth. It tasted fantastic. Chapter 331 Blood Battle 2 Junhyuk destroyed the first tower and started heading to where the sorcerer was. Suddenly, he saw Sarang¡¯s face floating in front of him. "Did you kill them both?" "Yes, I killed them." It hadn¡¯t been easy, but he had done it. Things were going as expected, and he was on his way to the Swamp of Despair. "Go straight to the Swamp of Despair, and we¡¯ll fight them again over there." "Sure." They disconnected, and he shook his head. "Howe there is no news from Gongon?" Kraken was sturdy, but Gongon could take care of him. Junhyuk had run for a while when he heard the expected announcement. [Gongon killed Kraken.] Junhyuk smiled. He had already destroyed the tower and was making his way to the Swamp of Despair. It had been a while since he had walked alone. [The High-Ranking Sorcerer in the Swamp of Despair has woken up. Help him out, and he¡¯ll reward you.] As he heard the announcement, he shook his head lightly and murmured, "We¡¯ll we have to fight again at the swamp?" Kraken had diedte, so the octopus would bete to join. Gongon would probably bete too, so he would have to fight Nid and Kilraden with Sarang again. Junhyuk reached the Swamp of Despair, but he saw nobody else. He was faster than everyone else, which is how he got there first. Junhyuk knew he had the upper hand by getting there first. He could ce himself in advantageous spots around the ind. Kraken could use its tentacles to create havoc, but the others were different. Kilraden could teleport, but Junhyuk was sure he could shut him down. By cing himself on the ind first, he could use his Spatial sh before Kilraden could teleport. So, he crossed the stepping stones toward Hatma, and the sorcerer touched his chin. "Shocking." "What is?" "Your growth." Hatma was appreciating him. "Even a human being can be useful." He smiled at Hatma¡¯spliment, and the sorcerer stared at him. "Are you carrying a living spirit within you?" "You know about living spirits?" Hatma nodded. "Sure. But your living spirit is fully grown." "What?" Hatma told him that his living spirit had reached maturity, but Junhyuk could not feel it, and Hatmaughed at him. "Your living spirit is fully grown, so it is now time for you to absorb it," Hatma said, and Junhyuk¡¯s heart started pounding. The living spirit was aware of the mana around him, and it could carry mana throughout his body, but once it reached maturity, Junhyuk had to absorb it. That was the first step toward bing a hero. Junhyuk realized that he would soon be a hero, but first, he had to activate another power. He was d for the information, and Hatma continued, "You must get something for me." The sorcerer was giving him a quest, and he stared at Junhyuk. "Today, you must bring me the heart of the Doppelganger King." "Do I know this Doppelganger King?" Hatma shrugged and answered, "I am not sure about humans, but sometimes, dimensional mistakes take ce that create doppelgangers. Where there should exist just one being, sometimes there are many. Such doppelgangers grouped together in order survive. They have a king, and the king has a heart the carries dimensional error energy. Bring me that heart." Junhyuk nodded in agreement. The previous enemy, the Ten-Thousand-Year-Old Centipede, had been shockingly powerful. The three champions together had barely managed to kill it, so he was worried about this mission. However, he would go anyway. After picking up the quest, he turned to head out and saw that Sarang had gotten to him. "Big brother." He looked at her, and she walked quickly toward him while pointing toward the opposite side. "They are here." Junhyuk looked toward the direction she was pointing, and as expected, Nid and Kilraden were there. They were blocking the path on the opposite side of the ind, which the allies had to take toplete the quest. The allies had to go through their enemies as the champions were creating an unavoidable situation for them. Junhyukughed. The enemies had made a mistake. The allies could see Kilraden. Kilraden could be killed easily when visible. Two Thunderstorms or a Thunderstorm and a Spatial sh would take care of him. Junhyuk told Sarang, "Gongon is heading this way, but we¡¯ll finish before then. Kraken can be bothersome." Sarang nodded. "Should I use my ring¡¯s ability?" "If you think it¡¯s necessary, use it. But try to save it for now," he answered. The enemies might figure out a way to dodge the Thunderstorm. Junhyuk smiled and added, "Use Thunderstorm on Kilraden first." "So, I attack first?" "Yes. He can dodge my Spatial sh, but if Thunderstormnds on him, I¡¯ll can use it without worry." Sarang nodded. "OK. We¡¯ll kill him for sure." The allies had made their n and stepped forward, and Junhyuk stepped on the stepping stones. At that moment, Kilraden looked at Nid, and Nid took the front, stepping on the stepping stones. As Junhyuk watched Nid heading toward him, he frowned. Kilraden had stayed on the opposite side. He could teleport, so the champion could join at any moment, but that was unexpected. Nid could die from a Thunderstorm/Spatial shbo, so the allies couldn¡¯t understand Nid¡¯s courage. Junhyuk told Sarang, then, "Kill Nid first." She nodded. As Nid came within range, she extended her orb, and thunderbolts crashed on top of his head. Craaack! Junhyuk was looking for a chance to use the Spatial sh after Nid had been hit by Thunderstorm, but something totally unexpected happened. Nid¡¯s body glowed bright red, and the thunderbolts that fell on him changed direction, flying straight for Sarang instead. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t do anything about it. "Ahhh!" she screamed and wasunched back. Junhyuk saw that she had been left with 20 percent of his health and looked at Nid. "Are you a hero now?" Nid was smirking. His body was still shining bright red, so Junhyuk couldn¡¯t use his Spatial sh either. He touched Sarang and teleported back. Nid came spinning like a corkscrew in their direction,nding where they had been, and Junhyuk stared at him from the ind. As Nid walked toward them, he said, "I want to thank you." When someone became a hero, all of their powers received boosts. Nid was now totally different from before. Even without upgrading his equipment, all of his stats were higher, and he was full of confidence. Sarang healed herself, and Junhyuk watched the bright red glow fade from the hero. It seemed that Nid¡¯s ultimate was on a timer, and now, the allies could fight him. Junhyuk stood in front of Sarang and said, "Careful, he is a hero now." On the Champions¡¯ Battlefield, he had already seen champions activate their ultimates. However, that usually happened at the end of the battle. This time, though, Nid had be a hero in the middle of the fight. It was the worst situation possible. A hero against champions. Nid¡¯s ultimate was a counter, and Sarang had been hit by her own power. It seemed like Nid could throw back everything the allies would send his way when it was active. Junhyuk sighed heavily. There was a hero there, and that was the worst. If Nid had upper hand, the allies wouldn¡¯t be able to do anything. It was like they were in the pits of hell, but it wasn¡¯t time to retreat. Junhyuk said again, "Just be careful." Nid had used his rush as well, but the hero still had two powers left. The allies had wasted the Thunderstorm, and Sarang had healed herself, so the allies had already used two powers. Kilraden was also crossing the stepping stones, and Junhyuk ran toward Nid and shouted, "Use your judgement!" Junhyuk wanted to fight Nid. Nid was a hero now, but Junhyuk had his equipment, so only their basic stats were different. And Junhyuk wanted to feel that difference. Junhyuk swung his sword, and Nid swung his saw-ded sword in response. ng! The swords shed, and he knew. The sh felt totally different from before. Nid¡¯s saw-ded sword strike was much faster now, and if his sword was moving faster, that meant that his speed had increased. Even if Junhyuk used eleration, it wouldn¡¯t make much of a difference. As Kilraden ran forward, he suddenly disappeared. There was nothing Junhyuk could do at that point, so he stepped back and raised the force field. He could at least protect himself from Kilraden¡¯s hiding power. The force fieldsted longer than it. Under the force field, Junhyuk closed in against Nid and swung his sword. Nid, however, had lost interest in the fight once the force field had been raised, so he withdrew quickly, and Junhyuk chased after him. While Nid retreated, he suddenly started bleeding from his neck. The Spatial sh had hit its target, but NId had only lost 40 percent of his health. "Holy shit! His health increased that much?" It wouldn¡¯t be easy to kill Nid, and Junhyuk might not be able to. Nid had a chaotic swordsmanship, and his speed had increased. Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t be able to keep up with regr attacks. On top of that, Nid¡¯s health had increased as well, so he couldn¡¯t rely on his Spatial sh anymore. And, Nid also had an ultimate, which he should be wary of. Junhyuk had gritted his teeth when, suddenly, an electric arrow flew by him. Sarang had absorbed a lot of mana since she started training, so the speed of her arrow had increased. It hit Nid dead on. Luckly, Nid got paralyzed by the attack. Junhyuk had to seize that opportunity, so he swung his sword at the hero. Junhyuk could do a lot more damage with the Blood Rune Sword, but he attacked with the Frozen Rune Sword instead, stabbing the already open wound on Nid¡¯s neck. The Spatial sh had made a gaping hole on Nid¡¯s neck, and Junhyuk twisted the sword in. It was only for a short while, but he had been able to damage the hero, and the attack was a critical hit, taking another 15 percent of Nid¡¯s total health. Kilraden reappeared right behind Nid. The champion had wasted his hiding power, but he still had two other powers. "This is the worst," Junhyuk murmured without realizing he was talking to himself. Chapter 332 Blood Battle 3 The situation looked terrible, but there was no need to give up. It was unexpected that Nid had be a hero, but Nid had already used his ultimate. A hero had more health and defense than a champion, so it would be just like killing Kraken. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t kill Nid with ordinary attacks, but he could buy time to kill him with his powers. Just before the force field disappeared, he grabbed Sarang¡¯s hand and teleported behind the enemies. Because the force field had disappeared, the enemies rushed at him, but he triggered his jumping skill. At once, he jumped over the swamp, holding her as he ran. The enemies chased after him, and he smacked his lips. Nid¡¯s power having a short cooldown wouldn¡¯t be bnced, so Junhyuk thought the cooldown should be long and decided that he would use his Spatial sh as soon as it came off cooldown. "We must both focus on Nid. If not, we won¡¯t kill him." As Sarang ran, she nodded. "We¡¯ll paralyze him and burn him down. That¡¯ll kill him." "Right. Let¡¯s kill Nid first since he is a hero." Sarang nodded, and Junhyuk searched for the right moment. The allies had distanced themselves with the jump, and the enemies were chasing them, but they wouldn¡¯t reach the allies in time. Nid had 45 percent of his health. If the allies focused on him, they would kill him, and if they had Kilraden alone, they could kill him as well. Junhyuk slowed down to let the enemies catch up. When they fell within range of his Spatial sh, he just maintained the distance. The allies had used Thunderstorm first, so the two powers came off cooldown at the same time. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes met Sarang¡¯s, and he turned and ran. However, Junhyuk¡¯s power wasn¡¯t the only one toe off cooldown. He thought that Nid had been within range, but Nid was quickly retreating. Meanwhile, Kilraden was fast approaching him, so Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword, pretending to use the Spatial sh, at the champion, but Kilraden teleported. The distance he covered was shorter than Junhyuk¡¯s, but as soon as he appeared, he disappeared again. Junhyuk thought Kilraden would reappear soon, but he didn¡¯t, and Junhyuk scowled. He had thought Kilraden had stacked teleportations, but the champion had hidden. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and measured the distance from Nid. After retreating, the hero was sixty meters away from him. He thought that Kilraden had to be somewhere in between, but after three seconds hiding, he might be even closer, so Junhyuk grabbed Sarang¡¯s hand and teleported. After distancing himself from them, he waited. Kilraden wouldn¡¯t be able to close the gap in three seconds. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened as he looked ahead. Kilraden, grimacing, reappeared twenty meters from the allies. The champion could close in with his two remaining teleports, but if he did that, he wouldn¡¯t be able to escape. Junhyuk whispered to Sarang, "Get ready for the teleport." Sarang touched his arm, but Kilraden had disappeared again. As the champion teleported, Junhyuk did the same. The distance between the two groups, which had been ten meters, was back to thirty meters, and Kilraden realized that he couldn¡¯t close in by teleporting. Nevertheless, he teleported again, using up all his teleportations. "He¡¯s made up his mind. Kill him!" When Kilraden reappeared, Sarang shot an electric st at him. If it worked, it would mean the end for Kilraden. The allies wouldbo him, and Kilraden wouldn¡¯t survive. The electric st flew in Kilraden¡¯s direction, and Kilraden turned translucent. At that moment, another Kilraden appeared right in front of Junhyuk. The allies had never seen that before. That Kilraden was also translucent, like a dream, and as Junhyuk swung his sword at him instinctively, the sword merely passed him by. However, Kilraden could attack and damage Junhyuk in that state. Kilraden¡¯s powers usually dealt 30 percent damage, but the damage from the attack was only 20 percent. However, the initial damage wasn¡¯t the problem. The translucent figured attacked him nonstop. He swung his sword at Kilraden, but he seemed to be just an illusion. Yet, Kilraden could attack and damage him. Junhyuk got hit twice and lost 40 percent of his health. "You too?!" he shouted. It was another unseen power. Not only Nid, but Kilraden had also be a hero. Kilraden seemed to have developed a doppelganger power, and its damage capacity was shocking. In no time, Junhyuk had already lost 60 percent of his health. The damage was ferocious. Kilraden had also dodged Sarang¡¯s electric st, so he seemed to have perfect evasion in that state. One of the doppelgangers, who no longer looked like an illusion, swung the dagger at Junhyuk¡¯s neck. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t ready for the attack. It was a critical hit, and he lost another 15 percent of his health. After the ultimate ran out, the original reappeared. Seeing himself at low health, Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. Itnded as a critical hit, but the damage was only 53 percent, instead of the usual 73 percent. Kilraden¡¯s health had increased. Junhyuk didn¡¯t stop attacking. He thought he had to finish Kilraden now that he was close, but Kilraden countered, stabbing him on the neck, and Junhyuk¡¯s vision became blurry. However, he saw the thunderbolts crashing on Kilraden. The assassin lost 43 percent of his health, leaving him with 4 percent. Junhyuk tried to smile, but the world turned ck. "Holy shit." The entire world was dark, and it was not easy for him to keep his ego and get out of that. He had to get out of the thick emptiness, and his soul would grow naturally. This time, however, he felt something as he tried to leave the emptiness that he had never felt before. It felt familiar in some way. Junhyuk felt its existence and focused on it. The light wasing toward his consciousness and getting brighter, as if trying to swallow him whole. He knew then what he was feeling. Inside his body, the living spirit had swallowed his mana, and it was now a gigantic, blue wild beast of light. That was the living spirit, and Junhyuk tried to flee from that ce. However, the living spirit chased after him crazily. The blue wild beast of light had sharp fangs and a massive body. Inside of it, was the mana energy. The beast wasrger than ever before. When the living spirit had been his own, it had felt so much smaller than what was in front of him. And that¡¯s when he knew that he had made a mistake in thinking that he had controlled the living spirit. It was then that he learned what Arn had meant by him having to control the living spirit once it was fully grown. At the same time, Junhyuk thought that if he could control it, he could be a hero. Nothing on Earth scared him. Monsters were dangerous, but he had fought them. He had killed A-ranked monsters as well, so he would acquire the energy from the living spirit. The Dimensional Battlefield would restrain him, but he would be even stronger on Earth. However, could he control the living spirit at that moment? The living spirit was shocking, gigantic and ferocious, and he was just fleeing from it through the thick emptiness at that moment. Then, he felt it. What had he learned from his death so far? Had he just simply wanted to live and searched, with his awareness, for the bright white light all this time? No, that wasn¡¯t it. Junhyuk had protected his ego, and it had be bigger. The process had not simply increased his soul. So, Junhyuk stopped running and turned around. Two enemies had already be heroes, so even if he purchased the new equipment, it would be a clean sweep. The living spirit stopped and bared its fangs. Junhyuk raised his hands slowly. He did not like that he wasn¡¯t holding his swords, but suddenly, swords appeared in his hands. What was that? How could he summon his swords in that ce? He thought about many possibilities and then looked at the living spirit. The spirit roared angrily. The roar didn¡¯t make a sound however, but the whole ce shook with it. Junhyuk took a step forward. Faced with such strong presence, he made his own presence know. And walked ferociously. The living spirit¡¯s ws shed against his swords. It wasughing at his swordsmanship. Bouncing off, Junhyuk gritted his teeth. The living spirit opened its massive maw against him, which he kept from shutting with his hands. His hands were pierced by the fangs, and a sharp pain shot down his arms, but he ignored it. He pushed down on the living spirit¡¯s jaw. Craack! The jaw opened wider, and he ced his foot on it to try and pry it open even more. Then, he put his hand inside the spirit¡¯s mouth. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t reach the spirit¡¯s brain, but he felt something else. At that moment, he remembered what he felt when he first received the living spirit. As Junhyuk grabbed it and stared at it, the massive body disappeared. He could now feel everything inside of him. No one had taught him how, but he had eaten it whole, the pounding heart of the living spirit. The ferocious pounding spread through his chest, and he balled his hands into fists. He felt strength, strength beyond his imagination, strength he¡¯d never felt before, even while training with the spirit. Had he absorbed that much mana? Junhyuk still felt the emptiness surrounding him, but the mana spread all over his body. It was a type of strength that belonged only to heroes, and it was filling his body now. Junhyuk focused on the light, and suddenly, speckles of white light sprinkled over his head. Up to that point, he had had to get out of the emptiness by himself, but this time, after absorbing the living spirit, he did so automatically and in an instant. As he felt the light surround him, he summoned his equipment. Junhyuk was at full strength, and it was different from when he had trained with the spirit. Because he hadn¡¯t activated a new power, Junhyuk hadn¡¯t be a hero. However, he had the strength of a hero, and he felt it all over his body. For the first time, he felt restrained in the Dimensional Battlefield, and he realized that his strength wouldn¡¯t break those chains. He knew he was different from before. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] When the door opened, he walked out and murmured, "You are all dead now." Chapter 333 You Are All Dead 1 Aftering out, he looked around. He couldn¡¯t find Sarang, so he tried to raisedmunications with her, but he couldn¡¯t. Junhyuk clicked his tongue. He didn¡¯t know how long it had taken him to revive, but after he had, he wasn¡¯t able to talk to Sarang, which meant that she had been killed. "Even if she had killed Kilraden, Nid would have killed her." Sarang could have killed Kilraden, but Nid was at full health, and she had already used her powers on the assassin, so there was no way that she would¡¯ve been able to kill Nid as well. "Gon, where are you?" "I am at the swamp. You got killed! What¡¯s going on?" That¡¯s when Junhyuk got confirmation that Sarang had also been killed. "Nid and Kilraden are heroes now." "Heroes? Are they strong?" "It¡¯s the worst." Fighting them wouldn¡¯t be easy now, and Junhyuk sighed heavily. "Come back quickly. Let¡¯s move as a group." "Sure." Gongon¡¯s face disappeared, and Junhyuk waited. Soon, Sarang came out. She was staggering, so he went to her quickly to give her support. "Did you kill Kilraden?" "Yes, but Nid killed me." Just as he had expected. As he patted her shoulder, Gongon suddenly appeared. "Come." Gongon walked up to them and said, "Just our luck. Two of them are heroes now." "Right." Junhyuk looked at them both and added, "Things won¡¯t be easy now that there are two heroes." "What do we do now?" "We have two options." He raised one finger and said, "First, we can let themplete the quest battle and steal the item from them." Sarang shook her head. "If Kraken joins the quest, they¡¯ll have two heroes and a tank. We can¡¯t kill any of them right now." She had coldly analyzed the situation, and Junhyuk stared at her. "Have you used your ring?" She shook her head again and said, "No, I wouldn¡¯t have killed him anyway, so I didn¡¯t use it." Junhyuk nodded and looked back at the entire group. "My other n is to let themplete the quest while we head to Bebe¡¯s." Gongon touched his chin with his short w and said, "It feels like running away, and this time, I can¡¯t get new items." Junhyuk took a moment to think and answered, "If we divide our forces, our survival rate will go down." Gongon shrugged, relenting, "Nothing I can do about it. You should get stronger." Junhyuk¡¯s second n involved him getting the Vampire Lord set and bing stronger. It was also possible that Sarang would die again if she didn¡¯t get any new items. So, they agreed on the second n, and Junhyuk looked at her. "Let¡¯s go." "OK." Sarang should be able to get a few new items to strengthen herself. Although legend items were very expensive, she could get other items of about 200,000G. Sarang hugged Gongon from behind and picked him up. "We can¡¯t afford to encounter any enemies, so be careful." They couldn¡¯t take the lizardmen with them either. So, they headed to Bebe¡¯s store. --- Getting to Bebe without using the swamp took quite a while. They had already destroyed the first bottom tower, so they took that path. By doing so, they were able to get to Bebe without encountering any enemies. Bebe was cleaning his ears like always, and he raised his hand toward the group as they walked in. "You came!" "Yes." Bebe sniffed the air and smiled at Junhyuk. "It smells like pure gold. Did you earn yourself any?" Junhyuk stared at Bebe and walked toward him. Then, he extended his hand and asked, "Do you have any Pure Golden Knight set items?" "Nothing," Bebe answered, shaking his head. "Then, show me the Vampire Lord set." Bebe scratched his chin and said, "Sure! Just as I had expected. OK!" The storekeeper pulled out a book, and when he opened it, the Vampire Lord set appeared. As Junhyuk looked at it, his eyes beamed. He decided to get item types he didn¡¯t already own first, while he thought of what could be reced. "I¡¯ll get the pauldrons." "Sure." "Are you giving me a discount?" Bebe nodded. "It¡¯s my loss, but yes. It¡¯s a 200,000G discount." The more expensive the item, the bigger the discount, and Junhyuk smiled at the revtion. The champion had 8,239,760G, and Bebe subtracted 1,800,000G from it. After Junhyuk got the unique set item, he inspected the new equipment. The construction was made of ck and blue leather, and it had sharp spikes attached to it. --- Vampire Lord Lujet¡¯s Pauldrons (set item) Attack +50Piercing +40Defense +70Magic Defense +70 These are the Vampire Lord Lujet¡¯s pauldrons, which were made of the demon Keltaroc¡¯s skin. They are light, but they posses great defense and magic resistance. They increase attack by fifty, piercing by forty, and defense and magic defense by seventy. Completing the set increases the power of the item. Two-Item Set Effect: Critical Hit Chance + 20% --- Junhyuk was especially pleased with the critical chance boost. It was twice the boost of Gongon¡¯s set item. The item was better than most armor pieces, and even thought it was an armor piece, it increased attack as well. "Give me the greaves." Bebe¡¯s ck Armor covered Junhyuk¡¯s entire body, but he could still buy parts for his legs separately, so he chose to do so. Again, he spent 1,800,000G, but this time, he bit his lip. He knew what he was spending his gold on, but even a low-tiered hero wouldn¡¯t have that kind of money. He equipped himself. The ck and blue greaves were made out of leather he didn¡¯t recognized. Junhyuk was the Dark Knight, so he had worried about his aesthetic while making the purchase, but he did so anyway. He inspected his new greaves. --- Vampire Lord Lujet¡¯s Greaves (set item) Piercing +60Defense +120Magic Defense +120Health +500 These are the greaves of the Vampire Lord Lujet, which were made from the skin of Krelo, the Wild Beast. They increase defense and magic resistance. They increase health by five hundred, piercing by sixty, and defense and magic defense by 120. Completing the set increases the power of the item. Two-Item Set Effect: Critical Hit Chance + 20%Three-Item Set Effect: Critical Hit Damage + 30% --- Junhyuk looked at the set boosts. His critical-hit chance had increased, which meant that regr attacks could be judged to be critical hits, and now, critical hit damage had also increased. They were the best possible buffs for him. Those pieces of equipment had shocking stats. They had been unique items first, but now they were set items, and the benefit of that was that now they had set boosts. Seeing that, Junhyuk got the desire to purchase them all. So, he did. Even though he had gotten stronger, he was now being restrained by the Dimensional Battlefield, so to increase his avable stats, he had to equip himself with items. Junhyuk thought that the armor pieces had higher stats than Bebe¡¯s ck Armor. Therefore, he decided topletely change his armor. "Give me all of the armor." Bebe smacked his lips. "You¡¯ve been upgrading your armor. Aren¡¯t you satisfied?" "I want the new one." Bebe shrugged and said, "It¡¯s your choice. You are free to buy anything. It¡¯ll just mean more money for me." Junhyuk spent another 1,800,000 to get the rest of the armor. It had a unique make. Half of it was made of leather, and the other half was made of metal. Junhyuk inspected the piece he had just acquired.--- Vampire Lord Lujet¡¯s Cuirass (set item) Piercing +80Defense +200Magic Defense +200Health +800 This is the top of the Vampire Lord Lujet¡¯s armor. It¡¯s made from a state-of-the-art metal and leatherbination. It increases health by eight hundred, piercing by eighty, and defense and magic defense by two hundred. Completing the set increases the power of the item. Two-Item Set Effect: Critical Hit Chance + 20%Three-Item Set Effect: Critical Hit Damage + 30%Four-Item Set Effect: Chance to Ignore Opponent¡¯s Defense +20% --- Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened when he saw the fourth item effect. Ignoring an enemy¡¯s defensepletely would be fatal for tanks. It was all chance, but if he got lucky, and it happened with a Spatial sh, he could easily kill Kraken. Satisfied, he smiled. "Finally, I want the bracer. Give them to me." Junhyuk wanted to rece the Wind Smander¡¯s Arm Warmer. Most bracers were geared for offense, and he had already bought two pieces of equipment that focused mainly on defense. Therefore, he had to buy something for attack. Bebe took another 1,800,000G from his total, which made Junhyuk feel bad, but he reminded himself that he was investing in his future. When he saw the bracer, it looked different. It was made of metal. After putting it on, he inspected it. --- Vampire Lord Lujet¡¯s Bracer (set item) Piercing +30Defense +30Attack +30Attack Speed +15% This is the Vampire Lord Lujet¡¯s bracer. It is made from state-of-the-art metalwork. It increases piercing, attack and defense by thirty, and attack speed by 15 percent. Edel, the Magic Engineer, put serious effort into making this item. Completing the set increases the power of the item. Two-Item Set Effect: Critical Hit Chance + 20%Three-Item Set Effect: Critical Hit Damage + 30%Four-Item Set Effect: Chance to Ignore Opponent¡¯s Defense +20%Five-Item Set Effect: Enemies lose 3% of their healths for each of your attacks thatnds. --- As Junhyuk stared at the fifth effect, he couldn¡¯t keep his mouth closed. Whenever an attack of hisnded, his enemy would lose 3 percent of his or her life. The boost would be most effective against enemies with massive health pools, and all of the items were geared toward killing tanks. "If I can kill a tank, the rest of them should be easier." Considering the jump to his piercing stat, his enemies would be practically naked against him, even those with high defense. "OK." Chapter 334 You Are All Dead 2 Junhyuk looked at what he had remaining: 1,039,760G. If he had had another 800,000G, he would¡¯ve bought another piece of equipment, but he couldn¡¯t. Junhyuk sold Bebe¡¯s ck Armor and the Wind Smander Leather Arm Warmer, getting 45,000G for the armor and 50,000G for the arm warmer. He still had a lot of money, so he thought about how to use it more effectively. Junhyuk didn¡¯t have enough to buy another piece of the Vampire Lord set, so he thought about getting a runestone but decided to wait for the battlefield reward instead. His defense and health had increased by an enormous amount, and he felt like he could shred the enemy heroes like paper. After some though, he said, "Give me enhancement stones." "Enhancement stones? How many?" "Ten should do." To further increase his defense, the most effective things to do were basic upgrades. Each enhancement stone cost 50,000G, so he had just spent 500,000G, but considering the increase to his defense, he had spent the gold in the wisest manner. He wanted to keep the Vampire Lord set, thinking that the set¡¯s effects were extremely useful. So, he did five basic upgrades to the cuirass and the greaves. (Editor¡¯s note: For some reason the greaves act as one item, while the bracers don¡¯t.) Junhyuk wanted to save the rest of the money forter. His defense had doubled, and even though his equipment had been upgraded to focus on defense before, he had far surpassed his previous equipment boosts. Junhyuk inspected his new equipment and realized that the Vampire Lord set looked rather monstrous. He had purchased the pieces for their quality, but the set he was wearing no longer resembled the Dark Knight. So, he turned to Bebe. "If I changed the shape of the armor, do I have to do the greaves separately?" "Why do you want to change its shape?" "I can¡¯t look like this in my dimension." Bebe scratched his chin and said, "In other words, you want it to look like the ck Armor?" "Yes." "Then, you don¡¯t need to reshape it." Junhyuk stared at Bebe. "Whenever you want, because of another equipment, you can appear as though you were wearing the ck Armor. If you go through the reshaping process, you¡¯ll have to do it three times, and it¡¯ll cost you more." Bebe smiled and added, "But things are different with this ring." The storekeeper showed him a ring and continued, "The ring will show others the way you want to be seen." Junhyuk looked at the ring and asked, "Is it like the mask that it can only disy a specific image?" "No. You can set five different appearances to it." Junhyuk quickly realized the power of the ring. "Can it also change my physical appearance?" "It¡¯ll also work like a mask, yes." The ring could change his appearance to anything he wanted. Junhyuk wanted that ring. He would buy it and engrave it with a seal. "How much is it?" "It works on your entire body, so it¡¯s 50,000G." "Discount?" "Sure. With the discount, it¡¯ll be 45,000G." Junhyuk smiled. He would be safe on Earth with that ring. "Deal. Give me the ring. Also, engrave the ring and the pieces of the Vampire Lord set." "Certainly." Junhyuk was d that his equipment wasn¡¯t all one item, so he took off his armor one piece at a time and setplex engravings on them. As Bebe did the work, he said, "Your ring is also capable of reshaping itself and other things while unsummoned if it¡¯s engraved." "What?!" Bebe calmly exined. "It¡¯s not from the Dimensional Battlefield. It was especially made." Junhyuk asked, "Does the ring¡¯s reshaping power work only in reality? Will it work on video?" "You worry too much. This is the Dimensional Battlefield. I don¡¯t sell defective products." Junhyuk was d. With the ring, he could have five new identities. However, he wasn¡¯t going to use all of them. Just in case, he was going to leave two open slots. After the engravings were done, Junhyuk put on his armor. He also had the rest of his gear out and finished preparing himself, turning to the others after. Gongon had purchased more candy, and he was eating a piece. Sarang had also gotten new equipment. She had spent 200,000G on three new items focused on defense. Her health had also increase, and the goal was to withstand more than two attacks from Kilraden. It wouldn¡¯t be easy. Junhyuk had already experienced Kilraden¡¯s ultimate, and it could easily kill Sarang. After everyone got what they wanted, they all looked at each other. "Shall we get going?" Gongon nodded nonchntly, and Sarang nodded nervously. To her, even though she had new equipment, fighting heroes was difficult. Junhyuk patted her shoulder and said, "I¡¯ll kill them all, so don¡¯t worry." Noticing Junhyuk¡¯s cheerful demeanor, Gongon asked him, "Why are you so confident?" "You¡¯ll see." He walked out of the portal smiling, and when the rest of the group was on the other side, he said, "We¡¯ll destroy the second bottom tower and push on." The allies had already destroyed the first tower, and their enemies werepleting the quest. The buff would be deadly when applied, but after some time had psed, the allies wouldn¡¯t have to worry about it. The important thing was to avoid encountering their enemies while heading to the second tower. If they did, and the enemies were already buffed, the allies would be in trouble. So, they had to destroy the second tower as quickly as possible. After the allies destroyed the second tower, the enemies appeared. Their buffs had worn off, but they still looked confident. They did not care about losing a tower, probably because they had two heroes. Junhyuk stepped forward and said, "Gon, I¡¯ll act as the tank." "You?" In the past, Gongon¡¯s defense might have been better, but now Junhyuk¡¯s defense was superior, so he nodded and walked forward with confidence. The enemies had thought he would¡¯ve used the Spatial sh, but as he walked toward them, they felt nervous. Kraken responded first, "Impudent wretch!" Kraken quickly walked toward him and rushed. The rest of the enemies followed behind the octopus, and Junhyuk focused on the mana within his body. In the past, he used the living spirit to send mana to the tip of his sword or his finger to create a single-point explosion, but things were different now. He could divide the mana within his gut and send it straight there. Previously, he had had to repeat the process five times, but now he could do it in three. Kraken was rushing toward him, and he had already gathered enough energy to trigger the single-point explosion. Instead, he was wondering if he should use the Spatial sh with it. Junhyuk dodged Kraken¡¯s rush with his own teleportation and used the Spatial sh on Kilraden. He had done so during the disappearing process of the teleportation. Kilraden did not respond well to that. Previously, the Spatial sh had taken only 53 percent off of the assassin¡¯s health. But now, the Spatial sh had received a 30 percent increase in damage, and on top of that, Junhyuk¡¯s piercing stat had also increase. So, Kilraden received 78 percent in damage. The assassin¡¯s eyes widened. The strike was a critical hit, and because of the set effect, Kilraden received even more damage. He lost an additional 3 percent of his health, so he was left with 19 percent. If the extra attack had triggered, Kilraden would¡¯ve been killed. Because Junhyuk had used the single-point explosion with the Spatial sh, a spherical shockwave swept through Nid, taking 29 percent off of Nid¡¯s health. Then, the hero was covered by specks of light, and he lost an additional 3 percent. Junhyuk realized that the shockwaves fell under the same set effect, enabling them to deal even more damage to enemies. He would use that to his advantage. Kilraden was shocked, and Junhyuk teleported again and ran toward the assassin. He was thinking about finishing the hero then, but as he swung his sword, Kilraden countered. As Kilraden countered, Junhyuk used his other sword to sh at the hero. sh! The counter had dealt 30 percent of damage to him before, but now, it only took off 10 percent of his health. Kilraden wasn¡¯t equipped like other heroes yet, but his capacity to damage opponents was really high, which meant that Junhyuk¡¯s defense had increased tremendously. Because both his defense and health had increased, Junhyuk only lost 10 percent with the attack, and he watched as his sword shed through Kilraden¡¯s chest. It wasn¡¯t a critical, but his piercing stat had increased, so more of the damage gotten through. Junhyuk took 14 percent off of Kilraden¡¯s total health with the attack. On top of that, another 3 percent of health was automatically taken out, leaving Kilraden with 2 percent of his health. Junhyuk swung at the assassin again. He wanted to kill Kilraden right there, but Kilraden turned translucent. It was his ultimate. Junhyuk could withstand it, but he had made other ns. Instead, he raised the force field around himself andunched himself at Nid. Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to wait for Kilraden¡¯s ultimate to wear off, as there was no need for it. Nid had been running toward him and had watch Junhyuk nearly kill Kilraden. Now, he had the force field around him, so Nid changed directions and turned toward the other allies. Kraken had wanted to attack him after Junhyuk had teleported for the first time, but now that he was inside the force field, all attacks were futile. Nid and Kraken now turned to face Gongon and Sarang, and Gongon blocked their path. "Junhyuk can¡¯t have all the fun by himself." Gongon tried heabutting Kraken, while Sarang cast her electric st. The two sts flew off and hit Nid and Kraken. Nid was paralyzed, and Junhyuk came from behind him and shed at the hero. Every hit was a critical when the target was paralyzed, so Junhyuk¡¯s attack dealt 17 percent of damage. Nid had more health than Kilraden, but the set effect triggered, and Nid lost a total of 20 percent of his health. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t using his powers, so he was a little shocked by the amount of damage he had done. The shockwave from the attack swept through Kraken. Junhyuk was celebrating internally, thinking victory would be his, when Kilraden reappeared. Kilraden¡¯s ultimate was still up, and he had hidden and teleported to show up behind Sarang. The assassin was about to stab her, and Junhyuk shouted, "No!" Chapter 335 You Are All Dead 3 Kilraden only had 2 percent of his health left, but his attack was extremely damaging. He took a big chunk out of her health. After hearing his shout, Sarang cast Thunderstorm behind her. She had lost 60 percent of her health in one hit, so she didn¡¯t try to aim where her would Thunderstorm hit. The bolts crashed right next to Kilraden. Still, the bed of lightning swept through him, and there was nothing Kilraden could do to block it. [Sarang killed Kilraden.] Kilraden had evolved into a hero, but he still had to leave the battlefield for his evolution to bepleted. Junhyuk watched as he died. Sarang had invested in defensive equipment. If she hadn¡¯t, she would¡¯ve been dead by now. After bing a hero, Kilraden¡¯s attack had increased, but Sarang had received 10 percent less damage than normal. She was seriously wounded, but she was still able to cast Thunderstorm. Junhyuk thought she deserved apliment. Had she turned around to aim the Thunderstorm, Kilraden would have killed her. Junhyuk shed at Nid, but the hero used his corkscrew rush power to fly toward Sarang. Nid¡¯s rush could go through anyone blocking his path. Gongon tried, but Nid passed through him and attacked her. The rushed damaged everyone in his path. It was, essentially, an area-of-effect attack. Sarang died from it. [Nid killed Sarang.] Junhyuk clicked his tongue. He had gotten stronger, but he had been overconfident, and because of that, Sarang had been killed. Junhyuk could deal with the three enemies alone, at least that was what he thought. However, there were limits to what he could do. Junhyuk ran by Gongon and said, "Deal with Kraken." When Junhyuk attacked Nid previously, the shockwave hit Kraken, so Gongon could take care of him on his own. Junhyuk, on the other hand, moved toward Nid, who had already started running toward him. However, Junhyuk¡¯s speed was faster than Nid¡¯s, so he closed in on the hero even faster. Although his speed was faster, Junhyuk was unable to get close before his force field disappeared. Nid had seen it disappear, so he twisted around and swung his saw-ded sword. ng! Both swords shed, and Nid opened his mouth. "Hoowwl!" With Nid¡¯s sudden howl, Junhyuk was left paralyzed. He had been regaining his health with his attacks up to that point, so he was not nervous. Nid shed at him again. It was easily to deliver critical hits to a paralyzed opponent, but Nid¡¯s regr attack didn¡¯t do much damage. Even though it was a critical, it only took 5 percent off of Junhyuk¡¯s health. Junhyuk was paralyzed for three seconds, but he only lost 25 percent of his health. Once he was able to move, he dodged the next attack and shed at Nid. The hero saw his attack and smirked. Nid¡¯s body glowed red. Junhyuk had already used his Spatial sh. Previously, when he attacked Nid, he noticed that Nid lost a lot of health. With the increase in Junhyuk¡¯s piercing stat, his attacksnded beautifully. Now, Nid was about to use his ultimate, so Junhyuk started running away. Nid chased him down, swinging the saw-ded sword at him. Nid¡¯s attacks were really fast, but Junhyuk was different from before. It was only a small increase, but he knew his attack speed had gotten faster. Nid was a hero now, so his attacks had gotten much faster. Junhyuk had to find an opening in Nid¡¯s flurry. His speed had increased just enough to parry Nid¡¯s attacks. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t counter, so he focused on parrying. Nid¡¯s attacks all failed, and the hero gritted his teeth and tried to use his powers. Nid¡¯s saw-ded sword turned translucent and passed by Junhyuk, injuring him. It was a critical hit, but Junhyuk only lost 7 percent of his health. That¡¯s when Junhyuk triggered eleration. His perception felt much faster now, and he could read the entirety of the saw-ded sword¡¯s movements. If he couldn¡¯t block it, he had to focus on dodging. Mana was all around him, and the Dimensional Battlefield was restraining him, but he was getting faster bit by bit. Junhyuk could see Nid¡¯s moves and was able to dodge them. Nid was going berserk, and Junhyuk kept moving around, dodging most of Nid¡¯s attacks. He was very fast, but he couldn¡¯t dodge everything. Nid was able to hit him twice, but Junhyuk only lost 7 percent of his health in the process. Junhyuk retreated and checked on his condition. He had 51 percent of his total health left, while Nid had 48 percent. Junhyuk lowered his swords slowly and smiled. "This will be enough." Nid had already used his ultimate, and Junhyuk had prevented damage from that. Now, it was time to take the fight to the hero, so Junhyuk swung his swords and elerated. Junhyuk could anticipate Nid¡¯s attacks, but it wasn¡¯t easy to mount sessful attacks against the hero. Nid was a better swordsman than Junhyuk. So, he had to make a decision. As long as he dodged the critical hits, Nid¡¯s other attacks would only deal 3 percent of damage to him. There was no need to sh against Nid, so Junhyuk ignored his own defense and focused wholeheartedly on attacking. Because he could read Nid¡¯s attacks, he could dodge them regardless. By contrast, Junhyuk didn¡¯t need tond critical hits. His sword shed Nid¡¯s leg, dealing 7 percent damage to the hero. Then, the injury shone, and the hero received another 3 percent of damage. Meanwhile, Junhyuk was hit on the left thigh and lost 3 percent of his health. From his position, things were better than before. Nid noticed that too and was left dumbstruck. "What kind of damage is this?!" the hero asked. His attack stat was mostly the same, but now, he had significant piercing capability, and it was extremely useful. When Arn fought against the legend candidates, he had approached the battle in the same manner. Junhyuk began a flurry of attacks on Nid, who turned his focus to defense. The situation favored Junhyuk. Even though Nid¡¯s attack speed was faster, when Nid focused on defense, it became easier for Junhyuk to find openings. Junhyuk¡¯s eleration was also on apletely different level from before. His attacks couldn¡¯t be read, and because of the mana energy flowing through him, he could rx his muscles while fighting. There was no way for Nid to tell how Junhyuk would move, so Junhyuk was able tond another attack. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t sure if things were different from before because Nid was taking a defensive stance, but the sword shed through the hero¡¯s ribs. Had he been lucky? It was a critical hit, and the attack took 17 percent off of Nid¡¯s health, and the 3 percent damage triggered on top of that. After watching his health decrease, Nid shouted, "Kraken! Help me out!" Junhyuk did not turn around. He had already relegated Kraken to Gongon. His duty was to kill Nid. Nid scowled. Junhyuk¡¯s sword was erratic. The hero didn¡¯t know how to expect his attacks, and they were also harder to block. However, Nid was a hero now, so he didn¡¯t think Junhyuk was superior to him. He had thought that he would win easily, but he wasn¡¯t so sure now. Junhyuk¡¯s swordsmanship went beyond regr swordsmanship. Junhyuk could anticipate the movement of his enemies¡¯ weapons, so Nid asked for help from Kraken, but Kraken couldn¡¯t help him out then. Gongon had transformed and was suppressing Kraken with a flurry of attacks. Nid gritted his teeth and fought hard. He had be confident after bing a hero, but now, Junhyuk was destroying that confidence. Attacking again, Nid gathered himself. He had 10 percent of his health left. Finally, Nid realized why he had been attacked. In the beginning of the fight, Nid had had the advantage. He had swung his sword like a wild beast. Now, however, he was focusing on defense, which was creating openings that Junhyuk could exploit. Understanding things, Nid swung his sword at Junhyuk¡¯s neck. The sword moved a blinding speed, and because Nid had changed from defense to attack suddenly, Junhyuk was shed in the neck. Junhyuk tried to evade, but Nid was satisfied with his strike. Junhyuk took it. However, suddenly, Nid felt a cold de through his chest. The hero looked down and saw Junhyuk¡¯s de piercing through his chest. "I¡¯ll kill you!" Junhyuk stepped on Nid¡¯s shoulder and pulled his sword out. "It won¡¯t be easy." Nid disappeared. [You¡¯ve killed Nid and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk stared at where Nid had fallen and then turned to Gongon. The dragon was back to his original size, and Junhyuk wanted to try his swords, with his new piercing boost, on Kraken. However, Gongon was winning, so he shouldn¡¯t interfere even though he could kill the octopus with a single Spatial sh at that point. While he did not interfere, he did walk toward the fight. Kraken felt pressured by his presence and, after Gongon kicked him, Kraken died. [Gongon killed Kraken.] Gongon only had 10 percent of his health remaining, but he had killed the octopus, so Junhyuk walked toward him. "Are you OK?" Gongon cracked his neck and said, "It was very easy." Junhyuk smiled. "Sure. Let¡¯s join Sarang and finish the fight." Gongon got on his back. "We are going to meet her?" "Correct." Junhyuk gave Gongon as piggyback ride as he called Sarang. She looked very frazzled. "Are you OK?" he asked, and Sarang forced a smiled on her face. "My health¡¯s increased, but it wasn¡¯t enough. Did you kill them all?" "Yes. Come to the first bottom tower. Bring the lizardmen with you. It¡¯s time to finish this up. Let¡¯s all go together." "Sure." After cuttingmunications, he picked up the pace. Junhyuk ran for a while before arriving at the first tower and waiting. Soon, Sarang showed up. She had brought the lizardmen with her, and she started running fast toward him. Junhyuk smiled awkwardly and opened his arms, and though Sarang ran to him, she hugged Gongon. "Gon, you are hurt!" Sarang cast healing of Gongon, who snorted. Gongon hadn¡¯t beenpletely healed yet, so Sarang topped his health. Meanwhile, Junhyuk felt awkward about having his arms out. He scratched his head, and Sarang walked toward him. "Big brother." "Yes?" Sarang¡¯s eyes were on fire. "Kill them all." Junhyukughed and answered, "Right! Let us go and kill them all!" Chapter 336 Hero 1 The group ran fast, and when they reached the enemy castle, their enemies, stationed behind their own lizardmen, were waiting for them. Kraken was in the center of the group, and they were all filled with confidence. Junhyuk scoffed at them. He had fought them already and he knew how strong they had be. If the allies were careful, no one would die while they killed all of their enemies. He stepped forward. "I¡¯ll lure them in." Junhyuk Spatial sh had the longest range of all of the attacks, and he thought it would be enough. Kraken stepped forward after seeing Junhyuk approach, and Junhyuk became seriously conflicted. He wanted to use the Spatial sh on Kraken, so he looked back and asked, "Do you trust me?" Sarang nodded, and Gongon¡¯s eyes widened slightly. "What are you going to do?" "I want to know what kind of damage I can deal to Kraken." Gongonughed and said, "Just don¡¯t kill the octopus." "I¡¯m not going to kill Kraken." Junhyuk pointed at Kraken with the Frozen Rune Sword, but Kraken,pletely rxed, ran quickly toward him. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t understand why Kraken was running his way, but he couldn¡¯t ignore his enemy. So, when Kraken came within range, Junhyuk used the Spatial sh. It hit Kraken¡¯s eye, and Junhyuk looked to see how much health Kraken had lost. Junhyuk had thought his increased piercing would¡¯ve increased the damage, but Kraken lost only 45 percent of its health. The additional 3 percent triggered, but Junhyuk had still not expected that. Before, he was able to take 40 percent off of Kraken¡¯s health, so technically, somehow, his attack was weaker because his new equipment was giving a 30 percent boost to his critical hits. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t think of a reason for the damage to be that low, and that¡¯s when Kraken rushed him. Kraken couldn¡¯t reach Junhyuk with its rush, but the octopus wanted to get closer, so it used the rush. "Did Kraken get new equipment?" That wasn¡¯t possible. The season was over, and heroes couldn¡¯t go to the battlefield. Kraken hadn¡¯t had time to visit the merchant. As Junhyuk thought about it, Kraken¡¯s tentacles pierced the ground. Junhyuk didn¡¯t know what Kraken was doing. Then, something came out from the ground under his feet. It was Kraken¡¯s tentacles. Thuck, thuck, thuck, thuck! A total of six tentacles came out. Two of them started hitting Junhyuk, and the others went for Sarang and Gongon. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes widened. "You too?!" That was Kraken¡¯s ultimate. Those hit by the tentacles were stunned, and nobody knew for how long, but they couldn¡¯t move. The attack dealt 5 percent of damage to Junhyuk. Considering his increased defense, the damage was severe, and now the enemies wereing at him. Nid was taking the lead for them. The elidra had already started rushing when Kraken rushed, so he closed in, spinning fast. Nid dealt another 7 percent of damage to Junhyuk and started swinging his sword. The hero must have felt something while fighting Junhyuk before because his attacks were now very sharp and precise. Nid¡¯s sword sliced Junhyuk¡¯s neck. sh! It was a critical hit, which took another 5 percent off of Junhyuk¡¯s health, and Nid attacked two more times. Junhyuk had been stunned for more than four seconds, and he was shocked by that. Kraken¡¯s ultimate stunned an opponent for five seconds. Within five seconds, their enemies would be able to kill almost anyone. On top of that, it was a long-ranged stun. The attack¡¯s range was greater than twenty meters. Kraken¡¯s ultimate had to have a weakness somewhere, but for now, Junhyuk was at a loss. Then, Nid smirked and howled. Before Junhyuk had a chance to move again, he was stunned again by the howl. His allies standing behind him were also stunned. Junhyuk was stronger than before, so he was standing his ground. However, Nid attacked again while he was still unable to move. He lost another 5 percent of his health, and Kilraden teleported and attacked him as well. Kraken also joined in. "You made up your minds!" Nid¡¯s howl stunned opponents for three seconds. Nid attacked two more times, and Kilraden attacked after teleporting. At that point, Junhyuk knew that the stun would onlyst another second, but he still had 50 percent of his health left. Among the legend candidates, Aak had gone through something simr. Aak¡¯s enemies could stun and attack him mercilessly, but the legend was able to withstand those attacks. Junhyuk smiled coldly. Once he was able to move again, he would kill everybody. However, that¡¯s when he saw Kilraden smile. Kilraden rarely smiled. The hero turned translucent. They were expecting the most out of Kilraden¡¯s ultimate. Junhyuk could guess the reason for Kilraden¡¯s smile. Kilraden though his ultimate would do something against him, but he could endure it. After enduring it, he would have a chance to mount an attack of his own. This time, he had been too confident and hadn¡¯t been able to use his powers. He would raise a force field and, once he regained momentum, he should win. Kilraden¡¯s doppelgangers attacked him. The first doppelganger hit him for 15 percent, and the rest followed suit. Two more attacksnded, and Junhyuk watched himself lose 45 percent of his health. Right before he came off the stun, Nid and Kraken both attacked him. Junhyuk¡¯s vision was filled by Kilraden¡¯s smile, and soon, the world faded away. --- Thick emptiness. Previously, it hadn¡¯t been easy for him to maintain his ego, but he realized that he had changed. Within the emptiness, he felt mana flowing and he reached for his ego more easily. He exited the emptiness faster than ever before, but he still did not want to experience it. Once he was out, he coughed up, trying to breathe. Then, he summoned his equipment and walked out of the door. "Kraken is also a hero?!" Kraken had unexpectedly be a hero, and Junhyuk hadn¡¯t been able to do anything before being defeated. That wasn¡¯t the problem, however. "Two of them have stuns now!" Theirbined attacks gave them an eight-second stun. "What about Kilraden¡¯s ultimate?!" Junhyuk had not fathomed such damage. His own health and defense were much greater than before, but he still lost 45 percent of his health. "I must be going crazy... Howe the damage is so high?" He should have been able to reduce damage taken by 60 percent with his increase health and defense, so something was different. "Is it percent damage based on Kilraden¡¯s max health?" Junhyuk had just got done fighting, and he thought that Kilraden¡¯s ultimate being percent damage based on max health made sense. However, he couldn¡¯t be sure of it without seeing how it would affect others. "It must be a high-ranking ultimate!" Junhyuk had already seen the highest-ranked ultimate, the Vampire Lord Lujet¡¯s Demon Summoning. Shaking his head, Junhyuk heard the announcement. [Champion Junhyuk Lee deployed.] When he walked out, he tried to raisemunications with Gongon and Sarang, but he was unable to connect with them. "They must¡¯ve all been killed." He thought that the allies would win after he had purchased all of that equipment, but things weren¡¯t going well. He hadn¡¯t helped at all, and the allies hadn¡¯t been able to win. Junhyuk kept thinking as he walked. He had taken the lizardmen that time because he had felt confident that the allies would have won. So, now, they had less than half the original number of lizardmen remaining. Junhyuk waited, and soon, Sarang showed up. He had guessed that she would¡¯ve been killed first and he was right. Sarang was anxious, and Junhyuk walked up to her and hugged her. "Are you OK?" "To be honest, I¡¯m not fine." Since the battle began, she had died three times. She was not OK, so he helped her take a seat and waited. There was a loud nking noise, and Gongon appeared. "Raaaarh! So frustrated!" Gongon was irritated, and he was puffing hard as he headed toward Junhyuk. "The three of them became heroes! How is that possible?!" Junhyuk nodded. "It¡¯s certainly unexpected." Gongon stomped around andined. "Raaarh! I have to activate one more power." "It¡¯s not as easy as wishing for it." The hatchling bared his teeth. He looked ferocious. "What are you going to do?" Junhyuk spoke calmly, "We have to be mindful of a few things. I lost 45 percent of my health to Kilraden¡¯s ultimate. It¡¯s better than the other powers. Also, I think the damage is based on a percentage of Kilraden¡¯s max health. If either of you are hit by it, I¡¯m not sure what will happen." "Really? I thought you died easily." Junhyuk smiled bitterly and said, "I let my guard down. I put too much trust in my equipment." When Kraken wasted his rush against nothing, Junhyuk didn¡¯t expect he would lose. "What do we do?" Sarang asked calmly. "We¡¯ll use the force field to deal with them. We should go all out right at the start," he answered. Getting new equipment wasn¡¯t everything. "We have to kill Kraken first. Keep it from using its ultimate." "But we all know Kraken¡¯s powers." "Right. So, be extra careful," Junhyuk said and continued, "We don¡¯t know where we will meet our enemies, but we¡¯ll take the lower path toward their castle. We still have a tower there, so we have an advantage." "We don¡¯t have the advantage. It¡¯s heroes versus champions now." Junhyuk smiled and said, "We¡¯ll be legends if we kill heroes as champions." Gongon and Sarang smiled at that. "OK. Let¡¯s go." Gongon and Sarang followed him. They took the lower path to attack the castle. If they were lucky, their enemies would have taken the upper path. If not, they would encounter their enemies ahead. "Encountering them might be better..." --- They were lucky. They did not encounter their enemies on the way. Once they reached the enemy castle¡¯s gate, they destroyed it before their enemies could return. They also killed all the archers and went inside. That¡¯s when the allies saw the heroesing from the rooms within. Junhyuk smacked his lips after the enemies showed up. The golem was standing right in front of them. They were cautious of Junhyuk. None of them wanted to fight him alone, which is why they had the golem between them. "Are you going to be like that?" If the enemies kept their distance, Junhyuk would be grateful. He had the longest range of all attacks, so he would simply sit back and use Spatial shes. Everything depended on how his enemies would react. Junhyuk took a step forward, and the heroes smirked and retreated. Although they were heroes, they did not want to fight him. They would let the golem do the job. Junhyuk was thinking about teleporting and using the Spatial sh when Gongon stepped forward. He wagged his tail at the heroes and shouted, "You are a hero now! Step forward, octopus head!" Junhyukughed at Gongon¡¯s shout. He didn¡¯t think Kraken would react to it, but Kraken started stepping forward. "Good job, Gon." Chapter 337 Hero 2 As Kraken stepped forward, Junhyuk whispered calmly, "Our enemies can stun us, but we already know about that, so we can avoid it." The enemy heroes were cautious of the Spatial sh. They got up to ten meters away from them. Junhyuk could teleport and use his Spatial sh on Nid or Kilraden, but to do that, he had to be ready to be hit by Kraken. Unless all the enemies concentrated on Junhyuk, he wouldn¡¯t die. However, he still had to be careful. He was in their castle, after all. The enemies could regain their healths by entering the castle¡¯s force field, so he really had to be focused. "Regardless of whom I attack, I need an opening." The important thing was to kill just one, and Kraken was standing ahead of the others. Standing behind him, Gongon said, "The problem is the distance." Junhyuk and Sarang had attacks with longer ranges than their enemies. However, even if both hit Kraken, Kraken was the one enemy they couldn¡¯t kill immediately. Junhyuk said calmly, "I know now... If we don¡¯t want to get stunned, we have to make better use of the force field." Kraken had now passed the giant golem and still kept walking. Junhyuk realized that Kraken was within range at that point. "We should ignore our enemies¡¯ powers and use our own instead." If the allies could close in while ignoring their enemies¡¯ attacks because of the force field, they would win. Kraken was now well within range of the Spatial sh, but Junhyuk hesitated. He didn¡¯t want to kill Kraken, but Kilraden at the back. Of the enemies, Kilraden could do the most damage, and he also had the most dangerous ultimate. Junhyuk still wasn¡¯t sure about Kilraden¡¯s ultimate. He might be able to make it even stronger with new equipment, but if the damage remained at 45 percent, then the ultimate would actually be rather low rank. Junhyuk watched as Kraken headed toward him. "Hold on to me. We¡¯ll teleport and fight." Junhyuk had to save the force field, so Sarang and Gongon walked over to him. Kraken picked up the pace. The octopus took big strides until it was within its rush range. Then, Kraken stomped the ground and flew forward, but Junhyuk simply passed by the hero with his teleport. They were now among their enemies, and Junhyuk raised the force field. When the force field appeared, Nid didn¡¯t hesitate. He used the corkscrew rush to move away, and Kilraden withdrew by use of his own teleport. Both enemies were retreating toward the castle¡¯s force field, and Junhyuk turned around and used his Spatial sh. Kraken was all alone now. The Spatial sh hit Kraken¡¯s eye, and the hit created the specks of light that added even more damage to the attack. Kraken lost 48 percent of his health. It was a big chunk, and right after that, bolts of lightning crashed on the octopus¡¯ head. Sarang¡¯s Thunderstorm dealt 36 percent of damage to Kraken. With two attacks, the octopus lost most of its health. Junhyuk thought he could finish Kraken off, but a giant foot stepped on the force field. The force field had a weakness. If someone exerted force against it, it could be held in ce. For a short while, the force field didn¡¯t move. Kraken, on the other hand, was quickly escaping. Sarang aimed her orb at the hero, but Kraken spewed ck ink toward them. The ink covered the force field, and because the allies lost track of Kraken, they could not use their powers. Gongon walked out of the force field, dodging the Golem¡¯s attack, and used his flying headbutt toward Kraken. Boom! The headbutt hit the octopus, and Kraken faded away. [Gongon killed Kraken.] Kraken was a hero, and Junhyuk was relieved that the allies had killed him. However, Gongon was now outside of the force field. The golem ran toward Gongon, trying to stomp the hatchling. Junhyuk knew he could deal with the golem by himself, and he though Gongon would be able to do the same, but the real problems were the other enemies. They exited the castle¡¯s force field brandishing their weapons. Junhyuk looked at them. Could he hold them off? The force field would soon disappear, and the enemies would go all out against the allies. Junhyuk was thinking that if he could kill Kilraden, even without his Spatial sh, the allies would win. However, Kilraden had all of his powers. On top of that, the assassin specialized in hiding, so he had to be aware of everything. After some thought, Junhyuk said, "Let¡¯s attack them." "Sure." Gongon was dealing with the giant golem, and Junhyuk ran toward the heroes. The heroes knew exactly when the force field would disappear, so they also ran toward him. Nevertheless, Junhyuk trusted Sarang¡¯s remaining powers. She had used her Thunderstorm, but she also had utility powers like Junhyuk. Running forward, Junhyuk whispered to her. "Keep some distance from me. We can¡¯t be attacked at the same time." "We¡¯ll attack first this time." The allies closed in against their enemies, and Sarang stepped forward, releasing two electric sts. Both of them hit her enemies urately, and both heroes were paralyzed. Without hesitation, Junhyuk swung his sword like a madman. With the enemies paralyzed, every strike was a critical hit. Junhyuk focused on Kilraden, closing in on the hero and shing him twice. With the additional damage, each hit took 17 percent off of Kilraden¡¯s life. With 34 percent of his health gone, Kilraden disappeared. Junhyuk turned around quickly to see Kilraden standing next to Sarang, swinging his dagger. After being sliced by the dagger, Sarang instinctively shot an electric arrow. However, Kilraden, sensing her attacking, used his counter. After the two attacks, Sarang disappeared. [Kilraden killed Sarang.] Junhyuk wasn¡¯t able to do anything, and Sarang died. Suddenly, from behind him, Nid howled. "Hoooowl!" Junhyuk was stunned, and Nid shed at his back. While under attack from Nid, Junhyuk tried to look for Kilraden, but the assassin had hidden himself, and Junhyuk could not find him. Once he was able to move again, Junhyuk attacked Nid. Nid was well aware of what it meant to fight Junhyuk, so he quickly retreated. They were at the enemy base. If the enemies entered the force field, they would recover their healths. There was no way for Junhyuk to win against that. To prevent that from happening, Junhyuk attacked Nid ferociously. The hero would have to deal with Junhyuk. If not, he would die. ng! Nid blocked the attack, but Junhyuk was circling the hero while attacking him continuously. That way, he was able to block Nid¡¯s path to the force field. Nid was shocked by Junhyuk¡¯s swordsmanship, realizing that Junhyuk was a better swordsman than him. Junhyuk was also shocked by what he was doing as he attacked Nid. He wasn¡¯t using eleration, and was depending only on his senses and his skill. Nevertheless, Nid was blocking every attack. Junhyuk knew his soul grew after dying, but he did not know that that growth applied to his swordsmanship. He looked for an opening within Nid¡¯s strikes, and attacked it sharply. Junhyuk¡¯s attack passed through right in between two swings of the saw-ded sword and grazed Nid¡¯s neck, even though Nid moved away quickly. The strike hit for 8 percent, and Nid received another 3 percent of damage due to the set effect. Junhyuk was sure of one thing: his attack speed was the same as Nid¡¯s, but his swordsmanship was better. Nid was on the defensive again, and that¡¯s why Junhyuk was winning. However, Nid had to defend himself because Junhyuk¡¯s attacks were extremely brutal. Because of that, Nid had to use his sword to block. While he fiercely attacked Nid, Junhyuk looked out to the battlefield for Gongon. Kilraden had reappeared and joined the golem in the fight against Gongon. "Am I alone here?" Knowing that Kilraden wasn¡¯t around, Junhyuk had to take that opportunity to kill Nid. If he did, he would win the battle even if Kilraden killed Gongon. Nid had 69 percent of his health left, and Junhyuk had to do his best to get rid of him. Without his Spatial sh, however, that wouldn¡¯t be easy. Junhyuk grimaced as he attacked Nid. The hero had a lot of health, but if Junhyuk couldnd some critical hits, he would be able to kill him. Nid scowled as he blocked Junhyuk¡¯s attacks. He kept on losing his health bit by bit. He knew he couldn¡¯t win. Nid had been able to take Junhyuk¡¯s health down to 45 percent, but it hadn¡¯t been easy. Nid¡¯s attacks had gotten through due to his howl, but now, his regr attacks weren¡¯t getting through. But, Nid gritted his teeth and kept on attacking. Nid had changed his mind and decided to go on the offensive. Meanwhile, Junhyuk kept on attacking him. Nid¡¯s attacks weren¡¯t that powerful when they were not critical hits, and Junhyuk could recover his health with his sword, so if both sides focused only on attacking, Junhyuk had the advantage. With Nid ignoring his defense, Junhyuk kept on calmly attacking him. He could kill Nid even faster that way. Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword, slowing Nid down, and he seized the opportunity. His sword grazed Nid¡¯s ribs and neck. Junhyuk was also hit twice while attacking, but he had dealt more damage to Nid. Junhyuk had a satisfied smile on his face when he was faced with the worst situation. [Kilraden killed Gongon.] Gongon had died, and now he had to get rid of Nid quickly. The hero only had 10 percent of his health left. A critical hit or two regr attacks would take care of it. Junhyuk swung violently at the hero, who suddenly had a strange smile on his face. Nid rushed, passing by Junhyuk. Junhyuk knew that the rush wasn¡¯t the problem. He tried turning around as quickly as possible, but Nid was already entering the castle¡¯s force field. "Shit!" Junhyuk gritted his teeth. He couldn¡¯t have allowed Nid to regain his health. Then, he saw the giant golem running toward him. After seeing the golem, Junhyuk understood how Kilraden was able to kill Gongon. The golem was nearly destroyed. Gongon had focusedpletely on it, almost in a frenzy, and allowed himself to be hit by Kilraden. Kilraden was now running toward the castle¡¯s force field, and Junhyuk had to catch up to him. Nid was gone, and the golem was almost dead. If Junhyuk killed Kilraden, he could still win. So, Junhyuk used the Spatial sh on Kilraden. He thought he had killed the hero, but Kilraden activated his ultimate, and Junhyuk realized that the Spatial sh missed. However, Kilraden was in midair. Junhyuk teleported. Kilraden¡¯s ultimate had a weakness. When Kilraden was in midair, Junhyuk was able to dodge his attacks, rendering the ultimate useless. As Junhyuk teleported and escaped, Kilraden entered the castle¡¯s force field. Junhyuk had lost them both, so he started running away. "See youter!" he said as he ran away, almost like a viin. Chapter 338 Hero 3 Junhyuk bit his lip as he ran away from his enemies. He was stronger than ever before, but he was sure that he wouldn¡¯t be able to deal with the two of them alone. If Nid and Kilradenbined their powers, he wouldn¡¯t evene close to making a dent. "Can¡¯t I fight them inside the castle?" Within the castle, his enemies had a ce to hide. When they entered the castle¡¯s force field, they regained health rtively quickly. If he wanted to fight them, he would have to keep them outside of the castle, but that wasn¡¯t easy to do. With the exception of Kraken, the other two enemies had a method to bypass him and get inside the castle. From where he stood, he couldn¡¯t hold them down. To do that, he had to have a stunning power like his enemies, which he did not have. Sarang could paralyze them, and it worked from long range, but it onlysted a short while. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t kill them within two seconds. He would have to kill his enemies in the castle. Thinking and worrying about it, he raisedmunications with Arn. It had been a while since he¡¯d heard the hero¡¯s voice. "Things are looking terrible, which is why I called you." "Yes, I¡¯m watching it now. You are scrapping like a mutt." Junhyuk knew that the heroes had bet on the Champions¡¯ Battlefield battle, but he hadn¡¯t known it was possible to watch it live. "Do you have any advice for me?" "Advice?" "For instance, how to be a hero." Afterughing heartily, Arn asked calmly, "Have you assimted the living spirit?" "Yes." The hero had not expected that answer, so he fell silent for a moment before speaking again. "Since you¡¯ve assimted the living spirit, you now have the basicponents to be a hero." Junhyuk agreed with Arn. After getting the living spirit, the way he moved had changed, and he could spend a lot more mana on things. Once he returned to Earth, he would be able to feel the difference much better. "But I haven¡¯t activated a new power." "About that, when heroes sign contract, they can choose what powers to bring to the Dimensional Battlefield. However, when minions be heroes, the process is entirely different." Junhyuk knew about that too. Powers rose from passion, but thest power couldn¡¯t be triggered by danger or passion. "And your powers concern space, which I heard is not something humans can control. So, you won¡¯t activate an ultimate so easily." He nodded heavily in agreement. "But you must keep one thing in mind." Junhyuk listened attentively as Arn continued, "Envisage the power you want." "You mean I can activate any power I want?" "If you could see through your subconscious, it would be better, but you can¡¯t do it yet, so I¡¯m telling you this. Also, look back to how you activated your other powers." Junhyuk thought about his powers. He activated the force field when a wolf attacked him. He had wanted to protect himself from the wolf. He got the teleportation while fighting Minota. Junhyuk had dived away but hade up short. He had wanted to live and he had wanted a little more distance, and that¡¯s how he got it. The Spatial sh, he got while protecting Sarang. To save her, he had had to kill Ki. His powers had activated whenever he had wanted something done. Junhyuk didn¡¯t realize it, but something he wanted desperately shaped itself within his subconscious. He was still thinking about it when Arn gave him onest piece of advice, "Now, you have the tools to activate a new power, and if you do so, you¡¯ll be a hero. May luck be with you." "Thank you." Arn was like a teacher to him. The hero had taught him how to survive the battlefield, and Junhyuk thought of Arn and then of his own powers. Junhyuk wanted a stunning power. If he could stun Kraken from range, he could change the flow of battle. A stun as an ultimate would be nice. It would change the flow of any battle. Nid had a counter, Kilraden had a shockingly strong ultimate, and Kraken had a stun. Every single one of them could change the course of a battle. Junhyuk thought about Arn and started trying to give shape to the power in his head, but he started getting a headache. Just because he wanted something, it didn¡¯t mean that he would get that thing. That¡¯s not how it worked. But, he thought he should exert himself even more to get what he wanted, so he did. So far, he had trained only the basics of bing a hero, but now, he had to practice activating a new power so that he could, in fact, be a hero. Junhyuk thought about many things before he reached the first tower and saw his group. Sarang was carrying Gongon in a hug, and Gongon looked extremely serious as he saw Junhyuk. "Did you kill any of them?" Junhyuk shook his head. "They all escaped inside the castle¡¯s force field." Gritting his teeth, Gongon asked, "What do we do?" "The golem is nearly destroyed, so we¡¯ll finish it off and start?" Gongon nodded and said, "OK. Let¡¯s go." Even though Sarang was hugging him, Gongon spoke seriously and menacingly. That made Junhyuk less nervous. After that, he told them about his conversation with Arn. Sarang decided to call Vera, as Vera could help Sarang better. Gongon moved over to Junhyuk¡¯s neck andined, "The Dragon Lord told me to roll some more!" "Does the Lord like you?" Gongon smirked. "What are you talking about?! The Lord told me I am a candidate to seed him." Junhyukughed a Gongon. Gongon was powerful enough that his statements shouldn¡¯t be questioned. He had acquired new equipment since getting dragged to the Dimensional Battlefield and should, in fact, be considered a sessor of the Dragon Lord. The group followed the road and reached the castle¡¯s gate, but they saw no one. As they walked, they found quickly that their first tower was under attack. Junhyuk turned to them. "Let¡¯s destroy the golem before we return." "If possible, yes." The group ran quickly inside the castle and saw the giant golem by itself. The enemies, on the other hand, destroyed the first tower and kept on advancing. Returns took a few seconds, but within those few seconds, they could kill the giant golem. Junhyuk ran ahead first and used the Spatial sh on the golem. Previously, it had been difficult to create a single-point explosion with the Spatial sh, but things were different now. The single-point explosion destroyed the golem¡¯s head. Gongon had already beaten it up quite badly, but the Spatial sh had also gotten stronger. With a single hit, the golem lost its head. Gongon came running and kicked the golem¡¯s chest. As the golem fell back slowly, Junhyuk smiled with satisfaction. The allies had kept their distance from the castle¡¯s force field, and when Junhyuk turned to look at it, he saw the enemy heroesing out. Junhyuk wanted to tell the allies to retreat since he had already used the Spatial sh, but as Kraken came forward, the hero pierced the ground with its tentacles. There was still some distance between Kraken and the allies, which meant that Kraken must have misjudged the distance. However, Junhyuk teleported further back with Gongon and Sarang. Then, Kraken pulled its tentacles out of the ground and walked toward them slowly. Junhyuk had been fooled by Kraken and wasted a teleport. He gritted his teeth in frustration. The allies would¡¯ve been able to kill Kraken with the Spatial sh and the Thunderstorm, especially after Gongon had joined the fight. They could kill Kraken still, but now it all depended on keeping the hero from getting back into the force field. Junhyuk retreated, and Kraken smiled. "You¡¯ve already used the Spatial sh." Because Junhyuk hadn¡¯t used the Spatial sh on it yet, Kraken smiled, satisfied with its guess, and ran toward him. The other heroes were following Kraken, and Junhyuk said calmly, "We should run." Junhyuk wanted to lure the enemies out of there, so he wanted to run away. Meanwhile, Kraken rushed toward them. Kraken was sure Junhyuk had used his Spatial sh, so the hero rushed. Seeing that, Junhyuk clicked his tongue and looked back. He had to get out of range of Kraken¡¯s stun. Junhyuk was still wondering if he should use the force field or teleport when Kraken spit ck ink at them. As he saw the ink approaching, Junhyuk touched the others and teleported. Kraken had now used two powers, so he teleported right in front of the octopus. Junhyuk was standing right under Kraken¡¯s nose. He had decided to kill Kraken. Kraken¡¯s ultimate could change everything, so the octopus had to die. As he showed up, Junhyuk stabbed at the hero. He didn¡¯t have the Spatial sh, but Sarang used her Thunderstorm. Craaack! After getting hit by the lightning, Kraken was paralyzed. Realizing that, Junhyuk swung at the hero again. Junhyuk saw that his sword was ignoring Kraken¡¯s defense and damaging him terribly. Because the hero was paralyzed, his second attack became a critical hit, and Junhyuk dealt a total of 32 percent damage to the hero. The Thunderstorm took off another 36 percent from Kraken. So, a total of 68 percent of damage was inflicted on the octopus. Once Kraken could move again, it tried to grab Junhyuk with its tentacles. Nid and Kilraden had already close in and were swinging their weapons. That¡¯s when Junhyuk raised the force field. Kraken¡¯s tentacles bounced off of the force field, and Sarang shot two electric sts out. Kraken and Nid were paralyzed, which made Junhyuk ecstatic. "Well done!" Gongon transformed and attacked Kraken with Junhyuk. Another critical hitnded, which ignored Kraken¡¯s defense, and Junhyuk dealt another 20 percent of damage to it. Once Kraken could move again, it tried to retreat, but Gongon exited the force field and headbutted the hero. [Gongon killed Kraken.] Before Junhyuk had a chance to celebrate, Nid howled. Gongon was stunned, so Junhyuk ran toward him quickly. He had already used his teleportations, so Nid and Kilraden started attacking Gongon. Junhyuk was fast getting to him, however, and Gongon entered the force field again. The enemies retreated, and Sarang took the opportunity to heal Gongon to full health. The hatchling cracked his neck left and right and smiled. The allies were unhurt, and they had killed both Kraken and the golem. They would win. At that point, if their enemies retreated, the allies could pound against the castle¡¯s force field and finish the fight. Junhyuk walked ahead and the other champions followed him. "I told you to wait and see!" Chapter 339 Hero 4 Junhyuk ran toward his enemies, and they retreated, running into the castle¡¯s force field. "Attack the force field!" he shouted. As he did, the allies ran out and started pounding against the castle¡¯s force field. The enemies were waiting for his force field to disappear, and when it did, Nid and Kildaren walked out atst. Nid stepped forward spinning and shing. His attack swept through all of the allies, and just as Nid was about to use another power, Junhyuk, in an attempt to prevent it, used his Spatial sh on the hero. The single-point explosion apanied the Spatial sh, which struck Nid¡¯s neck. The spherical shockwave extended from the point of impact. Junhyuk had also used the Spatial sh to try to scare Kilraden froming out. Bleeding profusely, Nid lost 45 percent of his health. However, the extra attack also triggered this time, so he took another 28 percent of damage, losing a big chunk all at once. Nid only had 27 percent of his health left, so Kilraden hesitated as he watched Nid, avoiding the sweeping shockwave entirely. It was as if Kilraden had used Nid as a bait. However, Junhyuk still wanted to kill the bait, so he ran toward the Nid. Nid howled. "Hooowl!" All of the allies were stunned, and Nid took the opportunity to attack. The three-second stun felt longer than one expected, and Nid shed Sarang¡¯s Neck and Gongon¡¯s ribs. Finally, Nid also shed Junhyuk¡¯s side. While Junhyuk was stunned, Nid tried to push him out of the way to retreat into the force field, but Gongon regained his movement at just the right time and bit the hero¡¯s leg. Sarang shot electric arrows at him, and while grappled, Nid couldn¡¯t go back to the castle¡¯s force field. Junhyuk stabbed the back of Nid¡¯s neck. The hero had been under attack from Sarang and Gongon, and finally, with Junhyuk¡¯s attack, he lost all of his health. At the same time, Kilraden appeared behind Sarang and stabbed her neck with his dagger. She had lost a lot of health already, so she died with that single blow. [You¡¯ve killed Nid and earned 3,000G.] {Kilraden killed Sarang.] Junhyuk clicked his tongue and turned to face Kilraden, swinging his sword in the process. Kilraden used his counter on him, but because Junhyuk had expected that, he continued attacking even while getting hit. Kilraden¡¯s counter dealt 10 percent of damage to Junhyuk, and as Junhyuk¡¯s sword was about to touch Kilraden¡¯s neck, the hero teleported back to the castle¡¯s force field. Junhyuk felt like he had missed an opportunity, but he turned around and went back to pounding the castle¡¯s force field. The allies had killed two and, while they revived, the allies would have enough time to destroy the castle¡¯s force field. Junhyuk and Gongon focused entirely on their task. Kilraden was losing his mind. Failing to remain patient, he exited the force field again. Instead of aiming for Junhyuk, the hero teleported and grabbed Gongon, stabbing the hatchling in the neck. The attack was a critical, and as that happened, Junhyuk turned around and tried to sh the hero. Kilraden blocked the attack with his dagger and tried retreating. He was trying to buy himself time. Kilraden didn¡¯t want to fight Junhyuk, but at the same time, Junhyuk wanted to finish him off and stop him from meddling with the destruction of the castle¡¯s force field. Junhyuk went all out against Kilraden, and triggering eleration, but Kilraden went into hiding. At that moment, just as Kilraden hid, Gongon breathed fire at the area in the hero¡¯s direction. Although Kilraden was hiding, he couldn¡¯t remain hidden due to being within range of Gongon¡¯s firebreath, which covered a wide area. Seeing that, Junhyuk attempted to sh at the hero. Kilraden, on the other hand, turned translucent. Junhyuk sword merely passed through the hero, and he grimaced. "Gon! Move!" Kilraden had triggered his ultimate, and Junhyuk started running toward the hatchling. However, Kilraden¡¯s illusions were already attacking Gongon, who had already used all of his powers. Gongon started losing health in chunks, getting hit again and again, until he finally disappeared. [Kilraden killed Gongon.] Junhyuk¡¯s eleration was still active, so he could see Kilraden¡¯s illusions moving around. The illusions could teleport across twenty meters to attack. Teleportations meant crossing space, and due to eleration, Junhyuk could see it happening in detail. He was seeing something he had never seen before. Was it because Junhyuk was now filled with mana and ready to make the evolution into a hero? He could sense and see space folding within itself with each teleport and, because of that, he felt that the world around him was different now. Junhyuk hadpletely forgotten about Gongon, simply staring at the empty air. Kilraden, by contrast, had already returned to the castle¡¯s force field. Junhyuk simply stood there dumbfounded, thinking about what he had just witnessed. Then, inspecting the world around him, he asked, "Is it just this ce?" Junhyuk raised his sword and moved it around. The sword went back and forth through the space, and as it did, Junhyuk felt the space the sword had touched. He could sense it like the flow of water, shocking himself. Junhyuk had spatial powers, but this was the first time that he could sense spatial movement. However, that did not mean that he had just activated a power. He knew he had made a giant stride toward bing a hero, but he put away his spatial understanding for now and stared at the castle¡¯s force field. Kilraden was watching Junhyuk and caressing his dagger. The hero had killed the others, but he had not killed Junhyuk. It was almost impossible for him to do it alone, so he was waiting for Kraken to revive. Junhyuk pounded against the castle¡¯s force field without rest. He had just realized that he could sense space, but now wasn¡¯t the time to investigate that further. He had to seize that opportunity to win, so he shed the castle¡¯s force field heavily. Kilraden, who was watching him destroy the force field, decided to exit the force field while brandishing his dagger. The hero walked forward slowly and alone, and Junhyuk shed at him. His own force field was gone now, so Junhyuk couldn¡¯t simply ignore Kilraden. Kilraden blocked the sh with his dagger, and Junhyuk focused on Kilraden¡¯s parries. After attacking continuously, Junhyuk learned something. Even without eleration active, he could sense space and movement within and through space. As Kilraden moved, Junhyuk sensed the hero¡¯s movement through space, which enabled him to tell what Kilraden¡¯s next move would be. He could track his enemy¡¯s movements even without eleration, improving his swordsmanship even further. Junhyuk could injure Kilraden, but Kilraden could also retreat at any time. Once the hero was injured, he went back into the castle¡¯s force field. However, Junhyuk didn¡¯t feel bad about it. He simply went back to pounding against the castle¡¯s force field, wanting to finish the battle as soon as possible. As he did, Kilraden recharged his health and walked out again. Junhyuk attacked the hero again, but Kilraden decided to actually fight him that time. Now, however, Junhyuk could clearly sense the hero¡¯s movements through space, and he thought that Kilraden was the best sparring partner he¡¯d had. Kilraden was helping him learn and grown all at once. Meanwhile, the hero grimaced as he watched Junhyuk¡¯s swordsmanship evolve with every second, with the understanding that Junhyuk¡¯s regr attacks were dealing more damage now. Kilraden was a hero, and the hero was getting humiliated. The hero had a sense for the situation. He could retreat into the force field at any time to recover his health. Then, he would step forward again. Kilraden was getting hurt, but he was also hurting. It was time for him to go back into the force field, but then, Junhyuk teleported, blocking the hero¡¯s path. Kilraden had already used all of his teleportations, but the hero thought Junhyuk shouldn¡¯t have been able to teleport yet, either. However, as Junhyuk fought Kilraden, he had felt something. As he gained an understanding for space, the cooldown for his powers concerning space decreased. It was only by a few seconds, but that enabled him to stop his enemy. Junhyuk stabbed at Kilraden, and the hero tried to block with his dagger. However, the sword disappeared and punctured Kilraden¡¯s neck. "Ugh!" It was a critical hit, and Kilraden lost 60 percent of his health. The hero felt like he was getting hit by raw lightning. Junhyuk was using his powers, and Kilraden lost most of his health. While they exchanged blows, his powers returned to him faster than ever, and Kilraden was hit by the Spatial sh. The hero went on defense, trying to go back into the force field, and Junhyuk, realizing what he was trying to do, got even closer. Junhyuk didn¡¯t attempt to swing his sword, and Kilraden stabbed him. As he did, however, Junhyuk took the stab and teleported with the hero. They appeared twenty meters from the castle. The dagger was extremely dangerous at close range, so Junhyuk distanced himself and shed at the hero. Kilraden parried with the dagger, but Junhyuk pushed his second sword forward, stabbing Kilraden¡¯s stomach. It was a critical hit, and Kilraden lost the remainder of his health. [You¡¯ve killed Kilraden and earned 3,000G.] Junhyuk didn¡¯t have time to check on whether Kilraden had actually died. Instead, he ran back to the castle and pounded against the force field. Kilraden had dyed him, but because of that, his cooldowns had shortened, enabling him to finally kill the hero. As Junhyuk pounded against the force field, theyer of energy got thinner. Kraken appeared, but before the hero coulde out of the force field, Junhyuk delivered thest blow. ng! With it, the castle came crumbling down. Kraken stared hard at him from within, and Junhyuk looked back at it. Junhyuk wouldn¡¯t have to see Kraken again, as Kraken couldn¡¯te back to the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. So, he coughed out all the air in his lungs. It wasn¡¯t easy for champions to kill heroes, but he had done it. Then, he realized something else, his energy. The mana belonged to him now, and with it, he could sense space. All of his cooldowns had decreased, just like they would have if he had activated a power. The world turned blindingly white, and Junhyuk closed his eyes. Then, he felt it. He felt the space around him crumbling. He could sense it. However, another bright light pounded against his eyes, and he was forced to open them. In front of him, he saw a giant cube. It was the Champions¡¯ Battlefield reward, and he sighed. Junhyuk wanted to delve deeper into his sensing and understanding of space, but he didn¡¯t have the time for it. "Now¡¯s not the time!" Chapter 340 Team 1 The cube was shining brightly, and Junhyuk walked toward it. [The Swamp of Despair¡¯s reward is yours. Please inspect it.] Thinking about the reward, he ced his hand in the box. Would he get what he needed? His heart was pounding, and when the box opened suddenly, fifteen gems floated out of it. [The victory reward is runestones of the highest quality. You¡¯ve been awarded fifteen runestones, or a maximum of three sets. When you grab each stone, pick which type you want.] Up to five runestones of the same type could be arranged as a set to socket together. As he grabbed a raw runestone, his options floated above it. Without hesitation, Junhyuk picked the red runestone. Five of the raw runestones turned into attack runestones of the highest quality. Each of them could increase his attack by sixty, which meant a total increase of three hundred. He would be stronger than ever, leaving him deeply satisfied. Then, he turned fived raw runestones into yellow runestones. He was investing in defense. His defense would increase by three hundred. After that, he chose the blue runestone, deciding to invest on health recovery rather than uracy. Junhyuk was able to recover his health when he attacked, so he shouldn¡¯t simply focus on boosting his attack stats. In this battlefield, when he didn¡¯t have Sarang to heal him, he had had a lot more difficulty fighting. His health recovery stat wouldn¡¯t be high, but it would be better than before. [The reward is now yours, and the runestones will be socketed automatically.] Junhyuk raised his arm and looked at his socket item. Every socket was filled. Now, he had one set of runestones of the lowest quality and six sets of the highest quality. "OK." Junhyuk had gotten a lot out of that battlefield. He had assimted the living spirit, gotten stronger and he could sense spatial fluctuations now. Junhyuk was eager to find out just how much stronger he was on Earth. On top of that, the new runestones had made him stronger than ever before. [The next Champions¡¯ Battlefield will be in two weeks. We will see you then.] Blinding light covered Junhyuk eyes again, and soon, he learned that he had returned to South Korea. Once he was back at the training facility, he felt he had changed. He could now sense the entire facility, but more than that, he could sense the walls surrounding the facility. "Those must be dimensional walls." As he learned new things quickly, he slowly raised his sword. He could feel his strength from the new runestones along with that of the mana flowing through him. Junhyuk attached the mana energy to his sword, but he did not create a single-point explosion. The de of his sword was now filled with mana, not just the tip. As he looked at that mana de, a dimensional tear opened up, and a Wolf Warlord appeared. That Wolf Warlord was different from the previous ones, however. Its eyes glowed bright red, and it was breathing roughly. Junhyuk stared at the Wolf Warlord and smiled. "You are different from the others." So far, the A-ranked monsters had been missing something, but now, an unrestrained A-ranked monster had appeared. Seeing it, Junhyuk thought that even those at the Dimensional Battlefield were restrained in some way. Only one appeared this time, but it felt really dangerous. "Right, the ck Turtle inside the tear was also very dangerous." Now, Junhyuk felt like he could easily sh the ck Turtle¡¯s shell. Its strengthy in its density, but now that Junhyuk could create a mana de, he could easily kill the ck Turtle. However, the Wolf Warlord standing in front of him at that moment was different. Because of the monster¡¯s high speed, even the mana de wouldn¡¯t make much of a difference against the Wolf Warlord. Junhyuk slowly pointed his sword at it. "But now, I can easily cut through your hide." The Wolf Warlord howled andunched itself after him. It was a genuine A-ranked monster, and it moved with outstanding speed. But, Junhyuk could sense the fluctuations in space, and because of that, he could sense the monster¡¯s movements. To begin with, Junhyuk wanted to dodge. The mana in his body flowed down to his feet, and even without eleration, Junhyuk was able to move faster than ever before. Boom! The Wolf Warlord¡¯s w crashed against the floor where he had been standing, and Junhyuk smirked. "OK. How about this?" Junhyuk moved the mana within him throughout his body and triggered an unrestrained eleration. Time slowed down, and he could feel it. Junhyuk moved through that time pocket, and the Wolf Warlord¡¯s eyes widened as it attempted to sh at Junhyuk with its ws. He, on the other hand, simply smiled. Junhyuk was faster, and he passed by the Wolf Warlord as he swung his sword. The mana de shed the monster on the side, and blood gushed out of it profusely. Junhyuk had gotten incredibly fast, but he was still unable tond a critical hit, so he was disappointed. The Wolf Warlord was certainly also incredibly fast. Even with eleration triggered, Junhyuk¡¯s speed was just slightly faster. As Junhyuk turned around, the Wolf Warlord¡¯s muscles twitched. "Hooowl!" the Wolf Warlord howled, and it started foaming at the mouth as it looked at him. "Is this a rabid version?" he murmured. The Wolf Warlord moved quickly, and Junhyuk grimaced and elerated. ng! They both were moving at the same speed, and a smile appeared on Junhyuk¡¯s face as he looked at the monster. The mana de had shed against monster¡¯s w, but it had only scratched it lightly. "I¡¯ll make a weapon out of your w." A unrestrained Wolf Warlord was a genuine A-ranked monster, and he would make weapons out of the bodies. "You¡¯ve been chosen." Junhyuk thought about making the weapons out of the Wolf Warlord himself. He would provide them to the new members of his team. He ran toward the Wolf Warlord again. --- Junhyuk was able to finish the fight within five minutes, but it hadn¡¯t been easy. Five minutes after the first Wolf Warlord appeared, another showed up, and so on every five minutes after that. He¡¯d been pushed to his limit, but he¡¯d been able to kill every Wolf Warlord that had appeared. Now, he was sitting on the body of thest one he killed, gasping for air. Junhyuk raisedmunications with both Sarang and Gongon. Once their images appeared in front of them, he smiled and asked, "What did you get?" The number of highest-quality runestone sets was random, so he was curious. Sarang smiled brightly and said, "I got five sets!" "Nice!" "Yeah? I also got five sets," Junhyuk heard Gongon reply. "You both got five sets?!" he asked whileughing. "Was it because we beat heroes?" Gongonughed very hard and said, "We did exactly that! Ha-ha-ha!" After Gongon stoppedughing, Junhyuk looked at him. The hatchling had an extremely serious look on his face, and Junhyuk stared back at him. "Junhyuk, I¡¯m ready to be a hero." Junhyuk didn¡¯t know what Gongon was saying, so he simply stared at the dragon, and Gongon stared back at him. "I have told the Lord of my humiliation, and the Lord told me not to let it happen again. So, I will train until I activate another power." Junhyuk was a little surprised. He, himself, had just learned about how to activate a new power, but even he hadn¡¯t been able to yet. Then, he thought that he might not see Gongon next time. He might not even see him again. That made him feel sad. Gongon was a great fighter. "We won¡¯t see you again?" Sarang asked, and Gongon shook his head. "I don¡¯t know. I may or may not activate a new power, but I am prepared to be a hero." Junhyuk smiled. "OK. I am trying to be a hero myself. If I be a hero, you¡¯ll be part of my team." "Ha-ha-ha! You¡¯ll be a hero before I do?" "Let¡¯s find out who will be a hero first." "You wanna bet?" Junhyuk took a moment to think. The Dragon Lord could instruct Gongon, but he was by himself. However, he did not think that he would lose the bet. "Fine! How about 100,000G? Deal?" "Deal!" Sarang, who had been watching the entire time,ughed at the two. "I¡¯ll act as witness." Junhyuk smiled and said, "Sarang, you should work hard too." A funny smile appeared on her face, and she said, "I have a favor to ask." "What is it?" She showed him her bracelet and said, "I¡¯ll need another bracelet." Without thinking much about it, Junhyuk nodded. The bracelets were from Gongon anyway. He looked at the hatchling and asked, "Gon, can you give me more bracelets?" Gongon shrugged. "I can easily make them, but the problem is getting them to you." They would have to meet at the Champions¡¯ Battlefield. If not, Gongon would have to send it through dimensions like Vera had done. "Are you saying you can¡¯t send something through dimensions?" "Of course! Do you think that¡¯s easy?!" Junhyuk knew that Vera could do it, but he did not tell Gongon, smiling instead. "If neither of us bes a hero, we¡¯ll see each other again in two weeks. Give them to me then." "Sure." After waving good-bye, Junhyuk disconnected, but before leaving the facility, he checked on his powers. Their cooldowns had decreased, and the Spatial sh had gotten more destructive, but Junhyuk hadn¡¯t checked on one thing yet: his teleportation. He had fought using both eleration and the Spatial sh, but he hadn¡¯t teleported. So, he focused on the mana energy and teleported, checking on the distance. "Whoa!" He had covered two hundred meters. That was twice the previous distance. "But it hadn¡¯t changed in the Dimensional Battlefield?!" The restraints put on teleportations in the Dimensional Battlefield were incredibly tough. Even with the mana energy, he could only cover twenty meters there. Once again, Junhyuk realized how the Dimensional Battlefield and Earth were different and wondered about what Arn had told him. "How strong am I on Earth?" Chapter 341 Team 2 Junhyuk called Arn. Gongon had the Dragon Lord, but Junhyuk had Arn. "You fought hard. I thought you would¡¯ve had difficulty winning this time, but you fought well," he said calmly and rxed. "I have something to ask you." "What is it?" "I can activate an ultimateter, but for now, I have acquired mana. Is there a way that I can utilize it?" Junhyuk asked. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! You have already assimted the living spirit. That means that nobody can teach you anything now. You¡¯ve passed that stage." Junhyuk was shocked. He felt like he still had a lot to learn, but Arn was making fun of him now. He sighed and asked, "Then, I must learn on my own?" "I envy you." "Why?" Arn reminisced about his own past, and after being silent for a moment, he said, "I¡¯ve reached the highest level, and my style of swordsmanship became a new school of swordsmanship. I took steps even after that, looking for stronger opponents, but I envy your possibilities." Junhyuk smacked his lips. He had a long way to go before getting to where Arn was, and Arn calmly gave him some advice, "Trust yourself. You can¡¯t learn from anyone now." Junhyuk thought his swordsmanship wascking, but Arn couldn¡¯t teach him anything, and that made him a little despondent. Gongon had made a bet with him for 100,000G. If he lost it, he¡¯d lose big. Still, he decided to trust Arn when Arn told him to trust himself. He could sense fluctuations within space now, so he had to trust himself. Junhyuk smiled and said, "Thanks for the advice." "Anytime. Then, see you next week." As Arn finished talking, Junhyuk grinned. Arn wanted to have him on his team in the next battlefield, and Junhyuk was confident that he would do his part even if he were to meet new heroes. After disconnecting, Junhyuk raised his sword. If he wanted to have his own swordsmanship school, he would have to work harder. So, he calmly swung his swords and trained. --- Junhyuk went to see Brita, and she told him about the progress on the new iron soldier core and weapons systems. He also gave her some mana stones, but Brita had not made any further developments yet. She had needed more mana stones, so Junhyuk gave her enough of them before going to see Tirot. He saw the gloves that Tirot had made. "They¡¯re the first items I¡¯vepleted." Junhyuk tried them on. The gloves were made of the twin-headed ogre¡¯s muscle, and as he tried to move with them, he felt his strength increase. After acquiring mana, he could feel every minute detail through his muscles. However, the gloves had a fatal w. After moving his hands a few times, Junhyuk said, "They increase strength, but an ordinary person can¡¯t wear these gloves." "Right. It¡¯s made out of the twin-headed ogre¡¯s muscles, so if one doesn¡¯t have enough strength to begin with, they won¡¯t be able to use these." Junhyuk smiled bitterly and said, "We can¡¯t catch up to Elise like this." Tirot¡¯s eyes widened. "Has she already made new weapons?" "That¡¯s right. If we use bloodstones, normal humans will be able to use the weapons." Junhyuk wanted topliment Tirot. This was just the beginning, and Tirot would improve, but the process was taking too long. Then, he pulled out a genuine A-ranked monster out of his Spatial Bag and dumped the Wolf Warlord in front of Tirot. The scientist¡¯s eyes beamed. "This one is very different." "Yes, it certainly is. It¡¯s genuine and it¡¯ll help you grow." After giving Tirot some advice, he gave Tirot the body and took the gloves. Then, he picked up another Wolf Warlord corpse and drove to Elise¡¯s house. He came to realize once more just how incredible Elise was. She was heading many different projects by herself. Elise might be busy, but she was still superior to Tirot and Brita. She had so much experience that she maintained a considerable distance from Tirot and Brita. "I¡¯ll propose a deal." If Elise trained Tirot and Brita, research would go much faster for both parties. They all had a shocking amount of intelligence, so ifbined, their work could change the world. Junhyuk thought about many different things on his way to Elise¡¯s. The gate to the house opened, and he was able to drive inside. Elise was working in her privateb within her house, and Junhyuk saw some new equipment next to her. She lifted her goggles and locked at him. "You came! I wanted some advice from you, so you are right on time!" Junhyuk didn¡¯t say anything. Instead, he pulled the body of the Wolf Warlord out. Shocked, Elise ran toward him. "This one is different from the ones before!" He nodded and sat on the cadaver, saying, "Elise..." She stared at him, realizing that the mood about him was different. "So far, Earth has survived the monsters all thanks to you, Elise." Sheughed out loud. "I just want to do my research. I enjoy what I do." He touched his chin and stared at her. "I¡¯m aware of that too. The time hase for us to reshape our rtionship." "Our rtionship?" Staring at her, Junhyuk said, "I want you to work for me." When she heard that, sheughed and said, "I¡¯m very expensive." "I know." Elise had more money than him, and she was earning even more as a middlewoman between him and the weapons¡¯ buyers. She was certainly rich, but he had brought this up because he could feel Tirot¡¯s and Brita¡¯s limits. Both of them were brilliant, but Elise was beyond that. If both joined her, the preparations for the monster hunt would improve dramatically. Elise realized he was being serious, so she brought up a chair and sat in front of him. After crossing her legs and smiling, she asked him, "Why are you bringing this up now?" "I felt the need for you once more." She gave him an awkward smiled and asked, "What do you mean?" Instead of speaking, Junhyuk pulled out the twin-headed ogre gloves. She took them and chuckled, "They are made of twin-headed ogre muscles. Someone knows their trade. And they are infused with bloodstones. That¡¯s good thinking." After Elise put them on, she added, "Hm... But not everyone can use them. Those with enough strength can, but people can also get stronger." She inspected it some more and said, "The person who made this can work under my supervision in myb." Junhyuk said, "It¡¯sparable to the weapons you¡¯ve made. These people need someone to guide them, and only you can fill that position." "These people? You mean there is more than one person?" Junhyuk wanted Elise to join him, so he had to reveal everything to her now. "I have people who are like you." "Then, why do you need me?" He had people working for him who wereparable to Elise, but she had experience of her own, which enabled her to outperform anybody working for him. Elise stared at him. She recognized that he was a special person. Of all humans, he had to be the strongest in the Dimensional Battlefield. She had watched him close a dimensional tear by himself. Junhyuk wanted her to join him. After staring at him, she said, "If you want to me join you, my conditions have to be met." She hadn¡¯t said no, so Junhyuk pulled out something else. It was one of the bracelets Gongon had given him. She took it, and as she inspected it, her eyes widened. "How is this possible?" He said, "The Dimensional Battlefield has everything. I¡¯ll get you items from there. There¡¯s no one like me to fulfill your curiosity." She smiled and, staring at him, she said, "You have my attention." Elise folded her arms and looked at the bracelet in her hand. After thinking for some time, she shook her head. "My conditions have to be met before I can work with you." Junhyuk stared at her. Both had used each other so far, and now, the moment hade for him to earn her trust. He wanted her more than anything in the world at that moment. "Speak," he smiled and said. Elise shrugged. "First of all, give me your Spatial Bag and allow me to research it." Junhyuk felt awkward about that, but he kept smiling. The bag cost at least 100,000G, and Junhyuk shook his head and chuckled. He wanted her more than anything and he was willing to spend 100,000G for her. She¡¯d pay him back with her research. "Sure." Her eyes beamed, and he added, "But, I¡¯ll bring it to you after next Friday." "Sure," she said while smiling. "Right now, I can¡¯t leave guardians. My supervisors have rules. But, I can work with your people. That¡¯s the second condition." Junhyuk agreed to her conditions and got up. "OK. Then, will you work for me?" Elise shook her head. "Myst condition is that I won¡¯t work for you. I want to be your partner." Junhyuk stared at her. She would bring in more money for him whenever he presented her with new materials, so there was no need to disagree. Extending his hand, he said, "OK. Let¡¯s work together." "Good." Both smiled and shook hands. Chapter 342 Team 3 Delegates from each country had gathered in South Korea. The Chinese delegate, Gyonho Wang, was inside of a VIP hotel room, using hisputer for a video conference. An old man with round sses was on the other side of the feed. "ns have already been made, and the schedule is set." "You¡¯ve done well, Delegate Wang." "I only did my very best." "Any ns on where to attack first?" "No. They¡¯ve set up teams and are starting training, which will take ce nearby, in Japan." "Hm. The Rockefeller family sent someone this time?" "Yes, Jennifer Rockefeller is here." "Did the Dark Knight join them?" Wang shook his head and answered, "If that had been the case, they would¡¯ve started attacking the dimensional tears in the US first. I¡¯ve already talked to delegates from Russia and India about it. There won¡¯t be a problem." "OK. The Dark Knight¡¯s team will beposed of experts. Can they carry transmitters?" "I instructed them to assess the Dark Knights strength when training. They¡¯ll contact me then. If we can stop dimensional tears on our own, we won¡¯t need to follow the Dark Knight¡¯s lead." "Find out who he is first. If he doesn¡¯t agree to our terms, we can always kill him." "The Dark Knight will show up again once the teams are set. He seems to have the power to teleport, but this time, we won¡¯t let him escape." "I¡¯ll trust your decisions." Wang bowed and cut offmunications. Once the old man finished talking to Wang, he took off his sses and asked, "Did it go well?" A woman was massaging the old man¡¯s shoulders, and she smiled. "Delegate Wang is very capable." The old man smiled and patted the top of the woman¡¯s hand. "Anna, you¡¯ve been a big help since you came to us." Anna smiled and kept on massaging the old man¡¯s shoulders. --- Forty-five novices and five experts. Junhyuk had selected them, and they were all in the same ce now. They were inside an American military base, boarding a Lockheed C-5 Gxy, a ne. They were on their way to Japan, but they weren¡¯t the only ones inside the ne. Each country kept a support team for its members, so the monster special forces of each country had also joined them. There were three-hundred and sixty people within the C-5, and it felt crowded. Junhyuk had decided to use the entire day as he wanted. He was going with them to make sure no idents happened, but he also wanted to see the Japanese dimensional tear for himself. Junhyuk had felt the dimensional wall around his training facility with his new senses, and because he wanted to activate his ultimate, he thought he needed to see a dimensional tear in person. Wearing his equipment the entire time was a problem, but nobody checked him for a civilian ID. The ring that he¡¯d just acquired was the best thing, though. Because of it, others always saw him with his armor on. Even when he wasn¡¯t wearing it, people saw him as if he was. That way, even if it seemed like he was armored, he could eat anything. However, he did not want people to watch him eat, so he hid and ate by himself. Junhyuk looked out at the people that had gathered there. Most experts had experience in the Dimensional Battlefield and weren¡¯t wearing Guardians equipment. If an expertcked some sort of equipment, Guardians provided it to them. However, most experts just weren¡¯t wearing any, which meant that they could summon their equipment at will. Realizing that they had probably engraved their equipment, Junhyuk thought that they would be helpful. The novices, however, only had equipment made by Guardians. They were all wearing the Wolf Warlord leather armor made by Elise, and each of them carried a weapon of their choice. The novices were also carrying firearms with ammo coated with monster dposition liquid. They were going in to battle on Earth, so they were fully equipped. Each team was made up of five people, and there were nine such teams. The experts formed a team of their own. Junhyuk had decided to keep Jeffrey and Sarang from joining. A champion and an expert, they didn¡¯t have to train with the others. They were already veterans, and he did not want people to know about them. Helen, the Rockefeller¡¯s expert, did not join them either. She had to be protecting Jennifer, which meant that some countries were definitely holding back their experts. Junhyuk did see an expert he was looking for. Her name was Ling Ling, and she was the Chinese expert with the wind powers. Ling Ling was fully equipped in Guardians gear, including two Wolf Warlord w swords. The weapons weren¡¯t made of genuine A-ranked monster bodies, but he still thought they were decently strong. He looked at her and thought about her powers. Both of them were attack-focused. She had the power to make wind des to slice her enemies, and the power to trap her enemies in a tornado, tearing them apart. Junhyuk thought she had probably activated her second power somewhere between when Junhyuk and Sarang both became experts, Expert 02. If she was the one to activate her power then, she had to have gained a lot of gold by now, which also meant that she had to have great equipment of her own. Junhyuk thought that she had to be stronger than the others. He was going over many things in his mind when Peyton, the expert from Ennd, said something to him. "Is that Bebe¡¯s ck Armor?" Peyton asked him while smiling. Junhyuk looked at Peyton. Experts often used Bebe¡¯s store, and Peyton had probably already done so. Even among novices, if a novice was lucky enough to kill a hero, that novice would want to get a new item. Junhyuk gave a slight nod, and Peyton smiled at him. "I saw you stopping the first dimensional tear. You have some unbelievable powers. How many times have you been to the Dimensional Battlefield?" "How many times have you been there?" Junhyuk asked Peyton back. Peyton answered calmly, "I¡¯ve been there five times." It seems like Peyton had gone to the Battlefield before the monsters started attacking Earth, but he had only activated his powers after the attacks began. Junhyuk thought about Peyton¡¯s powers. He could raise a rockwall with one and bury people a meter underground with the other. The first power could be used to block enemy advancement, and the other could keep an enemy from moving. Peyton couldn¡¯t actually kill anyone with his powers, but from the heroes¡¯ position, Peyton showed some utility, so they had saved him. Peyton was smiling with confidence, and he looked at the expert and said, "I am not so sure... I can¡¯t remember." Junhyuk didn¡¯t really trust him. Peyton belonged to MI6, the English intelligence agency, so he might be digging for information. Realizing that Junhyuk didn¡¯t want to talk, Peyton tried to talk to Sean, an American major, instead. "Sean, what are your powers?" Junhyuk already knew all of their powers, and he was probably the only one in the ne that did. The different countries¡¯ powered didn¡¯t share information with each other. Sean, who was sittingfortably, looked at Peyton and looked away. Junhyuk chuckled as he watched. Peyton was just about to try talking to others when a broadcast was made. "With Japan¡¯s cooperation, we willnd at Narita International Airport. After that, ground transportation will be waiting for us to take us to the site. The ne soonnded, and Junhyuk waited until it had fully stopped before he got up. He was inmand of the powered people and he wanted to lead them. "I¡¯ll exin everything after we get to the site. Move." The C-5¡¯s door opened, and they saw cars parked outside, military vehicles. Junhyuk got out, and a Japanese military officer ran to him. The officer spoke very fast, "I¡¯m responsible for transporting you, sir. I¡¯m Major Jiro." "Thank you." "Come this way, sir." Jiro took him to amand vehicle, and he looked at the novices and experts, who were all assigned ordinary military vehicles. Without saying anything, Junhyuk got in themand vehicle, and the convoy started moving. Jiro¡¯s eyes beamed as he looked at Junhyuk, but Junhyuk ignored him and asked, "What¡¯s the situation?" "There¡¯s a dimensional tear in Tokyo, sir. There are B-ranked monstersing out of it and moving around. They move around alone. However, C-ranked monsters move in packs. Still, they keep to their territories and don¡¯t leave the area¡¯s limit, sir." Junhyuk nodded. The C-ranked monsters would make good practice targets. That day, he would train them on dealing with B-ranked monsters and other monster packs. Looking out the window, Junhyuk thought he wanted to have zero casualties during practice. He was deep in thought, and Jiro did not bother him. The vehicle raced for a while before military bases started appearing outside. There were barricades, and the soldiers were preventing people from entering them. When his vehicle stopped, he got out of it, staring straight at the monster area ahead of him and the monsters within it. The other vehicles stopped, and the novices and experts, along with the monster special forces teams, got out of them. They were silent while looking at the monsters, but Junhyuk could see something they couldn¡¯t. He was looking at the border of the area. He sensed the distinct change in space between the two sides and feared whoever, battlefield management or otherwise, had set up that border. Looking at the border, he gathered himself. Humans could cross it, so he walked alone. Jiro tried to stop him, but the other experts kept him from interfering. Jiro turned to Peyton, and Peyton said, "He stopped a dimensional tear by himself. He won¡¯t die." Jiro looked at the other powered, and they were all staring at Junhyuk. Everyone was watching him as he stepped closer to the border. The monsters behind it were agitated, all crowded together staring at him. Junhyuk did not care, but after he crossed the line, he got really scared. "They were able to split space like this?!" Now that he could sense it, Junhyuk feared whoever was behind the area¡¯s spatial shift. A wolf tried to lunge at him when he crossed the line, but Junhyuk punched the wolf¡¯s snout. Boom! The wolf practically exploded with the hit. When he turned around, he saw a giant wolf try to attack him, but he walked toward the rest of the group instead. Chapter 343 Full Force 1 "The monster special forces should collect the cadavers and other leftovers from the monster area," Junhyuk told Brigadier Johnson, another American, who was in charge of all the special forces teams. He turned to Major Jiro, who had been instructed by highermand to do as he said, and Jiro nodded. Right now, considering the number of monsters, Johnson¡¯s special forces would be annihted. "Sure." Junhyuk looked at the novices and experts. He had selected them carefully, but only a few of them weren¡¯t scared of that ce. The experts were more rxed, but they were also nervous, while the novices were mostly scared. Peyton had stopped talking, simply staring at Junhyuk. They could see about thirty monsters gathered now. "A little nervousness isn¡¯t bad, but if you are too scared, you might not be able to use your power, endangering the rest of your team. You must use powers whenever necessary, so keep that in mind." Some of the novices nodded, still terrified. Junhyuk was talking to them calmly. "If you can¡¯t do your job, it won¡¯t be possible to shut down the tears." Everyone nodded with determination, but their scared looks didn¡¯t change. Looking at them, Junhyuk said, "Some of you may not have gone to the Dimensional Battlefield yet." A few nodded. "The team without battlefield experience will stay in the center. The experts will take the vanguard, and the other novices will cover the right and left nks. When a team gets used to the monsters, we¡¯ll rotate. If you get tired, head to the center." Everyone nodded, and Junhyuk called out each team and assigned their positions. Nine teams made up the body, and ahead of them, stood the expert team. They still looked terrified, and Junhyuk stared at the monsters. "The monsters are crowded together. We won¡¯t be able to get in like that, so I¡¯ll clear a path." Junhyuk pulled out two swords made out of the Wolf Warlord¡¯s ws. He wanted to know how effective they were, so he brought two of them with him. His own swords hadn¡¯t been able to shatter the w, so he trusted them. Junhyuk stepped forward and everyone stared at him with deeply focused interest. He had closed the first dimensional tear, but they had only seen it on video. They were watching him in person now, and their hearts were pounding. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes beamed as he ran. He was looking at an enclosed space, not caring at all about the monsters. He could massacre C-ranked monsters with ease. When he crossed into the enclosed space, the border, he felt like he was crossing into someone else¡¯snd. Still running, he felt afraid once again. The wolves soon rushed toward him, and Junhyuk summoned all of his equipment. The others couldn¡¯t see it because of the ring, but he could see everything. He swung the swords at the wolves. Junhyuk couldn¡¯t absorb health from or freeze his enemies, but he discovered new effects. sh! A giant circr shockwave triggered, and the wolves were destroyed. Then, Junhyuk stepped forward and shed a dying wolf. He had dealt with fifty wolves, and it had only taken him three breaths. In total, he only took three steps and swung three times. All of a sudden, dozens of wolves had been killed. The mouths of the members of the Japanese Self-Defense Force were agape. They had all been equipped with monster dposition liquid and fought the monsters when the tear had first appeared. Some had been critically injured, so the current situation was hard to grasp. Junhyuk looked at the w swords. He thought they were useful and felt that they would be something that Bebe could sell. While thinking of selling Bebe some things, he looked back. They were all staring nkly at him, but they walked inside. The novices and experts were no longer scared, and Junhyuk simply looked them. "The expert¡¯s team can hunt, but the other teams must also train. So, the expert¡¯s team should let a certain amount of monsters through." Peyton smirked and said, "You can count on me for that operation." Peyton could create rock walls that blocked even heroes. He could also trap monsters in the ground. So, he could definitely control the flow of monsters to the novice teams. The group moved forward a little, and Junhyuk stayed back. When the monster areas first appeared, the monsters had lured people inside and surrounded them, killing them all. Just in case, it would be best for him to cover their rear. "Advance," he ordered calmly. They had already gathered the bodies of the wolves, and Junhyuk waited for the special forces teams to collect them all before following the powered people. They moved slowly, and Junhyuk looked around. They were downtown, and many buildings were visible. The monsters were not only on the roads. As he raised his head, he saw a monster moving along a building¡¯s walls. It looked like Jeffrey¡¯s snake monster. Snakes were twenty-meter long, B-ranked monsters. Everyone had been upied looking at the road, so Junhyuk called out to the lead group, "We have a monster above!" B-ranked monsters appeared alone, and the snake moved downward slowly along the wall. Everyone became terrified again. Major Sean raised his hand. Junhyuk had read their profiles, but he hadn¡¯t seen their powers in action. He had to push them to their limits to see their powers, and he was sure he could do that. The snake was about thirty meters away from them, and Major Sean got ready, gathering energy into his hand. The airpressed, but nobody could see it. Five energy orbs shook in his hand, but other than that, nothing else was visible. Suddenly, the orbs turned into energy bullets that shot off toward the snake as Sean dropped his hand. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! The snake felt the attacks. It tried to wiggle itself out of the way, but all five energy bullets hit it. Its skin was torn apart, making it look disgusting, but it did not have any serious injuries. The bullets had missed the head. Raising its head, the snake moved forward with incredible speed. Ling Ling tried to use her wind de on it. The wind de could slice through buildings, but the snake was too fast and dodged the attack. However, it did not dodge itpletely. It was injured, but it wasn¡¯t sliced in half. The snake crashed to the ground in pain. Junhyuk was watching how they fought and measuring the range of their attacks. He was also keeping track of their cooldowns. A Chinese man stepped forward. His body was extremely muscr, and his name was Yonghong. He summoned his armor, and it was the first time Junhyuk was seeing something like that. It wasn¡¯t one of Bebe¡¯s armor sets, so Junhyuk thought it could¡¯ve been a hero¡¯s armor. Yonghong bumped his fists against each other, and his armor turned metallic. The snake tried to bite Yonghong, but the man held the snake¡¯s mouth open with his hands. However, Yonghong wouldn¡¯tst long. He was extremely sturdy, so the snake couldn¡¯t bite down on him, which was something that earned Junhyuk¡¯spliments, but Junhyuk clicked his tongue while watching. Yonghong believed too much in his steel defense, his power, but Junhyuk wished that Yonghong would use his other power soon. Yonghong¡¯s second power couldunch an enemy into the air, and Junhyuk thought he should be using it now. He felt Yonghong¡¯s battle sense wasgging behind the others. Yonghong had the power to turn into steel, and he was wearing a hero¡¯s armor, so he had probably thought that he could kill the snake. However, there were no restraints on Earth. It was different from the Dimensional Battlefield. On Earth, everyone only had one life. Junhyuk turned to the others. Peyton pulled out a monster dposition weapon. He was an agent with MI6, so he was more used to firearms than swords, and his power wouldn¡¯t work against the snake at that moment. Bang, bang, bang! Peyton had used a pistol, but itcked enough firepower to kill the snake. "Help me!" Yonghong shouted. His steel defense had a time limit, so he couldn¡¯tst much longer. Then, Aleksei, from Russia, stepped forward. The ckart he was wearing was from Guardians, but he also had pauldrons with spikes on them. Junhyuk felt like Aleksei had been smart in his armor choice. It looked like it gave him considerable defense, but considering his powers, it could also be used as a weapon. Aleksei rushed. He advanced like a tank, and his shoulder mmed hard against the snake, staggering it. The spikes pierced the snake, and it bled out. Aleksei could also stun his opponent with his rush. His power was outstanding. Ling Ling stepped forward brandishing two w swords. As she ran, she summoned her own armor. It was Bebe¡¯s ck Armor, which buffed attack speed. Ling Ling aimed her sword at the snake and raised a tornado around it. Within it, the snake got sliced by the buffeting winds. Ling Ling ran quickly, and Yonghong ducked. She stepped on his back and jumped up, stabbing the snake¡¯s eyes with her swords. The Wolf Warlord w swords punctured the snake¡¯s brain. Hisssssss! The snake¡¯s mouth burst open as it writhed in pain. Ling Ling stepped on its jaw and jumped. The snake tried to bite her a few times, closing its mouth. Once the tornado was gone, the snake dropped to the ground. Boom! Ling Ling checked to see if the snake was dead and pulled out her swords, shaking them to clean the blood off of them. Meanwhile, Junhyuk stared at her with beaming eyes. "She is something." Chapter 344 Full Force 2 Junhyuk¡¯s duty was to protect the rear and prepare for situations that might go wrong. The experts¡¯ team was performing better than he had expected. In the beginning, they had dealt with a B-ranked snake without any strategy, but after that, the team fought most effectively and with a n. Junhyuk told the novice team in the middle to be aware of snakesing from above since those novices didn¡¯t have experience in the Dimensional Battlefield. He moved forward sometimes, encountering a few giant snakes, but he easily killed them. Sometimes, two snakes would block their path, and Junhyuk would kill one of them. All five experts attacked the remaining snake, but Junhyuk was able to get rid of one by himself. When the novices watched him do it, their eyes beamed, but Junhyuk ignore their attention and moved forward slowly. C-ranked monsters usually formed packs of five. The experts¡¯ team would kill four of them and send one to the back. In the beginning, the novices used their powers without any nning, but they soon learned how ineffective it was to move like that and started to strategize. Junhyuk didn¡¯t teach them much. They learned on their own, and he thought he might not have to worry that much about them. He moved the teams forward slowly, and as the group moved, he looked at the far away Tokyo Tower and the dimensional tear floating above it. After acquiring mana, his vision had improved, and he could see the monsters writhing on the tower, with one of them sitting on top of it. The dimensional tear had spawned a long time ago, so A-ranked monsters were already outside of the tear. That meant that there would be many A-ranked monsters inside the tear. He wanted to get a feel for the dimensional tear, but it seemed impossible to get close to it now, so he turned to the group. The novices¡¯ teams were on rotation, and they had killed one C-ranked monster. The teams assigned their own team leaders. Some had never been to the battlefield, but they were experiencing the struggle now and getting ustomed to it. Looking at them, he realized just how rare Sarang was. He had selected all of those powered people, but only one of them had a healing power. If nobody in the world had been hiding to keep themselves from joining the teams, it would¡¯ve been certain that only two people in the entire world had healing powers. Junhyuk watched the woman with the healing power and measured the amount she healed. She couldn¡¯t heal much whenpared to Sarang, but that might be because the woman hadn¡¯t been trained by anyone. Sarang could fill anyone¡¯s healthpletely, even if that person only had 1 percent of it left. He was considering the experts¡¯ and the novices¡¯ powers when, suddenly, he stopped walking. They were still all nervous, but now, they had used their powers and had more trust on the weapons their were carrying, so they felt better. One novice had been bitten by a C-ranked wolf, and their armor was OK, but the person¡¯s arm was torn, and the bone was crushed. The woman healed them, and the person survived with their arm reconstructed. The person had merely wanted to survive. Junhyuk looked over all of the teams and called for the experts. "Everyone, stop for now." The group stopped, and he walked toward the experts¡¯ team. They looked tired. They hadn¡¯t rested yet. "We haven¡¯t encountered any monsters since thest one. How long has it been?" he asked them. The novices had been focused on their powers and didn¡¯t know how much time had passed since the appearance of thest monster. Peyton answered calmly, "About ten minutes." Major Sean added with a grimace, "We¡¯ve seen monsters in five- to ten-minute intervals, so ten minutes should be the maximum." Junhyuk shook his head. He felt no monsters around them. Then, he raised his head and looked at the Tokyo Tower. A Wolf Warlord was sitting atop of it, and the monster red into his eyes. There was quite a distance between them, but their eyes met, and he saw the Wolf Warlord smiling. It stared at him, nodded and howled for a long time. Hooooooooowlll! When Junhyuk heard it, he felt the other monsters converging on them. The Wolf Warlord controlled more than just the war wolves. Junhyuk shouted, "Experts¡¯ team, take the rear and make a path! We are retreating for now, as quickly as possible!" The experts¡¯ team moved to the rear, but the novices were dumbstruck, and Junhyuk shouted at them, "We retreat in full force! If you fall behind, there¡¯s nothing I can do!" The others realized the gravity of the situation. They had all thought that they had learned enough about the monster zone, but the reality was that the enemy had lured them even deeper. In the rear, the experts started running. Soon, they felt a rumble and they all frowned. Junhyuk, who was running next to the teams, grimaced. "Something is going on." He would¡¯ve been better off if he¡¯d been alone, but now, he was burdened by the many amateurs. Junhyuk looked ahead to the border of the monster zone and saw a barricade of monsters had set up there: three twin-headed ogres and two snakes on buildings. From their left and right, packs of war wolves were rushing toward them, along with more B-ranked monsters. He looked back and saw no monstersing from behind them. They were gathering beneath the Tokyo Tower. Junhyuk smiled bitterly. If he¡¯d been alone, he would¡¯ve attacked the Wolf Warlord. He wasn¡¯tpletely sure of what to do inside the tear, but outside, he could kill as many as he wanted. The experts running ahead were scared. The team couldn¡¯t deal with five B-ranked monsters, and Junhyuk was preupied taking care of the novices. The experts had to stop them. Peyton rubbed his hands and shouted, "I¡¯ll make a wall!" The B-ranked monsters could not be killed by the concentrated firepower from the experts, and the wall wouldn¡¯t stop the snakes, but the first thing to do was to stop the twin-headed ogres from rushing at them. Those three twin-headed ogres had been nowhere to be seen when the group first entered the monster area. When they appeared, things became chaotic. They didn¡¯t have a n of attack for twin-headed ogres, and they were going against three of them, so it would be better to take out the snakes first. Peyton extended his hands and made a five-meter tall wall in front of the ogres. The wall was three-meters thick, just like a castle¡¯s wall. However, it would onlyst for five seconds. After that, it would crumble on its own. The wall stopped the twin-headed ogres immediately. Boom! Boom! The ogres pounded on the wall, and Peyton raised his head. The snakes wereing toward them, and the experts moved quickly. Two of them paired up and moved toward a snake, and Junhyuk shouted, "Take the left side!" He was already running toward the snake on the right side. Junhyuk had been very far behind the expert team, but he had already closed in and killed the snake on the building. He actually ran up the building¡¯s wall since he was so fast, stepped on the dead snake¡¯s body and jumped. Junhyuk was going over the wall Peyton had made. Peyton was shocked. Behind that wall, there were three twin-headed ogres waiting. The four experts dealt with the snake on the left, and suddenly, they heard a loud explosion from behind the wall Peyton had made. Boom! The wall shook. What was happening back there? Once the wall disappeared, they saw two twin-headed ogres shredded to pieces and the other beheaded. Junhyuk had joined them after one second had passed, killed the snake and jumped over the wall within three seconds, which meant that it had only taken him a second to kill the three twin-headed ogres. Peyton realized that his superior officers had seriously underestimated Junhyuk. When the dimensional tear had appeared in Seoul, Junhyuk had stopped it, and they had all thought that it could be done by a few experts, but they were wrong. They had all thought that Junhyuk was an expert with good equipment, but Peyton now knew that they were all wrong. Even if all experts attacked him, he would kill them all. As Peyton looked left, he saw the snake falling dead. Ling Ling, from China, had taken care of it. Up until now, 60 percent of the B-ranked monsters had been killed by her. Junhyuk quickly analyzed the situation. There were monstersing at them from every directions, but they had killed the B-ranked monsters blocking their retreat. "Everyone run!" The monsters were surrounding them, but now there was a hole in the circle. If they followed that opening, they would find themselves on a narrow path, but they could escape through it. Junhyuk could buy the rest of the group more time to escape. The novices were running out of breath. Some hadn¡¯t trained at all previously, so they couldn¡¯t bear to run that fast. They had advanced three kilometers, so there were monster bodies all over, along with cars parked alongside the road. They had run back three kilometers, and many were getting tired. Junhyuk ran very fast, shouting at the peoplegging behind, "Run! If you do not, you¡¯ll be fed to the wolves! Run until you hearts explode!" When he did, people ran faster. He saw ogres trying to nk them from left and right, but they all ran at full speed, and the ogres fell behind them. Junhyuk watched as the packs of wolves came from everywhere. Previously, there had only been one pack at a time, but now there were multiple. Hundred of wolves wereing from left and right, and another hundred from behind them, chasing after them. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and tore a door off a car parked on the road. He had six of the highest quality attack runestones, so his strength was beyond human imagination. He threw the door at a pack of wolves. sh! The door flew like a boomerang, hitting a wolf¡¯s ribs and flying across five more wolves, tearing them apart. The wolves¡¯ blood sttered all over the novices, and they froze in fear. Junhyuk threw another car door to the opposite side. Dozens of wolves had been close to them, but only four of them remained now. "Retreat! Fast!" The novices could kill the four remaining wolves. Some had panicked after getting drenched in the wolves¡¯ blood, but many kept their wits and attacked the wolves. Junhyuk was in the very far back, and the twin-headed ogres and the wolf packs were avoiding him. They had already seen him fight. The experts¡¯ team and the novices retreated quickly, and Junhyuk pulled out a second Wolf Warlord sword. He turned around and looked forward with no intention of letting any of the monsters go. Someone appeared next to him. He saw Ling Ling with her dual swords, and one by one, the experts joined Ling Ling next to him. Frowning, Junhyuk said in a husky voice, "I told you to retreat." Peyton shrugged. "The novices and the monsters special forces have already evacuated." "Why are you still here?" "We can be of some help," Ling Ling said, but Junhyuk shook his head and replied, "Don¡¯t die on me." Chapter 345 Full Force 3 Junhyuk stepped forward and said, "Deal with the twin-headed ogre to your left. I¡¯ll deal with the rest." He didn¡¯t sound like he was joking, and everyone felt his strength. Two twin-headed ogres were running toward them, and he ran to his right. He was still wielding the Wolf Warlord w swords, but his swordsmanship was entirely different from the rest of them. The experts¡¯ team knew that he had to have good equipment, so they did not worry about him, going forward into their own battle. Peyton took the lead. He raised a wall behind the twin-headed ogre, blocking the wolves from interfering with them. He also used his second power on the ogre¡¯s feet, and the twin-headed ogre sunk knee deep into the ground. The ogre was surprised that it was stuck and couldn¡¯t move. Meanwhile, Ling Ling sent a wind de toward it. The wind de moved horizontally in the air toward the ogre, and the ogre swung its massive tree trunk against it. Crack! The trunk snapped and got destroyed, and the wind de inflicted a deep wound on both of the ogre¡¯s arms, but it failed to slice either of them off. Then, Aleksei rushed against the ogre like a tank, and the twin-headed ogre was stunned. Major Sean used his telekic bullets on the ogre¡¯s head. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! The five bullets hit the twin-headed ogre, and the ogre lost one of its heads. At that moment, Aleksei flying knee-kicked the ogre. That was Aleksei¡¯s second power, and it¡¯s damage was high, but the twin-headed ogre blocked it with its hand. The hand was destroyed, but the ogre lived. Taking the opportunity, the ogre pped Aleksei as hard as it could with its second hand. Boom! Aleksei mmed against a wall, bouncing off of it, and Yonghong stepped forward. He stomped the ground hard, and the twin-headed ogre, which had been stuck to the ground, gotunched up into the air. Ling Ling cast her tornado, and the twin-headed ogre was getting thrown in circles inside of it. However, Ling Ling clicked her tongue watching it. The wind within the tornado wasn¡¯t enough to kill the twin-headed ogre. Ling Ling stepped on the rockwall and jumped, entering the tornado from above. The others couldn¡¯t see inside of it, but it was her power, and she could enter. Inside the tornado, Ling Ling stabbed the ogre in the middle of its forehead with one of her swords. Considering how dense a twin-headed ogre¡¯s skull was, the strength of a sword made out of a Wolf Warlord¡¯s w became obvious. Boom! The twin-headed ogre fell to the ground, and as Ling Lingnded, she looked for Junhyuk. Junhyuk had realized how strong she was, and he was suspicious of it. He thought she might already be a champion. However, Ling Ling couldn¡¯t find Junhyuk. Instead, she found the body of a twin-headed ogre with both of its heads gone. She turned around, and Peyton walked to her and said, "He went over the wall." Behind the wall, there were over a hundred wolves. She had already seen him kill over thirty wolves in just three steps, but a hundred of them could be a problem. Yonghong, who was standing next to her, murmured, "His attacks sweep through enemies within a certain range. Is that a power?" Ling Ling shook her head. "ording to the analysis, he can teleport." "Right, but he can also do that." Then, the wall crumbled, and Junhyuk appeared standing among the wolves. Within five seconds, he had killed all of them. The experts wanted to know how he had done it, but now wasn¡¯t the time for questions. Junhyuk was looking far away, toward the Tokyo Tower. The others could only see the shape of the tower when they tried to look at what he was seeing. They all shook their heads. During their advance into that ce, they had seen the tower crawling with monsters. Suddenly, Junhyuk turned and shouted, "RUN!" There was no politeness in his speech. There was no time for it. Ling Ling was scared by his shout. That fear had saved her many times in the Dimensional Battlefield, and she was the first to respond, turning and running. Yonghong followed Ling Ling. A few hesitated, but he shouted at them again, and they all started to run. "An A-ranked monster is heading this way!" Guardians had divided the monsters by levels. After the monster areas appeared, previously unimagined monsters had shown up in them, so Guardians had created a chart dividing monster ording to their level of danger. Guardians had called B-ranked monsters the most dangerous. Thepany had never gone up against an A-ranked monster. However, the experts who had been to the Dimensional Battlefield knew about A-ranked monsters, buff monsters. Buff monsters were even dangerous to heroes. They all knew of them and they ran faster. Peyton ran, but he turned to look at Junhyuk, who was covering their rear. Four-meter tall wolves were running toward him. They were war wolves and they were using both hands and feet to run toward him. There were over thirty of them. Would he be able to fight them alone? Peyton couldn¡¯t decided, but Aleksei, who was injured, ran next to Peyton and said, "He can teleport out of there and escape!" Peyton bit his lips and followed Aleksei. --- Junhyuk waited until the teams had evacuated. He had killed all of the packs of wolves, and the Wolf Warlord was heading his way. All of the war wolves that had been on the Tokyo Tower were now here. The war wolves were four meters tall. They were shorter than the twin-headed ogres, but considering their speed, they were more dangerous. The Wolf Warlord was an A-ranked monster, and it could control the war wolves. Junhyuk had watched theme, holding tightly to his swords. His allies had already retreated. He thought about why he had remained behind. He wanted to feel the dimensional tear and he thought that now was his chance to do it, as soon as he killed the monsters in front of him. Junhyuk pulled out the Blood Rune Sword and the Frozen Rune Sword. He was now dealing with a genuine A-ranked monster and he wouldn¡¯t be able to fight it with the w swords. He realized that the Wolf Warlord wasn¡¯t among the war wolves. It was smarter than he had expected. The Wolf Warlord didn¡¯t just fight its enemy, it lured them before attacking. Junhyuk thought it was a troublesome enemy. He looked for the Wolf Warlord, but he could not find it. Considering its size, that didn¡¯t make any sense. The Wolf Warlord had to be outside of Junhyuk¡¯s spatial-sensing territory. "It wille within range soon." Without worrying about it further, Junhyuk ran toward the war wolves. The Wolf Warlord was missing, and Junhyuk should be grateful for that. He meant to finish the war wolves before the Wolf Warlord showed up. The war wolves came from all directions. Even though they were four meters tall, despite their size, they were fast, and those very fast wolves stepped over walls to attack him. Junhyuk used the single-point explosion. He had gathered mana on the sword¡¯s de and swung it at them. A war wolf in front of him was hit, and a blood-colored energy circle expanded outward from it, sweeping through everything within a radius of ten meters. The war wolves were torn asunder. Even dealing 60 percent of his total damage, B-ranked monsters couldn¡¯t withstand it. The shockwave energy disappeared once it reached the ten-meter radius, and Junhyuk used another single-point explosion. He had gathered mana on his de again, jumped forward and sliced a war wolf in half. The shockwave swept through everything around him. He had killed many wolves with just those two hits, and only twenty remained. However, he could still not sense the Wolf Warlord¡¯s presence, so he shrugged. "Come after I kill them all." He had gathered mana on his sword again when, suddenly, he sensed something from outside of his attacks¡¯ range. The Wolf Warlord could measure Junhyuk sensing distance, and Junhyuk hadn¡¯t known it could do that. It jumped toward him. The Wolf Warlord was ten meters tall, and the jump scared and surprised Junhyuk a little. Junhyuk had to use the mana energy against it now. Otherwise, he would be killed. If he used the mana energy now, he would have to fight the Wolf Warlord head on. Junhyuk decided to trust himself. He hit the Wolf Warlord¡¯s head with his sword, generating a shockwave, and the Wolf Warlord chased after him. The Wolf Warlord wed at Junhyuk. Its movements were extremely quick and precise, but they were also heavy. Junhyuk swung his swords against the ws, parrying them. ng! He was able to parry, but he gritted his teeth. If he hadn¡¯t gotten a lot stronger in the previous battlefield, he would have been killed. After parrying the first attack, Junhyuk looked for an opening. However, the Wolf Warlord kept wing at him. Junhyuk parried again, but he got pushed back, and his body gotunched into the air. The w attack had looked more like an uppercut. Junhyuk had thought he could fight the Wolf Warlord with his own strength, but now he was in midair. With his body in the air, the Wolf Warlord attempted to bite him, and the war wolves attacked from all directions. Junhyuk spun in the air while holding his swords out. The Wolf Warlord stopped short and dodged the swords. Junhyuk also knew how to dodge the Wolf Warlord¡¯s attacks. He had fought many of them before. He took the opportunity to swing at the war wolves, and the Wolf Warlord readied itself to attack him again. Junhyuk smiled bitterly. It was a bad thing that he had gotten himself thrown in the air, so he teleported to appear above and behind the Wolf Warlord, swinging his sword down on the Wolf Warlord¡¯s skull. However, it seemed like the Wolf Warlord had eyes on the back of its head. It tilted its head, escaping Junhyuk¡¯s sword striked. In response, the Wolf Warlord tried to elbow Junhyuk, but he blocked it with both swords. ng! Crash! After getting hit by the elbow, Junhyuk bounced off, breaking through a window on a wall nearby. He rolled on the ground, got up and cracked his neck left and right. "That Wolf Warlord is impressive," he said, triggering eleration as he moved forward. Chapter 346 Inspiration 1 Junhyuk had had a hard time killing genuine A-ranked monsters in his own training facility, but things were entirely different with this one. This Wolf Warlord had better-developed instincts that could easily read Junhyuk¡¯s ranges. It was certainly different from all other A-ranked monsters he had thought. Junhyuk elerated and ran. When he walked through the window, he appeared right in front of the Wolf Warlord. The monster was surprised by Junhyuk¡¯s speed and waved its hand across him. Its sharp ws almost grazed Junhyuk, but he had already left that spot, and his sword shed the Wolf Warlord¡¯s head instead. The Wolf Warlord moved instinctively, but its eye was cut, and it started bleeding. "Arrrgh!" the Wolf Warlord yelped and jumped to the roof of a building. It was ten meters tall, so it could easily do that. Junhyuk clicked his tongue and triggered his jump skill. He was still in midair when five war wolves attacked him. Junhyuk had realized that it was time to kill the Wolf Warlord, so he swung his sword. The war wolves were shed through and fell to the ground. Five hade toward him, so he had used a single-point explosion and the shockwave to sweep through them. When hended back on the ground, he looked up. The Wolf Warlord was still standing on the roof of the building, looking down at him. It tilted its head back and howled loudly. "Hooooowll!" With the long howl, the Wolf Warlord started transforming. Its fur started turning ck, and its eyes beamed brightly. Junhyuk smiled. "Fine. Let¡¯s start over." The transformed Wolf Warlord disyed a shocking speed. Even with how fast Junhyuk¡¯s eleration was, he realized that he had to fight in earnest, so he stepped on a wall, climbing the building. With eleration, he could run up walls. However, the surviving war wolves also chased after him up the walls. Junhyuk simply ignored the war wolves, running straight toward the Wolf Warlord. Due to eleration, the war wolves weren¡¯t able to catch him, and he got to the Wolf Warlord before the war wolves could attack him. To deliver a critical hit, he had to first shut down the Wolf Warlord¡¯s extreme speed. It swung its w at Junhyuk. If he parried the attack again, he would be thrown in the air once more. So, instead, Junhyuk stopped his own swing and kicked off from where he was standing. He dodged to a side, and the spot where he had been standing crumbled. Junhyuk moved again, and the Wolf Warlord turned its upper body and shed at him. While Junhyuk circled the Wolf Warlord, he realized that that Wolf Warlord had incredible instincts. Junhyuk was suddenly curious of whether he could sessfully use the Spatial sh on something with such developed instincts. Junhyuk¡¯s eyes beamed, and to decide the matter, he had to use the Frozen Rune Sword. "Of course." Junhyuk parried with the Blood Rune Sword, but the Wolf Warlord was so heavy and powerful that the roof crumbled. Without caring about that, Junhyuk dove out of the way. The Wolf Warlord¡¯s ws got stuck on the roof, and Junhyuk swung the Frozen Rune Sword against the Wolf Warlord¡¯s paw. Ice now covered its entire paw and arm, and Junhyuk realized that the Frozen Rune Sword worked differently on Earth. On the Dimensional Battlefield, he could affect the enemy¡¯s entire body, but here it was different. Only the Wolf Warlord¡¯s arm had been frozen, but since it had still slowed down, it would be enough. Junhyuk could move as fast as the Wolf Warlord, and now that one of its arms was frozen, victory would be his. He went to attack the Wolf Warlord, but it started to retreat, disying its amazing jumping capabilities. The Wolf Warlord smashed the spot where it had been standing with the pressure applied by the jump, but Junhyuk simply smiled at it. The fight was over now. Junhyuk chased after the Wolf Warlord by teleporting. He could cover a distance of two hundred meters now, so he easily caught up to it. Junhyuk swung his sword. As the Wolf Warlord moved, his sword shed. It wouldn¡¯t be possible to dodge the strike in midair. The Wolf Warlord tried, but it did not escaped the Spatial sh. A bright, blood-red shockwave extended in a ten-meter radius from the impact, and the Wolf Warlord lost its head. Junhyuknded next to the Wolf Warlord¡¯s dead body. "Hooooowl!" The Wolf Warlord had died, so the war wolves scattered. He looked toward them, but they were already gone. Junhyuk stabbed the Wolf Warlord¡¯s heart, pulling the mana stone out of it. "This is nice." The war wolves were still around, so he couldn¡¯t ask that the collection teame in to pick up the bodies. He couldn¡¯t carry them either. So, he only took the mana stone. Junhyuk jumped from the building he was on and headed toward the Tokyo Tower. He was covered in the Wolf Warlord¡¯s blood, so when the other monsters smelled him, they stayed away. He headed to the dimensional tear, frowning as he approached it. He had thought that there would only be a tear there, but he felt something else. He could sense the space around him and felt how wide the tear was now. There was a hole in the dimensional wall, but the dimensional tear was also affecting space on Earth. From that hole, he felt something else. "What is this?" It wasn¡¯t mana, but something simr. As he reached out with his mind to the dimensional tear, he gathered his thoughts and feelings, focusing entirely on it. When the champions¡¯ battle had ended, space had copsed, and he had thought about that event. He had been inspired by the thought, but he hadn¡¯t known why. He also felt inspired now as he looked into the dimensional tear. It was not the same inspiration, but it was very simr. It was about spatial copse. Totally focused on it, he did not see when a snake came out of the tear. Hisss! The ck Turtle¡¯s tail had a snake¡¯s head on it, and when the ck Turtle spewed poison, his awareness came back, and he teleported. Boom, boom, boom, boom!! It was his first time seeing a ck Turtle outside of a tear. It was so heavy that the it was destroying the Tokyo Tower with its weight. Junhyuk stared at it, but he did not engage it. It was another A-ranked monster, and the fight would not be easy. He had not gone there to destroy the tear that day. He had merely wanted to feel it, and although he felt like he had not spent enough time doing so, he had done it anyway. It was time to go back. His spatial sense was developing, and he still had a lot to learn about space. It wasn¡¯t about activating an ultimate or bing a hero. Arn had known which road to take, and now he had to find his own path. Junhyuk would dig deeper in his understand of space. In the Dimensional Battlefield, he would be limited to four powers, but Arn had more than four in his own dimension. He would improve himself and develop more powers tied to space on Earth. Junhyuk slowly stepped back. The ck Turtle was so slow that it could not catch up to him. His eyes met the turtle¡¯s eyes, but he was already retreating. The ck Turtle did not chase him down. The dimensional tear was open again, and monsters starteding out of it. These were monsters he had never seen before. They were long snakes with wings, flying snakes. There were more than fifty of them. Junhyuk thought they might be C-ranked monsters, but even so, flying creatures were hard to deal with. People with long range powers were better equipped for that. As Junhyuk stepped back, two flying snakes swooped toward him. He wanted to see what they could do, so he stopped and waited until they approached him. The snakes folded their wings during the dive, matching the speed of a flying arrow, and Junhyuk triggered eleration. By triggering it, he could see the flying snakes clearly. They were about ten meters long. The first snake attacked him, and Junhyuk changed swords. He wanted to know how effective the w sword would be. So, he dodged the attack and stabbed the snake¡¯s mouth. It was diving at him fast, so the sword tore through its mouth. However, he felt the sword being pushed back and frowned. "Dense?" The ck Turtle probably controlled the snakes, and it seemed like their mouths were tougher than their skins. They also felt heavy. The second snake flew toward him, and Junhyuk stabbed it from underneath, puncturing the area under its jaw and piercing through the entire head. He grabbed the bodies and moved back quickly. A new monster had appeared, and he had to research it. As he crossed the border out of the monster area, everyone walked toward him. Junhyuk showed them the two bodies of the flying snakes and said, "Send one to Guardians in South Korea and the other for research here in Japan." Junhyuk had gotten it in Japan, so he was willing to give up one. Brigadier Johnson wanted to say something, but he didn¡¯t. Junhyuk was covered in blood, and there was nothing Johnson could say. His troopscked enough firepower to kill B-ranked monsters, let alone A-ranked ones. Junhyuk had killed the Wolf Warlord by himself, so Johnson remained quiet. By contrast, Major Jiro was d to hear the news. "I want to shower first." "I¡¯ll prepare everything!" He watched as Jiro left, and the experts¡¯ team ran toward him. Their eyes were filled with fear and respect. "You went there by yourself. You¡¯re crazy." Junhyukughed at Peyton and said, "I wasn¡¯t sure I could retreat." Everyoneughed at his joke, and Junhyuk looked over the novices and experts. They all knew what kind of person he was now. Their eyes beamed with respect, but they also carried certain ambitions. They might be nervous, but they wouldn¡¯t be afraid with Junhyuk alongside them. Chapter 347 Inspiration 2 Junhuyk washed himself clean of the Wolf Warlord¡¯s blood and walked out. Major Jiro was waiting for him. Once he saw Junhyuk, he walked over and whispered, "Guardians called for you." "Where should I go?" He followed Jiro and was guided to themand tent. Inside, there was arge monitor turned on. On the screen, he saw Eunseo, and next to her, there was a smaller monitor with five faces on it. They were the people from the U.S., China, Russia, Ennd and France. Junhyuk shook his head lightly. They were all looking at him like he was wearing his armor, but he was actually in casual clothes, and his hair was still wet. He took a seat and asked, "Why have you contacted me?" Everyone looked at Eunseo, and she said, "I saw video of the battle today. People want to know how long the training willst." Junhyuk answered, "As you can see from the video, the team can¡¯t attack a dimensional tear right now. They have to be ready to deal with A-ranked monsters without me. Until then, I won¡¯t order an attack on a dimensional tear." Everyone frowned, and Steve, the American, spoke up, "I hope you realize the situation. Every day we¡¯re dyed by training, the world falls into more peril. How about intensifying the training?" Junhyuk shook his head. "You are mistaken. I must minimize idents and injuries, so I can¡¯t intensify their training." The tactics of thest Wolf Warlord had beenpletely unexpected. The Warlord had sent a few monsters to lure them in and blocked their retreat, totally surrounding them. Without Junhyuk, they would¡¯ve been annihted. He continued calmly, "Considering their psychological stress and physical exhaustion, I want to give the team two days of rest after each monster area advance. You should give them psychological counseling during that rest." Eunseo nodded and answered, "We have already prepared a medical team for that purpose. We¡¯ll send them out right away." "We¡¯ve already signed a contract for the destruction of dimensional tears, but the contract doesn¡¯t say anything about the corpses created during training. We have a collection team, so how about giving 70 percent of the ie to the trainees?" It was called training, but without the team, people wouldn¡¯t be able to do anything against the monsters. The army could hunt, but they would only be able to kill a few. His team, however, had killed dozens of monsters. Even if the team were to only earn 30 percent of the ie, it would still be a lot. Steve smiled. "OK." Steve had already received a report from Junhyuk, so he wanted to maintain a good rtionship with him. If that rtionship soured, Steve would only lose. Junhyuk got up and said, "I would appreciate if I could rest somewhere." Eunseo answered calmly, "The Japanese government has prepared a hotel nearby. The Dark Knight and his trainees can rest there." Junhyuk turned to the five people on the screen and said, "I don¡¯t want to hurry things because I want to avoid losing every powered person we have, so just be patient." They all nodded with some hesitation. They had learned that day that only Junhyuk could stop the dimensional tears. He had killed B-ranked monsters by himself, along with a massive number of C-ranked monsters and an A-ranked monster. As he walked out of the tent, he looked at Jiro, who smiled back. "I¡¯ll guide you to your hotel." Junhyuk had only wanted to see the dimensional tear. It had been something he had needed to do for his training. But now, he wanted to see it again. To do that, he had to kill the ck Turtle, and that wouldn¡¯t be easy. But he would. He would talk to Agenchra about it. Jiro prepared a few cars for him, the experts and the novices. They were all d to be heading to a hotel. Junhyuk looked out of the window of his car. The Tokyo Tower had been andmark of the city, but it had been destroyed by the ck Turtle. It wouldn¡¯t just be the Tokyo Tower. How many otherndmarks all over the world had been destroyed? Junhyuk closed his eyes. Soon, the car stopped, and Jiro opened the door for him. "You may rest here." As he walked out, he saw a tall building, the hotel. He entered it, and people crowded around him. The Japanese ruling ss had already contacted the hotel, and the people guided him to his room. He had received the VIP room, and as he entered, he said aloud, "Agenchra." After he called for the manager, he felt time stopping. A dimensional tear appeared, and Agenchra stepped out of it. Junhyuk also sensed the dimensional wall closing after getting torn. Agenchra had made a hole through the dimensional wall to create the tear. Junhyuk saw Agenchra with even more awe. The manager could send monsters through tears and stop time. Junhyuk had thought that only God would have had such powers, but Agenchra had them too, and he was once again impressed by that. "I have a favor to ask you," he told the manager. "What favor?" Agenchra seemed to already know what the favor was and simply stared at him. Junhyuk chuckled and said, "You can see me." Agenchra was able to see through his armor, and he nodded nonchntly. "You are wearing casual clothes." Junhyuk had just showered. He continued, "The training facility you made for me, can you make another entrance for it." "Do you need two entrances?" Junhyuk nodded. "If I allow someone to enter, I want that person to be able to enter without me." Agenchra grabbed his chin, thinking about what Junhyuk had just asked of him. He was wearing his usual trench coat and fedorabo, and the pose made him look like The Thinker. "There are a lot of steps every time I allow someone to enter the facility. They have to ask for permission first, and I can¡¯t do anything right now." Agenchra showed him a finger. "I¡¯ll allow one person aside from you to enter. Is that OK?" "Can I choose that person?" Agenchra shook his head. "Only a champion may enter that facility." "The facility is for champions only?" "Yes, I made it for you because you were a champion." "Can Sarang enter?" "Aside from you, only Sarang can enter that ce." Junhyuk nodded. "OK. I¡¯ll choose Sarang to enter without me." "I¡¯ll give her the right to do so." "Can Sarang take someone else?" "That is not possible." Junhyuk nodded and said, "OK. Can I enter from here?" "Yes, but I can¡¯t make you another entrance." "You don¡¯t have that power?" Agenchra shook his head, and Junhyuk smacked his lips. "Fine. Nothing I can do about that." Staring at Agenchra, he added, "Thanks for looking out for me." Agenchra smiled at him. "Your growth is shocking. You now have a 50-percent chance of bing a hero." "That¡¯s it?" Agenchra shook his head. "In reality, champions are all different, but on average, any individual champion has less than a 5-percent chance of bing a hero." Junhyuk was shocked, but he also knew that novices had a very low chance of bing experts. However, he was curious. "How about Gongon?" "Gongon has an 85-percent chance of bing a hero." He sighed. "That¡¯s a surprising rate." "Gongon is special even among the Dragon Tribe." Junhyukughed at Agenchra and said, "Gongon told me he¡¯s a candidate to be Dragon Lord." Agenchra nodded and agreed. "Gongon was being modest. There are less than five Dragon Lords in all dimensions." Realizing that Gongon¡¯s bloodline was extremely rare, Junhyuk smacked his lips. "OK. I can enter from here, right? I have a question. How many A-ranked monsters are inside a dimensional tear? I killed one, and another came out." Agenchra shrugged. "I am not so sure about it myself. Dimensional tears spawn with one A-ranked monster, but as time passes, more appear. I don¡¯t know the interval in which they do." Junhyuk smiled bitterly. He had no idea of how many A-ranked monsters were in a tear and he could only kill one at a time by himself. He needed to put more thought into destroying the tears. "Thanks for your kindness. If I have any more questions, I¡¯ll call upon you." Agenchra took off his fedora and bowed, disappearing into space. Junhyuk sensed the dimensional wall opening up like a zipper, creating a tear that opened and closed as the manager went away. He thought about how space had changed when Agenchra showed up and felt like he was on the verge of learning something else about space. He could sense it, but he couldn¡¯t quite figure it out. "As long as I activate it." He would activate a new power. Chapter 348 Inspiration 3 After he finished meeting with Agenchra, he walked outside. There were guards by his door, and when he saw them, he said, "Unless I tell you otherwise, don¡¯t let anyone in." "Yes, sir!" After that, he went back in. Junhyuk looked around the room and went to the bathroom. From there, he entered the training facility. Inside the facility, he inspected the surroundings with his spatial sense. He could feel the dimensional wall beyond the confines of the space. Junhyuk tried to sh through it, but the space was unaffected. He smacked his lips and started to absorb the mana around him. Even though he had assimted the living spirit, he still needed to absorb mana. He was slowly absorbing mana when Sarang suddenly showed up next to him. She was smiling brightly as she walked toward him. "Big brother!" He turned to look, and Sarang came at him fast. He held her head at arms¡¯ length, and she extended her hands, but she could not touch him. Biting her lips, she asked, "You told them I could use this ce?" Junhyuk nodded calmly. "I have to spend time in Japan." Sarang grabbed her chin and thought for a moment before asking, "What are you going to do on Friday?" "Officially, everyone has to rest on Friday. Half of the novices will go to the Dimensional Battlefield." The public did not know yet, but once the new season started, people would fall under the spell of abnormal narcolepsy again. "Are you training hard?" he asked calmly. He had already given her the second bracelet she had requested, and he was curious about whether she had improved. Sarang raised both of her arms and said, "I haven¡¯t been to the Dimensional Battlefieldtely, so I am not sure, but the magic circle¡¯s mana flow has increased." She touched her heart and smiled. "Do you want to see?" "Sure." Junhyuk stepped back, and Sarang pulled out her orb and extended it before her. Electric arrows suddenly shot out of it. They were many time faster than before. "What did you do?" Sarang tapped her head and said, "This time, I got the highest-ranking intelligence runestones, so I can shoot faster." He had forgotten about that. Junhyuk had gotten stronger, while Sarang had increased her intelligence. She smiled and added, "And I can do this now." Electric arrows floated about her orb and began to dance softly. Until now, she had only been able to shoot the arrows, but now, she could control them. "So cool!" Sarang smiled. "Vera¡¯s taught me many things. Small skills." Junhyuk shook his head and said, "Don¡¯t forget the basics. Even if you have increased your intelligence, continue practicing." Sarang nodded. "Sure. Vera told me the same thing." Junhyuk knew that Vera was an important person to her, just like Arn was to him. Vera¡¯s powers were limited in the Dimensional Battlefield, but in her own dimension, she could transport items across dimensions. She was a very powerful witch. Sarang said, "I didn¡¯t have anywhere to train, but now I have this ce. It¡¯s nice." Junhyuk smiled at her. "Now, you¡¯ll have to deal with genuine A-ranked monsters. That¡¯s what appears when I¡¯m alone, but I don¡¯t know what will happen when I¡¯m with you." Sarang smacked her lips. "Perhaps, they will send two?" He shrugged. "We¡¯ll have to see." Junhyuk swung his swords lightly, and as he talked to her, monsters showed up. Junhyuk seized the opportunity to learn more. The monsters appeared in the same way Agenchra did, they came through space, and he could feel the dimensional wall being torn. Junhyuk looked at them: a Wolf Warlord and ten war wolves. The war wolves were four meters tall. He had faced those in Japan. "They are the same." That group was more dangerous than two restrained A-ranked monsters. He stepped forward and said, "Let¡¯s fight for real." "OK!" Sarang attacked from the back, and Junhyuk felt more confident than ever. He trusted her more than the five experts and forty-five novices put together. --- Junhyuk appeared back in the restroom and took a shower to clean himself. Sarang¡¯s skills had improved. Her powers had not evolved, but she now had ferocious speed, and because she could generate arrows much quicker, that also meant that her attack speed had increased. "She¡¯ll be restrained." Junhyuk couldn¡¯t use his eleration properly in the Dimensional Battlefield, and he thought her attack speed would also get debuffed. Magicians were supposed to have slower shooting speeds in the battlefield. Practicing in the training facility had helped him. As monsters appeared, he had sensed and felt many things, increasing his understanding of space and dimensional walls. "Can I activate my ultimate before Gongon?" He thought about Gongon as he dried himself with a towel. He sat on the sofafortably and turned on the TV. Suddenly, he felt someone walking toward him. Now that he could sense space, he kept that awareness up. He sensed someone getting off the elevator and heading toward his room. Junhyuk wasn¡¯t expecting anyone, so he was curious about whom it could be. He heard the sound of people talking outside the room before there was a knock on the door. Junhyuk opened it and saw Jiro standing there with someone else. He smiled bitterly. "What¡¯s going on?" "I have orders from above, sir. I had toply with them." Junhyuk looked at the person behind Jiro, who smiled and asked, "Can Ie in?" He wanted to know the reason for that person to be there, so he turned to Jiro and said, "I¡¯ll meet this person alone. You may retire." "Yes, sir." Jiro went away, and as Junhyuk walked inside, a man followed him. The man walked toward a cab and pulled out a bottle. "I watched the footage of the battle." "Why are you here?" Jeffrey handed him a shot of the liquor and said, "Help me, please." "Help?" Jeffrey said calmly, "I can tame monsters. So far, I¡¯ve been able to tame B-ranked monsters, but if I can tame an A-ranked monster, I¡¯ll be much stronger." "Sure." The levels assigned to the monsters weren¡¯t that different from one another, but when one measured their powers, one found there was a massive difference. An A-ranked monster was more dangerous than dozens of B-ranked monsters. Junhyuk crossed his arms and stared at Jeffrey. If he could summon four A-ranked monsters, Junhyuk would have a hard time dealing with him. "I¡¯d be making you too strong." On top of summoning monsters, Jeffrey could also make them go berserk. Even a single A-ranked monster would make Jeffrey much stronger. Jeffrey poured Junhyuk another shot and said, "We are on the same team." They had agreed on that, but that depended on whether Junhyuk could control Jeffrey. Junhyuk just stared at Jeffrey, who shrugged. "Let me tame one monster. I can¡¯t tame more than one." "What are you talking about? You can summon four B-ranked monsters." Jeffrey smiled awkwardly. "Well, I can summon twelve C-ranked monsters, but I can only summon four B-ranked monsters." Junhyuk¡¯s eyebrow twitched. "When did your powers evolve?" Jeffrey smiled. "I have to stay alive, so I can¡¯t just count on numbers. I also have to depend on quality. With an A-ranked monster, I can measure up to heroes." A-ranked monsters were buff monsters, and he could make them go berserk. With those two powers, Jeffrey would be able to kill a hero. He would earn more gold from that. Junhyuk stared at Jeffrey. Should he make Jeffrey stronger? Because Jeffrey knew what he was thinking, he pulled out two rings and said, "If you are worried about me betraying you, I bought these." Junhyuk looked at the rings and frowned. "What are those?" "They are promise rings. We can¡¯t betray each other wearing these." Junhyuk looked at the rings and asked, "Did you buy them from Bebe?" "Yes. They have no other effect, so they weren¡¯t expensive." "Why did you buy them?" Jeffrey smiled at him and said, "I want us to wear them. I was scared." "Of me betraying you?" Jeffrey nodded, and Junhyuk asked, "Why do you think I¡¯ll wear it?" "Because when I be more powerful, and we find ourselves on the same level, it¡¯ll be better to work together." Junhyuk liked the ring¡¯s attribute. He could ensure his allies wouldn¡¯t betray him that way, and because the rings served no purpose on the battlefield, they had to be cheap. He spent some time thinking. He could help Jeffrey grow. Jeffrey¡¯s powers were strong, and if at some point he was able to tame an S-ranked monster, he would be able to take on heroes by himself. Junhyuk shook his head at that idea. Jeffrey¡¯s powers would be restrained in the Dimensional Battlefield if it came to that. However, if Jeffrey was able to summon an S-ranked monster, his power would be a power of the highest tier, just like the Vampire Lord Lujet¡¯s ultimate. Looking at the rings, Junhyuk said, "I¡¯ll find more information about them on the battlefield, and we¡¯ll talk some moreter." Jeffrey nodded. "I thought you¡¯d say that, so take both rings and let me knowter." Junhyuk realized that Jeffrey really wanted an A-ranked monster. To gain his trust, Jeffrey had even bought those rings. Junhyuk ced them in his Spatial Bag and said, "Let¡¯s meet on Saturday." "Sure." As Jeffrey got up to leave, Junhyuk asked, "You are leaving?" "I didn¡¯t think we¡¯d hunt an A-ranked monster now, so I have to return to Doyeol for the moment." Jeffrey smiled and added, "Good luck on the training." He left, and Junhyuk took the two rings out and stared at them. Would he be able to trust Jeffrey with those promise rings? He looked out the window, looking at downtown Tokyo. They couldn¡¯t stop the dimensional tear right now. Even with Sarang, things would be difficult. However, if Jeffrey tamed an A-ranked monster, the team would be much stronger. Grasping the rings, Junhyuk murmured, "If you are telling the truth, we¡¯ll work together." He had not thought so for the Dimensional Battlefield, but now there were a hundred dimensional tears, and he needed Jeffrey. Chapter 349 Activation 1 Junhyuk visited his training facility frequently, focusing entirely on training. Nobody else came to visit him after Jeffrey, so he trained freely. He did not have specific instructions for the powered people, but they trained themselves at a park within the hotel. They practiced using their powers and, when they had time, they learned how to shoot. To train them to use firearms, the military built a shooting range behind the hotel. The people in charge were told to provide the powered people whatever they needed. Junhyuk rarely showed himself, however, and by contrast, he thought that powered people wouldn¡¯t be able to train within the hotel without causing problems. They didn¡¯t look like any of the other hotel guests. The public knew that the monster areas would increase, but they didn¡¯t know when that would happen, so they naturally stayed away from those areas. While the powered people were resting, the world suffered another monster wave, and it was bigger than ever before. Even Guardians had no answer for it. In the end, the monsters were eliminated. That was the power of humanity. As he watched it unfold on TV, Junhyuk gritted his teeth. There were probably many people who had activate a power with thatst wave, but a lot more people had died. To activate more powered people, they were killing humans, and Junhyuk wanted and wished for a day toe when he could hold them ountable for murdering all those humans. Thursday morning, he gathered the teams. They had rested for two days, and now, it was time to advance into the monster area. They came together quickly, their faces full of nervousness and expectation. They had also been training on their own time, without Junhyuk telling them to, so he was expecting good things from them. Junhyuk wanted to find out how much their powers had improved. Looking at them, he said, "We will focus more on destroying the monster area. Today, we will make two campaigns, so steel your minds." They looked at each other and nodded. Last time, they had retreated after the first advance, but this time, they would advance a second time. Their hearts were pounding hard. "Let¡¯s go." The Japanese Self Defense Force provided them with vehicles, and they headed toward Tokyo¡¯s monster area. When they reached the border of the area, they got off their vehicles and quickly formed groups without Junhyuk telling them to. He looked at them and said, "Unlikest time, we¡¯ll encounter flying monsters this time. When a flying monsteres at you, people with stunning powers should act first before everyone attacks it." "Yes, sir." There were nine teams there, but only five people had stunning powers, and Junhyuk thought they should stagger their actions. One of them stepped forward, and the others fell behind. Junhyuk had guessed that each team would have a leader by now, but he didn¡¯t realize that there would be a chief among those leaders. A red-haired woman was busily going over all of their tactics with them. "Do you know who that is?" Junhyuk asked Peyton. Peyton looked at the freckled, red-haired woman and answered, "Her name is Lucy. She¡¯s American and a famous online gaming champion." Junhyuk turned to Major Sean, and the major nodded. "She wrote a manual for the Department of Defense. You should look at it." "A manual?" "When it all started, she stepped forward and befriended everyone. Now, she¡¯s their chief leader." Junhyuk walked over to Lucy, the freckled, red-haired woman. She was slim, but she also looked quite limber. She was a master at online games, but she also looked quite athletic. Lucy looked at him nervously, her eyes beaming. "Nice to meet you," Junhyuk said calmly. "I¡¯m Lucy." He smiled, but no one could see it. Lucy could hear the chuckle in his voice. "Call me Dark Knight." "Can I call you DK?" "As you wish." He turned to the novices and said, "I heard you wrote a standards manual. I haven¡¯t read it yet, but use it to lead the novices." "Should I?" Junhyuk nodded. "I¡¯m in charge of the battles against the monsters within the area. Use your manual to lead, and we¡¯ll find out if there¡¯s anythingcking." "Yes, sir!" Lucy answered him mightily. Junhyuk turned to Major Sean and said, "I want to read Lucy¡¯s manual after the battle." "I¡¯ll get a copy ready." Then, looking at the group, he said, "You should be less nervous after experiencing the battlest time, but remember to use your powers to adapt to different situations ordingly. If you fail to use your powers effectively, someone might die." The novices all nodded, and Junhyuk turned and walked off. There were monsters gathering at the border. There were only then, but others would join them soon. Junhyuk looked at the turtle-like monsters. They had shells, but their mouths had fangs, and their chins split and opened in the middle, disying even more rows of fangs. He did not want to look at them anymore. Junhyuk pulled out the two Wolf Warlord w swords. He wanted to open a path. He ran toward the area and, when he crossed the border, he frowned. He had felt something odd. As he crossed the border, the turtle¡¯s necks grew longer, reaching ten meters in length. He was surprised that their necks could extend, so he wanted to analyze them more. Those were new monsters, and he wanted to know more about them. The turtles tried to bite him, but he dodged them all. So, they tried pounding him with their heads by whipping their necks around. Clicking his tongue, Junhyuk retreated. He wanted to deal with just one, but there were too many of them, making it difficult for him to learn anything. So, he closed in on a turtle, ced his foot under it and kicked it up upward. As the turtle flew into the air, he spun around and shed it. Another turtle was closing in on him, but the first strike generated a shockwave, and he killed both turtles with that single attack. The Vampire Lord¡¯s set boosted piercing, and the turtles looked like C-ranked monsters, so they couldn¡¯t withstand an attack from the Vampire Lord¡¯s set. To Junhyuk, the wolves¡¯ defense and the turtles¡¯ defense were essentially the same thing. After killing most of the turtles, he walked over to the remaining one. The turtle extended its neck and used it like a whip against him. Junhyuk dodged the attacks, running forward. The turtle then quickly withdrew its head and legs within its shell, and Junhyuk¡¯s stabbed the top of the turtle¡¯s shell, sinking the sword in deeper. Because of his piercing stat, the sword went through the shell and got stuck on the ground. After he killed the ten turtles, Junhyuk looked at the group of powered people, and they crossed the border. They were still close to the border, so the collection teams gathered the bodies. As Junhyuk looked at the group, he said, "In just a few days, new monsters have shown up. As you just witnessed, those ten-meter long necks whip around very fast. Be very cautious of them." "They looked dense. Will our weapons work?" After some thought, Junhyuk asked, "Does anyone have a long range attack power?" Lucy raised her hand. "I can hit an eyeball within 250 meters." Junhyuk realized that Lucy wasn¡¯t just some loser gaming addict, and Sean also raised his hand. "I can do the same with my weapon." "Then, shoot the next turtle from afar. Try to hit its shell and its head." "Yes, sir." Junhyuk continued calmly, "The flying monsters will show up soon. We¡¯ll hunt for two hours and go back and rest. After that, we¡¯ll make another advance." Junhyuk did not want a repeat of the previous time, when they had ended up surrounded. His n was simple, and he exined it to them. The experts were taking the front, and Peyton murmured, "I have no powers that can deal with flying monsters." "There are other types of monsters, so don¡¯t be despondent," Aleksei told Peyton. Peyton smiled at that. Aleksei looked like a bear, but he and Peyton got along well. "Should I turn a turtle on its back?" They joked as they walked. A group of five turtles soon showed up in front of them. Sean and Lucy sat on the ground and raised their weapons. They gathered their breaths and shot at the turtles. Bang, bang! Two gunshots rang out. One bullet hit the turtle¡¯s head, and the other ricocheted off its shell. The one that hit the head, however, sunk in deep. Wrrraaah! The turtles screamed as they approached, and looking at them, Junhyuk frowned. "They are calling for help!" As the turtles made that noise, more monsters came toward them, increasing the number of enemies they would have to deal with. Junhyuk, who could sense it happening in the distance, said, "I¡¯ll deal with the left side. Lucy, you handle the right with the novices. The experts will take the lead in the middle." "Yes, sir!" Junhyuk headed left without wasting time. They didn¡¯t have a lot of it left before the monsters would fall on them. He swung his swords against the five turtles already there, a horizontal sh that generated a shockwave that swept through the turtles. Then, he jumped to the top of a building nearby, and from there, he looked around the battlefield. The Tokyo Tower had been destroyed, and the ck Turtle was sitting on the wreckage with flying monsters surrounding it. He looked closer to the group and saw that the turtle monsters were surrounding them. "The flying monsters are sticking to the ck Turtle." Junhyuk shrugged and looked down. There were five turtle monsters ahead and five on the right side. Lucy was quickly giving out orders, and Junhyuk decided to see how things would unfold. Chapter 350 Activation 2 Lucy watched the approaching turtles, and her first order was a simple one. "Everyone, get ready to open fire!" Their guns all carried bullets coated with monster dposition liquid. As long as they didn¡¯t hit the shells, they would work. The forty-five members of the group positioned themselves and aimed. That¡¯s when Lucy gave out another order. "Fire!" Rat-tat-tat-at! With loud noise of gunshots, the bullets flew toward the turtles, and the turtles started moving with surprising speed. They closed in, and Lucy gave out the next order, "One, two, five, seven and nine, use your stuns starting with the one on the left!" The five novices used their stuns. All of their powers were different, from dirt that rose from the ground to lock itself on the enemy, to steel chains that appeared out of nowhere and held the enemy in ce. Lucy gave out exactmands on who should restrain which turtle, and all five turtles were restrained. Looking at them, Lucy quickly gave out the next order, "Novices with long range attacks, attack now!" Of the novices, a total of twenty-two were capable of long range attacks. They had to kill the turtles before they closed in. The twenty-two novices¡¯ powers flew toward the turtles. They were covered by fire and ice, and hit by shockwaves as well. Some of the turtles even retreated into their shells. Boom, boom, boom! The sound of a loud explosion rang out, and two turtles died within their shells. Three of the turtles still remained, and Lucy gave out the next order. "We¡¯re on a twenty-second cooldown. Tanks, move forward!" Each team had someone who was responsible for defense. They could withstand the turtles¡¯ attacks for a short while by wearing the Wolf Warlord¡¯s leather amor. Nine of them stepped forward, and Lucy calmly gave out more orders, "Tanks canst for ten seconds! Everyone else, retreat another ten meters!" The situation was serious, but Lucy was calmly repositioning troops. The three turtles closed in, and Lucy ordered, "Once the tanks have used their powers, we¡¯ll still need to wait another seven seconds! They¡¯ll need time to retreat, so don¡¯t engage up close within those seven seconds! Buy more time with your firearms!" The tanks stepped forward, and the rest of them fired on the turtles. Rat-at-at-at-tat! The gunshots rang out loudly, but the turtles still pushed forward. Once closer, they extended their necks. The tanks were armored, so they stood their ground while protecting their weak spots from the turtles¡¯ attacks to buy more time. The turtles heads mmed against them, but with their armors, the tanks were able to withstand the attacks. Junhyuk, who was watching, nodded. If their armors had been made of regr steel, the tanks could have all died from the attacks. But, with the Wolf Warlord¡¯s leather amor, things were different. That was the difference between an A-ranked monster and a C-ranked monster. The Wolf Warlord had died and left its hide behind, but the leather made from it couldn¡¯t be torn apart. With the tanks buying them time, the cooldowns of the long range attacks ended. Tracking the time, Lucy shouted again, "Tanks, fall back!" The tanks pushed the turtles away and tried to retreat, but one of them couldn¡¯t get his arm free from a turtle. Lucy aimed her pistol and fired. Bang! The bullet hit the turtle¡¯s eye, sinking deep inside the pupil. "Wrraaah!" The turtle let go of the arm it was holding and turned to attack Lucy, who shouted, "Retreat and attack!" Lucy dove to the side and rolled on the ground. Boom! The turtle¡¯s head mmed right on the spot she¡¯d been standing. The novice was wearing armor, but the attack would¡¯ve seriously injured her. Lucy had rescued the novice tank by drawing attention to herself. She was brave. The long range attacks killed the remaining turtles. The turtles had extended their necks to attack the tanks, but that had left them vulnerable instead. Lucy shouted after watching the experts fight, "Don¡¯t get too rxed! Provide support!" The novices, who had killed the turtles, turned to the other battle. The experts were still dealing with their turtles. They were superior to the novices, but two turtles still remained. "One and seven, restrain them!" The ground rose to ensnare a turtle, and the steel chain wrapped around the other one. Ling Ling ran toward the two restrained turtles and uppercut-shed one, splitting its head from chin up. Yonhong stabbed the other turtle with a w sword. Both disyed their skills, and even though Yonhong¡¯s attack wasn¡¯t as effective as Ling Ling¡¯s, he was also using his sword skillfully. Ling Ling looked back and walked toward Lucy. "Thanks for your help." Lucy smiled and said, "I only did my duty." They talked, and Junhyuk came down from the building and walked toward them. He looked at Lucy, trying to recall her resume. He was jealous of Sarang¡¯s intelligence runes. With them, he would have been able to increase his memory. Lucy had an interesting power. She could trade ces with others. For her power to be effective and so that they could use it, she would need high defense. Junhyuk didn¡¯t think he could use Lucy¡¯s power yet, but he had included her in the team in case of an emergency. Inside the monster area, should he find himself in danger, he could trade ces with her, and in case anyone was injured, Lucy could assume that person ce. It had taken cold judgement to include Lucy on the team. Junhyuk¡¯s vanguard position was extremely dangerous, but he could teleport. In other words, Lucy was included on the team just in case Junhyuk used up his teleportations. Meaning that if he did use them up, he would trade ces with Lucy, and she would probably die. Still, he included her on the team anyway. Now that he had seen her in action, he thought about his initial impression of her and gave her a higher score than before. She could trade ces, yes, but she was also inspiring. As long as Lucy was safe, even if he became a hero, if he found himself in danger, he would be fine by trading ces with her. He told them, "Let¡¯s advance some more." They were all d after killing the monsters, and Junhyuk signaled for Lucy. When she walked up to him, he asked, "How did you know about the turtles?" Her eyes beamed, and she answered, "The turtles responded by howling once we got within a hundred meters of them. That¡¯s their area." "That is quite the long range." "Yes, sir. They can sense others like them and form groups of five. Their shells are highly dense, but their heads and legs can be injured by our weapons." Junhyuk nodded. "And the novices¡¯ teams can deal with five of them at once." "If more than five appear, the teams will end up injured?" "Correct." He believed her assessment. Lucy¡¯s analysis was very urate considering she had only fought the turtles once. "You probably haven¡¯t figured everything out about the turtles. Continue to examine them. Simr-looking monsters might show up, but they could be entirely different. Be cautious," he said calmly. "Yes, sir!" Lucy smiled. She was in a good mood. Curious, Junhyuk asked, "Do you have strategies for dealing with flying monsters?" "That depends of their range of attack. I have to meet one. We can¡¯t create arge in the center of the city however." Junhyuk nodded and said, "We¡¯ll see them another day." The flying snakes were near Tokyo Tower, and they wouldn¡¯t advance that far that day. Junhyuk wanted to go alone. The flying snakes weren¡¯t a danger to him, and he could always kill the ck Turtle by himself. He was feeling inspired and he wanted to visit the dimensional tear again. He could see space tearing within his training facility, but a persistent dimensional tear was different. Although the tear locked the dimension on the other side, it remained there. It didn¡¯t disappear, and he thought he could learn something from it. Wanting to learn more, Junhyuk decided that he would make another visit, but before that, he thought about how to train his allies. The novices were able to disy their full capabilities with Lucy¡¯smand, but right now, their battle skill was so low that they could only deal with five C-ranked monsters at a time. They would improve, however, and he would watch them go into dimensional tears and destroy them. Once their skills improved, he would attack the dimensional tear. Junhyuk looked ahead, and another pack of five turtles appeared. Their regr speed was very slow, but once battle began they moved incredibly fast. Junhyuk used his spatial sense to look around him. Their call range was of a hundred meters, and Junhyuk¡¯s sense covered arger area than that. He looked at the turtles and said, "Lure those turtles in! There are no other monsters within a hundred meters, so attack!" Lucy stepped forward. She was holding a pistol, and so was Sean. They got into position and started shooting. Rat-at-at-tat! The turtles went berserk and started closing in, but at that moment, Junhyuk frowned and yelled, "We don¡¯t have time to deal with the turtles! Retreat! NOW!" Junhyuk ran forward and shed the turtles, destroying them, but dozens of flying snakes were in the distance, heading their way. Ling Ling tried to run toward him, but Yonhong stopped her. "Stop!" "He is in danger!" Peyton shook his head and said, "We can¡¯t help him this time. The A-ranked monster has started moving." Ling Ling watched Junhyuk run very far ahead of her and gritted her teeth. "We have monsters behind us!" Lucy shouted. "Ling Ling!" Yonhong called for her, and Ling Ling turned and said, "We¡¯ll open a path." Chapter 351 - Activation 3